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How to Choose the Right Salutation for Your Cover Letter

When to Use 'Dear' or 'To Whom It May Concern' as Greetings

cover letter dear mr or mrs

Cover Letter Greetings to Avoid

When you have a contact person.

  • When You Don't Have a Contact Person

Examples of General Salutations

  • When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter
  • Writing a Cover Letter Salutation

Concluding Your Letter

Cover letter example, sending your letter.

Hilary Allison / The Balance 

A salutation is a greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job. When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning to set the tone for your letter, which should be professional and appropriate.

The greeting is the first thing the recipient will see when they read your cover letter. Therefore, you need to convey the appropriate level of familiarity and respect.

Using casual greetings, such as “Hello” and “Hi” can make your letter seem unprofessional. Reserve these casual greetings for personal email and refrain from using them in your cover letter unless you are very familiar with the recipient. Such greetings are simply too informal—not the most professional way to begin the conversation if you’re looking to land a job.

“Hi” is appropriate only in casual email correspondence with people you know well—if you're checking in with a close friend to find out if they've heard of a job opening at their company, for example. "Hello" is appropriate only in email correspondence. It should be used primarily for people you know well but can be used in very casual circumstances.

Beginning your correspondence “To Whom It May Concern,” on the other hand, may seem too impersonal and make the hiring manager believe you do not care enough to find out whom you should be addressing. The only time to use " To Whom It May Concern " as a cover letter greeting is when you simply cannot find out the specific person to whom you are writing.

You should, of course, make every effort to find the name of a contact in the specific department in which you are interested. When inquiring  with a company for unadvertised openings, this greeting may be most appropriate.

The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence when you have the name of a contact.

  • Dear Mr. Jones
  • Dear Ms. Brown
  • Dear Riley Doe
  • Dear Dr. Haven
  • Dear Professor Lawrence

When You Don't Have a Contact Person

If this information was not provided in the job announcement and you cannot find it on the company’s website, then you may be able to call the company, ask to be forwarded to their human resources department (if they have one), explain that you will be applying for a job there, and ask for the name of their hiring manager.

Always make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. It leaves a good impression on the hiring manager if you have taken the time to use their name, especially if you had to work a little to find it.

LinkedIn is also a great tool to find out the name of the hiring manager. You can search for the company you are applying to with one or two keywords that would describe the person hiring for the position. Scroll down the list until you find the person who fits the criteria. This approach may help you pinpoint the appropriate contact person.

Many companies don't list a contact person when they post jobs because they have a team of hiring staff who sort through cover letters and resumes before passing them to the hiring manager for the appropriate department. They prefer to leave the hiring manager anonymous until he or she contacts you for an interview.

An organization may also not want to disclose who the hiring manager is to avoid emails and phone calls from applicants, particularly if they anticipate receiving a large number of applications from potential job candidates. So, don't worry if you can't find someone to address your letter to. It will be forwarded to the correct department and recipient.

If you don't have a contact person at the company, either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and start with the first paragraph  of your letter or, better yet, use a general salutation.

When using a general salutation, capitalize the nouns.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter

When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter

It is appropriate to use “Dear” in most circumstances, such as when the potential employer is someone you know well, or they are a business acquaintance. Follow these tips on choosing the right greeting:

  • For people who you know well on a first-name basis, it's okay to use their first name only. For a business acquaintance or associate, use their first name if you have met them more than once and typically address them by their first name.
  • For potential employers, use Mr., Ms., or Dr., unless you have been instructed otherwise. Even if you know a woman is married, it is safer to use “Ms.” as opposed to “Mrs.,” as the latter may be offensive in certain circumstances.
  • If you are unsure of the appropriate greeting, play it safe and use Mr./Ms./Dr. [last name] or Mr./Ms./Dr. [first name, last name].

How to Write a Cover Letter Salutation

Standard business correspondence formatting requires that, after providing your contact information and the date of your letter, you then write down your contact person’s name, the company’s name, and the company’s address.

The formal salutation or greeting comes next: “Dear [Contact Person’s name].” If you have a contact person for your letter, include their title and name in the salutation (i.e. "Dear Mr. Franklin"). If you are unsure of the reader's gender, simply state their full name and avoid the personal title (i.e. "Dear Jamie Smith"). Follow the salutation with a colon or comma, leave one line blank, and then start the first paragraph of your letter on the following line.

Your letter greeting has the potential to improve your chances of getting an interview. To enhance your candidacy, make sure your  cover letter  maintains a professional appearance and offers relevant information, including your qualifications for the position. Choose the appropriate closing and always thank the reader for their time and consideration.

This is a cover letter salutation example. Download the salutation cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or see below for more examples.

Cover Letter With Salutation Example (Text Version)

Alex Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 alex.applicant@email.com

August 1, 2024

Brett Lee Nurse Manager St. Ansgar Hospital 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I am writing to apply for the position of nursing attendant, as advertised on the St. Ansgar Hospital website. As a trained nursing assistant who is fulfilled by working with patients and staff, and by helping people, I would be a great asset to your nursing staff.

I completed my nurse assistant program in June of 20XX, and I also have a nurse attendant certificate from the state of New York. I have been working part-time at Dr. Ellen Mueller’s primary care office in Smithtown, NY, for the past year, so I am experienced in working with patients. In addition, I am diligent about my responsibilities, and I have a flexible schedule, which enables me to work almost any hours that you need.

I’ve attached my resume so that you can review my education and experience. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Alex Applicant

When you are sending your letter via email, include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:

Subject: First Name Last Name – Nurse Attendant Position

List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:

FirstName LastName Your Email Your Phone Number

Key Takeaways

  • The salutation in a cover letter sets a professional tone and should be appropriate for the job application; avoid casual greetings like "Hello" and "Hi."
  • Always try to find and use the name of a specific contact person in your salutation, as it shows effort and can leave a good impression on the hiring manager.
  • If a contact person is not available, use general salutations like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "To Whom It May Concern," but ensure the overall letter remains professional and courteous.

How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024

Background Image

Yes, how you address your cover letter matters.

After all, this is the first thing the recruiter reads when going through your cover letter, and yes, there is a right and wrong way to do it.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to address your cover letter in such a way that you leave a positive impression on any recruiter!

  • How to address a cover letter to a recruiter? (Casual or formal)
  • What title to use when addressing the hiring manager
  • How to address a cover letter without a contact person/to a company
  • How to address a cover letter without an address
  • How to address a cover letter in an email

How to Address a Cover Letter To a Recruiter (Casual or Formal)?

As we already mentioned, the way you address your cover letter is important because it is the very first thing recruiters see upon opening your cover letter. 

A well-formulated cover letter address means that you care enough to research the company (i.e. to find the hiring manager’s name and title) and that you show attention to detail. 

As such, you should always put some research into who you’re addressing your cover letter to and do so in a formal way.  

And yes, the formal part is important too. The recruiter isn’t your best friend - you want to maintain a sense of professionalism.

If this is how you address the recruiter in your cover letter:

  • What’s up Hiring Manager
  • Hi there Hiring Team

Then you say goodbye to the job.

Now, you’re probably wondering, how can I find out whom to address my cover letter to?

That’s what we’re about to teach you:

Who Am I Addressing My Cover Letter To?

Here are some tricks to find the full name of the hiring manager: 

  • Check the job listing. The job listing may have information about the recruiter or the department doing the hiring. Make sure to read through the entire job listing, as it might not be at an entirely obvious place.
  • Check the company website. Some websites feature the names of the hiring managers or heads of departments that may go through your cover letter. Alternatively, LinkedIn is another place where you can look for this information.
  • Check the company’s LinkedIn. You can look up who works in the company you’re applying for on their LinkedIn page.
  • Ask around. Do you have friends that work for the company? They could provide you with valuable inside info.

To avoid making a bad impression, head over to our guide on cover letter mistakes to learn about what NOT to do when writing your cover letter.  

job search masterclass novoresume

Addressing a Cover Letter With a Name

By now, you have probably found the hiring manager’s full name and gender. With this information available, it’s best to address the hiring manager formally, as follows: 

  • Dear Mr. Brown,
  • Dear Miss Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Mrs. Lockhart,
  • Dear Ms. Walters,

If, for some reason, you are unsure about the person’s title, gender, marital status, or preferred pronouns, just address them using their entire name to avoid any mistakes. For example:

  • Dear Alex Brown, 
  • Dear Blair Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Jesse Lockhart,
  • Dear Madison Walters,

Addressing someone with a title 

Now, if you found out that the hiring manager has a professional or academic title, then it’s more appropriate to address them using that title. If, for example, the hiring manager has a Ph.D., then it’s more respectful to address them as “Dr. Last Name,” instead of “Mr. Last Name.”  

Here are some professional titles and how they’re abbreviated: 

  • A professor is Prof. 
  • A reverend is Rev. 
  • A sergeant is Sgt. 
  • Honorable is Hon. 

If, however, you are uncertain about how a title is abbreviated, then avoid it altogether. 

Here are a few examples to give you an idea: 

  • Dear Prof. Welsch,
  • Dear Director Smith,
  • Dear Rev. Owen,

Dear Dr. Leonard,

When addressing women and you don’t know their marital status, always go with Ms., because it doesn’t comment on marital status. Some women prefer not to be addressed with Miss or Mrs. even when they’re married, so sticking with Ms. is the best choice. 

Want to learn more cover letter tips ? Our guide has all you need to ace your cover letter!  

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

It might happen that, no matter how hard you search, you can’t find the name of the hiring manager or department head that will read your cover letter.

In that case, you can address your cover letter to the department, faculty, or the company.

  • Dear Software Development Hiring Team,
  • Dear Customer Service Department Hiring Team,
  • Dear Head of the Literature Faculty,
  • Dear Director of Marketing,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,

Alternatively, if you don’t have enough information either about the department or the team, you can opt for addressing the cover letter directly to the company’s hiring staff, as follows: 

Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team 

Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Staff

If all else fails (meaning, you don’t know the name of the department head or even the exact department, in addition to the recruiter) then you can use one of the good, old-fashioned:

Dear Hiring Manager,

...but NOT the impersonal and way outdated “To whom it may concern” and “Dear Sir/Madam.” 

Starting a cover letter can be challenging. Our guide can show you how to start a cover letter that will get you results from the get-go. 

How to Format the Company’s Address

Before you reach the salutation, you have to make sure that the header with the recipient’s contact information is formatted correctly. 

It might not be the deciding point of whether you’ll secure an interview or not, but it will cost you points if it’s off. 

So, the first thing you want to do is add your name and surname on the upper left side of the cover letter. Underneath, you should write your professional title (if applicable), your email , and your phone number . 

Now, after you’ve also added the date, you should leave one more space and add the recipient’s contact information and, most importantly, the company’s address. 

It should look something like this on your cover letter: 

how to address a cover letter

When You Can’t Find the Company’s Address 

Some companies might have several addresses listed (as per their branches, for example), or even none at all. 

Since an application that doesn’t have an address line could end up lost or misplaced, make sure you do one of the following before skipping the company’s address completely:

  • Check all your resources, (pretty much like when you were looking for the hiring manager’s name) to find the company’s address. 
  • Use the company’s headquarter address. This is sometimes easier to find, especially if the company has several branches. 
  • Use the P.O. Box number for the company. This is not as specific as an actual address line, but if all else fails, it’s still something. 

Frequently, you’ll be asked to submit your job application (including your cover letter) electronically, or by email. In those cases, you can skip the address line altogether. 

Here’s how you’d go about addressing a cover letter in an email.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

If you’re sending your job application through email, chances are you’ll need to format your cover letter in the body of the email, or as an attachment along with your resume.

First and foremost when you’re addressing a cover letter in an email is the subject line, which should be between 6-10 words long. 

Considering that hiring managers receive countless emails daily, you want to make sure that yours is a job application immediately. And the way to do that is straight through the subject line, which should indicate exactly the position you’re applying for and your name so that it’s easier to find through the recruiter’s swarmed mailbox. 

Here’ what we mean by that:

  • Subject Line:   John Doe - Software Development Job Application 
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Job Application for Marketing Manager Position   
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Stock Manager Job Application 

Afterward, if you’re including your cover letter in the body of the email (as opposed to attaching it as a document), begin by using a salutation, add space, and start your letter. 

If someone referred you for the position, make sure to mention that in the subject line of your email as well as in your opening paragraph.  

So, let’s see how all the above plays out in practice: 

Subject Line: John Doe - Carl Jacob’s Referral for Software Developer

I was very glad that Mr. Jacobs, a long-time partner at your firm who also happens to be my mentor from college, referred me for the Software Developer position. 

Do you want your style, personality, and overall personal brand to shine through your application? With Novorésumé, you can match your cover letter with your resume to make a lasting impression! 

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

And that’s all there is when it comes to addressing a cover letter! You should feel much more confident in doing so by now. 

Either way, let’s go over the main points we covered throughout the article: 

  • Your cover letter address should be formal and well-researched. Don’t address the hiring manager with “hey,” “what’s up,” “hi there,” or even the old-fashioned “Dear Sir/Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Always try to find the hiring manager’s full name and professional title through the company’s website, LinkedIn, by calling, or by asking someone who works there.
  • If you know the hiring manager’s name, go with “Dear Mr./Miss Last Name,” but if you’re unsure about their gender, marital status, or preferred pronoun, just address them using their full name.
  • If the recruiter has a professional or academic title, it’s more appropriate to address them using their title.
  • If you can’t find the contact person’s name, then address the department, faculty, or company (i.e. Dear Microsoft Hiring Team , or Dear Software Development Recruitment Team ).

Related Readings: 

  • Do I Need a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024

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Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024

Jen David

Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations

Cover letters – some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet is always to send one, just in case. 

The aim of a cover letter is to make the reader want to find out more about you, so in this article, we're looking at starting strong. 

Which are the best cover letter salutations to make a great first impression?

What is a cover letter salutation?

When we say “salutation,” we mean the opening line of the letter where you greet the person you're writing to. For example, when you write to thank your aunt for the jumper she knitted for Christmas, you might use “Dear Aunt Betty” as your salutation. These days, the salutation may refer to the opening of an email as much as to the opening of a handwritten or printed letter. 

While cover letter salutations generally refer to the opening line of your epistle, some people also refer to the sign-off as a salutation as well, so we'll look at that at the end of the article. 

Considerations when choosing cover letter salutations

A cover letter is a formal business document that you use to try to make yourself more memorable. Remember, though, you want to be remembered for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! 

Starting your letter “Yo!” or “Hey” doesn't convey the impression of a competent professional who knows the unspoken rules of office writing etiquette. 

While not everyone is a natural writer, relying instead on personality, speech, and body language, cover letters depend very much on the written word. In fact, a cover letter, along with your resume, is part of your personal sales brochure. You need to choose the right words to sell yourself effectively. 

Stick to these guidelines, and you can't go far wrong.

Keep it formal and professional

Your tone should be aligned with the tone you'd use when speaking to a teacher, religious leader, or grandma, not the tone you'd use with your mates or kid brother. This is the first impression you'll make on your potential employer, so it's important to show that you can communicate professionally , with respect, and in line with workplace norms. 

Personalize wherever possible

Bonus points if you know, or can find out, the name of the person who will be reading the letter. If you can address them by name, you're instantly showing that you've made the effort, done your research, and have taken the time to write a personalized letter rather than firing the same one off to multiple vacancies. 

Always use a salutation

Even if you can't find out the recipient's name, never leave the greeting line blank. It conveys the impression of someone who lacks attention to detail or is just plain lazy. Not a great impression to create on someone you need to impress! 

This doesn't just apply to the cover letter salutation but to the entire document. Punctuation is important as it enables your reader to accurately interpret your meaning. Use capital letters for names and add a comma after the salutation. Get a trusted friend or family member to check over your letter when it's written to help you give it the polish it needs. 

Options for cover letter salutations

Let's take a look at some different salutations you could use on your cover letter. 

Dear Mr Donnelly 

Addressing the hiring manager by name is the ideal option. If it's not given in the job posting or provided by the person connecting you, it's fine to resort to good old Google. You may find their name on the company website or be able to track them down on LinkedIn. It's also perfectly acceptable to contact the company directly and ask them who you should address your application to.

If you're lucky enough to know the name of the hiring manager, you should always use it in the cover letter salutation. Bear these considerations in mind, though: 

Double and triple check the spelling – even the most common names sometimes have unconventional spellings 

Default to “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss” plus their surname and use the generic “Ms” if you're not sure whether “Mrs” or “Miss” would be most appropriate

Reflect the gender-neutral title “Mx” if that's what you find online or on the job advert

Dear Doctor Foster

If the recipient has a professional title, it's recommended you use that instead of “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss.” Examples could include “Dear Professor Dumbledore,” “Dear General Eisenhower,” or “Dear Doctor House.” 

While the formal “Dear Ms Farrell” is the preferred and most formal option, if you only have the hiring manager's first name, it's perfectly acceptable to use it to open the letter. Again, check the spelling. A slightly less formal salutation here isn't a reason to take a less formal tone throughout the rest of the letter, however. This is a suitable salutation for a job application email, as you can get away with a slightly more relaxed approach in an email.

Dear HR team

If you need a greeting for a cover letter to an unknown recipient, this is a popular option. It's not ideal, but your letter is likely to be forwarded to the right department at least. If you can't find the name of the hiring manager, this is a viable Plan B. 

Dear hiring manager

This is an alternative cover letter greeting when you have no name available. It's better than leaving a blank space, but it's far from warm and personal. Additionally, your letter may not find its way to the right person if the company has different teams hiring for different roles. Try to avoid this unless you've run out of other options.

Dear Sir / Madam

This cover letter salutation is falling out of favor. It's not just impersonal; it doesn't even address a specific team or department. Still, it's better than an overly casual greeting or a blank space. 

How NOT to address a cover letter

As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. 

To whom it may concern

We're not in the 19th century anymore. Trim your whiskers and relegate this stuffy greeting to history, it's too impersonal even for the most uptight offices. 

Using “dear” on its own, with no name or further greeting attached, gives the wrong vibe. It sounds like a combination of your old aunt, someone unfamiliar with the English language, and someone who's forgotten to fill in a blank on their template. Literally, anything is better than nothing after the word “dear.”

Hi, hello, hi there!

While these cover letter salutations certainly aren't stuffy or over-formal, they fall too far in the other direction. They're friendly and casual but too much for an initial introduction. Save these for the interview. 

Expert tip: Read this article to find out more about cover letter mistakes to avoid: 10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid  

Cover letter closing salutations

How you end is just as important as how you begin. After all, you want to end on a high! Before you come to an abrupt end, you'll want to do both of these things: 

Thank the reader for their time and consideration 

Add a call to action, for example, directing them to look at your resume or give you a call

Cover letter salutations to close 

You've started strong and used the body of the email to convince the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate for the role. Now, it's time to choose your sign-off. 

Yours sincerely, yours truly

These two phrases should be your go-to sign-offs for a formal business letter. If you've started your letter with the recipient's name, choose sincerely; otherwise, choose truly. 

Best regards, kind regards, regards

These are all acceptable closing phrases but better suited to an email than a full letter. They veer towards the casual and aren't generally considered the best letter-writing etiquette. 


This is a polite way of signing off a letter, although not especially conventional or formal. While it's better than no closing at all, it would be wiser to choose a more formal option. 

How NOT to sign off a cover letter 

Just as there are ways not to start a cover letter, there are ways not to sign off. 

Well, it's polite but way too informal. “Thank you” would be better, but a line within the body of the letter saying that you appreciate the time they take to consider your application would be best. 

Just no. You're not taking leave of a friend you've just dropped in on; you're addressing your potential future employer. A more formal and respectful tone is needed. 

However you choose to end your cover letter, remember to finish with your name – and leave space above to sign it if you intend to print it out.

Cover letter examples

Below you'll find two cover letter examples with strong salutations, one a traditional letter and one an email, that you can use for inspiration. 

Traditional cover letter example

Dear Ms Searle, 

Re: Sales Manager vacancy 

Having seen your advertisement for a Sales Manager on LinkedIn, I would like to outline my professional experience and strong track record. I believe I can make a very significant contribution to Acme Corp.

In addition to extensive experience in a sales environment, I also have a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and a proven ability to meet targets. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am a natural people person, communicating effectively with a diverse range of people and demonstrating excellent negotiation and influencing skills. My leadership abilities mean that I am able to successfully engage and motivate teams – my current team has surpassed its Q1 targets by 23%. 

I am driven, ambitious, and keen to progress my career in a growing and innovative business such as Acme Corp. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my sales results and integrity, will enable me to play a key role in your success. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

Email cover letter example 

Dear Liz, 

Re: Assistant Security Manager vacancy (ref: 12345)

Having read your advertisement for an Assistant Security Manager with interest, I am writing to outline my extensive professional experience. I believe that I possess the talents necessary to make a positive contribution to your hotel.    

I have a comprehensive understanding of security and a commitment to exceptional service. As a Police Officer, I led teams of up to 6 personnel, overseeing security patrols and managing performance. Colleagues would recommend me for my ability to build and motivate teams to achieve exceptionally high standards and positive outcomes. 

As a manager, I take pride in providing training and development opportunities across the team to improve individual skill levels and ensure the achievement of organizational objectives.

The position at Acme Hotel is particularly appealing to me as I believe it will make the best possible use of my security and leadership skills whilst providing opportunities for further development. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 

Choose the right cover letter salutations to set the right tone

As you can see, there are several options for opening and closing a cover letter. Make sure you choose one that is professional, has the right amount of formality, and shows you understand corporate communication. 

At TopResume, we create impactful resumes that land jobs. If you need help with your cover letter, we can do that, too! Why not contact us for a strong start on your journey towards a new career? 

Recommended reading: 

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

What is the perfect cover letter length?

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

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How to Address a Cover Letter

RC Team

In a competitive job market it is crucial to make the best first impression you can. Small things like the  cover letter salutation  can make a big difference. Nailing the  cover letter opening  conveys professionalism and adds that  personal touch .

It is always best to try and  find out the name of the hirer  on the company website, by calling the company receptionist, or by looking on LinkedIn. If the name is readily available and you don’t use it, the hirer will think that you’ve rushed and haven’t taken the time to get the  cover letter greeting  right.

However, it is not always possible to find out the contact person’s name. In these cases, it can be difficult to know how to  address an email cover letter  and if you get it wrong, the danger is that your carefully constructed  professional resume  may never be viewed. The good news is that there are options for  how to open a cover letter  and it is not complicated.

How to start a cover letter

Ideally, you should have the  right person’s name . It is generally best to use ‘Dear’ followed by either ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’ (unless you specifically know that a woman prefers ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs’).

If you’re  not sure of a person’s gender  because they have a name which could be both, use their full name and leave off the salutation. If you know that someone is a qualified professor or doctor you should use the appropriate  letter salutations .

Cover letter salutation examples:

  • Dear Ms. Jenkins
  • Dear Mr. Washington
  • Dear Dr. Brown
  • Dear Professor Simon
  • Taylor White

How to address a cover letter without a contact name

Many job postings  don’t include a contact name  and even with a bit of investigating you can’t find out who the hiring manager is. Sometimes companies prefer the  hiring manager to be anonymous  for various reasons.

In these cases, you can use general salutations for  addressing your cover letter . Many choose the classic cover-letter  ‘To whom it may concern’ . This is absolutely fine though a little old-fashioned, consider the company image and think whether it’s suitable or not. Here are some other  general salutations  you can use :

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Company Name
  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • Dear HR Manager

Tips for writing a polished cover letter

Main body of the cover letter.

How long should a cover letter be?  Your cover letter  should be concise . It should let the employer know what position you’re applying for and what your main strengths are. It should not be as detailed as your resume but should  focus on a few key points . Read this guide on  what not to put in a cover letter .

Identify the most important requirements in the job posting and focus on these. Make sure you  follow the employer’s instructions  to the letter and proofread your cover letter numerous times before sending it.

Cover letter ending

In the  final paragraph of the cover letter , let the employer know that you’ve attached your resume (assuming you have). Thank them for their time and for considering you for the position. You can finish with the  closing line ‘Yours Sincerely’ , followed by your email signature.

Email signature

If you’ve taken time to  write a resume  which grabs the attention of the employer and have written a  polished cover letter , you’ll hopefully get through to  the interview stage . It would be a tragedy if the employer didn’t know how to contact you, so make this clear in your email signature. Make sure you include the following:

  • Address (including city, state, and zip code)
  • Cell number

You can also include any  social media links , such as LinkedIn, if it helps your application.

Email subject line

This is one of the  most common mistakes  that candidate’s make  and it looks sloppy. The hiring manager receives so many emails that they might not open an untitled email. Write a  clear email subject line  which includes the position you’re applying for.

Lastly,  remember to attach your resume ! If you forget, the hirer may send a polite email telling you to resend it, or they may not bother. Many candidates use a  resume builder  to create attractive, professional-looking resumes which stand out.

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Write your cover letter

Introduce yourself to the recruiters using one of our professional templates.

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Should You Use "Dear Sir or Madam" on Your Cover Letter?

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In This Guide:

Why you shouldn’t use “Dear Sir or Madam” to start your cover letter

Avoid these equally bad salutations too

Dozens of ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” for success

In conclusion

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Quick Answer: "Why you shouldn't use ""Dear Sir or Madam"" to start your cover letter. It is not acceptable to send an impersonalized cover letter. You risk leaving the impression that you are lazy, careless, or not interested in the position. There are dozens of ways to substitute ""Dear Sir or Madam"" for success, like ""Dear [First name]."" Always refer back to precise business communication rules."

Offering the best career advice means equipping you with best tools, tips, and tricks that you can't easily find on the internet.

For example, even though some experts may assure you that for an IT startup initiating your cover letter with "Hi (First name) ", we strongly advise against that.

"Dear (First name)" is a million times better alternative. Plus, you will have a chance to infuse your cover letter with your vibrant personality, demonstrating to HR that you are a pure organizational fit without having to address them like they are just one of your friends.

Similar to "Hi (First name) " is “Dear Sir or Madam” - even if you read somewhere that using it is still acceptable, don't bite that poisonous apple.

In this blog post, you will learn:

  • Why you should not use Dear Sir or Madam.
  • To avoid other equally bad salutations.
  • Ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” on your cover letter.

Why you shouldn’t use “Dear Sir or Madam” to start your cover letter.

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In 2024, writing “Dear Sir or Madam” as the salutation of your application letter isn’t just old fashioned – it’s archaic. The salutation was a safe bet a couple of decades ago when you couldn’t easily find the hiring manager on LinkedIn and there was no way you could find our who’s desk your application will end up on.

Back then, of course, it was totally okay to use it.

On the contrary, today, almost any company, big or small, has a good social media presence. Corporate HRs can very well be more popular than their respective CEOs. Recruiters are the face of the organization, hence it’s easier than ever to find out the name of any HR.

Hence, if the information is just a few clicks away, it is not acceptable to send an impersonalized cover letter, starting with "Dear Sir or Madam." Doing so, you risk leaving the impression that you are a bit lazy, careless, or not so interested in the position.

How to nail the proper cover letter salutation .

Moreover, we live in a dynamic, diverse, and disruptive world. Opening your cover letter with an old-school salutation like "Dear Sir or Madam," you may sound not progressive enough. Instead, consider several inclusive and imaginative alternatives, which we’ll discuss later.

Avoid these other equally bad salutations.

While with the “Dear Sir or Madam” salutation, you would teleport the recruiter 30 years back in time, if you used “ To whom it may concern ”, they are going back to the 70s.

Even worse, such an opening will immediately diminish the power of your cover letter. These are by far the worst and most dangerous openings.

Further down the rabbit hole are expressions like:

They break the standards of proper business communication.

Dozens of ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” for success.

Let's look at how you can avoid the dreaded outdated cover letter salutations but still convey your value proposition respectfully and reasonably. As a general rule, if in doubt, always refer back to the precise business communication rules. Better to stay more official than inappropriately casual.

Need to read more PRO tips on how exactly to write a cover letter that recruiters will talk about long after? Check our article How to Write a Cover Letter – Writing Guide + Examples & Downloadable Templates .

Here are a dozen backup options to completely eradicate from your Cover letter the “Dear Sir or Madam” in various scenarios:

When you know the name of the recruiter,

  • Dear [First name]
  • Dear [First and Last name]
  • Dear [Ms. Last name] - marital-status neutral salutation
  • Dear [Mr., Mrs. Ms. Last name] - if you know the gender of the HR
  • Dear [Mx Last name] - if you don't know the gender of the HR

Using the above alternatives, you show up from the start as a considerate, respectful individual with all the right know-how on proper business communication.

When you don't know and can't find the name of the recruiter.

No name? No problem. Check out how you can navigate that situation with class.

  • Dear Hiring manager
  • Dear HR manager
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear (Position name)

When you are addressing a whole HR team.

There are also these situations when you apply to a big multinational corporate organization or via a Recruitment agency. Typically, you would not be communicating with only one particular HR responsible for the position, but often with the whole Recruitment team. So then, the smart go-to approach is to be inclusive and address the entire group with one of the below options:

  • Dear Human Resources department
  • Dear Recruitment team
  • Dear HR Team

Now you have 12 savvy salutations for any Cover letter at your immediate disposal. Which one will you choose to open the door to the HR's heart? Head over to our cover letter builder and start enchanting from “hello”.

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Salutation in a Business Letter

If you know the person's name:.

Dear Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr/Dr + surname

Dear Mr Miller

You can also write the person's full name. In this case, leave out the title (Mr/Mrs). This way of writing the salutation is very handy if you don't know the gender of the person.

Dear Chris Miller

If you don't know the person's name:

There are several possibilities to address people that you don't know by name:

Business partners often call each other by their first names. In this case, write the salutation as follows:


In British English, don't use any punctuation mark or use a comma.

Dear Mr Miller or Dear Mr Miller,

In American English, use a colon:

Dear Mr. Miller:

For examples see → Subject .

Ms, Miss or Mrs?

  • Mrs – to address a married woman
  • Miss – to address an unmarried woman (rarely used now)
  • Ms – to address a woman whose marital status you don't know; also used to address an unmarried woman

Note : The abrreviations Mr, Mrs etc. are usually written without full stops (Mr) in British English and with full stops (Mr.) in American English.


Business Letter Writing: Mrs, Miss or Ms?

How should you address a woman when you write a letter or email to her? Will she be offended if you write “Dear Madam” or “Dear Mrs + surname”?

Over the last few years, there have been some changes in standard greetings, and here are some general guidelines to help you choose between the three standard titles: Mrs, Miss, Ms.

Mrs, Miss, Ms?

The old distinction between married (“Mrs + surname”) and unmarried (“Miss + surname”) is generally irrelevant in business letters. As it doesn’t matter if a woman is married or not, use “Ms + surname”. Ms is pronounced (Mizz) and is used for all women.

For example:

“Dear Ms Jones”

If you are replying to a letter in which the woman has written her name as “Mrs + surname”, then it is fine to reply to her using “Mrs + her surname”.

“Dear Mrs Jones

Thank you for your letter…”

However, as explained above, if you receive a letter where the first name and surname are given, reply with “Dear Ms + surname”.

“Dear Ms Jones”.

We don’t generally write “Dear Miss + surname” to women – unless they have already written to you and ended their letter with this title. So if you receive a letter from a woman who has signed it “Miss + surname”, you can also use “Miss + surname” in your reply.

“Dear Miss Jones

Thank you for your enquiry about …”

If you are writing to a person in a company whose name you don’t know, you can start with “Dear Sir / Madam”. (This is because you don’t know if you’re writing to a man or a woman.)

“Dear Sir / Madam

I’m enclosing my CV for your attention…”

If you know for sure that the person is a woman (but you don’t know her name) you can write “Dear Madam”.

Avoid these other mistakes

1. Don’t write “Dear Mrs” on it own without any name afterwards. Remember: after titles like Mr, Mrs or Ms, we need a surname.

2. Don’t write “Dear Ms”, “Dear Miss” or “Dear Mrs” followed by the first name.

3. Don’t write “Dear Madame”.

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    Oct 11, 2022 • 3 min read. Quick Answer: "Why you shouldn't use ""Dear Sir or Madam"" to start your cover letter. It is not acceptable to send an impersonalized cover letter. You risk leaving the impression that you are lazy, careless, or not interested in the position. There are dozens of ways to substitute ""Dear Sir or Madam"" for success ...

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  19. Business Letter

    If you know the person's name: Dear Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr/Dr + surname. Dear Mr Miller. You can also write the person's full name. In this case, leave out the title (Mr/Mrs). This way of writing the salutation is very handy if you don't know the gender of the person. Dear Chris Miller.

  20. Business Letter Writing: Mrs, Miss or Ms?

    Avoid these other mistakes. 1. Don't write "Dear Mrs" on it own without any name afterwards. Remember: after titles like Mr, Mrs or Ms, we need a surname. 2. Don't write "Dear Ms", "Dear Miss" or "Dear Mrs" followed by the first name. 3. Don't write "Dear Madame". Next: How to Write a Letter or Email to your Boss.

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