49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

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creative opinion writing prompts

One of the most common essay types is the opinion, or persuasive, essay. In an opinion essay , the writer states a point of view, then provides facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of the essay is to convince the reader to share the writer’s opinion.

Students aren't always aware of how many strong opinions they already hold. Use the following opinion writing prompts to inspire them to start thinking and writing persuasively.

Prompts About School and Sports

School- and sports-related topics often elicit strong opinions in students. Use these writing prompts to kick off the brainstorming process.

  • Ch-ch-ch-changes . What is one thing about your school that needs to change? Is bullying an issue? Do students need longer breaks or a dress code? Choose one vital issue that needs to change and convince school leaders to make it happen.
  • Special guest. Your school is trying to decide on a famous person to give a speech or presentation to students. Who do you think they should choose? Write an essay to convince your principal.
  • Oxford or bust. Is the Oxford comma essential or obsolete?
  • Scribble scrabble. Do students still need to learn cursive handwriting?
  • Co-ed conflict. Would students perform better if more schools were single-gender rather than co-ed? Why or why not?
  • Participation awards. Should there be winners and losers in sports, or is participation the ultimate goal?
  • Homework overload. Write an essay to convince your teacher to assign less homework.
  • Sports. Which sport (or team) is the best? What makes it better than the others?
  • No slacking . Write an essay persuading a fellow student to do their homework.
  • Class trip. This year, students get to vote on where to go for a class trip. Write an essay convincing your fellow students to vote for the place you’d like to go.
  • Superlatives. Which would you rather be: a top student, a talented athlete, or an accomplished artist?
  • Virtual athletes . Video games competitions are often aired on TV and treated like sports competitions. Should video games be considered sports?
  • Class debate. Should classes that students may not use or that don’t interest them (such as physical education or foreign language) be required?

Prompts About Relationships

Friendships, dating, and other relationships can be both rewarding and exasperating. These writing prompts about relationships will help students explore their feelings about both the positive and the negative moments.

  • Snitch. Your best friend tells you about his plan to cheat on a test. Should you tell an adult? Why or why not?
  • Give it a chance. Your best friend is convinced that she would hate your favorite book, even though she's never read it. Convince her to read it.
  • Friendships vs. relationships. Are friendships or romantic relationships more important in life? Why?
  • Driving age. What age do kids start driving in your state? Is that age too old, too young, or just right? Why?
  • Truth or consequences. Your best friend asks your opinion about something, but you know that a truthful answer will hurt her feelings. What do you do?
  • Who chooses? Your best friend is visiting, and you want to watch TV together, but his favorite show is at the same time as your favorite show. Convince him that your show is a better choice.
  • Fun times. What is the most fun thing you and your best friend have ever experienced together? Why does it deserve the top spot?
  • Dating. Are long-term dating relationships good or bad for teens?
  • New friends. You want to spend time with a new student at school, but your best friend is jealous. Convince your friend of the importance of including the newcomer.
  • Be mine. Is Valentine’s Day worthwhile or just a scheme for the greeting card and chocolate industry to make more money?
  • Debbie Downer. Should you cut ties with friends or relatives who are always negative?
  • He loves me not. Is it really better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  • Elders. Should you respect your elders merely because they are older, or is respect something that must be earned?

Prompts About Family, Pets, and Leisure Time

The following writing prompts related to family, furry friends, and free time will help students reflect on preferences, ethics, and integrity.

  • Self-reflection. This time, you're the one who needs convincing! Write an essay to persuade yourself to start a healthy habit (or kick a bad habit).
  • Paper wars. Should toilet paper hang with the loose end resting on the top of the roll or hanging from the bottom?
  • Movie vs. book. Choose a book that has been made into a movie. Which version is better, and why?
  • Weekend wanderings . Do you prefer to stay home on the weekends or get out and do things around town? Write an essay to convince your parents to let you do what you prefer this weekend.
  • Sweepstakes. A travel agency is hosting an essay contest to give away an all-expenses-paid trip to the one place in the world you’d most love to visit. Craft a winning essay that convinces them they need to choose you.
  • Zoo debate. Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? Why or why not?
  • Presence of pets. Should there be limits on the types of places pets can go (e.g. airplanes or restaurants)? Why or why not?
  • Inspiring stories. What is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? Why is it so inspiring?
  • Dollar discovery. You find a $20 bill in the parking lot of a crowded store. Is it okay to keep it, or should you turn it in to customer service?
  • Vacation day. What is the very best way to spend an unexpected day off from school and why is it the best?
  • Digital or print? Is it better to read books in print or digitally? Why?

Prompts About Society and Technology

The people and technology around us have a significant impact on our lives. These writing prompts encourage students to consider the effect that society and technological advances have on our day-to-day lives.

  • Reverse technology. Pick one technological advancement that you think the world would be better off without. Explain your reasoning and persuade the reader.
  • Out of this world . Do aliens exist? Why or why not?
  • Social media. Is social media good or bad for society? Why?
  • Emoji. Has the use of emoji stunted our ability to express ourselves in writing, or does it help us identify our emotions more precisely?
  • Auto safety. Have advancements like self-driving cars, blind spot indicators, and lane departure warning systems made driving safer, or have they just made drivers less attentive?
  • Exploration Mars. Write a letter to Elon Musk convincing him that you should be part of a colony to Mars.
  • Fundraisers. Is it okay for kids to stand outside stores and ask shoppers for money for their sports teams, clubs, or band? Why or why not?
  • Inventions. What is the greatest invention ever made? Why is it the best?
  • Important cause. In your opinion, what global problem or issue deserves more attention than it currently receives? Why should more time and money be invested in this cause?
  • Minimalism. Does living a minimalist lifestyle make for a happier life? Why or why not?
  • Gaming gains. Are video games generally a positive or a negative influence? Why?
  • Rose-colored glasses. Is the current decade the best era in history? Why or why not?
  • Paper or plastic. Should plastic bags be outlawed?
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creative opinion writing prompts

50 Amazing Opinion Writing Prompt Ideas

Opinion writing prompt ideas

Are you having trouble brainstorming some great opinion writing topics for your students to use during writing block or writer’s workshop? Many prompts have already been used year after year. I created a list of 50 opinion writing prompts that will get your kids thinking and may even spark some new ideas for you. Take a look at these fun topics and see what your creative kids can come up with!

In this blog post, I share 5 different category topics of opinion writing ideas to choose from. You will find 10 ideas in each category and once finished, you will walk away with FIFTY opinion writing prompt ideas! Fill out the form below to have all 50 sent to you in an easy, printable list that will help simplify your lesson planning! Get ready for an opinion writing template that will blow your mind.

50 Opinion Writing Prompt Ideas!

This FREE printable list of 50 opinion writing prompts ideas can be sent straight to your inbox! Simply drop your personal email address below & I’ll send it right over! 

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Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on these opinion essay topics for your kids. Kids of all ages will enjoy these opinion writing prompts in first grade and beyond. They are a great starting point before diving into persuasive writing.

Prompts About Entertainment and Hobbies

A few opinion essay topics for students include the best place to vacation, the greatest movie ever made, the best sport to play, their favorite board game, or the best T.V. show at the time. Use these fun 3rd-grade opinion writing samples to spark creativity in your students’ writing. Some of these are great opinion questions for kids during discussions as well.

  • Where would you choose and why if you could choose anywhere in the world to go on vacation?
  • In your opinion, what was the best movie ever made and why?
  • Based on the sports you enjoy, which is the best sport to play?
  • Which would you choose if you had to play a board game with a family member or friends?
  • What is your current favorite T.V. show and why?
  • If you have a favorite place to go, where is it and why?
  • In your opinion, what is something everyone should learn do to?
  • Which is better, cooking or baking? Tell us why you think that.
  • What is the best sport to watch someone else play? Why?
  • Tell us about your favorite thing to do in the winter and why.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about Family and Friends

All kids love writing about their loved ones. These opinion writing prompts are a great way to let students express their opinions and share their home life with the class. Grab your writing paper and teach opinion writing in a fun way.

  • How does a family member or friend make you feel loved, and why?
  • Share your Mother or Father’s superpower. What makes you think they have this superpower?
  • What is the nicest thing a friend could do for you?
  • In your opinion, who is the strongest person in your family and why?
  • Which of your friends would be the best person to take to the zoo and why?
  • Of all of your friends, which would you take to see a superhero movie and why?
  • Are you a middle child, an only child, or something else in your family tree? Do you like your position in your family tree?
  • Which friend or family member gives you the best hugs? Tell us about them!
  • What is a great trait for a friend to have? Traits might include being a good listener, a great hugger, or someone who is creative.
  • Would you like to have a pen pal? Why or why not?

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about School and Extracurricular Activities

Kids have wonderful opinions about school and their extracurricular activities, so they will thoroughly enjoy these opinion writing prompts. You will love hearing their thoughts about topics like: should kids have more or less homework, should kids have more or less recess, and uniforms in school.

  • What is something you like to do when you are not at school and why might others like it as well?
  • What is the best thing about the school playground and why?
  • In your opinion, should kids have more or less homework?
  • Do you think kids should be allowed more recess time? Why or why not?
  • Should kids have to wear uniforms in school? Why or why not?
  • What is a school special (music, dance, art) that you wish were offered at your school and why?
  • If there was one lunch item you could add to the menu every day, what would it be?
  • Which subject is your favorite and why?
  • Should school go year-round? Why or why not?
  • What is the best way to start the day in the classroom? Tell us about it and why it’s the best way.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about Favorite and Least Favorite Items

These opinion writing prompts are focused on favorite and least favorite items. Students get to write about their favorite foods, drinks, songs, and their least favorite vegetables. They will love sharing some of their favorites and some things they don’t love as much.

  • Tell us what your least favorite vegetable is and why.
  • Share your favorite candy and why it is your favorite.
  • If you could bring one toy for show and tell what would it be and why?
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
  • Which book could you read over and over again?
  • If you had to eat one vegetable for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  • Which season is your favorite and why?
  • What is your favorite song at the moment and why?
  • Do you have a favorite drink? What is it and why?
  • What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Opinion Writing Ideas

Want access to all of these prompts to use in your classroom? Just fill out the form below for access.

Prompts about Pets and Animals

Allow your students to put their thoughts to paper as they consider their pets and favorite animals with these opinion writing prompts. Let them explore favorite pets, the coolest animals, and even made-up animals.

  • Convince your parents to let you have a special pet. Choose an animal you would love to have as a pet and tell us why they would make an amazing pet.
  • Do you think cats should be able to live indoors and outdoors or one or the other?
  • What is the coolest animal you have ever seen?
  • Which animal is your favorite and why?
  • Are there any animals that would make horrible pets? If so, choose one and tell us why.
  • Pick one ocean animal. Why is it the coolest ocean animal of them all?
  • If you could create your own pet, what would it be and why? (Think about a half-dog so it can bark and a half-lizard so it can catch bugs with its tongue.)
  • Are there any animals you are afraid of? If so, which one and why?
  • Think of an animal you would love to encounter in real life. Which animal is it and why?
  • What is an animal trait you would love to have for yourself? Maybe you would like to fly like a bird or slither like a snake. Tell us why.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Opinion writing can be such a fun task for elementary students. They get to express their thoughts on paper and share them with the class. It’s always fun to hear their ideas while teaching persuasive writing. Using these 50 opinion writing prompt ideas is a fantastic way to get their creative juices flowing as they practice paragraph writing fluency. I hope you and your students love these opinion writing activities and can benefit from them while teaching opinion writing.

Try my Weekly Writing Prompts as well! These opinion writing worksheets are a great way to practice weekly. They are perfect for the classroom and come in print and digital downloads. Who knows, they may even spark more good opinion essay topics.

I hope you enjoy these prompts. They are great 2nd-grade writing prompts as well as for upper grades! Grab these free writing prompts for 3rd-grade students to explore new topics. If you need 4th grade journal writing prompts, these work well, or you can check out the posts below.

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Opinion writing prompt ideas

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72 Fun Opinion Writing Prompts that Students Will WANT to Write About!

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Kids love to tell you what they think and opinion writing is the perfect outlet for them to do it appropriately . These elementary opinion writing prompts will have your students wanting to write so they can tell you exactly what they think about topics that are relevant and interesting to them!

Opinion writing is the perfect way to introduce the more formal persuasive writing genre. It allows students to practise developing and justifying their own ideas before requiring a multi-paragraph essay with multiple pieces of evidence, proof or examples.

Want this list of prompts dropped straight into your inbox? Sign up below to get all these opinion writing topics in a hand PDF, ready to be printed and cut out for the perfect writing centre or writer’s workshop task!


Get a FREE printable PDF version of all the opinion writing topic ideas in this post! Be sure to use a personal email address to make sure it gets to you!

Fun opinion writing prompts task cards on desk with lined paper and pencil.


From table games, to sports and TV & entertainment, your students will love to write an opinion paragraph on these interesting topics!

  • What is the best game to play with friends? Why?
  • Are card or dice games better? Why?
  • Which are better – indoor or outdoor recesses? Why?
  • If you could plan the ultimate weekend, what would it look like and why?
  • What is your favourite TV show? Why?
  • In your opinion, who is the best actor in the world? Why?
  • What sport is your favourite to watch? Why?
  • What is the best board game to play with friends? Why?
  • Do you think that school sports are important? Why or why not?
  • At what age do you feel children should be allowed social media? Why?
  • Would you rather sing or dance in front of an audience? Why?
  • How do you feel about video games? Explain.


Asking students to write about familiar topics is important for developing confidence and there is nothing students know better than their own family and friends. This category is full of opinion writing topics that your students are sure to already have strong thoughts about.

  • What is your favourite activity to do with your family and why?
  • If you could plan your next family vacation, where would you go and what would you do? Why?
  • Would you rather have brothers or sisters? Explain your reasoning.
  • Do you think children should receive an allowance? Justify your thinking.
  • If you had to do one chore every day until you grow up, which one would you choose? Why?
  • Would you rather your friends think of you as funny, kind or smart? Why?
  • Should kids have to help around the house? Explain why or why not.
  • How many siblings is the perfect number? Why?
  • Where would you like to go with your friends: the zoo, the movies or the skatepark? Why?
  • What qualities make a really great friend? Describe each quality and explain why it is important.
  • What, in your opinion, makes you a good friend? Explain.
  • What do you think is the best thing about your family? Why?

Student hand holding pencil over blank writing paper choosing opinion writing prompts.


The key to a topic being interesting is that it is relevant to students. The school category gives students the chance to tell you how they feel about favourite subjects, homework and more with entertaining topics for opinion paragraphs.

  • What is the best subject in school? Why?
  • Which subject is the worst? Why?
  • Should students receive grades? Why or why not?
  • Should teachers give homework? Justify your opinion.
  • Do you think college and university should be free? Why or why not?
  • Which subject is the most important? Why?
  • What is your opinion on school uniforms? Explain your thinking.
  • What one book do you think all students should have to read? Why?
  • What is one subject you would like to see added at school and why?
  • What qualities make a great teacher? Describe each quality and explain why it is important.
  • What is your opinion on watching movies at school? Explain your thoughts.
  • Do you believe that school sports should be mandatory for all students? Why or why not?

Stack of books with the text: How to run literature circles in older grades


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This category will have students thinking about the world around them from serious topics such as environmental issues to fun outdoor activities. Choose from simple preferences between types of environments to really imaginative topics like the animal trait they would most like to have.

  • Would you choose beach or mountains? Why?
  • What is your favourite outdoor activity? Why?
  • Which season is the best? Why?
  • What unusual animal do you think would make the best pet and why?
  • What is your opinion on global warming?
  • Would you rather hike to a waterfall or ancient ruins? Explain your opinion.
  • Which animal is the scariest? Why?
  • How do you feel about camping and why?
  • Would you rather go bungee jumping or swim with sharks? Why?
  • What do you think is the most important thing we should do for the environment and why?
  • What animal skill or trait would you most like to have and why?
  • What is your opinion on zoos? Why?


Get a FREE printable PDF version of all the opinion writing topics in this post – an instant writers’ workshop activity! Be sure to use a personal email address to make sure it gets to you!


Let students write opinion paragraphs about their favourite, and least favourite, foods and drinks. Some writing topics are fun and others are more philosophical. Many could make for a great verbal debate too!

  • What is your favourite snack? Describe it and explain why it is your favourite.
  • If you had the choice, what is one food you would never eat again? Why?
  • If you could, what food would you happily eat for every meal?
  • Do you prefer hot or cold drinks? Why?
  • Would you choose vegetables or salad? Explain your decision.
  • Invent the perfect dessert. Describe it and explain why it is so great.
  • Should people be vegetarians? Why or why not?
  • If you had to eat one vegetable every day for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?
  • Describe your perfect meal and explain why.
  • At what age should drinking alcohol be legal? Justify your opinion.
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza? Justify your opinion.

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There really is no end to fun opinion writing prompts for elementary grades. Here I’ve created 12 bonus writing prompts that are full of writing ideas from aliens to cellphones.

  • Do you think aliens exist? Why or why not?
  • What is the hardest job in the world? Explain your thinking.
  • At what age do you think people should be able to drive? Justify your opinion.
  • Would you rather go to the moon or Mars? Why?
  • If you were running the country for a day, what law would you change and why?
  • Who would you most love to meet? Why?
  • Should kids be allowed cell phones? Why or why not?
  • Do you think video games should be considered a sport? Justify your opinion.
  • What is your dream job? Why?
  • Name a superhero power that you would love to have and explain why.
  • If you were entered into a talent show, what would your performance be? Why?
  • What day of the week do you feel is the worst? Why?

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Image of a student writing in a notebook with the text: 72 fun opinion writing prompts.

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70 Opinion Writing Prompts for Engaging, Thought-Provoking Classroom Discussion

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on August 30, 2022

Categories Education , Inspiration , Writing

Do you ever struggle to get your students excited about writing? It can be tough to come up with topics that will engage them and make them want to think critically. That’s where opinion writing prompts come in handy! This blog post will provide a list of 70 prompts to help your students express their thoughts and opinions on controversial topics. These prompts are perfect for sparking engaging classroom discussion!

70 Opinion Writing Ideas

  • How would you describe your favorite toy?
  • What’s something you like to do?
  • What’s something you don’t like to do?
  • What would it be if you’d spend the rest of your life doing just one thing?
  • What’s your favorite color? And why?
  • What’s your favorite song right now? And why?
  • Who’s your best friend, and why?
  • Do you sometimes get scared at night when no one else is around? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever wanted something very much and not gotten it for some reason? How did it make you feel, and what did you do about it (if anything)?
  • If one animal lived in every home in the world, what animal would it be and why?
  • What’s your favorite season of the year? And why?
  • Do you like to read? What’re your favorite books and authors?
  • Which superhero would you like to be? And why?
  • If you could’ve one superpower, what would it be and why?
  • What’s your favorite song right now? Why do you like it so much?
  • If you could choose any place in the world to go on vacation, where would you choose it and why?
  • Name three important things in life (friends/family, school, etc.) and explain why they’re important to you!
  • What’s special about your hometown?
  • Why has that had an impact on who you’re today?
  • Do you think there should be more rules at school, and if so, what kind of rules would they be (give an example)?
  • What would it be if you could change one thing about your school?
  • Should there be a dress code at school? Why or why not?
  • What’s your favorite subject at school? And why?
  • Who’s your favorite teacher, and why?
  • Where do you like to eat lunch at school? Why is your favorite place to eat lunch?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
  • What’s your favorite TV show?
  • What’s your favorite sport, and why do you like it so much?
  • What’s your favorite way to spend your time alone?
  • What’s the most important lesson your teacher taught you this year?
  • What do you do when you’re sad or upset? And does it help you feel better?
  • What would it be and why if you could invent a new food?
  • Do you think it’s important to keep up with the latest technology? Why or why not?
  • What would it be if you could give yourself one piece of advice?
  • If you’d to live in another country for a year, where would you go and why?
  • Who’s your role model, and why?
  • Do you think kindergarten through 5th-grade children should have homework every night? Why or why not?
  • What’s more fun at school than homework?
  • Do you think students should have access to cell phones in school during class? Why or why not?
  • Should children be allowed to vote if they’re under 18? Why or why not?
  • Should there be a law against bullying in schools, and if so, what would you include?
  • What would you do if a bully harassed your best friend?
  • Are you an outdoors person, or do you prefer to stay inside? Explain why.
  • What do you like about your school and your classmates?
  • Is it okay to use only one language for all purposes?
  • Is it right to eat animals?
  • Is it better to live in a city or a small town? And why?
  • Are there too many tests in school or not enough?
  • Do you think teachers should be allowed to use technology in their classrooms, or are they better off using traditional teaching methods?
  • Is it okay for teachers to give students different grades based on their effort instead of their performance?
  • What is the best way to keep students engaged and learning in the classroom?
  • Why do you think it’s important for kids to be involved in their community?
  • What would it be if you could introduce one new subject in school?
  • If you could eliminate one subject in school, which one would you eliminate and why?
  • When are you most creative?
  • What do you like best about the school year?
  • Is it a good idea to give people more than one chance? Why or why not?
  • Should people be allowed to own pets? Why or why not?
  • Do you think cats should be able to live both inside and outside, or just one or the other?
  • Do you think it’s important to recycle? Why or why not?
  • What would it be and why if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life (but it had to be real)?
  • Should there be winners and losers in sports, or is participation the ultimate goal?
  • Should video games be considered a sport?
  • What’s your opinion on social media?
  • Do you think having a job you love is important, or is money more important?
  • Should you respect your elders just because you’re older, or do you’ve to earn respect?
  • At what age do you think you should be allowed to take a paying job, and why?
  • If you could see the world through colored glasses, what color would you choose and why?
  • Suppose you had enough money and freedom to start a business or buy a house; what would you choose?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Why Opinion Writing Skills Are Important

Whether in 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, or higher, having students be able to write an opinion piece and express their ideas before they enter high school will improve their writing skills and critical thinking.

You can start by choosing one of the prompts above as a sentence starter and starting from there. This will give them a topic to write and think about. Start with a simple opinion writing prompt (e.g., Favorite thing…) so it’s not as difficult as persuasive writing prompts where they’ve to choose their words more carefully because they feel like it’s an argumentative writing prompt like test prep. You want them to have fun with at least the first few opinion writing prompts. Once you’ve developed an opinion writing routine with them, you can move on to a more complex topic.

Help Them Work on Their Reading Comprehension

Having their own opinion is a good reason for students to learn how to research and read words more carefully, which means improving their reading comprehension as they research. This is especially important in 4th and 5th grade when reading skills develop just like writing skills. Start with a simple rubric to get them started working on reading comprehension.

How to Encourage Children to Speak Their Minds Freely

Children need to know that they can be honest with you, and your willingness to accept their feelings as valid is critical to encouraging that honesty.

You should also tell them that it’s okay if they disagree with you. If a child feels that their opinion has no value in the family, they’ll be less willing to express it. They must understand that everyone has a different opinion and that those opinions are worth listening to.

Here are some tips:

  • Start with a question. The most important thing is that your child has a choice and is allowed to express their opinion without fear of judgment or consequences. For example, “Do you think the color of this dress looks good on me?” or “Do you like the food we’re going to eat tonight?”
  • Acknowledge what they say. This makes your child feel comfortable expressing their opinion and shows them that their feelings are important to you. For example, “Yes, I like it.” or “No, I don’t think so.”
  • Depending on their answer, ask more questions until they’ve nothing more to say or don’t want to answer (that’s fine!).
  • Don’t interrupt them, even if you disagree with what they say.
  • Don’t pressure them to agree with you or others; let them choose their opinions and beliefs.

Teach Them Boundaries, So They Don’t Cross the Line

As a parent, it’s your job to teach your children how to express their opinions and feelings freely. But everything has its time and place.

Just as important as encouraging them to express themselves is setting boundaries. Here are some tips on how to help your kids learn both:

  • Start early. Children should be encouraged to speak up from an early age. That way, they grow up knowing that their voice is important and that they can speak up when they don’t like something.
  • Teach them what’s private and what’s public. For example, it’s okay for your child to tell you about the playground fight they got into – but not in front of their friends at school!
  • Teach them when it’s appropriate to speak up. For example, it’s okay for your child to tell you he hates broccoli… But not when he or she’s a guest at a dinner party!
  • Be a role model for good behavior by saying when something isn’t right or fair – and then taking action, such as contacting an authority figure or making changes within your family.

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20+ opinion writing prompts

Use these opinion or argumentative writing prompts to help your students to state a point of view, and then provide facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of this kind of writing is to convince the reader to share the writer's opinion.

Opinion Writing Prompt examples:

  • What animal would judge us the most? Write a scene (based on truth or fiction) where two or more people are doing something silly, and they're being observed and criticized by animals.
  • Can honesty honestly be bad? Write about someone, fact or fiction, who gets in trouble for being too truthful.
  • Should books ever be banned? Discuss. If no, explain why. You might want to look at a list of commonly banned books. If yes, explain under what circumstances.
  • Imagine a moral dilemma (for example, you see someone shoplift or a friend tells a blatant lie to her parents about where she was last night) and explain what you would do and why you would do it.
  • According to a Czechoslovakian proverb, “Better a lie that soothes than a truth that hurts.” Agree or disagree? Explain.
  • List 10 places in the world that you would most like to visit, 10 places you’ve been, and 10 places you would never want to go.
  • Should students be able to grade their teachers?
  • Does gym help students perform better in all their classes?
  • How big a problem is bullying or cyberbullying in your school or community?
  • Does technology make us more alone?
  • Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?
  • What role will robots play in our future?
  • What current musicians do you think will stand the test of time?
  • Should video games be considered a sport?
  • To what writer would you award a prize?
  • Is school designed more for girls than boys?
  • Why aren’t more girls choosing to pursue careers in math and science?
  • Do boys have less intense friendships than girls?
  • When do you become an adult?
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Can money buy you happiness?
  • Is kindness cool?

Many students face challenges in expressing their thoughts and opinions on paper

Read&Write is a literacy support tool that helps students express their thoughts and opinions through words. Your students can use tools in Read&Write like Check It, Talk and Type, and the text and picture dictionaries to help develop their confidence in writing.

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100 Captivating Opinion Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next Essay

creative opinion writing prompts

What is opinion writing promps 100 opinion writing prompt ideas Technology and ethics ideas Environmental ideas Society and culture ideas Healthy life ideas Education and innovation ideas Conclusion

Finding it challenging to generate engaging opinion writing topics for your students' writing sessions or workshops? It's common to see the same prompts being used repeatedly. To address this, I've compiled a diverse list of 100 opinion writing prompts designed to stimulate your students' thoughts and possibly inspire you with new ideas. Explore these intriguing topics and see what creative outputs emerge!

This blog post presents five distinct categories of opinion writing themes. Each category contains 20 unique ideas, culminating in a comprehensive collection of 100 opinion writing prompts for you to utilize! With tools like essay typer free , students can easily develop their ideas and transform them into compelling papers that showcase their unique perspectives and insights.

What is opinion writing prompts?

Opinion writing prompts are questions or statements that inspire me to share my personal views on various topics. They challenge me to think critically and express my opinions clearly and persuasively in writing. These prompts can cover a broad range of subjects, from social issues to personal experiences, and they help me develop my argumentative skills. As I respond to these prompts, I learn to articulate my thoughts effectively, consider different perspectives, and engage in meaningful discourse. They're not just exercises in writing; they're opportunities for me to explore and assert my unique perspective on the world.


Technology and ethics.

  • Should artificial intelligence have rights?
  •  Is social media more harmful than beneficial?
  • Can technology replace traditional classrooms?
  • Are self-driving cars a threat to public safety?
  • Should there be a limit to data collection by companies?
  • Is the dependence on smartphones damaging human interaction?
  • Are video games beneficial for cognitive development?
  • Should internet access be considered a basic human right?
  • Is the digitization of books harming the essence of reading?
  • Should children under the age of 10 have access to tablets and smartphones?
  • Is technology making us less creative?
  • Are online friendships as valuable as real-life ones?
  • Should robots replace human labor in dangerous jobs?
  • Is virtual reality a positive advancement or a dangerous escapism?
  • Can online privacy truly exist?
  • Should there be global regulations for the internet?
  • Are cryptocurrencies more of a risk than an opportunity?
  • Is the rise of e-commerce killing the charm of traditional markets?
  • Should there be ethical guidelines for developing AI?
  • Is the convenience of smart home devices worth the privacy risks?


  • Is climate change the most significant challenge of our time?
  • Should governments enforce a vegetarian diet to combat climate change?
  • Are renewable energy sources sufficient to replace fossil fuels?
  • Is the banning of plastic bags effective in reducing pollution?
  • Should companies be held more accountable for environmental damage?
  • Is urbanization a threat to natural ecosystems?
  • Are electric cars the solution to air pollution?
  • Should there be stricter laws against animal poaching?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable alternative for a sustainable future?
  • Can individual actions significantly impact climate change?
  • Should water be a commercial product or a free basic right?
  • Are zoos unethical and harmful to animals?Is global warming an exaggerated concern?
  • Should countries have mandatory recycling laws?
  • Is organic farming the key to a sustainable future?
  • Can we rely solely on technology to solve environmental issues?
  • Should fast fashion be banned due to its environmental impact?
  • Is space exploration beneficial or harmful to the environment?
  • Can wildlife conservation justify the restrictions on human activities?Should there be a global tax on carbon emissions?

Society and Culture

  • Is multiculturalism beneficial for society?
  • Should voting be mandatory for all citizens?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling?
  • Are beauty standards more harmful than inspirational?
  • Should public transport be free to reduce traffic and pollution?
  • Is the concept of marriage becoming obsolete?
  • Should governments regulate social media to prevent misinformation?
  • Are reality TV shows detrimental to society?
  • Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
  • Is a universal basic income a solution to poverty?
  • Should there be a cap on personal wealth?
  • Is the jury system effective in delivering justice?
  • Should schools have uniforms?
  • Are traditional libraries still important in the digital age?
  • Is the death penalty an ethical punishment?
  • Should celebrities play a role in political matters?
  • Is the traditional 9-5 workday outdated?
  • Can online activism be as impactful as on-ground protests?
  • Is the modern education system preparing students for real-world challenges?
  • Should public healthcare be a universal right?

Healthy Life

  • Is mental health still not taken as seriously as physical health?
  • Should junk food be banned in schools?
  • Can technology addiction be considered a mental health issue?
  • Is the pharmaceutical industry more focused on profit than health?
  • Should alternative medicine be used alongside conventional medicine?
  • Is the beauty industry setting unrealistic standards?
  • Are strict parenting methods more effective or harmful?
  • Can a plant-based diet provide all necessary nutrients?
  • Should daily exercise be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?
  • Is the stigma around therapy and counseling justified?
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory for all?
  • Is society too dependent on medication?
  • Can mindfulness and meditation significantly improve mental health?
  • Should companies be required to offer mental health days?
  • Is the pursuit of happiness causing more stress?
  • Are fitness influencers promoting a healthy lifestyle or unrealistic standards?
  • Should health insurance be a right rather than a privilege?
  • Is sleep deprivation a significant issue in modern society?
  • Can excessive screen time lead to long-term health issues?
  • Should fast food companies be held accountable for contributing to health epidemics?

Education and Innovation

  • Should financial education be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?
  • Are student loans more harmful than beneficial to young adults?
  • Is the emphasis on STEM overshadowing the importance of arts and humanities?
  • Should schools implement more project-based learning?
  • Can gamification in education enhance learning outcomes?
  • Is a college degree as valuable today as it was in the past?
  • Should education systems be tailored more toward individual student needs?
  • Is homework necessary for students' learning and development?
  • Should schools have more emphasis on teaching life skills?
  • Is the concept of 'one-size-fits-all' education outdated?
  • Should teachers be evaluated based on student performance?
  • Are online resources making traditional teaching methods obsolete?
  • Is bilingual education beneficial for students?
  • Should schools encourage entrepreneurship and innovation from a young age?
  • Can virtual reality be effectively integrated into education?
  • Should history education focus more on global rather than national history?
  • Is the pressure to achieve academic excellence causing more harm than good?
  • Should coding be a compulsory subject in schools?
  • Is the traditional grading system outdated?
  • Can online learning replace classroom education?

‍ Conclusion

In conclusion, this diverse collection of 100 opinion writing prompts is designed to ignite the imaginations and critical thinking skills of writers, students, and educators alike. From the ethical dilemmas posed by technology and the pressing issues surrounding our environment, to the ever-evolving landscapes of society, health, and education, these prompts offer a rich tapestry of topics for deep exploration and expressive opinion pieces. Whether used in a classroom, a writing workshop, or for personal reflection, these prompts are not just questions; they are gateways to engaging discussions, compelling arguments, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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20 Prompts for Opinion Writing That Motivate Kids

Opinion Blog Post

When using prompts for opinion writing, students can express themselves and share their beliefs.  This automatically makes them more invested in their writing.  Read on to learn more about opinion writing including mentor texts, ideas, and assessments.  Plus you will find 20 prompts that will be sure to motivate and engage kids!

What is an Opinion Writing?

Opinion writing is used to convince or persuade the reader. The writer states their opinion and gives reasons to support it.  Facts or statistics can be used to provide supporting evidence. 

Examples for Opinion Writing

There are lots of helpful examples for opinion writing.  Below you will find a list of mentor texts for kids.  It’s beneficial to immerse students in the genre before and during a writing unit.  These books model effective writing strategies that can be incorporated into lessons.

Opinion Writing Mentor Text:

  • I Love Insects by Lizzy Rockwell
  • The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini 
  • The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt 
  • Hey, Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose
  • Red is Best by Kathy Stinson
  • I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff 
  • Earrings by Judith Viorst
  • The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry


How to Teach Opinion Writing

It’s important for students to form their own opinions and understand their feelings.  So often kids just follow the opinion of someone else whether it be a parent, sibling, or friend.  Now is the time for kids to firmly state their opinion and not waver from it.  

Writers will need to give reasons for their opinion and provide supporting examples.  The number of reasons will depend on the grade level and the student’s abilities.  For first graders, you might require only one reason while third graders may need three reasons.  Decide what works best for your learners and create modifications as needed. 

Opinion Writing Outline

Below you will find an acronym to help students plan their opinion writing. They just need to remember the word OREO. It stands for opinion, reasons, examples, and opinion (restated again). For each reason given, a sentence follows with evidence or an example. This is a more detailed approach to writing a response. It works well for the upper grades or advanced students. Depending on the level, some writers may just be working on providing reasons and will later develop the skill of using supporting examples.


The example below uses one reason with supporting evidence. For each reason, the student should write an example. The acronym might look like OREREO for two reasons or OREREREO for three reasons. A little confusing, but you get the idea.

Example: Do you think teachers should give students homework?

O – In my opinion, students should not have homework.

R – They work so hard all day at school and need a break. 

E – Instead of focusing on more work kids should be able to go outside and play, do a sport, or do other fun activities.  

O – In conclusion, students work all day at school and should not have to do homework.

Sentence Starters

As students write, it may also be helpful to use sentence starters. Teachers can project these on the board, put them on an anchor chart, or print a version for writing notebooks. I also like to do a mini-lesson where I ask the kids what types of sentence starters work well for opinion writing and we create the list together. This process helps them retain the information better and they are more likely to apply it to their own writing.


Ideas for Opinion Writing

There are so many fun and creative ideas for opinion writing.  Kids really get into this writing unit because they feel that their opinion is valued and they are eager to share their knowledge.  It’s really empowering for them!

As an activity, the teacher can present a topic to the class and have students choose a side.  Then kids can debate and state their opinion with reasons.  This is always an exciting way to get the creative juices flowing and it will translate into their writing when they have to support their opinion.

Another idea is to use prompts for opinion writing. This engages the students and helps them get started. Prompts can be assigned by the teacher or students can choose from a list or choice board. Feel free to use the sentence starters below to generate ideas for writing prompts.

  • Would you rather . . . 
  • Which is more important . .  
  • Do you prefer . . . 
  • What is the best . . .
  • What is your favorite . . . 
  • Should . . .
  • Imagine if . . . 

Prompts for Opinion Writing

Opinion writing prompts can be created by the teacher or the students. Sometimes students come up with better prompts than I ever could. Plus kids love knowing that a peer created the prompt they are going to write about. If you’re looking for some ideas, the list below has 20 motivating and engaging prompts for kids! Also, check out this blog post to learn more about narrative writing prompts: 20 Prompts for Narrative Writing That Spark Creativity

20 Motivating and Engaging Prompts:

  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Give 3 or more reasons why.
  • Should students be able to pick their own seats in class?
  • Think of a present you really want.  Now convince someone to buy it for you.
  • What is the best pet someone can get?
  • Would you rather live somewhere that’s extremely hot or cold?
  • Which sport is the best?  Give reasons to support your opinion.
  • If you could visit any place, what would it be and why?
  • Would you rather live on a rural farm or in a busy city?
  • Imagine you could be the President for a day.  What would be the most important thing to do first?
  • Which is more important?  Being a good speaker or a good listener?
  • If the weather is nice, should kids be able to have their classes outside?
  • Do you think kids should have more technology time or less?
  • If you could see the world through colored glasses, which color would you choose and why?
  • Should kids get money for doing chores or should they just do it to help out at home?
  • Convince your teacher to get a class pet.  Tell which animal would be the best choice and why.
  • Would you rather visit the moon or a planet?  Explain why.
  • If there could only be one season, which would you choose?
  • Should kids get to choose their own bedtime?
  • Would you rather give a present or receive it?
  • Imagine you could create the best dessert ever!  What would it be and why?


Opinion Writing Rubrics

After students have completed their writing, teachers are left with the difficult task of assessing it.  Assessments should be accurate and aligned with the Common Core Standards.  They also need to be helpful for the teacher and the students.  

This is when writing rubrics become extremely helpful as formal assessments. They can be used for benchmarks, progress reports, report cards, and conferences. Rubrics may also be shown to students in advance so they know what the expectations are and how they will be assessed.  

Below you will find three types of opinion writing rubrics.  Check out this blog post to learn more about student-friendly, teacher-friendly, and time-saving rubrics: 3 Types of Writing Rubrics for Effective Assessments


Opinion writing has the ability to engage and empower kids.  Students will be able to explain their thinking by giving reasons and examples.  Mentor texts, sentence starters, writing prompts, and rubrics are all helpful to use in the classroom. I know your kids will love writing and sharing their opinion pieces.

Did you grab your Free Writing Prompt Guide yet?  Writing prompts are perfect for morning work, writing time, centers, or as a homework assignment.  It will save you tons of time and energy. So click the link and grab the guide to get started!

Genre Based Prompts


Related Articles:

  • 20 Prompts for Narrative Writing That Spark Creativity
  • 7 Ways to Introduce Opinion Writing
  • Opinion Writing Ideas and Resources
  • 3 Easy to Implement Tips to Teach Opinion Writing

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Thanks for sharing. These are my favorite type of writing prompts to give to my students to see how creative they can get.

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Yes! These kinds of prompts definitely get the creative juices flowing. The students always love to share their opinions with the class. Happy writing!

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creative opinion writing prompts

I specialize in helping elementary teachers with writing resources, tips, and ideas. My goal is to save teachers time and energy so they can be vibrant inside and outside of the classroom! Read More


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101 Exciting 4th Grade Writing Prompts for 2023 (Free Printable!)

Use them for journal writing, essay topics, and more!

creative opinion writing prompts

Fourth grade is a time for students to continue to hone their writing chops as they put to use the skills they’ve learned and gain confidence in their abilities. We’ve collected this list of fourth grade writing prompts—including opinion, persuasive, informational, and narrative—to spur your students’ imaginations and get them writing!

You can get 50 of these fourth grade writing prompts in a free PowerPoint slideshow bundle! They make it easy to share these writing ideas with your students.  Grab your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here .

  • Persuasive and Opinion Writing Prompts
  • Descriptive and Expository Writing Prompts
  • Narrative and Personal Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Prompts
  • Current Events Writing Prompts

Persuasive and Opinion 4th Grade Writing Prompts

Would you rather be good at sports or good in school? Why?

Would you rather have lots of money or lots of friends? Why?

What is your favorite subject in school? Why?

Are fourth graders ready to stay home alone? Why or why not?

Are fourth graders ready to stay home alone? Why or why not?

Name two characters from different books that you think might be good friends. Why?

Which is more important for success, skill or luck?

Should kids be paid an allowance to do chores around the house? Why or why not?

Why are classroom rules important?

If you had a time machine, what era of history would you visit?

Why is math important?

Why is science important?

Should fourth graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

If you could open a store, what type of store would it be and why?

Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

What is the hardest thing about being a fourth grader?

If I were the ruler of the world, the first law I would pass would be … because …

If you found a backpack filled with dollar bills, what would you do?

Is it ever OK to tell secrets? Why or why not?

What animal makes the best pet? Why?

Is it better to spend an hour a day reading or an hour a day exercising? Why?

Descriptive and Expository 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?

What’s the best book you’ve read recently? What was it all about?

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money?

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money?

Describe what you think of as perfect weather.

Describe how to build a birdhouse step by step.

Write five rules for staying organized.

What is the worst book you ever read?

Describe the physical appearance of someone in your family in detail.

Imagine you are in a hot-air balloon above your house. Describe everything you can see.

Describe how to play your favorite board game.

There’s an old saying: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” What do you think this saying means?

Describe your perfect day.

Describe your perfect day.

One of your little cousins is very nervous about starting kindergarten. What would you tell them to make them feel better?

Imagine you are an adult and describe your dream job.

Explain your morning routine in detail, from waking up to arriving at school.

Describe the perfect meal, including what you’d eat and where you’d dine.

Share what you do on a typical non-school day.

Explain the right way to do one of your household chores, like making your bed or cleaning your room.

Describe your favorite room at home in detail.

How do you prepare for a big test? Describe the ways you study or practice.

Narrative and Personal 4th Grade Writing Prompts

Share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby.

Share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby.

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

Write about an adult you look up to.

What’s the nicest thing anybody has ever done for you?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Write about a time you felt like quitting but didn’t. How did you keep yourself going?

Do you like nonfiction books or fiction books better? Why?

What makes your family unique?

What would you say is your greatest strength? Greatest weakness?

Are you a patient person? Why or why not?

What is something you’ve never done that you would like to try?

What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

Write about a time you tried something new and how you felt before, during, and after.

What is your earliest memory?

What is your earliest memory?

What’s your favorite holiday? What makes it so special?

Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.

Tell the story of your favorite field trip of all time.

If you could relive any day in your life, what would it be? Would you want it to be the same or different?

What holiday is important to your family? Describe how you celebrate it together.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? How did it make you feel?

Creative 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you met an alien, what three questions would you ask them?

Pretend you drank a magic potion that made you as tiny as an ant. Where would you go and what would you do?

Pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. Where would you go and what would you do?

Pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. Where would you go and what would you do?

Write a story that includes these five words: keys, spaghetti, uncle, jellyfish, spaceship.

What would the world be like if dinosaurs still existed?

If you could invent something new the world really needs, what would it be? How would it work?

Retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead.

Retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead.

Imagine that one day you woke up and found everyone in the world could no longer talk. What would happen next?

Write a new chapter of your favorite book, with yourself as a new character.

Imagine you woke up one morning with a superpower, like invisibility or the ability to fly. Describe your experiences learning how to use that power.

Use these words to start a story: “When I opened the box that came in the mail, I never expected to find …”

Describe a world where it rains fruit juice and snows M&Ms.

Come up with the most ridiculous excuse possible for why you are unable to turn in your homework today.

Describe a world where all the adults are robots, but kids are still human kids.

Imagine a conversation between yourself and a talking animal.

Describe the kind of creature you’d create if you were a mad scientist. Would it be scary and mean? Nice and friendly?

Invent a new kind of candy. Give it a name, and write a commercial jingle for it.

Write about a day where kids are in charge instead of grown-ups.

Imagine you’re lost in a haunted wood, and tell the story of your escape.

Tell a story that ends with these words: “… and that’s how we all learned to fly.”

Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

Current Events 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you made a time capsule for this year, what would you put in it?

Describe something that you saw in the news recently and how it made you feel.

Tell about an event that happened recently at your school or in your town.

What do you think is one of the world’s biggest problems right now, and how would you solve it?

Read a news story about something happening in another country and summarize it.

Write a news article about something important that happened to you this week.

Create a poem about something in the local news right now.

Write a letter to the editor about a current issue, explaining your opinion.

Find a “good news” story, and share why it makes you happy.

What living famous person do you most admire and why?

What do you think kids today can do about climate change and global warming?

Learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it.

Learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it.

What does the word “racism” mean to you?

What is one thing you would do to make your school or town a better place?

Choose an upcoming sports event, and explain who you think will win.

Describe a current fashion trend or something that’s very popular in your school right now, and how you feel about it.

What can we do to help people with different opinions get along with one another better?

Interview a grown-up you know, and write a news article about them.

What do you think is the best new song right now? The worst? Why?

Describe an event that’s happening in the world right now that you don’t understand. What questions would you ask a grown-up about it?

How do you use writing prompts with your students? Come share your ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Also check out 57 awesome 4th grade books you’ll want to share with students ..

These fourth grade writing prompts are great to spark imaginations and get students writing! Perfect for in-person or virtual learning.

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Join (probably?) the world's largest writing contest. Flex those creative muscles with weekly writing prompts.

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Frame of mind, a photographer captures an image of something unexplainable. what happens next.

LIVE – Mystery

Start your story with someone who has lost everything but finds solace in photography.

LIVE – Dramatic

Write a story where a photograph could change the course of history if it’s delivered to the right (or wrong!) person.

LIVE – Short Story

Center your story around two strangers who bond over their shared love of photography.

LIVE – Character

A forgotten photograph tucked away somewhere is the catalyst for an unexpected journey.

LIVE – Adventure

Set your story during rehearsals for a production of a Shakespeare play.

Write a story about a tragic hero., write a story in which a case of mistaken identity plays a pivotal role., write your story in the form of a script, complete with stage directions., write a story named after, and inspired by, one of shakespeare's plays. think modern retellings, metanarratives, subversions, etc., write a story about two sporting rivals having to work together., write about a moment of defeat., write a story about an underdog, or somebody making a comeback., write about someone who has trained all their life for one moment., set your story in the stands at a major sporting event., write a story about someone finding acceptance., start your story with a character in despair., center your story around a character bargaining for something that's important to them., write a story about anger., write a story about a someone who's in denial., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

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#257 – Shakespeare

#256 – Going for Gold

#255 – The Five Stages

#254 – The Talk of the Ton

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Phoebe Barr – read

Maria Adamkiewicz – read

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#1 Zilla Babbitt

32390 points

#2 Deidra Whitt Lovegren

28755 points

#3 Abigail Airuedomwinya

22425 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14600 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13199 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11547 points

#7 Thom With An H

10694 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10218 points

#9 Michał Przywara

9955 points

#10 Deborah Mercer

9611 points

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creative opinion writing prompts

60 Awesome Opinion Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

Are you searching for a fun and effective way to engage your 3rd grade students in opinion writing? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 60 opinion writing prompts specifically designed for 3rd graders. T hese prompts will not only encourage your students to express their own opinions but also help them develop their critical thinking and persuasive writing skills.

From topics like “Should students have homework?” to “Who is the greatest superhero of all time?” these opinion writing prompts for 3rd grade cover a wide range of subjects that are sure to get your third graders’ creative juices flowing.

Whether they’re discussing their favorite hobbies, sharing their opinions on homework, or debating the merits of technology, these prompts provide endless opportunities for your students to express themselves and engage in writing thoughtful opinion pieces.

Benefits of using opinion writing prompts for 3rd grade

Opinion writing plays a crucial role in elementary education, providing an excellent way for students to develop their voice and express unique perspectives. Engaging in opinion writing helps students think critically, form logical arguments, and support opinions with good reasons and evidence. This skill is not only essential for academic success but also for their future personal and professional endeavors.

Introducing third graders to opinion writing prompts offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the classroom. Here are five key advantages:

1. Critical Thinking Skills

Opinion writing prompts encourage students to analyze and evaluate different viewpoints, helping them develop critical thinking skills as they formulate their own opinions and support them with evidence.

2. Expression of Individual Voice

By expressing their opinions on various topics, students learn to articulate their thoughts and feelings, fostering confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.

3. Persuasive Writing Abilities

Engaging with opinion writing prompts allows students to practice persuasive writing techniques, such as providing convincing arguments and appealing to their audience’s emotions, which are valuable skills for both academic and real-life situations.

4. Empathy and Understanding

Exploring different perspectives through opinion writing prompts promotes empathy and understanding among students as they consider viewpoints that may differ from their own, encouraging tolerance and respect for others’ opinions.

5. Preparation for Academic and Personal Success

Opinion writing prompts prepare third graders for future academic endeavors by honing their writing skills and teaching them to express themselves clearly and persuasively. Additionally, these prompts instill a lifelong love for writing and self-expression, fostering personal growth and success beyond the classroom.

60 Opinion Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

Here is an ultimate list of 60 opinion writing prompts for 3rd grade that will improve your students’ writing skills and get even your most reluctant writers excited about opinion writing! These opinion writing prompts for 3rd grade can be used as opinion essay topics for your opinion unit or can be used for creative writing in a writing center.

opinion writing prompts 3rd grade

  • Pets:  In your opinion, do you believe cats or dogs make better pets? Explain.
  • Junk Food:  What is your favorite junk food, and why?
  • Best Friend:  Who is your best friend, and what makes them special? Explain.
  • Best Season:  What’s your favorite season, and why do you like it?
  • Homework:  Do you think homework is good for kids? Explain your thoughts.
  • Uniforms:  Should we wear uniforms to school or our own clothes? Share your ideas.
  • Favorite Book:  Write about your favorite book and why you love it.
  • Favorite Place:  Where is your favorite place to go, and why?
  • Color:  Which is your favorite color, and why do you like it?
  • Game:  What is your favorite game to play, and why?
  • Favorite Thing:  What is your favorite thing to play with, and why?
  • Best Animal:  What do you think the best animal is, and why?
  • Best Superhero:  Who do you think is the best superhero, and why?
  • Favorite Movie:  Write about your favorite movie and why other kids should watch it.
  • Favorite Dinner:  What is your favorite dinner food, and why?
  • Favorite Animal:  Share why your favorite animal is the best one in the world.
  • Dream Vacation:  If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go, and what would you do there?
  • Pets:  Do you think dogs make good pets? Explain why or why not.
  • Favorite Holiday:  Which holiday is your favorite, and what makes it special to you?
  • Ice Cream:  Which ice cream flavor is the best, and why?
  • Best Place:  What’s the best place you’ve ever visited, and why did you love it?
  • Best Dessert:  Express your opinion on the best dessert and why it tops your list.
  • Social Studies:  What is one particular topic in social studies that is interesting to you, and why?
  • Best Thing:  What is the best thing you have ever received for your birthday, and why?
  • Favorite Adventure:  Describe an exciting day out you had and explain why it was so much fun.
  • Dream Invention:  If you could invent anything, what would it be, and how would it make the world a better place?
  • Book Review:  Write a book review of your favorite book, recommending it to others and sharing what you loved about it.
  • Best School Subject:  Which school subject do you enjoy the most, and why is it your favorite?
  • Space Travel:  What is your opinion on the idea of space travel becoming more common in the future? Explain.
  • Protecting the Environment:  Why is it important to take care of our environment, and what can kids do to help?
  • The Power of Friendship:  What qualities make someone a good friend in your eyes?
  • Weekend:  In your opinion, what’s a great way to spend a lazy weekend afternoon?
  • Fictional Adventure:  If you could step into a storybook, which story would you choose and why?
  • Learning New Skills:  Share a skill you’d love to learn, like playing a musical instrument or a sport, and explain why you’re interested in it.
  • Homework Assignment:  Do you think having a homework assignment every night is a good practice for elementary students? Explain why or why not.
  • School Year:  Do you think the school year should be shorter or longer than it currently is? Explain.
  • Helping Others:  Why is it important to help people in need, and what are some ways you can make a positive difference in your community?
  • School Subjects:  Which school subject do you find the most challenging, and how do you overcome challenges in that subject?
  • Dream Career:  What career do you dream to have when you grow up, and what steps will you take to achieve your goal?
  • School Rules:  What new school rule should we incorporate, and why?
  • Travel:  What country would you like to visit, and what would you do there?
  • Uniforms:  Do you think school uniforms are a good idea or a restriction on personal expression?
  • Community Clean-Up:  Write a letter to our local government persuading them to organize a community clean-up day to make our town a cleaner and more beautiful place.
  • Playground:  Write a letter to our principal explaining what new playground equipment you would like to have and how it would benefit our school.
  • The Power of Friendship:  What qualities make someone a great friend in your eyes?
  • Physical Education:  Do you think physical education is an essential part of school? Why or why not?
  • Board Game:  What is your favorite board game, and why?
  • Perfect Activity:  What would you say is the perfect activity to do outside, and why?
  • Video Games:  What’s your point of view on playing video games after finishing homework?
  • Favorite Season:  Persuade your readers why your favorite season is the best, describing the unique activities that make it special.
  • Technology Use:  Debate whether or not students should be allowed to use Chat GPT or other AI programs to help write their essays.
  • Holiday:  Share which holiday is your favorite, and how the school could celebrate it.
  • Cell Phones:  Do you think that third graders should have cell phones? Why or why not?
  • Students in the Community:  How can students your age become involved in our town? How would it benefit both you and our community?
  • Homework:  Do you think students in our school should have more or less homework? Explain.
  • Sport:  What do you think is the best sport, and why?
  • Virtual Learning:  Share your experience with virtual learning and its challenges or benefits.
  • Good Grades:  Do you think it’s important for you to get good grades? Why or why  not?
  • Foreign Language:  If you could learn any foreign language, which one would it be and why?
  • Sports Teams:  Do you think elementary schools should have competitive sports teams? Why or why not?

3rd Grade Opinion Writing Unit

Set your third graders up for success with our comprehensive 3rd grade opinion writing unit . It’s the perfect resource to elevate their skills and boost their confidence as they venture into more formal writing pieces.

3rd grade opinion writing unit

Incorporating opinion writing into the curriculum encourages students to develop empathy and understanding for diverse viewpoints. As they articulate their opinions and listen to those of their peers, students learn to respect differing perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue.

This fosters a sense of community within the classroom and prepares students to navigate the complexities of the world beyond the school walls. By embracing the power of opinion writing, educators empower their students to become active participants in society, equipped with the critical thinking and communication skills needed to effect positive change.


Opinion writing is a crucial skill for elementary students. These opinion writing prompts for 3rd grade provide a structured starting point, making the opinion writing process engaging and boosting student confidence.

By igniting the spark of self-expression, students will develop essential skills for both academics and real-world success! 

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Artificial Intelligence 50+ Opinion Writing Prompts and Tips for Better AI Writing

creative opinion writing prompts

  • 1) What is Opinion Writing?
  • 2.1) Persuasive writing:
  • 2.2) Editorial writing:
  • 2.3) Reviews:
  • 2.4) Commentary:
  • 3) What are Prompts in AI Writing?
  • 4.1) Opinion Writing Prompts for Technology:
  • 4.2) Politics Opinion Writing Prompts:
  • 4.3) Opinion Writing Prompts for Environment:
  • 4.4) Education Opinion Writing Prompts:
  • 4.5) Health Opinion Writing Prompts:
  • 4.6) Opinion Writing Prompts for Business:
  • 4.7) Opinion Writing Prompts for Arts and Culture:
  • 4.8) Science Opinion Writing Prompts:
  • 4.9) Opinion Writing Prompts for Sports:
  • 4.10) Writing Prompts for Opinion Social Issues:
  • 4.11) Opinion Essay Prompts
  • 5) Tips for Adding Human Touch in AI Generated Opinion Writing
  • 6.1) What are good topics for opinion writing for kids?
  • 6.2) What are good opinion starters?
  • 7) Conclusion:

As AI writing becomes more prevalent, it’s important to develop skills that enable us to create compelling content that engages our audience. In this blog, we’ll explore 50+ opinion writing prompts and tips to help you improve your AI writing skills and create content that resonates with your readers. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, these prompts and tips will help you develop your opinions and communicate them effectively.

What is Opinion Writing?

Opinion writing is a type of writing where a writer shares their own perspective, thoughts, or beliefs on a certain topic or issue. The writer typically presents their opinion in a clear and expressive manner, often with supporting evidence or reasoning to back up their argument. The goal of opinion writing is to persuade the reader to see things from the writer’s point of view or to take a specific action. It is a form of persuasive writing that can be found in many different forms, such as editorials, essays, and reviews .

What are the Four Types of Opinion Writing?

The four types of opinion writing process are:

Persuasive writing: 

Persuasive writing persuades the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view. It uses strong language, emotional appeals, and logical arguments to convince the reader to take a particular action or adopt a particular viewpoint.

Editorial writing: 

Editorial writing appears in newspapers, magazines, and other publications. It is written by a senior member of the publication and reflects the official opinion of the publication on a particular topic or issue.


Reviews evaluate the quality, value, or performance of a product, service, or performance. These include a personal opinion, but also include specific details and criteria used to evaluate the subject being reviewed.


Commentary provides a personal interpretation or analysis of a particular topic or issue. It is written by a subject matter expert or someone with personal experience with the topic, and can include personal anecdotes, analysis, and criticism.

What are Prompts in AI Writing?

Prompts in AI are a set of instructions or guidelines given to an AI language model to generate a specific type of content. These prompts typically include a starting phrase, a topic or category, and additional instructions on what type of language, tone, or structure the content should have.

For example, a prompt for an AI language model can be “Write an opinion piece on the impact of climate change on marginalized communities”. You can also provide additional instructions to AI for using a serious tone, providing statistics or examples, and arguing for specific policy changes. The AI content generator would use these instructions to generate content that matches the prompt.

Creative AI Opinion Writing Prompts You Can Use for Inspiration

Opinion writing prompts for technology:.

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the development of autonomous vehicles.
  • Share your opinion on the ethical implications of facial recognition technology.
  • Provide your thoughts on whether technology is making us more or less productive.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of smartphones on social interactions.
  • Argue for or against the use of AI chatbots in customer service.

Politics Opinion Writing Prompts:

  • Share your thoughts on the importance of political correctness in public discourse.
  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of ranked-choice voting systems.
  • Provide your perspective on the effectiveness of sanctions as a means of foreign policy.
  • Write an opinion piece on the role of the media in shaping public opinion.
  • Argue for or against the use of referendums as a means of direct democracy.

Opinion Writing Prompts for Environment:

  • Share your opinion on the importance of recycling in mitigating climate change.
  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of carbon taxes as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Provide your perspective on whether environmental protection should take priority over economic growth.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of climate change on marginalized communities.
  • Argue for or against the use of geoengineering as a means of addressing climate change.

Education Opinion Writing Prompts:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of technology in classrooms.
  • Provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of standardized testing in measuring student achievement.
  • Share your opinion on whether public or private schools provide a better education.
  • Write an opinion piece on the importance of student debt forgiveness.
  • Argue for or against the use of affirmative action policies in college admissions.

Health Opinion Writing Prompts:

  • Share your opinion on the ethics of animal testing in medical research.
  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the legalization of assisted suicide.
  • Provide your perspective on the importance of mental health parity laws.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of the opioid epidemic on American society.
  • Argue for or against the use of telemedicine as a means of providing healthcare to underserved populations.

Opinion Writing Prompts for Business:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the implementation of a universal basic income.
  • Provide your opinion on the ethics of corporate social responsibility.
  • Share your thoughts on whether the government should regulate big tech companies.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of automation on the job market.
  • Argue for or against the use of performance-based pay in the workplace.

Opinion Writing Prompts for Arts and Culture:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against government funding for the arts.
  • Provide your perspective on the importance of diversity in representation in the entertainment industry.
  • Share your opinion on whether censorship is ever justified in art.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of social media on the arts.
  • Argue for or against the use of trigger warnings in art and media.

Science Opinion Writing Prompts:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of gene editing in human embryos.
  • Provide your thoughts on the ethics of animal cloning.
  • Share your opinion on whether scientists should be held responsible for the misuse of their research.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of technology on scientific research.
  • Argue for or against the use of gene drives as a means of eradicating invasive species.

Opinion Writing Prompts for Sports:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • Provide your perspective on the importance of gender equality in sports.
  • Share your opinion on whether college athletes should be paid.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of sports on mental health.
  • Argue for or against the use of instant replay technology in sports officiating.

Writing Prompts for Opinion Social Issues:

  • Write an editorial arguing for or against the use of affirmative action policies in hiring practices.
  • Provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of restorative justice in the criminal justice system.
  • Share your opinion on whether hate speech should be protected by the First Amendment.
  • Write an opinion piece on the impact of income inequality on American society.
  • Argue for or against the use of reparations as a means of addressing historical injustices.

Opinion Essay Prompts

  • Write an opinion essay arguing for or against the implementation of a four-day workweek.
  • Provide your opinion on the impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • Write an opinion essay on the ethics of artificial intelligence, arguing for or against the development of fully autonomous AI systems.
  • Argue for or against the use of psychedelic drugs in treating mental health disorders, providing examples and evidence to support your argument.
  • Write an opinion essay on the importance of environmental conservation, arguing for or against the use of market-based mechanisms such as cap-and-trade systems or carbon taxes.

Tips for Adding Human Touch in AI Generated Opinion Writing

It is true that AI writing tools save you from the painstaking and time consuming process of finding opinion writing topics and opinion writing starters. When you have the right prompts for opinion writing, you can give accurate instructions to an AI writer and get accurate AI content as output. However, writing opinion type content requires some human touch. Here are some tips on how to improve your AI content:

  • Fact check AI content
  • Check for sentence flow and coherence
  • Adopt a storytelling or conversational style
  • Check for any grammatical errors
  • Edit and add human touch to AI content
  • Apply SEO Best practices in the content
  • Provide your unique perspective in the content
  • Keep your audience in mind when writing
  • Check for plagiarism and originality 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are good topics for opinion writing for kids.

Here are some good topics for opinion writing for kids:

  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in the classroom?
  • Is it important to eat breakfast every day?
  • Should kids have to wear school uniforms?
  • Should schools have a longer summer break?
  • Is it better to read books or watch movies?
  • Should students be assigned homework over the weekend?
  • Should there be a limit to how much time kids can spend on social media?
  • Should kids be allowed to have pets in their bedrooms?
  • Is it important to recycle and conserve resources?
  • Should kids be allowed to choose their own bedtime?

Choose topics that are age-appropriate and relevant to the child’s experiences and interests. Encourage kids to think critically and provide supporting evidence or reasons for their opinions.

What are good opinion starters?

Good opinion starters are phrases or sentences that can help introduce and frame your opinion in a clear and effective way. Here are some examples of good opinion starters:

  • “In my opinion…”
  • “I believe that…”
  • “From my perspective…”
  • “As far as I’m concerned…”
  • “It seems to me that…”
  • “In my view…”
  • “I’m of the opinion that…”
  • “To my way of thinking…”
  • “Personally, I think that…”
  • “It’s my belief that…”


With these 50+ opinion writing prompts and tips, you’ll be able to create engaging and compelling content that resonates with your readers. Whether you’re writing for personal or professional reasons, these prompts and tips will help you hone your AI writing skills and take your content to the next level. Start using them today and watch your writing skills improve.

Recommended Reads:

  • What is a Literary Analysis and How to Write it Correctly?
  • How to Write a Query Letter – Templates & Examples
  • How to Write a Memoir to Gain Reader’s Attention?
  • How to Write an Academic Paper – Tips with Examples

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  • What is AI Literacy; How to Become AI Literate
  • How Content Marketing Drives Sales; The Importance of AI Integration
  • The Rise of AI Generated Podcast; Unveiling the Future
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student opinion

130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing

Questions on everything from mental health and sports to video games and dating. Which ones inspire you to take a stand?

creative opinion writing prompts

By The Learning Network

Note: We have an updated version of this list, with 300 new argumentative writing prompts .

What issues do you care most about? What topics do you find yourself discussing passionately, whether online, at the dinner table, in the classroom or with your friends?

In Unit 5 of our free yearlong writing curriculum and related Student Editorial Contest , we invite students to research and write about the issues that matter to them, whether that’s Shakespeare , health care , standardized testing or being messy .

But with so many possibilities, where does one even begin? Try our student writing prompts.

In 2017, we compiled a list of 401 argumentative writing prompts , all drawn from our daily Student Opinion column . Now, we’re rounding up 130 more we’ve published since then ( available here as a PDF ). Each prompt links to a free Times article as well as additional subquestions that can help you think more deeply about it.

You might use this list to inspire your own writing and to find links to reliable resources about the issues that intrigue you. But even if you’re not participating in our contest, you can use these prompts to practice the kind of low-stakes writing that can help you hone your argumentation skills.

So scroll through the list below with questions on everything from sports and mental health to dating and video games and see which ones inspire you to take a stand.

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The Ultimate Guide to AI Prompts for Content Writing in 2024

Dave Andre

  • July 3, 2024 Updated


Artificial intelligence in content writing has been a game changer for writers. From brainstorming innovative ideas to creating detailed outlines, AI tools simplify the writing process.  They offer many suggestions, ensuring you never face writer’s block again.

These tools can also help repurpose your existing content, giving it a fresh twist and extending its reach. Whether you’re writing blog posts, social media updates, or marketing copy, AI prompts streamline your workflow, saving you valuable time.

Ready to revolutionize your content creation process? Discover the power of AI prompts for content writing and transform your writing process.

What is the Role of AI in Modern Content Writing?

I strongly believe that AI plays a transformative role in modern content writing. It assists writers by generating ideas, creating outlines, and drafting content. AI analyzes vast data to suggest trending topics, ensuring writers stay relevant and productive.  By automating repetitive tasks, AI allows writers to focus on creative aspects, enhancing overall efficiency and content quality.


On the other hand, If I talk about traditional human writing in which human writers handle the entire content creation process. This method, while effective in fostering creativity and emotional connection, often requires significant time and effort. The integration of AI streamlines this process, combining human creativity with machine efficiency.

What Are the Most Creative AI Prompts for Content Writing?

Writing AI prompts can significantly boost your creativity and productivity as a content writer. Here are some of the most creative AI prompts for content writing that can transform your workflow:

Blog Topics

1- “Generate a list of hidden gem topics within the [your industry] that people rarely discuss but are highly relevant and engaging.”


2- Craft a blog post topic that challenges a popular belief in [your industry] with a well-researched and in-depth analysis.”


Detailed Outlines

1- Create an outline for a comprehensive guide on [your topic]. Include an engaging introduction, key points with subheadings, and a compelling conclusion. Ensure each section has a logical flow and clear explanations.”


2- “Develop a detailed outline for a step-by-step process to achieve [specific task] in [your industry]. Include an introduction, step-by-step instructions, tips for each step, and a conclusion summarizing the process.”


Repurposing Content

1- “Transform my blog post about [topic] into a podcast script. Include an introduction, main points with detailed explanations, and a conclusion. Ensure the language is conversational and engaging for audio listeners.”


2- “Create an outline for a YouTube video based on my blog post about [topic]. Include an engaging hook, key points with visuals or examples, and a call to action. Make sure the content is optimized for visual presentation.”


Generating Catchy Headlines

1- “Generate a list of 5 catchy and SEO-optimized headlines for a blog post about [your topic]. Ensure they are engaging and include relevant keywords.”


2- “Create 5 compelling and attention-grabbing titles for an article on [your topic], designed to increase click-through rates.”

five-Compelling-article on-cycling

Improving Content Flow

1- “Suggest effective transition phrases and connectors to improve the flow of my article on [your topic]. Ensure the transitions are smooth and maintain the reader’s interest.”


2- “Provide suggestions for restructuring paragraphs in my article about [your topic] to enhance readability and coherence. Focus on logical progression and clarity.”


Which AI tool is Best for Content Writing?

I have mentioned the best AI tools for content writing below. You can also use these AI tools for various purposes like AI prompts for Storytelling and logo design .

An AI writing assistant designed to generate high-quality content quickly. Content templates, SEO optimization, grammar checks, and integration with other tools. Starting at $29/month
A user-friendly AI tool for creating engaging marketing copy and content. Multiple writing styles, content ideas, email support, social media content generation. Free plan available, Pro starting at $49/month
An AI tool focused on producing marketing content, including ads, blog posts, and product descriptions. AI-powered suggestions, various content types, tone customization, and long-form content creation. Starting at $13/month
An affordable AI writing assistant for creating various types of content. Multiple languages, plagiarism checker, content style customization, keyword optimization. Free plan available, Premium starting at $29/month
AI-driven content generation for blogs, social media, and more. Custom content templates, SEO tools, content idea generation, grammar, and style checks. Starting at $29/month

What Are the Key Benefits of AI Prompts for Content Writing?

Utilizing AI prompts for content writing offers numerous advantages that can enhance your writing process and output. Here are the key benefits:

  • AI prompts provide fresh and innovative ideas, helping you overcome writer’s block and explore new perspectives.
  • Quickly generate topics, outlines, and drafts, saving valuable time that can be used for refining and editing your content.
  • Create well-organized content with detailed outlines and structured guides, ensuring a logical flow and comprehensive coverage of topics.
  • Effortlessly transform existing content into different formats, such as podcasts, videos, or social media posts, maximizing the reach and impact of your work.
  • Generate SEO-optimized headlines and topics, improving your content’s visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Craft attention-grabbing headlines and engaging content that captivates your audience and encourages interaction.

What Are the Ethical Considerations When Using AI in Content Writing?

Using AI in content writing raises several ethical considerations that writers and organizations must address:

Originality and Plagiarism:

Ensuring that AI-generated content, such as an AI prompt for HR , is original and not directly copied from other sources is important to maintain ethical standards and avoid plagiarism.


Writers should be transparent about the use of AI in their content creation process. Readers deserve to know if the content, including an AI prompt for e-commerce , they are consuming is generated or assisted by AI.

Quality and Accuracy:

AI tools can sometimes produce content that is factually incorrect or misleading. Writers must verify the accuracy and quality of AI-generated content to uphold credibility.

Bias and Fairness:

AI algorithms can unintentionally incorporate biases present in the data they are trained on. It’s important to monitor and mitigate any biases to ensure fair and balanced content.

Employment Impact:

The increasing use of AI in content writing could impact job opportunities for human writers. Organizations should consider how to integrate AI without displacing valuable human talent.

How Companies Are Implementing AI in Content Writing: Real-World Use Cases

Artificial intelligence , particularly ChatGPT, has revolutionized how companies approach content creation and customer engagement. Below, I mentioned some notable examples of how different companies have integrated AI into their content strategies.

Expedia has embedded conversational AI into its services, allowing customers to plan their trips through a chat interface. This AI-driven interaction helps in creating smart lists of hotels and attractions tailored to customer preferences, enhancing the travel planning experience.

2. Microsoft

Microsoft has integrated ChatGPT into its Bing search engine, transforming traditional search results into conversational responses. The company also plans to incorporate this technology into its software suite, such as Word and Excel, to boost productivity through AI-powered suggestions and assistance.

3. Duolingo

Duolingo leverages GPT-4 to provide detailed explanations and interactive language practice sessions. These features mimic human tutoring, offering students personalized feedback and engaging role-playing scenarios to improve language skills.

4. Coca-Cola

In collaboration with Bain & Company, Coca-Cola uses ChatGPT for marketing and personalized customer experiences. The AI assists in creating targeted ad copy and images, enhancing customer engagement through tailored content.

5. Snap Inc

Snapchat’s My AI feature integrates conversational AI, allowing users to interact with a virtual friend for advice and entertainment. This AI-driven contact can suggest gifts, plan trips, or offer dinner ideas, making user interaction more dynamic and personalized.

Slack’s integration of ChatGPT helps users manage workflows and improve productivity. The AI assistant is available to answer questions and provide suggestions, streamlining communication and project management within teams.

7. Octopus Energy

Octopus Energy employs ChatGPT to handle customer inquiries, significantly reducing the workload on human agents. The AI’s efficiency has led to higher customer satisfaction ratings and a substantial improvement in operational efficiency.

8. Cheggmate

Cheggmate, powered by GPT-4, enhances the educational platform by providing AI-driven answers and explanations. This service aims to support students with assignments, offering detailed, human-like assistance and feedback.

9. Freshworks

Freshworks uses ChatGPT to accelerate software development, reducing the time needed to create complex applications. The AI also acts as a coding tutor, providing explanations and debugging assistance, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the development team.

10. Udacity

Udacity’s intelligent virtual tutor, powered by GPT-4, offers personalized guidance and feedback to students. This AI tutor helps clarify complex concepts, summarize lessons, and translate content, making online learning more accessible and effective.

How Will AI Shape the Future of Content Writing?

Let’s see how AI will shape the future of content writing and in what ways writers can be beneficial;

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

AI-powered tools can handle mundane and time-consuming tasks such as proofreading, grammar checking, and formatting. This automation allows content writers to focus more on strategic and creative aspects of their work, thereby boosting productivity and efficiency.

Data-Driven Content Creation

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trending topics, popular content structures, and effective headlines. By leveraging data-driven insights, writers can enhance the quality and impact of their work.

SEO Optimization

AI tools are adept at optimizing content for search engines. By incorporating these SEO capabilities, content writers can improve their search engine rankings and increase user engagement.

Enhanced Creativity and Quality

AI writing tools can offer suggestions to improve grammar, style, and readability. Additionally, AI can assist in brainstorming ideas and generating content outlines, enhancing the overall creativity and quality of the content.

Ethical Considerations

While AI brings numerous benefits, it also raises ethical concerns. AI models can perpetuate biases present in their training data, leading to biased content. Balancing the use of AI technology with ethical considerations is crucial for maintaining the integrity of content.

Collaboration Between AI and Human Writers

The future of content writing lies in the harmonious collaboration between AI and human writers. This collaboration can lead to the creation of high-quality content that deeply connects with audiences.

How to use AI for content writing?

How to write chatgpt prompts for content creation, is ai the future of content writing, is ai content writing worth it, is there an ai that writes content for free, how is ai changing content writing.

AI prompts for content writing have revolutionized the way we create and optimize content. They streamline workflows, generate innovative ideas, and enhance productivity , allowing writers to focus on creativity and quality.

By integrating AI into your content strategy, you can overcome writer’s block, repurpose existing content, and produce engaging SEO-optimized pieces. Embrace the power of AI prompts and transform your content creation process for the better.

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Digital marketing enthusiast by day, nature wanderer by dusk. Dave Andre blends two decades of AI and SaaS expertise into impactful strategies for SMEs. His weekends? Lost in books on tech trends and rejuvenating on scenic trails.

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Unlock Your Creativity with Our Free AI Writing Generator, No Sign Up Needed

creative opinion writing prompts

06 Jul 2024 • 4 min

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Welcome to this blog post where we will discover how a free AI writing generator can help you unleash your creativity. And the best part? You don't even need to sign up to start using this incredible tool!

Have you ever struggled to come up with ideas for a story, essay, or blog post? Well, imagine having a magical tool that can help you generate text that is not only coherent but also engaging. That's exactly what an AI writing generator does!

So, let's dive in and explore how this tool can assist you in exploring your creative side without the hassle of signing up. Ready to embark on this exciting journey to boost your creativity? Let's get started!

Table of Contents

What is an ai writing generator, how can an ai writing generator help you, getting started with the free ai writing generator, tips for using the ai writing generator effectively, examples of content created with the ai writing generator, exploring the limits of ai in creative writing, frequently asked questions.

An AI writing generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence technology to help you generate written content. It works by analyzing patterns and data to create text that is coherent and engaging.

Don't write alone! Get your new assistant!

Transform your writing experience with our advanced AI. Keep creativity at your fingertips!

Imagine having a robot friend who can help you write stories, essays, or even emails by providing you with suggestions and ideas. That's exactly what an AI writing generator does - it's like having a super smart assistant who can brainstorm with you!

This tool can be really handy when you're stuck on what to write about or if you need some fresh perspectives on a topic. It's like having a brainstorming buddy right at your fingertips!

How it Works

When you input your ideas or prompts into the AI writing generator, it uses its AI magic to analyze the information and generate text based on that input. It can help you come up with new ways to express your thoughts and ideas, making your writing more interesting and engaging.

So, if you ever find yourself in need of a little inspiration or a boost in your writing, an AI writing generator can be a great tool to turn to!

Using an AI writing generator can be incredibly beneficial for unleashing your creativity and saving time in the content creation process. Let's delve into how this tool can assist you in your writing endeavors.

Boosting Creativity

One of the key advantages of utilizing an AI writing generator is its ability to spark your creativity. By providing you with new ideas and perspectives, this tool can help you overcome writer's block and generate fresh content effortlessly. Whether you're working on a school project or crafting a story for fun, the AI writing generator can offer valuable insights and inspiration.

Time-Saving Solution

Another significant benefit of using an AI writing generator is its efficiency in generating written content quickly. Instead of spending hours brainstorming and drafting text, you can input your ideas into the tool and let it do the work for you. This time-saving feature allows you to focus on refining your content and exploring different creative avenues without the burden of starting from scratch.

Unlock your inner creativity with our AI writing generator! No sign up needed, just let your imagination flow [insert link] #creativity #writing #inspiration

Are you ready to unleash your creativity with the help of a free AI writing generator? Great news - you don't even need to sign up to start using this amazing tool!

Using the Tool

To get started with the free AI writing generator, all you have to do is visit the website and begin typing your ideas. The tool will analyze your input and help generate text based on the content you provide.

Steps to Begin

Once you're on the website, simply click on the text field and start typing. You can input prompts, ideas, or even partial sentences to kickstart the AI writing generator. It will then generate text for you to read and work with.

Feel free to experiment with different types of prompts and see what kind of content the AI generator can come up with. This exploration can help spark new ideas and enhance your creativity.

When it comes to using the AI writing generator effectively, there are a few tips and best practices you can follow to make the most out of this tool. By incorporating these tips into your workflow, you can enhance your creativity and produce unique content. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

AI Blog Writer

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Empower Students with Our Free AI Writing Generator

AI Blog Writer. Automate your blog for WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix.

Easily integrate with just one click. skyrocket your traffic by generating high-quality articles and publishing them automatically directly to your blog..

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Experiment with Different Prompts

One of the best ways to maximize the AI writing generator is to input various prompts and topics. By experimenting with different ideas, you can explore new avenues of creativity and generate fresh content. Don't be afraid to try out unconventional prompts to see what the tool can come up with!

Embrace the Text Generated

While it's essential to input diverse prompts, it's equally important to embrace the text generated by the AI writing tool. Instead of immediately dismissing the output, take the time to read through it and look for hidden gems. You may be surprised by the creative ideas that emerge from the generated text.

Combine and Refine Generated Text

An effective strategy for using the AI writing generator is to combine and refine the generated text. You can take snippets of text from different outputs and stitch them together to create a cohesive piece. This process allows you to leverage the tool's creativity while adding your personal touch to the content.

By following these tips and implementing them into your workflow, you can harness the power of the AI writing generator to unlock your creativity and produce engaging content. Experiment with different prompts, embrace the generated text, and refine it to suit your vision. With these strategies in place, you'll be well on your way to creating unique and compelling written material.

Are you dreaming of exotic destinations and sandy beaches? In this travel blog post, we'll take you on a virtual journey to some of the most breathtaking locations around the world. Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure!

Example 2: Product Description

Introducing the latest gadget that will revolutionize your daily routine. This state-of-the-art device is designed to make your life easier and more efficient. Say goodbye to mundane tasks and hello to innovation!

Example 3: Creative Writing Prompt

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there lived a brave knight on a quest to save the princess from an evil dragon. Join him on his adventure as he battles fierce creatures and overcomes impossible challenges. The fate of the kingdom is in his hands!

While AI writing generators are powerful tools, they have limitations when it comes to creativity. These tools are fantastic at helping you brainstorm ideas, structure your content, and even generate text for you. However, they lack the human touch that makes writing truly unique and imaginative.

AI in Creative Writing

AI writing generators use complex algorithms to analyze patterns and data in order to create text. They excel at repetitive tasks and can generate content quickly and efficiently. This can be incredibly helpful when you're stuck for ideas or need a starting point for your writing.

Limitations of AI

One major limitation of AI in creative writing is its inability to truly understand human emotions, intuition, and experiences. While it can generate text that sounds coherent and engaging, it may lack the depth and emotional connection that human writers can bring to their work.

The Human Touch

What sets human writers apart is their ability to infuse their writing with their unique perspective, emotions, and creativity. While AI can assist in the writing process, it cannot replace the authenticity and originality that human writers bring to their work.

So, while AI writing generators are excellent tools for generating content and sparking creativity, remember that they are just that – tools. The real magic happens when you combine the efficiency of AI with the human touch of your own creativity and imagination.

After exploring the ins and outs of the free AI writing generator, it's evident that this tool can be a game-changer when it comes to unlocking your creativity. By simply visiting the website and inputting your ideas, you can generate engaging content without the hassle of signing up.

Give the AI writing generator a try and see where your imagination takes you. With its ability to provide new perspectives and save you time in content creation, this tool can be a valuable asset in your creative arsenal. While it has its limitations, such as lacking the human touch in crafting truly unique content, it can still be a catalyst for unleashing your creativity.

How do I use the AI writing generator?

To use the AI writing generator, all you need to do is visit the website and start typing your ideas. The tool will then analyze your input and generate text based on the content you provide. It's as simple as that!

What are the benefits of using an AI writing generator?

Using an AI writing generator comes with a range of benefits. Firstly, it can boost your creativity by providing you with new ideas and perspectives that you may not have thought of on your own. Additionally, it helps save time by quickly generating content for you to work with, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your writing or creative projects.

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AI Blog Writer.

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Easily integrate with just one click. Boost your productivity. Reduce your writing time by half and publishing high-quality articles automatically directly to your blog.

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Unlock Creativity with Our Free AI Writing Generator - No Sign-up Needed

Unleash your creativity with our ai writing generator - discover the endless possibilities with no sign-up required. get inspired now.

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Unlock Your Creativity with Our Free AI Writing Generator Online

Unleash your inner creativity with our revolutionary ai writing generator. say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless inspiration.

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Unlock the Power of AI with Our Free Writing Generator

Discover the secret tool that writers are using to revolutionize their work and tap into the limitless possibilities of ai., thanks for subscribing, be the first to know about releases and industry news and insights., join our newsletter, sign up for the very best tutorials and the latest news., useful content, ai generators.

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    Example 3: Creative Writing Prompt. Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there lived a brave knight on a quest to save the princess from an evil dragon. Join him on his adventure as he battles fierce creatures and overcomes impossible challenges. The fate of the kingdom is in his hands! Exploring the Limits of AI in Creative Writing