5 Newton’s Laws of Motion

5.4 mass and weight, learning objectives.

By the end of the section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between mass and weight
  • Explain why falling objects on Earth are never truly in free fall
  • Describe the concept of weightlessness

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction. Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.

Units of Force

The equation [latex] {F}_{\text{net}}=ma [/latex] is used to define net force in terms of mass, length, and time. As explained earlier, the SI unit of force is the newton. Since [latex] {F}_{\text{net}}=ma, [/latex]

Although almost the entire world uses the newton for the unit of force, in the United States, the most familiar unit of force is the pound (lb), where 1 N = 0.225 lb. Thus, a 225-lb person weighs 1000 N.

Weight and Gravitational Force

When an object is dropped, it accelerates toward the center of Earth. Newton’s second law says that a net force on an object is responsible for its acceleration. If air resistance is negligible, the net force on a falling object is the gravitational force, commonly called its weight [latex] \overset{\to }{w} [/latex], or its force due to gravity acting on an object of mass m . Weight can be denoted as a vector because it has a direction; down is, by definition, the direction of gravity, and hence, weight is a downward force. The magnitude of weight is denoted as w . Galileo was instrumental in showing that, in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration g . Using Galileo’s result and Newton’s second law, we can derive an equation for weight.

Consider an object with mass m falling toward Earth. It experiences only the downward force of gravity, which is the weight [latex] \overset{\to }{w} [/latex]. Newton’s second law says that the magnitude of the net external force on an object is [latex] {\overset{\to }{F}}_{\text{net}}=m\overset{\to }{a}. [/latex] We know that the acceleration of an object due to gravity is [latex] \overset{\to }{g}, [/latex] or [latex] \overset{\to }{a}=\overset{\to }{g} [/latex]. Substituting these into Newton’s second law gives us the following equations.

The gravitational force on a mass is its weight. We can write this in vector form, where [latex] \overset{\to }{w} [/latex] is weight and m is mass, as

In scalar form, we can write

Since [latex] g=9.80\,{\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex] on Earth, the weight of a 1.00-kg object on Earth is 9.80 N:

When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free fall , that is, the only force acting on the object is gravity. However, when objects on Earth fall downward, they are never truly in free fall because there is always some upward resistance force from the air acting on the object.

Acceleration due to gravity g varies slightly over the surface of Earth, so the weight of an object depends on its location and is not an intrinsic property of the object. Weight varies dramatically if we leave Earth’s surface. On the Moon, for example, acceleration due to gravity is only [latex] {1.67\,\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]. A 1.0-kg mass thus has a weight of 9.8 N on Earth and only about 1.7 N on the Moon.

The broadest definition of weight in this sense is that the weight of an object is the gravitational force on it from the nearest large body, such as Earth, the Moon, or the Sun. This is the most common and useful definition of weight in physics. It differs dramatically, however, from the definition of weight used by NASA and the popular media in relation to space travel and exploration. When they speak of “weightlessness” and “microgravity,” they are referring to the phenomenon we call “free fall” in physics. We use the preceding definition of weight, force [latex] \overset{\to }{w} [/latex] due to gravity acting on an object of mass m , and we make careful distinctions between free fall and actual weightlessness.

Be aware that weight and mass are different physical quantities, although they are closely related. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object: It is a quantity of matter. The quantity or amount of matter of an object is determined by the numbers of atoms and molecules of various types it contains. Because these numbers do not vary, in Newtonian physics, mass does not vary; therefore, its response to an applied force does not vary. In contrast, weight is the gravitational force acting on an object, so it does vary depending on gravity. For example, a person closer to the center of Earth, at a low elevation such as New Orleans, weighs slightly more than a person who is located in the higher elevation of Denver, even though they may have the same mass.

It is tempting to equate mass to weight, because most of our examples take place on Earth, where the weight of an object varies only a little with the location of the object. In addition, it is difficult to count and identify all of the atoms and molecules in an object, so mass is rarely determined in this manner. If we consider situations in which [latex] \overset{\to }{g} [/latex] is a constant on Earth, we see that weight [latex] \overset{\to }{w} [/latex] is directly proportional to mass m , since [latex] \overset{\to }{w}=m\overset{\to }{g}, [/latex] that is, the more massive an object is, the more it weighs. Operationally, the masses of objects are determined by comparison with the standard kilogram, as we discussed in Units and Measurement . But by comparing an object on Earth with one on the Moon, we can easily see a variation in weight but not in mass. For instance, on Earth, a 5.0-kg object weighs 49 N; on the Moon, where g is [latex] {1.67\,\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex], the object weighs 8.4 N. However, the mass of the object is still 5.0 kg on the Moon.

Clearing a Field

A farmer is lifting some moderately heavy rocks from a field to plant crops. He lifts a stone that weighs 40.0 lb. (about 180 N). What force does he apply if the stone accelerates at a rate of [latex] 1.5\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}? [/latex]

We were given the weight of the stone, which we use in finding the net force on the stone. However, we also need to know its mass to apply Newton’s second law, so we must apply the equation for weight, [latex] w=mg [/latex], to determine the mass.

No forces act in the horizontal direction, so we can concentrate on vertical forces, as shown in the following free-body diagram. We label the acceleration to the side; technically, it is not part of the free-body diagram, but it helps to remind us that the object accelerates upward (so the net force is upward).

Figure shows a free-body diagram with vector w equal to 180 newtons pointing downwards and vector F of unknown magnitude pointing upwards. Acceleration a is equal to 1.5 meters per second squared.

[latex] \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill w& =\hfill & mg\hfill \\ \hfill m& =\hfill & \frac{w}{g}=\frac{180\,\text{N}}{9.8\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}}=18\,\text{kg}\hfill \\ \hfill \sum F& =\hfill & ma\hfill \\ \hfill F-w& =\hfill & ma\hfill \\ \hfill F-180\,\text{N}& =\hfill & (18\,\text{kg})(1.5\,{\text{m/s}}^{2})\hfill \\ \hfill F-180\,\text{N}& =\hfill & 27\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill F& =\hfill & 207\,\text{N}=210\,\text{N to two significant figures}\hfill \end{array} [/latex]


To apply Newton’s second law as the primary equation in solving a problem, we sometimes have to rely on other equations, such as the one for weight or one of the kinematic equations, to complete the solution.

Check Your Understanding

For (Example) , find the acceleration when the farmer’s applied force is 230.0 N.

[latex] a=2.78\,{\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]

Can you avoid the boulder field and land safely just before your fuel runs out, as Neil Armstrong did in 1969? This version of the classic video game accurately simulates the real motion of the lunar lander, with the correct mass, thrust, fuel consumption rate, and lunar gravity. The real lunar lander is hard to control.

Use this interactive simulation to move the Sun, Earth, Moon, and space station to see the effects on their gravitational forces and orbital paths. Visualize the sizes and distances between different heavenly bodies, and turn off gravity to see what would happen without it.

  • Mass is the quantity of matter in a substance.
  • The weight of an object is the net force on a falling object, or its gravitational force. The object experiences acceleration due to gravity.
  • Some upward resistance force from the air acts on all falling objects on Earth, so they can never truly be in free fall.
  • Careful distinctions must be made between free fall and weightlessness using the definition of weight as force due to gravity acting on an object of a certain mass.

Conceptual Questions

What is the relationship between weight and mass? Which is an intrinsic, unchanging property of a body?

How much does a 70-kg astronaut weight in space, far from any celestial body? What is her mass at this location?

The astronaut is truly weightless in the location described, because there is no large body (planet or star) nearby to exert a gravitational force. Her mass is 70 kg regardless of where she is located.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

(a) Mass and weight are the same thing expressed in different units.

(b) If an object has no weight, it must have no mass.

(c) If the weight of an object varies, so must the mass.

(d) Mass and inertia are different concepts.

(e) Weight is always proportional to mass.

When you stand on Earth, your feet push against it with a force equal to your weight. Why doesn’t Earth accelerate away from you?

The force you exert (a contact force equal in magnitude to your weight) is small. Earth is extremely massive by comparison. Thus, the acceleration of Earth would be incredibly small. To see this, use Newton’s second law to calculate the acceleration you would cause if your weight is 600.0 N and the mass of Earth is [latex] 6.00\,×\,{10}^{24}\,\text{kg} [/latex].

How would you give the value of [latex] \overset{\to }{g} [/latex] in vector form?

The weight of an astronaut plus his space suit on the Moon is only 250 N. (a) How much does the suited astronaut weigh on Earth? (b) What is the mass on the Moon? On Earth?

a. [latex] \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {w}_{\text{Moon}}& =\hfill & m{g}_{\text{Moon}}\hfill \\ \hfill m& =\hfill & 150\,\text{kg}\hfill \\ \hfill {w}_{\text{Earth}}& =\hfill & 1.5\,×\,{10}^{3}\,\text{N}\hfill \end{array} [/latex]; b. Mass does not change, so the suited astronaut’s mass on both Earth and the Moon is [latex] 150\,\text{kg.} [/latex]

Suppose the mass of a fully loaded module in which astronauts take off from the Moon is [latex] 1.00\,×\,{10}^{4} [/latex] kg. The thrust of its engines is [latex] 3.00\,×\,{10}^{4} [/latex] N. (a) Calculate the module’s magnitude of acceleration in a vertical takeoff from the Moon. (b) Could it lift off from Earth? If not, why not? If it could, calculate the magnitude of its acceleration.

A rocket sled accelerates at a rate of [latex] {49.0\,\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]. Its passenger has a mass of 75.0 kg. (a) Calculate the horizontal component of the force the seat exerts against his body. Compare this with his weight using a ratio. (b) Calculate the direction and magnitude of the total force the seat exerts against his body.

a. [latex] \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {F}_{\text{h}}& =\hfill & 3.68\,×\,{10}^{3}\,\text{N and}\hfill \\ \hfill w& =\hfill & 7.35\,×\,{10}^{2}\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill \frac{{F}_{\text{h}}}{w}& =\hfill & 5.00\,\text{times greater than weight}\hfill \end{array} [/latex];

b. [latex] \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & 3750\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill \theta & =\hfill & 11.3\text{°}\,\text{from horizontal}\hfill \end{array} [/latex]

Repeat the previous problem for a situation in which the rocket sled decelerates at a rate of [latex] {201\,\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]. In this problem, the forces are exerted by the seat and the seat belt.

A body of mass 2.00 kg is pushed straight upward by a 25.0 N vertical force. What is its acceleration?

[latex] \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill w& =\hfill & 19.6\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & 5.40\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & ma⇒a=2.70\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}\hfill \end{array} [/latex]

A car weighing 12,500 N starts from rest and accelerates to 83.0 km/h in 5.00 s. The friction force is 1350 N. Find the applied force produced by the engine.

A body with a mass of 10.0 kg is assumed to be in Earth’s gravitational field with [latex] g=9.80\,{\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]. What is its acceleration?

[latex] 0.60\hat{i}-8.4\hat{j}\,{\text{m/s}}^{2} [/latex]

A fireman has mass m ; he hears the fire alarm and slides down the pole with acceleration a (which is less than g in magnitude). (a) Write an equation giving the vertical force he must apply to the pole. (b) If his mass is 90.0 kg and he accelerates at [latex] 5.00\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}, [/latex] what is the magnitude of his applied force?

A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 60.0 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in 0.0100 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?

When the Moon is directly overhead at sunset, the force by Earth on the Moon, [latex] {F}_{\text{EM}} [/latex], is essentially at [latex] 90\text{°} [/latex] to the force by the Sun on the Moon, [latex] {F}_{\text{SM}} [/latex], as shown below. Given that [latex] {F}_{\text{EM}}=1.98\,×\,{10}^{20}\,\text{N} [/latex] and [latex] {F}_{\text{SM}}=4.36\,×\,{10}^{20}\,\text{N}, [/latex] all other forces on the Moon are negligible, and the mass of the Moon is [latex] 7.35\,×\,{10}^{22}\,\text{kg}, [/latex] determine the magnitude of the Moon’s acceleration.

Figure shows a circle labeled moon. An arrow from it, pointing up is labeled F subscript EM. Another arrow from it pointing right is labeled F subscript SM.

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Mass and weight – problems and solutions

Solved problems in Newton’s laws of motion – Mass, and weight

1. The weight of a 1 kg mass at the surface of the Earth is… g = 9.8 m/s 2

Wanted: weight (w)

m = mass (The SI unit of mass is the kilogram, kg)

w = (1 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 ) = 9.8 kg m/s 2 = 9.8 Newton

w x = the horizontal component of the weight and w y = the vertical component of the weight

The horizontal component of the weight :

w y = w cos 30 o = (9.8 N)(0.5√3) = 4.9√3 Newton

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5.4 Mass and Weight

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between mass and weight
  • Explain why objects falling through the air are never truly in free fall
  • Describe the concept of weightlessness

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction. Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.

Units of Force

The equation F net = m a F net = m a is used to define net force in terms of mass, length, and time. As explained earlier, the SI unit of force is the newton. Since F net = m a , F net = m a ,

Although almost the entire world uses the newton for the unit of force, in the United States, the most familiar unit of force is the pound (lb), where 1 N = 0.225 lb. Thus, a 225-lb person weighs 1000 N.

Weight and Gravitational Force

When an object is dropped, it accelerates toward the center of Earth. Newton’s second law says that a net force on an object is responsible for its acceleration. If air resistance is negligible, the net force on a falling object is the gravitational force, commonly called its weight w → w → , or its force due to gravity acting on an object of mass m . Weight can be denoted as a vector because it has a direction; down is, by definition, the direction of gravity, and hence, weight is a downward force. The magnitude of weight is denoted as w . Galileo was instrumental in showing that, in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration g . Using Galileo’s result and Newton’s second law, we can derive an equation for weight.

Consider an object with mass m falling toward Earth. It experiences only the downward force of gravity, which is the weight w → w → . Newton’s second law says that the magnitude of the net external force on an object is F → net = m a → . F → net = m a → . We know that the acceleration of an object due to gravity is g → , g → , or a → = g → a → = g → . Substituting these into Newton’s second law gives us the following equations.

The gravitational force on a mass is its weight. We can write this in vector form, where w → w → is weight and m is mass, as

In scalar form, we can write

Since g = 9.80 m/s 2 g = 9.80 m/s 2 on Earth, the weight of a 1.00-kg object on Earth is 9.80 N:

When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free fall , that is, the only force acting on the object is gravity. However, when objects on Earth fall downward through the air, they are never truly in free fall because there is always some upward resistance force from the air acting on the object.

Acceleration due to gravity g varies slightly over the surface of Earth, so the weight of an object depends on its location and is not an intrinsic property of the object. Weight varies dramatically if we leave Earth’s surface. On the Moon, for example, acceleration due to gravity is only 1.62 m/s 2 1.62 m/s 2 . A 1.0-kg mass thus has a weight of 9.8 N on Earth and only about 1.6 N on the Moon.

The broadest definition of weight in this sense is that the weight of an object is the gravitational force on it from the nearest large body, such as Earth, the Moon, or the Sun. This is the most common and useful definition of weight in physics. It differs dramatically, however, from the definition of weight used by NASA and the popular media in relation to space travel and exploration. When they speak of “weightlessness” and “microgravity,” they are referring to the phenomenon we call “free fall” in physics. We use the preceding definition of weight, force w → w → due to gravity acting on an object of mass m , and we make careful distinctions between free fall and actual weightlessness.

Be aware that weight and mass are different physical quantities, although they are closely related. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object: It is a quantity of matter. The quantity or amount of matter of an object is determined by the numbers of atoms and molecules of various types it contains. Because these numbers do not vary, in Newtonian physics, mass does not vary; therefore, its response to an applied force does not vary. In contrast, weight is the gravitational force acting on an object, so it does vary depending on gravity. For example, a person closer to the center of Earth, at a low elevation such as New Orleans, weighs slightly more than a person who is located in the higher elevation of Denver, even though they may have the same mass.

It is tempting to equate mass to weight, because most of our examples take place on Earth, where the weight of an object varies only a little with the location of the object. In addition, it is difficult to count and identify all of the atoms and molecules in an object, so mass is rarely determined in this manner. If we consider situations in which g → g → is a constant on Earth, we see that weight w → w → is directly proportional to mass m , since w → = m g → , w → = m g → , that is, the more massive an object is, the more it weighs. Operationally, the masses of objects are determined by comparison with the standard kilogram, as we discussed in Units and Measurement . But by comparing an object on Earth with one on the Moon, we can easily see a variation in weight but not in mass. For instance, on Earth, a 5.0-kg object weighs 49 N; on the Moon, where g is 1.67 m/s 2 1.67 m/s 2 , the object weighs 8.4 N. However, the mass of the object is still 5.0 kg on the Moon.

Example 5.8

Clearing a field, significance, check your understanding 5.6.

For Example 5.8 , find the acceleration when the farmer’s applied force is 230.0 N.

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  • Authors: William Moebs, Samuel J. Ling, Jeff Sanny
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: University Physics Volume 1
  • Publication date: Sep 19, 2016
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/university-physics-volume-1/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/university-physics-volume-1/pages/5-4-mass-and-weight

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StickMan Physics

StickMan Physics

Animated Physics Lessons

Mass and Weight

Learn the difference between mass (m) and weight (F w ). Find out how to convert to mass from weight and from weight to mass.

Watch the video as we go through the content and problems set or go through the same material below

Learning Targets

  • I know the difference between mass and weight
  • I can calculate mass from weight and weight from mass using F w = mg
  • I can draw a Force Diagram of an object on a horizontal surface of any planet

Mass is a measurement of matter (molecular composition) of an object.  Since an objects molecular composition remains when location changes, mass never changes.

Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an objects mass.  This is directly related to mass but will change with location as the force and acceleration due to gravity changes.

Weight equals mass times gravity

Weight F Newton N
Mass m kilogram kg
Acceleration due to gravity g Meters per second squared m/s
  • On the Earth's surface, the accepted value for acceleration due to gravity (g) is 9.81 m/s 2
  • In some lessons we had you use a less specific rounded number of 10 m/s 2

Weight Changes When (g) Changes

On Earth, your weight is caused by the earths pull on you.  In a  future lesson we will see that weight is the result of the your mass, the earths mass, and the distance between you and Earth.

We will solve problems on this page using an average surface acceleration due to gravity

  • More massive interstellar objects have a higher surface acceleration due to gravity ( g ).
  • The higher the acceleration due to gravity ( g ) the higher the weight ( F w )

g on Earth and the Moon

Mass, Radius, and Acceleration due to Gravity of Planets

Mercury 3.29 x 10 2.440 x 10 3.70
Venus 4.87 x 10 6.052 x 10 8.88
Earth 5.97 x 10 6.378 x 10 9.81
Mars 6.39 x 10 3.396 x 10 3.72
Jupiter 1.90 x 10 7.149 x 10 24.79
Saturn 5.68 x 10 6.027 x 10 10.44
Uranus 8.68 x 10 2.556 x 10 8.69
Neptune 1.02 x 10 2.476 x 10 11.15

Acceleration due to Gravity (g)

Mass, Radius, and Acceleration due to Gravity of Other Interstellar Objects

Sun 1.99 x 10 6.963 x 10 274.78
Earth’s Moon 7.35 x 10 1.738 x 10 1.62
Pluto 1.31 x 10 1.195 x 10 0.62

Example Questions (Mass and Weight)

1. What is 76 kg Natalia's weight on earth where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s 2 ?

See Solution

F w = (76)(9.81)= 745.56 N

2. What is Natalia's weight on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s 2 ?

F w = (76)(1.62)= 123.12 N

3. If 76 kg Natalia went to Neptune where the surface acceleration due to gravity is 11.15 m/s 2 , would her mass or weight change and what would each be?

Mass would still be 76 kg wither location and weight would change

F w = (76)(11.15)  = 847.4 N

Normal Force Equals Weight on a Horizontal Surface

Notice in the force diagrams :

  • Mass ( m ) of 10 kg does not change
  • Weight ( F w ) changes with the acceleration due to gravity
  • The normal ( F N )force changes with weight ( F w )

Normal force is the force created by weight on a surface pushing back upwards perpendicular to the surface.  Perpendicular to any horizontal surface will be up.

Normal force equals weight on a horizontal surface

Problem Set

1. What is the weight of a 25 kg object on Pluto where the acceleration due to gravity is 0.62 m/s 2 ?

F w = 15.5 N

2. Draw a force diagram including the normal force of this 25 kg object on a horizontal surface of Pluto where the acceleration due to gravity is 0.62 m/s 2 ?

force diagram 1

3. What is the mass of a 25 kg object on Pluto where the acceleration due to gravity is 0.62 m/s 2 ?

m = 25 kg (does not change)

4. What is the weight of a 25 kg object on Mars where the acceleration due to gravity is 3.72 m/s 2 ?

5. What is the mass of a 100 N object on the Moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s 2 ?

6. Draw a force diagram including the normal force of a 100 N object on the surface of the Moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s 2 ?

force diagram 2

7. If you weigh 1177.2 N on Earth where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s 2 what is your mass on Uranus where the acceleration due to gravity is 8.69 m/s 2 ?

8. If you weigh 1177.2 N on Earth where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s 2 what is your weight on Uranus where the acceleration due to gravity is 8.69 m/s 2 ?

F w = 1042.8 N

Mass and Weight Quiz

Joe has a mass of 54 kg.  What is his mass on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s 2 ?

Mass does not change.  Weight does depending on the acceleration due to gravity.

Joe has a mass of 54 kg.  What is his weight on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s 2 ?

g = 1.62 m/s 2

F w = (54)(1.62) = 87.48 N

Joe has a mass of 54 kg.  What is his weight on the earth?

g = 9.8 m/s 2

F w = (54)(9.8) = 529.2 N

Which changes depending on your location?

Mass (kg) never changes because it is a measure of the matter that you are composed of.  You are the same matter on earth or on the moon.

Weight (F w ) changes when g changes.  g changes depending on your altitude on earth, in space, or on another planet (it is not always 9.8 m/s 2 which is why many classes use a more rounded 10 m/s 2 instead.

Which is the term for the molecules that make up an object.

Matter is composed of the atoms/molecules that make up an object

What would happen to your weight if you were on a planet with twice the acceleration due to gravity?

Weight Change

Your score is

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  • LOL Charts (a.k.a., Energy Bar Charts)
  • Match That Bar Chart
  • Words and Charts Questions
  • Name That Energy
  • Stepping Up with PE and KE Questions
  • Case Studies - Circular Motion
  • Circular Logic
  • Forces and Free-Body Diagrams in Circular Motion
  • Gravitational Field Strength
  • Universal Gravitation
  • Angular Position and Displacement
  • Linear and Angular Velocity
  • Angular Acceleration
  • Rotational Inertia
  • Balanced vs. Unbalanced Torques
  • Getting a Handle on Torque
  • Torque-ing About Rotation
  • Properties of Matter
  • Fluid Pressure
  • Buoyant Force
  • Sinking, Floating, and Hanging
  • Pascal's Principle
  • Flow Velocity
  • Bernoulli's Principle
  • Balloon Interactions
  • Charge and Charging
  • Charge Interactions
  • Charging by Induction
  • Conductors and Insulators
  • Coulombs Law
  • Electric Field
  • Electric Field Intensity
  • Polarization
  • Case Studies: Electric Power
  • Know Your Potential
  • Light Bulb Anatomy
  • I = ∆V/R Equations as a Guide to Thinking
  • Parallel Circuits - ∆V = I•R Calculations
  • Resistance Ranking Tasks
  • Series Circuits - ∆V = I•R Calculations
  • Series vs. Parallel Circuits
  • Equivalent Resistance
  • Period and Frequency of a Pendulum
  • Pendulum Motion: Velocity and Force
  • Energy of a Pendulum
  • Period and Frequency of a Mass on a Spring
  • Horizontal Springs: Velocity and Force
  • Vertical Springs: Velocity and Force
  • Energy of a Mass on a Spring
  • Decibel Scale
  • Frequency and Period
  • Closed-End Air Columns
  • Name That Harmonic: Strings
  • Rocking the Boat
  • Wave Basics
  • Matching Pairs: Wave Characteristics
  • Wave Interference
  • Waves - Case Studies
  • Color Addition and Subtraction
  • Color Filters
  • If This, Then That: Color Subtraction
  • Light Intensity
  • Color Pigments
  • Converging Lenses
  • Curved Mirror Images
  • Law of Reflection
  • Refraction and Lenses
  • Total Internal Reflection
  • Who Can See Who?
  • Formulas and Atom Counting
  • Atomic Models
  • Bond Polarity
  • Entropy Questions
  • Cell Voltage Questions
  • Heat of Formation Questions
  • Reduction Potential Questions
  • Oxidation States Questions
  • Measuring the Quantity of Heat
  • Hess's Law
  • Oxidation-Reduction Questions
  • Galvanic Cells Questions
  • Thermal Stoichiometry
  • Molecular Polarity
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Balancing Chemical Equations
  • Bronsted-Lowry Model of Acids and Bases
  • Classification of Matter
  • Collision Model of Reaction Rates
  • Density Ranking Tasks
  • Dissociation Reactions
  • Complete Electron Configurations
  • Elemental Measures
  • Enthalpy Change Questions
  • Equilibrium Concept
  • Equilibrium Constant Expression
  • Equilibrium Calculations - Questions
  • Equilibrium ICE Table
  • Intermolecular Forces Questions
  • Ionic Bonding
  • Lewis Electron Dot Structures
  • Limiting Reactants
  • Line Spectra Questions
  • Mass Stoichiometry
  • Measurement and Numbers
  • Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids
  • Metric Estimations
  • Metric System
  • Molarity Ranking Tasks
  • Mole Conversions
  • Name That Element
  • Names to Formulas
  • Names to Formulas 2
  • Nuclear Decay
  • Particles, Words, and Formulas
  • Periodic Trends
  • Precipitation Reactions and Net Ionic Equations
  • Pressure Concepts
  • Pressure-Temperature Gas Law
  • Pressure-Volume Gas Law
  • Chemical Reaction Types
  • Significant Digits and Measurement
  • States Of Matter Exercise
  • Stoichiometry Law Breakers
  • Stoichiometry - Math Relationships
  • Subatomic Particles
  • Spontaneity and Driving Forces
  • Gibbs Free Energy
  • Volume-Temperature Gas Law
  • Acid-Base Properties
  • Energy and Chemical Reactions
  • Chemical and Physical Properties
  • Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
  • Writing Balanced Chemical Equations
  • Mission CG1
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  • Vector Walk Interactive
  • Name That Motion Interactive
  • Kinematic Graphing 1 Concept Checker
  • Kinematic Graphing 2 Concept Checker
  • Graph That Motion Interactive
  • Two Stage Rocket Interactive
  • Rocket Sled Concept Checker
  • Force Concept Checker
  • Free-Body Diagrams Concept Checker
  • Free-Body Diagrams The Sequel Concept Checker
  • Skydiving Concept Checker
  • Elevator Ride Concept Checker
  • Vector Addition Concept Checker
  • Vector Walk in Two Dimensions Interactive
  • Name That Vector Interactive
  • River Boat Simulator Concept Checker
  • Projectile Simulator 2 Concept Checker
  • Projectile Simulator 3 Concept Checker
  • Hit the Target Interactive
  • Turd the Target 1 Interactive
  • Turd the Target 2 Interactive
  • Balance It Interactive
  • Go For The Gold Interactive
  • Egg Drop Concept Checker
  • Fish Catch Concept Checker
  • Exploding Carts Concept Checker
  • Collision Carts - Inelastic Collisions Concept Checker
  • Its All Uphill Concept Checker
  • Stopping Distance Concept Checker
  • Chart That Motion Interactive
  • Roller Coaster Model Concept Checker
  • Uniform Circular Motion Concept Checker
  • Horizontal Circle Simulation Concept Checker
  • Vertical Circle Simulation Concept Checker
  • Race Track Concept Checker
  • Gravitational Fields Concept Checker
  • Orbital Motion Concept Checker
  • Angular Acceleration Concept Checker
  • Balance Beam Concept Checker
  • Torque Balancer Concept Checker
  • Aluminum Can Polarization Concept Checker
  • Charging Concept Checker
  • Name That Charge Simulation
  • Coulomb's Law Concept Checker
  • Electric Field Lines Concept Checker
  • Put the Charge in the Goal Concept Checker
  • Circuit Builder Concept Checker (Series Circuits)
  • Circuit Builder Concept Checker (Parallel Circuits)
  • Circuit Builder Concept Checker (∆V-I-R)
  • Circuit Builder Concept Checker (Voltage Drop)
  • Equivalent Resistance Interactive
  • Pendulum Motion Simulation Concept Checker
  • Mass on a Spring Simulation Concept Checker
  • Particle Wave Simulation Concept Checker
  • Boundary Behavior Simulation Concept Checker
  • Slinky Wave Simulator Concept Checker
  • Simple Wave Simulator Concept Checker
  • Wave Addition Simulation Concept Checker
  • Standing Wave Maker Simulation Concept Checker
  • Color Addition Concept Checker
  • Painting With CMY Concept Checker
  • Stage Lighting Concept Checker
  • Filtering Away Concept Checker
  • InterferencePatterns Concept Checker
  • Young's Experiment Interactive
  • Plane Mirror Images Interactive
  • Who Can See Who Concept Checker
  • Optics Bench (Mirrors) Concept Checker
  • Name That Image (Mirrors) Interactive
  • Refraction Concept Checker
  • Total Internal Reflection Concept Checker
  • Optics Bench (Lenses) Concept Checker
  • Kinematics Preview
  • Velocity Time Graphs Preview
  • Moving Cart on an Inclined Plane Preview
  • Stopping Distance Preview
  • Cart, Bricks, and Bands Preview
  • Fan Cart Study Preview
  • Friction Preview
  • Coffee Filter Lab Preview
  • Friction, Speed, and Stopping Distance Preview
  • Up and Down Preview
  • Projectile Range Preview
  • Ballistics Preview
  • Juggling Preview
  • Marshmallow Launcher Preview
  • Air Bag Safety Preview
  • Colliding Carts Preview
  • Collisions Preview
  • Engineering Safer Helmets Preview
  • Push the Plow Preview
  • Its All Uphill Preview
  • Energy on an Incline Preview
  • Modeling Roller Coasters Preview
  • Hot Wheels Stopping Distance Preview
  • Ball Bat Collision Preview
  • Energy in Fields Preview
  • Weightlessness Training Preview
  • Roller Coaster Loops Preview
  • Universal Gravitation Preview
  • Keplers Laws Preview
  • Kepler's Third Law Preview
  • Charge Interactions Preview
  • Sticky Tape Experiments Preview
  • Wire Gauge Preview
  • Voltage, Current, and Resistance Preview
  • Light Bulb Resistance Preview
  • Series and Parallel Circuits Preview
  • Thermal Equilibrium Preview
  • Linear Expansion Preview
  • Heating Curves Preview
  • Electricity and Magnetism - Part 1 Preview
  • Electricity and Magnetism - Part 2 Preview
  • Vibrating Mass on a Spring Preview
  • Period of a Pendulum Preview
  • Wave Speed Preview
  • Slinky-Experiments Preview
  • Standing Waves in a Rope Preview
  • Sound as a Pressure Wave Preview
  • DeciBel Scale Preview
  • DeciBels, Phons, and Sones Preview
  • Sound of Music Preview
  • Shedding Light on Light Bulbs Preview
  • Models of Light Preview
  • Electromagnetic Radiation Preview
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Preview
  • EM Wave Communication Preview
  • Digitized Data Preview
  • Light Intensity Preview
  • Concave Mirrors Preview
  • Object Image Relations Preview
  • Snells Law Preview
  • Reflection vs. Transmission Preview
  • Magnification Lab Preview
  • Reactivity Preview
  • Ions and the Periodic Table Preview
  • Periodic Trends Preview
  • Chemical Reactions Preview
  • Intermolecular Forces Preview
  • Melting Points and Boiling Points Preview
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mass and weight problem solving

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practice problem 1


Use the weight formula.

W  =  mg

Solve for mass. Substitute one newton for weight and one standard earth gravity for gravity.

 =   =  1 N  
9.8 m/s  
 =  0.102 kg = 102 g  

The 96.7 gram tangerine comes closest to this value. Not all tangerines weigh 98.7 grams, however, so this is only a rule of thumb. There are certainly apples, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, and other fruits out there with a mass of approximately 102 grams and thus a weight of approximately one newton.

Those of you familiar with multiple choice tests should have eliminated the chicken egg as a possible answer. A chicken egg is only metaphorically the "fruit of the chicken".

practice problem 2

Here's the way I usually do it — using values I've memorized from years of use.

2.2 lb =  (1 kg)(9.8 m/s )
1 lb =  4.45… N

Here's a more accurate way to do it — using values that are exact by definition.

1 lb =  (0.45359237 kg)( )
1 lb =  4.448221615… N

Not quite a quarter pound, but you get the idea.

0.20 lb  <  0.224808943… lb  <  0.25 lb
 ⅕ lb   <  1 N  <  ¼ lb

The fraction 9 40 gives a decimal expansion of 0.225, which is accurate to three significant figures. Not my favorite fraction, but it gets the job done. With sixteen avoirdupois ounces in a pound, one newton is also about 3½ ounces.

1 N ≈  9 lb  ×  16 oz  =  18 oz  = 3½ oz
40 1 lb 5

practice problem 3

Practice problem 4.

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Course: 3rd grade   >   Unit 13

  • Understanding mass (grams and kilograms)
  • Estimate mass (grams and kilograms)

Word problems with mass

mass and weight problem solving

  • Your answer should be
  • an integer, like 6 ‍  
  • an exact decimal, like 0.75 ‍  
  • a simplified proper fraction, like 3 / 5 ‍  
  • a simplified improper fraction, like 7 / 4 ‍  
  • a mixed number, like 1   3 / 4 ‍  

Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

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Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

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  • Physical and digital manipulatives

For younger learners

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

Advanced mathematics

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Resources tagged with: Mass and weight

There are 20 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Mass and weight , you may find related items under Measuring and calculating with units .

mass and weight problem solving

Seesaw Shenanigans

A group of animals has made a seesaw in the woods. How can you make the seesaw balance?

mass and weight problem solving

Place Your Orders

Can you rank these sets of quantities in order, from smallest to largest? Can you provide convincing evidence for your rankings?

mass and weight problem solving

Discuss and Choose

This activity challenges you to decide on the 'best' number to use in each statement. You may need to do some estimating, some calculating and some research.

mass and weight problem solving

Order, Order!

Can you place these quantities in order from smallest to largest?

mass and weight problem solving

All in a Jumble

My measurements have got all jumbled up! Swap them around and see if you can find a combination where every measurement is valid.

mass and weight problem solving

Being Resilient - Primary Measures

Measure problems at primary level that may require resilience.

mass and weight problem solving

Being Resourceful - Primary Measures

Measure problems at primary level that require careful consideration.

mass and weight problem solving

Being Collaborative - Primary Measures

Measure problems for primary learners to work on with others.

mass and weight problem solving

Being Curious - Primary Measures

Measure problems for inquiring primary learners.

mass and weight problem solving


These watermelons have been entered into a competition. Use the information to work out the number of points each one was awarded.

mass and weight problem solving

2010: A Year of Investigations

This article for teachers suggests ideas for activities built around 10 and 2010.

mass and weight problem solving

Weighing Fruit

Can you use this information to estimate how much the different fruit selections weigh in kilos and pounds?

mass and weight problem solving

Working with Dinosaurs

This article for teachers suggests ways in which dinosaurs can be a great context for discussing measurement.

mass and weight problem solving

Measure for Measure

This article, written for students, looks at how some measuring units and devices were developed.

mass and weight problem solving

Weigh to Go

This article for teachers recounts the history of measurement, encouraging it to be used as a spring board for cross-curricular activity.

mass and weight problem solving

Money Measure

How can you use just one weighing to find out which box contains the lighter ten coins out of the ten boxes?

mass and weight problem solving

Do You Measure Up?

A game for two or more players that uses a knowledge of measuring tools. Spin the spinner and identify which jobs can be done with the measuring tool shown.

mass and weight problem solving

Oranges and Lemons

On the table there is a pile of oranges and lemons that weighs exactly one kilogram. Using the information, can you work out how many lemons there are?

mass and weight problem solving

Grandma found her pie balanced on the scale with two weights and a quarter of a pie. So how heavy was each pie?

What's My Weight?

There are four equal weights on one side of the scale and an apple on the other side. What can you say that is true about the apple and the weights from the picture?

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5 Newton’s Laws of Motion

5.4 Mass and Weight

Learning objectives.

By the end of the section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between mass and weight
  • Explain why falling objects on Earth are never truly in free fall
  • Describe the concept of weightlessness

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction. Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.

Units of Force

The equation [latex]{F}_{\text{net}}=ma[/latex] is used to define net force in terms of mass, length, and time. As explained earlier, the SI unit of force is the newton. Since [latex]{F}_{\text{net}}=ma,[/latex]

Although almost the entire world uses the newton for the unit of force, in the United States, the most familiar unit of force is the pound (lb), where 1 N = 0.225 lb. Thus, a 225-lb person weighs 1000 N.

Weight and Gravitational Force

When an object is dropped, it accelerates toward the center of Earth. Newton’s second law says that a net force on an object is responsible for its acceleration. If air resistance is negligible, the net force on a falling object is the gravitational force, commonly called its weight [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex], or its force due to gravity acting on an object of mass m . Weight can be denoted as a vector because it has a direction; down is, by definition, the direction of gravity, and hence, weight is a downward force. The magnitude of weight is denoted as w . Galileo was instrumental in showing that, in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same acceleration g . Using Galileo’s result and Newton’s second law, we can derive an equation for weight.

Consider an object with mass m falling toward Earth. It experiences only the downward force of gravity, which is the weight [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex]. Newton’s second law says that the magnitude of the net external force on an object is [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{net}}=m\mathbf{\overset{\to }{a}}.[/latex] We know that the acceleration of an object due to gravity is [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{g}},[/latex] or [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{a}}=\mathbf{\overset{\to }{g}}[/latex]. Substituting these into Newton’s second law gives us the following equations.

The gravitational force on a mass is its weight. We can write this in vector form, where [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex] is weight and m is mass, as

In scalar form, we can write

Since [latex]g=9.80\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex] on Earth, the weight of a 1.00-kg object on Earth is 9.80 N:

When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free fall , that is, the only force acting on the object is gravity. However, when objects on Earth fall downward, they are never truly in free fall because there is always some upward resistance force from the air acting on the object.

Acceleration due to gravity g varies slightly over the surface of Earth, so the weight of an object depends on its location and is not an intrinsic property of the object. Weight varies dramatically if we leave Earth’s surface. On the Moon, for example, acceleration due to gravity is only [latex]{1.67\,\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]. A 1.0-kg mass thus has a weight of 9.8 N on Earth and only about 1.7 N on the Moon.

The broadest definition of weight in this sense is that the weight of an object is the gravitational force on it from the nearest large body, such as Earth, the Moon, or the Sun. This is the most common and useful definition of weight in physics. It differs dramatically, however, from the definition of weight used by NASA and the popular media in relation to space travel and exploration. When they speak of “weightlessness” and “microgravity,” they are referring to the phenomenon we call “free fall” in physics. We use the preceding definition of weight, force [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex] due to gravity acting on an object of mass m , and we make careful distinctions between free fall and actual weightlessness.

Be aware that weight and mass are different physical quantities, although they are closely related. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object: It is a quantity of matter. The quantity or amount of matter of an object is determined by the numbers of atoms and molecules of various types it contains. Because these numbers do not vary, in Newtonian physics, mass does not vary; therefore, its response to an applied force does not vary. In contrast, weight is the gravitational force acting on an object, so it does vary depending on gravity. For example, a person closer to the center of Earth, at a low elevation such as New Orleans, weighs slightly more than a person who is located in the higher elevation of Denver, even though they may have the same mass.

It is tempting to equate mass to weight, because most of our examples take place on Earth, where the weight of an object varies only a little with the location of the object. In addition, it is difficult to count and identify all of the atoms and molecules in an object, so mass is rarely determined in this manner. If we consider situations in which [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{g}}[/latex] is a constant on Earth, we see that weight [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex] is directly proportional to mass m , since [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}=m\mathbf{\overset{\to }{g}},[/latex] that is, the more massive an object is, the more it weighs. Operationally, the masses of objects are determined by comparison with the standard kilogram, as we discussed in Units and Measurement . But by comparing an object on Earth with one on the Moon, we can easily see a variation in weight but not in mass. For instance, on Earth, a 5.0-kg object weighs 49 N; on the Moon, where g is [latex]{1.67\,\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex], the object weighs 8.4 N. However, the mass of the object is still 5.0 kg on the Moon.

Clearing a Field

A farmer is lifting some moderately heavy rocks from a field to plant crops. He lifts a stone that weighs 40.0 lb. (about 180 N). What force does he apply if the stone accelerates at a rate of [latex]1.5\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}?[/latex]

We were given the weight of the stone, which we use in finding the net force on the stone. However, we also need to know its mass to apply Newton’s second law, so we must apply the equation for weight, [latex]w=mg[/latex], to determine the mass.

No forces act in the horizontal direction, so we can concentrate on vertical forces, as shown in the following free-body diagram. We label the acceleration to the side; technically, it is not part of the free-body diagram, but it helps to remind us that the object accelerates upward (so the net force is upward).

Figure shows a free-body diagram with vector w equal to 180 newtons pointing downwards and vector F of unknown magnitude pointing upwards. Acceleration a is equal to 1.5 meters per second squared.


To apply Newton’s second law as the primary equation in solving a problem, we sometimes have to rely on other equations, such as the one for weight or one of the kinematic equations, to complete the solution.

Check Your Understanding

For (Example) , find the acceleration when the farmer’s applied force is 230.0 N.


Can you avoid the boulder field and land safely just before your fuel runs out, as Neil Armstrong did in 1969? This version of the classic video game accurately simulates the real motion of the lunar lander, with the correct mass, thrust, fuel consumption rate, and lunar gravity. The real lunar lander is hard to control.

Use this interactive simulation to move the Sun, Earth, Moon, and space station to see the effects on their gravitational forces and orbital paths. Visualize the sizes and distances between different heavenly bodies, and turn off gravity to see what would happen without it.

  • Mass is the quantity of matter in a substance.
  • The weight of an object is the net force on a falling object, or its gravitational force. The object experiences acceleration due to gravity.
  • Some upward resistance force from the air acts on all falling objects on Earth, so they can never truly be in free fall.
  • Careful distinctions must be made between free fall and weightlessness using the definition of weight as force due to gravity acting on an object of a certain mass.

Conceptual Questions

What is the relationship between weight and mass? Which is an intrinsic, unchanging property of a body?

How much does a 70-kg astronaut weight in space, far from any celestial body? What is her mass at this location?

The astronaut is truly weightless in the location described, because there is no large body (planet or star) nearby to exert a gravitational force. Her mass is 70 kg regardless of where she is located.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

(a) Mass and weight are the same thing expressed in different units.

(b) If an object has no weight, it must have no mass.

(c) If the weight of an object varies, so must the mass.

(d) Mass and inertia are different concepts.

(e) Weight is always proportional to mass.

When you stand on Earth, your feet push against it with a force equal to your weight. Why doesn’t Earth accelerate away from you?

The force you exert (a contact force equal in magnitude to your weight) is small. Earth is extremely massive by comparison. Thus, the acceleration of Earth would be incredibly small. To see this, use Newton’s second law to calculate the acceleration you would cause if your weight is 600.0 N and the mass of Earth is [latex]6.00\times {10}^{24}\,\text{kg}[/latex].

How would you give the value of [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{g}}[/latex] in vector form?

The weight of an astronaut plus his space suit on the Moon is only 250 N. (a) How much does the suited astronaut weigh on Earth? (b) What is the mass on the Moon? On Earth?

a. [latex]\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {w}_{\text{Moon}}& =\hfill & m{g}_{\text{Moon}}\hfill \\ \hfill m& =\hfill & 150\,\text{kg}\hfill \\ \hfill {w}_{\text{Earth}}& =\hfill & 1.5\times {10}^{3}\,\text{N}\hfill \end{array}[/latex]; b. Mass does not change, so the suited astronaut’s mass on both Earth and the Moon is [latex]150\,\text{kg.}[/latex]

Suppose the mass of a fully loaded module in which astronauts take off from the Moon is [latex]1.00\times {10}^{4}[/latex] kg. The thrust of its engines is [latex]3.00\times {10}^{4}[/latex] N. (a) Calculate the module’s magnitude of acceleration in a vertical takeoff from the Moon. (b) Could it lift off from Earth? If not, why not? If it could, calculate the magnitude of its acceleration.

A rocket sled accelerates at a rate of [latex]{49.0\,\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]. Its passenger has a mass of 75.0 kg. (a) Calculate the horizontal component of the force the seat exerts against his body. Compare this with his weight using a ratio. (b) Calculate the direction and magnitude of the total force the seat exerts against his body.

a. [latex]\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {F}_{\text{h}}& =\hfill & 3.68\times {10}^{3}\,\text{N and}\hfill \\ \hfill w& =\hfill & 7.35\times {10}^{2}\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill \frac{{F}_{\text{h}}}{w}& =\hfill & 5.00\,\text{times greater than weight}\hfill \end{array}[/latex];

b. [latex]\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & 3750\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill \theta & =\hfill & 11.3^\circ\,\text{from horizontal}\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

Repeat the previous problem for a situation in which the rocket sled decelerates at a rate of [latex]{201\,\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]. In this problem, the forces are exerted by the seat and the seat belt.

A body of mass 2.00 kg is pushed straight upward by a 25.0 N vertical force. What is its acceleration?

[latex]\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill w& =\hfill & 19.6\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & 5.40\,\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & ma\Rightarrow a=2.70\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

A car weighing 12,500 N starts from rest and accelerates to 83.0 km/h in 5.00 s. The friction force is 1350 N. Find the applied force produced by the engine.

A body with a mass of 10.0 kg is assumed to be in Earth’s gravitational field with [latex]g=9.80\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]. What is its acceleration?


A fireman has mass m ; he hears the fire alarm and slides down the pole with acceleration a (which is less than g in magnitude). (a) Write an equation giving the vertical force he must apply to the pole. (b) If his mass is 90.0 kg and he accelerates at [latex]5.00\,{\text{m/s}}^{2},[/latex] what is the magnitude of his applied force?

A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 60.0 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in 0.0100 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?

When the Moon is directly overhead at sunset, the force by Earth on the Moon, [latex]{F}_{\text{EM}}[/latex], is essentially at [latex]90^\circ[/latex] to the force by the Sun on the Moon, [latex]{F}_{\text{SM}}[/latex], as shown below. Given that [latex]{F}_{\text{EM}}=1.98\times {10}^{20}\,\text{N}[/latex] and [latex]{F}_{\text{SM}}=4.36\times {10}^{20}\,\text{N},[/latex] all other forces on the Moon are negligible, and the mass of the Moon is [latex]7.35\times {10}^{22}\,\text{kg},[/latex] determine the magnitude of the Moon’s acceleration.

Figure shows a circle labeled moon. An arrow from it, pointing up is labeled F subscript EM. Another arrow from it pointing right is labeled F subscript SM.

5.4 Mass and Weight Copyright © 2016 by OpenStax. All Rights Reserved.

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Mass and Weight worksheet with answers for Grade 6 Standard

Mass and Weight worksheet with answers for Grade 6 Standard. This Worksheet includes MCQ, Fill in the blanks, True / False, Short Answer Questions, Long Answer Questions.

a) It doubles

b) Gravity decreases with altitude

c) Gravity remains the same at all altitudes

5.) Which factor affects the weight of an object the most?

c) Its shape

Answer: b) Pounds

7.) Which force keeps us on the ground and is responsible for our weight?

9.) Which of the following materials has the most mass?

d) A rubber ball

c) The object’s temperature and size

b) 10 kilograms

Answer: d) Venus

c) It remains the same

5.) If you were on the Moon, your weight would be the same as on Earth.

8.) An astronaut in space experiences zero gravity.

Answer: Weight

Answer: Weight is the force that acts on an object due to Earth’s gravitational force.

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Weighty Problems

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This unit comprises six problems for students to apply and interpret measurement of mass. Students are also introduced to the concepts of net and gross mass. 

  • Select the appropriate standard unit of measurement for a specific application.
  • Measure masses with appropriate measuring devices.
  • Measure net and gross mass.

Mass is the force created by gravity acting of on an object. Mass is felt as weight, a force that pulls the object towards the centre of the Earth. Mass is measured in units based on grams, and tonnes. Larger or smaller units are created by combining or equally partitioning these units. One kilogram is a combination of 1000 grams (kilo means 1000). One milligram is 1/1000 of a gram and one microgram is 1/ 1 000 000 of a gram.  The units for mass come from the mass of water. One cubic metre of water has a mass of 1 tonne, or 1000 kilograms. One millilitre of water has a mass of one gram. 

Note that in the New Zealand Curriculum document, “weight” and “mass” are used interchangeably. In a science context, the definition of  “force created by gravity acting on an object” would often be equated with weight, not mass. Consider the scientific knowledge of your students (e.g. are they studying forces in science). It may be more appropriate to define mass as the amount of matter in an object (measured in kilograms) and weight using the adorementioned definition (measured in Newtons, N).

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • letting students attempt problems using physical materials as much as possible, so they develop a ‘feel’ for the benchmark units
  • directly modelling measurement with tools, like digital scales for mass
  • providing opportunities for students to copy the correct use of tools
  • clarifying the language of measurement units, such as “kilogram” as a mass that is made up of 1000 grams
  • clarifying the meaning of symbols, e.g. 45g as 45 grams, and 45kg as 45 kilograms; 45t as 45 tonnes
  • encouraging students to work collaboratively (mahi tahi) to share and justify their ideas
  • easing the calculation demands by providing calculators where appropriate.

Tasks can be varied in many ways including:

  • reducing the complexity of the numbers involved in the station tasks, e.g. whole number versus fraction dimensions. The choice of measurement units influences the difficulty of calculation as well as the level of precision
  • allowing physical solutions with manipulatives before requiring abstract (in the head) anticipation of measures
  • creating or using models of standard units, e.g. 1 litre of water for the mass of 1 kilogram
  • reducing the demands for a product, e.g. less calculations and words, and more diagrams and models.

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. Use the interests of your students to create contexts that will engage them. Students may be interested in the mass of rugby players. Students from large whānau, or who prepare food for large numbers of people, may relate to measuring quantities to scale up recipes. Carrying heavy objects was a major problem for pre-European Māori. How did they carry heavy loads, or move waka? Counting on Frank by Rod Clement may inspire some students to look for eccentric ways to apply measurement to their daily lives. For example, the human body is 60% water, by mass. How much water is in their body?

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as maihea (weight / mass), karamu (gram), manokaramu (kilogram), and tana (tonne) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

  • Station 1: Copymaster 1 , $1, $2 and 50c coins, scales (preferably digital and able to weigh in grams), metre ruler
  • Station 2: Copymaster 2 , calculator
  • Station 3: Copymaster 3 , calculator
  • Station 4: Copymaster 4 , access to the internet.
  • Station 5: Copymaster 5 , 1L measuring jug, five different sized plastic containers, scales, eyedropper
  • Station 6: Copymaster 6 , can of dog food, supermarket bags, calculator

The following six stations provide a range of problems for students to apply and interpret measurement of mass. Consider what would be the most effective method for introducing these to your class. You could work on them as a whole class and provide support to groups of students. Alternatively, you could use another relevant igniting activity to introduce the context for learning, before directing students to work on one or more of these stations independently, or in small groups. These stations could serve as the basis for learning in different sessions, or could be used as one session. At the conclusion of these stations, students draw on the problems presented and create their own stations to be used in other lessons.

Station 1: A kilo of coins

You have won a prize which can be just one of the following:

  • 1 kilogram of $1 coins
  • A 1.5 metre long trail of $2 coins (lying flat and touching)
  • A 0.5 metre high stack of 50c coins

What is your choice?

1 kg of $1 coins (1000 ÷ 8 = 125 coins, so $125)

1.5 metre of $2 coins (1500 ÷ 26.5 = 57 coins, so $114)

0.5 metre stack of 50c coins (500 ÷ 1.7 = 294 coins, so $147)

Station 2: Largest Lasagne

This problem could be adapted to reflect food that is meaningful to your students (e.g. the largest tray of pani popo).

The world’s largest lasagne was made in 2012 at a restaurant in Wieliczka, Poland. It weighed 4865 kg and measured 25 m x 2.5 m.

The ingredients were:

2500kg of pasta, 800kg of mince, 400kg of mozzarella cheese, 100kg of peas, 100kg of carrots, and equal amounts of white sauce and tomato sauce.

  • How much did the white sauce and tomato sauce weigh?
  • What would be the size of a 500g piece from the lasagne?
  • How many people could be fed with the whole lasagne? Show how you arrived at your estimate.
  • The other ingredients total 3900kg so the sauces must weigh 4865 – 3900 = 965 kg. 500L of each sauce was used. Does that sound right?
  • A 500g piece would be about 1/10 000 of the whole lasagne. One way is to cut both the length and width into 100 parts, since 100 x 100 = 10 000. A single piece would measure 25cm x 2.5cm. That’s a bit skinny so 12.5cm x 5cm might work better.
  • The lasagne was actually cut into 10 000 pieces so that’s how many people were fed. Each piece had a mass of 0.486 kg or 486 grams. That is a good serving of lasagne.

Station 3: Weighing Tonnes

Konsihiki was the largest active sumo wrestler in the world with a mass of 287 kg. Now he is retired.

How many Konishikis weigh as much as 1 tonne?

Make a table of tonne weights using objects in the classroom. Remember that 1000 kg is a tonne.

ObjectMassNumber in a tonne
Konsihiki287 kg 
School bag 5 kg 200

The number of Konshihikis in 1 tonne equals 3.48, about 3 and ½ of him.

To find how many of any object make 1 tonne, divided 1 000 by the weight of the object in kilograms. For example, if a schoolbag weighs 5kg then 1 000 ÷ 5 = 200 make 1 tonne.

Station 4: Jumbo facts

Find out facts about the mass of very large animals and make a report about these animals for the class. To get you started here are some facts about the Blue Whale, which can be seen in New Zealand waters.

The blue whale is the largest animal living on Earth. It can reach up to nearly 30 metres in length and weigh up to 180 tonnes (t). Their tongues alone can weigh as much as some elephants and their hearts are huge, weighing a whopping 180kg. They have the largest babies on Earth. When they are first born they can be 8 metres (m) in length and weigh 4000kg. Imagine a jet engine that registers at 140 decibels. A blue whale, when it calls, registers at 188 decibels. Compare the facts about the Blue Whale with the large African elephant

The African elephant is the biggest animal on land. Fully grown the male can be 7 metres long, 3.2 metres tall at the shoulder and have a mass of 6500kg. Its tusks can weigh as much as 100kg each. The largest pair of tusks on record are in the British Museum and weigh 133kg each.  What combination of animals could be equal to the elephant's weight?

For example, it takes 6500 ÷ 5 = 1300 big domestic cats to weigh 1 elephant or 130 big dogs.

How many rhinoceroses, lions, giraffes, or hippopotamuses weigh the same as an elephant?

Answers will vary depending on what other animals your students research.

Station 5: Mass of water

Measure out one litre (l) of water.

  • What is the mass of one litre of water? If 1L = 1000ml, what is the mass of 1mL of water?

For each container, estimate the capacity of the container, measure it to check, estimate the mass of water when the container is full, and find the mass of the water using scales.

Record your results like this:

ContainerEstimate capacityMeasure actual capacityEstimate mass of waterMeasure actual mass
  • How many drops of water are needed to fill each container?
  • What is the mass of a single drop?
  • 1 litre (l) of water has a mass of 1 kilogram (1000 grams). 1 millilitre (mL) of water has a mass of 1 gram.

Answers depend on the size of the containers. Here is an example:

ContainerEstimate capacityMeasure actual capacityEstimate mass of waterMeasure actual mass
A400 mL450 mL390 g450g
  • About 20 drops make 1 ml of water. Find the capacity of the container in mL then multiply by 20 to get the number of drops.
  • A single drop has a mass of 1/20 of 1g, that’s 0.05g.

Station 6: Frank’s arms

Counting on Frank  by Rod Clement (1990; Harper Collins Publishers: Sydney) has some great ideas for measurement investigations. You can view readings of the book on YouTube if you cannot source a copy of the book. One of the ideas introduced in the story is about Frank carrying a trolley load of cans to the supermarket.

  • Trolleys measure 60 litres or 80 litres. What do those measures mean?
  • How heavy do you think Frank’s load of cans is?
  • How many cans are you able to carry in a reusable supermarket bag?

How did you work that out?

Here is another task based on Counting on Frank that you may choose to use.

  • 1 litre is a unit of capacity, but it is also used as a unit of volume. One litre measures 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. 60 litres is 60 times that size.
  • Frank has 47 cans. They could be 420g cans so they would weigh 47 x 420g = 19 740g or 19.740 kg (about 20 kg). If the cans are bigger, say 820g, then the mass equals 47 times the mass of one can.
  • You could get 24 x 420g cans in a supermarket bag, or 36 cans if you add another layer. The mass of the bag would be 24 x 420g = 10.080 kg or 36 x 420g = 15.12 kg.

Dear family and whānau,

In class we have talked a lot about weight this week. In particular, we discovered that Konshiki, the largest Sumo wrestler, weighs 226kg, a Blue Whale weighs 180 tonnes and an elephant weighs 6500kg. What do you think the Blue Whale weighs in kg?

Your child has been asked to look for other facts associated with weight by reading the newspaper or doing some reading on the internet. They should record what they find out. Please encourage them to discuss their findings with you. 

You could support them further by weighing items at home or cooking with them.

Figure It Out

Some links from the Figure It Out series which you may find useful are:

  • Measurement, Level 3-4: Can You, page 5; Breaking Bags, page 9; Egging you on, page 21
  • Sport, Level 3-4, Scrum Power, page 20
  • Measurement, Level 4: Taking Off, pages 6 & 7; Weighty Water, pages 12 & 13

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

Mass and Weight

Learning objectives.

By the end of the section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between mass and weight
  • Explain why falling objects on Earth are never truly in free fall
  • Describe the concept of weightlessness

Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction. Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.

Units of Force


Although almost the entire world uses the newton for the unit of force, in the United States, the most familiar unit of force is the pound (lb), where 1 N = 0.225 lb. Thus, a 225-lb person weighs 1000 N.

Weight and Gravitational Force

\stackrel{\to }{w}

In scalar form, we can write


When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free fall , that is, the only force acting on the object is gravity. However, when objects on Earth fall downward, they are never truly in free fall because there is always some upward resistance force from the air acting on the object.


Be aware that weight and mass are different physical quantities, although they are closely related. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object: It is a quantity of matter. The quantity or amount of matter of an object is determined by the numbers of atoms and molecules of various types it contains. Because these numbers do not vary, in Newtonian physics, mass does not vary; therefore, its response to an applied force does not vary. In contrast, weight is the gravitational force acting on an object, so it does vary depending on gravity. For example, a person closer to the center of Earth, at a low elevation such as New Orleans, weighs slightly more than a person who is located in the higher elevation of Denver, even though they may have the same mass.

\stackrel{\to }{g}

Solution No forces act in the horizontal direction, so we can concentrate on vertical forces, as shown in the following free-body diagram. We label the acceleration to the side; technically, it is not part of the free-body diagram, but it helps to remind us that the object accelerates upward (so the net force is upward).

Figure shows a free-body diagram with vector w equal to 180 newtons pointing downwards and vector F of unknown magnitude pointing upwards. Acceleration a is equal to 1.5 meters per second squared.

Significance To apply Newton’s second law as the primary equation in solving a problem, we sometimes have to rely on other equations, such as the one for weight or one of the kinematic equations, to complete the solution.

Check Your Understanding For (Figure) , find the acceleration when the farmer’s applied force is 230.0 N.


Can you avoid the boulder field and land safely just before your fuel runs out, as Neil Armstrong did in 1969? This version of the classic video game accurately simulates the real motion of the lunar lander, with the correct mass, thrust, fuel consumption rate, and lunar gravity. The real lunar lander is hard to control.

Use this interactive simulation to move the Sun, Earth, Moon, and space station to see the effects on their gravitational forces and orbital paths. Visualize the sizes and distances between different heavenly bodies, and turn off gravity to see what would happen without it.

  • Mass is the quantity of matter in a substance.
  • The weight of an object is the net force on a falling object, or its gravitational force. The object experiences acceleration due to gravity.
  • Some upward resistance force from the air acts on all falling objects on Earth, so they can never truly be in free fall.
  • Careful distinctions must be made between free fall and weightlessness using the definition of weight as force due to gravity acting on an object of a certain mass.

Conceptual Questions

What is the relationship between weight and mass? Which is an intrinsic, unchanging property of a body?

How much does a 70-kg astronaut weight in space, far from any celestial body? What is her mass at this location?

The astronaut is truly weightless in the location described, because there is no large body (planet or star) nearby to exert a gravitational force. Her mass is 70 kg regardless of where she is located.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

(a) Mass and weight are the same thing expressed in different units.

(b) If an object has no weight, it must have no mass.

(c) If the weight of an object varies, so must the mass.

(d) Mass and inertia are different concepts.

(e) Weight is always proportional to mass.

When you stand on Earth, your feet push against it with a force equal to your weight. Why doesn’t Earth accelerate away from you?


The weight of an astronaut plus his space suit on the Moon is only 250 N. (a) How much does the suited astronaut weigh on Earth? (b) What is the mass on the Moon? On Earth?

\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {w}_{\text{Moon}}& =\hfill & m{g}_{\text{Moon}}\hfill \\ \hfill m& =\hfill & 150\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\text{kg}\hfill \\ \hfill {w}_{\text{Earth}}& =\hfill & 1.5\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}×\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}{10}^{3}\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\text{N}\hfill \end{array}

A body of mass 2.00 kg is pushed straight upward by a 25.0 N vertical force. What is its acceleration?

\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill w& =\hfill & 19.6\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & 5.40\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\text{N}\hfill \\ \hfill {F}_{\text{net}}& =\hfill & ma⇒a=2.70\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}{\text{m/s}}^{2}\hfill \end{array}

A car weighing 12,500 N starts from rest and accelerates to 83.0 km/h in 5.00 s. The friction force is 1350 N. Find the applied force produced by the engine.


A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 60.0 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in 0.0100 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?


Mass and Weight Copyright © 2016 by cnxuniphysics. All Rights Reserved.


The mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains.

Example 1 :

If one egg has a mass of 55 g, find the total mass of eggs in 50 cartons, each containing 12 eggs.

Mass of 1 egg  =  55 g

Number of eggs in each carton  =  12

Total number of cartons  =  50

Total mass  =  55 x 12 x 50

=  33000 g

1000g  =  1 kg

=  33 kg

Example 2 :

Find the total mass of 32 chocolates, each of mass 28 grams.

Number of chocolates  =  32

Mass of each chocolate  =  28 grams

Total mass  =  32 x 28

=  896 grams

Example 3 :

If a clothes peg has a mass of 6.5 g, how many pegs are there in a 13 kg box?

Mass of 1 cloth peg  =  6.5 g

Mass of box  =  13 kg

1000 grams  =  1 kg

Converting kg to grams, we get

=  13000 grams

Number of pegs  =  13000/6.5

=  2000 pegs

Example 4 :

If a roof tile has mass 1.25 kilograms, how many tiles could a van with a load limit of 8 tonnes carry?

1000 kg  =  1 tonne

8 tonnes  =  8(1000)

=  8000 kg

Mass of 1 roof tile  =  1.25 kg

Number of roof tiles carried by the van  =  8000/1.25

=  6400 tiles

Example 5 :

Find the total mass in tonnes of 3500 books, each with mass 800 grams.

Mass of each book  =  800 grams

Total number of books  =  3500

Mass of 3500 books  =  800 x 3500

=  2800000 grams

=  2800000/1000

=  2800 kg

1000 kg  =  1 tonne 

=  2800/1000

=  2.8 tonnes

Example 6 :

If the mass of 8000 oranges is 1.04 tonnes, what is the average mass of one orange?

Total number of oranges  =  8000

Weight of oranges  =  1.04 tonnes

=  1.04 (1000)

=  1040 kg

=  1040(1000)

=  1040000 grams

Average weight of 1 orange  =  1040000 / 8000

=  130 grams

So, mass of 1 orange is 130 grams.

mass and weight problem solving

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Mass word problems

Measurement word problems.

Below are our grade 5 word problems worksheets involving the measurement of mass or weight . The worksheets are in customary units (ounces, lbs), metric units (gm, kg) or mixed units. No conversions of units between the two systems are needed.

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Ounces, pounds:

Grams, kilograms:

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What Is and Isn’t Accurate About BMI (Body Mass Index)

  • BMI Accuracy
  • BMI Inaccuracy
  • Other Ways to Assess Health
  • A Healthy BMI

The body mass index (BMI) is commonly used to categorize weight ranges (from underweight to obese) because it is accessible, no-cost, and quick. Using a formula or BMI calculator, it is relatively easy to plug in height and weight measurements and get a figure meant to represent a measure of body fat and, by extension, related health risks.

While there is a noted correlation between high BMI and obesity-related health risks, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, BMI has flaws and is not meant to be a diagnostic tool for individuals. BMI does not consider other variables that influence health risks, such as muscle and bone mass, lifestyle, sex or gender, ethnicity, race , and family history.

The American Medical Association (AMA) recommends against healthcare providers using BMI as a sole indicator of health and as a means to diagnosis obesity. Rather, the AMA argues, it should be used along with other measures, such as waist circumference, cholesterol tests, and other tools to gain a more comprehensive picture of an individual's health and care needs.

This article will discuss the accuracy and inaccuracies of BMI, how to assess health beyond BMI values, and how to determine a healthy BMI for an individual.

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Use of Gendered Language

Overwhelmingly, the data and research on BMI use binary gender measures of male and female, and does not account for gender diversity. This article uses binary gender language to reflect the current research, while recognizing that more research is needed that considers how BMI affects those who are not cisgender.

BMI Accuracy: What Is True?

BMI is calculated using weight and height measurements—namely, weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

BMI is not a precise measure of body fat or health but can be used as a screening tool. It gives a measure that corresponds to weight categories (underweight, normal weight, overweight/pre-obesity, obesity classes 1, 2, and 3 ). BMI levels alone do not indicate a person's health status, but BMI is moderately correlated with more direct measures of body fat.

Higher BMI levels are also correlated with elevated mortality risk , and with an elevated risk for conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health issues associated with overweight and obesity.

BMI is not an individual diagnostic tool, but it is useful for examining overall population trends and can be used as a starting point for determining an individual's obesity-related health risks.

The World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes BMI for adults as:

  • Underweight : Less than or equal to 18.5
  • Normal weight : 18–24.9
  • Overweight/pre-obesity : 25.0-29.9
  • Class 1 obesity : 30.0–34.9
  • Class 2 obesity : 35.0–39.9
  • Class 3 obesity : Greater than or equal to 40

These values are based on cisgender white men, and may need to be adjusted according to factors such as race and sex.

BMI is calculated differently for children and adolescents than it is for adults. Adult BMI measures and ranges cannot be used to assess BMI for people under 20 years old.

BMI Inaccuracy: What’s Untrue?

BMI does not give a precise measure of body fat, and it cannot be used alone to determine an individual's health. It is not a diagnostic tool; it just gives a general idea of body fat .

There are many factors that can affect BMI, but BMI is calculated using only height and weight. In addition, a BMI figure alone can have different implications depending on other contributing factors. Two people can have the same BMI, but have different levels of body fat and/or different health risks.

For example, at the same BMI:

  • Women tend to have more body fat than men.
  • Older adults tend to have more body fat than younger adults.
  • Athletes tend to have less body fat than nonathletes.
  • People of different racial and ethnic groups tend to have more or less body fat than other racial or ethnic groups.

Some of this discrepancy stems from the origins of the BMI. The concept for a calculation like BMI was invented by a mathematician in Belgium about 200 years ago. He based the data on European White men, without accounting for variables in sex, race, and ethnicity.

Several studies have found that the current BMI ranges do not correlate accurately with some health risks, such as type 2 diabetes, for Asian Americans .

The WHO has noted that people of Asian descent can have a higher risk for some metabolic conditions at lower BMIs than the current classification ranges indicate.

BMI may be less accurate for certain ethnic groups, such as:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Chinese people
  • Japanese people
  • Maori people
  • Pacific Islanders
  • South Asian people

Available data also suggests that the association between BMI and body fat, dyslipidemia , metabolic syndrome, and all-cause mortality may be weaker for Black Americans than for White Americans. This may affect how BMI should be interpreted for this racial group.

More research is also needed on the accuracy of BMI with other racial and ethnic groups, such as people of Middle Eastern descent.

In addition, BMI does not take into consideration body makeup, such as the weight percentage due to fat, muscle, bone density, etc.

In general, BMI tends to be a less accurate tool for people such as:

  • Pregnant people
  • People with a physical disability
  • Certain athletes, such as bodybuilders, weight lifters, or some high-performance athletes
  • People under 20 years old

How BMI is used can also be problematic. Because it is a simple, easy-to-use tool, there can be a tendency to use it as a sole indicator of health or to make health recommendations.

This may lead to important assessments being missed, such as dismissing heart health risks in someone whose BMI is in the normal range, or unnecessarily pressuring someone with a BMI above the normal range but without additional risk factors to lose weight.

Other potential downsides to BMI include:

  • Fostering of weight-based shame, which may discourage some people from seeking medical care
  • Possibility of mistrust for the healthcare provider, if too focused on BMI
  • Missed or misdiagnosis if healthcare provider incorrectly attributes symptoms to weight
  • Arbitrariness of the BMI cut-off points in terms of identifying health risks
  • Overreliance on BMI to the exclusion of other measures of health

Why Is My BMI High If I Am Not Overweight?

BMI does not account for body makeup. A person with increased muscle mass and lower body fat may have a BMI that classifies them as overweight or obese , but their body size may be smaller than someone with the same BMI who has a higher amount of body fat.

Assessing Health Beyond BMI Values

BMI is one of many tools that can be used to assess health related to body fat.

Waist circumference is another tool commonly used to assess potential health risks. Excessive abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure (hypertension).

To measure your waist, do the following:

  • Use a tape measure over bare skin or one layer of light clothing.
  • Place the tape measure in the area between your lowest rib and the top of your hip bone (about belly button level).
  • Breathe out normally and wrap the tape around your waist snugly (without squeezing the skin) to measure.

You may have a higher risk of obesity -related health conditions if your waist circumference is more than:

  • Men : 40 inches
  • Women : 35 inches

As with BMI, waist circumference is another screening tool that can be used as part of a health assessment, but not as a sole indicator of health. Waist circumference measurement is not appropriate for:

  • People under 18 years
  • People with a medical condition that causes a very enlarged abdomen
  • People from certain non-European backgrounds

The AMA recommends additional measures for diagnosing obesity , such as:

  • Body adiposity index (hip and height measurement)
  • Relative fat mass
  • Measurements of visceral fat (found deep in the abdominal cavity)
  • Body composition (percentage of fat, bone, and muscles)
  • Genetic/metabolic factors

Tools healthcare providers may use include:

  • Caliper measurements of skinfold thickness
  • Underwater weighing
  • Bioelectrical impedance
  • Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
  • Isotope dilution

These are less readily available, and some can be expensive. They should be performed by professionals trained to use these tools.

As part of a comprehensive health assessment, healthcare providers may also do other checks, such as:

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood glucose (sugar)

What Is a Healthy BMI for Me? 

What a healthy BMI is for any individual depends on more factors than just which range the number falls in, including genetic factors, fitness levels, lean mass, health behaviors, environmental risks, and more. BMI alone should not be used as a health assessment but rather one screening tool among many.

Rather than rely on the one BMI reading, it's best to see a healthcare provider for a comprehensive health assessment.

To calculate your BMI, visit the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for the following calculators:

  • A tool for measuring BMI in people age 20 years and older
  • A tool for measuring BMI in children and teens

BMI is a popular tool used to categorize body mass based on height and weight. It is helpful as a screening tool when used alongside other measures of health, but it can be inaccurate or misleading when used on its own to assess an individual's health risks.

BMI doesn't take into consideration factors such as body composition, age , sex, race and ethnicity, genetics, and other variables that contribute to an individual's health status and health risks. Instead of relying solely on BMI , see your healthcare provider for a comprehensive health assessment.

Yale Medicine. Why you shouldn’t rely on BMI alone .

American Medical Association. AMA: Use of BMI alone is an imperfect clinical measure .

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Body Mass Index (BMI) .

Gutin I. In BMI we trust: reframing the body mass index as a measure of health . Soc Theory Health. 2018;16(3):256-271. doi:10.1057/s41285-017-0055-0

World Health Organization. A healthy lifestyle - WHO recommendations .

National Health Service. Obesity .

Hsu WC, Araneta MRG, Kanaya AM, Chiang JL, Fujimoto W. Bmi cut points to identify at-risk asian americans for type 2 diabetes screening . Diabetes Care. 2015;38(1):150-158. doi:10.2337/dc14-2391

Healthdirect. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference .

Jackson CL, Wang N, Yeh H, Szklo M, Dray‐Spira R, Brancati FL. Body‐mass index and mortality risk in US Blacks compared to Whites . Obesity. 2014;22(3):842-851. doi:10.1002/oby.20471

Obesity Medicine Association. Is BMI outdated? An analysis of body mass index and health .

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. BMI a poor metric for measuring people’s health, say experts .

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Assessing your weight .

NurseJournal. BMI has fallen out of favor as a measurement tool: here’s what nurses need to know .

University of Rochester Medical Center. Is BMI accurate? New evidence says no .

By Heather Jones Jones is a freelance writer with a strong focus on health, parenting, disability, and feminism.


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  12. Resources tagged with: Mass and weight

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  24. What Is and Isn't Accurate About BMI (Body Mass Index)

    The body mass index (BMI) is commonly used to categorize weight ranges (from underweight to obese) because it is accessible, no-cost, and quick. Using a formula or BMI calculator, it is relatively easy to plug in height and weight measurements and get a figure meant to represent a measure of body fat and, by extension, related health risks.