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Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service – Case Solution

Starbucks is a major specialty-coffee brand in the North. Recent market research has indicated that the service level of the company is currently not meeting the expectations of customers. Thus, the company is discussing a plan to increase customer satisfaction by increasing the amount of labor in each coffee store and, as a consequence, increasing the speed of service. However, the plan would result in additional costs of $40 million per annum while the impact on the profitability of the company is unclear.

​Youngme Moon; John A. Quelch Harvard Business Review ( 504016-PDF-ENG ) July 31, 2003

Case questions answered:

  • What factors accounted for the extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? What was so compelling about the Starbucks value proposition? What brand image did the company develop during this period?
  • Why has Starbucks’ customer satisfaction score declined? Has the company’s service declined, or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way?
  • How does the Starbucks of 2002 differ from the Starbucks of 1992?
  • Describe the ideal Starbucks customer from a profitable standpoint. What would it take to ensure that this customer is highly satisfied? How valuable is a highly satisfied customer for the company?
  • Should Starbucks make the $40 million investment in labor in the stores? What’s the goal of this investment? Is it profitable for a megabrand to deliver customer intimacy?
  • Please summarize the case study “Starbucks – Delivering Customer Service.”
  • Please identify the key challenges of the company.

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Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service Case Answers

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Company Background – Starbucks: Love Coffee, Love People

Starbucks was founded in 1971. Later, Howard Shultz took over. Its vision and mission are to “Make America’s third place, Establish as the most recognized brand.”

The company specializes in selling whole coffee beans and premium coffee beverages. Its target customers are the affluent, well-educated segment of the market. It has achieved immense success and has spent almost nothing on advertising.

The company’s experiential branding strategy has three components:

This branding strategy is based on the human spirit, a sense of community, and the need for people to come together.

Challenges Faced

One of the core issues the company is facing is that its services are not meeting customer expectations. It is mainly due to changes in target customers, decreasing age and income groups, and customers’ poor perception of the company. Most people reviewed the company as follows:

  • Starbucks cares primarily about making money – Up from 53% in 2000 to 61% in 2001
  • Starbucks cares primarily about building more stores – Up from 48% to 55%.

There is also the lack of a strategic marketing group – no chief marketing officer, as accepted by Day herself that ‘they were good at collecting market data but not disciplined in using this data.’

The company is challenged on how to link customer satisfaction to an increase in sales and profitability. Should the company roll out a $40 million plan to add 20 hours of labor a week? And how should the company differentiate itself from competitors?

Q1. What factors accounted for the extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? What was so compelling about the Starbucks value proposition? What brand image did Starbucks develop during this period?

  • To set up an expresso bar inspired by Milan’s coffee culture.
  • The aim is to make it to America’s “third place.”
  • They created an experience around the consumption of coffee.
  • Employees were called partners. The company offered benefits, which resulted in the company’s partner satisfaction rate in the 80% -90% range.
  • Stable prices and new products were launched regularly. The company also conducted R&D, in-store experiments, and market tests.

Compelling reasons for Starbucks’ value proposition and the brand image the company has developed

  • They offered the highest quality coffee beans sourced from Africa, Central and South America, and Asia-Pacific regions.
  • The company worked directly with growers.
  • The company developed good customer intimacy.
  • The ambiance makes customers stay.
  • The company’s outlets are located in high-traffic and high-visibility settings.
  • Brand strategy, “live coffee” mantra.

Q2. Why has Starbucks’ customer satisfaction score declined? Has the company’s service declined, or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way?

  • The current way of measurement does not capture the correct consumer profile.
  • The decline in service level – trained only to please the affluent customers.
  • Diluting value proposition
  • The rising perception is that the primary motive is making money and building more stores.
  • Very little image or product differentiation between Starbucks and smaller coffee chains
  • The company has hundreds of combinations of coffee, leading to a larger service time and lower customer satisfaction.

Q3. How does the Starbucks of 2002 differ from the Starbucks of 1992?


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Starbucks Reinvented

Harvard Business School Professor and historian Nancy Koehn has studied Starbucks and its leader, Howard Schultz, for close to 20 years. For her, the company represents much more than a phenomenal success story.

In a recently published case, "Starbucks Coffee Company: Transformation and Renewal," (available soon) Koehn and coauthors Kelly McNamara, Nora Khan, and Elizabeth Legris trace the dramatic arc of the company's past seven-plus years—a period that saw Starbucks teeter on the brink of insolvency, dig deep to renew its sense of purpose and direction, and launch itself in new, untested arenas that define the company as it exists today.

"This case distills 20 years of my thinking about the most important lessons of strategy, leadership, and managing in turbulence in the frame of a very relevant company," says Koehn, the James E. Robison Professor of Business Administration. "As a brand, leadership, and entrepreneurship scholar, I've been dogging Starbucks for a long time."

On a 1995 trip to Seattle, Koehn visited a Starbucks store for the first time and was struck by what she saw and felt. The notion of a "third place" between home and work to relax and enjoy the small, affordable luxury of a special coffee beverage seemed to resonate with the social and economic moment, she recalls. Six months later she met Howard Schultz, an entrepreneur who acquired the company in 1987, and was struck by his seriousness of purpose and the breadth of what he wanted to accomplish.

The case, Koehn's fourth to focus on Starbucks, opens in February 2007. Schultz, no longer Starbucks' CEO but still its chairman, is worried the company is losing its ability to be true to its values while providing a store experience that conveys a sense of comfort, connection, and respect for its product and the communities Starbucks serves.

starbucks 2002 case study

So Schultz composed a heartfelt, searching memo to senior leadership. In it, he bemoaned decisions (for which he accepted responsibility) that improved efficiency and increased economies of scale but robbed stores of some of their essential magic, such as the smell of roasting coffee and the sights and sounds of traditional Italian espresso machines and baristas at work.

He also cited the company's rapid expansion and the potential "commoditization" of the Starbucks brand. "[W]e desperately need to look into the mirror and realize it's time to get back to the core and make the changes necessary to evoke the heritage, the tradition, and the passion that we all have for the true Starbucks Experience," Schultz wrote.

The scope and richness of Koehn's case gives it the feel of a page-turning novel; in that sense, Schultz's memo is the inciting action for all that follows.

Remaining True To Core Values

The challenge that had confronted Starbucks in the early- and mid-2000s was one common to many organizations: Could the company continue to grow while preserving its culture and values? In some areas, the drive to expand, egged on by Wall Street, was compromising the company's ability to invest in its partners (Starbucks' term for its employees), deliver personalized customer service, and maintain a close connection to the local community.

In addition, McDonald's and Dunkin' Donuts had emerged as serious competitors, offering their own lines of specialty coffee beverages. Even so, Starbucks' financials for 2007, the year Schultz composed his memo, didn't look so bad. But the entrepreneur became concerned as he dug more deeply into the numbers. Sure, revenues were up almost 21 percent over the previous year, but had slowed by over a third; transactions per store were up 1 percent, versus 5 percent the year before. Same-store sales rose only 5 percent, the smallest increase in five years.

In January 2008, Schultz returned as Starbucks CEO, replacing Jim Donald, the man he and other senior colleagues had chosen to lead the company.

Starbucks Sails Again

The case chronicles the blizzard of decisions and initiatives that follow what could have been the company's death knell as the financial crisis hit home and consumers cinched their belts.

"Schultz understood that you can't lift your foot off the gas pedal when you're attempting to transform a company," Koehn says. "Severe as its financial needs may be, you also have to figure out what you will invest in. Schultz knew that if he waited until the company was out of the woods to invest in new products, communication channels, and ways of doing business it would be too late—Starbucks would no longer be relevant."

From the start, Schultz sent the clear, unwavering message that Starbucks' transformation would represent a return to its roots and an uncompromising commitment to core values, such as health care benefits for any partners working at least 20 hours a week.

At a March 2008 gathering of 200 senior-level company leaders, Schultz unveiled a Transformation Agenda that included seven "Big Moves":

  • Be the undisputed coffee authority;
  • Engage and inspire our partners;
  • Ignite the emotional attachment with our customers;
  • Expand our global presence—while making each store the heart of a local neighborhood;
  • Be a leader in ethical sourcing and environmental impact;
  • Creative innovation growth platforms worthy of our coffee;
  • Deliver a sustainable economic model.

The case provides a behind-the-scenes look at how the coffee company moved forward on these goals, including the introduction of the milder Pike Place Roast; the story of its VIA Ready Brew line; the launch of a loyalty program; investment in and engagement with social media; focus on a global expansion strategy; and the extension of social programs. The company closed stores, restructured its manufacturing and supply operations, and, perhaps most significantly, took steps to reengage its partners and store managers. In February 2008, Starbucks closed more than 7,000 of its stores across the country for "Espresso Excellence Training," taking the time to work with approximately 135,000 baristas to ensure they could pour a perfect espresso shot and steam milk properly.

For Schultz, however, that wasn't enough—he wanted to reach the company's store managers, recognizing them as essential to the transformation process.

"I needed an unfiltered venue for expressing my empathy about all that we were asking our partners to do and telling them plainly what was at stake," he wrote in Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul . The answer, in Schultz's mind, was a three-day conference in New Orleans in October 2008, a moment when the global economy happened to be tanking. Starbucks' fourth quarter profits were down 97 percent from the same time a year earlier; for the fiscal year, net earnings were down 53 percent to $316 million. The Starbucks board was reluctant to send 10,000 partners to New Orleans at a cost of $30 million, but Schultz stuck to his guns.

In addition to rolling up their sleeves and taking part in community service projects to aid areas of the city still recovering from Hurricane Katrina, partners participated in team-building events that reviewed the company's guiding principles and reminded them of their central role in the customer experience. Schultz also brought in Bono, lead singer of U2, to announce a partnership to channel proceeds from holiday beverage sales to the Global Fund in support of AIDS relief programs in Africa.

The New Orleans conference was a turning point for Starbucks; in the "novel" of Koehn's case, it's the climax.

"Investing in a conference of that size is such an unusual thing to do when faced with a cash crunch," Koehn says. "Schultz understood that what saves and breaks businesses is much more than cash. In the midst of so much turbulence, it's all too easy to pull levers on the low-hanging fruit of cash and logistics. But you don't save a business and turn it around without speaking to, focusing, and calling on the spirit of your people."

Schultz's experience qualifies him for closer study in Koehn's HBS course Power and Glory in Turbulent Times: The History of Leadership from Henry V to Steve Jobs. Not all managers are confronted in their careers with the sort of transformation challenge faced by Starbucks, but Schultz's reflections and actions are instructive for anyone charged with finding sources of strength, innovation, and renewal in today's turbulent business environment, Koehn says.

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  • Founder and first CEO, Coffees of Hawaii Inc.
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Nancy F. Koehn

  • Change Management
  • Motivation and Incentives
  • Organizations
  • Growth Management
  • Transformation
  • Food and Beverage
  • United States

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How Starbucks Became Everyone's Cup Of Coffee

Table of contents.

Starbucks Coffee Company boasts impressive stats:

  • Owns 40% share of US Coffee Market
  • Earns $24,72 billion worldwide
  • Has 29,324 stores worldwide in 72 countries
  • Over 14,000 of total stores in the United States / over 27,000 worldwide
  • Conducts over 90 million transactions per week
  • So popular in China, a new store opens every 15 hours
  • Following McDonald's as the most valuable fast food brand worldwide (valued at $44.5 billion)

It will be very hard to achieve something Starbucks did since 1971 when the company started. There’s a lot of firsts when it comes to the company. First to introduce the new coffee culture, the first privately owned company which offered all their employees health insurance AND the share of the company.

The CEO, Howard Schultz, who might even run for president at some point , achieved something that is almost impossible — appeal to shareholders, employees, and customers at the same time. This is my giant case study on how to achieve world domination in case you want to bring an old product to the new market.


The Starbucks Idea

starbucks 2002 case study

The coffee culture in the United States before the 80s was nonexistent. 

Americans were used to huge cans of ground coffee and they couldn’t care less about the flavor. Even if you’d go outside your household to a dinner you would be met with a generic drip coffee or styrofoam cups of foul-tasting joe at the workplace. No one even thought about the flavor, the origin, or anything more sophisticated tied to the drink.

The 70s coffee culture didn’t exist at all.

In 1970 three college friends: Gordon Bowker, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl went into the coffee business together. They set up a shop and sold roasted beans. They received the knowledge from a man named Alfred Peet (if that rings a bell, yes he is the owner of Peet’s Coffee). Alfred was one of the most knowledgeable people in the country about coffee. He knew where to source it, how to roast it. He was the first to introduce dark roasted and french roasted beans.

In 1971, the three friends opened the roastery and bean shop in Pike’s Place, Seattle’s famous tourist destination known for the Pike’s Public Market Center. Peet helped the young entrepreneurs by providing them with beans and connecting them with reliable bean providers.

The name Starbucks stuck because it’s easy to say, impossible to misspell, and has a vaguely British overtone to it. Really, we picked it because our lawyer called and told us we had to submit papers and needed a name. We didn’t know at the time, but Starbuck is the name of the first mate on the Pequod in Moby Dick. That might explain the siren logo. Some might even say it comes from Mount Rainier's Mining company Starbo . According to Gordon Bowker, they were initially going for the name Cargo House Coffee .

The business was successful enough for the trio so they opened 4 more shops in Seattle. However, no coffee drinks were being served. This was still a roasted bean retail shop intended for home use.

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At that time Starbucks was competing against instant coffee cans. The quality was stark and thus the business went well. Things were about to change when the founders hired the head of marketing and sales, Howard Schultz in 1982.

The Inclination for Grit and Determination Fix Social Injustice

Howard Schultz was a child raised in poverty. After seeing his father injuring himself doing grueling manual labor, he decided he wanted to get rid of the injustice of the working class. An idea of creating and striving for an environment where employees are fairly compensated and taken care of has been set in.

In Masters of Scale interview with Reid Hoffman, Schultz described seeing his father stretched out on the sofa after suffering an injury. Howard Schultz swore to himself to make a company his father had never worked for.

“I saw my father losing his sense of dignity and self-respect. I am sure that this was caused mostly by the fact that he has been treated as an ordinary working man.” – Howard Schultz, AstrumPeople article

Schultz started working at the age of 12 selling newspapers. Since he was being athletic, Howard earned an athletic scholarship at Northern Michigan University where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Communications in 1975.

After his graduation, Howard Schultz spent three years as a sales manager at Xerox, and then he started working at a Swedish company Hammarplast , where he was selling home appliances, including coffee grinders to businesses like Starbucks.

The Starbucks founder trio took him amidst to grow the company.

In 1983, Howard Schultz gets an epiphany. He travels to Milan, Italy for some sort of conference and what he sees there changes his perception of coffee forever. In certain European countries, especially Italy, coffee was one of the more important things in life. It served as a social lubricant and the third place of dwelling between home and work. Schultz discovered what it means to have a high-quality espresso served in a proper way in a relaxed environment.

starbucks 2002 case study

He was determined to bring this piece of coffee culture back to the United States. The founders gave in after continuous pressure from Schultz to open an espresso bar. Eventually, they gave him an opportunity to open up a coffee bar inside a store. It was incredibly popular. But the owners didn’t want to turn the coffee retail business into a cafe.

“After Milan I flew back to the United States, excited to share what I experienced. But my bosses, the first founders of Starbucks, for whom I had tremendous respect, did not share my dream of re-creating the coffee bar experience in Seattle. I was crushed, but my belief was so powerful that, in April 1986, I left Starbucks and raised money from local investors to found my own retail coffee company. I named it Il Giornale after Milan’s daily newspaper.

In 1985 Howard Schultz opened his own cafe chain - Il Giornale . He wanted to pursue the dream and went back to Starbucks owners and offered to buy all 6 stores that were operational at that time. With the help of raised venture capital he succeeded and became the CEO after the successful acquisition with $3.6M.

The hyper-growth began.

Key takeaway #1 — change is good

The determination and unrelenting belief to change the current situation is not just a helpful attribute but a prerequisite for cultural change. Staying true to the “one thing” without flinching will be the cause and the driver of change.

“An Old Product in the New Market”

Whenever something works out on an incredible scale in one market, there’s a potential of seeing it succeed in a new one. This is called introducing an old product to a new market.

For example, Uber and Lyft built an incredible business about ride-sharing. Because they have to contain the growth before they are spread too thin, that gives the opportunity to copy-cats in different markets. In the United Arab Emirates, you have Careem ( just recently acquired by Uber ), in Croatia you’ve got have Cammeo and in India, you’ve got sRide .

After something experiences great success, there is only a matter of time before someone else sees the potential and brings it back to the new market, and starts eating out the market share

Coffee was a big opportunity in the United States at that time. Howard Schultz saw with his own eyes how effective and important it is in Italy and he knew he could do something similar in the United States. To perform a similar innovative (for the new market) service you would need to take the entire concept and localize it to the new market.

Even the trends from 2004 to this day shows an upward trend in coffee:

search trend for coffee in us

This go-to-market product strategy was first introduced In 1957 by Russian American mathematician and business manager Igor Ansoff. The Ansoff Matrix was published in Harvard Business Review in the article “Strategies for Diversification”. In his opinion, there are only two ways to develop a growth strategy — varying what is sold (product growth) and to whom it is sold (market growth).

starbucks 2002 case study

Market development — new market, existing product

The Starbucks go-to strategy was to bring the already established product in different cultural and geographical spaces into the new market — the coffee-culture deprived United States.

Howard Schultz’s task was to closely observe how Italians treat the product and figure out a way to bring it home with minor changes. It was impossible to expect that the new market is going to slurp macchiatos from tiny espresso cups but everyone could understand comfort and better quality. That was going to be Starbucks’s trump card.

Market penetration — old market, old product

The most obvious strategy is to sell the existing product to the existing market. With this concept there’s a little risk since the companies don’t have to educate the market with the new product, however, the growth is inhibited by competition or decreasing trends.

Diversification - new market, new product

By far the riskiest approach is introducing a new product in new markets. Not only the product needs to provide clear values, but it also has to educate its use in the new market.

Imagine bringing augmented reality technology to a country where there’s no practical use for it yet. Since there’s a great risk, it can also result in amazing success where you’re the only provider in the blue ocean market.

Most of the startups are banking on this strategy.

Product development - old market, new product

This strategy is most often used by established brands that are already known as leaders in their field. If a washing machine company introduces a new technology that also folds your clothes after washing and drying, that would be much easier to understand and adapt to their existing users.

Key takeaway #2 — do market research

When developing the new market, learn as much as possible about the product itself in the location where it’s mostly used and established. Identify all the major benefits and think of the most significant values that would succeed in the new market

Eco-Conscious, Friendly People, and Profitable — Starbucks’ Triple balancing act

Howard Schultz had an idea to build something that is almost impossible to imagine and can exist only in Utopia. From the start, he wanted to serve with equal importance towards customers and employees.

This is almost impossible to achieve since on one end the business investors want to see money coming in, which in most cases means lean running staff with lower wages and higher-priced products. The staff, or “ partners ” as Howard Schultz calls its employees, are not only compensated a fair wage ( between $10 to $15/hour according to Glassdoor ) but also have healthcare insurance and discounted stock options for company shares.

Howard went even further, offering full tuition coverage through Arizona State University's online degree program .

This idea was most likely outrageous to shareholders. Everyone will get a piece of the company’s pie?

In a Tim Ferriss interview with Jim Collins, the author of Built to Last and Good to Great mentioned the final lesson of his mentor and all-around management superhero Peter Drucker:

“The management isn’t about being more efficient all the time, but it’s also being more humane at the same time.

Striving for workplace quality for the employees was thus one of the main values the CEO implemented in the company.

The interesting analogy is Jordan Peterson’s theory of order and chaos (yin and yang) where one side represents the profit that company must achieve by ruthlessly cutting back the cost in the workforce and the other side where the conscience of doing the right thing for your people brings satisfaction and peace to the workplace which is a proven necessity for customer-facing businesses.

Key takeaway #3 — happy employees make happy clients

Treat your people well. When you’re in the service industry the customer satisfaction and treatment are at times more important than the actual product. And happy employees make happy clients.

The Product

Better coffee.

To coffee drinkers, there are not a lot of things more important than a good coffee in the morning or during the day. By today’s standards, Starbucks drinks aren’t at the level of barista artisans and coffee aficionados. But when the shops started opening in the early 70s, 80s, and 90s, the espressos and lattes were vastly different from all the other stuff people were drinking.

starbucks 2002 case study

Coffee is generally roasted in three ways: light, medium, or dark, depending on the time dedicated to the coffee beans’ roasting.

In a light roast, you would notice a fruity and acidic taste. Coffee beans are actually considered fruit and are sometimes called cherries. That is the reason you taste light roast as acidic with fruit notes.

In Medium roast, the coffee tastes the sweetest. The glucose levels reach the point where the glucose starts to break. Coffee roasters would say the medium roast is the most balanced since it’s not bitter nor acidic but something in between.

In dark roast, you can taste the bitterness due to burned beans.

Coffee quality comparison

Starbucks predominantly use dark roast coffee which also represents the majority of the coffee that is being consumed in North America. As mentioned, the coffee quality was much better than instant abominations in the early 80s; however, it definitely cannot measure up to artisan roasters.

starbucks 2002 case study

There are two main reasons:

1— Dark roast is cheaper and can be produced in mass quantities. Similarly to green tea, the light roast-worthy beans are grown in shady, high-altitudes where it produces the most sweetness. High-quality matcha (powdered green tea leaves) is intentionally kept in the shade so it produces more photosynthesis and better taste. Since Starbucks has to supply tens of thousands of shops, they have to bring the mass supply to the cafes. Brian Stoffel from El Toledo roastery in Costa Rica says: “It would be financially stupid for a large chain to buy high-quality coffee beans and use them for dark roast coffee.”

This brings us to…

2— The coffee has to taste the same across the cafes to guarantee uniformity. With dark roast, the flavors of the beans are getting covered up in the same way as overseasoning a dish or overcooking a steak.

But it wasn’t just about the coffee alone. The branding kicks in and people pay for something they want to eventually become. Drinking Starbucks drinks meant they are sophisticated, culturally progressive individuals who enjoyed the premium experience of coffee-drinking culture from fashionable Milano streets.

The slim and elegant takeaway cups proudly wore the green siren logo so the passers-by noticed the person drinking that exact coffee. These cups were different from styrofoam cups in the office or fast food joints.

starbucks 2002 case study

A similar tactic was used by Apple with the launch of iPods and white earbuds. The iPod was a cool new gadget you had to wear to be relevant in modern society. Apple made it in such a way that people noticed which users had iPods — because they plugged white earbuds into them.

This was a genius idea because the users were immediately differentiated from other less-cool mp3 gadget-using people. Secondly, this was a perfect silent word-of-mouth strategy. If local influencers were seen using white earbuds, everyone else wanted to get on that trend. This strategy is viral in concept and is used by many companies; however, it’s harder to implement it on a distinctive level.

Later on, Starbucks adapted to the marketing with something called “horizontal offer”. It wasn’t just about the dark roast and espresso shots. Young budding students wanted something sweet and mocha just hit the note between coffee and rich chocolate fudge. Why not having both in one product?

Later on, Starbucks started offering teas and snacks. Snack is bringing in a substantial amount of revenue. The shops are using the display of sweet pastry or savory egg sandwiches like any expert pastry shop in Europe. And there are not many people who can resist a croissant, cinnamon roll, or blueberry muffin with their americano or latte.

starbucks 2002 case study

The food is bringing in more than 20% of all revenue . The pasty was the start, but the company followed up by offering breakfast sandwiches. The adaptation to the market goes even further.

With the recent diet trends in health and fitness, Starbucks has you covered with gluten-free, protein-rich snacks.

With all the addition and expansions to serve a larger audience, it’s inevitable to create resistance groups who blame Starbucks as a commodity coffee provider. And they would be right, it has become that because their system of sourcing beans has to ensure the stock supplies for thousands of shops. But by becoming the main coffee dealer to the masses all the micro-roasters and man-bun wearing, tattoo-sleeved barista artists can fall on their knees and thank the mighty green Siren for creating a market for them.

The need for coffee has increased substantially with the introduction of better coffee, so it created another pocket of niche providers of premium roasted bean roasters.

The price of a cup

Most of the coffee shops live well because they can afford hefty margins. An 80% markup is a standard in the coffee business, especially on the higher-end brews. According to the Small Business Development Center’s 2012 report, food costs take up about 15 percent of revenues on average. The average coffee shop then has a gross margin of 85 percent.

Starbucks margins must be pretty loaded then since they buy tons of coffee from a few sources. According to Coffee Makers USA, the actual coffee in a grande Starbucks cappuccino costs about 31 cents.

For a commodity product such as coffee, Starbucks drinks are quite up there on the more expensive tier ranging from $2.15 for a tall drip to $5.95 for a seasonal frappuccino concoction. But taking into consideration the physical positioning ( Chapter 5 — Coffee Locations ), paying off employees and staff the actual margin per coffee sold are 7% .

Historically, Starbucks has been raising the prices per cup over the years. Since it has poured a lot of equity into maintaining the brand image, it can afford to have a steeper price than its competitors (McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts). Instead of losing the price-sensitive customers, Starbucks differentiates itself from the before-mentioned companies and thus keeping the brand image of a premium java provider.

However, as Tucker Dawson from PriceIntelligently mentions, the prices aren’t increased across the whole product offering . The high-margin items have stayed the same.

Product differentiation

By having a strong and recognizable brand, the company can afford to put out merchandise. Starbucks holiday-themed mugs and localized artwork on them are a big part of the exposure. The merch cabinets and tables are usually near the counters or areas where there’s a longer dwelling time.

The revenue isn’t coming just from the beverages alone. Starbucks did an amazing job of offering non-caffeinated beverages including kids drinks and teas which were introduced after partnerships or acquisitions of Tazo and Teavana.

starbucks 2002 case study

Starbucks started to diversify its products, pushed them into retail space, and also added teas.

The big drivers are also snacks, wholesale beans, before-mentioned merch, and coffee equipment.

Key takeaway #4 — diversify and expand

While the product is one of the key components of a successful business think about its potential upgrades. Keeping the core you can diversify the offering (and acquire new revenue channels) by expanding into different verticals but staying inside your core company values.

Experience is More Important Than The Product Itself

With a distinctive brand identity, Starbucks shops are easily recognizable anywhere in the World. For a global brand, this is one of the mandatory elements. Each franchise is slightly different than the other — Starbucks in the posh downtown area will have a different feel than the one on the Student campus or at an airport.

But each store follows certain guidelines which are prescribed. In tech and startups, product development follows a concept called minimal acceptance criteria . In other words, what are the lowest common denominators the dev team needs to do before it can be rolled out as a published version.

For Starbucks Cafes, even though the store managers have a certain freedom to run and maintain the facility, they have to ensure to deliver the core Starbucks qualities.

  • Indie playing music
  • Comfortable (community) tables for remote work
  • Reliable wireless connection
  • Charging Outlets

These shouldn’t just be taken for granted. People love some sense of predictability in their lives. How many times have you been on the lookout for Starbucks when visiting a new country just to take advantage of their wi-fi connection and use of restroom? From that perspective, Starbucks serves as a transactional facility offering other services which don’t have much to do with coffee.

The main idea is, coffee is not the product that is being sold at Starbucks cafes — the whole thing is a social experiment of creating a meeting place between people. It serves as some sort of oasis for meeting up with friends, having a snack and a cup of coffee in a comfy chair while listening to the latest Indie playlists . Starbucks is less in the coffee business as is in people’s business as well.

“It’s not Starbucks coffee you are getting, it’s the Starbucks experience. “

By calling your name and writing it on the cup, it doesn’t just inform the customer that their drink is ready. It allows a more personalized service since we love hearing and seeing our name.

Smells and sounds

Starbucks Sounds

Chances are when you go to Starbucks you don’t ever hear the music. But it plays an important role nevertheless. Starbucks playlists are carefully curated to help create that ambiance of a neighborhood coffee shop.

It has been a piece of the Starbucks experience for over 40 years already . The songs and tracks are carefully curated way ahead of time. These handcrafted playlists usually consist of indie, feel-good songs, pop, alt-country to season-themed or even classical playlists during holidays.

In 1999, Starbucks even acquired a Bay Area music store to launch its own branded coffeehouse and later on, even a record label. In the early 2000s, Starbucks sold CDs in the store until the format decline. In 2016, Starbucks partnered with Spotify . Through the mobile app integration, Spotify plays music as part of the app. In-store listeners can take a look inside to identify the artists and save the tracks to their playlists.

Holly Hinton and David Legry, the in-house music curators, are responsible for what gets played. What sounds like the best job in the world, actually is. Their sole work is searching for the right tracks and artists that they can see are fit to be played in the coffee shop.

In an interview with Fast Company , Holy Hinton said:

“We want our customers to walk in and have a ‘What’s that song?’ moment. We want them to hear interesting, cool music that they might not hear when they turn the radio on. It’s music that we think is cool and would sound beautiful in the coffee shop. It’s the music that we’d want to hear on Sunday morning when we’re reading the paper and drinking coffee. It’s a friend-to-friend personal. And we’re lucky to be able to be a part of that.”

To localize the experience, every region is slightly customized regarding the music, while still carrying the same vibe Starbucks customers are used to. This way, whenever a customer comes to the cafe, within the first few seconds, they feel accustomed based on the music alone.

The interior design

Every piece of furniture and interior is carefully planned to conform to the standards of the homey coffee place.

To get their store right, Starbucks interviewed hundreds of coffee drinkers to get as much information which they could use to build a perfect coffee shop. The overwhelming consensus actually had nothing to do with coffee; what consumers sought was a place of relaxation, a place of belonging.

If we go back to Howard Schultz’s deciding moment from the Milanese coffee shops, it shows he managed to do just that. Create a community space as a second home. It’s somewhere where people meet, it’s where you can take someone for a first date or even get some work done at the large community table.

In the book Starbucked, freelance journalist Taylor Clark claims, that “The round tables in a Starbucks store were strategically created in an effort to protect self-esteem for those coffee-drinkers flying solo. After all, there are no “empty” seats at a round table.”

If we looked at the interior, the counters, chairs, and wardrobes are built out of natural materials like warm woods and stone. In some stores, you would find cozy armchairs as well. With the Shared Planet initiative , they doubled down with environmental sustainability in mind and employing local craftsmen to do the job. The stores are built from reused and recycled materials wherever possible.

Most of the new stores that are being built are a part of the LEED Certification program (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Starbucks differentiates from three general looks with the addition of concept designs:

  • Heritage coffee houses reflect the history of the place where the store is located. At Pike Place, the coffee shop reflects the merchant trading roots with worn wood, stained concrete or tiled floors, metal stools, and factory-inspired lighting. Even more sophisticated is the New Orleans inspired coffeehouse showing the rich music history.
  • A “Louisian merchant in the early 1900s” inspired heritage coffeehouse with vintage trombones light fixtures. Located in French Quarter, New Orleans.
  • Artisan stores echo the industrial past of urban markets, taking inspiration from the Modernism of the 1930s. This motif celebrates simple materials like exposed steel beams, masonry walls, factory casement glass, and hand-polished woodwork in a creative gathering place for culture and the arts.

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  • Regional Modern are localized stylized coffee shops. The interior is spacious. comfortable and welcoming. The bright, loft-like, light-filled spaces punctuated with regionally inspired furniture and culturally relevant fabrics create a calm and contemporary respite from the clamor of the fast-paced world.

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  • Experimental — with growth and a plethora of locations comes more daring and innovative designs. Unique designs such as the reimagined drive-thru in Colorado , the Swiss Train contemporary mobile coffee space from Geneva Airport to St. Gallen or one of the beautiful Shinto shrine-inspired coffee shops in Japan

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‍ Starbucks Reserve

To combat the upscale coffee market which ironically has to thank Starbucks for creating fertile grounds of demand for premium coffee, Starbucks started opening up so-called Starbucks Reserve stores. These are luxurious, beautiful, and magnificent stores where they roast premium, rare beans and experiment with different brewing techniques.

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CNN Money described the store concept as "an open, marketplace-style" with a Princi bakery counter, a full liquor bar, and a Reserve coffee bar, with tables, lounge areas, and two fireplaces.

"Our Reserve store takes the best of coffee craft as well as artisan baking and layers in a marketplace-style customer experience creating a space that has both energy and moments of intimacy," — Liz Muller, VP of Creative, Global Design & Innovation at Starbucks

Coffee shop locations

In any high-traffic area in the city where Starbucks is located, you almost have a feeling their shops are everywhere. You would be partially right — Starbucks are strategically located in areas with high appeal. Similarly to Walgreens, Starbucks chose the concept of the convenience store, always located in an area of larger foot-traffic .

Starbucks Seattle locations

Source | A snapshot of Starbucks shops in Seattle

Arthur Rubinfeld who is responsible for Starbucks’ location selection, explained there are about 20 or so analytic experts around the world who are assessing different factors of the appropriate area for the new Starbucks shop .

Key takeaway #5 — spoil your customers

Think beyond the product and identify what else can you do for the customer to add you in their daily, weekly routine. Customer support excellence is mandatory, so think further and in the direction of the place’s ambiance including smells and sounds.

Breaking down the Brand and Messaging

Bill Macaitis, former CMO of Slack said it best - “The brand is the sum of all customer touchpoints your customers have with you at any point”. With the food and beverage category, this is even more important.

By introducing and creating a culture of coffee drinking, Starbucks had a major opportunity to create intimacy with the customer. In Italy, coffee culture is a part of every day and the same culture was slowly getting familiar to the new audience.

Because of the personal nature of coffee and frequency of visits, this relationship-bonding happened much faster than in other fast-food joints, especially since in the early years of Starbucks there was no competition.

Brand and product

The bright white cups with the green siren are the first noticeable brand. But it goes beyond that. You will notice that Starbucks never offers any sort of discounts or actions like buy-one-get-one-free. That’s sort of action dilutes the premium feel of the brand. You can get a free coffee drink for your birthday, but the underlying reason for that is for a customer to develop a positive connection with the brand and company.

The most valuable assets of the regular Starbucks coffee shop can be broken down:

☕Free reliable Wifi - besides oxygen, water, and sleep, the online connection has become a necessity in modern civilization. Whenever you’re in a new place and you need to connect, one of the first options would be a Starbucks shop.

☕Comfortable seats and community tables - whether you’re there to take a breather or putting some hours of online work or organizing an impromptu study group, there’s a Starbucks location that can provide those demands. Most of the Starbucks are generously equipped with charging outlets as well, so you can get another drink after your focus is starting to drop… and then another… And another...

☕Friendly baristas - customer service is ingrained in the retail work description yet rarely done the right way. With L.A.T.T.E. method (Chapter 8 - Disciplined Action) and general training of Starbucks partners , each interaction with the customer is there to provide a positive experience. Calling people by their name, timely service, and the patience of crafting ridiculously complex drink orders .

☕Brand colors and materials — the nature-influenced interior with dark colors and wood finishes are giving a feel of hominess. Sometimes a Starbuck visit is just a pause you take in a day to relax your eyes.

☕Music and smells — coffee and snacks just smell amazing. Let’s take that for granted. The music serves a purpose as well as bringing an ambiance that is great for having a conversation or focusing on work (or your date).

Key takeaway #6 — positive interactions

The brand is the sum of all touchpoints the customer has with the company. This goes beyond the product and customer service. Think about every single interaction customers have with you and make them positive.

Starbucks Master Example of Mobile Retention and App Rewards

Starbucks mastered the mobile game at the right time. Dabbling with mobile technology since 2007, Adam Brotman spearheaded the platform to maximize the effect. The big challenge was to align it with the brand.

“We don't look at mobile in a vacuum. We have an overall digital strategy that's all about building relationships with our customers, and that strategy runs across a number of digital touchpoints. We're looking at mobile, Web and social to think more holistically about how we engage with our customers and tell our story." — Adam Brotman, Chief Digital Officer

In the Manifest survey in 2018, 500 smartphone owners rated their satisfaction using food apps. Starbucks had the most popular and regularly used loyalty rewards app — 48% of users used it on a daily basis.

Four years later, Starbucks remains one of the most popular apps, ranking number 6 on the list of most downloaded Food & Drink apps. 

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The mobile switch paid dividends with time. Instead of support and enhancing physical visits to the store, the channel began bringing in 23% of all the revenue.

Ordering ahead of time and user experience

For a food mobile app to be successful, it must bring value to the user, be easy or even fun to use and it should have entertaining, dynamic content.

The design has to adhere to rules of the brand, achieve a consistent visual look and continuity across all touchpoints.

The mobile app design is no different than the rest of the materials Starbucks uses.

Digital Engagement paid tremendous dividends for the company.

Starbucks CFO Scott Maw said almost all of the company’s same-store sales growth has come from customers that have digital relationships with the company and those that are in the Starbucks Rewards program.

User-friendly design

This is the minimal and easiest thing to leverage on. With a strong brand, it should not be hard to create an appealing visual interface and create logic flow and transitions or continuation to the desired action.

Engaging loyalty program

Retention is the name of the game. If a customer trusts you well enough to download your app, you have a unique opportunity to convert him or her to be a regular user.

Starbucks has a similar strategy with the reward system. Every day there’s a slight reward, whether it’s collecting points or showing the current mouth-watering warm drink inside the app. It’s sticky and you can’t help but wish for a warm beverage.

Mobile pay and ordering

The North American market is known for heavy mobile use . By prepaying and using the device to quickly go through the ordering process, the customers feel more efficient and slightly more an advantage than the other poor souls who still buy their coffee with credit cards or cash.

Integration with other platforms and services

Partnerships are ways to get tons of new users with one big swoop. Spotify acquired one million users a few days after partnering with Facebook (Source) and Facebook had one sexy product update from it as well. For similar reasons, Starbucks used Spotify to enrich the experience of the mobile app.

Now playing highlight in Starbucks stores (Music is a big part of the brand and having perennial "Shazam" embedded brings seemingly insignificant, yet positive experience.

UX/UI — breaking down the mobile app design

Out of this world personalized experience.

The app remembers your favorite order. This is ingenious. We’ve mentioned how coffee represents a daily habit - if Starbucks manages to infiltrate itself into your habit loop, they’ve won. They have become a part of your daily routine. Stacy always stops at the same drive-through Starbucks, orders her Grande Latte with Soy Milk at 6:15 am before she checks-in at her job. When that’s her daily or even only a few time per week routine, the LTV for that kind of customer is absolutely amazing!

Every little detail counts. For instance, here’s the customized greeting each time a user opens the app’s Home tab.


Most addictive phone games always give you something to do if you’re not using them for a while. From Candy Crush Saga to Supercell’s engineered mobile drugs like Clash of Clans and Boom Beach, the mechanics of engagement are carefully predicted for maximum time and cash spend. These games start with low difficulty. They are fun, colorful, and offer an entertaining introduction to their mechanics. But you can play all day, and after a while (on a free tier) you’re locked out of the game.

To continue playing, you can either (literally) buy your time or increase your chances of success with extra loot, power levels, or something similar.

Starbucks uses a similar principle of gamifying its mobile app. There’s a lot of value upfront (pay with a card, skip the line, earn credits for free drinks) but it serves the company’s profit. You get hooked to those stars (credits) which are stacking in your beautifully designed mobile app.

There are also challenges for extra Starbucks points (who can say no to double credit days?)

With the app, Starbucks gets you to try new products and thus increase the range of products you are consuming AND it gives the company an opportunity to increase the average order revenue per customer.

There’s a thin line between being overbearing and being just enough engaging. And at the same time, they have to be very strategic on the number of features offered. Sean Ellis , the OG Growth hacker said the product is ready to ship once all the unnecessary features are taken away (kind of the same mentality as per good design). Luckily with MILLIONS of users, Starbucks can apply some Data Science magic and figure those timings for every type of person.

Personalization goes even further - it tries to give a similar experience as to visiting the store ( source )

Starbucks Loyalty Program on triple-caffeine nitro power

The Starbucks Rewards are dead simple - the more you spend the more stars you get. Besides the stars, the rewards program offers birthday rewards, phone payments, paying ahead, free in-store refills and special offers and events for members. As expected the experience is personalized for each user.

The Rewards work like gangbusters! More than 14.2 million active members in the U.S. are invested in the loyalty program and the mobile strategy has seen an 11% growth in users in Q2 2018 . The gamification of the program and “spend more, earn more” in some cases represent 39% of the entire chain's sales .

Here’s what’s ingenious about the mobile program. Even though there are people who prefer to have the minimum number of apps on their phone and think twice before opening the doors for the elite club on their smartphone storage, the Starbucks app is a trojan horse of benefits - even if you don’t care about collecting stars, it’s tough to say no to the free birthday drink or the convenient mobile pay.

Online Ordering and easy payments flatten the friction of getting the product. Just like the Amazon 1-click purchase or Slack’s onboarding sequence , the same goes for picking up a mocha and Petite Vanilla Bean Scone. At first, Starbucks had some issues, since the mobile members had to wait in line just like the others, but Starbucks responded by adding dedicated stations for mobile order-ahead customers.

Members can skip the waiting line and enjoy the jealous looks while feeling elite of themselves.

The beauty of the app isn’t giving one big benefit of a quicker caffeine shot to the member, but it serves as an upsell marketing tool. The Starbucks app is a delivery method for presenting new items ahead of time. These generate interest and coupled with email notifications, it gives their customers something to look forward to.

To keep the retention flat, the Rewards program has “punishment” traits tied into it. If you’re not using the stars for visiting the cafes you start losing them. This psychological trick, known as The Endowment Effect , helps to nudge those people who are affected more about losing something they already have.

The Mobile part is one of the main drivers of customer retention and has proven to raise the average order size per customer. Since the frequency of orders and visits is so high, the LTV per customer contributes to that impressive double-digit growth in the first years.

Key takeaway #7 - APP A mobile app for a product that is being used on a daily basis and is in the lifestyle category is not a nice to have, but almost mandatory. If you want to stay a part of your customer's daily lives, bring the entertainment, rewards, and gamification to keep retention and customer satisfaction high. You will be rewarded with increased LTV.

The Success Flywheel of Starbucks

The easiest way to figure out and identify the success of a company is to apply the try-and-true framework. Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great, Built to Last claims all mega-successful companies have to figure out the Flywheel principle .

To become an unstoppable juggernaut in its own field, Starbucks had to align 5-6 different elements in three categories:

  • Disciplined People
  • Level 5 Leadership
  • First Who… Then What
  • Disciplined Thought
  • Face the Reality
  • Hedgehog Concept
  • Disciplined Action

Culture of Discipline

  • Leveraging the Technology

Imagine the concepts as drivers of one giant flywheel. Let’s say you’d want to move a giant stone wheel that sits on an axle. It would take a lot of effort to get it moving at first. After gaining speed it would need less and less power to keep it going. After gaining momentum, the same wheel would run on its own with little interaction. Just like the extremely simplified quote says; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

The Buildup phase

Disciplined people - Starbucks Level 5 Leadership

starbucks leadership levels

Excerpt from Good to Great -> “Level 5 leaders display a powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They're incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the cause, for the organization and its purpose, not themselves. While Level 5 leaders can come in many personality packages, they are often self-effacing, quiet, reserved, and even shy. Every good-to-great transition in our research began with a Level 5 leader who motivated the enterprise more with inspired standards than inspiring personality.”

There’s no doubt, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz possesses the characteristics and personality traits of a Level 5 leader. The ambition alone to introduce a new cultural concept in a new market sounds incredibly daunting, but to play it right with the shareholders, customers and their own people sounds impossible.

But that was the initial idea, a moral standard. The mission statement of Starbucks is:

“to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”

Let’s break this down into two pieces.

Inspire and nurture the human spirit .

The people, customers, and partners (staff) are the most important assets of any company. The first part of the mission statement explains that in a split-second. The relationships within the company have to be nurtured and supported while exuding warmth and friendliness.

Howard Schultz has shown respect for the mission by developing programs for their own people, which include free education, health insurance and even a share in the Starbucks company.

“One person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time .”

The second part stresses the importance of gradual improvement. Each interaction with a customer, each cup of coffee made hold a large amount of responsibility to deliver the right experience. The neighborhood part reminds the staff and the customers that the stores pay special respect and attention to the place where they are located.

In the article Inside Starbucks’s $35 Million Mission , author Sarah Kessler describes how Starbucks runs the “ Leadership Lab ” — part leadership, part training conference for 10,000 store managers.

Disciplined thought

Face the Reality — When stuff gets hard, leaders don’t turn away from the problem or worse, get busy with mundane tasks, deceiving themselves they are working. Closing your eyes to the reality means you’re on a great way to a downward spiral.

In 2008, Howard Schultz got reinstated by the board as CEO. The sales and shares were dropping. The brand and the culture of Starbucks were deteriorating rapidly. The magical experience was a shadow of its former self.

Schultz decided on a radical idea to close all the stores and retrain in order to inflict the importance of the Starbucks vision and mission. Tied into this transition was closing numerous shops and letting go of hundreds of employees. The ordeal cost the company 6 to 7 million dollars .

In 2018, Starbucks closed the doors again in order to put the staff through racial anti-bias training. The temporary closure cost the company between $15 - $20 million dollars

But it was necessary and long needed. The company picked up from the bottom just like in Drake’s song and has been rapidly growing in the world’s map as well as on index stock charts.

The Hedgehog Concept

The term Hedgehog concept introduced by Collins is some sort of a marriage consisting of a Venn diagram and three major ideas. Jim Collins thinks that in order to have a chance to be the best in the world you have to possess all three:

  • The Elite Skill - You will have to be the best in your area of expertise. Constant learning, innovating and moving the boundaries are expected from the movers and shakers of the world.
  • Deep Passion - Someone who grows a business will eventually (and continuously) encounter major obstacles where the skill isn’t going to be enough. The grit, powered with a deep passion and a reason why is arguably even more important than the knowledge alone.
  • Ability to generate revenue - Understanding of what drives the economic engine is the third piece of the puzzle that completes the concept. No business can survive without sustaining itself and its people financially.

Schultz possesses all three: the Stanford education armed him to become shrewd and dangerous in the business world with a deep understanding of the economic machine while he stayed in love with the company and continued to deeply care for its people and the customers.

The second part of the hedgehog concept is the sheer simplicity of your objective. When it comes to specializing and becoming the best in the world, you need one clear statement which completely prevails over all the others.

The hedgehog is the exact opposite of the fox concept. Foxes are cunning, smart and resourceful animals who take any opportunity to get ahead using any tactic they can think off. Yet when they encounter and attack the hedgehog, the hedgehog simply rolls up into a ball and protects itself with its spiky hide.

The hedgehog companies have one major driving goal that is ingrained as the cornerstone of its business. In Starbucks, it’s not the coffee quality, but it’s the deep desire to create an experience for their customers. Everything is tied into this.

Sometimes, achieving massive rapid growth for the growth sake reveals cracks in the system if it’s not solid. In 2008, when the company was on the decline, Schulz looked at the strategy of the past few years and, in a letter penned company-wide, explained that Starbucks had “invested in infrastructure ahead of the growth curve” and it was time to “shift our emphasis back onto customer-facing initiatives.”

Imagine, the Starbucks insane growth pace required to hire 1,500 new employees a week.

Disciplined action

The success of anything in our lives is in the hands of people. It always is the #1 element in any company.

“In determining the right people, the good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work experience.”

When the quality of the work started slipping. Schultz had to close down hundreds of shops for a training day. It was a necessary decision to refocus, restructure and boost Starbucks employees to work and deliver on the right things and to deliver the experience as it was intended in the first place.

When faced with a difficult customer or a problem, the Starbucks partners (employees) are taught customer service by using a L.A.T.T.E. system. The acronym helps baristas deal with any situation in the store.

  • L isten to the customer
  • A cknowledge the problem/situation
  • T ake actions and solve the problem
  • T hank the customer
  • E xplain what you did

The simple system isn’t there just to provide clear guidelines but it also boosts motivation and willpower among employers. In the book, The Power of Habit , Charles Duhigg wrote that the LATTE system prevented the customer service meltdown , and sustained willpower throughout the day.

In the end, customer service is there to deliver and exceed the experience which is tied to the brand. Nothing is as important as delivering the service. 

“[Employees] are the true ambassadors of our brand, the real merchants of romance and theater, and as such the primary catalysts for delighting customers. Give them reasons to believe in their work and that they’re part of a larger mission, the theory goes, and they’ll in turn personally elevate the experience for each customer–something you can hardly accomplish with a billboard or a 30-second spot.” — Excerpt from book Onward, Howard Schultz

Technology Accelerators

For a globally recognizable brand like Starbucks technology plays a major role in the expansion. The Starbucks app and the emails alone played a significant role in the company’s growth.

According to Collins, technology accelerators have to be carefully selected. Companies had to sift through the emerging technology, identify and select the right ones and gradually introduce them in the business model.

The Hedgehog Concept would drive the use of technology, not the other way around — Jim Collins

Companies that jumped the gun burned badly.

In fact, Jim Collins discovered that more than 80% of great companies didn't rank technology as one of the top five ranking factors for success.

“Those that stay true to these fundamentals and maintain their balance, even in times of great change and disruption, will accumulate the momentum that creates breakthrough momentum. — Jim Collins

Down to the core, Starbucks has one secret ingredient to thank for — knowing their customers. Data analytics. According to Starbucks, this function uses “ methodologies ranging from ethnography to big data analytics … that help support Starbucks pricing strategy, real estate development planning, product development, trade promotion optimization, and marketing strategy.”

Starbucks contracts with a location-analytics company called Esri to use its technology platform that helps analyze maps and retail locations. It uses data like population density, average incomes, and traffic patterns to identify target areas for a new store.

The Crawl, Walk, Run Concept

The gradual introduction of technology is a part of the hedgehog concept. Technology is a major proponent of business growth however if it doesn’t tie into the one simple concept , the company has to be disciplined enough to say no to new opportunities.

Eventually, they can adapt the technology in their concept which turns the massive flywheel forward.

In Starbucks sense, they seem like they embrace technology. They started out with gift cards and pay-ahead mobile purchases. The next step was adding the Starbucks Rewards program to cultivate upsells and raise the LTV per customer. And today with big data, AI, and predictable algorithms they maximize the relationship with the customers.

Key takeaway #8 — the flywheel concept

Successful companies that persevered and thrived with time have found and adopted the Flywheel concept. Focusing on the essentials of the business, working with the right people in the right places, and maintaining discipline is the only way for continued sustainable growth.

Starbucks Vs the World


Starbucks enjoyed the blue ocean marketplace as a premium coffee culture experience provider. 

But as soon as competitors noticed Starbucks discovering a new opportunity they had to react quickly. McDonald's and Dunkin’ Donuts were the big ones that introduced their own versions of coffee-to-go. Better than instant coffee and convenient while on the go, the two competitors did enjoy new revenue stream of introducing coffee; however, as companies, they had to keep the focus on what they are good at — McDonald's with their fast food burgers and fries and Dunkin’ Donuts with well… donuts. DD does serve coffee but had no intention to put more emphasis on it until the late 1990s .

Starbucks kept the lead in the coffee concept because of its focus on the coffee culture and holistic concept of their brand, especially customer service. This point can be seen as soon as you look at international markets. Dunkin' Donuts’ international revenue in 2018 contributed less than 4% of total sales, while roughly 30% of Starbucks' consolidated net revenues in the same period were attributed to markets outside America.

When international expansion goes right

When you get it right and you know you have the brand, processes, and culture down, you can move outside. When Starbucks expanded its adopted “Coffee culture” to new markets it could follow its own tracks again. In many countries, especially Asian nations the idea of a coffee culture was new, fresh, and exciting.

To overcome the culture gap, Starbucks sought partnership through direct investments and joint ventures instead of direct franchising . This solved two major problems.

First, they relied on local retailers who already had experience and experience in the local markets. They married the coffee culture idea with market research of the new areas to discover regional customers’ tastes and preferences. After that, they just had to deliver the employee training, workflows, and the product itself.

Secondly, they acquired and absorbed the entire pieces of coffee markets , such as Coffee Partners in Thailand and Bonstar in Singapore. All in one big swoop.

But even today a Starbucks café is opened every 15th hour in China. It already operates more than 3,000 stores in China and plans to add 2,000 more by 2021 . Seoul has the most Starbucks cafes in any city ( 284 ).

Starbucks is present in 6 continents and in more than 72 countries and territories. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing for the old Starbuck.

And when it doesn’t go so well

While Starbucks had amazing success in Asian countries, they hit a snag in Australia.

In 2008, they closed two-thirds of all stores.

The reason?

Australia is already known as one of the hardest markets to get into in the first place and they are very proud of their coffee culture. The flat whites, coffee art in ceramic lattes have been served for dozens of years at beloved local cafes and by baristas who knew what they are doing.

What Starbucks was doing in the United States was introducing the coffee culture in the new market because it was non-existent before. But in Australia, this model didn’t fit in at all.

In 2008, Starbucks closed two-thirds of all the stores. The prices of Starbucks’ relatively common-tasting coffee (compared to established coffee shops) were pricier than the local solutions and managed by young students who didn’t have the level of appreciation of either the coffee culture and/or Starbucks as a brand.

Key takeaway #9 — establish yourself

Follow the winning formula of developing the markets first and turning into a product innovator after you have established yourself. Forcing the innovation where it’s not perceived as such, is waging a losing battle.

Starbucks on Social Media

The website is simply designed with an intention to present the latest seasonal product in the Starbucks shops in the first fold. The focus of the homepage is also on advertising the Starbucks Rewards program.

According to SimilarWeb, it attracts 18.9M visits per month, with an average of 2 minutes and 3.2 page views per session. Starbucks site is the 9th top ranked site for Food and Drink category in the world

The Youtube channel was established at the end of 2005. After 16 years it managed to acquire 335,000 subscribers, which isn't’ that much if we take the size of the company into consideration.

The most successful videos are close to 10 million views; however, they are short, 15-seconds clips of the product. The channel moderators are not participating in the comment sections.

Luckily there’s not much competition on YouTube; however, as a highly visual channel, Starbucks could advertise their mobile app and Starbucks reward program using socially-conscious values, product innovation, or sustainability programs.

On the other hand, Instagram is doing absolutely amazing. Naturally, since the best Starbucks customers are the ones who have been using their mobile devices for ordering and participating in the Starbucks Rewards program

Starbucks Instagram uses a mix of images and video clips mostly displaying their well-designed cups. The posts are mostly re-shared (“regrams”) of other Instagram users. With this tactic, Starbucks incentivizes UGC (user-generated content), since Instagram users have the chance to be regrammed and have their Starbucks shot seen by 17.8 million followers.

Pinterest is another great visual platform where images are split into different categories: from coffee recipes, coffee photography to store designs and world-recognized Starbucks cups.

Pinterest receives 10+ million monthly views and has 443,600 followers.

Even though their daily support is dropping, Facebook is still being used as one of the channels where Starbucks shows its videos and posts.

On Twitter , Starbucks shares its globally conscious ideas, news, and stories about the company and its products. Twitter also serves as a chance to (as in Instagram) retweet other users’ posts.

Starbucks likes to reshare the positive messages of happy users who had a positive experience at one of their stores

Since Starbucks' success mainly lies in their visual branding, they use social media for their brand awareness and in a Facebook sense, pushing the mobile app downloads.

Key takeaway #10 — delegate your resources

When using social media, identify which social media platform brings the best results. If your users are primarily on mobile devices, Instagram would be a smart choice. Delegate your resources to the best-performing channel.

Starbucks Corp. has become a worldwide success by sticking to its hedgehog concept. The realization of being customer-centric in the practical, not just theoretical sense laid the foundation of expansion in North American markets as well as international ones.

When all of the decisions are catered to the concept of serving their customers, including using technology as accelerators, there’s nothing to worry about in their future.

  • Harvard Business School →
  • Faculty & Research →
  • February 2001 (Revised September 2005)
  • HBS Case Collection

Howard Schultz and Starbucks Coffee Company

  • Format: Print
  • | Language: English
  • | Pages: 40

About The Author

starbucks 2002 case study

Nancy F. Koehn

Related work.

  • Faculty Research
  • Howard Schultz and Starbucks Coffee Company  By: Nancy F. Koehn

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[Solved]Starbucks Delivering Customer Service Case Study Solution: 5 Questions answered

Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study comes from HBR. A link to the original case can be found here . The case can be analyzed from the perspectives of marketing, sales improvement, and from a strategic investment point of view. The company is contemplating a strategic investment of $40 Mn to bolster its systems and process to cater to the needs of new customers. We can also analyze Starbucks delivering customer service case study from the standpoint of future organizational vision and reinventing a brand

For more such solved case studies as the Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study, please follow the link

Starbucks delivering customer service case study summary

In 1971, Gerald Baldwin, Gordan Bowker, and Ziev Siegl established a small shop in Seattle’s market. The company excelled at selling whole Arabica beans to coffee purists, a niche market. In 1982, Schultz joined Starbucks. A few years later, Schultz purchased the company. After he ascended to power, new stores opened. Starbucks delivering customer service Case Study also narrates the story of the owners and their vision for the organization in order to deliver a unique customer value

The organization went public. Both whole-bean coffee and coffee with a higher price tag were sold at the stores. By 1992, Starbucks had 140 stores in the Pacific Northwest and Chicago and was competing favorably with smaller coffee chains such as Gloria Jean’s Coffee Bean and Barnie’s Coffee & Tea. In 2002, Starbucks was the most well-known specialty coffee brand in North America. The company’s annual sales and net income grew at a rate of 40% and 50%, respectively. The company had over 5,000 stores worldwide and over 20 million customers.

It focused primarily on marketing at the point of sale and in local stores. The slogan “live coffee” encapsulated Starbucks’ brand positioning. It demonstrated how vital it was to preserve the national coffee culture , which provided customers with a “ experience” comprised of the coffee, the service, and the atmosphere. They were all baristas and were referred to as “partners. ” They believed that if partners were satisfied, so would customers. Consequently, employee turnover was low. When a partner was hired, he or she was required to complete “hard skills” and “soft skills” training in order to connect with customers more effectively.

Several types of matrices, such as monthly status reports and self-reported checklists, were used to evaluate the performance of the service. In addition, they had a mystery shopper program known as “customer overview The shopper rated four “fundamental services.” The company’s goal was to become “the most recognizable and esteemed brand in the world.” Starbucks vice president Christine Day devised a plan to invest an additional $40 million per year in the company’s 4,500 locations. This equates to an additional 20 hours of work per week. They are unsure whether to believe what customers say about customer service and its impact on sales and profits.

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study: What Contributed to the exceptional positioning of Starbucks in the Coffee Segment?

The extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s can be attributed to Howard Schultz, who added value propositions to the company by enhancing its services and adding quality to them. Schultz believed that coffee drinking creates an experience in the customer’s mind known as “the third place.”

Contributing to Starbucks’ extraordinary success in the 1990s were:

Starbucks works directly with its growers to maintain the superior quality of its coffee beans, and because all of its stores are company-owned, they are able to maintain tight control over its products and services.

Starbucks trains its partners in both hard and soft skills prior to hiring them in order to foster positive relationships with its customers. They instructed their employees on how to interact with customers by smiling, making eye contact, and remembering their names and preferences.

  • The Customers : Their ‘Just Say Yes’ policy encourages partners to provide the best service possible, even if it exceeds company regulations, and their three-minute serving time enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Partner satisfaction : Schultz referred to Starbucks’ employees as “Partners,” and the company provides even entry-level employees with health insurance and company stock as a form of incentive. They believe that customer satisfaction depends on the satisfaction of their partners, which is why the company has one of the lowest employee turnover rates in the industry as a result of their promotion strategy of promoting partners within their rank and approximately 70% of the company store manager was an ex-partner.
  •  The atmosphere of Starbucks stores : Schultz’s intention is to create a drinking coffee experience, where people drink coffee not only for its taste and quality but also to enjoy the experience. It is a place where people come to relax and enjoy social interaction, which is why they have comfortable seating areas and the layout of their stores is inviting.
  • Location of the stores: Starbucks stores are situated in high-traffic areas such as office buildings, shopping centers, and university campuses.

The store’s value proposition is so compelling because they provide high-quality premium coffee and services to their customers as a result of their highly controlled supply chain strategy. In addition, they serve additional menu items such as pastries, soda, and juice, and they regularly launch new products. They are so focused on their services that they are familiar with their customers if they frequent the establishment, and their attributes, ambiance, and seating environment are an added value proposition.

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study: What Factors led to the decline of Customer Satisfaction Scores in the Early 1990s?

The customer satisfaction rating for Starbucks has dropped as a result of a gap between the company’s primary attributes and the expectations that customers have for the brand. Paying a premium price for Starbucks did not make a whole lot of sense because the chain does not stand out in terms of either its image or its products when compared to other, smaller coffee shop chains.

Customers started believing that Starbucks had entered a money-making industry and that the company placed a higher priority on shop expansion than on their satisfaction. On many occasions, “service enhancement” and “service speed” were the areas that required the most improvement. Also shown in the presentation is the fact that 11.34 percent of people believe that improvements to the services they receive could make them feel more valued.

• As shown in Exhibit 10, the majority of respondents (83 percent) believe that maintaining a clean environment is an essential component in achieving high levels of customer satisfaction.

• Because seventy-seven percent of customers placed a high premium on convenience, Starbucks made it a point to open multiple locations across the country.

• Seventy-five percent of customers ranked being treated as a valuable customer as extremely important for the generation of customer happiness, and Starbucks partners made certain to remember their customers’ names, welcome them, and inquire about their preferred drink modification preferences, among other things.

Because of this, asserting that the company’s service has worsened in recent years would be an exaggeration, given that consumers continue to give Starbucks high marks in a variety of other categories. However, Starbucks is becoming increasingly concerned about the lengthening wait times.

Because Starbucks is more concerned with the value of its brand, expansion, and profit than with how customers perceive its coffee, the customer snapshot is not an ideal instrument for measuring customer happiness.

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study: How did Customer Transform from 1992 to the early 2000s?

The average customer in 2002 was younger than the average customer in 1992, and the average customer in 2002 had less education than the average customer in 1992.

•In 1992, Starbucks’ customers were mostly wealthy people, but by 2002, they also included people with lower incomes.

• The market research team also found that customers used stores, in the same way, no matter where they were or how they were set up.

• In the research, it was also found that the most frequent customers came in an average of 18 times a month, but the average customer only came in five times a month.

• The research team also found out that Starbucks’ customers had changed from wealthy, well-educated, white-collar women between the ages of 24 and 44 to younger customers with less education who wanted more options and took more work to please.

Is it advisable for Starbucks to Invest $40 Mn in its stores and staff? What is the rationale behind the investment and share a mathematical model to justify the investment?

The investment plan called for “relaxing the labor-hour restrictions in the stores” in order to increase the amount of available labor in each store by 20 hours per week at an additional annual cost of $40 million.

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study: Breakeven Calculations

Analysis of the Profitability of the Investment Plan Investment per Store = $40,000,000 / 5886 stores = $6795.8 per store

$172 is the revenue difference between customers who are satisfied and customers who are extremely satisfied.

For each location to be profitable, $6795.8 must be divided by 172, which equals forty customers. There are 570 customers who shop at each location on a daily basis.

For the company to become profitable, 40 of its 570 existing customers must be upgraded from satisfied to extremely satisfied. Therefore, Starbucks is recommended to invest $40 million in order to increase service speed and decrease the number of satisfied customers who become dissatisfied.

As there is a direct correlation between satisfied customers and loyal customers, this would result in the consumer base’s long-term commitment.

Starbucks Delivering Customer Service case study: The rationale behind the  investment

The objective of investing $40 million in labor was to maximize customer satisfaction by converting satisfied customers into highly satisfied customers, thereby increasing revenue. This was accomplished by increasing the level of satisfaction of satisfied customers. Exhibit 10 displays the results of the 2002 consumer survey conducted by Starbucks. According to the survey, approximately 65 percent of Starbucks’ customers consider prompt service to be one of the most important factors in determining their level of satisfaction with their Starbucks coffee experience.

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Samrat Saha

Samrat is a Delhi-based MBA from the Indian Institute of Management. He is a Strategy, AI, and Marketing Enthusiast and passionately writes about core and emerging topics in Management studies. Reach out to his LinkedIn for a discussion or follow his Quora Page


Starbucks Case Study - How Starbucks Conquered The Coffee Industry?

Devashish Shrivastava

Devashish Shrivastava

Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee chain that was established in 1971 in Seattle, Washington. By mid-2019, the organization had a presence in over 30,000 areas around the world. Starbucks has been depicted as the fundamental delegate of "second wave espresso," a reflectively-named development that advanced high-quality espresso and specially simmered coffee. Starbucks now uses robotized coffee machines for proficiency and well-being.

Starbucks serves hot and cold beverages, entire bean espresso, micro-ground moment espresso known as VIA, coffee, caffe latte, full-and free leaf teas such as Teavana tea products, Evolution Fresh squeezes, Frappuccino refreshments, La Boulange baked goods, and bites (for example, chips and wafers); some offerings such as the Pumpkin Spice Latte are explicit to the territory of the store. Numerous Starbucks outlets sell pre-bundled nourishment items, sweltering and cold sandwiches, and drinkware such as cups and tumblers. Furthermore, there are Select "Starbucks Evenings" areas that offer brew, wine, and appetizers.

Starbucks first ended up productive in Seattle in the mid-1980s. Despite an underlying financial downturn with its venture into the Midwest and British Columbia in the late 1980s, the organization experienced rejuvenated success with its entrance into California in the mid-1990s. Starbucks opened an average of two new stores every day between 1987 and 2007. On December 1, 2016, Howard Schultz reported he would leave his position as the CEO and would be supplanted by Kevin Johnson. Johnson accepted the role of the CEO of Starbucks on April 3, 2017, and Howard Schultz resigned to end up as the 'Chairman Emeritus', effective from June 26, 2018. Kevin Johnson is currently serving as the CEO and President of Starbucks.

Starbucks - Company Highlights

Startup Story Of Starbucks Corporation History Of Starbucks Corporation Starbucks - Name and Logo Starbucks Expansion Journey Starbucks Corporation in India Business Strategy Of Starbucks In India Products Of Starbucks Corporation Business Growth Of Starbucks Corporation Over The Years Future Plans Of Starbucks Corporation

Startup Story Of Starbucks Corporation

Starbucks Corporation

If you are wondering how did Starbucks start? Then, the story of Starbucks started back in 1971, when the company was a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea and spices with a single store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.

Zev Siegel stated that at that time he knew the coffee industry inside and out, he was well-versed, especially with the gourmet end of the industry. Besides, he was also known as the most educated coffee guy in the country at that time. So, the three college friends - Zev Siegel, Jerry Baldwin and Gordon, started out with their coffee bean shop and roastery at Seattle’s famous Pike Place Market in 1971. Eventually, they found a mentor in Alfred Peet, who was the founder of Peet’s Coffee and the man responsible for bringing custom coffee roasting to the U.S. and started with the coffee business in full swing. Starbucks initially began by selling coffee beans that were roasted by Peet's, a gourmet coffee company in Berkeley, California, and later on, started roasting on their own.

History Of Starbucks Corporation

starbucks 2002 case study

The first Starbucks store was initiated in 1971 in Washington by 3 individuals who met while they were studying at the University of San Francisco: English educator Hun Baldwin, history educator Zev Siegl, and author Gordon Bowker. The trio was encouraged to sell top-notch espresso beans and hardware after businessman Alfred Peet showed them his style of simmering beans.

During this time, the organization sold simmered, entire espresso beans. During its first year of activity, Starbucks bought green espresso beans from Peet's, and then started purchasing legitimately from producers.

Starbucks - Name and Logo

starbucks 2002 case study

Bowker reviews that Terry Heckler, with whom Bowker claimed a publicizing office, thought words starting with "st" were ground-breaking. The organizers conceptualized a rundown of words starting with "st" and in the long run arrived on "Strabo," a mining town in the Cascade Range. The team then finalized on "Starbuck," the name of the young chief mate in the book "Moby-Dick".

Starbucks has given too many slogans/taglines already among which the most popular one is - " Brewed for those who love coffee".

Starbucks Expansion Journey

Number of Starbucks stores Worldwide

In 1984, the first proprietors of Starbucks, driven by Jerry Baldwin, acquired Peet's. During the 1980s, all-out offers of espresso in the US were falling. However, offers of strength espresso expanded, shaping 10% of the market in 1989; it stood at just 3% in terms of market share in 1983. By 1986, the organization worked six stores in Seattle and had just barely started to sell coffee.

In 1987, the first proprietors sold the Starbucks chain to the previous manager Howard Schultz, who rebranded his II Giornale espresso outlets as Starbucks and immediately extended. Starbucks then launched its outlets outside Seattle at Waterfront Station in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Chicago, Illinois. By 1989, 46 stores existed over the Northwest and Midwest, and every year Starbucks was simmering more than 2,000,000 pounds (907,185 kg) of coffee. At the hour of its first sale of stock (IPO) on the financial exchange in June 1992, Starbucks had 140 outlets with an income of $73.5 million, up from $1.3 million in 1987.

The organization's fairly estimated worth was $271 million at this point. The 12% segment of the organization that was sold raised around $25 million for the organization, which encouraged a multiplying of the number of stores throughout the following two years. By September 1992, Starbucks' offer cost had ascended by 70% to more than multiple times the income per portion of the past year. In July 2013, over 10% of in-store buys were made on the client's cell phones utilizing the Starbucks app.

The organization used the versatile social media stage when it propelled the "Tweet-a-Coffee" campaign in October 2013. People had the option to buy a $5 gift voucher for a companion by entering both "@tweetacoffee" and the companion's handle in a tweet. Research firm Keyhole observed the advancement of the event and a media article from December 2013 detailed that Starbucks had discovered that 27,000 individuals had taken an interest and $180,000 of buys were made to date.

Starbucks Expansion Around The World

As of 2018, Starbucks is positioned 132nd on the Fortune 500 rundown of the biggest United States organizations by revenue. In July 2019, Starbucks announced a "monetary second from last quarter total compensation of $1.37 billion, or $1.12 per share, up from $852.5 million, or 61 pennies for each offer, a year sooner." The organization's fairly estimated worth of $110.2 billion expanded by 41% in the middle of 2019. The income per share in quarter three was recorded at 78 pennies, considerably more than the estimate of 72 cents.

starbucks 2002 case study

Starbucks Corporation in India

starbucks 2002 case study

In January 2011, Starbucks Corporation and Tata Coffee reported designs to start opening Starbucks outlets in India. Despite a bogus beginning in 2007, in January 2012, Starbucks declared a 50:50 joint endeavour with Tata Global Beverages, called Tata Starbucks Ltd. , which would possess and work outlets marked "Starbucks, A Tata Alliance". Starbucks had endeavoured to enter the Indian market in 2007. However, it didn't provide any explanation behind its withdrawal of it.

It was on October 19, 2012 that Starbucks opened its first store, a 4,500 sq ft store in Elphinstone Building, Horniman Circle, Mumbai. Starbucks opened its first cooking and bundling plant in Coorg, Karnataka in 2013 to supply its Indian outlets. The company extended its reach to Delhi on 24 January 2013 by opening 2 outlets. Tata Global Beverages declared in 2013 that they would have 50 areas before the end of the year, with a venture of ₹4 billion ($58 million). The organization did open its 50th store in India on July 8, 2014.

The third city of India to get a Starbucks outlet was Pune, where the organization opened an outlet at Koregaon Park on 8 September 2013. Starbucks opened a 3,000-square-foot lead store at Koramangala, Bangalore on 22 November 2013, making it the fourth city to have an outlet. Starbucks opened the biggest espresso-forward store in the nation at Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore on 18 March 2019. The store is estimated at 3,000 sq ft and is Starbucks' 140th outlet in India.

Tata Starbucks opened 25 stores between 2017 and 2018, which went up to 30 during 2018-19. On 21 February 2019, CEO Navin Gurnaney reported that Tata Starbucks would use only compostable and recyclable bundling materials over the entirety of its stores from June 2020.

starbucks 2002 case study

Starbucks reported its entrance in Gujarat on 7 August 2019. The organization opened five stores in Surat and Ahmedabad the following day. Starbucks' leader store in the state is situated at Prahlad Nagar, Ahmedabad, and offers more vegan alternatives than other Indian outlets. CEO Navin Gurnaney expressed that the organization would open more than 30 stores in the 2019-20 financial year, of which 11 have already been opened.

starbucks 2002 case study

Business Strategy Of Starbucks In India

Starbucks' strategies for business in India seemed rock-solid but the brand wasn't completely immune still. In any case, the world's biggest bistro chain is building its position cautiously via a progression of well-picked steps. Numerous worldwide brands have entered India since the 1990s, being pulled in by its developing and optimistic customer base. Yet, not all have succeeded.

Starbucks isn't the primary contestant in India's composed espresso showcase; so it doesn't have any first-participant advantage. Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) is the market head while Barista Lavazza was the main espresso chain to open for business. Both are valued by the white-collar class. Costa Coffee, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (CBTL), and Gloria Jean are valued by the rich group in India.

India is customarily a tea-drinking nation, so espresso chains have concentrated on giving a feel where individuals can unwind and invest energy with one another. This setup implies higher capital expenses. It is different from the US, where the vast majority have a liking for espresso. The Indian buyer base has likewise advanced in the recent decade. What can worldwide brands like Starbucks do to augment their odds of achievement in India? Here are a few thoughts:

Picking a Local Partner

Worldwide brands face the difficult choice of either going solo or tying up with a nearby accomplice. Starbucks' choice to team up with India's TATA Global Beverages demonstrates attention to utilizing different advantages. The TATA Group is one of India's morally determined brands, an observation passed on about Starbucks India too.

Given that India produces espresso beans in just a couple of spots, the other sourcing alternative was bringing in the beans. Be that as it may, this would have raised costs fundamentally.

Tata's espresso plant in Karnataka has been contracted to supply beans to Starbucks' universally, making common cooperative energies. It has contracted to take into account TATA's TAJ SATS, which supplies to TATA's top-notch lodging network – The TAJ. The TATAs are put into the retail part with store brands like Westside, Tanishq, Croma, Star Bazaar, and so forth. Starbucks can use them for information sharing on Indian land, territory points of interest, and handling land administrations. This would enable its very own development to outline. This strategy gives scope for store-in-store deals.

Consistency in Store Arrangements

This keeps up the one-of-a-kind selling purpose of customer experience and allows to pick up economies of scale on CAPEX. Starbucks plans to have a similar store group crosswise over India. However, the size can change depending on financial matters. This is how it works all around. Starbucks wants to provide an agreeable 'café' experience. Having a similar organization gives clients the solace of accepting the equivalent 'Starbucks' vibe any place they go throughout the world.

Keeping the store designs steady means it needs to pick and open new areas stringently, to such an extent that the area can yield a throughput by the venture. Its methodology in-store arrangement is different from CCD, which has picked various configurations to tap the potential interest in any region. CCD has opened a couple of premium outlets dependent on the area's customer profile . It has additionally gone for non-store organizations like takeaway booths and candy machines. Be that as it may, Starbucks may expect that such non-store configurations may weaken its image esteem.

Estimating the Pace of Expansion

India is the place where an inability to screen primary concerns has tossed numerous organizations out of the rigging. So, a top-line just approach doesn't work here. Since Starbucks needs to pick new areas stringently by its equivalent configuration approach, it has decided on a deliberate pace of extension. It is concentrating on the budgetary feasibility of every outlet, as opposed to going for an aggressive development plan which may have brought about rehashed calls for capital.

This operational process is different from its system in the USA and China where it has fabricated scale by opening stores in pretty much every area – being the main port-of-call for espresso by basically being all over the place. CCD's methodology behind adaptable store organizations was to guarantee there is a CCD bistro at a simple reach. It is intriguing to check its normal store gainfulness given its scale.

Guaranteeing Top-Authority Backing and Responsibility

Top initiative responsibility from the two sides of the organization, Tata and Starbucks, has been plentifully clear. Starbucks took as much time as is needed to enter the market (6 years), recognizing that India was a mind-boggling market and required cautious passage arranging. The two sides have spoken finally about their dedication and shared their future plans to give their business a new direction toward growth.

Altering Contributions to Suit Indian Market and Client Needs

Being adjusted to Indian culture, tastes, and inclinations conveyed at a suitable "esteem" guarantees customer importance, construct, and continued utilization. Starbucks mirrors this comprehension – as observed through a blend of western staples, a wide scope of intriguing Indian tidbits similar to confined refreshments on the idea. Since its experience ( and item as well, however to a lesser degree) is its image guarantee, its test lies in conveying an all-around steady, yet locally significant brand experience.

The stores, or the "third spot" as Starbucks calls them, have been altered likewise. The stores don't pursue the worldwide layout and appear to have been planned with consideration, with neighbourhood contacts consolidated. Stores in various urban communities have been structured unexpectedly, mirroring the neighbourhood culture – for e.g., New Delhi's store has ropes and chat on the dividers and henna designs on the floor, though the Pune store has a rich showcase of collectables and copper.

There appears to be sufficient utilization of shading – something missing in the US. The stores have been intended to convey a particular, premium café experience, predictable, and in a state of harmony with the one conveyed over the rest of the world.

starbucks 2002 case study

Making Inventive and Restricted Plan of Action

Starbucks appears to have made a confined plan of action, planned for conveying a universally reliable item and involvement with locally-focused costs. The Tata group conveys a major sourcing advantage (attributable to its quality over the generation chain, developing, broiling, and exchanging espresso), yet it has just gone past that to develop and support associations with nearby espresso cultivators – putting resources into structure economical cultivating rehearses. All of Starbucks' espresso is sourced locally, a first-ever for the organization.

Scaling up using Arrangements and Organizations

The Tata organization is the genuine overthrow in the Starbucks passage story. Having Tata as an accomplice is gigantically profitable, not due to the validity and strength it offers, or because it coordinates the scale and stature of Starbucks as an organization.

It offers numerous advantages catalyzing pretty much every market section achievement variable - for example, The Tata group has involvement in the retail business , a solid reputation in advancing new pursuits, gives a sourcing advantage through Tata espresso, offers access to high traffic areas using its lodgings and other retail outlets, guarantee excellent nourishment and refreshment supply through its F&B business and so forth.

Furthermore, the potential for an effective organization is amazingly high given Starbucks' and Tata's mutual qualities – the two of them have a solid social inner voice and are resolved to "give back" to the general public and network.

Influencing India for Worldwide Items

Not long after it finished its first year, Starbucks reported that it was serving top-quality Indian Arabica espresso as "Indian coffee" in different markets. Another world-class office for cooking and bundling has just been initiated in Coorg, Karnataka; the results of which are to be analyzed in India and abroad.

Overseeing Discernment and Guidelines

This viewpoint is tied in with structure, a solid positive observation and a picture for the business and brand crosswise over key outer partners and crowds – incorporating the administration, corporate accomplices, networks inside the eco-framework, and customers on the loose. Given what Starbucks has figured out how to accomplish in a year and a half since dispatch, it appears to be genuinely evident that its thought combined with the Tata advantage (critical reach and impact) has helped in developing solid connections and a positive picture with key outside partners and voting demographics.

Engage Nearby Association

Starbucks is by all accounts constructing a nation-explicit activity with nearby individuals in charge and overall unmistakable customer interface focuses, giving them the necessary position to coordinate and work. There is overwhelming interest in enlisting the perfect individuals and giving the essential preparation – to install and instil the organization's culture and administration models.

Along these lines, how has Starbucks fared against the McKinsey spread out variables for long-haul India achievement? Its accomplishments against the scorecard look noteworthy. With thorough vigorous passage arranging and brilliant and quick execution, the multi-month-old endeavour appears to have impressive force, making purchaser and network-driven ventures and focused on sustaining its centre business and brand. It appears to be very much set to "win" in India.

Whether Starbucks will collect a huge piece of the overall industry and accomplish its objective of India being among its best 5 markets over the long haul is not yet clear. It's still early days, yet for the organization, this appears to be an incredible beginning and a great globalization model for multinationals looking for an India section.

Products Of Starbucks Corporation

Aside from the typical items offered globally, Starbucks in India has some Indian-style item contributions, for example, Tandoori Paneer Roll, Chocolate Rossomalai Mousse, Malai Chom Tiramisu, Elaichi Mewa Croissant, Chicken Kathi Roll, and Murg Tikka Panini to suit Indian customers. All coffees sold in Indian outlets are produced using Indian broiled espressos by Tata Coffee. Starbucks additionally sells Himalayan packaged mineral water. Free Wi-Fi is accessible at all Starbucks stores.

starbucks 2002 case study

In January 2017, Tata Starbucks presented Starbucks' tea image "Teavana". Teavana offers 18 unique assortments of tea in India. One of the assortments called the India Spice Majesty Blend was explicitly created for the Indian market and is just accessible in India. India Spice Majesty Blend is a mix of full leaf Assam dark tea injected with entire cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, pepper, star anise, and ginger. On 15 June 2015, Tata Starbucks reported that it was suspending the utilization of fixings that had not been affirmed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

The organization didn't indicate what the fixings were or which items they were utilized in. The organization additionally expressed that it was applying for FSSAI endorsement for these ingredients.

starbucks 2002 case study

As per the Latte Index positioning of the expense of a tall hot latte at Starbucks in 44 nations, India was the fifth most costly nation to buy the drink dependent on January 2016 costs. The record distributed by US-based buyer research firm ValuePenguin found that a tall hot latte cost $7.99 in India, far higher than the $2.75 it costs in the least expensive nation, the United States, yet much lower than the $12.32 in the most costly nation, Russia .

Tata Starbucks propelled the Starbucks Delivers program in mid-2019. The administration offers home conveyance from Starbucks outlets through an organization with Swiggy. The administration was first propelled in Mumbai, with designs to turn it out to other cities.

In its menu, the Tata Starbucks company has launched ice-creams as their new products. The frozen delights are available even in flavours like java chip and caramel macchiato among others and will come in takeaway tubs and single scoops. The ice-creams are now available in 50-60% of the Starbucks stores.

Business Growth Of Starbucks Corporation Over The Years

Starbucks Revenue Over The Years

Tata Starbucks, a 50:50 joint endeavour between Tata Global Beverages and Starbucks Coffee of the US, has announced a 30%  top-line development in financial 2018-19, driven by new store openings and improved execution. Tata Starbucks, which is hoping to make back the initial investment in the current money, has opened 146 stores to date. Tata Starbucks announced "twofold digit top-line development - 30% for the entire year, driven by new stores and improved store execution," Tata Global Beverages Ltd (TGBL) said in a financial specialists' introduction. Tata Starbuck's income for 2018-19 is required to be approximately INR 450 crores.

TGBL said Tata Starbucks opened 30 outlets in the past financial year, out of which 15 new stores were opened during the last quarter of the money-related year. The organization claimed detailed benefits at the store level; all urban areas were likewise productive, and additionally saw an ascend in nourishment share in general deals.

The Starbucks company has added around 40 stores in FY21 but the company had recorded a 33% Y-O-Y  fall in its revenues during the same fiscal. According to the Sushant Dash, CEO of Tata Starbucks, the recovery that the company has seen after the second wave of COVID-19 was better than what it saw after the first wave of the deadly pandemic. The quarterly growth after Q2 FY22 was 120% more than what it saw during the same period in the previous fiscal. The company has hugely focused on home deliveries ever since the pandemic broke out. It has already addressed concerns associated with the spillage and other challenges pertaining to home delivery, which contributed to over 18% of the total sales that the company witnessed this fiscal, as per the reports in November 2021. Furthermore, the company has also added ice-creams to their menu in flavours like java chip and caramel macchiato. The Sanjeev Kapoor menu is another thing that has been freshly launched by Tata Starbucks. Besides, the company also launched a one-litre freshly brewed beverage and at-home coffee.  

starbucks 2002 case study

Future Plans Of Starbucks Corporation

Tata Starbucks Pvt. Ltd. is looking to forcefully grow its impression in the Indian market with its eyes on the quickly spreading "espresso culture" among the twenty to thirty-year-olds and upwardly versatile customers. Tata Starbucks, a JV between US-based Starbucks Coffee Company and Tata Global Beverages Ltd, hopes to set up altogether more number stores this monetary than it did previously.

Starbucks is hopeful about solid business development in India throughout the following year as it means to leave red in monetary numbers after 2020. "Our proceeded with development in topline and reasonable methodology towards extension will enable us to accomplish make back the initial investment by March 2020," Navin Gurnaney, CEO, Tata Starbucks disclosed to Business Line in the wake of declaring five new stores in Gujarat - three in Ahmedabad and two in Surat. Gurney likewise included, "First time in quite a while, we are opening five stores in any state in one go.

Gujarat is a significant market for us. In the wake of opening these five stores on Thursday, the all outnumber of hides away goes up to 157 in India." Starbucks entered India with its first store opened at Mumbai in 2012. Of the 157, the organization has opened all out 11 stores so far in this financial, as against complete 30 stores opened during 2018-19. It takes into account 270,000 clients each week in India. The organization had announced a turnover of INR 442 crores for the monetary 2018-19.

"Espresso business in India is developing significantly. The espresso culture is being initiated by recent college grads, upwardly versatile, and individuals who travel and get brand. Two years back, we set up 25 stores (in a year). During the last financial 2018-19, we included 30 stores.

This year we will beat that number considerably and by end of March 2020, we will have included a lot a greater number of stores than we included in the past," Gurney said. With per store venture prerequisites being evaluated at INR 1.7-2 crores, the complete CAPEX plan by the organization works out in overabundance of INR 50 crores during current monetary on the off chance that it opens more number of stores than a year ago. Be that as it may, Gurnaney ceased from giving venture figures for 2019-20.

The organization is likewise open to different open doors for development including inorganic development through acquisitions. Be that as it may, when tested about any probability of a venture plan in the espresso chain Cafe Coffe Day (CCD), Gurnaney denied estimating any discussions for securing. "We are very hopeful about India. We will be attentively forceful (to extend). (At present) we are not in discussions with anyone for obtaining.

In any case, we are hoping to develop constantly," he included. With an end goal to upgrade the client experience, Starbucks is presenting new nourishment things, taking into account all client needs including breakfast and lunch. The income share from nourishment things is right now around 25%, even as it keeps on developing with new things to meet the client's needs.

Who founded Starbucks?

Starbucks was started by Hun Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker in 1971.

Where was the first Starbucks started?

Starbucks was started in Pike Place Market, Seattle, Washington, United States.

When was Starbucks started in India?

Starbucks was launched in India in 2012.

What is the revenue of Starbucks?

Starbucks revenue was recorded $29.02 billion in 2021.

How many Starbucks stores are there worldwide?

There are 33,830 Starbucks stores in the world as of 2021.

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Starbucks Delivering Customer Service Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

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Starbucks Delivering Customer Service Case Study Solution


On the basis of the alternatives evaluation, it was found that the price change was not an option to be chosenas it was required by the organization to keep its strategy of pricing intact. Proceeding with the plan of Day about the addition of labor force, however, is cost beneficial and feasible but not the best option to be chosen.

The plan to increase the service speed and its efficiency through all its stores. Although, it was ranked at seven during the analysis of cost benefit but bringing improvement in the service speed, Starbucks has the capability to grow its revenues $143 M in 2002 to $231 M in 2005. On the other hand, the cost of implementation plan of addition of labor is about $40 M.

Therefore, it to recommend that Starbucks should focus on speeding the services and launch of a training program carrying out friendly behavior of employees and an offer of free coffee to their customers after a certain limit.


In the implementation of each recommendation, Starbucks needed to follow it in a step-wise manner. At first, improvement in the service speed to no more than three minutes through increase in the hours of labors is considered as a better option. As the efficiency of Starbucks services had not been best and close by three minutes through bringing improvement in the equipment and processes. This strategy is first to be implemented in pilot mode.In order to test this strategy, Starbucks must choose few localities with the need of implementation of accurate and controlled tools for measurement of improvement in the service speed. It is important to monitor the levels of consumer satisfaction to evaluate the improvements in return. Once, the organization gets confident in achieving desired outcomes, then the organization surely roll it out in all its stores operating in different regions of the world.

Second recommendation of bringing improvement in the friendly nature of employees and their attention at work. As it can be achieved with no experience of added cost, but this can be a great challenge to the organization.This practice requires infusion with the culture of Starbucks and its core values to give a sustainable impact and be successful. As Starbucks is well-established and recognized organization with a quite large workforce, it needs to bring change in the training plan management for its workforce to provide them with training of soft skills. Furthermore, this needs to be an initiative at the time of recruitment process and the training of employees. Changing the perception of consumers towards the staff of Starbucks is to be for the higher satisfaction of customers.

In order to achieve both the goals and overcome the issues, recreation of Starbucks image on communicating about its consumer values.

Expected results:

However, the analysis was highly diligent and the planning was quite better. There is a possibility that implementation of these alternatives might not result in positive outcome. The reason behind this is based on the pilot program implementation. It will provide with the breathing space in the events when the results will not be according to expectation.

Exhibit – SWOT Analysis

  exhibit – alternatives.

starbucks 2002 case study

Exhibit –Porter’s Five Forces:

starbucks 2002 case study

Exhibit –Customer satisfaction gap

  • About 13.87 percent customers are unsatisfied whereas 73 percent customers reported the importance of Friendly staff.
  • The profitability that customers predicted is the product of 19 percent x 73 percent = 13.87 percent.

Exhibit – Cost Benefit Analysis:

According to the information from the case, about 42 percent customers of Starbucks visit two times in a month, 37 percent 3 to 7 times in a month, and 21 percent no less than 8 times a month generating revenue of about 11 percent, 27 percent and 62 percent respectively.

Considering these revenue percentages and data of Exhibit 4, the projected revenue for the year 2002 and 2005 are:

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How Starbucks pulled itself out of the 2008 financial meltdown

This case study looks at how the world's largest coffee retailer achieved this turnaround by aligning its operations with customer demands through social media..

  • Print Edition: Sep 28, 2014

Reinventing itself: The first Starbucks outlet in India in South Mumbai. (Photo: Rachit Goswami)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The world's largest coffee retailer, Starbucks, pulled itself out of the financial meltdown of 2008 by aligning its operations with customer demands through social media. This case study looks at what the company did right to achieve this turnaround.

This was one of the reasons why the company took a hit during the economic slowdown of 2008 as customers opted for cheaper options for their everyday coffee. Starbucks was forced to shut 600 shops that were not making profits. By March 30, 2008, its profit had fallen 28 per cent compared to the same period in 2007. In 2009, it closed another 300 stores and laid off 6,700 employees.

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On January 8, 2008, Howard D. Schultz returned as CEO of Starbucks after a gap of eight years, replacing Jim Donald. Schultz had nurtured the company since 1982 when it had only four outlets. He had served as CEO from 1987 to 2000 and had presided over the companys public offering in 1992.

starbucks 2002 case study

"The previous leadership had blamed the economy and the higher cost of dairy products for the slump in business. They had also stated this as a reason to hike prices. However, Schultz took an entirely different view of the situation. He told the employees, "The company shouldn't just blame the economy; Starbucks's heavy spending to accommodate its expansion has created a bureaucracy that masked its problems."

In a departure from conventional strategies like "a redo of the store layout", Starbucks soon embarked on a technology-oriented strategy. An environment where employees could think freely about the organisation and contribute in terms of strategies and ideas was fostered. As a result, a community involvement concept was developed.

In March 2008, "My Starbucks Idea" was rolled out for customers to exchange ideas with each other and directly with the company. As part of this, customers were able to give opinions on everything such as products, services, layout, advertising, corporate social responsibility, in-store music and so on. More than 93,000 ideas were shared by about 1.3 million users on social media, and page views per month rose to 5.5 million.

After the 2007/08 crisis, Starbucks had to rebuild its customer relationships and show the world that it cared for quality and consistency. It also had to give a leg up to the altruistic component of the brand such as community building and care for the environment. Through the "My Starbucks Idea" customers had a direct link with the headquarters and of course Starbucks was listening. Soon Starbucks's ubiquity became an asset as customers from around the world had an opportunity to connect with each other, spawning like-minded communities like the 'free Wi-Fi group', 'soy group', 'comfy chair group' or 'frappuccino lovers'.

Starbucks implemented over 100 ideas. Through this initiative, the coffee retailer built a robust fan base. By giving customers a platform to voice their ideas and views on the brand and by responding to it, it was able to reignite the brand trust.

Starbucks soon realised that it had to project its 'cool' element via social media-based marketing. The organisation must never look desperate or too keen to increase its sales. So the company refrained from pushing too many products, causes or offers to its followers. The focus was more on building and engaging with the community.

One of the accidental tweets from Starbucks was just a smiley face that received a lot of admiration from the community. Tweets such as 'keep calm and make coffee' is in line with its idea of keeping a cool image and building a community. Starbucks's use of social media points to the fine balance it maintained between spontaneous and well-planned posts. The social media platforms have also helped the company swiftly mitigate and manage any information that causes harm to its global identity. In 2009, when rumours of Starbucks's profits being spent on Israel army surfaced, the company used the social media outlets effectively to refute it and restore its image of a peace-loving organisation. MOBILE APPS

The company embraced mobile apps much before its competitors. Very early in the race, Starbucks had linked its social media strategy objectives with technology channels like mobile apps. It was carefully designed to appeal to the masses and specifically to the segment that made up its online community. Through its iPhone app features like store locator, nutrition-based information and rewards programme, it integrated and enhanced its social media community fabric. The head start in technology adoption has helped the company come up with trend-setting ideas.

One of them was the move to help its customers personalise the company's offerings. The initiative, 'MyStarbucksSignature' allowed consumers to develop their own signature drinks (hot or cold coffee), name the drink and share the new flavour with the community. In this way, Starbucks informs the consumer of the wide range of product offering they have at their stores across the world. It also shows the consumer how to order this cup and what it will look like. The only modification a consumer can do in his or her signature drink is in the ingredient mix and quantity. This way the supply network is only slightly disrupted at the retail and service end. Everything else related to ingredients and distribution remains completely untouched.

In 2008, the marketing teams had started a promotion to increase customer visits to stores during breakfast hours. It included a free pastry with a coffee bought before 10:30 a.m. The initiative created traction online and over one million people across the US queued up at Starbucks outlets.

Such social media promotions were much less expensive than the companys promotions at its stores or putting up billboards across cities. The awareness and response was also more than that from promotions through traditional channels like television advertisements.

Employees and baristas too were always an integral part of Starbucks online and social media community. It has a separate page for its employees, which is used to generate and debate ideas.

An example of employees contributing to its success is its Twitter page. The chain's voice on Twitter is 28-year-old Brad Nelson, a former barista. In 2008, when the company was looking for ideas to re-engage with its customers, Nelson suggested that he could begin a Twitter handle for the brand. Today, Starbucks has 775,000 followers.


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