Resumes To Impress

How to Write a Cover Letter Addressing Selection Criteria in 10 Steps

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

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by Nicole Wren | Jan 29, 2024 | Writing Advice

Some job applications will ask you to provide a response to selection criteria , as well as your resume or CV. These criteria are the specific skills and experience that a job requires. In many cases, the application guidelines request that the selection criteria should be responded to within a cover letter. (Sometimes, they request a response in a different format, like this APS Statement of Claims example ). Many people wonder how to write a cover letter addressing selection criteria, though (as selection criteria writers , we get asked daily!).

While your resume or CV should state that you have the relevant experience, a selection criteria response will require more detail and specific examples. As well as providing more information, selection criteria also provide a structured way to assess candidates.

The job ad might include something like this:

picture of a job ad stating selection criteria that needs to be responded to.

Let’s look at 10 things to keep in mind when addressing selection criteria in a cover letter.

1. Start Your Cover Letter in the Standard Cover Letter Format

Begin your cover letter in the standard format, with a header containing your contact information. Then, include the employer’s contact details, including their name (or a generic salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager”). Use a standard font and font size, like Arial 10-12.

image of the how to format the beginning of your cover letter addressing selection criteria

2. (Opening Paragraph): Express Your Enthusiasm

Specifically state the role you are applying for. Convey your eagerness to contribute your skills and experience to the organisation. You might also like to mention the company’s values, and how your own align (tip: be specific and authentic here). If there is something else that attracts you to the organisation (such as a recent company achievement), you might like to mention it here, to show you have a good understanding of them.

image of the opening paragraph of a cover letter addressing selection criteria

3. (Body Paragraphs): List and Highlight Each Selection Criteria

List and highlight each of the selection criteria in the body of the cover letter. This will help you keep on task and ensure each selection criterion is adequately responded to (note: you should remove this at the end – see step 9).

image of a list of selection criteria highlighted in yellow

4. (Body Paragraphs): Paraphrase Each Criterion and Your Experience

Write an introductory sentence for each criterion, paraphrasing the language and keywords used in the selection criterion.

image of the opening paraphrased sentences of two of the selection criteria within a cover letter addressing selection criteria, with the selection criteria highlighted in yellow

5. (Body Paragraphs): Brainstorm Ideas for Each Criterion

Make some notes within your document, then choose your ‘best ideas’. Tip: you’ll need to be as specific as possible. Rather than saying you communicated daily with different customers in a previous role, think of a specific time you communicated with a specific customer, and how you had a positive impact.

6. (Body Paragraphs): Use the STAR Format for Each Example

The STAR format is a well-known way to structure selection criteria. It goes like this:

Situation (S): Briefly set the context by describing the situation or problem you encountered. Keep it concise to provide necessary background information. This section should make up approximately 10% of your response.

Task (T): Describe your specific role or task within the situation. Explain what was expected of you and any challenges or goals you needed to address. This section should make up around 10% of your response.

Action (A): This section should make up around 60% of your response. Describe the actions you took in detail. This is where you showcase your skills, competencies, and problem-solving abilities. Use specific examples, highlight your contributions, and explain your thought process.

Result (R): Approximately 20% of your response. Conclude by outlining the positive outcome or result of your actions. Mention any benefits to the organisation. While this is one of the smaller sections, it is one of the most important. Many candidates forget to include a strong result section.

Note, the STAR method is not necessary for yes/no criteria such as certain qualifications. For these criteria, you can simply state that you have the required qualifications.

image of a paragraph of a cover letter addressing selection criteria, with a selection criteria response written in the STAR format, with the criterion highlighted in yellow

7. (Conclusion Paragraph): Sign-off Positively

Conclude your cover letter with a short paragraph thanking the reader for their time, and welcoming the opportunity for an interview. You may like to reiterate your interest in the role.

image of the concluding paragraph of a cover letter addressing selection criteria

8. Sign Off as in a Standard Cover Letter

End with a professional sign-off such as ‘Kind regards’ or ‘Yours Sincerely’, along with your full name. There is no need to sign the cover letter.

image of how to sign off a cover letter addressing selection criteria

9. Remove the Highlighted Selection Criteria

Since these headings were included only as a guide for you, you should now remove them. Your introductory sentence within each paragraph will be enough to allow the reader to understand that you have addressed each one.

10. Proof-Read and Submit

Proof-read your document for any errors, including grammar and spelling. You may like to have a friend or family member complete this part for you. Another tip is to save the document as a PDF, and read through it that way (the doucmnet will look slightly different and will allow you to assess it with fresh eyes).

Cover Letter Addressing Selection Criteria Example

image of an example cover letter addressing selection criteria

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you address selection criteria in a cover letter.

There are a few different formats for responding to selection criteria. Sometimes, you may be asked to respond to specific online questions related to the criteria. Sometimes, you may be asked to provide a ‘separate document’ style selection criteria response. Sometimes, you can address selection criteria in a cover letter. It is important that you thoroughly read the application guidelines to determine what is required.

How long should a cover letter addressing selection criteria be?

A cover letter addressing selection criteria should typically be between one to two pages. If the application guidelines specify a length, you should always adhere to that.

How to address selection criteria you don’t meet?

Selection criteria are sometimes deemed either essential or desirable. You should provide a response to both essential and desirable criteria, even if you don’t meet them. You should provide a summary of your most transferrable skills and experience.

Our selection criteria writers specialise in addressing selection criteria, both in cover letter and other formats.

Contact us if you need more assistance with your application.

Read our latest resume tips .

Nicole Wren

Nicole Wren

Senior Writer

Nicole is the principal resume writer at Resumes to Impress. Nicole loves writing and sharing her knowledge about all things job hunting and career guidance.

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How to address key selection criteria in a cover letter

This article is recommended for individuals near the beginning of their careers, introduction.

Having spent a significant portion of my career in the realm of recruitment, I've come to understand the importance of job seekers ably addressing the key selection criteria of a vacancy in their cover letter.

It can truly make or break your job application. This is particularly true when an employer has noted these criteria as basics.

Allow me to share with you a step-by-step guide for taking on the key selection criteria within your cover letter.


How to address selection criteria

Understand the criteria.

As a start, read over each of the key selection criteria talked about in the job ad. Make sure you have a clear grasp of what the employer is looking for in a candidate.

Create a table or list

Sort the key selection criteria into a table or a list format. This will help you keep track of each criterion and your answer to it. 

Use specific example

For each criterion, give specific examples from your past work experiences, education, or other related aspects of your background that show your skills, abilities, and experiences related to that criterion. Be sure to talk about your achievements, responsibilities, and any measurable results.

Follow the STAR method

When discussing each criterion, try using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to write your responses. Describe the situation or context, the task you had to carry out, the actions you took, and the results you gained. This is a clear and concise way to show your qualifications.

Highlight relevance

Make a strong link between your qualifications and the requirements of the job. Explain how your skills and experiences align with the specific criteria and how they will elevate your success in the role.

Tailor each response

Customise your answers for each criterion to match the language and terms used in the job ad. This shows your attention to detail and that you've carefully thought about the employer's needs.

While giving detailed examples is important, aim to keep your responses concise and focused. Avoid undue elaboration or extra details that could take away from the main points.

Prioritise & order

Cover the key selection criteria in the order of importance as shown in the job ad. If the criteria are not explicitly ranked, try addressing them in the order that best reveals your strengths and relevance to the role.

After drafting your responses, carefully edit your cover letter to ensure it is free of errors, typos, and grammatical mistakes. A well-written cover letter shows your professionalism and attention to detail.

Overall cover letter structure

Integrate your answers into the overall structure of your cover letter. Start with an introduction that briefly talks about the role you're applying for and why you're interested. Then address the key selection criteria, using a paragraph for each criterion. Finally, finish with a summary of your enthusiasm for the role and your availability for further discussion.

If you're looking for more in-depth help with cover letter writing, please click the button below to read my free e-book on the topic.

By following these steps, you'll be able to effectively discuss key selection criteria in your cover letter, making a great case for your suitability for the job.

Remember to customise each cover letter for the specific position you're applying to, as a tailored approach is more likely to capture the employer's attention.

For further assistance, I recommend you check out myfuture's article: How to respond to key selection criteria .


Are you looking for a job?

Now that you understand how to address key selection criteria in a cover letter, you should take a moment to check our  current vacancies page .

At 11 Recruitment, we have a range of white-collar temp and perm jobs available. We're always on the lookout for top talent to place with our clients, so we encourage you to apply for any positions that are of interest.

If none of our current vacancies are right for you, you should register for job alerts . Then we’ll be able to notify you when we receive a position that matches your profile.

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How to Address Selection Criteria

Last Updated: October 11, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you’re searching for jobs, you’ll notice that many job listings have what are called “selection criteria”: a series of skills and abilities that you should have in order to meet the job’s requirements. When you’re writing a cover letter to apply for a job, you’ll need to address each of these criteria specifically. Doing so will not only show the hiring manager that you’re a good fit for the job, but it will demonstrate that you are well-suited to fulfill the specific job requirements that the selection criteria ask for.

Analyzing Selection Criteria

Step 1 Read the job advertisement closely to find the selection criteria.

  • For example, an explicit selection criteria may read: “Applicants should be able to write clearly and expressively.”
  • A more implicit criteria may say something like, “Writing skills are important in this position, and we’d like our ideal applicant to be able to express themselves clearly and succinctly.”

Step 2 Note the specific wording used in the selection criteria.

  • For example, if the company wants applicants with “knowledge of” social media, they’re only asking for a demonstration of your knowledge, not hands-on experience.
  • But, if they request “experience using” social media, you’ll need to provide anecdotal descriptions of your professional social-media usage, not just your intellectual understanding.

Step 3 Look at the employer’s website to see what employee traits they value.

  • If, for example, their website makes a big deal out of celebrating employees who are “team players,” you’ll know that the company is looking for employees who work well with others and don’t mind serving on group projects and committees.

Structuring Each Response

Step 1 Write your response to the selection criteria in a separate document.

  • Read the job ad closely. Some jobs may ask that you discuss the selection criteria in your cover letter and do not include a separate criteria-focused document. Or, they may want you to address the selection criteria briefly in your cover letter and in more detail in a separate file.

Step 2 Address each selection criterion directly in a single paragraph.

  • Keep in mind that the paragraphs can be brief; they don’t need to exceed 8-10 sentences. It’s better to be concise and to the point than to seem long-winded.

Step 3 Craft an opening sentence that addresses the selection criterion.

  • For example, you could write something like, “Over the course of my 10 years of work experience, I have developed strong written communication skills.”
  • Or, say the selection criteria asks for a good “team player.” You could write, “I possess strong interpersonal communication skills and have managed over 40 projects during my career.”

Developing Your Responses

Step 1 Brainstorm professional anecdotes you can use to address the criteria.

  • For example, if the job ad states that they’re looking for someone with experience managing social-media accounts, you could mention how you successfully ran Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for a large car dealership.
  • As a general rule, all of the professional experiences and anecdotes that you describe should come from the last 2–3 years.

Step 2 Provide a detailed example that shows how you meet the criteria.

  • For example, say you used to work at a large marketing firm, and drafted copy for a number of high-profile ads. You could write something like, “In my position at ABC Co., I wrote copy for a dozen ads that were featured in nation-wide periodicals. As a result of my copy writing, sales increased by 10% over a 3-month window.

Step 3 Describe how you responded and acted in the anecdote you provide.

  • C: Context. Mention the context in which your actions took place
  • A: Action. Describe the specific action you took (e.g., writing copy, initiating a new committee, or engaging in customer service)
  • R: Results. Lay out the results of your actions and how it benefitted customers or your company.

Step 4 State how your professional experiences make you a good candidate.

  • Say something like, “My years of high-level copy-writing experience and noted professional successes will enable me to train junior copywriters and provide polished, engaging copy in this position.”

Step 5 Ask a friend or co-worker to proofread your responses.

  • If they say “no,” ask them what changes they’d recommend you make to make yourself seem like a better fit for the criteria.

Expert Q&A

  • Always use active verbs when you’re describing yourself in the workplace. Instead of saying, “I was responsible for team management,” write, “I managed and oversaw teams.” [12] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • The term “selection criteria” is most commonly used by Australian and New Zealand businesses. If you’re job hunting in another part of the world, job ads may not use that exact phrase. But, it’s still valuable to know how to use your professional experiences to show ways that you’re a good fit for the job. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Some job ads will break out “high-priority” selection criteria and “low-priority” criteria. While you should still write a full paragraph for each criteria, spend more time and effort on the high-priority ones. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Addressing Selection Criteria

Addressing key selection criteria (or KSC) is an unfortunate but necessary part of a government job application.

What you will find on this page:

  • What are key selection criteria?
  • Use our free selection criteria examples
  • Different types of KSC
  • Competency frameworks
  • The key to excellent selection criteria
  • How to make your statements stand out
  • Common questions about writing selection criteria

What Are Selection Criteria?

Selection criteria summarise of the key skills, abilities, knowledge, experience, qualifications and work-related qualities that a position requires. They are closely related to the job description and will reflect the exact requirements listed in the job description.

  • They generally come in the form of statements; however, they can also be just a list of competencies. (See the competency frameworks section for more information and examples of their use).
  • They are found in most government job ads, and applicants are asked to write statements addressing them or cover letters that show the applicant meets the selection criteria.
  • They let each applicant know how they will be assessed. The method of selecting an applicant for a job is highly transparent as you will know what the selection panel are looking for.
  • They are used to assess written applications, and they are also used in government job interviews.
  • From an applicant's perspective, they are time-consuming and confusing , and addressing them is the most frustrating part of their job application.

A few extra points to note:

1. In a written job application, the selection criteria statements are used to shortlist applicants and decide who will move onto an interview.

2. Your written statements addressing the selection criteria are typically given more weight than your resume, so the best way to secure a government interview is to have solid written statements.

3. Selection criteria appear again during the government interview stage, where the interview questions will be based on the selection criteria.

How to Address Selection Criteria

Addressing selection criteria is essentially like writing an essay. You are showing the selection criteria that you have the necessary skills and abilities, knowledge, experience, qualification and/or work-related qualities needed in the job you are applying for. While you can also include this information in your resume, your statements addressing the criteria should be a separate document written in a more narrative style.

The criteria that you need to address are outlined in the selection documentation or position description. Sometimes they might be called "key accountabilities", "key attributes", "claims for the position", or "capabilities", but these are substantially the same thing with the same purpose; to identify the requirements of the job and the best person for the job.

Panels have the right to remove from the shortlist any applicants who have not sufficiently addressed the criteria. If you don’t address them or only include a brief, non-convincing paragraph, your application may not even get looked at. (Statements should be close to three-quarters of a page in length per selection criteria unless a word limit is stated in the selection documentation).

  • Read more - how to address selection criteria - the three essential steps.

Use Our Free Selection Criteria Examples

Addressing selection criteria

See how selection criteria statements are written, what they include and how they are formatted.

Download our free selection criteria examples here.

Different Types of Selection Criteria

The 5 categories of selection criteria.

More important than being essential or desirable is the fact that every selection criteria will fall into one of five categories, and which category they fall into will affect how you should address it. It is vital that you know what kind of criteria you are addressing and what information you should be providing. These categories are:

  • Skills and abilities


  • Work-related qualities

types of selection criteria

Skills & Abilities

How do the skills that you have, relate to those required in the position? What skills do you have that are transferable to the position? How have you gone about improving your skills in the past? Have you reached a specific proficiency level? Provide a few examples of your skills and abilities in action.

Where did you get your knowledge? How is your understanding relevant to the position? How would you apply your understanding in the position? How do you continuously improve and build upon your knowledge?

Where did you gain your experience? How much experience do you have? What is the quality of your experience? How has this experience benefited your current employer? Provide a few examples of your experience in action.

A paragraph stating your qualification and where and when it was obtained is generally sufficient. If the criterion has not been specific regarding the qualification required, e.g. “a qualification in social sciences,” it is best to add an additional paragraph describing how your qualification is relevant to the position or outline any major areas of study that are beneficial for the position or work area.

Work-Related Qualities

Work-related qualities can include things like initiative, motivation, commitment to a set of workplace values, a code of ethics, or a code of conduct.  Address this criterion as you would the skills and abilities criterion, and if a criterion asks for your commitment, provide examples of how you commit to the principle.

Essential or Desirable

Often criteria are advertised as either 'essential' or 'desirable'. But, from an applicant's perspective, this shouldn't make any difference to how you address them in your job application. You should address all selection criteria as if they are essential. Follow our tips here if you don't meet the selection criteria.

Competency Frameworks

  • The Australian Public Service (APS) Integrated Leadership System,
  • The NSW Capability Framework
  • The QLD Leadership Competencies
  • The Victorian Public Service Capability Framework
  • The WA Public Sector Capability Profiles

(This is not an exhaustive list, there are many different capability frameworks used across the states and within local government, including departmental specific frameworks).

A Statement May Look Like This

“The demonstrated ability to achieve results in a team environment.” "The demonstrated ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing." "The ability to support and cultivate productive working relationships", etc.

A Competency May Look Like This

1. Achieve Results •  identifies resources and uses them appropriately •  builds and applies expert knowledge •  responds constructively in an environment subject to change •  takes responsibility for managing workflow, timelines and deliverables in order to achieve results

Or, a competency might just be a list like this: Attention to detail Interpersonal skills Communicate with influence Initiative and flexibility Organisational skills, etc.

How to Address Competencies

We receive lots of questions from applicants wanting to know how they should address these competencies. And the answer is very simple. When you are addressing selection criteria, whether you have to respond to a statement or a competency framework/statement, it is important to remember:

  •  The method for writing your statements is exactly the same as addressing "regular" criteria;
  •  The way you will be assessed is exactly the same;
  •  The only difference is how the statement is worded and how the selection panel have come up with the criteria/competencies that they want you to address.

The Key to Addressing Selection Criteria

The key to excellent selection criteria is focussing on hard skills that you can prove. Saying that you can do something is not enough. You need to demonstrate it. And present it in a way that a panel member (who is reading quickly through 30 other applications) can absorb quickly, take notice of, and remember.

Let us take the interview stage as an example. You may notice in a job interview that a lot of the questions will start like:

"Tell me about a time when..." or "Give me an example of..."

The interviewer wants to know about specific examples of when you have used the skills, experience or knowledge that they are questioning you about.

You can write about the same sort of things in your job application when addressing selection criteria. Write about examples of your skills in action. Tell the panel about specific instances where you have experienced something or grown in your knowledge. This is what the interview panel really want to know about and you can make your statements stand out.

If you do this, you are providing the selection panel with evidence-based selection criteria responses.

Evidence-Based Selection Criteria

You may have heard the term "evidence-based criteria" and wonder what it means.

It means that when a selection panel reviews your written job application or interview performance, they are looking for evidence that you have met their requirements.

They do not care how much you know about a topic (unless it is a knowledge-based selection criterion) or how good you say you are. They want evidence that you can substantiate your claims. 

It is up to you to provide evidence that you meet the KSC and the best way to do this is to give lots of examples from your experience and work history.

Even in the case of knowledge-based selection criteria, you should be putting your knowledge into a work context and explaining how you have come about this knowledge and how you use it. Anyone can copy information from a textbook!

How to Make Your Statements Stand Out

To make your written application stand out against the rest, you should go into the job application process assuming that all applicants are well qualified for the job and make your application the marketing document that describes: why your skills are the most relevant; why your experience is the most beneficial; why your understanding is the most developed; and why you have the best personal qualities for the position.

  • Know the facts about what is expected in your selection criteria responses.
  • Don't just use the STAR method (everyone uses the star method and your statements won't stand out).
  • Talk about outcomes you have achieved , not just duties that you perform.
  • Provide plenty of examples that are relevant to the job.
  • Don't include general statements without any evidence to back them up.
  • Use the job description to give you additional information about what the selection panel are looking for.
  • Use the same language that is used in the advertisement and job description.
  • Make your job application a marketing document that shows:

   *  your abilities are better than anyone else's;    *  your related working experience that makes you the ideal candidate;    *  your well-developed understanding that will ensure success in the role;    *  and how you have the ideal personal qualities for the job.

  • Read more about making your selection criteria stand out.

Need to Know More?

the selection criteria coach

Our book Selection Criteria Coach contains over 150 pages of information, tools and templates to make your selection criteria quick and easy to write.

Common Questions

  • How long should my statements be?
  • How can I write great selection criteria when the application is due tomorrow?
  • How can I make my selection criteria examples stand out?
  • Can I get someone else to write my criteria for me?
  • Should I still apply for the job if I don't meet all of the criteria?
  • What is the STAR method and how do I use it?

Cover letter template

Explain to the employer the purpose of your letter, why you’re applying for the job, how you meet the job criteria, and how they can contact you for an interview.

Cover letters for job applications

[your street number and name] [your suburb, state and postcode]

[title and name of addressee] [his/her position title if known]

[organisation’s name] [organisation’s address]

Dear [insert Ms/Mr Xxx or Sir/Madam]

    Application for position of [name of role], Reference Number [if given]

OPENING PARAGRAPH(S): The purpose of this letter, and why them.

Paragraph 1 : start by referring to the position you’re applying for (or “I am applying for the above position” if formatted as above) and where you saw the advertisement or heard about the role.

Paragraph 2 : explain why you’re interested in the role and the organisation. In order to do this, you need to have thoroughly read the selection criteria relating to the role and researched the organisation using their website, news sites, industry contacts, and so forth. If you’re applying through a recruitment agency and don't know the name of the hiring organisation, you can research the industry instead. Try to avoid clichés and make your interest in the organisation appear personal and genuine. A brief summary of your key selling points can be included at this point to highlight your ‘organisational fit’.

eg, GreenBuild’s recent exhibit at the Sustainable Cities festival was of particular interest to me as I have a passion for sustainable development. My skills in residential design developed through my Bachelor of Design in Architecture, along with my thorough knowledge of sustainable building practices acquired over two years as a project officer with the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage, would allow me to make a meaningful contribution to your mission to create Sydney’s greenest housing developments.


Paragraph 3 : this is where you provide evidence as to how your qualifications, skills and experience meet the selection criteria for the position. You can draw evidence from a range of experiences if relevant, including academic studies, extracurricular activities, placements, volunteer roles and paid employment history, including casual work. This section where you address the selection criteria should be the longest section in your letter. It may be necessary to divide it into more than one paragraph.

eg, My strong time management skills have been developed through balancing part time work at Bob’s Café with volunteering commitments at my local community centre while meeting all assignment deadlines to maintain a distinction average in my studies.


Paragraph 4 : this is where you express the hoped-for outcome of your letter. End on a positive note and a call to further action. You may want to reiterate how your relevant strengths make you a suitable candidate for the role and mention your availability for interview. Refer to any attachments such as resume, transcript, application form, etc.

Yours sincerely [your name typed]

[Note: Use ‘Yours sincerely’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear plus Addressee’s Name’ and ‘Yours faithfully’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’]

Speculative cover letters

Speculative cover letters are used when you are proactively seeking opportunities directly with an employer, rather than responding to advertised vacancies. For speculative letters, follow the format above, with the following adjustments:

Opening paragraph : If you’ve been referred by a friend or colleague known to the recruiter, mention this. As no job has been advertised, state that you’re seeking employment opportunities in a particular occupational area or role.

Final paragraph : You may wish to include your intention to contact the employer on a particular day to follow up. Make sure that you keep your promise by noting the date in your diary and contacting the addressee on the mentioned date, as planned.

Need more cover letter tips?

How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter is your first introduction to a potential employer, so it needs to show that you’re a suitable candidate.

Addressing selection criteria

Selection criteria are the skills, knowledge, and experience required to successfully do the job.

How to write a resume

A clear, tailored and professional resume is essential for any job application. It should aim to convince an employer that your qualifications, work experience and skillset make you a strong match for the job.

Two-Page Cover Letter Addressing the Statement of Duties

  • Post author: theresumewriters
  • Post published: January 12, 2019
  • Post category: Australian Public Service / Cover Letters / Selection Criteria
  • Post comments: 2 Comments

Two-page cover letter addressing the statement of duties/selection criteria

The format which has all but wholly replaced traditional selection criteria.

By Jacquie Liversidge

Navigate to:

How to write a 2-page cover letter that addresses government requirements.

More and more, there are content length limitations placed on selection criteria responses, and the majority of the time, these are two pages, or roughly 1500 words. 

This has been implemented by the Commonwealth and most state governments in response to enormous selection criteria responses being submitted for government roles, jam packed with empty content which doesn’t demonstrate an applicant’s capabilities.

When applicants write their selection criteria, there is a tendency to fill the selection criteria with ‘padding’, or useless material, to increase the length with the idea that more is better.

Length certainly isn’t everything. When it comes to selection criteria, you want to get your material out quickly and efficiently with the most impact and the lowest word count.

You want to use your audience’s limited time well.

And this is where directions for a two-page cover letter come in to play.

How to spot it when it applies

Either on the applicant guide or the initial link to the prospective role, there will be a section titled ‘How to Apply’. 

Read this section carefully and make sure you are aware of what the directions are.

How to interpret the position description

Click on the position description and look over what is listed therein.

On the position description for most government applications, you will usually find the following sections titled exactly like this, or very similarly:

  • Position Objective
  • Role context
  • Responsibility
  • Knowledge, Skills and Experience (Selection Criteria – in relation to the major duties)

Selection criteria can also be called Essential Requirements, Role Specific Requirements, Success Criteria. Nonetheless, the easiest way to spot these questions are by looking for dot-pointed content that looks a bit like this:

eg. – Demonstrated ability to provide consumer-centred care

– Exceptional communication skills and conflict resolution skills.

– Proven report writing capabilities.

Once we have a good idea of the important background, context, and scope,  and we’ve found the selection criteria we need to respond to, we can start on our content. Here’s a bunch of over ten detailed selection criteria examples to get you started.

Here’s an example of a two-page cover letter addressing the required sections Queensland Government.  Increasingly, these questions are values based, as they were below :

Two-page statement example

The structure, introduction: why you’re applying, what you’re offering, and why you’d be a great fit, the selection criteria question restated which is entirely optional. it’s also appropriate to skip this part, and move on to the next., our response, with the topic sentence (first sentence) repeating the question. (do this for all questions), a call to action (cta) statement ending the cover letter, professional sign-off, tips, tricks, and other information to note:.

If it’s a two-page cover letter for a government role, and it says nothing about addressing the requirements of the role, but there is selection criteria present,  you do still need to address the selection criteria.

Traditionally, where the position description/advertisement asks for responses to the selection criteria, you would develop your questions and title them with the question. This approach is exactly the same, but incorporates the cover letter element of an introduction statement, and it simply does not contain the selection criteria within the documents as headings.

The point of the exercise is  demonstrate  your capability to perform in the role via  examples of your ability to do that prior. The only part of the story which demonstrates  your capability, are the actions that you took.

Focus on the inner content

Save your space for the real content that will get you selected by keeping your introduction short and to the point, and your call-to-action statement at the end within 2 sentences.

Introduction example:  

I wish to submit my application for the position of Communications Officer as listed on the Tasmanian Government jobs website. I am confident I would be an ideal candidate for the position given my extensive experience within the corporate communications environment, my proven successes in a variety of roles and my strong interest in supporting strategic objectives through strong external communication.

Call-to-Action example:  

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application for the role of Communications Officer. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details contained herein for further information or to arrange an interview.

Keep your content focused on the selection criteria. Keep it concise and make every word count.

And that’s all folks. 

Happy hunting!

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Applying for australian government jobs – state by state, how to write selection criteria – everything you need to know, selection criteria is disappearing. is star dead, this post has 2 comments.

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  • Key selection criteria

How to Address Key Selection Criteria

Navigating the job application process in today’s competitive market requires more than just a polished CV and a cover letter. One significant aspect that often differentiates successful candidates from the rest is how effectively they address the key selection criteria. Through this article, we’ll delve deep into understanding key selection criteria, offering insights, techniques, and actionable tips to not just understand, but master this essential element of job applications.

analysing best candidate key selection criteria

What are key selection criteria?

Key selection criteria , represent the specific skills, attributes, knowledge, and qualifications that employers deem necessary for a particular job role. When applying for positions, especially within the public sector or larger organisations, applicants are frequently asked to address these criteria directly. By doing so, recruiters and hiring managers can efficiently assess and shortlist candidates based on how closely they align with the job’s requirements.

Essentially, the key selection criteria serves as a standardised benchmark against which all applicants are measured, ensuring that the selection process remains consistent, transparent, and merit-based. Addressing the key selection criteria effectively in job applications greatly enhances an applicant’s chances of progressing to the interview stage.

Research Before Writing

Before responding to key selection criteria, thorough research is paramount, acting as the bedrock upon which tailored and compelling responses are built. At the forefront, understanding the job position description and its specific requirements is essential; it not only allows candidates to align their skills and experiences directly with the employer’s needs but also demonstrates a genuine interest in the role.

Equally crucial is an in-depth exploration of the company itself. By immersing oneself in the company’s values, mission, and culture, applicants can craft responses that resonate with the organisation’s core ethos. This dual-pronged research approach ensures that candidates are not just a fit for the role on paper, but also align with the broader vision and values of the company, creating a holistic impression that stands out in the selection process.

Decoding the Language of Selection Criteria

Before writing it’s important to understand the underlying expectations behind certain terms frequently used by employers. Here are some common phrases used:

  • “Effective communicator” usually implies the ability to convey ideas clearly in both written and spoken forms
  • “Team player” suggests cooperativeness, adaptability, and the capacity to work harmoniously with diverse individuals.
  • “Self-starter” indicates proactivity and the initiative to undertake tasks without constant supervision.
  • “Strong analytical skills” refers to someone who can dissect problems, recognise patterns, and propose solutions.
  • “Detail-oriented” points towards meticulousness and an aptitude for spotting inconsistencies or errors.

The Importance of Providing Evidence

Stating that you possess certain qualities isn’t enough; it’s vital to back these claims with real-world examples. Structuring your responses with evidence showcases your credibility and makes your claims more compelling.

If you lack direct experience in any area, it’s good to draw parallels from unrelated experiences that showcase similar skills or attributes. For example, if you haven’t formally led a team but have organised group activities or events, this can still demonstrate leadership and team coordination skills. Always aim to present transferable skills or knowledge that align with the essence of the criteria.

Using the STAR Technique

The STAR technique is a structured method used to answer competency-based questions, particularly when addressing key selection criteria in job applications. The acronym STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. It provides a clear framework for presenting information in a logical sequence: first, by describing a specific Situation you were in; next, outlining the Task or challenge at hand; followed by detailing the Action you took to address it; and finally, elucidating the Result of that action.

When applied to key selection criteria, the STAR technique allows candidates to offer concrete examples from their past experiences, demonstrating their competencies in a clear and compelling manner. This approach ensures that responses are both comprehensive and relevant, showcasing not just what an applicant has done, but the positive outcomes and impact of their actions.

Quality Over Quantity

While it’s tempting to showcase a breadth of experiences, focusing on the depth of relevant experiences is more effective. Generic responses might touch on many points but can come across as disingenuous. Instead, tailor your answers to the specific role, demonstrating a clear understanding of what’s required.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

When addressing selection criteria, it’s important to avoid overused phrases and clichés that can undermine the originality and authenticity of your responses. Phrases like “think outside the box”, “go the extra mile”, “team player”, “hard worker”, and “results-driven” have been reiterated so often that they lose their impact and can come across as insincere. Instead of relying on these worn-out expressions, it’s essential to provide specific examples and evidence from your own experiences that demonstrate your competencies.

Additionally, while it’s crucial to be comprehensive in your responses, brevity is equally vital. An impactful response is one that gets straight to the point, presenting the most relevant information in a clear and concise manner.

Formatting and Presentation Tips

How you present your responses can be as crucial as what you say. Ensure a clear and consistent structure throughout, and don’t shy away from using bullet points or bolding to emphasise key points.

Review and Revise: The Key to Perfection

Once your draft is ready, don’t rush to submit. Proofreading is crucial. Better yet, get feedback from trusted peers to get an external perspective on how your responses come across.

Going Beyond the Written Response

While written key selection criteria responses are vital, being prepared to discuss them in interviews is equally important. Beyond your words, your non-verbal cues can demonstrate how genuinely you align with the selection criteria.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Addressing Key Selection Criteria

Do: Research thoroughly.

Don’t: Use generic phrases.

Do: Provide evidence for your claims.

Don’t: Overextend your answers without clear value.

FAQs on How To Address Key Selection Criteria

What if i don’t meet all the criteria.

Focus on your strengths and how they can compensate or relate to the criteria.

How long should each response be?

Each response should be concise yet comprehensive, typically ranging from a few sentences to a short paragraph.

Can I use the same examples for multiple criteria?

While it’s acceptable to use the same examples for multiple criteria, ensure each response is tailored to the specific criterion at hand.

What about gaps in my employment?

If you have employment gaps, address them honestly, focusing on skills or knowledge gained during those periods.

Can I include volunteer or unpaid experiences?

Absolutely, volunteer or unpaid experiences are valuable and can be included if they’re relevant to the criteria.

Mastering the art of addressing Key Selection Criteria is an indispensable skill for modern job seekers. By truly understanding the criteria, presenting real-world evidence, and ensuring your responses are genuine and well-structured, you position yourself as a top-tier candidate in the eyes of employers. As the job market continues to evolve, those who can adeptly convey their competencies through KSC will undoubtedly have an edge, turning potential opportunities into successful job offers. Remember, it’s not just about meeting the criteria, but truly showcasing how your unique experiences and skills make you the perfect fit for the role.

Do you need help with key selection criteria?

Crafting the perfect response to Key Selection Criteria can be daunting, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. With over 15 years of expertise in career services and recruitment consulting, Emma from Workspeak Consulting is here to guide you every step of the way. Leveraging her vast experience, Emma can help you craft compelling and authentic responses that resonate with employers. Ready to elevate your job application to the next level? Reach out to Emma today! All the contact details you need are right here. Make the decision that could transform your career trajectory.

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Resume and Selection Criteria Writers Give Away Free Tips

You go back to the job advertisement to upload your resume. But wait!

“Applicants must submit a cover letter and address the selection criteria in the job description,” you shockingly read.

Are you now fuming the internet to find quick hacks on how to write a cover letter and respond to selection criteria ? Have you spent hours finding the best example of a personal statement? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the selection criteria responses you’ve read online and thinking of just letting the opportunity to secure your dream job pass?

Well then, your search stops right here!

The Perfect Resume team is here to guide you and make your job application stand out! We will help you polish your application by providing you with a FREE cover letter and selection criteria samples. Read on and be on your way to landing the job of your dreams!

Cover Letter Dread: The Basics and Effortless Ways to Create One in 2022 — With Examples

A cover letter is a one-page document that aims to express your intention of securing the spot. Like a golden ticket, your cover letter is a paper that introduces you to a potential employer, aside from your resume or CV. Know to some as a motivation letter , your cover letter is submitted to explain and persuade your readers as to why you are the best candidate for the job.

Regrettably, many clients choose to pour all their efforts into perfecting their resumes only. But did you know that your cover letter can be the difference between championing your job search and being sent to the “NO” pile without any hesitation?

“How come,” you ask.

This brief document is a chance for you to showcase your communication skills, experiences, and how you can meet the potential employer’s business needs and exceed expectations. Furthermore, according to SEEK , recruiters and hiring managers still claim to read cover letters to further extract information about applicants, such as their relevant skills and tangible achievement. Zety has shared information that 45% of employers or hiring decision-makers say they expect to receive cover letters. On the other hand,  22% expect letters of interest to be addressed to the Hiring Manager.  Thus, it is always a perfect idea to tailor your cover letter to each job application!

Speaking of tailoring or personalising your job search tool, Professional Resume Writers and Career Experts from The Perfect Resume put together a guide on what to include and leave out of your cover letter, including the dos and don’ts when crafting one.

Cover Letter Tip # 1:  Never ever forget the must-have sections, namely:

  • Contact Section. Up above in your heading section is where your contact information should be ideally placed, such as your mobile number. Why? It is the first thing a recruiter or hiring manager must-see. Without these details, it would be unlikely that you will even hear a callback or stand out from all the other applicants. Therefore, do not ever ditch this part. Additionally, make sure that your contact details are up to date and are reachable.

0400 000 000                           [email protected]                              Gold Coast, QLD                              Click here for LinkedIn

  • Company name, date, appropriate salutation, and the name of the job you're going for. Getting this part right is very crucial. This will reveal if you dedicated enough time to research the company and the person who shall receive your cover letter. As the old saying goes, “well begun is half done.” Addressing the contact person by his or her name will provide a personalised touch and good impression to give you brownie points for an interview shortlist. However, if the information is ungraspable choose a suitable salutation.

The Perfect Resume

Writing Department

2 March 2022

Hiring Manager

Position of Professional Resume Writer

  • Attention-grabbing unique selling proposition. This is the best spot to showcase your personality and company values. If you are a person who loves making another laugh, start off with some humour. If you think that the organisation’s cause resonates with you, then it is best to acknowledge it at the beginning of your cover letter. Before you write your introduction, you must identify why do you want to apply for that specific job and why should the employer choose you over the other candidates. Doing this can help you craft a perfect cover letter introduction.

As an outcome-driven and customer-focused Resume Writer with 10 years of recruiting or sourcing experience, I am eager to deliver high-quality Resume, LinkedIn, and Interview Preparation services to your organisation’s esteemed clients. I look forward to demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the career motivations and achievements of every client, timely completing tasks, and building an improved professional image.

  • Experiences, education, key skills, and achievements. As soon as you have your readers hooked, it is now time to shine by highlighting your standout qualities. Due to the limited time hiring managers hold within the recruitment process, it is best to keep it short but sweet! They do not have time for fluff. Hence why they use applicant tracking systems to sort candidates from being a good fit to not so suitable. So, be sure to address the employer’s wants and needs whilst incorporating your applicable past experiences, skills, and wins – both big and small!

Currently employed as a resume writer for XYZ company, I perform to a high standard by producing approximately 5 error-free application documents daily. I have also exceeded the satisfaction of various clients and received praises due to timely updating clients on the status of their orders and presenting information in a concise, factual, and strategic fashion. Before this, I worked as a content writer, customer support representative, and teacher, whereby I developed my skills in anticipating clients’ needs. Notable achievements in these roles included delivering outputs prior to the deadline, uplifting new revenue from existing customers, and reducing the number of complaints.

Recognised as an enthusiastic, diligent, and high performing professional, I am an avid learner and suitably qualified with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication.

Cover Letter Tip # 2:  Familiarise yourself with mistakes to dodge, such as:

  • Never start with “I am writing to apply for the XYZ position at XYZ.” Keep in mind that your cover letter is meant to make you stand out. Aside from being superfluous, beginning your cover letter with this phrase will only give the impression that you are boring or not that interested in the job. Do your research and use your cover letter as a way of communicating how you have what it takes to be the company’s next team member.
  • Avoid repeating all the information on your resume . A resume is intended to state facts about your career, such as your previous roles, skills, and achievements. On the other hand, your cover letter is meant to explain how you meet the job requirements. It is an avenue for you to introduce yourself in a creative way and display your communication skills. Therefore, it is unnecessary to copy and paste the information from your resume onto your cover letter. You need to tell an interesting story.
  • Eliminate the typos. According to research conducted by CareerBuilder, a trusted human capital solutions company, over 70% of hiring managers admitted that they would reject a cover letter bearing grammatical or typographical errors without a doubt. The same also goes for resumes. Therefore, make sure to proofread your document. It is also advisable to use a free online writing assistant or error-checker. Moreover, try having a trusted colleague review your cover letter. Getting a pair of fresh eyes can help catch language oversights in your relevant experience and enhance the flow of your letter of introduction without paying anything.
  • Do not forget the evidence of your knowledge. It is easy to claim that you are a ‘team player’ or have all the right values for the job. However, you are not the first candidate to mention it. Often, cover letters are filled with content that applicants merely copied, such as the role title and expertise listed on the job advertisement without backing them up. Hiring managers go for a good match when they are finding candidates for jobs, someone who can communicate their relevant work experience, how they have demonstrated the required skills in their past and are a great match between the hard and soft transferable skills. In addition to that, you can write your selection criteria or professional resume in a more creative way by sprinkling in the results or achievements. Hiring managers love reading engaging resumes, especially when candidates take the time to write in a results-driven manner.
  • Stay away from mentioning your expected salary. Unless you are instructed to do so, it is best to do not to mention to the recruiter or company representative how much you are expecting to receive. Indeed, good compensation in any industry is a form of motivation. However, you want to present yourself to your potential employer as a professional eager to contribute to the future of the company, not someone who is excited to just get paid.

Cover Letter Tip # 3:  Create a winning and sincere final statement and call to action.

Your ending paragraph should be as captivating as your introduction. It is also great to include a call of action or a way of encouraging potential employers to contact you for further discussions on how you can be a great asset to the company. Here, you can display your enthusiasm and confidence. Lastly, if you are wondering how to end your cover letter, sign off with kind regards or yours sincerely.

With an eye for detail and the ability to work collaboratively, I believe in consistency and strive to deliver results. Therefore, I strive to align my skills, experience, and passion for making a difference in people’s lives and careers. I believe I can offer you valuable insight that will result in strategic solutions for your services. I can be contacted on 0400 000 000 or via email at [email protected] at a time of your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards

First Last Name

Writing a Cover Letter in Australia Doesn’t Have to Be Tough

We know cover letter writing can be hard, but it doesn't have to be! If you're struggling with trying not to sound desperate or keeping your document easy to read, then fear not! Below, there are some cover letter examples for managerial and graduate roles. On the other hand, if you would like your Professional Writer from The Perfect Resume to craft a unique cover letter that suits your needs, email us at [email protected]  or visit .

Finance Manager Cover Letter Example

2 March 2022


: Hiring Manager - The Perfect Resume

Position of Finance Manager,


As an experienced and highly qualified Finance Manager, I look forward to adding value to your bottom line and have attached my résumé for your consideration.

I was previously employed as a Financial Accountant for COMPANY, where I managed 5 direct reports and 140 indirect payrolls and accounts staff, based around the world, including overseeing the financial management of 3 company-owned venues and 2 joint ventures.

In this role, I successfully implemented project financing, budget forecasting and financial analysis initiatives. I ensured accurate allocation of cost for analysis which decreased expenses by approx. $50k per month. My deep-dive analysis and efforts further led to a reduction of $150k per annum and guaranteed that all accounts receivable, accounts payable, daily reconciliations were performed to a very high standard.

Judicious by nature and an adept analytical problem-solver, I have proven experience in project process improvements. Leveraging available resources, I develop and lead a commercially focused and energised team and communicate with excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills to sustain long-term quality productive working relationships.

Recognised as an enthusiastic, diligent, and high performing professional, I am looking for a long-term contract within your dynamic finance team. I believe my financial, budgeting, forecasting experience, CPA, and post qualifications, place me in a unique position to offer your company the expertise you are looking for, in addition to an innovative nature and meticulous attention for details to work collaboratively with the team.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my previous role, I am now seeking a new position closer to family. Therefore, please find further experience reflected in my enclosed resume to pique your interest to shortlist me for an interview. I can be contacted at [email protected] or 1300 217 374 at a time of your convenience.

Kind regards,

Graduate Program Cover Letter Template

Insert Organisation

Insert Date

Dear Hiring Manager,


Graduate Program opportunity,

A team member, I am eager to contribute to for by .

employed as a for , I to a high standard by . These activities have provided me with the transferrable skills required to applying for your organisation.

Suitably qualified with a , coupled with of experience, I can also confirm that I possess the following qualities as required:

While I thoroughly my , I am now seeking a new challenge/long-term career change. Therefore, please find other experiences reflected in my enclosed resume to pique your interest to shortlist me for an interview. I can be contacted at or at a time of your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Selection Criteria: What is it And How Do I Address It in My Cover Letter?

The key selection criteria demonstrate how well suited you are for your dream job. Your responses are what potential employers shall use to shortlist you for a job. Unlike a cover letter, a selection criteria response is a direct, concise, and focused explanation to a situational question, for example, ‘demonstrate a time when you had to meet tight deadlines' or ‘explain a situation when you had to be flexible,’ You may address this job requirement in your cover letter. How? Through an applicant tracking systems formula:

Example Statement + Example Situation + How you overcame the challenge/problem = Criteria Response Evidence

How do you write the selection criteria for a job application.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to answer selection criteria questions correctly depends on the specific question being asked and the job you are applying for. However, there are a few general tips that can help you to answer selection criteria questions effectively:

  • Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked of you.  Selection criteria can vary from employer to employer, so it’s important to read through the job ad thoroughly and understand what is required before you start writing your application. Follow the instructions: make sure you read and understand the selection criteria before starting to write your response.
  • Outline how your skills, experience and qualifications match up with what is being asked for in the question.  Do not be afraid of referring to previous roles. Employers want someone who can hit the ground running. Therefore, make sure that if you have experience in a similar role and the required qualifications and skills for the position, you want your next employer to know.
  • Use specific examples to back up your claims and show that you have what it takes to do the job.  A professional resume template will help to strengthen your argument and show that you have what it takes to do the particular job. Numbers and statistics can help add credibility to a document by providing concrete evidence to support a claim. When used effectively, they can help back up an argument with factual information. In addition, they can help to persuade your readers – and make them say, “this is the one!” The best way to use numbers in a selection criteria response is to back up general claims with specific examples. For example, rather than writing, “ I am reliable ,” you could write, “ In the past year, I have worked consistently 5 days per week and have had ZERO unaccounted days off or arrived late on any occasions .” Who would you employ if you could choose between the “I am reliable” guy or someone who has had ZERO unaccounted days off?
  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting your application.  Nothing looks worse than a sloppy job application! Proofreading is so important for job seekers because it is the first impression that you make on a potential employer. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes in your application, it signals to the employer that you are not detail-oriented and that you may not be taking the job application seriously. It also shows that you may not be capable of doing the specific job if you cannot even take the time to proofread your application. By proofreading your job application, you can ensure that your application looks polished and professional.

Is the job you are applying for requesting selection criteria be addressed? Writing selection criteria is a speciality of The Perfect Resume Professional Resume Writers! If you would prefer to address the criteria on your own, the following style is recommended:

 Use the first paragraph of the generic cover and add a line: “In order to display my capability for the role, I have addressed the selection criteria below:”

[Insert one to two paragraphs about your experience]

[Insert one to two paragraphs about your experience]

[Insert one to two paragraphs about your experience]

Use the last paragraph of the generic cover letter.

Kind regards

Your name

An example of how to plan each criterion:

Speaking to people with English as a second language.
Use google translate, translators, extensive use of body language and pictures and communicate in a simple English style.
Strong relationships built, enhanced customer satisfaction and a high return customer rate.

Then put the paragraph together that you would add into the cover letter:

While working as a customer service representative, many customers used English as a second language. This made coordinating meeting agendas challenging. To ensure accuracy, I utilised Google Translate, engaged in translator services, used extensive body language and pictures to communicate in a simple English style. These techniques proved successful as I had a high return customer rate and strong relationships were built on enhanced customer satisfaction.

If you have written your key selection criteria and would like a Professional Resume Writer to proofread it for you we would be happy to. Please click here to get started.

Another Selection Criteria Response Example

I had been working as a customer service representative for a telecommunications company for 2 years. During the day, I would answer 30-50 customer enquiries per day, depending on the complexity of the customer’s needs. On one particular day, it was rather busy, and I received a call from a customer who was extremely angry. The customer had been trying to call the company for two days and was unable to get through, so she decided she was going to her business elsewhere. Even though I was busy, I knew this customer had called for a reason, other than to tell us that she had chosen another provider, so I decided to take some time to listen to her needs. She told me that her primary line (which she would normally use to call us on) had disconnected after a power outage and she couldn’t turn it back on. She felt isolated and upset not being able to communicate with her family throughout the evening. I assured her that we would investigate this issue immediately and asked if there were any other questions or concerns, she had. After a quick investigation, I discovered that the primary line had not disconnected but there was an outstanding payment on her account which had placed a suspension on the account (which meant the power outage was really not the cause of the problem). I checked the accounts and since this customer had received five years of excellent service from our company, I let her know that I would waive the outstanding charges. She was ever so grateful and let me know that she has now decided to remain with the company.

How can The Perfect Resume Team Help?

To be successful in your job search, you need to have a compelling cover letter and give it your best shot as you try to address selection criteria. Your cover letter is the first thing that hiring managers will read, and it can help make or break an application. A well-crafted cover letter, coupled with key selection criteria responses should tell the hiring manager why they MUST have you on their team. However, if you still don't know where to start, contact The Perfect Resume today!

The Perfect Resume is here to help you get ahead in your career by providing cover letters and selection criteria responses. We offer professional writing services to make sure your job search tools are perfect before submitting them. Our team of writers is experts in crafting interview-winning documents to impress any hiring manager or recruiter. We know what employers want to see on paper and how they want their candidates presented, so let us do all the hard work.

Please send us an email at   [email protected]   with your resume, cover letter, and link to your dream job. We will give you tips on making prospective employers hire YOU over ALL OTHER CANDIDATES – without paying a penny! 

Likewise, if you find this article helpful, don't forget to share and pass the kindness along to your fellow job seeker!

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How do you write a "Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria"?

So looking at This Job and under "Your Checklist" it has 3 different uploads, Cover Letter , Resume and Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria

now to my understanding the Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria is the Cover Letter and a well written Cover Letter explains how you fit with what the employer is looking for.

So what is the difference? and how do i write Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria in general (using the link above as an example)

NOTE: i am not applying for the job linked above as it is too far away however i figured i should get this cleared up in case if i veer come across it again

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Memor-X's user avatar

Your cover letter is a brief, less than one A4 page, summary of why you should get the job. The statements addressing criteria need to cover, in detail, exactly what they set out. The CV sets out, in list form, relevant information.

S. Mitchell's user avatar

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writing a cover letter addressing selection criteria

writing a cover letter addressing selection criteria

Selection Criteria VS Cover Letters

Selection criteria vs. cover letters – there is a difference.

For potential candidates that are sourcing a role in one of the government sectors, Selection Criteria is something you may need to answer. Depending on how well you address each of these could depend on whether you gain an interview spot so it is critical that you get this right.

Most people often don’t realise there is a HUGE difference between a response to Selection Criteria and a Cover Letter.

What is a Selection Criteria response?

  •  Is no more than 2 pages, addressing Key Responsibilities  (or Key Selection Criteria)  (4-8 questions)
  • Is answering these questions using the STAR method (which is Situation, Task, Action, Result)
  • You are required to respond to each question about a “time when” you were in a Situation, doing a specific Task where your Action was required, and then the Result. Use one example per question in a paragraph
  • Without this (if the advertisement asks for it), you will not proceed to the next round for interview

What is a Cover Letter?

A Cover Letter is an introduction to yourself, to accompany your resume when you apply for a job.

  • Is 1 page only
  • Talks about you and why would you be suitable for the role
  • Doesn’t cover all your skills (as the resume does this) but more so, it covers your personality traits
  • You can talk about 1 main skill they require for the role and HOW you can use this in the new role
  • Uses passion and juicy words to attract the reader’s attention

Most people find it more difficult to write a selection criteria response than it is to write a cover letter. The good news though: thinking through examples of your work history to use as answers is also great preparation for your interview.

If you have your heart set on a job that has Selection Criteria, but you don’t know where to start, we recommend you seek professional help.


writing a cover letter addressing selection criteria

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writing a cover letter addressing selection criteria

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  4. Addressing selection criteria

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    Overall cover letter structure. Integrate your answers into the overall structure of your cover letter. Start with an introduction that briefly talks about the role you're applying for and why you're interested. Then address the key selection criteria, using a paragraph for each criterion. Finally, finish with a summary of your enthusiasm for ...

  7. How to address key selection criteria

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  9. How to Address Selection Criteria in Government Cover Letters

    3 Use the STAR method. The third step to writing a cover letter for a government job is to use the STAR method to address the selection criteria and key requirements. The STAR method stands for ...

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  11. Addressing Selection Criteria

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  12. PDF Top tips for effective cover letters

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  14. How to address selection criteria

    Keep your response clear and succinct. Keep your cover letter to about a page in length. For formal selection criteria, always stick to any word or page limits. Use relevant examples. Show the employer how you have demonstrated this trait or skill in the past and what the result or outcome was for your employer. Be honest and factual.

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    How to write a 2-page cover letter that addresses government requirements. More and more, there are content length limitations placed on selection criteria responses, and the majority of the time, these are two pages, or roughly 1500 words. This has been implemented by the Commonwealth and most state governments in response to enormous ...

  19. How to Address Key Selection Criteria

    Key selection criteria, represent the specific skills, attributes, knowledge, and qualifications that employers deem necessary for a particular job role. When applying for positions, especially within the public sector or larger organisations, applicants are frequently asked to address these criteria directly. By doing so, recruiters and hiring ...

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    Recognised as an enthusiastic, diligent, and high performing professional, I am an avid learner and suitably qualified with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. Cover Letter Tip # 2: Familiarise yourself with mistakes to dodge, such as: Never start with "I am writing to apply for the XYZ position at XYZ.".

  21. Free Selection Criteria Examples

    Steps to Addressing Selection Criteria: Step 1 - Investigate the position and how to apply. Step 2 - Plan and pre-write your selection criteria. Step 3 - Draft and refine your selection criteria responses. (Bonus step 4 - Use our free examples). Read below for these steps in detail!

  22. How do you write a "Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria"?

    So looking at This Job and under "Your Checklist" it has 3 different uploads, Cover Letter, Resume and Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria. now to my understanding the Statements addressing the Key Selection Criteria is the Cover Letter and a well written Cover Letter explains how you fit with what the employer is looking for.

  23. Selection Criteria VS Cover Letters

    A Cover Letter is an introduction to yourself, to accompany your resume when you apply for a job. Most people find it more difficult to write a selection criteria response than it is to write a cover letter. The good news though: thinking through examples of your work history to use as answers is also great preparation for your interview.

  24. How To Address Selection Criteria in a Cover Letter Format

    A cover letter is an essential part of any job application. It's your chance to prove to the employer why you feel that you would be an excellent fit for the role. The team at Client Centric, one of Australia's best cover letter writing service in Australia, believe that it's essential every application includes both a CV and cover letter. Most employers these days expect both documents ...