How do I actually write the names of the article and the journal/magazine in my paper?

To write the name of a journal/magazine title in the body of your paper:

  • The title of the journal should be in italics - Example:  Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Capitalize all of the major words.

To write the the name of an article title in the body of your paper:

  • The title of the article should be in quotation marks - E xample: "Tiger Woman on Wall Street"

For more information, please see the following pages on the APA Style Blog :

  • Title Case Capitalization
  • Use of Italics
  • Use of Quotation Marks

Thank you for using ASK US.  For more information, please contact your Baker librarians .

  • Last Updated May 05, 2023
  • Views 542024
  • Answered By Baker Librarians

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Comments (8)

  • Do articles contain address? by Danny on Mar 20, 2017
  • On the APA References page add Retrieved from and the website address at the end of the citation. See the APA Help page for examples- by ASK US on Mar 20, 2017
  • Is this information the same for scientific research journals and articles (still within APA)? by Haley on Apr 03, 2017
  • Yes, it is. See the APA Help guide for examples. by ASK US on Apr 03, 2017
  • Do I have to put the name of the author of the article or website the article was from? by Hailee on May 01, 2017
  • The answer given was for the body of your paper. Here's how to cite an article both on the References page and in-text: Author Last Name, First & Middle Initials. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Source, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. Retrieved from... In-text: Paraphrase: (Author Last Name, Year). Quotation: (Author Last Name, Year, p. Page Number). by ASK US on May 02, 2017
  • Do I put the title of essay in single quotation marks if I write in UK English (APA)? by joseph on Mar 25, 2019
  • See the APA Style Blog's post on How to Capitalize and Format Reference Titles in APA Style: by Patrick Mullane on Mar 25, 2019

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How to Add an Article Title Into the Text Using APA Format

Catherine bowers.

Including an article title in your text with APA format is easy.

Including an article title in the text of your writing serves a different purpose than including it in the Works Cited section of a paper. You may want to include the title of an article in your paper when it is the main subject you’re writing about, a subject you’re discussing that you’re referring to simply as an example, or if the research for your writing isn’t extensive enough to require a citation page. The American Psychological Association (APA) has specific guidelines on how to include an article title in the text of your writing.

Consider section 4.21 of the APA Publication Manual "Use of Italics;" according to it, italics should be used for titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, television shows, and microfilm. Make an exception if words in the title are usually italicized and set them in normal type instead; this is called reverse italicization.

Consider section 4.07 of the APA Publication Manual, “Quotation Marks;” according to it, quotes should be used to set off the title of books, articles, and chapters when you are including it in the text.

Check your writing to make sure you’re following the previous two guidelines; the article you mention in your text should be formatted as follows:

Ms. Bond published her controversial piece, “Housebreaking the Habit” in (italics)Dogfancy(/italics) magazine in June of 2010.

  • 1 “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.”; American Psychological Association; 2010

About the Author

In 1998 Catherine Bowers began writing articles for newspapers, including "The Daily Collegian" at Pennsylvania State University. She also edited a Spanish-language journal and wrote product and patent descriptions for inventors. Bowers assists with the Gutenberg Project and graduated from Pennsylvania State with a Bachelor of Arts in English.

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The Correct Way to Write an Article Title in a Paper

It is a cardinal rule to cite scholarly sources when writing a paper. Most professors will specify the approximate number of sources for a paper, essay, or assignment. A well-written academic paper is objective and has references or works cited page where you list the references used. However, how do you write the title of an article when writing a paper?

When you mention an online or magazine article in your essay, do not just do it as you please. There is a formula you need to follow depending on the referencing style. This post looks at how to title an article in an essay following the APA, Harvard, MLA, and Chicago.

Let’s commence.

How to Title an Article in APA

APA stands for American Psychological Association. The association published the first APA stylebook in the late 1920s. Over the years, the stylebook has been widely adopted beyond psychology. It has also been updated many times. The stylebook meticulously describes how to format every aspect of your essay.

Whenever you mention the name of a source in an APA essay, there are rules you need to follow. This is true for all sources, including articles, books, webpages, reports, chapters, etc.

The rules you need to follow depend on the type of source (standalone source or part of a greater thing). For some sources, you simply capitalize and italicize the main words; for others, you have to capitalize the main words and put them in double quotation marks.

You need to italicize and capitalize their names when you mention standalone sources. Standalone sources include a podcast, a TV series, a dissertation, a movie, and an e-book.

Examples showing how to write larger works in APA

  • Morbid: A True Crime Podcast (podcast title)
  • The Last of Us (TV series title)
  • Canadian Legal System Versus US Legal System: A Comparative Study (dissertation title)
  • The Pirates of the Caribbean (movie title)
  • For a Dollar and a Dream: State Lotteries in Modern America (e-book title)

On the other hand, when you mention sources that are part of a greater work, you need to capitalize them and put them in double quotation marks. Examples of these sources include a magazine article, a newspaper article, a blog post, and a journal article. This means mentioning any article must capitalize its title and put it in double quotations.

Examples showing how to write article titles in APA

  • “Study of Correlation between Criminality and Population” (journal article title)
  • “Effective Active Ingredients Obtained through Biotechnology” (journal article title)
  • “Doping in Cycling: Everything You Need to Know” (magazine article title)
  • “Do you know what is in Your Cosmetics?” (newspaper article title)
  • “35 Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2023” (blog post title)

Titling an article in a Harvard Style Format Paper or Essay

The Harvard referencing system was invented late in the nineteenth century by a Harvard University professor. The system has been widely adopted beyond the lecture halls of Harvard. It is popularly used to reference various works in the following fields: philosophy, behavioral sciences, and humanities.

When you name or mention an article in a Harvard essay, there are rules you must follow. There are rules you need to follow when you mention any work in a Harvard essay.

The rules you need to follow depend mainly on the size of the work. The titles of large works are formatted differently compared to the titles of small works.

Large works include books and journals. When you mention a book or journal in a Harvard essay, you must italicize the entire title and capitalize the major words.

Examples showing how to write large works in Harvard

  • The Lucifer Effect (book title)
  • Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (book title)
  • Games People Play (book title)
  • Comparative Studies in Society and History (journal title)
  • Journal of American History (journal title)

The titles of smaller works are written differently in contrast to the title of large works. They are written by putting them inside single quotation marks.

Smaller works include journal articles, blog posts, web pages, web articles, etc. Whenever you mention these things in your essay, you must put them inside quotes.

Examples showing how to write smaller works in Harvard

  • ‘Sex, Military Brothels, and Gender Violence during the Italian Campaign in the USSR, 1941-3’ (journal article title)
  • ‘Hitler’s Worldview and the Interwar Kulturkamf’ (journal article title)
  • ’10 POC-Owned Advisory Businesses With Insanely Great Marketing’ (blog post title)
  • ‘How to Use Instagram for Your Financial Planning Business’ (blog post title)
  • ‘These 9 Decorative Accessory Trends Are About to Pop Off in Your Group Text’ (web page title)

How to Title an Article in MLA

MLA is an acronym for Modern Language Association. The association started in 1883 to promote the study of modern languages and literature. It published the first stylebook in 1953 and has made major updates to it a number of times. The MLA style is widely used in the following fields: cultural studies, comparative literature, literary criticism, foreign languages, and English studies. It is also used in humanities disciplines.

When you mention an article or any other source in MLA, there are rules you need to follow. The rules largely depend on the type of source you mention.

When you mention a large standalone work (a book, a film, a journal, a website, a magazine, or a movie), you must italicize it and then capitalize all major words. (You should capitalize articles in the middle of the title, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions.

Examples showing how to write large works in MLA

  • Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (book title)
  • Literary Theory: An Introduction (book title)
  • Fast Company (magazine title)
  • Library Philosophy and Practice (journal title)
  • Teens Dealing with Death; When Someone Dies: Understanding Grief (movie title)

When you mention a singular article (journal or otherwise) or any other smaller work, you must put it in double quotation marks. No italicizing as in the case of larger works. Examples of smaller works that need to be put in quotes include journal articles, web articles, news articles, book chapters, songs, short stories, TV episodes, magazine articles, and poems.

Examples showing how to write smaller works in MLA

  • “Collaborative writing among young EFL learners in a school context: product and process” (journal article title)
  • “Investigating cohort effects of early foreign language learning” (journal article title)
  • “Studying French is easy: 10 tips to learn French fast” (web article title)
  • “ChatGPT Gets Dartmouth Talking” (news article title)
  • “Do not go gentle into that good night” (poem title)

How to Title an Article in a Chicago Format Essay/Paper

Chicago format is an American English formatting style invented by the University of Chicago in 1906. It is widely used in many academic disciplines (fine arts, history, and business) and book publishing.

When writing an essay according to the Chicago stylebook, you must follow everything recommended in it. How you are supposed to write the title of a journal or a book is not the same way you are supposed to write the title of a journal article or a book chapter.

The Chicago Manual of Style requires you to italicize the title of all standalone works you mention in your essay. Standalone works that you must italicize include journals, books, plays, and so on.

Examples showing how to write the titles of standalone works in Chicago

  • Internal Journal of Art & Design Education (journal-title title)
  • Studies in Art Education (journal title)
  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (book title)
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad (book title)
  • Long Day’s Journey Into Night (play title)

The Chicago Manual requires you to enclose the title of short works in double quotation marks. Examples of short works that need to be enclosed include journal articles, magazine articles, news articles, book chapters, etc.

  • “Frank Gehry’s non-trivial drawings as gestures” drawdlings and kinaesthetic approach to architecture” (journal article title)
  • “The Saka ‘Animal Style’ in Context: Material, Technology, Form and Use” (journal article title)
  • “An Abandoned, Industrial Ruin Bursts With New Life in Delaware” (magazine article title)
  • “The Unfinished Business of International Business Tax Reform” (news article title)
  • “The Technologies Behind Bitcoin” (book chapter title)

On a Final Note!

You now know how to format standalone and shorter works in APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Therefore, when asked to write an essay following any of these formatting styles, you should be able to correctly mention or talk about any article or larger work in your essay.

Try our paper editing service if you need help editing your essay to conform to APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago standards. We offer essay editing services at affordable rates. We can edit any work to meet any academic requirements. Check out our other writing and homework help services .

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What is Article Writing: Definition, Types, Format, Tips, and FAQs

Beyond essays & stories: Master the art of article writing! Unlock the secrets to clear, concise, & informative content.

What is article writing? But first, you should know why it is so important. Globally, there are more than 600 million blogs , and platforms like WordPress see over 70 million new posts each month, highlighting the extensive reach and influence of article writing.

While the vast number of posts suggests a thriving field, engagement metrics tell a different story. Most readers spend only about 30-40 seconds per blog post, underlining the challenge of maintaining attention in a saturated content space. To address this, the article’s writing format and depth are pivotal. Longer posts, typically referred to as long-form writing, averaging around 1,427 words , have proven more effective. Incorporating original research into article writing examples boosts the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes by 41%, emphasizing the value of thorough, well-researched content.

For those looking to write an article and potentially get paid to write articles, understanding these dynamics is crucial. The format often follows a structured approach, where clear, engaging, and well-researched content is presented, making it possible for writers to not only share knowledge but also write articles for money. Learning what is format of article writing is and what is article writing with examples can significantly enhance a writer’s ability to produce compelling content that captivates and retains reader interest​.

What is Article Writing?

Article writing is the process of creating structured, engaging content intended for publication in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms. Unlike essays or short stories, articles are factual, concise, and designed to reach a broad audience with varying interests.

Why is Article Writing Important in Marketing?

In marketing, journalism, and education, article writing serves as a cornerstone for communication. It drives SEO, fuels content marketing strategies, and spreads knowledge, making it essential for anyone looking to establish a presence or share information online.

Who Can Benefit from Learning Article Writing?

who can benefit from learning article writing

From aspiring bloggers and content creators to business owners and marketing professionals, mastering article writing can open numerous doors. It enhances one’s ability to communicate effectively, engage with audiences, and promote ideas or products through compelling narratives. Learning what is article writing offers a foundational skill for anyone in the digital content space. Additionally, understanding article writing format and exploring article writing examples can significantly improve one’s craft.

For those interested in making a career out of their skills, knowing how to write an article and familiarizing oneself with what is article writing with example are invaluable. There is also the opportunity to be paid to write articles. Whether you aim to write articles for money or to share your insights, the ability to articulate ideas clearly and engagingly is beneficial. Moreover, mastering what is long-form writing can help in creating more in-depth and valuable content that stands out in today’s competitive landscape.

What Will You Learn in this Guide About Article Writing?

This guide will teach you what is article writing by exploring different types of articles, from informative to persuasive. It will break down the components of a well-structured article, highlighting the article writing format and what is format of article writing. 

You’ll learn about the writing process from brainstorming to publication, discover essential tools for writers, and explore opportunities for monetizing your writing skills. Whether you aim to write an article for professional gain or personal satisfaction, this guide offers comprehensive insights into how to write articles for money.

Additionally, you’ll find practical article writing examples and learn what is article writing with example, which can help you understand how to craft compelling content. 

For those interested in more extensive content, the guide covers what is long-form writing, equipping you with the knowledge to engage readers with more in-depth analysis and detailed narratives. 

If you are looking to be paid to write articles, this guide also delves into strategies for making a career out of article writing, showcasing how effective communication can turn into a profitable endeavour.

What are Different Types of Article Writing?

what are different types of article writing

1. Informative Articles

Informative articles are grounded in factual, unbiased information. Their primary goal is to educate the reader about a particular topic, such as “A Beginner’s Guide to Gardening,” without swaying their opinion.

2. Persuasive Articles

Persuasive articles are written to influence the reader’s thoughts or actions. They present compelling arguments and evidence, urging the reader toward a specific viewpoint or action, like in “Why You Should Invest in Solar Power.”

3. Narrative Articles

These articles tell a story to engage the reader emotionally. They often follow a personal journey or explore significant events, as seen in “My Journey from Aspiring Writer to Content Marketing Expert.”

4. Descriptive Articles

Descriptive articles aim to paint a picture through detailed descriptions. They try evoking feelings and offering a vivid sensory experience. An example would be “The Enchanting Beauty of the Northern Lights.”

5. Additional Article Types

While the types mentioned are the most common, articles can also be formatted as news pieces, reviews, or case studies, each serving a unique purpose and audience.

The Anatomy of a Well-Structured Article Writing Format

anatomy of a well structured article

1. Headline

A headline should grab attention, summarize the content, and entice the reader to read the article. It’s the first impression, the most important skill of article writing, and often, the make-or-break factor for reader engagement.

2. Introduction

The introduction sets the stage. It should hook the reader, establish the topic, and outline the article’s value, preparing the reader for the information to come.

3. Body Paragraphs

When you write an article, the body of the article writing format is where the main information is fleshed out. It should flow logically, with each paragraph offering a new piece of information or a further explanation of a previous point.

4. Conclusion

The conclusion wraps up the article by summarizing the main points and leaving the reader with a final thought or call to action. When you write an article, it should reinforce the article’s purpose and ensure the reader walks away satisfied.

Note: Formatting Tips

Proper formatting improves readability and engagement. Use bullet points, numbered lists, and subheadings to break up text and make the article easy to scan. Basically, it enhances your article writing format.

The Article Writing Process: From Brainstorming to Publication

what is the article writing process

1. Identifying Your Topic

Once you understand what is the format of article writing, the next step is choosing a topic for article writing. Select a subject that not only interests you but also resonates with your audience. 

You’ll only get paid to write articles once you’re a subject matter expert in your field and then only you’ll be able to select article writing topics efficiently. To learn this better, you can check out some article writing examples.

2. Research and Planning

Thorough research forms the backbone of any good article. Gather facts, statistics, and quotes from credible sources to build a solid foundation for your article.

3. Crafting the Perfect Headline

Your headline should be compelling and clear. It’s essential to craft a headline that reflects the content accurately while also intriguing the reader.

4. Writing with Clarity and Purpose

Clarity in writing ensures that your audience understands your message. Be concise and direct, using simple language that speaks directly to your reader’s interests and needs.

5. Engaging Your Readers

Keep your audience engaged by writing in an active voice, using storytelling techniques, and including questions or prompts that encourage further thinking.

6. Editing and Proofreading

Never underestimate the power of editing. Review your article for clarity, grammar, and punctuation errors to ensure professionalism and readability.

Tools and Resources for Article Writers

resources for article writing

Creative with randomly scattered logos of some of the tools mentioned in the below content

1. Grammar and Plagiarism Checkers

Essential for maintaining credibility and professionalism, tools like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and Copyscape ensure your article writing is both polished and original. They are indispensable for anyone serious about their writing, especially those looking to write articles for money.

2. Citation Management Tools

For those involved in academic or research-based article writing, organizing your sources and simplifying referencing is made easier with tools like Mendeley and Zotero. These tools are particularly useful when adhering to specific article writing formats and when extensive referencing is required.

3. Stock Photo and Video Libraries

Visuals significantly enhance the appeal of your articles. Libraries like Pexels and Shutterstock provide high-quality images and videos that complement your content, which can be crucial when you write an article that needs to engage visually.

4. Keyword Research Tools

To write an article that reaches the intended audience, tools like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner are invaluable. They help optimize your articles for search engines, aligning your content with what your audience is searching for, which is especially beneficial if you are paid to write articles.

5. Content Management Systems

Platforms like WordPress and Squarespace offer user-friendly interfaces that simplify the publication and management of your articles. These systems are key for those who write articles for money, making it easier to distribute and manage content effectively.

This toolkit not only supports article writing but also enhances your ability to produce and manage content that meets professional standards and audience expectations. Whether you’re exploring long-form writing or seeking article writing examples, these tools can help elevate the quality and impact of your work.

Getting Paid to Write Articles: Exploring Opportunities

how to get paid while writing articles

Stock image with Upwork or Fiverr as theme

1. Freelance Marketplaces

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are excellent starting points for those new to article writing. They offer numerous opportunities to write articles for money, connecting freelance writers with clients who require article-writing services.

2. Content Writing Agencies

Joining a content writing agency can provide more consistent work and a chance to tackle a variety of writing projects. This can be a great way to gain experience if you’re looking to get paid to write articles and refine your skills in different article-writing formats.

3. Direct Outreach

Taking a proactive approach by pitching your article-writing ideas directly to websites, blogs, or publications, can lead to valuable publishing opportunities. This method helps establish professional connections and is a critical step for those who wish to write articles for money.

4. Building a Portfolio and Brand

Developing a strong portfolio that showcases your article writing examples and areas of expertise is crucial in attracting potential clients. It serves as a practical demonstration of what article writing is, with example, helping you build a recognizable professional brand.

5. Negotiating Rates

Understanding the market rate for article writing and learning to negotiate effectively is essential for ensuring that you are compensated fairly for your efforts. This is especially important for freelancers who are paid to write articles, as it impacts their financial stability and recognition of their professional value.

These avenues not only provide opportunities to write an article but also help in mastering what is long-form writing and other styles, enhancing both your skill set and your professional marketability.

Advanced Article Writing Techniques

advanced article writing techniques

1. SEO Optimization

Understanding SEO basics is crucial for enhancing your article writing visibility online. Incorporate targeted keywords, craft engaging meta descriptions, and establish internal links to boost your search engine rankings. These techniques are essential for anyone looking to write articles for money.

2. Incorporating Data and Statistics

Using up-to-date, relevant statistics not only supports your arguments but also adds credibility to your article writing. This approach is especially valuable in what is long-form writing, where depth and authority are key to engaging an informed audience.

3. Storytelling Techniques

Engage your readers on a deeper emotional level with storytelling. This technique can make your articles more memorable and impactful, vital for those who write an article that aims to leave a lasting impression.

4. Building Internal Links

Internal links keep readers on your site longer and help improve your SEO, a vital component of what is article writing. Linking to other articles or sections of your site enhances user experience and boosts engagement, which is critical for those who are paid to write articles.

5. Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

The digital content field is continually evolving. Staying current with the latest trends in content marketing and article writing is crucial to keep your skills sharp and your content relevant. This knowledge is vital for anyone involved in article writing to maintain a competitive edge.

conclusion for what is article writing

Mastering the art of article writing opens a world of opportunities for both professional growth and personal satisfaction. By understanding the various types, structures, and techniques of effective article writing, you can create content that resonates with readers and stands out in the digital space. What is article writing if not the ability to inform, persuade, and entertain through the written word? Here are some advanced tips to elevate your article writing:

  • Adopt a Structured Format: Ensure your articles follow a clear article writing format with logical sections and short, focused paragraphs. Use headings and subheadings effectively to guide the reader through your content, making it easy for them to digest the information. This structured approach is essential for anyone learning what is format of article writing.
  • Incorporate Visuals: High-quality images and infographics not only add visual appeal but also support and enhance your written content. They break up the text, making article writing examples more engaging and easier to read. Remember to optimize these visuals for SEO by using relevant keywords in file names, alt text, and captions. This practice is crucial when you write articles for money, as it can significantly boost your content’s visibility and engagement.
  • Engage with Experts: Enhance the credibility of your work by including insights from interviews with experts or by integrating your own unique experiences and experiments. This approach not only enriches your content but also adds authenticity and depth, making your articles more compelling and credible—a key aspect when you’re paid to write articles.
  • Focus on SEO Best Practices: Utilize keywords effectively by including them in strategic places such as the title tag, headings, and especially in the introduction to signal their relevance to search engines. Remember to maintain natural keyword usage to avoid penalties for keyword stuffing. What is long-form writing but a chance to delve deeply into a topic, providing rich, keyword-optimized content that satisfies both the reader and search engines?
  • Enhance Readability: Structure your content with clear and concise sentences and paragraphs. Use bullet points and numbered lists to present information clearly. This not only improves readability but also helps your content perform better in SEO, particularly in earning featured snippets, an essential technique when you write an article.
  • Internal Linking: Employ internal links wisely to help search engines and users navigate related content on your site. This reinforces the relevance and breadth of your site’s content, boosting your SEO efforts—a crucial strategy when you aim to write articles for money.

By following these tips and continuously refining your skills, your article writing can significantly impact your audience and your career. Whether you’re looking to inform, persuade, or entertain, the power of well-crafted articles is immense. Embrace these practices to ensure that your work not only engages but also achieves great performance in search engines, setting you apart as a skilled writer in the digital age.

However, if you are a business owner and need articles and blogs for your website to increase web traffic and overall brand visibility, you can contact us for affordable article-writing services.

FAQs for what is article writing

What is the difference between article writing and blogging?

Article writing involves creating structured, focused content that covers specific topics comprehensively. This contrasts with blogging, which allows for a more personal touch and often includes ongoing updates and a broader scope for discussion.

How long should an article be?

The length of an article should match the complexity of the topic and the depth of coverage required. What is long-form writing? It refers to articles that are detailed and extensive, often exceeding 1,200 words, and provide thorough insights into the subject matter.

Can I write an article without being an expert?

Yes, with thorough research and a clear writing style, you can produce authoritative and informative articles even if you are not a subject matter expert. This approach is essential for those looking to write articles for money without prior expertise in the field.

Where can I find free grammar and plagiarism-checking tools?

Tools like Grammarly offer free versions that provide basic grammar and plagiarism checks. These are valuable resources for ensuring the quality and originality of your content, especially when you are paid to write articles.

How much can I earn by writing articles?

Earnings from article writing vary widely. Factors such as experience, niche, and the platform you write for play a significant role. Freelance writers can earn from a few cents to over a dollar per word, depending on their negotiation skills and established expertise.

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How To Write an Article Title? Quick Tips and How-To Guide

You’ve completed your article and now, it’s time to come up with a title. Here, we’ll go over what you need to know about how to write an article title.

Often, writing takes on a mind of its own. Even if you start with a title in mind for your article, book, research paper, or journal article, it’s often not the right fit when the piece is complete and ready for your reader. Figuring out the right title for your work can be tricky. It’s crucial that your title conveys the subject matter of your writing and grabs your reader’s attention without being showy or over-the-top.

If you’re struggling to develop a title for your work, don’t worry–many writers struggle to figure out exactly how to convey what they want to say to their potential readers in just a few words. It usually takes some trial and error to figure out the best title for an article, paper, or story, and figuring out how to grab the reader’s attention is all part of the intricate puzzle of creating your best work.

Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to write an excellent title for your article.

Creating An Article Title: Your How-To Guide

1. know when to develop your title, 2. use article title capitalizations correctly, 3. choose a publication type, 4. double-check your grammar , creating an article title: quick tips, 1. use search engine results optimization to your benefit, 2. follow a style guide: apa style and mla format, 3. avoid plagiarism: what you need to know.

First things first: if you’re not done with your writing yet, don’t worry about a title. As your research paper, book chapters, or short story come to life within your mind, and on the page (or on your computer), ideas for titles will likely come and go. When you’re hit with the idea that feels like it might be a winner, jot it down somewhere, and hold onto it for later. Don’t simply change the title of your work, as you may realize later that you had the perfect title idea a few days prior–but can no longer remember it.

If you’ve completed your writing, revised your piece, and it’s finalized, that means it’s time to think about a title. Brainstorming can be an intelligent way to get your creative juices flowing on your title creation. Remember, there are no wrong answers when brainstorming–write down whatever comes to mind. If you have the time, let your brainstorming list sit for a few days before you decide on a title, as it’s likely that you’ll come up with new ideas as you glance over the words and phrases that come to mind when you think about the themes of your work.

Asking a friend or family member to read over your work may help you develop a title. First, ask them what stood out to them about your work. Then, use their insights to direct you in your quest to develop the perfect title for your piece. Finally, write down any suggestions that your first readers have for a title, and keep their ideas in mind as you develop the right name for your work.

If you’re struggling to come up with anything, it’s ok to have a working title when you submit your piece. This means that your editor is aware that you may come back and change the title at a later time.

Your publication, professor, or teacher may have rules as to whether you’re to capitalize all the words in the title of your work. However, according to the experts at Grammarly, the first and last words of a title should always be capitalized .

In addition to capitalizing the first and last words, you’ll also want to capitalize nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. If it’s important to your title that certain words do not follow standard formatting rules, feel free to make an exception to these general rules, but don’t do so without cause.

You may also want to consider the length of your title when deciding what to capitalize. For example, if your title is only three or four words, it may make sense to capitalize every letter in the title.

How to write an article title? Choose a publication type

It’s key to consider the type of publication you’re creating when developing your title. For example, if you’re writing a creative piece or an article that pertains to your personal opinion, it may make sense for you to use a creative title that leaves the reader wanting to learn more about what you have to say. However, there’s no need for a creative piece to give away the story’s point in the title. Instead, the title is used to draw readers in and make them want to learn more.

Academic writing, however, is different. If you’re writing a research paper or journal article, your title should be straightforward, giving the information you will present to the reader. There’s no need for your title to be long or drawn-out, but it should paint a clear picture of the knowledge your reader will gain through your work.

If you’re writing a news article that includes a quote or a proper noun (such as the name of a book or a movie), it can be tough to figure out exactly how to format the quote or proper noun in the context of the title.

Most writers use a single quotation mark to indicate a quote or proper noun within a title. This is vital because when your article is quoted by another writer (in a paper or another news article), they’ll need to put the title of your article in standard quotation marks. If you include standard quotation marks within your title, it can be difficult for readers to understand where the title begins and ends.

If you come across a word or term that you would generally italicize or underline in standard writing and want to use it in the title of your article, book, or story, use a single quotation mark instead.

How to write an article title? Use search engine results optimization to your benefit

Your article title plays a significant role in determining whether your article will be seen by people searching for the topic you’re writing about. Make your title specific, and include keywords related to your story, news, or research.

Websites, blogs, and online news sites depend on popping up near the top of a search engine results page to get eyes on their material. Therefore, it’s essential to use search engine optimization, or SEO, techniques to get your work in front of readers. Use a  free SEO tool  to help you discover what keywords are most important to include in your title if you want to get your work noticed by as many people as possible.

Suppose you’re completing academic work for a high school, college, or graduate school class. In that case, you’ll likely be asked to work in either American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) format. These formatting options offer standardized guidelines for writers to follow regarding style, punctuation, and formatting. In addition, they can offer tips to help you decide the correct way to format your title. 

It can be tough to come up with a title that hasn’t been used by someone else, but you must work hard to avoid plagiarism. In addition to being against the accepted code of ethics for writers, academic institutions and publishers have strict rules against plagiarism.

When you’ve decided on a title for your piece, do a quick online search to find whether the title has been used for another piece. If your title is just a few words, you may find some other books, articles, or academic works that have the same title as your work. While this is not necessarily a problem (as some titles can apply to many types of work), try to rework your title to be more original (especially if the subject matter in similarly titled articles is close to the work you’re discussing in your piece).

If your title is longer (as is usually the case for journal articles and research papers), you’re less likely to find another word with the same title you’ve chosen for your piece. If you find a paper with the same title, rework your title slightly to ensure that you have a unique sequence of words. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out our guide on how to write an article .

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Article Writing: Format, Rules, and Examples

writing articles name

Article Writing  is a skill that becomes essential for students and they should get familiar with it as far as examination is concerned. Some of the common considerations that students have in writing articles are – what articles are, what articles’ formats are, Article writing rules, and some workout examples at the end.

What is Article writing in English?

An article is an expression of an individual’s thoughts on an issue, or a subject logically written in meaningful paragraphs. An article is a written work published in print or electronic media. It may be for propagating news, researching results, academic analysis, or debate.

Main objectives of article writing

The main objectives of article writing are to change the world by presenting facts, statistics, and views. The objectives of an article may be related to society, general opinions, rising issues, and technical developments.

Article writing format.

The format of an article consists of the following three points:  Headline ,  By-line , and  Body . Let us take a look at an article writing format that you need to remember when you are writing down your piece of information. We have collected some example questions about article writing to make students more familiar with the article writing format.  

A. Headline  – about which topic or subject of the article is written.

  • The heading should be interesting or catchy and in not more than 5 – 6 words.
  • The heading must be in accordance with the article.
  • The article must describe the main idea of the article.

Ways to Write the Title or Headline of the Article.

  • Type 1: Global Warming – An Alarming Issue
  • Type 2: Global Warming – an alarming issue

B. By-line  – who has written the article.

  • It refers to the name of the person writing the article.
  • The name is generally given in the Question Paper.
  • If not given, do not write your name on the answers paper in the Exam; rather write any other name.

C. Body –  all the paragraphs regarding the article are written in the body .

Generally, the body of the article consists of 3 – 4 paragraphs.

Paragraph 1

  • Begin with a short introduction of the topic, with a precise meaning in the most interesting way.
  • Briefly tell what the article is about giving some catchy facts to grab the reader’s attention by putting some questions or quoting some words.

Paragraph 2

A complete analysis of the topic of the article is described including –

  • Problem and its types.
  • Current scenario.
  • Measures are taken to solve the problem.
  • Sometimes include advantages and disadvantages.
  • Cause and effect relationship by supporting with facts and data.
  • Consequences can be included.
  • A solution can be provided.

Paragraph 3

  • It is the concluding paragraph.
  • It is important to conclude what you stated.
  • Never leave an article open-ended.
  • This paragraph needs to be short and precise.
  • Some quotes can be used to conclude.

An example : Article Writing Format

An example: Article Writing Format

English Composition Resources:


Marking Scheme of an Article Writing.

An article writing comes as 5 marks question. The marks division for article writing format is as follows.

Format (Heading and Byline)1 mark
Content (Body of the article)2 marks
Expression (Grammar and Spelling)2 marks
Total5 Marks

English Article Writing Rules 

We come to know that the article generally, contains  3 or 4 paragraphs , in which the first paragraph will introduce the reader to what the article is going to cover, as well as any background information.

  • You need to have a few essential formats of article writing.
  • Read your article to make sure that you have included as much complete & useful content as possible for your audience.
  • The first and most important thing that you should be concerned with is that you are very knowledgeable about the subject that you are going to write about.

Article Writing Tips and Tricks.

The tips and tricks of article writing may consist of two steps –  

The First Step:

  • Where is the article going to appear? – in a newspaper or magazine.
  • Who are the intended readers? – a specific group such as students or teenagers, or adults in general.
  • What is the aim of the article? – to advise, suggest, inform, compare, contrast, describe, etc.

The Second Step:

  • Think about the given topic properly.
  • Put your thoughts in a proper manner.
  • Use simple and lucid language.
  • Give a catchy heading to it.
  • Begin an article with a catchy sentence.
  • Then write the body of the article, relevant to the title, generally within 3-4 paragraphs expressing your thoughts, facts, statistics, consequences, and probable solution in an interesting way.

How to start writing an Article in English

  • You will be given a subject (more of a question that needs to be pondered) that you must write about in terms of your views and opinions.
  • Break up key points in each of the sections in the outline, so that you stay on track for the piece.
  • Before starting to write the article, create a rough draft or an article outline with bullet points and keywords, to avoid missing important information.
  • Follow the tips and tricks provided above, this also helps in drafting a cohesive article.

How to Write the Article for the Exam  

While writing the article, a student must remember some things like that

  • an article must be short yet comprehensive,
  • should be written in an easy-to-understand language,
  • the language must be plain and proper, and
  • should be interesting and humorous.

Writing a newspaper article

A  news article needs to be written without carrying any biased opinions of the writer. If someone is working as a professional working content writer, then he or she would be expected to write articles that are topical. A generic article that may be written for the purposes of school or a newspaper would not be as personal.

Sample of WorkOut Examples of Article Writing

Discipline: A Social Quality

By Amita Sain

Discipline is practicing self-control in the interest of the common good. There are some accepted norms of human behavior. Everybody is expected to observe these norms of conduct when in social surroundings. Discipline is, therefore, a social quality. As a social being man is required to be disciplined at every stage of his life at home, at the educational institution, in the playground, in the office, and in social gatherings.

Unfortunately, the country is now in the grip of rank indiscipline. Indiscipline is strutting everywhere at home, in academic centers, in examination halls, in playgrounds, and in offices. Of late, indiscipline has taken the form of organized hooliganism. An aggrieved party often take the law into their own hand, go on a rampage and assault their opponents. Almost every case of demonstration of discontent ends in frenzied conduct or calling the police to deal with the situation.

As our constitution granted some fundamental rights, some people often misinterpret their democratic right to speak and to do whatever they like. Indeed, the freedom given to the unworthy often degenerates into indiscipline. Population explosion with dismal poverty, unemployment, and frustration sparks off indiscipline. Besides corruption in high places encourages indiscipline in common people. Discipline is the first casualty in the hands of irresponsible politicians. There is a saying, “ Indiscipline is the mother of many evils ”.


By Preetam Karan

Child labor is mainly a problem in developing countries including India. While the children of the age group 6-14 should be in their schools, laying the foundation of their life, they are prematurely dragged away to the labor market. thanks to industrialization and the dire poverty of the families of these children. The unscrupulous employers of private industrial units engage child laborers on low wages for more profits. Thus, the exploitation of children is going on.

India has the highest number of child laborers in the world. More than 120 million children are engaged as workers. About 65 million children work for 8-10 hours a day in hotels, brickfields, repair shops, private factories, and as domestic help. Dire poverty at home drives the children, both boys and girls to accept work at a much lower rate of wages. The money earned by the children is the main source of survival for many families.

Social thinkers are crying hoarse for the abolition of child labor. Some people suggest that the working period of the children should be so adjusted that they may attend classes for their education. This is being given a fair trial in Bangladesh. But this will perpetuate child labor in some forms. The Government has sat up and taken notice. We hope concrete plans would be taken to abolish child labor.


By Shruti Manik

Paper containers have been in use for centuries to carry goods bought and sold in the market. They are usually made of used paper and old newspapers. They are, however, easily destroyed and so cannot be used more than once. Modern technology yielded a more durable quality of paper commonly known as plastic paper. A carry bag made of plastic paper is lighter than common paper, handy, and covers an unbelievably small space when cramped into a lump.

When plastic bags first appeared as carrying bags people lapped up them avidly. Now, there has been a boom in the use of carrying bags. We set a great store by them as they neither decompose nor perish. All types of traders including hawkers, petty vendors, and even fishmongers supply their goods in carrying bags. So, there is a glut of them in every house. Now, it has turned out that plastic bags are both a boon and a curse.

Now it has been a problem to dispose of them as they are not destructible. If they are burnt down, they would create pollution. So, a good number of plastic bags find their way into drains. Now, the drains are getting choked for the carry bags thrown into them. A time is not far off when the rivers would be the ultimate refuge from the huge number of plastic bags and the rivers would be gasping for survival.


By Neha Basket

Time is a very important factor in the career of a person. So, we all must know to make the proper use of time. This means we must work when the time is ripe. “ Drive the nail while the iron is hot ”, goes the proverb So life is for work, and not for idling away our time. Those who do not do their work in time are sure to suffer because the time

Students to be taught the value of time The student life is the best period to inculcate () the value of time. Life at school is regulated by a routine that teaches him or her to be punctual in all matters throughout the academic career. Thus, the habit of doing work within a time limit is ingrained within a student. When the student is accustomed to this habit it helps him or her to adjust () the routine of personal life to that of corporate life.

Unfortunately, a great number of people including a section of teachers and officials of our country are lamentably lax in observing punctuality. Time-keeping habit seems to be a part of the national character of the people of Europe. Aldous Huxley wrote in the essay “Time And The Machine’. Regrettably, we are yet to learn the value of time.


By Amiyo Chandi

Since the hoary past man and trees have been the two major creations of Nature. In his prehistoric days, man turned to trees and plants to collect the things vitally necessary for his existence. Since that time man and trees have been interdependent, though man is more indebted to trees. Man’s experiences of the last century have taught him that trees and plants are the key factors to striking a balance in the echo system.

Hunger for agricultural land hunts for timber, and the necessity for cheap fuel caused massive deforestation. The tropical forests, once the nerve center of this planet, covered 15 million sq. km. of the earth’s land surface. A third of it has already been destroyed. About 1,00,000 sq. km. of forest is destroyed every year in the world. About 10.000 species of biodiversity are already lost. So, the Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, gave us a dangerous signal.

The forests contain a vast gene bank of animal species, and crops, and combating pollution, and to re-fill the depleting oxygen afforestation is a must. We require forest land equal to one-third of the total land area. At present India has about 20% forest land. So, replanting has been taken up in right earnest. Bana-Mahotsav is held every year for replanting in the rainy season.


By Suman Jha

The world of animals is indispensable in the ecosystem. But human beings are mercilessly harming animals by way of business and commerce. Some animals like Royal deforestation, environmental pollution, and above all and the rhinoceros are on the verge of extinction.

Even the Bengal tiger, the national animal of India, as well as the lion, amphibians like tortoises have become rare species at present. Wildlife conservation is indubitably the present need, but the concerned authority is callous to this problem Merchants cut off trees and plants in the forests without the least scruple. Their recklessness brings about disaster in wildlife.

The destruction of wildlife threatens the necessary balance in nature. The Government should enforce rules in favor of wildlife conservation. Such conservation needs good administration as well as the consciousness of people.

Although we realize how our world has been losing its ecological balance, we are still not seriously thinking about the problems. Human intelligence makes us destroy our own planet. But still, hope is there because today people show their conscience to some extent regarding wildlife conservation.

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Class 7 Article Writing Topics with Questions and Answers

How to Write an Article: A Proven Step-by-Step Guide

Tom Winter

Are you dreaming of becoming a notable writer or looking to enhance your content writing skills? Whatever your reasons for stepping into the writing world, crafting compelling articles can open numerous opportunities. Writing, when viewed as a skill rather than an innate talent, is something anyone can master with persistence, practice, and the proper guidance.

That’s precisely why I’ve created this comprehensive guide on ‘how to write an article.’ Whether you’re pursuing writing as a hobby or eyeing it as a potential career path, understanding the basics will lead you to higher levels of expertise. This step-by-step guide has been painstakingly designed based on my content creation experience. Let’s embark on this captivating journey toward becoming an accomplished article writer !

What is an Article?

what is an article

An article is more than words stitched together cohesively; it’s a carefully crafted medium expressing thoughts, presenting facts, sharing knowledge, or narrating stories. Essentially encapsulating any topic under the sun (or beyond!), an article is a versatile format meant to inform, entertain, or persuade readers.

Articles are ubiquitous; they grace your morning newspaper (or digital equivalents), illuminate blogs across various platforms, inhabit scholarly journals, and embellish magazines. Irrespective of their varying lengths and formats, which range from news reports and features to opinion pieces and how-to guides, all articles share some common objectives. Learning how to write this type of content involves mastering the ability to meet these underlying goals effectively.

Objectives of Article Writing

Objectives of Article Writing

The primary goal behind learning how to write an article is not merely putting words on paper. Instead, you’re trying to communicate ideas effectively. Each piece of writing carries unique objectives intricately tailored according to the creator’s intent and the target audience’s interests. Generally speaking, when you immerse yourself in writing an article, you should aim to achieve several fundamental goals.

First, deliver value to your readers. An engaging and informative article provides insightful information or tackles a problem your audience faces. You’re not merely filling up pages; you must offer solutions, present new perspectives, or provide educational material.

Next comes advancing knowledge within a specific field or subject matter. Especially relevant for academic or industry-focused writings, articles are often used to spread original research findings and innovative concepts that strengthen our collective understanding and drive progress.

Another vital objective for those mastering how to write an article is persuasion. This can come in various forms: convincing people about a particular viewpoint or motivating them to make a specific choice. Articles don’t always have to be neutral; they can be powerful tools for shifting public opinion.

Finally, let’s not forget entertainment – because who said only fictional work can entertain? Articles can stir our emotions or pique our interest with captivating storytelling techniques. It bridges the gap between reader and writer using shared experiences or universal truths.

Remember that high-quality content remains common across all boundaries despite these distinct objectives. No matter what type of writer you aspire to become—informative, persuasive, educational, or entertaining—strive for clarity, accuracy, and stimulation in every sentence you craft.

What is the Format of an Article?

What is the Format of an Article?

When considering how to write an article, understanding its foundation – in this case, the format – should be at the top of your list. A proper structure is like a blueprint, providing a direction for your creative construction.

First and foremost, let’s clarify one essential point: articles aren’t just homogenous chunks of text. A well-crafted article embodies different elements that merge to form an engaging, informative body of work. Here are those elements in order:

  • The Intriguing Title

The title or heading is at the top. It’s your first chance to engage with a reader. This element requires serious consideration since it can determine whether someone will continue reading your material.

  • Engaging Introduction

Next comes the introduction, where you set expectations and hint at what’s to come. An artfully written introduction generates intrigue and gives readers a compelling reason to stick around.

  • Informative Body

The main body entails a detailed exploration of your topic, often broken down into subtopics or points for more manageable consumption and better flow of information.

  • Impactful Conclusion

Lastly, you have the conclusion, where you tie everything neatly together by revisiting key points and offering final thoughts.

While these components might appear straightforward on paper, mastering them requires practice, experimentation with writing styles, and a good understanding of your target audience. 

By putting in the work to familiarize yourself with how to create articles and how they’re structured, you’ll soon discover new ways to develop engaging content each time you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!). Translating complex concepts into digestible content doesn’t need to feel daunting anymore! Now that we’ve tackled the format, our focus can shift to what should be included in an article.

What Should Be in an Article?

What Should Be in an Article?

Understanding that specific items should be featured in your writing is crucial. A well-crafted article resembles a neatly packed suitcase – everything has its place and purpose.

Key Information

First and foremost, you need essential information. Start by presenting the topic plainly so readers can grasp its relevance immediately. This sets the tone of why you are writing the article. The degree of depth at this point will depend on your audience; be mindful not to overwhelm beginners with too much jargon or over-simplify things for experts.


Secondly, every article must have an engaging introduction—this acts as the hook that reels your audience. Think of it as a movie trailer—it offers a taste of what’s to come without giving away all the details.

Third is the body, wherein you get into the crux of your argument or discussion. This is the point at which you present your ideas sequentially, along with supporting evidence or examples. Depending on the nature of your topic and personal style, this may vary from storytelling forms to more analytical breakdowns.

Lastly, you’ll need a fitting conclusion that wraps up all previously discussed points, effectively tying together every loose thread at the end. This helps cement your main ideas within the reader’s mind even after they’ve finished reading.

To summarize:  

  • Critical Information: Provides context for understanding
  • Introduction: Sheds further light on what will follow while piquing interest  
  • Body: Discusses topic intricacies using narratives or case studies
  • Conclusion: Ties up loose ends and reemphasizes important takeaways

In my experience writing articles for beginners and experts alike, I found these elements indispensable when conveying complex topics articulately and professionally. Always keep them at hand when looking to produce written material.

How should you structure an article?

How should you structure an article?

Crafting a well-structured article is akin to assembling a puzzle – every piece has its place and purpose. Let’s look at how to create the perfect skeleton for your content.

The introduction is your article’s welcome mat. It should be inviting and informative, briefly outlining what a reader can expect from your writing. Additionally, it must instantly grab the readers’ attention so they feel compelled to continue reading. To master the art of creating effective introductions, remember these key points:

  • Keep it short and precise.
  • Use compelling hooks like quotes or intriguing facts.
  • State clearly what the article will cover without revealing everything upfront.

Moving on, you encounter the body of your piece. This segment expands on the ideas outlined in the introduction while presenting fresh subtopics related to your core story. If we compare article writing to crossing a bridge, each paragraph represents a step toward the other side (the conclusion). Here are some tips for maintaining orderliness within your body:

  • Stick closely to one idea per paragraph as it enhances readability.
  • Ensure paragraphs flow logically by utilizing transitional words or sentences.
  • Offer evidence or examples supporting your claims and reinforce credibility.

As you approach the far side of our imaginary bridge, we reach an equally essential section of the article known as the conclusion. At this point, you should aim to wrap up your message neatly while delivering on what was initially promised during the introduction. This section summarizes the main points, providing closure and ensuring readers feel satisfied.

Remember this golden rule when writing the conclusion: follow the  “Describe what you’re going to tell them (Introduction), tell them (Body), and then summarize what you told them (Conclusion).”  It’s a proven formula for delivering informative, engaging, and well-structured articles. 

One final tip before moving on: maintaining an active voice significantly enhances clarity for your readers. It makes them feel like they’re participating actively in the story unfolding within your article. In addition, it helps ensure easy readability, which is vital for keeping your audience engaged.

Tips for Writing a Good Article

Tips for Writing a Good Article

A persuasive, engaging, and insightful article requires careful thought and planning. Half the battle won is by knowing how to start writing and make content captivating. Below are vital tips that can enhance your article writing skills.

Heading or Title

An audience’s first impression hinges on the quality of your title. A good heading should be clear, attention-grabbing, and give an accurate snapshot of what’s contained in the piece’s body. Here are a few guidelines on how to create an impactful title:

  • Make it Compelling: Your title needs to spark interest and motivate readers to delve further into your work.
  • Keep it concise: You want to have a manageable heading. Aim for brevity yet inclusiveness.
  • Optimize with keywords: To boost search engine visibility, sprinkle relevant keywords naturally throughout your title.

By applying these techniques, you can increase reader engagement right from the get-go.

Body of the Article

After winning over potential readers with your catchy title, it’s time to provide substantial content in the form of the body text. Here’s how articles are typically structured:

Introduction:  Begin by providing an appealing overview that hooks your audience and baits them to read more. You can ask poignant questions or share interesting facts about your topic here.

Main Content:  Build on the groundwork set by your introduction. Lay out detailed information in a logical sequence with clear articulation.

Conclusion:  This reemphasizes the critical points discussed in the body while delivering a lasting impression of why those points matter.

Remember that clarity is critical when drafting each part because our objective here is to share information and communicate effectively. Properly understanding this approach ensures that the writing experience becomes creative and productive.

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

How do you write an article that engages your readers from the first line until the last? That’s what most writers, whether beginners or seasoned pros are trying to achieve. I’ll describe a step-by-step process for crafting such gripping articles in this guide.

Step 1: Find Your Target Audience

First and foremost, identify your target readers. Speaking directly to a specific group improves engagement and helps you craft messages that resonate deeply. To pinpoint your audience:

  • Take note of demographic attributes like age, gender, and profession.
  • Consider their preferences and needs.
  • Look into how much knowledge they are likely to possess concerning your topic.

Knowing this will help you decide what tone, language, and style best suits your readers. Remember, by understanding your audience better, you make it much easier to provide them with engaging content.

Step 2: Select a Topic and an Attractive Heading

Having understood your audience, select a relevant topic based on their interests and questions. Be sure it’s one you can competently discuss. When deciding how to start writing an article, ensure it begins with a captivating title.

A title should hint at what readers will gain from the article without revealing everything. Maintain some element of intrigue or provocation. For example, ‘6 Essentials You Probably Don’t Know About Gardening’ instead of just ‘Gardening Tips’.

Step 3: Research is Key

Good research is crucial to building credibility for beginners and experts alike. It prevents errors that could tarnish your piece immensely.

Thoroughly explore relevant books, scholarly articles, or reputable online resources. Find facts that build authenticity while debunking misconceptions that relate to your topic. Take notes on critical points discovered during this process—it’ll save you time when creating your first draft.

Step 4: Write a Comprehensive Brief

Having done your research, it’s time to write an outline or a brief—a roadmap for your article. This conveys how articles are written systematically without losing track of the main points.

Begin by starting the introduction with a punchy opener that draws readers in and a summary of what they’ll glean from reading. Section out specific points and ideas as separate headings and bullet points under each section to form the body. A conclusion rounds things up by restating key takeaways.

Step 5: Write and Proofread

Now comes the bulk of the work—writing. Respect the brief created earlier to ensure consistency and structure while drafting content. Use short, clear sentences while largely avoiding jargon unless absolutely necessary.

Post-writing, proofread ardently to check for typographical errors, inconsistent tenses, and poor sentence structures—and don’t forget factual correctness! It helps to read aloud, which can reveal awkward phrases that slipped through initial edits.

Step 6: Add Images and Infographics

Introduce visuals such as images, infographics, or videos into your piece to break text monotony and increase comprehension. They provide aesthetic relief while supporting the main ideas, increasing overall engagement.

Remember to source royalty-free images or get permission for copyrighted ones—you don’t want legal battles later!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Regarding article writing, a few pitfalls can compromise the quality of your content. Knowing these and how to avoid them will enhance your work’s clarity, depth, and impact.

The first mistake often made is skimping on research. An article without solid underpinnings won’t merely be bland – it might mislead readers. Therefore, prioritize comprehensive investigation before penning down anything. Understanding common misconceptions or misinterpretations about your topic will strengthen your case. 

Next, sidestep unnecessary jargon or excessively complex language. While showcasing an impressive vocabulary might seem appealing, remember that your primary objective is imparting information efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, failing to structure articles effectively represents another standard error. A structured piece aids in delivering complex ideas coherently. Maintaining a logical sequence facilitates reader comprehension, whether explaining a detailed concept or narrating an incident.

A piece lacking aesthetic allure can fail its purpose regardless of the value of its text. That’s where images come into play. Neglecting them is an all-too-common mistake among beginners. Relevant pictures inserted at appropriate junctures serve as visual breaks from texts and stimulate interest among readers.

Lastly, proofreading is vital in determining whether you can deliver a well-written article. Typos and grammatical errors can significantly undermine professional credibility while disrupting a smooth reading experience.

So, when pondering how articles are written, avoiding these mistakes goes a long way toward producing high-quality content that embodies both substance and style. Remember: practice is paramount when learning how to write excellent material!

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer

Using the power of artificial intelligence has been a major step in many industries. One such significant tool is SEOwind AI Writer , which is critical for those curious about how to write an article leveraging AI. In this section, I’ll cover how you can effectively use SEOwind AI writer to create compelling articles.

Step 1: Create a Brief and Outline

The first step in writing an article revolves around understanding your audience’s interests and then articulating them in a comprehensive brief that outlines the content’s framework.

  • Decide on the topic: What ideas will you share via your article?
  • Define your audience: Knowing who will read your text significantly influences your tone, style, and content depth.
  • Establish main points: Highlight the key points or arguments you wish to exhibit in your drafted piece. This helps create a skeleton for your work and maintain a logical flow of information.

With SEOwind:

  • you get all the content and keyword research for top-performing content in one place,
  • you can generate a comprehensive AI outline with one click,
  • users can quickly create a title, description, and keywords that match the topic you’re writing about.

As insightful as it might seem, having a roadmap doubles as a guide throughout the creative process. SEOwind offers a user-friendly interface that allows the easy input of essential elements like keywords, title suggestions, content length, etc. These provide an insightful outline, saving time with an indispensable tool that demonstrates the practicality of article writing.

Step 2: Feed AI with context

The magic ingredient to make your AI content stand out is feeding it with the right kind of information.

1. Define your Brand Voice

  • Your brand’s voice is its heartbeat. We will help you sketch it out. Just provide SEOwind with some sample text.
  • Check out this handy video on  SEOwind Brand Voice Feature
  • Company and product details
  • The more we know about your company, products, services, and audience, the better. This fuels the AI to craft content that truly resonates.
  • Dive into our video on  SEOwind Company data feature

3. Integrate with Google Search Console

  • Authorize GSC integration, so SEOwind can find relevant internal linking opportunities when writing your articles.

4. Choose a model for AI Writing

  • Choose between GPT-4 (which offers a creative flair to your writing) and the Google Gemini 1.5 Pro (which focuses on data precision and accuracy).
  • For more details, check the video  Gemini vs OpenAI

5. Enrich AI with your own insights

To stand out from generic content, it’s essential to enrich your AI-generated articles with your own insights and expertise. This not only adds value to your content but also positions your brand as an authority in your field. In order to add your own insights, just toggle on Your own insights when creating the brief (Section: Include in AI Article within Build your brief) and add your thoughts in the field.

Step 3: Write an AI Article using SEOwind

Once you have a brief ready, you can write an AI article with a single click. It will consider all the data you provided and much more, such as copywriting and SEO best practices , to deliver content that ranks.

Step 4: Give it a Human Touch

Finally, SEOwind’s intuitive platform delivers impeccably constructed content to dispel any confusion about writing an article. The result is inevitably exceptional, with well-structured sentences and logically sequenced sections that meet your demands.

However, artificial intelligence can sometimes miss the unique personal touch that enhances relatability in communication and makes articles more compelling. Let’s master adding individualistic charm to personalize articles so that they resonate with audiences.

Tailoring the AI-generated piece with personal anecdotes or custom inputs helps to break the monotony and bolster engagement rates. Always remember to tweak essential SEO elements like meta descriptions and relevant backlinks.

A quick product tour on how to create AI articles below

So, whether it’s enhancing casual language flow or eliminating robotic consistency, the slightest modifications can breathe life into the text and transform your article into a harmonious man-machine effort. Remember – it’s not just about technology making life easy but also how effectively we utilize this emerging trend!

Common Questions on how to write an article

Delving into the writing world, especially regarding articles, can often lead to a swarm of questions. Let’s tackle some common queries that newbies and seasoned writers frequently stumble upon to make your journey more comfortable and rewarding.

What is the easiest way to write an article?

The easiest way to write an article begins with a clear structure. Here are five simple steps you can follow:

  • Identify your audience: The first thing you should consider while planning your article is who will read it? Identifying your target audience helps shape the article’s content, style, and purpose.
  • Decide on a topic and outline: Determining what to write about can sometimes be a formidable task. Try to ensure you cover a topic you can cover effectively or for which you feel great passion. Next, outline the main points you want to present throughout your piece.
  • Do the research: Dig deep into resources for pertinent information regarding your topic and gather as much knowledge as possible. An informed writer paves the way for a knowledgeable reader.
  • Drafting phase: Begin with an engaging introduction followed by systematically fleshing out each point from your outline in body paragraphs before ending with conclusive remarks tying together all the earlier arguments.
  • Fine-tune through editing and proofreading: Errors happen no matter how qualified or experienced a writer may be! So make sure to edit and proofread before publishing.

Keep these keys in mind and remain patient and persistent. There’s no easier alternative for writing an article.

How can I write an article without knowing about the topic?

We sometimes need to write about less familiar subjects – but do not fret! Here’s my approach:

  • First off, start by thoroughly researching subject-centric reliable sources. The more information you have, the better poised you are to write confidently about it.
  • While researching, take notes and highlight the most essential points.
  • Create an outline by organizing these points logically – this essentially becomes your article’s backbone.
  • Start writing based on your research and outlined structure. If certain aspects remain unclear, keep investigating until clarity prevails.

Getting outside your comfort zone can be daunting, but is also a thrilling chance to expand your horizons.

What is your process for writing an article quickly?

In terms of speed versus quality in writing an article – strikingly enough, they aren’t mutually exclusive. To produce a high-quality piece swiftly, adhere to the following steps:

  • Establish purpose and audience: Before cogs start turning on phrase-spinning, be clear on why you’re writing and who will likely read it.
  • Brainstorm broadly, then refine: Cast a wide net initially regarding ideas around your topic. Then, narrow down those areas that amplify your core message or meet objectives.
  • Create a robust outline: A detailed roadmap prevents meandering during actual writing and saves time!
  • Ignore perfection in the first draft: Speed up initial drafting by prioritizing getting your thoughts on paper over perfect grammar or sentence compositions.
  • Be disciplined with edits and revisions: Try adopting a cut, shorten, and replace mantra while trimming fluff without mercy!

Writing quickly requires practice and strategic planning – but rest assured, it’s entirely possible!

Tom Winter

Seasoned SaaS and agency growth expert with deep expertise in AI, content marketing, and SEO. With SEOwind, he crafts AI-powered content that tops Google searches and magnetizes clicks. With a track record of rocketing startups to global reach and coaching teams to smash growth, Tom's all about sharing his rich arsenal of strategies through engaging podcasts and webinars. He's your go-to guy for transforming organic traffic, supercharging content creation, and driving sales through the roof.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is an Article?
  • 2 Objectives of Article Writing
  • 3 What is the Format of an Article?
  • 4 What Should Be in an Article?
  • 5 How should you structure an article?
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Good Article
  • 7 Step By Step Guide for Article Writing
  • 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing
  • 9 How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?
  • 10 Common Questions on how to write an article

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what is article writing

What Is Article Writing? Your Guide to Writing Winning Articles

An article is a piece of instructive, persuasive, or explanatory content that is typically non-fiction. The demand for article writers is stronger than ever. News and specialty publications need good articles, but so do businesses.

Article writing is increasingly an essential component of the content marketing strategy for small to enterprise-level businesses, therefore, they all need writers.

A quality piece of writing not only gets noticed by search engines but also helps build a relationship with potential customers or keep current customers engaged and informed.

In this article, you will learn the article writing format for a winning article and how you can get paid to write. This blog includes:

  • What Is Article Writing and Its Types?

The Article Writing Format

How should an article be written, how can i start writing articles, freelance or employment, every industry needs article writers, grow your article writing with a focused niche, how do i know it’s a good niche, where to find work as an article writer, resources for article writers, the rich world of article writing, what is article writing and the four types.

An article is an effective format to package and deliver information to a larger audience. Depending on its purpose, an article will most likely fit into one of four types: expository, persuasive, narrative, or descriptive.

The type of article you are writing will also dictate your style and tone . Here is how these four types are commonly seen in business writing.

Expository Writing

Expository writing shares facts and information with the target audience. It includes everything from ‘how to’ articles to research articles published in scientific journals.

Expository articles follow a logical progression and guide the reader to a new understanding. Many of the articles published on the web today are expository because companies are positioning themselves as authorities in their field. They want to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise, offering value to the reader.

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing evokes more emotion than expository writing. It is the article writing format for a sales page or anytime you want the reader to feel motivated to take a specific action.

In a persuasive piece of writing, you connect with the reader’s current experience or the problems they are trying to solve. Then, you lead them to understand how they can resolve those problems or benefit by taking your recommended action.

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is essentially storytelling. It can be a form of persuasive writing, but a good narrative article has a strong introduction followed by rising action, a climax, and a resolution.

The purpose of narrative writing can be to inform, persuade, or connect. You want to take the reader on a journey and lead them to a new understanding through the example of another’s experience.

Narrative writing is a useful way for businesses to engage with customers, share their stories, or build a sense of community.

Descriptive Writing

If you are writing an article that describes a product, its features, and its benefits, you may employ descriptive writing. Descriptive writing sets the scene and delivers concrete, sensory information about a place, thing, or experience.

Descriptive writing is used when you want to set the scene for your reader by giving them all of the sensory information you can. You want to describe the atmosphere, the environment, and what is happening in this piece of writing.

To grab a reader’s attention, articles must be eye-catching. That is why you want to format it correctly with a heading, body, and conclusion.

Your article writing format is the framework you use to present information in an easy-to-consume way. It’s essential to have a clear purpose for each article. You want to build the reader’s expectation with your heading and deliver on that expectation in the body of your article.

The heading should be a concise and accurate description of what your article will discuss. If you are writing an article for the web, including a keyword in your heading helps search engines understand the content. You also want to format your heading as H1.

Your heading must be eye-catching but also informative. If you grab the reader’s attention with a witty headline that has little to do with your content, you will lose their attention. Search engines clock how long someone looks at your article, so that kind of bait-and-switch works against you.

Your heading will be in title case. It is important to know what to capitalize in a title .

For many articles, you will add a byline with your name under the heading. This depends on if you are writing for a publication that will credit you as the author or if you are ghostwriting.


The introduction is an essential element of a good article. Your introduction needs to both draw a reader in and also confirm they are in the right place and will find the information they expect in your article.

Once you’ve introduced your topic, you can dive into the meat of the content in the body of your article. You can determine the length of your article as you are writing it, or you may be given a target word count by your employer.

For the web, you want to divide your content into clear sections with H2 or H3 headings that identify the content that follows. Keep your paragraphs short and make your article body easy to scan. This will help readers get the information they want and stay engaged with your article for as long as possible.

Your conclusion can have a descriptive heading or be called, ‘conclusion”. It is a final paragraph or two that leaves the reader with an appeal, recommended action, opinion, or closing thought.

How should you format your article, how to write a good blog, writing an article

Now that you know the types and format of an article, you may want to understand the process of how to write one. Here are the steps to follow when writing an article.

  • Choose your topic . An ideal topic is focused enough to address in a single article.
  • Think about your target audience. What questions are they asking about this topic? What are the most important answers you can deliver to them? You want to speak directly to your reader, so having your target audience clearly in mind is a critical step.
  • Gather your facts and data. Do they support the points you plan to include in the article?
  • Write an outline, including the headers. Does it flow? Can you cover this topic adequately in the space of an article?
  • Write your rough draft.
  • Edit. Some writers read their drafts aloud to check for flow and avoid common grammar mistakes . You can use tools like the Hemmingway app or Grammarly to help with this step.

To apply for jobs and freelance projects requires work samples . You need to understand web formatting and at least the basics of SEO.

However, if you have no work samples ready, there are several ways to develop a portfolio. The pay for these first steps is little to nothing… but you’ll gain experience and take the first important steps to become an article writer.

To develop a portfolio, you can:

  • Write for a content mill or agency that accepts beginners .
  • Write and submit articles for publication in online magazines .
  • Submit guest blog posts in your areas of expertise.
  • Offer content to friends and family to publish on their business websites.
  • Take over some of the writing responsibilities for your current employer.
  • Before you sign up for any article writing opportunity online, research that company. There are many legitimate opportunities for every skill and experience level, but there are also scams.

Two important things as you get started:

  • Do not pay to get work! Legitimate work opportunities don’t charge membership fees.
  • In article writing, as in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

If you’re new to writing, developing your portfolio is a chance to get familiar with different industries, subjects, and formats. Some will be more natural and enjoyable for you. If you don’t like the first thing you try, keep going. There are many more opportunities out there.

How to build a portfolio to become an article writer, how to build a portfolio to be a writer, write for magazines

The choice between freelance and employment can be “a little of both.” You don’t have to make a hard and fast choice – take opportunities as they come!

Both working freelance and finding a job require prospecting for work. Success in prospecting requires focused effort. Read on to learn how to begin with an advantage and then pick the one that fits you best and go for it.

Advantages of Freelance

  • You can begin before you quit your current job
  • You’re building your own service business
  • Variety of work
  • Over time, your rates can grow to be substantial
  • In some cases, you have more control over format, content, and tone
  • You choose your specialties and industries
  • You can work from home or anywhere
  • You can choose your hours

Disadvantages of Freelance

  • It takes months or years to build
  • Inconsistent income
  • Constant prospecting and networking for new projects
  • You may work for very low rates for a while
  • Freelance websites have fierce competition
  • You have to motivate yourself each day

Advantages of Employment

  • Steady paycheck
  • External accountability
  • Consistent work
  • Become an expert in that business

Disadvantages of Employment

  • Unless employed by an agency with multiple clients, limited content variety
  • You may have less choice concerning format, content, and voice
  • You work on their schedule

A freelance business is a small business . Freedom comes with responsibility. For some, it’s more than worth it. Others prefer the structure and support of steady employment.

If you’re ready to join the gig economy, give yourself the financial breathing room to ramp up slowly. Start something on the side and build from there.

What interests you? What experience do you have? What would you like to learn?

From video games to healthcare to finance… every industry needs article writers. As the web grows, so does the importance of consistent, original, quality content. Primarily because it works! Content marketing generates about three times as many leads as traditional marketing .

The demand for skilled content writers keeps growing. No matter what interests you, someone needs your expertise.

As you add to your portfolio of work, you can prospect for new jobs and clients. Here’s where the advantages of a niche come into focus.

It’s easier to win a job when you’ve got relevant samples to show them. Writing new samples for every application or bid gets old… fast! On some of the popular freelance websites like Upwork or Guru, employers can get dozens of bids in minutes on their article writing projects. As a freelancer, the better you match an employer’s target criteria, the easier you stand out from the crowd.

You may be skilled enough to research and write on any subject. However, the less you know about a topic, the longer it takes to complete a project. As you develop expertise in a niche, you cut down your writing time and deliver equal or better quality work. When you freelance for a living, less time per project means more money per hour.

Of course, you can have multiple niches! You don’t have to limit yourself to just one and can add more later.

If you enjoy the topic, your writing will flow better and feel less like work. You’ll also be more apt to insights that engage and hook your audience. It’s a good niche if you enjoy the subject.

One exception to the follow your heart rule here… if you love fashion but are colorblind, perhaps pick another interest for your first focus. If you think you want to write tech articles but your natural voice is flowery and romantic, you’ll struggle to fit into tech but shine in marketing. It’s better to play to your natural strengths.

The best niche is an in-demand topic you enjoy that aligns with your natural strengths.

Once again, your path towards paid article writing presents options. Which is the best fit for you?

You can apply your skills as an article writer in any of your favorite industries. Avenues to find work in your areas of interest include:

  • Job listings for content writers
  • Sites where freelancers bid on projects like Freelancer
  • Work through web builders, digital marketing companies, or content providers
  • Find sites you want to write for and pitch to the owners
  • Join a startup company in your area of interest
  • Advertise your services locally or online
  • Network with your Chamber of Commerce or other business networking groups
  • Network through Facebook and LinkedIn

Start with one or two methods of prospecting for work. With steady effort, you’ll find the routes that work for you.

The more people who know your services are available, the better. The bottom line to steady work is to get in front of as many potential employers as possible!

Improve and refine your blog writing with free online tools. Many grammar checkers offer a free version of their editor. They catch tone and agreement issues missed by Word.

The Hemingway Editor aids with readability by identifying complex and hard-to-read sentences. It tells you the grade level of your writing, highlights passive voice, and offers simpler word alternatives.

To increase the appeal of your headlines, the Advanced Marketing Institute created a free headline analyzer .

If you find yourself repeating words, WordHippo is an online thesaurus that helps keep the word variety interesting.

Whether your dream is to work as an article writer for your current employer or to build your name in the journalism world, there is a demand for your voice and skill. What’s important is to keep writing and continue learning.

In the beginning, the road may be bumpy. Even if you have an idea of who you are as a writer and a clear picture of where you best fit, there will be challenges. It happens to all writers at first.

Or, you may have no idea what interests you or what format works with your natural strengths as a writer. Stay calm! You will continue to learn as you go. The road will become smoother once your work is published and assignments start to fill your email.

When writing is done well, it is a seamless part of the audience’s experience. Article writers shape how content is presented and can influence how people think. Even when writing someone else’s vision, your skill makes it worth reading.

The web is full of people sharing their online success stories. Hopefully, reading this is one small step in your writing journey to success.

Joan Weisman

Joan Weisman’s strong research skills, SEO knowledge, adaptability of style and voice, and passion for staying current make her an asset for freelance web content, SEO, and copywriting.

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writing articles name

How to Write an Amazing Article In 10 Simple Steps

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Writing articles is like waving a magic wand to create ripples in a vast ocean. With each stroke of your pen, you conjure waves of inspiration that reach shores far and wide, touching the hearts and minds of people worldwide. Whether you’re just starting out or enhancing your writing skills, mastering the art of article writing can open doors to endless possibilities. 

Make your mark on the web. Create on

In this guide, we’ll cover the essential steps and techniques to help beginner bloggers, journalists, and freelance writers craft compelling articles. You’ll learn:

  • The basics of article writing
  • Structuring your content effectively
  • Refining your writing style
  • Polishing your work through editing and proofreading

With these tips and templates in your toolset, you’ll be ready to showcase your work to a vast audience, connect with like-minded individuals and establish a professional online presence. We’ll show you how’s user-friendly platform makes the process seamless.

Ready to get started?

In this article:

Informative Articles

Opinion pieces, how-to guides, feature articles, news articles, interview articles, 1. how to identify your target audience , 2. how to choose a topic, 3. how to write a headline, 4. how to conduct quantitative and qualitative research, 5. how to craft an angle , 6. how to write an outline, 7. how to write an intro, 8. how to write the body section , 9. how to write a conclusion , 10. how to edit the article , web writing best practices , best tools for writing articles, 1. the problem-solution template, 2. the listicle template, 3. the step-by-step guide template, 4. the comparative analysis template, write amazing articles and publish them on, types of articles .

Articles can be of different types that serve different purposes and cater to various reader interests. Let’s look at some of the most common types of articles: 

These aim to provide readers with valuable information, facts, or explanations on a particular topic. They focus on educating the audience and are typically well-researched.

Example: vs What’s the Difference?

writing articles name

These express the writer’s personal viewpoint or perspective on a specific subject. These articles allow writers to share their thoughts, insights, and arguments while encouraging readers to think critically and engage in discussions.

Example: define: Brand

writing articles name

These provide step-by-step instructions to help readers accomplish a specific task or learn a new skill. They break down complex processes into easy-to-follow steps, enabling readers to achieve their goals.

Example: How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Website

writing articles name

These are presented in a list format, featuring a series of items or points related to a specific theme. They offer readers a convenient and organized way to consume information. Listicles are often used to highlight top items, tips, or recommendations.

Example: Best Small Website Builder: The Top Options Compared (2020)

writing articles name

These are in-depth and extensively researched pieces that explore a topic or profile of a person or event. They go beyond basic facts and delve into the nuances and details, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding.

Example: Meals for One

writing articles name

These report on recent events, developments, or noteworthy stories. They aim to provide readers with factual information objectively and concisely. News articles typically adhere to journalistic principles.

Example: ‘Breakthrough’ geothermal tech produces 3.5 megawatts of carbon-free power

writing articles name

These feature conversations or discussions with individuals of interest or expertise in a particular field. These articles often include quotes or insights from the interviewee, providing readers with unique perspectives and valuable insights.

Example: Automattic Women: Selena Jackson

writing articles name

Depending on your goals, target audience, and subject matter – you can choose the appropriate type of article to communicate your message and engage readers effectively.

How to write an article in 10 steps 

The basic structure of an article contains 4 parts:

  • Opening paragraphs (introduction)
  • The main discussion (body section)
  • Closing paragraphs (conclusion) 

writing articles name

However, there are more than just 4 steps to writing an amazing article. Doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro; following a structured approach can help you create better articles faster. You can follow this proven 10-step process for that. 

  • Identify target audience
  • Choose a topic 
  • Write a headline 
  • Conduct quantitative and qualitative research
  • Craft an angle 
  • Write an outline
  • Write an introduction
  • Write body section
  • Write conclusion 
  • Finish editing 

Let’s discuss each step briefly. 

writing articles name

Target audience refers to the person or group you are writing for. If you’re writing for everyone, you’re writing for no one. You need to identify who you are writing for to ensure you effectively communicate your message to the audience. 

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating content that resonates with them. Consider their demographics, interests, and needs. Research their preferences, pain points, and what they expect from your article. This knowledge will help you tailor your writing style, tone, and content to appeal directly to your intended readers.

Once you’ve researched the audience, create a user persona with common traits and then write for that one person.  Creating a user persona is not just a list of data points. It’s like an imaginary person with a name and specific characteristics that help you understand their needs.     

By focusing on your target audience, your content will speak directly to them, which will help you increase engagement and build a loyal readership base.

Before you embark on the exciting journey of article writing, you must first conquer the challenge of finding the perfect topic. The topic you choose sets the foundation for your entire piece, influencing its success and impact.

First, select a topic that interests you and aligns with your goal of writing. You don’t want to write about everything and anything. Start by considering something that aligns with your knowledge and expertise. Writing about something you’re passionate about or have expertise in makes the process more enjoyable and lets you provide valuable insights to your readers. 

Or you can also focus on solving specific or common problems in your niche. Identifying common challenges or problems and providing practical tips, step-by-step guides, or sharing personal experiences can make your content highly valuable and relevant to readers.

Researching trending topics is another easy way to find a suitable topic. Stay updated with the latest trends and discussions in your industry or niche. Explore popular blogs, news sites, and social media platforms to identify topics currently gaining traction. This ensures your article addresses timely issues and captures readers’ attention.

Lastly, take a data-driven approach through keyword research. Use keyword research tools like keyword planner or SEMrush to look for keywords with decent search volume and low competition. It ensures organic traffic.

writing articles name

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.” David Ogilvy, copywriting legend

The headline is the first component someone reads. One single word can attract or repel them.

The first step in crafting a great headline is to analyze every word. Is every word necessary? If you remove a word, will the headline still make sense? No removable word in the headline is considered a tight headline, with nothing extra to distract from the meaning. So, keep a headline direct and persuasive so the reader is engaged.

Next, aim to craft headlines that are:

  • Ultra-specific

Including all these elements in one headline might not be possible, so aim for at least one or two. Doing so will strengthen the headline and encourage readers to read on.

Here are a few more insights on keeping your readers engaged:

  • Use proven headline formulas to upgrade your headline to a better level
  • Keep the main idea and the keywords of the headlines relevant
  • Focus on benefits. Benefit-driven headlines get more clicks
  • Inject power words to command attention
  • Trim unnecessary words

Solid research strengthens the credibility of your article. When you use the right data, it makes your article stronger and more convincing. 

What is quantitative data?

Quantitative data is objective data that can be measured and assigned a numerical value.

What is qualitative data?

Qualitative data cannot be measured or assigned a numerical value. Instead, it is information that is referenced not by numbers but by concepts, feelings, characteristics, and emotions. Qualitative data is subjective.

For quantitative research, you can use Google to dig out data, statistics, and surveys to support your claims and add credibility.

For qualitative research, you can conduct interviews, gather anecdotes, or explore case studies to provide valuable insights and real-life examples.

To stand out against multiple articles on a similar topic, find a unique angle that sets your piece apart. Consider what makes your article different or special. It could be a fresh perspective, a unique approach, or new insights. Determine your article’s unique selling point and emphasize it throughout your writing. Maybe it’s an expert opinion, an authentic recipe, a top-secret method, or a completely new discovery. 

For example, instead of writing a generic article on “how to deal with depression,” – write:

writing articles name

By offering something distinct, you’ll capture readers’ attention and give them a reason to choose your article over others.

An article outline is a structure that guides your writing process and ensures your article stays focused and well-structured. Once you start using outlines, you’ll find writing articles become much easier.

Start by listing the main points or sections you want to cover based on your research and angle. Then, under each section, jot down the sub-points or supporting details. Don’t hesitate to revise and refine your outline as you progress. Whenever you find something new, add it in its respective position. 

Google Docs is great for creating an outline for your article. Or you can also use Workflowy to organize your ideas into sections and subsections. 

Here’s an example outline I made for my article on ‘how to write an amazing article.’

writing articles name

Click for more tips and templates for creating outlines .

The introduction sets the tone for the entire article by grabbing the reader’s attention. The introduction is your opportunity to hook the readers and provide them with a clear understanding of what your article is about. 

Begin with a compelling opening sentence that grabs attention and sparks curiosity. Then, give a bit of background information and context to set the stage for your topic. Finally, conclude the introduction by stating your article’s main objective or thesis, giving readers a preview of what they can expect.

Example: “Did you know that humans can actually hold their breath for more than 20 minutes underwater? By following some techniques and enough practice, you, too, can extend your underwater breathing time. This article will equip you with seven expert tips to enhance your underwater breathing and unlock the wonders beneath.”

When structuring your article, it’s important to divide it into well-organized sections or paragraphs that delve deeper into the key points you want to convey. By using subheadings, you can break up the text and provide readers with a clear roadmap, making it easier for them to navigate and understand the content.

Each section should begin with a concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or focus of that particular section. This is a signpost for readers, helping them anticipate what they will learn or explore next. 

For instance, if you’re writing an article about the benefits of exercise, one section could be titled “Improved Mental Health,” with a topic sentence like: “Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to have profound effects on our mental well-being.”

Support your statements with evidence, examples, and relevant data to ensure credibility and engagement. This adds depth and persuasion to your article. For instance, if you claim that exercise reduces stress levels, cite scientific studies or share personal anecdotes that illustrate how exercise has helped individuals manage their stress effectively.

To maintain a seamless flow of ideas, use smooth transitions between paragraphs. This allows readers to easily follow your train of thought as you progress from one point to another. Transitions can be achieved through the use of transitional words or phrases, such as “in addition,” “furthermore,” or “on the other hand.” These help establish connections and guide readers through the logical progression of your article.

This is where you end your article. A good conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the readers. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and summarize the key points discussed in the body of your article, emphasizing their significance and relevance. Avoid naming their conclusion “Conclusion.” 

Avoid generic headings for your conclusion heading. Be specific like:

  • Learn more about [topic]
  • Why is [topic] important?
  • Does [topic] make sense for your business?

If you must be generic in the conclusion’s heading, then go for:

  • Closing Thoughts
  • Final Words
  • To Sum It Up
  • To Wrap It Up

Recapping the whole article helps the reader remember the list of tips. After the recap, tell them what to do next. If someone reads your whole piece, chances are, they’re invested and will take action on your Call to Action ( CTA ). Don’t let that power and impact go to waste. Guiding them to bookmark the page or follow a link to another relevant article is 100x better than stopping at the recap.

The conclusion should be short and should give the reader a clear sense of finality. Ensure you don’t leave the reader confused about the information presented or your stance on a particular topic. 

Once the draft is finished, you’re well on your way, but there’s still a bit more to do – editing. It’s a vital part of good writing. It shapes a piece of raw coal into a glittering diamond.

No matter how good you are, the first draft is always full of mistakes, and there is usually room for improvement.  

When you have the draft, take a break from writing so you can start editing with fresh eyes again. You’ll see a lot of things that you missed earlier. Review your article for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure your writing flows smoothly and effectively communicates your ideas. To make things easier, use some tools to help you edit; I’ll discuss those in a later section.

Next, remove anything unnecessary from your article. Anything that doesn’t add any value to your article shouldn’t be there. Then, check to see if you’ve missed any necessary information. Add statistics and relevant information to solidify your writing. 

If you have the option, have a friend read the draft. A new perspective can usually detect problems. Make necessary revisions and proofread multiple times until you are confident in the quality of your final piece.

By following these ten steps, you can create a well-crafted and engaging article that captivates your audience from start to finish. 

  • Stay true to your unique perspective:   As a writer, your unique perspective and voice are your most valuable assets. Embrace your individuality and bring your authentic self into your writing. Avoid replicating existing content or mimicking other writers. Instead, focus on expressing your thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Your distinctive viewpoint will set your article apart from others and create a personal connection with your readers. Be confident in your voice and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.
  • Offer valuable insights: To engage your audience and leave a lasting impression, your article must provide genuine value. Research your topic thoroughly to unearth valuable insights, fresh data, or unique angles that haven’t been extensively covered before. Share your expertise, research findings, or personal experiences to enrich the reader’s understanding. Offering something new and valuable establishes you as a reliable source of information and keeps readers coming back for more of your content.
  • Strive for clarity and coherence in your writing: Clear and coherent writing is the hallmark of an effective article. Ensure your ideas flow logically and smoothly from one paragraph to another. Use clear and concise language to convey your message without ambiguity. Avoid using jargon or overly complex terms that might confuse your readers. Utilize transition words and phrases to create seamless connections between sentences and paragraphs. When your writing is clear and coherent, readers can easily follow your train of thought, making the reading experience enjoyable and memorable. 
  • Keep it short and simple: Use simple and easily understandable words to communicate your ideas effectively. Break down complex concepts into smaller, digestible chunks. Short sentences are easier to read and comprehend, allowing readers to grasp your message quickly. Also, don’t stretch your paragraphs too much. A paragraph should contain 3 to 4 lines maximum. Longer paragraphs create a wall of text that discourage readers from continuing.
  • Do not copy/plagiarize: Originality is key when creating web content. Plagiarism is unethical and can have severe consequences. Always credit and properly cite any sources or references you use in your article. Provide your unique insights and perspectives to add value to the reader’s experience. Plagiarism damages your credibility and hinders your growth as a writer.
  • Use subheadings and make it scannable: Web readers often skim through articles rather than reading them word by word. Help them navigate and grasp your content easily by using informative subheadings. Subheadings break up the text, making it scannable and allowing readers to find the information they are interested in quickly. Use clear and descriptive subheadings that accurately represent the content of each section.
  • Use pictures and tables: Visual elements such as pictures, infographics, and tables can enhance the overall reader experience. Images can help illustrate your points, make your article visually appealing, and provide a welcome break from the text. Tables are useful for presenting data or comparisons in a structured and organized manner. Ensure that your visuals are relevant, high-quality, and appropriately sourced.

There are many tools out there to help your writing journey. Let’s introduce you to some of the most useful tools you can get for free to take your article writing to the next level. 

writing articles name

  • ChatGPT:   ChatGPT is an AI-powered writing tool that helps writers generate ideas, write sections, conduct research, and fix grammar. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, a technology that allows machines like ChatGPT to understand human language and respond with natural-sounding text. While AI is powerful, it’s essential to fact-check its outputs since it can sometimes make mistakes in providing accurate information. Use ChatGPT wisely, and it can be your helpful writing companion!
  • Grammarly: It’s a popular writing tool that helps writers improve their grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It works as an automated proofreader and editor, checking your text for errors and offering suggestions for improvements. The pro version also has a built-in plagiarism checker. 
  • Wordtune: It’s an AI-powered writing tool that assists in rephrasing and improving your sentences. It offers alternative wordings and suggestions for stronger vocabulary and can even rewrite entire sentences to improve readability and style. Wordtune can be especially useful when you want to convey your message more engagingly and concisely. 

These tools can greatly support your writing and editing process, making it easier to produce high-quality articles. However, it’s important to note that while AI tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly, and Wordtune offer valuable assistance, they are not substitutes for human creativity and critical thinking. Reviewing and revising your work personally is essential to ensure that it aligns with your unique voice and meets your intended goals for the article.

Article templates 

Templates can serve as a helpful starting point to structure your content effectively. Here are four commonly used article templates:

This template is ideal for addressing a specific problem or challenge and providing a solution to your readers. It consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the problem or challenge, and explain its significance or impact.
  • Problem Analysis: Dive deeper into the issue, providing relevant facts, statistics, or examples to support your claims.
  • Solution Presentation: Introduce your proposed solution(s), explaining how they can address the problem effectively.
  • Implementation and Benefits: Discuss how readers can implement the solution and the potential benefits they can expect to achieve.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the problem, restate the solution, and leave readers with a call to action or a final thought.

Listicles are popular for their easy-to-read and scannable format. This template organizes content into a numbered or bulleted list, providing concise information or tips. It typically includes the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the topic and explain its relevance or importance.
  • List Items: Present each point on the list, with a brief description or explanation for each.
  • Elaboration: Provide further details, examples, or insights for each list item.
  • Conclusion: Recap the main points covered in the list and offer a closing thought or a call to action.

This template is useful for providing a detailed process or instructions on how to accomplish a specific task. It follows a sequential structure and includes the following sections:

  • Introduction: Introduce the task or process and explain its significance or benefits.
  • Step 1: Describe the first step of the process, including any necessary background information.
  • Step 2: Detail the second step, and continue with subsequent steps until the process is complete.
  • Tips and Considerations: Offer additional tips, tricks, or important considerations to enhance the reader’s understanding or success in following the steps.
  • Conclusion: Recap the steps covered, emphasize key takeaways, and provide a closing remark or call to action.

This template is suitable when comparing and contrasting two or more subjects, products, or ideas. It follows a structured approach and consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the subjects being compared and explain the purpose or context of the analysis.
  • Comparison Criteria: Identify the specific criteria or factors used to evaluate and compare the subjects.
  • Comparison Sections: Dedicate separate sections to each criterion, providing a detailed analysis and comparison of the subjects based on that criterion.
  • Overall Assessment: Summarize the main findings and provide an overall assessment or conclusion based on the comparisons made.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce the main points, highlight any recommendations or conclusions, and encourage readers to share their thoughts or experiences.

Other than these short templates, you can find millions of examples online. Simply search for a similar article you want to write, and click on the first few links to see the structure they’ve used. 

Congratulations! You’ve now gained a comprehensive understanding of how to write amazing articles. By following the steps and techniques in this guide, you are well-equipped to embark on your writing journey and captivate your target audience.

Remember, writing articles is not only about conveying information; it is also about connecting with readers on a deeper level, inspiring them, and sparking meaningful conversations. 

The next step is to find a good place to publish your amazing articles now that you have the tools to get started. You can easily get started with a website from It’s quite simple to get started once you follow some super simple guidelines from support.    

So, what are you waiting for? Start creating your account today, unleash your writing prowess, and let the world discover your remarkable talent!

Happy writing!

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Mehedi is a freelance writer for SaaS, marketing and finance businesses. He's the founder of Mehedi is growing businesses with sizzling writing, one piece at a time.

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How to Write Articles

Last Updated: June 23, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Janet Peischel . Janet Peischel is a Writer and Digital Media Expert and the Owner of Top of Mind Marketing. With more than 15 years of consulting experience, she develops content strategies and builds online brands for her clients. Prior to consulting, Janet spent over 15 years in the marketing industry, in positions such as the Vice President of Marketing Communications for the Bank of America. Janet holds a BA and MA from the University of Washington. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,288,236 times.

There are a multitude of different types of articles, including news stories, features, profiles, instructional articles, and so on. While each has specific qualities that are unique to its type, all articles share some common characteristics. From forming and researching your idea to writing and editing your work, writing articles can give you a chance to share compelling and important information with readers.

Forming Your Idea

Step 1 Get familiar with the type of article you want to write.

  • News: This type of article presents facts about something that happened recently or that will happen in the near future. It usually covers the 5 Ws and H: who, what, where, when, why and how.
  • Feature: This type of article presents information in a more creative, descriptive way than a straight news article. It can be an article about a person, a phenomenon, a place, or other subject.
  • Editorial : This article presents a writer’s opinions on a topic or debate. It is intended to persuade the reader to think a certain way about a topic.
  • How-to : This article gives clear instructions and information about how to accomplish some task.
  • Profile: This article presents information about a person, using information that the writer typically gathers through interviews and background research.

Step 2 Brainstorm...

  • What interests you about this topic?
  • What is a point that people usually overlook?
  • What do you want people to know about this topic?
  • For example, if you want to write about organic farming, you might say to yourself, “I think it’s important to know what organic labeling means on food packages. It can be confusing to know what it all means.”

Step 3 Choose something you’re passionate about.

  • Your goal is to convey enough passion that your readers think the issue in your article is worth caring about.

Step 4 Conduct preliminary research....

  • Enter some keywords into an online search engine. This can lead you to sources that write about your topic. These sources can also give you an idea of different approaches to the topic.
  • Read as much as you can on the topic. Visit your local library. Consult books, magazine articles, published interviews, and online features as well as news sources, blogs, and databases for information. A good place to start looking for data not apparent on the Internet is the Gale Directory of Databases, which exists in both book format (available in libraries) or online .

Step 5 Find a unique angle.

  • For example, for the organic food topic, you might focus on one grocery shopper who doesn’t understand organic food labeling. Use that opening anecdote to lead into your main argument, known as a "nut graph," which summarizes your unique idea or perspective.

Step 6 Hone your argument.

  • For example, if you are writing about how one person learns how to read organic labels, your overall argument might be that the public needs to be aware that many companies misuse organic labeling. This leads to dishonest practices in product advertising. Another topic might be: it’s important to know who owns your local media outlets. If corporate media organizations own your local newspaper, you may get very little media coverage of your area and not know much about your community.
  • Write your argument in one sentence. Post it near your computer or writing area. This will help you stay focused as you start working on your article.

Researching Your Idea

Step 1 Learn about your topic and argument.

  • Primary sources can include a transcript from a legislative hearing, lawsuit filing, county property indexes with folio numbers, discharge certificates from the military, and photos. Other primary sources could include government written records in the National Archives or special collections sections of your local or university library, insurance policies, corporate financial reports, or personal background reports.
  • Secondary sources comprise published databases, books, abstracts, articles in English and other languages, bibliographies, dissertations, and reference books.
  • You can find information on the internet or in a library. You can also conduct interviews, watch documentaries, or consult other sources.

Step 2 Gather supporting evidence.

  • You can make a longer list of evidence and examples. As you gather more evidence, you will be able to prioritize which ones are the strongest examples.

Step 3 Use reliable sources....

  • Don’t assume that one source is completely accurate. You'll need several unrelated sources to get the full picture.

Step 4 Keep track of your research sources.

  • Choose a citation style sooner rather than later, so you can compile citation information in the correct format. MLA, APA, and Chicago are some of the most common citation styles.

Step 5 Avoid plagiarism...

  • Don’t copy any text directly from another source. Paraphrase this text instead, and include a citation.

Outlining Your Idea

Step 1 Decide on the article’s length.

  • For example, if you are writing an article for a specialized academic audience, your tone, and approach will be vastly different from if you’re writing an article for a popular magazine.

Step 3 Outline...

  • It’s helpful to start with the five-paragraph essay outline. [3] X Research source This outline devotes one paragraph to an introduction, three paragraphs for supporting evidence, and one paragraph for a conclusion. As you start plugging in information into your outline, you may find that this structure doesn’t suit your article so well.
  • You might also find that this structure doesn’t suit certain types of articles. For example, if you’re doing a profile of a person, your article may follow a different format.

Step 4 Choose quotes and other evidence to support your points.

  • Make sure to fully attribute your quote and use quotation marks around anything that you didn’t write yourself. For example, you might write: A spokesperson for the dairy brand Milktoast says, “Our milk is labeled organic because our cows are only fed organic grass.”
  • Don’t overdo the quotes. Be selective about the quotes you do use. If you use too many quotes, your reader might think you’re using them as filler instead of coming up with your material.

Writing Your Article

Step 1 Write your introduction...

  • Telling an anecdote.
  • Using a quote from an interview subject.
  • Starting with a statistic.
  • Starting with straight facts of the story.

Step 2 Follow your outline.

  • Be flexible, however. Sometimes when you write, the flow makes sense in a way that is different from your outline. Be ready to change the direction of your piece if it seems to read better that way.

Step 3 Give proper context.

  • For example, you might write about the grocery shopper having trouble with organic food labels: “Charlie concentrated on jars of peanut butter on the shelf. The words ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ seemed to jump out at him. Every jar said something different. He felt they were shouting at him: ‘Choose me!’ ‘Buy me!’ The words started swimming in front of his eyes. He left the aisle without buying anything.”

Step 5 Include transitions.

  • For example, use words or phrases such as “however…,” “another important point is…,” or “it must be remembered that…”

Step 6 Pay attention to style, structure and voice.

  • For example, a newspaper article will need to offer information in a narrative, chronological format. It should be written with accessible and straightforward language. An academic article will be written with more formal language. A how-to article might be written in more informal language.
  • When writing your article, use a strong "anchoring" sentence at the beginning of each paragraph to move your reader forward. Moreover, vary the length of your sentences, both short and long. If you find all your sentences are about the same word length, chances are your reader will be 'lulled" into a standard rhythm and fall asleep. Sentences which are consistently choppy and short may give your reader the impression you are writing advertising copy instead of a well-thought-out article.

Step 7 Write a compelling...

  • If you started with an anecdote or statistic in your introduction, think about reconnecting to this point in your conclusion.
  • Conclusions are often strongest when they use a last, brief, concrete example that leads the reader to new insights. Conclusions should be 'forward-thinking' -- point the reader in a direction that keeps his or her "thirst" for knowledge going strong.

Step 8 Think about adding supplemental material.

  • For example, you could include photographs, charts, or infographics to illustrate some of your points.
  • You could also highlight or develop a major point more with a sidebar-type box. This is an extra bit of writing that delves more deeply into one aspect of the subject. For example, if you’re writing about your city’s film festival, you might include a sidebar write-up that highlights one of the films. These types of write-ups are usually short (50-75 words, depending on the publication outlet).
  • Remember, these materials are supplemental. This means that your article should stand on its own. Your writing needs to be understandable, clear and focused without the help of charts, photographs or other graphics.

Finalizing Your Work

Step 1 Edit your work.

  • Look closely at the central argument or point you’re trying to make. Does everything in your article serve this central argument? Do you have a unrelated paragraph? If so, this paragraph should be eliminated or reframed so that it supports the main argument.
  • Eliminate any contradictory information in the article or address the contradictions, showing how the contradictory information is relevant to readers.
  • Rewrite sections or the entire thing as necessary. Revisions like this are common for all types of articles, so don’t feel like you’ve failed or are incompetent.

Step 2 Comb through for grammatical errors.

  • It’s helpful to print out a hard copy of your article. Go through it with a pen or pencil to catch mistakes. Then go back and correct these mistakes on the computer.

Step 3 Read your article out loud to yourself.

  • It is common to be able to identify your mistakes in grammar or writing while reading aloud as well; this could cut down on the feedback that you may receive from someone else.

Step 4 Have someone else read your article.

  • This person may also catch errors and inconsistencies that you have overlooked.

Step 5 Write a headline.

  • If you want to convey slightly more information, write a sub-headline. This is a secondary sentence that builds on the headline.

How Do You Minimize Bias In an Article?

Article Outline Template

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Expert Q&A

Janet Peischel

  • Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to write the article. If you don't, you'll be rushing at the last minute to create something that isn't representative of what you can truly do. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • To find out more about using primary research tools and databases, consult the Investigative Reporters and Editors website or get a copy of The Investigative Reporter's Handbook: A Guide to Documents, Databases and Techniques, Fifth Edition. Authors: Brant Houston and Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. (New York: Bedford/St. Martin's 2009). Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Determine whether you actually have an interest in writing. Try writing 2 paragraphs with as much creativity as possible. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

writing articles name

  • When writing for a newspaper or magazine, do not do so free. Ask what the freelance fee is beforehand. Your pay will usually be calculated on a per-word basis or per-article basis. Your work is valuable. Writing for free makes making a living more difficult for those who depend on freelance fees to pay the bills. If you're just starting out, volunteering to do some articles for smaller community papers, student publications and trade magazines is a great way to build your portfolio. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Janet Peischel

To write an article, use both primary and secondary sources to gather information about your topic. Primary sources include photos, government records, and personal interviews, while secondary sources include books, abstracts, scholarly journals, other articles, and reference books. When you’re writing, use facts, quotes, and statistics from your sources to support your point, and explain your topic as if the reader has never heard of it before. To learn the different types of articles, including news, features, and editorials, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Writing is a complex skill. A very complex skill.

Not only do we put students under pressure to master the inconsistent spelling patterns and complex grammar of the English language, but we require them to know how to write for a variety of purposes in both fiction and nonfiction genres.

On top of this, writing is just one aspect of one subject among many.

The best way to help our students to overcome the challenge of writing in any genre is to help them to break things down into their component parts and give them a basic formula to follow.

In this article, we will break article writing down into its components and present a formulaic approach that will provide a basic structure for our students to follow.

Once this structure is mastered, students can, of course, begin to play with things.

But, until then, there is plenty of room within the discipline of the basic structure for students to express themselves in the article form.

Visual Writing


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With over  FORTY GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS in this  ENGAGING   UNIT, you can complete a  WEEKLY  journalistic / Newspaper reporting task  ALL YEAR LONG   as classwork or homework.

These templates take students through a  PROVEN  four-step article writing process on some  AMAZING  images. Students will learn how to.


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The Cambridge Dictionary defines an article as, “a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet.”

An article’s shape and structure will vary depending on whether it’s intended for publication in a newspaper, magazine, or online.

Each of these media has its own requirements. For example, a magazine feature article may go into great depth on a topic, allowing for long, evocative paragraphs of exposition, while an online blog article may be full of lots of short paragraphs that get to the point without too much fanfare.

Each of these forms makes different demands on the writer, and it’s for this reason that most newspapers, magazines, and big websites provide writers with specific submission guidelines.

So, with such diverse demands placed on article writers, how do we go about teaching the diverse skill required to our students?

Luckily, we can break most types of articles down into some common key features.

Below we’ll take a look at the most important of these, along with an activity to get your students practicing each aspect right away.

Finally, we’ll take a look at a few general tips on article writing.


The headline.

The purpose of the headline is to capture the reader’s attention and let them know what the article is about. All of this in usually no more than 4 or 5 words!

There is an art to good headline writing and all sorts of literary devices (e.g alliteration and metaphor) can be used to create an eye-catching and intriguing headline.

The best way for students to learn how headlines work is to view some historical samples.

Newspaper headlines especially are known for being short and pithy. Here are just a few examples to whet the appetite:

  • Hitler Is Dead
  • Lincoln Shot
  • Men Walk On The Moon
  • Berlin Wall Crumbles

You could encourage students to find some pithy examples of their own. It’s amazing how much information can be condensed into so few words – this is the essence of good headline writing.

Headlines Practice Activity:

Give students opportunities to practice headline writing in isolation from article writing itself. For example, take sample stories from newspapers and magazines and challenge students to write new headlines for them. Set a word limit appropriate to the skills and age of the students. For example, younger, more inexperienced students might write 9-word headlines, while older, more skilled students might thrive with the challenge of a 4-word limit.


Subheadings give the reader more information on what the article is about. For this reason, they’re often a little longer than headlines and use a smaller font, though still larger (or in bold) than the font used in the body of the text.

Subheadings provide a little more of the necessary detail to inform readers what’s going on. If a headline is a jab, the subheading is the cross.

In magazines and online articles especially, there are often subheadings throughout the article. In this context, they let the reader know what each paragraph/section is about.

Subheadings also help the reader’s eye to scan the article and quickly get a sense of the story, for the writer they help immensely to organize the structure of the story.

Practice Activity:

One way to help organize paragraphs in an article is to use parallel structure.

Parallel structure is when we use similar words, phrases, and grammar structures. We might see this being used in a series of subheadings in a ‘How to’ article where the subheadings all start with an imperative such as choose , attach , cut , etc.

Have you noticed how all the sections in this ‘Key Features’ part of this article start simply with the word ‘The’? This is another example of a parallel structure.

Yet another example of parallel structure is when all the subheadings appear in the form of a question.

Whichever type of parallel structure students use, they need to be sure that they all in some way relate to the original title of the article.

To give students a chance to practice writing subheadings using parallel structure, instruct them to write subheadings for a piece of text that doesn’t already have them.


Writing good, solid paragraphs is an art in itself. Luckily, you’ll find comprehensive guidance on this aspect of writing articles elsewhere on this site.

But, for now, let’s take a look at some general considerations for students when writing articles.

The length of the paragraphs will depend on the medium. For example, for online articles paragraphs are generally brief and to the point. Usually no more than a sentence or two and rarely more than five.

This style is often replicated in newspapers and magazines of a more tabloid nature.

Short paragraphs allow for more white space on the page or screen. This is much less daunting for the reader and makes it easier for them to focus their attention on what’s being said – a crucial advantage in these attention-hungry times.

Lots of white space makes articles much more readable on devices with smaller screens such as phones and tablets. Chunking information into brief paragraphs enables online readers to scan articles more quickly too, which is how much of the information on the internet is consumed – I do hope you’re not scanning this!

Conversely, articles that are written more formally, for example, academic articles, can benefit from longer paragraphs which allow for more space to provide supporting evidence for the topic sentence.

Deciding on the length of paragraphs in an article can be done by first thinking about the intended audience, the purpose of the article, as well as the nature of the information to be communicated.

A fun activity to practice paragraphing is to organize your students into groups and provide them with a copy of an article with the original paragraph breaks removed. In their groups, students read the article and decide on where they think the paragraphs should go.

To do this successfully, they’ll need to consider the type of publication they think the article is intended for, the purpose of the article, the language level, and the nature of the information.

When the groups have finished adding in their paragraph breaks they can share and compare their decisions with the other groups before you finally reveal where the breaks were in the original article.

Article Photos and Captions

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Photos and captions aren’t always necessary in articles, but when they are, our students must understand how to make the most of them.

Just like the previous key features on our list, there are specific things students need to know to make the most of this specific aspect of article writing.

  The internet has given us the gift of access to innumerable copyright-free images to accompany our articles, but what criteria should students use when choosing an image?

To choose the perfect accompanying image/s for their article, students need to identify images that match the tone of their article.

Quirky or risque images won’t match the more serious tone of an academic article well, but they might work perfectly for that feature of tattoo artists.

Photos are meant to bring value to an article – they speak a thousand words after all. It’s important then that the image is of a high enough resolution that the detail of those ‘thousand words’ is clearly visible to the reader.

Just as the tone of the photo should match the tone of the article, the tone of the caption should match the tone of the photo.

Captions should be informative and engaging. Often, the first thing a reader will look at in an article is the photos and then the caption. Frequently, they’ll use the information therein to decide whether or not they’ll continue to read.

When writing captions, students must avoid redundancy. They need to add information to that which is already available to the reader by looking at the image.

There’s no point merely describing in words what the reader can clearly see with their own two eyes. Students should describe things that are not immediately obvious, such as date, location, or the name of the event.

One last point, captions should be written in the present tense. By definition, the photo will show something that has happened already. Despite this, students should write as if the action in the image is happening right now.

Remind students that their captions should be brief; they must be careful not to waste words with such a tight format.

For this fun activity, you’ll need some old magazines and newspapers. Cut some of the photos out minus their captions. All the accompanying captions should be cut out and jumbled up. It’s the students’ job to match each image with the correct accompanying caption.

Students can present their decisions and explanations when they’ve finished.

A good extension exercise would be to challenge the students to write a superior caption for each of the images they’ve worked on.


Now your students have the key features of article writing sewn up tightly, let’s take a look at a few quick and easy tips to help them polish up their general article writing skills.

1. Read Widely – Reading widely, all manner of articles, is the best way students can internalize some of the habits of good article writing. Luckily, with the internet, it’s easy to find articles on any topic of interest at the click of a mouse.

2. Choose Interesting Topics – It’s hard to engage the reader when the writer is not themselves engaged. Be sure students choose article topics that pique their own interest (as far as possible!).

3. Research and Outline – Regardless of the type of article the student is writing, some research will be required. The research will help an article take shape in the form of an outline. Without these two crucial stages, articles run the danger of wandering aimlessly and, worse still, of containing inaccurate information and details.

4. Keep Things Simple – All articles are about communicating information in one form or another. The most effective way of doing this is to keep things easily understood by the reader. This is especially true when the topic is complex.

5. Edit and Proofread – This can be said of any type of writing, but it still bears repeating. Students need to ensure they comprehensively proofread and edit their work when they’ve ‘finished’. The importance of this part of the writing process can’t be overstated.

And to Conclude…

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With time and plenty of practice, students will soon internalize the formula as outlined above.

This will enable students to efficiently research, outline, and structure their ideas before writing.

This ability, along with the general tips mentioned, will soon enable your students to produce well-written articles on a wide range of topics to meet the needs of a diverse range of audiences.


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Article Writing

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Different writing compositions are used to inform various target audiences. They can be find in almost any source, which includes print media and online sources. With the advancement of modern technology, such sources have become more easier to access by the day. The word article can be used to refer to a brief written composition which is often found among other compositions typically included in different publications (e.g. newspaper , magazines, online, etc). An article can tackle about different topics, depending on the writer, and is usually intended for a target audience.

What Is Article Writing? Article writing is a process of creating written pieces of content, paragraphs to reach a broad audience through different platforms. These platforms include newspapers, magazines, journals, and other publishing mediums. The goal is to engage readers by sharing information, stories, or opinions in a written format. This type of writing is common in various media outlets, making it an essential way to communicate and connect with people.

Writers present information in various ways, such as in an informative writing  or argumentative writing form. Basis of information written on articles may vary. Such facts may be gathered from different sources, such as eyewitness accounts, one on one interviews, and online, among others.

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Article Writing Format

An article will have an Introduction, Body Paragraphs and Conclusion . The introduction Briefly explains the topic and makes user strict to the content. The body paragraphs explains the subject in detail with evidence, examples, stats, arguments. The conclusion summarizes the important points to give overview to the reader.

1. Introduction

The introduction in article writing is the first section that sets the stage for the entire article. It serves to grab the reader’s attention and give them a reason to keep reading. This part typically includes:

Hook : Start with an interesting fact, question, or statement to grab attention. Background Information : Provide context or background related to the topic. Thesis Statement : Clearly state the main idea or purpose of the article.
Good Introduction Example
This article delves into the latest technological advancements, from AI-driven automation to groundbreaking strides in renewable energy. We will explore how these innovations are not only transforming industries but also our daily lives. Join us on a journey into the future, where possibilities are limitless and every advancement brings us closer to a world we once only imagined.”
This article will talk about new technologies like AI and renewable energy. These technologies are changing things. We will see how they are important in this article.

2. Body Paragraph

In article writing, a body paragraph is a key section where the main ideas and arguments are developed. Each body paragraph typically follows this structure

Subheadings : Organize the content with relevant subheadings. Main Points : Discuss each main point in separate paragraphs. Supporting Information : Provide evidence, examples, and details. Clarity and Flow : Use simple language and smooth transitions.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion in article writing is the final section where the writer wraps up the discussion. It serves several key purposes:

Summary : Recap the main arguments or points. Final Thoughts : Conclude with a compelling closing statement or call to action.

Article Samples on Various Topics

Environment article samples.

  • Water Conservation
  • Need to Save Water
  • Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Deforestation
  • Environment and Nature

Society and Culture Article Samples

  • Importance of Education
  • Teacher’s Day
  • US Independence Day
  • Discrimination
  • Homelessness
  • Women Empowerment
  • Child Labor
  • Globalization

Technology and Innovation Article Samples

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The Future of Technology
  • Machine Learning
  • Robotics and Automachines Manufacturing
  • Wearable Technology and Its Health Applications
  • 3D Printing Innovations and Applications
  • Nano-technology: Advancements and Future Prospects
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency
  • 5G Network Expansion and Its Impacts
  • The Future of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Our Digital World
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Education
  • Big Data Analytics and Its Role in Business Decision Making
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Home Innovations

Health and Lifestyle Article Samples

  • Health is Wealth
  • Healthy Eating
  • Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
  • The Importance of Physical Fitness in Student Life
  • Mental Health

Education Article Samples

  • The Evaluation of Online Learning and its Impacts
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Education
  • Road Safety

Articles Writing Examples & Templates in PDF and DOC

Newspaper article writing  example.

Newspaper Article Writing2

Creative Article Writing for School

Article for School

Technical Article Writing Example

Technical Article Example1

Short Article Writing  Example

Short Article Writing2

Medical Article Sample Writing  Example

Medical Article1

Sample Article Writing  Example

Sample Article Writing1

Free SEO Article Writing  Example

SEO Article Tips

Persuasive Article Travel  Example

Article Persuasive1

Importance of Article Writing

Articles deliver information effectively, like other persuasive writing compositions. Which explains why article writing is an important skill which needs to be developed. The process of article writing, as compared to writing other compositions can be tricky.

For example, a news article needs to be written without carrying any biased opinion from the writer. Article writing requires the writer to gather accurate information from reliable sources of information. You may also see essay writing examples

Basically, article writing helps the writer develop both the writing and data gathering writing skills—which in turn develops his/her communication skills. At the end of the day, article writing, or writing in general, helps in improving an individual’s communication skills in general.

Types of Article Writing

Article writing is a versatile form of writing used in various contexts, including journalism, blogging, academic writing, and more. Here are some examples of different types of articles:

1. News Article

News articles report current events and provide facts and information about newsworthy topics. They typically follow the “inverted pyramid” structure, with the most important information presented at the beginning.

Example : “COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Reaches Milestone with 1 Billion Doses Administered Worldwide”

2. Feature Article

Feature articles offer in-depth coverage of a particular topic, often with a more narrative or storytelling approach. They provide background, analysis, and context, going beyond the surface details.

Example : “The Hidden Wonders of the Amazon Rainforest: A Journey into Biodiversity and Conservation Efforts”

3. Opinion or Editorial Article

Opinion articles express the author’s viewpoint on a particular issue. They are often persuasive in nature and present arguments or personal perspectives.

Example : “Why We Should Prioritize Renewable Energy Sources for a Sustainable Future”

4. How-To Article

How-to articles provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform a specific task, solve a problem, or achieve a goal.

Example : “How to Start Your Own Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide”

5. Review Article

Review articles assess and provide an opinion on a product, service, book, movie, or any subject of interest. They often include an evaluation of the item’s pros and cons.

Example : “Film Review: ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’ – A Riveting Dive into 1960s Political Turmoil”

6. Academic or Research Article

Academic articles are scholarly publications that present research findings or discuss academic topics. They often follow specific formats and are published in academic journals.

Example : “The Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs: A Comprehensive Ecological Study”

7. Blog Post

Blog articles cover a wide range of topics and are typically written in a conversational, engaging style. They are commonly found on personal blogs, corporate blogs, and news websites.

Example : “10 Tips for Effective Time Management in a Remote Work Environment”

8. Travel Article

Travel articles describe and share experiences about specific travel destinations, providing insights, tips, and recommendations for travelers.

Example : “Exploring the Rich History and Culture of Rome: A Traveler’s Guide”

9. Technical or Instructional Article

Technical articles focus on complex or specialized subjects and are often used in industries like technology, science, or engineering. They explain technical concepts or processes.

Example: “A Comprehensive Guide to Data Encryption Algorithms for Cybersecurity Professionals”

10. Entertainment or Lifestyle Article

These articles cover topics related to entertainment, lifestyle, and popular culture, including celebrity news, fashion, food, and more.

Example: “10 Must-Watch Movies for Film Buffs this Summer”

How Do I Write a Good Article? – Step by Step Guide

Understand your audience and purpose.

  • Identify Your Readers : Understand who your audience is – their interests, level of understanding, and what they are looking for in an article.
  • Define Your Purpose : Clearly state your objective. Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining?

Choose a Compelling Topic

Select a topic that resonates with your audience. It should be relevant, timely, and offer a fresh perspective.

Research and Gather Information

  • Source Credible Information : Use reliable sources to gather facts, statistics, and other pertinent data.
  • Organize Your Research : Group similar information together for coherence.

Create an Outline

An outline helps in organizing thoughts and ensuring a logical flow. It typically includes:

  • Introduction 
  • Body Paragraphs – Sub Headings (H2), Child Headings (H3)

Write the Article

  • Introduction : Start with a hook – a fact, question, or statement that grabs attention. Briefly outline what the article will cover.
  • Body Paragraphs : Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, supported by facts, examples, and explanations.
  • Transitions : Use smooth transitions to maintain flow and coherence.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the main points and leave the reader with something to think about.

Starting an Article

What is written at the beginning of an article? At the beginning of an article, you typically find an introduction. This part is crucial because it aims to grab the reader’s attention. It usually starts with something interesting like a surprising fact, a question, or a short story related to the topic. The introduction also gives a brief idea of what the article is about and sets the tone for the rest of the content.

Crafting a well-written article requires planning, research, and a keen understanding of your audience. By following this format, you can create articles that are not only informative and engaging but also resonate with your readers.

: Write in clear, concise, and simple language. : Prefer active voice over passive for clarity and engagement. : Keep sentences short and paragraphs manageable.
What is the Easiest way to write an Article? To write an effective article, first choose a topic that aligns with your interests and knowledge. Clearly determine your article’s purpose, such as informing or persuading. Conduct thorough research from reliable sources to support your content. Plan your article with a structured outline. Begin with an engaging introduction that includes a clear thesis statement. In the body, develop focused paragraphs, each addressing a single point, supported by evidence like facts or statistics. Write using clear, simple language for better understanding. Ensure your paragraphs smoothly transition to maintain flow. Conclude by summarizing the main points and restating the central message.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

  • Ignoring the Audience : Not tailoring the content to the interests and understanding of your target readers.
  • Lack of Clear Purpose : Not having a clear goal or message in your article.
  • Poor Structure : Failing to organize the article in a logical, coherent manner.
  • Overcomplicating Language : Using complex words or sentences that confuse readers.
  • Repetitive Content : Repeating the same ideas or examples.
  • Inadequate Research : Not backing up your points with accurate and reliable information.
  • Plagiarism : Copying someone else’s work without giving credit.
  • Ignoring SEO Principles : Not including relevant keywords for online articles, which helps in search engine ranking.
  • Skipping Proofreading : Not checking for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
  • Neglecting a Strong Conclusion : Failing to summarize the main points or ending the article abruptly.

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of your article writing.

Do’s and Don’ts of Article Writing

Identify and understand your target audience. Neglect the interests and needs of your readers.
Clearly define the purpose of your article. Write without a clear goal or message.
Use a coherent and logical structure. Disorganize your ideas and points.
Write in simple, clear language. Overcomplicate with jargon and complex sentences.
Back up points with reliable research. Use unverified or false information.
Include relevant keywords for SEO. Ignore SEO practices in online articles.
Proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Publish without checking for mistakes.
Provide a strong, summarizing conclusion. End abruptly without summarizing key points.
Use original content and cite sources. Plagiarize or use others’ work without credit.
Revise for clarity and coherence. Overlook the importance of editing and revising.

Quick Overview on How to Write an Article – Tips & Tricks

Discover key tips for writing an engaging article: select a relevant topic, conduct thorough research, create a clear structure, and write with simplicity for an impactful, reader-friendly piece.

  • Understand Your Audience: Tailor to audience interests and knowledge.
  • Choose a Clear, Relevant Topic: Focus on specific, timely topics.
  • Organize Your Ideas: Structure with clear outline and logical flow.
  • Engaging Introduction: Start with an interesting hook; set tone.
  • Strong Body Content: Maintain one idea per paragraph; use subheadings.
  • Concise and Clear Language: Use simple language and active voice.
  • Incorporate Research and Examples: Back points with research; cite sources.
  • SEO Optimization: Include relevant keywords; write concise meta descriptions.
  • Edit and Proofread: Review for errors; seek feedback.
  • Effective Conclusion: Summarize key points; end impactfully.
  • Stay Consistent: Write regularly; learn from feedback.

What Is An Article?

An article is a written piece that informs, educates, entertains, or persuades readers about a specific subject. It can take various forms, including news reports, opinion pieces, how-to guides, or in-depth features. Articles are published in newspapers, magazines, websites, and academic journals, offering information, analysis, and commentary to a wide audience.

What Makes a Strong Article?

A strong article is well-researched, clearly written, engaging, and informative. It should have a compelling introduction, a coherent structure, and a conclusive ending.

Are Articles Hard to Write?

Writing articles can be challenging but rewarding. It requires research, planning, and the ability to clearly convey ideas to your audience.

How Does an Article Look Like?

An article typically has a clear title, an engaging introduction, body paragraphs with headings, and a summarizing conclusion. It’s structured logically to guide the reader.

How many words should there be in an article?

The word count for an article can vary widely, typically ranging from 500 to 2000 words, depending on the topic, audience, and publication requirements.

Mastering article writing involves understanding your audience, choosing engaging topics, structuring your content logically, and using clear language. Remember to research thoroughly, use SEO strategies, and edit meticulously. By following these guidelines and tips, you can craft compelling articles that captivate and inform your readers, enhancing your writing skills in the process.


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Article Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Nov 8, 2023

article writing

There is so much to read and learn these days. Have you noticed how your favourite bloggers or writers come up with unique content on new topics almost every day? In the digital era, writers have to be extra careful about how they present their ideas. It should be collated in such a way that it influences a larger audience at the same time. However, article writing is not everyone’s cup of tea and needs creative thinking .  Whether you want to pursue Content Writing courses or want to flourish your Journalism career , adhering to the structure along with presenting ideas in a well-structured way is what a writer needs to take care of. Yes, even articles have a distinct structure. Before delving into how to write an article should look, let us first understand the basics of it. 

How To Be A Content Writer? [Step-by-Step 2022 Guide]

This Blog Includes:

What is article writing, objectives of article writing, tips for writing a good article, heading or title, byline or name of the author, body of the article, step 1: find your target audience, step 2: select a topic and an attractive heading, step 3: research is the key, step 4: write and proofread, step 5: add images and infographics, sample of article writing, article writing on covid-19 for students, article on my vision of india in the future, article writing topics, common mistakes to avoid in article writing, points to keep in mind, ppt on article writing , scope of article writing.

Playing a major role in society, an article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another. Yet, an ideal article provides all the relevant factual information to the people which catches their attention, allows them to think and triggers them to act. There are several types of articles, including:

  • Expository article – The most common type of article, which allows the writer to disseminate information on any topic without imposing their own opinions.
  • Argumentative article – An article in which the author poses a problem or issue, proposes a solution and provides arguments to support why their suggestions/solutions are good.
  • A narrative article is one in which the author is required to narrate primarily in the form of a story.
  • Descriptive article – An article written to provide a vivid description that allows readers to visualise what is being described. Using the appropriate adjectives/adjective phrases will assist you in writing a descriptive article.
  • Persuasive article – An article written to persuade or convince readers to accept an idea or a point of view.

An article must be written with the following objectives in mind:

  • It should bring the topic or subject of interest to the foreground.
  • The article must discuss all the necessary information.
  • It must make or suggest recommendations to the readers.
  • It must be eligible to have an impact on the readers and make them think.
  • The article must cover a wide range of topics, including people, places, emerging challenges, and technological advancements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide with plenty of helpful hints to help you write an excellent article in no time:

  • The first and most important thing to consider when you decide to write an article is whether or not you are well-versed in the subject matter.
  • The second question you must answer is why you are writing the article.
  • The next thing you must consider is the type of audience for whom you are writing the article because you will not be able to write it in a way that will entice them to read it unless you know your audience.
  • The language you use is critical because the article would be unable to sell itself without proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Make use of keywords to attract a large number of readers.
  • Maintain coherence between and within paragraphs.
  • Regardless of the type of article, double-check the data and information you provide.
  • Keep the title and description as brief and memorable as possible.
  • Before it is published, it should be edited and proofread.

Know the Difference Between an Author and a Writer !

Article Writing Format

Whatever you wish to write, it is important for you to first know the structure of the article and then mention the details accordingly. Divided mainly into 3 sections- Heading, Byline and Body , let us have a look at the article writing format you should keep in mind while composing your piece of information.

The first thing to be noticed and the most important component in article writing is the heading/title. To draw the attention of the readers, it is important to give a catchy heading of not more than 5 to 6 words to the article. 

Below the title comes the byline which states the name of the author who has written the article. This part helps the writer earn the actual credit that they deserve.

The body consists of the main content of an article. Be it story writing or article writing, it is completely upon the author to fix the length of the composition and the number of paragraphs that would embed the information. Generally, an article contains 3 or 4 paragraphs wherein, the first paragraph introduces the readers to what the article will be about and all the prerequisite information. The second and third paragraphs will cover the crux of the topic and here, all the relevant data, case studies and statistics are presented. Following this, the fourth paragraph will conclude the article where the solutions to the problems, as presented in the second and third passages (if any) will be discussed. 

Also Read: How to Write a Book?

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing 

After knowing the format, let us have a look at the 5 simple steps involved in the process of article writing: 

Before writing on any topic, it is important for a writer to first identify the audience the article targets. It can be a particular group of people, children, students, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, elderly people, business people, service class, etc. Whichever group of people you choose to write for, select a topic that directly or indirectly impacts their lives or spreads the relevant information. 

For example, if the article focuses on parents, then you might write about child psychology, the daily nutritional diet of a child, etc. The tone and the language should also match the suitable audience in article writing. 

After you have chosen your target audience, the second important step in article writing is to choose an apt topic for your composition. This gives an idea of how you should process with the article. After you select the topic, then think of an intriguing title for the same. 

For example, if you want to make the students aware of the various MBA specializations available, you can write – “ Everything you need to know about MBA specializations ”.

Consequent to selecting your targeted audience, topic and title of the article, research is the most important thing in article writing. Read umpteen articles, statistics, facts, data, and new governing laws (if any) to get a hang of all the information to be incorporated in the article. Additionally, check the authenticity of the data, so that you do not state anything outdated. Before proceeding with the article writing, prepare a rough draft or an outline of the article in bullet points and keywords so that you don’t miss out on the important information. 

Once you have collected all the facts and data, you can now begin your article writing. As discussed, start the article with an introductory paragraph, followed by a descriptive and a concluding paragraph. While writing all the things, you should keep a consistent, unique, and simple tone. Here, using a paraphrase online will be a helpful option for you. It will make you write original, engaging, as well as user-friendly articles. So, with the help of this tool, you can easily manage all the aspects of writing and successfully complete the articles. After you have written everything, it is pertinent to proofread your entire article and check whether there are any grammatical errors. As a reader, it becomes a major turn-off when you spot even the minutest of a mistake. Also, make sure that the content is not copied from some other website. 

To make your content even more attractive for people to read, you can also include some infographics. Adding images makes the article even more engaging and it proves to be more influential. Thus making the purpose of your article writing successful!

Given below is a sample that can give you more clarity on how to write an impeccable article: 

Know What is Technical Writing !

Covid -19 for Students By Sahil

Covid-19 has affected all sections of human life. While it affected all industry sectors it has a major impact on education. Classes were switched from offline to online at night but it created confusion among students, especially the ones that were about to enter college. Students even took a gap year hoping for the situation to get better. While schools and colleges are opening because vaccination is in full swing across the globe there are still many challenges.

Understanding COVID-19, how it spreads, and how to protect ourselves are the most important things to be learned first as soon as the school reopens. Students should know the rules they are going to follow and the benefits of following the covid-19 Safety Rules in the School Classroom. It’s very difficult to make the children understand because innocent minds may not get acquainted with the current situation.

To avoid the risk of contracting the Covid- 19, these rules should be followed by every student and school faculty at all times. Students must carry hand sanitisers at all times. Students should never sneeze on their hands, rather they should cover them with their elbows, or may use a tissue or a handkerchief. Inform students not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth frequently. As chances are high that the virus gets spread through the touching of the eyes and nose. If students and teachers follow these basic rules, the spread can be stopped and schools can reopen.

My Vision of India in the Future By Aayush

Most of us have a psychological barrier to looking at India’s future vision, and those who perceive the future as coming straight out of the present typically have their perspective narrowed as well. I believe that the year 2050 will belong to individuals who strive to recognise diversity as a virtue in and of itself, rather than as a tool for combating new mental monocultures or a necessary compromise for social and ethical concord. In the future, India will be in the centre of the world, with variety valued as a goal in itself. My vision statement is neither a forecast of what will happen nor a wish list of desirable but unreachable goals.

It’s a statement of what we believe our country can achieve, given the level of concern that our current youth has about issues like corruption, pollution, and mismanagement of natural resources, among other things. Recognize that the elements that affect national development have changed in recent years and will continue to change in the future when imagining India in 2050. This is expected to create more opportunities than ever before.

The expanding impact and influence of India in domains such as technology, education, information, and productive skills supports the belief that India will attain and sustain higher economic growth and development in the decades ahead.

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Do you have to write an article that is trending right now and will help you score better or help you practice better? Here is the list of current topics for article writing:

  • Global Warming
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Impact of Internet
  • Women Empowerment
  • Education and Movies
  • Value of Games in Education
  • Yoga and Mind Healing
  • Importance of Mental Health
  • Importance of Education in Society

Explore some Creative Writing Topics

The likelihood of errors increases now that you understand the phases of article writing and the article writing format. The following are some examples of common blunders: 

  • Not using facts or quotes or similar cases
  • Using a tone that is too formal
  • Using difficult vocabulary without knowing its meaning 
  • Not using a catchy title for your article 
  • No use of paragraphs to bifurcate information
  • Not expressing personal views or opinions
  • The topics of the articles should be unique and relevant
  • The article has to get the attention
  • It has to be interesting
  • It has to be easy to read
  • Find the main goal of writing an article. The goal can be anything from providing information, entertainment, advice for comparing, etc.
  • The title must be eye-catching, clear, and interesting
  • The introduction or the starting paragraph must be highly attentive. Use your vocabulary skills or try to use some interrogative words at the start
  • Use clear statements and make assertions
  • Avoid repetition and over-the-top logic and reasons
  • Use the style of paragraph writing and write the contents uniquely and unambiguously
  • Avoid using the points which interest you only and not for the general public
  • Always end your article writing on a good and logical note

6 Recommended Travel Writing Courses

  • Article on the Importance of Education
  • Article Rules
  • Essay on Global Warming
  • Essay on Internet
  • Essay on My Aim in Life
  • Essay on Education System
  • Essay on Democracy
  • How to Write a Career Goals Essay?
  • Essay on Digital India

Whether you want to work as an article writer for your current employer or make a name for yourself in the journalism world, your voice and skill are in high demand. What matters is that you keep writing and learning.

The road may be difficult at first. Even if you have a good idea of who you are as a writer and where you fit best, there will be obstacles. At first, every writer experiences this.

Or you may have no idea what intrigues you or what format works best with your natural writing strengths. Keep your cool! You’ll keep learning as you go. When your work is published and assignments begin to flood your inbox, the road will become smoother.

When written well, it becomes a natural part of the audience’s experience. Article writers influence how content is presented and how people think. Even when trying to write someone else’s vision, your talent makes it worthwhile to read.

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An article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another.

Not using facts or quotes or similar cases Using a tone that is too formal Using difficult vocabulary without knowing its meaning Not using a catchy title for your article No use of paragraphs to bifurcate information Not expressing personal views or opinions

The style of article writing varies from one topic or writer to another.

Thus, article writing is a form of art that improves only with practice and the right approach. If you want to pursue a career in a field where writing plays an essential role but are confused about the program then take the assistance of Leverage Edu ’s AI tool which will curate a list of the most suitable universities and courses that align with your professional goals!

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How to Write an Article (the Complete Guide)

  • Sarah Neidler, PhD
  • February 9, 2021

Did you just launch your new website and want to fill it with content? Or would you like to work as an article writer  and you’re asking yourself, how do I write an article that actually gets results? 

In both cases, you want to know how to write an article. 

This is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to come up with article ideas, get started with writing, and edit after writing. The guide is intended for online articles, but most points also apply to offline, print articles. Also, note that the difference between an article and a blog post is marginal, so most recommendations also apply to blog posts. 

Because it’s crucial that your article ranks in Google, we also cover some basics about search engine optimization (SEO). For more detailed information, I recommend you reading our 25 Point Blog Post Checklist for SEO .

1. Come up with a topic and a focus keyword

Before you start writing, you have to decide what you want to write about. That should be obvious. But what makes a good idea for an article?

Writing an article takes a lot of time and effort. Your articles should help you to generate traffic to your website. One of the most important factors that decide how much traffic you get is Google ranking.

Ideally, you want your article to rank for a high volume keyword. If 10.000 people per month type a specific keyword into Google and your article is the first to come up, many people will click on it and thereby land on your website.

When it comes to ranking, you should not only consider the search volume but also how difficult it is to rank for this keyword. A huge search volume is useless when your article appears on page number 256 of the search results.

It’s best to use a keyword research tool to find out the keyword difficulty (KD). We recommend Ahrefs because it provides you with accurate keyword data and many other functions that help you rank in Google.

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There are two main ways to come up with article ideas:

  • You have some ideas in mind; then you use a keyword research tool to find out if there are good keywords for these topics.
  • You do a keyword search, come up with a list of suitable keywords and then decide which ones to cover in an article.

The focus keyword reflects the topic of your article. It can consist of one or two words or multiple words. As an example, the focus keyword of this article is “how to write an article.”

If you struggle to find good ideas, I recommend you read my article about how to find blog topics .

2. Find the search intent behind the keyword

When typing keywords into Google, you have a problem that you want to solve. You might want to learn more about a particular topic, you have a specific question, or you are looking for products to buy. The content of your article has to match the user’s search intent behind the keyword.

“How to” keywords make it easy: They phrase a question, and your article should answer this question. When someone searches for “best Italian restaurant in town,” the person doesn’t want to know what an Italian restaurant is, but how to find the best one.

Google knows this and will display local Italian restaurants with the best reviews. Also, rating websites like Tripadvisor make it to the top search results because they deliver the information the user is looking for: A short review about the best Italian restaurants, explaining why they are the best ones.

Because Google has, in most cases, a good idea about the search intent behind keywords, googling the keyword you want to rank for is always a good idea.

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3. Find out how long your article needs to be

How long your article should be, depends on the topic and the competition. Some topics can be covered comprehensively in a short article. There is always the possibility to write more, but more is not always better. Again, keep the search intent in mind.

If the keywords indicate that the user looks for a simple, short answer, it’s better to keep it short. A long, detailed article would instead repel those readers. Take as an example: “How many strings does a guitar have.” This is a very basic question, and the person typing this into Google expects a short, simple answer. He or she doesn’t want to read a 1000-word article to find out.

But many topics are worth covering in detail. Someone who searches for “How to find the best electric bass guitar” would be thankful for a long, comprehensive article that answers all his questions. For these kinds of topics, you need to find out how long your article should at least be to have a realistic chance to rank for it. Googling your focus keyword is the easiest way to find out. Just check how long the top-ranking articles are and write one that is at least that long.

When you notice that your article is getting much longer than planned, decide if the added points are that important. If they truly add value, keep them. Check if they are highly related to the topic. If not, you can always cover them in a separate article.

4. Read competing articles

Take a close look at the articles that rank for your focus keyword. See if you can find good ideas in there and take some notes. This is not about copying your competition. It’s about getting inspired to make your article better.

5. Research the topic

Do deep research about the topic you want to write about. And simply googling your focus keyword and reading the top-ranking articles does not count as research. Ideally, you should already be knowledgeable about the topic.

The less you know, the more research you have to do. But even if you already know the subject in and out, check if there is new information available. For instance, when you write about CBD oil for anxiety, you may already know that CBD oil can help with anxiety and why. But there may still be a new study that you don’t know about. Covering the latest research that your competition hasn’t written about gives you a leading edge.

6. Brainstorm information to include

Once you know what you want to write about and gathered all the important information, you should do some brainstorming about what you want to cover in the article. There may be many points, likely, you won’t keep all of them. But writing them all down helps you to make sure that you don’t forget any vital information.

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7. Come up with unique ideas

When you’re done with brainstorming, make sure that you have ideas with unique content that you cannot find anywhere else. If your article summarizes the top 5 ranking articles, you’re not providing value to your readers.

There are many ways to make a text unique, and it depends on the kind of article. If you’re an expert on the topic, you can give an expert opinion with unique insights. When it’s an informational article, try to find information you cannot find anywhere else.

And even if there’s no additional information, you can still provide value. For instance, by explaining a complex problem better than anyone else does. Or by illustrating a point with a story. There are many ways, be creative!

8. Write an outline

Before you start writing, write an outline to give the article some structure. It is not set in stone, and you can change it while writing. But it makes the writing process much more manageable.

No matter what kind of article you write, it should always have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Further, each article should answer three questions in the following order:

  • What (is it about)?
  • Why (is it important)?
  • How (to implement it)?

Answering these three questions gives your article a logical flow.

First, you have to let your readers know what the article is about. When you write about something that not everybody is familiar with, you’ll also have to explain what it is and give background information. For instance, when you write an article about magnesium, you should first mention that it is an essential mineral and review its role in the body.

The next step is then to explain why it’s important and why people should care. You would mention how common a magnesium deficiency is and what symptoms it causes. 

In the last step, you would address the how and tell your readers how they can prevent a magnesium deficiency.

In how much detail you answer each of these questions is very individual and depends on the kind of article you write. When you write a “How to …” article, like the one you are currently reading, answering the “How” is the main part. Readers looking for “How to do something” already know what it is and why it’s important. So you can briefly answer the first two questions in the introduction and then spend the rest of the article answering the “How.”

But you can also have articles focusing on the “Why.” After briefly answering the “What,” you explain in detail why it is important. The “How” can then be a simple call to action, leading the reader to an article addressing the “How” or to a product that is solving the problem.

If you wrote about the detrimental health consequences of eating too much sugar, this would answer the question, “Why too much sugar is bad for you.” After your readers are convinced that too much sugar is very unhealthy, you can end the article with a call to action to your article about how to eat less sugar.

The What, Why and How questions can serve as a template that you can apply to any article.

9. Follow the rule of one

Following the rule of one is probably the most important advice when writing an article, and most writers don’t follow it. Yet, articles that fulfill this rule are the most successful ones. So when you apply it, you write better articles than most others.

The rule sounds simple but is not easy to follow. It means that you should dedicate the content to one single topic and don’t deviate from it. For instance, in the article you are currently reading, I stick to advice about how to write an article. I don’t tell you how to write an ebook .

You might think that many people who write articles also write ebooks, and this information might be of interest to them. This might be true. But it’s also true that people who don’t know how to get started with an article are probably not ready to write an ebook yet. That’s why I don’t include any advice about ebook writing and instead would link to an article about how to write an ebook.

You have to put yourself into the shoes of your readers. Keep the search intent of your focus keyword in mind. Someone who types these words into Google is looking for specific information. By deviating from it, you risk boring your readers and losing them.

That’s the last thing you want. And the good thing when writing online articles is that linking to other articles is very easy. So if you are not 100% sure if the information is of interest to all article readers, leave it out and simply link to the content with further information.

10. Avoid the curse of knowledge

It’s good to write about something you’re knowledgeable about. In the end, you have something to tell and to teach.

But when you write about a topic that you are very familiar with, you quickly fall into the trap of the curse of knowledge.

This can have two negative consequences, and you should avoid both like the plague.

  • You tell your readers everything you know about the topic, or even worth, everything that is even loosely related to it

This is related to the rule of one. Many writers throw too much information at their readers, mostly because they want to demonstrate how much they know about a certain topic. They think that this signals credibility. What it really does is deviating from the subject and boring your readers.

  • You don’t write in a way that your audience easily understands

The second danger is that you are using words your audience isn’t familiar with and assume your readers know something they don’t. Simply because you know so much about a certain topic, you cannot imagine how it is not knowing it. As an author, this problem can be very hard to spot. This is why editing is so important (see point 20)

But you’re losing people that way. Your readers might think that you’re smart, but they will nevertheless stop reading your content because they either find it not interesting or because they don’t understand it.

11. Include references from reliable sources

You should try to provide sources for the information you include. This makes you look credible and also gives your readers the chance to find out more. How many references you have to provide largely depends on the kind of article and the topic.

When you write about a personal experience, you won’t have to provide many sources, and even not mentioning any might be fine. When you write about how CBD oil can help with anxiety, you certainly want to link to some scientific studies proving your point.

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12. Link to further information

No matter how long your article is, there is always more information about this topic. An easy way to provide value to your reader is to link to useful information. This can be to another article on your website or an external source.

Linking internally to other articles is also a valuable tool to stick to the point. When you catch yourself covering something that is not directly related to the topic, write a separate article about it and link to it.

Here’s an example of a link from one article to another.

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13. Make it “snackable”

People who read online are often looking for quick information. They don’t sit down for three hours to read about a specific topic as they might do with a book. When they click on a Google search result, they skim through the article to see if it provides the information they are looking for. And even if they decide that the article is worth reading, they don’t want to read large text blocks.

For these reasons, you should

  • Write short paragraphs
  • Use many subheadings (as a rule of thumb, you should have at least one subheading every 300 words)
  • Use bullet points where it makes sense
  • Bold important information
  • Use supporting infographics and pictures
  • Summarize the most important points after a paragraph covering a lot of information

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14. Make it an easy read

This point is related to the advice to make the content “snackable.” Furthermore, you should use uncomplicated language. Try to keep your sentences short and simple. Write in an active voice.

And avoid technical terms unless you’re 100% sure that your audience is familiar with them.

How “easy” the content is, depends, of course, on your audience’s background knowledge. To be precise, it should be an easy read for your audience, not necessarily for everyone.

15. Use the language of your audience

When you write an article for medical doctors, your tone and language differ from when you write for laypeople. Always keep your audience in mind and try to adopt their language. This way, your content relates to them, and it is easier to connect to them and build trust.

16. Write a compelling introduction

The introduction should explain why the article is relevant and how it solves the reader’s problems. You should keep it short and come straight to the point. The intro helps readers decide whether the article answers their question and it’s worth reading or whether they should look further.

For this reason, your introduction should raise the reader’s interest, but it should also reflect the content of the article. If you make false promises in your intro, you’ll disappoint your readers, and you risk that they won’t read your content in the future.

Mentioning a statistic, a quote, or an interesting, relevant fact is also an excellent way to start an article.

I personally prefer to write the introduction after writing the body of the article. I may write some notes before writing the article and then write it out later. Once the article is written, you have a clearer picture of the article’s content and how to lead into it.

17. End with a strong conclusion

It is a good idea to write the conclusion last. But when writing the article, you should already know what the conclusion is so that you can build up to it. As for the introduction, you can write down the points you want to mention and write them out later.

There are many different ways to write the conclusion. In many cases, it’s a good idea to summarize the article and emphasize the main takeaway. A call to action is also an excellent way to end an article.

I n the end, your article has a purpose, and you want your readers to do something after reading it.

You can guide them to further content, your products or ask them to sign-up for your newsletter, enquire about a product, service, or read an article. These are just a few examples; there are many more!

Here’s an example of a clear call to action for ketogenic meal plans.

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18. Remove non-important and redundant information

Some people say that they try to shorten their text by one third once they are done writing. How much you have to shorten your text depends on your writing style. If you tend to write very wordy, include non-relevant information, and even repeat information, you’ll have to shorten a lot. When you already write concisely, removing a little bit here and there will be enough. But in general, shortening your text during the editing process will make your article a better read.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot write long articles. But they should be packed with information. That means that to fill a long article, you need a lot of information. Take this article as an example. It’s 3,500 words +, but it provides 21 useful tips, and every single one is valuable. So, your article should have substance. The worst thing is reading an article that says nothing. It’s a waste of time for your readers (and also a waste of time writing it).

19. Edit, edit, edit

Once you’re done writing, the editing starts. Editing can take as long as the writing itself or even longer. You often find the advice not to edit while writing because writing and editing are two separate processes. I don’t think this applies to everyone and largely depends on your writing style.

When you try to get everything perfect in the first draft, writing takes much longer, but you save time editing. When you write everything down as fast as possible, you’re done writing in no time, but editing will probably take longer than writing.

20. Ask someone for feedback

Having someone to edit your article and to provide feedback will always improve your article. This person will likely notice a few language flaws, even if you are a native speaker and your grammar and writing is very good.

The person can also tell you if the article’s structure makes sense and if the transitions are easy to follow. Most importantly, the editor can tell you whether everything is easy to understand. For this reason, it can be an advantage to have a non-expert. This is especially important when writing for lay people.

21. Make a final grammar check

Once the article went through some rounds of editing, you should do a final grammar check. Grammarly is a popular choice that detects most grammar flaws, suggests synonyms, and also checks punctuation. This is especially important when you’re not a native English speaker. But even if you’re native, a grammar checking program can make the text better.

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The bottom line

Writing an article may seem simple, but it involves many steps. It’s not only about the writing; it’s also about finding ideas, doing research, and editing the article. Altogether, they can take more time and effort than the writing itself. 

Outsourcing articles can save you a lot of time and lets you focus on other parts of your business. Writing Studio has expert writers who can take care of all these steps. They know how to write articles that rank in Google and drive high-value traffic to your website.

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  • Article Writing

Article Writing Format: Explore How To Write, Example Topics and Tips

Have some great ideas, opinions and suggestions you wish you could share so that it could reach readers all around the world? One of the best ways to get your thoughts across the globe is by writing an article. There are techniques you can use to write the different types of articles. This piece on article writing will give you all the tips and tricks you need to master before you start writing your article.

Table of Contents

The art of writing an article, how do i write a good article – tips and techniques, article writing samples, faqs on article writing.

An article is a piece of writing which explicates ideas, thoughts, facts, suggestions and/or recommendations based on a particular topic. There are different kinds of articles, namely:

  • Expository article – The most common type of article which allows the writer to put out information on any particular topic without the influence of their opinions.
  • Argumentative article – An article in which an author poses a problem or an issue, renders a solution to the proposed problem and provides arguments to justify why their suggestions/solutions are good.
  • Narrative article – An article in which the author has to narrate mostly in the form of a story.
  • Descriptive article – An article written with the aim of providing a vivid description that would allow the readers to visualise whatever is being described. Using the right adjectives / adjective phrases is what will help you write a descriptive article.
  • Persuasive article – An article aimed at persuading or convincing the readers to accept an idea or a point of view.

Writing an article takes a lot of effort on the side of the writer. Content writers/creators, bloggers, freelance writers and copywriters are people who have mastered the art of article writing, without which they would not be able to make their mark as a writer of any kind.

In order to be able to write an article that makes sense in the first place, you have to keep a few things in mind.

  • The first and foremost thing that you have to take care of when you are sitting down to write your article is to check if you are well aware of the topic you are going to write on.
  • The second thing that you have to ask yourself is why you are writing the article.
  • The next thing that you have to focus on is the kind of audience you are writing the article for because unless you know your audience, you will not be able to write it in a way that makes them want to read it.
  • The language you use is very important because, without the right spelling, correct grammar , punctuation and sensible sentence structure , the article would not be able to sell itself.
  • Use keywords so that you get a good number of reading audiences.
  • Maintain coherence within and between paragraphs.
  • Double-check the data and information you provide, irrespective of the type of article.
  • Keep the title and description as short and catchy as possible.
  • Edit and proofread before it is published.

To help you understand better and practise the art of article writing, read through the articles given below:

Can I write a good article?

If you know all the information about the topic you are going to write about, a good hand over the language, a knack to keep it simple and interesting throughout, you can write a good article.

What is the format of an article?

The article should have a title/heading and a description that states what the article is about. The body of the article can be split into 3 to 5 paragraphs according to the volume of content with respect to the topic you are discussing. You can have subheadings and use bullet points wherever possible. Make sure your introduction makes people want to read the whole article and your conclusion leaves them satisfied.

How many paragraphs should there be in an article?

An article should have a minimum of 3 to 4 paragraphs. The writer is, however, given the choice to present the content in more than four paragraphs, if it would be better for the article.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

When we use nouns in English, articles (a, an, and the) specify which and how many nouns we mean. To choose the correct article for your sentence, you need to answer two questions. First, do I mean this one exactly, one of many, or all of them everywhere? Second, is the noun count or non-count? This handout explains these questions and how their answers help determine which article to use.

Using this handout

As you use the handout, try to keep three things in mind:

  • First, this handout will be most effective if you use it as a tool. Every time you read this handout, read it along side another piece of writing (a journal article, a magazine, a web page, a novel, a text book, etc.). Locate a few nouns in the reading, and use the handout to analyze the article usage. If you practice a little bit at a time, this kind of analysis can help you develop a natural sensitivity to this complex system.
  • Second, using articles correctly is a skill that develops over time through lots of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Think about the rules in this handout, but also try to pay attention to how articles are being used in the language around you. Simply paying attention can also help you develop a natural sensitivity to this complex system.
  • Finally, although using the wrong article may distract a reader’s attention, it usually does not prevent the reader from understanding your meaning. So be patient with yourself as you learn.

Basic rules

This is a simple list, but understanding it and remembering it is crucial to using articles correctly.

Rule # 1: Every time a noun is mentioned, the writer is referring to:

  • All of them everywhere (“generic” reference),
  • One of many, (“indefinite” reference) or
  • This one exactly (“definite” reference)

Rule # 2: Every kind of reference has a choice of articles:

  • All of them everywhere…(Ø, a/an, the)
  • One of many……………..(Ø, a/an)
  • This one exactly…………(Ø, the)

(Ø = no article)

Rule # 3: The choice of article depends upon the noun and the context. This will be explained more fully below.

Basic questions

To choose the best article, ask yourself these questions:

  • “What do I mean? Do I mean all of them everywhere, one of many, or this one exactly?”
  • “What kind of noun is it? Is it countable or not? Is it singular or plural? Does it have any special rules?”

Your answers to these questions will usually determine the correct article choice, and the following sections will show you how.

When you mean “all of them everywhere”

Talking about “all of them everywhere” is also called “generic reference.” We use it to make generalizations: to say something true of all the nouns in a particular group, like an entire species of animal. When you mean “all of them everywhere,” you have three article choices: Ø, a/an, the. The choice of article depends on the noun. Ask yourself, “What kind of noun is it?”

Non-count nouns = no article (Ø)

  • Temperature is measured in degrees.
  • Money makes the world go around.

Plural nouns = no article (Ø)

  • Volcanoes are formed by pressure under the earth’s surface.
  • Quagga zebras were hunted to extinction.

Singular nouns = the

  • The computer is a marvelous invention.
  • The elephant lives in family groups.

Note: We use this form (the + singular) most often in technical and scientific writing to generalize about classes of animals, body organs, plants, musical instruments, and complex inventions. We do not use this form for simple inanimate objects, like books or coat racks. For these objects, use (Ø + plural).

Singular nouns = a/an when a single example represents the entire group

  • A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.
  • A doctor is a highly educated person. Generally speaking, a doctor also has tremendous earning potential.

How do you know it’s generic? The “all…everywhere” test

Here’s a simple test you can use to identify generic references while you’re reading. To use this test, substitute “all [plural noun] everywhere” for the noun phrase. If the statement is still true, it’s probably a generic reference. Example:

  • A whale protects its young—”All whales everywhere” protect their young. (true—generic reference)
  • A whale is grounded on the beach—”All whales everywhere” are grounded on the beach. (not true, so this is not a generic reference; this “a” refers to “one of many”)

You’ll probably find generic references most often in the introduction and conclusion sections and at the beginning of a paragraph that introduces a new topic.

When you mean “one of many”

Talking about “one of many” is also called “indefinite reference.” We use it when the noun’s exact identity is unknown to one of the participants: the reader, the writer, or both. Sometimes it’s not possible for the reader or the writer to identify the noun exactly; sometimes it’s not important. In either case, the noun is just “one of many.” It’s “indefinite.” When you mean “one of many,” you have two article choices: Ø, a/an. The choice of article depends on the noun. Ask yourself, “What kind of noun is it?”

  • Our science class mixed boric acid with water today.
  • We serve bread and water on weekends.
  • We’re happy when people bring cookies!
  • We need volunteers to help with community events.

Singular nouns = a/an

  • Bring an umbrella if it looks like rain.
  • You’ll need a visa to stay for more than ninety days.

Note: We use many different expressions for an indefinite quantity of plural or non-count nouns. Words like “some,” “several,” and “many” use no article (e.g., We need some volunteers to help this afternoon. We really need several people at 3:00.) One exception: “a few” + plural noun (We need a few people at 3:00.) In certain situations, we always use “a” or “an.” These situations include:

  • Referring to something that is one of a number of possible things. Example: My lab is planning to purchase a new microscope. (Have you chosen one yet? No, we’re still looking at a number of different models.)
  • Referring to one specific part of a larger quantity. Example: Can I have a bowl of cereal and a slice of toast? (Don’t you want the whole box of cereal and the whole loaf of bread? No, thanks. Just a bowl and a slice will be fine.)
  • With certain indefinite quantifiers. Example: We met a lot of interesting people last night. (You can also say “a bunch of” or “a ton of” when you want to be vague about the exact quantity. Note that these expressions are all phrases: a + quantifier + of.)
  • Exception: “A few of” does not fit this category. See Number 8 in the next section for the correct usage of this expression.
  • Specifying information associated with each item of a grouping. Example: My attorney asked for $200 an hour, but I’ll offer him $200 a week instead. (In this case, “a” can substitute for the word “per.”)
  • Introducing a noun to the reader for the first time (also called “first mention”). Use “the” for each subsequent reference to that noun if you mean “this one exactly.” Example: I presented a paper last month, and my advisor wants me to turn the paper into an article. If I can get the article written this semester, I can take a break after that! I really need a break!

Note: The writer does not change from “a break” to “the break” with the second mention because she is not referring to one break in particular (“this break exactly”). It’s indefinite—any break will be fine!!

When you mean “this one exactly”

Talking about “this one exactly” is also called “definite reference.” We use it when both the reader and the writer can identify the exact noun that is being referred to. When you mean “this one exactly,” you have two article choices: Ø, the. The choice of article depends on the noun and on the context. Ask yourself, “What kind of noun is it?”

(Most) Proper nouns = no article (Ø)

  • My research will be conducted in Luxembourg.
  • Dr. Homer inspired my interest in Ontario.

Note: Some proper nouns do require “the.” See the special notes on nouns below.

Non-count nouns = the

  • Step two: mix the water with the boric acid.
  • The laughter of my children is contagious.

Plural nouns = the

  • We recruited the nurses from General Hospital.
  • The projects described in your proposal will be fully funded.
  • Bring the umbrella in my closet if it looks like rain.
  • Did you get the visa you applied for?

In certain situations, we always use “the” because the noun or the context makes it clear that we’re talking about “this one exactly.” The context might include the words surrounding the noun or the context of knowledge that people share. Examples of these situations include:

Unique nouns

  • The earth rotates around the sun.
  • The future looks bright!

Shared knowledge (both participants know what’s being referred to, so it’s not necessary to specify with any more details)

  • The boss just asked about the report.
  • Meet me in the parking lot after the show.

Second mention (with explicit first mention)

  • I found a good handout on English articles. The handout is available online.
  • You can get a giant ice cream cone downtown. If you can eat the cone in five seconds, you get another one free.

Second mention (with implied first mention—this one is very, very common)

  • Dr. Frankenstein performed a complicated surgery. He said the patient is recovering nicely. (“The patient” is implied by “surgery”—every surgery has a patient.)
  • My new shredder works fabulously! The paper is completely destroyed. (Again, “the paper” is implied by “shredder.”)

Ordinals and superlatives (first, next, primary, most, best, least, etc.)

  • The first man to set foot on the moon…
  • The greatest advances in medicine…

Specifiers (sole, only, principle, etc.)

  • The sole purpose of our organization is…
  • The only fact we need to consider is…

Restricters (words, phrases, or clauses that restrict the noun to one definite meaning)

  • Study the chapter on osmosis for the test tomorrow.
  • Also study the notes you took at the lecture that Dr. Science gave yesterday.

Plural nouns in partitive -of phrases (phrases that indicate parts of a larger whole) (Note: Treat “of the” as a chunk in these phrases—both words in or both words out)

  • Most of the international students have met their advisors, but a few of them have appointments next week. (emphasis on part of the group, and more definite reference to a specific group of international students, like the international students at UNC)
  • Most international students take advantage of academic advising during their college careers. (emphasis on the group as a whole, and more generic reference to international students everywhere)
  • Several of the risk factors should be considered carefully, but the others are only minor concerns. (emphasis on part of the group)
  • Several risk factors need to be considered carefully before we proceed with the project. (emphasis on the group as a whole)
  • A few of the examples were hard to understand, but the others were very clear. (emphasis on part of the group)
  • A few examples may help illustrate the situation clearly. (emphasis on the group as a whole)

Note: “Few examples” is different from “a few examples.” Compare:

  • The teacher gave a few good examples. (a = emphasizes the presence of good examples)
  • The teacher gave few good examples. (no article = emphasizes the lack of good examples)

Article flowchart

For the more visually oriented, this flowchart sketches out the basic rules and basic questions.

An image of a flowchart that visually represents the questions and information above to assist in determining what kind of article one should use in different contexts.

Some notes about nouns

Uncountable nouns.

As the name suggests, uncountable nouns (also called non-count or mass nouns) are things that can not be counted. They use no article for generic and indefinite reference, and use “the” for definite reference. Uncountable nouns fall into several categories:

  • Abstractions: laughter, information, beauty, love, work, knowledge
  • Fields of study: biology, medicine, history, civics, politics (some end in -s but are non-count)
  • Recreational activities: football, camping, soccer, dancing (these words often end in -ing)
  • Natural phenomena: weather, rain, sunshine, fog, snow (but events are countable: a hurricane, a blizzard, a tornado)
  • Whole groups of similar/identical objects: furniture, luggage, food, money, cash, clothes
  • Liquids, gases, solids, and minerals: water, air, gasoline, coffee, wood, iron, lead, boric acid
  • Powders and granules: rice, sand, dust, calcium carbonate
  • Diseases: cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia (but traumas are countable: a stroke, a heart attack, etc.)

Note: Different languages might classify nouns differently

  • “Research” and “information” are good examples of nouns that are non-count in American English but countable in other languages and other varieties of English.

Strategy: Check a dictionary. A learner’s dictionary will indicate whether the noun is countable or not. A regular dictionary will give a plural form if the noun is countable. Note: Some nouns have both count and non-count meanings Some nouns have both count and non-count meanings in everyday usage. Some non-count nouns have count meanings only for specialists in a particular field who consider distinct varieties of something that an average person would not differentiate. Non-count meanings follow the rules for non-count nouns (generic and indefinite reference: no article; definite: “the”); count meanings follow the count rules (a/an for singular, no article for plural). Can you see the difference between these examples?

  • John’s performance on all three exams was exceptional.
  • John’s performances of Shakespeare were exceptional.
  • To be well educated, you need good instruction.
  • To assemble a complicated machine, you need good instructions.

Proper nouns

Proper nouns (names of people, places, religions, languages, etc.) are always definite. They take either “the” or no article. Use “the” for regions (like the Arctic) and for a place that’s made up of a collection of smaller parts (like a collection of islands, mountains, lakes, etc.). Examples:

  • Places (singular, no article): Lake Erie, Paris, Zimbabwe, Mount Rushmore
  • Places (collective, regional, “the”): the Great Lakes, the Middle East, the Caribbean

Note: Proper nouns in theory names may or may not take articles When a person’s name is part of a theory, device, principle, law, etc., use “the” when the name does not have a possessive apostrophe. Do not use “the” when the name has an apostrophe. Examples:

the Doppler effect Einstein’s theory of relativity
the Pareto index Murphy’s law
the Reimann hypothesis Halley’s comet

Note: Articles change when proper nouns function as adjectives Notice how the article changes with “Great Lakes” in the examples below. When place names are used as adjectives, follow the article rule for the noun they are modifying. Examples: I’m studying …

  • …the Great Lakes. (as noun)
  • …a Great Lakes shipwreck.(as adjective with “one of many” singular noun)
  • …the newest Great Lakes museum. (as adjective with “this one exactly” singular noun)
  • …Great Lakes shipping policies. (as adjective with “one of many” plural noun)
  • …Great Lakes history. (as adjective with “one of many” uncountable noun)

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Byrd, Patricia, and Beverly Benson. 1993. Problem/Solution: A Reference for ESL Writers . Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne, and Diane Larsen-Freeman. 2015. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course , 3rd ed. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Swales, John, and Christine B. Feak. 2012. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills , 3rd ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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What is Article Writing? Objective, Format, Samples & Tips

Do you have some good opinions, ideas and suggestions which you want to share to the readers across the globe? If you want so then article writing is one of the ways through which you can share your thoughts and voice all around the world. There are various types of techniques of article writing. Here you will learn some of them.

This post will serve as step-by-step instructions on how to develop an article writing. In addition, we’ll share advice on how to write popular articles that people want to read.

Table of Content

Article Writing: What is it?

Article writing: objectives, article writing: format, article writing: a step-by-step guide, tips & techniques for article writing, common mistakes in the article writing, faqs- article writing.

An article is a piece of writing that serves to clarify, present ideas, or discuss a subject systematically. You’ll find stories in newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, and other publications.

Publications intending to persuade or enlighten the public play an important role in today’s society, and articles are no exception. An article’s structure and style may change depending on the topic or author. However, the ideal article would engage readers, challenge their thinking, and motivate them while providing useful information.

The following goals should guide the writing of any given article:

  • The objective is to highlight the central idea or theme.
  • The report has to cover all the bases.
  • Recommendations or suggestions to the readers are required.
  • To be considered, the piece must have the potential to move and provoke its audience.
  • The essay should include a variety of subjects, such as historical figures, geographical locations, new threats, and technological developments.

Articles often have the following components:

  • Heading / Title
  • Body (the main part of the article, 3-4 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)
Heading You want it to be memorable but must also be relevant to the reader’s query. The ideal length of a heading is merely 5 or 6 words. Think imaginatively & impress the audience or readers with this one line & enhance their anxiety to continue reading your post. Byline What it refers to is the author of the piece. The answer is typically included in the inquiry. If prompted, only have your name and contact information. Body The article’s body receives the bulk of the assignment’s marks. The article’s body should have at least three to four paragraphs. Conclusion In the final paragraph of your article, leave your readers with a positive impression of the piece by appealing to their emotions. Students from CBSE and other boards would study this format and use it while writing articles, as doing so will get them higher scores and attract more readers.

After you’re familiar with the structure, there are seven easy steps to creating an article.

Step 1: Determine your core theme and goals

Choosing a topic is the first step in article writing. Avoid broad generalisations by focusing. Write down your material’s objectives. Configure your article. A theme will make writing your post easier. After choosing a topic, stick to it.

Step 2: Audience-target

After you’ve decided on a central theme, you need to identify your audience. Consider what you hope readers will take away from your piece. Which details from your content are essential for them to grasp? And establish your writing approach.

Step 3: Research and gather

Research previous works after settling on a primary theme and audience. Look for stuff on the web that shares your preferred tone and style. Once you start writing the post, you’ll want to ensure you have some support. Gain knowledge and prove your points. Opinion pieces require cited research and published works as supporting evidence. Writing becomes more natural when you use bullet points and emphasise important terms. And remember, you must always reference your sources.

Step 4: Outline and rough sketch your topic

Make a preliminary draught as you gather information and ideas from your investigation. Outlining your topics is a great method to get your thoughts down on paper. Please write down your reviews and divide them up into paragraphs. Jot down everything that comes to mind. At this stage, your focus should be less on grammar, punctuation, and analysis. Put your thoughts and hands to work. Create your article by injecting ideas. You can strengthen your post by using bullet points and keywords.

Step 5: Revise your paper

Editing your work after writing a rough draft is the following step in any article writing tutorial. Always use proper grammar and punctuation. Check for typos and see how smoothly your writing flows. To keep your readers engaged, you need to have something to say. Find the right wording for your intended readers.

Step 6: Please proofread your work

All article writing guides recommend editing and proofreading. Put only some of your faith in your editing abilities. Your tone and impression of your readers are determined by how carefully you proofread. Use this opportunity to check for any remaining errors and work towards a more fluid reading experience.

Step 7: Include photos and infographics

Article writing tips end with adding relevant visuals like infographics and photos. Your audience will welcome the break. Visual content is more engaging and easier to understand in today’s fast-paced corporate world. Insert valuable photos throughout your content.

The following is a comprehensive approach that will help you quickly and easily compose a high-quality article:

  • If you want to write an essay about a topic, you should ask yourself if you know enough about it to do justice to the subject.
  • The second thing to consider is the article’s purpose.
  • The next thing to think about is who you’re writing the article for since if you don’t know who you’re writing for, you won’t be able to write in a way that would convince them to read it.
  • Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are essential since the piece can only sell itself with these.
  • Use search terms to draw in many viewers.
  • Keep the paragraphs and the essay as a whole consistent.
  • Always verify your facts and figures before publishing, no matter the article genre.
  • Make sure the title and description are brief yet descriptive.
  • Editing and proofreading are necessary steps before publication.

Errors are more likely to occur now you are familiar with the procedure and structure of writing articles. Several typical errors include the following:

  • Not citing references, quotations, or comparable cases
  • It is not necessary to use excessively formal language.
  • For easier comprehension, the article needs to be written in simple terms.
  • The article’s title ought to be intriguing and easily comprehensible.
  • The absence of paragraphs
  • It’s acceptable to voice personal opinions, but the writer should never discuss themselves.

Articles have a structure that includes headings for the introduction, body, and conclusion and a list of sources at the end. Articles can have several functions: informing, convincing, entertaining, and educating the reader. You may write content that connects with your readers if you take the time to learn the conventions of article writing and why you’re writing in the first place.

Q.1 Can I write a good article?

You can write an excellent article if you have thorough knowledge of the subject matter, command of the language, and the ability to maintain the piece’s simplicity and interest throughout.

Q.2 What is the format of an article?

The article needs a heading or title that clearly explains its topic and a description. Depending on how much content there is to cover on the subject, the article’s body can be divided into three to five paragraphs. Subheadings are allowed, and bullet points should be used whenever practical. Make sure your conclusion satisfies readers and your introduction entices them to read the entire piece.

Q.3 What is the significance of article writing?

This is the true motivation behind the writing and analysis of articles. Composing articles is regarded as significant since it allows one to provide information to a global audience and allows readers to connect the content of the articles with their own experiences and opinions.

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Steps of Article Writing

Article Writing Format: Suppose you have some opinions regarding a topic and you want to tell people about it. How will you do so? You can tell the opinions to persons near you. But what if you want to tell not only those people but, say, the world? How will you do so? You will write those opinions, isn’t it?

Many a time you have seen some writers or people write their problems and suggestions in some newspapers, magazines, and journals or in their blogs. They are writing their opinions and beliefs in the form of an article. In this section, we will get ourselves familiar with article writing and the article writing format.

An article is a piece of writing written for a large audience. The main motive behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or magazines or journals so as to make some difference to the world.

writing articles name

It may be the topics of interest of the writer or it may be related to some current issues. The topic can either be serious or not-so-serious; Same goes for its tone and language.

Browse more Topics under Article Writing

  • Definition, Essential Elements of Article Writing

Objectives of Article Writing

An article is written with the following objectives

  • It brings out the topics or the matter of interest in the limelight
  • The article provides information on the topics
  • It offers suggestions and pieces of advice
  • It influences the readers and urges them to think
  • The article discusses various stories, persons, locations, rising-issues, and technical developments

The Format of Article Writing

An article must be organized in a proper way so as to draw the attention of the readers. The basic outline for an article writing format is

  • Heading / Title
  • A line having the writer’s name
  • Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 3 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

article writing format

Steps for Article Writing Format

Think of the topic you want to write the article about. Only after you’ve decided your topic you can go ahead and undertake the further steps in the process one by one:

  • Target Audience: Identify the concerning reading group
  • Purpose: Find the objective or aim of writing the article
  • Collect & Select: Gather as such information as possible. Also, identify the details that are most significant
  • Organize:  Arrange the information and the facts in a logical way

Once you’ve taken care of all the Above steps you move forward to the final step- Writing.

  • While writing an article, always use proper grammar , spelling , and proper punctuations
  • Use vocabulary skill
  • Keep the introduction of the topic catching, interesting, and short
  • Discuss the opinion and the matter in an organized and descriptive manner

Common Mistakes in the Article Writing Format

Now that you know the steps of article writing and the article writing format, the occurrence of mistakes becomes obvious. Some of the common mistakes are:

  • Not using facts or quotes or similar cases
  • The language should not be too formal
  • The article must be in easy language for better understanding
  • The title of the article must be catchy and clearly understandable
  • No use of paragraphs
  • Expressing personal views is fine but the author must never talk about himself/herself

Points to Keep in Mind for the Article Writing Format

  • The topics of the articles should be unique and relevant
  • The article has to get attention
  • It has to be interesting
  • It has to be easy to read
  • The reader is identified
  • Find the main goal of writing an article. The goal can be anything from providing information, entertainment, and advice or for comparing, etc.
  • The title must be eye-catching, clear, and interesting
  • The introduction or the starting paragraph must be highly attentive. Use your vocabulary skills or try to use some interrogative words for the start
  • Use clear statements and make assertions
  • Avoid repetition and over the top logic and reasons
  • Use the style of paragraph writing and write the contents uniquely and unambiguously
  • Avoid using the points which interest you only and not for the general public
  • Write a good and logical ending

Solved Example on Steps of Article Writing

Problem: Classify the following into Do’s and Don’ts in article writing.

  • Write very lengthy articles
  • Add the writer’s name
  • The title should be lengthy and clear
  • The heading of the article should be short, clear and informative
  • Only the introduction and the conclusion should be attractive and attention seeking
  • Target the audience
  • One can advise, suggest and give the solutions to a problem in any paragraph other than the starting one
  • The language and the style of writing should be according to the concerning readers
  • There must be only three paragraphs in an article – introduction, middle one, and conclusion
  • Use proper punctuations
  • Use any tense , person, voice, as many abbreviations , and self-made words while writing an article
Add the writer’s name Write very lengthy articles
The heading of the article should be short, clear and informative  The title should be lengthy and clear
Target the audience  Only the introduction and the conclusion should be attractive and attention seeker
 The language and the style of writing should be according to the concerning readers  One can advise, suggest and give the solutions to a problem in any paragraph other than the starting one
 Use proper punctuations  There must be only three paragraphs in an article – introduction, middle one, and conclusion
Use any tense, person, voice, as many abbreviations, and self-made words while writing an article

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Julian Assange walking to a plane after being released

Julian Assange plea deal: what does it mean for the WikiLeaks founder, and what happens now?

writing articles name

Adjunct Professor in Law, The University of Western Australia

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Holly Cullen receives funding from a Deakin University HDR scholarship. She has been a volunteer for the Australian Labor Party.

University of Western Australia provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

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After years of appeals and litigation, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has entered into a plea deal with the US government, according to court documents .

He was facing one count of computer misuse and multiple counts of espionage stemming from his work with WikiLeaks, publishing sensitive US government documents provided by Chelsea Manning. The US government had repeatedly claimed that Assange’s actions risked its national security .

Documents filed in the US Federal Court in Saipan, in the Northern Mariana Islands, show Assange will plead guilty to one count under the US Espionage Act . The rest of the charges would be dropped and the request for his extradition to the US would be withdrawn. The US is yet to publicly confirm the deal.

The deal is subject to a hearing and sentencing in Saipan on Wednesday morning, where outlets are reporting Assange will appear in person. He’s been released from London’s Belmarsh prison, with WikiLeaks sharing vision of him en route to London’s Stanstead Airport.

What’s in the deal?

Assange has been granted bail by the UK High Court.

Upon his guilty plea, Assange will be sentenced to 62 months in prison: time he’s already served in Belmarsh. It puts an end to all the ongoing legal action, including the proceedings in the UK High Court and the extradition order from the UK Home Secretary.

The plea deal seems largely consistent with rumours circulating earlier this year. It was widely assumed Assange would plead guilty to one charge, which was expected to be a misdemeanour charge of mishandling documents rather than under the US Espionage Act. The initial rumours also indicated that he would be able to complete the process remotely, whereas he will appear in person before the court.

This is significant as it’s a national security offence for which he’s served more than five years behind bars. This will place limitations on his future travel, including to the US, which is unlikely to grant him a visa.

A poster of Julian Assange with the American flag over his mouth outside a historic building

It also sets a practical precedent, if not necessarily a legal one, that a publisher can be convicted under the Espionage Act in the US. While the devil will be in the details of the deal, this is what many journalists were afraid of.

It means somebody who did nothing more than receive and publish information has been convicted under major US national security laws. If the deal had been about the Computer Misuse Act, this scenario wouldn’t have arisen. The concern may be that now it’s been done once, it could happen again.

Why is there a deal after all this time?

We may never know the US’ full reasoning, but there are several possibilities as to why it decided to go to a plea deal and not continue with litigation.

The Australian government has been pushing hard for a couple of years now for this case to end. The case for stopping prosecution has had bipartisan support here.

Although not confirming or denying the existence of a plea deal just yet, a spokesperson for the government reiterated Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s position that there was “nothing to be gained from his [Assange’s] continued incarceration”.

A group of eight people in corporate dress stand outside

The fact the government has been consistent on this for about two years has changed the political environment for this prosecution.

There’s a growing consensus in the US, even among some Republicans , that it’s not in the public interest to continue.

The UK general election will be held next week, and given the anticipated change of government there, the extradition order may have been reconsidered anyway. All of this would likely have informed the US’ cost-benefit analysis to ultimately bring the Assange saga to an end.

What happens now?

Following the hearing in Saipan, Assange will be free to return to Australia. The court was chosen because of Assange’s opposition to travelling to the continental US, as well as its proximity to Australia.

Assange will likely find it difficult to travel in the future, given his serious criminal conviction. This may also apply in the UK, where he has also been convicted of absconding from bail, for which he was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment.

Looking further ahead, it’s entirely possible he will be pardoned by the US president, whomever it ends up being after the US election in November. The US allows much more discretion than most in the use of pardons.

For now, Assange will face court in Saipan and come home to Australia, albeit with a serious criminal record.

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New Evidence Synthesis course available to learners everywhere

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A new online course , “Evidence Synthesis for Librarians and Information Specialists,” is now available to librarians, information specialists, and learners everywhere.

The course was created by the Evidence Synthesis Institute (ESI), a partnership between the University of Minnesota Libraries, Cornell University Libraries, and Carnegie Mellon University Libraries. Since its inception in 2020, ESI has trained over 450 librarians through its synchronous, biannual four-day workshop.

Because ESI regularly receives more applicants than it can accommodate in a synchronous format, the Institute is now offering a self-paced option, said Megan Kocher, Science & Evidence Synthesis Librarian (Agriculture) at the University of Minnesota Libraries and ESI Principal Investigator.

“Evidence Synthesis for Librarians and Information Specialists” brings the core components of ESI to an open online course, providing information access to an even wider audience, Kocher said. The online option is also useful for those who cannot attend ESI due to scheduling or time-zone challenges.

The course contains 15 modules guiding students through the evidence synthesis process — from an introduction to review types through writing a methods section for publication, with an emphasis on developing and using systematic search strategies.

Screenshot from the "Evidence Synthesis for Librarians and Information Specialists" online course. Heading reads, "What makes a search strategy reproducible?" with learning objectives for the course listed below

“Getting started with evidence synthesis can be daunting, but this course takes a complex topic and makes it manageable,” says Matt Kibbee, Evidence Synthesis Research Librarian at Cornell University Library. “Our hope is that librarians will feel empowered to get involved in these projects and make a meaningful impact in this exciting area of research.”

The course is free to access on the Open Learning Initiative website . It takes approximately seven to 14 hours to complete. By the end of the course, learners can expect to be able to:

  • Utilize the basics of evidence synthesis when performing research or collaborating with researchers.
  • Express the value of evidence synthesis principles in performing research.
  • Strengthen their skills as library professionals when collaborating with a variety of stakeholders, such as learners and researchers.

About the Evidence Synthesis Institute

The Evidence Synthesis Institute (ESI) is a partnership between University of Minnesota Libraries, Cornell University Libraries, and Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, created with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) (RE-246347-OLS-20).

ESI was created to fill a training gap and to build capacity to support evidence synthesis in disciplines outside the health sciences (e.g. social sciences, agriculture, and engineering), as well as to create a community of librarians engaged in this work. In its original format, ESI is a biannual synchronous workshop that takes place in a virtual environment over the course of four days.

Course instructors and affiliations

  • Megan Kocher, Science & Evidence Synthesis Librarian (Agriculture), University of Minnesota Libraries (PI)
  • Amy Riegelman, Social Sciences & Evidence Synthesis Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries (Co-PI)
  • Matt Kibbee, Evidence Synthesis Coordinator, Cornell University Library
  • Sarah Young, Social Sciences Librarian and Director of the Evidence Synthesis Program, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
  • Molly Bostrom, Biology Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Scott Marsalis, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Zahra Premji, Health Research Librarian, University of Victoria
  • Jim Morris-Knower, Research and Evidence Synthesis LIbrarian, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University

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The Supreme Court ruled that Trump has immunity for official acts. Here's what happens next.

By Robert Legare , Melissa Quinn , Graham Kates

Updated on: July 2, 2024 / 3:41 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former presidents are entitled to immunity from federal prosecution for official acts, a landmark decision that has major ramifications for former President Donald Trump.

The ruling dealt primarily with special counsel Jack Smith's case against Trump in Washington, D.C. While the court's 6-3 decision made some specific determinations about what conduct alleged in Smith's indictment cannot be brought to trial, the majority left much of the decision-making up to U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing that case. Chutkan will have to decide whether much of the alleged conduct in the indictment was "official" or "unofficial" in nature. 

Trump faces a second federal case in Florida related to classified documents, and state charges in Georgia dealing with the 2020 election. He was also convicted on state charges in New York in May. The court did not address those cases in its decision, but the judge overseeing the New York case soon delayed Trump's sentencing to resolve a dispute stemming from the justices' ruling. The potential impact on the Georgia matter is less clear. Trump has pleaded not guilty on all charges.

Here's what the ruling could mean for each of Trump's criminal cases:

Trump's 2020 election case

The Supreme Court declined to dismiss the entirety of Smith's case against Trump in Washington, where he is charged with four counts stemming from his conduct after the 2020 election. Instead, the six conservative justices decided to send the case down to Chutkan's court and instructed her to review the indictment under the legal standard they established. This will all but certainly result in more hearings and legal briefs on each of the issues, followed by likely appeals that will further delay the start of the trial. The case has been on hold for months as the immunity issue weaved its way through the courts.

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts divided presidential conduct into three categories: official acts that are part of presidents' "core constitutional powers"; other official acts that are outside their "exclusive authority"; and unofficial acts. Presidents have "absolute" immunity for the first category, "presumptive" immunity for the second and no immunity for the third.

Roberts wrote that the allegations in the indictment that accused Trump of working with Justice Department officials to push for investigations into certain state election results are off the table because they fall squarely under the umbrella of "official acts."

"The indictment's allegations that the requested investigations were 'sham[s]' or proposed for an improper purpose do not divest the President of exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial functions of the Justice Department and its officials," Roberts wrote, essentially blocking Smith from introducing the allegations at trial.

As for prosecutors' contentions that Trump pressured then-Vice President Mike Pence to delay the certification of the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021, as Pence presided over the joint session of Congress, Roberts and the majority ruled Trump is "presumed" to have immunity and raised the bar for using evidence tied to that conduct at trial. The special counsel will now likely have to "rebut the presumption of immunity" to show that Trump is not entitled to legal protection.

The court wrote that Pence was acting at least in part as president of the Senate on Jan. 6, not solely as a member of the Trump administration. As a result, Smith "may argue that consideration of the President's communications with the Vice President concerning the certification proceeding does not pose 'dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch," the decision said.

The high court placed the burden on Smith to prove that prosecuting Trump for allegedly pressuring Pence would not "pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch." Chutkan will then have to make a determination on the matter.

The majority also pointed to "a broad range of conduct" that the lower court will have to examine, including Smith's claims that Trump worked with state officials, private attorneys and his supporters outside the Capitol to subvert the transfer of presidential power.

For example, Smith charged Trump with pressuring Georgia election officials to "find votes" and said the former president and his allies tried to organize false slates of presidential electors. That conduct occupies a gray area that "cannot be neatly categorized as falling within a particular Presidential function," Roberts wrote Monday. 

According to the opinion, each allegedly criminal act as described in the indictment is "fact-specific" and requires further briefing with the lower court. Chutkan will have to decide "whether Trump's conduct in this area qualifies as official or unofficial." The justices offered her a roadmap to weigh the conduct against the risk of "enfeebling" presidential power when deciding the issues.

Under the application of the new standard set by the high court, each argument at the trial court level will require numerous written briefs and even some oral arguments. In some circumstances, even after Chutkan rules, her decisions are likely to be appealed to higher courts for review. 

The same process is likely to play out with regard to Trump's public comments and social media posts leading up to and during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Roberts wrote that while "most" public comments "are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities," a contextual analysis could prove otherwise in certain circumstances.

Trump called the ruling a victory. The special counsel declined to comment on the decision. 

The Trump documents case

A photo taken by the FBI included in a motion filed by special counsel Jack Smith on June 24, 2024, showing a blue box located in the

The other federal case brought against Trump by Smith involves his alleged mishandling of sensitive government records after leaving the White House in January 2021. Like in the D.C. case, Trump has argued that the charges should be tossed out on the grounds that he is entitled to sweeping immunity from prosecution. He pleaded not guilty to charges he willfully retained national defense information and obstructed the Justice Department's investigation into his handling of documents bearing classification markings.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida has not yet ruled on Trump's claims of presidential immunity. While it's not immediately clear how that case will be impacted, the former president's lawyers and Smith's team will likely submit additional filings to Cannon arguing their position is bolstered by the decision.

The special counsel has argued that the conduct alleged in the indictment — namely that Trump illegally retained national defense information — occurred after he left office, and therefore he is not entitled to legal protection.

But the former president has argued that he declassified the records at issue before leaving office. There are 32 separate documents that underlie the charges, and Trump could claim the broad power to declassify records is within a president's official duties. Trump has also claimed that he deemed the documents marked classified as personal and therefore could bring them with him after leaving office.

Notably, in a separate concurring decision on Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas waded into another legal argument currently pending before Cannon's court: whether Smith's appointment as special prosecutor was legal.

Trump has argued in various court hearings and filings that Smith's appointment was unlawful since he was neither appointed by the president nor approved by the Senate. The Justice Department has defended Attorney General Merrick Garland's decision to name Smith as special counsel, arguing legal and historical precedent supported the move. 

Cannon has yet to rule on the matter. 

In his opinion on Monday, Thomas said he wrote to "highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure." 

The justice questioned whether Smith's office was "established by Law" and wrote that further examination of the appointment should proceed before trial in the D.C. case.

"If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people," Thomas wrote. "The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel's appointment before proceeding."

Although his opinion was not binding, and no other justices signed onto his concurring opinion, Thomas' arguments have the potential to affect Cannon's ruling on the legality of Smith's appointment in the classified documents case. 

The Georgia case

In Fulton County, Georgia, prosecutors alleged that Trump and several of his allies engaged in a scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Much of the conduct alleged in the indictment returned by a Fulton County grand jury is similar to what Smith has accused Trump of doing.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges brought against him in Georgia. As in the federal prosecutions, he has argued the indictment should be dismissed on the grounds he is entitled to presidential immunity. The Fulton County judge overseeing Trump's case, Judge Scott McAfee, has not yet ruled on his bid to toss out the charges.

The case before the Supreme Court involved a federal prosecution, while the Fulton County case is a state prosecution. Still, it's likely McAfee will revisit the conduct alleged in the indictment and determine what actions are considered official or unofficial.

Some of the allegations in the federal indictment, cited by the Supreme Court, include Trump's interactions with people outside the Executive Branch, such as state officials, private parties and the public. The high court said it is now up to the federal district court overseeing Trump's case to determine whether that conduct qualifies as official or unofficial.

In Georgia, prosecutors have pointed to his conversation with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other high-ranking state officials to support their claim that he unlawfully plotted to overturn the election results, as well as his attempt to organize false slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification of state electoral votes. Expect to see McAfee probe those actions and make a similar determination as to whether they qualify as official or unofficial conduct.

The New York case

The one criminal case against Trump to go to trial ended with a conviction. A unanimous Manhattan jury concluded on May 30 that Trump was guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an effort to cover up reimbursements for a "hush money" payment to an adult film star. Trump signed off on falsifying the records while he was in the White House in 2017.

Sentencing in his New York case was scheduled for July 11. Shortly after the Supreme Court's decision was released on Monday, Trump's lawyers sent a letter to the judge saying they will seek to overturn the jury's verdict. Prosecutors responded that they wouldn't oppose delaying the sentencing while Justice Juan Merchan considered Trump's effort. 

Merchan decided on Tuesday to postpone sentencing until Sept. 18 and indicated he'll rule on the motion to overturn the verdict on Sept. 6.

Trump's letter to Merchan indicated his lawyers will cite a March 7 pretrial motion in which they demanded that certain testimony and evidence be barred, particularly pertaining to Trump's social media posts and public statements while in office that they said were made as official acts. 

"Official-acts evidence should never have been put before the jury," they wrote. 

"The verdicts in this case violate the presidential immunity doctrine and create grave risks of 'an Executive Branch that cannibalizes itself,'" they wrote, quoting the Supreme Court's ruling. The majority ruled that evidence about official acts cannot be introduced "even on charges that purport to be based only on his unofficial conduct."

The issue of whether the allegations in that case relate to official acts was litigated as part of an effort by Trump to move the case from state to federal jurisdiction.

In 2023, Trump and his legal team argued that the allegations involved official acts within the color of his presidential duties, and said a federal court was therefore the proper venue for a trial.

That argument was rejected by a federal judge who wrote that Trump failed to show that his conduct was "for or relating to any act performed by or for the President under color of the official acts of a president."

"The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the matter was purely a personal item of the president — a cover-up of an embarrassing event," U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein wrote. "Hush money paid to an adult film star is not related to a president's official acts. It does not reflect in any way the color of the president's official duties."

Trump initially appealed that decision, but later dropped it. 

Robert Legare is a CBS News multiplatform reporter and producer covering the Justice Department, federal courts and investigations. He was previously an associate producer for the "CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell."

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Trump's VP announcement could come as early as this week

Former President Donald Trump could announce his pick to be his vice presidential running mate as early as this week, possibly ahead of Thursday's debate, according to four people familiar with the situation.

Trump has said publicly that he intends to announce his pick shortly before, or at, the Republican convention next month.

But there have been high-level discussions in recent days within the Trump campaign about moving that timeline up and making a splash sooner , according to these sources, who requested anonymity to speak frankly.

The sources also cautioned that the timing is not yet final and that the decision could still happen closer to the convention.

After this article was published, Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita tweeted, "yes could come as soon as today …or …sometime in mid july !!"

Trump will be in Atlanta on Thursday for his first debate against President Joe Biden. He has a rally scheduled Friday in Virginia.

The planning comes less than a month before the Republican National Convention, which is set to begin July 15 in Milwaukee. Four days beforehand, Trump is due to be sentenced for his conviction in New York on 34 counts of falsifying business documents related to hush money payments to cover up a sexual encounter with adult film star Stormy Daniels, an affair he has denied occurred.

That gives him a limited window in which to introduce his running mate to the public.

NBC N e ws re ported Friday that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida were still high on the list of potential picks.

Trump said over the weekend that he knows whom he will choose and that his running mate will be present for the debate, which will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta. Rubio, Vance and Burgum are all expected to be in town for the debate.

People familiar with discussions about a pre-debate announcement had differing views about Trump's leanings. One said he is eager to fill his ticket before he squares off with Biden. Another source said he would like the opportunity to throw a curveball to distract Biden before they meet but understands that such a move could create logistical and political complications.

"Early last week, there was a definitive shift away from an announcement timed with the start of the convention," said a third person familiar with the planning.

Trump's official spokespeople have regularly tamped down speculation about the timing of an announcement and the identity of Trump's running mate, and they did so again Tuesday.

"As President Trump has said himself, the top criteria in selecting a vice president is a strong leader who will make a great president for eight years after his next four year term concludes," Trump spokesman Brian Hughes said in a statement. "But anyone telling you they know who or when President Trump will choose his VP is lying unless that person is named Donald J. Trump."

Burgum sidestepped a question from NBC News on Tuesday about whether he planned to speak with Trump before the debate.

"Looking forward to the debate for sure," he said. "We’ll be in Atlanta."

He ignored a follow-up question about whether he has talked with Trump about the job this week.

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Henry J. Gomez is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.

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Dasha Burns is a correspondent for NBC News.

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Matt Dixon is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News, based in Florida.

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Julie Tsirkin is a correspondent covering Capitol Hill.

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Jonathan Allen is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News, based in Washington.

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Thomas L. Friedman

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.

Biden exits from behind a podium bearing the letters “CNN.” The background is bright blue and red.

By Thomas L. Friedman

Opinion Columnist, reporting from Lisbon

I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election. And Donald Trump, a malicious man and a petty president, has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He is the same fire hose of lies he always was, obsessed with his grievances — nowhere close to what it will take for America to lead in the 21st century.

The Biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest of conversations with the president, a conversation of love and clarity and resolve. To give America the greatest shot possible of deterring the Trump threat in November, the president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for re-election and is releasing all of his delegates for the Democratic National Convention.

The Republican Party, if its leaders had an ounce of integrity, would demand the same, but it won’t, because they don’t. That makes it all the more important that Democrats put the country’s interests first and announce that a public process will begin for different Democratic candidates to compete for the nomination — town halls, debates, meetings with donors, you name it. Yes, it could be chaotic and messy when the Democratic convention starts on Aug. 19 in Chicago, but I think the Trump threat is sufficiently grave that delegates could quickly rally around a consensus nominee.

If Vice President Kamala Harris wants to compete, she should. But voters deserve an open process in search of a Democratic presidential nominee who can unite not only the party but also the country, by offering something neither man on that Atlanta stage did on Thursday night: a compelling description of where the world is right now and a compelling vision for what America can and must do to keep leading it — morally, economically and diplomatically.

Because this is no ordinary hinge of history we are at. We are at the start of the biggest technological disruptions and the biggest climate disruption in human history. We are at the dawn of an artificial intelligence revolution that is going to change EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE — how we work, how we learn, how we teach, how we trade, how we invent, how we collaborate, how we fight wars, how we commit crimes and how we fight crimes. Maybe I missed it, but I did not hear the phrase “artificial intelligence” mentioned by either man at the debate.

If there was ever a time that the world needed an America at its best, led by its best, it is now — for great dangers and opportunities are now upon us. A younger Biden could have been that leader, but time has finally caught up with him. And that was painfully and inescapably obvious on Thursday.

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