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Online Presentations Useful Phrases - Talaera Business English Blog

101 Must-Know Transition Phrases for Engaging Presentations Online

By Paola Pascual on Jan 17, 2024 1:43:00 PM

Giving presentations is often feared by many professionals, but if the presentation is online  and you're not a native speaker, things get even trickier. One tip to make things easier? Learn useful phrases to help you navigate your presentation. In this article, you will find lots of helpful resources to give remarkable presentations . Listen to the episode above, download the checklist below, and learn some of the phrases we present. If we missed any, tell us in the comments below.

General vocabulary for presentations

Sometimes, the smallest changes in your presentations can make the biggest differences. One of them is to learn a few phrases that give you confidence during your speech. Here are some important verbs to get you started:

  • To highlight
  • To emphasize
  • To walk you through (*very common in business presentations!)
  • To send around
  • To carry on (similar to  continue)
  • To get carried away
  • To sum up (similar to  summarize )
  • To focus on

Vocabulary to start your presentation

Learn how to powerfully start your presentation with these 4 simple steps. Here's some vocabulary you can use:

Welcome your audience

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Thank you for joining us today, and welcome to today's webinar.
  • Hello everyone, I’m very happy to be speaking with you today.

Introduce yourself

  • My name is Susan, and I’m part of the design team here at Globex Corporation.
  • First of all, a little bit about my background - I am the Team Lead  at [Company], and I've been in charge of [your main responsibility] for [X] years.
  • I'd like to tell you a bit about myself - my name is  Eve  I'm the Operations Manager here at [Company].

Introduce the topic and goal of the presentation

  • Today, I'd like to talk about…
  • This presentation will take about [X] minutes, and we will discuss...
  • We've allocated [X] minutes to this presentation. and I'll talk about...
  • I'd like to give you a brief breakdown of...
  • I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about...
  • The main goal of this presentation is…
  • The purpose of this presentation is...
  • My objective today is...

Read these 5 tricks the best public speakers use to  captivate their audience .

Addressing questions from the audience

  • If you have any questions about anything, feel free to interrupt.
  • If anything isn't clear, please click on the 'raise hand' button and I'll do my best to answer your question.
  • I'd be happy to answer your questions at the end of the presentation.
  • If you have any questions, please kindly wait until the end to ask them. We will have [X] minutes for a Q&A session at the end.
  • Since today's audience is considerably large, we will not have time for questions, but please email me at [email protected]

Learning new English words is not easy, but you can achieve effective communication through practice and repetition. If you are a Talaera student, visit the Library to practice your vocabulary for presentations. If are not part of the Talaera community yet, learn how we can help you here .

Clear out technical issues

  • Can everyone hear me well? Let me know if you encounter any technical difficulties throughout the presentation.
  • If you are not speaking, please put yourselves on mute.
  • If you feel that the sound quality is poor throughout the presentation, please let me know.

Transition to the main topic of the presentation

  • Hi everyone, I think we might still be missing a few people but I’m going to kick things off now so we have time to get through everything.
  • All right, let’s dive right in!
  • All right, let’s jump right in!
  • Let’s get started.
  • Let’s kick things off.
  • I’m going to talk about
  • The purpose/subject of this presentation is
  • I’ve divided the presentation into 3 parts: In the first part, ... / Then in the second part, ... / Finally, I’ll go on to talk about...
  • Let me begin by looking at...
  • Let me start with some general information on...

Vocabulary for the main body of your presentation

Introduce a topic or section.

  • Now let’s move to the first part of the presentation,
  • We can see 4 advantages and two disadvantages. First,
  • On the one hand… On the other hand…
  • There are two steps involved. The first step is… The second step is…
  • There are four stages to the project.

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Transition to a new section

  • All right, let’s turn to...
  • Now we come to the next point, which is
  • Okay so that’s [topic 1], but what about [topic 2]?
  • There’s a lot more to talk about, but since we’re pushed for time , let’s move on to [topic 2].
  • This leads me to my next point, which is...

Give examples and details

  • For example...
  • A good example of this is...
  • To illustrate this point...
  • This reminds me of...
  • To give you an example...
  • Let me elaborate further on...

Describe visual aids

  • As you can see [from this infographic]
  • This chart shows
  • If you look at this graph, you will see
  • From this chart, we can understand how
  • Let me show you this [image, graph, diagram]
  • On the right/left
  • In the middle of
  • At the top/bottom of the picture

Emphasize an idea

  • This is important because
  • I’d like to emphasize that
  • We have to remember that

Repeat the same message with different words

  • In other words
  • To put it more simply
  • So, what I’m saying is that
  • Let me say that again.

It's easy to get stuck in the middle of a presentation, especially if English is not your mother tongue. Here are +20 Top Tips You Need To Know if you're learning business English .

Finish your presentation and summarize

The end of a presentation, together with the opening, is one of the most important parts of your speech. Read these 5 effective strategies to close your presentation and use the vocabulary below.

  • That’s all I want to say for now about [topic].
  • To sum up, ...
  • This sums up [topic].
  • So in a nutshell, ...
  • So to recap, ...
  • In brief, ...
  • To conclude, ...
  • I’d like to conclude by emphasizing the main points...
  • That's it on [topic] for today. In short, we've covered...
  • So, now I’d be very interested to hear your comments.
  • And this brings us to the end of this presentation. I hope [topic] is a little clear after today.
  • So to draw all that together, ...

Start and navigate the Q&A session

  • Thank you for your attention. I hope you found this presentation useful, and I'd be happy to answer any questions.
  • Thank you for listening. We now have [X] minutes left. Do you have any questions?
  • Thank you for your question, [Name].
  • I'm glad you asked.
  • That's an interesting question.
  • That's a great question, I must say. I'm not 100% sure, but off the top of my head, I can tell you that...
  • Are you asking about [topic 1] or [topic 2]?
  • Can you please clarify what exactly you mean by [question]? I'm not sure I fully understand.
  • I'm afraid I don't have the exact figures at hand, but if you give me your email address at the end, I can follow up with you later.
  • Does that answer your question?
  • I hope that makes sense. Is that the kind of answer you were looking for?

Take your presentation skills to the next level. 

Presentations course

Keep reading about presentation skills:

  • 21 Helpful Tips For Remarkable and Outstanding Presentation Skills
  • How To Start a Presentation: Follow These 4 Easy Steps
  • How To Bring Across Your Main Idea In A Presentation Effectively
  • 5 Effective Strategies To End A Presentation
  • 6 Public Speaking Tricks To Captivate Your Audience
  • How To Do Effective Business Storytelling According To Former Prosecutor
  • 8 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Presentations
  • 3 Quick Public Speaking Tips For Your Next Presentation
  • Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are [TED Talk Lesson]

Talaera Talks - Transcript Episode 5

  • Topic : Deliver impactful presentations
  • Listen : Spotify , Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts
  • Duration : 22 min.

Intro Welcome to Talaera Talks , the business English communication podcast for non-native professionals. My name is Paola and I am co-hosting this show with Simon. In this podcast, we're going to be covering communication advice and tips to help express yourself with confidence in English in professional settings. So we hope you enjoy the show!

Okay, welcome back for our third episode of Talaera Talks. This is Simon, and I'm joined with Paola. Paola, how are you doing? 0:37 Hi, Simon. I'm great. Happy to do another episode. 0:41 Yeah, absolutely. And Happy Friday. 0:44 Happy Friday! 0:49 So today, our topic: Presenting in English. I'd like to start this episode with a quote I found on Harvard Business Review that I thought was really interesting. It says, "Even native English speakers often anticipate disaster when making presentations. By but for non-native speakers, the anticipatory and situational anxiety associated with their unique challenges (these challenges - being understandable, choosing the right words, speaking spontaneously), can be overwhelming. Moreover, if these concerns interfere with your willingness or ability to make business presentations, the impact can be career-limiting." So yeah, that's a pretty kind of heavy quote to start. But it is something that we see from a lot of our clients, right? 1:52 Yeah, it's super interesting. It was super interesting to read. It's something we know, but it's important to remind it that it is presentations, the topic we have today is something that is not pleasurable for anyone, not for non-native speakers, but also for native speakers. So that's something to point out. And today, we talked about that... We said that we wanted to start with those challenges or fears that we see from our clients, our learners. 2:25 Yeah, and it's usually around the same things, you know, we, at least for me, I come into contact with so many of these, so many of our students who are so competent in their, in their daily lives, what they're doing in their professional lives. And they come to me with these with these fears, like this just general lack of confidence, or imposter syndrome, right? This I don't know if I really deserve to be speaking and, you know, kind of explaining this concept to all these people. 3:05 Mm-hmm. Yes. And also the fear of not being understood, well, they know what I'm saying, well, they understand my accent. There's a lot of worries and concern around accent and our pronunciation expert, Lisa hosted a webinar, actually last week, where she explained that accent matters. But as long as people understand you, it's fine. You don't need to be perfect. Everyone has an accent. So that's also totally fine. 3:37 And this being Yeah, this being one of I think, at least for me, in my experience, one of the most frequently asked for aspects from students. So you know, and just to like, again, just say that this is a challenge for everyone, not just, you know, non-native English speakers. You know, I think all of us have a tough experience or somebody that we think of when we think about public speaking, it's, it's like this, yeah, really anxiety-riddled thing. I mean, I don't have any, you know, funny personal stories, but uh, do you, Paola? 4:20 You want me to tell my embarrassing story, don't you? 4:22 Please, you must. 4:25 So I used to teach at a university in Vietnam when I lived there, and the classes where it rains, you know, from perhaps 50 students to up to what 300 there's was a class with, you know, 2-300 students and there was a little stage it wasn't too high, but there was a little stage and I fell off. 4:46 You fell off the stage. This was during or after the presentation, or...? 4:56 It was around the beginning of the presentation. So... 5:01 During! Oh, I thought it was it was like after like you were walking off? 5:06 No, I move a lot. I use my body language quite a lot. And that was one of the moments where I overdid it, probably, and fell off. 5:17 Wow. Well, I'm glad that you're still here with us. 5:21 Yeah, you know, but that's the story that I sometimes not always tell it. But I sometimes tell it when my students say, Oh, I'm nervous, and I assume that it can happen, you know, I thought it was going to be a disaster. And then I actually ended up making friends with the students that turned out okay. 5:39 Right. Well, yeah, I mean, today, we're not necessarily going to go into the physical dimensions of how to avoid falling off the stage. But we do have some, some good tips, right? 5:54 Yes. And to provide some advice on how to deliver presentations, and lose that fear, we've divided it into three main blocks. And those are what to do before the presentation, tips for during the presentation. And then even after there's things you can do to, to get better. 6:18 Right, let's start with the first, right, what can we do before the presentation in terms of getting ready, preparing? 6:30 So preparing, it's a very general term, but one of the tips that we like to give is, think of the WHAT, WHY and NEXT. So WHAT is your presentation about? WHY should they listen to you and not look it up online (or listen to a podcast, like ours)? And in what NEXT means - what is supposed to happen next? Do they need to do anything, go on a website, send you feedback? Are you going to send them the materials? So what why our next is so straightforward and simple. But when I asked this question to our clients that are so thrown off, and they don't know what to answer sometimes, 7:10 Yeah, I think that's one of those things. And I struggle with this all the time is, when I get an idea or something like that. It's so easy to just jump over those most basic things of, you know, what, why and index, those are so, so basic, but it's such it's, they're so foundational, right? And in terms of creating something that people will understand and be able to, to really attach to. 7:41 Yep. And do you have any tips around how much you should learn? Should you write the whole thing? Or should you memorize? 7:52 Yeah, that, you know, this is a good question as well, that a lot of our learners ask in terms of, yeah, you know, I'm just going to go and write it all out. And then I'll have an idea. And I'll feel better because I can write it and change it so that it sounds more professional. It sounds like I know what I'm talking about. And I always tell people, please don't try to prepare a presentation where you're reading a script, it is just the most unnatural thing ever. And, and it, you won't end up sounding more professional, if anything, your audience is going to detach, because they're going to sense that something's not really right here, it doesn't seem genuine, right doesn't seem real, it just seems like this person is doing what he's doing, which is reading off of a script. And even still a lot of times with a lot of our learners where they know that, okay, I know this material. But I'm going to put all of my effort into making this perfect slide this perfect presentation. So I would say, focus on actually knowing the material itself really well. More than focusing on how the presentation looks, you know, these kinds of things. Because once you're in that situation where you're on the stage, and people are looking at you, at least you'll be able to Windows like kind of red Sirens of you know, panic and anxiety show up. You'll have learned the material itself so well that you can roll with that. 9:29 Yes. And you also have room for improvisation because your brain is so used to the content and you know, so well what you want to say that that's when your brain starts to come up with anecdotes and that's the fun thing that gets you hooked. And that's the main Why should people listen to you instead of reading an article online? 9:49 Exactly. Because for most of our students, you know what you're talking about. That's why you're up there. That's why you have the opportunities to speak there is because someone thinks you're qualified enough to speak to all these people. So trust in that and go with that. So yeah, so we have right not, not over learning. Don't script it right? What else can we do? 10:14 Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice in your mind, but more importantly verbalize it, say it out loud. And recording yourself is uncomfortable for everyone. But it works. I have never tried it. I always told my students should record yourself, you should record yourself and they were like, Huh. And just a few of them did it. And when we started with the webinars, I haven't done something like it before. And I said, Okay, I'll use my own tip. And it was one I'm comfortable. And two, super helpful. So if you get to go over the sound of your own voice, I would say do it. 10:54 Yeah. You know, this is one thing that I have to be totally honest here. Doing these podcasts is the first time I've actually recorded myself for a long time. And I've learned a lot about, you know, not saying the word Absolutely. 500 times, yeah, within the span of 20 minutes. So those are good learning lessons. Definitely. Okay, and then so we have that. And then the last little tip is, I would say get an English mindset before 30 minutes to an hour before the presentation. And that could be listening to a podcast, you know, like Talaera Talks, or, you know, watching a show on Netflix that's, that's in English, whatever you can do to get your kind of English mind, you know, in the zone before you go up and actually speak English. So So those are all of our kind of pre presentation tips, what you can do before, so what about during, 11:58 so for during, there's a lot of things that you can you can do to improve your presentations. But the first tip is to learn how to start to have a mind map of what am I going to do at the beginning. So you start confident already. So welcome, everyone, introduce the people introduce the topic and go to the main point, those four parts will help you have a nice start. Welcome, everyone. For example. Hi, everyone. Welcome to today's presentation. Today, we'll be talking about business events, introduce the people, you can introduce yourself , like, Hi, my name is Paula and I'm a business English instructor at Telstra, and perhaps even the audience. Today we have with us students from all different nationalities and levels, or, you know, whatever the audiences, that's also helpful for everyone to understand, introduce the topic, or give you some best practices for business emails , and a few templates, and then go to the main point. So a simple sentence like Alright, let's get down to business. So having those welcome introducing people introducing the topic and going to the main point will help you have a nice start. 13:16 Yeah, and I like that concept of that the mind map is so good. Because it's it's not the scripting, like we were talking about before, it's having a kind of a little mental checklist. So that when those first few minutes, were you're up there on the on stage, and you're like, oh god, oh, god, here we go. Here we go. You have that little checklist that I created. Okay, so I welcomed introduced the people the topic, and now to the main point, and that can get you in the zone and going I really liked that. Yeah, so so having that, that starting template. And then another thing would be, I would say slowing down, slowing it down. And this is really I think it touches on a lot of aspects. The first would be just the general anxiety, we tend to speak a lot faster when we're really anxious, you know, but by slowing down, it really helps with non native English speakers because it helps with the accent. And it helps with giving you some time to really think through your next thoughts. Now, I'm not saying that you should, while you're speaking, try to think steps three, four or five ahead of you. But giving yourself a little bit of time to Okay, I'm going through this pattern now. Now I can go to the next one, right. And doing that, you know, another with the slowing down a tip if you're really nervous to go in is prefacing your speech. So before you really get into everything, maybe after the welcome part is just to say, Hey, you know, I'm going to try to speak as clearly as possible, as English as myself. first language and really smile and maybe make a little joke about that. And I think that's a good way to open it out for the audience to show some vulnerability and and help. I mean, what do you think about that? 15:13 Yeah, I mean, we see that with, sometimes with celebrities, when they're not native speakers, and they admitted, and they, they kind of put yourself put themselves, as you said, in that vulnerable position, and that makes them even cuter. 15:28 Mm hmm. 15:29 So it's making yourself human, I think it's always a good tip. And you were saying that slowing down helps with your accent and also for yourself to gain time to really know what you're going to say. But also for the for the audience. We don't mind people making some little pulses, so that they also have time to collect their thoughts. 15:50 Right, right. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Those are, those are two really good aspects, starting, you know, the template and then slowing down, right. Yeah, kind of diffusing the anxiety by saying, Hey, you know, this isn't my first language. And that really gets the audience on your side, right. And then another would be not reading off of your slides. I mean, this is kind of the basic, you know, what you learn in school, but it's also something that a lot of people get, yeah, get, get hooked on, just because it's like a safety net. And I would say that's where the overlearning the material that we talked about beforehand comes into play. Anything else in this? 16:42 Oh, recap for sure. After every section, do a little recap, and at the end to recap where you summarize the main points of the whole presentation? 16:54 Yeah, yeah. Good. Good. So So summarize. Yeah, yeah. And that's a that's a good, you know, I would say three aspects, four aspects that during the presentation, if you keep these in, in your mind, it's, it's, I would say, it's going to help a lot. And so now we're going to move to what can we do after the presentation? We've done it, we've walked off the stage. Whoo, I'm so glad that's over. Now, is all of our work done? No. 17:27 No, not really. That's now it's your chance to actually learn from, from everything you did. So one of the tips we suggest is try to ask for feedback. But that's not so easy, right, Simon? 17:42 Yeah, it's, I think, a big question. And that is, who do you get the feedback from? Right?

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17:50 So we, we would always suggest to try and find someone you can trust someone who is honest, and who can give you objective feedback. So in some cases, that can be your manager, but sometimes it's a colleague that understands the topic, and can really provide some feedback on how you did. 18:13 Yeah. And that's, I think, in terms of learning, this is one of the most crucial thing is reflecting back on what you did, and seeing what worked, what didn't work, and how can I take that and move forward? Because especially with presenting, it's a skill, and it takes practice, practice, practice. And, and I think, for a lot of people, you should jump at the chance to do this. So that you can continue to learn and continue to grow. But be sure to reflect by Yeah, by asking for feedback and seeing what worked, 18:47 for sure. And ideally, that would be someone, perhaps from work that can see how you did and like the actual show, if not Talaera teachers also do that. So you can present your own presentation, pretending it's the actual one. And that's how we can provide feedback on the structure, the vocabulary, the language in general. 19:08 Yeah, absolutely. I do that. Oh, there you go. Absolutely. Definitely. See, I'm reflecting back and learning as we go. I'm working. I'm learning that. Yeah. But I've done that recently with a couple of students where we've gone through their deck and looked at what are their plans in terms of presenting and we've kind of gone through in detail that together. So So yeah, so that was kind of I would say the biggest thing in terms of afterward. 19:40 So we have the pre-presentation, just as a quick recap for the pre-presentation and before your presentation, always remember the what why next, what is your presentation about? Why should people listen to you and what should happen next overnight Learn the content. be super confident about what you want to talk about. But don't script it. Don't write everything down. Otherwise, it would sound like you're just reading. 20:11 Write and practice through verbalization. record yourself, even though it may be awkward, but it's a great learning technique. And then get in that English mindset beforehand by Yeah, listening to a podcast or what have you. And then during the presentation, right, starting with the template, Paolo was discussing the welcome introducing the people the topic, and then going to the main point, 20:37 slowing down a little bit. It's not necessary to go super fast. It's not only not necessary, but people will understand you better if you take your time and make some pauses. Of course, don't read off their slides. Tell them the story. 20:54 Right, right. And remember 20:56 to recap, just like we're doing now. Send them or tell them a quick summary and the main points, 21:03 right, and don't fall off the stage as well. That's ideally we forgot. Ideally, it's final for then, as the final point, right, asking for feedback, finding that person that can get you that feedback that's so important to you. Finding what worked and moving forward. 21:21 That's right. All right. Do we have it for today? 21:25 I think that is it for today. Yeah. I had a lot of Thanks. Yeah, I had a blast. And thanks for meeting up. And we have a lot of good stuff coming up with Talaera. Right. 21:38 We have webinars, our blog is busier than ever. So go on the , check out the resources. And what else? 21:51 Find us on LinkedIn. And yeah, please ask any questions, we'd be glad to get back to you. So that is it for today. And thank you to all of our listeners. So far, we're excited to keep growing this. And as always, keep learning! 22:11 And that's all we have for you today. We hope you enjoyed it, and remember to  subscribe to Talaera Talks . We'll be back soon with more! And visit our website at  for more valuable content on business English. You can also  request a free consultation  on the best ways for you and your team to improve your communication skills. So have a great day and keep learning!

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List 

Powerful Words to Use in Presentations: Ultra Long List PPT Template

The power of words is immense and palpable when it comes to sharing ideas with others. The way you frame your sentences and cherry-pick specific words will affect how the audience preserves you. Not just that. Well-selected power words can shape narratives around businesses, distort (positively and negatively) their perception, and impact the listener’s decision to purchase. That’s why top copywriters and public speakers alike spend a great deal of time brainstorming different word combos and obsessing over their selection of action verbs, adjectives, and linking phrases.

Granted, you no longer need to do that. Just grab a PowerPoint template of your choice and start populating it with our big list of power words! 

What are Power Words?

Power words are persuasive words and phrases that evoke a positive or negative emotional response. Our selection of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs can convey different emotions from slight excitement to rightful outrate. That’s why public speakers , authors, and copywriters always carefully choose their words to convey the right idea and sentiment. 

Power words and phrases can make the same idea sound very different. Let’s take Apple’s famous slogan as an example: Think different. 

You can also convey the same idea using other descriptive words: Don’t think like everybody else, think outside the box, be creative 

Powerful Words Think Different PPT Template

However, each variation has a somewhat different ring to it. Ultimately, your word choice also impacts how others perceive you based on your speech.

Researchers found that word selection can have a massive impact on people, businesses, and society as a whole. Individual word choices can indicate the speaker’s mental state and impact the outcomes of a negotiation. Business power words shape customer experience with the brand and affect conversions. Action words, chose by the media, influence public perception of a social issue. 

Interestingly a group of researchers from Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada and Wharton in the US also found that word choices impact the song’s popularity. By applying text mining analytics to Billboard charts, the group found that songs with somewhat more unique texts performed better than those with pretty standard lyrics. A 16% differentiation in lyrical topics within a song was enough to propel it higher than songs in similar genres. 

The takeaway:

Our word choices have a profound impact on how others perceive us, as well as the actions they take afterward. Thus, if you want to be a Rockstar presenter , you need to choose your words carefully and prioritize powerful words! 

People Cheering for Speaker PPT Template

List of Powerful Words to Use in Presentations 

The English language has about 170,000 words in use . But an average person has an active vocabulary of 20,000 – 30,000 words. Among them is a smaller range of powerful adjectives and action verbs to make your presentations and speeches more impactful. 

Action Verbs to Use in Your PowerPoint Presentation

As the name implies, action verbs denote some dynamics — state, movement, result, etc. We use action verbs in our everyday speech a lot to describe what and how we do things. As author Elwyn Brooks White suggests : 

“Write with nouns and verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs. The adjective hasn’t been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.”

Strong verbs don’t need adverbs to reinforce them. Compare these two statements: 

  • I walked quickly towards the door. 
  • I rushed out of the door. 

The first sentence merely states the fact. But the second one better conveys the emotion, the urgency of getting out of the room. It adds color to the narrative and sets the right mood.

In business presentations, action verbs help imply action to the user. They are good to use for both throughout the copy and the closing slide when you describe: 

  • Main action points 
  • Accomplishments
  • Next steps 
  • Results 

As you proofread your slide deck, look for weaker verbs and then replace them with stronger synonyms. Some common offenders include: 

  • State-of-being verbs such as am, does, do, could, might, etc. While they have their merit, oftentimes, you can find a more descriptive alternative, conveying an extra emotion. 
  • Verbs ending in -ing : wishing, planning, forgetting. Be bolder. Use present or past tenses instead. 
  • Verbs in conjunction with an adjective: walked quickly, talked loudly, etc. Again, these can be replaced with snappier one-word alternatives. 

List of powerful verbs to make your language more persuasive: 

  • Accelerate 
  • Alter 
  • Maintain 
  • Regard 
  • Convince 
  • Boost 
  • Ignite 
  • Surge 
  • Disrupt 
  • Rejuvenate 
  • Smash 
  • Supercharge 
  • Report 
  • Change 
  • Explore 
  • Re-define 
  • Strategize 
  • Maximize 
  • Capture 
  • Achieve 

Man Speaking in Megaphone Powerful Words PPT Template

Powerful Adjectives to Use In Your Presentation 

The goal of adjectives is to reinforce your nouns and verbs. Use them to convey specific emotions and set the scene for the audience. 

But be sparring. You are not writing a novel. Too many adjectives can make your slide deck look cluttered, as you’d have to skim on white space to fit longer sentences. Also, excessive use of adjectives can muddle the main idea behind your key statements.

Below is our quick collection of power adjectives you can use to punch up your presentation: 

Power Words for Motivation

  • Awe-inspiring
  • Exquisite 
  • Blissful 
  • Brilliant 
  • Dynamic 
  • Burgeoning 
  • Breathtaking
  • Accomplished
  • Successful 
  • Enterprising 
  • Venturesome
  • Life-changing
  • Encouraging 
  • Baffling 
  • Sensational 
  • Incredible 

Power Words for Sales (Adjectives) 

  • Cost-effective 
  • Exorbitant 
  • Knock-out 
  • Science-proofed 
  • Limited-time 
  • Fully-booked
  • Refundable 
  • Negotiable 
  • Below market average 
  • Too-good-to-miss
  • Budget-friendly
  • Optimal 
  • Exclusive 
  • Time-sensitive
  • Efficacious
  • Sensible 
  • Stylish 
  • Unique 
  • Profitable 

Power Adjectives to Persuade

  • Verified 
  • Risk-free 
  • Effective 
  • Tested 
  • Solution-oriented
  • Vetted 
  • Non-negotiable
  • Quality-controlled 
  • Reliable 
  • Legitimate 
  • Lifetime 
  • Market-tested 
  • Foolproof 
  • Surefire 
  • Ingenious 
  • Innovative 
  • Cutting-edge 
  • Exceptional 
  • Game-changing
  • Ground-breaking
  • Flagship 
  • Assured 
  • Collateralized 
  • Painless 
  • Diciest 
  • Tamperproof
  • Immutable 

Coherence Markers 

Coherence markers are conversational words and phrases we use to denote logical connections between different ideas. They are not meaningful standalone words. Yet, they play a huge role in making your presentation copy more compelling.

Take a look at these two versions of Dove ad copy:

  • Your skin’s natural oils keep it silky and supple. As you age, it becomes less elastic, and the production of oil slows down. Aging can cause dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Your skin’s natural oils keep it silky and supple. But as you age, your skin becomes less elastic, and the production of oil slows down. That is why aging can cause dull, dehydrated skin.

The bolded coherence markers help digest the claims by establishing logical connections between the ideas. Research shows that adding such links to any copy (or speech) improves clarity and boosts persuasion. Therefore, sprinkle some coherence markers in your presentation to help the reader or lister mentally justify what you are saying. 

Coherence Markers to Use in a Presentation 

  • Now do it 
  • So go ahead
  • Due to 
  • That’s why 
  • Given that 
  • Here’s the deal:
  • That’s right 
  • By contrast 
  • Beyond that 
  • For starters
  • What’s the bottom line?
  • You might be wondering
  • By now you should 
  • Better still…
  • The general conclusion is that
  • Compound this with 
  • What does this mean for you?
  • Inferring from above 
  • Just imagine
  • You’ve tried everything. But
  • You start to worry that
  • Let me guess 
  • What’s the catch?
  • I know that’s what you’re thinking, right?
  • But one thing’s for sure
  • Let me say this straight
  • Now consider it this way 
  • It gest better (or worse)
  • But here’s the kicker
  • As if that’s not enough
  • Best of all


A metaphor is a figure of speech used to represent or symbolize another object or concept. For example, time is the greatest gift given to you . 

Writers love using metaphors to act depth and eloquence to their narrative. At the same time, top presenters use these to help the reader picture an intangible concept. 

As research found, metaphors help with persuasion by helping the reader or listener form a concrete mental image of the discussed concept. For example, you can say that your printing equipment works fast. But how fast do you mean? A metaphor can help make it more clear, e.g., “Our printing machines an equivalent of Ferrari in terms of speed.”  

Check our complete guide to using metaphors in presentations for more insights. Or swipe of some of the examples from our list below: 

Powerful Words Before And After Metaphor PPT Template

Metaphors for Professional Presentations 

  • Zeus-like 
  • Drag-and-drop interfaces 
  • To be worth waiting for 
  • Glue for the Internet 
  • To stay afloat 
  • Off the shelf 
  • Custom-made 
  • To get up to speed
  • App-like functionality 
  • blue ocean / red ocean 
  • Bumps on the road 
  • Jump on the bandwagon 
  • Tossed its cap
  • The veneer on the credenza.
  • Moonshot project
  • More complicated than one-color puzzles.
  • Lion-tamer-sky-diver fun
  • Pack a punch 
  • At the foothold of new 
  • Buckets of questions 
  • Going against the grain
  • The epitome of something else
  • From full throttle to a halt

To Conclude

Positive power words speak straight to the hearts and minds of the audiences. They encourage, inspire, motivate, bring up, and help move on in the right direction. If your goal is to hammer in a clear idea and prompt subsequent desirable action, these words are your best buddies to use all through your presentation slides and during delivery! 

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Example sentences.

Those opportunities could crystalize over the coming months, particularly as programmatic spending starts to recover from its coronavirus-induced slide.

More than just a looming monolith, though, the eccentric construction would have linked Chicago with New York and Boston via slides so the residents of those cities could toboggan to the Windy City for the fair.

The day of the presentation comes, and the e-commerce team gathers around, continuously nodding along with each slide.

You can take any blog article and create an infographic, video or slide presentation in order to mix things up.

All true enough — but those are just the most visible sites of the innovation chain, the kind of photos you see in IPO slide decks for so-called cutting-edge companies.

Near the door thousands of stilettos slide and shuffle on black ice, somehow always keeping their immaculate balance.

The reason is on the next slide, which is filled with public NIMBY complaints.

If the U.S. does nothing, the Arab world will continue its slide into sectarian bigotry, political repression, and madness.

There would be occasional periods of promise, but once the 1950s came it was a steady, painful downhill slide.

However, standard-speaking whites have a “warm” English they can slide into as well.

Practise gliding in the form of inflection, or slide, from one extreme of pitch to another.

Scratches and flaws in the glass of slide or cover are likewise a common source of confusion to beginners.

Touch the center of a cover-glass to the top of the drop and quickly place it, blood side down, upon a slide.

A rather large drop is taken upon a slide, covered, and examined with a low power.

A large drop is allowed to dry upon a clean slide or unglazed paper.

Press Release Details

Computer industry joins nvidia to build ai factories and data centers for the next industrial revolution.

  • Top Computer Manufacturers Unveil Array of Blackwell-Powered Systems Featuring Grace CPUs, NVIDIA Networking and Infrastructure
  • Broad Portfolios Encompass Cloud, On-Premises, Embedded and Edge AI Systems
  • Offerings Range From Single to Multi-GPUs, x86 to Grace, Air to Liquid Cooling

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- COMPUTEX -- NVIDIA and the world’s top computer manufacturers today unveiled an array of NVIDIA Blackwell architecture-powered systems featuring Grace CPUs, NVIDIA networking and infrastructure for enterprises to build AI factories and data centers to drive the next wave of generative AI breakthroughs.

During his COMPUTEX keynote, NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang announced that ASRock Rack , ASUS , GIGABYTE , Ingrasys , Inventec , Pegatron , QCT, Supermicro, Wistron and Wiwynn will deliver cloud, on-premises, embedded and edge AI systems using NVIDIA GPUs and networking.

“The next industrial revolution has begun. Companies and countries are partnering with NVIDIA to shift the trillion-dollar traditional data centers to accelerated computing and build a new type of data center — AI factories — to produce a new commodity: artificial intelligence,” said Huang. “From server, networking and infrastructure manufacturers to software developers, the whole industry is gearing up for Blackwell to accelerate AI-powered innovation for every field.”

To address applications of all types, the offerings will range from single to multi-GPUs, x86- to Grace-based processors, and air- to liquid-cooling technology.

Additionally, to speed up the development of systems of different sizes and configurations, the NVIDIA MGX ™ modular reference design platform now supports NVIDIA Blackwell products. This includes the new NVIDIA GB200 NVL2 platform, built to deliver unparalleled performance for mainstream large language model inference, retrieval-augmented generation and data processing.

GB200 NVL2 is ideally suited for emerging market opportunities such as data analytics, on which companies spend tens of billions of dollars annually. Taking advantage of high-bandwidth memory performance provided by NVLink ® -C2C interconnects and dedicated decompression engines in the Blackwell architecture speeds up data processing by up to 18x, with 8x better energy efficiency compared to using x86 CPUs.

Modular Reference Architecture for Accelerated Computing To meet the diverse accelerated computing needs of the world’s data centers, NVIDIA MGX provides computer manufacturers with a reference architecture to quickly and cost-effectively build more than 100 system design configurations.

Manufacturers start with a basic system architecture for their server chassis, and then select their GPU, DPU and CPU to address different workloads. To date, more than 90 systems from over 25 partners have been released or are in development that leverage the MGX reference architecture, up from 14 systems from six partners last year. Using MGX can help slash development costs by up to three-quarters and reduce development time by two-thirds, to just six months.

AMD and Intel are supporting the MGX architecture with plans to deliver, for the first time, their own CPU host processor module designs. This includes the next-generation AMD Turin platform and the Intel ® Xeon ® 6 processor with P-cores (formerly codenamed Granite Rapids). Any server system builder can use these reference designs to save development time while ensuring consistency in design and performance.

NVIDIA’s latest platform, the GB200 NVL2, also leverages MGX and Blackwell. Its scale-out, single-node design enables a wide variety of system configurations and networking options to seamlessly integrate accelerated computing into existing data center infrastructure.

The GB200 NVL2 joins the Blackwell product lineup, which also includes NVIDIA Blackwell Tensor Core GPUs, GB200 Grace Blackwell Superchips and the GB200 NVL72.

An Ecosystem Unites NVIDIA’s comprehensive partner ecosystem includes TSMC, the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturer and an NVIDIA foundry partner, as well as global electronics makers, which provide key components to create AI factories. These include manufacturing innovations such as server racks, power delivery, cooling solutions and more from companies such as Amphenol, Asia Vital Components (AVC), Cooler Master, Colder Products Company (CPC), Danfoss, Delta Electronics and LITEON.

As a result, new data center infrastructure can quickly be developed and deployed to meet the needs of the world’s enterprises — and further accelerated by Blackwell technology, NVIDIA Quantum-2 or Quantum-X800 InfiniBand networking , NVIDIA Spectrum™-X Ethernet networking and NVIDIA BlueField ® -3 DPUs — in servers from leading systems makers Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Lenovo.

Enterprises can also access the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform , which includes NVIDIA NIM™ inference microservices , to create and run production-grade generative AI applications.

Taiwan Embraces Blackwell Huang also announced during his keynote that Taiwan's leading companies are rapidly adopting Blackwell to bring the power of AI to their own businesses.

Taiwan’s leading medical center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, plans to use the NVIDIA Blackwell computing platform to advance biomedical research and accelerate imaging and language applications to improve clinical workflows, ultimately enhancing patient care.

Foxconn, one of the world’s largest makers of electronics, is planning to use NVIDIA Grace Blackwell to develop smart solution platforms for AI-powered electric vehicle and robotics platforms, as well as a growing number of language-based generative AI services to provide more personalized experiences to its customers.

Additional Supporting Quotes

  • R. Adam Norwitt, president and CEO at Amphenol: “NVIDIA’s groundbreaking AI systems require advanced interconnect solutions, and Amphenol is proud to be supplying critical components. As an important partner in NVIDIA’s rich ecosystem, we are able to provide highly complex and efficient interconnect products for Blackwell accelerators to help deliver cutting-edge performance.”
  • Spencer Shen, chairman and CEO at AVC: “AVC plays a key role in NVIDIA products, providing efficient cooling for its AI hardware, including the latest Grace Blackwell Superchip. As AI models and workloads continue to grow, reliable thermal management is important to handle intensive AI computing — and we’re with NVIDIA every step of the way.”
  • Jonney Shih, chairman at ASUS: “ASUS is working with NVIDIA to take enterprise AI to new heights with our powerful server lineup, which we’ll be showcasing at COMPUTEX. Using NVIDIA’s MGX and Blackwell platforms, we’re able to craft tailored data center solutions built to handle customer workloads across training, inference, data analytics and HPC.”
  • Janel Wittmayer, president of Dover Corporation’s CPC : “CPC’s innovative, purpose-built connector technology enables the easy and reliable connection of liquid-cooled NVIDIA GPUs in AI systems. With a shared vision of performance and quality, CPC has the capacity and expertise to supply critical technological components to support NVIDIA’s incredible growth and progress. Our connectors are central to maintaining the integrity of temperature-sensitive products, which is important when AI systems are running compute-intensive tasks. We are excited to be part of the NVIDIA ecosystem and bring our technology to new applications.”
  • Andy Lin, CEO at Cooler Master : “As the demand for accelerated computing continues to soar, so does demand for solutions that effectively meet energy standards for enterprises leveraging cutting-edge accelerators. As a pioneer in thermal management solutions, Cooler Master is helping unlock the full potential of the NVIDIA Blackwell platform, which will deliver incredible performance to customers.”
  • Kim Fausing, CEO at Danfoss: “Danfoss’ focus on innovative, high-performance quick disconnect and fluid power designs makes our couplings valuable for enabling efficient, reliable and safe operation in data centers. As a vital part of NVIDIA’s AI ecosystem, our work together enables data centers to meet surging AI demands while minimizing environmental impact.”
  • Ping Cheng, chairman and CEO at Delta Electronics: “The ubiquitous demand for computing power has ignited a new era of accelerated performance capabilities. Through our advanced cooling and power systems, Delta has developed innovative solutions capable of enabling NVIDIA’s Blackwell platform to operate at peak performance levels, while maintaining energy and thermal efficiency.”
  • Etay Lee, vice president and general manager at GIGABYTE: “With our collaboration spanning nearly three decades, GIGABYTE has a deep commitment to supporting NVIDIA technologies across GPUs, CPUs, DPUs and high-speed networking. For enterprises to achieve even greater performance and energy efficiency for the compute-intensive workloads, we’re bringing to market a broad range of Blackwell-based systems.”
  • Young Liu, chairman and CEO at Hon Hai Technology Group: “As generative AI transforms industries, Foxconn stands ready with cutting-edge solutions to meet the most diverse and demanding computing needs. Not only do we use the latest Blackwell platform in our own servers, but we also help provide the key components to NVIDIA, giving our customers faster time-to-market.”
  • Jack Tsai, president at Inventec: “For nearly half a century, Inventec has been designing and manufacturing electronic products and components — the lifeblood of our business. Through our NVIDIA MGX rack-based solution powered by the NVIDIA Grace Blackwell Superchip, we’re helping customers enter a new realm of AI capability and performance.”
  • Anson Chiu, president at LITEON Technology: “In pursuit of greener and more sustainable data centers, power management and cooling solutions are taking center stage. With the launch of the NVIDIA Blackwell platform, LITEON is releasing multiple liquid-cooling solutions that enable NVIDIA partners to unlock the future of highly efficient, environmentally friendly data centers.”
  • Barry Lam, chairman at Quanta Computer: “We stand at the center of an AI-driven world, where innovation is accelerating like never before. NVIDIA Blackwell is not just an engine; it is the spark igniting this industrial revolution. When defining the next era of generative AI, Quanta proudly joins NVIDIA on this amazing journey. Together, we will shape and define a new chapter of AI.”
  • Charles Liang, president and CEO at Supermicro: “Our building-block architecture and rack-scale, liquid-cooling solutions, combined with our in-house engineering and global production capacity of 5,000 racks per month, enable us to quickly deliver a wide range of game-changing NVIDIA AI platform-based products to AI factories worldwide. Our liquid-cooled or air-cooled high-performance systems with rack-scale design, optimized for all products based on the NVIDIA Blackwell architecture, will give customers an incredible choice of platforms to meet their needs for next-level computing, as well as a major leap into the future of AI.”
  • C.C. Wei, CEO at TSMC:  “TSMC works closely with NVIDIA to push the limits of semiconductor innovation that enables them to realize their visions for AI. Our industry-leading semiconductor manufacturing technologies helped shape NVIDIA’s groundbreaking GPUs, including those based on the Blackwell architecture.”
  • Jeff Lin, CEO at Wistron: “As a key manufacturing partner, Wistron has been on an incredible journey alongside NVIDIA delivering GPU computing technologies and AI cloud solutions to customers. Now we’re working with NVIDIA's latest GPU architectures and reference designs, such as Blackwell and MGX, to quickly bring tremendous new AI computing products to market.”
  • William Lin, president at Wiwynn: “Wiwynn is focused on helping customers address the rising demand for massive computing power and advanced cooling solutions in the era of generative AI. With our latest lineup based on the NVIDIA Grace Blackwell and MGX platforms, we’re building optimized, rack-level, liquid-cooled AI servers tailored specifically for the demanding workloads of hyperscale cloud providers and enterprises.”

To learn more about the NVIDIA Blackwell and MGX platforms, watch Huang’s COMPUTEX keynote .

About NVIDIA NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact: Kristin Uchiyama NVIDIA Corporation +1-408-313-0448 [email protected]

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, performance, and availability of our products, services, and technologies, including NVIDIA Blackwell architecture-powered systems, NVIDIA networking and infrastructure for enterprises, NVIDIA MGX modular reference design platform, NVIDIA GB200 NVL2 platform, NVLink-C2C, NVIDIA Blackwell Tensor Core GPUs, GB200 Grace Blackwell Superchips, GB200 NVL72, NVIDIA Quantum-2 and Quantum-X800 InfiniBand networking, NVIDIA Spectrum-X Ethernet networking, and NVIDIA BlueField-3 DPUs; third parties using and adopting our technologies and products, our collaboration and partnership with third parties and the benefits and impact thereof, and the features, performance and availability of their offerings; generative AI being the defining technology of our time, and Blackwell being the engine that will drive this new industrial revolution; and the whole industry — from server, networking and infrastructure manufacturers to software developers — gearing up for Blackwell to accelerate AI-powered innovation for every field are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, BlueField, NVIDIA MGX, NVIDIA NIM, NVIDIA Spectrum, and NVLink are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:

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AI Factories

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NVIDIA and top computer manufacturers unveiled an array of NVIDIA Blackwell products and more technologies to build a new type of data center — AI factories.

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    Power words and phrases can make the same idea sound very different. Let's take Apple's famous slogan as an example: Think different. You can also convey the same idea using other descriptive words: Don't think like everybody else, think outside the box, be creative. Source: 12 Tips List PowerPoint Templates by

  10. Synonyms of PRESENTATION

    Synonyms of 'presentation' in British English. presentation. 1 (noun) in the sense of giving. Definition. the act of presenting or being presented. at the presentation ceremony. Synonyms. ... Quick word challenge. Quiz Review. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5. SYNONYMS. Select the synonym for: to win. to slumber to consume to covet to prevail. SYNONYMS.

  11. QUICK Synonyms: 407 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for QUICK: swift, willing, immediate, ready, rapid, responsive, prompt, expeditious; Antonyms of QUICK: slow, unresponsive, lazy, leisurely, unhurried ...

  12. What is another word for "quick rundown"?

    Synonyms for quick rundown include outline, summary, abstract, rundown, synopsis, digest, overview, encapsulation, gist and summarization. Find more similar words at ...

  13. SUMMARY Synonyms: 102 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for SUMMARY: outline, brief, summa, digest, sum, inventory, resume, synopsis; Antonyms of SUMMARY: expansion, enlargement, amplification, supplement ...

  14. What is another word for overview

    Synonyms for overview include outline, summary, gist, synopsis, abstract, draught, draft, prospectus, review and rundown. Find more similar words at!

  15. 42 Synonyms & Antonyms for SLIDE

    Find 42 different ways to say SLIDE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  16. NVIDIA Corporation

    View this Presentation PDF Format Download (opens in new window) PDF 62.99 MB Listen to this Presentation Audio Format Download ... (opens in new window) Quick Links. Email Alerts; RSS; Request Printed Materials; Download Library; Email Alerts. To receive notifications via email, enter your email address and select at least one subscription ...

  17. Office of International Programs

    We would like to invite you to the Campus Presentation for the Office of International Programs Director Candidate - Tracy Nakajima. The prompt: "Develop a presentation focused on optimizing service processes and enhancing educational programs for international students. Propose strategies and best practices for streamlining service processes to improve efficiency and responsiveness.

  18. SAIC

    SAIC FY2025 Q1 Earnings Call. June 3, 2024 10:00 AM ET. Webcast. Presentation.

  19. NVIDIA Corporation

    NVIDIA ACE Now Generally Available for Cloud, in Early Access for RTX AI PCs, in Use by Companies Across Customer Service, Gaming and Healthcare, Including Dell Technologies, ServiceNow, Aww Inc., Inventec, Perfect World Games TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - COMPUTEX - NVIDIA today announced the general availability of NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices to accelerate the ...

  20. NVIDIA Corporation

    ServiceNow — the AI platform for business transformation — announced earlier this year that it was one of the first platform providers to access NIM to enable fast, scalable and more cost-effective LLM development and deployment for its customers. NIM microservices are integrated within the Now AI multimodal model and are available to ...

  21. Qualcomm Computex 2024 Keynote Unveils "The PC Reborn" with Snapdragon

    Highlights: Qualcomm President and CEO Cristiano Amon took the stage with industry leaders from Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, and Samsung to highlight the industry shift taking place in the PC space enabled by Copilot+ PCs powered by Snapdragon X Series.; Demonstrations and benchmarks showed that devices powered by Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus processors are the only PCs ...

  22. PRESENTATIONS Synonyms: 55 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for PRESENTATIONS: gifts, donations, presents, offerings, contributions, comps, giveaways, freebies; Antonyms of PRESENTATIONS: loans, advances, bribes ...

  23. OVERVIEW Synonyms: 31 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for OVERVIEW: summary, outline, survey, review, synopsis, brief, summation, recap; Antonyms of OVERVIEW: expansion, enlargement, elaboration, amplification

  24. Computex 2024 Keynote: Intel Enables AI Everywhere (Replay)

    On June 4, 2024, Intel Chief Executive Officer Pat Gelsinger and industry partners, customers and luminaries presented a keynote at Computex 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. Amid one of the world's largest technology trade shows, Intel's keynote focused on how Intel accelerates AI adoption across the enterprise with a full spectrum of hardware and software solutions spanning the data center, cloud ...

  25. NVIDIA Corporation

    Top Computer Manufacturers Unveil Array of Blackwell-Powered Systems Featuring Grace CPUs, NVIDIA Networking and Infrastructure Broad Portfolios Encompass Cloud, On-Premises, Embedded and Edge AI Systems Offerings Range From Single to Multi-GPUs, x86 to Grace, Air to Liquid Cooling TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - COMPUTEX - NVIDIA and the world's top computer manufacturers ...

  26. SPEECH Synonyms: 54 Similar Words

    Synonyms for SPEECH: talk, lecture, address, oration, sermon, presentation, monologue, declamation, peroration, tribute