How to Apply for Upwork Writing Jobs (+ Online Freelance Writing Tips)

Jenni Sisson, Contributor

  • Updated December 06, 2023

Whether you’re looking to kick off a full-time freelance writing career or just make a few bucks writing articles on the side, Upwork can take you there. 

Upwork is one of the best ways to gain access to a steady stream of freelance writing jobs — even if you don’t have any writing experience or connections in the industry. 

We covered many of the basics in our guide to getting your first job on Upwork , so in this article we’ll focus exclusively on using the site to find good-paying freelance writing opportunities. 

We’ve also compiled a suite of resources that are helpful for beginning freelance writers, which you can find at the end of the post (or you can jump directly to that section ).

Read through this material in its entirety and you’ll learn…

  • How to find freelance writing jobs on Upwork.
  • How to choose the right jobs to apply for.
  • How to carve out a niche for yourself.
  • How to identify what Upwork clients actually want.
  • How to craft winning proposals.

And you’ll know exactly how to get your first client. 

Much of what’s covered below is based on my own first-hand experience applying for Upwork writing jobs.

Table of Contents

My Experience

Everyone’s freelance writing journey is different, but few are linear. So while your experience may be a bit different than mine, from what I’ve seen, my zero-to-writer story is pretty typical.

How I Became a Freelance Writer

Prior to registering with Upwork, I’d never had a paid writing job . 

The closest job I’d had to a writer was an 18-month stint as an in-house editor at a research firm where we published reports on healthcare technology.

I got that gig almost by accident. Instead of firing me for being a terrible secretary, the kind executive team gave me a second chance in the editing department. Unfortunately, more than half of that 18-month stint was part-time, so I eventually had to look for another opportunity.

Prior to that role, a good portion of my editing portfolio was comprised of pro bono pieces — things like sprucing up resumes, revising personal memoirs or editing medical school cover letters as favors for friends and family members. 

I tried to land other full-time editing and writing jobs, but because I had no formal education in those subjects and a limited resume, I was turned down for every single one of them. 

So in an act of desperation to get out of a dead-end job working the night shift at a local motel, I decided to give freelance writing on Upwork shot. 

Getting My First Contract 

Getting my first contract for a writing job was far and away the hardest part of my freelancing career. 

Convincing myself that I was a good enough writer and editor to make it as a freelancer, when I’d been turned down many times before, was tough. 

On days when impostor syndrome made me think I was crazy for trying to start a freelance writing career, I told myself, “I can’t be the worst writer out there. If others can do this, then why not me?” 

It took me a month and several proposals to get my first gig on Upwork. 

Even after I got that first five-star review, subsequent jobs were slow in coming. In the beginning, I was getting replies to one out of every 10 or 15 proposals I sent — and only about half of those clients actually hired me. 

But as I got more jobs and more good reviews, gigs became easier to land.

I got a better feel for which jobs I was qualified for and which ones were over my head or outside my wheelhouse. 

Plus, I learned not to waste my time on jobs that already had dozens of applicants, and to focus my efforts on assignments I could complete quickly and confidently.

Pro Tip : Search for terms like “new to Upwork,” “24 hours,” or “urgent” in the search bar. Some clients don’t mind working with newbies and will state that in the text of the job post (hoping to get the work at below market rates). Others are looking for a quick turnaround and are less-than-picky about who does the work. These posts are great finds for landing a first gig.

Building a Niched Portfolio  

I knew from the start that I wanted to niche down and write personal finance articles.

My husband and I had managed to get out of debt and cash-flowed a master’s degree — all with three kids, a single sub-average income and a few side hustles. 

This experience planted a passion in me for personal finance. It was because of the knowledge I acquired from books, blogs and podcasts that my family made it through that lean period. So I wanted to help spread the knowledge I’d gained to others through my writing.

A few Google searches (and a vague sense of Dave Ramsey’s net worth) confirmed that the personal finance niche had plenty of clients with deep enough pockets to pay for blog writers.

In the first few months, I had to take whatever work I could get. But I applied to as many personal-finance-related gigs as I could. 

I had started my own personal finance blog (even though nobody read it at the time), so I included articles I had written on personal finance in my proposals. 

Recommended resource : How to Create a Freelance Portfolio Website .

Incidentally, no one seemed to care that I hadn’t been paid to write those articles.

I also focused on related “next door” niches to personal finance, like real estate, entrepreneurship and technology. Not only did these force me to hone my research skills and broaden my knowledge base, they also kept things interesting by changing up the subject matter of my writing from time to time.

After a year of curating a personal-finance-centered portfolio, I started receiving invites to apply for jobs writing personal finance articles — more than I could comfortably handle.

I now have the luxury of only taking on jobs that are inside my niche or interesting enough to stretch beyond it.

Related reading : How to find your ideal freelancing niche . 

Raising My Rates  

Raising your rates is scary, since you are the only one justifying your worth to the client (who understandably wants to pay as little for your services as possible). 

I’m a frugal person by nature, so raising my rates cut against the grain for me. I want to pay the least amount I can for things, so I assume others do too. I feared that clients would see my higher rates as greedy or presumptuous.

What’s more, early on I had a client that decided to stop working with me, stating that I was charging too much for my articles — even though I hadn’t changed my rates since we initially started working together. 

That terrified me, because at the time it was my steadiest and highest-paying client. That conversation kept me working for a lower rate for longer than I probably should have.

But no client lasts forever. 

As clients turned over and I pursued new ones, I eventually got gutsy and bid for higher rates, just to see what would happen. I was surprised how quickly I inched my per-hour and per-word rate up. 

In less than a year, I replaced the part-time income I was making at the motel and was able to work whenever and wherever I wanted. 

I’m no longer afraid to pass on a job if the rate is too low, as I have learned to value my own time and expertise — which turned out to be worth much more than my canceling client was willing to pay. 

But keep this important point in mind: to get there, I had to be willing to start low. If you have no experience and a limited portfolio, you’re more than likely going to have to take a handful of jobs that pay less than you’re worth.

Just don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you need to keep working at those rates forever .

Pro Tip: As we outline in our guide to freelance writing rates , it’s extremely difficult to determine an industry-wide “going rate” for freelance writing. You have to find a happy balance between the price you’re willing to work for and the value the client places on your work. A piece that’s worth $20 to one client may be worth $120 to another. 

Five Things You Need

Getting started as a freelance writer is truly the hardest part of your career. And while starting is difficult, it isn’t complicated. 

Here’s a list of the basics you need before you’re ready to hang up your shingle. 

#1. A published writing sample under your own name (in any topic)

Published articles with your byline give you a lot of credibility as a writer. 

Even if what you’ve written is completely unrelated to the job post, published writing carries far more weight than a random Word document attached to your proposal (which the client doesn’t even know for sure that you wrote).

Plus, they serve as a legitimizing factor: if you’ve been published elsewhere, the client is more likely to see you as an established writer — and they’ll feel safer entrusting their project to you.

You can still get freelance jobs without having any published work, so if you’re brand new to writing, don’t despair. But if you have anything published already, it will give you a leg up. 

This is why many freelancers have their own blogs; they serve as a professional credential. 

If you don’t think starting a blog is right for you, it’s absolutely worthwhile to find a couple of blogs or websites that will publish your article (with a byline), even if they don’t pay you for it. And it’s especially helpful if they’re in the niche you want to target as a freelancer.

#2. A writing sample (published or unpublished) related to the job you’re applying for

The first question on a client’s mind is: “Can this person produce the type and quality of work I need?” 

By showing them you’ve done something similar in the past, you answer that question for them.

This is important, because getting the job isn’t always just about your writing skill. Every niche has its own vocabulary and nuances, and clients prefer to hire people who can write with clarity and authority about their particular topic.

The sample doesn’t have to be identical to the job post, but it should have a similar style, tone, content and/or format of the work the client is looking for — and it should be in the same niche if at all possible.

Be sure to point out the similarities in your cover letter, as clients get a lot of applications and tend to only skim samples. 

#3. A complete Upwork profile

Paint a picture of who you are and establish your brand by fully completing your Upwork profile. 

Part of this means uploading a nice headshot. It doesn’t have to be a professional photo, but it shouldn’t be a social media selfie either. 

Digital first impressions are important, so read through this Upwork guide that runs down a few tips for choosing an effective profile photo .

Be sure to fill out your work history and upload some samples — the more, the better. 

Remember, your goal here is to instill confidence that you’re a professional who can get the job done. Most of the time, the client isn’t going to comb over your profile and samples — but if they click through and see that your portfolio looks empty, or if it seems like you haven’t paid much attention to it, that can be a red flag. 

Upwork also says that adding an introductory video to your profile can help you win more contracts . 

The video below goes into more detail about why your Upwork profile is so important, and outlines four tips for winning more contracts as a beginner on the platform.

#4. A complete LinkedIn profile

Once you apply for a job, the client can see your last name. As part of their due diligence, clients often search for you on LinkedIn. This tells them a lot about you, and it can be another chance to sell yourself and your skills. 

On the other hand, an incomplete or unprofessional profile can be an instant turn-off. So it’s important to take the time to fill out the profile as completely as possible, including a good headshot and a full work history. 

However, it’s even more important to make sure that your profile focuses on the fact that you’re a writer.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” The same concept is true for online profiles and marketing yourself as a freelancer: you want potential clients to see you in the role they’re hiring for.

That doesn’t mean hiding from your past work history. Clients value all kinds of real-world experience — whether it’s working as an engineer or working the night shift at a hotel. 

Often, your professional experience gives you valuable insight into a specific field or niche that can help you win more clients and charge higher rates. 

For instance, a six-month stint in tech support and my year as a medical transcriptionist gave me just enough knowledge and exposure to the technology and healthcare industries to write about them, even though neither job had to do with writing.

So don’t hide your prior experience, even if you see them as less than ideal. But do tweak the language of your profile so that it frames you as a writer first and everything else second.

#5. Persistence

Breaking into this space takes time, patience and an unwillingness to quit.

So if it takes a while to get things going, remember that it’s normal for business to be slow in the beginning. Keep at it.

Even after your business gets rolling, you need to persist in learning and refining your craft if you want to stay competitive. 

So ask your clients for feedback and implement it. 

Five Steps for Writing a Good Upwork Proposal

Writing proposals takes a lot of time and effort — especially in the beginning, when your acceptance rate is low. 

But each proposal is an opportunity to introduce yourself, sell your skills and convince your client you can do the job. 

While it can be good to cast a wide net to get jobs, quality proposals will be more effective than sheer quantity. Treat each proposal as a one-sided job interview — that’s exactly what it is.

If you have no idea of what to put in your proposal, read on. The steps below will transform your proposals from forgettable to incredible.

Good Upwork Proposals Always Have…

  • A custom cover letter.
  • Links to relevant work samples.
  • Error-free writing.
  • A proposed rate or budget.
  • A proposed deadline.
  • An actionable next step.

Need more ideas to spruce up your proposals? Check out the additional suggestions in our comprehensive guide to landing your first job on Upwork , and go over some more advanced strategies in our guide to writing great freelance proposals .

Let’s dig into how to cover those bases.

Step #1: Research the Topic

If you don’t know a ton about the writing topic or industry of a job, at least take 10 minutes to Google some basic information. 

Often, this small amount of research will give you enough context to talk about the client’s project and get the ball rolling — and it’s more effort than 99% of applicants will expend.

Also, if the job post includes a link to a website, read that page to familiarize yourself with your potential client. 

Even without a link, you can sometimes figure out who they are by reading through their feedback or job posting history. A few minutes of sleuthing can sometimes give you enough information to deduce who you’re pitching to.

This is low-hanging fruit, but as I said earlier: many freelancers don’t even bother.

Step #2: Write a Custom Cover Letter

Of all the things in this article, this is the most important: customize every single cover letter every single time. No exceptions.

You can have a general template with paragraphs you cut and paste, but spend the time to tailor your references to the job post and the deliverables the client is asking for. (This is why it’s helpful if you can figure out exactly who the client is.)

Your cover letter is your one and only chance to showcase your skills and experience, and to explain why you’re the perfect freelancer for the job.

Subtly highlight the research you did in Step #1, and relate it to your past work or experience, if possible.

Here’s an example: 

“I’ve looked over your website,, and I noticed you always provide actionable steps the reader can take to identify the best possible use of travel points. I’ve done similar work when writing about cash-back shopping sites, where rates vary from site to site daily. Here are a couple of examples.” 

As I said earlier, the work doesn’t have to be identical to what the client needs, as long it demonstrates that you understand how to get this job done.

If you’re familiar with the job’s industry, drop enough lingo or references to convince the client of your expertise .

This strategy is especially helpful for specialized sectors like healthcare, automotive and technology. 

Pro Tip : Many job posts include a random word like banana, Bambi or paprika that you need to repeat in your cover letter to show that you read the whole post and can follow instructions (and yes, these are real examples). Pay close attention to these, as clients use them to weed out generic cover letters from their stack of submissions.  

Step #3: Highlight Your Writing Samples

Just like you, your writing samples need an introduction. 

Don’t just attach the files and call it done. Briefly explain the objective, tone and target audience of each piece, as well as the relevance to the client’s project.

Use this as an opportunity to talk about your processes. Did you conduct original research for the article? Was it heavily edited, or published as-is? Were you an editor, ghostwriter or the sole author? 

Give your client some context to paint a clear picture of your capabilities.

Step #4: Proofread Your Proposal

Cover letters or writing samples with typos and grammatical mistakes are automatic rejections for many clients. 

If you aren’t getting the interest you want, double-check your copy for errors. When your clients point out your errors, it’s horribly embarrassing (and yes, I say that from experience). 

Don’t be lazy. With the advent of spell-checking tools and Grammarly, professional writers have no excuse for delivering sloppy copy to clients. 

If you can’t be bothered to deliver a perfect proposal, your clients don’t have any reason to believe your writing will look any better.

And remember, this isn’t just a matter of them being curmudgeonly about grammar: the more editing your work needs, the more time they (or their editor or proofreader) will have to spend going over it prior to publication. And that costs money. 

Step #5: Suggest the Next Step

”Thanks for your consideration; I hope to hear from you soon” is not the next step. 

Instead of leaving the ball in the client’s court, make it easy for them to follow up with you. 

For example, if the natural progression of the conversation would be a video chat to discuss the project, suggest that. 

“I’m free Tuesday and Thursday of next week between 9 and 11 a.m. EST. Can we schedule a video chat to discuss the project in more detail?” 

The idea is to make it as easy as possible for the client to say “yes” so that you can keep moving the ball down the field until you’ve won the contract. 

Don’t be afraid to follow up . Clients get distracted. They get sick. They go on vacation. Their computers die. So if a client expresses interest but doesn’t reply for a while, that doesn’t mean it’s a ‘no.’ 

Keep in mind that hiring you is only one of a million things on their to-do list. If a client goes radio silent, politely follow up in a week and see if they still need the work.

What Upwork Clients Want

You can become a much more competitive candidate simply by putting yourself in your client’s shoes. When you know what your clients want, it takes the guesswork out of what to say to convince them that you’re perfect for the job.

#1 . Someone who will actually complete the work

Whoever said that 80% of life is just showing up was obviously a freelancer. 

It always shocks me how many clients have been ghosted by other freelancers. One of my clients had a freelancer abandon the work when it was ¾ completed! 

Complete the work on time and in full, and always let the client know that you’re open to criticism and to make changes after you submit your work. 

(Unsure if you can complete the work you agreed to? See #2, below.)

When your client knows she can rely on you, she’ll keep you in mind for future projects.

#2 . Clear and honest communication

Can’t make the deadline and need an extension? Need clarification on something? Want to know if your stuff hit the mark? Just ask!

In my experience, most clients are very helpful and ready to answer your questions. They realize that things come up and are willing to cooperate and find solutions to problems. 

Make good use of Upwork’s messaging feature — it’s the best way to communicate with your clients.

#3 . Someone who can do the job well

Don’t forget that most of the time, your client is hiring you without ever having seen or talked to you.

That’s quite the leap of faith, even for a small project! 

Do everything you can to assure your client that you’re competent in the skills you claim.

If you have industry-specific experience, state that loud and proud in your proposal. Drop names or lingo when appropriate so your client knows you’re qualified. 

Freelance Writing Resources

Here are links to some of the online freelancing resources we’ve put together, with a few comments about how you can use them to further your freelance writing career. 

  • How to Get Your First Job on Upwork : A step-by-step guide to winning contracts on the largest freelance marketplace. 
  • Seven Expert Upwork Tips : Some advanced tips and tricks for being successful on the platform.
  • How to Make Money on Fiverr : The site doesn’t have as much long-term earning potential as Upwork, but it’s a great place for beginners to build a portfolio while learning how to freelance.
  • How to Write Great Freelance Proposals : Some advanced tips and strategies for crafting killer proposals that win more contracts and command better rates.
  • How to Create a Freelance Portfolio from Scratch : Learn what makes a great portfolio, and how to build one even if you have zero experience.
  • How to Choose Your Ideal Freelance Niche : Learn why shrinking your pool of potential clients can help you make more money. 
  • How to Become a Copywriter : This can be one of the most lucrative niches within freelance writing.
  • Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners : A roundup of the best sites and strategies when you’re just getting started.
  • Five Freelance Writing Sites That Pay Daily .

Upwork Writing Jobs FAQ

There isn’t one right answer for this, but no matter how new to Upwork you are, it should never be $0. (Working for free or just a good review is against Upwork’s policy.)  Writing a pro bono article for a friend’s blog, or writing an unpaid article for a website in your niche to fill out your portfolio or get a byline, is acceptable. But do this outside of Upwork. Even trial articles — ones where a client tests your skills to see if you’re a good fit — should result in some small compensation.  That said, when you’re looking for your very first gig, the amount you make should be less important than actually landing the job. Even if you only make $5, if you get a five-star review, higher-paying clients are more likely to hire you in the future.  If you have industry experience, there’s no need to sell yourself short, however. A good way to check if your bid is reasonable is to scan the budgets of jobs you’d like to get.  You can also get on Upwork as a client and search the profiles of other freelancers. Scan for those with similar experience to yours and see what they charge.  Premium Upwork subscribers can see the bid range on individual jobs, which should also give you a good idea of what to charge.

High-paying industries include technology, sales, business-to-business work and medical, but there are good-paying gigs in a variety of industries.  Regardless of what sector pays the most for articles, you’ll maximize your earnings by creating a niche in an area you know well and can write about over and over.  If you can become the go-to guy or gal in a particular area, you don’t have to appeal to a broad client base as your expertise becomes your selling point.  For example, food blogs as a sector might not pay super well, but you can rest assured that the articles written for Emeril’s or Rachel Ray’s sites do. If you don’t have expertise in a good-paying area, look for niches that border on ones you know. Take on articles that you know at least a little about, and practice researching to broaden your knowledge base.

Upwork’s Project Catalog was introduced in 2021. It’s a marketplace for fixed-priced gigs that functions identically to Fiverr; freelancers post a fixed-price jobs that clients can order on demand. For example, as a writer you might offer “A 10,000 word article on any topic for $1,000.”

Final Thoughts: Getting Started Can Take Time, But Don’t Give Up!

Like all businesses, a freelance career is built over time.

Luckily, sites like Upwork provide a plethora of paid writing opportunities every day for the freelancers with the hustle and skill to seize them. 

Expect hurdles, a disappointing number of rejections, and lowball offers in the beginning. These growing pains are normal. 

But if you’re taking the time and effort to create well-written samples for your portfolio, craft stellar proposals that showcase your skills, and communicate clearly with clients, your freelance career will grow and provide you with a steady income. 

Hi Jenni, really great article and a well-advised how to get started as a freelancer writer.

Just wanted to say thank you for this. 🙂

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article writing jobs on upwork

Upwork Review: Is Upwork a Good Way to Find Freelance Writing Jobs Online?

By all things freelance writing admin.

An image of a female freelance writer with the words Upwork review over it

If you want to grow your freelance writing income, finding a reliable way to get jobs is crucial. One option is to join a freelance marketplace like Upwork, which you’ve probably heard a lot of mixed messages about. Some freelance writers claim Upwork transformed their business and helped them become six-figure earners, others say it’s a race to the bottom. So who’s right? Is Upwork worth your precious time, or are your efforts better spent elsewhere? This in-depth Upwork review is designed to help you decide.

Here, we’ll break down how the platform works and will shine a light on its pros and cons. You’ll hear from real freelance writers about their experience on the platform and get their unfiltered opinions. Plus, learn how much freelancers can make on Upwork, how much it costs, and more.

Let’s dive in! 

Want to jump ahead?

Upwork review table of contents

  • What is Upwork?
  • How Upwork works for freelancers

How much does Upwork cost for freelance writers?

How much can you make on upwork .

  • Upwork pros and cons
  • What real freelance writers say about getting jobs on Upwork
  • Is Upwork worth it for freelance writers?

Upwork vs ProBlogger

Upwork vs iwriter, upwork vs guru, upwork vs fiverr, frequently asked questions about upwork for freelance writers, what is upwork .

article writing jobs on upwork

Upwork is an online marketplace for contract jobs that freelancers can use to find clients. More than 10,0000 freelance gigs across a dozen different industries are posted on Upwork daily, including numerous writing projects. Whether you specialize in copy, content, or even creative writing — you’ll be able to find lots of job opportunities that suit your skills. 

Believe it or not, Upwork began over two decades ago , making it one of the oldest freelancing platforms out there. It’s also one of the biggest companies of its kind, with over 771,000 active clients and $503 million in revenue as of 2021. 

Freelancers earned more than $3.3 billion on Upwork last year alone, so there’s a lot of money to be made on the platform. To help you figure out if Upwork is the right place to build your freelance writing career, here’s some more info about how the marketplace works for freelance writers. 

How Upwork works for freelance writers

Upwork allows you to apply for jobs, get hired, communicate with clients, submit work, and send invoices all in one convenient place. Because the platform is so user-friendly, getting started is a pretty straightforward process: 

Upwork sign up page

Sign up using your email, Google, or Apple account, and fill out a few personal details including your location and full name. Remember to check the box that indicates you’re a freelancer so you get the right type of account.

2. Complete your profile

Complete your profile by uploading a photo of yourself, writing a professional bio, and describing your experience, education, and skills (writing and relevant non-writing ). You’ll also need to confirm your identity by providing a valid government-issued ID and undergoing visual verification. 

3. Browse jobs (can apply filters)

Upwork jobs examples

After your profile gets verified, you’re ready to start browsing jobs! You can narrow down your search by using keywords and filters to sort the gigs, including project length, rate, experience level, and contract type. 

There are two kinds of contracts you’ll come across on Upwork — hourly and fixed-price. Hourly contracts are billed by the hour, whereas fixed-price contracts pay one flat fee for the entire project. Fixed-price contracts are often broken down into stages called milestones so clients can check-in and review your work periodically. 

Job listings usually include a short description of the role, some info about the client, and an overview of the skills and experience you’ll need to be successful. Make sure you review these details carefully to make sure the job is a good fit because applying costs money. 

Once you find a job that catches your eye, the next step is to submit a proposal that includes your hourly rate, cover letter, writing samples, and answers to the client’s screening questions. Submitting a proposal usually costs between one and six connects , which are virtual tokens you can purchase for $0.15 each. Quick gigs are cheaper to apply for, while larger projects with bigger budgets require more connects. 

5. Talk with potential clients

If a client likes your proposal and profile, they’ll message you to discuss the project further. Some clients may also want to schedule a video or phone interview through Upwork’s Zoom feature. Keep in mind that it’s against Upwork’s terms of service to share your contact information with a client before starting a contract, so keep all communication on the platform until you’re hired. 

6. Get projects

When a client decides to hire you, they’ll send you an offer that outlines all the details of the project, such as the scope of work, payment terms, and deadlines, including any milestones for fixed-price contracts. You can request changes to the contract or accept the offer as-is. Once you reach an agreement, the client will deposit the funds for the first milestone in an escrow account or verify their payment method so work can begin.  

7. Complete and submit work

Now it’s time to get to work! Here’s how the process usually goes. For fixed-price projects, you’ll complete each milestone one at a time, making sure to submit it by the agreed-upon deadline. Your client will have 14 days to approve the work you did or request changes. 

If you’re an hourly worker, you can either log the time you spend on the project using Upwork’s time tracker, or add your hours to your work diary manually. Keep in mind that the hours you enter yourself aren’t eligible for payment protection, which could cause you to lose money if your client disputes your work diary. Once you complete the project, you can send the files to the client for review using Upwork’s message center or another method like email.

8. Get paid

Payments work differently depending on which type of contract you have. Hourly workers get paid on a weekly billing cycle that ends on Sundays. However, you won’t be able to withdraw the funds until they’re fully processed, which usually takes 10 days.  

If you’re working on a fixed-price project, you’ll get paid after each milestone is approved by your client. Then, you’ll be able to withdraw your funds after a 5-day security hold. If your client doesn’t respond to your milestone submission within two weeks, Upwork will automatically release your payment . 

9. Earn reviews

Once the contract ends, your client will have a chance to leave you a review on your profile and vice versa. These reviews are public and usually include written feedback plus a star rating ranging from one to five. 

10. Build reputability/social proof

Doing excellent work consistently, and earning 5-star reviews from clients, will help you build a reputation as a top writer in your niche. Then, you can use your Upwork profile as a form of social proof when you apply for jobs both on and off the platform.

11. Get invites

Upwork invite example

Once you prove that you can do top-notch work, Upwork will start recommending your profile to clients. If they’re impressed with your skills and experience, they’ll send you inbound job invites that don’t cost you anything to apply.

Man at computer thinking about Upwork costs

Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Gaining access to one of the world’s largest freelancing platforms costs money. Here’s how much freelance writers have to pay to use Upwork.  


Connects are virtual tokens that are required to apply for jobs on Upwork. They cost $0.15 each and can be purchased in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, or 80. To reduce the cost of submitting proposals, Upwork gives freelancers complimentary connects every month — 10 if you have a free account and 80 if you’re a Freelancer Plus member. You’ll also get free connects when you sign up, win interviews, and earn certain talent badges and skill certifications. 

Membership plans 

Freelancer Plus is an optional membership plan that you can purchase for $14.99 per month. It comes with perks like higher profile visibility, more free connects, and the ability to view other bids on jobs (which may help you land more gigs). 

Project fees 

Whether you decide to stick with a free account or upgrade to a paid one, you’ll still be charged project fees on the jobs you complete . Upwork takes a flat percentage of your earnings from each client that decreases the longer you work together. 

Effective May 3, 2023:

  • A 10% fee is applied to all of your invoiced earnings (hourly, fixed, or a project catalog).

Before May 3, 2023 :

  • A 20% fee is applied to the first $500 a new customer pays you.
  • On any further payments from the same client, you’ll be charged a 10% fee — unless you hit $10,000 in earnings over the course of your working relationship.
  • After $10,000 in earnings, the fee charged on projects for that customer decreases to just 5% . This fee structure rewards you for getting repeat business. 

Conversion fees 

If a client wants to offer you a full-time job or take the relationship off-platform for any reason, Upwork may charge a conversion fee . This conversion fee is usually equal to 13.5% of your projected earnings over the next 12 months. Upwork uses the formula below to estimate your earnings:

13.5% of a freelancer’s hourly rate x 2,080 hours (52 weeks x 40 hours) = conversion fee 

  • If you’ve been working on an hourly contract, Upwork will plug the highest hourly rate you charged your client into the formula.
  • For fixed-price contracts, Upwork will use the hourly rate listed on your profile. Either you or your client can pay the conversion fee if it applies. 

However, there are a few exceptions that may exempt you from paying it altogether. If you met and started working with your client outside of Upwork, you won’t owe anything for taking the relationship back off-platform. Additionally, a customer you’ve worked with for at least two years only has to pay a dollar to collaborate with you elsewhere. 

Woman at computer calculating Upwork earnings

According to Upwork, 60% of people who left a full-time position to freelance earn more now through self-employment than they did at their 9-to-5 job. But can you really make more money writing from your couch than working in an office? 

It’s hard to predict exactly how much money you’ll be able to earn on Upwork. The amount of success you’ll have on the platform depends on factors like your experience level, the strength of your profile, and your niche. Several of the writers we talked to who specialize in lucrative niches such as tech and finance are able to command up to $125 per hour on Upwork.

However, on average, the median annual salary for self-employed writers is about $42,000 , which shakes out to $30 or $40 an hour. Keep in mind that you may need to start out at a lower rate to win your first jobs and build up to a higher hourly wage over time. 

Upwork review: Pros and cons 

Upwork is a great place to advertise your services to clients and make money, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Here’s a rundown of the platform’s main pros and cons. 

Upwork pros

  • Find a large pool of writing jobs on offer : You can find thousands of writing jobs across every niche on Upwork. Whether you specialize in finance copywriting, creative writing, or something else entirely, Upwork has gigs that match your skill set. 
  • Gain payment protection : 74% of freelancers have had issues with clients not paying invoices, so the payment protection Upwork offers is a big perk. Payment is verified or goes into escrow before work begins, which helps ensure you get compensated for your efforts. 
  • Build a profile of reviews for social proof : Many freelancers are hesitant to ask for testimonials. Upwork automatically prompts both parties to leave feedback at the end of every project. This makes it easier for freelancers to gain positive reviews and build social proof. 
  • Get project invites : Every freelancer dreams of getting to a point in their career where customers come to them. Once your profile gains enough traction, Upwork will deliver inbound leads straight to your inbox. This reduces the amount of time and connects you have to spend applying for gigs. 
  • Project management infrastructure : Remote collaboration can be difficult, but Upwork’s project management infrastructure makes it easier. The message center has tools to help you communicate with clients like file and document sharing, a Zoom integration for audio and video calls, a scratchpad for notes, and a screen recording service. 
  • Fraud team vetting clients : Upwork has a fraud detection team that watches out for suspicious or inappropriate activity such as threats, harassment, scams, and requests for free work. Their oversight helps keep clients and freelancers with bad intentions off the platform, creating a safer experience for everyone. 
  • Fees decrease as client earnings increase : Project fees for new clients start off at 20%. However, they decrease to 10% after the first $500 in earnings and drop to 5% when you hit $10,000. This incentivizes you to go after long-term contracts instead of small one-off jobs, which can help you build a predictable, sustainable freelancing income. 

Upwork cons

  • Project fees : Although Upwork’s project fees decrease over time, they’ll still take a significant chunk out of your earnings. Consider raising your hourly rate to help offset the cost of project fees. 
  • Connect fees : Although joining Upwork is free, applying for gigs isn’t. You’ll have to pay between $0.15 and $0.90 every time you submit a proposal, which adds up and detracts from your profits. 
  • Lots of competition for jobs : Upwork is a global marketplace with freelancers in more than 180 countries , including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, and Germany. This means you’re competing with freelancers from all over the world for jobs. In order to attract clients, you’ll have to find ways to differentiate yourself and stand out from the pack. 
  • Many lower-paying gigs : On online marketplaces like Upwork, many freelancers try to compete with each other on price, lowering their rates in hopes of winning the job. This trains clients to expect bargain prices, which results in many low-paying gigs getting posted. Although there are clients on Upwork who are willing to pay a premium for quality work, you’ll have to do some digging to find them. 
  • Fees for taking relationships off-platform : Upwork may require you to pay a hefty conversion fee to take certain client relationships off-platform, which can make it harder to grow your freelance career. If you break any of Upwork’s strict rules about off-platform relationships and communication, your account could get suspended. 
  • Payment holding periods : If you need fast cash to pay a bill, Upwork probably isn’t the best solution. Payments for fixed-price projects aren’t available for withdrawal for 5 days. Earnings from hourly contracts take even longer to process—about 10 days on average. 

What are real freelance writers saying about Upwork?

article writing jobs on upwork

What are real freelance writers saying after trying out Upwork? There are mixed reviews…

It’s becoming unaffordable

“I’m a freelance writer, well-established in Upwork. To me, the issue is that it, and similar sites are becoming unaffordable. Upwork takes 20% of your fee (10% for repeat clients) upfront. They insist that, on pain of banishment, you use them to receive the fee. They then hold onto it for a week before allowing you to withdraw it.

Finally, before submitting proposals, you must buy “contacts” from them, which are consumed irrespective of whether the proposal was successful or not. True, you get 10 free a month, which covers one, or possibly two proposals.

By the time I have moved the fee to PayPal, then down to my local South African Bank, I’ve lost about a third of the fee.” – Iain Robertson , freelance writer.

Profitable channel but requires persistence

“I’m actually close to $200K in lifetime earnings on Upwork. There are lowballers, but there are also a lot of great clients who don’t know where to look for freelancers. Like finding clients anywhere, it just takes a bit of persistence. The more 5-star reviews you can get, the easier it is to find higher-quality clients. I definitely recommend it, especially for new writers and during slow times.” Kayly Lange , freelance writer for SaaS and tech companies.

Best source of work!

“I’m trying to expand beyond Upwork, but it’s still my best source of work. I get invited to jobs that pay my rates (which are not low) fairly regularly, and the clients are extremely professional and pleasant to work with,” says Sarah Barbour , freelance finance writer.

When asked what’s working well, Sarah says, “Most of the work I’ve gotten recently has been through invitations, but I still apply for good jobs when I see them. My theory is that staying active on the platform keeps the algorithms happy and helps you get found more easily (but that’s just a theory). I have good reviews, and I’ve raised my rates consistently. I started at $30/hr in March 2021 and now charge $125/hr as of about 2 months ago.”

Good if you can get into the private talent clouds

“It got a lot harder once they rolled out the private talent clouds. I was lucky enough to be on the radar of my target market before that and was added to some by Upwork and others by the clients themselves. If you’re targeting major players, their recruiters and content teams can add you to these directly to see postings,” says Geoff Whiting , senior copywriter at Red Stag Fulfillment.

Too many lowball offers

“I actually stopped looking for freelance work on Upwork. Kept having to sort through lowball offers. It might be different for those who’ve written for longer,” says Michelle Harris , freelance writer.

Mostly a race to the bottom

“ There is some quality business on these freelance marketplaces. But most of the time it is the race to the bottom to find the writer with the lowest rates,” says Azrung Fayaz MD , freelance health writer.

Prefers LinkedIn

“Personally never had luck getting any from Upwork or any of those platforms. LinkedIn is the way to go for me! I’ve found the quality of clients is much better on here, too 🙂 ,” says Sharon Wu , freelance content writer.

Staying Active on the Platform Can Pay Off

“Bravo to the person who said that staying active on the platform keeps the algorithm happy. I applied for a few jobs recently. I didn’t get a single job from those proposals ?. But I started receiving many invitations. I have received 40+ invitations this month leading to projects worth $3000+ (I took 3 projects only),” says Kishmala Islam , a scientific researcher.

She adds, “It took me 7 years to reach the top 1% as a scientific researcher but it’s so worth it. Every business needs investment in the form of time and money, so if you don’t have money, invest your time.”

Upwork review verdict: Is it worth it for freelance writers? 

In this day and age, there are lots of ways for writers to advertise their services and make money, so is Upwork worth your time? 

Using Upwork can be a good way to expand your client base since there are so many gigs posted every day. But standing out on a globalized platform with experienced freelancers from all over the world can be difficult, especially if you’re a new writer. Expect it to take some time and effort to build up your profile and reputation enough to attract quality clients. To get established on the platform, you might have to pay your dues and take some low-paying gigs.

However, once you prove your value and skills, you can earn good money on Upwork. Some of the writers we spoke to are pulling in up to $125 per hour. Just make sure you factor the project and connect fees you’ll have to pay to use the platform into your hourly rate. Charging a bit more will prevent you from feeling short-changed after Upwork takes its cut. 

How does Upwork compare to other freelancing platforms?

Upwork isn’t the only platform you can use to find freelance writing jobs . Let’s take a look at some other popular freelance marketplaces and see how they stack up.

Problogger is a forum-style job board that mainly features freelance blog and article writing opportunities. Most jobs are geared toward entry and mid-level writers with pay rates ranging from $0.05 to $0.15 per word. Only a handful of jobs get posted every day, so there are far fewer opportunities on Problogger than on Upwork. 

article writing jobs on upwork

On the upside, you don’t have to pay anything to apply to Problogger job listings. But the low barrier to entry means there’s lots of competition — each gig gets thousands of views and hundreds of applicants . However, applying to jobs within your niche the same day they’re posted can improve your odds.

Problogger charges clients at least $80 to advertise a job, which helps weed out scams. The board is also regularly monitored for suspicious posts. But because Problogger is just a job board, you won’t get any kind of payment protection, so you may want to ask your clients for a deposit before you begin work. 

Further, Problogger lacks the project management infrastructure that Upwork offers. However, since Problogger doesn’t charge any project fees on your earnings, you can invest the money you save into collaboration tools. 

iWriter is an article-writing service that accepts custom content requests from clients, which its pool of freelancers fulfills. After you sign up and create a free account, you can browse the list of available articles and reserve the ones that interest you. 

However, as a new writer, you’ll be locked out of the most desirable projects until you achieve a higher star rating. This means you’ll have to take on very, very low-paying gigs, in the beginning, to build up your reputation. 

iWriter says that freelancers only get paid 65% of the price of the blogs they write. So new writers who are working on low-paying entry-level projects may earn as little as $2.15 for a 500-word article. You won’t be able to move up to the next level and earn higher pay until you’ve written at least 25 of these beginner articles, so you’ll be writing for paltry rates for a while. 

The highest-status writers on the iWriter can earn $0.05 per word , but it takes a lot of work to get to that point. You’d be better served by putting all that effort into building your reputation on Upwork, where top writers are earning up to $125 per hour. 

Guru is another freelancing platform that’s been around for quite a while — it was founded more than 20 years ago in 1998. The site features a wide variety of job postings from web development to graphic design to translation. However, Guru may not have as many writing opportunities as Upwork. Typing “writing” into Upwork’s job search portal yields thousands of results, but the same search only turns up a couple hundred listings on Guru.

article writing jobs on upwork

Similar to Upwork, Guru requires you to pay one virtual token (called a bid) to apply for a job. Bids cost around $0.50 each, so they’re a bit more expensive than Upwork connects. But it may be cheaper to apply for high-paying gigs on Guru because they only cost one bid instead of five or six connects. 

Guru also tends to have lower fees than Upwork. Freelancers with a basic, free account are charged a 9% project fee on their earnings. However, Guru allows you to split the fee with your client and ask them to cover up to 5% of it. Upgrading your account to one of Guru’s paid membership plans can also reduce the project fees you pay and get you more complimentary bid tokens. 

Just like Upwork, Guru offers project management infrastructure and a payment protection feature called SafePay to prevent nonpayment issues. In addition to hourly and fixed-price contracts, Guru allows you to set up a retainer agreement and arrange recurring payments. Although Guru seems to have fewer writing opportunities than Upwork, it may be worth joining for its lower fees and unique payment options. 

Is Fiverr or Upwork better for writers? It largely depends on your preferences and work style. 

Fiverr is a gig marketplace that allows freelancers to package their services into offers (called “gigs”) and sell them to clients. Instead of applying to writing jobs, you’ll create gigs that describe what you can do for customers, such as crafting a 1,000-word, SEO-optimized finance article for $100 in 3 days. 

article writing jobs on upwork

You don’t have to pay anything to become a seller and post gigs, but Fiverr will charge you a flat 20% fee on all your earnings. Since this fee doesn’t decrease over time, you’ll likely end up paying more fees on Fiverr than on Upwork. 

Fiverr allows you to create custom offers for buyers who show interest in your services, which is a good sales tool. You can also create recurring subscriptions for clients who need multiple pieces of content per month and want to make repeat orders. Fiverr even enables you to create milestones within a gig, which makes it possible to complete more complex projects.

A potential drawback of Fiverr is the lack of hourly pricing options—you can only create fixed-price gigs. But if you don’t like tracking your time and would rather work for a flat rate, you may not mind. 

Still have burning questions? We’ve got answers to the FAQs about Upwork.

Is Upwork a safe site?

Generally, Upwork is a safe site. Upwork has a fraud detection team that removes suspicious jobs from the platform, which helps root out scams. There’s also a payment protection system in place so clients can’t rip freelancers off. However, you’re still on the internet, so remember to practice online safety when using Upwork. 

Is Upwork good for beginner freelance writers?

It can be difficult for a new freelancer who doesn’t have writing samples or references to break into Upwork because it’s so competitive. However, if you’re willing to take lower-paying gigs to build up your reputation, Upwork could be a good place to cut your teeth. 

The platform has lots of helpful features to guide you through working with clients for the first time, such as payment protection and automatic invoicing, and contract creation. Using Upwork for your first few projects can help you get your feet wet and learn how to navigate client relationships before you branch out on your own. For more advice as a newbie, check out our blog on how to become a freelance writer in 12 steps.

Does Upwork pay well?

Upwork is a talent marketplace that acts as a middleman between clients and freelancers, so it doesn’t pay writers. However, Upwork has hundreds of thousands of active clients who advertise contract jobs on the platform and pay amounts across the spectrum, from minimum wage to $100+ per hour.

What if you want to look beyond Upwork? Check out 25 legit ways to find freelance writing jobs —all recommended by real writers!

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Upwork is an essential tool for scaling your small business, here’s why

Business owners using Upwork to find high quality professionals

Upwork is an incredible place to find in a wide variety of disciplines, from and to . While that may be apparent immediately, even if you have yet to use the platform to find support, what’s not evident is just how essential it can be. It’s more than a solution to find new, freelance, and short-term hires. It also gives you all the tools to communicate, collaborate, and manage those professionals for however long you maintain a working relationship. More importantly, those integrated tools help you save time and money as a business owner by providing it all in one convenient place, effectively and securely. Let’s explore why it’s so essential and why you should be using Upwork yourself if you’re not already.

Upwork is your quintessential ally in the digital age

How does this help scale your business, how to get started on upwork, why wait top-tier talent is just a few clicks away.

Forget for a moment that Upwork exists. We know it’s a strange request, but hear us out. If you wanted to find top-notch talent, traditionally, you’d have to post the job offer, sift through applicants, conduct interviews, measure team synergies to make sure they’re a good fit, and then spearhead the administrative tasks like signing agreements, arranging payments, and so on. Logistically, so much goes into that process, and that’s before you even start a project or begin collaborating. Then, you have to arrange collaboration and communication tools, find ways to track the task or project’s progress, and, on a basic level, manage the freelancer by keeping them on task and within deadlines.

Upwork makes all of that so much simpler.

  • It unifies all administrative processes by merging them into one convenient platform .
  • You can access a wide range of high-quality talent with over 12 million freelancers outside your local market.
  • You’ll get seamless communication and collaboration tools to chat, video call, or share files all from within Upwork.
  • A built-in payment system offers improved security for clients and freelancers alike. Manage all of your payments in one place.
  • Time tracking and reporting solutions allow you to see and manage billable hours and performance.
  • An advanced algorithmic and AI-driven Best Match system ensures you’re matched with freelancers and professionals who best fit your project.

But here’s the best part: Upwork allows you to save time and money by tapping into the vast talent pool of freelancers without the standard overhead of hiring full-time employees.

You can find precisely who you need, when you need them, and retain their services for as long as you need them. It’s as straightforward as that.

It’s no surprise that so many business owners are turning to Upwork to find top-tier talent.

As a small to medium-sized operation, it stands to reason that you don’t have the same resources as a large organization, and you probably never will. But that doesn’t mean you cannot compete on the same stage and succeed — quite the opposite. Upwork is an exceptional solution, providing you access to such a vast array of talented and capable professionals without the excessive costs of hiring them full-time. You can also find talent outside your usual bubble, meaning outside of your local market, which means you get many more opportunities to scale and grow your business than you would otherwise.

Imagine bringing on a highly skilled developer from across the world who could transform your workflows. New, inspired website designs, software that offers an unprecedented boost in customer experience and usability, or sales and marketing teams that think outside the box. These are all very real possibilities, and with Upwork, they’re merely a few clicks away.

Upwork is intuitive and user-friendly. .

First, if you don’t already have one. Then, post jobs or opportunities you have available, which are published on Upwork’s open marketplace. Professionals will send you proposals if they think they’re a good fit; meanwhile, the advanced Upwork algorithms will shortlist candidates who best match the opportunity.

Before you greenlight any work, you can review every professional who submits a proposal, including their profiles, portfolios of prior work, and professional reviews from other businesses and entrepreneurs. You can also browse similar projects they’ve worked on, check and review their qualifications, or schedule a chat or video interview within the Upwork platform.

After you sign with a professional, you’ll get an exclusive online space to manage the project. Here, you can securely upload or receive relevant files, communicate with your new hire, give valuable feedback, and even make payments. There’s a mobile app with full access to all platform features if you’re always on the go.

Upwork is a fantastic opportunity for any small or medium business looking to scale and optimize operations with top-tier talent. Beyond that, a host of functional support features make managing freelancers easier than ever. Typically, you’d have a lot to manage when hiring freelancers, but that’s not the case here. Upwork gives you all the tools to collaborate, manage, and engage, including onboard communication solutions, secure payment options, and much more. Get the help you need without the overhead costs of hiring full-time staff.

If you’ve been thinking about kickstarting some new projects but don’t have the talent on hand to do so, now’s an excellent time to explore Upwork. Why wait any longer than you have to? It could be just the move your business needs to breathe new life.

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Not only does it provide access to specialized and top-tier talent, it can help you scale your business by hiring the right professionals without incurring the extended costs of a long-time employee. Even better, Upwork can help you save more time by streamlining recruitment, hiring, and payroll tasks. That's mainly thanks to an intuitive and integrated payment system with "talent-matching features" that help you find or identify precisely the right professionals for your ask. Upwork makes it easier than ever to do just that.

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article writing jobs on upwork

How To Land a Job on Upwork in Just a Week

F reelancing is no longer just a side hustle . For many, it’s a full-time job that offers the flexibility to choose projects based on one’s skills and interests. Upwork, one of the most recognized platforms for freelance jobs, can be the field of dreams for many. But with fierce competition and hundreds of job listings posted daily, how can you stand out and land a job in just seven days? Keep reading to find out.

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What Is Upwork?

Upwork is a global freelancing platform where professionals and businesses collaborate on projects. From web development to writing, design to data analysis, Upwork offers job listings for a wide range of skills. Each job post comes with a detailed description, client’s history and proposed budget. As a freelancer, you bid on these listings, communicate with potential clients and hopefully, seal the deal.

How To Land a Job on Upwork: Step-by-Step Guide

For someone just starting on Upwork, the task of landing that first job can feel daunting. With the right strategy, however, you can be well on your way to becoming a sought-after freelancer on Upwork. Here are nine steps you can take:

  • Start with small tasks
  • Make your profile stand out
  • Prioritize feedback
  • Be strategic with your proposals
  • Acquire job invites
  • Be prepared for the interview
  • Work with genuine clients
  • Provide timelines and updates
  • Keep growing your skills

1. Start With Smaller Tasks

Starting with smaller tasks on Upwork can be a great approach for newcomers. These assignments are typically faster to complete, allowing you to gradually build your portfolio. Successfully completing these can enhance your confidence and lay the groundwork for a positive reputation.

2. Craft an Unforgettable Profile

Your profile is the first thing potential clients see. It’s essential to make a lasting impression. Ensure it accurately depicts your skills, highlights your experience and tells a compelling story about why you’re the best fit.

3. Prioritize Feedback Over Finances

In the early stages of your Upwork journey, emphasize collecting positive feedback rather than aiming for high pay. Excellent feedback enhances your credibility, making you more attractive to clients willing to pay top dollar for quality work in the future.

4. Strategize Your Proposal Submission

Avoid the trap of sending out bulk, generic proposals. Instead, customize each proposal to address the unique needs and specifics of the job listing. A tailored, sincere pitch will resonate more with potential clients, increasing your chances of getting hired.

5. Cultivate Upwork Job Invites

With consistent high-quality output, you’ll position yourself in a space where clients proactively invite you to bid on their projects. Being directly invited is a testament to your expertise and saves you the effort of scouring through job listings.

6. Ace the Upwork Interview

When invited for an interview, always be on time, present yourself professionally and come prepared. It’s not just about showcasing your skills but also ensuring that you’re a good fit for the client’s needs.

7. Engage With Genuine Clients

It’s essential to identify and engage with authentic clients. Prioritize those who have a verified payment method and provide a clear, comprehensive job description. This not only safeguards your interests but also sets the stage for a smoother collaboration.

8. Provide Timelines and Updates

Once hired, maintain open communication lines. Ensuring that you deliver within set timelines and regularly update your client on progress can lead to repeat hires and referrals.

9. Keep Growing Your Skills

Dedicate time to upskill, participate in relevant webinars and stay updated with industry trends . By doing so, you’ll maintain a competitive edge, offer more value to your clients and enhance your own professional growth.

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Getting started on Upwork may initially feel overwhelming. However, with a focused approach, perseverance and the steps above, you can confidently land your first job in a week and set the foundation for a thriving freelance career.

Editor’s note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates’ editorial team.

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This article originally appeared on : How To Land a Job on Upwork in Just a Week

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Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 06:38 am

Looking for article writing jobs in Kenya? You’re in the right place. 

With a growing demand for quality content, there are plenty of opportunities for skilled writers to secure freelance or full-time writing jobs in Kenya. 

Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, there are plenty of opportunities to earn money by writing articles for websites, blogs, and other online platforms.

One of the best ways to find article writing jobs in Kenya is by searching online job boards and freelance platforms. 

Websites like MyJobMag and LinkedIn offer a wide range of writing jobs, from part-time gigs to full-time positions. 

You can also find jobs on local classifieds websites like The Star . 

Additionally, there are a number of Kenyan websites that accept new writers and pay via Mpesa, making it easy to get started with freelance writing.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in article writing, it’s important to have a strong portfolio of writing samples to showcase your skills to potential clients. 

This can include blog posts, articles, and other types of content that demonstrate your ability to write well and engage readers. 

With the right skills and a bit of persistence, you can find plenty of opportunities to earn money as a freelance writer in Kenya.

Top Websites for Article Writing Jobs in Kenya

If you are looking for article writing jobs in Kenya, there are several websites available where you can find work. Here are some of the top websites to check out:

Upwork is a popular freelance platform that connects clients with freelancers from all over the world. 

It is a great place to find article writing jobs in Kenya. 

To get started, create a profile and start bidding on jobs that match your skills and experience. 

Upwork charges a fee on each project, but it is a great way to find consistent work.

Freelancer is another popular platform for freelancers to find work. It is similar to Upwork in that clients post jobs and freelancers bid on them. Freelancer also charges a fee on each project, but it is a great way to build your portfolio and find consistent work.

Fiverr is a platform that allows freelancers to offer their services starting at $5. While it may seem like a low price point, there are many clients who are willing to pay more for quality work. 

Fiverr is a great place to build your portfolio and gain experience. As you gain more experience and positive reviews, you can increase your rates.

Overall, these three websites are great places to find article writing jobs in Kenya. 

Be sure to create a strong profile, showcase your skills and experience, and apply to jobs that match your expertise. With time and effort, you can build a successful freelance career.

How to Find Article Writing Jobs in Kenya

If you’re looking for article writing jobs in Kenya, there are several ways to find them. In this section, we’ll cover three of the most effective methods: networking, job boards, and social media.

Networking is a great way to find article writing jobs in Kenya. By connecting with other writers, you can learn about job opportunities that may not be advertised elsewhere. Here are a few ways to network:

  • Attend writing conferences and events
  • Join writing groups on social media
  • Connect with other writers on LinkedIn

When networking, it’s important to be professional and respectful. Don’t be pushy or aggressive, and always be willing to help others.

Job boards are another great way to find article writing jobs in Kenya. Here are a few job boards to check out:

When using job boards, it’s important to read the job descriptions carefully and only apply for jobs that you’re qualified for.

Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for finding article writing jobs in Kenya. Here are a few tips for using social media to find jobs:

  • Follow companies and publications that you’re interested in writing for
  • Use hashtags to find job postings (#writingjobs, #freelancewriting, etc.)
  • Connect with other writers and editors on Twitter and LinkedIn

When using social media, it’s important to present yourself professionally and to be active and engaged in the writing community.

By using these methods, you can increase your chances of finding article writing jobs in Kenya. Good luck!

Qualifications for Article Writing Jobs in Kenya

If you are interested in pursuing an article writing job in Kenya, there are certain qualifications you should possess. 

While some employers may have specific requirements, there are some general qualifications that most employers look for.

Most article writing jobs in Kenya require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as journalism, communications, or English. 

However, some employers may accept candidates with a diploma or certificate in writing or a related field.

Writing Skills

To succeed in an article writing job, you must have excellent writing skills. 

This includes a strong command of the English language, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 

You should also be able to write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner that captures the reader’s attention.

Research Skills

Article writing often requires extensive research. 

Therefore, you should have strong research skills and be able to gather and analyze information from a variety of sources.

Time Management Skills

Article writing jobs in Kenya often come with tight deadlines. 

Therefore, you should have excellent time management skills and be able to work efficiently and meet deadlines.

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is crucial when it comes to article writing. 

You should be able to proofread your work and ensure that it is free of errors and inconsistencies.

Creativity is also an important qualification for article writing jobs in Kenya. You should be able to come up with fresh and interesting ideas and be able to write in a way that is engaging and informative.

In summary, to qualify for an article writing job in Kenya, you should have a relevant education, excellent writing and research skills, strong time management skills, attention to detail, and creativity.

Tips for Success in Article Writing Jobs in Kenya

If you’re looking to succeed in article writing jobs in Kenya, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Understand the client’s requirements : Before you start writing, make sure you understand the client’s requirements. Read the job description carefully, and ask questions if you’re unsure about anything. This will help you deliver work that meets the client’s expectations.
  • Research the topic thoroughly : To write a high-quality article, you need to have a good understanding of the topic. Research the topic thoroughly, and use reliable sources to gather information. This will help you write an informative and engaging article.
  • Use simple language : When writing an article, it’s important to use simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical jargon or complex sentences. This will help your article appeal to a wider audience.
  • Proofread your work : Before submitting your work, make sure you proofread it carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and ensure that your article flows well. This will help you deliver high-quality work that is free from errors.
  • Meet deadlines : When working on article writing jobs in Kenya, it’s important to meet deadlines. Make sure you have enough time to complete the work, and deliver it on time. This will help you build a good reputation as a reliable writer.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can succeed in article writing jobs in Kenya and build a successful career as a freelance writer.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several popular online platforms for finding article writing jobs in Kenya. Some of the most well-known platforms include Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, iWriter, and Writer Access. These platforms offer a wide range of writing jobs, from blog posts and articles to product descriptions and technical writing.

The amount you can earn as an article writer in Kenya depends on several factors, such as your experience, skill level, and the type of writing job you are doing. Generally, rates for article writing jobs in Kenya range from Ksh 100 to Ksh 500 per 500-word article. However, some clients may offer higher rates for more complex or technical writing projects.

To be successful in article writing jobs in Kenya, you need to have excellent writing skills, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You should also be able to write in a clear and concise manner and be able to meet deadlines. Additionally, having knowledge of SEO and online content marketing can be an advantage.

Yes, there are specific requirements for academic writing jobs in Kenya. These jobs typically require a higher level of education, such as a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. You may also need to have experience in academic writing and be familiar with citation styles such as APA, MLA, and Harvard.

Yes, beginners can find opportunities for article writing jobs in Kenya. Many clients are willing to work with beginners, as long as they can demonstrate strong writing skills and a willingness to learn. Starting with smaller projects and building up your portfolio can help you gain experience and find more opportunities.

The payment process for online writing jobs in Kenya varies depending on the platform and the client. Some platforms offer payment through PayPal, Skrill, or other online payment services, while others may pay through bank transfer or mobile money. It’s important to clarify the payment process with your client before starting any project to avoid any misunderstandings or delays in payment.

  • 7 Best Government Agencies to Work for in Kenya
  • How to Apply and Get a Government Job in Kenya
  • Job Sites in Kenya: 7 Top Platforms for Finding Employment Opportunities
  • 6 Best Transcription Job Websites in Kenya

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Upwork introduces upwork updates to launch ai innovations and other solutions shaping how businesses and freelancers hire and work.

First-ever installment of Upwork Updates headlined by Uma, Upwork’s Mindful AI, helping customers work smarter

Uma, Upwork's Mindful AI

Best Match insights

Freelancer Plus with Upwork Chat Pro

Instant Consultations

Job Post Generator

Upwork Enterprise VMS MSP

Upwork Partner Experts program

SAN FRANCISCO, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Upwork (Nasdaq: UPWK), the world’s work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent, today unveiled a collection of products, features and partnerships to transform how businesses and professionals hire and work, as part of Upwork Updates: Spring 2024 , Upwork’s new semi-annual product showcase.

Introducing Uma, Upwork’s Mindful AI The Spring 2024 Update is headlined by Uma, Upwork’s Mindful AI. Developed on top of industry-leading large language models (LLMs) and customized with Upwork platform data, Uma underpins key experiences in the hiring and matching process that are critical to businesses and freelancers discovering each other, getting started, and completing more high-quality work.

Uma powers new features like Best Match insights, now available in beta. Best Match insights help businesses quickly find the best potential person for their job by identifying relevant insights like top proposals, client reviews, and skill alignment with the job post.

Uma also improves existing innovations and experiences including Job Post Generator, Proposal Tips, and Upwork Chat Pro—all AI-powered product features designed to help clients find and hire freelancers more seamlessly and help freelancers win projects, complete more work, and increase efficiency.

Increasingly, Uma serves as a conversational companion to clients and freelancers on Upwork. Today, Uma is starting to roll out on the Upwork homepage so that customers can begin interacting with the technology. Eventually, Uma will serve as a constant, intelligent companion that supports customers throughout their entire Upwork experience.

“Uma is the mindful, human-centered AI that empowers our customers to work smarter and get work done on Upwork,” said Andrew Rabinovich, head of AI & machine learning at Upwork. “Part of the magic of Upwork is our more than two decades of data and insights from a full range of hiring and work behaviors. That’s millions of data points that can help Uma power all the connections happening across the Upwork marketplace, enabling an intuitive, streamlined, and high-quality work experience for businesses and professionals alike.”

New Resources for Freelancers Upwork also premiered access to new tools for freelancers to stand out, get hired, and produce their best work.

“Highly skilled freelance professionals armed with the latest innovative technology provides a tremendous accelerant in efficiently delivering successful work outcomes,” said Dave Bottoms, general manager and VP of product for the Upwork Marketplace. “Building atop the recent introduction of apps and offers, these new tools and resources that we’re showcasing via Upwork Updates will enable skilled freelancers around the world to better differentiate themselves, get connected to the right businesses and projects, and deliver high-quality and high-value work.”

New features, updates and resources for freelance professionals include:

Freelancer Plus , Upwork’s subscription offering for freelancers, now includes exclusive access to Upwork Chat Pro, powered by Uma, so that professionals can improve efficiency and grow their businesses.

Boosted Profiles provide more visibility for freelancers, leading to more opportunities to do the work they love.

Portfolio , now available in beta, is an upgraded experience for uploading and organizing content to display on profile pages, empowering freelancers to show their work in the way that represents them best.

Upwork Coaching Services , now available to all freelancers through Upwork Academy , enable the millions of skilled professionals on Upwork to put their best foot forward, appeal to and ultimately get hired by more clients.

New industry-leading third-party apps and offers like GoDaddy, Dropbox, Notion and iStock by Getty Images equip freelancers with the latest cutting-edge tools and services they need to deliver their highest-quality work.

Access to Expert Global Talent Upwork introduced two new avenues for businesses to access the expertise they need to serve their most pressing needs:

Instant consultations allow clients to meet with skilled freelancers within minutes and receive immediate, expert advice, ultimately getting projects started and completed faster.

Upwork’s Partner Experts program welcomed GoDaddy, BigCommerce and Constant Contact as new partners providing their customers direct access to a curated set of trusted freelancers deeply experienced in working with their specific technologies.

Refreshed Solutions for Enterprises Upwork Enterprise introduced new vendor management system (VMS) and managed service provider (MSP) partnerships, alongside enhancements to the Enterprise client experience.

Following the launch of its inaugural VMS partnerships in December 2023, Upwork Enterprise is rapidly expanding the ways in which businesses can tap into and leverage the global pool of skilled freelance professionals found on Upwork, adding Workday VNDLY and KellyOCG as partners, with KellyOCG becoming Upwork’s first MSP partner. These strategic partnerships enable Upwork Enterprise customers to scale and optimize their contingent workforces and make faster, better decisions in workforce planning and management.

Upwork also continues to improve the customer experience within Enterprise Suite with new enhancements:

Contract audit reporting provides prebuilt, customizable reports with the information Enterprise clients need on hiring history and spend, and makes that information easily viewable across the organization.

Classification compliance improvements include real-time status updates on classification determinations that help clients quickly, easily, and accurately classify worker relationships.

For more information and to experience the innovations highlighted as part of Upwork Updates: Spring 2024, please visit: .

About Upwork

Upwork is the world’s work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent from across the globe. We serve everyone from one-person startups to large, Fortune 100 enterprises with a powerful, trust-driven platform that enables companies and talent to work together in new ways that unlock their potential. Our talent community earned over $3.8 billion on Upwork in 2023 across more than 10,000 skills in categories including website & app development, creative & design, data science & analytics, customer support, finance & accounting, consulting, and operations. Learn more at and join us on LinkedIn , Facebook , Instagram , TikTok and X .

Contact: Zach Moses [email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:


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