Home Blog Business How to Present a Case Study: Examples and Best Practices

How to Present a Case Study: Examples and Best Practices

Case Study: How to Write and Present It

Marketers, consultants, salespeople, and all other types of business managers often use case study analysis to highlight a success story, showing how an exciting problem can be or was addressed. But how do you create a compelling case study and then turn it into a memorable presentation? Get a lowdown from this post! 

Table of Content s

  • Why Case Studies are a Popular Marketing Technique 

Popular Case Study Format Types

How to write a case study: a 4-step framework, how to do a case study presentation: 3 proven tips, how long should a case study be, final tip: use compelling presentation visuals, business case study examples, what is a case study .

Let’s start with this great case study definition by the University of South Caroline:

In the social sciences, the term case study refers to both a method of analysis and a specific research design for examining a problem, both of which can generalize findings across populations.

In simpler terms — a case study is investigative research into a problem aimed at presenting or highlighting solution(s) to the analyzed issues.

A standard business case study provides insights into:

  • General business/market conditions 
  • The main problem faced 
  • Methods applied 
  • The outcomes gained using a specific tool or approach

Case studies (also called case reports) are also used in clinical settings to analyze patient outcomes outside of the business realm. 

But this is a topic for another time. In this post, we’ll focus on teaching you how to write and present a business case, plus share several case study PowerPoint templates and design tips! 

Case Study Woman Doing Research PPT Template

Why Case Studies are a Popular Marketing Technique 

Besides presenting a solution to an internal issue, case studies are often used as a content marketing technique . According to a 2020 Content Marketing Institute report, 69% of B2B marketers use case studies as part of their marketing mix.

A case study informs the reader about a possible solution and soft-sells the results, which can be achieved with your help (e.g., by using your software or by partnering with your specialist). 

For the above purpose, case studies work like a charm. Per the same report: 

  • For 9% of marketers, case studies are also the best method for nurturing leads. 
  • 23% admit that case studies are beneficial for improving conversions. 

Moreover, case studies also help improve your brand’s credibility, especially in the current fake news landscape and dubious claims made without proper credit. 

Ultimately, case studies naturally help build up more compelling, relatable stories and showcase your product benefits through the prism of extra social proof, courtesy of the case study subject. 

Case Study Computer PPT Template

Most case studies come either as a slide deck or as a downloadable PDF document. 

Typically, you have several options to distribute your case study for maximum reach:

  • Case study presentations — in-person, virtual, or pre-recorded, there are many times when a case study presentation comes in handy. For example, during client workshops, sales pitches, networking events, conferences, trade shows, etc. 
  • Dedicated website page — highlighting case study examples on your website is a great way to convert middle-on-the-funnel prospects. Google’s Think With Google case study section is a great example of a web case study design done right.

Case Study Example Google PPT Template

  • Blog case studies — data-driven storytelling is a staunch way to stand apart from your competition by providing unique insights, no other brand can tell. 
  • Video case studies — video is a great medium for showcasing more complex business cases and celebrating customer success stories.

Once you decide on your case study format, the next step is collecting data and then translating it into a storyline. There are different case study methods and research approaches you can use to procure data. 

But let’s say you already have all your facts straight and need to organize them in a clean copy for your presentation deck. Here’s how you should do it. 

Business Case Study Example PPT Template

1. Identify the Problem 

Every compelling case study research starts with a problem statement definition. While in business settings, there’s no need to explain your methodology in-depth; you should still open your presentation with a quick problem recap slide.

Be sure to mention: 

  • What’s the purpose of the case study? What will the audience learn? 
  • Set the scene. Explain the before, aka the problems someone was facing. 
  • Advertise the main issues and findings without highlighting specific details.

The above information should nicely fit in several paragraphs or 2-3 case study template slides

2. Explain the Solution 

The bulk of your case study copy and presentation slides should focus on the provided solution(s). This is the time to speak at length about how the subject went from before to the glorious after. 

Here are some writing prompts to help you articulate this better:

  • State the subject’s main objective and goals. What outcomes were they after?
  • Explain the main solution(s) provided. What was done? Why this, but not that? 
  • Mention if they tried any alternatives. Why did those work? Why were you better?

This part may take the longest to write. Don’t rush it and reiterate several times. Sprinkle in some powerful words and catchphrases to make your copy more compelling.

3. Collect Testimonials 

Persuasive case studies feature the voice of customer (VoC) data — first-party testimonials and assessments of how well the solution works. These provide extra social proof and credibility to all the claims you are making. 

So plan and schedule interviews with your subjects to collect their input and testimonials. Also, design your case study interview questions in a way that lets you obtain quantifiable results.

4. Package The Information in a Slide Deck

Once you have a rough first draft, try different business case templates and designs to see how these help structure all the available information. 

As a rule of thumb, try to keep one big idea per slide. If you are talking about a solution, first present the general bullet points. Then give each solution a separate slide where you’ll provide more context and perhaps share some quantifiable results.

For example, if you look at case study presentation examples from AWS like this one about Stripe , you’ll notice that the slide deck has few texts and really focuses on the big picture, while the speaker provides extra context.

Need some extra case study presentation design help? Download our Business Case Study PowerPoint template with 100% editable slides. 

Case Study Man With Giant Clipboard PPT Template

Your spoken presentation (and public speaking skills ) are equally if not more important than the case study copy and slide deck. To make a strong business case, follow these quick techniques. 

Focus on Telling a Great Story

A case study is a story of overcoming a challenge, and achieving something grand. Your delivery should reflect that. Step away from the standard “features => benefits” sales formula. Instead, make your customer the hero of the study. Describe the road they went through and how you’ve helped them succeed. 

The premises of your story can be as simple as:

  • Help with overcoming a hurdle
  • Gaining major impact
  • Reaching a new milestone
  • Solving a persisting issue no one else code 

Based on the above, create a clear story arc. Show where your hero started. Then explain what type of journey they went through. Inject some emotions into the mix to make your narrative more relatable and memorable. 

Experiment with Copywriting Formulas 

Copywriting is the art and science of organizing words into compelling and persuasive combinations that help readers retain the right ideas. 

To ensure that the audience retains the right takeaways from your case study presentation, you can try using some of the classic copywriting formulas to structure your delivery. These include:

  • AIDCA — short for A ttention, I nterest, D esire, C onviction, and A ction. First, grab the audience’s attention by addressing the major problem. Next, pique their interest with some teaser facts. Spark their desire by showing that you know the right way out. Then, show a conviction that you know how to solve the issue—finally, prompt follow-up action such as contacting you to learn more. 
  • PADS — is short for Problem, Agitation, Discredit, or Solution. This is more of a sales approach to case study narration. Again, you start with a problem, agitate about its importance, discredit why other solutions won’t cut it, and then present your option. 
  • 4Ps — short for P roblem, P romise, P roof, P roposal. This is a middle-ground option that prioritizes storytelling over hard pitches. Set the scene first with a problem. Then make a promise of how you can solve it. Show proof in the form of numbers, testimonials, and different scenarios. Round it up with a proposal for getting the same outcomes. 

Take an Emotion-Inducing Perspective

The key to building a strong rapport with an audience is showing that you are one of them and fully understand what they are going through. 

One of the ways to build this connection is by speaking from an emotion-inducing perspective. This is best illustrated with an example: 

  • A business owner went to the bank
  • A business owner came into a bank branch 

In the second case, the wording prompts listeners to paint a mental picture from the perspective of the bank employees — a role you’d like them to relate to. By placing your audience in the right visual perspective, you can make them more receptive to your pitches. 

Case Study Medical Example PPT Template

One common question that arises when creating a case study is determining its length. The length of a case study can vary depending on the complexity of the problem and the level of detail you want to provide. Here are some general guidelines to help you decide how long your case study should be:

  • Concise and Informative: A good case study should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary fluff and filler content. Focus on providing valuable information and insights.
  • Tailor to Your Audience: Consider your target audience when deciding the length. If you’re presenting to a technical audience, you might include more in-depth technical details. For a non-technical audience, keep it more high-level and accessible.
  • Cover Key Points: Ensure that your case study covers the key points effectively. These include the problem statement, the solution, and the outcomes. Provide enough information for the reader to understand the context and the significance of your case.
  • Visuals: Visual elements such as charts, graphs, images, and diagrams can help convey information more effectively. Use visuals to supplement your written content and make complex information easier to understand.
  • Engagement: Keep your audience engaged. A case study that is too long may lose the reader’s interest. Make sure the content is engaging and holds the reader’s attention throughout.
  • Consider the Format: Depending on the format you choose (e.g., written document, presentation, video), the ideal length may vary. For written case studies, aim for a length that can be easily read in one sitting.

In general, a written case study for business purposes often falls in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 words. However, this is not a strict rule, and the length can be shorter or longer based on the factors mentioned above.

Our brain is wired to process images much faster than text. So when you are presenting a case study, always look for an opportunity to tie in some illustrations such as: 

  • A product demo/preview
  • Processes chart 
  • Call-out quotes or numbers
  • Custom illustrations or graphics 
  • Customer or team headshots 

Use icons to minimize the volume of text. Also, opt for readable fonts that can look good in a smaller size too.

To better understand how to create an effective business case study, let’s explore some examples of successful case studies:

Apple Inc.: Apple’s case study on the launch of the iPhone is a classic example. It covers the problem of a changing mobile phone market, the innovative solution (the iPhone), and the outstanding outcomes, such as market dominance and increased revenue.

Tesla, Inc.: Tesla’s case study on electric vehicles and sustainable transportation is another compelling example. It addresses the problem of environmental concerns and the need for sustainable transportation solutions. The case study highlights Tesla’s electric cars as the solution and showcases the positive impact on reducing carbon emissions.

Amazon.com: Amazon’s case study on customer-centricity is a great illustration of how the company transformed the e-commerce industry. It discusses the problem of customer dissatisfaction with traditional retail, Amazon’s customer-focused approach as the solution, and the remarkable outcomes in terms of customer loyalty and market growth.

Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s case study on brand evolution is a valuable example. It outlines the challenge of adapting to changing consumer preferences and demographics. The case study demonstrates how Coca-Cola continually reinvented its brand to stay relevant and succeed in the global market.

Airbnb: Airbnb’s case study on the sharing economy is an intriguing example. It addresses the problem of travelers seeking unique and affordable accommodations. The case study presents Airbnb’s platform as the solution and highlights its impact on the hospitality industry and the sharing economy.

These examples showcase the diversity of case studies in the business world and how they effectively communicate problems, solutions, and outcomes. When creating your own business case study, use these examples as inspiration and tailor your approach to your specific industry and target audience.

Finally, practice your case study presentation several times — solo and together with your team — to collect feedback and make last-minute refinements! 

1. Business Case Study PowerPoint Template

case study approach presentation

To efficiently create a Business Case Study it’s important to ask all the right questions and document everything necessary, therefore this PowerPoint Template will provide all the sections you need.

Use This Template

2. Medical Case Study PowerPoint Template

case study approach presentation

3. Medical Infographics PowerPoint Templates

case study approach presentation

4. Success Story PowerPoint Template

case study approach presentation

5. Detective Research PowerPoint Template

case study approach presentation

6. Animated Clinical Study PowerPoint Templates

case study approach presentation

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Business Intelligence, Business Planning, Business PowerPoint Templates, Content Marketing, Feasibility Study, Marketing, Marketing Strategy Filed under Business

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case study approach presentation

9 Creative Case Study Presentation Examples & Templates

Learn from proven case study presentation examples and best practices how to get creative, stand out, engage your audience, excite action, and drive results.


9 minute read

Case study presentation example

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes a good case study presentation?

A good case study presentation has an engaging story, a clear structure, real data, visual aids, client testimonials, and a strong call to action. It informs and inspires, making the audience believe they can achieve similar results.

Dull case studies can cost you clients.

A boring case study presentation doesn't just risk putting your audience to sleep—it can actuallyl ead to lost sales and missed opportunities.

When your case study fails to inspire, it's your bottom line that suffers.

Interactive elements are the secret sauce for successful case study presentations.

They not only increase reader engagement by 22% but also lead to a whopping 41% more decks being read fully , proving that the winning deck is not a monologue but a conversation that involves the reader.

Let me show you shape your case studies into compelling narratives that hook your audience and drive revenue.

Let’s go!

How to create a case study presentation that drives results?

Crafting a case study presentation that truly drives results is about more than just data—it's about storytelling, engagement, and leading your audience down the sales funnel.

Here's how you can do it:

Tell a story: Each case study should follow a narrative arc. Start with the problem, introduce your solution, and showcase the results. Make it compelling and relatable.

Leverage data: Hard numbers build credibility. Use them to highlight your successes and reinforce your points.

Use visuals: Images, infographics, and videos can enhance engagement, making complex information more digestible and memorable.

Add interactive elements: Make your presentation a two-way journey. Tools like tabs and live data calculators can increase time spent on your deck by 22% and the number of full reads by 41% .

Finish with a strong call-to-action: Every good story needs a conclusion. Encourage your audience to take the next step in their buyer journey with a clear, persuasive call-to-action.

Visual representation of what a case study presentation should do:

where case studies fit in the marketing funnel

How to write an engaging case study presentation?

Creating an engaging case study presentation involves strategic storytelling, understanding your audience, and sparking action.

In this guide, I'll cover the essentials to help you write a compelling narrative that drives results.

What is the best format for a business case study presentation?

4 best format types for a business case study presentation:

  • Problem-solution case study
  • Before-and-after case study
  • Success story case study
  • Interview style case study

Each style has unique strengths, so pick one that aligns best with your story and audience. For a deeper dive into these formats, check out our detailed blog post on case study format types .

How to write the perfect case study

What to include in a case study presentation?

An effective case study presentation contains 7 key elements:

  • Introduction
  • Company overview
  • The problem/challenge
  • Your solution
  • Customer quotes/testimonials

To learn more about what should go in each of these sections, check out our post on what is a case study .

How to motivate readers to take action?

Based on BJ Fogg's behavior model , successful motivation involves 3 components:

This is all about highlighting the benefits. Paint a vivid picture of the transformative results achieved using your solution.

Use compelling data and emotive testimonials to amplify the desire for similar outcomes, therefore boosting your audience's motivation.

This refers to making the desired action easy to perform. Show how straightforward it is to implement your solution.

Use clear language, break down complex ideas, and reinforce the message that success is not just possible, but also readily achievable with your offering.

This is your powerful call-to-action (CTA), the spark that nudges your audience to take the next step. Ensure your CTA is clear, direct, and tied into the compelling narrative you've built.

It should leave your audience with no doubt about what to do next and why they should do it.

Here’s how you can do it with Storydoc:

Storydoc next step slide example

How to adapt your presentation for your specific audience?

Every audience is different, and a successful case study presentation speaks directly to its audience's needs, concerns, and desires.

Understanding your audience is crucial. This involves researching their pain points, their industry jargon, their ambitions, and their fears.

Then, tailor your presentation accordingly. Highlight how your solution addresses their specific problems. Use language and examples they're familiar with. Show them how your product or service can help them reach their goals.

A case study presentation that's tailor-made for its audience is not just a presentation—it's a conversation that resonates, engages, and convinces.

How to design a great case study presentation?

A powerful case study presentation is not only about the story you weave—it's about the visual journey you create.

Let's navigate through the design strategies that can transform your case study presentation into a gripping narrative.

Add interactive elements

Static design has long been the traditional route for case study presentations—linear, unchanging, a one-size-fits-all solution.

However, this has been a losing approach for a while now. Static content is killing engagement, but interactive design will bring it back to life.

It invites your audience into an evolving, immersive experience, transforming them from passive onlookers into active participants.

Which of these presentations would you prefer to read?

Static PDF example

Use narrated content design (scrollytelling)

Scrollytelling combines the best of scrolling and storytelling. This innovative approach offers an interactive narrated journey controlled with a simple scroll.

It lets you break down complex content into manageable chunks and empowers your audience to control their reading pace.

To make this content experience available to everyone, our founder, Itai Amoza, collaborated with visualization scientist Prof. Steven Franconeri to incorporate scrollytelling into Storydoc.

This collaboration led to specialized storytelling slides that simplify content and enhance engagement (which you can find and use in Storydoc).

Here’s an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

Bring your case study to life with multimedia

Multimedia brings a dynamic dimension to your presentation. Video testimonials lend authenticity and human connection. Podcast interviews add depth and diversity, while live graphs offer a visually captivating way to represent data.

Each media type contributes to a richer, more immersive narrative that keeps your audience engaged from beginning to end.

Prioritize mobile-friendly design

In an increasingly mobile world, design must adapt. Avoid traditional, non-responsive formats like PPT, PDF, and Word.

Opt for a mobile-optimized design that guarantees your presentation is always at its best, regardless of the device.

As a significant chunk of case studies are opened on mobile, this ensures wider accessibility and improved user experience , demonstrating respect for your audience's viewing preferences.

Here’s what a traditional static presentation looks like as opposed to a responsive deck:

Static PDF example

Streamline the design process

Creating a case study presentation usually involves wrestling with an AI website builder .

It's a dance that often needs several partners - designers to make it look good, developers to make it work smoothly, and plenty of time to bring it all together.

Building, changing, and personalizing your case study can feel like you're climbing a mountain when all you need is to cross a hill.

By switching to Storydoc’s interactive case study creator , you won’t need a tech guru or a design whizz, just your own creativity.

You’ll be able to create a customized, interactive presentation for tailored use in sales prospecting or wherever you need it without the headache of mobilizing your entire team.

Storydoc will automatically adjust any change to your presentation layout, so you can’t break the design even if you tried.

Auto design adjustment

Case study presentation examples that engage readers

Let’s take a deep dive into some standout case studies.

These examples go beyond just sharing information – they're all about captivating and inspiring readers. So, let’s jump in and uncover the secret behind what makes them so effective.

What makes this deck great:

  • A video on the cover slide will cause 32% more people to interact with your case study .
  • The running numbers slide allows you to present the key results your solution delivered in an easily digestible way.
  • The ability to include 2 smart CTAs gives readers the choice between learning more about your solution and booking a meeting with you directly.

Light mode case study

  • The ‘read more’ button is perfect if you want to present a longer case without overloading readers with walls of text.
  • The timeline slide lets you present your solution in the form of a compelling narrative.
  • A combination of text-based and visual slides allows you to add context to the main insights.

Marketing case study

  • Tiered slides are perfect for presenting multiple features of your solution, particularly if they’re relevant to several use cases.
  • Easily customizable slides allow you to personalize your case study to specific prospects’ needs and pain points.
  • The ability to embed videos makes it possible to show your solution in action instead of trying to describe it purely with words.

UX case study

  • Various data visualization components let you present hard data in a way that’s easier to understand and follow.
  • The option to hide text under a 'Read more' button is great if you want to include research findings or present a longer case study.
  • Content segmented using tabs , which is perfect if you want to describe different user research methodologies without overwhelming your audience.

Business case study

  • Library of data visualization elements to choose from comes in handy for more data-heavy case studies.
  • Ready-to-use graphics and images which can easily be replaced using our AI assistant or your own files.
  • Information on the average reading time in the cover reduces bounce rate by 24% .

Modern case study

  • Dynamic variables let you personalize your deck at scale in just a few clicks.
  • Logo placeholder that can easily be replaced with your prospect's logo for an added personal touch.
  • Several text placeholders that can be tweaked to perfection with the help of our AI assistant to truly drive your message home.

Real estate case study

  • Plenty of image placeholders that can be easily edited in a couple of clicks to let you show photos of your most important listings.
  • Data visualization components can be used to present real estate comps or the value of your listings for a specific time period.
  • Interactive slides guide your readers through a captivating storyline, which is key in a highly-visual industry like real estate .

Medical case study

  • Image and video placeholders are perfect for presenting your solution without relying on complex medical terminology.
  • The ability to hide text under an accordion allows you to include research or clinical trial findings without overwhelming prospects with too much information.
  • Clean interactive design stands out in a sea of old-school medical case studies, making your deck more memorable for prospective clients.

Dark mode case study

  • The timeline slide is ideal for guiding readers through an attention-grabbing storyline or explaining complex processes.
  • Dynamic layout with multiple image and video placeholders that can be replaced in a few clicks to best reflect the nature of your business.
  • Testimonial slides that can easily be customized with quotes by your past customers to legitimize your solution in the eyes of prospects.

Grab a case study presentation template

Creating an effective case study presentation is not just about gathering data and organizing it in a document. You need to weave a narrative, create an impact, and most importantly, engage your reader.

So, why start from zero when interactive case study templates can take you halfway up?

Instead of wrestling with words and designs, pick a template that best suits your needs, and watch your data transform into an engaging and inspiring story.

case study approach presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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10-Step Guide To Crafting A Successful Case Study Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • May 2, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • An effective case study is a blueprint for convincing an audience and explaining a solution’s rationale and potential impact.   
  • The ideal time for a business case study is when you have to make your presentation to persuade clients, solve internal problems, back up arguments with real examples, or discuss an idea’s viability for a firm.   
  • Case study template presentations aren’t just about presenting solutions; they’re powerful storytelling tools that engage audiences with real-world examples and provoke critical thinking.
  • Key elements of an effective case study presentation template include an executive summary, problem statement, solution, execution details, key results, inclusion of quotes and testimonials, acknowledgment of contributors, call to action, conclusion, and Q&A session.

A case study is like your argument’s blueprint, explaining the why, how, where, and who to persuade your audience. It’s your solution to a clear question, like expanding in a market or launching a product. Case studies help convince clients, analyze internal issues, and provide real-life use cases.

So, when should you make your case study like a pro? When you need to:

– Persuade clients about your services.

– Solve internal problems for a company.

– Back up arguments with real examples.

– Discuss an idea’s viability for a firm.

It’s not just about finding a solution—it’s about influencing your audience with your findings. Case study formats organize a lot of information in a clear, engaging way for clients and stakeholders, often using templates.

In simpler terms, a professional case study is an in-depth look at a specific topic, often tackling real-world problems. It showcases your expertise and how your solutions can solve actual issues.

In social sciences, it’s both a method and a research design to examine problems and generalize findings. Essentially, it’s investigative research aimed at presenting solutions to analyzed issues.

In business, case study examples delve into market conditions, main problems, methods used, and outcomes gained. It’s a powerful tool for understanding and addressing complex business challenges.

Case Study Presentation

Good case study PowerPoint templates explore a specific subject, whether it’s an individual, group, event, or organization. It’s like solving a puzzle with your audience, pushing you to think creatively.

Unlike a standard report, the goal here is to stimulate critical thinking. You’re not just throwing numbers around; you’re using real-life examples to provoke thought and offer different perspectives.

In marketing, case studies showcase your solutions’ effectiveness and success in solving client problems. These research presentations use written content, visuals, and other tools to tell compelling stories. They’re perfect for sales pitches, trade shows, conferences, and more—whether in-person or virtual.

But the best case study presentation slides aren’t just reports; they’re powerful and persuasive storytelling tools. Whether you’re a marketer or salesperson, knowing how to present a case study can be a game-changer for your business. It’s all about engaging your audience and sharing insights in a clear and compelling way.

Looking to make a compelling presentation? Check out our blog on persuasive presentations.

Importance of a Case Study Presentation

Importance of a Case Study Presentation

To write a compelling case study presentation is more than just sharing information—it’s about convincing your audience that your product or service is the solution they need. Case study presentations help in – 

Generating leads and driving sales: Case studies showcase your product’s success, turning potential customers into paying clients.

Building credibility and social proof: They establish your authority and value through real-life examples, earning trust from clients and prospects.

Educating and informing your target audience: Case studies teach potential clients about your product’s benefits, positioning you as an industry leader.

Increasing brand awareness: Case studies promote your brand, boost your visibility, and attract new customers.

Stats back up the power of case studies: 

– 13% of marketers rely on them in their content strategy.

– They help boost conversions by 23% and nurture leads by 9%.

– 80% of tech content marketers include case studies in their strategy.

But case studies aren’t just marketing fluff; they’re about solving problems and showcasing accurate results. They’re valuable in various scenarios, from business cases to analyzing internal issues.

To create a compelling case study presentation effectively is your chance to offer a comprehensive, evidence-based argument that informs and persuades your audience. It’s like solving a puzzle, exploring every piece until you reach a clear conclusion. It’s about connecting data with real-world scenarios in a compelling narrative.

Whether in sales pitches, job interviews, or content marketing, case study presentation examples are your secret weapon for success. They provide tangible proof of your product’s value, helping you stand out in a cluttered marketplace.

Following are ten essential steps to crafting a successful case study presentation.

Begin With The Executive Summary

Leaders often seek a quick snapshot of important information, and that’s where the executive summary plays a vital role. Begin with a short introduction, laying out the purpose and goals of the case study in a straightforward manner. Capture your audience’s attention and provide a clear path for what follows.

Follow the introduction with a brief of the entire case study, allowing the audience to grasp the main points swiftly. Delve into the subject’s relevance and significance, explaining why the case study is essential and who benefits from its insights. This establishes the tone for the rest of the study, encouraging the audience to explore further.

Check out our expert tips and techniques to master creating an executive summary for presentations.

Define the Problem Statement

Steps For Crafting A Successful Case Study Presentation

Focus on the problem or challenge central to the case study. Provide background for the audience to grasp the issue, backing it up with data, graph or metrics to highlight its seriousness.

Need help visualizing your data? Check out our guide on mastering data visualizations.

Outline the goals and purpose of the case study and the questions it seeks to answer. This entails outlining the main issues from the customer’s viewpoint, making it understandable to the audience.

Start with a brief recap of the problem, clarifying the purpose of the study and the expected audience learnings. Explain the situation, shedding light on the hurdles faced. Present the key issues and findings without delving into specific details.

Highlight the importance of the problem using data and evidence to emphasize its real-world impact. Encapsulate the analysis’s purpose, aligning the issues identified with the study’s objectives.

Propose The Solution

At the heart of a presentation lies its solution. Reveal the steps taken to address the identified problem, including the methodology, experiments, or tests carried out and the considerations of various options. Clarify why the final solution was chosen over others.

Illustrates the shift from the problem-filled “before” to the successful “after.” 

Detail the proposed solution, recommendations, or action plan based on analyses. This includes explaining its reasoning and outlining implementation steps, timelines, and potential challenges.

Describe the analytical methods and approach used, demonstrating the thoroughness of the analysis, including research processes, data collection tools, and frameworks employed.

Present the essential findings and insights, utilizing data, charts, and visuals to enhance comprehension and engagement. Thoroughly discuss the analyses and the implications of the findings.

Show How the Solution was Executed

The execution slide of a case study presentation describes careful planning, consideration of risks, and measurement of metrics crucial for implementing the solution. 

Delve into the steps taken to attain desired client results, including identifying project key performance indicators (KPIs), addressing issues, and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

Detail the journey towards helping the client achieve results. Outline the planning, processes, risks, metrics, and KPIs essential for maximizing outcomes. This includes discussing any challenges encountered during execution and the strategies to overcome them, ensuring a seamless implementation process. 

Highlight the practical steps taken to turn the proposed solution into tangible results for the client.

Present the Key Results

Cover the outcomes achieved through the implementation of the solution. Leverage data and metrics to evaluate whether the solution successfully met its objectives and the extent of its impact on stakeholders. Acknowledge any setbacks or areas for improvement.

Outline the solution’s positive impact on the client’s project or business, highlighting aspects such as financial results, growth, and productivity enhancements. Reinforce these assertions with supporting evidence, including images, videos, and statistical data.

Emphasize the remarkable outcomes resulting from the solution, substantiating tangible success with relevant data and metrics. Illustrate the effectiveness of your recommendations through before-and-after comparisons and success metrics, highlighting their real-world impact.

This solidifies the rationale behind your proposal, showcasing its substantial impact on the business or project, particularly in terms of financial benefits for clients.

Include Quotes and Testimonials

Incorporate quotes and testimonials directly from customers who have experienced the transformation firsthand, adding authenticity and credibility to your case study. These voices of customers (VoC) provide firsthand accounts of the benefits and effectiveness of your solution, offering extra social proof to support your claims.

To gather compelling testimonials, plan and schedule interviews with your subjects. Design case study interview questions that allow you to obtain quantifiable results to capture valuable insights into the customer experience and the impact of your solution.

Include testimonials from satisfied customers to bolster the credibility of your case study and provide potential clients with real-life examples of success. These quotes serve as powerful endorsements of your offerings, helping to build trust and confidence among your target audience.

Acknowledge your Contributors with References and Citations

Case Study Presentation

Express gratitude to those who played a vital role in shaping your case study’s outcomes. Extend heartfelt thanks to individuals whose insights and collaboration were essential in problem-solving.

Acknowledges the valuable contributions of external resources, reports, and data sets. Citing these sources maintains transparency and credibility, ensuring due credit is given and providing a solid foundation for further investigation.

Incorporate a comprehensive list of references, citations, and supplementary materials in the appendices supporting the case study’s findings and conclusions. These additional resources demonstrate the thoroughness of the research and offer interested parties the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic.

Thank those who contributed, and encourage the audience to explore the provided references to better understand the insights presented in the case study.

Give a Call to Action (CTA)

As the well-crafted case study presentation slides near their end, it’s crucial to outline actionable steps for stakeholders going forward. Recommend the following strategies to the audience to build upon the success achieved.

Ask stakeholders to integrate the proven solutions highlighted in the case study into existing processes or projects. These strategies have shown effectiveness and can be valuable tools in driving further success.

Encourage audience members to participate in a detailed consultation or product demonstration. Leveraging expertise and solutions can expedite goal achievement and overcome any remaining challenges.

Recommend further research and analysis to explore additional opportunities for improvement or innovation. Continuous learning and adaptation are essential in today’s dynamic business environment, with support available every step of the way.

Proactive steps based on insights from the case study will position organizations for continued growth and success. Urge the stakeholders to take action and seize the opportunities ahead.

Check out our blog on framing an effective call to action to learn more about crafting presentation CTAs. 

Conclude your Case Study Presentation

Conclude the presentation by recapping the main points and highlighting their importance. Show that the solution presented effectively tackled the identified problem, delivering concrete results and benefits for the clients.

Summarize the key takeaways, underscoring how the findings can be applied in similar situations and showcasing the solution’s relevance across various contexts. This demonstrates not only its effectiveness but also its potential to yield positive outcomes in diverse scenarios.

Reiterate the power of strategic problem-solving and innovative solutions in driving success, and end by thanking the audience for their attention and participation.

To know more about concluding a presentation, check out our blog on helpful tips to end a presentation successfully.

Open the Floor for Q&A, Feedback and Discussion

Feedback and Discussion in Case Study Presentation

After your presentation ends, conduct a Q&A session. Encourage the audience to share their thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and engage in a constructive dialogue about the case study presented.

Feedback is valuable, so ask everyone to share their perspectives and insights. Also, encourage questions or comments, as they can provide further depth to the understanding of the subject matter.

This is an opportunity for mutual learning and exploring different viewpoints. Urge everyone to speak up and contribute to the conversation. The aim is to listen and exchange ideas to enrich the understanding of the topic.

Unlocking Success: Mastering the Art of Case Study Presentations

Case study presentations are not just reports; they’re dynamic storytelling tools that help sway clients, dissect internal issues, and provide real-world illustrations. 

These presentations aren’t just about offering solutions; they’re about influencing audiences with findings. Organizing vast amounts of data in an engaging way, often using templates and case studies, provides a clear path for clients and stakeholders.

Case study presentations delve deep into subjects, pushing presenters to think creatively. Unlike standard reports, they aim to provoke thought and offer varied perspectives. They’re powerful tools for showcasing success in solving client problems and using written content, visuals, and other elements to tell compelling stories.

Mastering case study presentations can be a game-changer, whether you’re a marketer, salesperson, or educator. It’s about engaging your audience and clearly and persuasively sharing insights into success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When should I consider doing a case study?

Case studies are beneficial when you need to persuade clients about your services, solve internal problems for a company, back up arguments with real examples, or discuss the viability of an idea for a firm.

2. What is the primary purpose of a case study presentation?

The primary goal of a case study presentation is to offer a comprehensive and evidence-based argument that informs and persuades the audience. It’s about presenting solutions to analyzed issues in a compelling narrative format.

3. What makes a case study presentation different from a standard report?

Unlike a standard report, a case study presentation aims to stimulate critical thinking by using real-life examples to provoke thought and offer different perspectives. It’s not just about presenting data; it’s about engaging the audience with compelling stories.

4. Where can case study presentations be effectively used?

Case study presentations are perfect for sales pitches, trade shows, conferences, and more—whether in-person or virtual. They are valuable storytelling tools that showcase the effectiveness of solutions and success in solving client problems.

Transform Your Business with Prezentium’s Case Study Presentations

Are you looking to captivate your prospective clients with compelling case study presentations? Look no further than Prezentium ! Prezentium, an AI-powered business presentation service provider, offers various services tailored to your needs.

Overnight Presentations : Need a professional presentation in a pinch? Our overnight presentation service has you covered. Email your requirements to Prezentium by 5:30 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST), and we’ll deliver a top-notch presentation to your inbox by 9:30 am PST the following business day.

Prezentation Specialist : Our team is here to help you transform ideas and meeting notes into exquisite presentations. Whether you need assistance with case study design, templates, or content creation, we’ve got you covered.

Zenith Learning : Elevate your communication skills with our interactive workshops and training programs. Combining structured problem-solving with visual storytelling, Zenith Learning equips you with the tools you need to succeed.

Unlock the power of case study presentations with Prezentium. Contact us today to learn more and take your business to new heights!

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5 Active Listening Skills for Better Communication

Mastering executive communication: strategies, benefits, and best practices, 7 tips for crafting a winning sales presentation.

Free PowerPoint Case Study Presentation Templates

By Joe Weller | January 23, 2024

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We’ve collected the top free PowerPoint case study presentation templates with or without sample text. Marketing and product managers, sales execs, and strategists can use them to arrange and present their success stories, strategies, and results.

On this page, you'll find six PowerPoint case study presentation templates, including a  marketing case study template , a  problem-solution-impact case study , and a  customer journey case study template , among others. Plus, discover the  key components of successful case study presentations , find out the  different types of case study presentations , and get  expert tips .

PowerPoint Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template

Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template:  Use this single-slide case study presentation template when you need to give a quick but effective overview of a case study. This template is perfect for presenting a case study when time is limited and you need to convey key points swiftly.

Notable Template Features: You can fit everything you need on one slide. Download the version with sample text to see how easy it is to complete the template. Unlike more detailed templates, it focuses on the main points, such as the problem, solution, approach, and results, all in a compact format. It's great for keeping your audience focused on the key aspects of your case study without overwhelming them with information.

PowerPoint Marketing Case Study Template

Marketing Case Study Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Marketing Case Study Template for PowerPoint

Download the Blank Marketing Case Study Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template: Choose this marketing case study template when you need to dive deep into your marketing strategies and results. It's perfect for marketing managers and content marketers who want to showcase the detailed process and successes of their campaigns. 

Notable Template Features: This template focuses on the detailed aspects of marketing strategies and outcomes. It includes specific sections to outline business needs, results, and strategic approaches.

PowerPoint Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template

Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for PowerPoint

Download the Blank Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template:  This problem-solution-impact case study template is useful for focusing on how a challenge was solved and the results. Project managers and strategy teams that want to clearly portray the effectiveness of their solutions can take advantage of this template. 

Notable Template Features: This template stands out with its clear structure that breaks down the case into problem, solution, and impact. Use the template — available with or without sample data — to help you tell a complete story, from the issue faced to the solution and its results, making it perfect for presentations that need to show a clear cause-and-effect relationship.

PowerPoint Comparative Study Template

Comparative Study Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Comparative Study Template for PowerPoint  

Download the Blank Comparative Study Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  Choose this comparative study template — available with or without sample data — to illuminate how different products, strategies, or periods stack up against each other. It's great for product managers and research teams who want to do side-by-side comparisons. 

Notable Template Features: This template lets you put things next to each other to see their differences and similarities, with a focus on direct comparisons. Use the columns and split slides to make the content easy to understand and visually appealing, perfect for highlighting changes or different approaches.

PowerPoint Customer Journey Case Study Template

Customer Journey Case Study Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Customer Journey Case Study Template for PowerPoint

Download the Blank Customer Journey Case Study Template for PowerPoint

When to Use This Template: This template is useful for customer experience managers and UX designers who need to understand and improve how customers interact with what they offer. Use the customer journey case study template with sample data to see how to show every step of a customer's experience with your product or service. 

Notable Template Features:  This template focuses on the whole path a customer takes with a product or service. It follows them, from first learning about the offering to after they buy it.

PowerPoint Case Study Storyboard Template

Case Study Storyboard Example Template PowerPoint

Download the Sample Case Study Storyboard Template for PowerPoint   Download the Blank Case Study Storyboard Template for PowerPoint  

When to Use This Template:  Creative teams and ad agencies should use this case study storyboard template — with or without sample data — to tell a story using more images than text.

Notable Template Features: This template transforms a case study into a visual story. Effectively communicate the journey of a business case, from the challenges faced to the solutions implemented and the results achieved.

Key Components of Successful Case Study Presentations

The key components of successful case study presentations include clear goals, engaging introductions, detailed customer profiles, and well-explained solutions and results. Together they help you present how your strategies succeed in real-world scenarios. 

The following components are fundamental to crafting a compelling and effective marketing case study presentation:   

  • Clear Objective:  Define the goal of your case study, ensuring it addresses specific questions or goals. 
  • Engaging Introduction:  Start with an overview of the company, product, or service, as well as the context to provide necessary background information. 
  • Customer Profile:  Detail your target customer demographics and their needs to help the audience understand who the marketing efforts are aimed at and their relevance. 
  • The Challenge:  Clearly articulate the primary problem or issue to overcome to establish the context for the solution and strategy, highlighting the need for action. 
  • Solution and Strategy:  Describe the specific strategies and creative approaches used to address the challenge. These details should demonstrate your approach to problem-solving and the thought process behind your decisions. 
  • Implementation:  Explain how the solution was put into action to show the practical application. This description should bring your strategy to life, allowing the audience to see how you executed plans. 
  • Results and Impact:  Present measurable outcomes and impacts of the strategy to validate and show its effectiveness in real-world scenarios. 
  • Visual Elements:  Use charts, images, and infographics to make complex information more accessible and engaging, aiding audience understanding. 
  • Testimonials and Quotes:  Include customer feedback or expert opinions to add credibility and a real-world perspective, reinforcing your strategy’s success. 
  • Lessons Learned and Conclusions:  Summarize key takeaways and insights gained to show what the audience can learn from the case study. 
  • Call to Action (CTA):  End with an action you want the audience to take to encourage engagement and further interaction.

Different Types of Case Study Presentations

The types of case study presentations include those that compare products, showcase customer journeys, or tell a story visually, among others. Each is tailored to different storytelling methods and presentation goals.

The following list outlines various types of case study presentations:   

  • Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study:  This type focuses on a clear narrative structure, outlining the problem, solution implemented, and final impact. It's straightforward and effective for linear stories. 
  • Comparative Case Study:  Ideal for showcasing before-and-after scenarios or comparisons between different strategies or time periods. This option often uses parallel columns or split slides for comparison. 
  • Customer Journey Case Study:  Centered on the customer's experience, this option maps out their journey from recognizing a need to using the product or service, and the benefits they gained. It's a narrative-driven and customer-focused case study format. 
  • Data-Driven Case Study:  Emphasizing quantitative results and data, this format is full of charts, graphs, and statistics. This option is perfect for cases where numerical evidence is the main selling point. 
  • Storyboard Case Study:  Use this type to lay out the case study in a storytelling format. This option often relies on more visuals and less text. Think of it as a visual story, engaging and easy to follow. 
  • Interactive Case Study:  Designed with clickable elements for an interactive presentation, this type allows the presenter to dive into different sections based on audience interest, making it flexible and engaging.
  • Testimonial-Focused Case Study:  This format is best for highlighting customer testimonials and reviews. It leverages the power of word of mouth and is highly effective in building trust.

Expert Tips for Case Study Presentations

Expert tips for case study presentations include knowing your audience, telling a clear story, and focusing on the problem and solution. They can also benefit from using visuals and highlighting results.

“Case studies are one of the most powerful tools in an organization’s marketing arsenal,” says Gayle Kalvert, Founder and CEO of  Creo Collective, Inc. , a full-service marketing agency. “Done correctly, case studies provide prospective buyers with proof that your product or service solves their business problem and shortens the sales cycle.”   

Gayle Kalvert

“Presentations are probably the most powerful marketing asset, whether for a webinar, a first meeting deck, an investor pitch, or an internal alignment/planning tool,” says marketing expert  Cari Jaquet . “Remember, the goal of a case study presentation is not just to inform, but also to persuade and engage your audience.” 

Cari Jaquet

Use these tips to make your presentation engaging and effective so that it resonates with your audience:   

  • Know Your Audience:  Tailor the presentation to the interests and knowledge level of your audience. Understanding what resonates with them helps make your case study more relevant and engaging. “Presentations can also be a forcing function to define your audience, tighten up your mission and message, and create a crisp call to action,” explains Jaquet.
  • Tell a Story:  Structure your case study like a story, with a clear beginning (the problem), middle (the solution), and end (the results). A narrative approach keeps the audience engaged. 
  • Focus on the Problem and Solution:  Clearly articulate the problem you addressed and how your solution was unique or effective. This section is the core of a case study and should be given ample attention. 
  • Use Data Wisely:  Incorporate relevant data to support your points, but avoid overwhelming the audience with numbers. Use charts and graphs for visual representation of data to make it more digestible. 
  • Highlight Key Results:  Emphasize the impact of your solution with clear and quantifiable results. This could include increased revenue, cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and similar benefits.
  • Incorporate Visuals:  Use high-quality visuals to break up text and explain complex concepts. Consider using photos, infographics, diagrams, or short videos.  “I put together the graphics that tell the story visually. Speakers often just need a big image or charts and graphs to help guide their talk track. Of course, if the audience expects details (for example, a board deck), the graphic helps reinforce the narrative,” shares Jaquet.
  • Include Testimonials:  Adding quotes or testimonials from clients or stakeholders adds credibility and a real-world perspective to your presentation. 
  • Practice Storytelling:  A well-delivered presentation is as important as its content. Practice your delivery to ensure you are clear, concise, and engaging. At this point, it also makes sense to solicit feedback from stakeholders. Jaquet concurs: “Once my outline and graphics are in place, I typically circulate the presentation draft for review. The feedback step usually surfaces nuances in the story or key points that need to show up on the slides. There is no point in building out tons of slides without alignment from the speaker or subject matter experts.”
  • End with a Strong Conclusion:  Summarize the key takeaways and leave your audience with a final thought or call to action. 
  • Seek Feedback:  After your presentation, request feedback to understand what worked well and what could be improved for future presentations. 

“Don't underestimate the power of a great presentation. And don't wait until the last minute or try to invent the wheel on your own,” advises Jaquet. “Many times, getting the next meeting, winning the deal, or getting the project kicked off well, requires your audience to understand and believe your story.”

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Case study presentation: A comprehensive guide

This comprehensive guide covers everything from the right topic to designing your slides and delivering your presentation.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

colleague preparing case study presentation

Hey there, fellow content creators and business enthusiasts!

If you're looking to take your presentations to the next level, you've come to the right place.

In today's digital age, a powerful case study presentation is your secret weapon to leave a lasting impression on potential clients, colleagues, or stakeholders.

It's time to demystify the art of case study presentations and equip you with the knowledge to create compelling and persuasive slides that showcase your expertise.

What is a case study?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty details of creating a compelling case study presentation, let's start with the basics. What exactly is a case study? A case study is a detailed analysis of a specific subject, often focusing on a real-world problem or situation. It serves as a valuable tool to showcase your expertise and the impact your solutions can have on real issues.

Case study presentations are not just reports; they are powerful storytelling tools designed to engage your audience and provide insights into your success stories. Whether you're a marketer, a salesperson, or an educator, knowing how to present a case study effectively can be a game-changer for your business.

Why is it important to have an effective case study presentation?

The importance of a well-crafted case study presentation cannot be overstated. It's not just about sharing information; it's about convincing your audience that your product or service is the solution they've been looking for. Here are a few reasons why case study presentations matter:

Generating leads and driving sales

Picture this: a potential customer is exploring your website, trying to figure out if your product or service is the right fit for their needs. An effective case study can be the clincher, demonstrating how your offering has guided other businesses to success. When prospects witness a proven track record of your product or service making a difference, they are more inclined to place their trust in you and forge a partnership. In essence, case studies can be the catalyst that transforms casual visitors into paying customers.

Building credibility and social proof

In the realm of business, credibility is akin to gold. A well-crafted case study is your gateway to establishing authority and unveiling the remarkable value you bring to the table. It's not just you saying you're the best; it's your satisfied clients proclaiming it through their experiences. Every compelling case study is a testimonial in itself, a testament to your capability to deliver tangible results. In essence, it's a vote of confidence from others in your field, and these votes can be a potent motivator for potential clients.

Educating and informing your target audience

Education is a cornerstone of building lasting relationships with your audience. Case studies are an invaluable tool for teaching potential clients about the merits of your product or service and how it can address their specific challenges. They're not just stories; they're lessons, revealing the real-world benefits of what you offer. By doing so, you position your company as a thought leader in your industry and cultivate trust among your audience. You're not just selling; you're empowering your audience with knowledge.

Increasing brand awareness

Your brand deserves to be in the spotlight. Case studies can serve as a beacon, promoting your brand and its offerings across a multitude of platforms. From your website to social media and email marketing, case studies help you amplify your brand's presence and appeal. As you increase your reach and visibility, you also draw the attention of new customers, who are eager to experience the success stories they've read about in your case studies.

Different types of case study presentation

Now that you understand why case study presentations are vital, let's explore the various types you can use to showcase your successes.

Business case studies presentation : Business case studies presentation focus on how your product or service has impacted a specific company or organization. These are essential tools for B2B companies, as they demonstrate the tangible benefits your solution brings to other businesses.

Marketing case studies presentation : If you're in the marketing game, you've probably come across these frequently. Marketing case studies dive into the strategies and tactics used to achieve specific marketing goals. They provide insights into successful campaigns and can be a great resource for other marketers.

Product case studies presentation : For companies that offer products, a product case study can be a game-changer. It shows potential clients how your product functions in the real world and why it's the best choice for them.

KPIs and metrics to add in case study presentation

When presenting a case study, you're not just telling a story; you're also showcasing the concrete results of your efforts. Numbers matter, and they can add significant credibility to your presentation. While there's a vast array of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics you can include, here are some that you should definitely consider:

Conversion rate : This metric is a reflection of how effective your product or service has been in driving conversions. It demonstrates the rate at which visitors take the desired actions, whether it's signing up for your newsletter, making a purchase, or any other valuable engagement.

ROI (return on investment) : It's the financial impact that counts, and ROI is the king of financial metrics. It's a clear indicator of how your solution has provided value, showing the return on the investment made by your client.

Engagement metrics : Engaging your audience is a vital part of the puzzle. Metrics like click-through rates and social media interactions reveal how effectively your solution has drawn people in and kept them engaged.

Customer satisfaction : A satisfied customer is a loyal customer. Showcase customer satisfaction scores or even better, let the clients themselves tell their stories through testimonials. These scores and testimonials are potent proof of your ability to meet and exceed expectations.

Sales growth : When applicable, include data on how your solution has catalyzed sales growth. Sales growth is a pivotal indicator of the practical, real-world impact of your product or service.

However, it's important to note that there are some general KPIs and metrics that are commonly used in case study presentations. These metrics are not only universal but also highly effective in conveying the success of your case study:

  • Website traffic : The number of visitors to your website over a specified period is an important indicator of the reach and impact of your case study. It shows how many people were interested enough to seek more information.
  • Conversion rate : This percentage reveals how successful your website is at converting visitors into taking a desired action. Whether it's signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or any other specific action, a high conversion rate signifies effective engagement.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) : The CLV is a valuable metric, representing the average amount of money a customer spends with your company over their lifetime. It's a testament to the long-term value your product or service provides.
  • Average order value (AOV) : The AOV showcases the average amount of money a customer spends in a single transaction. It's a metric that demonstrates the immediate value your solution offers.
  • Net promoter score (NPS) : This customer satisfaction metric measures how likely your customers are to recommend your company to others. A high NPS indicates satisfied customers who can become advocates for your brand.

Incorporating these KPIs and metrics not only adds credibility to your case study presentation but also provides a well-rounded view of your success story. It's the data that speaks the loudest and validates the impact of your product or service.

How to structure an effective case study presentation

Structuring an effective case study presentation is essential for conveying information clearly and persuasively to your audience. Whether you're presenting to colleagues, clients, or students, a well-organized case study presentation can make a significant impact. Here are some key steps to structure your case study presentation effectively:

1. Introduction :

Start with a brief introduction that sets the stage for your case study. Explain the context, the purpose of the study, and the key objectives you aim to achieve. This section should pique the audience's interest and provide a clear understanding of what to expect.

2. Background and context :

Provide a comprehensive overview of the background and context of the case study. This might include the industry, company, or problem under consideration. Explain why the case study is relevant and the issues it addresses. Make sure your audience understands the "why" before delving into the details.

3. Problem statement :

Clearly define the problem or challenge that the case study focuses on. This is a critical element as it helps the audience grasp the significance of the issue at hand. Use data and evidence to support your claims and emphasize the real-world impact of the problem.

4. Methodology :

Describe the methods and approach you used to analyze the case. This section should outline your research process, data collection tools , and any methods or frameworks employed. It's important to demonstrate the rigor of your analysis and data sources.

5. Findings and analysis :

Present the key findings and insights from your case study. Use data, charts, graphs, and visuals to make the information more accessible and engaging. Discuss your analysis and provide explanations for the findings. It's crucial to show a deep understanding of the problem and its implications.

6. Solution or action plan :

Outline the solution, recommendations, or action plan you've developed based on your analysis. Explain the rationale behind your proposed solution and how it directly addresses the problem. Include implementation steps, timelines, and any potential obstacles.

7. Results and outcomes :

Highlight the results and outcomes of implementing your solution, if applicable. Use before-and-after comparisons, success metrics, and tangible achievements to illustrate the effectiveness of your recommendations. This helps demonstrate the real-world impact of your work.

8. Lessons learned :

Share any lessons learned from the case study. Discuss what worked well, what didn't, and any unexpected challenges. This reflective element shows that you can extract valuable insights from the experience.

9. Conclusion :

Summarize the key takeaways from your case study and restate its significance. Make a compelling case for the importance of the findings and the applicability of the solution in a broader context.

10. Recommendations and next steps :

Provide recommendations for the future, including any further actions that can be taken or additional research required. Give your audience a sense of what to do next based on the case study's insights.

11. Q&A and discussion :

Open the floor for questions and discussion. Encourage your audience to ask for clarification, share their perspectives, and engage in a constructive dialogue about the case study.

12. References and appendices :

Include a list of references, citations, and any supplementary materials in appendices that support your case study. This adds credibility to your presentation and allows interested individuals to delve deeper into the subject.

A well-structured case study presentation not only informs but also persuades your audience by providing a clear narrative and a logical flow of information. It is an opportunity to showcase your analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and the value of your work in a practical setting.

Do’s and don'ts on a case study presentation

To ensure your case study presentation hits the mark, here's a quick rundown of some do's and don'ts:

  • Use visual aids : Visual aids like charts and graphs can make complex data more digestible.
  • Tell a story : Engage your audience by narrating a compelling story.
  • Use persuasive language : Convincing your audience requires a persuasive tone.
  • Include testimonials : Real-life experiences add authenticity to your presentation.
  • Follow a format : Stick to a well-structured format for clarity.


  • Avoid jargon : Keep it simple and free from industry jargon.
  • Don't oversell : Be honest about your product or service's capabilities.
  • Don't make it too long : A concise presentation is more effective than a lengthy one.
  • Don't overload with data : Focus on the most relevant and impactful data.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Understanding case studies : Case studies are detailed analyses of specific subjects, serving to showcase expertise and solution impact.
  • Importance of effective case study presentations : They generate leads, build credibility, educate the audience, and increase brand awareness.
  • Types of case study presentations : Business, marketing, and product case studies focus on different aspects of impact.
  • KPIs and metrics : Key metrics, such as conversion rates, ROI, engagement metrics, customer satisfaction, and sales growth, add credibility.
  • Structuring an effective case study presentation : Follow a structured format with an introduction, background, problem statement, methodology, findings, solution, results, lessons learned, conclusion, recommendations, and Q&A.
  • Do's : Use visuals, tell a compelling story, use persuasive language, include testimonials, and follow a structured format.
  • Don'ts: Use jargon, oversell, make it too long, or overload with unnecessary data.

1. How do I create a compelling case study presentation?

To create a compelling case study presentation, you can use a case study template that will help you structure your content in a clear and concise manner. You can also make use of a case study presentation template to ensure that your presentation slides are well-organized. Additionally, make your case study like a pro by using real-life examples and a professional case study format.

2. What is the best way to present a case study to prospective clients?

When presenting a case study to prospective clients, it's essential to use case study presentation template. This will help you present your findings in a persuasive way, just like a professional presentation. You can also use a powerpoint case study template to make your case study presentation in no time. The length of a case study can vary depending on the complexity, but a well-written case study is key to helping your clients understand the value.

3. Where can I find popular templates to use for my case study presentation?

You can find popular case study presentation powerpoint templates online. These templates are specifically designed to help you create a beautiful case study that will impress your audience. They often include everything you need to impress your audience, from the case study format to the presentation deck. Using templates you can use is one of the best ways to create a case study presentation in a professional and efficient manner.

4. What is the purpose of a case study in content marketing, and how can I use one effectively?

The purpose of a case study in content marketing is to showcase real-world examples of how your product or service has solved a problem or added value to clients. To use a case study effectively, write a case study that features a relevant case study example and use a case study like a pro to make your case. You can also embed your case study within your content marketing strategy to help your clients and prospective clients understand the value your business offers.

5. How can I ensure that my case study presentation stands out as the best in my industry?

To ensure your case study presentation stands out as the best, you can follow a compelling business case study design. Use a case study template that includes everything you need to present a compelling and successful case, just like PowerPoint case study presentations. Make sure your case study is clear and concise, and present it in a persuasive way. Using real-life examples and following the sections in your template can set your presentation apart from the rest, making it the best case study presentation in your field.

Create your case study presentation with prezent

Prezent, the communication success platform designed for enterprise teams, offers a host of valuable tools and features to assist in creating an impactful case study presentation.

  • Brand-approved design : With access to over 35,000 slides in your company's brand-approved design, your case study presentation can maintain a consistent and professional look that aligns with your corporate brand and marketing guidelines.
  • Structured storytelling : Prezent helps you master structured storytelling by offering 50+ storylines commonly used by business leaders. This ensures your case study presentation follows a compelling and coherent narrative structure.
  • Time and cost efficiency : Prezent can save you valuable time and resources. It can help you save 70% of the time required to make presentations and reduce communication costs by 60%, making it a cost-effective solution for creating case study presentations.
  • Enterprise-grade security : Your data's security is a top priority for Prezent. With independent third-party assurance, you can trust that your sensitive information remains protected while creating and sharing your case study presentation.

In summary, Prezent empowers you to create a compelling case study presentation by offering personalized audience insights, brand-compliant designs, structured storytelling support, real-time collaboration, efficiency gains, and robust data security. It's a comprehensive platform for achieving communication success in the world of enterprise presentations.

Are you ready to take your case study presentations to the next level?  Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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16 case study examples (+ 3 templates to make your own)

Hero image with an icon representing a case study

I like to think of case studies as a business's version of a resume. It highlights what the business can do, lends credibility to its offer, and contains only the positive bullet points that paint it in the best light possible.

Imagine if the guy running your favorite taco truck followed you home so that he could "really dig into how that burrito changed your life." I see the value in the practice. People naturally prefer a tried-and-true burrito just as they prefer tried-and-true products or services.

To help you showcase your success and flesh out your burrito questionnaire, I've put together some case study examples and key takeaways.

What is a case study?

A case study is an in-depth analysis of how your business, product, or service has helped past clients. It can be a document, a webpage, or a slide deck that showcases measurable, real-life results.

For example, if you're a SaaS company, you can analyze your customers' results after a few months of using your product to measure its effectiveness. You can then turn this analysis into a case study that further proves to potential customers what your product can do and how it can help them overcome their challenges.

It changes the narrative from "I promise that we can do X and Y for you" to "Here's what we've done for businesses like yours, and we can do it for you, too."

16 case study examples 

While most case studies follow the same structure, quite a few try to break the mold and create something unique. Some businesses lean heavily on design and presentation, while others pursue a detailed, stat-oriented approach. Some businesses try to mix both.

There's no set formula to follow, but I've found that the best case studies utilize impactful design to engage readers and leverage statistics and case details to drive the point home. A case study typically highlights the companies, the challenges, the solution, and the results. The examples below will help inspire you to do it, too.

1. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Volcanica Coffee and AdRoll

On top of a background of coffee beans, a block of text with percentage growth statistics for how AdRoll nitro-fueled Volcanica coffee.

People love a good farm-to-table coffee story, and boy am I one of them. But I've shared this case study with you for more reasons than my love of coffee. I enjoyed this study because it was written as though it was a letter.

In this case study, the founder of Volcanica Coffee talks about the journey from founding the company to personally struggling with learning and applying digital marketing to finding and enlisting AdRoll's services.

It felt more authentic, less about AdRoll showcasing their worth and more like a testimonial from a grateful and appreciative client. After the story, the case study wraps up with successes, milestones, and achievements. Note that quite a few percentages are prominently displayed at the top, providing supporting evidence that backs up an inspiring story.

Takeaway: Highlight your goals and measurable results to draw the reader in and provide concise, easily digestible information.

2. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Taylor Guitars and Airtable

Screenshot of the Taylor Guitars and Airtable case study, with the title: Taylor Guitars brings more music into the world with Airtable

This Airtable case study on Taylor Guitars comes as close as one can to an optimal structure. It features a video that represents the artistic nature of the client, highlighting key achievements and dissecting each element of Airtable's influence.

It also supplements each section with a testimonial or quote from the client, using their insights as a catalyst for the case study's narrative. For example, the case study quotes the social media manager and project manager's insights regarding team-wide communication and access before explaining in greater detail.

Takeaway: Highlight pain points your business solves for its client, and explore that influence in greater detail.

3. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} EndeavourX and Figma

Screenshot of the Endeavour and Figma case study, showing a bulleted list about why EndeavourX chose Figma followed by an image of EndeavourX's workspace on Figma

My favorite part of Figma's case study is highlighting why EndeavourX chose its solution. You'll notice an entire section on what Figma does for teams and then specifically for EndeavourX.

It also places a heavy emphasis on numbers and stats. The study, as brief as it is, still manages to pack in a lot of compelling statistics about what's possible with Figma.

Takeaway: Showcase the "how" and "why" of your product's differentiators and how they benefit your customers.

4. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} ActiveCampaign and Zapier

Screenshot of Zapier's case study with ActiveCampaign, showing three data visualizations on purple backgrounds

Zapier's case study leans heavily on design, using graphics to present statistics and goals in a manner that not only remains consistent with the branding but also actively pushes it forward, drawing users' eyes to the information most important to them. 

The graphics, emphasis on branding elements, and cause/effect style tell the story without requiring long, drawn-out copy that risks boring readers. Instead, the cause and effect are concisely portrayed alongside the client company's information for a brief and easily scannable case study.

Takeaway: Lean on design to call attention to the most important elements of your case study, and make sure it stays consistent with your branding.

5. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Ironclad and OpenAI

Screenshot of a video from the Ironclad and OpenAI case study showing the Ironclad AI Assist feature

In true OpenAI fashion, this case study is a block of text. There's a distinct lack of imagery, but the study features a narrated video walking readers through the product.

The lack of imagery and color may not be the most inviting, but utilizing video format is commendable. It helps thoroughly communicate how OpenAI supported Ironclad in a way that allows the user to sit back, relax, listen, and be impressed. 

Takeaway: Get creative with the media you implement in your case study. Videos can be a very powerful addition when a case study requires more detailed storytelling.

6. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Shopify and GitHub

Screenshot of the Shopify and GitHub case study, with the title "Shopify keeps pushing ecommerce forward with help from GitHub tools," followed by a photo of a plant and a Shopify bag on a table on a dark background

GitHub's case study on Shopify is a light read. It addresses client pain points and discusses the different aspects its product considers and improves for clients. It touches on workflow issues, internal systems, automation, and security. It does a great job of representing what one company can do with GitHub.

To drive the point home, the case study features colorful quote callouts from the Shopify team, sharing their insights and perspectives on the partnership, the key issues, and how they were addressed.

Takeaway: Leverage quotes to boost the authoritativeness and trustworthiness of your case study. 

7 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Audible and Contentful

Screenshot of the Audible and Contentful case study showing images of titles on Audible

Contentful's case study on Audible features almost every element a case study should. It includes not one but two videos and clearly outlines the challenge, solution, and outcome before diving deeper into what Contentful did for Audible. The language is simple, and the writing is heavy with quotes and personal insights.

This case study is a uniquely original experience. The fact that the companies in question are perhaps two of the most creative brands out there may be the reason. I expected nothing short of a detailed analysis, a compelling story, and video content. 

Takeaway: Inject some brand voice into the case study, and create assets that tell the story for you.

8 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Zoom and Asana

Screenshot of Zoom and Asana's case study on a navy blue background and an image of someone sitting on a Zoom call at a desk with the title "Zoom saves 133 work weeks per year with Asana"

Asana's case study on Zoom is longer than the average piece and features detailed data on Zoom's growth since 2020. Instead of relying on imagery and graphics, it features several quotes and testimonials. 

It's designed to be direct, informative, and promotional. At some point, the case study reads more like a feature list. There were a few sections that felt a tad too promotional for my liking, but to each their own burrito.

Takeaway: Maintain a balance between promotional and informative. You want to showcase the high-level goals your product helped achieve without losing the reader.

9 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Hickies and Mailchimp

Screenshot of the Hickies and Mailchimp case study with the title in a fun orange font, followed by a paragraph of text and a photo of a couple sitting on a couch looking at each other and smiling

I've always been a fan of Mailchimp's comic-like branding, and this case study does an excellent job of sticking to their tradition of making information easy to understand, casual, and inviting.

It features a short video that briefly covers Hickies as a company and Mailchimp's efforts to serve its needs for customer relationships and education processes. Overall, this case study is a concise overview of the partnership that manages to convey success data and tell a story at the same time. What sets it apart is that it does so in a uniquely colorful and brand-consistent manner.

Takeaway: Be concise to provide as much value in as little text as possible.

10. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} NVIDIA and Workday

Screenshot of NVIDIA and Workday's case study with a photo of a group of people standing around a tall desk and smiling and the title "NVIDIA hires game changers"

The gaming industry is notoriously difficult to recruit for, as it requires a very specific set of skills and experience. This case study focuses on how Workday was able to help fill that recruitment gap for NVIDIA, one of the biggest names in the gaming world.

Though it doesn't feature videos or graphics, this case study stood out to me in how it structures information like "key products used" to give readers insight into which tools helped achieve these results.

Takeaway: If your company offers multiple products or services, outline exactly which ones were involved in your case study, so readers can assess each tool.

11. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} KFC and Contentful

Screenshot of KFC and Contentful's case study showing the outcome of the study, showing two stats: 43% increase in YoY digital sales and 50%+ increase in AU digital sales YoY

I'm personally not a big KFC fan, but that's only because I refuse to eat out of a bucket. My aversion to the bucket format aside, Contentful follows its consistent case study format in this one, outlining challenges, solutions, and outcomes before diving into the nitty-gritty details of the project.

Say what you will about KFC, but their primary product (chicken) does present a unique opportunity for wordplay like "Continuing to march to the beat of a digital-first drum(stick)" or "Delivering deep-fried goodness to every channel."

Takeaway: Inject humor into your case study if there's room for it and if it fits your brand. 

12. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Intuit and Twilio

Screenshot of the Intuit and Twilio case study on a dark background with three small, light green icons illustrating three important data points

Twilio does an excellent job of delivering achievements at the very beginning of the case study and going into detail in this two-minute read. While there aren't many graphics, the way quotes from the Intuit team are implemented adds a certain flair to the study and breaks up the sections nicely.

It's simple, concise, and manages to fit a lot of information in easily digestible sections.

Takeaway: Make sure each section is long enough to inform but brief enough to avoid boring readers. Break down information for each section, and don't go into so much detail that you lose the reader halfway through.

13. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Spotify and Salesforce

Screenshot of Spotify and Salesforce's case study showing a still of a video with the title "Automation keeps Spotify's ad business growing year over year"

Salesforce created a video that accurately summarizes the key points of the case study. Beyond that, the page itself is very light on content, and sections are as short as one paragraph.

I especially like how information is broken down into "What you need to know," "Why it matters," and "What the difference looks like." I'm not ashamed of being spoon-fed information. When it's structured so well and so simply, it makes for an entertaining read.

14. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Benchling and Airtable

Screenshot of the Benchling and Airtable case study with the title: How Benchling achieves scientific breakthroughs via efficiency

Benchling is an impressive entity in its own right. Biotech R&D and health care nuances go right over my head. But the research and digging I've been doing in the name of these burritos (case studies) revealed that these products are immensely complex. 

And that's precisely why this case study deserves a read—it succeeds at explaining a complex project that readers outside the industry wouldn't know much about.

Takeaway: Simplify complex information, and walk readers through the company's operations and how your business helped streamline them.

15. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Chipotle and Hubble

Screenshot of the Chipotle and Hubble case study with the title "Mexican food chain replaces Discoverer with Hubble and sees major efficiency improvements," followed by a photo of the outside of a Chipotle restaurant

The concision of this case study is refreshing. It features two sections—the challenge and the solution—all in 316 words. This goes to show that your case study doesn't necessarily need to be a four-figure investment with video shoots and studio time. 

Sometimes, the message is simple and short enough to convey in a handful of paragraphs.

Takeaway: Consider what you should include instead of what you can include. Assess the time, resources, and effort you're able and willing to invest in a case study, and choose which elements you want to include from there.

16. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Hudl and Zapier

Screenshot of Hudl and Zapier's case study, showing data visualizations at the bottom, two photos of people playing sports on the top right , and a quote from the Hudl team on the topleft

I may be biased, but I'm a big fan of seeing metrics and achievements represented in branded graphics. It can be a jarring experience to navigate a website, then visit a case study page and feel as though you've gone to a completely different website.

The case study is essentially the summary, and the blog article is the detailed analysis that provides context beyond X achievement or Y goal.

Takeaway: Keep your case study concise and informative. Create other resources to provide context under your blog, media or press, and product pages.

3 case study templates

Now that you've had your fill of case studies (if that's possible), I've got just what you need: an infinite number of case studies, which you can create yourself with these case study templates.

Case study template 1

Screenshot of Zapier's first case study template, with the title and three spots for data callouts at the top on a light peach-colored background, followed by a place to write the main success of the case study on a dark green background

If you've got a quick hit of stats you want to show off, try this template. The opening section gives space for a short summary and three visually appealing stats you can highlight, followed by a headline and body where you can break the case study down more thoroughly. This one's pretty simple, with only sections for solutions and results, but you can easily continue the formatting to add more sections as needed.

Case study template 2

Screenshot of Zapier's second case study template, with the title, objectives, and overview on a dark blue background with an orange strip in the middle with a place to write the main success of the case study

For a case study template with a little more detail, use this one. Opening with a striking cover page for a quick overview, this one goes on to include context, stakeholders, challenges, multiple quote callouts, and quick-hit stats. 

Case study template 3

Screenshot of Zapier's third case study template, with the places for title, objectives, and about the business on a dark green background followed by three spots for data callouts in orange boxes

Whether you want a little structural variation or just like a nice dark green, this template has similar components to the last template but is designed to help tell a story. Move from the client overview through a description of your company before getting to the details of how you fixed said company's problems.

Tips for writing a case study

Examples are all well and good, but you don't learn how to make a burrito just by watching tutorials on YouTube without knowing what any of the ingredients are. You could , but it probably wouldn't be all that good.

Have an objective: Define your objective by identifying the challenge, solution, and results. Assess your work with the client and focus on the most prominent wins. You're speaking to multiple businesses and industries through the case study, so make sure you know what you want to say to them.

Focus on persuasive data: Growth percentages and measurable results are your best friends. Extract your most compelling data and highlight it in your case study.

Use eye-grabbing graphics: Branded design goes a long way in accurately representing your brand and retaining readers as they review the study. Leverage unique and eye-catching graphics to keep readers engaged. 

Simplify data presentation: Some industries are more complex than others, and sometimes, data can be difficult to understand at a glance. Make sure you present your data in the simplest way possible. Make it concise, informative, and easy to understand.

Use automation to drive results for your case study

A case study example is a source of inspiration you can leverage to determine how to best position your brand's work. Find your unique angle, and refine it over time to help your business stand out. Ask anyone: the best burrito in town doesn't just appear at the number one spot. They find their angle (usually the house sauce) and leverage it to stand out.

Case study FAQ

Got your case study template? Great—it's time to gather the team for an awkward semi-vague data collection task. While you do that, here are some case study quick answers for you to skim through while you contemplate what to call your team meeting.

What is an example of a case study?

An example of a case study is when a software company analyzes its results from a client project and creates a webpage, presentation, or document that focuses on high-level results, challenges, and solutions in an attempt to showcase effectiveness and promote the software.

How do you write a case study?

To write a good case study, you should have an objective, identify persuasive and compelling data, leverage graphics, and simplify data. Case studies typically include an analysis of the challenge, solution, and results of the partnership.

What is the format of a case study?

While case studies don't have a set format, they're often portrayed as reports or essays that inform readers about the partnership and its results. 

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Hachem Ramki picture

Hachem Ramki

Hachem is a writer and digital marketer from Montreal. After graduating with a degree in English, Hachem spent seven years traveling around the world before moving to Canada. When he's not writing, he enjoys Basketball, Dungeons and Dragons, and playing music for friends and family.

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Case Study Mastery: Examples & Step-by-Step Templates

Master case study: Uncover key strategies to conduct & present findings that influence decisions charachters.

What's Inside?

Understanding and sharing success stories in the business management world is crucial for grasping the growth journey of a business.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of a business management case study, exploring its definition, benefits, limitations, step-by-step process, types, and essential elements.

What is a Case Study?

A case study research is a detailed analysis of a particular subject, often a real-world situation or scenario, to draw insights and conclusions. It serves as a valuable tool for learning from successful strategies, identifying challenges, and making informed decisions.

case study

Key Characteristics of a Case Study:

Specific Focus: Case studies concentrate on a particular subject, narrowing down the scope to delve deeply into specific aspects.

Real-world Context: Unlike theoretical studies, case studies are grounded in the real world. They often involve the examination of actual events, circumstances, or challenges.

Comprehensive Exploration: Case studies involve a thorough investigation of multiple facets of the chosen subject. This may include collecting and analyzing data, conducting interviews, and reviewing relevant documents.

case studies

Contextualization: Each case study is set within a context, providing background information to help readers or viewers understand the circumstances surrounding the case.

Problem-Solving Orientation: While exploring the intricacies of a case, case studies often aim to identify problems, challenges, or opportunities. They can be used as tools for problem-solving and decision-making.

In-depth Analysis: The analysis in a case study goes beyond surface-level observations. It involves a detailed examination of factors contributing to the situation, allowing for a nuanced understanding.

Presentation of Findings: A case study concludes with the presentation of findings, insights, and conclusions. Leveraging a visually compelling presentation plays a vital role for a case study to speak out.


Why You Should Write a Case Study?

Writing a case study offers several compelling reasons for individuals and businesses alike:

Demonstrate Success: A case study allows you to showcase your achievements and successes. It provides tangible evidence of your capabilities, helping build trust and credibility with potential clients, customers, or collaborators.

Demonstrate Success

Educate and Inform: Use case studies to share valuable insights, lessons learned, and best practices. By documenting your experiences, you contribute to the collective knowledge within your industry, positioning yourself as an authority and resource.

Problem-Solving Showcase: If your case study revolves around overcoming challenges, it highlights your problem-solving abilities. This can be particularly impactful in industries where complex issues require innovative solutions.

Engage Your Audience: Well-crafted case studies are engaging and resonate with your audience. They tell a story, making information more relatable and memorable. This storytelling aspect can captivate readers and enhance their understanding of your work.

Engage Your Audience

Build Brand Awareness: Case studies provide an opportunity to promote your brand in a context that goes beyond traditional marketing. Through real-world examples, you can reinforce your brand message and values.

Attract New Opportunities: A compelling case study can attract new opportunities, whether it be clients, partnerships , or collaborations. It serves as a powerful marketing tool, showcasing your expertise and capabilities to a wider audience.

Validate Your Methods: For businesses, case studies serve as a validation of their methods and strategies. Employing a robust case study methodology is a way to demonstrate the effectiveness of your products, services, or approaches to potential clients or customers through a thorough research process.

Internal Learning: Writing a case study requires reflection on your processes and approach case outcomes. This internal learning process can contribute to continuous improvement within your organization , fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability.

Internal Learning

SEO Benefits: Case studies can be optimized for search engines, contributing to your online visibility. Including relevant keywords and internal links in your case studies can improve your website's SEO , attracting more organic traffic.

Differentiation: In competitive industries, a well crafted case study sets you apart from the competition. It allows you to highlight what makes your approach unique and why clients or customers should choose your products or services.

Benefits and Limitations of Case Studies

 Limitations of Case Studies

Benefits of Case Studies:

  • Evident Success Stories: Case studies serve as tangible evidence of a business's success, allowing them to showcase real-world achievements and build credibility with potential clients or customers.
  • Effective Marketing Tool: They function as powerful marketing tools by providing in depth insights into a business's capabilities , differentiating it from competitors, and influencing the decision making process of potential clients.
  • Client Relationship Building: Through detailed case studies, businesses can strengthen relationships with existing clients by demonstrating their commitment, problem solving abilities, and delivering measurable results.
  • Versatile Content: Case studies offer versatile content that can be repurposed across various marketing channels, including websites, social media, presentations, and promotional materials.
  • Educational Value: Businesses can use case studies to educate their target audience about their industry, innovative solutions, and best practices, positioning themselves as thought leaders.

Limitations of Case Studies:

  • Resource Intensive: Creating comprehensive case studies demands significant resources, including time, effort, and potential costs, making them resource-intensive for businesses.
  • Limited Generalization: Findings from a specific case study may not be universally applicable, limiting their generalizability to other scenarios or industries.
  • Potential Bias: There is a risk of bias in the selection and presentation of information, as businesses may be inclined to emphasize positive outcomes and downplay challenges.
  • Confidentiality Concerns: Businesses may face challenges in sharing detailed information, especially if it involves sensitive data or strategies, raising concerns about confidentiality.
  • Difficulty in Replication: The unique circumstances of a case study may make it challenging to replicate the same success in different contexts, limiting the broader applicability of the insights gained.

How to Conduct a Case Analysis: Step-by-step

1. define the objective:.

  • Clearly outline the purpose of the case study. What do you aim to achieve or understand through this analysis?

purpose of the case study

2. Select the Case:

  • Identify a relevant and specific case that aligns with your objective. For an important case study this could be a real-world situation, event, or phenomenon.

3. Background Research:

  • Gather background information about the case. This may include historical context, key players involved, and any existing literature on the subject.

Background Research

4. Identify Key Issues or Questions:

  • Formulate specific research questions or highlight key issues you want to address through the case study.

5. Choose the Research Method:

  • Decide on the case study method or approach for data collection. A case study research method could involve qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, or document analysis.

6. Develop Data Collection Plan:

  • Outline a detailed plan for collecting data. Specify sources, methods, and tools you will use to gather relevant information.

Develop Data Collection Plan

7. Data Collection:

  • Execute the data collection plan. Conduct interviews , observe events, and analyze documents to accumulate necessary data.

8. Data Analysis:

  • Apply appropriate analytical techniques to interpret the gathered data. This may involve coding, categorizing, and identifying patterns or themes.

9. Construct the Case Study Narrative:

  • Organize the findings into a coherent and structured narrative. Develop sections that cover the introduction, background, analysis, and conclusion.

Construct the Case Study Narrative

10. Draw Conclusions:

  • Based on your analysis, after you conduct case study , draw conclusions that address the research questions or objectives. Consider the implications of your findings.

11. Peer Review or Feedback:

  • Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or peers to ensure the validity and reliability of your case study.

12. Finalize the Case Study:

  • Incorporate feedback and make necessary revisions. Finalize the case study, ensuring clarity, coherence, and adherence to ethical guidelines.

13. Document and Share:

  • Prepare the case study for publication or presentation and take advantage of Decktopus AI, a user-friendly and efficient presentation generator powered by AI. Easily convert your case study insights into a visually compelling deck.

Decktopus AI

  • Decktopus ensures your case studies are presented in a format that engages your audience, making your narratives more impactful and memorable. Explore the benefits of Decktopus AI to elevate your case study presentations effortlessly.

What are the Components of a Case Study

The format of a case study typically comprises several key components to present information in a structured and comprehensive manner. While variations may exist based on the context and purpose, a standard case study format often includes the following elements:

1. Introduction:

Provide a brief overview of the case and set the stage for the reader. Outline the main objectives and establish the context of the study.


2. Background:

Present relevant background information about the subject of the case. This may include the history, industry context, or any pertinent details necessary for understanding the situation.


3. Problem Statement or Objectives:

Clearly state the problem or the main objectives of the case study. Define the issues or challenges that the study aims to address.

Problem Statement or Objectives

4. Analysis:

Dive into the analysis of the case. This section often comprises multiple sub-sections, each exploring different aspects such as market conditions, internal factors, external influences, etc.


5. Solution or Action:

Propose solutions or actions to address the identified problems. Detail the steps taken or recommended strategies based on the analysis.


6. Results:

Present the outcomes of the solutions or actions taken. Include any measurable results, impacts, or changes observed.


7. Conclusion:

Summarize the key points, outcomes, and lessons learned. Revisit the problem statement and emphasize the significance of the study, highlighting how the research design shaped the results.


Types of Case Studies

Case Study Type Purpose Use
Product Launch Showcase successful new product introductions. Demonstrate effective marketing strategies.
Customer Success Stories Highlight positive customer experiences. Build credibility and trust in the product/service.
Market Entry Analyze successful entry into a new market. Guide other businesses entering similar markets.
Rebranding Explain and showcase outcomes of brand repositioning. Illustrate the impact on market perception.
Digital Marketing Campaign Evaluate the success of a digital marketing campaign. Provide insights into effective digital strategies.
Competitive Analysis Assess how a company gained a competitive edge. Identify success factors and areas for improvement.
Social Media Engagement Examine the impact of social media marketing. Understand effective social media strategies.
Failure Learn from marketing failures. Extract lessons for future marketing endeavors.

Case Study Examples

1. marketing case study template.

marketing case study

The Marketing Case Study Template is tailored for marketers, highlighting successful marketing strategies . Uncover the methods employed, target audience engagement, and measurable outcomes.

Ideal for marketing professionals seeking insights into effective campaign executions. With Decktopus AI , spending your precious time perpetually recreating your product's presentation has become an ancient practice.

Along with our collection of case-study templates, with our one-click platform, you can easily create beautiful presentations for yourself or your clients.

Also check out: creative marketing case study template .

2. Sales Case Study Template

 Sales Case Study Template

The Sales Case Study Template is designed for salespeople to present and discuss case studies in sales meetings. With its professional look and engaging layout, your clients will be impressed with the level of detail you put into your analysis.

This professionally designed template is easy to use and easy to customize, making it the perfect way to show off your small business expertise.

So whether you're looking to wow potential clients or just need a little more confidence in your sales meetings, our client case study template will help you make an impact.

Also check-out: case study template for sales teams .

3. Design Case Study Example: UI Case Study Template

ui case

The UI Case Study Template is specifically designed for UI designers, making it easy to discuss your design process and findings. Present your design case studies like a pro with our target-spesific case study templates. With our design case study template , you'll be able to showcase your work in a clear, professional manner.

Looking to create a stunning case study presentation for your next client meeting? Look no further than our case study templates! Our professional and easy-to-use templates are perfect for designers of all experience levels, and will help you showcase your work in a clear and concise way.

Also check out: Art Case Study Template .

Explore More Case Study Templates

Case Study Templates

Discover a vast collection of case study templates from various fields, including marketing, sales, and design, in our dedicated Case Study Examples Blog. Gain insights into diverse business scenarios and find inspiration for your own projects.

Case Study Presentation Creation with Decktopus AI

Streamlining the creation of engaging visual case studies has never been easier than with Decktopus AI . This innovative platform offers a seamless experiencensimply write your input, and Decktopus takes care of the rest, ensuring that your templates not only boast a polished visual appeal but also integrate relevant and impactful content effortlessly.

Discover how easy it is to create engaging case study templates using Decktopus AI . Our platform ensures your templates look great and contain relevant content. With the help of our AI assistant, you not only get support during presentations but also receive tips, facilitate Q&A, and increase overall engagement.

Explore the unique storytelling format that Decktopus offers, making your case studies more relatable. For a step-by-guide on how to easily create a visually stunning case study with Decktopus, see our case study examples blog.

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This approach allows you to present information in a narrative style, connecting better with your audience. Find practical tips for smoother case study presentations, from effective storytelling to engaging your audience. Improve your presentation experience with Decktopus AI , where simplicity meets interactivity and storytelling for effective communication.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1) what is a marketing case study.

A marketing case study is a concise analysis of a business's marketing strategy, showcasing its objectives, challenges, tactics, and outcomes. It offers practical insights into real-world marketing applications, serving as a valuable learning tool for understanding successful practices and lessons learned in achieving specific marketing goals.

2) What is a case study?

A case study, or case report, is a concise examination of a specific subject, often real-world situations or problems, providing detailed insights and analysis for learning or decision-making purposes.

3) How should you write a case study?

To create an impactful case study, define objectives, choose a relevant case, gather key information, and use Decktopus for a polished presentation. Employ data analysis, construct a clear narrative, and offer actionable recommendations.

Validate findings and consider broader implications. Decktopus streamlines this process, providing a user-friendly platform for creating compelling case study presentations effortlessly.

case study approach presentation

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How To Outline a Case Study: 15 Examples & Templates

How To Outline a Case Study: 15 Examples & Templates

Written by: Christopher Jan Benitez

How To Outline a Case Study: 15 Examples & Templates

They allow you to make your business more appealing to your target audience, resulting in more leads and customers moving forward.

By definition, you should create more of these studies to show your business’s effectiveness to people, right?

But before you do, you must learn how to outline them first.

This post discusses how you can develop a case study outline, which templates to use, and best practices to follow.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit case study templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

case study approach presentation

Table of Contents

What is a case study, what is a case study outline, how do you write a case study outline, 15 case study outline examples, design tips for your case study outline, create your case study with visme.

A case study is a real-life success story of a customer who faced challenges and managed to overcome them by using your products or services. It's like a narrative that tells the tale of how someone benefited from what you have to offer. It's a way to showcase the practical application of your solutions in a specific situation and demonstrate the value they bring. So, it's not just a theoretical explanation but an engaging story that highlights the positive outcomes achieved by your customer.

Beyond business, case studies are commonly used in other settings, like academics, social sciences, medicine, psychology, and education. A case study is an in-depth examination and analysis of a specific individual, group, organization, event, or situation. It involves gathering detailed information and data to gain an extensive understanding of the subject being studied.

A case study outline is a roadmap for creating a solid case study report. It helps you organize and present all the important elements in a structured way. Think of it as a blueprint that guides you through the process. Of course, the specific outline can vary depending on why you're doing the case study and the specific situation you're studying. So, it's adaptable to fit your needs and make sure you cover everything necessary.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

Below are the main parts of a typical case study outline:

  • Introduction: Describe the customer or client who is the focus of the case study.
  • Problem: Identify the client's issue, which is why they sought your help in the first place.
  • Goals/Solutions: Enumerate the goals you wish to achieve with the strategy you developed for this client. Then, discuss the tactics you used in the hopes of achieving these objectives.
  • Results/Achievements: Talk about the positive results of your campaign using data and figures. This section should emphasize the effectiveness of your business in solving the problem through your products and services.

If you want a head start with your case studies, use any of Visme's templates below.

Most of these templates contain the main parts mentioned above. Once you’ve chosen a case study template , simply edit it to best explain your case to prospects.

Choose from built-in graphics ranging from video backgrounds to fonts and place them in the presentation using Visme's drag-and-drop builder.

You can also collaborate with team members when editing the case study online template to finish the presentation ahead of time.

1. Medical Case Study

This blue-themed outline template is for you if you're in the medical field and doing a case study on a patient. It contains a table of laboratory findings and clinical manifestations, which lead to your diagnosis and conclusions.

case study approach presentation

2. Intel Case Study

This simple light-red template is perfect for tech companies looking to quickly present their case study with an overview of its background, goals, and strategy. It ends the presentation by going through the study’s figures and data.

case study approach presentation

3. UX Case Study

This zesty template tackles how a change in a site or app's user interface generated massive results in conversions. It lays down the site's problem and approach to solving it before dealing with the results.

case study approach presentation

4. Bit.ly Case Study

For marketers looking to track campaign results launched across various marketing channels, this template is for them. It briefly explains the background and goal of the case in the first place and the obstacles and results in the next.

case study approach presentation

5. Adobe Case Study

This orange and blue magenta template is heavy on text as it explains how your brand achieved positive results for a client campaign. Show this to similar prospects whom you're looking to turn into clients.

case study approach presentation

6. Fuji Xerox Australia Business Equipment Case Study

Marketing agencies looking for print businesses or similar to turn into clients won't go wrong with this blue three-page template. It details the case study background, goals, and achievements before concluding with its key results.

case study approach presentation

7. College For Adult Learning Training Organization Case Study

Marketers with a great track record of helping educational institutions will have great use for this red and blue-magenta template. From here, they can convert similar prospects into clients by showing your case study’s achievements and goals.

case study approach presentation

8. NVISIONCenters Case Study

A marketing strategy that works is what turns business owners into your clients. With this pink and medium blue template, your agency can showcase your expertise by featuring the results of your strategy with a previous client.

case study approach presentation

9. Neutrogena Case Study

This blue-themed template shows how a marketing agency could integrate mobile technology to generate sales in a client’s retail stores. It uses a fair share of images and text to communicate its solution and results.

case study approach presentation

10. Social Media Case Study

This red-on-blue template features the transformative power of social media when used correctly in a marketing campaign. Companies that offer social media marketing can use this to showcase their own successful campaigns.

case study approach presentation

11. Weebly Case Study

This template uses waves in the layout to add texture to your case study presentation . It's also short enough to help you share your marketing achievements with prospects looking to grow their ROI.

case study approach presentation

12. Small Business Accounting Case Study

Accounting firms looking to leverage case studies to bolster their leads will find this cyan-themed template useful. This text-heavy template shows prospects how they helped clients manage their receipts and expenditures.

case study approach presentation

13. Real Estate Development During COVID 19 Case Study

Lots of businesses were hit hard during COVID-19, but not all. If you find yourself in the latter and wish to share with potential clients the progress your clients during this period have made with your help, this theme template is for you.

case study approach presentation

14. Digital Marketing in Consumer Goods Case Study

This dynamic case study template benefits from its healthy balance of text and image and orange and cyan-blue theme. It allows marketing companies to make their case to prospects looking to promote their new line of products.

case study approach presentation

15. Automobile Company Case Study

B2B companies benefit the most from case studies due to their complex pricing structure. Therefore, this template is the best for such companies, as it breaks down the entire process to help justify their costs and enable prospects to make informed decisions.

case study approach presentation

Below are design tips you must keep in mind when outlining your case study:

Use White Space

Great attention to detail in a case study allows you to show off your initiative or campaign to your audience.

However, information becomes detrimental if you overload your audience with too much exposition page after page.

The best way to design your case study or any presentation is to utilize white space as much as possible.

It may sound counterintuitive to leave certain sections of your case study blank as if you’re wasting valuable real estate.

On the contrary, white space is simply a good design principle that enables information on your case study to breathe, giving your audience ample time to digest the information before hopping onto the next section properly.

To help create white space in your case study, limit your paragraphs to two s hort sentences each. Using graphics also enables you to create more white space due to their size.

Maximize Visuals

Case studies require lots of words so you can adequately present your exposition and explain how you achieved the positive results with your process.

But when designing your case study online, you should consider using visuals to explain things much easier for your audience.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, using images correctly allows you to use fewer words in your case study.

And because people process images much faster than words, they can comprehend the details in your presentation much easier.

The most common example of visuals in case studies is graphs and charts when presenting figures.

From Visme’s editor, click on the Data button from the side menu on the left to see templates of charts, tables, and radials you can drag and drop onto your presentation.

But using icons and graphics helps you communicate your message more effectively than just plain text.

From the editor again, click on Graphics to choose from over 500,000 stock photos and icons.

You can also upload your images to make your case study even more unique.

Incorporate Branding

Throughout the case study, you want people to know the role your company played for the positive results your clients experienced with their business.

And it’s just not slapping your logo on the cover of the case study. You must also use the color , font , and other elements that are part of your brand guidelines in your case study outline.

Doing so enables you to remain consistent with your visual identity , which makes associating your company with the case study much easier for people.

If you’re constantly designing visual content for presentations and reports, Visme’s Brand Wizard lets you build your brand kit on the platform by importing your website URL.

To do this, log in to your dashboard and click the “My Brand” button on the left.

Once the page loads, you’ll find the Brand Wizard link. Click on it so you can enter the URL of your domain.

From here, Visme will take the logo, colors, and fonts you used on your site and include them in your brand kit.

Aside from your visual brand, you should maintain your brand’s tone and voice in the case study’s copy. For example, how you write the background, solutions, and achievements should reflect how your website’s copy reads like.

Make It Interactive

Most case studies are factual presentations of work done for a specific client. Unfortunately, this lends to a certain dullness in which the audience has nothing to do but sit down and listen to them.

But there’s a way to make your case study engaging so that your audience can be part of it instead of just bystanders.

For example, you can have your highlighted customer share a screen recording or audio file about how your company helped this person improve their business. From here, you can embed the files into your case study, which your audience can play anytime they want.

With Visme, you can make these interactive content show as popups in your presentation.

Select the element that people will click on to trigger the popup. Then, choose Actions > Hotspot from the floating bar before linking the video uploaded onto the cloud to the case study.

Here’s a video on how to create popups with your interactive content:

You can also add a voiceover in your presentation to help people with reading disabilities understand the contents of your case study.

If you want to close your audience to clients or customers of your brand, you must present your case study in the best way possible.

Following the design tips above is a great place to start. But you probably won’t be able to implement them properly unless you possess the necessary design skills.

With Visme, however, you don’t have to be a professional designer to produce professional-looking case studies that will wow your audience.

Just choose from our case study outline templates and edit each using the platform’s built-in features.

Easily put together professional case studies in Visme

case study approach presentation

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About the Author

Christopher Jan Benitez is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing. His work has been published on SEO and affiliate marketing-specific niches like Monitor Backlinks, Niche Pursuits, Nichehacks, Web Hosting Secret Revealed, and others.

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10+ Successful Case Study Presentation Templates

Case studies are and will always be an integral part of the business world hence the need for winning case study templates. Whether it is to analyze internal problems and find solutions or convince a client of your capabilities; case study presentations are always involved in the process.

In the following sections, you will understand what goes into making an impactful case study presentation. Using this information, you will find it easy to convince your audience about your solutions, using a well-structured argument.

What Is A Case Study?

A case study is your concise and well-reasoned argument, that talks about the why, how, where, and who, that convinces the audience for your research. Think of it as a solution, to a well-defined question asked of you. Should the company expand in this market? Should we launch this product? What is the reason for our reduced sales? Why are you the best person for the client’s project offering? All these questions are backed by immaculate case study presentations.

This begs the question, when should one do a case study analysis? Some of the scenarios where case studies become necessary are –

1. Convincing clients of the benefits of your services and capabilities. 2. Analyzing and presenting solutions to internal issues for a company. 3. Offering real-life examples to back your arguments. 4. Systematic discussion on the viability of an idea, with respect to the effect on the firm (client or self).

The task here is not only to find a solution but also to influence the audience with your findings. Organizing a lot of information in a succinct and engaging manner for your clients and stakeholders is important. Hence, is a need for an excellent case study presentation template.

Features Of Effective Case Study Presentations

A good case study presentation should be:

1. Brief and highlight the essentials 2. Clear and concise 3. Describe your vision clearly 4. Demonstrate the value and benefit the project brings to the business or client 5. Consistent in style

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Key Elements Of A Winning Case Study Presentation

Before we jump into case study examples, let’s understand the effective structure of a good case study presentation template. A good case study design can be generally structured in the following sections:

This section provides a succinct and effective executive summary for corporate leaders to peruse through quickly.READ MORE: How to write an executive summary?

This section of your case analysis template details the purpose of your analysis. This puts together all the problems that you intend to answer through your case study.

The idea description section is the heart of your case study. It is where you detail your solution, explain the reasoning, and describe why your solution is the best one to follow.

Here is where the administration will be convinced that your idea is worth consideration. You need to explain to your audience that what you are proposing, has a considerable impact on their business or project. Or something like – how clients who used your solution, services, or products benefited financially.

In this final section of your case study slide, you discuss all the planning, considerations, risks, and metrics you will need to execute your solution. Or how you conducted the action steps for your clients to achieve the desired results. What were the Project KPIs , issues, and risks, for the managers and how did you mitigate them?

Tips For Excellent Case Study Presentation

Follow the tips below for a successful case study presentation:

1. The Key Points

It is important to highlight the key takeaway in your study, throughout your case study. While choosing or designing your PowerPoint template , you should make sure that each section has enough potential to show the key takeaway, which is your strongest argument, in prominence. Look at the case study presentation template below, and see how you cannot miss the key point without going into the entire report.

Detailed Case Study PowerPoint Template

2. Icons and Data

Nothing backs your arguments more than hard, quantifiable facts. In today’s terminology, we call these facts, data. Use relevant and key data points and present them in a structured manner in your case study PPT to convince the audience.

Further, use understandable PowerPoint icons to summarize and anchor data points, such that they draw direct attention of the viewer. Icons also provide easier readability to the case study template, as one can simply look for the icon to search for the required information.

Marketing Case Study PowerPoint Template

3. Designing Scientifically

Presentation designing is not only an art but also a part of science. There are well-studied visual design principles , that raise your chances of success.

  • Visual Hierarchy:  Use the  principles of visual hierarchy , and create a contrast between the important information, and the background matter, to draw attention to the right material on the page
  • Professional Colors:  Use  effective color schemes  that suit the environment and your pitch, to showcase your professionalism. It takes one wrong color, to create the impression of a sloppy firm. A good tip will be to use the monochromatic theme, which is a classic professional color scheme.
  • Engaging Visuals:  You can load your pages with a plethora of information, believing that it will convince your audience. But an overload of text and numbers just disinterests the viewer, weakening your case. Hence use engaging visuals, images, icons, graphs, charts, etc., that keep your viewer interested and convey the information without stressing too much of their grey matter .

Multiple Case Studies PowerPoint Template

4. Content is King

While I have mentioned a general structure for case study examples in the previous section, some points should be remembered to create engaging content.

  • Research Thoroughly:  It goes without saying that you should keep your research thorough and inclusive. Research the company, the client, the problem statement, the solution, and every single data you have mentioned in your solution. Also be prepared for things that you are not writing about, such as alternate solutions, market changes, legal hassles, and finer details of your proposals. Under-preparedness or false claims will definitely pull the rug from under you!
  • Language of the Professionals:  Instead of using passive language like that of a research paper, use active and action-based language. This language should be persuasive, and engaging. For example, instead of writing “customer numbers increased by 10% in the last year”, use “10% more customers choose our services over others, over the last year.” This simple shift makes it more convincing and exciting for the reader.
  • Be client-oriented:  Case studies are an effective marketing tool to convince your clients. So, while creating a case study PPT, keep your clients in your mind. Wear their shoes and ask, what is it that they are looking for, and how can you present it right in front of them!

Different Type Of Case Study Presentation Templates

Find below a multitude of attractive, and impactful case study PowerPoint templates that are ready to use, specifically for business professionals:

To highlight a long-term successful engagement with the client

Case Study Timeline PowerPoint Template

To showcase a successful product implementation with the client

Product Marketing Case Study PowerPoint Template

To showcase detailed client engagement

case study approach presentation

To present a project’s success in a concise manner

case study approach presentation

To showcase a detailed problem-solving approach

case study approach presentation

BONUS: Trial Case Study Template

case study approach presentation

Conducting a case study is a delicate yet enormous task, which needs to be performed carefully, and comprehensively. You need to be well aware of the problem you are solving, and bring out the best solution possible for it. A good case study helps you to support your argument, and convince your audience. Following the tips mentioned above, you can create a sharp, professional, and complete case study for your business, which will give impact and strengthen your argument.

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Blog Beginner Guides 6 Types of Case Studies to Inspire Your Research and Analysis

6 Types of Case Studies to Inspire Your Research and Analysis

Written by: Ronita Mohan Sep 20, 2021

What is a Case Study Blog Header

Case studies have become powerful business tools. But what is a case study? What are the benefits of creating one? Are there limitations to the format?

If you’ve asked yourself these questions, our helpful guide will clear things up. Learn how to use a case study for business. Find out how cases analysis works in psychology and research.

We’ve also got examples of case studies to inspire you.

Haven’t made a case study before? You can easily  create a case study  with Venngage’s customizable case study templates .

Click to jump ahead:

What is a case study?

6 types of case studies, what is a business case study, what is a case study in research, what is a case study in psychology, what is the case study method, benefits of case studies, limitations of case studies, faqs about case studies.

A case study is a research process aimed at learning about a subject, an event or an organization. Case studies are use in business, the social sciences and healthcare.

A case study may focus on one observation or many. It can also examine a series of events or a single case. An effective case study tells a story and provides a conclusion.

Case Study Definition LinkedIn Post

Healthcare industries write reports on patients and diagnoses. Marketing case study examples , like the one below, highlight the benefits of a business product.

Bold Social Media Business Case Study Template

Now that you know what a case study is, let’s look at the six different types of case studies next.

There are six common types of case reports. Depending on your industry, you might use one of these types.

Descriptive case studies

Explanatory case studies, exploratory case reports, intrinsic case studies, instrumental case studies, collective case reports.

6 Types Of Case Studies List

We go into more detail about each type of study in the guide below.

Related:  15+ Professional Case Study Examples [Design Tips + Templates]

When you have an existing hypothesis, you can design a descriptive study. This type of report starts with a description. The aim is to find connections between the subject being studied and a theory.

Once these connections are found, the study can conclude. The results of this type of study will usually suggest how to develop a theory further.

A study like the one below has concrete results. A descriptive report would use the quantitative data as a suggestion for researching the subject deeply.

Lead generation business case study template

When an incident occurs in a field, an explanation is required. An explanatory report investigates the cause of the event. It will include explanations for that cause.

The study will also share details about the impact of the event. In most cases, this report will use evidence to predict future occurrences. The results of explanatory reports are definitive.

Note that there is no room for interpretation here. The results are absolute.

The study below is a good example. It explains how one brand used the services of another. It concludes by showing definitive proof that the collaboration was successful.

Bold Content Marketing Case Study Template

Another example of this study would be in the automotive industry. If a vehicle fails a test, an explanatory study will examine why. The results could show that the failure was because of a particular part.

Related: How to Write a Case Study [+ Design Tips]

An explanatory report is a self-contained document. An exploratory one is only the beginning of an investigation.

Exploratory cases act as the starting point of studies. This is usually conducted as a precursor to large-scale investigations. The research is used to suggest why further investigations are needed.

An exploratory study can also be used to suggest methods for further examination.

For example, the below analysis could have found inconclusive results. In that situation, it would be the basis for an in-depth study.

Teal Social Media Business Case Study Template

Intrinsic studies are more common in the field of psychology. These reports can also be conducted in healthcare or social work.

These types of studies focus on a unique subject, such as a patient. They can sometimes study groups close to the researcher.

The aim of such studies is to understand the subject better. This requires learning their history. The researcher will also examine how they interact with their environment.

For instance, if the case study below was about a unique brand, it could be an intrinsic study.

Vibrant Content Marketing Case Study Template

Once the study is complete, the researcher will have developed a better understanding of a phenomenon. This phenomenon will likely not have been studied or theorized about before.

Examples of intrinsic case analysis can be found across psychology. For example, Jean Piaget’s theories on cognitive development. He established the theory from intrinsic studies into his own children.

Related: What Disney Villains Can Tell Us About Color Psychology [Infographic]

This is another type of study seen in medical and psychology fields. Instrumental reports are created to examine more than just the primary subject.

When research is conducted for an instrumental study, it is to provide the basis for a larger phenomenon. The subject matter is usually the best example of the phenomenon. This is why it is being studied.

Take the example of the fictional brand below.

Purple SAAS Business Case Study Template

Assume it’s examining lead generation strategies. It may want to show that visual marketing is the definitive lead generation tool. The brand can conduct an instrumental case study to examine this phenomenon.

Collective studies are based on instrumental case reports. These types of studies examine multiple reports.

There are a number of reasons why collective reports are created:

  • To provide evidence for starting a new study
  • To find pattens between multiple instrumental reports
  • To find differences in similar types of cases
  • Gain a deeper understanding of a complex phenomenon
  • Understand a phenomenon from diverse contexts

A researcher could use multiple reports, like the one below, to build a collective case report.

Social Media Business Case Study template

Related: 10+ Case Study Infographic Templates That Convert

A business or marketing case study aims at showcasing a successful partnership. This can be between a brand and a client. Or the case study can examine a brand’s project.

There is a perception that case studies are used to advertise a brand. But effective reports, like the one below, can show clients how a brand can support them.

Light Simple Business Case Study Template

Hubspot created a case study on a customer that successfully scaled its business. The report outlines the various Hubspot tools used to achieve these results.

Hubspot case study

Hubspot also added a video with testimonials from the client company’s employees.

So, what is the purpose of a case study for businesses? There is a lot of competition in the corporate world. Companies are run by people. They can be on the fence about which brand to work with.

Business reports  stand out aesthetically, as well. They use  brand colors  and brand fonts . Usually, a combination of the client’s and the brand’s.

With the Venngage  My Brand Kit  feature, businesses can automatically apply their brand to designs.

A business case study, like the one below, acts as social proof. This helps customers decide between your brand and your competitors.

Modern lead Generation Business Case Study Template

Don’t know how to design a report? You can learn  how to write a case study  with Venngage’s guide. We also share design tips and examples that will help you convert.

Related: 55+ Annual Report Design Templates, Inspirational Examples & Tips [Updated]

Research is a necessary part of every case study. But specific research fields are required to create studies. These fields include user research, healthcare, education, or social work.

For example, this UX Design  report examined the public perception of a client. The brand researched and implemented new visuals to improve it. The study breaks down this research through lessons learned.

What is a case study in research? UX Design case study example

Clinical reports are a necessity in the medical field. These documents are used to share knowledge with other professionals. They also help examine new or unusual diseases or symptoms.

The pandemic has led to a significant increase in research. For example,  Spectrum Health  studied the value of health systems in the pandemic. They created the study by examining community outreach.

What is a case study in research? Spectrum healthcare example

The pandemic has significantly impacted the field of education. This has led to numerous examinations on remote studying. There have also been studies on how students react to decreased peer communication.

Social work case reports often have a community focus. They can also examine public health responses. In certain regions, social workers study disaster responses.

You now know what case studies in various fields are. In the next step of our guide, we explain the case study method.

In the field of psychology, case studies focus on a particular subject. Psychology case histories also examine human behaviors.

Case reports search for commonalities between humans. They are also used to prescribe further research. Or these studies can elaborate on a solution for a behavioral ailment.

The American Psychology Association  has a number of case studies on real-life clients. Note how the reports are more text-heavy than a business case study.

What is a case study in psychology? Behavior therapy example

Famous psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Anna O popularised the use of case studies in the field. They did so by regularly interviewing subjects. Their detailed observations build the field of psychology.

It is important to note that psychological studies must be conducted by professionals. Psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists should be the researchers in these cases.

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The case study method, or case method, is a learning technique where you’re presented with a real-world business challenge and asked how you’d solve it.

After working through it independently and with peers, you learn how the actual scenario unfolded. This approach helps develop problem-solving skills and practical knowledge.

This method often uses various data sources like interviews, observations, and documents to provide comprehensive insights. The below example would have been created after numerous interviews.

Case studies are largely qualitative. They analyze and describe phenomena. While some data is included, a case analysis is not quantitative.

There are a few steps in the case method. You have to start by identifying the subject of your study. Then determine what kind of research is required.

In natural sciences, case studies can take years to complete. Business reports, like this one, don’t take that long. A few weeks of interviews should be enough.

Blue Simple Business Case Study Template

The case method will vary depending on the industry. Reports will also look different once produced.

As you will have seen, business reports are more colorful. The design is also more accessible . Healthcare and psychology reports are more text-heavy.

Designing case reports takes time and energy. So, is it worth taking the time to write them? Here are the benefits of creating case studies.

  • Collects large amounts of information
  • Helps formulate hypotheses
  • Builds the case for further research
  • Discovers new insights into a subject
  • Builds brand trust and loyalty
  • Engages customers through stories

For example, the business study below creates a story around a brand partnership. It makes for engaging reading. The study also shows evidence backing up the information.

Blue Content Marketing Case Study Template

We’ve shared the benefits of why studies are needed. We will also look at the limitations of creating them.

Related: How to Present a Case Study like a Pro (With Examples)

There are a few disadvantages to conducting a case analysis. The limitations will vary according to the industry.

  • Responses from interviews are subjective
  • Subjects may tailor responses to the researcher
  • Studies can’t always be replicated
  • In certain industries, analyses can take time and be expensive
  • Risk of generalizing the results among a larger population

These are some of the common weaknesses of creating case reports. If you’re on the fence, look at the competition in your industry.

Other brands or professionals are building reports, like this example. In that case, you may want to do the same.

Coral content marketing case study template

What makes a case study a case study?

A case study has a very particular research methodology. They are an in-depth study of a person or a group of individuals. They can also study a community or an organization. Case reports examine real-world phenomena within a set context.

How long should a case study be?

The length of studies depends on the industry. It also depends on the story you’re telling. Most case studies should be at least 500-1500 words long. But you can increase the length if you have more details to share.

What should you ask in a case study?

The one thing you shouldn’t ask is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Case studies are qualitative. These questions won’t give you the information you need.

Ask your client about the problems they faced. Ask them about solutions they found. Or what they think is the ideal solution. Leave room to ask them follow-up questions. This will help build out the study.

How to present a case study?

When you’re ready to present a case study, begin by providing a summary of the problem or challenge you were addressing. Follow this with an outline of the solution you implemented, and support this with the results you achieved, backed by relevant data. Incorporate visual aids like slides, graphs, and images to make your case study presentation more engaging and impactful.

Now you know what a case study means, you can begin creating one. These reports are a great tool for analyzing brands. They are also useful in a variety of other fields.

Use a visual communication platform like Venngage to design case studies. With Venngage’s templates, you can design easily. Create branded, engaging reports, all without design experience.

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  • What Is a Case Study? | Definition, Examples & Methods

What Is a Case Study? | Definition, Examples & Methods

Published on May 8, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023.

A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research.

A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods , but quantitative methods are sometimes also used. Case studies are good for describing , comparing, evaluating and understanding different aspects of a research problem .

Table of contents

When to do a case study, step 1: select a case, step 2: build a theoretical framework, step 3: collect your data, step 4: describe and analyze the case, other interesting articles.

A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete, contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It allows you to explore the key characteristics, meanings, and implications of the case.

Case studies are often a good choice in a thesis or dissertation . They keep your project focused and manageable when you don’t have the time or resources to do large-scale research.

You might use just one complex case study where you explore a single subject in depth, or conduct multiple case studies to compare and illuminate different aspects of your research problem.

Case study examples
Research question Case study
What are the ecological effects of wolf reintroduction? Case study of wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park
How do populist politicians use narratives about history to gain support? Case studies of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán and US president Donald Trump
How can teachers implement active learning strategies in mixed-level classrooms? Case study of a local school that promotes active learning
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of wind farms for rural communities? Case studies of three rural wind farm development projects in different parts of the country
How are viral marketing strategies changing the relationship between companies and consumers? Case study of the iPhone X marketing campaign
How do experiences of work in the gig economy differ by gender, race and age? Case studies of Deliveroo and Uber drivers in London

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Once you have developed your problem statement and research questions , you should be ready to choose the specific case that you want to focus on. A good case study should have the potential to:

  • Provide new or unexpected insights into the subject
  • Challenge or complicate existing assumptions and theories
  • Propose practical courses of action to resolve a problem
  • Open up new directions for future research

TipIf your research is more practical in nature and aims to simultaneously investigate an issue as you solve it, consider conducting action research instead.

Unlike quantitative or experimental research , a strong case study does not require a random or representative sample. In fact, case studies often deliberately focus on unusual, neglected, or outlying cases which may shed new light on the research problem.

Example of an outlying case studyIn the 1960s the town of Roseto, Pennsylvania was discovered to have extremely low rates of heart disease compared to the US average. It became an important case study for understanding previously neglected causes of heart disease.

However, you can also choose a more common or representative case to exemplify a particular category, experience or phenomenon.

Example of a representative case studyIn the 1920s, two sociologists used Muncie, Indiana as a case study of a typical American city that supposedly exemplified the changing culture of the US at the time.

While case studies focus more on concrete details than general theories, they should usually have some connection with theory in the field. This way the case study is not just an isolated description, but is integrated into existing knowledge about the topic. It might aim to:

  • Exemplify a theory by showing how it explains the case under investigation
  • Expand on a theory by uncovering new concepts and ideas that need to be incorporated
  • Challenge a theory by exploring an outlier case that doesn’t fit with established assumptions

To ensure that your analysis of the case has a solid academic grounding, you should conduct a literature review of sources related to the topic and develop a theoretical framework . This means identifying key concepts and theories to guide your analysis and interpretation.

There are many different research methods you can use to collect data on your subject. Case studies tend to focus on qualitative data using methods such as interviews , observations , and analysis of primary and secondary sources (e.g., newspaper articles, photographs, official records). Sometimes a case study will also collect quantitative data.

Example of a mixed methods case studyFor a case study of a wind farm development in a rural area, you could collect quantitative data on employment rates and business revenue, collect qualitative data on local people’s perceptions and experiences, and analyze local and national media coverage of the development.

The aim is to gain as thorough an understanding as possible of the case and its context.

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In writing up the case study, you need to bring together all the relevant aspects to give as complete a picture as possible of the subject.

How you report your findings depends on the type of research you are doing. Some case studies are structured like a standard scientific paper or thesis , with separate sections or chapters for the methods , results and discussion .

Others are written in a more narrative style, aiming to explore the case from various angles and analyze its meanings and implications (for example, by using textual analysis or discourse analysis ).

In all cases, though, make sure to give contextual details about the case, connect it back to the literature and theory, and discuss how it fits into wider patterns or debates.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Ecological validity

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). What Is a Case Study? | Definition, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/case-study/

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The Case Study as a Research Method

Published by Sandra Booth Modified over 9 years ago

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Case Studies Pat McGee. Why Research? ● To distinguish between rival plausible hypotheses. [Campbell 1994] ● To attack proposed scientific theories. [Popper.

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Research Methodologies

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Sabine Mendes Lima Moura Issues in Research Methodology PUC – November 2014.

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Outline: Research Methodology: Case Study - what is case study

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Designing Case Studies. Objectives After this session you will be able to: Describe the purpose of case studies. Plan a systematic approach to case study.

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1 © 2009 University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, Program Development and Evaluation Collecting Data This is STEP 3 of the five steps.

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Case Study Research By Kenneth Medley.

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CASE STUDIES. W HAT IS A C ASE S TUDY ? A case study is a specific, holistic, often unique instance that is frequently designed to illustrate a more general.

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Cheryl Halliburton & Ayana Murray Long Island University – C.W. Post EDD 1005 – Research Methods I Dr. Jan Hammond October 23, 2011.

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Case Study Research A Qualitative Approach to Inquiry

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Formulating the research design

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Research Design Mixed Methods

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Case Studies Segments 32,33,34. Case Study Process - Overview.

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Nurhadi. (2016). Penerapan Metode Praktek dalam Pembiasaan Sholat Pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih. EKSYAR : Jurnal Ekonomi Syari’ah & Bisnis Islam, 3(2), 158–174. https://ejournal.staim-tulungagung.ac.id/index.php/eksyar/article/view/144

Nurjannah, I. (2018). PERBEDAAN PERKEMBANGAN MORAL DAN AGAMA PADA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK ISLAM DAN TK UMUM KECAMATAN CIPAYUNG, KOTAMADYA JAKARTA TIMUR. Permata: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 3(1), 38–53. https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/permata/article/view/4456

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  • Open access
  • Published: 01 July 2024

Short stature and vaginal dinoprostone as independent predictors of composite maternal-newborn adverse outcomes in induction of labor after one previous cesarean: a retrospective cohort study

  • Sze Ping Tan 1 , 2 ,
  • Saniyati Badri Bashirudin 1 ,
  • Rajeev Kumar Rajaratnam 1 &
  • Farah Gan 1  

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth volume  24 , Article number:  455 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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The rates of labor induction and cesarean delivery is rising worldwide. With the confluence of these trends, the labor induction rate in trials of labor after cesarean can be as high as 27-32.7%. Induction of labor after one previous cesarean (IOLAC) is a high-risk procedure mainly due to the higher risk of uterine rupture. Nevertheless, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers IOLAC as an option in motivated and informed women in the appropriate care setting. We sought to identify predictors of a composite of maternal and newborn adverse outcomes following IOLAC.

The electronic medical records of women who delivered between January 2018 to September 2022 in a Malaysian university hospital were screened to identify cases of IOLAC. A case is classified as a composite adverse outcome if at least one of these 11 adverse outcomes of delivery blood loss ≥ 1000 ml, uterine scar complications, cord prolapse or presentation, placenta abruption, maternal fever (≥ 38 0 C), chorioamnionitis, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, Apgar score < 7 at 5 min, umbilical artery cord artery blood pH < 7.1 or base excess ≤-12 mmol/l, and neonatal ICU admission was present. An unplanned cesarean delivery was not considered an adverse outcome as the practical management alternative for a clinically indicated IOLAC was a planned cesarean. Bivariate analysis of participants’ characteristics was performed to identify predictors of their association with composite adverse outcome. Characteristics with crude p  < 0.10 on bivariate analysis were incorporated into a multivariable binary logistic regression analysis model.

Electronic medical records of 19,064 women were screened. 819 IOLAC cases and 98 cases with composite adverse outcomes were identified. Maternal height, ethnicity, previous vaginal delivery, indication of previous cesarean, indication for IOLAC, and method of IOLAC had p  < 0.10 on bivariate analysis and were incorporated into a multivariable binary logistic regression analysis. After adjustment, only maternal height and IOLAC by vaginal dinoprostone compared to Foley balloon remained significant at p  < 0.05. Post hoc adjusted analysis that included all unplanned cesarean as an added qualifier for composite adverse outcome showed higher body mass index, short stature (< 157 cm), not of Chinese ethnicity, no prior vaginal delivery, prior cesarean indicated by labor dystocia, and less favorable Bishop score (< 6) were independent predictors of the expanded composite adverse outcome.

Shorter women and IOLAC by vaginal dinoprostone compared to Foley balloon were independently predictive of composite of adverse outcome.

Shorter stature and dinoprostone labor induction are independent predictors of a composite maternal-newborn adverse outcome excluding unplanned cesarean delivery.

Peer Review reports


Data on the cesarean rate from 154 countries from 1990 to 2018 shows that the global cesarean delivery rate is rising in all regions, with the greatest increase of 44.9% in Eastern Asia [ 1 ]. National Health Service (NHS) England maternity statistics data shows induction of labor (IOL) rates have also increased, from 18.3% in 1989-90 to 34.4% by 2020 − 21 [ 2 ]. With the confluence of these trends, the IOL rate in trials of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) can be as high as 27-32.7% [ 3 , 4 ].

Induction of labor after one previous cesarean (IOLAC) is a high-risk procedure mainly due to the higher risk of uterine rupture; the scar rupture rate is as high as 2.5% with the use of prostaglandins compared to a rate of 0.5% with spontaneous onset of labor and of 0.2% without a trial of labor [ 5 ]. Nevertheless, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) considers IOLAC as an option in motivated and informed women in the appropriate care setting [ 6 ].

Findings of recent trials show that the unplanned cesarean rate can be as high as 59% [ 7 ] to 69% [ 8 ] after IOLAC. The adverse outcomes associated with TOLAC, and more so IOLAC, is an area of concern.

Several factors have been widely reported in the literature for having higher risk of morbidity following TOLAC. Among these are previous uterine rupture [ 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 ], myomectomy involving entry into the endometrial cavity [ 15 , 16 ], inter-delivery interval < 16 months [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], grandmultiparity [ 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 ], labor induction especially with prostaglandins [ 5 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 ], and labor dystocia [ 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 ]. Oxytocin use during TOLAC was not associated with worse maternal or neonatal outcomes in patients that had uterine rupture [ 37 ]. Risk calculators have been developed to predict uterine rupture in TOLAC however none are clinically reliable at present [ 38 ]. Studies specifically addressing IOLAC are sparse.

We aim to describe a contemporary cohort of women who underwent IOLAC and to identify independent risk factors for the occurrence of a composite of adverse maternal-newborn outcomes. Identifying these factors that exclude the unplanned but otherwise uncomplicated caesarean from consideration could assist in the counseling of women who are especially motivated to achieve VBAC. The results could also inform care providers on the selection of women for IOLAC and on the method to induce labor. The findings should enhance patient-provider shared decision making to undertake IOLAC.

Materials and methods

This was a retrospective cohort study. All women who delivered at University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) from January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2022 had their electronic medical record (hospital chart) individually reviewed by investigator SBB to identify cases of IOLAC. IOLAC cases had their data retrieved and transferred onto a Case Report Form. Electronic medical records of IOLAC cases with incomplete information on the required study data are excluded. This study was approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee of University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC-MREC) on February 8, 2022 (reference number 202,215 − 10,901). Individual consent was not required by the review board.

UMMC is a tertiary, state-funded, full-services hospital, with care provided free-of-charge or heavily subsidised. Our center is located in urban Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a middle-income and multi-ethnic Asian country. We have a delivery rate of 4–5 thousand births a year with cesarean delivery rate of 35–40% and labor induction rate of 25–30%.

In our center, if the membrane is intact and the cervix unfavourable (Bishop score ≤5), cervical ripening is predominantly by the use of the Foley balloon that is left in place for up to 24 h from insertion. The vaginal 3 mg dinoprostone tablet is sometimes used depending on the provider; with a maximum daily dose of 6 mg (two doses, at least six hours apart). If a favorable cervix has not been achieved a third dose may be inserted the following day, after discussion with the patient. With spontaneous membrane rupture and an unfavourable cervix, titrated oxytocin infusion or vaginal dinoprostone tablet is used. The oxytocin infusion solution is prepared by diluting 10 units of oxytocin in 500 ml Hartmann’s solution (oxytocin concentration of 20 milliunits/ml) The infusion rate is started at 2 milliunits/hour and the rate doubled every half an hour until a contraction rate of 3 to 4 every 10 min is achieved, after which the infusion rate is maintained to sustain an optimal contraction rate of 3 to 4 moderate to strong contractions at each 10 min interval. Our maximum oxytocin infusion rate is 16 milliunits/hour in women with a previous cesarean delivery. In the event of uterine tachysystole, hypertonus or hyperstimulation syndrome with associated concerning fetal heart rate, the infusion rate will be reduced or even stopped. In our center, the concurrent use of Foley balloon, dinoprostone, or oxytocin for IOL is not standard care and rarely done. Oxytocin to initiate or augment contractions is typically only started after rupture of membranes.

The inclusion criteria were one previous cesarean section, underwent IOL, term (≥ 37 weeks), singleton, live, and cephalic fetus at induction, and maternal age ≥ 18 years. In our center, a repeat cesarean was recommended for women with two or more previous cesareans.

The retrieved data of IOLAC cases was transcribed onto a Case Report Form. The Case Report Form’s data selection were guided by known predictors of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) [ 39 ] after a trial of labor (typically after spontaneous labor). Short maternal stature was defined as height of less than 157 cm, the median height for our population. The selected adverse maternal outcomes for the composite, were delivery blood loss ≥ 1000 ml [ 40 ], intensive care unit admission, uterine scar rupture and dehiscence, hysterectomy, umbilical cord prolapse, fever, chorioamnionitis, placental abruption and neonatal outcomes of admission to neonatal intensive care unit and the indication for admission, cord artery blood pH and base excess, and Apgar score at 5 min. These outcomes were systematically retrieved, verified and abstracted onto the Case Report Forms.

As planned cesarean delivery was the logical alternative to a medically indicated IOLAC [ 41 ], arguably a straightforward, albeit unplanned cesarean delivery without complication need not be considered as an adverse event. In this study, cases of unplanned cesarean delivery were excluded from the composite of adverse maternal–newborn outcomes if they did not also have at least one other adverse outcome already included in the composite.

Our target sample size was justified thus: trials have reported an unplanned cesarean rate of 50–60% after Foley balloon IOLAC [ 7 , 8 ]. We presumed a smaller 12.5% composite adverse outcome rate that excluded uncomplicated cesareans. We anticipated 10 independent variables for the multivariable binary logistic regression analysis. To fulfil the 10 events per variable rule [ 42 , 43 ], we would need at least 100 composite adverse outcome cases which could be expected to be found in 100/0.125 = 800 IOLAC cases.

Data were entered into SPSS (Version 26, IBM, SPSS Statistics). To identify independent predictors of the composite of adverse outcomes, bivariate analyses using the t-test was used to compare means of normally distributed continuous data, the Mann-Whitney U test for ordinal, or non-normally distributed data and Chi-square test for categorical data, dichotomized to composite adverse outcome present or absent. Variables with p  < 0.10 on bivariate analysis were then included for multivariable binary logistic regression analysis to identify independent risk factors. For the adjusted analyses, 2-sided p  < 0.05 was taken as a level of significance.

Figure  1 depicts the flow through the study. From January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2022, 19,064 deliveries were recorded in our center. 819 women who had IOLAC were identified, of whom 98 had at least one adverse outcome in the composite list.

figure 1

Flow chart for a retrospective study on independent predictors of composite adverse outcome (excluding unplanned cesarean) following induction of labor after one cesarean

Table  1 shows the characteristics for the entire study population of 819 IOLAC cases. Basic demographics, selected obstetric history, and obstetric information on the index IOLAC pregnancy are shown.

Table  2 illustrates the incidence of maternal-newborn outcomes. There were 463/819 (56.5%) unplanned cesarean after IOLAC, with 391/463 (84.4%) of them without any of the 11 selected adverse outcomes within the composite. Postpartum hemorrhage (≥ 1000 ml) [ 40 ] occurred in 39/819 (4.8%), cord accidents in 3/819 (0.37%), maternal admission to the intensive care unit in 4/819 (0.5%), uterine scar complications in 4/819 (0.5%) of which 2/819 (0.2%) were full thickness scar rupture, hysterectomy in 2/819 (0.24%), Apgar score at 5 min < 7 in 3/819 (0.4%), cord arterial blood pH < 7.1 in 20/819 (2.4%), base excess ≤ -12 in 16/819 (2.0%), and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit in 32/819 (3.9%), mostly for respiratory distress due to transient tachypnoea of the newborn (14/32, 43.8%), presumed sepsis (8/32, 25.0%), and congenital pneumonia (6/32, 18.8%). There was a solitary newborn who had hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Table  3 lists the variables for bivariate analysis. Five of these variables, maternal height, previous vaginal delivery, indication of previous cesarean, indication of IOLAC and method of IOLAC emerged with bivariate analysis p  < 0.1. After adjusted analysis, two independent predictors of composite adverse outcomes remained (significance level set at p  < 0.05), namely height < 157 cm and IOLAC by vaginal dinoprostone compared to Foley balloon.

Post hoc analysis

Post hoc, we sought to evaluate independent predictors for composite adverse outcome after IOLAC that included unplanned cesareans as a component of the composite. With this analysis there were 489 cases positive for composite adverse outcomes. Of these, 463/489 (94.7%) had unplanned cesarean and only 72/463 (15.5%) were unplanned cesarean with at least one of the 11 other components of the composite. Following vaginal delivery after IOLAC, there were 26/356 (7.3%) cases positive for composite adverse outcomes.

Table  4 showed the bivariate and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses (variables with p  < 0.1 incorporated into the model) for the expanded composite adverse outcomes that included all unplanned cesarean. Nine variables had p  < 0.1 after bivariate analysis. Following adjustment, six variables (higher body mass index, short stature (< 157 cm), not of Chinese ethnicity, no prior vaginal delivery, prior cesarean indicated by labor dystocia and less favorable Bishop score (< 6) were independent predictors of the expanded composite adverse outcome. Maternal age, gestational age at IOLAC, and method of IOLAC were not significant (set at p  < 0.05) after adjustment.

In a previous analysis from the same study population, we have found that obesity, short stature, no prior vaginal delivery, previous cesarean indicated by failure to progress, unfavorable Bishop score and ethnicity were independent predictors for unplanned cesarean after IOLAC [ 44 ]. These post hoc findings (Table  4 ) were reflective of the numerical dominance of the unplanned cesarean subpopulation, overwhelming the 11 other adverse events in the composite.

In our analysis on composite adverse maternal-newborn outcomes after IOLAC but specifically excluding uncomplicated cesarean deliveries, after multivariable binary logistic regression analysis, we identified two independent predictors for the composite adverse outcome; short maternal stature and labor induction using vaginal dinoprostone.

Short maternal stature (< 157 cm) was independently predictive of composite adverse outcome similarly to it being a risk factor for unplanned cesarean delivery after IOLAC [ 44 , 45 ]. Our result corroborated the finding from a Swedish cohort study which reported maternal height of < 160 cm to be a risk factor of uterine rupture during TOLAC with OR 1.69 compared to patients > 160 cm tall [ 46 ]. In our study, short stature remained an independent predictor of the expanded composite adverse outcome that included all unplanned cesarean section. Machine learning models have also shown maternal height to significantly contribute to the prediction of successful VBAC [ 47 ].

Dinoprostone, compared to Foley induction, was also found to be predictive of the composite adverse outcomes after adjustment. Available research on IOLAC primarily centers on successful vaginal birth or risk of uterine rupture. Meta-analyses [ 39 , 48 ] from sparse data on IOLAC methods did not reveal a superior induction method. A recent individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials however found balloon catheters for cervical ripening in labor induction led to fewer adverse perinatal events compared to prostaglandins, although no exclusion was made based on previous cesarean delivery status [ 48 ]. Our findings contribute to the limited data on risk factors specific to complications after IOLAC.

In our bivariate analysis, previous vaginal delivery, indication of previous cesarean and indication of IOLAC emerged as potential predictors of adverse outcomes, but these were not significant after adjustment. These variables were similarly not significant in TOLAC studies assessing morbidity, except for large-for-gestational-age fetuses having shown an association with uterine rupture following cesarean delivery [ 17 , 27 ].

Previous analysis from the same study population showed previous cesarean indicated by failure to progress and no prior vaginal delivery to be independent predictors of unplanned cesarean after IOLAC [ 44 ]. Unplanned cesarean without complication was excluded as a component of the composite of adverse outcomes in our primary analysis. This exclusion could be controversial as adverse psychosocial outcomes, including post-traumatic stress, health-related quality of life, experiences, infant-feeding, satisfaction, and self-esteem were negatively impacted by emergency cesarean section [ 49 ]. Even in well-motivated women with extensive counseling on the risk of failed IOLAC and unplanned cesarean, a degree of disappointment was likely when unplanned cesarean occurred [ 50 ]. However, our novel approach of excluding unplanned cesarean without complication from the composite adverse outcomes classification as the practical alternative to IOLAC is a planned cesarean, would be of value for care providers and women open to a different approach when looking at information to help decide on IOLAC.

Research implication

Our findings of independent predictors of a composite adverse maternal-newborn outcomes add to the limited body of evidence on risk factors related to the performance and safety of IOLAC. Further very large scale confirmatory retrospective studies should increase the confidence on our findings and plausibly identify other risk factors missed as a result of Type 2 error. Large scale prospective studies with well-defined and consistently applied terms, focused on IOLAC subjects, will provide the highest quality data to identify independent predictors and allow for the development of robust calculators to give more precise estimates of the risk of adverse outcome to aid decision-making on IOLAC.

Strengths and limitations

As to strength, we had a relatively large contemporary set of 819 IOLAC cases, with data individually abstracted directly from their medical records and a sample sufficiently large for robust multivariable binary logistic regression analysis based on the 10-event per variable rule [ 43 ]. Our independent predictors of composite adverse outcome after IOLAC were likely to be robust as they concurred with extensive meta-analysis findings from TOLAC studies [ 39 ] and from sparser data on unplanned cesarean births after IOLAC [ 44 , 45 ]. Our IOLAC cases were identified and their data abstracted by a single clinician-investigator (SBB) who reviewed all the birth records.

We were limited by the number of composite adverse outcome at only 98 cases, which could have resulted in Type 2 error due to underpowering. The use of dinoprostone in cases plausibly at lower-risk in our practice may lead to the underestimation of its true impact on adverse outcomes despite adjustment to reduce confounding. Prostaglandin as a method of IOLAC may be regarded as controversial in the absence of conclusive safety results [ 5 ] but meta-analyses [ 39 , 48 ] on IOLAC methods did not reveal a superior IOLAC method although the available data is sparse. We also did not retrieve the number of prostaglandins used in cases of adverse outcomes. Obstetric sphincter injury (OASIS) was not explored in our study; previous cesarean section increases the risk of OASIS [ 51 ] but OASIS does not appear to be associated with IOL per se [ 52 ]. We used delivery blood loss  ≥  1000 ml as an adverse maternal outcome for the composite instead of the need for blood transfusion, which could be a more objective and clinically useful measure. With a retrospective chart review, even from electronic medical records, the data could still be inaccurately or incompletely documented.

Short maternal stature and vaginal dinoprostone tablet compared to Foley balloon induction are independent predictors of a composite of adverse maternal-newborn outcomes after IOLAC. These predictors could aid care providers and women in their shared decision making on IOLAC and on the method of induction, beyond the consideration of an unplanned cesarean as adverse outcome.

Data availability

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Jalan Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia

Sze Ping Tan, Saniyati Badri Bashirudin, Rajeev Kumar Rajaratnam & Farah Gan

Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, Sterling Way, London, N18 1QX, UK

Sze Ping Tan

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All authors [Sze Ping Tan (SPT), Saniyati Badri Bashirudin (SBB), Rajeev Kumar Rajaratnam (RKR), and Farah Gan (FG)] contributed to elements of the study. SPT and FG conceptualized the study. SBB collected, entered, and cleaned the database. SPT performed the data analysis assisted by FG. All authors contributed to data interpretation. SPT and FG co-wrote the manuscript draft; SBB and RKR provided critique to refine the manuscript. All authors assert ownership over and responsibility for the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Farah Gan .

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Tan, S.P., Bashirudin, S.B., Rajaratnam, R.K. et al. Short stature and vaginal dinoprostone as independent predictors of composite maternal-newborn adverse outcomes in induction of labor after one previous cesarean: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 24 , 455 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-024-06650-5

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Received : 04 February 2024

Accepted : 19 June 2024

Published : 01 July 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-024-06650-5

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  • Labor induction
  • Previous cesarean
  • Dinoprostone
  • Emergency cesarean

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

ISSN: 1471-2393

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    Revised on November 20, 2023. A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research. A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods, but quantitative methods are ...

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    Case study-research-method. This document provides an overview of case study research methods. It defines a case study as an in-depth analysis of a single entity within its real-world context. The document discusses case study paradigms, types including intrinsic and instrumental, purposes such as explanatory and exploratory, designs including ...

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    115 likes • 167,867 views. AI-enhanced description. Mirea Mizushima. Case studies are a qualitative research method used to examine individuals, small groups, or specific situations in great depth. They emphasize detailed contextual analysis to understand relationships between phenomena. Researchers use case studies across many disciplines.

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    This study describes and knows the method of education of religious and moral values in early childhood in animated series films. This research is a qualitative research using the paradigm of postpositivism. This type of research uses case studies, data collection using three methods, namely: interviews, observation, and documentation.

  24. Short stature and vaginal dinoprostone as independent predictors of

    A case is classified as a composite adverse outcome if at least one of these 11 adverse outcomes of delivery blood loss ≥ 1000 ml, uterine scar complications, cord prolapse or presentation, placenta abruption, maternal fever (≥ 38 0 C), chorioamnionitis, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, Apgar score < 7 at 5 min, umbilical artery cord ...