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CreativeWriting12 Q1 Mod1 Fundamentals-Of-Creative-Writing v5

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Twelfth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

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  • Scoring Rubric: Poetry
  • Student Proofreading Checklist
  • Creative Writing with Photo Inspiration
  • Scoring Rubric: Research Report/Paper
  • Poetry Terms Quiz
  • An Immigrant's Story
  • The "I Remember" Poem
  • Scoring Rubric: Literary Analysis/Interpretation
  • Scoring Rubric: Summary
  • Scoring Rubric: Narrative Based on Personal Experiences
  • Scoring Rubric: Drama
  • Writing Self-Assessment
  • Scoring Rubric: Comparison/Contrast
  • Scoring Rubric: Response to Literature
  • Life's Not Always Fair
  • Answer to an Unasked Question
  • Scoring Rubric: How-to/Process Explanation
  • Scoring Rubric: Description
  • Build a Better Metaphor
  • Initial Self-Assessment: Writing
  • Scoring Rubric: Definition/Classification
  • Scoring Rubric: Persuasion
  • Speak to Me in Iambic
  • Scoring Rubric: Expression
  • Moe's Café
  • Peer Conference Notes: Reader
  • Scoring Rubric: Evaluation/Review
  • Peer Conference Notes: Writer
  • Scoring Rubric: Multimedia Report
  • Scoring Rubric: Technical Description / Explanation
  • More Creative Writing Printables, 12th Grade

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How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing — A Complete Guide

creative writing grade 12 exam

A creative writing exam is always a daunting prospect for 11 Plus students. Writing creatively under pressure, with strict time constraints and an unfamiliar prompt , is a significant challenge. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right guidance and plenty of practice, students can develop their creative writing skills, learning to showcase their creativity and originality whilst also hitting every key part of a mark scheme .

Creative writing is a key component of some 11 Plus exams, which are used to determine entry to some of the UK's most prestigious independent and grammar schools . A creative writing test is designed to evaluate students' writing skills, including their ability to structure a narrative, create vivid characters and settings, and use descriptive language effectively to convey their ideas.

In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively prepare your child for an 11+ creative writing exam. We’ll give you plenty of practical tips and strategies, as well explaining how we can improve your child’s writing skills to the best of their ability.

The Exam Coach delivers the best online learning experience for children studying to sit the 11+ in the UK. If you have a child about to take the 11 Plus, please read on to discover more about how we can work with you to ensure your child’s success.


What is creative writing, how is creative writing tested in the 11 plus exams, what does your child need to succeed in 11 plus creative writing, how can you prepare your child, how can we prepare your child, creative writing courses - what we cover, bonus resources, 👨🏻‍💻 free 11+ practice papers and tuition updates 👩🏾‍💻.

We’ll send you a new English and maths practice paper every week as well as our 11+ workshop schedule. We always run at least two classes a week. Sign up below for the first paper straight to your inbox today! ✉️

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Creative writing is the practice of using English to express an imaginative and original idea , story or concept. It involves using words to create narratives, descriptions, characters, and worlds based on a given prompt. Unlike academic or persuasive writing, which is usually focused on conveying information and facts, creative writing is more concerned with evoking emotions, entertaining the reader and showing a perfect grasp of written English.

Creative writing skills are tested by most independent schools and some grammars as part of their entry exams, including:

The Kent Test

The Sutton Second Stage Exam

Tiffin/Tiffin Girls’ Stage Two Exams

Most independent schools’ exams

creative writing grade 12 exam

Creative writing tasks can take many forms in an 11 plus exam, but students must always follow a given prompt when writing. They may be asked to write about a given topic or given an extract/ image to help spark their creativity. The writing task is always timed and students are usually given between 20–40 minutes to plan, write and check their work . Writing must be completed by hand, unless your child has special permission to use a computer.

Creative writing questions usually fall into three categories:

1. Story writing

Asks you to write a story or description of a given topic or image prompt.

You must answer the exact question you are given, using deep description.

E.G - Describe going on a safari.

2. Continuing a story

Asks you to continue writing from the end of a given extract.

You must continue exactly from the end of the extract, while keeping the style and key elements consistent.

E.G - Continue the given extract.

3. Diary entries

Asks you to write a diary entry on a given topic.

You must begin with “Dear diary,” and the date, describing a day relating to the given prompt.

E.G - Write a diary entry describing your birthday.

When answering the question, students must ensure they are working towards hitting all areas of the mark scheme. This mark scheme differs slightly depending on the school and question given, however, mostly they look for the same skills.

In assessing a student's creative writing skills, examiners typically look for the following:

1. Purpose and organisation

Fully answering the given question.

Using paragraphs to for a beginning, middle, end.

Including full descriptions throughout.

2. Language

Using varied and interesting vocabulary.

Using and sticking to the correct tenses.

Including character speech.

Using various writer’s tricks correctly (such as metaphors, alliteration and similes).

Varying sentence length and styles.

Starting sentences with different words.

Using the correct format (E.G - diary entry).

4. Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Using a range of simple and complex punctuation (E.G - commas, exclamation marks and semicolons).

Using accurate spelling throughout.

Writing in properly formed sentences with few mistakes.

Students must write and work aiming to hit all elements of this mark scheme in order to score highly in a creative writing task.

Check out an example creative writing mark scheme below.

Copy of 5. 11+ Creative Writing Booster Course_Mark Scheme-2.jpg

To succeed at an 11 Plus comprehension task, students need a range of skills, including:

creative writing grade 12 exam

1. Imagination and creativity

One of the most important skills for creative writing is the ability to come up with an original idea which fully answers the given question and uses imaginative language. Your child must be able to read any given prompt and be able to come up with at least a few ideas that they could write about in an exam situation.

In the clip below, tutor Katherine discusses using creativity and your imagination when creating characters for a creative writing piece.

2. Vocabulary knowledge

A strong, wide and complex vocabulary is something examiners will be looking for. Your child must be able to demonstrate this in their writing, using tricky words and phrases in context. The more words your child knows and understands, the more likely they’ll be able to use them in their writing task.

3. Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Good writing requires a strong grasp of English spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG). Make sure your child understands the basic rules of grammar and punctuation, so that they can avoid making small mistakes in their writing. Encourage them to practice their writing skills by creating stories or writing letters as often as possible. Practice makes perfect.

Watch the video below for help on using semicolons from top tutor James!

4. Understanding and use of writers’ tricks

Examiners are looking for students to be able to recognise, understand and use literary techniques such as metaphors, similes, personification, and the five senses. These help deepen a description and should be showcased in a writing exam.

5. Adaptability

Students need to be able to approach an unseen question with confidence and a plan. They might be asked to write in a specific format or about a specific topic. Your child should be able to adapt their writing style and tone to fit the task at hand.

6. Planning and organisation

Students must effectively plan and organise their writing. At The Exam Coach, we encourage all students to quickly plan out their writing before they start, using notes or an outline to help structure their ideas. This can then be referred back to as they write.

7. Editing and revision

Similarly, good writing requires some editing and revising. Students must practice rereading and checking their own work, making revisions as needed to improve the overall quality of their writing (specifically with their spelling, punctuation and grammar).

8. Time management

One of the biggest challenges of the 11 Plus. Students are usually given between 20–40 minutes to plan, writing and check their answer. Therefore, it's essential for students to develop effective strategies to maximize their speed and efficiency.

By developing all of these skills, students can approach an 11+ creative writing question with confidence and increase their chances of success. Not sure how to improve your child’s skills in these areas? Read on…

Preparing for an 11+ creative writing exam can be a challenge for both you and your child. Parents can play a crucial role in supporting their child's education and helping them develop the skills they need to succeed, but sometimes it’s difficult to know where to begin…

Firstly, parents should encourage their child to use as many practice papers as they can to develop their skills. Practice papers can help students familiarize themselves with the format and style of a writing exam, as well as giving them an idea of what to expect. Practice papers give students experience working through exam style questions, meaning they won’t be surprised by anything on exam day.

Working through practice papers with your child can also be beneficial, as this allows you to identify areas of weakness and provide targeted feedback and guidance.

Parents can also help their child develop their creative writing skills by encouraging them to read. Reading widely and regularly exposes children to a variety of texts and genres and helps them build their creativity, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. Parents can support their child's reading by providing them with a range of age-appropriate books, magazines, and newspapers, and encouraging them to read for pleasure and information. Make sure your child is reading daily in order to develop these skills.

Finally, parents can help their child expand their vocabulary by exposing them to a range of words in daily life. Try to encourage your child to be inquisitive (meaning having or showing an interest in learning things ) and to always ask you or other adults if they ever use words your child does not understand. Hearing and learning new words will allow your child to eventually use them in their speech and writing.

Playing word games, using flashcards, and creative a vocabulary list/book can all be effective strategies for developing a child’s vocabulary. By creating a language-rich environment at home, parents can help their child develop the linguistic skills they need to succeed in an 11+ creative writing exam and beyond.

At The Exam Coach, we are 11 Plus exam experts, focusing on our specialisms:

11+ Creative Writing

11+ Persuasive Writing

11+ Comprehension

11+ Verbal Reasoning

To help students master these subjects, we offer the following services:

5-Day Courses

2-Hour Refresher Courses

Free Taster Sessions

Practice Papers

Our Vocabulary Podcast

👨‍💻 5-Day courses 👩‍💻

Our full 5-day 11+ courses focus on teaching the key concepts and exam techniques for each of the 11+ disciplines we specialise in:

These courses help students develop the critical foundation needed for each of their 11 Plus exams — for example, understanding effective exam technique and the mark scheme. We provide clear explanations, give students easy-to-remember exam techniques and show worked examples. Our courses are designed to ensure that students master the skills they need in order to achieve their full potential in their 11 Plus.

Types of courses currently offered:

📝 Creative Writing

Suitable for the following exam boards: Kent Test, Sutton Stage 2 and independent/school written exams.

📝 Persuasive Writing

🤔 Verbal Reasoning

Suitable for the following exam boards: GL Assessment, CEM, CAT4, ISEB Common Pre-Test, Kent Test and Sutton SET.

📚 English Comprehension (Multiple Choice Style)

Suitable for the following exam boards: GL Assessment, CEM, ISEB Common Pre-Test, Kent Test and Sutton SET.

📚 English Comprehension (Written Answer Style)

Suitable for the following exam boards: Independent or school written exams.

£250 per child.

5x 90-minutes of expert 11+ tuition by an experienced tutor/teacher over 5 days.

Interactive video and microphone access via Zoom.

Detailed class notes, worksheets and other resources for each session.

Key concept explanations and demonstrations.

Exam style question practice and walkthrough.

Competitive class tests.

Self-assessed and marked testing.

Full walkthroughs of answers.

Fun examples and stories.

Detailed and effective exam preparation in chosen 11+ area.

Exam and memory technique explanations.

Model answer explanations (where applicable).

Homework set after each session.

Detailed essay/homework marking and feedback after each session.

When they take place:

Weekends during school term time.

School holidays.

How to register:


Our 2-hour refresher courses focus on recapping the key concepts and exam techniques taught in our 5-day courses before your child’s 11+ exams.

These refresher courses act as a final boost before exam day to help students remember the critical exam techniques taught in our courses. We provide a recap of all key content as well as walkthroughs of tricky example questions. Students are then provided with a mock exam as homework, which is marked in detail and returned by our team.

Our refresher courses ensure that our students feel confident on exam day and have all the skills they will need fresh in their minds.

Types of refresher courses currently offered:

📚 English Comprehension

£90 per child.

1x 120 minutes of expert 11+ tuition by an experienced tutor/teacher.

Detailed class notes, a worksheet and other resources.

6-10 students .

Recap of key concept explanations and demonstrations.

Tricky exam style question practice and walkthrough.

Competitive class test.

Detailed and effective final exam preparation in chosen 11+ area.

Exam and memory technique explanations recap.

Mock exam set as homework after the session.

Detailed mock exam marking and feedback.

Weekends during late August and September.


In our free taster workshops , your tutor will share some background information about themselves and our workshops with new students. This is followed by 40 minutes of teaching time. Free taster workshops are available once a week . The dates and times of these workshops change each week to ensure everyone can benefit from them.

The content within each free workshop is always basic 11+ Verbal Reasoning or English vocabulary . These taster workshops are a great way to experience our workshops and let your child learn something new before booking one of our courses. Each workshop is standalone, meaning you do not need to have attended any previous sessions. Class notes are sent out 24 hours after the workshop.

Types of taster workshop:

Tricky Vocabulary Workout

Verbal Reasoning Synonyms/Antonyms

45 minutes.

Introduction to The Exam Coach.

Competitive class testing.

Self-assessed testing.

Walkthrough answers.

Class notes.

Once a week (date and time announced on Mondays via our email newsletter ).

📝 11 Plus Practice Papers 📝

We have plenty of practice papers available for various 11+ exam boards to help your child prepare. We provide papers for CEM, GL, ISEB, Kent, Sutton, and Independent School exams.

We send out one free English or maths paper every Friday via our email newsletter. These papers are free in order to help support your child’s 11 Plus preparation consistently throughout the year.

🎙️ Our Vocabulary Podcast 🎙️

Our 11+ Daily Vocab Show podcast is available on our website and all major streaming platforms. In each episode, we teach children a new word, expanding their vocabulary one word at a time.

Every podcast episode focuses on one tricky piece of vocabulary, ensuring that your child’s vocabulary is built up slowly, fully understanding each word.

All podcast episodes can be found using the links below:

Apple Podcasts

Amazon Music

Listen to the first episode, featuring the word ‘siege’, by clicking the image below. 🏰

In our creative writing course, we teach students the creative writing exam techniques and thought processes our students have used successfully in the past. Students then practise these skills on exam style questions, looking at model answers and working through prompts. By the end of the course, students will be completing creative writing questions confidently, efficiently and accurately.

In the five sessions, we focus on:

Creative writing basics (part 1)

Creative writing basics (part 2)

Types of creative writing

Features of creative writing

Mark schemes and our recommended creative writing system

All our courses are delivered by The Exam Coach’s team of tutors. All of our tutors have:

Passed competitive exams such as the 11 Plus.

Attended a Russell Group University within the last 5-10 years.

Received two weeks of training to deliver expertly within our online workshop format.

Taught our 11 Plus exam preparation curriculum on a regular basis within the last two years.


1. Understanding and answering the question. Students will be taught how to understand and answer different types of creative writing question, ensuring they give the examiner exactly what will be rewarded highly in the exam. Mark schemes and model answers will be studied.

Check out the clip below! Tutor Katherine breaks a paragraph from a model answer for the question ‘ Write a diary entry describing a day aboard a pirate ship’.

2. Planning and timing. Leaving enough time for planning, writing and checking is key for a creative writing task but difficult to master for the 11+! We will teach students how to effectively do this.

3. The basics of creative writing. Students will take an in depth look at the basics of storytelling and description, including character, setting, plot, beginnings and endings. Students will be given a variety of prompts, allowing them to use their new knowledge and skills to craft their own sentences and passages of writing.

4. Complex creative writing. Moving on from the basics, students will then be taught how to master the more complex parts of storytelling and description, including narration, tenses, sentence variation and complex punctuation.

5. Types of creative writing. We will explain how to identify and answer the different types of creative writing question that could come up in the 11+ exam. We will look at model answers for story writing, continuous writing, diary entries and image-based writing.

Take a look at the clip below where tutor James talk through the three main types of creative writing question.

6. Vocabulary expansion. 11+ creative writing tests a student’s knowledge of both creative writing and complex English vocabulary. As part of this course, we will focus on expanding your child’s vocabulary, to ensure they can showcase their knowledge of the English language in their creative writing exam. We will work through some complex synonyms and antonyms for more common words, as well as identifying the meanings of tricky words in our model answers.

7. Writer’s tools and literary devices. Students will be taught the key literary devices (or writer’s tricks) they will need for their creative writing exam. They will be taught how and when to use devices such as metaphors, alliteration, similes, personification and onomatopoeia, as well as how to come up with their own examples of these in an exam situation. Students will be provided with easy ways to remember these techniques under exam conditions.

In the clip below, tutor James explains what a metaphor is and how students can use them in their exam.


Worksheets, model answers, homework and class notes are sent out before the start of the course. These can either be printed or viewed digitally. For all workshops, students receive:

A worksheet to complete in the workshop.

One or two new model answers per workshop.

Class notes to help consolidate learning and give students an opportunity to recap some of what was covered in the workshop.

A homework task.


A 25-minute writing task is set for all students after each workshop. They complete this task after the workshop has finished and then send it to us via email ([email protected]). Each piece of homework is then individually marked and reviewed by one of our tutors (usually within 2 working days). For each homework submission, parents receive:

An annotated copy of the homework, marking highlights and areas for improvement.

A 5-minute-long voice note from the tutor to your child, celebrating successes, correcting any mistakes and highlighting areas for improvement. Importantly, our tutors will show your child how they could have improved, as opposed to just where their writing was weaker.

Got any questions about our courses? Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch!

Thanks for reading this far! Click the links below to access some of our free 11+ resources. We hope you find them useful.

All Free 11 Plus Exam Practice Papers and Answers

Free 11 Plus English and Verbal Reasoning Taster Sessions

11 Plus English Vocabulary Podcast

11 Plus Exam Help: A Detailed 18 Point Guide

11 Plus Exam Syllabus — GL, CEM, Kent, Sutton SET, ISEB, CAT4 & Independent

11 Plus Tricky Vocabulary List 2023

11 Plus Recommended Reading List

11 Plus Creative and Persuasive Writing: Student Model Answers and Feedback

11 Plus Independent Schools’ Entrance Exams Explained

The Exam Coach's Guide to the ISEB Common Pre-Test

The Best 11 Plus Online Tuition - The Exam Coach Way

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O holy night! The stars are brightly shining!

I have a million things to do today.

Kisses are the flowers of affection.


He’s not the friendliest person.

My trip to Bali was very much a working holiday.

__________ is main character in the story.

__________ a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

The author`s attitude toward the writing (his characters, the situation) and of the readers is called _________.

__________ indicates the place, time and atmosphere of the story.

_________ is a comparison between two different things using “like” or “as”.

Litotes is a literary term for a figure of speech that uses negative terms to express a positive statement.

Point of view is a type of narration in the story, the perspective of the person telling the story.

Symbolism is the author`s use of language that appeals to the five senses in order to help the reader imagine exactly what is being described.

Amused, angry and cheerful are some words that described mood.

Falling action is the ending of the story.

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First Summative Examination in Creative Writing

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  • Q 1 / 50 Score 0 Any writing, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of literature. 29 Creative Nonfiction Technical Writing Creative Writing Flash Fiction

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  • Q 1 Any writing, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of literature. Creative Nonfiction Technical Writing Creative Writing Flash Fiction 120 s
  • Q 2 These are words or phrases that describe the content of the text.  Creative Nonfiction Creative Writing Sensory Details Vocabulary Words 120 s
  • Q 3 It refers to the actual, dictionary meaning of a word or language that means what it appears to mean. Literal Colloquial Connotation Figurative 120 s
  • Q 4 A word composition arranged in a rhythmic pattern; it is used to express one's creative thoughts and feelings through a specialized and heightened language. Nonfiction Novel Poetry Figures of Speech 120 s
  • Q 5 This element of poetry adds musical quality to the poem which gives the readers reading pleasure. rhyme tone theme rhythm 120 s
  • Q 6 It summarizes the statement containing the main thought or meaning of the poem. rhythm theme tone rhyme 120 s
  • Q 7 Refers to the attitude and mood of the poem. rhythm tone theme rhyme 120 s
  • Q 8 A stanza that comprises six (6) lines. dactylic quatrain sestet octet 120 s
  • Q 9 The repetition of the intermediate or final consonant sound. alliteration assonance personification consonance 120 s
  • Q 10 The repetition of vowel sounds. assonance consonance alliteration personification 120 s
  • Q 11 How do we differentiate creative writing from technical writing? Creative writing uses formal language while technical uses informal. Creative writing is journalistic and uses a wide array of jargon, unlike technical writing. Creative writing is objective while technical writing is subjective. Creative writing is fictional and imaginative while, technical writing is factual. 120 s

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  • Q 13 A woman was sitting in a restaurant when suddenly a waiter spilled some coffee on her dress. She uttered in dismay, “Oh! What a good day I’m having!”  This statement is an example of ___________________. Litotes Alliteration Irony Consonance 120 s
  • Q 14 Which figures of speech can be identified from this line? "He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.” Personification Metaphor Hyperbole Simile 120 s
  • Q 15 How would you differentiate “assonance’ from “consonance”? Assonance refers to the repetition of vowel sounds while consonance is the final sound. They both refer to the emphasis of the vowel sounds. Assonance is the repetition of the intermediate sound while consonance is the final sound. Assonance refers to the repetition of initial sounds while consonance refers to the vowel sounds. 120 s

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Score High In Your Grade 12 Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam: Unleash Your Imagination Now!

creative writing grade 12 exam

Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam Grade 12


Hello Readers,

2 Picture Gallery: Score High In Your Grade 12 Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam: Unleash Your Imagination Now!

Picture of: Summative Test in CREATIVE WRITING (Grade -GAS) Fourth Quarter

Welcome to our article on the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam for Grade 12. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the important aspects of this exam, providing you with valuable information and insights. Creative writing is a crucial skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through the written word. It encourages imagination, critical thinking, and effective communication. Now, let’s delve into the details of the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam.

What is the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam?

creative writing 2nd quarter exam grade 12 - Summative Test in CREATIVE WRITING (Grade -GAS) Fourth Quarter

Image Source: scribdassets.com

The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam is an assessment conducted in Grade 12 to evaluate students’ proficiency in the art of creative writing. It aims to assess their ability to produce original and compelling pieces of literature. The exam usually includes various writing prompts or assignments that test their creativity, linguistic skills, and storytelling capabilities.

Who Takes the Exam?

The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam is specifically designed for Grade 12 students who have chosen creative writing as their elective. It is essential for those interested in pursuing a career in writing or related fields such as journalism, literature, or screenwriting. However, it can also benefit students who want to enhance their communication skills and explore their creative potential.

When is the Exam Conducted?

The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam typically takes place during the second quarter of the academic year in Grade 12. The exact dates may vary depending on the school or educational institution. It is crucial for students to prepare well in advance and allocate sufficient time for brainstorming, drafting, and revising their written pieces.

Where Does the Exam Take Place?

creative writing 2nd quarter exam grade 12 - Creative Writing  nd Quarterly Examination  PDF  Play

Similar to other exams, the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam is conducted within the school premises. Students are usually assigned a specific room or hall where they can concentrate and work on their creative writing tasks. The exam environment is designed to foster creativity and provide a conducive space for students’ imagination to flourish.

Why is the Exam Important?

The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam holds significant importance for Grade 12 students pursuing creative writing. It serves as a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge in the field of literature. Additionally, it helps in assessing their growth and improvement over the course of their creative writing journey. The exam also provides valuable feedback for students to refine their writing techniques and develop their unique writing style.

How is the Exam Structured?

The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam consists of different sections or prompts that students need to respond to. These prompts can vary from narrative essays, poetry compositions, character sketches, or even short stories. Students are required to showcase their proficiency in various writing styles, techniques, and literary devices. The exam is usually timed, which further tests their ability to think quickly and produce high-quality content within specific constraints.

Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Enhances Creativity: The Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam allows students to tap into their creative potential and come up with unique and imaginative pieces of writing.

2. Improves Communication Skills: Through creative writing, students learn to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas, enabling them to express themselves more articulately in both written and verbal forms.

3. Develops Critical Thinking: The exam challenges students to think critically, analyze situations, and develop logical narratives that engage readers and convey meaningful messages.

4. Expands Vocabulary and Linguistic Skills: Regular practice of creative writing expands vocabulary, improves grammar, and enhances overall linguistic proficiency.

5. Provides Personal Growth: The exam helps students explore their inner selves, understand their emotions, and gain self-confidence through the art of storytelling.


1. Time-Consuming: Preparing for the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam requires significant time and effort, as students need to dedicate hours to brainstorming, drafting, and revising their written pieces.

2. Subjective Evaluation: Creative writing is subjective in nature, making it challenging for teachers or examiners to evaluate and grade students’ work consistently.

3. Writer’s Block: Students may encounter writer’s block during the exam, hindering their creativity and ability to produce well-crafted pieces of writing.

4. Limited Career Options: While creative writing is a valuable skill, career opportunities in this field may be limited, and students may need to explore other writing-related professions.

5. Pressure and Stress: The exam can induce stress and pressure in students, as they strive to deliver their best work within the given time frame and meet high expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. can i prepare for the creative writing 2nd quarter exam in advance.

Yes, it is highly recommended to start honing your creative writing skills well in advance. Practice writing regularly, read extensively, and familiarize yourself with different writing styles and techniques to enhance your preparation.

2. How can I overcome writer’s block during the exam?

Writer’s block is a common hurdle in creative writing. To overcome it, take short breaks, change your writing environment, brainstorm ideas, or seek inspiration from books, movies, or nature. Sometimes, writing through the block can also lead to unexpected creative breakthroughs.

3. What are some effective revision strategies for the exam?

During revision, read your work aloud to identify any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. Pay attention to sentence structure, vocabulary choice, and overall flow. Seeking feedback from peers or teachers can also provide valuable insights for improvement.

4. Can I use personal experiences in my creative writing pieces for the exam?

Absolutely! Personal experiences can add depth and authenticity to your writing. Drawing from your own emotions and memories can create relatable and engaging narratives for readers.

5. What can I do with creative writing skills after the exam?

Creative writing skills can open doors to a variety of career paths such as journalism, content writing, editing, publishing, advertising, and even film or television scriptwriting. These skills are also valuable in developing strong communication abilities, regardless of your chosen profession.

In conclusion, the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam for Grade 12 is an essential assessment that tests students’ creative writing abilities. It provides a platform for them to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through the written word. While the exam has its advantages and disadvantages, it serves as a valuable tool for students to refine their writing skills and explore their creative potential. We encourage all Grade 12 students to embrace this opportunity, prepare diligently, and showcase their unique voices through the art of creative writing.

Final Remarks

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Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam Grade 12. We hope that it has provided you with valuable insights and information on this important assessment. Remember, creative writing is not just a skill for exams but a lifelong tool for self-expression and communication. So, keep writing and nurturing your creativity to unlock new horizons in the world of literature.

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  1. Finals EXAM IN Creative Writing

    FINAL EXAMINATION. Creative Writing GRADE 12. TEST I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. Write the letter on the space provided. _____ 1. It is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance: a play, opera, mime, ballet, etc, performed in a theatre, or on radio or television. A. Drama B. Story C. Poem D. Essay _____ 2.

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    Meter. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A collection of words that express an emotion or idea, Elements of Poetry, The attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience conveyed through a word choice and the style of writing. and more.

  4. Midterm Exam

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  5. Creative Writing Worksheets for Grade 12

    Twelfth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets. Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: December 27, 2022. Prepare your twelfth-grade students for college and beyond, with our most popular creative writing printables. These activities will help your class perfect their writing, creative, and analytical skills.

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    write the story for theatrical productions. The written pages of a play. long sections of a play, made up of multiple scenes, usually designed to separate the play into its main parts and to give the audience a "break" from the performance. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like PROSE, POETRY, Drama and more.

  8. Creative Writing 12 2nd Quarterly Examination

    Creative Writing 12 2nd quarterly examination - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1. This document is a test from a Creative Writing class assessing students' knowledge of dramatic terms and concepts. 2. It contains multiple choice and short answer questions testing identification of dramatic techniques, character introductions ...

  9. PDF Area of Learning: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade 12 CREATIVE WRITING 12 (4

    Description. Creative Writing 12 is designed for students who are interested in creating a body of work reflective of a sophisticated breadth and depth of skill. The course provides students with opportunities to specialize and publish in real-world contexts. Students engage in the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, and ...

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  12. How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing

    To succeed at an 11 Plus comprehension task, students need a range of skills, including: Source. 1. Imagination and creativity. One of the most important skills for creative writing is the ability to come up with an original idea which fully answers the given question and uses imaginative language.

  13. 3rd Quarter Exam

    3rd Quarter Exam - Creative Writing - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.


    GRADE12 CREATIVE WRITING quiz for 12th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... GRADE12 CREATIVE WRITING. Charisse Torres. 25 . plays. 15 questions. Copy & Edit. Save ...

  15. PDF Creative Writing #170

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    First Summative Examination in Creative Writing. Quiz by Gissell Baring. Grade 11-12. Creative Writing. Philippines Curriculum: SHS Specialized Subjects (MELC) Give to class. Q 1 / 50. Score 0. Any writing, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of literature.

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    Creative writing_2ndQ exam - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Final examination for Creative Writing Grade 12 SY2022-2023 First Semester

  19. Score High In Your Grade 12 Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam: Unleash

    Welcome to our article on the Creative Writing 2nd Quarter Exam for Grade 12. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the important aspects of this exam, providing you with valuable information and insights. Creative writing is a crucial skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through the written word.