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Ready to re-read your old favorites in large print? ThriftBooks has thousands of titles, old and new, available in large print for your convenience!

Were you an avid reader as a child but lost interest when the commitments of everyday life started to consume your time and energy? Or have you never really been that into reading, but you know it would be good for you to read a little more and learn things you never knew? Maybe you've had a few old favorites on your mind lately, and you'd like to read them during your holiday vacation.

Regardless, ThriftBooks has a vast selection of large print books for your perusal. We've got tons of new releases and hundreds of old classics . If you want to expand your horizons, we're here for you.

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Reading is an essential and powerful exercise. It can open your mind to new worlds, change the way you see people, and expand your understanding of the universe. People who read regularly are better writers, better thinkers, and more educated conversationalists.

Besides that, reading is fun! You get to see places you've never been before, like the wild moors of England and the cold farm fields of Russia . You can go back in time with historical novels by Jane Austen and Kathryn Stockett or jump forward in time with science fiction from Margaret Atwood or Suzanne Collins. Or you may choose to dive into texts to learn about using computers and self-publishing books.

You can take a jaunt into World War II in the Netherlands and learn how two sisters helped save hundreds of Jews before being captured and taken to Auschwitz. Or enjoy a study of the five love languages and how you can best show love to your spouse or other family members by speaking their language.

There are thousands of books available at ThriftBooks, and every single one was written by someone who believes in the power of words to change people's lives. If you've been seeking a new adventure or guidance on how to live out your future, you're sure to find help in our vast selection.

Why Choose Our Large Print Books

Whatever genre you love, you'll find that ThriftBooks is full of large print options for you. Whether your eyesight is going, or you just need something easier to dig into and digest with your busy schedule, large print books make it easy to engage in the story without having to sit and concentrate too deeply.

Plus, the options at ThriftBooks are inexpensive. You can find hundreds of many large print titles with both new and used versions. Our cheapest books go for less than five dollars , but we also have substantial collectible editions that will enhance your bookshelf for a few dollars more . You can build your elegant library bookshelf or send tons of books off with your children and grandchildren for them to read as they grow.

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Large print books

Welcome to our massive selection of large print books . AbeBooks offers new and used large print books for sale including bestselling new releases, beloved classic books, non-fiction, thrillers, mysteries, romance, puzzle books and more. Find all your favorite large print books on AbeBooks.

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Featured large print books.

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

The benefit of large print books is that the text is larger and the book is easier to read for people with eyesight problems. One of the best sources for large print books is your local public library but the selection is probably going to be limited to mostly romance and thrillers. The online used book world does a wonderful job of making large print titles easy to find.

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Written by Bill Gates
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593215777
Our Price: $29.00
 Quantity: 1 

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How to Be an Antiracist

Written by Ibram X. Kendi
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593396803
Our Price: $29.00
 Quantity: 1 

Think Again

Written by Adam Grant
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593395783
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Ready Player Two

Written by Ernest Cline
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593400388
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A Promised Land

Written by Barack Obama
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780525633761
Our Price: $47.00
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The Vanishing Half

Written by Brit Bennett
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593286104
Our Price: $29.00
 Quantity: 1 


“Bennett’s tone and style recalls James Baldwin and Jacqueline Woodson, but it’s especially reminiscent of Toni Morrison’s...

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Where the Crawdads Sing

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Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781984827616
Our Price: $28.00
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Written by Danielle Steel
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593339176
Our Price: $31.00
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The Splendid and the Vile

Written by Erik Larson
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780593172070
Our Price: $34.00
 Quantity: 1 

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Home > Services and Resources > Informational Publications > Large Print Materials

Large Print Materials

This reference guide presents selected sources of large-print materials for purchase or loan. Large-print materials have a type size that is easier to read for individuals with low vision. Most adult books are set in 10- to 12-point type, newspapers are often 8-point type, and some editions of the Bible are in 6-point type.

Type size is measured in points from the bottom of the lowest letter (for example, the tail of the letter “y”) to the tallest capital.

Type that is one inch high measures 72 points.

Large-print materials are most commonly available in 16- to 18-point type. The minimum size for large-print materials as defined by the US Postal Service Free Matter for the Blind mailing standard is 14-point type, which is the size used for the printed version of this reference guide. Sources listed below are United States book publishers and distributors, organizations for persons with visual impairments, and retailers of adaptive and accessible materials, and specialized libraries. When known, point size is indicated for each entry. Additionally, large-print collections can be found in most public libraries, which may also provide access through interlibrary loan.

These sources may also provide general information about low vision. Please contact the organizations and vendors of the products of interest directly to verify current prices and product specifications.

General Resources from NLS

Large-print magazines, large-print religious materials, large-print calendars, selected sources of large-print materials, additional resources.

The sources below give specific information pertaining to special-format magazines, religious material, and calendars. These publications are available free upon request:

Magazines in Special Media Lists magazines in large print, as well as other special formats.

Bibles and Other Sacred Writings in Special Media Lists Bibles and sacred texts in large print, as well as other special formats.

Braille and Large-Print Calendars

ACT (American College Testing)

Services for Students with Disabilities Attn: National Standard Time with Accommodations PO Box 168 Iowa City, IA 52243-0168 (319) 337-1270 (319) 337-1332 testing with accommodations [email protected] External

Provides a large-print test booklet (18-point). Has established policies for requesting accommodations.

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services

PO Box 459 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163 (212) 870-3400 (212) 870-3137 fax [email protected] External

Provides large-print publications such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions in English and Spanish. Some titles are available only in English. Website is available in English, French, and Spanish.

American Printing House for the Blind (APH)

1839 Frankfort Ave. PO Box 6085 Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-2405 800-223-1839 toll-free (502) 899-2284 fax [email protected] External

Provides large-print textbooks and some leisure reading material, as well as resources for parents and professionals. Large-print children’s magazines are also available: Scholastic News , Junior Scholastic , and Science World . APH’s Louis Database of Accessible Materials lists the location information for more than 180,000 titles in special formats, including large print. Sells the EZ Track Calendar, a large-print appointment book.

Baker & Taylor

2550 W. Tyvola Rd., Ste. 300 Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 998-3100 800-775-1800 toll-free (704) 998-3316 fax [email protected] External

Offers retailers and libraries fiction and nonfiction titles from major large-print publishers.

BetterWorld Books

215 S Main St. Goshen, IN 46526 (574) 534-1984 External

Offers a variety of fiction and nonfiction titles in large print.

Center Point Large Print

PO Box 1 Thorndike, ME 04986-0001 800-929-9108 toll-free (207) 568-3727 fax [email protected] External

Publishes adventure, fiction, mystery, romance, nonfiction, and western titles in large print. Bulk orders for libraries and retailers are available.

College Board

Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Program P.O. Box 7504 London, KY 40742-7504 (212) 713-8333 (609) 882-4118 TTY 866-360-0114 fax [email protected] External

Provides large-print materials for students with disabilities who take College Board tests, including the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the SAT Subject Tests, Advanced Placement (AP) tests, and the Preliminary SAT. Has established policies regarding documentation of a disability and the process for requesting accommodations.

Doubleday Large Print Book Club External

Offers bestsellers, Christian fiction, classics, contemporary female fiction, fiction, historical fiction, mystery, reference, romance, and thrillers. Allows members to pay a yearly subscription and order books at lower-than-average prices.

Dover Publications

Customer Care Department 31 E. 2nd St. Mineola, NY 11501-3852 (516) 294-7000 (516) 742-6953 fax External

Provides classics, including poetry and short stories, in large print.

Educational Testing Service (ETS) Disability Services

PO Box 6054 Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 (609) 771-7780 866-387-8602 toll-free

(609) 771-7165 fax [email protected] External

Provides large-print materials for students with disabilities who take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test and Subject Tests. Has established policies regarding documentation of a disability and the process for requesting accommodations.

General Educational Development (GED) Testing Service

877-392-6433 (877-EXAM-GED) [email protected] External

Provides accommodations in testing, such as large-print tests and extended time, for adults with documented physical and learning disabilities.

High Noon Books

20 Leveroni Ct. Novato, CA 94949 800-422-7249 toll-free (415) 883-3314 888-287-9975 fax [email protected] External

Provides fiction and nonfiction books for upper elementary and junior high school students who read substantially below grade level. Also publishes graphic novels and high-interest/low-level novels and offers mobile apps, e-books, and audiobooks. Type size and line spacing are adjusted to reading level. “Sound Out” chapter books are written for low first-grade reading level and are in 20-point type.

Horizons for the Blind

125 Erick St., A103 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 444-8800 TDD 800-318-2000 toll-free (815) 444-8830 fax [email protected] External

Offers many books in large print as well as the monthly periodical Seeing It Our Way , which has articles, craft instructions, recipes, helpful hints, sports information, and games. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

HMH Trade & Reference

9205 Southpark Center Loop Orlando, FL 32819 800-225-3362 toll-free 800-634-7568 fax [email protected] External

Sells the Large Print American Heritage Dictionary , the Large Print Roget’s II Thesaurus , and the Webster’s New World Large Print Dictionary .

Independent Living Aids

137 Rano Rd. Buffalo, NY 14207 800-537-2118 toll-free (855) 937-3906 toll-free fax External

Offers large-print materials including the Merriam-Webster’s Concise Dictionary Large-Print Edition , the Webster’s Large Print Dictionary , the King James Version Large-Print Bible (16-point type), crossword puzzle books, measuring spoons and cups, calculators, calendar/planners, address books, bingo cards, check and deposit registers, diabetes registers, and playing cards.

6150 Little Willow Road Payette, ID 83661 800-544-4551 toll-free (800) 544-4551toll-free fax External

Offers children’s textbooks and reading books at various grade levels in literature, mathematics, and social studies. Most books can be customized at any point size upon request.

Lighthouse International

Lighthouse Guild The Sol and Lillian Goldman Building 111 E. 59th St. New York, NY 10022-1202 800-284-4422 toll-free External

Offers large-print materials including address books, playing cards, Sudoku puzzles, check registers, and crossword puzzles.

LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)

145 River Rock Dr. Buffalo, NY 14207 (716) 348-3500 800-468-4789 toll-free 866-317-8533 TTY (877) 498-1482 fax External

Offers large-print materials including the Random House Webster’s Large-Print Dictionary , the King James Version Giant-Print Bible, crossword puzzle books, calendars, address books, check registers, bingo cards, and playing cards.

42 Executive Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 (631) 752-0521 800-522-6294 toll-free 800-281-3555 toll-free TTY 631-752-1145 video phone 631-752-0689 fax External

Offers large-print materials including English-language dictionaries, the King James Version Giant-Print Reference Bible, cookbooks, crossword puzzle books, address books, calendars, check registers, Scrabble, bingo cards, and playing cards.

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Music Section, Library of Congress

1291 Taylor St. NW Washington, DC 20542-4962 (202) 707-0514 800-424-8567, ext. 2 toll-free (202) 707-0712 fax [email protected]

Offers large-print music with a minimum of 14-point type and a staff size of one inch for voice, piano, and other instruments. Also has books about music, librettos, biographies of popular and classical musicians, music magazines, general music histories, and some music reference works. Materials are available to registered patrons who are unable to read or use regular printed materials.

Oxford University Press

Customer Service Department 2001 Evans Rd. Cary, NC 27513 800-445-9714 toll-free (919) 677-1303 fax [email protected] External

Offers large-print materials including the Oxford Dictionary , the Oxford Thesaurus , the Scofield Study Bible , and the New American Bible .

Random House Large Print

1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019 (212) 782-9000 800-726-0600 toll-free External

Offers primarily general fiction with some mystery, biography, and nonfiction.

Resources for Rehabilitation

22 Bonad Rd. Winchester, MA 01890 (781) 368-9080 (781) 368-9096 fax [email protected] External

Offers Living with Low Vision resource guide and Resources for Elders with Disabilities in large print.

Thorndike Press

10 Water St., Ste. 310 Waterville, ME 04901 800-223-1244 toll-free (207) 861-7501 fax 800-558-4676 toll-free fax [email protected] External

Publishes more than 100 large-print titles per month, many of which are bestsellers from the major publishing houses. Offers genres including adventure, biography, Christian fiction, fiction, cookbooks, mystery, fantasy, inspiration, nonfiction, romance, science fiction, Spanish-language materials, and westerns. Some titles are available in paperback.

Ulverscroft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.

950A Union Rd., Ste. 427 PO Box 1230 West Seneca, NY 14224-1230 (716) 674-4270 800-955-9659 toll-free (716) 674-4195 fax [email protected] External

Offers fiction and nonfiction titles, including children’s literature, classics, mystery, romance, and westerns.

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Big Type Company Independent Living Aids LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound) Maxi-Aids

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Baker & Taylor BetterWorld Books Doubleday Large Print Book Club High Noon Books InfoCon Large Print Press – Gale Library Reproduction Services (LRS) Thorndike Press Ulverscroft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.


ACT (American College Testing) American Printing House for the Blind (APH) College Board Educational Testing Service (ETS) Disability Services General Education Development (GED) Testing Service High Noon Books InfoCon Library Reproduction Service (LRS)

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Baker & Taylor Baker Book House BetterWorld Books Center Point Large Print Doubleday Large Print Book Club Dover Publications High Noon Books Horizons for the Blind InfoCon Large Print Book Company The Large Print Bookshop Large Print Press – Gale Library Reproduction Service (LRS) Random House Large Print Thorndike Press Transaction Publishers Ulversoft Large-Print Books (USA) Inc.

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Independent Living Aids Resources for Rehabilitation

Large-Print Accessories

American Printing House for the Blind Big Type Company Independent Living Aids Lighthouse International LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound) Maxi-Aids

Library Retailers

Baker & Taylor Center Point Large Print Thorndike Press

American Printing House for the Blind Horizons for the Blind National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section Xavier Society for the Blind

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Baker & Taylor BetterWorld Books Center Point Large Print Doubleday Large Print Book Club Dover Publications High Noon Books Horizons for the Blind InfoCon Library Reproduction Service (LRS) National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section Random House Large Print Thorndike Press Ulversoft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.

Puzzles and Games

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Independent Living Aids The Large Print Bookshop Lighthouse International LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound) Maxi-Aids Merriam-Webster, Inc. The New York Times Store

American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Doubleday Large Print Book Club Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Independent Living Aids Library Reproduction Service (LRS) LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound) Maxi-Aids Merriam-Webster, Inc. Oxford University Press

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services American College Testing BetterWorld Books College Board High Noon Books InfoCon Library Reproduction Service (LRS) Thorndike Press


Alcoholics Anonymous World Services American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Harvard Ranch Publishing National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section Resources for Rehabilitation

In addition to the resources listed above, the Information Services Section of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled publishes a number of reference guides informing users of resources, which may be relevant to their needs. Below is a selection of those publications. For more, please visit

Accessible Mobile Reading Apps

Assistive Technology Products for Information Access

Blindness and Visual Impairments: Information and Assistance Organizations

Magnifying Devices

Resources for Senior Citizens and Their Families

Updated March 2023

Have a question? Need assistance? NLS librarians are here to help you. Email [email protected] or visit the Ask a Librarian ! page.

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Adult Readers

Large print: an untapped resource.

Large print isn’t just for seniors or individuals with low vision. It’s an equitable format for anyone in need of a break from digital devices, a newbie at reading, or someone who can’t remember the last time they read a book.

large print book titles

Books Still Similar in Size

Large print is to the right of the standard edition. Compared to large print from years past, these books are surprisingly lightweight.

large print book titles

Look at the Difference Inside

See the difference with this font comparison. Thorndike Press large print books are completely unabridged and printed on a high-opacity paper.

Benefits Aligned to Use Cases

People are busy, stressed, and everything in between. Reading can provide an escape. Because large print has fewer words per page, readers can typically flip through the pages faster. That helps keep a reader’s attention, even if they’re someone who normally just can’t “get into” reading. It may help them finish a book for the first time in years because they feel more accomplished. 

If your public library’s adult literacy programming doesn’t include large print, your community could be missing out. Not only can many titles cross over from young adult (YA) shelves to adult readers’ hands, but the same benefits that support YA with literacy issues apply to adults as well. The combination of a larger font and increased white space on a page helps with letter and word recognition by forcing the eye to move more slowly, and helps readers avoid skipping or rereading lines. 1

Have you taken the diversity of your community into account? English language learners (ELLs) make up 40 percent of the nation’s adult education population served.² That’s a number that deserves attention. Especially when you consider the majority of English as a second language (ESL) learners are between 25 and 44 years old. 3  A large print collection can complement your library’s ELL and ESL services. It promotes reading fluency and comprehension, and is a format that can help your library meet the literacy needs of this growing population.

During the height of the pandemic, many people felt like they were glued to their computer screen. The way we view a computer or digital screen is different than the way we read a printed page. The letters on a computer or handheld device may not be as sharply defined. There may be more glare on the screen and less contrast between the words and the background. 4

Research shows that between 50 and 90 percent of the people who work on a computer have some symptoms of computer vision syndrome (CVS). 5 As the amount of time spent in front of the screen increases, so does the likelihood of CVS, or digital eye strain, as it is commonly known. 6  Large print as an alternative format can offer a much-needed break for those who spend a great deal of their day on a digital device.

Regardless of age or ability, there are those who choose large print for the ease of simply sitting down with a good book. Maybe that’s a harried mom, a college student who needs an escape, or a career professional who has just 30 minutes at the end of a day to decompress. Large print supports anyone who wants a break from screen time—and can even help keep readers engaged and awake.

Sure, it’s important that young readers feel supported, but it doesn’t stop there. Make the experience of reading less of a chore and more enjoyable for a variety of readers. Recommend large print, and ask your patrons about their experience using it.

It’s no secret that white space and bigger fonts make sense for seniors or anyone who is visually impaired, but the benefits don’t stop there. Encouraging seniors to keep reading can promote positive outcomes, such as improving cognitive function. 7

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Thorndike Press offers bestsellers and bestselling authors—from fiction genres, like romance, mystery, thriller, and westerns, to nonfiction subgenres, such as biography, history, and lifestyle. Many are available in standing orders. Bring your collection front and center literally and figuratively for a wide range of patrons.


Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors

Home / Book Formatting / How to Publish Large Print Books and Why You Should

How to Publish Large Print Books and Why You Should

Large print books, also known as large-print editions or large type books , are designed for those who have difficulty reading the regular sized font, and can be an additional source of income for authors who take the time to create them.

Creating a large print book costs you little apart from time (and even that can be minimized with a good formatting program like Atticus), and provides a service that is in high demand and low supply.

Authors who take advantage of these opportunities can easily find large print books to be a lucrative form of income to supplement what your book is already making.

There are many benefits of using large print books for readers as well: they make reading more enjoyable, they help promote literacy skills among children and adults alike, and even help improve comprehension due to less eye strain. In this article we will go over how to create a large type book, because there's more to it than just using a large font.

  • What large print books are
  • Why it's important to create large print books
  • The organizational guidelines for large print books
  • How to make large print books
  • The best software for creating the large print format

Table of contents

  • Large Print vs. Regular Print
  • Are Large Print Books Just for Seniors?
  • Why are Large Type Books Important?
  • What Are the Requirements for Large Print Books?
  • Step 1: Select Your Trim Size
  • Step 2: Customize Your Theme
  • Step 3: Other Considerations
  • Final Thoughts

What are Large Print Books?

What are large print books? Large print books are designed for those who have difficulty reading the regular sized font.

This often includes seniors, but easily works for others who are visually impaired as well, such as those with macular degeneration, cataracts, people who often read on buses or are otherwise frequently jostled while reading, etc.

Not all large print documents are created equal. There are certain guidelines to follow in order to make them easily accessible for the visually impaired, which includes using a larger font size than standard editions or regular sized prints of books.

Generally speaking, most people with normal vision have no problem reading a 12pt font on their standard book; however when you increase the type size, it becomes easier to read regardless of your vision capability.

The minimum font size for a large print book is usually 18pt, but you can sometimes go higher or slightly lower, depending on the intricacies of your typeface and how many pages you have in your manuscript.

And this is just one of the differences between large and regular print. Other factors to consider are the font type, the line spacing, the paragraph spacing, and the alignment.

No, not at all. Large print books can be easily used by anyone who has low vision or is otherwise visually impaired in some way.

Here's a list of groups that may benefit from large print books:

  • The Visually Impaired: obviously, the visually impaired make up the majority of those people that we will be talking about here. This can include the elderly, but can also include anyone with low vision of any kind.
  • The Dyslexic : many large print books are actually marketed towards children and young adults with dyslexia or other learning disabilities that make it difficult to read the standard sized text.
  • The Tired: sometimes people just like to read when they're tired. It can be a great way to wind down at the end of the day, but a small font size can get in the way of this. Large font sizes create less eye strain.
  • The Bouncing: readers who spend a lot of time on buses, trains, or in the back of a car, are another group that might appreciate large fonts. The larger typeface is easier to see when in motion.
  • The Impatient: have you ever flown through a book because there were fewer words on each page, and it felt like you were making a lot of progress? Impatient readers need that sense of progression, and large fonts can help with this.

All in all, there are a variety of audiences for large print books, so you definitely don't want to ignore these demographics.

Note: this generally applies only to people who still like to read print books. It does not apply to those who use Kindle eReaders, because the font size can be increased on those devices

Why are large type books important? The most obvious reason is for those who have vision impairment, such as AMD or any of the reasons we outlined above. But there are more reasons than this.

Large print books are actually in high demand, and not just for senior readers. Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn even found that her large print edition made up 36% of the income for one of her books while the “regular” paperback made up only 12%.

That's a big difference!

So not only is producing a large print book in the best interest of the visually impaired, but it's another way to diversify your income and increase your chances of selling books.

However, the biggest misconception about large print books is that all you have to do is increase the font size and you're done, but there is actually a lot more to it than that.

In the next section, I will get into exactly what these requirements are, and why they are important.

Formatting Has Never Been Easier

Write and format professional books with ease.  Never before has creating formatted books been easier.

According to the American Council for the Blind, there are four features that are particularly important if you want to have good readability for large print books. These four features are:

  • Line spacing

That said, even this does not cover all of the guidelines from the American Council of the Blind, the ADA, or other similar organizations worldwide.

Note: for authors, there are no legal requirements for large print books, meaning that no one can legally sue you for not covering all the requirements. That said, the closer you can get to full compliance, the better the experience for the end-user.

Additionally, most book formatting tools out there do not actually comply with all of the requirements. Most check the boxes on one or two and leave it at that. So it's important to know what the requirements are, and which software will help you get there (hint: Atticus does everything you need).

Here is a quick list of everything you need to be compliant with the guidelines from most organizations like the American Council of the Blind:

  • Use 18 point font
  • Use a sans serif font
  • Stick to a line height of 1.5 or higher
  • Space your paragraphs instead of indenting them
  • Use ragged right text (i.e. not justified)
  • Titles and headings should also be a larger font and aligned to the left
  • Bulleted items should be double-spaced
  • Use only black colored text
  • Use bold to emphasize text instead of italics
  • Select a larger trim size

You can learn more about these guidelines from various organizations such as these:

  • The American Council of the Blind
  • UK Association for Accessible Formats (UKAAF)
  • Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
  • American Foundation for the Blind

How to Create Large Print Paperback Books with Atticus

For this example we will be using Atticus , because it does everything you need to perfectly comply with the correct guidelines, and it does so with just a few clicks.

Note: There are other programs that will increase your font size, such as Vellum, but there are more large print requirements (as seen above) that Vellum doesn't follow. Atticus makes sure it complies with all of the guidelines.

So let's dive into how to make those changes.

Step 1 : Select Your Trim Size

The first and most important step is to choose your t r im size . You can do this by going to the theme settings for your book, and if you scroll down you will see a section called “Print Settings”.

There you will see an option called “Large Print Options”. All you have to do is select one of those trim sizes, and all of the other settings will automatically be applied.

Literally, that's all you have to do to get the right font size, the right trim size, the right font style, and the right paragraph spacing, among other things.

There is just one more consideration to keep in mind, which leads us to step two.

Step 2 : Customize Your Theme

It is important to note that the pre-generated themes do not change font styles or sizes for the chapter headings or the header and footer.

So if you want to have large print titles for the chapter headings, you’ll want to create a custom theme, as seen in this screenshot:

It is recommended to use left aligned titles or chapter numbers and sans serif fonts are preferred, since these are part of the above guidelines.

Step 3 : Other Considerations

In steps one and two above, you can have everything you need for large print in just a few clicks. But beyond the basic formatting of your book, there are a few other considerations that you should keep in mind when creating your large type book.

  • Your Book Cover: even if your trim size is the same as your regular paperback size, you will need to resize your book cover , because it will have a bigger spine. If your trim size is different from your regular paperback size, you will need even further modifications.
  • Your Page Count: understand that your page count is going to be much higher with a large print book than with a regular print book. You'll need to check to make sure that your large print book does not exceed the maximum size for a KDP (or IngramSpark) print book.
  • Mark as Large Print: one good idea is to mark your book as a large print book. One great suggestion that comes from Joanna Penn is to create a kind of sticker that is part of the cover design.
  • Cream Paper: cream paper is easier on the eyes and reduces paper glare, making it a better paper type for those with low vision.
  • Consider Hardcover: now the Amazon prints hardcovers through KDP, you might want to consider making your large print book a hardcover. These last longer, are more likely to be picked up by libraries, and increase its sturdiness for the reader.

As you can see, there is a lot more to creating a good large type book than just increasing the font size. There are a lot of plates that you have to juggle.

When you can get everything right, as mentioned above, large print books can be a great additional source of income.

Whether you're looking to create a book for seniors, the visually impaired, or you just want to create a larger print version of your regular paperback, large print books are important and worth looking at.

Thankfully, Atticus has you covered, as the best formatting tool for indie authors who want to create large print versions of their books. You can check it out here .

So what are your plans? Are you going to create a large print book? Or if you have already done so,  what tips would you give to other authors? Share this post on social media and include your thoughts!

Jason Hamilton

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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Gale Blog: Library & Educator News | K12, Academic & Public

The Biggest Large Print Myths Busted!

Spoiler Alert: The large print format offers benefits for people under the age of 60 with perfectly good eyesight.

Have you ever been so good at something you’ve found yourself pigeonholed? Being typecast can feel like a mixed blessing—your claim to fame shines bright, creating the shadow in which your other great qualities hide. If large print books were people, they would feel this acutely.

No doubt, large print books are a well-known solution for visually impaired readers, and those readers are typically seniors. Unfortunately for large print, being so good at solving this one problem for this one audience has led to a narrow, and sometimes inaccurate view of the usefulness of the format overall.

We’d love to enlist the expert MythBusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman to explore the issue in detail, but if you’ve ever seen the Discovery Channel show, you know their mythbusting process tends to involve blowing things up, and we’d hate to see our beloved books so abused.

So, without the pyrotechnics, here are the biggest large print myths: BUSTED!

Myth:  Only seniors read large print.

Large print is not just a bigger font size that makes reading accessible for the visually impaired. It’s also proven to improve letter and word recognition, aid reading comprehension, and increase feelings of confidence and satisfaction when reading. That makes it perfect for beginning or reluctant readers and ESL/ELL students. Large print books are an essential resource for any literacy program.

Myth: Large print books are gigantic!

If the font is bigger, it stands to reason the book will be bigger as well, right? That large print titles seemingly defy basic logic makes this one of the most prevalent misconceptions. In fact, large print titles are often the same size or smaller than their hardcover or trade paperback counterparts and weigh about the same as a traditional hardcover book. The common reaction to learning this fact is, “Well, to be the same size or smaller, they must be abridged.” This is also false. The magic here lies in the combination of printing on a thinner, higher quality paper and laying out the text to maximize the use of white space.

Myth: The selection of titles available in large print is limited.

You may be noticing a trend by now, but that is also false. Thorndike Press publishes more bestsellers and bestselling authors than any other large print publisher. We currently have over 4,000 titles to choose from with 200+ new titles added monthly. From the classics to the cult favorites, our selection spans fiction and nonfiction across all genres and covers patrons of all reading levels from the 4 th grade on up.

New York Times Best Selling Publishers Thorndike Press

Myth: Large print doesn’t publish for 6 – 9 months after the original edition.

Thanks to advancements in typesetting technology and process efficiencies, that is no longer the case. Many bestsellers are published by Thorndike Press simultaneous to the original release. That’s right. At the same time , not 9 months later. The vast majority of remaining large print editions follow by just three months, allowing you to keep your large print collection up to date with the freshest and newest titles.

Myth: Regular titles circulate better.

We’ve surveyed hundreds of libraries and learned that large print can circulate as well as, if not better than, regular print. But despite its big benefits, we often find large print collections tucked away in a little section on a low shelf. Here are the top tips from the most successful libraries: integrate large print copies with regular format titles; shelve large print in or near literacy centers to make it easier for beginning and reluctant readers, and ESL/ELL patrons to find; download the MARC Records for free to increase catalog discovery; and use the free bookmarks, posters and other promotional materials provided by Thorndike Press to increase awareness.


There are obvious benefits of large print for the visually impaired, beginning or reluctant readers and ESL/ELL students. But that’s not all. Here are three more unexpected large print lovers:

  • Bouncing People:   Have you ever tried to read a 10pt font size from 3 feet away while exercising? It’s really hard. Next time you hit the treadmill, grab a large print book instead.
  • Tired People: According to the latest Nielsen stats, the average American adult spends 11 hours per day with electronic media. Digital eye strain occurs after two or more hours of digital device use. Tech addicts would be well-served to give their eyes a rest with the easy-reading large print format.
  • Impatient People: Talking to a patron who is sad to hear they are the 992 nd person in line to read John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars ? With all of the benefits of large print, it’ll be easy to make it not only their first-available format, but their most preferred.

18 thoughts on “The Biggest Large Print Myths Busted!”

Here at the Lawrence Headquarters Library in Mercer County I was puzzled by the high circulation of our Large Print Harry Potter books. I was told it was due to the “grandparent factor”: seniors reading to children.

Love that! We’ll remember that one, Maria. Thanks for sharing.

Large print books are the best kept secret! And why? My collection of large prints are so popular! Yes, our senior patrons love them but so does the general public. Special Tip: For those of us who wear glasses, we can read LP books at night WITHOUT glasses. I guess the secret is out!

95% of our new fiction books are in large print. I have had one person tell me that “reading large print gives me a headache” but that is the only complaint I have had in over 8 years! Most of my patrons just love the fact they are getting the new releases in an easy to read format!

Those a pretty good odds in favor of large print! Thanks for sharing, Donna!

Other patron comments…”Don’t you need to have a note from your doctor before you can check out large print books?” “No, I don’t want to take a large print copy, you should save that for someone who really needs to use the larger print.”

That’s interesting, Diane. Hope you’re having success telling them otherwise!

I agree with you that large format printingcan increase our expenses but same time we can attract more people toward our business.

I’m so thrilled that all three of my John Pickett mysteries (so far) have gone into large print as part of Thorndike’s Clean Reads program! The fourth book just came out last month; I hope Thorndike will release it in large print as well!

By the way, I’ve noticed that in my local library large print books from 20+ years ago remain in the collection long after the “regular print” copies have been culled. I enjoy older books as well as new ones, so it’s nice to know that these are still available and ready to be enjoyed by readers who may have missed them the first time around.

I have been an avid reader since childhood and still am. I am now a shut-in with a cataract that blocks total vision on left eye and I am limited by other disabilities. I still read around 2-3 books a week sent to me through ‘Books-by-Mail’. It really helps with passing the time as I really don’t like TV and I have no close family/friends to visit. I see on this web sight that the font should be 16 and the color is jet black; however, most of the books I read (no matter who the publisher/printer) have a gray color. This puts more strain on my eyes and cuts down my reading time. Could someone please check this out and respond? The most recent book I have read published was Where It Hurts by Reed Farrel Coleman.

Saundra, Have you tried large print books? The print is black and larger, I feel it would really help lessen the strain.

I have been a large print book reader for 20 years mostly because they were so much easier to read but lately I have noticed the print is just barely larger then small print and have been disappointed when ordering online. Does anyone know of a way to find out publishing house online by book title?

Hi A J, While normal print books range from 10-12 point font, large print books range from 14-16 point font. Thorndike Press is happy to announce they are on the larger side of the range, coming in at 16-point font! The large, jet-black type has been known to help struggling readers too. Take a look at more benefits of using Thorndike Press titles and browse all of the titles we have to offer:

Do large-print books contain the same number of words that the small-l print books of the same story have?

Hi William,

Yes, they are the exact same words as the original print books.

I just wanted to check out a book from library and found out there is 100 people in the queue so it might be few months before a copy will be available then I noticed large print book in the system available right now. I was suspicious thinking something must be wrong with it (that’s why Google led me here) or maybe you have to have special impairment card or something but no i just checked it out right now. Amazing that people actually prefer smaller print. Wouldn’t guess that

Can anyone explain the different font sizes and font types used for large print books. For example: I have several large print books by the author Donna Russo Morin. All three are classed as large print. One of the books clearly has larger print than the other two; with a “bolder” print that makes reading easiest on my eyes. A second book has what I have come to think of as “normal large” print. The last book – The Glassmaker’s Daughter has the smallest of the three prints, and it is not that much smaller, but it is finer boned with less contrast between the ink and page. The difference is not that noticeable until I start to read, and I find that I am squinting and straining to see words and reading/guessing at words; sometimes incorrectly…….. like; I got into the cat …. no, that must be car. I just picked up The Rose Code in large print; which seems smaller but bolder than usual; I can manage this book in natural light, but not under a reading light; despite the brightness of my reading light. Is there is a code, or class, or sizing listed for large print book, so that I can order books that have print sizes/fonts/boldness that provide enough contrast and size for my vision?

Hi Estee – There is no regulatory standard for large print. Thorndike use a proprietary mix of high contrast ink and paper, plus a 16 pt serif style font. We take great pride in our format being “easy on the eyes” for an enjoyable reading experience. Unfortunately, we can’t license under our large print imprints, but we do produce 950+ adult titles a year. I encourage the person who made an inquiry to search our website and request favorite authors be purchased by the local library, checking to see that the imprint is either Wheeler Publishing or Thorndike Press. For ease of shopping, we do distribute other publishers’ large print products, but we don’t have control over their format choices.

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    Step 1: Select Your Trim Size. The first and most important step is to choose your t r im size. You can do this by going to the theme settings for your book, and if you scroll down you will see a section called "Print Settings". There you will see an option called "Large Print Options".

  20. The Biggest Large Print Myths Busted!

    That large print titles seemingly defy basic logic makes this one of the most prevalent misconceptions. In fact, large print titles are often the same size or smaller than their hardcover or trade paperback counterparts and weigh about the same as a traditional hardcover book. The common reaction to learning this fact is, "Well, to be the ...

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