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Ai-powered manuscript writing tool.

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  • Biography writing: Write a compelling and well-structured manuscript for a biography or memoir.
  • Academic writing: Develop a well-organized and professionally written manuscript for your academic paper or thesis.

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AI for thesis writing — Unveiling 7 best AI tools


Table of Contents

Writing a thesis is akin to piecing together a complex puzzle. Each research paper, every data point, and all the hours spent reading and analyzing contribute to this monumental task.

For many students, this journey is a relentless pursuit of knowledge, often marked by sleepless nights and tight deadlines.

Here, the potential of AI for writing a thesis or research papers becomes clear: artificial intelligence can step in, not to take over but to assist and guide.

Far from being just a trendy term, AI is revolutionizing academic research, offering tools that can make the task of thesis writing more manageable, more precise, and a little less overwhelming.

In this article, we’ll discuss the impact of AI on academic writing process, and articulate the best AI tools for thesis writing to enhance your thesis writing process.

The Impact of AI on Thesis Writing

Artificial Intelligence offers a supportive hand in thesis writing, adeptly navigating vast datasets, suggesting enhancements in writing, and refining the narrative.

With the integration of AI writing assistant, instead of requiring you to manually sift through endless articles, AI tools can spotlight the most pertinent pieces in mere moments. Need clarity or the right phrasing? AI-driven writing assistants are there, offering real-time feedback, ensuring your work is both articulative  and academically sound.

AI tools for thesis writing harness Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate content, check grammar, and assist in literature reviews. Simultaneously, Machine Learning (ML) techniques enable data analysis, provide personalized research recommendations, and aid in proper citation.

And for the detailed tasks of academic formatting and referencing? AI streamlines it all, ensuring your thesis meets the highest academic standards.

However, understanding AI's role is pivotal. It's a supportive tool, not the primary author. Your thesis remains a testament to your unique perspective and voice.

AI for writing thesis is there to amplify that voice, ensuring it's heard clearly and effectively.

How AI tools supplement your thesis writing

AI tools have emerged as invaluable allies for scholars. With just a few clicks, these advanced platforms can streamline various aspects of thesis writing, from data analysis to literature review.

Let's explore how an AI tool can supplement and transform your thesis writing style and process.

Efficient literature review : AI tools can quickly scan and summarize vast amounts of literature, making the process of literature review more efficient. Instead of spending countless hours reading through papers, researchers can get concise summaries and insights, allowing them  to focus on relevant content.

Enhanced data analysis : AI algorithms can process and analyze large datasets with ease, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations that might be difficult or time-consuming for humans to detect. This capability is especially valuable in fields with massive datasets, like genomics or social sciences.

Improved writing quality : AI-powered writing assistants can provide real-time feedback on grammar, style, and coherence. They can suggest improvements, ensuring that the final draft of a research paper or thesis is of high quality.

Plagiarism detection : AI tools can scan vast databases of academic content to ensure that a researcher's work is original and free from unintentional plagiarism .

Automated citations : Managing and formatting citations is a tedious aspect of academic writing. AI citation generators  can automatically format citations according to specific journal or conference standards, reducing the chances of errors.

Personalized research recommendations : AI tools can analyze a researcher's past work and reading habits to recommend relevant papers and articles, ensuring that they stay updated with the latest in their field.

Interactive data visualization : AI can assist in creating dynamic and interactive visualizations, making it easier for researchers to present their findings in a more engaging manner.

Top 7 AI Tools for Thesis Writing

The academic field is brimming with AI tools tailored for academic paper writing. Here's a glimpse into some of the most popular and effective ones.

Here we'll talk about some of the best ai writing tools, expanding on their major uses, benefits, and reasons to consider them.

If you've ever been bogged down by the minutiae of formatting or are unsure about specific academic standards, Typeset is a lifesaver.


Typeset specializes in formatting, ensuring academic papers align with various journal and conference standards.

It automates the intricate process of academic formatting, saving you from the manual hassle and potential errors, inflating your writing experience.

An AI-driven writing assistant, Wisio elevates the quality of your thesis content. It goes beyond grammar checks, offering style suggestions tailored to academic writing.


This ensures your thesis is both grammatically correct and maintains a scholarly tone. For moments of doubt or when maintaining a consistent style becomes challenging, Wisio acts as your personal editor, providing real-time feedback.

Known for its ability to generate and refine thesis content using AI algorithms, Texti ensures logical and coherent content flow according to the academic guidelines.


When faced with writer's block or a blank page, Texti can jumpstart your thesis writing process, aiding in drafting or refining content.

JustDone is an AI for thesis writing and content creation. It offers a straightforward three-step process for generating content, from choosing a template to customizing details and enjoying the final output.


JustDone AI can generate thesis drafts based on the input provided by you. This can be particularly useful for getting started or overcoming writer's block.

This platform can refine and enhance the editing process, ensuring it aligns with academic standards and is free from common errors. Moreover, it can process and analyze data, helping researchers identify patterns, trends, and insights that might be crucial for their thesis.

Tailored for academic writing, Writefull offers style suggestions to ensure your content maintains a scholarly tone.

AI-for-thesis-writing - Writefull

This AI for thesis writing provides feedback on your language use, suggesting improvements in grammar, vocabulary, and structure . Moreover, it compares your written content against a vast database of academic texts. This helps in ensuring that your writing is in line with academic standards.

Isaac Editor

For those seeking an all-in-one solution for writing, editing, and refining, Isaac Editor offers a comprehensive platform.

AI-for-thesis-writing - Isaac-Editor

Combining traditional text editor features with AI, Isaac Editor streamlines the writing process. It's an all-in-one solution for writing, editing, and refining, ensuring your content is of the highest quality.

PaperPal , an AI-powered personal writing assistant, enhances academic writing skills, particularly for PhD thesis writing and English editing.

AI-for-thesis-writing - PaperPal

This AI for thesis writing offers comprehensive grammar, spelling, punctuation, and readability suggestions, along with detailed English writing tips.

It offers grammar checks, providing insights on rephrasing sentences, improving article structure, and other edits to refine academic writing.

The platform also offers tools like "Paperpal for Word" and "Paperpal for Web" to provide real-time editing suggestions, and "Paperpal for Manuscript" for a thorough check of completed articles or theses.

Is it ethical to use AI for thesis writing?

The AI for writing thesis has ignited discussions on authenticity. While AI tools offer unparalleled assistance, it's vital to maintain originality and not become overly reliant. Research thrives on unique contributions, and AI should be a supportive tool, not a replacement.

The key question: Can a thesis, significantly aided by AI, still be viewed as an original piece of work?

AI tools can simplify research, offer grammar corrections, and even produce content. However, there's a fine line between using AI as a helpful tool and becoming overly dependent on it.

In essence, while AI offers numerous advantages for thesis writing, it's crucial to use it judiciously. AI should complement human effort, not replace it. The challenge is to strike the right balance, ensuring genuine research contributions while leveraging AI's capabilities.

Wrapping Up

Nowadays, it's evident that AI tools are not just fleeting trends but pivotal game-changers.

They're reshaping how we approach, structure, and refine our theses, making the process more efficient and the output more impactful. But amidst this technological revolution, it's essential to remember the heart of any thesis: the researcher's unique voice and perspective .

AI tools are here to amplify that voice, not overshadow it. They're guiding you through the vast sea of information, ensuring our research stands out and resonates.

Try these tools out and let us know what worked for you the best.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use AI to assist in writing your thesis. AI tools can help streamline various aspects of the writing process, such as data analysis, literature review, grammar checks, and content refinement.

However, it's essential to use AI as a supportive tool and not a replacement for original research and critical thinking. Your thesis should reflect your unique perspective and voice.

Yes, there are AI tools designed to assist in writing research papers. These tools can generate content, suggest improvements, help with formatting, and even provide real-time feedback on grammar and coherence.

Examples include Typeset, JustDone, Writefull, and Texti. However, while they can aid the process, the primary research, analysis, and conclusions should come from the researcher.

The "best" AI for writing papers depends on your specific needs. For content generation and refinement, Texti is a strong contender.

For grammar checks and style suggestions tailored to academic writing, Writefull is highly recommended. JustDone offers a user-friendly interface for content creation. It's advisable to explore different tools and choose one that aligns with your requirements.

To use AI for writing your thesis:

1. Identify the areas where you need assistance, such as literature review, data analysis, content generation, or grammar checks.

2. Choose an AI tool tailored for academic writing, like Typeset, JustDone, Texti, or Writefull.

3. Integrate the tool into your writing process. This could mean using it as a browser extension, a standalone application, or a plugin for your word processor.

4. As you write or review content, use the AI tool for real-time feedback, suggestions, or content generation.

5. Always review and critically assess the suggestions or content provided by the AI to ensure it aligns with your research goals and maintains academic integrity.

manuscript writing ai

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AI Script Generator

What script do you want to write?

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How to use Squibler's free AI script generator

Squibler's AI script generator streamlines the scriptwriting process, so you maximize the platform's capabilities and save time. Here's a quick guide to get the most out of the generator:

1. Specify your script idea

Start with the 'Script Topic' section. Distill your script's story ideas into a single, compelling sentence. The summary encapsulates the essence of your plot or the main narrative arc. For example: “A librarian discovers a magical book that can bring stories to life.” This is sure to kickstart AI’s creative writing.

2. What is the script for

After defining your story idea, specify the intended platform in 'What is the script for?' This will allow you to tailor the script's format and style to the matching medium. The options include a YouTube video, TV Show, Play, and Instagram Reel videos. Pick the option that best aligns with your goals.

3. Pick the length

The length influences the depth of narrative and character development. In 'Script Length', choose based on your story needs and platform constraints. Available options are Short and Medium.

4. Pick the script’s tone

The tone of your script sets the emotional atmosphere, influencing how readers perceive and engage with your script. Although optional, pick the tone that best suits your narrative in 'Tone (Optional)' . The options are Humorous, Serious, Sarcastic, Optimistic, and Objective.

What to do after?

After you finish the script with the AI script generator, you can either wrap it up or polish and perfect your masterpiece with Squibler's editor.

Here's how to continue writing scripts:

  • Click "Write Script": If you have a Squibler account, this will prompt you to log in. If not, it will prompt you to sign up, which only takes a few seconds. Once you do so, you will land on Squibler’s editor.
  • Explore the Editor: The script you generated on this page will be on Squibler’s editor ready for you to continue generating scenes and acts. If the script generator sparked your creativity, the editor will feel like a treasure trove.
  • Download and Share: With your story ready, you can simply download it or share with distributors right from Squibler.

Squibler is completely free to try!

What is an AI Script Generator?

An AI script generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to craft original scripts based on your criteria.

Employing sophisticated algorithms, this technology takes your inputs—ranging from plot elements and character descriptions to desired tones and genres—and uses the information to generate scripts, and create content ranging from short skits to full-length movie or TV show scripts.

Designed to serve a wide array of writers, from filmmakers and screenwriters seeking inspiration to marketers and educators looking for creative storytelling avenues, an AI script generator opens up a world of possibilities.

It not only helps you write scripts and overcome writer's block but also allows you to write more words per session.

Thanks to its capability to interpret extensive datasets, an AI script generator is a great AI tool in your arsenal. It ensures the delivery of compelling video scripts that captivate audiences and bring visions to life.

Frequently asked questions.


Experience Squibler Today

From the opening line to the closing scene, Squibler is your ultimate AI scriptwriting partner.

SwissCognitive | AI Ventures, Advisory & Research

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Learn Exactly How AI Writing Tools Promise Faster Manuscripts for Researchers

AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools can reduce the time it takes to write manuscripts from a few days to a few hours. Thus, it makes the researchers’ work much more manageable, sparing them the time-consuming and mundane task of checking the spelling of a paper.

SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Lillie Jenkins , “Learn Exactly How AI Writing Tools Promise Faster Manuscripts for Researchers”

manuscript writing ai

Quality of AI: Is It Suffering

Artificial Intelligence programs offer many opportunities to students, professors, scientists, and researchers. Take, for example, the much-loved Grammarly, which has won the worldwide appreciation of millions of users. It promises to thoroughly check your text, increase the level of its clarity and word choice, and correct errors. Can you argue with that? And how well do all these tools do their tasks? 

Let’s not guess with coffee grounds, but directly refer to the facts, or rather to an experiment, conducted at an educational website EduRef. Recent graduates, undergraduates, and writers took part in this small study. They had to compete against GPT-3. Humans and GPT-3 received the same tasks. The professors graded all the papers but didn’t know who wrote them. 

What is interesting is that the results were almost identical. The program received a lot of positive feedback for its excellent openings and transitions. However, criticism referred to using vague, crude, and clumsy language and the failure to create a strong narrative. On the other hand, the students’ work proved to be more in-depth and descriptive. However, the program coped with a task of three to 20 minutes, and the students managed three days. 

You should also know the existence of such a website , where you can choose an author for writing research papers. Works are created by real writers, not by artificial intelligence, positively affecting their quality. Of course, you won’t get a manuscript or essay in 3 minutes, but a qualified specialist will write it.

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe to our AI NAVIGATOR!

AI is Still Improving

There’s a startup company like Writefull, which offers AI-based language editing and is part of the London-based Digital Science company. Its chief applied linguist, Hilde van Zeeland, argues that AI tools are already huge enough but will improve even more to perfect the flow and structure of the author’s sentences. 

However, you don’t have to wait for that to happen and use a service, where a qualified author writes the perfect paper on any given topic. Remember that AI is only a tool in writing any text. The creator is always a human. Returning to Writefull, we should note that the company analyzed more than 250,000 essays to determine the most frequently used phrases in each of the four essay parts. So what exactly did they find? 

Well, for example, the words “aim of this study” are often found in the first part of the abstract (describing the aim and background of the research), and the phrase “95% confidence interval” is most often used in the fourth part (contributions, future research). 

In addition, users can select phrases and linking sentences to use in their texts. In this way, a broad database of such words makes the author’s job easier by offering good alternatives with a choice of appropriate words for each section. As for plagiarism, you don’t have to worry about that either. 

Since these words are short and frequently used, the plagiarism program ignores them. Writefull mentions another successful experiment in which the abstract is fed into an artificial intelligence tool that generates an article title based on the data. It increases the readability of the title, draws readers’ attention to the abstract, and makes the article more visible to search engines.

The Flip Side of the Coin

Now it’s time to talk about the dark side of AI writing tools . According to computer scientist Guillaume Cabanac, AI can check grammar and spelling and suggest commonly used phrases. Cabanac and his colleagues analyzed articles published in computer science journals and found many articles that contained tortured words and meaningless text. 

For example, instead of “big data,” the authors used “colossal information.” According to Cabanac, these articles were created using automatic translation or software that rewrites existing text to hide plagiarism. This report you can find in the journal Nature. Unfortunately, it shows that a new type of fabricated article is entering science literature.

It will be challenging to detect as artificial intelligence tools learn to use more complex language. An excellent alternative is specialized services for writing different kinds of papers, which you can find here . In this case, the manuscript will be written by an expert, not a program, which provides a more in-depth analysis of the research.

Last Few Words About AI

AI has significant potential in scientific research due to the possibility of analyzing the laws hidden from humans. It also offers many additional descriptive options, from a new language to a new science uniting different disciplines. Fundamental exact and natural sciences undoubtedly play a considerable role in advanced research on AI. 

They allow for a better understanding of the human brain’s potential and provide better tools and ways to implement the most complex intellectual functions. However, scientists believe that people’s knowledge of the brain is not even at the “black box” level. At the current status of knowledge, science doesn’t clearly understand what exactly and on which of the “black box” inputs should be fed to obtain results.

AI Writing Tools positively impact science if conscientious authors use them to facilitate the mechanics of writing manuscripts . These tools are huge, but they are still a long way from being able to write a manuscript from scratch . And is it necessary? Data analysis requires scientists to provide that data in numbers before providing all that material to an AI machine for further processing.

About the Author:

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How LivingWriter’s AI Chapter To Manuscript Convert Works

how to change a novel into a screenplay feature image

Novel writing and screenplay writing are very different mediums. And if you’ve ever tried to change a novel into a screenplay, you probably realized pretty quickly that it’s complicated. What works in novels doesn’t translate to the screen word for word. Most advice on the process recommends a 10-step process; while it does work, there are easier ways to get started. Today, I’ll show you how to change a novel to a screenplay with LivingWriter’s AI chapter-to-screenplay convert feature.

LivingWriter’s AI chapter-to-manuscript feature allows you to convert each chapter of your novel manuscript into a screenplay. Right-click the chapter you want, and click convert to screenplay. The AI will transform the entire chapter into a screenplay scene. The ability to pick and choose which sections of the manuscript to convert is essential, as much of the content in a novel won’t make it to the screen.

If you’ve written a novel that you want to convert into a screenplay, it’s never been easier than now. With that basic info out of the way, let’s break down the chapter-to-manuscript feature in more detail. Below, I’ll show you how the conversion feature works, the simple process to use it, and some examples. So, without further ado, let’s get into how to convert a novel to a screenplay with LivingWriter.

How To Change A Novel To A Screenplay With LivingWriter

Screenwriting isn’t a walk in the park, even for an experienced screenwriter, much less an inexperienced one. If you come from a novel writing background, the idea of turning your book into a movie is probably equally exciting and daunting. After all, the two mediums are quite different.

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The process of turning a novel into a screenplay is just that—a process . Screenplays are much more concise than novels. As a result, there are huge chunks of your book that won’t make it into a movie. This means you’ve got to strip the story down to the bare essentials, refine what remains as concise as possible, and rebuild it for the screen. Suffice it to say, it’s not always easy.

With LivingWriter, the process is much simpler and can be done without the need for a secondary manuscript app. Open your novel manuscript in LivingWriter and right-click on a chapter you want to convert.

AI Convert to Screenplay option on livingwriter

After you click the “AI Convert to Screenplay” option, the integrated AI gets to work on putting your chapter into screenplay form. Depending on the length of the chapter, this may take up to 60. Once finished, you’ll have a screenplay version of the entire chapter.

Here is an example of a chapter I converted:

A section of screenplay that was adapted from a chapter

Once you’ve gotten the screenplay version of your chapter, you can edit it, add notes, use AI rewrite or manuscript chat , and access all other LivingWriter features, just like you can for any other chapter. The screenplay version of the chapter is stored in the same manuscript, right beneath the original, so it’s easy to find and navigate.

Manuscript navigation with the original chapter and the screenplay chapter beneath

The ability to convert individual chapters instead of an entire manuscript is beneficial because much of the novel will not be needed in the screenplay. This allows you to map out which scenes within your novel most belong in the manuscript and select only those.

Exporting Your Work

Once you’ve converted the sections of your novel that best fit your screenplay and made any necessary edits, you’re ready to export your work. LivingWriter makes exporting your screenplay chapters a breeze. Not only can you export in multiple formats, but you can also export only the screenplay sections if you want.

LivingWriter export options

LivingWriter’s goal is to make the lives of writers (both novelists and screenwriters) as easy as possible. The chapter-to-screenplay feature helps bridge the gap between the two mediums and offers unrivaled convenience in converting stories to scripts. With the click of a few buttons, you can write, edit, take notes, and convert, all within the same app.

So, if you’ve got a novel that is destined for the big screen, we’ve got you covered. Now, get out there and start converting with ease.

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Optimise your academic writing with new AI tool for researchers

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To enhance the often challenging manuscript writing process, Paperpal has introduced a new Microsoft Word add-in that provides real-time writing assistance for researchers. The tool uses state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) and AI models to make grammar, punctuation, style and readability suggestions while the user writes, ensuring academics can deliver a high-quality research manuscript. The tool is simple to use, minimises the need for long hours spent editing and proofreading manuscripts and reduces the risk of desk rejection. 

  The percentage of manuscripts rejected by journal editors is in the region of 65%, often due to poor language and inconsistencies in referencing. Misalignment with the journal’s style, aims and scope is another common reason for rejection. Therefore, it is advised that researchers carry out all the necessary language and technical checks and follow defined author guidelines when preparing their manuscripts for specific publications. 

  Paperpal’s AI-powered solution is trained on millions of pre- and post-edited academic manuscripts to offer unbiased language feedback and editorial corrections that mirror the standards set by top professional editors and proofreaders. The new Word add-in is easy to install and can be used directly in Microsoft Word to simplify and accelerate the academic writing process.

  'Desk rejection is a real challenge, with one in three manuscripts being returned to authors because of technical issues and 56% being checked two or three times before acceptance,' said Neeraj Sanghani, Business Head of Products at Paperpal. 'Our aim is to support academics throughout the publishing process to help improve submission rates. Generic language editing tools can only go so far, which is why our new AI-powered tool is designed to offer technical and subject-specific expertise that will help researchers get their manuscripts over the line.'

  Nishchay Shah, Chief Technology Officer at Paperpal, says, 'The difference between Paperpal and a regular grammar tool is huge. It’s like the switch from submitting copy produced on a typewriter to using a word processor. It’s a generational improvement in tools for academic publishing. It’s like internet access versus no internet access. There are lots of consumer tools that might flag a problem, but Paperpal will actually understand the topic you are writing about and make suggestions.'

  The response from the academic publishing industry has been positive. Several academic publishers have hosted Paperpal’s existing tool, Preflight, on their journal websites to offer authors a quick pre-submission manuscript check. It can, for example, help to identify missing declarations and common language issues. 'When our editors first saw Preflight in action, they were blown away,' said Duncan MacRae, Director, Open Access Editorial at Wolters Kluwer.

Sanghani explained, 'For researchers, the academic writing experience is about to change forever — the new Word add-in complements our product offering by entering the researcher’s journey before the final draft, allowing them to make changes to their document while they write.'

Despite being less than two years old, Paperpal has already been used by nearly 60,000 academics globally and partnered with nine publishers, including AAAHQ, ASCO, Cambridge University Press, Emerald, IOP, RSOS, Mary Ann Liebert and Wolters Kluwer. 

To find out more about Paperpal’s manuscript writing tool and download the new Word add-in, visit the Paperpal website .

manuscript writing ai

AI Script Generator

Create AI generated scripts for your videos, presentations, or marketing campaigns in seconds. Forget about writer's block and focus on what truly matters: bringing your vision to life.

What is the topic of your script?

What is the objective of your script?

Select a tone of voice from the drop-down

Trusted by over 50,000 companies of all sizes

Example script

What is an AI script generator?

An AI script generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate scripts based on a few text prompts. The use cases for scripts can range from YouTube videos and video ads, to story writing.

How to generate a script?

Write the topic of your script.

In few lines define the topics of your video.

Describe objective of your video

Write about the type of video you are planning to create, who is it for and what would you like to achieve with it.

Select the tone of voice

Choose the most suitable tone of voice from the drop down to fit your target audience.

manuscript writing ai

Why choose Synthesia for automating your script generation process?

Instant ai-generated scripts.

No need to start from a blank screen anymore. Use an AI script generator to create a persuasive, engaging, and tailored scripts that resonate with your audience within minutes.

High-quality video scripts

AI Script Generator is more than just a time-saver. It's a creative collaborator that helps you refine your ideas and elevates your content to new heights. Expect scripts that captivate, educate, and inspire.

Available 24/7

With AI tools, you don’t need to rely on writers to create high-quality content for your videos. Human writers might have off days, or periods of writer's block that affect their output. A video script generator works 24/7.

Cost-effective solution

Hiring skilled human writers can be expensive, especially for high-quality scripts or when multiple rewrites are needed. On the other hand, an AI script generator is a completely free tool.

What is the difference between traditional script writing and AI script writers?

Traditional script writing process.

Traditional script writing can be a tough skill to master. The process usually begins with a topic and creative vision, followed by a lengthy research process. Once the outline and the first draft is written, multiple rounds of revisions are needed to perfect the writing. Writers often seek feedback from peers or editors to enhance the quality and depth of their work. After the final round of writing and editing, the video script is ready.

AI-generated script

Replacing the process with AI technology involves filling out prompts to guide the generation of script. The AI script generator then rapidly produces a script based on these directives and its training data. Users then review and iterate the script, adding a human touch to ensure depth and realism. Advanced AI models can even refine their subsequent outputs based on feedback loops. An AI script generator offers quick turnarounds and can produce multiple versions efficiently.

Turn your script into an AI video today.

Why is synthesia the best ai script writer, generate scripts and videos in one tool.

Use Synthesia to write scripts for videos and create video content all in one browser-based tool.

Create videos from text

Synthesia transforms your video scripts into narrated videos with AI voiceovers and presenters. No video editing skills, or video editing equipment needed.

Scale your video creation process

Simplify video creation and generate video content in minutes, not weeks. No cameras, microphones, or actors needed.

script generator example

What can you use an AI script writer for?

An AI video script generator can be used for generating scripts for all types of video content. Here are just a few of the most popular use cases.

Training videos

Create training videos in 120+ languages for global teams. Use Synthesia to create compliance training, security training or sales enablement videos in minutes.

YouTube videos

Generate a YouTube video script for any type of video, whether it's a vlog, a how-to or tutorial video, or simple cinematic footage with narration.

Internal communication videos

Create compelling and engaging brand videos for your employees and other stakeholders in a matter of minutes.

Marketing videos

Whether you need video scripts for marketing campaigns or just for one short TikTok clip, Synthesia has got you covered.

4 benefits of using AI Video Script Generators

1. swift script creation.

In the fast-paced world of content production, time is often of the essence. AI script generators stand out by producing scripts in mere minutes. This is particularly invaluable for industries that are bound by tight schedules or those that benefit from the rapid prototyping of multiple ideas. With the push of a button, what traditionally took days or weeks of brainstorming and drafting can now be achieved instantly.

2. Freedom to explore multiple narratives

The traditional scriptwriting process can be time-consuming, especially when exploring various narrative paths. AI generators streamline this, offering the ability to instantly produce diverse script variations. For creators, this means a broader canvas to play with, allowing them to choose the most compelling story without the manual rewriting hassles.

3. Budget-friendly content production

From a financial perspective, online AI generators are a game-changer, since the majority of online AI tools are free. For businesses, especially startups or those with limited resources, this offers significant savings and higher ROI on content creation.

4. Adaptable and customizable outputs

Automation doesn’t mean rigidity. AI generators like Synthesia are designed to adapt to user-set parameters, ensuring that the produced content seamlessly aligns with the desired goals, themes, and messaging nuances.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best ai script generator.

The best AI tool for creating a well-written video script is Synthesia. Synthesia allows you to generate video scripts, choose from 60+ video templates and create narrated videos all in one place.

How to generate script with AI?

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Enago Academy

Disclosing the Use of Generative AI: Best practices for authors in manuscript preparation

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The rapid proliferation of generative and other AI-based tools in research writing has ignited an urgent need for transparency and accountability. Esteemed scientific journals such as Nature and reputable organizations like the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) have unequivocally emphasized the paramount significance of meticulously documenting AI tool usage in research . It has become imperative for authors and publishers to adopt best practices for disclosing the use of these tools in manuscript preparation. Such practices not only enhance the transparency and reproducibility of research but also ensures ethical considerations are adequately addressed.

The transparency of methods, data sources, and limitations is not just an academic exercise but a moral and scientific obligation. It ensures the integrity of research findings, facilitates reproducibility, and safeguards against unintended consequences. The responsible development and deployment of AI technologies hinge on the willingness of authors to share their insights, methodologies, and ethical considerations. In this article, we delve into the importance of disclosing the use of generative and other Al tools in manuscript preparation. We will explore essential best practices for authors, offering guidance on how to navigate the intricate landscape of AI disclosure.

Table of Contents

Why Disclosing the Use of Generative and Other AI Tools Matters

Disclosing AI tools used for manuscript preparation is of paramount importance for several critical reasons:

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1. Transparency and Reproducibility: Transparent disclosure of AI tools is crucial for scientific research, enabling replication and verification. It allows for building upon prior work, refining methodologies, and potentially uncovering errors or biases.

2. Peer Review and Evaluation: Open AI tool disclosure assists reviewers in assessing research validity, including AI model suitability, data sources, and methodologies, ensuring research quality .

3. Ethical Considerations: Manuscript disclosure addresses AI’s ethical implications, like privacy, fairness, bias, and societal impacts, promoting responsible AI development.

4. Community Building: Research is a collaborative effort, and the sharing of knowledge and resources is crucial for the growth of any scientific discipline. Transparent disclosure fosters a sense of research community, encouraging collaboration and speeding up innovation.

5. Trust and Credibility: Transparent disclosure of generative and other AI tool usage enhances research and researcher credibility, instilling trust among peers, the public, and stakeholders.

6. Preventing Misuse: AI technologies can be powerful tools, but they can also be misused. Mandatory disclosure deters unethical AI applications, making it harder for malicious users to exploit AI technology.

Disclosing AI Tools in Research Articles

No doubt that disclosing the use of AI tools in manuscript preparation are crucial to ensure transparency, replicability, and responsible research in the field; however, the question of how and where to disclose this information in research articles has been a subject of debate among publishers and researchers. This debate stems from the need to strike a balance between providing comprehensive information for transparency and fair assignment of credit.

Why Bots Cannot Be Authors

The ethical stance against designating LLMs and related AI tools as authors in research manuscripts is grounded in the principles of responsibility, accountability, transparency, and the understanding of AI’s role as a tool in the research process. Authorship carries with it a responsibility to stand behind the research, take accountability for its content, and address any issues or concerns raised by readers, reviewers, or the wider research community. AI tools, being non-legal entities, cannot fulfill this responsibility as they lack the capacity for moral judgment and accountability.

“An attribution of authorship carries accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs”. ( Magdalena Skipper , editor-in-chief of Nature)

This view aligns with the broader ethical framework of research integrity and is supported by organizations like COPE, which emphasize the importance of upholding these principles in scholarly publishing.

“AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work. As non-legal entities, they cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright and license agreements” ( COPE Position Statement , 2023: para. 2).

Crediting AI Tools in the Acknowledgments Section

Recognizing LLMs or other AI tools in the acknowledgments section of a research manuscript is a practical way to credit the contributions of these tools without conferring authorship status. This practice aligns with widely accepted guidelines, including those provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which state that contributors whose roles do not meet authorship criteria may be acknowledged individually or collectively. This approach has garnered support from some of the reputable publishers. For example, Magdalena Skipper, the editor-in-chief of Nature, has stated that researchers using AI tools while preparing their article “should document their use in the methods or acknowledgments sections”. Sabina Alam, the director of publishing ethics and integrity at Taylor & Francis, also supports this approach.

“Authors are responsible for the validity and integrity of their work, and should cite any use of LLMs in the acknowledgments section.” ( Sabina Alam )

However, acknowledging AI tools in the acknowledgments section of a manuscript raises concerns similar to the reasons why these should not be credited as authors. This is primarily due to the absence of free will in AI tools, rendering them incapable of providing consent for acknowledgment. While being mentioned in the acknowledgments section may not carry the same level of accountability as being listed as an author, it nonetheless carries ethical and legal implications that warrant the need for consent. Additionally, individuals may decline acknowledgment if they disagree with the study’s conclusions and wish to disassociate themselves from it, which is not applicable in the case of AI tools. In short, these tools cannot be considered accountable or responsible in the way human beings can be.

Disclosing the Use of Generative and Other AI Tools in the Body of the Article

Revealing the utilization of LLMs and other AI tools in research articles typically involves disclosing this information within the body of the text, akin to how other research tools are acknowledged. In the context of software applications, proper citation practices, including in-text citations and references, are followed. However, articulating the use of AI tools and elucidating their role in research requires careful consideration due to their intricate capabilities.

Nevertheless, the approach of solely mentioning the use of AI tools within the text raises certain challenges. These issues are particularly noticeable concerning the discoverability of articles that have employed these tools. Challenges encompass factors such as the absence of indexing for non-English content and limited access to full-text articles, especially in cases of paywalled content. Moreover, inconsistencies in how researchers disclose the use of AI tools can impact the openness and transparency of research. For instance, variations in reporting practices may occur when LLMs are engaged in tasks that defy quantification, such as the conceptualization of ideas. Significantly, even with this level of disclosure, readers may still find it challenging to discern which portions of the text were generated by AI-based tools.

Adopting general norms of software citation, i.e. including in-text citations and referencing, can effectively address both challenges associated with the use of LLMs in research articles. APA style has already offered a structured format for describing the use of LLMs and other AI tools, incorporating in-text citations, and providing proper references. As per this template, disclosure practices can vary depending on the type of article. For instance, in research articles, disclosure is advised within the methods section, while in literature reviews, essays, or response papers, it is suggested in the introduction. Here’s the format recommended by APA for describing the use of ChatGPT, along with in-text citation and referencing:

In-text Citation:

“When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. ”

Source: Ayubi, E. (2023, April 7). How to cite ChatGPT . APA Style

However, incorporating details — such as the specific version, model, date of use, and user’s name — provides a more robust picture of the conditions under which the AI tools contributed to the research. This approach allows for better tracking, accountability, and transparency, acknowledging the dynamic nature of LLMs and AI tools, and their responses to different inputs and contexts.

For the purpose of verification, it is advisable to document and reveal interactions with AI-based text generation tools, which should encompass particular prompts and the dates of queries. This information can be provided as supplementary material or within appendices for transparency and validation purposes. Authors can also include Complex AI models, extensive code, or detailed data preprocessing steps in supplementary materials. Also, acknowledge limitations and potential biases of AI technologies, if any, in the discussion section. Discuss how these limitations may impact the interpretation and generalizability of the results.

Collaborative Efforts to Enforce AI Tool Disclosure

Certainly, considering the diverse applications of LLMs and AI tools across various research domains, it may be beneficial to establish more comprehensive guidelines or specific criteria governing their utilization. Professional associations or editorial boards of journals need to take the lead in formulating more consistent and uniform guidelines. A notable example of this proactive approach was demonstrated by the organizers of the 40 th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). They highlighted in their conference policies that “Papers containing text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) like ChatGPT are not permitted, unless this generated text is integrated as a component of the paper’s experimental analysis”.

Thus, the roles of various stakeholders, including journals, funding agencies, and the scientific community, are pivotal in enforcing rules mandating the disclosure of AI tool usage in research. Funding agencies can also explicitly request grantees to disclose their use of generative AI tools and technologies in their research proposals. Furthermore, they can conduct compliance checks during the grant review process to ensure researchers’ adherence to these disclosure guidelines.

By raising awareness of the significance of disclosure, the scientific community can foster a culture of transparency within the research ecosystem. Researchers can actively advocate for responsible research practices and encourage their peers to adhere to disclosure guidelines. Additionally, the scientific community can exert pressure on journals and funding agencies, urging them to rigorously enforce rules related to AI tool disclosure. By working collectively, the scientific community can play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and credibility of scientific research.

Frequently Asked Questions

To disclose the use of AI, specify the AI tools, models, and versions used in your research in the methods section of your manuscript. You may also acknowledge AI tool usage in the acknowledgments section, providing details like the model, version, date of use, and user’s name for thorough transparency. Following the guidelines provided by the publishers of your target journal is an essential step in disclosing the use of AI. These guidelines will outline the specific requirements and preferred format for disclosing AI tool usage in your manuscript.

Check the guidelines provided by your target journal or publisher and ensure that your declaration aligns with it. These guidelines may vary from journal to journal. Depending on the article type, consider disclosing AI tool usage in the methods section for research articles or in the introduction for literature reviews, essays, or response papers. You may follow general norms of software citation by including in-text citations and references. Additionally, for verification, document interactions with AI-based tools, including specific prompts and query dates, and provide this information as supplementary material or in appendices to enhance transparency and validation.

AI cannot be listed as an author in scientific publications. While AI, like large language models (LLMs), can assist in research and writing, authorship implies responsibility and accountability for the content, which AI lacks. Ethical and professional standards in scientific writing reserve authorship for human individuals who can take ownership of their work, make ethical judgments, and fulfill responsibilities associated with research.

Ensuring transparency in AI systems is of paramount importance in today’s technology-driven world. To achieve this, comprehensive disclosure is essential, encompassing the AI system’s configuration, algorithms, parameters, and data sources. Additionally, favor AI models that offer explainability, enabling users to understand the rationale behind AI decisions. External audits and adherence to publishers’ guidelines and ethical practices further solidify the commitment to transparency, fostering trust and accountability in AI applications.

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Generative AI: New policies, opportunities, and risks

Georgios Tsatsaronis

Georgios Tsatsaronis

Daniel Stuckey

Daniel Stuckey

About this video

The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies has triggered new policies with an aim to provide greater transparency and guidance to researchers.

This recorded webinar will take a deep dive into Elsevier’s policies for authors on the use of generative AI in scientific writing, reviewers on its use in the journal peer review process, and editors on its use in the journal editorial process. You will also learn about the ethics behind the use of generative AI in scholarly publishing, including opportunities and risks.  

About the presenters

Georgios Tsatsaronis

VP Data Science RCO, Elsevier

Dr. George Tsatsaronis is Vice President of Data Science at the Operations division of Elsevier, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Prior to joining Elsevier in 2016, he worked in academia for more than 10 years, doing research and teaching in the fields of machine learning, natural language processing and bioinformatics in universities in Greece, Norway and Germany. He has published more than 60 scientific articles in high-impact peer review journals and conference proceedings in various areas of Artificial Intelligence, primarily natural language processing and text mining. In Elsevier, Dr. George Tsatsaronis is responsible for the design, implementation, deployment and quality assurance for several of Elsevier’s machine learning solutions and capabilities.

Daniel Stuckey

Senior Publishing Ethics Expert, Elsevier

Dan Stuckey is a Senior Publishing Ethics Expert within Elsevier’s Research Integrity & Publishing Ethics Centre of Expertise. Prior to joining this team in April, 2022, Dan was Deputy Editor of The Lancet’s eBioMedicine where he worked for 7 years. Dan was responsible for handling the publication of high-quality, timely and reproducible translational research. Dan was also the journal’s point of contact when research integrity cases were encountered. Before embarking on a career in publishing, Dan was a postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital and at Imperial College London. He holds a PhD in Molecular Embryology from Imperial College London.

Elsevier Responsible AI Principles

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Elsevier's Publishing Ethics page

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Generative AI in medical writing: co-author or tool?

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ChatGPT is now 1 year old. This large language model (LLM), which was created by OpenAI and made freely available to the public on 30 November 2022, made such broad and disrupting impact before its first birthday that many believe the dawn of generative AI constitutes a technological era of similar import to electrical power. 1 In late 2023, while GPT-4 (the latest model of ChatGPT) still leads the user-friendly LLM landscape, it faces growing competition from the likes of Meta’s Llama, Microsoft’s Bing AI, Quora’s Poe, Anthropic’s Claude-2, and Google’s Bard.

The generative power of these AI tools is rapidly disrupting almost every industry, including clinical medicine, healthcare and health systems, and medical writing. 2 Indeed, authors who hopefully submit their manuscripts to the The Lancet and its sub-journals are now required to make a declaration regarding their use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in their work, attesting to their responsibility for the article contents. The Lancet declares that generative AI is not an author, and dictates that ‘these technologies should only be used to improve readability and language’ . 3 But are these statements — the first a factual claim, the second a normative assertion — entirely true? Let’s deal with each in turn.

First, is generative AI an author? To answer this, we must first ascertain what constitutes an author in the context of medical writing. For authors to succeed in this domain they must competently demonstrate a variety of capabilities including idea generation, literature searches, evidence reviews, statistical analysis, information synthesis, findings summarisation, conclusion formulation, manuscript writing, and abstract generation. These aptitudes are in addition to the basic requirement to produce written work using academic language that is concise, readable, and with flawless spelling and grammar. In December 2023, it is obvious that the leading LLMs harbour all of these capabilities to degrees approaching or sometimes exceeding those of human authors (and are clearly super-human in terms of speed), 2 , 4 – 7 such that leading medical journals have taken public positions on the use of LLMs in the works that they publish. 3 , 8 – 11 It seems clear, therefore, that generative AI could be considered an author with regards of its proficiencies in medical writing (although it does not — at least for now — have the capacity to autonomously decide to act as such an author, but must be prompted to do so by the human who controls it).

Second, should generative AI only be used to improve language and readability in medical writing, or should the capabilities of LLMs be harnessed to conceive of, formulate, and improve such works? Before responding to this, it must first be acknowledged that these technologies simply will be used for this purpose, regardless of whether they ought to be. A complete absence of their influence in medical writing would require not a single instance of their use in the 1.3 million articles (most of which have multiple human collaborators) added to the MEDLINE database alone each year. 12 Given the rapid and widespread uptake of LLMs within the last 12 months, such perfect abstinence is deeply improbable. On the backdrop of this reality, should generative AI be used for this purpose? In response to this, a straight-forward yet powerful consequentialist argument can be mounted, which supports their use if they bring about the best outcome (which is, in our domain, the improved health of our patients through the influence of high-quality medical writing). This argument supports the immediate deployment of generative AI in medical writing, since its utility in augmenting the output of human authors has already been established.

As such, it seems that generative AI can be perceived as an author, and a strong ethical case can be made for the full utilisation of its capabilities to bring about better patient outcomes. The following question is therefore raised: should LLMs be recognised as independent co-authors in medical writings in the same manner that all other (human) collaborators are, or not?

I think not for three main reasons. First, the human author’s prowess with wielding generative AI will soon be considered a necessary component of the author’s skillset in a manner akin to their proficiency with word processors and internet browsers. Since no author recognises Microsoft Word and Google Chrome — which are widely-used tools in the production of medical writings — as collaborators to their work, LLMs should similarly not be recognised as co-authors but merely regarded as tools that authors master and deploy in the production of their writings.

Second, the landscape of LLMs is rapidly expanding (indeed, custom versions of ChatGPT can already be created by individual users). 13 This means that recognition of individual LLMs as co-authors would soon become a meaningless exercise since they might not be available to or understandable by those that do not use them (in addition to LLMs themselves being both uncontactable by readers of the works and unaware of any authorship recognition bestowed unto them).

Finally, assigning authorship to generative AI might serve to transfer accountability for the work at least partially away from the human co-author. Without the LLM harbouring legally recognised personhood, 14 this raises the question of to whom the accountability is transferred (the owner of the LLM, the engineer that wrote it, or some other entity entirely)? These ambiguities, combined with the fact that the human author autonomously chooses to utilise the generative AI in their work, means that authorship should exclusively be assigned to humans.

Featured image/author statement: Generative AI (DALL·E 3) was used to produce the article’s image, but no other use of generative AI was deployed in the production of this article.

Accordingly, while generative AI already harbours impressive capabilities that often meet and even exceed those of human authors, and while a strong case can be made for its power to be deployed in medical writing, these technologies should not be recognised as the independent co-authors of human collaborators. Instead, they should be regarded as indispensable tools that augment human authors, enhance their capabilities, and constitute a newly required proficiency in the skillset of real authors.

This article was first posted on BJGP Life on 8 January 2024;

  • © British Journal of General Practice 2024
  • Gordijn B ,
  • 3. ↵ ( 2023 ) The Lancet . Information for authors , (accessed 7 Feb 2024).
  • Athaluri SA ,
  • Purkayastha S ,
  • 8. ↵ ( 2023 ) Tools such as ChatGPT threaten transparent science; here are our ground rules for their use . Nature 613 , 7945 , 612 , doi: 10.1038/d41586-023-00191-1 . OpenUrl CrossRef PubMed
  • Hosseini M ,
  • Rasmussen LM ,
  • Flanagin A ,
  • Bibbins-Domingo K ,
  • Berkwits M ,
  • Christiansen SL
  • Holden Thorp H
  • National Library of Medicine

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AI script generation

You know who doesn't get writer's block? Our AI script writing software. Go from idea to video script in seconds with just a few inputs.

Scripts in seconds

Don't have hours or days to workshop a script? Let AI do the hard part.

No extra software

Our tools are integrated right into our web-based platform and iOS app.

Friendly robots

Vimeo's AI script generator is secure and confidential.

Content for any platform

Create scripts for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

How to look like a script-writing genius

 A person's two hands positioned across a laptop keyboard, typing in a video transcript prompt

Tell the script generator what you need

A brief description with a few keywords is all you need. Use bullet points, full sentences, or your jumble of notes—whatever you've got.

Choose timing and tone

Customize your prompt based on the length and vibe you’d like for your video. Filming for TikTok? One minute and funny should do it. Sharing a company update? Try five minutes and inspiring. And, of course, you can always tweak the results.

A woman in pink sunglasses getting ready to start recording a video as she reads from a video transcript

Record in one take

Open your script in Vimeo's teleprompter, built to help you record with confidence. Plus, editing out mistakes is as easy as deleting text, so you can capture your content in a single take.

Everything you need to make, manage, and share brilliant videos

Quickly create, edit, and share content regardless of your budget or expertise.

Stream and host for hundreds of thousands of viewers at 4k, 8k HDR, and with Dolby Vision.

Customize your video player, manage security permissions, and find content quickly.

Automatically create chapters, apply your brand kit, and optimize for SEO.

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The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

Please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page  if you have any questions or comments.

All the best,

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The World's fastest editing tool became 10x more faster after our latest update. Try it today - Sign up Now.

Ai book writer.

AI Book Writer comprises innovative tools designed to revolutionize the writing process and help authors, writers, and bloggers create compelling content.

AI Assistant

Our AI Assistant is more than just a tool – it becomes your writing companion, supporting and empowering you throughout your creative journey. Its innovative technology combines the best of artificial intelligence with natural language processing to offer personalized suggestions tailored to your unique writing style and genre.

So, whether you’re a seasoned writer looking to break through a creative block or a beginner in need of guidance and inspiration, our AI Assistant is your answer. Say hello to a whole new level of creative freedom and watch as your writing capabilities soar to unprecedented heights. Empower yourself with our AI Assistant and unleash your storytelling potential like never before.

How To Use AI Assistant ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - AI Assisstant

Introducing our innovative AI Assistant designed to empower writers and fuel their creativity by eliminating the daunting writer’s block. With our AI Assistant, writers can seamlessly continue their stories and explore new ideas, characters, locations, and perspectives, thereby experiencing an unprecedented surge in their writing process.

Chapter Generation

The AI-powered Chapter Generator leverages advanced machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of storytelling and writing data, allowing it to generate highly engaging and unique chapter structures. Users have the flexibility to adjust the level of detail and complexity in their chapters, tailoring them to suit their style and genre. Whether it’s a thrilling action scene, a heartfelt conversation between characters, or a detailed description of a stunning setting, the Chapter Generator can provide the framework needed to build a compelling narrative.

How To Generate Chapter ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Generate Chapter

Our AI-powered Chapter Generator introduces an exciting and powerful tool that enables users to seamlessly create captivating chapters for their stories, novels, or any narrative content. With a wide range of customizable options, such as scene beats, characters, locations, things, genre, and point of view (POV), users can effortlessly shape their writing and bring their vision to life.

Expand Story

Expand Story is the perfect tool for writers who are struggling with writer’s block and need help coming up with creative ideas and crafting a great story. Through the content expansion feature, the AI-powered tool generates unique content, ready to use and expand upon. This tool is a great way for writers to get inspired and improve their creativity, allowing them to create amazing stories with ease!

How To Expand Story Using Selection Tools ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Expand Story

How To Expand Story Using AI Tools ? | AI Editor Tools - Expand Story

AI Rewrite assists users in understanding the content and adds more clarity to their stories. In addition, AI Rewrite can identify and suggest subtle changes in the structure of the story and help users to rewrite their stories with minimal effort.

Furthermore, AI Rewrite incorporates an automated detection system for grammar and spelling errors and offers many useful tips and suggestions to help users improve their writing skills. With AI Rewrite, users can create unique stories that will stand out from the competition.

How To Rewrite using Selection Tools ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - AI Rewrite

How To Rewrite in Ai Tools ? | AI Editor Tools - AI Rewrite

Are you struggling to re-write your story content? Our AI Rewrite Tool is here to help! Access it within your book and get your story content fine-tuned with AI, keeping the dialogues and meaning intact. Try it now!

Summary Generator

AI-powered summary generator tools are extremely helpful for writers, providing them with the ability to quickly create concise summaries of their content. These tools help to highlight the most important points of the content, ensuring that the generated summary is precise and provides an accurate overview. A summary generator can save writers time and energy, reducing the need to manually review and summarize long pieces of content.

How To Generate Summary using Selection Tools ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Summary Generator

How To Generate Summary using AI Tools ? | AI Editor Tools - Summary Generator

Complete Story

How to complete story using selection tools . | AI Book Writer and Editor - Complete Story

How To Complete Story using AI Tools ? | AI Editor Tools - Complete Story

AI Perspective

The AI Perspective feature is a revolutionary tool for writers, allowing them to convert their content into First, Second, or Third Person perspectives with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This feature eliminates the need for manual tone and grammar correction, giving writers the opportunity to experiment with different perspectives without the tedious labor of changing the content manually. The possibilities are endless for writers when they have the opportunity to make quick changes to their content and see what works best. Not only does this feature drastically reduce the time needed to make edits, it also allows writers to explore different perspectives for the same content.

How To Generate Perspective using Selection Tools ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Perspective

How To Generate Perspective using AI Tools ? | AI Editor Tools - Perspective

How To Generate Second Person Perspective using Selection Tools ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Second Person Perspective

How To Generate Second Person Perspective using AI Tools ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Second Person Perspective

How To Generate Third Person Perspective using Selection Tools ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Third Person Perspective

How To Generate Third Person Perspective using AI Tools ? | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Third Person Perspective

Write Anything

Write Anything with AI provides a unique platform for writers to experiment with their creative writing. By using customised prompts, writers can create completely new content or continue a story they have already started. Writers can also change the genre, story flow and scenes within the settings. The possibilities are endless – whatever the writer’s imagination can come up with, they can create with this platform! Writers can create any kind of content using their own prompts and story descriptions, and with AI taking care of the rest, it’s easier than ever before.

How To Write Anything Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Write Anything

Eliminate writer’s block with AI Editor Tools! Try our Write Anything tool and be inspired. Use the AI Editor Tools to enter prompts along with your content description and watch as AI generates new ideas to help you experiment with your writing. Get creative and break away from the ordinary today!

Content Improver

How to improver content using selection tools. | AI Book Writer and Editor - Content Improver

How To Improver Content using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Content Improver


The paraphrasing feature will provide you with a convenient way to enhance your storytelling by giving you the ability to express your ideas in various tones and styles.

With just a few simple steps, you can easily access the paraphrasing feature within your storybook. First, you need to select the specific content that you want to rephrase. Whether it’s a dialogue, a narrative sequence, or even a descriptive paragraph, you have full control over the portions you wish to modify.

Once you’ve identified the content you want to rephrase, the paraphrasing feature offers you a range of customizable prompts to choose from. These prompts allow you to specify the tone, style, or mood you want the rephrased content to reflect. Whether you want it to be more formal, lighthearted, poetic, or suspenseful, the AI-powered technology behind this feature will accommodate your preferences.

How To Paraphrase using Selection Tools | AI Book Writer and Editor - Paraphrase

Improve Structure

The Improve Structure feature is a powerful tool that allows users to enhance the organization and indentation of their content within their storybook. With just a few simple steps, users can elevate their writing style and optimize the flow of their story.

To access this feature, users can conveniently navigate to their storybook and select the specific content they wish to improve. Whether it’s a paragraph, chapter, or even the entire manuscript, users have the flexibility to choose the content that requires structure refinement.

Once the desired content is selected, users can leverage custom prompts to guide the AI in understanding their preferences for the improved structure. These prompts can be tailored to align with the user’s specific writing style and desired outcomes. By providing clear instructions, users can ensure that the generated content is influenced by their unique creative vision.

How To Improve Structure using Selection Tools | AI Book Writer and Editor - Improve Structure

AI Edit feature allows for customization through the use of prompts. Users can provide specific instructions or areas of focus for the AI to prioritize during the editing process. This ensures that the generated re-edit report aligns with the user’s specific needs and preferences, resulting in a more tailored and satisfactory editing experience.

How To Re-edit using Selection Tools | AI Book Writer and Editor - AI Edit

AI Book Writer is an innovative tool designed to revolutionize the writing process and help authors create complete books from a simple book title, description, chapter description, plot of the book chapter, and tone of voice. AI Book Writer provides authors with a unique and powerful platform to take their writing to the next level, allowing them to create manuscripts that are compelling, engaging, and tailored to their individual style.

AI Book Writer allows authors to customize the output of their manuscripts with features that refine their ammunition. AI Book Writer helps authors improve their own writing and offloads part of the creative process to the software’s AI-based processing capability. With it, authors can choose their preferred tone of voice, refine the plot of their story, determine the perfect pacing, and use customised themes for each chapter to ensure that their story is consistent and engaging.

Overall, AI Book Writer is an innovative platform designed to streamline the creative writing process and benefit authors of all levels. With access to the powerful features of the software, they can create a professional and cohesive manuscript with ease.

How To Write A Book using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - AI Book Writer

AI Book Writer is the new AI-powered tool that makes writing stories easier and more efficient, eliminating the need to worry about organizing your ideas or compromising on your creativity. It is designed to help authors take their ideas and create the story behind them, from start to finish.

Paragraph Writer

If you are looking for assistance with your Artificial Intelligence-based projects, you can rely on the AI-based paragraph writer to provide you with the content that would be both interesting and helpful. The helpful tool offers the flexibility to create content according to your preferred tone. It can be tweaked to offer either a professional and concise style or a conversational and casual one. Not only does the AI-based paragraph writer make it easier to produce enterprising content, but it also reduces the time and labor required, thereby making it possible to write information-rich pieces in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

How To Write A Paragraph using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Paragraph Writer

The AI-based paragraph writer is an innovative tool for businesses to generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently. It is capable of responding to dynamic topics to create insightful, engaging content in any chosen style, and is also optimized for search engine rankings.

Content Creator

AI content creators are much faster and more efficient than human content creators, meaning businesses can easily generate a variety of content such as blog posts, website copy, e-mail newsletters, social media content and more. AI-driven content is also less susceptible to errors and can be tailored more effectively to appeal to customers’ interests and preferences. Moreover, AI-driven copy is free of bias and can be adapted to accurately reflect brand messaging across different platforms.

For businesses looking to maximize their content creation efforts, an AI content creator is a great option. By leveraging the technology, businesses can produce efficient content in a fraction of the time, enabling them to focus on other important tasks. Ultimately, the introduction of this technology allows companies to create more engaging, high-quality content on a budget.

How To Create A Content using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Content Creator

An AI content creator is an intelligent piece of technology which can quickly and easily generate content based on an input description or set of keywords. This is a great solution for businesses of all sizes, as it can save both time and money while enhancing the quality and speed of content creation.

Sentence Expander

Hailed as revolutionary in AI technology, our sentence expander utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate fully expanded phrases and sentences based on your input. Extension of sentences is achieved by generating alternative expressions, facilitating a flow of words without losing the writer’s original tone. This ensures that the final output reflects their intent in the most accurate manner.

If you are in the hunt for exact and effective expressions, our sentence expander can help create a precise and expansive description. It works automatically and intuitively delivers re-phrased details to suitably extend your sentences and make them read as if they were created by an enthusiastic expert. In addition, its cutting-edge conversational platform helps modify any duplicate phrases, so your text never looks clunky or repetitive.

How To Expand A Sentence using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Sentence Expander

This AI based sentence expander is a great tool for anyone wanting to give their writing a stronger impact. It works by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to process the input sentence and threshold the suitable words and phrases to expand it. The expander can even adjust its functionality to mimic the tone and voice of different bloggers.

Perfect Headline

Say goodbye to spending countless hours struggling to come up with the perfect headline. Today, with the help of artificial intelligence, the process of finding the best headline for your content can be much more efficient and effective. AI is capable of analyzing the content you provide and making an assessment as to the headline that will capture the reader’s attention. Additionally, AI is a great resource to help create multiple options for headlines. It can offer you different versions that can suit your content so you have a wider selection to choose from.

This can save you from the trouble and stress associated with having to manually develop the perfect title for your content. With AI providing the needed assistance, you can select the headline that will help make your content stand out and be more captivating to the reader. Rather than wasting time and effort, you can concentrate on the other tasks and use AI to do the heavy lifting in finding great headlines.

How To Generate A Perfect Headline using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Perfect Headline

AI can be a powerful tool when it comes to generating headlines that are both attention-grabbing and informative. With an AI-powered report, you can save time and effort by having the AI automatically determine the best headline for your content. All you need to do is input a description or summary of your content and the AI does the rest. 

Generate Book & Title

This AI story generation tool is the perfect way to get started on your latest project. With just a few clicks, it can help you produce inspiring titles and the opening chapters of your story – no fuss! If you’re struggling to come up with a decent starting point for your tale, then this handy tool might be the answer. After selecting a genre, this AI will create the title and some chapters for your story which you can then use as a basis on which to build the rest of the story. The reason for this is that it saves time – no more hours spent staring at a wall trying to come up with the perfect hook or the perfect opening scene.

Whether you’re writing a novel, a TV series or even a movie, this AI storytelling helper is sure to be a time-saver. While it may not teach you how to write an exceptional story, it will create a good starting point to give you ideas. From there it’s up to you to use your creative flair to enhance the narrative, develop characters and plot points and fill in the blanks. Perhaps the best thing about this AI story generation tool is the amount of genres you can choose from. Enjoy writing a romantic comedy? It’s all there ready for you, along with fantasy, science fiction, horror and many more.

How To Generate Book & Title using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Generate Book & Title

Introducing a revolutionary way to write your next novel: an AI report that processes book descriptions and generates book titles and content. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, need a jumpstart on your story, or simply need to get a draft together, this AI report is here to help.

Text Markdown

If you’re passionate about writing and have found yourself utilizing Markdown formatting on a regular basis, you’re not alone! Many bloggers and web writers rely upon this style of writing to create concise, organized text snippets. Yet, Markdown can become an impediment to blogging when the blogging platform you’re using doesn’t support it. This can often lead to frustration as manually changing the formatting often proves time consuming.

Fortunately, Text Markdown has designed an innovative approach to remedying this problem. Their service allows you to generate Markdown for almost any topic, allowing you to create your blog post and then import it directly into your blogging platform. This will save you time, provide you with structure, and improve reading flow. This service helps to ensure that your blog post lives up to its fullest potential, without you having to manually change the formatting from HTML to Markdown.

How To Text Markdown using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Text Markdown

Our Text Markdown is an AI that enables you to get markdown content for your topics quickly and efficiently. With our Text Markdown, you can quickly create blog post markdown that is ready for publishing, eliminating the need for manual markdown conversion.

Creative Story

Are you a creative wordsmith looking for an imaginative tool to produce exciting stories with a passionate style? Then, you have come to the perfect place! Our Creative Story Generator can craft unique tales around any subject that you desire and even offer a curated list of suggested words to expedite the creative process for you. Just pick a topic, and the words will begin to unfold, forming a powerful and bewitching tale that will draw readers in.

It’s time to let your inner storyteller shine. Unleash your imagination with our Creative Story Generator and embark on a creative writing journey! This comprehensive platform offers endless possibilities to craft narrative stories that will evoke emotion and boggle the mind. Unleash your passion and see the wonders that you can create! You won’t regret allowing us to be a part of such an emotional writing experience. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and start generating your story today!

How To Generate A Creative Story using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Story Writer

Our Creative Story Generator is a unique tool that helps you generate stories from scratch. Easily create stories on any topic of your choice, whether it’s a historical fiction, science fiction, or fantasy world. The Generator automatically searches for related keywords to help get you started, so you don’t have to spend time searching for them yourself.

Blog Topic Ideas

Blogging is an effective platform to communicate ideas and create conversations. With so many different topics available, it’s important to find one that you will be able to write about confidently and passionately – one that will keep your readers interested and engaged. Whether you’re writing about how-tos, interviews, industry trends, best practices, or new technologies, there are endless blog topic ideas for you to explore.

When coming up with blog topic ideas, it’s important to consider what kind of content your audience is looking for and draw inspiration from the topics they are already interested in. Researching a topic in-depth and exploring its different aspects will make your content much more valuable to your readers. Analyzing the success of other content related to your topic can also be beneficial in creating the most engaging post. After all, understanding what worked in the past will give you an idea of what type of content to create in the future.

How To Generate Blog Topic Ideas using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Blog Ideas

With the help of AI, generating blog topic ideas has never been easier! Our AI report uses an advanced algorithm to process an input blog description and generate relevant and engaging blog topic ideas. All you have to do is to provide the general topic you’d like to write about, and our AI report will create blog topic ideas tailored to your desired subject matter.

Blog Outline

Creating an effective outline is an essential part of writing any blog post. Brainstorming a list of ideas for the post is the first step. Think about what topics you want to cover and the type of content best suited for them. Breaking these topics down into smaller sections will help you create an outline with a clear structure. When each main point is broken down, come up with sub-topics that will elaborate on it. Add some details to each sub-topic so that the post has a clear direction.

This technique will help to guarantee that your blog post is organized and easy to follow. As you arrange your outline, you can adjust and rearrange it as needed until you are satisfied with the structure and flow. Careful organization will help you develop ideas that pertain to your topic, ensuring that the information is relevant and engaging to the reader. With an effective outline, you can quickly and efficiently write a blog post that is both comprehensive and concise.

How To Generate Blog Outline using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Blog Outline

Thanks to AI, now you can generate a blog outline quickly and easily without the hassle of brainstorming ideas. By leveraging artificial intelligence technology, AI Report is designed to process your input blog topic and create an effective outline for you, automatically.

Blog Introduction Paragraph

An introduction that instantly grabs the readers’ attention might leave an everlasting impression and encourage them to explore further. However, this is much easier said than done. Just like the build-up process in a story, the introduction prematurely establishes the context of your content and provides a path for your readers to follow. For an introduction to be successful, it needs to include a few of the following aspects:

Firstly, it should present an issue while piquing the interest of the readers. Secondly, it should be brief but precise enough to introduce the topic. Thirdly, it should set the tone and expectations for the rest of the content. Lastly, it should include the necessary elements needed to keep the readers engaged.

Above all else, it should be creative. A catchy opening sentence is sure to keep the readers’ attention, but if it is not followed up properly with appropriate content, the readers may soon lose interest. By properly constructing an effective introduction, you can be sure that your readers will not be left disappointed. Hopefully, these tips will help some of the struggling bloggers out there to craft the perfect introduction for their next blog post.

How To Generate Blog Introduction Paragraph using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Blog Introduction Paragraph

AI-based blog post writers are incredibly useful tools for those looking to save time and effort when creating content. These automated services can quickly generate content that is high-quality and easy to read. By inputting some simple details such as the topic, description, and tone, you can produce a blog post that meets your specifications in minutes.

Blog Calculative Paragraph

When it comes to writing an effective post, it is important to begin with a captivating introduction. This introductory paragraph should provide an overview of the main ideas or topic that will be discussed in the post. It should give readers an understanding of the post’s purpose and explain what they can expect. After this overview, the body of the post should be used to provide further information. It’s important to back up each point with evidence, so try to include quotes, research, or any other credible information that can support your arguments. Summing up the post with a concluding paragraph is also key; it should bring the message to a close and reiterate the points made throughout the post.

In conclusion, every post should have a purpose that is outlined in the introduction. The body of the text should then provide readers with further information, backed up by evidence, and the conclusion should wrap up the post by re-stating the main points. By following this structure, you can create a powerful and informative post that engages readers.

How To Generate Blog Calculative Paragraph using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Blog Calculative Paragraph

AI-Driven Calculative Paragraphs is an AI-based tool that can quickly and efficiently process blog topics to generate blog-ready, in-depth calculative paragraphs. This tool incorporates machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to identify essential elements from the blog topic to produce an insightful and complete-sized paragraph.

Blog Post Writer

These tools generate content with unique insights and analysis that come from various sources such as existing literature and structured data. AI-generated blog posts don’t require a lot of effort or setup time on the part of a user and the content produced is generally error-free and extremely accurate. This is because AI-based content writers employ natural language processing and other analytical techniques to rapidly put together content that meets certain objectives. This allows businesses to easily create engaging, accurate, and effective pieces of content without the need for professional writers or copy-writers.

In addition to faster and more efficient production of blog posts, AI-based content writers can also help to reduce writer fatigue. AI can take on some of the realistic, labour-intensive work associated with creating content, taking the stress and frustration out of the content creation process. This way, a business can focus on the more exciting aspects of creating content, such as creating interesting content ideas, as well as effective marketing for the final product.

How To Create a Blog Post using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Blog Post Writer

Generate A Movie Script

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the making of a movie, has revolutionized the way movie production teams go about creating a screenplay. Our AI-powered tool makes sure the screenplay is of optimal quality, and also meets the expectations of the movie production team. This advanced tool helps the writers to create a scintillating script, which inevitably serves as the vehicle for a successful movie.

What makes this tool even more exceptional is that it is powered by AI, which not only functions with precision but also adds to its overall efficiency. As a result, production teams benefit from an incredible reduction in the amount of time and resources which would otherwise be needed to create the screenplay. This remarkable marvel of technology has revolutionized movie-making, with its seamless increase in accuracy and reduced lead time.

How To Generate A Movie Script using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Generate Movie Script

The innovative AI technology works with the input of movie descriptions to generate compelling scripts that capture the director’s vision. The tool can be programmed to take into consideration personal preferences of the production team, such as genre, character style, and plot, to ensure that the screenplay perfectly meets expectations.

Email Content

Are you in search of a reliable and efficient AI-based email composer whose output can easily match the standard of a professionally penned email? Look no further than the adept Email Composer app. This groundbreaking application takes care of all the laborious task related to framing a well-crafted email, and at the same time provides a great variety of choices to customize the the visual and sonic appeal of your message.

Built with the most advanced technologies like AI and natural language processing, the Email Composer app eliminates the hassle of writing an email, especially for novices. All you need do is provide the sender name, receiver address and the subject line. With this information, the app automatically builds a complete message corresponding to the purpose of the mail. Moreover, you can also personalize the look and sound of the emails by selecting from the numerous options available for formatting, themes, and sound.

How To Generate An Email Content Using AI Tools | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Email Composer

The AI-based email composer process is quick and simple. All users have to do is provide a brief subject description and tone, and the app will automatically generate a well-crafted email tailored to the user’s specifications. With the help of natural language processing technology, the algorithm is constantly learning to better understand user-inputted data and produce better emails that are consistent with the user’s goals.

Multiple Choice Questions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology can be used to help everyone from educational institutes to quizmasters generate interesting, insightful, and challenging multiple choice questions. AI can offer immense benefits when creating multiple choice questions as it can take into consideration the difficulty level, answer complexity, and other relevant factors. These features give AI a level of sophistication and customization not often seen in other so-called question generators, making it a valuable asset in the educational arena.

Through its ability to incorporate factual information, AI can deliver multiple choice questions that are both engaging and educational for students. This enables educators and authors to create content that is tailored for their specific audience or students. AI technology can help to quickly and accurately generate multiple choice questions that help students to achieve learning objectives without needing to redevelop questions from scratch.

How To Generate Multiple Choice Questions using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Multiple Choice Questions

This feature provide a convenient and accurate way for educators to create engaging and interesting questions tailored to their students’ needs. AI technology evaluates the complexity and difficulty level of answers, as well as other factors such as incorporating factual information and visual stimuli, to create MCQs that are simplified and relevant to the chosen topics. 

Marketing Angles

Some of the marketing angles involve analyzing potential customer behavior, understanding their individual needs, and effectively positioning the product or service in the market. Businesses should also be aware of the latest trends and directions that the market is taking, both local and global. This can provide valuable insight into the way that a product or service can be best marketed.

Engaging in market research can also provide valuable angles to consider when devising a marketing plan. Through surveys and customers reviews, businesses can gain a real understanding into the wants and needs of their target audience. This can provide invaluable perspective on how to best capture the attention of that specific demographic.

The key to using multiple marketing angles is to approach marketing with a creative mindset. By taking the time to explore different approaches to marketing, businesses might be able to find an alternative method that works better at attracting customers.

How To Generate Marketing Angles Using AI Tools | World's Fastest AI Writer & Editor - Marketing Angles

AI is a powerful tool to process detailed data about customers and the marketplace, enabling marketers to create targeted campaigns. With AI, marketers can develop and tweak customized marketing angles that best align with their target market’s needs, interests, and values. AI can also mine large volumes of data, making it easier to analyze what type of marketing angles will be the most successful.

Google Ads Headline

Google Ads is a comprehensive advertising solution offered by the search engine giant Google. Using powerful tools and advanced features, it enables businesses to maximize their digital marketing strategies by reaching a vast audience in no time. Writing effective headlines is probably the most challenging part of running a successful advertising campaign. Therefore, to help businesses overcome this hurdle, Google Ads offers a specialized tool to create an effective headline for their campaigns.

This feature can be accessed from the Google Ads platform and is quite user-friendly. It enables users to conveniently craft headlines for their advertisements, by providing relevant and specific words and phrases that they can incorporate into their Google Ads campaign copy. The feature is powered by Google’s powerful algorithms to provide users with the best results for their ads. Moreover, users are also given access to additional features and insights to help them maximize their ad campaigns and generate the best results.

How To Generate Google Ads Headline using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Ads Headline

Introducing AI-powered Google Ads Headline Generator, an innovative new tool that helps businesses create powerful ad headlines with ease. AI-powered Google Ads Headline Generator leverages natural language processing to process the input topic and content description, and then generate effective Google Ads Headlines to capture the attention of potential customers.

Google Ads Description

Are you tired of manually searching for the best description for your Google Ads? Our Google Ad Descriptions Generator is the perfect solution. This sophisticated, easy-to-use tool produces creative and informative descriptions in minutes. It doesn’t require any coding skills or marketing knowledge; just enter the information about your product or service and our tool does the rest!

Our Google Ads Description Generator eliminates the tiresome and time consuming process of manually crafting quality descriptions. As soon as you provide the required information, our tool does the rest of the work automatically. It assesses your product or service features and requirements, then creates an informative and eye-catching description. The generator can even optimise your description for the top search engines, giving your campaign a competitive edge.

How To Generate Google Ads Description Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Ads Description

Our Google Ads Description Generator utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce eye-catching and effective descriptions for your ads. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced ad creator, this tool can help you craft dynamic and engaging content. You need to enter the topics you’d like to include in your advertisement and our AI-powered system will generate a unique description instantly.

Google My Business:

About business, how to generate content for google business using ai tools. | AI Editor Tools - Business Product Introduction

With this automated system, you can generate content with the press of a button, saving you time and energy. This is especially beneficial for small businesses who don’t have the resources to create content regularly. You’ll also be able to customize the content to reflect your brand, adding visuals, making them long or short, and more. This allows you to make sure the content is perfectly tailored to your audience.

Google My Business: About Events?

Hosting or organising an event for market enablement can be quite a challenge, especially if someone lacks the time or resources to put together a great event. But don’t worry, a content generator can save you! Content generators can help you craft content relevant to your business that is helpful and interesting to your audience.

When planning an event, spend some time researching your target audience and finding content that resonates with individuals in the industry. It is also essential to make sure that the content is easy to understand.

If you are having difficulties thinking of the type of event that resonates with your audience, a content generator can come in handy. It can provide you with the know-how of what the industry trends and interests are. You can also use a content generator to generate content for the event itself.

How To Generate Business Events Description Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Business Event Description

Introducing the AI Report – a content generator for business events. This report uses AI to process inputted business details to generate tailor-made content for any event. Whether it’s a local shop, restaurant, or online retail business, businesses can use the AI Report to create content that is relevant, interesting, and engaging.

About Products?

The “About this product” feature is a great opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and services to customers. It provides a way for businesses to write compelling descriptions that inform and persuade potential customers. This feature helps to create content for Google Business listings and can be used to attract customers.

When writing an “About this product” description, businesses should ensure that they focus on the advantages of the product and services offered. Focusing on the extent of satisfying customer needs and highlighting features of the product or service will help to convince customer to make a purchase. For businesses providing a variety of products or services, telling the story of each product or service is essential to make customers understand the value of the products.

In addition, the “About this product” feature also serves as a linking tool that makes it easier for customers to find more information on the products and services being offered.

How To Generate Business Product Description using AI Tools

Introducing the “About this product” feature from Google Business, a revolutionary new AI-powered way to give your business listing the truly artificial edge. “About this product” uses cutting-edge AI technology to generate complete, keyword-structured content about your product or service. 

Storyteller Mode

Storytelling has always been an important part of human culture. It brings individuals together and gives them the chance to collaborate and share ideas, explore new concepts and create something unique. The Storyteller mode AI tool takes this a step further by making story creation easier and more accessible.

The Storyteller mode AI tool is an intuitive interface that simplifies the process of story creation for users. It provides users with a story outline to build upon, so minimal effort is needed to craft the story. The outline gives the user the flexibility to modify and customize the story so it fits with their personal vision, allowing for greater creative freedom.

By providing the user with a background and a structure, the tool allows for more intricate and detailed stories than might be possible without the help of AI. Furthermore, the tool allows users to explore different possibilities that would not be evident without the help of AI.

How To Generate A Story Using Storyteller Mode Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Storyteller Mode

This AI tool is a revolutionary tool that extends users content into a story and generates unique plots each time. It is designed to create stunning and captivating stories that keep your readers engaged, and allows you to create content that can bring results.

Text Adventure

Artificially Intelligent Text Adventure (AITA) tools are revolutionising the way stories are written. Aimed at authors looking for guidance and inspiration, these tools provide a streamlined user-friendly experience. Developed by experienced storytellers, AITA steps in and generates content which is tailored to the user’s input. With its ability to quickly generate character profiles, story plots and other elements, it helps shape and form the writer’s starting point.

AITA is designed to meet the writer’s specific needs and preferences. Its versatile nature allows for customisation of the user’s experience. Options such as style, tone, number of characters and locations can all be adapted and graphs, seated story prompts as well as writing tips can all be accessed without even leaving the interface. This allows for more creativity from writers, a greater level of personalisation and the ability to constantly adjust and adapt content to ensure the story remains on-track.

How To Generate Text Adventure Story Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Text Adventure

This AI tool is a unique and innovative way of sparking creativity and helping writers in the creative process. It generates random story content to help writers craft their own stories. It has been designed to let users feed in their own ideas, characters, and narrative themes while allowing them to benefit from the generated content.

Prompt Engineering

Text prompts are an excellent way to stimulate the creative side of the brain and get those creative juices flowing. They can be particularly beneficial for writers who have run out of ideas, get overwhelmed by the task of beginning a new piece of work or just need a spark of inspiration to get them going. Even if one is not looking to become a writer, prompts can be a great way to kill time or alleviate stress when the task of finding the perfect activity seems daunting.

When looking specifically at writing prompts, they may include topics such as a person or place, a particular scene or, of course, a blank page to fill. If a blank page is the chosen prompt, let your imagination guide you. Consider it an opportunity to explore a new narrative, build characters, and create an alternate world to inhabit. Prompts provide structure and direction without leaving little room for wandering off track or getting lost. Through prompts, one can test their creativity and explore ideas they would not have considered otherwise.

How To Generate Content By Text Prompt Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Prompt Engineering

Text Prompt is an AI generated software that helps users create customized textual content with ease. It leverages advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to generate content from user-provided prompts and topics.

Explain To A Child

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very powerful tool that has the capability to respond to and develop a conversation that is tailored to multiple different situations. One such application of AI is in terms of child-friendly content rewriting. This tool automatically converts any text content – whether it be an article, essay or book – into language that is appropriate for a child.

When utilizing such an AI based tool, the content is not just converted and adapted into age-appropriate language. Further, the readability and comprehension of the material is also closely assessed in order to tailor the output to be more understandable by the child. Also, as a child matures and engages deeper with the materials, the AI perception of their comprehension is also amended accordingly. Consequently, the AI tool is able to automatically adjust the output to match up with the children’s growing comprehension. This means that the appropriate content is available to the child at all times, allowing them to gradually explore more complex topics.

How To Create Content To Explain To A Child Using AI Tools | AI Editor Tools - Explain To A Child

This AI tool is designed to make reading and comprehension more accessible to children at all levels. The tool will automatically convert different text formats like books, essays or articles into language that is easily understood and interpreted by children.

Voice Change

We’re excited to introduce our new intelligent writing assistant – Voice Change. This innovative feature leverages natural language processing algorithms to seamlessly convert your text between active and passive voices. Simply paste your content into the editor and with one click, Voice Change will analyze your writing and transform it from active to passive voice and vice versa. It identifies independent clauses and subjects and makes the appropriate changes.

Whether you’re writing technical documents, academic papers, business proposals, or need your content in a certain voice, Voice Change can help. It will save you hours of manual editing while ensuring your content maintains its original intent and quality.

How To Change Voice Using Selection Tools ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Voice Change

Introducing our groundbreaking AI feature: Voice Change. Designed to revolutionize the writing process, Voice Change empowers writers to effortlessly switch between active and passive voices, enhancing flexibility and creativity in communication.

Generate Heading

The AI-powered Chapter Generator leverages advanced machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of storytelling and writing data, allowing it to generate highly engaging and unique chapter structures. Users have the flexibility to adjust the level of detail and complexity in their chapters, tailoring them to suit their style and genre.

Our AI feature for Generate Chapter Heading uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze the content of a chapter and generate a relevant and engaging title. The generated chapter headings are not only descriptive and informative but also have a creative and compelling flair that draws the reader in. Whether you are writing a novel, a research paper, or a non-fiction book, our AI feature for Generate Chapter Heading can help you craft chapter titles that are both captivating and informative, enhancing the overall reading experience for your audience.

How To Generate Heading ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Generate Heading

Our AI technology uses machine learning and natural language processing to carefully analyze the themes, ideas, and key points within a chapter. This feature is designed to save time and effort for writers by providing a thoughtful and compelling heading that accurately represents the content of the chapter.

Outline Generation

The AI feature is designed to identify key points and subtopics within the content, and then arrange them in a hierarchical structure that makes it easy to understand the flow of ideas. It can also recognize and prioritize important concepts, helping users to focus on the most relevant information. Furthermore, the Generate Outline feature is highly customizable, allowing users to adjust the level of detail and organization according to their specific needs.

They can also easily edit and modify the generated outline to fit their own style and requirements. Overall, this AI-powered tool is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs to create a well-organized and professional outline, whether for academic, professional, or personal purposes. With its ability to quickly and accurately synthesize complex information, the Generate Outline feature is a game-changer for efficient and effective content organization.

How To Generate Outline ? | AI Book Writer and Editor - Generate Outline

The Generate Outline feature uses advanced AI algorithms to automatically generate a comprehensive and well-structured outline for any given topic or document. This powerful tool is capable of analyzing large amounts of information and organizing it into a clear and logical format, saving users valuable time and effort.

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AI writing tools promise faster manuscripts for researchers

Automation brings plagiarism risks, and software still needs human input for analysis and narrative.

manuscript writing ai

Credit: gmast3r/Getty Images

17 August 2021

manuscript writing ai

gmast3r/Getty Images

Writing tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to reduce manuscript preparation time to a few days, or hours. Deep-learning technologies that run chatbots, spellchecks and auto-generated tweets are being used in a growing number of products pitched at students and academics.

Grammarly, for example, claims to “inspect your writing carefully to improve clarity, word choice and more”, offering free and fee-based services.

But are these tools up to the task? In an experiment through education information site EduRef, a group of recent graduates, undergraduates and self-described undergraduate-level writers were given the same assignments as GPT-3, an AI language program developed by OpenAI, a research company co-founded by Elon Musk.

The assignments were evaluated by instructors who did not know who (or what) had written them. GPT-3 performed in line with the humans, according to EduRef, and received “more or less the same feedback”.

The program was praised for writing excellent openings and transitions, but was criticised for using vague, blunt and awkward language, and for failing to craft a strong narrative. It wrote shallow, less descriptive papers than the students, according to EduRef’s write-up on its website, but it took between three and 20 minutes to write a paper, compared to three days for the students.

Hilde van Zeeland is chief applied linguist at start-up company Writefull, which offers AI-based language editing, and is part of London-based Digital Science (see disclosure, below). She says AI tools are already powerful enough to improve a writer’s sentence flow and structure, and will continue to improve.

The company recently analysed more than 250,000 abstracts to identify the most commonly used phrases in each of four different parts of the abstract.

They found, for example, that the words ‘aim of this study’ occurred most frequently in part 1 of the abstract (where study aim and background are described) and the phrase ‘95% confidence interval’ occurred most often in part 4 (which deals with meaning of results, contribution, future research). Users can choose phrases and connecting sentences to use in their own papers.


“With this database of phrases, when a user struggles with the right word to use for each section, our software will be able to provide good alternatives,” says van Zeeland.

The website tells users not to worry about plagiarism, reassuring them that certain phrases won’t be flagged by a plagiarism checker because they are short and commonly used.

Writefull is running a separate experiment that involves feeding an abstract into an AI tool, which generates a paper title based on the input. This function can enhance title readability, draw readership to the abstract and make the article more visible to search engines, according to van Zeeland.

AI tools can do more than check a writer’s grammar and spelling and suggest frequently used phrases, says computer scientist, Guillaume Cabanac, from the University of Toulouse in France.

An analysis of journal-published computer-science papers by Cabanac and his colleagues, posted as a preprint on arXiv in July and yet to be peer-reviewed, found swathes of articles containing tortured phrases and nonsensical text. For example, the phrase ‘colossal information’ was used instead of ‘big data’.

The authors suspect that these papers were the result of using automated translations or software that rewrites existing text to disguise plagiarism, according to a report in Nature .

Their study prompted warnings from research integrity experts that a new type of fabricated paper was entering the scientific literature, which will be hard to spot as AI tools learn to use more sophisticated language.

Considerations for using AI writing tools in academic work

Shu Chian Tay, a science communicator at the National University of Singapore , fears that AI writing tools could exacerbate inequality between labs with different access to resources or openness to trying new technologies.

Shu Chian Tay

Shu Chian Tay

“Consider a hypothetical situation where AI science-writing is possible and two labs have made the same research breakthrough at the same time,” says Tay.

“One lab stuck to human writing, which took weeks, while the other made use of AI writing tools. The latter, who is likely to publish earlier would get most, if not all, of the scientific recognition and lucrative intellectual property rights.”

Will AI replace human writing?

Tay notes that although AI writing tools are quite powerful, they have not yet reached a point where they can write a scientific manuscript from scratch. “We still need researchers to analyse data, present them as figures, and develop a coherent story before feeding all this information to the AI machine,” she says.

Ryan Morrison, professor of English as a second language at George Brown College in Toronto, Canada, says that although the adoption of AI in academic writing is inevitable, it is unlikely to replace human writing in the near future.

Ryan Morrison

Ryan Morrison

“Just as super-computer calculators can process large sets of numbers fast, AI writing tools outperform humans in completing tasks like spell checks and text generation at a much faster rate,” says Morrison. “But the creativity of AI is ultimately limited by the input materials and the discretion of the human curator.”

Software such as Turnitin is also incorporating AI technology to enhance its ability to detect plagiarism. This could potentially be used to identify documents written using AI tools.

Be transparent about using AI writing tools in academic work

Michael Mindzak, assistant professor in the department of educational studies at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, cautions that the academic community has not yet agreed on how to manage potential problems related to AI writing tools, such as plagiarism and authorship credits.

Michael Mindzak

Michael Mindzak

Most institutions are yet to formulate policies on the use of these tools by students and staff. This can be problematic when committee members making decisions on tenure and promotion have different views about the appropriateness of using them, says Mindzak.

“My advice is to be transparent,” says Mindzak. “Declare and add a disclaimer if you have used AI-assisted writing. As more people in the community do this, it may become a norm, just like how the ‘conflict of interest’ section has been added to academic papers in response to a rise in company-funded research and start-ups from academic labs.”

*Digital Science is a subsidiary of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, which owns 53% of Springer Nature, publisher of the Nature Index. Nature Index is editorially independent of its publisher.

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

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Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI Designer. Available inside the Visme template library, this generator tool is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. It gives you a headstart and a good first draft that is ready-to-use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation maker is available in all plans with higher credits/usage available in Premium plans. Note: AI credits are spread amongst all AI features. So if you use other AI features, your credits will be deducted.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

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    info_outlined. Nodes are locations in the document that facilitate reading from beginning to end. You can navigate node by node or select one to jump to.

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    The AI can literally add or remove parts from selected text without the text loosing its value. You can paraphrase your text into 5 diffrent kinds. You can produce homonyms report in seconds just ...

  18. Disclosure of Generative AI usage in Manuscript Preparation

    Why Disclosing the Use of Generative and Other AI Tools Matters. Disclosing AI tools used for manuscript preparation is of paramount importance for several critical reasons: 1. Transparency and Reproducibility: Transparent disclosure of AI tools is crucial for scientific research, enabling replication and verification.

  19. Generative AI: New policies, opportunities, and risks

    The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies has triggered new policies with an aim to provide greater transparency and guidance to researchers. This webinar will take a deep dive into Elsevier's policies for authors on the use of generative AI in scientific writing, reviewers on its use in the journal peer review process, and editors on its use in the ...

  20. AI Academic Writing Tool

    Enhance your academic writing with our free writing assistant, a generative AI-powered academic writing tool. Key features - AI Language suggestions, academic translation, grammar checker, english language check, paraphraser, free essay checker and text reducer tool. Try our online AI academic writing tool that checks language errors and provides instant, in-depth suggestions to help you ...

  21. HyperWrite

    HyperWrite is the world's most advanced AI writing companion, helping you be more creative and to write anything faster.

  22. Generative AI in medical writing: co-author or tool?

    ChatGPT is now 1 year old. This large language model (LLM), which was created by OpenAI and made freely available to the public on 30 November 2022, made such broad and disrupting impact before its first birthday that many believe the dawn of generative AI constitutes a technological era of similar import to electrical power.1 In late 2023, while GPT-4 (the latest model of ChatGPT) still leads ...

  23. Online AI Video Script Generator and Writer

    24/7 customer support. Use the power of AI to make your own video script templates. Create and use a video script in seconds with Vimeo's AI script writing tool.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out ...

  25. AI Book Writer

    AI Book Writer. AI Book Writer is an innovative tool designed to revolutionize the writing process and help authors create complete books from a simple book title, description, chapter description, plot of the book chapter, and tone of voice. AI Book Writer provides authors with a unique and powerful platform to take their writing to the next ...

  26. Free AI Video Generator

    Invideo AI uses powerful AI models to generate scripts from your prompts. It then sifts through 16m+ stock images and videos and selects relevant content for your video. Additionally, it also produces voiceover for the script that was submitted while adding background music and other elements like transitions that it deems fit for your prompt.

  27. AI Voice Generator

    Your AI-generated audio will blend in seamlessly. Clone your voice in a minute. Turn text to speech in seconds. Descript first introduced AI voices back in 2018. Since then we've made them way better and more useful. Now you can make and meet your new voice clone in as little as 60 seconds, and quickly make multiple clones to create a roster ...

  28. AI writing tools promise faster manuscripts for researchers

    Andy Tay. Credit: gmast3r/Getty Images. Writing tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to reduce manuscript preparation time to a few days, or hours. Deep-learning ...

  29. Free Online AI Presentation Maker

    Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there's no need to include it in the prompt.