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Part 5: Message types

5.5 Reports

Reports are designed to record and convey information to the reader and can be used both internally and externally. Reports serve to document new information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. The type of report is often identified by its primary purpose, as in an accident report, a laboratory report, or a sales report. Reports are often analytical or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they report the facts with no analysis at all. Other reports summarize past events, present current data, and forecast future trends. This section will introduce you to the basics of report writing.

Types of reports

Reports come in all sizes but are typically longer than a page and are somewhat shorter than a book. In this chapter, we’re focusing on short reports. The type of report depends on its function, and different industries have reports specific to them. For example, science researchers write lab reports, while incident reports are common in health-and-safety environments.

Reports vary by function, style, and tradition. Within your organization, you may need to address specific expectations. This section discusses reports in general terms, focusing on common elements and points of distinction. Reference to similar documents at your workplace may serve you well as you prepare your own report. As shown in Table 4.5.1, there are many types of reports.

Table 4.5.1 Types of reports

Monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, or related business process.

Make recommendations to management and provide tools to solve problems or make decisions.

Present summaries of the information available on a given subject.

Progress report

A progress report is used to give management an update on the status of a project. It is generated at timed intervals (for example, once a month) or on completion of key stages. It records accomplishments to date and identifies any challenges or concerns. It is usually written by the project lead and is one to two pages long.

When you write a progress report, begin by stating why you are writing the report:

  • Identify what you’ve accomplished
  • List any problems you have encountered
  • Outline what work still remains
  • Conclude by providing an overview of the project’s status and what should be done next.

Recommendation report

A recommendation report is used to help management make decisions. The goal of this report is to identify a solution to a problem or suggest a course of action. In it, the writer might suggest that a procedure be adopted or rejected, assess an unsatisfactory situation, or persuade decision makers to make a change that will benefit the organization. For example, the report might suggest ways to enhance the quality of a product, increase profit, reduce cost, or improve workplace conditions. The intention of a recommendation report is not to assign blame or be overly critical, but to suggest improvements in a positive manner.

Summary report

A summary report is used to give management information. For example, if you work in the marketing department, your boss might ask you to find out about your competitors’ online activities so that your company can effectively compete with them. To do this, you would research your competitors’ websites, social media profiles, digital advertising campaigns, and so on. You would then distill what you find down to the key points so that your boss can get the essential information in a short time, and then decide how to act on it. Unlike the recommendation report, the summary report focuses on the facts, leaving it to management to decide on a course of action.

Report organization

Reports vary by size, format, and function. You need to be flexible and adjust your report to the needs of the audience. Reports are typically organized around six key elements:

  • Who the report is about and/or prepared for
  • What was done, what problems were addressed, and the results, including conclusions and/or recommendations
  • Where the subject studied occurred
  • When the subject studied occurred
  • Why the report was written (function), including under what authority, for what reason, or by whose request
  • How the subject operated, functioned, or was used

Pay attention to these essential elements when you consider your stakeholders. That may include the person(s) the report is about, whom it is for, and the larger audience of the organization. Ask yourself who the key decision makers are, who the experts will be, and how your words and images may be interpreted. While there is no universal format for a report, there is a common order to the information. Each element supports the main purpose or function, playing an important role in the transmission of information. Some common elements in a report are shown in Table 4.5.2.

Table 4.5.2 Parts of a report

Report title; date of submission; name, title, and organization of the person who prepared the report; name, title, and organization of the person receiving the report.

No page number.

A list of the sections in the report and their respective page numbers.

All headings/sub-headings in the report should be listed on this page.

This page is not labelled with a page number.

Summarize the topic, methods, data/evidence, results, and conclusions/recommendations.

On its own page.

Labelled as page iii.

Introduces the topic of the report, states the purpose of the report, and previews the structure of the report.

Begins on a new page.

Labelled as page 1.

Key elements of the report body may include the background, methods, results, and analysis or discussion.

Uses descriptive or functional headings and sub-headings (is not labelled “Body”).

Pagination continues from the introduction.

Concise presentation of findings and/or recommendations. Indicate the main results and their relation to the recommended action(s) or outcome(s).

Pagination continues from the body of the report.

A list of all references used in the report.

All in-text citations included in the report should have an accompanying entry in the reference list.

Begins on a new page.

Pagination continues from the conclusions and/or recommendations.

Related supporting materials.

All materials in the appendix (or appendices) must be referred to in the body of the report.

Only one item per appendix.

Each appendix begins on a new page, is labelled as Appendix A, B, C, etc, and is given a title.

Pagination continues from the reference list.

Executive summaries

An executive summary is a brief overview of a document’s purpose, results, and conclusions condensed for the quick reading of an executive or manager. It is placed at the beginning of a longer report or proposal and summarizes specific aspects of its content. The reader of the summary is usually not interested in the technical details of a project but is instead interested in costs, marketing, productivity, or efficiency.

Executive summaries vs. abstracts

Executive summaries and abstracts are similar, but an executive summary is typically longer. It usually runs about one or two double-spaced pages (or about five percent of the length of the full report), while an abstract is usually only six to eight sentences. An executive summary is geared to executives, managers, or investors, while an abstract is intended for an academic audience. An executive summary stresses results or conclusions, but an abstract may give equal time to problem definition, methods, results, and conclusions.

As an accompaniment to a report, an executive summary shares the report’s formal tone and emphasis on direct, clear, concise, specific language. The summary should be original: don’t copy and paste sentences from the full report. To keep the word count down, omit lengthy transitions and examples. Avoid highly technical language, and briefly define any technical terms you must use.

Introduce the problem

Omit an elaborate introduction; however, you may choose to open with an introductory sentence designed to capture the reader’s attention. An eye-catching introduction that establishes a problem can be especially effective when your purpose is to persuade—perhaps you want investors to buy into a business plan, or you want executives to make a change in policy. Begin with a clear idea of what your summary can accomplish, then craft your introductory sentence.

Once you have introduced the problem, hopefully with a bit of flair, detail it and explain how addressing it introduces an improvement or benefit. Use specifics whenever possible.

E.g.  Waiting weeks for an appointment or standing in a long line to get help is discouraging, but if the University Writing Center can’t recruit more consultants soon, that’s where our Aggie writers will be—frustrated and looking elsewhere for advice.

Sell the solution

Once you have established a problem, present the solution. If the original report explains how the problem was addressed (methods) and if methods were a significant factor in coming up with a solution or of particular importance to executive readers, then briefly describe them. If, for example, you are suggesting a change in recruiting methods, you might want to explain the steps you took to discover the most effective methods.

You need to sell your solution, so include as many specifics as you can rather than generalizations. (E.g. “The improved distribution plan should result in a 25% increase in sales for the coming year” rather than “We’re optimistic about the future.”) Don’t gloss over any potential problems or limitations; instead, briefly explain how these issues are being addressed or can be minimized. Also, don’t include anything the report doesn’t specifically cover.

Close the deal

End with explicit recommendations based on the document’s results. This section will probably make up the bulk of the summary because ultimately what concerns the executive reader is results and effects on the organization. It’s important to continue including specific figures in the recommendations section.

E.g.  On the basis of our analysis, we recommend that the University Writing Center take the following steps:

  • produce and distribute a promotional video that outlines the benefits of working as a writing consultant
  • increase the visibility of the employment opportunities on our website
  • advertise positions through targeted bulk email to qualified students

The modest outlay of $350 to cover consultant labor and promotional materials is estimated to bring in approximately 50-60 new applications per year.

Make sure your executive summary includes all the pertinent information. Think about what an executive would need to know in order to make a decision about changing a policy, undertaking an action, or spending money and then provide that information as specifically and concisely as you can.

The material in this section is taken from Executive Summaries from The Writing Center at Texas A&M University and is used under a CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 unported license .

Here is a checklist for ensuring that a report fulfills its goals:

  • Report considers the audience’s needs
  • Form follows function of report
  • Format reflects institutional norms and expectations
  • Information is accurate, complete, and documented
  • Information is easy to read
  • Terms are clearly defined
  • Figures, tables, and art support written content
  • Figures, tables, and art are clear and correctly labelled
  • Figures, tables, and art are easily understood without text support
  • Words are easy to read (font, arrangement, organization)
  • Results are clear and concise
  • Recommendations are reasonable and well-supported
  • Report represents your best effort
  • Report speaks for itself without your clarification or explanation

Formatting a report

Make it easier for your reader to understand the information in your report by formatting your document cleanly. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Use size 10-12 pt type in a standard business font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri
  • Use a minimum of 1-inch margins on all sides
  • Use headings and sub-headings to divide the content into clear sections
  • Separate paragraphs using white space
  • Use visuals (such as charts, graphs, or diagrams) where they will help in explaining numbers or other information that would be difficult to understand in text form


This chapter contains material taken from Part 2 “Writing” in  Professional Communications OER by the Olds College OER Development Team and is used under a CC-BY 4.0 International license . You can download this book for free at  http://www.procomoer.org/ .

This chapter also contains material taken from Executive Summaries from The Writing Center at Texas A&M University and is used under a CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 unported license .

Introduction to Professional Communications Copyright © 2018 by Melissa Ashman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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8.5 Writing Formal Reports

Melissa Ashman; Arley Cruthers; eCampusOntario; Ontario Business Faculty; and University of Minnesota

Learning Objectives

Identify the structure and key components of a formal report and the significance of each component.

While you may write much shorter, more casual reports, it’s helpful to go into a bit of detail about formal reports. Formal reports are modular, which means that they have many pieces. Most audience members will not read every piece, so these pieces should stand on their own. That means that you will sometimes repeat yourself. That’s okay. Your audience should be able to find exactly what they need in a particular section, even if that information has already been introduced elsewhere.

For example, the Executive Summary is aimed at managers. It’s a short, persuasive overview of everything in the report. The Introduction may contain very similar information, but it focuses on giving a short, technical overview of everything in the report. Its goal is to inform, not to persuade.

Let’s look at some of the parts of the report in greater detail.

The title page may be formatted in different ways depending on company-specific requirements, but it generally provides the audience with the following information:

  • This should appear 2 inches from the top margin in uppercase letters.
  • Type “Prepared for” on one line, followed by two separate lines that provide the receiving organization’s name and the city and state. Some reports may include an additional line that presents a specific person’s name.
  • Type “prepared by” on one line, followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and their organization, all on separate lines.
  • This date may differ from the date the report was written. It should appear 2 inches above the bottom margin.

The items on the title page should be equally spaced apart.

A Note on Page Numbers:

The title page should not include a page number, but this page is counted as page “i.” Use software features to create two sections for your report. You can then utilize two different types of numbering schemes. When numbering the pages (i.e., i, ii, iii, etc.) for a formal report, use lowercase Roman numerals for all front matter components. Use Arabic numbers for the other pages that follow. If you intend to bind the report on the left, move the left margin and center 0.25 inches to the right.

Letter of Transmittal

A letter of transmittal announces the report topic to the recipient(s).

If applicable, the first paragraph should identify who authorized the report and why the report is significant. Provide the purpose of the report in the first paragraph as well. The next paragraph should briefly identify, categorize, and describe the primary and secondary research of the report. Use the concluding paragraph to offer to discuss the report; it is also customary to conclude by thanking the reader for their time and consideration.

The letter of transmittal should be formatted as a business letter ( please see 4.3: Writing Business Letters for more details ). Some report writers prefer to send a memo of transmittal instead.

When considering your audience for the letter or memo of transmittal, make sure that you use a level of formality appropriate for your relationship with the reader. While all letters should contain professional and respectful language, a letter to someone you do not know should pay closer attention to the formality of the word choice and tone.

Table of Contents

The table of contents page features the headings and secondary headings of the report and their page numbers, enabling audience members to locate specific parts of the report quickly. Leaders (i.e. spaced or unspaced dots) guide the reader’s eye from the headings to their page numbers.

The words “TABLE OF CONTENTS” should appear in all uppercase and bolded letters at the top of the page. You can also type the titles of major report parts in all uppercase letters, with double spacing between them. Secondary headings should be indented and single-spaced, using a combination of upper- and lowercase letters.

Executive Summary

An executive summary presents an overview of the report that recipients who do not have time to read the entire report can use as a time-saving device.

The executive summary should include the following:

  • Summary of purpose
  • Overview of key findings
  • Identification of conclusions
  • Overview of recommendations

To begin, type “EXECUTIVE SUMMARY” in all uppercase letters and centred. Follow this functional head with paragraphs that include the above information, but do not use first-level headings to separate each item. Each paragraph of information should be single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs. Everything except for the title should be left-aligned.

An executive summary is usually ten percent of the length of the report. For example, a ten-page report should offer a one-page summary. A 100-page report should feature a summary that is approximately ten pages.

The executive summary is usually seen as the most important part of the report and should be written last. When writing the executive summary, imagine sitting across from your most important audience members. What do you want them to know if you have just a few minutes to talk to them? What would be most persuasive?


The main text of a formal report begins with an introduction. The introduction sets the stage for the report, clarifies what need(s) motivated it, and helps the reader understand what structure the report will follow.

Most report introductions address the following elements: background information, problem or purpose, significance, scope, methods, organization, and sources. As you may have noticed, some parts of a formal report fulfill similar purposes. Information from the letter of transmittal and the executive summary may be repeated in the introduction. Reword the information in order to avoid sounding repetitive.

To begin this section, type “BACKGROUND” or “INTRODUCTION” in all uppercase letters. This functional head should be followed by the information specified above (i.e., background information, problem or purpose, etc.). You do not need to utilize any first-level headings in this section. Because this section includes background information, it would be the appropriate place to provide information for audiences that may need additional knowledge about the topic. Provide definitions of technical terms and instructions about the overall project if necessary. If you are uncertain if your audience needs a particular piece of information, go ahead and include it; it’s better to give your reader too much background than not enough.

Discussion of Findings

The Discussion of Findings section presents the evidence for your conclusions.

This key section should be carefully organized to enhance readability.

Useful organizational patterns for report findings include but are not limited to:

  • Best Case/Worst Case
  • Compare/Contrast
  • Journalistic Pattern

Use a Best Case/Worst Case organizational pattern when you think the audience may lack interest in the topic. When examining a topic with clear alternatives to your proposed solution, consider using a Compare/Contrast pattern. Geographical patterns work effectively for topics that are discussed by location.

When describing the organization of the report in the first paragraph, broadly identify how the material in the report is organized rather than state that the report uses a specific pattern (e.g. Chronology, Geography). For example, write, “The research findings address curriculum trends in three provinces: (a) British Columbia, (b) Alberta, and (c) Ontario,” not, “This report uses a geographical organizational pattern.”

Follow the first paragraph with a first-level heading. Use first-level headings for all other major parts of this section. First-level headings should appear in bold font. Center first-level headings, but align any second-level headings with the left margin. Type any second-level headings in bold, upper- and lowercase letters.

Using numbers to distinguish between first-level and second-level headings might be a good idea if you have a lot of sections (example: 1.First-level Heading vs. 1.1. Second-level Heading).

Consider using both text and graphics as you present, interpret, and analyze evidence. Take into account what will be easiest for your audience to understand.

Include citations for all quoted or paraphrased material from sources; check with your organization whether they prefer parenthetical citations or footnotes.

Integrating Graphics

Formal report authors use graphics to present data in different forms. Paragraphs of text and complex or numerical data tend to bog readers down, making graphics a beneficial enhancement. Graphics also make data easier to understand, so they sometimes impact the audience more strongly.

Knowing when—and how—to effectively employ graphics is key to successfully integrating them. Keeping the audience in mind is also critical ( for more information about creating charts and graphs, see 2.3: Effective Document Design and  Appendix A: Visual Communication .)

Conclusions and Recommendations

The conclusions and recommendations section conveys the key results from the analysis in the discussion of findings section. Up to this point, readers have carefully reviewed the data in the report; they are now logically prepared to read the report’s conclusions and recommendations.

Type “CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS” in all uppercase letters. Follow this functional heading with the conclusions of the report. The conclusions should answer any research questions posed earlier in the report. Present the conclusions in an enumerated or bulleted list to enhance readability.

Recommendations offer a course of action, and they should also answer any problem or research questions.  Think back to the expectations of your audience.  Have all of their requirements been addressed?

Works Cited/ Reference Page

All formal reports should include a works cited page; his page documents the sources cited within the report. The recipient(s) of the report can also refer to this page to locate sources for further research.

It is acceptable to follow MLA ( Modern Language Association ), CMS ( Chicago Manual of Style ), or APA (American Psychological Association) documentation style for entries on this page. Arrange all sources alphabetically. Refer to the latest edition of the appropriate style handbook for more information about how to format entries for print and electronic sources.


While some formatting rules may seem tedious at first, they are necessary for your audience to understand the report better and to locate and examine your sources if needed. Using a regulated format allows everyone to follow an organization and citation style. Being aware of your audience’s needs and expectations will allow for a strong report that will satisfy your employees and demonstrate your competence in your field.

Key Takeaways

  • Formal reports are modular, and while repetition might occur in different sections, this ensures that readers can find all necessary information within specific sections.
  • Effective use of graphics in formal reports can significantly enhance comprehension, especially when dealing with complex data, making it essential to integrate them properly and with the audience in mind.

8.5 Writing Formal Reports Copyright © 2024 by Melissa Ashman; Arley Cruthers; eCampusOntario; Ontario Business Faculty; and University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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4.5 Reports

Formal reports are a common genre that you’ll come across in technical communication, and they exist across a wide range of fields, industries, and audiences. Reports address a specific, guiding question or claim and present clear research and evidence in order to address that question or support that claim. Reports can make a recommendation based on the data gathered and presented, or reports can simply present findings and leave recommendations or conclusions up to the reader.

You report will follow what is known as the IMRD structure, which is described in detail below. The major sections of your report are the introduction (I), the methods section (M), the results section (R) and the discussion section (D). While a report genre is fairly consistent in terms of organization, structure, and content, you’ll still need to make decisions based on the rhetorical situation and your audience, their knowledge, their expectations, and their needs. You might be asked to create a report, or you might create one based on your own proposal. Either way, reports are another way to address a problem, and they are purpose-driven and tailored to a specific audience.

Bison standing alone in a field

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

In many ways, a report is the most structured and straightforward genre that you will work with this semester. However, there is still plenty of room for creativity, and there is still a need to consider how your formatting and content choices are concerned with diversity, equity, and inclusion.

How is a report related to diversity equity and inclusion? When writing a report, here are some of the decisions you will make that involve diversity, equity, and inclusion:

  • You will make decisions about the content and focus
  • You will make choices about how to conduct and include research and data
  • You will choose how to format your report, including the use of visuals and graphics and headings

As we have discussed already in this text, even seemingly objective, logos-driven, “voiceless” genres are not actually socially or politically neutral. All pieces of communication, every text, contains a point of view. Even when you rely on data to tell a story, you are choosing which data to include and helping your readers to see the story in the data. Your own experience, bias, and point of view impacts your writing: effective technical communicators are aware of these things and work to account for them in their texts.

Just like with proposals, reports rely on research and citation. In fact, reports are built around research: you may collect your own data (empirical or primary research) or you may use data and research previously gathered and published (secondary research). Remember that the way you ask a question determines, in part, what the answer can be. In other words, as you develop questions and choose how to gather and present data, you make choices that impact the conclusions you will reach. As such, it is so important to consider how your worldview and experiences impact the way you frame a question. This is yet another reason that it is important to get feedback and to listen to diverse perspectives during your research process!

As you learn more about the genre of formal reports, keep in mind how you can use research as a way to approach questions with an open mind, and how you can invite other voices and experiences into each part of your research process.

IMRD structure

Most formal reports, including the report that you write for WRIT 3562W, follow what’s known as IMRD structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion . Each section follows the genre conventions described below, but once again, be sure that you balance genre expectations with flexibility and responsiveness to your purpose and audience.


In the introduction, you tell your reader what the report is about: what is your central question or problem or claim? Give the reader, in this section, any background information and research that they might need in order to better understand your focus. For example, if your report investigates an unknown, show your reader, through summarizing and synthesizing relevant sources, that this unknown is important and that it contributes to a problem in some way. Show your reader what past research has done to establish this problem as timely and important, and show how an unknown grows out of the literature.

Your introduction should include, likely towards the end, some forecasting . Tell your reader, directly and explicitly, what they can find in the rest of the report. Consider this section a “mini outline” for your reader. You can be very clear and direct, saying something like:

In what follows, I first describe my methods of interview, survey, and library research, explaining…Then, I share my findings that…Finally, I discuss the significance of my data and recommend…

This type of forecasting helps your reader not only understand how your report is organized, but also what your report covers. Your introduction should be very clear, direct, and concise, and forecasting helps to set the reader’s specific expectations.

In your methods section, you describe your methods, in as much detail and as clearly as you can, so that your reader has a very clear understanding of how you gathered your data. You can include relevant information (if you conducted a survey, how many people did you survey? How did you find participants? How did respondents complete the survey? What types of questions did you ask? Why was survey appropriate given your research questions?).

This section can be tricky, because you need to display your results without editorializing them. So, do not tell your reader why they are significant or what they mean: instead, very clearly show your reader what you found.

This is a section where visuals are often very important for the reader’s understanding. Many readers can more easily understand data displayed visually than a long block of text describing that same data. Be sure that you do, however, include text along with your visuals, to tell your reader what that visual means or how they need to interpret it. Tell your reader a story about the data (without adding your own opinions or arguments).

Remember that even though this section should not contain an argument or interpretation of results, you are still controlling a narrative for your reader, even as you choose how to display your data or what data points to focus on. Consider ethics and social justice as you create this section: how can you be sure that your results are reflective of what you’ve found? How do concerns of equity and bias and inclusion impact how you frame this section?

In this section, you make sense of the results for your reader, you interpret their significance and tie your findings back to your initial question or focus, and you make recommendations and conclusions.

It is important, in this section, to openly acknowledge any limitations in your research: acknowledging limitations not only helps you to build a credible ethos, but it also allows your report to openly address diversity, equity, and inclusion. It prevents you from making any sweeping generalizations based on your findings, and helps you to check your own implicit bias.

Your discussion section often also includes recommendations; keep in mind that you may end up recommending further research based on your findings.

Watch this video on IMRD structure in formal reports.

Front and back matter

In addition to the introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections, your reports will contain front matter and back matter .

Front Matter for this report should include the following:

  • Cover letter of transmittal
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • List of any figures or tables included in the report

Back Matter for this report may include:

  • References of any sources you used, including personal interviews, internet sources, and library sources.
  • List of interview questions
  • Any other documents relevant to the report

Watch this video on front and back matter in technical reports.

Data displays

Finally, your report will contain visuals, or graphics, to help your reader better understand your content. Graphics are used to reinforce important ideas or to help readers understand complex concepts. When creating graphics, consider the following guidelines detailed: [1]

  • A graphic should tell a story
  • A graphic should reinforce the written text, not replace it
  • A graphic should be ethical
  • A graphic should be labeled and placed properly

Writers need to choose the appropriate type of graphic for the data they want to convey. For example, to show different parts of a whole, you would choose a pie chart, but to display a trend, you would choose a line graph. In addition, when dealing with cross-cultural audiences, you need to use symbols that translate internationally.

When using a graphic in your text, make sure that you tell a complete story by explaining to the reader  how  they should read that graphic. Place it into context and explain the significance. Numbers, without context, mean very little to a reader; what does it mean, for example, that there were 500 cases of influenza related hospitalizations in Minnesota in the last year? What did those numbers look like in previous years, or for other illnesses? What is the total population, for comparison? Make sure that you give complete information so that your reader understands the significance of the data you choose to display. Remember, too, that different types of graphics tell different stories (like the example of a pie chart versus a line graph above). If you wanted to tell a story about the loon population over the last 10 years in Minneapolis, what type of graphic might you use?

For graphics to reinforce, and not replace, written text, be sure that you directly refer to it in your text. For example, you might frame a graphic in your text by including something like:

As illustrated in the graph below, the bison population has decreased by X % over the past 5 years and Y % over the last 10 years. These numbers are significant when compared to the bison population over the last 100 years in Minnesota. Consider the stark differences in sections A and B, below.

After this type of text, above, the graphic should show the reader what they might expect to see, and again explain clearly what it is they are looking at. Another way to integrate a graphic into a text is to make sure that it is clearly labeled and placed appropriately. If you introduce “Figure A” in a paragraph, don’t make the reader wait until the next page to finally see Figure A.

Finally, graphics displaying data should be ethical. Be sure not to mislead your reader when you choose how to display data by including appropriate information and labeling graphics appropriately. For example, if you survey 100 people in Minneapolis and 10 indicated that they are already aware of the ways in which the bison extermination in Minnesota was strategic and aided by technical communication, is it fair to say that “According to a survey, 10% of individuals in Minneapolis are already aware of the ways in which the bison extermination in Minnesota was strategic and aided by technical communication”? Why might this be misleading?

Along with graphics that display data and that help your reader to visualize your research, images can sometimes make a powerful point and be useful in formal reports. Keep in mind, though, that images should not be decorative, but should be illustrative of your research or help the reader to better understand some finding, question, or conclusion that you discuss in your report.

Conducting research

For this report, you’ll need to conduct both primary (empirical) and secondary research, which we also discussion in  Section 1, cluster 1.5. 

Primary research refers to data that you gather, sort (or code), and analyze yourself. Some methods of primary research that you might use for this report would be conducting a survey or an interview. When you conduct primary research you are gathering your own data to help better understand some unknown or question. For example, if I want to understand how parents in a particular neighborhood in Minneapolis feel about sending their children back to school during a global pandemic, I might create a survey or interview and figure out how to get feedback from parents in that neighborhood.

Take a look at this resource from the Purdue OWL: What is Primary Research and How Do I Get Started? 

Read through this resource from the Writing Commons about Empirical Research Methods .

You can read more about qualitative research methods on Writing Commons.

Finally, take a look at these resources on conducting interviews and survey research .

Secondary research refers to using data and research gathered from other authors or sources: in other words, secondary research might be something like library research. Finding sources that help you to understand your research question and summarizing what other authors have found is secondary research. You have very likely conducted secondary research many times already, searching through published sources to answer a question and find information. For example, let’s say you want to know more about what parents across the country have to say about sending their kids back to school during a global pandemic. Rather than creating and conducting your own survey (primary research), you can look for results of surveys that have already been published and made available. Secondary research relies on what other researchers have found and allows us to work collaboratively by sharing findings and comparing data.

Keep in mind that when conducting secondary research it is so important to attribute your information to the source by using accurate citation practices. Take another look at Section 1.5 as you gather research for your formal report.

Student Reflections and Examples

Addressing Micro- and Macroaggressive Discrimination against Immigrants and Refugees of Color in the Workplace

The research paper genre is a genre that I, like many students, can get bored of easily. Research papers are complex, extensive, and ultimately time-consuming, but at the end of writing one, I remember why we do it in the first place: to get answers.

When I wrote my report on addressing xenophobic racism in the workplace, I was intimidated by the breadth of the topic, even though I chose it. When I did my research, I didn’t directly answer the question I asked to begin with, which I wasn’t used to. While it was admittedly a little frustrating to do the work and get an inconclusive result, I came to terms with it because that inconclusive result opened doors for me to ask more questions. I was given an opportunity to branch out my research and broaden my scope. From there, I could make a conclusion that nodded towards something I could further pursue in hopes of answering the question, since if I didn’t bluntly answer it the first time around. I may not have gotten the answer that I was expecting, but I learned much more in the process.

Research allows us space and time to ask questions and pursue them. We ask questions because we don’t know, and many times, we also don’t know if someone else will ask the same questions and answer them for us. Writing this report on something I didn’t find existing literature on made me realize that the more complex something is, the more I might want to know about it.  If everything were so cut-and-dry, black-and-white, this-and-that, what am I doing research for?

Ai-Quynh Bui, TWC major

Reading and Activity: Conducting Research

Think back to the chapter from Young, Becker, and Pike that you read in the activity at the end of cluster 4.4 . [2] In this text, they claim that research questions begin with a dissonance, or a felt discomfort, when something that a researcher believes or has experienced does not align with something they read, another claim, or a new experience. They also make a point of saying that there are only problems for someone–problems do not exist out in the world, independent of people, waiting to be discovered. In other words, we identify problems not only from external sources but from internal world views.

Describe one cognitive dissonance–or problem–that you’ve experienced. Try to think of a time when you read an article for a class, or read a post on a relative’s social media account, or heard someone describe something that did not align with your own world views, your own beliefs or knowledge, or your own experience. Describe the dissonance, as best as you can. It might look something like:

“On the one hand, I notice that flowers come in a variety of colors, and that bees seem drawn to certain colors over others. On the other hand, this article I’ve just read claims that bees and all invertebrates are colorblind. If bees are colorblind, what is the biological significance of the colorful nature of flowers?”

From this dissonance, come up with as many researchable questions as you can. Remember that not every question is researchable. Remember, too, that the way you phrase a question will impact how that question can be answered. For example, the question “are bees drawn to certain colors?” leads to a different line of research than the question “are bees colorblind?”

Each problematic situation or dissonance can lead to any number of distinct research questions. Once you have created a list of some questions, pick one and consider how you might go about researching that question. What types of sources would you consult? What type of empirical research would you design?

Alone or with a partner, sketch out a research plan that includes the following:

  • A specific empirical research plan that involves gathering your own data through some method like survey, interview, etc. Explain why this method is a good fit for your specific research question.
  • A specific library research plan that includes some key words you will use to find existing research, or questions that will help you to guide your library research. Think about what types of sources you will consult, such as which journals, or which disciplines (psychology, ecology, writing studies, etc.). Explain why these key search terms, these specific journals, or these disciplines are a good fit for your question.
  • A brief outline of how your formal report will be organized, including what you might include in your Introduction (who is your target audience? what is your guiding question? what background research or information do you need?), your Methods section (what methods are you using and why are they a good fit for your project?), your Results section (what types of visuals or information might you include in this section?), and your Discussion section (what will you include in your discussion that you will NOT include in the Results section?).
  • Johnson-Sheehan, J. (2018). Technical communication today (6th ed.). Pearson. ↵
  • Young, R., Becker, A., Pike, K. (1970). “Identifying and Stating the Problem.” Rhetoric: Discovery and change . New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. ↵

Introduction to Technical and Professional Communication Copyright © 2021 by Brigitte Mussack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Effective Professional Communication: A Rhetorical Approach

(3 reviews)

report writing in professional communication

Rebekah Bennetch, University of Saskatchewan

Corey Owen, University of Saskatchewan

Zachary Keesey, University of Saskatchewan

Copyright Year: 2021

Publisher: University of Saskatchewan

Language: English

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Reviewed by Bartels Christina, Assistant Professor, Clarke University on 12/19/23

This comprehensive guide is tailored for individuals aiming to elevate their communication skills and thrive in professional environments. It is designed to cater to students at all levels, with a particular focus on providing action-oriented... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This comprehensive guide is tailored for individuals aiming to elevate their communication skills and thrive in professional environments. It is designed to cater to students at all levels, with a particular focus on providing action-oriented activities for those in the Capstone program.The following categories have been assessed: Introduction to Communication: The book's introduction to communication is nothing short of outstanding. It provides a solid foundation by covering the fundamental principles of communication, exploring the intricacies of verbal and non-verbal communication, and addressing the importance of effective listening. Readers, whether novices or seasoned professionals, will find this section to be an invaluable resource for understanding the core concepts that underpin successful communication. Rhetorical Theory: The book not only explains the theoretical frameworks but also illustrates how these concepts can be applied in real-world scenarios. The inclusion of historical and contemporary examples ensures that readers can grasp the relevance of rhetorical theory in various contexts, making this section both informative and engaging. Technical Writing Essentials: The section on technical writing is a standout feature of this book. It skillfully guides readers through the intricacies of crafting clear, concise, and purposeful technical documents. From understanding audience needs to mastering the art of conveying complex information, the book provides a wealth of practical tips and examples. Whether you are a novice or an experienced technical writer, this section is an invaluable resource for honing your skills. Technical Correspondence: Covering everything from formal emails to project proposals, the book equips readers with the tools to navigate professional communication successfully. Clear examples and templates enhance the practical applicability of the advice, making it an indispensable reference for anyone involved in business communication. Applying for a Job: The chapter on job application communication is a gem for individuals navigating the competitive job market. It goes beyond the basics, offering insights into crafting compelling resumes, cover letters, and professional online profiles. The book's guidance is up-to-date with current industry trends, ensuring that readers are well-prepared to showcase their skills and stand out in a crowded job market. Writing a Report: The book's coverage of report writing is thorough and insightful. It guides readers through the entire process, from defining the purpose and scope of a report to presenting findings in a clear and organized manner. Practical tips on data visualization and structuring complex information make this section particularly valuable for professionals involved in report writing across various industries. Public Speaking: The book addresses common fears and challenges associated with public speaking and provides practical strategies to build confidence and engage audiences. Whether you are a novice speaker or an experienced presenter, the tips on speech preparation, delivery, and audience interaction are invaluable for honing your public speaking skills.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The book skillfully elucidates foundational concepts in communication, offering clarity and correctness in its presentation. Through a blend of textual explanations and supplementary resources, including videos, it dives into defining communication models and exploring cultural nuances. This multimedia approach ensures that readers not only receive informative content but also have access to additional materials that enhance the accuracy of their understanding, providing a reliable foundation to build upon.

Moreover, the book's unwavering commitment to precision is reinforced by a comprehensive set of resources, including videos that substantiate and demonstrate key concepts in each category. Whether it's understanding communication models or navigating cultural intricacies, these supplementary materials serve as tangible proof of the book's accuracy.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The book's strength lies in its ability to offer current and pertinent information without succumbing to the pitfalls of rapid obsolescence. It navigates the ever-evolving landscape of communication with finesse, ensuring that readers receive contemporary insights that remain valuable over the long term. The inclusion of real-world examples and case studies further reinforces the relevance of the content, making it relatable and applicable to diverse professional contexts. The text is not only current but is crafted with a structural integrity that anticipates future developments. The arrangement of information is strategic, allowing for seamless updates when needed. This thoughtful organization ensures that the book will remain relevant and adaptable, standing the test of time in an era of rapid changes in communication trends and technologies.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is a shining example of lucid and accessible prose, creating an immersive learning experience for readers of all backgrounds. The brilliance of this book lies in its ability to convey complex concepts with simplicity. The language is clear, concise, and devoid of unnecessary jargon, making it an inviting read for both novices and seasoned professionals. One of the standout features is the book's commitment to providing context for any technical terminology or industry-specific jargon. Complex concepts are demystified through thoughtful explanations and real-world examples, ensuring that readers grasp the nuances without feeling overwhelmed.

Consistency rating: 5

The consistency in terminology and framework is a hallmark of this book. Each concept introduced is seamlessly integrated into a larger, cohesive framework, creating a narrative that unfolds with logical precision. This internal consistency not only facilitates a smooth reading experience but also enhances the reader's ability to grasp and retain complex ideas. The framework established in the early chapters is upheld throughout the entire text, creating a sense of continuity that is both reassuring and enlightening. This consistency fosters a deep understanding of how various communication elements interconnect, providing readers with a holistic perspective that is crucial for mastery in the field.

Modularity rating: 5

The modularity of this text is a masterstroke, allowing for easy integration into various course structures. Divisible into smaller reading sections, each with clear subheadings, the book facilitates a dynamic learning experience. This modular approach not only enhances comprehension but also empowers educators to tailor the curriculum to suit their teaching styles and the unique needs of their students.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Each topic is introduced and developed in a way that just makes sense. The logical flow of information from one chapter to the next ensures that readers can build their understanding without feeling lost or overwhelmed. The author's thoughtful organization transforms potentially confusing subjects into a seamless journey of learning. The clarity in presenting ideas is another standout feature. The book avoids unnecessary complexity and uses straightforward language, making it accessible to readers of all levels. Concepts are introduced in a way that feels like a natural progression, enhancing comprehension and allowing readers to absorb the material with ease.

Interface rating: 5

The navigation is a breeze – no frustrating problems or confusing layouts. Readers can effortlessly move between sections, chapters, and topics, enhancing the overall accessibility of the content. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for both tech-savvy individuals and those less comfortable with digital resources to navigate with confidence. Images and charts are presented without distortion, adding a visual appeal to the learning experience. The careful attention to detail in display features ensures that readers can focus on the content without being distracted or confused by technical glitches. This thoughtful design contributes to an immersive reading experience. Even the PDF print copy has the HP5 element spelled out in a simple web address for those needing to access it without clicking.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammar errors were detected.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The book provides a safe and welcoming space by avoiding cultural insensitivity and offensive material, creating an environment conducive to learning. The use of examples is a notable strength, with the book going beyond token gestures to include a diverse array of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds in its illustrations and case studies. This approach adds depth to the material, fostering relatability and understanding among a broad readership. However, the video content presents a potential area for improvement. While the written content strives for inclusivity, the lack of diversity in video presenters is a noticeable gap. Incorporating a variety of voices and faces in the video materials would enhance the overall learning experience, providing students with a more representative perspective of communication in diverse contexts. Despite this area for improvement, "Mastering Communication" remains a valuable resource for those seeking a culturally sensitive textbook. The commitment to inclusivity in written examples is evident, and with further enhancements in the diversity of video presenters, the book could truly stand as a benchmark for inclusive educational materials. Overall, it's a commendable effort with room to grow.

I'm incredibly impressed by the high quality and thoroughness of this free resource. It's absolutely phenomenal! I plan to incorporate it into at least two of my courses.

Reviewed by Feldman Eileen, Adjunct professor, Bunker Hill Community College on 3/31/23

The book aims to have students realize the need for accurate communication and for avoidance of miscommunication in personal and work life. The chapters range from Aristotle and other models of rhetoric to grammar and punctuation basics to writing... read more

The book aims to have students realize the need for accurate communication and for avoidance of miscommunication in personal and work life. The chapters range from Aristotle and other models of rhetoric to grammar and punctuation basics to writing emails and texts and business activities to public speaking . Also included are job finding, interviewing, and resume writing.

The book's accuracy can be checked in the plentiful citations following each claim or model. The writing is grammatical and articulate.

The content is up-to-date but can be easily updated through new videos, scenarios, and evolving technology. There aren't out-dated references used as examples.

The language is concise and paragraphs short. Learning Objectives begin each chapter. Key words are defined after that; key takeaways are at each chapter's conclusion. Numbers of bulleted points are enclosed in colored rectangles for easy recognition and notetaking.

The framework of objectives, key words, headings, videos with links, workplace scenarios, quizzes and reflections, takeaways, and references is followed in each chapter. In each chapter assignments /reflections involve communication in both personal and professional life. One-question quizzes check comprehension of the material.

The text can be reorganized as needed. For example, after the introduction of elements and models of rhetoric, the grammar/punctuation can be moved to first consideration, as can the chapters on speaking or emailing or business documents. The lessons on the research paper can be put wherever necessary. Likewise, the lessons on using rhetorical methods in job hunting and interviewing and resume writing can be assigned at different points within the course.

The organization is logical and clear from introduction of rhetorical elements to their usage in writing and speaking situations. Chapters are divided into subtopics for easy transition and comprehension.

The interface issues might come from uploading the videos from the text, but the link is always provided. Graphic material shows clearly.

The grammar is accurate; all three authors were English majors and professors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The scenarios are not particularly concerned with cultural issues nor with comparison of the North American style to other nationalities or ethnicities. The videos are YouTube lessons by Caucasian presenters.

This book should be easy for students to use together in class or independently. And it might be considered a handbook to refer to throughout their college and professional lives.

Reviewed by Dayle Turner, Professor, Leeward Community College on 2/11/22

The stated goal of the text is to analyze the communication process in professional settings so readers can maximize their chance to gain and retain employment upon university graduation. The text is adequately comprehensive in its examination of... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The stated goal of the text is to analyze the communication process in professional settings so readers can maximize their chance to gain and retain employment upon university graduation. The text is adequately comprehensive in its examination of "communication through political, rhetorical, ethical, and interpersonal lenses."

The information is accurate and sources adequately documented.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Most of the text, particularly chapter 16 on digital communication, reads as relevant and will remain relevant for some time.

The content is well-presented, with detailed analyses and descriptions, pertinent examples, and clear cross-references.

The writing therein is consistent in tone and style. The chapters, 36 in total, follow a consistent format of Learning Objectives, Key Terms, Content, Key Takeaways, and References.

Chapter topics are distinct enough to be assigned as independent reading units. Information from one chapter, when it is relevant in another, can be summarized quickly, so chapters could be selectively assigned or reordered to suit course design.

The text flows quite smoothly through discussions of rhetorical theory, essentials of technical writing, types of technical correspondence, job search strategies, report writing strategies, and public speaking essentials.

There were no issues with the interface.

There were no grammatical errors.

Content does not come across as offensive or culturally insensitive. Several sections in Chapter 4 speak to audience diversity and reminds the writer to remain cognizant of the intended audience. Chapter 5 also discusses ethical issues concerning diversity and workplace dynamics to promote a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment.

Overall, this is a sound text that provides a comprehensive overview of effective professional communication. I suggest the addition of templates for some of the document types highlighted. Furthermore, templates and exercises, perhaps contained in a supplemental text, may be beneficial to enhance student learning of concepts and ideas.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Communication
  • Rhetorical Theory
  • Technical Writing Essentials
  • Technical Correspondence
  • Applying for a job
  • Writing a Report
  • Public Speaking

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Welcome to  Effective Professional Communication , your text book for the RCM 200 course at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

As you already know, this course focuses on communicating in professional environments. Even if you haven’t held a job before, you know–at least on a basic level–that how you communicate changes depending on the context of your situation; specifically, you talk differently when you speak to customers/clients versus your co-workers versus your supervisors.

Our goal in this text is to break down the communication process in professional environments so you can maximize your chance to get hired and retain your job once you graduate from university. We will do this by looking at communication through political, rhetorical, ethical, and interpersonal lenses and applying this knowledge to your future career.

About the Contributors

Rebekah Bennetch coordinates RCM 200: Effective Professional Communication and teaches several upper-year technical communication courses for the Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development in the College of Engineering. She holds an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies, an MEd in Educational Technology and Design, and is pursuing a PhD in Education. She’s also a mom to a teenager and a cat, and originally hails from Savannah, Georgia on the land of the Yamassee, Muscogee, and Creek Peoples.  

Corey Owen holds an MA in English, an MA in Classics, and a PhD in English. Since 2007, he has been a faculty member in the Ron and Jane Graham Centre for the Study of Communication (now known as the Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development), where he teaches introductory and advanced courses in rhetoric and communication.

Zachary Keesey is an educator and author. He holds a Masters of Education in Teaching and a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing. He has taught in K-12 and university settings in the United States, Canada, and Japan with an emphasis on designing supports for English Language Learners and international students. He is originally from Gladstone, Oregon, the traditional lands of the Molalla and Clackamas Peoples.

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Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the main parts of a report.
  • Understand the different types of reports.
  • Write a basic report.

What Is a Report?

A cartoon of a woman pointing to a pie graph on an easel

Choose a type of report by its function, and display the information in a vivid way that is easily understood.

Pixabay – CC0 public domain.

Reports are documents designed to record and convey information to the reader. Reports are part of any business or organization; from credit reports to police reports, they serve to document specific information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. The type of report is often identified by its primary purpose or function, as in an accident report, a laboratory report, a sales report, or even a book report. Reports are often analytical, or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they simply “report the facts” with no analysis at all, but still need to communicate the information in a clear and concise format. Other reports summarize past events, present current data, and forecast future trends. While a report may have conclusions, propositions, or even a call to action, the demonstration of the analysis is the primary function. A sales report, for example, is not designed to make an individual sale. It is, however, supposed to report sales to date, and may forecast future sales based on previous trends. This chapter is designed to introduce you to the basics of report writing.

Types of Reports

Reports come in all sizes, but are typically longer than a page and somewhat shorter than a book. The type of report depends on its function. The function of the report is its essential purpose, often indicated in the thesis or purpose statement. The function will also influence the types of visual content or visual aids, representing words, numbers, and their relationships to the central purpose in graphic, representational ways that are easy for the reader to understand. The function may also contribute to parameters like report length (page or word count) or word choice and readability. “Focusing on the content of your longer business documents is not only natural but necessary because doing so helps ensure complete, correct information” (Bovee, C., and Thill, J., 2010).

Reports vary by function, and they also vary by style and tradition. Within your organization, there may be employer-specific expectations that need to be addressed to meet audience expectations. This chapter discusses reports in general terms, focusing on common elements and points of distinction, but reference to similar documents where you work or additional examination of specific sample reports may serve you well as you prepare your own report.

Informational or Analytical Report?

There are two main categories for reports, regardless of their specific function or type. An informational report informs or instructs and presents details of events, activities, individuals, or conditions without analysis. An example of this type of “just the facts” report is a police accident report. The report will note the time, date, place, contributing factors like weather, and identification information for the drivers involved in an automobile accident. It does not establish fault or include judgmental statements. You should not see “Driver was falling down drunk” in a police accident report. Instead, you would see “Driver failed sobriety tests and breathalyzer test and was transported to the station for a blood sample.” The police officer is not a trained medical doctor and is therefore not licensed to make definitive diagnoses, but can collect and present relevant information that may contribute to that diagnosis.

The second type of report is called an analytical report. An analytical report presents information with a comprehensive analysis to solve problems, demonstrate relationships, or make recommendations. An example of this report may be a field report by a Center for Disease Control (CDC) physician from the site of an outbreak of the H1N1 virus, noting symptoms, disease progression, steps taken to arrest the spread of the disease, and to make recommendations on the treatment and quarantine of subjects.

Table 9.3 “Types of Reports and Their Functions” includes common reports that, depending on the audience needs, may be informational or analytical.

Table 9.3 Types of Reports and Their Functions

Type Function
1. Laboratory Report Communicate the procedures and results of laboratory activities
2. Research Report Study problems scientifically by developing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, and indicating findings or conclusions
3. Field Study Report Describe one-time events, such as trips, conferences, seminars, as well as reports from branch offices, industrial and manufacturing plants
4. Progress Report Monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, or related business process
5. Technical Report Communication process and product from a technical perspective
6. Financial Report Communication status and trends from a finance perspective
7. Case Study Represent, analyze, and present lessons learned from a specific case or example
8. Needs Assessment Report Assess the need for a service or product
9. Comparative Advantage Report Discuss competing products or services with an analysis of relative advantages and disadvantages
10. Feasibility Study Analyze problems and predict whether current solutions or alternatives will be practical, advisable, or produced the desired outcome(s)
11. Instruction Manuals Communicate step-by-step instructions on the use of a product or service
12. Compliance Report Document and indicate the extent to which a product or service is within established compliance parameters or standards
13. Cost-Benefit Analysis Report Communicate costs and benefits of products or services.
14. Decision Report Make recommendations to management and become tools to solve problems and make decisions
15. Benchmark Report Establish criteria and evaluate alternatives by measuring against the establish benchmark criteria
16. Examination Report Report or record data obtained from an examination of an item or conditions, including accidents and natural disasters
17. Physical Description report Describe the physical characteristics of a machine, a device, or object
18. Literature Review Present summaries of the information available on a given subject

How Are Reports Organized?

Reports vary by size, format, and function. You need to be flexible and adjust to the needs of the audience while respecting customs and guidelines. Reports are typically organized around six key elements:

  • Whom the report is about and/or prepared for
  • What was done, what problems were addressed, and the results, including conclusions and/or recommendations
  • Where the subject studied occurred
  • When the subject studied occurred
  • Why the report was written (function), including under what authority, for what reason, or by whose request
  • How the subject operated, functioned, or was used

Pay attention to these essential elements when you consider your stakeholders, or those who have an interest in the report. That may include the person(s) the report is about, whom it is for, and the larger audience of the business, organization, or industry. Ask yourself who the key decision makers are who will read your report, who the experts or technicians will be, and how executives and workers may interpret your words and images. While there is no universal format for a report, there is a common order to the information. Each element supports the main purpose or function in its own way, playing an important role in the representation and transmission of information.

Table 9.4 Ten Common Elements of a Report

Page Element Function Example
1. Cover Title and image Like the cover of a book, sometimes a picture, image, or logo is featured to introduce the topic to the reader.
2. Title Fly Title only This page is optional. Feasibility Study of Oil Recovery from the X Tarpit Sands Location
3. Title Page Label, report, features title, author, affiliation, date, and sometimes for whom the report was prepared Feasibility Study of Oil Recovery from the X Tarpit Sands Location Peak Oilman, X Energy Corporation Prepared for X
4. Table of Contents A list of the main parts of the report and their respective page numbers
5. Abstract This report presents the current status of the X tarpit sands, the study of oil recoverability, and the findings of the study with specific recommendations.
6. Introduction Introduces the topic of the report processes include ways to extract and separate the bitumen from the clay, , and water that make up the tar .
7. Body Key elements of body include:

Page Element Function Example
8. Conclusion Concise presentation of findings This portion clearly indicates the main results and their relation to recommended action or outcome.
9. References Bibliography or Works Cited This part contains a list of citations.
10. Appendix Related supporting materials This may include maps, analysis of soil samples, and field reports.

Here is a checklist for ensuring that a report fulfills its goals.

  • Report considers the audience’s needs
  • Format follows function of report
  • Format reflects institutional norms and expectations
  • Information is accurate, complete, and documented
  • Information is easy to read
  • Terms are clearly defined
  • Figures, tables, and art support written content
  • Figures, tables, and art are clear and correctly labeled
  • Figures, tables, and art are easily understood without text support
  • Words are easy to read (font, arrangement, organization)
  • Results are clear and concise
  • Recommendations are reasonable and well-supported
  • Report represents your best effort
  • Report speaks for itself without your clarification or explanation

Key Takeaway

Informational and analytical reports require organization and a clear purpose.

  • Find an annual report for a business you would like to learn more about. Review it with the previous reading in mind and provide examples. Share and compare with classmates.
  • Write a report on a trend in business that you’ve observed, and highlight at least the main finding. For example, from the rising cost of textbooks to the online approach to course content, textbooks are a significant issue for students. Draw from your experience as you bring together sources of information to illustrate a trend. Share and compare with classmates.

Bovee, C., & Thill, J. (2010). Business communication essentials: A skills-based approach to vital business English (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Business Communication for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Business Writing in Action

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the main parts of a report.
  • Understand the different types of reports.
  • Write a basic report.

What Is a Report?

Reports are documents designed to record and convey information to the reader. Reports are part of any business or organization; from credit reports to police reports, they serve to document specific information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. The type of report is often identified by its primary purpose or function, as in an accident report, a laboratory report, a sales report, or even a book report. Reports are often analytical, or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they simply “report the facts” with no analysis at all, but still need to communicate the information in a clear and concise format. Other reports summarize past events, present current data, and forecast future trends. While a report may have conclusions, propositions, or even a call to action, the demonstration of the analysis is the primary function. A sales report, for example, is not designed to make an individual sale. It is, however, supposed to report sales to date, and may forecast future sales based on previous trends. This chapter is designed to introduce you to the basics of report writing.

Types of Reports

Reports come in all sizes, but are typically longer than a page and somewhat shorter than a book. The type of report depends on its function. The function of the report is its essential purpose, often indicated in the thesis or purpose statement. The function will also influence the types of visual content or visual aids, representing words, numbers, and their relationships to the central purpose in graphic, representational ways that are easy for the reader to understand. The function may also contribute to parameters like report length (page or word count) or word choice and readability. “Focusing on the content of your longer business documents is not only natural but necessary because doing so helps ensure complete, correct information” (Bovee & Thill, 2010).

Reports vary by function, and they also vary by style and tradition. Within your organization, there may be employer-specific expectations that need to be addressed to meet audience expectations. This chapter discusses reports in general terms, focusing on common elements and points of distinction, but reference to similar documents where you work or additional examination of specific sample reports may serve you well as you prepare your own report.

Informational or Analytical Report?

There are two main categories for reports, regardless of their specific function or type. An informational report informs or instructs and presents details of events, activities, individuals, or conditions without analysis. An example of this type of “just the facts” report is a police accident report. The report will note the time, date, place, contributing factors like weather, and identification information for the drivers involved in an automobile accident. It does not establish fault or include judgmental statements. You should not see “Driver was falling down drunk” in a police accident report. Instead, you would see “Driver failed sobriety tests and breathalyzer test and was transported to the station for a blood sample.” The police officer is not a trained medical doctor and is therefore not licensed to make definitive diagnoses, but can collect and present relevant information that may contribute to that diagnosis.

The second type of report is called an analytical report. An analytical report presents information with a comprehensive analysis to solve problems, demonstrate relationships, or make recommendations. An example of this report may be a field report by a Center for Disease Control (CDC) physician from the site of an outbreak of the H1N1 virus, noting symptoms, disease progression, steps taken to arrest the spread of the disease, and to make recommendations on the treatment and quarantine of subjects.

Table 13.3 “Types of Reports and Their Functions” includes common reports that, depending on the audience needs, may be informational or analytical.

Table 13.3 Types of Reports and Their Functions

Type Function
1. Laboratory Report Communicate the procedures and results of laboratory activities
2. Research Report Study problems scientifically by developing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, and indicating findings or conclusions
3. Field Study Report Describe one-time events, such as trips, conferences, seminars, as well as reports from branch offices, industrial and manufacturing plants
4. Progress Report Monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, or related business process
5. Technical Report Communication process and product from a technical perspective
6. Financial Report Communication status and trends from a finance perspective
7. Case Study Represent, analyze, and present lessons learned from a specific case or example
8. Needs Assessment Report Assess the need for a service or product
9. Comparative Advantage Report Discuss competing products or services with an analysis of relative advantages and disadvantages
10. Feasibility Study Analyze problems and predict whether current solutions or alternatives will be practical, advisable, or produced the desired outcome(s)
11. Instruction Manuals Communicate step-by-step instructions on the use of a product or service
12. Compliance Report Document and indicate the extent to which a product or service is within established compliance parameters or standards
13. Cost-Benefit Analysis Report Communicate costs and benefits of products or services.
14. Decision Report Make recommendations to management and become tools to solve problems and make decisions
15. Benchmark Report Establish criteria and evaluate alternatives by measuring against the establish benchmark criteria
16. Examination Report Report or record data obtained from an examination of an item or conditions, including accidents and natural disasters
17. Physical Description report Describe the physical characteristics of a machine, a device, or object
18. Literature Review Present summaries of the information available on a given subject

How Are Reports Organized?

Reports vary by size, format, and function. You need to be flexible and adjust to the needs of the audience while respecting customs and guidelines. Reports are typically organized around six key elements:

  • Whom the report is about and/or prepared for
  • What was done, what problems were addressed, and the results, including conclusions and/or recommendations
  • Where the subject studied occurred
  • When the subject studied occurred
  • Why the report was written (function), including under what authority, for what reason, or by whose request
  • How the subject operated, functioned, or was used

Pay attention to these essential elements when you consider your stakeholders, or those who have an interest in the report. That may include the person(s) the report is about, whom it is for, and the larger audience of the business, organization, or industry. Ask yourself who the key decision makers are who will read your report, who the experts or technicians will be, and how executives and workers may interpret your words and images. While there is no universal format for a report, there is a common order to the information. Each element supports the main purpose or function in its own way, playing an important role in the representation and transmission of information.

Table 13.4 Ten Common Elements of a Report

Page Element Function Example
1. Cover Title and image Like the cover of a book, sometimes a picture, image, or logo is featured to introduce the topic to the reader.
2. Title Fly Title only This page is optional. Feasibility Study of Oil Recovery from the X Tarpit Sands Location
3. Title Page Label, report, features title, author, affiliation, date, and sometimes for whom the report was prepared Feasibility Study of Oil Recovery from the X Tarpit Sands Location Peak Oilman, X Energy Corporation Prepared for X
4. Table of Contents A list of the main parts of the report and their respective page numbers
5. Abstract This report presents the current status of the X tarpit sands, the study of oil recoverability, and the findings of the study with specific recommendations.
6. Introduction Introduces the topic of the report processes include ways to extract and separate the bitumen from the clay, , and water that make up the tar .
7. Body Key elements of body include:

Page Element Function Example
8. Conclusion Concise presentation of findings This portion clearly indicates the main results and their relation to recommended action or outcome.
9. References Bibliography or Works Cited This part contains a list of citations.
10. Appendix Related supporting materials This may include maps, analysis of soil samples, and field reports.

Here is a checklist for ensuring that a report fulfills its goals.

  • Report considers the audience’s needs
  • Format follows function of report
  • Format reflects institutional norms and expectations
  • Information is accurate, complete, and documented
  • Information is easy to read
  • Terms are clearly defined
  • Figures, tables, and art support written content
  • Figures, tables, and art are clear and correctly labeled
  • Figures, tables, and art are easily understood without text support
  • Words are easy to read (font, arrangement, organization)
  • Results are clear and concise
  • Recommendations are reasonable and well-supported
  • Report represents your best effort
  • Report speaks for itself without your clarification or explanation

Key Takeaway

Informational and analytical reports require organization and a clear purpose.

1. Find an annual report for a business you would like to learn more about. Review it with the previous reading in mind and provide examples. Share and compare with classmates.

2. Write a report on a trend in business that you’ve observed, and highlight at least the main finding. For example, from the rising cost of textbooks to the Unnamed Publisher approach to course content, textbooks are a significant issue for students. Draw from your experience as you bring together sources of information to illustrate a trend. Share and compare with classmates.

  • English for Business Success. Authored by : Anonymous. Provided by : Anonymous. Located at : http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/english-for-business-success/ . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


Mastering Report Writing Skills: A Guide to Communicating Complex Information

By Jody Bruner

May 22, 2023

Writing Skills

Mastering Report Writing Skills: A Guide to Communicating Complex Information - Mastering-report-writing

It’s a reality that business writers often need to create reports that serve the needs of more than one group of readers. For business writers communicating highly technical information, the challenge intensifies: satisfying both technical and non-technical audiences with the same document is no small feat. Here’s how to boost your report-writing skills.

Know who you’re writing for and why

Take time to understand the answers to the questions who and why before you begin to draft. Readers come to your reports seeking the information they need to do their jobs. Keep these questions in your sightlines to help you write technical reports that are useful.

First, analyze your audience:

  • Who are your readers?
  • Where are the potential gaps in their knowledge?
  • What are their needs?
  • How will they use the information you’re presenting in your report?
  • What will they be looking for?

Next, define your own reason for writing that report:

  • What’s your main purpose?
  • Do you want to inform or persuade?
  • What’s your desired outcome?
  • Should anything change as a result of the report being out in the world? If so, what?

Wait until you have clear answers or your reader won’t have them either.

Use plain language

Plain language, aka plain English, is writing that can be read and understood in a single pass. Let that be your standard. Don’t make your readers work harder than necessary.

Consider the level of formality in your report writing. Does it mirror the way you speak to those readers? Compare these pairs:

  • Advise / Say, tell
  • Endeavour / Try
  • Utilize / Use

If you write with words from the formal column but speak to those same readers with words from the conversational column, ask yourself why. Does it help the reader?

Remember Einstein’s maxim: Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Break information into sections

Business readers skim technical reports to find sections of interest to them. Structure your report with that in mind: think in terms of sections instead of long narrative passages that act as discouraging walls of text. Short paragraphs in logical groupings allow readers to find the information they need to do their own work quickly and easily.

To meet the needs of technical and non-technical readers alike, structure the report so that the main body isn’t bogged down with extensive technical details, such as spreadsheets or functional specifications. Instead, refer interested technical readers to appendices organized by data type and write a detailed table of contents so they can easily find what they’re looking for.

Use subheadings to highlight important concepts

Use a system of headings and subheadings to help readers skim (they’re going to do it anyway) as I’ve done with this article. Load your headings and subheadings with a distilled version of that section. A well-written set of headings and subheadings provides some readers with enough information to do their jobs—and they value the effort you made to make that possible.

Information-rich headings also help the reader navigate a report to quickly find a section of interest. Use verbs in your headings to energize them and make them concise.

  • Recommendation to Upgrade Existing Laptops
  • Committee Approved Pay Raise
  • How to Prepare for Meetings

Steer clear of unnecessary jargon

Jargon is industry- and discipline-specific shorthand that saves time among members of that industry or discipline, but it can leave non-technical readers confused.

Acronyms are one kind of jargon. They can be handy space savers for readers who can crack the code. If you’re unsure if all readers of your report know an acronym you want to use, define it with the first use.

The AML (anti-money laundering) department is being relocated to Halifax.

Sensitize yourself to your own industry or discipline jargon. Try the neighbourhood cocktail party test: would you use that term or phrase with friends? If not, it’s probably jargon. Share the secret handshake in context. For example:

Heavy water, which contains significantly more hydrogen and is 10% denser than ordinary water, is used as a moderator in some reactors.

Practicing empathy for your reader’s needs results in technical reports that meet their needs, and that means improved information flows through the organization. Skilled report writers know it’s time well spent.

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Unlocking Effective Communication: Examples of Professional Report Writing

Effective communication is vital in today’s fast-paced business environment. One of the key ways professionals communicate is through written reports. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, or analyze data, writing a report requires a certain skill set. In this article, we will explore examples of professional report writing that can help unlock effective communication.

Clear and Concise Language

When writing a report, it’s crucial to use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse your readers. Instead, opt for simple and straightforward language that everyone can understand.

For example, instead of saying “utilize,” you could use “use.” Instead of saying “facilitate,” you could say “help.” By using plain language, you ensure that your report is accessible to a wider audience and increases its impact.

Organized Structure

A well-structured report is easier to read and comprehend. Start with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and states the purpose of the report. Then, break down the body into sections with clear headings and subheadings.

For instance, if you are writing a marketing report, you might have sections like “Market Research,” “Competitor Analysis,” and “Recommendations.” Each section should focus on a specific aspect related to the main topic.

Additionally, use bullet points or numbered lists when presenting data or key points within each section. This helps make information more digestible and allows readers to quickly grasp important details without feeling overwhelmed.

Visual Aids

Incorporating visual aids into your report can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Infographics, charts, graphs, or tables can help present complex data in a more visually appealing manner. They allow readers to understand information at a glance rather than having to sift through paragraphs of text.

For example, if you are reporting sales data, you could create a bar graph or pie chart to illustrate the revenue generated by different products or regions. This visual representation not only makes the report more engaging but also helps readers grasp trends and patterns more easily.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Every report should conclude with a summary of the key findings and recommendations based on the analysis conducted. This is an opportunity to tie everything together and provide actionable insights for decision-makers.

For instance, if your report analyzed customer feedback, you could summarize the main themes that emerged from the feedback and provide recommendations on how to improve customer satisfaction. These recommendations should be clear, concise, and supported by evidence presented in the body of the report.

In conclusion, effective communication through professional report writing is crucial in today’s business world. By using clear language, organizing your report effectively, incorporating visual aids, and providing meaningful conclusions and recommendations, your reports will become powerful tools for conveying information and influencing decision-making processes. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to improving your report writing skills, so keep honing your abilities to unlock effective communication within your organization.

This text was generated using a large language model, and select text has been reviewed and moderated for purposes such as readability.


report writing in professional communication


What is Report Writing: Format, Examples, Types & Process

  • Table of Contents

Many professionals struggle to create effective reports due to a lack of understanding of the essential elements and organization required. This can lead to frustration and a failure to communicate key information to the intended audience.

In this blog, we’ll explore what is report writing, the types of reports, essential elements, and tips for creating effective reports to help you communicate your message and achieve your goals.

Definition of report writing? 

According to Mary Munter and Lynn Hamilton, authors of “Guide to Managerial Communication,” report writing is “the process of selecting, organizing, interpreting, and communicating information to meet a specific objective.”

What is report writing? 

Report writing refers to the process of creating a document that represents information in a clear and concise manner. Reports can be written for various purposes, such as providing updates on a project, analyzing data or presenting findings, or making recommendations.

Effective report writing requires careful planning, research, analysis, and organization of information. A well-structured report should be accurate, and objective, and contain a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It should also be written in a professional and accessible style, with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, tables, graphs, and other visual aids.

Overall, report writing is an important skill for professionals in many fields, as it helps to communicate information and insights in a clear and concise manner.

What is a report? 

A report is a formal document that is structured and presented in an organized manner, with the aim of conveying information, analyzing data, and providing recommendations. It is often used to communicate findings and outcomes to a specific audience, such as stakeholders, or managers. Reports can vary in length and format, but they usually contain a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Types of report writing

By understanding the different types of report writing, individuals can select the appropriate format and structure to effectively communicate information and achieve their objectives. However, the kind of report used will depend on the purpose, audience, and context of the report.

1/ Informational reports: These reports provide information about a topic, such as a product, service, or process.

Further Reading : What is an information report

2/ Analytical reports: These reports present data or information in a structured and organized manner, often with charts, graphs, or tables, to help the reader understand trends, patterns, or relationships.

3/ Formal Reports: These are detailed and structured reports written for a specific audience, often with a specific objective. In comparison with informal reports , formal reports are typically longer and more complex than other types of reports. 

4/ Progress reports: These reports provide updates on a project or initiative, detailing the progress made and any challenges or obstacles encountered. 

5/ Technical reports: These reports provide technical information, such as specifications, designs, or performance data, often aimed at a technical audience.

6/ Research reports: These reports present the findings of research conducted on a particular topic or issue, often including a literature review, data analysis, and conclusions.

7/ Feasibility Report: A feasibility report assesses the likelihood of achieving success for a suggested project or initiative.

8/ Business Reports: These reports are used in a business setting to communicate information about a company’s performance, operations, or strategies. Different types of business reports include financial statements, marketing reports, and annual reports.

Structure of report writing 

The structure of a report refers to the overall organization and layout of the report, including the sections and subsections that make up the report, their order, and their relationships to each other. A report can we divided into three parts. 

Preliminary Parts:

  • Acknowledgments (Preface or Foreword)
  • List of Tables and Illustrations
  • Introduction (clear statement of research objectives, background information, hypotheses, methodology, statistical analysis, scope of study, limitations)
  • Statement of findings and recommendations (summarized findings, non-technical language)
  • Results (detailed presentation of findings with supporting data in the form of tables and charts, statistical summaries, and reductions of data, presented in a logical sequence)
  • Implications of the results (clearly stated implications that flow from the results of the study)
  • Summary (brief summary of the research problem, methodology, major findings, and major conclusions)

End Matter:

  • Appendices (technical data such as questionnaires, sample information, and mathematical derivations)
  • Bibliography of sources consulted.

This structure provides a clear and organized framework for presenting a research report, ensuring that all important information is included and presented in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.

Extra Learnings Role of a report structure in report writing  The report structure plays a crucial role in report writing as it provides a clear and organized framework for presenting information in an effective and logical manner. It ensures that the reader can easily understand the purpose and scope of the report, locate and access the relevant information.  The preliminary parts of the report, provide an overview of the report and aid navigation. The main text makes it easier for the reader to comprehend and analyze the information. And The end matter provides additional details and sources for reference. An organized report structure also helps the author to communicate their research and ideas effectively to the intended audience.

What is the report writing format? 

The format of report writing refers to the structure of a formal document that provides information on a particular topic or issue. The report writing format typically includes the following key components: 

8 Essential elements of report writing are: 

1/ Title: The title is the first thing that readers will see, and it should be clear and concise. The title should include the report’s subject or topic and the author’s name, date of writing, or who the report is for. Remember to keep the title brief and informative, avoiding vague or ambiguous language.

Example of Business Report Title Page:   “Market Analysis and Growth Strategies for XYZ Corporation” Author: Mary Johnson Date: January 2, 2022 Company: Earthcon Corporation Department: Strategy and Planning

In this example, the title page includes the name of the report, ‘Market Analysis 2022,’ the author’s name, ‘John Doe,’ the submission date, ‘January 1, 2024,’ and other details such as the name of the organization, ‘Earthcon Corporation.’

2/ Table of Contents : The table of contents provides an overview of the report’s contents. It should list all sections and subsections with clear headings. It is essential to make the table of contents organized and easy to read, allowing readers to locate specific information quickly.

Example of  Table of Contents I. Introduction…… 1 Purpose of the Report…… 2 Methodology Used…… 2 II. Executive Summary…… 3 III. Background and Context…… 3 IV. Analysis and Findings…… 4 Market Trends and Data…… 5 Competitor Analysis…… 6 SWOT Analysis…… 7 V. Recommendations and Conclusion…… 8 VI. References…… 9

3/ Summary : Also known as the executive summary, the summary provides a brief overview of the entire report. It should summarize the report’s main points, including findings, objectives, and recommendations. The summary should be written after the entire report is completed, and it should be concise and summarized in less than one page.

Example of executive summary: The Annual Sales Report for Earthcon Company shows a 10% increase in overall sales compared to the previous year. The report also reveals that the majority of sales came from the Midwest region and the target demographic is primarily males aged 25-40. Based on these findings, recommendations have been made to focus marketing efforts towards this demographic in the upcoming year.

4/ Introduction : The introduction introduces the report’s topic and informs readers what they can expect to find in the report. The introduction should capture readers’ attention and provide relevant background information. It should be clear and concise, including why the report was written and its objectives.

Example of Introduction:  This comprehensive report aims to analyze and evaluate the sales performance of EarthCon Corporation throughout 2024. It will look into detailed sales trends observed throughout the year, carefully examining the various factors that have influenced these trends. Additionally, the report will identify and highlight potential areas for growth, offering valuable insights and recommendations to drive future success.

5/ Body: The body is the longest section and includes all the information, data, and analysis. It should present information in an organized manner, often using subheadings and bullet points. The body should include all relevant research findings and data, often accompanied by visuals such as graphs and tables. It is essential to cite all sources correctly and remain objective, avoiding personal opinions or biases.

Example of Background and Context: This report seeks to analyze the influence of technological advancements on business productivity. Previous research has indicated a correlation between the adoption of innovative technologies and increased operational efficiency for Earthcon. The report will examine further into this topic and offer suggestions for maximizing the benefits of these advancements. Example of Analysis and Findings: The market trends and data show a steady increase in demand for innovative products, with a significant rise in sales in the past five years. In comparison, competitor analysis reveals that Earthcon Corporation is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend due to its strong brand reputation and product portfolio. A SWOT analysis also highlights potential areas for improvement and growth.

6/ Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the findings and conclusions of the report. It should wrap up all the essential information presented in the body and make recommendations based on the report’s findings. The conclusion must be brief and clear, avoiding the introduction of any new information not previously presented in the body.

7/ Recommendations: The recommendation section should provide suggested goals or steps based on the report’s information. It should be realistic and achievable, providing well-crafted solutions. It is often included in the conclusion section.

Example of Recommendations and Conclusion: Based on the analysis, it is recommended that EarthCon Corporation invest in research and development to continue producing innovative products. Additionally, efforts should be made to expand into emerging markets to increase global reach. In conclusion, the Annual Sales Report shows positive outcomes and recommends strategic actions for future growth.

8/ Appendices: The appendices section includes additional technical information or supporting materials, such as research questionnaires or survey data. It should provide supplementary information to the report without disrupting the report’s main content. 

It is important to use clear headings and subheadings and to label tables and figures. Also, proofreading and fact-checking are critical before submitting the report. A well-crafted report is concise, informative and free of personal bias or opinions.

What are the features of report writing

There are several key features of effective report writing that can help ensure that the information presented is clear, concise, and useful. Some of these features include:

1/ Clarity: Reports should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be confusing to the reader. 

2/ Objectivity: A report should be objective, meaning that it should be free from bias or personal opinions. This is particularly important when presenting data or analysis.

3/ Accuracy: Reports should be based on reliable sources and accurate data. Information should be verified and cross-checked to ensure that it is correct and up-to-date.

4/ Structure: A report should be structured in a logical and organized manner, with clear headings, subheadings, and sections. 

5/ Visual aids: A report may include visual aids such as charts, tables, and graphs, which can help to illustrate the key points and make the information easier to understand.

6/ Evidence: Reports should include evidence to support any claims or findings, such as statistics, quotes, or references to relevant literature.

7/ Recommendations: Many reports include recommendations or suggestions for future action based on the findings or analysis presented.

Significance of report writing

Report writing is a critical skill that can have a significant impact on individuals, and organizations. In fact, a report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that the ability to communicate effectively, including report writing, was the most important skill sought by employers.

  • Reports provide decision-makers with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Effective report writing demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which can help to build trust and credibility with clients.
  • Reports can inform planning processes by providing data and insights that can be used to develop strategies and allocate resources.
  • Reports often include recommendations or suggestions for future action, which can help to improve processes, procedures, or outcomes.
Further Reading: What is the significance of report writing

Report writing examples and samples


Example of Progress Report


The essential process of report writing

Report writing requires careful planning, organization, and analysis to ensure that the report effectively communicates the intended message to the audience. Here are the general steps involved in the process of report writing:

Plan and prepare:

  • Identify the purpose of the report, the target audience, and the scope of the report.
  • Collect and examine data from different sources, including research studies, surveys, or interviews.
  • Create an outline of the report, including headings and subheadings.

Write the introduction:

  • Start with a brief summary of the report and its purpose.
  • Provide background information and context for the report.
  • Explain the research methodology and approach used.

Write the main body:

  • Divide the report into logical sections, each with a clear heading.
  • Present the findings and analysis of the research in a clear and organized manner.
  • Use appropriate visual aids, such as tables, graphs, or charts to present data and information.
  • Utilize a language that is both clear and Brief, and avoid using unnecessary jargon or technical terminology.
  • Cite all sources used in the report according to a specified citation style.

Write the conclusion:

  • Summarize the main findings and conclusions of the report.
  • Restate the purpose of the report and how it was achieved.
  • Provide recommendations or suggestions for further action, if applicable.

Edit and revise:

  • Review the report for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Check that all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Revise and improve the report as necessary.

Format and present:

  • Use a professional and appropriate format for the report.
  • Include a title page, table of contents, and list of references or citations.
  • Incorporate headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance the report’s readability and facilitate navigation.
  • Use appropriate fonts and sizes, and ensure that the report is well-structured and visually appealing.

Important Principles of report writing

To write an effective report, it is important to follow some basic principles. These principles ensure that your report is clear, concise, accurate, and informative. In this regard, here are some of the key principles that you should keep in mind when writing a report:

1/ Clarity: The report should be clear and easy to understand. 

2/ Completeness: The report should cover all the relevant information needed to understand the topic

3/ Conciseness: A report should be concise, presenting only the information that is relevant and necessary to the topic. 

4/ Formatting: The report should be properly formatted, with consistent fonts, spacing, and margins

5/ Relevance: The information presented in the report should be relevant to the purpose of the report.

6/ Timeliness: The report should be completed and delivered in a timely manner.

7/ Presentation: The report should be visually appealing and well-presented.

Extra Learnings Styles of report writing When it comes to the style of report writing, it’s important to use hard facts and figures, evidence, and justification. Using efficient language is crucial since lengthy reports with too many words are difficult to read. The most effective reports are easy and quick to read since the writer has comprehended the data and formulated practical recommendations. To achieve this, it’s important to write as you speak, avoid empty words, use descending order of importance, use an active voice, and keep sentences short. The goal should be to write to express and not to impress the reader.  It’s also important to get facts 100% right and to be unbiased and open. By following these tips, one can create a well-written report that is easy to understand and provides valuable insights.

Differences between a report and other forms of writing

Reports are a specific form of writing that serves a distinct purpose and have unique characteristics. Unlike other forms of writing, such as essays or fiction, reports are typically focused on presenting factual information and making recommendations based on that information. Below we have differentiated report writing with various other forms of writing.

Essay vs report writing

Project writing vs report writing

Research methodology vs report writing

Article writing vs report writing

Content writing vs report writing

Business plan vs report writing

Latest topics for report writing in 2024

The possibilities for report topics may depend on the goals and scope of the report. The key is to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your audience, and that you can conduct thorough research on in order to provide meaningful insights and recommendations.  

  • A market analysis for a new product or service. 
  • An evaluation of employee satisfaction in a company. 
  • A review of the state of cybersecurity in a particular industry. 
  • A study of the prevalence and consequences of workplace discrimination. 
  • Analysis of the environmental impact of a particular industry or company. 
  • An assessment of the impact of new technology or innovations on a particular industry or sector. 

Report writing skills and techniques 

Effective report writing requires a combination of skills and techniques to communicate information and recommendations in a clear, and engaging manner.

From organizing information to tailoring the report to the intended audience, there are many factors to consider when writing a report. By mastering these skills and techniques, you can ensure that your report is well-written, informative, and engaging for your audience. Some of the primary ones are: 

1/ Organization and structure: Structure your report in a logical and organized manner with headings and subheadings.

2/ Use of data and evidence: Present objective data and evidence to support your findings and recommendations.

3/ Audience awareness: Tailor your report to the needs and interests of your intended audience.

4/ Effective visuals: Use graphs, charts, or other visuals to communicate complex information in a clear and engaging way.

5/ Editing and proofreading: Carefully edit and proofread your report to ensure it is error-free and professional.

6/ Tone: Use a professional and objective tone to communicate your findings and recommendations.

7/ Time management: Manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to research, write, and revise your report.

Tips for effective report writing

  • Understand your audience before you start writing. 
  • Start with an outline and cover all the important points. 
  • Employ clear and concise language.
  • Utilize headings and subheadings to organize your report.
  • Incorporate evidence and examples to support your points.
  • Thoroughly edit and proofread your report before submission.
  • Follow formatting guidelines If your report has specific formatting requirements.
  • Use visuals to enhance understanding.

What is the ethical consideration involved in report writing 

Ethical considerations play a crucial role in report writing. The accuracy of the information presented in the report is of utmost importance, as it forms the basis for any conclusions or recommendations that may be made. In addition, it is essential to avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the original sources of information and ideas. 

Another crucial ethical consideration is confidentiality, particularly when the report contains sensitive or confidential information. It is important to safeguard this information and prevent its disclosure to unauthorized individuals.

Avoiding bias in report writing is also crucial, as it is essential to present information in an objective and unbiased manner. In cases where research or data collection is involved, obtaining informed consent from human subjects is a necessary ethical requirement.

By taking these ethical considerations into account, report writers can ensure that their work is fair, accurate, and respectful to all parties involved.

Common mistakes in report writing 

There are several common mistakes that students and report writers make in report writing. By avoiding these common mistakes, students as well as report writers can create effective and impactful reports that are clear, accurate, and objective.

1/ Writing in the first person: Often, students and report writers commit an error by writing in the first person and utilizing words such as “I” or “me. In reports, it is recommended to write impersonally, using the passive voice instead.

2/ Using the wrong format: Reports should use numbered headings and subheadings to structure the content, while essays should have a clear line of argument in their content.

3/ Failing to introduce the content: The introduction of the report should introduce the content of the report, not the subject for discussion. It is important to explain the scope of the report and what is to follow, rather than explaining what a certain concept is.

4/ Missing relevant sections: Students and report writers, often miss out on including relevant sections that were specified in the assignment instructions, such as a bibliography or certain types of information. This can result in poor interpretation.

5/ Poor proofreading: Finally, not spending enough time proofreading the reported work can create unwanted mistakes. Therefore, It is important to proofread and correct errors multiple times before submitting the final report to avoid any mistakes that could have been easily corrected.

By avoiding these common mistakes, students and report writers can improve the quality of their reports. 

What are some challenges of report writing and how to overcome them

Report writing can be a challenging task for many reasons. Here are some common challenges of report writing and how to overcome them:

1/ Lack of clarity on the purpose of the report: To overcome this challenge, it is important to clearly define the purpose of the report before starting. This can help to focus the content of the report and ensure that it meets the needs of the intended audience.

2/ Difficulty in organizing ideas: Reports often require a significant amount of information to be organized in a logical and coherent manner. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to create an outline or flowchart to organize ideas before beginning to write.

3/ Time management: Writing a report can be time-consuming, and it is important to allow sufficient time to complete the task. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to create a timeline or schedule for the various stages of the report-writing process.

4/ Writer’s block: Sometimes writers may experience writer’s block, making it difficult to start or continue writing the report. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to take a break, engage in other activities or brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas.

5/ Difficulty in citing sources: It is important to properly cite sources used in the report to avoid plagiarism and maintain credibility. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to use citation management tools, such as EndNote or Mendeley, to keep track of sources and ensure accurate referencing.

6/ Review and editing: Reviewing and editing a report can be a challenging task, especially when it is one’s own work. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to take a break before reviewing the report and seek feedback from others to gain a fresh perspective.

By being aware of these challenges and taking proactive steps to overcome them, report writers can create effective and impactful reports that meet the needs of their intended audience.

Best Software for writing reports 

Report writing software has made it easier for writers to produce professional-looking reports with ease. These software tools offer a range of features and functionalities, including data visualization, collaboration, and customization options. In this section, we will explore some of the best report-writing software available:

1/ Tableau : This tool is great for creating interactive and visually appealing reports, as it allows users to easily create charts, graphs, and other data visualizations. It also supports data blending, which means that you can combine data from multiple sources to create more comprehensive reports.

2/ Zoho reporting : This tool is designed to help users create and share professional-looking reports quickly and easily. It offers a variety of customizable templates, as well as a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to add data and create charts and graphs.

3/ Bold Reports by Syncfusion : This tool is designed specifically for creating reports in .NET applications. It offers a wide range of features, including interactive dashboards, real-time data connectivity, and customizable themes and templates.

4/  Fast Reports : This tool is a reporting solution for businesses of all sizes. It allows users to create reports quickly and easily using a drag-and-drop interface and offers a variety of templates and customization options. It also supports a wide range of data sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and web services.

Further Reading : 10+ Best Report Writing Software and Tools in 2024

What is the conclusion of report writing

The conclusion of report writing is the final section of the report that summarizes the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations. It should tie together all the different sections of the report and present a clear and concise summary of the key points. 

THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE has given an inverted introduction framework that can use used for writing effective conclusions for reports. 


Example of conclusion in report writing:

The implication of the above diagram can be explained with the following example:  


Social media has revolutionized the marketing landscape, providing new opportunities for brands to connect with their target audience.


However, the complexities and limitations of social media mean that it is unlikely to completely replace traditional marketing methods. The role of the marketing professional remains crucial in ensuring that social media strategies align with the company’s overall goals and effectively reach the desired audience.


Automated tools cannot fully account for the nuances of human communication or provide the level of personalization that consumers crave. Therefore, the most effective marketing strategies will likely blend social media tactics with traditional marketing channels.

4. CONCLUDING STATEMENT [restating thesis]:

In conclusion, while social media presents significant opportunities for brands, the expertise of marketing professionals is still essential to creating successful campaigns that achieve desired outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) what is report writing and example.

Ans: Report writing involves preparing a structured document that delivers information to a particular audience in a clear and systematic manner. An example of a report could be a business report analyzing the financial performance of a company and making recommendations for improvement.

Q2) What is report writing and types of reports?

Ans: The act of presenting information in an orderly and structured format is known as report writing. Reports come in different types, such as analytical reports, research reports, financial reports, progress reports, incident reports, feasibility reports, and recommendation reports.

Q3) What are the 5 steps of report writing

The five steps of report writing, are as follows:

  • Planning: This involves defining the purpose of the report, determining the audience, and conducting research to gather the necessary information.
  • Structuring: This step involves deciding on the structure of the report, such as the sections and subsections, and creating an outline.
  • Writing: This is the stage where the actual writing of the report takes place, including drafting and revising the content.
  • Reviewing: In this step, the report is reviewed for accuracy, coherence, and effectiveness, and any necessary changes are made.
  • Presenting: This final step involves presenting the report in a clear and professional manner, such as through the use of headings, visuals, and a table of contents.

Q4) What is a report in short answer? 

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What is the Importance of Report Writing? A Complete Overview

Reports are the backbone of effective communication in both academic and professional realms. Discover the significance of report writing in our blog on the Importance of Report Writing. Learn how mastering this skill can enhance your ability to convey information, influence decisions, and propel your career to new heights.


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Table of contents   

1) Importance of Report Writing  

    a) Evaluation 

    b) Development of skills 

    c) Investigation 

    d) Quick Location 

    e) Decision making tool 

    f) Neutral presentation of facts 

    g) A managerial tool 

    h) Proper control 

    i) Professional advancement 

    j) Encountering advance and complex situation 

2) Conclusion  

Importance of Report Writing  

Report Writing is a skill that can benefit you in various ways and contexts. Here is the list of reasons reflecting the Importance of Report Writing:  

Importance of Report Writing


The importance of Report Writing can be reflected during the evaluation process. This is because Report Writing can help you evaluate your own or others’ performance, progress, or outcomes. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to assess your learning outcomes, achievements, or challenges in a course or a project. As a teacher, you can write a Report to evaluate your students’ learning outcomes, strengths, or weaknesses in a course or an assignment. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to evaluate your research methods, results, or implications in a study or an experiment. Report Writing can help you identify the gaps, strengths, or areas for improvement in your own or others’ work.  

Report Writing Training

Development of skill s  

Report Writing can help you develop your skills in various domains and disciplines. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to improve your writing, research, analysis, or presentation skills. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to enhance your teaching, assessment, feedback, or curriculum design skills. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to advance your knowledge, methodology, innovation, or contribution skills. Report Writing can help you acquire new knowledge, apply existing knowledge, or create new knowledge in your field of interest. 


The Importance of Report Writing also lies in investigating a problem or a topic in-depth and in detail. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to explore a question or an issue that interests you or relates to your course or project. 

At the same time, if you are a teacher, you can write a Report to investigate a pedagogical or educational problem or phenomenon that affects your teaching or learning environment. On the other hand, if you are a researcher, you can write a Report to investigate a scientific or social problem or phenomenon that has significance or relevance for your discipline or society. Report Writing can help you collect, analyse, and present data in an organised and systematic way. 

Quick location  

Report Writing can help you locate information quickly and easily. For example, students can write a Report to summarise the main points and findings of your course or project for future reference or revision. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to document the key aspects and outcomes of your course or assignment for future use or evaluation. 

At the same time, researchers can write a Report to record the essential details and implications of a study or experiment for future dissemination or publication. Report Writing can help you create an index, an abstract, or an executive summary that can help you access information at a glance . 

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Decision making tool  

Report Writing acts as a decision-making tool that can assist you in making decisions based on facts and evidence. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to support your arguments or opinions with data and sources in an essay or a debate. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to justify your decisions or recommendations with data and sources in an assessment or feedback. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to validate your claims or hypotheses with data and sources in a study or an experiment. Thus, Report Writing can help you use logic, reasoning, and analysis to make informed and rational decisions. 

Neutral presentation of facts  

Report Writing can help you present facts in a neutral and objective manner. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to avoid bias or emotion in your writing and use facts and evidence to support your points. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to avoid bias or emotion in your assessment and use facts and evidence to evaluate your students. 

Researchers can write a Report to avoid bias or emotion in their research and use facts and evidence to demonstrate their findings. Report Writing can help you maintain a professional and ethical tone in your communication. 

A m anagerial t ool  

Report Writing can help you manage your work or project effectively and efficiently. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to plan, organise, and monitor your progress or outcomes in a course or a project. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to plan, organise, and monitor your activities or objectives in a course or an assignment. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to plan, organise, and monitor your methods or results in a study or an experiment. As a result, Report Writing can help you set goals, allocate resources, and measure performance. 

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Proper c ontrol  

Report Writing helps you control your work or project effectively and efficiently. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to check, review, and revise your work or project before submission or presentation. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to check, review, and revise your work or project before delivery or evaluation. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to check, review, and revise your work or project before dissemination or publication. Thus, Report Writing can help you ensure quality, accuracy, and consistency in your work or project. 

Professional a dvancement  

The importance of Report Writing lies in advancing and developing your professional career. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to demonstrate your competence, knowledge, and skills in a course or a project. In contrast, if you are a teacher, you can write a Report to demonstrate your competence, knowledge, and skills in a course or an assignment. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to demonstrate your competence, knowledge, and skills in a study or an experiment. Report Writing can help you showcase your achievements, contributions, or innovations in your field of interest. 

Encountering advance and complex situation  

Report Writing can help you encounter advanced and complex situations in your work or project. For example, if you are a student, you can write a Report to deal with challenging questions or issues that arise in your course or project. If you are a teacher, you can write a Report to deal with challenging questions or issues that arise in your course or assignment. 

If you are a researcher, you can write a Report to deal with challenging questions or issues that arise in your study or experiment. Report Writing can help you solve problems, overcome obstacles, or discover new possibilities in your work or project. 

Unlock the power of effective communication with our Report Writing Training - start crafting impactful Reports today!  


We hope that this blog has helped you understand the Importance of Report Writing and how to use it effectively. Report Writing is a skill that can benefit you in various ways and contexts. So, why not start writing Reports today? You will be amazed by the results! 

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Report Writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

report writing in professional communication

Learn the essentials of report writing with this comprehensive guide. Explore the proper format, find inspiring topics, and discover real-world examples to enhance your report writing skills.

What is Report Writing?

A Report Writing is a written account that helps us to know about an event, situation, or occurrence in detail that has already taken place.

Report Writing is a narrative of Events described in an impartial approach. Rules and Format of Report Writing are necessary to know for English report writing. Examples of Report Writing help us in doing this easily.

The Power of Effective Report Writing

Report writing is a skill that transcends industries and disciplines, playing a vital role in conveying information, analyzing data, and making informed decisions. 

Whether you are a student, a researcher, a business professional, or someone looking to improve your communication abilities, mastering the art of report writing is essential for success. 

This article will provide you with insights into the format, topics, and real-world examples of report writing to help you become a proficient report writer.

Understanding the Format of a Report

A well-structured report not only facilitates easy comprehension but also leaves a lasting impact on the reader. Understanding the proper format is the foundation of creating an effective report. In crafting a comprehensive and impactful report, one must carefully consider and include the following crucial elements. :

1. Title Page

The title page should include the report’s title, the name of the author or organization, the date of submission, and any relevant affiliations.

2. Abstract or Executive Summary

The abstract or executive summary is a concise overview of the report’s main points, providing the reader with a snapshot of the entire report’s content.

3. Table of Contents

The table of contents outlines the report’s structure, listing the headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers.

4. Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for the report, providing context, stating the purpose, and highlighting the significance of the topic.

5. Methodology

In research-oriented reports, the methodology section explains the approach taken to gather data, conduct experiments, or perform studies.

6. Findings

The findings section presents the data collected or the results of the research in a clear and organized manner, often using tables, graphs, or charts.

7. Discussion

The discussion section interprets the findings, provides insights, and offers explanations for observed patterns or trends.

8. Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the main points, draws conclusions based on the findings, and may include recommendations for future actions.

9. Recommendations

In reports with actionable outcomes, the recommendations section suggests specific steps or strategies based on the findings.

10. References

The references section lists all the sources cited in the report, ensuring proper acknowledgment of external work and adding credibility.

Writing Tips for an Effective Sample Report

Creating a compelling report requires not just proper structure but also excellent writing skills. Here are some valuable tips to enhance your report writing:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial when writing a report. Tailor your language, tone, and content to suit the reader’s level of expertise and interest.

2. Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your writing clear, straightforward, and to the point. Avoid jargon and unnecessary technical terms that may confuse readers.

3. Organize Information Logically

Present information in a logical sequence, ensuring that each section flows smoothly into the next. Use headings and subheadings to provide a clear structure.

4. Support Claims with Evidence

Back up your statements with credible evidence and data. This adds credibility to your report and strengthens your arguments.

5. Edit and Proofread Thoroughly

Always review your report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-edited report shows professionalism and attention to detail.

6. Seek Feedback

Before finalizing your report, seek feedback from colleagues or peers. Fresh perspectives can help identify areas of improvement.

Selecting Engaging Report Writing Topics

Choosing the right topic is essential for crafting a compelling report. Whether it’s for academic, business, or research purposes, an engaging topic will capture the reader’s interest and keep them invested in your report. Here are some inspiring report writing topics:

1. The Impact of Technology on Modern Workplace s

Explore how technology has transformed traditional workplaces, affecting productivity, communication, and employee satisfaction.

2. Environmental Sustainability in Urban Cities

Examine the efforts made by urban cities to promote environmental sustainability, including green initiatives and waste reduction strategies.

3. The Rise of E-Learning: A Comprehensive Analysis

Analyze the growth of e-learning platforms, their effectiveness in education, and their potential to revolutionize the traditional learning system.

4. Cybersecurity Threats and Mitigation Strategies for Businesses

Investigate the latest cybersecurity threats faced by businesses and outline effective strategies to safeguard sensitive data and prevent cyber attacks.

5. Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies for Employee Well-Being

Discuss the importance of addressing mental health issues in the workplace and propose strategies to support employee well-being.

Real-World Examples of Impactful Reports

To gain a deeper understanding of report writing’s practical applications, let’s explore some real-world examples:

1. World Health Organization (WHO) – Global Health Report

The WHO publishes comprehensive reports on global health issues, providing data on disease outbreaks, vaccination rates, and healthcare access worldwide. These reports play a crucial role in shaping global health policies and initiatives.

2. McKinsey & Company – Industry Research Reports

Management consulting firm McKinsey & Company produces insightful industry research reports that analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and business strategies. These reports serve as valuable resources for executives and decision-makers.

3. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Climate Assessment Reports

The IPCC releases periodic reports on climate change, assessing its impacts, causes, and potential solutions. These reports are instrumental in guiding environmental policies and international climate agreements.

A Sample Report Writing Format on A Bank Robbery.

The following points will make it easy to write a report easily shown below.


( Who Reported ) By a Special Correspondent

Where, When, What: Kolkata, August 14 (Introduction): A daring (CART) robbery took place today at 3 p.m. at the United Bank of India, Gariahat Branch, Kolkata.

How, why, Casualty: According to the Branch Manager, three men armed with pistols overpowered the security staff and locked the gate from the inside. One of the miscreants (710) herded the customers and the staff into one corner of the bank and kept them silent at gunpoint. The other two miscreants snatched the keys from the Manager.

Condition: Then they unlocked the vault and bagged cash and jewelry worth Rs. 40 lacks. They came out of the bank hurling bombs, jumped into a black Maruti Van, and sped away.

Reaction & Measures Taken (Conclusion): The police arrived within half an hour. No one has been arrested yet. Investigations are on, as the Deputy Commissioner of Police told the media.

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Report Writing Types in English:

Basically, Report writing in English is of  three types .

  • General Report Writing:  These reports give an account of a person’s experience of an event or an incident.
  • Newspaper Report Writing:  Newspaper reports are based on true incidents or accidents meant to express some information to the public.
  • Business Report Writing:  Business reports are made on orders based on observation, investigation, and analysis.

General Report Writing Examples

Example 1: Business Report – Market Analysis

Title: Market Analysis for XYZ Company’s Product Expansion

Executive Summary: The market analysis report assesses the potential of XYZ Company to expand its product line into a new market segment.

Introduction: This report aims to investigate the feasibility and potential challenges associated with XYZ Company’s entry into the youth-oriented consumer electronics market.

Methodology: Data was collected through a combination of surveys, focus groups, and secondary research from reputable industry reports.

Findings: The youth-oriented consumer electronics market is growing rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 12% over the past three years.

XYZ Company’s brand recognition is relatively low among the target audience.

The price sensitivity of the target market is a significant factor to consider.

  • Analysis: The findings suggest that while there is a lucrative opportunity for XYZ Company to enter the market, it will require a focused marketing campaign and competitive pricing strategies to overcome initial brand awareness challenges.
  • Discussion: By leveraging social media and influencers, XYZ Company can effectively reach the target audience and build brand loyalty. Additionally, offering a competitive pricing model will attract price-conscious customers.
  • Recommendations:
  • Collaborate with popular influencers to gain credibility and reach a wider audience.

Offer attractive introductory pricing and discounts to entice price-sensitive customers.

Conclusion: Entering the youth-oriented consumer electronics market presents a promising opportunity for XYZ Company. By implementing the recommended strategies, the company can capitalize on this potential growth and expand its product line successfully.

Remember that the specific format and content of a report may vary based on the requirements set by your institution, organization, or supervisor. Always check for any specific guidelines before starting your report writing.

Write a newspaper report on the “Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony in your school” 

Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony in your school

By Staff Reporter

[City, Date]: The air was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as [Your School Name] hosted its grand Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony yesterday. The event, held in the school auditorium, was a momentous occasion that celebrated the academic excellence and achievements of the students.

Distinguished guests, parents, and faculty members graced the ceremony with their presence. The school principal, in his opening address, emphasized the significance of recognizing and applauding students’ efforts beyond academics.

The highlight of the event was the distribution of prizes to the meritorious students, acknowledging their outstanding performance in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. The audience erupted with applause as the achievers walked up the stage to receive their awards.

The melodious music, vibrant dances, and thought-provoking skits captivated the audience.

The Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony concluded on a high note, leaving everyone inspired and motivated. It served as a testament to the school’s commitment to nurturing holistic development among its students.

[Your School Name] once again proved that it is not only a center of academic excellence but also a platform for nurturing well-rounded individuals.

By [Your Name]

Write a newspaper repot on “A terrible fire broke out in Kolkata”

Terrible fire breaks out in kolkata, causing extensive damage.

Kolkata, Date: A devastating fire broke out in a commercial area of Kolkata yesterday, causing widespread destruction and panic among residents and businesses. The incident occurred in the bustling market district, engulfing several multi-story buildings.

Eyewitnesses reported that the fire started in one of the shops due to an electrical short circuit and quickly spread to nearby establishments. Despite the immediate response from firefighters, the blaze proved challenging to control, as narrow streets hindered their access.

Local authorities and emergency services rushed to the scene, evacuating people from nearby buildings and providing medical assistance to those affected. Tragically, a few individuals sustained minor injuries in the process.

The fire caused extensive damage to properties, resulting in significant financial losses for business owners. The full extent of the damage is yet to be assessed.

Investigations into the incident are underway to determine the exact cause and potential safety lapses. As the city mourns the loss of properties and livelihoods, efforts are being made to extend relief and support to the affected residents.

1. Write a report for a newspaper about A Terrible Train Accident.

Odisha Train Accident / Coromandel Express Train Accident

Balasore, 3rd June 2023: At around 7 pm, 2nd June on Friday evening 10-12 coaches of the Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express derailed near Baleswar and fell on the opposite track. After some time, another train from Yeswanthpur to Howrah dashed into those derailed coaches resulting in the derailment of its 3-4 coaches. The train crash involving two passenger trains and a goods train in Odisha’s Balasore on Friday is said to be one of the deadliest rail accidents in India. More than 230 people have lost their lives in the accident and 900 have been injured. NDRF, ODRAF, and Fire Services are still working to cut the bogie and try to recover the living or the dead. Local people were seen helping the teams responsible for rescue and relief operations and they queued up to donate blood for the injured in Balasore. As a result, Local people became able to rescue 200-300 injured people A high-level committee has been declared to conduct an inquiry into the train accident. The Centre has announced an ex-gratia compensation of Rs 10 Lakh each to the kin of the deceased and Rs 2 Lakh to grievous and Rs 50,000 for minor injuries, Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said.

2. Write a report for a newspaper about A Magic Show .

By Anik Dutta

On Friday, November 18:  our school authority invited a magician to surprise the students of the school with a magic show. The magic show was a gift to the students from the school’s authoritative body as the school won the award for Best Disciplined School in Kolkata for the year 2015. The magic show was organized on the school’s open-air stage. The show went on for 2 hours, from 12 to 2 pm. The first magic shown by the great magician was pulling out of a rabbit from his hat which was absolutely empty when he wore it. The spectators were pleasantly surprised. He showed exciting magic tricks one after the other and ended the show with a message to the awestruck students, ‘Practice maths well, and you can do magic too as it is nothing but a game of calculation’. The show was immensely appreciated by all.

3. Write a report for a newspaper about Health Issues of the people of your District .

Health Issues of the People of Your District

By Ravi Yogi

On 20 May 2021:  a health awareness campaign camp was organized in the Howrah district by the World Health Organisation. Some volunteers were chosen, who from then on, visit each house every month to remind people to get their children vaccinated. People now follow their instructions and keep their surroundings clean to avoid certain diseases. The volunteers distributed water purifiers at a cheap rate so that people could use them to get pure water. The mosquito-repellant sprays are used every month and mosquito nets are now used to keep mosquitoes away. If the volunteers arrange a blood donation camp every month it could help the people in need. Also, a free health checkup camp could be arranged for further health improvement of the people of the locality.

4. Write a report for a newspaper about the Annual sports Event of Your School .

Annual Sports Event of Your School

By Anwesha Das

The annual sports day of our school (St. Agnes H.S. School) was held on February 15 for the junior students at the school grounds. The event for the junior students started at 9:30 in the morning with a relay race. The next race they had was a tricycle race and the last one the junior students had was a treat to watch. The junior ones’ had to run wearing long gowns and they had to run the track without falling even once.

The juniors enjoyed the fun sporting events a lot, while the visitors’ race involving the parents remained the highlight of the day. At the end of the program Chief Guest Sourav Ganguly gave away the awards to the winners and the class teacher of each class distributed a box containing candies, a chocolate pastry, an orange, and two vanilla cream-filled wafer biscuits to every pupil of her class. The event turned out to be a joyful one with a smile on everyone’s face.

Newspaper Report Writing : Format, Topics, Examples

5. write a newspaper report on the first downpour of the season ..


Kolkata, June 13:  Today Kolkata experienced its first downpour during the season. The showers were brought about by a deep depression over the Gangetic West Bengal. There was incessant (WESO) rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning. In Kolkata, it rained throughout the day with occasional breaks. The weather office at Alipore has recorded a rainfall of 20 cm. Many low-lying areas went underwater. Some of the major roads were waterlogged for several hours. There were traffic jams on many roads. The hand-pulled rickshaws had stopped. Train and air services were disrupted. There were cable faults in many parts of the city. Two persons were electrocuted. But they have not yet been identified, said the police officials.

6. As a Reporter for an English daily, write a report about A violent cyclonic storm .


By a Special Correspondent

Katak, August 12:  A violent cyclonic storm ravaged the coastal areas of Odisha today. The cyclone started at about 6.45 p.m. It was said to have rushed at a speed of 80 km per hour. The worst-affected areas include Puri, Baleswar, and Paradip. The cyclone raised the sea to an alarming height. The high tidal waves submerged the low-lying coastal areas. It caused incalculable damage to life and property. More than 10,000 people were rendered homeless. Train services were totally disrupted. The State Government sent its rescue team along with central paramilitary forces to tackle the situation. A sum of Rs. 3 crores has been sanctioned for the relief and rehabilitation of the cyclone-hit people.

7. Write a report for a newspaper about A Serious Road Accident

A Serious Road Accident

Kolkata, January 18:  As many as 20 persons including two women and a child were injured in an accident at about 8 pm, on M, G, Road yesterday. The accident took place when a speeding minibus, in a bid to overtake a private bus, skidded off the road. The vehicle carrying 45 passengers went straight into a shopping mall, after breaking the roadside railing, Persons inside the mall and the bus suffered serious injuries Local people started the rescue operation. The injured were taken to the nearest hospital. Locals got agitated and blocked the road causing the suspension of traffic for more than 3 hours. However, the police came and brought the situation under control.

8. Write a report within 100 words for an English daily about Cyclone hitting Coastal West Bengal .

Cyclone hits Coastal West Bengal

-By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, June 12, 2013:  A severe cyclone with a speed of 80 km. per hour hit the coastal areas of West Bengal yesterday evening at about 6-45 p.m. Caused by a deep depression in the Bay of Bengal, the cyclone ripped through the state resulting in huge damage to life and property. 60 persons have died and thousands have been rendered homeless. Train services have been disrupted leaving a number of people stranded. The state government has taken immediate steps to provide relief to the victims. More than 5000 people have been evacuated to temporary relief shelters. The Chief Minister has reviewed the situation and assured the people of all help.

9. Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words .


By a Staff Reporter

Kolkata, October 1, 2015:  Yesterday at around 10:30 am an accident took place at Sinthi More when an Esplanade bound bus, of route no 78/1, suddenly collided with a truck. The report says the brake failure of the bus was the cause of this mishap. Five passengers were injured including a child and a woman. According to passengers, the ill-fated bus was moving at a great speed. Near Sinthi More the driver lost control and banged behind a truck. Local people rushed in, and took the injured to the nearest hospital where they were released after first aid. Traffic got disrupted. Cops reached the spot quickly, intervened, and normalcy was restored within an hour.

10. Write a report on a Railway accident.


By Kishore Ganguli

Kolkata, April 25:  A man died after he had been hit by a Sealdah bound train close to Barrackpore station around 5.40 am today when the victim was returning home from a regular morning walk. According to an eyewitness, the man was trying to cross the tracks, got confused, and ended up on the track on which the train was coming on. Being hit on his head, he was hospitalized immediately. But the doctors declared him dead. The locals made a blockade on the railway tracks. The police came, dispersed the irate mob and the train service was restored. The railway authorities announced an exgratia payment of Rs 2 lakh to the next of kin of the deceased. The situation is tense till now.

FAQs about Report Writing

Q: what is the ideal length for a report.

Reports can vary in length depending on their purpose and complexity. However, a concise report of 10-20 pages is often preferred to keep the reader engaged.

Q: Can I use bullet points in my report?

Yes, using bullet points can enhance readability and make key information stand out. However, use them sparingly and only when appropriate.

Q: Should I include visuals in my report?

Yes, incorporating relevant visuals like graphs, charts, and images can make complex data easier to understand.

Q: Can I include my opinion in the report?

While reports should be objective and fact-based, there might be instances where your expert opinion is valuable. If so, clearly distinguish between facts and opinions.

Q: How can I make my executive summary compelling?

The executive summary should be concise yet informative. Highlight the most important findings and recommendations to pique the reader’s interest.

Q: Is it necessary to follow a specific report writing style?

Different organizations or fields may have their preferred report writing style. Always follow the guidelines provided by your institution or industry standards.

Q: What is the main purpose of a report?

A: The main purpose of a report is to present information, findings, and recommendations in a structured and organized manner.

A: Yes, bullet points can help present information concisely and improve readability.

Q: How long should an executive summary be?

A: An executive summary should be concise, typically ranging from one to two pages.

Q: Is it necessary to include visuals in a report?

A: Including visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can enhance the reader’s understanding of complex data.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in report writing?

A: Common mistakes to avoid include using overly technical language, neglecting to cite sources properly, and lacking a clear structure.

Q: How can I make my report more engaging?

A: To make your report engaging, use real-life examples, incorporate visuals, and use a conversational tone when appropriate.

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Written Communication Guide: Types, Examples, and Tips

9 min read · Updated on August 16, 2023

Marsha Hebert

The power of words inspires change, evokes emotions, and fosters connections

We live in a world where the words you write hold the key to unlocking new opportunities. It doesn't matter if you're writing formal business correspondence or a personal letter to your best friend, writing has the power to take readers on a profound journey through your thoughts. 

The types of written communication are as diverse as the purposes they serve and can allow you to excel at work, engage academically, and be more expressive and eloquent. This written communication guide will lead you down a path to discover different types of written communication and will provide examples and tips to ensure that you write exactly what you mean. 

Definition of written communication

At its core, written communication is the art of transmitting messages, thoughts, and ideas through the written word. It serves as a bridge that connects individuals across time and space, allowing for the seamless exchange of information, emotions, and knowledge. Whether etched onto parchment centuries ago or typed onto a digital screen today, written communication has withstood the test of time as a powerful means of expression.

In a fast-paced world where information travels at the speed of light, written communication holds its ground as a tangible record of human interaction. Unlike its oral counterpart , written communication transcends temporal boundaries, leaving an indelible mark that can be revisited and analyzed. It's this permanence that lends written communication a significant place in personal correspondence, professional documentation, and academic discourse.

In personal realms, heartfelt letters and carefully crafted emails capture emotions and sentiments that words spoken aloud might fail to convey

Within professional settings, written communication takes the form of reports, proposals, and emails, each meticulously composed to ensure clarity and precision

Academia finds its treasure trove in research papers, essays, and presentations, where written communication serves as the cornerstone of knowledge dissemination

Yet, amidst this sophistication lies a distinction: written communication lacks the immediate feedback and nuances present in oral discourse. This difference demands attention to detail and precise articulation, to ensure the intended message is accurately received. The immediate feedback present in oral communication allows you to instantly adjust your rhetoric, but that opportunity isn't always present in written communication. 

Types of written communication

We've briefly explored the concept that written communication can be found in personal, professional, and academic settings. But its reach extends far beyond those three realms. Each type of written communication wields a unique power, catering to different purposes and audiences. Understanding the four types of written communication – formal, informal, academic, and creative – will empower you to communicate effectively across a wide spectrum of contexts. 

1. Formal communication

In the corporate arena, formal written communication is the backbone of professional interactions. This type of writing demands precision, clarity, and adherence to established norms. Written communication in the workplace encompasses emails, memos, reports, and official documents. These documents serve as a lasting record of decisions, proposals, and agreements, emphasizing the need for accuracy and professionalism. Examples of formal written communication include:

Formal business emails: These messages are structured, concise, and adhere to a specific etiquette. For instance, sending a well-constructed email to a prospective client introducing your company's services demonstrates effective formal communication. The tone should remain respectful and informative, reflecting the sender's professionalism.

Office memos: Memos serve as succinct internal communication tools within organizations. These documents address specific topics, provide instructions, or announce updates. An example of formal communication through a memo is when a department head distributes a memo outlining the upcoming changes to company policies. 

Business reports: Reports are comprehensive documents that analyze data, present findings, and offer recommendations. A formal business report might involve an in-depth analysis of market trends, financial performance, or project outcomes. Such reports are meticulously structured, featuring headings, subheadings, and references. A quarterly financial report submitted to company stakeholders is an example of formal written communication in the form of a report. The language employed is precise and backed by evidence, maintaining an authoritative tone.

2. Informal communication

Stepping away from corporate rigidity, informal written communication captures the casual essence of everyday life. Informal communication embraces text messages, social media posts, and personal letters. It encourages self-expression and authenticity, enabling individuals to communicate in a more relaxed and relatable manner. Balancing the informal tone while maintaining appropriate communication standards is essential in this type of communication. Some examples of informal communication are:

Text messages: Text messages are characterized by their casual tone, use of abbreviations, and emojis. The language used is relaxed and often mirrors spoken language, fostering a sense of familiarity and ease.

Social media posts: From Facebook statuses to Twitter updates and Instagram captions, these informal writing opportunities allow you to express yourself freely. The language is personal, engaging, and may include humor or personal anecdotes that boost your personal brand .

Personal letters: Although originally rather formal, personal letters have transitioned into the realm of informality. Letters written to friends or family members often showcase a mix of personal anecdotes, emotions, and everyday language. The language is warm, reflective of personal connections, and might include elements of nostalgia or shared experiences.

3. Academic writing

Within educational institutions, academic writing reigns as the conduit of knowledge dissemination. This type of writing includes essays, research papers, and presentations. Academic writing upholds a formal tone, requiring proper citation and adherence to established formats. The objective is to convey complex concepts coherently and objectively, fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth. Here are a few examples of academic writing:

Essays: Essays are fundamental forms of academic writing that require students to analyze and present arguments on specific topics. The essay is structured with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, all aimed at conveying a well-organized argument supported by evidence.

Research papers: Research papers dive deeper into specific subjects, often requiring extensive investigation and citation of sources. They should be organized with specific sections such as an introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion. This type of academic writing focuses on presenting original insights backed by thorough research.

Presentations: While presentations involve spoken communication, their accompanying slides often feature written content. Academic presentations might include a slide deck explaining the findings of a research study. Each slide contains concise written points that support the speaker's verbal explanations. Effective academic presentation writing ensures clarity and conciseness, to aid the audience's understanding.

4. Creative writing

Creative writing introduces a touch of artistry to written communication. Poetry, short stories, and blog posts exemplify this style. Creative writing explores the depths of human imagination, invoking emotions and vivid imagery. This type of writing encourages personal flair, allowing individuals to experiment with language, style, and narrative structure. While the examples of creative writing are vast, we'd like to share a few examples with you.

Poetry: Poetry is an artistic form of written communication that emphasizes rhythm, imagery, and emotions. In such works, words are carefully chosen to evoke feelings and paint vivid mental pictures, allowing readers to experience a heightened emotional connection.

Short stories: Short stories are concise narratives that capture a moment, an emotion, or a complete tale in a limited space. An example of creative writing as a short story could be a suspenseful narrative that unfolds over a few pages, engaging readers with its characters, plot twists, and resolution. Creative short stories often explore themes of human nature and provide a glimpse into unique worlds or experiences.

Novels: Novels stand as an epitome of creative writing, offering a more extensive canvas for storytelling. Novels delve deep into emotions, relationships, and the complexities of human existence, allowing readers to immerse themselves in fictional realms with remarkable depth.

Tips for improving your written communication skills

Believe it or not, writing is one of those skills that many people struggle with. The question of whether writing is a skill or a talent has long sparked debates among linguists, educators, and writers themselves. Whether effective written communication is something that you're naturally good at or something that you struggle with, everyone can benefit from some tips on being a better writer. 

Clarity: Clarity is arguably the cornerstone of good writing. It ensures your message is understood by eliminating ambiguity, confusion, and misinterpretation. Prioritize simplicity over complexity, using clear and concise sentences to deliver your message effectively. Avoid unnecessary jargon and convoluted phrases, aiming to convey ideas in a straightforward manner.

Understand your audience: It's critical to consider who will be reading what you write. Think about their knowledge, interests, and expectations when crafting your message. Adjust your tone, style, and choice of words to resonate with your intended readers. This ensures that your message is relatable and engaging, enhancing its impact.

Grammar and spelling: If there's one thing that will turn people off your writing, it's improper grammar and bad spelling. Maintaining proper grammar and spelling reflects professionalism and attention to detail. Proofread your work meticulously or use online tools to catch errors.

Practice and learn: Even if you're an expert writer, writing is a skill that evolves. Stephen King – the “king of writing” – asserts that every writer should read . Regular reading exposes you to diverse writing styles and perspectives that expand your knowledge of presenting the written word. 

Embrace the power of words

Through clear communication, tailored messages, and continuous practice, you can harness the art of written expression to connect, inspire, and leave a lasting impact. The power of words is always within your grasp.

Your resume is another place that requires exceptional writing skills. Let our team of expert resume writers unlock the door to your professional success by showcasing your exceptional writing skills on the most important career marketing tool you have. Send your resume for a free review today ! 

Recommended reading:

The Essential Steps of Your Communication Process

4 Types of Communication Style – What's Yours?

Improve your Powers of Persuasion With These Rhetorical Choices!

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Verbal communication, body language, phone calls and messaging, written communication.

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The Characteristics of a Well-Written Report

1.) a well-defined objective, 2.) provides specific information to the reader, 3.) information is found quickly in specific sections, 4.) sections are clearly organized & defined according to function, 5.) utilization of visuals & graphics such as tables, graphs, charts, 6.) includes primary research – experiment, survey, 7.) often has recommendations and appendices, 8.)impartial and fact-based, 9.) unbiased and objective, 2.) defining the purpose and scope of the study, 3.) developing a hypothesis, 4.) define terms clearly for the reader, 5.) data collection, 6.) data analysis, share this post on your network, you may also like these articles, medical report.

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York College of Pennsylvania

York College Galleries

The York College Galleries exhibit the works of national and international professional artists, as well as YCP's own student artists. Gallery spaces include the Cora Miller Gallery and the Brossman Gallery in Wolf Hall and Marketview Arts in Downtown York.

  • School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
  • Portfolio Submission
  • Faculty and Staff

Paintings hang on a black gallery wall, lit dramatically.

Showcasing the Work of Artists from Around the Globe — Right Here at Home

York College's dedicated art galleries provide opportunities for students, employees, alumni, and community members to explore the visual arts in a convenient, learning-centered environment. Through an ongoing rotation of exhibitions and lectures, publications, and other educational resources, the York College Galleries offer insight into a broad range of artistic styles.

The galleries on the College's main campus — the Cora Miller Gallery and the Brossman Gallery — were established in 1994 as centerpieces of Evelyn and Earle Wolf Hall. These spaces host solo and group exhibitions from guest artists, faculty, and students. Programming is also available at Marketview Arts in the Downtown York arts district. All events are free and open to the public.

A person moves a tall ladder through a gallery space with large photographs on the walls.

Where Art Meets Academic Discovery

"Artists talk about everything...We are by nature interdisciplinary." -Matthew Clay-Robison, Director of the York College Galleries

Evelyn and Earle Wolf Hall Phone: 717.815.6622 [email protected]

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4.5 Reports

Reports are designed to record and convey information to the reader and can be used both internally and externally. Reports serve to document new information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. The type of report is often identified by its primary purpose, as in an accident report, a laboratory report, or a sales report. Reports are often analytical or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they report the facts with no analysis at all. Other reports summarize past events, present current data, and forecast future trends. This section will introduce you to the basics of report writing.

Types of reports

Reports come in all sizes but are typically longer than a page and are somewhat shorter than a book. In this chapter, we’re focusing on short reports. The type of report depends on its function, and different industries have reports specific to them. For example, science researchers write lab reports, while incident reports are common in health-and-safety environments.

Reports vary by function, style, and tradition. Within your organization, you may need to address specific expectations. This section discusses reports in general terms, focusing on common elements and points of distinction. Reference to similar documents at your workplace may serve you well as you prepare your own report. As shown in Table 4.5.1, there are many types of reports.

Table 4.5.1 Types of reports

Monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, or related business process.

Make recommendations to management and provide tools to solve problems or make decisions.

Present summaries of the information available on a given subject.

Progress report

A progress report is used to give management an update on the status of a project. It is generated at timed intervals (for example, once a month) or on completion of key stages. It records accomplishments to date and identifies any challenges or concerns. It is usually written by the project lead and is one to two pages long.

When you write a progress report, begin by stating why you are writing the report:

  • Identify what you’ve accomplished
  • List any problems you have encountered
  • Outline what work still remains
  • Conclude by providing an overview of the project’s status and what should be done next.

Recommendation report

A recommendation report is used to help management make decisions. The goal of this report is to identify a solution to a problem or suggest a course of action. In it, the writer might suggest that a procedure be adopted or rejected, assess an unsatisfactory situation, or persuade decision makers to make a change that will benefit the organization. For example, the report might suggest ways to enhance the quality of a product, increase profit, reduce cost, or improve workplace conditions. The intention of a recommendation report is not to assign blame or be overly critical, but to suggest improvements in a positive manner.

Summary report

A summary report is used to give management information. For example, if you work in the marketing department, your boss might ask you to find out about your competitors’ online activities so that your company can effectively compete with them. To do this, you would research your competitors’ websites, social media profiles, digital advertising campaigns, and so on. You would then distill what you find down to the key points so that your boss can get the essential information in a short time, and then decide how to act on it. Unlike the recommendation report, the summary report focuses on the facts, leaving it to management to decide on a course of action.

Report organization

Reports vary by size, format, and function. You need to be flexible and adjust your report to the needs of the audience. Reports are typically organized around six key elements:

  • Who the report is about and/or prepared for
  • What was done, what problems were addressed, and the results, including conclusions and/or recommendations
  • Where the subject studied occurred
  • When the subject studied occurred
  • Why the report was written (function), including under what authority, for what reason, or by whose request
  • How the subject operated, functioned, or was used

Pay attention to these essential elements when you consider your stakeholders. That may include the person(s) the report is about, whom it is for, and the larger audience of the organization. Ask yourself who the key decision makers are, who the experts will be, and how your words and images may be interpreted. While there is no universal format for a report, there is a common order to the information. Each element supports the main purpose or function, playing an important role in the transmission of information. Some common elements in a report are shown in Table 4.5.2.

Table 4.5.2 Parts of a report

Report title; date of submission; name, title, and organization of the person who prepared the report; name, title, and organization of the person receiving the report.

No page number.

A list of the sections in the report and their respective page numbers.

All headings/sub-headings in the report should be listed on this page.

This page is not labelled with a page number.

Summarize the topic, methods, data/evidence, results, and conclusions/recommendations.

On its own page.

Labelled as page iii.

Introduces the topic of the report, states the purpose of the report, and previews the structure of the report.

Begins on a new page.

Labelled as page 1.

Key elements of the report body may include the background, methods, results, and analysis or discussion.

Uses descriptive or functional headings and sub-headings (is not labelled “Body”).

Pagination continues from the introduction.

Concise presentation of findings and/or recommendations. Indicate the main results and their relation to the recommended action(s) or outcome(s).

Pagination continues from the body of the report.

A list of all references used in the report.

All in-text citations included in the report should have an accompanying entry in the reference list.

Begins on a new page.

Pagination continues from the conclusions and/or recommendations.

Related supporting materials.

All materials in the appendix (or appendices) must be referred to in the body of the report.

Only one item per appendix.

Each appendix begins on a new page, is labelled as Appendix A, B, C, etc, and is given a title.

Pagination continues from the reference list.

Here is a checklist for ensuring that a report fulfills its goals:

  • Report considers the audience’s needs
  • Form follows function of report
  • Format reflects institutional norms and expectations
  • Information is accurate, complete, and documented
  • Information is easy to read
  • Terms are clearly defined
  • Figures, tables, and art support written content
  • Figures, tables, and art are clear and correctly labelled
  • Figures, tables, and art are easily understood without text support
  • Words are easy to read (font, arrangement, organization)
  • Results are clear and concise
  • Recommendations are reasonable and well-supported
  • Report represents your best effort
  • Report speaks for itself without your clarification or explanation

Formatting a report

Make it easier for your reader to understand the information in your report by formatting your document cleanly. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Use size 10-12 pt type in a standard business font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri
  • Use a minimum of 1-inch margins on all sides
  • Use headings and sub-headings to divide the content into clear sections
  • Separate paragraphs using white space
  • Use visuals (such as charts, graphs, or diagrams) where they will help in explaining numbers or other information that would be difficult to understand in text form


This chapter contains material taken from Part 2 “Writing” in  Professional Communications OER by the Olds College OER Development Team and is used under a CC-BY 4.0 International license . You can download this book for free at  http://www.procomoer.org/ .

Introduction to Professional Communications Copyright © 2018 by Melissa Ashman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How long to wait before canceling a late meeting.

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Determining how long to wait for someone who is late to a meeting involves balancing the meeting’s ... [+] importance, the reliability of the person, and your own schedule.

Waiting for someone who is late to a meeting can be frustrating—time ticks away and your schedule gets disrupted.

The decision to wait or cancel a meeting hinges on various factors such as the importance of the meeting, the reliability of the person you’re waiting for, and your own time constraints—each of these elements can significantly influence the best course of action in any given situation.

Assessing the Importance of the Meeting

The first consideration is the importance of the meeting itself. Critical meetings—where essential decisions will be made or where your presence is indispensable—demand a higher level of patience. If the meeting involves key stakeholders or significant business decisions, waiting a bit longer might be worth the investment of your time. Conversely, if the meeting is routine or its purpose can be achieved through other means like emails or brief calls, you might decide to cancel sooner.

When determining importance, consider not only the content but also the potential impact of the meeting. For instance, if it’s a brainstorming session with creative professionals, delaying might disrupt the flow of ideas—but if it’s an update meeting with no pressing issues, a quick reschedule could suffice. Understanding the purpose and urgency of the meeting will guide your patience level.

Evaluating the Reliability of the Attendee

Next, assess the reliability of the person who is late. If they have a track record of punctuality and reliability, it’s likely that their delay is due to an unforeseen circumstance and waiting for them could be justified. In contrast, if the individual has a history of tardiness or is known for being unreliable, you might lean towards canceling the meeting sooner.

Regular lateness can indicate a lack of respect for your time, which is a crucial factor in professional relationships. In these cases, setting boundaries by not waiting excessively can send a message that your time is valuable and that punctuality is expected. On the other hand, for those who are typically punctual, a bit of patience can maintain a positive working relationship. It’s about balancing understanding with the need to enforce professional standards.

Balancing Your Own Schedule

Your own time constraints and schedule are pivotal in making this decision. If you have back-to-back meetings or other important commitments, you can’t afford to wait long. In such cases, a 10-15 minute wait might be all you can manage before moving on. However, if your schedule is more flexible or the rest of your day is open, you might extend this to 20-30 minutes.

Consider also the potential for productive use of the waiting time. Can you catch up on emails, read industry news, or prepare for another meeting? If you can utilize the waiting time effectively, it might make sense to wait a bit longer. But if waiting leads to wasted time, canceling becomes more appealing. The opportunity cost of waiting must be weighed against the importance of the meeting.

Communication and Expectations

Clear communication is crucial in these situations. If someone is late, send a polite message to check their status. A simple “I’m here for our meeting—are you on your way?” can prompt a quick response. This not only shows your readiness but also underscores the importance of the meeting.

Set expectations for future meetings too. If lateness becomes a pattern, address it directly. You might say “I’ve noticed our meetings often start late—can we adjust the time or set a firmer expectation for punctuality?” This helps prevent repeated delays and reinforces the importance of respecting each other’s time.

Additionally, having a clear late policy for meetings can be beneficial. For example, you might establish a rule that after 15 minutes, the meeting will be rescheduled unless the person has communicated their delay and provided a reasonable explanation. This policy can help manage expectations and reduce frustration.

Furthermore, consider the context of virtual versus in-person meetings. Virtual meetings offer more flexibility in rescheduling, and a short delay can often be accommodated without much disruption. In contrast, in-person meetings—especially those involving travel—demand stricter adherence to start times due to the logistical efforts involved. Balancing these factors ensures a fair and effective approach to managing lateness.

Cultural and Organizational Norms

Cultural and organizational norms also play a significant role in how lateness is perceived and handled. In some cultures, a few minutes of tardiness might be considered acceptable, while in others, punctuality is strictly observed. Understanding these norms can guide your response to a late attendee.

Within your firm, the established norms and policies regarding meeting times should be taken into account. Some companies have a more relaxed approach, while others enforce strict punctuality. Aligning with these norms helps maintain consistency and reduces misunderstandings.

If your company lacks clear guidelines on lateness, consider advocating for the establishment of such policies. Clear guidelines benefit everyone by setting shared expectations and reducing the stress associated with waiting for latecomers. Proposing a standard waiting period and the steps to follow if someone is late can streamline the process and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Final Thought

Determining how long to wait for someone who is late to a meeting involves balancing the meeting’s importance, the reliability of the person, and your own schedule. Clear communication and setting expectations are essential in managing these situations effectively. While patience can foster positive relationships, it’s equally important to value and protect your own time—ensuring that you can work efficiently and maintain professional boundaries.

Benjamin Laker

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report writing in professional communication

Bank Regulators to Lean on Enforcement as High Court Hits Rules

By Evan Weinberger

Evan Weinberger

A pair of US Supreme Court decisions curtailing the rule-writing authority of federal regulators will likely force banking agencies to rely on their supervisory and enforcement powers to police Wall Street.

The high court on Monday ruled that any new entrant to a market has six years from the time they’re able to sue to challenge a regulation they oppose, exposing a broad universe of existing rules to new legal fights. That came just days after the justices overturned a long-standing doctrine deferring to regulators on interpreting ambiguous laws.

The decisions are set to crimp high-profile financial rules, including stricter capital requirements proposed by the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

But unlike other federal regulators, the prudential banking agencies have clear powers to directly supervise banks for unsafe and unsound banking practices. And those supervisors can force banks to hold more capital or change business practices behind closed doors.

With their authority curbed on the rulemaking front, banking regulators may end up leaning on their supervisory and enforcement tools, said Graham Steele, the former assistant Treasury secretary for financial institutions in the Biden administration.

“That is one irony of this whole effort,” he said. “This could actually lead to regulation by the agencies being more opaque, less transparent, and by an examiner-by-examiner basis.”

REGISTER NOW : Webinar on what’s next for the future of the administrative state on July 8 at 1 p.m. Eastern.

‘Wild West for Regulations’

Traditionally, banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions were wary of hauling their regulators, particularly the prudential banking agencies, into court to challenge regulations.

That’s changed in recent years, in part because courts were already moving away from deferring to regulators under the Supreme Court’s 1984 Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council ruling .

The high court hasn’t employed Chevron deference since 2016, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the 6-3 majority in the June 28 Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo decision that tossed the decades-old doctrine.

Meanwhile, conservative judges skeptical of agency powers—especially those in the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and federal district courts in Texas—have become far more open to financial industry challenges to federal regulations, even before the high court threw out Chevron .

The Fifth Circuit in recent years has blocked Securities and Exchange Commission rules on stock buybacks and hedge fund disclosures, among others. And federal district judges in Texas have slapped temporary holds on banking regulators’ rewrite of an anti-redlining law, as well as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s $8 cap on credit card late fees.

With Chevron deference now officially eliminated, banks should have an even easier time challenging rules in the pipeline.

Banking trade groups are already threatening to sue over the enhanced capital rules, known as the Basel III endgame , that are under development. New CFPB interpretive rules that weren’t directly authorized by Congress, such as a June finding that “buy now, pay later” companies must comply with some credit card consumer protections , are likely also at higher risk now that Chevron is gone.

Groups that were on the fence about challenging new rules are now more likely to do so, and on a broader range of regulations, said Carrie Hunt, the advocacy director for America’s Credit Unions, an industry group that was recently formed by the merger of two credit union trade associations.

“The Supreme Court has created a wild, wild west for regulations,” she said.

A more aggressive stance from banking groups could also slow down new rulemaking at the Fed, FDIC, and OCC, said Kathryn Judge, a professor at Columbia Law School focused on banking.

“There is a meaningful risk that if regulators don’t want to get hauled into court and lose in court, they may trim their own sails,” she said.

Old Rules, New Risks

Banking regulations long on the books, like baseline capital requirements, may be newly at risk thanks to the Supreme Court’s 6-3 Corner Post Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System decision giving industry plaintiffs more time to sue, according to Todd Phillips, a professor at Georgia State University’s Robinson College of Business and a former FDIC attorney.

“The banking agencies have quite a few rules that have been written over the past few decades that have never been challenged,” he said. “Suddenly, all of those are potentially up for review.”

In a dissent in Corner Post, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson raised concerns that established companies could set up new, independent units specifically tasked with challenging regulations.

That seems unlikely to Daryl Joseffer, the executive vice president and chief counsel at the US Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Litigation Center.

The new Corner Post standard—making suits available to companies that have been operating for six years or less in some cases—means the daunting prospect of suing regulators will fall to newer firms, he said.

“That limited set of people or companies, how many of them are ready to take the very serious step of suing the federal government? Which is a big deal,” he said.

‘Very Broad’ Powers

Even with industrywide rulemaking efforts on shaky ground after the two decisions, bank supervisors and enforcers at the Fed, FDIC, and OCC still have the power to shape the industry by cracking down on individual companies, said Taylor Tipton, a shareholder at Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz PC who represents banks.

“They have very, very broad authority as part of the examination process to bring enforcement actions for violations of those supervisory safety and soundness standards,” he said.

The CFPB also has supervisory authority over most of the companies it regulates, including megabanks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo & Co. , and can leverage those powers to review banks’ books and force changes in companies’ capital, liquidity, risk management, and other operations.

The potential for enforcement to take the place of formal notice-and-comment rulemaking is a “danger,” Joseffer said.

“More of that would take us farther away from how the government is supposed to work,” he said.

With their ability to write rules constrained at least temporarily, banking agencies’ enforcement and supervision are likely to come to the fore even more.

Bank regulators will likely be inclined to turn to enforcement “because they’ll have a harder time writing rules,” said David Zaring, professor of legal studies and business ethics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

The cases are Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo , U.S., No. 22-451, decision 6/28/24 and Corner Post v. Board of Governors , U.S., No. 22-1008, decision 7/1/24.

To contact the reporter on this story: Evan Weinberger in New York at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Smallberg at [email protected] ; Rob Tricchinelli at [email protected]

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