writing a cover letter high school student

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3 High School Student Cover Letter Examples for 2024 

Stephen Greet

  • High School Student Cover Letter
  • High School Student No Experience Cover Letter
  • Summer Job High School Student
  • Write Your High School Student Cover Letter

As a high school student, you’re nearing your first steps into the professional world. You’ve got passion, energy, and a go-getter attitude—all you need is a chance to prove how capable you are. 

Whether you’re angling for a class president position at your school or searching for a part-time job, writing a cover letter to accompany your impressive high school student resume can really help you express your dedication. However, writing your first job application can seem pretty intimidating.

Don’t worry! That’s why we’re here. Start with our high school student cover letter examples and tips, and polish things off with our free AI cover letter generator to impress your target audience and reach for the stars.

writing a cover letter high school student

High School Student Cover Letter Example


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High School Student cover letter example

Copy this text for your high school student cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Dallas, TX 75001 (123) 456-7890

August 20, 2023

Mia Moore Woodrow Wilson High School 123 Fictional Lane Dallas, TX 75001

Dear Ms. Moore,

I advocate for nurturing students to become leaders, and Woodrow Wilson High School is a fertile ground for such a realization. I am expressing my interest to become a class president in the upcoming student elections. My decision is backed by a strong vision for our school’s role in fostering a positive and inclusive environment that will empower every student to reach their full potential.

Since joining the school, I have been actively involved in organizing various events. I was the lead organizer for this year’s cultural festival, which achieved a 47% more attendance than last year. From this experience, if elected a class president, I will leverage event mobilization skills to create engaging and enjoyable events that bring us together as a close-knit community.

I have also utilized my graphic design abilities to create eye-catching posters, flyers, and social media adverts for different clubs. In particular, I designed social media banners to create awareness for the annual art exhibition, with posts garnering over 1000 comments within an hour across social media platforms. I firmly believe that effective communication is the key to success, and I will use my creativity and design skills to disseminate important information to all students.

Balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments have honed my project management skills. As a class president, I will apply these competencies to work closely with my fellow student council members, ensuring that our ideas and initiatives are effectively executed for the betterment of our school and community.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to serve our school and contribute to an even brighter future for all of us. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, do not hesitate to reach out.

Miguel Torres

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation Personal Statement

Why this cover letter works

  • Therefore, it makes perfect sense for your high school student cover letter to emphasize your role in event planning and back it up with the attendance metrics to prove your mobilization competencies.

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Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

High School Student No Experience Cover Letter Example

High School Student No Experience cover letter example

Copy this text for your high school student no experience cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Atlanta, GA 30033 (123) 456-7890

Avery Johnson Jamba Juice 123 Fictional Lane Atlanta, GA 30033

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Growing up, I helped my mother with setting the dining table. It put a smile on my face to see everyone enjoy their meal. It is from this childhood passion, which has changed to customer service, I am writing to express my strong interest in the barista position at Jamba Juice.

I have always been captivated by the art of drink preparation and have spent countless hours experimenting with various flavor combinations at home. Moreover, my experience in providing exceptional customer service in my volunteer work at Mercy’s Community Center has allowed me to develop strong interpersonal skills and a genuine commitment to meeting the needs of others.

I am well-versed in creating delicious and visually appealing beverages. Whether it’s crafting the perfect smoothie, juice, or specialty drink, I take great pride in ensuring that each creation is made with the utmost attention to detail and quality. I will also strictly follow food safety guidelines and take personal responsibility for adhering to proper hygiene and sanitation practices.

I believe that working at Jamba Juice will provide me with valuable experiences and skills that will complement my educational journey and future career aspirations. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss how my skills and enthusiasm can benefit Jamba Juice in person. Thank you for considering my application.

Diego Chavez

  • Your many experiments at home with multiple beverage flavors and food safety knowledge would be perfect examples of skills that you can highlight for your application to sail through.

Summer Job High School Student Cover Letter Example

Summer Job High School Student cover letter example

Copy this text for your summer job high school student cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Omaha, NE 68101 (123) 456-7890

Benjamin Brown McDonald’s 123 Financial Lane Omaha, NE 68101

Dear Mr. Brown,

Every other weekend, my dad takes us out for a brunch at Mcdonald’s. I always look forward to the treat and the excellent customer service. I would welcome the challenge of being on the other side, serving and meeting customer preferences as a crew team member for the upcoming summer break.

As an order taker at local community event dubbed “Good Neighbor” with a 350+ attendance, I developed strong communication skills and the ability to work under pressure while ensuring accuracy in taking orders. Additionally, I honed my cleaning and sanitization abilities during my volunteer stint at FreshBitez food bank, where maintaining a hygienic environment was of utmost importance.

I also have experience in food preparation at school events which taught me the importance of efficiency and attention to detail. Adding that to my food safety knowledge and excellent timekeeping equips me with unique skill sets to exceed all expectations for this role.

As a crew team member at McDonald’s, I am committed to upholding the restaurant’s reputation for excellence. I am a quick learner and thrive in fast-paced environments, which I believe are vital attributes for success in this role’s high expectations.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be thrilled to discuss my suitability further in an interview. Please find my resume attached for your reference. I am available at your earliest convenience.

Ingrid Hansen

  • Telling your story about how it feels every time your dad takes you to McDonald’s for brunch is a great pacesetter to get hired. To add weight to your summer job high school student cover letter, emphasize your order-taking skills when you catered to a 350+ attendance community event.

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How to Prepare a Fantastic High School Student Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

Whether you’re still in school or just graduated, you already have a lot more marketable skills than you might think. Your cover letter is how you inform potential employers or the school faculty about them and make them shine.

The key is to focus on the job description and determine what it is that they want. For instance, if you’re applying for a part-time job as a barista, emphasize skills that are key for that role, such as customer service or cash handling. You got this!

writing a cover letter high school student

Write the perfect greeting and intro

Start by addressing the recipient by name. If you’re announcing your candidacy for class president, find out the name of the student council advisor or faculty advisor and include it here. Applying for a job? Address the hiring manager or recruiter. If you absolutely can’t, a “Dear Hiring Manager” will do.

Move on to expressing why this particular role is special to you. Perhaps you care about your school and want to improve it as a class treasurer or secretary, or you want to work in food service because of your past volunteering at a food bank. 

Mention these things, alongside the company or school name, to show that you care about the position.

Here’s what you should steer clear of—a generic opener that makes it clear that this role is just a means to an end.

Don’t do this!

I’m applying for this job because I need to save money to buy a new car. I can work every other weekend.

The personal connection in this opener makes it clear that this person cares about the student body and has a deep commitment to the well-being of their fellow students, both of which are essential qualities for a class president.

writing a cover letter high school student

Dive into why you’re a great fit in the body paragraphs

Use these 2-3 paragraphs to connect your skill set to the job description and explain why you’re a great fit. The exact contents depend on the role. 

For instance, if you’re applying to work at a pizza joint, emphasize the multitasking abilities that you’ve honed while organizing a class event. On the other hand, if you were ever a class treasurer, that’s a great thing to mention if you’re going to be handling cash—after all, you’ve already got experience in that.

A good way to make your past successes stand out is to add useful metrics. As an example, talk about how your efforts at promoting the school play resulted in over 30% higher attendance than the previous year.

If you don’t have any metrics, that’s okay—simply use this part of your cover letter to emphasize your strengths.

This is the way!

writing a cover letter high school student

End on a good note with an impressive closing paragraph

To make a lasting impression, personalize your closing paragraph just as much as you did the rest of your cover letter. 

If you’re applying for a job, make sure to mention the company by name and express why you want to work there. You can also pick a couple of key skills that you’re excited to bring to the role, such as your positive attitude and love for math, if you’re applying to work at the cash register in a supermarket.

It’s important to thank the recipient for their time and express that you’re looking forward to the opportunity to discuss the role during an interview. Make sure to come off as respectful and emphasize how important this role is to you.

This is a poor example of a closing paragraph. The writer assumes that they will be hired due to the shortage of workers, but instead, they leave a poor impression on the potential employer.

Oh, no…

I know you are having trouble finding servers to hire so I hope you can get back to me quickly because I’m ready from next Monday.

Below is a much better approach that establishes a connection with that particular company. The writer comes off as humble and talks about how the job will be a learning opportunity.


Don’t worry—everyone has to start somewhere. Discuss your skills and work experience from school, extracurriculars, and passion projects. For example, if you’ve previously volunteered during a charity event, include it to show that you know how to work in a team.

It’s important to keep things professional. If the job description is informal, you can allow yourself to be a little more casual. However, as a high school student, it’s crucial to show that you’re ready to work with people and avoid using colloquialisms. 

Start by digging through LinkedIn and the company website. You may also be able to find it in the job description or the email you’re sending your application to. If all else fails, you can always call them and ask. Doing this will earn you a lot of brownie points as a high schooler in need of a job.

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5 High School Cover Letter Examples

High Schools are the launchpads for young minds, shaping their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to prepare them for the world beyond. Similarly, your cover letter is the launchpad for your career, shaping your professional narrative to prepare recruiters for the potential you bring. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for high school graduates, helping you to shape a compelling narrative that showcases your readiness for the professional world.

writing a cover letter high school student

Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter guidelines, high school cover letter example, high school graduate cover letter example, high school senior cover letter example, high school student first job cover letter example, high school student with no experience cover letter example, how to format a high school cover letter, cover letter header, what to focus on with your cover letter header:, cover letter header examples for high school, cover letter greeting, get your cover letter greeting right:, cover letter greeting examples for high school, cover letter introduction, what to focus on with your cover letter intro:, cover letter intro examples for high school, cover letter body, what to focus on with your cover letter body:, cover letter body examples for high school, cover letter closing, what to focus on with your cover letter closing:, cover letter closing paragraph examples for high school, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, cover letter writing tips for high schools, highlight your achievements and extracurricular activities, customize your cover letter for the opportunity, use a professional tone and format, showcase your soft skills, express enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, cover letter mistakes to avoid as a high school, lack of personalization, overlooking proofreading, being too vague, underselling themselves, ignoring the cover letter's structure, cover letter faqs for high schools.

The best way to start a high school cover letter is with a strong opening line that captures the reader's attention. Begin by addressing the letter to a specific person, if possible. Then, immediately express your enthusiasm for the position or opportunity you're applying for and briefly mention how your skills or experiences align with what they're looking for. For example: "Dear [Name], I am excited to apply for [position/opportunity] at [Organization/School], where I can contribute my leadership skills honed as captain of the debate team." This approach is direct, personalized, and shows a clear connection between the applicant's abilities and the role.

High schools should end a cover letter with a strong closing statement that reiterates the school's interest in the opportunity, followed by a formal closing and the school representative's name and contact information. The closing statement should be concise, confident, and encourage the recipient to take action, such as inviting the school for a meeting or discussion. For example, "We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your organization to enhance our students' learning experience." The formal closing could be "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by the representative's name, position, school name, and contact information. It's important to maintain a professional tone throughout the letter, including the closing. This approach ensures the recipient is left with a positive impression of the school and its commitment to its students.

A high school cover letter should ideally be one page long. This length is sufficient to express interest in a position, highlight relevant skills and experiences, and demonstrate how the student would be a good fit for the role or opportunity. It's important for high school students to be concise and to the point, as hiring managers or college admissions officers often have limited time to review each application. A one-page cover letter also encourages students to focus on their most significant achievements and experiences, rather than trying to include everything.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a high school can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some tips: 1. Focus on your mission and vision: Even if you don't have experience as a high school, you surely have a clear vision and mission for your proposed school. Use your cover letter to express this vision and mission, and explain why they are important for the community you aim to serve. 2. Highlight relevant experience: You may not have experience as a high school, but you might have other relevant experiences. Maybe you've worked in another educational setting, or perhaps you've been involved in community outreach or youth programs. Any experience that shows your commitment to education and your understanding of students' needs can be valuable. 3. Show your passion: Passion can often make up for a lack of experience. If you're passionate about education and committed to creating a high-quality high school, make sure this comes across in your cover letter. 4. Discuss your plans: If you're planning to start a high school, you must have some ideas about what you want to do differently. Discuss these plans in your cover letter. Show that you've done your research and understand what it takes to run a successful high school. 5. Proofread: This might seem obvious, but it's crucial. Your cover letter is your first chance to make an impression. Make sure it's well-written, free of errors, and professional. Remember, the purpose of a cover letter is to show why you're the right person (or team) to start a high school. Use it as an opportunity to show your passion, your understanding of education, and your commitment to creating a high-quality learning environment.

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writing a cover letter high school student

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High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide

High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide

  • Updated January 23, 2023
  • Published January 23, 2023

Are you looking for a High School Student cover letter example? Read our ultimate High School Student cover letter writing guide and learn from tips, examples, and proven strategies to land a job interview.

If you’re a high school student looking to make a difference in the world, summer jobs can be a great way to get your foot in the door. Crafting a strong cover letter can be the key to making a great first impression.

To help you do that, here are some examples and tips to guide you in writing a cover letter for a high school student. Ensure to highlight your skills, experiences, and qualifications that make you the ideal candidate for the job. Show off your knowledge of the company and the industry, and don’t forget to include your availability for summer work.

Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter for any typos or grammatical mistakes. With these tips, you’ll be sure to make a great impression.

High School Student Cover Letter

Cover letters are an important part of any job application, and high school students are no exception. Whether you are applying for a part-time job or an internship, a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and get noticed by potential employers.

In this article, we will provide tips and examples on how to write an effective cover letter for high school student positions. We will cover what to include in your letter, how to structure it, and how to showcase your relevant skills and experience.

By following these guidelines, you will be well on your way to writing a standout cover letter that will help you land your dream job or internship.

High School Student Cover Letter Example 1

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to express my interest in the [insert job] position at your organization. As a dedicated and hardworking student, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

Throughout my high school career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to manage my time effectively and prioritize my responsibilities. I have excelled academically, maintaining a high GPA while also participating in numerous extracurricular activities, including the debate team and volunteer work at a local animal shelter. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork and communication, as well as how to balance multiple tasks and deadlines.

In addition, I am eager to learn and take on new challenges. I have a strong desire to make a positive impact in my community, and I believe that this position would allow me to do so while gaining valuable experience and developing my skills.

I am excited about the opportunity to work with your organization and contribute to its success. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can be a valuable addition to your team.

High School Student Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing to express my interest in your company’s [insert job] position. As a recent graduate of [high school name], I am eager to gain real-world experience and contribute my skills to your team.

Throughout my high school career, I have demonstrated a strong work ethic and dedication to my studies. In addition to consistently earning high grades, I have also taken on leadership roles in various extracurricular activities, such as serving as captain of the varsity football team and organizing school-wide charity events. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, skills that I believe will be valuable assets to your company.

I am confident that my enthusiasm and determination to learn and succeed will make me a valuable addition to your team. I am excited to begin my professional journey and contribute to the success of your company.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience can benefit your team.

High School Student Cover Letter Example 3

My name is [Name], and I am a recent high school graduate from [School Name]. I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position advertised on [Job Posting Website]. With my strong academic background and enthusiasm for the role, I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to excel in the position.

During my high school career, I have been involved in a variety of activities that have taught me important skills such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. I have held multiple leadership positions in the student body, including Student Body President, and have organized a variety of successful events. Furthermore, I have been involved in extracurricular activities like Model UN, which has taught me the importance of public speaking and diplomacy.

I am excited to join the team at [Company Name] and to contribute to the ongoing success of the organization. I am confident that my enthusiasm, experience, and hardworking nature will help me to be a valuable asset to your team. I am eager to discuss the position and my qualifications in further detail.

Thank you for your consideration.

High School Student Cover Letter Example 4

I am a recent high school graduate and am interested in applying for the summer job you recently posted. With my educational background, I believe that I possess the necessary skills and qualifications to be successful in the position.

I am confident that I would make a great addition to your team. I have a strong background in school, including a 4.1 GPA in my senior year and several awards for academic excellence. Also, I have experience working in customer service, having served as a cashier at a local grocery store for the past two years. Additionally, I am highly organized and detail-oriented, and I am confident that I can handle any tasks that you throw my way.

I am excited to learn more about this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you. Please find my resume attached. Thank you for your time and consideration.

High School Student Cover Letter Example 5

My name is [Your Name], and I am a graduating senior at [High School Name]. I am writing to apply for the [Position Name] position that I saw advertised on [Job Search Site].

I am passionate about [Position Description], and I believe that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for the job. My academic accomplishments include [School-Related Achievements], and I have gained valuable experience through my involvement in [Extracurricular Activities]. Additionally, I have served as [Volunteer Roles] at [Organization Name], where I have gained valuable skills such as [Skills Gained].

I am confident that I can bring a great deal of value to the [Position Name] role. My goal is to use my skills and knowledge to contribute to the success of the organization. I am eager to learn and develop my skills further.

I have attached my resume for your review. I am excited to discuss my qualifications and experience with you further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

High School Student Cover Letter Writing Tips

Below you will find some general and specific tips that you can use to your advantage when writing your cover letter.

General Tips:

  • Keep the cover letter concise and to the point. Don’t exceed one page in length.
  • Use a professional and formal tone. Avoid using slang or overly casual language.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling. Proofread your cover letter before sending it.
  • Use bullet points to highlight your skills and experiences.
  • Address the cover letter to a specific person, if possible.
  • Customize the cover letter to the specific job and company.
  • Keep the cover letter focused on how you can benefit the company, not on what you want from the job.

Specific tips for a High School Student cover letter:

  • Mention your relevant coursework and any projects you completed in school.
  • Include any extracurricular activities or leadership roles you held in high school.
  • Highlight any part-time jobs or internships you have had.
  • Mention any skills you have that are relevant to the job, such as computer skills or customer service experience.
  • Explain why you are interested in the job and how it relates to your future goals.
  • Provide examples of your work ethic and dedication to tasks.
  • Close the cover letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you for considering my application.”

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High School Student Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these High School Student cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

writing a cover letter high school student

Table of Contents

High school student cover letter example 1, high school student cover letter example 2, high school student cover letter example 3, high school student cover letter writing tips.

If you’re a high school student who wants to make a big impact on the world, a summer job could be a great way to get your foot in the door.

But before you can get hired, you need to create a stellar cover letter. Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a cover letter for a high school student.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the role at your company. After looking over the job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations. 

I am a hard-working recent high school graduate (4.3 GPA) who has consistently been praised as focused by my teachers and managers. During the course of my academic career, I also managed accrue nearly 4.5 years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for El Pueblito’s in a server role in my free time, where I learned valuable professional skills such as conflict resolution, team work, multitasking, customer needs assessment, and customer service. Whether working on academic, extracurricular, or professional projects, I apply proven communication, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills, which I hope to leverage into the associate role at your company. 

After viewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

I am submitting this letter and the enclosed resume to show my interest in seeking a position at your organization.

I have recently graduated from high school and am seeking an entry-level position at your company. High school has taught me a variety of skills. One of them is the value of teamwork. I have played team sports and participated in event planning at school. This has taught me how to work with a team of diverse people to accomplish a specific outcome. Teamwork is not always easy. I used these opportunities to master the ability to inspire people to work in a team. I was recognized for this ability as I was appointed as captain and team leader in various after-school activities.

I managed to maintain good grades throughout my schooling career. I wouldn’t call myself a natural student. I’ve always had to work very hard to secure my achievements. This was, to me, a valuable life lesson which is that, if you want something you have to work for it. I regard this as one of my greatest strengths. I believe in perseverance and working hard to get anywhere in life.

Now that I’ve graduated, I’m looking forward to moving on to the next phase of my life. I want to start working and study part-time. I know that if you give me the opportunity to work at your organization, I can prove myself to be a dedicated employee. I believe that dedication and commitment are the main drivers of career success. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you to describe what skills and abilities I could add to your company. I am also interested in finding out more about your organization to see where I would best fit into it.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

This cover letter serves as my application to be accepted in your institution to achieve academic excellence and build my future. Not only do I believe that I have the qualities that it takes to succeed at your school, but I also believe that the ethos of the school is in line with my own philosophies on education.

I can paint a rosy picture of a student that has all the talents in the world. I can tell you about my past academic achievements and that I participated in an array of sports. I can even tell you about the cultural activities that I excelled at, but it would not be the truth. I achieved outstanding grades and represented my previous school at the cross-country state championships. I also played the lead in our school’s rendition of Romeo and Juliet, but I did not achieve all of this because I am talented. Instead, I achieved it all because I am a hard worker.

From a very young age, I realized that anything that is worthwhile is never easy. I did not grow up in an affluent home, but I grew up in a stable home where my parents instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance.

Your school has an excellent reputation and I believe that if I apply myself in my academics, sport and cultural activities as I have done in the past, I will make a success and be an asset to the school. Education is a powerful tool, but any tool is only as effective as the person using it. Your school has astounding teachers and your educational philosophy resounds with my own.

I look forward to hearing from you and also becoming a member of the legacy that you have already built over the years.

Use your cover letter to show your maturity

High school students are often still viewed as children, so they need to demonstrate that they are mature enough for the job. Demonstrate your maturity in the cover letter by highlighting examples of leadership skills you have exhibited through sports, volunteering or other extracurricular activities.

Address the specific job position

If you’re applying for a job as a high school student, it can be tempting to simply cut and paste your resume into the body of your cover letter. However, you should never do this because it won’t let hiring managers know why you’re interested in their company. To show that you have a passion for the role and why it interests you, write specifically about what attracted you to this particular company or job description. Be sure to include how your skills would benefit the company as well as any reasons why they should hire someone from your age group.

Be honest about your ability to handle the job

If you’re a high school student applying for a summer job, you’ll need to be honest with yourself and the employer about your ability to handle the responsibilities of this type of position. High school students often make the mistake of applying for jobs they are underqualified for because they overestimate their own abilities. Before you apply, make sure that you can complete all aspects of the job. If not, look for an entry-level position in which your responsibilities are more within your skill set or even better yet work as a volunteer or intern.

Avoid grammatical errors in your cover letter

A high school student’s cover letter is an important opportunity to prove they are the ideal candidate for the job. However, a poorly written cover letter will not leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Use proper grammar and spelling in your cover letter, as these two elements can speak volumes about yourself. Proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it. If possible, have someone else read over your work for any errors you may have missed.

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High School Cover Letter Example

Your high school journey is a time of self-discovery, but it’s also a time to consider your career path and pursue professional and personal happiness. To do that, you’ll need to know how to write a cover letter for high school students. When it comes to writing a cover letter, high school students like you can stand out by crafting a well-composed letter and pairing it with a great high school resume. Check out our high school cover letter examples, tips, and templates to learn more.

Why a profession-specific cover letter matters 

Whether you’re applying for a part-time job, an internship, or a volunteer position, a resume and cover letter for high school students will help you stand out without prior work experience.

A high school student CV and cover letter demonstrate that you’ve done your homework about the application process and are passionate about landing the position you’re applying for.

When writing your high school cover letter, it’s important to clearly explain why you’re a good choice for the job.

Write as if you’re speaking directly to the person or people who will decide whether you get the job. Your aim is to stand out from the crowd and quickly share what you’ve done that makes you right for the role.

Key components of a profession-specific cover letter

Before we get into cover letter examples for high school students, let’s review the key components found in virtually all cover letter templates . Your cover letter should include the following:

  • Personalized Greeting: Address the letter to the hiring manager by name; if you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager” is always a safe bet
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state the position you’re applying for, then mention how you heard about the job
  • Body Paragraphs: This is where you align your skills and experiences with the job requirements — use examples from school projects, extracurricular activities, or any relevant experience
  • Specific Industry Knowledge: Show that you understand what the job entails; for instance, if you’re applying for a retail position, mention your customer service skills or any experience you have handling money
  • Closing Paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the position and thank the reader for considering your application; note any attached documents, like your CV (check out our CV templates if you don’t have one)
  • Professional Closing: End with a professional sign-off, like “Sincerely” or “Respectfully,” followed by your full name

Now, let's look at some CV examples so you can see exactly what your high school cover letter should look like.

High School Student Cover letter format

Your high school student cover letter must follow a professional format that includes the following:

  • Header: Put your contact information at the top, followed by the date and the employer’s contact information
  • Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly
  • Body: Your cover letter needs a clear introduction, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion
  • Closing: End with a professional sign-off

Keep your letter concise, ideally no more than one page. The recipient doesn’t need your whole life story. They just need to see that you have the skills or experience to succeed in a given role. Use a standard format to ensure that your letter is easy to read. If it isn’t, the hiring manager may not give it a second look.

Sample cover letter for high school students

John Sample 123 Main Street Tampa, FL 33812 [email protected] (555) 123-4567

14 November 2023

Suzy Hires Speedy Burger 456 Broadway Ave Tampa, FL 33811

Dear Mrs. Hires,

I am writing to express my interest in the food service role at Speedy Burger, as advertised on your website. As a high school student at Strawberry Crest High School, I have developed a strong foundation in communication, mathematics, and active listening, and I am eager to apply my skills in a real-world setting. My goal is to contribute positively to Speedy Burgers while gaining valuable professional experience.

Throughout my high school career, I have been actively involved in the varsity football and debate teams, which has equipped me with essential skills like punctuality, communication, time management, leadership, and teamwork. For instance, as a member of the varsity football team, I was appointed team captain, which taught me the importance of leading by example. I believe this experience aligns well with the demands of the food service position I am applying for, especially in areas like problem-solving and customer service.

Additionally, my coursework in language arts, social studies, and algebra has helped transform me into a well-rounded student. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to learn and grow at Speedy Burger because it will give me a chance to exercise these skills in a real-world environment. 

I also look forward to using the teamwork and leadership skills I have acquired as part of my school’s varsity football team in a work setting. I believe I will be a great fit with the existing team and will seamlessly blend into the company culture at Speedy Burger.

I am skilled at using many types of technology, with proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, various operating systems, tablets, and computers. I have utilized these skills in numerous school projects requiring meticulous organization, research, and presentation abilities. I am confident that these competencies will enable me to quickly adapt to and support your company’s needs.

I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining the team at Speedy Burger and contributing to your success. I am eager to bring my dedication, creativity, and willingness to learn to this role. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you and can be reached at (555) 123-4567 anytime for an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, John Sample

Dos and don’ts 

Templates make it easier to compose a great high school cover letter. However, you’ll also need to be wary of a few common mistakes that could make your cover letter for high school students less impactful. Here are some simple dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

  • Tailor each cover letter to the specific job and company
  • Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors
  • Use a professional tone and language
  • Repeat everything from your resume
  • Use generic phrases like “I’m a hard worker”
  • Submit without double–checking the company name and the position you’re applying for

While using high school cover letter templates is a great way to ensure that your application has all the information the company is looking for, you don’t want to just copy and paste the same content for every job. Make sure you tweak your high school student cover letter to reflect the role you’re applying for. 

Additional tips

When crafting your high school student cover letter, make sure to do the following:

  • Research the Company: Demonstrate some knowledge about the company to make your cover letter stand out
  • Be Authentic: Your cover letter should sound like you, not a template
  • Follow Up: If you haven’t heard back within a week or two, it’s okay to send a polite follow-up email
  • Ask for Feedback: If possible, have a teacher, counselor, or parent review your cover letter before you send it
  • Use Examples: Concrete examples are more impactful than simply stating that you have a certain skill

After you’ve found a high school cover letter template you like, look over some resume examples , too. Remember, you’ll need to pair your cover letter with a great resume that uses a similar format and layout.

The easiest way to make sure your high school resume and cover letter are compatible is to find a matching resume template . Job Seeker has dozens of resume and cover letter templates that are ideal for high school students.

Nail your high school student cover letter with our templates 

Taking the time to perfect your cover letter and resume will help you land that part-time job or internship you’re applying for. However, creating a cover letter for high school students can be a headache, especially if you’ve never written one before. Thanks to Jobseeker’s wealth of resources, templates, and examples, it doesn’t have to be.

Our site features plenty of great tools specially designed to help you master the art of writing a high school cover letter and achieve success. Check out our high school student resume example and craft the perfect resume to go with your new cover letter .

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High School Student Cover Letter Example

Show that you're serious about your job search with this professional High School Student cover letter sample. You can use this example for free or revise it in our powerful cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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High School Student Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Liesbeth reenkes.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read your advertisement on LinkedIn.com regarding the Summer Camp Counselor position and I believe that my skills and qualities make me a great fit for this role and that it would be a great opportunity for me to learn new things, meet new people, and grow not only personally but also professionally.

To shortly introduce myself, I'm a hard-working and dedicated high school student with a proven track record of exceptional academic results, including a perfect GPA of 3.97 and the representation of school at various competitions and contests where I won multiple awards, such as the 1st prize in the National Economics Competition, 2nd prize in the Human Rights Competition, and 3rd prize in the International Aerobics Contest. I am a pro-active individual who likes to participate in various societies and at school, I'm part of the Aerobics Society, Fitness Society, and Tennis Club.

However, my life is not focused only on education and I deeply enjoy getting a "real-world" experience. My work experience includes a job at FieldCore, Inc. where I worked as an Administrative Assistant. There, I was in charge of various tasks, for example, producing professional presentations, improving the existing office procedures, organizing documents, and arranging meetings but my main duty was to provide professional support to managers and supervisors with any tasks as required.

I am a self-driven person with the ability to work and perform well in team environments and to remain calm in stressful situations. Offering excellent time management skills, a highly professional attitude, and determination to achieve great results, I also have the experience of working as a Class Treasurer and Street Fundraiser. I'm passionate about working with other people and am able to use various software programs like MS Office, ProofHub, Netsuite, Trello, and Slack.

Thank you for your attention.

Liesbeth Reenkes

High School Student

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 23.2 percent of high school students participated in the labor force in October 2021. Besides gaining work experience for your further career growth, having a job can certainly teach you valuable skills, such as teamwork, leadership or cooperation. That said, it is only natural that many high school students are eager job seekers. And there is no better way to land a job than to advertise yourself with a professionally written cover letter.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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60 Senior Project Ideas for High School Students – 2024

May 13, 2024

senior project ideas for high school students

Many high school students look forward to the exciting moment of choosing a senior project. This makes sense since senior projects provide opportunities for students to direct what they’ve learned into something they care about, and to take their academic interests beyond the classroom. At the same time, deciding what to pursue can be nerve-wracking. After all the anticipation, when it finally comes time to decide on a project, students might ask themselves, now what ? If you find yourself in this dilemma, or if you could just use some further inspiration, continue reading for a list of 60 senior project ideas for high school students. Once you find a senior project idea that catches your eye, you can always put your own spin on it, or use it to inspire projects on topics outside this list.

What is a senior project?

Put simply, a senior project is a semester-long project you take on in your final year of high school. So, what counts as a senior project? This can vary widely. While different schools have different requirements (for example, some high schools expect students to focus specifically on internship experiences), the assignments tend to be pretty flexible. In the senior project ideas listed below, you will find suggestions ranging from assisting a science researcher, to interning at a local museum, to organizing an academic tutoring program, to helping with community voter registration. The final outputs for senior projects may also vary in form, from guidebooks, to plays, to research papers, and apps.

Considerations when choosing a senior project

Because a senior project is often seen as the culmination of your high school experience, you should choose a topic that reflects your passions and interests. At the same time, it’s an opportunity to develop new skills and challenge yourself as you prepare for your next steps after graduation. Whether you have plans to begin a 4-year university program, enroll in a 2-year degree program , take a gap year , or start a new job, a senior project can prepare you with experience that you wouldn’t receive in your high school classes in an ordinary semester.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself when thinking of a senior project idea:

  • What field or career do you wish to pursue? If you’re not sure, what are 2-3 fields that you could possibly see yourself pursuing at this point in your life?
  • What world issues do you care most about? Climate change? LGBTQIA+ rights? Accessible healthcare? If thinking about a particular issue sparks a passion, this could be a great place to start.
  • Based on your high school coursework experience, could you see yourself spending extra time on an artistic project? A science-based one? A research paper with a political theme?
  • What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Volunteering with kids? Hiking and camping? Dancing? Cooking? Perhaps you can orient your senior project to something that you already know brings you joy.

60 senior project ideas

Below you can find 60 high school senior project ideas, divided into some general categories that might help you focus your search. As you read through, feel free to stick to these exact ideas or use them to inspire other ones.

Business – Senior Project Idea

  • Write a printed or virtual guidebook to small local businesses in your area, including descriptions, photographs phone numbers and social media accounts.
  • Help a local business with an advertising campaign, through local news outlets and social media.
  • Develop a mentorship program to help those who are searching for jobs with resumes, interviews, and cover letters.
  • Intern at a start-up based in your area.
  • Write a research paper about models for sustainable businesses.
  • Organize an after-school program that helps students learn financial literacy.

Community service

  • Organize a ride service to bring elderly community members to and from doctor’s appointments, or to provide them with groceries and other needs.
  • Volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
  • Organize a food drive at your school.
  • Create a social media campaign for a local animal shelter to raise awareness.
  • Collaborate with a local charity or non-profit with a mission you believe in to organize a fundraiser.
  • Collect school supplies and art supplies for families in need.

Creative writing – Senior Project Ideas

  • Write and illustrate a children’s book.
  • Create a handmade poetry book.
  • Intern at a small local publisher or magazine.
  • Work to translate a short story or poem to another language.
  • Write a screenplay for a short film.
  • Start a school literary magazine that accepts student submissions of poems, essays, and short stories. Organize a team so that the magazine can continue after you graduate.
  • Organize a peer tutoring program at your school for students who need extra help with writing, languages, or math.
  • Construct a free library box in your neighborhood so that more people have access to books.
  • Volunteer at a local elementary school to help children with their homework after school.
  • Work with a local senior center to teach a foreign language to residents.
  • Develop a website or app for students to match with language partners for practicing conversation skills.
  • Start a visual or performing arts class for children in your community.

Environmentalism- Senior Project Ideas

  • Design and build a sustainable garden.
  • Organize a community clean-up day, or a series of community clean-up days, at a local park or waterfront.
  • Organize an Earth Day festival at your school. This could involve live music and performance, environmental art displays, local vegetarian food, and sustainable clothing swaps.
  • Write a research paper on one thing that contributes to climate change, as well as potential solutions.
  • Write a guidebook to local parks and hiking trails so that locals and visitors alike can appreciate these outdoor spots.
  • Create a fashion line with all reused materials.
  • Research historic sites in your neighborhood or town, and write a printed or online guidebook to these points of local history.
  • Record a podcast on the history of one of your hobbies (fashion? sports?) Contact an expert on this history to ask if you can interview them on the podcast.
  • Write a research paper on the history of a particular protest movement.
  • Write and direct a short play with a contemporary take on a historical event that interests you.
  • Create a documentary film on the history of your community (school, town, etc.), and organize a community screening.
  • Intern at a local history museum.

Performing Arts – Senior Project Ideas

  • Write and record an original song.
  • Write, direct, and show a one-act play.
  • Organize a community dance performance with student choreographers and performers, featuring a range of different styles.
  • Volunteer to help with accessibility needs (theater access, live captioning, etc.) at a local theater.
  • Organize a school comedy night or talent show that benefits a charity of your choice.
  • Research the history of a film genre, and direct a short film that reflects this genre.
  • Intern for a local political newspaper or magazine.
  • Volunteer on the campaign of a local candidate.
  • Create an online blog to write on a political issue you care about, or write a series of op-eds for a local newspaper.
  • Write a research paper on a local problem (housing prices, green space, voting access) that discusses possible solutions to this problem.
  • Create a Model UN or Mock Trial team at your school if one doesn’t already exist.
  • Help teens and other community members register to vote.

Science and medicine – Senior Project Ideas

  • Build a Rube Goldberg machine .
  • Work in the lab of a STEM professor at a nearby university who works on a topic you’re interested in.
  • Research a community health problem (drug safety, air/water quality, nutritional food access) and develop solutions with the help of local politicians and/or medical experts. Create a research paper, blog, or documentary film on your findings.
  • Assist at a doctor’s office or hospital by helping to translate for patients who are non-native English speakers.
  • Design an architectural structure (for example, a house or bridge) and build a 3D model.
  • Organize a technology support group at your school to make technology more accessible and help with easy tech repairs.

Visual arts

  • Design a mural for your school to highlight an aspect of the school culture or commemorate an important moment in its history.
  • Intern at a local art museum and learn how to give a tour of its current exhibits.
  • Organize the collaborative building of a sculpture at your school made of all reused or found objects.
  • Offer to take wedding or senior photographs for those who might not be able to afford a professional photographer.
  • Study a famous painter, and then create a series of paintings (or art of another medium) based on, or in response to, their works.
  • Create a school-wide photography exhibition, with a theme of your choosing.

Senior Project Ideas – Final thoughts

We hope that this list has sparked inspiration for your high school senior project. Remember that while senior projects are important (and hopefully fun) opportunities to culminate your high school experience, you don’t need to do it all in one project! If you’re inspired by more than one of these project ideas, hold onto them for years to come or pursue them as summer internships .

If you’re interested in more project ideas for high school students, we recommend the following articles:

  • 100 Examples of Community Service Projects
  • 98 Passion Project Ideas
  • 100 Best Clubs to Start in High School
  • Persuasive Speech Topics
  • High School Success

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Sarah Mininsohn

With a BA from Wesleyan University and an MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sarah is a writer, educator, and artist. She served as a graduate instructor at the University of Illinois, a tutor at St Peter’s School in Philadelphia, and an academic writing tutor and thesis mentor at Wesleyan’s Writing Workshop.

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  5. 5+ High School Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

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    High School Student Cover Letter. Cover letters are an important part of any job application, and high school students are no exception. Whether you are applying for a part-time job or an internship, a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and get noticed by potential employers.

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    Below, we outline what to include in a cover letter and explain how you can properly focus each section. 1. Heading. At the top of the page, include: Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable. The date.

  14. Student Cover Letters With Template and Example

    Student cover letter example Here is a sample cover letter for a student that you can use as a guide to write an impressive cover letter of your own: Kellen Daniels 555-555-5555 [email protected] December 10, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am a sophomore business major at Houston University writing to express my interest in the Online Advertising Intern opportunity at Blueprint Digital.

  15. High School Cover Letter Example

    Your high school student cover letter must follow a professional format that includes the following: Header: Put your contact information at the top, followed by the date and the employer's contact information. Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly. Body: Your cover letter needs a clear introduction, two to three body paragraphs ...

  16. High School Student Cover Letter Example

    Show that you're serious about your job search with this professional High School Student cover letter sample. You can use this example for free or revise it in our powerful cover letter builder. This cover letter was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession. Create your cover letter now or edit this cover ...

  17. How to Write a Cover Letter for a High School Student

    Here are the simple steps to take to write your cover letter: 1. Begin with the header. As with any conventional business letter header, you may put a few pieces of personal and position-relevant information at the start of your cover letter. This area may contain your contact information, date of application, and the recipient's contact ...

  18. Resumes and Cover Letters for High School Students

    Resume Generator: This ReadWriteThink resource takes students through the process of creating a resume one step at a time.; Letter Generator: This ReadWriteThink resource helps students create a professional cover letter.; Sample High School Resumes and Cover Letters: These realistic resumes and cover letters help students visualize and generate content for their own documents.

  19. High School Student Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Now, let's get started on your high school student resume! 1. Choose the Best High School Student Resume Format. Think of writing your resume for a high school student like a take-home test. The standards for getting an A+ are high. You need to do your research, use powerful language, and customize your resume for the job you want to land.

  20. How To Craft a High School Resume in 6 Steps (With Examples)

    Here's how to write a high school resume step by step: 1. Include a career objective. A career objective is a one or two-sentence statement summarizing your career goals and how your talents and skills align with the needs of the employer. While people of any age and career level can benefit from including an objective statement on their resume ...

  21. High School Student Resume: Examples + Writing Guide

    Resume objective example for high school resume. "Motivated and dependable service industry professional eager to contribute cash handling, stocking and kitchen prep skills to a reputable dining establishment. Possess training in various knife techniques and maintains a spotless kitchen environment.

  22. High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

    Start with the right contact details so the employer is able to get in touch. Write a captivating resume objective for your heading statement. Document your current high school education thus far. Add past or current teenage work experience, if you have it. Prove your teen resume accomplishments by using numbers.

  23. How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter in High School

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter in High School // How to Write a Cover LetterIn this video, we're going to tell you how to write a cover letter, so tha...

  24. Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Start Building. 1. Create a profile by summarizing your student qualifications. As a student without years of hands-on work experience, you'll need to create an impactful opening summary to grab the attention of prospective employers. Start by mentioning that you're a recent graduate in a specific field, and then provide three to four ...

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  26. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Business. Your business resume should be structured cleanly, use formal colors, and be loaded with professional achievements. The following business resume examples show you how it's done. Human Resources (HR) 6. Entry Level HR Resume. HR Business Partner Resume. HR Coordinator Resume. HR Generalist Resume.

  27. 60 Senior Project Ideas for High School Students

    She served as a graduate instructor at the University of Illinois, a tutor at St Peter's School in Philadelphia, and an academic writing tutor and thesis mentor at Wesleyan's Writing Workshop. Senior Project Ideas - We offer 60 senior project ideas for high school students in areas such as politics, business, the arts, and more.

  28. It's Always A Good Time To Rewrite Your Resume

    A resume that uses wacky fonts, is riddled with typos and spelling errors, and is structured poorly won't make it to the finish line. Take the time to polish your resume so that it looks clean and appealing. Stick to standard fonts like Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Helvetica or Times New Roman. A font that's too elaborate or abstracted in its ...

  29. 'I'm proud of who I am': Student says she was denied wearing cultural

    LAS VEGAS (KVVU/Gray News) - A high schooler in Las Vegas said that some seniors were initially denied wearing cultural regalia at graduation, but the district has now approved them.The ACLU of Nevada said the Clark County School District would be breaking the law by blocking students from wearing traditional regalia with their cap and gown.

  30. Mahtomedi Students Showcase Art and Writing Talent at White Bear Center

    Over 70 art and writing pieces from Mahtomedi High School students were selected for the White Bear Center for the Arts High School Visual Arts and WriteNow! Exhibition. The Exhibition features work from students in grades 9-12 from the Northeast Metro Region of the Twin Cities.