How to Write a Letter of Employment (Templates, Examples)

By Editorial Team on September 22, 2023 — 10 minutes to read

  • Required Information in an Employment Letter Part 1
  • How to Structure an Employment Letter Part 2
  • Employment Letter Template Part 3
  • Job Verification Letter Template Part 4
  • Template of an Employment Letter For a Job Offer Part 5
  • Job Acceptance Letter Template Part 6
  • Job Rejection Letter Template Part 7
  • Best Practices for Writing Employment Letters Part 8
  • Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Letter of Employment Part 9

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the task of writing a letter of employment? Crafting a strong letter of employment is essential in today’s professional world, and we’re here to help you do it right. We’ll cover everything from formatting to tone, and provide you with the tools you need to create a polished and professional letter that accurately presents the necessary information. Our guide will walk you through the process with easy-to-follow examples and templates that will make your life easier.

Part 1 Required Information in an Employment Letter

A well-written employment letter should contain specific information to ensure it meets its purpose. Here are the key elements you should incorporate when composing your letter:

1. Employee Details : Begin by including the employee’s full name, job title, and department. This information will help identify the employee and their role in the organization. For example: [Employee’s Full Name] [Job Title] [Department]

2. Employment Status : Clearly state whether the employee works full-time, part-time, or is on a temporary or contractual basis. This clarification is essential as it provides an insight into their working arrangement with the company. For instance: Employment Status: Full-Time

3. Employment Dates : Mention the start date of the employee’s current position and, if applicable, their end date. If the employee is on a fixed-term contract, make sure you specify the exact duration of the contract. For example: Start Date: July 1, 2023 End Date: December 31, 2023 (6-month contract)

4. Job Responsibilities : Outline the main duties and responsibilities associated with the employee’s job role. This information should be concise and relevant to help the reader have a better understanding of their expertise and skills. For example: Key Job Responsibilities: – Manage a team of five marketing professionals – Design and implement marketing campaigns – Collaborate with sales and product teams

5. Salary Information (optional): In some cases, it may be necessary to include the employee’s salary details. If required, mention the employee’s salary both before and after tax deductions. Be sure to specify the pay period (i.e., monthly, bi-weekly, etc.). For instance: Gross Salary: $4,000 per month Net Salary: $3,200 per month (after tax deductions)

6. Company Information : Don’t forget to provide your company’s name, address, and contact information. This detail will give the letter credibility and can be used for validation purposes. For example: [Company Name] [Company Address] [Company Contact Information]

7. Closing : End the letter by providing your name, title, and signature. This information validates the letter and creates an official record for future reference. For example: Sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Signature]

What is the appropriate format for a professional letter of employment?

A professional letter of employment should follow a standard business letter format. This includes having a clean, organized layout, a readable font, 1-inch margins, and single line spacing between paragraphs. The letter should ideally be no longer than one page and should be printed on high-quality paper if submitting a hard copy.

Part 2 How to Structure an Employment Letter

Opening statement.

Start your letter with a professional salutation, addressing the recipient by their title and full name. If you do not know their name, use a generic greeting, such as “To Whom It May Concern.” Next, identify the purpose of the letter in the opening sentence, by stating your relationship to the employee and the nature of the employment letter, such as verification or recommendation.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to verify the employment of Jane Doe at XYZ Corporation, where I am her direct supervisor.

Body Paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, provide the required information related to the employee’s position and responsibilities. Begin by stating their job title, and the period they have been working at the company. Include specific details about their job performance, skills, and accomplishments. Highlight any promotions or awards they might have received during their tenure. Make sure to convey relevant and factual information to support the purpose of the letter.

Jane Doe has been working as a Marketing Assistant at X Corporation since June 2020. In this role, she has been responsible for creating and implementing digital marketing campaigns, and managing our social media channels. Jane has consistently proven herself to be a dedicated and innovative employee, which led to her promotion to Marketing Coordinator in January 2022.

Closing Remarks

After providing the necessary information, you may thank the recipient for their attention or confirm your willingness to provide additional information if required. If it is the letter is a recommendation, reiterate your confidence in the employee (learn more: A Perfect Letter of Recommendation [8 Templates] ).

Example (verification letter):

Please feel free to contact me directly if you require any further information regarding Jane Doe’s employment at X Corporation.

Conclude your letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your full name, title, and contact information.

Marketing Manager

X Corporation

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Part 3 Employment Letter Template

A job verification letter confirms an employee’s current or past employment details. This letter is often used by banks, landlords, or other institutions requiring proof of income or employment status. As an employer, you should provide the employee’s position, dates of employment, and current salary information if applicable.

[Manager Name] [Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient Name] [Recipient’s Institution] [Recipient Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to verify the employment of [Employee Name] at [Company Name]. [Employee Name] holds the position of [Job Title] and has been employed with us since [Start Date]. [Mention salary details, if applicable: “Their current salary is $XX,XXX per year.”]

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or confirmation of [Employee Name]’s employment status.

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Email Address / Phone Number]

Part 4 Job Verification Letter Template

[Company HR/Manager Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I am writing to confirm that [Employee’s Name] has been employed at [Company Name] since [Start Date]. [Employee’s Name] holds the position of [Job Title] and currently works [full-time/part-time].

Please note that this letter is provided for verification purposes only and any questions regarding [Employee’s Name] should be directed to our Human Resources department at [HR Phone Number or Email].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name or HR/Manager’s Name]

Part 5 Template of an Employment Letter For a Job Offer

Subject: Job Offer – [Candidate’s Name, Position Title]

We are pleased to offer you the position of [Position Title] with [Your Company]. This letter serves to confirm our offer and outline the terms of your employment.

Your start date will be [Start Date], and your initial salary will be [Salary Amount] per [Year/Month/Week]. You will also be eligible for [Benefits – Include Health Insurance, Retirement Plan, etc.] after [Eligibility Period].

Please review the attached employment agreement for the complete terms and conditions of your employment. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

To accept this offer, please sign and date the attached employment agreement and return it to me by [Deadline], either via email or mail at the address listed above.

We look forward to having you join our team and contribute to the ongoing success of [Your Company].

[Your Name] [Your Title]

Part 6 Job Acceptance Letter Template

A job acceptance letter is a response to an employer’s job offer. Begin by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and then outline the key details, such as the job title and start date. This helps confirm your understanding of the position and any terms discussed during the hiring process. [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Employer Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to formally accept the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and express my appreciation for this opportunity. I am excited to join your team and contribute to [a specific project or task the company is working on].

As mentioned during our discussion, I understand that my start date will be [Start Date], and my starting salary will be [Salary Amount] with [mention any agreed-upon benefits or bonuses].

Please let me know if there is any paperwork or additional information needed before my start date. Again, thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to making a positive impact at [Company Name].

[Your Name]

Part 7 Job Rejection Letter Template

A job rejection letter serves to decline an employer’s job offer in a polite and professional manner. Be sure to express appreciation for their time and consideration, and consider offering a brief reason for your decision.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

Thank you for offering me the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. I appreciate the time and effort spent considering my application and discussing the opportunity with me.

After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I have decided to decline the offer. [Mention a brief reason, such as a different opportunity aligning more closely with your long-term goals or personal circumstances].

I wish you and your team continued success, and I hope our paths may cross again in the future.

Part 8 Best Practices for Writing Employment Letters

When writing a letter of employment, it’s essential to maintain a professional tone and ensure the content is clear and concise. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a proper format : Start with your contact information, the recipient’s contact information, a subject line, a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. Make sure to use a formal font and follow a standard letter layout.
  • Be specific : Clearly state the purpose of the letter, whether it’s for a job offer, employment verification, or any other purpose. Be specific about the position, job title, and employment terms. Include start and end dates, when necessary.
  • Use concise language : Keep your sentences short and straightforward. Avoid using long paragraphs or jargon that may confuse the reader. Be precise in your language and convey only the necessary information.
  • Follow legal and ethical guidelines : Ensure that the information you provide in the letter adheres to labor laws and company policies. Avoid disclosing sensitive or confidential information that could lead to potential legal issues.
  • Maintain a professional tone : Keep the language respectful and polite. Avoid using slang, contractions, or informal language. Address the recipient by their full name and title.
  • Proofread and edit : Double-check your letter for typos, grammar, and punctuation errors before sending it. Make sure the content flows well and is easy to understand.

Part 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Letter of Employment

When writing a letter of employment, it’s important to avoid common mistakes to ensure your letter is professional and effective:

  • Not following a proper format : To present your letter professionally, follow a standard business letter format. Include your contact information and the employer’s contact information at the top, followed by a formal greeting, the body of the letter, and a closing.
  • Typos and grammatical errors : Proofread your letter multiple times to catch any errors. Ask a friend or colleague to review it as well, as a fresh set of eyes can spot mistakes you may have missed.
  • Being too casual or informal : Maintain a professional tone throughout your letter. Avoid using slang, emojis, or overly casual language.
  • Overly long or wordy : Keep your letter concise and to the point. Focus on providing the necessary information about the employee’s role, responsibilities, and duration of employment. Remove any fluff or unnecessary details.
  • Not customizing the letter for each recipient : Make sure to tailor the letter to the specific recipient, addressing their particular needs or interests. For example, if the letter is for a visa application, ensure you provide all the required information for the application process.
  • Not double-checking facts and figures : Ensure all the information provided in the letter is accurate, including the employee’s job title, salary, and dates of employment. Double-check these details to avoid potential issues or misunderstandings.
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  • Impactful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher [Examples]
  • Securing Job References Effectively (Strategies, Examples)
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Employment Verification Letter Samples and Templates

letter of employment template

What Is an Employment Verification Letter?

How to request an employment verification letter.

  • What Is Included in the Letter

How to Use Letter Examples

Employment verification template.

  • Verification for Current Employee
  • Verification for Past Employee

Colleen Tighe / The Balance

Do you need to write or request an employment verification letter? There are several reasons why you may need verification of your employment status. Employees may need these letters for landlords or financial institutions if they are trying to rent or purchase a home. They're also sometimes necessary for insurance reasons or to confirm that an individual worked at a company during the dates given on a resume or job application.

The good news is that employment verification letters are usually fairly simple documents, and they're easy to write or obtain. If you need to request or write a letter, reviewing templates and examples can help you get started.

An employment verification letter is written by a current or past employer to confirm that an employee or former employee worked at an organization. The request may come from the employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, academic institutions, prospective employers, or collection agencies.

The request may include verification of dates of employment, salary, and whether the employee is expected to continue employment or is eligible to be rehired. If the employee has been terminated, the requestor may ask for the reason for termination.

If you are requesting an employment verification letter from a current or former employer, it's important to ask for the letter in a professional way. First, check with your human resources department.

The company may have a policy regarding the release of information, and you may need to give permission for your employment history to be released to a third party. Often, your HR contact will compose the letter for you or provide you with a template to give to your manager. You can also ask your manager or supervisor directly.

Be sure to provide your manager or HR with all the information they need to write the letter, including whom to address the letter to and exactly what details need to be included.

What Is Included in an Employment Verification Letter?

If you need to write an employment verification letter for someone, it’s important to make sure your letter provides the correct information and adheres to an appropriate format.

  • Follow business letter format.  Use standard business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the recipient’s contact information (if you have it). Be sure to include a salutation at the beginning and a handwritten signature at the end.
  • Keep it concise.  Employment verification letters should not be lengthy. Do not add any information beyond what the employee asks. For example, do not provide an evaluation of the employee’s work.
  • Include all requested information.  Most employment verification letters include the person's name, their department in the company (sometimes you need to include their specific job title), and the amount of time they have been employed. Check with your employee if any additional information needs to be shared. For example, some letters include the person’s salary, how often they are paid (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.), and how many hours a week they work. However, do not include these extra details unless requested.
  • Provide your contact information.  At the end of the letter, offer to answer any additional questions. Provide a form of contact for the recipient, such as your phone number or email.
  • Edit and proofread before you send.  This letter is likely very important to your employee or former employee—their housing, future employment, or insurance may depend on it. Take the time to make this letter as professional as possible. Read through the letter for any errors before you send it.

It is a good idea to review letter examples before writing an employment verification letter. Along with helping with your layout, examples can help you see what kind of content you should include in your document (such as dates of employment).

You should tailor a letter to fit the particular employee you are writing the letter for and the information they ask you to include.

Name Job Title Company Name Address City, State Zip Code

Name of Person Requesting Verification Job Title Company Name Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

This letter is to verify that (employee name) has been employed at (company name) since (start date).

If you require any additional information regarding (employee name), please feel free to contact me at (your phone number).

(Handwritten Signature)

Employment Verification for Current Employee

Shawna Easton Director of Accounting GMC Associates 17 Chestnut Street, Ste. 200 Portland, ME 04101

April 18, 2024

John Dolan Senior Vice President Dolan Industries, Inc. 43 Oak Street, 2 nd  Floor Portland, ME 04101

Dear Mr. Dolan,

This letter is to verify that Seneca Williams has been employed at GMC Associates for the past five years in our Accounting Department. She began work on April 1, 2019.

If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 555-111-1212.

Shawna Easton Director of Accounting GMC Associates

Employment Verification for Past Employee

Janice Montgomery Human Resources Manager Martin & Martin Incorporated 100 Main Street, Ste. 100 Spokane, WA 99201

April 20, 2024

Julia Sanchez Manager Archer Studios 34 Otis Drive, Ste. 500 Spokane, WA 99201

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

This letter is to verify that Robert Smith was employed at Martin & Martin, Incorporated from January 3, 2018 to March 1, 2023.

If you require any additional information regarding Robert Smith, please feel free to contact me at 555-765-4321.

Janice Montgomery

Key Takeaways

  • Many organizations have guidelines about what should be included in employment verification letters. They may even specify that all letters must go through HR.
  • When writing a verification letter, use business letter format. This will ensure that your letter is appropriate and professional, as well as easy to read.
  • Whether you’re requesting a letter or writing one for an employee, find out what information to include, e.g., dates of employment and job title.

SHRM. " When Must an Employer Respond To a Verification Of Employment Request? "

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Latest blog posts, what is a letter of employment your guide on how to write one.

In this article, we aim to help you understand the purpose of a letter of employment. This guide offers tips on how to write one and provides a template for easy use.

A letter of employment verifies an employee’s job title and employment dates, but can include additional requested information (such as salary).

An employee often requests a letter of employment when making major financial decisions, such as renting a flat or applying for a loan.

A letter of employment should be short and to the point.

  • 1 What Is a Letter of Employment?
  • 2 How To Write a Letter of Employment
  • 3 Letter of Employment Guidelines
  • 4 Letter of Employment Template
  • 5 Tips for Writing a Letter of Employment
  • 6 Frequently Asked Questions About Letters of Employment
  • 7 How To Write an Effective Letter of Employment 

What Is a Letter of Employment?

A letter of employment — sometimes called an employment verification letter — is written by an employer to verify an employee’s working status. It confirms the employee’s job title, salary, history at the organisation and the organisation’s contact information. 

How To Write a Letter of Employment

A letter of employment is short and to the point. It includes the below information: 

Employer Details  

Include the basic information about your company, such as the organisation’s name, address and contact information.

Details of the Organisation Requesting the Information

Address the organisation requesting the letter by name and include the name of the contact person there. 

Necessary Information of the Employee 

This information includes the employee’s name, job title and dates of employment (starting from induction day ). It may also include salary and other specific information asked by the requester. 

Letter of Employment Guidelines

Follow these best practices to write a letter of employment… 

Stick to a Business Letter Format 

For a formal letter, follow the business letter format, which consists of writing your organisation’s contact information, name and address at the top of the page. 

Next, state the date the letter is written and then the contact information of the recipient. If you have the name of who you’re writing the letter to, address them by name in the opening of the letter. If you don’t have a name, “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom it May Concern” are acceptable alternatives.

Express the Purpose of Your Letter 

State right off that this is a letter of employment, so the reader knows precisely what they’re reading.

Incorporate Details Requested by the Employee

In addition to the standard information in a letter of employment, the employee may need other items addressed. Make sure to ask for these details and that they’re included in your draft. Keep this additional information brief and easy to read.

Give Contact Details and Sign Off

Offer to answer questions the recipient may have, and provide your contact information so they can reach out to you. You can share your work email or phone number. Then, end with your signature.

Proofread Your Letter and Correct Any Errors in Fact

Carefully read over the letter for spelling or grammatical errors. Fact-check the information provided. Be aware of tone when editing, too — it should sound professional and polite. 

Letter of Employment Template

Save this letter of employment template example for future use. 

[Your company name] [Your company address] [Your company phone number, if applicable] [Date] [Company name that you’re contacting] [Address of recipient]

Dear [Person’s name, or nameless greeting], This letter is to verify [insert name of employee’s] employment at [insert name of your company]. [Name of employee] was hired on [insert state hire date] and has been working [full time/part time/other type] as a [insert job title] with us since then [if employment ended, add the end date here]. [Employee’s name] annual salary is [insert salary amount].  [In a new paragraph, include other details the employee mentioned to you.] If you have any questions, you can contact me at [insert your phone number or email address here]. 

[Your printed name] [Your signature] [Your job title] [Your company’s name again]

In search of other letter types? Check out our other HR templates that make day-to-day employee management easier.

Tips for Writing a Letter of Employment

Here are practical tips to consider when writing and revising your letter of employment:

Apply Your Organisation’s Official Letterhead Format

To ensure that your letter looks professional, incorporate your organisation’s official letterhead styling. This often includes your organisation’s logo and contact details. 

Get to the Point

Don’t delay the purpose of the letter when drafting a letter of employment. After the proper formatting and introductions, get right to the information.

End With a Handwritten Signature 

A handwritten signature – instead of a script font – lends authority and authenticity to your letter. Use a PDF reader, a stylus, insert a drawing of your signature or print and scan a signed letter to add your signature.

Let the Employee Review Your Letter 

In most cases, your employee can read their employment verification letter, but double-check with your organisation’s policy beforehand. If they can read it, they can bring any errors in fact to your attention.

Send the Letter Quickly

Time is often of the essence when a letter of employment is requested. Don’t delay drafting and submitting the letter. The template and tips in this guide can help you write a letter of employment quickly. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Letters of Employment

What is a letter of employment used for.

A letter of employment is used to verify that an employee works where they say they work. It’s often reviewed by lenders, landlords and other decision-makers when it comes to significant financial decisions. 

What Is a Good Letter of Employment Template?

A good letter of employment template is short and to the point. It includes the basic information required, plus space to include other requested details. 

How To Write an Effective Letter of Employment 

A good letter of employment is short and provides all the necessary details straight away. For other tips on professional communication, check out Personio’s articles on how to write a professional rejection email , informal communication methods or how to introduce new employees .

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How To Write a Letter of Employment (With Samples and Tips)

Writing an employment letter can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not familiar with the process. An employment letter is an important document for both the employer and the employee as it outlines the terms of the job, including salary, benefits, hours, vacation days, and more. Having a solid letter of employment is essential in ensuring that both parties fully understand the details of the job and their expectations. Having a sample letter of employment can be a great resource to follow when writing a letter of your own. This blog post will provide an overview of letter of employment samples, including tips on how to create an effective letter of employment. Additionally, we will provide a few sample letters of employment that you can use as a reference when crafting your own letter. With the help of this blog post, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to create a solid letter of employment for any job.

What to include in a letter of employment

Employment letters often include the following information:

What is a letter of employment?

An employment letter, also known as an employment verification letter, is a document that attests to a person’s current employment status. These may need to be written by professionals to provide financial information to outside companies like mortgage lenders and landlords on behalf of their team members. When attempting to rent or purchase a home or in other circumstances requiring information about one’s employment history, such as some career or college application processes, people frequently need letters of employment.

These documents are frequently written by managers and human resource specialists at the request of employees who require them. Letters of employment can verify past, current and future employment.

Letter of employment template

Follow this general template to write a letter of employment:

[ Company name ] [ Company address ]

[ Name of recipient company ] [ Recipient company address ]

To whom it may concern,

[In this section, explain why you are writing this letter and give the employee’s name. ] [Add the necessary details of the professionals employment. ].

[Offer your contact details in case the recipient needs to get in touch with you in order to clarify the information you’ve shared. ].

[ Your name ] [ Your job title ] [ Company name ]

How to write a letter of employment

To learn how to write a letter of employment for another professional, take into account using these steps:

1. Follow a business letter format

To write the letter of employment, follow a business letter format. List your company’s contact information first, including its name and address. Afterward, include the recipient’s address and the date you are writing the letter. Address the letter to the recipient by name if you are aware of it. If not, use a formal salutation like “To whom it may concern.” “.

2. State the reason for your letter

Because it’s crucial for employment letters to be brief, begin the letter’s body by explaining why you’re writing it. This enables the recipient to comprehend your intentions and record it appropriately in their records. Consider writing something like :

Im writing this letter as proof of [ employee name ] s employment.

3. Include any information the employee requests

The details you need to include in an employment letter can change based on the needs of the third party and the employee’s intentions. Make sure to ask the expert what details you should include in the letter. Include only what they specifically ask you to in the letter. You can share this information by writing it in a list format or by using a few sentences.

4. Provide contact information

If you give a third party your phone number or email address, they can get in touch with you to clarify any details regarding the professional’s employment. By doing this, you can share pertinent information that might not be in the letter. Making yourself available to talk about professional employment is also beneficial when other employers are interested in learning more about the work of professionals.

5. Proofread the letter

Your letter should be concluded with a formal salutation and your name. When you’re finished, proofread the letter for informational and grammatical accuracy. Rereading the letter to check for professionalism and clarity is also beneficial.

Letter of employment samples

Consider these letter of employment samples when writing your own:

Letter of employment for a current employee

Here’s an illustration of a letter you could draft for a current worker:

Bingo Creations 112 Burton St. Cleveland, Ohio 44101

Fairview Loans 1562 Bright Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44101

Please accept this letter as verification of Ben Fishers employment. Ben joined Bingo Creations in 2018 as a content creator and is currently one of our top contributors. Ben has a full-time job and receives an annual salary of $50,000.

Contact me at 333-333-3333 if you have any additional queries about Ben’s employment.

Kay Platt Content manager Bingo Creations

Letter of employment for a future employee

In the event that they change jobs or relocate, some employees might require an employment verification letter as proof of upcoming employment. Heres an example of this type of letter:

Brainstorm 874 Becky Lane Cleveland, Ohio 44101

Le Blu Rental Homes 2556 Kennedy Dr. Cleveland, Ohio 44101

Accept this letter as evidence of Matt Weston’s potential employment moving forward. Beginning on December 4, 2021, Matt will join our company as a software technician. He’ll be employed full-time and making $25 per hour.

If you have any additional inquiries about Matt’s employment, kindly contact me at 444-444-4444 or TChan92@email. com.

Tate Chan Human resources manager Brainstorm

Tips for writing a letter of employment

Use the following advice to assist you in creating a letter of employment:

Use the companys official letterhead

Use the official letterhead format from your company when writing the letter of employment. This frequently includes the company’s logo and contact details. Although not always necessary, doing so can make the document appear more official.

Write the letter in a clear and concise manner. To do this, be sure to only include necessary information. Unless the third party requests information that expands the letter’s content, try to keep the letter brief by only writing one or two paragraphs. Reread your writing after you’ve finished it to make sure it accurately conveys the subject.

Include a handwritten signature

You might be required to sign your name at the bottom of the letter by some outside organizations. Print the letter, then under your printed credentials, sign your name. Scan the letter with your signature so you can save it as a file on your computer if you’re sending it via email rather than the postal service. Then, include a brief description of the file in an email that you attach to the file.

Consider allowing the employee to read it

Consider allowing the professional to whom you are writing the letter to read it if doing so does not violate your company’s employment verification letter policy. By doing this, you can make sure you provide all the information they require. This is also a good way to check for grammatical errors. Be sure to check your company’s policies before distributing the employment letter to anyone as some businesses have specific instructions for writing these types of records.

Send it in a timely manner

Most frequently, letters of employment are a component of a lengthy, urgent application. Inquire about the due date from the professional who requested the letter. This can help to ensure that you finish the letter on time. You might want to submit the letter before the deadline if your schedule permits to ensure that it will arrive on time. In order to meet the deadline if you are mailing the letter, take shipping times into account.

Confirmation Letter of Employment Sample – Verification Letter Sample

How do I write a simple letter of employment?

  • Follow a business letter format. …
  • State the reason for your letter. …
  • Include any information the employee requests. …
  • Provide contact information. …
  • Proofread the letter. …
  • Letter of employment for a current employee. …
  • Letter of employment for a future employee. …
  • Use the company’s official letterhead.

What do you write in a letter of employment?

  • Name of the employer.
  • Address of the employer.
  • Name and details of the firm requesting the letter.
  • Employee name.
  • Date of employment.
  • Job title of the employee.
  • Employee JD.
  • Current salary of the employee.

What should a proof of employment letter say?

The majority of employment verification letters include the person’s name, department within the business (you may need to include their specific job title in some cases), and the duration of their employment. If any additional information needs to be shared, ask your employee.

What are examples of proof of employment?

  • Recent pay stubs or vouchers.
  • Earnings Statements.
  • Recent bank records showing payroll direct deposits.
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Letter Of Employment

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Generate professional letter of employment templates

What is letter of employment template.

A letter of employment is a document that verifies an individual's employment status and provides information about their position, salary, and other relevant details. It is often required for various purposes such as mortgage applications, visa applications, rental agreements, credit applications, and more. This template allows you to easily generate professional letter of employment templates with all the necessary information.

letter of employment template

Try this template now

Who is this Letter Of Employment Template for?

This template is useful for employers, HR departments, and individuals who need to provide proof of employment for various purposes. It can be used by companies of all sizes and industries to streamline the process of generating letter of employment templates.

Why use this Letter Of Employment Template?

1. Save time and effort. Instead of manually creating letter of employment templates from scratch, you can use this template to generate professional and accurate letters in minutes.

2. Ensure consistency. By using a standardized template, you can ensure that all letter of employment documents have the same format and contain all the necessary information.

3. Customize as needed. This template allows you to easily customize the content of the letter to fit the specific requirements of each application or request.

4. Professional appearance. The generated letter of employment templates will have a professional and polished appearance, enhancing your company's image and credibility.

Get Started with Letter Of Employment Template.

Follow these few steps to get started with Lark templates:

1. Click 'Use this template' on the top right corner to sign up for Lark

2. After signing up for Lark, you will be directed to the Letter Of Employment Template on Lark Base. Click 'Use This Template' on the top right corner of Lark Base to copy a version of the Letter Of Employment Template to your workspace.

3. Change fields of the template to fit your needs

4. Take advantage of the full potential of this Letter Of Employment Template.

What is Lark?

What is Lark used for?

How is Lark different from all the work collaboration tools?

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letter of employment template

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letter of employment template

Ai Prompts For Status Reports

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letter of employment template

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letter of employment template

Ai Prompts For Dialogue Writing

Spark creativity and inspire rich, authentic conversations between characters with ai prompts for dialogue writing.

letter of employment template

Action Plan For Remediation

Create an action plan for remediation to address and resolve issues effectively.

letter of employment template

Create personalized email templates for various occasions

letter of employment template

Visualize and organize your ideas with a mind map

College resume, create a professional college resume to showcase your achievements and skills.

letter of employment template

Letter Of Interest

Create professional and compelling letters of interest with ease.

letter of employment template

Sign In Sheet

Efficiently track visitor sign-ins and sign-outs.

letter of employment template

Play Bingo with your team and have fun while working

letter of employment template

Job Description

Create comprehensive job descriptions for various positions.

letter of employment template

Job Application

Track and manage job applications with ease.

letter of employment template

Frayer Model

Organize and analyze information with the frayer model.

letter of employment template

Create a professional one-pager for your project

letter of employment template

Executive Summary

Summarize key findings and strategic direction in an executive summary, fishbone diagram, identify and analyze potential causes of a problem with a fishbone diagram.

letter of employment template

Create a professional About Me page with ease

letter of employment template

Budget Temp

Track your expenses and manage your budget with ease.

letter of employment template

Vehicle Bill Of Sale

Create a professional vehicle bill of sale with ease.

letter of employment template

Plot Diagram

Visualize the plot of your story with a plot diagram.

letter of employment template

Lined Paper

Create lined paper templates for various purposes.

letter of employment template

Book Report

Create professional book reports with ease, create an eye-catching pamphlet for your business or event, all about me, create a personalized 'all about me' template.

letter of employment template

Create professional name tags for your events

letter of employment template

Chore Chart

Keep track of household chores with this chore chart template.

letter of employment template

Table Of Contents

Create a professional table of contents for your document.

letter of employment template

Rent Receipt

Create professional rent receipts with ease.

letter of employment template

Budget Sheet

letter of employment template

Daily Planner

Stay organized and maximize productivity with our daily planner template, budget planner, track your income and expenses with ease.

letter of employment template

Capture and showcase your favorite memories with a Polaroid-style photo template

Streamline communication and reporting with the sbar template, sign up sheet, efficiently manage event sign-ups and preferences.

letter of employment template

Concept Map

Visualize and organize complex concepts with a concept map.

letter of employment template

Christmas List

Keep track of your christmas gift list with ease.

letter of employment template

Create a comprehensive shot list for your film or video project

letter of employment template

Essay Outline

Create a comprehensive essay outline for environmental conservation.

letter of employment template

Grocery List

Keep track of your grocery list and expenses with ease.

letter of employment template

Create and customize your own Bingo cards

letter of employment template

Learn about different butterfly species and their characteristics

letter of employment template

Efficiently manage work orders and track progress

letter of employment template

Raffle Ticket

Create professional raffle tickets for your event.

letter of employment template

Track and manage your investment portfolio with ease

letter of employment template

Visualize and analyze circle data with ease

Personal financial statement, track your assets, liabilities, and net worth with ease.

letter of employment template

Missing Poster

Create missing person posters with ease, evaluate and grade student work with ease using this rubric template, create mla format citations with ease, study guide, stay organized and track your study progress with this comprehensive study guide template, manage your book collection with ease.

letter of employment template

Create professional quotes for your business

letter of employment template

Create a comprehensive fish database with Lark

Employment verification letter, generate employment verification letters with ease.

letter of employment template

2 Week Notice Letter

Create professional 2-week notice letters with ease.

letter of employment template

Spelling Test

Track and analyze spelling test results, visualize your family tree with a genogram.

letter of employment template

Book Review

Capture and organize book reviews with ease, eisenhower matrix, organize your tasks based on urgency and importance with the eisenhower matrix, employee evaluation, streamline employee evaluations and performance tracking, review of systems, review your symptoms and medical history with this comprehensive template.

letter of employment template

Certificate Of Completion

Create professional certificates of completion for courses and workshops.

letter of employment template

Organize and share your favorite recipes with ease

Construction contract, create and manage construction contracts with ease.

letter of employment template

Employee Of The Month

Recognize and reward outstanding employees with the employee of the month template.

letter of employment template

Weekly Budget

letter of employment template

Character Reference Letter

Create a character reference letter with ease.

letter of employment template

Create an organized outline for your projects

letter of employment template

Decision Tree

Make informed decisions with a decision tree template.

letter of employment template

Create a fact sheet to showcase your company's key information

letter of employment template

Cleaning Schedule

Keep your workspace clean and organized with this cleaning schedule template, doctors note for work, generate doctors' notes for work with ease, streamline your essay writing process with this comprehensive essay template.

letter of employment template

Organize travel itinerary with ease

Create a comprehensive syllabus for your course.

letter of employment template

User Persona

Create user personas to understand your target audience, trading card, organize and track your trading card collection, credit dispute letter, resolve credit report inaccuracies with a professional dispute letter.

letter of employment template

Discover different types of flowers and their characteristics

Create professional lab reports with ease, keep track of your professional references, logic model, create a logic model to plan and evaluate your projects.

letter of employment template

Create your own cookbook with ease

Stay organized and on top of your tasks with this checklist template.

letter of employment template

Simple Budget

Recipe card, create beautiful recipe cards with ease.

letter of employment template

Create professional cover pages for your documents

Professional references, organize and manage your professional references with ease, create mla citations with ease.

letter of employment template

Create engaging blog posts with ease

Recipe book, create your own recipe book with ease.

letter of employment template

Binder Cover

Create personalized binder covers for your projects, letter of authorization, authorize parties and grant specific authorities with this letter of authorization template.

letter of employment template

Acting Resume

Create a professional acting resume with ease, graph paper, create custom graphs and charts with ease, cease and desist letter, send professional cease and desist letters to protect your intellectual property rights, terms and conditions, create a comprehensive terms and conditions template for your website, free monthly budget, organize and track your board game collection, permission slip, create permission slips for student activities, attendance sheet, track employee attendance and manage work hours.

letter of employment template

Business Contract

Create professional business contracts with ease, reading log, keep track of your reading progress and insights, create and manage scripts for your film or theater production.

letter of employment template

Thesis Statement

Create effective thesis statements for various topics, create professional case study reports with ease.

letter of employment template

Manage your bill of lading (BOL) with ease

Generate professional check stubs for your employees, employment letter, create personalized employment letters for your employees, debt verification letter, verify and dispute alleged debts with ease, shopping list, stay organized and never forget your shopping list again.

letter of employment template

Door Hanger

Efficiently distribute messages and promotions with door hangers.

letter of employment template

Baseball Lineup

Create and manage your baseball lineup with ease, plan and track your work projects with ease, demand letter, demand payment for outstanding invoices and unpaid fees, puzzle piece, organize and track your puzzle pieces with ease.

letter of employment template

Notebook Paper

Organize your biology class with this notebook paper template.

letter of employment template

Keep track of tree information and conservation status

Create a professional price list for your products or services.

letter of employment template

Check Register

Track your financial transactions with ease.

letter of employment template

Place Setting

Create personalized place settings for your event.

letter of employment template

Gantt Chart Templ

Track project progress and manage tasks with this gantt chart template.

letter of employment template

Needs Assessment

Assess your organization's needs and prioritize projects.

letter of employment template

Mental Status Exam

Conduct comprehensive mental status exams with ease, checkbook register, keep track of your expenses and manage your finances with ease, customer journey map, visualize and understand your customer journey with ease, free org chart, visualize your organization's structure with ease.

letter of employment template

Simple Monthly Budget

Problem statement, streamline problem identification and resolution.

letter of employment template

Collect signatures for your petition with ease

Create personalized personas for your target audience.

letter of employment template

Bill Of Sale

Create professional bill of sale documents with ease, research proposal, streamline your research proposal process with this template, create and analyze surveys with ease, buyer persona, create personalized buyer personas for your marketing strategy, certificate of appreciation, recognize and appreciate outstanding achievements with personalized certificates, social security card, create professional and secure social security card templates, one on one meeting, streamline your one-on-one meetings with this template, story board, visualize your story with a storyboard template.

letter of employment template

Literature Review

Organize and analyze research literature for your literature review.

letter of employment template

Bill Tracker

Track and manage your bills with ease, consulting contract, create a comprehensive consulting contract with ease, create your own screenplay with ease.

letter of employment template

Exit Ticket

Gather feedback and assess student understanding with this exit ticket template, interview thank you email, express gratitude and follow up after an interview.

letter of employment template

Bill Of Sale Word

Create a captivating story with our story map template.

letter of employment template

Cleaning List

Keep your space clean and organized with this cleaning list template, police report, efficiently manage and track police reports with this template, succession planning, plan for the future of your organization with a comprehensive succession planning template, blank check, create professional and customizable blank checks.

letter of employment template

Streamline user registration and account management

letter of employment template

Reference List

Create a professional reference list for your research papers and publications, simple will, create a simple will to distribute your assets.

letter of employment template

Grant Proposal

Streamline your grant proposal process and increase your chances of securing funding, essay format, format your essays with ease using this template.

letter of employment template

Budget Tracker

Track your expenses and income with ease, letter of support, show your support with a letter of endorsement, college essay, streamline your college essay writing process with this comprehensive template, thank you letter, express gratitude and follow-up with personalized thank you letters, create your own game board with ease.

letter of employment template

Collection Letter

Streamline your collection letter process with this customizable template, bullet journal, stay organized and productive with a bullet journal template, news article, create professional news articles with ease, birthday calendar, never miss a birthday with this customizable birthday calendar template.

letter of employment template

Monthly Bills

Stay on top of your monthly bills with ease.

letter of employment template

Visualize your data on a bubble map

letter of employment template

Create an elegant gala event booklet

letter of employment template

Stock Certificate

Create professional stock certificates for your shareholders.

letter of employment template

Exit Interview

Streamline your exit interview process and gather valuable feedback from departing employees, financial plan, manage your personal finances with ease.

letter of employment template

Value Proposition

Create compelling value propositions for your target customers, event proposal, create professional event proposals with ease, verification of employment letter, verify employment details with ease.

letter of employment template

Doctor Excuse

Generate doctor excuse notes for patients, policies and procedures, manage and track your organization's policies and procedures, job posting, create professional job postings with ease, movie script, create a movie script with ease, food journal, track your daily meals and nutritional intake with ease.

letter of employment template

Memo Format

Create professional and organized memos with ease, corrective action plan, track and manage corrective actions for identified issues, mission statement, craft a compelling mission statement for your organization.

letter of employment template

To Whom It May Concern Letter

Create professional recommendation letters with ease.

letter of employment template

Keep track of your calls and follow-ups with ease

Waiver of liability, create a waiver of liability for your activities, track your business financial performance and growth.

letter of employment template

Monthly Work Schedule

Manage your team's work schedule with ease.

letter of employment template

Block Schedule

Organize your school's block schedule with ease, birthday list, keep track of birthdays and gift ideas for your friends and family.

letter of employment template

Journey Map

Visualize and analyze customer journey with ease, create a comprehensive site map for your website, notary acknowledgement, create professional notary acknowledgement templates with ease, job proposal, create professional job proposals with ease.

letter of employment template

Rent Ledger

Track rent payments and balances with ease, cleaning checklist, efficiently manage cleaning tasks with this comprehensive checklist template.

letter of employment template

Potluck Sign Up Sheet

Organize your potluck event with ease.

letter of employment template

Birth Certificate

Create personalized birth certificates for newborns, questionnaire, create engaging and interactive quizzes with our questionnaire template, certificate of origin, create professional certificate of origin documents with ease, envelope address, create professional envelope addresses with ease, notarized letter, create professional notarized letters with ease.

letter of employment template

Stakeholder Analysis

Analyze and manage project stakeholders effectively.

letter of employment template

Instagram Carousel

Create engaging instagram carousels with ease.

letter of employment template

Decision Matrix

Make informed decisions with the decision matrix template.

letter of employment template

Create stunning mood boards with a variety of visual elements

List of references, create a comprehensive list of references for your research projects, bill of lading, create professional bill of lading documents with ease, monthly expenses, track and manage your monthly expenses with ease, reference sheet, organize and manage your references with ease, efficiently manage household chores with this chore list template, happy birthday, plan and organize birthday celebrations with ease.

letter of employment template

Blank Bingo

Create your own customized bingo game, bank statement, track your financial transactions and balance with ease.

letter of employment template

Create a personalized birth plan for a smooth delivery

Free itinerary, create a personalized travel itinerary with ease.

letter of employment template

Custody Agreement

Create a comprehensive custody agreement for co-parenting, visualize your data with a colorful bar graph.

letter of employment template

Policy And Procedure

Standardize your company policies and procedures with this template.

letter of employment template

Track and manage handovers between team members

letter of employment template

Create professional and customizable quotes for your clients

Contractor estimate, estimate the cost and materials needed for your construction project, itinerary temp, plan your travel itinerary with ease, create a personalized will with ease, free work schedule, efficiently manage employee schedules with this free work schedule template, manage your cloud resources with ease.

letter of employment template

Rent To Own Contract

Create a rent-to-own contract for tenants and landlords, sales funnel, track your sales pipeline and manage deals effectively, budget proposal, create a budget proposal for your projects.

letter of employment template

Create professional doctor's note templates for patients

letter of employment template

Script Format

Create professional scripts with ease, gift letter, create personalized gift letters for donors and recipients.

letter of employment template

Letterhead Word

Create professional letterheads with ease, missing person, track missing persons and their case details.

letter of employment template

Contractor Agreement

Create a comprehensive contractor agreement with ease, recommendation letter, create personalized recommendation letters with ease, wanted poster, create a professional wanted poster for fugitives, monthly budget, track your monthly budget and manage your expenses with ease, letter of recommendation, create professional and compelling letters of recommendation, doctors note, keep track of patient visits and medical recommendations with this doctor's note template, create a professional newspaper with ease, vision board, visualize your goals and dreams with a vision board, create professional and personalized envelopes for your business, business plan, create a comprehensive business plan with ease, project plan, plan your projects with ease.

letter of employment template

Create professional newsletters with ease

letter of employment template

Account Based Marketing

Manage your account-based marketing strategies effectively.

letter of employment template

Price Matrix

Track and compare product prices, bulk prices, and vendor details.

letter of employment template

Content Calendar

Organize and plan your content strategy with ease.

letter of employment template

Product Roadmap

Track and manage your product features with ease.

letter of employment template

Gantt Chart

Track your project progress with a comprehensive gantt chart.

letter of employment template


Manage your resources and schedule with ease, inventory sheet, manage your inventory with ease and precision, income statements, streamline your request for quotation process with this rfq template, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of all activities, project status report, track your project's progress, budget, and health with ease.

letter of employment template

Requirements Gathering

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive overview.

letter of employment template

Staff Availability

Manage your staff's availability with ease and efficiency.

letter of employment template

Weekly Stand Up Meeting

Streamline your weekly stand-up meetings and keep track of team progress.

letter of employment template

Release Management

Manage your software releases efficiently and effectively, networking spreadsheet, manage your professional contacts and networking activities effectively, process documentation, streamline your business processes with a comprehensive documentation, account planning, streamline your account management and planning process.

letter of employment template

Action Item

Track and manage your team's tasks efficiently.

letter of employment template

Business Requirements Document

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive and organized approach, communications plan, streamline your communication strategy with a comprehensive plan.

letter of employment template

Post Mortem

Analyze your projects, identify successes and failures, and improve future endeavors.

letter of employment template

Party Planning

Organize your party planning with ease and efficiency.

letter of employment template

Vacation Itinerary

Plan your dream vacation with ease, business model canvas, visualize, design, and reshape your business model with ease, track your company's financial health with a comprehensive p&l statement, manage your marketing campaigns effectively and efficiently.

letter of employment template

Production Schedule

Streamline your production process with a comprehensive schedule, sprint planning, streamline your sprint planning with a comprehensive overview of tasks, assignments, and deadlines, construction daily report, track your construction project progress daily.

letter of employment template

Product Backlog

Manage your product backlog with ease and efficiency, release plan.

letter of employment template

10 Year Plan

Plan your personal and professional life for the next 10 years.

letter of employment template

Event Run Of Show

Efficiently plan and manage your event schedule, 3 year plan, plan your business objectives and strategies for the next three years, order tracker, track your orders and deliveries in real-time, grant management, manage your grants effectively and efficiently, trade show planning, streamline your trade show planning process.

letter of employment template

Manage your customer relationships with ease

Training plan, streamline your training sessions with a comprehensive plan.

letter of employment template

Project Outline

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive outline, organize your meetings effectively with a comprehensive overview, interview guide, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive guide, manage and organize your team's profiles in one place, vendor management, manage your vendors, contracts, and services in one place, real estate schedule, manage your real estate showings, agent details, and property status in one place.

letter of employment template

Jira Checklist

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive checklist, class schedule, organize your class schedule with ease, marketing campaign, plan, track, and analyze your marketing campaigns in one place, design brief, streamline your design projects with a comprehensive brief, manage and analyze your product reviews in one place.

letter of employment template

Compare and contrast different products with ease

Project milestone, track your project milestones with ease and precision, track your events, responsibilities, and status with ease, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

letter of employment template

Holiday Schedule

Manage your team's holiday schedule with ease.

letter of employment template

Interior Design Schedule

Manage your interior design project with ease, legal case management, manage your legal cases efficiently and effectively, grant calendar, track and manage your grant applications with ease, sales training plan, streamline your sales training with a comprehensive plan.

letter of employment template

Key Policy For Employees

Manage and track your employees' key issuance and return with ease, track your project milestones, dependencies, and status with ease, book of business, manage your client's financial portfolio with ease, long term planning, strategize your long-term goals and track progress with ease, action plan for students, track your goals, actions, and progress with ease.

letter of employment template

Story Mapping

Map your user stories and prioritize tasks with ease, social media content calendar, plan, schedule, and manage your social media posts effectively, hourly calendar, organize your day with precision using the hourly calendar template, marketing strategy, strategize your marketing efforts with clear objectives, target audience, key messages, and more, personal budget, performance evaluation, streamline your employee performance evaluations with ease, contact list, organize your contacts in one place, invoice tracker, track your invoices and payments with ease, schedule of real estate, manage your real estate activities with ease, media brief, organize your media briefs with ease and efficiency, manage your it assets efficiently and effectively, vacation coverage plan, ensure smooth operations during employee vacations with a comprehensive coverage plan.

letter of employment template

Msp Client Onboarding Checklist

Streamline your client onboarding process with a comprehensive checklist.

letter of employment template

Product Testing

Track and manage your product testing with ease, talent planning, track and plan your employees' career development, volunteer spreadsheet, manage your volunteers and their contributions effectively, intern onboarding, streamline your intern onboarding process with ease, product training, streamline your product training process with a comprehensive schedule, retrospective, track and improve your team's performance with a retrospective template.

letter of employment template

Risk Matrix

Manage and mitigate risks effectively with our risk matrix template, project overview, manage your projects effectively with a comprehensive overview, google calendar, manage your events, meetings, and appointments with ease, organize your tasks, groceries, work, and home maintenance with ease.

letter of employment template

Sprint Retrospective

Track and improve your team's sprint performance, event program, streamline your event planning with a comprehensive schedule, staff schedule, efficiently manage your staff's schedule and roles, track and improve your employees' performance with ease, product comparison.

letter of employment template

Track your project tasks and employee hours with precision

Activity calendar, organize your team's activities with a comprehensive calendar.

letter of employment template

Product Design

Streamline your product design process with a comprehensive overview, project portfolio management, manage your projects, track progress, and align with strategy.

letter of employment template

Free Pay Stub

Manage your employee payroll with ease and accuracy, manage your project tasks, deadlines, and deliverables effectively, operations plan, streamline your operations with a comprehensive plan.

letter of employment template

Goal Tracking

Track your personal and professional goals with ease, training schedule, organize and manage your training sessions effectively.

letter of employment template

Lifecycle Powerpoint

Manage your project lifecycle with ease and precision.

letter of employment template

Grant Tracking

Track your grants, deadlines, status, and more with ease.

letter of employment template

Conference Itinerary

Organize your conference itinerary with ease.

letter of employment template


Manage your subscriptions with ease and never miss a renewal date, sprint demo, track and manage your sprint demos with ease.

letter of employment template

Consultant Timesheet

Track your consultants' work hours and billable status with ease, project scope, define your project's boundaries with clarity and precision, track and achieve your personal and professional goals with ease, project management plan, manage your project tasks, resources, and timelines effectively, manage your project estimates with ease and precision, manage your sales and purchases with a comprehensive proforma invoice, hourly weekly schedule, organize your week with precision and ease.

letter of employment template

Request For Quote

Streamline your procurement process with a comprehensive rfq template, strategic roadmap, strategically plan your company's future with a comprehensive roadmap.

letter of employment template

5 Whys Root Cause Analysis

Identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively, manage your volunteers and their tasks efficiently, purchase order, streamline your purchase order process with ease.

letter of employment template

Donation Tracker

Track your donations and donors with ease, requirements document, manage your project requirements with ease and efficiency, marketing brief, plan and execute your marketing strategies effectively, monthly goals, track and manage your monthly goals effectively, track, manage, and resolve issues efficiently, travel planner.

letter of employment template

Board Meeting Agenda

Streamline your board meetings with a comprehensive agenda.

letter of employment template


Track your donors, donations, and follow-ups with ease, project retrospective, analyze your project's success and areas for improvement, conference planning, effortlessly plan and manage your conferences.

letter of employment template

Product Launch Plan

Efficiently plan and track your product launches, manage your project backlog with ease and efficiency, sprint planning meeting, streamline your sprint planning meetings and keep track of your team's progress.

letter of employment template

Reporting Specifications

Streamline your reporting process with a comprehensive overview, 24 hour planner, plan your day hour by hour with this 24 hour planner template, workback plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive workback plan, template management, manage your templates effectively and efficiently, event schedule, organize and manage your events with ease, resource planning, efficiently manage your resources and tasks with a comprehensive view, construction proposal, manage your construction proposals efficiently, project kickoff, kickstart your projects with a comprehensive plan.

letter of employment template

Organize and analyze your data with ease

letter of employment template

Best Practices Documentation

Document and implement best practices across various business functions.

letter of employment template

Supply Request Form

Streamline your supply requests with a simple and efficient form, legal case management spreadsheet.

letter of employment template

Legal Case Tracking

Track and manage your legal cases efficiently, track and manage your project tasks efficiently, account plan, manage your client relationships effectively with a comprehensive account plan, employee task list, manage your team's tasks efficiently and effectively, weekly goals, track and manage your team's weekly goals with ease, daily task employee task list, streamline your daily tasks and improve productivity, deliverables, track and manage your project deliverables with ease, project pipeline, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview, streamline your order management process with ease, track and evaluate participant performance with ease, manage your request for information (rfi) process with ease, professional development plan, track your professional growth and plan for future skills with ease, competitive analysis, analyze your competition with a comprehensive overview, google sheets calendar temp, manage your personal and professional life with a comprehensive calendar.

letter of employment template

24 Hourly Schedule

Organize your day with a 24-hour schedule, create a new database from the time card, track your employees' work hours and tasks efficiently, case management, manage your cases efficiently and effectively, risk benefit analysis, analyze the potential benefits and risks of your business decisions, business case, streamline your business case creation process, manage your projects efficiently with a comprehensive overview, gap analysis, identify and address gaps in your business operations, workforce planning, streamline your workforce planning with a comprehensive overview of your employees, streamline your project management with clear roles and responsibilities, streamline your testing process with a comprehensive test case template.

letter of employment template

30 60 90 Day Plan

Streamline your first 90 days in a new role with a clear plan, performance review, streamline your performance review process with a comprehensive template, strategic planning, strategically plan and track your company's goals with ease.

letter of employment template

Software Comparison

Compare and choose the best software for your needs, interview notes, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive overview of each candidate, success plan, track your goals and measure your success with ease, risk register, manage and mitigate potential risks with a comprehensive overview, creative brief, streamline your project management with a comprehensive creative brief.

letter of employment template

Student Progress Tracker

Track and analyze student progress with ease, construction budget template goog, track your construction budget with ease and accuracy, employee availability, manage your team's availability and shift preferences with ease, sprint backlog, manage your project tasks efficiently with a sprint backlog.

letter of employment template

Google Docs Timeline

Track your project's progress with a comprehensive timeline, elevator pitch, craft compelling elevator pitches with ease, strategize your business goals and objectives with ease, event budget, track and manage your event expenses effectively, team charter, streamline your team's mission, roles, and norms with a comprehensive team charter, social media calendar template goog, streamline your social media posts and track engagement metrics.

letter of employment template

Travel Itinerary Template Go

Plan your travel itinerary with ease and precision, project deliverables, work breakdown structure, streamline your project management with a detailed work breakdown structure, implementation plan, streamline your project implementation with a clear and concise plan, organize your meetings effectively with a detailed agenda.

letter of employment template

Manage your projects, tasks, and deadlines with ease

letter of employment template

Expense Report

Track and manage your team's expenses with ease, weekly schedule, organize your week efficiently with a clear schedule, time blocking, organize your day efficiently with time blocking.

letter of employment template

Standard Operating Procedure

Streamline your operations with our standard operating procedure template, google docs itinerary, plan your business trips with ease and precision, root cause analysis, analyze, track, and prevent incidents with a comprehensive root cause analysis, performance improvement plan, track and manage employee performance improvement plans, market analysis, analyze your market with precision and ease, 12 week year, plan and track your goals and actions for each week of the year.

letter of employment template

Profit And Loss

Track your company's financial performance with ease, action plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive action plan, cost benefit analysis, analyze the cost and benefits of your projects with ease, products list, manage your product inventory with ease, organize your events, meetings, and activities with ease, cost analysis, analyze and manage your company's expenses effectively, project charter, streamline your project management with a comprehensive project charter, income statement, travel itinerary.

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Crafting the Perfect Letter of Employment: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Written by: Rinaily Bonifacio
  • Last updated: 13 March 2024

letter of employment employment history

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of the letter of employment, exploring its purpose and best practices for writing one and providing a wide range of templates to ensure accuracy and professionalism.

Table of contents

What is an employment verification letter?

Best practices & templates to use, how to write an employment verification letter, proof of income for self-employed individuals, employment verification letter templates, use the company's official letterhead, consider allowing the employee to review it, include a handwritten signature, how to write an effective letter of employment , frequently asked questions.

An employment verification letter, commonly called a letter of employment, is a written document provided by an employer to verify the critical details of an individual's career.

This formal letter serves as official proof of employment. It includes crucial information such as the employee's job title, employment dates, salary details, and sometimes even performance evaluations or other relevant data.

Useful read: Mastering Employee Evaluations: Key Performance Review Questions

This letter aims to authenticate an individual's employment status and provide reassurance to external parties who require such verification.

Various entities and organizations often request employment verification letters for many reasons. Government agencies may require these letters to validate an individual or employer's information or eligibility for certain benefits or programs.

Prospective landlords may request them as part of the rental application process to ensure the tenant's financial stability. Financial institutions and mortgage lenders may need employment verification letters to assess an individual's creditworthiness or when applying for loans.

Additionally, employment verification letters may be necessary for immigration purposes or when seeking new employment opportunities.

The importance of an employment verification letter cannot be overstated, as it serves as a crucial document in verifying an individual's employment details and validating their status.

It provides a reliable and official account of an individual's employment history, confirming their job title, duration of employment, and sometimes salary information.

verify employment verification form future employment most employment verification letters

When creating an employment verification letter, it is essential to follow best practices to ensure its effectiveness and reliability.

Here, we will discuss some guidelines to consider when crafting a letter of employment and provide a diverse range of templates to suit different scenarios and requirements.

Follow business letter format

Maintaining a professional tone and adhering to the standard business letter format is crucial when drafting an employment verification letter.

This includes using a formal tone, employing proper salutations and closings, and ensuring accurate formatting throughout the letter. By following these guidelines, you can enhance the professionalism and credibility of the document.

Clearly state the details to be included

Clarity is critical when requesting specific information to be included in the employment verification letter.

Clearly state the required details, such as job title, employment dates, salary information, and other relevant data. This will assist the current or past employer in providing accurate and comprehensive information in the letter.

Accommodate employee requests

Consider accommodating any additional information or specific requests made by the employee. This may include highlighting notable achievements, major projects undertaken, or any other relevant details the current employee feels would add value to the letter.

You can create a more personalized and impactful employment letter by incorporating these requested elements.

Include your contact information

It is essential to include your contact information within the letter of employment. This should encompass your name, title, phone number, and email address. Providing this information facilitates communication and enables the recipient to ask for further clarification.

Details of the organization requesting the information

When drafting an employment verification letter, including the details of the organization or individual requesting the information is crucial.

This section should encompass their company address, name, contact information, and any specific requirements they have. Including these details ensures that the letter reaches the intended recipient and provides context for the verification process.

Letter of employment verification forms

Crafting an effective employment verification letter involves a series of key steps. Let's explore the process and guidelines for creating a well-structured and comprehensive verifying employment letter.

Give contact details and sign off

Begin the letter by providing your contact information, including your name, position, and organization. This allows the recipient to contact you for further inquiries or clarifications. Sign off the letter with a professional closing and include your handwritten signature for added authenticity and personalization.

Enter the requesting party details

Include the contact information of the party requesting the letter of employment. This ensures the letter reaches the appropriate recipient and facilitates seamless communication throughout the verification process.

Employer details

This section clearly states the employer's details, including the company name, address, and other pertinent information. This helps establish the letter's credibility and provides essential context for the recipient.

Incorporate details requested by the employ ee

If the employee has specific details they want to include in the letter, try to incorporate them.

These details may encompass job responsibilities, notable achievements, relevant projects, or any other information that adds value and reflects positively on the staff's work experience.

Proofread your letter and correct any errors

Before finalizing the letter, thoroughly review its content to ensure the accuracy and correctness of facts. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, and any discrepancies in the information provided.

By diligently proofreading, you can maintain the professionalism and integrity of the letter.

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For self-employed individuals, providing proof of income is crucial in certain situations. Alongside the employment verification letter, additional documents such as tax statements, financial records, or other supporting evidence may be required to validate the individual's income.

Including these details adds credibility and reinforces the accuracy of the verification process.

To assist you in creating an employment verification letter that aligns with different requirements and circumstances, we have curated a selection of 12 templates.

Each employment template also caters to specific needs, from standard employment verification requests to templates designed for employed individuals, automotive mechanics, and more.

Utilizing these templates saves time and effort while ensuring the accuracy and professionalism of your letter of employment.

When preparing an employment verification letter, the company's official letterhead enhances its professional appearance. The company's official letterhead reinforces the authenticity and legitimacy of the document, leaving a positive impression on the recipient.

Sometimes, allowing the employee to review the employment letter before sending it to external parties may be appropriate.

This practice ensures that the information provided is accurate and aligns with the employee's understanding of their employment details.

It fosters transparency and avoids any potential misunderstandings or conflicts.

In the digital age, a handwritten signature can add a personal touch and authenticity to the employment verification letter. Include a scanned or digital version of your signature to give the document a human element and reinforce its legitimacy.

letter of employment verification letter template company address employment template

Writing an effective employment letter requires careful attention to detail and proper organization. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write such a letter:

Use the appropriate format Start by formatting the letter as a formal business letter. Include your official letterhead containing the company name, address, city, state, and zip code. Place the date at the top of the letter.

Include the recipient's contact information. Below the date, include contact information, including their name, job title, and organization or company name. Also, provide their address, city, state, and zip code.

Begin with a professional salutation. Address the recipient using a formal greeting, such as "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]," followed by a colon.

Introduce the purpose of the letter. Start the body of the letter by clearly stating that it is an employment verification letter and mentioning the employment status (current or former employee) and job title. Provide the requested information and other details, such as dates and work history.

Include specific details about the individual's employment, such as their start date, end date (if applicable), and salary. If the letter is for a prospective employer, mention that the individual has applied for a job and provide a brief overview of their qualifications and suitability for the position.

Confirm the authenticity of the letter State that the letter is being written on behalf of the company or organization, and provide the company's name, address, and other relevant contact details. Mention that the information provided in the letter is accurate and can be verified upon request.

Include contact information for further inquiries. Provide the name and contact details of a person within the company who can be contacted for other questions or verification purposes. This contact person should be familiar with the employee's work and able to provide additional information if needed.

End the letter professionally. Conclude the letter with a polite closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your typed name. Leave space for a handwritten signature above your typed name.

Encourage the recipient to contact you for more information. Include a sentence inviting the recipient to reach out if they require further information or have additional questions. This demonstrates your willingness to assist and ensures a smooth verification process.

Proofread and finalize. Proofread the letter for any grammatical or typographical errors. Ensure that all the requested information and relevant details are accurately included. Make any necessary edits before finalizing the letter.

In conclusion, employment letters are essential in verifying an individual's employment details and confirming their employment status.

By adhering to the best practices outlined in this guide and utilizing the provided templates, you can create professional and reliable letters that fulfil the requirements of various stakeholders.

What is the purpose of a letter of employment?

A letter of employment, also known as an employment verification letter, is to verify an individual's employment status and provide proof of their job title, employment dates, and sometimes salary details.

It is often requested by external entities such as:

  • Government agencies
  • Financial institutions
  • Or prospective employers.

How can employers ensure the accuracy of a letter of employment?

Employers should verify the accuracy of the employment details before including them in the letter. Double-check dates, job titles, and other pertinent information.

Maintaining proper record-keeping systems to access accurate and up-to-date employment information is recommended. They can also see an employment verification letter template.

Are there any legal obligations for employers when providing a letter of employment?

The legal obligations regarding letters of employment may vary based on local employment laws and regulations.

Employers should ensure compliance with applicable laws, including privacy and data protection requirements, when providing employment verification letters.

Consulting legal counsel or HR professionals can provide guidance specific to the jurisdiction.

Useful Read:  Navigating HR Consulting: A Comprehensive Guide

How should a letter of employment be formatted?

A letter of employment should follow the standard business letter format. It should include the date, the recipient's contact information, a formal salutation, body paragraphs providing the necessary information, a professional closing, and your contact information. Maintain a professional and concise tone throughout the letter.

Rinaily Bonifacio

Written by:

Rinaily Bonifacio

Rinaily is a renowned expert in the field of human resources with years of industry experience. With a passion for writing high-quality HR content, Rinaily brings a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace. As an experienced HR professional and content writer, She has contributed to leading publications in the field of HR.

Please note that the information on our website is intended for general informational purposes and not as binding advice. The information on our website cannot be considered a substitute for legal and binding advice for any specific situation. While we strive to provide up-to-date and accurate information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information on our website for any purpose. We are not liable for any damage or loss arising from the use of the information on our website.

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Home Business Employment Verification Letter

Employment (Income) Verification Letter

Use our employment verification letter to prove an individual’s salary and employment status.

Employment Verification Letter Template

Updated March 8, 2024 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Susan Chai, Esq.

An employment verification letter confirms an individual’s current or past employment status and details. It validates income or employment history for loan applications, lease agreements, and other use cases.

What Can This Letter Verify?

This letter verifies an individual’s:

  • Job position/title.
  • Duration of employment.
  • Salary or compensation details.
  • Job performance or standing within the company (occasionally).

What Is an Employment Verification Letter?

Who needs an employment verification letter, how to verify employment, how to request an employment verification letter, how to write an employment verification letter, employment verification letter sample, frequently asked questions.

An employment verification letter (or proof of income letter) verifies a previous or current employee’s salary, employment history, and job responsibilities.

A verification letter is also a common third-party prerequisite to confirm that an individual has the income to make monthly payments for a significant expenditure — whether for a lease, mortgage, or loan.

Verifying parties typically submit this document in business letter format with their name, job title and contact information, current date, and the employee’s income or job status.

Supplemental Forms

A landlord can further support their rental goals by asking a potential tenant to submit a landlord reference letter and creating a lease agreement specific to their situation.

What Are the Different Types of Acceptable Proof of Income?

Explore the different types of acceptable proof of income depending on the individual’s employment type:

  • Pay Stubs: Pay stubs show an employee’s gross and net income and specify the current pay period. They also show an individual’s year-to-date earnings.
  • Employment Letter: This letter confirms an employee’s work status, salary, and employment terms (such as the number of hours they work).
  • W-2 Form: A W-2 form provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s income from a particular employer over the year.
  • Form 1040: Form 1040 is a tax return that reports a self-employed individual’s income, the taxes they owe the government, and any refunds the federal government owes them. It encompasses various income types, credits, and deductions applicable to the individual.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Self-employed individuals usually prepare this document themselves to document the revenue, costs, and expenses of their work over a specific period. It highlights their performance and can show income trends.
  • Bank Statements: Bank statements can show consistent income deposits into a bank account. Self-employed individuals can use these documents alongside others to show income flow.

The following people, businesses, and organizations may ask for an employment verification letter to learn more about an individual’s work experience, salary details, and employment salary:

  • Landlords: While trying to find the right tenant, a landlord may ask for this letter to confirm an individual will be responsible and make timely rent payments.
  • Mortgage lenders: Mortgage lenders often want to assess applicants’ income stability and ability to repay the loan when they apply for loans, mortgages, or other financial products.
  • Prospective employers: During the hiring process, a prospective employer may request a letter from a candidate’s previous employer to confirm the employment details the candidate provides.
  • State and federal government agencies: State and federal government agencies must often verify workers’ income and employment status to determine their eligibility when they apply for specific positions.

An employment letter may also be necessary for immigration, work permits, or visa processes to assess an individual’s employment status and income.

Step 1 – Receive the Individual’s Employment Verification Letter

If you haven’t yet received an individual’s income verification letter, you can request that they send it to you. Review the document for red flags, like inconsistency with basic information or if the information the individual provided otherwise doesn’t match their details.

Step 2 – Look Up the Organization

Look up the organization to confirm it’s real. Use your state’s Secretary of State lookup tool to conduct your research. Ensure the author of the individual’s letter matches the information on the Secretary of State’s website.

Step 3 – Contact the Employer

Contact the employer via email or phone to confirm they composed and signed the letter. If you’re contacting them by phone, do so during traditional business hours for the best chance of a response. If the person you want to speak with isn’t available, ask their secretary or assistant to set up a virtual meeting time.

Step 4 – Request Pay Stubs

Ask the individual for two of their most recent pay stubs. If they can’t provide this information, you may instead ask for proof of income like:

  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns (1040)
  • Wage and tax statements (W-2)
  • Social Security proof of income/benefits verification
  • Proof of workers’ compensation

Step 5 – Run a Credit Report

Fill out a background check authorization form to get an individual’s permission to conduct a background check. Then, run a credit report through one of the three major credit reporting agencies: Transunion, Experian, and Equifax.

Here’s how to ask for an employment verification letter depending on whether you’re the employee or an external party:

If You’re the Employee

  • Contact the human resources department. This department most commonly handles the creation of employment verification letters.
  • Complete a request form. Fill out the request form your HR department provides you. Supply the information you’d like them to include in the letter, such as your employment dates and status (full-time versus part-time).
  • Note the recipient. Indicate if you want them to send the letter to the requesting party or give it to you so you can supply it to the appropriate party.
  • Follow up. Check on the status of your letter if you haven’t received word that they’ve written and delivered it within a reasonable timeframe.

If You’re an External Party

  • Seek authorization from the individual. Acquire explicit permission from the employee before you pursue the process of getting an income verification letter.
  • Contact the employer. Find the designated contact for employment verifications at the individual’s company and inform them of your request.
  • Specify the information you want. Request the information you want, such as their income and employment length.
  • Indicate the delivery method. Clarify how you’d like to receive the letter, whether via certified mail, fax, or in person.

Step 1 – Provide the Employer’s Details

employer details

Step 2 – Enter the Requesting Party’s Details

Provide the name and address of the party requesting the employment verification, such as a bank or a landlord. If the requester is unknown, leave this blank.

requesting party details

Step 3 – Fill in Verification Details

Enter the name of the person the employer is verifying employment for. Also, provide their employment details, like their employer’s name, job title, employment start date, and company’s address.

Include supporting documents within this letter to verify the employee’s salary and bonus, if any. Remember that there are state and local laws regarding salary disclosure, and some require employee authorization.

verification details

Step 4 – Provide the Employer’s Contact Information

Write the employer’s contact details, including their phone number and email address.

employers information

Step 5 – Get Notary Acknowledgement

While this letter doesn’t require notarization, it can add to its legitimacy. Have a notary witness the employer’s signature for authenticity if you’d like.

notary details

Download an employment verification letter template in PDF or Word format below:

Employment Verification Letter Template

How Much Proof of Income Do I Need to Provide?

It depends. Some landlords may want to see you earn a specific amount, such as three times the rent, to ensure you meet your monthly payments. They may also want to see income verification for a specific period, such as the last two months.

Can I Use a Bank Statement Alone as Proof of Income?

You can use bank statements as supplementary documents, but landlords and lending financial institutions may often request pay stubs as primary proof of income.

What If I Don’t Have Any Traditional Proof of Income?

If you’re applying for a loan, you can have a cosigner sign for you. This person pledges to pay back the loan if you default, so you won’t necessarily need to provide proof of income.

Suppose you’re applying to rent an apartment or home. In this case, you may need to present nontraditional proof of income, such as bank statements, a letter from your current employer, an invoice/contract of the work you’ve completed recently, or a profit/loss statement.

How Long Should I Keep Copies of My Proof of Income Documents?

It depends on the exact document. The IRS states you should keep tax returns and related documents for two years from when you paid your obligations or three years from when you filed the original return (whichever is later).

Retain your paystubs until you receive your W-2 for that year. Retain bank statements for at least one year unless you need them for important matters (like home purchases or taxes). In this case, keep them for at least three years.

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Employment Verification Letter Template

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Free Employment Verification Letter Template

Whether for job applications or apartment rentals, simplify the process of confirming someone's work history with an employment verification letter..

Complete your document with ease

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Employment verification letter: How-to guide

Employment verification letters stand as pillars of credibility in the professional world, validating an individual's employment status, income, and other pertinent details. The employment verification letter holds substantial importance, whether it's for securing a new job, applying for a rental property, obtaining a visa, or navigating legal matters.

If you work in a company’s human resources department, you might also receive verification requests from your current or former employees for various reasons.

  • The current or past employee requesting a verification letter may need it to submit as proof of employment when joining a new company.
  • A current employer provides an employment verification letter as a supporting document in banks for loan purposes. Sometimes certain financial institutions also ask an employee to submit an employment letter or employment confirmation letter as additional proof of employment.
  • HR departments also get employment verification requests to process documents for visa purposes. 

This comprehensive article aims to delve into the intricacies of employment verification letters, covering everything from their definition to types and various uses.

What is an employment verification letter?

At its core, an employment verification letter, or employment verification form, is a formal document issued by a current or past employer to confirm an individual's employment status and history. It serves as proof of employment and is often required by external parties such as prospective employers, financial institutions, government agencies, or landlords.

An employment verification letter assures the recipient that the individual in question is indeed associated with the company in the stated capacity. It acts as a means of authentication, lending credibility to the individual's claims regarding their employment.

When do you need an employment verification letter?

People request an employment verification letter for different reasons. Sometimes it might be to secure future employment, sometimes to show income eligibility, or even as support documents for various government proceedings. Let’s explore the various use cases where you require a letter for verification of employment.

To apply for a job

Prospective employers often request verification of an applicant's employment history to ensure accuracy in the provided information and evaluate their suitability for the position.

For rental applications

Property management companies or landlords may require proof of employment to assess a tenant's financial stability and ability to meet rental obligations.

For visa purposes

Government agencies processing visa applications may require employment verification to determine an individual's eligibility for entry into a country and other immigration purposes. For example, an individual applying for a work visa may need to submit an employment verification letter from their employer to support their application. People who are applying for a tourist visa may also be required to show their employment details to assure the authorities that they have a permanent job and that their visit is only for leisure and not for seeking employment in the visiting country.

To apply for a loan or mortgage

Banks and financial institutions typically request employment verification to assess an individual's financial stability and ability to repay loans or mortgages. These financial houses request employment verification to evaluate an individual's creditworthiness before approving loans or mortgages.

In legal proceedings

Employment verification letters may be required to support legal cases related to employment disputes, worker's compensation claims, or other legal matters. For instance, an employee involved in a legal dispute with their employer may request an employment verification letter to substantiate their claims regarding their job title, duties, and tenure.

What essential details should be included in a verification of employment letter?

When drafting an employment verification letter, it's crucial to include the following components:

Employer information

Employment verification letters should contain the company’s name, address, and contact information to prove the employee’s credibility.

Employee information

Provide details such as the employee's name, position or job title, and duration of employment in the letter. It will make the employment verification process faster and easier.

Employment details

Include the dates of employment, job responsibilities, and the employee's job status, i.e., whether the individual is a current employee of the company or whether they have resigned. If the employee has resigned, then giving the reason for resignation can also be included.

Salary information

Address the employee's compensation details, including salary, hourly wage, or other relevant financial information. For example, if the letter is submitted as part of a loan application or for rental purposes, including salary details helps. 

However, the  employment verification letter should not include sensitive information such as performance evaluations, bonus plans, or company-provided stock options to maintain confidentiality.

Important things to note while drafting an employment verification letter

Drafting a comprehensive and effective employment verification letter requires attention to detail and adherence to professional standards. Here are some key requirements to consider while writing the letter:

Company letterhead

Ensure the employment verification letter is drafted on the company's official letterhead to enhance authenticity and credibility.


Begin the employment verification letter with a formal tone, and outline the purpose of the request. You must also provide the recipient’s contact information, including their name and address in this part.

Address the recipient appropriately, using phrases such as “To whom it may concern” for general requests. If the name of the person is provided, address them as “Dear Mr. or Ms.”

Opening paragraph

In the opening paragraph, clearly state the purpose of the letter and provide a brief overview of the employee's status within the organization.

Body paragraphs

Provide detailed information about the employee's job title, dates of employment, and any other relevant details.

Closing paragraph

Here, you need to reiterate the employer's willingness to verify the employee's information upon request and offer assistance if needed.

Closing salutation

Conclude the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

In this part, you need to include the employer's signature and contact information to validate the letter's authenticity and provide a point of contact for further inquiries. You can further authorize the letter by stamping the company’s seal on the signature.

Tips for writing an effective employment verification letter

When it comes to the verification of employment, crafting a comprehensive and accurate employment verification letter is crucial. Whether you are a current or former employer responding to a request, it's essential to ensure that your letter meets the necessary standards and provides all the required information. Below are some tips to help you create a robust employment verification letter that effectively serves its purpose:

Understand the purpose

Before diving into the letter, grasp the purpose of the employment verification. Is it for a future employer, a government agency, or a financial institution? Tailoring the content to meet the specific needs of the requester enhances the effectiveness of the letter.

Use a standard business letter format

Employment verification letters should follow a business letter format. This includes a formal salutation, clear body paragraphs, and a professional closing. Using the company's official letterhead can also add credibility to the document.

Include all necessary details

Ensure that the employment verification letter includes all the essential details requested by the party making the inquiry. This typically includes the employee's name, present/current job title, start date, end date (if applicable), and employment status.

Be clear and concise

Avoid ambiguity and keep the letter concise while providing all necessary information. Use clear and straightforward language to convey the details effectively.

Maintain confidentiality

Respect the individual's privacy and confidentiality by only disclosing information that is necessary and relevant for the employment verification request process. Avoid including sensitive details such as social security numbers unless explicitly required.

Proofread thoroughly

Before finalizing the employment verification letter, thoroughly proofread it to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. A polished and error-free document enhances professionalism and credibility.

Verify information

Before sending out the letter, double-check all the information provided for accuracy. Inaccurate or incomplete information could lead to misunderstandings or delays in the verification process.

Use an employment verification letter template

Use an employment verification letter template as a guide to draft verification letters easily. An employment verification template helps the employer address multiple employment verification requests faster. With a template, the employer doesn’t need to draft the letter from scratch, making it easier to streamline the process. LegalZoom provides a simple and straightforward employment verification template that can be used from anywhere on any device. To get your document for free, answer the guided questionnaire, fill out the form, and download it.

Frequently asked questions

What's an employment verification letter.

Whether an individual is applying for a job with a company or trying to rent an apartment, it is important to check the background and employment history of the requesting party. This is to verify that the party is telling the truth and worked where they say they did. 

If you’re a property management company or owner of a rental unit, you’ll need an employment verification letter to make sure that the prospective tenant is eligible to cover monthly payments for your property. In the case of mortgage lenders or third-party money lenders, having proof of income speeds up the verification process for requesting parties to secure loans.

A professional letter helps in verifying current or former employees' following details:

  • Name and address of the employee
  • Employment dates or start date of the employment
  • Eligibility to pay back mortgage and rent
  • Verify employment history

LegalZoom’s employment verification letter makes it easy to craft an official note to a former employer so they can verify—or deny—specific details.

What information is needed to complete the verification of employment?

To complete a verification letter for employment, keep the below details handy:

  • Whose employment do you want to verify : Keep the employee information ready for whom the verification letter is prepared
  • Who you're sending the letter to : Have the requestor or recipient’s contact information ready

How do I write a verification letter for employment?

A verification letter for employment serves as an official confirmation of an individual's job history, including details such as job title, dates of employment, and sometimes salary information. Potential employers, landlords, financial institutions, or government agencies often request it to verify the authenticity of a person's employment claims. This letter helps establish credibility and reliability, ensuring that accurate information is provided for various purposes, such as loan applications, rental agreements, or background checks.

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Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter is a form that confirms an individual’s employment status and income. It is completed by an employee’s current (or past) employer and includes their position, duties, type (part-time or full-time), salary, and how long they’ve worked with the company.

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Last updated March 28th, 2024

Document Preview

  • Verification Forms (12) »

Common Uses (6)

  • Background check . As part of a consumer report being generated.
  • Borrowing money . When applying for a mortgage or personal loan.
  • Past employment . To verify a former employment position.
  • Immigration . When applying for a green card, visa, or residency status.
  • Leasing property . When requested by a landlord.
  • Social benefits . To qualify for government benefits.

Download:  PDF ,  MS Word (.docx) ,  ODT Click to Copy Sample Copy to Clipboard




Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

To whom it may concern:

Please accept this letter as confirmation that [NAME] ☐ is ☐ was employed at [COMPANY NAME] starting on [MM/DD/YYYY] and ending on [MM/DD/YYYY] (if applicable).


Type: ☐ Full-time ☐ Part-time basis of [#] hours per week.

Income: $ [AMOUNT] ☐ per hour ☐ annually.

Description of Duties: [LIST EMPLOYEE DUTIES]

Signature ________________________  Print Name: [NAME] Title: [TITLE]

Additional Documents

  • Past tax returns (IRS Form 1040)
  • Wage and Tax Statement (IRS Form W-2)
  • Bank statements
  • Social Security proof of income letter
  • Workers compensation or unemployment benefits statements
  • Court-ordered payments (settlement agreements, alimony/child support payments, etc.)

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How would you rate your free form, when you're ready, visit our homepage to collect signatures or sign yourself - 100% free.

letter of employment template


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Home › Templates › 7 Verification of Employment Letter Templates

7 Verification of Employment Letter Templates

Certified HR Professional


Are you interested in finding out what verification of employment letters looks like? Then you are in the right place.

Verification letters are simple documents required by multiple places to ensure that you are working at a company.

What is an Employment Verification Letter?

A current or past employer writes an employment verification letter to confirm that a former employee or current employee worked at the organization. 

The request may come from a prospective employer, an employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, or agencies.

The request includes verification of dates of salary, employment, and whether the employee is expected to continue employment or is eligible to be rehired. If the employee is fired or terminated, the requestor may ask for the reason for termination.

What is in an Employment Verification Form?

Ensure the employment verification letter provides the correct information and adheres to an appropriate format.

An employment verification letter will have the company’s official letterhead or stationery, including the company logo. 

It will include the following information:

  • Employer current address
  • Address and name of the company requesting verification
  • Employee name
  • Employment dates
  • Employee job title
  • Employee job description
  • Employee current salary
  • Reason for termination

Follow Business Letter Format

Use a common business letter format when writing the letter. Firstly, include your contact information at the top, then the date, and eventually, the recipient’s contact information. Include a salutation at the beginning and end the letter with a sign.

Keep it Concise

Employment verification letters must not be too lengthy. Don’t add any information beyond what the employee asks. For example, do not provide a thorough evaluation of the employee’s work.

Include All Requested Information 

Most employment verification letters include:

  • The person’s name.
  • Their department in the company (occasionally their job title).
  • The number of times they have changed jobs.

Check with your employee if there is any additional information that needs to be added. For example, some letters include the salary, how frequently they are paid (bi-weekly, monthly, etc.), and how many total hours a week they work. However, don’t add these extra details unless requested.

Provide your Contact Details

At the end of the letter, be open to answering any further questions. Provide contact information for the recipient, such as your phone number or email.

Proofread and Edit

This letter is very important to your employee or former employee—their housing, future employment, or insurance will depend on it. Therefore, take plenty of time to make this letter serious and professional. Read carefully for any errors before you send it.

Here are some employment verification forms to get you started.

Basic Employment Verification Letter Sample

Date: August 1, 20XX

This letter is to certify income and employment for [insert pronoun] has been employed at [company] and holds the title of He/She has been an employee with [company] since. The company is at [insert pronoun] current salary is $ paid yearly/monthly/weekly/bi-weekly /hourly.

The following supporting document(s) are proof of income: (Check all that apply)

  •  Wage and tax statement (W-2)
  •  Tax return (1040)
  •  Social security proof of income letter
  •  Workers compensation letter
  • Bank statements

All of the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.

If you have any questions regarding the information provided, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or (email).

Sample Employment Verification Letter Template for Past Employee

XX Main Street

Dallas, TX 75201

August 1, 20XX

444 First Ave.

Dallas, TX 75001

Dear Mr. Gonzalez, 

This letter is to confirm that ABC was employed as a Senior User Experience Researcher at XX Inc. from May 3, 20XX, to September 25, 20XX. 

If you have any queries or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us at 216-333-0101 or [email protected] .

Human Resources Manager

Employment Letter Template for Current Employee

Dallas, TX, 75201

XYZ Loan Company, LLC

222 Second Ave.

Chicago, 75022

To Whom It May Concern,  

Please accept this letter as verification of XYZ’s employment with XX Inc. 

Employee Name: ABC

Employment Dates: May 2, 20XX – Present

Current Job Title: Senior User Experience Researcher

Current Salary: $140,000

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us at 216-333-0101 or [email protected] .

Richard Ramirez

Employment Verification Letter Template with Job Description

XX Company (On Company letterhead)

425 Main Street

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Date (Month/day/year)

Commission on Teacher Credentialing

1900 Capitol Avenue

Sacramento, CA 94244-2700

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is to confirm the employment of XYZ, who worked for XX Company as an Automotive Mechanic from March 17, 1995, until November 23, 2000. John was a full-time employee.

As an Automotive Mechanic, his duties were as follows:

  • General automotive repair
  • Diagnose defective engines
  • Replace defective parts
  • Tune-up engines
  • Replace brakes

Please get in touch with me at (000) 111-2222 if you have any questions.

ABC (Name of Supervisor)

The owner (Position/Title)

Employment Verification Letter Template for Visa Process

United States Embassy

Non-Immigrant Visa Unit

Re: Employment Verification for [Beneficiary]

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as an employment confirmation letter that [Beneficiary] remains currently employed with us on a full-time basis, under the terms of his/her approved visa petition. Accordingly, the duties and responsibilities of the job remain as described in our original letter accompanying the approved visa petition.

We look forward to the rapid re-admission of [Beneficiary] to the United States to resume employment with our company and respectfully request that you kindly extend all due courtesies.

Please feel free to contact us if your office requires any further information. You may also contact our immigration counsel, XX LLP, at (215) 935-4659.

[Company representative’s name] ,

Request Employment Verification Sample Letter from Employer

Company Name or Letterhead

City, State, Zip

Dear Ms. XX,

We are considering YY for a supervisory position with our company. While we have confirmed the standard information concerning his work history and employment status at your company with the Personnel Department, we would appreciate it if you can write an employment verification and address the following areas concerning his job performance:

  • What was the nature of Mr. YY’s position?
  • Can Mr. YY’s past job be described as high pressure?
  • Did Mr. YY’s job require him to work on several projects simultaneously?
  • Do you think Mr. YY can delegate assignments effectively?
  • What do you consider to be Mr. YY’s strengths?
  • In what areas do you consider Mr. YY in need of further instruction?
  • Would you re-employ Mr. YY?

I appreciate you taking the time on behalf of our interviewing committee.

Yours truly,

Employment Verification Template for a Landlord

Many landlords request tenants for an employment letter. This will include the following details:

  • Employee hiring date
  • Employee classification (part-time, full-time, temporary, contract)
  • Annual compensation

This letter serves as proof that XX has been working full-time with XYZ Company for six months as a .

XX is trustworthy, hardworking, and competitive. He/She doesn’t have any existing loans or unpaid bills within our company.

I hope this increases his/her credibility as a possible tenant at your apartment rental.

The company is at his/her current salary is $ paid yearly/monthly/weekly/bi-weekly/hourly.

Human Resources Department

Why Employees Need an Employment Verification Letter

Employees need this letter for any one of these reasons:

  • They are applying for an auto loan or home mortgage, and the lender wants to ensure that the employee has a steady job and enough money to cover monthly payments before approving the loan.
  • They are applying to rent a house, and the property management company wants to confirm they can afford the deposit, rent payment, maintenance, and any other associated costs.
  • They are requesting a deferral or loan payment reduction, and the bank wants to see some proof of real-time income before deciding whether to endorse their request or not.
  • They are seeking an opportunity with another employer, and the company wants to affirm the employment as part of the background checking process.

While the employee may not necessarily have to tell why they are asking for an employment verification letter, it is essential that they tell which pieces of information the other party requires and their contact details (e.g., address, the preferred method of delivery).

How to Request an Employment Verification Letter

Are you wondering how to request an employment verification letter from your company? 

Check with your Human Resources department. The company will have a policy regarding the release of information, and you will need to give permission for your employment history to shift to a third party. 

Your HR contact will either provide you with a template to give to your manager or compose the letter for you. You can also ask your supervisor or manager directly.

Creating an Employment Verification Request Process

Once you draft an employment verification letter template, fulfilling these submissions will be much swifter and easier. However, because it may take time to assemble an employee’s information and provide the verification document to the other party, it is vital that employees (and ex-employees) issue their request as soon as possible.

Making your requirements clear will ensure a streamlined employment verification process for everyone concerned. To help simplify the process, consider conveying your expectations through the employee directory or anywhere else you share your HR processes.

Here is a representative employment verification method you can use.

Submit all employment verification requests at least a few business days through the portal, mail, etc. in advance, and incorporate the following information:

  • The name and address of the organization asking for the information
  • Delivery instructions and information (for example, fax number, mailing address, email address)
  • What data does the requesting party need (for example, salary, employment dates, job title)
  • The basis for the request (optional)

Keep in mind that it takes a standard of five business days for documents to arrive via mail. When registering an employment verification letter for current or former employees, it is essential to proceed with a uniform process, stay conscious of state laws regarding what details you are allowed to reveal and provide accurate information in a formal, concise manner.

Since employment verification letters frequently help employees secure mortgages, loans, flats, new jobs, and more, it is important to get your written communication straight. Moreover, a professional letter can echo well on your business as a whole.

When you are writing a proof of employment letter, consider the audience as well as the employee you are writing it for. Use a professional business tone when dealing with experts and businesses.

Learning to write a good business letter is a requirement for managers and executives in every industry. Solid communication is what helps you stand out from the crowd. 

As an employer or manager, ensure to use the employment verification letter to explain your role and what you do and provide an honest explanation of the employee’s duties. 

When requested, verify the employee’s first date of work with you, hours, and income. Like all critical business forms, publish the final product on professional letterhead. Remember to provide your job title, phone number, and other contact information, so the letter recipient will know how to connect with you for any other questions they have.

Hence, take your time, read some of the sample employment verification letters at the bottom of this page, and start brainstorming. It’s a great idea to download employment verification templates to keep on hand when the occasion arises. 

Lastly, it is essential to follow a consistent tone and process when writing an employment verification letter for current or former employees. Stay aware of the local and public state laws regarding what information you are allowed to reveal and provide the information in a formal manner.


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17+ Letter of Employment Templates – DOC, PDF

One of the biggest risks every company must deal with is the employee workforce. Finding the right employee and being certain that you have hired the right skills might take plenty of your time. As a business executive, you have to be smart enough to know the difference between an experienced individual and fresh talent. Once you find the best skills, pick a letter of employment template, and use it to send a message about your job offer. For samples of different letters, check out our collection of more employment letter templates on our official website that you can use.

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Letter Template of Intent for Employment

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  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

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Formal Employment Verification Letter with Declaration

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Making a Letter of Employment in 5 Steps:

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How to Write a Reference Letter (Template & Examples)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 29, 2024

A reference letter serves as a formal endorsement of an individual’s skills, character, and achievements, typically penned by a former employer, colleague, or academic mentor. 

This guide aims to empower professionals with the tools and knowledge to craft effective reference letters, combining best practices with practical templates to streamline this essential task.

Types of Reference Letters

Understanding the different types of reference letters is crucial for professionals, as each type caters to specific contexts and highlights various aspects of an individual’s profile. Below, we explore three key types: Professional, Academic, and Character Reference Letters.

Professional Reference Letters

Professional reference letters are written by a previous employer, supervisor, or professional colleague. They focus on the applicant’s work experience, skills, and professional achievements. These letters are often required during job applications or for career advancement opportunities. 

These letters should detail the individual’s role, responsibilities, key accomplishments, and work ethic. It’s essential to mention specific instances where the individual demonstrated their skills and contributed to the organization’s success.

Related Article: Who to Use for Professional References 

Academic Reference Letters

Academic reference letters are typically requested for educational pursuits, such as college admissions, scholarships, or academic awards. Written by teachers, professors, or academic advisors, these letters highlight the individual’s academic achievements, intellectual capabilities, and potential for future success in their field of study. 

They should reflect on the individual’s academic performance, participation in class, and any notable projects or research work. This type of letter often emphasizes the individual’s dedication, curiosity, and ability to overcome academic challenges.

Character Reference Letters

Character reference letters focus primarily on the personal attributes of an individual. They are usually written by someone who knows the person well but is not a family member, such as a mentor, family friend, or community leader. 

These letters are particularly important when assessing an individual’s suitability for a role that requires a high degree of trust and integrity. They should provide insights into the individual’s character, values, and behaviors, illustrating how these traits have been beneficial in various situations.

Related Article : How Many References Should You Have? 

Letter of Recommendation Examples

In crafting a letter of recommendation, it’s essential to tailor the content to the specific needs and strengths of the individual. Whether it’s for a professional role, character assessment, or a remote work position, each letter should effectively highlight the candidate’s unique qualities and contributions. 

These examples are designed to provide a clear understanding of how to articulate a candidate’s abilities and achievements in a manner that resonates with the recipient, ensuring the letter is both compelling and relevant to the candidate’s desired opportunity.

Professional Employment Reference Letter

Taylor Robinson Hiring Committee Chair Innovatech Solutions 321 Future St. Techville, TV 32167 April 5, 2024

Dear Mr./Ms. Robinson,

It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Laura Smith for the position of Project Manager at Innovatech Solutions. As the Senior Director of Project Management at TechGenius, I had the privilege of observing Laura’s professional growth and remarkable contributions over her four-year tenure as an Assistant Project Manager.

Laura’s standout achievement was her leadership in the “GreenTech Initiative” project in 2020. Under her guidance, the project not only met but exceeded its objectives, achieving a 30% increase in energy efficiency for our client’s products. Her strategic planning, combined with her ability to seamlessly integrate new technology into existing systems, was critical to the project’s success. Laura’s innovative approach and meticulous attention to detail were instrumental in securing a 15% grant for future sustainability projects for TechGenius.

Beyond her technical skills, Laura’s interpersonal abilities truly set her apart. Her team leadership and conflict resolution skills were pivotal during challenging project phases, ensuring team cohesion and maintaining client satisfaction. Her mentorship of junior staff members has left a lasting positive impact on our department.

I am confident that Laura will bring the same level of exceptional performance, dedication, and innovation to the Project Manager role at Innovatech Solutions. Her blend of strategic foresight, technical expertise, and leadership ability makes her an excellent fit for your team. I strongly recommend her for this position and believe she will be a valuable asset to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me for any further information or clarification.

John Doe Senior Director of Project Management, TechGenius [email protected] +1 555 123 4567

Character Reference Letter for a Coworker

Jane Doe Human Resources Manager Green Earth Initiatives 123 Business Rd. Business City, BC 12345 January 1, 2024

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Emily Johnson’s application for the Community Outreach Coordinator position at Green Earth Initiatives. As Emily’s coworker at Design & Innovate Corp for over five years, I have had the privilege of witnessing her exceptional character and dedication to community service.

Emily has always been more than just a proficient graphic designer ; she is a driving force for positive change within our community. One of her most notable contributions was her volunteer work with the local “Food for All” campaign, where she not only designed impactful promotional materials but also played a crucial role in organizing community food drives. Her efforts helped raise awareness and significant donations for the cause, demonstrating her compassion and commitment to helping those in need.

What truly sets Emily apart is her genuine empathy and integrity. She often takes the initiative to support new team members and creates an inclusive and welcoming work environment. Her ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, combined with her strong ethical values, makes her an outstanding role model and team player.

Emily’s passion for community engagement, along with her innate ability to inspire and mobilize people toward a common goal, makes her an ideal candidate for the Community Outreach Coordinator role. I am confident that her exceptional interpersonal skills and dedication to social causes will enable her to excel in this position and make a meaningful impact at Green Earth Initiatives.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or insights regarding Emily’s character and abilities.

Warm regards,

David Thompson Senior Graphic Designer, Design & Innovate Corp [email protected] +1 555 678 9101

Remote Work Employment Reference Letter

Alex Martinez Hiring Manager VirtualTech Inc 456 Justice Ave. Law City, LC 45678 March 10, 2024

Dear Attorney Martinez,

I am delighted to recommend Mark Benson for the position of Lead Software Engineer at VirtualTech Inc. As the CTO of NetSolutions, where Mark has been working remotely for the past three years, I have had ample opportunity to observe his exceptional technical abilities and adaptability to the remote working model.

During his tenure with us, Mark was instrumental in developing our flagship product, CloudSync, a complex cloud storage solution. His technical expertise, particularly in cloud computing and cybersecurity, was vital in overcoming the project’s significant challenges. Despite the remote setting, Mark’s consistent communication and collaboration were standout qualities. He regularly led virtual team meetings and coding sessions, ensuring that all team members, regardless of their location, were aligned and engaged.

What impresses me most about Mark is his self-motivation and time management skills, crucial in a remote work environment. He has an innate ability to prioritize tasks effectively and meet deadlines without compromising on the quality of work. His initiative to conduct weekly virtual training sessions for the team not only enhanced our collective skill set but also fostered a sense of community and teamwork among remote employees.

Mark’s blend of technical acumen, excellent communication, and leadership skills, along with his proven ability to thrive in a remote work environment, makes him an ideal candidate for VirtualTech Inc. I am confident that he will be a valuable asset to your team and contribute significantly to your company’s success in the digital realm.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information or specific examples of Mark’s work and achievements.

Susan Lee Chief Technology Officer , NetSolutions [email protected] +1 555 234 5678

What to Include in a Reference Letter

When composing a reference letter, it’s essential to include certain key elements to ensure the letter is effective and provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications.

These elements include:

1. Sender’s Information

The sender’s information is a critical component of any reference letter, as it establishes the credibility and authority of the person writing the letter.

This section should be clearly outlined at the top of the letter and include the following details:

  • Name: The full name of the individual writing the reference letter.
  • Title or Position: The professional title or position of the sender, which adds weight to the reference. This should be the current title or the one held while working with the individual being recommended.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the sender is employed or affiliated.
  • Contact Information: Including an address, phone number, and email address is crucial. It not only offers a means for the recipient to verify the information or seek further clarification but also demonstrates transparency and openness.

2. Recipient’s Information

  • Name: The full name of the recipient. If the recipient’s name is not known, a general title or department can be used, such as “Hiring Manager” or “Admissions Committee.”
  • Title or Position: Including the recipient’s professional title or position helps in directing the letter to the appropriate person, especially in large organizations where multiple individuals may be involved in the decision-making process.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the recipient works. This acknowledges the professional setting into which the candidate is seeking entry or advancement.
  • Address: The full postal address of the company or organization. 

3. Salutation

The salutation in a reference letter is more than just a formality; it sets the tone for the communication and shows respect for the recipient.

Here are key elements to consider:

  • A Formal Greeting: Begin with a formal greeting such as “Dear,” which is universally recognized as professional and respectful.
  • Addressing the Recipient: If you know the recipient’s name, use it directly after the greeting, e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Dr. Jones.” 
  • Inclusive and Respectful Language: If the recipient’s name or gender is unknown, use a neutral and inclusive salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager,” “Dear Selection Committee,” or “To Whom It May Concern”. 

4. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of a reference letter is pivotal in establishing the context of your relationship with the candidate and setting the stage for the endorsement to follow.

Here are some elements to include in this initial section:

  • Introduce Yourself: Start by introducing yourself to give the recipient an understanding of who you are. Mention your name and your professional position or title, as this adds credibility to your recommendation.
  • Your Relationship with the Candidate: Clearly state your professional or academic relationship with the person you are recommending. This could be as their supervisor, colleague, professor, or mentor.
  • Duration of Relationship: Include how long you have known the individual. This time frame helps the recipient gauge the depth and extent of your experience with the candidate.
  • Purpose of the Letter: Briefly mention the purpose of your letter – to recommend the individual for a specific position, program, or opportunity. This sets a clear context for the rest of your letter.

5. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are the core of the reference letter, where you provide detailed insights into the candidate’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and character.

Here’s how to structure this section effectively:

  • Specific Examples and Details: Use concrete examples to illustrate the person’s skills and qualifications. For instance, if you are highlighting their leadership skills, mention a specific project they led and the positive outcomes that resulted from it.
  • Highlight Relevant Experiences and Accomplishments: Discuss experiences that directly relate to the position or opportunity the individual is pursuing. For example, if they’re applying for a managerial role focus on instances where they demonstrated effective management skills.
  • Unique Qualities or Strengths: Point out any unique strengths or qualities that make the individual stand out. This could include exceptional problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, or a strong commitment to teamwork.
  • Personal Anecdotes or Stories: Including a brief story or anecdote can make your letter more engaging and memorable. This could be an instance where the individual overcame a significant challenge or went above and beyond in their role.
  • Balanced Perspective: While it’s important to focus on positive attributes, offering a balanced perspective can add authenticity to your letter. If appropriate, you can mention areas where the candidate has shown growth during your relationship.

Remember, the goal of these paragraphs is to provide a vivid picture of the candidate’s abilities and character. Well-chosen examples and stories make your endorsement more convincing and help the recipient understand why the individual is an excellent fit for the opportunity.

6. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of a reference letter is where you encapsulate your overall recommendation and express your support for the individual.

Here are some elements to include:

  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly restate the most important qualities, achievements, or skills of the candidate that you have highlighted in the letter. This reinforces your endorsement and reminds the reader of the candidate’s suitability for the position or opportunity.
  • Express Your Strong Recommendation: Clearly state your confidence in the candidate and your belief in their suitability for the role or opportunity. Use affirmative language like, “I highly recommend,” or “I am confident that,” to leave no doubt about your support.
  • Offer to Provide Further Information: Indicate your willingness to provide additional information or clarification if needed. This shows your genuine support and readiness to assist further in the candidate’s application process.
  • Contact Information Reminder: Although your contact information is already at the top, a brief reminder here ensures that it is easily accessible for the reader, should they wish to follow up with you.

7. Closing Salutation

Here’s how to conclude your letter appropriately:

  • Use a Professional Closing: Opt for a formal and universally accepted closing phrase. Common examples include “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours truly.” 
  • Consistency with the Tone: Ensure that the closing salutation matches the overall tone of your letter. If your letter is highly formal, a closing like “Sincerely” is appropriate. For a slightly less formal tone, “Best regards” can be a good choice.
  • Space for Signature: If you are sending a hard copy or a scanned version of the letter, leave space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. This personal touch adds authenticity to the document.
  • Typed Name and Title: Below the signature space, type your full name and title again. 

Related Article: When Do Employers Check References?

Reference Letter Template

This reference letter template is designed for professionals to easily adapt and customize according to the specific needs of the individual being recommended. Simply fill in the blanks and modify the text as necessary to suit your context.

[Your Name] [Your Title or Position] [Your Company or Organization] [Your Contact Information (Address, Phone Number, Email)] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title or Position] [Recipient’s Company or Organization] [Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Candidate’s Full Name] for [Position/Opportunity/Program] at [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. As [Your Position] at [Your Company/Organization], I have had the pleasure of working with [Candidate’s Name] for [Duration of Relationship] and have witnessed [his/her/their] significant contributions first-hand.

[In this paragraph, provide specific examples of the candidate’s skills, achievements, and qualities. Mention a particular project or responsibility and the impact of their work. Highlight any unique attributes that set the candidate apart.]

[This paragraph should continue to build on the candidate’s qualifications. Include personal anecdotes or stories that illustrate their capabilities and character. Focus on how their contributions positively affected your team or organization.]

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will bring [his/her/their] remarkable [skills/qualities, such as leadership, creativity, dedication] to [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. [His/Her/Their] ability to [specific skill or contribution] makes [him/her/them] well-suited for [Position/Opportunity/Program]. I strongly endorse [his/her/their] candidacy and believe [he/she/they] will be a valuable addition to your [team/program/organization].

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you require any further information or specific examples of [Candidate’s Name]’s work and achievements.

[Your Handwritten Signature (if applicable)]

[Your Typed Name] [Your Position]

Related Article: How to Provide References for a Job

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Crafting effective letters of recommendation requires a delicate balance of showcasing the candidate’s strengths, providing specific examples, and employing persuasive language. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the intricacies of this crucial task.

Quantify Achievements

When writing a letter of recommendation, it’s powerful to quantify the candidate’s achievements. Use specific figures and statistics to illustrate their accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “significantly increased sales,” specify “increased sales by 30% over six months.” This provides concrete evidence of their capabilities and makes their achievements more tangible and credible. Quantifying contributions also helps the recipient gauge the scale and impact of these accomplishments, offering a clearer picture of the candidate’s potential.

Connect to the Position or Opportunity

Tailor the letter to the specific position or opportunity the candidate is applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job requirements or academic program. For instance, if the candidate is applying for a leadership role, emphasize their successful team management experiences. This shows that you understand what the role entails and have thoughtfully considered how the candidate’s skills and experiences make them a good fit, making your recommendation more relevant and persuasive.

Include Keywords

Identify important terms in the job listing or academic program description, such as “project management,” “analytical thinking,” or “creative problem-solving,” and weave them into your letter. This not only tailors the letter to the specific role but also ensures it passes through any automated screenings, increasing the chance that your recommendation will be read by decision-makers.

Leverage Technology for Reference Letter Management

Utilize technology platforms for efficient reference letter management. For example, online reference request platforms simplify the process of requesting, writing, storing, and submitting letters of recommendation. These tools often offer templates, reminders, and the ability to submit letters directly to institutions or employers. 

Leveraging such technology can streamline the process, ensuring timely submission and organization of your reference letters, while also offering a secure way to manage sensitive personal information contained within these documents.

Related Article: Reference Check Questions

Ammar Ahmed

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Securing a job in today’s competitive job market is pretty challenging, a well-written job application letter can make all the difference in landing a dream job. It serves as your first introduction to your potential employer and offers a valuable opportunity to showcase your qualifications, skills, enthusiasm, and suitability for the role.

To explore the ins and outs of writing a job application letter, and how to make a strong impression with it, check out this blog. This blog will show you how to write an exceptional job application letter that will help you stand out from the competition.

A job application letter is commonly referred to as a cover letter. This letter of application is a document that is sent along with your resume when you apply for a job. Its main purpose is to introduce yourself to the potential employer or hiring manager, providing an opportunity to present your skills, qualifications, and experience that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Additionally, it aims to persuade the hiring manager to consider you for the role. 

Therefore, a strong job application letter serves as your ultimate gateway to your dream job.

  • Components of a Job Application Letter

To draft an outstanding application you need to follow the right step to write a letter. Therefore, here are the key components that you should follow:

Include your contact information and the date at the top of the letter, followed by the employer’s contact details.

Begin your letter with a formal greeting to the hiring manager. It’s best to address the letter with the name of the hiring manager. For this, it’s advisable to call the company and ask for the hiring manager’s name as it would look professional. Alternatively, use a generic salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager”.

Craft a standout introduction to build that positive impression from the start of your letter. Your introduction should highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that make you a suitable candidate for the job.

Highlight what value you can bring to the company with this position. Talk about why you’re the perfect fit for the job; this way, you can showcase your professional skills and stand out from other applicants.

Express your enthusiasm for the position and reiterate your interest in the opportunity. Also, thank the employer for considering your application. End the letter with professional closing for example: “Yours sincerely”, “Best regards”, or “Thanks for your consideration”, followed by your name and signature.

Read More: All You Need to Know About Resume Headlines – With Example

  • Tips on How to Write a Job Application Letter

what is a job application letter

Customize your application letter for the job; formally, it’s best to follow the key components that we discussed above. This way, you can tailor your application letter to each job, highlighting the qualifications and experiences most relevant to the position.

Show your understanding of the company and its values in your application letter as this shows that you are aware of what the company does, and your genuine interest in the position.

Though you have a lot to say and express in your letter, do not go over the board, keep it concise and to the point, focusing on key skills and experiences that align with the role.

It sometimes happens that the hiring manager may not read the entire letter but rather would just find the relevant keywords that match the job requirements. Additionally, incorporating keywords will also help your application stand out to applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Finally, once you have drafted your outstanding job application letter, give a quick check on the grammatical errors to ensure the letter is professionally well formatted without any blunders.

  • Best Job Application Letter Format (Example Templates)

Subject: Application for the Role of [Job Title] at [Company Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position listed on [where you found the job posting]. As a recent graduate from [University/College Name], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and grow both personally and professionally.

During my academic studies, I developed strong skills in [relevant skills or coursework]. I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description] and am eager to apply my knowledge and enthusiasm to support [Company Name]’s goals.

I am highly motivated and detail-oriented, and I possess excellent communication skills. I am confident that my academic background and passion for [industry or field] make me a strong candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of [Company Name].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Subject: Job Application for [Job Title] Position at [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as listed on [where you found the job posting]. With over [number of years] years of experience in [relevant industry or field], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your esteemed organization.

In my current role at [Current Company], I have successfully [mention key achievements or responsibilities]. These experiences have equipped me with strong skills in [relevant skills or competencies], including [specific skills mentioned in the job description].

I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am confident that my background in [relevant experience or industry] aligns well with the needs of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss how my qualifications and experiences can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name].

Yours Sincerely,

Subject: Expressing Interest in [Job Title] Position at [Company Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as posted on [where you found the job posting]. With [number of years] years of experience in [relevant industry or field], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I [briefly mention key responsibilities or achievements]. These experiences have honed my skills in [relevant skills or competencies], and I am eager to apply them to drive success at [Company Name].

I am particularly impressed by [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the talented team at [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my background and expertise align with the needs of your organization.

Read More: Resume Headline For Freshers: 30+ Examples and Tips

Now that you’ve reached the end of this article, you understand that a well-written job application letter can significantly enhance your chances of securing an interview with your dream company in this challenging job market. Therefore, follow these tips, key components, and templates to draft a successful job application letter that impresses your hiring manager. With the right approach, you’ll be one step closer to your next career opportunity.

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Miss USA's resignation letter accuses the organization of toxic work culture

The Miss USA who gave up her crown and title this week accused the pageant’s CEO of failing to take an incident of sexual harassment seriously and creating a toxic work environment, according to a copy of her resignation letter obtained Thursday by NBC News.

“There is a toxic work environment within the Miss USA organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment,” Noelia Voigt wrote in the letter. “This started soon after winning the title of Miss USA 2023.”

Voigt announced Monday on Instagram that she was relinquishing her crown, citing her mental health. Two days later, Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, 17, announced she was also stepping down in a statement that said her “personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

Fans who were shocked by the unprecedented resignations noticed that the first letter in every sentence of Voigt’s online statement spelled out “ I am silenced .”

UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt,

In her resignation letter, Voigt said that Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose consistently failed to communicate and that when she did, she was “often cold and unnecessarily aggressive.”

“It’s incredibly jarring to be trying to do my job and constantly be threatened with disciplinary action, including taking away my salary, for things that were never discussed with me and, if it related to a public-facing post for example, were causing no issue other than not meeting her personal preference,” Voigt wrote.

Representatives for the Miss USA organization did not immediately respond to request for comment Thursday evening.

Rose said in a statement Wednesday that “the well-being of all individuals associated with Miss USA is my top priority.”

“All along, my personal goal as the head of this organization has been to inspire women to always create new dreams, have the courage to explore it all, and continue to preserve integrity along the way. I hold myself to these same high standards and I take these allegations seriously,” she said.

Voigt included in her letter details about an alleged incident of sexual harassment at a Christmas event in Florida. She wrote that she was left alone in a car with a man who “made several inappropriate statements to me about his desire to enter into a relationship with me.”

Voigt said that when Rose was made aware of the situation, she told Voigt, “We cannot prevent people saying things to you at public appearances, it is, unfortunately, part of the role you’re in as a public figure.” 

Rose is also accused in the letter of badmouthing Voigt to others in the organization and painting her as “uninterested” in her job.

“I have heard that comments have ranged from her describing me as difficult to work with for various untrue reasons, to weaponizing my mental health struggles brought on by my experience as Miss USA 2023, calling me ‘mentally ill’ in a derogatory way, to expressing that she hoped I would get hit in the face by a baseball at an event where I would throw out the first pitch at a baseball game,” Voigt wrote in her letter.

Despite the environment, Voigt said, she was committed to the Miss USA brand, but her mental and physical health continued to erode.

“I am now diagnosed with Anxiety and have to take two medications daily to manage the symptoms due to consistently being on edge, worrying about what Laylah will pop up with and choose to harass me about daily,” the letter said.

She wrote that she had flare-ups of a pre-existing condition that is worsened by stress and that she is experiencing “heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair, and more.”

Voigt cited a toxic work environment at Miss USA that she said is unsafe for future Miss Universe Organization title holders.

“Every statement you have ever put out about MUO’s morals and integrity directly contradicts what is happening within the USA organization,” the letter said.

Claudia Michelle, a former social media manager who said she submitted her resignation last week, echoed similar sentiments about Miss USA management in an interview with NBC News on Thursday.

“Leaders in women’s empowerment organizations need to be held accountable,” Michelle said. “How do you not take the mental health of the face of your brand seriously?”

Michelle said she was aware that Voigt had raised concerns over her safety and traveling alone and that she began to travel more with Miss USA in March and April.

Michelle said that Rose was inconsistent with her communication and that the organization’s management was unprofessional.

Brittany Lane is a booker for NBC News.

Doha Madani is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News. Pronouns: she/her.

How to Email a Resume to an Employer [Template + Examples]

Melanie Lockert

3 key takeaways

  • Before you email a resume, consider seven best practices.
  • Follow five steps when writing a resume email.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder and Job Tracker with Email Templates can help you create a resume and email for every stage of the application process.

While today’s job application process typically starts in an online portal, it’s sometimes beneficial to email your resume and cover letter.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to email a resume in ways that increase your chances of progressing in the hiring process, including:

  • Tips on how to email a resume

What to write in an email when sending a resume

How to follow up on your resume email.

  • Resume best practices

Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.

How to send a resume email

When you email your resume and cover letter, you’re pitching yourself for the job. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing an email to a recruiter or hiring manager:

  • Use a professional email address. Avoid sending your resume using an email you created when you were 15. Don’t use one that includes anything unprofessional. Your email address should be your full name, or a variation, so you’re clearly identifiable. 
  • Pick an optimal send time. You want to be at the top of the hiring manager’s inbox. That’s why early morning is the best time to send a resume email. If you’re working on it during other hours, consider scheduling the email. Gmail allows you to do this easily.

Schedule an email to send later in Gmail

  • Choose the right day. Let’s be real. Most people are busy on Mondays and winding down on Fridays. So your best bet is to send your email Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Follow instructions. Some job listings have specific instructions on how to email a cover letter and resume. Some even request you include a word or phrase in the subject line. Your ability to focus on the details and follow instructions properly can set you apart. 
  • Double-check. Typos happen and so do other digital mishaps. Use a tool like Grammarly to spell check and ensure your grammar is correct in your email, cover letter, and resume. Open your cover letter and resume and make sure the formatting looks good. Put the email address in last so you don’t accidentally send an incomplete email. 

Pro Tip: If you accidentally send an incomplete email using Gmail, you’ll see that your message has been sent and the options to “Undo” or “View Message” in the bottom left. Click “Undo” right away to unsend your email. 

These email best practices can help you start on the right foot. This is your first interaction with a company and you want to give a positive impression.

How to email a resume (7 tips)

Emailing a resume may seem simple, but there are nuances to consider when applying to a specific job. 

Here are top tips for sending a resume via email:

1. Create a well-optimized and formatted resume 

Resume creation is one of the most important things job seekers need to focus on. Your resume needs (not should) to be well-optimized and formatted. That means two things:

  • Tailor each resume to match the job position
  • Your resume is scannable and easy to read 

Using a resume template that fits your needs can help simplify the process. Teal offers a variety of templates to choose from, so your resume is easy to read and you don’t have to worry about the design and formatting all on your own. That way you can include the required sections and format your resume based on your desired role. Create a perfect resume using resume templates .

resume templates

2. Tailor your resume

Using Teal Analysis Mode and Matching Mode, you can easily create a well-optimized resume. Just enter the job description and get a Match Score on your resume. Plus, you’ll get keywords and tips for how to improve your resume so it can stand out. 

letter of employment template

Start by using Teal’s Resume Builder. Simply upload your LinkedIn profile or existing resume and get a customizable resume. From there, you can make changes and access the Analysis and Matching tools. 

3. Prepare your resume for email

Your resume format matters. In a single document, you’re sharing highlights of your career journey and relevant skills. Choosing the right one can grab a hiring manager’s attention. Some common resume formats include:

  • Chronological resume
  • Functional resume
  • Combination resume 

These formats showcase information in different ways. Based on where you’re at in your career and the job you’re applying to, you can choose which format is ideal for your situation. 

Once your resume is ready and your resume emails optimized, the question remains:

Should you send your resume as a Word or a PDF file?

People often wonder what’s the best format to send a resume. First, go back to the job listing and see if there are instructions on how to email a resume. Some listings might say which format they prefer. If there’s no preference listed it’s up to you. But there are some things to consider when deciding between sending a PDF or Word doc for your resume file. 

Nicholas Hopkins, director and head of contract recruitment at VIQU IT Recruitment suggests using a Word Document for some important reasons: 

"You'd be surprised, but people still include personal details such as age. If the recruiter is committed to upholding diversity recruiting, they may also need to remove information such as your name, name of your school or university, and start and end dates for job experience. This is to limit potential occurrences of unconscious bias. Some common mistakes I have found people make when emailing their resume are including pictures or not including information on how recruiters can contact them."

Scott Lieberman, founder of Touchdown Money hires people for his small business and has been on the HR hiring committee of various companies for over 10 years offers a different point of view:

“Use a PDF formatted resume to attach to the email. A PDF ensures your resume is opened with the same formatting as you typed it.” 

So if you’re applying directly to a company, you might consider using the PDF format. You can feel confident that your formatting is intact. On the other hand, if you’re emailing a resume to a recruiter a Word Document may be a better option. 

Ultimately, the type of file you send is secondary to the contents of your resume. Make sure your resume looks organized and legible and that it’s optimized based on the job description. 

4. Write an effective email subject line

Emailing a resume won’t do much good if nobody opens the email. That’s where creating a clear and concise subject line helps. 

Avoid these subject line mistakes when emailing your resume:

  • Leaving the subject line blank
  • Only putting “job application”
  • Very long subject lines

Instead, keep the subject line simple using this formula:

[Full Name Application]: [Adjective] [Job Title]  [Seeking New Opportunity at] [Company Name] [Job ID if available]

Email subject line examples :

Brad Smith Application: Collaborative Software Engineer Seeking New Opportunity at Google #530 Katie Johnson Application: Results-Driven Social Media Manager Seeking New Opportunity at Buffer  Jerry Johnson Application: Dynamic Program Director Seeking New Opportunity at LA Phil 

That’s the basic formula. You can tweak it to your liking, but leading with the most important details can make sure it’s not overlooked or confused for spam or promotional email.

Remember, companies may be hiring for multiple positions, so listing the job title can be helpful. Including your name makes it easier to search and listing the company name makes it specific. Lastly, adding an adjective and verb can give them a taste of who you are and what you can do for the company. 

For more tips on crafting an effective subject line, check out this guide on email subject for job application.

5. Email the right person

To help your email stand out and be more professional, email the person most involved in the hiring process. If the hiring manager’s name is listed on the job description, use it when addressing your email. Copy and paste carefully to avoid any misspellings. 

If you don’t see a name but there is a job title, do a little research and see if you can find the contact. For instance, find the company’s LinkedIn page and search through the employees for the title the role would report into or recruiting titles. If no contact details are available, use “hiring manager” or “recruiter.”

6. Give context

Don’t just shoot off an email saying “Resume attached!” An email is a short-form style of communication. It’s essential you lead with your point and why it matters to them. Don’t assume they’ll connect the dots, share concise context in the email and subject line.

Resume email example:

Dear Hiring Manager,  My name is [Full Name] and I saw the [Job Title] position listed on [Website/Where you found it]. As a [Job Role] with [X years of experience], I’d love to be considered. Attached you can find my resume and cover letter. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,  [Full Name] 

7. Optimize and attach the resume file

Your resume should be 10 MB or less. If your PDF file size is too large, use a compression tool to make it smaller. It should be small enough to send without compromising on quality or the ability to read it. It’ll be of no use if someone downloads your resume but can’t read it properly.

Additionally, your resume file name should be clear and include your name, job position, and company. Instead of a jumble of non-descript numbers and letters, it should look something like this: 

BradSmithResume_SoftwareEngineer_Google BradSmithSoftwareEngineerResume_Google BradSmith_SoftwareEngineerGoogle

Having a clear naming convention can make it easier to find your resume for all parties involved. It also shows you’re being specific and applying for a particular role at a company, instead of sending off the same resume to several companies. 

When you’re about to attach your resume to your email, do so carefully. You don’t want to send the wrong attachment or the wrong version of your resume. You can be extra careful and send yourself a test email with your resume. 

Here’s how to send an email and attach your resume in Gmail:

  • Log in to Gmail
  • Click on the “Attach files” icon (look for the paper clip at the bottom of your email)

Paper clip icon in gmail for attachments

  • Select your resume
  • Press “Open”

After following those steps, your email should have the attached resume ready to send. Teal can help you create various versions of your resume and ensure it’s the right file type.

Consider emailing a cover letter

While emailing your resume, you should consider emailing a cover letter as well. If this is in the job listing, this is a must. Even if it’s not a requirement, attaching a cover letter can provide more context about your experience and bring your resume to life. 

The key is to include your cover letter as another attachment. Many people copy and paste their cover letter into the email body or combine it with their resume file. This should only be done if instructed to do so. It’s better to keep your message short and sweet and provide all job application materials as attachments. 

This makes them easier to download and share with other staff members. It’s also just a cleaner and more organized way to apply for a job.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to write in an email when sending a resume.

Step 1: Address the hiring manager or recruiter

Your email should start with a friendly salutation like “Dear” and the email recipient. If you have the contact’s name, use it so it’s clear and personal. When there’s no name given, you can use hiring manager or recruiter. Avoid writing “To whom it may concern” which feels impersonal. 

Dear Hiring Manager,  Dear Recruiter,  Hiring Manager,  Recruiter,

Step 2: Write an intro

Your intro is where you set the stage. You’re establishing your reason for contact. Write clearly about your intentions and the purpose of your email. Here are some examples of several different situations and how to send a resume through email.

If inquiring about a job

I’m reaching out about your [job title] position listed on [website] and would love to learn more.

If applying for a job

I saw your [job title] posting on [website] and I’m interested in applying. 

If following up on a job

I wanted to follow up about the [job position] at [company]. Please let me know if there are any updates. 

Step 3: State your purpose for emailing

The body of an email is where you get to the heart of the matter and provide more details. 

I’m interested in the position and would love to know the best way to apply and submit my application. 
After reviewing the job description, I believe my skills and abilities would benefit your organization. I’ve attached my cover letter and resume for review.
I’d love to meet with your team to discuss my experience further. 

Step 4: End the email

The close of your email should remind them of your interest in the position—and have a dose of enthusiasm and gratitude so you leave a positive impression. 

I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the opportunity. 
I would love to discuss how my experience can be an asset in this position. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. 

Step 5: Sign off

Your sign off can include “Sincerely” or “Best” and list your contact information. 

Example sign off :

[Full Name] [Email] [Phone Number] [LinkedIn profile, optional]

Tips on writing a resume email

The salutation and signature are easy enough, but the body of the email is where you’ll get more specific. You want to keep your message clear and inspire a call to action, which in most cases is a response, an interview, or a job offer. 

Tips to keep your resume email professional and concise:

  • Keep it brief
  • Don’t reiterate what’s in your cover letter
  • Avoid sharing too much of your resume in the body of the email
  • Aim for three to five sentences
  • Don’t copy and paste your cover letter in the body, unless instructed to do so

Teal’s Email Templates feature can give you a head start. Inside the Job Tracker , you'll find email templates for applying for a job, following up on an application, following up after an interview, and even resigning from your job , and giving two weeks notice . That way, you don’t have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel, so you can use your time elsewhere. 

After sending an email with your resume and cover letter, the waiting game starts. It can be nerve-wracking, but there is one thing you can do (sparingly) to feel a little more in control—follow up. 

The art of email follow-up is crucial. You want to be enthusiastic but not too eager. Polite and not pushy. To follow up, send a well-written email using the email address you used to send your application materials.

Example follow-up email:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],  Hope you’re doing well! I submitted my resume and job application materials for [job title] a few weeks ago. I wanted to check in and see if you have any updates on the hiring process. I’d love to chat with your team further about the role. Best,  [Full Name]  [Contact information]

Sending a follow-up may help you get a response so you know where you’re at in the process. It’s also about taking a proactive approach to your job search. In fact, some hiring managers expect interested candidates to follow up after an interview. That said, don’t overdo it. In most cases, you should wait until they respond before checking in again.

What NOT to do when sending a follow-up email after applying for a job:

  • Use a different email than the one you used for your application
  • Send an email too soon (wait a minimum of a week, but two to three weeks might be better) 
  • Be demanding
  • Forget to include your contact information
  • Fail to mention the specific job posting 

For a detailed breakdown on following up on an open role, check out this guide on how to follow up on a job application .

Create a resume you’re proud to send

Learning how to send a resume the right way can mean the difference between getting a response and getting lost in the void. When applying for a job, communication matters. The way you send an email, what you say, how you say it, are all considered before you get an interview. 

So make sure your message gets your point across with an optimized resume that’s named properly and attached to the email. 

To help you feel confident and create a resume you’re proud of sending, use Teal’s Resume Builder. Importing your LinkedIn to create a resume has never been easier and using the range of templates can help you design something that feels like “you.” Also, see how your current resume matches the job description, so you can make improvements and boost your chances of a callback. 

Using both the Resume Builder and Email Templates feature is a winning combo that can remove some of the pain of creating a resume and sending professional emails. 

Sign up for Teal today to access resume and email templates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i write in an email when sending potential employers a resume.

In an email sending your resume, write “My name is [Full Name] and I’m interested in applying for [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Given my [years of experience], I think I’d be a great fit for this role and would love to talk further. You can find my resume and cover letter attached to this email. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this further.”

How do you professionally say my resume is attached?

When sending your resume via email, let the email recipient know which documents are attached by saying “My [resume, cover letter, etc] are attached to this email for review.

Is it okay to email your resume?

You always want to follow the instructions provided by the company in the job listing. If the job posting states that you should send your resume via email, it’s not only okay but also necessary to follow those instructions. Other companies may prefer you use their job portal or other online method to submit an application.

Does it matter what time you email a resume?

When you send a resume matters. It’s ideal to send it first thing in the morning so it has a better chance of being seen. This may help your email stay at the top of the inbox instead of getting lost among unread emails. If your email provider allows it (Gmail does), schedule your email to send the next morning if preparing the email later in the day.

letter of employment template

Melanie Lockert

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Home » Employer Resources » HR Resources » Appointment Letter for a Project Manager

Appointment Letter for a Project Manager: A Step-By-Step Guide 

An appointment letter outlines crucial details such as the terms and conditions of employment, job responsibilities, salary, and benefits. A well-crafted appointment letter provides clarity to both parties, preventing future disputes and misunderstandings. In this blog, we will delve into the specifics of an appointment letter for a project manager, discussing the essential components that must be included to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process.

Table of Contents

Elements of an Appointment Letter for Project Manager

Here are the key elements that you must include while drafting an appointment letter for a project manager:

1. Job Title and Role Description

It is important to provide a clear job title and description for the project manager role while drafting the appointment letter. By providing a brief project manager job description, you will set clear expectations and help the candidate succeed in their role. This will also help you hold them accountable for the tasks and projects they are responsible for.

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2. Job Start Date/ Work Schedule

The project manager’s employment letter should specify the exact date when the job will commence, as well as the expected work schedule. This could include details about working hours, days of the week, and any flexibility options.

Clear communication regarding the commencement date of employment and the expected work schedule is vital to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This way, you can align the availability of the candidate with the organization’s needs and make sure that the candidate is ready to begin work on the agreed date.

3. Salary Compensation

When crafting an employment letter for a project manager position, it’s important to specify the compensation package that you are offering. This helps the candidate understand the financial benefits of the role while also establishing a clear and transparent relationship between the organization and the employee.

It’s essential to provide a detailed compensation breakup of the salary package, including the basic pay, allowances, HRA, and any applicable deductions. Additionally, it’s crucial to specify the payment frequency, whether it’s monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly, to give the candidate a clear understanding of when they can expect to receive their salary. This information can also help the candidate plan their finances effectively.

4. Additional Bonus and Incentives

Clearly outline any performance-related bonuses, incentives, or commissions in the appointment letter. In addition, you should also mention the criteria for eligibility and the method of calculation. By providing clarity on the additional bonuses and incentives, you can attract top talent. This will also help create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to perform at their best.

5. Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are essential for attracting top talent, promoting job satisfaction, and increasing retention rates. By clearly communicating the benefits, you can show your commitment to their well-being and job satisfaction. Here are some employee benefits that you can include in your project manager employment letter:

  • Health Insurance: With this benefit, you can cover the project manager’s medical expenses, such as hospitalization, prescription drugs, and preventive care.
  • Retirement Plan: Retirement plans such as pension plans allow project managers to save for their future and provide financial security upon retirement.
  • Paid Time Off: By including vacation days, sick leave, and holidays the organization can help project managers manage personal commitments and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Employee Discounts: You can offer discounts on company products or services, which can enhance the overall compensation package for project managers.
  • Wellness Programs: Taking initiatives such as gym memberships, wellness workshops, or health screenings can help in promoting physical and mental well-being among project managers.
  • Employee Assistance Programs: By providing access to counseling services, mental health resources, and work-life support, you can help project managers address and reduce personal and professional challenges.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: You can support the ongoing learning and skill development of project managers by providing training programs and workshops.

6. Terms and Conditions of Employment

This step is essential to ensure clarity, transparency, and legal protection for both the employer and the employee. Outlining these details can help in establishing a mutual understanding, minimizing any potential misunderstandings and disputes. Here are the terms and conditions that you must include in your project manager appointment letter:

  • Probation Period: The probation period allows you to evaluate the employee’s performance and determine if they are a good fit for the company. Therefore, specify the duration and terms of the probation in the letter.
  • Termination Agreement: To avoid misunderstandings or legal issues, it’s important to outline the procedures for terminating employment in the appointment letter. You should also include information regarding the serviceable notice period in the employment agreement.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement: A project manager deals with a lot of sensitive information regarding the upcoming ventures of the company. Therefore, a confidentiality clause outlining the protection of company secrets and data should be included in the employment agreement. This will ensure that the employee understands the importance of protecting sensitive information and agrees not to disclose it to anyone outside the organization.

7. Other Joining Formalities

When an employee is offered a job, there may be additional joining formalities that need to be completed before they can start working. These formalities could include submitting certain documents or undergoing a medical examination.

8. Closing Remarks

When concluding the project manager appointment letter, it is important to leave a positive impression on the new employee. You can do this by including warm and encouraging remarks that express enthusiasm for their upcoming journey with the organization.

Project Manager Appointment Letter Sample

Here is the appointment letter format for a project manager role that you can utilize:


A well-crafted appointment letter for a project manager should include the job title, start date, salary, benefits, and other relevant details. In this blog, we explore the essential elements to include in the appointment letter of a project manager with the help of a sample. This document is essential to ensure a smooth transition into the new role. Also, check out how to hire a project manager and streamline your hiring process.

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Shobha Saini, the Head of Human Resources at Internshala, has maintained a stellar track record in employee relations and talent acquisition. With eight exceptional years of experience, she specializes in strategic planning, policy-making, and performance management. A multi-talented individual, she has played a major role in strategizing HR practices in the organization.

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