NASP Center

Problem-Solving Model for Improving Student Achievement

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Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. 5, Number 4, December 2004

Counseling 101 column, a problem-solving model for improving student achievement.

Problem solving is an alternative to assessments and diagnostic categories as a means to identify students who need special services.

By Andrea Canter

Andrea Canter recently retired from Minneapolis Public Schools where she served as lead psychologist and helped implement a district-wide problem solving model. She currently is a consultant to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and editor of its newspaper, Communiquè . “Counseling 101” is provided by NASP ( ).

The implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has prompted renewed efforts to hold schools and students accountable for meeting high academic standards. At the same time, Congress has been debating the reauthorization of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which has heightened concerns that NCLB will indeed “leave behind” many students who have disabilities or other barriers to learning. This convergence of efforts to address the needs of at-risk students while simultaneously implementing high academic standards has focused attention on a number of proposals and pilot projects that are generally referred to as problem-solving models. A more specific approach to addressing academic difficulties, response to intervention (RTI), has often been proposed as a component of problem solving.

What Is Problem Solving?

A problem-solving model is a systematic approach that reviews student strengths and weaknesses, identifies evidence-based instructional interventions, frequently collects data to monitor student progress, and evaluates the effectiveness of interventions implemented with the student. Problem solving is a model that first solves student difficulties within general education classrooms. If problem-solving interventions are not successful in general education classrooms, the cycle of selecting intervention strategies and collecting data is repeated with the help of a building-level or grade-level intervention assistance or problem-solving team. Rather than relying primarily on test scores (e.g., from an IQ or math test), the student’s response to general education interventions becomes the primary determinant of his or her need for special education evaluation and services (Marston, 2002; Reschly & Tilly, 1999).

Why Is a New Approach Needed?

Although much of the early implementation of problem-solving models has involved elementary schools, problem solving also has significant potential to improve outcomes for secondary school students. Therefore, it is important for secondary school administrators to understand the basic concepts of problem solving and consider how components of this model could mesh with the needs of their schools and students. Because Congress will likely include RTI options in its reauthorization of special education law and regulations regarding learning disabilities, it is also important for school personnel to be familiar with the pros and cons of the problem-solving model.

Student outcomes. Regardless of state or federal mandates, schools need to change the way they address academic problems. More than 25 years of special education legislation and funding have failed to demonstrate either the cost effectiveness or the validity of aligning instruction to diagnostic classifications (Fletcher et al., 2002; Reschly & Tilly, 1999; Ysseldyke & Marston, 1999). Placement in special education programs has not guaranteed significant academic gains or better life outcomes for students with disabilities. Time-consuming assessments that are intended to differentiate students with disabilities from those with low achievement have not resulted in better instruction for struggling students.

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Dilemma of learning disabilities. The learning disabilities (LD) classification has proven especially problematic. Researchers and policymakers representing diverse philosophies regarding disability are generally in agreement that the current process needs revision (Fletcher et al., 2002). Traditionally, if a student with LD is to be served in special education, an evaluation using individual intelligence tests and norm-referenced achievement tests is required to document an ability/achievement discrepancy. This model has been criticized for the following reasons:

  • A reliance on intelligence tests in general and with students from ethnic and linguistic minority populations in particular
  • A focus on within-child deficiencies that often ignore quality of instruction and environmental factors
  • The limited applicability of norm-referenced information to actual classroom teaching
  • The burgeoning identification of students as disabled
  • The resulting allocation of personnel to responsibilities (classification) that are significantly removed from direct service to students (Ysseldyke & Marston, 1999).

Wait to fail. A major flaw in the current system of identifying student needs is what has been dubbed the wait to fail approach in which students are not considered eligible for support until their skills are widely discrepant from expectations. This runs counter to years of research demonstrating the importance of early intervention (President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education, 2002). Thus, a number of students fail to receive any remedial services until they reach the intermediate grades or middle school, by which time they often exhibit motivational problems and behavioral problems as well as academic deficits.

For other students, although problems are noted when they are in the early grades, referral is delayed until they fail graduation or high school standards tests, increasing the probability that they will drop out. Their school records often indicate that teachers and parents expressed concern for these students in the early grades, which sometimes resulted in referral for assessments, but did not result in qualification for special education or other services.

Call for evidence-based programs. One of the major tenets of NCLB is the implementation of scientifically based interventions to improve student performance. The traditional models used by most schools today lack such scientifically based evidence. There are, however, many programs and instructional strategies that have demonstrated positive outcomes for diverse student populations and needs (National Reading Panel, 2000). It is clear that schools need systemic approaches to identify and resolve student achievement problems and access proven instructional strategies.

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How It Works

Although problem-solving steps can be described in several stages, the steps essentially reflect the scientific method of defining and describing a problem (e.g., Ted does not comprehend grade-level reading material); generating potential solutions (e.g., Ted might respond well to direct instruction in comprehension strategies); and implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the effectiveness of the selected intervention.

Problem-solving models have been implemented in many versions at local and state levels to reflect the unique features and needs of individual schools. However, all problem-solving models share the following components:

  • Screening and assessment that is focused on student skills rather than classification
  • Measuring response to instruction rather than relying on norm-referenced comparisons
  • Using evidence-based strategies within general education classrooms
  • Developing a collaborative partnership among general and special educators for consultation and team decision making.

Three-tiered model. One common problem-solving model is the three-tiered model. In this model, tier one includes problem-solving strategies directed by the teacher within the general education classrooms. Tier two includes problem-solving efforts at a team level in which grade-level staff members or a team of various school personnel collaborate to develop an intervention plan that is still within the general education curriculum. Tier three involves referral to a special education team for additional problem solving and, potentially, a special education assessment (Office of Special Education Programs, 2002).

Response to intervention. A growing body of research and public policy discussion has focused on problem-solving models that include evaluating a student’s RTI as an alternative to the IQ-achievement discrepancy approach to identifying learning disabilities (Gresham, 2002). RTI refers to specific procedures that align with the steps of problem solving:

  • Implementing evidence-based interventions
  • Frequently measuring a student’s progress to determine whether the intervention is effective
  • Evaluating the quality of the instructional strategy
  • Evaluating the fidelity of its implementation. (For example, did the intervention work? Was it scientifically based? Was it implemented as planned?)

Although there is considerable debate about replacing traditional eligibility procedures with RTI approaches (Vaughn & Fuchs, 2003), there is promising evidence that RTI can systematically improve the effectiveness of instruction for struggling students and provide school teams with evidence-based procedures that measures a student’s progress and his or her need for special services.

New roles for personnel. An important component of problem-solving models is the allocation (or realignment) of personnel who are knowledgeable about the applications of research to classroom practice. Whereas traditional models often limit the availability of certain personnel-for example, school psychologists-to prevention and early intervention activities (e.g., classroom consultation), problem-solving models generally enhance the roles of these service providers through a systemic process that is built upon general education consultation. Problem solving shifts the emphasis from identifying disabilities to implementing earlier interventions that have the potential to reduce referral and placement in special education.

Outcomes of Problem Solving and RTI

Anticipated benefits of problem-solving models, particularly those using RTI procedures, include emphasizing scientifically proven instructional methods, the early identification and remediation of achievement difficulties, more functional and frequent measurement of student progress, a reduction in inappropriate and disproportionate special education placements of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and a reallocation of instructional and behavior support personnel to better meet the needs of all students (Gresham, 2002; Ysseldyke & Marston, 1999). By using problem solving, some districts have reduced overall special education placements, increased individual and group performance on standards tests, and increased collaboration among special and general educators.

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The enhanced collaboration between general education teachers and support personnel is particularly important at the secondary level because staff members often have limited interaction with school personnel who are outside of their specialty area. Problem solving provides a vehicle to facilitate communication across disciplines to resolve student difficulties in the classroom. Secondary schools, however, face additional barriers to collaboration because each student may have five or more teachers. Special education is often even more separated from general education in secondary school settings. Secondary school teachers also have a greater tendency to see themselves as content specialists and may be less invested in addressing general learning problems, particularly when they teach five or six class periods (and 150 or more students) each day. The sheer size of the student body and the staff can create both funding and logistical difficulties for scheduling training and team meetings.

Is Problem Solving Worth the Effort?

Data from district-wide and state-level projects in rural, suburban, and urban communities around the country support the need to thoughtfully implement problem-solving models at all grade levels. There are several federally funded demonstration centers that systematically collect information about these approaches. Although national demonstration models may be a few years away, it seems likely that state and federal regulations under IDEA will include problem solving and RTI as accepted experimental options. Problem solving continues to offer much promise to secondary school administrators who are seeking to improve student performance through ongoing assessment and evidence-based instruction. PL

  • Fletcher, J., Lyon, R., Barnes, M., Stuebing, K., Francis, D., Olson, R., Shaywitz, S., & Shaywitz, B. (2002). Classification of learning disabilities: An evidence-based evaluation. In R. Bradley, L. Donaldson, & D. Hallahan (Eds.), Identification of learning disabilities (pp. 185-250). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gresham, F. (2002). Responsiveness to intervention: An alternative approach to the identification of learning disabilities. In R. Bradley, L. Donaldson, & D. Hallahan (Eds.), Identification of learning disabilities (pp. 467-519). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Marston, D. (2002). A functional and intervention-based assessment approach to establishing discrepancy for students with learning disabilities. In R. Bradley, L. Donaldson, & D. Hallahan (Eds.), Identification of learning disabilities (pp. 437-447). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction-Reports of the subgroups. Washington, DC: Author.
  • Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. (2002). Specific learning disabilities: Finding common ground (Report of the Learning Disabilities Round Table). Washington, DC: Author.
  • President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education. (2002). A new era: Revitalizing special education for children and their families. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
  • Reschly, D., & Tilly, W. D. III (1999). Reform trends and system design alternatives. In D. Reschly, W. D. Tilly III, & J. Grimes (Eds.), Special education in transition: Functional assessment and noncategorical programming (pp. 19-48). Longmont, CO: Sopris West.
  • Vaughn, S., & Fuchs, L. (Eds.) (2003). Special issue: Response to intervention. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18(3).
  • Ysseldyke, J., & Marston, D. (1999). Origins of categorical special education services in schools and a rationale for changing them. In D. Reschly, W. D. Tilly III, & J. Grimes (Eds.), Special education in transition: Functional assessment and noncategorical programming (pp. 1-18). Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

Case Study: Optimizing Success Through Problem Solving

By Marcia Staum and Lourdes Ocampo

Milwaukee Public Schools, the largest school district in Wisconsin, is educating students with Optimizing Success Through Problem Solving (OSPS), a problem-solving initiative that uses a four-step, data-based, decision-making process to enhance school reform efforts. OSPS is patterned after best practices in the prevention literature and focuses on prevention, early intervention, and focused intervention levels.  Problem-solving facilitators provide staff members with the training, modeling, support, and tools they need to effectively use data to drive their instructional decision-making. The OSPS initiative began in the fall of 2000 with seven participating schools. Initially, elementary and middle level schools began to use OSPS, with an emphasis on problem solving for individual student issues. As the initiative matured, increased focus was placed on prevention and early intervention support in the schools. Today, 78 schools participate in the OSPS initiative and are serviced by a team of 18 problem-solving facilitators. 

OSPS in Action: Juneau High School

The administration of Juneau High School, a Milwaukee public charter school with 900 students, invited OSPS to become involved at Juneau for the 2003-2004 school year. Because at the time OSPS had limited involvement with high schools, two problem-solving facilitators were assigned to Juneau for one half-day each week. The problem-solving facilitators immediately joined the Juneau’s learning team, which is a small group of staff members and administrators who make educational decisions aimed at increasing student achievement.

When the problem-solving facilitators became involved with Juneau, the learning team was working to improve student participation on the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam (WKCE). The previous year, Juneau’s 10th-grade participation on the exam had been very low. The learning team used OSPS’s four-step problem-solving process to develop and implement a plan that resulted in a 99% student participation rate on the WKCE. After this initial success, the problem-solving model was also used at Juneau to increase parent participation in parent-teacher conferences. According to Myron Cain, Juneau’s principal, “Problem solving has helped the learning team at Juneau go from dialogue into action. In addition, problem solving has supported the school within the Collaborative Support Team process and with teambuilding, which resulted in a better school climate.”

By starting at the prevention level, Juneau found that there was increased commitment from staff members. OSPS is now in the initial stages of working with Juneau to explore alternatives to suspension.  The goal is to create a working plan that will lead to creative ways of decreasing the number of suspensions at Juneau.

Marcia Staum is a school psychologist, and Lourdes Ocampo is a school social worker for Optimizing Success Through Problem Solving.

What Is Response to Intervention?

Many researchers have recommended that a student’s response to intervention or response to instruction (RTI) should be considered as an alternative or replacement to the traditional IQ-achievement discrepancy approach to identifying learning disabilities (Gresham, 2002; President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education, 2002). Although there is considerable debate about replacing traditional eligibility procedures with RTI approaches (Vaughn & Fuchs, 2003), there is promising evidence that RTI can systematically improve the effectiveness of instruction for struggling students and provide school teams with evidence-based procedures to measure student progress and need for special services. In fact, Congress has proposed the use of research-based RTI methods (as part of a comprehensive evaluation process to reauthorize IDEA) as an allowable alternative to the use of an IQ-achievement discrepancy procedure in identifying learning disabilities.

RTI refers to specific procedures that align with the steps of problem solving. These steps include the implementation of evidence-based instructional strategies in the general education classroom and the frequent measurement of a student’s progress to determine if the intervention is effective. In settings where RTI is also a criteria for identification of disability, a student’s progress in response to intervention is an important determinant of the need and eligibility for special education services.

It is important for administrators to recognize that RTI can be implemented in various ways depending on a school’s overall service delivery model and state and federal mandates. An RTI approach benefits from the involvement of specially trained personnel, such as school psychologists and curriculum specialists, who have expertise in instructional consultation and evaluation.

  • National Center on Student Progress Monitoring,
  • National Research Center on Learning Disabilities,

This article was adapted from a handout published in Helping Children at Home and School II: Handouts for Families and Educators (NASP, 2004). “Counseling 101” articles and related HCHS II handouts can be downloaded from .

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The Special Education Process in 6 Steps

Special Education From Referral to Services in Just 6 Steps

Kristian Sekulic / Vetta / Getty Images

  • Learning Issues
  • Eligibility

Developing an IEP

  • Discussions

The goal of special education is to provide equal access to education for children through age 21 by providing specialized services that help them experience success in the classroom and beyond. If you, your child's doctor, or their teacher suspect that they may qualify for special education services, it's helpful to know what to expect.

But if you're unfamiliar with special education, the process can seem like a bewildering maze of bureaucratic red tape. We have taken the confusion out of the process by providing insight into the six crucial steps that occur in the special education process.

Identifying Learning Issues

The first step in the special education process is determining if your child has a learning problem and needs help. Typically, children with developmental delays or physical disabilities are diagnosed by their pediatrician or another medical provider. Because they are diagnosed before entering the school system, these children enter school with special education plans already in place.

But for students with learning disabilities, they often look and act just like their peers. They may even perform well during preschool and even in kindergarten without any recognizable difficulties. But as the schoolwork becomes more challenging, they may begin to struggle more than their peers.

The key to identifying potential learning disabilities is to be in tune with how your child is faring in school and to know what challenges they are experiencing.

If you're concerned your student is struggling more than normal, don't be afraid to ask for help. In fact, according to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, if kids who are struggling with reading in first grade receive intervention early, 90% of them will achieve normal reading ability. But, if assistance is delayed until third grade , 75% will struggle with reading throughout their lives.  

Although recognizing that your child is struggling does not automatically mean they have a learning disability or that they need special education, it does at least warrant a conversation with the teacher . Clearly, there are ongoing problems with learning that require additional assistance.

Initially, schools will provide academic assistance or intervention strategies prior to going further with the special education process. In many cases, this type of intervention will resolve the problem, and no further action is needed. For children who continue to struggle, though, schools will move to evaluate the student.

Referring for Evaluation

When a parent or the child's teachers feel it's necessary to evaluate a child to determine how severe their learning problems are and whether a disability exists, the decision to evaluate is made during a special education meeting. During this meeting, parents are advised of their rights and are asked to sign a formal consent for evaluation.

All special education meetings must be held at a mutually agreeable time and place for the parents and committee members. Parents also must be given adequate notice that enables them to attend and they must be informed of who will be there as well as the purpose of each special education meeting.

Know Your Rights

Parents always have the right to bring a support person with them to a meeting or an advocate to represent them.

If the committee agrees, and the parent gives consent, the child is then evaluated in a process that involves several types of tests. The school has 60 days to complete the evaluation and implement a special education placement if the child qualifies. If the parents disagree with the results of the evaluation, they may request a full, independent educational evaluation at the school's expense.

As a parent, it's important to remember that this assessment will involve the use of diagnostic tools that provide an overview of your child's school performance, their strengths and weaknesses, their hearing and vision, as well as their cognitive functioning.

Assessments are valuable tools that provide insight into your child's struggles. They also are useful because they allow you the opportunity to set goals and request services. But assessments are not able to predict your child's future performance or ability. So, it's important to view them realistically.

Determining Eligibility

Once the evaluation is complete, the child's special education team, including the parent, will have a meeting to review the results of the evaluation and determine whether the child meets the state's regulatory guidelines for diagnosis with a disability. Not every child who receives an assessment will have a learning disability, but many do.

In fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, 7.1 million students received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) during the 2018-19 school year and 33% of those students had specific learning disabilities.

For kids who are identified with a learning disability and who qualify for special education services, the next step is an IEP meeting (individualized education program). If your child does not have a learning disability and doesn't qualify for special education, keep looking for solutions to your child's educational struggles.

Work with your child's teachers and other service providers to draft an action plan designed to help your child meet their education goals. If you do not agree with the decision of the committee, you may request mediation, file a formal complaint, or request a due process hearing.

If your child meets the eligibility criteria, and the committee agrees they have a disability, the school must develop an IEP. Under IDEA, the school district has 30 days from the documentation of the disability to complete the IEP.

To develop an IEP, the special education team will consider your child's needs and assessment data in order to determine what type of services, interventions, and accommodations your child might need in order to be successful.

For parents, it's important to remember that your child is entitled to receive services in an environment as close to the general education setting as possible.

If you don't understand why a recommendation is being made, you should ask for clarification. It's important that everyone have a clear understanding of what's being recommended and why. You also can make requests if you feel an area of concern is not being addressed.

For instance, if your child's assessments show that they struggle with reading comprehension , you can use that data to request speech and language support. You can even request classroom accommodations , such as extra time to complete reading and writing assignments and tests.

Discussing the IEP

The committee, including the parent, meets to develop the IEP. Schools may develop a draft IEP and bring it to the meeting, but the IEP is not finalized until the meeting is held and the committee members have input into the document. During this meeting, the team will use data such as test scores, work samples, and behavioral charts to support any recommendations that they make.

If you are uncomfortable with a placement recommendation, it's important to work with the IEP team to come up with a better solution or alternative.

Keep in mind that by law, decisions are made by consensus. So while you have considerable influence, you don't have the right to veto decisions the committee recommends.

You can involve an advocate , but you will need to use conflict resolution strategies to come to an agreement. Try to use the data gathered during the assessment along with verifiable research to support your requests.

In most cases, the team is able to come to an agreeable solution. After all, everyone in the meeting wants to see your child succeed.

Finalizing the IEP and Placement

Once an agreement on the content of the IEP is reached, the committee finalizes the most appropriate placement for the child. Placement can range from a fully inclusive program in the regular classroom to pull-out services in a special education program. In rare cases, students may be served in special schools or hospitals. The parent is asked to sign consent for the agreed-upon services to be provided.

After the IEP is finalized, you will meet with the IEP team annually to discuss your child's progress. During those meetings, the team will evaluate the effectiveness of the IEP and modify it as needed.

You also can request an IEP meeting anytime throughout the school year if you feel something isn't working or that a change needs to be made.

Every three years, your child will be assessed to determine if they still require special education. You will be presented with this information in a triennial meeting.

In addition to these formal meetings, you should be in regular communication with your child's teachers. Together, you should be monitoring how your child is doing academically and whether or not they are meeting their educational goals.

A Word From Verywell

It's not easy to hear about your child's struggles and learning disabilities. Yet, on an intellectual level, you know this issue is one you need to hear about and address. While it's important to recognize and accept your feelings, whatever they may be, you also need to work toward acceptance of the challenges your child is facing.

By learning as much as you can about your child's disability and by taking an active role in your child's education, including the IEP process, you will be able to help your student not only get the services and help they need, but also meet their goals and be successful.

Learning Disabilities Association of America. New to LD .

National Center for Education Statistics. Students with disabilities .

Benitez Ojeda AB, Carugno P. Special education . In:  StatPearls . StatPearls Publishing. PMID:29763032

Chesmore AA, Ou SR, Reynolds AJ. Childhood placement in special education and adult well-being .  J Spec Educ . 2016;50(2):109-120. doi:10.1177/0022466915624413

Hibel J, Farkas G, Morgan PL. Who is placed into special education ? Sociol Educ . 2010;83(4):312-332. doi:10.1177/0038040710383518

By Ann Logsdon Ann Logsdon is a school psychologist specializing in helping parents and teachers support students with a range of educational and developmental disabilities. 

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Home » Blog » General » Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Special Education: Strategies and Activities

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Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Special Education: Strategies and Activities

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Special Education: Strategies and Activities


Problem-solving is a vital skill that students need to navigate the complexities of daily life. In special education, teaching problem-solving skills can be particularly important as these students may face unique challenges. This blog post will explore the concept of problem-solving, present a no-prep activity for educators, provide discussion questions, and mention related skills that can further support students. By incorporating principles of Social-Emotional Learning, we can help students develop effective strategies to understand and address the problems they encounter.

No-Prep Activity: The Problem-Solving Steps Role-Play

This activity aims to help students practice the problem-solving steps in a fun and engaging way. No materials or preparation are required from the educator.

  • Divide the students into pairs.
  • Assign each pair a common problem that they might face in their daily lives (e.g., sharing a toy or resolving a disagreement).
  • Identify the problem.
  • Think about the size of the problem.
  • Come up with a few solutions.
  • Predict the outcomes of each solution.
  • Pick the best solution.
  • After the role-play, have a brief discussion with the students about the experience, what they learned, and how they can apply these steps in real-life situations.

Discussion Questions

Here are some questions that can help stimulate further discussion among students:

  • How did you feel when trying to solve the problem during the role-play activity? Were you confident, nervous, or unsure?
  • What was the most challenging part of the problem-solving process for you? Why?
  • Can you think of a situation where you successfully used problem-solving skills in the past? What strategies did you use, and how did it turn out?
  • How can we support each other in solving problems, both big and small?
  • Why is it important to consider the feelings of others when choosing a solution to a problem?

Related Skills

Developing problem-solving skills is closely linked to other essential abilities that can support students in their growth. Some related skills include:

  • Communication: Being able to express thoughts and feelings clearly can help students navigate conflicts and collaborate on solutions.
  • Active listening: Listening carefully to others’ perspectives can provide valuable insights when addressing a problem.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others can help students make more informed decisions when solving problems.
  • Self-regulation: Managing emotions and impulses is crucial for staying focused on finding solutions and maintaining healthy relationships.

Now that you have learned about problem-solving strategies and activities for special education students, it’s time to take the next step in your journey to support your students’ growth. Sign up for free samples of the skills discussed in this blog post and others at Everyday Speech. By incorporating these valuable resources into your teaching, you can help your students develop the essential skills they need to navigate the complexities of life with confidence.

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Resources for Families of Children with Disabilities

April 9, 2022

A Parent’s Guide to Navigating the IEP

This document provides an overview of the special education identification, evaluation, eligibility, and IEP process. It also provides you with information which will help define your role and assist you from the beginning to the end of your child’s journey in special education.

Michigan Alliance for Families: Information, Support, and Education

Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children and young adults (birth to 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information.

Help for Families of Children with Disabilities

Children with special needs have rights to services in school under federal and state laws. Special education is a set of services , rather than a specific “place” for your child to go. The general education classroom is considered the least restrictive environment (LRE) for all kids. Almost six million students in the U.S. receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Most students with special education eligibility spend the majority of the day in general education classrooms.

How Do I Determine if my Child has Special Needs?

As a parent, you may request an evaluation of your child to determine his or her needs for special education and/or related services .

The result of the evaluation determines your child’s eligibility to receive a range of programs and/or services under applicable laws. Your child’s evaluation must be conducted by a trained and knowledgeable individual. The evaluation must cover all areas related to the suspected disability, offered in your child’s native language and conducted at no cost to you.

If you disagree with the evaluation, you have the right to request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) and you may request that the school system pay for this IEE.

Navigating Extended Time Away From School: Information for Families With Children Receiving Special Education Services.

Evaluation Process

Parent/Guardian Steps

As a parent, you can submit a written request for an evaluation. Your written request begins the evaluation process.

  • Child’s name
  • Grade level
  • Explanation of the request
  • The parent should drop off the letter at the child’s school office.
  • The school district has 10 days to respond and contact the child’s parent.
  • Once the parent has been contacted by the school, a REED (Review of Existing Educational Data) is sent home to the parent/guardian for consent of the evaluation plan.
  • Parents should send back the REED form to the school.
  • The school has 60 days from the date of consent to hold an IEP meeting.

School/Teacher Concerns

If there are suspicions of your child having a disability, the school will review the data in a student study team process.

In some cases, the teacher requests a Student Study Team (SST) meeting to discuss concerns of a student. The SST may decide to move forward on an evaluation.

  • The evaluation team is usually the school administrator, school nurse, special education teacher, school psychologist, speech and language therapist (if needed) along with the general education teacher.
  • A notice of invitation will be sent home to set up the IEP meeting between the parents/guardians and the IEP team.

What Happens at an Evaluation/IEP meeting?

  • The IEP team gathers to talk about the child’s needs and write the student’s IEP.
  • Parents and the student (when appropriate) are part of the team.
  • If the child’s placement is decided by a different group, the parents must be part of that group as well.
  • Before the school system may provide special education and related services to the child for the first time, the parents must give consent.
  • The child begins to receive services as soon as possible after the meeting.
  • If the parents do not agree with the IEP and placement, they may discuss their concerns with other members of the IEP team and try to work out an agreement.
  • If parents still disagree, parents can ask for mediation, or the school may offer mediation.
  • Parents may file a complaint with the state education agency and may request a due process hearing, at which time mediation must be available.

What Do I Bring to my Child’s Evaluation Meeting?

Parents may want to prepare a binder of materials for their child’s IEP meeting . Depending on how much material you have, parents should organize the material into sections or tabs for ease of use. The binder or folder should contain:

  • All assessments and/or evaluations on your child.
  • Copies of all previous IEP meetings.
  • Work samples from your child.
  • Any letters from the teacher and/or school board.
  • Report cards and test results from previous terms and years.
  • Any negative or positive feedback in writing from a teacher.
  • If your child is reading and/or writing, samples of the level of reading and examples of writing.
  • Medical reports.

What is an Individual Education Program (IEP)?

IDEA requires children to have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in order to receive special education services under the law. The IEP includes information about a child’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance on various tests and measures, and includes information about goals and objectives, specifically how your child’s educational problems will be addressed. The purpose of the IEP is to set reasonable learning goals for your child and to state the services that the school district will provide as an offer of free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

Who Attends the IEP Meeting?

The IEP must be developed with input from the following IEP team members .

Contents of the IEP

By law, the IEP must include certain information about the child and the educational program designed to meet his or her unique needs. In a nutshell, this information is:

Current performance.

  • The IEP must state how the child is currently doing in school (known as present levels of educational performance). This information usually comes from the evaluation results such as classroom tests and assignments, individual tests given to decide eligibility for services or during reevaluation, and observations made by parents, teachers, related service providers, and other school staff. The statement about “current performance” includes how the child’s disability affects his or her involvement and progress in the general curriculum.

Annual goals.

  • These are goals that the child can reasonably accomplish in a year. The goals are broken down into short-term objectives or benchmarks. Goals may be academic, address social or behavioral needs, relate to physical needs, or address other educational needs. The goals must be measurable-meaning that it must be possible to measure whether the student has achieved the goals.

Special education and related services.

  • The IEP must list the special education and related services to be provided to the child or on behalf of the child. This includes supplementary aids and services that the child needs. It also includes modifications (changes) to the program or supports for school personnel-such as training or professional development-that will be provided to assist the child.

Participation with non-disabled children.

  • The IEP must explain the extent (if any) to which the child will not participate with non-disabled children in the regular class and other school activities.

Participation in state and district-wide tests.

  • Most states and districts give achievement tests to children in certain grades or age groups. The IEP must state what modifications in the administration of these tests the child will need. If a test is not appropriate for the child, the IEP must state why the test is not appropriate and how the child will be tested instead.

Dates and places.

  • The IEP must state when services will begin, how often they will be provided, where they will be provided, and how long they will last.

Transition service needs.

  • Beginning when the child is age 14 (or younger, if appropriate), the IEP must address (within the applicable parts of the IEP) the courses he or she needs to take to reach his or her post-school goals. A statement of transition services needs must also be included in each of the child’s subsequent IEPs.

Needed transition services.

  • Beginning when the child is age 16 (or younger, if appropriate), the IEP must state what transition services are needed to help the child prepare for leaving school.

Age of majority.

  • Beginning at least one year before the child reaches the age of majority, the IEP must include a statement that the student has been told of any rights that will transfer to him or her at the age of majority. (This statement would be needed only in states that transfer rights at the age of majority.)

Measuring progress.

  • The IEP must state how the child’s progress will be measured and how parents will be informed of that progress.

Writing the IEP

To help decide what special education and related services the student needs, generally the IEP team will begin by looking at the child’s evaluation results, such as classroom tests, individual tests given to establish the student’s eligibility, and observations by teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, related service providers, administrators, and others.

This information will help the team describe the student’s “present levels of educational performance” – in other words, how the student is currently doing in school. Knowing how the student is currently performing in school will help the team develop annual goals to address those areas where the student has an identified educational need.

The IEP team must also discuss specific information about the child. This includes:

  • Child’s strengths.
  • Parents’ ideas for enhancing their child’s education.
  • Results of recent evaluations or reevaluations.
  • State and district assessment data.

In addition, the IEP team must consider the “special factors” described in the box below.

It is important that the discussion of what the child needs be framed around how to help the child:

  • Advance toward the annual goals.
  • Be involved in and progress in the general curriculum.
  • Participate in extracurricular and nonacademic activities.
  • Be educated with and participate with other children with disabilities and non-disabled children.

Based on the above discussion, the IEP team will then write the child’s IEP . This includes the services and supports the school will provide for the child. If the IEP team decides that a child needs a particular device or service (including an intervention, accommodation, or other program modification), the IEP team must write this information in the IEP.

As an example, consider a child whose behavior interferes with learning. The IEP team would need to consider positive and effective ways to address that behavior. The team would discuss the positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports that the child needs in order to learn how to control or manage his or her behavior. If the team decides that the child needs a particular service (including an intervention, accommodation, or other program modification), they must include a statement to that effect in the child’s IEP.

After the IEP…

When the IEP has been written , parents must receive a copy at no cost to themselves. The IDEA also stresses that everyone who will be involved in implementing the IEP must have access to the document. This includes the child’s:

  • Regular education teacher(s).
  • Special education teacher(s).
  • Related service provider(s) (for example, speech therapist).
  • Any other service provider (such as a paraprofessional) who will be responsible for a part of the child’s education.

Each of these individuals needs to know what his or her specific responsibilities are for carrying out the child’s IEP. This includes the specific accommodations, modifications, and supports that the child must receive, according to the IEP.

Can my Child’s IEP be Changed?

Yes. At least once a year a meeting must be scheduled with you to review your child’s progress and develop your child’s next IEP . The meeting will be similar to the IEP meeting described above. The team will talk about:

  • Child’s progress toward the goals in the current IEP.
  • Goals – new and old.
  • Necessary changes in services.

This annual IEP meeting allows you and the school to review your child’s educational program and change it as necessary. But you don’t have to wait for this annual review. You (or any other team member) may ask to have your child’s IEP reviewed or revised at any time.

For example, you may feel that your child is not making good progress toward his or her annual goals. You may want to write new goals because your son or daughter has made such great progress! Call the principal of the school, or the special education director or your child’s teacher, and express your concerns. If necessary, they will call the IEP team together to talk about changing your child’s IEP.

Special Education Law – Know Your Rights

Knowing, understanding and advocating for your child’s rights is a KEY part of helping your child learn and grow!

  • There are several provisions within IDEA safeguarding parental involvement in education.
  • Parents have the right to be actively involved in the development of their child’s IEP.
  • Parents have the right to be notified of the IEP meeting early enough to ensure that one or both of the child’s parents have an opportunity to attend.
  • Parents also have the right to have the IEP meeting scheduled at a mutually agreed time and the right to an interpreter if their native language is not English. IDEA also includes language that allows parents and the Local Education Agency (LEA) to agree to use alternative means of meeting participation such as video conferences or conference calls.

Procedural Safeguards for Parents

The Notice of Procedural Safeguards is required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and must be provided to you:

  • The first time your child is referred for a special education assessment.
  • Each time you are given REED to evaluate your child.
  • Upon receipt of the first state or due process complaint in a school year.
  • When the decision is made to make a removal that constitutes a change of placement.
  • At least one time annually. (This is usually at the time of the IEP annual review.)

Disability Specific Resources

Blind/Visual Impairment Resources for Educators and Families

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Resources for Educators and Families

Keeping Kids with ADHD in Study Mode While Home from School  (webinar)

Supporting Families with PBIS at Home

Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) Project Information and Resources

Stay-at-Home Activities for Children with Visual Impairments

Fact Sheets

The documents are easy to read and give links to more in-depth resources. Family Matters fact sheets are intended to enhance public understanding of Michigan’s special education system and are not a substitute for official laws and regulations .

Kent ISD Special Education Department

The Kent ISD Special Education Department , in collaboration with the Parent Advisors for Special Education (PASE), has developed this informational handbook to make the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process more manageable and user friendly for parents.

A Transition Guide to Post Secondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities.

To assist students and youth with disabilities in achieving their post-school and career goals, Congress enacted two key statutes that address the provision of transition services: the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act), as amended by Title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Both the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act require transition services be made available to students and youth with disabilities as they prepare for and enter post secondary life.

Accommodations, Modifications, Practices and Supports

Applied behavior analysis (aba).

  • ABA Fact Sheet – English
  • ABA Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • ABA Fact Sheet – Spanish

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)

  • BIPs Fact Sheet – English   (NEW)
  • BIPs Fact Sheet – Arabic   (NEW)
  • BIPs Fact Sheet – Spanish   (NEW)

Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs)

  • FBA Fact Sheet – English   (NEW)
  • FBA Fact Sheet – Arabic   (NEW)
  • FBA Fact Sheet – Spanish   (NEW)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

  • MTSS Fact Sheet – English
  • MTSS Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • MTSS Fact Sheet – Spanish

Personal Curriculum (PC)

  • Personal Curriculum Fact Sheet – English
  • Personal Curriculum Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Personal Curriculum Fact Sheet – Spanish

Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) at Home

  • PBIS at Home Fact Sheet – English
  • PBIS at Home Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • PBIS at Home Fact Sheet – Spanish

Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) at School

  • PBIS at School Fact Sheet – English
  • PBIS at School Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • PBIS at School Fact Sheet – Spanish

Educational Teams and Roles

  • Educational Teams and Roles – English
  • Educational Teams and Roles – Arabic
  • Educational Teams and Roles – Spanish

Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

  • IEE Fact Sheet – English
  • IEE Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • IEE Fact Sheet – Spanish

Initial Evaluation for Special Education

  • Evaluation Fact Sheet – English
  • Evaluation Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Evaluation Fact Sheet – Spanish

Nonpublic and Home Schools

  • Nonpublic and Home Schools Fact Sheet – English
  • Nonpublic and Home Schools Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Nonpublic and Home Schools Fact Sheet – Spanish

Educational Law, Policy, and Practices

Educational development plan.

  • EDP Fact Sheet – English
  • EDP Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • EDP Fact Sheet – Spanish

Educational Placement and the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

  • Educational Placement and the LRE Fact Sheet – English
  • Educational Placement and the LRE Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Educational Placement and the LRE Fact Sheet – Spanish

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

  • FAPE Fact Sheet – English
  • FAPE Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • FAPE Fact Sheet – Spanish

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • IEP Fact Sheet – English
  • IEP Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • IEP Fact Sheet – Spanish

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

  • IDEA Fact Sheet – English
  • IDEA Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • IDEA Fact Sheet – Spanish

Privacy and Access to Records

  • Privacy and Access to Records Fact Sheet – English
  • Privacy and Access to Records Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Privacy and Access to Records Fact Sheet – Spanish

Procedural Safeguards

  • Procedural Safeguards Fact Sheet – English
  • Procedural Safeguards Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Procedural Safeguards Fact Sheet – Spanish
  • Procedural Safeguards Notice

Seclusion and Restraint

  • Seclusion and Restraint Fact Sheet – English
  • Seclusion and Restraint Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Seclusion and Restraint Fact Sheet – Spanish

Family Support and General Resources

Advocating for your child.

  • Advocating for Your Child Fact Sheet – English
  • Advocating for Your Child Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Advocating for Your Child Fact Sheet – Spanish

Communicating for Student Success

  • Communicating for Student Success Fact Sheet – English
  • Communicating for Student Success Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Communicating for Student Success Fact Sheet – Spanish​

Navigating Extended Time Away From School

  • Extended Time Away from School Fact Sheet – English   (NEW)
  • Extended Time Away from School Fact Sheet – Arabic   (NEW)
  • Extended Time Away from School Fact Sheet – Spanish   (NEW)

Parent Advisory Committees (PAC)

  • Parent Advisory Committees Fact Sheet – English
  • Parent Advisory Committees Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Parent Advisory Committees Fact Sheet – Spanish

Special Education Problem Solving

  • Special Education Problem Solving Fact Sheet – English
  • Special Education Problem Solving Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Special Education Problem Solving Fact Sheet – Spanish

Special Education Process

  • Special Education Process Fact Sheet – English
  • Special Education Process Fact Sheet – Arabic
  • Special Education Process Fact Sheet – Spanish

Resource List

  • The Arc Michigan Advocacy and support for individuals with developmental disabilities. 800-292-7851 517-487-5426
  • Association for Children’s Mental Health Resources for children and youth with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families. 888-226-4543
  • Autism Society of Michigan Empowers individuals with autism and their families by offering educational resources and materials. 800-223-6722
  • Brain Injury Association Improving quality of life for all individuals impacted by brain injury. 800-444-6443
  • Center for Parent Information and Resources A central resource of information and products for Parent Training Information Centers.
  • Children’s Special Health Care Services Enabling individuals with special health care needs to have improved health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life.  Including the Family Support Network (FCCYSHCN) – Emotional support and health information for families who have children with special needs. 800-359-3722
  • DB Central Offers training to promote best practices for children and young adults who are Deaf-Blind. 888-758-0508 • VP 989-546-4626
  • Developmental Disabilities Institute Provides statewide programs designed to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities. 888-978-4334 • V/TTY 313-577-2654
  • Disability Network/Michigan Represents the collective voice of Michigan’s 15 Centers for Independent Living (CILs). 517-339-0539
  • Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan Resources to empower independence and inspiring productive lives for all people with epilepsy. 800-377-6226
  • Learning Disabilities Association Advancing the quality of life for individuals with learning disabilities through advocacy, education, and training. 517-319-0270
  • Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Protect, preserve, and promote the health and safety of the people of Michigan. 517-373-3740 • TDD 800-649-3777
  • Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council Supporting people with developmental disabilities to achieve their full potential. 517-335-3158 • TDD 517-335-3171
  • Michigan Disability Rights Coalition A disability justice movement working to transform communities. 800-760-4600 • TTY 517-333-2477
  • Michigan Hands and Voices Supporting families of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. 248-845-8762
  • Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. Representing the rights of children and adults with disabilities. 800-288-5923
  • Military-Education Directory for Children with Special Needs Center for Parent Information and Resources for military families.
  • National Indian Parent Information Center Resources for Native American families. 855-720-2910
  • UCP – Michigan Connecting people with disabilities to the opportunities and resources needed to live productive and independent lives. 800-828-2714 • V/TTY 517-203-1200
  • UCP–Metro Detroit Connecting people with disabilities to the opportunities and resources needed to live productive and independent lives. 800-827-4843 • 248-557-5070
  • U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services 800-872-5327
  • Work Incentives Planning & Assistance Providing information to people with disabilities about how earnings affect their Social Security and other benefits. 866-949-3687 • TTY 866-833-2967

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Special Education Services

Jump to sections:, eligibility decision, iep must include....

  • Planning for IEP

Developing the IEP

Implementing the iep, family agrees with iep.

  • Collaborative Problem Solving  

Facilitated Meeting

Formal mediation, state complaint.

  • Resources to Assist with the Collaborative, Mediation, or Complaint Process
  • Understanding Terminology and Educational Rights PDF

General IEP Resources

Evaluation for services.

  • The family or school can request an evaluation to determine if a child is eligible for special education services.
  • Family must give written consent (permission) for an evaluation, called Informed Consent.
  • School completes a full and individual evaluation to determine eligibility before special education services are provided.
  • Individualized Education Program Team (IEPT) of educators and professionals from different specialties conduct an evaluation. They may use standardized tests, interviews, observation, or surveys to collect information.
  • For more information about evaluation timelines and evaluation requirements, go to Michigan Department of Education: Guidance for Timeline for Initial Evaluations .

Resources: Michigan Department of Education , Office of Special Education

Top of page

Eligible for Services

  • An Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting will be scheduled, and a meeting planned with the school team; family must consent to services.
  • Families should prepare for the IEP meeting. Go to  Michigan Alliance for Families Webinar: IEP 101 or the IEP Family Matters Fact Sheet .  

Not Eligible for Services  

  • Family has the right to an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) by someone outside the district, and the school must pay for the evaluation, or show that the evaluation was appropriate at an impartial due process hearing.

Resources: Michigan Alliance for Families provides mentors to assist with this process,  Michigan Department of Education , Office of Special Education

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Planning for the iep.

  • If a child has been determined eligible for special education services, the IEP team will work together to create a plan providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Go to the FAPE Family Matters Fact Sheet or Michigan Alliance for Families, IEP Topics for additional information.
  • The family should have communication of eligibility prior to this meeting.
  • Families are a very important part of this decision-making process.
  • IEP lists any special services needed for one year, including goals, objectives, and benchmarks.
  • IEP addresses services, locations, and modifications needed.
  • Must offer Free Appropriate Education (FAPE) in writing on the IEP.
  • Student placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and in general education classroom for as much time as possible. Some students may be placed for periods of time in other locations such as resource or specialized classrooms. The goal is to be in general education as much as possible. Go to Family Matters Educational Placement and the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) fact sheet or to the  Michigan Alliance for Families, LRE for more information.
  • Usually can be finished in one meeting, but sometimes two are needed.

Resource:  Michigan Alliance for Families provides mentors to assist with this process or find additional information: Family Matters Special Education Process

View START's iQuest. The iQuest promotes typical, grade-appropriate opportunities, and increases collaboration between family and school goals for the student (and can be included in the IEP). 

  • IEP meetings usually occur one time a year to plan for the upcoming year.
  • IEP team should meet regularly regarding progress toward goals.
  • Families can request an IEP at any time.
  • Progress is monitored and reported to the family, as agreed to in IEP.
  • Re-evaluations should occur every 3 years unless requested sooner by the family or school due to a notable change.

Visit START's Peer to Peer page to review the training materials, checklists, sample brochures, templates, program examples, and LINKS information. 

  • Initial IEPs must be agreed upon in writing for services to start.
  • The family will receive IEP, along with 1) Prior Written Notice of what the school will or will not do and 2) a Parental Consent/Objection form; if the parents agree, they check complete and sign the form. The family can note if they agree with some but not all of the proposed IEP.
  • At annual IEPs, families have the right to agree or disagree with the proposed IEP; if disagreement is not noted and the Consent/Objection form was sent or given to the family, the plan goes into effect as written. 

Resources: Michigan Alliance for Families ,  Disability Rights Michigan: An Advocate's Guide

Resolving Differences with IEP or Placement

The following is a pathway for resolving differences related to the IEP or the student’s placement. To encourage a collaborative process, it is important that the school support team and the family are always communicating and any concerns are addressed with that team first. Sometimes there is no agreement, and the following information provides a pathway for problem-solving a concern. The steps are usually completed in this order 1) collaborative problem solving, 2) a facilitated meeting, 3) formal mediation, and 4) state complaint and possible due process hearing.     Resource : Reference the Michigan Special Education Problem Solving Process for additional information on this process in Michigan.  

Collaborative Problem Solving

  • Work with the IEP team and the school district special education director.
  • The school team and family can use the START Meeting Mechanics problem-solving process.
  • If unresolved, contact the ISD or ESA for assistance in resolving the issue.

Resource to find ISD or ESA : MI Map of ISDs and ESAs

  • Having an independent, knowledgeable facilitator will assist in working out differences related to the IEP and can be helpful to both the family and the school.
  • The Special Education Mediation Services  (SEMS) provides trained, independent facilitators (not employees of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, the ISD, or the school district). There is no cost for this service.
  • Voluntary, confidential, and agreed upon by both the school district and family.
  • A mediator works with those involved until an agreement is reached.
  • A written agreement is needed at the end of the process.
  • The process can end without resolution.
  • The Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) provides trained, independent facilitators (not employees of the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan Office of Special Education, the ISD/ESA, or the school district). There is no cost for this service.
  • Attempt to use collaborative problem solving first.
  • A more formal process if a family feels there is a violation of 1) federal law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), or 2) the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). MARSE are special education rules set for Michigan, and schools are required to follow them.
  • A state complaint must be filed on a state complaint form with the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education .
  • School district is responsible for assisting in filing a complaint.

Resources to assist with the collaborative, mediation, or complaint process

  • Michigan Special Education Problem Solving Process from the Michigan Department of Education , Office of Special Education . This provides complete information on resolving questions and concerns, forms and information on filing a state complaint, timelines, and additional information. 
  • Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Family Matters Special Education Process
  • Michigan Alliance for Families (MAF), (800) 552-4821
  • Disability Rights Michigan (DRM), 1-800-288-5923
  • Special Education Mediation Services  (SEMS), (517) 334-0034
  • Autism Speaks IEP Guide: Summary, Process, and Practical Tips:  Autism Speaks IEP Guide
  • Michigan Alliance for Families (MAF):  IEP Process
  • Michigan Department of Education: Guidance for Timeline for Initial Evaluations
  • Michigan Department of Education, Quick Reference Guide: Tips for Developing a Quality and Compliant IEP:  MDE IEP Quick Reference Guide
  • Michigan Department of Education,  Family Matters :  IEP Fact Sheet
  • Disability Rights (DRM) Michigan: Individualized Education Program
  • Wrightslaw:  IEP Guidelines

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Problems continuously arise in organizational life, making problem-solving an essential skill for leaders. Leaders who are good at tackling conundrums are likely to be more effective at overcoming obstacles and guiding their teams to achieve their goals. So, what’s the secret to better problem-solving skills?

1. Understand the root cause of the problem

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“To solve problems, we need to commit to making time to face a problem in its full complexity, which also requires that we take back control of our thinking,” says Chris Griffiths, an expert on creativity and innovative thinking skills, founder and CEO of software provider OpenGenius, and co-author of The Focus Fix: Finding Clarity, Creativity and Resilience in an Overwhelming World .

To do this, it’s necessary to harness the power of the unfocused mind, according to Griffiths. “It might sound oxymoronic, but just like our devices, our brain needs time to recharge,” he says. “ A plethora of research has shown that daydreaming allows us to make creative connections and see abstract solutions that are not obvious when we’re engaged in direct work.”

To make use of the unfocused mind in problem solving, you must begin by getting to know the problem from all angles. “At this stage, don’t worry about actually solving the problem,” says Griffiths. “You’re simply giving your subconscious mind the information it needs to get creative with when you zone out. From here, pick a monotonous or rhythmic activity that will help you to activate the daydreaming state – that might be a walk, some doodling, or even some chores.”

Do this regularly, argues Griffiths, and you’ll soon find that flashes of inspiration and novel solutions naturally present themselves while you’re ostensibly thinking of other things. He says: “By allowing you to access the fullest creative potential of your own brain, daydreaming acts as a skeleton key for a wide range of problems.”

3. Be comfortable making judgment calls

“Admitting to not knowing the future takes courage,” says Professor Stephen Wyatt, founder and lead consultant at consultancy Corporate Rebirth and author of Antidote to the Crisis of Leadership: Opportunity in Complexity . “Leaders are worried our teams won’t respect us and our boards will lose faith in us, but what doesn’t work is drawing up plans and forecasts and holding yourself or others rigidly to them.”

Wyatt advises leaders to heighten their situational awareness – to look broadly, integrate more perspectives and be able to connect the dots. “We need to be comfortable in making judgment calls as the future is unknown,” he says. “There is no data on it. But equally, very few initiatives cannot be adjusted, refined or reviewed while in motion.”

Leaders need to stay vigilant, according to Wyatt, create the capacity of the enterprise to adapt and maintain the support of stakeholders. “The concept of the infallible leader needs to be updated,” he concludes.

4. Be prepared to fail and learn

“Organisations, and arguably society more widely, are obsessed with problems and the notion of problems,” says Steve Hearsum, founder of organizational change consultancy Edge + Stretch and author of No Silver Bullet: Bursting the Bubble of the Organisational Quick Fix .

Hearsum argues that this tendency is complicated by the myth of fixability, namely the idea that all problems, however complex, have a solution. “Our need for certainty, to minimize and dampen the anxiety of ‘not knowing,’ leads us to oversimplify and ignore or filter out anything that challenges the idea that there is a solution,” he says.

Leaders need to shift their mindset to cultivate their comfort with not knowing and couple that with being OK with being wrong, sometimes, notes Hearsum. He adds: “That means developing reflexivity to understand your own beliefs and judgments, and what influences these, asking questions and experimenting.”

5. Unleash the power of empathy

Leaders must be able to communicate problems in order to find solutions to them. But they should avoid bombarding their teams with complex, technical details since these can overwhelm their people’s cognitive load, says Dr Jessica Barker MBE , author of Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks .

Instead, she recommends that leaders frame their messages in ways that cut through jargon and ensure that their advice is relevant, accessible and actionable. “An essential leadership skill for this is empathy,” Barker explains. “When you’re trying to build a positive culture, it is crucial to understand why people are not practicing the behaviors you want rather than trying to force that behavioral change with fear, uncertainty and doubt.”

Sally Percy

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    appropriate special education and related services and requires the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to enforce all laws governing special education programs. The MDE has adopted rules implementing those requirements. The Office of Special Education (OSE) of the MDE enforces the compliance obligations under the IDEA and Michigan law.

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