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Annotations in Java

Annotations are used to provide supplemental information about a program. 

  • Annotations start with ‘ @ ’.
  • Annotations do not change the action of a compiled program.
  • Annotations help to associate metadata (information) to the program elements i.e. instance variables, constructors, methods, classes, etc.
  • Annotations are not pure comments as they can change the way a program is treated by the compiler. See below code for example.
  • Annotations basically are used to provide additional information, so could be an alternative to XML and Java marker interfaces.

Hierarchy of Annotations in Java  

annotation member list


Note: This program throws compiler error because we have mentioned override, but not overridden, we have overloaded display.


If we remove parameter (int x) or we remove @override, the program compiles fine. 

Categories of Annotations

There are broadly 5 categories of annotations as listed:

  • Marker Annotations
  • Single value Annotations
  • Full Annotations
  • Type Annotations
  • Repeating Annotations

Let us discuss and we will be appending code wherever required if so. 

Category 1: Marker Annotations

The only purpose is to mark a declaration. These annotations contain no members and do not consist of any data. Thus, its presence as an annotation is sufficient. Since the marker interface contains no members, simply determining whether it is present or absent is sufficient. @Override is an example of Marker Annotation. 

Category 2: Single value Annotations 

These annotations contain only one member and allow a shorthand form of specifying the value of the member. We only need to specify the value for that member when the annotation is applied and don’t need to specify the name of the member. However, in order to use this shorthand, the name of the member must be a value. 

Category 3: Full Annotations 

These annotations consist of multiple data members, names, values, pairs. 

Category 4: Type Annotations 

These annotations can be applied to any place where a type is being used. For example, we can annotate the return type of a method. These are declared annotated with @Target annotation .


Category 5: Repeating Annotations 

These are the annotations that can be applied to a single item more than once. For an annotation to be repeatable it must be annotated with the @Repeatable annotation, which is defined in the java.lang.annotation package. Its value field specifies the container type for the repeatable annotation. The container is specified as an annotation whose value field is an array of the repeatable annotation type. Hence, to create a repeatable annotation, firstly the container annotation is created, and then the annotation type is specified as an argument to the @Repeatable annotation.

  Predefined/ Standard Annotations

Java popularly defines seven built-in annotations as we have seen up in the hierarchy diagram.

  • Four are imported from java.lang.annotation: @Retention , @Documented , @Target , and @Inherited .
  • Three are included in java.lang: @Deprecated, @Override and @SuppressWarnings

Annotation 1: @Deprecated 

  • It is a marker annotation. It indicates that a declaration is obsolete and has been replaced by a newer form.
  • The Javadoc @deprecated tag should be used when an element has been deprecated.
  • @deprecated tag is for documentation and @Deprecated annotation is for runtime reflection.
  • @deprecated tag has higher priority than @Deprecated annotation when both are together used.

Annotation 2: @Override

It is a marker annotation that can be used only on methods. A method annotated with @Override must override a method from a superclass. If it doesn’t, a compile-time error will result (see this for example). It is used to ensure that a superclass method is actually overridden, and not simply overloaded.


Annotation 3: @SuppressWarnings 

It is used to inform the compiler to suppress specified compiler warnings. The warnings to suppress are specified by name, in string form. This type of annotation can be applied to any type of declaration.

Java groups warnings under two categories. They are deprecated and unchecked . Any unchecked warning is generated when a legacy code interfaces with a code that uses generics.

Annotation 4: @Documented 

It is a marker interface that tells a tool that an annotation is to be documented. Annotations are not included in ‘Javadoc’ comments. The use of @Documented annotation in the code enables tools like Javadoc to process it and include the annotation type information in the generated document.

Annotation 5: @Target 

It is designed to be used only as an annotation to another annotation. @Target takes one argument, which must be constant from the ElementType enumeration. This argument specifies the type of declarations to which the annotation can be applied. The constants are shown below along with the type of the declaration to which they correspond.

ANNOTATION_TYPE Another annotation
LOCAL_VARIABLE Local variable
TYPE Class, Interface, or enumeration

We can specify one or more of these values in a @Target annotation. To specify multiple values, we must specify them within a braces-delimited list. For example, to specify that an annotation applies only to fields and local variables, you can use this @Target annotation: @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE}) @Retention Annotation It determines where and how long the annotation is retent. The 3 values that the @Retention annotation can have:

  • SOURCE: Annotations will be retained at the source level and ignored by the compiler.
  • CLASS: Annotations will be retained at compile-time and ignored by the JVM.
  • RUNTIME: These will be retained at runtime.

Annotation 6: @Inherited 

@Inherited is a marker annotation that can be used only on annotation declaration. It affects only annotations that will be used on class declarations. @Inherited causes the annotation for a superclass to be inherited by a subclass. Therefore, when a request for a specific annotation is made to the subclass, if that annotation is not present in the subclass, then its superclass is checked. If that annotation is present in the superclass, and if it is annotated with @Inherited, then that annotation will be returned. 

Annotation 7: User-defined (Custom) 

User-defined annotations can be used to annotate program elements, i.e. variables, constructors, methods, etc. These annotations can be applied just before the declaration of an element (constructor, method, classes, etc). 

Syntax: Declaration

Do keep these certain points as rules for custom annotations before implementing user-defined annotations. 

  • AnnotationName is an interface.
  • The parameter should not be associated with method declarations and throws clause should not be used with method declaration.
  • Parameters will not have a null value but can have a default value.
  • default value is optional.
  • The return type of method should be either primitive, enum, string, class name, or array of primitive, enum, string, or class name type.

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Java Tutorials

Java annotations are metadata (data about data) for our program source code. There are several predefined annotations provided by the Java SE. Moreover, we can also create custom annotations as per our needs.

If you do not know what annotations are, visit the Java annotations tutorial.

These annotations can be categorized as:

1. Predefined annotations

  • @Deprecated
  • @SuppressWarnings
  • @SafeVarargs
  • @FunctionalInterface

2. Custom annotations

3. Meta-annotations

  • @Documented
  • @Repeatable
  • Predefined Annotation Types

1. @Deprecated

The @Deprecated annotation is a marker annotation that indicates the element ( class , method , field, etc) is deprecated and has been replaced by a newer element.

Its syntax is:

When a program uses the element that has been declared deprecated, the compiler generates a warning.

We use Javadoc @deprecated tag for documenting the deprecated element.

Example 1: @Deprecated annotation example

2. @override.

The @Override annotation specifies that a method of a subclass overrides the method of the superclass with the same method name, return type, and parameter list.

It is not mandatory to use @Override when overriding a method. However, if we use it, the compiler gives an error if something is wrong (such as wrong parameter type) while overriding the method.

Example 2: @Override annotation example

In this example, by making an object dog1 of Dog class, we can call its method printMessage() which then executes the display() statement.

Since display() is defined in both the classes, the method of subclass Dog overrides the method of superclass Animal . Hence, the display() of the subclass is called.

3. @SuppressWarnings

As the name suggests, the @SuppressWarnings annotation instructs the compiler to suppress warnings that are generated while the program executes.

We can specify the type of warnings to be suppressed. The warnings that can be suppressed are compiler-specific but there are two categories of warnings: deprecation and unchecked .

To suppress a particular category of warning, we use:

For example,

To suppress multiple categories of warnings, we use:

Category deprecated instructs the compiler to suppress warnings when we use a deprecated element.

Category unchecked instructs the compiler to suppress warnings when we use raw types.

And, undefined warnings are ignored. For example,

Example 3: @SuppressWarnings annotation example

Here, deprecatedMethod() has been marked as deprecated and will give compiler warnings when used. By using the @SuppressWarnings("deprecated") annotation, we can avoid compiler warnings.

4. @SafeVarargs

The @SafeVarargs annotation asserts that the annotated method or constructor does not perform unsafe operations on its varargs ( variable number of arguments).

We can only use this annotation on methods or constructors that cannot be overridden. This is because the methods that override them might perform unsafe operations.

Before Java 9, we could use this annotation only on final or static methods because they cannot be overridden. We can now use this annotation for private methods as well.

Example 4: @SafeVarargs annotation example

Here, List ... lists specifies a variable-length argument of type List . This means that the method displayList() can have zero or more arguments.

The above program compiles without errors but gives warnings when @SafeVarargs annotation isn't used.

When we use @SafeVarargs annotation in the above example,

We get the same output but without any warnings. Unchecked warnings are also suppressed when we use this annotation.

5. @FunctionalInterface

Java 8 first introduced this @FunctionalInterface annotation. This annotation indicates that the type declaration on which it is used is a functional interface. A functional interface can have only one abstract method.

Example 5: @FunctionalInterface annotation example

If we add another abstract method, let's say

Now, when we run the program, we will get the following warning:

It is not mandatory to use @FunctionalInterface annotation. The compiler will consider any interface that meets the functional interface definition as a functional interface.

We use this annotation to make sure that the functional interface has only one abstract method.

However, it can have any number of default and static methods because they have an implementation.

  • Custom Annotations

It is also possible to create our own custom annotations.

Here is what you need to know about custom annotation:

  • Annotations can be created by using @interface followed by the annotation name.
  • The annotation can have elements that look like methods but they do not have an implementation.
  • The default value is optional. The parameters cannot have a null value.
  • The return type of the method can be primitive , enum , string , class name or array of these types.

Example 6: Custom annotation example

  • Meta Annotations

Meta-annotations are annotations that are applied to other annotations.

1. @Retention

The @Retention annotation specifies the level up to which the annotation will be available.

There are 3 types of retention policies:

  • RetentionPolicy.SOURCE - The annotation is available only at the source level and is ignored by the compiler.
  • RetentionPolicy.CLASS - The annotation is available to the compiler at compile-time, but is ignored by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME - The annotation is available to the JVM.

2. @Documented

By default, custom annotations are not included in the official Java documentation . To include our annotation in the Javadoc documentation, we use the @Documented annotation.

We can restrict an annotation to be applied to specific targets using the @Target annotation.

The ElementType can have one of the following types:

Element Type Target
Annotation type
Local variables
Any element of class

In this example, we have restricted the use of this annotation to methods only.

Note: If the target type is not defined, the annotation can be used for any element.

4. @Inherited

By default, an annotation type cannot be inherited from a superclass. However, if we need to inherit an annotation from a superclass to a subclass, we use the @Inherited annotation.

5. @Repeatable

An annotation that has been marked by @Repeatable can be applied multiple times to the same declaration.

The value defined in the @Repeatable annotation is the container annotation. The container annotation has a variable value of array type of the above repeatable annotation. Here, Universities are the containing annotation type.

Now, the @University annotation can be used multiple times on the same declaration.

If we need to retrieve the annotation data, we can use the Reflection API .

To retrieve annotation values, we use getAnnotationsByType() or getAnnotations() method defined in the Reflection API.

Table of Contents

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Java Tutorial

The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.

Declaring an Annotation Type

Many annotations replace comments in code.

Suppose that a software group traditionally starts the body of every class with comments providing important information:

To add this same metadata with an annotation, you must first define the annotation type . The syntax for doing this is:

The annotation type definition looks similar to an interface definition where the keyword interface is preceded by the at sign ( @ ) (@ = AT, as in annotation type). Annotation types are a form of interface , which will be covered in a later lesson. For the moment, you do not need to understand interfaces.

The body of the previous annotation definition contains annotation type element declarations, which look a lot like methods. Note that they can define optional default values.

After the annotation type is defined, you can use annotations of that type, with the values filled in, like this:

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Java is a tag that represents the i.e. attached with class, interface, methods or fields to indicate some additional information which can be used by java compiler and JVM.

Annotations in Java are used to provide additional information, so it is an alternative option for XML and Java marker interfaces.

First, we will learn some built-in annotations then we will move on creating and using custom annotations.

There are several built-in annotations in Java. Some annotations are applied to Java code and some to other annotations.

Let's understand the built-in annotations first.

@Override annotation assures that the subclass method is overriding the parent class method. If it is not so, compile time error occurs.

Sometimes, we does the silly mistake such as spelling mistakes etc. So, it is better to mark @Override annotation that provides assurity that method is overridden.

@SuppressWarnings annotation: is used to suppress warnings issued by the compiler.

If you remove the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation, it will show warning at compile time because we are using non-generic collection.

@Deprecated annoation marks that this method is deprecated so compiler prints warning. It informs user that it may be removed in the future versions. So, it is better not to use such methods.

or Java User-defined annotations are easy to create and use. The element is used to declare an annotation. For example:

Here, MyAnnotation is the custom annotation name.

There are few points that should be remembered by the programmer.

There are three types of annotations.

An annotation that has no method, is called marker annotation. For example:

The @Override and @Deprecated are marker annotations.

An annotation that has one method, is called single-value annotation. For example:

We can provide the default value also. For example:

Let's see the code to apply the single value annotation.

The value can be anything.

An annotation that has more than one method, is called Multi-Value annotation. For example:

We can provide the default value also. For example:

Let's see the code to apply the multi-value annotation.

tag is used to specify at which type, the annotation is used.

The java.lang.annotation. enum declares many constants to specify the type of element where annotation is to be applied such as TYPE, METHOD, FIELD etc. Let's see the constants of ElementType enum:

Element Types Where the annotation can be applied
TYPE class, interface or enumeration
FIELD fields
METHOD methods
CONSTRUCTOR constructors
LOCAL_VARIABLE local variables
ANNOTATION_TYPE annotation type
PARAMETER parameter

Example to specify annoation for a class

Example to specify annotation for a class, methods or fields.

@Retention annotation is used to specify to what level annotation will be available.

RetentionPolicy Availability
RetentionPolicy.SOURCE refers to the source code, discarded during compilation. It will not be available in the compiled class.
RetentionPolicy.CLASS refers to the .class file, available to java compiler but not to JVM . It is included in the class file.
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME refers to the runtime, available to java compiler and JVM .

Example to specify the RetentionPolicy

Example of custom annotation: creating, applying and accessing annotation.

Let's see the simple example of creating, applying and accessing annotation.

File: Test.java

How built-in annotaions are used in real scenario?

In real scenario, java programmer only need to apply annotation. He/She doesn't need to create and access annotation. Creating and Accessing annotation is performed by the implementation provider. On behalf of the annotation, java compiler or JVM performs some additional operations.

By default, annotations are not inherited to subclasses. The @Inherited annotation marks the annotation to be inherited to subclasses.


The @Documented Marks the annotation for inclusion in the documentation.


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Table of Contents

Hierarchy of annotations in java, categories of annotations, types of annotations, use of annotations, annotations in java: explained with examples.

Annotations in Java: Explained With Examples

Annotations in Java provide additional information to the compiler and JVM . An annotation is a tag representing metadata about classes , interfaces , variables, methods , or fields. Annotations do not impact the execution of the code that they annotate. Some of the characteristics of annotations are:

  • Begin with ‘@’
  • Do not alter the execution of the program
  • Provide supplemental information and help to link metadata with elements of a program such as classes, variables, constructs, methods, etc. 
  • Are different from comments since they can affect how the program is treated by the compiler


class Flower {

  public void displayInfo() {

    System.out.println("I am a flower.");

class Rose extends Flower {


    System.out.println("I am a rose.");

class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Rose r1 = new Rose();


I am a rose

In the above example, both the superclass and subclass include the method displayInfo(). However, when the method is called, instead of the method of the superclass, the method of the subclass is called.

Annotations can be categorized broadly into 5 categories:


Category 1: Marker Annotations

The marker annotation is used to mark a declaration. It does not include any members or data. Only the presence of a marker annotation as an annotation is sufficient. An example of Marker Annotation is @Override


Category 2: Single value Annotations 

A single value annotation consists of a single member only. This annotation allows a shorthand form to specify the value of the member. There is no need to specify the name of the member, only the value of the member has to be specified. There must, however, be a value for the name of the member in order to use this category of annotation. 

@interface AnnotationName{

Int value();

int value() default 0;

To apply single value annotation, use


Any value can be assigned.

Category 3: Full Annotations 

Full Annotations include multiple data members, values, names, and pairs. 

@TestAnnotation(owner= ”Ravi”, value= ”Class ”)

Category 4: Type Annotations 

As the name suggests, Type Annotations are applied at any place where a type is being used. For instance, the return type of a method can be annotated. Type Annotations are declared with @Target Annotation

// Java Program to Demonstrate Type Annotation

// Importing required classes

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;

import java.lang.annotation.Target;

// Using target annotation to annotate a type


// Declaring a simple type annotation

@interface TypeAnnoExample{}

// Main class

public class GFG {

    // Main driver method

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Annotating the type of a string

        @TypeAnnoExample String string = "This is an example of type annotation";



    // Annotating return type of a function

    static @TypeAnnoExample int abc() {      

        System.out.println("The return type of this function is annotated");      

        return 0;

This is an example of type annotation

The return type of this function is annotated

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Category 5: Repeating Annotations 

It is possible to apply an annotation to a single item more than once using Repeating Annotations. @Repeatable annotation which is available in java.lang.annotation package is used to annotate the repeating annotations. The container type for the repeatable annotation is specified by the value field of this annotation. The container is specified as an annotation and its value field consists of an array of the repeatable annotation type. In order to use this type of annotation, the container annotation is created first and the annotation type is then specified as an argument to the @Repeatable annotation. 

// Java Program to Demonstrate a Repeatable Annotation

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;

import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

// Make Words annotation repeatable



@interface Words

    String word() default "Welcome";

    int value() default 0;

// Create container annotation

@interface MyRepeatedAnnoDemo

    Words[] value();

public class Main { 

    // Repeat Words on newMethod

    @Words(word = "This", value = 1)

    @Words(word = "That", value = 2)

    public static void newMethod()

        Main obj = new Main(); 

        try {

            Class<?> c = obj.getClass(); 

            // Obtain the annotation for newMethod

            Method m = c.getMethod("newMethod"); 

            // Display the repeated annotation

            Annotation anno

                = m.getAnnotation(MyRepeatedAnnoDemo.class);


        catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {


    public static void main(String[] args) { newMethod(); }

@MyRepeatedAnnos(value={@Words(value=1, word="This"), @Words(value=2, word="That")})

Predefined/ Standard Annotations

As indicated in the hierarchy of annotations above, Java provides built-in or standard annotations. @Deprecated, @Override, and @SuppressWarnings are available in java.lang & @Retention, @Documented, @Target, and @Inherited are imported from java.lang.annotation package.

Annotation 1: @Deprecated 

The @Deprecated annotation is used to indicate that the class, field, or method marked is no longer in use and has been replaced by a newer form. Whenever a class, field, or method marked with the @Deprecated annotation is used, the compiler gives a warning message that a deprecated class, field, or method is used. When an element has been deprecated, the Javadoc tag @deprecated tag must be used. There is a difference between the @deprecated tag and @Deprecated annotation. While the @deprecated tag is used for documentation, the @Deprecated annotation is used for runtime reflection.

public class DeprecatedDemo


    public void Display()

        System.out.println("Deprecateddemo display()");

    public static void main(String args[])

        DeprecatedDemo d1 = new DeprecatedDemo();


Deprecateddemo display()

Annotation 2: @Override

@Override is a marker annotation that can only be used on methods. A method that is annotated with @Override must override a method from the superclass. A compile-time error occurs if the method does not override the method from the superclass. This ensures that the superclass method is overridden and not overloaded. The code becomes more readable and maintenance issues can be avoided. 

// Java Program to Illustrate Override Annotation

class ParentClass

     public void Display()

         System.out.println("Parent Class Display() Method");


     public static void main(String args[])

         ParentClass t1 = new ChildClass();


// Extending above class

class ChildClass extends ParentClass


         System.out.println("Child Class Display() Method");

Child Class Display() Method

Annotation 3: @SuppressWarnings 

@SuppressWarnings is used to inform the compiler to suppress the specified compiler warnings. This is done by specifying the warnings to be suppressed by specific names. It can be applied to any type of declaration. There are two categories under which Java groups warnings - deprecated and unchecked. When a legacy code interfaces with a code that uses generics, an unchecked warning is generated.  

// Java Program to illustrate SuppressWarnings Annotation

class DeprecatedDemo

public class SuppressWarningDemo

    // If we comment below annotation, program generates

    // warning

    @SuppressWarnings({"checked", "deprecation"})

Annotation 4: @Documented 

@Documented is a marker interface that specifies to a tool that a particular annotation has to be documented. Annotations are not included in the ‘Javadoc’ comments. By using @Documented annotation in the code, tools like Javadoc can process and include the annotated type in the generated document. 

Annotation 5: @Target 

@Target is used as an annotation to another annotation. The @Target annotation takes only one argument and this argument should be a constant value from the ElementType enumeration. The constants along with the corresponding declaration ars shown in the table below:

Target Constant

Applied to Annotation


Another Annotation






Local Variable








Class, Interface, or enumeration

One or more values can be specified in a @Target annotation by using a braces-delimited list. For example, to specify an annotation that applies to fields and local variables, the following annotation can be used

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE})

Annotation 6: @Inherited 

@Inherited annotation is a marker annotation that is only used on annotation declaration. Only the annotations that are used on class declarations are affected by it. @Inherited causes the subclass to inherit the annotation from a superclass. Hence, when there is a request for a specific annotation to a subclass and it is not present in the subclass, the superclass is checked. If the annotation is present in the superclass and it is annotated with @Inherited, the annotation is returned. 

Annotation 7: User-defined (Custom) 

To annotate program elements, i.e. variables, constructors, methods, etc. user-defined annotations can be used. The user-defined annotations can be applied to the elements Ii.e. variables, constructors, classes, methods) just before their declaration.

Annotations are created by using @interface and are followed by the annotation name. An annotation can also have elements. They appear as methods but the implementation should not be provided for these elements. All the annotations extend java.lang.annotation.Annotation interface. The annotations cannot include the extended clause.

// Java Program to Demonstrate User-defined Annotations

package source;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;

// User-defined annotation


@ interface AnnotationDemo

    String Developer() default "Ravi";

    String Expirydate();

} // will be retained at runtime

// Driver class that uses @AnnotationDemo

public class Demo

    @AnnotationDemo(Developer="Ravi", Expirydate="26-03-2020")

    void fun1()

        System.out.println("Demo method 1");

    @AnnotationDemo(Developer="Kiran", Expirydate="26-03-2021")

    void fun2()

        System.out.println("Demo method 2");


Annotations are used for the following purposes:

  • Instructions to the compiler: There are three types of built-in annotations @Deprecated, @Override, @SuppressWarnings that can be used to give instructions to the compiler, detect errors, and suppress warnings. For example, @Override annotation can be used to instruct the compiler to denote that the annotated method is overriding the method. 
  • Compile-time Instructions: Software build tools can generate code, XML files, and more by using the compile-time instructions that the annotations provide. 
  • Runtime Instructions: Annotations can also be defined to provide instructions to the program at runtime. These annotations can be accessed using Java Reflection. 

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Annotations provide a way to associate arbitrary information or metadata with program elements. Syntactically, annotations are used like modifiers and can be applied to the declarations of packages, types, constructors, methods, fields, parameters, and local variables. The information stored in an annotation takes the form of name = value pairs, whose type is specified by the annotation type . The annotation type is a kind of interface that also serves to provide access to the annotation through the Java Reflection API.

Annotations can be used to associate any kind of information you want with a program element. The only fundamental rule is that an annotation cannot affect the way the program runs: the code must run identically even if you add or remove annotations. Another way to say this is that the Java interpreter ignores annotations (although it does make “runtime-visible” annotations available for reflective access through the Java Reflection API). Since the Java VM ignores annotations, an annotation type is not useful unless accompanied by a tool that can do something with the information stored in annotations of that type. In this chapter we’ll cover standard annotation and meta-annotation types like Override and Target . The tool that accompanies these types is the Java compiler, which must process them in certain ways (as we’ll describe later in this section).

It is easy to imagine any number of other uses for annotations. [ 7 ] A local variable might be annotated with a type named NonNull, as an assertion that the variable would never have a null value. An associated (hypothetical) code-analysis tool could then parse the code and attempt to verify the assertion. The JDK includes a tool named apt (for Annotation Processing Tool) that provides a framework for annotation processing tools: it scans source code for annotations and invokes specially written annotation processor classes that you provide. See Chapter 8 for more on apt . Annotations will probably find their widest use in enterprise programming where they may replace tools such as XDoclet , which processes metadata embedded in ad-hoc javadoc comments.

This section begins with an introduction to annotation-related terminology. We then cover the standard annotation types introduced in Java 5.0, annotations supported by javac that you can use in your programs right away. Next, we describe the syntax for writing arbitrary annotations and briefly cover the use of the Java Reflection API for querying annotations at runtime. At this point, we move on to more esoteric material on defining new annotation types, a task that few programmers will ever need to do. This final part of the chapter also discusses meta-annotations.

Annotation Concepts and Terminology

The key concept to understand about annotations is that an annotation simply associates information or metadata with a program element. Annotations never affect the way a Java program runs , but they may affect things like compiler warnings or the behavior of auxiliary tools such as documentation generators, stub generators, and so forth.

The following terms are used frequently when discussing annotations. Of particular importance is the distinction between annotation and annotation type .

An annotation associates arbitrary information or metadata with a Java program element. Annotations use new syntax introduced in Java 5.0 and behave like modifiers such as public or final . Each annotation has a name and zero or more members. Each member has a name and a value, and it is these name = value pairs that carry the annotation’s information.

The name of an annotation as well as the names, types, and default values of its members are defined by the annotation type . An annotation type is essentially a Java interface with some restrictions on its members and some new syntax used in its declaration. When you query an annotation using the Java Reflection API, the returned value is an object that implements the annotation type interface and allows individual annotation members to be queried. Java 5.0 includes three standard annotation types in the java.lang package. We’ll see these annotations in Section 4.3.2 later in this chapter.

The members of an annotation are declared in an annotation type as no-argument methods. The method name and return type define the name and type of the member. A special default syntax allows the declaration of a default value for any annotation member. An annotation appearing on a program element includes name = value pairs that define values for all annotation members that do not have default values and may also include values that override the defaults of other members.

An annotation type that defines no members is called a marker annotation . An annotation of this type carries information simply by its presence or absence.

A meta-annotation is an annotation applied to the declaration of an annotation type. Java 5.0 includes several standard meta-annotation types in the java.lang.annotation package. They are used to specify things like which program elements the annotation can be applied to.

The target of an annotation is the program element that is annotated. Annotations can be applied to packages, types (classes, interfaces, enumerated types, and even annotation types), type members (methods, constructors, fields, and enumerated values), method parameters, and local variables (including loop variables and catch parameters). The declaration of an annotation type may include a meta-annotation that restricts the allowable targets for that type of annotation.

The retention of an annotation specifies how long the information contained in the annotation is retained. Some annotations are discarded by the compiler and appear only in source code. Others are compiled into the class file. Of those that are compiled into the class file, some are ignored by the virtual machine, and others are read by the virtual machine when the class that contains them is loaded. The declaration of an annotation type can use a meta-annotation to specify the retention for annotations of that type. Annotations that are loaded by the VM are runtime-visible and can be queried by the reflective APIs of java.lang.reflect .

When discussing annotations, the term metadata commonly refers to the information carried by an annotation or to the annotation itself. Because this term is used in many different ways in computer programming literature, I have avoided using it in this chapter.

Using Standard Annotations

Java 5.0 defines three standard annotation types in the java.lang package. The following sections describe these annotation types and explain how to use them to annotate your code.

java.lang.Override is a marker annotation type that can be used to annotate methods but no other program element. An annotation of this type serves as an assertion that the annotated method overrides a method of a superclass. If you use this annotation on a method that does not override a superclass method, the compiler issues a compilation error to alert you to this fact.

This annotation is intended to address a common category of programming errors that result when you attempt to override a superclass method but get the method name or signature wrong. In this case, you may have overloaded the method name but not actually overridden the method, and your code never gets invoked.

To use this annotation type, simply include @Override in the modifiers of the desired method. By convention, @Override comes before other modifiers. Also by convention, there is no space between the @ character and the name Override , even though it is technically allowed. Note that because the java.lang package is always automatically imported, you never need to include the package name to use this annotation type. Here is an example in which the @Override annotation is used on a method that fails to correctly override the toString() method of its superclass.

Without the annotation, the typo might go unnoticed and we’d have a puzzling bug: why isn’t the toString( ) method working correctly? But with the annotation, the compiler gives us the answer: the toString() method does not work as expected because it is not actually overridden.

Note that the @Override annotation applies only to methods that are intended to override a superclass method and not to methods that are intended to implement a method defined in an interface. The compiler already produces an error if you fail to correctly implement an interface method.

java.lang.Deprecated is a marker annotation that is similar to the @deprecated javadoc tag. (See Chapter 7 for details on writing Java documentation comments.) If you annotate a type or type member with @Deprecated , it tells the compiler that use of the annotated element is discouraged. If you use (or extend or override) a deprecated type or member from code that is not itself declared @Deprecated , the compiler issues a warning.

Note that the @Deprecated annotation type does not deprecate the @deprecated javadoc tag. The @Deprecated annotation is intended for the Java compiler. The javadoc tag, on the other hand, is intended for the javadoc tool and serves as documentation: it may include a description of why the program element has been deprecated and what it has been superseded by or replaced with.

In Java 5.0, the compiler continues to look for @deprecated javadoc tags and uses them to generate warnings as it always has. This behavior may be phased out, however, and you should begin to use the @Deprecated annotation in addition to the @deprecated javadoc tag.

Here is an example that uses both the annotation and the javadoc tag:


The @SuppressWarnings annotation is used to selectively turn off compiler warnings for classes, methods, or field and variable initializers. [ 8 ] In Java 5.0, Sun’s javac compiler has a powerful -Xlint option that causes it to issue warnings about “lint” in your program—code that is legal but is likely to represent a programming error. These warnings include the “unchecked warning” that appears when you use a generic collection class without specifying a value for its type parameters, for example, or the warning that appears if a case in a switch statement does not end with a break , return , or throw and allows control to “fall through” to the next case.

Typically, when you see one of these lint warnings from the compiler, you should investigate the code that caused it. If it truly represents an error, you then correct it. If it simply represents sloppy programming, you may be able to rewrite your code so that the warning is no longer necessary. For example, if the warning tells you that you have not covered all possible cases in a switch statement on an enumerated type, you can avoid the warning by adding a defensive default case to the switch statement, even if you are sure that it will never be invoked.

On the other hand, sometimes there is nothing you can do to avoid the error. For example, if you use a generic collection class in code that must interact with nongeneric legacy code, you cannot avoid an unchecked warning. This is where @SuppressWarnings comes in: add this annotation to the nearest relevant set of modifiers (typically on method modifiers) to tell the compiler that you’re aware of the issue and that it should stop pestering you about it.

Unlike Override and Deprecated , SuppressWarnings is not a marker annotation. It has a single member named value whose type is String[ ] . The value of this member is the names of the warnings to be suppressed. The SuppressWarnings annotation does not define what warning names are allowed: this is an issue for compiler implementors. For the javac compiler, the warning names accepted by the -Xlint option are also legal for the @SuppressWarnings annotation. It is legal to specify any warning names you want: compilers ignore (but may warn about) warning names they do not recognize.

So, to suppress warnings named unchecked and fallthrough , you could use an annotation that looks like the following. Annotation syntax follows the name of the annotation type with a parenthesized, comma-separated list of name = value pairs. In this case, the SuppressWarnings annotation type defines only a single member, so there is only a single pair within parentheses. Since the member value is an array, curly braces are used to delimit array elements:

We can abbreviate this annotation somewhat. When an annotation has a single member and that member is named “value”, you are allowed (and encouraged) to omit the “value=” in the annotation. So the annotation above should be rewritten as:

Hopefully you will not often have more than one unresolvable lint warning in any particular method and will need to suppress only a single named warning. In this case, another annotation abbreviation is possible. When writing an array value that contains only a single member, you are allowed to omit the curly braces. In this case we might have an annotation like this:

Annotation Syntax

In the descriptions of the standard annotation types, we’ve seen the syntax for writing marker annotations and the syntax for writing single-member annotations, including the shortcut allowed when the single member is named “value” and the shortcut allowed when an array-typed member has only a single array element. This section describes the complete syntax for writing annotations.

An annotation consists of the @ character followed by the name of the annotation type (which may include a package name) followed by a parenthesized, comma-separated list of name = value pairs for each of the members defined by the annotation type. Members may appear in any order and may be omitted if the annotation type defines a default value for that member. Each value must be a literal or compile-time constant, a nested annotation, or an array.

Near the end of this chapter, we define an annotation type named Reviews that has a single member that is an array of @Review annotations. The Review annotation type has three members: “reviewer” is a String , “comment” is an optional String with a default value, and “grade” is a value of the nested enumerated type Review.Grade . Assuming that the Reviews and Review types are properly imported, an annotation using these types might look like this (note the use of nested annotations, enumerated types, and arrays in this annotation):

Another important rule of annotation syntax is that no program element may have more than one instance of the same annotation. It is not legal, for example, to simply place multiple @Review annotations on a class. This is why the @Reviews annotation is defined to allow an array of @Review annotations.

Annotation member types and values

The values of annotation members must be non- null compile-time constant expressions that are assignment-compatible with the declared type of the member. Allowed member types are the primitive types, String , Class , enumerated types, annotation types, and arrays of any of the above types (but not an array of arrays). For example, the expressions 2*Math.PI and " hello"+"world " are legal values for members of type double and String , respectively.

Near the end of the chapter, we define an annotation type named UncheckedExceptions whose sole member is an array of classes that extend RuntimeException . An annotation of this type might look like this:

Annotation targets

Annotations are most commonly placed on type definitions (such as classes) and their members (such as methods and fields). Annotations may also appear on packages, parameters, and local variables. This section provides more information about these less common annotation targets.

A package annotation appears before the package declaration in a file named package-info.java . This file should not contain any type declarations (“package-info” is not a legal Java identifier, so it cannot contain any public type definitions). Instead, it should contain an optional javadoc comment, zero or more annotations, and a package declaration. For example:

When the package-info.java file is compiled, it produces a class file named package-info.class that contains a synthetic interface declaration. This interface has no members, and its name, package-info , is not a legal Java identifier, so it cannot be used in Java source code. It exists simply as a placeholder for package annotations with class or runtime retention.

Note that package annotations appear outside the scope of any package or import declaration. This means that package annotations should always include the package name of the annotation type (unless the package is java.lang ).

Annotations on method parameters, catch clause parameters, and local variables simply appear as part of the modifier list for those program elements. The Java class file format has no provision for storing annotations on local variables or catch clause parameters, so those annotations always have source retention. Method parameter annotations can be retained in the class file, however, and may have class or runtime retention.

Finally, note that the syntax for enumerated type definitions does not allow any modifiers to be specified for enumerated values. It does, however, allow annotations on any of the values.

Annotations and defaults

Annotations must include a value for every member that does not have a default value defined by the annotation type. Annotations may, of course, include values for other members as well.

There is one important detail to understand about how default values are handled. Default values are stored in the class file of the annotation type and are not compiled into annotations themselves. If you modify an annotation type so that the default value of one of its members changes, that change affects all annotations of that type that do not specify an explicit value for that member. Already-compiled annotations are affected, even if they are never recompiled after the change to the type.

Annotations and Reflection

The Reflection API of java.lang.reflect has been extended in Java 5.0 to support reading of runtime-visible annotations. (Remember that an annotation is only visible at runtime if its annotation type is specified to have runtime retention, that is, if the annotation is both stored in the class file and read by the Java VM when the class file is loaded.) This section briefly covers the new reflective capabilities. For full details, look up the interface java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement in the reference section. AnnotatedElement represents a program element that can be queried for annotations. It is implemented by java.lang.Package , java.lang.Class , and indirectly implemented by the Method , Constructor , and Field classes of java.lang.reflect . Annotations on method parameters can be queried with the getParameterAnnotations( ) method of the Method or Constructor class.

The following code uses the isAnnotationPresent( ) method of AnnotatedElement to determine whether a method is unstable by checking for an @Unstable annotation. It assumes that the Unstable annotation type, which we’ll define later in the chapter, has runtime retention. Note that this code uses class literals to specify both the class to be checked and the annotation to check for:

isAnnotationPresent() is useful for marker annotations. When working with annotations that have members, though, we typically want to know the value of those members. For this, we use the getAnnotation() method. And here we see the beauty of the Java annotation system: if the specified annotation exists, the object returned by this method implements the annotation type interface, and you can query the value of any member simply by invoking the annotation type method that defines that member. Consider the @Reviews annotation that appeared earlier in the chapter, for example. If the annotation type was declared with runtime retention, you could query it as follows:

Note that these reflective methods correctly resolve default annotation values for you. If an annotation does not include a value for a member with a default value, the default value is looked up within the annotation type itself.

Defining Annotation Types

An annotation type is an interface, but it is not a normal one. An annotation type differs from a normal interface in the following ways:

An annotation type is defined with the keyword @interface rather than with interface . An @interface declaration implicitly extends the interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation and may not have an explicit extends clause of its own.

The methods of an annotation type must be declared with no arguments and may not throw exceptions. These methods define annotation members: the method name becomes the member name, and the method return type becomes the member type.

The return value of annotation methods may be a primitive type, a String , a Class , an enumerated type, another annotation type, or a single-dimensional array of one of those types.

Any method of an annotation type may be followed by the keyword default and a value compatible with the return type of the method. This strange new syntax specifies the default value of the annotation member that corresponds to the method. The syntax for default values is the same as the syntax used to specify member values when writing an annotation. null is never a legal default value.

Annotation types and their methods may not have type parameters—annotation types and members cannot be made generic. The only valid use of generics in annotation types is for methods whose return type is Class . These methods may use a bounded wildcard to specify a constraint on the returned class.

In other ways, annotation types declared with @interface are just like regular interfaces. They may include constant definitions and static member types such as enumerated type definitions. Annotation types may also be implemented or extended just as normal interfaces are. (The classes and interfaces that result from doing this are not themselves annotation types, however: annotation types can be created only with an @interface declaration.)

We now define the annotation types used in our examples. These examples illustrate the syntax of annotation type declarations and demonstrate many of the differences between @interface and interface . We start with the simple marker annotation type Unstable . Because we used this type earlier in the chapter in a reflection example, its definition includes a meta-annotation that gives it runtime retention and makes it accessible to the reflection API. Meta-annotations are covered below.

The next annotation type defines a single member. By naming the member value , we enable a syntactic shortcut for anyone using the annotation:

The next example is more complex. The Reviews annotation type has a single member, but the type of the member is complex: it is an array of Review annotations. The Review annotation type has three members, one of which has an enumerated type defined as a member of the Review type itself, and another of which has a default value. Because the Reviews annotation type is used in a reflection example, we’ve given it runtime retention with a meta-annotation:

Finally, suppose we wanted to annotate methods to list the unchecked exceptions (but not errors) that they might throw. Our annotation type would have a single member of array type. Each element of the array would be the Class of an exception. In order to enforce the requirement that only unchecked exceptions are used, we use a bounded wildcard on Class :


Annotation types can themselves be annotated. Java 5.0 defines four standard meta-annotation types that provide information about the use and meaning of other annotation types. These types and their supporting classes are in the java.lang.annotation package, and you can find complete details in the quick-reference section of the book.

The Target meta-annotation type specifies the “targets” for an annotation type. That is, it specifies which program elements may have annotations of that type. If an annotation type does not have a Target meta-annotation, it can be used with any of the program elements described earlier. Some annotation types, however, make sense only when applied to certain program elements. Override is one example: it is only meaningful when applied to a method. An @Target meta-annotation applied to the declaration of the Override type makes this explicit and allows the compiler to reject an @Override when it appears in an inappropriate context.

The Target meta-annotation type has a single member named value . The type of this member is java.lang.annotation.ElementType[] . ElementType is an enumerated type whose enumerated values represent program elements that can be annotated.

We discussed annotation retention earlier in the chapter. It specifies whether an annotation is discarded by the compiler or retained in the class file, and, if it is retained in the class file, whether it is read by the VM when the class file is loaded. By default, annotations are stored in the class file but not available for runtime reflective access. The three possible retention values (source, class, and runtime) are described by the enumerated type java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy .

The Retention meta-annotation type has a single member named value whose type is RetentionPolicy .

Documented is a meta-annotation type used to specify that annotations of some other type should be considered part of the public API of the annotated program element and should therefore be documented by tools like javadoc . Documented is a marker annotation: it has no members.

The @Inherited meta-annotation is a marker annotation that specifies that the annotated type is an inherited one. That is, if an annotation type @Inherited is used to annotate a class, the annotation applies to subclasses of that class as well.

Note that @Inherited annotation types are inherited only by subclasses of an annotated class. Classes do not inherit annotations from interfaces they implement, and methods do not inherit annotations from methods they override.

The Reflection API enforces the inheritance if the @Inherited annotation type is also annotated @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) . If you use java.lang.reflect to query a class for an annotation of an @Inherited type, the reflection code checks the specified class and each of its ancestors until an annotation of the specified type is found or the top of the class hierarchy is reached.

[ 7 ] We won’t have to imagine these uses for long. At the time of this writing, JSR 250 is making its way through the Java Community Process to define a standard set of common annotations for J2SE and J2EE.

[ 8 ] The javac compiler did not yet support the @SuppressWarnings annotation when this chapter was written. Full support is expected in Java 5.1.

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Last updated: January 8, 2024

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1. Overview

In the following tutorial, we’ll learn the utility of the List variant of the annotations available under the package jakarta.validations.constraints . This annotation helps apply similar types of validations on a field. This also enables us to show different validation messages on the same field .

Let’s understand this in detail with a use case and its implementation.

2. Use Case Details

In this use case, we are going to develop a Java program for validating the fields captured as part of a job application form. The job aspirants can apply for different job levels by entering their personal details like name, years of experience, passport expiry date, etc. The program must validate the fields as shown below:

Field Name Validations Annotation

Only alphabets allowed

No consecutive spaces allowed

The first letter has to be in upper case

No space in the beginning

No space at the end

Less than 5 characters are not allowed

More than 20 characters are not allowed


Years of experience in Junior Level Job

Min – 5

Max – 10

Years of experience in Mid-Senior Level Job

Min – 10

Max – 15

Years of experience in Senior Level Job

Min – 15

Max – 20



All aspirants must give their consent to the agreement and terms of conditions


passport expiry date

Cannot be in the past


Usually, @Size , @Pattern , @Max , @Min , @AssertTrue , and @Future annotations of the package jakarta.validation.constraints work pretty well when it comes to displaying generic messages for validation failures. But the List variant of those annotations must be used to meet the last validation requirement, as highlighted above in the table for each of the fields.

Without waiting any more, let’s jump into the implementation.

3. Use Case Implementation

3.1. overview.

For implementing the scenarios discussed in section 2, we create a JobAspirant bean. This bean does 90% of the heavy lifting. All the fields are defined and decorated with the annotations supporting their validations. There is one more important attribute called groups  in the annotations used below. It plays a crucial role in applying validations in specific contexts where they are needed .

Here we are not going to go through the prerequisites on how to use the validation framework . Also, the explanation given in this article should give a great headstart for the readers to explore more on the other annotations of similar nature.

So, in the subsequent sections, let’s go through the steps in applying the validations on each of the fields of the JobAspirant bean.

3.2. Marker Interfaces

The marker interfaces Senior.class , MidSenior.class , and Junior.class have played a significant role in applying the correct validation based on the job level. There is one more important marker interface, AllLevel.class , it’s like a universal signal saying “Hey, this validation must apply regardless of the job level!” . They are assigned to the groups attribute of the annotations to make the validations work appropriately. Let’s take a look at them:

3.3. Validate Name with @Size.List and @Pattern.List

For applying the different validations on the name field, we have used regex extensively with the @Pattern annotations in Pattern.List. Also, by using @Size annotation in Size.List we applied the min and max restriction on name . To understand this, let’s have a look at the annotations applied to the name field:

Here is how we apply validation on the name field:

3.4. Validate Experience with @Min.List and @Max.List

We can apply different min and max years of experience criteria for various job levels using @Min.List and @Max.List.  So, here are the annotations in the JobAspirant bean in action:

Let’s see the @Min annotations in action:

And now, here we check the @Max annotation’s role in the JobAspirant bean:

3.5. Validate Agreement with @AssertTrue.List

Let’s take a look at the field agreement, which is a boolean. Usually, a boolean can be true or false, then what is so special about this validation? What if we want to show separate messages for different job levels? This is how we take care of this using @AssertTrue.List :

Let’s check out validation on the agreement field for a senior-level job in action:

3.6. Validate Passport Expiry Date with @Future.List

Similarly, this kind of validation can be extended to fields of other types as well, such as passportExpiryDate, which is of type Date . To ensure that we show separate messages for expired passports for different job levels, we make use of @Future.List :

Here is the annotation in action:

4. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we learned to use the List variant of the validation annotation along with the groups attribute to effectively apply different validation on the same field in different contexts. Moreover, the examples given here are good enough for the readers to explore more on other List annotations on their own.

As usual, all the examples shown in this article are available over on GitHub .

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Annotations Best Practices ¶

Larry Hastings

Accessing The Annotations Dict Of An Object In Python 3.10 And Newer ¶

Python 3.10 adds a new function to the standard library: inspect.get_annotations() . In Python versions 3.10 and newer, calling this function is the best practice for accessing the annotations dict of any object that supports annotations. This function can also “un-stringize” stringized annotations for you.

If for some reason inspect.get_annotations() isn’t viable for your use case, you may access the __annotations__ data member manually. Best practice for this changed in Python 3.10 as well: as of Python 3.10, o.__annotations__ is guaranteed to always work on Python functions, classes, and modules. If you’re certain the object you’re examining is one of these three specific objects, you may simply use o.__annotations__ to get at the object’s annotations dict.

However, other types of callables–for example, callables created by functools.partial() –may not have an __annotations__ attribute defined. When accessing the __annotations__ of a possibly unknown object, best practice in Python versions 3.10 and newer is to call getattr() with three arguments, for example getattr(o, '__annotations__', None) .

Before Python 3.10, accessing __annotations__ on a class that defines no annotations but that has a parent class with annotations would return the parent’s __annotations__ . In Python 3.10 and newer, the child class’s annotations will be an empty dict instead.

Accessing The Annotations Dict Of An Object In Python 3.9 And Older ¶

In Python 3.9 and older, accessing the annotations dict of an object is much more complicated than in newer versions. The problem is a design flaw in these older versions of Python, specifically to do with class annotations.

Best practice for accessing the annotations dict of other objects–functions, other callables, and modules–is the same as best practice for 3.10, assuming you aren’t calling inspect.get_annotations() : you should use three-argument getattr() to access the object’s __annotations__ attribute.

Unfortunately, this isn’t best practice for classes. The problem is that, since __annotations__ is optional on classes, and because classes can inherit attributes from their base classes, accessing the __annotations__ attribute of a class may inadvertently return the annotations dict of a base class. As an example:

This will print the annotations dict from Base , not Derived .

Your code will have to have a separate code path if the object you’re examining is a class ( isinstance(o, type) ). In that case, best practice relies on an implementation detail of Python 3.9 and before: if a class has annotations defined, they are stored in the class’s __dict__ dictionary. Since the class may or may not have annotations defined, best practice is to call the get method on the class dict.

To put it all together, here is some sample code that safely accesses the __annotations__ attribute on an arbitrary object in Python 3.9 and before:

After running this code, ann should be either a dictionary or None . You’re encouraged to double-check the type of ann using isinstance() before further examination.

Note that some exotic or malformed type objects may not have a __dict__ attribute, so for extra safety you may also wish to use getattr() to access __dict__ .

Manually Un-Stringizing Stringized Annotations ¶

In situations where some annotations may be “stringized”, and you wish to evaluate those strings to produce the Python values they represent, it really is best to call inspect.get_annotations() to do this work for you.

If you’re using Python 3.9 or older, or if for some reason you can’t use inspect.get_annotations() , you’ll need to duplicate its logic. You’re encouraged to examine the implementation of inspect.get_annotations() in the current Python version and follow a similar approach.

In a nutshell, if you wish to evaluate a stringized annotation on an arbitrary object o :

If o is a module, use o.__dict__ as the globals when calling eval() .

If o is a class, use sys.modules[o.__module__].__dict__ as the globals , and dict(vars(o)) as the locals , when calling eval() .

If o is a wrapped callable using functools.update_wrapper() , functools.wraps() , or functools.partial() , iteratively unwrap it by accessing either o.__wrapped__ or o.func as appropriate, until you have found the root unwrapped function.

If o is a callable (but not a class), use o.__globals__ as the globals when calling eval() .

However, not all string values used as annotations can be successfully turned into Python values by eval() . String values could theoretically contain any valid string, and in practice there are valid use cases for type hints that require annotating with string values that specifically can’t be evaluated. For example:

PEP 604 union types using | , before support for this was added to Python 3.10.

Definitions that aren’t needed at runtime, only imported when typing.TYPE_CHECKING is true.

If eval() attempts to evaluate such values, it will fail and raise an exception. So, when designing a library API that works with annotations, it’s recommended to only attempt to evaluate string values when explicitly requested to by the caller.

Best Practices For __annotations__ In Any Python Version ¶

You should avoid assigning to the __annotations__ member of objects directly. Let Python manage setting __annotations__ .

If you do assign directly to the __annotations__ member of an object, you should always set it to a dict object.

If you directly access the __annotations__ member of an object, you should ensure that it’s a dictionary before attempting to examine its contents.

You should avoid modifying __annotations__ dicts.

You should avoid deleting the __annotations__ attribute of an object.

__annotations__ Quirks ¶

In all versions of Python 3, function objects lazy-create an annotations dict if no annotations are defined on that object. You can delete the __annotations__ attribute using del fn.__annotations__ , but if you then access fn.__annotations__ the object will create a new empty dict that it will store and return as its annotations. Deleting the annotations on a function before it has lazily created its annotations dict will throw an AttributeError ; using del fn.__annotations__ twice in a row is guaranteed to always throw an AttributeError .

Everything in the above paragraph also applies to class and module objects in Python 3.10 and newer.

In all versions of Python 3, you can set __annotations__ on a function object to None . However, subsequently accessing the annotations on that object using fn.__annotations__ will lazy-create an empty dictionary as per the first paragraph of this section. This is not true of modules and classes, in any Python version; those objects permit setting __annotations__ to any Python value, and will retain whatever value is set.

If Python stringizes your annotations for you (using from __future__ import annotations ), and you specify a string as an annotation, the string will itself be quoted. In effect the annotation is quoted twice. For example:

This prints {'a': "'str'"} . This shouldn’t really be considered a “quirk”; it’s mentioned here simply because it might be surprising.

Table of Contents

  • Accessing The Annotations Dict Of An Object In Python 3.10 And Newer
  • Accessing The Annotations Dict Of An Object In Python 3.9 And Older
  • Manually Un-Stringizing Stringized Annotations
  • Best Practices For __annotations__ In Any Python Version
  • __annotations__ Quirks

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This is the complete list of members for CNode_annotation , including all inherited members.

(void) const inline
(const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) virtual
(void) const THROWS_NONE inline
(void) const inline
(void) const inline
(void) inline
(TCount count) const private
(void) inline
(const CNode_annotation &value) private
(const CNode_annotation_Base &) private
(const CObject &src)
(CDebugDumpContext ddc, unsigned int depth) const virtual
(CDebugDumpFormatter &ddf, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const
(ostream &out, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const
(void) protectedvirtual
(void) virtual
(void) virtual
(void) const
enum name
enum name
enum value
enum value
enum value
(bool on) static
(const CSerialObject &object, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) const virtual
(void) static
(void) const
(void) const
(void) const inline
(void) const inline
(void) const =0 pure virtual
(void) const
(void) const
(void) inlineprivate
(void) const private
(void) const THROWS_NONE inline
(void) const inline
(void) const inline
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(TCount count) inlineprivatestatic
(void *ptr)
(void *ptr, void *place)
(void *ptr, CObjectMemoryPool *place)
(void *ptr)
(size_t size)
(size_t size, void *place)
(size_t size, CObjectMemoryPool *place)
(size_t size)
(const CNode_annotation &value) private
(const CObject &src) THROWS_NONE inline
(void) const THROWS_NONE inline
(void) const THROWS_NONE inline
(void) const
(TCount count) const private
(void) const inline
(void) virtual
(EAllocFillMode mode) static
(const string &value) static
(const TNote &value) inline
(TNote &&value) inline
(void) inline
(const TPresentInChildCD &value) inline
(TPresentInChildCD &&value) inline
(void) inline
(ESerialVerifyData verify) static
(ESerialVerifyData verify) static
(void) static
(const type_info &type) static
(TMemberIndex index) const
(TMemberIndex index, const char *file_name, int file_line) const
typedef private
(void) inlinestatic
(void) inlinestatic
(void) inlinestatic
(void) privatestatic
(void) virtual
(void) virtual
(void) virtual
(void) virtual
  • google_books_api
  • AnnotationLayerSummary

This is the complete list of members for google_books_api::Annotation::AnnotationLayerSummary , including all inherited members.

(const Json::Value &storage) explicit
(Json::Value *storage) explicit
() inline
() inline
() inline
() const inline
() const inline
() const inline
() const inline
() const inline
() const inline
() const inline
() static
(int32 value) inline
(const StringPiece &value) inline
(int32 value) inline
() virtual

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  • EmbedAnnotationData

This is the complete list of members for clang::EmbedAnnotationData , including all inherited members.

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How to annotate a list that may or MAY NOT have different types?

python version: 3.10.2

It was of my understanding that list[str|int] should allow three distinct types of values:

  • List of only strings ( list[str] )
  • List of only ints ( list[int] )
  • List of both strings and ints ( list[str|int] )

Is this assumption right, or am I understanding it wrong ? because that's not what happens when I'm coding:

Pylance complaining that list[str] and list[int] are not compatible with list[str|int]

It accepts lists with only strings or only ints, but only if I don't specify that the list in question only accepts one of these values. x and y are explicitly declared as lists that only accepts one of this values ( int or str ), and because of that they are rejected. Is this really what is supposed to happen, or is it a bug ?

No errors displayed when parameter x of function test is declared to be Containerstr|int

  • type-hinting
  • python-typing

João Vitor Barbosa's user avatar

  • 2 Please do not upload images of code/errors when asking a question. Include it as a formatted code block instead of an image. –  pho Commented May 11, 2022 at 16:32
  • 1 which version of python are you using? –  deadshot Commented May 11, 2022 at 16:35

Here's the problem:

The type checker doesn't know or care what test does with the list. It only cares about what it might do to the list. One thing that would be legal is to add a str to the list: you said that (the parameter) x has type list[str|int] . That's fine if the list passed to test has type list[str|int] or list[str] ; it's not fine if the list has type list[int] .

That is, test does not accept lists that have either str or int values: it accepts lists that must be able to contain str or int values.

The problem goes away when you change the type of the parameter to Sequence[str|int] , because a Sequence does not permit mutation. The type guarantees that if you provide a list[int] value, test won't try to add a str to the list.

chepner's user avatar

  • Just a minor correction: both list[str] and list[int] are "not fine" . On the first image, both x and y show errors. –  João Vitor Barbosa Commented May 12, 2022 at 3:19
  • So, if I don't plan to add values, I can use Sequence . And if I really need it to be a list , the only way to get what I want is: x: list[str] | list[int] | list[str | int] ? –  João Vitor Barbosa Commented May 12, 2022 at 3:21
  • You can, but you still aren't going to be able to add, say, an int to x inside the function if there is a possibility it's a (statically typed) list[str] . –  chepner Commented May 12, 2022 at 12:29
  • 1 list[str|int] is probably fine as the annotation , but if you want to pass a value that was statically typed as list[int] or list[str] , you'll have to cast it, and then it's your responsibility to make sure that the function doesn't do anything to break your static guarantee that the list is homogenous. –  chepner Commented May 12, 2022 at 12:38
  • Yeah, it makes sense I guess. Because if I add a int , inside the function, in a list declared as list[str] outside the function, it will be changed as well. It's kinda dull, but makes sense at least... Thanks for the answer! –  João Vitor Barbosa Commented May 12, 2022 at 13:56

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annotation member list

This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation , including all inherited members.

(System::SharedPtr< AnnotationSelector > visitor) override virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Document > document, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) static
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) static
() protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfObject > annotation, System::SharedPtr< Document > document) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Document > document) protected
() protected
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Document > doc, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
() override protectedvirtual
() protected
() protected
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Matrix > transform) virtual
(double &curX, double &curY, double newX, double newY, bool isNextParagraphInline) protected
(System::SharedPtr< OperatorCollection > appearance) protectedvirtual
() override virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfObject > annotEngineObj, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page) protectedstatic
(System::SharedPtr< Annotation::AppearanceParameters > parameters, System::SharedPtr< Annotation > annotation) override protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Annotation::AppearanceParameters > parametes, System::SharedPtr< Annotation > annotation) protectedvirtual
() protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlReader > reader) protectedvirtual
(ptr obj) virtual
(T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB) inlinestatic
(T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB) inlinestatic
(float const &objA, float const &objB) inline
(double const &objA, double const &objB) inline
(const Details::FastRttiBase &helper, void **out_ptr) const virtual
() virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protectedvirtual
() virtual
() override virtual
() const
() protected
() const protected
() const protected
() virtual
() override virtual
() virtual
() const protected
() protectedvirtual
() const
() const
() const
() const
() protectedstatic
() protected
() protected
() virtual
() const
() virtual
() const protected
() protected
() protected
() const protected
() const protected
() static
() static
() virtual
() virtual
() const
() protectedvirtual
() inline
() const virtual
() protected
(System::SharedPtr< Annotation > annotation) protected
(bool considerRotation)
() const virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Document > doc) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::ITrailerable > trailer, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Document > doc, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfObject > annotEngineObj) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Resources > resources, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Operator >>> operators) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Resources > resources) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Resources > resources) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfDictionary > annotation, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfDictionary > resources) protectedstatic
(const TypeInfo &targetType) const virtual
() protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > s) protectedstatic
() protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > pageBox) protected
() const virtual
() override protectedvirtual
(Object const &x)
(Object const &x) inline
(System::String key, System::SharedPtr< Annotation > annotation) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
(System::SharedPtr< Page > page, System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > rect) protected
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlReader > reader) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlReader > reader) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary< System::String, System::String >> table) protectedvirtual
(ptr const &objA, ptr const &objB) inlinestatic
(T const &objA, T const &objB) inlinestatic
(T const &objA, std::nullptr_t) inlinestatic
(String const &str, std::nullptr_t) inline
(String const &str1, String const &str2) inline
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > page, PrinterMarkSidePosition position)
(int count) inline
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlTextWriter > writer) protectedvirtual
(System::String value) virtual
(TextAlignment value)
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border > value)
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Color > value)
(System::String value)
(AnnotationFlags value)
(bool value) protected
(double value) virtual
(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) override virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Hyperlink > value) virtual
(System::String value) protected
(bool value)
(bool value)
(bool value)
(bool value)
(bool value) protectedstatic
(System::SharedPtr< MarginInfo > value)
(System::DateTime value)
(System::String value)
(System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Pdf::Page > value) protected
(PrinterMarkSidePosition value)
(System::SharedPtr< Rectangle > value) virtual
(System::SharedPtr< Annotations::LinkAnnotation > value) protected
(int32_t value) protected
(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value)
(bool value) static
(bool value) static
(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment value) virtual
(double value) virtual
(int32_t value)
(uint32_t argument) virtual
() const inline
() inline
() inline
(System::SharedPtr< System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat > format) protected
() const virtual
() inlinestatic
(System::SharedPtr< Annotation > annotation) protectedvirtual
() override protectedvirtual
() inline
() inline
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlWriter > writer) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlWriter > writer) protectedvirtual
(System::SharedPtr< System::Xml::XmlWriter > writer) protectedvirtual
() protectedvirtual
() virtual
() protectedvirtual


  1. Which types can be used for Java annotation members?

    The annotation member types must be one of: primitive. String. an Enum. another Annotation. java.lang.Class. an array of any of the above. It does seem restrictive, but no doubt there are reasons for it. Also note that multidimensional arrays (e.g. String[][]) are implicitly forbidden by the above rule.

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    The hash code of an annotation is the sum of the hash codes of its members (including those with default values). The hash code of an annotation member is (127 times the hash code of the member-name as computed by String.hashCode ()) XOR the hash code of the member-value. The hash code of a member-value depends on its type as defined below:

  6. Java Annotations Types

    3. @SuppressWarnings. As the name suggests, the @SuppressWarnings annotation instructs the compiler to suppress warnings that are generated while the program executes.. We can specify the type of warnings to be suppressed. The warnings that can be suppressed are compiler-specific but there are two categories of warnings: deprecation and unchecked. To suppress a particular category of warning ...

  7. Declaring an Annotation Type (The Java™ Tutorials

    Annotation types are a form of interface, which will be covered in a later lesson. For the moment, you do not need to understand interfaces. The body of the previous annotation definition contains annotation type element declarations, which look a lot like methods. Note that they can define optional default values.

  8. Java Annotations

    Java Annotations. Java Annotation is a tag that represents the metadata i.e. attached with class, interface, methods or fields to indicate some additional information which can be used by java compiler and JVM. Annotations in Java are used to provide additional information, so it is an alternative option for XML and Java marker interfaces.

  9. Annotations in Java: Explained With Examples

    Annotations can be categorized broadly into 5 categories: Category 1: Marker Annotations. The marker annotation is used to mark a declaration. It does not include any members or data. Only the presence of a marker annotation as an annotation is sufficient. An example of Marker Annotation is @Override. Example @TestAnnotation()

  10. 4.3. Annotations

    java.lang.Deprecated is a marker annotation that is similar to the @deprecated javadoc tag. (See Chapter 7 for details on writing Java documentation comments.) If you annotate a type or type member with @Deprecated, it tells the compiler that use of the annotated element is discouraged.If you use (or extend or override) a deprecated type or member from code that is not itself declared ...

  11. Annotation member which holds other annotations?

    I just ran into this exact problem, but (inspired by @ivan_ivanovich_ivanoff) I have discovered a way to specify a bundle of any combination of Annotations as an annotation member: use a prototype / template class.. In this example I define a WhereOr (i.e. a "where clause" for my model annotation) which I need to contain arbitrary Spring meta-annotations (like @Qualifier meta-annotations).

  12. Get a Field's Annotations Using Reflection

    3. Get a Field's Annotations Using Reflection. Now, let's create an example class with an annotated field. We'll define three annotations, where only two are visible at runtime. The first annotation is visible at runtime: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface FirstAnnotation {. }

  13. Java注解annotation : invalid type of annotation member

    首先,关于注解的介绍就不多描述了,网上有很多这方面的资料。. 本文主要是介绍如何处理标题中遇到的问题:invalid type of annotation member ? Annotation 是Java5的新特性。. 在实际开发过程中,可以自定义注解。. 但是自定义注解,可以包含哪些类型的member,却是存在 ...

  14. Java Validation List Annotations

    The program must validate the fields as shown below: Usually, @Size, @Pattern, @Max, @Min, @AssertTrue, and @Future annotations of the package jakarta.validation.constraints work pretty well when it comes to displaying generic messages for validation failures.

  15. Annotations Best Practices

    Best practice for accessing the annotations dict of other objects-functions, other callables, and modules-is the same as best practice for 3.10, assuming you aren't calling inspect.get_annotations(): you should use three-argument getattr() to access the object's __annotations__ attribute. Unfortunately, this isn't best practice for ...

  16. NCBI C++ ToolKit: Member List

    CNode_annotation Member List. This is the complete list of members for CNode_annotation, including all inherited members. AddReference(void) const: CObject: inline: Assign(const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) CSerialObject: virtual: CanBeDeleted(void) const THROWS_NONE: CObject:

  17. books: Member List

    This is the complete list of members for google_books_api::Annotation::AnnotationLayerSummary, including all inherited members.

  18. clang: Member List

    clang::EmbedAnnotationData Member List. This is the complete list of members for clang::EmbedAnnotationData, including all inherited members. BinaryData: clang::EmbedAnnotationData: Generated on Tue Jun 25 2024 21:23:22 for clang by ...

  19. Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation Member List

    This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation, including all inherited members.

  20. How to annotate a list that may or MAY NOT have different types?

    1. Here's the problem: The type checker doesn't know or care what test does with the list. It only cares about what it might do to the list. One thing that would be legal is to add a str to the list: you said that (the parameter) x has type list[str|int]. That's fine if the list passed to test has type list[str|int] or list[str]; it's not fine ...

  21. Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation Member List

    This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation, including all inherited members.