Writing Beginner

How to Describe Mountains in Writing (21 Tips & Examples)

Describing mountains in writing, when done correctly, can transport your reader to the rocky inclines, pristine snowcaps, or the craggy ridges of these towering natural wonders.

Here is how to describe mountains in writing:

Describe mountains in writing by focusing on aspects like size, shape, color, textures, and climate. Mention unique geological features, wildlife, vegetation, and the impact of seasons. Capture the mood, aesthetics, and sensory details. Include the cultural, historical, and symbolic significance.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to describe mountains in writing.

21 Elements to Describe Mountains in Writing

Cartoon image of colorful mountains - How to Describe Mountains in Writing

Table of Contents

Let’s kick things off with a straightforward bulleted list of the different elements of a mountain that you can describe in writing:

  • Geological features
  • Light and shadow
  • Seasonal changes
  • Mood and atmosphere
  • Cultural or historical significance
  • Time of day
  • Human interaction or activity
  • Emotional response
  • Flora and fauna
  • Weather conditions
  • Personal perception or symbolism

And now, for the deep dive. Buckle up, it’s going to be a thrilling hike through the world of words and wonder.

1. Size: Making Mountains Move

Mountains are, in essence, colossal.

The sheer magnitude of their size is what makes them impressive and imposing. But in writing, it’s not enough to simply state that a mountain is “big.”

You must convey the overwhelming scale of it.

Compare the mountain to other objects or even creatures with which your reader is familiar.

Maybe it’s as vast as an ancient city or as tall as a skyscraper. Use metaphors and similes to give a sense of scale.

For example:

The mountain loomed in the distance, a behemoth of rock and earth, dwarfing the sea of trees that surrounded its base. It was a Titan, its peak challenging the sky itself.

2. Shape: Peaks and Valleys

Shape is another critical aspect when describing mountains.

Are the peaks sharp and jagged like dragon’s teeth, or are they rounded and soft, like the humps of a sleeping giant?

The shape of a mountain can evoke emotions, set the tone, and create a mental image for your reader.

The shape also gives a hint to the geological history of the mountain.

Pointy peaks suggest a younger mountain range, while rounded tops indicate erosion over many millennia.

The mountain range was a succession of jagged peaks, as if the earth had sprouted the spiny backbone of a monstrous, petrified beast. Each tip pierced the horizon, creating a chaotic symphony of stone and sky.

3. Color: Painting with Nature’s Palette

The color of a mountain can vary drastically.

It can be as white as freshly fallen snow, as gray as a stormy sky, as green as a lush forest, or even as red as rust.

Using color can add depth to your description, making the mountain come alive in the reader’s mind.

Remember, the color can change depending on the time of day, the season, the weather, and the perspective of the observer.

Play with these elements to make your mountain description dynamic.

At dawn, the mountain was a silhouette, shrouded in the delicate hues of the waking sky. But as the sun rose higher, it bathed the rocky slopes in a golden radiance, revealing a tapestry of earthy reds and rusty oranges, a testament to the iron-rich soil from which it was born.

4. Climate: A Tale of Ice and Fire

The climate of a mountain can drastically affect the atmosphere of your narrative.

Is the mountain covered in a blanket of snow, emanating a frosty chill? Or does it bask under a scorching sun, its rocky surface hot to the touch?

The climate can alter the mood of your scene, making it welcoming or inhospitable.

Don’t forget about the elevation effect – the change in climate as one ascends the mountain.

The base might be warm and lush, while the peak could be harsh and icy, offering a dramatic contrast in the same landscape.

The mountain’s base was a paradise of spring blossoms and chirping birds, the air heavy with the scent of life. But as one ascended, this Eden gradually faded into a stark landscape, where biting winds howled through skeletal trees and the land was perpetually cloaked in ice and snow.

5. Wildlife: Mountain Dwellers

Mountains host a diverse array of flora and fauna that have adapted to survive in the harsh conditions.

Describing the wildlife can add vibrancy to your mountain description, making it seem alive and teeming with activity.

From the mountain goats that nimbly navigate treacherous inclines, to the eagles that soar above the highest peaks, wildlife can bring your mountain to life.

Consider also the flora that carpets the mountain sides.

The lower slopes may host forests of tall pines or colorful wildflowers.

While the upper reaches may be adorned with mosses and lichens, clinging to the harsh, rocky environment.

The mountain was a bustling city of wildlife. Eagles soared high above its craggy peaks, their sharp eyes surveying the domain below. Goats, sure-footed and bold, scampered up the steep slopes, nibbling at the tough, windswept grasses that somehow found a foothold in the rocky soil. Lower down, a riot of wildflowers carpeted the mountain’s skirts, painting a picture of resilient beauty.

6. Geological Features: The Bones of the Mountain

Geological features like cliffs, caves, waterfalls, and rivers can make your mountain more interesting and realistic.

They can also offer opportunities for action and adventure.

Is there a treacherous cliff that needs to be scaled, a dark cave that hides a secret, or a roaring waterfall that cascades down the mountain’s side?

Also consider the mountain’s geology.

Is it an ancient, eroded relic of the past, or a young, active volcano, threatening to erupt at any moment?

The geology can provide backstory and symbolism for your narrative.

The mountain was a maze of hidden cliffs and hollow caves, a geological wonder carved by eons of wind and rain. A river, born from the melting snow at its peak, traced a silver line across its face, cascading down in a roaring waterfall that echoed through the valleys. Here was a mountain that wore its history proudly, a testament to the relentless forces of nature.

7. Sounds: Echoes of the Mountain

The sounds associated with mountains can create an immersive atmosphere in your writing.

The whispering wind that rushes through the valleys, the crunch of gravel underfoot, or the distant roar of a waterfall.

These can all add a sense of realism and depth to your description.

Even the absence of sound — the profound silence of an isolated mountain peak — can be powerful.

Sounds, or their absence, can convey the mood and ambiance of the mountain environment.

The mountain was never truly silent. It hummed with the sounds of life and movement – the rustle of wind-blown grass, the distant cries of hunting hawks, and the occasional low rumble as a portion of a glacier broke off and thundered down a hidden ravine. It was a symphony of nature, punctuated by moments of profound silence that spoke volumes.

8. Light and Shadow: The Mountain’s Chiaroscuro

Light and shadow play a significant role in describing mountains.

As the sun moves across the sky, it casts an ever-changing light show on the mountainside.

Morning light may paint the peaks with a soft glow, while sunset might set the mountain ablaze with fiery hues.

Play with the contrast between light and shadow to add depth and dynamism to your description.

Remember, it’s not just the light that shapes the mountain, but also the shadow.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the mountain transformed into a canvas of light and shadow. The peaks glowed with the last embers of daylight, while the valleys plunged into an abyss of shadow. The transition was mesmerizing, a daily performance of nature’s own chiaroscuro.

9. Texture: Rough and Smooth

Describing the texture of a mountain can help your reader to “feel” the mountain, making your description more tactile and immersive.

Is the mountain’s surface rough and jagged, or smooth and weather-worn?

The texture can convey information about the mountain’s age, the geology, and the environmental conditions.

Remember that texture can also refer to the vegetation and wildlife that inhabit the mountain.

The prickly scrub, the velvet moss, or the sleek fur of a mountain goat can all contribute to the texture of your description.

The mountain was a sculpture of textures, a tactile paradise for anyone brave enough to traverse it. Its slopes were a patchwork of rough, jagged rock and smooth, eroded stones, each telling a story of elemental forces at work. Here and there, clumps of prickly shrubs clung to the terrain, their stubborn resilience adding another layer to the mountain’s rich tapestry.

10. Aesthetics: Beauty in the Beast

Aesthetics in mountain description are about capturing the mountain’s beauty.

This goes beyond simple visuals, involving an emotional response to the mountain’s grandeur.

In describing the aesthetics, consider elements that provoke wonder, awe, or even fear in the observer.

Keep in mind that beauty can be found in the overall form of the mountain, but also in small details – the glint of sunlight on a snow-capped peak, the intricate pattern of ice crystals, or the vibrant burst of alpine flowers on a lush slope.

The mountain held a rugged beauty, an indomitable spirit etched in every crag and cliff. It was a masterpiece of nature’s design, mesmerizing in its majesty. From the shimmering curtain of snowfall at its peak to the delicate dance of butterflies in the meadows at its feet, the mountain commanded a silent reverence from all who beheld it.

11. Smell: The Mountain’s Perfume

Smell is often overlooked in descriptions, but it can add an immersive quality to your writing.

The scent of fresh pine, the crisp mountain air, the musky smell of wet earth — these can add a new dimension to your mountain description.

Also consider the changing scents with the seasons.

The freshness of spring flowers, the dry aroma of summer heat, the spicy smell of autumn leaves, or the clean, cold scent of winter snow can all paint a vivid, sensory picture of the mountain.

The mountain air was a heady blend of scents – the sharp tang of pine, the earthy musk of damp soil, and the clean, invigorating freshness that could only be found at such high altitudes. In the spring, a hint of floral sweetness would join this symphony of smells, as the slopes bloomed with a riot of wildflowers, each adding their own unique note to the mountain’s olfactory opus.

12. Vegetation: The Mountain’s Green Mantle

The type and distribution of vegetation on a mountain can reveal a lot about its altitude, climate, and soil conditions.

Lush forests at the base, scrublands in the middle, and sparse grasslands or bare rock at the summit – these changes in vegetation can add depth and realism to your mountain description.

Remember, vegetation is also a key component of the mountain ecosystem.

Describing the flora and their interactions with the local fauna can make your mountain come alive.

The mountain was a terraced garden of natural splendor. At its base, a thick cloak of pine and oak enveloped the slopes, their leaves whispering secrets to the wind. As one ascended, these gave way to a scrubland of hardy bushes, their roots clinging stubbornly to the rocky soil. And at the summit, where the air thinned and temperatures dropped, only the most resilient of grasses dared to grow, painting the crags with streaks of green.

13. Seasonal Changes: The Mountain’s Many Faces

Mountains are subject to the whims of the seasons, changing their appearance as the year cycles.

This dynamic quality can add life and movement to your mountain descriptions.

Spring may bring blooms of wildflowers, summer might unveil a rocky face, autumn could paint the slopes in fiery hues, and winter may drape the mountain in a shroud of snow.

Seasons also affect the behavior of the local fauna and flora, the climate, and human activity around the mountain.

The mountain was a chameleon, altering its attire with the passing of the seasons. In spring, it wore a verdant cloak of blossoms and fresh leaves. Come summer, it bared its rocky heart to the blazing sun. Autumn adorned it with a riot of oranges and reds, a firework display of nature. And then winter would arrive, transforming the mountain into a serene wonderland of ice and snow.

14. Mood and Atmosphere: Mountain’s Whisper

The mood and atmosphere of a mountain can change drastically based on the weather, the time of day, and the season.

A mountain can be serene and welcoming, shrouded in peaceful dawn light, or it can be menacing and mysterious under a stormy sky.

Using descriptive language and sensory details, you can weave an atmosphere that evokes specific emotions and sets the tone for your narrative.

The mountain was an eerie sentinel under the ghostly glow of the moon. Shadows stretched like long, dark fingers across the rocky terrain, and an icy wind whistled through the narrow crevices, a chilling hymn to the night. This was no longer the benevolent giant bathed in daylight, but a foreboding monument of mystery and dread.

15. Cultural or Historical Significance: The Mountain’s Tale

If your mountain has cultural or historical significance, this can add depth and interest to your description.

Perhaps it’s considered sacred by a local tribe, or it’s the site of a historic event, or maybe it’s associated with local legends and myths.

Incorporating these elements can not only enrich your description but can also provide a backdrop for your narrative.

The mountain held more than just natural wonders. It was steeped in history and folklore, its rocky face witness to countless tales. To the local tribe, it was a sacred entity, the home of ancient gods. And etched on its southern cliff was the shadowy outline of a fortress, a silent testament to a forgotten battle that had once stained these serene slopes with blood.

16. Perspective and Scale: The Mountain Through Different Eyes

The scale of a mountain can be challenging to convey effectively in writing.

One way to do this is by using comparisons or perspectives.

For instance, you could compare the mountain’s height to a skyscraper or describe how it towers over surrounding landscape features.

Also, consider the perspective of your observer.

A mountain climber, a bird, a child, or a seasoned explorer will all perceive and describe the mountain differently, providing various angles for your description.

To a child, the mountain was a giant, its summit hidden in the clouds like a castle in a fairy tale. To an ant, it was an insurmountable world, each grain of sand a boulder, each blade of grass a towering tree. And to an eagle, it was home – a jagged landscape that reached up to touch the sky, where the wind was a playful companion and the peaks were perches from which to survey their domain.

17. Weather and Climate: The Mountain’s Mood Swings

The weather and climate can dramatically influence a mountain’s character.

A mountain can be a tranquil vision beneath a clear blue sky, a hazy silhouette in a summer’s heat, or a threatening monolith under a stormy onslaught.

Moreover, sudden changes in weather are common in mountainous regions, which can add an element of unpredictability and drama to your narrative.

The mountain was a capricious entity, its mood mirrored by the ever-changing weather. On bright days, it would bask in the sun, its snow-capped peak gleaming against the azure sky. But with the arrival of a storm, it transformed into a dark fortress, its visage obscured by veils of rain and wreathed in bolts of lightning.

18. The Human Element: Life Against the Backdrop of the Mountain

Describing activities related to the mountain can make your description more dynamic and relatable.

This could include:

  • Mountain climbers navigating precarious paths
  • Herders tending to their flocks on the mountain slopes
  • Monks living in seclusion in a mountain monastery

The mountain’s relationship with the human world — whether it’s a source of awe and inspiration, a challenge to be conquered, or a vital resource — can add depth and drama to your narrative.

The mountain was a stage for human endeavor. A thin, winding trail scarred its surface, a testament to the brave souls who dared to scale its heights. Lower down, smoke curled up from a solitary monastery, the chants of the monks adding a rhythmic undertone to the mountain’s wild symphony. It was not just a monument of nature, but a tableau of human resilience and aspiration.

19. Wildlife: The Mountain’s Inhabitants

Describing the wildlife that call the mountain their home can make your depiction feel more vibrant and dynamic.

From birds soaring around the peak, to marmots darting among the rocks, to the rare sightings of elusive mountain cats, the presence of fauna adds life and movement to your description.

Also, consider the specific behaviors and adaptations of these animals to the mountainous environment.

These details can contribute to the sense of authenticity and depth in your writing.

The mountain was teeming with life. Eagles circled the summit, their cries echoing off the craggy cliffs. Among the rocks, marmots scampered, their whistles a familiar soundtrack to the high-altitude serenity. Even the elusive snow leopard made its presence known with the occasional paw print in the snow, a ghostly signature of the mountain’s most enigmatic resident.

20. Geological Features: The Mountain’s Facial Features

The mountain’s geological features — such as cliffs, glaciers, waterfalls, caves, and ravines — are like its facial features, giving it a unique character and visual interest.

Describing these features can help your readers visualize the mountain more clearly.

It can also provide a setting for the action in your narrative.

These features are often the result of fascinating geological processes, and mentioning these processes can add an educational aspect to your writing.

The mountain was a showcase of geological wonders. Its northern face was a dramatic cliff, a vertical drop that plunged straight into a turquoise lake. Halfway up the eastern slope, a gleaming glacier clung stubbornly, its slow march carving deep grooves into the rock. And hidden away in the southern range was a narrow ravine, its rocky walls sheltering a tumultuous waterfall that roared with unabated ferocity.

21. Symbolism: The Mountain’s Deeper Meaning

Finally, consider using the mountain as a symbol in your narrative.

Mountains have been symbols of challenges, obstacles, inspiration, spiritual journey, and more.

Describing the mountain in a way that underscores its symbolic significance can add a layer of depth and meaning to your narrative.

The symbolism should resonate with your story’s themes and your characters’ experiences and perspectives.

The mountain stood like a colossal challenge, its peak hidden among the clouds, its slopes steep and unforgiving. To Jake, it was more than just a massive pile of rock and ice. It was a symbol of his struggle, his dreams, and the inner demons he had to conquer. Each step he took towards the summit was a step towards conquering his fears, each breath a testament to his determination.

Words to Describe Mountains (30 Words)

Here are words you can use as you develop skills for how to describe mountains in writing:

  • Snow-capped
  • Impenetrable
  • Picturesque
  • Granite-faced

Phrases to Describe Mountains (30 Phrases)

Now let’s look at phrases you can use when learning how to describe mountains in writing:

  • Towering above the clouds
  • Shrouded in morning mist
  • Capped with gleaming snow
  • Echoing with the calls of eagles
  • Jagged peaks against the skyline
  • Blanketed with lush greenery
  • Dancing in the sunset’s glow
  • Robed in autumn hues
  • Enveloped in winter’s icy grasp
  • A sentinel standing guard
  • Baring their rocky heart
  • Home to countless wildlife
  • A testament to nature’s power
  • Resilient against the elements
  • Scarred by deep ravines
  • An oasis in the sky
  • Swallowed by a sea of fog
  • Veins of waterfalls cascading down
  • Wreathed in lightning
  • Casting long shadows at dusk
  • Cloaked in serene silence
  • Whispering secrets on the wind
  • A playground for the adventurous
  • Bathed in golden sunlight
  • Smiling under a rainbow’s arch
  • A fortress against the storm
  • Echoing the mountain’s melody
  • A symphony of colors
  • Reflecting the moon’s glow
  • A challenge daring to be conquered

How to Describe Hills in Writing

Describing hills in writing involves a similar approach to describing mountains but on a smaller scale.

Size and Shape

Hills are generally smaller and more rounded than mountains.

They might be described as rolling, undulating, gentle, or sloping. You could describe them as rising and falling like the waves of a verdant sea.

Color and Texture

Describe the color and texture of the hills.

They could be carpeted in emerald grass, adorned with a quilt of wildflowers, or be a dusty brown or golden yellow in different climates and seasons.


Include the surroundings in your description.

Hills could be dotted with grazing sheep, crisscrossed by babbling brooks, or speckled with the vibrant hues of autumn leaves.

Mood and Atmosphere

Mood and atmosphere can vary dramatically.

Hills can evoke feelings of tranquility, a sense of rolling calm, or, under a stormy sky, they might become dramatic and wild.

The hills spread out like a rolling green carpet, undulating under the caress of the wind. Here and there, groves of ancient oak trees interrupted the smooth pattern, their leaves whispering stories of old. Under the golden glow of the setting sun, the hills were transformed into a landscape of molten gold and long, dancing shadows.

Here is a simple video about how to describe mountains in writing:

Final Thoughts: How to Describe Mountains in Writing

Don’t forget to wrap your theme and plot into your mountain descriptions.

When you do, your descriptions come alive for the reader.

If you enjoyed this guide, you’ll probably love the other guides listed below. Check one or two out before you go!

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The Teaching Couple

The Top 10 Descriptive Paragraphs About Mountains

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Written by Dan

Last updated February 15, 2024

As a teacher, when you’re looking for examples of descriptive paragraphs for your class to study and explore, there’s no better subject than the majesty of mountains. Mountains offer a different type of beauty—one that can be both awe-inspiring and peaceful simultaneously.

To help give your students an idea of what mountain descriptions look like, we’ve created a list with some of the top 10 most evocative passages about mountains—all written by some beloved authors over the years!

In this post, we’ll examine each with insightful quotes from each passage so that teachers can use material in their classroom activity instructions to further illustrate how expansive and captivating a description about mountains can truly be.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Descriptive Paragraphs About King Charles  here.

aerial photo of foggy mountains

Table of Contents

1. The Majestic Mountains

The mountains, like the ancient sentinels of a forgotten realm, stand tall and proud, their peaks scraping the soft belly of the cerulean sky. They rise like majestic titans, their silhouettes etched defiantly against the backdrop of the heavens.

These mountains are an epitome of grandeur and resilience, a living testament to the earth’s might and its relentless endurance. Their formidable stature is a constant reminder of the planet’s ageless strength and timeless persistence.

Their rugged surfaces, etched with the countless stories of time, are a complex tapestry of shadows and light. These surfaces, worn by the ceaseless march of seasons, bear the imprints of centuries, their crinkles and folds narrating tales of eras gone by.

This intricate mosaic of crevices and ridges, illuminated and concealed by the shifting sun, is a testament to the relentless passage of time and the enduring spirit of nature.

The sun, a celestial artist, paints the mountains with a precision that is nothing short of poetic. As it embarks on its daily journey across the expansive horizon, it bathes the mountains in a kaleidoscope of colors, from the soft pastels of dawn to the fiery hues of dusk.

The play of light and shadow over the mountains’ rugged terrain creates a dynamic landscape that changes with every passing hour, offering an ever-evolving spectacle of natural beauty.

The craggy faces of these mountainous giants, speckled with the vibrant greens of hardy vegetation and the pristine white of winter snow, hold a raw, natural beauty that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

The contrast between the harsh, unyielding rock and the delicate, fleeting snowflakes or the resilient, tenacious greenery serves as a stark reminder of nature’s paradoxical character — its capacity for both ruthlessness and gentleness.

This juxtaposition, this symphony of extremes, contributes to the mountains’ mesmerizing allure, making them a sight that is as humbling as it is breathtaking.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Descriptive Paragraphs About The Queen  here.

descriptive writing

2. A Symphony of Silence

Listen closely! The mountains speak in a symphony of silence, a language so profound that it transcends words. This silence is punctuated only by the crisp crunch of snow underfoot or the distant echo of a lone bird’s call.

It is a sound that reverberates deep within the soul, a profound hush that drowns out the clamor of the world below, offering a sanctuary where one can hear the whisper of their own thoughts. This silence is not empty but full of a stillness that sings a song of tranquility and peace.

The mountains, silent sentinels of a bygone era, are soothing balms for the soul. They offer refuge from the bustle and anxiety of daily life, allowing one to connect with a peacefulness that is eons old.

For those in need of solace, these quiet giants are beacons of hope, providing a place where one can rest and replenish their reserves of energy and strength.

The mountains beckon us to their untamed peak, inviting us to explore and discover the lessons that lay hidden within their depths. Beyond the chilly winds and steep slopes are secrets that remain untouched and unspoken, waiting for those who will brave its heights.

Those courageous enough to venture into the mountains will be rewarded with a serenity so profound it seems almost sacred, an experience they are unlikely to forget.

The mountains are powerful and mysterious, a place of awe and reverence. They are a reminder that in the vastness of our world lies something greater than ourselves, an ancient wisdom that can only be found in the silent depths of their peaks.

The majestic beauty of these silent giants stands as a testament to our fragile planet and its enduring spirit—a spirit that will continue to speak in its own language, a language of silence.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Descriptive Paragraphs About Macbeth  here.

3. The Beauty of Solitude

In the heart of the mountains, solitude is not a state of loneliness, but a tranquil companionship with nature. Here, one can commune with the wind that rustles through the pines, the snow that blankets the slopes, and the rocks that have stood the test of time.

Each element is a friend, offering comfort in its constant, unchanging presence. This solitude nurtures the spirit, providing a space for reflection and introspection, a chance to connect with oneself amidst the majesty of the natural world.

The mountains are a place of calm and repose, where one can be surrounded by beauty while still remaining in control. Here, the elements are at peace, and one is free to explore the depths of their own inner world.

The harshness of the terrain encourages self-reliance and teaches resilience, while its serenity facilitates contemplation and growth. The mountains offer a unique opportunity to experience the joy of being alone, far away from the clamor and chaos of everyday life.

The beauty of the mountains is that they offer something for everyone. For some, it’s an escape from the hustle and bustle; for others, an adventure in a wild and untamed world.

But no matter what the purpose, in the mountains one is never truly alone. The company of nature’s elements provides an unspoken companionship—a presence that remains steady and true no matter how far one ventures into the unknown.

The mountains are a place of solace, with their majestic beauty and ancient secrets luring us to explore its depths. Here, amidst the stillness and peace of its peaks, we can find refuge from the chaos of life. The mountains are a reminder that no matter how isolated we may feel, there is always something greater than ourselves that surrounds and sustains us.

They offer a glimpse into an ancient wisdom beyond our understanding, serving as both an inspiration and a protector. In these silent giants lies the promise of solace and serenity, a reminder that beauty and power are intertwined in the timeless embrace of nature.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Descriptive Paragraphs About The Wind  here.

4. The Dance of Light and Shadow

At dawn, the mountains are cloaked in ethereal hues of pink and gold, their jagged silhouettes sharp against the awakening sky. As the day progresses, they transform into an ever-changing tableau of light and shadow, each hour revealing a new facet of their beauty.

The sun, in its celestial dance, plays with the mountains, casting shadows that creep and retreat, highlighting ridges and illuminating valleys. At dusk, they are bathed in the fiery glow of the setting sun, their peaks aflame with a riot of colors, as if bidding a spectacular farewell to the day.

The mountains are a living, breathing canvas, their faces ever-changing. The subtle hues of morning mist, the play of light and shadow at noon and twilight’s golden curtain; each is a unique symphony that speaks to the soul.

They evoke emotions ranging from awe and wonder to reverence and serenity, inspiring feelings that can only be found in the embrace of nature.

The mountains are more than just a beautiful sight, they are portals to an alternate reality filled with possibility and potential. They remind us that there is beauty even in moments of darkness, if we take the time to look for it.

By exploring their depths, we can discover our own inner strength and courage—strengths that can be found only in the depths of their majestic passes.

The beauty of the mountains is timeless, and as the sun sets each day they remind us that the world is constantly changing, even if it appears otherwise. They invite us to step into a realm where dreams are made and infinite potential awaits.

No matter how daunting it may seem, these silent sentinels are a reminder that the journey is worth taking—for in the depths of their peaks lies an enchantment beyond our wildest imaginings.

5. The Mountains’ Might

The mountains, with their towering peaks and deep, mysterious valleys, are a testament to the earth’s raw power. They are sculpted by the relentless forces of wind and water, carved by the slow crawl of glaciers and the ceaseless march of time.

Their strength is palpable, radiating a quiet assurance that they will endure long after we have returned to the dust. Their might serves as a reminder of our own insignificance in the face of nature’s grandeur, a humbling experience that puts our fleeting existence into perspective.

The mountains are a source of strength and inspiration, pushing us to the limits of our physical and mental abilities. They challenge us in ways that other environments cannot, teaching resilience and perseverance in the face of hardship.

The sheer magnitude of their slopes teach us humility, while their rugged beauty elicits feelings of awe and wonderment. In the presence of these silent sentinels, we can’t help but feel small.

The mountains are a source of solace and strength—a reminder that beauty and power are intertwined in the timeless embrace of nature. Here, amidst the stillness and peace of its peaks, we can find refuge from the chaos of life. The mountains beckon us to explore beyond our comfort zone, reminding us that there is always something greater than ourselves that we can strive for.

They offer a glimpse into an ancient wisdom beyond our understanding, a reminder that the journey is worth taking—for in the depths of their peaks lies an enchantment beyond our wildest imaginings.

Descriptive Paragraphs About Mountains

6. The Call of the Wild

In the heart of the mountains, the wild calls with a primal lure, awakening a deep-seated yearning for exploration and adventure. Here, amidst the rugged terrain, the untamed beauty, one can feel truly alive, their senses sharpened by the crisp mountain air and the stunning vistas that unfold at every turn.

The mountains call to the adventurer within us, beckoning us to lose ourselves in their wilderness, to breathe in their purity, to become one with their untamed spirit.

The mountains are a playground for the soul, an escape from the mundane and everyday. They invite us to explore their secrets, to discover forgotten trails hidden in their folds, to marvel at their natural wonders.

Here we can find true freedom, where danger is ever-present and adventure abounds. The wild beckons to us—to take risks, face our fears, and test the limits of ourselves.

The mountains are a reminder that life should be lived to its fullest. They invite us to break free from the chains of everyday life and take a leap into the unknown. Here we can find solace in nature’s embrace, discover hidden treasures, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure.

The mountains are a call to the wild, an invitation to explore their depths and discover our true potential. They offer us a glimpse into an ancient wisdom beyond our understanding, reminding us that beauty and power are intertwined in the timeless embrace of nature. Adventure awaits—all we have to do is heed its call. Take the plunge, embrace the risk, and find strength in the wild.

7. A Sanctuary of Serenity

The mountains offer a sanctuary of serenity, a haven from the hustle and bustle of life. Their timeless beauty and tranquil silence provide a balm for the weary soul, healing the wounds inflicted by the frenetic pace of modern existence.

Here, one can find peace, solitude, and a profound connection with nature. The mountains teach us to slow down, to appreciate the simple beauty of a sunrise or the quiet majesty of a snow-capped peak, to find joy in the journey rather than the destination.

The mountains have a magnetic quality, an otherworldly aura that draws us in. They offer a respite from the noise and chaos of life—a place to reflect, rejuvenate, and find clarity. In their embrace we can reconnect with our true selves, discover our innermost passions and dreams, and begin anew.

The mountains are a reminder of the power of nature and its ability to heal. They are a source of strength, courage, and peace—a sanctuary for the weary traveler. Each peak is an invitation to explore, to climb higher than ever before and bask in the awe-inspiring beauty that lies beyond.

The mountains provide a refuge from our daily lives, offering us solace in their stillness and serenity. Let us take a deep breath and be filled with the peace that only nature can provide.

8. The Seasons’ Canvas

The mountains are the canvas upon which the seasons paint their masterpieces. Winter swathes them in a blanket of pristine snow, transforming their rough terrain into a shimmering wonderland of white.

Spring adorns them with a burst of color as flowers bloom and trees bud, breathing life into their slopes. Summer bathes them in warmth and light, revealing their full splendor in the long, golden days. Autumn, the grand artist, sets them ablaze with fiery hues of red and orange, making a spectacle of their descent into winter.

The canvas of the mountains is ever-changing, a stark reminder that nothing in life is constant. The rocky terrain is both relentless and resilient, weathering centuries of storms, floods, snowstorms, and droughts. It stands as a silent witness to the passing of time—to the ebbs and flows of nature’s cycle—reminding us of our own mortality.

The mountains are a reminder that life is fleeting, but also ever-renewing. They offer us a glimpse into the renewal of life through the changing seasons, reminding us to take pleasure in the little moments and savor each experience with all our senses. Let us be still and marvel at the beauty of nature’s canvas, for here lies a never-ending source of inspiration.

The mountains are more than just a backdrop to life’s ups and downs—they are our teachers, guides, and companions. In their embrace we can find strength and solace in times of struggle, and joy and peace in times of ease.

Let us take the time to listen to their silent voices, and find the courage to embrace their call. The mountains await—all we have to do is heed its call. Take the plunge, embrace the risk, and explore the wilds of life’s eternal canvas.

9. The Mountains’ Majesty

There is an undeniable majesty to the mountains. They rise from the earth like colossal sculptures, their contours shaped by the hand of nature. Their peaks, wreathed in clouds, seem to touch the heavens, reaching for the stars in their silent, stoic way.

Their valleys, cloaked in mist, hold a mystical allure, hiding secrets in their depths. In their towering grandeur, the mountains command respect and awe, inspiring poets and artists, dreamers and adventurers alike.

The mountains challenge us, calling us to re-examine our place in the natural world. They remind us of our insignificance and mortality, but also of the strength and resilience that lies within all of us.

Here we can find courage to take risks, explore new possibilities, and live life to its fullest. The mountains beckon—to stand in their glory, to marvel at their timeless beauty, and to be moved by the awesomeness of nature.

The mountains offer us a chance to reconnect with the wildness within ourselves—a part of our true selves that has been forgotten in today’s modern world. To climb a mountain is to break free from the mundane routine of life, to escape from the confines of comfort and be filled with a sense of freedom.

Let us take a moment to marvel at the majesty of the mountains, for here lies an inexhaustible source of inspiration and strength.

The mountains have been witnesses to our struggles and triumphs throughout history—they are part of our collective memory, a reminder that we can overcome any obstacle and find joy in the journey.

Let us embrace their call and take a plunge into the unknown, for here lies a chance to explore uncharted terrain and discover our true potential. The mountains await—all we have to do is heed its call. Take the plunge, embrace the risk, and find strength in the wilds of life’s ever-changing landscape.

10. The Mountains’ Song

The mountains sing a song as old as time itself. It is a melody woven from the rustle of leaves, the babble of brooks, the whistle of the wind, and the call of the wild. It is a symphony that resonates in the heart, a tune that speaks of peace, strength, beauty, and the eternal rhythm of nature.

This song, once heard, stays with you, a haunting melody that calls you back to the mountains, to their majesty, their solitude, and their wild, untamed beauty.

The mountains’ song is a reminder to take pleasure in the little moments and savor each experience with all our senses. Let us pause to listen and be filled with the serenity that only nature can provide.

The mountains may be silent, but their song speaks of life and its mysteries—of adventure, courage, hope, and renewal. In its embrace we can find the strength to take risks, explore new possibilities, and live life to its fullest.

The mountains are alive with their song—a never-ending source of inspiration and courage. Let us take a moment to listen, and find the resolve to heed their call.

Take the plunge, embrace the risk, and explore the wilds of life’s eternal song. The mountains await—all we have to do is listen. So take a deep breath and be filled with the peace that only nature can provide, for here lies an adventure unlike any other.

creative writing examples mountains

In conclusion, these top 10 descriptive paragraphs about mountains serve as perfect examples of the power of evocative language. Each passage offers a unique perspective on the majesty and beauty of mountains, highlighting their grandeur, tranquility, and the awe they inspire.

The various descriptions illustrate how the same subject can be depicted in numerous ways, depending on the author’s choice of words and imagery.

These passages serve not only as a tool for teaching descriptive writing but also as an invitation for students to explore their own experiences and emotions, encouraging them to convey their thoughts and feelings with similar depth and vividness. By studying these examples, students can learn to appreciate the richness of descriptive language and the endless possibilities it offers for expressing their perceptions and experiences.

Furthermore, these passages remind us that nature, particularly the magnificence of mountains, provides an abundant source of inspiration for writers. By learning to observe and describe the natural world around them, students can cultivate their observational skills, expand their vocabulary, and develop their ability to create compelling, immersive descriptions.

In essence, these masterfully crafted passages about mountains are more than just examples of descriptive writing; they are a testament to the beauty of language and its power to bring the world to life in the reader’s mind.

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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Effective Tips & Examples to Describe Mountains via Words: A Comprehensive Guide

Describe Mountains in Writing

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Mountains have always been a source of awe and wonder for people. Their majestic beauty has inspired numerous poets, writers, and artists throughout history. However, describing the beauty of mountains through words can be a challenging task for many. To help with this challenge, this article presents 21 effective tips and examples to describe mountains through words.

The article covers a wide range of tips and examples that can be used to describe mountains compellingly and vividly. From using sensory details to creating vivid imagery, the article provides readers with a comprehensive guide on how to describe mountains in a way that captures their awe-inspiring beauty. Whether you are a writer, poet, or simply someone who loves the mountains, this article is sure to provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you describe them in a way that does justice to their majesty.

Overall, this article aims to provide readers with a deeper appreciation of the beauty of mountains and to help them convey that beauty through words. By following the tips and examples outlined in the article, readers can learn how to create vivid and compelling descriptions of mountains that capture their awe-inspiring majesty.

The Aesthetics of Mountains

creative writing examples mountains

Describing the Visual Splendor

Mountains are a breathtaking sight to behold, with their towering peaks, rugged landscapes, and stunning natural wonders. The grandeur and beauty of mountains are often described using vivid language that captures the essence of their majesty and awe-inspiring presence.

One way to describe mountains is by their towering height, which can be conveyed through words like “looming,” “towering,” or “majestic.” The ruggedness of their terrain can be described using words like “jagged,” “craggy,” or “rocky,” which help to convey the harshness of the mountain landscape.

Mountains are also known for their picturesque beauty, which can be described using words like “scenic,” “panoramic,” or “stunning.” The color of the mountains can also be described using words like “vibrant,” “earth-toned,” or “pastel,” depending on the season and location.

Language of Mountain Beauty

The language used to describe the beauty of mountains is often poetic and evocative, drawing on metaphors and similes to convey the majesty and grandeur of these natural wonders. For example, mountains are often described as “cathedrals of nature,” “sentinels of the sky,” or “giants of the earth,” which help to convey their towering presence and awe-inspiring beauty.

Other ways to describe the beauty of mountains include using words like “pristine,” “untouched,” or “unspoiled,” which convey the sense of purity and natural wonder that these landscapes evoke. Mountains are also often described as “breathtaking,” “awe-inspiring,” or “magnificent,” which capture the sense of wonder and amazement that they inspire in those who behold them.

In conclusion, the aesthetics of mountains are a wonder to behold, and the language used to describe them is often poetic, evocative, and full of vivid imagery. By using words that capture the grandeur, beauty, and ruggedness of these natural wonders, we can convey their majesty and inspire others to explore and appreciate their splendor.

Physical Characteristics of Mountains

creative writing examples mountains

Size and Shape

Mountains come in all shapes and sizes, from small hills to towering peaks. The size of a mountain is often measured by its elevation, which is the height of the mountain’s summit above sea level. Some of the world’s tallest peaks, such as Mount Everest and K2, are over 8,000 meters high, while others, like the Rocky Mountains in North America, are much shorter.

The shape of a mountain can vary greatly depending on its location and the geological forces that shaped it. Some mountains are cone-shaped, with a pointed summit and steep slopes that rise sharply from the surrounding landscape. Other mountains are more rounded, with gently sloping sides that gradually rise to a broad summit.

Geological Features

Mountains are formed by a variety of geological processes, including tectonic activity, volcanic eruptions, and erosion. As a result, they can display a wide range of geological features.

Many mountains are characterized by steep, rocky slopes that are difficult to climb. These slopes are often jagged and uneven, with sharp ridges and deep gullies. Some mountains are also home to glaciers, which are massive sheets of ice that slowly flow down the mountain’s slopes.

In addition to these physical features, mountains can also be home to a variety of plant and animal life. Some mountainous regions are covered in dense forests, while others are barren and rocky. Many mountains are also snow-capped year-round, creating a stunning landscape that is both beautiful and awe-inspiring.

Emotional and Symbolic Associations

creative writing examples mountains

Mountains have long been associated with a range of emotions and symbolic meanings. From inspiring awe and enchantment to representing timelessness and tranquility, mountains have played a significant role in culture and mythology throughout history. This section will explore the emotional and symbolic associations that people have with mountains.

Mountains in Culture and Mythology

Mountains have been a prominent feature in many cultures and mythologies around the world. In some cultures, mountains are seen as sacred places imbued with spiritual power. For example, in Hinduism, Mount Kailash is considered the abode of Lord Shiva, while in Buddhism, Mount Everest is regarded as a sacred site.

In other cultures, mountains are associated with legends and myths. For example, the Greek myth of Mount Olympus tells the story of the twelve Olympian gods who lived atop the mountain. Similarly, in Norse mythology, the god Odin lived in Valhalla, a great hall located in the mountains.

Personal Connections and Emotions

For many people, mountains hold a special place in their hearts. Whether it’s the sense of awe-inspiring grandeur they evoke or the feeling of being enveloped in their tranquil beauty, mountains can elicit a wide range of emotions.

For some, mountains represent a sense of adventure and exploration. The challenge of climbing a mountain can be both physically and mentally demanding, but the reward of reaching the summit can be incredibly satisfying. Others may find solace in the peacefulness of the mountains, using them as a place to escape the stresses of everyday life.

Overall, the emotional and symbolic associations that people have with mountains are as varied as the mountains themselves. From inspiring awe and enchantment to representing timelessness and tranquility, mountains continue to captivate and fascinate people around the world.

The Mountain Ecosystem

creative writing examples mountains

Mountains are not just about their stunning beauty but also about the ecosystem they harbor. The mountain ecosystem is unique and diverse, with a wide range of flora and fauna that have adapted to the harsh climatic conditions.

Flora and Fauna

The flora and fauna of mountains are well adapted to the climatic conditions of the region. Most of the plants that grow in the mountains are small and hardy, with deep roots that help them survive in the rocky soil. Some of the common plants found in the mountains include conifers, alpine flowers, and grasses.

Similarly, the fauna of the mountain ecosystem is also unique and diverse. Mountains provide a habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including bears, deer, mountain goats, and bighorn sheep. Many of these animals have evolved unique adaptations to survive in the mountain environment, such as thick fur to keep warm, large hooves to navigate rocky terrain, and keen senses to detect predators.

Climatic Conditions

The climatic conditions of the mountain ecosystem are harsh and extreme. The temperature in the mountains can drop significantly, especially at higher elevations. The air is also thinner, making it harder to breathe.

The mountain ecosystem is also vulnerable to climate change. As temperatures rise, glaciers melt, and weather patterns change, the mountain ecosystem is at risk of losing its delicate balance. This can have a significant impact on the flora and fauna that call the mountains their home.

In conclusion, the mountain ecosystem is a unique and diverse habitat that is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. The climatic conditions of the mountains are harsh and extreme, but the plants and animals that inhabit the region have adapted to survive. However, the mountain ecosystem is also vulnerable to climate change, and it is important to protect this delicate ecosystem for future generations.

Narrative Techniques for Describing Mountains

When it comes to describing mountains in writing, various narrative techniques can be employed to effectively convey their beauty, majesty, and grandeur. Two such techniques are utilizing sensory details and incorporating historical context.

Utilizing Sensory Details

One effective way to describe mountains is by utilizing sensory details. This involves using vivid language that appeals to the reader’s senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. By doing so, the reader can better imagine the mountain and feel as if they are experiencing it firsthand.

For example, a writer might describe the snow-capped peaks of a mountain range as “glistening in the sunlight like diamonds” or “towering above the clouds like giants.” They might also describe the sound of a mountain stream as “babbling softly over the rocks” or “roaring fiercely through the canyon.” By incorporating sensory details, the writer can make the reader feel as if they are truly experiencing the mountain themselves.

Incorporating Historical Context

Another effective technique for describing mountains is by incorporating historical context. This involves providing information about the mountain’s history, such as its formation, geological features, and cultural significance. By doing so, the reader can better understand the mountain’s place in the world and appreciate its beauty on a deeper level.

For example, a writer might describe the formation of a mountain range as the result of tectonic activity over millions of years. They might also describe the cultural significance of a mountain to a particular group of people, such as the Native American tribes who consider Mount Shasta to be a sacred site. By incorporating historical context, the writer can provide a richer, more nuanced description of the mountain.

Overall, by utilizing sensory details and incorporating historical context, a writer can effectively describe mountains in writing and transport the reader to a world of natural wonder and beauty.

Example Sentences :

  • The mountain range rose majestically in the distance, its snow-capped peaks glistening in the sunlight like diamonds.
  • The sound of the mountain stream was soothing, the water babbling softly over the rocks as it flowed downstream.
  • Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, has long been a symbol of human achievement and a testament to the power of nature.

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How To Describe Mountains In Writing

How To Describe Mountains In Writing (12 Steps You Need To Know)

Describing mountains in writing is an art as ancient as the peaks themselves, a craft that beckons writers to evoke the grandeur and mystique of these colossal natural wonders. Mountains stand as sentinels of time, their rugged contours and towering summits carrying tales of epochs past.

They are living entities, resonating with the whispers of the wind, the secrets of ancient rocks, and the footprints of countless travelers who have stood in their awe-inspiring presence.

In the pages that follow, we embark on a literary journey, exploring the techniques and nuances of describing mountains with depth and resonance.

From the power of sensory details to the magic of metaphors, from the influence of cultural context to the imprint of human interaction, we shall unravel the rich tapestry of mountain description, enabling writers to harness words as tools to capture the essence of these majestic giants and transport readers to the sublime world they represent.

Table of Contents

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Describing mountains in writing involves creating vivid imagery and conveying the beauty, majesty, and awe-inspiring nature of these natural wonders. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to do it:


Start by carefully observing the mountains you want to describe. Note their size, shape, and the surrounding landscape. Pay attention to details such as snow-capped peaks, rocky cliffs, or lush forests.

Gather information about the specific mountain range or peak you’re describing. Learn about its geological history, flora, fauna, and any cultural or historical significance it holds.

Imagery and Metaphors

Use descriptive language, metaphors, and similes to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Compare the mountains to objects or animals to evoke a sense of scale or grandeur. For example, “The towering peaks rose like ancient giants, their rugged faces weathered by time.”

Sensory Details

Appeal to the reader’s senses by describing the sights, sounds, smells, and even tastes associated with the mountains. Mention the crisp mountain air, the scent of pine trees, the sound of rushing streams, or the taste of fresh mountain water.

Emotions and Feelings

Describe the emotional impact of the mountains on both you as the writer and the potential reader. Convey feelings of wonder, awe, serenity, or exhilaration. Make the reader feel like they are experiencing the mountains themselves.

Geographical Features

Discuss notable geographical features such as peaks, valleys, ridges, and glaciers. Explain how these elements contribute to the mountain’s character and charm.

Weather and Seasons

Consider how the mountains change with the seasons and the weather. Describe the play of light and shadow on the slopes, the dramatic effect of a sunrise or sunset, or the stark beauty of a snow-covered landscape.

Human Connection

If relevant, include stories or anecdotes about human interactions with the mountains, whether it’s about climbing adventures, spiritual significance, or cultural traditions associated with the area.


Organize your description logically, considering the viewpoint and perspective from which you’re describing the mountains. You can start with an overall view and then zoom in on specific details.

Revision and Editing

After writing your description, revise and edit it to ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any redundant or unnecessary details, and refine your language to make it more evocative.

Read your description aloud to yourself or someone else. This can help you identify awkward phrasing or areas where the description can be improved for better flow and impact.

Seek feedback from others to get different perspectives on your description. They may provide insights or suggestions that you hadn’t considered.

Remember that the goal of describing mountains in writing is to transport the reader to this majestic landscape, allowing them to visualize, feel, and connect with the natural beauty and grandeur of the mountainscape.

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Setting the Scene

Setting the scene amidst the towering sentinels of stone, you step into a world where time dances to the rhythm of mountains.

As the sun dips below the horizon, its last fiery kiss paints the craggy peaks in hues of orange and gold, casting long shadows that whisper secrets in the gathering twilight.

The air, crisp and bracing, carries the faint scent of pine needles, a fragrant prelude to the serenade of nature that awaits.

In this ethereal moment, the mountains stand as ancient guardians, their very silence a symphony of anticipation, inviting you to embark on an adventure where each step is a brushstroke on the canvas of your own epic tale.

Choose the appropriate location and context for your mountain description

Selecting the perfect location and context for your mountain description is akin to choosing the setting for a masterpiece.

Whether it’s the jagged peaks of the Himalayas piercing the sky, the rolling Appalachians shrouded in mist, or the rugged Rockies crowned with evergreen, each locale offers its own enchanting narrative.

Consider the purpose of your description – is it the backdrop for a heart-pounding adventure, a place of spiritual retreat, or a testament to nature’s grandeur? The context may change the mountains’ character entirely, from foreboding and challenging to serene and awe-inspiring.

The choice of setting is a portal through which your readers will embark on a sensory journey, so make it with care, for it will determine the mood and magic of your mountain narrative.

Consider the time of day and weather conditions to set the mood

The time of day and weather conditions are the brushstrokes that paint the emotional canvas of your mountain description. In the soft blush of dawn, mountains awaken from their slumber, bathed in the gentle glow of morning light, evoking a sense of hope and new beginnings.

As the sun reaches its zenith, the mountains bask in the brilliance of day, their features sharply defined, inviting exploration and adventure.

However, at dusk, when the sky transforms into a tapestry of indigos and purples, the mountains take on an air of mystery, their rugged contours casting long shadows that stir the imagination.

Weather conditions, whether it be the gentle caress of a warm breeze or the furious roar of a storm, add depth and complexity to this narrative, amplifying the mood from serene tranquility to tempestuous drama.

By skillfully weaving these elements together, you can orchestrate a symphony of sensations that will immerse your readers in the very heart and soul of your mountainous world.

Descriptive Language

Descriptive language is the alchemist’s toolkit of the writer, the enchanting spell that transforms mere words into vivid, pulsating worlds.

It’s the artist’s palette of colors, each word a brushstroke that conjures mountains that rise like titans, forests that whisper secrets, and skies that weep or dazzle.

With the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel, it dissects the intricacies of texture, taste, and scent, allowing readers to taste the crispness of an apple, to feel the cool caress of satin, or to breathe the earthy perfume of a rain-soaked forest.

In the hands of a skilled wordsmith, descriptive language becomes a symphony of senses, a portal to realms unexplored, and a journey where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, leaving readers breathless and yearning for more.

The power of sensory details

Sensory details possess a profound magic that transcends the mere act of storytelling; they are the soul of immersion. They allow readers to traverse the boundaries of mere words and fully inhabit the world you’ve crafted.

With them, you can make the reader feel the bite of winter’s icy breath on their cheeks, taste the tantalizing sweetness of ripe mangoes, hear the whispering secrets of ancient oak trees, see the world through the eyes of your characters, and even touch the ethereal fabric of their dreams.

Sensory details are the keys to unlocking the doors of imagination, inviting readers to step inside and become an integral part of the narrative, forging a connection so intimate that the line between fiction and reality blurs, and the story lives on long after the last page has been turned.

Personification and Metaphor

Personification and metaphor are the enchanting conjurers of emotions in the realm of words. They infuse life into the inanimate, beckoning mountains to whisper their ageless wisdom and rivers to sing their serenades.

Mountains become ancient sages, their peaks crowned with silvered hair, while rivers dance like carefree spirits.

Metaphors, on the other hand, transform the mundane into the extraordinary, turning everyday moments into profound revelations.

They’re the alchemists of storytelling, turning leaden words into the gold of meaning. Like a masterful illusionist, they draw back the curtains on hidden truths, inviting readers to explore the uncharted territory of emotions and ideas.

Personification and metaphor are the symphony’s crescendo and the artist’s brushstroke, painting the world in vibrant, imaginative hues and leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of the reader’s mind.

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Breathing life into the mountains

Breathing life into the mountains is akin to invoking ancient deities from the depths of slumber. It’s the art of making those towering colossi pulse with the heartbeat of the Earth itself.

Mountains become more than geological formations; they turn into sentient beings, guardians of secrets veiled by time. Their craggy visage takes on human-like qualities, with peaks that whisper the tales of ages and valleys that hold the echoes of forgotten voices.

As writers, we imbue these stoic giants with emotions—awe, reverence, and sometimes, a touch of foreboding, making them integral characters in the narrative of our stories.

Breathing life into the mountains is our way of honoring their grandeur, inviting readers to stand in their shadow and feel the primal connection between humanity and the sublime forces of nature.

Employ metaphors to convey emotions or symbolic meaning

Metaphors are the storyteller’s secret code, the keys to unlocking the deeper layers of emotion and meaning within a narrative.

They are the bridges that connect the tangible with the intangible, offering readers a fresh perspective on the familiar. Like a lighthouse cutting through the fog, metaphors pierce through the surface of words to illuminate hidden truths and emotions.

They can transform a mere raindrop into a diamond tear of sorrow, or a sunset into a blazing farewell kiss. Through metaphors, writers can paint emotions and ideas with a palette of vivid imagery, creating a richer, more resonant experience for the reader.

Metaphors breathe life into the abstract, infusing it with tangible vitality, and serve as the unspoken language of the heart in the symphony of storytelling.

Historical and Cultural Context

Historical and cultural context is the timeworn tapestry upon which every story is woven, each thread carrying the weight of centuries.

It’s a labyrinth of forgotten whispers and resounding echoes, where the deeds of ancestors and the tales of forgotten tribes cast long shadows into the present.

Like a seasoned archaeologist, delving into this context unearths treasures of myth, legends, and lost civilizations, enriching the narrative with the vibrant colors of tradition and heritage.

Historical and cultural context transforms the mountains into not just geological wonders but also storied landmarks of human struggle and triumph, where each peak holds the secrets of generations and each valley cradles the hopes and fears of those who once called these lands home.

It is the alchemy that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary, transcending time and space to paint the past on the canvas of the present.

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Highlight the significance of the mountains in local culture or history

Mountains are more than geological marvels; they are the sacred tomes of local culture and history, their peaks etched with stories passed down through generations like cherished heirlooms.

These towering giants are the silent witnesses to the trials and triumphs of civilizations, serving as natural citadels of strength and inspiration. In the eyes of indigenous peoples, mountains are often seen as living entities, their spirits guarding the land and guiding the way.

They become the backdrop for ancient rituals, the settings for epic myths, and the compass points of tradition.

By highlighting the significance of mountains in local culture and history, we connect with the very soul of a place, drawing readers into a world where nature and human heritage intertwine in a dance as old as time itself.

Explore any myths, legends, or folklore associated with the mountains

Mountains are like the storytellers of the earth, their towering presence inspiring myths, legends, and folklore that transcend generations.

They become the epicenter of human imagination, with every peak and valley carrying its own enigmatic narrative. In these sacred heights, gods and monsters clash, heroes rise, and mysteries unfold. Perhaps it’s the abode of a benevolent deity, or a place where a forbidden love once bloomed, frozen in time.

These myths breathe life into the rocks and forests, making the mountains not just geological formations but living canvases where the echoes of ancient voices resound.

Exploring the myths, legends, and folklore associated with mountains is like peering through a time-worn tapestry, revealing the dreams, fears, and aspirations of cultures that have found their sanctuary in the embrace of these majestic natural wonders.

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Discuss the impact of human activity on the mountains (e.g., mining, tourism)

The impact of human activity on mountains is a double-edged sword that has left indelible marks on these majestic landscapes.

Mining, with its insatiable appetite for resources, has scarred mountains, leaving wounds that bear witness to our relentless pursuit of wealth. The scars of extraction are not just physical; they reverberate through ecosystems, endangering unique flora and fauna, and disrupt the delicate balance of nature.

Conversely, tourism, while offering a source of livelihood, also presents challenges. The influx of visitors can strain fragile mountain ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation and pollution.

However, responsible tourism can foster conservation efforts and appreciation for these natural wonders, preserving them for future generations. Balancing the impact of human activity on mountains is a pressing concern, for the fate of these ancient sentinels is intricately woven with our own.

Unique Features and Geological Formation

In the gallery of nature’s masterpieces, mountains stand as the grand architects’ magnum opus, each range adorned with its own unique features and geological formations.

They are Earth’s storytellers, their craggy peaks and yawning chasms bearing witness to the eons of change that have sculpted them.

Some wear the jagged crowns of snow-covered summits, like ancient kings donned in regal attire, while others harbor secret valleys hidden within their rugged embrace, mysterious sanctuaries where time itself seems to stand still.

From the fiery birth of volcanoes to the patient carving of canyons by meandering rivers, mountains are geological canvases painted with the brushstrokes of elemental forces.

Each range whispers its own saga, a narrative of upheaval and serenity, resilience and fragility, and in their unique features and geological formation, they beckon us to explore the ancient tales etched into their very bones.

Explain the geological forces that shaped the mountains

Mountains are the result of an epic geological ballet, a symphony of forces that have shaped and sculpted their majestic forms over millions of years.

The most common dance partners in this geologic pas de deux are tectonic plates, colossal slabs of the Earth’s lithosphere, which collide, converge, or slide past each other.

When plates collide, immense pressure builds, causing the Earth’s crust to crumple and fold like a rumpled carpet, giving birth to mighty mountain ranges. Volcanoes, the fiery soloists of this drama, erupt with molten passion, spewing magma and ash to create volcanic mountains.

Rivers, with their relentless erosive dance, chisel away at mountain slopes, carving deep canyons and valleys. Glaciers, like slow-moving glaciers of time, grind down rock and carve U-shaped valleys.

Geological forces, as patient as they are powerful, are the choreographers of the world’s most awe-inspiring landscapes, etching the mountains’ stories into the very bedrock of our planet.

How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Emphasize any unique geological formations (e.g., peaks, valleys, ridges)

Within the rugged embrace of mountains, nature’s artistic prowess shines brightly, adorning these colossal sculptures with a gallery of unique geological formations.

Majestic peaks, like nature’s own spires, thrust upward into the sky, each one a sentinel of stone reaching for the heavens. Valleys cradle secrets in their verdant embrace, their depths echoing with whispers of ancient rivers and time’s passage. Ridges, like the sinews of giants, stretch across the landscape, guiding the eye and spirit along their sinuous paths.

Each formation tells a story etched in rock and sediment, a narrative of geological drama played out over epochs.

These unique features are the fingerprints of nature, rendering each mountain range a living testament to Earth’s ceaseless creativity, beckoning adventurers and poets alike to explore the untold tales written in stone.

Weather and Atmosphere

Weather and atmosphere are the ethereal maestros of the mountain symphony, the unseen orchestrators of mood and drama.

They are the choreographers of misty veils that wrap peaks in enigmatic shrouds, turning mountains into mystical guardians of secrets. When sunlight dances upon slopes, it transforms these giants into glistening titans, their beauty dazzling and unapologetic.

Yet, as storms brew on the horizon, the mountains become battlegrounds where elemental forces clash, unleashing thunderous crescendos and torrents of rain.

Weather and atmosphere are the stage on which the theater of nature unfolds, casting mountains as both protagonists and spectators in the ever-evolving drama of Earth’s grand narrative.

They are the invisible hand that brushes strokes of emotion across the canvas of the wilderness, leaving spectators breathless in the presence of nature’s timeless artistry.

Human Interaction

Human interaction with mountains is a delicate dance between conquest and reverence, a passionate affair with nature’s most formidable paramour.

With each ascent, we imprint our footprints on the trails and history of these ancient giants, seeking to conquer their summits and claim a piece of their grandeur as our own.

Yet, as we ascend, we are humbled by the magnitude of these majestic sentinels, and their presence evokes a sense of awe that defies words.

We build trails, cabins, and roads to explore their secrets, but in doing so, we also become custodians, charged with the sacred duty of preserving their pristine beauty for generations yet unborn.

Human interaction with mountains is a paradoxical romance, a tale of ambition tempered by humility, and as we journey through their majestic landscapes, we discover that, in the end, it is the mountains themselves that leave an indelible mark upon our souls.

Depict the presence of people in the mountainous setting

Amidst the grandeur of the mountainous setting, the presence of people is like fleeting punctuation marks in nature’s eloquent prose.

Hikers, their boots echoing in the rocky canyons, become humble pilgrims in search of enlightenment, while mountaineers, like audacious explorers, ascend to touch the sky.

Small villages, nestled in the shadows of towering peaks, evoke a sense of resilient communities that have coexisted with these giants for centuries, their hearths warmed by the spirit of the mountains.

Visitors become curious interlopers, absorbing the wisdom of ancient trees, capturing the mountains’ majesty with every click of their cameras, and leaving behind traces of their presence, much like the footprints of passing wildlife.

In the mountainous setting, people are both observers and participants, their lives woven into the fabric of these landscapes, creating a story where humanity and nature engage in an eternal dialogue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe Mountains In Writing

Can i use metaphors and symbolism to describe mountains, and how do i choose the right ones.

Absolutely! Metaphors and symbolism can enhance your description. To choose the right ones, think about what aspect of the mountain you want to emphasize. For instance, comparing a mountain to a sleeping giant can evoke a sense of tranquility and grandeur.

How can I make my mountain description stand out from the rest?

To make your description unique, focus on the personal connection you have with the mountains. Share your emotions, memories, or experiences related to the mountains. This will add a distinctive perspective to your writing.

Are there any lesser-known mountain features I can highlight in my description?

Certainly! Look for unique geological features, unusual flora and fauna, or lesser-explored trails and viewpoints. Highlighting these less common aspects can make your description more interesting.

Should I incorporate cultural or historical elements when describing mountains?

Yes, if relevant. Cultural or historical context can add depth to your description. Explore the mountain’s significance in local folklore, indigenous cultures, or historical events, and weave these elements into your narrative.

How do I balance scientific accuracy with artistic expression when describing the geology of mountains?

It’s important to strike a balance. Use scientific terms sparingly and in a way that enhances your description. Combine geological facts with poetic language to create a harmonious blend of art and science.

Can I describe mountains from different perspectives, such as a hiker’s viewpoint versus a poet’s viewpoint?

Absolutely! In fact, varying perspectives can make your writing more engaging. Describe the mountains from different viewpoints, such as a hiker’s physical experience and a poet’s emotional interpretation.

What role does weather play in describing mountains, and how can I capture its essence in my writing?

Weather can significantly impact the mood of your description. Use descriptive language to convey how weather conditions like mist, rain, or sunshine transform the mountainscape. Describe the interplay between weather and the mountain’s character.

Are there any unique storytelling techniques I can use when describing mountains?

Consider employing storytelling techniques like personification, where you attribute human qualities to the mountains, or using a mountain as a central character in your narrative. This can infuse your description with a unique storytelling twist.

How can I make my readers feel like they are experiencing the mountains firsthand through my writing?

To immerse your readers, use sensory details, emotional language, and vivid imagery. Encourage them to visualize, feel, and emotionally connect with the mountains as if they were there.

Can you provide an example of a mountain description that incorporates all these unique elements?

Certainly! Here’s an example that combines personal connection, cultural context, and vivid imagery: “As I stood atop the ancient Appalachian peak, I felt a kinship with the Cherokee legends that spoke of this mountain as a sacred guardian. The sun bathed the rolling ridges in golden light, and the whispering winds carried tales of centuries past, inviting me to step into the pages of history.” Remember, the key to describing mountains uniquely is to infuse your personal perspective, creativity, and a blend of different elements that resonate with your writing style and purpose.

In the realm of writing, describing mountains is a voyage that takes us from the mundane to the sublime, from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Through the craft of evocative language, we have traversed the peaks and valleys of the mountainous world, painting vivid landscapes in the minds of readers.

From the ancient myths woven into their slopes to the geological forces that shape them, mountains are not just natural features but living, breathing characters in our stories .

As we conclude this exploration of describing mountains in writing , remember that the power to transport readers to these majestic realms lies in your words.

Let the mountains be your muse, and may your narratives stand as lasting tributes to the awe-inspiring beauty of these timeless sentinels.

Whether it is the snow-capped peaks, the echoing valleys, or the whispering winds, the mountains shall forever endure as symbols of nature’s grandeur and the boundless possibilities of the writer’s imagination.

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Descriptive Writing A-Level Example: The Mountain

This is a piece completed recently by one of my students for the Cambridge (CIE) A-Level English exam (Paper 2: Writing). It is suitable for anyone studying creative writing at a higher level — GCSE (10th Grade) and above, particularly on the following exam boards: AQA, CIE, OCR, Edexcel, WJEC / Eduqas, CCEA.

The piece attained a B grade, but it has great potential and with a bit of work could have achieved an A. I asked the student to write feedback below to give a sense of the grade, as well as suggested improvements for how to attain a higher level next time. You’ll see a breakdown of his writing process and thoughts behind how he uses language.

Thanks for reading! If you find this page useful, you can take a look at our full Basic Descriptive Writing course ; Advanced Descriptive Writing course , and other English Language and Literature courses

The Question:

Write a descriptive piece called The Mountain. In your writing, create a sense of atmosphere, and focus on colors and sounds to help your reader imagine the scene.

The Answer: (Descriptive Writing A-Level Example)

The mountain.

It had been a long hard trek across the sludgy path, my footfalls producing rhythmic squelches. A warm pitiful breath escaped my mouth and struggled against the unrelenting breeze. My eyes wept from the wind, without sadness, the tears quickly drying but no less pained. I had managed to stray unwittingly from the path. My mind blank, I had chanced upon a vast expanse of open land. Vaguely, I recalled how I had got there, how I awoke in perspiration merely hours earlier, my T-shirt soaked through. If I had wrung it, I’m sure water would have trickled out, so sodden it was.

When I eventually peeled myself off the bed, it was then the idea had taken root, to venture out for a spirited walk. Grabbing my staff and closing the door after me, I walked on mechanically, permitting the crisp air to enter my lungs and liven my senses. For a long time, I gazed listlessly at my traipsing feet, neglecting to survey the path ahead. Soon, when I glanced up, I had drunk in the formidable sight of a tall mountain stood gargantuan in the distance.

The sky, slate grey and heavy, bore the promise of rain. A knot of cloud hung low and obscured the mountain’s peak. It should have unnerved me, but it didn’t. I was Ill-dressed and ill-prepared, yet a dogged stubbornness coursed through my every fibre. I firmly decided I would task myself to climb it. It was as though I forged onward like a weary soldier, going into battle for the very first time.

As I neared the foot of the mountain, such was its mass I could no longer see sky. Pausing at the base of it, I noticed that the wind had abated somewhat, and I felt a brief flash of renewed confidence. Glancing up its steep face my eyes scanned the wild, rocky terrain, peppered with tufts of grass and high reeds.

No discernible path appeared to etch through it, which led me to believe that nobody of sound mind would be foolish enough to scale it. Nobody as foolish as me at least. Warding off the temptation to turn back, I placed my trusty staff before me and carefully distributed my weight across the unstable ground. With no visible path to speak of I lunged forward and begun to climb, praising each successfully placed step as I slowly advanced. Reaching roughly a meter high, I felt the first cool drop of rain blotch my forehead. It caused me to glance up instantly at the sky with trepidation, but before I would be greeted by an onslaught of raindrops, I decided to forge on undeterred.

A violent rush of wind suddenly rose beneath me, causing the hood of my coat to blow clean over my head. Maybe it was a sign, I thought. Nature’s way of telling me that I should prepare for the inevitable drenching. But I did my best to not entertain such thoughts. Instead, my mind cast back to the days of my youth. I recollected the numerous occasions I had ventured into the woods with my older brother. Together we would seek out the tallest climbable tree. He would goad and pressure me to reach the furthest branch no matter the risk of danger. His voice  was always close behind, providing a safety net in case I fell. I never did, but where was his voice now?

When the rain came, it had been roughly an hour since I last looked down. The terrain had gotten steeper, so much so that my staff was rendered useless and left me all but hugging onto the slope for dear life. There were times when I froze, clutching myself to the earth, breathing in mud and stone, feeling as though I had tasted time itself. The rain came down in sheets, muddying the very soil my hands struggled to claw into as I ascended. Why had I bothered? I asked myself. Don’t worry just keep going, keep climbing. I imagined my brother’s voice not that far behind.

Student’s Feedback:

There are two examples in this passage where the language draws visual depictions. Firstly, in describing the colour of the sky as ‘slate-grey’, likening it to a shade taken from a type of stone, successfully transmits the image of a dark sky into the reader’s mind. Furthermore, the adjective ‘slate’ has connotations of hardness and coldness, create an intense atmosphere and a sense of difficulty for the protagonist. The use of compound adjectives through the hyphen also enhances the intensity of the visual image.

The second refers to the protagonist’s determination. He ‘forged onward like a weary soldier, going into battle for the very first time.’ This conjures a feeling of vulnerability for the reader. It presents the idea that the protagonist is venturing into the unknown, with unforeseen dangers ahead, creating palpable suspense.


An underlying sense of foreboding runs consistently throughout the passage. There is a distinct atmosphere enveloping the language that is earthy and rich. Much of this is derived from the detailed scene description. This places the reader directly into the mood and atmosphere of the text. This is portrayed in the depiction of physical hardship, endured by the protagonist. For example, ‘My eyes wept from the wind, without sadness, the tears quickly drying but no less pained.’ The line also contains a subtle hint of irony, the association between tears being linked to sadness. However, in this case it is the harshness of nature that is bringing about the shedding of tears.

Another example of ‘mood’ and ‘feel’ evident in the text can be found in the following line: ‘There were times when I froze, clutching myself to the earth, breathing in mud and stone, feeling as though I had tasted time itself.’ While ‘mud’ and ‘stone’ represent nature, they are also symbolically linked to the ancient age of the mountain and present the idea ‘tasting time’ as though it were a tangible thing. These linguistic techniques of tying nature to feeling, exist to immerse the reader within the voice and tone of the text.

The continuous verbs ‘clutching’ and ‘breathing’ … continuous motion / enduring difficulty / dynamic and physical enhance the sense of struggle / highlight the fragility of man in comparison to all-powerful nature.


The narrative uses first-person through the featured protagonist and unfolds in past-tense. It describes events in a continuous stream of action. However, there are two moments where the action shifts to a series of flashbacks. In the first one, we learn of the protagonist awaking from his bed: ‘I awoke in perspiration merely hours earlier, my T-shirt soaked through,’. In the second, he revisits thoughts of childhood: ‘I recollected the numerous occasions I had ventured into the woods with my older brother.’ Despite these two time-shifts, the throughline of the story commences from the moment the protagonist witnesses the mountain upon his travels, along the path, to lastly attempting to scale it, finding himself stuck upon its steep face.

Features to include for my next creative piece:

  • Multiple characters
  • A variation of sentences, including one word.
  • A specific moment of conflict
  • Range of paragraph lengths
  • Range of punctuation > ! ? : ; ‘ “” ‘ () …

Teacher Feedback:

GRADE: 18/25

72 % > B grade

Mark scheme used .

  • Effective expression, with a range of language, including some complex structures and less common lexis
  • A few minor errors which do not impede communication
  • Logical organisation of text; developed ideas in an effective manner
  • Good achievement of text; content is relevant

Overall, I believed the last 2 sentences could have been more refined, more poignant, and expressive. The story at this point ends rather abruptly in comparison to the rest. This demonstrates better fluency and reads more elegantly.

However, the earlier paragraphs clearly demonstrate strong use of language. This is visually expressive, symbolic/poetic, and carries a distinct tone. There is much intrigue and suspense to be enjoyed, which in turn engages the reader.

Read more descriptive writing tips here: https://scrbblyblog.com/2022/10/26/spooky-atmosphere-writing/

Thanks for reading! If you find this page useful, you can take a look at our full Basic Descriptive Writing course ; Advanced Descriptive Writing course , and other English Language and Literature courses .

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Story Mountain Explained With Examples + Free Templates

Need help planning a story? A story mountain is a brilliant tool for helping new writers understand story structure and plotting.

Behind every great story is a mountain metaphor. You start off on the safe, steady ground. As you make your way up the mountain, you face many conflicts and obstacles. At the highest point, you stand proud knowing you faced the odds. Finally, you come back down, conflicts resolved, as you reach safety again at the bottom of the mountain.

You might also be interested in the snowflake method or the three-act structure for outlining story ideas.

In this post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the story mountain technique, along with free templates to get you started!

What is a Story Mountain?

The 3 part mountain, the 4 part mountain, the 5 part mountain, 6 parts of a story mountain, 7 part mountain, extended story mountain, how to teach the story mountain, free story mountain templates.

The story mountain is a technique for outlining story ideas . It’s especially useful for children and new writers, as it illustrates the key elements of stories visually. Just like a real mountain, a story mountain illustrates the ups and downs of a story. Its key elements include the beginning, build-up, problem, resolution and ending.

It starts off on the steady ground, as the story begins. As you go up the mountain, you face many challenges and obstacles building up to the big climax or conflict of the story. Then you come down the mountain, everything settles off. Finally, you end on the steady flat ground.

There are many variations of the story mountain technique. Some are very simple, while others are detailed and complex. The simplest template contains just three elements: Beginning, Middle and Ending. While the most complex mountain we’ve seen includes seven elements: Characters, Setting, Beginning, Build-up, Problem, Falling Action and Ending. And of course, you could even break these elements down even further to create an even more detailed outline for your novel or story idea.

In the next section, we’ll explain the different versions of the story mountain with examples.

In its simplest form, the story mountain just needs three elements: Beginning, Middle and Ending. Each element has been explained below:

  • Beginning: What will happen at the start of the story? Where is it set? Who are the characters?
  • Middle: What is the major event in this story? How does this event happen? What problem/s will the characters face? How are these problem/s created?
  • Ending : How will the story end? What choices will the main character make? How will the problem/s be solved? Are there any lessons to be learnt? 

simple story mountain 1

Below is an example of a completed template using the story of Little Red Riding Hood:

little red riding hood example 1

The story mountain can also be divided into 4 parts: Beginning, Middle, Falling Action and Ending:

  • Beginning / Rising Action: How does the story begin? Introduce the characters and settings. How is the conflict or problem created?
  • Middle / Climax: The main character/s must face the conflict. How will they resolve it?
  • Falling Action: Explain what happens after the conflict.
  • Ending: How does the story end? What lessons do the characters learn?

4 part story mountain

Example of Little Red Riding Hood using the 4 part template:

little red riding hood example 2

The most common type of story mountain template contains five elements: Beginning, Build-Up, Problem, Falling Action and Ending:

  • Beginning: How does the story begin? Describe the setting and introduce the characters.
  • Build-Up: This is also known as the rising actions. What events will happen before the major conflict takes place? 
  • Problem: The problem or climax is where the major conflict actually happens.
  • Falling Action: Also known as the resolution. Describe how the main conflict is resolved. What happens after the conflict? 

5 part story mountain

Example of the five-element mountain using Little Red Riding Hood:

little red riding hood example 3

The six main parts of the story mountain include Beginning, Unexpected Event, Build-Up, Problem, Falling Action, and Ending:

  • Beginning: How does the story start? Introduce the main characters and describe the setting.
  • Unexpected Event: Think about how the major conflict is created, and why? In other words, what event happens to cause the conflict?
  • Build-Up: What events happen before the major conflict?
  • Problem: This is where the major conflict happens. The main character/s must face the conflict.
  • Falling Action: How is the conflict resolved? What happens after the conflict is resolved? 
  • Ending: How does the story end?

6 part story mountain

Six-part example using the Little Red Riding Hood story:

little red riding hood example 4

Some story mountain templates have seven elements included: Characters, Setting, Beginning, Build-up, Problem, Falling Action and Ending.

  • Characters: List and describe the main characters in the story.
  • Setting: Describe the main setting of the story. Think about the time period, mood and even location of the story.
  • Beginning: How does the story begin?
  • Build-up: What events take place before the main conflict? 
  • Problem: Describe the main conflict? How do the main character’s deal with this conflict?
  • Falling Action: What events happen after the conflict is resolved?

7 element story mountain

The seven-element template example using the tale of Little Red Riding Hood:

little red riding hood example 5

The mountain template can be extended to outline complex story ideas with multiple conflicts. For example, for a story with two major conflicts, the mountain would go up, down, up again and then finally down. The key elements could be adapted to the following seven elements:

  • Beginning: What happens at the start of your story?
  • Build-Up: What events happen before the first major conflict?
  • First Problem: How do the main character/s deal with the first conflict or problem?
  • Falling Action: What events happen after the first conflict is resolved?
  • Second Problem: The main character/s face another conflict. How do they deal with this second major conflict?
  • Falling Action: What events happen after the second conflict is resolved?
  • Ending: How does the story end? What lessons are learned?

extended story mountain template

Example of the extended technique using Little Red Riding Hood:

little red riding hood example 6

The story mountain is one of the earliest outlining techniques used in classrooms between KS1 to KS3 or grades 1 to middle school . Compared to other plot outline techniques, this technique is not only visually appealing but simple enough for early writers to understand. There is a number of ways to teach the story mountain in classrooms, such as:

  • Complete a blank template based on the student’s favourite book.
  • Have a whole-class discussion on how to complete the story mountain together for a popular story or movie.
  • Working in small groups to complete a blank template for a popular movie or book.
  • Using the student’s own story idea, use the template to plan this idea in more detail.
  • Provide a list of scenes from a popular book or movie. Together as a class or in small groups, put the scenes in the correct place on a blank template.

When it comes to teaching the story mountain to students, we recommend you use a worksheet or template. Print one blank template for each student in your class. Along with the blank template, include a completed example that students can reference when completing their own blank template. 

Your next task as a teacher is to explain each element of the template, along with examples. First start with the beginning, explain this element and then give your students around 10 minutes to complete this section. Then move on to explaining the next element, and give your students another 10 minutes to complete that section. Keep going until all the sections are complete. 

As homework, you could give your students another blank template to complete for a book they recently read in class or even a movie they recently watched. Using their favourite book or movie as an example is a great way to engage reluctant writers into completing the task. It also helps them grasp the concepts of the story outlining process, as they’ll be able to visually see how their favourite book or movie is broken down. 

An extra tip here is to tell the students to write down a list of key scenes from the book or movie first. The students can then pick at least one scene for each element of the story mountain. And then finally they can plot these scenes on the mountain in the correct order. 

Now that you know how to use the story mountain template, it’s time to practice this technique yourself! You can download the different versions of the template below. Each template includes a completed example and a blank story mountain template:

  • 3 Part Mountain Template
  • 4 Part Mountain Template
  • 5 Part Mountain Template
  • 6 Part Mountain Template
  • 7 Part Moutain Template
  • Extended Story Mountain Template

story mountain template worksheets

Did you find this post on the story mountain technique useful? Let us know in the comments below.

story mountain

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Best Descriptive Writing Sites   Describing the beauty of nature

Best descriptive sentences: rivers, mountains, beaches, waterfalls, forests, lakes and the 4 seasons.   27 comments.

Best descriptive sentences:

rivers, mountains, beaches, waterfalls, forests, lakes, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This is a collection of sentences from the first 10 chapters of ‘Writing with Stardust’, the ultimate descriptive guide for students, teachers and writers. It contains 3 levels of ability, from the beginner to the more advanced. The book itself contains 5 levels of ability.

I hope you enjoy the post and that it benefits you in some way. You can get more information on my books by clicking on any of the book images at the end of this post. It will take you to the Amazon website where you can discover more about ‘Writing with Stardust’ for yourself.


1. I saw a jewel-blue stream in the forest. COLOUR

2. It was splashing as it moved through the trees. SOUND

3. It curved gently through the forest. SHAPE

4. It hopped over the rocks happily. ACTION

5. My friend told me that rivers are the roads of the forest . METAPHOR

6. This one was flickering like glitter on the surface. SIMILE

7. I could see a family of ducks paddling on the water. OTHER IMAGES

8. I took a drink. It was very refreshing . SENSATION

9. The aroma of the forest was great. SMELL

10. It drew me to a berry bush. I ate one and it tasted rich. TASTE


I spied a gem-blue stream in the forest. It was seeping and dribbling as it swerved through the trees. It jumped for joy over the timeworn rocks. I heard once that rivers are the arteries of the forest . This one was sparkling like tinsel . The fluttering butterflies drifted over it lazily. I bent my head down to drink from it. It was very stimulating . The aroma of the forest was very powerful. I plucked a few berries and they were lush and fruity to the tongue.


A turquoise-blue stream wound its merry way through the forest. Babbling and burbling , it sprung over the limestone rocks in its way. Pebbles whisked about in the under wash like pieces of glitter . Streams are the liquid soul of the forest , and this one was glowing.   Chords of soft light speared down from above, bathing its surface in gold. It was glinting with little sparkles, like a thousand diamonds blessed with an inner fire . A galaxy of dragonflies fizzed through the beams of light, wings a-glitter in the sun. The hedgerows were pregnant with berries and we tasted some. They energized us with their pleasant waft . The delicious taste stayed with us all the way home.

1. The mountains were bone-white . COLOUR

2. A wall of snow came crashing down. SOUND

3. The mountains were crinkled at the top. SHAPE

4. They were sky-piercing . ACTION

5. The foot of one mountain was covered in mist. PATHETIC FALLACY

6. The mountain peaks were like a row of arrow tips . SIMILE

7. We could see some deer clattering across a mountain. OTHER IMAGES

8. The air felt ice cold . SENSATION

9. We could smell stewed mutton coming from a camp. SMELL

10. We tasted some and it was astral . TASTE

The mountains were vampire-white . A wave of white snow went rumbling down the sides. They were all crumpled at the base. They were sky-stabbing at the top. The legs of the mountains were very wide. The peaks of the mountains were like harpoon tips . They were shrouded in ghost-grey mist . The air was chilling and numbing . We could smell a pot roast being cooked. We tasted some and it was stellar .

The serrated mountains loomed in the distance. We made our way towards them as we had to make base camp by nightfall. They were flour-white and brooded over the land. Just as we approached, a chute of snow detached itself and went trundling down one of the mountains. It slid over the knotted edge and then went crashing into the chasm below. The silence that followed was spine chilling. It froze our marrow to think that we would be climbing in those conditions tomorrow.

The heaven-touching apex of the mountain was drenched in brilliant light. Spikes of thin light impaled the snow in a bristling, moving line. We assumed that the heat had displaced the snow from the hip of the time chiselled mountain. All across our line of sight, the tips of the mountain range stuck up like a row of thorns. Swaddled around them were necklaces of powdery snow . The air became arctic cold as we came closer to base camp. The unmistakable whiff of chargrilled lamb wafted to our noses. Dinner that night was cosmic .

1. The beach was flax-gold . COLOUR

2. We heard the snoozy sea lap gently. SOUND

3. We walked on a bow of beach . SHAPE

4. Cylinders of light moved across the sea. METAPHORS

5. The other tourists were leather-brown . TANS

6. The neon-blue sky was threaded with silver. KNITTING TERMS FOR THE SKY

7. Children were squealing on the beach. OTHER IMAGES

8. The sun toasted our skin. SENSATION

9. The sea air smelled of chlorine . SMELL

10. The spicy sauces in the burger burned our tongues. TASTE

The beach we walked on was moon glow-gold . The sea looked dozy as it rested in the afternoon glow. We were walking on a horseshoe of beach . Towers of radiant light soaked the sea with their beauty. The holiday makers we saw all had coconut-brown faces . Clown-hatted donkeys were braying loudly as children pulled their tails. The burning sun roasted us like nuts in an oven. The sea sky seemed threaded with silver. A warm, tangy odour came from the sea as we walked towards a hot dog stand. The sulfurous mustard burned us nearly as much as the sun.

It’s not often you get to see a sunrise-gold beach. That was our privilege as we gazed out at the slothful sea . Ebbing ever so gently, it looked at peace in its jade-green gown. It felt like we were walking on a carpet of candy floss, such was its softness. The golden sand swept around in a scythe of beach , hemmed in by towering dunes. Far out to sea, rivers of pulsing light saturated the sea with gold. Only the occasional tourist walked past us. There was an absence of sun-blasted bodies in this Babylon of beaches.

The horizon seemed to be stitched with a silver line. The seagulls were squawking over our heads and squabbling for morsels from the hotel kitchen. As the sun scorched our bodies to a crisp, a funfair of barbecued aromas drifted towards us. The saline tang of the sea mingled with the cuisine, adding salt to its appeal. We decided to obey our rumbling stomachs and eat. Lobster on a bed of watercress was our fare that afternoon. It tasted tender and briny and the shell food sauce had a hint of bouquet to it.


1. The waterfall was aquarium-blue . COLOUR

2. It was drizzling onto the rocks. SOFT SOUNDS

3. The larger waterfall was pounding the rocks. LOUD SOUNDS

4. It tumbled down the mountain. ACTION

5. The bliss-pool at the bottom was varnish clear. A DIVINITY-POOL

6. It looked like a wall of blue satin threaded with silver. TEXTURE

7. The flowers next to it were nodding gently. OTHER IMAGES

8. It was freezing and we were shaking with the cold. SENSATION

9. The flowers growing nearby had a honey sweet smell . SMELL

10. We ate an ice cream cone on the bank and it was divine . TASTE

The waterfall was Atlantis-blue . It was gushing over the rocks. At its widest point, it was surging and plunging down the mountain. It had a beautiful serenity-pool at the bottom. It was veneer clear. The waterfall flowed as smoothly as syrup . The frogs croaking nearby added to the wonderful sounds. We threw ourselves under the waterfall. It was so cold that we started shuddering . We collapsed on the bank and let the nougat sweet smell of flowers wash over us. Later we had some ham sandwiches and they were Godly .

The waterfall was Mediterranean-blue and magical. It was swishing over the rocks joyfully. It was thundering down into the pool like a gigantic water spout. When it toppled into the ecstasy-pool , it foamed it at the bottom. The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, enabling us to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.

We could see a gaggle of geese grazing by the bank and the scene was picture perfect. A group of Amazonian ferns, edged with saw’s teeth and statue still, added a tropical flavour. We stood under the waterfall to cool down, but it was catacomb cold. It gave us goose bumps immediately. We ended up quivering and shivering on the bank. The nectar sweet smell of the spring flowers perked up our spirits. We had a cup of chocolate and it was Godlike after our moment of madness.


  • The forest was nut-brown . COLOUR
  • The twigs were crunching under my feet. SOUND
  • The trees were the towers of the forest. METAPHOR
  •  I heard a wildcat slinking away. ANIMAL SOUNDS
  • The morning stars shone like silver petals . THE STARS
  • Nuts were scattered on the floor of the forest. FOREST EDIBLES
  • We took the leaf-carpeted path home. OTHER IMAGES
  • The beauty of the forest comforted our hearts . SENSATION
  • The smell of the forest was pulpy . SMELL
  • We picked some berries and they tasted orchard sweet . TASTE

The forest was tannin-brown . The grass was crispy under our feet. We looked up and the trees were skyscraper tall . Hares were scampering away from us up ahead. The morning stars were shining like silver snowflakes . Wood sorrel flecked the blanket of grass. We walked in and out of shady glades . The peace of the morning was soul soothing . The forest’s smell was fresh and organic . We picked some wild pears and they were meadow sweet .

The forest we entered was oak-brown and primitive. The grasses we stepped on were crackly beneath our feet because of the recent dry spell. We were in awe of the size and majesty of the trees. Their knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as my head could lift. They were hoary fortresses and stood proudly. The orchestra of birdsong we could hear from them suddenly stopped. A pair of jays was screeching high up in the canopy of the trees. Jays are the scavengers of the bird world. Their cruel, corvid eyes are always on the lookout for a feathered meal. In the winter, they raid squirrel stores for their nuts, often damning them to starvation. They drifted across our vision in a flash of flesh-pink and warlock-black, trying to size us up. That was the last we saw of them, as they are a furtive bird, full of suspicion.

The morning stars peeped down at us like silver asters , glinting and shimmering. They looked happy in their solar-silver isolation. We could see wild basil growing freely on the clumpy, mossy mattress of the floor. The simpering wind carried a fragrance with it. It was spirit refreshing to smell the mulchy mix of the forest’s perfume. We ate a few windfall apples and they were mead sweet with a bitter twist. It was only after we got the stomach cramps that we regretted it.

1. The lake was skyline-silver. COLOUR

2. It lay in the middle of a cave quiet valley. THE QUIET VALLEY

3. It was window clear. THE CLEAR LAKE

4. It was peaceful and statue still. THE STILL LAKE

5. Trout were dive bombing in the lake. SOUND

6. A mob of flies rose into the air. THE FLY ARMY

7. I had a ‘zap’ moment because it was so beautiful. A MOMENT OF CLARITY

8. The itching grass snapped me out of it. SENSATIONS OF PAIN

9. A sap sweet smell hung in the air. SMELL

10. The water I drank was sharp but pleasant. TASTE

The lake was as silver as diamond flame and the atmosphere was convent quiet . Even the depths were vodka clear . It was soothing and yogi still . Freckled trout were leaping for flies and thunking on its surface. The rising sun caused a division of armed flies to swarm into the air. The scene was so glorious that I had a lightning bolt moment . The thistles pricking my leg broke my train of thought. The damp grass smelled utopian . I took a sip of water from a stream. It tasted like a sweet medicine , a potion for the spirit.

The lake appeared as if by magic as we crested the ridge. It was in teardrop-silver in colour and it was shaped like a perfectly flat disc of metal. No sound rang out from the shimmering emptiness of space around it. Monastery quiet , it was lined with pine trees and the whiff of mint wafted up to us. We decided to make our way to its decanter clear shore. The idyllic scene took our breath away. Unruffled by wind or rain, it was vault still and restful. The only sounds were the bumbling of bees and the heavy echo of a raven crawking.

Out on the lake, flopping trout were slapping the surface. They were hoping to catch one of the squadron of flies that buzzed about. The heaven-leaking light added a golden tint to the face of the lake and it was paradise. A startling eureka moment came unbidden, which involved the beauty of the natural world. I kept it to myself. The nipping midges didn’t take away from the pleasure of that day. I can still see the rain-pearled grass in my mind’s eye. I remember the saccharine sweet smell of that grass. I remember that the water tasted like the nectar of the gods . Most of all, I remember how it felt to be young on that special day.

1. The fields were parsley-green . COLOUR

2. Lonely calves were lowing in the fields. SOUND

3. The moon was like a ghostly-silver disc in the sky. SIMILES FOR THE MOON

4. A carnival of scents blew in the air. THE MOVEMENT OF SCENTS

5. A host of daisies scattered the meadow. SPRING FLOWERS

6. Strands of thin light came from the sky. METAPHORS FOR LIGHT

7. The milk-splashed calves brayed for company. OTHER IMAGES

8. The scene was spirit-lifting . SENSATION

9. There was a cream fresh smell. SMELL

10. The spring foods had a candy floss sweet taste. TASTE

The fields were glade-green . The sound of chirping chicks filled the air. The moon was like a phantom-silver orb . A pageant of smells floated in the spring air and a horde of dandelions littered the meadow. Staffs of slim light spilled from the sky. Proud-breasted pigeons strutted across the meadow. The scene was spirit-refreshing and pastoral. The meadow smelled pear fresh . There was a blossom sweet taste to the food we ate.

The malachite-green fields seemed to be covered in a bright sheen under the dawn moon. We could hear yipping fox cubs breaking the quiet of the world. Clouds shaped like tufty pillows glided slowly across the sky. They carried an airy, warm, drizzling rain with them. It cleansed the land and banished the strangling coldness and stunned silence of winter. Plinking and pattering off the leaves, then fading into memory, the rain energized the flora. It left behind a world baptized and rebirthed by its liquid grace. Song thrushes trilled as the spectre-silver moon began to wane and the fog of flowers in the meadow slowly revealed itself. We could smell their aromas hovering in the air.

Versace-purple crocuses seemed to glow before our eyes. Jewel-green grasshoppers bounced atop the grass like leggy trampolines. In the stony verges, Rafael-red valerian sprouted from between coral-black cracks. Spears of dawn light suddenly drenched the farthest corners with their golden magic. A pair of misty-eyed cubs yelped as they saw us and darted to safety. A murmuration of starlings wheeled and banked overhead like wind-tossed gunpowder. The rustic scene was spirit-renewing and we let the menu of melon fresh scents wash over us. We ate our hamper of food under the leafy umbrella of a great oak and it tasted molasses sweet .

1. The night sky was heather-purple . COLOUR

2. Humming bees darted through the air. BEE MUSIC

3. The stars were glittering like scattered space dust . METAPHORS FOR THE SUN

4. The beaked chorus of birds filled the air. THE DAWN CHORUS

5. The edible ceps looked like shiny penny buns. EDIBLE FOODS

6. Clouds were latched to the unending sky . THE SWEEP OF SKY

7. The afternoon sky was cocktail-blue . THE BRIGHTEST BLUES

8. The grass was downy soft . SENSATION

9. A stew of smells filled the air. SMELL

10. The summer food was gelatin sweet . TASTE

The night sky was juniper-purple . The sound of intoning bees filled the air. The stars were glowing like beacons for the lost souls of the world. A feathered medley echoed through the trees. The garlic smell of ramsons drifted through the air. The clouds were bracketed to the eternal, summer sky. It was like a dome of solar blue . The grass was silk soft . A broth of smells swirled around me. The food we ate was honeysuckle sweet .

An amethyst-purple tint invades the late summer skies. The world is changing and autumn is approaching. Soon the land will be a-fire in the warm glow of tree-flame. Pagan rituals such as Hallowe’en will bring back long dead memories of trolls, spooks and hobgoblins.

For now, however, the fields are still Elysium-green. Bees are still murmuring in that strange cult hum exclusive to them. They flit from flower to flower, surfing the short spaces as they go. The stars are summer stars, flickering like pulsing lodestars . A sol-fa of song erupts as they fade away, the ancient alchemy of the dawn chorus .

Bilberries and chanterelles adorn the forest floor, questing for sunlight. The perpetual skies of summer are buckled with clouds and they flare up in a luminous, neon-blue when the mood takes them. Summer is nature’s treasure trove. The fields are laden with goldenrod-yellow flowers and silver-washed fritillaries carry their bushels of pollen carefully. A goulash of scents twirls above the satin soft petals and the pear sweet taste of the air is a blessed joy.

But summer brings with it a bitter twist. The nights are closing in on each other and the long days are faltering. Enjoy the beaches, the barbecues and the birds. In a few short months, all will be cold.

1. The ember-red leaves of autumn burn slowly. COLOUR

2. The huffing wind was too lazy to scatter the leaves. UNUSUAL WIND VERBS

3. Clouds form like puffy plates . METAPHORS FOR THE CLOUDS

4. The leaves are a-flame in a quilt of colour. ARCHAIC WORDS FOR AUTUMN

5. We enjoy chomping on blackcurrants. AN AUTUMN FEAST

6. The fiery-reds cast a rich hue on the forest. COLOURS USING HEAT

7. The ghost-grey skies of autumn change the mood. OTHER IMAGES FOR AUTUMN

8. Autumn is a time to be afraid . SENSATION

9. A larder of aromas drizzled from the trees. SMELL

10. The wild berries had a savoury taste . TASTE

The leaves were molten-red . The yawning wind made them shiver slightly. Fluffy fleeces of cloud passed over the forest. The trees were a-flicker like night lights. A group of children were gulping on wild gooseberries. The blazing-brown dome of leaves gave off a nice glow. Owls haunted and hunted through moon-splashed trees. We were spooked by their swivelling heads and lamp round eyes. A perfumery of scents hazed through the forest. The ravishing taste of freshly baked bread stayed in our memories.

The barbecue-red leaves hang silently on the trees. Muffling winds deaden all sound in the forest and slow the billowy bells of cloud . The oak leaves are still a-light , but barely. Dainty noses, sniffling and snuffling, glow the same mercury-red as the trees. They replace the sound of children slobbering over elderberries.

Fog-tinted fairy trees stand alone in fields, noosed by coils of dragon breath. A weak pitter-patter is heard, but it is not the sound of children’s feet. It is the centuries-old, hissing drip of raindrops in caves. Spiders flood the forest, clutching their snare strings tightly, their eyes a-glitter with hatred. Owl-light replaces daylight as autumn comes to a close. The seething energy of the forest becomes vow-silent as promises to nature are kept. The burnt-red leaves turn a smouldering-gold as the first of the heavy rains fall.

The rain drenches everyone. They are not the soft, sodden, swollen raindrops of summer. They are not the light, aerated mizzling of spring showers. They are plump, pregnant with moisture, ploppy and destructive. The long, straight streaks of cloud we call mare’s tails do not carry them. The skies are damnation-black and churning with anger. There is a cataclysm coming. It is time for daunting winter to display his wares.The hotchpotch of aromas that graced the air is gone. The delectable, marchpane taste of the autumn harvest has faded from the palate. When the first snowfall comes, the world will be mummified in a powdery silence. It is time to be afraid again.

1. The snow was whalebone-white . SNOW COLOUR

2. The battering gusts were awful. SOUND

3. The screeching winds were dreadful. STORMS

4. A gentle hush cloaked the land. SILENCE

5. The gravel-grey skies were bare. SKY COLOUR

6. The empty skies were silent. BARREN SKIES

7. Winter squeezes everything to death. CHOKING WINTER

8. Peppery scents filled the room. SMELL

9. Our quivering bodies were cold. SENSATION

10. The seasoned vegetables were delicious. TASTE

The snow was polar-white . The flogging squalls of winter blew loudly. Screeching winds occasionally rose up. When they died, a tomb-like silence haunted the land. Flint-grey skies oversaw the land. The bleak skies were depressing. Winter smothered the land with its vice-like grip. Malt liqueurs , taken to warm up chilled bodies, were a poor substitute for the sun. Sore joints creaked and groaned like rusty hinges. The scent of creamy, mushroom vol – au-vents floating through the house cheered us up.

The snow was zombie-white . Winter’s lacerating hurricanes and whining winds had come and gone, leaving a terrible calmness . The skies above were an unholy mixture of shale-grey clouds and pasty streaks. Callous winter was stifling the world with its icy breath.

I could see a group of kidults playing on a frozen pond. They stamped their frozen feet and thumped their chilly bodies to warm up. Their ears caught fire and turned an icy-blue where their scarves couldn’t reach. Nose-icicles dripped from their frozen faces. Their wheezy, wind-filled lungs were belching out steam as they itched and scratched at their raw skin. They started skating. They slipped, slid and slithered on the polished ice. Hissing and swishing with their skates, they swooped and whooped across the ice. Then they screamed as the ice broke. It must have felt like lances of fire lighting up their skin as they fell in to the perishing cold water.

Their teeth were chattering when they crawled back out. They followed the oaken oven smells home to warm up. I hoped that the yeasty beer would warm their hearts as their bodies were frozen.

Click on any of the book images below to find out more about ‘Writing with Stardust’ or any of Liam’s other books.


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Posted August 10, 2014 by liamo in Uncategorized

Tagged with best books for describing nature , best descriptive books for writers , best descriptive sentences , best descriptive sites for teachers

27 responses to “ Best descriptive sentences: rivers, mountains, beaches, waterfalls, forests, lakes and the 4 seasons. ”

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thanks, this helped ALOT!!!

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Hi Allira: You’re very welcome and I hope my other posts can help you as well in the future. Thank you for the lovely comment and be well. ‘Bye for now. Liam.

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amazing..thnx for all this. got an A** going for business♥

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Hi Kyla: You’re very welcome. Thanks for leaving the kind comment and I’m delighted you got an A. Cheers for now. Liam.

Hi Liam: I hope you’re well.Thanks for the sunny face and the comment and I wish you the best. ‘Bye for now.


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Hi kashish; Thank you for the really nice comment. I’m delighted it helped you. Cheers for now. Liam.

Very helpful, and very kind of you to put it out there – thank you lots, Liam.

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Hi there: You’re very welcome and glad to be of help in any way. Hope you’re well and will keep uploading posts like this. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Cheers for now. Liam.

That was really helpful. do you have any resources for cie alevel English? or any tips?(commentary, descriptive writing and narrative writing)

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Hi arsen: I hope you are well. Unfortunately, we don’t have the a-levels in Ireland. If you look at my home page, however, I’m sure you will find something that can assist you. Thanks for the kind comment. Cheers for now. Liam.

Hi Liam, if I could send you my writings, could you go through it and help me improve it? (via email) it would mean a world to me( it would help me in my exams too. I have no other resources) thank you! [email protected]

Hi arsen: I don’t have much time but send them on and I’ll see what I can do. No promises. Liam.

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The water sped against the gush of wind and looked more like white foam spreading in the lovely barrier between the two piece of land

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these are the ways to describe well don

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What are the books about? I love this site

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Hi Aiden: I hope you are well. ‘Writing with Stardust’ is descriptive writing book for everyone and ‘Blue-Sky Thinking’ is a book designed for teachers and students. I hope this answers your question and thanks for the kind comment. Cheers for now. Liam.

Really cool site but, can you guys change the main color of the whole sight to a color other than dark blue. It makes it very hard to read and makes me not feel like reading on this site

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You’re very welcome, Winnie.

HI i don’t know if you still available here but i am using AI to build the scenes you described above its stunning look at it here https://imgur.com/a/KHVx9LX

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Thank you! I needed this to help me in a competition on creative writing, to make my writing more creative looking at your writings made it possible 🙂

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Thank you so much, I can finally pass my English language paper 1 question 5.!!I used this website last year for my mock exam and I got a Grade 9. I am using it as it was so helpful.

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Adjectives for Mountains: Describing Words & Examples

creative writing examples mountains

When it comes to describing the majestic beauty of mountains, words often fall short. But with the right adjectives, we can capture the breathtaking allure of these natural wonders. In this article, I’ll be sharing a collection of adjectives that perfectly encapsulate the awe-inspiring qualities of mountains. From towering peaks to serene valleys, these words will help you paint a vivid picture of these magnificent landscapes.

Imagine standing at the foot of a colossal mountain, its rugged surface reaching towards the heavens. How would you describe such a sight? With adjectives like “majestic,” “towering,” and “grand,” you can convey the sheer magnitude and grandeur of these natural giants. But mountains are not just about their size; they also possess an air of mystery and tranquility. Words like “serene,” “peaceful,” and “ethereal” capture the serene atmosphere that often surrounds these majestic formations.

Whether you’re a writer looking to add depth to your descriptions or simply an admirer of nature’s wonders, this article will provide you with a variety of adjectives to bring the beauty of mountains to life. So, let’s dive into the world of mountains and discover the perfect words to describe their awe-inspiring presence.

When it comes to describing mountains, there are numerous scenarios to consider. Each scenario presents a unique perspective and allows us to focus on specific aspects of these majestic natural wonders. Here are some different scenarios that can help you paint a vivid picture of mountains in your writing:

Table of Contents

How to Describe mountains? – Different Scenarios

1. describe the physical appearance.

To describe the physical appearance of mountains, focus on their shape, size, and structure. Here are a few examples:

  • Towering peaks
  • Jagged mountain ridges
  • Gentle slopes that stretch for miles
  • Massive rock formations
  • Snow-capped summits
  • Steep cliffs and precipices

2. Portraying the Colors and Textures:

Mountains showcase various colors and textures that add to their unique charm. Here are a few ways to describe them:

  • Verdant green valleys
  • Earthy brown and rocky surfaces
  • Vibrant wildflowers dotting the landscape
  • Glistening white snowfields
  • Moss-covered boulders
  • Icy blue glaciers

3. Conveying the Atmosphere and Weather:

The weather and atmosphere surrounding mountains play a significant role in shaping their character and appeal. Consider these examples:

  • Crisp mountain air, tinged with the scent of pine
  • Misty mornings cloaking the peaks
  • Clear blue skies stretching over the summits
  • Dramatic thunderstorms rumbling through the valleys
  • Golden sunlight painting the mountains in warm hues during sunrise or sunset

4. Eliciting Emotions and Sensations:

Mountains often evoke strong emotions and sensations. Use these adjectives to bring those feelings to life:

  • Awe-inspiring
  • Transcendent

By employing these adjectives and considering various scenarios, you can effectively describe the beauty and grandeur of mountains. Whether you’re writing a poem, a story, or simply enjoying a conversation about nature, these words will help you paint a vivid picture in the mind of your audience.

Remember, when describing mountains, tap into your creativity and imagination. Use the power of language to transport your readers to these breathtaking landscapes and allow them to experience the wonders of nature through your words.

Let’s move on to the next section to explore more adjectives that can be used to describe mountains in different ways.

Describing Words for mountains in English

When it comes to describing mountains, there are a plethora of adjectives that can capture the beauty and splendor of these majestic landforms. From the towering peaks to the breathtaking landscapes, I will guide you through a list of descriptive words that will bring mountains to life. Let’s dive in!

Adjectives for Size and Shape:

  • Gigantic : Mountains can be enormous and awe-inspiring in their size, evoking a sense of grandeur.
  • Majestic : This word captures the regal and majestic nature of mountains, showcasing their magnificence.
  • Sculpted : Describing mountains as “sculpted” highlights their intricate and carefully formed features.
  • Undulating : Some mountains possess gentle slopes that undulate gracefully, creating a rolling and picturesque beauty.

Adjectives for Color and Texture:

  • Verdant : Mountains covered in lush green vegetation exhibit a vibrant and refreshing appearance.
  • Snow-capped : This term is perfect for mountains adorned with a pristine blanket of glistening snow at their peaks.
  • Rocky : When describing rugged and rocky mountainsides, this adjective paints a picture of raw and untamed terrain.
  • Crystalline : Sparkling like crystals, some mountains possess a clear and crystalline quality, radiating beauty.

Adjectives for Atmosphere and Weather:

  • Serene : This adjective captures the calm and tranquil atmosphere that often surrounds mountains.
  • Misty : When mist gently blankets mountains, it adds an element of mystery and enchantment to the scenery.
  • Breathtaking : Use this word to describe the awe-inspiring and captivating views offered by mountains.
  • Invigorating : Mountains can provide an invigorating experience as fresh air and cool breezes embrace you.
  • Awe-inspiring : Mountains have the power to leave us in awe, overwhelmed by their beauty and magnitude.
  • Peaceful : Describing mountains as peaceful conveys a sense of tranquility and harmony with nature.
  • Humbling : These towering giants can make us feel small and humble, reminding us of the grandeur of the world.
  • Euphoric : The exhilarating feeling of standing atop a mountain peak can be described as euphoric.

Adjectives for mountains

Positive adjectives for mountains.

When I think of mountains, many positive adjectives come to mind. Here are some words that perfectly capture the beauty and grandeur of these magnificent landscapes:

These adjectives not only describe the physical qualities of mountains but also evoke a sense of wonder, tranquility, and awe that they inspire within us.

Negative Adjectives for Mountains

While mountains are often seen as majestic and awe-inspiring, there are also negative adjectives to describe them. These words may convey a sense of danger, harshness, or difficulty associated with mountainous terrains:

These adjectives remind us that mountains can pose challenges and can be unforgiving in their wild and rugged nature. However, they also add to the sense of adventure and excitement that exploring these natural wonders can bring.

As you teach easy words to kids, it’s important to introduce them to the diverse vocabulary associated with mountains. Using these descriptive adjectives, you can help them appreciate and understand the beauty and power of these magnificent landscapes.

Synonyms and Antonyms with Example Sentences

Synonyms for mountains.

Mountains are magnificent natural wonders, and there are several synonyms that capture their unique beauty and grandeur. Here are some synonyms for mountains along with example sentences:

Antonyms for mountains

While mountains symbolize beauty and grandeur, there are also antonyms that describe the absence or opposite characteristics. Here are some antonyms for mountains along with example sentences:

Exploring the vast array of synonyms and antonyms for mountains can help us appreciate the diverse and captivating nature of these awe-inspiring landscapes. By using descriptive vocabulary, we can paint a vivid picture of mountains for children, fostering their curiosity and appreciation for the natural world.

In this article, we have explored the various ways to describe mountains using adjectives. By providing a comprehensive list of synonyms and antonyms, we have expanded our vocabulary and gained a deeper understanding of the natural beauty and characteristics of mountains.

From the majestic peaks and summits to the sprawling ranges and hills, each adjective paints a vivid picture of the awe-inspiring landscapes that mountains offer. Conversely, the antonyms, such as valleys, plains, lowlands, plateaus, and beaches, remind us of the contrasting features that exist in the world around us.

By encouraging children to explore this diverse vocabulary, we can foster a greater appreciation for the natural world. Through descriptive language, we can help them visualize and connect with the magnificence of mountains, instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity.

So, whether you find yourself standing at the foot of a towering cliff or gazing out at a serene valley, take a moment to reflect on the power of words and how they can enhance our understanding and appreciation of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes.

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Writing Tips Oasis

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10 Words to Describe Snowy Mountains

By Isobel Coughlan

words to describe snowy mountains

If you plan on setting your novel in a cold place, adding snow to the environment can help create a chilling effect, especially if your book is a thriller. If you need some words to describe snowy mountains, scroll down to learn more.

1. Staggering

Something that is  breathtaking  or surprising.

“The  staggering  snowy mountains towered above the village, obscuring the sun in the distance.”

“He tried to focus on his journey, but the  staggering  mountains were topped with thick snow.”

How it Adds Description

The word “staggering” emphasizes the size of the mountains, allowing you to show the reader how large your snowy mountains are.  This term  can also show your character’s shock or awe at the sight of the scenery, therefore informing the reader that they’ve never seen a setting this large or snowy before.

2. Bleached

An  object  that’s a light or white color.

“The  bleached  mountains up ahead reflected the sunlight, blinding her eyes as she traveled towards them.”

“They couldn’t ignore the snow  bleached  mountains, and they chose to take shelter in a nearby cave to avoid the freezing temperatures.”

The word “bleached” reveals the light color of an object, and can be used to draw attention to the white snow on the mountains. This is a great word if you want to create a stark contrast between the rock and the snow, as “bleach” evokes a powerful image for most readers.

3. Alabaster

A white stone used for  sculptures  and ornaments. Often used as an adjective noun to describe objects with light/white colors.

“He noticed the  alabaster  mountains in the distance and wondered when the snowfall would cease.”

“It was the  alabaster  mountains that worried her the most, she’d never seen so much snow in one place.”

As a noun “alabaster” refers to a type of stone. However, it’s frequently used as an adjective to highlight the white color of an object. When used to describe mountains, “alabaster” conveys how perfectly white the snow is. This can help to set the scene for your reader, and is especially helpful when world building.

4. Unblemished

To  describe  an object with no faults or imperfections on its surface.

“The mountains were  unblemished  — the top layer of snow was as pristine as the day it fell.”

“Since the snowfall the mountains have remained  unblemished , not one soul has passed across the trail”.

If you want to show the reader how perfect the snow-capped mountains are, the word “unblemish” can help. This adjective implies that the snow hasn’t been ruined by footprints or melting, allowing your reader to gain a clear insight into how they look.

5. Inclement

Weather that’s extremely  cold  or stormy.

“The  inclement  mountain conditions had led to extra snowfall on the rugged peaks.”

“They couldn’t ignore the  inclement  mountains, as soon they would be traversing snow and ice to reach their sky high destination.”

The word “inclement” refers to weather conditions, and you can use this adjective to create a sense of foreboding about your snowy mountains. “Inclement” can emphasize the harsh snowy conditions and you can even use this term to create a sense of fear amongst your characters.

6. Alluring

Something  or someone that’s very beautiful or attractive.

“The  alluring  snow-capped mountains seemed to watch her as she passed through the valley.”

“As he navigated the wilderness, the  alluring  mountains became clearer and clearer in his vision.”

The word “alluring” is all about beauty, so it’s a fitting description for any snowy mountain range. Whether you’re trying to make the reader fall in love with the setting or want to portray a character’s affection for the earth, this adjective will evoke positive emotions.

7. Formidable

To  describe  something or someone that’s impressive and slightly scary.

“He couldn’t ignore the  formidable  snowy mountains, no matter how hard he tried.”

“The snow-topped mountains are  formidable  — a human hasn’t scaled them and never will.”

The word “formidable” is an adjective that can emphasize the large size of the mountains and the fear a character might experience while near them. “Formidable” can be used to show your narrator is frightened, and this can deepen a character’s complexity in any novel. It can even be used to add foreshadowing, especially if the snowy mountains are crucial to the plot.

8. Picturesque

A place that’s  beautiful  to look at.

“She awoke from the  picturesque  snowy mountains again, wondering why this dream repeated every night.”

“Only snow could leave mountains so  picturesque  and serene.”

“Picturesque” suggests that the snowy mountains are immensely beautiful to look at. In a novel, “picturesque” mountains can help to create a perfect world or to create a strong setting in the reader’s mind. It can also suggest a calm atmosphere, setting the stage for some positive character interactions.

To describe  winter  weather or cold features.

“The  wintry  mountains looked down over the snow-laden village like a protector.”

“Though it was summer in the valley, the snow-capped  wintry  mountains never melted nor thawed.”

The word “wintry” suggests that the mountains are experiencing winter weather or snow, building a clear image of their characteristics in your reader’s mind. Creating a picture of the season can drive the novel’s plot forward and it can also make the setting clearer. While wintry is synonymous with winter, it can be used in the context of summer to show a clear contrast between the snowy mountains and warm weather.

To describe the  harsh  conditions of a place.

“The snowy mountains were  bitter , they feared no adventurers would last the night in sub-zero conditions.”

“He looked up at the  bitter  mountains, by morning there would be another fresh layer of snow to navigate.”

“Bitter” can imply the harsh conditions in the snowy mountains to your reader. This can be especially helpful if your characters must journey through them, as “bitter” foreshadows the tough journey that lies ahead. This can create a feeling of suspense, making the reader eager to continue reading.


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The mountains have kept safe the soul of this land for time unmeasured and tell of it in words unspoken.
In the sunlight the mountain peaks are a celebration of greys, from sweet blue-slate to silver-white.
The mountains rose as great rocky declarations of hope to a sky that ever-heard.
The mountains are dressed in evergreens right up to their crowns of silver-white.
The mountains stand sentry to the bluest of lake waters.
If the earth had a pulse it rose through the mountains, creating their bold silhouette. To my eye, their peaks are the green line of a doctor's graph. I saw those rocks at dawn, those slopes that give home to so much life, a foundation for trees and shrubs, grass and ferns. With blue above and below, in the sky and lake, ever lightening as the sun rose, I knew it would be a good day... I just knew.

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10 Types of Creative Writing (with Examples You’ll Love)

A lot falls under the term ‘creative writing’: poetry, short fiction, plays, novels, personal essays, and songs, to name just a few. By virtue of the creativity that characterizes it, creative writing is an extremely versatile art. So instead of defining what creative writing is , it may be easier to understand what it does by looking at examples that demonstrate the sheer range of styles and genres under its vast umbrella.

To that end, we’ve collected a non-exhaustive list of works across multiple formats that have inspired the writers here at Reedsy. With 20 different works to explore, we hope they will inspire you, too. 

People have been writing creatively for almost as long as we have been able to hold pens. Just think of long-form epic poems like The Odyssey or, later, the Cantar de Mio Cid — some of the earliest recorded writings of their kind. 

Poetry is also a great place to start if you want to dip your own pen into the inkwell of creative writing. It can be as short or long as you want (you don’t have to write an epic of Homeric proportions), encourages you to build your observation skills, and often speaks from a single point of view . 

Here are a few examples:

“Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

The ruins of pillars and walls with the broken statue of a man in the center set against a bright blue sky.

This classic poem by Romantic poet Percy Shelley (also known as Mary Shelley’s husband) is all about legacy. What do we leave behind? How will we be remembered? The great king Ozymandias built himself a massive statue, proclaiming his might, but the irony is that his statue doesn’t survive the ravages of time. By framing this poem as told to him by a “traveller from an antique land,” Shelley effectively turns this into a story. Along with the careful use of juxtaposition to create irony, this poem accomplishes a lot in just a few lines. 

“Trying to Raise the Dead” by Dorianne Laux

 A direction. An object. My love, it needs a place to rest. Say anything. I’m listening. I’m ready to believe. Even lies, I don’t care.

Poetry is cherished for its ability to evoke strong emotions from the reader using very few words which is exactly what Dorianne Laux does in “ Trying to Raise the Dead .” With vivid imagery that underscores the painful yearning of the narrator, she transports us to a private nighttime scene as the narrator sneaks away from a party to pray to someone they’ve lost. We ache for their loss and how badly they want their lost loved one to acknowledge them in some way. It’s truly a masterclass on how writing can be used to portray emotions. 

If you find yourself inspired to try out some poetry — and maybe even get it published — check out these poetry layouts that can elevate your verse!

Song Lyrics

Poetry’s closely related cousin, song lyrics are another great way to flex your creative writing muscles. You not only have to find the perfect rhyme scheme but also match it to the rhythm of the music. This can be a great challenge for an experienced poet or the musically inclined. 

To see how music can add something extra to your poetry, check out these two examples:

“Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen

 You say I took the name in vain I don't even know the name But if I did, well, really, what's it to ya? There's a blaze of light in every word It doesn't matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah 

Metaphors are commonplace in almost every kind of creative writing, but will often take center stage in shorter works like poetry and songs. At the slightest mention, they invite the listener to bring their emotional or cultural experience to the piece, allowing the writer to express more with fewer words while also giving it a deeper meaning. If a whole song is couched in metaphor, you might even be able to find multiple meanings to it, like in Leonard Cohen’s “ Hallelujah .” While Cohen’s Biblical references create a song that, on the surface, seems like it’s about a struggle with religion, the ambiguity of the lyrics has allowed it to be seen as a song about a complicated romantic relationship. 

“I Will Follow You into the Dark” by Death Cab for Cutie

 ​​If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark

A red neon

You can think of song lyrics as poetry set to music. They manage to do many of the same things their literary counterparts do — including tugging on your heartstrings. Death Cab for Cutie’s incredibly popular indie rock ballad is about the singer’s deep devotion to his lover. While some might find the song a bit too dark and macabre, its melancholy tune and poignant lyrics remind us that love can endure beyond death.

Plays and Screenplays

From the short form of poetry, we move into the world of drama — also known as the play. This form is as old as the poem, stretching back to the works of ancient Greek playwrights like Sophocles, who adapted the myths of their day into dramatic form. The stage play (and the more modern screenplay) gives the words on the page a literal human voice, bringing life to a story and its characters entirely through dialogue. 

Interested to see what that looks like? Take a look at these examples:

All My Sons by Arthur Miller

“I know you're no worse than most men but I thought you were better. I never saw you as a man. I saw you as my father.” 

Creative Writing Examples | Photo of the Old Vic production of All My Sons by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller acts as a bridge between the classic and the new, creating 20th century tragedies that take place in living rooms and backyard instead of royal courts, so we had to include his breakout hit on this list. Set in the backyard of an all-American family in the summer of 1946, this tragedy manages to communicate family tensions in an unimaginable scale, building up to an intense climax reminiscent of classical drama. 

💡 Read more about Arthur Miller and classical influences in our breakdown of Freytag’s pyramid . 

“Everything is Fine” by Michael Schur ( The Good Place )

“Well, then this system sucks. What...one in a million gets to live in paradise and everyone else is tortured for eternity? Come on! I mean, I wasn't freaking Gandhi, but I was okay. I was a medium person. I should get to spend eternity in a medium place! Like Cincinnati. Everyone who wasn't perfect but wasn't terrible should get to spend eternity in Cincinnati.” 

A screenplay, especially a TV pilot, is like a mini-play, but with the extra job of convincing an audience that they want to watch a hundred more episodes of the show. Blending moral philosophy with comedy, The Good Place is a fun hang-out show set in the afterlife that asks some big questions about what it means to be good. 

It follows Eleanor Shellstrop, an incredibly imperfect woman from Arizona who wakes up in ‘The Good Place’ and realizes that there’s been a cosmic mixup. Determined not to lose her place in paradise, she recruits her “soulmate,” a former ethics professor, to teach her philosophy with the hope that she can learn to be a good person and keep up her charade of being an upstanding citizen. The pilot does a superb job of setting up the stakes, the story, and the characters, while smuggling in deep philosophical ideas.

Personal essays

Our first foray into nonfiction on this list is the personal essay. As its name suggests, these stories are in some way autobiographical — concerned with the author’s life and experiences. But don’t be fooled by the realistic component. These essays can take any shape or form, from comics to diary entries to recipes and anything else you can imagine. Typically zeroing in on a single issue, they allow you to explore your life and prove that the personal can be universal.

Here are a couple of fantastic examples:

“On Selling Your First Novel After 11 Years” by Min Jin Lee (Literary Hub)

There was so much to learn and practice, but I began to see the prose in verse and the verse in prose. Patterns surfaced in poems, stories, and plays. There was music in sentences and paragraphs. I could hear the silences in a sentence. All this schooling was like getting x-ray vision and animal-like hearing. 

Stacks of multicolored hardcover books.

This deeply honest personal essay by Pachinko author Min Jin Lee is an account of her eleven-year struggle to publish her first novel . Like all good writing, it is intensely focused on personal emotional details. While grounded in the specifics of the author's personal journey, it embodies an experience that is absolutely universal: that of difficulty and adversity met by eventual success. 

“A Cyclist on the English Landscape” by Roff Smith (New York Times)

These images, though, aren’t meant to be about me. They’re meant to represent a cyclist on the landscape, anybody — you, perhaps. 

Roff Smith’s gorgeous photo essay for the NYT is a testament to the power of creatively combining visuals with text. Here, photographs of Smith atop a bike are far from simply ornamental. They’re integral to the ruminative mood of the essay, as essential as the writing. Though Smith places his work at the crosscurrents of various aesthetic influences (such as the painter Edward Hopper), what stands out the most in this taciturn, thoughtful piece of writing is his use of the second person to address the reader directly. Suddenly, the writer steps out of the body of the essay and makes eye contact with the reader. The reader is now part of the story as a second character, finally entering the picture.

Short Fiction

The short story is the happy medium of fiction writing. These bite-sized narratives can be devoured in a single sitting and still leave you reeling. Sometimes viewed as a stepping stone to novel writing, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Short story writing is an art all its own. The limited length means every word counts and there’s no better way to see that than with these two examples:

“An MFA Story” by Paul Dalla Rosa (Electric Literature)

At Starbucks, I remembered a reading Zhen had given, a reading organized by the program’s faculty. I had not wanted to go but did. In the bar, he read, "I wrote this in a Starbucks in Shanghai. On the bank of the Huangpu." It wasn’t an aside or introduction. It was two lines of the poem. I was in a Starbucks and I wasn’t writing any poems. I wasn’t writing anything. 

Creative Writing Examples | Photograph of New York City street.

This short story is a delightfully metafictional tale about the struggles of being a writer in New York. From paying the bills to facing criticism in a writing workshop and envying more productive writers, Paul Dalla Rosa’s story is a clever satire of the tribulations involved in the writing profession, and all the contradictions embodied by systemic creativity (as famously laid out in Mark McGurl’s The Program Era ). What’s more, this story is an excellent example of something that often happens in creative writing: a writer casting light on the private thoughts or moments of doubt we don’t admit to or openly talk about. 

“Flowering Walrus” by Scott Skinner (Reedsy)

I tell him they’d been there a month at least, and he looks concerned. He has my tongue on a tissue paper and is gripping its sides with his pointer and thumb. My tongue has never spent much time outside of my mouth, and I imagine it as a walrus basking in the rays of the dental light. My walrus is not well. 

A winner of Reedsy’s weekly Prompts writing contest, ‘ Flowering Walrus ’ is a story that balances the trivial and the serious well. In the pauses between its excellent, natural dialogue , the story manages to scatter the fear and sadness of bad medical news, as the protagonist hides his worries from his wife and daughter. Rich in subtext, these silences grow and resonate with the readers.

Want to give short story writing a go? Give our free course a go!



How to Craft a Killer Short Story

From pacing to character development, master the elements of short fiction.

Perhaps the thing that first comes to mind when talking about creative writing, novels are a form of fiction that many people know and love but writers sometimes find intimidating. The good news is that novels are nothing but one word put after another, like any other piece of writing, but expanded and put into a flowing narrative. Piece of cake, right?

To get an idea of the format’s breadth of scope, take a look at these two (very different) satirical novels: 

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

I wished I was back in the convenience store where I was valued as a working member of staff and things weren’t as complicated as this. Once we donned our uniforms, we were all equals regardless of gender, age, or nationality — all simply store workers. 

Creative Writing Examples | Book cover of Convenience Store Woman

Keiko, a thirty-six-year-old convenience store employee, finds comfort and happiness in the strict, uneventful routine of the shop’s daily operations. A funny, satirical, but simultaneously unnerving examination of the social structures we take for granted, Sayaka Murata’s Convenience Store Woman is deeply original and lingers with the reader long after they’ve put it down.

Erasure by Percival Everett

The hard, gritty truth of the matter is that I hardly ever think about race. Those times when I did think about it a lot I did so because of my guilt for not thinking about it.  

Erasure is a truly accomplished satire of the publishing industry’s tendency to essentialize African American authors and their writing. Everett’s protagonist is a writer whose work doesn’t fit with what publishers expect from him — work that describes the “African American experience” — so he writes a parody novel about life in the ghetto. The publishers go crazy for it and, to the protagonist’s horror, it becomes the next big thing. This sophisticated novel is both ironic and tender, leaving its readers with much food for thought.

Creative Nonfiction

Creative nonfiction is pretty broad: it applies to anything that does not claim to be fictional (although the rise of autofiction has definitely blurred the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction). It encompasses everything from personal essays and memoirs to humor writing, and they range in length from blog posts to full-length books. The defining characteristic of this massive genre is that it takes the world or the author’s experience and turns it into a narrative that a reader can follow along with.

Here, we want to focus on novel-length works that dig deep into their respective topics. While very different, these two examples truly show the breadth and depth of possibility of creative nonfiction:

Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward

Men’s bodies litter my family history. The pain of the women they left behind pulls them from the beyond, makes them appear as ghosts. In death, they transcend the circumstances of this place that I love and hate all at once and become supernatural. 

Writer Jesmyn Ward recounts the deaths of five men from her rural Mississippi community in as many years. In her award-winning memoir , she delves into the lives of the friends and family she lost and tries to find some sense among the tragedy. Working backwards across five years, she questions why this had to happen over and over again, and slowly unveils the long history of racism and poverty that rules rural Black communities. Moving and emotionally raw, Men We Reaped is an indictment of a cruel system and the story of a woman's grief and rage as she tries to navigate it.

Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker

He believed that wine could reshape someone’s life. That’s why he preferred buying bottles to splurging on sweaters. Sweaters were things. Bottles of wine, said Morgan, “are ways that my humanity will be changed.” 

In this work of immersive journalism , Bianca Bosker leaves behind her life as a tech journalist to explore the world of wine. Becoming a “cork dork” takes her everywhere from New York’s most refined restaurants to science labs while she learns what it takes to be a sommelier and a true wine obsessive. This funny and entertaining trip through the past and present of wine-making and tasting is sure to leave you better informed and wishing you, too, could leave your life behind for one devoted to wine. 

Illustrated Narratives (Comics, graphic novels)

Once relegated to the “funny pages”, the past forty years of comics history have proven it to be a serious medium. Comics have transformed from the early days of Jack Kirby’s superheroes into a medium where almost every genre is represented. Humorous one-shots in the Sunday papers stand alongside illustrated memoirs, horror, fantasy, and just about anything else you can imagine. This type of visual storytelling lets the writer and artist get creative with perspective, tone, and so much more. For two very different, though equally entertaining, examples, check these out:

Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson

"Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine and valleys of frustration and failure." 

A Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. A little blond boy Calvin makes multiple silly faces in school photos. In the last panel, his father says, "That's our son. *Sigh*" His mother then says, "The pictures will remind of more than we want to remember."

This beloved comic strip follows Calvin, a rambunctious six-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger/imaginary friend, Hobbes. They get into all kinds of hijinks at school and at home, and muse on the world in the way only a six-year-old and an anthropomorphic tiger can. As laugh-out-loud funny as it is, Calvin & Hobbes ’ popularity persists as much for its whimsy as its use of humor to comment on life, childhood, adulthood, and everything in between. 

From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell 

"I shall tell you where we are. We're in the most extreme and utter region of the human mind. A dim, subconscious underworld. A radiant abyss where men meet themselves. Hell, Netley. We're in Hell." 

Comics aren't just the realm of superheroes and one-joke strips, as Alan Moore proves in this serialized graphic novel released between 1989 and 1998. A meticulously researched alternative history of Victorian London’s Ripper killings, this macabre story pulls no punches. Fact and fiction blend into a world where the Royal Family is involved in a dark conspiracy and Freemasons lurk on the sidelines. It’s a surreal mad-cap adventure that’s unsettling in the best way possible. 

Video Games and RPGs

Probably the least expected entry on this list, we thought that video games and RPGs also deserved a mention — and some well-earned recognition for the intricate storytelling that goes into creating them. 

Essentially gamified adventure stories, without attention to plot, characters, and a narrative arc, these games would lose a lot of their charm, so let’s look at two examples where the creative writing really shines through: 

80 Days by inkle studios

"It was a triumph of invention over nature, and will almost certainly disappear into the dust once more in the next fifty years." 

A video game screenshot of 80 days. In the center is a city with mechanical legs. It's titled "The Moving City." In the lower right hand corner is a profile of man with a speech balloon that says, "A starched collar, very good indeed."

Named Time Magazine ’s game of the year in 2014, this narrative adventure is based on Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. The player is cast as the novel’s narrator, Passpartout, and tasked with circumnavigating the globe in service of their employer, Phileas Fogg. Set in an alternate steampunk Victorian era, the game uses its globe-trotting to comment on the colonialist fantasies inherent in the original novel and its time period. On a storytelling level, the choose-your-own-adventure style means no two players’ journeys will be the same. This innovative approach to a classic novel shows the potential of video games as a storytelling medium, truly making the player part of the story. 

What Remains of Edith Finch by Giant Sparrow

"If we lived forever, maybe we'd have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes, and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is." 

This video game casts the player as 17-year-old Edith Finch. Returning to her family’s home on an island in the Pacific northwest, Edith explores the vast house and tries to figure out why she’s the only one of her family left alive. The story of each family member is revealed as you make your way through the house, slowly unpacking the tragic fate of the Finches. Eerie and immersive, this first-person exploration game uses the medium to tell a series of truly unique tales. 

Fun and breezy on the surface, humor is often recognized as one of the trickiest forms of creative writing. After all, while you can see the artistic value in a piece of prose that you don’t necessarily enjoy, if a joke isn’t funny, you could say that it’s objectively failed.

With that said, it’s far from an impossible task, and many have succeeded in bringing smiles to their readers’ faces through their writing. Here are two examples:

‘How You Hope Your Extended Family Will React When You Explain Your Job to Them’ by Mike Lacher (McSweeney’s Internet Tendency)

“Is it true you don’t have desks?” your grandmother will ask. You will nod again and crack open a can of Country Time Lemonade. “My stars,” she will say, “it must be so wonderful to not have a traditional office and instead share a bistro-esque coworking space.” 

An open plan office seen from a bird's eye view. There are multiple strands of Edison lights hanging from the ceiling. At long light wooden tables multiple people sit working at computers, many of them wearing headphones.

Satire and parody make up a whole subgenre of creative writing, and websites like McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and The Onion consistently hit the mark with their parodies of magazine publishing and news media. This particular example finds humor in the divide between traditional family expectations and contemporary, ‘trendy’ work cultures. Playing on the inherent silliness of today’s tech-forward middle-class jobs, this witty piece imagines a scenario where the writer’s family fully understands what they do — and are enthralled to hear more. “‘Now is it true,’ your uncle will whisper, ‘that you’ve got a potential investment from one of the founders of I Can Haz Cheezburger?’”

‘Not a Foodie’ by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell (Electric Literature)

I’m not a foodie, I never have been, and I know, in my heart, I never will be. 

Highlighting what she sees as an unbearable social obsession with food , in this comic Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell takes a hilarious stand against the importance of food. From the writer’s courageous thesis (“I think there are more exciting things to talk about, and focus on in life, than what’s for dinner”) to the amusing appearance of family members and the narrator’s partner, ‘Not a Foodie’ demonstrates that even a seemingly mundane pet peeve can be approached creatively — and even reveal something profound about life.

We hope this list inspires you with your own writing. If there’s one thing you take away from this post, let it be that there is no limit to what you can write about or how you can write about it. 

In the next part of this guide, we'll drill down into the fascinating world of creative nonfiction.

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How to create a story structure

Part of English and Literacy Creative writing

How to structure a story

The structure of a story is the order that events take place in. Many stories follow a simple story structure called the story mountain .

In this article you can find out how to:

  • Organise your plot
  • Develop your story ideas
  • Create an organised structure using a story mountain

This resource is suitable for creative writing for primary school learners.

Video - Story structure

Watch this video to learn how to create a story structure using a story mountain.

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Organise your plot and create a great structure with these story mountain tips.

Video Transcript Video Transcript

How to create a story structure.

Every story needs a plot: an exciting series of events.

Most stories follow a simple structure that is called the story mountain, but obviously all stories don't have to have a mountain in them.

The foot of the mountain is your opening where you introduce your hero and start setting the scene.

Ah, a knight - a perfect character for your story. Your next stage takes you up thestory mountain. It's called the build up.

Here, you build up the main body of the story. A plot will always be engaging if you add in a conflict, a fight or a mystery to solve.

It seems that the evil wizard in the castle on the other side of the mountain has kidnapped the heir to the throne. What a rascal!

Our knight must do something about this.

Now you're at the top of the mountain where the story peaks and our characters encounter a major problem, obstacle or dilemma.

A dragon! I would consider that a fairly big obstacle and the evil wizard has an army as well. Goodness me. How is the knight ever going to get past them?

Is our knight going to be roasted alive? Like a metal kebab?

This is the most thrilling part of the story. Be sure to keep your readers in suspense.

Next, we need a resolution. How does your character deal with the dilemma?

This is the point at which your character has to solve or resolve a problem to reach their goal.

It's a good idea to try and make your resolution unusual and original.

Well, I didn't see that coming.

Serves you right, you weasel.

At the bottom of the mountain is the ending and conclusion of your story with everything resolved.

Just because it's the end doesn't mean you can't be creative.

You could add an unexpected twist.

Your story needs to engage the audience with an exciting plot and keep them engaged from the opening, through the build up, problem and resolution, right up to the ending on the final page and beyond.

Now, I think I'll have a wild boar cabbage special sandwich but on brown bread or white?

Oh, black it is.

Different stages of a story mountain

Every story needs an exciting series of events.

  • Most stories follow a simple story structure close story structure The order that events take place. called the story mountain .
  • The structure of the story is how it is organised close organised When something has been planned or arranged in a particular order. .
  • The ideas in a story should flow close flow When something moves smoothly. . They should be linked and make sense.

The opening of a story starts at the foot of the mountain

The foot of the mountain is the opening to the story. This is when you introduce your hero, explain when the story is taking place and set the scene.

The knight is climbing up the story mountain in the 'build-up'

The next stage takes you up the story mountain. It’s called the build-up. Here you think about what’s happening and build up the main body of the story adding detail to interest the reader.

The knight has reached the top of the story mountain 'the problem'. There is a dragon at the top of the mountain.

Now you’re at the top of the mountain where the story peaks and our characters come across a major problem, obstacle or dilemma.


As you come down the other side of the mountain, your character has to solve or resolve the problem to reach their goal. This is the resolution.

The bottom of the mountain is the end of the story

  • At the bottom of the mountain is the conclusion of the story with everything resolved.

Writing the opening of a story

  • The foot of the mountain is the opening close opening The start or beginning of something. to your story with who , when and where .
  • This is the beginning of the story where you introduce close introduce When you use something or make someone known for the first time. your hero close hero A hero is someone who is admired for their bravery or special qualities. The hero is usually the main character in a story. , explain when the story is taking place and set the scene.

In our story we have a knight! A perfect character for our story.

Writing the build-up of a story

  • The next stage takes you up the story mountain. It’s called the build-up .
  • Here you think about what’s happening and build up the main body of the story adding detail to interest the reader.
  • A plot will always be engaging close engaging Something that is interesting and absorbing. An engaging story will make people want to keep reading to find out what happens next. if you add a conflict close conflict A disagreement or clash. – a fight or a mystery to solve.

The evil wizard in the castle on the other side of the mountain has kidnapped the heir to the throne. Our knight must do something about this!

Creating a problem for your characters

  • Now you’re at the top of the mountain where the story peaks and our characters come across a major problem , obstacle or dilemma close dilemma A problem or challenge. This is usually a situation where someone has to make a difficult choice. .
  • This is the most thrilling part of the story, be sure to keep your readers in suspense close suspense An excited or nervous feeling we experience when we are not sure what might happen next. .

How is the knight in our story going to get past the dragon and the evil wizard with his army?

Resolving your character's problem

  • This is the point at which your character has to solve or resolve a problem to reach their goal. This is the resolution close resolution The solution or answer to a problem. A good story should end with a resolution to the characters' dilemma. .
  • How does your character deal with the dilemma close dilemma A problem or challenge. This is usually a situation where someone has to make a difficult choice. ?
  • It’s a good idea to try and make your resolution unusual and original close original A new idea. Something that hasn't been copied. .

The knight tames the dragon with a delicious sandwich. The dragon defeats the evil wizard by destroying his clothes!

How to write a story conclusion

  • Even although it’s the end of the story, you can still be creative and add an unexpected twist.

Your story needs an exciting plot and an organised structure to keep the reader engaged with your ideas from the opening, through the build-up, problem and resolution, right up to the ending.

Key words about structuring a story

Key words sticker

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Description Entry: Forest

August 23, 2008 by BECCA PUGLISI

creative writing examples mountains

green, brown, dead fall, fallen trees, logs, branches, twigs, fallen leaves, ferns, underbrush, moss, brambles, thickets, ivy, berry bushes, pine needles, pine cones, acorns, insects, rabbits, birds, squirrels, lizards, mice, foxes, spider webs, deer, sun-dappled, shady, shafts…

Sounds branches creaking, feet shuffling through detritus, squirrels chattering, leaves rustling, wind whistling around trunks/disturbing the leaves, birds singing, insects humming/ churring, rustle of animals rooting in underbrush, scrabbling of lizards on tree bark, limbs..

Smells tree smells (pine, etc), wildflowers, earthy smell, animal scents, rotting wood, fresh, stale, dry, damp, wet, scents on the wind from nearby places (water, wood smoke, ocean), wild mint/herbs, decay (bogs, stagnant pools of water, dead animals), skunks, skunk weed…

Tastes earthy air, sweet/sour berries, nuts, mushrooms, wild onions, seeds, bitter, mint, gritty, mealy, meaty, relish, savor, sample, salty, acidic, sweet, flavorful, sour, tart, flavorless, swallow, mild, nutty, relish…

Touch rough tree bark, kiss of falling leaves, branches slapping, uneven ground, knobby roots underfoot, sticky sap, underbrush that tangles/grabs, prickle of briars, slick leaves, twigs snagging at hair/scratching face, tickle of hanging moss, spider web strands on skin, soft…

Helpful hints:

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1: I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. Bees hummed in and out of the pennyroyal. I inhaled its minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves.

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile) The trees lashed and crashed against each other like drum sticks in the hands of a giant…

Does your setting take place at night? Check out this similar Entry: WOODS AT NIGHT

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers


Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers . Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict , people commonly found in these locales , and setting-specific notes and tips , and the collection itself has been augmented to include a whopping 230 entries—all of which have been cross-referenced with our other thesauruses for easy searchability. So if you’re interested in seeing a free sample of this powerful Setting Thesaurus, head on over and register at One Stop.

The Setting Thesaurus Duo

On the other hand, if you prefer your references in book form, we’ve got you covered, too, because both books are now available for purchase in digital and print copies . In addition to the entries, each book contains instructional front matter to help you maximize your settings. With advice on topics like making your setting do double duty and using figurative language to bring them to life, these books offer ample information to help you maximize your settings and write them effectively.


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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October 11, 2021 at 6:06 am

That helped me a lot!

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October 7, 2021 at 2:08 pm

I love descriptive writing but can you help me to write a forest setting description?

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February 26, 2021 at 10:01 am

Thank you for this great help…☺️☺️

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February 23, 2021 at 4:37 am

Thanks this helped a lot!

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January 19, 2021 at 1:39 am

Lovely book, It helped me a lot thanks

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August 19, 2020 at 10:54 pm

Are you lovely ladies planning to put these descriptions into an ebook? I’m enjoying all seven of your thesaurus books.

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August 20, 2020 at 8:13 am

Hi, Michelle! I’m so glad you’re enjoying our books. Are you asking when the setting thesaurus is going to be turned into a book? If so, you’ll be happy to know that those books are published and available. You can find ebook information on our Bookstore page. https://writershelpingwriters.net/bookstore/

If you have other questions or need to clarify anything, just let us know!

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July 13, 2020 at 8:35 pm

OMG! This is powerful. God bless you richly. Please ma, can you help me to proofread my short fiction. I’m begging in the name of God. I have written a short fiction, but no one to help me to proofread it. [email protected] . Thanks in anticipation.

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July 14, 2020 at 10:44 am

Sorry, we are unable to do that, but if you join a writing group or have a good critique partner, they should be able to help you. Good luck and all the best. 🙂

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May 21, 2020 at 4:59 pm

amazing thankyou so much 🙂

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March 11, 2020 at 3:19 pm

thanks! these will help a lot with the forested settings in my book series: the elemental masters.

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June 26, 2020 at 5:42 am

Oh wow, your books are absolutely amazing. I’ve read all of them

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March 9, 2020 at 1:50 am

Thank you for this, however, could you also do the same setting description based on the setting of a beach? That would be extremely helpful for me. THank yoU!

March 7, 2020 at 10:28 pm

Hi, this is extremely helpful, but could you make another setting description, the same as this one, except about a beach scene? That would be super helpful for me. Thanks!

March 8, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Hi, Stacey! We actually do have a Beach entry. You can find it here: https://writershelpingwriters.net/2008/09/setting-thesaurus-entry-beach/ . And our TOC also contains a list of the entries you can find here: https://writershelpingwriters.net/occupation-thesaurus/

But if you’re looking for settings that we don’t have, you might consider checking out our website, One Stop for Writers. All of our thesaurus collection are there, and most of them have been expanded to include additional entries. For instance, here is the complete list of setting entries you can find at One Stop: https://onestopforwriters.com/scene_settings

Best of luck to you!

March 9, 2020 at 5:47 am

Thank you so much Becca, i just really appreciate it, i love the websites you gave me and it is simply WONDERFUL!!!

March 6, 2020 at 3:12 am

This is wonderful, thank you! Very helpful!

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October 24, 2019 at 6:10 am


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January 1, 2019 at 7:15 pm

this really helped me. thank you lol 🙂

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July 12, 2017 at 1:21 pm

I am helping a friend open a bar in a small town…the lifestyle here is of the following: Fishing, boating on our two rivers….Wabash and Tippecanoe and hunting deer. Cannot come up with a name to incorporate both of the passions our customers would enjoy. I have gone to your description setting entry for ideas…but just can not gel together this duo!!! Help?

July 12, 2017 at 8:00 pm

Hi, Patti. I’m sorry, but I’m not clear on what you’re after. Are you looking for help coming up with a name for a fictional town?

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October 5, 2014 at 2:41 am


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February 29, 2012 at 1:40 pm

Thank you so much for this! I have been struggling with my forest scenes for the longest time, stuck on the same small handful of descriptors–this is brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May 1, 2011 at 4:48 pm

Thank you very much for these amazing words! keep the work up!

March 7, 2011 at 7:54 am

Thank you so much. These beautiful words makes picturing a scene extremely easy.

February 1, 2011 at 2:13 pm

I absaloutly loved thease words i really needed them to help me get my English paper to life

January 25, 2011 at 6:47 am

It’s a great Help for me. I was looking for such post that could give some interesting wording to describe a greenery and forest scene.

Thank you very much 🙂

April 7, 2010 at 6:13 am

I showed my teacher and she said you rocked. Thank you 🙂

March 26, 2010 at 2:52 pm

Great help for my book! Thank you!

December 13, 2009 at 12:30 pm

Thanks. Great Guide for a descriptive piece of writing A*

December 11, 2009 at 12:26 am

Creatively helpful , specially to beginning writers like me. Thanks for this web.

October 2, 2009 at 10:38 am

very helpful thanxx cood u include more sentance exxampils thanx that wood be helpful! miss m

September 23, 2009 at 11:35 am

April 21, 2009 at 8:29 pm

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!! Just what I am writing about!!! THANKS!!!!!!!

August 24, 2008 at 1:17 pm

Thanks for the kind words. When Angela and I started this blog, one of our main goals was to keep it relevant to writers. Glad to know we’re doing alright on that front :).

August 24, 2008 at 12:07 pm

This is fabulous!! I love it!

August 23, 2008 at 8:02 pm

Angela and Becca, you one-hit wonders, you’ve done it again! You’re very good at relating to the reader (and making it easy on the writer).

August 23, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Great job. And I really like the drumsticks simile.

August 23, 2008 at 10:45 am

So perfect! Thanks! I love the simile and metaphor section!

[…] Forest […]

[…] is a forest entry already, but I think that at night the woods can be an entirely different setting, full of mystery […]

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pamedria Member

Help describing the cold mountains....

Discussion in ' Setting Development ' started by pamedria , Dec 11, 2016 .

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); By cold, I mean freezing snowy mountains where you can die. The coldest I've ever experienced on a mountain was just the top of Ben Nevis, which was pretty cold - but nowhere near what I need to explain, so I want to read something that does so on a grand scale. I need the surrounding views, feel of the climb, and the deathly temperature, so I cannot really write based on experience for this scene. Only my imagination, which I want to do alongside research. So I mean COLD, COLD. Like Mount Everest. Has anyone here experienced such a climb, or such coldness? A comment describing the experience in an artistic way is what I would love, or could anyone refer me to a scene in a book, poem or anything (preferably to find online) where someone describes such surroundings, feelings and sensation? So if you know any piece of creative writing that has such a scene, please comment the name (or link, c/p) so I can look it up. I just need more ideas and inspiration because soon I will be writing a difficult chapter which will end in an avalanche. Any help would be really appreciated.  


OJB A Mean Old Man Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Here is an example of how I'd free write a cold mountain scene. Since you wanted COLD, I thought about frostbite and cold-induced asthma as I wrote this. Made of rigid rock and snow, the mountain spears the clouds above it. The cold wind comes down from the mountaintop and wraps around me; my lungs close shut and I gasp for air. Sweat and tears freeze, and my skin blackens. I hope they don't amputate my fingers and toes after this. If you want cold, research what happens to the human body when exposed to sub-zero temperatures. This will give you the ideas for the details you might want to add.  


BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); I've never been super-cold on a mountain, but I've gotten to the cold-enough-to-stop-shivering stage a couple times just in general Canadian pursuits when I wasn't properly dressed for the weather. I think the most interesting thing is how non-panicked I felt. It's apparently fairly common to find people killed by cold with their clothes pulled off, because in the later stages your nervous system goes totally out of wack and you start feeling warm and comfy. I've never gone that far but I've definitely had the "I'm just going to lie down in this snowbank for a wee nap" impulse when too cold. In terms of the extreme cold itself - it hurts to breathe when it's too cold out. You have to figure out a way to warm the air a little before it goes into your mouth (god forbid your nose, it'll be frozen in a second) so you can rig up scarves, etc, but then with every exhalation you leave moisture on the scarves and it eventually condenses and freezes. Wind makes a huge difference - if it's calm enough it can be quite pleasant even when the air is truly cold, but even a slight breeze makes things miserable. Any exposed skin feels tough and almost hard, even pre-frostbite. Hmmm... I'm not sure what else...  


Lifeline South. Supporter Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); I'll drop you a PM.  


antlad Banned

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); I think that guy that wrote Into Thin Air also wrote a book about hikers that froze to death. Try to find that. Writing about the extremes of temperatures is difficult. When you experience them yourself you are left with impressions, since there is not much to compare it to. You also have odd thoughts/fears that don't follow much logic; like worrying that you throat or lungs will freeze.  


Scot Senior Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); When it's really cold, like -30C and below, the air is very very dry. Any moisture in the air crystallises into microscopic needle-like crystals which glint prettily in the sun. I was taught not to breath in through my mouth as fillings contract (you can hear it happening); the nerves in your teeth die and you will end up with abscesses (don't ask me how I know ); and you will get cold burns in your airway. Breathing through your nose allows your sinuses to warm the air before it reaches your lungs. Exerting yourself results in two bad things happening to you. 1) Your respiration rate goes up, increasing the probability you'll breath through your mouth. 2) you sweat, destroying the insulating properties of your clothing. The motto is: when cold, go slow. If, like me, you have a moustache, you end up with a HUGE moustache made of condensed, frozen moisture from your exhaled breath. Gets messy when you go back indoors. The lowest temperatures seem to occur when the sky is clear and the air is still. When it's cloudy it's usually warmer. Windchill is the killer though, -15C in a blizzard is infinitely worse than -30C on a still day. Caught out in a blizzard? Dig a hole in a snowbank and get out of the wind, you might survive. Frostnip occurs when the capillaries in your extremities, like noses, ears, fingers and toes shut down. Painless. A vigorous rub and warming them up means no harm done, but then it hurts like f%&*! Frostbite comes next. That's when your extremities end up like those sausages lurking at the back of your freezer, frozen solid. You will need medical attention to figure out what can be saved and what needs to be cut off. Left alone the frozen flesh will thaw and probably turn gangrenous. Hypothermia is a pleasant way to die. You stop shivering, you stop caring, you stop looking out for yourself and others, you become a liability to your party and you are blissfully unaware of all this. You feel tired, and in your confused mental state you might just lie down for a wee nap, from which you will never wake up.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Thanks to all who replied so far. All were very helpful. @Scot sorry to hear you experienced such cold before! Never heard that about the teeth. Do you literally mean the fillings in the back of your mouth could be heard? If that is what you mean, does anyone know when people started to wear fillings? Medieval times is very much unlikely, even among royals, so I doubt I could use that example within the novel, but it would be great if I could. Perhaps if a characters had a chipped tooth, I would imagine it would then be so painful with the nerve endings... Or by die do you mean you no longer feel anything? Were there abscesses in the actual mouth during, or after the experience? Have you (or anyone else) experienced a snow storm brewing and starting?  

big soft moose

big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

creative writing examples mountains

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); https://www.theguardian.com/books/2003/mar/30/everest.features Ant Lad is referring to Jon Krakauer the above Death on the mountain by David Breashears also covers the expedition into thin air is about and includes so pretty descriptive stuff about being really really cold ETA it also covers the arival of the storm I can't think of another Krakauer book specifically about freezing to death - into the wild was about Christoper McCandless and his death in alaska but that wasnt hypothermia related. You might find Eiger dreams , a collectionof mountain stories by him useful  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); In regard of dental fillings - google is your friend - according to this http://www.ada.org/en/about-the-ada/ada-history-and-presidents-of-the-ada/ada-history-of-dentistry-timeline gold was being used in rich people from at least 1530 , while there are some records in china much earlier - but amalgam fillings were only developed in the early 1800s  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Thank you @big soft moose ... I'll give them a read. As for the fillings, I think I'll give one of my princes a nice golden filling, to really ruin his snowy journey!  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); pamedria said: ↑ Thanks to all who replied so far. All were very helpful. @Scot sorry to hear you experienced such cold before! Never heard that about the teeth. Do you literally mean the fillings in the back of your mouth could be heard? If that is what you mean, does anyone know when people started to wear fillings? Medieval times is very much unlikely, even among royals, so I doubt I could use that example within the novel, but it would be great if I could. Perhaps if a characters had a chipped tooth, I would imagine it would then be so painful with the nerve endings... Or by die do you mean you no longer feel anything? Were there abscesses in the actual mouth during, or after the experience? Have you (or anyone else) experienced a snow storm brewing and starting? Click to expand...


Mckk Member Supporter Contributor

creative writing examples mountains

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Reminds me of when my friends told me they had almost died on their trip when they were caught in the snowy mountains after sunset, with all the wrong clothes, and emergency rescue refused to come in due to the fog and darkness. Three out of four torches had died because the batteries had frozen, they were climbing on the edge of a cliff on a narrow ledge, and the last remaining torch kept flashing on and off. One of the girls really did want to lie down and sleep and her husband kept yelling at her to keep moving, keep moving. They were a pair of newly weds and another couple, and thankfully they made it to the top where there was a hut. In the guest book apparently they left the message, "Thank you for saving our lives." *shudders*  

Iain Aschendale

Iain Aschendale Lying, dog-faced pony Marine Supporter Contributor

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); "To Build a Fire" by Jack London describes a man freezing to death in Alaska, and seems to be out of copyright (or the State Dept is ignoring those sorts of things these days). Take a look: To Build a Fire  


matwoolf Banned Contributor

creative writing examples mountains

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); White Spider: Tony Kurtz, 1936, lies frozen prone to the vertical ice shelf, his left arm is an icicle, the fingers of his right hand unravel a knot that shall save his life. Surely, he requires rope long enough to reach rescuers waiting 100 feet below. Over twelve hours he unstitches hemp with thumb and forefinger, but exertion is too much.. <Ich bin tote> he says, German and untranslatable. Incident known as 'The Death Of Tony Kurtz.'  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Iain Aschendale said: ↑ "To Build a Fire" by Jack London describes a man freezing to death in Alaska, and seems to be out of copyright (or the State Dept is ignoring those sorts of things these days). Take a look: To Build a Fire Click to expand...

Iain Sparrow

Iain Sparrow Banned Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); pamedria said: ↑ By cold, I mean freezing snowy mountains where you can die. The coldest I've ever experienced on a mountain was just the top of Ben Nevis, which was pretty cold - but nowhere near what I need to explain, so I want to read something that does so on a grand scale. I need the surrounding views, feel of the climb, and the deathly temperature, so I cannot really write based on experience for this scene. Only my imagination, which I want to do alongside research. So I mean COLD, COLD. Like Mount Everest. Has anyone here experienced such a climb, or such coldness? A comment describing the experience in an artistic way is what I would love, or could anyone refer me to a scene in a book, poem or anything (preferably to find online) where someone describes such surroundings, feelings and sensation? So if you know any piece of creative writing that has such a scene, please comment the name (or link, c/p) so I can look it up. I just need more ideas and inspiration because soon I will be writing a difficult chapter which will end in an avalanche. Any help would be really appreciated. Click to expand...
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Iain Sparrow said: ↑ From my own experiences hiking alone in the wilds of Northern California... it never dipped below freezing so the worst I suffered was a case of goosebumps. Click to expand...
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Iain Sparrow said: ↑ ended in the most bizarre way imaginable Click to expand...


Quanta Senior Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Temperature on Mount Everest Wed. 4am: -27 Celsius. Temperature on my thermometer this morning: -27 Celsius. When I step out into such windless, dry cold without my gloves on, it takes a minute for my hands to feel the cold. Sinuses feel it instantly, though. Coldest I have experienced is -38 and I felt like a hero going about my outdoors chores. Someone I know who went out in extreme cold in jeans said her tights felt like frozen hams.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Started reading and got great notes and quotes, but a lot to go through still! Want to make sure I have a lot of material to work with for when I start it. @Quanta May I ask where you're from? That's pretty damn cold. Have you been out long enough for your hairs to get iced up frosty?  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Canada, 53rd parallel. It won't be that cold all winter long, but I'm not complaining. It doesn't take long for hairs to get frosty from condensation of the breath, perhaps 10 minutes. A co-worker of my husband went out in this kind of cold with wet hair. When he ran a hand through it, it broke like icicles.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); I'm sure the wind chill is fun when its that cold - I remember one winter working as a chainsaw contractor in the UK , it was only about 5 below but working in a 30mph wind driving freezing slush in our faces was no kind of fun at all ( minus 1 deg C for every mph makes that effectively -35C) My visor kept icing over and having to be knocked off against a tree, and my protective over trousers developed a frozen layer on the outside. I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes, and my beard filled up with ice after four hours we said the hell with it and went to the pub to warm up  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); pamedria, I might add that I live near the city of Prince George, thought no prince of that name ever visited. I sacrificed myself (with great pleasure ) this afternoon and went on a snowshoe trek to make first hand observations about the cold. By the same occasion, I went to find a Christmas tree that I dragged with a rope all the way home. On the way in, going at a normal steady pace, I felt warm and comfortable in my four layers of clothing. On my way back and pulling the tree, I got sweaty very fast. When I stopped to catch my breath, it only took seconds to become chilled. It seems to me that when it is this cold, the coniferous trees are of a darker, duller green than when it gets near the freezing mark. (your characters may go through a forest on their way up the mountains.) This isn't so much about the cold but, on a sunny day, the snow is of a blueish-grey in the shade and of a very pale gold in sunshine and everywhere, diamonds in the snow. It looks especially magical in the moonlight. It makes me feel so fortunate, thought if I was a prince stuck in the mountains, I might wish to trade my fortune for a pub with a roaring fireplace. My husband works in the mountains near the Alaska border at 1371m/4498ft altitude. Up there, it is always windy, and foggy on most days. Snow started falling by the end of October and through most of November, it snowed at least 30cm every day and every night. Good luck with writing your scene  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); @Quanta Aww thank you so much for that comment! Very helpful indeed! It's first-hand experience too so you know it's genuine and raw. I especially like the comment about trading fortunate for the pub! Think my prince will have those thoughts. Pretty much the whole book is set in winter time, so thanks for making you comment wider about the forest as well! I remember when I was climbing a mountain in the snow around -10, I wanted to cry and was questioned every life decision I had ever made to that moment haha! I wanted to be in bed with a movie.  


Googoo300 New Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_c18dfb9adca21f378b62167d6f5a1257'); }); Hello! As an avid hiker, Alaskan native, and hater of snow, I may be able to help! Below is a semi artistic look at what I've personally experienced. In one sentence form Just one tip, when hiking extreme peaks in extreme cold you want to make oxygen choices. My father always slapped me for talking, explaining that I was waisting oxygen. White circles around my dizzy head. Lungs burning every step I took. Kneeling was the biggest mistake I made, my knees, improberly covered, had been soaked. Numb toes glided across rocks I'm going to do a poor job describing this feeling, and it probably won't be artistic at all. Anyway, whenever I'm just walking from the house to the barn to feed the dogs I never pull on my warm socks. I ALWAYS assume that I'll be quick and won't need to. But I'm ALWAYS wrong and my feet become bricks about halfway to the barn door. I literally feels like thousands of needles digging into my skin every step. In very cliche words, every time my foot hits the ground I can feel my bones breaking and I get hot tingles.  

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Writing a Story With "Story Mountain"

Kip Insights Team • April 27, 2023 • UK

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The "Story Mountain" is a widely used framework in creative writing, often employed in classrooms and workshops to structure stories. Understanding the basic elements of the story mountain can help students create engaging and well-structured narratives.

Story Mountain

creative writing examples mountains

Opening - The opening of the story is where you set the scene by introducing the setting, characters and establish the tone of the story. It's important to provide details about the characters, the time and the place where your story is taking place. This will help readers better understand the journey that lies ahead.

creative writing examples mountains

Build-up - In the build-up phase, the story starts to gain momentum as the main character faces obstacles and struggles to overcome them. This is where you can add detail of interest to the reader, foreshadowing events that will lead to a greater conflict. By building tension and intrigue, you can keep the reader engaged and eager to know what happens next.

creative writing examples mountains

Problem - The problem or conflict is the turning point of the story, where the tension reaches its peak and the character faces their biggest challenge. This is the moment when the story takes an unexpected turn, and the character must confront and address the problem head-on. It's crucial to create a compelling and challenging problem that will keep readers hooked.

creative writing examples mountains

Resolution - The resolution is the point at which the character must solve or resolve the problem to reach their final goal. This is the most exciting part of the story, where the plot reaches its climax and the character's fate hangs in the balance. Make sure to keep readers guessing and create a satisfying resolution that ties up loose ends and provides a sense of closure.

creative writing examples mountains

Ending - The ending of the story is when the characters have resolved the problem and everything has been resolved. While it's the conclusion of the story, you can still be creative and add an unexpected twist that gives your story a unique and memorable ending. This could even hint at the possibility of a continuation or sequel.

Putting It To Use

To write a story using the story mountain framework, start by brainstorming ideas for each of these elements. Consider the type of story you want to tell, the characteristics of your main character, and the challenges they will face. Use the story mountain as a guide to structure your ideas and create a cohesive and engaging narrative. Here's an example of how you might use the story mountain to write a short story using Little Red Riding Hood: Beginning : Little Red Riding Hood sets off through the woods with a basket of food for her sick grandma. Build-up : Along the way, she encounters the cunning wolf who asks her where she is going. Little Red Riding Hood becomes suspicious but continues on her way to her grandma's. Problem : When she arrives at her grandma’s house, she realises that the wolf has locked her grandma in the cupboard and is pretending to be her. Little Red Riding Hood screams for help. Resolution : Just as the wolf is about to eat her, the Woodcutter arrives and chases the wolf away. Ending : Little Red Riding Hood, grandma, and the Woodcutter live happily ever after, knowing they foiled the wolf's evil plans.

creative writing examples mountains

To Conclude

In conclusion, the story mountain framework is a valuable tool for structuring stories and creating engaging narratives. By following the elements of the opening, build-up, problem, resolution, and ending. You can create a well-paced story that captivates readers. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, the story mountain can help you organise your ideas and bring your stories to life. If you're interested in learning more about Improving your child’s writing skills, we invite you to book a free assessment on our website. Our team of English specialists can provide personalised feedback and guidance to help you become a more confident and skilled storyteller. Visit our website today and take the first step towards enhancing your storytelling abilities with Kip McGrath.

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The Ultimate Guide to 12 Different Forms of Creative Writing

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When you hear the word “creative writing”, you might think of writing novels, telling stories, or something like that. But it turns out there are lots of different forms of creative writing.

Speaking of which, this exciting blog post will shed light on different forms of creative writing put to paper by the expert paper writing service provider . So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Different Forms of Creative Writing

Short story.

Structure:  Short stories often involve just one storyline and a relatively small number of characters, typically following one narrative arc.

Length:  Usually, these stories can be told in a few hundred to a few thousand words, so you can get the point across quickly.

Elements:  This story has all the key bits and pieces, like plot, setting, characters, conflict, and resolution, that make it what it is. Being so short, every word matters in getting the story across properly.

Forms:  Poetry comes in many different shapes and lengths. You’ve got your sonnets, haikus, limericks, free verse, and plenty more. Each one has its own rules (or lack thereof) when it comes to how it’s structured and rhymed.

Imagery:  Uses lots of bright pictures, metaphors, beats, and noises to stir up feelings and express complicated ideas in a few words.

Emotion and Language:  Frequently looks at how we feel, what we go through, what we notice, or problems in our society by using words with strong feelings and special literary techniques.

Scope:  It offers lots of opportunities for telling stories, with lots of different story arcs, loads of characters with complex personalities, and detailed worlds.

Length:  Novels are generally more lengthy than short stories, and they can have anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 words.

Genres:  Covers a wide range of genres, from romance and fantasy to mysteries, sci-fi, historical fiction, and beyond.

Flash Fiction

Conciseness:  It takes an expert storyteller to effectively tell a story or evoke emotions within a very short number of words, usually 1000 or less.

Punchy Impact:  Short stories usually try to have a powerful or unexpected conclusion because they’re so brief, using storytelling that packs a punch in just a few words.


Dialogues and Actions:  Emphasizes conversations, what the actors do, and how they act, to make the characters seem real in a theatre production.

Scenes and Acts:  Using scenes and acts to divide up the play, taking into account the performance dynamics and how the audience is reacting.


Visual Storytelling:  Formatting for visuals such as movies or TV shows, putting together scene descriptions, dialogues, and actions to make an interesting story.

Technical Elements:  Needs an understanding of how to write a screenplay and how to time it for telling a story on the screen.

Creative Nonfiction

Factual yet Creative:  Mixing real-life stories or events with literary elements to create exciting stories.

Personal Reflection:  Often includes the author’s own musings, feelings, and emotions, making it more personal and easier for readers to relate to.

Personal Expression:  It’s a way to think about yourself, express yourself, and explore your feelings and ideas.

Varied Forms:  You can express yourself in so many different ways – from telling stories to being creative – to capture your experiences and thoughts.

Experimental Writing

Innovation:  Trying out different formats, structures, vocab, or ways of telling a story instead of sticking to the standard.

Pushing Boundaries:  They like to think outside the box when it comes to getting people’s attention and coming up with innovative ways to express their thoughts.

Epistolary Writing

Unique Perspective:  Share an account of events and characters by using documents, letters, emails, or journal entries. It’s a great way to get a personal and in-depth look.

Character Development:  This allows for the creation of more detailed and complex characters through their letters and conversations.


Lyrics and Melodies:  Uses stories and music to make us feel something and get the message across through songs.

Versatility:  This opens up different kinds of singing, from telling stories in a song to expressing yourself with poetic lyrics set to music.

Graphic Novels/Comics

Visual Narrative:  They combine art and story to make something interesting, using pictures and speech bubbles to tell their tale.

Panel Sequencing:  Uses panels and visuals to show a story, display character feelings, and present action.

Examples of Each Forms of Creative Writing

Creative writing examples are often the best way to master this art. Here you go with some examples.

Example of Short Story

“The sun set as the old man reminisced, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. An elderly figure sat on a familiar park bench, memories like wisps of smoke playing in his eyes. A young girl’s laughter broke the silence, and the old man found himself entranced by their conversation. He shared stories of his younger days, of loves won and lost, and adventures taken. As the sky darkened, his mind was filled with nostalgia.”

Example of Poetry (Haiku)

“Beneath cherry trees,

Petals whispering their tales,

Nature’s fleeting grace.”

Example of Novel

“In the mystical world of Eldoria, where magic filled the atmosphere and mythical creatures were around every corner, Elara, a young magician, discovered an old prophecy written in a long-forgotten book. This prophecy stated that darkness was coming to their world, threatening to take it over. With her trusty sidekicks—a humorous thief and a reliable warrior—Elara set off on a dangerous journey to uncover secrets hidden in the past and protect her realm from impending destruction.”

Example of Flash Fiction

“The door creaked open, showing a room that was barely lit. The walls had old and worn-out tapestries hanging on them. There was a candle that was flickering on an old table, casting some creepy-looking shadows. Next to it was a note with some mysterious directions. It said, “Find me in the labyrinth of time”. That’s how the journey of the searcher began, searching for a way through the winding hallways and the forgotten memories of the past.”

Example of Playwriting

[Opening scene stage directions]

Location:  A bustling city street.

Characters:  LENA, a young artist absorbed in sketching; JACK, a hurried businessman.

Action:  Lena, perched on a bench, meticulously sketches the towering skyline. Jack, lost in thought and rushing past, collides with her, scattering her art supplies.

Example of Screenwriting

[Scene from a screenplay]


Character: JESSICA (mid-20s), nervously sips her coffee.

JESSICA: “I never thought I’d see you again.”

MARK (across the table): “Fate has a way of surprising us.”

Example of Creative Nonfiction (Personal Essay Excerpt)

“The Himalayas took my breath away with their stunning snow-capped peaks, a reminder of how tough nature can be. I enjoyed the peaceful valleys and the crisp mountain air, and I also found something else – a chance to get to know myself better, all while taking in the beauty of the mountains.”

Example of Journaling (Reflective Entry )

“The rain was constantly tapping on my window today, like a slow, calming beat. Even though there was a lot of chaos going on outside, each raindrop seemed to take away some of my stress, leaving me feeling relaxed and peaceful.”

Example of Experimental Writing (Fragmented Narrative)

“She stepped into the hallway, a maze of memories, where time was all over the place. Every doorway reminded her of something from her past, a story that wasn’t finished. She could hear laughter, crying, and whispers that had been forgotten all around, telling a story that didn’t seem to have any kind of order.”

Example of Epistolary Writing (Excerpt from a letter)

“Hey buddy, I can’t put into words what I’m feeling, so I wrote it down instead. Read between the lines and you’ll get a better understanding of how strongly I feel about our bond.”

Example of Songwriting (Verse from a song)

“Underneath the starry night,

Dreams take flight, shining bright,

Guided by the moon’s soft light,

We’ll find our way through the night.”

Example of Graphic Novels/Comics (Comic Panel Sequence)

Panel 1:  A shadowy figure emerges from the mist, cloak billowing in the wind.

Panel 2:  The figure’s piercing eyes glow with an otherworldly power, illuminating the darkness.

Panel 3:  A sudden burst of blinding light engulfs the scene, revealing a mysterious symbol etched in the air.

Creative writing is more than storytelling and poetry. In fact, it includes songwriting, screenwriting, and more. This interesting blog post discusses 12 types of creative writing with examples for your understanding. Hopefully you have now a good knowledge of the 12 different forms of creative writing.

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AI on Trial: Legal Models Hallucinate in 1 out of 6 (or More) Benchmarking Queries

A new study reveals the need for benchmarking and public evaluations of AI tools in law.

Scales of justice illustrated in code

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are rapidly transforming the practice of law. Nearly  three quarters of lawyers plan on using generative AI for their work, from sifting through mountains of case law to drafting contracts to reviewing documents to writing legal memoranda. But are these tools reliable enough for real-world use?

Large language models have a documented tendency to “hallucinate,” or make up false information. In one highly-publicized case, a New York lawyer  faced sanctions for citing ChatGPT-invented fictional cases in a legal brief;  many similar cases have since been reported. And our  previous study of general-purpose chatbots found that they hallucinated between 58% and 82% of the time on legal queries, highlighting the risks of incorporating AI into legal practice. In his  2023 annual report on the judiciary , Chief Justice Roberts took note and warned lawyers of hallucinations. 

Across all areas of industry, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is seen and promoted as the solution for reducing hallucinations in domain-specific contexts. Relying on RAG, leading legal research services have released AI-powered legal research products that they claim  “avoid” hallucinations and guarantee  “hallucination-free” legal citations. RAG systems promise to deliver more accurate and trustworthy legal information by integrating a language model with a database of legal documents. Yet providers have not provided hard evidence for such claims or even precisely defined “hallucination,” making it difficult to assess their real-world reliability.

AI-Driven Legal Research Tools Still Hallucinate

In a new  preprint study by  Stanford RegLab and  HAI researchers, we put the claims of two providers, LexisNexis (creator of Lexis+ AI) and Thomson Reuters (creator of Westlaw AI-Assisted Research and Ask Practical Law AI)), to the test. We show that their tools do reduce errors compared to general-purpose AI models like GPT-4. That is a substantial improvement and we document instances where these tools provide sound and detailed legal research. But even these bespoke legal AI tools still hallucinate an alarming amount of the time: the Lexis+ AI and Ask Practical Law AI systems produced incorrect information more than 17% of the time, while Westlaw’s AI-Assisted Research hallucinated more than 34% of the time.

Read the full study, Hallucination-Free? Assessing the Reliability of Leading AI Legal Research Tools

To conduct our study, we manually constructed a pre-registered dataset of over 200 open-ended legal queries, which we designed to probe various aspects of these systems’ performance.

Broadly, we investigated (1) general research questions (questions about doctrine, case holdings, or the bar exam); (2) jurisdiction or time-specific questions (questions about circuit splits and recent changes in the law); (3) false premise questions (questions that mimic a user having a mistaken understanding of the law); and (4) factual recall questions (questions about simple, objective facts that require no legal interpretation). These questions are designed to reflect a wide range of query types and to constitute a challenging real-world dataset of exactly the kinds of queries where legal research may be needed the most.

comparison of hallucinated and incomplete responses

Figure 1: Comparison of hallucinated (red) and incomplete (yellow) answers across generative legal research tools.

These systems can hallucinate in one of two ways. First, a response from an AI tool might just be  incorrect —it describes the law incorrectly or makes a factual error. Second, a response might be  misgrounded —the AI tool describes the law correctly, but cites a source which does not in fact support its claims.

Given the critical importance of authoritative sources in legal research and writing, the second type of hallucination may be even more pernicious than the outright invention of legal cases. A citation might be “hallucination-free” in the narrowest sense that the citation  exists , but that is not the only thing that matters. The core promise of legal AI is that it can streamline the time-consuming process of identifying relevant legal sources. If a tool provides sources that  seem authoritative but are in reality irrelevant or contradictory, users could be misled. They may place undue trust in the tool's output, potentially leading to erroneous legal judgments and conclusions.

examples of hallucinations from models

Figure 2:  Top left: Example of a hallucinated response by Westlaw's AI-Assisted Research product. The system makes up a statement in the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure that does not exist (and Kontrick v. Ryan, 540 U.S. 443 (2004) held that a closely related bankruptcy deadline provision was not jurisdictional). Top right: Example of a hallucinated response by LexisNexis's Lexis+ AI. Casey and its undue burden standard were overruled by the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, 597 U.S. 215 (2022); the correct answer is rational basis review. Bottom left: Example of a hallucinated response by Thomson Reuters's Ask Practical Law AI. The system fails to correct the user’s mistaken premise—in reality, Justice Ginsburg joined the Court's landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage—and instead provides additional false information about the case. Bottom right: Example of a hallucinated response from GPT-4, which generates a statutory provision that has not been codified.

RAG Is Not a Panacea

a chart showing an overview of the retrieval-augmentation generation (RAG) process.

Figure 3: An overview of the retrieval-augmentation generation (RAG) process. Given a user query (left), the typical process consists of two steps: (1) retrieval (middle), where the query is embedded with natural language processing and a retrieval system takes embeddings and retrieves the relevant documents (e.g., Supreme Court cases); and (2) generation (right), where the retrieved texts are fed to the language model to generate the response to the user query. Any of the subsidiary steps may introduce error and hallucinations into the generated response. (Icons are courtesy of FlatIcon.)

Under the hood, these new legal AI tools use retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to produce their results, a method that many tout as a potential solution to the hallucination problem. In theory, RAG allows a system to first  retrieve the relevant source material and then use it to  generate the correct response. In practice, however, we show that even RAG systems are not hallucination-free. 

We identify several challenges that are particularly unique to RAG-based legal AI systems, causing hallucinations. 

First, legal retrieval is hard. As any lawyer knows, finding the appropriate (or best) authority can be no easy task. Unlike other domains, the law is not entirely composed of verifiable  facts —instead, law is built up over time by judges writing  opinions . This makes identifying the set of documents that definitively answer a query difficult, and sometimes hallucinations occur for the simple reason that the system’s retrieval mechanism fails.

Second, even when retrieval occurs, the document that is retrieved can be an inapplicable authority. In the American legal system, rules and precedents differ across jurisdictions and time periods; documents that might be relevant on their face due to semantic similarity to a query may actually be inapposite for idiosyncratic reasons that are unique to the law. Thus, we also observe hallucinations occurring when these RAG systems fail to identify the truly binding authority. This is particularly problematic as areas where the law is in flux is precisely where legal research matters the most. One system, for instance, incorrectly recited the “undue burden” standard for abortion restrictions as good law, which was overturned in  Dobbs (see Figure 2). 

Third, sycophancy—the tendency of AI to agree with the user's incorrect assumptions—also poses unique risks in legal settings. One system, for instance, naively agreed with the question’s premise that Justice Ginsburg dissented in  Obergefell , the case establishing a right to same-sex marriage, and answered that she did so based on her views on international copyright. (Justice Ginsburg did not dissent in  Obergefell and, no, the case had nothing to do with copyright.) Notwithstanding that answer, here there are optimistic results. Our tests showed that both systems generally navigated queries based on false premises effectively. But when these systems do agree with erroneous user assertions, the implications can be severe—particularly for those hoping to use these tools to increase access to justice among  pro se and under-resourced litigants.

Responsible Integration of AI Into Law Requires Transparency

Ultimately, our results highlight the need for rigorous and transparent benchmarking of legal AI tools. Unlike other domains, the use of AI in law remains alarmingly opaque: the tools we study provide no systematic access, publish few details about their models, and report no evaluation results at all.

This opacity makes it exceedingly challenging for lawyers to procure and acquire AI products. The large law firm  Paul Weiss spent nearly a year and a half testing a product, and did not develop “hard metrics” because checking the AI system was so involved that it “makes any efficiency gains difficult to measure.” The absence of rigorous evaluation metrics makes responsible adoption difficult, especially for practitioners that are less resourced than Paul Weiss. 

The lack of transparency also threatens lawyers’ ability to comply with ethical and professional responsibility requirements. The bar associations of  California ,  New York , and  Florida have all recently released guidance on lawyers’ duty of supervision over work products created with AI tools. And as of May 2024,  more than 25 federal judges have issued standing orders instructing attorneys to disclose or monitor the use of AI in their courtrooms.

Without access to evaluations of the specific tools and transparency around their design, lawyers may find it impossible to comply with these responsibilities. Alternatively, given the high rate of hallucinations, lawyers may find themselves having to verify each and every proposition and citation provided by these tools, undercutting the stated efficiency gains that legal AI tools are supposed to provide.

Our study is meant in no way to single out LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters. Their products are far from the only legal AI tools that stand in need of transparency—a slew of startups offer similar products and have  made   similar   claims , but they are available on even more restricted bases, making it even more difficult to assess how they function. 

Based on what we know, legal hallucinations have not been solved.The legal profession should turn to public benchmarking and rigorous evaluations of AI tools. 

This story was updated on Thursday, May 30, 2024, to include analysis of a third AI tool, Westlaw’s AI-Assisted Research.

Paper authors: Varun Magesh is a research fellow at Stanford RegLab. Faiz Surani is a research fellow at Stanford RegLab. Matthew Dahl is a joint JD/PhD student in political science at Yale University and graduate student affiliate of Stanford RegLab. Mirac Suzgun is a joint JD/PhD student in computer science at Stanford University and a graduate student fellow at Stanford RegLab. Christopher D. Manning is Thomas M. Siebel Professor of Machine Learning, Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science, and Senior Fellow at HAI. Daniel E. Ho is the William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Professor of Political Science, Professor of Computer Science (by courtesy), Senior Fellow at HAI, Senior Fellow at SIEPR, and Director of the RegLab at Stanford University. 

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