John Harman - Author, Novelist, Ghostwriter, Scriptwriter, Public Speaker and Facilitator of Writing Workshops

call 0417 874 686 [email protected]

  • Money for Nothing
  • Called to Account
  • Dangerous Assets
  • The Bottom Line
  • Company History Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Manuscript Assessment

Creative Writing Courses

  • Writing Mentor
  • Effective Business Writing Workshop Tutorials
  • Effective Writing Skills for People at Work
  • Brushing up on your Grammar and Punctuation
  • Presenting to Influence and Persuade with Confidence
  • Developing Successful Communication Skills in the Workplace
  • How to Develop Good Report Writing Skills
  • How to Enhance Your Editing and Proofreading Skills
  • How to Speed Up Your Reading — Yet Improve Your Retention
  • Upcoming Courses


John has conducted talks, short courses, seminars and workshops on creative writing and creativity at –  among others – The University of Cambridge Centre for Continuing Education; the University of California at Davis Summer School; The University of Western Australia Extension School; Edith Cowan University; The WA State Literature Centre and The Fellowship of Australian Writers.

creative writing courses perth

He has written for a living all his working life, first as a journalist and now as an author, popular novelist, scriptwriter, ghostwriter, copywriter, book doctor, writing coach, manuscript makeover consultant, manuscript assessor and as a creative writing teacher.

See John on Piazza Portraits produced by UWA to promote his creative writing courses at UWA Extension.

John usually has a programme of half-day, full-day and sometimes two-day courses running somewhere in Perth. Some of the course subjects he covers are :

  • The Art of Plotting your Novel Understanding and using the nine-point parabola of the plot
  • Developing Memorable Characters How to create believable characters in your fiction
  • Writing Dramatic Dialogue How to write sparkling dialogue
  • Show Don’t Tell Otherwise known as ‘exposition’ or ‘backstory’ – how to carry the story by showing, not telling
  • Developing your Technique How to develop your narrative style, voice, tone and point of view
  • Narrative Structure How structuring the story and playing with time can increase the drama
  • The Writing Business Understanding the world of publishing and the place of genre including writing a synopsis and hints on how to get published
  • Developing your Creativity Understanding and expanding your natural creativity
  • How to Write a Popular Novel Understanding what makes a novel popular
  • Writing a Thriller Using mystery and suspense in your writing

For information on what course subjects are currently being conducted where and when,  contact John

Dangerous Assets

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  • Crime Novels
  • Writing Services

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Writing Courses in Perth

Bring out your inner Hemingway with our smattering of writing courses that cover everything from creative writing to professional writing for businesses. Not able to commit to a long-term course? How about one of our pop-up writing workshops that will give you impactful learning in short time bursts? We’re ready if you are.

Whether you’re keen to learn the basics or expand your professional horizons, we have a wide range of writing classes taught by Perth ’s best writers!

36 Classes found for Writing Courses In Perth

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Virtual Writers Group

Simple Financial Record Keeping for Creatives

Virtual Writers Group for Young Writers

Publish a Book

Podcasting Basics

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Content writing course by iim skills, table of contents, top 7 creative writing courses in perth with certificates.

  • Jayant Sharma
  • April 1, 2024
  • No Comments

Have you ever desired the glory of a renowned writer but felt your writing lacks panache? Do you feel the possibility of writing fantastical tales, sublime articles, and the crème de la crème of plots in your grasp, but you can never divorce your ideas from your mind and onto a page? Fret no longer, we bring you the best creative writing courses in Perth, some native to Australia and others foreign so that you can save yourself the cognitive dissonance and see your imagination come alive as soon as possible.

List of best creative writing courses in Perth

What is Creative Writing , and why is it Important?

As the name might hint, creative writing is a form of writing that takes a creatively liberal approach in its formation, focusing less on the realistic contents/subjects and more on the expression of the writer through the utilization of a narrative structure, literary devices, and tropes, to convey an idea, principle or theme.

Though it may seem like a vague and ambiguous description, replete with blurred boundaries and unclear terminology, it is a field of great importance in the modern world. All original work, be it in the field of journalism, academics, or story-telling for marketing/kids, falls under the umbrella of creative works as it deals with stories and narratives.

Human beings understand the world, creating what is known as their world-view, predicated on the stories (grand narratives) they accept or, rather believe in during their developing years, and cementing or discarding them as they grow.

Be it a tragicomic fictional script or a heartfelt non-fictional biography of an eminent personality, creative writing acts as the unnoticed backbone of all creative endeavors today and has been so for centuries.

However, a simple understanding of creative writing’s prominence is insufficient to appease our practical sides and before launching into the top 7 creative writing courses in Perth, let’s take note of the winds of the Ocean Reef and answers.

What are the Job Opportunities & Salary for a Creative Writer?

In the creative sphere, the quality of your work, and its credibility define the scope of your opportunities to bag a good job as well as your field of expertise sets the upper limits to the compensation. Creative writing is a broad-stroke manner of describing a multitude of fields, which have great discrepancies in their remuneration and job availability, ranging from 49k AUD for a publishing copywriter/proofreader while a writer can end up with a salary of more than 180k AUD.

With writing fulfilling the role of a category under the Skilled Occupation List, the Government of Australia offers employment for writing professionals as well as a plethora of business opportunities, newspaper and radio organizations hiring budding writers and professionals for improving their branding/human-interest stories, with trends projecting moderate growth in this sector for the upcoming decade.

Jobs on offer for Creative Writers in Australia: (individuals pursuing Bachelor, Diploma, or Master in Writing, Journalism, etc.)

  • Author/ Book Writer
  • Video Games Writer
  • Screenwriter
  • Journalist and much more…

Creative writing is highly dependent on experience as well; professionals with work experience of 10+ years consistently outweigh others in the job market in both job opportunities and the amount of money they receive from their employers.

Thus, on the continent nation, you need not worry about the possibility of not finding work as about 2/3 of writing degree graduates follow up with jobs in the same industry. The quality of work is the main factor and the best creative writing courses in Perth will help you differentiate the necessities from the trivialities.

Creative Writing Courses in Perth: Criteria  

The simple criteria that have been kept in mind while selecting these courses are that they all offer unique services and content that can augment your writing skills or help you build solid foundational writing concepts like Point Of View, Narrative Structure, etc.

Pricing for these courses has not been a deciding factor in their selection, which must be regarded by those who are on a tight budget, though some of our selections can be considered thrifty, so there is ample diversity among these courses.

As a preface to the creative courses in Perth we plan to catalog, we must openly declare that this article is purposed to highlight the pros and cons of these critically acclaimed courses and help you find the ones that suit your grade of mastery in this field of expressing your creativity through the written word, not market these courses by raining them with praises galore. So, without further ado let’s begin with…

Must check the Best Online Creative Writing Courses

The Best Creative Writing Courses in Perth:

1. content writing master course by iim skills –.

With a scintillating writing experience, this course is masterfully crafted and aimed to turn you into a master of writing online. During the course of 4 months, you will be taught the intricacies of the trade, given global accreditation with access to varying modules that take care of the creative side as well as the technical aspect of your writing. The 16 modules for this course subsume:

  • Intro To CWMC
  • WordPress and Web Developing
  • All About Digital Content
  • Copywriting Basics
  • Personal Branding & Marketing
  • Social Media Writing & Scripting
  • Creative Writing
  • Business Listing and their Value
  • Legal Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Search Engine Optimization and other techniques
  • Affiliate Marketing & AdSense Learning
  • Marketing Content
  • Creating CV
  • Freelancing and Original Writing
  • Extremely Informative and Recognized Certification
  • Pre-Recorded Material and Live Doubt Sessions
  • Life-Time Access to Content
  • Proper Guidance in Publishing of Your Work
  • Real-Time Work through Internship
  • Help in Building Portfolio

Culminating, this course is a sublime split of work/learning experiences with experienced mentors who leave no stone unturned to teach the best of the creative writing craft to its students. The content is always kept up to date and its delivery is both flexible and universal.

With its sharp focus on the technical side of writing, in an online world, it is obvious that the  Content Writing Course by IIM SKILLS finds a comfortable spot among the best creative writing courses in Perth.

2. MasterClass: Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing

Learn from one of the most noteworthy writers of the generation. Margaret Atwood’s MasterClass creative writing course is a peerless addition to the catalog of the best creative writing courses in Perth. ‘The Prophet of Dystopia’ shares her insights into writing and how to manifest the world of your book through gripping plots and nuanced characters in this 23-part course. n in-depth workbook manual to go along with it, giving you extra reading material to gauge concepts better.

  • Learn from One of The Best Writers of Our Generation
  • Gain Access to Other Classes, Related to the Subject Matter as Well
  • Detailed Workbook to Aid in Greater Understanding
  • MasterClass Allows Flexible Pace for Learning
  • World-Class Production and Insightful for Beginners as well as Advanced Writers
  • Online Course at Comparatively Nominal Prices Allowing for Location Flexibility
  • Too Short in Length to Give Comprehensive Instruction
  • Focused on Edutainment More Than Pure Learning and Instruction
  • Lacks Any Live Sessions; Prerecorded Sessions and No Option for 1v1 training
  • Provides No Certification or Any Valuable Content to Add to Your Portfolio

Overall, Margaret Atwood’s MasterClass is valuable as an inciting incident; sparking your interest in writing and providing genuinely workable tips and techniques that can help you become a better writer; however, it carries its fair share of issues as well, in how it is structured and intended, nonetheless it’s still worth the money for its sheer entertainment value, if nothing else.

3. Coursera: Creative Writing Specialization:

This course crafted by Wesleyan University is superb and one of the best creative writing courses in Perth as it is a highly-rated course boasting 4000+ ratings and a capstone project motivating you to create an entirely original piece of literature. This course is a package deal, consisting of 4 different courses focused on 3 major genres of creative writing, namely memoir , short stories & essay, which will ensure your conversion into not only a devoted writer but also an adroit one. The course-specifics are as follows:

  • The Craft of Plot
  • The Craft of Character
  • The Craft of Setting and Description
  • The Craft of Style
  • The Capstone Project
  • Provides Shareable Certificates That Can Be Added to Your Portfolio
  • Flexible Speed of Learning and Payment
  • Economical and Practical for Value Offered
  • Beginner-Friendly
  • Discounts on Products Offered on Completion of Work
  • Renders Financial Aid through Scholarships

IIM Skills Content Writing Course free demo invite

  • Certificate does Add to Your University Credit
  • Lack of 1v1 Training and Any Real-Time Work
  • Completely Comprised of Peer Reviews
  • Lacks Comprehensiveness
  • Instructions Prone to Vagueness

Overall, despite the many downsides displayed, this course holds the venerable position for its ease of understanding, the low bar of entry, and the good quality of study material. The Coursera: Creative Writing Specialization is a remarkable course that offers plenty for anyone looking to dabble in short stories and memoirs but not much more, nonetheless, it takes the cake as one of the best and most affordable creative writing courses in Perth.

4. Complete Creative Writing – All Genres – the Full Course by Udemy

A course that promises you the world, yet surprisingly stays true to its commitments, learning the 4 major genres of creative writing, furnishing a strong grasp of creative writing to help in the realization of a unique style, discovering more about your writing and the pitfalls that afflict it and so on.

The course assures you’ll become a confident and prolific writer after following along with its 12-hour-long lessons, graphic study material, and online quizzes. Assignments and other tasks help you hone your skills as a creative professional, releasing your mind to think with greater clarity and purpose about your creative writing pursuits.

Trace Crawford, an invaluable instructor with 25 years of experience in the field and numerous laurels, and a near-perfect rating online is a meaningful asset in the ledger of this 6-section course, which are:

  • Introducing Creative Writing
  • Creation of Creative Non-Fiction
  • Forming a Portfolio
  • Lifetime access to all products and content of this course
  • Certification from a renowned online learning platform
  • Offers 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Extremely inexpensive falling under 10 AUD on sale days
  • Provision for publishing opportunities and great portfolio development
  • Requires only a zeal to learn
  • Improper assignment feedback
  • Fails to provide interesting insights or hold the attention
  • Skips a decent bit of the concepts of poetry and prose
  • Lacks live Q&A sessions resorting to assignment checking through peer reviews and written remarks.

This is a simple and reliable course for any aspiring writer, at a cheap rate and with a comprehensive take on creative writing. The COMPLETE Creative Writing – All Genres – THE FULL COURSE is an extremely useful course that orients you to build your digital portfolio and includes ample more to give shape to the writer within you, which is why it lands on the spot in our classification of the best creative writing courses in Perth.

5. Creative Writing Stage – 1 by Australian Writer’s Centre

The well-known Australian Writer’s Centre offers about 65 brilliant writing courses and this one is no different in quality and stature. Being the starting course, it provides you with great lessons to write good fiction. Lessons like creating enthralling characters, finding a personal writer’s voice , building a story with form, structure, etc.

It is a course that aims to unlock your writing potential, receive key feedback on your writing mistakes, and learn all the basic constituents of fictional and non-fictional writing including various techniques, concepts, and more …

Receive personalized feedback and engage with writing events like Write Direction with the celebrated author, Angela Slatter, even after you have completed the course.

  • Benefits of Online Classroom
  • Flexible Learning Pace
  • Online Tutor Providing Direct Feedback
  • Practical Assignments with Experts in The Field
  • No Accredited Certification Mentioned
  • Little Focus on Portfolio Development
  • Can Be a Bit Expensive

Culminating, the AWC offers a fine course for creative writing aspirants, and their assortment of courses other than the one mentioned are just as valuable, if not more valuable for some. Their course outshines others with the direct feedback they provide to their students and the top-notch services they offer and that too, holding national recognition, even allowing for in-person meetups with people in Sydney and Melbourne, adding to their credibility.

All of these aspects fulfill the criteria for a good creative writing course, allowing this one to make it onto our catalog for the best creative writing courses in Perth.

A few other courses you should consider

  • Creative Writing Courses in London
  • Creative Writing Courses in New Zeland
  • Creative Writing Courses in Canada
  • Creative Writing Courses in Edinburgh
  • Creative Writing Courses in Singapore

6. The Basics of Creative Writing Course by Writer’s College:

This is a prestigious writing course catering to both rookies and veterans of the craft, with a keen eye on relearning/learning the basics that formulate creative writing. The course subsumes 5 modules that cover every aspect of creative writing of significance for the creation of an original work. The modules are as follows:

  • Module 1 – Components of Fiction
  • Module 2 – Learning to Write Scenes
  • Module 3 – Writing Original Scenes
  • Module 4 – The Life of Writing
  • Module 5 – Opportunities for Writing Professionals

The course is an ongoing experience with a 200-page manual and 40 work assignments to complete in the 4-month duration of this course. A challenge but one that under the tutelage of instructors like Helen Brain, an eminent book writer, and Nerine Dorman, the winner of the Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature in 2019, is smooth-sailing with just the right sprinkle of devotion and desire.

  • Unique Individual Feedback
  • Flexible Schedule and Pace of Learning Through Online Medium
  • Ongoing and User-Based Assessment with Progress in Course
  • Proper Mentoring and Study through 40 Assignments
  • Provision of Certification After Course Completion
  • Can Be Expensive
  • Little Focus on Portfolio-Building
  • Lack of Online Resources to View at One’s Convenience

Ultimately, the course succeeds in providing great benefits to the student at a minor expense, which can be shelved to the realm of nit-picks. With its cascading merits and universal acclaim, it’s hardly surprising that this course has a special place in the best creative writing courses in Perth.

IIM Skills Content Writing Course free demo invite

7. Reedsy Learning – Creative Writing Course

A specially curated space for writers with 18 free courses on offer with Reedsylearning, teaching technical aspects of creative writing like the point of view, show don’t tell, plot structure, and creative guidelines and rules for romantic & thriller genres. The course delivery is through a professional email with a blog link enclosed for deeper understanding and greater knowledge.

The course is shelled out over 10 days into your inbox, allowing you to check them at your convenience and they are a community that’s 1 million strong and growing. With its bite-sized but world-class help, writing for millions has never been easier and more fun.

  • Free Quality Content
  • Cost & Time-Efficient
  • A Great Community of Writers & Competitions
  • Expert Instructors
  • Extremely Beginner-friendly
  • Lack of Any Targeted Instruction
  • No video sessions
  • No Prospect of Portfolio Development4

Reedsylearning’s course is a unique mixture of good content, great options, and regular delivery with zero costs involved. It’s a purely beneficial transaction for any user because Reedsylearning believes that to gain knowledge. money should not be required, thus helping you write and achieve your goals for no special favors. This unique delivery model, in combination with proper guidance and motivation, graces it with sufficient value for beginners.

1. What are the required skills for creative writing professional?

Creative writing is an expression of varying perceptions, about the mundane and the aesthetic so the skills of a professional in this field are never quite concrete; or dynamic like the art form. However, some essential and widely-accepted requirements to be a creative writer in today’s business market are:

  • Storytelling Abilities: Every creative writer possesses the desire to generate a story, and express the world in narratives and since people are jarringly attentive to stories, storytelling is an effective tool in the arsenal of creative writing professionals.
  • Research: To present imaginary things as real or for proper representation of existing objects, knowing every detail about an object or concept is of the greatest priority. Writing without knowing can lead to easily-correctable errors in the idea you wish to convey, creating misunderstanding. Therefore, an ingrained habit of research goes a long way for creative writers.
  • Editing: The technical aspect of your writing like tone, and grammar is significant and can steal the charm of it if handled improperly. Not only technique but the process of reviewing your text can allow for corrections in style and theme, wherever required.

2. What are the basic requirements to be a creative writer in Australia?

Some basic requirements to be a creative writer in Australia are:

  • Complete your education with a course in English/Bachelor.
  • Develop a writing habit
  • Develop a proper portfolio for your works
  • Do courses (the ones from ‘Top creative writing courses in Perth to become a professional writer’ are recommended)
  • Look for Internships that offer real-time engagement and work
  • Find good writing communities to gain knowledge and a place of belonging

3. What are some tips to improve my creative writing?

Well, our article was about the best creative writing courses in Perth, so their recommended readings, guidance, and advice will be greater in value, nonetheless here are a few tips for improving the caliber of your creative writing:

  • Do proper research
  • Divide content into readable chunks
  • Review writing by each paragraph
  • Check for errors in tense, voice, and tone
  • Value readability over the precision of expression


Keeping balanced criteria in mind, our attempt to provide you with the best creative writing courses in Perth, which hopefully fit the bill for what you sought from creative writing courses. We genuinely wish you great success in your writing journey and hope you keep learning and growing by putting pen to paper or tapping away at the keyboard.


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  • Current Students

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English and Creative Writing

Use your creative writing skills and love of the English language to tell stories in a range of different contexts and styles.

What type of student are you?

You're considered a domestic student if you're an Australian citizen or permanent resident , a New Zealand citizen or hold a permanent Australian humanitarian visa.

You're an international student if you hold or are applying for a Student, Diplomatic, Bridging, Temporary or Provisional Resident visa, or are a permanent resident of New Zealand.

The English and Creative Writing major rests on the idea of the importance of literature as a living cultural practice.

You will focus on the global significance of text as a literary form, broadly understood to include all its variants - from the short story, to the sonnet, from the blog to the bildungsroman, and from pastoral to performance poetry.

Understanding the intimate relationship between the literary and the creative, you’ll get to study English literature while developing knowledge and skill in critical and creative reflection and writing practice. Therefore you will be required to read, view, listen and write critically, professionally and creatively in response to a wide range of written, visual and other texts.

3 reasons to study English and Creative Writing at Murdoch

  • Work with real organisations on real projects, and complete internships through our work integrated learning program. Some of our students have worked with the Blue Room, WA Fringe Festival and the Heath Ledger Theatre.
  • Number 1 in WA for teaching quality for communications by the Good Universities Guide 2024.
  • Showcase your creative work through local, national or even global competitions. Our students have had their writing published and won film awards that have landed them jobs with global film and music producers.

What you’ll learn

Build the knowledge and skills you need to meet your career or study goals. In this course you will:

  • Build an extensive knowledge of a broad range of texts – literary, public, performative – from the Renaissance to the present day.
  • Work to identify how texts function aesthetically, socially and politically in everyday life and as culturally-specific forms of creative and professional writing, literature and performance.
  • Develop skills in professional writing and editing to create well-constructed, clear and persuasive texts and oral communications in a variety of genres, modes and styles. 

Your future career

When you graduate you could become an author or editor and will be well prepared for employment in advertising, design, teaching, public administration, journalism, publishing, computer arts, and many fields of business. Careers could include:

  • Arts Administrator
  • Professional Writer

The industries you could work in include the arts, publishing, communications, government or even working for yourself as a free-lancer.

Previous admission information is available at  Murdoch Admission Information - Arts.

Study areas

  • Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Courses with this major

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts

Apply to start

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Stay informed about upcoming events, news, courses, and much more. Your journey begins here.

To help plan the structure of your course, search for our suggested course plans .

Entry requirements

Select which option best describes your path to university :, higher education, recent secondary education, vocational education & training, work & life experience, english requirements.

You must meet a minimum standard in English to study at Murdoch, which for most courses can be demonstrated by providing evidence that you have completed Year 11 and 12 in Australia at any level if you are a domestic student, or through either English proficiency tests , university preparation courses , English language courses , previous tertiary study or vocational education .

Other Requirements

Advanced standing.

Everyone has a different path to university so if you’ve already completed formal or informal learning, you could receive advanced standing. Also known as recognition of prior learning, advanced standing can reduce the amount of study needed to complete your degree by giving you credit for certain units.

Formal learning can include previous study in higher education vocational education or adult and community education. Informal learning can include on the job learning, various kinds of work and life experience.

Find out more

Adjustment for Murdoch RISE

Murdoch RISE is a selection rank adjustment, as part of our commitment to helping students from regional, Indigenous and low socio-economic backgrounds gain university entry.

If you achieve an ATAR of 60.00 - 89.95, a Murdoch RISE adjustment factor of up to 10.00 points may help you get into your preferred course. Murdoch RISE can increase your selection rank up to a maximum of 90.00.

There’s no application or need to register. If you are eligible, the adjustment factor is automatically added to your raw ATAR score when you apply.

This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai  and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.

Girl sitting at table with books

Enabling pathways

If you don’t currently meet our admission requirements, we have a range of enabling pathways to help build your skills.

Fees and scholarships

Students in a lecture theatre


Make the most of your university experience by reducing the financial costs with a scholarship.

Whether you’re a high achiever or have experienced hardship, we offer a wide range of scholarships and awards to students from all walks of life. Explore our scholarships to find the ones you could be eligible for as a new Murdoch student as well as what's available throughout your degree.


How much will it cost?

Instead of paying an overall course fee, you pay for the individual units you enrol in. The total course cost will vary depending on the units you choose.

Following your successful application, you’ll receive a Letter of Offer which will contain specific course and fee information.

If you are applying for an undergraduate course, you may be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place. Postgraduate programs are full fee paying, unless indicated otherwise in your Letter of Offer .

Course fees vary depending on the level of study and the year of commencement. Use our Fee Calculator to estimate the cost of your course.

Make the most of your university experience by reducing the financial costs with a scholarship. Our International Welcome Scholarship offers eligible students between $8,000 and $11,000, depending on the course you study.

The Australian Government also offers scholarships to students from developing countries through the Australia Awards Scholarship program.

Explore our scholarships and find out if you’re eligible to apply.

How to apply

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have some or all of the following documentation ready for a quick application.

  • Completed official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion
  • ATAR results
  • STAT Test results
  • Complete or incomplete official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion – both original and English translated versions
  • English Language Proficiency Document (if available)

Apply for Creative Writing Major (BA)

Start your application, direct to curtin, apply as a high school student.

  • Apply for Semester 1, 2025 via TISC
  • Apply for other dates

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Study Creative Writing at Curtin

Creative Writing

Undergraduate major.

Develop your writing skills in fiction, poetry, and experimental and emerging genres.

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is used to determine eligibility for places in university courses.

  • Qualification Creative Writing Major (BA)

A full-time study load usually consists of 200 credits (approximately eight units) per year, with 100 credits (approximately four units) in each semester.

Select your preferred degree

This course belongs to multiple degrees. Select the single degree or double degree below to see the application deadlines.

Do you enjoy expressing your creative side through writing? Are you an aspiring author or poet? The standout feature of a creative writing career is the ability to contribute to and influence culture through an understanding of writing conventions and literary techniques.

In this major you will gain the knowledge and techniques that writers need in the age of digital communication and entertainment. You’ll develop skills across various writing styles, including fiction, poetry and experimental and emerging genres.

You’ll benefit from the advice of Curtin’s experienced tutors (many of whom are acclaimed authors) and through critical engagement with your creative peer group.

Creative writing is offered as part of the Bachelor of Arts . You can enhance your studies with a second major or choose from a range of elective units that support your career goals.

You can also study this major as part of a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce double degree.

What jobs can the Creative Writing course lead to?

  • Copywriter / writer
  • Advertising
  • Creative arts

What you'll learn

  • identify, explain and apply the key disciplinary concepts in Creative Writing
  • integrate theory and creative practice; conceive, develop and evaluate innovative new writing
  • access and evaluate the sources, authority and relevance of information and synthesise key facts, themes and ideas in writing
  • communicate ideas to a range of audiences and in a variety of media and genres
  • use technologies to access resources, communicate effectively and develop writing and research skills
  • use disciplinary skills and knowledge to learn how to learn, and apply these insights to new writing and to the different intellectual and professional roles required of a writer in the broader community
  • acknowledge the interrelationship between local, national and global perspectives and the impact of this on writing and the creative industries
  • value a range of cultural knowledge and take care to represent these, where appropriate, in an ethical and professional manner
  • work independently and/or collaboratively to produce innovative and informed creative writing that contributes meaningfully to contemporary culture

Why study Creative Writing

Transferable skills.

Humanities courses teach transferable skills for international careers. 

Get the Curtin edge

You’ll have opportunities to publish short stories and poems in the China Australia Writing Centre’s yearly anthology or the Curtin Student Guild’s Grok Magazine.

Industry links

Graduates of this course have gone on to have successful writing careers and won national literary awards. Our alumni include Ruth McIver, Tim Winton, Jon Doust, Deborah Robertson, Brooke Davis and Tracy Ryan.

Get the latest Curtin updates

For invitations to events, study tips and info on navigating your way to uni, join the Curtin community.

Admission criteria

What you need in order to get into this course. There are different pathway options depending on your level of work and education experience.

Select an option that best suits you:

Recently left high school

Work and life experience

TAFE or apprenticeship

Current or previous University experience

I’m not sure

You’re considered a high school leaver if you:

  • Completed year 12 in Australia or overseas in the past two years, or
  • Completed TAFE or VET studies in the past two years.

ATAR pathway

This course has a minimum ATAR of 70

Essential WACE subjects (prerequisites)

Subjects you must have studied in high school to be eligible for entry into a course.

English ATAR, Literature ATAR or English as an Additional Language/Dialect ATAR.

Desirable WACE subjects

High school subjects that aren’t essential for entry into the course, but provide a good foundation.

There are no desirable WACE subjects for this course.

Please see our correlation comparability for previous TEE subjects, WACE courses and WACE ATAR courses.

StepUp Entry

StepUp grants additional ATAR points to help eligible students qualify for admission.

Successful StepUp Entry and StepUp Equity Adjustment Admission Pathway (StepUp Bonus) applicants will be eligible to be considered for admission into this course.

Alternative pathways

If you don’t meet our minimum admission criteria, the UniReady Enabling Program can help you qualify for entry into a range of undergraduate courses.

The certificate IV is the minimum requirement for university entry. It qualifies you for entry to Curtin courses with a 70 ATAR. You must also meet English language proficiency.

If you’re an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant who hasn’t met Curtin’s minimum admissions criteria, the Centre for Aboriginal Studies offers bridging courses that are tailored to help you gain entry into this course.

Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

The Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is a national test for those who don't meet university admission criteria. STAT can be used to meet entry criteria for some courses, or as a way to satisfy Curtin’s English proficiency requirements.

Written English and either verbal or quantitative

Find your pathway to Curtin

Think you don’t have the marks or qualifications to study at Curtin? We have several pathways to help you meet admission. Use our pathway finder to find your best way to studying with us.

How others gained admission

View the ATAR breakdown to see the low, median and high ATAR scores of students who started studying this course recently.

To see the other pathways students have taken, see the pathway breakdown .

Other requirements and notes for this course

Applicants are required to choose one of the Bachelor of Arts majors when applying. If you with to study a double major, you elect the second major once you have been accepted into the course.

In addition to the course-specific admission criteria listed above, please read our general admission criteria . Our general admission criteria apply to all courses at Curtin University.

You’re considered someone with work and life experience if:

You have left secondary education more than two years ago (i.e. who are not classified as recent secondary education applicants) and have not undertaken vocational education training (VET) or higher education study since then.

How we define ‘experience’ ‘Experience’ includes a combination of factors sufficient to demonstrate readiness for higher education such as mature-age entry, professional experience whether completion of the Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) is required or not, community involvement or work experience. Applicants may have undertaken non-formal programs that have helped prepare them for tertiary education or are relevant to the proposed higher education field of study.

You’re considered someone who studied at TAFE or have done an apprenticeship if:

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a VET course. This includes study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not. Applicants with VET study may have other qualifications such as a Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate.

AQF Certificate IV - Separate evidence of English language proficiency is required; or AQF Diploma; or AQF Advanced Diploma.

You’re considered someone who has recently left university if:

Applicants with higher education are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, such as a university degree. This may include applicants who are currently studying a higher education course at another education provider and want to transfer to Curtin University, or applicants who are currently studying at Curtin but want to switch to a different course. It may also include applicants who have completed past study with university and non-university higher education providers.

Curtin course switcher criteria

Our admission criteria for minimum entry apply to Curtin course switchers. For information on how to meet Curtin's minimum entry requirements, please see our admission criteria web page.

Higher education course switcher criteria

Our admission criteria for minimum entry apply to other higher education course switchers. For information on how to meet Curtin's minimum entry requirements, please see our admission criteria web page.

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You’ll find Curtin Connect in building 102 on the Perth campus. 8:30am to 4:30pm weekdays (Tuesday from 9:30am)

Use your experience to get credit towards your degree

Finish your course sooner with credit for your previous study or work experience.

Fees and charges

Please view the Bachelor of Arts degree for indicative fees.

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How to apply.

Please review information on how to apply for the campus of your choice

Frequently asked questions

There are 3 different categories of acceptance due dates:

  • For countries listed here ( Country List ), acceptance due date is 7 weeks before course start date, as stated on your Offer Letter. If you have a GTE Finance or GTE Interview condition on your offer, you must submit the GTE documentation 2 weeks before the acceptance closing date.
  • For all other countries which are not listed in the list, the acceptance due date is 3 weeks before the course start date.
  • If you are currently in Australia on a valid visa, the acceptance closing date is 1 week before the course start date.

Curtin has a duty of care to ensure all international students have sufficient time to have their student visa issued and to arrive in Perth in time for the Orientation Week and the start of classes. The timeframes stipulated above allows Curtin to process your completed documents and for the Department of Home Affairs to issue your student visa in time. For more information on visa processing times, please refer to the Visa Processing Times on the Department of Home Affairs website.

For international application deadlines, please refer to: Key dates and university application deadlines | Curtin University

The offering information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

The information on this page may be subject to change. In particular, Curtin University may change the content, method or location of delivery or tuition fees of courses.

While Curtin uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on this page is accurate and up to date, errors and omissions sometimes occur. Curtin makes no warranty, representation or undertaking (expressed or implied) nor does it assume any legal liability (direct or indirect) for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information.

View courses information disclaimer .

  • Curtin course code:  MJRU-CRWRI
  • Last updated on:  12 May 2024

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Opening hours: Mon to Fri: 8.30am – 4.30pm, except Tues: 9.30am – 4.30pm (AWST). Closed public holidays.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Specialisations

Business specialisations available in the BBA:

  • Accounting for Business Decisions Specialisation
  • Business Law and Policy Specialisation
  • Business Project Management Specialisation
  • Business Strategy Specialisation
  • Corporate Governance Specialisation
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing Specialisation
  • Event Management Specialisation
  • Fashion Marketing Specialisation
  • Information Systems in Business Specialisation
  • International Management Specialisation
  • Marketing Foundations Specialisation
  • Property Investment Specialisation
  • Public Relations Specialisation
  • Small Business Start-Up Specialisation
  • Social Leadership and Ethics Specialisation
  • Taxation Law Specialisation
  • The Business of Advertising Specialisation
  • Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Specialisation
  • User Experience for Business Optimisation Specialisation
  • Workforce Management Specialisation

Specialisations available from Humanities and Science:

  • Actuarial Financial Mathematics Specialisation
  • Advertising Design Specialisation
  • Animation and Game Design Specialisation
  • Anthropology and Sociology Specialisation
  • Asian Studies Specialisation
  • Chinese Language Specialisation
  • Construction Management Specialisation
  • Creative Writing Specialisation
  • Design Thinking and Visual Communication Specialisation
  • Designing Fashion Specialisation
  • Digital Design Specialisation
  • Digital and Social Media Specialisation
  • English and Cultural Studies Specialisation
  • Environmental Planning Specialisation
  • Fashion Design Specialisation
  • Fine Art Specialisation
  • Geography Specialisation
  • Graphic Design Specialisation
  • Graphics Specialisation
  • History Specialisation
  • Illustration Specialisation
  • Interior Architecture – Applied Interior Design Specialisation
  • Interior Architecture Specialisation
  • International Development Specialisation
  • Journalism Specialisation
  • Landscape and Natural Resource Management Specialisation
  • Photography Specialisation
  • Principles of Planning Specialisation
  • Professional Writing Specialisation
  • Screen Production Specialisation
  • Social Inclusion and Equity Specialisation
  • Social Justice Specialisation
  • Surveying and Spatial Sciences Specialisation
  • Theatre Arts Specialisation
  • Urban Design and Planning Specialisation
  • Web Media Specialisation
  • Web Presence Specialisation

Bachelor of Commerce Specialisations

Business specialisations:

  • Applied Finance Specialisation
  • Banking Specialisation
  • Employment Relations Specialisation
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Specialisation
  • Corporate Screen Production Specialisation

Bachelor of Innovation Specialisations

Specialisations available from Humanities, Science and the Centre for Aboriginal Studies:

  • Biological Diversity Minor
  • Climate Change Science Minor
  • Environmental Management Minor
  • Food Science Minor
  • Forensic Studies Minor
  • Geophysics Minor
  • Geospatial Technology Minor
  • Go Global – Internship Specialisation 1
  • Go Practice – Internship Specialisation 1
  • Indigenous Australian Cultural Studies Specialisation
  • Landscape Restoration Minor
  • Mapping and Land Planning Minor
  • Metallurgy Minor
  • Mining Minor
  • Optimisation Minor
  • Strategic Studies Specialisation

Domestic students

You are considered a domestic student if you are:

  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • Humanitarian visa holder

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Unlocking Creativity

Online writing course, writing course details.

Ali Gripper,

Breakthrough Tools and Techniques

This creative writing course gives you high-impact tools and techniques designed to take your writing to another level throughout the four sessions.

As well as learning about the art and craft of writing, you will do daily exercises to put what you learn into practice. You will post your writing on our bespoke writers’ board, be part of a supportive, creative community and receive constructive feedback from your tutor and fellow writers.

This brings the whole creative learning experience to life in a way that will keep you motivated and inspired.

While our courses are designed for fiction writers, many writers say by applying the tools and techniques they learned during Unlocking Creativity to their non-fiction, they dramatically improved the quality of their writing. The best non-fiction writers employ fictional techniques to engage readers and bring their words to life on the page.

Cait Duggan

Week One:  Unlock the Power of Your Imagination

Discover how to tap into the power of your imagination – the true source of creativity. This is an inspiring discovery for many writers that makes all the difference to your writing. It will kick start your creative journey wherever you are as a writer.

Week Two: The art and craft of writing

Explore what is stopping you from reaching your creative potential as a writer and learn how to create emotion in your writing using bricks of considerable detail, bringing your characters and writing to life on the page. These are the nuts and bolts of fiction writing.

Week Three:  Character Development & Story Structure

Gain a practical understanding of developing characters and taking them on an emotional and spiritual journey of change using classic story structure. You will understand the most powerful way to tell a story that connects and resonates with readers. Your characters will take on a life of their own.

Week Four: Bringing it all together

Write a guided short story applying everything you have learned from the course and witness how far your writing has transformed over the four weeks. The class will demonstrate how storytelling is a profound dance between structure and the imagination and that structure expands your imagination rather than limits it. Everyone leaves the last class on a creative high.

Course Features

Comprehensive course materials, weekly videos, bi-weekly emails to keep you inspired and accountable,  targeted daily writing exercises, our unique interactive writers’ board and regular feedback from your online tutor and community of fellow writers.

Lia Weston

How this Online Creative Writing Course Works

We will assign you an experienced tutor who will coach and guide you every step of the way. They will keep you accountable, motivated and inspired as you work through the online materials.

Each week, you will work through specific daily exercises designed to integrate the tools and techniques you are learning and put them into practice. Once you’ve done the exercises you will post them onto your class’s interactive online Writers’ Board.

Working with your online tutor

Your tutor will give you feedback on two pieces of your writing every week.  As well as that, you will interact with your fellow writers by learning to give and receive targeted feedback. This is an inspiring and important part of the process that will nurture your creativity and develop your writing skills.

One of the advantages of the online course is that you can work at your own pace, establish a writing habit and make creativity and writing a part of your daily life.  The art and deeper learning come from the act of doing the writing on a regular basis.

The art and craft of writing

Many people have a passionate desire to write fiction and long to see their books in print or their stories on the big screen.

However, the desire is only the beginning. Writing is both an art and a craft and the Writers’ Studio courses, developed over twenty five years, provide a practical and inspirational pathway to enable you to realise your writing dreams, whatever they may be.

The time involved when doing the course

The time required for writing per day starts with as little as 10-15 minutes. You become a writer by doing a little every day and forming a writing habit. This way, you experience the pleasure of accessing your creativity regularly and working towards making your writing dreams a reality.

However, the whole process, from reading your lessons, writing your exercises, typing them up and then posting them onto the Writers’ Board and giving feedback, could take around 45-60 minutes a day , five times a week . You can do much more if you have time!

The practical application of the tools and techniques provided, coupled with the interactive writing exercises and targeted feedback, will make your writing leap forward over the four weeks.

Course Reviews – Google, Video & Published Authors

  • Unlocking Creativity Online
  • Unlocking Creativity Live
  • First Draft Online
  • First Draft Live
  • Writers’ Gym
  • Character Development
  • Short Story – Genre
  • Beyond First Draft Online
  • Beyond First Draft Live
  • Writer’s Hub
  • Terms & Conditions

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creative writing short course perth

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Course results for Creative writing Short courses

Undergraduate | MAQ-ENGX1021

An Introduction to Creative Writing

  • 22 Jul 2024

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG100

Creative Writing

  • 27 May 2024 , 
  • 26 Aug 2024 , 
  • 25 Nov 2024

Undergraduate | CUR-PWP110

Introduction to Creative and Professional Writing

  • 26 Aug 2024

Undergraduate | LTU-CRA1PWR

Professional Writing

  • 29 Jul 2024

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG320

Travel Writing

Undergraduate | GRF-CWR111

Writing the Short Story

  • 04 Nov 2024

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Undergraduate | CUR-CWG300

Writing for Children

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG210

Writing Short Fiction

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG310

Writing Long Fiction

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG240

Writing Genre Fiction

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Creative Writing Courses in Perth

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Graduate diploma in management.

The Graduate Diploma in Management is an online postgraduate qualification that is ideal for busy senior managers, with a potential entry pathway through any of our Graduate Certificates and study that is highly supported, fits into your schedule, and...

AIM Business School -  Course

Graduate Certificate in Management

The Graduate Certificate in Management is an online postgraduate qualification that is designed for newer and ambitious professionals, with entry possible through management experience alone and a study structure that easily accommodates full-time work...

Certificate III in Community Services (Perth Only) CHC32015

Are you a natural when it comes to providing guidance to people? Would you like to kick start a career in Community Services? The Certificate III in Community Services (CHC32015) is the perfect entry-level qualification for prospective Community Servic...

Insight Training -  Course

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care (Perth Only) CHC30121

To work in Early Childhood Education and Care you are required to have an Education and Care qualification. With our Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification you will gain skills and knowledge to work in a range of early chil...

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Endeavour College of Natural Health -  Course

Certificate III in Community Pharmacy (Perth Only) SIR30116

The SIR30116 Certificate III in Community Pharmacy provides the competencies required by skilled pharmacy assistants who use a sound knowledge of a broad range of pharmacy products and health care support services. Individuals in this role may also ass...

Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education & Care (Perth Only) CHC30121

If you love working with children and want to learn more about providing quality education and care in a range of environments, this course is for you. The Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121) can provide you with an entry-l...

Certificate IV in Business (Perth Only) BSB40120

This qualification is suited to those working as administrators and project officers. In this role, individuals use well-developed skills and a broad knowledge base to apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems and analyse information...

Industry Skills Training -  Course

Certificate III in Individual Support (Perth Only) CHC33021

This qualification is for those who want to work in the community or in a residential setting, following a customised plan to give person-centred assistance to individuals who may need it due to ageing, disability or other circumstances. Work involves...

Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine)

Clinical nutritionists integrate traditional food wisdom and current scientific evidence to motivate individuals and communities to eat well and live healthier lives. The Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine) is supported by a...

Certificate III in Individual Support, this qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and/or residential setting who follow an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disa...

Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (Perth Only) HLT33021

Are you interested in entering the health services industry? This nationally recognised qualification will allow you to enter into one of the most rewarding and enjoyable careers! When studying this course, you will gain knowledge in a range of fields...

Certificate IV in Ageing Support CHC43015

With this Certificate under your belt, you will be able to complete specialised tasks and functions in aged services; either in residential, home or community based environments. You will learn how to facilitate the empowerment of older people, provide...

Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture Therapies)

Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese Medicine that stimulates specific points on the body to regulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) to restore health and balance the functions of the body, mind and spirit. Acupuncture therapies combines Chinese medicine...

A Certificate III in Allied Health is your entrance into the world of health services! This course will teach you to support workers in a range of fields such as audiology to social work. You will use your qualification to gain an entry-level job in ei...

The Certificate III in Community Services is perfect for entry level community services workers who support individuals through the provision of person-centred services. Work may include day-to-day support of individuals in community settings or suppor...

Certificate IV in Business (WA Only)

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Diploma of Community Services (Perth Only) CHC52021

This qualification reflects the roles of community services, case management and social housing workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/ or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities. Workers are usually pr...

Certificate III in School-Based Education Support (Perth Only) CHC30213

Are you interested in becoming a teacher’s aide? Work with teachers to create a comfortable and supportive environment for children’s learning. You will ensure lessons run smoothly while also developing the student’s literacy, numeracy and resear...

Certificate III in Hospitality (Perth Only) SIT30616

The Certificate III in Hospitality is the perfect qualification for those looking for a career in hospitality including working as barista, bar attendant, waiter/waitress. Whether you imagine working in a restaurant, hotel, motel, funky bar, café, club...

Arrow Training -  Course

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creative writing short course perth

Discover how a creative writing course at AWC can change your life.

Whether your goal is to write bestselling fiction, stories for children, a memoir or to simply explore your creativity – you'll find the ideal course here. Learn online (from anywhere!).

Our  core creative writing path gives you the foundations for writing compelling fiction – taking you from the seed of a story idea to a completed manuscript.

Explore an area of interest with  Genre  and  Fiction Essentials . And gain extra knowledge and motivation with the  Publishing  and  Writers' Toolkit  courses.

Creative Writing Stage 1, Novel Writing Essentials and Write Your Novel

Picture books, chapter books, children's fiction and ya, dialogue, characters. grammar, short stories and more, everything you need to know about the publishing industry, motivation, time management, scrivener and more, creative writing.

Learn the foundations of compelling stories with these creative writing courses.


Courses for kids and teens

Writing books for younger readers.

Discover how to write for children of all ages.

Fiction Techniques

Enhance your skills with advanced literary techniques.

Everything you need to know about getting your work published.

Writers' Toolkit

Add extra knowledge, industry insights and motivation.

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creative writing short course perth

Top 6 Skill Development Creative Writing Courses in Perth

Have you ever felt short on the skill of how to put forth what you want to express and you feel like using some strategies to shape your thinking into a more presentable form. many times this happens when you want to make the ongoing things of your mind into more tangible form. imagination is best described when written, writing gives you an ample chance of expressing your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. to mold your thinking in a way that whosoever comes across can read and understand it easily, creative writing courses in perth have been training the aspires..

List of best creative writing courses in Perth

While creating content, there are a few points to be kept in mind. Whatever we write should be reader-centric. The target groups should never be ignored. It has become an indispensable part of the marketing industry these days, 82% of marketing strategists use creative writing in content marketing. It helps you to create your work in such a way that people reading it feel connected and become a part of it. In this article, we are going to discuss creative writing courses in Perth.

  Who Can Become a Creative Writer?

Anyone who has an interest in writing, creating, and scribing thoughts into a more accessible and reader-friendly form can become a creative writer. These courses teach you to turn raw thoughts into more meaningful write-ups. It comprises both fiction and non -fiction writings. A creative writer imagines, creates, and stores his thoughts to express later in a more specific way.  

Meaning of Creative Writing

To describe Etymologically, the word creativity originates from the Latin word ‘creare’, which means “to create, to make”: The word in itself means to make something. The other part of writing originates from Middle English writer, writer, from Old English wrītere which has many meanings e.g., painter; writer; scribe; etc or composer equivalent to writing. So, we can say together, that means to create something by writing it.

Role of  a Creative Writer

It helps to bring all the elements of writing together formally. It is not genre specific. Creative writing is used as an umbrella term as many subcategories come under this including various fields. Creative writing courses in Perth help you to turn what to write into how to write. It helps the writer develop his creation’s various aspects into a more reader-friendly piece of work.

It gives a proper insight into putting all the parts of writing together like narrative, subject matter, storyline, characters, dialogues, tone, meter, etc. It could be fiction or nonfiction. And can be subcategorized into drama, poetry, or a paper of critical analysis of some other piece of work.

It helps you to polish your interest into a skill. Creative writing encompasses various fields. It could be about creating content for Digital writing, Technological writing, Medical writing, Educational writing, SOP, Advertisement writing, Whitepaper writing, Legal writing, Research paper writing, etc., and various other fields.

There are various online and offline options available these days which can be opted for according to the need of the individual.  Writing could be possessed naturally but to polish the skill, nurturing is needed. The raw ideas can be well executed if they are properly framed.

Types of Creative Writing

It could be categorized in various forms – Article writing, short story writing, Novel writing, Drama writing, Personal document, Critical appreciation, Narrative, Travel writing , Product description, etc.

Need for Creative Writing

The need for it is felt on different levels, firstly it is the best way to develop one’s thoughts and make them reachable to the readers, and in turn, give readers a chance to know better the subject matter. Secondly, it increases your knowledge of the subject.

Benefits Of Creative Writing

The writer learns a better way of expression. He is not confined to a certain degree of expression. A vast sea is opened where the writer can swim and take his reader too.

Explore more about the top Online Creative Writing Courses

A Good writer loves words – and the use best vocabulary to express his thoughts. It is all about the effective use of words. With the help of words, the creative writer makes his viewpoint clear to the reader and helps him understand what he wants to know.


  • No Ambiguity: Writing should be clear to the reader. Use easy vocabulary. Give examples if needed. Provide the reader with references.
  • The introduction should be proper and connecting. It is the first binding instruction that holds the reader further till the end. A proper introduction followed by the main body, citations, examples, and finally, a proper conclusion should be provided.
  • Connecting: The reader should feel connected with the subject, he should always feel part of the writing.
  • Meaning: Write meaningfully. Consider all the valid and needed points before writing down the final draft.
  • Language: Try to use reader-centric vocabulary. In Chasing fancy words, do not make the writing out of reach for the reader.

Scope of Creative Writing

Creative writing provides a bigger scope these days. As creative writers are in demand in almost all fields. It is one of the main parts needed for marketing strategies. As it provides the reader with the first impression of anything specific before getting to reach it. People read and re-read all this content before making a final decision about something.

T here are various job opportunities in almost all companies. As digitalization is growing day by day. people search and go for online options to know about anything they are interested in. With all this, the industry is everyday growing for freelancers too. They get vast options to get hired on their terms. Such scope is available after doing creative writing courses in Perth too.


There are various opportunities once you are done with the creative writing course:.

  • Ghost-writing
  • Copywriting
  • Copy Editing
  • News writing
  • Proofreading
  • Critical Appreciation

Elements Covered in these Courses

Subject matter:.

The learners are taught how to develop the matter and bring all parts together and bind them in a way that the writing becomes reader-friendly. The central idea can be considered as the subject matter.


How to develop the various character and sub-points, and if you are writing a story, the character creation is taught.

The learner is told how to put forth his viewpoint without affecting the viewpoint of the reader. It should be in such a way that the reader should be independent in his perception and thinking and should not feel overwhelmed in any case.

While writing the writer has to be very careful about the setting as a small error in the specific setting can change what he is writing or meaning.

One other important aspect is a theme that has to be thoroughly taken care of it, it is one of the main things to capture the interest of the reader and catering the target audience. These days there are many online and offline possibilities to carve the skill of writing.

You may also want to check out the job-oriented Creative Writing Courses in Adelaide

The Various Options Available for Creative Writing Courses in Perth

1. iim skills.

IIM SKILLS is one of the most preferred institutes that offer a wide range of professional courses . The most popular among them is the creative writing course, named “Content Writing Course”. The courses offered are all online, which is why they have students from all over the globe. The courses are all designed as per the current updated standards and the mentors are all highly experienced. 

The course is divided into various sections and each section is taken with utmost care. First and foremost, there are online instructor-led classes where you are taken from simple to complex. All things are made to fall in place so that the learner must not feel haphazard. This course is globally accepted. All training is led by highly educated and skilled instructors.

This is one of the best online options available for creative writing courses in Perth. Their USP is that they offer access to the tools and full support and guidance to build a career throughout the learning and also post-completion of the course. Their coaching is mostly based on practical training than the theoretical part. Weekly assignments are given to make sure you are well-prepared practically.


Below are the highlights of the content writing course with them:.

  • There is a live online weekly session for 4 consecutive weeks.
  • 3 months of internship (optional)
  • 30 hours of training which includes classes and internship.
  • Free access to tools worth 35k.
  • Freelancing opportunities. 
  • Extended help in placement.
  • Certification of completion is provided at the end of the course.
  • Website designing is taught.
  • 24*7 help is provided.
  • Question Answer session is run during the live class.

Professional Courses from IIM SKILLS:

  • Digital Marketing Course
  • Technical Writing Course
  • Financial Modeling Course
  • Business Accounting And Taxation Course
  • CAT Coaching

Contact: +919580740740,  [email protected]

Here are the skill-development Creative Writing Courses in Melbourne

2. Australian Writer Center

Australian Writer Center offers many options in the available courses. There are 55 different courses to cater to your needs. These courses are easily accessible and available at affordable prices. The courses could be opted according to the requirement. There is a huge scope in this field like email marketing campaigns, blog writing marketing, etc.

To Mention Some Options for Creative Writing Courses in Perth Offered by Them Are:

Creative writing stage 1:.

This course is about binding all loops together. The learners are taught how to put everything in place. In this course, the writer learns to develop captivating subject matter, develop the storyline, and more. They learn to manage their time accordingly. The various techniques are taught to put all the content in a reader-friendly structure, also how to divide time accordingly, and plan the raw input in a more acceptable form.

In the end, the writing becomes reader accessible. Different readers have different interests. The main motive, in the end, is to make such writing that is wanted by the target group. The writer has to keep in mind his audience because whatever he is writing is for the audience only.

Writing Picture Books:

These writings are needed to cater to the readers of the beginners’ age group who can understand more by associating with the help of pictures. These writings aim at the youngest readers. As a child, symbolizes the meaning of what he sees. Whatever meaning or concept the child draws is from what he looks at. So here the writer has to be very clear with what he is trying to convey. There is no chance for ambiguity. The writer learns to make clear content.

Freelance Writing Stage 1:

The freelancers have to manage most of the things by themselves as they are sometimes not provided with materials and it is taught in this course. In this course, proper training on how to collect writing material, where and how to research, how much data is to be retained out of that research, how to mark the columns and areas in which you want your written work to be published, the publishers you want to work with, and finally how to pitch your work, how much alteration to be done if needed is taught. 

Copywriting Essentials:

This course helps you to learn how to write for someone. It is considered to be part of marketing strategies. Here are a whole lot of options as you learn to write advertisements, product descriptions, etc how to use the provided data to create more acceptable copies?

Travel Writing:

What better than turning your love for traveling into writing? To turn your travel into content and make it available to the masses. The same is done in this course. What should be discussed in traveling content and how to make it reader-friendly is taught in this course. 

These are some of the courses offered. Although there are many more courses to go. These courses are about putting all the loops of writing together. These will teach how to develop the characters and weave the intricate threads of the story or the subject matter together and in turn, bring out the best of the writer’s work. The cost of these courses is starting from $450 to a different amount according to the course you take up. It is a good option for creative writing courses in Perth.

Here you will find the most opted Creative Writing Courses in the World

3. The Writer’s Studio

The writer studio has been serving and helping many people from total freshers to acclaimed writers to brush up and polish their skills of writing and turn them into more beautiful pieces of work to be available to the masses.

It is One of the Available Creative Writing Courses in Perth:

4-week unlocking creativity:.

In this course, writing starts from the very beginning. It is a pre-required course for all the course aspirants from a beginner to someone with experience. It gives you a chance for a real writing experience.

10-Month Novel & Script Writing Course:

In this course, the novel writing is broken into easily manageable time slots so that the writing gets proper timing to get properly woven. Time management is one of the key components of this course.

Short Story Courses:

The story genre is covered in this course. The various techniques to be used are taught under the advanced technique course and the story character development course comes under this. How to create the characters, dialogues the time and space of the story is taught in this course.

Novel & Script First Draft:

The first step is always a bit more difficult than the rest that follows. This course provides you with tutored guidance to put all the matters properly in the given time. Time management is the key component of novel writing as it helps you to properly wove the threads together without leaving anything apart.

Beyond First Draft:

Before the story goes out for publication, it has to pass through various drafts. After all, this is done final copy is sent for publication.

4 . Sharing your Story by Evolve Events and Training

This is a course designed for people’s first-hand experience content rather than researched content. Here it is taught what to share and how to share. How to create engaging content? Intergenerational classes are also given. Online classes are available. Proper privacy is maintained. Well-crafted content is made. Various communication and content-creating techniques are used. This is one of the options for creative writing courses in Perth.

Check out the best Creative Writing Courses in Scotland

Udemy is the most famous and well-known institute for the wide range of courses they offer. They offer all the courses online so that they can train their students across the world. Creative writing courses are one of their most preferred courses. With Udemy, students are trained and supported for their growth and enhancement of their skills in creative writing.

They train their students as per the current updates to help them grow with the ongoing trend. The mentors are all specialized and well experienced. The students are provided with access to the tools for better exposure to the practical world. A certificate is given after the completion of the course which is valid and approved.

6. KSP Writers Centre

A writer’s community is named after the renowned writer Katharine Susannah Prichard, it is a meeting place for many new writers and already established writers. The Centre support writers at all levels. The center is run by the KSP foundation. The center helps in the development of writing skills . It helps to develop and promote the craft of writing. It encourages and provides opportunities to aspiring writers in all possible forms. The various activities available are workshops, youth programs, courses, writing groups, etc. This is also one of the creative writing courses in Perth.

creative writing short course perth

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs

Q1. who can do the content writing courses in perth.

Anyone with an interest in writing and creating content can enroll in the creative writing courses in Perth. 

Q2. What is the eligibility to become a creative writer, and what is the difficulty level of the course?

A person should be able to read and write and should be skilled enough with a deep interest in creating content. If you are willing to learn, it is not at all difficult.

Q3. What is the pay scale for creative writing jobs?

It may vary according to the experience level, starting from 1 lakh per annum to 120000 per annum depending on the level of experience. As there are jobs for junior and senior content writers in different companies.

Q4. What is the best way to create creative content and what is taught in the course?

The content should be well researched and should contain all the important elements. It should not be ambiguous and repeating. Clear and creative content should be offered. It is all about developing the imagination into a more tangible form. Turning what into how is the main perspective. In the course, you will be taught all the important elements of creative writing to create a successful story. 

Q5. How effective are the creative writing courses in Perth?

You get an ample chance of expression with creative writing courses in Perth. A wide sea will open to you after the course. Your imagination will not be limited to yourself rather people can also become part of your thought process.


In the end, we can say that to turn your love for writing into a beautiful skill of creativity, there are many online and offline options available for creative writing courses in Perth. Online options are more easily available and are quite affordable. In the situations like pandemics, one can easily opt for online options. Online options are also good for aspiring writers who cannot spare time to go out and learn. Anyone can take the help of these courses and polish their skill of writing, and in turn, change their imaginations into more beautiful work. You learn to research, define, wove, explain, and then put forward according to the need of the reader.

Research is the key component. Once done with it, the skill will be sharpened with the guidance of the course instructors. As discussed, in these courses various elements are covered and it creates a vast scope for aspiring writers. These courses pave a way for all those people who want to write and connect to the masses. Once the writer writes the readers can connect with his viewpoint. A good writer never tries to force his thoughts on the reader but rather provides an open space so that the reader can perceive himself and what he gathers is left to him.

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Creative Writing Classes for Kids In Perth

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Free writing workshops events in perth, australia.

Modern Calligraphy - Brush Lettering for Beginners Workshop primary image

Modern Calligraphy - Brush Lettering for Beginners Workshop

Sun, May 19, 10:00 AM

Hobby Studio

Hands-On Resume Writing Workshop. primary image

Hands-On Resume Writing Workshop.

Sat, Jun 29, 9:30 AM

Hillview Intercultural Community Centre

Sat, Jul 27, 9:30 AM

Fine Line Botanical Drawing Workshop - Native Flora primary image

Fine Line Botanical Drawing Workshop - Native Flora

Saturday at 2:00 PM

Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre

Non Profit Grant Writing Training - Perth - June 2024 primary image

Non Profit Grant Writing Training - Perth - June 2024

Tue, Jun 4, 8:00 AM

Self-Editing Your Manuscript: Stage 1 primary image

Self-Editing Your Manuscript: Stage 1

Saturday at 1:00 PM

Edith Cowan House, Bldg 20

Advocacy & Arts - Rhymes of Resistance primary image

Advocacy & Arts - Rhymes of Resistance

Sat, May 25, 2:00 PM

Vic Park Community Centre

FREE 2 Hour 'How To Use Podcasting To Grow Your Business' Workshop 4th June primary image

FREE 2 Hour 'How To Use Podcasting To Grow Your Business' Workshop 4th June

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So you Want to... Use Psychology to Develop Character?

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Build a Stretcher Frame and Stretch a Canvas primary image

Build a Stretcher Frame and Stretch a Canvas

Saturday at 10:30 AM

Events Room, Ruth Faulkner Library

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Scientific Communication & Report Writing

Friday at 10:30 AM

The University of Western Australia

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Mugs & Mimosas - Pottery Hand building workshop

Sun, Jun 16, 10:00 AM

Writing Speculative Fiction primary image

Writing Speculative Fiction

Sat, Jun 15, 1:00 PM

Silly Still Life Art Workshop for Adults primary image

Silly Still Life Art Workshop for Adults

Sat, May 25, 1:00 PM

Art & Craft World

Playwright's Pathway primary image

Playwright's Pathway

Thursday at 6:00 PM + 4 more

Level One, King Street Art Centre

Creative Connections - Lockridge Community Art Program primary image

Creative Connections - Lockridge Community Art Program

Mon, May 20, 10:00 AM + 4 more

Lockridge Community Centre

The ART of Positive Thinking Workshop - Currambine WA primary image

The ART of Positive Thinking Workshop - Currambine WA

Sat, May 25, 9:30 AM


Business Writing 1 Day Training in Perth primary image

Business Writing 1 Day Training in Perth

Thursday at 9:00 AM + 7 more

For venue details reach us at: [email protected]

FREE 2 Hour 'How To Use Podcasting To Grow Your Business' Workshop 21st May primary image

FREE 2 Hour 'How To Use Podcasting To Grow Your Business' Workshop 21st May

Tue, May 21, 10:00 AM

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    8 Exciting Creative Writing Courses In Perth. Looking to take your creative writing skills to the next level. Perth has amazing creative writing courses year-round, and we're sharing them with you! If.

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    Creative Writing Stage 1 is ideal for writers of all levels who want to learn the secrets to writing compelling fiction. You will: Indulge your creativity. Learn the key skills needed to write engaging stories. Receive direct feedback on your own writing. Enjoy access to experts who are active in the industry. Unlock your storytelling potential!

  3. Australian Writers' Centre

    Our Perth training centre gives you access to a selection of classroom courses so you can learn directly from world-class presenters. ... plenty of parking or just a short walk from public transport options. Address: Wembley Hotel 344 Cambridge Street Wembley WA 6014 ... The Australian Writers' Centre offers courses in creative writing ...

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    Creative Writing Courses. John usually has a programme of half-day, full-day and sometimes two-day courses running somewhere in Perth. Some of the course subjects he covers are : For information on what course subjects are currently being conducted where and when, contact John. John Harman conducts creative writing courses at UWA Extension and ...

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    Whether you're keen to learn the basics or expand your professional horizons, we have a wide range of writing classes taught by Perth 's best writers! 36 Classes found for Writing Courses In Perth. Class Type. Days. Price. Sort by. Clear All. Livestream. from AU$20.00.

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    Find the right Creative Writing course in All Perth WA for the job you want with SEEK's comprehensive directory of accredited courses, student reviews, and job insights. ... Short courses 0. Certificate I 0. Certificate II 0. Certificate III 0. Certificate IV 0. Diploma 0. Advanced Diploma 0. Diploma (Higher Ed) 0. Associate Degree 1.

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    These courses will teach you the craft behind different writing styles, so you can discover what inspires you most. You can search short courses or full qualifications. Either way, you will learn from published authors and editors who can guide you towards wherever you want to be in your writing career. Start comparing online creative writing ...

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  17. Events from 5 June

    The Writers @ PCWC. The Peter Cowan Writers Centre, Edith Cowan House, Building 20, ECU Joondalup Campus 20/270 Joondalup Dr, Joondalup, WA, Australia. $5. Sat 11. 11 May @ 10:15 am - 11:45 pm Creative Writing Workshops (Ages 10 to 17)

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    The Graduate Certificate in Management is an online postgraduate qualification that is designed for newer and ambitious professionals, with entry possible through management experience alone and a study structure that easily accommodates full-time work... Study Method Blended, Online, Virtual. Location Adelaide South Australia +4.

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    Teenage Creative Writers' Program. Discover the key skills for creating compelling stories. Receive feedback and guidance from an award-winning author. Learn creative techniques that can be easily applied at school. 10-week online course. with tutor and feedback. $395. 27 May 2024.

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  22. Are there any creative writing courses/classes in Perth? : r/perth

    If you are into poetry there are a bunch of poetry events, workshops, open mics, groups around Perth. Centre for stories, WAPoets, @poetandartistspeaks / Bellevue Artspace (find on Instagram (monthly group around midland), Perth Poetry Club is every Saturday 2pm at The Moon, and Wetlands Centre have regular events.

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    AH Bracks Library + Creative Space. Save this event: Midwinter Monologues Share this event: Midwinter Monologues. Midwinter Monologues. Tue, May 28, 6:00 PM. ... Business Writing 1 Day Training in Perth Save this event: Business Writing 1 Day Training in Perth. FREE 2 Hour 'How To Use Podcasting To Grow Your Business' Workshop 21st May. Tue ...