The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support

Turn your customer service team into a competitive advantage and engine for growth with these training ideas and tools.



Train and onboard your new customer support hires with this customizable template.

customer service support training

Updated: 04/17/24

Published: 05/18/23

Customer service training is essential if you want to retain customers for the long term, reduce employee churn, and create a successful customer-centric company. But how do you begin training your reps to provide remarkable support?

We've compiled this guide to answer that question. After all, 90% of Americans say customer service plays a significant role in choosing a company.

Exceptional customer service is an absolute must if you want your company to succeed and thrive in years to come.

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In this post, you'll learn how customer service training benefits your business, when different types of training come in handy, and what materials you'll need to execute a training program.

By the end, you'll walk away with a comprehensive understanding of customer service training.

What is Customer Service Training?

Why is Customer Service Training Important?

Types of Customer Service Training

Customer Service Basics and Soft Skills

Free Customer Service Training Materials

What is customer service training.

Customer service training is the coaching that employees receive to improve support and satisfaction among customers. A strong customer service training program includes exercises for improving interpersonal communication, product knowledge, conflict resolution, crisis management, and more.

There are lots of types of customer service training . However, this training is typically an iterative process that involves teaching skills, competencies, and tools needed to better serve customers.

Any employee interacting and dealing with customers is a good fit for customer service training, regardless of their seniority or experience level.

Because your customers are your best growth opportunity, every employee should work hard to keep them happy — as marketers, executive assistants, management, or customer service representatives.

Nowadays, customer-facing teams are labeled many different things: customer support, customer success , or customer service . For this article, we'll refer to customer service when discussing service and support training.

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Who should be part of your customer service training.

Everyone in a customer-role should be a part of your customer service training. While not everyone in such a position is in the customer service department, they should all have familiarity with your core customer service philosophy and participate in training programs that reinforce those principles.

Why is customer service training important?

What experiences stood out to you more as a shopper: marketing tactics or customer service? Most likely, the latter.

Customer service is a company's opportunity to connect with customers, solve problems, and show they care.

And when customer service is executed well, it can resonate with customers for years. Afterall, people are more likely to return after a positive customer service experience.

That's why training your customer support team is just as important (if not more) as training your marketing or sales teams. Service experiences are what stick with your customers and inspire reviews and word-of-mouth advertising.

Here are a few of the reasons you should invest in a customer service training program.

The Benefits of Customer Service Training

1. Happy customers become brand advocates.

It's not uncommon for businesses to view their customer service teams as an afterthought. Once a consumer becomes a customer and pays for your product or service, the hard work is done, right? Wrong…

Happy, delighted customers come from excellent service and are your best advocates — even better than your most talented marketers.

Here's why it matters: 94% of people recommend a company with "very good" service, and buyers are 92% more likely to buy after reading reviews.

With this in mind, you can see how your current and past customers are your top bet for bringing in new business.

Customer service can be one of your strongest marketing strategies. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations isn't optional. It should be a top priority.

2. Remarkable customer service is a competitive advantage.

One of the easiest ways to stand out among your competition may surprise you. It's delivering excellent customer service that makes it easy to choose your company over others in your market.

If you normally have great service, 75% of people are more likely to forgive you for a bad experience. And conversely, if they think your service is poor, only 15% of people are likely to stick around.

That's why providing top-notch customer service — and training your reps to provide that service — is essential for gaining an edge over your competition.

Ultimately, a great customer service training program can help you create a strong reputation so your company becomes the obvious choice when people are looking for options in your niche.

3. Great customer service increases retention.

Customer service is a key player in the game of customer retention .

Think about it. If a customer has a pressing question about your product, what would make them happy and willing to stick around? A generic email response or a personalized, well-researched answer from a service representative dedicated to their success?

The latter will win more brownie points.

More importantly, three-quarters of consumers expect personalized experiences.

So when your customer service training program ensures that your frontline team members understand why it's important to personalize every engagement, your company wins big.

Better yet, this customer might 1) be satisfied with their interaction with your company and customer service team and 2) go on to recommend your business, products, and services to their friends and colleagues.

That's why customer service training is so important. You're training your employees to deal with some of the most influential people in your life: your customers. (Sorry, family.)

4. Service reps can feel more empowered to handle difficult situations.

35%  of customers have experienced feelings of anger or frustration during their interactions with customer service representatives. Through training, reps learn how to manage customer expectations, de-escalate conflicts, and turn negative experiences into positive outcomes.

Not everyone has had experience dealing with conflict, or if they have, they know that not every conflict can be solved with the same solution. Proper service training demonstrates specifc scenarios and context that they can benefit from knowing before they have to think on their feet.

This not only improves customer relationships but also equips reps with the tools to navigate challenging interactions and reduce stress among employees.

5. Service training demonstrates commitment to professional development of reps .

33% of U.S. hiring managers anticipate employee turnover at their company to increase in the next year, costing an average of  $36,295  (e.g., cost to rehire, lost productivity) annually. Creating a culture and system that prevents turnover and encourages retention could make all of the difference.

When reps receive ongoing service training and support, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated in their roles, leading to higher job satisfaction and loyalty to the company. This focus on employee development and retention ultimately contributes to a more stable and productive customer service team.

Fostering a supportive and engaging work environment looks like a company that encourages personal growth.

Hiring vs. Training Customer Service Candidates

At this point, you might be asking, Why can't I just hire the right people from the get-go and leave it at that?

Well, you should always hire the best fit for each role, customer service included. But hiring skilled people and thinking the job is done is doing a disservice to both your team and your customers.

Regardless of how talented your new employees are, teaching customer service skills is essential if you want your reps to effectively represent your company.

It's also critical to help them understand your methodology so they know why you take a specific approach and can confidently serve your customers with that reasoning as their North Star.

And even the most experienced team members can use a refresher from time to time. In addition to people's expectations and the world itself changing rapidly, it's good to revisit skills and techniques with fresh eyes.

Take HubSpot's content team, for example. We were hired because we know how to write, but when we started, we weren't simply handed a laptop and told, "Now, go type a bunch of stuff." Instead, we received training on HubSpot's style guide, how to represent the company and brand online, and how to ensure every piece of content meets all of the quality standards.

The same goes for your customer support and service folks. Of course, you're going to hire highly-skilled people.

However, that doesn't negate the importance of onboarding new hires and training them to be part of a team with a bigger goal — serving and delighting your customers.

Hiring for Customer Service

While training for customer service is the main topic here, let's take a slight detour and discuss hiring for customer service, too.

The right hires help you build a strong foundation for your customer service team. And your hiring process is how you can ultimately ensure that your team is receptive to your training.

While some skills and strengths can be taught or fine-tuned through the different types of customer service training, there are some attributes your team members must have upon hiring.

No software, training exercises, or tools can compensate for gaps in these areas.

Skills To Look for When Hiring for Customer Service

Here are some skills to look for — even if just a hint — while interviewing and screening customer service candidates .

Skills to Look for When Hiring for Customer Service. Emotional Intelligence. Good Communication. Resourcefulness. Passion

1. Emotional Intelligence

Your customer service team deals with a variety of customer problems, some that you can forecast, and some that no one can predict.

The true heart of customer service beats with the ability to patiently listen, decipher someone else's problem, and empathize with them .

Unfortunately, this skill doesn't come naturally to everyone, nor is it something everyone can master in training.

Emotional intelligence is all about how you relate to other people. And, since this is central to excellent customer service, you want to ensure your hires have this skill before bringing them onto your team.

One way you can gauge emotional intelligence is by asking: "Can you tell me about a time you tried to do something and failed?"

2. Good Communication

If your candidates can't answer an interview question, how would they communicate with your customers (who most likely have much higher expectations than you)?

Customer service training can teach new and improved communication techniques. However, new hires should be able to showcase the ability to simplify complex topics and teach others new skills.

To gauge good communication skills, ask questions like: "How would you explain a complicated technical problem to a colleague with less technical understanding?"

3. Resourcefulness

Resourcefulness is the difference between responding to a problem with "I don't know" and "I will find out." Problem-solving skills, initiative, and creativity are just a few competencies that align with resourcefulness.

While these skills can be cultivated through customer service training, your candidates should display some resourcefulness — or at least a willingness to try to figure things out on their own.

To gauge resourcefulness, ask questions like: "Describe a time when you faced a significant obstacle to succeeding with an important work project or activity. What did you do to solve it?"

While passion isn't quite a skill, it's fundamental to going above and beyond in the customer service field.

Delighting your customers and turning them into superfans of your company means that your support team should have a sense of excitement and passion for the success of both the company and the customer.

Your candidates might not have a strong passion for your company just yet. Truthfully, it may never be their top passion in life.

However, they should be passionate about working with people — specifically, your customers — and helping others solve their problems.

To gauge passion, ask: "When have you been most satisfied in your work at your previous company?"

If hiring the right candidates is like planting seeds in the right soil, training your customer service team is like cultivating and growing your garden to its maximum potential.

To continue the analogy, satisfied customers are the bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

With that in mind, let's dive into training for customer support and service.

Customer service training ensures that your team can adapt to all kinds of different situations.

After all, when your team understands the key principles that guide your customer service philosophy, they're better able to apply that knowledge to every customer encounter.

While the concept of customer service training is to train your team to serve and delight, specific training methods and practices vary based on your company, your employees, and a variety of other factors.

Let's break down a few instances where you might conduct customer service training and what you can expect as a hiring manager or owner.

Types of Customer Service Training. New Hire Customer Service Training. Customer Service Phone Training. Regular Customer Service Training. Live Chat Customer Service Training. Emergency or Time-Sensitive Customer Service Training

1. New Hire Customer Service Training

As with any new role, the first month or two of training can dictate an employee's long-term success with your company. Customer service training for new hires isn't any different and should be an essential part of onboarding.

This specific type of training will help new employees acclimate to a new job, company, and culture and ensure they're ready to communicate with your valuable customers.

The steps of new hire customer service training involve:

Acquainting the Team

Your customer service team should be, well, a team. They need to work together to serve customers and handle problems. This means you must establish and maintain agility by introducing and involving new hires from the get-go.

Some examples of doing this include:

  • Scheduling a team lunch on your new hire's first day.
  • Ask experienced team members to provide an office tour.
  • Make the first day or two all about team building.

The bottom line is that when your team has time to connect, they can form a bond that makes it easier to work together. And it helps new employees acclimate and feel more comfortable in their roles.

Establishing Expectations

New hires should know what's expected of them during training and in their first month of work.

Setting clear expectations upfront minimizes confusion and allows new employees to understand their responsibilities. It doesn't serve anyone to be loosey-goosey on expectations.

Some examples of this include creating:

  • A new-hire training guide including activities to expect during training and what responsibilities they'll have during their first few months.
  • At-a-glance checklists and scripts for core activities they might encounter or perform daily.
  • A weekly schedule of meetings.
  • A manual that outlines how to perform key aspects of their job step-by-step and a list of internal resources for more information — whether colleagues, reading materials, or even file locations.

Equipping your new customer service hires to do their jobs sets them up for success. Think of this as giving them a set of training wheels they can return to at any time.

Rome wasn't built in a day. If you don't have all of this yet, you don't have to create it immediately. Instead, you may start with one or two of these things and build as you go.

Setting Up Tools

Could we even do our jobs without various tools, software, and digital subscriptions?

Probably not, and neither can your new employees. Before training, set up your employees with the apps, tools, and memberships they need to communicate and collaborate with the team .

Looking for an example of how to do this?

Consider creating a checklist of all the apps and logins they need, so you can be sure to set them up for success. As you check off each item, add the username for each to the list so they have a quick reference guide for tools.

Introducing the Company and Product (or Service)

To best serve your customers, your customer service team needs to know your company and product or service offering better than anyone.

  • Providing your hires with a one-page overview of the company, including the brand story, core values, guiding philosophies, and a list of key leadership and colleagues.
  • Creating a "say this, not that" brand voice guide to make sure new hires build a consistent customer experience.
  • Setting aside time for dedicated product training so that your new hires can learn your product(s) so well they could teach others.
  • If bringing on multiple new hires, having them take turns "teaching" each other.

2. Regular Customer Service Training

Whether your customer service team has been around for six months or six years, they should still undergo regular training. Consider revisiting this every quarter, half-year, or year, depending on what works best for your company.

What this training looks like depends on your company. However, here are a few regular customer service training examples.

Skills or Competence Check-In

Just as you'd conduct a routine performance review, a quarterly or half-year training is good practice for your customer service team.

Skill-based training is ever-evolving based on trends in the outside world, customer expectations, and new developments in your offerings.

What's more, certain skills can erode if not maintained over time. Conducting routine training keeps everyone on the team aligned, fresh, and doing their best work.

Best Practices Workshops

Some teams find that a monthly customer service workshop is a great way to keep a finger on the pulse of what's happening while ensuring your team stays fresh.

Going into these meetings with an agenda is a great way to ensure they are productive and stay on track. Sending a request for topics a few days before is also a good idea.

Your agenda might include:

  • Identifying trends in problems as well as customer feedback.
  • Discussing how to handle these problems successfully.
  • Role-playing solutions to these problems.
  • Asking for additional input.

Ultimately, this gives you regular check-ins with your team and ensures they know how to handle relevant common themes.

Team-Building Exercises

While working in customer service can be rewarding, it can also be tough. Those difficult days can take a toll on employees and their team relationships.

Routine team-building activities and training can help maintain strong relationships.

This gives your employees a chance to have fun, while simultaneously resolving challenging distractions so your employees can focus on their jobs.

Some examples of team-building exercises can include:

  • A compliment circle, where every customer service employee compliments another on something, whether how they handle specific situations or a general approach.
  • A brainstorming session where everyone brings a few ideas for improving things. These can range from adding a new Slack channel to streamlining customer service.
  • A scavenger hunt. Whether online, in person, or hybrid, these are great ways to build relationships with small groups.
  • Lunch-and-learns about new topics, whether personal or professional development.
  • Cooking classes, whether virtual or in person.

3. Emergency or Time-Sensitive Customer Service Training

Sometimes, customer service training can't be planned. Perhaps there's a product recall, a major rebranding, or a national advertising campaign.

This type of customer service training can also result from news breaking in your industry that may have your audience taking notice, even if it doesn't directly involve your company .

Because 90% of customers rate an "immediate" response as important, you must prepare your front-line employees (your customer service team) to take calls, answer questions, and resolve conflicts.

Emergency customer service training is all about equipping your team with everything they need to know to do their job and help your audience.

Here are examples of how you can deliver urgent customer service training.

In Times of Crisis

During a recall, crisis, or company emergency, your customer service team should be updated on all events and trained on how to respond.

Because your audience will be concerned, full transparency is strongly encouraged. Your team needs to be aware of the problem and your solution, or how you are approaching the solution .

Share how you'll send out updates. These trainings should be a top priority on everyone's calendar. You can better ensure complete organizational alignment when you can train your team.

To give you a real-world example, when news breaks of an online data breach, even if it's not your company, your customers may worry about the security of their data and may reach out in a panic.

If your team can speak to the problem, how you're being proactive, and where customers can go for updates or more information, you can ensure more positive experiences with your company.

Product or Company Updates

This type of customer service training is less of an emergency but is just as time-sensitive.

Whether you release a product update, run a major marketing campaign, or alter your website, your customer service team should complete training on these updates and be equipped to handle any customer questions or concerns.

For example, our customer service teams receive new training materials in the months leading up to HubSpot's annual INBOUND event.

These resources give employees the most up-to-date information on any new products that'll be announced at INBOUND — which can be upwards of four or five major product releases!

Your customer service teams should be looped in on company updates or changes so customers aren't blindsided when they have questions.

4. Customer Service Phone Training

Today, 48% of customers want to communicate with companies via phone call for customer service. Based on this, training reps knowing how to provide a delightful experience via phone call is critical to your success.

Here's what you should focus on in terms of phone training:

  • Maintaining a positive tone and attitude throughout the call.
  • Remaining calm and professional, even on difficult calls.
  • Speaking slowly and clearly.
  • Asking customers clear and direct questions that help reps come to an effective solution efficiently.
  • Presenting solutions in a way that will make sense for each individual customer.
  • Using verbiage that's representative of your brand.
  • Being an active listener.
  • Always showing empathy and authenticity.
  • Staying in control of the conversation and leading the customer towards an effective resolution.
  • Making sure customers don't have any other questions or concerns before hanging up.
  • Thanking the customer at the end of the call.

An example of customer service phone training includes setting up a series of role-play scenarios where one person is a customer with a problem, and the other is a customer service rep deciphering the problem, empathizing, and offering resolution.

In addition to role-play, scripts are helpful when it comes to solving specific problems.

Alternatively, because word-for-word scripts can sound impersonal, you might also consider offering bullet points your team members can use in their responses.

5. Live Chat Customer Service Training

Live chat is one of the up-and-coming customer service channels because it delivers the immediacy customers require. More than half of millennials prefer live chat, as it allows you to offer a personal touch with speed and convenience.

As the largest generation in U.S. history, millennials represent a huge percentage of your buyers, so live chat customer service training is necessary in today's world.

Fortunately, live chat training can resemble phone call training with scripts and bullet points your team members can use.

Being a customer service representative is challenging.

There are some basic ways to teach customer service to your reps to ensure they have the skills they need. Remember, their goal and yours should be the same — effectively serving and delighting customers.

You can separate these skills into different categories — which we'll review momentarily — so you can easily focus on teaching and building them with your reps.

Let's take a look.

Customer Service Basics

  • Interpersonal Skills: Customer service reps should be positive and empathetic when communicating with customers.
  • Clear Communication: Customer service reps should be able to succinctly explain complex concepts to customers.
  • Assertiveness and Directness: Customer service reps should be confident when interacting with customers.
  • Product Feature and Application Knowledge: Customer service reps should know the product inside and out.
  • Crisis Management Skills: Customer service reps should know how to effectively handle negative situations.
  • Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills: Customer service teams should have a strong sense of community to increase employee retention.
  • Customer Advocacy and Success Skills: Customer service reps should be able to champion their customers.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Customer service reps should know how to de-escalate negative situations with customers.

Ensuring your reps learn the following customer service basics and soft skills will make all the difference in your company's growth.

Your employees face customers every day. Customers will judge your business based on interactions with your people and your reps' behavior.

Only with thorough training in critical areas can your customer service representatives confidently deal with customer issues and turn angry customers into satisfied ones.

Let's dive into each of the customer service basics and soft skills your reps need to succeed in their roles.

1. Interpersonal Skills

For effective customer service, reps should look inward and focus on interpersonal skills critical to fostering positive and trustworthy customer relationships.

Positivity isn't just about smiling. It's also about keeping your language upbeat and promising so customers remain positive.

The last thing you want to do is introduce a new negative idea that leaves your customers more concerned than when they first called.

Whether your team serves customers via social media, email, chat, or the phone, train them to replace negative words with positive ones.

For example, instead of saying, "I'm afraid that…", teach your customer service team to start sentences with, "I'd love to help…". This keeps the response in a positive light while remaining honest with customers.

Positivity Training Exercise

  • Jot down five to 10 negative customer service responses and ask your team to rewrite them as positive statements. They can work alone or in small groups or pairs.
  • Divide your team into pairs and give each pair two problems to role play, so each person can play the role of customer and rep. Have the customer for each problem pay attention to negative words and phrases and then let the other person know what they heard.
  • Bring a transcript of an actual conversation to a meeting, and anonymize the customer and the rep. Then walk through the conversation as a group and identify opportunities to make the entire exchange more positive.

Empathy is critical for serving customers. When your team members genuinely want customers to be happy and successful, they can be your biggest assets.

One of the ways to help people develop empathy is to help them walk in a customer's shoes so they become just as invested in finding a solution to a problem.

In addition to helping your customer service team reach that resolution much quicker, you can make a customer for life.

But empathy doesn't come easily to everyone, especially more technical, logical people. While they care, they're often not as well-equipped to express those feelings.

To develop empathy in your customer service team, encourage them to spend time with people who are different from them.

Whether with someone at a community event, an Uber driver, someone in line at a grocery store, or a stranger at a conference, having conversations outside their comfort zones can help diversify their thinking.

Empathy Training Exercise

Tell your team to think about a time they were a customer and might've had a frustrating transaction or unsatisfactory experience. Have them share their stories and recall how they felt and were treated.

2. Clear Communication

Although this is technically an interpersonal skill, it's vital for effective customer service and support that it deserves a separate section.

Clarity in communication can improve customer service interactions tenfold. It's the difference between sending 10 emails or one when explaining a product.

While easy to decipher during interviews and onboarding, speaking with clarity remains a skill that customer service representatives should hone throughout their careers, especially as new products or updates are introduced.

Reddit's Explain Like I'm Five is a great example of clarity in action. On this thread, people take pretty complex topics, from biology to engineering to technology, and explain concepts as if they were teaching a child.

Now, "dumbing" answers down to this extent isn't necessary for your very adult audience, but it's a good example of explaining something clearly and concisely.

And keep in mind, there's a difference between breaking things down and being condescending, so if you share this example with your team, ensure they know where the line is.

Clear Communication Training Exercise

Have your team present product demonstrations as if you were a brand-new customer. Challenge them to explain the product (or a portion of your product) in five minutes or less.

3. Assertiveness and Directness

Customer service reps need to be both assertive and direct.

Doing so helps reps establish authority as someone who can solve customer problems, while simultaneously maintaining clear communication and boundaries.

The ability to face problems head-on without dancing around uncomfortable topics also gives them the tools to help customers find and share the best solutions for their challenges more efficiently.

Think about it this way — customers want quick and effective solutions to their challenges. They don't want to wait around for some wishy-washy answer that may or may not work.

By being assertive and direct, reps make customers feel confident that the information they're receiving is accurate.

Assertiveness and Directness Training Exercise

Encourage reps to try role-play exercises with each other where one person pretends to be an unhappy and vocal customer with many questions.

The other person should practice regaining control of the conversation and respectfully but directly navigating the discussion to the solution the rep can offer.

4. Product Feature and Application Skills

Companies are always growing and evolving — from product updates to new branding. And this is exactly how it should be because the world is also continually changing.

Customers have new expectations, competitors have new offers, and new technologies mean that companies that don't evolve and adapt won't thrive in the future.

With that in mind, you cannot afford for your customer service team to stagnate in their skills or training. Customer service training in your company should be ongoing across the board, but especially for the people on the front lines.

Considering you're essentially teaching them to teach, they should know your product inside and out.

Product Feature and Application Training Exercises

Here are a few examples of customer service training on your product and company:

Assign a mentor.

Organize a mentorship program for every employee, especially your new hires.

The mentor should be someone in another department to expose the employee to different business segments and allow them to stay up-to-date on company-wide happenings.

Additionally, when this mentor isn't in the direct chain of command, they can remain neutral when giving feedback.

Coordinate job shadowing.

This exercise is highly encouraged for new hires but can also benefit customer service veterans.

Shadowing introduces your team to new approaches, responses, and applications of customer service and your product that they'd otherwise not be exposed to.

Hold demonstration sessions.

This is similar to the training idea mentioned above, but it involves having your team present to their teammates. This will challenge them on their communication and understanding of the product.

Encourage attendees to provide constructive feedback to help one another grow. And consider recording these sessions for the person giving the training so they can hear how they present themselves.

Create a knowledge base.

Teaching others is the best way to learn, and it's especially true for customer service. Have your team create a knowledge base of your product or service offering in the form of a guide or directory.

This will challenge your team on their knowledge and clarity and ultimately help customers by creating a lasting company resource.

And, if you make someone responsible for updating it each quarter, you'll have a fantastic record to cross-train new departments.

Learn how to set up your knowledge base of articles in HubSpot's Service Hub.

5. Crisis Management Skills

Research shows that 70% of unhappy customers whose problems are resolved are willing to shop with a business again.

Just because a customer comes to you unhappy, angry, or rude doesn't mean they have to walk away with the same sentiment.

Appropriately managing each customer's crisis and actively working to change their attitude is how you serve and retain customers in the long run.

Discover how to manage, plan for, and communicate during crises with these management plan templates.

Crisis Management Training Exercises

Even those with thick skin can get worn down and discouraged after dealing with many angry customers. So, here are a couple of training exercises to teach your customer service team how to deal with — and delight — difficult customers.

Conduct role-play activities.

This training exercise is highly recommended for all customer service representatives and can be especially helpful for pacifying angry customers.

Conducting mock calls that resemble a real customer service issue (and involve a seemingly angry caller) can help acclimate your team to the realities of upset customers.

Have your team work together. By encouraging veterans on your team to use real situations they've dealt with in the past, you can ensure that your new hires get relevant training.

Teach the LAST method.

Despite intensive training on skills like empathy and patience, some difficult customers will simply be impossible to relate to.

That's where methods like reflective listening and LAST come into play.

LAST stands for L isten, A cknowledge, S olve, and T hank.

Teach your team to pause, listen to, and acknowledge upset customers. These steps can make the difference between solving an angry customer's problem and turning an angry customer into a satisfied one.

6. Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills

Camaraderie and community among professional teams in any industry can help with overall performance, but it's especially important in customer service.

I included this section in my list of customer service training ideas because that's essentially what it is — training your team to take care of themselves so they can take care of your customers.

Team-Building and Camaraderie Training Exercises

Here are a few ways to train your team to cultivate community and take care of themselves:

Encourage meditation.

Dealing with customers all day, every day, can be incredibly draining and stressful. Meditation can be a helpful tool to regain mental balance and relaxation amid customer service chaos.

Dedicate time to learning meditation and relaxation methods, so your team feels comfortable taking a break. Apps like Headspace and Calm can help your team, especially if they meditate together.

Inspire healthy competition.

Customer service training isn't just about teaching your team how to do their job; it's also about encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Inspiring healthy competition through a leaderboard or monthly awards will challenge your customer service team to go above and beyond, helping more customers, creating camaraderie, and contributing to their overall success and future career.

Fun fact: HubSpot's own customer support teams use a leaderboard and have found it motivates and inspires performance.

Take team outings (in-person or digitally).

Traditional product and skill training can bring your team together at work, but out-of-office activities can also inspire community and friendship that further encourage camaraderie in the office.

Treat your team to an event or activity unrelated to work, such as a museum trip or a remote team-building game. These activities are fun, casual, and lead to lasting connections that can mitigate otherwise tough days at work.

In other words, they can lead to strong employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Since it takes people up to two years to get fully up to speed, making sure your customer service team is satisfied is a good business practice.

7. Customer Advocacy and Success Skills

To create an atmosphere of customer advocacy and success, your training has to go above and beyond teaching soft and technical skills.

You can win big when you can turn happy customers into customers who actively promote your company.

However, it's not just about delivering a quality product or service. These customers don't simply exist once they purchase from you.

Instead, they're created when your customer service team treats them well and fights to solve their problems.

Customer Advocacy and Success Training Exercises

Here are examples of customer service training to build a world-class customer-focused culture:

Teach new language.

I referenced positive language in a previous section, but this is a little different.

The key to customer advocacy is aligning your goals and needs with the customer and essentially "joining their team" as you work towards a solution. This can be done with a simple switch in verbiage.

Consider creating a "say this, not that" document your team can refer to in conversations. Doing so helps them enhance how customers perceive your company and improve their experience.

For example, how does "I'm not sure we can do that for you" sound compared to "let's see what we can do to solve that"?

How about: "Let's get you set up with the right person to help" versus "I can't help with that"?

Changing responses to align with a customers' frustrations and needs tells a customer, "We're on your side, too."

Encourage exceeding expectations.

Let's say your team must solve a minimum of 10 tickets per day. You could train your employees to get that done and leave them alone. I mean, they are doing their work, right?

Sure, but this hardly creates an environment of going above and beyond for the customer (not to mention each employee's potential). Instead of settling with "good enough," challenge your team to do the best they can do every day.

This motivation will change how much work is done and influence how they work with and satisfy customers.

Not sure how to do this? An example could be creating a leaderboard or gamifying your team output, which we mentioned earlier.

Collect (and use) feedback.

Feedback is the lifeblood of any team or company that wants to improve. Invest in infrastructure that collects customer feedback through surveys, social media, or direct messages.

It's not enough to get customer feedback. You must also use that feedback to measure the team's success and identify improvement opportunities.

It helps individuals improve their skills and shows your customers that you care about what they have to say.

Of note: If you act on a specific piece of feedback, send a note to the customer thanking them for the input and letting them know how you've acted on it so they feel heard and appreciated.

For example, if a customer mentions that they wish you included a resources section on your website for quick self-service, and you decide to create one, let them know.

8. Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict resolution skills are necessary for any service and support calls reps have with customers. After all, customers reaching out to your service and support reps are doing so because they're trying to find a solution to a challenge or roadblock.

Not to mention, reps are bound to encounter angry, frustrated customers from time to time, too — this requires an even deeper level of conflict resolution on the part of reps.

Conflict Resolution Training Exercises

You can teach reps to resolve different types of conflict in a wide variety of ways. Here are some examples of tips you can encourage your customer service team to use:

  • Draw on past experiences to set expectations.
  • Communicate clearly.
  • Show empathy.
  • Use active listening.
  • Acknowledge the people's specific needs.
  • Don't point fingers or place the blame on anyone.
  • Use "I" statements.
  • Say you're sorry.
  • Stay calm and professional.
  • Help people how they want to be helped.
  • Don't interrupt.
  • Remember the importance of maintaining the relationship.

Customer Service Basics. Interpersonal Skills. Clear Communication. Assertiveness and Directness. Product Feature and Application Skills. Crisis Management Skills. Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills. Customer Advocacy and Success Skills. Conflict Resolution Skills

A lot goes into customer service training, and it can be a daunting process to manage alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of customer service training materials available online. We've gathered some of our favorites below.

Learn everything you need to know to get started with the HubSpot Service Hub.

1. Customer Service Training Manual [ Download for Free ]


Aligning your team with universal training documentation is an assured way to inform new hires of their roles, goals, and expectations.

You can use this free customer support training manual template to build a customizable business manual.

training outline for customer service

New Hire Guide

This part of the template allows you to welcome your new customer service reps and give them an overview of the team. It also lets you warmly greet them and get them excited about their new role.

Customer service reps are one of the roles with the highest turnover , so you want to get them started on the right foot.

This short, flexible section allows you to give ballpark dates for when certain parts of the training will start and end.

Later in the manual, you can provide a more detailed 100-day plan with specific milestones, but this section will help you set the stage and establish expectations.

Tech and Software Setup

Your reps will need to leverage many tools to get their job done efficiently, but you don't want them to feel overwhelmed. Feelings of overwhelm can quickly lead to burnout.

Use this section to outline where they can get a monitor and headset, which customer service software and CRM they'll use, and how to access and set up each tool.

Remember that camaraderie we were talking about earlier? You should strive to foster that starting from the training period.

Giving your reps a list of people to schedule "coffee chats" with can help them get acquainted with the team more quickly. This is especially important if your customer service team is remote.

A strong 100-day or 30-60-90-day plan can get your rep started on the right foot and give them guidelines for how they should perform by a certain date. No rep wants to be hired and feel like they have to perform perfectly on the first day.

Reassure your reps that they'll be "ramped up" to full performance standards by outlining what will be expected of them as time goes on.

Feedback and Reviews

Providing feedback as you train your customer service rep is essential for ensuring their success. This section lets you set dates for checking in with your new rep to let them know how they're doing.

These meetings don't have to be formal, but you should know how to conduct a performance appraisal before starting one.

Interacting with Customers

In this section of the manual template, you can provide concrete guidelines for handling customer inquiries and complaints.

Here, you can provide a few guidelines for fostering a positive customer service tone during the call. You might also link to your customer service scripts and/or role-play scenarios.

Escalation Framework

A top-performing customer service rep knows when to escalate a problem to someone who can deal with it more effectively. This part of the manual gives your new reps guidance on when to do just that.

Consider including a chart and scenarios when escalation is necessary to keep the customer (and your rep) happy. Remember, if your service rep feels forced to deal with a situation that is out of their hands, everyone suffers.

Product FAQ

While you should hold a dedicated product training during your new hire onboarding process , you should still include an easy-to-reference section with FAQs about your product.

This part will address any product questions that may come up as the rep gets acquainted with the product they'll provide support for. It should also provide quick answers to frequent support questions.

Resources for Success

Leave the customer service rep with a list of tools that will help them more effectively ramp up and get acquainted with the ins and outs of their role.

You can include logistical information here — such as a link to your documents about PTO — and also inspirational materials, such as a video from the CEO.

2. Customer Service Training Courses

Online customer service training courses teaching vital skills can be a great addition to your training program.

As self-led seminars, employees take ownership of their training and are exposed to skills and competencies outside the organization.

Below is a short list of some free customer service training courses for your team.

1. Delivering Exceptional Customer Support by HubSpot

customer service training, delivering exceptional customer service

This short course from HubSpot will acquaint your reps with key competencies and tactics for delivering support your customers will praise you for.

It's a quick course — less than an hour long — making it an ideal and convenient addition to your training schedule. You could even get your entire customer service team in one room and play it for them at once.

The course is split into three sections:

  • Understanding customer support competencies. Your reps will learn the basic skills they need to deliver excellent support and how to improve those skills continuously.
  • Support case framework. Your reps will learn how to structure their approach to each case to resolve customer issues more effectively.
  • Managing your time as a customer support rep. Time management is the lifeblood of a strong workflow. In this short lesson, reps will learn how to increase their productivity.

2. Customer Service Training by Alison

customer service training, customer service training

Alison is a digital education hub that offers free courses and paid certifications on various skills. Its customer service training course is geared towards beginners in the field, so it's a perfect place to start.

This course will give your employees an understanding of essential customer service factors and help them understand how to deliver a customer-friendly approach that's best for your business needs.

They'll also learn the benefits of providing excellent service and cover a few do's and don'ts when dealing with customers.

3. Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations by edX

customer service training, Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations

Like Alison, edX is another digital learning platform offering free courses.

They partner with universities worldwide, such as Berkeley, Harvard, and the University of Kyoto — the school to which the Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations course is presented.

This course focuses on customer service's social and cultural aspects and takes 9 to 11 weeks to complete. Throughout the course, your employees will be exposed to various services — such as sushi bars, restaurants, hotels, and apparel.

They'll study customer service's "nuanced and paradoxical nature" and learn how to approach it from a cultural and social perspective.

4.  Customer Service Training  by GoSkills

Customer Service Training-1

GoSkills, an innovative online learning platform, is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals worldwide acquire essential business skills.

Their customer service training, led by the dynamic David Brownlee, goes beyond generic courses. It offers engaging lessons such as "Psychology of Your Company," "Verbal and Nonverbal Cues," and "Anticipate Customer Needs," among others. These lessons are designed to be concise, with durations of 3-6 minutes, allowing learners to complete the video content within an hour and a half. Additionally, each lesson is accompanied by supplementary exercises to reinforce learning.

Your team can access this invaluable course through a free trial or via your organization's GoSkills Courses or GoSkills Platinum plan. It's also important to note that all GoSkills courses are CPD-accredited, ensuring the highest standard of professional development.

5. Innovative Customer Service Techniques by LinkedIn Learning

customer service training, Culture of Services: Innovative Customer Service Techniques

LinkedIn Learning is an award-winning online education platform run by the most popular professional social media platform. It primarily teaches digital and business-related skills.

The Innovative Customer Service Techniques course is created and presented by customer service expert Jeff Toister and consists of a short 45-minute video.

Your employees can access the course through a seven-day free trial or join LinkedIn Learning's paid membership.

6. Bonus: Business Courses by Treehouse

customer service training, Culture of Services: Business Courses

Treehouse is another online course library, but the program requires a paid membership.

HubSpot uses Treehouse for our own customer support and service training. Treehouse offers courses on soft skills and others that may contribute to overall customer service education.

3. Customer Service Training Games

Using games and activities can make customer service training much more fun.

Whether they require materials like a whiteboard or simply involve your team, games are a way to teach valuable skills while encouraging teamwork and collaboration between your employees.

Check out these free, quick-and-easy games to play during customer support and service training:

  • Fun and Powerful Training Games for Customer Service Teams by UserLike
  • Free Customer Service Training Games by BusinessTrainingWorks

4. Customer Service Training Videos

Sometimes it's valuable to incorporate outside insight or perspective during customer service training.

Best of all, it's not something you have to do on your own. Videos from thought leaders and industry experts are powerful additions to your customer service training programs.

Here's an example of a well-made, valuable customer service training video. Also, check out this post for more videos .

Customer Service Training Video Example

In this 12-minute video, business coach and consultant David Brownlee explains the essentials of customer service in friendly, easy-to-understand language. With over 4,000 likes, the value of this video speaks for itself.

Brownlee is an expert in the customer service field and advocates for creating relationships of trust and loyalty with customers, promoting customer care versus simple service.

Grow Better With Customer Service & Support Training

Consumers view customer service as the test of how much a company truly values them.

Roughly three out of every four customers view their interactions with customer service as more important than marketing or sales — and it's why customer service is such an important engine for growth.

With your customer service team on the front lines of customer service and retention, they need to be properly trained and equipped to handle any challenge that comes their way.

Execute these customer service and support training ideas, and your customers and employees will be more satisfied overall.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Customer Service Training Course

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Are you looking for free customer service training materials? If so, you’re in the right place. Customer service is a critical aspect of any business, and providing excellent customer support is essential to keeping your customers happy and loyal. However, training your customer service team can be challenging, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

Fortunately, there are many free customer service training materials available online that you can use to train your team. These materials include PDFs, training templates, and other resources that cover a wide range of topics, from understanding customer service to dealing with customer issues. By leveraging these resources, you can develop a comprehensive training program that will help your team provide excellent customer service and support.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best free customer service training materials available online (including our comprehensive library of free customer service resources! ). We’ll cover everything from core customer service skills to training exercises and guidelines, and we’ll provide you with the resources you need to develop a successful training program. Whether you’re a small business owner or a customer service manager, this article will provide you with the tools you need to train your team effectively.


Understanding Customer Service

Customer service is the act of providing support to customers before, during, and after a purchase. It is a crucial aspect of any business as it can make or break the customer experience. Providing excellent customer service can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business. On the other hand, poor customer service can lead to negative reviews, decreased sales, and a damaged reputation.

Role of a Customer Service Representative

A customer service representative is the point of contact between the customer and the company. They are responsible for assisting customers with their inquiries, complaints, and issues. A customer service representative should have excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, and be able to handle difficult situations with empathy and professionalism.

Importance of Customer Service Skills

Customer service skills are essential for anyone working in a customer-facing role. These skills include active listening, problem-solving, patience, and empathy. Active listening involves paying attention to the customer’s needs and concerns and responding appropriately. Problem-solving involves finding a solution to the customer’s issue in a timely and efficient manner. Patience is important when dealing with frustrated or angry customers, and empathy involves putting oneself in the customer’s shoes and understanding their perspective.

Customer service skills training is essential to ensure that representatives have the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service. Training should cover soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving, as well as technical skills, such as using customer service software and handling customer data.

Customer service is a crucial aspect of any business, and providing excellent customer service can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased sales. A customer service representative plays a vital role in delivering a positive customer experience, and customer service skills training is essential to ensure that representatives have the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service.

Core Customer Service Skills

To provide excellent customer service, you need to have a few core skills. These skills include communication, listening, patience, and empathy. Let’s take a closer look at each of these skills.

Communication and Listening

Effective communication is essential in customer service. You need to be able to clearly convey information to customers and understand their needs. When communicating with customers, it’s important to use language that is easy to understand and avoid technical jargon.

Listening is also an essential part of communication. You need to be able to actively listen to customers to understand their needs and concerns. This means giving them your full attention and not interrupting them. You should also ask questions to clarify any information that is unclear.

Patience and Empathy

Patience is crucial in customer service. You need to be able to remain calm and composed, even in difficult situations. This means not getting defensive or angry when a customer is upset or frustrated. Instead, you should remain patient and work to resolve the issue.

Empathy is also an important skill in customer service. You need to be able to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand their perspective. This means acknowledging their feelings and showing that you care about their concerns. By demonstrating empathy, you can build trust and rapport with customers.

By developing these core customer service skills, you can provide excellent service to your customers. Remember to always communicate clearly, actively listen, remain patient, and demonstrate empathy.

Free Customer Service Training Materials

If you are looking for free customer service training materials, you have come to the right place. In this section, we will provide you with some of the best resources available for customer service training. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to customer service, these resources will help you improve your skills and provide better service to your customers.

Training Manuals

One of the best ways to learn about customer service is through training manuals. These manuals provide step-by-step instructions on how to provide excellent service to your customers. They cover a wide range of topics, including communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution strategies.

We are thrilled to invite you to join our customer service resource library and gain instant access to a wealth of exclusive customer service resources that are 100% free for you to enjoy:

🎯 Customer Service Career Guide: A comprehensive guide to navigate your customer service career journey.

✍️ Resume & Cover Letter Templates: Professionally designed templates to make a great first impression.

📝 Resignation Letter Templates: Gracefully exit your current position with our well-crafted letters.

💡 Top Customer Service Interview Questions: Prepare for your next interview with these key questions.

☎️ Downloadable Phone Scripts: Enhance your communication skills with our effective scripts.

📧 Customizable Email Templates: Save time and effort with our ready-to-use email templates.

📊 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions: Understand your customers better with our insightful survey questions.

📈 Customer Support Strategy & Planning Template: Strategize your customer support efforts with our handy template.

🎓 Webinars with Industry Professionals: Learn from the best in the field through our informative webinars.

💰 Special Promotions and Discounts: Enjoy exclusive offers only available to our members.

And there’s so much more! Don’t wait, sign up below to take advantage of these resources and start elevating your customer service career today!

There are many free customer service training materials available online. Whether you prefer training manuals, course libraries, or webinars, there is something for everyone. By taking advantage of these resources, you can improve your customer service skills and provide better service to your customers.


Training Exercises and Guidelines

When it comes to customer service, training is essential to ensure that your representatives are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service. Fortunately, there are plenty of free customer service training materials available online, including training exercises and guidelines.

One effective training exercise is role-playing. This involves assigning different scenarios to your representatives and having them act out how they would handle each situation. This exercise helps to develop their communication and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to remain calm and professional in challenging situations.

Another helpful exercise is to have your representatives listen to recordings of actual customer service calls and identify areas where improvements could be made. This exercise helps to develop their listening skills and their ability to identify customer needs and concerns.

In addition to training exercises, there are also guidelines that can be used to ensure that your representatives are providing consistent and high-quality service. One important guideline is to always greet customers warmly and make them feel welcome. This can be done through verbal greetings, such as saying “Hello” or “Good morning,” as well as nonverbal cues, such as smiling and making eye contact.

Another important guideline is to actively listen to customers and show empathy for their concerns. This involves giving customers your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and acknowledging their feelings. By doing so, you can build trust and rapport with customers and show them that you care about their needs.

Overall, training exercises and guidelines are essential components of any customer service training program. By incorporating these materials into your training program, you can help your representatives develop the skills and knowledge they need to provide excellent service and build strong relationships with your customers.

Dealing with Customer Issues

When it comes to customer service, dealing with customer issues is an inevitable part of the job. However, with the right training and approach, you can turn customer problems into opportunities to create happy customers. In this section, we’ll cover two important aspects of customer service training: problem solving and product training.

Problem Solving

One of the most important skills for any customer service representative is the ability to solve problems. When a customer comes to you with an issue, it’s important to listen carefully, ask questions to clarify the problem, and work with the customer to find a solution.

To help your team develop their problem-solving skills, consider providing training in the following areas:

  • Active listening: Encourage your team to listen carefully to customers and ask questions to fully understand the problem.
  • Empathy: Train your team to put themselves in the customer’s shoes and understand their perspective.
  • Creativity: Encourage your team to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to customer problems.
  • Communication: Train your team to communicate clearly and effectively with customers, keeping them informed throughout the problem-solving process.

By providing your team with the skills they need to solve problems effectively, you can turn customer issues into opportunities to create happy customers.

Product Training

Another important aspect of customer service training is product training. When your team has a deep understanding of your products and services, they can help customers more effectively and provide better support.

To provide effective product training, consider the following:

  • Provide comprehensive product information: Make sure your team has access to detailed information about your products and services, including features, benefits, and use cases.
  • Encourage hands-on experience: Allow your team to use your products and services themselves so they can better understand how they work.
  • Provide ongoing training: Make sure your team is up-to-date on new products and features, and provide ongoing training to help them stay current.

By providing your team with the product training they need, you can help them provide better support to your customers and create happy customers in the process.

Customer Support Systems

When it comes to providing top-notch customer service, having the right customer support system in place is essential. There are a variety of options available, each with their own set of features and benefits. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at three popular customer support systems: Ticketing System, Hubspot Service Hub, and Zendesk.

Ticketing System

A ticketing system is a software tool that allows you to manage customer inquiries and support requests. It works by creating a ticket for each customer interaction, which can then be tracked and managed through a centralized dashboard. Ticketing systems are particularly useful for businesses that receive a high volume of support requests, as they help to streamline the process and ensure that no requests fall through the cracks.

Some popular ticketing systems include Freshdesk, Kayako, and Jira Service Desk. These tools offer a range of features, including automated ticket routing, customizable workflows, and analytics and reporting capabilities.

Hubspot Service Hub

Hubspot Service Hub is a comprehensive customer service platform that includes a range of tools and features to help you provide top-notch support to your customers. It includes a ticketing system, live chat, knowledge base, and more. One of the key benefits of Hubspot Service Hub is its integration with the Hubspot CRM, which allows you to easily track customer interactions and manage customer data.

Other features of Hubspot Service Hub include a customer feedback tool, customer satisfaction surveys, and a range of reporting and analytics capabilities. It’s a great option for businesses that are looking for a complete customer service solution.

Zendesk is another popular customer support system that offers a range of features and tools to help you provide excellent customer service. It includes a ticketing system, live chat, knowledge base, and more. One of the key benefits of Zendesk is its flexibility, as it can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business.

Other features of Zendesk include a customer feedback tool, customer satisfaction surveys, and a range of reporting and analytics capabilities. It’s a great option for businesses that are looking for a customizable and scalable customer service solution.

In summary, there are a variety of customer support systems available, each with their own set of features and benefits. Whether you choose a ticketing system, a comprehensive customer service platform like Hubspot Service Hub, or a customizable solution like Zendesk, the key is to choose a system that meets the specific needs of your business and your customers.

Implications of Poor Customer Service

Poor customer service can have significant implications for your business. It can lead to customer dissatisfaction, which in turn can result in lost business and negative word-of-mouth. In fact, according to a study by NewVoiceMedia, poor customer service costs businesses in the United States an estimated $62 billion each year due to customer churn.

Customer churn is a critical metric that measures the number of customers who stop doing business with your company. When customers experience poor service, they are more likely to switch to a competitor. This can be particularly damaging if the customer is a long-term or high-value customer.

In addition to lost revenue, poor customer service can also damage your brand reputation. Customers who have a negative experience with your company are likely to share their experience with others, either through word-of-mouth or online reviews. This can harm your business’s credibility and make it more difficult to attract new customers.

Furthermore, poor customer service can lead to decreased employee morale. When employees are unable to provide satisfactory service to customers, they may feel frustrated and demotivated. This can lead to increased turnover, which can be costly for your business.

Overall, it is clear that poor customer service can have significant implications for your business. By investing in customer service training for your employees, you can help ensure that your customers are satisfied and that your business is successful.

Developing a Training Plan

Creating a comprehensive training plan is essential to ensure that your employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent customer service. Here are some steps to consider when developing your training plan:

Identify Training Needs

The first step in developing a training plan is to identify the specific skills and knowledge that your employees need to provide excellent customer service. This can be done through a needs assessment, which involves gathering feedback from customers, conducting surveys, and analyzing customer service data. Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, you can develop training programs that address these needs.

Set Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are the specific goals that you want your employees to achieve as a result of the training program. These objectives should be clear, measurable, and achievable. For example, if you want your employees to improve their communication skills, your learning objective might be to “demonstrate effective communication skills by using active listening techniques and clear language.”

Choose Training Methods

There are many different training methods that you can use to deliver your training program, including classroom training, on-the-job training, e-learning, and self-paced learning. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the method that best suits your employees’ learning styles and your training goals.

Develop Training Materials

Once you have identified your training needs, set your learning objectives, and chosen your training methods, you can start developing your training materials. These materials should be engaging, interactive, and relevant to your employees’ job roles. You can use a variety of formats, such as videos, presentations, case studies, and role-playing exercises, to deliver your training content.

Evaluate Training Effectiveness

After you have delivered your training program, it’s important to evaluate its effectiveness. This can be done through feedback surveys, assessments, and performance metrics. By evaluating the effectiveness of your training program, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to your training plan as needed.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive training plan that helps your employees provide excellent customer service. Remember to set clear learning objectives, choose the right training methods, and evaluate the effectiveness of your training program to ensure that your employees have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Company Policies and Security

When it comes to customer service, having clear and effective policies in place is crucial for ensuring that your team is able to provide consistent and high-quality service to your customers. In addition, having strong security protocols can help protect both your customers and your business from potential threats. Here are some key things to consider when it comes to company policies and security.

Having clear policies in place can help ensure that your team is aligned on how to handle common customer service scenarios. This can include things like how to handle returns or exchanges, how to deal with difficult customers, and how to escalate issues to a manager or supervisor. By having these policies in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to provide consistent service, even in challenging situations.

In addition to customer-facing policies, it’s also important to have internal policies in place that govern how your team operates. This can include things like how to handle confidential customer information, how to communicate with other departments within your organization, and how to handle conflicts or disputes within the team. By having these policies in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to operate efficiently and effectively.

In addition to policies, having strong security protocols in place is crucial for protecting both your customers and your business. This can include things like using secure payment processing systems, implementing two-factor authentication for sensitive accounts, and regularly updating software and security systems to protect against potential threats.

It’s also important to have clear protocols in place for how to handle security incidents, such as data breaches or cyber attacks. This can include things like having a designated point person to handle security incidents, having a plan in place for notifying customers and other stakeholders in the event of a breach, and regularly testing your security systems to identify potential weaknesses.

By having strong policies and security protocols in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to provide high-quality service to your customers, while also protecting your business from potential threats.

Product Knowledge and Training

One of the most important aspects of providing excellent customer service is having a deep understanding of the products or services you are selling. This is where product knowledge comes in. By having a thorough understanding of your products, you can better assist customers with their questions and concerns, and ultimately provide a better overall experience.

To ensure that your customer service team has the necessary product knowledge, it is important to provide them with proper training. This can include both initial training for new hires, as well as ongoing training to keep everyone up-to-date on any changes or updates to your products.

When it comes to product training, there are a variety of resources available to help you create effective training materials. Many companies offer product-specific training modules or courses, which can be a great starting point. Additionally, there are numerous free resources available online, such as training manuals and templates.

When creating your product training materials, it is important to keep a few key things in mind:

  • Keep it simple: Your training materials should be easy to understand and follow, even for those who may not have a lot of experience with your products.
  • Focus on the most important information: While it can be tempting to include every detail about your products, it is important to focus on the most important information that your customer service team will need to know.
  • Use a variety of training methods: Everyone learns differently, so it is important to use a variety of training methods to ensure that everyone is able to learn effectively. This can include written materials, videos, and hands-on training.

By providing your customer service team with the necessary product knowledge and training, you can ensure that they are equipped to provide the best possible service to your customers.

Pricing and Satisfaction

When it comes to customer service training materials, pricing can be a major factor in your decision-making process. Fortunately, there are many free resources available online that can help you train your customer service representatives without breaking the bank. Many of these resources come in the form of PDFs that you can download and use at your leisure.

While free training materials may seem like a no-brainer, it’s important to consider the quality of the content. You want to make sure that the training materials you choose are effective and will help your representatives improve their skills. One way to ensure quality is to look for reviews or ratings from other users. You can also check the credentials of the authors or publishers to see if they have experience in the customer service industry.

Another factor to consider is the satisfaction of your representatives with the training materials. After all, they are the ones who will be using the materials to improve their skills. You want to make sure that the materials are engaging and easy to understand. You can ask for feedback from your representatives to see if they found the materials helpful or if there are any areas that need improvement.

Overall, free customer service training materials can be a great option for businesses looking to train their representatives without spending a lot of money. Just make sure to consider the quality of the content and the satisfaction of your representatives before making a decision.

Leveraging AI in Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a focus area for many businesses in recent years. The market for AI is expected to grow to almost 2 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030. In customer service, AI can help in providing intelligent, convenient, and informed customer service at the time and channel of your customers’ choice. Here are some ways you can leverage AI in customer service:

Implement AI Chatbots

One of the most common applications of AI in customer service is through chatbots. AI chatbots can help solve the most frequently asked questions raised by users. By solving over 50% of the most common customer queries, chatbots can significantly reduce the workload of customer service representatives. This results in faster response times and more efficient customer service.

Personalize Customer Experience

AI can help you personalize the customer experience by analyzing customer data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographics. This data can be used to create personalized recommendations, promotions, and messages that are tailored to each customer’s preferences. This personalized approach can help build a stronger relationship between your brand and your customers.

Predictive Analytics

AI can help you predict customer behavior by analyzing data such as customer interactions, feedback, and purchase history. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends that can help you predict future customer behavior. By understanding customer behavior, you can proactively address potential issues and provide a better customer experience.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

AI can help automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, order processing, and ticket routing. By automating these tasks, customer service representatives can focus on more complex issues that require human intervention. This can result in faster response times and more efficient customer service.

24/7 Availability

AI can help provide 24/7 customer service availability. Chatbots can be programmed to respond to customer queries even outside of business hours. This ensures that customers receive a prompt response to their queries, which can help improve customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, AI is transforming the way businesses approach customer service. By leveraging AI, you can provide intelligent, convenient, and informed customer service that meets the needs of your customers.

In conclusion, there are many free customer service training materials available in PDF format that can help you improve your customer service skills. These resources cover a wide range of topics, including soft skills, first impressions, non-verbal communication, telephone etiquette, tone of voice, problem-solving, empathy, and patience.

When choosing the right training materials for your needs, it’s important to consider your learning style, your goals, and your audience. Some resources may be more suitable for beginners, while others may be more advanced. Some may be more focused on specific industries or types of customers.

Overall, by taking advantage of these free customer service training materials, you can improve your customer service skills, enhance your customer relationships, and increase your business success. So why not start exploring these resources today and see what you can learn?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements of effective customer service training materials.

Effective customer service training materials should cover the basics of customer service, such as communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution. They should also include soft skills, like empathy and active listening, as well as industry-specific knowledge. Additionally, training materials should be engaging and interactive to keep learners interested.

How can customer service training materials be tailored to specific industries, such as healthcare?

To tailor customer service training materials to specific industries, it is important to understand the unique challenges and needs of that industry. For example, healthcare customer service training should cover topics like patient confidentiality, medical terminology, and dealing with sensitive or emotional situations. It may also be helpful to include case studies or scenarios that are relevant to the industry.

What are some best practices for creating a customer service training manual?

When creating a customer service training manual, it is important to keep it concise and easy to understand. Use clear, simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms. Include plenty of examples and scenarios to help learners apply the concepts to real-life situations. Finally, make sure the manual is visually appealing and well-organized, with clear headings and subheadings.

How can customer service training improve employee satisfaction and retention?

Providing customer service training can improve employee satisfaction and retention by giving employees the skills and confidence they need to handle difficult situations. It can also help employees feel more valued and invested in their jobs, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and loyalty.

What are the most important topics to cover in a customer service training program?

The most important topics to cover in a customer service training program include communication skills, problem-solving techniques, conflict resolution, and soft skills like empathy and active listening. Other important topics may include industry-specific knowledge, company policies and procedures, and customer feedback and satisfaction.

What are some free resources available for customer service training materials?

There are many free resources available for customer service training materials, including online courses, webinars, and downloadable guides and manuals. Check out our comprehensive collection of 30+ free customer service training resources to get started!

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This slide covers information regarding customer service basics and soft skills required to be a good customer care executive.

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Presenting Customer Service Basics and Soft Skills. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees, and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon, and font size to suit your requirements.

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Home PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint Templates Customer Service PowerPoint Template

Customer Service PowerPoint Template

Our Customer Service PowerPoint Template is an editable slide deck for preparing customer support presentations. The customer service department in any organization, firm, or business is crucial to bridge the distance between the company and its consumers. By achieving a good communication channel with the customers, organizations can win more satisfied clients and, in turn, better reputation and sales. Some companies maintain support teams within their premises; however, sometimes, this department is outsourced to external consultation agencies. Such teams provide a call center, multi-channel customer service, and a well-trained team of individuals. We have designed this customer service PowerPoint template for professionals to discuss their customer service protocols and related concepts. 

The Customer Service PowerPoint Template has multiple slides with creative visuals and human illustrations to discuss various ideas and topics. For instance, the first slide shows an abstract with a human call center agent, rating signs, walking customers, and a mobile phone illustration. This slide is to present the presentation topic using the provided text boxes. Similarly, the following slides have creative visuals of executives wearing headphones, using the laptop to solve queries, professionals assisting from mobile or monitor screens (online customer care services), and customers touching the rating stars for giving reviews. These PowerPoint shape diagrams can help present the topics like problem-solving, customer service excellence, training, or multi-channel customer service. Agencies providing call center services can explain how these facilities can help companies improve their customer satisfaction rate. Also, there are slides for customer trust and reputation to showcase trust-building and maintenance. Strategies. In addition to agencies, department heads can personalize the slides to brief higher executives about the maintenance and efficiency of the department. 

Our customer service PPT template is also ideal for educational and training purposes. Users can edit the arrow diagram, data-driven charts, and creative diagrams for presenting data and facts. The slides can be re-purposed according to the presentation requirements. This PowerPoint design can be edited with all PowerPoint versions, Google Slides, and Keynote.

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Customer Service Skills

Apr 04, 2019

2.61k likes | 4.86k Views

Customer Service Skills. Why Bother?. Why put out extra effort to provide superior service if average service is enough to keep the contract and your job?. You owe it to the Customer! You owe it to your employer! You owe it to yourself!. Only One Boss.

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Presentation Transcript

Why Bother? Why put out extra effort to provide superior service if average service is enough to keep the contract and your job? • You owe it to the Customer! • You owe it to your employer! • You owe it to yourself!

Only One Boss There is only one boss – the Customer. “The Customer can fire anybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” Sam Walton

Who’s Paying You? “It’s not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It’s the Customer who pays the wages.” Henry Ford

Why Us? Technical support is a commodity, nothing more. What distinguishes one provider from another is the quality of their Customer Service. Never forget that the customer has a choice as to who they pay to provide this service.

Who Is Your Customer? • The Franklin High School helpdesk will provide service to students and staff . • If working at Apple, your customers would include Apple customers, Apple Management, End User Support Service Providers, and other Agents.

What is a Customer? The Customer is the most important person, whether in person, by mail, or by telephone. A Customer is not someone to argue or match wits with under any circumstances. Nobody ever won an argument with a Customer. Customers deserve the most courteous attention we can provide. A Customer is the lifeblood of this and every business. Without Customers, we would have to close our doors.

Make Your Customer Feel Welcome Great Customer Service starts with the first few seconds of the call. You only have one chance for a good “first impression”. No matter what happened just before taking a new call, make sure you start fresh with each new contact with a positive mental attitude. If the Customer was on hold for awhile, apologize for the wait.

Business and Pleasure Most people prefer dealing with others who seem to be enjoying themselves. So, let that cheerful sense of humor of yours come out. Just make sure you temper it with good judgement and common sense.

Take Your Cue From the Customer You will come across a few Customers who just want to take care of business and then hang up. For them, a good relationship with you means quick, efficient, get-down-to-business service. So, that’s what you need to give them….along with a cheerful attitude.

Compartmentalize Insulate one customer interaction from the next. Think of how professional golfers must discipline themselves to forget the last shot and focus only on the next one. Don’t allow one negative encounter spill over into the next Customer contact… or the rest of your day.

Use Those Active Listening Skills Make comments to acknowledge your understanding of your customer’s position. Empathize with their problems and issues. Convey your customer’s concerns to management when appropriate, and let your customer know you will.

Every Customer Deserves Your Very Best Give every Customer your very best! You never know who you might be helping. It could be a close friend of the president of the company, or it could be someone testing the service. Regardless of who the Customer is, they deserve your very best.

Adopt a Can Do Attitude Never tell a Customer that you can’t do something, unless you immediately follow with a description of what you CAN do for them. Customer Service is about doing, not explaining or rationalizing what your NOT doing.

Eliminate the Negatives Make a conscious effort to minimize the use of negative words and phrases in your service interactions. Customers do not like words such as: can’t, won’t, don’t, not, no, or sorry. You should look for every opportunity to say words such as: can, will, do, yes, you bet, and absolutely.

Talk Less… Listen More Listen to everything the Customer says as if there is going to be a test at the end of the conversation. Make it your goal to understand the Customer’s needs and expectations. Repeat the points the Customer made in your own words and confirm your understanding.

Tech-Speak Be careful not to use technical jargon that the Customer doesn’t understand. Acronyms that are used commonly in the technical arena are foreign words to most of our Customers. By using technical terminology you may confuse, intimidate or anger the Customer.

Under-Promise and Over-Deliver Keep your promises reasonable, but make what you provide to the Customer extraordinary. Set realistic expectations for the Customer. Remember, you are depending on others to deliver part of the service, under conditions you cannot control or may not be totally aware of.

Honor Your Commitments Do what you say you’ll do. Customers occasionally make plans, schedule meetings, or make decisions based on what you tell them you’ll do. Whether you promise something explicitly or implicitly, make sure that you follow through.

What’s the Rush? Give the Customer the benefit of your full attention while they are speaking to you. By worrying about pending calls you may become distracted and leave the Customer with the feeling that you’re not totally concerned with their needs. The Customer should feel that they’ve had ample time to get their issues resolved to completion and not rushed through. A Customer who feels rushed is not going to feel as though they received top notch service.

Listen for Unspoken Requests A Customer may not be able to fully articulate a need or concern, or may brush one off for another. An issue mentioned casually as a peripheral concern may be important and if you resolve it for the Customer they will feel like you’ve taken that extra step.

Summarize As You Go As you approach the end of each Customer interaction, do a short recap of what you discussed, what you are going to do for them, what they can expect, and when.

Satisfaction Plus One Whenever you get to the point where you feel the Customer is satisfied, look for one more thing you can do for them. It can be something you do for them, something you send them, something you say to them, or whatever. It doesn’t have to be big… even little extras can turn a satisfied Customer into a delighted one.

Thank You !!! Be sure to invite the customer to call again. Let them know that their calls are welcomed. Close your calls with something like: • “Please call back any time we can be of service.” • “Feel free to call us anytime.” Always and without fail, Thank the Customer for calling. Remember, it’s the customer who is paying your salary.

Call Time Management

Respect Your Customer’s Time Respect your customer’s time. Never, ever make them wait for anything without offering an explanation, an apology, and an alternative to waiting.

Be Prepared Make sure you have all your tools that you will need available before you answer the phone. Don’t answer the phone and have to ask the Customer to wait for you to get ready.

When Research is Required If you need extra time to resolve an issue, make an agreement with the Customer to call them back while you work on it. Make the necessary calls and do the research that you are able to do.

Follow Up If you must rely on the feedback of someone else, keep the ticket open and begin taking other calls while you wait. Set a reminder for an appropriate time frame to follow up on the open ticket. Even if there is no resolution to report to the Customer, call them back the same day and let them know your progress.

Time Management Tips • Type important points of your conversation into the call text as you are speaking with the Customer. • Fill in the details of your ticket during the “lulls” in the conversation. • Never allow the Customer to get the impression you are giving less than 100% attention to them. • If you complete your typing before hanging up, you won’t have to be in AUX as long and you can increase your call volume statistics.

Phone Etiquette

Greeting • IT Support, this is <name>, how may I help you? • Cheerful, but not sappy • The expression on your face can be heard through the sound of your voice • Put on your “phone personality” • Make sure you speak in clear English throughout the call • Set the pace of the call by asking questions

Use the Customer’s Name Use the customer’s name throughout the conversation. Generally, you should use “Ms.” or “Mr.” unless you sense that using the Customer’s first name is appropriate. People like to have their names pronounced correctly. Ask the Customer for the correct pronunciation at the outset of the call.

Assess Your Customer’s Urgency • What is your customer’s availability? • What is your customer’s timeframe? • What is your customer’s mood?

Hold time… • Ask the caller’s permission (and wait until you get it). • Give them the option of holding or receiving a call back. • Check back with the caller periodically to make sure they can continue holding. • Use polite terms, such as “May I put you on hold”, Are you able to hold”, etc. • Set the customer’s expectation regarding how long the hold may be and what the results should be.

Warm Transfer/Cold Transfer • Warm transfer includes staying on the line until you have introduced your customer to the third party on the line. You may also be required to provide a ticket number. • Cold transfer allows you to immediately transfer the customer into the queue.

Transfers • Ask the caller’s permission (and wait until you get it). • Explain the reason for the transfer. • Tell the customer what to expect. • Make sure you know if the process calls for a warm transfer. The additional effort won’t go unrecognized or unappreciated.

Closing the Call Allow the Customer to hang up first. This is a simple courtesy, and it gives the Customer a chance to add something they may have overlooked.


You Are a Guest • Maintain professionalism off the phone, as well. • Keep work area neat • Keep conversations with co-workers clean • Dress appropriately at a job site • Remember, you are a guest in your employer’s house

Jokes and Humor • Humor can offend when you don’t expect it. Avoid topics like • Race • Religion • Nationality • Politics • Anything in generally poor taste • Humor can be an effective tool, and can simply provide enjoyment to you and the customer. Keep it clean, and it works.

Personal Topics on Business Calls • OK to make small talk – hobbies and interests, plans for weekend – while waiting for a task to be completed. • Let the caller run that part of the call. • Avoid items that might degrade confidence in you. • Avoid sensitive topics

Sensitive Information • Sharing sensitive information can bring trouble…. • Insider trading? • Damage company’s reputation? • Damage another customer or agent’s reputation?

Dirty Laundry • Customers don’t need to know about our call center’s problems • Degrades our image and credibility • Customers prefer a positive attitude, anyway.

Don’t Assign Blame • …on the process • …on your service provider • …on your tools • …on other agents • …on the customer • (for calling you instead of the “correct” service • provider)

If You Make a Mistake… • Admit it • Apologize for it • Fix it • Move on Customer’s don’t really expect you to be perfect. They do, however, expect you to be honest.

Handling an Irate Customer

Customer Categories • Customer Type • Irate • Insistent • Hesitant • Satisfied • Action Required • Validation • Action • Reassurance • Query for Satisfaction

When dealing with an Irate customer, it is important to remember that they are upset with a situation they feel they cannot control… they are not upset with you.

The Irate customer • The irate customer is fuming, they need to vent their frustration. Your role is to let them vent, and validate what they say, through active listening. Once they have calmed down, they become an insistent customer

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  • Free Meet the Team Presentation Template 

Free Business Contract Signing Template

  • Free Jeopardy Game Template 

Free Customer Service PowerPoint Template

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Home / Business / Top 10 Free Customer Service PowerPoint Templates for Business Professionals

Top 10 Free Customer Service PowerPoint Templates for Business Professionals

customer service basics ppt

Do you have an upcoming business presentation? Is the deadline ticking down to the day of your speech? Or perhaps, you want to win your audience’s interest and gain some new clients?

Whatsoever could be the reason for your next presentation. Creating a presentation for best business results could be really nerve-wracking, especially when it can be a key differentiator between winning a client or losing out to a competitor.

“Building a good customer experience doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by Design.” – Clare Muscutt .

What makes your business unique? What factor add value to your business that influences your customers to opt for your brand instead of your competitors?

In today’s tremendously competitive world, exceptional customer service guarantees to win over your competitors. Organizations that fail to calibrate with market trends suffer losses and eventually vanish. To conquer the market, outshine competitors, and achieve milestones, you need to have a strong client base. Therefore, customer service plays an influential role in making the brand leader among the niche players.

Customer service is often underdetermined or under-valued even though it is the sole link between the clients and business. When you have top-class customer experience, it guarantees success and seals your corporate fate.

Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates

If you are hunting for PowerPoint presentation templates that give your business presentation a great starting point? Here, you will find the best customer service PowerPoint templates, including both free and premium, which you can download to feature the importance of customer service to your team or stimulate the client’s attention. Now get ready to communicate your business ideas with professionalism and impact supported by the guidance of a business mentor

Free Meet the Team Presentation Template 

meet the team

A great team is the core of a successful project or a business. Oftentimes client wants to know skills and core-competencies of the team with this free meet-the-team presentation template you can introduce your team in a style.

dark agreement contract template

Before signing any deal your clients should be aware of your terms and conditions and business policies. Download this free contract signing template and highlight the important aspects of the business in an appealing way.

Free Jeopardy Game Template 

Jeopardy template

Business presentation often after sometimes turns to be boring.  Take a break and play some fun games with your audience. This free Jeopardy game template will be perfect as your audience can try their luck and win some exciting prize.

client testimonial template

Testimonials or reviews by customers can be great for better customer service, as they can get idea about your product and help them in purchase decisions. With this client testimonial template, you can give a review of your audience in an appealing style.

free corporate presentation template

Imagine a room full of corporate audience. It’s really hard to convince those skeptical audiences. Your presentation should be a great visual story. So here we have free corporate presentation templates that communicate your point with vivid impact.

Business Proposal Free PowerPoint Templates

ideas are important to succeed. Turn your abstract ideas into a presentation using these free business proposal PowerPoint templates. Previously creating a business presentation was a nerve-wracking task. Now curate a business presentation in just minutes with these free business proposal PowerPoint templates.

Free customer service training PowerPoint template

Customer service is a broad term; it involves interaction with clients, representing a company, and much more. Whether it’s before, during, or after-sales, customer service’s goal is to satiate the customers’ needs. And that’s extremely crucial. For that reason, a customer service executive needs to be constantly trained. These customer service training PowerPoint templates will help you train your executives and educate them about the best approaches to resolve conflicts.

customer service PowerPoint template

When you have a business presentation, that can make or break your career, and you don’t want to rely on default templates. Then you deserve a premium template. Here we have customer service PowerPoint templates packed with high-end features. Customer service is the most crucial aspect of a business. And these customer service PowerPoint templates depict the concept in such a beauty that it’s surely going to stun your audience, and you are surely going to be praised for your efforts.

customer service strategy PowerPoint template

Loyal customers are the biggest asset a company owns. Increase competitiveness, expand a loyal customer base with an effective customer service strategy. With these customer service strategy templates curate, a customer-oriented presentation focuses on developing an outstanding customer service program.


Customers are key to business success. It plays a dominant role in driving business. The business presentation should be more centric on content, not the design itself. And these customer service strategy PPT free presentation slide compliments your content and add value to your content.

business presentation PowerPoint template

Here is another awesome, premium quality business presentation template that you can download at just a minimal cost of $4.99. This presentation template is best suited for business and corporate presentations.

customer support PowerPoint template

If you are a fan of simplistic designs. Then these free customer support PowerPoint templates will be right up your alley. The slide comes with a blue background and minimalist design. It’s a well-balanced business slide ideal for any business presentation.

voice of customer PowerPoint template

The customer drives the business industry. The customer’s voice is a mechanism that briefs customer journey, experience, and expectations about your product and services. In today’s intensely competitive market, the Voice of customers has gained power. This customer PowerPoint presentation voice comes with compelling shapes and icons representing terms related to customer service, support, and feedback.

PowerPoint Customer Service PowerPoint template

When you want to draft a sales presentation representing your audience about your existing products, services, teams, etc. This PowerPoint customer service template turns to be the best option. This pitch deck template comprises 24 templates, including agenda templates, data-driven graphs and charts, timeline designs, maps, and much more. Download these captivating presentation slides for just $21.

A presentation is all about interesting information and catchy visuals. Finding the exact templates for your presentation is the initial step towards creating a powerful slideshow. Visuals give your presentation the boost you need for a powerful presentation. But you need to do research and gain some knowledge about the best presentation templates. The more you master how to picture your ideas, the more successful your presentation will be.

Here we have added an upshot of all the best Free and premium customer service PowerPoint templates you need to download in 2021.

Which presentation template do you like the most? Did you find the best templates for your next assignment? Let us know which one you downloaded. If you have any other favourite PowerPoint template, let us know in the comments section.

About The Author

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu is a copywriter who loves to tune into what makes people tick. He believes in presenting his ideas with flair and wit, which has made him an expert at standing on stage and charming the pants off of any audience he's faced with. Priyanshu lives for learning as much as he can, so if you ever need help understanding something - just ask!

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    This product (Customer Service Basics) is a 24-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) with a supplemental PDF document, which you can download immediately upon purchase. This presentation serves as a fundamental introduction to the essential principles of customer service. It is designed to efficiently educate employees or new hires who are ...

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    Make sure your policies are fair, reasonable and implemented consistently. When you can't fulfill the customer's request. Explain the reason. Show empathy. Let the customer know what you CAN do (offer an alternative solution) 1st COLOR.

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