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Switch Statements in Java

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The switch statement in Java is a multi-way branch statement. In simple words, the Java switch statement executes one statement from multiple conditions.

It is like an if-else-if ladder statement. It provides an easy way to dispatch execution to different parts of code based on the value of the expression. The expression can be a byte , short , char , or int primitive data type. It tests the equality of variables against multiple values.

Note: Java switch expression must be of byte, short, int, long(with its Wrapper type), enums and string. Beginning with JDK7, it also works with enumerated types ( Enums in java), the String class, and Wrapper classes.

Size Printer Example

Some Important Rules for Java Switch Statements

  • There can be any number of cases just imposing condition check but remember duplicate case/s values are not allowed.
  • The value for a case must be of the same data type as the variable in the switch.
  • The value for a case must be constant or literal. Variables are not allowed.
  • The break statement is used inside the switch to terminate a statement sequence.
  • The break statement is optional. If omitted, execution will continue on into the next case.
  • The default statement is optional and can appear anywhere inside the switch block. In case, if it is not at the end, then a break statement must be kept after the default statement to omit the execution of the next case statement.

Flowchart of Switch-Case Statement 

This flowchart shows the control flow and working of switch statements:


Note: Java switch statement is a fall through statement that means it executes all statements if break keyword is not used, so it is highly essential to use break keyword inside each case.  

Example: Finding Day

Consider the following Java program, it declares an int named day whose value represents a day(1-7). The code displays the name of the day, based on the value of the day, using the switch statement.

break in switch case Statements

A break statement is optional. If we omit the break, execution will continue into the next case. 

It is sometimes desirable to have multiple cases without “ break ” statements between them. For instance, let us consider the updated version of the above program, it also displays whether a day is a weekday or a weekend day.

Switch statement program without multiple breaks

Java Nested Switch Statements

We can use a switch as part of the statement sequence of an outer switch. This is called a nested switch . Since a switch statement defines its block, no conflicts arise between the case constants in the inner switch and those in the outer switch.

Nested Switch Statement

Java Enum in Switch Statement

Enumerations (enums) are a powerful and clear way to represent a fixed set of named constants in Java. 

Enums are used in Switch statements due to their type safety and readability.

Use of Enum in Switch

default statement in Java Switch Case

default case in the Switch case specifies what code to run if no case matches.

It is preferred to write the default case at the end of all possible cases, but it can be written at any place in switch statements.

Writing default in the middle of switch statements:

Writing default in starting of switch statements

Case label variations

Case label and switch arguments can be a constant expression. The switch argument can be a variable expression.

Using variable switch arguement.

A case label cannot be a variable or variable expression. It must be a constant expression.

Java Wrapper in Switch Statements

Java provides four wrapper classes to use: Integer, Short, Byte, and Long in switch statements.

Java Wrapper in switch case.

Regardless of its placement, the default case only gets executed if none of the other case conditions are met. So, putting it at the beginning, middle, or end doesn’t change the core logic (unless you’re using a less common technique called fall-through).

Example: In this code we will identify the weekday through (1-7) numbers.

Read More: Usage of Enum and Switch Keyword in Java String in Switch Case in Java Java Tutorial 

To practice Java switch statements you can visit the page: Java Switch Case statement Practice

Switch statements in Java are control flow structures, that allow you to execute certain block of code based on the value of a single expression. They can be considered as an alternative to if-else-if statements in programming.

Java Switch Statements- FAQs

How to use switch statements in java.

To use switch statement in Java, you can use the following syntax: switch (expression) {    case value1:        // code to execute if expression equals value1        break;    case value2:        // code to execute if expression equals value2        break;    // … more cases    default:        // code to execute if none of the above cases match }  

Can we pass null to a switch

No, you can not pass NULL to a switch statement as they require constant expression in its case.

Can you return to a switch statement

No, switch statements build a control flow in the program, so it can not go back after exiting a switch case.

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Java Switch Statement – How to Use a Switch Case in Java

Ihechikara Vincent Abba

You use the switch statement in Java to execute a particular code block when a certain condition is met.

Here's what the syntax looks like:

Above, the expression in the switch parenthesis is compared to each case . When the expression is the same as the case , the corresponding code block in the case gets executed.

If all the cases do not match the expression , then the code block defined under the default keyword gets executed.

We use the break keyword to terminate the code whenever a certain condition is met (when the expression matches with a case ).

Let's see some code examples.

How to Use a Switch Case in Java

Take a look at the following code:

In the code above, June is printed out. Don't worry about the bulky code. Here's a breakdown to help you understand:

We created an integer called month and assigned a value of 6 to it: int month = 6; .

Next, we created a switch statement and passed in the month variable as a parameter: switch (month){...} .

The value of month , which is acting as the expression for the switch statement, will be compared with every case value in the code. We have case 1 to 12.

The value of month is 6 so it matches with case 6. This is why the code in case 6 was executed. Every other code block got ignored.

Here's another example to simplify things:

In the example above, we created a string called username which has a value of "John".

In the switch statement, username is passed in as the expression. We then created three cases – "Doe", "John", and "Jane".

Out of the three classes, only one matches the value of username — "John". As a result, the code block in case "John" got executed.

How to Use the Default Keyword in a Switch Statement

In the examples in the previous section, our code got executed because one case matched an expression .

In this section, you'll see how to use the default keyword. You can use it as a fallback in situations where none of the cases match the expression .

Here's an example:

The username variable in the example above has a value of  "Ihechikara".

The code block for the default keyword will be executed because none of the cases created match the value of username .

In this article, we saw how to use the switch statement in Java.

We also talked about the switch statement's expression, cases, and default keyword in Java along with their use cases with code examples.

Happy coding!


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Java switch case statement : tutorial with examples – java tutoring.

in Control Statements , Java Tutorials April 20, 2024 Comments Off on Java Switch Case Statement : Tutorial With Examples – Java Tutoring

Java Switch Case , generally used for one out of multiple options. Here we cover most of the information in a point of beginners perspective can easily understand. Java switch case with examples and sample Programs. Learn more about Java Tutorials and Java Beginners Programs .

If you need any more information about the java switch case statement do contact us or comment here at the end of the post our team will help you out.

NOTE :  The following article post was published by Path Thomas , 25+ Years of experience in the field of Java programming , check out the table of contents.

1. Java Switch Case Statement Definition With Examples

  • Switch is a construction generally used to select one out of multiple options (an if-else ladder can also be used to select one out of multiple options). In that context, we can say switch is an alternative to if-else ladder. Switch is generally known as multi-way branch statement . Similar to if-else it is also a selection statement . Sample flow chart represented as : 

Source :stackoverflow.com

  • Switch Case is more suitable when a single expression is compared with multiple constants for equality. (if-else can be used for comparing variables , comparing ranges, etc; no limitations in if-else).

Generally Java switch case statement is felt as ‘easier to use’ compared with an equivalent if-else construction.

Below we share Syntax for java switch case with examples  :


Switch Case Java Example Program – 1

Java switch case statement Example – 2

Another Example Program – 3

Java Switch case string example – 4

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When control comes to a switch construction , it evaluates the expression in the header . Check out the following examples about the java switch case construction :

  • switch(2+3*4)     will be evaluated to switch(14)
  • switch(24/10)      will be evaluated to 2
  • switch(4)               will be evaluated to switch(4)

The expression should result in an int or String type only . The system will accept byte, short, int and char types as int type. The long, float, double, and boolean are not accepted here. (if-else has no such limitation, it can work on any type of data). 

Check out the four examples that we are shared over here about switch case range :

  • switch(3.5)                          is not valid
  • switch(24/10.0)                 is not valid
  • switch(“smile”)                   is valid
  • switch((int)(3.5))                is valid

The evaluated result is compared with the available case labels for an equality match. When a match is found the statements corresponding to that case are executed. A break is used to come out of a switch construction.

For Example :  

  • In the above java switch case statement example, the switch case expression “himani” matches with the case “himani” , so the corresponding code will be executed and “laugh” will be printed as output. (the usage of String as case label is allowed from Java1.7 only. Older versions does not accept String here).

Another Java switch Case example as per above explanation : [ Example – 5 ]

Another Java switch char Program  with output : [ Example – 6 ]

Java Switch Case Int : [ Example – 7 ]

  • If no case label is matched with the switch expression, then the default block is executed.

2. Example :  Important Points 

  • In the above example, the default part is executed and D is printed as 4 does not match with 1, 2 and 3. .
  • The default part is optional. If we don’t want any action in case, no label is matched, then we can skip the default part. In case if none of the case label is matched and default part does not exist then no action will take place from the switch construction.
  • When break (or similar statement ) is encountered then control comes out the switch construction . So generally a break statement is used at end of each case block.
  • If break is not placed, then system automatically enters into the next case block (even though the case label does not match with the switch expression) and executes statements there it self.
  • In the above example, case 2 is matched. So, after printing “B” , it will automatically enters into case 3 and prints “C” as there is no break after case 2 block. But after printing “C”, control will come out because a break is found.

3. Invalid Ways Of Using Java Switch Case : 

Invalid Case – 1 :

  • We should not have two case labels with a same value. So the following are not valid.

Example :  1

Example : 2      

Example : 3  

Java Program Using Switch Case Statement [ Not Valid Examples ]

Invalid Case – 2 :

  • Not only the switch expression but also the case labels cannot have fraction part values. So the following code is also not valid.

Example :    

Invalid Case – 3

  • The switch expression can be a variable. But the case labels should always be constants only . Variables are not allowed to be case labels. Here is an example which results in error.

4.  Default At Any Position

  • Generally the default part is placed at the end (after the last case block), but it can be placed anywhere. So the flowing code is fine .
  • In the above example, if “exp” does not match with any case value, then the default part is executed . If we omit break at default part, then the control automatically executes statement C also (even though it is not matched). For example simple program here we shared :

Example Program :

Another Example Program – 2

5. Nested Switch Construction 

  • Similar to nesting of if-else, we can ” nest switch construction ” also. check out the syntax.
  • Generally, when we are writing an if-else construction, the curly braces are required to enclose the statements of an if/else block in case we have more than one statement.
  • But in switch construction, we can have any number of statements in a case block and they are not required to be enclosed within curly braces {}.

6. Compatibility Of Switch Expression And Case Labels

Definition : 

  • Even though Java switch case can be applied on int types and String objects , when an int type is used as switch expression, its case labels should also be integers only. Similarly, when String is used as expression, labels should also be Strings only. A mismatch of this will raise a compilation error. The following code is invalid.

7. Same Code For Multiple Cases

  • Sometimes we need to execute a same code for different values. In that case we can write code as follows.

Example Valid Code :

Example Invalid Code* :

8. When To Use Switch Over If-Else

  • When we have more number of options then switch will be more efficient. We should not use just for 2 or 3 options (case labels) as the system needs some additional work inside to create a table for switch. Creating such a table for less number of elements is not efficient. But when we have more options switch case will be better than if-else.

Limitations of switch :

  • Not good for range comparisons.
  • Cannot work with all types of data.
  • Cannot work with variables as case labels.
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Mastering Java Switch Statement [In-Depth Tutorial]

August 28, 2023

Getting started with Java switch statement

When developing software in Java, one of the most fundamental concepts you'll encounter is control flow. Control flow dictates the order in which your code is executed, enabling you to implement complex logic and decision-making algorithms. Among various control flow constructs like if-else , while , and for , the switch statement holds a unique place. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide to understanding the Java Switch Statement, diving deep into its syntax, usage, and best practices.

Control Flow in Java

Control flow in programming refers to the order in which the computer executes statements in a script. Java, like most high-level programming languages, comes with several structures for controlling the flow of execution in programs. These are essential for implementing algorithms and carrying out operations based on conditions. Understanding control flow is critical for writing effective and efficient Java programs.

Java provides various types of control flow statements:

  • Conditional Statements : These include if , if-else , and switch statements. They are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
  • Looping Statements : These include for , while , and do-while loops. Loops are used for repetitive tasks where the number of iterations is known beforehand ( for loop) or determined dynamically ( while and do-while loops).
  • Jump Statements : These are break , continue , and return statements. They are used to alter the flow of loops and methods.

Importance of the Switch Statement in Java

The switch statement in Java serves as a cleaner, more readable alternative to a series of nested if-else statements for multiple condition checks. It improves code readability and performance when you need to evaluate a variable against multiple constant values. If you are dealing with scenarios where a single variable can have multiple constant values and you want to execute different blocks of code, switch is often the better choice.

Syntax and Structure

The switch statement in Java follows a specific syntax that you must adhere to when using it in your code. Below is the general structure:

In this structure:

  • expression : This is the variable or expression that will be evaluated. The result of the expression should be compatible with the types allowed in a switch statement (byte, short, char, int, String, or an enum).
  • case value1, value2, ... : These are the constant values against which the expression is compared. If the expression matches any case , the code block following that case is executed.
  • break : The break statement is used to exit the switch statement after a case is executed. If omitted, the code will fall through to the subsequent case blocks.
  • default : This block is executed if none of the case blocks match the expression . It is optional but recommended for covering cases that are not explicitly handled.

Basic Usage

To get a clear understanding of how a switch statement works, let's start with a straightforward example. Suppose you want to write a program that takes a number from 1 to 7 and prints out the corresponding day of the week. Here's how you can use a switch statement to achieve this:

In this example, the variable day holds the value 3 , representing Wednesday. The switch statement compares day against each case . When it finds a match ( case 3 ), it executes the corresponding code block ( System.out.println("Wednesday"); ) and then breaks out of the switch statement because of the break keyword.

Switch with Primitive Types

In Java, you can use the switch statement with several primitive data types like int, char, and byte. However, it's important to note that switch does not work with float and double data types. In this section, we will focus on how to use switch with int and char types, illustrated with examples.

Switch with Integers

Using integers in a switch statement is straightforward. The switch evaluates the expression inside its parentheses and executes the case block that matches the evaluated value.

In this example, the switch evaluates the day variable. It finds that the day is 3 , so it executes the block under case 3 , outputting "Wednesday".

Switch with Characters

You can also use char values in a switch statement. Similar to integers, the switch matches the case based on the char value and executes the corresponding block.

In this example, the switch evaluates the grade variable. Since the grade is 'A' , it matches with case 'A' and outputs "Excellent".

Switch with Enums

Java enum types are also compatible with switch statements. Using enum with switch can be very useful for improving code readability and maintainability. Enumerations provide a way to define a set of named constants, making your code more self-explanatory and easier to read.

To demonstrate, let's consider an example where we have an enum defining the days of the week.

You can use this enum in a switch statement as follows:

In this example, the switch statement evaluates the today variable, which is of type Day . Since today is set to Day.WEDNESDAY , it matches the case case WEDNESDAY: and outputs "Hump day".

Switch with Strings

Starting from Java 7, the switch statement can be used with String objects, making it even more versatile for text-based conditions. Before this feature was introduced, developers often had to resort to long chains of if-else if-else statements to perform operations based on string values.

To illustrate how a switch statement can be used with strings, consider the following example:

In this example, the switch statement evaluates the string variable day . The case labels are string literals, allowing for a clear and direct comparison.

Points to Consider

  • Case Sensitivity : Remember that the string comparison in the switch statement is case-sensitive. "Monday" and "monday" would be considered different values.
  • Null Handling : Be cautious while using strings, as a NullPointerException will be thrown if the expression in the switch is null .
  • String Equality : The switch statement uses the equals() method for string comparison, not == . Therefore, string cases should be constant expressions to ensure the equality check functions as expected.

Nested Switch Statements

Nested switch statements refer to a switch statement that resides inside another switch statement. It can be useful in scenarios where you have multiple levels of condition to check.

Here is a simple example to demonstrate how nested switch statements work:

In this example, the outer switch statement evaluates the variable grade . Inside the case for 'A', there is another switch statement that evaluates the variable level .

The Default Case

In a switch statement, the default case serves as a fallback option when none of the other cases match the switch expression. This is especially useful for handling unexpected or invalid values in a controlled manner, providing a way to execute a block of code when nothing else matches.

The default case in a switch statement does not require a break statement, although it's a good practice to include one for readability and future modifications. Here's how you can include a default case:

Here is an example that demonstrates the use of the default case:

In this example, the variable day contains an invalid value ( 8 ). Since there are no cases that match this value, the default case is executed, and "Invalid day" is printed to the console.

Break and Fall-Through Behavior

Understanding fall-through in java switch statements.

In a Java switch statement, "fall-through" refers to the behavior where, once a matching case is found, all subsequent case blocks are executed in sequence until either a break statement is encountered or the switch statement ends. This can lead to unintended results if not handled properly.

Fall-through is actually a feature of C and C++ that has been inherited by Java. It allows for more flexible and compact code in some situations, but it can be a source of confusion and bugs if not used cautiously.

Here's an example to illustrate fall-through:

If day is set to 3 , this code will print:

This might not be the intended outcome because there's no break statement in the preceding case blocks.

The Role of the break Statement

The break statement is used to terminate the current case and exit the switch block. If you do not use a break , Java will execute all subsequent case blocks until it finds a break , leading to possibly incorrect or unexpected behavior.

Here's the general structure demonstrating the use of break :

Why Is It Important to Use break ?

Omitting the break statement can sometimes be useful, but it can also be a source of bugs if not handled carefully. Using break ensures that only the code block corresponding to the first matching case gets executed.

With break Statement

This will output:

Without break Statement

As you can see, not using break leads to a fall-through, and both the case 2 and default code blocks are executed. This may or may not be the behavior you intend.

Switch Expressions (Java 12+)

Java 12 introduced a new feature called "Switch Expressions" which greatly simplifies the syntax of switch statements and makes the code more readable. Unlike traditional switch statements, switch expressions are more concise, safer, and allow you to return a value. They also eliminate the need for break statements to prevent fall-through, reducing the chance of bugs.

In switch expressions, you can use the yield keyword to return a value from a case. The arrow -> can also be used to simplify the syntax. Here's the general structure of a switch expression:

Let's consider an example where you need to find out the number of days in a given month:

In this example, each case block directly returns a value, making the code more compact and straightforward. The switch expression assigns the number of days to the days variable based on the month provided, and if an invalid month is given, it will throw an IllegalArgumentException .

Using Switch Expressions with Lambdas (Java 12+)

With the advent of Java 12 and later versions, switch statements were enhanced to become switch expressions. This change allows for more functional programming styles, such as the use of lambdas in some contexts.

Example 1: Using Arrow Syntax for Simpler Cases

Java 12 introduced a more streamlined syntax using the arrow ( -> ) to eliminate the need for break .

Example 2: Combining Multiple Cases into One

Using the arrow syntax, you can also combine multiple cases into a single case, separating them by commas.

Example 3: Using Block for Complex Logic

When you have complex logic for a case, you can use blocks.

Example 4: Switch Expressions in Lambdas

While direct use of switch expressions inside lambda expressions may not be possible, you can wrap them in a method and then use method references.

When to Use Switch Statements for Optimal Performance

The performance of switch statements in Java is often better than a series of if-else if-else statements when you have multiple cases to consider, especially for primitive types and Enums. The JVM optimizes switch statements using a technique called tableswitch or lookupswitch, depending on the sparseness or density of the case values. This results in faster and more efficient bytecode execution.

Example 1: Performance Comparison with If-Else

Let's compare the performance of a switch statement with an if-else block.

Switch Version

If-Else Version

When you run these two blocks of code, you will generally find that the switch version is faster, especially as the number of cases increases.

Example 2: Performance with Enums

Enums in switch statements are highly optimized by the Java compiler, making them efficient for state machines or complex logic trees.

Using Enums in switch statements is both readable and performance-optimized, making it a recommended practice for many use-cases.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

1. Forgetting the break Statement

One of the most common mistakes when using the switch statement in Java is forgetting to use the break keyword, leading to fall-through behavior.

If season is "Spring," all the following case blocks will also be executed, printing all four sentences. Always include a break statement in each case block unless you explicitly want fall-through behavior.

2. Using Variables for Case Labels

Java does not support variables or non-constant expressions as case labels.

Only use literals, enum constants, or final variables as case labels.

3. Ignoring the default Case

Ignoring the default case means that you can miss handling some cases.

In this example, if grade is 20, nothing will be printed. Always include a default case to handle all unanticipated cases.

4. Using Switch for Floating-Point Numbers

Java doesn't allow floating-point numbers in switch-case statements, but beginners sometimes attempt to do so.

Use if-else statements for conditions involving floating-point numbers.

Frequently Asked Questions about Java's Switch Statement

1. Can I use floating-point numbers in a Java switch statement?

No, you cannot use floating-point numbers like float or double in a switch statement. It supports only integer types, enumerated types, String , and some special classes like Character , Byte , Short , and Integer .

2. Do I always have to include a default case in a switch statement?

No, it's not mandatory to include a default case, but it's a good practice. The default case acts as a fallback if none of the case conditions are met.

3. Can I use string literals in a Java switch statement?

Yes, starting from Java 7, you can use String literals in a switch statement.

4. What happens if I forget to use the break statement?

Omitting the break statement leads to "fall-through" behavior, where all the succeeding case blocks will be executed until a break is encountered or the switch block ends.

5. Can I use null in a switch statement with Strings?

No, using null in a switch statement for Strings will result in a NullPointerException .

6. Can I declare a variable inside a switch statement?

Yes, you can declare variables inside a switch statement, but the scope of that variable will be limited to the block in which it is declared.

7. Can I use duplicate case values?

No, duplicate case values are not allowed and will result in a compile-time error.

8. Can I use a switch statement with boolean values?

No, switch statements don't support boolean types.

9. What are switch expressions in Java 12+?

Java 12 introduced "switch expressions" that allow you to return a value directly from a switch statement, making your code more readable and less error-prone. They are also more concise and can simplify the use of break and default .

10. Is the order of case statements important?

The order of case statements doesn't affect the logic as only the matching case block will be executed. However, it's common to put the default case at the end for readability.

The switch statement is a powerful feature in Java, offering a more readable and efficient alternative to a series of if-else statements for handling multiple conditions. In this article, we've covered various aspects of using switch statements effectively, from their basic syntax to more advanced use-cases and performance considerations.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Syntax & Structure : The basic syntax involves using the switch keyword, followed by a variable or expression that is checked against multiple case values.
  • Supported Types : switch can be used with primitive integer types ( byte , short , char , int ), Enums , and String . It doesn't support float , double , or boolean types.
  • Default Case : Including a default case is a good practice as it serves as a fallback option when none of the case values match.
  • Break Statement : The break keyword is essential for preventing "fall-through," where multiple case blocks could be executed in sequence if not explicitly broken out of.
  • Advanced Features : Java 12+ introduced switch expressions, which allow you to both simplify syntax and eliminate some common sources of errors.
  • Performance : switch statements are generally more efficient than if-else chains for multiple conditions and should be preferred when applicable.
  • Best Practices : Always cover all possible case scenarios or include a default case, avoid duplicate case values, and use break to prevent fall-through.
  • Common Pitfalls : Watch out for duplicate case values and remember that case values must be compile-time constants. Also, be cautious of fall-through if you omit a break statement.

Further Reading

java switch  More about java switch statements

Bashir Alam

Bashir Alam

He is a Computer Science graduate from the University of Central Asia, currently employed as a full-time Machine Learning Engineer at uExel. His expertise lies in Python, Java, Machine Learning, OCR, text extraction, data preprocessing, and predictive models. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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Java Switch Video Tutorials

Java switch statement example, the if statement equivalent, switch on parameters, switch on byte, short and int, switch on char, switch on string, switch on java enum, multiple values per case statement, java switch yield instruction, switch expression use cases.

A Java switch statement enables you to select a set of statements to execute based on the value of some variable. This is in effect somewhat similar to a Java if statement, although the Java switch statement offers a somewhat more compressed syntax, and slightly different behaviour and thus possibilities. In this Java switch tutorial I will explain both how the original Java switch instruction works, as well as the modifications to the switch instruction with the ability to switch on Java enums , Java Strings , and finally the new switch expression syntax that was added in Java 12 and improved in Java 13.

If you prefer video, I have created two videos that explain the basic Java switch statement and the Java switch expressions.

Let us start with a Java switch statement code example:

This switch example first creates a variable named amount and assigns the value 9 to it.

Second, the example "switches" on the value of the amount variable. Inside the switch statement are 3 case statements and a default statement.

Each case statement compares the value of the amount variable with a constant value. If the amount variable value is equal to that constant value, the code after the colon (:) is executed. Notice the break keyword after each statement. If no break keyword was place here, the execution could continue down the rest of the case statements until a break is met, or the end of the switch statement is reached. The break keyword makes execution jump out of the switch statement.

The default statement is executed if no case statement matched the value of the amount variable. The default statement could also be executed if the case statements before it did not have a break command in the end. You don't need a default statement. It is optional.

The Java switch example shown in the beginning is equivalent to the following set of Java if statements :

While it looks almost the same, there are situations where using a Java switch statement is easier, and faster. Also, the new Java switch expression added in Java 12 (see later in this tutorial) makes some constructs possible with a switch statement that are not possible with an if-statement.

In the example shown in the beginning of this Java switch tutorial we declared an int variable and immediately set is value to 9. In a real life Java application you would most likely not do that. Instead you would be switching on the value of an input parameter of a method, or on a value read from a file, over the network etc. Here is an example of switching on a method parameter:

Switch on byte, short, char, int, String, or enum's

As you have seen, the switch statement switches on a variable. Before Java 7 this variable has to be numeric and must be either a byte , short , char or int . From Java 7 the variable can also be a String It is also possible switch on a Java enum variable. In the following sections I will show you examples of how to switch on various different Java types.

You can switch on a Java byte , short or int as shown in the following examples:

Notice that the only thing that is different between the above examples is the data type of the method parameter size . Everything else is the same.

It is also possible to switch on a Java char value. Here is an example of switching on a char parameter:

From Java 7 and forward it is possible to use switch on a Java String too. Here is an example of a Java switch on a String :

It is also possible to switch on a Java enum . Here is a Java example that creates a Java enum and then uses it in a switch statement:

Multiple case statements for same operation

In case you want the same operation executed for multiple case statements, you write it like this:

Notice how the first case statement does not have any operation after the colon. The result of this is, that execution just " falls through " to the operation of the next case statement ( and the next etc.) until a break is met. The next break statement is after the second case statement. That means, that for both the first and second case statement, the same operation is executed - that of the second case statement.

From Java 13 and forward you can also have multiple values per case statement, instead of having multiple case statements falling through to the next. Here is the example from the previous section rewritten to use multiple values in a single state statement:

Notice how the multiple values for the first case statement are separated by a comma.

Java switch Expressions

Java 12 added the switch expression as experimental feature. A Java switch expression a switch statement which can return a value. Thus, it can be evaluated as an expression, just like other Java expressions (which are also evaluated to a value). In this section I will show you how the Java switch expressions of Java 12 works.

Remember, I have a video version of the Java switch expression part of this tutorial here:

Here is first a Java switch expression example:

This Java switch expression example converts a value between 0 and 15 to a hexadecimal digit character.

Notice how the colon ( : ) after each case statement has been replaced with a -> operator. This operator is used inside of switch expressions to signal to the Java compiler that this case statement selects a return value for the switch expression, rather than selecting a block of code to execute.

Notice also, that the case statements have no break keyword after them. Since the value selected with the -> operator is interpreted as the return value of the switch expression, the break after each statement is implicit (unnecessary actually). You can also think of the -> as a return statement which returns a value from the switch expression, and thus breaks the execution of the switch expression.

Finally, notice how the digitInHex variable is assigned the return value of the switch expression. This is how you capture the output of a Java switch expression. You could also have returned its value as a return value from a method, like this:

The Java switch expression also works with Java String values. Here is a Java switch expression example using Strings to switch on:

This example resolves a token type (integer value) based on the values of a String token.

From Java 13 you can use the Java switch yield instruction to return a value from a Java switch expression instead of using the arrow operator ( -> ). Here is an example of the Java switch yield instruction looks:

The Java switch expressions are useful in use cases where you need to obtain a value based on another value. For instance, when converting between number values and characters, as shown in the example above.

Java switch expressions are also useful when parsing characters into values, or String tokens into integer token types. In general, whenever you need to resolve one value to another.

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  • Switch Case Simple Example
  • Switch Case Statement with Break
  • Java Switch Statement with String
  • Java Switch Statement with Enum
  • Nested switch Statements

Switch Case Flow Diagram

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1. Java switch case Simple Example

2. java switch statement with break (break statements are optional), 3. java switch statement with string, 4. java switch statement with enum, 5. java nested switch statements, post a comment.

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Java Switch-Case Statement with Example

James Hartman

We all use switches regularly in our lives. Yes, I am talking about electrical switches we use for our lights and fans.

As you see from the below picture, each switch is assigned to operate for particular electrical equipment.

For example, in the picture, the first switch is for a fan, next for light and so on.

Thus, we can see that each switch can activate/deactivate only 1 item.

Java Switch Case Tutorial

What is Switch Case in Java?

Similarly, switch in Java is a type of conditional statement that activates only the matching condition out of the given input.

Let us consider the example of a program where the user gives input as a numeric value (only 1 digit in this example), and the output should be the number of words.

The integer variable iSwitch, is the input for the switch to work.

The various available options (read cases) are then written as case <value>alongwith a colon “:”

This will then have the statement to be executed if the case and the input to the switch match.

Java Switch Example

Expected Output:

Now what are those 2 words break and default lying out there do?

  • The first one “break” – will simply break out from the switch block once a condition is satisfied.
  • “Default” – This will be executed in case none of the conditions match the given input.

In the given an example these are simple print statements, however, they can also refer to more complex situations like calling a method, etc.

What if you do not provide a break?

In case the break is not provided, it will execute the matching conditions as well as the default condition. Your logic will go haywire if that occurs.

I will leave it to the users to experiment without using a break.

Java Switch statement

  • As a standard programming logic, it can simply be achieved by using if…else conditions, but then it will not be optimized for good programming practice nor does the code look readable.
  • In programs involving more complicated cases, scenarios will not be so simple and would require calling several methods.Switch solves this problem and avoids several nested if…else statements.Also, while using if….else, it is recommended to use the most highly expected condition to be on top and then go ahead in a nested manner.
  • Some benchmarking tests have proven that in java case of a high number of iterations, the switch is faster as compared to if….else statements .

Points to Note

  • There is no limit on the number of case java you can have.
  • Switch java can take input only as integers or characters.
  • The latest version of Java8 also introduces the much-awaited support for java switch strings statement.

So now go ahead and wire your own switchboard!!

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Programming & Frameworks

Java programming language has conditional and control statements which optimizes the logic while writing a program. Hustle free logic building using the switch case results in improved efficiency. Using a switch case in java optimizes the readability of the code while working on multiple test expressions. In this article, you will learn about switch case in java with various examples. Following are the topics discussed in this article:

Rules To Remember

Break statement in switch case, nested switch case.

  • Fall-Through Switch Case

Enum In Switch Case

String in switch case, what is a switch case in java.

Java switch statement is like a conditional statement which tests multiple values and gives one output. These multiple values that are tested are called cases. It is like a multi-branch statement. After the release of java 7 we can even use strings in the cases. Following is the syntax of using a switch case in Java .

There are a certain rules one must keep in mind while declaring a switch case in java. Following are a certain points to remember while writing a switch case in java.

We cannot declare duplicate values in a switch case.

The values in the case and the data type of the variable in a switch case must be same.

Variables are not allowed in a case, it must be a constant or a literal.

The break statement fulfills the purpose of terminating the sequence during execution.

It is not necessary to include the break statement, the execution will move to the next statement if the break statement is missing.

The default statement is optional as well, it can appear anywhere in the block.

Break statement is used to control the flow of the execution, as soon as the expression is satisfied the execution moves out the switch case block.

Output: july

Nested switch case incorporates another switch case in an existing switch case. Following is an example showing a nested switch case.

Output: advance java

Fall Through Switch Case

Whenever there is no break statement involved in a switch case block. All the statements are executed even if the test expression is satisfied. Following is an example of a fall through switch case.

Switch case allows enum as well. Enum is basically a list of named constants. Following is an example of the use of enum in a switch case.

After the release of Java 7, a switch case can have strings as a case. Following is an example of using string as cases in a switch statement.

In this article, we have discussed how we can use switch case in java with various examples. With the use of conditional statements it becomes easier to test multiple conditions at once and also generate an optimized solution of rather difficult problem. Java programming language is abundant in such concepts which makes a developer’s life easier and hustle free. Kick-start your learning and master all the skills required to become a java developer. Enroll to Edureka’s Java Certification program and unleash your potential into making top notch applications.

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Java 14: Switch Expressions Enhancements Examples

1. what’s new for switch block in java 14, 2. new form of switch label, 3. switch expressions examples.

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  • Primary and Shard Key Design

Primary Keys

Every table must have one or more fields designated as the primary key. This designation occurs at the time that the table is created, and cannot be changed after the fact. A table's primary key uniquely identifies every row in the table. In the simplest case, it is used to retrieve a specific row so that it can be examined and/or modified.

For example, a table might have five fields: productName , productType , color , size , and inventoryCount . To retrieve individual rows from the table, it might be enough to just know the product's name. In this case, you would set the primary key field as productName and then retrieve rows based on the product name that you want to examine/manipulate.

In this case, the table statement you use to define this table is:

If the primary key field is an INTEGER data type, you can apply a serialized size constraint to it. See Integer Serialized Constraints .

Composite Keys

You can use multiple fields for your primary key, which is termed as a composite key.

Here, the columns productName and productType are both declared as primary key fields.

The composite keys are useful in cases where the keys conjointly help in identifying a unique row.

See Reading Table Rows to retrieve multiple rows from your table.

See Using multiDelete() to delete multiple rows at a time.

Data Type Limitations

Fields can be designated as primary keys only if they are declared to be one of the following types:

Partial Primary Keys

Some of the methods you use to perform multi-row operations allow, or even require, a partial primary key. A partial primary key is, simply, a key where only some of the fields comprising the row's primary key are specified.

For example, the following example specifies three fields for the table's primary key:

In this case, a full primary key would be one where you provide value for all three primary key fields: productName , productType , and productClass . A partial primary key would be one where you provide values for only one or two of those fields.

Note that order matters when specifying a partial key. The partial key must be a subset of the full key, starting with the first field specified and then adding fields in order. So the following partial keys are valid:


productName , productType

Shard keys identify which primary key fields are meaningful in terms of shard storage. That is, rows that contain the same values for all the shard key fields are guaranteed to be stored on the same shard offering high-performance retrievals and horizontal scalability. This matters for some operations that promise atomicity of the results. (See Executing a Sequence of Operations for more information.)

For example, suppose you set the following primary keys:

You can guarantee that rows are placed on the same shard using the values set for the productType and productName fields like this:

  • The order matters when it comes to the shard keys. The keys must be specified in the order that they are defined as primary keys, with no gaps in the key list. In other words, given the above example, it is impossible to set productType and productClass as shard keys without also specifying productName as a shard key.
  • The shard keys can't be declared in the create table statement of a non-root table (in cases of child tables). An error is returned in such scenarios.

For more details on table modeling and design using primary keys, see Choice of Keys in NoSQL Database .

Java Tutorial

Java methods, java classes, java file handling, java how to, java reference, java examples, java else if, the else if statement.

Use the else if statement to specify a new condition if the first condition is false .

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Example explained

In the example above, time (22) is greater than 10, so the first condition is false . The next condition, in the else if statement, is also false , so we move on to the else condition since condition1 and condition2 is both false - and print to the screen "Good evening".

However, if the time was 14, our program would print "Good day."

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    Magmas and the gases they release link Earth's interior to surface climate and environments. Examples range in scale from brief sulfur-driven cooling in the wake of explosive eruptions to major mass extinctions in the case of some of the voluminous magmatic episodes known as Large Igneous Provinces. However, the size of an eruption is only loosely correlated with the severity of its climate ...

  26. Java Direct Driver Developer's Guide

    For example, a table might have five fields: productName, productType, color, size, and inventoryCount. To retrieve individual rows from the table, it might be enough to just know the product's name. In this case, you would set the primary key field as productName and then retrieve rows based on the product name that you want to examine/manipulate.

  27. Java The else if Statement

    In the example above, time (22) is greater than 10, so the first condition is false. The next condition, in the else if statement, is also false, so we move on to the else condition since condition1 and condition2 is both false - and print to the screen "Good evening". However, if the time was 14, our program would print "Good day."