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  • 7 Rejection Letter Samples to...

7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants

10 min read · Updated on December 08, 2023

Ken Chase

Simplify the rejection notification process with these sample rejection letters

Whenever you hire a new employee, it almost always means that you selected them over other applicants. Obviously, the courteous thing to do is to let each of them know that you've decided not to offer them employment. But how should you notify them that they've been passed over for the position? For many companies, the answer is simple: send them a clear and professional rejection letter that confirms your decision. Unfortunately, writing those letters is not always the easiest thing to do.

In this post, we'll explain why rejection letters are important and offer some tips to help you craft your own rejection letter templates. We'll then provide seven sample employment rejection letters that you can customize to fit your company's needs.

Why send out a job rejection letter?

Obviously, sending out rejection letters to applicants does take up precious time, but there are good reasons why companies do this. First, a polite rejection notice is considered good etiquette, since it lets the candidate know that the job has been filled. That confirmation shows that you respect their time enough to help them avoid wasting it on a job that's no longer available. It also helps to avoid any candidate confusion by helping them to understand why they weren't selected for hire.

Companies that develop a habit of sending out formal rejection letters can also help themselves, by promoting their own commitment to respectful professionalism. This can leave a positive impact on the rejected candidate, as well as anyone else they might talk to about their job search experience.

Why use template rejection letters?

Template rejection letters can be a great way to save time and ensure a consistent approach to your communication with unsuccessful candidates. They can help you to provide uniform answers to explain why a candidate was rejected, as well as advice that you think may help the candidate as they continue their job search. Well-constructed rejection letters that offer helpful feedback to candidates can help to soften their disappointment, while providing useful information that can benefit their careers.

How to write your own employer rejection letters

So, how do you write a positive and helpful employment rejection letter? The following tips can help you to determine what to include in your template letters, and the best tone and method for addressing rejection in the clearest and most concise manner possible.

Don't delay the rejection. Once you've decided to move forward with a specific candidate, notify rejected applicants as soon as possible. Remember that they may also be pursuing other open positions, so you're doing them a favor by letting them know that your company's job has been filled.

You can send the rejection via email rather than by regular mail service. While a mailed letter might seem more formal, most candidates will appreciate receiving the news as soon as possible – and email is always quicker.

Keep your rejection letters short. No candidate wants to read through a lengthy explanation about why they didn't measure up to expectations. At the same time, though, your letter should include enough detail to ensure that you explain the decision.

Try to be as positive as possible. The rejection will be disappointing for the candidate, so there's no need to pile on with negative feedback or other criticism.

As a rule, keep your letter limited to no more than three short paragraphs. The first one can simply thank them for their interest and let them know that you've decided not to hire them. 

The second paragraph can include some positive affirmation, by focusing on anything that impressed you during their interview, and perhaps cite a reason why they've been rejected. If you might consider them for a different job in the future, tell them that too. 

Finally, your third paragraph should simply thank them again and wish them well in their efforts to land the right job in the future.

Seven rejection letter samples

Below, we've included seven example rejection letter templates that you can customize and send to unsuccessful applicants. This selection of templates covers a variety of different approaches for rejecting candidates, so you can choose one or several depending on your company's needs.

1.     Generic rejection letter template

Dear Mr / Ms [Applicant's name],

Thank you for submitting your application and resume for our [title of the position they applied for] position. We deeply appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. However, after reviewing your application, we have decided not to move forward with your application.

As you probably know, we received a tremendous amount of interest in this position, so this was an extremely difficult decision for our hiring team. Unfortunately, we concluded that your impressive array of skills and achievements were not what we were looking for at this time.

We want to thank you again for your interest in working with us and wish you the best of success in your future career endeavors.

[Your name and company name]

2.     Application rejection letter template

Thank you for submitting your application. We appreciate your interest in a position as a [job title] in our company and the effort you invested in reaching out to us. Unfortunately, our review of the many applications and resumes we received in response to our job posting has moved us to select another candidate for the role.

We do want to commend you for your impressive skill set and accomplishments, and hope that you will consider a different role with us at some future point in time. We will keep your resume on file and may reach out to you if we have another opening for a job that better aligns with your unique talents.

Again, thank you for getting in touch with us and providing us with your resume and application. We wish you luck and much success in your job search efforts.

Warmest regards,

3.     Screening stage rejection letter template

Thank you for your resume and application submission and for participating in our initial screening process. Unfortunately, our screening suggests that you may not be the best fit for this position or our company at this time. As a result, we have decided to decline moving forward with our interview process.

We should note that your skills, experience, and other qualifications are very close to what we need for this position. However, our screening results found that [provide reason for rejection, such as failed background check, failed drug test, etc.]. Those results led us to focus on other candidates to fill this position.

Again, we applaud your credentials and wish you nothing but the best in your job search efforts. Thanks for reaching out to us and good luck throughout your career.

Best regards,

4.     Early-stage interview rejection letter template

We truly appreciate you taking the time to meet with our hiring team to interview for our open [title of the job] position. I speak for everyone on the team when I say that we were really impressed with your overall performance and believe that you have a lot to offer to any company that hires you. Regrettably, however, we have decided to decline moving forward in our interview process.

While your interview was solid and compelling, and your resume qualifications are close to what we were looking for, we have decided to hire another candidate whose skills more closely align with our needs for this position. Make no mistake, though – this was a difficult decision.

Since we were so impressed with your candidacy, we will keep your resume on file and contact you if any other opportunities arise in the future. Until then, we wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors and hope for your continued career success.

5.     Final stage interview rejection letter template

Thank you so much for your time and attention throughout our application and interview process. We appreciate the patience you extended to everyone on our team during all [number of interviews] of your meetings with us. Unfortunately, after reviewing the results of our assessments of every candidate for the position, we have decided not to offer you the role.

Everyone on our team agrees that your skills and experience are beyond question, so this decision is in no way a reflection on your qualifications. Our decision was based solely on an evaluation of every candidate's experience and how well we believe they might fit with the specific needs of that open position. Regrettably, that decision process led us to another candidate.

We would appreciate it if you would allow us to contact you if or when another position opens, that we believe might be a better fit for your core competencies. Again, we want to thank you for your commitment to the process and extend our best wishes for your future success.

With our best regards,

6.     Post-phone call rejection letter template

Dear Mr /Ms [Applicant's name],

This letter is to follow up on our recent phone call with you confirming that we will not be hiring you for the position of [name of position the applicant applied for]. I wanted to personally contact you and let you know how much we all appreciated having the opportunity to get to know you throughout our interview process.

Though you have already been notified of our decision in that brief call, I still want to take a few moments to say how impressed we were with your qualifications and interview skills. We all recognize the potential value our company could enjoy if you were a member of our team.

Thank you again for your interest in our company. We wish you luck in your career journey.

7.     Rejection letter template advising candidate to reapply in the future

Thank you so much for interviewing for our position as a [job title]. Your qualifications are impressive, which made our hiring decision extremely difficult. However, the team here have decided to offer the job to another candidate.

Still, we want to let you know that we recognize your talents and are confident that you would do well in a different role within our organisation, if you focused on developing [cite a skill that the candidate needs to enhance]. With those added skills , we would be eager to consider you for a different role in our company.

Thanks again for your dedication and interest in joining our firm. Good luck to you in your job search!

Simplify your efforts to follow-up with rejected candidates

It's never easy to craft a letter letting job candidates know that they've been rejected. Still, it's something that every company should do, so it's important to streamline the process as much as possible. By using some variation of these rejection letter templates, and customizing them to fit your unique needs, sending out these notifications can be quicker and easier than ever before.

Looking to avoid a job rejection letter by bolstering your resume? Get a free resume review from our experts today!

Recommended reading:

Make the Perfect First Impression With Your Resume

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

Top 15 Professional Goals and How to Achieve Them

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How to write a rejection letter (with template and example)

7 min read · Updated on July 21, 2023

Elizabeth Openshaw

Let job seekers down gently with the professional approach to rejection

“Rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.” So said American writer, Mark Amend.

While this might be true in other walks of life, in an interview scenario it means you didn't project your  key strengths  forcefully enough to secure the position you required.

It's never easy telling someone they're not wanted. And it's never easy being told you're not wanted. Whichever side you're coming from, it's a necessity in the recruitment process. You can't give everyone a job!

But what's the best way to go about it?

How to write a rejection letter

A stony silence from recruiters or employers is probably more painful for jobseekers than a rejection letter, especially when they've put their heart and soul into the interview. At least with a job applicant  rejection letter, they know where they stand and can move on to apply for other roles.

It's also important to keep candidates on your good side. Remember that you meet colleagues climbing up the career ladder as well as coming down!

As with any correspondence from your company or business, a rejection letter should be thoughtful, professional, and articulate. After all, it's a reflection of your organisation and therefore should present your high standards in the best possible way. That means rejection letters should be thoroughly checked and proofread for any errors before being sent out.

Below are some hints to take on board when compiling a rejection letter.

While no one relishes being rejected, it's vital to tell candidates as soon as you can that their application has been unsuccessful. This shows that you respect their time and effort in attending an interview and showing an interest in your company.

There's no need to go into a long spiel within the rejection letter itself. While you can take a sentence or two to provide some feedback, it's generally better to keep the letter to just a few paragraphs, such as in the example below.

Be forthright

Let candidates know they haven't made it any further in the recruitment process early on in the rejection letter. That way they don't have to spend time reading through the entire epistle before finding out right at the end that they've been unsuccessful.

Be positive

If possible, maintain a positive tone, explaining why you liked their application or any positives that came out of their interview. This can lift spirits, despite the bad news, and might mean they don't become too despondent as they move on.

Be aware of internal candidates

For internal positions, you might have to send a rejection letter to those you already work with, or have dealings with, in an organisation. Focus on giving more detailed reasons as to why they didn't succeed this time. Maybe organise a meeting where you can discuss what happened in more detail, but at the same time ensure that they're still happy in their current position.

The importance of writing a rejection letter

For closure.

If you tell applicants quickly that they haven't been successful this time in securing the job, they can move on and seek other roles without being left hanging.

For a positive company image

With many people relying on reviews online or checking out a  company's culture , it's worth taking that small amount of time and effort. By sending a polite rejection letter, the rejected candidate just might leave a positive note.

For the maintenance of continuing good relations

There are always going to be other roles available at your organisation. By being courteous, this leaves the door open for potential opportunities in the future.

What is a good example of a rejection letter?

Rejection letters can come in all shapes and sizes - from the one liner to a more in-depth review of a job application and - hopefully - some constructive feedback.

Follow the below steps when constructing a rejection letter, as well as checking out our example and template:

Thank the applicant

Start the rejection letter with thanking the applicant for taking the time to apply for the role. Not only does this give a positive image of your company, it also sends out the message that you appreciate what they did.

Example: “It was a pleasure meeting with you and I would like to thank you for taking the time to attend the interview / complete the tests / send in your application.”

Tell them why you're getting in touch

It's important to state straight off why you're writing to them, with a short statement telling them that they haven't been successful this time. You can be courteous by apologising, but make sure there's no ambiguity by clearly stating that this is where their journey comes to an end.

Example: “Unfortunately, in this instance, we have decided not to proceed any further with your application.”

Give a valid explanation

Giving an honest reason as to why you've chosen someone else over them can help in future job searches, as it points candidates towards something to build on or improve. While they're still being rejected, it gives them something to work with.

Example: “We interviewed a lot of candidates for the position of Sales Assistant and our chosen candidate had more experience in dealing with customers face-to-face.”

Offer a positive slant

Highlighting some good points from their application will hopefully encourage the job seeker to move forward in a positive way when they apply for other roles.

Example: “Your knowledge of the industry was excellent and you answered the strength and weaknesses questions to a very high standard.”

Keep the door open for future opportunities

Only include this if you think the candidate might fit well within the company in another role. This is a great way of keeping a working relationship going and also sends out a more positive message.

Example: “We would be keen to keep your details on file for any future roles, if that is of interest to you.”

Encourage them to apply for other roles

Again, this is only if you're sure the candidate you've rejected has assets that can be used in other areas of the business. This reassures the applicant that you're still interested in them as a professional, even though they didn't fit the spec of this particular job.

Example: “We would like to encourage you to apply for other roles in the business development department if they fit with your experience and skills.”

Close on a positive note

Make that last impression count by finishing off the rejection letter with a positive slant. The aim is to make the candidate feel good towards your company, even though they haven't been successful in this instance.

Example: “Again, thank you for considering the role at our company and we wish you the best of luck with your continuing job search.”

job application rejection letter

Rejection email or rejection letter?

job application rejection letter

If you've recently received a rejection letter, it's probably time to spruce up your CV and  interview techniques . Taking a look at TopCV's free CV review is certainly a good start. With clear and concise advice from the experts, you'll surely be on your way to job success very soon!

Recommended reading:

How to practice inspirational leadership (and its benefits)

Mastering the first impression: how to make a lasting impact in job interviews

Learning from CV failure: how to improve your CV and get hired

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  • Human Resources

Rejection Letter

A job rejection letter informs employees that they have not been chosen for a job. Rejection letters give them this information formally and respectfully so that they can continue their job search. They are also known as employment rejection letters or candidate rejection letters.

Make a good impression on the candidates you decline by sending them a rejection letter promptly. We’ve got templates below that will make it super fast and easy.

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Job Rejection Letter Template Download:

Download this job rejection letter template in Word, and customize for your own needs quickly.

Job Rejection Letter Sample:

Dear [name] ,

Thank you for taking the time to apply to [position they applied for] . We really appreciate the effort you put into this. We received and have reviewed [a specific number, or “a large number”] of applications.

After reviewing them thoroughly, we felt that other applicants were better suited for [position they applied for] . At this time, we are declining to move forward with your application.

Best of luck with your job search.

[Company/Organization Name]

The letters above are meant to be catch-all ones that can apply to any business and their style of declining employees. You'll notice that we don't say why the candidate was declined.

Instead, we often like to add the following paragraph to our letters as a way of leaving applicants with a more positive attitude toward our brand:

After reviewing them thoroughly, we settled on [name of selected candidate] for the role. [He/she] was ultimately chosen because [list at least 3 reasons the person was chosen] .

This way you're not focusing on the negative traits of the applicant, but still giving them a reason for your choice.

How to Write a Job Rejection Letter:

Follow our step by step guide to writing a polite, simple rejection letter.

Compose your first paragraph.

Thank the candidate for applying..

Start off your letter by thanking the candidate for applying to your company. Mention the job title that they applied for to make it clear what the letter is about.

  • Give them the number of applications you received.

You can mention the specific number of applications you reviewed, or simply state that you reviewed "a large number of candidates."

Move on to the main purpose of your letter.

Tell the candidate that they were not sucessful..

State clearly that you are "declining to move forward with their application." Use the word "declined" rather than "rejected," which can be taken in a negative light.

  • Consider giving reasons you choose the final candidate.

Providing the candidate with reasons why someone was chosen over them can give the candidate a positive impression of your company while subtly letting them know what they could improve upon in their experience or skills. Avoid directly giving reasons why a candidate was declined.

After receiving a rejection letter, a candidate may contact you to ask what they could work on for their next interview. In this case, provide the candidate with some helpful tips for improving their interview process and for building up their skills and experience.

Close your letter.

  • Wish them luck on their search.

Leave the candidate with a positive experience by wishing them luck on the rest of their job search.

Job Rejection Email Template Download:

Download this rejection email template in Word, and customize for your own needs quickly.

Job Rejection Email Sample:

Subject line: Your Job Application to [Company/Organization Name]

Thank you for your application to [position they applied for] . Your time and effort are much appreciated.

We have received [a specific number, or “a large number”] of applications in response to this position. After a thorough review of all applicants, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application. While we were impressed with your ["skills," "qualifications," "accomplishments"] , we felt that other applicants were better suited for [the position they applied for] .

We thank you for considering us a potential employer and wish you success in your job search.

What do you write in a rejection letter?

  • Address candidate by full name.
  • Thank candidate for the job application.
  • List the number of applications you received.
  • State clearly that you will not be hiring the candidate.
  • Wish them luck on their job search.

How do you politely reject a candidate?

It's best to be concise and appreciative of their application. Be sure to thank the candidate for their application and consider giving reasons as to why you chose the final candidate. Avoid long explanations and giving reasons for why a candidate was declined. In addition, choose your words wisely. Even though you want to be clear, avoid using words such as 'rejected'.

How do you sign off a rejection letter?

Your tone should be courteous so that the candidate remembers your company for it's prompt and polite reputation. In addition, make sure you're prompt and thankful for their efforts. Sign off with your company's name and letterhead.

What do you write in a rejection letter after an interview?

  • Thank candidates for applying.
  • State clearly that you are "declining to move forward with their application."
  • Avoid giving reasons why a candidate was declined.
  • Use the word "declined" rather than "rejected."

How do you write a good rejection email?

Have a look at our rejection email example . Keep it simple. Start by thanking the candidate for applying, then let them know their application has been unsuccessful. End off by wishing them luck with future applications.

What do you put in the subject line of a rejection email?

Your subject line should be the candidate's name, the title of the position, and the company name.

What is a rejection letter?

A formal letter sent by a business or organization stating that someone has not been chosen for a job or course of study.

How do you reject an internal candidate?

  • Do it in person, not over email.
  • Be clear about your reasons.
  • Ask about their professional goals.
  • Find alternative opportunities for growth in the company.
  • Check-in with them after a few days to show that you care.

Where can I find more letters for HR?

  • Layoff letter .
  • Job Offer Letter .
  • Employment Verification Letter .
  • Letter of Recommendation .
  • Employee Termination Letter .
  • New Employee Welcome Letter .
  • Thank You Letter to Employees .
  • Letters of Appreciation to Employees .

Related Articles:

How to ask for a letter of recommendation, how to train new employees, temporary layoff letter, resignation letter, two weeks' notice letter.


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  1. Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants">7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants

    Application rejection letter template. Dear Mr / Ms [Applicant's name], Thank you for submitting your application. We appreciate your interest in a position as a [job title] in our company and the effort you invested in reaching out to us.

  2. Rejection Letter Samples to Send Unsuccessful Applicants - Indeed">7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send Unsuccessful Applicants - ...

    A rejection letter is an official document sent to candidates who weren’t considered the best fit for an open position after applying or interviewing. However, it can also be sent in response to applications that weren’t selected for any reason—the employer’s discretion is final.

  3. Rejection Letter (+ FREE Samples)">How To Write a Professional Rejection Letter (+ FREE Samples)

    A rejection letter is a formal communication, typically in writing, issued by an organization or HR professional to inform a candidate that their job application has been unsuccessful. The tone of a rejection letter is ideally polite and professional, and it may or may not provide feedback or reasons for the rejection.

  4. Write a Rejection Letter (With an Example) - Indeed">How To Write a Rejection Letter (With an Example) - Indeed

    You can use this basic template to create simple rejection letters: Subject: [Company name] - [Job title] Dear [Candidate name], Thank you for applying for our open [job] position. We appreciate the time you took to [submit an application or come in for an interview]. We have decided to move forward with other candidates at this time.

  5. Job Applicant Rejection Letter Sample Template | Workable">Job Applicant Rejection Letter Sample Template | Workable

    Just copy, paste, and customize for your specific needs. This sample job application rejection letter can be used to reach out to job applicants seeking employment that will not be receiving an interview or moving to your second stage.

  6. Job Candidate Rejection Letter Sample Template | Workable">Job Candidate Rejection Letter Sample Template | Workable

    Save time writing your job rejection letter with this all-purpose template. Just copy, paste, and customize this sample rejection for your specific needs. This employment rejection letter can be repurposed to include specific reasons for a candidate's rejection, or potential next steps.

  7. rejection letter (with template and example)">How to write a rejection letter (with template and example)

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  8. rejection letter (with template and example)">How to write a rejection letter (with template and example)

    Rejection letters can come in all shapes and sizes - from the one liner to a more in-depth review of a job application and - hopefully - some constructive feedback. Follow the below steps when constructing a rejection letter, as well as checking out our example and template:

  9. Job Rejection Emails (With Template & Samples) - Indeed">How to Write Job Rejection Emails (With Template & Samples) - ...

    A job rejection email helps you end your current relationship on good terms and makes the candidate willing to apply for future openings. The right job rejection email uses language that leaves room for future interactions between your company and the candidate.

  10. Rejection Letter - Betterteam">Rejection Letter - Betterteam

    Find out about job rejection letters with our guide and templates. By Toni Ross, Updated Nov 23, 2023. A job rejection letter informs employees that they have not been chosen for a job. Rejection letters give them this information formally and respectfully so that they can continue their job search. They are also known as employment rejection ...