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How to write the perfect cover letter, by miraclyn rubavathi, 19 october 2021 - 5:30pm.

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What is a cover letter?

A cover letter also referred to as a covering letter or an application letter is an important document most organisations ask for along with a job application. It helps boost your resume which by itself might not be sufficient for a recruiter to get to know you. 

Although not all recruiters demand a cover letter, including a cover letter along with your resume is good practice, as many recruiters go through cover letters to shortlist candidates for the interview. A well-written cover letter can create a good first impression and make you stand out from other applicants.

What is difference between a cover letter and a resume?

Your resume is not your cover letter. Consider a resume like a menu in a restaurant. A menu provides a list of all the items available in the restaurant. Similarly, a resume is a list of your work-related skill sets and experience. A resume focuses on facts like your educational qualifications, work experience, skills, achievements, etc. However, a cover letter focuses on the job that you’re applying for and how you fit in that role. It is a chance for you to explain to the recruiters how you can use your professional skills and experience to excel in the new role that you’re applying for. 

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

Not only does a cover letter give more insights about you to the hiring manager but it is also a vital element in getting you the interview. Most job seekers spend a lot of time perfecting their resume but don’t put so much thought into writing a proper cover letter.  It’s important that the cover letter includes information about why you are suitable for that specific role, which helps show the recruiter that you have put some thought into the job application. 

What should be included in a cover letter?

There are several key components in a cover letter, mentioned below. It may seem like a very time-consuming process to write a cover letter but it is essential and your letter must be specific to every job that you apply for, as it shows how serious you are about the job you’re applying for. 

  • Name, address, contact information and date
  • Opening statement
  • Your knowledge of the company and the position you’re applying for and your interest in working for this particular company
  • Your background
  • Your professional skills and experience that matches the job description along with examples
  • Highlighting why you’re the right fit for the job

Here’s a sample cover letter.

How should you write a cover letter?

Writing a cover letter only involves a few simple steps. If you know how to write them yourself, you can showcase your unique skills and experience to the recruiter which increases your chances of you getting hired. 

A cover letter, like all other formal documents, has three parts, a beginning, a middle and an end. Let’s look at what goes into each of these parts and what kind of phrases to use when writing one.

In the past, cover letters were sent through post or submitted in person. Hence, they included addresses. However, nowadays as cover letters are submitted through an online job portal or via emails, physical addresses are no longer necessary. So, you can skip the address if you are sending your letter electronically.

Starting to write a cover letter can be very intimidating especially if you’ve never done it before. All you need to do is try and be authentic and original. Here are some tips on what to say, how to say and how not to say it in your cover letter along with example phrases:

Nowadays, companies are not just looking for people with skills, they also want someone whose values align with theirs. You can bring in your personality to the letter by talking about your passion, beliefs, values, and ethics. It’s also a great opportunity to show them how hiring you would be mutually beneficial for both parties. 

Do your research by going through the job description, roles and responsibilities, code of conduct and any other information you can get hold of about the organisation, either from their website, mutual friends who work there or by checking with the HR manager.

You can also use bullet points or numbers in this section to highlight your achievements.

The end or the closing consists of three parts: call-to-action, thanking the reader, and signing off. The end is also an important part of the cover letter as sometimes inappropriate endings can throw people off. Make sure you’re polite and respectful even when you end your letter.

How long should your cover letter be?

Ideally a cover letter is a one-page document. You don’t need to write pages about all your skills and experience, as these details are already in your resume. So, don’t write an essay; keep it short, organise it into paragraphs and highlight how you are the best candidate for the job. 

Things to check before sending your letter

Remember, your cover letter is a fairly formal document. So, don’t use informal words, phrases, expressions or contractions like I’m, I’ve. Instead, use the full form: I am, I have. However, some companies are fine with semi-formal or neutral style and if you are sure, you can shift your tone to adapt to the organisation’s style. However, you shouldn’t write very informally. 

  • Errors Spelling errors, grammatical errors and typographical errors don’t make a good first impression. If you’re careless in your writing, there's a good chance that your hiring manager will think you do not have good communication skills or you make mistakes often. It also shows that you didn't proofread your document, which in turn shows how little of an effort you’ve put into writing and sending the letter. So, do proofread before sending your letter. It might be hard for us to proofread our own writing; we might miss out on checking or editing important details. Hence, it’s also good to use online tools or have a friend read it for you.

Dos and Don’ts

Let’s quickly recap a few important things to do and not to do in a cover letter.

It’s your turn

Yes, now it’s your turn to write your own cover letter. If you’re a job seeker, this is a good time to start practising writing cover letters by yourself. Even if you aren’t looking for a job at the moment, you can think of your dream job you and draft a letter for it. It will help you understand the position better, realise where you stand and help you improve your writing skills.

  • Learn how to write a cover letter or email to respond to a job advert.
  • For School students applying for an internship or voluntary work - Easy tips from British Council Teens to write a cover letter.

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letter of application british council

How to write a Letter of Application? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

letter of application british council

This article provides information on how to write a letter of application and what it consists of.  Although its content is mainly aimed at Cambridge exams , it can also be used for other purposes of learning English and writing a real letters of application.

Letter of Application: Definition

letter of application british council

Letter of application is always formal in style unless the question explicitly states otherwise. Its purpose is to propose  a candidate and outline his suitability, for a particular position. Description (of a person’s character and strengths), explanation and justification are important functions in a letter of application.

Letter of Application: Structure

Fce, cae, cpe, practice, write & improve, letter of application: writing guide, 1. salutation.

Dear Sir or Madam 

letter of application british council

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Search Committee
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear Sir or Madam

2. The Introductory Paragraph

Begin by stating the job for which you are applying. Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.

I am writing to apply for the post of Fashion Shop Manager advertised in the ‘News Shopper’ of 14 February 2002.

3. The next paragraphs (the body)

In the following paragraphs, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting and explain how you meet those qualifications.

Please see the example structure below:

(2nd paragraph) You might go and list your experience and relevant qualifications:

(briefly introduce yourself first) I am an ambitious and creative 25-year-old who have worked in the retail industry for a total of ten years, first as a sales assistant in a department store and for the last three years as a Section Head and Deputy Manager at Jones the Bootmaker.

(3rd paragraph) You might then go on to mention the particular abilities and skills that you have:

I believe I have all the skills, knowledge and expertise that you are looking for. I have lots of retail initiative, can schedule and prioritise tasks and can work to strict deadlines. I also work particularly well with people and would enjoy leading the team and working with clients and customers.

(4th paragraph) Say why you are particularly interested in this job:

I am applying for this position as I am looking to progress from junior to senior management. I have always been interested in the latest fashion trends and developments and I believe your organisation is a well-run quality fashion business. I would very much like to work for your company.

4. Closing paragraph

letter of application british council

You might close the letter with the following formula.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will be able to invite me for an interview.

Yours faithfully XYZ

“Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”?

“Yours sincerely” is typically employed in English when the recipient is addressed by name (e.g. “Dear John”) and is known to the sender to some degree, whereas “Yours faithfully” is used when the recipient is not addressed by name (i.e., the recipient is addressed by a phrase such as “Dear Sir/Madam”)

Let’s sum it up…

Letter of application: example answers, letter of application sample 1, letter of application subject:.

You have read the following information from a British university, and have decided to apply for a course:

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Officer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualifications and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application

Student’s Letter of Application Answer:

I am writing to apply for your two-year degree in teaching English at the university level. At present, I am a teacher of English and of Computer Science in the primary school here, in Lutynia.

I am keen to improve my English as this is not only my hobby but also a strong need. I should add that I am already half-way towards achieving my goal. Ten years ago I was a university teacher of Computer Science. Up to now, I have specialized in both subjects. I graduated from Technical University of Wroclaw, Department of Foreign Languages and the Academy of Economics, Department of Computer Science with Master’s Degree.

I have a great deal of work experience that demonstrates my ability in languages. I have undertaken a number of translation projects for doctors, scientists, computer programmers and travel guides. I estimate that my English is at an advanced level and at present, I am preparing for the CAE exam.

I am particularly interested in completing my degree at your university as it is famous all over the world. If you wish Ms.J.Forde can give you a reference.

I hope you will give my application serious consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully (your name)

Letter of Application Sample 2

Letter of application subject:.

A restaurant in your region is to open shortly and the owner has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


…For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef,  Waiter/Waitress, Restaurant Manager. Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Please send us a letter explaining which post you are interested in and why we should consider you for the job. Interviews will be held a week after the closing date.

I am writing with reference to your advertisement for the position of a Restaurant Manager, which was placed in The Guardian on 10 December.

My reason for being interested in this vacancy is that according to what is said by the executives of the companies I worked for (please find enclosed their letters of reference), I am particularly efficient at being involved in projects requiring a great deal of physical and mental energy and also creativity. I would be able to bring to bear these personal qualities of mine for the benefit of the restaurant.

I am sure that I would be successful in this post as I have now gained managerial experience having had work as a Senior Manager for the “Little Chef Restaurant” for 10 years. At present I work for the restaurant mentioned above, where my responsibilities comprise dealing with suppliers and corporate clients, recruiting employees and checking the financial statements of affiliated companies.

My academic background (a Master’s Degree in Tourism & Hospitality) would also prove valuable to you.

Please could you send me an application form and any other relevant details including those of salary, working hours and any additional benefits (such as private health care or social facilities).

I am able to attend an interview on any day from 11 a. m. Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me on 222333222 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by email at [email protected].

Yours faithfully, name and surname

Letter of Application Sample 3

A tourist company which organises coach tours of your home town has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot.

I am writing to reply to your advertisement for a tour guide in The Tokyo Mini Times on 13th January.

I have always been interested in working with tourists and this is one of the main reasons why I am applying for this job. I actually have some experience of guiding foreign people around the town as a volunteer. Therefore, the city council sometimes asks me to take people to some historical places and explain about the background. Once I organised  a sightseeing tour that thirty people took part in. Every time I have a chance to do that, they appreciate my explanations. I think I will be a competent guide.

I have been living in this town since I was born. My ancestors came to live here two hundred years ago thus I know how this town has developed. I think I will manage to give a unique speech to the tourists.

I passed the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English last year, which I believe endorses my English ability. As far as I am concerned, this level is suitable for a tour guide.

I am available to start work on 15th February. I am also available to attend an interview in the afternoon on Monday to Thursday. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

I would be very grateful if you consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Letter of Application: Writing Topics

Letter of application task 1.

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Officer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualifications and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application to the Admissions Officer.

(CAE 220-260 words – CPE 280-320 words)

Letter of Application Task 2

RESTAURANT STAFF NEEDED… …For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef Waiter/Waitress Restaurant Manager Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Letter of Application Task 3

TOUR GUIDES REQUIRED Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot. 

Write the letter of application.

Practice Tests Online

Letter of application: useful phrases & language.

I’m writing to apply for the post/position of… advertised in…….. I’m writing with reference I’m writing in response to your advertisement which I saw…. I’m writing in connection with your advertisement

Qualifications /Experience

I gained some experience while … I am currently working as … I have been working for … for the last four years. I worked part-time for three years as … At the moment| am employed by … My qualifications include … I have a diploma in … I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in …  Please find attached my CV As you can see from the attached CV …

Personal Qualities

I see myself systematic, meticulous in my approach to work….. I have a clear insight of……… I value time and not squander…… I tackle a problem…..

Closing remarks

I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience Please contact me with any queries you may have, I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient I look forward to hearing from you in due course….

What is your level of English?

Sample cover letter for Full Time position at British Council

Got the job yes.

RE: Primary School Teacher

Dear Head of Primary,

I read with interest your posting for the vacancy of Primary School Teacher on the TES website. I believe I possess the necessary skills and experience you are seeking and would make a valuable addition to your School.

I believe that I am the best candidate for your recently advertised Teaching vacancy. My love of teaching can be seen in my actions and career to date. I possess a genuine interest in the development of the children I teach, and will do everything possible to ignite a desire to learn in the minds of young people. I have achieved this through planning engaging, creative lessons, which allow for discussion and research and the application of skill being taught.

I come to you as someone who has the ability to hold engaging classes that capture the attention of the whole classroom. I am an expert at establishing clear objectives for each lesson and then working to meet those specific goals. Aside from this, I have an effective classroom management style that enforces discipline whilst at the same time encouraging creativity and discussion. As a result the children I have taught feel valued and are more willing to participate in activities; even when those activities are outside of their comfort zone.

On a personal level I am self-reflective, possess a strong willingness to change and am always looking at ways in which I can improve myself. I have high expectations of myself, and take my responsibility as a teacher very seriously. I have gained a wide range of transferable skills from my previous teaching jobs that are directly related to your position, including:

  • Developing positive relationships with members of staff and pupils.
  • Maintaining a creative classroom setting which is engaging
  • Having strong knowledge of particular subject areas such as Literacy and Science
  • Understanding the barriers for EAL and SEN children
  • A basic understanding of Spanish

For me it would be an honour to be a part of and contribute to a school like yours that has such a high reputation.

I have attached my CV for your review and I look forward to speaking with you further regarding the available position.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration.

Kind Regards,

Search form

A more formal email.

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Europeans detail Iran's nuclear violations in diplomatic gambit

By Michelle Nichols, Arshad Mohammed and John Irish

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Three European powers have written to the U.N. Security Council detailing Iran's violations of its 2015 nuclear deal, a step diplomats said on Thursday aimed to pressure Tehran to resolve the issue diplomatically and to avoid reimposing U.N. sanctions.

The British, French and German letter did not explicitly threaten to "snap back" United Nations sanctions but it noted that U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which enshrined the nuclear deal and provided that power, expires on Oct. 18, 2025.

In its own letter, Iran rejected the European stance, noting then-U.S. President Donald Trump reneged on the nuclear deal in 2018 and re-imposed U.S. economic sanctions on Iran, arguing they were within their rights to expand their nuclear work.

The effort by Britain, France and Germany, known informally as the E3, to ramp up pressure was also visible this week at the International Atomic Energy Agency, where they successfully pushed a resolution critical of Iran despite U.S. reservations.

The E3 letter, which was dated June 3, referred to a report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog last month that cited Iran's nuclear advances violating the 2015 deal, including by expanding its stockpile and production rates of high enriched uranium.

That deal, struck with the E3, China, Russia and the United States, limited Iran's ability to enrich uranium, a process that can yield fissile material for nuclear weapons. In return, the U.S., U.N. and European Union eased sanctions on Iran.

Tensions with Iran have increased since the Iranian-backed Hamas militant group attacked southern Israel on Oct. 7, other Iranian proxies have attacked U.S., Israeli and other Western targets, and Tehran has accelerated its nuclear program while limiting the U.N. nuclear watchdog's ability to monitor it.

"Iran's nuclear escalation has hollowed out the JCPOA, reducing its nonproliferation value," said the E3 letter seen by Reuters, referring to the 2015 deal formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

"Iran's decision to take remedial measures was in full accordance with its inherent right ... in reaction to the United States' unlawful unilateral withdrawal," Iran's U.N. ambassador said a June 5 letter seen by Reuters.

Western diplomats and other sources familiar with the E3 letter said its purpose was to try to raise pressure on Iran within the Security Council and to buy time for a diplomatic solution before next year's expiry of their "snap back" power to reimpose U.N. sanctions on Iran.

The aim is to "take stock of Iran's nuclear advances, which have become unacceptable and are getting worse, and to increase pressure within the Security Council," said a source familiar with the letter.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reports twice a year to the Council - traditionally in June and December - on the implementation of the 2015 resolution. The Security Council is due to discuss his next report on June 24.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the nonprofit Arms Control Association, said the letter may be a way to lay the groundwork for an eventual "snap back" of U.N. sanctions, though he stressed that a diplomatic solution is still possible.

"The E3 reference to the October 2025 date, when the option to snap back U.N. sanctions expires, and their communication to the Security Council suggest they are simply trying to establish the legal basis for possibly snapping back sanctions on Iran at a later point," said Kimball.

"However, such an option, especially in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, would likely not move Iran to cooperate but lead it to escalate, perhaps even by withdrawing from the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty," he said.

(Reporting By Michelle Nichols at the United Nations, Arshad Mohammed in Washington, and John Irish at Omaha Beach, France; Writing by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Daniel Wallis)

FILE PHOTO: The flag of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) flutters in front of the agency's headquarters in Vienna, Austria, June 3, 2024. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger/File Photo


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  2. How to write the perfect cover letter

    It may seem like a very time-consuming process to write a cover letter but it is essential and your letter must be specific to every job that you apply for, as it shows how serious you are about the job you're applying for. Name, address, contact information and date. Salutation. Opening statement.

  3. Application Process

    2) Search for roles and either upload your CV or apply with your LinkedIn profile. 3) Complete the application form questions. You can save these as you go. 4) When you've completed the form, we'll send you a notification. 5) If your application is successful, you will be invited to an initial screening which may be a telephone call.

  4. How to write a Letter of Application? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

    The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Search Committee. To whom it may concern. Dear Human Resources Manager. Dear Sir or Madam. 2. The Introductory Paragraph. Begin by stating the job for which you are applying.

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  6. PDF Writing skills practice: A cover letter letter

    Begin and end the letter appropriately, • Beginning. Dear Sir or Madam with no name — Closing: Yours faithfullg . Beginning. Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms + surname — Closing: Yours sincere(g 2. Give a clear reason for writing. 3. 4. • t am writing with regard to ... / to enquire about ... / to apptg for ... / to ex ress interest in ...

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  12. Europeans detail Iran's nuclear violations in diplomatic gambit

    The British, French and German letter did not explicitly threaten to "snap back" United Nations sanctions but it noted that U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which enshrined the nuclear deal ...