A Literature Review of Health Literacy of Adolescents During Pregnancy

  • PMID: 33157069
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.nwh.2020.09.004

Adolescents who are pregnant are a vulnerable population at risk for poor health literacy. Health literacy is an important determinant of health, and poor health literacy among adolescents is correlated with high-risk health behaviors and adverse health outcomes into adulthood. A review of the literature showed a significant gap in research related to health literacy in pregnant adolescents. The limited findings indicate the need for additional research attention on health literacy in pregnant adolescents and upstream approaches to improve adolescent health literacy, such as incorporating health literacy education into secondary schools. To strengthen approaches that build health literacy capacity, it is imperative that future research focuses on pregnant adolescents' health literacy related to health behaviors, health outcomes, measurement instruments, health literacy frameworks, and targeted interventions.

Keywords: adolescent; adolescent health; adolescent pregnancy; health literacy; health outcomes; social determinants of health.

Copyright © 2020 AWHONN. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Health Behavior
  • Health Literacy*
  • Pregnancy in Adolescence*

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Adolescent pregnancy: a review of the evidence

This report presents an update on the current situation of pregnancies among girls less than 18 years of age and adolescents 15-19 years of age; trends during the last 10 years; variations across geographic, cultural and economic settings; interventions available to minimize pregnancy among adolescents; evidence for these programmatic approaches; and challenges that nations will have to deal with in the next 20 years given current population momentum.

Social determinants of antidepressant continuation during pregnancy in the USA: findings from the ABCD cohort study

  • Original Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 14 May 2024

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literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  • Marc Dupuis   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7580-559X 1 , 2 ,
  • Kristie Rebecca Weir 1 , 3   na1 ,
  • Renata Vidonscky Lüthold 1 , 2 ,
  • Alice Panchaud 1 , 4 &
  • Stéphanie Baggio 1 , 5  

Patients and healthcare professionals overestimate the risks of using antidepressants during pregnancy. According to current literature, approximately half of people stop taking an anti-depressant medication when they become pregnant. Discontinuing antidepressants during pregnancy increases risks of postnatal relapses. Factors like socioeconomic status, education, and planned pregnancies play a role in the decision to continue antidepressant medication, which can worsen disparities in maternal and child health. Our aim was to identify the sociodemographic factors associated with antidepressant continuation after awareness of pregnancy.

We used representative data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study that captures maternal medication during pregnancy. We identified women who used antidepressants before awareness of their pregnancy. We calculated crude and adjusted associations between sociodemographic factors and continuation of antidepressant medication during pregnancy. Our model included age, education, ethnicity, first language, household income, living with a partner, having planned the pregnancy, pregnancy duration and smoking during pregnancy.

In total, 199 women continued antidepressants and 100 discontinued. The logistic regressions resulted in only one significant factor: first language. Native English speakers were more likely to continue medication than other mothers (adjusted OR  = 14.94, 95% CI = [2.40; 291.45], p  = .015).


Language differences were associated with continuation of antidepressants. Non-native English speakers were more likely to discontinue antidepressants, which may lead to health inequities. This finding should be taken into account to reinforce information about the limited risks of antidepressants among people with non-English speaking backgrounds in the USA.

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Affective disorders such as depression are the most common mental disorders experienced during pregnancy. Depression is experienced in about 10% of pregnancies (Falah-Hassani et al. 2017 ; Moore Simas et al. 2023 ) and antidepressants are commonly used in pregnant women. Pregnant women and health care professionals largely overestimate the risks associated with antidepressant use during pregnancy (Lupattelli et al. 2014 ; Nordeng et al. 2010; Petersen et al. 2015 ). Side effects such as nausea, digestive issues, insomnia, and drowsiness are frequently reported during the first weeks of treatment, which can also demotivate pregnant patients who already experience such symptoms. Consequently, more than 50% of women discontinue antidepressant treatment during pregnancy (Cabaillot et al. 2021 ; Liu et al. 2022 ; Lupattelli et al. 2023 ; Trinh et al. 2023a ), which can lead to negative consequences for themselves and their child such as relapses (Cohen et al. 2006 ) and conduct disorders among children.

Prior research has signaled that sociodemographic factors influence pregnancy outcomes. Though scarce, recent research suggests that social determinants may influence antidepressant continuation during pregnancy. A previous study showed that younger maternal age and a lower level of education increase the probability of discontinuing antidepressants (Liu et al. 2022 ). Moreover, social determinants of antidepressant continuation had been identified among a general population of patients (Olfson et al. 2006 ). Further studies are needed to explore other social determinants and to identify potential health inequalities.

we aimed to identify which social determinants are important for continuation of antidepressants among women when they become aware of their pregnancy. We investigated the associations between sociodemographic factors and continuation of antidepressant medication during pregnancy using data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study (Garavan et al. 2018 ; Jernigan et al. 2018 ).

Study design and setting

In the present study, we used data from the two first waves of ABCD, a large cohort study on adolescents that includes data from their parents on prenatal exposure to medications and illicit drug use before and after becoming aware of pregnancy. ABCD is an ongoing nationwide prospective study conducted by 21 universities and hospitals in 16 states from the USA: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin (Garavan et al. 2018 ). Though ABCD mainly consists of brain imaging sessions among preadolescents and adolescents, it also includes in-person interviews with parents, including biological mothers who were the participants of interest for our study. Parents were involved in ABCD to provide information about themselves including their drug use during pregnancy ten years before recruitment, current health status and the early life course of their children.

Families were sampled using a multi-stage probability sampling strategy to maximize representativeness of the subpopulations and were recruited through elementary public and private schools to cover almost the entire preadolescent population of 9 to 10 year old. The baseline investigation took place from 2016 to 2018 when children were aged about 10 years and the first follow-up took place one year later. Children and parents were compensated for their participation to the amount of $200 US dollars per family (Garavan et al. 2018 ). Finally, interviews were proposed in English and in Spanish. ABCD received ethics approval from University of California San Diego (i.e., ABCD principal investigating site) and from review boards of other study sites.

Study groups

In the present study we focused on data from mothers who were taking antidepressants before being aware of their pregnancy. For clarity, we refer to participants as “ biological mothers ”, although four participants identified as males. The inclusion criteria were, to be a biological mother and to have been using antidepressants before awareness of pregnancy. Based on information on antidepressant use after being aware of pregnancy (defined below), biological mothers were categorized as those who continued or discontinued antidepressant medication during pregnancy.


Participants were asked questions about their medication use before they were aware they were pregnant and during their pregnancy. The research staff systematically coded each medication reported by parents using their US brand name and code in the RxNorm system. We used Rx codes to get the corresponding Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification codes and identified those corresponding to antidepressants (i.e., N06A in ATC classification). We established the presence of antidepressant use during, before and after awareness of pregnancy.

Based on the literature, we included relevant social determinants of health associated with antidepressant discontinuation in the general population (Olfson et al. 2006 ), including gender (male, female, male trans, female trans, non-binary, or other), first language, ethnicity, education, household income and living with a partner. We also included factors specific to perinatal health, namely age at childbirth, pregnancy duration and having a planned pregnancy. Of note, information on education, household income and having a partner covered the period 10 years after the pregnancy. It was used as a proxy as their sociodemographic status during pregnancy, though it might have changed within the past 10 years. We dichotomized each sociodemographic factor to describe whether participants were belonging to the majority or to minorities (e.g., female versus others, white versus non-white), except for age at childbirth and pregnancy duration. Thereby, gender was categorized as female vs. other. Maternal ethnicity was proxied by infant ethnicity and categorized as white vs. other. Education was recoded as having obtained a university diploma or not, literature having shown that antidepressant users in the US population often have a university level (Olfson et al. 2006 ). Household incomes were categorized as more than $75,000 US dollars per year or less. Of note, the median household incomes in 2005 to 2010 was of about $50,000 to $60,000, so that earning $75,000 or more could be considered as a high income. Finally, participants were asked if their pregnancy was planned. Smoking during pregnancy was used as a proxy for a lower perinatal health literacy given that the literature shows that smoking during pregnancy is associated with such a low perinatal health literacy (Smedberg et al. 2014 ) and that perceived risk of tobacco-based products is negatively associated with a higher perceived risk of antidepressants (Nordeng, Ystrom, and Einarson 2010 ; Petersen et al. 2015 ).

Statistical analyses

Descriptive statistics included the mean and standard deviation or both frequency and proportion of each variable among the sample and between continuers and discontinuers. We performed simple logistic regression models to test respectively the crude associations ( odds ratios ) between continuation of antidepressant use and each factor. Then we tested the adjusted associations in a multiple logistic regression, and we measured the part of explained variance of antidepressant continuation explained by the model using Nagelkerke’s pseudo- R 2 (Nagelkerke 1991 ). We conducted the analyses with a 5% threshold for significance and listwise deletion was performed in case of missing data.

We conducted data management and statistical analyses were using R statistical software (v.4.3.1), the packages fmsb (v.0.7.5) and jtools (v.2.2.2), and the package rxnorm developed by Nicholas T. Wiliams (version from May 22 nd 2023 https://github.com/nt-williams/rxnorm ).

As detailed in Fig.  1 , among the 11,876 parent-infant dyads included in the ABCD cohort, 10,256 were biological mothers. Of them, 9,276 unique mothers were identified after de-duplicating mothers appearing multiple times because of twins or triplets. In total, 318 (3.42%) biological mothers were using antidepressant before being aware of their pregnancy, corresponding to the inclusion criterion. Of them, 19 had missing values regarding sociodemographic information and were excluded. The final sample consisted of 299 participants (94.0% of the identified antidepressant users). In total, 100 discontinued antidepressants and 199 continued antidepressants. Participants’ characteristics are reported in Table  1 for both groups. Mean age was 31.2 ± 5.5 years and mean duration of pregnancy was 272.6 ± 15.7 days. A total of 295 (98.7%) participants were women, 241 (80.6%) had a white ethnicity, and 197 (65.9%) had planned their pregnancy. At follow-up, 247 (82.6%) were living with a partner, 198 (65.2%) had no university diploma, and 208 (65.9%) had an inhouse income higher than $75,000 US dollars per year.

figure 1

Flowchart of participant selection

Results from logistic regression analysis (Table  2 ) showed that four crude associations between factors and continuation of antidepressant medication were significant: English as the first language ( OR  = 9.74, p  = .004), living with a partner ( OR  = 2.34, p  = .006), planned pregnancy ( OR  = 0.56, p  = .022) and smoking when pregnant ( OR  = 0.53, p  = .043). Native English speakers and people living with a partner were more likely to continue antidepressant medication, whereas people who planned their pregnancy and were smoking while pregnant were more likely to discontinue. When testing the associations with these factors in a global model, only English as a first language had a significant association. The association was larger when adjusting for the other factors ( aOR  = 14.94, p  = .015). The model resulted in a Nagelkerke pseudo -R 2 of 11.3% ( p  = .005).

Pregnancy is a decisive moment in trajectories of discontinuation of medical treatments, but little research has been done to identify the factors associated with the continuation of medication in this specific period. We tested the associations between sociodemographic factors and the decision to continue antidepressant medication when becoming aware of pregnancy.

Main findings

First, discontinuers accounted for about one third of women using antidepressants at pregnancy start. The proportion of women discontinuing antidepressants was 20–30% lower than in literature based on real-world data. However, literature so far comes from European countries that have achieved universal health coverage such as Denmark (Trinh et al. 2023 ), France (Cabaillot et al. 2021 ), Italy (Lupattelli et al. 2023 ) or Norway (Trinh et al. 2023 ). In the US context in the second half of the 2000s, it is likely that a large proportion of mental health care was forgone, which would explain the proportion of discontinuers found.

We found that English as the first language, in a country where English is the national language, was significantly associated with continuing antidepressants in a multiple logistic regression model. The odds ratio of 14.94 measured represents a very large association according to Chen and colleagues ( 2010 ). The model resulted in a determination coefficient of 11.3%, which indicates that the influence of sociodemographic factors on continuation of antidepressants is far from negligible in the US context.

In the USA, being a native English speaker seems to largely impact the decision to continue antidepressant medication during pregnancy. We discuss three possible explanations for this. Firstly, English speaking background is likely to play a role in the access to up-to-date information about health in a country where English is the first language. Accordingly, people from non-English speaking backgrounds may have less access to health information in their first language. They may also be less likely to look for information because they believe that information or counselling will not be available in their first language. Efforts to make information available in Spanish would probably reduce the difference, Spanish speakers accounting for about 13% of the US population (Census Bureau 2022 ). Second, being not a native English speaker also reflects family history of immigration and specific attitude toward health care between native English speakers and other people (who could be non-native English speakers or not speaking English at all). This also includes attitudes toward medication in pregnancy and toward mental health that may influence their decision, even in presence of up-to-date information. According to this second possible explanation, first language represents a correlate of confounding factors, not only as a causal factor. Third, differences in first language may reflect economic differences. Though controlled for, household income was measured at follow-up and income may not fully reflect wealth at baseline. For instance, it has been shown among ABCD participants that Spanish-speaking families experienced more financial concerns with the Covid-19 pandemic (Yip et al. 2022 ). Most likely, the three explanations apply together.

We also found non-significant associations where significant results were expected. This includes the negative association between having a planned pregnancy and continuing antidepressants. Though a large proportion of women discontinue antidepressants when aware of their pregnancy (Trinh et al. 2023 ; Trinh, Semark, Trinh et al. 2023a , b ), the association might be not significant in this study when adjusting the model due to a lack of statistical power. The association between smoking and continuing antidepressants, though not significant, was negative in the adjusted model, which suggests that people continuing smoking also were likely to discontinue antidepressants. Though living with a partner and household income might have resulted in significant associations with a bigger sample, ethnicity and education seemed not to be associated with continuing or discontinuing antidepressants. It is likely that the underlying factors are associated with first language, education and ethnicity, which explains why education and ethnicity seem to have neither significant nor meaningful association with antidepressant continuation when taking first language into account.

Of note, other authors reported that pregnant women who start taking antidepressants in the USA (where health insurance is not mandatory) more frequently have an average-to-high household income, a slightly higher educational level and are older (Moreau et al. 2023 ), whereas major depression is more prevalent among people with a lower household income (Sareen et al. 2011 ). Obstacles to access antidepressants are likely to be smaller in countries with public or mandatory health insurance. Pregnant women with lower incomes or education levels are thus most likely to forgo mental health care (Bremer 2014 ), which is another major public health concern.

Clinical implications

Though the underlying reasons might be multiple, the fact that native English speakers in this US based study were more likely to continue using antidepressants during pregnancy is a useful insight. Prescribers and pharmacists should be aware that people not speaking the native language of a country (or speaking it only a little) may discontinue their antidepressant medication during pregnancy. Native Spanish speakers might be targeted first given their proportion in the US population. Targeted communication to mental health professionals may also be useful to ensure that accurate harm information about antidepressant use is provided to all pregnant women. Importantly, our study excluded women who had come to the end of their antidepressant treatment and subsequently planned for their pregnancy. Thus, we hypothesize that a high proportion of treatment discontinuers in our study still needed the treatment. The consequences of discontinuing an antidepressant when medication is still required include a higher risk of relapse (Liu et al. 2022 ; Trinh et al. 2023a ). Untreated affective disorders occurring during or before pregnancy have in common the risks of aggravation and chronicization (Fisher et al. 2019 ), and discontinuation of a needed treatment might be associated with similar risks. Moreover, the presence of affective disorders in mothers can also impact their child’s development with social interactions, impulsivity and conduct disorders (Stein et al. 2014 ).


There are some limitations related to the main study design. The first limitation is the retrospective data collection of maternal information. Regarding representativeness, ABCD consists of adolescents and their parents, which implies that mothers who had a miscarriage were not included. Antidepressant users might be underestimated because people suffering from chronic depression are less likely to consent to participate in observational studies (Dupuis et al. 2019 ).Interviews in Spanish were possible for Spanish-speaking mothers, which is a strength, but other foreign languages might be underrepresented.

In addition retrospective studies are exposed to recall bias (Dupuis et al. 2023 ), but previous literature showed that recall is accurate regarding antidepressant use in pregnancy (Newport et al. 2008 ). Even when people do not remember the exact brand name, they are able to state that they used antidepressants or psychotropic medication (van Gelder et al. 2013 ). If present in this study, recall bias most likely impacted remembering antidepressant use during pregnancy in general (that is to say before and after awareness of pregnancy). In other words, recall bias most likely caused non-inclusion of some antidepressant users given our inclusion criteria (i.e., reporting antidepressant use before being aware of pregnancy).

Study limitations also regard measurements. Mental health status during pregnancy would have been an important factor. As discussed, household income and living with a partner a decade later are not excellent proxies for the same outcomes during pregnancy. The non-significant association of marital status with antidepressant discontinuation may mostly be explained by changes in marital status over time. Cohabitation with a partner has an average duration of 7-to-8 year in the USA and has a large impact on household income. This makes household income likely to change more than individual income itself (Tach and Eads 2015 ).

Recommendations for future research

Our findings are related to the specific context of the US population in the 2000s. The situation has most probably changed since the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the study is based on secondary data collected retrospectively, which is not optimal. Though the findings result from multi-stage probability sampling, the sample remains small compared to the number of women exposed to prenatal antidepressants. Our findings merit being reproduced using other methods, in particular a prospective design. Subject to the availability of sociodemographic characteristics, real-world data from health insurances would represent an opportunity to confirm the present findings at a national level and to investigate the influence of other social determinants with sufficient statistical power.

Despite its limitations, the present study identified that speaking the native language of the country seems an important factor associated with continuing antidepressant medication during pregnancy. Based on this finding, information to people who are not native English speakers could be improved to reduce inequities among pregnant patients in the USA.

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Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development SM (ABCD Study: https://abcdstudy.org ), held in the NIMH Data Archive (NDA). This is a multisite, longitudinal study designed to recruit more than 10,000 children age 9–10 and follow them over 10 years into early adulthood. The ABCD Study® is supported by the National Institutes of Health and additional federal partners under award numbers U01DA041048, U01DA050989, U01DA051016, U01DA041022, U01DA051018, U01DA051037, U01DA050987, U01DA041174, U01DA041106, U01DA041117, U01DA041028, U01DA041134, U01DA050988, U01DA051039, U01DA041156, U01DA041025, U01DA041120, U01DA051038, U01DA041148, U01DA041093, U01DA041089, U24DA041123, U24DA041147. A full list of supporters is available at https://abcdstudy.org/federal-partners.html . A listing of participating sites and a complete listing of the study investigators can be found at https://abcdstudy.org/consortium_members/ . ABCD consortium investigators designed and implemented the study and/or provided data but did not necessarily participate in the analysis or writing of this report. This manuscript reflects the views of the authors and may not reflect the opinions or views of the NIH or ABCD consortium investigators.

Open access funding provided by University of Bern

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Alice Panchaud and Stéphanie Baggio contributed equally to this work.

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Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), University of Bern, Mittelstrasse 43, Bern, 3012, Switzerland

Marc Dupuis, Kristie Rebecca Weir, Renata Vidonscky Lüthold, Alice Panchaud & Stéphanie Baggio

Graduate School for Health Sciences (GHS), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Marc Dupuis & Renata Vidonscky Lüthold

Sydney School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Kristie Rebecca Weir

Service of Pharmacy, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Alice Panchaud

Population Health Laboratory (#PopHealthLab), University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland

Stéphanie Baggio

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Dupuis, M., Weir, K.R., Vidonscky Lüthold, R. et al. Social determinants of antidepressant continuation during pregnancy in the USA: findings from the ABCD cohort study. Arch Womens Ment Health (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00737-024-01470-0

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Received : 19 December 2023

Revised : 08 March 2024

Accepted : 03 May 2024

Published : 14 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00737-024-01470-0

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    literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  2. 💌 Foreign literature about teenage pregnancy. Literature Review For

    literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  3. complications in adolescent pregnancy systematic review of the literature

    literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  4. TEEN Pregnancy

    literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  5. (PDF) Girls’ Empowerment and Adolescent Pregnancy: A Systematic Review

    literature review on adolescent pregnancy

  6. Teenage Pregnancy Literature Review Example

    literature review on adolescent pregnancy


  1. Children and Adolescent Literature Storytelling (Midterm Requirement)



  4. Teenage Pregnancy

  5. Children and Adolescent Literature

  6. Kabataan ngayon, Kay Bata mging Ina!! #pleasesupport #kabataan #viral #housewifehotspot #watch


  1. Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Adolescent Pregnancy: A Narrative Review

    Adolescent pregnancy, by definition, is pregnancy in girls between the ages of 10 and 19, where the majority are unintended pregnancies [ 1 ]. Approximately 15% of women below 18 years gave birth globally in 2015- 2020, and 90% or more of such deliveries occur in countries with low and middle income [ 1, 2 ].

  2. PDF Understanding Factors Linked to Adolescent Pregnancy: A Review of the

    The scientific literature underscores that multiple factors interact to influence adolescent sexual behavior, which may result to adolescent pregnancy. Understanding these factors with adolescent childbearing allows for a broader perspective and prevents simplistic thinking on a complex phenomenon. Key words: adolescent pregnancy, teen ...

  3. The Effects of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Adolescent Pregnancy

    This review reported the health impacts of adolescent pregnancy from studies published in the last six years preceding this review, about six years into the start of the SDGs, and also in an era (twenty-first century) where the advancement in medical care is complemented by sophisticated information communication technology (ICT) driving the ...

  4. Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes and Risk Factors

    Teenage pregnancy is the pregnancy of 10- to 19-year-old girls [ 1 ]. Adolescents are further divided into early (10-14 years old), middle (15-17 years old), and late adolescents (over 17 years old) [ 2 ]. According to the World Health Organization, adolescent pregnancies are a global problem for both developed and developing countries.

  5. Teenage pregnancy and motherhood: a review of the literature

    PIP: Literature on teenage pregnancy and motherhood was reviewed. Studies indicated that the incidence of teenage pregnancy in the U.S. was high and that it was continually increasing. Recent medical studies revealed that teenage pregnancy was associated with a high rate of complications only if prenatal care and maternal diet were inadequate ...

  6. PDF Adolescent pregnancy

    A review of the literature and programmes ... Adolescent pregnancy [electronic resource] : unmet needs and undone deeds : a review of the literature and programmes. 1 electronic document. (Issues in adolescent health and development) (WHO discussion papers on adolescence)

  7. Current Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescent Pregnancy and

    The study examined the strengths and weaknesses of the more prominent explanations of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing in light of current research. The success of health, school, and government programs designed to deal with adolescentpregnancy is in largepart contingent on the theoretical assumptions on which these programs are based.

  8. PDF Intended Adolescent Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of ...

    The current review aimed to synthesize and critically evaluate published qualitative literature regarding intended adolescent pregnancy. The focus of the review is on non-medical aspects of teenage pregnancies and births, partic-ularly adolescent females views on the subject. Review of the qualitative literature was chosen as an appropriate way

  9. Intended Adolescent Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of ...

    Previous research on teenage pregnancy suggests that there are distinct profiles of pregnancy intent among adolescents, reflecting differences in young people's understanding and endorsement of the concept of pregnancy intendedness. Little is known about adolescents' subjective perceptions of pregnancy intent. This systematic literature review comprehensively examines qualitative studies ...

  10. A Literature Review of Health Literacy of Adolescents During Pregnancy

    Many of the researchers highlighted that health literacy can in- fluence pregnant adolescents' responses to health and illness in numerous ways (Begun et al., 2019; Recto, 2019; Thomas et al., 2018). Lower health literacy related to the use of con- traceptives can lead to unplanned single and recurrent preg- nancies (Dongarwar & Salihu, 2019).

  11. Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Adolescent Pregnancy: A Narrative Review

    Abstract. Adolescent pregnancy is the pregnancy of girls aged 10-19 years, leading to many maternal and neonatal adverse effects. These pregnancies have been a global concern for many decades and yet are still prevailing. This article has reviewed the significant determinants of adolescent pregnancy and various maternal adverse effects ...

  12. A Literature Review of Health Literacy of Adolescents During Pregnancy

    A review of the literature showed a significant gap in research related to health literacy in pregnant adolescents. The limited findings indicate the need for additional research attention on health literacy in pregnant adolescents and upstream approaches to improve adolescent health literacy, such as incorporating health literacy education ...

  13. A Literature Review of Health Literacy of Adolescents During Pregnancy

    Health literacy is an important determinant of health, and poor health literacy among adolescents is correlated with high-risk health behaviors and adverse health outcomes into adulthood. A review of the literature showed a significant gap in research related to health literacy in pregnant adolescents. The limited findings indicate the need for ...

  14. Interventions to prevent unintended pregnancies among adolescents: a

    A systematic review like this one aims to focus more broadly on an outcome, such as unintended adolescent pregnancy, and identify potentially effective interventions . Thus, this review of systematic reviews focuses on unintentional adolescent pregnancy prevention and will seek to facilitate evidence-based decision-making.

  15. The Impacts of Unplanned Pregnancy on Adolescence: a Literature Review

    146. Unplanned pregnancy that occurs in adolescents is a complex problem that can destroy everything, youth, education, parental trust and pride, a s well as negative views of society (Nirw ana ...

  16. WHO discussion papers on adolescence: Adolescent pregnancy

    The review process has now resulted in the production of a number of Discussion Papers (see below) and these have already provided the evidence used to develop WHO guidelines produced by CAH and other WHO departments. Examples include: CAH job aids for health workers working with adolescents; the Contraception Medical Eligibility Criteria; STI ...

  17. Teenage pregnancy and motherhood: A review of the literature.

    Medical and nonmedical studies of teenage pregnancy and its outcomes are reviewed, and the state of our current knowledge is assessed. It is suggested that, while the typical teenage girl is biologically ready for motherhood, a complex set of social and psychological variables leads those least well-suited for the role into becoming teenage parents. The effectiveness of special programs for ...

  18. Adolescent pregnancy: a review of the evidence

    Adolescent pregnancy: a review of the evidence. 60 p. This report presents an update on the current situation of pregnancies among girls less than 18 years of age and adolescents 15-19 years of age; trends during the last 10 years; variations across geographic, cultural and economic settings; interventions available to minimize pregnancy among ...

  19. Girls' Empowerment and Adolescent Pregnancy: A Systematic Review

    We therefore plan to carry out a systematic review of the literature on how girl empowerment influences pregnancy rates among girls between the ages of 10 and 19. ... For governments, high adolescent pregnancy rate and its consequences could deter development, while the right policies could save lots of money in health system costs if well ...

  20. A Literature Review of Health Literacy of Adolescents During Pregnancy

    Health literacy is an important determinant of health, and poor health literacy among adolescents is correlated with high-risk health behaviors and adverse health outcomes into adulthood. A review of the literature showed a significant gap in research related to health literacy in pregnant adolescents. The limited findings indicate the need for ...

  21. Literature Review: Adolescent Perceptions Toward Teenage Pregnancy

    The conclusions from this literature review were the difference in perceptions between adolescents towards pregnancy in adolescents is influenced by adolescent environmental culture and believed ...

  22. The Effects of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Adolescent Pregnancy

    There is a high incidence of adolescent pregnancy in West Africa. The objective of this study is to highlight the health impacts of adolescent pregnancy through a systematic review. A search was conducted in the electronic databases of Google, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, EBSCO, CINAHL, Web of Science, African Journals Online (AJOL), and the Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) Program. The study found ...

  23. Understanding Teen Pregnancy Interventions: A Literature Review

    In 2020 teens who give birth are mostly between ages 18 and 19 years old (Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing, n.d.). Not only an overall decline in teen pregnancy rate, but there is a decline in black, white, and hispanic teen pregnancy. "Birth rates are higher among American Indian/Alsaka Native, Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander ...

  24. Complications in adolescent pregnancy: systematic review of the literature

    Sexual activity during adolescence can lead to unwanted pregnancy, which in turn can result in serious maternal and fetal complications. The present study aimed to evaluate the complications related to adolescent pregnancy, through a systematic review using the Medical Subject Headings: "pregnancy complication" AND "adolescent" OR "pregnancy in adolescence".

  25. Social determinants of antidepressant continuation during pregnancy in

    Purpose Patients and healthcare professionals overestimate the risks of using antidepressants during pregnancy. According to current literature, approximately half of people stop taking an anti-depressant medication when they become pregnant. Discontinuing antidepressants during pregnancy increases risks of postnatal relapses. Factors like socioeconomic status, education, and planned ...