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For the week ending May 12, 2024

new york times best kid books

Our expert librarians selected the year's best books for kids, teens, and adults. Explore titles in accessible formats , and learn more about our 2023 picks .

Best Books for Kids 2023

Filter results below, 114 books found, 9 kilometers.

Art by Gabriela Lyon. Translated by Lawrence Schimel | Detailed acrylic illustrations convey the daily arduous journey that a young Chilean child makes in order to receive the education they so richly deserve. Extensive backmatter includes information about trips to school for children of other cultures.

Cover of 9 Kilometers

An American Story

Art by Dare Coulter | A teacher struggles to tell the story of American slavery in a society reluctant to grapple with its past atrocities. Mixed media illustrations and potent text convey the story of a people's strength, struggle, and resilience.

Cover of An American Story

Ancestory: The Mystery and Majesty of Ancient Cave Art

Luminous illustrations guide readers through the history and mystery of ancient art from the caves of Papua New Guinea to the deserts of North America.

Cover of Ancestory: The Mystery and Majesty of Ancient Cave Art

Aniana del Mar Jumps In

Recently diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Aniana must navigate the dual obstacles of chronic pain and the familial trauma that keeps her mother stubbornly opposed to the young athlete’s dreams of life as a professional swimmer.

Cover of Aniana del Mar Jumps In

At the Drop of a Cat

Art by Violeta Lópiz. Translated by Karin Snelson and Emilie Robert Wong | In this heartwarming story translated from French, lush illustrations provide a verdant backdrop as a young child lovingly speaks about his grandfather. Luis, a Spanish refugee living in France, never learned to read or write, nonetheless his grandson admires his many talents.

Cover of At the Drop of a Cat

Benita y las criaturas nocturnas

Arte de Cocoretto | Cuando Benita comienza a leer su nuevo libro, recibe la visita de criaturas monstruosas. Pero en lugar de asustarla, los espeluznantes visitantes aprenden el placer de perderse en un buen libro. Esta historia divertida presenta de manera juguetona monstruos del folclor peruano.

Cover of Benita y las criaturas nocturnas

A young girl transcends opinions of her to hold space for herself and own the person she is both inside and out. Powerful, full-page illustrations and striking use of color push the limits of the picture book form.

Cover of Big

Art by Shamar Knight-Justice | Shane brings his community together after a broken speaker threatens to end his Jamaican American community's weekly dancehall parties. Told in colorful collage illustrations, this is an exuberant story filled with joy that highlights one of NYC's most dynamic enclaves.

Cover of Big Tune

The Boy Who Tried to Shrink His Name

Art by Michelle Pereira | Zimdalamashkermishkada starts at a new school and is afraid others will have trouble pronouncing his name. He tries many ways to shrink his name until his friends help him see it from a new perspective.

Cover of The Boy Who Tried to Shrink His Name

Breaking to the Beat!

Art by Frank Morrison | Manolo, a shy Puerto Rican boy, discovers confidence that he never knew existed when he joins a break dancing team in the Boogie Down Bronx. Bold illustrations highlight the energetic dance moves of him and his crew in this historical fiction tale about the birth of hip-hop.

Cover of Breaking to the Beat!

Bunny and Tree

Bunny is separated from its colony and turns to a shape-shifting tree for help. Through nine wordless, thoughtfully illustrated acts, they brave predators, sail across oceans and fly through the sky in search of Bunny's new home.

Cover of Bunny and Tree

Art by Anait Semirdzhyan | It's rug washing day! Tato and her siblings help Bábo soak, soap, and wash the family rugs clean in a story filled with lively action words that shows doing chores can be fun! Backmatter, including a glossary of Artsakh Armenian words, gives more detail on this family tradition.

Cover of Bábo

Calling the Moon: 16 Period Stories from BIPOC Authors

This empowering collection of short stories written by authors of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds shares the joy, gravity, and humor of menstruation from an array of perspectives.

Cover of Calling the Moon: 16 Period Stories from BIPOC Authors

Art by Kitt Thomas | A young Black child draws strength from their beloved superhero cape after the death of a loved one. Evocative and immersive illustrations and gentle text convey the experience of grief from a child's perspective.

Cover of Cape

Art by Cozbi A. Cabrera | Meet Chef Edna Lewis, who introduced the flavors and traditions of southern cooking to New York City and the broader world. Lushly textured illustrations and evocative text tell the story of Edna's delicious success.

Cover of Chef Edna

Chinese Menu

From dumplings to fortune cookies, delectable short stories tell the origin legends of Chinese American menu staples.

Cover of Chinese Menu

Con la cabeza en alto

Arte de Vanessa Jaramillo | Únase a Paty y la comunidad de Sarayaku mientras luchan contra viento y marea para defender sus bosques sagrados de las compañías petroleras. Basada en una historia real de organización comunitaria y protesta.

Cover of Con la cabeza en alto

Art by Arigon Starr | It's the 1911 World Series! For the first time, two Native American players, John Meyers and Charles Bender, are facing off on the field. Hand-drawn illustrations inspired by Cahuilla and Ojibwe art and archival photos recount their lives and the racism they experienced.

Cover of Contenders

Cross My Heart and Never Lie

In this sweetly sensitive graphic diary, 12-year-old Tuva navigates the difficulties that come with being a tween: balancing kid stuff with growing up, exploring relationships and first crushes, all while figuring out who she is and what she wants.

Cover of Cross My Heart and Never Lie

Curlfriends: New in Town

Twelve-year-old military kid Charlie Harper is no stranger to being the new kid. Middle school means a fresh start, and she is convinced this is her chance to be cool. However, Charlie feels like fitting in might mean pretending to be someone she isn't.

Cover of Curlfriends: New in Town

Dear Mothman

Through letters written to the mysterious Mothman of local lore, Noah explores the grief of losing his best friend and what it means to be trans.

Cover of Dear Mothman

Something sinister lurks in the halls of Deephaven Academy. Amid new friendships and rivalries, young nonbinary inventor Nev quickly discovers that the school contains dark secrets that put every student in peril.

Cover of Deephaven

Do You Remember?

A boy and his mother reflect on the past to bring comfort through a major life change. Poignantly illustrated vignettes depict the memories of birthdays, picnics, and heartfelt moments that help calm their spirits on their first night in a new home.

Cover of Do You Remember?

Donde el corazón te lleva: La historia de Dindim y Joao

Arte de Susannah Crispe, traducido por Ana Pániker | Un pingüino llega a la orilla del mar y hace un amigo humano, Joao, que cuida de él. Incluso después de regresar con sus compañeros pingüinos, no puede olvidar a Joao y emprende un largo viaje para reunirse.

Cover of Donde el corazón te lleva: La historia de Dindim y Joao

Doodles from the Boogie Down

In the Bronx circa 2000, it's time for eighth-grader Steph to apply to high school. Will she pick the private Catholic school chosen by her protective Dominican mother or LaGuardia, where she can pursue her own dreams of becoming an artist?

Cover of Doodles from the Boogie Down

Eerie Tales from the School of Screams

Emily and Davis don't want to tell a spooky story... but their classmates do! Creepy tales of ghosts, aliens, and other fantastical creatures will scare and delight.

Cover of Eerie Tales from the School of Screams

El amor más grande

Arte de Beck Feiner, traducido por Luis Amavisca & Ude AutumnLeaf | El amor de un padre hacia su hijo es más grande que una ciudad y más grande que una galaxia. El amor es aun más grande que el infinito.

Cover of El amor más grande

Arte de Guridi | Cuando una oveja traviesa se niega a hacer su trabajo en ayudar a un niño a dormir comienza la comedía.

Cover of El rebaño

Traducido por Salvador Figueirido | ¿Cuánto sabes sobre los sapos? Sumérgete en este divertido libro lleno de datos re-salta-ntes y anécdotas que te harán brincar de la risa.

Cover of El sapo

The Eyes and the Impossible

Art by Shawn Harris | In a wildlife park ruled by a cast of quirky animals, Johannes, a charismatic free dog and the appointed Eyes of the park, narrates a story that dips into the philosophical and the humorous while exploring themes of loss, community, love, and hope.

Cover of The Eyes and the Impossible

The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn

Neurodivergent Maudie settles into a small California town after wildfires force her to evacuate her dad's. As she learns to express herself through surfing, Maudie struggles with whether to confide in her dad about the physical and emotional abuse she experiences at her mom's house.

Cover of The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn

Frankie and Friends

Art by Alea Marley | When Frankie's mom leaves to cover a breaking news story, Frankie copes by creating her own news show with the help of some imaginary pals and a furry friend. Can this news crew discover the source of the mysterious crying?

Cover of Frankie and Friends

From Here to There

Art by Ya-Ling Huang | Learn how to use and draw maps in everyday life! With child-friendly illustrations and a warm father-daughter bond, this book is a fun journey into the world of cartography.

Cover of From Here to There

Art by Alyssa Waterbury | While visiting their grandmother, 10-year-old Sly discovers the trapped spirit of a long-lost relative. Using their quick wit and intuition, Sly must decipher clues to free both their distant cousin and their grandmother from an eternity behind the mysterious mirror.

Cover of Ghost Girl

Glitter Everywhere!

Art by Chaaya Prabhat | From flitter to slivers to glitter: an engaging and wide-ranging look into the history, future, and impact of the sparkly stuff that has fascinated people for ages.

Cover of Glitter Everywhere!

Great Carrier Reef

Art by Gordy Wright | Dive deep to see new life flourish as a former aircraft carrier is transformed into the world's largest artificial reef.

Cover of Great Carrier Reef

Before Daisy’s mother disappeared, she instructed her daughter to seek help in Kew Gardens should something go wrong. Now that everything has fallen apart and Daisy is on her own, she must travel to a magical world to find her mother, herself, and the many meanings of family.

Cover of Greenwild

Twelve-year-old Trev just wants to protect his family. When he learns his violent stepfather is scheduled to be released from jail, Trev feels torn between using his hands to fight or to make art. Compelling prose and complex characters create a story that hits hard.

Cover of Hands

Holding Her Own

Art by Shannon Wright | Explore the life and legacy of Black cartoonist Jackie Ormes through joyful illustrations that reflect her evolving art style. This story draws attention to an oft-overlooked artist whose significant accomplishments broke down barriers of her time.

Cover of Holding Her Own

When Title IX creates funding for a girls' basketball team, Judi gives up her spot on the cheer squad to join the Lady Bears. With enough determination and hard work, can the team earn their rights to equal treatment and climb their way to the championship?

Cover of Hoops

The House That Whispers

Between growing family tension, an increasingly forgetful grandma, and being called a name that feels all wrong, Simon is miserable on a would-be fun trip to Nanaleen's. When a ghost hunting game gets too real, Simon must fix everything before his life completely falls apart.

Cover of The House That Whispers

How the Sea Came to Be

Art by Amanda Hall | Travel back to the beginning of time and to the bottom of the sea in this captivating journey with vivid art and engaging verse that chronicles how life in our oceans has evolved over time.

Cover of How the Sea Came to Be

How to Bird

Discover the joy of birding in the heart of the city! This approachable and inclusive guide for children introduces birdwatching strategies that make nature accessible.

Cover of How to Bird

I'm From

Art by Oge Mora | A glimpse into the daily life of a young Black boy as he recognizes his place within his family and community and affirms: "I come from / somewhere."

Cover of I'm From

José and El Perro

Art by Gloria Félix | José tries to give the new family dog commands, but Feliz just won't obey—that is, until José realizes that his dog doesn't understand Spanish. He is determined to make Feliz as bilingual as the rest of the family.

Cover of José and El Perro

Juego de libertad: Mestre Bimba y el arte de la Capoeira

¡Patada! ¡Golpe! ¡Salto! ¡Axé! La Capoeira es una combinación de artes marciales, acrobacias, danza y música. Descubre cómo estos movimientos rítmicos fueron inicialmente prohibidos y luego se convirtieron en una nueva tradición brasileña.

Cover of Juego de libertad: Mestre Bimba y el arte de la Capoeira

Think, feel, move, JUMP! Discover the world from a bug's eye view in this immersive and informative look at a day in the life of an amazing arachnid.

Cover of Jumper

Just Like Grandma

Art by Julie Flett | In this warmly illustrated tale about a Native American family, Becca admires her grandmother's traditional beading and Fancy Shawl dancing, while Grandma appreciates Becca's basketball skills. Together, they realize that they have more in common than they thought.

Cover of Just Like Grandma

Kicks in the Sky

Ever wonder how those sneakers got on the power line? In this exuberant, energetic, and neon-hued story, a group of city kids develop skills beyond their wildest dreams as they search for an answer that "only the birds know."

Cover of Kicks in the Sky

Lasagna Means I Love You

Feeling disconnected from her roots when she finds herself in the New York City foster care system, Mo begins writing letters to her late grandmother. Inspired by a stolen cookbook, Mo builds a website and connects with others to share recipes and find her relatives.

Cover of Lasagna Means I Love You

Link + Hud: Heroes by a Hair

Imaginative brothers Lincoln and Hudson Dupré may have met their match when their parents hire a new, no-nonsense babysitter. Will Ms. Joyce put the boys in their place, or will Link and Hud retire yet another sitter?

Cover of Link + Hud: Heroes by a Hair

The Lion Queen

Art by Tara Anand | A compelling story of the first woman charged to protect India's Gir Forest and the endangered Asiatic lions that live there. Learn how her courage to pursue her dream inspired other women to do the same.

Cover of The Lion Queen

The Lost Year

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Matthew's Ukrainian American great-grandmother moves in. When Matthew discovers letters exchanged between cousins during the famine in 1930s Ukraine, his relationship with GG and understanding of her life and true identity are permanently altered.

Cover of The Lost Year

Una niña que crece en una finca de piñas en Mexico aprende el verdadero significado de la palabra magia y como esta puede encontrarse tanto en los momentos alegres y brillantes así como tristes y oscuros.

Cover of Magia

Mama Shamsi at the Bazaar

Art by Maya Fidawi | Samira is overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the bazaar in Tehran. Through the fantastical lens of her grandmother's imagination and the comfort of her chador, Samira sees the joys and wonders of her bustling community and discovers that sometimes a little whimsy goes a long way.

Cover of Mama Shamsi at the Bazaar

The Many Masks of Andy Zhou

Andy has a lot on his plate: middle school, changing friendships, complicated family, and his own anxiety. Through a budding passion for art, Andy finds ways to help others in his life and discovers who he wants to be in this contemporary slice-of-life story.

Cover of The Many Masks of Andy Zhou

A broad range of emotions, opinions, and cultures are on display when seventh graders at Rye Middle School debate the implications of their school's racially charged mascot.

Cover of Mascot

Art by Jani Balakumar | Tehzeeb loves creating beautiful mehndi designs for his family and friends. When his uncle insists it's for girls, will Tez still enjoy practicing mehndi?

Cover of Mehndi Boy

As the first kid in his family to be born in the U.S., Pedro often feels more American than Mexican. While on a family roadtrip to bring his abuelito from Mexico to live in California, Pedro reconnects with his roots and learns more about the place his family calls home.

Cover of Mexikid

Mil mariposas blancas

Arte de Gina Maldonado, traducido por Carlos E. Calvo | Isabella acaba de mudarse de Colombia a los Estados Unidos y está entusiasmada con su primer día de clases. ¡Oh no! La escuela está cerrada debido a una tormenta de nieve. Con la ayuda de una amiga, ¿pudiese Isabella encontrar alegría en este nuevo clima?

Cover of Mil mariposas blancas

The Mona Lisa Vanishes

Art by Brett Helquist | The Mona Lisa has gone missing from the Louvre! Was it a daring thief, a famous painter, or someone else? Experience early 1900s Paris, meet legendary detectives, and contemplate the strange life of Leonardo da Vinci in this thrilling exploration of art, history, and fame.

Cover of The Mona Lisa Vanishes

The Monkey Trial

Meet John Scopes, arrested in 1925 for daring to teach about evolution. A narrative rich in primary sources vividly portrays the clash between science and religion, the intense media scrutiny, and the bravery of a teacher who challenged convention.

Cover of The Monkey Trial

A group of students arrive on the first day to find an impressive-looking sandwich seated at the teacher's desk. Baffled, they wonder, could this be their teacher? Hilarity ensues in this silly and unexpected story.

Cover of Mr. S

My Baba's Garden

Art by Sydney Smith | Tender illustrations tell the story of a young child and their grandmother. Despite the fact that they speak two different languages, they connect as they care for a garden together and, in the process, create a deep and lasting bond.

Cover of My Baba's Garden

My Indigo World

From seed to plant to the bluest blue of all, learn how indigo dye is crafted in community through a practice inspired by traditional jjok dyeing in Korea.

Cover of My Indigo World

Nena, y Roberta ¿dónde está?

Una conmovedora historia sobre una abuela y su nieta en una misión para rescatar momentos olvidados. A lo largo de su aventura, aprenden que aunque a veces la memoria se desvanece, el amor persiste.

Cover of Nena, y Roberta ¿dónde está?

Nothing Else but Miracles

Pop has gone off to fight in World War II. With no mother to keep them in line, Dory and her brothers rely upon the kindness of their Lower East Side community and their own ingenuity to outsmart a nosy landlord, solve a mystery, and hold things together until Pop comes home.

Cover of Nothing Else but Miracles

Nuestro techo es azul

Arte de Ashley Vargas | Después de que un huracán destruye su hogar en Puerto Rico, Antonio y su familia recurren a utilizar una lona azul como techo improvisado. Esta historia narra como dos hermanos encuentran consuelo tejiendo cuentos inspirados en el dosel azul que los cubre.

Cover of Nuestro techo es azul

Papá's Magical Water-Jug Clock

Art by Eliza Kinkz | Jesus is excited to go to work with Papa! Papa explains that when the water jug is empty, their work is done, so clever Jesus hatches a plan to distribute all the water by midday. Told through distinct, hand-drawn art, this story presents a balanced lesson about patience and ingenuity.

Cover of Papá's Magical Water-Jug Clock

Parachute Kids

When Mama's visa extension is denied, the Lin kids must stay behind in the U.S. while their mom travels back to Taiwan. With support from family friends, they must learn how to live in this new country, lean on each other, and handle tough life lessons together.

Cover of Parachute Kids

The Party Diaires

Art by Aaliya Jaleel | Contemplative Priya and her extroverted best friend plan a color-themed birthday party for Priya's aunt.

Cover of The Party Diaires

Rainbow Shopping

A recently emigrated Chinese family is usually too busy working to dine together. Textured illustrations provide a feeling of home as they take a long train ride to Chinatown to gather colorful ingredients for a meal that will bring them all together.

Cover of Rainbow Shopping

Art by Michaela Goade | A contemplative reminder of our universal connection to the earth and to each other, grounded in Mvskoke tradition. Dreamlike illustrations evoke Tlingit creation stories and landscapes in this new presentation of Harjo's acclaimed poem.

Cover of Remember

Remember Us

It's summer in "The Matchbox" Bushwick, and seventh-grader Sage just wants to play basketball. But outside the game, there's a world of changing friendships, sudden deaths, and homes lost and found. A gritty but lyrical look at what "once was" in 1970s Brooklyn.

Cover of Remember Us

Rock, Rosetta, Rock! Roll, Rosetta, Roll!

Art by R. Gregory Christie | Sister Rosetta Tharpe rock and rolled her way to stardom from a young age and became a major genre-crossing musical influence. Tharpe's story is illustrated in blocky colors as bold as her playing.

Cover of Rock, Rosetta, Rock! Roll, Rosetta, Roll!

Roll, Roll, Little Pea

Art by Magali Attiogbé | When one little pea escapes its bowl, an adventure begins. Chant along through the interactive text and vibrant art as little pea narrowly escapes the cat that will crunch, the pig that will munch, and the wolf that will devour it!

Cover of Roll, Roll, Little Pea

Ruby Lost and Found

It's the worst punishment 13-year-old Ruby could imagine: being forced to spend the summer at her grandmother's senior center. As Ruby delves deeper into her Chinese American community, she grapples with her grandfather's death and concern for Nai-Nai's fading memory.

Cover of Ruby Lost and Found

Salma Makes a Home

Art by Anna Bron | Salma's father is finally reuniting with the family in Canada, but she fears he won't love their new home as much as he loves Damascus.

Cover of Salma Makes a Home

Saving Sunshine

Muslim twins Zara and Zeeshan can't seem to get along! While on a family trip, they find an ailing sea turtle and realize they must work together to save its life and unite against the prejudice they face.

Cover of Saving Sunshine

Search for a Giant Squid

Art by Andy Chou Musser | Go on a deep-sea dive in this pick-your-path adventure! Readers choose a team, submarine, and route on their quest to spot an elusive giant squid.

Cover of Search for a Giant Squid


Plunge into the depths of seven famed shipwrecks around the world and learn how they've contributed to our understanding of the past.

Cover of Shipwrecked!

Sisters of the Lost Marsh

Six sisters beset by one curse. Young Willa isn't about to let superstition dictate her family's fate, nor her cruel father, the mysterious Full Moon Fayre, or even the Shadow Man.

Cover of Sisters of the Lost Marsh

Otilla stumbles upon a dark castle where a lonely talking skull resides. A true friendship can be found in the most unlikely of places.

Cover of The Skull

The Sky Is Not the Limit

Lyrical text and minimalist art guide budding astronomers on a journey with Voyager 2 over more than four decades of space exploration.

Cover of The Sky Is Not the Limit

Stars of the Night

Art by Selina Alko | Follow the perilous journey of a group of children at the outset of World War II in Czechoslovakia to safety in England and their relentless search for family in the aftermath. Poignant and layered art illustrates a gripping tale of survival and defiance.

Cover of Stars of the Night

The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels

Art by Claire Powell | The Swift family reunion gives young Shenanigan an opportunity to hunt for Grand Uncle Vile's hidden treasure. But when someone shoves Arch-Aunt Schadenfreude down the stairs, things take a dark and deadly turn, and Shenanigan employs her relatives' help to track down the killer.

Cover of The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels

Thank a Farmer

Art by Monica Mikai | Meet a diverse group of farmers that provide us with the food we eat every day. Told through colorful illustrations with text that begs to be read aloud.

Cover of Thank a Farmer

Art by Nikkolas Smith | Keira and Bianca are best friends, but only at school. At home, Bianca's family flies a Confederate flag, and their differing perspectives on the flag's meaning cause conflict. When a tragedy occurs in their community, they must grapple with the flag's impact and racist history.

Cover of That Flag

There Was a Party for Langston

Art by Jerome and Jarrett Pumphrey | There's a party at the Schomburg Center and everyone's invited! Through a cast of famous luminaries of the 20th century, this beautiful and moving celebration of the life and work of Langston Hughes is told through handmade stamped illustrations and poetic text.

Cover of There Was a Party for Langston

These Olive Trees

A young Palestinian girl is forced to leave her home at a refugee camp along with the precious olive trees her family has cultivated. In pages of moving prose and distinctive illustrations, she finds a way to continue her family's legacy and sustain a connection to her homeland.

Cover of These Olive Trees

They Hold the Line

Art by Molly Mendoza | Lightning strikes, a spark ignites, smoke billows, and danger lurks! Vivid art and powerful text highlight the complex job of firefighters who battle fierce wildfires.

Cover of They Hold the Line

Things in the Basement

Milo ventures into the labyrinthian depths beneath his new house and discovers a world of adventure he never anticipated.

Cover of Things in the Basement

To the Other Side

In search of safety, a young girl invents a game to help her brother endure the long, hard journey across the border to asylum in a new home. Despite fears of monsters and unknowns, the refugee children remain motivated and resilient, even when the game is no longer fun.

Cover of To the Other Side

Total Garbage

Art by John Hendrix | Where does the garbage we make go and what happens to it once it gets there? Learn how our choices and those of the people and companies around us contribute to global waste and what we can do to lessen our impact.

Cover of Total Garbage

The Train Home

When a girl grows tired of her loud and crowded apartment, she takes a magical subway ride to fantastical destinations throughout the city.

Cover of The Train Home

Since her Muskogee father and Jewish mother separated when she was three, Mia is constantly caught in between—out of place in her Jewish school and disconnected from her Indigenous roots. Can she find a way to forge an identity of her own and embrace all parts of herself?

Cover of Two Tribes

The Umbrella Maker's Son

In a city of unending rain, Oliver Buckle is expected to follow in his father's footsteps of umbrella-making. Fate, however, has different plans that will plunge Oliver and his best friend into a wild adventure on their way to the heart of a weather conspiracy.

Cover of The Umbrella Maker's Son

The Unlovable Alina Butt

Alina is a misfit: an awkward tween from Pakistan with frizzy hair, a nose she hasn't quite grown into, and a last name that is the "butt" of every joke. As Alina navigates new friendships and stands up to bullies, her confidence and self-understanding begin to take shape.

Cover of The Unlovable Alina Butt

Unseen Jungle

Art by Rob Wilson | Discover all the icky, silly, and DISGUSTING facts about the microbial world. From mind-controlling microbes to fart-saving termites, this is a truly engrossing adventure for the science-curious.

Cover of Unseen Jungle

Valiente como un león

Leonora supera sus miedos con la ayuda de su amigo león. Pero cuando el dúo prueba una resbaldilla nueva, le toca a ella ser valiente.  

Cover of Valiente como un león

Art by E.B. Lewis | A young girl and her neighbors walk together to participate in an important act of democracy: voting! Photorealistic illustrations modeled after a real-life town highlight how the difficult journey to the polls can be made easier through the power of community.

Cover of The Walk

Mia no es como los demas: es creativa e inteligente. Algunos dicen que es demasiado desordenada o demasiado ruidosa. No es ella, es su wepa. ¿Podrá Mia encontrar un lugar donde quepa su wepa? Una historia que celebra el TDAH y la individualidad.

Cover of Wepa

Art by Rob Dunlavey | What happens when a whale dies? One creature's end brings a new beginning as the whale becomes a feast for deep sea dwellers and a home to nourish all kinds of organisms from zombie worms to microbes.

Cover of Whale Fall

What Happened to Rachel Riley?

Aspiring investigative journalist Anna Hunt wants to figure out her new school dynamics and why no one talks to Rachel Riley. Anna dives in and uncovers an iceberg of issues, including Rachel's ostracization, pressure to remain silent, and sexual harassment disguised as a game.

Cover of What Happened to Rachel Riley?

When You Can Swim

Beautifully rendered, warm, pastel and watercolor illustrations depict diverse families enjoying swimming in the outdoors. Lyrical prose affirms that all children have a safe, joyful place in nature.

Cover of When You Can Swim

Where the Lockwood Grows

In this skillfully spun futuristic story, two sisters set out to uncover the sinister truth behind the vines that keep their town in never-ending darkness.

Cover of Where the Lockwood Grows

Will on the Inside

Amid the challenges of middle school, Will receives a diagnosis of Crohn's disease that may mean the end of soccer. His friendships, social standing, and identity suddenly feel a lot more complicated, and he must embrace who he is, both inside and out.

Cover of Will on the Inside

Window Fishing

Art by Rudy Gutierrez | When a boy hangs a paperclip on a string out of his window, the artist downstairs draws a colorful fish for the boy to reel in. Whimsical, brightly colored art illustrates how their clever idea catches on and spreads delight throughout their East Harlem neighborhood.

Cover of Window Fishing

A Work in Progress

Told through verse, prose, and illustration, this intimate and powerful novel tackles bullying, eating disorders, and self-esteem issues from the perspective of a middle school boy on the road to healing and self-acceptance.

Cover of A Work in Progress

Worm and Caterpillar Are Friends

Worm and Caterpillar are best friends! They have so much in common. Can their friendship survive some big changes?

Cover of Worm and Caterpillar Are Friends

The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet

The last thing Al Schneider wants to do is talk about her stomach problems, but after a diagnosis of Crohn's disease, that's all anyone wants her to do! When Al joins a support group and meets Mina, suddenly it’s more than just Crohn’s causing the butterflies in her stomach.

Cover of The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet

You Are Here: Connecting Flights

In this series of interwoven short stories by AAPI authors, Asian American families find themselves stranded in an airport during a storm. While they wait it out, these characters resist, resolve, and find solidarity against racism to show the world that they belong.

Cover of You Are Here: Connecting Flights

You So Black

Art by London Ladd | A racially charged insult is reclaimed for Black pride and power through bold mixed-media collage and affirming text.

Cover of You So Black

¡El Cucuy también tiene miedo!

Arte de Juliana Perdomo, traducido por Renata Somar | Ramón y El Cucuy hacen una pareja dispareja al descubrir que comparten los mismos miedos y una fuerte aversión al cambio.

Cover of ¡El Cucuy también tiene miedo!

new york times best kid books

10 of the Best New Children’s Books Out May 2024

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Margaret Kingsbury

Margaret Kingsbury grew up in a house so crammed with books she couldn’t open a closet door without a book stack tumbling, and she’s brought that same decorative energy to her adult life. Margaret has an MA in English with a concentration in writing and has worked as a bookseller and adjunct English professor. She’s currently a freelance writer and editor, and in addition to Book Riot, her pieces have appeared in School Library Journal, BuzzFeed News, The Lily, Parents, StarTrek.com, and more. She particularly loves children’s books, fantasy, science fiction, horror, graphic novels, and any books with disabled characters. You can read more about her bookish and parenting shenanigans in Book Riot’s twice-weekly The Kids Are All Right newsletter. You can also follow her kidlit bookstagram account @BabyLibrarians , or on Twitter @AReaderlyMom .

View All posts by Margaret Kingsbury

May children’s book releases explore many diverse experiences. In May picture book releases, a Cherokee girl moves, a Moroccan library tells its story, an anxious child learns to love a pet, Muslim children become friends, and a young girl experiences persecution during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. In May middle grade releases, a Chinese American girl discovers a magic paintbrush, a Pakistani American experiences harassment, a nonbinary kid has their first romance, a Hindu boy discovers what it means to be brave during the British Partition of India, and a girl learns to value beauty from within. All of May children’s book releases were fantastic, and I can’t wait for everyone to get a chance to read them, too.

To read reviews of even more of May children’s book releases, make sure to subscribe and follow my reviews on Book Riot’s kidlit newsletter .

May Children’s Book Releases: Picture Books

Cover of Being Home by Traci Sorell & Michaela Goade

Being Home by Traci Sorell & Michaela Goade (May 7; Kokila)

Most picture books about moving depict a child who doesn’t want to move or feels nervous about it. While those books are needed, Sorell instead shows a child who looks forward to moving. A young Cherokee girl and her family are leaving the city to move closer to family on a Cherokee Nation reservation. The picture book opens with the girl saying goodbye to her old home. Her mother tells her they’re on a new path, “One that leads us to / our ancestors’ land / and to our people.” The girl is ready and excited to follow the path. Once they arrive at their new home, relatives come to help and celebrate and explore with the girl. Goade’s illustrations are warm, joyous, and vibrant. It’s a beautiful celebration of Indigenous culture and what it means to be home.

Cover of Behind My Doors: The Story of the World's Oldest Library by Hena Khan & Nabila Adani

Behind My Doors: The Story of the World’s Oldest Library by Hena Khan & Nabila Adani (May 7; Lee & Low Books)

This wonderful nonfiction picture book is told from the unique perspective of the oldest library in the world—the Al-Qarawiyyin Library in Fez, Morocco. The library is born in 859 when Fatima al-Fihri uses her inheritance to build a mosque and school, with a library to serve both. For centuries, the library enjoys prestige and relishes in the scholars who visit. But slowly people stop visiting, and the library falls into disrepair. In 2012, the government hires the architect Aziza Chaouni from Fez to restore the library. This is a really magical and accessible glimpse into a library’s history with soft and warm illustrations.

Cover of Growing Up under a Red Flag by Ying Chang Compestine & Xinmei Liu

Growing Up under a Red Flag by Ying Chang Compestine & Xinmei Liu (May 7; Rocky Pond Books)

This is the first picture book memoir that I know of that takes place during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Compestine was three when Mao Zedong declared a Cultural Revolution and punished educated people like Compestine’s parents, who were doctors and taught Compestine English. When she turned five, they were no longer allowed to read or speak any foreign languages, and the leader of the Red Guard came to live with them to ensure compliance with all of Mao Zedong’s rules. Eventually, the Red Guard arrested Compestine’s father, and she doesn’t see him again until she’s a teenager. This is a compelling glimpse into an important historical moment accompanied by dramatic and moving illustrations. A short author’s note with photographs follows.

Cover of Sister Friend by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow & Shahrzad Maydani

Sister Friend by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow & Shahrzad Maydani (May 7; Abrams Books for Young Readers)

This heartwarming picture book grapples with the too-common struggle of finding friends when you look different and come from a different culture than everyone else. Ameena is the only brown girl and Muslim in her class. The other kids don’t really play with her. At recess, she plays an old game her Momma taught her alone. When a new student arrives, Sundus, who is brown like Ameena and wears a hijab, Ameena hopes they can be friends. But Ameena’s too-hasty words make Sundus believe she’s making fun of her. However, when the two attend the masjid together, Sundus realizes that Ameena can also be the friend she seeks. This special friendship book has gorgeous, soft illustrations that feel like a hug.

Cover of Neat Nick's Big Mess by Chad Otis

Neat Nick’s Big Mess by Chad Otis (May 7; Rocky Pond Books)

Nick loves everything to be just so—tidy, organized, planned. Nothing out of the ordinary, unexpected, or messy. But sometimes Nick’s concentration on everything being neat and tidy makes him feel lonely. So, his mom buys Nick a big, hairy, happy dog as a surprise. This doggo is not neat. He’s squishy and slobbery and messy and excitable. Can Nick learn to love this slobbery mess? Can the dog help Nick break out of his shell? This is such a sweet and funny book for anxious kids.

May Children’s Book Releases: Middle Grade

Cover of Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol

Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol (May 7; First Second)

This delightful Eastern European fairytale graphic novel set in a nebulous historical time explores the idea of beauty. Jane has always known she’s plain; her wealthy parents made sure of that, constantly critiquing her eating, face, and demeanor. When her parents die, Jane learns that girls can’t inherit property. Her horrible male cousin will receive everything and kick her out of the only home Jane’s ever known. Jane will receive an inheritance if she marries, so she finds the most handsome boy in the village—the fisherman’s youngest son—and asks if he’ll marry her. He hesitantly agrees, wanting to escape a life of catching fish, but then a beautiful mermaid lures him into the ocean. Jane isn’t about to let her handsome fiance go, so she goes on a quest into the ocean’s depths to save him. This is so very entertaining. Fairy tale readers of all ages will love it.

Cover of Lion of the Sky by Ritu Hemnani

Lion of the Sky by Ritu Hemnani (May 7; Balzer + Bray)

This moving middle grade verse novel occurs during the British Partition of India. Twelve-year-old Raj, who is Hindu, loves flying kites with his best friend, who is Muslim. Raj is the middle child and often feels like he isn’t good enough in his father’s eyes. Raj loves cooking, but his father sees that as women’s work. His father wants Raj to excel at math so he can work in the family’s tailor business, but numbers swim for Raj. He and his family are initially excited about India’s independence, but then they learn they will be forced to move into what is now considered ‘India.’ During the harrowing journey, Raj’s younger sister is lost. Once they arrive at their new home, more difficulties face the grieving family. Thankfully, everything begins to improve thanks to Raj’s bravery, which is something he struggles to understand from the beginning. This is a lovely novel that I flew through despite the length.

Cover of Any Way You Look by Maleeha Siddiqui

Any Way You Look by Maleeha Siddiqui (May 7; Scholastic Press)

This is a fantastic and relatable novel about consent and fashion. Sixth grader Ainy, who is Pakistani American, and her family are going through hard times financially. Her father has moved back to Pakistan to care for his mother with cancer. Their family has moved into a friend’s basement, unable to afford their apartment’s rent. Ainy really wants to work in her mother’s clothing store, and her mother finally agrees. Her older sister gets a job at a coffee shop to help the family. When boys harass Ainy, she feels like she needs to deal with it herself. Her family is so busy and worried; she doesn’t want to add to their burdens. Ainy begins wearing a hijab like her older sister, hoping the boys will leave her alone. She feels guilty about this, knowing wearing a hijab should be about faith rather than hiding. When the hijab fails to deter the boys, she finally tells her family. This also has friend drama and first crushes.

Cover of The Magic Paintbrush by Kat Zhang, Phoebe Zhong, & Eric Darnell

The Magic Paintbrush by Kat Zhang, Eric Darnell, & Phoebe Zhong (May 21; Crown Books for Young Readers)

This is such a fun first book in a new illustrated fantasy series full of Chinese folklore. Seventh grader Amy has always loved art but feels like her art has been stuck in a bit of a childish rut lately. When she visits her Lao Lao in Flushing, the two bond over art. One day, while Amy is using Lao Lao’s jade paintbrushes, the bird-headed tiger she creates comes alive! She realizes Lao Lao’s jade paintbrushes are magic. Meanwhile, a university student in China has been hunting for the magic paintbrushes. This is a fast-paced, exciting fantasy read.

Cover of Upstaged by Robin Easter

Upstaged by Robin Easter (May 28; Little, Brown Ink)

I smiled so much while reading this sweet, queer middle grade graphic novel romance. Ash (they/them) and Ivy (she/her) always share a cabin at a musical theater summer camp. This is the last year they can attend the camp, and Ash wants it to be the best year yet. But Ivy and Ash are put in different cabins, and Ash, who has a crush on Ivy, worries that Ivy is falling for her fellow costar in the musical they’re performing—”Ella,” a retelling of Cinderella. Ash doesn’t know how to tell Ivy they have a crush on her, and their worries are ostracizing them from other caring campers.

If you’re looking for more new children’s book releases beyond this list of May children’s book releases, check out my list of April children’s book releases , March children’s book releases , and February children’s book releases .

You can find a full list of new releases in the magical New Release Index , carefully curated by your favorite Book Riot editors, organized by genre and release date.

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Not Lost in a Book

Why the “decline by 9” in kids pleasure reading is getting more pronounced, year after year..

Those of us who believe in the power of books worry all the time that reading, as a pursuit, is collapsing, eclipsed by (depending on the era) streaming video, the internet, the television, or the hula hoop. Yet, somehow, reading persists; more books are sold today than were sold before the pandemic. Though print book sales were down 2.6 percent in 2023, they were still 10 percent greater than in 2019 , and some genres—adult fiction, memoirs—rose in sales last year.

But right now, there’s one sector of publishing that is in free fall. At least among one audience, books are dying. Alarmingly, it’s the exact audience whose departure from reading might actually presage a catastrophe for the publishing industry—and for the entire concept of pleasure reading as a common pursuit.

Ask anyone who works with elementary-school children about the state of reading among their kids and you’ll get some dire reports. Sales of “middle-grade” books—the classification covering ages 8 through 12—were down 10 percent in the first three quarters of 2023 , after falling 16 percent in 2022 . It’s the only sector of the industry that’s underperforming compared to 2019. There hasn’t been a middle-grade phenomenon since Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants spinoff Dog Man hit the scene in 2016. New middle-grade titles are vanishing from Barnes and Noble shelves, agents and publishers say, due to a new corporate policy focusing on books the company can guarantee will be bestsellers.

Most alarmingly, kids in third and fourth grade are beginning to stop reading for fun. It’s called the “Decline by 9, ” and it’s reaching a crisis point for publishers and educators. According to research by the children’s publishers Scholastic, at age 8, 57 percent of kids say they read books for fun most days; at age 9, only 35 percent do . This trend started before the pandemic, experts say, but the pandemic accelerated things. “I don’t think it’s possible to overstate how disruptive the pandemic was on middle grade readers,” one industry analyst told Publishers Weekly . And everyone I talked to agreed that the sudden drop-off in reading for fun is happening at a crucial age—the very age when, according to publishing lore, lifetime readers are made. “If you can keep them interested in books at that age, it will foster an interest in books the rest of their life,” said Brenna Connor, an industry analyst at Circana, the market research company that runs Bookscan. “If you don’t, they don’t want to read books as an adult.”

What’s causing the Decline by 9? It might be screens, but it’s not only screens. It’s not like kids are suddenly getting their own phones at age 9; recent survey data from Common Sense Media reveals that phone ownership holds steady, at around 30 percent, among kids aged 8 and 9. (It isn’t until they reach 11 or 12 that the majority of American kids have their own phone.) Indeed, several people I spoke to mentioned that middle-graders’ lack of phones created a marketing problem in an era when no one at any publishing house has any idea how to make a book a bestseller other than to hope it blows up on TikTok. “BookTok is imperfect,” said Karen Jensen, a youth librarian and a blogger for School Library Journal, “but in teen publishing it’s generating huge bestsellers, bringing back things from the backlist. There’s not anything like that right now for the middle-grade age group.”

“It’s not like we want these kids to have phones, that’s not the solution,” one executive in children’s books told me ruefully. “But without phones, we’re really struggling to market to them.”

Traditionally, middle-grade book discovery happens via parents, librarians, and—most crucially—peers. At recess, your best friend tells you that you have got to read the Baby-Sitters Club , and boom, you’re hooked. That avenue for discovery evaporated during the pandemic, and it hasn’t come back. “The lag in peer-to-peer recommendations seems to be lingering,” said Joanne O’Sullivan, a children’s book author and PW reporter. “Kids are back in school, so why aren’t they sharing recommendations with each other? Why aren’t they as enthusiastic about books as they were prepandemic?”

Experts I spoke to pointed to any number of causes for middle-graders’ lost love of reading. Yes, screen time is an issue: “We know that screen time increased for many kids during that initial phase of the pandemic,” said Circana’s Connor. “Some of that increased screen time still remains, even though the pandemic is mostly behind us.” Or, as O’Sullivan asked, “Is this generation just iPad babies?”

But others also pointed to the way reading is being taught to young children in an educational environment that gets more and more test-focused all the time. “I do not blame teachers for this,” said O’Sullivan, but the transformation of the reading curriculum means “there’s not a lot of time for discovery and enjoyment in reading.” She noted a change I, too, had noticed: Reading in the classroom has moved away from encouraging students to dive into a whole book and moved toward students reading excerpts and responding to them. “Even in elementary school, you read, you take a quiz, you get the points. You do a reading log, and you have to read so many minutes a day. It’s really taking a lot of the joy out of reading.”

Of course, even many teachers and librarians who buck the curricular pressure—who dream of fostering a love of aimless, testless reading in their young charges—are finding that substantially more difficult in 2024. “Libraries are getting defunded,” said O’Sullivan. “Librarians are being let go. In some states, teachers can’t even keep a classroom library because they have to protect themselves from book bans.” As Jensen wrote in a recent blog post , it sure doesn’t help the children’s book industry when “chat rooms and library board meetings fill up with a small handful of people calling librarians Marxist communist groomers.”

It all adds up to an environment where kids are less passionate about reading and, even if they somehow do get excited, they’re less likely to discover the book that will keep them excited. What are publishers trying to do about it? They’re doubling down on the kinds of books that have been hits for middle-grade readers over the past few years: graphic novels and illustrated novels. Graphic novels, comics published in trade-book form, are a sales bright spot; last year they made up a quarter of all middle-grade sales. And “illustrated novels” have only become more and more popular since the birth of Jeff Kinney’s Wimpy Kid in 2007. Pilkey’s Captain Underpants and Dog Man books live somewhere in that graphic novel/illustrated-book mode—blocks of simple text followed by pages of drawings—and more and more, publishers are looking for light, funny stories-with-pictures that can help uncertain readers make the leap from picture books to big-kid books.

It’s great that the kids who love these books—or Spider-Man comics, or manga, or for that matter off-putting kid-lit “histories” about tragedies that happened in my lifetime —are reading something . For sure! Yet I can’t help but be worried that the kinds of books that changed my life between ages 8 and 12 are falling by the wayside. Is there room for the thoughtful, serious, beautiful young-person’s novel in 2024? Can you publish Bridge to Terabithia in the age of Captain Underpants?

It does seem to be just a little harder to sell that kind of novel these days. “Editors are looking for highly illustrated projects, shorter word counts, a bit more humor and adventure,” said Chelsea Eberly, director of the children’s book agency Greenhouse Literary . Connor was more blunt: “Maybe you think a book about a school shooting is really important,” she said, “but kids want to read a fun book. That’s what kids want today—they want to have fun.”

“If you’re an established author and you have an established reputation” for serious, heartfelt books, said O’Sullivan, you’ll be fine. But if you’re a new author who’s written a quiet, issue-oriented debut, “you might have to think about adapting, in a way.” A publisher might, for example, suggest bringing an illustrator aboard.

One side effect: Those established authors with established reputations tend to be white. The younger, newer authors who are being dissuaded by the market from writing unillustrated non-comedies? They’re increasingly people of color, thanks to the industry’s notably successful attempts at diversification over the past five to 10 years. The result may be a two-tiered system of awards-worthy book publishing, as older, whiter writers continue to publish moving, sensitive novels, while younger, Blacker authors are shut out of that particular market. “When you make it harder for new writers to break through, you’re perpetuating the problems that children’s publishing has been trying to address,” said Jensen.

For her part, Eberly, the book agent, doesn’t think the supply of serious, “award-winning” books will dry up. “Knowing the editors that I sell to, those are the types of books they want to shepherd into the world.” The danger, she says, isn’t that publishers will stop publishing such books; it’s that children won’t be able to find them due to book bans and pressure on librarians and teachers. Which books face the most challenges from book banners? Books by Black and queer authors.

What nearly everyone I spoke to in children’s publishing agrees would solve the problem in a snap is a new blockbuster, the kind of Harry Potter –style success that raises all boats. The industry can’t depend on Captain Underpants forever, even though, as Connor noted, “The devil works hard, but Dav Pilkey works harder.” While more than one person I spoke to expressed an existential fear—what if that next blockbuster never comes? What if we’re in the post-children’s-blockbuster era?—Eberly was more sanguine. “I don’t worry that we’re not going to have another blockbuster,” she said. “I’m hoping that the tent expands. I’ve always kind of hated it when there’s only one tentpole, like Harry Potter or whatever. I want there to be more tentpoles with room for more people underneath.”

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