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Problem solving

Problem solving lesson plan

problem solving lesson plan high school

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Problem Solving: Lesson plan

Problem solving: Presentation slides

Demonstrating your skills quick fire activity

Problem solving in practice: Interactive worksheet

Our problem solving content focuses on one of these skills and develops understanding of the six stages of problem solving, as well as identifying different types of situations in which young people might already be using these skills. Furthermore, it encourages them to use an adaptive approach, explaining that different types of problems can be approached in different ways.

The activities on this page support your teaching of these skills through an independent activity, quick activities or a full length, curriculum-linked lesson plan. 

Teaching resources:

  • Problem solving: Lesson plan and presentation slides – full lesson plan including icebreaker for use with a group of students in the classroom
  • Demonstrating your skills: Quick-fire activity  – 10 minute activity for a group of students in the classroom, can be used as an icebreaker for the lesson plan
  • Problem solving in practice: Interactive worksheet – activity for independent learning whether remote or in class

Lesson plan

(60 -75 minutes)

This lesson is designed to equip young people with an adaptable approach to solving problems, large or small. It includes a short film and scenarios that encourage development of practical problem solving skills which can be useful for learning, day to day life, and when in employment.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify problems of different scales and what is needed to solve them
  • Illustrate the use of an adaptable approach to solving problems
  • Understand that problem solving is a core transferable skill and identify its usefulness in a work setting
  • Work on a problem solving activity in a team

The lesson aims to reinforce students’ understanding of the potential future applications of this skill as they move into the world of work, particularly in an activity differentiated for an older or more able group on creating new opportunities.

Quick-fire activity

(5 - 10 minutes)

The demonstrating your skills quick-fire activity focuses on helping young people understand the key skills that are needed in the workplace, including the importance of problem solving.

Students will be asked to name the skills being demonstrated in a variety of scenarios, and identify ways they’re already using those skills in this short activity.

You might find it useful as a starter or icebreaker activity to begin a lesson, or at the end to allow students to put what they have just learnt in the Problem solving lesson into practice.

Interactive worksheet

(20 - 25 minutes)

Please note that students below the age of 14 cannot sign up for their own LifeSkills account. Any independent tasks must be printed or downloaded and provided digitally for them to complete as they are currently hosted on educator pages.

The Problem solving in practice interactive worksheet introduces some of the themes from the full lesson plan and gives students some practical strategies for problem solving, including introducing the six stages of problem solving. The worksheet can be printed or completed digitally, so can be used flexibly to give students practise putting their problem solving skills into action. You might choose to assign it:

  • As homework following the Problem solving lesson
  • For independent study
  • For remote learning

Looking for more ways to boost self confidence with LifeSkills?

Other lessons that may prove useful for students to build on these activities include the  Adaptability  and  Innovation and idea generation  lessons. Alternatively, consider encouraging them to apply their skills through  Steps to starting a business  or the  Social action toolkit .

Why not build problem solving in as a focus in your students’ wider curriculum? Refer to our  Content guide to find out how this resources can be used as part of your teaching.

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Social action toolkit

Social action toolkit

Build a comprehensive social action programme and support young people to access enriching experiences that build transferable skills for work.

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How Students Can Rethink Problem Solving

Finding, shaping, and solving problems puts high school students in charge of their learning and bolsters critical-thinking skills.

Students talking in school hallway

As an educator for over 20 years, I’ve heard a lot about critical thinking , problem-solving , and inquiry and how they foster student engagement. However, I’ve also seen students draw a blank when they’re given a problem to solve. This happens when the problem is too vast for them to develop a solution or they don’t think the situation is problematic. 

As I’ve tried, failed, and tried again to engage my students in critical thinking, problem-solving, and inquiry, I’ve experienced greater engagement when I allow them to problem-find, problem-shape, and problem-solve. This shift in perspective has helped my students take direct ownership over their learning.

Encourage Students to Find the Problem 

When students ask a question that prompts their curiosity, it motivates them to seek out an answer. This answer often highlights a problem. 

For example, I gave my grade 11 students a list of topics to explore, and they signed up for a topic that they were interested in. From that, they had to develop a research question. This allowed them to narrow the topic down to what they were specifically curious about. 

Developing a research question initiated the research process. Students launched into reading information from reliable sources including Britannica , Newsela , and EBSCOhost . Through the reading process, they were able to access information so that they could attempt to find an answer to their question.

The nature of a good question is that there isn’t an “answer.” Instead, there are a variety of answers. This allowed students to feel safe in sharing their answers because they couldn’t be “wrong.” If they had reliable, peer-reviewed academic research to support their answer, they were “right.”

Shaping a Problem Makes Overcoming It More Feasible 

When students identify a problem, they’re compelled to do something about it; however, if the problem is too large, it can be overwhelming for them. When they’re overwhelmed, they might shut down and stop learning. For that reason, it’s important for them to shape the problem by taking on a piece they can handle.

To help guide students, provide a list of topics and allow them to choose one. In my experience, choosing their own topic prompts students’ curiosity—which drives them to persevere through a challenging task. Additionally, I have students maintain their scope at a school, regional, or national level. Keeping the focus away from an international scope allows them to filter down the number of results when they begin researching. Shaping the problem this way allowed students to address it in a manageable way.

Students Can Problem-Solve with Purpose

Once students identified a slice of a larger problem that they could manage, they started to read and think about it, collaborate together, and figure out how to solve it. To further support them in taking on a manageable piece of the problem, the parameters of the solution were that it had to be something they could implement immediately. For example, raising $3 million to build a shelter for those experiencing homelessness in the community isn’t something that students can do tomorrow. Focusing on a solution that could be implemented immediately made it easier for them to come up with viable options. 

With the problem shaped down to a manageable piece, students were better able to come up with a solution that would have a big impact. This problem-solving process also invites ingenuity and innovation because it allows teens to critically look at their day-to-day lives and experiences to consider what actions they could take to make a difference in the world. It prompts them to look at their world through a different lens.

When the conditions for inquiry are created by allowing students to problem-find, problem-shape and problem-solve, it allows students to do the following:

  • Critically examine their world to identify problems that exist
  • Feel empowered because they realize that they can be part of a solution
  • Innovate by developing new solutions to old problems

Put it All Together to Promote Change

Here are two examples of what my grade 11 students came up with when tasked with examining the national news to problem-find, problem-shape, and problem-solve.

Topic: Indigenous Issues in Canada

Question: How are Indigenous peoples impacted by racism?

Problem-find: The continued racism against Indigenous peoples has led to the families of murdered women not attaining justice, Indigenous peoples not being able to gain employment, and Indigenous communities not being able to access basic necessities like healthcare and clean water.

Problem-shape: A lot of the issues that Indigenous peoples face require government intervention. What can high school teens do to combat these issues?

Problem-solve: Teens need to stop supporting professional sports teams that tokenize Indigenous peoples, and if they see a peer wearing something from such a sports team, we need to educate them about how the team’s logo perpetuates racism.

Topic: People With Disabilities in Canada

Question: What leads students with a hearing impairment to feel excluded?

Problem-find: Students with a hearing impairment struggle to engage with course texts like films and videos.

Problem-shape: A lot of the issues that students with a hearing impairment face in schools require teachers to take action. What can high school teens do to help their hearing-impaired peers feel included?

Problem-solve: When teens share a video on social media, they should turn the closed-captioning on, so that all students can consume the media being shared.

Once my students came up with solutions, they wanted to do something about it and use their voices to engage in global citizenship. This led them to create TikTok and Snapchat videos and Instagram posts that they shared and re-shared among their peer group. 

The learning that students engaged in led to their wanting to teach others—which allowed a greater number of students to learn. This whole process engendered conversations about our world and helped them realize that they aren’t powerless; they can do things to initiate change in areas that they’re interested in and passionate about. It allowed them to use their voices to educate others and promote change.

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Problem-solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying appropriate skills systematically.

Problem-solving is a process—an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover what we don't know. It involves overcoming obstacles by generating hypo-theses, testing those predictions, and arriving at satisfactory solutions.

Problem-solving involves three basic functions:

Seeking information

Generating new knowledge

Making decisions

Problem-solving is, and should be, a very real part of the curriculum. It presupposes that students can take on some of the responsibility for their own learning and can take personal action to solve problems, resolve conflicts, discuss alternatives, and focus on thinking as a vital element of the curriculum. It provides students with opportunities to use their newly acquired knowledge in meaningful, real-life activities and assists them in working at higher levels of thinking (see Levels of Questions ).

Here is a five-stage model that most students can easily memorize and put into action and which has direct applications to many areas of the curriculum as well as everyday life:

Expert Opinion

Here are some techniques that will help students understand the nature of a problem and the conditions that surround it:

  • List all related relevant facts.
  • Make a list of all the given information.
  • Restate the problem in their own words.
  • List the conditions that surround a problem.
  • Describe related known problems.

It's Elementary

For younger students, illustrations are helpful in organizing data, manipulating information, and outlining the limits of a problem and its possible solution(s). Students can use drawings to help them look at a problem from many different perspectives.

Understand the problem. It's important that students understand the nature of a problem and its related goals. Encourage students to frame a problem in their own words.

Describe any barriers. Students need to be aware of any barriers or constraints that may be preventing them from achieving their goal. In short, what is creating the problem? Encouraging students to verbalize these impediments is always an important step.

Identify various solutions. After the nature and parameters of a problem are understood, students will need to select one or more appropriate strategies to help resolve the problem. Students need to understand that they have many strategies available to them and that no single strategy will work for all problems. Here are some problem-solving possibilities:

Create visual images. Many problem-solvers find it useful to create “mind pictures” of a problem and its potential solutions prior to working on the problem. Mental imaging allows the problem-solvers to map out many dimensions of a problem and “see” it clearly.

Guesstimate. Give students opportunities to engage in some trial-and-error approaches to problem-solving. It should be understood, however, that this is not a singular approach to problem-solving but rather an attempt to gather some preliminary data.

Create a table. A table is an orderly arrangement of data. When students have opportunities to design and create tables of information, they begin to understand that they can group and organize most data relative to a problem.

Use manipulatives. By moving objects around on a table or desk, students can develop patterns and organize elements of a problem into recognizable and visually satisfying components.

Work backward. It's frequently helpful for students to take the data presented at the end of a problem and use a series of computations to arrive at the data presented at the beginning of the problem.

Look for a pattern. Looking for patterns is an important problem-solving strategy because many problems are similar and fall into predictable patterns. A pattern, by definition, is a regular, systematic repetition and may be numerical, visual, or behavioral.

Create a systematic list. Recording information in list form is a process used quite frequently to map out a plan of attack for defining and solving problems. Encourage students to record their ideas in lists to determine regularities, patterns, or similarities between problem elements.

Try out a solution. When working through a strategy or combination of strategies, it will be important for students to …

Keep accurate and up-to-date records of their thoughts, proceedings, and procedures. Recording the data collected, the predictions made, and the strategies used is an important part of the problem solving process.

Try to work through a selected strategy or combination of strategies until it becomes evident that it's not working, it needs to be modified, or it is yielding inappropriate data. As students become more proficient problem-solvers, they should feel comfortable rejecting potential strategies at any time during their quest for solutions.

Monitor with great care the steps undertaken as part of a solution. Although it might be a natural tendency for students to “rush” through a strategy to arrive at a quick answer, encourage them to carefully assess and monitor their progress.

Feel comfortable putting a problem aside for a period of time and tackling it at a later time. For example, scientists rarely come up with a solution the first time they approach a problem. Students should also feel comfortable letting a problem rest for a while and returning to it later.

Evaluate the results. It's vitally important that students have multiple opportunities to assess their own problem-solving skills and the solutions they generate from using those skills. Frequently, students are overly dependent upon teachers to evaluate their performance in the classroom. The process of self-assessment is not easy, however. It involves risk-taking, self-assurance, and a certain level of independence. But it can be effectively promoted by asking students questions such as “How do you feel about your progress so far?” “Are you satisfied with the results you obtained?” and “Why do you believe this is an appropriate response to the problem?”

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Critical Thinking Resources for High School Teachers

Developing critical thinking abilities is a necessary skill for all high school students but teaching these skills is not the easiest task for high school teachers. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information online to provide teachers the resources needed for creating critical thinking lesson plans.

These online resources provide lessons plans, videos, and small but helpful tips that can be used everyday in the classroom to reinforce lessons and ideas. Below are some of the top resources for teaching critical thinking to high school students.

A site devoted to all things related to critical thinking

The Critical Thinking Community, from the Center for Critical Thinking, provides one of the best sites for critical thinking resources and has a special section aimed at helping high school teachers prepare appropriate lesson plans: Critical Thinking Community for High School Teachers .

“Critical thinking is essential if we are to get to the root of our problems and develop reasonable solutions,” reads the site’s About Us page. “After all, the quality of everything we do is determined by the quality of our thinking.”

Therefore it’s no surprise that the site provides many free online resources for high school teachers, as well as other materials that can be ordered online for a small fee.

One example of an online resource for critical thinking for high school students is the article “How to Study and Learn (Part One)”. This introductory article lays the ground work for the importance of thinking critically, illustrated by the following passage:

“To study well and learn any subject is to learn how to think with discipline within that subject. It is to learn to think within its logic, to:

  • raise vital questions and problems within it, formulating them clearly and precisely
  • gather and assess information, using ideas to interpret that information insightfully
  • come to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards
  • adopt the point of view of the discipline, recognizing and assessing, as needs be, its assumptions, implications, and practical consequences
  • communicate effectively with others using the language of the discipline and that of educated public discourse
  • relate what one is learning in the subject to other subjects and to what is significant in human life”

State critical thinking resources

Additionally, many states offer free online critical thinking resources, such as the handbook compiled by faculty members of Prince George’s Community College and put on Maryland’s official website: Handbook of Critical Thinking Resources .

In addition to providing a wealth of outside information resources, the handbook details how thinking critically can help students while they are in high school and in the future:

“Improving students’ critical thinking skills will help students:

  • improve their thinking about their course work
  • use sound thinking on tests, assignments, and projects in their courses
  • have the strategic, analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills they need when they transfer to another college
  • have the strategic, analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills they need when they transition to the workplace”

Keeping up to date on current trends

Other sites, such as, are constantly updated with new information to provide teachers with the most current information possible. The site, which is part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, is divided by grade level and has a special section focused on producing critical thinking high school students: Grades 9-12 High School .

The site describes three fundamental skills it believes necessary for students to become lifelong learners in the 21 st Century:

  • how to find information
  • how to assess the quality of information
  • how to creatively and effectively use information to accomplish a goal

The site combines original articles and instructional videos with other valuable critical thinking resources from around the globe. The site is set up like a blog and puts the most recent articles at the forefront, and also includes a community forum for both students and teachers to use.

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Tagged as: Engaging Activities ,  High School (Grades: 9-12)

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></center></p><ul><li>Tips for School</li></ul><h2>High School Problem-Solving: 6 Activities That Work</h2><p><center><img style=

  • March 29, 2023

Problem-Solving Activities for High School Students

Table of contents:.

Problem-solving activities are a great way to engage high school students in critical thinking. These activities can range from simple puzzles and games to complex group projects and challenges. They help students develop important skills such as communication, creativity, and decision-making. By participating in problem-solving activities, high school students can learn to approach problems in a structured and systematic way and to work effectively with others to find solutions.

The Importance of Problem-Solving Activities for High School Students

Problem-solving is a crucial skill for high school students to develop because it prepares them for the challenges they will face in their personal and professional lives. By engaging kids in problem-solving activities as early as possible, they learn to approach problems in a structured and systematic way and to work effectively with others to find solutions.

The benefits of problem-solving activities for high school students are numerous. These activities help students develop critical thinking skills , which are essential for making informed decisions and solving complex problems. Group problem-solving activities also promote engagement and collaboration, as students work together to find solutions to challenges. By participating in problem-solving activities, high school students can improve their decision-making abilities and become more confident and independent thinkers.

Ideas for Problem-Solving Activities

Here is a list of different types of problem-solving activities that teachers and schools can use to promote problem-solving, collaboration, creative and critical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills among students:

  • Escape room puzzle challenges: These challenges involve students working together to solve a series of puzzles in order to “escape” from a simulated scenario.
  • Brainstorming sessions: In these sessions, students work together to generate ideas and solutions to a given problem.
  • Debates: Debates involve students arguing for or against a given topic. This activity promotes communication and decision-making.
  • Role-play simulations: In these simulations, students take on different roles and work together to solve a simulated problem.
  • Creative problem-solving tasks: These tasks involve students using their creativity to find solutions to problems.
  • Collaborative project-based learning: In this approach, students work together on a project that involves solving a complex problem.

Another way to develop problem-solving skills is by using technology . However, it remains important to be aware of the negative influences of technology on child development. Therefore, it’s crucial to set some rules for technology at home . You can also use a parental control app like Safes to protect your child from online harm. With features like app monitoring and web filter, you can monitor their app and internet usage. You can download Safes for iOS , Android , Windows , and MacOS .

students solving a maze on paper

Tips for Teachers and Schools

Here are some tips on how teachers and schools can use problem-solving activities effectively to promote high school students’ problem-solving skills:

  • Encourage teamwork: Problem-solving activities are most effective when students work together to find solutions. Teachers can encourage collaboration by assigning students to work in groups and by providing opportunities for students to share their ideas and solutions with one another.
  • Offer feedback and encouragement: Teachers can help students develop their problem-solving skills by providing feedback on their performance and by offering encouragement and support. This can help students feel more confident in their abilities and more motivated to continue improving.
  • Use real-world problems and scenarios: Problem-solving activities are most engaging when they involve real-world problems and scenarios that students can relate to. Teachers can incorporate current events, local issues, or other relevant topics into their problem-solving activities to make them more meaningful and engaging for students.
  • Incorporate a variety of activities to keep students engaged: To keep students engaged and motivated, teachers can incorporate a variety of different problem-solving activities into their lesson plans. This can include puzzles, games, debates, simulations, case studies, and more.

By following these tips, teachers and schools can use problem-solving activities effectively to promote high school students’ problem-solving skills. If you want to use technology but are wary of the negative effects, you can use Safes School . With the great collection of features, you can monitor what your students are doing online and even block inappropriate content.

students holding multiple scientific prototypes

In summary, problem-solving skills are crucial for high school students to develop as they prepare for academic and professional success. By engaging in problem-solving activities students can improve their critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Teachers and schools can effectively promote problem-solving skills among their students by incorporating these activities into their curriculum. By doing so, they can help prepare their students for the challenges they will face in college and in the workforce.

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Download Safes Kids for Chrombook

  • Install the Safes Kids app on your Chromebook from Google Play.  
  • Pair Safes Kids with parent app. Follow the instructions in the app to pair your child’s device with your parent device.  
  • Add the Safe Kids Chrome extension . Open Chrome and go to the Chrome Web Store .  
  • Navigate to the Manage extensions page. Click the three dots in the top right corner of Chrome and select “Extensions”>”Manage Extensions”>”Details”
  • Turn on “Allow in incognito mode” This will allow the Safe Kids extension to work in incognito mode, which is important if your child uses incognito mode to try to bypass the parental controls.
  • Select Safes extension and follow on-screen instruction

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Safe Kids is available on the Google Play Store, but if you download it directly from our website, you will get access to Call and SMS monitoring feature , You can monitor the phone calls of your child’s device, as well as the contacts and messages they have sent and received, including those containing inappropriate content.

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High School Social Problem Solving Lesson Plan

problem solving lesson plan high school

Why Focus on High School Social Problem Solving?

High school students need to develop resilience, empathy, assertiveness, and decision-making skills for productive social interactions. This High School Social Problem Solving Lesson Plan aims to facilitate that growth. It’s a surefire way to empower your students, boosting their confidence and overall mental well-being. Download this free worksheet mentioned in the lesson plan below.

Breaking Down the High School Social Problem Solving Lesson Plan

Let’s delve into the specifics of this lesson plan designed to develop social problem-solving skills in high school students. The beauty of this plan is that it requires no prep-time – you can dive right in!

Objective: To empower high school students with the essential strategies for solving social problems, making informed decisions, empathizing with others, and communicating assertively.

Materials: None – this is a discussion-based activity.

Duration: Roughly 1 hour

1. Identifying Social Problems (10-15 minutes)

Start with a discussion about the social problems high school students may encounter. This can be conducted in small groups or pairs.

2. Empathizing: Understanding Different Perspectives (10-15 minutes)

Choose a few scenarios from the previous discussion. Invite students to consider the various perspectives involved, promoting empathy and understanding.

3. Generating Solutions: Creative and Critical Thinking (10-15 minutes)

Now, guide students to brainstorm possible solutions for the chosen scenarios. Encourage them to consider the potential outcomes of each approach.

4. Decision Making: Evaluating Solutions (10-15 minutes)

Discuss the potential consequences of each solution. Teach students to weigh the pros and cons of each option, enabling them to make sound decisions.

5. Reflection: Learning Takeaways (5 minutes)

End with a reflection session. Invite students to share what they’ve learned and how they plan to apply these skills in real life.

Quick, No-Prep High School Social Problem Solving Activities

  • Role-Play Scenarios: Use role-playing to allow students to practice social problem-solving skills in real-time.
  • Daily Dilemmas: Start each session with a social problem or dilemma for students to solve, fostering practical learning.
  • Interactive Games: Incorporate games like ‘what would you do if…’ or ‘social problem-solving charades’ to make the learning process more engaging.
  • Everyday Speech Printable Problem-Solving Worksheet: Download the worksheet at the top of this post, discuss the five scenarios given, and have your students focus on coming up with multiple solutions, not just one for each problem.

problem solving lesson plan high school

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here !

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problem solving lesson plan high school

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  • TeachEngineering
  • Problem Solving

Lesson Problem Solving

Grade Level: 8 (6-8)

(two 40-minute class periods)

Lesson Dependency: The Energy Problem

Subject Areas: Physical Science, Science and Technology

Partial design

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Curriculum in this Unit Units serve as guides to a particular content or subject area. Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). Note that not all lessons and activities will exist under a unit, and instead may exist as "standalone" curriculum.

  • Energy Forms and States Demonstrations
  • Energy Conversions
  • Watt Meters to Measure Energy Consumption
  • Household Energy Audit
  • Light vs. Heat Bulbs
  • Efficiency of an Electromechanical System
  • Efficiency of a Water Heating System
  • Solving Energy Problems
  • Energy Projects

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Scientists, engineers and ordinary people use problem solving each day to work out solutions to various problems. Using a systematic and iterative procedure to solve a problem is efficient and provides a logical flow of knowledge and progress.

  • Students demonstrate an understanding of the Technological Method of Problem Solving.
  • Students are able to apply the Technological Method of Problem Solving to a real-life problem.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

State standards, national science education standards - science.

Scientists, engineers, and ordinary people use problem solving each day to work out solutions to various problems. Using a systematic and iterative procedure to solve a problem is efficient and provides a logical flow of knowledge and progress.

In this unit, we use what is called "The Technological Method of Problem Solving." This is a seven-step procedure that is highly iterative—you may go back and forth among the listed steps, and may not always follow them in order. Remember that in most engineering projects, more than one good answer exists. The goal is to get to the best solution for a given problem. Following the lesson conduct the associated activities Egg Drop and Solving Energy Problems for students to employ problem solving methods and techniques. 

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

The overall concept that is important in this lesson is: Using a standard method or procedure to solve problems makes the process easier and more effective.

1) Describe the problem, 2) describe the results you want, 3) gather information, 4) think of solutions, 5) choose the best solution, 6) implement the solution, 7) evaluate results and make necessary changes. Reenter the design spiral at any step to revise as necessary.

The specific process of problem solving used in this unit was adapted from an eighth-grade technology textbook written for New York State standard technology curriculum. The process is shown in Figure 1, with details included below. The spiral shape shows that this is an iterative, not linear, process. The process can skip ahead (for example, build a model early in the process to test a proof of concept) and go backwards (learn more about the problem or potential solutions if early ideas do not work well).

This process provides a reference that can be reiterated throughout the unit as students learn new material or ideas that are relevant to the completion of their unit projects.

Brainstorming about what we know about a problem or project and what we need to find out to move forward in a project is often a good starting point when faced with a new problem. This type of questioning provides a basis and relevance that is useful in other energy science and technology units. In this unit, the general problem that is addressed is the fact that Americans use a lot of energy, with the consequences that we have a dwindling supply of fossil fuels, and we are emitting a lot of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants. The specific project that students are assigned to address is an aspect of this problem that requires them to identify an action they can take in their own live to reduce their overall energy (or fossil fuel) consumption.

The Seven Steps of Problem Solving

1.  Identify the problem

Clearly state the problem. (Short, sweet and to the point. This is the "big picture" problem, not the specific project you have been assigned.)

2.  Establish what you want to achieve

  • Completion of a specific project that will help to solve the overall problem.
  • In one sentence answer the following question: How will I know I've completed this project?
  • List criteria and constraints: Criteria are things you want the solution to have. Constraints are limitations, sometimes called specifications, or restrictions that should be part of the solution. They could be the type of materials, the size or weight the solution must meet, the specific tools or machines you have available, time you have to complete the task and cost of construction or materials.

3.  Gather information and research

  • Research is sometimes needed both to better understand the problem itself as well as possible solutions.
  • Don't reinvent the wheel – looking at other solutions can lead to better solutions.
  • Use past experiences.

4.  Brainstorm possible solutions

List and/or sketch (as appropriate) as many solutions as you can think of.

5.  Choose the best solution

Evaluate solution by: 1) Comparing possible solution against constraints and criteria 2) Making trade-offs to identify "best."

6.  Implement the solution

  • Develop plans that include (as required): drawings with measurements, details of construction, construction procedure.
  • Define tasks and resources necessary for implementation.
  • Implement actual plan as appropriate for your particular project.

7.  Test and evaluate the solution

  • Compare the solution against the criteria and constraints.
  • Define how you might modify the solution for different or better results.
  • Egg Drop - Use this demonstration or activity to introduce and use the problem solving method. Encourages creative design.
  • Solving Energy Problems - Unit project is assigned and students begin with problem solving techniques to begin to address project. Mostly they learn that they do not know enough yet to solve the problem.
  • Energy Projects - Students use what they learned about energy systems to create a project related to identifying and carrying out a personal change to reduce energy consumption.

The results of the problem solving activity provide a basis for the entire semester project. Collect and review the worksheets to make sure that students are started on the right track.

problem solving lesson plan high school

Learn the basics of the analysis of forces engineers perform at the truss joints to calculate the strength of a truss bridge known as the “method of joints.” Find the tensions and compressions to solve systems of linear equations where the size depends on the number of elements and nodes in the trus...

preview of 'Doing the Math: Analysis of Forces in a Truss Bridge' Lesson

Through role playing and problem solving, this lesson sets the stage for a friendly competition between groups to design and build a shielding device to protect humans traveling in space. The instructor asks students—how might we design radiation shielding for space travel?

preview of 'Shielding from Cosmic Radiation: Space Agency Scenario' Lesson

A process for technical problem solving is introduced and applied to a fun demonstration. Given the success with the demo, the iterative nature of the process can be illustrated.

preview of 'Egg Drop' Activity

The culminating energy project is introduced and the technical problem solving process is applied to get students started on the project. By the end of the class, students should have a good perspective on what they have already learned and what they still need to learn to complete the project.

preview of 'Solving Energy Problems' Activity

Hacker, M, Barden B., Living with Technology , 2nd edition. Albany NY: Delmar Publishers, 1993.

Other Related Information

This lesson was originally published by the Clarkson University K-12 Project Based Learning Partnership Program and may be accessed at


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

This lesson was developed under National Science Foundation grants no. DUE 0428127 and DGE 0338216. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: August 16, 2023

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problem solving lesson plan high school

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Quick activity

Decision-making and problem-solving: class activity.

OurFutures alcohol & cannabis

This resource has undergone expert review.

Resource Overview

Attachments, time allocated, links to national curriculum.

  • ACPPS073 (Yr 7–8)
  • ACPPS091 (Yr 9–10)
  • ACPPS093 (Yr 9–10)
  • ACPPS095 (Yr 9–10)

Previously known as Climate Schools, OurFutures was developed by researchers based at the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney, Australia. See the OurFutures website for more information.

Class activity with time for individual work.

  • Print or electronically share the “ Decision-making and problem-solving ” worksheet (attached).
  • Be familiar with decision-making/problem-solving process outlined below.

The aim of this activity is to teach students the steps involved in effective decision-making/problem-solving. This skill is a useful skill for students to learn, as it will assist students to consider all the options that are available to them and the related consequences of each option when they are making a decision or solving a potential problem. Decision making/problem solving can be one skill used to help students to make an informed decision if they are considering either initiating or ceasing drug use.

Part 1: Give the class a quick overview of the steps involved in the decision-making/problem-solving process.

The steps involved in decision-making/problem-solving:

  • Define the problem or the decision to be made.
  • Consider all the possible options/alternatives to solve the problem or decision.
  • Write down all the positives and negatives for each option/alternative.
  • Weight all the positives and negatives for each option.
  • Select the best alternative.
  • Implement the solution.
  • Monitor progress.
  • Review and learn from your experience.

Part 2: The easiest way to introduce this process to students is by example. Ask students to think of something they want to change or make a decision about. Hand out the individual worksheets for students to complete.

  • Students learn a structured process to assist with decision-making and problem solving.

Secondary teachers reviewed this and other OurFutures activities, with 92.3% rating these activities as good or very good. This particular activity was among the most popular activities selected for implementation by teachers.

The benefits of implementing individual activities from OurFutures has not been examined. The benefits of implementing the entire 6 session OurFutures program has been supported by multiple research studies, see OurFutures: Alcohol & Cannabis Module.

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Problem-Based Tasks in Math

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Providing students with opportunities to grapple with math has led to amazing things happening in my class. Students are totally excited and are driven to figure out not just how to solve a problem but why it works.

– Jessica Proffitt, Fifth-Grade Teacher at Two Rivers

Watch two rivers’s teachers and students at work on problem-based tasks in math.

Problem-Based Tasks Require Students to Apply Their Knowledge in New Contexts

Problem-based tasks are math lessons built around a single, compelling problem. The problems are truly “problematic” for students — that is, they do not offer an immediate solution.

The problems provide an opportunity for students to build conceptual understanding. Problem-based tasks require students to apply their current understanding and skills to new contexts that highlight core math concepts. For example, when students solve a problem that could be solved with multiplication before they have formally been taught what multiplication is and how it works, they build an understanding that multiplication is repeated addition.

Well-designed problem-based tasks provide multiple entry points for students to engage in problem solving, ensuring that all students have access to the same concepts. When students solve the problems in different ways—including drawing pictures, acting out the problem, writing algorithms, and using manipulatives—they make connections between the variety of models that all accurately illustrate the underlying mathematics.

Problem-Based Tasks in Math Resources

problem solving lesson plan high school


Math Interventions


  • Subitizing Interventions
  • Counting Interventions: Whole Numbers Less Than 30
  • Counting Interventions: Whole Numbers Greater Than 30 (Place Value)
  • Counting Interventions: Fractions
  • Counting Interventions: Decimals
  • Composing and Decomposing Numbers Interventions
  • Rounding Interventions
  • Number Sense Lesson Plans
  • Addition and Subtraction Facts
  • Multiplication and Division Facts
  • Computational Fluency Lesson Plans
  • Understanding the Problem Interventions
  • Planning and Executing a Solution Interventions
  • Monitoring Progress & Reflecting on a Solution Interventions
  • Problem-Solving Process Interventions
  • Problem-Solving Lesson Plans
  • Identifying Essential Variables Interventions
  • Direct Models Interventions
  • Counting On/Back Interventions
  • Deriving Interventions
  • Interpreting the Results Interventions
  • Mathematical Modeling Lesson Plans
  • Math Rules and Concepts Interventions
  • Math Rules and Concepts Lesson Plans

You can use either  Explicit Instruction  or Self-Regulated Strategy Development when you intervene to support your student's problem solving skills. The following lesson plan targets a specific problem-solving skill using explicit instruction. As you read this plan, consider: 

How does this plan support objective mastery?

Problem Solving Intervention Plan

Art, E. (2017). Problem solving intervention packet. New York, NY: Relay Graduate School of Education.

This lesson plan supports objective mastery because the teacher employs Principles of Specialized instruction to help the student visualize Part/Part/Whole (Part Unknown) problems to identify what she is supposed to figure out. In this lesson plan, she isolates the skill (identifying what the problem is), and uses explicit instruction to teach the student how to identify two what is happening in the story and what she is trying to figure out. After she explains the process she'll take, she uses metacognition and shows the student how she asks these two questions as she is reading. Finally, she builds in multiple at-bats so that the student has the opportunity to practice this strategy over and over so that she can reach her objective.

  • << Previous: Problem-Solving Process Interventions
  • Next: Identifying Essential Variables Interventions >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 14, 2024 6:46 PM
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