solve math problems alarm app

The Best Alarm Clock Apps To Keep You From Hitting the Snooze Button

Get up at the time you really meant to get up—with some help..

Alarm clock sitting on a desk

Let’s face it: bed is one of the best places to be. It’s somewhere we feel warm, and safe, and comfortable, so it’s perhaps no surprise that getting up in the morning can be such a chore. If you’re finding that you’re hitting the snooze button once too often after waking up, there are a selection of apps you can pick from that will make sure that you get out of bed and get on with your day.

These apps won’t magically make your commute any more appealing, or counter the effects of a late-night streaming binge the evening before, but they will force your body to start emerging from its slumber and properly start the process of waking up. From there, you’ll be in a better place to weigh up the pros and cons of making your way out into the world—or crawling back into bed for another ten minutes.

Alarmy screenshot

Alarmy is an alarm clock app packed with options and features, so if the first wake up method you choose doesn’t work for you, then there are plenty of others to try. You can get started for free, while an in-app purchase unlocks even more alarm clock types.

The various methods for getting you out of bed are described as missions: They include asking you to solve a math puzzle, shake your phone a certain number of times, scan a QR code (in the bathroom, say), and complete a memory game before the alarm will turn off.

  • Alarmy (freemium) for Android and iOS

2) I Can’t Wake Up!

I Can’t Wake Up! screenshot

If you want a choice of different ways to try and get yourself out of bed, then Can’t Wake Up! delivers a variety of mini games: From memory to writing to math, you can pick your puzzle, which must be successfully completed before the alarm sounds can be silenced.

What we also like about this app is the options you’ve got for tracking how well you’ve done in terms of getting out of bed when you should be. You can use the app and all its features free of charge, though an in-app purchase is available to remove the adverts.

  • I Can’t Wake Up! (freemium) for Android

3) Alarm Clock for Me

Alarm Clock for Me screenshot

Get Alarm Clock for Me installed on your phone and it’s going to be a lot more difficult for you to stay snoozing under the sheets. You can pick from a choice of ways to turn off the alarm sound, including shaking your phone or having to correctly solve a math question.

Aside from that, it’s just a very good, customizable alarm clock app. You can get it to stir you from your slumber using your favorite music or a choice of built-in sounds, it comes with a choice of themes, and it’ll even tell you about the local weather when you wake up.

  • Alarm Clock for Me ($4) for Android and iOS

4) Challenges Alarm Clock

Challenges Alarm Clock screenshot

The name says it all when it comes to this particular app, which serves you a challenge of your choice to make sure you’re up and about before the alarm sound will stop. Whether it’s matching cards from memory or getting through a maze, there are lots of options.

More than most apps of this ilk, Challenges Alarm Clock manages to strike a nice balance between being both firm and gentle in terms of getting you up. You can use every part of the app without paying, but there is a premium option if you want to get rid of the ads.

  • Challenges Alarm Clock (freemium) for Android and iOS

5) Loud Alarm Clock

Loud Alarm Clock screenshot

Loud Alarm Clock has a few tricks up its sleeve for helping you beat the snooze button: It promises that it’s the loudest alarm clock out there, for example, and it also randomizes the alarm sounds that it makes use of so that you don’t get too familiar with any of them.

It has some quite nasty audio clips in its collection as well, from nails scraping down a chalkboard to a police siren (you can also use your own music, too)—however you will have to pay the in-app purchase before you get access to these grating sound options.

  • Loud Alarm Clock (freemium) for Android and iOS

6) Motion Alarm Clock

Motion Alarm Clock screenshot

Quite a simple one here: All that Motion Alarm Clock asks for before shutting the alarm sound off is a bit of motion. It’s one of the most straightforward and also one of the most effective ways of waking up, and it’s also one of the oldest alarm clock apps out there.

Its longevity is testament to how many people it’s helped get themselves out of bed when needed, and if nothing else has been working for you, the developer promises that this is “impossible to sleep through”. An in-app purchase is available to remove the advertising.

  • Motion Alarm Clock (freemium) for iOS

7) Morning Routine

Morning Routine screenshot

Morning Routine is slightly different from the other apps here in that it doesn’t force you up with a jolt—rather, it encourages you to partake in a morning meditation session to get your blood flowing and to put your mind in the mood to face the day with positive energy.

There are a host of meditations and affirmations to tap into (and even more if you pay the upgrade fee), and what also appeals about the app is its elegant and stylish interface. If you want help waking up in a more soothing and gentle way, then this is well worth a look.

  • Morning Routine (freemium) for Android and iOS

iPhone Apps

Mathe Alarm Clock

Math wake-up for heavy sleeper.

Do you have trouble oversleeping in the morning? Are you tired of losing the battle with your traditional alarm clock? Do you want the perfect way to make sure that you get up on time whenever you want, and wherever you are? Then you need Mathe Alarm Clock!



  • Wake up with an active mind!
  • Become a Morning Person!
  • Change your life!


“ This app is amazing!… I definitely recommend getting it!”

“ Fantastic!! Works like a charm…”

“ I have become a morning person.”


Unlike conventional alarm clocks and alarm apps, Mathe Alarm Clock forces you to solve multiple-choice math puzzles before shutting off its alarm. You’ll never worry again about unconsciously pressing your alarm clock’s “snooze” button and oversleeping! Mathe Alarm Clock wakes your brain up. Irritating, but definitely gets you up!


  • Preset the alarm volume and make it impossible to mute
  • Lock the alarms to prevent yourself from cheating
  • Randomize your missions and playlists so your brain won’t get used to it
  • Sharing a room? The “Don’t Wake my Spouse” button will help!
  • Solve multiple-choice math puzzles to stop
  • Multiple alarms
  • Repeating alarms
  • Lockable (no way to cancel the alarm)
  • Ringtones designed to wake you up
  • Impossible to mute (preset volume)
  • Randomizable ringtone playlists
  • Wake up to your music
  • Mix in ringtones to your music
  • Wake up to the alarm talking
  • Optional: Super short snooze
  • Bedside Clock (Highly customizable)
  • Bedtime Reminder
  • Bedtime Enforcerer
  • Morning Routine
  • Battery Saving Mode
  • Dark Theme (optional)
  • Always bright alarms (optional)
  • Color Themes
  • Alternative App Icon colors


  • Fullscreen clock
  • Highly customizable
  • Analog clocks
  • Digital clocks
  • Hourglass clock
  • Landscape and portrait
  • Clock wallpaper
  • Your photos as clock wallpaper
  • Color customizable
  • Complications


Staying in control of your sleep routine is key to waking up feeling rested and healthy. Sleep deprivation can be dangerous to your health and the health of others. You should always focus on getting enough sleep first. That’s why Sleep Crusher also includes Bedtime Reminders and Enforcers.


Morning Routine lets you set tasks to start your day the right way. Imagine what you could already accomplish early in the morning, while others are still asleep. Exercise, read, write, visualize, meditate, or do anything else that lets you thrive first thing in the morning. The earliest minutes in the morning should be yours and yours only. Take them! Mathe Alarm Clock is the right tool to get these extra minutes and to maintain consistency in your morning routine.


Imagine how your life would change for the better if instead of oversleeping and feeling regret and frustration the rest of the day, YOU were in control? Think of how much more you could get done, and even how healthier your body and mind would be! With Mathe Alarm Clock, you won’t just change how you wake up… you’ll change your life!


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Slate: Down With Alarm Clocks!

(Mathe Alarm Clock as a clever way to shake off grogginess)

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(Mathe Alarm Clock recommended as so diabolical that it just might work when other apps don’t)


“ This is creative: I love this app so much. I use to snooze my alarm like 5 times every morning and only have 10 minutes to get ready and almost be late. This alarm wakes me up the first time by making me solve math equations and it won’t go off until I solve them all and if I get one wrong I have to do another equation. And if you usually sleep through your alarm then there are quite a few really annoying loud alarm sounds that wake you up immediately. And it also tells you when to go to bed and it’ll keep bugging you until you do. If things can’t already get better you can make a morning routine checklist and it shows you your list of things to do as soon as you turn off your alarm. This app has definitely solved all my problems of getting enough sleep and waking up on time. Whoever’s idea it was to make this app you are so amazing and creative and thanks you for this app. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”

[US App Store Review by 5 star Taylor Swift]

“ Amazing Mathe Alarm Clock: I do think it is amazing. It helps me so much to get going in the morning. I am very hard sleeper and usually after solving about 7 math questions , I have snapped out of that mode where I want to hit snooze and plus most times I hit snooze in my sleep and I have been late for work. I live with room mates and I need an alarm that would really wake me up. This particular does not seem to disturb them. I am just so glad this alarm is here for me to use :-)!!!”

[US App Store Review by Rocki3457]

“ Great Alarm: I always have the tendency to wake up, turn off my alarm, and go back to bed. I was skeptical that this alarm wouldn’t help me stop that problem but it does. I wake up, solve the problems and by the time I’m finished I’m wide awake and alert. This not only helped my tendency to shut my alarm off and go back to bed but it also got rid of feeling tired still when I got up. Overall, this app is a great choice for an alarm clock!”

[US App Store Review by Jaydawg182]

“ Works Perfectly: I needed this app because relying on (iPhone) Alarm Clock wasn’t working; I don’t know if I slept through it or turned it off while half asleep, but I kept waking up late. This app works TOO WELL: not only will it wake you up, but with the right settings you’ll be mad that you can’t turn it off. For over-sleepers like me who have been frustrated with sleeping through your alarm: THIS APP IS PERFECT.”

[US App Store Review by szimme8856]

“ Impressed!: I was blown away by how well this alarm worked. I got in to a pattern of sleeping through my alarm and it seemed like no alarm no matter how loud helped, but this alarm is the trick. It’s not only obnoxious but the math questions will slowly progress in to more challenging questions until I found myself awake and even alert trying to complete these questions!”

[US App Store Review by effnurjong]

“ VERY HELPFUL: This app really helps a deep sleeper like me wake up. I’ve gotten into a bad habit of being able to turn off my alarms without ever really waking up and then falling back asleep without realizing. By the Time I answer the questions, I am awake and ready to get up. Not only that but it has some other cool features. Would recommend.”

[US App Store Review by makaylamary]

“ This is the best way to wake up: I love this app it helps me to wake up and stay awake this is truly the best alarm clock for heavy sleepers. Not kidding if do not like math than maybe you will get better at math because you have to solve three to stop the timer than you will definitely not go bake to bed. You have to get this alarm clock!!!!!!”

[US App Store Review by granny 228]

“ My Favorite Alarm: Most of the other fancy alarms that are “gaurenteed” to wake you up don’t help because you can easily silence them by closing out the app. If only apple would make this an app that can’t be deleted by a cranky, sleepy, not morning person 😬 ……..Then again I would just turn off my phone. 😳 ”

[US App Store Review by Haley!1996]

“ Amazing alarm: This app is so amazing for people like me (I’m a deep sleeper) Thank you guys for this app without the app I over sleep and I am almost late every single day. I really love the app now every day I wake up ready to go to school. I am now 10 minutes early every day. Thank you people who created this app you guys and girls are amazing.”

[US App Store Review by doglady981527]

“ Gets me up!: I may be super confused staring at my screen trying to figure out why I would do this to myself half dazed with sleep…but it gets me up and makes me snap to attention. I wake up at 2:30 am for a early morning shift so I need the extra push to wake my brain up. Peace”

[US App Store Review by Brownrusty]

“ Really good: I use to hit snooze a lot until I used this app. It is really a game changer. If you don’t have this app it you should absolutely check it out. It will change your life and make you get up when you actually indented to get up.”

[US App Store Review by cvggeb]

“ Helps me wake up: I use this app everyday to wake me up on time for work. Without it I have such a hard time waking up in the morning. I really like that you can increase the difficulty and number of questions you are asked.”

[US App Store Review by Fungame1234]

“ Best alarm app I have found: I have tried so many different alarms and this is by far the best I have found. Love how easy it is to use and that I can wake up to my music despite trying to get my brain to wake up to do math problems.”

[US App Store Review by Mark_4183]

“ Love it!: Has made waking up much easier. Enjoy being able to play any music in the background. You can choose problem difficult and number of problems.”

[US App Store Review by Araul90]

“ Bloody annoying and works: I love being able to adjust how difficult the problems are. Apparently my sleeping self is pretty good at figuring out these dumb problems and so it’s nice to throw myself off with a particularly nasty math problem.”

[US App Store Review by jacksteger]

“ Amazing!!: I really love this app because it’s so customizable and effective. I can confidently say I NEVER have problems anymore with waking up! I would definitely recommend it instead of setting multiple alarms!”

[US App Store Review by 3ira#]

“ Works great: Being the non-morning person I am it was a miracle that it was able to get me up at 6am and feel awake. It gets my brain working earlier so I feel more awake and am awake for the day instead half awake all day like with my regular alarms. Great app”

[US App Store Review by Loserkingdom1345]

“ I am one heavy sleeper: I’ve tried many things to wake me up in the morning and have failed many times. This is effective and I am upset I did not get it any sooner. One of the most important apps in my phone.”

[US App Store Review by Pink (:]

“ Saved me.: I’ll wake up an hour late, and be screwed for the entire day. This actually gets me up. I no longer have an alarm for every minute on two devices. Thank you.”

[US App Store Review by Smarrsi04]

“ Hate that I love it!!: Seriously the most annoyingly genius app ever!!! I am great at math, so I set a high number of hard problems. By the time I am able to answer them and stop the alarm I’m halfway done brushing my teeth lol”

[US App Store Review by Lolalove484]

“ It actually works perfectly: It actually does work much better than I expected. Same with the motion alarm by the same peeps.”

[US App Store Review by Dhdfsbsa!]

“ Works!: It works. Recommendation: Don’t set multiple alarms with 10 math problems at the highest difficulty each. Learned that the hard way”

[US App Store Review by DaisytheDoodle]

“ Very good app: I always get agrivative because my sister wakes me up in the morning aggressively and now I have a alarm clock so it won’t happen again”

[US App Store Review by itsmaddie09]

Let us know how you’re enjoying Mathe Alarm Clock, or give us your suggestions: [email protected]

If the Mathe Alarm Clock is helping you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find the Mathe Alarm Clock and change their life too.

solve math problems alarm app

BrainWake Alarm Clock wakes up your brain by teaching you something every day. Expand your vocabulary, improve your general knowledge, or refine your math skills — all in the time you usually snooze away.

solve math problems alarm app

The app is now live! 

solve math problems alarm app

Become a little bit smarter every time your alarm rings by solving challenges to turn it off!

solve math problems alarm app

Learn new words to turn off the alarm. The app intelligently remembers the words you got right and the words you got wrong, and repeats the ones you got wrong until you’ve proven that you’ve learned them.

Answer general knowledge questions to turn off the alarm. Learn history, science, geography, and more; all in the time you usually snooze away

Questions come with interesting anecdotes and clarifications to enrich your learning experience.

solve math problems alarm app

Answer general knowledge questions to turn off the alarm. Learn history, science, geography, and more; all the in the time you otherwise snooze away. 

solve math problems alarm app

Turn off the alarm by solving math problems. Always struggled with subtraction? We got you. Always wanted to learn multiplication of numbers between 10 and 20? Now you can.

BrainWake let’s you choose math operator and difficulty level, allowing you to progress through what you used to think was difficult and improve whatever area of math you’d like. Give it a few weeks or months and you will see your “challenge completion times” improve drastically – that’s what happened to us!

solve math problems alarm app

Give it a few weeks or months and you will see your “challenge completion times” improve drastically – that’s what happened to us!

solve math problems alarm app

Hi, this is Daniel, founder of BrainWake and former snoozaholic 😉

To kick my snoozing habit, I used an awfully annoying app that forced me to do math problems every morning to turn off the alarm. This was usually enough to wake me up.

After using the app for a couple of months, I noticed that I had drastically improved my mental math skills. And the best part was that it had taken no extra time or effort – I had simply replaced my snoozing habit with a learning habit. So even though I started using the app to battle my snoozing habit, I reaped the unexpected benefit of also learning something valuable .

That’s when it hit me:

What if I could wake up my tired brain every morning by learning something new ?

What if I could expand my vocabulary in the same effortless way I had improved my mental math? Or improve my general knowledge ?

That’s when BrainWake was born.

solve math problems alarm app

© 2022 All Rights Reserved. BrainWake AB

[email protected]

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solve math problems alarm app

8 best alarm clock apps with math challenges for Android & iPhone

Best alarm clock apps with math challenges

In our world, there are lots of people who have a problem waking up in the morning. There are many reasons why people have these problems but the main reason behind this is they sleep late at night. So, if you are struggling with these problems, there is a solution for you. You can set an alarm not on the clock but in mobile apps.

Many apps are having the feature alarm clock with math problems. The alarm clock app that makes you get up in the early darkest morning. Here, you get the 8 best alarm clock apps with math challenges for android and iPhone .

Table of Contents

8 Best Alarm Clock Apps with Math Challenges

Alarmy App

This is quite possibly the most unmistakable application in this class and perhaps the best. It incorporates various types of missions and assignments to make you awake regardless.

In the Photo mission, you should awaken and snap a photo of an enrolled place, in any case, the sound will not close down. In the mathematical challenges, you will settle a few simple number-related activities to wind down the sound.

Aside from those, there is a Barcode challenge, where, altogether not to allow you to rest, the application will make you take a snap of a standardized tag.

Also, in the Shake task, you should shake your mobile multiple times, and really at that time, it winds down.

2. Crazy Wake up Alarm Clock

Crazy Wake up App

Crazy Wake up Alarm Clock helps those who forget important meetings. The app sets the alarm by creating various tasks. If you want to switch off the alarm then you have to solve the various mathematical problems, which can’t be solved easily.

The app creates tricky tasks like Captcha Alarm Level. In Captcha Level Alarm, you have to input the different random characters.  Why is it tricky? Because at the time of solving the keyboard is switched.

The next option that makes this app best is 360 spin. In 360 spin, it will ask you to stand up and do 360 spins to turn down.

3. Mathe Alarm Clock

Mathe Alarm Clock

If you are too lazy to wake up in the morning, this Mathe Alarm Clock app will help you to wake up in the darkest morning. This app is based on  an alarm clock with a math problem  system.

Mathe Alarm Clock helps to wake up by solving mathematical problems.

The app is best for heavy sleepers because to stop the alarm, you will have to solve the mathematical problems, and while solving a couple of problems your mind will get fresh.

Also, the sound of this alarm is loud and annoying. The app is the best android alarm clock for heavy sleepers. Because the arrangement of the problems or tasks in such a way from easy to hard tasks makes the brain work. From this small task, you can wake up early in the morning.

4. Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers

Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers

In this technology era everyone is sleeping late at night, so no doubt they have to face problems like waking up in the morning.

Those heavy sleepers need external help to wake up in the morning. The Alarm Clock for Heavy sleeper’s app gives you the different tasks and challenges to stop or OFF this alarm.

The app helps you to work your brain early in the morning.This is one of the best alarm apps for heavy sleepers.

Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers app has many features that makes the app the best android alarm clock for heavy sleepers.

One feature, Gentle pre-alarms for heavy sleepers, is best to add a harder task in advance. Using this one, you may forget to set the alarm. This feature will take care of all these problems.

5. Math Alarm Clock by Mathy

Mathy App

The caution begins gradually blurring in and becomes stronger in the event that you would prefer not to awaken. At the point when you get your mobile, you see an activity on the screen of your mobile you should pick the right answer.

By tackling several of those assignments you will actually want to turn the alert down. Incidentally, here you get an opportunity to set the clock on the nap button.

You can alter napping stretches and furthermore pick music for an Alarm. On the off chance that in case you’re reluctant to utilize this sort of alert reasoning you probably won’t settle the undertaking just after rest, you can make a pre-practice in the application and see what you’re able to do.

6. Maths Alarm

Maths Alarm

Using this app, you will find no excuses for not working with this app to wake up in the morning. This app is especially developed for heavy sleepers. You will find no one is best with this app.

All these features and interface of this app is easier than others. Every mathematical task is very tricky.

You want to apply your brain power and you will wake up in the early morning.You say that this is among the best alarm clocks that force you to get up.

7. Math Alarm Clock – Wake up!

Math Alarm Clock – Wake up!

Assuming you need it, you can add your own experience in the application to make it more customized. The application shows the climate conjecture for your area. Additionally, you can handle it by utilizing your voice.

Another amusing capacity here is on the off chance that you set various voices of well-known characters to awaken you on the off chance that you continue to nap.

Those could be Stevie and Hermione, for instance. What’s more, ultimately, the interface of the application is perfectly planned which makes it considerably more advantageous in utilization.

8. AlarMath

AlarMath App

The name AlarMath represents itself with no issue. This is an amazing and creative technique to get you up utilizing math undertakings arrangement.

It can cause you to address numerical problems, tackle a memory tile game, or other dazzling and invigorating missions to wind down the caution. Furthermore, the application will not allow you to press the napping catch as you did before with customary alerts.

If you want to wake up in the early morning, all the above apps are the best android alarm clocks for heavy sleepers. These alarm clocks force you to get up in the early morning. The above 8 apps are the alarm clocks with math problems, available in both android and iPhone. You know while solving math problems your brain starts working.


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Nice list, but I miss Turbo Alarm, my favorite one 🙂

OHH…I will surely add Turbo Alarm App in this list 🙂

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9 Best Alarm Clock Apps With Math Challenges

You will probably not surprise anyone at all if you say you have problems waking up. In our world, we are constantly stressed to always be on and we end up in overworking and overthinking. As a result, our body and mind are getting exhausted and beg us for an extra hour of sleeping each day.

Have you seen the studies which have shown that Americans nowadays sleep 2 hours less than they even did in the 70s? So are you still surprised why waking up is such a problem?

On the other hand, what can we do about the rhythm that our generation is going with? We have no choice but to obey. And actually, there is a powerful way to get you out of the bed at any costs – fresh invention in the applications world – alarms which requite you to solve simple math tasks before you can turn it down.

It is guaranteed that you will be awakened and your brain will be in good condition to get out of bed and be ready for a new day.

You may also like: 9 Best Clock Widget Apps That Shows Seconds (Android & iOS)

Mathe Alarm Clock

People who easily wake up in the morning not tired, happy, and cheerful are probably some kind of Satan’s power.

There are thousands of tips on how to wake up easy in the morning, there are marathons dedicated to that, thousand theories how to do it, a lot of discussions, but let’s be honest, in most cases, it doesn’t work or work for a limited period of time.

If you are sure your power of will is too weak to make yourself wake up even with the alarm, then you need an external stimulus to get you out of bed. You should get this app and it will make you wake up for sure even in the darkest morning.

The app helps to wake up your mind by solving easy mathematical tasks. The thing is, to set the alarm off you will have to solve at least a couple of exercises and thus how your mind will have to start working.

This way you will not postpone your alarm again. And the chances that you will fall back asleep are very low since the brain will start working by solving the equations.

The alarm is loud and annoying. The math puzzles are arranged in such a way that they make your brain work. It’s like a wake-up exercise. The app has three difficulty levels for the math game. You can set up as many puzzles as you want for solving because you know better how many of them you would need to wake up.


You may also like: 13 Best alarm clock apps for Android

Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers

As statistic shows, contemporary people started sleeping almost 2-3 hours less than even 20 years ago. The modern era presses us to be productive all the time and keep up the “hustle” mode.

As a result, many of us destroy our bio clock and get insomnia. And if you sleep 4-6 hours a day it’s no surprise that you have problems waking up in the morning.

Well, there is a way to keep going no matter what. With this app, before you fall asleep again, you will have to go through the various tasks and challenges which stimulate your mental activity. You will not fall asleep again as they will lead you right back to consciousness.

But don’t think that it uses cruel military methods to wake you up. On the opposite, the app is developed considering the best medicians’ recommendations. So no morning stress, only natural methods of warming up. There are also countdown alarms that are perfect for the afternoon siesta.

And there is also an option of a gentle pre-alarm for heavy sleepers so you could wake up a little bit in advance. By the way, have you ever faced a situation when you forgot to set your alarm off, and then you were woken up on a holiday?

This alarm will take care of this problem. If you do the setting previously, then you can not worry about it anymore. You can also restrict alarm to locations.


My Math Alarm Clock

My Math Alarm is an innovative alarm that will help people who have trouble with oversleeping.

A distinctive feature of this application is the forced solution of mathematical problems to turn off the sound signal, as well as the absence of the Snooze button, presented in the conventional built-in alarm clocks.

The interface of My Math Alarm is very cool and you will be provided with the ability to customize almost everything.

When you first enter the application, an animation of a mechanical watch will be shown on the main screen. Their design can be changed by swiping up or down; the color changes by swiping left and right.

When you click on the screen, icons pop up on the sides: on the top left is the settings button; at the top right are placed such buttons as Style, Background (there are not only colors but also pictures), Complications, Brightness, Color inside an app, Color of the app icon, No ads.

The alarm function is located at the bottom center; to the left of this is the Tasks button.

Going to the main function of the alarm clock, by pressing the corresponding button the Alarm list opens. When creating or editing the alarm time, you can give the alarm a name, change the Wake-up Sound, change the number and level of exercises to turn the alarm off.


This is one of the most prominent apps in this category and one of the most effective. It includes different kinds of missions and tasks to make you wake up no matter what.

In the Photo mission, you will need to wake up and take a picture of a registered place, otherwise, the alarm won’t shut down. In the math mission, you will be solving several easy math exercises to turn the sound off.

Apart from those, there is a Barcode mission, where, in order not to let you snooze, the app will make you take a snap of a barcode. And in the Shake mission, you will have to shake your phone 999 times and only then it turns off.

You will find here some additional options as well. One of them is the current temperature where you can check the weather for a day. What is more, you can customize the app to play your songs and melodies, and you can also change the colors of its background.

However, there is an option to set the alarm gentle or with a snooze option, it’s up to you. And you can set alarm clock time easily and quickly through Google Assistant on your home screen.

For the most desperate, there is an option to disable the deletion of the app, so it will prevent your system from deleting this app and keep waking up early.

In total, the app includes 10 annoying alarms to get you out of the bed. Dubbed as “the world’s most annoying alarm clock,” Alarmy has quickly become the world’s highest rated alarm app becoming the favorite mobile alarm clock app among users.


You may also like: 11 Best Talking Alarm Clock Apps for Android & iOS

Puzzle Alarm Clock

With this app, you will run out of excuses for not waking up in the morning. Have you ever thought about how many useful things you could do if you wouldn’t procrastinate? Especially it applies to the people who work on themselves and there is no external stimulus to wake them up.

First of all, this app has a really eye-catching interface. It doesn’t mean a lot, but hey, isn’t it nice that the developers put a thought in it? These apps are always more pleasant to use.

Only after submitting the right mathematical puzzle, the app will turn the alarm down. Who knows, maybe you will even start to have fun waking up with math. You can set different levels of difficulty for the exercises – there are 3 of them – easy, middle, and high.

Puzzle Alarm Clock is an alarm clock app that is sure to wake you up in the morning on the first try. The app requires you to solve various puzzles before the alarm can be turned off

The app offers a variety of puzzle options, including math problems, memory games, and shape-matching exercises. You can choose your preferred difficulty level and snooze options, as well as adjust the alarm tone and volume.

The principle of the app is to make waking up interactive and enjoyable. By solving puzzles, users are encouraged to engage their minds and wake up fully, ensuring they are ready to start their day.

The disadvantages of the application include periodic technical failures that can prevent the application from working properly. Some users have also reported dissatisfaction with the app’s limited puzzle options and the difficulty of some of the puzzles.

All in all, the Puzzle Alarm Clock app is a great option for you if you are looking for a fun and effective way to wake up in the morning.

Application features:

  • An effective way to wake up and drive away drowsiness
  • Large selection of puzzles and difficulty levels
  • Useful application in everyday life

Application cons:

• Periodic technical failures in the application


Math Alarm Clock – Wake up!

They say that how you spend the first hours of your day determines your mood and the rest of the day. And, as a consequence, it determines your life.

There is even a book about how powerful the morning routine is, and this book became quite popular recently. So, if you got tired of procrastinating and spending your mornings in bed instead of the living, then you should get the following app.

Here you will get no mercy of the alarm clock until you solve the math task given by the app. What is curious, you will have to spell the answer out loud. otherwise, the alarm will keep going. It is scientifically designed to wake up your brain and it has no snooze button.

If you want you can add your own background in the app to make it more personalized. The app shows the weather forecast for your location. Moreover, you can control it by using your voice.

You can say, for example, “Jarvis set alarm for 7:30 AM” and the app will do so. Say “Jarvis light” to turn on the flashlight. No fumbling for the light at night!

Another funny function here if you set different voices of famous characters to wake you up if you keep snoozing. Those could be Stewie and Hermione, for example. And lastly, the interface of the app is beautifully designed what makes it even more convenient in usage.


Math Alarm Clock by Mathy

Who says that waking up for you is fated to be terrifying and boring until the rest of your life? You can fill your morning with improving your self-esteem by solving easy math tasks and equations and winning at accomplishing other brain-warming challenges.

This Math Alarm Clock will make you wake up no matter what. It doesn’t care if you like math or not – it will help your system to get away from sleeping and start your days productively.

The alarm starts slowly fading in and becomes louder if you don’t want to wake up. When you grab your phone you see an exercise on the screen of your phone you must choose the right answer.

By solving multiple of those tasks you will be able to turn the alarm down. By the way, here you have a chance to set the clock on the snooze button.

You can customize snoozing intervals and also choose music for an Alarm. In case if you’re afraid to use this kind of alarm thinking you might not solve the task right after sleep, you can make a pre-practice in the app and see what you’re capable of.


You may also like: 10 Best Atomic Clock Apps for Android

I can’t wake up

Now waking up is getting really interesting because now not only you will be solving tasks before full awakening but you will be doing that listening to your favorite tracks from Spotify. Or just choose a track you feel like waking up to. Until you are tired of it, it will definitely help to set your mood to the right note!

This app will prove to you that having problems waking up is not your problem, it’s the problem of your alarms. What is more advantageous, you will be waking up to a different challenge every morning (if you wish).

There are several kinds of challenges built in the alarm, for example, math problem, smile detection where you need to accomplish missions before you can turn the sound off.

When you are setting the alarm clock for the next day you simply need to choose the challenge before that and then you wake up to it. The interface of this app might be not the most user-friendly ever, and that’s why this app is placed the last on our list.

On the other hand, the range of challenges that it offers is truly impressive – Memory Game, Math Challenge, Smile Challenge (really useful for those who hate mornings), Picture challenge, and of courses, the favorite function of all the sleepers – Snooze.


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This Alarm App Makes You Take a (Good) Picture to Turn It Off

iOS, Android: I’m pretty sure Alarmy is evil, but perfect, because a good alarm clock should be two-parts irritating, one-part useful. You don’t want to hate your alarm clock whenever it wakes you up each morning, but a great alarm app shouldn’t be very easy to turn off (tempting you to you go back to bed).

Instead of simply blasting an annoying tone or song, Alarmy (for iOS and Android) borrows a page from every other fun alarm app and allows you to set up wake-up challenges to prove that you’re getting out of bed. And while any app can ask you to complete a math problem, shake the phone, or solve a graphical puzzle—all Alarmy options, too—the app takes the concept of the “morning challenge” one step further.

When you set up an alarm, you’re asked to provide a time, sound and vibration alerts, whether you want to be able to snooze it or not, and... a mission. Cue the song from that Tom Cruise movie.

Of the six missions you can pick from, two are especially insidious. The first, “Barcode/QR-code,” allows you to scan any barcode from any product (like a book, your shampoo, or whatever), or any QR code you have either sitting around nearby or one that you recently printed.

Scan either code to register it to Alarmy. Then, once your alarm starts going off, it’ll keep going until you use your device’s camera to scan the barcode/QR code. Depending on how far away you’ve placed said item in your house or apartment, this can be a great deterrent to sleeping in.

If you don’t want to fuss with scanning items, Alarmy also comes with a simpler “Take a picture” mode. Just take a photograph of something in your house in the condition it’ll be in when you typically wake up at whatever time of day—your toilet, for example.

As before, your alarm will start ringing, and it won’t shut off until you take a similar picture of that item. Depending on your photography skills and sleepy memory, this might normally take you a bit of time in the morning, but Alarmy also provides you with a useful overlay of your registered image versus what you’re seeing on your screen, so even your tired self can take the perfect, silencing shot.

Though Alarmy’s features are completely free to use, the app does come with small advertisement under your list of alarms unless you pay $1 for the app’s full version. The ad didn’t bother me at all when I was using the app, and I doubt it would bother me at the crack of dawn.

13 Best Alarm App For iPhone Users

One of the main reasons can be that the alarm apps are not effective enough to wake you up. To find the best alarm app for iPhone, you have to look for certain features like vibrations to wake you up, not having any snooze button, etc. That is why you need special alarm apps for your iPhone that will wake you up with some extra features.

What To Look For In The Best Alarm App For iPhone

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Get the Reddit app

Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023]( and [the top 255 subreddits]( (even those that never joined the protest).

searching for an app that gives daily math problems (preferable advanced calculus)

Hi, is there an app that can give me daily math problems preferable in advanced calculus to keep me active in solving math problems. I've been searching online and I only found apps that would replace a calculus textbook, but I already have multiple textbooks that I can use. I'd rather have an app giving me difficult problems for fun.

The 6 Best Alarm Clock Apps That'll Force You Out of Bed

Love the snooze button too much? Use one of these alarm clock apps that guarantee you'll wake up on time, no matter how heavily you sleep!

Oh, that infernal alarm clock. We need it, but we hate it. And we hate it even more when it doesn't wake us up properly. If you need to guarantee that you'll wake up on time, you need one of these evil alarm clock apps.

Let's face it: some of us are heavy sleepers. We love that snooze button. But it all contributes to our downfall, as we end up being late. That's why we need alarm apps that will make any heavy sleeper get up.

1. Loud Alarm Clock

loud alarm clock app main page

If typical alarm clocks don't work for you, Loud Alarm Clock may be the best alarm clock app if you're a very heavy sleeper. The app plays a volume boosted alarm sound and uses your phone's maximum volume.

When you set the alarm, you can also tell the app how many times to let you hit the snooze button. If you hit the snooze limit, the app warns that it will play a "diabolically annoying sound" to ensure you can't escape your alarm and have to wake up by then.

Besides the app's default alarm sound, you can also get voices like Hermione or Mr. Bond to wake you up in the morning. These costs in-app currency called Espressos, which are rewarded to you once every day when you successfully wake up to an alarm you set.

Download: Loud Alarm Clock for Android | iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)

set alarm in alarmy app

Everyone has a morning routine. What's the first thing you do after your alarm goes off? Maybe you head to the bathroom or hop to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.

Whatever your routine destination is, mark it in Alarmy. It's one of the simplest ways tech can help you build a better morning routine because the only way to dismiss the alarm then is to take a photo of you in that place.

In a way, the Alarmy alarm clock app is making sure you aren't only awake but have started doing the morning tasks you need to. Alarmy recommends choosing a place that is far from your bed and where the lighting is consistent. The bathroom usually works best for this.

Try out the app a couple of times before you start using it. You don't want to be stuck with a blaring alarm in the morning after you're wide awake.

Alarmy also offers other modes, like solving math problems, shaking the phone, or walking a certain number of steps to disable the alarm.

Download: Alarmy for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

3. Motion Alarm Clock

Motion Alarm Clock Timer

Motion is another alarm that doesn't stop until you move for a specific amount of time. It won't shut off even if you turn your phone on silent or stop the app from running in the background.

Worse, if you snooze and stop moving mid-alarm, the count will climb back up. The good thing, though, is it doesn't need vigorous shaking. The app registers the slightest movement, so just moving your phone around would do the trick.

Since the app will still run in the background, the best way to cheat your way is to simply close the app. But it won't give up easily. The app will send you notifications to tell you to return to the app and turn off your alarm.

It also has a Don't wake my spouse option that turns off the alarm sound for 10 seconds—just enough for you to run outside your room and turn your noisy alarm off without causing your partner to wake up. So if you're looking for an alarm that forces you to wake up by annoying you, this one's it.

Download: Motion Alarm Clock for iOS (Free, premium version available)

4. Shake-It Alarm

set alarm in shake it alarm

In the world of Android alarm clock apps , Shake-It Alarm makes you shake the phone to dismiss the alarm. Other missions to dismiss the alarm include touching the screen and blowing into your phone's microphone.

If you're concerned that the tasks are too simple, there are three difficulty levels to choose from. This way, you can ensure that you can't dismiss the alarm conveniently and fall back to sleep so easily.

Another feature of the app is its adorable cartoon characters. Having to drag ourselves up from the comforting bed is annoying enough, so the addition of a cute character on your screen to greet you when you turn off an alarm helps a little with the morning blues!

Download: Shake-it Alarm for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

5. I Can't Wake Up!

I Can't Wake Up! add alarm

If you don't like any of the methods mentioned above, check out I Can't Wake Up! It has multiple tasks to annoy you into getting out of bed—both mental and physical. It's an alarm app that makes you do math, but it also doubles up as an app that can help you improve your memory !

You can shake the phone, scan a barcode, and write some words. One of the best is the "repeat this sequence," which shows you a sequence and you have to repeat it, forcing you to wake up and pay attention to the screen.

I Can't Wake Up! is also supremely customizable. You can set ringtones, record your voice, and even wake up to your favorite songs. Plus, you can set different tasks for different days and alarms so that it doesn't get repetitive.

Download: I Can't Wake Up for Android (Free, premium version available)

6. Barcode Alarm Clock

Barcode Alarm Clock Plan B Code

Barcode Alarm Clock is another interactive alarm clock app that requires you to move around. This app's alarm only turns off after you scan the barcode you've added during setup. It also gives you a Plan B to type in the numeric code for your barcode instead of scanning it.

The catch? The code disappears and comes back every second, giving you enough adrenaline kick to officially start your day. The only way you could cheat this app is to have the item with the barcode accessible, although having toothpaste on your bedside table looks weird.

But even if you could cheat the app, a few seconds of trying to focus the camera on the barcode should be enough to get you up and about.

Download: Barcode Alarm Clock for iOS (Free)

Wake Up on Time With Unique Alarm Apps

If the default clock app on your smartphone isn't waking you up effectively with its alarms, try replacing it with one of the third-party alarm clock apps above.

Heavy sleepers should opt for Loud Alarm Clock, as its blaring sound can make its way into dreams and wake one up in a jiffy. But if your problem is staying awake right after you open your eyes, alarm apps that offer missions will force you to physically get up, focus, and shake off the sleepiness.

Microsoft Math Solver 4+

Instant math explanations, microsoft corporation.

  • 4.9 • 41.6K Ratings



Math that’s easy, fun, and accessible! Math Solver is an app from Microsoft where every feature is 100% free (like step-by-step instructions) for learners of all ages and abilities. That means whether you’re practicing simple arithmetic or learning advanced algebra and calculus, we’ll guide you to the answer instantly. All for free and now with a games section! HOW IT WORKS: Use your camera to scan the problem, write it out on our whiteboard, or enter it in our calculator. Whatever you choose, Math Solver will help you solve it instantly with a detailed step-by-step explanation, interactive graphs, or similar problems from the web. And when you’re ready for more practice, you can take a daily quiz, play a game, or explore video lectures and articles. WHAT YOU CAN DO: ● Scan printed or handwritten math ● Write a math equation on screen like you would on paper ● Type and edit using advanced math calculator ● Get interactive step-by-step explanations ● Access and leverage our graphing calculator ● Import images with math equations from your mobile device ● Learn more with similar problems and video lectures ● Scan and plot x-y data tables for linear/non-linear functions ● Learn in your language – we support Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and more WHAT WE CAN SOLVE: ● Elementary: arithmetic, real, complex numbers, LCM, GCD, factors, and percentages ● Pre-Algebra: radicals and exponents, fractions, matrices, determinants ● Algebra: quadratic equations, system of equations, inequalities, rational expressions, linear, quadratic and exponential graphs ● Basic Calculus: summations, limits, derivatives, integrals ● Statistics: mean, median, mode, standard deviation, permutations, combinations Learn more about Microsoft Math Solver on our website: Contact us at [email protected] or @microsoftmath on social. Looking forward to your feedback!

Version 1.4.4

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

Ratings and Reviews

41.6K Ratings

i like this app because it shows the work and it absolutely free! you can type in the problem, show them problem and draw the problem! This app honestly amazing! It shows the work just in case you still don’t understand. This app made my life turn into depression to happiness. When I didn’t have this app I didn’t understand anything my professor was saying because I get distracted a lot, I had no clue on what to do on my papers, I would always fail and my mother would always get angry for failing which made me feel like a failure in life i could handle her screaming at me. Music was my therapy back then. I always cry every night because of my grades and everything that was happening to me. My best friend moved and didn’t say goodbye to me only to his other friends. My mom would always punish me by taking away my phone therefore i had no music and made my life worst, i would always stay up until 5-7 because i never wanted to wake up in the morning. I loved it when i was alone home. My dad was my favorite, he left me but i still go with him. I love him so much. Once i downloaded this app this cured all of my bad grades and my mom started to become more proud of me. So i hope you see this and download this!

So far so good

I’ve only been using this app for a short time, and so far it’s been great. You can write problems with your finger ( or stylist), type them in or take a picture of a problem (haven’t tested the picture on yet) but the first two work great. I had used Math Papa for many years and that was my go to…until they decided that if you want to see the step by step you have to pay a whopping $10 a month. This app shows how they got the answer for free. It amazes me that everyone acts so concerned about the U.S. being behind in math with the rest of the world, but people don’t want to give you good training for free. Kudos to Microsoft (for once) for free learning…that is, not charging to see the step by step solutions. May change this if anything changes after having used it longer.
Sure, I'd be happy to write a review for the Microsoft Math Solver app! The Microsoft Math Solver app is a fantastic tool for students and anyone who needs help solving math problems. The app is intuitive and easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that makes finding solutions to complex math problems a breeze. One of the standout features of the app is its ability to recognize handwritten math problems. This means that users can simply write out a problem on their device's screen using their finger or a stylus and the app will automatically recognize the problem and provide a step-by-step solution. In addition to handwritten recognition, the app also allows users to take a photo of a printed math problem and receive a solution. This feature is particularly useful for students who may not have access to a computer or who prefer to work on paper. Overall, the Microsoft Math Solver app is an excellent tool for anyone who needs help with math. Whether you're a student struggling with a difficult homework assignment or an adult trying to solve a complex math problem, this app is sure to be a helpful resource. Highly recommended!

App Privacy

The developer, Microsoft Corporation , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • User Content
  • Search History
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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  3. The Best Alarm Clock Apps To Keep You From Hitting Snooze

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  4. Mathe Alarm Clock

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  5. BrainWake Alarm Clock

    Turn off the alarm by solving math problems. Always struggled with subtraction? We got you. Always wanted to learn multiplication of numbers between 10 and 20? Now you can. ... To kick my snoozing habit, I used an awfully annoying app that forced me to do math problems every morning to turn off the alarm. This was usually enough to wake me up.

  6. Maths Alarm (2022)

    The alarm triggers out asking user to solve mathematical puzzle and stops only on submitting right answer that makes user brain active and user finds it easy to wake up having fun solving maths. This Math alarm is handy with all necessary options for settings including the snooze timing ,vibration, music customization and settings for puzzle ...

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    Apps. Movies & TV. Books. Kids. none. search. help_outline. Math Alarm is the most unique and promising Alarm clock to wake up from sleep.

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  11. This Alarm App Makes You Take a (Good) Picture to Turn It Off

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  16. searching for an app that gives daily math problems (preferable

    Hi, is there an app that can give me daily math problems preferable in advanced calculus to keep me active in solving math problems. I've been searching online and I only found apps that would replace a calculus textbook, but I already have multiple textbooks that I can use.

  17. Mathe Alarm Clock

    Solve multiple-choice math problems in order to kickstart your brain and shut off the alarm. You will not be able to stop the loud and annoying sound without solving the equations. The questions will continue until we know you are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  18. The 6 Best Alarm Clock Apps That'll Force You Out of Bed

    Alarmy also offers other modes, like solving math problems, shaking the phone, or walking a certain number of steps to disable the alarm. ... It's an alarm app that makes you do math, but it also doubles up as an app that can help you improve your memory! You can shake the phone, scan a barcode, and write some words. ...

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  23. Resolve

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  24. ‎Microsoft Math Solver on the App Store

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