60+ Ways to Tell Someone You Love Them Over Text

Master the perfect "I love you" text and learn a few special sayings along the way.

Megan's contributed both writing and research to a myriad of associations including academic publications, cultural institutions, non-fiction works, and experimental collaborative projects.

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In modern dating, there' s a sixth love language - texting. Romancing someone over text is a fine art, one that you can get better at with a little practice. Don't fall into the trap of always just saying "I love you." Rather, learn how to craft a memorable "I love you" text by diving into some examples that are sweet, heartwarming, and oh so personal.

Cute Ways to Say "I Love You" in a Text

From picking out emojis to debating over using punctuation, crafting an "I love you" text takes some serious brainpower, especially if you're sending the first one in your relationship. But, the biggest tip is to not overthink it! And if you need a little help, we've got these cute ways to show your affection for them over text at the ready.

Just when I think my heart couldn't get any fuller, I somehow love you more.

I love you now. I love you always. I love you forever. But even that doesn't seem like a long enough time.

Every time you smile, my heart stutters.

You brighten my world so much each day; I don't know how I ever lived without you.

To say I love you to the moon and back doesn't even cover it. I love you so much; they haven't even discovered a planet that far yet.

There are a thousand ways you make me happy each and every day. The words "I love you" don't even cover the depth of my feelings for you.

I adore just how perfect you are, but I couldn't live without your imperfections.

The love you give me makes me a better person. Because of you, the world's clearer and my day's brighter. Thank you for loving me.

When the world's pushing me down, your love gives me the inspiration to take that next step.

This must be true love, because I've never felt this way before.

The sound of your voice brightens my day.

Every day that I'm not with you seems like an eternity. I long for the next time we'll be together again.

I can't wait for dinner tomorrow night. I love spending time with you.

I had so much fun with you yesterday. So excited to see you later. Love you!

I love you. Just wanted to say that.

Just wanted to tell you how much I love and adore you.

When I'm sad, picturing you in my mind makes me smile.

Knowing that I'm lucky enough to call you mine is my new reason for getting up in the morning.

Meeting you was like finally finding those missing socks that disappear in the laundry. You're my love match.

  • 100 Different Ways to Say "I Love You" With Meaning
  • How to Explain Why You Love Someone
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Touching Text Messages Your Partner Will Love to Read

Touch your partner's heart with these romantic messages perfect for any relationship. Knowing how to express your feelings to someone through text isn't always easy, but if you're genuine, you can't go wrong. Let your significant other know just how much you love them through a meaningful "I love you" text, like any one of these heartwarming examples.

I never truly believed in soulmates until I met you. You're the piece of myself I never knew was missing.

You made me realize that reality's much better than dreams, because loving you is like living in a dream.

When you wrap your palm around mine, I know that nothing in this world is impossible.

Knowing that you love me, flaws and all, gives me the strength to work each day to be a better me.

I'm a better me with your love in my heart.

I never understood the phrase "love to last a lifetime" until I met you. I want to walk with you hand in hand until my last breath.

Even if you were lost in a vast ocean of people, my heart would always find yours.

Before I met you, my mind was overwhelmed with everything. But now, it's impossible to think of anything but you.

Being with you is like living in heaven. Every moment is a new adventure to love.

My heart came to life the moment you stepped into my life.

  • 35 Touching Things to Say to the One You Love

Sweet and Romantic Text Messages Full of Love

Keep your love sweet as sugar through these "I love you" texts. While you don't want to shoot for full-on sappy, syrupy is just fine. Sometimes, we could all do with a little dose of sugar in our lives.

Baby, I couldn't count the ways I love you because there isn't a number for infinity.

Thank you for choosing me every day of our lives. I love you more than words.

Your love for me is like the most beautiful perennial flower. It never stops blossoming.

Before I met you, I thought I was happy, but now I realize I didn't know what happiness was.

The way I love you can't be measured or counted. Just when I think I couldn't possibly love you anymore, you always show me that I can.

I thought I had my goals in place, but now my number one goal is to hold your hand for the rest of my life.

No matter how many years go by, the sound of your voice still gives me butterflies. You are my world and I love to have you by my side.

When I say you're one of a kind, I mean that no one on this planet can compare to the incredible heart and soul you have.

Who knew one smile could make me feel alive?

Your love is the only air I need.

I never thought I could put love into words, and then I met you.

If you look in the dictionary for the definition of love, you'll find a description of me and you.

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Caring Messages to Show Someone You Love Them Over Text

If you're looking for a way to tell someone you care about them over text, these are perfect for the days when they need a pick-me-up. When you're overwhelmed with love for your person, share these sweet text messages.

I never knew what love meant until the day you walked into my life. You are the reason I get up in the morning, and your smile is like air. I love you. I adore you. I want to be with you forever.

I never thought in the long-term until I met you, and now I can't stop fantasizing about what our future's going to look like.

You're the reason I open and close my eyes, smiling.

Every day my love for you grows a little deeper. More than giving you my heart, I want to give you my soul.

It's in the little moments from the brush of your hand to the radiance of your smile that another piece of my heart becomes filled with you.

There might be millions of fish in the sea, but I'm blind to everyone else by the radiance of your beauty.

My world was different colors of gray until you showed me the beauty of color with the depth of your love.

I didn't know that a heart could simultaneously melt and swell until you smiled at me.

When the world pounds at me like waves in the night, your love shows me the beauty of the stars.

Fun "I Love You" Texts To Surprise Your Partner With

Sending a text message to communicate your love doesn't have to be cheesy or sappy. Sometimes we shy away from being intentionally emotional, but there are other ways to tell someone that you love them. One way is to keep it fun by sending these playful love notes to your partner.

Baby, to me, you shine brighter than a star - you're a supernova.

The only thing I'd ever change about you is your last name.

Just to be fair to the rest of my family, I've decided to only love you on days that end in Y.

You're just like a painting because a true master created every piece of you.

I know I need to do things today, but it's tough to remember them when my mind is full of nothing but you.

Do you know what time it is? Time to tell you I love you.

I love you more than (insert favorite food). Now that says it all.

Now, I fully understand the meaning behind "love is blind." You shine so brightly it's hard for me to see anything else.

I'm not dying to love you; I'm living to love you every day.

I don't want you to be the Romeo to my Juliet. I just want you to be my happily ever after.

Tips for Sending Love-Loaded Texts

Knowing how to send a sweet text can brighten your partner's day, but there are a few things you should consider before you send out the wrong heartfelt message at an ill-timed moment.

Authenticity Is the Number One Rule

When we're bombarded by so many different opinions and ideas about what the perfect relationship looks like and what the ideal way to communicate with your partner is, it can be hard to know which approach to take. The best thing you can do is ignore all of the noise, and focus on being 100 percent authentic to how you're feeling. Laying your cards out on the table and expressing the depth of your feelings to your partner will show them that you're a safe person to be emotional and intimate with.

Be Careful About Your Timing

With texts, timing is everything. The last thing you want is to tell someone your feelings for the first time and have them be in a meeting, or hopping onto a plane, or going through a rough patch at work. You want to make sure the moment is right for whatever text you're trying to send. Silly and funny ones are perfect to pepper throughout the day, but you should wait to send intimate ones when they can really enjoy the feelings that they stir up.

Don't Avoid Saying It in Person

Texting's just so easy that it's becomes a default way of talking to your partner for many people. Because of this, sometimes you can forget to have a meaningful conversation with them face-to-face. This can be especially true for long-distance relationships. But, an "I love you" text shouldn't be used in the place of saying it in person. Rather, it's a quick way to supplement your verbal declarations.

Texting Keeps the Fire Burning

No matter what stage of a relationship you're in, texting can help you stay in contact and strengthen your connection with that special person in your life. While it can sometimes lean towards the impersonal, texting your love to your partner can be a great way to keep that romantic fire lit, even when neither of you is around!

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120 Creative Ways To Say I Love You

unique ways to say i love you in text

So, have you ever found yourself wanting to express your love in a way that’s a little more unique, a bit more special? You know, something beyond the typical “I love you” ?

You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, wanting to express our love in a meaningful way but unsure of how to do it.

But don’t worry, friend, because I’ve got your back. In this article, we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of expressing love.

From the sweet and romantic to all sorts of ways to say those three little words that mean so much. We’re talking about finding those charming, heartfelt, funny and creative ways to say “I love you” to that special someone in your life.

Because let’s face it, love is something extraordinary, so why not express it in extraordinary ways? Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

Creative Ways To Say I love You

❤️ You’re always in my thoughts.

❤️ Your happiness brings me joy too.

❤️ You’re my perfect match.

❤️ Spending time with you is my favorite thing.

❤️ You’re my partner in crime, anytime, anywhere.

❤️ How about a call instead of texting? Texting feels so distant nowadays!

❤️ When do I get to see you again?

❤️ Being with you feels like being at home.

❤️ Thank you for completing me.

❤️ There are countless reasons to love you, and it’s all about you.

❤️ I’m here for you, no matter what.

❤️ You’re the dream I’ve always wished for.

❤️ You always bring a smile to my face.

❤️ My life wouldn’t be the same without you.

❤️ We’re a perfect match.

❤️ No one else makes me feel as special as you do.

❤️ We’re meant to be together.

❤️ You make me go wild.

❤️ I can’t get enough of you.

❤️ You mean everything to me.

❤️ The excitement I feel inside tells me they love you too.

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You

❤️ You complete me.

❤️ You make me incredibly happy.

❤️ I love you so much.

❤️ I’d be lost without you.

❤️ You give me goosebumps!

❤️ Seeing you fills my heart with love.

❤️ I love you a lot.

❤️ I’m nobody without you.

❤️ You’re always on my mind.

❤️ I’m deeply in love with you.

Cute Ways To Say I Love You

❤️ You brighten my day like the sun does.

❤️ I’m crazy about you!

❤️ Where would I be without you?

❤️ I’ve fallen hard for you.

❤️ I’m head over heels for you.

❤️ “I love spending time with you endlessly.”

❤️ Loving you comes naturally.

❤️ I love you very much.

❤️ “If I loved you any less, I’d talk about it more,” —Emma.

Ways To Say I Love You To Him

❤️ Darling, you have my heart.

❤️ I’ll always love you.

❤️ I can’t do without you.

❤️ I’ve never felt this connected with anyone else.

❤️ You’re the only one for me.

❤️ Your love leaves me breathless.

❤️ There’s nothing I dislike about you.

❤️ My love for you is eternal.

❤️ I want to spend forever with you.

❤️ I’m so happy I found you.

❤️ You make my world amazing.

❤️ You bring my world to life.

❤️ “Your happiness makes me happy.”

❤️ You make my heart race.

❤️ I’m all yours, forever.

❤️ “I love you just the way you are.”

❤️ I’m lucky to have you.

❤️ Hold my hand tight, never let go.

❤️ “I can see us growing old together.”

❤️ My heart belongs to you always.

❤️ Give me that beautiful smile.

❤️ I enjoy planning our future.

❤️ “How can I love you better?”

❤️ I feel most myself with you.

Ways To Say I Love You To Her

❤️ I’ll always be here for you, rain or shine.

❤️ You’re my forever love.

❤️ You bring immense joy into my life.

❤️ I’d do anything for you.

❤️ You’re my biggest supporter.

❤️ You’re the missing piece of my puzzle.

❤️ I love you more than anything.

❤️ I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

❤️ I love you more than I can say.

❤️ I’d give you the world.

❤️ Loving you is effortless.

❤️ You’ve got my heart.

❤️ I want to grow old with you.

❤️ “I’d do anything to make you smile.”

❤️ You’re my world.

Cute Ways To Say I Love You In A Text

❤️ I can’t live without you.

❤️ I’m so proud you’re mine!

❤️ I love our life together.

❤️ You’re my sunshine!

❤️ I love everything about you.

❤️ You make me want to be better.

❤️ You’re precious to me.

❤️ Please stay with me forever.

❤️ “It’s okay if you fall, I’ll catch you.” —Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Poetic Ways To Say I Love You

❤️ You are the melody to my heart’s song.

❤️ You are the poetry my soul longs to recite.

❤️ My love for you blooms like a flower in spring.

❤️ With every breath, I whisper your name to the stars.

❤️ My love for you flows like an eternal river, constant and unwavering.

❤️ “Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I’m never not thinking of you.”—Virginia Woolf,  Selected Diaries

❤️ “I yearn for you.”

❤️ “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this every day , but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me… every day.” — The Notebook

❤️ “I’m not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” —Sally Rooney,  Normal People

❤️ “I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?” —Shakespeare,  Much Ado About Nothing

❤️ “If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you,” —Taylor Jenkins Reid,  The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

❤️ “I’m enamored with you.”

❤️ “And you know that I’d swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches.” —Taylor Swift, “peace”

Funny Ways To Say I Love You

❤️ You know, I love you more than I love sleep . And trust me, that’s a big statement!

❤️ You’re my happy place in a world full of chaos and craziness.

❤️ If there was a competition for loving someone, I’d win the gold medal for loving you.

❤️ “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.”

❤️ “You’re the bacon to my eggs.”

❤️ “You’re my cup of tea.”

❤️ “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.”

❤️ “Aloe you vera much.”

❤️ “You’ve stolen a pizza my heart.”

❤️ “Some people are worth melting for.” —Frozen

Different Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ to a Friend

❤️ You’re my best friend.

❤️ I enjoy hanging out with you!

❤️ You’re amazing!

❤️ I’m really thankful to have you as a friend.

❤️ We’re best friends forever!

❤️ I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.

❤️ You’re my favorite person!

❤️ You mean a lot to me as a friend!

❤️ I love how much we laugh together!

❤️ I’m glad there’s someone like you in the world.

Different Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ to a Family Member

❤️ Have you eaten lately?

❤️ I’m worried about you, can we chat?

❤️ You’re really important to me!

❤️ I love the time we spend together.

❤️ I care about you deeply.

❤️ I feel lucky to have you in my life!

❤️ I’m happy we’re family!

❤️ I’m glad I have you as an uncle/aunt to look up to.

❤️ You’ve made a big impact on my life.

Ways To Say I Love You With Physical Touch

✅ hug s: Give your loved one a big, tight hug to show how much you care.

✅ Hand-holding: Hold hands while walking or sitting together to feel close and supported.

✅ Kisses: Plant sweet kisses on their cheek, forehead, or lips to share your love.

✅ Cuddling: Snuggle up together to feel warm, cozy, and loved.

✅ Back rubs: Massage their back or shoulders to help them relax and feel cared for.

✅ Hair stroking: Gently run your fingers through their hair to soothe and show affection.

✅ Arm around the shoulder: Wrap your arm around their shoulder to offer comfort and closeness.

✅ Playful touches: Give them playful pokes or tickles to share fun and affectionate moments.

✅ Forehead kisses: Plant a soft kiss on their forehead to show love and tenderness.

✅ Embrace from behind: Surprise them with a hug from behind to show your love and protectiveness.

Ways To Say I Love You With Quality Time

✳️ Turn off your phones: When you’re together, put away the phones to focus on each other.

✳️ Share your day: Talk about your day and listen to theirs to stay connected.

✳️ Plan surprises: Surprise them with tickets to a show or event they’ve been wanting to see.

✳️ Hang out with loved ones: Spend quality time with their friends and family to show you care about their relationships.

Ways To Say I Love You With Acts Of Service

🌀 Help out without asking: Do tasks for them without needing them to request it.

🌀 Make their favorite dish: Cook a meal they love without them having to ask.

🌀 Be a good listener: Pay attention when they want to talk, without any distractions.

🌀 Plan a surprise outing: Get tickets to something they’ve been wanting to see or do.

🌀 Take care of them: Anticipate what they need and take care of it before they ask.

Different Ways To Say I Love You In Different Languages

❤️️ F rench — Je t’aime

❤️ Arabic – أنا أحبك

❤️ Spanish — Te quiero

❤️ Hebrew — אני אוהבת אותך

❤️ German — Ich liebe dich

❤️ Croatian — Volim te

❤️ Italian — Ti amamo

❤️ Portuguese — Eu te amo

❤️ Swedish — Jag älskar dig

❤️ Romanian — Te iubesc

❤️ Hindi – “मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ” for males and “मैं तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ” for females.

Final Words

Expressing love is about going beyond the ordinary to make our relationships special. Whether it’s through sweet gestures, romantic words, or unique acts, finding different ways to say “I love you” adds depth and happiness to our connections. Let’s embrace love in all its forms and show our affection in heartfelt, funny, and creative ways.

About The Author

unique ways to say i love you in text

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121 Unique Romantic Secret Ways To Say I Love You In Text

Secret ways to say I love you simple

Table of Contents

Do you want to express your feelings for the person you love, your spouse or partner, but don't know how? Are you worried about their shocked reaction to your new deed, and would you like to send them a note to communicate your sentiments more clearly?

To be honest, declaring your love to someone for the first time might be the most difficult thing in life, whether you want to communicate it by text, video, voice, or face-to-face communication.

We've compiled a list of the finest secret ways to say I love you . We are confident that this post will assist you in creating the most romantic love notes for your other half.

Express secret ways to say I love you

Romantic secret ways to say I love you to someone

First, saying "I love you" in a confusing or ambiguous way can turn your listeners off, especially if you use confusing and unclear language. You can't expect to say something like, "All we love is pizza for tonight! I wonder if there's anything else you'd love..." and make them understand what you're talking about. They will just think you really like pizza.

That is to say, sometimes you need to tactfully let others know how you feel without being overly stressed. Let's take a look at creative secret ways to say “I love you ” so you don't have to rely on a few pictograms in your Instagram Stories to get the job done.

The way a person utilizes an emoji is subjective, which means that when they send it to them, they are thinking exactly the same way. The emoji that men send when they are in love differs from the emoji that women desire. Everyone has a favorite emoji as 1 advantage to hide the secret ways to say I love you .

If you're the sort of person who can't utilize emojis to salvage a discussion when it's at a standstill, your narrative won't survive long. Keep the conversation going if you're the sort of person that sends a lot of hearts and emojis in practically every text message.

A scarlet heart, someone with heart-shaped eyes, or even someone blushing might all imply more than you realize.

If you've never used memes to flirt with someone, you're passing up far too many possibilities. One of the most effective methods to communicate "I love you" in a text message without really saying it is to send a meme.

Therefore, the next time you're scrolling through your Instagram discovery pages, shoot a photo you like and upload it. At the very least, this can help you make them giggle and hook them on you.

Send song lyrics

When it comes to expressing love through text messages, sending lyrics can be a great way to convey your feelings. Whether it's a romantic ballad or a catchy pop song, the right lyrics can capture the essence of your emotions and help you convey them in a meaningful way. 

You can choose a song that has special meaning for your loved one, friend or lover and send it to them. Doing this sincerely will help you to express your intentions to them more clearly and they will certainly take note of what you do.

Do it with more funny texts

Incorporating comedy and lightness to your text messages will be a fun and lighthearted approach to express your love for someone. Funny messages may make your loved ones laugh, smile, and feel valued in a positive way.

By incorporating humor into your writing, you may strengthen your relationships with your loved ones and demonstrate that you cherish their presence and enjoy making them happy.

Express appreciation in words

Using texting or texting to express your thanks vocally is a great technique to demonstrate your affection to someone. Taking the time to recognize and appreciate what they do, the traits they possess, or the way they influence your life may help them feel appreciated and cherished. This thing is a secret way to say I love you which very few people want to share or show you.

Whether it's a simple "thank you" for a nice gesture or a more thorough note describing all the reasons why you admire them, expressing appreciation may strengthen bonds and create closeness.

Send cute photos of yourself

If a guy is interested in you and enjoys talking to you, then sending him cute pictures of you is sure to get his attention. Take it a step further and caption the image with something cute like: “I like you so much” and incorporate your God-given pretty face!

Send cute videos 

Send the person you're paying attention to a cute video of you doing something cute or even saying something sweet. In today's digital age, it's easy to find and share videos that can express your feelings and make your loved one feel special.

So why not brighten someone's day by sending them a cute video today? It's a simple yet powerful gesture that can strengthen your relationship and show your love in a unique way.

Movie recommendation

Romantic comedies are a timeless option for people searching for a cheerful film to watch with the one they love. Instead of communicating the message "I love you" or "I miss you," a video showcasing couples' profound love might be used. Sitting on the couch together, watching movies and eating popcorn will make the couple's love taste more sublimated.

Audio notes

Audio notes may be a unique and meaningful method to express your feelings to someone. Furthermore, this is regarded as an efficient method of communicating your sentiments to everyone. 

The sound of your voice and the tone of your messages may create an atmosphere of closeness and connection, making it simpler to communicate your feelings to someone. And if you do it well you really know all the uses of secret ways to say I love You .

Legendary poets 

Audio notes are seen as a unique and meaningful way to express your feelings to someone. The sound of your voice with the tone of your message can create a feeling of closeness and connection to the hearts of your listeners. Sending a text message saying "I love you" in a warm voice will be an effective way for her to remember you forever.

Why are you flirting? And do you truly desire to flirt with someone? Make sure that the goal is not sleeping with them or messing with their emotions. While there are several ways to express "I love you", then flirting is the most common one. Scroll down to find the answer for eternal passion in love you might have. 

How to say I love you in a text?

Missing you message for darling

You're tired of saying "I love you" to that special someone. Why don't you try some of the more obvious options? These are 50 words to send to someone you love to make them feel your love through selections about secret ways to say I love you :

  • You and I are so compatible, we are like two missing pieces of each other.
  • You make me feel completely happy. Thank you for your efforts.
  • Thank you because you are always next to me with whatever I need.
  • I am mesmerized by your beauty, both inside and out. Let it always belong to you!
  • I'm really lucky to know you. Because you have me better than everyday.
  • I like the feeling when I am next to you. Let it exist forever.
  • You're the present which God gave to me, so I'll respect this thing forever.
  • It's a pity if I lost you because you're the best person I met.
  • Why does the perfect person live on the Earth? I wish we had connected sooner. .
  • I promise that I'll love you forever whatever everything will be not good come on.
  • It's the best choice to talk to you. Let's give you the reason to take care of you.
  • You mean a lot to me. When I contacted you, I realized I changed so much and all of the things are also good for me.
  • I don't know how to say “I love you” but please give me the reason to stop loving you.
  • I think that I like you and this thing is very real.
  • You are the only one on my mind anytime and anywhere.
  • I just want to become a part of your life from now to later.
  • I like to save my time for you more than anything else.
  • It makes no sense if everyday continues but you don't have you.
  • When we're together, time seems to have stopped drifting, I just wanna to enjoy these moments.
  • Going out with you is really interesting, I expect that I'll have a lot of choice to do that.
  • Thanks to you for inspiring me, right now I really understand "What is love?"
  • How do you feel about me today? You can give me feedback because I really want to accompany you.
  • Every passing day makes me fall more in love with you. . I'm sure you've noticed, but I'd like to realize this let you know again
  • You light up my life. Please help me maintain that.
  • You make me smile more every time I meet you.
  • Let's grow old and wrinkle together!
  • You just give me your hand, I'll take you around the World.
  • Do you think about living with me together?
  • I'll always favor you whatever you intend.
  • I just wanna say: 'Thank you for coming to me".
  • You are too good to be true! Please don't go.
  • I love you to know how, why, or even from where and I believe that it won't change.
  • You know that: everything I see you, my heart jumps all over the place.
  • Has anyone ever told you that you're gorgeous?
  • If I had the ability to change the alphabet, I would put U and I next to each other.
  • Are you a thief? Why steal my heart?
  • Do you know why I'm fat? It's because I keep you close to my heart..
  • Do you know: I’m not good at anything, except loving you.
  • I'm not an organ donor, but I'd happily contribute my heart for you.
  • Loving you is like breathing and I just can’t stop.
  • I tried to forget about you, but I probably wouldn't be able to do that.
  • You're the dream which I no never want to wake up.
  • How I let the day go out talking to you, it's very bad.
  • The World has 8 million people but I just love only you.
  • You just gave me a glance and I gave you my heart.
  • In a sea of people, still, you're the apple of my eyes.
  • In a forest of sounds, I just wanna hear your voice which it's very clear.
  • I'm not Titanic, why do you always make me sink to such depth.
  • If you ask me why I’m so happy, I’ll give you a mirror. 
  • Let's always remember to smile because it will make me become the happiest person in the World.

Secret ways to say I love you in text messages may be difficult to communicate, but you may still personalize them to make them more accessible to the recipient. 

Instead of sending them an empty text expressing you love them, if your expression isn't good enough, they can assume you're attempting to take advantage of them. 

We believe that the preceding post has greatly aided you in revealing your genuine sentiments to the person you love. Please keep following us!

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Equipping You For A Stronger Relationship

100 Creative Ways To Say “I Love You” Differently

February 11, 2023 · RELATIONSHIP

I love you

Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or are just getting started, there are many different ways to say I love you and express your love. Expressing love is a crucial component of any relationship as it is such a lovely way to let someone know how much they mean to you because words have the ability to have a significant impact, especially used to declare your love for someone. By expressing your love for your partner or saying “I Love You”, you strengthen your relationship and let them know how much you value and appreciate them. There are many creative ways to say “I love you,” and each expression can have a unique effect and meaning. From classic declarations of love to original expressions, the options are endless! Whether it’s through words, deeds, or gestures, the most crucial thing is to express your love in a way that feels authentic and significant to you. In this article, we’ll explore some of the creative ways to say “I love you” and heartfelt methods to declare your love for the important people in your life, whether you’re looking to strengthen your current relationship or just want to pleasantly surprise your partner.

ways to say I love you

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You In Another Language

The words “I love you” are valued no matter what language you speak, and saying them in a romantic way can add an extra layer of depth and meaning to your words. Here are some romantic ways to say “I love you” in different languages:

1. French : “Je t’aime” (zhuh tem) or “Je t’adore” (zhuh tuh-dor)

2. Spanish : “Te quiero” (teh key-air-oh) or “Te amo” (teh ah-moh)

3. Italian : “Ti amo” (tee ah-moh)

4. German : “Ich liebe Dich” (ikh leebuh dihk)

5. Portuguese : “Eu te amo” (eh-oo teh ah-moh)

6. Russian : “Ya tebya lyublyu” (ya teh-byah lyoob-lyooh)

7. Japanese : “Aishiteru” (ah-ee-shee-teh-roo)

8. Arabic : “أنا أحبك” (ana ahbik)

9. Mandarin Chinese : “我爱你” (wǒ ài nǐ)

10. Hindi : “मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ” (main tumse pyaar karta hoon)

11. Dutch : “Ik hou van je” (ikh hoo vahn yuh)

12. Swedish : “Jag älskar dig” (yagh el-skar dee)

13. Danish : “Jeg elsker dig” (yay elsker dee)

14. Norwegian : “Jeg elsker deg” (yay elsker dah)

15. Finnish : “Rakastan sinua” (rah-kah-stahn see-noo-ah)

16. Hungarian : “Szeretlek” (sair-ret-lek)

17. Czech : “Miluji tě” (mee-loo-yee teh)

18. Polish : “Kocham cię” (ko-ham cheh)

19. Croatian : “Volim te” (voh-leem teh)

20. Turkish : “Seni seviyorum” (seh-nee seh-vee-yor-um)

These are just a few examples but bear in mind that these languages have numerous dialects and variances, so the exact phrase may vary depending on where it’s spoken.

unique ways to say i love you in text

Secret Ways To Say I Love You In Text

Here are some covert methods to text “I love you” if you want to show your affection in a subtle or original way:

  • Emojis : To covertly show your affection, use the heart and kiss emojis or even combine them yourself.
  • Song Lyrics : Choose a love song’s lyrics that best describe your feelings and text them to the person. For instance, you may email the words “I can’t resist falling in love with you” or “You are the brightness of my life.”
  • Hidden Message : Write a message and then spell out “I love you” using the first letter of each word.
  • Quotes : Choose a love-affirming quote and text it to the recipient. Send a quote like,

21. “Love is not simply staring at each other, it’s looking in the same direction”.

22. “I have so much that I want to say to you, but I can`t say a word.” – Michelle Burns

23. “He wanted her. She`d never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well.” – Avril Lavigne

24. “One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall; A mighty love within my breast has grown, Unseen, unspoken, and of no one known; And of my sweet, who gave it, least of all.” – Felix Arvers

  • Inside Joke : Use an inside joke or secret code to communicate your affection to the other person. It can be a unique word, expression, or emoji that only the two of you know.
  • Initials : Write “I love you” using just the first letter of each word. For example;

25. ILY : I Love You

26. ILYSM : I Love You So Much

27. ILYF : I’ll Love You Forever

28. ILYWAMY : I Love You With All My Heart

29. IWALY : I Will Always Love You

30. LYAAF : Love You Always And Forever

31. LYTID : Love You Till I Die

32. LYLC : Love You Like Crazy

33. LOML : Love Of My Life

34. YATLOML : You Are The Love Of My Live

  • Numeric codes : Create a code using numbers to represent the letters in “I love you.” For example,

35. 143 : I love you (the numbers of letters in each word) 36. 831 : I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) 37. 381 : I love you (3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning) 38. 1234 : I love you (1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you[I Love You]) 39. 459 : I love you (phone keyboard layout for ILY) 40. 1437 : I Love You Forever (number of letters in each word) 41. 14344 : I Love You Very Much (number of letters in each word) 42. 14643 : I Will Always Love You 43. 4221 : 4ever 2gether 2love 1another 44. 5201314 : I Love You For A Lifetime

  • Symbols : Use symbols or special characters to create a hidden message that says “I love you.” For example,

45. using a heart symbol followed by the letter “u.”

46. *_* : In Love

47. <3 : I love You; Love

48. <3U : I Love You

49. <333 : Lots Of Love

50. <4 : I Really Love You

Always remember that the most crucial aspect of expressing your love is to do so in a way that feels natural and sincere to you.

unique ways to say i love you in text

Funny Ways To Say I Love You

These are playful, witty ways to show someone you care about them. They often involve wordplay, puns, or jokes, and are intended to bring a smile to the recipient’s face.

They are not meant to be taken seriously but instead, to add a dash of comedy and quirkiness to the expression of love.

These phrases are often used in casual relationships or among friends and are a fun and lighthearted approach to expressing affection.

51. “I have a crush on you bigger than a Yeti on a blueberry muffin!”

52. “I’ve fallen for you… and I can’t get up.”

53. “I’m sweet on you like maple syrup on pancakes!”

54. “You are the crayons to my coloring book”

55. “You’re the PB to my J!”

56. “If I wrote the book of love, you would be my dedication.”

57. “I love you more than a hobbit loves second breakfast.”

58. If I could only have one guest for dinner, it would be you. Not as the main dish, but as a companion, of course.

59. “You’re the missing ingredient in my life recipe!”

60. What did the volcano say to the mountain? I lava you!

61. “You light up my life like a firefly in a jar!”

62. “You are just like bacon, you make everything better!”

63. “I’m head over heels for you, more than a centaur for their horse half.”

64. “You’ve stolen a pizza my heart”

65. “I love you more than a superhero loves their cape.”

66. “I love you more than Minions love bananas!”

67. “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.”

68. “My favorite part of you is the better half; ME!”

69. “I love you more than a bear loves honey, and that’s a lot!”

70. “I love you more than a herd of wildebeest love stampeding Mufasa!”

You can also check out this collection of funny love messages for more inspiration!

Ways To Say I Love You Without Words

You don’t always have to express your affection to someone verbally. Love and affection can be shown in a variety of nonverbal ways, some of which are even more powerful than words.

Overall, even if you don’t always have the appropriate words to say, showing love without words may be a meaningful way to connect with someone and show them that you care. Here are some ways to express love without using words:

71. Offer a hug : A tender embrace can convey a lot about how you feel.

72. Give a kiss : A soft kiss on the forehead or cheek can be used to convey feelings of love and adoration.

73. Write a love letter : Write down your feelings in a love letter and place it somewhere where they will find it.

74. Hold hands : Physical touch is a strong method to show someone you care about them and that you support them.

75. Prepare a meal : Making a special dinner for someone can show them how much you care.

76. Give a considerate gift : Opt for a present that demonstrates your appreciation for and understanding of the recipient.

77. Do something thoughtful : Show your affection by doing something considerate, like cleaning the dishes or running errands.

78. Give a massage : Offer to massage their feet or their back to make them feel appreciated and relaxed.

79. Spend quality time together : Spend quality time with your loved ones by making time for them and being totally present while doing so.

80. Use body language : Smile, make eye contact, and nod to show that you are listening and engaged in the conversation.

Different Ways To Say I Love You

Although saying “I love you” is a powerful declaration of affection, there are numerous other ways to do so, each with its own unique nuance and meaning. There are many different methods to express your love, from simple expressions to cute ways to say I love you in a text.

Cute ways to say “I love you” are playful, affectionate, and often lighthearted displays of love. These expressions can be used to communicate love in a more romantic relationship, although they are often used in casual relationships or among friends.

Some different ways to say “I love you” include:

81. “You take my breath away”

82. “You’re the apple of my eye.”

83. “I’m bananas for you.”

84. “You’re the cherry on top of my sundae.”

85. “I’m sweet on you.”

86. “I have a crush on you.”

87. “You light up my life.”

88. “You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day.”

89. “You’re the missing puzzle piece in my life.”

90. “You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.”

91. “You’re my better half.”

92. “I adore you”

93. “I cherish you”

94. “You mean everything to me”

95. “I’m head over heels for you”

96. “You’re my soulmate”

97. “I’m crazy about you”

98. “I can’t imagine my life without you”

99. “You’re my dream come true”

100. “Your voice is my favorite sound”

These cute expressions add a touch of humor and playfulness to the expression of love and can make the recipient feel loved, appreciated, and valued.

Last Words On Creative Ways To Say I Love You

Remember that actions can often speak louder than words, so it’s important to show love through thoughtful gestures and acts of kindness too. In whatever way you’ve chosen to express your love, make sure you stay true to your emotions and remain as authentic as possible.

If you’re more of an indirect person or your partner’s love language is words of affirmation then you might want to try out giving the best compliments. They can serve as an expression of your love and it will certainly boost their confidence.

Peace, love, and light until we meet again in our next blog post. Ciao! Don’t forget to follow us on your favorite social media:


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100 ways to say I Love You

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unique ways to say i love you in text

unique ways to say i love you in text

How to say I love you in English in 231 creative ways

Karolina Assi

Karolina Assi

Love is a beautiful feeling that extends throughout all of humanity. We use the word "love" in daily conversation constantly, but do you know all the ways to express yourself when it comes to love?

It may seem English doesn’t have as many expressions to say “I love you” as, let’s say, French or Spanish, which are considered two of the most romantic languages in the world. However, there are more ways to express love in English than you may expect! That’s because there are many different situations that call for different ways to say those three little words.

So, to help you do that, we’ve prepared a (long) list of ways to say I love you in English. Ready? Let there be love!

Ways to say I love you in English.

Why learn how to say I love you in English?

Some people have no trouble expressing their feelings. For others, saying “I love you” doesn’t come easily. But no matter which one you are, knowing how to express your love for someone is important.

Here are a few reasons why:

It will help you express your feelings more fluently

Whether you’re falling in love, already deeply in love with someone, or want to express your feelings of love to your parents or friends, you may need different ways to say it.

Without a doubt, knowing how to say I love you in English will help you express your feelings more accurately and fluently.

You never know when you might meet your soulmate

Maybe you’re one of the lucky people who have already met their soulmates. Or, maybe you’ll meet them in the future. Either way, it’s important to be able to express how you feel about them! And even if you don’t believe in soulmates, there’s someone out there you care about.

It will help you express your appreciation of your close ones

Saying “I love you” isn’t reserved just for your romantic partner. You can also say it to your friends, family, or even your pup. A platonic “I love you” can mean many different things. It can mean that you appreciate them, love their company, or care about them.

unique ways to say i love you in text

Ways to say I love you in English

In English, "I love you" is the most common phrase used to express your feeling of love. It is a short sentence, but it is very powerful. We usually say it to our romantic partner or someone we’re in love with. However, it can also be used platonically, for example, to your mum or your best friend.

But, saying these three words may not always be appropriate, or you may not be ready to say them yet. So, other expressions beyond the standard “I love you” can come in handy in some situations.

Here are some ways to say I love you in English in different situations.

To a boyfriend, girlfriend, and/or romantic love

unique ways to say i love you in text

Maybe you’re happily in love with someone you really care about and feel like shouting it from the rooftops. Or, perhaps you’re at the point where you want to express your feelings for someone, but you’re not really sure how.

Either way, here are a few ways to say “I love you” to your bae to help you express your feelings.

  • I love so much
  • I love you a lot
  • I love you too
  • I love you forever
  • I love you unconditionally
  • I love you to the moon and back
  • I love you with all my heart
  • I love you more than life itself
  • I love you more than anything
  • I love you more than I love myself
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart
  • I love you from the bottom of my soul
  • I love you more than any word can say
  • I’m nothing without you
  • I’m lost without you
  • I have feelings for you
  • I’m crazy about you
  • I’m head over heels for you
  • I’m head over heels in love with you
  • I adore you
  • I’ve fallen for you
  • I’m falling in love with you
  • I’m in love with you
  • You fill my heart
  • You’re the love of my life
  • I can’t live without you
  • I care about you
  • You’re my everything
  • You’re the one for me
  • You’re my one and only
  • You’re my sunshine
  • You rock my world
  • I want to spend my life with you
  • You mean so much to me
  • I’ve got a crush on you
  • You’re the light of my life.
  • I will always love you
  • I’m mad about you
  • I’m nuts about you
  • I cherish you
  • You’re my angel
  • You stole my heart
  • You give me wings to fly
  • You mean the world to me
  • I’m fond of you
  • You make my heart skip a beat
  • There isn't a word in the dictionary for how much I love you
  • My heart is where you are
  • It's so easy to love you
  • I'm so lucky to have you by my side
  • My heart is yours forever
  • I love you more each day
  • I love you more than coffee, and that's saying a lot.
  • I’m head over heels for you.
  • Te amo (Spanish)
  • You hold the key to my heart.
  • You are my heart's desire.
  • My love for you knows no bounds.
  • You complete me.
  • You're the one I've been waiting for.
  • I'm smitten with you.
  • You are the love of my life.
  • My love for you is endless.
  • You are the reason for my happiness.
  • You make my world brighter.

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To a friend, family member, or platonic love

unique ways to say i love you in text

Family and friendships are an important part of every culture. In English, there are many different ways to express your feelings of love and appreciation to your friends and family. Here are some of them:

  • You’re my best friend
  • I love you, mum/dad/grandma/grandpa
  • You always make my day brighter
  • You put a smile on my face
  • I love you as a friend
  • I love your company
  • I love you guys
  • I love you, you’re the best!
  • You are one of my dearest friends
  • I miss you!
  • I’m so grateful to have you as a friend
  • I couldn't have asked for a better friend/mum/dad
  • You’re the best mum/dad/brother/friend in the world!
  • Ain’t nothing better than a bestie like you!
  • Thanks for being my best friend!
  • Thanks for being the best mum/dad/brother/sister!
  • You’re my favorite human on this planet.
  • You mean the world to me.
  • My life is better with you in it.
  • You're the greatest blessing in my life.
  • I cherish our bond.
  • You light up my life.
  • You have a special place in my heart.
  • You're like family to me.
  • You make every moment memorable.
  • You're the reason I smile every day.

How to say I like you in English

In that awkward stage of not-yet-in-a-relationship but not friends either? Trying to ask your next-door neighbor out? The way you flirt with the person you like will likely impact what happens next. So, to help you be fully prepared, we’ve gathered a list of a few useful ways to say “I like you” in English:

  • I really like you
  • I like you a lot
  • Will you go out with me?
  • Can I take you out?
  • Would you have dinner with me?
  • I’d love to go out with you
  • I’d love to go on a date with you
  • I’d like to take you out on a date
  • You’re cute/handsome/beautiful
  • You look handsome/beautiful
  • I like your smile/eyes/something else
  • I like everything about you
  • I’m really having fun with you
  • I enjoy being around you
  • I love the way you smile
  • I find you attractive
  • You’re lovely
  • I can’t stop thinking about you
  • I'm completely smitten with you
  • I've had a crush on you since the first time I saw you
  • You're my kind of weird
  • You mean a lot to me.
  • I'm really into you.
  • I'm drawn to you.
  • You're amazing.
  • Spending time with you is a delight.
  • I'm falling for you.
  • You've captured my heart.
  • You're incredibly charming.
  • I can't get enough of you.
  • You're the one I've been looking for.
  • You make my heart skip a beat.
  • You're the highlight of my day.
  • You're simply breathtaking.
  • I'm head over heels for you.

Cute ways to say I love you in English

Not quite ready to say “I love you”? We get it. Expressing how you feel about someone is not always easy! Especially if you might be afraid they don’t feel the same way.

So, breaking the ice with a cute and funny way to say I love you in English might just be the right solution! Here are a few expressions that you might find helpful (they sound really cute in a text message, too):

  • I love you so matcha.
  • You’re the LOL to my OMG.
  • You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.
  • You're the peanut to my butter.
  • You’re the crayons to my coloring book.
  • You’re the guacamole to my taco.
  • You guac my world.
  • We fit together like puzzle pieces
  • I love you from your toes to your nose to where your hair grows!
  • I’ve fallen for you… and I can’t get up.
  • We go together like biscuits and gravy.
  • My heart is full of emotional emojis right now.
  • I love you more than chocolate, pumpkin spice lattes, and sweatpants combined.
  • You're my favorite person to fall asleep next to.
  • I love you more than pumpkin pie.
  • I love you a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck.
  • You’re the WiFi to my internet connection.
  • You're the marshmallow to my hot cocoa.
  • I love you more than a kid loves candy on Halloween.
  • You’re the sprinkles on my ice cream sundae of life.
  • You're my favorite notification on a busy day.
  • You’re the cheesy topping to my pizza of love.
  • I'm nuts about you.
  • You're the avocado to my toast.
  • You're the bacon to my eggs.
  • I'm stuck on you like glue.
  • You're the remote control to my heart.
  • You're the cheese to my macaroni.
  • You're the ketchup to my fries.
  • I love you to the moon and back and even more than that!

Ways to say I love you in Shakespearean English

If you’re a hopeless romantic like Romeo or Juliet, these love quotes, expressions, and verses from Shakespearean English are for you. If you're looking to get creative with your expression of affection, look no further! Here are some of the most poetic ways we could find to help you express your undying love to your bae.

Love quotes from movies and television

unique ways to say i love you in text

Cheesy or heart-melting? You be the judge!

From the timeless classics to the brand new film and television, these lines from some favorite big screen and TV show actors might make you laugh, swoon, cringe or ask whose been cutting onions nearby (Severus Snape, we’re looking at you).

No matter your reaction, these lines are worthy examples of creative and unique ways to verbalize love in English – so up the ante, grab the popcorn and embrace these love quotes from movies and TV.

Say “I love you” with these romantic love songs in English

In the history of music, there have been so many songs about love. They’re all different, and some are more meaningful than others. And if you’ve read any of our blog articles, you know how much we love learning languages from songs !

It’s a fun way to make new vocabulary stick in your head. So, here are a few of our favorite love songs in English:

All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

This is undoubtedly one of the most popular songs about love of all time. The lyrics are straightforward, making the song easy for anyone to understand, even if you’re at a beginner level of English .

All of Me by John Legend

The lyrics in this song are stunning. This song talks about loving someone for who they truly are. This song is a beautiful way to let your partner know exactly how you feel about them and what makes them special to you. And it also contains a lot of practical, romantic expressions in English!

I Just Called to Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder

This beautiful song by Steve Wonder can help you remember different phrases to say “I love you” to someone you care about. It’s catchy, easy to sing, and its lyrics are pretty simple, so you’ll be able to understand it even if you’re not very fluent in English (yet!).

Three little words, countless ways to say it

The expression of love is wonderfully diverse, and whether you're a native English speaker or not, many of us have so much choice in finding the right words when we want to express our feelings beyond the classic three words.

We hope that this extensive list of different ways to say I love you in English will help you find the right words to express your feelings for the one you love and cherish.

And speaking of love, if you cherish this article, you can find more free English vocabulary blog lessons on our learn English blog.

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103 cute ways to say “I love you” in a text – Here’s how it’s done!

Updated October 4, 2023 by Callisto Adams Leave a Comment

 ‘I LOVE YOU’ are three big words that can make the world a whole.

However, sometimes, saying these three words might not be enough to communicate the extent of how you feel to your partner . 

That is why you look for more refined and captivating ways to say it.

There are more ways to say “I love you” without actually saying it.

Sometimes you want to get creative with it and make it a bit poetic. While sometimes you want it funny to make your partner giggle.

The goal is to tell your partner how strong your feelings for them are.

And what better way other than texting them to brighten their day than a romantic text?

Well, we decided to make it cute, funny, and most importantly, very romantic! Here:

103 cutest ways to say “I love you” in a text: Let’s make it real!

Cute ways to say ILY to him (1)

1. You bring me joy!

2. Guess what? You just put a smile on my face.

3. How did I ever get so lucky to have met you?

4. I’m so in love with you! Can’t wait until you get home…

5. It’s unbelievable how amazing you are. I love you so much.

6. How is it that just by thinking of you, you make my day better? Please explain.

7. I miss you already. I don’t think I could do without your way of wrinkling your nose when you laugh. Gosh, I love you so much!

8. Send a picture/video with the caption “This reminded me of you and your beautiful soul.”

9. I love you as much as you love your peanut butter sandwich!

10. You’re my joy, my light, my love, my everything. I love you.

11. Screw the butterflies! There is a tiger running in my stomach every time I am with you.

12. I just wanna look at you doing anything right now. It’s about your presence, your light, and your beauty. I love you.

13. You are my one and only.

14. You are my missing puzzle piece. I’m so glad I found you!

15. You complete me in the best way possible.

16. How come I see your face in everything that surrounds me?

17. I guess I had no clue what love meant until the moment I saw your face.

18. I love you.

19. I love you more than a sunny day, more than a warm blanket, and way more than a sunset view. I swear I do.

20. Just when I think that I couldn’t love you more than I do, you smile, and there I go falling in love more than ever before.

21. Every day is tremendously better with you by my side.

22. I love you until all the stars in the universe dim.

23. Remember that I will always be here for you.

24. Dang it! A thought of you, and there goes my heart exploding!

25. I am counting the days until you come back. ILY.

26. Can’t spend another day without seeing you.

27. Listen, I miss you and the weather has been cloudy and rainy ever since you had to go to work. I want my sun back asap!

28. You make my world a better place.

29. Hi!! Just so you know, I LOVE YOU!

30. You are my person.

31. Nothing and no one ever compares to you.

32. You are my everything.

33. You’re my sunshine, my joy, and my love.

34. Sure, I am silly. But I am silly in love with you

35. Every day with you is my favorite day.

36. Even my couch is missing you.

37. Your charm is deadly. I mean, I’m on the ground, thinking of how much I’m in love with you.

38. The moment our eyes met, I knew.

39. My heart knew first. I love you.

40. When you came into my life my heart stopped beating for a moment.

41. I don’t want to start dreaming if you’re not in them.

42. I love love love you and your unique ways of doing mundane things. Everything you touch becomes special, you’re aware of that, right?

43. I will love you until our last wrinkle forms.

44. Whenever I close my eyes, it’s you I see.

45. Do you know that me + you equals one?

46. Hurry up home. I miss you!

47. Our song came up on the radio. ILY

48. I must have saved the world, no, the whole universe in my past life to have deserved you in this.

49. I bet you look dashing in white 😛

50. Have I told you lately how much I love you?

51. You are my greatest gift.

52. Can’t think of any moment that I don’t want to share with you.

53. I asked for a person I could love, and I didn’t get that, got you. I got a person I love madly, childly, and crazily!

54. You melt me, then I freeze when you go to work, then you melt me when I look at you. I like to melt, melt is good!

55. You complete me like the stars complete the night sky.

56. Suddenly, eternity doesn’t seem scary with you.

57. Come back and give me a kiss.

58. Your arms are where I want to be.

59. I got the most precious person, I got you.

60. You are the reason my days look brighter.

61. You are my sun. And I’m a sucker for sunny days!

62. I don’t even know how to describe how much I love you, seriously!

63. You’re you, you’re lovely, you’re clumsy, you’re hot, and you’re absolutely charming. I can’t help but be in love with every part of you, even the clumsiness!

64. Thank you for brightening up my days and putting a smile on my face every single day. I love you.

65. Run home and give me a cuddle

66. Oh my world! I’m so so so in love with you!

67. Love of my life, I’ve become a child again. I just caught myself giggling as I was thinking of you. I never knew I could fall so hard for someone.

68. I just sent a pigeon to deliver my love to you.

69. I’m a winner, always. I got you in my life. Screw the rest of it, seriously!

70. Not talking, seeing, hearing, and touching you is unbearable. When do you finish work? I’m coming to pick you up.

71. Oh boy, this will sound cheesy, and maybe you’ll hate it. But I’m sure that our love must be that of once in a lifetime. I’m serious.

72. Your smile makes my heart pound like running horses and my mind dizzy. I’m so in love with you.

73. You’re all I need, and a lot more than I asked for. I love you.

74. My journey starts with you and ends with us.

75. Wake me up when you’re home. I need my daily dose of you.

76. Do you know that you’re in my mind 24/7? Even when I sleep I dream of you.

77. I’m so glad you’re mine. My god, I love you!

78. I didn’t know my heart could hold so much love for someone.

79. I don’t care much about the rest, as long as you’re mine I’ll handle everything.

80. I guess infinity is limited when it comes to my feelings for you.

81. Let’s both be ghosts together when the time comes.

82. Nature took her time to make you. And aren’t I the lucky one?

83. Please, prepare yourself for lots of hugs and kisses when you come home.

84. The idea that you are so perfect makes me pinch myself from this dream reality I’m living.

85. I fell so in love with you. I had no idea I was capable of feeling such feelings.

86. You bring me joy every time I see you walking towards me with that smile on your face. I am so in love with you.

87. Can’t bring me to leave you alone tonight. So bear with me.

88. Stop making my heart beat so loud! I’ve never had that done to me before.

89. Can’t you see what you do to me with that sweet voice, kind spirit, and beautiful eyes? I’m in love with you, silly!

90. I don’t want to see the world without you.

91. You are the manifestation of my dreams.

92. Aren’t you a charmer! I am officially, very much, in love with you.

93. The brightness of your light is blinding. What did I do to deserve you?

94. Let’s hold hands together until they get really sweaty.

95. You’re the sweetest person in all of the multiverses.

96. I love you, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! Do you hear me?

97. I hate math but I am sure that you equals me.

98. You are the better version of my dreams.

99. I’m grateful for you, that I get to hear your laughter, your sneezes, your heartbeat, and your footsteps walking toward me. I’m madly in love with you.

100. You’re a world on your own, I’m lucky. I love you with all my heart.

101. Your presence in my life has made me not dread the future.

102. A bad day can’t win if I’ve got you by my side.

103. You are one of the most important people to me. I mean it!

Show the love you’ve got and create your own cute “I love you” texts!

Crafting your own “I love you” text can seem an easy task until you sit down to write it.

Once you try to put your thoughts into words, things seem a bit tangled, and the next thing you know you’re stuck trying to untangle a beautiful mess of words.

Well, besides the examples of cute “I love you” texts, here’s something that’ll help you show the love you’ve got for your partner:

– Thank them for always being there;

– Let them know how important they are to you;

– Send them a text when they cross your mind, let them know about it;

– Send them emojis like 🤗💗🥰😘😍❤️

– Show your love through touch: hugs, kisses, cuddles, pats in the back, etc.

– Tell them how proud you are of them;

– Listen to them when they need to be listened to;

– Make yourself a safe space for them;

– Give them a surprise call or text;

– Plan activities they enjoy doing;

– Tell them how much you love them;

– Mention specific details about them that you love the most;

– Send them a love song that reminds you of them with the caption “This is your song”

– Get them gifts;

– Surprise them with things they like;

Keep in mind that showing your love to your partner is a lot about paying attention to the details of them as a person, their behavior, their preferences, their likes, and their dislikes.

The more you get to know them, the easier it will be for you to express what you feel for them.

It’s about understanding .

Show them love, show them how much you cherish them. Let your love flourish from within.

Love, love, love,

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About Callisto Adams

Dr. Callisto Adams, Ph.D., is a relationship counselor with over seven years of experience. She founded Hetexted.com and authored "Texting Beyond Basics: Electrified." Her educational background includes a BSc in Psychology and certifications from the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) and Harvard's 'Treating Couples' course. Dr. Adams is known for blending personal experience with professional expertise in relationship advising.

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109 Ways to Say I Love You (In Case The Old Way Was Getting Boring)

Ways to Say I Love You

  • Jamie is a Senior Editor for The Knot where she oversees all sex and relationship editorial content.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, she worked with an array of digital publications that include Brides, The Zoe Report, Bustle and MyDomaine.
  • Jamie graduated with a degree in English and Media, Culture & Communications from New York University.

For being a mere three words and eight letters, "I love you," sure is a phrase that carries a lot of weight. When said genuinely, it's perfectly, adequately meaningful all on its own. Still, if you're looking to mix things up when professing your head-over-heels affection for your partner, there are a multitude of ways to say I love you. (Just ask Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore's characters in Ghost. Ditto .)

Remember: Not everyone expresses or experiences love and affection the same, so be sure to communicate with your partner about how to best give and receive love . You may need to specifically hear words of affirmation every day to feel safe and secure, while your partner feels loved when their external needs are being met. (They might put grocery shopping and errand-running on the same level as those three little words!)

From thoughtful actions to ultra-romantic phrasing, here are 109 ways to say I love you.

In this article:

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You

Cute ways to say i love you, poetic ways to say i love you, sweet ways to say i love you, funny ways to say i love you, creative ways to say i love you, ways to say i love you with quality time, ways to say i love you with physical touch, ways to say i love you with acts of service, cute ways to say i love you in a text.

Want a big moment or romantic turn of phrase? Consider these ideas and quotes below.

  • "I'm in love with you."
  • "You're safe with me."
  • "I love you to the moon and back."
  • Surprise them with a bouquet of flowers.
  • "You make my heart skip a beat."
  • Write them a love letter.
  • "You have bewitched me, body and soul." — Pride and Prejudice
  • "You're the love of my life."
  • "You're my dream come true."
  • Give them a key to your home.
  • "I love you more each day."
  • "My heart is forever yours."
  • "I want to spend my life with you."
  • "You make me believe in love."
  • "I feel so connected to you."
  • Give them a personalized gift, such as a scrapbook of mementos.
  • "No one makes me feel the way you do."
  • "How lucky am I to exist at the same time as you?"
  • Support their dreams, goals and passions.
  • "I'm yours."
  • "You give me hope."
  • "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
  • "You feel like home."
  • "I never knew how beautiful life could be until I met you."
  • "You are my forever."

These oh-so-adorable ways to say I love you are sure to bring a smile to your partner's face.

  • Write it in the fog of the bathroom mirror while they're showering.
  • "You make me so happy."
  • "You give me goosebumps!"
  • Make them heart-shaped cookies, pancakes, etc.
  • "I can't stop thinking about you."
  • "You are my sunshine."
  • Pack their lunch. (Don't forget to include a little love note!)
  • "I never get tired of spending time with you."
  • "You are my favorite person."
  • Surprise them with their favorite candy.
  • "If I loved you less, I might have been able to talk about it more," — Emma

Borrow a little inspiration from the literary greats, romantic movie dialogue and tear-worthy song lyrics.

  • Give them a book of poetry.
  • "Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you."—Virginia Woolf, Selected Diaries
  • "I yearn for you."
  • "So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me... every day." — The Notebook
  • "I'm not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me." —Sally Rooney, Normal People
  • "I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?" —Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
  • "If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you," —Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
  • "I'm enamored with you."
  • "And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches." —Taylor Swift, "peace"

Pour on some sugar! These sweet ways to convey your love are more-or-less blush-worthy.

  • "This reminded me of you…"
  • "I love our life together."
  • "You make me want to be a better person."
  • "It's okay, you can fall down now. I'll catch you." —Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
  • "It's so easy to love you."
  • "I'd do anything to make you smile."
  • "It makes me so happy to see you happy."
  • "I accept you as you are."
  • "I can see myself growing old with you."
  • Show genuine interest in their hobbies.
  • "Is there anything I can do to help?"
  • "I love planning our future together."
  • "How can I love you better?"
  • "I trust you with all my heart."
  • "I feel the most myself when I'm with you."
  • "I couldn't have done that without you."
  • "You inspire me."
  • "I understand how you feel."
  • Call them just to hear their voice.

If humor plays a significant role in your relationship, your partner may get a kick out of the cheeky puns and ideas below.

  • "You've stolen a pizza my heart."
  • "Some people are worth melting for." — Frozen
  • "Aloe you vera much."
  • "Thanks for loving me even when I'm hangry."
  • "Don't go bacon my heart."
  • "Yoda one for me."

Take a step outside the box with these creative ways to say I love you.

  • Try your hand at latte art and make them a frothy heart atop their coffee.
  • Cook their favorite dinner.
  • Create a Spotify playlist just for them.
  • Plan a staycation for two.
  • Write love notes and hide them for your partner to find randomly as a sweet surprise.
  • Create a scavenger hunt.
  • Write it in sidewalk chalk.
  • Bond over learning something new together (such as pottery or a cooking class).
  • Fill a jar with 365 slips of paper, each detailing something that you love about them.
  • Write it on a postcard and send it in the mail.

If your partner's love language happens to be quality time, they'll certainly appreciate the ideas and activities below.

  • Turn off your phone when spending time together.
  • "Tell me about your day."
  • Surprise them with tickets to a show they've been wanting to see.
  • Spend time with their friends and/or family.

Let's get physical. Here are some ideas for conveying your emotions through consensual touch.

  • Read up on massage techniques and then give them a romantic rubdown.
  • Wrap your arms around them.
  • Kiss their forehead.
  • Share a fantasy with them.
  • Hold their hand in public.
  • Cozy up in their favorite cuddle position .
  • Hold them in your arms as you fall asleep.
  • Rest your hand on their knee.
  • Ask them to dance.

You know that old adage, "Actions speak louder than words?" These acts of service are a thoughtful way to show your partner love.

  • Memorize how they take their coffee and then make their brew of choice in the morning.
  • Serve them breakfast in bed.
  • Run an errand for them.
  • Take care of them when they're sick.
  • Do their laundry.
  • Wash their dishes.
  • Order them an Uber.
  • If your primary language is not their first, begin learning (or brushing up on) their preferred tongue.
  • Make yourselves each other's emergency contact.
  • Fill their gas tank.

Looking for something better to text than just ily ? Send 'em any of these, and they'll light up brighter than their screen.

  • "Love you to the 🌙 and to 🪐" —Taylor Swift, "seven"
  • "Text me when you get home."
  • "Thinking about you, my love."
  • "I couldn't let the day start without telling you how much I love you."
  • "I'll miss talking to you all night long. Until the morning, my love."
  • "Just wanted to let you know how much I love and appreciate you."

Grooms hugging during prewedding pool party

Live Bold and Bloom

221 Creative And Fun Ways To Say I Love You

There are thousands of songs dedicated to these three little words . There are millions of poems, books, and movies written about them.

Every minute of every day, all over the world, one phrase is exchanged in whispers, through tears, and shouted from mountain tops.

You know the one.

You said it when you got off the phone with your mom, or your kids, or your best friend.

You said it when you felt those tingly feelings in a new relationship.

We say it so much, we’ve created thousands of other ways to say “I love you.”

We've put together a list of 221 different I love you expressions to reignite the spark with some creative expressions. 

Romantic Ways to Say I Love You

Funny ways to say i love you, cute ways to say i love you, creative ways to say i love you, romantic and cute ways to say i love you over text, 221 different ways to say i love you.

No matter the words, the best way to say I love you is from the heart. For that reason, there is no limit on how to communicate your love for someone.

From doing the dishes or getting down on one knee, it’s all about the love in your heart. Of all the ways to say I love you, we've gathered a few to inspire you to express your feelings in a new way.

Whether you’re in the heat of romance or want to make your lover laugh, check out these 201 best ways to express your love.

You make my heart sing.

I’m crazy for you. I’m crazy about you, and I’d be crazy to ever let you go.

You are the love of my life.

You set my world on fire. 

Je t’adore.

You’ve got me head over heels. 

I will love you forever — to the moon and back. 

Every single day I fall more and more in love with you. 

You are the light of my life.

I will be there for you in the best and the worst of times.

You can always count on me, no matter what.

You are the most beautiful person on the planet. Scratch that, you are the most beautiful person in the universe .

There are no words to describe how you make me feel.

I simply adore you.

I would be lost without you. 

Only you have the key to my heart. 

We are meant to be. 

You are my forever. 

You are my person. 

My heart yearns for you. 

I find you intoxicating. 

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

You are my soulmate. 

I thank God every day that I meant you.

Do you know how precious you are?

I choose you today. I’d choose you tomorrow. I will choose you every day.

It makes me so happy to see you happy. 

On a rainy day, it’s you who sends the clouds away. You are my sunshine. 

You are darling.

I’m so completely turned on by you.

With you at my side, I feel like I’ve won the lottery. 

What a treasure you are. 

I’m constantly mesmerized by you.

You are bewitching. 

I’m totally devoted to you. 

You make me feel things that I’ve never felt before.

How did I get so lucky to find you?

Being in love with you makes me feel like nothing is impossible.

I’ve been under your spell since I first saw you. 

Being with you feels like paradise. 

You are home to me.

No matter where I go, I will always come back to you. 

You bring meaning to my life. 

If you were on the other side of the world, I'd walk there to reach you if I had to. 

Every day is an adventure with you. 

It has always been you, my love. 

I am the best version of myself when I am with you. 

You give me strength. 

I’m all yours. 

I can’t get you out of my head.

You are my missing puzzle piece.

I’d risk my life for a forever with you. 

I want to hold your hand and never let go.

I smile just thinking about you. 

I think of you every minute we are apart. 

How was I alive before I was living with you?

Your love has set me free.

I give the whole of my heart to you. 

I thought I could only dream of someone like you. 

I have fallen for you. 

Will you marry me? 

I feel all bubbly inside . You’re soda-lightful. 

Aloe you vera much.

My feelings for you are like a burp — I just can’t hold it in! 

You make me feel all warm inside. Or maybe it’s all the coffee I had this morning. 

I’ve got a bad problem with procrastination. I love you more today than I did yesterday. 

If you love a certain food, you eat it up. If you love a flower, you cut it off. You love me right? Should I be scared?

If you put together chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers, you’d know how much I love you: a little s’more every day.

I can’t eat in the morning, cause I’m too busy thinking of you. I don’t eat in the evening, because I’m too busy thinking of you. I can't sleep at night, because I’m so hungry! 

truck with sign, ways to say I love you

God, you’re sexy. Oops, that wasn’t meant for God! 

I shave my legs for you. 

I love you more than I love tacos. 

Thank you for saving me from being a crazy cat lady.

I would say that I love you with my whole heart, but I love you with my belly. It’s bigger.

Would you mind lending me a kiss? I swear I’ll return it!

Are you a track star? Because you’ve been running circles in my head. 

You give me faith in men. I'm definitely a believer!

Type n-3^07-! into a calculator, and turn it upside down.

I’d give up Animal Crossing for you.

I am lovesick. Will you be my doctor?

You’re a weirdo. And I love it. 

Either you give me butterflies in my stomach, or I ate a bad burrito! 

We should grow old and miserable together. 

I’ll prove my love to you with Starbucks. See? I love you a latte. 

You can have the last cookie — as long as you split it with me.

Help! I’ve fallen for you, and I can’t get up!

There could be other fish in the sea, but I think you’re my sole mate.

You are the ‘Oh, nothing’ when someone asks what I’m thinking about. 

I knew it was love when I had spinach in my teeth and you weren't grossed out.

I had to download Google Maps because I was lost before I found you. 

I love you because you can love me even when I’m hangry. 

You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before bed. I think of you a couple of other times a day too. 

I need you more than I need coffee, but swear you won’t make me prove it.

You are my favorite person to annoy.

You keep hanging around in my head. Maybe we should spend some koala-ty time together!

Maybe I’m crazy about you, or maybe I’m simply crazy!

Even if we both became zombies, I’d still ‘chews’ you.

I need you like I need chapstick: on my lips. 

Out of all the pains in my butt, you’re my favorite.

Being normal is insanely overrated. I’d rather be crazy for you. 

You are the only reason I wake up in the morning . That, and I really need to pee. 

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We’re partners in crime. 

I called you just to hear your voice. 

You’re my sweetheart. 

You complete me.

You give me the fuzzies.

I made you breakfast. 

You’re the center of my world. Gravity seems to pull me towards you. 

You’re the best thing since sliced bread. No, you're just the best.

You are my lightning bug — you make a dark night brighter. 

Will you stay with me tonight? 

I’d like to hold you in my arms forever. 

I appreciate all there is about you. 

If this were a dream, I would never want to wake up.

You’re the jelly to my peanut butter. 

You make me forget everything bad in the world.

You’re a rockstar, and I'm your groupie.

You’re safe with me.

Did you know that just the thought of you makes me smile?

Spending a sleepless night with you is a dream. Spending a sleepless night without you is a nightmare. 

You’ve made me so happy, I want to sing in the rain.

You are number one in my heart.

I could be right here with you forever. 

A whole day feels like an hour when I am with you. 

Thinking of you every moment, every day. 

You’re my cuddle bug.

You have made my life a fairytale. 

Thank you for just being who you are. I love all your parts and pieces, inside and out.

When I close my eyes, it is you I see in my dreams. How lucky am I to open my eyes and see you there beside me?

It would take a million years for me to feel like I have given you enough love. 

You will always be enough — even though I still want more of you. 

I want to spend the whole day just you and me.

There should be a song about us.

Just popping in to say I miss you . 

I used to have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, I don’t have to try. I just am. 

Your hair looks so pretty like that. The rest of you does too!

You have the best smile. 

Let’s stay like this forever.

I love that we can be goofy together. 

I’d climb the world’s tallest mountain if you were at the top of it. 

No beautiful view compares to how I see you.

I’m smitten with you.

This just feels right. 

I have a crush on you.

My heart skips a beat when you walk into the room.

You are my sunshine.

The only thing on my schedule is you.

I want to share everything with you. 

You’re my lighthouse. In rough waters, you guide me home.

Nothing has ever been easier than loving you. 

You make me my best self. 

Show them a song that makes you think of them.

Say it in a different language: Je t’aime. Jeg elsker deg. Te quiero te amo. Ich liebe dich.

Write it in chalk on a sidewalk.

Give them a handmade gift. 

Say it with a fireworks display. 

Go on a romantic vacation together.

Carve your names into a tree.

Put it in a fortune cookie.

Give them a beautiful piece of jewelry.

Say it in binary code: 01001001001000000110110001101111011101100110010100100000011110010110111101110101

Take a hike together, and shout it from a mountain top.

Write a love letter . 

Turn your romance into a movie script. 

Do their laundry. 

Bring him or her breakfast in bed. 

Share your favorite book or movie with them.

Go on an adventure.

Hold them in your arms as you both fall asleep.

Trace “I love you” on their hand with your finger.

Create a scavenger hunt with a sweet surprise or message at the end. 

Throw them a party just to celebrate your love.

Take them stargazing.

Document your time together and turn it into a little movie.

Write down a hundred reasons why you love them and put them in a jar. 

Put a key on a necklace chain and give him or her the key to your heart. 

Give a book of poetry, or write one yourself.

Make them coffee in the morning. 

Play hooky and spend the whole day together.

Take their friends out to dinner.

Craft a collage of all of your favorite memories. 

Get your portrait taken together.

Put your picture inside of a locket. 

Take them to see their favorite music artist in concert. 

Take a dance class together. 

Share a fantasy with them.

Hide love letters around the house.

Make a mix tape of love songs. 

Buy a star and name it after them.

Send them a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Serenade them with a song you wrote yourself.

Frame a map of the city where you met with a heart over the exact location.

Make a cute book of coupons redeemable for things like “one free back rub” or “your movie pick tonight.” No expiration date, of course.

Make a list of your favorite inside jokes.

Illustrate a comic book where they are the hero. 

Commission a drawing of you two from an artist. 

Take their car to the car wash.

Build a fort and have a romantic picnic in your living room.

Turn off your phone for a whole day. 

Sneak a love message into their work bag. 

Finally read that book they recommended to you. 

I am thinking those 3 little words…

Pitter patter, pitter patter. Do you what that is?

Could it be…love?

I much more than like you.

I've got you under my skin…

I feel one half of myself without you here.

You are like home to me.

I want you so much it hurts.

You have bewitched me, body and soul. (From the movie Pride and Prejudice )

So this is what love feels like…

I simply and completely adore you.

You and me. Together. Forever.

To me, you are perfect. (From the movie Love Actually )

I cherish you.

Please…be mine.

I am wild about you.

My heart burns for you.

My feelings are so deep; I'm drowning in them.

I can hardly breathe for wanting you.

Let me give you the fairy tale.

Have you found a new way to say I love you?

Telling someone you love them is a huge milestone for every relationship. Making that leap can be amazing and even scary.

You may wish that someone could just tell you when and how to say I love you to make things easier. No matter how you say it, if it comes from the heart, your message will be heard.

As they say, love is a many-splendored thing. These I love you phrases are just the beginning. 

Two Drifters

105 Cute Ways to Say I Love You

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We all just want to feel safe and loved in our relationships, and finding cute ways to say I love you is the perfect way to show your partner how much they are loved. Whether you’re looking for cute ways to say I love you, spicy ways to say I love you, or even nonverbal ways to say I love you, you’ll find it here.

There are so many great ways to show your love and affection ! Use these cute ways to say I love you in text messages, handwritten notes, or in person. Love is meant to be shared!

Cute Ways to Say I Love You

1. I am head over heels for you and I don’t mind one little bit! 

2. I fell so hard for you, I don’t even mind the bruises!

3. You are the man/woman of my dreams and I hope I never wake up.

4. The sweetest part of my day is the one you’re a part of.

5. My heart feels so safe with you.

6. Seeing your name when you text me makes me smile.

7. You are the sweetest person I know, and I know a lot of people!

8. For the man/woman who stole my heart… you can keep it, I like it there.

9. Every morning I wake up thinking of you and it’s the perfect start to my day!

10. I’m so glad you and me happened because I can’t imagine doing life without you.

11. I’m just grateful to be yours, babe.

12. Every day with you is a good day!

13. I love you because you are you, and that is like magic to me.

14. I love that you make me laugh so much. Thank you.

15. Your presence in my life has made each day better than the last. Thank you <3

16. Here’s to all the relationships that didn’t work out so we could find our way to each other!

17. You are a part of my heart now and I’m absolutely thrilled about that.

18. Imagining a life without you now is like trying to finish a puzzle but you’re missing that last piece.

19. My future became brighter the moment we got together.

20. Hope that you don’t get in trouble… for stealing my heart!!!

21. You make me feel seen.

22. I have so much hope for the future now, and I know that’s because of you.

23. You make me so deliriously happy I feel a little nutty; from one nut to another, I love you!

24. I’m just a girl/guy hoping I can make my girl/guy even half as happy as she/he makes me!

25. I know we’re not perfect, but our brand of love is perfectly imperfect.

26. Being with you is all I need right now.

27. I love the way you look at me.

28. I know we’ve got a lot to look forward to, but this moment in time together is something I never want to forget.

29. You make me forget all the tough times that came before; thank you.

30. I hope you feel as safe with me as I do with you.

31. I love that we can be ourselves together. 

32. When I’m with you, I feel like we are safe from the world.

33. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy/girl.

34. I love that you are so passionate about <insert thing here,> it’s beautiful watching you light up as you talk about it.

35. Happily ever after is how I feel right now with you.

36. I hope we never lose this feeling right here.

37. When we are together, everything else melts away.

38. I love how well we work together; you’re the yin to my yang.

39. You are my heart now.

40. You make me feel like a million bucks!

41. If I have you with me, I think I can do anything.

42. I want to be there for you the way you always are for me.

43. I know opposites attract, but this seems almost too good to be true sometimes!

44. You’ve been making my heart skip a beat since (date you got together).

Spicy Ways to Say I Love You

A man holds a woman from behind while they both laugh.

45. Laying in bed tangled up with you is one of my very favorite pastimes.

46. Your touch is electric.

47. I am yours and you are mine.

48. I love when you look at me with those hungry eyes.

49. You make my entire body tingle just thinking of you.

50. Your touch makes me feel whole.

51. I love the way you kiss me and set my soul on fire.

52. You and me together like this just feels right.

53. You fill my head with such naughty thoughts!

54. One touch from you and my entire body is on fire.

55. I burn for you.

56. I hope you never stop touching me the way you do right now.

57. Together like this, the rest of the world just melts away.

58. I’ve been drawn to you since the first moment I saw you, like a moth to a flame.

59. I want you.

60. I love the way you smell like everything a man/woman should.

61. I want you right now… all of you.

62. I just want to please you.

63. Your kisses are electric.

64. I about lose my mind when you touch me, and I love it.

65. I feel drunk on your touch.

66. Your breath on me like this is intoxicating.

67. I love the way you taste.

68. I want to make you feel good.

69. I love the way you touch me.

70. Your touch makes me lose my mind and find it again.

71. You’re like an obsession that I just don’t want to let go of.

72. My heart, lips, and body miss you so much when we’re apart.

73. I crave you.

74. I can’t get enough of you, ever.

75. Even when we’re together, I somehow still want more.

76. I love how you consume me.

Nonverbal Ways to Say I Love You

A couple toasts at a beach while the sun sets behind them.

77. Send flowers.

78. Read a couple’s communication book together.

79. Bring surprise coffee to them.

80. Let your hand linger on their back after you hug/kiss.

81. Show up after they get off work with a surprise gift date they’ll love.

82. Go out dancing.

83. Create your own new relationship ritual together.

84. Bake them something sweet .

85. Make a scrapbook (digital or tangible!) of your favorite shared memories.

85. Take your sweetheart stargazing .

86. Make a romantic dinner for two .

87. Give them a massage.

88. Venmo or cashapp $20 to them randomly with a memo to “treat yo’ self!”

89. Plan a romantic getaway for the two of you.

90. Have a sweet and sexy night in together .

91. Take care of something that was stressing them out (pay a bill/do a chore, etc)

92. Plan a fun hike.

93. Kiss their forehead.

94. Watch a romantic movie together.

95. Go on a cute car date !

96. Hold hands.

97. Plan a romantic picnic date .

98. Have a fun games night !

99. Take them to a movie or concert they have wanted to go to.

100. Give them a Reasons Why I Love You List .

101. Watch the sunset together.

102. Write in a couple’s journal together.

103. Listen to a Ted Talk about relationships together.

104. Sign up for a date night subscription box !

105. Make a playlist of romantic songs .

There are so many cute ways to say I love you, but consider what your partner’s love language is: do they feel your love most when you express it verbally , physically, through acts of service, gifts, or by spending time together? Personalize the way you express your love to your sweetheart and watch as the sparks fly!

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  • Words of Affirmation for Him: 50 Ways to Encourage Your Man
  • 78 Good Morning Messages for Him: Flirty Texts Your Man will LOVE
  • 75 Sweet Good Morning Messages for Her
  • 65 Good Night Messages for Him: Cute Texts Your Man Will Love
  • 70 Clever Good Night Messages for Her: Text Ideas for your Girlfriend or Wife
  • 25 Cute Outdoor Date Ideas for a Fabulously Fun Date
  • 10 Common Signs You Might be Dating a Narcissist
  • 77 Powerful Quotes about Trust in a Relationship

unique ways to say i love you in text

Amy Hartle   is the author of Do You Love Me? How To Stop Seeking Reassurance in Relationships , a book on reassurance seeking and relationship anxiety. Both her book and this blog are born of personal experience; Amy shares expert relationship advice from the lessons learned during her own 10+ years with her husband, as well as couples travel tips and romantic getaway recommendations, all gleaned while traveling the world together.

11 Cute Ways To Say "I Love You" In A Text

Being in love is such a beautiful thing. When you’re just falling in love with someone and you wish that you could be with them all the time, it can be difficult to spend time apart, especially when you want to take your relationship a step deeper.

It’s healthy to have some distance as a couple, but you can still enjoy flirting and showing affection through text messaging as often as you’d like with your special person. In fact, it’s very healthy to express your love for your partner with affectionate text messages like "Happy Anniversary!" or "Last night was a blast!" 

If you've gotten to the stage in your relationship where you really want to let them know you love them, there are many cute ways to say "I love you" without actually saying those three words. Let’s begin to discover some cute texts to send to your partner to let them know how you feel.

“I miss you”

Article Visual

Sometimes it’s possible to say “I love you” without ever really saying it at all. When you send your partner a simple text saying that you miss them, it shows that you care for them. This message conveys how much you wish they were there and that you could be spending a bit of time together. It’s a simple way to show your partner that you’re thinking about them and make them feel good at the same time.

You don’t really have to type out the words “I love you” in the modern era to get your love notes across. Many people wind up using various emojis to tell their partners how they’re feeling. You can send your partner a heart emoji during the day at some point to show him or her that you love them. It could also be cute to use emojis that have hearts for eyes or any other types of emojis that you find fitting to wish them a wonderful day.  One of the best things about using emojis to express emotions is that there are so many possibilities. 

“Thinking about you…”

Sending your partner a text that simply says “Thinking about you” is another way to show your love. Is your lover crossing your mind constantly throughout the day? Why not let them know that they're on your mind? It may to make your partner’s day to know how loved and missed they are while you’re away at work or school.

“Thank you”

There are times when a “thank you” text can be just as important as one that says "I love you." Thanking your partner for all that they mean to you is a wonderful way to say that you love them. You can thank them for being so supportive and for always being on your side. Thank them for just being themselves and let them know that they enrich your life.

“I’m looking forward to cuddling later…”

Most couples look forward to some quality cuddling time at the end of a long day. If you want a fun and honest way to say “I love you” through text, consider telling your partner how much you’re looking forward to cuddling time. You can let them know that you're totally ready to be like two puzzle pieces, fitting together perfectly. It helps to remind them of your favorite intimate moments while showing them that they’re on your mind as you go through your workday. If cuddling up and watching a good movie is your favorite pastime and your partner feels the same way, then this is a great idea for you.

“Hey beautiful/handsome”

You should never be afraid to compliment your lover. It’s something that can make them feel good about themselves and show just how much you’re attracted to them. Even a simple text such as “Hey beautiful” or “Hey handsome” can be a way to show your love. It empowers the person that receives the message and lets them know that your heart belongs to them.

Everyone wants to be able to feel like they are sexy, and sending messages like this helps. Boost your partner’s self-confidence and tell them what you’re thinking. Let them know how much you enjoy staring into their eyes. This can show how in love you are while also making your partner feel good about themselves.

Send love songs through text

Does your significant other make you want to burst into song because you love them so much? Okay, that might be going a bit too far, but true love really can make your heart sing. Consider sending a link to a song that expresses how you feel about them. Taylor Swift's "Love Story" might just make their day that much better, and it could wind up setting the proper romantic tone for later on in the evening.

Send song lyrics

Sending your partner some fun love song lyrics is another interesting and cute way to say “I love you” in a text. There's a good chance that you have many love songs you enjoy. It doesn't really matter which genre of music you take a lyric from. All that matters is using the song lyrics to get your sentiment across properly and express how much you love your partner.

Go through your Spotify playlist and pick out songs that remind you of your significant other. As you listen to the songs, a lyric you can text is sure to pop out at you eventually. Finding song lyrics is simple and sometimes your favorite artists just seem to be better at expressing love in words than you will ever be. Whether you’re into rock or rap, it shouldn’t be hard to find a song that speaks to your heart and how your partner brings light to your life.

Send love poems

Do you want to be able to express your love for your partner in the most eloquent way possible? You probably do, but it might not be so easy for you to come up with just the right words. You might struggle to come up with just the right description for how your special someone makes you feel. 

Love poems can be a bit cheesy sometimes, but they can be a good way to express what's inside your heart. Whether you’re looking for something modern or if you decide to go old school, it won’t be hard to find love poems online. Simply paste the passage that speaks to your heart into your text message field and hit “send.” 

Take a picture

Another way to make your partner’s day is to send them a pic along with your “I love you” message. This doesn’t mean that you have to take a risqué pic of yourself in order to get your partner’s attention. Send a simple selfie highlighting your smile or bedroom eyes. You could get a little bit silly and use special filters or other things as well, if you’d like. Just make sure that the pic matches your own style and sense of humor. Your partner is sure to love it.

All of the above creative ways to say "I love you" through a text message are great. But you could also decide to just be real and express your heart. Does your significant other mean the world to you? This might be a bit embarrassing for people who aren’t good at letting down their emotional barriers, but being real like this is a great way to grow even closer.

Don’t be afraid to let your partner know that they are the first person that you think about every single day. Expressing your heart like this can be very cathartic. This will make you feel good, and you’ll definitely get points for being fearless.

A therapist can help you show your love

Even loving relationship might need a little help from time to time. If you’re having a tough time taking your relationship to the next level, there might be issues that you will need to work on together.  Online couples counseling is an effective, convenient way to work on these problems as a unit. You’ll be able to talk with licensed professionals about whatever is going on and you can work together to solve problems that might be holding your relationship back. Many couples have successfully used online therapy to work on their communication skills and other relationship issues.

Regain is an online counseling service that offers help for both couples and individuals. Regain is both affordable and convenient. You can meet with a therapist via text, telephone, or video chat. It's easy to work around any schedule when making an appointment.

You can learn to communicate your thoughts with your partner and let them know how you truly feel about them.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do you say I love you without saying it in a text?

In-person communication is often the best way to express your love. If you  fell in love with someone and you want to tell them but you are not sure that they are feeling the same yet, you may be hesitant to say “I love you.” This is understandable and normal. There are romantic ways to tell someone you love them, such as with love letters. There are other sweet ways to show love without saying it. You can send flowers to where they work or leave a present on their front porch when you know they had a bad day at work. Little things that show you deeply care can go much further than saying "I love you".

How do you say I love you in a cute way through texting?

When texting, you can use GIFs or emojis to express your feelings. Since body language is not being used, you need the words of your text to show the other person how you feel. Sending love messages through text can be as simple as using the words of a song or a poem or using a GIF chain of I love you texts.

What are 5 ways to say I love you?

Here are 5 ways to get the message that you love someone across:

  • Take your love to a nice restaurant for a date. Some restaurants will ask you if you are dining with them for a special occasion when you make reservations, and then they leave a small gift at the table for you. This can be a very nice way to say that you love someone.
  • Send flowers to their home or work on special occasions, such as the anniversary of your first date, the first time you kissed, etc. This will show that you care enough to pay attention to the small details.
  • Bring home a bottle of wine when your partner has had a bad day. This may help them unwind. You can offer to give them a foot massage while they enjoy their first glass. If wine isn’t their drink of choice, then make a pitcher of margaritas or whatever they like to drink. If they don't drink alcohol, then you can surprise them with a shoulder and foot rub after work. Anything that communicates that you want to make their night better is a loving gesture.
  • Leave romantic cards or love messages for them in the morning or at random times throughout the day so that they know that they are special to you.
  • Write them a poem; this is a great way to say, “I love you.”

What do you say to your secret lover? 

If you have a secret lover and you want to let them know that you love them, you can leave a note on their car or somewhere that you meet regularly. If you want to make your relationship more permanent and no longer a secret, then consider telling them that you love relationships and want to be in a serious relationship with them rather than a secret one.

How do you prove you love someone? 

Commitment is the best way to prove you love someone. If they can trust you, then that should be all the proof they need. Obviously being caring and compassionate are a part of loving someone, but trust is absolutely necessary.

  • Why Sending A Romantic Text Is A Good (Or Bad) Idea
  • 10 Texts to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy

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131 Creative Ways to Say I Love You (New 2024 Ideas)

What can i say instead of i love you.

Sometimes, we need original and different ways to say I love you to the people that matter most to us.

different ways to say I love you

So, below is a great list of ideas to make someone feel special and cherished.

Odds are, your words and actions will be met with appreciation and affection – strengthening your bond with your partner, kids, or friends.

Words to Say Instead of “I Love You”

First, check out this list of different ways to say I love you to your partner (or any other family member), and actions to make them feel cherished.

romantic ways to say I love you differently pin

  • I hope you know how much you mean to me.
  • I am so blessed to be your partner, spouse, etc.
  • I’m crazy about you.
  • You mean the world to me.
  • I will always be here for you.
  • You are my dream come true. I prayed and hoped for you.
  • It doesn’t matter what we do, I’m glad to spend the time with you.
  • You are my better half.
  • You are my sunshine when skies are gray.
  • Thank you for always supporting me.
  • You light me up.

Good Activities to Show Your Partner Love

words to say instead of I love you

  • Send a sweet text message
  • Send a romantic song or music video
  • Share with them your gratitude journal when they are in it
  • Flirt with your partner
  • Set up a new experience to do together
  • Compliment your partner
  • Do something they enjoy doing
  • Celebrate their accomplishments
  • Make a big deal about their birthday
  • Take care of them when they get sick
  • Encourage them to practice self-care and give space to do so.
  • Look up a few jokes and make them laugh.

Related: Love Note Jar Ideas for Couples

Funny Ways to Say I Love You

funny ways to say I love you

  • I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up.
  • You’ve stolen a pizza my heart.
  • I’m sharing this ________ only because I love you.
  • What did the volcano say to the mountain? “I lava you!”
  • You are like asthma. You take my breath away!
  • What did one light bulb say to another? I love you watts and watts
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Owl? Owl who? Owl always love you!
  • I love you with all my butt. I’d say my heart, but my butt is bigger.

Different Ways to Say I Love you to a Friend

different ways to say I love you to a friend

  • Even though we don’t see each other often, you are one of my dearest friends
  • I’m so blessed to have you in my life
  • Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you!
  • Happy ___________ (Birthday, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s) Day!
  • Happy Tuesday!
  • I miss seeing your face!
  • Congrats on your ________! (Celebrate their accomplishments!)
  • Can I give you a hug?
  • You inspire me!
  • I admire that you are so ____________ (generous, bold, kind, etc.)
  • That time we ___________ is one of my favorite memories.

Activities to Show Your Friend You Care

  • Send a card using snail mail
  • Send a video message to say hi or thank you
  • Facetime when they need it
  • Call them up and just listen
  • Drop off a small plant, coffee, or another pick-me-up. Check out soothing gifts HERE .
  • Text just to check-in
  • Plan a friend date night
  • Make them a diy self care kit
  • Help them with a large project (cleaning out a house, moving, etc.)
  • Make them a playlist

Related Post: How to Connect as an Adult

Cute Ways to Say I Love You to Your Child

cute ways to say I love you to a child

  • You are my dream come true.
  • I love you from your head to your toes, knees to your nose.
  • I love you more than ______________ (Curious George loves bananas, etc)
  • You are my favorite ____________ (5-year old, 3 year-old, etc.) in the entire world!
  • Just seeing you makes me smile.
  • I love you to the moon and back.
  • I love you in the evening, and in the afternoon. I love you in the morning, and underneath the moon.
  • I thought of you today when I saw ____________.
  • I will always be there for you, no matter what you do.

Activities to Show Love to Your Child

  • Leave little love notes for them to find (free ones through the link!)
  • Set up quality time to spend together
  • Share a touching love quote with them
  • Share something you wrote in your gratitude journal about them
  • Listen without any distraction for ten minutes
  • Draw a heart with jelly on their peanut butter sandwich
  • Make a secret “I love you” code
  • Engage in exciting and simple birthday traditions
  • Be silly with them
  • Plan a parent child time with these mother son date ideas

Want to Make Love a Priority in Your Home?

Check out the BEST family traditions ebook – a year-long guide full of connection building activities for the entire family! Don’t miss out on this affordable ebook before your next holiday!

family traditions ebook

See also: 37 Ways to Become a More Playful Mom

Beautiful Quotes to Express How You Feel

quotes to show your emotion and appreciation

Sometimes, the right words have already been said. Include one of these quotes to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.

“ The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. ” – Audrey Hepburn

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou

“ In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. / In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. – A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

“ I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. ” – Roy Croft

“Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.” – William Goldman, The Princess Bride

“I am who I am because of you.” Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“There is no remedy for love, but to love more.” – Thoreau

“I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schultz

How to Say I Love You in Different Languages

how to say I love you in different ways

Surprise your loved one with a bilingual card or expression of affection! Try one of these:

  • Spanish – Te amo
  • Italian – Ti amo
  • French – Je T’aime
  • Irish – Gráím thú 
  • Hawaiian – Aloha Au Ia ʻOe
  • German – Ich liebe dich

Check out omniglot for more languages and to see how they sound!

Different Ways to Say I Love You to Yourself

Self care bingo cards pdf free printable sheets with rules

  • Take the 30 Day self love challenge
  • Pick from these love yourself affirmations to repeat daily
  • Complete this self-care bingo during a weekend.
  • Start a self-love journal with these thoughtful prompts

Other Ways to Say I Love You Without Words

different ways to say it without words

  • Make a special breakfast
  • Send a thoughtful gift (Find beautiful love gifts HERE!)
  • Tickle them
  • Write down 10 reasons you love them (click the link for a free printable!)
  • Gift a photo of the two of you
  • Throw your special person a surprise party
  • Give them space when they need it. We all have rough days
  • Be supportive when they want to make changes in their life
  • Hang out with their friends
  • Show affection in public
  • Pay attention to what they like

Creative Ways to Say I Love You (The 5 Languages)

different creative ways to say I love you to family in a poetic way

Next, let’s try different ways to say I love you, using the 5 love languages. Whether it’s your partner or your child, these will be clear indicators that you care.

Words of Affirmations

  • Write 10 great things about them on post-it notes and stick it to the wall
  • Put notes in a jar for all the reasons you adore them
  • Thank them for something extra they did in the last week
  • Tell someone how great they are in front of them
  • Do “14 days of love” with a small note every day
  • Write on the bathroom mirror
  • Write a love letter

Need help with affirmations for kids? Sign up for 14 free love notes !

Click here to subscribe

Acts of Service

  • Bring them coffee
  • Do one of their chores
  • Run an errand they need done
  • Wash your partner’s car
  • Cook their favorite meal
  • Lighten their load in some way when they are stressed out

Quality Time

unique ways to say i love you in text

  • Plan a date night
  • Plan one on one time with your child
  • Go for a long walk together
  • Do something with them they enjoy doing (cooking, working out, etc.)
  • Gift a date night basket
  • Put down your phone and screens – really pay attention
  • Dream and make plans and goals together
  • Plan a weekend road trip or Anniversary vacation
  • Spend a night playing Valentine’s Day Trivia , family feud , or doing deep couples questions

Physical Touch

  • Give them a hug
  • Give a shoulder massage
  • Rough house with kids (tickling works too!)
  • Create secret handshakes
  • Give kisses (or butterfly kisses, nose kisses, etc.)
  • Remember their preferences (food, drink, activities) and pick it up for them
  • Print and display photos in a sweet way
  • Keep a memento from an experience together and leave it on their pillow
  • Gift a puzzle of a special place
  • Leave a small gift in their car
  • Buy them a bottle of champagne to celebrate an accomplishment
  • Make a small homemade gift to give to them (like a diy crossword)
  • See Gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas Song
  • See this Unique Care Package for New Moms

What’s Next?

Life is short. And those we care about deserve to know how we feel. So, take these simple words and activities and use them as often as you can.

What different ways do you use to say I love you?

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Jennifer is the founder and chief editor of Healthy Happy Impactful®. She believes that living, loving, and connecting deeply are the foundation for a good life. She holds a degree in education and is a mom to 3 kids.


21 Secret Ways To Say “I Love You” In Text

secret ways to say I love you in texts

Saying those three words to someone isn’t really the easiest thing to do. The things they signify, what they communicate, and the response they elicit can all drive you crazy with anxiety—before even saying them! This is why a few secret ways to say “I love you” in texts won’t hurt anybody.

It’s an exciting stage when you’re in love with someone and at the cusp of fessing up your feelings — even more so when the feelings are mutual. You may both be carefully circling around saying something of the sort, and every risky text you send probably has you anxiously waiting when you see them typing a response. 

At the heart of every flirt or every cute remark is the intent of letting the other person know how you feel about them. When you say “I love you” in different ways, you’re letting them know it’s coming from a place of adoration, and not lust. Let’s take a look at what you can say. 

Secret Ways To Say “I Love You” In Text: 21 Examples 

Table of Contents

First things first, saying “I love you” in a hidden way might just fly over this person’s head, especially if your text is a little too cryptic. You can’t just expect to say something like, “We both LOVE pizza! I wonder what else we love…” and have them understand what you’re saying. They’re just going to think you really like pizza. 

With that said, sometimes you do need to subtly let the person know what you’re feeling, without coming on too strong. Let’s take a look at creative ways to say “I love you,” so you don’t end up hoping some hieroglyphics on your Instagram story will get the job done. 

1. Send those emojis 

How a person uses emojis is highly subjective. The emojis guys send when they’re in love are different from the ones girls incline towards, and every person has a different favorite emoji. If you’re someone who can’t use an emoji to save your life, maybe refrain from this one. But if you’re someone who usually sends a bunch of hearts and emojis with almost every text, go ahead and knock yourself out. 

A red heart, the one with heart-shaped eyes, or even the ones that are blushing, can hint at a lot more than you think. 

Related Reading: Addictive Flirty Texting: 70 Texts That Will Make Him Want You More

2. A few reaction GIFs never hurt anybody

Want to say “I love you” in a hidden way? Go ahead and send a GIF of Michael Scott Hugging Jim after they say something nice. And if you’re feeling extra brave, maybe text them something like, “Wish you were Jim and I was Michael Scott.” Who doesn’t love a bit of Office romance? 

3. Secret ways to say “I love you” in texts: Memes to the rescue 

If you’ve never used memes to flirt before, you’re missing out. One of the most effective secret ways to say “I love you” in texts without ever even saying it is by simply sending a meme. So the next time you’re scrolling through your Instagram discover page, take a screenshot of one that you like and send it across. At the very least, you might make them laugh. 

4. Flaunt your Spotify playlists 

Okay, you don’t necessarily have to send an entire playlist, but sending music recommendations can be a secret way to say “I love you” in texts. Maybe don’t outrightly send “I love you” by Billie Eilish, try to test the water with a bit of John Mayer first. 

5. Send your favorite song lyrics 

If the music recommendations don’t really work and you know they’ve never checked the song out, you can always get a bit more courageous and send across your favorite song quote. Bonus points if you send a vague one and they ask you what it means.  Texting a girl to start a conversation can be as easy as sending a nice song!

6. Send a video with a cryptic message 

Figuring out how to secretly text “I love you”? Sometimes you don’t even have to type anything, just send across a video. 

The possibilities are endless, send a semi-vlog-ish one, or flaunt your talent and send one of you playing a musical instrument. Add in a line or two about how you wish you were with them, and you’re bound to get a cute reply in return. 

Related Reading: 101 Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend In A Text

7. Let Rumi do the talking 

When you’re firing blanks while thinking of secret ways to say “I love you” in texts, you can always use the help of legendary poets. If you have a favorite poem with themes of love, send it across. If they’re not someone who reads poetry all too often, however, this tactic might just make them think you’re a hopeless romantic. 

say I love you in different ways on texts

8. Joke about it 

“I tend to wear a lot of colors when I’m feeling sort of in love. On a completely unrelated topic, check out these glittered-up red & pink pants I just bought!” Okay, maybe you can come up with more humorous texts to say “I love you” in different ways, but you get the point.

9. Send cute pictures of yourself 

If a guy is interested in you and likes to talk to you, sending him cute pictures of you is definitely going to get his attention. Take it one step further and caption it with something cute. Creative ways to say “I love you” don’t entirely depend on what you write down, use that beautiful face God gave ya!

Related Reading: Why Do Guys Stop Texting And Then Start Again? 12 True Reasons Why

10. Send a few words of appreciation 

Appreciating their presence in your life may not necessarily scream out “I love you,” but it’s still a nice gesture. Tell them how much you value their input or just appreciate their recent success and tell them you only wish the best for them. And that you’d love to see how their life shapes out, very, very closely. 

11. Be a little mysterious with it 

If you’re looking for secret ways to say “I love you” in text symbols, maybe you can be a little more cryptic with it. Send across a few zodiac love compatibility articles, letting them know that your sun signs might be a good match. 

Maybe, you can even tell them what you and this person have in common and why you think you get along so well. Just make sure they don’t get tired of the mystery and leave.

12. A bit of wishful thinking can be cute

A secret way to say “I love you” in texts can be as simple as telling this person how you wish you were with them right now. Maybe even a “wouldn’t it be nice if we went on a small vacay together?” if you’re feeling extra courageous. 

13. Send cute videos off the internet 

No, we don’t mean a video of Charlie biting his brother’s finger. Send across a cute video of two lovers reuniting and say something like, “Don’t videos like this make you melt? I wish I had something like this.” On paper, it’s still a secret way to say “I love you” in text, but you still have to be able to take some risks.

14. Hit them with a movie recommendation or a quote 

Who doesn’t have an all-time favorite rom-com they can curl up and watch at any time? If you’re figuring out how to secretly text “I love you” to someone, ask them about their favorite romantic movie, recommend one of your favorites, or even send across the cheesiest love quote from a movie . 

15. If they’d rather read, send book recommendations or quotes 

We don’t know about you, but we wouldn’t mind going through another John Green phase, especially if we’re feeling extra mushy. One of the best ways to let someone know you’d rather stop texting them and hug them as tight as you can is by asking them to read one of your favorite books, which also happens to be an incredibly romantic tear-jerker.

16. Inside jokes to make things more personal 

Just like Ted and Robin would instantly salute each other every time someone around them said the words “major” or “general,” “corporal” or anything to do with the army, a few inside jokes can make you very close to this person. Plus, it’s a great way to keep a conversation going .

Crack a joke only they’ll understand, and try to subtly reiterate how cute it is that you two have things that only you can laugh at.

Related Reading: Should I Wait Or Should I Text Him First? The RULEBOOK Of Texting For Girls

17. Talk about things you look forward to 

Are you meeting this person soon? Do you have any plans with them? It doesn’t matter if it’s a vacation or just watching a movie together, drop in a, “I can’t wait to meet and spend time with you.” How to secretly text “I love you” can sometimes be as simple as just telling this person you really like spending time with them. 

unique ways to say i love you in text

18. Send an Animoji

If you’ve both got an iPhone, sending a fun little Animoji can be a great way of communicating with each other while also making each other laugh. Take it a step further by telling this person a few cute things you admire about them, while you’ve disguised yourself as the cutest Animoji you can find. If you’re looking for things to text when a conversation dies , an Animoji is your best friend.

Related Reading: 31 Funny Ways To Start A Text Conversation And Get Responses!

19. Use that amazing voice and send an audio note

Audio notes can be a great way of telling a person something with a lot more intent than just through words. Forget about secret ways to say “I love you” in text symbols and let them hear your lovely voice. 

20. Tell them you care about them

You won’t really be shouting out you love them but letting them know you care about them and want to be supportive is a secret way to say “I love you” in text. Go ahead and send something like, “I just wanted to let you know I admire you as a person and I care about your wellbeing. I hope good things come your way, and I hope I can help you on your journey.” It’ll make their day. 

21. Just flirt!

Sometimes, to say “I love you” in different ways, you’ve got to use the most common tactic available: flirting. Although, what’s important is the intent behind your flirting. Make sure it doesn’t seem like you’re only doing this to get in their pants. Let those winky-face emojis and suggestive texts go for a hike. You’re in this for the long haul, let out the hopeless romantic in you.

The secret ways to say I love you in text can seem confusing, but they really don’t have to be. Instead of sending them a non-coherent text that kinda says you’re in love but also kinda says you’re a stalker, use any of the tactics we listed out. We know for a fact you won’t be freaking out about their reply when you see them typing.

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unique ways to say i love you in text

Amol Ahlawat

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120 Cute & Creative Ways To Say 'I Love You'

Little things (like this) mean a whole lot..

  • Jim &amp; Carrie Gordon

Written on Apr 05, 2022

i love you to the moon and back

How strong is your communication with your partner ? Do you find that the two of you text, email, nod at and grunt in reply to each other more than you typically have meaningful conversations with each other?

Admittedly, we all get caught up in our busy day-to-day lives, and often it's our most important communication — expressing our feelings of love for our partners — that pays the biggest price.

Why is finding ways to say "I love you" so important in relationships?

When we forget to say those three little words 'I love you' often enough and with full sincerity, even in the form of a note scrawled with one of the best, most inspiring love quotes you can find, our connection with each other begins to suffer.

The connection in the relationship may start to weaken so slowly that we don't even notice as the distance continues growing.

In his New York Times Bestseller, " The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts ", marriage expert Dr. Gary Chapman urges couples to learn how to express their love for each other in the forms their partner gives and receives love most naturally, be it through physical touch, gifts, acts of service or devotion, quality time, or words of affirmation.

In particular, he stresses one important communication skill related to words of affirmation that all too often gets overlooked in our fast-paced digital society — and that method of connection is the written word.

Think about it ... love letters used to be epic ! They were tied with ribbon, stored in boxes for decades, and passed down through generations.

Don't worry, your expressions of love can be epic, too — whether written love notes, verbal declarations, or through text messages and body language.

RELATED:  What It Means When Someone Says 'Love You' Instead Of 'I Love You’

Here are the best ways to say "I love you" in the most romantic, sweet, and genuine ways.

Cute Ways to Say I Love You

1. "i love you to the moon and back." — amelia hepworth, 2. "you make my heart warm and happy.", 3. "at this very moment, my thoughts of you have me smiling. you do that for me ... did you know that", 4. "i could search my whole life through and through and never find another you.", 5. "when you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that's where my fingers fit perfectly.", 6. “if you live to be a hundred, i want to live to be a hundred minus one day so i never have to live without you.” — a. a. milne, 7. “you know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — dr. seuss, 8. "maybe you don't need the whole world to love you. maybe you just need one person." — kermit the frog (aka jim henson), 9. "sometimes i feel like my heart will burst with all of the longing and excitement i feel when i think of you.".

cute ways to say i love you

10. "They told me that to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love." — Tommaso Ferraris

11. "a piece of my heart is always missing when you’re not with me.", 12. “i love you begins by i, but it ends up by you.” — charles de leusse, 13. "you look great today. how did i know because you look great every day.", 14. “smiling so much today just thinking of you.”, 15. “just wanted to thank you for being you).”, 16. "i hope you know how much you mean to me.”, 17. “i'm so glad you're in my life”, 18. “i want you to be my valentine every valentine's day.", 19. “you mean so much to me.”, 20. "we fit together like puzzle pieces.", 21. "you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.", 22. "you complete me.", 23. "i can’t believe you’re mine.", 24. "you are a beautiful person inside and out.", 25. "i am here for you…always.", 26. "words i love hearing you say: i’m yours.", 27. "i’m the luckiest person in the world.", 28. "we are meant to be.", 29. "i think i'm falling for you.", 30. "i'm crazy about you.", 31. "i’d do anything to make you smile.", 32. "you are my soulmate.", 33. "i like the way you make me feel, even when you are not around.", 34. "you’re my dream come true.", 35. "you take my breath away.", 36. "since you’ve been around i smile a lot more than i used to.", 37. "you’re my partner in crime.", 38. "you look great today and every day.", 39. "you make my dreams come true.", 40. "i’m jealous of people who get to see you every day.", 41. "your voice is my favorite sound.", 42. "sometimes i look at you and wonder how i got so lucky.", 43. "whatever we do today, i’m glad to do it with you.", 44. "i’ve always got your back.", 45. "you make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.", 46. "you're like poetry to me.".

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Creative Ways To Say I Love You

47. "with you, forever won't be too long.", 48. "i never knew how joyous life could be, until i saw your face.", 49. "she asked, 'you are in love, what does love look like' to which i replied, 'like everything i've ever lost come back to me.'", 50. "if you need to hear why i love you, i can go on all night." — lucas to brooke on "one tree hill", 51. "i fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – john green, 52. "i'd rather argue with you than kiss someone else.", 53. "i am consumed by the desire to be with you, to talk to you, and to feel you near me.", 54. "in case you ever foolishly forget: i am never not thinking of you." — virginia woolf, 55. “i would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” — j.r.r. tolkien, 56. "whatever you have to do today, i'm glad to be doing it with you.", 57. "you are my world, gravity always pulls me toward you.".

creative ways to say i love you

58. "There's something about you I'm scared to lose because I know I won't find it in anyone else." — "The Driver"

59. “to be your friend was all i ever wanted; to be your lover was all i ever dreamed.” — valerie lombardo, 60. "if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more." — jane austen, emma, 61. "i never wanted to have anything in my life that i couldn't stand losing. it's too late for that.", 62. "my heart calls out for you.".

RELATED:  11 Things You Seriously Need To Know About Someone Before You Say 'I Love You'

Romantic Ways to Say I Love You

63. "if, out of time, i could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that i have lived, i'd pick the moment i met you.", 64. "they say you only fall in love once, but that can't be true ... every time i look at you, i fall in love all over again.", 65. "i am head over heels in love with you.", 66. "true love stories never have endings.” — richard bach, 67. “loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.” — elaine davis, 68. “i love you not only for what you are but for what i am when i am with you. i love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. i love you for the part of me that you bring out.” — elizabeth barrett browning, 69. “i saw that you were perfect, and so i loved you. then i saw that you were not perfect and i loved you even more.” — angelita lim.

romantic ways to say i love you

70. “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” — Hermann Hesse

71. “i swear i couldn’t love you more than i do right now, and yet i know i will tomorrow.” — leo christopher, 72. ”i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” — pablo neruda, 73. “i love you with every beat of my heart.” — armaan, 74. "you are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person i have ever known — and even that is an understatement." — f. scott fitzgerald, 75. “i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so i love you because i know no other way.” — pablo neruda, 76. “my love for you is past the mind, beyond my heart, and into my soul.” — boris kodjoe, 77. "i want to spend my life with you. forever.".

RELATED:  101 Romantic Quotes For People Who Are In Love

Funny Ways to Say I Love You

78. "when i see you, i think 'good job, god'", 79. “you call it madness, but i call it love.” — don byas, 80. “i love you like a fat kid loves cake.” — scott adams, 81. “love is being stupid together.” — paul valery, 82. "there is no one i’d rather steal blankets from.", 83. "i’ve fallen for you… and i can’t get up.".

funny ways to say i love you

84. "When I look at you, I feel a warmth in my heart. At least, I think it’s warmth; I did have a burrito for lunch."

85. "kiss me, i’m crazy about you okay, well, maybe i’m just crazy.", 86. "you are like asthma. you take my breath away", 87. "i love you with all my butt. i’d say my heart, but my butt is bigger.", 88. "i love you more than a hipster loves beards.", 89. "when kissing, you know tulips are better than one.", 90. "you can bug me anytime.".

RELATED:  When To Say I Love You For The First Time, According To Men

Ways To Say I Love You Without Words

91. send a romantic song ., 92. buy flowers randomly., 93. post love notes around the house., 94. have a romantic spa day at home ., 95. enjoy a candlelit dinner at home., 96. go stargazing., 97. write a love letter., 98. have a tickle fight..

ways to say i love you without words

99. Make them breakfast in bed.

100. make them a mixtape (or playlist)., 101. give them a framed photo of you both., 102. surprise them with a trip or activity., 103. throw them a surprise party., 104. cuddle., 105. fill a jar of 100 reasons why you love them ..

RELATED:  26 Symbols Of Love And Their Meanings Explained

Ways to Say I Love You in Different Languages

106. arabic: أحبك (pronounced uhibuk), 107. bengali: আমি তোমাকে ভালবাসি (pronounced āmi tōmākē bhālabāsi), 108. finnish: minä rakastan sinua, 109. french: je t'aime, 110. german: ich liebe dich, 111. greek: σ'αγαπώ (pronounced s'agapó), 112. hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ (pronounced main tumase pyaar karata hoon).

ways to say i love you in different languages

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200 creative ways to say i love you.

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One evergreen song in my memory is the song by Westlife Boys, the puzzle of my heart. It is filled with expressions of love. Words and expressions are tools for communicating with that special someone in your life.

So many times, saying the ‘I love you’ word feels strange to some people even when they are madly in love. If the above describes you then be rest assured there are different ways to say I love you. Especially when this person means so much to you.

What comes to your mind when you think of your spouse? What makes them laugh? What makes them happy? Think of how you can keep seeing them in that great mood, then go ahead and do what it takes.

In today’s post, we will be exploring different ways to say I love you to the love of your life and I’d be focusing on the use of words, come with me:

Where words fail you and you have run out of options in conveying your heartfelt emotions to them, your relationship may begin to suffer. When words fail you, you could have your thoughts penned down or typed and sent via electronic media.

You could also employ the age-long tradition of scribbling a love letter . Want it modern and trendy? Then use sticky notes: You don’t have to search any further as there some carefully handpicked I- love- you alternatives below:

ways to say I love you to him

Romantic Ways To Say I Love You

cute ways to say I love you in a text

1.  I will love you always and forever

2.  I love you to the moon and back

3.  You are my everything

4.  You are more than a million reasons why I’m in love

5.  I want you

6.  I need you

7.  You are the puzzle of my heart

8.  I think of you always

9.  Whenever you feel lonely, look at all the spaces in between your fingers and be reminded that’s where my fingers fit perfectly.

10.  You make me feel great

11.  You are too precious to lose

12.  Being with you feels like magic

13.  You are simply amazing

14.  I’m incomplete without you

15.  I’m with you always even in my absence

16.  I’m so into you

17.  You light up my world

18.  I’m in love with you

19.  We are meant for each other

20.  I love you with the whole of me

21.  My whole being longs for you

22.  You are my angel

Beautiful Ways To Say I Love You In Different Languages

unique ways to say i love you in text

Imagine how lovely it would be to snuggle up next to your spouse and say I love you in a foreign language. It would be both surprising and fun you know. How about ending those beautiful love messages with different ways to say I love you in different languages.

1.  Je T Aime (french)

2.  te amo (Spanish)

3.  ahabak (Arabic)

4.  ich Liebe Dich (German)

5.  te amo (Italian)

6.  Naku Penda (Swahili)

7.  Se agape (greek)

Cute Ways To Say I Love You To Your Spouse

unique ways to say i love you in text

How about some quick phrases to tickle your loved one. Or quick words you can employ to make them loosen up during an argument.

You can disarm an armored tank ready for war(laughs) either from your man or lady with one of the quick phrases listed below. Remember it’s all about different ways to say I love you.


unique ways to say i love you in text

Author: Miriam Eugolatac

Miriam is the creator of this blog and an avid love specialist with years of relationship and marriage advice. While she is not working on her career in the real world, she loves to jump on the site and use this platform as a way to express and hopefully help other people with relationship advice.

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120+ Funny Ways to Say I Love You: Humorous Expressions of Love

When expressing love, sometimes the words “I love you” can feel a bit overused. If you’re looking to add some creativity and humor to your relationships, why not explore funny ways to say “I love you” ?

By injecting humor into your expressions of love, you can put a smile on your loved one’s face and make those three little words a little more memorable and enjoyable.

Here, we’ll explore hilarious expressions of love , witty alternatives for “I love you,” and amusing declarations of love that are sure to brighten your relationships.

Funny Ways to Say I Love You

  • “I’m bananas for you. Let’s never split!”
  • “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.”
  • “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.”
  • “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.”
  • “You must be a magician, because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.”
  • “I’m not a hoarder but I really want to keep you forever.”
  • “You’re the WiFi to my internet.”
  • “I’d pause my favorite game for you.”
  • “You’re the reason I look down at my phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.”
  • “Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”
  • “You’re like pizza. Even when you’re bad, you’re good.”
  • “I love you more than zombies love brains.”
  • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber.'”
  • “I’d choose you over pizza. Just kidding. But you’re up there.”
  • “You’re like Google. Everything I’ve been searching for.”
  • “You make my heart skip a beat, and not in a medically concerning way.”
  • “You’re the gravy to my mashed potatoes.”
  • “If we were on a sinking ship, I’d share my door with you.”
  • “You’re the sprinkles on my donut.”
  • “Are you a beaver? Because dam!”
  • “I love you more than a unicorn fart.”
  • “You’re the cream to my coffee. And I’m not talking decaf.”
  • “You’re the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence I could ever write!”
  • “I’d share my last cookie with you.”
  • “If loving you was a crime, I’d be doing life without parole.”
  • “You’re the lint in my belly button – weirdly part of my life.”
  • “You’re the best thing since sliced bread. And I really love bread.”
  • “I love you like a hobbit loves second breakfast.”
  • “Our love is like a fart. It’s warm, unpredictable, and hard to keep quiet.”
  • “You’re my lobster. And not just because you’re good with butter.”

Hilarious Ways to Say I Love You

  • “I love you more than a cat loves a sunny spot.”
  • “You’re the ketchup to my fries, and everyone knows fries are naked without ketchup.”
  • “I’d share my last slice of pizza with you, and that’s serious business.”
  • “You’re like my asthma – you just take my breath away.”
  • “If we were socks, we’d make a great pair.”
  • “You’re the ‘nothing’ I give as an answer when people ask what I’m thinking about.”
  • “I love you more than a kangaroo loves jumping.”
  • “You’re the marshmallows to my hot chocolate.”
  • “Loving you is better than finding an extra chicken nugget in my order.”
  • “I love you like a back alley cat loves trash can buffets.”
  • “You’re the bubbles to my bath.”
  • “Our love is like a good meme, endlessly entertaining and hard to explain.”
  • “I’d trade my last avocado toast for you, and that’s saying something.”
  • “You’re the Batman to my Robin, but let’s face it, we’re both a little Robin.”
  • “I love you more than my smartphone, and that’s un-upgradeable.”
  • “You’re the glitch in my video game that I never want to fix.”
  • “My love for you is like a fart – impossible to hide and slightly embarrassing.”
  • “You’re the rubber duck to my bubble bath.”
  • “Loving you is like being stuck in a comedy movie – full of laughs and weird faces.”
  • “You’re the sprinkles on my sundae, and life’s just vanilla without you.”
  • “I love you more than a bear loves honey, and those guys are nuts about honey.”
  • “You’re the side dish to my main course, but sometimes, you steal the show.”
  • “If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.”
  • “You’re the socks to my sandals. Not everyone gets us, but we’re a perfect pair.”
  • “Our love is like a good nap – short, sweet, and rejuvenating.”
  • “You’re the cherry on top of my sundae, except I actually like you.”
  • “I love you more than a squirrel loves acorns.”
  • “You’re the smile to my emojis.”
  • “Our love is like a unicorn – rare, magical, and questioned by many.”
  • “You’re the blue crayon in my box – important for skies and oceans.”

Check Out: 40+ Geeky and Nerdy Ways to Say I Love You

From funny ways to say “I love you” in a text message to cute and funny phrases for expressing love to your boyfriend, we’ll cover a variety of situations and relationships.

Whether you’re looking for funny quotes to say “I love you” indirectly or searching for cute nicknames to show love to your child, we’ve got you covered!

So, if you’re ready to add some laughter to your love life, keep reading as we dive into the world of funny ways to say “I love you.” Get ready to brighten someone’s day and make your love even more special!

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You” in a Text Message

If you are tired of using the same old “I love you” when texting your partner, it’s time to inject some humor into your declarations of love.

Adding a touch of comedy to your text messages can bring a smile to your loved one’s face and make your affectionate words even more memorable.

Check out these hilarious ways to say “I love you” in a text message:

  • “I loaf you like bread loves butter.”
  • “You’re the sprinkles to my ice cream cone.”
  • “You’re my favorite notification.”
  • “I love you a latte, like the foam on my cappuccino.”
  • “You’re the WiFi password to my heart.”
  • “You make my heart skip beats faster than a Snapchat streak.”
  • “You’re the avocado to my toast.”
  • “I can’t espresso how much I love you.”
  • “You’re the emoji that lights up my screen.”

Incorporating funny phrases and witty alternatives for “I love you” into your text messages can add a playful and lighthearted touch to your relationship.

Experiment with these amusing declarations of love and enjoy the laughter they bring.

Check Out: 120+ Flirty Texts About Kissing

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Boyfriend

When it comes to expressing your love, a touch of humor can make all the difference.

Men love to be entertained, and what better way to keep your boyfriend in a joyful mood than with some funny declarations of love?

Here are some cute and hilarious phrases for saying “I love you” that are sure to bring a smile to his face:

  • “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.” Show your cheesy side with this adorable phrase that combines love and comfort food.
  • “You make me happier than a kid in a candy store.” Let him know that he brings you unmatched joy and happiness.
  • “I love you more than pizza.” Express your love in terms of his ultimate food obsession, pizza.
  • “You rock my world like a funny cat video.” Compare his impact on your life to the joy and entertainment of a hilarious internet cat video.
  • “You’re my favorite weirdo.” Embrace his quirks and let him know that he’s your favorite kind of weird.

These funny quotes for expressing love are just the tip of the iceberg. Get creative and personalize your expressions of love to match your boyfriend’s unique sense of humor.

Remember, laughter is the key to keeping the sparks alive in your relationship!

Check Out: 80+ Funny Ways to Say What Are You Doing

funny ways to say i love you

How to Say “I Love You” Indirectly

Sometimes, expressing your love directly can feel a bit predictable. If you’re looking for unique and meaningful ways to convey your affection without using the typical three words, we’ve got you covered.

Below, you’ll find a collection of clever and amusing ways to say “I love you” indirectly:

  • “You complete my heart’s puzzle.”
  • “You’re the icing on my love cake.”
  • “You light up my life like a firework.”
  • “You’re the marshmallow in my hot chocolate of love.”

These witty alternatives for expressing love not only bring a touch of humor to your relationship but also make your affection more memorable.

Whether you choose to use these phrases in person, over a text message, or by leaving cute notes around your partner’s living space, they are sure to make you smile and feel truly cherished.

Check Out: Cute Ways to Say Yes to a Date Over Text

Cute Nicknames to Say “I Love You” to Your Child

Calling your child by a silly nickname is a great way to show them how much you love them. Instead of always using the traditional phrase “I love you,” why not add some fun and creativity to your expressions of love?

Cute nicknames are not only endearing but also personal and unique to your child. Here are some funny and adorable nicknames that will bring a smile to your child’s face:

These cute nicknames not only show your love and affection but also create a strong bond between you and your child.

They can make those daily affirmations of love even more memorable and enjoyable. Remember, the key is to choose a nickname that resonates with your child’s personality or interests. Get creative and have fun with it!

Check Out: Quirky & Funny Ways to Say I Miss You

cute nicknames for expressing love to children

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Friends

Even the best of friends need to hear those three little words occasionally. Saying “I love you” is not just for romantic relationships – it can also be used to show appreciation for a close friend.

Sometimes, a simple expression of love is all it takes to brighten someone’s day and let them know that they are appreciated.

Here are some funny ways to say “I love you” to your friends:

  • “You’re my ride or die, but mostly my ride because I don’t have a license.”
  • “You’re the reason I smile when my phone vibrates.”
  • “I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot.”
  • “You’re the best friend anyone could ask for, except for when you steal all the popcorn at the movies. But I still love you.”
  • “I love you like a squirrel loves nuts.”

Sending a funny message or saying one of these humorous quotes to your friends can strengthen your bond and bring a smile to their faces.

It’s a lighthearted way to express your love and let them know how much they mean to you.

Check Out: 45+ Romantic Ways to Say Have a Good Day

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Child

Your child brings so much joy to your life, and sometimes saying “I love you” in a funny way can make their day even brighter.

Children love to laugh and appreciate humor, so why not express your love with a touch of comedy?

Here are some amusing declarations of love and funny quotes for expressing love to children :

  • “You are so loved, even more than ice cream!”
  • “I love you to the moon and back, and then to the snack cupboard.”
  • “You’re my favorite tiny human in the whole universe!”
  • “I love you more than all the superheroes in the world combined.”

Remember, these funny ways to say “I love you” to your child can create joyful moments and strengthen your bond.

Explore your playful side and find unique ways to express your love that will put a smile on your face!

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You” in Unique Situations

Saying “I love you” doesn’t always have to be serious or conventional. Expressing your love in unique situations can add an extra touch of humor and make the words even more memorable.

Whether you’re in unexpected circumstances or simply want to spice up your relationship, these funny ways to say “I love you” will surely bring a smile to your loved one’s face:

  • When you’re both stuck in traffic: “I love you more than the number of cars in this jam!”
  • When you’re doing household chores together: “I love you so much, I’d even do your laundry for eternity!”
  • When you’re fighting over the TV remote: “I love you, but I also love my favorite show, so let’s compromise!”
  • When you’re camping and roasting marshmallows: “I love you to the moon and s’more!”
  • When you’re trying to decide where to eat: “I love you so much, I’d even eat sushi even though I’m not a fan!”

Remember, these amusing declarations of love are meant to bring joy and laughter to your relationships.

They are a lighthearted way to express your affection in unique situations and create lasting memories.

So don’t be afraid to let your humorous side shine through when saying “I love you”!

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  • 60+ Funny Ways to Say I Don’t Care with Humor
  • 250+ Conversation Starters For Texting
  • 35+ Cute Ways to Say ‘What Are You Doing?’
  • Cute & Funny Ways to Say Goodnight to Your Crush

Saying “I love you” doesn’t have to be boring. With a little creativity and humor, you can make your expressions of love even more memorable and enjoyable.

Whether you’re texting your partner, saying it indirectly, or using funny nicknames, the goal is to put a smile on their face and brighten their day.

By incorporating funny ways to say “I love you,” you can bring more joy and laughter into your relationships.

Instead of relying on the same old phrase, explore hilarious expressions of love that will make your partner or loved ones laugh and feel the depth of your affection.

Whether it’s through witty alternatives for “I love you,” amusing declarations of love, or funny quotes, these lighthearted approaches can add a touch of humor and playfulness to your relationships.

So don’t be afraid to get creative, step outside the ordinary, and embrace funny ways to express your love.

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unique ways to say i love you in text

unique ways to say i love you in text

10 Sly Ways To Say "I Love You" Without Ever Using The L-Word

S aying "I love you" comes with so much baggage. First, there's the question of what you want it to mean. Is it a declaration of commitment? Is it a simple statement of appreciation? Do you even know why you want to say it?

Then there's the question of when to say it. Do you plan a time, like a romantic dinner or a lazy Saturday morning in bed? Do you let it pop out unexpectedly? Or do you wait for him to say it first ?

RELATED:  What True Love Means, According To A Therapist

And finally, there's the question of how it's received. Will it freak him out? Will he understand what you mean? Will he say it back? And if he does say it back, does he mean it the same way you do? 

No matter how you answer all these questions, telling someone you love them is a big deal. So what if you're not quite ready to say it but you want to show it? Or what if you've already said it, and you want something more than just words?

Here is a list of ways to say "I love you" without using the "L" word. Our favorite is this one: Stock your fridge with his favorite beer, carve his name into a tree, and  let him see you cry . 

In addition to the above, we'd like to add our own.

Here are 10 sly ways to say "I love you" without ever using the L-word:

1. take a picture of yourself smiling while you're on the phone with him so he can see how happy he makes you.

Time to work on those selfie skills.

2. Grab him when you're in front of a mirror or a reflective store window and say, "Look, it's us!"

You can use the opportunity to take a cute photo of the two of you in the reflection.

RELATED:  4 Ways To Make Him Commit Fully To You (And Only You)

3. Do the dishes even though it's his turn

You don't like how he does them anyway.

4. Let him have the smushy pillow

It stops him from snoring .

5. Pay for dinner

It's about time you treated him to a romantic dinner date .

6. Always answer his phone calls and respond right away to his texts and emails

It shows that you care.

RELATED:  3 Brutal Truths About Romantic Love That Are Really Hard To Hear

7. Make his bed after he's left in the morning

He likes the way you do it.

8. Kiss his eyelids

It's a very intimate gesture.

9. Be the outside spoon

Men like to be held too.

10. Buy him toilet paper when you notice he's almost out

This is to help you as well.

RELATED:  15 Ways Guys Say 'I Love You' Without Ever Saying A Word

Sarah Harrison is an editor and content strategist whose work has appeared in The Guardian, Vice, The New York Times, The Independent, and Psychology Today.

This article originally appeared on YourTango

Couple being intimate

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Meditation: a simple, fast way to reduce stress.

Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. See how you can easily learn to practice meditation whenever you need it most.

If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, you might try meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can help restore your calm and inner peace.

Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and doesn't cost much. And you don't need any special equipment.

You can practice meditation wherever you are. You can meditate when you're out for a walk, riding the bus, waiting at the doctor's office or even in the middle of a business meeting.

Understanding meditation

Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Early meditation was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is most often used to relax and lower stress.

Meditation is a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can help you relax deeply and calm your mind.

During meditation, you focus on one thing. You get rid of the stream of thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process can lead to better physical and emotional well-being.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health. You also can use it to relax and cope with stress by focusing on something that calms you. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.

These benefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help take you more calmly through your day. And meditation may help you manage symptoms of some medical conditions.

Meditation and emotional and physical well-being

When you meditate, you may clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress.

The emotional and physical benefits of meditation can include:

  • Giving you a new way to look at things that cause stress.
  • Building skills to manage your stress.
  • Making you more self-aware.
  • Focusing on the present.
  • Reducing negative feelings.
  • Helping you be more creative.
  • Helping you be more patient.
  • Lowering resting heart rate.
  • Lowering resting blood pressure.
  • Helping you sleep better.

Meditation and illness

Meditation also might help if you have a medical condition. This is most often true if you have a condition that stress makes worse.

A lot of research shows that meditation is good for health. But some experts believe there's not enough research to prove that meditation helps.

With that in mind, some research suggests that meditation may help people manage symptoms of conditions such as:

  • Chronic pain.
  • Depression.
  • Heart disease.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Tension headaches.

Be sure to talk to your healthcare professional about the pros and cons of using meditation if you have any of these or other health conditions. Sometimes, meditation might worsen symptoms linked to some mental health conditions.

Meditation doesn't replace medical treatment. But it may help to add it to other treatments.

Types of meditation

Meditation is an umbrella term for the many ways to get to a relaxed state. There are many types of meditation and ways to relax that use parts of meditation. All share the same goal of gaining inner peace.

Ways to meditate can include:

Guided meditation. This is sometimes called guided imagery or visualization. With this method of meditation, you form mental images of places or things that help you relax.

You try to use as many senses as you can. These include things you can smell, see, hear and feel. You may be led through this process by a guide or teacher.

  • Mantra meditation. In this type of meditation, you repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to keep out unwanted thoughts.

Mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is based on being mindful. This means being more aware of the present.

In mindfulness meditation, you focus on one thing, such as the flow of your breath. You can notice your thoughts and feelings. But let them pass without judging them.

  • Qigong. This practice most often combines meditation, relaxation, movement and breathing exercises to restore and maintain balance. Qigong (CHEE-gung) is part of Chinese medicine.
  • Tai chi. This is a form of gentle Chinese martial arts training. In tai chi (TIE-CHEE), you do a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful way. And you do deep breathing with the movements.
  • Yoga. You do a series of postures with controlled breathing. This helps give you a more flexible body and a calm mind. To do the poses, you need to balance and focus. That helps you to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment.

Parts of meditation

Each type of meditation may include certain features to help you meditate. These may vary depending on whose guidance you follow or who's teaching a class. Some of the most common features in meditation include:

Focused attention. Focusing your attention is one of the most important elements of meditation.

Focusing your attention is what helps free your mind from the many things that cause stress and worry. You can focus your attention on things such as a certain object, an image, a mantra or even your breathing.

  • Relaxed breathing. This technique involves deep, even-paced breathing using the muscle between your chest and your belly, called the diaphragm muscle, to expand your lungs. The purpose is to slow your breathing, take in more oxygen, and reduce the use of shoulder, neck and upper chest muscles while breathing so that you breathe better.

A quiet setting. If you're a beginner, meditation may be easier if you're in a quiet spot. Aim to have fewer things that can distract you, including no television, computers or cellphones.

As you get more skilled at meditation, you may be able to do it anywhere. This includes high-stress places, such as a traffic jam, a stressful work meeting or a long line at the grocery store. This is when you can get the most out of meditation.

  • A comfortable position. You can practice meditation whether you're sitting, lying down, walking, or in other positions or activities. Just try to be comfortable so that you can get the most out of your meditation. Aim to keep good posture during meditation.
  • Open attitude. Let thoughts pass through your mind without judging them.

Everyday ways to practice meditation

Don't let the thought of meditating the "right" way add to your stress. If you choose to, you can attend special meditation centers or group classes led by trained instructors. But you also can practice meditation easily on your own. There are apps to use too.

And you can make meditation as formal or informal as you like. Some people build meditation into their daily routine. For example, they may start and end each day with an hour of meditation. But all you really need is a few minutes a day for meditation.

Here are some ways you can practice meditation on your own, whenever you choose:

Breathe deeply. This is good for beginners because breathing is a natural function.

Focus all your attention on your breathing. Feel your breath and listen to it as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils. Breathe deeply and slowly. When your mind wanders, gently return your focus to your breathing.

Scan your body. When using this technique, focus attention on each part of your body. Become aware of how your body feels. That might be pain, tension, warmth or relaxation.

Mix body scanning with breathing exercises and think about breathing heat or relaxation into and out of the parts of your body.

  • Repeat a mantra. You can create your own mantra. It can be religious or not. Examples of religious mantras include the Jesus Prayer in the Christian tradition, the holy name of God in Judaism, or the om mantra of Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eastern religions.

Walk and meditate. Meditating while walking is a good and healthy way to relax. You can use this technique anywhere you're walking, such as in a forest, on a city sidewalk or at the mall.

When you use this method, slow your walking pace so that you can focus on each movement of your legs or feet. Don't focus on where you're going. Focus on your legs and feet. Repeat action words in your mind such as "lifting," "moving" and "placing" as you lift each foot, move your leg forward and place your foot on the ground. Focus on the sights, sounds and smells around you.

Pray. Prayer is the best known and most widely used type of meditation. Spoken and written prayers are found in most faith traditions.

You can pray using your own words or read prayers written by others. Check the self-help section of your local bookstore for examples. Talk with your rabbi, priest, pastor or other spiritual leader about possible resources.

Read and reflect. Many people report that they benefit from reading poems or sacred texts and taking a few moments to think about their meaning.

You also can listen to sacred music, spoken words, or any music that relaxes or inspires you. You may want to write your thoughts in a journal or discuss them with a friend or spiritual leader.

  • Focus your love and kindness. In this type of meditation, you think of others with feelings of love, compassion and kindness. This can help increase how connected you feel to others.

Building your meditation skills

Don't judge how you meditate. That can increase your stress. Meditation takes practice.

It's common for your mind to wander during meditation, no matter how long you've been practicing meditation. If you're meditating to calm your mind and your mind wanders, slowly return to what you're focusing on.

Try out ways to meditate to find out what types of meditation work best for you and what you enjoy doing. Adapt meditation to your needs as you go. Remember, there's no right way or wrong way to meditate. What matters is that meditation helps you reduce your stress and feel better overall.

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  • Meditation: In depth. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. https://nccih.nih.gov/health/meditation/overview.htm. Accessed Dec. 23, 2021.
  • Mindfulness meditation: A research-proven way to reduce stress. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/topics/mindfulness/meditation. Accessed Dec. 23, 2021.
  • AskMayoExpert. Meditation. Mayo Clinic. 2021.
  • Papadakis MA, et al., eds. Meditation. In: Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2022. 61st ed. McGraw Hill; 2022. https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com. Accessed Dec. 23, 2021.
  • Hilton L, et al. Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2017; doi:10.1007/s12160-016-9844-2.
  • Seaward BL. Meditation. In: Essentials of Managing Stress. 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2021.
  • Seaward BL. Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being. 9th ed. Burlington, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2018.

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Here is what Stormy Daniels testified happened between her and Donald Trump

A sketch shows Susan Necheles cross-examining Stormy Daniels as former President Trump looks on.

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Porn performer Stormy Daniels took the witness stand Tuesday in the hush money case against former President Trump, who looked on as she detailed their alleged sexual encounter and the payment she got to keep it quiet.

Prosecutors allege Trump paid Daniels to keep quiet about the allegations as he ran for president in 2016. Her testimony aired them very publicly as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee seeks to win the White House again.

Trump denies having sex with Daniels , and his lawyers unsuccessfully pushed for a mistrial midway through her testimony.

It was a major spectacle in the first criminal trial of a former American president, now in its third week of testimony in Manhattan.

Here are some takeaways from Daniels’ testimony:

Who is Stormy Daniels?

Stormy Daniels walks through barricades out of court.

The case centers on a $130,000 payment to Daniels from Trump’s then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, in the final weeks of Trump’s 2016 campaign. Prosecutors say it was part of a scheme to illegally influence the campaign by burying negative stories about him.

In this courtroom sketch, Stormy Daniels testifies on the witness stand as Judge Juan Merchan looks on in Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in New York.. A photo of Donald Trump and Daniels from their first meeting is displayed on a monitor. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

Stormy Daniels describes meeting Trump in occasionally graphic testimony

The porn actor’s testimony, even if sanitized and stripped of tell-all details, has been the most-awaited spectacle in Donald Trump’s hush money trial.

May 7, 2024

His lawyers have sought to show that Trump was trying to protect his reputation and family — not his campaign — by shielding them from embarrassing stories about his personal life.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told jurors that she started exotic dancing in high school and appearing in adult films at age 23, eventually moving to direct more than 150 films and winning a roster of porn industry awards.

FILE - Former President Donald Trump attends jury selection at Manhattan criminal court in New York, April 15, 2024. Trump's criminal hush money trial involves allegations that he falsified his company's records to hide the true nature of payments to his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who helped bury negative stories about him during the 2016 presidential campaign. He's pleaded not guilty. (Jeenah Moon/Pool Photo via AP, File)

World & Nation

Key players: Who’s who at Donald Trump’s hush-money criminal trial

Donald Trump’s hush money criminal trial shifts to opening statements Monday, followed by the start of witness testimony. Who’s who in the case?

April 21, 2024

Meeting Trump

Daniels testified she first met and chatted with Trump at a 2006 Lake Tahoe celebrity golf outing where her studio was a sponsor.

He referred to her as “the smart one” and asked her if she wanted to go to dinner, she said. Daniels testified that she accepted Trump’s invitation because she wanted to avoid dinner with her co-workers and thought it might help her career. Trump had his bodyguard get her number, she said.

When they met up later in his penthouse, she appreciated that he seemed interested in the business aspects of the industry rather than the “sexy stuff.” He also suggested putting her on his TV show, “The Apprentice,” a possibility she hoped could help establish her as a writer and director.

She left to use the bathroom and was startled to find Trump in his underwear when she returned, she said. She didn’t feel physically or verbally threatened but realized that he was “bigger and blocking the way,” she testified.

“The next thing I know was: I was on the bed,” and they were having sex, Daniels recalled. The encounter was brief but left her “shaking,” she said. “I just wanted to leave,” she testified.

STORMY -- Pictured: Stormy Daniels -- (Photo by: Peacock)

Stormy Daniels alleges in new documentary that Donald Trump cornered her the night they met

‘I have not forgiven myself because I didn’t shut his a— down in that moment’ in 2006, the adult filmmaker says in ‘Stormy,’ premiering March 18 on Peacock.

March 7, 2024

Payments for silence

Daniels was asked if Trump ever told her to keep things between them confidential, and said, “Absolutely not.” She said she learned in 2011 that a magazine had learned the story of their encounter, and she agreed to do an interview for $15,000 to make money and “control the narrative.” The story never ran.

In 2016, when Trump was running for president, Daniels said she authorized her manager to shop the story around but did not initially receive interest from news outlets. She said that changed in October with the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump bragged about grabbing women sexually without asking permission . She said she learned that Cohen wanted to buy her silence.

Former President Donald Trump reacts while meeting with construction workers at the construction site of the new JPMorgan Chase headquarters in midtown Manhattan, Thursday, April 25, 2024, in New York. Trump met with construction workers and union representatives hours before he's set to appear in court. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Former tabloid publisher testifies about scheme to shield Trump from damaging stories

Trump is back in a New York courtroom as his hush money trial resumes. In D.C., the Supreme Court considers if he should be immune for actions while president.

April 25, 2024

Mistrial push

Midway through her testimony, Trump’s lawyers moved for a mistrial.

Defense lawyer Todd Blanche argued that Daniels’ testimony about the alleged encounter and other meetings with him had “nothing to do with this case,” and would unfairly prejudice the jury.

The judge rejected it, and he faulted defense attorneys for not raising more of their objections while she was testifying.

Before Daniels took the stand, Trump’s lawyers had tried to stop her from testifying about the encounter’s details, saying it was irrelevant in “a case about books and records.”

Prosecutors countered that Daniels’ testimony gets at what Trump was trying to hide and they were “very mindful” not to draw too much graphic detail. Before Daniels took the stand, they told the judge the testimony would be “really basic,” and would not “involve any details of genitalia.”

While the judge didn’t side with Trump’s lawyers, he acknowledged that some details were excessive. The objections could potentially be used by Trump’s lawyers if he is convicted and they file an appeal.

FILE - In this photo taken from video provided by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022, The Russian army's Iskander missile launchers take positions during drills in Russia. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the military will hold drills involving tactical nuclear weapons – the first time such exercise was publicly announced by Moscow. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File)

News analysis: Why Putin is raising the specter of nuclear weapons again

Russia announces plans to hold drills near Ukraine simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons.

May 6, 2024


Trump’s lawyers tried to attack Daniels’ credibility, suggesting she was motivated by money and that her account has shifted over the years.

“Am I correct that you hate President Trump?” defense lawyer Susan Necheles asked Daniels at one point. Daniels acknowledged she did.

“And you want him to go to jail?” the lawyer asked.

“I want him to be held accountable,” Daniels said. Pressed again whether that meant going to jail, she said: “If he’s convicted.”

The defense pressed Daniels on the fact that she owes Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees stemming from an unsuccessful defamation lawsuit, and on a 2022 tweet in which she said she “will go to jail before I pay a penny.” Daniels dug in at times in the face of pointed questions, forcefully denying the idea that she had tried to extort money from Trump.

Trump whispered frequently to his attorney during Daniels’ testimony, and his expression seemed to be pained at one point as she recounted details about the dinner she says they shared. He shook his head and appeared to say something under his breath as Daniels testified that Trump told her he didn’t sleep in the same room as his wife.

On the way out of the courthouse, Trump called it “a very revealing day.” He didn’t address Daniels’ testimony explicitly but claimed the prosecutors’ case was “totally falling apart.”

Red Bull Racing's Dutch driver Max Verstappen drives during the third practice session of the Saudi Arabian Formula One Grand Prix at the Jeddah Corniche Circuit in Jeddah on March 8, 2024. (Photo by Giuseppe CACACE / AFP) (Photo by GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP via Getty Images)

With oil funds and Formula One, Saudi Arabia steamrolls its way onto sports’ hallowed grounds

Saudi Arabia’s oil riches have rocked soccer, golf, even esports, and the autocratic kingdom is expanding in Formula One car racing. What’s behind the push?

May 2, 2024

Jarring split screen

Trump’s appearance in court Tuesday, like all other days he’s stuck in the courtroom, means he can’t be out on the campaign trail as he runs for president a third time. It’s a frequent source of his complaints, but Daniels’ testimony in particular might underscore how much of a distraction the trial is from the business of running for president.

While Trump was stuck in a Manhattan courthouse away from voters and unable to speak for much of the day, President Biden was attending a Holocaust remembrance ceremony and condemning antisemitism .

It’s an issue Trump has sought to use against Biden in the campaign by seizing on the protests at college campuses over the Israel-Hamas war .

Associated Press writer Price reported from New York, Whitehurst from Washington. AP writers Michael Sisak, Jennifer Peltz, Jake Offenhartz and Alanna Durkin Richer contributed to this story.

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Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to Manhattan criminal court, Monday, May 13, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

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In this courtroom sketch, defense attorney Susan Necheles, center, cross examines Stormy Daniels, far right, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, as former President Donald Trump, left, looks on with Judge Juan Merchan presiding during Trump's trial in Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in New York. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

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Start your day right

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    unique ways to say i love you in text


  1. Cute ways to say “I Love You” ❤️ #DIY

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  4. Cute ways to say “I Love You”💕 #DIY

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  6. Lines that are better than "I Love You"


  1. 60+ Ways to Tell Someone You Love Them Over Text

    Just wanted to say that. Just wanted to tell you how much I love and adore you. When I'm sad, picturing you in my mind makes me smile. Knowing that I'm lucky enough to call you mine is my new reason for getting up in the morning. Meeting you was like finally finding those missing socks that disappear in the laundry.

  2. 120 Creative Ways To Say I Love You

    hug s: Give your loved one a big, tight hug to show how much you care. Hand-holding: Hold hands while walking or sitting together to feel close and supported. Kisses: Plant sweet kisses on their cheek, forehead, or lips to share your love. Cuddling: Snuggle up together to feel warm, cozy, and loved.

  3. 121 Unique Romantic Secret Ways To Say I Love You In Text

    Secret ways to say I love you in text messages may be difficult to communicate, but you may still personalize them to make them more accessible to the recipient. Instead of sending them an empty text expressing you love them, if your expression isn't good enough, they can assume you're attempting to take advantage of them.

  4. 100 Creative Ways To Say "I Love You" Differently

    These expressions can be used to communicate love in a more romantic relationship, although they are often used in casual relationships or among friends. Some different ways to say "I love you" include: 81. "You take my breath away". 82. "You're the apple of my eye.". 83. "I'm bananas for you.". 84.

  5. 231 Creative Ways to Say I Love You in English

    I love you more than anything. I love you more than I love myself. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you from the bottom of my soul. I love you more than any word can say. I'm nothing without you. I'm lost without you. I have feelings for you. I'm crazy about you.

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    Ways to Say "I Love You" Using Gifts. 1jewelry/Shutterstock. Give them a personalized gift that reflects something they're either very interested in or very passionate about. Write love notes and hide them for your partner to find randomly as a sweet surprise. Put a framed photo of the two of you next to your bedside.

  7. 103 cute ways to say "I love you" in a text

    18. I love you. 19. I love you more than a sunny day, more than a warm blanket, and way more than a sunset view. I swear I do. 20. Just when I think that I couldn't love you more than I do, you smile, and there I go falling in love more than ever before. 21. Every day is tremendously better with you by my side.

  8. 109 Creative And Cute Ways To Say I Love You

    Consider these ideas and quotes below. "I'm in love with you." "You're safe with me." "I love you to the moon and back." Surprise them with a bouquet of flowers. "You make my heart skip a beat." Write them a love letter. "You have bewitched me, body and soul." — Pride and Prejudice.

  9. 221 Creative And Fun Ways To Say I Love You

    I'm crazy for you. I'm crazy about you, and I'd be crazy to ever let you go. You are the love of my life. You set my world on fire. Je t'adore. You've got me head over heels. I will love you forever — to the moon and back. Every single day I fall more and more in love with you. You are the light of my life.

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    Romantic Activities to Say "I Love You". Set up a spa day at home. Send flowers or a treat to their work. Go on a hot air balloon ride. Go stargazing. Go for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. Cuddle up by the fireplace. Write them a love letter. Give them a personalized gift.

  11. 105 Cute Ways to Say I Love You

    Cute Ways to Say I Love You. 1. I am head over heels for you and I don't mind one little bit! 2. I fell so hard for you, I don't even mind the bruises! 3. You are the man/woman of my dreams and I hope I never wake up. 4. The sweetest part of my day is the one you're a part of.

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    There are times when a "thank you" text can be just as important as one that says "I love you." Thanking your partner for all that they mean to you is a wonderful way to say that you love them. You can thank them for being so supportive and for always being on your side. Thank them for just being themselves and let them know that they ...

  13. 100+ Different Ways to Say "I Love You!"

    I love you with my whole heart and soul. You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight in my night. To you—the only person I will ever love. I'd rather argue with you than kiss someone else. Every fiber of my being aches for you. I adore you. You are my angel. You are the person I want to spend my life with.

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    I hope you know how much you mean to me. I am so blessed to be your partner, spouse, etc. I'm crazy about you. You mean the world to me. I will always be here for you. You are my dream come true. I prayed and hoped for you. It doesn't matter what we do, I'm glad to spend the time with you. You are my better half.

  15. 21 Secret Ways To Say "I Love You" In Text

    8. Joke about it. "I tend to wear a lot of colors when I'm feeling sort of in love. On a completely unrelated topic, check out these glittered-up red & pink pants I just bought!". Okay, maybe you can come up with more humorous texts to say "I love you" in different ways, but you get the point. 9.

  16. 150 Cute Ways to Say "I Love You" in English • 7ESL

    List of Informal Ways to Say I Love You. I'm totally head over heels for you. I'm crazy about you. Going out with you makes me so happy. You are my favorite person in the world. I think about you all the time. You make my heart flutter. You are my one and only. I'm so proud to be yours.

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    Being with you inspires me. You are the one I've been looking for. I'm so in love with everything about you. I trust you more than anyone. Loving you makes me better. You're my every dream come ...

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    I know I can do anything with you by my side. I'm crazy for you. I love holding you in my arms. I love it when you hold me in your arms. I promise to always take care of you. I think about you day and night. I'm longing for you. You always brighten my day. I am so lucky to have ended up with someone like you.

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    51. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.". - John Green. 52. "I'd rather argue with you than kiss someone else." 53. "I am consumed by the desire to be with ...

  20. 200 Creative Ways To Say I Love You

    It would be both surprising and fun you know. How about ending those beautiful love messages with different ways to say I love you in different languages. 1. Je T Aime (french) 2. te amo (Spanish) 3. ahabak (Arabic) 4. ich Liebe Dich (German) 5. te amo (Italian) 6. Naku Penda (Swahili) 7. Se agape (greek) Cute Ways To Say I Love You To Your Spouse

  21. 120+ Funny Ways to Say I Love You: Humorous Expressions of Love

    Here are some funny ways to say "I love you" to your friends: "You're the cheese to my macaroni.". "You're my ride or die, but mostly my ride because I don't have a license.". "You're the reason I smile when my phone vibrates.". "I love you more than pizza, and that's saying a lot.".

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    Express your love in a raw and honest way, and it will easily travel the distance between you two. "I used to think that true love was just a fantasy, something you read about in books and see in movies. But the moment I met you, I realized all the hype was so very true. I can't believe I found you.".

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    Related: What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Love Life, According to Relationship Experts. 1. I adore you. 2. My heart bursts with love at the sight of you. 3. I'm nothing without you. 4.

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