Books Like This One

8 Exciting Books Like Paper Princess

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On the hunt for more books like Paper Princess ? Well, you’re not alone.

Paper Princess is part of The Royals series by Erin Watt and quoted as ‘This generation’s Cruel Intentions . There is steamy stuff amid the pages of this innocently titled novel. This story about poverty, prejudice and privilege is definitely more for the older teens or those of us adults who still think we are!

Ella Harper lives with her mother and is used to the hardships they face on a daily basis. Then her mother dies and, although a tough survivor, Ella is totally alone until Callum Royal takes her in.

Callum lives in a mansion with his three sons – none of whom want Ella living with them. Reed Royal is particularly keen to see her return to the slums and makes it abundantly clear. The boys have no respect for their father and less for Ella who is trying to deal with fitting in at high school and with a new family. As a stripper in her former life, she can handle most of what is thrown at her but is there a limit to her tolerance.

Over time, the passion between herself and Reed grows but passion can often be destructive.

If you love the fervour, fire and ice in this tale of wealth and excess, you will soon be searching for more books like Paper Princess .

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Table of Contents

8 Books like Paper Princess

Broken prince , by erin watt.

It seems only fitting that after reading a book like Paper Princess , you’ll want to know if there was a happily ever after. I give you the second book in the series, Broken Prince . This is your ticket on the roller coaster ride of emotions that this book provides.

The story continues between the sassy Ella Harper and the arrogant Reed Royal who fell for Ella and then royally messed things up. 

This book has a slightly darker feel than Paper Princess digging deeper into the lives of the Royals revealing more about how they came to be the broken family unit that Ella experiences – although Watt does include plenty of humour too. 

If you don’t finish this novel like Paper Princess wide-eyed and glowing with sweat, you were probably speed-reading and missed some good bits – slow down and take it all in. 

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Stealing Cinderella , by A Zavarelli

I’m sticking with the fairytale plot in this book similar to Paper Princess . Stealing Cinderella is the re-telling of a classic but with a darker, sexier vibe. Read on  . . .

Ella’s mother dies (sounding familiar?) when she is young and her father moves them both from their home in France to England. He remarries a woman (Narcissa) who brings her two daughters into the family. All three dislike Ella on sight.

Things are made worse when Ella’s father is killed leaving her only outlet from her horrible home life the time she spends volunteering at the animal rescue farm. Unfortunately, the farm is in dire need of funds to survive and Ella attends a charity ball in order to meet Prince Thorsen to ask him for help.

Ella soon finds out Thor’s reputation as being despicable is true and he drugs and kidnaps her whilst visiting the farm.

Will this dominant and broken prince be able to resist falling for Ella? And is this Cinderella quite the ‘good girl’ we remember from the storybooks of our youth?

This is one fairytale I wouldn’t read to children as a bedtime story but if you’re seeking out books like to Paper Princess then Stealing Cinderella should be on your list.

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The Deal , by Elle Kennedy

This book by Elle Kennedy is more suggestive than overtly sexual. The Deal follows Hannah Wells and her crush on the college ‘bad boy’. The only way she can think of to get him to notice her is to make him jealous.

The captain of the hockey team is Garrett Graham. He’s confident and brash but he wants to play professional hockey more than anything but his academic scores need to improve if he is to stay on the team.

Hannah thinks Garrett is a misogynistic arrogant a-hole but she agrees to tutor him as he convinces her that pretending to be with him will improve her social standing. Although they initially have a healthy disdain for one another, the more time they spend together the closer they become.

This book similar to Paper Princess is a college romance that will have you swooning over the main characters.

Have you already read this novel? Check out our list of books like The Deal!

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Crash Into You , by Katie McGarry

When looking for books like Paper Princess , anything by Katie McGarry is worth a mention. Crash Into You is number three in the Pushing the Limits series.

Rachel Young and Isaiah Walker have one thing in common: cars – or more precisely – street racing.

Rachel is beautiful; a star pupil with wealthy parents and her own secrets. She loves to race her beloved Mustang along the back roads for fun. One night at a race she meets Isaiah; he’s covered in tattoos and comes from the wrong side of the tracks. One night things go wrong and Isaiah needs to step in to help Rachel.

Their relationship grows as they both try to deal with what’s happening. They come up against resistance from Rachel’s family but they need each other. All the obstacles and drama pale in comparison to the feelings growing between them.

So if you enjoyed Paper Princess and are need of more teenage angst and passion, then look no further than Crash Into You.

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Beautiful Disaster , by Jamie Mcguire

Travis Maddox is not the sort of guy you can bring home to meet your family: he has too many tattoos and he fights for money. All the girls at college are attracted to him except one.

Abby Abernathy lives a well-ordered ‘good’ life. She has few vices and wants to keep her dark past exactly where it is. Guys like Travis Maddox are not in her sightline – she’s not interested.

Travis is curious about Abby’s indifference towards him and decides to trick her by making a bet with her that she can’t refuse. The bet ensures she is in his life, this way he can convince her how cool he is. Abby takes the bet but she isn’t quite the amiable rival Travis was expecting.

If you are desperately seeking more novels like Paper Princess then give Beautiful Disaster room on your e-reader.

Already read this novel? Check out our list of more books like Beautiful Disaster !

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Forbidden , by Tabitha Suzuma

During adolescence, our hormones can dominate everything including our sense of morality. In my next book, Forbidden our lovers are normal teenagers in the throes of first love: Maya is an inexperienced sixteen-year-old with talent and a pretty face; Lochan is a good looking seventeen-year-old with a promising future. So what could be wrong with this perfect picture of first love?

Maya and Lochan are brother and sister.

Practically abandoned by their alcoholic mother and no sign of their father in their lives, Maya and Lochan take on the role of parents to their younger siblings. Lochan is socially inept – Maya is his best friend and confidant. Their whole world revolves around each other day after day eventually turning brotherly/sisterly affection into much more.

This book like Paper Princess is a tragic and powerful account of how the human heart will cling onto love where it can find it.

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Easy , by Tammara Webber

For my next selection, I have chosen Easy by Tammara Webber, a New York Times bestseller published in 2012. Webber’s books have been translated into twenty-five different languages.

A quote from the Jacket blurb : ‘A girl who believes trust can be misplaced  . . . A boy who believes truth is relative . . . guilt eternal.’

Jacqueline follows her boyfriend when he goes off to college but just two months into her sophomore year, she finds herself single and wishing she had chosen to attend a music conservatory.

One day she is rescued from being sexually assaulted by Lucas. He is a reformed bad boy with secrets but he’s also given himself the position of Jacqueline’s protector.

The themes in this plot are interlinked with flashbacks, giving meat to the bones of the story as you progress through Jacqueline’s journey.

If you enjoy books like Paper Princess and are searching for more then I would recommend this heart-pounding novel for your collection.

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Lady Chatterley’s Lover , by D H Lawrence

I cannot leave this list of books with themes similar to Paper Princess without encouraging you widen your literary horizons. First published in France in 1928 Lady Chatterley’s Lover was one of the original erotic novels. This is the novel that began the sexual revolution during the early nineteen hundreds due to its profanities and blatant sexuality.

The story centres on Lady Chatterley (Constance Reid) whose husband comes home from the war injured and unable to move from the waist down. He neglects her emotionally so she finds physical comfort in the married gamekeeper, Mellors, who works on her husband’s estate.

As their adulterous affair continues, Constance begins to realise that she needs a relationship that satisfies her body as well as her mind to be completely happy. A relationship her husband cannot provide.

Their affair results in Constance becoming pregnant; she and Mellors have to separate whilst they set about divorcing their spouses so they can eventually be together.

So Lawrence not only dared to push the barriers of propriety with an adulterous affair, sex scenes and swearing, he included pregnancy out of wedlock and divorce!

You won’t be surprised to hear that this book was banned in many countries and was the subject of an obscenity trial in the 1960s when the unexpurgated edition was published by Penguin Books. Man those were wild times!

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There you have it; a list of steamy, heart-pounding romance novels like Paper Princess to engage your passion and question your sense of morality.

Are you searching for more books like Paper Princess? Have any suggestions that didn’t make the list? Let us know in the comments!

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About Wendy Ogilvie

Wendy is a writer for Books Like This One. She is an editor and English tutor and enjoys reading mystery/thriller, crime and women’s literature. Her favourite authors include Dan Brown, Steig Larsson and Helen Fielding. Read more from Wendy

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Maryse's Book Blog

Following my heart, one book at a time...

What to Read After Paper Princess

April 14, 2016 By Maryse 15 Comments

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The thing is… book #2 comes out in July (here’s the series reading order ), and my reader friends and I are wanting more “like that” to hold us over until we get there.

Meagan: Hello! So strange request for you, but after your review I read.. No I DEVOURED Paper Princess ! It was freaking amazing! It’s been so long since I read a book that was that incredible and I can’t stop thinking about it. I was so excited to read the second one, then I realized I have to wait till July Do you have any amazing recs that can fill my void till then? The more the better. And thank you for introducing me to this gem! So soo in love Cristina: I finished Paper Princess! Very reminiscent of  Fallen Crest , which means of course I loved it! Warning: The CH is a doozie!! The next book is a continuation of the story. One thing about these types of series is that usually the second book is twice as good as the first! I won’t give any details as to not spoil anything for anyone. I almost didn’t want to include the CH detail, but for those of you out there who are worried I wanted to forewarn you. It is a pretty awesome story though! Even though I hate CH’s, I’m really glad I read this one, it’s just what I needed right now. It makes me want to re-read  Fallen Crest ! However, July seems like forever away. What other series are similar to these?    Angela: I hadn’t read this one but I bought it as soon as I saw your post, I agree very reminiscent of fallen crest series which is one of my favorites. I’m already 30% in and have a feeling I’m not quitting any time soon. Amanda: I finished it in one sitting! I had a book hangover in more ways than one! Can’t wait for book 2. McKenzie: So I read Paper Princess  last night. I should have known better than to start a book that didn’t have all in the series published yet. The torture of waiting and I am anxiously waiting for the rest in this series!! Serena: Just finished it today. So amazing! I’m trying to find something else like it. I’ve read Tijan –  Fallen Crest series. Anyone know of any other book like these? Cristina: Stayed up until 3am finishing this book the other night!! The CH is ridiculous!!! July seems like forever away!! Now I’m jonesing for another book just like it!! Sali: I just finished Paper Princess Maryse!!!!! I freakin loved it!!!!  Now I’m in a funk & don’t know what to read! !!!!! How great (& evil) was that ending though??!!!!!! I wanted to throw & hug my kindle all at the same time! I was so conflicted… Thank goodness u posted this list!!!!!!! Loretta: Since you loved this one, you will definitely love Fallen Crest  High!!!! #justsayin Anjanette: Hello Maryse I came to you because you are all-knowing in the book world and I thought I could ask you this question. One of my book friends Tiffany in goodreads is in a major books slump after reading Paper Princess  and is wondering are there anymore books like it minus Fallen Crest High. Any assistance you or the blog could give would be greatly appreciated. Have an awesome weekend !!! Iliana: Was I the only one reading and singing “Royals” by Lorde. Love the book cant wait for the next one Maria: Why oh why is there such a huge cliffhanger…loved this book so good 🙂  Now I don’t know what to read, any suggestions? Kim:  OMG!!!! I finished the Paper Princess last night LOVED LOVED LOVED it Sophia: I’m half way through it, can’t put it down and now I see why the hype! It’s awesome Chelli: Just started it!! It has a very Fallen Crest feel to it and I loved loved loved that series Michelle: Thank you bc I was wishing for this list after finishing this book over the weekend! Jayme: Me too Michelle. Thank you Maryse! Aimee: I haven’t enjoyed a book in so long as much as I liked paper princess. I haven’t read fallen crest so I’ll give that a go as I’m on major book hangover now. How can I wait until July for book 2

We’ve certainly been reminded of some other favorites as we read Paper Princess , bits and pieces, or just the “feel” in general remisncent of some already super popular die-hards.

And this will be THAT list.

You may have already read these, or maybe you’re like me, and have had ’em on your TBR list for awhile, but if “Paper Princess” did it for you, these will likely do it for you, too. 😀

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Fallen Crest  by Tijan <— Tessa: Paper Princess was soooo good. Pure happy good. Reed was just perfect, Ella was sassy, and I adored Easton and Valerie. *grins* SO much love for it right now. It’s very Fallen Crest like. That’s probably one of the reasons I loved it. That CH though, that made me grin big time. Yeah, a weird reaction but that should take a lot to get through.

Jaded Series  by Tijan <— Robyn: Tijan also has the Broken and Screwed series and Jaded Series. They deal with the same age group and genre as FCH. Loved both series!

Broken and Screwed by Tijan <—  Susan: Hey guys if you love the fallen crest series then you should definitely read Tijan’s Broken and Screwed series, ooh and the Jaded series – seriously just as amazing as this one x

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Complicate Me: The Good Ol’ Boys  by by M. Robinson  <— Robyn also recommends these! “The Good Ol Boys series by M Robinson is also along these lines. Very good.”

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Tessa: Eagle Elite? Yes, read it now! I absolutely loved it. Just pure love. … Eagle Elite series… *swoon* If you can suspend belief, Elite becomes an awesome book. The rest don’t need the suspended belief thing, but are really good. Bev A: Elite by Rachel Van Dyken is a good bully book. Love the whole Eagle Elite series by her.

Beautiful Disaster  by Jamie McGuire <— Maryse: It also definitely had a delightful tinge of Beautiful Disaster  by Jamie McGuire for me. Considering the five brothers, the set of twins in the brothers, and the reasoning behind their own personal angst in the grand scheme of their lives. Also, that the main bad-boy brother was a fighter and considered hard to get (nobody made him settle) and he pretty much ruled the school. Mind you, once you get past that, everything changes, story-wise, and since I’m always looking for my original “rush” I could certainly appreciate the fun (and my own big crush) in this one!! ( my review )

Corrupt  by Penelope Douglas <— Marina: Paper Princess…. wow. Could not put it down and focus on anything else. Cristina, I agree it did remind me of Fallen Crest High. I only read the first but definitely. Also of Corrupt  in a way. Without the raw and creepy factor. Maybe it’s the brothers or posse thing. I think I need a discussion link! Maryse, can’t wait to hear what you thought! I truly dislike cliffhangers and avoid books with them, but for me it was worth the read. ( sidenote from Maryse: YES!! It did have that touch to an extent. my review )

Kelly: Less than a 1/4 way through ( Paper Princess ) and am really liking it. So far it has a bit of a  Corrupt feel with ruling the school…… So finished and not like Corrupt at all. Loved it!

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MichelleS: OH – Fallen too Far …I really liked the Rosemary beach series. But I was in the mood for that teenagey-young-adultish kind of thing at the time. It’s been a while but I remember a bunch of scenes and an interesting twist on the back story that unfolds. It’s worth a look if nothing else is doing it for you. Tessa: I could go on and on about bully type books. That’s why for a little while I was reading stepbrother books, because the stepbrother was usually a bully. Best of those is still Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines. *swoons* Jackie: More recently I would say Fallen Too Far definitely is a all time favourite though definitely on the lighter side of the taboo scale!

Sempre  by J.M. Darhower  <— Jaime: Maybe Sempre… She goes to live with brothers. I loved that book too! ( sidenote from Maryse: Jaime, YES!!!! That is a perfect recommendation. Thank you! I’m adding it. 😀  my review ).

Kyong: Hi, Maryse! I discovered Sempre here on your site a few days ago and I just finished reading the second book about 10 minutes ago   I enjoyed it so much that I had to leave a comment here! Both Sempre books are fantastic heartwarming, and heart racing! Definitely 5 stars! Kim:  it is a Mafia book…and it is VERY intense, BUT worth Reading!!! Sempre was one of MARYSE’s “top” choices…and I definitely agree it is GREAT and different from ANY other story I have EVER read!!!

The Keatyn Chronicles  by Jillian Dodd  <— Leslie: I’d add Keatyn Chronicals by Jillian Dodd too!

Tessa: Keatyn Chronicles were really good. It’s YA, but the story really had me on the edge of my seat. It makes you think sweet, then smack reminds you of the danger. Samantha: The Keatyn Chronicles: Stalk me, Kiss me, Date me, Love me. I dont know what to say. They are all fantastic. Jillian Dodd is brilliant and the books take twists and turns you dont expect. Leslie: The Keatyn Chronicles are my favorite obsession. I can not do anything but analyze every single word that Jillian Dodd writes. Forget work, sleep, food, family…’s all about Keatyn and figuring out the mystery of who “the one” is amongst her many boys!!!!

Pepper Jones series by Ali Dean <— Hope: I’d add the Pepper Jones series by Ali Dean to this list.

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I’d add the Pepper Jones series by Ali Dean to this list.


I’d add Keatyn Chronicals by Jillian Dodd too!


Tijan also has the Broken and Screwed series and Jaded Series. They deal with the same age group and genre as FCH. Loved both series!

The Good Ol Boys series by M Robinson is also along these lines. Very good.


The Torn series by Pamela Ann is a good one too!!

I loved this book not just due to the H being a jerk, but the H’s family and the loyalty between him and his younger brother. Chastity Falls series by LA Cotton has the H jerk and the loyalty thing too. The fourth book just came out. 🙂 Also, the jerk/ loyalty thing is in the Breaking Love series by BB Reid.

Here’s some more I found, The Slater Brothers series by L A Casey

The Bet series by Francette Phal

The Sloan Brothers series by Calia Reed

Portland Street Kings series by Evie Harper

The Academy Ghost Bird series by C L Stone and her Scarb Beetle series

Rebel Wheels series by Elle Casey

The Keepers series by Rae Rivers this ones Paranormal

OMG, of all the books to forget: Bully by Penelope Douglas.

Dee M.

I was told Erin Watt is a pseudonym for authors Elle Kennedy (The Deal) and Jen Frederick.

LOL Dee!!! 😉 Yo just cracked me up!!!!

Geez. A minute later I mosey on over to your review post…and apparently this is old info. *oops*


Maryse – Virtue and Vanity by Astrid Jane Ray. This one takes the whole…living with rich stranger(s) and being bullied thing to another level! Definitely has triggers in the beginning so be warned….


Ok so I read all these books. Btw I’d add the made men series, Dominic (slater brothers), and Forbidden kiss. They all give off this vibe that I really love. Theirs tension, romance, humor, and at times a bit of darkness(usually the past). But that’s my problem I’ve read so many books that I don’t know what to read now. I need ideas please help. I think the books I gave describe what kind of books I like plus considering i read all the above books. Btw I highly recommend reading the neighbor from hell series if your ok with 3rd pov but tbh the first book was not the best but you don’t have to read the first book. Also love me not by Sara wolf. That one is perfect for you guys. Oh and Simone elkes is good too.


i just read one book called Vicious by L.J. Shen. I just couldn’t put it down!


I know this is late but I just had to. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkes is AMAZING. And Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas. It’s good but not AMAZING like Perfect chemistry.


Vicious is one of the best books I’ve ever read, and it’s bad boys at a high school (All Saints) and after high school.

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I was a pre-teen and teen in the early 2000s, so naturally there was no more iconic literary character to me than Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Princess of Genovia. Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series — the original 10 books of which were published between 2000 and 2009 — follows Mia Thermopolis after she learns that she is not just an average high school freshman, but that she is in fact the princess of a small country called Genovia. Mia quickly became an icon for bookish girls everywhere, as readers were made privy to her innermost thoughts, sarcastic commentary, hilarious royalty lessons from her grandmother Clarisse, and her first experiences with love, friendship drama, and family upheaval.

Of course, the books were eventually adapted into two equally beloved films starring Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews. (A third Princess Diaries film is reportedly in the works.) But if you just can't wait for more royals stories that will fulfill all of your teen dreams, I've got 13 books below that should hold you over until Mia is back on the big screen. These books, both adult and YA, offer the same vibes you loved from Princess Diaries : characters who are unexpectedly (and often hilariously) thrust into the royal spotlight, and how that harsh glare affects them, their families and friends, and how they pursue romance:

'Royal Wedding' by Meg Cabot

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Meg Cabot continues Mia's story in this 2016 sequel, set five years after her college graduation. Mia and her fiancé (and longtime love) Michael are dealing with some majestically stressful wedding planning, all while a scheming politico tries to force Mia's father from the throne. Now, Mia not has to be ready to wed, but maybe to rule as well. (And yes, in case it wasn't clear from that description, the book series is very different from the movies!)

Click here to buy.

'Truly Madly Royally' by Debbie Rigaud

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Zora Emerson is excited to be attending a prestigious summer program, even if she feels out of place among her privileged classmates. But she's definitely not expecting to feel a connection to Owen, who's an actual prince. When Owen invites Zora to his brother's wedding, Zora is suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Can her feelings for Owen survive?

'The Royal We' by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

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American Rebecca Porter can't resist falling for Prince Nicholas, who lives down the hall from her at Oxford. Dating Nick immerses Bex in ritzy society, but the relationship also comes with unimaginable baggage. Now, on the eve of their wedding, Bex must reckon with the fact that everything she's sacrificed for love could have been for nothing.

'Prince Charming' by Rachel Hawkins

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Daisy Winters's perfect older sister is engaged to the Crown Prince of Scotland. Daisy has no desire to live in the spotlight, but relentless tabloid attention forces her join Ellie at the castle across the pond. The dashing young Miles has been appointed to teach Daisy the ropes of being regal, but she may just rewrite the royal rulebook to suit herself.

'Her Royal Highness' by Rachel Hawkins

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Millie Quint can't believe her luck when she's accepted into one of the world's most exclusive schools, located in the highlands of Scotland. The only problem: Mille's roommate, Flora, is a princess. Like, actually a princess. At first, the girls can barely stand each, but before Millie knows it, she finds herself falling for Flora. But real life isn't a fairytale... is it?

'A Princess In Theory' by Alyssa Cole

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Naledi Smith doesn’t have time for fairy tales… or for the e-mails claiming she’s betrothed to an African prince. Prince Thabiso is the sole heir to the throne of Thesolo. Ever dutiful, he tracks down his missing betrothed. The chemistry between them is instantly recognizable, but when the truth is revealed, Naledi will have to decide if she can be a princess ever after.

'Red, White & Royal Blue' by Casey McQuiston

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When photos of a brawl between First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz and his longtime nemesis Prince Henry at a royal wedding leak to the tabloids and threaten American/British relations, they are forced to stage a fake friendship. But as the two finally get to know each other, they find themselves hurtling into an intense secret romance that could derail everything.

'Prince in Disguise' by Stephanie Kate Strohm

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When Dylan's perfect older sister, Dusty, wins the hand of Scottish laird-to-be Ronan on the TRC television network’s, Prince in Disguise , they're whisked off to Scotland to film the lead-up to the wedding. And camera-shy Dylan is front and center as Dusty’s maid of honor. But Jamie, an adorably bookish groomsman who might just be the perfect antidote to Dylan’s stress.

'The Royal Runaway' by Lindsay Emory

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After Princess Theodora's fiancé jilts her at the altar, she sneaks out of the palace and meets a sexy Scot named Nick in a local bar. But when he reveals he’s the brother of her former fiancé, the two team up to find out what really happened on her wedding day. And they discover a secret that could change everything.

'The Royal Treatment' by Melanie Summers

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Tessa Sharpe, blogger at The Royal Watchdog, hates everything about Prince Arthur, who she's deemed a lazy leech. When the Crown Prince invites Tessa to live at the palace for two months in the hopes of changing her opinion about him (and saving the Royal Family from being ousted from power) they both get more than they bargained for.

'The Heir and the Spare' by Emily Albright

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While attending her late mother's alma mater, Oxford, Evie meets Edmund Stuart, the second Prince of England. Evie can’t resist her growing attraction to Edmund — but there are objections to their romance because Evie isn't royal or British.

'The Runaway Princess' by Hester Browne

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Amy Wilde’s new boyfriend, Leo, is secretly a prince named Leopold William Victor Wolfsburg of Nirona. Amy soon discovers that dating an heir to a throne has many charms, but there are drawbacks, too — like the sudden press interest in her family. Amy would do anything for Leo, but is finding her Prince Charming worth losing herself? Or can she have it all?

'American Royals' by Katharine McGee (Sept. 3)

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When America won the Revolutionary War, its people offered George Washington a crown. Now, Princess Beatrice is getting closer to becoming America's first queen regnant, as her siblings Princess Samantha and Prince Jefferson stand in the wings. But with two princesses vying for the crown, and two girls vying for the prince's heart, they're all about to be embroiled in serious controversy.

This article was originally published on June 19, 2019

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Books like....

The Royals

Paper Princess by Erin Watt is a New Adult novel that follows the story of Ella, a strong and resilient protagonist who finds herself thrust into the world of the entitled and wealthy Royals. The book delves into themes of survival, family, love, and overcoming challenges as Ella navigates her new life with the Royal family, facing drama, secrets, and unexpected twists along the way. The writing style is described as fast-paced, addictive, and engaging, with a mix of witty dialogue, strong character development, and intense emotions that keep readers hooked from the very beginning.

If you liked Paper Princess , here are the top 100 books to read next:

# 1 Deviant King by:   Rina Kent   Book 1 in the series: Royal Elite

Royal Elite

The book 'Deviant King' in the series 'Royal Elite' by Rina Kent is a dark high school romance that explores the complicated relationship between the characters Aiden and Elsa. Aiden, portrayed as possessive and twisted, pushes the boundaries of their interactions, leading to a rollercoaster of emotions and power dynamics. The writing style of the book is described as intense and precise, with a gripping plot that keeps readers hooked until the unexpected cliffhanger ending.

Aunt Blair’s red hair never lost its fiery, natural colour, hanging in perfect waves to her shoulders. She has high cheekbones and a tall, slender, model-like figure that makes my awkward, sixteen-yea ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 2 Bully by:   Penelope Douglas   Book 1 in the series: Fall Away

Fall Away

The book 'Bully' by Penelope Douglas delves into the complex relationship between childhood friends turned enemies, Jared and Tate. The story follows Tate as she navigates the intense bullying she faces from Jared upon returning from a year abroad. As the plot unfolds, readers witness the evolution of their relationship from animosity to romance, intertwined with themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the lasting impact of bullying. The writing style captures the angst, tension, and emotional depth of the characters, drawing readers into a story of love, betrayal, and self-discovery.

I smiled to myself. My best friend knew me too well. I liked to drive fast. I liked to move fast. I walked as quickly as my legs could take me, and I drove as speedily as was reasonable. I rushed to e ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 3 Punk 57 by:   Penelope Douglas  

Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas

The book 'Punk 57' by Penelope Douglas revolves around the unique and complex characters of Ryen and Misha, who start off as pen pals and eventually fall in love. The story delves into themes of fitting in, bullying, and the struggles faced by teenagers in today's society. The plot unfolds as the characters navigate their growing feelings for each other, secrets from their pasts, and the challenges of high school life. The writing style is described as engaging, with a mix of young adult and new adult elements, highlighting the emotional turmoil and relationships of the characters.

You would absolutely hate her. She’s everything we can’t stand. Mean, cavalier, superficial… The kind who doesn’t have a thought stay in her head too long or else she needs a nap, right? I’ve always b ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 4 Cruel Prince by:   Ashley Jade (A Jade)   Book 1 in the series: Royal Hearts Academy

Royal Hearts Academy

The book 'Cruel Prince' in the series 'Royal Hearts Academy' by author Ashley Jade is a high school bully romance that follows the tumultuous relationship between Dylan and Jace. The story is filled with lies, secrets, heartbreak, and a rollercoaster of emotions as the characters navigate through their past friendship, present animosity, and complicated feelings. The writing style is described as engaging, with a plot that keeps readers hooked, a mix of angst, romance, and unexpected twists that culminate in a page-turner filled with deep emotions.

Although cleared out is a bit of an understatement. Aside from the queen-sized bed covered with a purple bedspread, an empty bureau, and yet another Post-it note promising to take me shopping later in ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 5 Pretty Reckless by:   L.J. Shen   Book 1 in the series: All Saints High

All Saints High

The book "Pretty Reckless" by L.J. Shen is a raw and intense story set in the All Saints High universe, focusing on the next generation known as the HotHoles. The plot revolves around the complicated relationship between Daria Followhill, a mean girl with a troubled past, and Penn, a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. The writing style is described as addictive, dual POV, and filled with drama, romance, familial conflicts, and unexpected twists that keep readers engaged and emotionally invested.

It always is when Vaughn fights, and Vaughn always fights. He breaks noses almost as well as he breaks hearts. Breaking hearts, in case you’re wondering, is his second-favorite art. At least six girls ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 6 Vicious by:   L.J. Shen   Book 1 in the series: Sinners of Saint

Sinners of Saint

The book 'Vicious' by L.J. Shen is a gripping tale that delves into the complex relationship between Barron Vicious Spencer and Emilia. Shen skillfully reveals the past history between the characters, keeping readers guessing and engaged throughout the story. The writing style is described as intense, with a mix of 18-year-old and 28-year-old perspectives, creating a captivating narrative that explores unresolved issues from the characters' past.

MY GRANDMAMA ONCE TOLD ME that love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances. The passion is the same. The pain is the same. That weird thing that bubbles in your chest ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 7 Untouchable by:   Sam Mariano   Book 1 in the series: Untouchables


The book "Untouchable" by Sam Mariano is a dark romance set in a high school environment, following the complex and tumultuous relationship between Zoey, a quiet and studious girl, and Carter, the popular and manipulative king of the school. The plot delves into themes of bullying, manipulation, and questionable choices, with a focus on the dynamics between the characters, especially Zoey and Carter. The writing style is described as clever, profound, and at times gritty, with a mix of banter between the characters that adds depth to their interactions.

High schools and small towns have a lot in common. Groups of people in their own separate tribes, forced together arbitrarily, made to coexist in order to achieve optimal pleasantness. Not everybody a ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 8 Corrupt by:   Penelope Douglas   Book 1 in the series: Devil's Night

Devil's Night

Corrupt by Penelope Douglas is a dark and suspenseful romance novel that follows the unique and intense relationship between Rika and Michael. The story is filled with mind games, dangerous pranks, and boundary-pushing freedom, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The plot switches between past and present, revealing a mysterious and lust-filled narrative that challenges the characters' sense of right and wrong.

I didn’t need a new dress. I already had several I’d only worn once, and at nineteen, I could definitely pick out my own clothes. Not that he would be here to see it anyway, and if he was, he wouldn’t ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 9 Drowning Erin by:   Elizabeth O'Roark  

Drowning Erin by Elizabeth O'Roark

Drowning Erin by Elizabeth O'Roark is a slow burn, enemies to lovers, forbidden romance told in dual POV and alternating between the past and the present. The story centers around the relationship between Erin and her fiance' Rob's best friend, Brendan. Erin and Brendan used to work together, and despite an initial attraction to one another, they never really got along. Brendan always seemed to go out of his way to be a jerk toward her, and Erin couldn't stand him and his manwhore ways. After spending four years in Italy, Brendan has returned to Colorado, and much to Erin's disdain, Rob offers him their pool house as a temporary place to live right before leaving the country on business for an extended time. While Rob is away, some family crises arise, and Brendan steps up to help Erin. They start to spend time together and develop a friendship.

I open my eyes this morning with my ears still straining to hear the cellist, surprised for a moment to find only normal sounds—running water, the whir of an electric razor. My heart is still bouncing ... READ THE EXCERPT

# 10 After by:   Anna Todd   Book 1 in the series: After


The book 'After' by Anna Todd is a controversial series that follows the toxic relationship between the main characters, Hardin and Tessa. The plot is filled with drama, angst, and romance, with some readers finding it addictive despite its problematic elements. The writing style is described as engaging, with some readers mentioning that the series delves into themes of empowerment and transformation for the female lead.

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Books like paper princess

Paper princess.

Elle Kennedy, Erin Watt, Jen Frederick

The Mario franchise is a video game series created by Nintendo. Nintendo is usually the developer and publisher of the franchise's games, but various games are developed by third-party companies, such as Hudson Soft and Intelligent Systems. Games in the Mario franchise primarily revolve around the protagonist Mario and often involve the trope of Bowser as the antagonist kidnapping Princess Peach, with Mario then rescuing her. Many characters have goals or plot arcs that vary between series; for example, the Luigi's Mansion games focus on Luigi ridding a haunted building of ghost-like creatures known as Boos, and Wario stars in games that center around his greed and desire for money and treasure.

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The Paper Bag Princess


The King Who Banned the Dark

Books about dragons

The Storybook Knight

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More books by .css-1jtith9{transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--chakra-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--chakra-colors-primary-500);}.css-1jtith9:hover,.css-1jtith9[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1jtith9:focus-visible,.css-1jtith9[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);} Robert Munsch with a similar difficulty

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  1. 8 Exciting Books Like Paper Princess

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  2. 10 Best Books Like Paper Princess In 2023

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  3. 8 Exciting Books Like Paper Princess

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  4. 8 Exciting Books Like Paper Princess

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  5. Books like Paper Princess (The Royals) by Erin Watt

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  6. Top 16 Books Like Paper Princess That You Should Reading

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  1. The Worst Romance Book I Have Ever Read

  2. Paper princess by Erin Watt Review

  3. [Buchvorstellung] Paper Princess

  4. The Paper Princess Story

  5. Paper Princess (The Royals)



  1. Looking for recommendations on books that are similar to Paper ...

    Someone on this sub recommended Paper Princess by Erin Watt, because it's similar to After ... and I've almost read the entire series within a week. I randomly chose it out of all the other book recommendations I asked from people on another post, so I downloaded it to have it ready for when I finished my other book ...


    BOOKS LIKE 'PAPER PRINCESS' BY ERIN WATT PLEASE 'THE ROYALS'. Book Request. so i read 'The Royals' series and i absolutely l o v e d itttt but now its finished and i need reccommendations for book that are like that (with the strong family with drama/bad boy/strong girl/highschool vibes) PLEASE HELP ME OUT. I'd appreciate it sosososososososoooo ...

  3. Romance series like Paper Princess : r/RomanceBooks

    Reply. KikiWestcliffe. • 1 yr. ago. I just read the series, {The Privileged of Pembroke High by Ivy Fox}, and it gave me Paper Princess vibes. Six books (all on KU) with lots of MCs overlap. Reverse harem/poly with MM, MF, MMF and multiple POV. My favorite books were 4 and 5, which were about Elle, Saint, and Chad.

  4. Readers who enjoyed Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)

    Erin Watt Paper Princess Similar books. Readers who enjoyed Paper Princess (The Royals, #1) by Erin Watt. 3.92 avg. rating · 124276 Ratings. This a previously published edition of ASIN B01DT9ZWNI. From strip clubs and truck stops to southern coast mansions and prep schools, one girl tries to stay true to herself.

  5. Readers who enjoyed The Paper Princess (Regency Royal, #13)

    Amaryllis (The Ladies In Love #8) by M.C. Beaton. 3.82 avg. rating · 34 Ratings. When London's reigning beauty suddenly loses everything, she must pine in secret for the Marquess she loves in the beloved author's Regency Romance. Amaryllis Duvane is the belle of the London a Diamon….

  6. 45 books like Paper Princess by Erin Watt

    Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf. · 37 ratings. 1.Don't talk about love. 2.Don't think about love. 3.Thinking and talking about love leads to Love, which is the enemy... For 17-year-old Isis Blake, the list has one goal: to ensure she never falls in love again.

  7. Paper Princess

    yep i finished the sequals within days! i have also read the boys of Brayshaw series which i found so similar and loved that maybe even more thanks so much for the recommendations i will check them out :)

  8. 8 Exciting Books Like Paper Princess

    This book like Paper Princess is a tragic and powerful account of how the human heart will cling onto love where it can find it. Easy, by Tammara Webber. For my next selection, I have chosen Easy by Tammara Webber, a New York Times bestseller published in 2012. Webber's books have been translated into twenty-five different languages.

  9. What to Read After Paper Princess

    Make Me (Make or Break Book 1) by Amanda Heath <— DG: Maryse, this vaguely reminds me of something….and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the book! YA/NA where girl goes to live with maybe father/stepmom or godmother and transfers to a prep school like Jr./Sr. year. Starts out like a bully book…..its details are teasing the outer edges of my brain!!!

  10. What Should I Read Next? Book recommendations for people who like Paper

    Book recommendations for people who like Paper Princess by Erin Watt. Register for free to build your own book lists. Books. Quotes. Blog. Sign In. Sign Up. Paper Princess Erin Watt. Info/Buy. If you liked Paper Princess by Erin Watt, here are some books like this: Fireblood Elly Blake. Info/Buy. Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices ...

  11. Thoughts on Paper Princess : r/RomanceBooks

    IIRC, in Paper Princes he doesn't do full out groveling with a long monologue, but his actions make up for his behavior. Book one ends on a cliffhanger, and book 3 has a lot more of the "protective" vibes. I've only read the first three books and remember enjoying them but I can't remember if there was groveling.

  12. 13 Royal Romance Books To Read If You Were Seriously Obsessed ...

    Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series — the original 10 books of which were published between 2000 and 2009 — follows Mia Thermopolis after she learns that she is not just an average high school ...

  13. Review: Paper Princess (Erin Watt)

    Paper Princess Series: The Royals, #1 Authors: Erin Watt (Elle Kennedy, Jen Frederick) Publication Date: September 19, 2023 (Original date: April 4, 2016) Publisher: Berkley Genre: Young Adult, New Adult, Contemporary Romance Note: This review is for an ARC and is my unbiased opinion. Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Synopsis: The TikTok sensation Paper Princess, the first in the #1 New York Times ...

  14. The Royals Series by Erin Watt

    Book 5. Cracked Kingdom. by Erin Watt. 3.85 · 28091 Ratings · 1995 Reviews · published 2018 · 3 editions. These Royals will ruin you. Ever since Hartley Wrig…. Want to Read. Rate it: Also known as:Spanish - Los RoyalGerman - PaperCzech - RoyalovéBulgarian - Семейство РоялRomanian - Familia RoyalHungarian - A Royal ...

  15. Books like Paper Princess (The Royals) by Erin Watt

    Paper Princess by Erin Watt is a New Adult novel that follows the story of Ella, a strong and resilient protagonist who finds herself thrust into the world of the entitled and wealthy Royals. The book delves into themes of survival, family, love, and overcoming challenges as Ella navigates her new life with the Royal family, facing drama ...

  16. can someone recommend me a romance book about a girl who get ...

    The inheritance book(the 3rd book is in writing) the book is about a girl who inherits money and she has to live with the family to get the money it's like "one of us is lying" but not has a lot of puzzles and riddles and emotional stress the books are very interesting

  17. Tastedive

    Books like paper princess paper princess. Elle Kennedy, Erin Watt, Jen Frederick. The Mario franchise is a video game series created by Nintendo. Nintendo is usually the developer and publisher of the franchise's games, but various games are developed by third-party companies, such as Hudson Soft and Intelligent Systems. Games in the Mario ...

  18. Similar Books like Paper Princess by Erin Watt

    Falling Away (Fall Away Book 3)Penelope Douglas. If you liked Paper Princess you are looking for entertainment urban fantasy type books. Related books to read are "Ryan's Bed", "Hideaway (Devil's Night Book 2)" and "Punk 57". See our list of 51 similar books.

  19. Paper Princess (The Royals Book 1) by Erin Watt

    The TikTok sensation Paper Princess , the first in the #1 New York Times bestselling The Royals series, now in a new special edition with bonus material! From strip clubs and truck stops to southern coast mansions and prep schools, one girl tries to stay true to herself. These Royals will ruin you…. Ella Harper is a survivor—a pragmatic ...

  20. Books like Paper Princess and Fallen Crest High.

    View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Books like Paper Princess and Fallen Crest High. I'm looking for books with the same kind of settings as the above. I actually find the characters in Paper Princess really stupid, but I love the setting. Any recommendations?

  21. Books similar to The Paper Bag Princess

    The Paper Bag Princess Alternatives ... More books byRobert Munsch with a similar difficulty. picture • 36 Pages. 5.6. Robert Munsch, Michael Martchenko. ... Books about social themes. picture • 32 Pages. 5.1. Lisa Mantchev, Taeeun Yoo. picture • 32 Pages. 4.8. Nicholas John Frith.

  22. 86 books like The Paper Bag Princess

    By Robert Munsch , Michael Martchenko (illustrator) Here are 86 books that The Paper Bag Princess fans have personally recommended if you like The Paper Bag Princess . Shepherd is a community of 10,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world. Shepherd is reader supported. When you buy books, we may earn an ...

  23. Looking for some romance books like Princess Diaries

    Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean. Japanese American girl finds out she is Japan's princess and it's a bodyguard romance. 😍😍😍. 4.