How do I create a .BIB file to manage my BibTeX references?

If you’re looking for a way to manage your BibTeX references, you may be wondering how to create a .BIB file . In this article, we’ll show you how to do it! We’ll also provide some tips on how to use “.BIB” files effectively.

Need a simple solution for managing your BibTeX entries? Explore CiteDrive!

  • Web-based, modern reference management
  • Collaborate and share with fellow researchers
  • Integration with Overleaf
  • Comprehensive BibTeX/BibLaTeX support
  • Save articles and websites directly from your browser
  • Search for new articles from a database of tens of millions of references

Creating a bib file by hand

Creating a .BIB file is actually quite simple. All you need to do is create a text file with the .bib extension. You can then add your BibTeX references to this file, one per line. For example:

Once you have your .BIB file created, you can then use it in your LaTeX documents by specifying the \bibliography{filename} command. For example:

That’s all there is to it! Creating a .BIB file is a simple way to manage your BibTeX references. Be sure to check out our other articles on BibTeX for more tips and tricks!

Bibliography in latex with bibtex/biblatex, learn how to create a bibliography with bibtex and biblatex in a few simple steps. create references / citations and autogenerate footnotes., creating a .bib file, using bibtex.

  • Autogenerate footnotes with BibLaTeX
  • BibTeX Format

BibTeX Styles

  • New Post! Export Bibliographic Database (BibTeX) Entries from Online Databases

We have looked at many features of LaTeX so far and learned that many things are automated by LaTeX. There are functions to add a table of contents, lists of tables and figures and also several packages that allow us to generate a bibliography. I will describe how to use bibtex and biblatex (both external programs) to create the bibliography. At first we have to create a .bib file, which contains our bibliographic information.

A .bib file will contain the bibliographic information of our document. I will only give a simple example, since there are many tools to generate the entries automatically. I will not explain the structure of the file itself at this point, since i suggest using a bibtex generator (choose one from google). Our example will contain a single book and look like this:

If you don’t want to use a BibTeX generator or a reference management tool like Citavi (which generates BibTeX files automatically for you), you can find more examples of BibTeX formats here.

After creating the bibtex file, we have to tell LaTeX where to find our bibliographic database. For BibTeX this is not much different from printing the table of contents. We just need the commands \bibliography  which tells LaTeX the location of our .bib file and \bibliographystyle which selects one of various bibliographic styles.

By using this code, we will obtain something like this:


I named my .bib file lesson7a1.bib, note that I did not enter the .bib extension. For the style, I’ve choosen the ieeetr style, which is very common for my subject, but there are many more styles available. Which will change the way our references look like. The ieeetr style will mark citations with successive numbers such as [1] in this example. If I choose the style to apalike instead, i will get the following result:


Most editors will let you select, to run bibtex automatically on compilation. In TeXworks (MiKTeX) for example, this should be selected by default.


If you use a different editor, it can be necessary to execute the bibtex command manually. In a command prompt/shell simply run:

It is necessary to execute the pdflatex command, before the bibtex command, to tell bibtex what literature we cited in our paper. Afterwards the .bib file will be translated into the proper output for out references section. The next two steps merge the reference section with our LaTeX document and then assign successive numbers in the last step.

Autogenerate footnotes in \(\LaTeX\) using BibLaTeX

The abilities of BibTeX are limited to basic styles as depicted in the examples shown above. Sometimes it is necessary to cite all literature in footnotes and maintaining all of them by hand can be a frustrating task. At this point BibLaTeX kicks in and does the work for us. The syntax varies a bit from the first document. We now have to include the biblatex package and use the \autocite and \printbibliography  command. It is crucial to move the \bibliography{lesson7a1} statement to the preamble of our document:

The \autocite command generates the footnotes and we can enter a page number in the brackets \autocite[1]{DUMMY:1} will generate a footnote like this:


For BibLaTeX we have to choose the citation style on package inclusion with:

The backend=bibtex  part makes sure to use BibTeX instead of Biber as our backend, since Biber fails to work in some editors like TeXworks. It took me a while to figure out how to generate footnotes automatically, because the sources I found on the internet, didn’t mention this at all.

BibTeX Formats

This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of BibTeX formats, but rather give you an idea of how to cite various sources properly. If you’re interested in an extensive overview of all BibTeX formats, I suggest you to check out the resources on Wikibooks.


Inbook (specific pages)


This is a list of the formats that I have most commonly used. If you think some important format is missing here, please let me know.

Here’s a quick overview of some popular styles to use with BibTeX.


I’m trying to keep this list updated with other commonly used styles. If you’re missing something here, please let me know.

  • Generate a bibliography with BibTeX and BibLaTeX
  • First define a .bib file using: \bibliography{BIB_FILE_NAME} (do not add .bib)
  • For BibTeX put the \bibliography statement in your document , for BibLaTeX in the preamble
  • BibTeX  uses the \bibliographystyle command to set the citation style
  • BibLaTeX chooses the style as an option like:  \usepackage[backend=bibtex, style=verbose-trad2]{biblatex}
  • BibTeX uses the \cite command, while BibLaTeX uses the \autocite command
  • The \autocite command takes the page number as an option: \autocite[NUM]{}

Next Lesson: 08 Footnotes

Citation Management and Writing Tools: LaTeX and BibTeX

  • LaTeX and BibTeX
  • Other Citation Tools
  • LaTeX & BibTeX & Overleaf
  • Zotero & BibTeX
  • Mendeley & BibTeX
  • JabRef & BibTeX  

LaTeX & BibTeX (& Overleaf)

What is LaTeX?

LaTeX is a typesetting program that takes a plain text file with various commands in it and converts it to a formatted document based on the commands that it has been given. The source file for the document has a file extension of .tex. It is widely used at MIT for theses and other technical papers due to its prowess with mathematical and foreign characters. For more information on LaTeX, see  LaTeX on Athena Basics , provided by the Athena On-Line Help system.

What is BibTeX?

BibTeX is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user's references and create a bibliography. A BibTeX user creates a bibliography file that is separate from the LaTeX source file, wth a file extension of .bib. Each reference in the bibliography file is formatted with a certain structure and is given a "key" by which the author can refer to in the source .tex file.  For more information on BibTeX, see  see MIT IS&T's page:  How do I Create Bibliographies in LaTeX .

Overleaf at MIT

If you're new to LaTeX/BibTeX, consider using Overleaf ,  an online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool. It includes built-in features to link your Zotero or Mendeley library to your LaTeX document .

MIT Libraries provides Overleaf Pro+ accounts for all MIT faculty, students and staff. Learn more on how to get started with Overleaf.  

Zotero & BibTeX

Export from Zotero to BibTeX:

  • To export all of the references in a certain library to BibTeX, click on the Actions drop-down menu in Zotero and select "Export Library..."
  • To export only certain references, select those references using control-clicks and shift-clicks, then right click one of them and select "Export Selected Items..."
  • From the dialog box that pops up, select the BibTeX format, and click OK.
  • Navigate to the directory where you are storing your manuscript (your .tex file), and save the file. This will generate a file in the appropriate format for BibTeX to read and create a bibliography from.

Auto-syncing from Zotero to BibTeX:

Auto-updating your .bib file when you make changes or additions to your Zotero Library is not available directly in Zotero. You can, however, install and enable a Zotero extension,  Better BibTeX , to enable these features. 

  • Once Better BibTeX is enabled, select the folder/library/items you wish to include in your .bib file as you would do in the basic export process described above.
  • In the export dialog box, you will now see many more options for your export format. Select the “Better BibTeX” option, and, to set up the auto sync, make sure you also check the “Keep updated” box.
  • Click Ok, name your .bib file and save in the same location as your LaTeX file.

You can adjust or remove a .bib auto sync of Zotero records at any time by going to your Zotero preferences and clicking on the Better BibTeX tab, followed by the Automatic export tab.

For more detailed instructions on setting up your Zotero export, see the  Zotero and BibTeX Quick Guide .

Linking with Overleaf:

In Overleaf, you can link your entire library or a Group library to your Overleaf project. This link allows you to have synced records with Zotero while actively accessing them in Overleaf. More information on linking your Zotero and Overleaf accounts may be found on this Overleaf How-To Guide .

Mendeley & BibTeX

Export to BibTeX:

  • Within your Library in Mendeley Reference Manager, select the references that you would like to export to BibTeX.
  • In the dropdown menu in the toolbar at the top of the screen, click File > Export All > BibTeX (*.bib)
  • Make sure you save your BibTeX file to the same location as your LaTeX file.

In Overleaf, you can link your entire library or a subset of your records to your Overleaf project. This link allows you to have synced records with Mendeley while actively accessing them in Overleaf. More information on linking your Mendeley and Overleaf accounts may be found on this Overleaf How-To Guide .

JabRef & BibTeX

If you primarily create documents in LaTeX (versus a word processing software like Microsoft Word) you may want to consider using JabRef as your primary citation management software.

JabRef is a reference manager that acts as an interface to the BibTeX style used by the LaTeX typesetting system. JabRef is open source and is freely downloadable. The graphical interface allows the user to easily import, edit, search, and group citations in the BibTeX format. It also offers automatic citation key generation. JabRef does not offer any citation styles of its own; instead the citation is generated from the BibTeX file by LaTeX. Specifications for each style are given by the chosen style file.

JabRef can be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

For more detailed instructions on setting up JabRef as your LaTeX citation management software, see the JabRef Getting Started guidance .

Get help with LaTeX and BibTeX

  • Zotero and BibTeX Quick Guide

LaTeX resources at MIT

LaTeX on Athena, Basics  (IS&T)

How do I create bibliographies in LaTeX?  (IS&T)

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How to use BibTeX

Create your bibtex-file.

Just create a plain text file and apply what has been explained in section BibTeX File Format .

Create your LaTeX-File

Most LaTeX Editors make using BibTeX even easier than it already is. In case you want to process myarticle.tex on the command line just do this:

Using BibTeX with MS Word

Getting Started with LaTeX

  • Installation
  • Creating a document
  • A sample document
  • Library Workshop Files


Since LaTeX is often used to create academic works that will cite many different sources it is important to know how to create a bibliography in LaTeX.  With a little practice and the help of a citation management creating LaTeX bibliographies can be very easy. 

It is strongly recommend that you use a citation management tool, not only to help create LaTeX bibliographies, but to help organize and track articles, books, and other documents throughout your academic career.  For more information about citation management tools take a look at the Citation Management Guide .

Important note:  When creating a bibliography you will need to compile the document twice in order to create properly formatted references.

Creating a Bibliography

There are two parts to creating a bibliography in a LaTeX document.  

Part one is the creation of a separate  .bib file.

This file contains all of the citation information (i.e. title, author, publication date, publisher, etc... ), as will as, a bibID for each citation.  It is strongly recommended to use a citation management tool to create your .bib files.  Those tools will greatly speed up the process and help keep the file organized, generate automatic bibIDs ( which can be edited if desired), and auto fill all relevant data fields which will prevent typos or bugs within the file.  Below is an example of the .bib format for four different common references if you choose to entire them yourself.  Note that not all fields are required and any unused field should be deleted .   The  bibID  is what is used in the main  LaTeX  document to create in-line  references  as well as completed bibliographies.  When  creating  the final  bibliography   LaTeX  will only include citations that were  referenced  in the  document , so its ok to have unused citations in your  .bib  file .

@article{ ,
    author = {author},
    title = {title},
    journaltitle = {journaltitle},
    date = {date},
    OPTtranslator = {translator},
    OPTannotator = {annotator},
    OPTcommentator = {commentator},
    OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
    OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
    OPTeditor = {editor},
    OPTeditora = {editora},
    OPTeditorb = {editorb},
    OPTeditorc = {editorc},
    OPTjournalsubtitle = {journalsubtitle},
    OPTissuetitle = {issuetitle},
    OPTissuesubtitle = {issuesubtitle},
    OPTlanguage = {language},
    OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
    OPTseries = {series},
    OPTvolume = {volume},
    OPTnumber = {number},
    OPTeid = {eid},
    OPTissue = {issue},
    OPTmonth = {month},
    OPTpages = {pages},
    OPTversion = {version},
    OPTnote = {note},
    OPTissn = {issn},
    OPTaddendum = {addendum},
    OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
    OPTdoi = {doi},
    OPTeprint = {eprint},
    OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
    OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
    OPTurl = {url},
    OPTurldate = {urldate},
@book{ ,
    author = {author},
    title = {title},
    date = {date},
    OPTeditor = {editor},
    OPTeditora = {editora},
    OPTeditorb = {editorb},
    OPTeditorc = {editorc},
    OPTtranslator = {translator},
    OPTannotator = {annotator},
    OPTcommentator = {commentator},
    OPTintroduction = {introduction},
    OPTforeword = {foreword},
    OPTafterword = {afterword},
    OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
    OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
    OPTmaintitle = {maintitle},
    OPTmainsubtitle = {mainsubtitle},
    OPTmaintitleaddon = {maintitleaddon},
    OPTlanguage = {language},
    OPToriglanguage = {origlanguage},
    OPTvolume = {volume},
    OPTpart = {part},
    OPTedition = {edition},
    OPTvolumes = {volumes},
    OPTseries = {series},
    OPTnumber = {number},
    OPTnote = {note},
    OPTpublisher = {publisher},
    OPTlocation = {location},
    OPTisbn = {isbn},
    OPTchapter = {chapter},
    OPTpages = {pages},
    OPTpagetotal = {pagetotal},
    OPTaddendum = {addendum},
    OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
    OPTdoi = {doi},
    OPTeprint = {eprint},
    OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
    OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
    OPTurl = {url},
    OPTurldate = {urldate},
@online{ ,
    ALTauthor = {author},
    ALTeditor = {editor},
    title = {title},
    date = {date},
    url = {url},
    OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
    OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
    OPTlanguage = {language},
    OPTversion = {version},
    OPTnote = {note},
    OPTorganization = {organization},
    OPTdate = {date},
    OPTmonth = {month},
    OPTyear = {year},
    OPTaddendum = {addendum},
    OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
    OPTurldate = {urldate},
@proceedings{ ,
    editor = {editor},
    title = {title},
    date = {date},
    OPTsubtitle = {subtitle},
    OPTtitleaddon = {titleaddon},
    OPTmaintitle = {maintitle},
    OPTmainsubtitle = {mainsubtitle},
    OPTmaintitleaddon = {maintitleaddon},
    OPTeventtitle = {eventtitle},
    OPTeventdate = {eventdate},
    OPTvenue = {venue},
    OPTlanguage = {language},
    OPTvolume = {volume},
    OPTpart = {part},
    OPTvolumes = {volumes},
    OPTseries = {series},
    OPTnumber = {number},
    OPTnote = {note},
    OPTorganization = {organization},
    OPTpublisher = {publisher},
    OPTlocation = {location},
    OPTmonth = {month},
    OPTisbn = {isbn},
    OPTchapter = {chapter},
    OPTpages = {pages},
    OPTpagetotal = {pagetotal},
    OPTaddendum = {addendum},
    OPTpubstate = {pubstate},
    OPTdoi = {doi},
    OPTeprint = {eprint},
    OPTeprintclass = {eprintclass},
    OPTeprinttype = {eprinttype},
    OPTurl = {url},
    OPTurldate = {urldate},

Part two is integrating the information from the.bib file into your main LaTeX document.  

The three ways for doing so are using BibTex , BibTex with natbib , or BibLaTeX .  The hyperlinks will take you to explanation of each method from  Both BibTex with natbib and BibLaTeX have the advantage of optional arguments because they require a  \usepackage[]{} command.  These optional arguments can be used to fine tune how references appear throughout the document and the formatting of the bibliography.   Below is a table that highlights some of the important difference for each method.  


None natbib biblatex

\cite{bibID} \cite{bibID} \cite{bibID}
















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  • Citation guides

BIBTEX Citation Generator

- powered by chegg, all of our writing tools, none of the ads, is this source credible consider the criteria below..

Is the purpose to entertain, sell, persuade, or inform/teach ? Journal articles are often designed to inform or teach. Books and websites could have any of these or a combination of the purposes above. So it is important to determine why the source was created and if it is appropriate for your research. For websites in particular, looking at their "About Us" page or "Mission Statement" can help you evaluate purpose.

Accuracy is the reliability and truthfulness of the source. Here are a few indicators of an accurate source:

  • Citations or a works cited list. For websites, this can be links to other credible sites.
  • Evidence that backs up claims made by the author(s).
  • Text that is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Information that matches that in other, credible sources.
  • Language that is unbiased and free of emotion.

Based on the above the source could be accurate, inaccurate, a mixture of accurate and inaccurate, or hard to tell.

Authority: Author

The author is the individual or organization who wrote the information in the book, in the journal article, or on the website. If no author is listed, there may be another contributor instead. For example, an editor or a translator. A credible author has:

  • Written several articles or books on the topic.
  • Provided contact information. For example, an email address, mailing address, social media account, etc.
  • The experience or qualifications to be an expert on the topic.

Authority: Publisher

The credibility of the publisher can contribute to the authority of a source. The publisher can be a person, company or organization. Authoritative publishers:

  • Accept responsibility for content.
  • Are often well-known.
  • Often publish multiple works on the same or related topics.

Relevance describes how related or important a source is to your topic. While a source may be credible, it does not necessarily mean it is relevant to your assignment. To determine relevance, you should:

  • Determine the website's intended audience. Look at the level of the information and the tone of the writing. For example, is it meant for academics or the general public?
  • Make sure that the information is related to your research topic.
  • Make sure that the information helps you answer your research question.

A publication date is an important part of evaluating the credibility of a source and its appropriateness for your topic. It is generally best to use content that was recently published or updated, but depending on your assignment, it may be appropriate to use older information. For example, a journal entry from Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War is too outdated to use in a discussion about modern politics and war, but would be appropriate for a paper about the Civil War. Consider the following when evaluating currency:

  • Was it published or updated recently? If a website, is there even a publication date listed?
  • Is the date of the source appropriate or inappropriate for my assignment?

After analyzing your source, do you believe it is credible, not credible, partially credible, or are you unsure? If you are still unsure, it may help to ask your instructor a librarian for assistance.

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Frequently Asked Question List for TeX


Creating a bibtex bibliography file.

A BibTeX bibliography file may reasonably be compared to a small database, the entries in which are references to literature that may be called up by citations in a document.

Each entry in the bibliography has a type and a unique key . The bibliography is read, by BibTeX, using the details specified in a bibliography style . From the style, BibTeX finds what entry types are permissible, what fields each entry type has, and how to format the whole entry.

The type specifies the type of document you’re making reference to; it may run all the way from things like Book and Proceedings (which may even contain other citations of type InBook or InProceedings ) through dissertation styles like PhdThesis to otherwise-uncategorisable things such as Misc . The unique key is something you choose yourself: it’s what you use when you want to cite an entry in the file . People commonly create a key that combines the (primary) author’s name and the year of publication, possibly with a marker to distinguish publications in the same year. So, for example, the Dyson, Eddington, Davidson paper about deflection of starlight appears in my experimental bib file as Dyson20.1 .

So, noting the rules of the style, you have “simply” to write a bibliography database. Fortunately, there are several tools to help in this endeavour:

  • Most of the better (La)TeX-oriented editors have “BibTeX modes”.
  • If you have an existing thebibliography environment, the Perl script tex2bib will probably help.

There are a number of BibTeX bibliography management systems available, some of which permit a graphical user interface to the task. Sadly, none seems to be available with the ordinary TeX distributions.

Tools such as Xbibfile (a graphical user interface), ebib (a database application written to run “inside” Emacs) and btOOL (a set of perl tools for building BibTeX database handlers) are available from CTAN.

Other systems, such as RefDB , BibORB , BibDesk , pybliographer and the Java -based Bibkeeper and JabRef (which claims to supersede Bibkeeper ) are only available from their development sites.

  • Some commercial citation-management systems will export in BibTeX format; an example is EndNote .
  • Data from on-line citation databases may often be translated to BibTeX format by utilities to be found on CTAN. For example, the Perl script isi2bibtex will translate citations from ISI “Web of knowledge” (a subscription service, available to UK academics via BIDS). UK academics may translate BIDS downloads using
  • Google Scholar provides an “Import into BibTeX” tab for each reference it finds for you: that tab gives you a page containing a BibTeX entry for the reference.

FAQ ID: Q-buildbib

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Open, Edit, and Convert BIB and BIBTEX Files

How to digital bibliographies work?

create bib file

  • Emporia State University

What Is a BIB File?

How to open bib files, how to convert a bib file, how bib files are structured.

  • Extra: Still Can't Open Your File?

What to Know

  • A BIB file is a BibTeX bibliographical database file.
  • Open one with JabRef or any text editor.
  • Convert to HTML, RTF, TXT, etc. with those same programs.

This article explains what a BIB file is, how to open one on your computer, and how to convert one to a different file format like RIS or XML.

A file with the BIB file extension is a BibTeX bibliographical database file. It's a specially formatted text file that lists references pertaining to a particular source of information. They're sometimes seen with the longer .BIBTEX file extension.

BibTeX files might hold references for things like research papers, articles, books, etc. Included within the file is often an author name, title, page number count, notes, and other related content.

These files are typically used with LaTeX , and might therefore be seen with TEX and LTX files.

BIB files can be opened with JabRef , MiKTeX , TeXnicCenter , and Citavi .

Although the formatting won't be as structured and easy to read as with one of the above programs, and adding new entries isn't as fluid, BibTeX files can be viewed in any text editor too, like the Notepad program in Windows.

Bibtex4Word might be what you're looking for if you need to use the file in Microsoft Word. However, see another method below that involves converting the file to an acceptable Word file format and importing it into Word as a citation file.

If you find that an application on your Windows PC does try to open the BIB or BIBTEX file, but it's the wrong application, you can change which program is associated with the file in Windows .

Bib2x is able to convert BIB files to formats like XML , RTF , and XHTML, on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Another option, though only for Mac, is BibDesk , which can convert BIB to PDF and RIS.

Another way to convert BIB to RIS, for use with EndNote , is with bibutils . See the thread Conversion of BibTeX to Endnote Bibliography on Stack Exchange for the details, but know that the veracity of the article is in question, considering it's from 2015.

However, if you're already using the programs mentioned above, like JabRef for example, you can export to TXT, HTML, XML, RTF, RDF, CSV , SXC, SQL, and other formats, using the File > Export menu.

If you save the file to the "MS Office 2007" XML file format with JabRef, you can import it directly in Word through the Manage Sources button in the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab.

Notepad++ can save a BIB file as a TEX file.

Cite This For Me is a website that lets you create citations for a bibliography. It can also be used to export your citations to the BIB format.

Following is the correct syntax for the BibTeX file format:

In the "entry type" area is where the source type is to be entered. The following are supported: article, book, booklet, conference, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, manual, masterthesis, misc, phdthesis, proceedings, techreport, and unpublished.

Within the entry are fields that describe the citation, such as number, chapter, edition, editor, address, author, key, month, year, volume, organization, and others.

This is what it looks like to have multiple citations within one BIB file:

Still Can't Open It?

If you can't get the programs from above to open your file, check the file's extension to make sure it reads .BIB or .BIBTEX. If it's anything else, chances are you can't use the programs on this page to open it.

It might be easy to confuse either file extension with one of another format. For example, although BIB looks an awful lot like BIN, the two aren't related even in the slightest, and therefore can't open with the same software.

The same is true for BB, BIK, BIG, BIP, and BIF. The idea is to make sure the file extension truly says that it's a BibTeX file, otherwise you need to research the actual extension your file has so you can learn how it opens or converts.

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Using Zotero with LaTeX and BibTeX FAQ

What is latex, what is bibtex, how do i export from zotero to bibtex, how do i cite references in my document, how can i correct warnings i encounter when running latex on my document after compiling the bibliography file, how can i fix references that had problems formatting special characters, how can i make an organization name display correctly, how can i override bibtex capitalization conventions, how do i change the format of the bibliography.

LaTeX is a typesetting program that takes a plain text file with various commands in it and converts it to a formatted document based on the commands that it has been given.  The source file for the document has a file extension of .tex.

BibTex is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user's references and create a bibliography.  A BibTex user creates a bibliography file that is separate from the LaTeX source file, wth a file extension of .bib.  Each reference in the bibliography file is formatted with a certain structure and is given a "key" by which the author can refer to it in the source file. 

Open Zotero in your Firefox browser.

If you'd like to export all of the references in a certain library to BibTeX, click on the Actions drop-down menu and select "Export Library..." If you'd like to export only certain references, select those references using control-clicks and shift-clicks, then right click one of them and select "Export Selected Items..."

From the dialog box that pops up, select the BibTeX format, and click OK. Navigate to the directory where you are storing your manuscript, and save the file. This will generate a file in the appropriate format for BibTeX to read and create a bibliography from.

To link the bibliography file that you just downloaded to your document, you need to enter two commands:

\bibliographystyle{ style } should go just inside your \begin{document} command. style .bst is the name of the style file dictating the format of your bibliography (see How do I change the format of the bibliography? below). \bibliography{ filename } should go wherever you want LaTeX to generate the bibliography. filename .bib is the name of the file that you just downloaded from RefWorks containing your exported references.

Insert the command \cite{ firstauthor_firstwordoftitle_yyyy } where "yyyy" is the four-digit year. To check that you have the correct citation key for a certain reference, you can look at the .bib file using a text editor.

If you receive a warning from LaTeX that references may have changed, simply run LaTeX again. In fact, the correct order for running LaTeX and BibTeX, where document is your document name, is:

latex document bibtex document latex document latex document

This process should correctly create your bibliography and in-text citations for your document.

If the references in your bibliography file contain certain special characters which are used as part of the syntax of LaTeX, you could see some strange behavior as LaTeX tries to correctly format the citation. The following characters are part of the LaTeX syntax and as such will need to be replaced with a LaTeX command if they are used in a citation:

# \#
$ \$
% \%
& \&
_ \_
{ \{
} \}
~ \~{ }
^ \^{ }
\ $\backslash$

When Zotero outputs one of these characters (except for brackets) it appends a backslash to the character. This solves the problem in many cases but not in all; tildes (~), carats (^), and backslashes(\) will still not behave correctly and will need more attention. Brackets within the citation will not appear at all unless you manually append the backslash as in the table above.

BibTeX reads text in the author field as an author's name or names unless told otherwise. For example, say a reference exported from RefWorks contains the line:

author={Institute of Electrical Engineers},

BibTeX will read this field as a person's name, where the first name is "Institute" and the last name is "of Electrical Engineers," and would format accordingly. Use a text editor and to add quotes around the field so that the line reads:

author="{Institute of Electrical Engineers}",

Now BibTeX will read this all as one piece rather than as a person's name, and will format correctly.

BibTeX attempts to correct the capitalization in the title field such that only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. While this is generally gramatically correct, it can cause problems if the title contains a proper name or an acronym, so that a line in the bibliography file that looks like this:

title={IEE Proceedings},

will appear in the bibliography as "Iee proceedings." Use a text editor and to add quotes around the field so that the line reads:

title="{IEE Proceedings}",

The quotes will prevent BibTeX from applying its capitalization rules to the title of the document and thus will preserve the capitalization for proper nouns.

The bibliography format is determined by the style file that you have entered in the \bibliographystyle{} command. S Style files may also be edited to produce a required bibliography style.

LyX is a document processor that allows you to create content based on structure rather than appearance. It combines the functionality of LaTeX with a graphical interface that simplifies formatting mathematical content in you final document. You can download LyX here . 

  • << Previous: Zotero for Tablets
  • Next: Exporting between RefWorks/EndNote/Zotero >>
  • Last Updated: Dec 21, 2023 10:15 AM
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Mendeley Blog

Howto: use mendeley to create citations using latex and bibtex..

[ Editor’s Note–We thought you’d like to know: this 2011 post is a bit dated. Find current info on Mendeley’s citation abilities here , and in the Mendeley Guides .]

Multiplatform, free, and powerful. I could be using these terms to describe Mendeley Desktop, but what I’m going to write in this blog post is about something else, something called LaTeX and BibTeX . For those of you that are unfamiliar with LaTeX, it’s:

a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation.

And now let me introduce you to BibTeX too:

a tool and a file format which are used to describe and process lists of references, mostly in conjunction with LaTeX documents.

Ok, so we’re now acquainted with LaTeX and BibTeX. Let’s see how we can use these tools along with Mendeley Desktop to get you citing and writing your manuscript.

BibTeX preferences

BibTeX Preferences in Mendeley Desktop (Mac shown)

Autogenerate .bib file(s)

Mendeley Desktop screenshot with Bioinformatics folder selected

Citing in LaTeX

LaTeX (.tex) file with citations added in dummy text

Generate your PDF

Generated example PDF article using LaTeX and BibTeX with Mendeley Desktop

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8 thoughts on “ howto: use mendeley to create citations using latex and bibtex. ”.

Thanx for this post. What about BibLaTeX [0], and in particular how to translates CSL style files for use with Latex+BibLaTeX? I guess I’m asking too much here, but perhaps an idea for the future…


Mendeley has a long way to go with their bibtex integration. It would be wonderful if you could select which bibtex fields mendeley exports, keyname conventions, and most importantly, allow for importing bibtex files.

Nevertheless, it is still very useful and I have enjoyed Mendeley for a 2 years now!

I always use LaTeX and Bibtex to write my documents. I also used to use Mendeley to assist me in organising my papers. However, as Bibtex is the most important part, much to my disappointment I cannot use Mendeley until the syncing with Bibtex is fixed. Mendeley doesn’t have an “Unpublished” document type. This is essential for anyone working in the area of physics where references require the Unpublished type. (Vast majority of physicists, use LaTeX + Bibtex for papers). This has been listed as a ticket in the feedback forum but I thought I’d mention it here as well. What you’re suggesting in your tutorial is not possible for me (or many others) until this is fixed, please fix it soon. Thanks. PS. As a temporary measure I’m using Jabref to organise my Bibtex files.

Nice Howto. Unless I am wrong, Mendeley does not support journal abbreviations in BibTeX. Wheareas there is a kind of workaround for the OpenOffice and MS Word plugin, there does not seem to be one yet for BibTeX. Is this in the books? Great work Mendeley; this issue on abbreviations is the only remaining major limitation.

Nice post. I have used bibtex for years and since about 1 year ago I use Mendeley exclusively to generate bibtex files. That said, there are still many problems with it; just go to

and search for ‘bibtex’. One of the biggest annoyances is that bibtex is supposed to be smart about capitalization and to handle special characters, but Mendeley takes the title field and encloses it in braces, which to bibtex means “use what’s here literally” and messes up the capitalization and special characters in bibtex title fields. Here’s to hoping that the Mendeley team will continue improving bibtex support!

For those of you who use Mendeley only via the web interface but still want to keep an always-up-to-date BibTeB file, check out the new Mendeley feature of It allows you to extract your personal or group’s Mendeley publications in BibTeX format via a URL. That URL can then be used for displaying your publications on your website (BibBase’s original purpose), or just for your own use in papers.

Is it advisable to keep using Sente 6 as a reference manager today or are there too many advantages in Mendeley or Zotero for not making the switch?

In some circles, there are worries that Sente is probably not going to see developments. That is an unconfirmed assumption mainly emanating from the fact that these guys shutdown the blog. The worry that Sente might go away soon can make you consider s…

[…] who need to include mathematical formulas, symbols, and diagrams in their literature reviews. Here’s a cool walkthrough on how to do that (for readers who are familiar with […]

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Generate BibTeX from URL

Paste URL below and generate BibTeX citation. Keep in mind that most educators and professionals do not consider it appropriate to use tertiary sources such as encyclopedias as a sole source for any information — citing an encyclopedia as an important reference in footnotes or bibliographies may result in censure or a failing grade.

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Cell-drug conjugates


  • 1 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Drug Delivery and Release Systems, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
  • 2 Jinhua Institute of Zhejiang University, Jinhua, China.
  • 3 Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
  • 4 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Drug Delivery and Release Systems, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 5 Jinhua Institute of Zhejiang University, Jinhua, China. [email protected].
  • 6 Key Laboratory of Advanced Drug Delivery Systems of Zhejiang Province, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 7 Department of Pharmacy, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 8 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Drug Delivery and Release Systems, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 9 Jinhua Institute of Zhejiang University, Jinhua, China. [email protected].
  • 10 Key Laboratory of Advanced Drug Delivery Systems of Zhejiang Province, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 11 Department of General Surgery, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 12 Liangzhu Laboratory, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • 13 MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecular Synthesis and Functionalization, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [email protected].
  • PMID: 38951139
  • DOI: 10.1038/s41551-024-01230-6

By combining living cells with therapeutics, cell-drug conjugates can potentiate the functions of both components, particularly for applications in drug delivery and therapy. The conjugates can be designed to persist in the bloodstream, undergo chemotaxis, evade surveillance by the immune system, proliferate, or maintain or transform their cellular phenotypes. In this Review, we discuss strategies for the design of cell-drug conjugates with specific functions, the techniques for their preparation, and their applications in the treatment of cancers, autoimmune diseases and other pathologies. We also discuss the translational challenges and opportunities of this class of drug-delivery systems and therapeutics.

© 2024. Springer Nature Limited.

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  • Shi, J., Kantoff, P. W., Wooster, R. & Farokhzad, O. C. Cancer nanomedicine: progress, challenges and opportunities. Nat. Rev. Cancer 17, 20–37 (2017). - PubMed - DOI
  • Manzari, M. T. et al. Targeted drug delivery strategies for precision medicines. Nat. Rev. Mater. 6, 351–370 (2021). - PubMed - PMC - DOI
  • Mura, S., Nicolas, J. & Couvreur, P. Stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for drug delivery. Nat. Mater. 12, 991–1003 (2013). - PubMed - DOI
  • Sun, W., Hu, Q., Ji, W., Wright, G. & Gu, Z. Leveraging physiology for precision drug delivery. Physiol. Rev. 97, 189–225 (2017). - DOI
  • Vargason, A. M., Anselmo, A. C. & Mitragotri, S. The evolution of commercial drug delivery technologies. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 5, 951–967 (2021). - PubMed - DOI

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Simplest way to add a bibliography using a .bib file [duplicate]

I have written a little essay and tried to add a bibliography. I get all kinds of errors and searched the last 5 hours for solutions, only to find out how little I know about latex...

I am using Miktex and Texmaker. I made a simple version of my .tex file to post here:

I've setup Texmaker to do 'pdflatex > show pdf'. But then the bibliography is not printed. I researched this and people say that you need to 'latex > biblatex > latex 2x > show pdf', but I don't have that. I have similar options, but the I get the error:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 20.6.29) The top-level auxiliary file: prototype.aux I found no \citation commands---while reading file prototype.aux I found no \bibdata command---while reading file prototype.aux I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file prototype.aux (There were 3 error messages)

Texmaker doesn't seem to give me an option to do it the correct way (and this gets way to complicated for me). Here is a screenshot of my configuration options (sorry it's in German):

enter image description here

My problem seems to be so simple, but I feel like a need to do a full latex tutorial to get any idea what I m doing. I feel like there might be some conflicting packages. Can anyone please explain whats going on here?

  • bibliographies

pluton's user avatar

  • 1 You must give the file name of your .bib file with file extension in \addbibresource . So * \addbibresource{referenzen} should quite probably be \addbibresource{referenzen.bib} . Other than that, Ulrike is right, your editor appears to be configured to run BibTeX, but you need Biber, see . –  moewe Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 16:59
  • 2 It shouldn't cause an error, but * author = {Friedman, Kahn et al}, is bad input. Ideally you would give all authors and separate names with and : author = {Batya Friedman and Peter H. Kahn and Alan Borning}, (not sure if that is the same paper). You should also look into adding more bibliographic data to the entry. If valueSensitiveDesign is really an @article , it should have a journal , volume and pages field. It may also have a doi . –  moewe Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 17:04
  • 1 Just to emphasize the importance of @moewe's comment about the author field of the valueSensitiveDesign entry: author = {Friedman, Kahn et al} won't throw an error message, but it's wrong nevetheless, as the field will get parsed as having an author with surname Friedman and given name Kahn . In author and editor fields, the keyword and , not the comma symbol, is used to separate individual authors. –  Mico Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 17:11
  • 1 @Mico Thanks a lot, I'll fix it right now –  Paul Erlenmeyer Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 17:13
  • 1 biber is definitely far more versatile than bibtex. ( backend=biber is the default.) But if your inputs are all ASCII-encoded and you don't need to modify some fairly basic style, BibTeX will do OK too. –  Mico Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 17:13

You need to define biblatex backend either bibtex or biber as displayed below and it works well. I advice you to give Texstudio a try. Good Luck.

Abdelsalam H. M. Abdelaziz's user avatar

  • 1 It is not necessary to use the backend option. If it is not given, biblatex will assume backend=biber, . What is necessary, however, is to adapt your workflow (either manual compilations or editor settings) to the backend you chose. Most editors are preset to run BibTeX, so if you want to use backend=biber, you often need to configure your editor accordingly: –  moewe Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 15:06
  • From the biblatex side it should not be necessary to declare backend=biber, if you want Biber as that is the default. If for some reason TeXstudio needs that to detect the right bibliography tool, then that might be something to alert the developers about. But you say that you manually select the backend anyway, so I don't see a reason why backend=biber, would be needed. Cleaning the aux files should not be needed when switching from Biber to BibTeX (or vice versa), but it doesn't do a lot of harm either. –  moewe Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 18:19
  • Actually, I am using Texstudio and unfortunately it is required to use backend=bibtex or if you need to use biber, then use backend=biber and before compiling, clean up auxiliary files and change bibliography tool from bibtex to biber from Texstudio Build option. –  Abdelsalam H. M. Abdelaziz Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 18:25
  • Yes, it may be Texstudio way of doing –  Abdelsalam H. M. Abdelaziz Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 18:30

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  • Bibliography management with biblatex

When it comes to bibliography management packages, there are three main options in L a T e X : bibtex, natbib and biblatex. Biblatex is a modern program to process bibliography information, provides an easier and more flexible interface and a better language localization than the other two options. This article explains how to use biblatex to manage and format the bibliography in a L a T e X document.

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Basic usage
  • 3 The bibliography file
  • 4 Customizing the bibliography
  • 5 Adding the bibliography in the table of contents
  • 6 Reference guide
  • 7 Further reading


A minimal working example of the biblatex package is shown below:


There are four bibliography-related commands in this example:

Overleaf provides several templates with pre-defined styles to manage bibliography. See these examples.

 Open a biblatex package example on Overleaf

Basic usage

Several parameters can be passed to the package importing statement, let's see


Some extra options, inside brackets and comma-separated, are added when importing biblatex :

The rest of the commands were already explained at the introduction .

The bibliography file

The bibliography files must have the standard bibtex syntax

This file contains records in a special format, for instance, the first bibliographic reference is defined by:

The information in this file can later be printed and referenced within a L a T e X document, as shown in the previous sections, with the command \addbibresource{sample.bib} . Not all the information in the .bib file will be displayed, it depends on the bibliography style set in the document.

Customizing the bibliography

Biblatex allows high customization of the bibliography section with little effort. It was mentioned that several citation styles and bibliography styles are available, and you can also create new ones. Another customization option is to change the default title of the bibliography section.


The additional parameter title={Whole bibliography} passed inside brackets to the command \printbibliography is the one that changes the title.

The bibliography can also be subdivided into sections based on different filters, for instance: print only references from the same author, the same journal or similar title. Below an example.


Here, the bibliography is divided in 4 sections. The syntax of the commands used here is explained below:

Adding the bibliography in the table of contents

For the bibliography the be printed in the table of contents an extra option must be passed to \printbibliography


A section and a subsection are added to the table of contents:

  • In the first case, adding heading=bibintoc adds the title to the table of contents as an unnumbered chapter if possible or as an unnumbered section otherwise.
  • The second case is heading=subbibintoc that adds the title as a second level entry in the table of contents, in this example as a subsection nested in "Whole bibliography".

Reference guide

Supported entry types

article book mvbook
inbook bookinbook suppbook
booklet collection mvcollection
incollection suppcollection manual
misc online patent
periodical suppperiodical proceedings
mvproceedings inproceedings reference
mvreference inreference report
set thesis unpublished
custom conference electronic
mastersthesis phdthesis techreport

Supported entry fields (The printed information depends on the bibliography style)

abstract afterword annotation annotator
author authortype bookauthor bookpagination
booksubtitle booktitle chapter commentator
date doi edition editor
editortype eid entrysubtype eprint
eprinttype eprintclass eventdate eventtitle
file foreword holder howpublished
indextitle institution introduction isan
isbn ismn isrn issue
issuesubtitle issuetitle iswc journalsubtitle
journaltitle label language library
location mainsubtitle maintitle month
note number organization origdate
origlanguage origlocation origpublisher origtitle
pages pagetotal pagination part
publisher pubstate reprinttitle series
shortauthor shortedition shorthand shorthandintro
shortjournal shortseries shorttitle subtitle
title translator type url
venue version volume year

Bibliography sorting options

option description
sort by name, title, year
sort by name, year, title
sort by name, year, volume, title
sort by alphabetic label, name, year, title
sort by alphabetic label, name, year, volume, title
sort by year (descending), name, title
entries are processed in citation order

Further reading

For more information see

  • Bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Basic bibliography management
  • Bibliography management with natbib
  • biblatex documentation
  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
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LaTeX Basics

  • Creating your first LaTeX document
  • Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
  • Paragraphs and new lines
  • Bold, italics and underlining


  • Mathematical expressions
  • Subscripts and superscripts
  • Brackets and Parentheses
  • Fractions and Binomials
  • Aligning equations
  • Spacing in math mode
  • Integrals, sums and limits
  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Inserting Images
  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX
  • TikZ package

References and Citations

  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • International language support
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Table of contents
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Text alignment
  • Page size and margins
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • Multiple columns
  • Code listing
  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Margin notes
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

  • In-depth technical articles on TeX/LaTeX

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  1. How do I create a .bib file for bibtex?

    It is possible to edit a .bib file manually with TeXShop. When you save any file in TeXShop there is a dropdown menu in the save dialogue box called File Format that allows you to choose the correct file extension for the file (see image below) Choose .bib from that menu to save a manually created .bib file. Share.

  2. Bibliography management with bibtex

    Many users prefer to use a dedicated Bib T E X bibliography database editor/manager, such as JabRef or BibDesk to maintain, edit and add entries to their .bib files. Using a GUI can indeed help reduce syntax and spelling errors whilst creating bibliography entries in a Bib T E X file.

  3. How do I create a .BIB file to manage my BibTeX references?

    Creating a bib file by hand. Creating a .BIB file is actually quite simple. All you need to do is create a text file with the .bib extension. You can then add your BibTeX references to this file, one per line. For example:

  4. Using bibliographies on Overleaf

    To create a new bibliography file in your Overleaf project, in the editor, click New File icon: An input box will appear for you to set the name of the new file. The file should have the .bib extension, in this example it is called mybibliography.bib. Now click on Create. A new file will be listed in the left panel, click it to edit its ...

  5. ZoteroBib: Fast, free bibliography generator

    ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you quickly create a bibliography in any citation style. Read More. Help Zotero. ZoteroBib. Cite. Manual Entry. ... You can also export HTML to add to a webpage, an RTF document to open in a word processor, or a RIS or BibTeX file to import into a reference manager. Autosave.

  6. Bibliography in LaTeX with Bibtex/Biblatex

    At first we have to create a .bib file, which contains our bibliographic information. Creating a .bib file. A .bib file will contain the bibliographic information of our document. I will only give a simple example, since there are many tools to generate the entries automatically. I will not explain the structure of the file itself at this point ...

  7. Bibliography management in LaTeX

    There are four bibliography-related commands in this example: \usepackage{biblatex} Imports the package biblatex. \addbibresource{sample.bib} Imports the bibliography data file sample.bib: this file contains information about each referenced book, article, etc.See the bibliography file section for more information. \cite{einstein}

  8. Citation Management and Writing Tools: LaTeX and BibTeX

    BibTeX is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user's references and create a bibliography. A BibTeX user creates a bibliography file that is separate from the LaTeX source file, wth a file extension of .bib. Each reference in the bibliography file is formatted with a certain structure and is given a "key" by which ...

  9. Using BibTeX

    Create your BibTex-File. Just create a plain text file and apply what has been explained in section BibTeX File Format. Example: @misc{ Nobody06, author = "Nobody Jr", title = "My Article", year = "2006" } ... \bibliography{mybib}{} \bibliographystyle{plain} \end{document} Compile. Most LaTeX Editors make using BibTeX even easier than it ...

  10. BibTex

    It is strongly recommended to use a citation management tool to create your .bib files. Those tools will greatly speed up the process and help keep the file organized, generate automatic bibIDs (which can be edited if desired), and auto fill all relevant data fields which will prevent typos or bugs within the file.

  11. biblatex

    To create a .bib file from scratch, the simplest is to use JabRef, a multiplatform bibliography manager written in java. You only have to choose the type of entries you want to cite (article, book, conference &c.), fill in forms for the relevant fields. JabRef has import and export functionalities.

  12. BibMe: Free BIBTEX Bibliography & Citation Maker

    All of our writing tools, none of the ads. No ads. MLA and APA citation styles + 7,000 more. Scan your paper for plagiarism mistakes. Check for 400+ advanced grammar errors. Create in-text citations and save them. Free 3-day trial. Cancel anytime.*. Try it for free.

  13. Creating a BibTeX bibliography file

    People commonly create a key that combines the (primary) author's name and the year of publication, possibly with a marker to distinguish publications in the same year. So, for example, the Dyson, Eddington, Davidson paper about deflection of starlight appears in my experimental bib file as Dyson20.1 .

  14. Open, Edit, and Convert BIB and BIBTEX Files

    Bib2x is able to convert BIB files to formats like XML, RTF, and XHTML, on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Another option, though only for Mac, is BibDesk, which can convert BIB to PDF and RIS. Another way to convert BIB to RIS, for use with EndNote, is with bibutils. See the thread Conversion of BibTeX to Endnote Bibliography on Stack Exchange for ...

  15. Research Guides: Using Zotero at Princeton: Zotero with BibTeX/LaTeX

    BibTex is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user's references and create a bibliography. A BibTex user creates a bibliography file that is separate from the LaTeX source file, wth a file extension of .bib. Each reference in the bibliography file is formatted with a certain structure and is given a "key" by which ...

  16. How to include a bibliography using bibtex

    In this video Vince shows how to create a new .bib file, add references from e.g. Google Scholar, and cite these references in your LaTeX document. Bibliographies with bibtex in LaTeX with overleaf (v2) Watch on. To create your own editable copy of the example shown in this video, click here to open the 'Bibliographies' template. An online ...

  17. HOWTO: Use Mendeley to create citations using LaTeX and BibTeX

    Autogenerate .bib file(s) The next step is to create a folder where you will store all the articles or references pertaining to your manuscript. This will generate a .bib folder as per your settings in the preference menu. Any articles or references added to a given folder are automatically synchronized and changes reflected in the .bib file ...

  18. bibliographies

    However, I am wondering is there a smart and easy way to create this .bib file by just providing the paper or doi of the paper and it gives me the .bib file of the references? For example, I want a .bib file that contains the references of this article: https: ...

  19. URL to BibTeX generator

    Generate BibTeX from URL. Paste URL below and generate BibTeX citation. Keep in mind that most educators and professionals do not consider it appropriate to use tertiary sources such as encyclopedias as a sole source for any information — citing an encyclopedia as an important reference in footnotes or bibliographies may result in censure or a failing grade.

  20. bibtex

    Also, I don't use TeXMaker, so I'm not sure how it works, but for managing a .bib file, you should use something like JabRef or BibDesk.BibDesk is Mac only. You can also just use any text editor, though, to create a .bib file, but a dedicated GUI like one of those is probably better. - Adam Liter

  21. add/remove .xsl file from reference style folder

    I found a post about creating custom bibliography styles in word: "Create Custom Bibliography Styles". There are instruction for creating the .xsl file. At the end it says : "Save the file as MyBookStyle.XSL and drop it into the Styles directory (\Microsoft\Bibliography\Style). Restart Word, and your style is now under the style dropdown list.

  22. Cell-drug conjugates

    By combining living cells with therapeutics, cell-drug conjugates can potentiate the functions of both components, particularly for applications in drug delivery and therapy. The conjugates can be designed to persist in the bloodstream, undergo chemotaxis, evade surveillance by the immune system, pr …

  23. Simplest way to add a bibliography using a .bib file

    Explore Teams Create a free Team. Teams. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams. Teams. ... then use backend=biber and before compiling, clean up auxiliary files and change bibliography tool from bibtex to biber from Texstudio Build option. - Abdelsalam H. M. Abdelaziz.

  24. How do I add a bibliography to my document?

    First, export a .bib file from your reference manager, or create a .bib file manually. Then, upload the .bib file via the files menu. You can also import .bib files via the direct Mendeley or Zotero integration which is available to those on paid plans.. Once your bibliography file has been uploaded, there are a number of bibliography packages which can be used to display the relevant entries ...

  25. Bibliography management with biblatex

    There are four bibliography-related commands in this example: \usepackage{biblatex} Imports the package biblatex. \addbibresource{sample.bib} Imports the bibtex data file sample.bib, this file is the one that includes information about each referenced book, article, etc. See the bibliography file section for more information.