help desk achievements resume

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help desk achievements resume

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5 Help Desk Resume Examples Built to Work in 2024 

Stephen Greet

Help Desk Resume

  • Help Desk Resumes by Experience
  • Help Desk Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Help Desk Resume

Being a help desk technician is all about being the go-to support hero for tech-related woes. You’re the friendly face or voice that guides users through their IT troubles, from computer hiccups to forgotten passwords. 

Your knack for problem-solving and communication makes you a troubleshooter extraordinaire. However, crafting a resume that showcases your IT prowess can be as tricky as decoding a complex error message. 

If you’re ready to put your skills on paper and land that dream job, we’re here to lend a hand. Our expert-written help desk resume examples can help you with everything from picking the right job skills to making your experience pop. To top it all off, use our free cover letter builder for the complete application.

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Help desk resume example with 9 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • It may not seem like much at first but specifying how you used industry-specific tools to make quantifiable differences can go a long way! Don’t sleep on your technical experience either! Add any instances when you monitored and improved a network’s security.

Entry Level Help Desk Resume

Entry level help desk resume example with retail cashier experience

  • The essence is to demonstrate that you’ve actually put textbook theories to work, which culminated in tangible outcomes in the real world. Maybe it’s a summer job as a cashier, where you mastered your customer service. If such is not an option, capitalize on the job-relevant seminars you attended, and the college projects you carried out.

Help Desk Analyst Resume

Help desk analyst resume example with 6 years of experience

  • You want to stay clear of terms like “aided” and “assisted” and instead bring out the big guns—words that convey leadership (think led, authored, negotiated), accomplishments (think overhauled and upgraded), and technical prowess (think analyzed, monitored, and executed).

IT Help Desk Resume

IT help desk resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Can’t forget about regulations too now, can we? If you’ve ever helped a company save costs on potential compliance fines, make sure to mention it and prove your dedication to any employer!

Help Desk Technician Resume

Help desk technician resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Once done, back up these metrics with actionable points like increasing a system’s uptime rate from 87% to 98.3%, or improving overall productivity by 26%.

Related resume examples

  • Customer Service
  • Office Assistant

Adapt Your Help Desk Resume to Match Every Job Description

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

When it comes to showcasing your skills as a help desk technician, you’ve got a toolbox full of tech expertise that employers are eager to see. Your resume is where you can dive into it. Be specific and steer clear of vague, generic terms—your IT-focused resume should shine a spotlight on your technical prowess.

Zoom in on the hard skills you’ve honed. List the software applications you’re fluent in, any cyber security frameworks you’ve mastered, and, of course, any programming languages that you’ve conquered. 

Highlight your know-how in networks, malware detection, and understanding system vulnerabilities. Remember, the key is to match the skills you have with what the job demands.

Need some help?

15 top help desk skills

  • Ticketing Systems
  • Hardware Knowledge
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Cybersecurity
  • Mobile Device Support
  • Active Directory

help desk achievements resume

Your help desk work experience bullet points

Your days working as a help desk technician are often a whirlwind of assisting users, resolving IT issues, and ensuring smooth tech operations. However, when it comes to your resume, it’s the remarkable achievements that truly matter.

Your work ensures that everything runs smoothly without interruptions or costly downtimes, and it’s important that you highlight this. Showcase moments you’re proud of, whether speeding up response times, reducing system downtime, or increasing user satisfaction. 

Quantify your achievements with metrics whenever possible to lend them more weight and set yourself apart from the competition.

  • Highlight how quickly you were able to acknowledge and address user requests or IT issues.
  • Showcase your ability to resolve issues on the first interaction, minimizing the need for multiple support interactions and improving user satisfaction.
  • Use surveys or feedback data to quantify user satisfaction and report consistent ratings of 95% or higher.
  • Quantify how your support efforts reduced system or network downtime, resulting in increased productivity and cost savings.

See what we mean?

  • Developed a weekly backup schedule through Acronis Backup which decreased data loss incidents by 97%
  • Led a project to update password security policies using LastPass, curbing security breaches by 56%
  • Facilitated 1,742 remote support sessions using TeamViewer, resolving 92% of issues without on-site intervention
  • Leveraged Microsoft Teams’ bot and integration features to automate routine tasks, enhancing team productivity by 18%

9 active verbs to start your help desk work experience bullet points

  • Implemented
  • Optimized 
  • Coordinated
  • Collaborated 

3 Tips for Writing an Entry-Level Help Desk Resume

  • Showcase relevant coursework and academic projects that demonstrate your technical abilities. For instance, you could mention a group project where you contributed to designing and implementing a help desk ticketing system for your IT class. These hands-on experiences provide valuable insights into your capabilities and problem-solving skills.
  • Your hobbies and interests can be a goldmine of relevant skills. If you’re passionate about building computers, troubleshooting software, or managing home networks as a hobby, don’t hesitate to mention it. Show how your love for technology extends beyond the classroom and into your personal life, highlighting your dedication to the field.
  • Use a career objective statement to outline your aspirations as a help desk technician. Be specific about the kind of support you want to provide and the impact you aim to make. This helps employers understand your goals and motivations, even if you have limited professional experience .

3 Tips for Writing a Help Desk Resume With Prior Experience

  • Working in a help desk environment means working with people, but don’t list “teamwork” in your skills section. Instead, emphasize your customer-centric mindset by adding metrics like the number of resolved support tickets or the average 5-star rating you get every month.
  • If you’ve developed expertise in specific areas of help desk support, such as hardware troubleshooting, software configuration, or network diagnostics, don’t be afraid to brag about it. For instance, if you’re skilled in remote desktop support, emphasize how your proficiency can benefit remote workers.
  • List any certifications that align with the help desk field. Certificates such as CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, or HDI Support Center Analyst can boost your credibility. 

You can include a career summary , but it’s optional. If you choose to have one, make it job-specific. Focus on your key proficiencies, such as specific operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS) that directly relate to the job.

It’s usually better to focus on your technical skills, namely hardware and software proficiencies. Talk about your in-depth knowledge of Spiceworks, RDP, backing up data, and IT security—your soft skills will shine through your cover letter.

Metrics that demonstrate your impact can set you apart. Highlight statistics such as reduced response times, increased user satisfaction scores, first call resolution rates, or decreased system downtime. 

Create my free resume now

  • • Resolved technical issues for over 100 employees, increasing overall productivity by 20%
  • • Implemented new IT systems, increasing system efficiency by 15%
  • • Led a team of 5 junior IT specialists, improving team efficiency by 10%
  • • Resolved technical issues for over 50 employees, ensuring minimal downtime
  • • Assisted in the implementation of new IT systems, reducing system errors by 25%
  • • Collaborated with the IT team to meet quarterly targets, achieving 100% of goals
  • • Supported senior IT specialists in resolving technical issues, contributing to a 10% increase in efficiency
  • • Assisted in managing IT systems for 20 employees, maintaining 100% system uptime
  • • Assisted in the preparation of quarterly IT reports, achieving 95% accuracy

5 Help Desk Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your help desk resume should highlight your technical proficiency. Showcase your experience with relevant software and troubleshooting methods. Demonstrate your customer service skills clearly. Employers need to see your ability to communicate effectively and resolve issues efficiently.

All resume examples in this guide

help desk achievements resume

Desktop Support

help desk achievements resume

Help Desk Manager

help desk achievements resume

Service Desk Manager

help desk achievements resume

Technical Support Manager

Resume guide, in this guide, you’ll learn, looking for related resumes, how to create a help desk resume that gets you hired, the right way to write a header for a help desk resume, how to make an outstanding experience section for your help desk resume, 18 essential skills to highlight in your help desk resume.

Help Desk resume example

The customer is king.

But as a help desk…

You’re the king of customer service.

Anyone can pick up the phone or respond to an email, but very few can do so efficiently.

Your work extends way beyond solving simple technical problems.

Without you, companies can’t keep up good relationships with their clients. Many businesses would struggle to improve their brand image and keep their loyal customers around.

You help employees from inner departments solve tech issues in a timely fashion. That’s how you allow everyone to be more productive and stay focused on crucial tasks.


The days of simple FAQ pages and Q&A sections on forums are over.

Companies have understood the full extent of your importance. That explains why headhunters today work hard to recruit the best help desk professionals.

But to land the job you want:

You need an outstanding help desk resume that promotes your worth. And that’s what we’re going to teach you today.

We created this guide to help you make a brilliant resume that stands out and gets results.

We’ll show you how to feature the right skills, experience, and other essential sections to make you shine.

Let’s get started.

  • Why reading the job description is crucial to picking and featuring the right experience and skills on your resume
  • How to structure and format your resume to inspire recruiters and keep them reading
  • Best way to showcase your relevant experience and convince headhunters of your worth
  • Top technical and soft skills to help you master your job duties and excel at customer service
  • Most important additional sections to include if you want to outshine your competition
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Network Engineer Resume
  • Tech Resume
  • IT Project Manager Resume

A help desk resume is your chance to leave a strong first impression on recruiters and make them want you.

It's not just a bunch of details or meaningless words sitting on a page. In reality, it's the portal through which you'll land the job you want at the company of your dreams.

Every detail matters, from the way you structure your resume to the way you write your sentences.

Therefore, you must remain strategic in your approach.

First of all:

You need to pick a proper layout for your resume .

There are lots of options to choose from, but not all of them will fit your background.

Here are your two options:

If you have a rich work history and lots of details to share, a reverse-chronological layout is best. Combine that with a double-column temlplate and you can fit everything within a single page without sacrificing any details.

A single column resume template works great for you if you're just getting started as a help desk. You don't want to leave lots of white space in your resume, so you can structure the information to fill the whole page. You might prefer the funcional resume layout in such case, as it allows you to focus on skills, rather than experience.

You need to be different from everyone else.

Think about it for a second…

The company needs assistance from a professional help desk. They've been looking for an ideal candidate for a while — yet they still haven't hired anyone.

Why do you think is that?

Two reasons:

  • The majority of applicants don't have the right set of experience and skills to compete for the job
  • No one has addressed the hiring company's needs precisely, and most candidates are ego-centric only looking for their own interest

That's where you'll beg to differ and prove yourself deserving of the position.

You'll highlight your unique expertise, most excellent qualities, and career achievements to stand out from the pack. But more importantly, you'll tailor your resume to answer to the company's needs precisely.

This way, you're outperforming everyone in the race and give recruiters a million reasons to hire you.

Best sections for a help desk resume

  • Certifications

What recruiters want to see in a help desk resume

  • The right customer service experience to help you assist clients effectively
  • A solid background in IT and computer science to prove your fitness for the job
  • Quantifiable achievements and work results demonstrated through reliable metrics and precise numbers
  • Eagerness to learn various technical skills quickly and apply the knowledge in practice
  • A set of soft skills including solution-oriented mindset, patience, and interpersonal abilities to allow for flawless communication

The header is a small section sitting at the top of your resume to help you identify yourself.

It only includes personal details - so it shouldn't affect your chances of getting hired.

You want recruiters to remember who you are in a pile of hundreds of resumes. So, this is your chance to hammer your name into their heads.

You must follow the right structure in making your header. You have to feature your key personal details. And you also need to leave away any unnecessary information.

So, where do you begin?

It's simple.

For starters, you only need to include the following information:

  • Email address

Next, you'll work on placing them correctly on the page.

Make your name memorable by using a bigger font and separating it from the rest of the details.

The job title comes underneath your full name but in a smaller font.

Featuring your full address is optional, especially if you live far away from the hiring company's location.

So, adding just the city and state in your address is okay.

LinkedIn is where most headhunters go to publish job postings and find qualified candidates. And the platform presents an opportunity for applicants to showcase their worth beyond a one-page resume.

Featuring a link to your LinkedIn profile is your way of helping recruiters notice you. It allows them to learn more about you before the interview, which is something they're grateful for.

Let's look at a couple of examples:

Recruiters must be sure that you're their best candidate they can hire before choosing you.

They want to see that you have solid experience with customer experience. And they need to be sure of your IT skills and problem-solving abilities.

But how do you prove any of that?

Well… it's quite simple!

Show that you've done it all before.

Craft an experience section that presents your job experience professionally. Then, fill it with details about your career successes and accomplishments.

Here are three golden rules to follow when writing your experience section:

1- List your experience in chronological order.

A perfect experience section must be chronological. That means you should start from the most recent position and continue further down.

You don't need to include every single position you've ever had. So, be careful when choosing what you put in this section.

2- Be specific.

It's more important to show than just tell when talking about your work history.

Headhunters are tired of reading repetitive job tasks over and over again. Every applicant they come across sounds the same with all the generic duties they find on Google.

The key here is to give recruiters what they want to see specifically. And to find that, you must look through the job description .

Make each bullet point you list here counts by mentioning the impact you had in your previous positions.

But more importantly:

Everything you mention here has to be relevant to the job you're applying for.

3- Quantify your achievements.

This rule gives hiring managers a rational anchor point for comparison. If your numbers are better than everyone else's, you'll separate yourself from the pack.

You won't be stuck at the bottom with the unqualified candidates who also claim to be good at customer support.

Each bullet point must come with a concrete example or a quantifiable achievement to inspire headhunters.

Use precise numbers of the results you achieved in the past to quantify your career wins.

Check out this example:

  • • Responsible for customer service and inquiries
  • • Helped customers with technical issues related to the company’s products and services
  • • Stayed up-to-date with the latest company technologies and software updates

Nobody likes buzzwords , especially not hiring managers.

They've read hundreds of resumes where job responsibilities are listed with no concrete numbers to prove them.

There's nothing to back up those claims and achievements. As a result, such resumes get largely ignored or even count against the applicant.

The solution is to focus on concrete numbers to demonstrate your impact as a help desk professional.

You need to keep an active language when showcasing your work as a help desk. Stick to action verbs and industry-specific verbs to highlight relevance and competence.

Now, here's what a great help desk experience section looks like:

  • • Answered, evaluated, and prioritized 3200 customer inquiries and support requests while maintaining 98% ratings of positive feedback
  • • Assisted in the hiring and scaling of the team from 10 teammates to 35 by screening potential candidates
  • • Recorded, tracked, and updated support interactions using the company’s ticketing system to help with software development

Featuring the right skills in your resume is key to getting you hired.

Recruiters often find themselves stuck choosing between candidates with the same level of experience. So they rely on the skills section to decide on the best applicant for the job.

But here’s the thing:

It isn’t always clear to you as a job-seeker which talents are essential to showcase in your resume.

Companies differ in the way they operate and deal with their customers. The technologies and tools they use also vary significantly from one industry to another.

As a rule of thumb, you must focus this section on two types of skills:

  • Soft skills
  • Technical skills

Soft skills include customer service, the ability to stay on top of client requests, troubleshooting, problem-solving, etc…

Patience and solution-oriented thinking are also crucial to helping you excel at your job.

Moreover, you must demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt to new tools whenever needed. That shows hiring managers your eagerness to succeed at the job and go the extra mile.

On the other hand:

Technical skills vary widely based on the technology used by the company. There are no universally sought-after technical skills in the job market today.

You can recognize what the company needs from you in the job offer. And many tools and technologies are so popular that most businesses in the market today are using them.

So, by this point…

Your primary focus should be to find the most relevant abilities required for the job. Once you identify them, you’ll only need to narrow your list down and present it in this section.

To do that, you should:

  • List all the soft and hard skills you possess in one list.
  • Define the most sought-after soft/technical talents by reading the job description and keep them in a separate list
  • See which skills correlate the most (those are the ones your help desk resume needs to feature)

Here’s our hand-picked list of the most critical help desk resume skills:

Most sought-after technical skills for help desk resume

  • Active directory
  • Desktop support
  • Technical support
  • Service desk
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Google Suite
  • Troubleshooting
  • Email support

Best soft skills to showcase in your help desk resume

  • Customer service
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Multitasking
  • Attention to detail
  • Solution-oriented

Key Takeaways

  • Read the job description thoroughly to identify the hiring company’s needs and address them in your resume
  • Create an eye-grabbing header to keep headhunters reading
  • Feature your relevant work experience and solidify your claims through precise metrics and quantifiable achievements
  • Showcase your technical/soft skills in your experience and skills section to make your resume more appealing
  • Feature your educational background and certificates to stand out from the crowd and outshine your competitors

Help Desk resume examples

Explore additional help desk resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Desktop Support Resume Example

Desktop support roles are similar to a foundational pillar in IT infrastructure. Therefore, desktop support trends can impact the way whole organizations function.

Emphasize your ability to troubleshoot swiftly and accurately. Display your familiarity with common operating systems and applications. Demonstrate your soft skills relevant to desktop support such as communication, team work and patience. Prove that you understand user issues and solve accordingly. Frame your resume in such a way that it showcases your skills in hardware and software, as well as how those skills led to efficient troubleshooting.

Don't just list qualifications; show how you used them to improve the system. Following 'skill-action-results' could look like 'improved ticket resolution time by...' or 'reduced system crashes by...' and so on.

Help Desk Manager Resume Example

Help Desk Managers play a critical role in customer service. Their actions can have great influence on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Experience in software such as ticket tracking systems and database software is a must. Showcase your customer service skills and ability to manage teams. Demonstrate how you have implemented support strategies that reduced resolution time and improved satisfaction.

Avoid simply listing skills. Instead, show how your management style and technical abilities resulted in improved key performance indicators (KPIs). For example, 'Reduced average call handling time by implementing...', 'Increased customer satisfaction by...' et cetera.

Service Desk Manager Resume Example

A Service Desk Manager role is as a bridge between users and IT operations. This influential role can shape IT processes within a company.

Your resume should demonstrate your expertise in IT service management principles like ITIL or COBIT. Highlight how you have developed and implemented operational procedures that improved efficiency.

Don’t just list your skills. Instead, show how they have led to more efficient operations. Following 'skill-action-results' could look like 'lowered downtimes by implementing...', 'improved service delivery through...' and so on.

Technical Support Manager Resume Example

Technical Support Manager roles form a cornerstone of customer and client support systems. Trends within this sphere have far-reaching implications for any tech company.

Among others, highlight your ability to manage and train a team of tech support representatives. Tout your familiarity with a range of software and hardware specific to your industry. Demonstrate a history of increasing customer satisfaction rating by streamlining the tech support process.

Show, not just tell, your skills. e.g. 'lowered tech support turnaround times...', 'improved customer satisfaction ratings by...' and more.

help desk resume example

Looking to build your own Help Desk resume?

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How to answer the “why are you applying for this position” interview question, how to write an international resume for a job abroad, why is my resume getting rejected, perfecting your resume header so you get noticed, what's the best way to address a cover letter.

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Ever helped anyone with a gadget? [ Click here to directly go to the complete help desk resume sample ]

How do you write that in your resume?

If providing technical support is your forte, then you are the most suitable person for the job of a help desk professional.

All you need is a job opening to put your help desk resume skills to some good use.

But do you include "Critical Thinking" or "Conflict Resolution" in your help desk skills resume? What information do you put on your cover letter for help desk?

You also need to remember that there are a number of people who apply for a professional help desk job, thus making it a tough competition for you.

Everyone is eyeing to sit on the iron throne by hook or crook. You know you are not just any normal help desk employee.

We know that too. The question here is - How would you show this to the recruiters waiting there to hire you? Claiming a job in 2022 is much more difficult a task than claiming a throne.

You need not worry. We are here to solve all your queries involved in making a professional helpdesk resume to explicitly showcase your help desk resume skills.

Before we delve into the turbulence of all these questions, let us begin with a quick overview of who a help desk professional is, and what are their responsibilities.

Moving forward, before you apply for a help desk job, not only do you need a help desk resume, but you also need to know the answers to:

  • what is help desk job description
  • how to get a help desk job with no experience
  • how to get help desk experience
  • what are the basic help desk resume skills

Along with help desk resume examples, the following article shall tell you why having a professional IT help desk analyst resume is important. We shall also assist you with the steps to build the same along with both free and paid help desk analyst resume templates.

Let's get started.

Why do you need a Help Desk Resume?

Every company needs help desk professionals so as to resolve any problems that their customers/users might face. It is very important for an organisation to ensure customer satisfaction in order to maintain a goodwill of their own in the market.

Every organisation in the US today is in need of highly professional help desk executives and if you think you have the flair for it, then no one can stop you from getting the job.

Well! Only one thing can. Not having a professional Help Desk Resume.

A professional help desk analyst resume for a Help desk expert is just like the Long Claw for Jon Snow. After all, how can a warrior win a war without a sword?

According to Glassdoor, there are around 14,000 job vacancies for an IT help desk professional in the US today with a salary averaging USD 60,000. All the more reason for you to have a professional help desk resume.

With the growth and advancements happening in the technological arena at a lightning speed, companies are dying to hire professionals who are adept in them and can help their customers by troubleshooting their problems and resolving issues.

That is why it is important for you to make a professional help desk resume to hit the bulls-eye.

Complete Help Desk Sample Resume

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Just to provide you with an idea of how a help desk resume should look, we have taken up the Traditional Blue template which incorporates all relevant information within a single column help desk resume sample.

  • Hardware: PCs, Laptops, Telephony Systems, Printers, Routers, Modems
  • Networking: LAN & VPN/Remote Connectivity, TCP/IP
  • Platforms: Windows, Unix, NetWare Servers, Citrix
  • Browsers: Chrome; Safari; Firefox; MS Edge; IE; SeaMonkey Navigator; Opera
  • Responding to ~10 client accounts questions including billing and field service requests daily
  • Checking reported issues and briefing the customers with the scripted service protocols
  • Troubleshooting hardware, peripherals and software issues and make the appropriate recommendations
  • Creating service orders to replace defective parts or request for technician assistance
  • Preparing correspondences and maintaining client appointment logs & records
  • Maintaining up-to-date knowledge of all company products , service procedures & offerings to assist clients
  • Rendering support for LAN, remote access & resolving basic connectivity issues
  • Handled 150+ daily inbound calls while providing superior customer service to customers as it pertains to account support, billing and technical support
  • Awarded “Star Employee” three times for delivering outstanding technical support
  • Answered ~50 user inquiries weekly regarding computer, email, phone connectivity, software or hardware
  • Diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve a range of software, hardware and connectivity issues
  • Investigated reported issues and briefing the customers with the scripted service protocols
  • Processed ~60 monthly customer inquiries & resolved complaints, billing questions & payment extension/service requests
  • Communicated thoroughly with client representatives and customers, enabling effective information exchange and efficient process management
  • Played a key role in retaining existing client base by repairing trust and designing customer-centric solutions
  • Provided computer help desk support via telephone communications for 300+ end-users, & ~20 calls daily
  • Resolved 95% of the customer issues on the first call without escalation
  • Star Employee | Dorne Computers | Sep '15
  • Certified IT Help Desk Professional | Kan's Institute | '11
  • Summer Certification | Public Speaking | Welhem School | '09
  • Secured 1st position in the Elocution competition held at Washington University in '06
  • Awarded the McBright Scholarship worth USD 15k for undergraduate studies in ’04

Who needs a Help Desk Resume?

A help desk is responsible for:

  • helping customers with the expertise of technical know-how
  • providing support to end user with troubleshooting issues
  • imparting knowledge about related products through emails, chat-rooms etc.

If you are a person with a pro-level expertise in technology-related problems and can resolve customers' issues for the same, then you definitely are someone who needs a help desk resume to portray your help desk resume skills.

This is to say that the help desk profession has different requirements which you must know in order to build a brilliant help desk resume.

To go forward with applying for the same and making a help desk resume, you must begin by shortlisting the top 5 recruiters who you would want to work for, keeping in consideration, their stature in the market and then follow the 3 rules for a standard research involved in the process mentioned below.

  • Start with scavenging of LinkedIn profiles of the help desk professionals who are already in the game to identify what all certifications they have acquired for it.
  • Further, go through all the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram observing (stalking) your potential employers to understand what they are looking for in the recruit.
  • The last thing you need to do is to get hold of all the targeted keywords & jargon to use for the job description in your help desk resume. You'll further see how this is going to help.

This sounds great as going by the idea of colour psychology, blue provides a sense of confidence and support which will help your help desk resume stand out in the eye of the recruiters, thus increasing your chances of getting shortlisted.

Not really going with the idea? Don't worry. You can look for other resume templates and choose one from the plethora of templates available on our Resume Templates.

It is preferable to create your help desk resume in the reverse-chronological resume format due to its global acceptance and more professional outlook.

Using this kind of a format in your help desk resume is the first step up the ladder to get shortlisted by the recruiter for a face to face interview as this helps them to have a better flow while gazing through your help desk resume.

Always use an open sans font to match up the industry standards.Also, take care of ample spacing to provide a free look to the help desk resume. You would not want to decrease your chances of selection by making the recruiter tense their eyes while going through your resume.

Well, Well, Well, Congratulations!

With this, you have successfully completed your help desk resume format.Let us now march further into the different sections of a help desk resume.

Help Desk Resume: Personal Details


Avoid mentioning your full address as it is quite redundant and does not go with the industry standards prevalent today.

Only mentioning your city and country information is sufficient.

Always try to keep it minimal and professional.

In case you are putting up a picture, try to keep it professional to reflect a reasonable impression.

Help Desk Resume Key Sections

Help desk resume: professional career summary.


A professional career summary is not less than a ship in the ocean. It helps the recruiter in understanding your expertise in the relevant areas to make crossing the ocean of information that is yet to come, easier.

A summary is basically a 3-5 line synopsis giving an overview of your entire career to make a long-lasting impact on the recruiters' minds.

Recruiters are busy people. They don't go on skimming the help desk resume, rather will just have a quick glance.

They just filter all the relevant information in 6 seconds and move ahead with another one.

This is the manual sorting system.

On the other hand, ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is a software-driven approach used specifically by large conglomerates.

It is mandatory for your summary to have these qualities in order to get sorted by the ATS and help you reach to a one-on-one interview with the recruiter:

  • Tailor your help desk resume based on the interests of the employer and not in any other way.
  • Mention all the specific keywords listed by the recruiter to pass the ATS test.
  • It is always recommended that you start with the number of years of your experience to make your summary look strong and dazzle the recruiter.
  • The cause-effect relationship should be used in every sentence to make the recruiter understand the quantifiable impact of it.
  • If you have a high standard certification in the industry, put it to use immediately.

If you would notice the sample help desk resume given above, the number of work experience years and adjectives are used by the candidate to start the summary to make it look versatile.

You can make the summary better using powerful words to highlight your professionalism in a better way.

In this example, we have used impacting words such as adept, armed with, proficient, etc.

Usage of such words is a trademark of reflecting positive assertion to create an impact on the recruiter and in turn, impress them for your benefit.

Please take note that we have used a simple job title as Help Desk Professional. You need to be very careful by mentioning the job title.

It is not a hard and fast rule that the job title should match your current profile but it should, without arguments, be in accordance with the profile you are targeting at.

Consider that you are a mid-level help desk professional applying for a higher in-line position. You can definitely go on forward to use it as your job title to reflect what you seek.

Help Desk Resume Skills

Help desk professionals should understand consumers and their needs while clearly articulating the same for providing user-friendly solutions.

Help Desk Resume: Key Skills

Let's look at the following list of help desk resume skills from an IT help desk resume example.


Help Desk resume skills are a sure shot way to level up your help desk resume game. A big number of help desk resume samples do not feature the key skills sections.

Key Skills can be displayed in your help desk resume by following these basic rules. There are 3 simple rules to state your key skills:

  • Bullets all the way! Separate every key skill with them.
  • Add the Key Skills section just below the professional summary section.
  • Statements are redundant. Avoid them! Key skills should be in small phrases. Don't write "proficient in troubleshooting issues". Just write "troubleshooting".
  • Make sure that they are going in line with the work you have done but also incorporate the keywords given by the recruiter in the job description.
  • Abbreviations? REDUNDANT! They confuse the recruiters. Use the expanded form at least once and then use the abbreviated form.

As mentioned in the above image, there are many such key skills which come in accordance with the help desk resume you are making.

Help Desk Resume: Technical Skills

Help desk resumes should comprise help desk resume skills and certifications in IT project and service management frameworks like ITIL and Prince2.


In case you are applying for an IT help desk professional, you need to have an IT help desk resume.

In such a case, the technical skills are also very important and need to be highlighted.

Putting your technical skills in an IT help desk resume is a must - the software you are adept at, the databases that you know, the programming languages you are proficient in, etc.

Help Desk Resume: Work Experience


The guidelines you follow while making a help desk resume exemplifies the steps you take to make a standard help desk resume:

Bullets & one-liners

The recruiters won't be merciful enough to skim through your entire help desk resume in depth. They just glaze through it in 6-10 seconds.

Also understand that it is not by choice but by condition. It's not just your profile but hundreds of others that have to be considered.

Now, if this is the condition, then the ideal length of your help desk resume should be 2 pages.

Hence, it is important that you describe your work experience in multiple one-liner bullet points. Doing this is beneficial as it takes less space to begin with and also makes it easier for the recruiter to go through it while maintaining a proper flow.

Bold Relevant Keywords

Highlighting something in bold allows you to choose what you want to reader to emphasize on. This method has a very crucial role in the writing industry and the documents which are prepared.

Everything you do - from drafting letters, application forms, cover letters or even answering a question in the exams - highlighting an important phrase or word plays an important part.

Highlighting a text helps the reader to pay some extra attention to it as it is a deliberate action taken with a purpose to draw their attention towards it and showcase its worth.

The same thing applies here while writing a help desk resume as well.

Now, when you are targeting a recruiter with just 6 seconds to spare for you, it is very important to bold important words, phrases and numbers to make a long-lasting impact on them.

While going forward with structuring your work profile and putting up points in that section, you will get to see a number of points showing a particular trait you possess.

To make a help desk resume more consistent, it is recommended that all the similar points are clubbed under a single sub-section or as it is called, a single "bucket". Doing this makes the recruiter's job of scanning your resume easier.

To avoid making your help desk resume look like a dump yard of chunks and chunks of information reflecting no useful meaning in particular, bucketing is the only way to go forward to make it easy for the recruiter.

Don't make it difficult for the recruiter to go through your help desk resume. If it happens, they won't even think twice before they move on to the next help desk resume!

Key Achievements

The duties you performed while working as a help desk professional is now put on the platter.

But wait a minute! Think about it! Is that enough?

What truly attracts a recruiter is the list of remarkable achievements that you have added under your folds while working as a help desk professional.

Your achievements are surely gonna provide you with a better edge over the other applicants in the game.

If you don't give importance to the achievements section and try to club it with the work experience, you will fail to bring out the x-factor that the recruiter might be eyeing at.

For a unique portrayal of your achievements, it is important that you highlight them under a separate header under each work experience.

Give the recruiter the eye-candy they are looking for.

Always go with the right approach and do not forget to mention all the verbs under this bucket in the past tense because you have already achieved them all.

Aligning Dates & other details

Based on the extensive research involved in understanding the structure of help desk resumes and aligning them with the industry standards, the best way is to keep the company name and designation towards the left.

In the same order, align the location of the workplace and dates towards the extreme right.

Hiration Pro Tip: If you face any difficulty in the alignment of dates and company details to make them fit under the same lines, no need to worry. You can always use our Resume Builder to process the help desk resume quickly and align the details in place in an easy manner.

Company Description

The recruiter with just 6 seconds in hand is a poor chap. We need to give them a benefit of doubt.

They have a gazillion of help desk resumes and multiple applications on their desk as they start the day. With such a lot on their heads, it is nearly impossible to spare any more time to go through details in depth.

Here, it is our duty now that we make the job of the recruiter easy. Hence, it is really needed that we give them a brief one-line company description for all our work experience.

After all, How and why would the recruiter know which company were you working in and what does it deal with? This is a lot to expect from them.

Ok, I get it if it is a brand. But we cannot expect them to know about each existing brand on the face of the earth - given that now everyone calls themselves a brand.

Also, look at it this way - the recruiter sees your help desk resume but all the help desk resumes they have been through before you, have a company description under every work experience and yours doesn't?

Ring a bell? You lost a point here.

So why would you want to miss it in the first place?

The description of the company in your help desk resume also carries a positive impression on the recruiter proving that you value the worth of the companies that you worked with.

Any kind of numbers or a related entity that quantifies something gets imprinted on the recruiter's mind.

Words are all the same but the numbers are what provides the real value in a help desk resume.

The most exotic way to describe the company where you worked earlier or are currently working is by providing figures around the current revenue of the company and the number of employees associated with it.

This not only provides the recruiter with an idea about the company but also proves your stature of not being just any normal candidate in the lot.

Start Date and End Date

The more important it is to correctly align the date, the more it is important to mention the joining and resignation date from a company.

This is important as it provides the recruiter with the stability factor they are looking for. Mentioning such details provides the recruiter with insights on how long did you serve the company you were working with.

Let your mind not divert from the point that we are working to give the recruiter a sigh of relief by making their work easy and smooth.

The recruiter should not feel perplexed with the information in the help desk resume or get aggravated by it. That would be a wrong move.

Moving forward, the exact date of joining is something that not everyone remembers, especially when a person is working in a company for a long time, say 18 years or so.

That is why the date of joining is not something which is important to be put on a help desk resume. The most accepted format is that of the month of joining followed by the corresponding year, going on to the month and the corresponding year of resignation.

Also, it is only appropriate to mention the first three letters of the month and the last 2 digits of the year - "Jan '06 - Dec '18"

Reverse Chronology

Reverse chronological resume format is the most basic and widely accepted format from a long time dating back to starting ages of employment industry.

Pick even the oldest of the help desk resumes you can find. In each of it, you would see that the most recent work experience is always at the top.

This is further followed by other jobs that you have done previously.

There are 3 particular reasons to this as to why a help desk resume should be in the reverse chronological order:

  • Global Acceptance.
  • ATS compliance
  • Serves considerably as an easier job for the recruiter to scan

Numbers are Important

Being a help desk professional, you must have resolved a number of customer complaints or you definitely would have provided troubleshooting solutions to clients.

And you must have documented details of every customer on a daily basis. We understand. But you need to put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter and think for yourself.

Will they understand?

A recruiter will only get to understand the worth of your contribution only if you provide some potential figures to display that information via the help of numbers, percentage, ratio, etc. Words are not your real friends here.

Grammar is important too

Always start all the one-liner points with a power verb.

Every point should be in present continuous tense for the current company (except the key achievements subheading).

Moving forward, for all the other work profiles you were in previously, the one-liner points should begin with a power verb with all the lines in past tense.

To take an example, for your current work experience you would say:

  • Managing key client accounts and processing billing & field service requests
  • Troubleshooting hardware, peripherals and software issues and proffer relevant recommendations

For the company you have worked earlier, put them as:

  • Managed client accounts and processed billing & field service requests
  • Troubleshoot hardware, peripherals and software issues and proffer appropriate recommendations

Just For a Reminder!!!

Key Achievements section will always be in the past tense as it portrays something that you have already achieved - even if it's in the current profile.

Help Desk Resume: Education details


After the work experience section comes the education section where all your academic information is added.

This also should be put in the reverse chronological order just like in the work experience. Your recent education should be on the top followed by the course you took earlier.

Check out the example attached above for a better understanding.

Here, one important factor that you should be concerned about is that a standard help desk resume is only 2 pages long. No need to fit in all the projects and other irrelevant details here.

If you have achieved anything remarkable during your academic tenure, that information can be separately put under the section of 'Awards & Achievements'.

Help Desk Resume: Certifications & Training


The kind of competitive world we live in today, certifications have a crucial role to play.

There are a gamut of certifications for a professional help desk profession to acquire.More the number of certifications portraying your diverse help desk resume skills, more are the chances of you getting shortlisted.

The most appropriate way to go about mentioning your certifications is to put it under a separate section in the help desk resume.

Mention the certifications with the respective authority providing it and the year you received it in.

In case, if you have taken certifications and also have undergone training, make it a point to put them together under the "CERTIFICATIONS AND TRAINING" section.

We are working to resolve the recruiter's problems rather than increase them.

Are you still under confusion? Do you want to know more about the format in which the certifications should come? This is the solution: Guide to Certifications on a Resume.

Hiration Pro Tip: For better coherence and to create a huge impact, align this section in the help desk resume, just below the education section. Reverse Chronology is the best way to go! Highlight important phrases in BOLD.

Check out the list of certifications relevant for a help desk professional here:

Help Desk Resume: Awards & Recognition


This section is what we were talking about earlier. Any remarkable achievement of yours during your college or prior to that while working for an organization will come here.

This includes any title you received in any work profile for your excellence or any academic pursuit of yours.

But remember, this should also be something which strengthens your help desk resume. Align it in that manner and avoid unnecessary details.

Follow reverse chronological order, mention the event or the competition you won the award for, followed by the year in which you got it.

Help Desk Resume: Co-Curricular Achievements


This is the second last section in the help desk resume. Yes! That's right! You are just there at the edge of completing your professional help desk resume.

This section of your help desk resume contains all the details of any achievements that you secured outside the work proficiency arena.

Everything from sports to extra- curricular activities will go here.

Help Desk Resume: Additional Information


The End is Here!

This is the last section. You made it. A pat deserving performance that was. This section includes all the other information like languages, hobbies, interests in general, etc.

Hiration Pro Tip: This section is more important if you're just entering the workforce - it can act as an icebreaker during interviews. If you have more than 5 years of experience, you can refrain from adding this section.

And you are done!

Help Desk Resume: Bypassing the ATS

ATS is an abbreviation used for the Applicant Tracking System.

Now, this particular software is designed to help the recruiters.

How? Let me tell you.

ATS is a specially designed software which oversees the first round of screening before the shortlisted resumes reach the recruiter for further shortlisting.

As per the data received from a recent research conducted, more than 77% of the companies use ATS to accelerate the hiring process.

So to reach a human recruiter's desk, your help desk resume needs to cross this so-called hurdle of a machine.

How do you go about doing that?

ATS works on keywords

An ATS works based on a specific list of keywords which are fed to it manually by the employer.

Now, these keywords are nothing to be afraid of. They are just a set of words used in certain job descriptions or are some industry-specific jargon and terms.

So can you do about it?

Put those keywords in your help desk resume and just get over that machine. Only do it if you think you can substantiate them or justify the same in interviews.

Did it make you recollect the research that we asked you to conduct in the beginning?

Tailor your help desk resume to your target job

Let's face it, you are probably going to make just one help desk resume and that would be it.

But the point is that you can not use it for every company or any job there is. A help desk resume prepared on a pre-defined pattern will only get you a few numbers of interviews.

But, if you really are passionate about your work and want to reflect an outstanding persona, the help desk resume that you are making should be tailored in a way that it fulfills all the requirements of the targeted company.

All you have to do is use the research that you did earlier as mentioned at the beginning of this article. Just tweak the help desk resume skills section and the summary to realign it towards a particular job description.

Research plays a crucial role to help you make a job winning help desk resume for yourself.

Formatting a help desk resume

  • As per the industry standards, circular bullets are the most professional symbol to use in help desk resume while putting up a point and not anything arbitrary. ATS is also designed to scan only these bullets.
  • Use a plain open sans font with a font size not less than 10 points. It should be readable for the recruiter. Use fonts such as Calibri, Open Sans, etc.
  • Reverse chronological order is the only way to arrange all your profiles and contributions.

No Abbreviations

The profile you are targeting for incorporates a lot of technological jargon in relation to software, product details, etc.

To keep your help desk resume fool proof and avoid any discrepancy, it is advisable to use full forms even if this means expanding a long abbreviation. You can put the abbreviated form in a bracket to make it understandable for the recruiter.

The idea is that there's no way to tell what keywords have been fed in the ATS. For instance, if the ATS lists "MBA" as a pre-requisite qualification, and you've written the full-form (Masters in...), even though they mean the same, there's no way to tell if the ATS will also process it in a similar way.

Key Takeaways

  • Put all the key skills in the help desk resume keeping in mind the ATS compliance and other important factors.
  • The professional help desk resume summary should be assertive and between 3-5 lines.
  • Follow a reverse chronology for each section from work experience to education and certifications.
  • To end with, say NO to abbreviations.

For assistance around your help desk resume summary, you may always reach out to us or use Hiration's content templates.

As soon as you are done with your help desk resume in its entirety, you need to look for job applications to apply for. Visit our Guide on Best Job Sites and start applying!

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

help desk achievements resume

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Help Desk Resume: Template for Download & Practical Examples

As a Help Desk Support Specialist, troubleshooting other people’s problems is your bread and butter. But have you figured out how to identify problems in your own resume? Let us give you technical support for once and provide you with some corrective steps for your career!

help desk achievements resume

Help Desk Resume Example MSWord® Download our free Help Desk Support Specialist Resume template in Word and troubleshoot your own career!

Margaret Buj

Do you like helping others who are struggling with tech woes? Help desk support specialists are your digital superheroes, swooping in to save the day with unmatched IT skills and a proactive approach.

Whether it’s offering remote assistance or orchestrating seamless network operations , these experts are the lifeline in the chaotic digital realm.

Thinking about joining the ranks of these IT knights? Learn with us how to write a resume for IT help that’s as strong as your problem-solving skills. 

Dive in to build a resume that lands you that dream job !

Help Desk Resume Sample

Talented computer support specialists are always in demand. 

It is expected that the need for skilled staff in this field will keep rising in the years to come. In fact, about 49,200 job openings are projected for support specialists each year.

Even so, future candidates need to be aware that this is not your regular 9-to-5 job. Due to the nature of the industry, there is a need for 24-hour availability —nights, weekends, and holidays included. 

If you are looking for remote work , this might be the role for you, as often you will need to connect remotely to fix and troubleshoot user’s problems.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to write a professional help desk resume , we’ve put together an example for you to look over.

[Maria Johnson]

[Help Desk Analyst]

[Chicago, IL 600007 | 111-333-1111 | [email protected]]

>> Summary <<

Dedicated and experienced Help Desk Analyst with over 9 years in the IT field, exceptional problem-solving abilities and technical acumen in various environments. Successfully handled and resolved 20% of help desk cases at the current role, illustrating a strong track record in improving system functionalities and fostering client relationships. Adept at working in high-pressure situations and maintaining a high level of professionalism and efficiency.

  • Database Management (MongoDB, MySQL)
  • Frontend Development
  • JavaScript, JQuery, Node.js
  • Hardware Troubleshooting
  • Network Configuration
  • Operating System Administration (Windows, Linux)
  • IT Security Best Practices
  • Problem-solving and Analysis
  • Knowledge of IBM RS/6000 Systems
  • Application and Desktop Support

Help Desk Analyst

Example Co., Chicago IL. 

May 2019 – present

  • Expertly fix hardware issues including desktop PCs, printers, IBM RS/6000s, and networks – performed 100+ successful hardware and software repairs per week.
  • Manage the 24/7 support for application and desktop software, ensuring a remarkable 98.8% uptime rate.
  • Maintained 99% satisfaction rating in monthly end-user scoring through applied interpersonal skills and providing fast solutions in a team of 6.

Help desk Analyst

Hudson, Chicago, IL

February 2016 – April 2019

  • Coordinated with onsite technicians and clients to complete replacement of access and switch points at remote sites
  • Diagnosed and resolved 20+ computer and printer problems per week in a busy corporate office
  • Established positive relationships with 10 new clients
  • Completed documentation for projects and training


CompTIA A+ – issued by Google IT Support, 202

Bachelor of Communication

University of Seattle, Seattle

What’s the Best Help Desk Resume Format?

Help desk specialists stand as the crucial bridge between users and IT teams , dedicating themselves to resolving problems and maintaining optimal system performance daily. 

When crafting your resume, your presentation should encapsulate not just your proficiency but also your unique approach to problem-solving .

The reverse-chronological resume format is the premier choice for Help Desk Specialists. It allows recruiters to follow your career trajectory clearly , showcasing your growth and problem-solving strategies over time. 

This layout narrates your story of adapting and overcoming challenges in different roles , making a strong case for your expertise and abilities.

Regardless of the resume format you choose, ensure to include accurate contact details and utilize a professional, distinct font. Keep your content concise and focused on relevant work experiences and skills, adhering to the principle that less is more. 

Remember, recruiters appreciate succinct resumes that encapsulate vital information without forgoing substance.

If you are having trouble deciding what your resume should include, you can always check out our free help desk resume templates that are bound to help you build your help desk resume.

How to Write a Help Desk Resume Summary or Resume Objective

When starting to work on updating your resume , the first thing to think about is your introductory objective or summary . 

When choosing between a professional summary or a resume objective , you need to consider your experience and background. 

  • A resume objective is the best way to give an overview of the skills you possess from your education and your experiences. Moreover, it should include your career goals and aspirations. 
  • A resume summary is a more suitable option to outline your skills and work experience. 

Whichever format you decide on, both types of introduction need to be short and precise.

The length of this content should not exceed more than three or four sentences. They should be enough to paint a good picture of you as a qualified potential candidate.

You might consider using a generative AI chatbot like ChatGPT to help you write your resume introduction . You can give the bot a word limit if you are struggling to fit in all the information you want to include. Just make sure you edit the introduction afterward to sound like you.

Help Desk Resume Summary Example

These opening few lines may open endless job opportunities for you, therefore use them wisely. 

How can you catch the recruiter’s attention? 

Study the requirements listed in the help desk job description and try to reflect them by using industry keywords in your introduction

Communicate your value and make the recruiter aware of how hiring you would benefit the company. Use strong, active language to sell your strengths and achievements.

A professional summary should include your current role and how many years of experience you have, along with a metric or two that demonstrates one or more important accomplishments. 

Here is an example of a weak resume summary for Help Desk application.

Enthusiastic help desk analyst looking to gain experience and use personal skills to serve the company’s best interests.

This example is poor because it is overly vague and does not convey any specific skills , experiences, or achievements that would make the candidate stand out as a Help Desk Specialist. 

It relies on generic terms like “enthusiastic” and “personal skills,” which don’t give a clear picture of the candidate’s qualifications. 

Additionally, it mentions the desire to “gain experience,” which could potentially signal to employers that the candidate is not yet qualified for the role.

A good Help Desk resume summary should be written more like this:

Knowledgeable and expert IT professional, with over 7 years of customer support experience, seeking an opportunity to deliver training as a Help Desk Support Specialist. Skilled in providing customer and end-user help desk support by identifying and resolving IT issues in both Microsoft and Apple operating systems. 98% of incident tickets were completed to client satisfaction and within company’s specified time limit.

Highlighting over 7 years of experience in the field , the summary efficiently outlines the candidate’s strong skill set, including familiarity with a variety of operating systems and software packages. 

Moreover, it showcases their customer support background and ability to troubleshoot IT issues, effectively presenting a candidate eager and equipped to contribute as a Help Desk support specialist. 

That final sentence also includes a metric which confidently displays their achievements in client satisfaction and time-management.

How to Write an Entry-Level Help Desk Resume Objective

Preparing a captivating Help Desk Analyst resume objective may be challenging for some, but we have just the advice you need. First off, remember that the objective should illustrate what you can contribute to the company. 

This is the information that should be included: 

  • Your motivation for applying
  • Name the software you are proficient in
  • Provide information on your education and certifications
  • Underline what actions you can contribute to the company, perhaps gained from an internship experience, your schooling, or personal programming projects .

Get the recruiter to notice you by using industry terminology and keywords.

Look at the job description and make sure your statement fulfills it.

Entry-Level Help Desk Objective Example

Below is an example of a help desk analyst resume objective to give you an idea of the direction in which you should be heading with yours:

Highly motivated IT graduate seeking a position in a challenging helpdesk environment. Strong communication skills and solid knowledge of Microsoft operating systems and software packages. Looking for an opportunity to put my technical problem-solving skills to use at XYZ company.

The resume objective concisely outlines the candidate’s strengths including skills , as well as their foundation in operating systems and software packages. 

It also conveys ambition and a readiness to grow professionally , emphasizing a desire to use their technical problem-solving skills in a challenging environment. 

This paints the candidate as motivated and eager to leverage their foundational knowledge in a substantive role

How to Describe Your Help Desk Experience

Help desk candidates must remember that content is king when it comes to compiling a resume, regardless of the quantity. 

IT support services encompass a selection of skills that are used in different support jobs in the industry, such as analytical skills , effective communication, the ability to learn quickly, etc. Reflect on skills you possess that you should present in the experience section of your resume. 

To offer you some help, read the useful tips below to understand what an experience section should include:

  • Link the qualifications given in the help desk analyst job description to your experience in a skillful way.
  • Use a reverse-chronological resume format to list your work experience from the most current position backward.
  • When presenting your accomplishments, always use bullet points . Paragraphs appear too heavy for this type of information. Give a clear overview of your experience in no more than five bullet points.
  • When writing the experience section, provide information about the previous employment. Name the company that employed you, the position you held there, and the employment duration.
  • Simply listing your experience won’t do! Use action verbs to describe your tasks and achievements, and keywords to add texture to your descriptions. 

Help Desk Resume Examples: Experience

Being a help desk support specialist requires providing technical assistance to users.  

Remember to align your experience with the qualifications required by the company.

When preparing a Help Desk Support Specialist resume, you might want to include core competencies like the ability to deploy, configure, and support operating systems on mobile and desktop , a quick-thinking and resourceful nature, and an understanding of information security in user devices and systems.

Here is what your experience section should look like:

Help Desk Technician

Illinois Office of Inspector General, Chicago, IL

2021 – present

  • Managed over 10,000 help desk tickets via JIRA, maintaining a detailed equipment inventory using ServiceNow.
  • Reduced system downtime by 30% through expert troubleshooting utilizing Windows Troubleshooter and Remote Desktop.
  • Elevated customer satisfaction by 25% by offering responsive help desk support and fostering positive customer relationships.
  • Consistently exceeded customer satisfaction targets through proactive and adept problem-solving.

Entry-Level Help Desk Resume: Experience Section

Entering the job market as a beginner is not easy. Candidates lack the confidence they need to go up against experience in a rather competitive job market industry. 

The good news is there are cases when companies have chosen to hire entry-level candidates for their fresh views on the industry and the ability to train them from scratch.

When brainstorming your experience section, think back to all the situations when your help was needed with tech support. 

Perhaps you volunteered to maintain the computer network for a local organization ? Or did you complete an internship in the IT sector?

These early experiences can shape us for our future careers and you should link them to the job you are applying for. Let us look at an example of how to do this.

IT Intern XYZ 

School District, Jackson, USA 2021 – 2022

  • Supported daily IT operations for a 30-person team, ensuring smooth hardware and software functioning through basic troubleshooting.
  • Managed user accounts in Microsoft Active Directory, facilitating new user setups and appropriate access controls.
  • Aided in IT equipment inventory and budget management, contributing to efficient procurement processes.
  • Created a user-friendly guide to common IT issues, reducing IT department workload by empowering users to solve basic problems.

Is Your Education Section Troubleshooted? It Might Be

Working in IT support demands up-to-date knowledge due to rapid technological advancements. Educational expectations vary based on the role and company. 

For instance, larger software companies often require a bachelor’s degree , while technical roles might need specialized degrees in engineering or IT. 

Beyond formal education, recruiters value relevant certifications, which validate expertise in specific products or systems. Before applying, research a company’s tech stack and seek related certifications. 

Staying informed in the IT landscape , not just relying on experience, can make the difference in landing your desired position.

Help Desk Resume Education Section Example

Now that you know education requirements vary between positions and companies, do a little research on the company you are applying to. 

Review the job description and try to match your qualifications to the ones listed. Include any relevant projects or coursework that can strengthen your application.

To help you understand what the education section should look like , take a look at the below example:

BSc. Degree in Computer Information Systems 

NYC College, New York, NY

  • Member of Math Society. 
  • Final year project: led the update of computer systems at a local community centre as well as training users.

You can also include any extracurricular activities that might be relevant to the job , such as any technology competitions you might have entered or won at your college or school.

If you have developed any AI skills at college that you can include on your resume, now is the time to show them off. There is a skills gap in the IT sector, so AI skills are in demand!

The Best Help Desk Skills for a Resume

Help desk support employees trace and detect unexpected problems and then create apt solutions for them. Due to the nature of the job—help desk—patience is a necessary virtue. 

Working with a large number of teams requires them to be calm and able to communicate with all types of clients . Some of the most important qualities these employees should have include:

  • Listening skills —This skill is high on the list. If support teams don’t understand the customer’s problem, then they won’t be able to fix it. Careful listening encourages asking the right questions to clarify a certain situation. Make sure you demonstrate your active listening skills in your resume.
  • Customer-service skills —Getting calls from users frustrated with the hardware or software is not easy, which is why a help desk specialist needs to be patient and sympathetic with all clients. 
  • Speaking skills —Not everyone understands technical language and support teams need to explain the solution in the simplest terms possible, so the users understand it. 
  • Problem-solving skills —You must know how to locate the problem, analyze it, and offer a solution.

For roles within IT, it can be beneficial to list the software you are proficient in and technical skills you have at the top of your resume , just after the opening summary or objective. Recruiters will need to know this information first.

Find all the key hard and soft skills future help desk employees are looking for below.

Soft Skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Collaboration skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Meticulousness
  • Organizational skills
  • Active listening
  • Critical thinking

Hard Skills

  • Technical Support
  • Computer Literacy
  • Google Suite
  • Microsoft App Knowledge
  • Email Support
  • Database Management (Apache Hive, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Oracle PL/SQL)
  • User Interface and Query Software Proficiency (Amazon Redshift, Blackboard, ServiceNow, Transact-SQL)
  • Experience with Development Environment Software (Apache Kafka, Apache Maven, Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft PowerShell)
  • Operating System Expertise (Apple iOS, Bash, Microsoft Windows Server, UNIX Shell)
  • Web Platform Development (Django, Google Angular, Microsoft ASP.NET, Spring Framework)

Select the best help desk resume skills that reflect those given in the job description. These skills have to reflect your proficiency in the job at hand. Don’t try to oversell your skills—recruiters have a nose for lies that appear on resumes . 

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

Extra sections can give recruiters an idea of who the candidate is outside their academic and professional profile. 

Again, when thinking about what to put in this section, always connect the information to the job you are applying for .

Give an overview of projects you have completed and industry organizations you belong to. If you haven’t listed your certifications in the the education section, you can create a subheading to list them here.

Help Desk Resume Samples: “Other” Sections

Below is an example of how you might include extra sections. Remember that any certifications or volunteer work should also be listed in reverse chronological order.

Continued learning

  • Completed various engineering and IT courses, focusing on network management and data security, XYZ University, 2019-2021
  • ITIL Foundation Certification, awarded by AXELOS Global Best Practice, 2020
  • Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Fundamentals, Microsoft, 2021

>> Languages <<

Fluent in English, Italian, and German, offering a strong advantage in multilingual IT support environments

>> Personal Interests and Endeavors <<

Regular participant in community tennis and basketball leagues, demonstrating teamwork and leadership capabilities

Checklist to Keep in Mind

If you have followed all the instructions we have provided in the guide above, you should have no trouble creating an impressive Help Desk resume.

Go through our key takeaways to make sure that you have covered all the aspects for updating your resume :

  • Use a professional font and strong keywords to attract the recruiter’s attention when presenting yourself.
  • Choose the reverse-chronology resume format as the best form of presenting your professional experience.
  • Write a strong resume objective or summary to introduce yourself
  • Use the experience section to emphasize your accomplishments and the impact that you made in any of your previous positions.
  • Include the skills that highlight your strengths, talents, and software proficiency
  • Use Extra Sections to present projects, continued learning, and other information relevant to the application.
  • List all your degrees, licenses, and certificates that will make you stand out in the crowd 

Don’t forget to check out our other resume examples and a variety of modern and professional templates to help you make your own!

help desk achievements resume

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Help Desk Technician Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the help desk technician job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Maintain detailed trouble tickets, escalating issues accordingly and keeping constant channel of communication open with customer during escalation
  • Technical expertise in the set up, operation, and troubleshooting of all associated and follow-on operating systems
  • Technical expertise in the setup, operation, and troubleshooting of all associated and follow-on operating systems
  • Maintain the overall desktop environment, including hardware installation and troubleshooting, software installation, configuration and support
  • Document, track, resolve, and report on problems and work orders using Remedy Action Request database system
  • Connect computers, terminals, printers and mobile devices to existing data networks
  • Handling technical support issues in the Woodbridge adidas office and the individual will work closely with Senior Infrastructure Manager in Woodbridge
  • This includes system backup/recovery, basis software management, security management, help desk management software, and library management
  • Assist with IT administrative duties; signing checkout sheet, obtaining paperwork for, setting up, and troubleshooting for network and email accounts
  • Performs Asset Management and License Management functions
  • Respond to client requests on all PC/MAC hardware and software matters and provide resolutions that will both improve system performance and reduce downtime
  • Provide support for our retail stores using Teamwork POS (Network, PC & iPad based)
  • Provide quality, timely assistance via telephone, email, and ITSM tools to clients experiencing technical issues or requesting other technical assistance
  • You will provide resolution and assistance to standard application : MS Office, IE9 & above, SEP, Cisco Jabber, Cisco WebEx
  • Performs Asset Management and Configuration Management functions, including local Asset audit and inventory control
  • Create and maintain documents and procedures, with direction from management
  • Makes recommendations for process improvements and technology changes
  • Supports moves and change requests with the document management, networks, and phone systems
  • Performs ongoing work flow analysis related to all aspects of project operations
  • Performs other duties as may be assigned by management
  • Strong knowledge of Physical Network Connectivity, hardware, PCs, Laptops, Network Cards, Modems, Video Cards, and RAM
  • Knowledge on setting up, maintaining and installing printers
  • Knowledge and understanding of Apple products
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information in an appropriate manner
  • Ability to multi-task while maintaining careful attention to detail
  • Ability to work effectively both individually and within a team environment
  • Ability to effectively express technical information to nontechnical employees
  • Ability to work with a sense of urgency to meet deadlines and address competing priorities
  • Technical aptitude and the ability to learn new software and technologies
  • Proficient user skills with Microsoft Office software including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Attention to detail when concerning user’s issues and resolutions

15 Help Desk Technician resume templates

Help Desk Technician Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Facilitate hardware, software, and network set up for new employees /users
  • Investigate/research alternative solution across both hardware and software, make recommendations, and prepare implementation plans for computer hardware/software
  • Route calls to other support personnel as needed in order to address and resolve user requests
  • 0-1 years experience in desktop support roles – both over the phone and in person
  • Schedule flexibility to work a range of shifts, including weekends and night shifts as needed
  • Ability to provide on-call "after-hours" support based on a rotation schedule and as needed

Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitor, respond to, and quickly resolve requests received through the IT helpdesk for 400+ users
  • Insure the integrity of the user experience is in place to maximize effectiveness and enhance the image of the company
  • Track and maintain equipment
  • Setup new hire user accounts, workstations, laptops, and mobile devices
  • Install, support, and train users on internally developed software and commercial software solutions
  • Assist in the orchestration of a smooth running and efficient IT environment
  • Assist other team members with special projects and handle other duties as needed
  • Effective organization and problem solving skills
  • At least three months experience in a technical internship or school computer lab
  • At least three months experience with software and hardware installation
  • At least three months experience troubleshooting software and hardware
  • Equivalent education and experience will be considered
  • Provides remote Level I (basic) technical assistance and support, and resolves problems related to the use of computer hardware and software for system end users
  • Researchs, resolves, responds to, and documents end user inquiries; and escalates or reassigns issues and problems as needed to appropriate resource for resolution
  • Installs desktop software remotely using tools such as Group Policy, SCCM, and manual install protocols
  • Maintains accurate and timely records in time tracking systems, and weekly status and metrics report repositories
  • Participates in scheduling rotation for providing after hours on-call support to end users
  • Associates degree or equivalent education and work experience required
  • Minimum of two years of experience providing end-user support services required
  • Experience troubleshooting in the Windows desktop environment (networking, OS, Microsoft Office suite, PC hardware, printers) preferred
  • Experience preferred in supporting financial systems including Elite and Citrix
  • Ability to meet standards for ticket system management and documentation responsibilities
  • Ability to work in a team-orientated/collaborative environment
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize workload, and adapt to new processes and procedures in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to handle confidential information in a reliable manner
  • Ability to demonstrate strong customer service skills, and foster a high degree of end user satisfaction through the delivery of quality and timely service
  • Ability to convey technical issues and material to non-technical audience
  • Perform basic troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair of computer systems, hardware and computer peripherals
  • Increase knowledge and skills by asking questions and shadowing Level II technician
  • Recommend policies/procedures to improve ticket resolution times
  • Previous experience in multiple location enterprise IT department, very helpful
  • Phone and remote support, giving and receiving instructions is a frequent activity related to proving phone support

Tier, Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3-5 years of end user support
  • Active Directory, Office 2010, Malware/Antivirus removal
  • Strong hardware and software troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of basic networking
  • Provide a high level of customer service to all internal users
  • Provide support for our retail stores using Teamwork POS (Network, PC & iPad based)
  • Effectively prioritize tasks in a high volume environment. (Fox utilizes Dell Kace for ticket management)
  • Exhibit a high level of proficiency and expertise with OSX, Win7/8, Office 2007/10/11, Exchange administration, and AD administration and various browser brands & versions
  • Document network, server, systems and application problems and affect recovery procedures following outages or service interruptions
  • Evaluates and/or recommends purchases of workstations, laptops, peripheral equipment, and software; provides technical consulting services to department/organization regarding use of computers, applications, and networks to satisfy business needs
  • Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned including assisting administrators, technicians, programming division and management as required
  • Maintains currency of knowledge with respect to relevant business related technology, applications equipment, and/or systems
  • Should be a self-starter, requiring little direct supervision
  • Responsibilities may include travel to remote sites and occasional flexibility in work schedule including after-hours assistance
  • Responsibilities also include supporting Fox’s A/V systems and Sales Presentations

Help Desk Technician Level for Bloomberg Philanthropies Resume Examples & Samples

  • Basic understanding of SysInternals Tools, i.e. Process Monitor and Process explorer
  • Experience with Remote Control Tools to support clients remotely
  • Knowledge of Active Directory and network account integration with desktop systems
  • Excellent written, verbal, and customer service skills with proven ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • 2+ years supporting and maintaining Windows related technologies
  • 2+ years of experience in service desk operations
  • 2+ years of experience supporting mobile devices (iPhone and iPad)
  • Ability to collaborate actively with others in a cross-functional team
  • Excellent organizational/administrative/technical skills with agility to reprioritize as necessary
  • Highly skilled in documenting troubleshooting steps and creating knowledge base articles
  • Some local traveling
  • ITIL Certification or working towards completion
  • Microsoft Certification (MCP, MCSA)
  • Respond to telephone calls, emails, and dispatched requests for technical support
  • Provide comprehensive incident support for customers both in-person and remotely, including rapid problem resolution followed by root cause analysis with a focus on proactive prevention and knowledge transfer
  • A mix of reactive (break/fix) support and proactive support services
  • Documents, track, and monitor the problem to ensure a timely resolution
  • Collaborate with System and Network Infrastructure teams
  • Install, configure, and maintain Mac, PC, peripherals (local and network printers, scanners), and other end-user equipment such as iPhones and iPads
  • Run diagnostic tests to isolate system problems and make recommendations for potential solutions
  • Experience working with the SysInternals suite of tools to diagnose and effectively troubleshoot
  • Excellent written, verbal, and customer service skills with proven ability to work in fast-paced environments
  • 5+ years of experience supporting and maintaining technologies in the local office to include Windows-based and Mac-based systems
  • 5+ years of experience in service desk operations, to include Windows and Mac clients
  • Experience with mobile applications/products including: iPhone, iPad, and Blackberry platforms
  • Expertise in iPad/iPhone
  • Experience with enterprise wide rollouts of new operating systems and software
  • Proven experience supporting Citrix technologies
  • Ability to support mobile devices (iPhones and Blackberry devices)
  • Understand basic networking technologies (LAN/WAN and wireless)
  • Excellent organizational/administrative/technical skills with agility to re-prioritize as necessary
  • Highly skilled in documenting written troubleshooting steps and instructions
  • Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT)
  • Microsoft Certifications (MCP, MCSA,MCSE)
  • Configure and maintain the organization's internal computer network
  • Identify, troubleshoot, solve, and document network connectivity and performance issues
  • Install and support telephones and other network telecommunications devices
  • Possess analytical problem solving skills
  • Ability to quickly grasp technical issues and offer solutions
  • Customer-focused attitude and desire to interface directly with end-user clients
  • One (1) year experience working in a mid-size organization with relevant system support experience

Senior Associate Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1st level support for identifying/resolving EDI systems/interface, Transport connectivity and operations issues
  • 1st level support for taking incoming AHI Helpdesk calls
  • 1st level support for taking incoming AHI Helpdesk emails
  • 1st level support for installing/configuring new trading partners onto the EDI Special project
  • 1st level support for assisting clients with day-to-day data issues
  • 1st level support for any/all customer HIN related issues
  • Work with distributors on daily (OEC) on-line edit exceptions from production run
  • Work with team to determine and refine project estimates
  • Send quarterly list of all reporting distributors in product to HIBCC
  • Produce semi annual misc items for manufacturer/vendor/distributor meetings. (i.e. Tent cards, name tags)
  • Help create technical bulletins for the project as needed
  • Supports the HIN Help Desk with daily edits and processes to assure the quality of the data as requested
  • Answers help desk telephones for account(s) and responds to complex customer inquiries to ensure customer needs are met
  • Strong interpersonal skills for interacting with team members and clients
  • 3+ years of End User Support experience
  • Previous experience with Active Directory, Office 2010, and Malware/Antivirus removal
  • Solid hardware and software troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of basic Networking
  • Experience with Windows, tablets, smart phones, PC’s, laptops and printers
  • Working knowledge of ServiceNow
  • Must be able to accept direction
  • Ability to work with various managerial staff
  • Using the call logging systems “ITSM Front Range” and Peoplesoft Repair and Maintenance, identify, diagnose, document and resolve or escalate the customer problems
  • Support calls dealing with payroll, accident claims, SEMS, Lotus Notes, user-id and password resets and PC/Mainframe system related problems
  • Supports International calls by utilizing third party translation services when needed
  • Maintain a working knowledge of the Store Hardware environment and Software systems
  • Updating Knowledge Base articles to improve trouble shooting
  • Strong knowledge of Windows operating systems and networking
  • Experience with installation, modification, and/or repair of Point of Sale hardware and software
  • Basic knowledge of laser jet printers

Associate Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists the customer in resolving complex technical problems on a primary account by providing guidance regarding software and hardware problems. Resolves and/or refers highly complex technical problems as appropriate
  • Help Desk-Experienced
  • Technology Analysis-Experienced
  • Technology Trends & Best Practices Experienced
  • Technical degree and previous customer service preferred
  • Associate’s Degree from an accredited college in computer science, computer information systems or a related field; or an equivalent combination of training and relevant work experience may be substituted for training/experience on a year-for-year basis
  • 2 years of increasingly responsible experience performing help desk/operations functions
  • A+ and/or Network + certification and other industry recognized network certifications
  • Knowledge of principles and operations of computer systems, network infrastructure and related peripheral equipment
  • Ability to analyze and troubleshoot user’s problems via the telephone
  • Ability to maintain knowledge of current technology and able to learn new technology
  • Ability to communicate professionally, accurately and effectively, both verbal and written, as well as on the telephone
  • Ability to understand and respond to user questions in an effective and courteous manner
  • Ability to convey technical procedures and directions in layman’s terms
  • Proficiency with operating systems, including Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and MAC operating systems
  • Proficiency in the operation and use of personal computers, utilizing word processing, spreadsheet, and database management software programs, the Internet browser, websites and e-mail systems and Office 365
  • Advanced knowledge and understanding of networking and personal computer hardware

Corp-gti Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work experience in configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting problems with day-to-day operating environments and customer applications. Experience using troubleshooting tools and procedures
  • Strong dedication to quality Customer Service and a working knowledge of enterprise-wide service-delivery procedures
  • Strong verbal and written interpersonal and communication skills
  • Bilingual, Spanish 100%, English at least 80%
  • Good initiative and assertiveness
  • Effective listening skills
  • Must have extensive experience with Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft desktop applications and Outlook
  • Strong knowledge of LAN and WAN network
  • Self-motivation and organization
  • Technical career or equivalent
  • Must be able to provide after hours and weekend support as needed
  • Administration of user accounts
  • Ability to import and export documents into reports
  • File Share Administration experience
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a Team Environment
  • Microsoft Windows 7 / MAC / Linux is a plus but not required
  • Microsoft Office Suite 2010/2013 Active Directory experience
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Cisco/VPN account management
  • IE7/ Firefox /Chrome /Mozilla
  • Secure ID Token (two factor authentication)
  • Experience working with MAC’s is a strong plus
  • Comptia Security+ preferred
  • High school (College a plus) and 5 years of experience in a Support Desk /Customer Support environment
  • 2 years experience in a help desk or call center environment
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Office, MS Exchange, Windows 7/XP, Blackboard, Strayer 360
  • Must have strong computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Adobe, Crystal reports etc.)
  • Create mail enabled user accounts
  • Determine Exchange Mailbox database assignments
  • Create users’ home directories with appropriate permissions
  • Assist with registration of users Common Access Card (CAC)
  • Modify a user’s account permissions
  • Add user’s accounts to Distribution/Security Groups
  • Create new Distribution/Security Groups – possibly mail enabled
  • Modify Group Permissions on User Folders
  • Have an understanding of the differences between Security and Distribution Groups
  • Create and modify Shared Mailboxes
  • Assign permissions to allow users access to the shared mailbox
  • Disable a shared mailbox ability to log on
  • Create a new Exchange Public Folder (i.e. Unit Calendar, bulletin board, etc…)
  • Assign permissions to Exchange Public Folders
  • Assist users in the configuration of MS Outlook
  • Have a working knowledge of the use of a .pst file and how to fix problems with .pst’s
  • Edit the mail profiles through the control panel
  • Disable CAC requirement for logon
  • Reset user’s password
  • Rebuild user profiles (Server and Local)
  • Scan .pst/.ostfiles
  • Utilize Remedy to submit, modify, resolve, close requests for assistance
  • Ability to assist members with configuring different types of authorized Cell Phones and Devices
  • Assist Users connecting to and troubleshooting with shared printers – including driver issues
  • Other tasks or projects as determined to be within the Contracted Scope of Work
  • Microsoft Certified Information Technology (MCITP) - Consumer/Enterprise Support or equivalent or higher
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or higher
  • Must possess appropriate current DoD Information Assurance (IA) Certification to be considered for employment; either CompTIA A+; CompTIA Network+; CompTIA Security+CE ; Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP); OR CCNA-Security. CompTIA Security+ CE is the preferred certification
  • As part of your role/function on the program; you will be granted privileged user access. Privileged Users are subject to greater scrutiny as a direct result of the significant responsibilities placed upon them. Please be aware that because of these critical duties; you will be subject to additional IT system monitoring; and supervisory evaluation to ensure continuous adherence to Privileged User processes and procedures. Privileged Users are subject to a zero tolerance policy for security violations
  • Because of the sensitive nature of the work being done for this government client; all candidates must hold or be able to attain a TS/SCI and be willing to take and pass a Polygraph if requested

Senior Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Installs and configures applications software and related hardware (such as desktops, servers, and related peripherals like printers, scanners, drives, monitors and video teleconferencing hardware)
  • Provides technical support and training to end-users
  • 3-5 years of directly related experience supporting information systems operations
  • Screen; refer and diagnose reported issues
  • Process web application access requests
  • Provide end-user software troubleshooting and support for common reported issues
  • Apply diagnostic techniques to identify problems; investigate causes; and recommend solutions

Tier Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoot and resolve Tier 1 tickets related to technical and connectivity issues for USDA FSIS
  • Escalate advanced technical and connectivity issues to the Tier 2 level
  • Maintain a low average handling time to ensure speed of answer service level agreement is met
  • Utilize ticketing system to document triage/resolution specifics
  • Handle clients professionally during all interfaces
  • Act independently to resolve support calls and achieve a high percentage of incident resolution without escalation
  • Advise and educate end-users on procedural guidelines to ensure a complete solution to their technical issue
  • 1-3 years of directly related experience supporting help desk operations
  • Document all maintenance records and actions using an automated logistics information system
  • Ensure supervisor is kept informed of all maintenance operations; including issues, at all times
  • Assist with inventory/assess management; maintain 100% accountability of all Contractor and Government furnished property
  • As required, support surge training or operational requirements
  • High School Diploma with two to five years of relevant experience in civilian or military areas to include CBRNE COTS and GOTS equipment help desk support functions
  • In-depth understanding of the US Army two-level maintenance concept and related automated logistics management systems
  • Experience providing support in a tier ticket environment
  • Specific experience utilizing maintenance tracking systems, executing maintenance in accordance with master work schedules, and implementing lean maintenance practices
  • Work independently, manage time, and adhere to deadlines
  • Effectively communicate to the team, peers, and the customer in words and in writing
  • IA experience
  • Field technician support experience
  • US Army CBRNe equipment detection systems experience
  • 1 - Shift 6AM – 6PM Rotating Shift
  • 1 - Shift 6PM - 6AM Rotating Shift
  • An active TS/SCI w/ Polygraph Clearance
  • Between 1– 3 years of experience in a help desk or troubleshooting environment
  • Answer the helpdesk phones and provide support to users
  • Deploy new software to user computers
  • Develop and maintain PC images, and deploy images to new hardware for installation at user's workplace
  • Conduct annual hardware refreshes, including maintaining customer data during replacement
  • Server support for creation of and maintenance of share folders and printer queues
  • User settings configuration and standardization through GPOs and Desktop Authority
  • Set up new users, including both account configuration and initial training and orientation, and account creation when necessary
  • Maintain a log of all activities in a ticketing system and create a weekly summary for management use, and routinely have considerably the largest number of tickets logged
  • AA or other 2 year technical degree in related discipline and 3+ years' experience. An additional 2 years of experience may be substituted in lieu of degree
  • Must have excellent interpersonal/communication skills and technical writing skills to provide exceptional customer service
  • 1 – 2 years' experience with Office 2010, Windows 7, and Active Directory
  • Must have a current, active Top Secret clearance adjudicated within the last two years. Must be eligible for and awarded SCI prior to starting employment
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is frequently required to handle; reach with hands and arms; stoop, kneel, bend, crouch or crawl. The employee must also occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds or more
  • Technical certifications, such as: A+, Network +, Security +, Microsoft certs
  • College course work is preferred
  • Monitor networks, secure and non-secure; modify user accounts via Active Directory, submit changes to file management and peripheral devices via Remedy, escalate network incidents, provide direct support to USSOCOM customers located throughout the world
  • Monitor network status remotely using several Network Management Systems, and create applicable work orders for discrepancy resolution as necessary
  • Knowledge of workstation hardware and Microsoft Technologies
  • Monitor secure and non-secure networks 24X7 and escalate incidents to system administrators, network
  • Administrators, computer security administrators and management teams for resolution. Must be familiar with Dameware and Terminal Services is required
  • Provide daily phone support for all end users within the Firm for all components of the IT infrastructure and application support; guide, coordinate and follow-up on questions, problems on all system applications, hardware and software
  • Manage own daily individual performance measured by call capture, available time, speed of answer, and call resolution and customer support
  • Ability to work in high stress, high call volume environment ; record problem systems and status information through the use of Service Now
  • Troubleshoot workstation access, applications software and functional application support, using knowledge of network operating systems or notifying the appropriate support organization
  • Escalate or consult issues with 2nd level support and management when solution is unclear; proactively maintain communications with callers through analysis and resolution process particularly in difficult customer situations, to keep them informed of status
  • Minimum one year of technical and functional support; preferably within a professional services firm or similar environment
  • High school diploma or equivalent; completed coursework from an accredited college or university is preferred
  • Keep current with alternative information systems and technology and make recommendations consistent with the Firm's business and systems strategies
  • This position will be required to support a very complex and diverse set of hardware and software due to diversity of systems
  • Strong verbal/written communication, problem solving and organizational skills to support an environment driven by customer service and team work; ability to build productive relationships with peers
  • Flexibility on daily and weekend schedule required to support 24x7 environment; overtime required at peak times
  • Processing Service Tickets related to computer problems, domain account/access, password resets, CAC pin resets, and mapping to shared drives/printers/peripherals
  • Supports Blackberry Administration, including adding, modifying, and deleting user accounts, as well as configuring, updating, and managing devices
  • Produces and updates Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Blackberry users
  • Installs and troubleshoots IP cameras, such as Jabbers and desktop cameras used for Direct Connect Online (DCO)

Information Services Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identifies, researches, and resolves technical problems
  • Configures, troubleshoots and supports users email accounts and provides basic support of common Microsoft Office & other Microsoft products,
  • Requires an associate's degree or its equivalent and/or 2-5 years of experience in the field or in a related area
  • Familiar with Windows 7, Windows 8, and associated support concepts and best practices. Knowledge of Apple products helpful
  • Good understanding of Networking concepts and practices as they apply to desktop and laptop support
  • General knowledge of IP phone systems including, 66 block and making cross connections
  • Has knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within a corporate Desktop/Laptop support environment
  • Able to follow instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job
  • Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within particular IT field
  • Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals
  • Primary job functions will typically require exercising some degree independent judgment and initiative
  • Works under general supervision; typically reports to a project leader or manager
  • Must be able to successfully work in a very social Team Environment
  • Solid Customer Service Skills
  • Must have Remedy trouble ticket experience and skills
  • Must be willing to work flexible shifts and days as required
  • Must have or be able to quickly obtain a current Windows Operating System (OS) certificate
  • Flexibility to work different shifts (days, nights, weekends) is highly desired
  • Experience with technical knowledge capture, training, and certification of personnel
  • High School diploma or equivalent experience/combined education, with additional technical training equivalent to a technical Associate’s degree

Supervisory Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as the initial point of contact for resolution of desktop/laptop related problems in a 56,000 + customer enterprise
  • Troubleshoot, research, diagnose, document, and resolve technical issues surrounding Windows 7, Windows 10, MS Office applications, email, other special applications, Internet connections, and hardware/peripheral equipment via telephone
  • Document, track, resolve, escalate and report on problems and work orders using Remedy Action Request database system
  • Monitor networks, secure and non-secure; modify user accounts via Active Directory and Active Roles Server, submit changes to file management and peripheral devices via Remedy, escalate network incidents and provide direct support to USSOCOM customers located throughout the world
  • Determine which special team can best resolve the problem and assign the task to the Desktop Support, Customer Support, Network Administration or System Administration Teams when a solution cannot be provided telephonically
  • Design management reports summarizing overall network and work order status, and contract SLA metrics
  • Monitor secure and non-secure networks 24x7 and escalate incidents to system administrators, network administrators, computer security administrators and management teams for resolution
  • Serve as an Enterprise Remedy Application administrator
  • Collect operations metrics, analyze and present Service Desk's performance
  • Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) and unique training plans to ensure a disciplined approach by all Help Desk Technicians (HDTs) on any shift
  • Conduct new and recurring training to ensure the HDTs understand the purpose and implementation of Service Desk SOPs
  • Interface with Service Provider supervisors to ensure coordinated operations
  • Train, supervisor and schedule the Help Desk Technicians (HDTs) assigned to supervisor
  • Provide Tier I and II IT troubleshooting services such as, maintaining, installing, repairing and modifying computers/mobile devices (SIPR, NIPR, CENTRIX, etc.) and their associated business software
  • Direct customer support for Audio Visual and Video Teleconferencing equipment and services
  • Document incident status in incident database tools
  • Provide weekend IT support services as requested by customer
  • 5+ years of relevant working experience with Active Directory, Operating System delivery methods (Altiris Deployment Solution, SCCM, Ghost, etc.) basic troubleshooting techniques in am IT Service Desk environment
  • Working knowledge of Windows 7, Office 2007 and 2010
  • Demonstrated background in networking concepts to include TCP/IP, DHCP, VLAN, DNS and other common networking business practices
  • Currently possess DoD 8570 IAT Level I or II requirements (Network+ce or Security+ce)
  • Currently possess an active DoD Secret clearance or be able to obtain an Interim Secret prior to start date
  • Ability to work weekends and may be required to travel upon customer requests. Locations include but are not limited to; Oahu, Guam, Saipan, Korea, Alaska, Hilo & Maui
  • Experience in DISA, USARPAC, and USARC IT Tiered support Services
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to work well under pressure
  • Provide basic technical advice and guidance on installation, adaptation, configuration or enhancement of CDC PBX's cabling, DAS and UC/Lync
  • Perform second tier problem resolution on the telephone with users, walks the user through a series of steps to determine problem and classify level, priority and nature of the problems and systems
  • Possess a wide range of in depth skills and knowledge in telecommunications as well as networking systems in use at customer sites
  • Provide expertise for the resolution of technical problems, troubleshoots products and modifies products to customer requirements
  • Provide expert and second tier technical support for the installation and repair of complex systems and outages
  • Review system and configurations to ensure successful implementation of services into production
  • Maintain system stability through advanced troubleshooting, timely resolution of incidents, and proactive maintenance to provide the maximum availability and optimal Mean Time To Repair
  • Partner with developers and engineers to reduce re-occurring incidents
  • Provide consultative assistance during off hours as needed
  • Provide training to customers

Nipr / Sipr Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support equipment/facility setup and recovery operations at all MTC facilities in support of MTC events and exercises
  • Provide onsite technical assistance and customer support helpdesk functions
  • Assist IA managers with maintaining MTC DIACAP Compliance
  • Maintain both Windows based and RHEL workstations and server class systems and networking equipment
  • Provides technical support and troubleshooting to network, desktop, and/or systems hardware and software
  • Logs and maintains user requests and incidents using Remedy tracking tool
  • Support rotational bi-weekly on call Help Desk support requirement
  • Support System Administration and other support activities as required
  • Support management of queues and incident and service delivery reporting
  • Support distribution of service outage notification generation and distribution to stakeholders
  • Properly enter all calls into the helpdesk system
  • Take ownership for customer problem resolution
  • Possesses working knowledge of customer support business and technology processes: -- Call handling processes, Customer shrink wrap software applications, operating system environment, asset tracking, etc
  • Identify customer-training issues on standard and non-standard products
  • Able to demonstrate good customer service skills
  • Able to demonstrate knowledge of all necessary web based tools as it applies to the position ( Help desk call tracking applications , etc.)
  • Monitor incoming tickets, respond and provide Help Desk support and resolution for reported trouble tickets to end user's satisfaction in a timely manner
  • Build, configure, install, test computer software and hardware for compatibility with other SCES Program applications Maintain responsibility of computers and peripherals
  • Ability to work alternate schedule if required
  • Provide on-site support as needed at customer site in Alexandria, VA
  • Ability to work in a team environment, knowledge sharing and fulfill other tasks as assigned by Help Desk Lead and/or Program Manager
  • Work closely with internal support groups and external service providers to identify, resolve or coordinate the resolution of Desktop, Laptop, software problems and issues
  • Perform incident management as needed, utilizing ITSM Tools
  • Configures operating systems, company standard programs and application software
  • Performs support in the resolution of second-level escalated technical problems concerning PC’s, operating systems, network protocols both WAN and LAN; mainframe, client server technology, shared modem pools and printers
  • Provides limited second-level technical support to peers in resolving more challenging client problems
  • Performs remote hardware diagnostics and coordinates on-site repairs
  • May participate in applications beta-testing
  • May require a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or other technical degree or equivalent experience
  • Microsoft, VMware and or Cisco certification preferred
  • Typically requires 4-6 years of related experience
  • Extensive experience providing helpdesk and desktop support for laptops and PC's in an enterprise environment
  • Ability to provide timely resolution for all end-user requests and root cause analysis for issues
  • Strong troubleshooting skills with Windows 7, Office 2010, and other business applications
  • Experience administering McAfee Endpoint Encryption
  • Strong desktop imaging and software packaging skills
  • Hands-on experience with Active Directory, Exchange, and Group Policy administration
  • Experience with troubleshooting issues on mobile devices, smart phones
  • Windows XP experience
  • Desktop hardware
  • Basic networking
  • Cisco VOIP Phone Systems
  • HP/Lexmark Printers
  • Document Management Systems
  • Microsoft SMS
  • First point of contact to assist with all aspects of computer/network hardware and communications support
  • Provide primary technical support for proprietary software and related hardware
  • Assist on network implementation projects such as domain migrations and firewall installs
  • Maintain a positive contribution as a member of the Client Support and Operations Team, and complete all tasks assigned by management to meet team objectives
  • High School graduate or equivalent is required
  • Knowledge of networking fundamentals (TCP/IP, subnetting, routing) and essential server administration (Active Directory user/group management, Exchange mailbox creation)
  • Ability to travel to client sites to provide support, including overnight and weekend stays
  • Ability to perform technical support duties for hardware and software support
  • Gathering contact, equipment and incident information to create and incident ticket record
  • Assess the incident and troubleshoot any ticket regarding issues with user profiles account lockouts, password resets and email accounts, as well as, printer management and installations, Citrix and VPN connection, hard drive storage management and application/program installations
  • Troubleshooting issues regarding application access, peripherals setups and first level user operation guidance within Cerner applications, Imprivata, MS windows, MS office suite
  • Providing professional and experienced service across the organization
  • Supporting any Pc, Laptop, mobile device and peripherals helpdesk is not able to service remotely
  • Reimaging new and repaired PC units, install any application with app, programs, policies and test before deployment
  • Provide tier 1 and 2 support for internal customers via telephone and email for all internal technology problems and service requests in a complex technical environment, including hardware/software setup, configuration, problem recognition, research and isolation. Lead customers through diagnostic procedures to determine source of error, document and resolve or properly prioritize the incident/request based on impact and urgency and escalate internal customer incidents in a timely and efficient manner
  • Explain information system policies as required
  • Intermediate knowledge of Windows operating systems (2xxx, XP, Windows 7) with the ability to troubleshoot in a Windows XP and Windows 7 environment. Intermediate knowledge of workstation architecture, network infrastructure and data transmission methodologies
  • Ability to navigate within an AS400 mainframe to manage user accounts
  • Highly motivated with a willingness to continuously acquire and maintain knowledge of relevant products (software, applications and hardware) and support policies in order to provide accurate solutions to customers
  • Associates degree in Information Technology or related field, or equivalent combination of education and experience preferred
  • Help Desk, Service Desk, Technical Support or equivalent educational experience required
  • A+ and/or DELL certification preferred
  • Must have excellent analytical skills
  • Ability to troubleshoot technical and complex computer/network related issues
  • Must enjoy assisting people in need of technical assistance in a tactful manner
  • Ability to accurately recall policies and procedures
  • Ability to perform and complete special projects

Lead Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Engages in research and in-depth troubleshooting to resolve technical issues
  • Records required customer and problem information in the Remedy Ticketing System
  • Resolves Tier 1 and Tier 2 issues
  • Elevates complex problems to the appropriate support groups for resolution
  • High School Diploma/General Education Development (GED)
  • 10+ years of related experience
  • 5+ year of Remedy Action Request System
  • Providing first level phone support to 100-500 internal end users
  • Trouble-shooting Windows 7, 8 and 10 OS
  • Trouble-shooting Microsoft Office 2010-2016
  • Must have great customer service skills
  • Internet Explorer
  • Ticketing (*HP Service Center or Service Now)
  • OS Troubleshooting
  • Office 365 (Nice to have)
  • Setup and configure computers, printers, scanners and other peripherals
  • Familiar with computers remoting software, such as SCCM/Altiris
  • Working with Tandberg or other video recording hardware/software
  • Diagnose and resolve technical hardware and software issues on multiple platforms
  • Provide support for computer inventory management and audit
  • Install and configure hardware and software
  • Assist with help desk procedures
  • Identify and escalate situations requiring urgent attention and redirect problems to appropriate resource
  • Familiar with imaging software/SCCM
  • At least 2 years experience in a Service Desk environment
  • At least 4 years’ experience in Help Desk/Desktop Support Environment
  • Creating User Accounts on Active Directory
  • Setting up printers on a Print Server and network
  • Experience using remoting software   
  • ) 2+ years of experience providing helpdesk support and troubleshooting Windows 8.1 and 10 OS, Microsoft Outlook, and application issues. 600-700 calls per month for the entire desk
  • ) Administering user accounts in Active Directory (reset passwords, being able to look up a group and navigate tabs. (Account creation gets escalated to the Network team), and providing mobile device support (I-pads, I-phones, tablets)
  • ) Desktop Support; building and deploying laptops (Lenovo would be a huge plus)
  • Associate’s Degree, or technical institute degree/certificate in Computer Science, Information Systems, or other related field, or equivalent work experience
  • Typically has 1-3 years of relevant technical or business work experience
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of basic hardware and software products and problem solving/ diagnostic skills

Help Desk Technician Tier Resume Examples & Samples

  • Respond to and resolve help desk requests in a timely manner, providing solutions for technical issues with in user community
  • Effectively manage and utilize the organization’s trouble ticket system to log calls, update statuses, and document troubleshooting steps and resolutions
  • Assist with moves and setups of user technical equipment
  • Communicate effectively and professionally with end users
  • Handle escalated cases from Tier 1
  • Test and image laptops
  • MS active directory
  • Systems Troubleshooting
  • Windows Support
  • Outlook and Exchange server
  • VPN Support
  • Excellent professional written and oral communications
  • User Account Set up
  • Hardware and Software troubleshooting
  • Provide technical support for computers and associated networks
  • Install, troubleshoot, service, and repair personal computers, network “thin client” terminals related PC software, VoIP telephones, cables, and connectors across multiple networks
  • Install and maintain baseline software configurations
  • Maintain network diagrams and connectivity records
  • Maintain trouble logs
  • Instruct users in the use of personal computers and networks
  • Perform vulnerability remediation as directed to maintain secure networks
  • Comfortable and capable of interacting with VIP customers
  • A degree in related disciplince and one year of related expereince or HS and two years of related experience
  • PCT 2 years of applicable IT experience involving networks, communications, database management, operating systems, or specialized applications
  • 1-2 years of IT customer service/support experience preferred
  • Ability to work in high visibility, fast-paced, high-demand environment while maintaining decorum is a must
  • Can demonstrate knowledge/experience in using Active Directory, applying group policies and similar administrative functions
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment with minimal supervision
  • Must enjoy assisting people in need of technical assistance
  • Familiarity with Remedy ticketing system, a plus
  • Familiarity with, and can use Microsoft Windows productivity software (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook) to accomplish daily tasks
  • General technical experience in the setup, operation, and troubleshooting of an IT environment
  • Possess good communication and customer support skills
  • Ability to lift up 40-50 lbs
  • Ability to work in tight spaces requiring stooping, bending and beneath desks
  • Receives, screens, and resolves telephone inquiries from employees regarding issues/problems with their personal computers or peripheral hardware, including their operating systems and office programs
  • Diagnoses, identifies, isolates and analyzes computer problems utilizing department procedures, database records and experience
  • Identifies and analyzes problems to provide resolution or arrange for service with a technician
  • Maintains database for tracking activity of all service requests
  • Notifies PC Technicians or management of recurring problems or patterns of problems
  • Prepares reports as requested and maintain and update records and databases
  • Stays current on personal computer and peripheral equipment changes and trends
  • Recommends updates/changes to department procedures
  • May assist in software and hardware evaluations, and may assist in configuring or updating personal computers, peripheral equipment or with software deployment
  • Typically requires an Associate’s degree with an emphasis in information technology, or a related discipline and three or more years of progressive personal computer technical experience in an information systems department. A certificate in information technology from a recognized organization or additional equivalent experience in an information systems department may be substituted in lieu of education
  • The position requires full knowledge of current personal computers, relevant operating systems and associated peripheral equipment and a general understanding of department policies and procedures
  • Must be customer focused, able to explain or interpret general information, communicate with all levels of employees, establish priorities, resolve routine technical situations, and able to work extended hours as required
  • Active DoD Top Secret/SCI Clearance which requires U.S. Citizenship
  • 2nd/3rd/weekend rotating shifts
  • Experience with network protocols, hardware and software (i.e., routers, firewalls, switches, LANs, WANs, Ethernet, Fiber Optic Media, TCP/IP and UDP)
  • Strong understanding of basic network principles
  • Good technical writing and training skills A minimum of 3 years experience system installation, testing, and support is required
  • Experience in Air Operations Centers (AOC) or Distributed Common Ground Systems (DCGS) system administration
  • MS Windows Sys Admin experience/certification
  • Minimal travel
  • Serve as the initial point of contact for resolution of desktop/laptop/mobile related problems in a 60000+ customer enterprise
  • Troubleshoot research, diagnose, document, and resolve technical issues surrounding Windows, MS Office applications, email, other special applications, Internet connections, and hardware/peripheral equipment via telephone
  • Determine which function or tier team can best resolve the problem and assign the task to the Desktop Support, Customer Support, Network Administration or System Administration Teams when a solution cannot be provided telephonically
  • High school diploma or equivalent with CompTIA A+ certification
  • Associates Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems, Business, Communications or related field preferred
  • 1+ years technical experience working in a desktop environment
  • Windows 7/8, Apple iOS/OS X, Google Android
  • Active Directory, Exchange 2010, Office 365 management
  • Desktop and tablet hardware, Printers, scanners, computer peripherals, Mobile devices (iOS, Android)
  • Client PC connectivity - Ethernet, Wi-Fi, TCP/IP and VPN
  • Experience with desktop imaging software and desktop security/anti-malware products
  • Ability to communicate technical information, both verbal and written, to a wide range of end-users

Help Desk Technician Early st Shift Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be able to work well with fellow associates and be an integral part of the team
  • Be flexible with work shifts to allow for possible changes due to the business needs
  • May be required to perform additional duties as assigned by management
  • Answer incoming calls and work self-service tickets, isolate problem, determine and implement solution for hardware, software, communications, procedural, and store maintenance problems
  • Identify, diagnose, and resolve level-one issues that are reported to the Service Desk
  • Ensure timely escalation of tickets that are not able to be handled by the Service Desk
  • Tracking of all assigned and transferred assets listed in the ITAM policy
  • Work with members of Technology and the business to ensure that proper documentation exist for supported systems
  • Actively seek process improvements to improve efficiencies within IT Service Delivery
  • Knowledge of desktop operating systems, various software applications, pc hardware and peripherals, and principles and theories of network systems
  • Be seen as a credible business partner by peers, clients and the IT leadership team and must be able to influence resources to deliver in a matrix environment while maintaining high customer satisfaction. Strong leadership will be required to develop the Risk & Security Management organization and to perform effectively as a Technology service
  • Ability to manage multiple work streams with input from resources from a variety of teams, delivering high quality, on budget, within schedule solutions as a Technology service. He/she must have demonstrated matrix organization management experience as well as demonstrate understanding of the relationship between risk and security programs and broader business goals and objectives
  • Ability to clearly convey information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message. An individual with excellent interpersonal skills and influencing ability who can win the confidence of individuals at all levels, both inside and outside of the organization. The job holder must have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment and foster teamwork across all levels of the organization
  • Background in successful corporate risk management, technical risk management and security management, related to Technology managed and supported systems. Additionally, he/she must have knowledge and experience in the development and management of an information risk and security program, including identifying critical issues and customizing company-specific practices, to support the governance of information and related technologies
  • Strong analytical and process management skills and have a broad understanding of business strategy and operations. He/she must be able to clearly articulate the business value proposition for all Technology enabled risk and compliance initiatives
  • Prior experience on a helpdesk supporting an online service and/or customer service in a technical field is highly desirable

Help Desk Technician Experienced Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshooting and replacing computers, monitors, document scanners, barcode scanners, printers and other peripherals in a fast pace environment
  • Actively manage the Help Desk ticket queues to ensure POS issues are resolved / escalated within the departments set goals
  • Collaborate with the supervisory team on issues as they arise in the department
  • Create / update detailed documentation required to resolve new and known POS issues in the Help Desk Knowledge Base system
  • Coaching IT Help Desk Level I Technicians as necessary
  • Must be resourceful and able to take direction in a dynamic environment
  • Prefer an Associate's Degree in an Information Technology related field, but can have work related experience in lieu of degree
  • Basic knowledge around the installation, configuration, and maintenance of a Linux OS (both in a physical and virtual environment)

Help Desk Technician Senior Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with development teams in constructing and testing various integrated job streams
  • Create detailed documentation required to implement job scheduling changes
  • Participate in a 24x7 on call rotation, Provide off-hour assistance and support
  • Coaching IT Help Desk Level I and Level II Technicians
  • Exhibit above average reasoning ability by clearly defining problems, analyzing data, establishing facts and drawing valid conclusions
  • Excellent written communication and verbal skills, as well as strong listening skills
  • Must be resourceful and able to take initiative in a dynamic environment
  • Evaluates existing systems and/or user needs to analyze, design, recommend, and implement system changes
  • Demonstrate skills or the aptitude to learn various testing methodologies
  • Prefer a Bachelor's or Associate's Degree in an Information Technology related field, but can have work related experience in lieu of degree
  • Technically proficient at installing, configuring, and maintaining Linux (both in a physical and virtual environment)
  • Ensure excellent customer support. Constantly monitor/focus on hardware/software issues to exceed customer satisfaction and taking that extra step to do offer exceptional service above and beyond expectations
  • Provide all levels of technical support to VIP clients in and out of the Chanel offices
  • Exhibit strong technical hardware and software troubleshooting abilities, demonstrate ownership and manage incident resolution from end-to-end
  • Support standard and proprietary applications, analyzing and correcting desktop problems, system upgrades, hardware diagnostics, network access rights and coordinating repairs
  • Meet with end users to determine hardware/software needs-research options and provide recommendations
  • Escalate issues and concerns to management and subject matter experts (Security, Application Development Group, Network Support Group, Systems Access Group, or Outside Vendors)
  • Provide technical support for remote client access and connectivity
  • Provide basic technical training which includes but is not limited to PCs, iPads, Smartphones, Blackberries, Video, wireless and other Personal devices
  • Maintain a log of incident and service request calls within the IT Ticketing System
  • Coordinate any non-standard technology requests, and provide visibility, as appropriate, to senior IT Management
  • Liaise with other Companies in order to understand the internal implementation of hardware and software requests for standard and non-standard solutions
  • Provide on-call coverage during off-hours/weekend and expect to travel to other office locations in order to provide onsite support when required
  • 3 years of Level 1-2 Support in 500+ node environment, 2 years Technical Supervisor capacity

Level Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide a single point of contact for end-users to ensure proper computer operation so that the user can accomplish business tasks. This includes receiving, prioritizing, documenting and actively resolving end-user help requests
  • Work with customers to understand requirements and expectations, respond to questions from users and remotely assist employees and consultants with technology problems in offices and/or remote sites
  • Manage a queue of requests from multiple sources including phone, voicemail, internet service requests and electronic e-mail
  • Enter incidents/requests into ticket tracking software
  • Prioritize problems/requests appropriately
  • Apply problem solving and trouble-shooting techniques to inquiries received from users regarding hardware, software and networking services provided. Provide solutions to the stated and underlying issues
  • Install requested or upgraded software to user PCs
  • Assign tickets requiring in-depth analysis to the appropriate Level 2 group for resolution
  • Follow standard Service Desk operating procedures
  • Solicit feedback from users on support services to enhance and upgrade the quality of services provided
  • Provide input for Knowledge Articles
  • Assist in training new employees
  • Proactively support IT and customer support changes and initiatives
  • Manage assigned projects to completion and meet deadlines
  • Fulfill other duties as assigned by the Service Desk Manager / management staff
  • Provide level 1 phone/chat support, recording problem systems and status information through the use of the firm's ticket handling system
  • Support the implementation and deployment of internal business systems and solutions
  • Maintain technology guidelines, operating procedures and support documentation
  • Proactively maintain communications with callers through analysis and resolution process particularly in difficult customer situations, to keep them informed of status; Provide follow-up once resolved to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Documentation of resolutions and submission to Knowledge Base
  • Minimum one year of exposure to customer service, call center or help desk environments
  • Technical experience in many areas of networking and software including LAN, WAN, servers and third party applications
  • Strong knowledge of MS Office Product Suite including 2013 and Windows 7
  • Strong knowledge in the area of wireless capabilities such as PDA devices, hot-spots and aircards
  • Strong customer service skills, strong written and verbal communication skills, with ability to function in a fast-paced, high energy environment
  • Flexibility to work overtime, weekends, overnights to support a 24x7 environment; US Citizenship is required
  • Serve as the initial point of contact for resolution of desktop/laptop/mobile related problems in a 56,000+ customer enterprise
  • Troubleshoot research, diagnose, document, and resolve technical issues surrounding Windows XP, Windows 7, MS Office applications, email, other special applications, Internet connections, and hardware/peripheral equipment via telephone
  • Ability to install, maintain and troubleshoot server, network, system and application issues
  • Work independently or as a team member, under the supervision of IT management, in the daily execution of tasks necessary to meet IT quality and scheduled goals of the company
  • Prepare systems for deployment to end users, including configuration and setup
  • Document all procedures used to fix or correct problems
  • Diagnose and repair problems following defined guidelines and procedures
  • Participate in special projects, hardware and software installations, backup and recovery procedures, wiring and network fundamentals, and other duties
  • Work in a manufacturing environment
  • CompTIA A+ certification or Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate certification is preferred
  • Identifies, evaluates, and prioritizes customer problems and complaints to ensure that inquiries are successfully resolved
  • Analyzes and evaluates inquiry/problem reports and makes recommendations to reduce help desk call rates
  • May provide leadership and work guidance to less experienced personnel
  • Two or more years of technical training
  • Interpersonal skills for interacting with team members and clients

Help Desk Technician, Mid Resume Examples & Samples

  • 6+ years of experience with supporting help desk activities responding to complicated user questions on a variety of software packages and local area network issues, leading helped desk teams, and providing guidance to junior help desk technicians
  • Experience with performing various administrative duties using a variety of software packages
  • Experience with providing technical assistance under supervision
  • Experience with responding to complicated user questions on a variety of software packages and local area network issues
  • Knowledge of a variety of supported computer software and local area network operations
  • Ability to respond to moderately complex or non-routine user questions on a variety of software packages and local area network issues
  • Ability to suggest and initiate improvements in computer help desk processes and operations
  • Provides remote Level II (basic and escalated) technical assistance and supports, and resolves problems related to the use of computer hardware and software for system end users
  • Maintains accurate and timely records in time tracking systems, ticket management systems, asset tracking systems, and weekly status and metrics report repositories
  • Participates in desktop-oriented projects
  • Maintains and audit computer equipment inventories for multiple locations
  • Coordinates desktop, laptop and peripheral purchasing
  • Provides new hire IT orientation and training
  • Two years of previous application support experience required
  • Ability to work in a team-oriented/collaborative environment
  • Cabling and connectivity troubleshooting skills preferred
  • Knowledge of TCP/IP, Windows Security (Share and NTFS permissions) preferred
  • Maintains thorough, accurate records of all transactions with clients and other IT staff via ITSM tools
  • Identifies critical and business impacting technical issues and escalates to appropriate resources and managers
  • Maintains and contributes to the Service Desk Knowledge Base
  • Follows outlined procedures and policies as they relate to the Service Desk
  • Follow up with customers, provide feedback and see problems through to resolution
  • Understands and utilizes problem determination tools and techniques to identify and effectively resolve problems
  • Develops and demonstrates the effective use of all tools, products, and services
  • Makes a positive contribution to defined department and individual goals
  • Communicates effectively with clients, peers, management, and other IT staff
  • Collaborates with other IT staff to solve technical, process, and other issues in the spirit of continuous improvement
  • Is able to work independently and without supervision to resolve common technical issues
  • Provides accurate and detailed information to senior level department personnel on unresolved issues and customer service related problems
  • Demonstrates a desire for current technical knowledge and pursues formal and informal training. This includes self-study and on-the-job training opportunities
  • Ability to pay attention to details and to work in a highly structured and procedure oriented environment
  • Works effectively with cross-functional teams and must be flexible enough to deal with different Technical skill levels, skill sets and a highly dynamic work environment and schedules
  • Must be a self-starter and works effectively with minimal supervision
  • Good written and verbal communications skills
  • Good analytical skills. Adept at problem identification, recovery, escalation and resolution
  • Must be customer oriented and highly cognizant of the importance of customer service and meeting service level commitments
  • Works effectively under a high pressure and demanding work environment
  • Ability to work in a complex global and cultural environment
  • Associates degree or equivalent; Technical School preferred
  • Network+ Certification, highly desired
  • 1-2 years’ experience in analyzing end-user technical problem
  • 1-2 years’ experience in a customer service or related role
  • You will have basic knowledge of Remedy ticketing
  • Prior experience preparing hardware, phone, and applicable network connectivity for new hires
  • You will provide resolution and assistance to standard application : MS Office, IE9 & above, SEP, Cisco Jabber, Cisco WebEx
  • Ability to provide technical support as it relates to computer systems, hardware and software. Ability to run Diagnostic programs, isolate problems, and resolve and implement solutions in a timely manner
  • We seek prior experience building desktop and laptops on daily basis with a quick turnaround and minimizing down time for associates
  • You will have knowledge of Windows 7, Office 2010, Bit Locker, Active Directory, MS Exchange, Symantec, SCCM, Cisco VPN, Cisco NAM and NAC, LAN, MS Dynamics, Cisco Webex, IE9 - IE11, Kofax, Rightfax, Reflectioins, HP Printers and IBM Ricoh Printers
  • Associate will also answer helpdesk phones assisting internal Broadridge employees globally
  • Email issues
  • Windows 7 support
  • Ability to lift box of paper and HP Laser Jet printers

Internet Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum Education: High School or equivalent
  • Preferred Education: College exposure and/or certification/technical courses
  • Prefer customer service experience handling agitated customers
  • Prefer a minimum of 6 months to 1-year technical support experience
  • Prefer basic knowledge of DSL or FIOS internet connectivity
  • Must have a minimum basic knowledge of internet application software
  • Must have basic knowledge of a variety of operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Macintosh OS X and above
  • Must have basic knowledge of computer hardware
  • Prefer phone experience in call center environment
  • Must be flexible to working a variety of hours in the day, as the center is open 24 x 7
  • Provide technical assistance and support for incoming calls and issues related to computer systems, software and hardware
  • Train computer users
  • Respond to email messages from end users seeking help
  • Walk end user through problem-solving process
  • Recertify and clean up computer related equipment
  • Troubleshoot problems with Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Install computer peripherals for end users
  • Associates degree with one year experience in a technical customer service field
  • Responsible for providing end user support and software, hardware, and network assistance
  • Relies on experience and judgment as well as pre-established procedure and instructions to identify, research and resolve technical problems presented through Level I, II and III (when possible) Help Desk tickets
  • Troubleshoot and resolve trouble tickets related to technical difficulties with hardware, software, and the network
  • Triage Level II and Level III trouble tickets
  • Verify issue resolution on the customer’s behalf
  • Verify with the customer that the issue has been resolved and update the ticketing system
  • Interface with infrastructure, database, and development personnel
  • Communicate plan, progress, and issues in a timely manner
  • Actively contribute to ongoing process improvement
  • Performs other duties or special projects as assigned
  • Ability to complete multiple simultaneous projects in a timely manner
  • At least 5-12 years of experience in the field or in a related area
  • Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts, practices, and procedures
  • Windows XP, 7, 2003 and 2008
  • CompTIA Security+CE
  • IIS and VMware experience desired
  • Ability to identify, troubleshoot and resolve Level One technical issues relating to computer systems, hardware, software, telecommunications, printers and networking
  • Assist internal employees who are experiencing any procedural or operating difficulty with the use of company applications, products or services
  • Respond to requests for technical assistance via phone, in person, or remotely using remote desktop software
  • Communicate effectively and concisely, both verbally and in writing
  • Identify and escalate issues requiring urgent attention or a higher level of knowledge
  • Identify common issues and report those issues to management
  • Follow Help Desk practices and procedures
  • High School Diploma or GED with one year or more of Help Desk experience; or equivalent education
  • Previous experience with Windows 7 and 8 and Microsoft Office 2013 Suite
  • Demonstrated interpersonal skills and openness to new technologies
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal as well as verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to thrive in a fast paced, decentralized work environment
  • Respond to incidents either in person or over the phone
  • Demonstrate excellent customer service experience, trouble-shooting skills and excellent communication skills
  • Must have experience with troubleshooting, problem escalation, MAC requests, and inventory, as related to the Help Desk
  • Must have detailed knowledge of problem solving and help desk tools. - Will assist in administrative duties as well
  • 1 year specialized experience, including knowledge of PC operating systems, networking and mail standards and work on a help desk team
  • Experienced with personal computers and network operation
  • Technical proficiency with Microsoft operating systems and Microsoft office suite
  • Demonstrate a high level of customer relationship skills to include professional telephone etiquette
  • High school education or equivalent and 3 years of total work experience with at least two years working in technical service providing end-user phone support for PC desktop and application software within an IT organization
  • Must currently possess the CompTia Security+CE (must be current) certification in order to be considered for this position
  • Highly desired is HDI Help Desk Analyst certification
  • Must have a Valid Passport
  • Familiarity with SCCM -12 and Server 2012 R2, and Remote Services
  • As a lead must maintain Shop Policies and Operations. '
  • Must have CompTia Security Plus and a MCP.(Microsoft Certified Professial Cert)
  • Must a have the abilty to pass a CI Poly upon customer request
  • Normal office duties in support of the contractor support team including sending/receiving emails, setting up meetings and managing calendars. Answering phones, forwarding calls, taking and forwarding messages
  • Helps monitor the integrity and security of servers and systems and alert technicians to anomalies
  • Maintains procedures and system documentation
  • Interacts with users and assists when possible, or directs customers to qualified technician
  • Assists with problem solving efforts
  • Participates in daily status meetings and may be called on to present incident management information
  • Document numerous customer requests per day via commercial ticketing management system
  • Control, disseminate and monitor ticket queues
  • Knowledge of the customer ticketing system
  • Knowledge of the customer's ticketing processes
  • Knowledge of customer Incident and Change management processes
  • Incident management as a core process
  • Proficiency in MS Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Strong ability to write clearly and concisely
  • Must be able to synthesize technical IT terminology and quickly summarize and simplify for non-technical personnel
  • Minimum 6 months customer service experience required
  • Must be able to type a minimum of 20 WPM
  • Excellent organizational, workflow and multi-tasking skills
  • Demonstrated ability to represent the organization in a positive, proactive manner
  • Proven ability to work as a member of a team
  • Ability to manage competing priorities, while adhering to strict deadlines
  • Strong oral presentation skills including ability to clearly convey complex information and ideas to employees at all staff levels
  • 8570 policy does NOT apply to this position
  • Installs, configures, and upgrades computer hardware and software
  • Provides troubleshooting and support
  • Provides guidance and work leadership to less-experienced technicians
  • Use ticketing system, Remedy for daily assignments and ticketing
  • Knowledge of SCCM and Active directory management
  • BIOS and UEFI Configurations updating and application
  • Baselining PC's with appropriate network and adding Device Drivers
  • Troubleshooting hardware on multiple Dell and Microsoft paltforms
  • 3-5 years of directly related experience supporting hardware service desk operations
  • The Help Desk Technician should ensure that professional support and response standards are met and maintained
  • Develop a thorough understanding of client's applicable hardware/software configurations
  • Successfully resolve moderate to more difficult technical issues (related to hardware and software) from incoming customer contacts and proactive notification systems
  • Serve as the initial point of contact for troubleshooting hardware, software, PC, and printer problems
  • High school education or equivalent and 6+ years of total work experience with at least 1 year customer service experience
  • At least 24 months experience working in a Tier 1 Help Desk Environment
  • At least 1 year business/personal experience with Windows 7
  • Bachelor’s degree in related field accepted in lieu of experience
  • Knowledge of Personal Computer and network operation
  • Experience in use of Help Desk management software
  • Possess the ability to evaluate system problems and provide resolutions
  • Be able to participate as subject matter expert in long and short range terminology planning
  • Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of technology users
  • Demonstrate a high level of customer relationship skills

Help Desk Technician Entry Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage and distribute help desk tickets using help desk ticketing software
  • Ability to demonstrate strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Exhibit above average reasoning ability by clearly defining problems, analyzing data, establishing facts to help others draw valid conclusions
  • Perform worldwide support for multiple POS systems and OS platforms
  • Answer Terrell help desk calls
  • Assist users on various computer related issues
  • Build PC’s from basic to engineering-caliber
  • Troubleshoot all Printer’s (inc.label-type printers)
  • Handle all mobile phone requirements
  • Work on computer equipment as needed
  • Create purchase orders for computer hardware and components
  • Track and inventory all computer hardware and components
  • Use PC software to track and route problem calls
  • Working with the Tier 1 and Network Operations team
  • Good PC troubleshooting skills required to help with user questions
  • Good mechanical skills to work on computer equipment
  • Good telephone etiquette and communication skills
  • Regular and predictable attendance, safely perform tasks and adherence to all safety policies and procedures are essential functions of this job
  • Monitor health of network, hardware, and software for Cash 360 customers
  • Provide first line end user support of the cash management systems
  • Provide timely, efficient and professional service to all clients to ensure client satisfaction
  • Respond to user queries. Use diagnostic tools to isolate problems and implement solutions
  • Create problem tickets for all calls and e-mails received, enter the history of the problem and subsequent resolution if resolved at the Help Desk
  • Document problem resolution for the purpose of process refinement
  • Attempt to resolve problems and follow established procedures by assigning and tracking problem tickets to second or third level support for resolution within allotted timeframes, follow up to ensure resolution
  • Resolve issues by using quantitative, analytical and written communication and interpersonal skills
  • 1-3 years’ experience in a call center environment or the hospitality industry
  • A strong aptitude for problem-solving
  • Exposure to help desk software, databases, and remote support
  • Strong troubleshooting and multi-tasking skills
  • The ability to operate under stress, multi-task in a fast-paced environment, and work in a team atmosphere
  • The ability to learn, grasp and retain and apply a variety of system, network and security related concepts, information and procedures
  • Associates degree in Information Technology, Networking or equivalent work experience
  • Covers Help Desk phones as scheduled
  • Resolves Level 1 tickets in the Altiris queue
  • Troubleshoot/resolve user problems
  • Setup and configure PCs, printers, monitors
  • AD password resets
  • Creates Help Desk documentation in the IMS Reference Database
  • 0-3 Years experience on the Help Desk
  • Good Problem solving skills
  • CompTIA A+ certified
  • Posesses understanding of all PC hardware, Microsoft OS, and OS drivers
  • Ability to install and configure all Berry Plastics applications with little guidance
  • Understands concepts of Microsoft Networking architecture
  • Understands concepts of Microsoft server related functions such Active Directory and File Share Security
  • Ability to travel to other Berry Plastics locations
  • Requires guidelines to complete job successfully
  • Majority of the decision making is done by a supervisor or manager
  • Reports directly Help Desk Supervisor

Help Desk Technician Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attend the Help Desk call center phones
  • Work on Help Desk Level 1 tickets
  • Active Directory password resets
  • Excellent Customer Service

Nmci-lead Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Associates Degree in related discipline & 5+ years related experience
  • HS Diploma or equivalent & 7+ years of experience will be accepted in lieu of degree
  • Chosen candidate should have 3 to 4 years of NMCI-related experience
  • Individual must have in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office Products
  • Candidate should be able to provide technical and software maintenance support, prepare supporting documentation in support of various NMCI data calls and experience in the development and execution of transition plans
  • Two years post high school technical education or equivalent.Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills and follow-through
  • Demonstrated pattern of initiative
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize work and balance multiple tasks at once
  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, and Windows
  • Basic understanding of computer networks and components, including Ethernet, wireless, and TCP/IP
  • Must be able to lift personal computer equipment up to 50 lbs
  • Strong basic troubleshooting skills - ability to use process of elimination and logic
  • Excellent, proven customer service skills
  • Experience using Remote Tools, such as Go To Assist or Citrix
  • Experience troubleshooting network connectivity
  • Configure, test and install new, and/or upgrade existing software and hardware
  • Working knowledge of Active Directory and user account set up
  • Grow in familiarity with Nortek Global HVAC operations
  • Provide website and phone support
  • Maintains an attitude which consistently represents the organizational culture, including: the mission, vision and core attributes
  • Other Ad hoc duties as assigned by manager
  • Supports “Lean Business Enterprise” initiatives for continuous process improvement and waste elimination
  • A+ Certification and Microsoft Certification (MCP or equivalent) required
  • Knowledge of Windows 7/8/10 and Microsoft Office 2013/16 Suite of applications
  • This position will be expected to travel to Nortek Global HVAC locations when required
  • Answer Helpdesk calls from Corporate Employees to IT
  • Perform initial triage of incoming and end-user computer issues and problems, requires quick problem and issue identification
  • Create a helpdesk tickets and document all problems and actions taken
  • Provide accurate and professional resolution on all supported issues
  • Assign tickets while working in a fast-paces environment
  • Update customer on status of open tickets
  • Accept responsibility/ownership for all assigned tickets from creation to resolution or to the
  • Understands processes and procedures necessary to successfully perform tasks
  • Possesses the technical and computer skills required in the position
  • Demonstrates the ability to learn rapidly and adapt quickly to new processes and technology
  • Provide help desk support and resolve trouble problems to end user's satisfaction
  • Monitor and respond timely and effectively to requests received through Help Desk ticketing software and telephone
  • Monitor tickets sent to the Help Desk queue with the ability to prioritize tickets
  • Perform approved software and hardware installations
  • Perform Windows and Third-Party Patch Testing prior to updates being pushed to user computers, and document results
  • Update master laptop images, deploy updated images on laptop builds for deployment
  • Maintain, update and keep track of computer systems, peripherals and software in inventory management
  • Escalate issues to Tier II/Tier III support team for additional assistance with resolving reported issue(s)
  • Ability to document and update resolutions add to Solutions Knowledgebase and document internal procedures as necessary
  • Ability to follow instructions, work independently on assigned tasks which could include, but are not limited to, software upgrades, new computer system staging
  • Requires on-site support at customer site in Kingstowne Alexandria 22315 as needed
  • Familiar with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and associated support concepts and best practices. Knowledge of Apple products helpful
  • Understanding of Networking concepts and practices as they apply to desktop and laptop support
  • Desire to share knowledge amongst the team through documentation and cross-training
  • High standard of customer service, quality, and attention to detail
  • Ability to utilize a high degree of creativity, analytical thinking, and initiative to solve business problems
  • Strong oral and written English language skills including experience creating written documentation for technical and non-technical audiences
  • Provide helpdesk support and resolve issues for end users
  • Document and update internal technical procedures and How-To guides
  • Automate and manage Windows and Linux workstation setup and deployment for new employees including hardware and software
  • Support the onboarding of new users
  • Perform timely workstation hardware and software upgrades and maintenance releases as required
  • Associate degree in Computer Science or a related field or equivalent experience
  • 2+ years of Helpdesk or related computer support experience
  • Experience with Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS operating systems
  • Advanced knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Basic Networking and TCP-IP knowledge
  • VOIP and IP Telephony knowledge
  • Must have a United States security clearance or the ability to obtain a United States security clearance
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems, Computer Science or related field
  • Scripting and desktop automation experience
  • Consistently treat employees with the highest level of professional courtesy and always listen carefully to their questions and concerns
  • Provides support to corporate employees locally and remotely on PC and MAC workstations
  • Analyze root causes for system and application issues and resolve issues quickly and effectively
  • Update systems and applications with the latest security patches
  • All tickets must be completed based on defined service level agreements
  • Creates and maintains knowledge base articles and procedures to support systems and applications
  • Provides recommendations for process improvements and technology changes
  • Communicate issues and incidents to all levels of the organization as required
  • Respond promptly to all incoming phone calls, email and electronic requests from faculty, staff, emeriti, alumni, students, and prospective students
  • Provide directory assistance for the university
  • Provide level 1 support or assistance for UC enterprise services
  • Triage incidents and service requests to appropriate support area for resolution
  • Accurately document, categorize, and prioritize all incidents and service requests in the service management tool
  • Provide excellent Customer Service by ensuring customer inquiries are handled quickly, politely, professionally, and efficiently
  • Other duties as assigned or approved by immediate supervisor or manager
  • Deliver outstanding service
  • Excellent written, verbal communication skills
  • Outstanding organizational and documentation management skills
  • Ability to manage upset customers, conflicts and challenging situations
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to elicit cooperation from a wide variety of sources
  • Flexible with shifting priorities
  • Ability to thrive in a dynamic, fast paced environment where multitasking is required
  • Ability to work independently in a team environment
  • Ability to work multiple work schedules (shifts)
  • Ability to work weekends and holidays
  • Knowledge of Antivirus/Malware software, wireless configuration, mobile devices, VPN configuration, Exchange Email, Mac OS X, Windows 7-10
  • A+ Certification, Microsoft or Macintosh Certifications
  • Project coordination. Coordinate and complete projects within the IT department for assigned bank/region. This would include IT-driven/led projects and the IT portion of projects not led by IT (branch moves, remodels, opening, closures). Sets deadlines, assigns responsibilities, and monitors and summarizes progress of project. Compiles project status reports, coordinates project schedules, manages project meetings, and identifies and resolves technical problems. Identifies and analyzes systems requirements and defines project scope, requirements, and deliverables. Coordinates project activities and ensures all project phases are documented appropriately
  • Corporate Communications. Lead role in supporting corporate video and audio conferences including executive meetings and earnings announcements (internal staff and external analysts)
  • IT hardware and software support
  • IT Asset Management. Responsible for administrative duties within the IT procurement and inventory management function. Maintains records and databases containing information regarding licenses, warranties, and service agreements for the organization's hardware and software. Minimizes organizational cost through product standardization and tracking. Tracks quality throughout the product lifetime. . Note that primary responsibility for these activities will be with a vendor partner. However, the role will ensure adherence, with hands-on involvement as needed, in this area
  • Technology Refresh. Responsible for maintaining inventories of bank assets and in creating and managing projects to ensure appropriate refresh/replacement of IT assets. Primarily relates to desktop and laptop hardware and software, but could involve branch-based server and network equipment
  • High school diploma or general education degree (GED); bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) from a four (4) year college or university, or equivalent education from a technical or trade school, strongly preferred
  • A minimum of three (3) years of computer and peripheral equipment experience to include technical troubleshooting. For Technical II role, experience is 4-6 years; 7+ years for Technician III. Work related experience should consist of a technical background in LAN/WAN information resources, products or services. Educational experience, through in-house training sessions, formal school or technical industry related curriculum, should be business or financial industry related
  • Ability to deal with technical problems involving multiple facets, variables and situations where only limited standardization exists
  • Current state issued driver’s license and a vehicle with appropriate insurance coverage if required to drive in the course of performing assigned duties and responsibilities
  • Working knowledge of WIN 2000, Cisco Routers, TI circuits, TCP/IP, DNS and WINS
  • Experience with Internet Connectivity
  • Demonstrated strong analytical and project management skills for a variety of tasks or projects
  • Ability to rely on limited information and use judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and coordinates the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected
  • Strong client support orientation. This role has a technical element to it, but the primary focus is on client satisfaction
  • Strong commitment to a team environment
  • Capacity to work unsupervised
  • TS/SCI Clearance is required
  • CompTIA Security+ Certification is required
  • Network+ and A+ Certification desired
  • 3-4 years’ experience with Windows and related networking (TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS)
  • Experience with Active Directory, Systems Management Server (SMS) and remote administration desired

Salesforce Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responds to support requests in a timely manner
  • Ensures reported issues are resolved completely before closing tickets
  • Escalates support requests as appropriate
  • Supports teammates on the IT Help Desk
  • Provide high-quality customer service
  • Collaborate with others in a professional manner
  • Communicate effectively and efficiently
  • Work well under pressure
  • Use a variety of job-specific tools, office machines and other office equipment
  • Troubleshoot network connectivity issues for on-site and remote end users
  • Understand ITSM or ITIL processes
  • Test and evaluate software for quality and performance
  • Lift up to 50 pounds
  • Learn new technology quickly and independently
  • Work individually and in a team environment
  • Manage multiple priorities in a timely and effective manner
  • Develop and maintain detailed, usable technical documentation
  • Understand and follow agency policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines
  • Solid working knowledge of PC-based computer systems, networking and specialized software packages
  • Proficient in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Printers, PCs
  • Knowledge of Air Force-specific software a plus
  • Ability to work well with and train customers on use of PC and application specific subjects Exceptional interpersonal and customer service skills
  • Ability to communicate with people at all levels and skill sets within the organization
  • Facilitate effective computer usage. Responds to incoming telephone calls and emails in a courteous and professional manner. Must build rapport and seek problem details from users while recording and tracking pertinent information. Acts as the point of contact for the IT department and back office operations
  • Trouble shoots problems. Must be able to learn and retain techniques for resolving issues with computer hardware, software, IP phones, mobile devices, network, security and email problems
  • Provisioning and decommissioning of users. May create and remove users in Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange environments. Works with file, print, application servers and workstation support. Also involves phone setups in a Cisco IP phone network
  • Contribute to IT process improvement initiatives. Continually evaluates procedures and documentation to ensure concurrency. Participates in IT projects as requested
  • On Call Duties. Must be able to support rotating on call duties for the Help Desk
  • Problem resolution. Documents in detail what steps were taken to resolve the problem. Escalates problems as needed. Follows up with the user to verify the issue is resolved to their satisfaction
  • High School diploma, general education degree (GED) or equivalent required; Bachelor’s degree, Associates degree, or IT related certifications preferred
  • 2 - 3 years of experience in IT support role required— IT degree or certifications will be considered in lieu of some required experience, evaluated on a case-by-case base. Experience in banking or financial services industry preferred
  • Familiarity with the use and operation of IT Service Management tools (i.e. KACE, Remedy, ServiceNow, etc)
  • Must have strong knowledge of and experience with current Microsoft Windows and Office products
  • Ability to learn and retain knowledge of various systems, tools, and applications
  • Excellent analytical and trouble shooting skills with strong attention to detail
  • Must have the ability to work efficiently and effectively under pressure in a deadline-driven environment while maintaining a professional and mature demeanor
  • Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills with the ability to interact with all levels of company employees
  • Must be able to work rotating on-call shifts which may include evening and weekend hours
  • 1-2 Year of experience desired with exposure to customer service and computer support
  • 1-2 years Personal Computer experience including customer support or Help Desk Desirable
  • Experience with an incident tracking system (Desirable)
  • Good problem solving and analytical skills
  • Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
  • Network Connectivity
  • Print Services
  • E-Mail and Internet mail
  • PC usage and troubleshooting
  • Ability to interact effectively with others
  • Ability to follow instructions to produce desired results
  • Aptitude to multi-task workloads according to established priorities
  • Ability to remain calm and courteous in periods of stress
  • Good administrative and organizational skills
  • Flexible and possesses a willingness to work overtime and work varying hours as required
  • Has a good working knowledge of the hardware/software utilized in the office environment and provides local support on applicable software packages as necessary
  • Maintains hardware/software inventory for all personal computer workstations
  • Investigates and follows up on questions/problems pertaining to all technology usage
  • Acts as a resource person assisting employees with problems on software applications
  • Works with the Regional Training Coordinator to assist in technology training efforts as necessary
  • Maintains communication with local technology management to ensure compliance with local, regional, and corporate technology standards and procedures
  • Minimum of 3 years experience with installation, configuration, deployment, and support of computer hardware and software
  • Must be customer service orientated
  • Four year degree preferred
  • Prior experience as a field technician is helpful, but not required
  • Understanding of network LTE and 3G/CDMA infrastructure and cell site layouts preferred
  • Demonstrated good communication skills
  • Proven ability to learn and pick up new things
  • Familiarity with OSS, RTT, ELPT/NPT, and BSM
  • Experience with LTE and CDMA base station integration is a plus

Information System Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conducts Active Directory maintenance for Exchange 2007 and 2010, uses Active Directory to create user accounts, security groups and group policies
  • Loads and configures Microsoft Windows workstations and servers to comply with DISA�fs regulations
  • Applies STIGs to the workstations and devices according to DISA�fs guidelines
  • Services use of in house Audio Visual System, to include setup of presentations from external sources and configures and maintains commercial in�]house telephone system
  • Maintain SharePoint 2013 to include site creation and data management
  • Research questions using available information resources
  • Participate in On Call rotation
  • Escalate problems to appropriate support Tiers
  • Track and route problems and requests and document resolutions
  • Image and build laptops/desktops
  • Support mobile devices such as iPhones and Androids
  • Participate in special projects, as needed
  • Ensures Health and Safety is the number one goal by following policies, processes, and acting in a safe manner at all times
  • Identify the specific nature of user difficulties and provide a specific and effective response and solution
  • Ensure a timely response to requests for e-mail and telephone assistance
  • Log helpdesk calls and e-mails in the Incident tracking program
  • Direct calls to appropriate information technology (IT) staff as necessary
  • Regularly check voicemail and incident tickets, and respond promptly for requests for assistance
  • Performs other duties and tasks as assigned from time to time by management and will be required by the needs of the Clean Harbors business
  • 2+ years hardware and 6+ months Help Desk experience
  • A+ Certification preferred
  • Strong PC and troubleshooting skills
  • The ability to provide technical support over the phone and professional demeanor

Help Desk Technician Vii-information Technology Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Independently diagnose and process customer problem tickets at the ITS Help Desk
  • Maintain environment that strives for excellent customer service
  • Keep staff apprised of situations that may result in Help Desk intervention or queries
  • Provide first-level support to customers of the ITS Help Desk and ensure that a wide variety of questions or problems with technology support are resolved in a professional manner
  • Solve problems by using a combination of user experience, research documentation, input from co-workers and other sources of information
  • Identify and prioritize issues that are brought to the attention of the Help Desk
  • Log all records of activity related to the problem calls within an automated software application used by the Help Desk
  • Monitor open problem tickets with the Help Desk
  • Provide a second-level function within the Help Desk structure to assist other members of the Help Desk team
  • Provide leadership responsibility for Help Desk staff (full-time and student employees) when the Help Desk supervisor is unavailable
  • Create user instructions and documentation for the ITS Help Desk web sites along with internal documentation as needed by the Help Desk team
  • One year experience working as a team member in analyzing and evaluating computer system problems according to standard practices and procedures
  • Experience applying analytical skills in resolving computer-related problems
  • Effective problem-solving skills
  • Ability to identify and resolve problems while maintaining excellent customer service
  • Good interpersonal, organizational and decision-making skills
  • Good working knowledge of PC, network applications, and various software packages including word processing and spreadsheets

Assistant Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing Service as first Point of Contact for any IT related customer issues
  • Delivering of the service and the action items necessary to implement organizational strategies
  • Tracking issues, performed troubleshooting steps, customer information details and all follow up actions in detail within Incident logging tool
  • Investigating Client’s needs, following up on Customer feedbacks and improving Quality of Service
  • Supporting and participating in any identified Quality Management System improvement processes
  • Are genuinely interested in IT
  • Are flexible regarding different shifts in the afternoons/late evenings/nights/weekends
  • Maintain a journal of all calls received and log all support incidents to the call center database
  • Write User Documentation as required
  • Understand and abide by the Vitamin Cottage Service Request Policies for implementation of system change
  • Undergraduate degree in Computer Sciences or Information Technology preferred or equivalent experience
  • Customer service experience in an IT environment, including the ability to communicate effectively with users at all technical levels
  • Must have ability to troubleshoot issues
  • Must have knowledge of windows operating environment
  • Experience with helpdesk ticketing systems
  • Answer Help Desk incoming calls; provide first line response for users requiring assistance with information technology issues and problems. Provide a single view to the organization for information technology related problems
  • Monitor the performance and utilization of all system hardware , software and networks; ensure the proper utilization, performance and highest availability of resources including but not limited to: CPU cycles, disk space, response time and network connections
  • Respond to requests for technical assistance by phone,�email and/or using a help desk management system
  • Track issues from start to resolution, updating the internal knowledge-base and/or communicating outcomes with relevant business units
  • Escalate more involved problems to the appropriate tier level support teams; act as a liaison between customers and technical escalation teams and conduct follow up as appropriate
  • Maintain knowledge of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) methodology, change leadership processes and risk leadership processes to improve trouble-shooting and problem resolution skills
  • Refine and update technical and business skills through work assignments, advanced technical and business training, attending professional and business industry conferences and actively participating in professional organizations
  • Maintain a positive work atmosphere by acting and communicating in a manner which facilitates the success of business operations in order to meet company demands and expectations; develop and maintain positive working relationships with all company departments
  • Perform additional duties as assigned by leadership
  • Skills: Operating systems and IT hardware certifications can be beneficial but are not usually necessary
  • Answers telephones and responds to basic customer questions using established methods provided in training. Forwards call to appropriate personnel
  • Processes customer requests by sending faxes, returning telephone messages, sending mail documents, or using other related communication under direct supervision
  • Experience working with organizational functions and personnel
  • Experience working with and skilled in the use of help desk software
  • Ability to follow oral and written directions
  • Create a helpdesk ticket and document all problems and actions taken
  • Assign tickets while working in a fast-paced environment
  • Accept responsibility/ownership for all assigned tickets from creation to resolution or to the point of escalations (level 2)
  • Help with Hardware setup and images
  • Must be able to create clear and detailed technical documentation
  • Must possess strong communication skills (written and oral) as well as significant customer service skills
  • Ability to work effectively with cross-functional team. Flexible enough to work with different technical skill levels and skill sets. Ability to work in a highly dynamic environment
  • Ability to provide input and recommendation on new technology and process improvement
  • Provide First level support for NSSFC users in the Technical Services Department and elevate requests to MIS Support services to resolve as applicable
  • Maintain department PCs and related equipment. Perform or schedule any preventive maintenance to ensure optimum performance as well as maintain spare equipment
  • Creates and maintains help desk support tickets for all users related to the NSSFC system
  • Administer user security for NSSFC computer system, request user access to MIS as needed
  • Run interference between NSSFC users and developers – (Communicate User needs to developers to minimize interruptions)
  • Gather information from NSSFC users and submit applicable standardized documents
  • Test code and provide developers feedback
  • Ability to diagnose and take action to resolve system issues for our internal customers
  • Must be courteous, have a customer centric attitude, professional, and enjoy helping others
  • Self-starter, ability to work without close supervision
  • Create requested reports to support users for the NSSFC system
  • Must have good analytical, logical, and common sense to problem solving
  • Ability to make hardware and software recommendations
  • Performs in accordance with Corporate Policies and Procedures
  • Assigns tasks/tickets to Tier I-III technicians from HP Service Manager, for Change, Acquisition and Non-Acquisition tickets
  • Schedules all activities and technician dispatch requests
  • Provides a positive climate for motivation
  • Serves as central point for technicians to report all ticket status updates
  • Analyzes and provides feedback to management to ensure that all Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met on all assigned tickets
  • Updates HP Service Manager with complete, accurate and timely information
  • 5-8 years of related administrative and analytical experience
  • 1-3 years of directly related experience supporting IT help desk operations
  • 1-3 Years of directly related experience in supporting help desk operations
  • Cargo Movement Operations System (CMOS)
  • Logistics Module (LOGMOD)
  • Automated Civil Engineer System (ACES)
  • Security Forces Management Information System (SFMIS)
  • Standard Base Supply System (SBSS)
  • Next Generation Information Technology (NexGen)
  • Online Vehicle Interactive Management System (OLVIMS)

Help Desk Technician Junior Resume Examples & Samples

  • A written statement from a physician that the individual is free of all communicable diseases or valid documentation
  • Hepatitis B vaccine - Required for all personnel with duties involving direct patient contact
  • Must have a favorable National Agency Check (NAC) or a NAC must be initiated
  • Answers calls or work orders from users requiring technology assistance; courteously ascertains reason for the call and determines whether issue can be immediately resolved or elevated to other staff
  • Evaluates each call to determine nature of problem and whether related to hardware, software, applications, client/server systems, desktops, peripheral devices and others, etc.; determines if on-site assistance by Information Technology Desktop Support staff is appropriate and ensures Desktop Support are notified
  • Uses remote desktop software to resolve issues, performs installations or demonstrates solutions to clients or help client identify issues
  • Resolves as many user-reported problems as expertise permits using available tools, and following procedures and policies for the handling of cases
  • Works with customers over the phone to provide step-by-step or detailed instructions on resolving the problem which may include modifying current programs, upgrading software versions and service packs, evaluating controls and security, new changes required
  • Acts as a liaison between customers and internal support staff to assure accurate problem interpretation; maintains communications with customers during the problem resolution process if necessary
  • Develops troubleshooting skills by using effective investigative methods and available troubleshooting tools
  • Completes required Help Desk training to enhance and improve support
  • Ensures all necessary information is accurately entered and tracked
  • A college degree in computer sciences, information technology or information systems preferred
  • One (1) year hands-on work experience working with Mac and PC based hardware, software, networking components in a multi-platform, client/server environment using LAN and/or WAN technologies preferred, preferably in a customer service role assisting with diagnosing technical problems
  • Related technical certifications are helpful but not required
  • May consider an equivalent combination of education, training and/or work experience
  • Provide a positive example to students by supporting the University’s Doctrinal Statement, Ethical Position Statement and Mission of Grand Canyon University
  • High School Diploma or General Education Degree (GED), or any combination of education and experience ­which would provide an equivalent background
  • 2 years in a Customer Service type call center role required
  • 1 year in a technical troubleshooting role for hardware and or software, Service Desk or NOC preferred
  • Proficient with windows operating system, windows 7 or greater and a minimum of typing 55 WPM
  • Experience with technical ticketing systems and escalation routing of customer request or issues
  • Possess excellent verbal, reading, writing, and comprehension skills
  • Knowledgeable of computers systems and of basic networking systems
  • Experienced in Microsoft networking and file sharing
  • Ability to prioritize many competing tasks, deal effectively with conflict and provide hands-on assistance to customers as needed
  • Experience, and/or proficiency with MS Office is a plus
  • Must be available for On-Call status as required
  • Must be able to comply with all company policies, rules, procedures and Code of Conduct
  • Must be able to interact well with others
  • Must be able to work independently, or in a team setting
  • Must be capable of working under tight time constraints in a high volume environment with multiple priorities
  • Must be able to lift approximately 10-15 lbs., or more if required by the essential functions of the job­
  • Responds well to questions; Ability to read, interpret and comply with written information and documents such as safety rules, operations / procedure manuals and maintenance instructions with a high comprehension and concentration level to include the ability to meet deadlines
  • Must pass a pre-employment drug screen, random drug and/or alcohol tests, and will be subject to a criminal history background check
  • Must be authorized to work in the United States
  • Assist in the research, setup, and testing of new software releases
  • Assist in the administration of web logins and passwords
  • Enter/resolve tickets in our call tracking systems
  • Follow up with customers to ensure issue have been resolved
  • Ensure that tickets are resolved within SLA guidelines
  • Fast learning skills and adaptability
  • Attention to detail with the ability to manage large amount of information intake
  • Knowledge and experience of customer service practices
  • Must be able to sit for prolonged periods of time in front of a computer
  • Knowledge of ServiceDesk Plus would be advantageous
  • Manage the flow of Help Desk tickets and monitor the queue for delays. Become the first contact for user support; interact with other IT staff
  • Assist users with hardware and software problems and questions, to include file management, Internet and software usage, peripheral usage, etc
  • Assist with Network Administration and Management, including troubleshooting problems with communications such as hubs, routers, switches, cables, etc
  • Keep management informed of Help Desk ticket stats and trends. Post weekly stats to the department SQDC board. Compile other statistics as requested
  • Two or more years of experience working in a help desk environment supporting hardware, software, and remote users in a complex environment preferred
  • Experience with hardware and software installations as well as general configuration issues
  • Outstanding verbal and documentation skills essential for trouble-ticket documentation, with the ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical users
  • Prior use of some or all of the following
  • Bachelors and 2+ years or more experience or High School and 6+ years of experience can be used in liue of degree
  • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment
  • 2 years of System Analyst experience is desired
  • Training experience
  • Comptia A+, Security+
  • Candidates must obtain CompTIA Security+ CE (Continuing Education) certification by start date
  • The CompTIA CE requirement is met in one of the following ways
  • Candidate obtained Security+ prior to January 1, 2011 and enrolled in CompTIA CE program by January 1, 2011
  • Candidates who are not enrolled in the Continuing Education Program will not meet contractual DOD 8570 requirements
  • Candidates will also be required to possess one of the following certifications by within 6 months of hire: MCTS on Windows 7, or MCITP EDST for Windows 7 (MS 70- 680)
  • Identify, prioritize and resolve reported problems including data, account administration, desktop hardware/software, including application issues
  • Responsible for maintaining and deploying systems via automated methods
  • Research, resolve, and respond to end-user issues/problems received via email, telephone, or escalations, and provide support on desktop systems
  • Document, maintain, upgrade and replace hardware and software systems
  • Maintain, analyze, troubleshoot and repairs computer systems, hardware and peripherals
  • Provides end user training where required
  • Ability to shift between projects/tasks to keep up with workload
  • Strong communication/people skills
  • Highly self motivated and directed, with attention to detail
  • 3-5 years of technical support experience for small to mid-sized companies’ IT infrastructures (50-100 users)
  • Strong understanding of Windows operating systems and applications in a domain environment, including Windows XP, Windows 7 and Microsoft Office suites
  • Experience with desktop encryption methods
  • Working knowledge of virtualization technologies
  • Experience with desktop image management
  • Experience with anti-virus technologies and troubleshooting
  • Familiarity with Blackberry, IOS, mobile operating systems
  • Basic understanding of TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and VPN configurations
  • Ability to effectively configure, support and troubleshoot connection settings for Microsoft Outlook users in an Exchange environment
  • Peripherals setup & support such as printers, scanners, etc
  • Provide helpdesk support and resolve problems to the end user’s satisfaction
  • Modify configurations, utilities, software default settings, etc. for the local workstation
  • Document internal procedures
  • 2 years of relevant technical experience
  • MCITP Microsoft Certified IT Professional
  • MCP Microsoft Certified Professional (2000 or 2003 or 2008 only)
  • MCSA Microsoft Certified System Administrator
  • MCSE Microsoft Certified System Engineer

Summer Student, Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform surveillance on customer’s Network equipment
  • Manage workload with efficiency taking into consideration priorities
  • Collaborate actively with different partners/suppliers
  • Apply escalation procedures when necessary
  • Always be aware of new Products and Services sold by Bell
  • Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience
  • Knowledge of inter-networking (LAN/MAN/WAN/VoIP)
  • Knowledge of the following product and services: IP (IP VPN, MPLS), Broadband (T1, ATM, OE, NGCE)
  • Knowledge of the following tools: Maximo, Focus, Tim
  • Customer oriented, teamwork and leadership
  • Capacity to quickly analyse the customer’s requests
  • Desire to serve and help our internal and external customers
  • Ability to partner with multiple internal teams
  • Listen, understand and respond to customer’s needs
  • Ability and willingness to manage change and take full responsibility
  • Quick reaction time and decision-making under pressure
  • Demonstrate judgement and initiative
  • Building and configuring PCs and laptops as well as loading software, and conducting audits for unlicensed software
  • Running and terminating infrastructure cabling between workstations and communication closets
  • Responding to client calls to troubleshoot reported problems and taking necessary steps to resolve the issue
  • Strong skills in supporting desk side for Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 installation, troubleshooting and reporting
  • Experienced to support Mac OSX laptops
  • Assist users with Operating System issues, desktop software and printer issues
  • Troubleshoot and support firewall and routing issues
  • Purchase peripherals and components when necessary
  • Understanding of networking concepts: TCP/IP, LAN/WAN, DHCP, DNS, Routing, Switching and Firewalls
  • Email and Spam troubleshooting
  • Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of one to two (1 - 2) years experience in a similar supporting role or corporate environment is required
  • A flexible, can-do attitude with customer orientation and strong dependability
  • Reliable, punctual, well-organized, self-motivator who works well alone and with others
  • 685 - Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician
  • 698 - Installing and Configuring Windows 10
  • 697 - Configuring Windows Devices
  • 2-3 years of help desk experience in a corporate environment that supports internal employees
  • 1+ years of experience with Active Directory, setting up users and applying accesses
  • Professionalism and a passion for customer service
  • Receive customer problem reports and resolve problems immediately or within the scope of the documented Service Level Agreement when possible. Complete SR (Service Requests) as required
  • Proactively assist users in preventing future problems by looking for root causes, correcting them, and providing training. Communicate to others at the Helpdesk and I/S Department potential problems and or patterns of errors
  • Install and configure new PC's added to the HomeStreet Local Area Network
  • Provide PC support to all users on the network, both hardware and software
  • Provide limited "on-site" training to HomeStreet PC users. Training will include; basic computer usage, file management, and Microsoft Office applications
  • Document all communication to and from customers, including resolution and follow-up notes
  • Answer questions regarding system procedures, system status and downtime
  • Coordinate and track requests for add/change/delete requests
  • Responsible for employee moves in the home office, including but not limited to moving technology equipment, phones and patching network ports
  • Provide Helpdesk support for “enterprise” applications, such as Lotus Notes (e-mail) and MS Office Processional applications
  • Provide communication of current technology tips, shortcuts and services related to standard PC applications to members of I/S and entire company
  • Responsible for maintenance of Software Library and check out/in
  • Responsible for maintenance of Reference and Training Library and check out/in
  • Responsible for maintenance/tracking/check out/in of loaner laptops, digital cameras, projectors, etc
  • Assume other duties/projects as they arise and be responsive to the needs of the department
  • 3 years of professional help desk experience
  • Excellent customer service skills with the ability to make staff feel positive about their support experience regardless of the outcome
  • Able to effectively communicate and disseminate information in a timely and accurate manner
  • Be innovative and self-motivated and display personal initiative
  • Ability to work at a high level as a team member as well as independently
  • Foster and maintain a positive atmosphere in which skill-building and professional development are encouraged
  • Strong reading, writing, comprehension, analytical, and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Able to work as a team member
  • Technical background with working knowledge of computer systems, mobile devices, and other tech products
  • Provide post-sale technical support and customized escalation services for Canon Solutions America's customers and employees
  • Specialize and grow expertise in several advanced solution areas; become team subject matter expert
  • Ensure customer encounters are maintained at the highest level of customer satisfaction
  • Perform an efficient customer interaction using phone and web based support tools
  • Act as senior resource for specific technical solution areas; internal team escalation point for advanced support
  • Ownership of the most challenging support incidents handled by the Help Desk
  • Facilitate escalations for technical support to vendors, NTSC, and other Canon resources
  • Ensure proper documentation is maintained for operational processes
  • Execute against a personalized education and training plan
  • Follow all routine operational procedures
  • Other duties as assigned for technical operations including monitoring mailboxes and handling email requests; monitoring and handling after hours phone messages; and monitoring and handling application based alert systems and ticket request queues
  • Associates degree desired, demonstrated progress towards a degree program or equivalent business experience required
  • Minimum five years relevant industry experience
  • HDI and CDIA+ certifications required (if not certified, must achieve certification within six months of hire date)
  • A+/Net+, CNA, CNE, MCP, MCSE, supported Canon and 3rd Party Software Certifications (i.e., eCopy, imageWARE, uniFLOW, Documentum, Kofax) desired
  • Strong background in computer software, hardware and networking support
  • Specific technical experience with related Canon hardware and software solutions, along with systems connectivity
  • Provide on-call support as scheduled during non-business hours
  • Communicate trends and undocumented issues to supervisor, Falcon EHR Support Team, or appropriate Project team
  • Complete additional tasks and projects as assigned by Help Desk leadership
  • Advanced ability to diagnose and troubleshoot Microsoft products
  • Superior customer service skills and phone etiquette
  • Ability to work evening, weekend, and holiday coverage as needed and scheduled
  • Provide support of common business applications like Citrix, Firefox, Thunderbird, Symantec ghost, Symantec Corporate Antivirus, and Microsoft Office products
  • Daily duties include creating and maintaining user accounts, installing software and applications, monitoring servers and networking components
  • Strong communication skills and pleasant phone demeanor are essential
  • The ideal candidate will have 5+ years of technology experience
  • The successful applicant will have experience in removal of viruses and malware
  • Windows 7 PC's
  • HP Printers
  • Multi-function devices
  • Resetting Active Directory passwords
  • Setting up computers for new users via a check sheet (no discovery needed)
  • Field escalated requests from IT Helpdesk Analysts, via Help Desk Tickets (HDT) or telephone in a courteous and professional manner
  • Desktop computing environment consists of VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, Windows 7 and MAC OS
  • Perform post-resolution follow-ups to all help requests
  • Evaluate documented resolutions and analyze trends for ways to prevent future problems Develop help sheets and frequently asked questions/answers for employees and team members
  • Develop an understanding of how the IT Services that currently exist can be uniquely applied to the customer base
  • Assisting in the deployment of new Application, OS, Patch releases to the customer base
  • Knowledge of basic computer hardware, including laptops, desktops and peripherals (PC & Mac)
  • Extensive application support experience with MS Office, Outlook, SharePoint, Lync etc
  • Perceptive attention to detail
  • College diploma or university degree, technical degree from trade school in the field of computer science and/or 2 years equivalent work experience in a customer service role
  • Emphasis placed on telephone and remote assistance skills
  • Familiarity with Return Materials Administration (RMA Management)
  • Maintaining and Management of Spares inventory
  • Provide first level contact and convey resolutions to user issues
  • Troubleshoot desktop environment and perform maintenance
  • Document processes and procedures as required
  • Provide quality desktop support to internal end users, including support for hardware, printing applications, user accounts, and telephone systems
  • High school diploma or equivalent, required
  • Associate or undergraduate degree in related fields and/or 1-2 years of desktop support, preferred
  • Knowledge of basic networking, Microsoft Windows, Active Directory and Group Policy Objects
  • Working knowledge of help desk software, databases and remote control
  • Basic hardware troubleshooting, installation, and RMA\Warranty management
  • Change management compliance
  • Customer service orientation 
  • Lotus Notes/ Domino
  • Windows Deployment Services (WDS)
  • Microsoft Office installation and troubleshooting
  • AutoCAD (Basic Troubleshooting)
  • Basic knowledge of Scripting (VbScript, PowerShell, HTA)
  • Knowledge of Hosted Services models
  • Excellent documentation and troubleshooting skills
  • Effective oral and written communications skills in English
  • Self-starter who is highly organized and learns quickly
  • Able to handle multiple projects and assignments with attention to detail
  • Price Billable Repair activity - Communicate repair estimates
  • Provide technical support to customers regarding technical questions or problems
  • Accurately update new data entry and maintain the Repair Department’s data base
  • Telephone assistance
  • Career guides, information and tools to help you successfully position yourself throughout every stage of your career
  • Access to more than 3,000 online training courses through our Kelly Learning Center
  • Weekly pay and service bonus plans
  • Group- rate insurance options available immediately upon hire*
  • Serves as contact for all related user support issues, providing advanced first level technology support
  • Identifies and resolves service incidents, escalates difficult problems to other IT support teams when required
  • Maintains the incident log and ensures the resolution of identified issues is documented through closure of the tickets
  • Monitors changes on all existing and new applications, programs and systems completed and updates documentation as required
  • Ensures Help Desk Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met on all incidents
  • Conducts after-action-reviews, addresses, and records resolution findings
  • Educates users on desktop, online, remote (VPN) best practices regarding security, passwords and vulnerabilities and proper use of software applications
  • Must have degree in information technology, or equivalent experience
  • Must possess an understanding of TCP/IP and networking principles
  • Experience with desktop and related hardware support, disk imaging utilities, help desk ticketing software, and enterprise antivirus software necessary
  • Ability to write documentation to describe network and software changes related to applications and hardware
  • 2+ years in end-user support and administration of Active Directory environments inclusive of user and workstation administration
  • Experience supporting Office 2010
  • Strong problem solving skills and methodical troubleshooting are required
  • Must have the ability to work independently
  • Must be a US citizen and have the ability to obtain a federal government security clearance
  • Support duties relating to the development, maintenance, and support of the organization’s information technology
  • Provides support to end users on a variety of IT issues
  • Ensure users are provided efficient, effective, and timely support on a 24x7 basis; e.g. manage
  • Bachelor’s degree or Equivalent Experience of Desktop management experience in a service
  • Strong communication skills, both verbal and written, are a must
  • Track record of working well with peers and leadership inside and outside IT; developing and
  • Provide customer service support for office automation applications, PCs and printers
  • Answer the INR helpdesk phones, provide field support, log calls into helpdesk software, troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, manage helpdesk tickets, escalate helpdesk tickets when necessary, keep users informed of their progress and run weekly helpdesk statistical reports
  • Use HelpStar ticketing system for tracking all work performed. While performing the duties of this job, the employee must maintain an excellent telephone manner
  • Associates Degree and 3 years of related experience (3 years providing end-user phone support for current PC desktop and application software OR 3 years installing, upgrading, troubleshooting and repairing personal computers in a network environment). An additional 2 years of experience may be substituted in lieu of degree
  • Experience utilizing call logging software
  • Must have a strong knowledge of Microsoft based operating systems with an emphasis on Windows 7, experience using and troubleshooting MS Office suite 2010, Outlook 2007/2010, Internet Explorer, Adobe and NT Toolkit
  • Must be able to troubleshoot basic hardware and software issues, set-up and customize applications and perform network troubleshooting
  • Must be capable of providing support to a custom developed messaging system based on RetrievalWare and be capable of understanding complex Boolean queries and assisting users in the development of queries
  • Must have a current TS/SCI
  • A+, Network +, Security +, Microsoft certs
  • 1) Troubleshooting Windows 7 and Microsoft Office
  • 3) Hardware and Software Tier 1 Support
  • 2nd Shift (1:30PM to 10PM)
  • 3rd Shift (10PM to 8 AM)
  • Assists staff with the installation, configuration, and ongoing usability of desktop computers, peripheral equipment and software within established standards and guidelines
  • Works with in house technical teams and vendor support contacts to resolve technical problems with desktop computing equipment and software
  • Works with Server and Network Operations staff as appropriate to determine and resolve problems received from clients
  • Interact with numerous computer platforms in a multi-layered client server environment
  • Ensure desktop computers interconnect seamlessly with diverse systems including associated validation systems, file servers, email servers, computer conferencing systems, application servers, and administrative systems
  • Trains and orients staff on use of hardware and software
  • Performs hardware break fix and repair
  • Maintain and troubleshoot telephone systems
  • Minimum of two years of experience supporting XP, Vista and Windows 7 desktop/laptop PCs in a networked environment
  • Experience supporting Apple Mac OSX and IOS devices, but will train the right candidate
  • Experience troubleshooting software, peripheral and printing problems
  • Experience working with Microsoft Office and Outlook
  • A+ certified and/or Macintosh certification preferred
  • Basic networking troubleshooting skills
  • Active Directory and Exchange experience a plus
  • Prior customer service and phone support experience a must
  • Position requires 10% travel

IS Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field highly preferred
  • 3-5 years of Network Administration with customer service interaction
  • Experience working with Microsoft OS and Office Applications
  • Independent worker with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Experience supporting report sites including hardware and wiring
  • Provide technical support for internal users
  • Perform routine application and system updates
  • Maintain and update Windows based system configurations
  • Continue to evolve current support processes to improve efficiency
  • Provide technical documentation for technical and non-technical users
  • Participate in afterhours or offsite projects
  • Experience creating PowerShell, Batch File scripts
  • Experience using System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Altiris, or other systems management software
  • Familiarity customizing MSI packages
  • Ability to effectively troubleshoot a variety of technical issues
  • Experience configuring Windows based computers
  • Demonstrate a high level of customer service
  • Positive attitude and excellent interpersonal skills
  • Exceptional verbal and written communication
  • Adaptability in a changing environment
  • Prioritize and effectively manage time
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment
  • Comfortable working with a wide variety of Windows and web based applications
  • High school education or GED
  • 1-2 years of experience working in a related IT environment or customer service position
  • Reviews, analyzes and evaluates information technology systems operational issues such as but not limited to use of CIOX Health software products, third party software used in IOD’s line of business, PC’s, laptops, scanners, printers, multi-function devices, and all other peripheral devices. 
  • Provides technical support to all users via email, phone, or other methods through the use of remote support technology. 
  • Must be familiar with a variety of field concepts, practices, and procedures such as remote access/control, network and firewall management, cooperative interaction with customer IT/IS groups and internal departments, and vendor service relations. 
  • Performs a variety of complicated tasks including but not limited to troubleshooting of hardware, software, network and operating system problems and failures; diagnostic testing; designing and developing one or more courses of action; evaluating courses of action in a test environment; implementing best solution. 
  • Understands, evaluates compatibility and Installs custom and third party software at customer sites. 
  • Investigates all issues, communicates with customers as to the intended plan, progress and problems encountered in resolving the issues in a timely manner according to the Service Level Agreement. 
  • Interacts with customer lead personnel and management in the resolution of operational system issues that flow between CIOX Health and its customers. 
  • Interacts with all levels of staff throughout the organization. 
  • Achieves complete resolution to all reported issues by gathering pertinent data, identifying and evaluating options and recommending a course of action directed at a workable solution. 
  • Troubleshoots and resolves all technical issues reported that adversely impact end users – both clients and employees - efficiency or productivity. 
  • Maintains open communications with customer and other members of the team. 
  • Installs and upgrades applications. 
  • Verifies at all appropriate levels – internal and external to CIOX Health - that the issue has been satisfactorily resolved. 
  • Supports internal web applications. 
  • Required to follow and comply with CIOX Health’s Service Level Agreement as defined in our Customer SLA document
  • Troubleshoot software and hardware issues on laptops, desktops, tablets, and/or smartphones
  • Log or record support tickets and/or cases
  • 2 years experience or educational equivalent of Associate's degree
  • Background in printers, computer software, hardware and networking support
  • Proven IT customer service background with heavy troubleshooting over the phone
  • Good computer skills (Windows XP/7, Microsoft Office 2007/2010)
  • Strong interpersonal and collaboration skills
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Exemplary Attendance and strong work ethics
  • The Help Desk Analyst is responsible for assisting the team and providing exemplary customer support
  • This person will perform a wide array of tasks to support end users, customers, and prospects via phone, e-mail, and chat; this may include walking customers through basic functionality, assisting with password resets, and generally resolving well-known issues
  • This role may also develop internal and external documentation, perform QA on the Support function, and analyze issues for patterns to improve the Customer Support function
  • Network Printer troubleshooting/installation
  • Local Printer troubleshooting/installation
  • Creating/resetting/adding permissions in Active Directory
  • Resolving connectivity issues
  • Troubleshooting/resolving viruses
  • Network drives/permissions
  • Troubleshooting VPN issues
  • Domain Troubleshooting
  • Provides internal system support to all enterprise customers as well as external support to agent and policyholder customers
  • Triage and troubleshoot client computing devices and peripherals for enterprise customers. Peripherals include, but not limited to mobile devices, tablets, printers, cameras, projectors, and similar devices
  • Assists with and resolves call incidents, primarily through the incoming ACD/phone system queue via phone support
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities and meet established service level agreements and deadlines in a high production environment
  • Identifies, evaluates, and communicates the impact of change on information systems, procedures, and work flows
  • Develops support documentation and user references (i.e. faxing, operating system, and Microsoft Office applications), as necessary, for client computing
  • Maintains an up-to-date technical and practical knowledge and understanding of hardware and software analysis and troubleshooting
  • Assists agents and policyholders with utilization of company specific, web based applications, in support of policy and claim administration
  • Modifies and maintains specific end-user application security
  • Communicates with external vendors related to software and hardware issues and problem solving

Help Desk Technician Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoot user’s problems
  • AS/400 password resets
  • Creates documentation to improve Help Desk issues
  • Available to work year- round
  • 0-3 Years’ experience on the Help Desk
  • Understanding of PC hardware, Microsoft applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Microsoft operating systems (Windows XP and Windows 7)
  • Good written and oral communications
  • Provides technical (e.g., computer, camera, lighting, proprietary software, hosted solutions, telecommunications) support to employees, logging issues accurately and escalating, as necessary
  • Uses call tracking software efficiently and accurately to document calls
  • Provides professional customer service by answering call promptly, speaking clearly, checking for understanding, offering solutions or additional assistance, and working efficiently
  • Demonstrates clear and timely communication to the end users and within the team
  • Analyzes issues to determine root cause and implements fixes to minimize operational interruption
  • Performs equipment repair or maintenance work
  • Takes initiative to resolve internal customer experience issues, in a customer-focused manner
  • Safe-guards all customer, employee and company proprietary and personal information ensuring customer and employee data is kept confidential at all times
  • Creates and maintains documentation for user support, troubleshooting and reference
  • Performs other projects or miscellaneous duties as requested or assigned
  • 0-2 years in technical support function or related experience
  • Other (knowledge, skills, and abilities)
  • Ability to work a varied schedule including days, nights, holidays and weekends, as needed, as well as a rotating on-call schedule
  • Strong computer skills (e.g., navigation, data entry), including Microsoft Outlook
  • Strong communication skills (written, verbal and listening)
  • Detail oriented in the execution and follow-up of work
  • Ability to balance and execute against multiple projects/priorities simultaneously
  • Takes initiatives

Computer Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perfectly bilingual in English and French
  • Minimum 1 year of customer service experience and/or call center experience
  • Excellent customer service skills and strong communication skills
  • A working knowledge of PC hardware/software troubleshooting
  • Ability to analyze and solve problems pertaining to hardware and software on home and small office computer systems
  • Ability to handle multiple responsibilities concurrently in a fast paced environment
  • Must have a working knowledge of Windows
  • Positivism, dynamism, team spirit
  • Available to work day or evening shifts, weekdays and weekends
  • Coordinates with state agency contacts in providing and/or supervising technical support
  • Resolves system operations issues
  • Notifies the MAXIMUS Help Desk to resolve major system issues
  • Coordinates required systems maintenance with MAXIMUS Office of Information Systems staff, vendors, and project staff
  • Ensures availability of project system applications, and hardware/software compatibility with state systems
  • Maintains automated interfaces with all governmental and child support computer systems, in particular the new scanning equipment
  • Performs daily network maintenance
  • Ensures data from on-site servers are backed-up on a daily basis and back-up tapes are stored offsite
  • Maintains the document management, LAN, intranet, and phone systems
  • Develops and generates management reports and other ad-hoc reports, as needed
  • Troubleshoots problems with printers, scanners, communications lines, cabling, terminals, and other devices related to the hardware/software of the computer or telephone system
  • Meets with project management to verify that the data needs of the project are met.Serves as the catalyst for continuous process improvement both from an operations and a technical perspective, emphasizing the document management aspects of the systems
  • Evaluates and validates all data for the project and for presentation to the state agency
  • Evaluates project systems data for scheduling, performance, and best practices
  • Maintains confidentiality and security of case and project information
  • Five (5) years of experience in systems operations and maintenance
  • Five (5) years of experience in a network-related environment providing in-depth LAN and similar systems operations support
  • Two (2) years of experience with PC-based systems
  • Ability to perform comfortably in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented work environment
  • Ability to successfully execute many complex tasks simultaneously
  • Ability to work as a team member, as well as independently
  • Provides support to troubleshoot and resolve problems associated with PC, server, telecommunication, network, software, hardware, and telephone system. Resolve problems at level of expertise and refer all other problems to more senior personnel. Perform assignments in compliance with established procedures
  • Logs all calls and updates in the Help Desk tracking database. Provides reports on call volume, open problems, call type, etc. Assure that all calls in the database are resolved or transferred to appropriate groups or individuals for resolution
  • Maintains the patching and antivirus testing and deployment process
  • Manages and enhances the desktop administration and deployment process
  • Assists with asset management of computer equipment. Makes purchasing recommendations for desktop hardware and software. Sets up and deploys new equipment, supports existing hardware and software
  • Initiates and effectively exchanges technical and system application information to enable customers/users to more effectively perform their job function
  • Provides sufficient and accurate documentation for customer review during all phases of project development and upon implementation
  • Provides training for customers/users and other help desk personnel
  • Completes all assigned tasks within the time and budget allocation. Promptly informs supervisor or other appropriate personnel of any significant events that would result in schedule delays
  • Knows and applies the division’s quality policy and procedures of ISO 9001 as it relates to area of responsibility and the organization. Follows all standard operating procedures as prescribed and notifies appropriate personnel of any non-conformance
  • Associate’s degree or equivalent education and 1-2 years of experience in a technical field to include supporting network and desktop peripherals and troubleshooting OR
  • High School Diploma or GED and 6 years of experience in technical field to include supporting network and desktop peripherals and troubleshooting
  • Desktop support experience based on current Windows Operating Systems
  • Active Directory and Group Policy administration of the desktop
  • Antivirus administration with Current software
  • Windows patching administration with WSUS
  • Desktop deployment experience using imaging based software
  • Experience supporting MS Office (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Word)
  • Strong network troubleshooting skills
  • Experience with ERP support, shipping software, CRM and phone system administration preferred
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize and multi-task
  • Maintain and troubleshoot Mac and PC systems in School of Communication classrooms, labs, and offices
  • Schedule and deploy operating system and application updates for all computers
  • Image and set up new computers received at the School of Communication
  • Ensure lab printers are operational and printer consumables are stocked
  • Create, publish, distribute, monitor, and enforce computer lab policies and regulations
  • Perform daily checks of lab and classroom computers and troubleshoot issues as needed
  • Respond to incoming technical support requests from School of Communication faculty, staff, and students
  • Log and manage technical support requests through an online incident management system
  • Document new procedures as needed in an online knowledgebase
  • Other duties as assigned by the Manager of Information Technology
  • Provide Tier 2 service/phone support to store associates for basic end-user support during installation of iPads at international store locations
  • Work with level 1 team to capture and address unexpected service requests
  • May perform end-user training as it regards assistance with supported applications
  • High School Diploma, GED, equivalent certification, or military experience
  • A least 1 year experience with OS X/MacOS – El Capitan and later, especially including system image deployment, maintenance, software and system testing and encryption and security tools (McAfee and FileVault)
  • At least 1 year of experience with Windows 7 or later, including image deployment, software and system testing and encryption and security tools (McAfee)
  • At least 1 year support and administration including remote administration, end user support and interaction with other support groups including executive support
  • At least 1 year experience with productivity tools running on Mac’s/PCs including MS Office, Lync
  • At least 1 year Mac/PC experience in a medium to large environment
  • At least 1 year experience with ticketing and traffic reporting tools (Zendesk, HPSM, or equivalent)

Help Desk Technician Nd Shift Resume Examples & Samples

  • Receives and responds to incoming calls, emails, chats, and service tickets regarding user issues. ·
  • Setups and supports the following: computer hardware, active directory user accounts, software, peripherals, VoIP telephones, security DVR systems, printers, fax machines and Bluetooth devices. ·
  • Maintains and monitors backup jobs. ·
  • Conducts research into PC issues and products as required. ·
  • Generate monthly and quarterly audits. ·
  • Provides reports for a variety of systems which includes Splunk, ServiceNow, Audits. ·
  • Maintains the organization of IT storage areas. ·
  • Manages the tagging of assets for all computer and computer related equipment. ·
  • Provides training and support to users. ·
  • Works when necessary with third party support in order to resolve issues. ·
  • Cisco, EMC, Dell, Brother, Kyocera, Focus BT, Zebra, VMware, Microsoft, Linux, PRTG and AT Task. ·
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills ·
  • Excellent critical thinking skills; using logic and reasoning to identify strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems. ·
  • Able to work independently within a set of guidelines. ·
  • Strong sense of urgency; ability to execute quickly and efficiently. ·
  • Excellent organization, planning, judgment, and time management skills. ·
  • Must have reliable transportation to travel freely between office locations as needed. ·
  • Must be able to lift 30+ lbs. on an occasional basis

Future Help Desk Technician Opportunity Resume Examples & Samples

  • Dedication, above all, to caring for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure across the nation
  • Six months of related experience
  • Demonstrated ability to solve issues with healthcare/clinical applications
  • Excellent documentation skills
  • Must be able to troubleshoot network connectivity of various workstations
  • Must be familiar with and able to troubleshoot client peripherals including printers, KVMs, card readers, monitors, and blades
  • Must meet DoD 8570 certification eligibility requirements (e.g., Security+ CE)
  • Ability to prepare, objectively review, and deliver technical presentations
  • Associate Degree (preferably in a Computer or Management related area) or equivalent combination of completed college-level classes, technology certifications and related work experience
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of basic hardware and software products
  • Strong problem solving/troubleshooting skills
  • Functional knowledge of basic networking protocols
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office software
  • 1 year of technical support experience
  • 2 years of customer support experience
  • 4 Information Technology degree
  • 4 3+ years of proved work in the role
  • 4 Knowledge of relevant incident tracking applications
  • Work experience in trouble shooting problems with day to day operating environments and customer application
  • Strong dedication to quality customer service
  • Quickly respond to clients inquiries and complaints
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in I/T and in a Help Desk environment
  • Work experience in Data Center and Network devices

EPG Help Desk Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • High School Diploma and 6 years experience, or any equivalent combination of relevant education and experience
  • Security+ Required. Current A+, Network+, and/or CISSP preferred. Formal Military or Civilian Network education/certificate
  • Experience administrating unclassified and classified network computers and peripheral equipment
  • Ability to speak, read, write English. Possess a valid Driver's License
  • Possess an active Secret Clearance prior to starting

Related Job Titles

help desk achievements resume

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Help desk resume summary examples.

Approved by hiring managers, here are proven resume summary examples you can use on your Help Desk resume. Learn what real hiring managers want to see on your resume, and when to use which.

Kimberley Tyler Smith - Hiring Manager

  • Entry-Level Help Desk
  • IT Help Desk Coordinator
  • IT Service Desk Manager
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Network Support Specialist
  • Senior Help Desk Analyst
  • Technical Support Analyst
  • Help Desk resume templates
  • Similar summary examples

Help Desk Resume Summary Example

Job-specific expertise.

The mention of being a 'Help Desk professional' gives a clear hint to recruiters about your job-specific expertise. It's important to use industry-specific job titles to ensure your resume makes it past ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems), which are programmed to look for specific keywords.

Highlighting specific accomplishments

When you mention that you 'implemented a new ticketing system', it says much more than just telling you're skilled. It showcases your proactive nature and your ability to bring about positive changes in your work environment. Not to mention, it's a great way to quantify your impact.

Showcasing managerial abilities

By stating you have experience 'training and managing a team', you demonstrate to employers that you possess leadership skills. This is especially important for roles that require supervising or mentoring others.

Stressing on performance metrics

Mentioning how you've 'reduced issue resolution time by 25%' gives recruiters a tangible example of how you can improve processes. Quantifying your achievements like this helps employers understand the potential value you can add to their organization.

Displaying knowledge of software

When you mention experience in 'supporting enterprise-level software applications', it suggests a familiarity with complex systems. This indicates to recruiters that you can handle challenging IT environments and troubleshoot a variety of issues.

Entry-Level Help Desk Resume Summary Example

Capitalizing on education.

As an 'Entry-Level Help Desk' professional, highlighting your educational background in IT is a smart move. This instantly communicates to employers that you have a solid foundation of IT knowledge, despite being entry-level.

Showcasing early achievements

'Developed a user-friendly FAQ section', this is a great way to demonstrate your initiative and problem-solving skills, even if it was during an internship. Employers value candidates who can show tangible results, regardless of the setting.

Leveraging your involvement

Mentioning that you 'assisted in a major system migration project' underlines your ability to participate in large-scale initiatives. Even if you were assisting, it still shows that you're capable of handling major projects.

Rapid learner

'Quickly learn new software systems' - This shows that you're adaptable and willing to expand your knowledge base. These are highly valued traits in the ever-evolving tech industry.

Industry-spanning experience

Experience in 'multiple industries including finance and healthcare' demonstrates your ability to adapt to different work environments and understand the unique IT needs of various sectors.

Applying for jobs can feel like throwing your resume into a black hole. Our tool helps you optimize your resume so it gets noticed by the right people. Get a detailed analysis and personalized suggestions for improvement in just a few clicks.

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IT Help Desk Coordinator Resume Summary Example

Define yourself and your strengths.

Starting your summary with your job title and a key strength, 'juggling multiple tasks and deadlines,' sets the tone. It tells recruiters what you do and what you're specifically good at.

Demonstrate your problem-solving abilities

By explaining how you 'implemented a new shift scheduling system,' you demonstrate your problem-solving abilities. Including the direct result of your actions, in this case, 'improved 24/7 coverage by 100%,' further solidifies your claim.

Exhibit your coordination skills

Coordinating support for multiple office locations is no easy task. By highlighting this, you show your ability to manage complex operations and cater to diverse needs, indicating adaptability and effective coordination skills.

Showcase your leadership skills

Managing a team of technicians requires leadership and people management skills. Mentioning this conveys that you're not only good at technical work but also at managing people, which is a valuable combination.

Highlight relevant industry exposure

Experience in fast-paced tech startups sends a clear message - you're adaptable, can handle pressure, and are comfortable in a dynamic environment. It's a great way to demonstrate your fit for similar future roles.

IT Service Desk Manager Resume Summary Example

Leadership in it service.

Being an 'IT Service Desk Manager' with a record of transforming underperforming teams showcases your leadership skills and problem-solving abilities. It conveys that you can take charge and bring about positive changes.

Training initiatives

'Introduced a new training program' demonstrates your commitment to improving team performance. Training is often overlooked, but it's an excellent way to increase productivity and enhance team skills.

Global team management

'Managed a global team of 20+ service desk analysts' shows that you can handle large teams spread across different locations. This requires excellent communication and coordination skills, making it a key selling point to recruiters.

Cost-saving measures

'Reduced IT expenditure by 15%' shows that you're not only technically proficient but also mindful of the business side of IT. This ability to balance technical needs with budget constraints is a valuable trait.

Broad software environment experience

'Experience in both SaaS and traditional IT environments' shows that you're adaptable and have a wide range of skills. It suggests that you can handle IT service management in diverse technology landscapes, making you a versatile candidate.

IT Support Specialist Resume Summary Example

Technical prowess.

As an 'IT Support Specialist', it's crucial to highlight your technical abilities upfront. It implies a broad set of skills, from troubleshooting hardware and software issues to network administration.

Preventive measures

'Implemented a proactive maintenance schedule' shows that you not only solve problems after they arise but also work to prevent them. This approach can save companies significant resources in the long run, making it a desirable trait.

Vendor management

'Coordinated with vendors' is an important detail for companies that rely heavily on external suppliers. It suggests you're capable of maintaining beneficial relationships with vendors while ensuring timely updates and services.

Infrastructure management

'Managed IT infrastructure for 200+ workstations' shows that you're capable of overseeing large-scale operations. This paints you as a candidate with experience in handling significant responsibilities.

Crisis management

Being known for 'efficiently managing high-pressure situations' is a huge plus in any IT role. IT issues can often be urgent and stressful, so recruiters will appreciate a candidate who can remain calm and effective under pressure.

Network Support Specialist Resume Summary Example

Paint a clear picture of your role.

Mentioning your exact job title, like 'Network Support Specialist', in the summary breeds clarity from the start. It helps recruiters quickly match your profile with the job description and understand your expertise level. Plus, it increases your chances of getting picked up by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) due to keyword matching.

Showcase your major achievements

'Designed and implemented a network upgrade' is a perfect instance of demonstrating your impact. Not only does it show your technical skills, but it also illustrates how you've applied them. Remember to include quantifiable results, as it gives a sense of scale to your accomplishments.

Highlight critical responsibilities

Pointing out that you've 'managed network security' for a financial institution speaks volumes. It shows that you can be trusted with significant responsibilities and can handle high-pressure environments.

Establish leadership capabilities

Managing cross-functional teams is a complex task. By stating this, you prove that you have solid leadership and coordination skills. Such a trait is highly valued, especially in roles that require collaborative efforts.

Emphasize industry experience

Stating that you've worked in highly regulated industries like finance and healthcare gives you an edge. It not only shows your adaptability but also your understanding of industry-specific challenges and regulations.

Senior Help Desk Analyst Resume Summary Example

Seniority matters.

Identifying yourself as a 'Senior Help Desk Analyst' instantly communicates your level of experience to recruiters. This can be a deciding factor for hiring managers when weeding out less experienced candidates.

Innovation in action

'Introduced an AI-based chatbot' - here's an excellent example of leveraging technology to solve problems. This indicates your tech-savviness and forward-thinking approach, both qualities highly appreciated in the IT world.

Proof of leadership

The phrase 'managed a team of 10 technicians' not only demonstrates your leadership skills but also shows that you can handle a larger team, which is crucial for higher-level positions.

Customer-centric attitude

Having a '95% customer satisfaction rating' speaks volumes about your ability to handle customers effectively. In a help desk role, customer satisfaction is often the most critical performance metric.

Cloud knowledge

Having experience in 'supporting cloud-based infrastructure' shows that you're up-to-date with the latest technologies. This is particularly important in IT roles where technology evolves rapidly, and staying current is critical.

Technical Support Analyst Resume Summary Example

Problem-solving reputation.

A 'Technical Support Analyst' with a reputation for resolving issues quickly signals to recruiters that you're efficient and reliable. A good reputation is often built through consistent performance, which recruiters love to see.

Process Implementation

'Implemented an ITIL-based incident management process' indicates that you're familiar with industry-standard frameworks and can utilize them to improve processes. This suggests a strong understanding of IT operations and a strategic mindset.

Supporting large organizations

'Led the IT support for a 500+ employee organization' - handling IT support in large organizations often means dealing with a wide variety of issues and managing resources effectively. This statement showcases your ability to operate at a large scale.

Vendor relationship management

'Managed vendor relationships' suggests that you're experienced in dealing with third-party suppliers, which is often a crucial part of an IT support role. It shows your ability to negotiate and collaborate, ensuring resources are procured efficiently.

Varied work environments

Having 'experience spans startups and large corporations' shows your adaptability. Different work cultures demand different approaches, and recruiters will appreciate a candidate who has successfully navigated both.

Help Desk Resume Templates

Desktop support.

A Desktop Support Engineer resume showing extensive experience in the financial, customer service, and professional recruitment industries.

Service Desk

A service desk technician resume template using strong action verbs

Administrative Resume Summary Examples

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  • > Executive Assistant Summary Examples
  • > Office Manager Summary Examples
  • > Research Assistant Summary Examples

Administrative Resume Objective Examples

  • > Administrative Assistant Objective Examples
  • > Executive Assistant Objective Examples
  • > Office Manager Objective Examples
  • > Research Assistant Objective Examples

Administrative Resume Guides

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  • > Executive Assistant Resume Guides
  • > Office Manager Resume Guides
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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

help desk achievements resume

Helpdesk Resume Examples

Writing a great helpdesk resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

Create your resume Select from 7 professional resume templates

If you're looking for inspiration when it comes to drafting your own helpdesk resume, look no further than the samples below. These resumes will help you highlight your experience and qualifications in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance of landing the helpdesk job you're after.

Helpdesk Resume Example

or download as PDF

Essential Components of a Helpdesk Resume

A Helpdesk resume is a critical tool for showcasing your technical expertise, customer service acumen, and problem-solving abilities to prospective employers. It reflects your professional identity within the IT support realm. Crafting an impactful Helpdesk resume involves emphasizing key sections such as employment history, technical skills, educational background, certifications, and interpersonal skills. In the following sections, we'll delve into each component of a Helpdesk resume, discussing their significance and what to include, along with tips to make your resume stand out to employers.

1. Contact Information

At the forefront of your Helpdesk resume should be your contact information , a fundamental element of any resume. Positioned prominently at the top, this section ensures employers can easily reach out to you for interviews or further discussion.

How to List Contact Information for a Helpdesk Resume

Include your full name, phone number, and a professional email address. Avoid casual or unprofessional email addresses to maintain a positive impression. If relevant, add your LinkedIn profile or other professional social media links.

Ensure all provided information is up-to-date and accurate to prevent missed opportunities due to incorrect contact details. While full home addresses are no longer necessary, including your city and state is sufficient, unless applying for out-of-state positions where it may be best to omit this information to prevent potential bias.

The goal of providing contact information on your Helpdesk resume is to facilitate easy communication with hiring managers regarding job opportunities.

  • Name: Your full name
  • Phone Number: Your contact number
  • Email Address: Professional email address
  • Social Media Profiles: LinkedIn or other professional accounts (if applicable)

Note: Verify that all information is current and precise to avoid missing out on potential opportunities due to incorrect contact details.

2. Professional Summary or Objective

The " Professional Summary or Objective " section is a pivotal part of a Helpdesk resume, positioned to immediately capture the attention of hiring managers. It allows you to create a strong first impression by succinctly summarizing your core competencies, experience, and career goals in a compelling manner.

For those with extensive helpdesk experience, a professional summary is appropriate, offering a brief paragraph that encapsulates your professional identity and highlights significant achievements. Conversely, career newcomers or those transitioning into the field may opt for an objective statement, clearly articulating career aspirations and relevant transferable skills.

Customize this section for each job application to align with the specific requirements outlined in the job posting. Incorporating pertinent keywords can also help your resume navigate applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Whether you choose a professional summary or an objective statement, this segment serves as an elevator pitch, quickly conveying to employers why you are an indispensable addition to their team.

Related: Top Helpdesk Manager Resume Objective Examples

3. Technical Skills and Certifications

Technical Skills: These are the practical skills and knowledge essential for performing specific IT-related tasks. A helpdesk professional should be proficient in operating systems, software applications, hardware components, network configuration, database management, and cybersecurity.

Problem-solving skills are also vital, as is familiarity with remote desktop applications and helpdesk software such as Zendesk or Jira.

Certifications: IT certifications demonstrate a candidate's technical proficiency and commitment to professional development. They can distinguish a candidate in a field of similarly experienced peers.

  • Valuable certifications for helpdesk roles include CompTIA A+, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and ITIL Foundation, among others.

Listing your technical skills and certifications provides tangible evidence of your ability to fulfill the responsibilities of a helpdesk role, assuring employers of your competence in managing their IT infrastructure.

Related: Helpdesk Manager Skills: Definition and Examples

Related: Helpdesk Manager Certifications

4. Work Experience in IT Support/Helpdesk Roles

Prior experience in IT support or helpdesk roles is essential for a helpdesk resume, providing a glimpse into your practical experience within the industry and your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Detail past job responsibilities, especially those relevant to the position you're applying for, and highlight proficiency with specific tools and technologies used in the field. Include measurable achievements to enhance the impact of your work experience.

Present your work history in reverse chronological order, including job titles, company names and locations, employment dates, and a bulleted list of duties and accomplishments.

Emphasizing your work experience in IT support or helpdesk roles not only showcases your technical prowess but also underscores your problem-solving skills and commitment to delivering exceptional customer service.

5. Education and Training

The "Education and Training" section of your helpdesk resume is vital, showcasing your academic achievements and any specialized training you've completed. It provides insight into your foundational knowledge, technical skills, and dedication to ongoing professional development.

List your educational credentials in reverse chronological order, including the institution's name, degree earned, and dates of attendance. Highlight any IT support or customer service certifications and specialized training programs relevant to helpdesk roles.

Also, mention ongoing education efforts, such as online courses related to IT support/helpdesk roles. While this section is important for displaying your qualifications, it should complement rather than overshadow other critical resume components like work experience and skills.

6. Problem-Solving Abilities

Problem-solving is an indispensable skill for any Helpdesk resume. Provide concrete examples from your professional history where you effectively utilized these skills to resolve technical issues.

Emphasize your ability to prioritize tasks and demonstrate critical thinking, creativity, resilience, and attention to detail. Highlighting your problem-solving skills on your resume assures potential employers of your capability to manage challenging helpdesk responsibilities.

7. Communication Skills

Excellent communication skills are crucial for a Helpdesk resume. As the first point of contact for technical issues, it is imperative that you can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with clients and team members.

On your resume, showcase instances where your communication skills led to positive outcomes, such as simplifying complex technical information for non-technical users or de-escalating tense situations with clients.

Additionally, demonstrate your ability to collaborate within a team and your empathetic approach to customer service. Including these aspects on your resume will illustrate that you possess not only technical expertise but also the communication skills necessary to excel in a helpdesk role.

Related Resume Examples

  • Helpdesk Manager

help desk achievements resume

10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume – 2024 Guide

A re you exhausted from investing endless hours into creating an impeccable CV? This article introduces the top resume builders that will revolutionize your job application approach. Bid farewell to monotonous formatting and greet a remarkable resume that distinguishes itself from the rivalry. Prepare yourself to secure your dream job with self-assurance effortlessly!

>> Unlock Your Career Potential With Super Star Resume

10 Best Resume Writing Services

  • Super Star Resume - Best overall
  • ZipJob - Best for guarantees
  • Resumeble - Best with custom bundles
  • Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best for range of career service
  • ResumeSpice - Best for job seekers of any level
  • TopResume - Best customer service
  • Resume Writing Services - Best for affordability
  • Craft Resumes - Best for quick turnaround
  • Resume Companion - Best value resume writing service
  • - Best free service

When creating this compilation, we considered different elements such as affordability, ease of use, accessibility, the privacy policies of the companies involved, and more. The highest-rated services offer advice, templates, and tools and allow you to consult with experts who can help you craft an impressive resume highlighting your strengths to potential employers.

Our collection comprises free services and those that make use of professional writers’ skills. Some options require a subscription or one-time payment.

>> Secure Your Dream Job With Super Star Resume

Super Star Resume - Best Resume Builder Overall

Star Rating: 4.9/5

Super Star Resume is an innovative resume builder that completely transforms creating professional resumes. By offering a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, Super Star Resume enables individuals to produce exceptional resumes that effectively showcase their abilities, accomplishments, and work history.

  • Skilled and seasoned writers
  • Customized strategy aligned with unique career objectives
  • Timely delivery of resumes
  • More significant expense compared to certain other resume writing services
  • Restricted selection of additional services
  • Availability may be restricted depending on demand and geographic location
  • Intuitive resume builder: An intuitive interface that simplifies the resume creation process, offering modern templates for a professional look.
  • Customization choices: Users can personalize their resumes by selecting from various font styles, colors, layouts, and sections to align with their unique style.
  • Comprehensive content suggestions: Access to a collection of expertly curated bullet points, action verbs, and industry-specific phrases to craft impactful resume content.
  • Real-time previews and editing: Real-time previewing and editing capabilities ensure a visually appealing and error-free final resume.
  • Integration with professional networking platforms: Integration with LinkedIn allows users to maintain consistency between their online presence and resume.
  • Tailored resumes for different job applications: The duplication feature facilitates the creation of multiple resume versions, each customized for specific job applications or industries.
  • Resume analytics and tracking: Users can monitor the views and downloads of their resumes, gaining valuable insights to optimize their job search strategies.
  • Professional Resume : $169
  • Resume With Cover Letter : $199
  • All-Included : $199

>> Use Super Star Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

ZipJob - Best Resume Builder for Guarantees

Star Rating: 4.7/5

ZipJob is widely regarded as an excellent option for resume creation, especially for those who value guarantees. Their impressive 60-day assurance ensures that individuals searching for employment will experience a surge in interview invitations within this period.

If this desired outcome cannot materialize, ZipJob proactively offers a complimentary review and revision of your resume. This guarantee highlights their commitment to client contentment and showcases their unwavering belief in the superior quality of their resume writing services.

  • The starting package is cost-effective
  • Complimentary ATS check included
  • 60-day interview assurance with higher-tier packages
  • The design and layout made it challenging to read the resume
  • The summary section was overly lengthy and filled with clichés
  • The formatting of the education and training sections was subpar
  • Expert resume writers: ZipJob provides access to a team of expert resume writers with the skills and knowledge to review, evaluate, and optimize your resume for compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.
  • ATS optimization: Meaning they ensure your resume is structured and formatted to navigate and succeed in ATS filters effectively. Employers commonly use these filters to assess and rank resumes during the initial screening process.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder online offered by ZipJob assists you in identifying and integrating pertinent keywords and industry-specific terminology. This practice heightens the visibility of your resume, making it more likely to capture the attention of hiring managers.
  • Job-specific content suggestions: ZipJob provides valuable advice regarding the most relevant and influential content to include in your resume for different job titles and industries. This guidance is invaluable in customizing your resume for specific roles.
  • Cover letter writing assistance: ZipJob supports the creation of impactful cover letters that complement your resume, strengthening your overall job application.
  • Unlimited revisions: One noteworthy feature of ZipJob is the option for unlimited revisions and updates to your resume. This ensures that your resume not only meets but continues to meet your specific requirements and mirrors your professional growth.
  • Collaboration with resume writers: the platform facilitates direct collaboration with the resume writers, enabling you to share additional information, discuss specific requirements, and seek clarifications at any stage of the resume creation process.
  • Launch Package: $139 (or $48/mo)
  • Fast Track Package: $189 (or $65/mo)
  • Premium Package: $299 (or $27/mo)

>> Use ZipJob to Secure Your Dream Job

Resumeble - Best Resume Builder With Custom Bundles

Star Rating: 4.3/5

Resumeble is a highly efficient and user-friendly resume builder that empowers individuals to create professional and compelling resumes. With Resumeble, crafting a standout resume becomes a streamlined process thanks to its intuitive interface and extensive range of customizable templates.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to change careers, Resumeble caters to all needs and skill sets. It offers helpful suggestions and expert advice to ensure your resume showcases your unique qualifications and achievements in the best possible light.

  • A 60-day interview guarantee is included
  • Budget-friendly package deals are available
  • It’s more established than some other websites
  • Keyword optimization: This feature helps optimize your resume by suggesting relevant keywords aligned with your target industry or job, enhancing your visibility to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and recruiters.
  • Content import: Resumeble allows you to import your existing resume or LinkedIn profile, saving you the time and effort of manual data entry.
  • Real-time editing: You have the convenience of editing and modifying your resume in real time, providing the flexibility to experiment with various formats, sections, and content.
  • ATS compatibility: Resumeble ensures your resume is ATS-compatible, essential for better visibility and a higher chance of being shortlisted by employers using Applicant Tracking Systems.
  • Download options: The platform offers various download formats, including PDF, Word, and plain text, ensuring compatibility with diverse application processes.
  • Cover letter builder: Resumeble features an integrated cover letter builder, streamlining the creation of professional and personalized cover letters that complement your resume.
  • Career Pro Package : $159.00
  • Professional Package : $299.00
  • Premium Package : $399.00

>> Use Resumeble to Secure Your Dream Job

Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service

Star Rating: 4/5

Let’s Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform streamlines the resume-building process, making it easier for job seekers to craft exceptional resumes. With Let’s Eat, Grandma, individuals can create unique resumes that catch the eye of employers and set them apart from the competition.

This user-friendly platform offers a range of customizable templates that allow users to tailor their resumes to showcase their specific skills and experiences. Let’s Eat, Grandma also provides expert advice and recommendations to help ensure that your qualifications and achievements are effectively highlighted in your resume.

  • Complimentary resume evaluation
  • Choices available for individuals from entry-level to executive-level positions
  • Extensive collaboration opportunities
  • Not specialized in academic CVs or federal resumes
  • Relatively higher pricing compared to some other services
  • Potential for a longer turnaround time compared to competing services
  • Expert choice: You can save your resume in multiple formats (PDF, Word, plain text) or easily share it with potential employers via email or a link, simplifying the distribution of your resume.
  • Error highlighting: The builder can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, or missing information within your resume and provide suggestions or alerts for improvement.
  • Section prompts: Pre-written prompts for various resume sections (e.g., work experience, education, skills) can help you structure your resume effectively and ensure you include essential details in each area.
  • Customizable sections: You can add, remove, or rearrange sections to tailor your resume to emphasize your strengths and relevant experiences.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder can recommend industry-specific keywords based on the job description, enhancing your resume’s chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and grabbing the attention of hiring managers.
  • Starter Package : Priced at $439, but there is an anti-inflation sale price of $389.
  • Accelerated Package : $549.
  • The premium Package : $689, but the anti-inflation sale price is $614.
  • Executive Concierge Service : $1,899 or as low as $119/month.

>> Use Let’s Eat, Grandma to Secure Your Dream Job

ResumeSpice - Best Resume Builder for Job Seekers of Any Level

Star Rating: 3.8/5

ResumeSpice , a renowned online resume builder, streamlines crafting professional resumes. This platform provides job seekers with a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of templates, enabling them to create impressive resumes that align with their career objectives.

With ResumeSpice’s seamless experience, users are guided through each resume section effortlessly while receiving valuable tips throughout the process. From personal details and work history to skills and accomplishments, this platform ensures that all crucial aspects of a resume are comprehensively addressed.

  • Additional assistance
  • Timely service
  • ATS optimization
  • Guaranteed interviews
  • Restricted revisions
  • Insufficient customization options
  • Restricted refund policy
  • User-friendly interface: ResumeSpice boasts an intuitive and user-friendly platform, simplifying the resume creation process and offering a seamless experience to users.
  • Extensive template library: The platform offers a vast selection of professionally designed templates tailored to various industries and job positions. Users can explore different styles and layouts to find the perfect match for their needs.
  • Import and export options: ResumeSpice enables users to import their existing resumes in formats like PDF or Word for easy editing and updates. Users can conveniently export their finalized resumes in multiple formats, facilitating sharing with employers or uploading to job portals.
  • Mobile-friendly design: ResumeSpice is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to create and modify their resumes using smartphones or tablets.
  • Cloud storage: The platform provides secure cloud storage for users’ resumes, ensuring accessibility and updates from any device with an internet connection.
  • Resume tracking: ResumeSpice includes tools for tracking the performance of submitted resumes, such as monitoring views, downloads, and application outcomes. These features empower users to evaluate their progress and make data-driven enhancements to their job search strategies.
  • Entry Level Resume : $479
  • Professional Resume : $589
  • Executive Resume : $699

>> Use ResumeSpice to Secure Your Dream Job

TopResume - Best Resume Builder for Customer Service

Star Rating: 3.6/5

TopResume is an outstanding resume builder explicitly tailored for customer service professionals. It offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, enabling users to create exceptional resumes effortlessly. The platform goes beyond just providing a basic resume template, offering valuable suggestions and tips to optimize the content.

This ensures that each resume created on TopResume is unique and attention-grabbing in the highly competitive job market.

Besides its user-friendly interface, TopResume provides expert review services. These services allow skilled professionals to provide personalized feedback on resumes, helping enhance their overall quality further. By leveraging this feedback and incorporating attention to detail, customer service professionals can create compelling resumes that effectively capture the attention of potential employers.

  • Streamlined registration process
  • Well-designed and formatted one-page resume
  • The summary and Job Scope sections were overly extended
  • The training section needed to have prominence
  • Skill-based sections: The resume builder features dedicated sections highlighting essential customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship building.
  • Expert review services: TopResume provides expert review services where experienced professionals offer personalized feedback and recommendations to enhance the overall quality of your resume.
  • ATS compatibility: The platform ensures that the resumes created are compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which employers commonly use for scanning and filtering resumes.
  • Download and sharing options: Users can download their resumes in various formats, such as PDF or Word, and easily share them with potential employers or upload them to job portals.
  • Industry-Specific Tips: TopResume offers industry-specific tips and guidance to assist users in tailoring their resumes to the customer service field, helping them stand out among competitors.
  • Cover letter builder: Besides resume building, TopResume provides a builder that empowers users to craft professional and compelling cover letters customized for customer service roles.
  • Mobile accessibility: The platform is mobile-friendly, allowing users to create, edit, and update their resumes while on the go, using their smartphones or tablets.
  • Entry level : Up to 200$.
  • Professional level : Up to 200$-400$.
  • Executive level : Up to $350-$700.

>> Use TopResume to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Writing Services - Best Resume Builder for Affordability

Star Rating: 3.3/5

While may be a different size than its competitors, it stands out due to its team of talented and experienced resume writers. The website is user-friendly and provides exceptional service. However, this service’s true strength lies in its writers’ expertise. sets itself apart by offering a comprehensive consultation process and goes beyond expectations by providing unlimited calls with its resume writers. This personalized approach distinguishes them from other companies and guarantees each client receives individual attention and support.

  • Experienced resume writers of the highest caliber
  • Unlimited phone consultations and revisions
  • More expensive than rival services
  • A limited range of products
  • Skilled and experienced resume writers: takes pride in its team of highly trained and professional resume writers who possess a deep understanding of crafting effective resumes.
  • Personalized service: offers a personal touch by providing unlimited calls with their resume writers. This unique feature allows clients to engage in direct communication and close collaboration with the writers throughout the resume creation process.
  • Competitive job market expertise: The writers at have knowledge of current job market trends. This ensures that the resumes they create are optimized to excel in today’s fiercely competitive job market.
  • Quality Assurance: The service maintains a rigorous quality assurance process to guarantee that the resumes delivered to clients meet the highest standards and align with their expectations.
  • Timely delivery: is committed to delivering resumes within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring clients receive their documents promptly.
  • Client satisfaction guarantee: offers a client satisfaction guarantee, assuring clients are fully content with the final resume. The service is ready to provide revisions if necessary.
  • Affordable pricing: provides pricing options that are competitive and transparent, making professional resume writing accessible to a wide range of job seekers. employs a pricing system that is clear and easy to understand for their resume-building services. The initial package begins at $270 , including a comprehensive consultation with a skilled resume writer and developing an individualized resume.

They offer extra options that enable customers to personalize their packages based on their unique preferences. This adaptable pricing strategy guarantees that clients can choose the services that align with their requirements and financial constraints.

>> Use Resume Writing Services to Secure Your Dream Job

Craft Resumes - Best Resume Builder for Quick-Turnaround

Star Rating: 3/5

Craft Resumes stand out as a well-established writing and editing service known for its ability to deliver effective outcomes. Our dedication to providing a 24-hour turnaround guarantees you’ll receive the initial version of your resume promptly.

Navigating our user-friendly website is effortless, making it easy to use our services. At Craft Resumes, we specialize in crafting customized resumes to match your skills, qualifications, and aspirations for your career.

  • Speedy completion
  • Customized CVs
  • Intuitive site
  • Insufficient details
  • Absence of assurances
  • Quick turnaround: Craft Resumes commits to delivering the initial draft of your resume within 24 hours, ensuring a speedy and efficient service.
  • Expert Writers: Craft Resumes prides itself on its team of experienced writers who possess expertise across various industries and stay up-to-date with current hiring trends. They’re dedicated to making your resume stand out and catch the attention of potential employers.
  • Unlimited revisions: We provide unlimited revisions to guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you have specific changes or additions in mind, our team will collaborate with you closely to implement the modifications.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: At Craft Resumes, we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. You can trust that your data will be handled securely and with the utmost discretion.
  • Tailored resumes: We specialize in tailoring resumes to align with your career objectives, industry, and job requirements. Each resume is personalized to accentuate your unique strengths and qualifications.
  • Resume Writing : $229.00
  • Basic : $279.99
  • Optimal : $339.99
  • All-In-One : $499.99

>> Use Craft Resumes to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Companion - Best Value Resume Builder

Star Rating: 2.8/5

Resume Companion is a virtual platform and service that specializes in aiding individuals in creating resumes that are professional and impactful. It offers an array of resources and tools to assist job seekers in crafting interesting resumes that effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications.

A prominent feature of Resume Companion is its user-friendly resume builder. This tool allows users to select from various professionally designed templates and personalize them based on their specific requirements.

Users can effortlessly incorporate their personal information, employment history, educational background, skill set, and other pertinent details to produce a customized resume tailored to their needs.

  • Intuitive user interface
  • High-quality templates
  • Efficiency-boosting functions
  • Cost-effective choice
  • Restricted editing features without subscription
  • Absence of extensive customization options
  • Limited availability of extra services
  • Cover letter builder: Resume Companion goes beyond resumes and provides users with a tool for crafting customized cover letters tailored to specific job applications. This feature guides users through the process, helping them effectively present their qualifications and make a compelling case to prospective employers.
  • ATS optimization: In today’s job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Resume Companion helps users ensure their resumes are ATS-friendly. The platform offers valuable tips and insights on incorporating relevant keywords, formatting the document correctly, and increasing the likelihood of passing through the ATS screening process.
  • Educational resources: Resume Companion extends its services by offering an informative blog and educational materials that cover various aspects of resume writing, job search strategies, interview techniques, and career development guidance. These resources provide users with valuable insights and advice to help them create impressive resumes and enhance their job search efforts.
  • Download and sharing options: Upon completing their resumes, users can conveniently download their documents in multiple formats, including PDF and Word. Resume Companion also makes it easy for users to share their resumes online or print them offline.
  • Customer support: Resume Companion values user satisfaction and offers customer support to assist with users’ questions or concerns while utilizing the platform. Users can access support through email or the platform’s contact form.

Resume Companion provides a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking an all-inclusive service. It’s vital to remember subscription renewal is required to access future editing services. In summary, Resume Companion offers a wallet-friendly option for those who desire a user-friendly resume-building experience without needing advanced writing abilities.

>> Use Resume Companion to Secure Your Dream Job

Our Ranking Methodology for Best Resume Writing Services

To comprehensively and objectively rank the top resume writing services, it is essential to have a thorough methodology. The first step in this process was conducting extensive research and analysis. This involved gathering a comprehensive list of reputable resume-writing services from multiple sources such as online searches, customer reviews, industry directories, and personal recommendations.

  • Feature analysis: Evaluate the functionalities provided by each resume builder, considering elements like template variety and quality, customization flexibility, user-friendly editing and formatting options, import/export capabilities, spell check and grammar tools, and integration with job search platforms and professional networks.
  • Template collection: Examine the assortment and quality of templates. Look for a wide range that suits various industries, job levels, and design preferences, considering these templates’ aesthetics, readability, and contemporary design.
  • Editing and customization: Scrutinize the adaptability and user-friendliness of the editing and customization tools each resume builder provides. Assess the capacity to add or modify sections, reorganize content, and tailor resumes to specific job requirements.
  • User interface and experience: Analyze the user interface and the overall user experience each resume builder offers. Evaluate the ease of navigation, instruction clarity, guidance or prompts, and the platform’s responsiveness.
  • Integration with job search platforms: Determine whether resume builders offer seamless integration with popular job search platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn or ATS systems. Consider how well the resumes can be transferred and their compatibility with these platforms.
  • Additional resources: Evaluate if the resume builders provide extra resources such as sample resumes, tools for creating cover letters, interview tips, or career advice. Consider the breadth and practicality of these supplementary resources.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Gauge the mobile-friendliness and responsiveness of the resume builders, recognizing the growing trend of mobile job searching and application processes.
  • Customer support: Reflect on the accessibility and quality of customer support services, encompassing options like live chat, email support, or knowledge bases. Assess the responsiveness and helpfulness of the support team.
  • Pricing and value for money: Appraise the pricing plans presented by the resume builders in terms of the value they offer based on features, usability, and overall service quality.
  • Industry reputation: Consider the standing and trustworthiness of the resume builders, considering factors such as awards, recognition, partnerships, and user feedback from reputable sources.

Buyer’s Guide: Why Use a Resume Builder?

Crafting a well-crafted CV comes naturally to particular job seekers. However, even the most seasoned experts may need help in resume writing. If you find yourself in need of help with creating a compelling resume, here are several ways in which the best online resume builder can be beneficial:

Resume builders provide users with pre-designed templates and helpful tips, streamlining the process of writing a resume and alleviating stress.

Offers Writing Tips

Promoting oneself requires considerable effort. Only some people possess writing skills, even if they enjoy self-promotion. To showcase one’s experience and knowledge effectively, a resume builder can help select the most appropriate words and phrases.

Improves Design

In every field, there are unique standards for an impressive resume. If you need to gain knowledge in design or the tools, resume builders can provide free templates to enhance your resume’s visual appeal and quality.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. A good resume builder will help with formatting to ensure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

What’s the Best Resume Builder?

The ideal resume builder for each individual may differ according to their specific requirements. If you prefer a tool that offers step-by-step guidance in creating your resume, we suggest using a builder that provides helpful tips and recommendations. If you prefer a resume builder that auto-generates a summary, we recommend using a tool that extracts information from your LinkedIn profile.

For those who enjoy having creative control over their resumes, we suggest using a platform with features. By selecting the resume builder that aligns with your needs and suits your industry and personal style, you’ll significantly increase your chances of capturing the attention of hiring managers.

Resume Builder vs. Resume Writing Service: What Matters for You

When it comes to crafting a resume, there are three options available. You can opt to create it independently, use a resume builder tool, or enlist the services of a professional resume writer. Your best choice will depend on your writing abilities, available time, and financial resources.


You have the choice to construct a resume entirely by yourself. The benefit of this option is that it costs nothing but requires a significant amount of effort. Along with composing all the information, you must possess graphic design skills.

This approach works well if you have these abilities, but with them, your options for creating a resume are unlimited. To overcome this limitation, you can use a resume builder or enlist the help of a resume writing service.

Resume Builder

A tool for creating resumes allows you to input your details into a template, resulting in an original appearance and layout with no design work. The top resume building tools also offer suggestions on enhancing your resume and tailoring it to match the specific job you are applying for.

While you are still responsible for writing the content, once it is written, you can quickly transfer that information into any other template with just a few simple clicks. Some of these services are free and many like to promote themselves as such, but most require a small payment to download your finished resume.

Professional Resume Writing Service

Professional resume writing services are expensive, but they offer the convenience of handling all the work for you. An experienced writer will gather relevant information about your background and transform it into a unique and engaging resume.

The process typically takes a few days, and the level of originality in the outcome largely relies on your choice of company and writer. However, we will not delve into these services further in this guide.

Are Resume Builders Worth It?

Definitely, without a doubt. An effective resume creator will guarantee that your CV is formatted correctly to navigate Applicant Tracking Systems and ultimately reach the hands of recruiters.

Is It Unprofessional to Use a Microsoft Word Resume Template?

Relying on a template will not set you apart, and there is a high likelihood that your application will be dismissed because your resume is identical to those of other job seekers.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right resume builder is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Creating a professional and impactful resume that stands out from the crowd can significantly impact your job search. With the right tool, you can save time, improve your chances of landing an interview, and ultimately secure your dream job.

When selecting a resume builder, consider your specific needs and priorities. Look for features like customizable templates, industry-specific examples, and the ability to export your resume in different formats. Consider user reviews and ratings to ensure you choose a reputable and reliable platform.

Remember, an exceptional tool for crafting resumes should give you the power to present your skills, experience, and accomplishments effectively. It should simplify and expedite creating a resume without hassle. Investing in a reliable resume builder is investing in your professional future.

Therefore, explore the different options available for resume builders. Test out their free trials or demos and choose the best fit for your objectives. Our top recommendation is Super Star Resume . This meticulously designed resume can open doors to exciting career prospects and be a dependable companion on your journey toward success.

Ahad Waseem is a business, blockchain, and cybersecurity writer who often takes on art, politics, and economics too. As a linguistic engineer who writes to solve problems, he’s written for various tech and business publications. When he’s not writing, he’s probably on horseback, caring for his houseplants, or training Bonsai trees. He can be reached at [email protected] . McClatchy’s newsrooms were not involved in the creation of this content. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of our links.

©2023 Miami Herald. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Perth Airport flights to resume after refuelling issue grounded planes, stranding thousands

A refuelling issue at Perth Airport which grounded domestic and international flights on Saturday morning has been resolved, the airport says.

At least 70 domestic and international flights were affected, with planes unable to land at the airport or depart.

Passengers were stranded at airports nationwide and at some international destinations, including Doha waiting to get to Perth.

A flight board shwoing cancelled flights.

Perth Airport said a problem with load pressure in the fuel lines had caused the issue, which had since been fixed.

Airport CEO Jason Waters said the system had now been repaired and tested.

Mr Waters apologised to impacted travellers and said the airport would be working with airlines to resume normal operations as soon as possible.

"The effects will be felt throughout today but we'd like to think that within a short period of time after that we'll get back to normal flights," he said.

"I'd like to think that by this evening and into tomorrow we'll have it dealt with but given we're talking about long haul flights and the extent of the backlog, it might take some time."

It's understood some flights had been delayed since Friday night, leaving thousands of passengers stranded.

Passengers mill about an airport terminal, with one in the foreground siutting on the floor beside a pink suitcase.

The airport called in external experts, including engineers and technicians, to identify and repair the problem.

"As of just recently, I can inform you that we are back to normal refuelling and obviously very keen to see a return to normal operation," Mr Waters said.

"This has had a significant impact on flights overnight. 

"From Perth airport's perspective we're very apologetic and sympathetic to impacted travellers.

"We're going to work very hard with our airlines here to ensure we get things back to normal as quickly as possible."

Mr Waters said the problem appeared to be the result of "air sucked into the distribution system".

No compensation for passengers, says Virgin

Virgin Airlines apologised to customers in a statement handed to passengers at Perth Airport, but said it was not required by law to provide compensation "for delays or cancellations outside of our control".

"We recommend you contact your travel insurance provider to assist you with any unforeseen expenses," the statement said.

A virgin spokeswoman later clarified that passengers were entitled to be re-booked on other flights or apply for a refund.

Perth man Darshan Patel, who had had been planning to go to Hobart on Saturday for his wife's birthday until their flight was cancelled, said the airline's response was not good enough.

He wants compensation for his flights and other non-refundable bookings, such as accommodation.

Mid-shot of a family standing at Perth airport.

"We're really not happy because we've been planning for this holiday for quite a long time," Mr Patel said.

"Somebody is responsible for what is happening and there should be something done to help the passengers.

"We've booked everything well ahead, now it's getting cancelled. All our bookings are non-refundable. 

"It's just passengers who are suffering."

Flights diverted to regional airports

At least four flights were diverted to regional airports including a Philippines Airlines flight from Manila to Perth that landed in Geraldton earlier on Saturday.

Geraldton is about 420 kilometres north of Perth.

A Phillipines Airlines plane parked on a runway viewed through a black steel fence.

A Geraldton Airport spokesperson said the small regional airport could only assist with a handful of flights due to having limited fuel supply themselves. 

Passengers on the Philippines flight were not allowed to disembark and a biosecurity representative was on site. 

City of Geraldton chief executive Ross McKim said Geraldton Airport was in danger of running out of fuel after the Philippines flight took a quarter of the airport's fuel capacity.

"The [airport's] refuelling isn't booked until mid-next week so we're going to have to work out how to get some up sooner than that," he said.

The tail of a Virgin plane showing insignia on a dry regional airport tarmac.

Qantas flight QFA10 from London to Perth was diverted to Karratha, in the state's far north.

Other flights were diverted to Kalgoorlie, about 600km east of Perth.

Passenger sat on plane for hours

Perth man Campbell Grieves and Swiss exchange student Zander Goosen arrived at the airport early to catch a flight to Sydney.

"We were taking (Zander) to see all the classic Aussie things in Sydney … the bridge, the Opera House," Mr Grieves said.

Two young men in a busy airport terminal smile at the camera.

"We get here at about 6am and we get on the plane, boarded alright, then we sat there in the little economy seat for two hours.

"The captain was ringing every in hour saying 'dunno where the fuel is,' eventually we get kicked off the plane and the flight is cancelled." 

Mr Grieves said he had been told the earliest he and Mr Goosen could travel to Sydney was Monday.

A long queue of people stand in line with their luggage at Perth Airport.

Perth resident Stephen Herbert is stranded in Doha, where he was meant to stop briefly en route from London to Perth on Qatar Airlines.

" We have been in a line with other returning Aussies for nearly four hours," he said.

"No official from Qatar Airlines has given us any updates and we are relying on social media.

"[There are] lots of tired and disgruntled people wanting answers."

Crowds mill about a crowded airport terminal.

He was scathing of Perth Airport over the delays.

"There's no way you can call Perth an international airport after this debacle. Imagine if this happened at Heathrow?" he said.

Another passenger in Doha, Rae de Wet, told the ABC a delay of more than 24 hours was expected before they could get back to Perth, but little information had been provided.

She said she had already been in transit for more than 30 hours since leaving South Africa.

Perth airport board showing cancelled flights

"It is incomprehensible that an international airport could face an issue of this nature, embarrassing really especially on an international scale," she said.

At Sydney Airport, Perth man Steven Dipane said his son had been at a baseball tournament in Lismore and he was trying to head home.

"They're going to book us in to a room for the night, and then get us on a plane to Melbourne tomorrow and then to Perth.

"It just delays it. I would have liked to be home tonight." 

Dieter Spurgeon's family is currently in Darwin after their flight home from a family holiday to Perth was delayed over 36 hours.

"We've contacted both Qantas and Perth airport and neither seem willing to reimburse us for an extra night's stay in Darwin," he said.

He said communication by both the airport and airline has been "horrendous".

If you or someone you know has been affected by the flight cancellations, please contact us by filling in the form below.

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  • Air Transport Industry
  • Perth Airport
  • Tourism and Leisure Industry
  • Transport Industry


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    A summary should be a two-to-three-line description of your achievements that will be covered later in your resume. Help desk resume summary examples: Focused help desk with 3+ years of experience monitoring configurations, trend analysis, and SNMP. Google IT Support, HubSpot Academy, and HDI certificated.

  20. Help Desk Support Resume: Examples and Best Practices

    Use action verbs and quantify your achievements throughout your resume. This will help you convey a sense of action and accomplishment in your previous roles. For example, instead of saying "Answered customer calls," say "Resolved customer issues by answering 50+ calls per day with a 95% customer satisfaction rating.".

  21. 3 Service Desk Resume Examples for 2024

    1. Highlight your technical skills and certifications. When applying for a Service Desk position, it's crucial to showcase your technical skills and any relevant certifications you have earned. Hiring managers are looking for candidates who have a strong foundation in IT and can troubleshoot various technical issues.

  22. Help Desk Resume Summary Examples

    Copy. Summary. Help Desk professional with a focus on customer satisfaction. Implemented a new ticketing system that improved response times by 30%. Experienced in training and managing a team of 5 service desk analysts. Proven track record in reducing issue resolution time by 25% across multiple companies.

  23. Helpdesk Resume Examples and Templates

    Resume Examples. Writing a great helpdesk resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job. Create your resume. Select from 7 professional resume templates.

  24. Helpdesk Resume Example (With Tips)

    Customise your resume for each individual job application. For each attempt, try to highlight your skills and experiences that most closely line up with the job description. Use action words Use action verbs and quantifiable accomplishments to illustrate your responsibilities and achievements. Instead of saying you 'worked on a helpdesk team ...

  25. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. College student format. This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design.

  26. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

    3. List your name and contact information. To start writing your resume, create an eye-catching resume header that quickly highlights your contact information and job title. Your name should always be the largest element on your resume to make it stand out, so use a font size larger than 20 points.

  27. Resume Formats That Help Get You Job Interviews

    There are three basic resume formats to choose from. They are: Chronological - Lists your work history in order, starting with your most recent job first. Functional - Focuses on your skills and accomplishments instead of your work history. Hybrid - Places your skills and accomplishments at the top, before your work history.

  28. 10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume

    10 Best Resume Writing Services. Super Star Resume - Best overall. ZipJob - Best for guarantees. Resumeble - Best with custom bundles. Let's Eat, Grandma - Best for range of career service ...

  29. Perth Airport flights to resume after refuelling issue grounded planes

    Perth Airport said a problem with load pressure in the fuel lines had caused the issue, which had since been fixed. Airport CEO Jason Waters said the system had now been repaired and tested.

  30. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    Our huge range of free resume templates can help. Simply choose your favorite, download directly to Word or open in Google Docs, and fill it out. We also provide a copy-paste template, and show you how to fill out your own resume template with an instructional video. Build My Resume. Resume Cover Letter.