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Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities --> STOCKS & COMMODITIES Magazine

Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES , The Traders’ Magazine, is the magazine for traders — and traders-to-be — who want to play the markets with a concrete game plan. Every issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES brings you the latest, most detailed information on technical trading strategies, charting patterns, indicators and computerized trading methods.

Here are answers to questions that are frequently asked by our subscribers and advertisers. Major topic areas include:


  • If good editing ensures good reading, how come I don’t understand all of the material in STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine?

May I buy copies or reprints of an article?

What’s the easiest way to mail you my feedback about S&C’s content?

Under what conditions may I use material from STOCKS & COMMODITIES?

What is Novice Traders’ Notebook?

Where are the archives of old S&C articles?

I’m looking for an article. What’s the best way to find it?

Where can I find code on your website?

How do I get access to Subscribers’ Area?


My last issue didn’t arrive. My newsstand doesn’t carry it. What do I do?

Where can I find S&C on the newsstand?

I live outside the US, and delivery of my magazine is really slow . What can I do?

How can I order the magazine?


May I submit an article for publication in S&C?

Where may I send my input for Traders’ Tips?

How may I submit my new product for review in STOCKS & COMMODITIES?

Where can I announce breaking trade news or a new product release?


Where may I register a complaint about an advertiser?

If good editing ensures good reading, how come I don’t get all this stuff?

Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine is designed with the professional and larger active trader in mind. These traders use charts and computers in their everyday trading and count on S&C for comprehensive, in-depth discussions. We go to great lengths to organize our finished articles so that our intended audience will get at least one idea out of each issue that can be used in a trade.

We do hope that there will also be material in each issue that is understandable to a wide range of traders. We are always grateful for any constructive editorial suggestion for improving the readability of the magazine. And, like all publishers, with deadline constraints we sometimes use terminology, illustrations, and images that could have been better or clearer. Please feel free to make specific comments to our editorial and art department.

Ultimately, because we focus on trading methods and how-to-do-it articles, we publish articles from individuals who are professional traders and not necessarily professional writers. This material is usually very good, highly complex... and made as clear as possible by our editorial staff.

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There are two ways to obtain copies of an article, depending on the format in which you’d like it.

You may buy a downloadable PDF of any article S&C has published from our store here . Just click on the “Articles” button on the left hand side of the store home page.

If you’d like multiple copies, high-quality reprints (minumum 100 copies) of almost any S&C article may be ordered from our Reprint Department . Call (206) 938-0570 for more information; please specify that you are asking about article reprints.

To be heard by S&C about the content in any issue, email us at [email protected] . Alternatively, you can write to us at Editor, STOCKS & COMMODITIES , 4757 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116. For urgent assistance, call (206) 938-0570.

Unless otherwise noted, all articles in Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES are copyrighted material. To reproduce and disseminate it by any means — copying, photocopying, scanning, photographing, emailing, duplicating via any means including lithographic printing or retypesetting into another publication or format — requires prior specific written permission from Technical Analysis, Inc .

You may make one photocopy of an article for personal use.

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Ask for Circular R21, Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians . You may download a PDF version at https://www.loc.gov/copyright/circs/ .

Many of our readers have suggested that a brief explanation of some of the concepts and tools of technical analysis would be useful to novice traders in helping them improve and expand their trading knowledge. With that in mind, we introduce the Novice Traders’ Notebook , a series of topics explained in concise terms with clear visual examples.

Novice Traders’ Notebook .

For non-subscribers, every article published in S&C Magazine can be purchased and downloaded from our online store here .

Our Traders’ Tips section is also available for free from our homepage here (scroll down to the “Current Articles” section, then click on the “Traders’ Tips” tab). Older Tips are also available in our Back Issue Archive here , along with brief abstracts of articles from 1996–2013.

Subscribers can access our entire archive for free from our homepage, Traders.com , or from our archive section here .

The best way to find anything on Traders.com is to use the search engine . If you know the title of the article, you can type the title into the search block; the search results should contain your article, as well as with others containing those words.

There are two places you can find code on our website: the Article Code section in the Subscribers’ Area, and Traders’ Tips.

The Article Code section is reserved for S&C Magazine subscribers. You must type in your subscriber ID and your last name to gain access. Go to: https://technical.traders.com/sub/sublogin.asp , enter you login info if asked, then click on the Article Code button.

Traders’ Tips, however, is free to all. Traders’ Tips features helpful information provided by other traders every month, often with new code. The easiest way to find Traders’ Tips is either from the pull-down menu on our home page ( HOME — DEPARTMENTS → Traders’ Tips ) or by scrolling down to the “Current Articles” section, then clicking on the “Traders’ Tips” tab.

The Subscribers’ Area is reserved for S&C magazine subscribers. You must type in your subscriber ID and last name to gain access. Your subscriber ID and last name should be typed in as they appear on your label. Only the first series of numbers is your subscriber ID. The Subscribers’ area is located here: https://technical.traders.com/sub/sublogin.asp

In the United States, subscription copies of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES are sent via the United States Postal Service. The USPS has heavily automated mail delivery, which has occasionally led to slower and rougher treatment of some periodicals. We mail replacement copies to subscribers if the magazine has not been received by the 15th of the month of the cover date.

Please contact our Circulation Department if you are experiencing difficulties.

Newsstands themselves determine whether to carry a magazine. If your local newsstands aren’t carrying S&C , request that they do. You’ll probably have to wait a little while, however. Your newsstand will have to make an order with its wholesaler, which, in the United States, will then make an order from one of the national distributors who are authorized to handle S&C . This process can take time.

S&C is distributed to many bookstore chains, of which Barnes & Noble is the largest.

Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES is available as a digital-only subscription. Not only does this save you money by not requiring shipping costs, you are also able to access the latest issue as soon as it is available online, usually by the 11th of the month.

For help with a digital-only subscription, please contact our Circulation Department .

The easiest way to order S&C Magazine is through our online store here . Alternatively you can call us at 206-938-0570 or toll free in US 1-800-832-4642, or by email at [email protected] with subject: “Subscribe to S&C Magazine” and your contact information in the body of the email.

Your submission to S&C is welcome, but articles submitted to S&C must be in a specific format and fit into S&C ’s editorial scheme. The best way to do this is to download a copy of S&C ’s Author Guidelines, available here .

S&C publishes many of our readers’ ideas, formulas, spreadsheets, and hints in its Traders’ Tips section. We’d love to have yours, whether it’s a custom formula, a solution, a software tip, a trading tip, or macro code. Submit via email to [email protected] . Contact the Editorial Department if you’d like additional guidance.

Reviews of trading systems and other software related to technical analysis and trading appear in every issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES .

Two different sections of STOCKS & COMMODITIES examine products monthly: the Quick-Scan section and the Product Review section. Product reviews are longer, more comprehensive and more analytical. Quick-Scans are shorter, less comprehensive and mainly describe features; most often, these are used for product upgrades. Both include pictures of the products when space is available. The editors will assign submitted products to either format based on criteria such as the complexity or comprehensiveness of a product; whether the product is new or a minor upgrade; its uniqueness and popularity among our readers; appropriateness for our audience; and scheduling logistics.

We try to acknowledge all material received within three weeks of receipt. The actual review process usually takes a month or two but may take up to six months, after which a tentative publication date will be assigned. We will then contact you about the status of the review. We will provide a prepress copy of the review so that you may check for omissions, oversights, and factual and technical errors.

When submitting products for possible review, send exactly what a customer purchasing your software would receive (no beta versions, include all packet material, manuals, etc.). That way, we will see exactly what the customer sees and we can evaluate the product most fairly for our readers. Please also include:

  • A press release or descriptive paragraph (please make sure the price of the product is listed)
  • A demo disk
  • Any marketing brochures that describe your product
  • Five names and phone numbers of customers who have purchased the product.

Notification of events and product releases pertaining to technical analysis or trading may be submitted to STOCKS & COMMODITIES for publication in Trade News & Products.

Press releases or descriptive paragraphs should be no more than 100 words and should be submitted at least 60 days in advance of an issue’s cover date (e.g., March 2 or earlier for a May cover date). Descriptions should include the kind of product, service, or event; requirements to use the product; and the price. Also include highlights of what the product does and any features that readers may find particularly interesting. Don’t forget to list your company name, url, address, and phone number.

The editors will evaluate submissions for newsworthiness and appropriateness for the audience. Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit submissions for length or style.

If you are dissatisfied with a product advertised in S&C and cannot resolve the problem directly with the vendor, contact our Advertising Department in writing. Send your complaint to the attention of Ed Schramm, Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES , 4757 California Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98116. Along with your letter to S&C , please include copies of your correspondence with the vendor.

Traders.com Advantage

Traders.com Advantage features killer tips, the most recently developed techniques, and clear how-to articles used by real traders. It features new content several times a week, making it fresh and more relevant to the current trading situation.

If you’re trading with technical analysis at all, you owe it to yourself to make Traders.com Advantage part of your daily routine. With new content each week — brief, concise and cogent — you’ll be able to get the latest info and get back to trading quickly .

Here are answers to some questions frequently asked about Traders.com Advantage .

If I’m a subscriber to S&C magazine, can I see Traders.com Advantage pages?

Is Traders.com Advantage the same as the S&C magazine Subscribers’ Area?

How do I get my password for Traders.com Advantage?

I forgot my password.

What will I read on Traders.com Advantage that I won’t in S&C magazine?

My search results show no matches.

May I submit an article to Traders.com Advantage?

  • More information for Traders.com Advantage users.

Yes — a subscription to S&C includes full access to Traders.com Advantage .

No, it is its own separate area. However, there is a link to Traders.com Advantage from the S&C Subscribers’ Area login page .

You may get your password in one of three ways:

  • Subscribe using our secure online store at https://store.traders.com .
  • Contact Technical Analysis, Inc. directly by telephone: 206-938-0570, fax: 206-938-1307 or email: [email protected] , providing payment (credit card, or a check drawn in US funds on a US bank).
  • Register for a trial subscription here .

Any way you choose, your password will be emailed to you by the next business day. You’ll be prompted for it just once; after that, Traders.com Advantage will recognize you and won’t ask for your name and password again (unless you let your subscription expire).

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can request it from: https://technical.traders.com/tradersonline/lookup.asp .

You must use the last name and email address that was used when you signed up for the subscription. Your password should then be immediately sent to the email address provided.

Traders.com Advantage features new content daily. That enables Traders.com Advantage to be fresher and more relevant to the current trading situation. Articles in S&C are written to be more enduring, so that their substance is valuable in this year and in future years. Every article on Traders.com Advantage is written to be accessible to traders of every level of experience; in S&C , while many articles are written for those new to technical analysis, the tone of many pieces can be challenging for newcomers to the field. Because of its unique nature, Traders.com Advantage will be the perfect place for writers to publish early drafts and works in progress, permitting you to see the work of traders as they develop promising new strategies... and be among the very first to benefit from them.

Occasionally we may not have a current article about the topic you’ve requested in our database of Traders.com Advantage content. You may be looking for a topic that our readers have not demanded. Your search will help our staff provide an article on the topic you seek. Please return on a different day and check again; odds are that you’ll find an article about the topic you’re investigating.

Experienced traders may submit to Traders.com Advantage . Click here to view the Traders.com Advantage Author Guidelines. The decision whether to publish material you submit resides solely with the staff at Traders.com Advantage .

Working Money

Working Money is designed to show readers with discretionary funds how to best invest for optimal equity growth. It is designed to help investors succeed, covering various tools to help people grow their money.

Working Money’s focus is on the exceptional value that can be found in owning mutual funds and other equities or assets, and financial planning and money management skills are also covered. Most of all, you’ll find out how to minimize your losses and maximize your profits while investing for maximum growth.

Here are answers to some questions frequently asked about Working Money .

If I’m a subscriber to S&C magazine, can I see Working Money pages?

Is Working Money the same as the S&C magazine Subscribers’ Area?

How do I get my login info for Working Money?

I forgot my Subscriber ID.

What will I read on Working Money that I won’t in S&C magazine?

May I submit an article to Working Money?

  • More information for Working Money users.

Yes — a subscription to S&C includes full access to Working Money .

No, it is its own separate area. However, there is a link to Working Money from the S&C Subscribers’ Area login page .

You may get your info in one of three ways:

Any way you choose, your login info will be emailed to you by the next business day. You’ll be prompted for it just once; after that, Working Money will recognize you and won’t ask for your info again (unless you let your subscription expire).

If you’ve forgotten your Subscriber ID, you can request it from: https://premium.working-money.com/wm/userlogin.asp .

You must use the email address that was used when you signed up for the subscription. Your password should then be immediately sent to the email address provided.

More information on what Working Money is can be found here: https://premium.working-money.com/wm/moreinfo.asp .

Occasionally we may not have a current article about the topic you’ve requested in our database of Working Money content. You may be looking for a topic that our readers have not demanded. Your search will help our staff provide an article on the topic you seek. Please return on a different day and check again; odds are that you’ll find an article about the topic you’re investigating.

Your submission to Working Money is welcome, but articles submitted to Working Money must be in a specific format and fit into Working Money’s editorial scheme. The best way to do this is to download a copy of Working Money’s Author Guidelines, available here .

Traders’ Resource

Traders’ Resouce is the industry’s search area for products, services, and companies. It brings the companies and customers into a common meeting place — companies can update their products or services listings whenever they wish, while customers searching for a product or a service can search and find just what they are looking for.

For customers, Traders’ Resource provides a way for you to search through a mass of products and services to find just what you are looking for. Search and compare the products and services. Get the product or service you are looking for and find the company information so you can contact them.

For product or service providers, Traders’ Resource is a doorway for traders who need your product or service. It is a way to create awareness and generate leads and to have your product available to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES audience.

Here are answers to some questions frequently asked about Traders’ Resource

Traderes’ Resource Categories

How do I add a product?

How do I update or delete a product in Traderes’ Resource?

How do I find the product or service that I’m looking for?

How do I find the company’s contact information?

How do I get a password for Traders’ Resource?

  • Further help for Traders’ Resource users

When you add a product to the Traders’ Resource listing, you must select a category that best describes the product. Below is a short description of each category available:

  • Advisory Services — Any service that provides trading advice to customers. Could be stocks to watch, trades to make, ways to improve trading psychology, etc.
  • Books — For books about trading, investing, and/or the financial markets.
  • Brokerage Services — Any service that sets up and maintains brokerage accounts for customers. Via the Internet or phone, the customer should be able to place trades through this account.
  • Consultants — Any service that maintains direct contact with a customer to help that customer in one or more trading disciplines.
  • Courses/Seminars — An instructive course or seminar relating to trading and/or the financial markets.
  • Data Services — Services that provide financial data to customers. Could include end-of-day data, intraday data, stock data, futures data, etc.
  • Exchanges — A place where the buy and sell orders are placed for individuals and institutions.
  • Hardware — Computer hardware products that can be used to aid in one or more trading disciplines.
  • Online Trading Services — Internet Websites related to trading, where the Website itself and the services delivered via the Internet are the company’s principal business.
  • Mutual Funds — Different mutual funds and the options associated with them.
  • Publications and Newsletters — Publications relating to trading and the financial markets. Could include magazines, newsletters, online publications, journals, etc.
  • Software — Any software product that aids the customer in making trading decisions. Includes products that help perform technical analysis through the use of charts and/or research.
  • Trading Systems — Systems that produce buy and sell signals to help maximize profit and minimize losses.

If you or your company has a product or service that you would like to list within Traders’ Resource , go to: https://technical.traders.com/Products/generalinfo.asp .

If this is your first time you will need to fill out the contact information form and obtain a password before you can add your product or service.

If you already have a password for Traders’ Resource , you can go directly to the access page .

To update a product or service listing in Traders’ Resource , you must first login at the access page . Once you have logged in, you should see a button for “Update Existing Products”. Click on that button, then you will see the category headings with all related products listed below them. By clicking on the “Update” button next to the product name, you can view and edit the product information form. When editing the form, you must remember to click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to save any changes. More help on this is available at the Traders’ Resource Editing Menu Help .

For product or service deletions, please contact [email protected] . Include the product, the product’s category(s), the company name, and your name.

Traders’ Resource is divided into several different trading-related categories (software, data services, book, courses, trading systems, etc.). You can browse a category of interest or use the search function to find a specific product, service, or company. Also, there are advanced searches for each section where you can select from the list of options, attributes which you are looking for. The advanced searches can be found by clicking on one of the category names from the Traders’ Resource homepage .

When you perform a search or browse through the categories in Traders’ Resource , you should see a product listing and next to it, the company listing. To find more information about a particular company, just click on the company link. This link should display the contact information provided by the company.

The Traders’ Resource password is only for vendors who would like to have their products or services listed in Traders’ Resource . In order to receive a password, the vendor must complete the contact information form . Upon completion of the form, an email will be generated and sent to the provided email address.

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Online Store

Store.Traders.com is our secure online store for you to buy the many products published by Technical Analysis, Inc., especially for technical traders like you.

Products available through Store.Traders.com include:

  • Subscriptions to Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES , The Traders’ Magazine.
  • Downloadable PDFs of all S&C articles from our complete archive.
  • Volume Books in the S&C Professional Traders’ Series.
  • S&C t-shirts & sweatshirts.

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Buttons to the upper left indicate the various product categories available. Click on any of these to get to the product page you want. Each product page shows the options available to you. For instance, click the “magazine” button and you’ll be shown the subscription terms available. Click the “books” button and you’ll find descriptions of each of the books in the Professional Traders’ Series .

If you aren’t sure what you want...

Use the search function to find products that include your search word(s). For instance, enter the name of an article, or a technique, or an author; the search function will provide a link to all the articles including your search term. If you click on that link, you may then order the PDF of the article; if you’d rather have the Volume Book that contains it, click the “books” button.

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Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine - December 2020

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Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine - December 2020 Single Issue Magazine

  • Print length 62 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Technical Analysis Inc
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Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09278CZGF
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Single Issue Magazine ‏ : ‎ 62 pages

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Technical analysis of stocks & commodities. Vol 11

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  1. Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES

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  4. Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities

    Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities is an American, Seattle-based monthly magazine about commodity futures contracts, stocks, options, derivatives, and forex. History and profile. Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities was founded in 1982 by Boeing mechanical engineer Jack Hutson who wanted people to learn about technical analysis.

  5. Back Issue Archive

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    Nagel T. Miner Professor of Business and Executive Director, Institute for Technical Market Analysis. Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine is a mainstay of technical analysis and a must-read. Over the decades I've relied upon it for trading insights and as vital input for my courses on technical analysis and trader psychology.

  7. 2021 STOCKS & COMMODITIES Volume

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    Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, The Traders' Magazine, has been the premier magazine in the field for many years. It's a how-to guide for traders -- and traders-to-be -- who want to play the markets with a concrete game plan. Every issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES provides the latest, most detailed information on technical trading ...

  9. Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES

    Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES , The Traders' Magazine, is all about using charts and computer applications that help you profit in today's markets. It teaches serious investors like you how to improve your trades in stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds and futures. Become a regular reader and you'll learn about charting ...


    STOCKS & COMMODITIES is a how-to guide for traders who want to play the markets with a concrete game plan. Every issue of Stocks & Commodities provides the latest, most detailed information on technical trading strategies, charting patterns, and computerized trading methods. Single Issue (Physical) SGD 15.90.

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  12. Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine review

    Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Review. Cost: 1 year: $49.95. Published: monthly. Web site: www.traders.com. Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities is a monthly magazine started in 1982 that specializes on approaching trading from a technical point-of-view. The magazine focuses on a few areas (the share of their content in each ...

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  19. Technical analysis of stocks & commodities

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    Technical analysis of stocks & commodities. Vol 11 ... Seattle, Wash. : Technical Analysis Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume 11 . 648p Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2023-05-04 01:03:58 ...