
Project Highlights

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A project is an activity to meet the creation of a unique product or service and thus activities that are undertaken to accomplish routine activities cannot be considered projects. 

Project must be progressively elaborated. This means that the project progresses in steps and continues by increments. This also means that the definition of the project is refined at each step and ultimately the purpose of the progress is enunciated. This means that a project is first defined initially and then as the project progresses, the definition is revisited and more clarity is added to the scope of the project as well as the underlying assumptions about the project.

The phases of a project make up the project life cycle. It is convenient for the project managers to divide the project into phases for control and tracking purposes. Each milestone at each stage is then elaborated and tracked for completion. The basic phases of a project are dependent on the kind of project that is being carried out. 

Thus, the naming of the phases of a project depends on the kind of deliverables that is sought at each phase. For the purpose of definition, the phases may be divided into initial charter, scope statement, plan, baseline, progress, acceptance, approval and handover. 

The Project Highlight provides highlights of the past week and the upcoming week, as well as high level project information, risks, requests and issues. 

This template will be primarily useful for project managers. You can use the slides from this template in your daily work. For example, you use the second slide to provide data on project progress over several months and indicate the KPIs for the project.

Marketers can use the slides from this template when preparing a new product-to-market strategy. You can specify the main geographic segments of product sales, sales forecast and key parameters that affect product sales. Architectural firms can use this template when preparing information about the construction stages of a new shopping complex.

Startup executives can use this template when preparing to meet with investors. For example, you can imagine the milestones for getting your new product to market. Engineers can use the slides in this template to prepare equipment efficiency improvements or production line upgrades. For example, you can use the fourth slide to present the main stages of modernization and efficiency gains in each of these stages.

Also, this template will be useful for sales managers. You can use the slides in this template when preparing sales order fulfillment information. University professors can use this template when preparing their project management courses.

Project Highlights is a stylish and professional template that contains four slides. All slides in the template can be easily customized to suit your corporate color requirements. Project Highlights The template will be useful for project managers, product managers, department heads. This template’s slides will be a great addition to your professional presentation collection.

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Stages // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsPerPage = parseInt(paginator); var itemsCount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemsCount ? ’Stages’ here means the number of divisions or graphic elements in the slide. For example, if you want a 4 piece puzzle slide, you can search for the word ‘puzzles’ and then select 4 ‘Stages’ here. We have categorized all our content according to the number of ‘Stages’ to make it easier for you to refine the results.

Category // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsperpage = parseint(paginator); var itemscount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemscount.

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How to Write a Simple Project Brief: Template & Examples

project highlights presentation

Your sales team just sold a new project and handed off all the information they have to you on the shared drive. While they put a lot of good stuff in there, it would easily overwhelm your team and stakeholders—and they don’t have that kind of time to spare. 

Now it’s up to you to figure out what needs to be pulled out and shared with your team so they understand the project’s most important parts. By doing this, you’ll get them up to speed quickly and allow them to see how they fit into the project.

The perfect place to put those key highlights? A project brief.

Let’s take a closer look at what a project brief is and how it’s used in project management.

What is a project brief?

A project brief is an easy-to-digest document that outlines the critical components of a project for your team and stakeholders. While a project plan details how a project will get done, a project brief defines the who , what , when , where , and why .

As the project manager, you’ll want to create a project brief right at the start of an engagement before your team gathers for an internal kick-off meeting. The length and format—and even the elements you include—will depend on the size and complexity of your project and client. 

While you might be tempted to include all the good details you uncover from your sales team in your project brief, this isn’t the place for it. The key is to make it approachable enough for your team and stakeholders to understand without leaving any critical information out.

Challenge yourself to keep it to one page so people will actually want to reference it. After all, any info beyond that is up to you to track, not everyone else.

Project brief vs creative brief

Like a project brief, a creative brief is a document that outlines high-level details of a creative project. It focuses on the strategy and design aspects of the project and may include information about target audiences, competitive differentiation, strategic direction, messaging, and more.

If you’re managing a project that involves creative work, you’ll likely create both documents. The project brief will paint the broad strokes of your entire project, while the creative (or strategic) brief provides more specific direction for the creative portion of your project.

Learn how to write a creative brief, and download a free template.

Project brief vs project charter

You might also be wondering about the difference between a project brief and a project charter . Think of your project brief as a high-level summary of the project charter.

A project charter is longer, more formal, and goes into all the extra information you left out of the brief. Its goal is to outline all the project details and secure client approval. While it’s not the official project contract, it often serves as a scope contract between a project manager and their client and is a go-to reference when scope creep happens .

The project brief should align with your project charter but live as an abbreviated, less formal version that seeks to inform vs contract with approvals.

Your project might have both documents or just one. It really depends on what makes sense for your team, process, and project. I personally lean towards fewer documents and pages, but some projects and clients need more formality.

Learn how to create a project charter, and grab a free template.

What’s the purpose of a project brief ?

The project brief can serve many purposes. Here are 3 reasons a project brief is important in project management:

  • It provides information and clarity. Outlining the who, what, when, where, and why of a project gets your team up to speed on the work they’ll soon be involved in. It also clarifies each person’s role in the project and how they can best contribute. 
  • It establishes a common understanding to mitigate risk and confusion. If you’re not doing a project charter, you can use the project brief as a sort of agreement. Review the brief together to confirm your scope, goals, and more—all while addressing any gray areas and red flags. Getting everyone on the same page helps reduce project risk and avoids wasting time in areas outside the project focus.
  • It creates excitement and rallies the teams together. Sharing the project brief in a pre-kick-off meeting allows you to introduce everyone who will be involved in the work and establish a unified vision for the project. This goes a long way towards creating a “We’re all in this together” environment. 

Who’s responsible for writing a project brief?

So who should create the project brief? Well, that depends on how your team is structured.

Ultimately, the project manager should own responsibility for the brief. That being said, your sales team or account manager might start filling out the template with the information they have as part of your sales to production hand-off process.

At the end of the day, though, it’s up to you as the project manager to ensure the brief is fully complete and that your team and stakeholders understand all aspects of it.

Lay a clear path to success with a visual plan that’s easy to understand, and keep everyone in sync with flexible workflows and team collaboration.

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What elements should you include in a project brief?

As I noted, what you include in the project brief will depend on your team, client, and project complexity. Here are some common elements that typically make up a project brief:

  • Brief description of the project
  • Overview of the client/organization
  • Project goals and/or success criteria
  • Project team and stakeholders
  • High-level timeline of major project milestones

Let’s walk through the basic steps for creating a project brief.

How to write a project brief with examples

The hardest part about writing a project brief is striking the right balance between information overload and giving team members something they’ll actually read and reference. 

Do your best to keep it short, simple, and accessible, while ensuring the information you include is truly useful. These steps can help you focus on the details that matter most when creating a project brief.

1. Summarize the project and its purpose

Start with a short elevator pitch that outlines what the project is all about. Use this section to explain why the project is happening now and how it will provide value to the organization.

Here’s an example of what the project summary might look like for a website redesign brief:

Project Summary Example: The Museum’s website is on an outdated Drupal platform. They’re looking to move to a modern, secure version for Drupal and implement updated branding that includes a new logo, colors, fonts, and iconography. With this move, they’d also like to include all the user-sourced templates they’ve been digitizing.

2. Outline what the project needs to accomplish 

It’s a whole lot easier to deliver a project win when everyone’s working toward the same goal. Show your team what success looks like by listing the top 3-5 goals the project must accomplish. 

If you can, tie these project goals to business objectives. That way, your team understands how their work will impact the company as a whole.

Project Goal Examples: Create an online solution to allow users to easily search over 100 gantt chart templates. Update the website from D7 to D9 to give content admins access to modern technology. Implement the new branding across the website. Increase conversions overall, including template downloads, newsletter signups, and training course registration.

3. Provide some background about the client

You don’t have to unpack your client’s whole backstory here. Instead explain who the project is for in 2-3 sentences.

Feel free to include any quick facts the team should know about your client’s organization or market as bullet points, like we’ve done in the sample below:

Organization Example: The Gantt Museum contains the world’s largest collection of gantt charts created by project managers from around the world. The organization is funded by engagement—user training, template sales, and in-person visits to the museum. 75% of users only engage with the museum online. The Museum has only existed for 5 years, so the team structure and decision-making process are still in flux.

4. Introduce key players and their project roles

Your project brief is a great place to give everyone a quick rundown of who’s who on the project. I recommend breaking these introductions down into 2 groups:

  • Project team: List each core team member’s name and role, and include an image to help clients put faces with names more easily. Noting percent allocation will give the client a clear picture of how much time each team member has dedicated to this project.
  • Key stakeholders: List the name, title, and project role for each key stakeholder on your project. Be sure to identify the decision-maker and main point of contact for your client if those roles have been decided. Stakeholder photos may be tough to come by, so don’t sweat it if you can’t include them in your project brief.

You can see what these sections might look like in the project brief example highlighted below:

Project brief example with sections for stakeholder and team introductions highlighted

5. List key deliverables with dates

You may not be ready to commit to a full-blown project plan at this stage, but it’s important to sketch out a timeline for major deliverables. Aim for 5-10 items to keep your timeline high-level. 

Many people process images better than text, so I recommend creating a quick, visual timeline in a project management tool like TeamGantt . Simply add key deliverables as milestones on your gantt chart, then throw a screenshot of that timeline into your project brief. 

Before you wrap up this section, be sure to mention any major out-of-scope items and/or project breaks. In our sample project brief, we called out-of-scope items out in a different color so they don’t get overlooked.

Example of the deliverables and timeline section of a sample project brief

6. Include any other important items of note

Finally, add any key notes that can provide clarification or insight about the project. You might outline risks with mitigation strategies , possible phase 2 items, or recent shifts in the marketplace. 

This section of the project brief will likely be a group of random items, and that’s just fine. You just don’t want to lose anything that could spark an important conversation or idea for the project.

Here are a couple of additional notes we included in our sample project brief:

Example of items to note in a project brief: Many stakeholders want to be involved in the project. We need to determine clear roles and communicate those to all users. While new branding is available, it’s not ready yet. Completion is estimated in 1 month.

Project brief example

This sample project brief gives shows you what your final product might look like when all the elements come together.

Project Brief Example for a Sample Web Design Project

Tips to make your project brief more effective

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s review a few ways you can add even more value to your project brief. 

Use a template to save time

Your time is best spent thoughtfully adding content to your project brief—not messing with a tool and fixing formatting. 

Creating a project brief template is an easy way to make your process repeatable. This saves you and your fellow project managers time, while establishing brand consistency across your organization.  

We created a free project brief template to help you get started more quickly. Choose between landscape or portrait format, then make a copy of your own in Google Docs (or download it as a Word document). Simply drop in your logo, and customize the details to fit your project.

  • Project brief template (Landscape format)
  • Project brief template (Portrait format)

Want a project brief that’s visually engaging? Consider using a tool like Miro or Figma to build and brand your project brief. 

Just make sure everyone has access to whatever tool you use and feels comfortable editing in it.

Do the work

Let’s be honest, as project managers, we’re often overloaded with projects and to-dos—especially at the start of a new project. You might be inclined to just fill in the blanks and call it a day. But that’s defeating the point. 

The thing that really brings value to a project brief is the experience and thought you put into it. Consider who the client is, what the project’s about, and what information will help your team get to work with confidence. 

Remember: This document sets a foundation for the project. It’s worth spending time to get this right.

Use all your resources 

As a project manager, you have access to lots of resources—whether it’s the sales team, new client, RFP, project proposal , CRM, etc.

Take time to talk to the right people and dig through all the documentation. Most existing documents will likely be set aside as you and your team start creating new ones, so make sure key info from the past comes forward and gets shared.

Adjust your project brief’s format and contents as needed

Your project brief will likely evolve over time as you incorporate this document in your process. You may start to see that some information isn’t helpful while other important details are missing. 

Revisit the brief’s value every couple of projects to ensure you’re making the most out of its use.

Build a free timeline for your project brief

TeamGantt makes it easy to create a simple timeline for your project brief so everyone knows when to expect major project deliverables.

When you’re ready to draft a comprehensive plan, just pick up where you left off, and schedule all your tasks. You’ll have all the features you need to keep your team in sync and ensure projects finish on time and on budget. 

Try TeamGantt for free today!

About the author: Lynn Winter

Lynn is a freelance Digital Strategist who combines 20+ years of experience in content strategy, user experience, and project management to bring a holistic approach to her work. She has spoken at numerous local and national conferences and hosts an annual conference for Digital Project Managers called Manage Digital ( http://managedigital.io/ ). You can connect with her at lynnwintermn.com .

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Major Project Highlights Powerpoint

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Are you looking to impress your audience with a professional and visually engaging presentation? Look no further than Major Project Highlights PowerPoint. This dynamic and versatile template is designed to help you showcase the key achievements and milestones of your project in a compelling way.

With Major Project Highlights PowerPoint, you can easily customize the slides to suit your project’s unique needs. Whether you are presenting a quarterly report, a new product launch, or a research study, this template has everything you need to create a standout presentation. The clean and modern design ensures that your content takes center stage, while the easy-to-use interface allows you to quickly add your information and data.

This template includes a variety of slide layouts, such as timelines, charts, graphs, and infographics, to help you effectively communicate your project highlights. The color scheme and typography are fully customizable, allowing you to match your company’s branding or create a cohesive look for your presentation.

Features: 1. Fully editable templates: Easily customize the slides to fit your project’s specific requirements. Change colors, fonts, and layout with just a few clicks. 2. Professional design: The sleek and modern design ensures that your content is the focus, making your presentation look polished and professional. 3. Variety of slide layouts: Choose from a range of slide layouts to effectively showcase your project highlights, including timelines, charts, graphs, and infographics. 4. Easy-to-use interface: The user-friendly interface makes it simple to add your information and data, saving you time and effort. 5. Customizable color scheme and typography: Match your company’s branding or create a cohesive look for your presentation by easily customizing the color scheme and typography.

In conclusion, Major Project Highlights PowerPoint is the perfect choice for anyone looking to create a standout presentation that effectively communicates their project’s key achievements and milestones. With its fully editable templates and range of features, this template will help you impress your audience and make a lasting impact.

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Playful Key Points PowerPoint Slides

Playful Key Points PowerPoint Slide

Number of slides: 10

Are you looking for creative ways to highlight ideas in your PowerPoint presentation? Every presentation has relevant concepts you want your audience to take away with them. Use the key points PowerPoint slides to highlight the best ideas from your project proposal, keynote speech, or report. Add a key points timeline, a key points diagram, a key highlights slide, and other playful PowerPoint slides to make your presentations more memorable.

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Creative PowerPoint Slides for your Key Ideas and Takeaways

Key points powerpoint timeline.

Display your essential points in a nice and clean horizontal timeline. Here, you’ll be able to arrange up to six key elements from your presentation and make them relevant to your audience. Besides, the playful style of this timeline helps you catch people’s attention instantly.

Key Points Diagram in PowerPoint

The playful key points PowerPoint slides come with a flower diagram and a puzzle diagram. These PowerPoint diagrams are ideal to elaborate on your key points and establish a clear connection between each idea. In order words, you can use these four-section diagrams to present an overview of your key takeaways.

PowerPoint Slide for Key Highlights

If you prefer a straightforward approach to share your presentation’s key highlights, our playful four-point slide will do the job. You can arrange your concepts in a horizontal format and insert little business icons that people can connect to your main ideas. If needed, there are numbers to set an order or rank your key points.

PowerPoint slides in playful style

These vibrant slides make your content stand out and help your audience remember your main ideas. Use these key points slides whenever you need to draw your audience’s attention to specific topics

Find the key points slide you need

Whether you just want to highlight some words or explain each concept briefly, this template has different key points slides for you to choose from. There are timelines, diagrams, lists, and more

Key Points PowerPoint Slide for Sales Presentations

Sales professionals can use these slides to reinforce key ideas at the end of a sales pitch. This way, prospective clients can keep the benefits of a product or service fresh in their minds


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Strata Research

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Our feature-rich Project Highlights template for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides is the best pick to represent the key highlights of a project, such as revenue, gross profit, growth over the years, etc. Business heads can capitalize on this 100% editable deck to depict the name of managers, priority level, status, and schedule of various ongoing projects in the organization.

You can make your content stand out with our elegant and minimalistic designs. Boost the retention of the information by your audience with these perfectly designed visuals. Download this fantastic PPT today!

About the Set

The slides feature an infographic of hanging lights, a graph, incredible icons, and much more. Using these designs, you can portray the number of ongoing projects, competitive landscape, key trends, geographical segments, etc.

Splendid Features

  • Without editing knowledge or technical skills, you can customize the objects in just a few minutes.
  • If you face any problems, contact our skilled customer support executives instantly.
  • The visual elements have been made after thorough research to avoid copyright problems.

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Major Project Highlights PowerPoint and Google Slides

Project Highlights Presentation Slide

Features of the template..

  • 100% customizable slides and easy-to-download
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slides contain 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  • It is a well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
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  • You can use this in Microsoft PowerPoint.
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Represent the most significant and noteworthy aspects of a project to your audience in an enticing manner with our feature-rich Project Highlights presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides. Get the deck now and enhance audience engagement!

Project heads can take advantage of this fully editable PPT to exhibit the names of project team members and the priority level, status, and schedule of all the ongoing projects. Deliver an impressive presentation that effectively showcases your project's key highlights like key trends, gross profits, revenue, etc. The slides feature sample text placeholders which can be used to display relevant content in an impactful way.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Project Highlights PowerPoint Template

Project Highlights PowerPoint Template

  • Millions of creative assets
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Project Highlights PowerPoint is an impressive chart template to enhance the visuals of sales and marketing concepts through tube shape diagram

16 Unique slides designed by professionals that you can easily edit and fill out with your personal content, All objects are vectors objects, and they are fully editable, all icons used are smart object and vector which means you can easily change their size and colors to any size you want without losing resolution.

Package folder contains

1- PPTX(Contains 16 Unique Slides with 1 Aspect Ratio ( 16:9 ))

2- 90 Color Themes

3- Icon Pack 3000+ Icons!)

Just One Click for change the colors and auto recolored Fully and Easy editable content

For buyers, Thank you for using our presentation template. We hope that our work will help you to look presentable in front of your audience. Good luck, and I hope you Like it and don't forget to Download it 😍

Application Supported

Commercial license, similar presentation templates, more from neroox.

Home PowerPoint Templates Diagrams 10-Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template

10-Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template

The 10 Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template is a modern comparison concept presentation. It is a creative gear-shaped diagram with 5 sections on both sides of the central element. It is an ideal tool for comparing two separate entities or the pros and cons of one product. Further, colors and clipart icons represent the features of each comparison. For example, we discussed the function and benefits of using a software application in business. These infographics include a desktop, list, gear, bar chart, donut chart, shipping truck, thumbs up, piggy bank, currency, and money bag. Furthermore, the gear shapes for all items depict a breakdown of functioning processes in a complete system. And the coin over hand in the center illustrates the financial concepts of the overall presentation.

The 10 Items comparison PowerPoint template with gear shapes could metaphorically represent a range of topics. This PowerPoint template contains 7 slides with two colorful designs with different backgrounds. The additional 5 layouts highlight two opposite items for comparison per slide. The users can change and replace clipart icons if necessary. To do so, use the picture or shapes option in the insert menu to browse the PowerPoint gallery or upload images from the computer. This slide can be used as a highlight and lowlight PPT template to represent highlights and lowlights in a business presentation.

The 10-Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template is suitable for analysis presentation and value proposition ideas. Therefore, business, academic, research, or medical professionals can use this PowerPoint template to demonstrate comparisons. Alternatively, these 10 items could help discuss agenda and checklists as an alternative to a simple bullet list format.

Comparison Design 10 Items PPT

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Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides


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  • Google Slides is a new FREE Presentation software from Google.
  • All our content is 100% compatible with Google Slides.
  • Just download our designs, and upload them to Google Slides and they will work automatically.
  • Amaze your audience with SlideGeeks and Google Slides.

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  • WideScreen Aspect ratio is becoming a very popular format. When you download this product, the downloaded ZIP will contain this product in both standard and widescreen format.

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  • Some older products that we have may only be in standard format, but they can easily be converted to widescreen.
  • To do this, please open the SlideGeeks product in Powerpoint, and go to
  • Design ( On the top bar) -> Page Setup -> and select "On-screen Show (16:9)” in the drop down for "Slides Sized for".
  • The slide or theme will change to widescreen, and all graphics will adjust automatically. You can similarly convert our content to any other desired screen aspect ratio.
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Features of these PowerPoint presentation slides:

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of eight slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

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  • Business , Complete PPTs , Agenda PPT , Complete PPTs
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Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides with all 8 slides:

Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

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July 4, 2022

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Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PowerPoint Template

project highlights presentation

Product Description:

Project highlights and timeline 1 presentation template.

Use this Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

The Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PowerPoint and Google Slides template.

Ask us to modify or edit any specific element of the Project Highlights and Timeline 1 template as per your need with our custom slides services. Lets collaborate to blend your ideas with our Project Highlights and Timeline 1 template and get the final product delivered within 24 hours.

We can also help you and your team create full-fledged presentations from scratch with our presentation services . Explore now!

Features of this PowerPoint Template And Google Slides Theme:

  • 100% editable with easy-to-use features.
  • Contains 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio suitable for all types of screens.
  • Includes icons, images, graphics, and infographics to capture audience’s attention.
  • Compatible with both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.
  •   Project Highlights and Timeline PowerPoint 1 - 4x3  –  $6.99
  •   Project Highlights and Timeline PowerPoint 1 - 16x9  –  $6.99

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World Drug Day report highlights spike in drug use, increased trafficking

Seized marijuana and cocaine are analysed and inventoried before being transferred for destruction.

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The UN agency tackling crime and drug abuse (UNODC) released its annual World Drug Report on Wednesday warning that there are now nearly 300 million users globally, alongside an increase in trafficking.

The  International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is commemorated every year on June 26 and aims to increase action in achieving a drug-free world.

This year’s campaign recognises that “ effective drug policies must be rooted in science, research, full respect for human rights , compassion, and a deep understanding of the social, economic, and health implications of drug use”.

Ghada Waly, Executive Director of UNODC , said that providing evidence-based treatment and support to all those affected by drug use is needed, “while targeting the illicit drug market and investing much more in prevention”.

New threat from nitazenes

Drug production, trafficking, and use continue to exacerbate instability and inequality, while causing untold harm to people’s health, safety and well-being. — Ghada Waly

In the decade to 2022, the number of people using illicit drugs increased to 292 million, the UNODC report says.

It noted that most users worldwide consume cannabis – 228 million people - while 60 million people worldwide consume opioids, 30 million people use amphetamines, 23 million use cocaine and 20 million take ecstasy.

Further, UNODC found that there was an increase in overdose deaths following the emergence of nitazenes – a group of synthetic opioids potentially more dangerous than fentanyl – in several high-income countries.

Trafficking in the Triangle

The drug report noted that traffickers in the Golden Triangle, a region in Southeast Asia, have found ways to integrate themselves into other illegal markets, such as wildlife trafficking, financial fraud, and illegal resource extraction.

“Displaced, poor and migrant communities” bear the brunt of this criminal activity and on occasion are forced to engage in opium farming or illegal resource extraction for their survival; this can lead to civilians becoming drug users or fall into debt at the mercy of crime groups.

Environmental fallout

These illegal crimes contribute to environmental degradation via deforestation, toxic waste dumping and chemical contamination.

“Drug production, trafficking, and use continue to exacerbate instability and inequality, while causing untold harm to people’s health, safety and well-being,” UNODC’s Ms. Waly said.

The potency of cannabis has increased by as much as four times in parts of the world over the last 24 years.

Cocaine surge and cannabis legalisation

In 2022, cocaine production hit a record high with 2,757 tons produced – a 20 per cent increase from 2021.

The increase in supply and demand of the product was accompanied by a surge of violence in nations along the supply chain, especially in Ecuador and Caribbean countries. There was also a spike in health problems within some destination countries in Western and Central Europe.

Similarly, harmful usage of cannabis surged as the product was legalized across Canada, Uruguay, and 27 jurisdictions in the United States, much of which was laced with high-THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol) content - which is believed to be the main ingredient behind the psychoactive effect of the drug.

This led to an increase in the rate of attempted suicides among regular cannabis users in Canada and the US.

The European Green Deal

  • Find out what progress the von der Leyen Commission has made so far with the European Green Deal towards becoming climate-neutral by 2050.

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Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:

  • no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place left behind

The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the €1.8 trillion  investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.

The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation  policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 , compared to 1990 levels. More information on  Delivering the European Green Deal .

Discover the European Green Deal visual story

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12 March 2024 - The Commission has published a Communication on managing climate risks in Europe that sets out how the EU and its countries can implement policies that save lives, cut costs, and protect prosperity. It comes as a direct response to the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment by the European Environment Agency. It also addresses the concerns that many Europeans have following last’s year record temperatures and extreme weather events. The Commission is calling for action from all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to improve governance and tools for climate risk owners, manage risks across sectors and set the right preconditions to finance climate resilience.

Key figures

Featured initiatives.

The island of Samsoe: an example of a self-sufficient community in renewable energy

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  2. Project Highlights PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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  3. Project Highlights PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme

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  6. Project Highlights PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme

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  2. Project Highlights Template

    Project Highlights is a stylish and professional template that contains four slides. All slides in the template can be easily customized to suit your corporate color requirements. Project Highlights The template will be useful for project managers, product managers, department heads. This template's slides will be a great addition to your ...

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    Project heads can take advantage of this fully editable PPT to exhibit the names of project team members and the priority level, status, and schedule of all the ongoing projects. Deliver an impressive presentation that effectively showcases your project's key highlights like key trends, gross profits, revenue, etc.

  17. 10 Best PowerPoint (PPT) Templates for Project Presentations

    10 Best PPT Templates for Project Presentations. Below is the list of our best PowerPoint templates for project presentations to help you make your efforts shine in front of your audience: Agile Project Team Structure PowerPoint Template. Project Kick-Off Presentation PowerPoint Template. Roles And Responsibilities PowerPoint Template.

  18. Highlights PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

    Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great ...

  19. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something ...

  20. Project Highlights PowerPoint Template

    Project Highlights PowerPoint Template. Project Highlights PowerPoint is an impressive chart template to enhance the visuals of sales and marketing concepts through tube shape diagram. ... For buyers, Thank you for using our presentation template. We hope that our work will help you to look presentable in front of your audience.

  21. Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template

    The Highlights and Lowlights PowerPoint Template is an editable layout for engagingly presenting the key points of a meeting, agenda, or discussion points.The highlights refer to the highly important points that should be emphasized during the presentation. In contrast, the lowlights are the opposite of the highlights, which means to be prioritized after the highlights.

  22. 10-Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template

    The 10 Item Highlight Slide PowerPoint Template is a modern comparison concept presentation. It is a creative gear-shaped diagram with 5 sections on both sides of the central element. It is an ideal tool for comparing two separate entities or the pros and cons of one product. Further, colors and clipart icons represent the features of each ...

  23. Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

    Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured Project Highlights Overview Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great ...

  24. Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PowerPoint Template

    The Project Highlights and Timeline 1 PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience's attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with ...

  25. World Drug Day report highlights spike in drug use, increased

    The hope for World Drug Day. The UNODC report highlights that the "right to health is an internationally recognized human right that belongs to all human beings, regardless of a person's drug use status or whether a person is imprisoned, detained or incarcerated". UNODC's calls for governments, organizations and communities to collaborate on establishing evidence-based plans that will ...

  26. The European Green Deal

    The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.More information on Delivering the European Green Deal.. Discover the European Green Deal visual story