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The Lost Ways Book Review: A Survivalist Viewpoint

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reviews on the book the lost ways

Many of us never think about where we’ll get our food from in the event of a crisis.

But the latest global issues act as a reminder and a warning – relying on the government entirely for your food and especially medicine is a mistake you will regret.

The Lost Ways

You cannot rely on luck when that catastrophic earthquake hits, or when a hurricane wrecks your entire town .

You must be ready for a situation like that.

In his book The Lost Ways , survivalist Claude Davis reveals the forgotten skills that our forefathers used to survive through famines, wars, and disasters.

It’s already helped over 250,000 Americans prepare for a crisis.

In this review, I will give you an overview of the skills Claude teaches in the book and show you why it’s worth every cent.

What is the Lost Ways Book about?

Imagine this:

You have no electrical power for heat, no refrigerator to store food, no internet to learn what to do, no TV to know what’s happening, and no Walmart to get supplies from. Oh, and CVS has been ransacked.

How do you survive?

Claude Davis teaches you precisely that in his book The Lost Ways .

You will learn to cook superfoods that can be made for next to nothing and stored for years. You will also learn preservation methods to keep food fresh without a refrigerator.

Additionally, Claude reveals 25 other survival foods, so you will never run out of food in a crisis. Not only will you have enough to feed your family, but you’ll be able to help your neighbors, too.

But in good times, you could spend fun weekends with your kids, teaching them how to make rustic survival foods like Mud Apples or Mormon Johnnycakes.

You will also learn a lot about defending yourself and your home.

In a crisis, it’s not unrealistic to expect society to collapse. Looters will appear, and sooner rather than later.

The author uncovers the techniques that sheriffs from the frontiers would use to defend the village – even when they were outnumbered and outgunned.

Claude also takes into account the possibility that you run out of ammo. He will teach you ways to hunt while conserving ammo and reveal how the people who wandered the West never ran out of ammo.

Learning to heal your wounds is critical if you want to make it out of any survival situation alive.

The book will help you master the art of poultice.

You will be surprised to learn how many similarities old-fashioned poultice has with modern medicines.

Plus, think of the relief you’d feel in a crisis knowing that you can heal wounds with this lost skill.

There’s more.

A Native American secret to survival was the roundhouse – an underground house that can serve as your storm shelter, bunker, and even act as the perfect hideout.

You will learn to build it from scratch.

It can fit up to four families with ease – if there’s a crisis, you will be able to call your loved ones and offer them shelter.

But besides being a backup shelter for when you need to leave your home, it also makes for the perfect storage space for extra water and food reserves year-round.

Speaking of water, Claude will also teach you how sailors preserved drinking water for months and even years sometimes. The centuries-old technique will enable you to store clean drinking water for your family free of cost.

Features of The Lost Ways Book

reviews on the book the lost ways

The Lost Ways teaches you simpler skills like making bread like people did in the early days when there was no food, and also more complex skills like building a traditional backyard smokehouse all by yourself.

But make no mistake – The Lost Ways is NOT a cookbook.

It’s a full-fledged survival guide that will teach you everything you need to know to survive during a crisis.

The 350-page book will make you a master of ancient survival techniques. These are techniques that got our forefathers through war, famine, and disaster.

Thriving in dark times with the shortage of things is no joke.

Which is precisely what makes these techniques so reliable.

Claude Davis firmly believes that the rise of modern technology has made us too complacent for our own good.

When SHTF, most won’t be able to support themselves – let alone their families.

But learning PROVEN survival techniques that our forefathers used to survive virtually guarantees the safety of your family.

Here’s all you’ll learn from The Lost Ways :

  • How to collect water and store it for years without spending a penny.
  • How to cook nourishing food using ingredients Native American scouts have been using for centuries.
  • How to build an underground house to shelter in a disaster scenario.
  • How to survive without a house.
  • What to do when you’re out of ammo. The book uncovers a clever trick that a group that roamed the West used.
  • How to trap animals and cook them the right way.
  • How to grow edible plants in your yard.
  • How to heal yourself with ancient poultices.

It’s important to remember that the entire world will instantly be KICKED back into the dark ages when there’s a crisis.

These are only a few of the many topics that the book covers that will help you ensure your basic needs are always met – crisis or no crisis.

But along with the book, you will also get access to two short videos that will teach you how to cook an ancient painkiller and a superfood.

The superfood is called Pemmican, which can be stored for up to a decade. It’s very nutritious and will ensure that you and your family remain healthy if SHTF.

Additionally, you will also learn how to make a painkiller with wild lettuce – a plant you can easily find locally or even in your backyard.

Claude will teach you how to use the plant extract, which proved so effective for our forefathers that it was an alternative to opium.

The painkiller itself does not contain opium – but it offers unbelievable medicinal value and will relieve pain quickly.

Survivalist Claude Davis makes sure that you understand all the techniques he reveals in the book.

The writing is not flowery or convoluted – it’s an easy read.

Where to Buy?

You can only buy the book from Claude Davis himself via his official website .

You will not find the book in local bookstores or on shopping portals.

But at the time of writing, Claude Davis is offering THREE exclusive bonuses to those that buy now (at no extra charge):

reviews on the book the lost ways

  • What Every Survivalist Should Grow in His Backyard
  • How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way
  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Can Rotation System

What Every Survivalist Should Grow in His Backyard is a special report that reveals the most nutritious plants there are.

You must start growing these NOW to ensure that your home never runs out of food in a crisis.

Claude Davis does you one better by also showing you how to plant, grow, and store each plant the right way.

reviews on the book the lost ways

How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way is a blueprint for survival for when there’s an EMP strike.

Claude goes into meticulous detail, showing you what you must do on a day-to-day basis to become self-sufficient in just 30 days.

He will guide you through the ten things you must do on day 1, what you must make on day 2, what you must grow on day 3, and so on, till day 30.

The book virtually guarantees that you never run out of food, water, or heat after an EMP.

reviews on the book the lost ways

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Can Rotation System is an instruction manual for building a system to arrange canned food for you.

It works like this:

You buy a can and insert it on the upper shelf. Older cans will roll down to the bottom shelf automatically.

This way, whenever you need a can, you will pick the one with the closest expiration date from the shelf below.

Building the system doesn’t cost much, and the illustrated guide makes it very easy. You can build it in a day or less.

But here’s the kicker:

Claude gives all of his readers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

This means if you want your money back for any reason at all, you can request Claude, and he’ll wire the funds within 24 hours.

But the bonus material I spoke of earlier is FREE with the book only for a limited time.

Claude says it will be off the table soon.

Combining Claude’s knowledge with your ability will enable you to virtually guarantee food, water, and shelter for your family in times of crisis.

But more importantly, you’ll learn to keep them safe and also craft medicine using nothing but the plants that grow in your own backyard.

It has my full recommendation.

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reviews on the book the lost ways

Joel Jefferson

Joel is one of the original founders of After college, he joined the USMC where he served as an (0302) Marine Infantry Officer. Joel is an avid outdoorsman and spends much of his free time in the mountains. Joel’s hobby is researching survival gear & weapons as well as prepping. Read his full interview here .

reviews on the book the lost ways

Big Book Review

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reviews on the book the lost ways

The Lost Ways Book Review

You know that feeling when you stumble upon something that could change your life forever? Well, “The Lost Ways” is one of those hidden gems that could save you in times of crisis . In this blog post, we’re diving deep into a comprehensive review of this survival guidebook, exploring its life-saving techniques and ancient wisdom that can help you thrive in the modern world. Buckle up, because what you’re about to learn could seriously transform the way you see preparedness and survival. Let’s dig in!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Survival Skills: The Lost Ways Book Review focuses on teaching valuable survival skills that have been forgotten in today’s modern world.
  • Practical Tips: This book provides practical tips and techniques for self-sufficiency and emergency preparedness, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in being more self-reliant.
  • Historical Knowledge: By delving into the past, The Lost Ways Book Review offers insight into how our ancestors lived and thrived, serving as a reminder of the importance of traditional skills and knowledge.

Philosophy of The Lost Ways

Preservation of ancient knowledge.

Even in our modern, fast-paced world, where technology reigns supreme, there is a deep yearning for the wisdom of our ancestors. The Lost Ways book taps into this primal desire, offering a treasure trove of forgotten survival skills and timeless techniques that have sustained humanity for centuries. It’s a reminder that the old ways are often the most reliable in times of crisis.

Why This Matters Now

On the surface, some may dismiss the teachings of The Lost Ways as irrelevant or outdated. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In an age where natural disasters, political turmoil, and economic instability seem to be the new normal, the need to reconnect with traditional survival methods has never been more crucial.

Matters because it’s not just about preparing for the worst-case scenario; it’s about empowering ourselves and taking control of our destinies. The Lost Ways offers a blueprint for self-reliance and resilience in an unpredictable world.

It’s a wake-up call to rediscover the skills and knowledge that have been lost in the shuffle of modern conveniences. By embracing the ancient wisdom contained in this book, we can shield ourselves from uncertainty and build a more secure future .

Key Survival Techniques

Food procurement and storage.

Some of the key survival techniques in The Lost Ways Book revolve around methods of procuring and storing food for long-term survival. The book covers traditional methods used by our ancestors, such as hunting, fishing, foraging, and preserving food through techniques like smoking and drying.

The Lost Ways Book Review: Dive Into Your Next Adventure

Water Sourcing and Purification

Some of the most crucial information in The Lost Ways Book is about finding and purifying water in survival situations. The book teaches readers how to locate water sources in the wild and purify it using natural methods like boiling, distillation, or filtration. Understanding how to secure safe drinking water is imperative for survival in any emergency.

Food procurement and storage are critical for long-term survival , but without clean water , you won’t last long. The Lost Ways Book provides imperative tips on finding and purifying water sources, ensuring you have a reliable supply throughout any emergency situation.

Putting Skills Into Practice

Real-life applications.

Applications Unlike other survival guides, The Lost Ways book doesn’t just give you a bunch of theories to ponder over. It equips you with practical skills that can be applied in real-life scenarios. Whether it’s starting a fire from scratch, building a shelter, or foraging for food in the wild, this book teaches you hands-on techniques that can save your life in an emergency.

Building Your Own Survival Mindset

Skills Building your own survival mindset is crucial in any survival situation. The Lost Ways book goes beyond teaching you physical skills and investigates into the mental aspect of survival. It challenges you to think differently, to adapt to unpredictable situations, and to stay calm under pressure. By honing your survival mindset, you’ll be better prepared to face any challenges that come your way.

RealLife The Lost Ways book stresses the importance of not just acquiring survival skills, but also cultivating a survival mindset. This involves being resourceful, adaptable, and resilient in the face of adversity. By developing a strong survival mindset, you’ll be able to navigate through dangerous situations with confidence and emerge victoriously.

The Verdict

Strengths of the lost ways.

Any survivalist worth their salt knows the value of being prepared for anything life throws at them. ‘The Lost Ways’ excels in providing detailed and practical knowledge on ancient survival techniques that can be incredibly useful in today’s uncertain world. From creating your own remedies to building shelters, this book is a goldmine of survival wisdom.

Points of Critique

On the flip side, some readers may find ‘The Lost Ways’ overwhelming due to the vast amount of information presented. The book requires a certain level of commitment and dedication to absorb all the knowledge, which might not be feasible for everyone.

It’s important to note that while the book offers valuable insights into traditional survival skills, some modern techniques and equipment are not covered extensively. Readers looking for a more comprehensive guide to modern survival tactics may find ‘The Lost Ways’ lacking in that aspect.

Verdict: ‘The Lost Ways’ is a must-have for anyone interested in learning ancient survival skills and gaining a deeper understanding of self-reliance. While it may be overwhelming for some due to the sheer amount of information presented, the wisdom contained within its pages is invaluable in today’s unpredictable world.

Final Wisdom: Embracing The Lost Ways

Many people are looking for a way to reconnect with our roots and embrace a simpler, more self-sufficient way of life. In today’s modern world, we have become too reliant on technology and convenience, often forgetting the basic skills that our ancestors used to thrive. This is where The Lost Ways book comes in, offering a treasure trove of knowledge on how to survive and thrive in any situation.

The Lost Ways book teaches us important lessons on self-reliance, survival skills, and the mindset needed to overcome any challenge that comes our way. It reminds us of the importance of being prepared and having the knowledge and skills to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, no matter what the future may hold.

One of the most dangerous aspects of our current society is our dependence on external sources for our most basic needs. From food to water to shelter, many of us would struggle to survive if we were suddenly cut off from the conveniences of modern life. The Lost Ways book empowers us to break free from this dangerous cycle and become more self-sufficient.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. The Lost Ways book also highlights the positive aspects of returning to a simpler way of life. By embracing the lost ways of our ancestors, we can rediscover a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and connection to the world around us. We can learn valuable skills that not only benefit us in times of crisis but also enrich our lives on a daily basis.

So, as you research into the teachings of The Lost Ways book, remember that you are not just learning survival skills – you are embracing a mindset, a way of life that has been lost in our modern society. By embracing the lost ways, you are taking control of your future and empowering yourself to face whatever challenges may come your way with confidence and resilience.

Q: What is ‘The Lost Ways Book Review’ all about?

A: ‘The Lost Ways Book Review’ is a comprehensive analysis of the book ‘The Lost Ways’ by Claude Davis. It dives deep into the content of the book, sharing insights and opinions on its value and practicality.

Q: Who is the author of ‘The Lost Ways’ and why is this book significant?

A: The author of ‘The Lost Ways’ is Claude Davis, a survival expert and prepper. This book is significant because it offers valuable information and skills on how to survive and thrive in challenging situations, drawing from traditional methods used by our ancestors.

Q: Is ‘The Lost Ways Book Review’ worth reading?

A: Absolutely! If you’re interested in learning survival skills, self-sufficiency, and reconnecting with our heritage, ‘The Lost Ways Book Review’ provides a detailed and insightful look into the book ‘The Lost Ways’. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to expand their knowledge in survival and preparedness.


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  1. Customer reviews: The Lost Ways

    5.0 out of 5 stars The lost ways. Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2024. Verified Purchase. The book was a gift for my husband, and he loves it. Very interesting book. ... Book reviews & recommendations : IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities: IMDbPro Get Info Entertainment Professionals Need: Kindle Direct Publishing Indie Digital & Print ...

  2. The Lost Ways Book

    One the reasons we wrote this review is the "over the top ads" the Lost Ways book team is putting out. One of their ads features wild lettuce as a pain reliever. The instructions in the Lost Ways book for making wild lettuce extract are likely to produce a truly putrid brew. If you want to learn more about how to identify and safely use ...

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    The Lost Ways Review: What I Didn't Like. In an unbiased review of The Lost Ways, it's necessary to point out the flaws as well as the strong points. It's good that the book covers a wide range of colonial-technology subjects, with instructions and recipes that cover the "hows" of the matter, but there are a couple of chapters that ...

  4. The Lost Ways Book Review: A Survivalist Viewpoint

    In his book The Lost Ways, survivalist Claude Davis reveals the forgotten skills that our forefathers used to survive through famines, wars, and disasters. It's already helped over 250,000 Americans prepare for a crisis. In this review, I will give you an overview of the skills Claude teaches in the book and show you why it's worth every cent.

  5. The Lost Ways by Claude Davis

    The Lost Ways is an excellent book with much of the information needed to survive if something catastrophic happens. The book familiarizes the reader with the recipes and activities our great-grandparents knew and used daily. Those same recipes and activities can keep us alive today.

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    The Lost Ways reviews from our customers. Tina M. Escano. ⭐ 5 out of 5 stars. Reviewed in the United States. Verified Purchase. This is so informative and great to have this lost knowledge. 👍 5 people found this helpful. Mich Beaman. ⭐ 5 out of 5 stars.

  8. The Lost Ways Book Review

    Key Takeaways: Survival Skills: The Lost Ways Book Review focuses on teaching valuable survival skills that have been forgotten in today's modern world. Practical Tips: This book provides practical tips and techniques for self-sufficiency and emergency preparedness, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in being more self-reliant. ...

  9. the lost ways by Claude Davis

    4.33. 30 ratings3 reviews. Hello! My name is Claude Davis and this is my 432 pages, color, hardcover. The SHTF we all prep for is what folks 150 years ago called daily no electrical power, no refrigerators, no Internet, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive law enforcement, and no Safeway or Walmart... The Lost Ways prepares you to deal with ...

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    The Lost Ways book aims to help us truly stand on the shoulders of giants. It reintroduces essential survival skills, facilitating a sense of independence that you can never put a price tag on. The exciting thing about The Lost Ways is that it builds a greater sense of connection to those who came before you.

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    The Lost Ways. Paperback - Jan. 1 2019. by Claude Davis (Author) 4.6 4,773 ratings. See all formats and editions. The Lost Ways: Surviving the Modern World with Age-Old Wisdom. Immerse yourself in 432 color pages of time-tested knowledge, adapted for the modern reader. In an age where we're a click away from convenience, it's easy to forget ...

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  22. About Us

    At The Lost Ways Book Reviews, we are passionate about preserving ancient wisdom and empowering individuals with valuable skills that have stood the test of time.Our platform is dedicated to exploring and sharing insights from the remarkable book "The Lost Ways". Who We Are. We are a community of enthusiasts, avid readers, and survivalists who appreciate the significance of traditional ...