• How to Create a Simple Quadratic Formula Program on the TI-89 and Voyage 200

Like the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus, the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 graphing calculators all have their own integrated programming language, TI-BASIC. While this language is somewhat more complex on the TI-89/V200 series than the the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus, it offers expanded functionality and is able to take advantage of the TI-89 and Voyage 200’s symbolic math capabilities. This tutorial, like our tutorial for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus , provides an introduction on how to create a simple program to solve the quadratic formula, which finds the zeros of a quadratic equation.

Programming Basics on the TI-89 and Voyage 200

You can find your calculator’s program editor on the applications menu. On older calculators, this will be a drop-down menu reached by pressing the APPS button. On newer calculators, the menu is made up of icons, and the program editor has an icon which is a stylized “:Prgm.”

Press ENTER to open the Program Editor once you select it. You will be prompted to name your new program. If you choose the name of an existing program, your calculator will give you an error, so choose a unique name. When typing in the name of the program, alpha lock is automatically entered, although you can also use numbers in your application name as long as they appear after the first character.

You will then be taken to the program editing screen. From here you can use any of your calculator’s functions to create a program, as well as the basic programming commands. Pressing F1 enters the tools menu, which allows you to cut, copy, paste, and create copies of programs. Under Control, which is reached by pressing F2 , you can find standard programming functions such as loops and conditional statements. Pressing F3 opens the I/O menu, which lists functions for getting user input and outputting statements to the home screen. F4 opens the Var menu, which contains functions for dealing with variables on the calculator, and also contains the Local function, which we will use later in this tutorial. F5 opens the Find… feature, which lets you search your program for a specific string. This feature is especially useful when you are dealing with long programs. Finally, the F6 button (reached on the TI-89 by pressing 2nd F1 ) provides shortcuts to setting the calculator’s display and output modes.

Creating the Quadratic Program on your Graphing Calculator

The name of the program and the Prgm and EndPrgm commands will already be entered into the editor. The body of the calculator program goes between these tags. For the first line of your quadratic program, enter ClrIO, which can be reached by pressing CATALOG ) to get to the C menu and then using the arrow buttons to scroll down and find it. Press ENTER to paste the ClrIO function into your program. This function clears the program output screen every time the program runs so that data and graphics from previously run programs will not clutter the screen.

Next, set the mode for outputting results as complex numbers in case any quadratic equations you enter result in imaginary solutions. As you may have guessed, you can reach this by pressing 2nd F1 to enter the F6 menu, Mode, and selecting “Complex Format > Rectangular” from the list. Press ENTER to paste this to the program screen.

We now need to display some information about the program. It makes sense for this specific program to display the equation the program solves. We will use the Disp function, under the I/O menu, to output text to the home screen. A good suggestion for what to enter is Disp “ax^2+bx+c=0” because this displays the type of equation we are solving. Feel free to enter more detailed instructions in this step. Note that we entered the quadratic equation between quotes. This tells the calculator that we want to output the information as a string of text on the screen, as opposed to a calculation.

The next part of the program is very important: we want to define the variables that the program is using as “Local,” so that the variables won’t affect anything outside of the program. Otherwise, after running the program, using the letter variables on the home screen might end up giving unusual results. For more info on what can go wrong if your variables are not correctly defined and how to fix it, check out this quick fix . We will be using the variables a, b, c, and d for this program, so enter Local a,b,c,d into the program. Remember that the Local function is on the Var menu, which can be reached by pressing F4 .

Next we need to collect user input. One easy way to do this is by using the Prompt function, which allows the user to input data into variables. Enter Prompt a,b,c to prompt the user for values to the a, b, and c in the quadratic equation.

Now that we have the values of A, B, and C in our equation, we need to do something with them. You may recall that the quadratic formula is:

Since the calculator doesn’t have a ± key, we have to break this up into plus and minus cases. Luckily, this isn’t much more work, and we can break it up by calculating the value of everything under the square root first. Do this by entering √(B²-4AC) STO> d . Now we can use the variable d in our equations.

Finally, we need to output the solutions to our equation, which can easily be combined with the remainder of the algebra into one step using the Disp function. Recall that expressions not in quotes will be evaluated, so we can enter this all in one line as below.

Now exit the program editor by pressing 2nd ESC . Return to the home screen and test your program by entering its name followed by an opening and closing parenthesis and pressing ENTER . For example, if you named your program quad , you would enter quad() . If your program has any errors, you can select “GOTO” and your calculator will take you to where it encounters the error.

You can keep enhancing your quadratic formula program to include many other features, such as displaying the discriminant of the equation, factoring the expression if possible, or even taking input through the program line (entering quad(a,b,c) and getting an answer) as opposed to being prompted in-program. The skills in this tutorial aren’t just useful for making a quadratic solver either. If you’re looking for some more practice, try creating a program to convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit, find the area or volume of a geometric figure, finding the geometric mean of a series of numbers, or something else. The possibilities are endless.

Download the Quadratic Program Source for Your TI-89 or Voyage 200

You can download the source for this program here .

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Introduction This program solves equations of the form Ax 2 +Bx+C=0 by using the quadratic formula.   If you have not used one of the programs posted on this website before, you should read through the information in the Intro to Programming section first.

If you have a TI Connectivity Cable, you can download the program main.quad.89p

The Program :quad( ) {This will already appear if you named the program quad} :Prgm {This will already appear} :ClrIO {ClrIO is in the CATALOG  menu} :Lbl p {Lbl is in the CATALOG  menu} :Local a,b,c {Local is in the F4  menu} :Input "a=", a {Input is in the F3  menu} { "  is on the  1  button} :Input "b=", b :Input "c=", c :(b 2 -4*a*c) d {The arrow is STO } {The  *  is the times sign} :If d {If Then Else EndIf   is in the F2  menu} { :Disp "no real solutions" {Disp is in the CATALOG  menu} :Else :((-b+ (d))/(2*a)) e {The is square root}{The - is the negative sign} :((-b- (d))/(2*a)) f {The second - is the subtraction sign} :Disp "solutions",e,f :EndIf :Goto p {Goto is in the CATALOG  menu} :EndPrgm {This will already appear}

Running the program   You will be asked to enter values for a, b, and c according to the quadratic formula. To test your program try the following:   a=2, b=3, c=4. Your answer should be NO REAL SOLUTIONS.   a=5, b=4, c=-2. Your answer should be .348331477355, -1.14833147735.

Every Step Calculus

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Quadratic Formula Examples on TI-89-Video

October 16, 2013 by Tommy Leave a Comment

Raw Transcript

I’m going to use the calculator here for some quadratic formula examples and let’s get started you have to press second alpha to put the i n d e x letters in here to get to my menu and then press alpha to put the eight and the open and closed parenthesis and then press enter and you’re into my menu. As we go through trig and half angle sine integrating sine derivatives relative extrema is a graphing by hand but we want quadratic formula right now I give you a little demonstration of what it does in words of course you write this formula down on your paper. I’m going to do two examples two quadratic formula examples you have to press alpha before you put anything in the entry lines here we’re going to press alpha minus eight alpha nine and alpha seven and I’m going to say it’s ok. I give you a chance to change it always in my programs but I say it’s ok and we’re going to do the step by step answer right now and you mark all of this on your paper. If you have to do it step by step here’s the equation just like you would if you were doing it by hand and here’s the answer the exact answer is here and the approximate answer is here exact and approximate and we’re going to go put a couple of other variables in alpha minus sixteen alpha seven and alpha nine press ok. We’re going to do the quick answer here’s the variables put into this formula and the exact answer and approximate exact and approximate turns out to be one in this case so. Pretty neat huh? everystepcalculus.com. Go to my site buy my programs and pass calculus.

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