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Newspaper Templates

40 best newspaper & news article templates (free).

Currently, there are more newspapers available in the market than ever. It is important to spread information to the masses, but it must be quality and attractive. For a newspaper to the attractive, its design matters, including the fonts used, images, and arrangement of columns. It’s not easy to create a striking newspaper design from scratch, but there are many newspaper templates online you can use. Whether you are creating a university or a classical newspaper, you do not need to hire a designer to create templates for you. The templates are already designed and all that you need to do is fill them with information.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Newspaper Templates
  • 2 How do you write a newspaper article?
  • 3 News Article Templates
  • 4 How can I make my own newspaper?
  • 5 Old Newspaper Templates
  • 6.1 Readability
  • 6.2 What to include on the cover page
  • 6.3 Use a news article template to help you design an attractive cover page
  • 7 Fake Newspaper Templates
  • 8.1 Broadsheet
  • 8.2 Tabloid
  • 8.3 Printed newspapers
  • 8.4 Digital newspapers
  • 8.5 Newspapers according to their frequency
  • 8.6 Newspapers according to content
  • 8.7 Newspapers according to the scope of information

Free Old Newspaper Template

How do you write a newspaper article?

Newspaper articles present content in a specific design different from other types of article content. Each column is restricted to a limited word count and type of information. You must be able to summarize the content and communicate it to your audience clearly. The following details will help you write a newspaper article. It’s easier to work using a news article template than designing from scratch.

Plan your news article

At this phase, ask yourself questions that will help you create a news article that is relevant to your audience. For any piece of a news article you write, ensure the news article template answers these questions correctly – Who, What, Where, Why, When and How.

Find information to answer your questions

To answer every question correctly, you need to get the right information. Take time to research widely using different methods of research. You may interview people, read books, research online, etc. Depending on the number of words you are writing, you may give more details for each question or a summary.

Prepare your facts

Each question is answered based on facts. You may have researched widely and gathered broad-based information. You need to narrow it down to the important points.

Break it as follows:

  • What information is relevant to be included in the news article template?
  • Which information is not crucial but looks interesting?
  • Which information is related to the question but is not directly relevant?

Be specific on the information you provide while ensuring you don’t leave out what is most relevant. At this point, check if your information has any loopholes and correct them.

Create the outline

To help you build your story well, the structure of your article outline should look like an inverted triangle. The first sentence you write in your article should be your lead or the base upon which the rest of the information will be built.

Give your audience the most important information first, followed by what is less important. Most readers don’t read to the end of the article, but if you encourage them with attractive information at the beginning, they will read further to the end.

Write to your audience

A great article addresses a specific audience. For example, if you are writing to students, write information that students will find relevant to them. Address student issues such as student gossip, fashion, academic writing , savings, etc. Revisit the 5 Ws and answer each specific question to your audience.

Make your article unique

To make your news article unique, choose the right language/tone that targets your audience. Find a hook that makes the article unique to you. Even when you are writing a story that everyone else is writing about, the tone or language voice you use can make your news article distinct.

News Article Templates

Free newspaper template 11

How can I make my own newspaper?

The most important thing when creating your own newspaper is to know your niche and to have the right newspaper format. The old newspaper template will work for any type of newspaper. These are the steps to follow.

  • Choose your format. Even when you have an old newspaper template, you still have to decide on the two main formats – the broadsheet and tabloid format. Understand the kind of news covered in each format but more so, choose a format that your audience will love.
  • Decide why you want to create a newspaper. Every type of newspaper has a specific purpose it meets. You might want to create a paper that keeps the local community updated with local news. You might create a paper that focuses on student issues, regional news, national, etc. Your audience is very important when deciding the purpose. If your audience is students, the purpose should be student-driven. When the audience is the local community, the purpose should be community-driven.
  • Decide your newspaper frequency. The newspaper frequency depends on the topics you want to cover or how wide and fast you can collect information. You can decide to publish your papers daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, semiannually, or annually. The amount of work involved, such as researching, writing, editing, publishing, and distribution, will help you decide how often to publish your newspapers.
  • Decide how wide your newspaper will be circulated. How wide to circulate your newspaper will depend on the type of paper you will publish. If you opt for digital paper, you can circulate worldwide if the information will be relevant across the globe. If you opt for print paper, the resources you have will determine how wide you will circulate.
  • Choose a name and financing methods. The name you choose will help you market your paper. Brainstorm on several names and pick the best. Be careful not to choose a name that is already in use. Search online to find out if another newspaper is using the name. Choose the best logo to use for your newspaper. Insert the logo in the old newspaper template so that you can readily use it every time you want to publish. The next thing will be to decide how you will finance your newspaper. Follow the registration procedures and begin to gather news.

Old Newspaper Templates

Free newspaper template 21

How do I make a newspaper cover page ?

A newspaper cover page contains the most trending news. It contains the main headline and subheads of other major stories inside. The titles must fulfill three main points:

  • They must provoke your audience to read
  • Spark curiosity in reader’s minds
  • Meet your reader’s expectations


It is important to make sure the cover page is legible. A well legible newspaper should meet the following qualifications.

  • It must have a readable font
  • It must have the right font size
  • The fonts must be consistent
  • It must be easy to navigate

What to include on the cover page

  • Use appropriate pictures
  • Avoid fancy pictures but keep it simple
  • Let the information be attractive

Use a news article template to help you design an attractive cover page

Choose the right news article template: Whether you are creating a digital newspaper or pint, choose the right type of template. You will find online an old newspaper template in MS Word or PDF. You may get another format as long as they provide you with attractive designs.

Try with a fake newspaper template to see how different designs work. Once you establish the best format for you using the fake newspaper template, you can check online to download the best templates and choose one that you can customize. There are large selections of different types of templates that any type of paper that you may want to create.

Fake Newspaper Templates

Free newspaper template 31

Types of newspapers

The main types of newspapers that exist are distinguished by their format, size, theme, and periodicity. Newspapers are publications with a specific frequency and information applicable to a specific audience. They are an important information medium to the audience.

The main types of newspapers are:

These types of newspapers have broad papers, mostly A3 or larger. They were first printed in the 18th century after governments began to tax newspapers according to their total pages. To make the number of pages fewer, news printers opted to use larger papers that contained more information in fewer pages. To date, broadsheet newspapers remain one of the most common papers around the world.

Compared to the broadsheet newspaper format, tabloids are smaller in size, measuring about 11×17 inches and containing about five columns across. They are common with city dwellers because they are easier to carry and read as you wait at the bus stage or commute by train.

The earliest tabloids appeared in 1833, but they became more common in the early 1900s. In terms of language, tabloids seem to adopt street slang compared to broadsheets which adopt more to the official language.

For example, it is easy to find tabloids referring to police officers as cops, but broadsheets will refer to them as police officers. Another major difference is the type of news you’ll find in both. Broadsheets give more focus to news that touch on issues of politics, legislative bills, economics, etc. Tablets will likely give more focus on stories such as celebrity gossip and sensational crime. These two main types of newspapers are divided further into different genres.

Printed newspapers

Printed newspapers are the oldest type and are almost 200 years old. They started from the time printing was invented and have continued to develop as technology develops. At first, they were texts only newspapers printed in black.

As technology developed, printers added black and white images. Today, they contain colored images, multiple text colors, and graphics. The old newspaper template makes it easier to create attractive designs for the print newspaper.

Digital newspapers

The digital old newspaper template is designed to display on digital gadgets. The earliest digital newspaper went online in 1980. From the early 1990s, more digital papers followed, and by the early 2000s, nearly every newspaper outlet had a digital version.

The Digital newspaper format is growing fast in popularity and they are generating more revenue to newspaper companies compared to their print versions. Readers pay a small subscription fee, although a large number of them are available for free.

When they started, they represented a small portion of the information contained in the print version. Today, digital newspapers are complete papers of their print versions. Due to the fast growth of technology, digital papers today add other types of content such as audio, video, and infographics.

Newspapers according to their frequency

  • Daily newspapers:  These are newspapers that are printed and circulated daily.
  • Weekly newspapers:  They are printed and circulated weekly
  • Monthly newspapers:  They are printed and circulated monthly
  • Periodicals:  These are newspapers printed and circulated in specific periods, which can be monthly, every three months, after every six months, annually, etc.

Newspapers according to content

Another category of newspapers is according to content. The newspaper format covers a specific type of news or information.

General information newspapers:  These types of newspapers cover any type of information on their pages. They are divided into sections, with each section containing specific content. Mostly, their front pages cover the trending national political news followed by local news. They have other sections that cover business news, agriculture, gossip, obituaries, sports, advertisements, etc.

Specific information newspapers:   These types of newspapers cover a specific type of content such as follows:

  • Economics: They cover information touching the areas of business, national, economic growth, international, and local.
  • Political: They cover issues touching on politics only. It could be local politics, national, or international politics.
  • Science: They focus on science, scientific discoveries, science developments, etc.
  • Technology: These types focus on the areas of technology and technological developments.

There are many other types of content-specific newspapers such as fashion, agriculture, parenting, education, etc.

Newspapers according to the scope of information

Local newspapers

They write news that targets a specific community in a specific geographical location. This newspaper format is designed to adapt to the needs of inhabitants in a specific district, state, or territory. They write news that favors the customs and culture of the inhabitants.

Community newspapers

These types of newspapers cover a smaller scope. They focus more on promoting concepts of journalism and are mostly written by journalists.

National newspapers

They have large distribution covering an entire country. They mainly focus on issues of national interest, giving more weight to politics, government projects, developments, and business issues.

International newspapers

These types of newspapers cover global news and have global coverage. They touch on main topics touching national governments in different countries, regional governments, and international organizations.

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Let’s be honest from the start! Regardless of our age, we all love to read a good and informative newspaper from time to time! Be it a school newspaper, a university newspaper or simply a classical one, it’s so relaxing to hold that piece of paper in your hands and just flick through it. If you’re working in the editorial field, you know how fierce the competition is. Trust us, is not easy to create a professional, modern and also interesting newspaper. That is why Flipsnack is here to give you a hand! When you’re running out of ideas for your next newspaper, remember that Flipsnack offers you many free newspaper templates! Wondering how to make a newspaper that will become quickly extremely popular? Try Flipsnack! Don’t stress anymore, we are always here to suit your needs. You don’t have to hire a designer to create the templates, we’ve already designed them for you! Sounds great, right? Let’s say that you have to write an incredible newspaper article about some random school. You really want to impress both children and parents, don’t you? How about choosing one school newspaper layout template from Flipsnack? They are all so catchy and interesting! Or maybe you have to publish something engaging about universities’ years or activities. We have both university newspaper templates and student newspaper templates . Pick up your favorite! Perhaps you don’t have to write about schools and universities, but simply usual newspaper articles. Don’t worry, Flipsnack offers you plenty of classic newspaper templates! It’s so easy to create your newspaper online with Flipsnack! And the best is yet to come! Flipsnack also provides fully editable newspaper templates . Firstly, you have to choose a newspaper template that suits best your purpose. Then, search for the coolest photos within Flipsnack’s amazing library. We have professional stock photos for everything! But if you don’t find our photos suitable enough for you, feel free to upload whatever you want. Change the colors, the fonts, add text, icons, captions, whatever you find useful and important! You can customize by yourself the entire newspaper layout template. Happy about the final result? Download the newspaper, print it and publish it! It will be a total success! You could also share your incredible work on social media! Give it a try now! It takes only a couple of minutes to make your own newspaper with Flipsnack! To keep your readers well informed always use fresh and original content then upload it in our editable newspaper templates.

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Free Newspaper Templates

In the field of newspaper design and layout, time is a crucial factor. Editable templates for Microsoft Word and Google Docs now offer a practical solution to this challenge. These templates provide a basic design and layout, significantly reducing the time and effort involved in creating a newspaper. They cater to various needs, including business, education, and personal events like weddings. Users can easily select a template, personalize it with their articles, and move forward with printing. Available for immediate download and editing in popular word processing applications, these templates make newspaper production more accessible and efficient .

Newspaper Templates

Newspaper Article Template

Newspaper Article Template

A newspaper article template is a pre-arranged format used for drafting news articles, including sections for headlines, bylines, introductions, body text, and conclusions. It ensures consistency and clarity in presenting information, making it easier for writers to focus on content rather than layout. This structured approach can assist you in crafting articles efficiently, guiding you through each necessary component while maintaining a professional standard. By utilizing this layout, you can streamline your writing process, ensuring that all vital elements of a news story are covered effectively. This free layout can aid you in creating compelling and organized articles.

blank newspaper template

Blank Newspaper Template

A blank newspaper template serves as a versatile framework for creating your own newspaper articles or an entire newspaper. It typically includes placeholders for elements like headlines, images, article text, and captions. This template is especially useful for educational projects, mock newspapers, or any creative writing endeavor that requires a newspaper format. By providing a pre-designed layout, it simplifies the process of arranging your content in a professional, newspaper-style format. Whether for school projects, community newsletters, or personal use, a blank newspaper template can be an invaluable starting point for bringing your journalistic ideas to life.

Old Newspaper Template

Old Newspaper Template

An old newspaper template is a pre-designed layout mimicking the style of historical newspapers. It typically features aged paper effects, traditional fonts, and classic formatting with columns for news, ads, and editorials. Such a template captures the nostalgic essence of early 20th-century journalism, ideal for projects requiring a retro or historical feel. This free old newspaper template can help you in making one, providing a ready-made structure to fill with your content, and offering an authentic vintage look to your creations.

Google Slides Newspaper Template

Google Slides Newspaper Template

A Google Slides newspaper template is a digital format designed for creating newspaper layouts using Google Slides. It offers a range of editable features, including customizable headlines, article spaces, and image placeholders, all within the user-friendly Google Slides platform. Ideal for educational, professional, or personal projects, this type of template simplifies the process of designing a newspaper-style presentation or document. By leveraging the accessibility and versatility of Google Slides, it allows for easy sharing and collaboration. This free Google Slides newspaper template can help you in making one, providing an efficient way to assemble and present your news stories creatively.

Newspaper Headline Template

Newspaper Headline Template

A newspaper headline template is a pre-designed format focusing on the presentation of a prominent headline for a news article. It typically includes a large, bold title, space for a subheadline or summary, and an area for the main text, all structured to draw attention to the key message. This template is particularly useful for journalists, students, or anyone creating news-related content, providing a professional and attention-grabbing layout. Using this free newspaper headline template can help you in making one, ensuring that your articles capture the reader's interest right from the start.

Newspaper Template in Word

Newspaper Template in Word

A newspaper template in Word is a customizable document format designed for creating newspapers within Microsoft Word. It includes pre-set columns, headline styles, and text areas, allowing for easy insertion and formatting of content. This template is ideal for those who prefer the familiar interface of Word for document creation, from school projects to community newsletters. It streamlines the process of newspaper layout, making it accessible even to those with basic Word skills. This free newspaper template in Word can help you in making one, providing a straightforward way to produce a professional-looking newspaper.

Newspaper Template in Google Docs

Newspaper Template in Google Docs

A newspaper template in Google Docs is a pre-formatted document designed to facilitate creating newspapers directly in Google Docs. It features editable sections for headlines, articles, images, and more, structured in a traditional newspaper layout. Ideal for various projects, this template leverages the collaborative and easy-to-use nature of Google Docs, making it a popular choice for schools, clubs, and personal projects. It simplifies the process of designing a newspaper, allowing users to focus on content creation. This free newspaper template in Google Docs can help you in making one, offering an efficient solution for digital newspaper production.

Wedding Newspaper Template

Wedding Newspaper Template

A wedding newspaper template is a specially designed layout for creating personalized newspapers for weddings. It includes sections for the couple's story, the wedding itinerary, photos, and messages from loved ones. This template adds a unique and memorable touch to the special day, serving as a keepsake for guests and the couple. It's perfect for sharing the journey and details of the wedding in a creative and engaging way. This free wedding newspaper template can help you in making one, providing an easy and charming way to capture and share your wedding moments.

News Article Template 01

How to Create a Newspaper Template (Step-by-Step)

Creating a newspaper template is a strategic approach to streamline your publishing process. It’s ideal for a range of purposes like school projects, community newsletters, or business communications. A custom template serves as a reusable base for your publications. Below are the steps to create your own newspaper template.

Step 1: Choose Your Software

  • Select a software for template creation. Microsoft Word and Google Docs are popular due to their user-friendly interfaces and wide accessibility.

Step 2: Set Up the Page

  • Open a new document.
  • Change the layout to landscape for a classic newspaper look.
  • Set margins around 0.5 inches for optimal content space.

Step 3: Create a Header

  • Design the header at the top. Include your newspaper’s name and, if you like, a logo or slogan.
  • Use a bold, large font for visibility.

Step 4: Divide Your Page into Columns

  • Newspapers typically have a column layout. Use the ‘Columns’ feature to divide your page into two or three sections.
  • Balance the spacing between columns for a clean look.

Step 5: Add Text and Image Boxes

  • Insert text boxes for your articles. This gives you better control over the placement and formatting of your text.
  • Place image placeholders where you want photos or illustrations, aligning them with your columns.

Step 6: Add Your Text

  • Instead of dummy text, start adding the actual text for your newspaper. This helps you tailor the template to your specific needs and get a realistic view of the layout.
  • Choose a readable font like Times New Roman or Arial, in a size that’s easy to read, like 10 to 12 points.

Step 7: Customize with Additional Elements

  • Include extra elements like sidebars, quotes, or infographics to enhance the visual appeal and information delivery.
  • Leave space for ads if they’re part of your layout plan.

Step 8: Save Your Template

  • After finalizing the layout, save your document as a template. In Word, this means saving as a ‘.dotx’ file. In Google Docs, save it in the ‘Template Gallery’ for easy future access.

Tips for Formatting a Broadsheet Newspaper Template

The formatting of a broadsheet newspaper template is key to presenting news in a manner that reflects both authority and readability. This style of newspaper, known for its larger format, requires careful attention to layout and design. Here are essential tips for effectively formatting a broadsheet newspaper template:

  • Maintain a Classic, Clean Layout: Emphasize a straightforward, uncluttered design with well-defined columns and consistent spacing. Avoid overuse of graphical elements.
  • Use a Traditional Multi-column Grid: Broadsheets typically have four to six columns per page, which helps in organizing content and facilitating easy reading.
  • Choose Legible, Professional Fonts: Opt for traditional serif fonts like Times New Roman for body text and slightly more impactful serif fonts for headlines.
  • Prioritize Hierarchical Typography: Differentiate clearly between article titles, subtitles, and content using varied font sizes and styles.
  • Balance Text and White Space: Ensure margins and column spacing are adequate to avoid a cramped look and enhance legibility.
  • Incorporate High-Quality Images Judiciously: Use images to supplement content. They should be high-resolution and relevant, without overpowering the text.
  • Handle Infographics and Sidebars with Care: Infographics and sidebars should fit seamlessly into the overall layout, adding value without disrupting the flow.
  • Be Consistent with Your Color Scheme: If using colors, keep it consistent and restrained. A muted color palette is typically preferred for a professional look.
  • Test and Iterate Your Layout: Print a test copy to evaluate the physical look. Make necessary adjustments for the best quality in the final print.

Tips for Formatting a Tabloid Newspaper Template

Tabloid newspapers, with their more compact format and often more sensational content, require a different approach to formatting compared to broadsheets. The design and layout of a tabloid are critical in engaging the reader while maintaining readability and visual appeal. Here are some key tips for formatting a tabloid newspaper template:

  • Embrace a Bold, Eye-Catching Layout: Tabloids are known for their striking and attention-grabbing design. Use bold layouts with prominent headlines and strong visual elements to draw in readers.
  • Opt for Larger, More Dramatic Headlines: Unlike broadsheets, tabloids can use larger and more stylized fonts for headlines to create impact. Sensational or intriguing headlines are common in tabloid formatting.
  • Use a More Relaxed Column Structure: While still structured, tabloid layouts can be more flexible with column widths and arrangements, allowing for a more dynamic feel.
  • Incorporate Vibrant Colors and Graphics: Tabloids often use color more liberally than broadsheets. Vibrant colors and impactful graphics can help to highlight key stories and features.
  • Include More Images and Visual Content: Images play a crucial role in tabloids. Use high-quality, engaging images that complement and enhance the stories. Photo spreads and large photographs are common.
  • Ensure Readable Font Sizes and Styles: Despite the bolder approach, maintain readability with clear, legible fonts for body text. Avoid overly decorative fonts that might hinder readability.
  • Create Distinct Sections for Various Content: Organize content into clear sections for news, entertainment, sports, etc. This helps readers navigate the newspaper easily.
  • Balance Sensationalism with Legibility: While tabloids are known for sensationalism, ensure that the layout remains legible and organized, avoiding a cluttered or overwhelming appearance.
  • Consider Audience Engagement Features: Include elements like puzzles, quizzes, or opinion polls, which are popular in tabloid formats, to increase reader engagement.
  • Regularly Update the Layout for Freshness: Tabloids often refresh their layouts to keep the format lively and engaging. Don’t hesitate to update designs to keep up with current trends.

To make your template printer-friendly, avoid using colors that don’t translate well to black and white printing, and ensure that your text and images have clear contrast. Always print a test page to check how your design translates to a physical copy.

Select fonts that are easy to read and appropriate for your audience. For body text, use a standard, legible font like Times New Roman or Arial. For headlines, you can choose something more distinctive but ensure it’s still readable. Limit the number of different fonts to maintain a cohesive look.

Yes, for digital newspapers, you can incorporate interactive elements like hyperlinks, embedded videos, or animation. However, make sure these elements are compatible with the platform where your newspaper will be published or shared.

Use a larger font size, ensure high contrast between text and background, and avoid overly complex layouts. Also, if your newspaper is digital, include alt text for images and use accessible PDF formats.

Start by defining sections based on your content type (e.g., news, features, opinion). Use consistent headings and a logical layout to guide readers through the paper. Place the most important or engaging stories on the front page or at the beginning of sections.

Regularly review your template for any design elements or content sections that need refreshing. Stay updated with current design trends and reader feedback. Updating your template can involve changing fonts, adjusting layouts, or introducing new content sections.

Yes, always ensure you have the right to use an image. Use royalty-free images or your own photographs. If you use someone else’s work, make sure to get permission and provide proper attribution if required.

For digital newspapers, use analytics to track reader engagement, like time spent on each page or article click rates. For print, feedback surveys and reader letters can provide insights into how your layout is being received.

The ideal column width for readability is typically between 1.5 to 2.5 inches. However, this can vary depending on your font size and the overall layout of the newspaper.

Text in newspaper columns is usually justified, which means it is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins. This creates a clean, professional look typical of traditional newspapers.

Yes, you can use color for visual impact. Stick to a consistent color palette that reflects the tone of your newspaper. Use colors sparingly to highlight important sections or headlines, and ensure there is sufficient contrast for readability.

White space is essential for preventing a cluttered look. Balance your layout by allowing adequate space between columns, around images, and in margins. White space can help direct the reader’s eye and improve overall readability.

Headline size should be significantly larger than the body text but not overwhelming. The style should stand out and reflect the tone of the article. Bold, clear fonts work best for headlines.

Common mistakes include using too many different fonts, over-cluttering with text or images, insufficient white space, and not aligning text and images neatly. Consistency in design across all pages is key.

Use high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi for print). Ensure they are properly sized and formatted (like JPEG or PNG) and check how they look in a printed test copy before finalizing.

While traditional newspapers keep text horizontal for readability, you can use vertical or angled text for stylistic purposes, such as in headers or sidebars. However, ensure that it does not hinder readability.

Aim for a harmonious balance where images complement the text rather than overpower it. Each page should have a visual focal point, and the text should flow naturally around images.

Creating a newspaper template is a nuanced process that blends creativity with practicality. Whether you’re utilizing a template for educational, business, or personal purposes, the key lies in attention to detail—from choosing the right software, setting up an engaging layout, to ensuring readability with appropriate fonts and column widths. This guide, along with the provided FAQs, offers valuable insights into the intricacies of newspaper design, ensuring that your template not only meets your specific needs but also resonates with your audience. Remember, a well-crafted newspaper template is more than just a layout; it’s a reflection of your message and a medium to effectively communicate with your readers.

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How to Write a Newspaper Article

Last Updated: April 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 329,869 times.

A newspaper article should provide an objective, factual account of an event, person, or place. Most newspaper articles are read quickly or skimmed by the reader, so the most important information should always appear first, followed by descriptive content that rounds out the story. By conducting research and following the correct organizational structure, you can create an informative newspaper article in no time.

Sample Articles

template for writing newspaper article

Conducting Interviews and Research

Step 1 Contact sources for the article.

  • Your sources should be experts in the field your article is focusing on, such as a certified professional, a professor, or an academic. You can use sources that have extensive experience or background in a field that relates to your article.
  • Sources like a witness to an event can also be useful, especially if they have first-hand experience of the topic you are covering.

Step 2 Conduct interviews with your sources.

  • You may need to conduct more than 1 interview with your sources, especially if they are a major source for the article. You can also send follow-up questions to your sources as needed.
  • You will need to transcribe your interviews by typing them up to ensure you quote your sources correctly. Having transcriptions will also make fact checking your article and backing up your sources much easier.

Step 3 Look up public information on the topic at your local library and online.

  • Make sure you cite the information properly in your article by noting the name or organization that provided the information. You should have credible sources to back up any claims or arguments made in the article.

Step 4 Fact check any statistics or numbers before you use them in the article.

  • If you are writing the newspaper article for an editor, they may require you to provide a list of your sources for the article to show you have fact checked your work.

Structuring the Article

Step 1 Create an engaging, informative headline.

  • For example, you may create a headline like, “Teen Girl Missing in Okotoks” or “Congress Stalls on Family Planning Bill.”
  • In some cases, it may be easier to save the headline for last, after you have written the article, so you know what the focus of the article is and can sum it up clearly.

Step 2 Open the article with a “lead” first sentence.

  • For example, you may write a lead like, "An outbreak of flu in San Francisco has led to 3 elementary school closings this week, according to school officials." Or, "A missing girl originally from Okotoks was found Monday in an abandoned cabin in the Minnetonka area, according to local police."

Step 3 Place information chronologically, starting with the most current, important details.

  • For example, you may write, “10-12 students have been diagnosed with the flu and health officials fear it could continue to spread if it is not contained.”

Step 4 Expand on key details in the rest of the article.

  • For example, you may write, “The teen girl was reported missing on Friday afternoon by her mother after she did not come home from a study date at a friend’s house. She is the second girl to be reported missing in the past 2 weeks from the Okotoks area.”

Step 5 Include at least 2-3 supporting quotations from sources.

  • For example, you may write, “‘The girl is shaken, but does not appear to have any serious injuries,’ stated local Police Chief Wilborn.” Or you may write, “According to a statement by school officials, ‘The shutdown will prevent the flu from spreading further and ensure the safety of our students.’”
  • Avoid using long quotes or more than 4 quotes in the article, as the reader may get confused or lost if there are too many quotations.

Step 6 End with an informative quote or a link to more information.

  • For example, you may write, “The girl’s mother expressed relief for her daughter and concern about her community, noting, ‘I just hope no other girls go missing in this area.’”
  • Or you may write, “Local health officials are urging parents to check the municipal health and wellness website, www.hw.org, for updates on when schools are able to reopen.”

Creating the Appropriate Voice and Tone

Step 1 Use specific, clear language that is easy to follow.

  • For example, rather than write, “The missing girl’s mother thought it had to do with school,” you may write, “The missing girl’s mother thought bullying at school may have caused her daughter’s absences.”

Step 2 Write in the active, third person voice.

  • For example, rather than write, “A press conference will be held by local police tomorrow to address the missing girls and the public’s concerns,” you may write, “Local police will address the missing girls and the public’s concerns in a press conference tomorrow.”

Step 3 Maintain an objective, informative tone in the article.

  • For example, if you're writing about two political candidates running against each other in an election, present both candidates in an equal light, rather than giving extra details about 1 candidate.
  • If you're writing an op-ed piece, it's okay to mix some of your opinions with the facts.

Polishing the Article

Step 1 Read the article aloud.

  • Reading the article aloud can also help you catch any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Step 2 Show the article to others for critique and feedback.

  • For example, you may ask others questions like, “Were you able to understand what happened, based on the information in the article?” “Was the language clear and easy to follow?” “Was the article well supported with sources and quotes?”

Step 3 Revise the article for voice, tone, and length.

  • If you are writing the newspaper article for a class, make sure it falls within the prescribed word limit for the assignment.

Anderson Cooper

Carve out a niche by gravitating towards underreported stories. "I personally tend to be drawn to stories that aren't paid much attention to, or stories that aren't on people's radar."

Expert Q&A

Gerald Posner

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Write a News Article

Expert Interview

template for writing newspaper article

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about writing as a career, check out our in-depth interview with Gerald Posner .

  • ↑ https://guides.lib.vt.edu/researchmethods/interviews
  • ↑ https://www.csus.edu/indiv/o/obriene/art116/readings/guide%20for%20conducting%20interviews.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2013/01/22/part-4-what-people-want-from-their-libraries/
  • ↑ https://settlement.org/ontario/daily-life/communication/ethnic-and-cultural-media/what-is-fake-news-and-how-to-stop-spreading-misinformation/
  • ↑ https://www.viasport.ca/communications-toolkit/module-4-how-write-engaging-sports-article
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/journalism_and_journalistic_writing/writing_leads.html
  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/735/05/
  • ↑ https://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/branches-depts/slc/writing/sources/quoting
  • ↑ https://lib.trinity.edu/in-text-citation-and-notes//
  • ↑ https://www.csus.edu/campus-safety/police-department/_internal/_documents/rwm.pdf
  • ↑ https://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/tech/evidence-based-practices/finalreport.pdf

About This Article

Gerald Posner

To write a newspaper article, gather all of your sources and verify any facts or sources you plan to use. Write an opening sentence that tells the readers the most essential details of the story. Write in third person, active voice, and maintain an authoritative tone throughout the article. Keep in mind the questions “Who,” “What,” “Where,” “When,” “Why,” and “How” when you’re writing your story, and try to answer as many of them as you can. When you’re finished writing the article, craft a short, engaging headline that tells readers what the article is about. To learn how reading your article out loud can help you proofread it, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a News Article That's Effective

It's similar to writing academic papers, but with vital differences

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Techniques for writing a news article differ from those needed for academic papers. Whether you're interested in writing for a school newspaper, fulfilling a requirement for a class, or seeking a writing job in journalism, you'll need to know the difference. To write like a real reporter, consider this guide for how to write a news article.

Choose Your Topic

First, you must decide what to write about. Sometimes an editor or instructor will give you assignments, but you’ll often have to find your own topics to cover.

If you get to choose your topic, you might be able to pick a subject related to your personal experience or family history, which would give you a strong framework and a dose of perspective. However, this route means you must work to avoid bias—you may have strong opinions that could affect your conclusions. You also could pick a topic that revolves around a personal interest, such as your favorite sport.

Research for Your News Article

Even if you end up with a topic close to your heart, you should begin with research, using books and articles that will give you a full understanding of the subject. Go to the library and find background information about people, organizations, and events you intend to cover.

Next, interview a few people to collect more information and quotes that give perspective on the topic. Don't be intimidated by the idea of interviewing important or newsworthy people—an interview can be as formal or informal as you want to make it, so relax and have fun with it. Find people with backgrounds in the topic and strong opinions, and carefully write down or record their responses for accuracy. Let the interviewees know that you will be quoting them.

Parts of a News Article

Before you write your first draft, you should be aware of the parts that make up a news story:

Headline or title

The headline  of your article should be catchy and to the point. You should punctuate your title using Associated Press style guidelines unless your publication specifies something else. Other members of the publication staff frequently write the headlines, but this will help focus your thoughts and maybe save those other staffers some time.

  • "Lost dog finds his way home"
  • "Debate tonight in Jasper Hall"
  • "Panel chooses 3 essay winners"

The byline is the name of the writer—your name, in this case.

Lead (sometimes written "lede")

The lead is the first sentence or paragraph, written to provide a preview of the entire article. It summarizes the story and includes many of the basic facts. The lead will help readers decide if they want to read the rest of the news article or if they are satisfied knowing these details.

Once you’ve set the stage with a good lead, follow up with a well-written story that contains facts from your research and quotes from people you’ve interviewed. The article should not contain your opinions. Detail any events in chronological order. Use the active voice —not passive voice —when possible, and write in clear, short, direct sentences.

In a news article, you should use the inverted pyramid format—putting the most critical information in the early paragraphs and following with supporting information. This ensures that the reader sees the important details first. Hopefully they'll be intrigued enough to continue to the end.

The sources

Include your sources in the body with the information and quotes they provide. This is different from academic papers, where you would add these at the end of the piece.

Your conclusion can be your last bit of information, a summary, or a carefully chosen quote to leave the reader with a strong sense of your story.

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We are a one-stop shop for all your newspaper needs. You can design and print real, actual newspapers right here. We specialize in shortrun newspapers for practically any niche or need, from schools to weddings.

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template for writing newspaper article

If you have a class filled with newshounds eager to write their own front-page stories about classroom events or the latest happenings in the cafeteria, Scholastic Teachables has you covered with ready-to-go resources for your young journalists.

These 5 resources will help students in grades 3–5 learn about the newswriting process and how to add descriptive elements that will engage readers. Not only will they learn how to write a news article, students will also learn important content-area vocabulary that gives new meaning to words like  dummy ,  bleeds , and  widow . Before you know it, your classroom will be a busy newsroom filled with young reporters looking to break the next big story!

1.     Newspaper Writing: Narrative Learning Center

This  narrative learning center  specifically designed for newspaper writing helps students report facts and write a compelling news story that will engage their readers. The printable includes an introductory lesson, student directions, model writing samples, graphic organizers, differentiation tips, and an assessment rubric.

2.     Newspaper Article: Leveled Graphic Organizers

This lesson with  tiered graphic organizers  will help your cub reporters and front-page newshounds learn the basics of news writing. Students will write a news article that opens with a lead, includes who, what, when, where, and why, and presents details in the body of the story.

3.     Newspaper Jargon: Grade 4 Vocabulary

To be true news writers, students need to know the industry jargon. This  vocabulary packet  teaches students what words like  bleeds ,  dummy , and  stringer  commonly mean in newsrooms.

4.     The Daily News: Language Arts Bulletin Board

This  bulletin board  resource not only turns your classroom into a newsroom, it also helps students develop the speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills they need to run it effectively. 

5.     Plenty of Plastic: Grade 5 Opinion Writing Lesson

Every respected newspaper has a robust editorial section. This  writing lesson  helps create persuasive opinion writers by encouraging students to take a written stance for or against plastic bags.

Scholastic Teachables helps teachers like you build the next generation of journalists and newshounds. Even better, these teaching materials are ready to go, saving you time when you need it most during the school year. The printables are free to subscribers of Scholastic Teachables or are available for individual purchase.  Log in or subscribe today  for teaching tools to help your students write news articles that can make a difference in your classroom, school, and community!

Creating a Classroom Newspaper

template for writing newspaper article

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Students will enjoy this creative, exciting, and stimulating lesson in writing as they create authentic newspaper stories. As they are transformed into reporters and editors, they will become effective users of ICT in order to publish their own classroom newspaper. Various aspects of newspapers are covered, including parts of a newspaper, writing an article, online newspapers, newspaper reading habits, and layout and design techniques.

Featured Resources

  • Printing Press : In this online interactive tool, your students can choose the "newspaper" option to help them complete their newspaper section.
  • Newspaper Story Format : Your students will find completing their newspaper article a snap by first filling out this useful handout that helps them identify each key element of an authentic newspaper article.

From Theory to Practice

  • Encouraging children to read and write in ways that allow them to make sense of real language in real contexts is more likely to help them develop the skills necessary to become fluent readers and writers. Creation of a class newspaper provides such a real context, and thus makes an excellent choice as the basis for a project designed with this goal in mind.
  • Use of the computer motivates students to learn and students' attitudes toward the newspaper genre are affected by active participation in the production of an authentic and original newspaper of their own.
  • Abilities in formal writing are best developed with a "process approach" that goes through five distinct phases: prewriting, composing or drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Using this approach helps students more fully understand the process of producing formal written documents, such as magazines and newspapers.

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
  • 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.

Materials and Technology

  • Computer lab with Internet access
  • Multimedia software
  • Access to a library of images/graphics
  • Scanner (optional)
  • Digital camera (optional)
  • Deadline! From News to Newspaper by Gail Gibbons (HarperCollins, 1987)
  • The Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper by Loreen Leedy (Holiday House, 1993)
  • Freddy and the Bean Home News by Walter R. Brooks (Puffin, 2002)
  • Inverted Pyramid Format
  • Newspaper Story Format
  • Story Feedback Form
  • Newspaper Writing Assessment
  • Reporting Tips
  • Reporter's Guide


*Prerequisite skills: Familiarization with an appropriate multimedia software program

1. Review and bookmark sample of classroom newsletters from list. Review and bookmark the website.

2. Obtain copies of books from list, and secure copies of local, state, and/or national newspapers (at least 6-8).

3. Access the , and print a copy of the "Bad Fall Injures Children" news article.

4. Make an overhead of and sheet

5. Make student copies of sheet, , handout, and sheet.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • Identify the parts of a newspaper
  • Identify the format of a news article
  • Write a newspaper story
  • Edit newspaper articles
  • Use ICT equipment and software
  • Layout and publish a classroom newspaper

Hold up a sample front page from a selected newspaper. Ask students what they notice about the format that is different from other texts they read (e.g., black and white ink, graphics, headline, column format). Divide the students into groups of three to four members. Explain to the students that they will explore a newspaper, paying attention to the layout and format. Instruct students to study the front page first and discuss what different parts they notice. Ask each group to report back to the whole class what members noticed was contained on the front page. Make a list of parts on the board. (e.g., title, headlines, pictures or graphics, captions, date, subtitles, table of contents/index, etc.). Students should notice similarities between different newspapers. Discuss with the class how newspapers use a standard format. In their groups, have students continue to explore copies of newspapers. What kinds of things do they notice? Students should begin to identify sections and features that are specific to newspapers. Have the groups again report to the whole class what types of items they noticed in their paper. Continue keeping the list of items on the board. (Additional items may include: editorials, cartoons, horoscope, local news, weddings, classifieds, advertising, etc.) Explain to the class that people read newspapers differently than other types of texts. Discuss how people read newspapers. Reading a newspaper matches people's interests in certain things. They scan headlines, subtitles, and images to see if the story interests them or not. Read some sample headlines from newspapers. Ask, "How many of you would be interested in reading this story?" For homework, have students ask their family members what newspapers they read regularly and what sections they read most often. Give an example of your own newspaper reading habits. (For example, "First I check the weather to help me decide what to wear to school. Then I go to the local news to see what is happening in my town. Finally, I scan the headlines to see what is happening in the world. If I have time, I start the crossword puzzle.")

Ask the students to report about their family's newspaper reading habits. Make a list of newspapers that are read and determine which are the most common. List the words who, what, where, when, and why on the board, overhead, or chart paper. Answer each of the five W questions using the popular rhyme "Jack & Jill." Example:

  • Who? Jack and Jill
  • What? Fell down and broke crown
  • Where? On the hill
  • When? Sometime in the past
  • Why? Trying to fetch water

Read "Bad Fall Injures Children" article from page 4 of the Grandview Newspaper lesson plan . Students clarify their previous responses to the five W s according to the article. Explain how these five questions help to summarize a news story. Put students in groups of three to four members. Ask the students to choose another famous rhyme or fairy tale and answer the five W questions. Have each group read just the answers to their questions, and then have the class try to guess what fairy tale or rhyme it is. Explain that these five W s help with the organization of a news story and that they make up the most important details of the story. Demonstrate to the class the organization of a good news story using the Inverted Pyramid Format overhead. Use a sample newspaper story to illustrate an example of this format For homework, ask students to select a newspaper article that they are interested in reading and bring it to school the next day.

Give students time to read the newspaper article they brought from home. Hand out the Newspaper Story Format sheet. Students should then complete the sheet using details from their particular article and share the summary of their newspaper article. Ask the students to rewrite the newspaper article in their own words as if they were a reporter for their local newspaper. What changes would they make and why? Have the students share their stories with a classmate using the following questions to guide their discussion:

  • Were changes made to the lead? Why?
  • Were changes made to the five W s? Why?
  • Were changes made to the details? Why?

As a class, discuss fact versus opinion. Explain that news articles do not include the reporter's opinion. Have students go back and see if the changes that were made to their articles were strictly factual. Refer to original articles as needed for examples of fact-based stories.

Read-aloud to the class from one or more of the suggested titles:

  • Deadline! From News to Newspaper by Gail Gibbons
  • The Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper by Loreen Leedy
  • Freddy and the Bean Home News by Walter R. Brooks

Have students brainstorm the types of articles they would like to write and list them on the board. Look at the list and ask students if the articles could be grouped into categories or "newspaper sections." Use the Reporting Tips overhead to present how to make newspaper articles more interesting. Go over each point and clarify any questions that students may raise. Group students based on interests to form an "editorial staff" for each newspaper section. Have the groups meet to decide who will write which stories. Students can use the Reporter's Guide handout as a guideline. When they have finished, students can begin collecting facts for their stories.

Session 5 and 6

Take students to the computer lab and have them write their first draft. They should not worry about font, size, or columns at this point. Be sure that they save their work and print a hard copy of their article for editing. Students' stories should then be self-edited and edited by two other members of their editorial staff (using the Story Feedback Form ). Students should make necessary revisions to their stories based on the comments from the Story Feedback Form.

In the computer lab, have students access the Internet Public Library website and explore newspapers from around the world. They should pay particular attention to the design and layout elements. For example, some articles may include graphics (e.g., photos, charts, graphs). Discuss what patterns of layout design the students noticed. As a whole class, discuss newspaper layout, addressing the following points:

  • Headline News: Top priority articles are near the front (1-2 pages). These are typically of high interest to your entire audience of readers (e.g., town news such as a new park or community center). Long front-page articles can be continued on an inside page to provide room for other headline news.
  • Feature Articles: Stories about topics or events that are of interest to a certain group of readers (e.g., sports, animal stories, academic topics, interviews with school staff, book reviews). These are typically grouped into sections.
  • Pictures or graphics: The image should always appear with the story. A caption can be included. The size usually depends on how much space is available in the layout.

Give students the opportunity to explore these layout items in newspapers in the classroom and online. Students should look at the Junior Seahawk Newsletter to get ideas for their own layout.

Session 8 and 9

In the computer lab, students should complete final story revisions. They may then begin the newspaper layout using appropriate software. The ReadWriteThink Printing Press includes an option for creating a newspaper. Each editorial staff works together to complete their newspaper section. Note: 8 ½ X 11 size pages are optimal. They can be printed and copied back to back on 11 X 17 paper that can be folded like a real newspaper. The completed paper must have an even number of pages for this format. Pictures can be drawn or pasted into the layout. Depending on the available resources, pictures can also be scanned or downloaded from a digital camera. Tell students to play around with fonts and columns. They should experiment and be creative! Once pages are completed, they should be printed. The editorial staff should do a final reading for errors. Pages are then submitted to the teacher for publishing.

Distribute the class newspaper to the students and allow them time to read it. When they have finished, hand out the Newspaper Writing Assessment sheet and ask them to fill it out.

Student Assessment / Reflections

Assess students' comments from the Newspaper Writing Assessment sheet.

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The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers.

Students analyze rhetorical strategies in online editorials, building knowledge of strategies and awareness of local and national issues. This lesson teaches students connections between subject, writer, and audience and how rhetorical strategies are used in everyday writing.

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What You Need to Know About Using a Template for Writing an Article

Neil February 23, 2024 Blog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Most professional blog writers feel stuck at some point when they don’t plan and organize their content creation process. Before starting, you should have a clear understanding of two things: what to write and how to keep your blog post well-researched and well-structured.

Graphic of a Tiny Screenwriter Sitting on a Typewriter

Source: Freepik

Worry not, for we are here to make things a breeze for you! The best way to organize your blog/ article’s structure is to use an article template . It is a pre-made outline that guides you through the writing process of an article, from choosing a topic and doing research, to crafting a headline and a conclusion. 

In this informative blog, we’ll explore why we need a template for writing an article, how to use it, its basic elements, and its types. Let’s get started!

Why Use a Template for Writing an Article?

Graphic of a Man Writing With Giant Pencil and Thinking of an Idea

You may have a great idea for your next article, but the struggle is real when it comes to ensuring coherence and logical flow. That’s where you should make the smart choice of considering a template for writing an article.

It’ll save you time, streamline the drafting process, overcome writer’s block , and help you produce consistent and quality articles. By following a template, you can ensure that your article is well-structured and easy for readers to follow.

Key Elements of an Article Template

Mindmap Concept as a Girl is Thinking About Ideas

By following the article writing template, you’ll be able to structure your thoughts effectively and create a compelling piece of writing that engages your readers. Let’s explore the basic elements that are kept in mind while writing an article template.

This is the topmost section of a writing template. As we all know, a title is your first handshake with the reader. So, it’s usually catchy, clear, and concise. 


Then comes the introduction. You can use the lead section of the template to write your intro. It introduces your topic, the angle you’re going for, and perhaps even the ideas the readers may need to keep in mind while reading the rest of the article.

This is the main part of your article where you provide the details and information that support your main idea. You can use the ideas section of the template and write your paragraphs accordingly. 

This is the last paragraph of your article, where you wrap up your article and restate your main argument. Be sure to add a CTA (call-to-action) that encourages your readers to take the next step. It could be subscribing to your newsletter, checking out your products, or leaving a comment.

How to Use an Article Template?

Illustration of a checked document on a laptop

This section will cover the most important element: the article template’s usage. Simply put, how to write with an article template. Let’s explore the simple steps below to use an article template:

  • Select the appropriate template for your purposes.
  • Take a look at the template to figure out which parts you want to write about.
  • Decide on the angle of your article and write it down. The article outline template will help you to focus your writing and avoid going off-topic.
  • Start with curating a catchy title.
  • Write an intro that will cover what your article is about.
  • Write a paragraph or two for each idea in the template. Once you connect every idea ensuring a logical flow and consistency, it’ll make up the body of your blog.  
  • Add a conclusion to wrap it up.
  • Proofread the article to remove any mistakes. Don’t forget to go over it again using the template you used. 

Always remember that templates are like blueprints that you can customize to fit your style! Explore these top blog templates that will act as guides to help you write an article.

Types of Article Templates

Now that you have an idea of article writing templates and their basic elements, let’s discuss their types below.

Blog Post Template

This is the most basic and widely used type of article template. It typically consists of sections such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It provides a clear structure for logically presenting your ideas and arguments in a blog post format.

Listicle Template

A listicle template is perfect for creating articles that present information in a list format. Each point in the list is usually accompanied by a brief description or explanation. Listicle templates are popular for creating articles with titles like “Top 10 Tips…” or “5 Ways to Improve…”

How-To Guide Template

If you’re writing an instructional or tutorial-style article, a how-to template is ideal. It breaks down the content into step-by-step instructions, making it easy for readers to follow along and implement the guidance provided.

Comparison Article Template

This template contrasts different aspects, products, or ideas. It typically divides content into sections, highlighting the pros and cons of each subject for readers to make informed decisions.

Storytelling Article Template

Engaging readers through narratives, this template uses storytelling techniques to convey information, making the content relatable and compelling.

Newspaper Article Template

This template is suitable for writing news articles that are concise, factual, and timely. It usually follows the inverted pyramid structure , which means that the most important information is presented first, followed by the less important details. 

It usually consists of

  • a headline,
  • a byline (the name of the author),
  • a dateline (the location and date of the story),
  • a lead (a summary of the main facts and the 5 Ws: who, what, when, where, and why),
  • a main body that expands on the lead and provides additional information and quotes, and
  • a closing paragraph that wraps up the story.

Check out these unmissable blogging templates to write a blog post faster and better!

This guide is your go-to source whenever you need to know something about an article template. All your questions related to why we use it, its basic elements, and its types have now been answered. Therefore, you should be equipped to use an article template confidently.

If you’re into blogging and want to get unlimited ideas for blog posts, we’ve got you covered! Try using our Free Blog Post Idea Generator that’s absolutely worth it!

template for writing newspaper article

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Free Editable Newspaper Templates

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 14, 2024

Free Editable Newspaper Templates

A great way to engage students and empower their voice is through providing them with spaces where they can publish and share their creations and document their learning experiences. 

Creating a classroom website or blog is one way towards this goal but is not the only one. Another equally engaging task is by creating a classroom newspaper. 

There are tons of free pre-designed newspaper templates that you can easily edit and customize to create your own newspaper. No graphic design, HTML code, or any technical knowledge is required.  

Simply select the newspaper template you like, edit its layout, insert your content, and download or share the final product with others. There are also simple and easy to use tools to create a classroom newspaper from scratch.

Below is a collection of very good resources where you can access ready-made  templates to use to create newspapers for your class. You can even involve students in the creation process. Divide them into groups and let them come up with design ideas as well as content suggestions. 

Newspapers, as Reading Rockets stated, “can be used to enhance skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, math, social studies and science. Critical thinking is the natural outgrowth of using a newspaper to learn. 

Unlike textbooks, which are several years outdated by the time they get into students’ hands, the newspaper comes alive with information. The newspaper expands the curriculum with an unlimited amount of information to use as background for learning activities.”

Editable Newspaper Templates

Here are some good resources where you can find ready-made newspaper templates : 

1- Flipsnack

Flipsnack is a platform that offers a wide variety of editable newspaper templates that you can use in various educational activities. The School section in Flipsnack contains a number of practical pre-made newspaper templates to use with your students. 

Some of the titles I found really intriguing include: Elementary School Newspaper template, Students Online Newspaper template, Modern Classroom Newspaper template, and Classic Newspaper template. 

Each newspaper comes with a short description about the template, info about size dimensions, and a ‘Use this template’ button to edit the template. When you click on the button, the template opens in Flipsnack editor where you can customize the template the way you want. 

You can add text, shapes, pages, layers, uploads,  and a wide variety of interactive features. Click preview on the top of the screen to see how your newspapers looks like before you download or publish them. 

You have various download options including PDF for Web, PNG, JPG, and PDF for Print. You can also publish your newspaper and control its visibility. For instance, you can make it public, unlisted, password locked, or private.

To be able to edit and download newspaper templates on Flipsnack you need to have a premium subscription. There are three main types of premium subscriptions in the site: Starter ($14/month), Professional (35$/month), and Business ($79/month). Flipsnack provides a special educational plan and is also available as a mobile app for iOS and Android.

2- Adobe Cloud Express

Adobe Cloud Express provides a wide range of free professionally designed newspaper templates that you can use in your teaching. Simply select a template from the library and click to open it in Creative Cloud Express editor where you can edit it the way you want. 

You can add icons, photos, logos, personalized fonts, change backgrounds, add animations, colors and many more. You can also invite other teachers or students to collaborate on editing newspapers. Once done, click on download to save it in PNG, JPG or PDF format. 

You can also share it online on social media websites, via email or using a unique generated link.

Adobe Cloud Express editor offers two plans: a free plan which offers the following features:

  • ‘Thousands of unique templates, design assets, and Adobe Fonts.
  • A limited collection of royalty-free Adobe Stock free collection photos.
  • Basic editing and photo effects including remove background and animate.
  • Create on both web and mobile.
  • 2GB of storage.’

The premium plan which costs $9.99 offers all the features in the free plan plus several other extra features (e.g., add your branding, logo, fonts, over 20.000 licensed Adobe fonts, 160 million royalty-free Adobe Stock collection photos, 100 GB of storage, and more).

3- Canva Newspaper templates

Canva’s library features a number of beautiful newspaper and newsletter templates that you can edit and customize to your educational needs. Most of these templates contain only one or two pages but you can use Canva’s editor to add more pages.

The editor also enables you to insert images, icons, shapes, arrows, text, GIFs, and several other multimedia materials to your templates. Once your newspaper template is ready, click download it in different formats including PDF, JPG, PNG, and more.

Canva also offers the possibility to invite collaborators to edit your template. To do so, click on Share from the top bar, type in the name of your collaborator, and select ‘Share a link to edit’. Other sharing options provided by Canva include: sharing directly to social media sites (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), saving to Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive, and many more. 

4- Microsoft Education templates

Microsoft education offers a huge library of customizable templates to use in various educational tasks. There are templates to create newspapers, newsletters, cards, flyers, brochures, timelines, resumes, cover letters, and many more. 

One particular newspaper template that stood out to me is this premium traditional newspaper which is “fully formatted for quick and easy changes. Its familiar layout that follows traditional newspaper formatting, with columns, headlines, bylines, captions, and more, makes this newspaper article template easy to navigate for any reader. This Word newspaper template prints on tabloid-sized paper.”

5- Newspaper Templates from Teachers Pay Teachers

The newspaper templates section in TPT features a large collection of templates designed specifically for use in educational settings. You can browse through the collection and apply search filters to locate specific newspaper templates. 

For instance, you can filter your newspaper template search by grade, CCSS, subjects, price, resource types, and format (e.g., PDF, Image, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc). When you find the template you are interested in click to open a page where you can read more about it,. To search for free templates, use the Price filter and select free. 

More sources:

5 Handy Google Docs Templates for Creating Classroom Newspapers  (EdTech and mLearning)

How to make Newspaper Design in MS Word  (YouTube video )

This is how to make a newspaper on Google Docs (YouTube video )

How to design your own newspaper in Flipsnack (Youtube video)

A teacher’s guide to using newspapers to enhance language arts skills (Reading Rockets)

Using newspapers in the classroom (Cambridge University)

template for writing newspaper article

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template for writing newspaper article

Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Free Editable Newspaper Templates

Use our customizable newspaper templates in Microsoft Word and Google Docs, designed to save you time and effort. Whether for business, education, or special occasions, our ready-made designs are simple to edit. Select a template, personalize it with your content, and prepare your newspaper for print with ease.

Blank Newspaper Template in Blue Theme

This newspaper template features a minimal design with a blue theme and a white background. Every element, including images and captions, is fully editable, allowing for easy customization and replacement. Tailor each component to fit your specific needs with simplicity and efficiency.

Blank Newspaper Template in Blue Theme

Science Newspaper Template

This template is specifically designed for school or research projects, incorporating spaces for images and captions, designated areas for quotes, and well-structured article sections to thoroughly explain each topic. It offers a practical layout to effectively organize and present your information.

Science Newspaper Template

Newspaper Article Template

This template maintains a classic, minimalistic format with images and captions rendered in subtle gray tones, accompanied by ample spacing for article text. It features wide image banners, ideal for showcasing major news items, ensuring that each piece stands out while keeping the overall design clean and streamlined.

Newspaper Article Template

Newspaper Headline Template

This newspaper template showcases a comprehensive headline section, featuring a prominent front-page image space alongside its corresponding article. The design consistently follows the same theme onto the subsequent page, making it ideal for covering a complete topic or detailed article thoroughly and cohesively.

Newspaper Headline Template

Fake Newspaper Template

This newspaper template draws inspiration from classic newspaper designs, offering a structured layout that presents various news items in a professional manner. Versatile in its use, this template can serve as a fun, fake newspaper for creative projects or as a formal layout for school or research assignments. Its adaptability makes it a suitable choice for a range of purposes.

Fake Newspaper Template

Red and Yellow Newspaper Layout Template

This template is formatted with a minimal and clean design, arranging text across three columns for a sleek, organized look. Available in A4 size, it is easily editable in Microsoft Word, allowing for straightforward customization to meet your specific needs.

Red and Yellow Newspaper Layout Template

Beige Old Style Newspaper Template

This template is designed with a beige background and adopts an old-style formatting approach, while retaining all classic newspaper elements. It combines vintage aesthetics with traditional newspaper layout to cater to both modern and retro publishing needs.

Beige Old Style Newspaper Template

Newspaper Article Template for Students

This template is crafted with a sleek red and black theme, offering a minimalistic design ideal for students completing projects. It efficiently organizes images alongside article text sections, providing a clear and professional layout to enhance their presentations.

Newspaper Article Template for Students

Newspaper Template for Kids

This template is designed with children in mind, aiming to keep them engaged in reading and interacting with the newspaper. It features a colorful layout that captures young readers’ attention and stimulates their interest in the content.

Newspaper Template for Kids

Newspaper Front Page Template

This template’s front page includes all the essential elements of a newspaper, presented in a minimal yet effective theme. You can easily duplicate this page for subsequent sections and customize the header and footer to suit your specific requirements.

Newspaper Front Page Template

Beige Themed Empty Newspaper Template

This newspaper template features bold headings for each section, accompanied by image placeholders that can be replaced with actual images as needed. This design ensures clarity and emphasis, guiding readers through the content effectively.

Beige Themed Empty Newspaper Template

Blue Minimal Newspaper Template

This template is designed with minimal touches of blue elements and includes all necessary components, making it an excellent choice for any project, whether small or large. Its versatile design ensures it can seamlessly adapt to various needs.

template for writing newspaper article

Yes, our templates are versatile enough to be used for both print and digital formats. They are designed to maintain high-quality visuals and readability across different mediums.

For additional free resources, you can visit websites like highfile.com and docformats.net . These sites offer a wide range of templates in various formats that can complement our offerings.

Yes, our templates are designed to be adaptable for both personal and commercial use. Whether you are creating a community newspaper or a corporate newsletter, our templates are equipped to meet your needs. However, please note that while you are free to use them for your projects and publications, redistribution or claiming them as your own creation on the internet is not permitted.

Our templates are fully editable and can be easily customized in A4 size. You can add or remove text, change fonts, adjust colors, and reposition elements to align with your vision for the publication.

These templates are primarily designed to assist with academic and research projects, but are also highly suitable for use by any newspaper industry or organization. The templates are free and fully editable to meet your specific needs. Should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to reach out via our contact form. We are here to assist you as much as possible. Thank you!

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Layers of Learning

Family-Style Homeschooling

template for writing newspaper article

Newspaper Articles

Writer’s Workshop is a writing program for your whole family, from emergent writers right up to Mom and Dad. This is a sample exercise about writing newspaper articles. Try it with all your kids.

True Stories

This Writer’s Workshop exercise is from Writer’s Workshop True Stories, which teaches you to write all kinds of true stories about real people and events. You’ll write personal narratives, journals, biographies, autobiographies, newspaper articles, and more. During the unit, you will practice skills in a variety of exercises and then take a piece of writing clear through the writing process to publication. Join us for a family-style writing program in Writer’s Workshop .

Teaching kids to write newspaper articles is an important skill.  Articles are written in a concise, descriptive way.  A lot of information is given with very few words, so the words need to be thoughtful and succinct.  We’ll teach you how to teach your kids to write a good newspaper article plus we give you a printable newspaper article template for the kids to create a great-looking project.

Step 1 Mini-Lesson

Start each Writer’s Workshop lesson off with a 5-10 minute mini-lesson with all of your kids. The sidebars of each Writer’s Workshop unit are lined with mini-lesson ideas to choose from. For this lesson, you could do a newspaper article warm-up.

Use a newspaper and separate a photograph from its article. Without reading the article at all, practice writing an article about what you think happened based only on the photograph. Have everyone read the article draft out loud, then read the real article out loud.

Step 2 Exercise: Newspaper Articles

Spend most of your Writer’s Workshop time on the exercise.

Newspaper articles typically begin with a single sentence that tells about the big moment, or the overall result of the story. In one line it reveals who, what, where, when, why, and how. Then the author jumps backward and fills in the details from the beginning.

  • The information should be factual.  You may want to note that even in our newspapers today the information is not always factual, but it SHOULD be.  You may even find some opinions or misrepresentations while looking through articles.
  •  Articles often start at the end of the story (or the most recent development), then go back and fill in the details.  For example, the article may say, “Tom Smithson, 35 years old, was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife, Theresa Smithson, yesterday in Grant County, Washington.”  After the overview, the article would go back and tell the rest of the story and how things led up to that recent development.
  • Articles include full names, dates, locations, and other specific details.
  • They avoid flowery language and use as few words as possible to tell what happened.
  • They have a professional tone, free from opinions.  If someone were writing about the Tom Jones tragedy I previously mentioned the next line would not be.  “He deserved it.”  Even if he did!

Local authorities arrested John Jones after he allegedly robbed the Big Gem Jewelry Store in Big Rock City last night using only a rock. Jones had been spotted casing the store over the past few days. He reportedly broke the front glass windows with the rock and entered the store around 10:30 P.M., loaded a single bag with jewels from a single display case, and then exited within 5 minutes, escaping on foot. Police officers arrived on the scene minutes later and pursued Jones. They captured him almost immediately and placed him under arrest. The rock was found at the scene. The Big Gem Jewelry Company has indicated that they plan to press charges.

Your Own Newspaper Articles

template for writing newspaper article

Now it’s your turn to practice writing some news stories. Write an article about the event below following the pattern of newspaper articles.

Passersby called the police when they noticed green slime coming out of the second-story windows of the office building.

Once you’ve practiced on this imaginary story, choose another true story to write an article about. You can get information about current events from the newspaper, internet news, or a television newscast. You could also use a story from your family or from your own community. Use the newspaper writing template to write your story. Add a headline, a picture, your article, and an About the Author section.

This exercise will go into the journal section of the Writer’s Notebook if you just made a quick draft, or in the Writing section of your Writer’s Notebook if you choose to take it through the writing process. The Writer’s Workshop Guidebook walks you through how to use Writer’s Notebooks and help guide your family through the writing process.

template for writing newspaper article

Step 3: Writing Project

Most exercises stay in the Writer’s Notebook to be used a reference, inspiration, or to be tossed at a later date. About once a month, one piece of writing should be taken clear through the writing process. This is your writing project.

If I were to guide my child through taking this exercise through the writing process I would encourage him to not only edit and revise the article but also add several more newspaper articles about various subjects. He would add colorful pictures and captions. I may even ask him to add sections to his newspaper – comics, the weather, or classified ads. The project would involve not just a single article that is edited and revised, but rather, a whole newspaper with several pages filled with articles.

You can learn details about the writing process and how to mentor writers in the Writer’s Workshop Guidebook .

Step 4: Evaluating Writing

Every piece of writing that makes it to publication needs to be shared with an audience and then evaluated. The audience should cheer for the writer and ask curious and positive questions about the writing when appropriate. Evaluations should be designed to help the writer grow, not just to create a grade. Every Writer’s Workshop Unit comes with specific helps for the mentor, including a rubric that is specific to the genre being taught. General writing evaluation criteria and strategies are taught to the parent in the Writer’s Workshop Guidebook .

What You’ll Find in Every Writer’s Workshop Unit

You’ll find printables in every Writer’s Workshop unit. They are tools for helping kids learn the writing process, skills, and ways to write in specific genres. They make lessons in a family-school setting a little more manageable for parents too.

Ideas Banks

In each unit, kids will be doing a variety of writing exercises as well as one project. They will learn to take their project through the writing process, incorporating what they’ve learned during the exercises. Each unit has a big idea bank for kids to choose from so they can find something meaningful they would like to write about.

Every unit also includes a rubric to help parents or mentors know how to give feedback that will help writers grow. Rubrics are tools writers can use to self-check, and mentors can use to know what to look for in each writing genre. We never just slap a grade on writing. Every bit of feedback is a tool to improve and grow.

More Writer’s Workshop

Writer's Workshop Category

Learn more about Writer’s Workshop and how it can help you create writers (not just grammar workbook filler-outers!). We invite you to check out the Writer’s Workshop Curriculum Guide . Then see how Layers of Learning can change your whole homeschool into a happy, hands-on family school with the Writer’s Workshop Guidebook . We believe learning is about exploring! If you like exploring, you’ll love the rest of the Layers of Learning program too – history, geography, science, and art, all taught with your whole family exploring together.

Free Samples

Try family-style homeschooling now with free samples of four Layers of Learning units when you subscribe. You'll get to try family-style history, geography, science, and arts with your children.

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4 thoughts on “Newspaper Articles”

' src=

Lovely ideas. Thank you

' src=

Thanks this unit has been very helpful for me and my students. Kathy Adams

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Newspaper Article Template

Read all about it! Have students step into the role of a journalist with this fun newspaper-themed writing activity! In this versatile worksheet, learners are invited to create the front page of a fictional newspaper that would have been distributed immediately after the event of their choosing. Students will write an article—complete with a headline, pictures, captions, and more—about a key moment from a book or novel, a current event, or a significant historical event.

This three-page worksheet includes details about the assignment with a sample layout, a graphic organizer for planning, and a newspaper template that students can use to create their final product. For added fun, have students cut out their template and display their newspapers, inviting others to “Read all about it!”

Ideal for a wide range of learners in upper elementary and middle school, this flexible worksheet is a perfect addition to any book or novel study, or use it to supplement studies of current or historical events! Click "View answer key" for a grading rubric designed to help evaluate students' projects.

View aligned standards

Related guided lesson.

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Informational Text 3

Edit a Newsprint template

Free Newspaper Templates to Print

Customize breaking newspaper templates to download in seconds. discover the best front of newspaper templates on edit.org..

Design interior pages and a sample front page of Newspaper . Easily add text and images. Customize your school or local newspaper with your unique touch.

Editable Newspaper article template for students to customize and print

Customize a Newspaper page template to print in minutes

Do you want to craft distinctive communication that leaves an impact on your audience? Are you planning to embark on the journey of creating a magazine or newspaper and looking for an easy starting point? Today, we introduce a cutting-edge collection of free newspaper templates, simple to customize with just a few clicks.

Whether you're using your cell phone, tablet, or computer, you can effortlessly craft stunning covers and interior pages with layouts suitable for both modern and vintage concepts , or even for school magazines. Whether you're a seasoned publishing professional or a novice seeking to design a magazine page, we've tailored the perfect designs for you.

In the realm of journalism, first impressions matter . A well-designed cover can entice readers and immerse them in your written content. Edit.org's editable newspaper templates offer professional, eye-catching designs that enhance the readability of your news and information.

Looking to inject some humor into your newspaper? Don't forget to explore our collection of comic and storytelling templates as well.

Customize a Newspaper front page sample online for free

How to create your own Newspaper online with Edit.org

Look how easy it is to customize a newspaper template!

  • Click on one of the blank newspaper templates in this article.
  • Select the template you like the most to write your information.
  • Customize the layout online to your liking - you can edit every detail!
  • Save the layout in our online cloud in case you want to make changes.
  • Download the final result in PDF to print or in PNG or JPG to share online.

You're done!

Create a vintage Newspaper template with free editable templates

Download blank old Newspaper templates for free

These editable newspaper templates serve as essential tools for journalists and publishers aiming to make a distinct mark in the digital landscape. Our collection offers a wide array of newspaper styles available for download and high-definition printing. Whether you're in the world of journalism, managing a school newspaper with a youthful perspective, launching an art news publication, or embracing the vintage charm of an old-style newspaper, you'll find templates to match your unique style .

Edit.org's graphic and online editor is incredibly user-friendly. You don't need to be a graphic designer to craft appealing pages. Our templates provide a pre-defined structure into which you can effortlessly insert your text and images . Additionally, you have access to our professional library of royalty-free photos, drawings, vectors, and icons at no extra cost. Modifying the text is a breeze.

Take a step into the editor now and commence your news creation journey with the finest newspaper layouts!

Free editable Newspaper document templates

Edit a Newsprint template

Meeting Minutes

Free editable templates for business reports

Newspaper Templates in Word

Craft your newspaper in Word with our user-friendly newspaper templates. These editable templates offer you an open ground to customize your newspaper for any industrial, educational, or personal project. Start personalizing your newspaper with professional ease today!

Old Style Graduation Announcement Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Old Style Graduation Announcement Newspaper Template

A4 Grey Blank Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Grey Blank Newspaper Template

A4 Blank Kids Journal Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Blank Kids Journal Template

Doskvol Specter Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Doskvol Specter Newspaper Template

Black and White Obituary Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Elegant Obituary Newspaper Template

A4 Classic Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Classic Newspaper Article Template

Business Newspaper Article Template - Word, Google Docs

Business Newspaper Article Template

Old-Style Advertisement Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Old-Style Advertisement Newspaper Template

Old-Style Birthday Celebration Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Birthday Celebration Newspaper Template

US Letter Graduation Announcement Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

US Letter Graduation Announcement Newspaper Template

Sports Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Sports Newspaper Template

High School Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

High School Newspaper Template

Art School Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Art School Newspaper Article Template

A4 Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Newspaper Template

A4 Science Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Science Newspaper Template

A4 Newspaper Article Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Newspaper Article Template

Empty Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Empty A4 Newspaper Template

Vintage 75th Birthday Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Vintage 75th Birthday Newspaper Template

11×17 Tabloid Birthday Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Tabloid Birthday Newspaper Template

Blank Heritage Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Blank Heritage Newspaper Template

A4 Daily Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Daily Newspaper Template

Gray and White Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Gray and White Newspaper Template

A4 Red Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Red Newspaper Template

A4 Business Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Blank Business Newspaper Template

A4 Beige Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Beige Blank Newspaper Template

A4 Blue Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Blue Newspaper Template

A4 Blank Zinc Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Blank Zinc Newspaper Template

A4 Blank Purple Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Blank Purple Newspaper Template

Purple Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

Purple Blank Newspaper Template

A4 Editable Newspaper Template - Word, Google Docs

A4 Editable Newspaper Template

Our Microsoft Word newspaper templates are carefully designed, incorporating every necessary element to offer divergent layouts ideal for their respective themes. Each template is a byproduct of extensive research to ensure professional quality and practical usability. In addition to Word, these newspaper templates are provided in other formats including PowerPoint , Google Docs , and Google Slides . These formats allow users to easily create their revamped version of a newspaper template by restyling its text, headings, images, colors, and other elements while retaining an organized layout. These newspaper templates are all set for an instant action, offering a credible foundation for any newspaper project.

What makes the design and content of Word newspaper templates stand out?

Based on comprehensive research, each of our newspaper templates ensures the inclusion of all essential elements relative to its theme. The design of these templates centers around an elegant contemporary aesthetic that enables a professional yet engaging presentation of content. With this approach, these layouts maintain a standard newspaper look containing every expected element.

How can I access the necessary fonts for Word Newspaper Templates?

Standard fonts or Google fonts are primarily used in our templates for easy access. At the last page of each template, you will find font names or links leading directly to these fonts. Simply follow these links to avail a free download of any necessary font.

Can I customize these newspaper templates within different applications?

Yes, with the enhanced adaptability of our template you can move or readjust elements using applications other than Microsoft Word including PowerPoint, Google Docs, and Google Slides. Our Word templates are editable in Google Docs, while PowerPoint templates are editable in Google Slides. This exclusive feature allows you to freely customize any layout to meet your specific needs and preferences.

How can I write impactful headlines and captions?

Focus on clarity and conciseness along with the use of powerful words to make your headlines impactful. Other than that, you can bold your headlines to make them more eye-catching. In case of captions, add relevant and illustrative context to your images. Make your captions simple yet effective by being descriptive while retaining brevity in your expression.

How can I get assistance for customizing a Word newspaper template to meet my requirements?

We are happy to assist you and offer guidance to make your customization process smooth and enjoyable. If you need any help in customizing a template, do not hesitate in contacting us through our support team . Our team will make sure that your template manifests the alterations that fits best according to your needs.

Why choose Microsoft Word?

Each project benefits from different formats, and the newspaper templates in Microsoft Word offer these distinct advantages:

  • Provides advanced control over newspaper-style columns, text flow, and object placement through features like custom column breaks and section breaks.
  • Enables detailed style customization and application via the Styles pane, ensuring consistent formatting across headlines, subheadings, bylines, and body text.
  • Supports advanced typography options, including ligatures, kerning, and OpenType features, for enhanced text appearance in newspaper articles.
  • Integrates sophisticated graphic tools such as SmartArt and precise text wrapping around images, maintaining a professional and realistic newspaper layout.
  • Allows creation and precise formatting of complex tables and charts with tools that support embedded Excel data and custom table styles, ideal for data-heavy news sections.
  • Offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Office applications, enabling dynamic linking and updating of data from Excel and Publisher for the most current information.
  • Provides full offline functionality, allowing complete access to all features without requiring an internet connection, ensuring uninterrupted work on newspaper templates.

Are there any restrictions on the use of these newspaper templates?

Our newspaper templates are completely free for both personal and commercial use, however, the redistribution of our templates on any other platform is prohibited without written permission. This policy ensures the uniqueness and quality of our templates for all users.

We value your contribution.

Newspaper Article Template | Writing a News Article | Printable & Digital

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Add creativity and writing practice to any unit of study with this printable and digital newspaper article template. Your students will perfect the art of writing a newspaper article using this blank nonfiction template.

Want more summary writing templates? Click here to view 10 editable, printable, and digital graphic organizers for summary writing!

This resource can be completed on paper or online with laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, or any device that supports Google Slides. The included Teacher's Guide includes access to the link that will allow you to make your own copy of the resource for use in Google Classroom/Google Drive.


  • News Article Template : The printable and digital newspaper article template will work for multiple grade levels and content areas. Whether using the template as an assignment or end-of-unit assessment, your students are sure to appreciate all of the unique components that go into producing a successful news article.


Daily Reading Log with Sentence Starters

Current Events Graphic Organizers | Printable and Digital

Summary Writing Graphic Organizers | Printable and Digital

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Home Lessons Modern History History Skills How to Format Your Newspaper Article

How to Format Your Newspaper Article

How to Format Your Newspaper Article

The “How to Format Your Newspaper Article” worksheet is essential for students who want to present their research clearly, organised, and engagingly. This worksheet provides students with a simple template for scaffolding and writing a newspaper article, helping to ensure that their research is presented interestingly and historically.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this lesson plan is that it provides students with the necessary structure and guidance to write a successful newspaper article. The template not only helps students plan their research, ensuring all key elements are included and presented clearly and concisely, but also instills a sense of accomplishment as they see their work come together in a compelling article. This helps students to stay organised and focused as they work through their research, making the writing process much more enjoyable.

Another significant advantage of this lesson plan is that it fosters the development of critical thinking skills. By using the template to plan out their newspaper article, students are encouraged to think critically about the information they have gathered and consider how best to present it in an engaging and informative way. This not only enhances their research skills but also stimulates their ability to analyse and evaluate historical information, leading to a sense of growth and improvement in their academic abilities.

The “How to Format Your Newspaper Article” is essential for students who want to develop their research and critical thinking skills. With its simple and effective template, this worksheet gives students the structure and guidance they need to write a successful newspaper article, making it an important aspect of history education.

Comes with an instruction sheet and a blank template.

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template for writing newspaper article

Resource Information

Description:Students use a template to help plan out their newspaper article.
Estimated lessons:1.
AgesAll ages
Format PDF.

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Newspaper article template

Newspaper article template

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Other

Nadia Faulkner's Shop

Last updated

3 December 2021

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template for writing newspaper article

This newspaper template contains two pages plus an extra blank page. Heading, subheading, lines for writing and a box for pictures. Perfect for English projects. Editable on word, no restrictions. Free download.

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Google brings its Gemini AI to Gmail to help you write and summarize emails

2020 Gmail icon on iOS 14

Google is rolling out a new Gemini AI side panel in Gmail that can help you write emails and summarize email threads. The company is also adding the Gemini side panel to Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive. The launch of the new features comes shortly after Google announced them last month at its I/O developer conference, which heavily focused on new AI offerings from the tech giant.

With the new integration, you can use Gemini in Gmail to get help drafting an email or receive suggested responses to an email. Plus, you can ask questions and find specific information from emails within your inbox or from your Google Drive files.

Google notes that while Gemini in Gmail will provide prompts to help you get started with your queries, you can also ask your own questions. For instance, you can ask Gemini: “What was the PO number for my agency?” Or, you can ask: “How much did the company spend on the last marketing event.”

These features are only available to Google Workspace customers with a Gemini Business or Enterprise add-on, a Gemini Education or Education Premium add-on, or a Google One AI Premium subscription.

template for writing newspaper article

In Docs, the Gemini side panel can help you write and refine your content, summarize information and help you brainstorm ideas. You also can create content based on other files. In Slides, Gemini can help you generate new slides and custom images, as well as summarize presentations.

The Gemini panel can also help you track and organize your data in Sheets. Plus, you can create tables, generate formulas and get help with performing certain tasks. In Drive, the Gemini panel can summarize documents and get quick facts about a project.

As with the Gemini panel in Gmail, you will need to be a paid Gemini user to access the features in Docs, Slides, Sheets and Drive.

Google is the latest tech giant to add generative AI features to its popular, everyday apps and services. Earlier this year, Meta brought its AI chatbot to Instagram and WhatsApp, while Apple recently announced that it’s bringing generative AI features to its apps and services , including Siri, Messages, Mail and Notes.

The recent trend of shoving AI into everyday products may not be welcomed by everyone. While there was excitement around Apple’s upcoming AI features, there was pushback when Meta added its AI chatbot to search on Instagram. Until now, users who aren’t interested in generative AI tools, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have been able to avoid them for the most part. But as tech giants continue to add AI to their everyday apps and services, generative AI will be harder to avoid.

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  2. Free Editable Newspaper Templates

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  3. Free Newspaper Templates

    A newspaper article template is a pre-arranged format used for drafting news articles, including sections for headlines, bylines, introductions, body text, and conclusions. ... and captions. This template is especially useful for educational projects, mock newspapers, or any creative writing endeavor that requires a newspaper format. By ...

  4. How to Write a Newspaper Article (with Pictures)

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  6. Free Newspaper Templates

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  7. How to Write a Newspaper Article for Grades 3-5

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  9. Newspaper Article Definition, Format & Examples

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  10. The Ultimate Guide Using a Template for Writing an Article

    Select the appropriate template for your purposes. Take a look at the template to figure out which parts you want to write about. Decide on the angle of your article and write it down. The article outline template will help you to focus your writing and avoid going off-topic. Start with curating a catchy title.

  11. Free Editable Newspaper Templates

    2- Adobe Cloud Express. Adobe Cloud Express provides a wide range of free professionally designed newspaper templates that you can use in your teaching. Simply select a template from the library and click to open it in Creative Cloud Express editor where you can edit it the way you want. You can add icons, photos, logos, personalized fonts ...

  12. Newspaper Article Template

    This newspaper article template contains loads of space for your class or child to write their very own news article. There's a section for a catchy headline, sub-headline, picture, and the article. To suit the needs of your class or child, you can also download this resource in a two-page, a wide-lined, and an editable version.

  13. Free Editable Newspaper Templates

    Newspaper Headline Template. This newspaper template showcases a comprehensive headline section, featuring a prominent front-page image space alongside its corresponding article. The design consistently follows the same theme onto the subsequent page, making it ideal for covering a complete topic or detailed article thoroughly and cohesively.

  14. Newspaper Article Template

    For this lesson, you could do a newspaper article warm-up. Use a newspaper and separate a photograph from its article. Without reading the article at all, practice writing an article about what you think happened based only on the photograph. Have everyone read the article draft out loud, then read the real article out loud. Step 2 Exercise ...

  15. Newspaper Article Template

    Students will write an article—complete with a headline, pictures, captions, and more—about a key moment from a book or novel, a current event, or a significant historical event. This three-page worksheet includes details about the assignment with a sample layout, a graphic organizer for planning, and a newspaper template that students can ...

  16. Editable Newspaper Templates for Free

    Click on one of the blank newspaper templates in this article. Select the template you like the most to write your information. Customize the layout online to your liking - you can edit every detail! Save the layout in our online cloud in case you want to make changes. Download the final result in PDF to print or in PNG or JPG to share online.

  17. Free Editable Newspaper Templates in Word

    Newspaper Templates in Word. Craft your newspaper in Word with our user-friendly newspaper templates. These editable templates offer you an open ground to customize your newspaper for any industrial, educational, or personal project. Start personalizing your newspaper with professional ease today! PowerPoint.

  18. Newspaper Article Template

    INCLUDED WITH YOUR FREE DOWNLOAD: News Article Template: The printable and digital newspaper article template will work for multiple grade levels and content areas. Whether using the template as an assignment or end-of-unit assessment, your students are sure to appreciate all of the unique components that go into producing a successful news ...

  19. How to Format Your Newspaper Article

    The "How to Format Your Newspaper Article" worksheet is essential for students who want to present their research clearly, organised, and engagingly. This worksheet provides students with a simple template for scaffolding and writing a newspaper article, helping to ensure that their research is presented interestingly and historically.

  20. Free editable article templates

    Layout articles with ease using our free templates with article formats. Perfect for writers, editors, and content creators.

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    Learning how to write a news report is a fun and engaging experience for KS2 students. Before asking your class to write their reports, be sure to cover the following important features of a newspaper article: - Headline: These are usually written in big, bold font to catch the reader's attention.

  22. Newspaper article template

    Newspaper article template. Subject: English. Age range: 11-14. Resource type: Other. File previews. docx, 1.82 MB. This newspaper template contains two pages plus an extra blank page. Heading, subheading, lines for writing and a box for pictures. Perfect for English projects.

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    Let's Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service. Star Rating: 4/5. Let's Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform ...

  25. Google brings its Gemini AI to Gmail to help you write and summarize

    Image Credits: Google In Docs, the Gemini side panel can help you write and refine your content, summarize information and help you brainstorm ideas. You also can create content based on other files.