How do we reinvent education? These TED Talks explore the latest thinking — from teachers, parents, kids — on how to build a better school.

Video playlists about Education

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  • Our Mission

8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations

Last month, I attended a Back to School Night for parents, sitting through presentation after presentation by teachers, some with slides that helped make their presentation a delight to listen to, and others . . . well, that's why I'm writing this blog post.

The goal of a classroom presentation is to aid you in effectively conveying information in a way that allows students (or their parents) to remember what you said. Unfortunately, for some, the presentation becomes a crutch, and they begin to rely on the slides to tell their story, rather than to help them tell the story.

I've been creating presentations using software like PowerPoint and KeyNote for 20 years, and I've learned a lot about how to most effectively communicate. Here's what I've found.

1. Use as Many Slides as You Need

It's a common myth that better presentations use fewer slides. This is simply not the case. I once sent an education conference presentation to the organizers so they could preview it in advance of my speaking. They wrote back, concerned that my 45-minute presentation had 116 slides. I looked it over and realized they were right! I revised it and sent a presentation with 135 slides back to them. I finished my talk with 5 minutes to spare -- just enough time to take questions -- and the presentation was a huge success.

The number of slides in your presentation is irrelevant. What matters is how well your slides communicate and how much time you spend talking about each slide. Spending five minutes on five slides will almost always be more engaging to your students than spending five minutes on a single slide, even when the information is exactly the same.

In the movie Amadeus , the Emperor of Austria complains to Mozart that his music has "too many notes." Mozart responds, "There are just as many notes as are required. Neither more nor less." Use as many slides as you need to make your point. No more. No less.

a presentation about education

2. Minimize Verbosity

Your slides are there to support what you are saying, not to say it for you. Keep your word count low, and only place one main point on a slide, plus three to five sub-points if absolutely needed. Remember tip #1 above -- don't be afraid to use more slides. They're free! Also, the language in your slides doesn't need to be in complete sentences. Pare the text to as few words as possible, using what's there only to emphasize and reinforce -- not replace -- the words coming out of your mouth.

a presentation about education

3. Maximize Visuals

Photos, figures and icons work as visual memory triggers. They help your students remember what it is you're saying. Any time you can add a visual that helps illustrate or reinforce the points you're making in your slides, you should use it. One great way to do this on the cheap is to use public domain or creative commons photos you can find on Flickr or Google .

4. Reduce Noise

Many teachers like to add banners, headers, footers, page numbers and more noise to their slides. Unless the information needs to be on every slide for a vital reason (which is rare), you should remove it. All these redundant elements do is create distractions from the content of your slides. I find this to be especially true of page numbers. Imagine if a movie included a time code at the bottom, constantly reminding you how long you had been watching. All this does is serve to take the viewer out of the moment. Page numbers in slides really don't provide any useful information -- they just remind your students how long they've been watching.

Pursuant to tips #1 and #2, you're not going to win awards by cramming the most content on the fewest slides. Make text and visuals as large as you can. Not only does this make them easier to see and read, but larger images and text make a greater impact to aid memory. There's nothing wrong with filling an entire slide with a photo, and then placing text right on top. You may have to use a transparent background immediately behind the text so that it's clearly readable, but the overall effect is almost always more memorable than just some text beside an image.

a presentation about education

6. Highlight What You Are Talking About

While you are presenting, your students may be momentarily distracted taking notes, thinking about what you are saying, glancing out the window, possibly even daydreaming. When they refocus on your slides, though, they need to quickly pick back up where you are, or you risk losing them again.

  • Use contrast or call-outs to clearly show the area of the slide you are talking about.
  • Reveal bullet points or table rows one at a time so that the last one visible is the one you are talking about.
  • Use arrows, circles or other pointers to show what you are referencing in specific parts of an illustration, photo or graph.
  • Animate and reveal parts of illustrations and graphs (where possible) to build your story rather than showing everything at once.
  • Use bold type or different colors to highlight the keywords in any lengthy text.

a presentation about education

7. Transition Changes

Humans suffer from an affliction called change blindness -- we have a hard time seeing changes unless there is a clear transition between the states. This is especially a problem in presentations where slides may look very much alike. Most programs include transitions that can be used between slides or on elements in the slides themselves.

My favorite transition is the cross-dissolve -- where the first slide fades down while the next slide fades up -- but different transitions can help illustrate points in your presentation. Are you talking about combustion or the fire of London? Use a flame transition. Talking about photography or Hollywood movies? Use the flashbulb transition. Even "cheesy" transitions help overcome change blindness and aid student memory at the same time.

8. Repeat Yourself Redundantly

It’s OK to repeat the same slide more than once -- especially when using images -- if you are reminding students of an earlier point. Obviously, this is not a license to be monotonous. However, if you want to tie separate ideas together, emphasize a point or splash in a little comic relief, it's perfectly fine to repeat a slide.

Bonus Tip: Make it Funny!

There's little doubt that emotional responses can aid memory. While it can be difficult to apply this power in a classroom slide presentation, humor is easy enough, and adding a bit of levity to your presentations at the right points can work to give students vital memory hooks.

Remember, the point of presentation slides is not to replace you as the teacher, but to help your students understand and remember what you are teaching. Overwhelming them with too much information can be just as harmful as underwhelming them with too little.

Education transforms lives

Education transforms lives

  • SDG4 coordination
  • Global Education Monitoring Report
  • Global Coalition for Education
  • UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks
  • Global network of technical and vocational education and training institutions
  • Global network of learning cities
  • Right to education
  • Education in emergencies
  • Inclusion in education
  • Early childhood care and education
  • Higher education
  • Literacy and adult learning
  • Technical and vocational education and training
  • Education and gender equality
  • Girls’ and women’s education in science and technology
  • Teacher education
  • Education policies and strategies
  • Education management, monitoring and evaluation
  • Assessment for improved learning outcomes
  • Curriculum development
  • Global citizenship education
  • Education about the Holocaust and genocide
  • Countering hate speech
  • Education for sustainable development
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  • Digital learning and transformation of education
  • Futures of Education
  • All UNESCO news on education
  • Education stories
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  • National education profiles

Photo essay

Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. It is a human right for all throughout life. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education. It has been entrusted to lead the Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4.  

UNESCO provides global and regional leadership in education, strengthens education systems worldwide and responds to contemporary global challenges through education with gender equality as an underlying principle. Its work encompasses quality educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond.

Join the #DanceForEducation campaign!

As the African Union celebrates 2024 as year of education , UNESCO has teamed up with the internationally acclaimed Ivorian band, Magic System, to launch a new version of the band’s hit song ‘Magic in the Air’. Entitled ‘Education in the Air’, the song has been rewritten to promote education as the key to unlock Africa’s potential.

Let's dance together to remind world leaders of the central role education plays in achieving all Sustainable Development Goals. Join UNESCO's movement and #DanceForEducation. 

dance for education

Our priorities

Keeping up the momentum to transform education.

a presentation about education

Leading the transformation of learning to address the climate crisis

a presentation about education

Steering technology in education on our terms

a presentation about education

Setting a roadmap to build more peaceful, just and sustainable societies

a presentation about education

Ensuring the right to education in emergencies and building resilience in the face of crisis

The invisible classroom: Why data is key to solving the learning crisis

The path to education of four children in Africa

All children are #Borntolearn. But so many never do. Meet  Godfred,   Priscilla ,  Rougui  and  Pape . As part of the GEM Report Spotlight Series , follow the education journeys of four school children in Africa for an exclusive glimpse into their lives as they navigate their paths to learning in diverse contexts. Embark on a virtual journey to explore the unique experiences, aspirations, and accomplishments of these remarkable children.  

GEM - spotlight children

Leading and monitoring education

Photo essay: how unesco is supporting afghan girls and women with literacy classes.

UNESCO believes in the transformative power of education for girls and women in Afghanistan and its fundamental impact on the future generation of Afghan people. Learning how to read and write not only means a better life for girls and women – it also entails a bright future for the society with an empowered population.

UNESCO supporting Afghan girls and women with literacy

allocate less than 4% of their GDP to education

lack basic literacy skills

must be recruited to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030

are out of school globally

Take action

a presentation about education

Join UNESCO's right to education campaign

a presentation about education

Video playlist

Education transforms lives. Every day around the globe. This playlist shows UNESCO’s action in education and our vision for the future of learning. 

Learning never stops

More publications

Unesco prizes on education.

UNESCO-Japan Prize for ESD

Subscribe to UNESCO's monthly newsletter on education

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Free education presentation templates

Make out-of-this-world teaching materials with Genially’s free education presentation templates. Choose from hundreds of interactive slides for teachers to bring learning to life in class and online.


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School year calendar january

Interactive School calendar 2024 template

School calendar 2024

Interactive January academic calendar template

January academic calendar

Interactive January school calendar  template

January school calendar

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January higher education academic calendar

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Education presentation templates by Genially

Too busy teaching classes or grading papers to even think about planning your next lesson? Genially’s got you covered. In collaboration with top educators, we’ve created a range of free classroom slides and easy to edit education slide templates. 

Each template contains fun and engaging slides for online learning or in-class lessons. The school themed designs are ready made and easy to customize for any grade, school, or subject. On top of that, every classroom presentation template on this page is totally free to use.

What’s different about Genially teaching slides?

Unlike a standard PowerPoint presentation or Google Slides, Genially presentation templates are interactive and designed for student centered learning. 

Interactive buttons and pop-ups allow students to click and explore information at their own pace. Labels, audio and video clips help you present in a format that’s accessible for everyone. Bite-size chunks of information make the course easier to follow. Plus it’s a lot more engaging for learners than a solid block of text.  

Genially templates are perfect for visual learners. Colorful animations bring topics to life on the screen and prevent students nodding off at the back of the class. To illustrate your materials, choose from hundreds of drag-and-drop icons, diagrams, interactive maps and graphics in the intuitive editor.

You don’t need any artistic skills to use Genially. Our school presentation templates are ready-made with fun and popular themes like outer space, animals, science, and history. 

That's why millions of teachers and students around the world use Genially to create gorgeous, fun and informative school presentations. A “genially” is a presentation, but it’s a world away from PP!  

Can I adapt the teaching deck to my class?

Yes! Genially education presentation templates give you a lesson framework that’s easy to customize to your curriculum. Try adding images and diagrams from Genially’s in-built bank of resources. Or make an incredible audiovisual presentation with voiceover, video, audio and maps.

In a few clicks, you can create a learning experience so immersive your students will forget they’re at school. Genially is compatible with tons of online platforms. That means you can embed educational content from all your favorite sites like YouTube , Spotify, Google Earth, Wikipedia and more. 

Don’t worry if you’re no design whizz: everything’s set up for you. Just drop your course material straight into the free template and you’ve got ready-made class slides in minutes. 

How do I share my class presentation?

Genially is as simple to use as other online presentation tools. Choose a teaching template and click Use template . You’ll be asked to quickly sign up for a free account if you’re new here. Select the slides you want to use, customize with your class material, then publish . 

Present your genially live at the front of the class or share your screen if you’re teaching online. If your students work on laptops or tablets, simply share the link so they can access the slides individually. You can also add the presentation to your learning platform, or post in channels like Microsoft Teams, or Google Classroom.  

Templates for everything under the sun ☀️

Sign up to explore 2000+ interactive, animated designs in the Genially Template Gallery.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Teacher Presentations: Strategies & Tips

Dianne Adlawan

Dianne Adlawan

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Teacher Presentations: Strategies & Tips

Teachers, by nature, are considered professional presenters. Their main responsibility is to talk in front of their students to relay educational knowledge, sharpen their minds and skills, and even serve as a second guide alongside their parents. They also speak in front of parents, co-teachers, and school administrators. This just means that preparing for a presentation is already not new to them.

Still, teachers can become so comfortable with their presentation routine that their techniques turn into autopilot. The result of a repetitive task can become tiring and not challenging anymore which may result in students losing interest or attention span in the process.

The tips featured in this article are dedicated to these hard-working professionals. This will help them prepare and perform a better presentation in front of any type of audience.

effective teacher presentations

Why You Should Prepare for a Presentation

  • Preparation helps you build to structure your thoughts to create a well-organized presentation. By taking the time to prepare, you can decide what information is most important, plan the flow of the presentation, and make sure that everything is connected and easy to follow.
  • Second, it allows you to think ahead of the questions that your audience might ask. Especially if you’re giving a presentation to a group of various audiences, who are curious about the topic at hand. By preparing in advance, you’ll be able to answer any questions they may have, which will not only increase their understanding but also boost your credibility as a teacher.
  • Lastly, preparation helps you make the most of your time. Advanced preparation ahead of the presentation can ensure that you’re not wasting time trying to organize your thoughts at the last minute.

Effects of an Organized and Well-Planned Presentation

An audience engages with a speaker who knows their words and poses a confident attitude. While the projector may display clear and concise slides, the presenter is the main ingredient to every presentation.

For teachers, a well-planned lesson presentation helps the teacher maintain the attention and interest of their students, which is crucial for effective learning. Additionally, being organized and prepared will help teachers convey their ideas more effectively and it will help the teacher to feel more confident, which also impacts their teaching and in turn can help to build trust and rapport with their students.

Possible Outcomes of An Unprepared Presentation

Let’s suppose you haven’t allocated enough time to plan and prepare for an important presentation. What could be the potential outcomes?

  • Increased Stress and Anxiety: Lack of preparation can lead to increased anxiety and stress, which can not only hinder your ability to deliver a convincing presentation but also hurt your mental health and work balance. It can cause a “mental block,” causing you to lose focus and concentration during your delivery.
  • Poor Presentation Delivery: Without proper preparation, your presentation can appear scattered and disjointed. This can lead to an incoherent message that fails to convince your audience.
  • Diminished credibility: Delivering an unprepared presentation can harm your reputation as a professional. It can portray you as disorganized and unreliable which could lead your colleagues or students to question your competence and reliability.

Effective Visual and Content Organization Tips

Consider this as the first stage towards an effective teacher presentation. Before moving on to improving your verbal communication cues, let’s enhance first your presentation visuals and content.

Visual Tips

1. add powerpoint animations and different media.

Establishing an attractive slideshow is one of the keys to a successful presentation. This will put a good impression on your audience that you’re prepared just by seeing how well-designed your presentation is. Of course, images add to slideshow attraction, but consider adding another forms of media such as GIFs and videos, as well as animations! Microsoft PowerPoint has a lot of fun & captivating features that you may not be aware of. Check out this example of an easy yet appealing Slide Zoom trick in PowerPoint that you can add to your presentation to wow your audience. Did someone say FREE??? Yes, we did. Here are free websites to help you upgrade your next PowerPoint presentation! 😎 #powerpoint #presentation #design #studytok #edutok #tutorial #tipsandtricks #ai ♬ original sound – r & m <33

Read Next: Make Your Presentations POP With This PowerPoint Animation Template

2. Use Readable Font Styles

Make sure to use the best font style that makes your presentation look sleek, readable, and won’t strain your audience’s eyes while reading. We all want to use a fancy font, trust me, I get it. But most of the time, simplicity is beauty, especially if you’re presenting a professional-looking slideshow. Font styles such as Poppins, Tahoma, Verdana, Montserrat, and Helvetica are great examples of font styles that screams simple yet professional to look at.

On the other hand, font styles such as Bradley Hand, Comic Sans, and Chiller are not ideal choices as they are not meant to captivate your audience’s eyes. And another tip is to stick to two or three fonts only!

ClassPoint teacher presentation using 'Poppins' font

3. Use Relevant Graphics

Selecting graphics for designing your presentation depends on your audience and the goals you aim to achieve with the presentation. For example, if you are presenting in front of students and your goal is to keep them engaged, motivated, and actively participating, then you might consider incorporating charts, tables, and relevant shapes into your design.

It’s important to remember that your presentation design should align with the theme of your topic.

Free Websites to Upgrade your Presentation Graphics:

  • Craiyon. com
  • The Noun Project

4. Use Audience Engagement tools to Activate Learning

Want the quickest solution to an engaged audience? Well, it’s audience interactive activities! Adding interactive activities to your presentation can help keep your audience engaged and interested. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use ClassPoint, an audience engagement tool added right into PowerPoint presentations.

With ClassPoint, you no longer need to worry about strategies to keep your students engaged, as this tool transforms PowerPoint into a teacher presentation tool with a teacher toolbelt and student quizzes , polls, and games that make presentations more fun & engaging.

By combining ClassPoint with your presentation techniques, you can focus solely on setting up your lesson content in PowerPoint and allow ClassPoint to handle the rest for achieving a learning-activated presentation lesson .

🔍 Learn more about ClassPoint, the teacher add-in for better lessons & student engagement 👍

5. Use a Laser Pointer

Help focus your audience attention by using a laser pointer!

With the help of a laser pointer device, teachers are able to attract the attention of their audiences and concentrate on essential points in their presentations. Highlighting these main ideas and terms assists the speaker in organizing their speech, preventing distraction, and increasing retention of the information presented.

You can use a physical laser pointer & clicker, or with the addition of ClassPoint into PowerPoint, presenters can easily turn their cursor into a laser or a spotlight . This can make it even easier for students to follow along and is a convenient tool for creating a more captivating teacher presentation.

Secret tip: if you write on your slide with the laser, it will leave disappearing ink! 🪄

Content Tips

1. research and fact-check your presentation.

As educators, it is crucial to equip ourselves with reliable and accurate information before presenting to our students. We have a responsibility to not only educate them but to also mold them into critical thinkers who are equipped with factual knowledge. Without thorough fact-checking, we risk disseminating misinformation and hindering their intellectual growth.

To avoid such situations, we must prioritize research and fact-checking before presenting any information. Conducting research helps us not only in finding accurate information but also in ensuring that the sources we use are reliable and credible. Moreover, taking the time to fact-check demonstrates our commitment to providing students with high-quality education and the desire to create a safe and accurate learning environment.

2. Be Prepared to Anticipate Questions during the Presentation

It is important to be well-prepared for a presentation especially anticipating and addressing questions. This applies particularly to a teacher presentation, as educators face varied expectations and questions. Adequate preparation allows you to organize ideas and justifications, and it can deepen understanding, boost confidence, and improve adaptability. Addressing questions, makes your audiences feel heard and appreciated. This will result in comprehensive presentations, enhanced confidence, improved information flow, and an atmosphere of respect and understanding.

A great & visual way you can elaborate, or explain your material in new ways, is by using ClassPoint’s whiteboard tools added to PowerPoint. ClassPoint’s added toolbar presents teachers with unlimited whiteboard slides they can open whenever they need, and user-friendly yet comprehensive pen tools with available shapes, and text boxes. Plus you can also use ClassPoint’s quick poll or other question types to assess students’ understanding with hard data & insights.

Addressing questions well makes your audience or students feel heard & appreciated leading to improved learning, enhanced confidence, and a respectful, safe learning environment.

3. Provide an Outline Structure of your Content

When you are preparing your presentation, it is best to first create an effective outline structure that will guide your presentation flow and help you focus on the main learning objective. But what you may not be doing, is offering that outline structure to your students, but you should!

Providing students with a clear understanding of what this lesson is about, the structure of the lesson, and what they will be able to take away from it is important. By doing so, you can help students stay focused and follow along with the material. Additionally, you are setting expectations and ensuring that everyone is on the same page, which can help promote student autonomy. So, include an outline at the start of your presentation lesson.

Step-by-Step Strategies for a Successful Presentation

Before presentation, know your audience, your students, or observers.

Once you have completed your deck, you may want to add a guide script and any additional notes with important points you don’t want to forget or you want to highlight in your presentation to impress your students .

Practice your presentation delivery/lesson

Practice delivering your presentation give you a chance to fine-tune your content and get your facts down. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and identify areas that need improvement. You can practice in front of a mirror, record yourself and watch it back, or even rehearse with a colleague or friend. When practicing, pay attention to your posture, tone of voice, and pacing. By doing so, you’ll be able to deliver a confident and engaging presentation that will captivate your audience.

Use a friendly tone of voice and pace

Adjust your tone to match your message, and avoid speaking too quickly so that your audience will get the chance to absorb the information you’re sharing. By being mindful of these aspects, you will capture your audience’s attention and leave them feeling informed and inspired.

Use engaging body language

Body language is essential for engaging your audience during a presentation. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and use hand gestures to emphasize important points. You can also move around the classroom to keep your students’ attention. By using engaging body language, you’ll be able to convey your message more effectively and keep your students interested throughout the presentation. You’ve got this!

During Presentation

Create an icebreaker.

Having an icebreaker is a warm-up for your students’ brains, allowing you to focus and engage with the material being presented. It also helps break down any barriers or tension between the presenter and the audience, making for a more relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, an icebreaker provides an opportunity for the presenter to showcase their creativity and personality, adding an extra level of excitement and engagement to the presentation.

Good thing that ClassPoint has numerous features to help you perform an entertaining and unforgettable icebreaker. Here are some examples that you can use during an icebreaker.

  • Quick Poll : Quick Poll allows you to create interactive polls right inside your presentation. When used as an icebreaker, it can engage the audience, initiate discussions, and provide valuable insights that help tailor the content to participants’ preferences.
  • Word Cloud: Presenters can ask thought-provoking questions related to the topic or general interest. Using Word Cloud, the audiences can answer through their mobile which can be instantly seen as collective responses, with the most frequently mentioned words appearing larger.
  • Short Answer : In short answer, you can challenge your audiences’ thought process in a short-form writing activity with no options to get from to test their ability to understand.
  • Image Upload : Using single image, audiences can interpret what they feel like, or their mood using only the photos in their gallery or surroundings. A creative yet fun way for an icebreaker!

Speak clearly

Effective communication is crucial when presenting important information to students. Speaking clearly helps ensure that students understand the concepts being taught and follow instructions effectively. As a teacher, it’s important to focus on clear speech to promote effective communication and help your students comprehend the material being presented.

Pay attention to your audience’s attention

Since distractions are aplenty, attention spans are dwindling, it’s important for presenters to captivate their audience’s attention right from the beginning. For teachers, when speaking in front of your class, you should not only focus on the content of your presentation but also on your students’ attention.

To ensure that your students won’t start drifting away or zoning out, start with a compelling opening that immediately grabs their attention. Use vivid storytelling, examples, or demonstrations to engage your students and drive home your message. Don’t forget the power of humor, and never be afraid to be yourself – authentic, passionate, and confident.

Add Personality: share short relatable stories

“A great personality makes everyone feel energized; just like a flower’s fragrance that freshens ups the complete surrounding.” 29 Personality Quotes to Achieve Greatness

As to what is stated in the quote, having a positive and vibrant personality affects the overall mood of your surrounding, it can capture the audience’s attention and maintain their interest throughout the presentation. While the ultimate goal is to deliver a presentation rich with new learnings and knowledge, adding humor can do no harm to lift up the mood in the room. You might want to start by segueing a short story that your students can relate to and make interactions by encouraging them to share a story too or ask questions.

Post-Presentation Reflection

Take the comments by heart.

Receiving feedback from your students is a great way for evaluating the efficacy of a teacher presentation. This can help you identify areas where you can improve and tailor your teaching tactics to better suit the needs of your students. Listening to your students’ feedback can also promote a feeling of cooperation and enable them to become more actively involved in the learning experience. So, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and take it to heart in order to continually improve your presentations.

Experienced educators understand that they are perpetually crafting their skills, and feedback from their audience brings an opportunity for professional advancement. In addition, accepting audience feedback illustrates esteem and worth for the students’ views. It promotes a feeling of cooperation and enables students to become more actively involved in the learning experience.

Preparing for a presentation is essential for teachers to deliver engaging and impactful content to their students. By structuring thoughts, anticipating questions, and preparing ahead, teachers can achieve a well-organized presentation that will enhance the students’ understanding and leave them feeling confident.

By following our strategies and tips teachers can achieve successful lessons using PowerPoint presentations. And, with the help of an advanced educational technology tool like ClassPoint, teachers can create dynamic and memorable presentations that their students will enjoy and actively participate in.

Try out ClassPoint today and experience a whole teacher presentation in PowerPoint! ✨

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Discover our collection of education templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides, designed to elevate your learning and academic presentations.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to create an educational presentation

How to create an educational presentation

Using presentations can be an effective way to teach lessons and ensure that your audience can retain new facts. With visual aids, video and animated clips, and even interactive quizzes, you can use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint to dazzle your students.

A group of people having a conversation over coffee

The advantages of PowerPoint presentations in education

Students have different learning styles : some are visual learners, who retain images and videos more effectively than speech. Some take to audio and sound more easily. Others prefer to interact with their lessons—which usually refers to holding physical objects but can also be directly related to guessing answers and responding to questions.

Fortunately, PowerPoint’s versatility means that it can appeal to all of these diverse learning styles. You can embed multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, and interactive graphics, creating a multi-sensory experience. PowerPoint can also be helpful when considering any visual impairments that your audience members may have so that you can present with different forms of media to cater to all learning styles.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

Before diving into PowerPoint, consider the following factors to help your audience retain as much information as possible:

  • Define lesson objectives: Set a goal for what kind of lesson you want to impart to your audience. What do you want students to learn? You can answer this question by outlining your lesson objectives and clearly defining your goals, which will also guide the structure and content of your presentation.
  • Organize your content: Divide your lesson into key points and organize them into a logical sequence that builds in complexity. Start with basic points or even a review of previous concepts before diving into more intricate or complicated aspects of your lesson. Each point should be presented on a separate slide to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Use visuals effectively: Enhance your presentation with relevant visuals such as images, videos, audio clips, or interactive simulations to cater to different learning preferences and keep the presentation engaging. These can convey complex information more efficiently than text alone. At the same time, it can be easy to be carried away by inundating your audience with too many visual elements, so ensuring smooth flow and transitions is key.
  • Encourage interaction: Foster active participation by including interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or discussion prompts to prompt student engagement. After you introduce a new concept in your lesson, these interactive elements can reinforce them and make them stick.
  • Practice delivery: Public speaking isn’t always easy. One of the most effective ways to sound confident is to practice delivering your presentation before the day of your lesson. Familiarize yourself with the content and also the way that it’s presented: pacing, transitions, and interactive elements. This preparation will boost your confidence, ensure a smooth flow, and help you address any potential challenges during the actual presentation.

Staid lessons can be livened up thanks to the power of presentation! No matter what you’re teaching—the ABCs to a kindergarten class, or nuclear physics to a graduate department—you can check out more tips for effective presenting such as how to create compelling presentation designs , using the 10-20-30 rule for presenting, or discovering the history of PowerPoint .

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Education PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides (100% editable)

Create your next project with our presentation templates for education. These creative designs can be used by teachers and students who need to prepare their classwork or any other presentation for school. Make your presentations more engaging and clear to understand by using professionally-designed education templates for PowerPoint.

These PowerPoint templates are compatible with both Mac and Windows. They are also compatible with Keynote, Office365, and Google Slides.

Featured Templates

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E-Learning PowerPoint Template

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5 Pillars of Psychology PowerPoint Template

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Academic Presentation Template

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IMRaD PowerPoint Template

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Swiss-Army Knife PowerPoint Template

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School Weekly Plan PowerPoint Template

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5-Topic Training PowerPoint Template

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RASE Model PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint templates are used to simplify the process of creating presentations by providing a pre-made design. They can be used for educational purposes in classrooms and lectures, making it easier for teachers and students to create projects and lectures that look professional and organized. Education PowerPoint templates can help teachers present information in an engaging way and make learning more accessible.

Using education theme PowerPoint templates is extremely helpful for busy teachers who don’t have the time or resources to create their own presentations from scratch. With education PowerPoint templates, they can quickly build a professional-looking presentation with minimal effort. It also makes it easier to focus on the content of the lecture, rather than spending a lot of time perfecting the design aspects of the presentation. PowerPoint templates for teachers provide a great starting point for any project or lecture, saving both time and money.

Education PowerPoint templates are also very helpful to students who need to make presentations for school projects or assignments. They provide a structure upon which student presentations can be built so that students don’t have to start from scratch when creating their project or assignment slides. This simplifies the whole process for them, as they can plug in their content into an existing template without having to worry about formatting each slide individually. Students can easily customize education PowerPoint templates as needed so that their presentations reflect their own personal style and taste.

Our education PowerPoint templates also allow teachers to easily organize large amounts of information into slides that are easy for students to understand. Teachers have access to dozens of education PowerPoint templates with various themes and designs that will work perfectly within defined classroom topics or lectures. Instead of searching through massive collections of photos, graphics, fonts, and other resources, education PowerPoint Templates already contain these elements already included in one package ready for use.

Working with education PowerPoint Templates provides many advantages over traditional methods such as handouts or printed material since they are more interactive than paper documents; this allows greater engagement between teachers and students during classes or lectures due to its multimedia capabilities, such as adding audio files like music clips or voice recordings directly into the presentation slides. This provides an enhanced learning experience while still being able to keep everyone’s attention focused on the material being presented at hand.

How do you make a good Educational PowerPoint?

PowerPoint presentations are an efficient medium to expose complex topics in a visual format, and concise enough to help them remember visual cues from your lecture. In order to create the quality content your audience requires, you include the following:

  • Introduce yourself
  • State the reason for the presentation
  • Set learning objectives
  • Outline the key ideas
  • Use visuals in teaching
  • Make sure you focus on the topic and make it a subtopic or idea per slide.
  • Make use of white space; don’t overcrowd your slide with words.
  • Add supporting points
  • Add design elements like images, graphs, lines, etc.
  • Ask questions

How do you start an Educational Presentation?

You start an educational representation with an introduction. You first introduce yourself and your topic to your audience sequentially. Then, followed by a topic overview; elaborate on the key points; use PowerPoint elements and infographics; conclude with a call to action.

What is the purpose of an Educational PowerPoint Template?

The purpose of an educational PowerPoint template is to impart knowledge to your audience clearly and precisely. It includes using images, graphs, and other PowerPoint elements that will make it easy for your audience to grasp the content at a glance.

What elements should you include in an Education PowerPoint Presentation?

To succeed in your educational PowerPoint presentation, you need to infuse the following elements into your presentation.

  • Engaging icebreakers.
  • Visual storytelling.
  • Eye-catching images.
  • Data visualizations.
  • Animations or videos.
  • Use of simple words or phrases.
  • One idea per slide.
  • Call to action.

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Education Presentation Templates

Make your lessons a whole lot more interesting and engaging for your audience with Venngage’s customizable education presentation templates.

education presentation templates

Other presentation templates

  • Pitch decks
  • User persona
  • Brand guidelines
  • Professional
  • Group project
  • Valentine's day
  • Book report
  • Mother's day
  • Father's day
  • Visual chart
  • Architecture
  • Social media
  • Advertising

Education Presentation Design Templates

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Human resources
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates
  • Google Classroom
  • Google Workspace Admin
  • Google Cloud

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40+ Best Education & Teaching Presentation Templates

Educate effectively with our education and teaching presentation templates. These tools provide a variety of designs that can enhance the learning experience, making your educational content more appealing and effective.

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Creativa Education Google Slides Template

Creativa is another Google Slides template made for creating slideshows related to education. It comes with 30 unique slides in 12 different templates...

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Splasher Google Slide Template

Splasher is a Google Slides template that features a dark and a creative design. It includes lots of education-related slides such as timelines, graph...

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Eureka Google Slides Template

Eureka is a useful Google Slides template you can use to create presentations for business and marketing related classrooms. This template comes with ...

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This creative Google Slides template comes with 30 unique slides featuring minimalist designs and lots of space for text, making it perfect for creati...

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This creative Google Slides template comes with more than 200 unique slides featuring fully customizable designs. It includes lots of vector graphics ...

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Public Google Slides Template

Pie charts, tables, diagrams, maps, and infographics are some of the most useful elements of an effective presentation. This Google Slides template co...

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Be. Google Slides Template

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This is the perfect Google Slides template for talking about and presenting topics related to business development. The template comes with 42 unique ...

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Working on a presentation for a photography class? Then use this template to create a beautiful slideshow to talk about photography in the classroom. ...

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A professional PowerPoint template featuring slide designs for educational presentations. The template comes with 50 unique slide layouts and master s...

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This template is designed specifically for creating slideshows for presenting your university, college, or courses to target audiences. Even though it...

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This Google Slides template features 150 slides in 5 different color schemes. The template features lots of attractive graphics, charts, diagrams, and...

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Math Module Presentation

Welcome to the Math Module Presentation Template: a one-stop solution for all your presentation needs. This state-of-the-art template is meticulously ...

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Golearn Education PowerPoint Template

An ideal choice for the new generation of educators, Golearn is a modern, and stylish presentation format that will take your teaching methodologies t...

FAQs About Education & Teaching Presentation Templates

What are education & teaching presentation templates.

Education & Teaching Presentation Templates are professionally designed slides and layouts specifically tailored for training sessions, school presentations, educational seminars, and other academic-themed activities. They streamline the creation process of presentations by offering pre-designed layouts, graphics, and illustrations related to education and teaching.

These templates can vary widely, with themes ranging from elementary education to advanced academic research. They are typically compatible with popular software programs like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote, making them accessible and easy to use for educators worldwide.

Why should I use Education & Teaching Presentation Templates?

Using Education & Teaching Presentation Templates can save you significant time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you can quickly modify a pre-existing design to suit your needs. This efficiency can be particularly beneficial for educators, who often need to create several presentations across different subjects.

Moreover, these templates are designed with best practices for visual communication in mind. This ensures that your presentations will not only look professional, but also effectively get your message across. They make it easier to incorporate visual elements like charts, diagrams, and infographics, which can enhance understanding among students.

How customizable are Education & Teaching Presentation Templates?

Education & Teaching Presentation Templates are designed to be highly customizable. You can generally change colors, fonts, layout, and graphics to align with your specific lesson or school brand. This allows you to maintain a consistent look and feel across all your presentations, while also ensuring each one is unique and tailored to the content it presents.

It's worth noting that the degree of customization can vary between different templates and template providers. Some may offer more flexibility than others. Always check the customization options offered by the template designer before purchasing or using a template.

What type of content is best suited for Education & Teaching Presentation Templates?

Education & Teaching Presentation Templates are versatile enough to handle a wide range of content. They can be used for classroom lessons, academic research presentations, educational seminars, teacher development sessions, school board meetings, and even school promotional events. The key, however, is to select a template that best aligns with the type of information you want to communicate and the audience you are targeting.

For example, a vivid and visually engaging template might be most suitable for grade school lessons, while a more professional and subdued design might be best for presenting research findings at an academic conference.

Where can I find Education & Teaching Presentation Templates?

There are many online platforms and websites where you can find Education & Teaching Presentation Templates. Sites like Envato Elements, Creative Market, and GraphicRiver offer premium templates designed by professional graphic designers. Similarly, you can find a variety of these templates on sites like Slidesgo and PowerPoint School, or within your presentation software's in-built template library.

When selecting a template, consider both the aesthetic appeal and the functionality. Ensure that it is not only visually engaging but also easy to modify and navigate. It's also essential to check the compatibility with your primary presentation software.

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Sheboygan South High students to honor Hmong veterans, culture with community presentation

Hmong student organization leaders hope people who attend will learn about hmong veterans' contributions to us military and more about the culture..

a presentation about education

SHEBOYGAN — The Hmong Student Organization at South High will host its first event to honor Hmong veterans and celebrate Hmong culture and history next week.  

The Hmong Veterans Day Presentation will be held on Hmong-Lao Veterans Day May 14, which Gov. Tony Evers designated in 2021 as a way to honor and recognize the Hmong veterans who contributed to the U.S. military efforts in the Secret War. The CIA recruited Hmong people in neighboring Laos to fight Communist forces during the Vietnam War.  

The presentation will not only honor Hmong veterans but explore other effects of the Secret War, like the impact on Hmong civilians who were displaced and separated from their families as they fled. Some estimates put the number of Hmong people who came to the U.S. from this conflict at the tens to hundreds of thousands.  

This will be the larger context of a play HSO wrote for the presentation, following two families as they flee to the U.S. and adjust to living in a new place.  

Though the play is fictional, HSO co-president and South senior Kelsie Vang said this is a story experienced by many Hmong families.  

Vang said Hmong families may wonder “what could’ve been" if they stayed with their families in Laos. “But they were separated and moved to America. It's such a true story," she said.

Autumn Lee, HSO co-president and South senior, said the play could give the older Hmong generation more visibility, too, by sharing a story that could resemble their own.  

Amanda Xiong, HSO public relations chairperson and South senior, said she wants students at South High to understand what Hmong people experienced during the Secret War.  

“That's not hugely covered in the social studies class,” Xiong said. “From this, I just want them to learn about Hmong culture and how Hmong people came to America, because even though there's a huge Hmong student (population) here, a lot of people still don't really know how they came to the United States and what they contributed to the war.” 

Sheboygan County has the fourth largest population of Hmong people in the state. Hmong people also account for more than 70% of the Asian American population in Sheboygan.  

“I really hope that the South High community and the community as a whole learns about Hmong culture because it is a fascinating culture,” HSO adviser and South special education teacher Randall McAdoo said. “I hope that we are able to continue this tradition.” 

New business opens in El Camino space: New bar and banquet hall takes El Camino's spot on Michigan Avenue in Sheboygan. Here's what to know.

The presentation will feature a Hmong veteran guest speaker, play about the Secret War and more.

Images of Hmong people will be displayed as attendees arrive to the event, some depicting stages of them fleeing to the U.S.

The hour-long presentation will open with an introduction from McAdoo. The presentation guest speaker, Hmong Veteran Shua Yang, who was a First Sargeant in the U.S. Army’s military intelligence division, will follow.

After that, there will be an interactive Hmong language learning portion, a play called “Meet Me Under the Mango Tree” and a dance from the HSO Dance Team.  

Contact HSO adviser to reserve a seat for the Hmong Veteran Presentation.

The Hmong Veterans Day Presentation will be at in the auditorium at South High School, 1240 Washington Ave., from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. It is open to the public and the South High community. A limited number of seats are available. Contact Randall McAdoo at [email protected] to reserve a seat.

Have a story tip? Contact Alex Garner at 224-374-2332 or [email protected] . Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) at @alexx_garner .

a presentation about education

NSU graduates first class of former Presentation College students

a presentation about education

With the closure of Presentation College last school year, students have to find their paths forward. Now, some of those students have walked the graduation stage across town.

With the two institutions teach-out agreement, some Presentation students hopped across Aberdeen to Northern State University to complete their degrees.

NSU chief enrollment officer Marcus Garstecki said the school graduated six former Presentation students in this commencement.

“Of course, with Northern being right here in Aberdeen – two miles away from PC campus – it was a natural fit to have a teach-out agreement,” Garstecki said.

In total, 21 students made the jump across town.

“It’s been really good for most of the students," Garstecki said. "I think one thing that was very interesting was most of those 21 students were not from the Aberdeen area or even from South Dakota. So, they had been here in Aberdeen for a couple years, obviously they felt very at home here in Aberdeen – very comfortable here – because they didn’t want to leave the community.”

Despite the additions to student headcount, Garstecki said the community lost something with the closure of Presentation.

“One of Presentation College’s hallmark programs was nursing," Garstecki said. "Without having that nursing program here in Aberdeen and to serve the entire northeast South Dakota region, Northern has stepped forward and we started perusing a nursing degree and we will actually launch that degree in the fall of 2025.”

According to Northern, university closures have a serious effect on the likelihood of graduation for re-enrollees, with only 36 percent of students earning degrees post-closure.

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2024 Keynote Speakers and Instructors

We are proud to announce uc davis chancellor gary s. may as the opening keynote speaker for the 2024 national tribal tanf institute., embracing culture and innovation for vibrant communities.

In this keynote presentation, we will hear from Chancellor Gary S. May on the critical role that culture and diversity play in the success of innovative thinking. He will discuss how the university’s principles of community embodies our commitment to honoring and embracing every individual’s values, perspectives, and identities and how this creates inclusivity, creativity and innovation for a vibrant community. He will speak on the diverse programs, opportunities and resources offered to all our young learners, such as the Native American Studies department, the Native American Academic Student Success Center , and much more! We hope this inspires transformational change in practice that strengthens relationships between families, youth, children and communities across native lands and beyond. 

A picture of Gary S. May

Gary S. May  leads the most comprehensive campus in the University of California system, with four colleges and six professional schools. UC Davis enrolls more than 40,000 students, brings in more than $1 billion annually in sponsored research and contributes more than $12.5 billion annually to California’s economy. In 2019, UC Davis reached the Top 10 in four national rankings of universities, including fifth among public universities in the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings.

His vision as UC Davis’ seventh chancellor is to lead the university to new heights in academic excellence, inclusion, public service and upward mobility for students from all backgrounds.

May believes success is best judged by how we enhance the lives of others. Throughout his career, he has championed diversity and mentorship in both higher education and the workplace. He developed nationally recognized programs to attract, mentor and retain underrepresented groups in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math. In 2015, President Barack Obama honored May with the Presidential Award for Excellence in STEM Mentoring. In 2021, he received the Lifetime Mentor Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an honorary doctorate from the Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2023, he received the Lifetime Member of the Year award from the National Society of Black Engineers and the Education Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Electron Devices Society for his “dedicated leadership and mentorship that has diversified academic leaders in education.” In 2023, May also partnered with his mentor to establish the "Professor Emeritus Augustine O. Esogbue and Chancellor Gary May Endowed Award in Engineering Diversity" at UC Davis. The endowment will support graduate students who share a passion for excellence and demonstrated commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of engineering and computer science.

  • Learn more about Chancellor Gary S. May.

Day 1 Evening Keynote: Javier "Javi" Perez

Let’s change our narrative: using shared deiba values and strategies to co-create meaningful change among tribal partners, community members and human services organizations.

As humans, we are all flawed and imperfect, while still bringing our natural talents and who we are to both our lives and our work.  Javi Perez will bring cultural storytelling, humility and conscious vulnerability to start a narrative of co-creating braver spaces in the workplace. Javi’s engaging presentation will encourage us to more holistically bring the “human” back to human service organizations. He will also highlight and suggest emerging DEIBA best practices that anyone (regardless of title) can value and use to empower others in the workplace DEIBA journey.

Javier Perez

Javier “Javi” Perez, LCSW , has more than 23 years of work experience in the field of Human Services. His multi-cultural background includes family ties to Native and Indian communities in Mexico and Nevada. Perez began his social work career in 2001 as a child welfare social worker with San Diego County. He held various roles over the next two decades with San Diego, including: direct practice, facilitator for Team Decision Making Meetings, leadership, special projects and supervision of staff. In 2015, he took the lead in developing the first internal skills-based coaching program for both new and experienced child welfare staff in San Diego. He led this coaching program for 6 years until joining UC Davis Human Services in 2021. Over the past few years, Perez has provided coaching, training, technical assistance, curriculum design and consultation for 28 counties and Human Services organizations in the state of California.

An advocate for using inclusive best practices in child welfare, mental health, trauma resiliency, and DEIBA spaces, Javi is especially passionate about using evidenced-based practices in his work. In 2024, he returned to more clinically focused work in his newer role with the Juvenile Forensics Team with Behavioral Health Services in San Diego County. 

Meet the MC!

Carl Rabun , Ph.D., Chumash, has more than 15 years of experience training and consulting various public and private sector employees. He specializes in workforce development, leadership skills, workshop facilitation, client and employee motivation, building life skills, clerical and office support training, customer service, time and organization management, team dynamics, strength-based coaching, developing WTW plans, and goal setting. He also served as an employment services case manager, unit supervisor, and Employment Zone workshop facilitator at the Kern County Department of Human Services. This year will be Carl's 13th year participating at the Tribal TANF Institute.

More speakers and instructors will be announced soon!

Enroll in the 2024 National Tribal TANF Institute

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Board to hear presentation on Grow Odessa land donation

May 10—The Ector County ISD Board of Trustees will hear a special presentation on the Grow Odessa land donation for a new Career and Technical Education Center at their workshop scheduled for 6 p.m. May 14.

The meeting will be in the first floor board room of the administration building, 802 N. Sam Houston Ave.

Grow Odessa has donated almost 40 acres near the corner of Murphy Street and South Meadow Avenue to the district.

During his media call May 8, Superintendent Scott Muri said the Career and Technical Education Committee has spent the last several months working with PBK, the architect selected for the project, to determine what it's going to look like and what's going to be included in it.

"Work is well underway as we think about the design of that new building," Muri said. "We thank the 28 members of that Career and Technical Education Committee that are working diligently to put that design in place"

"Exciting things are happening in the bond," he added.

Those interested in following the progress of the bond projects can visit where they'll find images of the bond projects, a complete list of projects and the dollars associated with each one.

On Nov. 7, 2023, voters approved one proposition of three propositions in a $436,109,000 bond. Proposition 1, which included a new CTE center, was for $424,263,000.

Along with the Career and Technical Education Center, it included a new middle school in West Odessa, districtwide maintenance and repairs, buses and a new transportation facility, technology and fine arts updates, a new Transition Learning Center and agriculture farm and other projects.

The board will also hear presentations on a comprehensive coaching model analysis with Ector County ISD and Texas Tech University; a humanities update; and a technology update.

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Office of Governor Gavin Newsom

Governor Newsom Unveils Revised State Budget, Prioritizing Balanced Solutions for a Leaner, More Efficient Government

Published: May 10, 2024

The Budget Proposal — Covering Two Years — Cuts Spending, Makes Government Leaner, and Preserves Core Services Without New Taxes on Hardworking Californians

Watch Governor Newsom’s May Revise presentation here

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:  The Governor’s revised budget proposal closes both this year’s remaining $27.6 billion budget shortfall and next year’s projected $28.4 billion deficit while preserving many key services that Californians rely on — including education, housing, health care, and food assistance.

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today released a May Revision proposal for the 2024-25 fiscal year that ensures the budget is balanced over the next two fiscal years by tightening the state’s belt and stabilizing spending following the tumultuous COVID-19 pandemic, all while preserving key ongoing investments.

Under the Governor’s proposal, the state is projected to achieve a positive operating reserve balance not only in this budget year but also in the next. This “budget year, plus one” proposal is designed to bring longer-term stability to state finances without delay and create an operating surplus in the 2025-26 budget year.

In the years leading up to this May Revision, the Newsom Administration recognized the threats of an uncertain stock market and federal tax deadline delays – setting aside $38 billion in reserves that could be utilized for shortfalls. That has put California in a strong position to maintain fiscal stability.

“Even when revenues were booming, we were preparing for possible downturns by investing in reserves and paying down debts – that’s put us in a position to close budget gaps while protecting core services that Californians depend on. Without raising taxes on Californians, we’re delivering a balanced budget over two years that continues the progress we’ve fought so hard to achieve, from getting folks off the streets to addressing the climate crisis to keeping our communities safe.” – Governor Gavin Newsom

Below are the key takeaways from Governor Newsom’s proposed budget:

A BALANCED BUDGET OVER TWO YEARS.  The Governor is solving two years of budget problems in a single budget, tightening the state’s belt to get the budget back to normal after the tumultuous years of the COVID-19 pandemic. By addressing the shortfall for this budget year — and next year — the Governor is eliminating the 2024-25 deficit and eliminating a projected deficit for the 2025-26 budget year that is $27.6 billion (after taking an early budget action) and $28.4 billion respectively.

CUTTING SPENDING, MAKING GOVERNMENT LEANER.  Governor Newsom’s revised balanced state budget cuts one-time spending by $19.1 billion and ongoing spending by $13.7 billion through 2025-26. This includes a nearly 8% cut to state operations and a targeted elimination of 10,000 unfilled state positions, improving government efficiency and reducing non-essential spending — without raising taxes on individuals or proposing state worker furloughs. The budget makes California government more efficient, leaner, and modern — saving costs by streamlining procurement, cutting bureaucratic red tape, and reducing redundancies.

PRESERVING CORE SERVICES & SAFETY NETS.  The budget maintains service levels for key housing, food, health care, and other assistance programs that Californians rely on while addressing the deficit by pausing the expansion of certain programs and decreasing numerous recent one-time and ongoing investments.

NO NEW TAXES & MORE RAINY DAY SAVINGS.  Governor Newsom is balancing the budget by getting state spending under control — cutting costs, not proposing new taxes on hardworking Californians and small businesses — and reducing the reliance on the state’s “Rainy Day” reserves this year.

HOW WE GOT HERE:  California’s budget shortfall is rooted in two separate but related developments over the past two years.

  • First, the state’s revenue, heavily reliant on personal income taxes including capital gains, surged in 2021 due to a robust stock market but plummeted in 2022 following a market downturn. While the market bounced back by late 2023, the state continued to collect less tax revenue than projected in part due to something called “capital loss carryover,” which allows losses from previous years to reduce how much an individual is taxed.
  • Second, the IRS extended the tax filing deadline for most California taxpayers in 2023 following severe winter storms, delaying the revelation of reduced tax receipts. When these receipts were able to eventually be processed, they were 22% below expectations. Without the filing delay, the revenue drop would have been incorporated into last year’s budget and the shortfall this year would be significantly smaller.

CALIFORNIA’S ECONOMY REMAINS STRONG:  The Governor’s revised balanced budget sets the state up for continued economic success. California’s economy remains the 5th largest economy in the world and for the first time in years, the state’s population is increasing and tourism spending recently experienced a record high. California is #1 in the nation for new business starts , #1 for access to venture capital funding , and the #1 state for manufacturing , high-tech , and agriculture .

Additional details on the May Revise proposal can be found in this fact sheet and at .

Sweeping school voucher, public education overhaul in Tennessee passes first House hurdle

a presentation about education

After less than two hours of presentation and debate, a statewide universal school choice proposal that includes sweeping changes to Tennessee’s public school system cleared its first House committee hurdle on Tuesday evening. 

Members of the House K-12 Education Subcommittee gave first approval to the bill less than 36 hours after a 39-page omnibus amendment to Gov. Bill Lee’s school choice proposal became public. 

In addition to establishing a program to provide 20,000 state-funded vouchers for students to attend private schools, provided they take certain tests, the wide-ranging amendment filed Monday would overhaul Tennessee's standardized testing requirements for public school students , make sweeping changes to teacher and principal accountability procedures, and shut down the state’s Achievement School District by 2026 . 

Despite testimony from Education Commissioner Lizzette Reynolds in support of the bill, there was little discussion of many of the details on Monday, such as changes to teacher and principal performance evaluation s, changes to state testing requirements and no mention of the Achievement School District. 

Bill sponsor Rep. Mark White, R-Memphis, who chairs the full House education committee, was limited under a new House rule to just 5 minutes for his initial presentation of the 39-page proposal. He offered more details during questioning.

“The primary reason we’re here is that we are continuing to offer our parents across the state of Tennessee choice when and where they need it,” White said. “Giving parents a choice in their child’s education – all across their child’s growing up – is most important.” 

Several members on the committee expressed concern that they had not had sufficient time to review the legislation — having received it late Monday, after the committee’s amendment filing deadline had passed. 

“I need to vet this,” Rep. Sam McKenzie, D-Knoxville, told the committee. “We got this amendment dropped on us.” 

Two hours of presentation, testimony and debate unfolded in a crowded committee room. Spectators held signs with messages like “public funds for public schools,” and “1M TN Students > voucher scam.” One woman sat strategically behind the podium and scribbled messages to lawmakers on a makeshift notebook held as a sign.

“...Or we could just fully fund public education?” one read. 

“What happened to standards and accountability???” came another. “Just double standards!”

After extensive questions from McKenzie — the lone Democrat on the committee — and Rep. Todd Warner, R-Chapel Hill — a vocal opponent of state-funded vouchers — the committee approved the measure on a 6-2 vote. Rep. Bryan Richey, R-Maryville, and Rep. Chris Hurt, R-Crockett County, voted present.

'Ram it through'

Members of the committee said they had little time to digest the omnibus amendment before sitting down to discuss and vote. Richey, McKenzie, and Warner all said they’d received the bill text for the first time on Monday. 

“I didn’t have any time to submit one amendment because the deadline was at 10 a.m., and I think this dropped at 9:59 and 59 seconds,” Richey said. 

“In principle, I’m in favor of this, but there’s some bad language in this bill that needs to be cleaned up,” Richey said.

Warner requested the committee roll the bill one week so that members all would have a chance to read and draft proposed amendments to the sweeping legislation.

With only six or seven weeks of the legislative session to go before adjournment is anticipated, time is of the essence. The motion failed on a 6-4 vote.

"I had heard about the bill all the way back in October, when the governor's office came and sat down — I'd heard this is what we're looking at doing," Richey said. "Very little of what I had heard is actually even in this bill."

“It must be nice that we have three of the members that sit on this committee that got to actually sit down and figure out what's in here,” Richey said. “And because it's such a contentious bill moving forward, we even invited an additional member to come in and sit down and make sure we have the votes to ram it through.”

Speaker Pro Tem Pat Marsh, R-Fayetteville, who does not sit on the subcommittee, was present and voted – as the House rules allow both the speaker and speaker pro tem to sit on any committee. 

'Strategic changes to public education'

During the hearing, White highlighted the goals of the legislation to lower the number of tests required in public schools in an effort to “return more hours to the classroom,” and save school districts a total of $200 million by increasing the state-paid share of teacher health plans. 

“We have been listening and are trying to address the needs of our public schools,” White said. 

White was joined in his presentation by Education Instruction Subcommittee Chair Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka, who said the House version of the Education Freedom Scholarships proposal puts “caps on growth so that it grows sensibly.” 

While a fiscal note for the legislation released on Tuesday found the total cost of the legislation to be nearly $400 million in the first year, Cepicky said only about $140 million of that total would go to the voucher program – the rest would fund “the strategic changes to public education,” to help equip public schools “to compete on a level playing field with private schools.” 

Private schools participating in the Education Freedom Scholarships program would be required to have operated in the state for at least the last three years.

“We were adamant in the drafting of this bill that we not have pop-up schools,” White said. 

Participants in the program would be subject to the same testing requirements as public school students (which the bill overhauls). Under the House proposal as amended, the private school testing data would be reported by grade band to “a third party buffer” before being ultimately reported to the state Department of Education. 

Debate tense out of the gate

From the beginning, debate on the subject of the bill was emphatic and tense. 

“I don’t think anyone here is against school choice or parent choice or whatnot – I’m against the government paying for it,” Warner told members.

Warner said the state’s Constitutional requirement to operate a free system of public schools. 

“Any school that accepts public funding is — without doubt — a public school,” Warner said, prompting murmurs and claps of assent from the audience. Warner then asked White if he considered any private school that accepted public funds through the program a public school. 

“Absolutely not,” White replied.

McKenzie and Hurt both noted lackluster achievement results among participants in the state’s current school choice program, known as Education Savings Accounts.

“I struggle with expanding the program in anticipation,” Hurt told the committee. 

Cepicky argued that students coming out of a failing public school are already “so far behind.” 

“That academic rigor would be new to them. It might set them back a little bit until they could get up to speed,” Cepicky said. “What we’re really looking forward to is the second year of the voucher program. … We’re going to see those educational outcomes take off.” 

“One of our number one complaints from our teachers in the public school system is that we continue to evaluate, such as, a sixth-grade teacher on the performance of their students. Their No. 1 complaint is ‘why are you holding me accountable for my sixth-grade students when three-quarters of the classroom is still reading on a third-grade level?’”

Later, during her testimony Reynolds, the education commissioner, noted that only 53% of current voucher participants ever attended a Tennessee public school. Of those, the vast majority (36.5%) of participants were grandfathered in as they were eligible for the program before lawsuits challenging its constitutionality were filed, another 15.8% started kindergarten in a private school through the ESA program and a little over 1% had just moved in the state.

‘This proposal endangers public schools’

Three witnesses gave testimony to the committee on Monday. On behalf of the Tennessee Education Association, Drew Sutton asked members to oppose the measure, citing below-average achievement of students in the state’s existing school choice program, and saying that the proposed new program would create two separate systems of education in Tennessee. 

“ Public schools are the foundation of every community,” Sutton said. “This proposal endangers those public schools and the communities they serve.”

Clay County teacher Amy Briggs testified against the bill.

"School choice is a myth," she said. "It removes choice and freedom for parents."

Speaking on behalf of homeschoolers in the state, Tiffany Boyd said homeschoolers registered with Category 4 church-related umbrella schools are “adamantly opposed” to the bill. 

“School choice does not create competition. There is no school choice when all of the choices are government-controlled,” Boyd said. “We do not want government money. We want the government out of our homes.”

In response, White noted that as amended, “homeschoolers are totally written out of this bill.”

Reynolds ‘encouraged by the spirit of the bill’

Reynolds testified in support of the governor’s bill, touting parent satisfaction with the state’s current voucher program, which is limited to Davidson, Shelby and Hamilton counties. 

“It is a program that parents have chosen,” Reynolds said, noting that 99% of participating parents have said they are “very satisfied” with the program, and 91% said they are satisfied with their child’s academic growth. 

Reynolds told members she is “very encouraged by the spirit of this bill” as it includes “provisions that are going to allow our families to have choices.” But she did not weigh in on specifics in the House version on changes to teacher accountability, testing requirements or the ASD. 

Reynolds argued that private schools already have built-in accountability measures, such as “rigorous testing protocols and requirements.” 

“At the end of the day, they are accountable to their families as to whether students are achieving,” Reynolds said. “If enough families are not satisfied with the program, the school can go out of business.” 

In response to questions from Warner, Reynolds confirmed that students would be required to be U.S. citizens with a Social Security number to participate in the new school choice program. 

“Is the state going to ask the question, ‘Are these children illegals’ or not?” Warner asked. 

“They are eligible under this bill if they are a U.S. citizen,” she answered. 

“Students who aren’t achieving, and who are not happy and whose parents are not happy with their education should have an opportunity to get an education elsewhere,” Reynolds said. “That’s what this bill is about.”

How committee members voted

  • Rep. Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood - Yes
  • Rep. Sam McKenzie, D-Knoxville - No
  • Rep. Bryan Richey, R-Maryville – Present
  • Rep. William Slater, R-Gallatin- Yes
  • Rep. Robert Stevens, R-Smyrna - Yes
  • Rep. Todd Warner, R-Chapel Hill - No
  • Rep. Chris Hurt, R-Crocket County- Present
  • Rep. Mark White, R-Germantown - Yes
  • Rep. Kirk Haston, R-Lobelville - Yes
  • Speaker Pro Tem Pat Marsh, R-Fayetteville - Yes

Vivian Jones covers state government and politics for The Tennessean. Reach her at [email protected]

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TV Upfront Presentations Clouded by Digital Video Ad Supremacy


FILE PHOTO: A view of the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California,. U.S. November 8, 2023. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo

By Dawn Chmielewski and Sheila Dang

(Reuters) - As television executives prepare lavish stage presentations in New York this week to dazzle advertisers during the annual TV upfront sales season, a harsh economic reality looms offstage -- digital video advertising now eclipses spending on traditional television ads.

The shift in spending and competition from tech players like Amazon has taken a toll on media companies' financial results, raising the stakes for the annual showcase of TV content to attract spending commitments from advertisers.

“We’ve definitely seen that audience erosion in linear TV in certain pockets -- especially more so in entertainment,” said Nicole McCurnin, director of advertising insights at ad tracking firm Guideline. “But I do see, broad strokes, ad companies’ attention is just going more so towards those digital platforms.” 

Digital video refers to a broad category of TV alternatives that includes paid streaming services like Netflix, social video platforms such as TikTok, free ad-supported TV offerings like Pluto TV and cable replacement services including YouTube TV. It will account for an estimated $62.9 billion in U.S. ad spending in 2024, according to an April report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Guideline.

That represents 52% of the projected spending on video advertising this year, reflecting a change in viewing habits nearly two decades in the making. 

Walt Disney, Warner Bros Discovery, Fox and Comcast's NBCUniversal all reported declines in domestic television ad revenue in the most recent quarter, though NBCU's exclusive streaming of an NFL Wild Card game on its Peacock service helped fuel revenue, offsetting those declines.

Many of the streaming services launched to capitalize on changing consumer viewing behavior "are still bleeding cash while declines in the traditional television business accelerate," said Richard Greenfield, media analyst at LightShed Partners. "They simply pivoted too late."

The fragmenting of the video landscape is well understood -- and media companies like NBCUniversal have developed new advertising tools that let marketers' messages ride along with their content, wherever it appears. For example, a T-Mobile ad featuring U.S. TV show "Saturday Night Live's" Chloe Fineman could air during the live network TV broadcast of “SNL,” appear the next day on NBCU’s Peacock streaming service and show up on social platforms like X, TikTok and YouTube.

“Regardless of where that person is who's in your target …  you can go follow them, wherever they are,” NBCUniversal global advertising chairman Mark Marshall told Reuters. “The technology and capability just wasn't available until this year.”

Ahead of the upfront advertiser presentations, Disney and Warner Bros Discovery announced they would combine their Disney+, Hulu and Max streaming services this summer in a bundle of programming reminiscent of cable television. Such a combination might reduce subscriber cancellations and perhaps coax money-losing competitors to follow suit, analysts said.

“We view a re-bundling of traditional media content on streaming platforms as a key to making the space investable again,” wrote TD Cowen’s Doug Creutz.

Meanwhile, digital rivals Amazon and Netflix are hosting their own advertiser presentations in New York -- the Seattle retail giant, for the first time -- to capture shifting ad dollars.

Amazon launched ads within Prime Video for all customers in January, requiring users to pay for a higher-priced tier to remove ads. The move will boost Amazon's revenue and likely come at the expense of traditional TV companies' revenue, said Brian Wieser, a longtime ad industry analyst, in a March report. 

Media companies are also tying up with tech giants to sell more ads. During a presentation to advertisers last month, Google announced that brands would be able to buy ad space with media companies like Paramount and Warner Bros Discovery through Google's automated tech tools, rather than working with salespeople. 

"I think we're going to hear more about programmatic ... particularly as consumption shifts to the digital and streaming ecosystem,” said Samantha Rose, strategic investment lead at Horizon Media, referring to the upfront presentations. 

(Reporting by Dawn Chmielewski in Los Angeles, Sheila Dang in Austin; Edited by Kenneth Li in New York)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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