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Subset Sum Problem Explained (Dynamic Programming)

  • Nov 15, 2022
  • 7 Minutes Read
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  • By Manvi Saxena

Subset Sum Problem Explained (Dynamic Programming)

With thousands of students preparing for jobs in the technology industry, the best way for you to stand out is to practice as many questions as you can. Sometimes even complex questions can be solved very easily with just a little trick and sometimes the interviewer is not looking for an optimal solution but just the right approach.

So, in today's blog, we present to you a question that is commonly asked by tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon. Yes, we're talking about the Subset Sum Problem! 

We understand that code can be pasted from anywhere, the right thing to build in today's engineering students is the intuition and approach behind the question. We'll walk you through the question and give you awesome tricks to solve it.

From naive solutions to solving questions using advanced concepts like Dynamic Programming, we're going to do it with you! 

What is the Subset Sum Problem?

Let's look at the problem statement: " You are given an array of non-negative numbers and a value 'sum'. You have to find out whether a subset of the given array is present whose sum is equal to the given value. "

Let's look at an example:

Input:  {10, 0, 5, 8, 6, 2, 4}, 15

Output:  True

Explanation:  The sum of the subset {5,8,2} gives the sum as 15. Therefore, the answer comes out to be true. 

subset sum problem example

Let's take a look at another example for your clarification. 

Input:  {10, 0, 5, 8, 6, 2, 4}, 3

Output:  False

Explanation:  There is no subset whose sum is equal to the given value. Hence, the output is false.

example 2

Understanding the Problem

Before moving towards any method, you need to make sure whether you understood the Subset Sum Problem correctly or not. In interviews also, even if you do not know the whole code, you can still conquer it by moving in the right direction and following the right approach. So, what exactly is being asked over here?

If you are familiar with the concepts of subset then this question is not that difficult for you to understand. What is a subset? A subset is a set that contains the elements of a previously defined set. For eg. {a, b} is a subset of {a,b,c,e,f}. In this question also, you have to find a subset or the set of numbers from the given array that amount to the given value in the input. 

Now that you have understood the problem, let's move on to some methods with which you can solve the problem. 

How to Solve the Sum of Subset Problem?

Let's look at 3 best methods to solve it:

Method 01) Recursion

Recursion is a widely known concept and is majorly famous in questions where you need to process the same data again and again till you hit the base condition. So, in this method, we'll be using recursion only. Let's understand the algorithm and try to decode the question with some illustrations. 

  • Take input of the array and the value 'sum'.
  • Find the size of the array.
  • Create a function whose return type is boolean so that it returns True if the sum is found otherwise False.
  • In this function, check whether the last element of the array is greater than the 'sum' or not.
  • If it is greater then skip to the next element and if not, consider it in the subset.
  • Keep decreasing the value of the sum by subtracting the value of the last element (if considered).
  • Keep the base condition to be true till the elements are present and till the given sum is not equal to 0.

Recursive Formula and Base Cases for the Code:

Take a look at the given illustration as well!

subset sum problem recursion

Method 02) Dynamic Programming

Using a Recursive technique to solve this question is good, but with Dynamic Programming , the time complexity of the solution can be improved by manifolds. The time complexity of the recursive solution is exponential, therefore, the need to come up with a better solution arises. So, look at the given solution that uses the top-down approach to Dynamic Programming. 

  • Create a 2d array of size(size+1)*(target+1)
  • Now, this state of the 2d array will be true if the subset of the given sum is found else, it will be false.
  • While traversing the array, if the current element has a value greater than the ‘current sum value’ it will be copied for previous cases.
  • If the current sum value is greater than the ‘ith’ element, we'll observe whether the previous states have experienced the sum=j.

The formula used in the method:

subset sum problem using dynamic programming

Method 03) Memoization Technique

The Dynamic Programming method solves the question in polynomial time, but what if your interviewer asks you to optimize it further? Well, we got you covered! Using this Memoization Technique, your interviewer will definitely get impressed. Although this method also uses recursion, we optimize it further using the memoization technique. 

  • Create a function whose return type is boolean so that it returns True if sum is found otherwise False.
  • Create a 2d matrix and initialize it with -1 or any other negative number.
  • Using the same recursive method as in 1st method, but storing the value of the previous call.

Code Implementation with C++

Here is the C++ code to solve the Subset Sum Problem:

Code Implementation with Java

Here is the Java code to solve this problem:

Comparative Study of Complexity Analysis

Here are the time complexities for all ways to solve the Subset Sum Problem:

With the above 3 methods, we are sure that you'll be able to analyze and solve the Subset Sum Problem with wonderful time complexity. After reading this tech blog we are sure, you'll have a basic understanding of memoization as well as Dynamic Programming technique.

We'll keep bringing great and informative articles to FavTutor for your betterment. 

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Manvi Saxena

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Problem Statement

Recursive approach, c implementation of recursive approach, java implementation of recursive approach, python implementation of recursive approach, dynamic programming approach, c implementation for subset sum, java implementation for subset sum, python implementation for subset sum, practice questions, frequently asked questions.

Given an array of non-negative integers and an integer sum. We have to tell whether there exists any subset in an array whose sum is equal to the given integer sum.

Input: arr[] = {3, 34, 4, 12, 3, 2}, sum = 7 Output: True Explanation: There is a subset (4, 3) with sum 7.

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Input: arr[] = {2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2}, sum = 10 Output: True Explanation:

For this approach, we have two cases. 

  • Let’s take the last element and now the sum = target sum – value of ‘last’ element and elements remaining = size of array – 1.
  • Now  don’t take the ‘last’ element and now the  sum = target sum and elements remaining = size of array – 1.

Dry Run of the Approach:

Suppose n is the size of the array.

isThereSubsetSum(arr, n, sum) = false, if sum > 0 and n == 0 isThereSubsetSum(arr, n, sum) = true, if sum == 0

Time complexity: The above approach may try all the possible subsets of a given array in the worst case. Therefore the time complexity of the above approach is exponential.

In this approach, we will make a 2D array of size equal to (size of array + 1) * (target sum + 1) of boolean type. The state dp[i][j] will be true if there is a subset of elements from A[0….i] with a sum value equal to j .

  • We make a boolean dp[][] and fill it in a top-down manner.
  • The value of dp[i][j] will be true if there exists a subset of dp[0..i] with a sum equal to j ., otherwise false
  • Finally, we return dp[n][sum]

Time Complexity: O(N * sum) where N is the size of the array. Space Complexity: O(N * sum) where N is the size of the array.

Minimum Difference Subsets Subset Sum Problem Equal Average Partition Dynamic Programming

What subset sum problem gives a suitable example? The Subset-Sum Problem is to find a subset’ of the given array A = (A1 A2 A3…An) where the elements of the array A are n positive integers in such a way that a’∈A and summation of the elements of that subsets is equal to some positive integer S.

Is the subset sum problem NP-hard? Yes, it is an NP-hard problem.

Is subset-sum an optimization problem? Yes, subset-sum is an optimization problem because it has a variety of algorithms for tackling it.

How do you solve subsets? Subsets can be solved using backtracking and dynamic programming with efficient time complexity.

  • Dynamic Programming

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Subset Sum Problem

In the sum of subsets problem , there is a given set with some non-negative integer elements. And another sum value is also provided, our task is to find all possible subsets of the given set whose sum is the same as the given sum value.

Set: In mathematical terms, a set is defined as a collection of similar types of objects. The entities or objects of a set must be related to each other through the same rule. Subset: Suppose there are two sets namely set P and set Q. The set P is said to be a subset of set Q, only if all the elements of set P also belong to the set Q and vice-versa need not be true.

Input Output Scenario

Suppose the given set and sum value is −

All possible subsets of the given set, where sum of each element for every subset is the same as the given sum value are given below −

Backtracking Approach to solve Subset Sum Problem

In the naive method to solve a subset sum problem, the algorithm generates all the possible permutations and then checks for a valid solution one by one. Whenever a solution satisfies the constraints, mark it as a part of the solution.

In solving the subset sum problem, the backtracking approach is used for selecting a valid subset. When an item is not valid, we will backtrack to get the previous subset and add another element to get the solution.

In the worst-case scenario, backtracking approach may generate all combinations, however, in general, it performs better than the naive approach.

Follow the below steps to solve subset sum problem using the backtracking approach −

First, take an empty subset.

Include the next element, which is at index 0 to the empty set.

If the subset is equal to the sum value, mark it as a part of the solution.

If the subset is not a solution and it is less than the sum value, add next element to the subset until a valid solution is found.

Now, move to the next element in the set and check for another solution until all combinations have been tried.

In this example, we are illustrating how to solve the subset sum problem in various programming languages.

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Subset Sum Problem – Dynamic Programming Solution

Given a set of positive integers and an integer k , check if there is any non-empty subset that sums to k .

For example,

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A naive solution would be to cycle through all subsets of n numbers and, for every one of them, check if the subset sums to the right number. The running time is of order O(2 n .n) since there are 2 n subsets, and to check each subset, we need to sum at most n elements.

  A better exponential-time algorithm uses recursion . Subset sum can also be thought of as a special case of the 0–1 Knapsack problem . For each item, there are two possibilities:

  • Include the current item in the subset and recur for the remaining items with the remaining total.
  • Exclude the current item from the subset and recur for the remaining items.

Finally, return true if we get a subset by including or excluding the current item; otherwise, return false. The recursion’s base case would be when no items are left, or the sum becomes negative. Return true when the sum becomes 0, i.e., the subset is found.

  Following is the C++, Java, and Python implementation of the idea:

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Output: Subsequence with the given sum exists

The time complexity of the above solution is exponential and occupies space in the call stack.

  The problem has an optimal substructure . That means the problem can be broken down into smaller, simple “subproblems”, which can further be divided into yet simpler, smaller subproblems until the solution becomes trivial. The above solution also exhibits overlapping subproblems . If we draw the solution’s recursion tree, we can see that the same subproblems are getting computed repeatedly.

We know that problems with optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems can be solved using dynamic programming, where subproblem solutions are memo ized rather than computed again and again. Following is the memo ized implementation in C++, Java, and Python, which follows the top-down approach since we first break the problem into subproblems and then calculate and store values.

The time complexity of the above solution is O(n × sum) and requires O(n × sum) extra space, where n is the size of the input and sum is the sum of all elements in the input.

  We can also solve this problem in a bottom-up manner. In the bottom-up approach, we solve smaller subproblems first, then solve larger subproblems from them. The following bottom-up approach computes T[i][j] , for each 1 <= i <= n and 1 <= j <= sum , which is true if subset with sum j can be found using items up to first i items. It uses the value of smaller values i and j already computed. It has the same asymptotic runtime as Memoization but no recursion overhead.

Following is the C++, Java, and Python implementation of the idea:

Partition Problem using Dynamic Programming
K–Partition Problem | Printing all partitions
3–Partition Problem

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Subset Sum Problem using Backtracking

Summary : In this post, we will learn what the Subset Sum Problem is and how to solve the Subset Sum Problem using the backtracking algorithm in C++ and Java.

What is Subset Sum Problem?

Given a set of elements and a sum value. We need to find all possible subsets of the elements with a sum equal to the sum value.

  • Set: {10, 7, 5, 18, 12, 20, 15}
  • Output: [ {10, 5, 15}, {10, 20}, {7, 5, 18}, {18, 12} ]

There are two ways to solve the Subset Sum Problem:

  • Brute Force – Slow
  • Backtracking – Fast

In the Bruteforce approach, we usually test every combination starting from one, then two, then three, and so on for the required sum.

Using Backtracking we can reduce its time complexity up to a great extent. Let’s see how.

Subset Sum Problem Solution using Backtracking Algorithm

The main idea is to add the number to the stack and track the sum of stack values.

Add a number to the stack, and check if the sum of all elements is equal to the sum. If yes then print the stack, else if the stack elements are less than the sum then repeat the step by adding the next element to the stack.

If the sum of stack elements exceeds the sum value then pop the last inserted element (top value) and repeat the process by adding the next available element.

In order to pop an element we need to backtrack, therefore we will use recursion.

The solution for the subset-sum is similar to the solution of N Queen Problem using Backtracking .

Recommeded: What is Backtracking Algorithm?

Let’s see the algorithm to solve sum of subset problems in code.

subset sum output 1

In the program, we add the set element to s by recursively passing the s+set[i] argument to the solve(int s, int idx) method.

Whenever the sum of stack elements equals the sum i.e. s==sum, we output the stack elements and deliberately return to look for more possible solutions.

If the stack sum exceeds sum i.e. s>sum , we return to the last recursive call to backtrack (i.e. to pop an element from the stack and push another element if available).

The displaySolutionSet() display stack elements whenever a solution has been found.

If there is no solution the value of the hasSolution remains false otherwise we update it to true .

In this tutorial, we learned what is subset sum problem and the solution for the subset sum problem using backtracking in C++ and Java programming languages.

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Subset Sum Problem

Greedy algorithms for combinatorial problems: subset sum problem.

In the world of algorithms and problem-solving, greedy algorithms are fascinating approaches that often provide efficient solutions to various combinatorial problems. In this tutorial, we will dive into the concept of greedy algorithms and explore how they can be applied to solve the Subset Sum Problem.

Introduction to Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms are algorithms that make locally optimal choices at each step, with the hope that such choices will eventually lead to a globally optimal solution. Unlike other algorithmic approaches that make use of exhaustive searches or dynamic programming, greedy algorithms tackle problems by selecting the best option at each decision point.

The key idea behind greedy algorithms is that, at every step, they choose the optimal choice based on the current information available, without considering the bigger picture or potential future consequences. This inherent simplicity and efficiency make them particularly useful in solving combinatorial problems.

The Subset Sum Problem

The Subset Sum Problem is a classic example of a combinatorial problem that can be solved using greedy algorithms. Given a set of integers and a target sum, the problem asks whether any subset of the given set adds up to the target sum.

Here's a formal definition of the problem: Given a set of integers S and a target sum T , determine if there exists a subset X ⊆ S such that the sum of elements in X equals T . It can be restated as a decision problem, where the answer is either "yes" or "no" based on whether a valid subset exists.

Greedy Algorithm for the Subset Sum Problem

To solve the Subset Sum Problem using a greedy algorithm, we can follow a simple approach that iteratively builds a solution. Let's outline the steps involved:

  • Sort the given set of integers in non-decreasing order.
  • Initialize a variable current_sum to track the sum of the elements in the current subset. Set it to 0 initially.
  • Iterate through the sorted set of integers from left to right.
  • At each step, add the current element to current_sum .
  • If current_sum exceeds the target sum T , remove the previous element and backtrack to the previous step.
  • If current_sum equals the target sum T , we have found a valid subset, and we can terminate the algorithm.
  • If we reach the end of the sorted set without finding a valid subset, such a subset does not exist.

Let's illustrate the algorithm with an example:

Suppose we have the set of integers {2, 7, 4, 1, 5} and the target sum is 10.

  • Sorting the set gives us {1, 2, 4, 5, 7}.
  • Start with an empty subset and current_sum = 0 .
  • Add 1 to current_sum , resulting in current_sum = 1 .
  • Add 2 to current_sum , resulting in current_sum = 3 .
  • Add 4 to current_sum , resulting in current_sum = 7 .
  • Add 5 to current_sum , resulting in current_sum = 12 , which exceeds the target sum.
  • Backtrack and remove 5 from the subset.
  • Add 7 to current_sum , resulting in current_sum = 14 , which exceeds the target sum.
  • Backtrack and remove 7 from the subset.
  • Continue with the remaining elements, but the sum will keep exceeding the target sum.
  • Since no valid subset is found, the algorithm terminates, and the answer is "no."

Code Implementation

Here's a Python implementation of the greedy algorithm for the Subset Sum Problem:

The above code snippet demonstrates the implementation of the greedy algorithm for the Subset Sum Problem using Python.

In this tutorial, we have explored the concept of greedy algorithms for combinatorial problems, specifically focusing on the Subset Sum Problem. Greedy algorithms offer an elegant and efficient approach to problem-solving, with the Subset Sum Problem being just one of many examples.

By following the outlined steps and examining the code snippet, you should now have a good understanding of how greedy algorithms can be utilized to solve combinatorial problems. Remember to adapt and modify the algorithm as per the specific requirements of your problem.

Keep exploring more combinatorial problems and experimenting with various algorithmic approaches to broaden your knowledge and problem-solving skills as a programmer. Happy coding!

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Subset Sum (The Subset-Sum Problem)

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Parameters
  • 3 Table of Algorithms
  • 4 Time Complexity Graph
  • 5 Reductions FROM Problem


Given a set $S$ of integers and a target sum $t$, determine whether there is a subset of $S$ that sum to $t$.

$S$: the set of integers

$n$: the number of integers in the set

$n'$: the number of distinct elements in the set

$t$: the target sum

$\sigma$: sum of elements in the set

Table of Algorithms

Time complexity graph.

The Subset-Sum Problem - Subset Sum - Time.png

Reductions FROM Problem

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how to solve sum of subset problem

Subset Sum Problem

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There are two problems commonly known as the subset sum problem.

so the sum appearing most often is 3, which occurs twice, and the number of different sums is 7.

(Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 21).

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  • subset sum problem proof date
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  • independent set problem, subset sum problem status

Referenced on Wolfram|Alpha

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Subset Sum Problem." From MathWorld --A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SubsetSumProblem.html

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Subset Sum Problem solved using Backtracking approach 【O(2^N) time complexity】

Algorithms backtracking subset sum problem.

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Reading time: 30 minutes | Coding time: 10 minutes

In this article, we will solve Subset Sum problem using a backtracking approach which will take O(2^N) time complexity but is significantly faster than the recursive approach which take exponential time as well.

Subset sum problem is the problem of finding a subset such that the sum of elements equal a given number. The backtracking approach generates all permutations in the worst case but in general, performs better than the recursive approach towards subset sum problem.

A subset A of n positive integers and a value sum is given, find whether or not there exists any subset of the given set, the sum of whose elements is equal to the given value of sum.

Given the following set of positive numbers:

We need to find if there is a subset for a given sum say 4:

For another value say 5, there is another subset:

Similarly, for 6, we have {2, 1, 3} as the subset.

For 7, there is no subset where the sum of elements equal to 7.

This problem can be solved using following algorithms:

  • Recursive method


  • Dynamic Programing

In this article, we will solve this using Backtracking approach

In Backtracking algorithm as we go down along depth of tree we add elements so far, and if the added sum is satisfying explicit constraints, we will continue to generate child nodes further. Whenever the constraints are not met, we stop further generation of sub-trees of that node, and backtrack to previous node to explore the nodes not yet explored.We need to explore the nodes along the breadth and depth of the tree. Generating nodes along breadth is controlled by loop and nodes along the depth are generated using recursion (post order traversal).

  • Start with an empty set
  • Add the next element from the list to the set
  • If the subset is having sum M, then stop with that subset as solution.
  • If the subset is not feasible or if we have reached the end of the set, then backtrack through the subset until we find the most suitable value.
  • If the subset is feasible (sum of seubset < M) then go to step 2.
  • If we have visited all the elements without finding a suitable subset and if no backtracking is possible then stop without solution.

Consider the following array/ list of integers:

We want to find if there is a subset with sum 3.

Note that there are two such subsets {1, 2} and {3} . We will follow our backtracking approach.

Consider our empty set {}

We add 1 to it {1} (sum = 1, 1 < 3)

We add 2 to it {1, 3} (sum = 3, 3 == 3, found)

We remove 3 from it {1} (sum = 1, 1 < 3)

We add 2 to it {1, 2} (sum = 3, 3 == 3, found)

We remove 2 and see that all elements have been considered.

Following diagram captures the idea:


Implementations in Java and C++

Following is the implementation of the backtracking approach in Java :

Following is the implementation in C++ :

Worst case time complexity: Θ(2^n)

Space complexity: Θ(1)

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  • Subset Sum Problem

Subset sum in Different languages

Python program for subset sum problem | dp-25.

  • Java Program for Subset Sum Problem | DP-25
  • C Program for Subset Sum Problem | DP-25
  • PHP Program for Subset Sum Problem | DP-25
  • C# Program for Subset Sum Problem | DP-25
  • Subset Sum Problem using Backtracking
  • Perfect Sum Problem (Print all subsets with given sum)
  • Subset Sum Problem in O(sum) space
  • Subset Sum is NP Complete
  • Minimum Subset sum difference problem with Subset partitioning
  • Maximum subset sum such that no two elements in set have same digit in them
  • Find all distinct subset (or subsequence) sums of an array
  • Subset sum problem where Array sum is at most N
  • Find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array
  • Count of subsets with sum equal to X | Set-2
  • Number of subsets with sum divisible by m
  • Size of the smallest subset with maximum Bitwise OR
  • Sum of subset differences

Write a Python program for a given set of non-negative integers and a value sum , the task is to check if there is a subset of the given set whose sum is equal to the given sum.

Input: set[] = {3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2}, sum = 9 Output: True Explanation: There is a subset (4, 5) with sum 9. Input: set[] = {3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2}, sum = 30 Output: False Explanation: There is no subset that adds up to 30.

Recommended: Please solve it on “ PRACTICE ” first, before moving on to the solution.

Python program for subset sum problem using recursion :.

For the recursive approach, there will be two cases. Consider the ‘last’ element to be a part of the subset. Now the new required sum = required sum – value of ‘last’ element . Don’t include the ‘last’ element in the subset. Then the new required sum = old required sum . In both cases, the number of available elements decreases by 1.

Step-by-step approach:

  • Build a recursive function and pass the index to be considered (here gradually moving from the last end) and the remaining sum amount.
  • For each index check the base cases and utilize the above recursive call.
  • If the answer is true for any recursion call, then there exists such a subset. Otherwise, no such subset exists.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.

Time Complexity:  O(2 n ) Auxiliary space : O(n)

Python Program for Subset Sum Problem using Memoization :

As seen in the previous recursion method, each state of the solution can be uniquely identified using two variables – the index and the remaining sum. So create a 2D array to store the value of each state to avoid recalculation of the same state.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

Time Complexity : O(sum*n) Auxiliary space : O(n)

Python Program for Subset Sum Problem using Dynamic Programming :

We can solve the problem in Pseudo-polynomial time we can use the Dynamic programming approach.

So we will create a 2D array of size (n + 1) * (sum + 1) of type boolean . The state dp[i][j] will be true if there exists a subset of elements from set[0 . . . i] with sum value = ‘j’. The dynamic programming relation is as follows: if (A[i-1] > j) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] else dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] OR dp[i-1][j-set[i-1]]

Time Complexity : O(sum * n), where n is the size of the array. Auxiliary Space : O(sum*n), as the size of the 2-D array is sum*n .

Python Program for Subset Sum Problem using  Dynamic Programming  with space optimization to linear:

In previous approach of dynamic programming we have derive the relation between states as given below: if (A[i-1] > j) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] else dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] OR dp[i-1][j-set[i-1]] If we observe that for calculating current dp[i][j] state we only need previous row dp[i-1][j] or dp[i-1][j-set[i-1]]. There is no need to store all the previous states just one previous state is used to compute result.
  • Define two arrays  prev  and  curr  of size  Sum+1  to store the just previous row result and current row result respectively.
  • Once  curr  array is calculated then  curr  becomes our  prev  for the next row.
  • When all rows are processed the answer is stored in  prev  array.

Time Complexity: O(sum * n), where n is the size of the array. Auxiliary Space : O(sum), as the size of the 1-D array is sum+1 .

Please refer complete article on Subset Sum Problem | DP-25 for more details!

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Lesson 46 of 68

A Holistic Guide to Learn Stop Solution Using Dynamic Programming

Table of Contents

Most of the time, dynamic programming is just a faster way to do things with recursion. You use dynamic programming to optimize any recursive solution that makes use of the same inputs repeatedly. Subproblem results will be stored, so they do not have to be recomputed in the future as needed. This straightforward optimization decreases the time complexity from exponential to polynomial levels.

By the end of this tutorial, you will better understand the recursion and dynamic programming approach to the subset sum problem with all the necessary details and practical implementations.

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What Is the Problem Statement for the Subset Sum Problem?

You will be given a set of non-negative integers and a value of variable sum, and you must determine if there is a subset of the given set with a sum equal to a given sum.

Now, look at the recursive solution to solve the subset sum problem.

What Is the Recursion Based Solution to the Subset Sum Problem?


For the recursion based approach, you will look at two scenarios:

  • Start with the last element and work your way up to the goal sum by subtracting the value of the 'last' element from the total number of elements.
  • 'Final' element will be removed, and the required sum will equal the target sum, with the number of elements equal to the total elements minus 1.

And this is how you solve the subset sum problem using recursion. Now, implement this solution through a simple C++ code.

How Do You Implement the Recursion-Based Solution of the Subset Sum Problem?

You will be provided with a set with elements {10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5}. You are to find a subset whose sum must be equal to 16, which is set {7, 9}.

// A c++ program to illustrate recursion based solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

//It will return true if subset of set[] 

//has sum equal to given sum; false otherwise

bool is_subset_sum(int set[], int n, int sum)

// Base Cases

if (sum == 0)

return true;

if (n == 0)

return false;

// If last element is greater than sum,

// then we will ignore it

if (set[n - 1] > sum)

return is_subset_sum(set, n - 1, sum);

/* otherwise,we will check if the sum can be obtained by any

of the following:

(a) including the last element

(b) excluding the last element */

return is_subset_sum(set, n - 1, sum)

|| is_subset_sum(set, n - 1, sum - set[n - 1]);

// Driver code

int set[] = { 10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5 };

int sum = 16;

int n = sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0]);

if (is_subset_sum(set, n, sum) == true)

cout <<"Found a subset with given sum";

cout <<"No subset with given sum was found";


You have now explored the recursive approach to the subset sum problem with a code. Now, look at the dynamic programming-based solution to this problem.

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What Is the Dynamic Programming Based Solution to the Subset Sum Problem?


You use dynamic programming to solve the problem in pseudo-polynomial time,

  • Make a boolean-type 2D array of size (arr.size() + 1) * (target + 1).
  • If there is a subset of elements from A[0....i] with sum value = 'j,' the state DP[i][j] is true.
  • To avoid duplicating previous cases' answers, you will have to ensure that the current element has a value greater than the "current sum value."
  • So, check if any prior states have already encountered the sum='j' OR have previously experienced the value 'j – A[i], which will help you achieve your purpose if it is bigger than the current total value.

And this is how you solve this problem using dynamic programming. Now implement this solution through a simple C++ code.

How Do You Implement the Dynamic Programming Based Solution of the Subset Sum Problem?

You will be given a set with elements as {10, 7, 8, 4, 1, 6}. You have to find a subset whose sum must be equal to 16, which is set {10, 6}.

// A C++ program to demonstrate Dynamic Programming 

//approach to solve this problem

bool is_subset_sum(int set[], int n, int target_sum)

//If set[0..j-1] has a subset with 

//target_sum equal to i then the 

//value of sub_set[i][j] will be true.

bool sub_set[n + 1][target_sum + 1];

// If target_sum is 0, then answer is true

for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)

sub_set[i][0] = true;

// If target_sum is not 0 and set is empty,

// then answer is false

for (int i = 1; i <= target_sum; i++)

sub_set[0][i] = false;

// we will now fill the subset table in bottom up manner

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

for (int j = 1; j <= target_sum; j++) {

if (j < set[i - 1])

sub_set[i][j] = sub_set[i - 1][j];

if (j >= set[i - 1])

sub_set[i][j] = sub_set[i-1][j]

|| sub_set[i - 1][j - set[i - 1]];

/* // we can uncomment this code to print table

for (int j = 0; j <= target_sum; j++)

printf ("%4d", sub_set[i][j]);

cout <<"\n";

return sub_set[n][target_sum];

int set[] = { 10, 7, 8, 4, 1, 6 };

int target_sum = 16;

if (is_subset_sum(set, n, target_sum) == true)

cout <<"Found a subset with given sum = "<<target_sum;

cout <<"No subset found with given sum = "<<target_sum;


With this, you have come to an end of this tutorial. You will now look at what could be your next steps to conquer dynamic programming problems.

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Your next stop in mastering dynamic programming problems should be matrix chain multiplication. Given a list of matrices, you must find the most efficient way to multiply a set of matrices together. The issue isn't whether or not to multiply, but rather which multiplications to perform first.

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About the author.

Vaibhav Khandelwal

Vaibhav Khandelwal is a proactive tech geek who's always on the edge of learning new technologies. He is well versed in competitive programming and possess sound knowledge of web development. He likes to read fictional and sci-fi novels and likes to play strategy games like chess.

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Solution: Partition Equal Subset Sum

Let's solve the Partition Equal Subset Sum problem using the Dynamic Programming pattern.

Naive approach

  • Solution summary
  • Time complexity
  • Space complexity
  • Can we do better?

Given a non-empty array of positive integers, determine if the array can be divided into two subsets so that the sum of both subsets is equal.


  • 1 ≤ 1 \leq 1 ≤ nums.Length ≤ 200 \leq 200 ≤ 200
  • 1 ≤ 1 \leq 1 ≤ nums[i] ≤ 100 \leq 100 ≤ 100

So far, you’ve probably brainstormed some approaches and have an idea of how to solve this problem. Let’s explore some of these approaches and figure out which one to follow based on considerations such as time complexity and any implementation constraints.

We can solve this problem with the following two steps:

  • First, we calculate the sum of the array. If the sum of the array is odd, there can’t be two subsets with an equal sum, so we return FALSE.
  • If the sum is even, we calculate s u m / 2 sum/2 s u m /2 and find a subset of the array with a sum equal to s u m / 2 sum/2 s u m /2 .

The naive approach is to solve the second step using recursion. In this approach, we calculate the result repeatedly every time. For example, consider an array, [1, 6, 20, 7, 8] , which can be partitioned into [1, 20] and [6, 7, 8] with the sum 21 . While computing the sum, we encounter 21 twice: once in the first subset ( 6 + 7 = 13, 13 + 8 = 21 ) and once in the second subset ( 1 + 20 = 21 ). However, since we’re not storing these sums, it is computed twice.

The time complexity of this approach is O ( 2 n ) O(2^n) O ( 2 n ) . In the worst case, for each element in an array, this solution tests two possibilities, i.e., whether to include or exclude it. We can avoid the repeated work done in the naive approach by storing the result calculated at each step. We store all the values in a lookup table.

Optimized approach using dynamic programming

We use the bottom-up approach of dynamic programming, also known as the tabulation technique . In this approach, the smallest problem is solved, the result is saved, and larger subproblems are computed based on the evaluated results. The problem is divided into subproblems, which are dependent on each other. We start by initializing a lookup table and setting up the values of the base cases. For every subsequent, larger subproblem, we fetch the results of the required preceding smaller subproblems and use them to get the solution to the current subproblem.

Here is how we implement this algorithm:

First, we calculate the sum of the array, nums . If the sum of the array is odd, there can’t be two subsets with an equal sum, so we return FALSE.

Create a lookup table, dp , of size ( ( ( s / 2 ) + 1 ) × ( n + 1 ) ) (((s/2)+1) \times (n+1)) ((( s /2 ) + 1 ) × ( n + 1 )) , where s s s is the sum, and n n n is the size of the array. The dp[0][0] represents that the sum is 0 0 0 , and none of the elements is included in the sum. Therefore, ( s / 2 + 1 ) (s/2+1) ( s /2 + 1 ) rows and ( n + 1 ) (n+1) ( n + 1 ) columns are needed. Initialize all cells of dp with FALSE.

Since each element in the array is a positive number, therefore the sum of elements can’t be 0 0 0 . Hence, each element of the first row in dp is set to TRUE to represent the solution of the smallest sub-problem.

The FALSE in the first column except [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [0][0] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] location indicates that an empty array has no subset whose sum is greater than 0 0 0 .

Fill the table in a bottom-up approach where [i][j] represents the current row and column entry.

If the j t h ^{th} t h element of the array is greater than i , it will make the sum greater than i , which means we cannot include this element in our subset. Therefore, we copy the previous column’s value, which is dp[i][j-1] , into dp[i][j] .

If the j t h ^{th} t h element of the array is less than or equal to i , we have two choices: either include it in our subset or exclude it. Here, we want to find out if it is possible to form a subset with a sum of i using the first j elements of the array.

In the first choice, we need to find a subset that adds up to i - nums[j-1] using the first j-1 elements of the nums array. That means we are looking at the value of dp[i - nums[j - 1]][j - 1] .

In the second choice, we exclude the j t h ^{th} t h element from our subset and find a subset that adds up to i using the first j-1 elements of the nums array. This means we are looking at the value of dp[i][j - 1] .

Finally, we set dp[i][j] to the logical OR of these two choices: dp[i][j] = dp[i - nums[j - 1]][j - 1] OR dp[i][j - 1] .

Return the value present at the last row and last column of the dp , which denotes whether the array can be partitioned or not.

  • If we get TRUE, then the array can be partitioned.
  • If we get FALSE, then the array can not be partitioned.

Here’s the demonstration of the steps above:

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Distributed algorithm for solving variational inequalities over time-varying unbalanced digraphs

  • Research Article
  • Published: 31 May 2024

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how to solve sum of subset problem

  • Yichen Zhang 1 ,
  • Yutao Tang 1 ,
  • Zhipeng Tu 2 &
  • Yiguang Hong 3 , 4  

In this paper, we study a distributed model to cooperatively compute variational inequalities over time-varying directed graphs. Here, each agent has access to a part of the full mapping and holds a local view of the global set constraint. By virtue of an auxiliary vector to compensate the graph imbalance, we propose a consensus-based distributed projection algorithm relying on local computation and communication at each agent. We show the convergence of this algorithm over uniformly jointly strongly connected unbalanced digraphs with nonidentical local constraints. We also provide a numerical example to illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.

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how to solve sum of subset problem

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School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, 100876, China

Yichen Zhang & Yutao Tang

Network Technology Laboratory, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100095, China

Department of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China

Yiguang Hong

Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China

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Correspondence to Yutao Tang .

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61973043) and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (No. 2021SHZDZX0100).

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Zhang, Y., Tang, Y., Tu, Z. et al. Distributed algorithm for solving variational inequalities over time-varying unbalanced digraphs. Control Theory Technol. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11768-024-00223-9

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Received : 24 September 2023

Revised : 12 December 2023

Accepted : 13 December 2023

Published : 31 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11768-024-00223-9

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  1. Solving Sum of Subsets using Backtracking

    how to solve sum of subset problem

  2. Subset Sum Problem Explained (Dynamic Programming)

    how to solve sum of subset problem

  3. Solving Subset Sum Problem

    how to solve sum of subset problem

  4. subset sum problem dynamic programming

    how to solve sum of subset problem

  5. Subset Sum Problem: Dynamic Programming & Recursion Solution

    how to solve sum of subset problem

  6. Sum of Subset using backtracking Algorithm

    how to solve sum of subset problem


  1. 8070 DAA- Backtracking: The Eight Queens Problem, Sum Of Subset Problem

  2. Introduction to sum of subset problem-Backtracking


  4. Sum of Subset problem and Algorithm using Backtracking

  5. Sum of Subset Problem || C Program || Advanced data structures tutorial in Telugu

  6. How to solve a twist to subset sum problem in a Google coding interview


  1. Subset Sum Problem using Backtracking

    Subset Sum Problem using Backtracking. Subset sum can also be thought of as a special case of the 0-1 Knapsack problem.For each item, there are two possibilities: Include the current element in the subset and recur for the remaining elements with the remaining Sum.; Exclude the current element from the subset and recur for the remaining elements.; Finally, if Sum becomes 0 then print the ...

  2. Subset Sum Problem Explained (Dynamic Programming)

    Let's look at the problem statement: "You are given an array of non-negative numbers and a value 'sum'. You have to find out whether a subset of the given array is present whose sum is equal to the given value." Let's look at an example: Input: {10, 0, 5, 8, 6, 2, 4}, 15. Output: True. Explanation: The sum of the subset {5,8,2} gives the sum as ...

  3. Dynamic Programming

    Subset Sum Problem using Dynamic Programming: To solve the problem in Pseudo-polynomial time we can use the Dynamic programming approach. So we will create a 2D array of size (n + 1) * (sum + 1) of type boolean. The state dp[i][j] will be true if there exists a subset of elements from set[0 . . . i] with sum value = 'j'.

  4. How to find all solutions to the SUBSET-SUM problem

    If the target sum is less than the sum of all negative integers in nums or greater than the sum of all positive integers in nums, no solution exists. We will store the sum of all negative integers in variable a and the sum of all positive integers in variable b. If target < a or target > b, we can stop early with "No solution!" 2. Dynamic ...

  5. Subset sum problem

    The subset sum problem (SSP) is a decision problem in computer science. In its most general formulation, there is a multiset of integers and a target-sum , and the question is to decide whether any subset of the integers sum to precisely . [1] The problem is known to be NP-complete. Moreover, some restricted variants of it are NP-complete too ...

  6. Subset Sum Problems

    Now we have to find out the subset from the given set whose sum is equal to 18. Here we will use the dynamic programming approach to solve the subset sum problem. Example: A = [2, 3, 5, 7, 10] Sum(w) = 14. First, we create a table. The column contains the values from 0 to 14 while row contains the elements of the given set shown as below:

  7. Subset Sum Problem (With Solution)

    The Subset-Sum Problem is to find a subset' of the given array A = (A1 A2 A3…An) where the elements of the array A are n positive integers in such a way that a'∈A and summation of the elements of that subsets is equal to some positive integer S.

  8. Subset Sum Problem

    Follow the below steps to solve subset sum problem using the backtracking approach −. First, take an empty subset. Include the next element, which is at index 0 to the empty set. If the subset is equal to the sum value, mark it as a part of the solution. If the subset is not a solution and it is less than the sum value, add next element to ...

  9. Subset Sum Problem

    Exclude the current item `A [n]` from the subset and recur for. The time complexity of the above solution is O (n × sum) and requires O (n × sum) extra space, where n is the size of the input and sum is the sum of all elements in the input. We can also solve this problem in a bottom-up manner.

  10. Solving Subset Sum with Backtracking

    To solve the subset sum problem using backtracking, we will follow a recursive approach. Here's an outline of the algorithm: Sort the given set of integers in non-decreasing order. Start with an empty subset and initialize the current sum as 0. Iterate through each integer in the set:

  11. Sum of Subsets

    Thus, sum of sub set problem runs in exponential order. Examples. Problem: Consider the sum-of-subset problem, n = 4, Sum = 13, and w 1 = 3, w 2 = 4, w 3 = 5 and w 4 = 6. Find a solution to the problem using backtracking. Show the state-space tree leading to the solution. Also, number the nodes in the tree in the order of recursion calls. Solution:

  12. Subset Sum Problem using Backtracking

    Subset Sum Problem Solution using Backtracking Algorithm. The main idea is to add the number to the stack and track the sum of stack values. Add a number to the stack, and check if the sum of all elements is equal to the sum. If yes then print the stack, else if the stack elements are less than the sum then repeat the step by adding the next ...

  13. 6.2 Sum Of Subsets Problem

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  14. Subset Sum Problem

    To solve the Subset Sum Problem using a greedy algorithm, we can follow a simple approach that iteratively builds a solution. Let's outline the steps involved: Sort the given set of integers in non-decreasing order. Initialize a variable current_sum to track the sum of the elements in the current subset. Set it to 0 initially.

  15. Subset Sum (The Subset-Sum Problem)

    Description. Given a set $S$ of integers and a target sum $t$, determine whether there is a subset of $S$ that sum to $t$. Parameters $S$: the set of integers

  16. Subset Sum Problem -- from Wolfram MathWorld

    There are two problems commonly known as the subset sum problem. The first ("given sum problem") is the problem of finding what subset of a list of integers has a given sum, which is an integer relation problem where the relation coefficients a_i are 0 or 1. The ("same sum problem") is the problem of finding a set of n distinct positive real numbers with as large a collection as possible of ...

  17. Subset Sum Problem solved using Backtracking approach 【O(2^N) time

    In this article, we will solve Subset Sum problem using a backtracking approach which will take O (2^N) time complexity but is significantly faster than the recursive approach which take exponential time as well. Subset sum problem is the problem of finding a subset such that the sum of elements equal a given number.

  18. PDF Recitation 18: Subset Sum Variants

    reduction: we show how to use a black-box to solve positive subset sum to solve general subset sum. However, this reduction does lead to a weaker pseudopolynomial time bound of O(n(S +2nQ)) than the modified algorithm presented above. ... Exercise: Unbounded Knapsack - Same problem as 0-1 Knapsack, except that you may take as many of any item ...

  19. Python Program for Subset Sum Problem

    Python Program for Subset Sum Problem using Dynamic Programming: We can solve the problem in Pseudo-polynomial time we can use the Dynamic programming approach. So we will create a 2D array of size (n + 1) * (sum + 1) of type boolean. The state dp[i][j] will be true if there exists a subset of elements from set[0 . . . i] with sum value = 'j'.

  20. Subset Sum Problem: Dynamic Programming & Recursion Solution

    What Is the Problem Statement for the Subset Sum Problem? You will be given a set of non-negative integers and a value of variable sum, and you must determine if there is a subset of the given set with a sum equal to a given sum. Now, look at the recursive solution to solve the subset sum problem.

  21. Subset Sum(dpss)

    Solving subset sum problem means finding a list that sums to a particular value. Assuming there is a list of integers (such as [1, 2, 3, 6, -9, 11]), and another integer (such as 6), subset sum problem is the question to answer the subsets that sum to the specified integer. In this case, the answer is [1, 2, 3] and [-9, 1, 3, 11]. ...

  22. Subset Sum Problem Dynamic Programming

    Given a set of non negative numbers and a total, find if there exists a subset in this set whose sum is same as total.https://github.com/mission-peace/inter...

  23. dynamic programming

    The Subset Sum problem takes as input a set X = {x1, x2 ,…, xn} of n integers and another integer K. The problem is to check if there exists a subset X' of X whose elements sum to K and finds the subset if there's any. For example, if X = {5, 3, 11, 8, 2} and K = 16 then the answer is YES since the subset X' = {5, 11} has a sum of 16.

  24. Solution: Partition Equal Subset Sum

    First, we calculate the sum of the array. If the sum of the array is odd, there can't be two subsets with an equal sum, so we return FALSE. If the sum is even, we calculate. s u m / 2. sum/2 sum/2 and find a subset of the array with a sum equal to. s u m / 2. sum/2 sum/2. The naive approach is to solve the second step using recursion.

  25. Distributed algorithm for solving variational inequalities over time

    In this paper, we study a distributed model to cooperatively compute variational inequalities over time-varying directed graphs. Here, each agent has access to a part of the full mapping and holds a local view of the global set constraint. By virtue of an auxiliary vector to compensate the graph imbalance, we propose a consensus-based distributed projection algorithm relying on local ...

  26. arXiv:2405.19904v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 30 May 2024

    problem. A computationally challenging problem is to compute the sum of powers of principal minors of a matrix which is relevant to the study of critical behaviors in quantum fermionic systems and finding a subset of maximally informative training data for a learning algorithm. Specifically,