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Praxis Core Math

Course: praxis core math   >   unit 1.

  • Algebraic properties | Lesson
  • Algebraic properties | Worked example
  • Solution procedures | Lesson
  • Solution procedures | Worked example
  • Equivalent expressions | Lesson
  • Equivalent expressions | Worked example
  • Creating expressions and equations | Lesson
  • Creating expressions and equations | Worked example

Algebraic word problems | Lesson

  • Algebraic word problems | Worked example
  • Linear equations | Lesson
  • Linear equations | Worked example
  • Quadratic equations | Lesson
  • Quadratic equations | Worked example

how to solve word problems using variables

What are algebraic word problems?

What skills are needed.

  • Translating sentences to equations
  • Solving linear equations with one variable
  • Evaluating algebraic expressions
  • Solving problems using Venn diagrams

How do we solve algebraic word problems?

  • Define a variable.
  • Write an equation using the variable.
  • Solve the equation.
  • If the variable is not the answer to the word problem, use the variable to calculate the answer.

What's a Venn diagram?

  • 7 + 10 − 13 = 4 ‍   brought both food and drinks.
  • 7 − 4 = 3 ‍   brought only food.
  • 10 − 4 = 6 ‍   brought only drinks.
  • Your answer should be
  • an integer, like 6 ‍  
  • a simplified proper fraction, like 3 / 5 ‍  
  • a simplified improper fraction, like 7 / 4 ‍  
  • a mixed number, like 1   3 / 4 ‍  
  • an exact decimal, like 0.75 ‍  
  • a multiple of pi, like 12   pi ‍   or 2 / 3   pi ‍  
  • (Choice A)   $ 4 ‍   A $ 4 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   $ 5 ‍   B $ 5 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   $ 9 ‍   C $ 9 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   $ 14 ‍   D $ 14 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   $ 20 ‍   E $ 20 ‍  
  • (Choice A)   10 ‍   A 10 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   12 ‍   B 12 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   24 ‍   C 24 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   30 ‍   D 30 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   32 ‍   E 32 ‍  
  • (Choice A)   4 ‍   A 4 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   10 ‍   B 10 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   14 ‍   C 14 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   18 ‍   D 18 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   22 ‍   E 22 ‍  

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Algebra Topics  - Introduction to Word Problems

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Algebra Topics: Introduction to Word Problems

Lesson 9: introduction to word problems.


What are word problems?

A word problem is a math problem written out as a short story or scenario. Basically, it describes a realistic problem and asks you to imagine how you would solve it using math. If you've ever taken a math class, you've probably solved a word problem. For instance, does this sound familiar?

Johnny has 12 apples. If he gives four to Susie, how many will he have left?

You could solve this problem by looking at the numbers and figuring out what the problem is asking you to do. In this case, you're supposed to find out how many apples Johnny has left at the end of the problem. By reading the problem, you know Johnny starts out with 12 apples. By the end, he has 4 less because he gave them away. You could write this as:

12 - 4 = 8 , so you know Johnny has 8 apples left.

Word problems in algebra

If you were able to solve this problem, you should also be able to solve algebra word problems. Yes, they involve more complicated math, but they use the same basic problem-solving skills as simpler word problems.

You can tackle any word problem by following these five steps:

  • Read through the problem carefully, and figure out what it's about.
  • Represent unknown numbers with variables.
  • Translate the rest of the problem into a mathematical expression.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Check your work.

We'll work through an algebra word problem using these steps. Here's a typical problem:

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day, plus $0.50 per mile. Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took two days, and the van cost $360. How many miles did she drive?

It might seem complicated at first glance, but we already have all of the information we need to solve it. Let's go through it step by step.

Step 1: Read through the problem carefully.

With any problem, start by reading through the problem. As you're reading, consider:

  • What question is the problem asking?
  • What information do you already have?

Let's take a look at our problem again. What question is the problem asking? In other words, what are you trying to find out?

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day, plus $0.50 per mile. Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took 2 days, and the van cost $360. How many miles did she drive?

There's only one question here. We're trying to find out how many miles Jada drove . Now we need to locate any information that will help us answer this question.

There are a few important things we know that will help us figure out the total mileage Jada drove:

  • The van cost $30 per day.
  • In addition to paying a daily charge, Jada paid $0.50 per mile.
  • Jada had the van for 2 days.
  • The total cost was $360 .

Step 2: Represent unknown numbers with variables.

In algebra, you represent unknown numbers with letters called variables . (To learn more about variables, see our lesson on reading algebraic expressions .) You can use a variable in the place of any amount you don't know. Looking at our problem, do you see a quantity we should represent with a variable? It's often the number we're trying to find out.

Since we're trying to find the total number of miles Jada drove, we'll represent that amount with a variable—at least until we know it. We'll use the variable m for miles . Of course, we could use any variable, but m should be easy to remember.

Step 3: Translate the rest of the problem.

Let's take another look at the problem, with the facts we'll use to solve it highlighted.

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day , plus $0.50 per mile . Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took 2 days , and the van cost $360 . How many miles did she drive?

We know the total cost of the van, and we know that it includes a fee for the number of days, plus another fee for the number of miles. It's $30 per day, and $0.50 per mile. A simpler way to say this would be:

$30 per day plus $0.50 per mile is $360.

If you look at this sentence and the original problem, you can see that they basically say the same thing: It cost Jada $30 per day and $0.50 per mile, and her total cost was $360 . The shorter version will be easier to translate into a mathematical expression.

Let's start by translating $30 per day . To calculate the cost of something that costs a certain amount per day, you'd multiply the per-day cost by the number of days—in other words, 30 per day could be written as 30 ⋅ days, or 30 times the number of days . (Not sure why you'd translate it this way? Check out our lesson on writing algebraic expressions .)

$30 per day and $.50 per mile is $360

$30 ⋅ day + $.50 ⋅ mile = $360

As you can see, there were a few other words we could translate into operators, so and $.50 became + $.50 , $.50 per mile became $.50 ⋅ mile , and is became = .

Next, we'll add in the numbers and variables we already know. We already know the number of days Jada drove, 2 , so we can replace that. We've also already said we'll use m to represent the number of miles, so we can replace that too. We should also take the dollar signs off of the money amounts to make them consistent with the other numbers.

30 ⋅ 2 + .5 ⋅ m = 360

Now we have our expression. All that's left to do is solve it.

Step 4: Solve the problem.

This problem will take a few steps to solve. (If you're not sure how to do the math in this section, you might want to review our lesson on simplifying expressions .) First, let's simplify the expression as much as possible. We can multiply 30 and 2, so let's go ahead and do that. We can also write .5 ⋅ m as 0.5 m .

60 + .5m = 360

Next, we need to do what we can to get the m alone on the left side of the equals sign. Once we do that, we'll know what m is equal to—in other words, it will let us know the number of miles in our word problem.

We can start by getting rid of the 60 on the left side by subtracting it from both sides .

The only thing left to get rid of is .5 . Since it's being multiplied with m , we'll do the reverse and divide both sides of the equation with it.

.5 m / .5 is m and 300 / 0.50 is 600 , so m = 600 . In other words, the answer to our problem is 600 —we now know Jada drove 600 miles.

Step 5: Check the problem.

To make sure we solved the problem correctly, we should check our work. To do this, we can use the answer we just got— 600 —and calculate backward to find another of the quantities in our problem. In other words, if our answer for Jada's distance is correct, we should be able to use it to work backward and find another value, like the total cost. Let's take another look at the problem.

According to the problem, the van costs $30 per day and $0.50 per mile. If Jada really did drive 600 miles in 2 days, she could calculate the cost like this:

$30 per day and $0.50 per mile

30 ⋅ day + .5 ⋅ mile

30 ⋅ 2 + .5 ⋅ 600

According to our math, the van would cost $360, which is exactly what the problem says. This means our solution was correct. We're done!

While some word problems will be more complicated than others, you can use these basic steps to approach any word problem. On the next page, you can try it for yourself.

Let's practice with a couple more problems. You can solve these problems the same way we solved the first one—just follow the problem-solving steps we covered earlier. For your reference, these steps are:

If you get stuck, you might want to review the problem on page 1. You can also take a look at our lesson on writing algebraic expressions for some tips on translating written words into math.

Try completing this problem on your own. When you're done, move on to the next page to check your answer and see an explanation of the steps.

A single ticket to the fair costs $8. A family pass costs $25 more than half of that. How much does a family pass cost?

Here's another problem to do on your own. As with the last problem, you can find the answer and explanation to this one on the next page.

Flor and Mo both donated money to the same charity. Flor gave three times as much as Mo. Between the two of them, they donated $280. How much money did Mo give?

Problem 1 Answer

Here's Problem 1:

A single ticket to the fair costs $8. A family pass costs $25 more than half that. How much does a family pass cost?

Answer: $29

Let's solve this problem step by step. We'll solve it the same way we solved the problem on page 1.

Step 1: Read through the problem carefully

The first in solving any word problem is to find out what question the problem is asking you to solve and identify the information that will help you solve it . Let's look at the problem again. The question is right there in plain sight:

So is the information we'll need to answer the question:

  • A single ticket costs $8 .
  • The family pass costs $25 more than half the price of the single ticket.

Step 2: Represent the unknown numbers with variables

The unknown number in this problem is the cost of the family pass . We'll represent it with the variable f .

Step 3: Translate the rest of the problem

Let's look at the problem again. This time, the important facts are highlighted.

A single ticket to the fair costs $8 . A family pass costs $25 more than half that . How much does a family pass cost?

In other words, we could say that the cost of a family pass equals half of $8, plus $25 . To turn this into a problem we can solve, we'll have to translate it into math. Here's how:

  • First, replace the cost of a family pass with our variable f .

f equals half of $8 plus $25

  • Next, take out the dollar signs and replace words like plus and equals with operators.

f = half of 8 + 25

  • Finally, translate the rest of the problem. Half of can be written as 1/2 times , or 1/2 ⋅ :

f = 1/2 ⋅ 8 + 25

Step 4: Solve the problem

Now all we have to do is solve our problem. Like with any problem, we can solve this one by following the order of operations.

  • f is already alone on the left side of the equation, so all we have to do is calculate the right side.
  • First, multiply 1/2 by 8 . 1/2 ⋅ 8 is 4 .
  • Next, add 4 and 25. 4 + 25 equals 29 .

That's it! f is equal to 29. In other words, the cost of a family pass is $29 .

Step 5: Check your work

Finally, let's check our work by working backward from our answer. In this case, we should be able to correctly calculate the cost of a single ticket by using the cost we calculated for the family pass. Let's look at the original problem again.

We calculated that a family pass costs $29. Our problem says the pass costs $25 more than half the cost of a single ticket. In other words, half the cost of a single ticket will be $25 less than $29.

  • We could translate this into this equation, with s standing for the cost of a single ticket.

1/2s = 29 - 25

  • Let's work on the right side first. 29 - 25 is 4 .
  • To find the value of s , we have to get it alone on the left side of the equation. This means getting rid of 1/2 . To do this, we'll multiply each side by the inverse of 1/2: 2 .

According to our math, s = 8 . In other words, if the family pass costs $29, the single ticket will cost $8. Looking at our original problem, that's correct!

So now we're sure about the answer to our problem: The cost of a family pass is $29 .

Problem 2 Answer

Here's Problem 2:

Answer: $70

Let's go through this problem one step at a time.

Start by asking what question the problem is asking you to solve and identifying the information that will help you solve it . What's the question here?

To solve the problem, you'll have to find out how much money Mo gave to charity. All the important information you need is in the problem:

  • The amount Flor donated is three times as much the amount Mo donated
  • Flor and Mo's donations add up to $280 total

The unknown number we're trying to identify in this problem is Mo's donation . We'll represent it with the variable m .

Here's the problem again. This time, the important facts are highlighted.

Flor and Mo both donated money to the same charity. Flor gave three times as much as Mo . Between the two of them, they donated $280 . How much money did Mo give?

The important facts of the problem could also be expressed this way:

Mo's donation plus Flor's donation equals $280

Because we know that Flor's donation is three times as much as Mo's donation, we could go even further and say:

Mo's donation plus three times Mo's donation equals $280

We can translate this into a math problem in only a few steps. Here's how:

  • Because we've already said we'll represent the amount of Mo's donation with the variable m , let's start by replacing Mo's donation with m .

m plus three times m equals $280

  • Next, we can put in mathematical operators in place of certain words. We'll also take out the dollar sign.

m + three times m = 280

  • Finally, let's write three times mathematically. Three times m can also be written as 3 ⋅ m , or just 3 m .

m + 3m = 280

It will only take a few steps to solve this problem.

  • To get the correct answer, we'll have to get m alone on one side of the equation.
  • To start, let's add m and 3 m . That's 4 m .
  • We can get rid of the 4 next to the m by dividing both sides by 4. 4 m / 4 is m , and 280 / 4 is 70 .

We've got our answer: m = 70 . In other words, Mo donated $70 .

The answer to our problem is $70 , but we should check just to be sure. Let's look at our problem again.

If our answer is correct, $70 and three times $70 should add up to $280 .

  • We can write our new equation like this:

70 + 3 ⋅ 70 = 280

  • The order of operations calls for us to multiply first. 3 ⋅ 70 is 210.

70 + 210 = 280

  • The last step is to add 70 and 210. 70 plus 210 equals 280 .

280 is the combined cost of the tickets in our original problem. Our answer is correct : Mo gave $70 to charity.



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1.20: Word Problems for Linear Equations

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorC}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \)

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\( \newcommand{\vectorDt}[1]{\overrightarrow{\text{#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Word problems are important applications of linear equations. We start with examples of translating an English sentence or phrase into an algebraic expression.

Example 18.1

Translate the phrase into an algebraic expression:

a) Twice a variable is added to 4

Solution: We call the variable \(x .\) Twice the variable is \(2 x .\) Adding \(2 x\) to 4 gives:

\[4 + 2x\nonumber\]

b) Three times a number is subtracted from 7.

Solution: Three times a number is \(3 x .\) We need to subtract \(3 x\) from 7. This means:\

\[7-3 x\nonumber\]

c) 8 less than a number.

Solution: The number is denoted by \(x .8\) less than \(x\) mean, that we need to subtract 8 from it. We get:


For example, 8 less than 10 is \(10-8=2\).

d) Subtract \(5 p^{2}-7 p+2\) from \(3 p^{2}+4 p\) and simplify.

Solution: We need to calculate \(3 p^{2}+4 p\) minus \(5 p^{2}-7 p+2:\)

\[\left(3 p^{2}+4 p\right)-\left(5 p^{2}-7 p+2\right)\nonumber\]

Simplifying this expression gives:

\[\left(3 p^{2}+4 p\right)-\left(5 p^{2}-7 p+2\right)=3 p^{2}+4 p-5 p^{2}+7 p-2 =-2 p^{2}+11 p-2\nonumber\]

e) The amount of money given by \(x\) dimes and \(y\) quarters.

Solution: Each dime is worth 10 cents, so that this gives a total of \(10 x\) cents. Each quarter is worth 25 cents, so that this gives a total of \(25 y\) cents. Adding the two amounts gives a total of

\[10 x+25 y \text{ cents or } .10x + .25y \text{ dollars}\nonumber\]

Now we deal with word problems that directly describe an equation involving one variable, which we can then solve.

Example 18.2

Solve the following word problems:

a) Five times an unknown number is equal to 60. Find the number.

Solution: We translate the problem to algebra:

\[5x = 60\nonumber\]

We solve this for \(x\) :


b) If 5 is subtracted from twice an unknown number, the difference is \(13 .\) Find the number.

Solution: Translating the problem into an algebraic equation gives:

\[2x − 5 = 13\nonumber\]

We solve this for \(x\). First, add 5 to both sides.

\[2x = 13 + 5, \text{ so that } 2x = 18\nonumber\]

Dividing by 2 gives \(x=\frac{18}{2}=9\).

c) A number subtracted from 9 is equal to 2 times the number. Find the number.

Solution: We translate the problem to algebra.

\[9 − x = 2x\nonumber\]

We solve this as follows. First, add \(x\) :

\[9 = 2x + x \text{ so that } 9 = 3x\nonumber\]

Then the answer is \(x=\frac{9}{3}=3\)

d) Multiply an unknown number by five is equal to adding twelve to the unknown number. Find the number.

Solution: We have the equation:

\[5x = x + 12.\nonumber\]

Subtracting \(x\) gives

\[4x = 12.\nonumber\]

Dividing both sides by 4 gives the answer: \(x=3\).

e) Adding nine to a number gives the same result as subtracting seven from three times the number. Find the number.

Solution: Adding 9 to a number is written as \(x+9,\) while subtracting 7 from three times the number is written as \(3 x-7\). We therefore get the equation:

\[x + 9 = 3x − 7.\nonumber\]

We solve for \(x\) by adding 7 on both sides of the equation:

\[x + 16 = 3x.\nonumber\]

Then we subtract \(x:\)

\[16 = 2x.\nonumber\]

After dividing by \(2,\) we obtain the answer \(x=8\)

The following word problems consider real world applications. They require to model a given situation in the form of an equation.

Example 18.3

a) Due to inflation, the price of a loaf of bread has increased by \(5 \%\). How much does the loaf of bread cost now, when its price was \(\$ 2.40\) last year?

Solution: We calculate the price increase as \(5 \% \cdot \$ 2.40 .\) We have

\[5 \% \cdot 2.40=0.05 \cdot 2.40=0.1200=0.12\nonumber\]

We must add the price increase to the old price.


The new price is therefore \(\$ 2.52\).

b) To complete a job, three workers get paid at a rate of \(\$ 12\) per hour. If the total pay for the job was \(\$ 180,\) then how many hours did the three workers spend on the job?

Solution: We denote the number of hours by \(x\). Then the total price is calculated as the price per hour \((\$ 12)\) times the number of workers times the number of hours \((3) .\) We obtain the equation

\[12 \cdot 3 \cdot x=180\nonumber\]

Simplifying this yields

\[36 x=180\nonumber\]

Dividing by 36 gives


Therefore, the three workers needed 5 hours for the job.

c) A farmer cuts a 300 foot fence into two pieces of different sizes. The longer piece should be four times as long as the shorter piece. How long are the two pieces?

\[x+4 x=300\nonumber\]

Combining the like terms on the left, we get

\[5 x=300\nonumber\]

Dividing by 5, we obtain that


Therefore, the shorter piece has a length of 60 feet, while the longer piece has four times this length, that is \(4 \times 60\) feet \(=240\) feet.

d) If 4 blocks weigh 28 ounces, how many blocks weigh 70 ounces?

Solution: We denote the weight of a block by \(x .\) If 4 blocks weigh \(28,\) then a block weighs \(x=\frac{28}{4}=7\)

How many blocks weigh \(70 ?\) Well, we only need to find \(\frac{70}{7}=10 .\) So, the answer is \(10 .\)

Note You can solve this problem by setting up and solving the fractional equation \(\frac{28}{4}=\frac{70}{x}\). Solving such equations is addressed in chapter 24.

e) If a rectangle has a length that is three more than twice the width and the perimeter is 20 in, what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Solution: We denote the width by \(x\). Then the length is \(2 x+3\). The perimeter is 20 in on one hand and \(2(\)length\()+2(\)width\()\) on the other. So we have

\[20=2 x+2(2 x+3)\nonumber\]

Distributing and collecting like terms give

\[20=6 x+6\nonumber\]

Subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation and then dividing both sides of the resulting equation by 6 gives:

\[20-6=6 x \Longrightarrow 14=6 x \Longrightarrow x=\frac{14}{6} \text { in }=\frac{7}{3} \text { in }=2 \frac{1}{3} \text { in. }\nonumber\]

f) If a circle has circumference 4in, what is its radius?

Solution: We know that \(C=2 \pi r\) where \(C\) is the circumference and \(r\) is the radius. So in this case

\[4=2 \pi r\nonumber\]

Dividing both sides by \(2 \pi\) gives

\[r=\frac{4}{2 \pi}=\frac{2}{\pi} \text { in } \approx 0.63 \mathrm{in}\nonumber\]

g) The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 60 meters. How long is each side?

Solution: Let \(x\) equal the side of the triangle. Then the perimeter is, on the one hand, \(60,\) and on other hand \(3 x .\) So \(3 x=60\) and dividing both sides of the equation by 3 gives \(x=20\) meters.

h) If a gardener has \(\$ 600\) to spend on a fence which costs \(\$ 10\) per linear foot and the area to be fenced in is rectangular and should be twice as long as it is wide, what are the dimensions of the largest fenced in area?

Solution: The perimeter of a rectangle is \(P=2 L+2 W\). Let \(x\) be the width of the rectangle. Then the length is \(2 x .\) The perimeter is \(P=2(2 x)+2 x=6 x\). The largest perimeter is \(\$ 600 /(\$ 10 / f t)=60\) ft. So \(60=6 x\) and dividing both sides by 6 gives \(x=60 / 6=10\). So the dimensions are 10 feet by 20 feet.

i) A trapezoid has an area of 20.2 square inches with one base measuring 3.2 in and the height of 4 in. Find the length of the other base.

Solution: Let \(b\) be the length of the unknown base. The area of the trapezoid is on the one hand 20.2 square inches. On the other hand it is \(\frac{1}{2}(3.2+b) \cdot 4=\) \(6.4+2 b .\) So

\[20.2=6.4+2 b\nonumber\]

Multiplying both sides by 10 gives

\[202=64+20 b\nonumber\]

Subtracting 64 from both sides gives

\[b=\frac{138}{20}=\frac{69}{10}=6.9 \text { in }\nonumber\]

and dividing by 20 gives

Exit Problem

Write an equation and solve: A car uses 12 gallons of gas to travel 100 miles. How many gallons would be needed to travel 450 miles?

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Chapter 2: Linear Equations

2.7 Variation Word Problems

Direct variation problems.

There are many mathematical relations that occur in life. For instance, a flat commission salaried salesperson earns a percentage of their sales, where the more they sell equates to the wage they earn. An example of this would be an employee whose wage is 5% of the sales they make. This is a direct or a linear variation, which, in an equation, would look like:

[latex]\text{Wage }(x)=5\%\text{ Commission }(k)\text{ of Sales Completed }(y)[/latex]


A historical example of direct variation can be found in the changing measurement of pi, which has been symbolized using the Greek letter π since the mid 18th century. Variations of historical π calculations are Babylonian [latex]\left(\dfrac{25}{8}\right),[/latex] Egyptian [latex]\left(\dfrac{16}{9}\right)^2,[/latex] and Indian [latex]\left(\dfrac{339}{108}\text{ and }10^{\frac{1}{2}}\right).[/latex] In the 5th century, Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi calculated the value of π to seven decimal places (3.1415926), representing the most accurate value of π for over 1000 years.

Pi is found by taking any circle and dividing the circumference of the circle by the diameter, which will always give the same value: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716… (42 decimal places). Using an infinite-series exact equation has allowed computers to calculate π to 10 13 decimals.

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Circumference }(c)=\pi \text{ times the diameter }(d) \\ \\ \text{or} \\ \\ c=\pi d \end{array}[/latex]

All direct variation relationships are verbalized in written problems as a direct variation or as directly proportional and take the form of straight line relationships. Examples of direct variation or directly proportional equations are:

  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex] squared
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex] cubed
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the square root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the square root of [latex]y[/latex]

Example 2.7.1

Find the variation equation described as follows:

The surface area of a square surface [latex](A)[/latex] is directly proportional to the square of either side [latex](x).[/latex]

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Area }(A) =\text{ constant }(k)\text{ times side}^2\text{ } (x^2) \\ \\ \text{or} \\ \\ A=kx^2 \end{array}[/latex]

Example 2.7.2

When looking at two buildings at the same time, the length of the buildings’ shadows [latex](s)[/latex] varies directly as their height [latex](h).[/latex] If a 5-story building has a 20 m long shadow, how many stories high would a building that has a 32 m long shadow be?

The equation that describes this variation is:


Breaking the data up into the first and second parts gives:

[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ &&\textbf{1st Data} \\ s&=&20\text{ m} \\ h&=&5\text{ stories} \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ h&=&kx \\ 5\text{ stories}&=&k\text{ (20 m)} \\ k&=&5\text{ stories/20 m}\\ k&=&0.25\text{ story/m} \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ s&=&\text{32 m} \\ h&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ k&=&0.25\text{ story/m} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }h\text{:} \\ h&=&kx \\ h&=&(0.25\text{ story/m})(32\text{ m}) \\ h&=&8\text{ stories} \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

Inverse Variation Problems

Inverse variation problems are reciprocal relationships. In these types of problems, the product of two or more variables is equal to a constant. An example of this comes from the relationship of the pressure [latex](P)[/latex] and the volume [latex](V)[/latex] of a gas, called Boyle’s Law (1662). This law is written as:

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Pressure }(P)\text{ times Volume }(V)=\text{ constant} \\ \\ \text{ or } \\ \\ PV=k \end{array}[/latex]

Written as an inverse variation problem, it can be said that the pressure of an ideal gas varies as the inverse of the volume or varies inversely as the volume. Expressed this way, the equation can be written as:


Another example is the historically famous inverse square laws. Examples of this are the force of gravity [latex](F_{\text{g}}),[/latex] electrostatic force [latex](F_{\text{el}}),[/latex] and the intensity of light [latex](I).[/latex] In all of these measures of force and light intensity, as you move away from the source, the intensity or strength decreases as the square of the distance.

In equation form, these look like:

[latex]F_{\text{g}}=\dfrac{k}{d^2}\hspace{0.25in} F_{\text{el}}=\dfrac{k}{d^2}\hspace{0.25in} I=\dfrac{k}{d^2}[/latex]

These equations would be verbalized as:

  • The force of gravity [latex](F_{\text{g}})[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.
  • Electrostatic force [latex](F_{\text{el}})[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.
  • The intensity of a light source [latex](I)[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.

All inverse variation relationship are verbalized in written problems as inverse variations or as inversely proportional. Examples of inverse variation or inversely proportional equations are:

  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the inverse of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex] squared
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex] cubed
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the square root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the inverse root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square root of [latex]y[/latex]

Example 2.7.3

The force experienced by a magnetic field [latex](F_{\text{b}})[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source [latex](d_{\text{s}}).[/latex]

[latex]F_{\text{b}} = \dfrac{k}{{d_{\text{s}}}^2}[/latex]

Example 2.7.4

The time [latex](t)[/latex] it takes to travel from North Vancouver to Hope varies inversely as the speed [latex](v)[/latex] at which one travels. If it takes 1.5 hours to travel this distance at an average speed of 120 km/h, find the constant [latex]k[/latex] and the amount of time it would take to drive back if you were only able to travel at 60 km/h due to an engine problem.


[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{1st Data} \\ v&=&120\text{ km/h} \\ t&=&1.5\text{ h} \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ k&=&tv \\ k&=&(1.5\text{ h})(120\text{ km/h}) \\ k&=&180\text{ km} \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ \\ \\ &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ v&=&60\text{ km/h} \\ t&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ k&=&180\text{ km} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }t\text{:} \\ t&=&\dfrac{k}{v} \\ \\ t&=&\dfrac{180\text{ km}}{60\text{ km/h}} \\ \\ t&=&3\text{ h} \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

Joint or Combined Variation Problems

In real life, variation problems are not restricted to single variables. Instead, functions are generally a combination of multiple factors. For instance, the physics equation quantifying the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies is:


  • [latex]F_{\text{g}}[/latex] stands for the gravitational force of attraction
  • [latex]G[/latex] is Newton’s constant, which would be represented by [latex]k[/latex] in a standard variation problem
  • [latex]m_1[/latex] and [latex]m_2[/latex] are the masses of the two bodies
  • [latex]d^2[/latex] is the distance between the centres of both bodies

To write this out as a variation problem, first state that the force of gravitational attraction [latex](F_{\text{g}})[/latex] between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the two masses [latex](m_1, m_2)[/latex] and inversely proportional to the square of the distance [latex](d)[/latex] separating the two masses. From this information, the necessary equation can be derived. All joint variation relationships are verbalized in written problems as a combination of direct and inverse variation relationships, and care must be taken to correctly identify which variables are related in what relationship.

Example 2.7.5

The force of electrical attraction [latex](F_{\text{el}})[/latex] between two statically charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of the charges on each of the two objects [latex](q_1, q_2)[/latex] and inversely proportional to the square of the distance [latex](d)[/latex] separating these two charged bodies.


Solving these combined or joint variation problems is the same as solving simpler variation problems.

First, decide what equation the variation represents. Second, break up the data into the first data given—which is used to find [latex]k[/latex]—and then the second data, which is used to solve the problem given. Consider the following joint variation problem.

Example 2.7.6

[latex]y[/latex] varies jointly with [latex]m[/latex] and [latex]n[/latex] and inversely with the square of [latex]d[/latex]. If [latex]y = 12[/latex] when [latex]m = 3[/latex], [latex]n = 8[/latex], and [latex]d = 2,[/latex] find the constant [latex]k[/latex], then use [latex]k[/latex] to find [latex]y[/latex] when [latex]m=-3[/latex], [latex]n = 18[/latex], and [latex]d = 3[/latex].


[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ \\ \\ && \textbf{1st Data} \\ y&=&12 \\ m&=&3 \\ n&=&8 \\ d&=&2 \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ y&=&\dfrac{kmn}{d^2} \\ \\ 12&=&\dfrac{k(3)(8)}{(2)^2} \\ \\ k&=&\dfrac{12(2)^2}{(3)(8)} \\ \\ k&=& 2 \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ y&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ m&=&-3 \\ n&=&18 \\ d&=&3 \\ k&=&2 \\ \\ &&\text{Find }y\text{:} \\ y&=&\dfrac{kmn}{d^2} \\ \\ y&=&\dfrac{(2)(-3)(18)}{(3)^2} \\ \\ y&=&12 \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

For questions 1 to 12, write the formula defining the variation, including the constant of variation [latex](k).[/latex]

  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional to [latex]y[/latex] and [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]z[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex] to the sixth power
  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional with the cube of [latex]y[/latex] and inversely to the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]z[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex] and is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]p[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex] and square of [latex]z[/latex]

For questions 13 to 22, find the formula defining the variation and the constant of variation [latex](k).[/latex]

  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies directly as [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=15[/latex] and [latex]B=5.[/latex]
  • If [latex]P[/latex] is jointly proportional to [latex]Q[/latex] and [latex]R,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]P=12, Q=8[/latex] and [latex]R=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=7[/latex] and [latex]B=4.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies directly as the square of [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=6[/latex] and [latex]B=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]C[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]A[/latex] and [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]C=24, A=3,[/latex] and [latex]B=2.[/latex]
  • If [latex]Y[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]X,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]Y=54[/latex] and [latex]X=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]X[/latex] is directly proportional to [latex]Y,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]X=12[/latex] and [latex]Y=8.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] is jointly proportional with the square of [latex]B[/latex] and the square root of [latex]C,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=25, B=5[/latex] and [latex]C=9.[/latex]
  • If [latex]y[/latex] varies jointly with [latex]m[/latex] and the square of [latex]n[/latex] and inversely with [latex]d,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]y=10, m=4, n=5,[/latex] and [latex]d=6.[/latex]
  • If [latex]P[/latex] varies directly as [latex]T[/latex] and inversely as [latex]V,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]P=10, T=250,[/latex] and [latex]V=400.[/latex]

For questions 23 to 37, solve each variation word problem.

  • The electrical current [latex]I[/latex] (in amperes, A) varies directly as the voltage [latex](V)[/latex] in a simple circuit. If the current is 5 A when the source voltage is 15 V, what is the current when the source voltage is 25 V?
  • The current [latex]I[/latex] in an electrical conductor varies inversely as the resistance [latex]R[/latex] (in ohms, Ω) of the conductor. If the current is 12 A when the resistance is 240 Ω, what is the current when the resistance is 540 Ω?
  • Hooke’s law states that the distance [latex](d_s)[/latex] that a spring is stretched supporting a suspended object varies directly as the mass of the object [latex](m).[/latex] If the distance stretched is 18 cm when the suspended mass is 3 kg, what is the distance when the suspended mass is 5 kg?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of an ideal gas at a constant temperature varies inversely as the pressure [latex](P)[/latex] exerted on it. If the volume of a gas is 200 cm 3 under a pressure of 32 kg/cm 2 , what will be its volume under a pressure of 40 kg/cm 2 ?
  • The number of aluminum cans [latex](c)[/latex] used each year varies directly as the number of people [latex](p)[/latex] using the cans. If 250 people use 60,000 cans in one year, how many cans are used each year in a city that has a population of 1,000,000?
  • The time [latex](t)[/latex] required to do a masonry job varies inversely as the number of bricklayers [latex](b).[/latex] If it takes 5 hours for 7 bricklayers to build a park wall, how much time should it take 10 bricklayers to complete the same job?
  • The wavelength of a radio signal (λ) varies inversely as its frequency [latex](f).[/latex] A wave with a frequency of 1200 kilohertz has a length of 250 metres. What is the wavelength of a radio signal having a frequency of 60 kilohertz?
  • The number of kilograms of water [latex](w)[/latex] in a human body is proportional to the mass of the body [latex](m).[/latex] If a 96 kg person contains 64 kg of water, how many kilograms of water are in a 60 kg person?
  • The time [latex](t)[/latex] required to drive a fixed distance [latex](d)[/latex] varies inversely as the speed [latex](v).[/latex] If it takes 5 hours at a speed of 80 km/h to drive a fixed distance, what speed is required to do the same trip in 4.2 hours?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of a cone varies jointly as its height [latex](h)[/latex] and the square of its radius [latex](r).[/latex] If a cone with a height of 8 centimetres and a radius of 2 centimetres has a volume of 33.5 cm 3 , what is the volume of a cone with a height of 6 centimetres and a radius of 4 centimetres?
  • The centripetal force [latex](F_{\text{c}})[/latex] acting on an object varies as the square of the speed [latex](v)[/latex] and inversely to the radius [latex](r)[/latex] of its path. If the centripetal force is 100 N when the object is travelling at 10 m/s in a path or radius of 0.5 m, what is the centripetal force when the object’s speed increases to 25 m/s and the path is now 1.0 m?
  • The maximum load [latex](L_{\text{max}})[/latex] that a cylindrical column with a circular cross section can hold varies directly as the fourth power of the diameter [latex](d)[/latex] and inversely as the square of the height [latex](h).[/latex] If an 8.0 m column that is 2.0 m in diameter will support 64 tonnes, how many tonnes can be supported by a column 12.0 m high and 3.0 m in diameter?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of gas varies directly as the temperature [latex](T)[/latex] and inversely as the pressure [latex](P).[/latex] If the volume is 225 cc when the temperature is 300 K and the pressure is 100 N/cm 2 , what is the volume when the temperature drops to 270 K and the pressure is 150 N/cm 2 ?
  • The electrical resistance [latex](R)[/latex] of a wire varies directly as its length [latex](l)[/latex] and inversely as the square of its diameter [latex](d).[/latex] A wire with a length of 5.0 m and a diameter of 0.25 cm has a resistance of 20 Ω. Find the electrical resistance in a 10.0 m long wire having twice the diameter.
  • The volume of wood in a tree [latex](V)[/latex] varies directly as the height [latex](h)[/latex] and the diameter [latex](d).[/latex] If the volume of a tree is 377 m 3 when the height is 30 m and the diameter is 2.0 m, what is the height of a tree having a volume of 225 m 3 and a diameter of 1.75 m?

Answer Key 2.7

Intermediate Algebra Copyright © 2020 by Terrance Berg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • April 14, 2020

Variable Expressions: Word Problems

how to solve word problems using variables

Lesson Intro: Expressions with Variables

In this lesson, Juni Mathematics instructor Kadyn talks about variables and variable expressions – foundational concepts in pre-algebra. Variables are important to know for higher levels of math, and are even used similarly in other subjects like computer science!

Read Kadyn’s Intro to Variable Expressions lesson first to understand what variables are and how to use them in expressions. Then, use what you’ve learned with Kadyn’s word problems below to translate sentences and real-life problems into expressions with unknown variables. Learn to solve for unknowns, and tackle real-world applications.

Once you’ve checked your answers, you can also keep practicing using variables with Variable Expressions Drills and Warmup Problems .

Word Problems

Write out the following mathematical expression in full and then in simplified form: negative three times the difference of five times x and the absolute value of negative two minus three.

Ted is hosting a birthday party. If you take the number of friends he invited and multiply it by 4 and subtract it by 7, you get 53. How many people did Ted invite to his party?

Carmen wants to collect stamps and the store charges $3 for a pack of 12 stamps. How many stamps will Carmen have if she spent $36 on stamps? (disregard taxes)

Peter wants to build a rectangular fence around his yard. One side of the fence is 3m shorter than 4 times the other side. If the shorter side of the fence is 15m, what is the perimeter of the fence in meters?

Elliott and Gretchen are renting their own apartments in the city. Elliott has paid $10,000 in rent so far and Gretchen has paid $8,000. If both of them have been renting their own place for the same number of months and Gretchen’s monthly rate is $1,000, how much is Elliott’s monthly rent?

Find Solutions Below

-3 ⋅ (5x – |-2 -3|) = -3 ⋅ (5x – 5) = -15x + 15

Full form: -3 ⋅ (5x – |-2 -3|)

Simplified form: -15x + 15

Ted invited 15 people to his birthday party.

Let the number of people at Ted’s birthday party be n. Then n ⋅ 4 – 7 = 53 → n ⋅ 4 = 60. Then we know that n = 15.

Carmen has 144 stamps.

Let the number of stamps that Carmen has be s. Since she spent $36 on stamps and each pack of stamps cost $3, she then bought 36 3 = 12 packs. Since each pack comes in with 12 stamps, she has 12 ⋅ 12 = 144 stamps.

The perimeter of the fence is 144m.

Since the shorter side of the fence is 15m long, the longer side of the fence is 4 ⋅ 15 – 3 = 57m long. Then the perimeter of the fence is 15 + 15 + 57 + 57 = 144m.

Elliott’s monthly rent is $1,250.

Since Gretchen has paid $8,000 in rent and her monthly rent is $1,000, she has lived at her place for 8,000 1,000 = 8 months. Since Gretchen has lived at her place as long as Elliott has lived at his, we know that Elliott has lived at his place for 8 months as well. Then since Elliott has paid $10,000 in rent, his monthly rate is $10,000 8 = $1,250.

More Exercises on Variables

We hope you enjoyed Kadyn’s Word Problems with Variable Expressions! This lesson falls under our Pre-Algebra A course curriculum .

Continue practicing variable expressions with warmup problems and practice drills below. Or, review key terms and concepts with Kadyn’s Intro to Variables lesson.

  • Intro to Variable Expressions: Definitions and Approaches
  • Warmup Questions with Variable Expressions
  • Variable Expressions Drills

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How to Solve Word Problems by Finding Two-Variable Equations?

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to solve word problems by finding two-variable equations.

How to Solve Word Problems by Finding Two-Variable Equations?

A step-by-step guide to solving word problems by finding two-variable equations

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to solve word problems by finding two-variable equations:

  • Read the problem carefully: Begin by reading the problem carefully to understand what is being asked. Identify the relevant variables and their relationships to each other.
  • Choose variables to represent the problem: Choose variables to represent the quantities involved in the problem. It’s common to use x and y as variables in two-variable equations, but other variables can also be used.
  • Identify the known quantities: Identify the quantities in the problem that are known, such as given values or constraints.
  • Identify the unknown quantities: Identify the quantities in the problem that are unknown, which are typically the values you are trying to solve for.
  • Write a two-variable equation: Write a two-variable equation that relates the known and unknown quantities. This equation should represent the problem in a way that can be solved algebraically.
  • Solve the equation: Use algebraic techniques to solve the equation for the unknown quantity. This may involve rearranging the equation, factoring, or using formulas.
  • Check your answer: Once you have solved for the unknown quantity, check your answer by plugging it back into the original equation and verifying that it makes sense in the context of the problem.
  • Interpret the solution: Finally, interpret the solution in the context of the problem. Make sure the answer makes sense and is reasonable given the known constraints and quantities.

Solving Word Problems by Finding Two-Variable Equations – Example 1

Solve the relationships in the word problem. There are \(8\) cookies in a pack. Let \(p\) represent the number of packs and \(c\) represent the number of cookies. Find the number of cookies when \(p=2\).

Look for relationships between the number of packs and cookies. Find c by multiplying the number of packs by cookies. So, \(8×2=16\) \(c=16\)

Solving Word Problems by Finding Two-Variable Equations – Example 2

Solve the relationships in the word problem. David rides the taxi for \(10\) minutes every day. \(d\) represents the number of days and \(m\) represents the total number of minutes David spends in the taxi. After two weeks how much time will he spend in the taxi?

Look for relationships between the number of days and minutes. He spends 10 minutes every day. To know the total time after two weeks (14 days), multiply time by days. So, \(10×14=140\) \(t=140\)

by: Effortless Math Team about 1 year ago (category: Articles )

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How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra

Last Updated: December 19, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Daron Cam . Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building. Daron has over eight years of teaching math in classrooms and over nine years of one-on-one tutoring experience. He teaches all levels of math including calculus, pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, and SAT/ACT math prep. Daron holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and a math teaching credential from St. Mary's College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 72,230 times.

You can solve many real world problems with the help of math. In order to familiarize students with these kinds of problems, teachers include word problems in their math curriculum. However, word problems can present a real challenge if you don't know how to break them down and find the numbers underneath the story. Solving word problems is an art of transforming the words and sentences into mathematical expressions and then applying conventional algebraic techniques to solve the problem.

Assessing the Problem

Step 1 Read the problem carefully.

  • For example, you might have the following problem: Jane went to a book shop and bought a book. While at the store Jane found a second interesting book and bought it for $80. The price of the second book was $10 less than three times the price of he first book. What was the price of the first book?
  • In this problem, you are asked to find the price of the first book Jane purchased.

Step 3 Summarize what you know, and what you need to know.

  • For example, you know that Jane bought two books. You know that the second book was $80. You also know that the second book cost $10 less than 3 times the price of the first book. You don't know the price of the first book.

Step 4 Assign variables to the unknown quantities.

  • Multiplication keywords include times, of, and f actor. [9] X Research source
  • Division keywords include per, out of, and percent. [10] X Research source
  • Addition keywords include some, more, and together. [11] X Research source
  • Subtraction keywords include difference, fewer, and decreased. [12] X Research source

Finding the Solution

Step 1 Write an equation.

Completing a Sample Problem

Step 1 Solve the following problem.

  • Robyn and Billy run a lemonade stand. They are giving all the money that they make to a cat shelter. They will combine their profits from selling lemonade with their tips. They sell cups of lemonade for 75 cents. Their mom and dad have agreed to double whatever amount they receive in tips. Write an equation that describes the amount of money Robyn and Billy will give to the shelter.

Step 2 Read the problem carefully and determine what you are asked to find.

  • Since you are combining their profits and tips, you will be adding two terms. So, x = __ + __.


Expert Q&A

Daron Cam

  • Word problems can have more than one unknown and more the one variable. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
  • The number of variables is always equal to the number of unknowns. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • While solving word problems you should always read every sentence carefully and try to extract all the numerical information. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

how to solve word problems using variables

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  • ↑ Daron Cam. Academic Tutor. Expert Interview. 29 May 2020.
  • ↑ http://www.purplemath.com/modules/translat.htm
  • ↑ https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/word-questions-solving.html
  • ↑ https://www.wtamu.edu/academic/anns/mps/math/mathlab/int_algebra/int_alg_tut8_probsol.htm
  • ↑ http://www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-1/algebra-foundations/word-problem-equation-writing.php
  • ↑ https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/praxis-math/praxis-math-lessons/praxis-math-algebra/a/gtp--praxis-math--article--algebraic-word-problems--lesson

About This Article

Daron Cam

To solve word problems in algebra, start by reading the problem carefully and determining what you’re being asked to find. Next, summarize what information you know and what you need to know. Then, assign variables to the unknown quantities. For example, if you know that Jane bought 2 books, and the second book cost $80, which was $10 less than 3 times the price of the first book, assign x to the price of the 1st book. Use this information to write your equation, which is 80 = 3x - 10. To learn how to solve an equation with multiple variables, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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10 Best Strategies for Solving Math Word Problems

Solving word problem chart

1. Understand the Problem by Paraphrasing

2. identify key information and variables, 3. translate words into mathematical symbols, 4. break down the problem into manageable parts, 5. draw diagrams or visual representations, 6. use estimation to predict answers, 7. apply logical reasoning for unknown variables, 8. leverage similar problems as templates, 9. check answers in the context of the problem, 10. reflect and learn from mistakes.

Have you ever observed the look of confusion on a student’s face when they encounter a math word problem ? It’s a common sight in classrooms worldwide, underscoring the need for effective strategies for solving math word problems . The main hurdle in solving math word problems is not just the math itself but understanding how to translate the words into mathematical equations that can be solved.

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Generic advice like “read the problem carefully” or “practice more” often falls short in addressing students’ specific difficulties with word problems. Students need targeted math word problem strategies that address the root of their struggles head-on. 

A Guide on Steps to Solving Word Problems: 10 Strategies 

One of the first steps in tackling a math word problem is to make sure your students understand what the problem is asking. Encourage them to paraphrase the problem in their own words. This means they rewrite the problem using simpler language or break it down into more digestible parts. Paraphrasing helps students grasp the concept and focus on the problem’s core elements without getting lost in the complex wording.

Original Problem: “If a farmer has 15 apples and gives away 8, how many does he have left?”

Paraphrased: “A farmer had some apples. He gave some away. Now, how many apples does he have?”

This paraphrasing helps students identify the main action (giving away apples) and what they need to find out (how many apples are left).

Play these subtraction word problem games in the classroom for free:

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Students often get overwhelmed by the details in word problems. Teach them to identify key information and variables essential for solving the problem. This includes numbers , operations ( addition , subtraction , multiplication , division ), and what the question is asking them to find. Highlighting or underlining can be very effective here. This visual differentiation can help students focus on what’s important, ignoring irrelevant details.

  • Encourage students to underline numbers and circle keywords that indicate operations (like ‘total’ for addition and ‘left’ for subtraction).
  • Teach them to write down what they’re solving for, such as “Find: Total apples left.”

Problem: “A classroom has 24 students. If 6 more students joined the class, how many students are there in total?”

Key Information:

  • Original number of students (24)
  • Students joined (6)
  • Looking for the total number of students

Here are some fun addition word problems that your students can play for free:

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The transition from the language of word problems to the language of mathematics is a critical skill. Teach your students to convert words into mathematical symbols and equations. This step is about recognizing keywords and phrases corresponding to mathematical operations and expressions .

Common Translations:

  • “Total,” “sum,” “combined” → Addition (+)
  • “Difference,” “less than,” “remain” → Subtraction (−)
  • “Times,” “product of” → Multiplication (×)
  • “Divided by,” “quotient of” → Division (÷)
  • “Equals” → Equals sign (=)

Problem: “If one book costs $5, how much would 4 books cost?”

Translation: The word “costs” indicates a multiplication operation because we find the total cost of multiple items. Therefore, the equation is 4 × 5 = $20

Complex math word problems can often overwhelm students. Incorporating math strategies for problem solving, such as teaching them to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, is a powerful approach to overcome this challenge. This means looking at the problem step by step rather than simultaneously trying to solve it. Breaking it down helps students focus on one aspect of the problem at a time, making finding the solution more straightforward.

Problem: “John has twice as many apples as Sarah. If Sarah has 5 apples, how many apples do they have together?”

Steps to Break Down the Problem:

Find out how many apples John has: Since John has twice as many apples as Sarah, and Sarah has 5, John has 5 × 2 = 10

Calculate the total number of apples: Add Sarah’s apples to John’s to find the total,  5 + 10 = 15

By splitting the problem into two parts, students can solve it without getting confused by all the details at once.

Explore these fun multiplication word problem games:

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Diagrams and visual representations can be incredibly helpful for students, especially when dealing with spatial or quantity relationships in word problems. Encourage students to draw simple sketches or diagrams to represent the problem visually. This can include drawing bars for comparison, shapes for geometry problems, or even a simple distribution to better understand division or multiplication problems .

Problem: “A garden is 3 times as long as it is wide. If the width is 4 meters, how long is the garden?”

Visual Representation: Draw a rectangle and label the width as 4 meters. Then, sketch the length to represent it as three times the width visually, helping students see that the length is 4 × 3 = 12

Estimation is a valuable skill in solving math word problems, as it allows students to predict the answer’s ballpark figure before solving it precisely. Teaching students to use estimation can help them check their answers for reasonableness and avoid common mistakes.

Problem: “If a book costs $4.95 and you buy 3 books, approximately how much will you spend?”

Estimation Strategy: Round $4.95 to the nearest dollar ($5) and multiply by the number of books (3), so 5 × 3 = 15. Hence, the estimated total cost is about $15.

Estimation helps students understand whether their final answer is plausible, providing a quick way to check their work against a rough calculation.

Check out these fun estimation and prediction word problem worksheets that can be of great help:

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When students encounter problems with unknown variables, it’s crucial to introduce them to logical reasoning. This strategy involves using the information in the problem to deduce the value of unknown variables logically. One of the most effective strategies for solving math word problems is working backward from the desired outcome. This means starting with the result and thinking about the steps leading to that result, which can be particularly useful in algebraic problems.

Problem: “A number added to three times itself equals 32. What is the number?”

Working Backward:

Let the unknown number be x.

The equation based on the problem is  x + 3x = 32

Solve for x by simplifying the equation to 4x=32, then dividing by 4 to find x=8.

By working backward, students can more easily connect the dots between the unknown variable and the information provided.

Practicing problems of similar structure can help students recognize patterns and apply known strategies to new situations. Encourage them to leverage similar problems as templates, analyzing how a solved problem’s strategy can apply to a new one. Creating a personal “problem bank”—a collection of solved problems—can be a valuable reference tool, helping students see the commonalities between different problems and reinforcing the strategies that work.

Suppose students have solved a problem about dividing a set of items among a group of people. In that case, they can use that strategy when encountering a similar problem, even if it’s about dividing money or sharing work equally.

It’s essential for students to learn the habit of checking their answers within the context of the problem to ensure their solutions make sense. This step involves going back to the original problem statement after solving it to verify that the answer fits logically with the given information. Providing a checklist for this process can help students systematically review their answers.

Checklist for Reviewing Answers:

  • Re-read the problem: Ensure the question was understood correctly.
  • Compare with the original problem: Does the answer make sense given the scenario?
  • Use estimation: Does the precise answer align with an earlier estimation?
  • Substitute back: If applicable, plug the answer into the problem to see if it works.

Problem: “If you divide 24 apples among 4 children, how many apples does each child get?”

After solving, students should check that they understood the problem (dividing apples equally).

Their answer (6 apples per child) fits logically with the number of apples and children.

Their estimation aligns with the actual calculation.

Substituting back 4×6=24 confirms the answer is correct.

Teaching students to apply logical reasoning, leverage solved problems as templates, and check their answers in context equips them with a robust toolkit for tackling math word problems efficiently and effectively.

One of the most effective ways for students to improve their problem-solving skills is by reflecting on their errors, especially with math word problems. Using word problem worksheets is one of the most effective strategies for solving word problems, and practicing word problems as it fosters a more thoughtful and reflective approach to problem-solving

These worksheets can provide a variety of problems that challenge students in different ways, allowing them to encounter and work through common pitfalls in a controlled setting. After completing a worksheet, students can review their answers, identify any mistakes, and then reflect on them in their mistake journal. This practice reinforces mathematical concepts and improves their math problem solving strategies over time.

3 Additional Tips for Enhancing Word Problem-Solving Skills

Before we dive into the importance of reflecting on mistakes, here are a few impactful tips to enhance students’ word problem-solving skills further:

1. Utilize Online Word Problem Games

A word problem game

Incorporate online games that focus on math word problems into your teaching. These interactive platforms make learning fun and engaging, allowing students to practice in a dynamic environment. Games can offer instant feedback and adaptive challenges, catering to individual learning speeds and styles.

Here are some word problem games that you can use for free:

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2. Practice Regularly with Diverse Problems

Word problem worksheet

Consistent practice with a wide range of word problems helps students become familiar with different questions and mathematical concepts. This exposure is crucial for building confidence and proficiency.

Start Practicing Word Problems with these Printable Word Problem Worksheets:

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3. Encourage Group Work

Solving word problems in groups allows students to share strategies and learn from each other. A collaborative approach is one of the best strategies for solving math word problems that can unveil multiple methods for tackling the same problem, enriching students’ problem-solving toolkit.


Mastering math word problems is a journey of small steps. Encourage your students to practice regularly, stay curious, and learn from their mistakes. These strategies for solving math word problems are stepping stones to turning challenges into achievements. Keep it simple, and watch your students grow their confidence and skills, one problem at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i help my students stay motivated when solving math word problems.

Encourage small victories and use engaging tools like online games to make practice fun and rewarding.

What's the best way to teach beginners word problems?

Begin with simple problems that integrate everyday scenarios to make the connection between math and real-life clear and relatable.

How often should students practice math word problems?

Regular, daily practice with various problems helps build confidence and problem-solving skills over time.

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\(\textbf{1)}\) Joe and Steve are saving money. Joe starts with $105 and saves $5 per week. Steve starts with $5 and saves $15 per week. After how many weeks do they have the same amount of money? Show Equations \(y= 5x+105,\,\,\,y=15x+5\) Show Answer 10 weeks ($155)

\(\textbf{2)}\) mike and sarah collect rocks. together they collected 50 rocks. mike collected 10 more rocks than sarah. how many rocks did each of them collect show equations \(m+s=50,\,\,\,m=s+10\) show answer mike collected 30 rocks, sarah collected 20 rocks., \(\textbf{3)}\) in a classroom the ratio of boys to girls is 2:3. there are 25 students in the class. how many are girls show equations \(b+g=50,\,\,\,3b=2g\) show answer 15 girls (10 boys), \(\textbf{4)}\) kyle makes sandals at home. the sandal making tools cost $100 and he spends $10 on materials for each sandal. he sells each sandal for $30. how many sandals does he have to sell to break even show equations \(c=10x+100,\,\,\,r=30x\) show answer 5 sandals ($150), \(\textbf{5)}\) molly is throwing a beach party. she still needs to buy beach towels and beach balls. towels are $3 each and beachballs are $4 each. she bought 10 items in total and it cost $34. how many beach balls did she get show equations show answer 4 beachballs (6 towels), \(\textbf{6)}\) anna volunteers at a pet shelter. they have cats and dogs. there are 36 pets in total at the shelter, and the ratio of dogs to cats is 4:5. how many cats are at the shelter show equations \(c+d=40,\,\,\,5d=4c\) show answer 20 cats (16 dogs), \(\textbf{7)}\) a store sells oranges and apples. oranges cost $1.00 each and apples cost $2.00 each. in the first sale of the day, 15 fruits were sold in total, and the price was $25. how many of each type of frust was sold show equations \(o+a=15,\,\,\,1o+2a=25\) show answer 10 apples and 5 oranges, \(\textbf{8)}\) the ratio of red marbles to green marbles is 2:7. there are 36 marbles in total. how many are red show equations \(r+g=36,\,\,\,7r=2g\) show answer 8 red marbles (28 green marbles), \(\textbf{9)}\) a tennis club charges $100 to join the club and $10 for every hour using the courts. write an equation to express the cost \(c\) in terms of \(h\) hours playing tennis. show equation the equation is \(c=10h+100\), \(\textbf{10)}\) emma and liam are saving money. emma starts with $80 and saves $10 per week. liam starts with $120 and saves $6 per week. after how many weeks will they have the same amount of money show equations \(e = 10x + 80,\,\,\,l = 6x + 120\) show answer 10 weeks ($180 each), \(\textbf{11)}\) mark and lisa collect stamps. together they collected 200 stamps. mark collected 40 more stamps than lisa. how many stamps did each of them collect show equations \(m + l = 200,\,\,\,m = l + 40\) show answer mark collected 120 stamps, lisa collected 80 stamps., \(\textbf{12)}\) in a classroom, the ratio of boys to girls is 3:5. there are 40 students in the class. how many are boys show equations \(b + g = 40,\,\,\,5b = 3g\) show answer 15 boys (25 girls), \(\textbf{13)}\) lisa is selling handmade jewelry. the materials cost $60, and she sells each piece for $20. how many pieces does she have to sell to break even show equations \(c=60,\,\,\,r=20x\) show answer 3 pieces, \(\textbf{14)}\) tom is buying books and notebooks for school. books cost $15 each, and notebooks cost $3 each. he bought 12 items in total, and it cost $120. how many notebooks did he buy show equations \(b + n = 12,\,\,\,15b+3n=120\) show answer 5 notebooks (7 books), \(\textbf{15)}\) emily volunteers at an animal shelter. they have rabbits and guinea pigs. there are 36 animals in total at the shelter, and the ratio of guinea pigs to rabbits is 4:5. how many guinea pigs are at the shelter show equations \(r + g = 36,\,\,\,5g=4r\) show answer 16 guinea pigs (20 rabbits), \(\textbf{16)}\) mike and sarah are going to a theme park. mike’s ticket costs $40, and sarah’s ticket costs $30. they also bought $20 worth of food. how much did they spend in total show equations \(m + s + f = t,\,\,\,m=40,\,\,\,s=30,\,\,\,f=20\) show answer they spent $90 in total., \(\textbf{17)}\) the ratio of red marbles to blue marbles is 2:3. there are 50 marbles in total. how many are blue show equations \(r + b = 50,\,\,\,3r=2b\) show answer 30 blue marbles (20 red marbles), \(\textbf{18)}\) a pizza restaurant charges $12 for a large pizza and $8 for a small pizza. if a customer buys 5 pizzas in total, and it costs $52, how many large pizzas did they buy show equations \(l + s = 5,\,\,\,12l+8s=52\) show answer they bought 3 large pizzas (2 small pizzas)., \(\textbf{19)}\) the area of a rectangle is 48 square meters. if the length is 8 meters, what is the width of the rectangle show equations \(a=l\times w,\,\,\,l=8,\,\,\,a=48\) show answer the width is 6 meters., \(\textbf{20)}\) two numbers have a sum of 50. one number is 10 more than the other. what are the two numbers show equations \(x+y=50,\,\,\,x=y+10\) show answer the numbers are 30 and 20., \(\textbf{21)}\) a store sells jeans for $40 each and t-shirts for $20 each. in the first sale of the day, they sold 8 items in total, and the price was $260. how many of each type of item was sold show equations \(j+t=8,\,\,\,40j+20t=260\) show answer 5 jeans and 3 t-shirts were sold., \(\textbf{22)}\) the ratio of apples to carrots is 3:4. there are 28 fruits in total. how many are apples show equations \(\)a+c=28,\,\,\,4a=3c show answer there are 12 apples and 16 carrots., \(\textbf{23)}\) a phone plan costs $30 per month, and there is an additional charge of $0.10 per minute for calls. write an equation to express the cost \(c\) in terms of \(m\) minutes. show equation the equation is \(\)c=30+0.10m, \(\textbf{24)}\) a triangle has a base of 8 inches and a height of 6 inches. calculate its area. show equations \(a=0.5\times b\times h,\,\,\,b=8,\,\,\,h=6\) show answer the area is 24 square inches., \(\textbf{25)}\) a store sells shirts for $25 each and pants for $45 each. in the first sale of the day, 4 items were sold, and the price was $180. how many of each type of item was sold show equations \(t+p=4,\,\,\,25t+45p=180\) show answer 0 shirts and 4 pants were sold., \(\textbf{26)}\) a garden has a length of 12 feet and a width of 10 feet. calculate its area. show equations \(a=l\times w,\,\,\,l=12,\,\,\,w=10\) show answer the area is 120 square feet., \(\textbf{27)}\) the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 56. what are the two numbers show equations \(x+y=56,\,\,\,x=y+2\) show answer the numbers are 27 and 29., \(\textbf{28)}\) a toy store sells action figures for $15 each and toy cars for $5 each. in the first sale of the day, 10 items were sold, and the price was $110. how many of each type of item was sold show equations \(a+c=10,\,\,\,15a+5c=110\) show answer 6 action figures and 4 toy cars were sold., \(\textbf{29)}\) a bakery sells pie for $2 each and cookies for $1 each. in the first sale of the day, 14 items were sold, and the price was $25. how many of each type of item was sold show equations \(p+c=14,\,\,\,2p+c=25\) show answer 11 pies and 3 cookies were sold., \(\textbf{for 30-33}\) two car rental companies charge the following values for x miles. car rental a: \(y=3x+150 \,\,\) car rental b: \(y=4x+100\), \(\textbf{30)}\) which rental company has a higher initial fee show answer company a has a higher initial fee, \(\textbf{31)}\) which rental company has a higher mileage fee show answer company b has a higher mileage fee, \(\textbf{32)}\) for how many driven miles is the cost of the two companies the same show answer the companies cost the same if you drive 50 miles., \(\textbf{33)}\) what does the \(3\) mean in the equation for company a show answer for company a, the cost increases by $3 per mile driven., \(\textbf{34)}\) what does the \(100\) mean in the equation for company b show answer for company b, the initial cost (0 miles driven) is $100., \(\textbf{for 35-39}\) andy is going to go for a drive. the formula below tells how many gallons of gas he has in his car after m miles. \(g=12-\frac{m}{18}\), \(\textbf{35)}\) what does the \(12\) in the equation represent show answer andy has \(12\) gallons in his car when he starts his drive., \(\textbf{36)}\) what does the \(18\) in the equation represent show answer it takes \(18\) miles to use up \(1\) gallon of gas., \(\textbf{37)}\) how many miles until he runs out of gas show answer the answer is \(216\) miles, \(\textbf{38)}\) how many gallons of gas does he have after 90 miles show answer the answer is \(7\) gallons, \(\textbf{39)}\) when he has \(3\) gallons remaining, how far has he driven show answer the answer is \(162\) miles, \(\textbf{for 40-42}\) joe sells paintings. each month he makes no commission on the first $5,000 he sells but then makes a 10% commission on the rest., \(\textbf{40)}\) find the equation of how much money x joe needs to sell to earn y dollars per month. show answer the answer is \(y=.1(x-5,000)\), \(\textbf{41)}\) how much does joe need to sell to earn $10,000 in a month. show answer the answer is \($105,000\), \(\textbf{42)}\) how much does joe earn if he sells $45,000 in a month show answer the answer is \($4,000\), see related pages\(\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- linear equations}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- averages}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- consecutive integers}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- distance, rate and time}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- break even}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- ratios}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- age}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), \(\bullet\text{ word problems- mixtures and concentration}\) \(\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\), linear equations are a type of equation that has a linear relationship between two variables, and they can often be used to solve word problems. in order to solve a word problem involving a linear equation, you will need to identify the variables in the problem and determine the relationship between them. this usually involves setting up an equation (or equations) using the given information and then solving for the unknown variables . linear equations are commonly used in real-life situations to model and analyze relationships between different quantities. for example, you might use a linear equation to model the relationship between the cost of a product and the number of units sold, or the relationship between the distance traveled and the time it takes to travel that distance. linear equations are typically covered in a high school algebra class. these types of problems can be challenging for students who are new to algebra, but they are an important foundation for more advanced math concepts. one common mistake that students make when solving word problems involving linear equations is failing to set up the problem correctly. it’s important to carefully read the problem and identify all of the relevant information, as well as any given equations or formulas that you might need to use. other related topics involving linear equations include graphing and solving systems. understanding linear equations is also useful for applications in fields such as economics, engineering, and physics., about andymath.com, andymath.com is a free math website with the mission of helping students, teachers and tutors find helpful notes, useful sample problems with answers including step by step solutions, and other related materials to supplement classroom learning. if you have any requests for additional content, please contact andy at [email protected] . he will promptly add the content. topics cover elementary math , middle school , algebra , geometry , algebra 2/pre-calculus/trig , calculus and probability/statistics . in the future, i hope to add physics and linear algebra content. visit me on youtube , tiktok , instagram and facebook . andymath content has a unique approach to presenting mathematics. the clear explanations, strong visuals mixed with dry humor regularly get millions of views. we are open to collaborations of all types, please contact andy at [email protected] for all enquiries. to offer financial support, visit my patreon page. let’s help students understand the math way of thinking thank you for visiting. how exciting.

Multi-Step Equation Word Problems

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Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 8 students learn how to solve multi-step equation word problems.

Learning how to solve word problems is a very important in Algebra. In this lesson, we will learn how to solve multi-step equation word problems.

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Solving Systems of Equations Real World Problems

Wow! You have learned many different strategies for solving systems of equations! First we started with Graphing Systems of Equations . Then we moved onto solving systems using the Substitution Method . In our last lesson we used the Linear Combinations or Addition Method to solve systems of equations.

Now we are ready to apply these strategies to solve real world problems! Are you ready? First let's look at some guidelines for solving real world problems and then we'll look at a few examples.

Steps For Solving Real World Problems

  • Highlight the important information in the problem that will help write two equations.
  • Define your variables
  • Write two equations
  • Use one of the methods for solving systems of equations to solve.
  • Check your answers by substituting your ordered pair into the original equations.
  • Answer the questions in the real world problems. Always write your answer in complete sentences!

Ok... let's look at a few examples. Follow along with me. (Having a calculator will make it easier for you to follow along.)

Example 1: Systems Word Problems

You are running a concession stand at a basketball game. You are selling hot dogs and sodas. Each hot dog costs $1.50 and each soda costs $0.50. At the end of the night you made a total of $78.50. You sold a total of 87 hot dogs and sodas combined. You must report the number of hot dogs sold and the number of sodas sold. How many hot dogs were sold and how many sodas were sold?

1.  Let's start by identifying the important information:

  • hot dogs cost $1.50
  • Sodas cost $0.50
  • Made a total of $78.50
  • Sold 87 hot dogs and sodas combined

2.  Define your variables.

  • Ask yourself, "What am I trying to solve for? What don't I know?

In this problem, I don't know how many hot dogs or sodas were sold. So this is what each variable will stand for. (Usually the question at the end will give you this information).

Let x = the number of hot dogs sold

Let y = the number of sodas sold

3. Write two equations.

One equation will be related to the price and one equation will be related to the quantity (or number) of hot dogs and sodas sold.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50    (Equation related to cost)

 x + y = 87   (Equation related to the number sold)

4.  Solve! 

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the substitution method since I can easily solve the 2nd equation for y.

Solving a systems using substitution

5. Think about what this solution means.

x is the number of hot dogs and x = 35. That means that 35 hot dogs were sold.

y is the number of sodas and y = 52. That means that 52 sodas were sold.

6.  Write your answer in a complete sentence.

35 hot dogs were sold and 52 sodas were sold.

7.  Check your work by substituting.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50

1.50(35) + 0.50(52) = 78.50

52.50 + 26 = 78.50

35 + 52 = 87

Since both equations check properly, we know that our answers are correct!

That wasn't too bad, was it? The hardest part is writing the equations. From there you already know the strategies for solving. Think carefully about what's happening in the problem when trying to write the two equations.

Example 2: Another Word Problem

You and a friend go to Tacos Galore for lunch. You order three soft tacos and three burritos and your total bill is $11.25. Your friend's bill is $10.00 for four soft tacos and two burritos. How much do soft tacos cost? How much do burritos cost?

  • 3 soft tacos + 3 burritos cost $11.25
  • 4 soft tacos + 2 burritos cost $10.00

In this problem, I don't know the price of the soft tacos or the price of the burritos.

Let x = the price of 1 soft taco

Let y = the price of 1 burrito

One equation will be related your lunch and one equation will be related to your friend's lunch.

3x + 3y = 11.25  (Equation representing your lunch)

4x + 2y = 10   (Equation representing your friend's lunch)

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the combinations method.

Solving Systems Using Combinations

5. Think about what the solution means in context of the problem.

x = the price of 1 soft taco and x = 1.25.

That means that 1 soft tacos costs $1.25.

y = the price of 1 burrito and y = 2.5.

That means that 1 burrito costs $2.50.

Yes, I know that word problems can be intimidating, but this is the whole reason why we are learning these skills. You must be able to apply your knowledge!

If you have difficulty with real world problems, you can find more examples and practice problems in the Algebra Class E-course.

Take a look at the questions that other students have submitted:

how to solve word problems using variables

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Vans and Buses? How many rode in each?

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Apples and guavas please!

How much did Alice spend on shoes?

All about stamps

Going to the movies

Small pitchers and large pitchers - how much will they hold?

Chickens and dogs in the farm yard

  • System of Equations
  • Systems Word Problems

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  • How do you solve word problems?
  • To solve word problems start by reading the problem carefully and understanding what it's asking. Try underlining or highlighting key information, such as numbers and key words that indicate what operation is needed to perform. Translate the problem into mathematical expressions or equations, and use the information and equations generated to solve for the answer.
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