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How to Write a Reference Letter (Template & Examples)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 29, 2024

A reference letter serves as a formal endorsement of an individual’s skills, character, and achievements, typically penned by a former employer, colleague, or academic mentor. 

This guide aims to empower professionals with the tools and knowledge to craft effective reference letters, combining best practices with practical templates to streamline this essential task.

Types of Reference Letters

Understanding the different types of reference letters is crucial for professionals, as each type caters to specific contexts and highlights various aspects of an individual’s profile. Below, we explore three key types: Professional, Academic, and Character Reference Letters.

Professional Reference Letters

Professional reference letters are written by a previous employer, supervisor, or professional colleague. They focus on the applicant’s work experience, skills, and professional achievements. These letters are often required during job applications or for career advancement opportunities. 

These letters should detail the individual’s role, responsibilities, key accomplishments, and work ethic. It’s essential to mention specific instances where the individual demonstrated their skills and contributed to the organization’s success.

Related Article: Who to Use for Professional References 

Academic Reference Letters

Academic reference letters are typically requested for educational pursuits, such as college admissions, scholarships, or academic awards. Written by teachers, professors, or academic advisors, these letters highlight the individual’s academic achievements, intellectual capabilities, and potential for future success in their field of study. 

They should reflect on the individual’s academic performance, participation in class, and any notable projects or research work. This type of letter often emphasizes the individual’s dedication, curiosity, and ability to overcome academic challenges.

Character Reference Letters

Character reference letters focus primarily on the personal attributes of an individual. They are usually written by someone who knows the person well but is not a family member, such as a mentor, family friend, or community leader. 

These letters are particularly important when assessing an individual’s suitability for a role that requires a high degree of trust and integrity. They should provide insights into the individual’s character, values, and behaviors, illustrating how these traits have been beneficial in various situations.

Related Article : How Many References Should You Have? 

Letter of Recommendation Examples

In crafting a letter of recommendation, it’s essential to tailor the content to the specific needs and strengths of the individual. Whether it’s for a professional role, character assessment, or a remote work position, each letter should effectively highlight the candidate’s unique qualities and contributions. 

These examples are designed to provide a clear understanding of how to articulate a candidate’s abilities and achievements in a manner that resonates with the recipient, ensuring the letter is both compelling and relevant to the candidate’s desired opportunity.

Professional Employment Reference Letter

Taylor Robinson Hiring Committee Chair Innovatech Solutions 321 Future St. Techville, TV 32167 April 5, 2024

Dear Mr./Ms. Robinson,

It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Laura Smith for the position of Project Manager at Innovatech Solutions. As the Senior Director of Project Management at TechGenius, I had the privilege of observing Laura’s professional growth and remarkable contributions over her four-year tenure as an Assistant Project Manager.

Laura’s standout achievement was her leadership in the “GreenTech Initiative” project in 2020. Under her guidance, the project not only met but exceeded its objectives, achieving a 30% increase in energy efficiency for our client’s products. Her strategic planning, combined with her ability to seamlessly integrate new technology into existing systems, was critical to the project’s success. Laura’s innovative approach and meticulous attention to detail were instrumental in securing a 15% grant for future sustainability projects for TechGenius.

Beyond her technical skills, Laura’s interpersonal abilities truly set her apart. Her team leadership and conflict resolution skills were pivotal during challenging project phases, ensuring team cohesion and maintaining client satisfaction. Her mentorship of junior staff members has left a lasting positive impact on our department.

I am confident that Laura will bring the same level of exceptional performance, dedication, and innovation to the Project Manager role at Innovatech Solutions. Her blend of strategic foresight, technical expertise, and leadership ability makes her an excellent fit for your team. I strongly recommend her for this position and believe she will be a valuable asset to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me for any further information or clarification.

John Doe Senior Director of Project Management, TechGenius [email protected] +1 555 123 4567

Character Reference Letter for a Coworker

Jane Doe Human Resources Manager Green Earth Initiatives 123 Business Rd. Business City, BC 12345 January 1, 2024

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Emily Johnson’s application for the Community Outreach Coordinator position at Green Earth Initiatives. As Emily’s coworker at Design & Innovate Corp for over five years, I have had the privilege of witnessing her exceptional character and dedication to community service.

Emily has always been more than just a proficient graphic designer ; she is a driving force for positive change within our community. One of her most notable contributions was her volunteer work with the local “Food for All” campaign, where she not only designed impactful promotional materials but also played a crucial role in organizing community food drives. Her efforts helped raise awareness and significant donations for the cause, demonstrating her compassion and commitment to helping those in need.

What truly sets Emily apart is her genuine empathy and integrity. She often takes the initiative to support new team members and creates an inclusive and welcoming work environment. Her ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, combined with her strong ethical values, makes her an outstanding role model and team player.

Emily’s passion for community engagement, along with her innate ability to inspire and mobilize people toward a common goal, makes her an ideal candidate for the Community Outreach Coordinator role. I am confident that her exceptional interpersonal skills and dedication to social causes will enable her to excel in this position and make a meaningful impact at Green Earth Initiatives.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or insights regarding Emily’s character and abilities.

Warm regards,

David Thompson Senior Graphic Designer, Design & Innovate Corp [email protected] +1 555 678 9101

Remote Work Employment Reference Letter

Alex Martinez Hiring Manager VirtualTech Inc 456 Justice Ave. Law City, LC 45678 March 10, 2024

Dear Attorney Martinez,

I am delighted to recommend Mark Benson for the position of Lead Software Engineer at VirtualTech Inc. As the CTO of NetSolutions, where Mark has been working remotely for the past three years, I have had ample opportunity to observe his exceptional technical abilities and adaptability to the remote working model.

During his tenure with us, Mark was instrumental in developing our flagship product, CloudSync, a complex cloud storage solution. His technical expertise, particularly in cloud computing and cybersecurity, was vital in overcoming the project’s significant challenges. Despite the remote setting, Mark’s consistent communication and collaboration were standout qualities. He regularly led virtual team meetings and coding sessions, ensuring that all team members, regardless of their location, were aligned and engaged.

What impresses me most about Mark is his self-motivation and time management skills, crucial in a remote work environment. He has an innate ability to prioritize tasks effectively and meet deadlines without compromising on the quality of work. His initiative to conduct weekly virtual training sessions for the team not only enhanced our collective skill set but also fostered a sense of community and teamwork among remote employees.

Mark’s blend of technical acumen, excellent communication, and leadership skills, along with his proven ability to thrive in a remote work environment, makes him an ideal candidate for VirtualTech Inc. I am confident that he will be a valuable asset to your team and contribute significantly to your company’s success in the digital realm.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information or specific examples of Mark’s work and achievements.

Susan Lee Chief Technology Officer , NetSolutions [email protected] +1 555 234 5678

What to Include in a Reference Letter

When composing a reference letter, it’s essential to include certain key elements to ensure the letter is effective and provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications.

These elements include:

1. Sender’s Information

The sender’s information is a critical component of any reference letter, as it establishes the credibility and authority of the person writing the letter.

This section should be clearly outlined at the top of the letter and include the following details:

  • Name: The full name of the individual writing the reference letter.
  • Title or Position: The professional title or position of the sender, which adds weight to the reference. This should be the current title or the one held while working with the individual being recommended.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the sender is employed or affiliated.
  • Contact Information: Including an address, phone number, and email address is crucial. It not only offers a means for the recipient to verify the information or seek further clarification but also demonstrates transparency and openness.

2. Recipient’s Information

  • Name: The full name of the recipient. If the recipient’s name is not known, a general title or department can be used, such as “Hiring Manager” or “Admissions Committee.”
  • Title or Position: Including the recipient’s professional title or position helps in directing the letter to the appropriate person, especially in large organizations where multiple individuals may be involved in the decision-making process.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the recipient works. This acknowledges the professional setting into which the candidate is seeking entry or advancement.
  • Address: The full postal address of the company or organization. 

3. Salutation

The salutation in a reference letter is more than just a formality; it sets the tone for the communication and shows respect for the recipient.

Here are key elements to consider:

  • A Formal Greeting: Begin with a formal greeting such as “Dear,” which is universally recognized as professional and respectful.
  • Addressing the Recipient: If you know the recipient’s name, use it directly after the greeting, e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Dr. Jones.” 
  • Inclusive and Respectful Language: If the recipient’s name or gender is unknown, use a neutral and inclusive salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager,” “Dear Selection Committee,” or “To Whom It May Concern”. 

4. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of a reference letter is pivotal in establishing the context of your relationship with the candidate and setting the stage for the endorsement to follow.

Here are some elements to include in this initial section:

  • Introduce Yourself: Start by introducing yourself to give the recipient an understanding of who you are. Mention your name and your professional position or title, as this adds credibility to your recommendation.
  • Your Relationship with the Candidate: Clearly state your professional or academic relationship with the person you are recommending. This could be as their supervisor, colleague, professor, or mentor.
  • Duration of Relationship: Include how long you have known the individual. This time frame helps the recipient gauge the depth and extent of your experience with the candidate.
  • Purpose of the Letter: Briefly mention the purpose of your letter – to recommend the individual for a specific position, program, or opportunity. This sets a clear context for the rest of your letter.

5. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are the core of the reference letter, where you provide detailed insights into the candidate’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and character.

Here’s how to structure this section effectively:

  • Specific Examples and Details: Use concrete examples to illustrate the person’s skills and qualifications. For instance, if you are highlighting their leadership skills, mention a specific project they led and the positive outcomes that resulted from it.
  • Highlight Relevant Experiences and Accomplishments: Discuss experiences that directly relate to the position or opportunity the individual is pursuing. For example, if they’re applying for a managerial role focus on instances where they demonstrated effective management skills.
  • Unique Qualities or Strengths: Point out any unique strengths or qualities that make the individual stand out. This could include exceptional problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, or a strong commitment to teamwork.
  • Personal Anecdotes or Stories: Including a brief story or anecdote can make your letter more engaging and memorable. This could be an instance where the individual overcame a significant challenge or went above and beyond in their role.
  • Balanced Perspective: While it’s important to focus on positive attributes, offering a balanced perspective can add authenticity to your letter. If appropriate, you can mention areas where the candidate has shown growth during your relationship.

Remember, the goal of these paragraphs is to provide a vivid picture of the candidate’s abilities and character. Well-chosen examples and stories make your endorsement more convincing and help the recipient understand why the individual is an excellent fit for the opportunity.

6. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of a reference letter is where you encapsulate your overall recommendation and express your support for the individual.

Here are some elements to include:

  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly restate the most important qualities, achievements, or skills of the candidate that you have highlighted in the letter. This reinforces your endorsement and reminds the reader of the candidate’s suitability for the position or opportunity.
  • Express Your Strong Recommendation: Clearly state your confidence in the candidate and your belief in their suitability for the role or opportunity. Use affirmative language like, “I highly recommend,” or “I am confident that,” to leave no doubt about your support.
  • Offer to Provide Further Information: Indicate your willingness to provide additional information or clarification if needed. This shows your genuine support and readiness to assist further in the candidate’s application process.
  • Contact Information Reminder: Although your contact information is already at the top, a brief reminder here ensures that it is easily accessible for the reader, should they wish to follow up with you.

7. Closing Salutation

Here’s how to conclude your letter appropriately:

  • Use a Professional Closing: Opt for a formal and universally accepted closing phrase. Common examples include “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours truly.” 
  • Consistency with the Tone: Ensure that the closing salutation matches the overall tone of your letter. If your letter is highly formal, a closing like “Sincerely” is appropriate. For a slightly less formal tone, “Best regards” can be a good choice.
  • Space for Signature: If you are sending a hard copy or a scanned version of the letter, leave space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. This personal touch adds authenticity to the document.
  • Typed Name and Title: Below the signature space, type your full name and title again. 

Related Article: When Do Employers Check References?

Reference Letter Template

This reference letter template is designed for professionals to easily adapt and customize according to the specific needs of the individual being recommended. Simply fill in the blanks and modify the text as necessary to suit your context.

[Your Name] [Your Title or Position] [Your Company or Organization] [Your Contact Information (Address, Phone Number, Email)] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title or Position] [Recipient’s Company or Organization] [Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Candidate’s Full Name] for [Position/Opportunity/Program] at [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. As [Your Position] at [Your Company/Organization], I have had the pleasure of working with [Candidate’s Name] for [Duration of Relationship] and have witnessed [his/her/their] significant contributions first-hand.

[In this paragraph, provide specific examples of the candidate’s skills, achievements, and qualities. Mention a particular project or responsibility and the impact of their work. Highlight any unique attributes that set the candidate apart.]

[This paragraph should continue to build on the candidate’s qualifications. Include personal anecdotes or stories that illustrate their capabilities and character. Focus on how their contributions positively affected your team or organization.]

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will bring [his/her/their] remarkable [skills/qualities, such as leadership, creativity, dedication] to [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. [His/Her/Their] ability to [specific skill or contribution] makes [him/her/them] well-suited for [Position/Opportunity/Program]. I strongly endorse [his/her/their] candidacy and believe [he/she/they] will be a valuable addition to your [team/program/organization].

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you require any further information or specific examples of [Candidate’s Name]’s work and achievements.

[Your Handwritten Signature (if applicable)]

[Your Typed Name] [Your Position]

Related Article: How to Provide References for a Job

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Crafting effective letters of recommendation requires a delicate balance of showcasing the candidate’s strengths, providing specific examples, and employing persuasive language. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the intricacies of this crucial task.

Quantify Achievements

When writing a letter of recommendation, it’s powerful to quantify the candidate’s achievements. Use specific figures and statistics to illustrate their accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “significantly increased sales,” specify “increased sales by 30% over six months.” This provides concrete evidence of their capabilities and makes their achievements more tangible and credible. Quantifying contributions also helps the recipient gauge the scale and impact of these accomplishments, offering a clearer picture of the candidate’s potential.

Connect to the Position or Opportunity

Tailor the letter to the specific position or opportunity the candidate is applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job requirements or academic program. For instance, if the candidate is applying for a leadership role, emphasize their successful team management experiences. This shows that you understand what the role entails and have thoughtfully considered how the candidate’s skills and experiences make them a good fit, making your recommendation more relevant and persuasive.

Include Keywords

Identify important terms in the job listing or academic program description, such as “project management,” “analytical thinking,” or “creative problem-solving,” and weave them into your letter. This not only tailors the letter to the specific role but also ensures it passes through any automated screenings, increasing the chance that your recommendation will be read by decision-makers.

Leverage Technology for Reference Letter Management

Utilize technology platforms for efficient reference letter management. For example, online reference request platforms simplify the process of requesting, writing, storing, and submitting letters of recommendation. These tools often offer templates, reminders, and the ability to submit letters directly to institutions or employers. 

Leveraging such technology can streamline the process, ensuring timely submission and organization of your reference letters, while also offering a secure way to manage sensitive personal information contained within these documents.

Related Article: Reference Check Questions

Ammar Ahmed

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A reference letter is a letter of recommendation from a former company (outside source) to provide along with new job applications and to new organizations. The letter highlights the skills of the person, the qualifications, and the responsibilities portrayed in the former organization. Employees often seek an employee reference from existing companies.

It is essential to keep few things in mind while writing an employee reference letter.  

Think carefully about approval for writing the reference

Make sure that you give your approval to write the reference only if you can write a positive reference/recommendation. Don’t write the reference if you’re not comfortable doing it. It’s wise to decline than to jot down something that’s not a strong endorsement of the person. 

Prioritise job description

Ask the employee for the copy of the job description wherein they have applied the new job. Review the description and then jot down how the employee will be an efficient match for the position. If you will write a general recommendation/reference, ask for details about the position and the industry they are applying to. 

Collect information about the person

Before writing down the reference, it is essential to know more about the person, the skills, capabilities and everything required for jotting down a good reference. Ask for a copy of the CV of the person so that you get a fair idea about the roles and responsibilities that the person undertook in earlier company and the skills of the person.  

Include relevant examples

Mention examples how the employee stood out as an asset to the company. Try to incorporate the skills portrayed and give numbers, if possible, to quantify the success of the person.

Be positive

Always write the reference in the positive sense. Highlight the person as a strong candidate and incorporate words like you would “recommend the person without any reservation,” or you “would hire the person again”. Emphasize the words in the beginning and conclusion of the reference.

Share your contact information

Provide your contact details for the employer to contact you for any further questions. Include the email address, phone number, or both at the end of the reference.

Sample Reference Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to recommend (name of the person) as a candidate for a position with your organization. In his/her position as (position name), (person name) was employed in our office from (year-year). Throughout the time with our organization, he/she demonstrated critical skills that would make him/her an excellent employee at your company.

(Person name) did a terrific job in his/her position and was an asset to our organization during his/her tenure with the office. He/ She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently, and is able to effectively multi-task to ensure that all projects are completed in a timely manner.

Because of his/her effectiveness, I even gave him/her additional responsibilities, including developing a training program for our interns. (Person name) went above and beyond in that assignment, as he/she does in all tasks.

(Person name) was always willing to offer his/her assistance and had an excellent rapport with the many constituents served by our office including clients, employers, and other professional organizations. This would be particularly valuable for your company, as you state you are looking for a candidate who can effectively communicate with people across departments.

He/ She would be an asset to any employer, and I wholeheartedly recommend him/her for any endeavor he/she chooses to pursue. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

(Your name) Job Title Company Address Phone Email

how to write a letter of employee reference

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How to Write a Reference Letter (With Examples)

how to write a letter of employee reference

What Is a Reference Letter?

  • Types of References

Before Writing a Reference Letter

Request information for the letter, what to include in a reference letter, how to write a reference letter, letter length, format, and font, reference letter sample, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Ellen Lindner / The Balance

At some point in your career, you’ll probably be asked to provide a letter of reference for an employee, a friend, or a former colleague. They will likely request a letter when they are applying for a new job, and your support may make all the difference.

When the time comes, it will be important to know how to write an effective letter of recommendation (also known as a reference letter). You will want to include accolades from your time working together if that is relevant or provide a testament to their character if you are a friend or neighbor. Most letters are around two paragraphs and can be expanded depending on how long you have known the person. But remember, a good recommendation letter can help your contact achieve their dreams; a bad one is worse than no recommendation at all.

Key Takeaways

  • A reference letter explains why the recipient should choose the subject of the letter for a job, academic program, volunteer role, or other opportunity.
  • There are three types of reference letters: professional, personal, and academic. 
  • If you can’t write a glowing reference, it’s better to decline the request for a recommendation than to write a lukewarm one. 
  • Ask for a resume or CV and any guidelines set by the employer before writing your letter.

A reference letter is a positive endorsement of a person's skills and attributes, written by someone familiar with their work, character, and accomplishments. Reference letters are needed when applying for jobs, internships, volunteer positions, colleges, and graduate school programs.

The reference letter explains why the reader should select a candidate and what qualifies them for the opportunity for which they're applying. Letters may be requested by the organization that is considering the individual for employment or acceptance at an institution, or they may be offered by the job seeker or applicant.

Types of Reference Letters

Professional references.

A professional reference letter is usually written by a supervisor, colleague, client, teacher, or professor who is well-acquainted with a candidate's accomplishments in a work-type setting. It typically includes a description of their position and responsibilities, the duration of their time at the company, and their abilities, qualifications, and contributions to the organization.

Character or Personal References

A character or personal reference letter can be written by a family friend, mentor, or neighbor who can attest to the traits that would make someone a good candidate for the position they are seeking. This type of letter explains how the writer knows the candidate and discusses their personal attributes as they would apply in a job or academic setting.

Academic References

An academic reference is written by a teacher, professor, or advisor. This type of reference discusses the candidate's educational background and academic achievements.

Before agreeing to write the letter, make sure you feel that you can write a positive letter of reference for this person. If you do not know the person well or do not think you can speak highly of the person’s skills or abilities, it is fine to decline the request for a recommendation .

You can be vague when you turn down the request, simply saying, “I do not feel I would be the best person to write you a recommendation.” If possible, suggest someone else they might ask.

It is better to say no to writing a recommendation rather than to write a negative reference for the person.

It is a good idea to ask the person for a copy of their resume or CV even if you have known them for a long time. They may have new accreditations or achievements that merit highlighting, and you should provide as much current information as possible. This will also help give you guidelines to use when composing the letter.

If the reference letter is for a specific employment opportunity, also ask for a copy of the job posting. Similarly, if the reference letter is for a specific school or program, ask for some information about the school. The more information you have, the easier it will be to write the letter.

Along with asking for information about the candidate, get all the information you need about how to submit the letter. Ask to whom you should send the letter, when the deadline is, and what format the letter should be in. Also, ask if there are any particulars that the school or employer wants you to include in your letter.

Unless the candidate gives you a form on which to write your recommendation, following a proper business letter format is appropriate. This includes listing your contact information, the date, and the contact information for the person receiving your letter (typically, the hiring manager) at the top of the letter.

However, if you are emailing this letter, you do not need to include any contact information or the date at the top of the letter. Instead, list your contact information after your email signature. A reference email letter should also have a clear, concise subject line that lists the candidate's name, the job they are applying for (if applicable), and the purpose of the letter. For example, a subject line might read:

Subject: Recommendation for Firstname Lastname - Human Resources Assistant Job

To get an idea of what to write and how your letter should read , here are some general guidelines to consider before writing your letter.

Begin your letter with "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name." If you do not know the employer's last name, simply write, "Dear Hiring Manager." If the candidate is applying to an academic program, you can write "Dear Admissions Committee." If you are writing a general letter, you could write " To Whom It May Concern " or simply start your letter with the first paragraph.

First Paragraph

The first paragraph of the reference letter explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, how long you've known them, and why you are qualified to write a reference letter on their behalf. Be sure to include the name of the company, job, school, or opportunity for which the person is applying. For example, "I have been James Smith's supervisor at XYZ Company for the past five years. I am pleased to recommend him for the position of head accountant at ABC Company."

Second Paragraph (and Third, and Fourth)

The middle paragraphs of the reference letter contain information on the person you are writing about, including why they are qualified, and what they can contribute. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details. Be specific and share examples of why this person is a qualified candidate. If you can, relate specific instances where you observed the person successfully using the skills required for the position.

Try to describe qualities and skills that relate to the specific job, school, or opportunity.

For example, if the person is applying for a job as a manager, focus on the person's leadership and communication skills.

Letter Closing

In the closing paragraph, offer to provide more information and include your contact information (phone and email) to demonstrate you are available to give a verbal recommendation or answer further questions if necessary. You might also reiterate that you recommend this person “wholeheartedly” or “without reservation.”

End the letter with your handwritten signature, followed by your typed name. If this is an email, simply include your typed name, followed by your contact information.

The style of your reference letter is almost as important as the content of the letter. Here are some tips on how long your letter should be and how to format it.

Length: A letter of recommendation should be more than one or two paragraphs; a letter this short suggests you either do not know the person well or do not fully endorse them. However, you want to keep the letter concise and focus on a few key points, so avoid writing more than one page. Three or four paragraphs that explain how you know the person and why you are recommending them is an appropriate length.

Format: A letter of recommendation should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use about 1-inch margins for the top, bottom, left, and right of the page, and align your text to the left (the alignment for most documents).

Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points so it's easy to read. Adjusting the font size is a good way to keep your letter to a single page.

Proofread your letter before sending it. You can have someone else edit the letter, but conceal the candidate's name to preserve their privacy.

You can use this reference letter example as a model. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Melissa Bradley 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321 555-555-5555

July 9, 2023

Jim Lee Human Resources Saber Marketing & PR 321 Business Ave. Business City, NY 12345

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am thrilled to recommend Sarah Jones for the digital marketing manager position at Saber Marketing & PR. As the marketing director at A & B Media, I had the pleasure of working as Sarah’s supervisor when she was employed​ here as a marketing associate. ​Responsible, punctual, and extremely bright, ​Sarah was among the best talent at A & B ​ Media​, and I absolutely endorse her qualifications and her skill set.

I was continuously impressed by the knowledge she brought to the table and her dedication to staying on top of the latest developments in the field. Sarah​ combines sharp analysis skills with strong intuition, and I always knew I could rely on her to meet deadlines and exceed ​our ​expectations. During her two years with us, she achieved numerous accomplishments, from increasing our social media engagement by 20% to lowering our website bounce rate by 10% and increasing our ROI on digital campaigns by 15%. 

While Sarah’s professional acumen was immensely valuable to A & B Media, she was also a wonderful team player. Optimistic, engaging, and easy to get along with, Sarah was a true joy to have in the office and fostered many positive relationships within our department, as well as throughout the company.

With that said, I am highly confident in my recommendation and believe that Sarah would be a great fit for Saber Marketing & PR. If you would like to speak further about my experience working with Sarah, please email me at or call me at 555-555-5555.

Melissa Bradley Marketing Director, A & B Media

What should I say to give a good reference?

To give a good reference, be specific, positive, and enthusiastic. Provide examples of times when the person you’re recommending exceeded expectations. Use phrases like “wholeheartedly recommend” or “recommend without reservations.” 

How should I start a professional reference letter?

A professional reference letter should follow the standard business letter format. If you are sending a hard-copy letter, begin with your name and contact information, the date, and the recipient’s name and contact information. 

CareerOneStop. " References ."

How to Write a Reference Letter for an Employee (With Templates)

If your colleague or former employee is looking for a new job, writing them a solid reference letter can really help them out. You can vouch for their skills, experience, and character, and you can explain the value they’d bring to their new role. 

One study found that applications that included reference letters increased callbacks by 61%, and helped employers to select candidates with the highest ability. This means that your reference letter might not only be useful to your colleague, but to their potential new employer, too.

In addition, reference letters can significantly impact salary negotiations, leading to an average increase of 7-12%.

Looking for tips on how to get started? We’ve got some guidelines for you below—plus three handy sample templates.

What should an employee reference letter say?

The reference letter you write should detail who you are, and what your professional relationship is with the person you’re writing the letter for. Are you a previous employer, for example, or a manager or colleague? What kind of experience have you had with the kind of work they do and how they do it?

The content of the rest of the letter depends on whether you’re writing a reference letter or a recommendation letter. Some people use the terms interchangeably, while others believe that recommendation letters are for a particular position, while reference letters are more general. 

In both instances, you’ll want to highlight the person’s experience, professional qualities, and positive characteristics. But if you’re recommending someone for a particular position, make sure you tailor your letter accordingly. Highlight the skills, experience, and traits that are relevant for the role and which are most likely to help their application succeed.

In fact, before you start writing the letter, talk to your former employee directly and ask them about any milestones or achievements they’d like you to mention.

How to write a reference letter for an employee

When you’re writing a reference letter for an employee, there are some general guidelines you’ll need to follow regarding the formatting and the letter’s content. In addition to the points below, don’t forget how important it is to make the letter personal. It shouldn’t sound like it’s been mass produced.

Make sure to follow these tips closely-especially since around 80% of hiring managers have changed their decision based on positive reference letters.

Here are some specifics to keep in mind:

  • Format your letter properly. Reference letters follow a similar format. Start by including your contact details, personal information (name, job title, address), and the date. You’ll then want to address the recipient with a salutation (like “Dear {title or designation}”) and proceed to write the body of the reference letter. Finally, conclude the letter and sign off with your name. (BTW: The sample templates we’ve shared in the next section are all formatted, so you can check them out to see what your letter should look like.)
  • Mention your relationship with the person you’re recommending. This includes details of your professional relationship—colleague/line manager/employer—how long you’ve worked with them for, and whether you know them in a personal capacity.
  • Include your contact information. We covered this in the formatting section, but it deserves a second mention because including your contact details is really important in case the recipient wants to follow up. Consider including your email and/or your work number. And don’t shy away from adding a short note to your letter, encouraging the recipient to contact you if they need to.
  • Make your colleague/former employee’s case. Since the goal of a reference letter is to help someone land a new job, you’ll need to explain why they’d be a great fit. You’ll want to highlight their skills and experience, and showcase how their abilities will help them perform well in the role.

Sample reference letter for employees: 7 templates

Ready to write your reference letter for an employee? Here are three templates to give you some inspiration. Feel free to use these—but be sure to tailor your letter to the role in question, and try adding a personal touch wherever you can.

1. Former employee reference letter for employee

This reference letter template is great for providing general information on your former employee.

Dear Full Name , I am writing to you to recommend Full Name for a position at your company. They worked for us as Job Title from Date to Date . Throughout First Name ’s tenure, they demonstrated exceptional {list skills and qualities}. Thanks to First Name ’s experience and team management skills, we were able to achieve Milestone in Timeframe . First Name has robust communication and interpersonal skills which helps them quickly build rapport with both our team members and clients. They also have a talent for {insert specific quality}. First Name goes above and beyond to fulfill their assignments, and they are always willing to lend a helping hand. They are organized, responsible, and haven’t missed a deadline to date. Over the course of our time together, I’ve assigned them various additional responsibilities and they have never failed to deliver. I strongly believe that First Name will add value to any endeavor they choose to pursue — they are a real asset. I wholeheartedly recommend them. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at the details provided above.  Sincerely, Your Name Job Title

2. Recommendation letter for an employee

Need to recommend an employee for a specific role? Here’s a template to give you some inspiration.

Dear Full Name , I am writing to you to recommend Full Name for the role of Job Title at your company. They reported directly to me as Job Title at Company Name from Date to Date . Working with First Name was nothing short of a privilege. They are one of the most responsible, organized, and ambitious professionals I have ever worked with. First Name is committed to seeing their assignments through and never fails to bring a fresh perspective to new situations. Throughout First Name ’s tenure, they have {describe their most important milestones}. Without their contribution and efforts, we would have never achieved {insert company goals}. First Name also possesses Unique Trait that made them a real asset to our team in Department . I am confident that First Name ’s combination of skills, experience, and dedication will help them excel in the role of Job Title . I also believe that their proficiency in Skills and knack for problem-solving will help them succeed. If you have any questions, you’re more than welcome to contact me. Sincerely, Your Name Job Title

3. Reference letter for your colleague

Are you writing a reference letter for someone you worked with, but who didn’t report to you? When you write a reference letter for a colleague, you can help them land a new job by sharing their positive traits and vouching for their skills and abilities. 

Dear Full Name , I am writing to you about Full Name , who has applied for Job Title at your company. We worked closely together at Company Name from Date to Date . They worked in my department as Job Title , while I was Job Title . Throughout our time working together, I got to know First Name well on both a professional and personal level. They are trustworthy, responsible, hard working, and loyal—traits that make them an exceptional colleague and team player. Together, we helped our department achieve Goal and Milestone . These wins would not have been possible without First Name ’s commitment, resilience, and creative problem-solving skills. I wholeheartedly believe First Name has the skills, experience, and spirit to tackle anything required of them. They are an asset to any employer, and you can trust them to succeed in Job Title and exceed your exceptions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Your Name Job Title

4. Reference letter for a close, personal colleague

Writing a letter for someone with whom you were close? We got you covered with this template. Although it's tempting to get sappy and gooey when talking about your close colleague, you need to keep it professional.

Reference Letter

Personal Reference for [Employee Name]

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I am delighted to write this letter for [Employee Name], with whom I've had the pleasure of working closely for [duration] at [Company Name].

[Details about the employee’s character, work ethic, and contributions].

What sets [Employee Name] apart is not just their technical skills, but their personal qualities of [mention qualities like empathy, leadership, etc.]. Their ability to connect with colleagues and clients alike has been invaluable.

Please feel free to reach out if you need any more personal anecdotes or information.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

5. Reference letter for a short-term employee

Are you writing a reference letter for someone who was only contracted for a short time? This template will help you help that employee look amazing.

Reference for [Employee Name]

To whom it may concern (if you don't have a name to write to),

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name]. Although their time at [Company Name] was brief, [duration], they made a significant impact.

[Employee's specific contributions and skills].

[Employee Name] has shown a great aptitude for [specific skill or area of expertise] and has been a collaborative team member. I endorse their abilities and professional attitude.

For further details, feel free to contact me.

6. Formal reference letter for a long time employee

A reference letter for an employee who's been with you in the trenches for years is a great way to say "thanks for your loyalty." Here's a template for that scenario.

Reference Letter for [Employee Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Employee Name] for [position or opportunity]. During their tenure at [Company Name] for [duration], [Employee Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills and professionalism.

[Employee's specific contributions, achievements, and skills].

[Employee Name]'s remarkable ability to [mention a key strength or skill], coupled with their dedication to [relevant work ethic or company value], makes them an invaluable asset.

I am confident that [Employee Name] will bring the same level of commitment and excellence to any endeavor they pursue. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

[Contact Information]

7. Reference letter for an employee who has been with the company during different tenures

Do you have an employee who has spent a long time with the company overalll, but at different times? This template is for you. It highlights the employee's multiple tenures, growth over time, and their consistent value to the company, making it suitable for situations where an employee had non-continuous employment with the same organization.

Reference letter

Reference Letter for [Employee's Name]

I am writing to provide a reference for [Employee's Name], who has been associated with [Company Name] during multiple tenures, most recently from [most recent start date] to [end date]. [Employee's Name]'s repeated decisions to rejoin our team are a testament to their commitment and alignment with our company's values.

Throughout their periods of employment, [Employee's Name] demonstrated notable growth and adaptability. During their initial tenure from [first period of employment], they showed [mention specific skills or achievements]. Upon their return in [mention subsequent periods of employment], it was evident that [Employee's Name] had further honed their skills, bringing [mention new skills or experiences gained].

Their ability to seamlessly reintegrate into our team and rapidly adapt to evolving company needs has been particularly impressive. [Employee's Name] consistently displayed a high level of professionalism, a strong work ethic, and an ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients.

[Employee's Name]'s unique journey with our company provides a comprehensive view of their resilience, dedication, and continual personal and professional development. I am confident that these qualities will make [Employee's Name] a valuable asset to any organization.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or specific examples of [Employee's Name]'s work and contributions to our company.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name] [Contact Information]

Example of a completed reference letter (using one of the templates above)

It helps (especially is you're a visual learner like me 😉) to actually SEE something in front of you to get a sense of what it'll look like. Here's one of these templates complete with fake people and details:

how to write a letter of employee reference

FAQ's About Reference Letters

1. What is the purpose of an employee reference letter?   Answer: An employee reference letter is written to recommend a former or current employee for another job, a promotion, or other professional opportunities. It serves to attest to the employee's skills, accomplishments, and character.

2. What should be included in a reference letter?   Answer: A reference letter should include information about the employee's role in the company, duration of employment, key skills, achievements, work ethic, and character traits. It should also provide specific examples or accomplishments to support these claims.

3. How long should a reference letter be?   Answer: Typically, a reference letter should be one page long. It should be concise yet comprehensive enough to convey the employee's strengths and capabilities.

4. Can a reference letter be negative?   Answer: Reference letters should generally be positive. If you cannot provide a positive reference, it's better to decline writing the letter. Providing a negative reference can be legally risky.

5. Do I need to mention why the employee left the company?   Answer: It's not mandatory to mention why the employee left the company, unless it directly pertains to their performance or character in a positive way. Focus instead on their contributions and skills.

6. How do I format a reference letter?   Answer: A reference letter should be formatted professionally, similar to a business letter. This includes the writer's contact information, date, recipient's information, a formal greeting, body paragraphs, closing, and signature.

7. Is it okay to use a template for writing a reference letter?   Answer: Yes, templates can be a helpful starting point, but the letter should be personalized to reflect the specific qualities and contributions of the employee.

8. How should I handle a request for a reference letter if I don't know the employee well?   Answer: If you don’t know the employee well enough to write a detailed letter, it’s appropriate to politely decline the request or suggest they seek a letter from someone who knows their work better.

9. What if the employee asks to see the letter?   Answer: Whether to show the letter to the employee is at the discretion of the writer. Some prefer to keep it confidential, while others are comfortable sharing it.

10. How current should a reference letter be?   Answer: Ideally, a reference letter should be current, reflecting the employee’s most recent accomplishments and roles. However, letters from significant past positions are also valuable.

Don’t forget to personalize your reference letter 

Reference letters follow similar formats with good reason—the structure helps you organize your points and provide a complete overview of the qualities, skills, and experience of your former employee or colleague. Think of their unique traits and achievements that will really help them stand out, and include any important company milestones that they helped achieve. If it helps, don’t forget to ask for their input.

But don’t forget that employers receive dozens or even hundreds of applications for a single role ( according to Glassdoor , each corporate job receives a whopping 250 resumes on average), so to help your colleague standout, it’s important to customize your reference letter. The good news? Magical makes it easy to plug in personal details like names and job titles into templates that you can use anywhere. Download the free app to try it for yourself.

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how to write a letter of employee reference

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation [With Tips & Template]

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Every now and then, applying for a position will require that you also submit a letter of recommendation. 

Or, maybe, a coworker will ask you to write a recommendation letter for their new job application.

If you're not certain how to go about it, don't worry - nothing about recommendation letters needs to be complicated. Especially once you learn the nitty-gritty of the topic. 

This is exactly what this article is here to teach you!

What is a Recommendation Letter?

What should a letter of recommendation include.

  • How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

3 Types of Recommendation Letters

  • How to Ask For a Recommendation Letter
  • Recommendation Letter Template

A letter of recommendation is a formal document confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential. 

Typically, a recommendation letter is required for: 

  • University admissions
  • Fellowships or internship positions
  • Job applications
  • Volunteering opportunities

You should ideally write a recommendation for someone whose abilities and work ethic you are familiar with - for example, a colleague, student you taught, your employee, or someone you supervised at work.

Similarly, if you’re the one asking for a recommendation letter, you should ask someone who can attest to your professional or academic abilities. 

The types of recommendation letters are:

  • Academic recommendation letters.
  • Employment recommendation letters.
  • Character recommendation letters.

Here’s what each type of recommendation letter is about:

#1. Academic Recommendation Letters

Academic recommendation letters are typically required to be submitted by students during the admission processes of graduate and undergraduate schools. 

Generally, each prospective student is requested to submit up to three references, which can be written by any education professional familiar with the candidate’s academic background. 

Academic reference letters include:

  • Recommendation letter for undergraduate/graduate school
  • Recommendation letter for a scholarship
  • Recommendation letter for a fellowship program

#2. Employment recommendation letters 

This type makes up the most popular type of recommendation letter.

Sometimes, employers can ask you to submit up to 3 recommendation letters as part of your job application.

More often, though, a recruiter might ask you for recommendation letters if they already like your resume and want to learn more about you. 

Employment recommendation letters are written by former - or current - coworkers, employers, or supervisors.

If you can choose, pick someone with more years of experience than you. After all, the more senior they are, the more weight their recommendation carries.

Employment recommendations include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a coworker
  • Recommendation letter for a (former) employee

#3. Character recommendation letters

Character recommendation letters, also known as personal references, are used to describe an individual’s personality by someone who knows them well, including close friends, coworkers, or employers. 

Personal references serve many purposes, the primary ones being court cases dealing with criminal issues such as drunk driving offenses, or legal situations such as child adoption procedures. 

It is not uncommon, however, to have a potential landlord or even immigration officials ask for a personal reference. 

Personal references include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a friend
  • Recommendation letter for a tenant
  • Recommendation letter for a patient

Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout that make writing them significantly easier. 

In this section, we’ll cover how to do each the right way, starting with:

Letter of Recommendation Format

A letter of recommendation includes the following sections: 

  • The salutation ; if you are addressing someone whose name you know or writing a personal recommendation letter, the salutation can be addressed to “Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr. Smith.” Otherwise, you may use the generic “to whom it may concern.”
  • The introduction , which first and foremost includes your statement of recommendation (i.e. “ it is my pleasure to recommend… ”). It is common to also briefly state who you are and what your expertise is.
  • The overview, or a description of the applicant’s top skills, attributes, and strengths.
  • A personal story describing more of the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • The closing statement , or the final call for action, is where you encourage the recruiter to contact you if additional information is needed.
  • The signature , where you repeat your name and include your full contact information.

Letter of Recommendation Layout 

When it comes to the layout of the recommendation letter, all you need to do is follow some basic formatting rules. Here are the most important ones: 

#1. One page length. This rule applies to resumes too, but it’s even more essential for the recommendation letter. Recruiters go through hundreds of them, so chances are they appreciate concise, to-the-point letters that don’t waste their time. And besides, a good recommendation letter doesn’t have to be an essay to get the recruiter ‘hooked’ - especially if you follow the above format. 

#2. Single-spaced lining, with space between paragraphs . This also keeps your reference letter within the limit by shortening the text. 

#3. Traditional font. Don’t go for something too creative - pick a classic that works. We recommend Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Ubuntu, Roboto or Overpass.

#4. 1” margins on all sides . This creates enough white space around the margins and makes the letter easy to read. Additionally, the text should be aligned to the left - although this is a standard alignment for most documents.    

#5. 10-12pt font size . This is the font size range that makes the document easy to read. Adjusting the font size is another good way to keep your recommendation letter within the length limit.

Recommendation letters usually follow similar layout rules as resumes. Learn more about font size and style from our article on the best resume font, size, and format . 

Recommendation Letter Template 

Struggling to write a recommendation letter? 

Just follow our tried-and-tested template! 

To whom it may concern: 

[Recommend the referee for the position they are applying for.]

[Briefly introduce yourself and state your position/ job title , as well as your work experience .]

[Tell how you know the referee and describe their top skills, qualifications, and strengths.]

[Share a personal story with the referee where you highlight their strong points and key achievements .]

[Add a few more of the applicant’s skills and positive traits, preferably fitting the job description.]

[Show your availability to provide additional information for the referee if needed.]

Best Regards

[Your full signature and contact information]

How to Ask for a Recommendation Letter 

Need to ask someone for a recommendation letter? Here’s what you need to know.

The go-to person for your recommendation letter will depend on the type of reference you’ll need. 

For example, if you need an employment recommendation letter , your top choices should involve people who are familiar with your work ethic and professional abilities, but with whom you’ve also had a positive professional relationship. For example:

  • Your team lead
  • Department head
  • CEO of the company
  • Direct manager
  • A coworker you’ve worked with together on a project

If you are a recent graduate with little work experience, you can ask a mentor or college professor to write you a professional reference. 

In case you need an academic recommendation letter , consider asking a professor with whom you’ve worked closely and can positively attest to your academic potential and achievements.

Your thesis advisor, for example, would make a good choice to ask for an academic reference. If you never wrote a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, any professor who knows you as more than just a face in a sea of students should do the trick. 

Finally, keep the following in mind when the time comes to ask for a recommendation letter: 

  • Whoever you end up asking, talk to them about it in advance . Then, follow up with a formal email that should contain all reference-related information, such as the submission details and deadline. The email can also include a description of what you’re currently doing (professionally, academically, or independently), what qualifies you for the position, and some relevant skills, achievements, or noteworthy facts.
  • If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, make sure to also include your resume and the job description in the follow-up email. This way, the person writing the letter will know more about you and your new position and will be able to write a more relevant recommendation by tailoring your skills to the job, or by mentioning some of your (relevant) achievements.
  • Notify the contacts you’ll be asking - considering that in most cases recruiters ask for up to three recommendation letters - at least two weeks in advance. This will give them enough time to prepare and write a good recommendation letter. This is especially important for academic references because professors are usually writing several recommendation letters simultaneously.
  • Consider attaching a recommendation letter template such as the one provided in this article to your email. The template will considerably ease or guide them through the process of writing the letter.
  • Follow up by sending thank you notes to everyone who writes you a recommendation letter. Sending a letter of appreciation is a courtesy act that will let them know you are grateful for the time and effort they took to recommend you positively.

If you’re also looking to update your resume or create one, head over to our guide on how to write a resume in 2024 !

5 Tips on How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

There’s more to writing a recommendation letter than just following the layout instructions or sticking to the format.

We’re referring to content quality, which happens to be the trickiest part of the process. 

In this section, we’ll teach you how to write a recommendation letter that will impress the recruiter and help your referee!

Tip #1. Write an Attention-Grabbing Introduction  

First things first - the introduction.

This is where you need to grab the reader’s attention and get them interested in reading the recommendation letter. 

How to go about it? Before formally (and briefly) introducing yourself, aim to write an attention-grabbing recommendation statement, instead of a generic one the recruiter probably knows by heart already. 

Let’s explain this more practically: 

Dear Mr. Smith, 

I am pleased to recommend Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

Nothing wrong with this introduction at first glance, right? It’s a standard way of opening a recommendation letter after all. 

Well that’s exactly what’s wrong with it - it’s way too common. No, this probably won’t get your application disqualified, but it won’t impress the recruiter either.

Want yours to strike the right note? Try something like this instead:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sincerely glad to be the one recommending Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

This recommendation statement is not significantly different from the previous one, except for one thing: it gives the reference letter a head start by implying that recommending Sarah is an honor. And that’s more likely to get the recruiter’s attention - or, at least, curiosity. 

In case you’re struggling to come up with an attention-grabbing introduction, simply mention one of the following points, and you’re good to go: 

  • A little-known fact about the candidate. 
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities.
  • A remarkable achievement or award the candidate might have won.  

Tip #2. Establish a Meaningful Relationship With the Candidate 

All recommendation letters explain what the relationship with the referee is before listing their skills and qualifications. 

To make the recommendation more meaningful, you should show the recruiter you are just the right person to attest to the candidate’s abilities. And that’s not something you can convey by simply stating how you know them. Take the following example:   

I have taught Jake Political Science for four years. 

Does this example tell the recruiter how you know the applicant? Sure, it does. 

But it does so in a boring way and without establishing a convincing relationship with them. For all the recruiter knows, Jake is just one out of a thousand students you’ve taught over the years.

It has been a pleasure for me to teach Jake for four years and guide him through his remarkable Bachelor’s thesis in Conflict Resolution.

Notice the difference? This example specifies the writer is Jake’s thesis advisor, which makes the recommendation all the more meaningful. 

Tip #3. Tailor Your Recommendation to the Application 

Want to put in the extra effort and make sure your referee truly stands out?

Tailor the recommendation letter to the job / university program they’re applying for.

Tailoring your letter to the candidate’s application is easiest when you’re recommending someone for employment (you can just check the job requirements), but it works for any type of recommendation (incl. academic). All you need to do is match the referee’s skills and strengths to whatever they’re applying for. 

Let’s assume, for example, that you’re recommending a co-worker for a marketing manager position.

Some of the job requirements are: 

  • +5 years of professional experience in marketing
  • Experience developing marketing campaigns 
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Project-management and multi-tasking skills 

To tailor your recommendation to the job requirements, all you need to do is mention them as your referee’s best qualities. For example: 

Even after seven years working together, Ema’s skillful way of effectively communicating with clients and co-workers alike doesn’t cease to amaze me. It only comes second to her multi-tasking abilities, which I’ve witnessed throughout the many marketing campaigns we have developed and managed. 

As you can see, there’s not much to it. 

All you need to do is check the job requirements, pick several skills and qualifications, and make them part of your referee’s top skills, strengths, or personality traits.  

Tip #4. List the Candidate’s Achievements 

Mentioning some of the candidate’s achievements is another great way to help your referee really stand out.

After all, skills, strengths, and character traits are awesome, but they can also come across as meaningless if you can’t back them up with facts. 

What do we mean by this?

Let us explain:

Here’s how a typical personal story in a recommendation letter looks like:

I came to truly appreciate Eric’s work ethic, passion, and attention to detail the first time I assigned him to do a report on child trafficking. Eric was respectful of journalistic ethics but also willing to chase the story relentlessly, believing in its value and importance. 

Sure, this is a perfectly acceptable personal story. 

However, it doesn’t do much more than just list the referee’s skills, traits, and work experience through a subjective lens. 

What we’re saying is, it doesn’t really sell the candidate.

Now, let’s compare it to the following:

Eric’s ability to chase after difficult stories first became apparent when I assigned him a report about child trafficking. Despite the challenging topic, Eric not only pulled through but achieved more than expected by a) identifying a trafficking ring that put more than 50 minors into forced begging, b) interviewing 10 of the older minors and managing to bring that trafficking network down once the reportage went public and c) increasing the TV Channel’s ratings by 40% in 3 weeks. 

By mentioning those achievements, your account of the candidate’s experiences is a lot more “factual,” as well as impressive for the recruiter.

Not sure which achievements to include? Check out these 101+ achievements to list on your resum e !

Tip #5. Polish Up Your Recommendation Letter

Finally, here’s 5 more simple tips to get your recommendation letter ready:

  • Maintain positive rhetoric . At no point throughout your reference letter should the recruiter sense a hint of doubt regarding the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • Don’t overdo the positivity. Extremes are never good - which means being overly positive might also come across as a bit suspicious or weird (even if everything you're saying is true). 
  • Follow the submission instructions . A bunch of employers, but also educational institutions, will provide instructions on how to submit the recommendation letter. We recommend you ask the candidate to double-check them and give you a heads up, because if you submit the recommendation letter wrong, the candidate might lose their chance.
  • Use a business tone . Even when you’re being creative, your writing tone should maintain a business tone - polite, and as formal as possible.
  • Mind your grammar and spelling . This is another tip that goes for all things application-related. You won’t compromise the referee’s chances with a typo, but your recommendation won’t matter much either if it’s filled with simple grammar/spelling mistakes. Run your letter through a grammar and spell-check app once you’re finished with it, just to be on the safe side of things.

Recommendation Letter FAQ

Still have some questions on how to write a letter of recommendation?

Find your answers below!

1. What is a professional letter of recommendation?

A professional letter of recommendation - also called an employment recommendation letter - refers to an official document that is typically required when you apply for a job and which describes the applicant’s professional skills, experiences, and qualifications. 

Professional letters of recommendation are typically written by current or previous employers or supervisors. A coworker can also write you a professional letter of recommendation, but it’s not as optimal as a coworker is not really an authority figure (and might just be a friend doing you a favor instead of being honest).

2. What should be written in a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation generally follow the following format: 

  • A formal salutation
  • An introduction (which includes a recommendation statement and your professional title)
  • An overview of some of the applicant’s skills, strengths, or qualifications, which you can tailor to the application
  • A personal story where you can mention some of the applicant’s achievements
  • A closing statement and call for action
  • A signature , with your contact information

3. Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

If you’re asking for an academic letter of recommendation, you can ask:

  • Current or former professors
  • Academic mentors
  • Thesis advisors

If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, though, you can ask:

  • Current or former employers
  • A supervisor or professional mentor
  • Former professors
  • Experienced coworkers

4. How do you start a recommendation paragraph?

To keep the recruiter reading your recommendation letter interested, you should start with an attention-grabbing introduction - specifically, an interesting recommendation statement. 

This statement is the opening sentence of the letter and it should optimally express your conviction to recommend the applicant in a non-generic way. 

If you’re struggling with coming up with something creative, just start with one of the following:

  • A little-known or impressive fact about the candidate
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities
  • A remarkable achievement, or an award the candidate might have won

5. How do you end a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation concludes with a call to action or a request towards the recruiter   showing your availability and willingness to provide additional information if needed. After mentioning that you remain available to discuss the candidate’s qualifications, you may finalize the letter with your signature - your name, title, and company.

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope this article will make the process of writing a recommendation letter easier for you. 

Let’s go over some of the main points we covered: 

  • A letter of recommendation is a formal letter confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential.
  • Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout. The format typically consists of 1) the letterhead and full contact information, 2) a salutation, 3) an introduction, 4) an overview, 5) a personal story, 6) a closing sentence and 7) your signature.
  • The three types of recommendation letters are employment, academic, and character recommendation letters.
  • Who to ask for a recommendation letter depends on the type of reference you need. As a rule of thumb, pick someone who knows your skills and strengths well and whom you’ve had a positive experience (professional or academic) with.

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How to write a letter of recommendation (with examples)

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What’s a letter of recommendation?

Format of a letter of recommendation, tips for writing a letter of recommendation, letter of recommendation examples, how to write a letter of recommendation for a friend, start writing.

Sometimes, a former colleague pops up in your inbox to ask you for a favor. This time, it’s a letter of recommendation. If you loved working with this coworker, you’d jump at the opportunity to help them out.

There’s only one problem: you’ve never written a letter like that before. You don’t even know where to begin — it’s time to learn how to write a letter of recommendation.

Writing an effective letter of recommendation takes time, thoughtfulness, and insight into the person’s background and character. 

If you’re willing to write a letter for this person, you’re likely overflowing with praise for them. But how do you balance your high regard with professionalism? This article discusses what a letter of recommendation is and how to write an effective one. It also includes valuable examples to get you started.

A letter of recommendation highlights a person’s skills, knowledge, and experience to bolster an application. Someone who knows a candidate writes one of these letters to vouch for them, expressing why they’re the best person for the opportunity.

A professional letter of recommendation is usually addressed to a hiring manager, admissions committee, or potential employer. You might also need to write one for someone applying for any of the following:

A new home or apartment 

Scholarships, grants, or awards

A new job 

Fellowship programs 

Graduate or professional school programs

As the letter writer, your communication skills are tested since you’re responsible for painting a positive picture of this person. Someone you once managed might be changing careers ; they need you to highlight their transferable skills .

Your letter could include positive comments about how they have strong public speaking skills and experience juggling multiple deadlines simultaneously.

Research has shown that people referred for a job are 4x more likely to be offered it than those without a referral. While a recommendation isn’t necessarily an internal referral, these letters show that someone credible vouches for the letter’s subject to have this position. A good letter of recommendation can make or break an application.


Letter of recommendation versus letter of reference

Let’s not confuse a letter of recommendation for a reference letter. While a letter of recommendation focuses on skills, knowledge, and experience, a reference letter describes a person’s character. It’s when you describe their work ethic and personal qualities. Both letters require specific examples and details, but they address different aspects of a person.

A reference letter:

Used for generic reasons 

Doesn’t have to be for professional reasons

Provides an overview of a person’s character and qualities

A letter of recommendation:

Used for specific positions or opportunities

Includes details and examples

Written by someone in an authoritative position, like a former manager or professor

You could be a little rusty when it comes to formatting a letter — or maybe this is completely new to you. One CBS poll found that 37% of Americans said it's been over five years since they've written a personal letter , and 15% had never done it at all. Don't fret if you relate. It’s never too late to learn a new skill.

Writing a letter of recommendation requires you to flex your organizational skills . If that’s something you struggle with, you might benefit from a letter of recommendation template. We've got you covered. 


Here are five sections you should include in your letter:

Greetings: Keep this section short and sweet. This is where you address the recipient of the letter. Make sure you know how to spell their name and title properly, or write a general greeting like "To whom it may concern" or “Dear [University Name] admission committee.”

Introduction: In your introduction, explain who you are, your relationship to the candidate, and why you recommend them for the opportunity. Consider briefly explaining why you're writing this letter and hint at what you'll discuss further down.

Body of the letter: This section contains the most important information. It'll include an overview of the person's past experiences, skills, and industry knowledge. Make sure to share short personal anecdotes with details that illustrate their abilities. For instance, you might describe the person's communication skills by using an example of when they were part of a large research project you worked on together and had to communicate effectively with team members. 

Closing statement: A good letter needs a solid closing statement. It's your chance to summarize your points and highlight why you're giving this person a strong recommendation. Be succinct and thorough, but avoid repeating details.

Your signature: It's time to finish your letter. Add your signature and contact information at the very end to signal it's over.

Understanding how to structure your letter will help organize the writing process. Make sure you’re thoughtful with your words and pay attention to the details .

Here are five tips to consider when writing a letter of recommendation:

Collect all the necessary information before you begin writing

Keep a positive voice, but avoid clichés 

Tailor your tone to the situation 

Focus on highlighting the most important details

Proofread your letter several times

The things you include in a letter for someone hoping to gain admission into graduate school differ from someone trying to secure a job offer. Each letter follows the same format, but the details are different.

You may find that getting the first few words down is the hardest, and that's understandable. But once you start your introduction, the rest of the letter will follow suit.


Here are three examples of how to start letters of recommendation for different scenarios, plus a few things to keep in mind for the rest of the letter:

1. Recommendation letter for a job

It's my pleasure to recommend [Person's name] for the Data Scientist role at X Company. I was [Person's name] supervisor from 2011-2021 and valued their deep knowledge of software programs, time management skills, and prior experience.

Above all, their innovative problem-solving techniques helped our team excel on projects. I've watched their skills grow immensely and think they'd be an ideal candidate for the job.

Next, share detailed examples of the person's problem-solving techniques and expand on how much they've grown throughout the years. Finish the letter by telling this employer how lucky their company would be to have this candidate based on your examples and their skills. 

2. Recommendation letter for graduate school

I highly recommend [Person's name] for admission to the [program] at X University. I am a psychology professor at Y University and had the pleasure of teaching [Person's name] in [course code] during their bachelor's degree in nutrition.

[Person's name] stood out from the other students because of their ability to research topics with exceptional depth and use feedback to strengthen their knowledge on how best to present nutritional studies. They thrive in collaborative environments because of their superb teamwork skills and communicate effectively with peers and colleagues.

Consider finishing the letter by expanding on the candidate's research topics and explaining some of the reasons why they have good teamwork and communication skills. It will help to know more about the program they’re applying to and which strengths to emphasize.

Each admissions committee will have different criteria, so tailor your examples to reflect the skills they’ll need to succeed. 

3. Recommendation letter for a scholarship

I highly recommend choosing [Person's name] for your annual marketing scholarship. I'm a former coworker of [Person's name] from 2015-2022 and saw firsthand how skilled they execute marketing strategies and intuitively understand data to predict future trends.

[Person's name] started as an intern and has since secured a full-time paid position. In their time at X Company, they demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and a high level of professionalism, which is why they'd be an ideal candidate for your scholarship. They would represent your scholarship and their school with dignity and integrity. 

The body of your letter should include references to specific projects the person worked on and how they’ve become a great leader in the workplace to show the selection committee why they best meet the scholarship’s criteria.

If a friend has asked you to write them a personal letter of recommendation, it won’t be as professional in tone as a letter a former employee or manager requests. It will act more like a reference letter by leaning on their character while highlighting strengths and accomplishments.


Here are a few things to consider when writing a letter of recommendation for a friend:

Ask for details: It would be tough to provide specific examples without details about what you’re recommending them for. Asking your friend for details on where they’re applying will help you structure your letter and pack it with the most valuable information.

Explain your relationship: This doesn’t have to be long but describe how you know the person. Explain if you have a professional working relationship or if you’ve known each other since childhood. This gives you credibility as a letter writer. 

Share your contact information: Include ways for people to contact you for a potential follow-up. Consider using your work email address or LinkedIn profile.

You could encounter a situation where you don’t want to write a letter of recommendation for a friend. Whatever your reason is, don’t feel pressured to write a letter. Learning how to say “no” helps you solidify your boundaries and honor your values.

Learning how to write a letter of recommendation tests your organizational and communication skills. You need to be precise and articulate with your praise — and that’s not easy, especially if you’ve never written a letter of recommendation before.

These letters are for various purposes, like landing a job, getting into a school, or signing a lease agreement. No matter the purpose, these letters should meet the same guidelines. You’ll always benefit from being detailed, asking the person questions for greater clarity about the application, and including all necessary sections. 

Remember that writing a letter of recommendation requires your authentic self . You have to be honest with your recommendation and reasons for offering it. After you’ve written it, be proud of yourself. You’ve taken the time to do something kind for someone else, and kindness never goes out of style.

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Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

Writing a resignation letter that’s effective and professional

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How do I approach a former boss or co-worker for a job reference? Ask HR

When preparing for a job search, it's essential to approach the right people and make your request thoughtful and professional.

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR professional society and author of "Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

Have a question? Submit it here .

Question: I've been asked for a professional reference in my recent job search. My old references are outdated and don’t relate to my recent roles. How should I ask for a recommendation from a former boss or co-worker? – Naomi

Answer: When asked to provide professional references during your job search, it's essential to approach the right people and make your request thoughtfully and professionally. Here’s how you can effectively ask a former boss or co-worker for a recommendation:

◾ Identify suitable references : Choose individuals who can provide a positive endorsement and speak specifically to your recent roles, skills, work ethic and achievements. This could be a former boss, co-worker, senior leader, or mentor.

◾ Reach out professionally : You can make your request verbally, via email, or through LinkedIn. Use a professional tone and make your request clear and concise.

◾ Craft your request : Be specific about the job you applied for, including the company name and key skills or qualifications the employer seeks. This helps your reference tailor their recommendation to highlight the most relevant aspects of your background.

◾ Express gratitude : Always thank the person for their time, thoughtful consideration and willingness to help. Show appreciation regardless of their response.

◾ Be prepared for other options : Not everyone may be able to provide a reference due to availability or company policies. Have a few different professionals in mind as backups. They could include other former colleagues, mentors, or people you’ve volunteered with.

◾ Provide context : If they agree, give them more details about the role and the types of skills or achievements you’d like them to emphasize. This will help make their reference more relevant and impactful.

◾ Check for errors: Before sending your request, proofread it for any spelling or grammar mistakes to ensure it’s polished and professional.

Following these steps will make it easier for your former boss or co-worker to provide a strong, relevant reference to support your job search. Best of luck in securing your new role!

Employer moving? What recourse do I have if my employer relocates my job? Ask HR

I manage a small team of health and safety inspectors and analysts from varied backgrounds. They sometimes have misunderstandings stemming from their different life experiences. Can I help them get along better and minimize flare-ups at work? – Cyril

Absolutely! While fostering friendships may not be within your control, you can certainly create an environment where your team works together effectively and minimizes conflicts. Here are some strategies to help your diverse team of health and safety inspectors and analysts get along better:

◾ Promote a culture of acceptance and respect: Model and encourage a workplace culture that values acceptance, inclusion and respect. Regularly communicate the importance of these values in team meetings and one-on-one interactions. Acknowledge and celebrate the diversity within your team. This could include recognizing various cultural holidays and events, which can help build mutual respect and understanding.

◾ Provide diversity and inclusion training: Offer training sessions to highlight the benefits of diversity and inclusion. These sessions should focus on understanding and appreciating differences, as well as recognizing unconscious biases. Emphasize commonalities such as shared goals, love for family and mutual professional aspirations, to help team members see beyond their differences.

◾ Encourage active listening : Teach and model active listening skills. Encourage team members to pay full attention when someone is speaking, refrain from interrupting and ask clarifying questions, to ensure they fully understand the speaker’s point of view. Consider workshops or training sessions on effective communication and active listening to reinforce these skills.

◾ Address conflicts promptly and respectfully : When misunderstandings or disputes arise, address them quickly and with respect. Create a safe space for team members to express their concerns, and work together to find solutions. Focus on the issue at hand rather than personalizing disagreements. Encourage a problem-solving mindset that seeks to understand the root cause of conflicts.

◾ Lead by example : Demonstrate the behaviors you want to see in your team. Show respect, actively listen and appreciate each team member's unique perspective. Provide consistent feedback and recognition for positive interactions and collaborative efforts within the team.

◾ Facilitate team-building activities : Organize team-building exercises to promote collaboration and understanding. These activities can help break down barriers and build trust among team members. Consider activities that highlight each team member’s strengths and unique contributions, fostering appreciation and teamwork.

Any team of people brought together is bound to have differences based on their backgrounds and preferences. The key to bringing them together is understanding and respecting those differences and acknowledging common perspectives and identities. We can’t assume people will always get along. Instead, we must facilitate civility among one another and create pathways to prevent and resolve disputes.

By implementing these strategies, you can help team members from varied backgrounds work together more harmoniously and effectively. Creating an inclusive and respectful work environment will minimize conflicts and enhance overall team productivity and job satisfaction.

Full disclosure: Should I tell my current employer I am looking for a new job? Ask HR

Med School Insiders

2024 Medical School Letters of Recommendation Guide

  • By Med School Insiders
  • January 10, 2024
  • Medical Student , Pre-med
  • Letters of Recommendation , Medical School Application

Medical school letters of recommendation are often under-appreciated. Not giving your letters the respect and attention they deserve is extremely detrimental to your application and could be the difference between being accepted or rejected.

Letters of recommendation are vital to an effective and successful medical school application. They provide a respected professional’s opinion of you, as opposed to your own claims or the opinion of a biased friend or relative. A quality letter from a professor at an academic institution or someone who works with students through extracurriculars holds a lot of weight.

Letters of recommendation offer an impartial summary of your unique skills from a qualified professional—so they have a big impact on admissions committees.

Learn why letters of recommendation are so important, how to ask, and common mistakes to avoid. In this post, we’ll cover the Why, Who, What, Where, When, and How of letters of recommendation.

Applying through TMDSAS or AACOMAS? We have a guide dedicated to TMDSAS Letters of Recommendation and AACOMAS Letters of Recommendation .

Why Letters of Recommendation Are So Important

Letters of recommendation are a crucial piece of the medical school application. Some argue they’re even more important than the personal statement since the personal statement is naturally biased. After all, a personal statement is all about trying to paint yourself in the absolute best light.

Read our free Step-by-Step Guide: How to Write a Medical School Personal Statement for tips on getting started, what to include, and common mistakes to avoid.

On the other hand, letters of recommendation are written by respected professionals, such as mentors, professors, and physicians. An admissions committee is very likely going to take their word over yours. If the person you ask to write your letter of recommendation has worked closely with you and speaks very highly of you, it’s a big deal.

A negative letter of recommendation is a huge problem. A poor or lukewarm letter of recommendation could do irreparable harm to your application. You must approach this process in advance with plenty of organization, taking care to choose your letters wisely.

Who to Ask For Letters of Recommendation

Letter writer options - professors and professionals

You’ll need to include a total of four to five letters with your medical school application.

Three of these must be academic letters written by undergraduate professors—two science letters and one non-science letter. The two remaining letters are from your extracurriculars, typically research and clinical experience.

While it may be tempting to secure a respected, recognizable name to write your letters, it’s much more important that you choose someone who knows you well and thinks very highly of you. If you’ve only had a few conversations with the person you’re asking to write your letter, it won’t be effective. They simply won’t have that much to say about you and can’t offer much insight into who you really are.

Choose someone who can speak about your strengths on a deep level. The letter will have a much greater impact on the admissions committee.

Use our framework to maximize your chances of success: How to Choose Medical School Letters of Recommendation Writers .

What to Provide to Letter of Recommendation Writers

The people you’re asking to write a letter are busy with their own careers and lives. It’s up to you to make the process as smooth and simple as possible. In order to do so, there are a number of key pieces you need to provide.

  • Submission instructions —Provide the writers of your letters of recommendation with all of the information they need to submit your letter to the submission service. Typically, this is the AMCAS Letter Service (for allopathic medical schools.) Your letter writer won’t be submitting the letter to you; they will need to submit it directly to the service. Provide your letter writer with a Letter Request Form, available in the Main Menu of the Letters of Evaluation section. This form is a PDF generated in the AMCAS application for each of your designated letter authors, and it includes your mailing address, AAMC ID, the Letter ID, and information about how to submit letters to AMCAS. The Letter ID is a unique seven-digit code assigned to each letter entry on your AMCAS application. It must be provided to each letter writer in order to correctly match their letter with the letter entry you created in your application.
  • Updated CV —A comprehensive, organized, and professional summary of your academic, work, and extracurricular achievements to date. If you need any assistance crafting your CV, consider our advising services .
  • Academic transcript.
  • Personal Statement —If available. Ideally, you should have at least a first draft of your personal statement prepared by the time you request a letter, but you may ask for academic letters early in your undergrad. If you don’t have a draft yet, write a brief summary of the reasons you are pursuing medicine, including what makes you a unique and qualified candidate.
  • MCAT score —This should be included in your CV, but it’s possible the letter writer will ask for a more verifiable source, such as a score printout. If you haven’t taken the MCAT, don’t delay asking for a letter just because you don’t have your MCAT score yet.
  • Submission deadline —Include the date in writing, either through email or printed with the materials you provide to the letter writer. Make sure the date is at least a week in advance of when you actually need to submit the letter. We recommend giving letter writers six to eight weeks to complete a letter after receiving the materials listed above. This means it’s important to start the process two to three months before you plan to submit your application.
  • A printed copy of materials —Even though the LOR submission process is completely digital, you may have letter writers who prefer to read and review physical materials. Ask them if they would like you to deliver or mail a printed packet of all of the above. It’s up to you to make this process as simple as possible for them and a crisp manila envelope with all of your materials and submission information is a nice touch for those less digitally inclined.

Where — Asking for Letters of Recommendation Virtually

hands on keyboard - virtual connections

Asking for a letter of recommendation in-person may not be possible, which means you will need to request a letter via email or possibly over Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and so on. While this may not feel as personal as you intended, all of us need to adapt to our new virtual world.

Virtual meetings are our new normal, so it’s important to cultivate relationships with potential letter writers and mentors online. A mentor could be someone you worked with, someone you met through a mutual contact, or you might find one through professional networks like LinkedIn.

For more advice on how to build relationships with mentors and letter writers online, read our article: Connecting with Mentors Over Zoom .

When to Ask For Letters of Recommendation

Start thinking about your letters of recommendation as soon as possible. It will take time to figure out who to ask and even longer to build strong relationships. If you have someone in mind, they may not have the time or feel they know you well enough, so make sure you have a backup plan and budget extra time in case a letter falls through.

Ask toward the end of your time working together or shortly after the conclusion of a class. Don’t wait months or years. You want the letter writer to have you on their mind so they can write a genuine letter full of fresh enthusiasm.

How to Ask For Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation envelopes

If you are requesting a letter of recommendation virtually, you can use our sample request template. Be sure to personalize the request with a sentence or two about your relationship. This could include involvement in their class/organization, the time you spent working together, what you enjoyed or learned, or how they inspired you.

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1 | think about your letters well in advance.

Letters of recommendation can make or break your medical school application. Who you ask can make all the difference. Approach relationships with professors and mentors with the idea that they could potentially be one of your letters of recommendation.

2 | Work to Develop Strong Relationships

Relationships take time. Cultivate your relationships with professors and prospective mentors as soon as possible, and mark how often you check-in with them using a calendar. Share your goals and successes with them so they can clearly see your progress and watch you grow. Express gratitude, and be sure to help them in whatever way you can. Relationships are two-way streets, after all.

If in-person office hours are difficult, be diligent about scheduling virtual meetings . You still need to build strong relationships even if you are unable to meet in person.

3 | Only Ask People Who Will Give You a Strong Letter

This is crucial. If you don’t know a professor all that well or scored anywhere under an A- in their class, do not ask that professor for a letter. Ask someone who you have worked with closely, knows you well, and thinks highly of you.

If the person you ask expresses any hesitation, don’t pursue the letter further. Their hesitation is a sign that they either don’t know you well enough, don’t have positive things to say, or simply don’t have the time. It’s better to catch that hesitation early on as opposed to ending up with a late or lukewarm letter.

More tips: How to Get Strong Medical School Letters of Recommendation .

4 | Make the Process as Simple as Possible

Provide all of the necessary materials to make writing and submitting the letter as smooth as possible. See what to provide in the above section, and ask them if they need anything else ahead of time.

5 | Provide a Deadline to Ensure You Receive Letters on Time

The best letter in the world won’t matter if it’s late. Provide a clear deadline to ensure you receive your letters on time.

Give your letter writers as much time as possible, as they are extremely busy and have likely received plenty of other requests. We recommend two-three months. Set a reminder two weeks out from the due date.

For more tips, check out our advice on How to Ask For Medical School Letters of Recommendation .

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid the following common letter of recommendation mistakes.

  • Asking someone who doesn’t know you well.
  • Asking for a letter when you haven’t thoroughly prepared.
  • Forgetting to provide the writer with the necessary materials.
  • Asking people who don’t know you well enough to provide real insight into who you are.
  • Not obtaining a variety of letters across science, non-science, and extracurriculars.
  • Asking the professor of a class you scored below A- in.
  • Coming across as overly-friendly or unprofessional when asking for a letter.
  • Waiting too long after working with someone to ask for a letter.
  • Getting a letter from someone who was reluctant when you asked.
  • Not thinking about letters of recommendation early in your application preparation.

Letters of Recommendation FAQs

How many letters of recommendation do i need.

The medical school letter of recommendation requirements vary from school to school. Most schools require at least three letters, but some may ask for four or five. Make sure you check the specific requirements of each school you hope to apply to.

Since the number varies based on the school, we recommend all applicants plan to have four to five letters of recommendation spread across science professors, non-science professors, and extracurriculars.

How Many Letters of Recommendation for Medical School Are Required?

How do I submit letters of recommendation?

Your letter writers must submit their letter electronically through the AMCAS Letter Writer Application or Interfolio . You do not review or submit your own letters of recommendation.

You will need to provide each of your letter authors with submission information, including your AAMC ID, and a unique seven-digit Letter ID. Each letter writer will be assigned an individual Letter ID when you add them to your AMCAS application, which is needed in order to upload your letter(s).

If you are applying through multiple services, AMCAS, TMDSAS, AACOMAS, etc., Interfolio acts as a go-between so that writers only need to upload once. They will still need their unique seven-digit Letter ID for your letter to be matched to your application. There is a small yearly fee to use Interfolio’s Dossier Deliver service .

Letters submitted through either process will be marked as received—immediately with AMCAS, or within three days with Interfolio. Contact your letter writer and ask them to submit the letter again, if a letter is not marked as received by the deadline you provided.

When are letters of recommendation due?

Include your letters with your medical school application. You can also add letters of recommendation up until you submit your secondary application, though you shouldn’t procrastinate. They are a key piece of your application that shouldn’t be left to the last minute. It takes time to ask for letters, and you need to give the letter writer adequate time to complete it.

Secondary applications are due between July and January, but it’s best to submit yours, along with your letters, by the end of the summer.

Read our Medical School Application Timeline to ensure you plan ahead and don’t miss any important deadlines.

What if a letter writer doesn’t submit a recommendation?

If a letter is not marked as received through the electronic portal you are using, contact your letter writer and ask them to submit the letter again.

In rare circumstances, a letter writer may disappear or stop responding. They are people too, and emergencies happen. This is why it’s so important to have more letters planned than the bare minimum required for your application.

What if a potential letter writer says no?

If a potential letter writer says no, it means they do not feel they know you well enough, they’re already swamped with other requests, or they don’t have confidence in you. Whatever the reason, it’s important to move on and look for another option.

Even if they hesitate before saying yes, it may be better to find someone else. A poor or even lukewarm letter can jeopardize an otherwise excellent medical school application.

Who can write a letter besides professors?

You should have letters from two science professors and one non-science professor. In addition to professors, you may choose to ask a research PI or mentor, a physician you shadowed or worked closely with, or a volunteer activity supervisor.

You could also ask a TA or an employer for a letter of recommendation if they know you better than your other options. What’s most important is that you choose letter writers who know you very well and will speak highly of you.

Are extracurricular letters required?

While not required, we recommend securing letters of recommendation from extracurriculars that were particularly significant. This may include research mentors or principal investigators (PI), physicians that you shadowed, or leadership from other volunteer organizations. If appropriate, aim to secure a letter from each of your three most meaningful activities on your AMCAS.

Who shouldn’t give me a recommendation?

Don’t ask someone who is positively biased towards you, such as a friend or family member. Your letters should come from people who can provide an honest and impartial recommendation.

If the person you ask seems hesitant or unenthusiastic about submitting a letter of recommendation on your behalf, don’t push it; instead, find someone else. A poor or even neutral letter can jeopardize an otherwise excellent medical school application.

Can I add additional letters after I submit my application?

Yes, you can add additional letters after your application is submitted, but you cannot delete or change the letters your writers submit.

Although you can add letters of recommendation after submitting your application, we do not recommend it. Strong letters take time, so give your letter writers as much time as possible to compose thoughtful, detailed letters. You should choose four to five strong letter writers—having more won’t increase your chances, but it can dilute your positive recommendations with ones that aren’t as strong.

What types of letters does AMCAS accept?

AMCAS accepts Committee Letters, Letter Packets, and Individual Letters. Committee Letters are authored by a prehealth committee or prehealth advisor representing an evaluation of you by your institution. A Letter Packet is a set of letters assembled by your institution, often including a cover sheet from your prehealth committee or advisor. Individual Letters are written by, and represent, the opinions of one letter writer. All three letter types count as one letter entry.

Can I see my letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation are submitted confidentially, and you do not get to see them. Don’t ask letter writers what they have written, as they are under no obligation to show you. You should have absolute confidence that the person you ask knows you well and will speak highly of you.

How should I thank letter writers?

Don’t forget about your letter writers as soon as your application is submitted. Send a thank you email once they submit their letter and consider sending them a handwritten card by physical mail when you are accepted to medical school.

What If You’re Asked to Write Your Own Letter?

You may be asked to write your own letter by people who don’t typically write medical school letters of recommendation, such as those who are not part of the medical school world.

While it does mean more work, it’s important to remember that this is as much a win as earning a strong letter of recommendation. If the person you asked to write you a strong letter asks you to write it yourself, it means you just secured a yes . You have a letter writer, even if you have to write the letter yourself. They want to support you, but you’ve got to do the leg work.

Learn How to Write Your Own Letter of Recommendation , including 7 mistakes to avoid.

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Read our Guide to Understanding the Medical School Application Process , which includes an application timeline, what you need to include in your application, mistakes to avoid, and what happens next.

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How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

Think through the references you will ask for letters and when and how you will approach them.

Good Law School Recommendation Letters

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Make sure the person who writes your letter of recommendation is someone you have a good relationship with.

Although they are rarely decisive, recommendations letters are a meaningful factor in law school admissions.

Most other law school application materials, such as personal and diversity statements , present your case in your own voice. Recommendation letters are one of the few ways for admissions officers to hear others’ impressions of you.

While your transcript and test scores may say a lot about your academic skills, they don’t communicate what kind of person you are, or how you think or relate to other people. One student might get straight A's while acting like a pompous jerk, while another helped others, steadily improved through hard work or had the courage to take on challenging research.

Hearing stories about you from a professor or work supervisor helps law admissions officers build a three-dimensional picture of who you are and how you might contribute to the law school community.

This is why it is important to approach recommendation letters strategically, even though they’re just one part of your application process. 

Whom to Ask for a Recommendation Letter

Unless you are an older applicant who has been in the workforce for many years, you should get at least one law school recommendation letter from a professor. Others might come from other professors, mentors or supervisors from an internship, job or activity .

One mistake that applicants make is to request a recommendation letter from someone they think is a big shot – a well-known professor, a high-level executive or a family friend who is a venerable lawyer or local politician.

This is only a good idea if such a person teaches or works with you directly and can speak knowledgeably about your work and your goals. If your relationship is more indirect or distant, it can come across as superficial and uninformative, like a vague book blurb by a celebrity who seems unlikely to have read the book.

Above all, ensure the recommendation letter will be positive! If you detect signs that you have chosen the wrong reference to write a letter, move on to someone who can speak about your strengths more knowledgeably and enthusiastically. 

What a Recommendation Letter Should Include

If a recommendation letter is simply a series of compliments strung together, it will sound generic, no matter how effusive or truthful it is. An effective letter should back up its claims with specific details and examples of times when you stood out because of your dedication, helpfulness, initiative or insight.

A recommendation letter does not have to be unwaveringly positive. In fact, a letter that shows how you have grown, overcome adversity, responded constructively to feedback or taken responsibility for yourself can show the kinds of “ soft factors ” that law school admissions officers seek.  

How to Request a Recommendation Letter

Once you have identified a reference who is likely to write you a strong recommendation letter, ask him or her politely. Explain why you are applying to law school, why you think he or she would be a good reference and when you will need the letter.

Be prepared for the recommender to ask for your resume or other materials. For example, a professor might ask to see copies of your papers for the class, or any feedback received.

You might offer to provide more information or details as needed or to discuss the letter in a meeting or phone call. However, do not crowd your initial request with ideas and advice. That could come across as presumptuous.

If a recommender has a personal connection to a school you are applying to, consider requesting a school-specific letter , in addition to a more general recommendation letter.

Finally, avoid writing a recommendation letter yourself . If a recommender asks you to do so, gently explain why this is a bad idea and instead offer to provide ideas and notes that he or she could incorporate into his or her own letter. 

How Many Recommendation Letters to Request

Very few law schools require more than one recommendation letter. Many limit you to two, although some allow up to five.

It is important that all your recommendation letters are strong and substantive, because they may take time away from other aspects of your application. Quality matters more than quantity.

If you are worried that one of your letters is not as strong as the others, don’t submit it. A mediocre letter could very well overshadow better letters read alongside it. Just think about how often you read a mixed review that turns you off of a business, even if the other reviews seem positive. 

When to Request a Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letters are submitted and processed through the Credential Assembly Service of the Law School Admission Council. Since they can take a couple of weeks to process, it’s a good idea to get them in before you plan to apply.

Anticipate that your recommender may need at least a few weeks to write the letter, particularly at busy times of the year. That means that you should request recommendation letters more than a month before you plan to apply.

For applicants planning to apply in the fall, it is best to request letters over the summer or early fall. It’s OK to request letters earlier, as well. For example, if you just finished a summer internship where you worked together well with your boss, you might request the letter before leaving, even if you don’t plan to apply anytime soon. 

What if Your Recommendation Letter Is Delayed?

While law school admissions are rolling , a week or so of delay will not be of consequence. So, consider waiting until your application is complete before you submit it.

That said, if it is late in the cycle, or if you are aiming to meet an early decision deadline , waiting may not be an option. As long as you have the minimum number of recommendation letters required, your application can be submitted. You can always add further letters to your file later.

Remember that a law school is unlikely to review your application as soon as it is received. So, if a recommendation letter is delayed for a few days, it is unlikely to matter. If the letter is important and it may be delayed for some time, notify the admissions office by phone or email that another recommendation letter is forthcoming and ask if your application could be put on hold until it is received.

Of course, the best way to ensure that a recommendation letter does not hold up your application is to request it several weeks in advance. The law school admissions process is stressful enough without having to wait on other people!

Tips to Boost a Law School Application

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About Law Admissions Lowdown

Law Admissions Lowdown provides advice to prospective students about the law school application process, LSAT prep and potential career paths. Previously authored by contributors from Stratus Admissions Counseling, the blog is currently authored by Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach , an admissions consultancy. Kuris is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has helped hundreds of applicants navigate the law school application process since 2003. Got a question? Email [email protected] .

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University letters of recommendation: an essential guide

Letters of recommendation can make or break a student’s university application, so it’s important that we get them right

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There are a plethora of documents that go into compiling the perfect college application. From transcripts to predicted grades, activity lists, resumés or CVs, essays, recommendation letters, certificates and more – each element of the application holds a different purpose and separate weight of importance, often varying from country to country and university to university.

By the senior year (Year 13), academics are nearly finalised, so there’s little wiggle room when it comes to improving that element of the application: senior GPA is set and calculated; IB predictions are nearly issued.

But beyond academics, some universities require recommendation letters, and this is where a student can stand out more, highlighting and emphasising their skills, qualities and abilities. 

These recommendation letters can sometimes illuminate the true heart and soul of the student, beyond their transcripts or personal-statement essay. The words in these letters can make or break a student’s application, so it’s important we get them right and tell their story with the thought and effort it deserves. 

Teacher letters of recommendation

In a teacher’s recommendation letter, students are brought to life beyond their grades, showcasing their holistic potential.

Teachers seize the chance to praise consistent academic excellence, to spotlight specific projects or skills, and to contextualise grade fluctuations resulting from personal circumstances.

These letters illustrate growth, revealing students’ readiness for university life. The emphasis is on articulating acquired skills and potential – a narrative far more impactful than grades alone. While an A-grade student may excel in tests, a B-grade student might exhibit invaluable traits, such as grit and resilience, best articulated through personalised advocacy.

Recommendation letter timelines

To support students and teachers, it’s important to highlight the importance of the teacher recommendation letter early on to teachers and students alike. Let students know as early as grades 10 and 11 (Years 11 and 12) that it’s important to build relationships with teachers well in advance of senior year. The best letters come from those teachers who have an excellent rapport with the student in question.

Ask students in the spring of junior year (Year 12) to select those teachers they would like recommendation letters from. The recommendation should ideally come from a core-subject teacher (maths, science, social studies, English) rather than an elective teacher, unless the elective is a field in which they intend to pursue a career.

To support the teachers, we work with students to compile what we call a brag sheet. Students answer a series of questions about themselves, in order to give the teacher the best context for writing the letter.

We tell teachers that if the student does not provide this brag sheet, or if they feel that the student has not performed well enough in their class to deserve a letter, they are allowed to respectfully decline the request to write the letter.

We also remind teachers that they do not need to agree to write any more than 20 letters. It is unfair if students all ask one teacher – who may then end up writing 60 letters – for a recommendation letter, while other teachers only have to write a few.. With that in mind, we also remind students of the importance of being organised and requesting the letter from their preferred teacher early on.

Writing the letters

Here are some examples of the questions we ask students on their brag sheets, which then give teachers a starting point for their letters:

  • What do you hope this letter will show about you that your GPA doesn’t?
  • What was a challenge that you faced in this class, and what actions did you take to overcome it?
  • Describe how this class influenced you, either through academic content or teacher interaction.
  • Give between one and three examples of times when you have exceeded expectations with your communication skills, and also some areas where you can reflect that you may need growth.
  • What majors or careers interest you?

To support the teachers further, we host a writing workshop in the spring of each year to give them examples of strong and weak letters (all confidential). We coach them in "show, don't tell" when it comes to writing about students’ strengths, as well as giving them concrete examples of how best to advocate for students and highlight their strengths.

We review what each different country’s universities desire from these letters, as some universities – such as the US – appreciate a holistic view of the student (for example, highlighting student athletes or detailing extracurriculars). By contrast, the UK is very academic-focused and prefers to read about the student’s abilities when working on class projects, research and outside endeavours in the field of study.

Counsellor recommendation letters

Some universities – mostly in the US – also allow a counsellor letter of recommendation. This letter goes beyond academic ability in the classroom and speaks more to students’ characteristics, personality, outside involvement and external factors helpful for an admission committee to review in the context of other application documents.

The counsellor’s role is to fill in the missing pieces of an application: we help identify and tell a student’s story, covering any hardships, exceptional leadership abilities, impressive commitment to community and so on.

Now more than ever, admission committees are telling us that they trust the counsellor and teacher letters to help give them the full picture of a student, and to help them judge whether or not they will be the best fit for their incoming class and able to thrive on their campus.

We send our students what we call a junior questionnaire, in order to collect the information necessary to write these letters successfully.

Some examples of the questions on the junior questionnaire:

  • What languages do you speak, and to what level of fluency?
  • Please provide some details about your family and highlight any diversity and/or adversity that you have experienced. 
  • Have there been any major circumstances that have impacted on your personal or academic life? 
  • What are three adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Think deeply about this one. 
  • How have you used your time outside of school, and can you elaborate on any particular projects, clubs, work experience, internships, or volunteer work that speaks to consistency in an activity, leadership experience or a particular commitment to have an impact on your community?

External letters

Sometimes students may wish to have an outside recommendation letter from a coach – for example, if they are a student athlete.

Overall, references should be academic-focused, but some universities that accept more than one letter are willing to receive one from an outside observer, too. In these cases, the person should be someone who oversees the student as the coach of a sport or the supervisor of an internship or work-experience programme.

The external referee should give this letter to the counsellor to send off on their behalf, as all recommendation letters must confidential and never shared with the student. 

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How to Write a Letter Of Support (With Examples)

How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation

  • Letter Of Recommendation Over Interview
  • Ask A Professor For A Recommendation
  • Thank You For Reference
  • Ask A Friend For A Reference
  • Reference Request Email
  • Best Regards In Email
  • Letters Of Support

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Summary. To write a letter of support , introduce yourself and then respectfully explain why the individual or organization you’re writing about deserves the reader’s backing. This letter can help students get scholarships, nonprofits get funding, and governments get reelected.

Letters of support are important considerations to make when applying for a job , for acceptance to a university, or for an organization looking for funding to support a goal.

The objective of these letters is relatively the same: to convince the person who reads them to take a specific action.

Being able to write a successful supporting letter is a great skill to have. In this article, we will go over how to write one, give an example, and give you tips to write the best support letter.

Key Takeaways

A letter of support can boost a student’s, organization’s, or government’s credibility.

Introduce yourself and then write your main points about why you support the individual or organization.

Be persuasive, but brief and respectful in your support letter.

Letters of support with examples

What Is a Letter of Support?

How to write a letter of support, professional letter of support example, tips for writing an effective letter of support, support letter faq.

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A letter of support is a document used to bolster your credibility through a third-party testimonial. Letters of support are essential to students, businesses, and governments. For each, letters of support are used for different reasons.

For example, an organization or business might be looking for funding. A government may be applying for a grant to achieve a specific goal in a set amount of time. A student may be looking for their acceptance to a school, and a letter of support could help give them the additional credibility needed.

Letters of support can make or break an individual’s chances of getting what they want. That’s why you’ll want to make sure your letters are both effective and persuasive .

Make sure you know what your specific goal is so that you can best instruct the narrative, whether you are writing one or requesting one.

Although it may seem simple and straightforward to write a letter of support, there are a few details to be aware of before you dive in. Remember, writing a persuasive letter is the best chance you have of getting financial support for the goal you’re trying to achieve.

The header. Start the letter of support by including a heading on the top-left side of the letter. Here you can include the writer ’s name, institution, and the date of writing.

Salutation. Put the correct salutation in your letter, and be sure you are addressing the recipient correctly. Research to find out if they go by Dr., Mrs., Mr., or Ms., and address them with, “Dear.”

The introduction. The first thing you’ll want to do is introduce yourself . Who are you, and why should the reader care?

Next, be sure you clearly state your intent in the first few sentences and highlight your relationship with the applicant or the importance of your cause.

The body. The body of the letter should answer the question, “Why?” Whether it is what a student was like in class or why funding is necessary for a new initiative, it should clearly and articulately answer the “why” for the reader.

The conclusion. The ending of your letter of support should summarize your key points and restate the value of their support while offering any final details that could sway your reader.

As a best practice, a letter of support should be no longer than two pages in length, except for specific circumstances. Be sure to either ask for or provide any additional details or requirements that must be in the letter before the writer begins their process.

Letters of support can make a massive difference for applying students or certain causes, so it’s important to make sure you’re articulating your key points effectively. Use the template above as a starting point, but make an effort to personalize the letter as much as you can.

When requested and submitted, letters of support can be extremely influential in determining an acceptance or whether your project is worthy of funding.

Consider three parts – your opening, which identifies the project and who you are supporting, a middle that indicates the relationship between the writer and the funding effort, as well as closing remarks .

Lastly, remember to ensure all letters of support are addressed to the same person at the same address and that all terminology such as project or company names is being used correctly.

Letter of Support Sample Teresa Morris Lego Company 1275 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Dear Mrs. Morris, I am pleased to be writing a letter of support for my colleague Alyssa Bauble’s proposal for the development of the Boys Girls Club of America to the Lego Company to fund the Choice Program to encourage secondary schooling for low-income children. We strongly support this grant application and the focus on encouraging our city’s children by increasing access to affordable or free schooling options. As an organization whose mission is to better the lives of the youth across America through creativity and play, we know your true passion is fostering the brilliant minds of tomorrow. We’ve long admired your initiatives across your organization to fund projects that have greatly benefited the children of our country. Through this letter, we acknowledge the specific roles and responsibilities we will fulfill in this partnership. In the event you agree to the funding, we would expect our role in this project to include: Forming a true partnership to grant access for low-income youth to apply for scholarships or receive grants to attend secondary schooling. Gathering input from the children on ways to improve in the future. Study this roll-out as a national benchmark to model other programs with the potential to spread across the country. Creative and innovative ideas on how best to encourage membership. The Boys Girls Club of America will take responsibility to lead the Choice Program’s overall goals and strategy, as well as the day-to-day operations. We look forward to working with you in educating the youth of our communities. Sincerely, Lara Michigan Senior Director, Club Activities Boys Girls Club of America

Because this letter is so important, there are a few details you’ll want to take into consideration when you ask someone to write one or write one yourself:

Keep it short. When crafting your letter of support , ensure you are as concise as possible. Use short phrases when you can and direct language that gets to the point quickly.

Use proper formatting. An important letter requires attention to detail. Remember, first impressions are everything. Be sure that you format your letter, so it’s as visually appealing and easy to read as possible.

Proofread. Since first impressions are everything , make sure you proofread your letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. If your letter is dotted with mistakes, it will tarnish the letter’s credibility and be a turn-off for your reader.

Be persuasive, but not pushy. Because this is a persuasive letter, you’ll want to make sure that comes through in the tone of your letter. Be sure to stay away from pushy or rough language.

Try not to stress fundraising. Making fundraising the focal point of your letter could be a detriment to your cause. Instead of focusing on the money, keep your primary focus on the support you need for the proposed projects, such as education support.

Give them an out. As with any letter of request , it’s essential to ensure your reader has a way out, should they choose not to participate.

What is in a letter of support?

A letter of support contains an introduction of the writer and several persuasive main points. Whether it’s talking about how great the student was in class or how effective a nonprofit is, a support letter is trying to get the writer and the reader on the same page as far as the credibility of the letter’s subject.

Why is a letter of support required?

A letter of support is required to back up your claims about your credibility on an application. Students, businesses, nonprofits, and governments can benefit from letters of support when they’re applying for universities, scholarships, grants, or other programs.

Some applications may even require a support letter.

Who should write a letter of support?

Qualified people who have interacted with and are in support of the individual or organization they’re writing about should write a letter of support. Often organizations and individuals will ask you to write a letter of support, or you can offer them one for them to use if they want to.

Tufts Office of the Vice Provost for Research – How to Write an Effective Letter of Support

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Caitlin Mazur is a freelance writer at Zippia. Caitlin is passionate about helping Zippia’s readers land the jobs of their dreams by offering content that discusses job-seeking advice based on experience and extensive research. Caitlin holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.

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  1. 4 Free Letter of Recommendation for Employee Templates

    how to write a letter of employee reference

  2. 50 Best Recommendation Letters For Employee From Manager

    how to write a letter of employee reference

  3. 50 Best Recommendation Letters For Employee From Manager

    how to write a letter of employee reference

  4. Reference Letter for Employee

    how to write a letter of employee reference

  5. Ultimate Guide to Employee Reference Letter with Examples and Templates

    how to write a letter of employee reference

  6. 50 Best Recommendation Letters For Employee From Manager

    how to write a letter of employee reference


  1. Reference Letter

  2. How to Write a Recommendation Letter for Digital Marketing Executive

  3. How to Write a Request Letter for Loan Clearance Certificate from Employer

  4. Request Letter for Reference Letter for Job

  5. How write a Reference or Recommendation Letter for university

  6. Employee Appointment Letter Template


  1. How to Write a Reference Letter (Template & Examples)

    Here's how to conclude your letter appropriately: Use a Professional Closing: Opt for a formal and universally accepted closing phrase. Common examples include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours truly.". Consistency with the Tone: Ensure that the closing salutation matches the overall tone of your letter.

  2. Sample Reference Letter for an Employee

    Alison Doyle. Updated on May 3, 2024. In This Article. View All. What to Include in an Employee Reference Letter. Before You Write a Reference. Tips for Writing a Reference Letter. Review Samples and Templates. Reference Letter Example for an Employee.

  3. How To Write an Employment Reference Letter (With Template)

    How to write an employment reference letter. Here are a few steps to follow when writing an employment reference letter: 1. Review the employee's current resume. Before writing the reference letter, you can first review the employee's up-to-date resume to ensure you fully understand their accomplishments, skills and abilities in relation to the ...

  4. Recommendation Letter for an Employee Examples

    Recommendation Letter Template for an Employee. Recommendation Letter Example for an Employee. More Recommendation Letter Examples. Photo: Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images. Example of a recommendation letter written for a former employee, with more recommendation letter examples, and tips for writing and requesting references.

  5. Sample Reference Letter Template (Free Example Word)

    Use our reference letter template to shape your own letter of recommendation format. At any case, you might need to spend half an hour or so to write a good recommendation letter, but if you have good things to say, this person is worth it. Here's our reference letter template: Dear [insert name], I am writing to recommend [employee_name].

  6. Recommendation Letter for an Employee: Steps and Template

    How to write a letter of recommendation for an employee. Here are six steps to help you write a letter of recommendation for an employee: 1. Use a business letter format. Begin with your contact information, the date and the recipient's address, name and job title. If your former employee requests you send the letter as an email, you can omit ...

  7. How To Write a Letter of Recommendation (With Example)

    Letter of recommendation writing tips. Keep it positive. Your letter should confirm that you believe the person is a strong candidate for the job with no reservations. Avoid any comments that might suggest otherwise. Try to use words that will make an impact on the reader. Use a standard business letter format and tone.

  8. 4 Free Letter of Recommendation for Employee Templates

    3. Describe the candidate's skills, work habits and accomplishments. Think of this as the 'meat' of the letter of recommendation. This is the content the recipient is really interested in. The details you include will help the reader gauge whether the employee suits the role and the organization's culture. 4.

  9. How to write a Positive Employee Reference (with examples)

    Include the email address, phone number, or both at the end of the reference. Sample Reference Letter. To Whom It May Concern: I would like to recommend (name of the person) as a candidate for a position with your organization. In his/her position as (position name), (person name) was employed in our office from (year-year). Throughout the time ...

  10. How to Write a Reference Letter (With Examples)

    If the reference letter is for a specific employment opportunity, also ask for a copy of the job posting. Similarly, if the reference letter is for a specific school or program, ask for some information about the school. ... and why you are qualified to write a reference letter on their behalf. Be sure to include the name of the company, job ...

  11. Reference Letter Examples, Template, & How to Write It

    Bingo. There's your simple reference letter template. Follow it, and your applicant is on the way to gainful employment. If you use the above reference letter template in MS Word, use the standard business letter formatting. Add 1-inch margins. Also use single spacing and a clear letter font like Arial or Cambria.

  12. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation + Examples

    With great enthusiasm, I am writing to recommend [Applicant Name] for [Role] at [Organization]. My name is [Your Name], and I serve as a [Your Role] at [Your Organization]. For [length of time], I had the pleasure of working with [Applicant's First Name] while [explain how you worked together].

  13. Employee Reference Letters: Tips, Template, and Example

    Here is a template to help you write a reference letter: Dear [receiver's name], [Reference statement: this should explain your reason for writing the letter.] [First paragraph: describe the employee's background and talk about the time you worked together.] [Second paragraph: add some examples of relevant skills exhibited by the employee.]

  14. How to Write a Reference Letter for an Employee (With Templates)

    Start by including your contact details, personal information (name, job title, address), and the date. You'll then want to address the recipient with a salutation (like "Dear {title or designation}") and proceed to write the body of the reference letter. Finally, conclude the letter and sign off with your name.

  15. Letter of Recommendation: How to Write + Samples & Templates

    How long you've known the applicant. By including these details in the very beginning of your letter, the reader understands the context and strength of your recommendation. 5. Give words of praise. Finish your introduction with a sentence or two highlighting some of the applicant's key strengths or personality traits.

  16. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation [With Tips & Template]

    The format typically consists of 1) the letterhead and full contact information, 2) a salutation, 3) an introduction, 4) an overview, 5) a personal story, 6) a closing sentence and 7) your signature. The three types of recommendation letters are employment, academic, and character recommendation letters.

  17. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (Template Included!)

    Letter of recommendation template. Dear [First and Last Name], It's my absolute pleasure to recommend [Name] for [position] with [Company]. [Name] and I [relationship] at [Company] for [length of time]. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with [Name], and came to know [him/her/them] as a truly valuable asset to our team.

  18. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (With Examples)

    Here are three examples of how to start letters of recommendation for different scenarios, plus a few things to keep in mind for the rest of the letter: 1. Recommendation letter for a job. It's my pleasure to recommend [Person's name] for the Data Scientist role at X Company.

  19. How to Write an Employer Reference Letter (With Template)

    Four tips for writing an employer's reference letter. Here are some tips to consider when writing an employer's reference letter: Be confident about the employee. Writing a letter of reference is a big endorsement. Before you agree to write a reference letter for an employee, make sure the employee is good for the position.

  20. Letter of recommendation template

    Use this letter of recommendation template to give references to a former student or a former team member. Tailor this sample to fit your feedback on that specific person. This letter may also be called "employee reference letter.". Nobody likes a blank page when they're asked to write a letter of recommendation - even if you have a lot ...

  21. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (Template + Tips)

    In general, a letter or recommendation can be broken down into the following sections: Date. Recipient Name. Recipient Title. Recipient Address. Greeting: Address the recipient by name if possible (Dear Ms/Mr). Personal introduction: Begin the body of your letter by introducing who you are and your relationship to the applicant.

  22. To Whom It May Concern: What You Should Write Instead (+Tips)

    A recommendation letter may also be known as a referral letter. It is a brief account of your experience with someone, extolling the person's personality and performance in a work-type setting. A former student or employee may ask you to write a recommendation (or referral) letter to support their application for a program or job. When ...

  23. How to ask a former boss or co-worker for a job reference

    Here's how you can effectively ask a former boss or co-worker for a recommendation: Identify suitable references: Choose individuals who can provide a positive endorsement and speak specifically ...

  24. 2024 Medical School Letters of Recommendation Guide

    You'll need to include a total of four to five letters with your medical school application. Three of these must be academic letters written by undergraduate professors—two science letters and one non-science letter. The two remaining letters are from your extracurriculars, typically research and clinical experience.

  25. Report Writing Format with Templates and Sample Report

    2. Follow the Right Report Writing Format: Adhere to a structured format, including a clear title, table of contents, summary, introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations, and appendices. This ensures clarity and coherence. Follow the format suggestions in this article to start off on the right foot. 3.

  26. How to Get the Best Recommendation Letters for Law School

    Candidates should be prepared to discuss why they want to go to law school, he says, and how they decided where to apply. They should also bring a resume, transcripts and an outline of their ...

  27. How to Write a Reference Letter: Steps, Tips and Examples

    While the exact format of a reference letter may vary, the following are steps you can take to write a letter of reference for most situations: 1. Request information about the opportunity and individual. Before writing a reference letter, you should inquire about both the opportunity as well as the individual's most up-to-date resume or CV.

  28. University letters of recommendation: an essential guide

    Recommendation letter timelines. To support students and teachers, it's important to highlight the importance of the teacher recommendation letter early on to teachers and students alike. Let students know as early as grades 10 and 11 (Years 11 and 12) that it's important to build relationships with teachers well in advance of senior year.

  29. How to Write a Letter Of Support (With Examples)

    Start the letter of support by including a heading on the top-left side of the letter. Here you can include the writer 's name, institution, and the date of writing. Next, include the recipient's name and contact information. This can also include the date if you so choose. Salutation.

  30. How to Write a Project Proposal (Examples & Templates)

    6. Include a Cover Letter and Table of Contents. Your project proposal should read like a book. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that your proposal should also include a cover letter and a table of contents. A cover letter, paired with a table of contents, makes for a great couple.