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Home » Great Motivation Letter for Job Promotion: 05 Samples

Great Motivation Letter for Job Promotion: 05 Samples

Motivation Letter for Job Promotion

Unlock the door to your career’s next chapter with a power move: the perfect motivation letter for that coveted job promotion. Imagine stepping into your boss’s shoes and crafting a letter that doesn’t just express your desire for advancement but leaves an indelible mark. This isn’t just about words; it’s about strategically showcasing your accomplishments, ambitions, and unique value.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of crafting a motivation letter tailored specifically for job promotions. No cookie-cutter templates here – we’re talking about a personalized, persuasive piece that resonates with decision-makers. From spotlighting your achievements to projecting your future contributions, we’ve got insider tips to help you pen a letter that sets you apart.

Ready to elevate your career? Let’s dive in and transform your aspirations into a compelling narrative that opens doors. Craft your motivation letter with intent and witness the impact firsthand. Your next career move awaits.

Table of Contents

Key Components of a Strong Motivation Letter for Job Promotion

  • 1. Personalized Opening: Begin with a customized greeting that reflects your understanding of the company culture and your enthusiasm for the promotion.
  • 2. Clear Career Progression: Articulate your journey within the company, highlighting achievements and demonstrating growth to underscore your readiness for the promotion.
  • 3. Showcase Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments, using metrics when possible, to substantiate your claims and showcase your value to the organization.
  • 4. Align with Company Goals: Demonstrate how your aspirations align with the company’s objectives, emphasizing your commitment to contributing to its success.
  • 5. Future Contribution Statement: Conclude by outlining your vision for the future and how your expanded role will bring added value, showcasing a proactive approach to your professional development
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Do’s and Don’ts of writing an impactful Motivation Letter for Job Promotion.


  • 1. Tailor Your Letter to the Position: Craft a personalized letter that highlights specific administrative skills and experiences relevant to the job, showcasing your understanding of the company’s needs.
  • 2. Emphasize Organizational Skills: Highlight your organizational prowess, emphasizing how your meticulous approach to tasks and projects can contribute to the efficiency of the administrative processes.
  • 3. Showcase Tech Savvy: Demonstrate your proficiency with relevant software and tools, underscoring your adaptability to modern administrative environments.


  • 1. Avoid Generic Statements: Steer clear of generic phrases; instead. Focus on concrete examples and achievements to make your letter stand out.
  • 2. Don’t Overshare Personal Details: While a touch of personality is good, avoid sharing excessive personal information. Keep the focus on professional qualifications and experiences.
  • 3. Steer Clear of Repetition: Avoid reiterating information from your resume. Instead, use the motivation letter to provide context and depth to your skills and experiences.

Final Thoughts:

The power of a meticulously crafted motivation letter cannot be overstated in the realm of job applications. As we’ve explored, tailoring your letter to the specific position not only captures the attention of potential employers but also demonstrates a genuine interest in contributing to their unique needs. Your administrative motivation letter is not just a piece of correspondence; it’s your passport to a career-changing opportunity.

Remember, beyond the well-chosen words, the essence lies in showcasing your organizational prowess, emphasizing relevant skills, and substantiating claims with concrete examples. It’s about more than just telling; it’s about illustrating how your unique experiences align seamlessly with the role at hand.

So, dear readers, as you embark on the journey of crafting your motivation letter, envision it not just as a formality but as your narrative, your story that unfolds the potential you bring. In the competitive landscape of job hunting. Let your motivation letter be the beacon that guides decision-makers to recognize the outstanding professional that you are.

Revise your letters with the insights and examples provided, infuse them with your authentic voice, and set forth on the path to landing your dream job. The next chapter of your career awaits – make it extraordinary.

Motivation Letter for Promotion Example

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Jessica William

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Writing a Cover Letter for Promotion – Tips & Samples

Writing a Cover Letter for Promotion – Tips & Samples

Presenting your skills and expertise with the help of a professional cover letter for promotion is a good way to catch the attention of the hiring manager. When called for an interview, do not shy away from speaking out your expectations. One good of progressing in your career is to get internal promotions, within the company. When applying for a promotion, remember to use a formal cover letter for an internal position. Here are the tips to write the perfect promotion cover letter .

Cover Letter for Promotion – Writing Tips

  • Mention you’re essential particulars, especially if you are in a big company. The things to mention include – your current department, the total number of years in the company, the total number of years in the current position, and your current job profile.
  • Mention specific reasons why you are the right person for the position. You need to sync your current job responsibilities with that of the vacant position. If it is for a promotion, you need to focus on the leadership skills; if it is for an internal transfer, you should emphasize the technical skills you have.
  • Mention clearly and concisely your career goals and connect them with the organizational goals.
  • Use a qualitative sample cover letter for promotion so that you are sure that you stick to the formally accepted norms of a promotion cover letter. Customize it to fill in your specific details.
  • It is crucial to highlight your achievements to prove your mettle. This is to impress the hiring manager and prove your suitability for the job.
  • Never forget to show your appreciation for what the opportunities that the organization has provided to you, for example, the training that you have attended on-the-job.
  • Remember your cover letter for promotion needs to be convincing, precise, and contain specific details. You could opt to tell them your story but do it in a way to nail it with finesse.
  • Finally, ensure that you put in the names of few trusted referrals from within the company. This makes the cover letter professional.

Promotion Cover Letter Example-1 (Text Format)

Date Name of the Hiring Manager Company Address

Dear Mr./Ms.

This is with reference to the position of Assistant Training Manager that has opened up recently in the Training Department. I would like to apply for the same.

It has been over five years that I have been associated with XYZ Company. I joined here as a Retail Store Assistant and am the Supervisor currently at the retail store located at ABC (address). In the past two years that I have worked as a Supervisor, I have gained the confidence and the knowledge to handle a team of 4 people. Alongside this, my consistent interaction with customers at the store has helped me know the company products better and learn the finer nuances of the customer relationship.

I have gone out of my way to help customers choose the right products, time, and again. I have always ensured, during my tenure at the store, to offer products that are completely aligned with customer needs and expectations. This is why I feel that I have the requisite knowledge about our product range to help develop similar skills in newer members joining our team.

I am extremely grateful to my senior managers and the HR department at XYZ Company for helping me grow in my professional life. Mr. PQR, my team leader has been kind enough to encourage me for this internal opening and has agreed to be my referral.

I look forward to your kind consideration for this upcoming position. Please find attached my resume. Request you to grant me time as per your convenience for a face-to-face meeting regarding the post.

Sincerely, Thelma Graeme

Promotion Cover Letter Sample



Promotion Cover Letter Example-2 (Text Format)

I have come to know about the internal position of a Sales Manager in the Sales Department through internal communication from HR. I would like to apply for the post as I feel that this is the kind of job that I have been preparing myself for and have demonstrated my ability during the last three years of my association with ABC Company.

I joined here as a Sales Coordinator three years back. I have been the first point-of-contact for our innumerable customers over the years handling their queries, resolving their issues and complaints with professional promptness. A year and a back, I was promoted as Sales Executive, thanks to my senior Ms. XYZ who had full faith in my skills and had seen how I had helped retain customers as a Sales coordinator.

As a Sales Executive, I was exposed to larger challenges and have been able to prove my mettle. I was able to achieve more than 100% of my target for this duration and have bought in new customers who are today some of our topmost loyal clients. I have attached my resume and specific details of customers/clients that I have developed in the past one-and-half year.

I am thankful to ABC Company for helping me firm my career growth path and plan. And, I am hoping that the organization will vest similar trust and faith in my skills again by promoting me to this new post in the Sales Department.

I look forward to your suggestion on the way forward and hope to meet you for a formal job interview for this opening soon.

Sincerely, Adam Steve

Promotion Cover Letter Sample 2



Prepare a professional cover letter by using a reliable cover letter template to present your credentials to the hiring manager in the most impressive manner. Get noticed by the company of your choice and improve your chances of getting the promotion by using the right and easy-to-use tools.

10 Ways to Avoid Common Cover Letter Mistakes

Cover Letter Closing Salutations

1). How can a cover letter for an internal application differ from one for an external application?

Internal applications need not contain any introduction other than touching upon your department and your current position. External applications should start with an introduction. Also, in the internal letter, you need to focus on your achievements in the specific organization, while the external one should include a brief about your overall work experience.

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9 Promotion Letter Sample Templates for HR Department

Are you an HR looking for promotion letter samples as an inspiration to send your employees? Here are some of the leading promotion letter sample templates.


Table of Contents

What is a promotion letter, how to write a promotion letter, important details to include in an employee promotion letter, when to send a promotion letter, 9 promotion letter sample templates to choose from.

A promotion letter is a professional way for employers to communicate with their employees and offer them a promotion.

Recognizing the hard work and talent of coworkers, team members, and senior managers and offering them well-drafted promotion letters fosters positive sentiment and enhances employee motivation .

But before drafting your next promotion letter, check out the leading promotion letter sample templates to help you format yours effectively.

Adding to that thought, here is a comprehensive guide on drafting promotion letters in your organization with result-oriented 9 promotion letter sample templates.

A promotion letter is a formal exchange of communication between the employer and the employee receiving the promotion for their hard work and positive contributions.

A well-drafted job promotion letter protects the company and the employee by clarifying all the details of the new position, like salary, line of authority involved, date of promotion, etc.

In the future, if some confusion arises between you and your employee, a promotion letter is a permanent record of communication you must refer to.

There are two types of letters related to job promotion:

  • Promotion letter : A letter from the company informing the employee that they are promoted.
  • Promotion announcement : A letter from the company offering a promotion opportunity to its employees.

You must distinguish a promotion letter from a promotion announcement to ensure you take the right action while implementing your employee recognition efforts .

A job promotion letter is used to extend congratulations to the employee and outlines the formal details involved in the promotion. While a promotion announcement is to inform the employees of the new job position opening.

Depending on the structure and size of your company, an employee promotion letter is written by a hiring manager or human resources manager.

Irrespective of the professional crafting the promotion letter, it’s important to add personalized elements, especially while using a promotion letter sample template.

Writing a promotion letter requires attention to detail, which can help you increase the effectiveness of the communication and appreciate your employee's efforts better. Here are a few tips to remember while writing your promotion letter:

1. Use a formal template

Even though promotion letters are less formal than official documents used in a business, they should still be in line with a certain degree of formality.

You can consider using AI writing tools that can provide you with multiple examples to create a perfect promotion letter. You can minimize the efforts in writing from scratch, which can save you time and effort.

This reduces the chances of errors and ensures your employees quickly receive their promotion letters to review all the details of the new position.

2. Edit and proofread the letter

Even though you use a foolproof formal template to draft a promotion letter, different personalized inputs are still required. Once you add details about the employee and the promotion, the chances of errors may rise.

So, you need to edit and proofread the promotion letter before forwarding it to the employee. Read the draft of the letter or ask your team members to go through the promotion letter to catch any errors, like inaccurate pay amounts or incorrect titles, before it’s passed on to the promoted employee.

3. Balance between formal and casual

Use a formal but cordial tone while drafting a professional promotion letter. Yes, you can use an exclamation mark while ending the sentence to congratulate your employee, but you should avoid using casual language.

Also, avoid using slang abbreviations and emojis to ensure that the promotion letter doesn’t lose its value and seriousness.

To wrap it up, you can write a promotion letter with the help of a formal template while maintaining a formal but friendly tone. Also, proofread your promotion letter and ensure you have covered all the essential elements in an employee promotion letter.

Once you’ve drafted your promotion letter, you should check a few fundamental details in every job promotion letter. First, it’s vital to include a detailed acknowledgment of the employee's new role. Second, you should add a clear outline of the new reporting structure to remove the confusion regarding the hierarchy of authority.

Finally, you must include enthusiastic congratulations for the employee’s achievement to strengthen the employer-employee relationship . Let’s dive deep into understanding the important elements mentioned in an employee promotion letter.

1. Date the promotion will take effect

Make the employee aware of when their new role takes effect to maintain complete transparency. It can help them report promptly to a new department or supervisor to begin performing the tasks attached to the new role.

You must also send copies of the job promotion letter to the old and new supervisors if the employee’s promotion involves a transfer between departments. It can reduce the burden on the supervisors so that they can plan and respond accordingly.

By defining a date, everyone in the company, including HR, accounting, and the payroll master affected by the promotion, will clearly understand when to expect the transition. It can help them avoid issues like failure to pay the correct salary for the new position, among others.

2. New position details

These are the important details you must include in an employee promotion letter, like:

  • New job position title Employees should know their designation and place in the company's organizational structure. It can reduce friction during the promotion and provide more clarity to the employee.
  • New or revised salary rate : Employees should know the exact amount of their new salary by clearly mentioning their pay schedule, like weekly, biweekly, or monthly, in their promotion letter. Also, mention the probationary period for updated benefits, if applicable.
  • Extra benefits and perks : You should mention additional benefits, bonuses, vacation days, stock options, or other perks the new job title may include. Also, if the new job position requires the employee to shift office locations or departments, include the additional details in the employee promotion letter.
  • New obligations and responsibilities : You can include details regarding the new responsibilities and obligations of the job position. Employees should know the company's expectations of them once they take on their new roles.

To avoid making the promotion letter too long, briefly outline responsibilities that can be expanded later in a separate document.

3. The reporting structure of the job role

An employee should know who will be the supervisor and who will check the transition into the new role. You must include a section in the promotion letter where the reporting structure of the new job position is mentioned.

It can provide an opportunity to highlight why the management selected an employee's job promotion. Doing this boosts the enthusiasm and confidence for the new job position.

4. The salary structure of the new job position

Highlighting the exact salary structure can ensure your employees know their hikes and salary breakdown. It can also help clear any doubts and confusion when the salaries or incentives are given to the promoted employees.

5. Any additional details

While sending a promotion letter, you can include formal documents outlining the promotion conditions, like a new benefits package, etc. Once all the important details are included, the promoted employee can review and sign it to complete the process. The employee can then transition from one role to another to help your organization scale to new heights.

But you must know the right timing to send an employee promotion letter to ensure the promotion process runs smoothly.

Sending a promotion letter is planned and systematic. The best time to send a promotion letter is once the employee and manager verbally agree on the new role.

You should avoid surprising an employee with an official promotion letter as an employee should be given time to discuss the new roles and responsibilities with their managers. It can help the employee determine whether the new position or role aligns with their career goals and whether they are willing to take the job position.

Once the background process is completed, and the employee is ready to go ahead with the new position, you can send them the official promotion letter to make the final confirmation.

But are there any specific kinds of promotion letters you can write? Absolutely! We have narrowed down the 9 promotion letter sample templates.

Multiple promotion letters can be sent to employees depending on the roles, details, and other aspects. Here are the top 9 promotion letter templates you can use for your business.

1. Formal sample promotion letter

A formal promotion letter is direct and provides useful information. It can help the employee get official approval for their promotion and proceed further with the process.

Here is a formal sample promotion letter template you can steal:

2. Casual sample promotion letter

You can use a little casual tone to express the main reasons the employee is chosen for a job promotion. The causal sample promotion letter can also convey a higher degree of enthusiasm and should make the employee feel appreciated and recognized.

Here is a casual sample promotion letter template:

3. Thank you letter for the promotion

Writing a thank you letter for your promotion requires a certain format to be followed. It will ensure you include everything you want to and helps maintain the flow of your letter.

Here’s a thank you letter for a promotion template:

4. Congratulation letter for the promotion

Outstanding achievements and promotions should undoubtedly be recognized within your work ecosystem.

Here’s a congratulatory letter for the promotion template:

5. Promotion letter for product managers

Being at the higher hierarchy in your organization, you must follow a formal promotion letter tone for the product managers.

Here’s a promotion letter for product managers template:

6. Promotion letter for sales team

Similar to the product managers, the sales team employees should receive a professional promotion letter if they are considered for a promotion.

Here’s a promotion letter for the sales team template:

7. Official letter format for promotion request

Once the promotion announcement is shared with the employees, it’s a great time to send an official letter for a promotion request to your senior hierarchy.

Here’s an official letter format for the promotion request template:

8. Job promotion cover letter for a retail manager

Handling the daily operations of a store can be a hectic process; you can appreciate and recognize the hard work of your retail manager by promoting them.

Here’s a job promotion cover letter for a retail manager template:

9. Increment promotion letter format

Highlighting the salary raise can be an important aspect you must consider.

Here’s an increment promotion letter format template:

Apart from these, there can be different promotion letter types, but they can be categorized under formal and casual promotion letter sample templates.

But selecting deserving employees for promotion to send them quick letters can be time-consuming and hectic for the HR teams. That’s where advanced employee engagement platforms like Empuls can simplify your process

Key takeaway

Promoting your employees can effectively increase employee retention and ensure you create a healthy work ecosystem. It also encourages other employees to work hard and helps the organization achieve its desired business goals.

You can use the above-listed promotion letter sample templates to minimize your hassles in creating official letters and remove the chances of a bottleneck. But it’s also important to integrate a holistic employee engagement tool to recognize, reward, and connect with your workforce. Try out the free demo version of the all-in-one employee management platform to streamline your employee recognition drive.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions that people ask about promotion letters.

Q. What is a product promotion letter?

It is a formal exchange between the employer and the employee to settle the verbal promotion agreement and create an official record.

Q. What is a sales promotion letter?

A promotion letter given to the sales team to recognize their efforts and commitment toward the business goals is called a sales promotion letter.

Q. How to write a promotional letter to HR?

You must include details like the date of promotion, job role, salary, reporting supervisor, and other important details in a promotional letter.

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Recommendation Letter For A Promotion (With Examples)

  • Personal Reference Letter
  • Recommendation Letter for Employment
  • Professional Reference Letter
  • Reference Letter Template
  • Reference Letter for a Friend
  • Professional References
  • List Of References
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  • Recommendation Letter for a Promotion
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When writing a recommendation letter for a promotion for your coworker, you should include your relationship with them, give specific examples of their professional skills, and write why they are the best candidate for the position.

Promotions are carefully considered, which means that having a strong recommendation can make a big difference in who’s selected. You don’t have to be a manager in order to recommend someone for a promotion, though it’s often the employee’s supervisor who does so.

Key Takeaways:

Promotion recommendation letters can take the form of a personal reference or a business reference, as long as they explain why the person has the professional and personal skills to succeed in the new position.

The first paragraph of the letter should include why you are writing the letter, who you are recommending, and what your relationship with the person is.

Make sure to remain positive in your letter and only include things that will highlight the person’s abilities.

Recommendation Letter for a Promotion

What is a letter of recommendation for a promotion?

What to include in a recommendation letter for a promotion, how to format a recommendation letter for a promotion, example letters of recommendation for a promotion, tips for writing a recommendation letter for a promotion, recommendation for a promotion faqs, final thoughts, expert opinion.

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A promotion recommendation letter is exactly what it sounds like: a letter that recommends a particular person to be promoted. Recommendation letters for a promotion can take the form of either a personal reference or a professional reference, depending on the circumstances.

Promotion recommendation letters are typically written by the referee’s manager or supervisor and are addressed to the writer ’s superior . As decisions for promotions are usually made in higher management, it’s an appeal that a particular person be selected for advancement.

Being a professional letter, recommendation letters for promotion should include an explanation of who you are, why the person you’re referring is an ideal candidate, and your contact information. These letters have a standard format, which makes writing them both easier and harder.

Introduce yourself. Your letter will carry more weight for the reader when you establish who you are , your role in the company, and your relationship with the recommended person. You don’t have to go in-depth, but explaining more about yourself sets the tone for the letter.

Respond to the job qualifications. When writing about the applicant you’re recommending, you have to keep the job description in mind. Think about ways in which the person you’re recommending can meet or exceed the expectations and skills listed in the job description to distinguish them as a great applicant.

Give examples. Writing generalized comments about the person you’re recommending can give a good overview of their professional skills, but going into detail with specific examples will make them stand out. Talk about a time they rose to the occasion to finish a big project or surprised you with their industry knowledge; it’s all valuable to the person reading the letter.

Mention successes. Be sure to name any big successes the person you’re writing about has had, from leading a big project from start to finish or professional awards and certifications that are relevant.

Offer to continue the conversation. Let the person you’re writing to know that you’re willing to answer any follow-up questions or make clarifications on what you’ve written. These letters are short, so offering to take the conversation to email or a phone call will allow you to explain more about why the applicant is the best fit for the promotion.

Promotion recommendation letters should follow a standard reference letter format: heading, intro, body, and conclusion. Following the basic layout of example letters is also recommended, such as the ones later in this article.

Heading. Include your name, address, phone number, and email at the beginning of your letter so the reader knows who it’s from. You’ll also need to include the date and the recipient’s heading with their name, role, company, and company address.

Introduction paragraph. Here you’ll include basic information like why you’re writing the letter, who you’re recommending, who you are, and what your relationship with the applicant is. You’ll want to pick two or three qualities of the person you’re recommending to highlight and state them here too for clarity.

Highlight the applicant’s qualities. The middle two or three paragraphs, depending on how much space you have, will explain the qualities you mentioned in the intro paragraph.

This is where you can be detailed and specific about how the person you’re recommending is a good fit for the new position. Bring in anecdotes and emphasize how the candidate has been an asset to you or your team, if possible.

Conclusion. Make sure that when you conclude the letter you say directly that you’re recommending the person for the position. It’s also important to make it clear that you’re willing to further discuss the candidate’s qualifications and to include your conduct information.

Jane Doe 123 Main St. Somewhere, State 12345 September 20, 2020 John Smith Head of Marketing Marketing Company 123 Street Rd Somewhere, State 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, I would like to recommend Sarah Smith for the position of Account Manager . I have supervised Sarah for three years in her role as Marketing Specialist and I have always been impressed with her work ethic and leadership skills. I know that she will be a responsible and reliable Account Manager. Sarah has one of the most impressive work ethics I have seen. She is consistently turning in projects and assignments early as well as always willing to lend a helping hand to me and the rest of the team. Her dedication to getting things done efficiently and thoroughly has been a great asset to my team. I believe Sarah’s strong leadership skills will also help her succeed as an Account Manager. She has a great ability to step up and take charge when needed to make sure projects get done on time. She is a great communicator and will be a skilled liaison between our team and our clients. I fully recommend Sarah for the position of Account Manager. I’d be happy to provide further information or clarification if needed. Sincerely, Jane Doe (signature)
John Doe 123 Anywhere St Town, State 12345 September XX, 2020 Kate Johnson HR Director ABC Sales 123 Company St Town, State 12345 Dear Mrs. Johnson, After working with Luke Smith for many years, I fully support his candidacy for the promotion to Sales Manager . I have watched him evolve from an intern to his current role as a Sales Associate and I know he is capable of taking on added responsibility. His communication skills and his dedication to the company are incredible and I support his career development. As a Sales Associate, Luke has impressed me with his communication skills, both with his team and clients. He is able to explain products and issues in ways that anyone can understand, something that has been a great help to the team. This goes for both his written and oral communication. Each week he sends me weekly updates to explain issues he faced and problems he solved throughout the week and I appreciate the effort and communication immensely. Luke has also shown great dedication to his professional development, both within and outside of the company. He takes any chance he can get to work with a new department or take one of the classes the company offers. Outside of that, he has worked to get industry certifications, like Certified Sales Associate, and other professional advancements. I wholeheartedly recommend Luke for the role of Sales Manager. Please let me know if I can provide further clarification or answer any questions. Regards, John Doe (signature)
Samantha Williams 123 Main St City, State 12345 September XX, 2020 Tom Brown HR Director XYZ Company 123 Street Rd City, State 12345 Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing in support of Rachel Johnson’s candidacy for the position of Project Manager . I have worked closely with her for a few years and I am impressed by her proactive nature and excellent communication skills. I know she will succeed as a Project Manager. Rachel has a great ability to anticipate people’s needs and unexpected situations, so she is always prepared to tackle any issues that may arise. From planning out different scenarios to double checking with her supervisors, she is always taking the extra step to make sure everything is just right. It’s a great quality to have in a colleague and I know she will be an asset to her next team. When it comes to communicating, there’s nobody like Rachel. She can write a concise and informational report quickly, or plan and host a meeting with a 20-minute notice. She is especially effective at communicating across departments and making sure everyone understands their roles and what is expected of them. I fully support Rachel’s candidacy for the role of Project Manager. I’m happy to provide more information or answer any questions if needed. Kind Regards, Samantha Williams (signature)

While it’s important to cover the basics of a recommendation letter for a promotion, there are some other tricks you can use to make your reference more effective. Here are some tips to help your recommendation letter stand out from the crowd.

Be entirely positive. A recommendation letter is meant to be a vote in favor of the person getting the promotion and show your enthusiasm for why they are the best person for the job, so save your constructive criticisms or hesitations for another time. If you don’t feel like you can honestly do this, it’s best to decline to write the letter altogether.

Include specifics. Hiring managers are looking for more than vague descriptions about how the person is “pleasant to work with” or “a hard worker.” Give specific examples of their strengths and successes that will serve them well in this new role.

Make it personal. Hiring managers will be wary of a recommendation letter that seems too generic, so don’t be afraid to share details about the person and your interactions with them that will clearly set them apart from the crowd.

Highlight relevant skills. Make sure to point up how the candidate’s aptitude fits into the position in question. Someone may be excellent with math, but if they’re getting a job in communications, it may not be the skill to highlight.

Read the job description. While you may feel you’re familiar with the position the referee is applying for, make sure to find out exactly what skills are being prioritized so that you can customize your recommendation to fit it.

How do you write a strong letter of recommendation?

You write a strong letter of recommendation by being positive and giving examples of the person’s success that align with the job description. Recommendation letters should be nothing but positive and should even be described as “glowing.”

Hiring managers aren’t looking to these letters for the full picture of what this person can do, they’re looking at whether or not other people say they should get the promotion or job.

To make the greatest impact though, the positive things you write should align with the job description. This shows hiring managers that you believe the person would be a great fit for this particular job, which carries even more weight than general compliments do.

How do you justify an employee getting a promotion?

You justify promoting an employee by sharing how their skills would be utilized in the new position.

In your recommendation letter for a promotion, talk about how the employee would add to the team’s culture and how they have leadership skills that should be put to use by giving them a promotion.

You can also talk about the person’s problem-solving skills and job expertise, as well as how they’re a hard worker, a team player, and always growing and improving.

What do you say when recommending someone for a promotion?

Talk about the person’s leadership skills and other positive qualities when recommending someone for a promotion. Hiring managers want to know why they should promote this person, so don’t be afraid to be glowing in your recommendation.

What are three important things to mention in a letter of recommendation?

When writing a letter of recommendation you should include your relationship with the person, specific examples of their work ethic, and mention any successes or achievements of theirs. This letter should be personal because some hiring managers may be wary of letters that are too generic.

Can someone besides the candidate’s direct supervisor write a recommendation letter for a promotion?

Yes, someone other than the employee’s boss can write a recommendation letter for a promotion. Typically a supervisor is best positioned to select someone for promotion out of their direct reports, which is why the task often falls to them.

However, coworkers, higher-level supervisors, and former supervisors can all write promotion recommendation letters. That being said, these letters are written by someone in the company recommending someone they work with to someone else in the same company.

With these easy templates, you can write a recommendation letter in no time.

Just make sure to follow the format of the sample letters and include key points. For the most effective promotion recommendation letter, include positive remarks about the person you’re recommending and tailor your letter to the job description when possible.

Remember, these serve as reference checks for the person you’re recommending and you want to leave a positive impression on the person you’re writing to. There you have it. Now you have all the tools to write effective recommendation letters that will get your co-workers promoted in no time.

Recommendation Letter For A Promotion Tips

motivation letter for promotion example

Kimelyn Coleman Job Search Coach

The individual writing a recommendation letter for someone seeking a promotion should be sure to include specific examples of the employees’ notable accomplishments. The person writing the letter should state what the employee has done to go above and beyond his/her normal day-to-day job responsibilities and should state how the employees’ efforts contributed to the betterment of the team or the organization as a whole. Personally, I feel recommendation letters are meant to set a person apart from others seeking the same opportunity, and if the recommendation letter is only stating the obvious it will not have an impact on whether or not the candidate gets the job.

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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Sample Recommendation Letters for a Promotion

motivation letter for promotion example

What to Include in Your Letter

Review letter samples.

  • Sample Promotion Recommendations

Promotion Reference Email Example

 Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

Recommendation letters aren’t just useful tools for job seekers hoping to land a position at a new employer. A strong recommendation can also help an employee get a promotion at their current company.

Throughout your career, you may be called upon to write a recommendation letter for a colleague or direct report looking for a promotion. Whether it's showcasing their leadership skills, highlighting specific achievements, or matching their qualifications to a higher role, a positive endorsement can make all the difference, helping the candidate stand apart from a similarly qualified crowd of employees and applicants. Here's how to write a recommendation letter for an employee seeking a promotion.

If you're writing to request a promotion for yourself, here are sample cover letters for a promotion or internal opportunity.

1. Keep it positive.  When you agree to write a letter for someone , make sure you can give them a glowing recommendation. Anything less can work against them. If you can’t be enthusiastic in your support, it’s better to graciously decline .

2. Introduce yourself appropriately.  Your letter should start with a polite salutation, followed by your purpose for writing. You will want to introduce yourself and state in what capacity you have known the applicant.

3. Be specific in your recommendations.  Next, you should explain how the person’s work ethic and skill set make him or her a good choice for the promotion . Use specific examples to prove your points. Focus on times the person has demonstrated leadership or maturity to prove they are ready to handle the responsibility of a new position.

4. Keep the job description in mind.  Try to match the person’s skills and abilities to the job they are applying for or the promotion they are seeking if there's no formal application. If there is a posting, you might ask the person for the  job description  so you can focus on  keywords  that are used in the job listing. Regardless, you can also ask for an updated resume.

5. Offer additional assistance.  In closing, you can offer to elaborate or answer any additional questions. Be sure to provide your contact information so the hiring manager can easily reach you.

It is a good idea to review examples of recommendation letters and emails before writing your own. Examples can help you see what kind of content you should include in your letter. Examples can also help you with the layout and format of your letter.

While examples, templates, and guidelines are a great starting point for your letter, you should always customize your message.

Be sure to take the time to personalize your letter, note, or email message, so it reflects your sincere thoughts on the candidate and gives strong examples that show why they deserve a promotion.

You can use this sample as a model to write a recommendation letter.  Download the template  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Sample Reference Letter for a Promotion (Text Version)

Nancy Jones 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 nancy.jones@email.com

May 1, 2024

David Lee Director, Marketing Acme Marketing 123 Business Road Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I would like to recommend Lucy Crumb for the position of Marketing Manager at Acme Marketing. Lucy has worked in the Marketing department for three years, and when I came on board last year, I immediately recognized her as the person to ask when I had a question. She is a natural leader, and her organizational skills are exceptional.

Lucy’s ability to plan a strategy, and make sure it’s implemented accurately and quickly have contributed immensely to the recent successes in our department. In fact, she was the team leader on two of our most recent, successful projects.

She is creative and hardworking and often helps out colleagues on other projects. I believe the department would continue to thrive and grow with Lucy as Marketing Manager. Her knowledge of the industry and her experience with the company make her an excellent candidate for promotion.

Please let me know if I can offer additional information.

Signature  (hard copy letter)

Nancy Jones

Here's a sample recommendation email message sent to recommend a colleague for a promotion.

Sample Promotion Reference Letter

Subject:  John Smith - Recommendation for Promotion

Dear Katherine Blue,

I have worked closely with John Smith for the past several years while he has been employed as the Marketing Assistant in the Communications Office. I have been consistently impressed by both John's attitude toward his work and his performance on the job. I am confident he would make an ideal Marketing Manager for the company.

John possesses solid writing skills, which have enabled him to compose quality correspondence and publications. He has even taken on additional writing responsibilities. He asked to take charge of our weekly newsletter, and since doing so, our office has praised his well-edited, thoughtful letters.

John is a tremendous asset to our office, and his expertise, the experience he has gained on the job, and the continuing professional development classes he has participated in make him a prime candidate for promotion.

I recommend him for a promotion without reservation. Please let me know if you need further information.

Linda Lau Manager 555-555-5555 linda.lau@email.com

Key Takeaways

Keep it positive. If you can’t say something nice about your colleague or employee, it’s best to graciously decline.

Match the candidate’s qualifications to the job description. Use specific examples to strengthen your case.

Emphasize leadership skills. For a promotion, the ability to lead is especially important. Hiring managers will want to see these skills.

Use sample letters, but be sure to customize: Personalize your recommendation letter so it’s appropriate for the candidate and role.

motivation letter for promotion example

Motivation Letter For Promotion

[Your Name]

[Your Current Position]

[Your Current Department/Division]

[Your Current Organization]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title/Position]

[Recipient's Department/Division]

[Recipient's Organization]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to express my sincere and strong interest in being considered for a promotion within [Your Current Organization]. Having served diligently as [Your Current Position] in [Your Current Department/Division], I believe that the time has come for me to take on greater responsibilities and contribute further to the success of our organization.

Over the [number of years/months] I have been with [Your Current Organization], I have had the opportunity to work closely with a dedicated team, collaborate on numerous projects, and gain valuable insights into the intricacies of our industry. I am deeply passionate about our company's mission and vision, and my commitment to its success has been unwavering throughout my tenure.

During my time in [Your Current Position], I have consistently demonstrated my ability to [mention key achievements and responsibilities relevant to the promotion]. I take pride in my strong work ethic, adaptability, and eagerness to take on challenges. Moreover, I have actively sought opportunities for professional development, including [mention any relevant training, certifications, or courses you have completed].

As I reflect on my journey within the organization, I am particularly drawn to the prospect of a promotion because it aligns perfectly with my long-term career goals. I strongly believe that the [prospective position] would allow me to utilize my skills and experiences more effectively and contribute significantly to the continued growth and success of the organization.

Furthermore, I have had the privilege of working under inspiring leaders and mentors, who have played a pivotal role in shaping my professional growth. Their guidance and support have instilled in me a deep sense of commitment and enthusiasm for taking on new challenges.

I am confident that my track record, coupled with my dedication to the organization, makes me a suitable candidate for the promotion. If granted the opportunity, I am committed to giving my utmost effort, determination, and passion to excel in the new role. I believe that my experience, coupled with the knowledge I have gained throughout my journey, will enable me to provide innovative solutions, foster collaboration, and drive results.

Thank you for considering my request for a promotion. I am eager to discuss my qualifications and vision further in a personal meeting at your earliest convenience. I look forward to the chance to contribute even more to the success of [Your Current Organization] and continue growing alongside the team.

motivation letter for promotion example

Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

Background Image

You’re about to apply for the job opportunity of your dreams.

You’ve worked hard, and you can’t wait to take the next step in your career.

All that’s left for you to do is write a motivational letter.

But writing a motivational letter can be nerve-wracking.

Two hours and three coffees in, you’ve scrolled through your Facebook newsfeed (twice), watched one episode of the last season of Game of Thrones, sent angry tweets to its creators, and donated for the knee surgery of two dogs. 

You go back to your open Word doc, and all you’ve managed to write is, “This program seems like fun” or “I’ll totally be a great fit for your organization.”

Don’t worry! We’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • How to Write a Motivational Letter, Step-by-Step
  • A Great Example of a Motivational Letter
  • Useful Motivational Letter Tips

What Is a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter, sometimes also called a letter of motivation, is a formal letter that you might have to submit when applying for an educational program or a job. Its goal is to show the hiring manager or admissions officer why you’re the perfect candidate for the position.

Motivational letters are typically submitted alongside your CV or resume . Unlike a cover letter, which gives practical examples of how your skills and experience match the opening, a motivational letter focuses more on your personality, interests, and motivation to apply.

When Do You Need a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter is usually required when an organization wants to gauge your enthusiasm, cultural fit, and motivations for a particular opportunity.

There are a few situations when you might need to submit a motivational letter, such as:

  • You’re applying for an educational program.
  • You’re applying to work at a non-profit organization or mission-driven company.
  • You’re applying for an internship in a competitive field.
  • You’re applying for a volunteer position at a charity or non-government organization.
  • You’re applying for a grant, fellowship, or some sort of scholarship .

No matter the situation, a motivational letter serves to express your distinct driving forces and convey your enthusiasm for that specific role, program, or opportunity. That’s why, done right, a motivational letter can convince the reader to go through your application in detail.

However, if the specific position doesn’t explicitly require a motivational letter or other written statement, you might be better off learning how to write a cover letter instead. Cover letters can be a great addition to your application and help you stand out from other candidates who are only relying on their resumes.

cover letter templates

How to Write a Motivational Letter

Now that you know what a motivational letter is, it’s time to write your own.

Just follow the steps we’ve outlined, and you’ll be done in no time:

#1. Address Your Letter Appropriately

Your motivational letter should include a header with all the necessary contact details.

For starters, this means you should include your contact information , such as your full name, email address, phone number, and any other details that might be necessary for your application.

Additionally, you should include your intended audience’s contact details. Depending on where and what you’re applying for, this might be either a hiring manager or an admissions officer.

To establish a connection with the reader, include a personalized greeting instead of the generic “To Whom It May Concern.” To do that, you have to find out who the hiring manager or admissions officer is.

Start by doing a bit of research. Review the job listing, the program’s official page, or the application instructions. If you can’t find their name there, check the organization’s website and look for a staff directory.

Once you have their name, address your motivational letter professionally . We recommend using an identifier followed by their last name. But if you’re not sure about their title or gender, you can just use their full name, too. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Dr. Singh,
  • Dear Cameron Smith,

Just avoid informal greetings like "Hey, John!" – your motivational letter is still meant to be a formal document.

#2. Stick to the Program Requirements

Writing a captivating motivational letter is all about showing the hiring manager or admissions officer how you meet the requirements for the position.

To help get the ball rolling as you start drafting your motivational letter, ask yourself: 

  • What kind of applicants are usually admitted to the program? 
  • How do you fulfill the requirements?

First, you need to know the exact program requirements and explain how your background and strengths align with the outlined criteria.

Comb through the details the organization has provided about the ideal skills, experiences, qualifications, or personal qualities they’re looking for in a candidate. Maybe they want someone proficient in data analysis , or they’re prioritizing candidates who are passionate about the industry.

Just remember –  you don’t have to highlight how you meet all the listed requirements if your application already includes a detailed academic CV . Just identify the top three to five requirements and give concrete examples of how you meet each.

Here’s an example:

Requirement: Minimum 2 years of volunteer experience

“I was a medical volunteer in Namibia for three years. It’s one of my most fulfilling adventures and transformative experiences so far since I am passionate about helping others. I believe it broadened my horizons and made me more resilient.”

#3. Align with Their Values

Your motivational letter should explain what drives you and show the reader how you share their organization’s values.

Take time to thoroughly research the organization , its culture, objectives, and driving forces. Find what resonates with your own beliefs and goals and mention it in your motivational letter.

But don’t just randomly sprinkle keywords into your letter. Instead, thoughtfully use your passion to build a narrative that shows how your values align with the institution’s mission. 

Be sure to give concrete examples. For instance, if the company values sustainability, you might want to share an anecdotal example, such as:

Values: Sustainability, Climate Action, Nature Conservation

I have a deep passion for nature conservation, and I have volunteered extensively with environmental organizations, especially in restoring local wetland habitats. I also practice eco-friendly habits in my professional life by advocating for reducing workplace waste and single-use plastics.

#4. Express Genuine Interest

Above all, your motivational letter should demonstrate that you really want to be there.

That said, there is a fine line between pleading and showing intelligent interest while also selling yourself. Generic statements can come across as insincere and unmotivated. Instead, write about what really attracted you to the opportunity.

Be as specific as possible and express your passion without necessarily begging them for a chance. For example:

  • I would love to live in Aberdeen because I’m fascinated by Highlander culture, and I’m excited to dive into the city’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant community dedicated to the arts, music, and preserving Scottish traditions.
  • It is my dream to be part of the Environmental Science Master's program because of its cutting-edge research in sustainable energy solutions and marine conservation efforts, which align with my passion for protecting our planet's ecosystems.

Specific examples and details show you've invested time learning about the organization, which helps your genuine passion shine through your motivational letter.

#5. Personalize It

While showcasing how you meet requirements is crucial, don't be afraid to let some of your personality and voice shine through.

Use descriptive adjectives to paint a fuller picture of who you are beyond just your credentials. Are you an endlessly curious, lifelong learner? A creative problem-solver? Passionate about how technological advancements can be used to increase sustainability?

Let your distinct character and values shine through to make your motivational letter more memorable and help differentiate you from other applicants. This can convey important soft skills and give the reader a glimpse of the person behind the qualifications.

Just make sure you’re still presenting a polished bit of personality and keeping it relevant to the opportunity. For example, if you’re applying for an MA in mathematics, don’t mention your passion for historical re-enactment.

Are you applying for an academic program? Learn how to write an academic personal statement here.

#6. Don’t Just Recap Your CV

Using your motivational letter to simply summarize your CV is a wasted opportunity. If the application requires a motivational letter, they’re looking to get to know you beyond the required stats and qualifications. 

The person reading your motivational letter is looking for the context around your motivations, passions, and aspirations. So, instead of just listing credentials, expand on the driving forces behind your experiences and decisions.

If you’re applying for a master's program, for example, mention your relevant undergraduate coursework, but also explain what sparked your interest in this specialization and why this path is personally meaningful. So, if you’re a History undergrad, elaborate on how volunteering at the archaeology museum made you pursue a graduate degree in Museum Studies and Curatorship.

Here’s a practical example of how that might look:

As a History undergraduate, my passion for preserving and sharing our cultural narratives was sparked by a semester-long museum internship. Working alongside curators as they brought ancient artifacts and stories to life through compelling exhibits opened my eyes to the vital role museums play in education and connecting communities to their roots.

This experience solidified my drive to pursue museum studies at the graduate level, where I can develop professional expertise in responsible collection stewardship, thoughtful exhibition development, and engaging public programming that keeps our shared histories vibrant and accessible for all.

Getting your documents ready for that application? Learn how to write a resume with our detailed guide.

#7. Convey Your Ambitions

Your motivational letter should express your ambitions and aspirations just as much as your relevant achievements . Admissions committees and employers who ask for motivational letters want to clearly understand both your goals and how this opportunity aligns with them.

Share your vision for how you plan to apply the knowledge, essential skills, or experience you'll gain. If it's a job, explain how it will prepare you for further career growth and impact in that field. For an academic program, discuss how you aim to contribute to cutting-edge research or become a leader and mentor.

Don't be afraid to think big - motivated candidates often have big goals of driving innovation, making a difference, or pushing boundaries in their discipline. Just make sure your aspirations are realistic and show that you have a plan and are truly invested in this path for the long term.

Here’s an example of how you can convey your ambitions in your motivational letter:

My long-term goal is to become a leader in sustainable urban design and planning that seamlessly integrates green infrastructure into the built environment. This master's program will equip me with the interdisciplinary skills to develop eco-friendly architectural solutions and climate-resilient city policies that prioritize environmental conservation alongside economic growth and social equity.

#8. Don’t Lie

One of the biggest mistakes you could make while writing your motivational letter is lying.

If you write anything remotely false, the reader will likely sense it. When you lie, you’re likely to unconsciously exaggerate your feelings and ideas. If you tell a fake story or inflate your excitement or achievements, you won’t get anywhere.

Your dishonesty is likely to be exposed and severely damage your credibility, leading to an immediate rejection.

Honesty and integrity are essential to writing an effective motivational letter. The goal of this document is to truly reflect who you are, why you’re the best match for this opportunity, and what you hope to achieve.

Don’t worry if you think your life so far just isn’t impressive enough to write a captivating story. No matter where you’re coming from, you can show the reader your unique perspective, personal growth, and unwavering determination to pursue your passions.

#9. Use a Motivational Letter Template

If you want your motivational letter to make a striking first impression, presentation matters.

A basic black-and-white document from a text editor will hardly stand out. Instead, try one of our professionally designed motivational letter templates for an attention-grabbing solution!

Novoresume offers modern, eye-catching templates that can give your motivational letter a polished look. You can even use the resume builder to match your motivational letter to one of our sleek resume templates for a coherent application.

Save precious time on formatting and create a visually flawless application in no time!

motivation letter resume matching

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

You’ve got the gist of how to write a motivational letter down, but it’s just as important to know how to structure it.

If your motivational letter is a messy, haphazard series of unrelated paragraphs, it simply won’t make the cut. You need your motivational letter to tell a coherent story, and this is where the structure comes in.

The whole process will probably require a few drafts until you get to the perfect, polished motivational letter. You might have to move around paragraphs or sentences until you have the ideal story that compliments your application, so don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time.

Let’s look at what each motivational letter looks like and includes:

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

#1. Contact Details

Start by adding all the relevant contact information at the top of your motivational letter.

Here’s what to include:

  • Full Name. Place your first and last name at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title. Match your professional title to the specific position you're aiming for. E.g.: if you’re applying for a Ph.D., write “Ph.D. candidate”.
  • Email Address. Include a professional and straightforward email address. We recommend sticking to something that combines your first and last name.
  • Phone Number. Include your phone number and add the dialing code in front if you’re applying overseas.
  • Location. Adding your city and state/country is more than enough.
  • Relevant Links. Optionally, you can include links to any relevant websites or social media profiles, such as a portfolio, a blog, a LinkedIn profile , etc.

Then, add the contact information of the admissions officer or hiring manager reading your motivational letter, such as:

  • Organization’s Name. Start with the name of the organization to which you're sending your application.
  • Recipient’s Name. If possible, find the name of the exact person who's going to be viewing your application, such as the hiring manager or the admissions officer for the department you're interested in. Check the organization’s website to get a head start.
  • Recipient’s Title. Always address the reader professionally. For example, if they’re a professor or doctor in their field, use the appropriate identifier.
  • Location. Provide the exact address of the organization you’re applying to. Include the city, state, country, and street number, and even specify the building if necessary.

#2. Introduction

Begin your motivational letter with a strong introduction.

The first few sentences need to be attention-grabbing – do this through a short, engaging pitch about yourself and why you are applying.

Here’s what you can include:

  • A summary of who you are and what you do.
  • Details about what you’re applying for and where.
  • A prelude to the bulk of your motivational letter.

Remember - this part only needs to include the general reasons behind your application, since you’ll have the opportunity to make a deep dive later on in the body of your motivational letter.

Let’s look at an example of what your introduction could look like:

Dear Dr. Octavio,

My name is Jane Doe, and I would like to express my interest in applying for the Ph.D. Robotics program at Columbia University. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a robotics engineer and contributing to advancement in the field, and I believe that a Ph.D. in Robotics from this university would set me miles ahead of reaching my goal.

The body of your motivational letter is where you get to really sell yourself.

It’s also where the bulk of your text is going to be, so it determines your motivational letter as a whole.

There are two things you should keep in mind when writing this section of your motivational letter: the paragraph structure and the paragraph contents.

Generally, there are two main paragraph-based structures for your motivational letter.

First is the classic, three-main-paragraph structure, where each paragraph accounts for your introduction, body, and conclusion. If you’re using a storytelling approach for your motivational letter, we recommend sticking to this one.

However, if you want to be more factual and to the point, we recommend trying the seven-paragraph structure. It divides the main body of your motivational letter into smaller paragraphs according to your main points, where each discusses a specific achievement, experience, or aspiration.

Use the body of your motivational letter to mention the stories behind your achievements, essential skills , and passion for whatever you’re applying for.

This is the right place to be as detailed and factual as possible. Give concrete examples of what motivated you to apply for this position, and show how that directly relates to what the organization is looking for in a candidate.

Here are some sentences you can paraphrase and use to help you write the body of your motivational letter:

  • My passion for [field] started when [experience] . 
  • I want to [join this organization] because [ motivation] . 
  • I have been part of [relevant organization or field] for [amount of time] . It’s the best thing for me because [reason] .
  • I remember once when I [experience] , which made me realize that I [gained interest in the specific field] .
  • [Organization or program] resonates with me because [specific reason] .
  • What distinguishes me from my peers is [something you’re proud of] .

Let’s look at a brief example of how this is put into practice.

I developed my passion for digital marketing during my internship at XYZ Inc. Working for a small startup allowed me to gain surface-level experience in most digital marketing channels. Now, I would like to deep-dive and gain advanced know-how by attending the Buffalo College Marketing program.

#4. Conclusion

After finishing the body of your motivational letter, it’s time to wrap it up and send it in.

Use this section to briefly summarize your main points and remind the reader why you’d be a great fit for the organization or program you’re interested in.

Then, mention your overarching career goal and how that aligns with their organization’s mission.

Finally, thank the reader for their time and sign off on your motivational letter. Here’s an example:

Therefore, I believe that my strong academic foundation in environmental studies and hands-on fieldwork experience are qualifications that position me to make outstanding contributions to your master's program. I believe that the knowledge I gain in the Sustainability and International Relations program will play a pivotal role in my mission of shaping innovative policies and scientific solutions to combat climate change and protect our planet's biodiversity for future generations.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to join UCLA in the fall semester.

George Maxton

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Always review your motivation letter carefully and stick to any stated requirements or guidelines for your application.

Organizations will sometimes include formatting specifications, like word count or page limits, or even questions they want you to answer in your motivational letter.

If you’re writing a motivational letter for an academic program, you can usually find this information on the admissions requirements webpage or within the provided application materials. 

For job applications, these details are usually listed on the job ad or in the company's job application portal.

Always follow these rules exactly as stated. Going off script could get your application immediately rejected since it shows you’re either not attentive or you’re not taking the opportunity seriously.

If, on the other hand, there aren’t any guidelines for your motivational letter, we recommend you follow these tips:

  • Keep your motivational letter one page long.
  • Use a clear structure with concise paragraphs to make your letter easy to skim.
  • Choose a professional font like Lora or Roboto and make sure it’s sized 11-12 pt.
  • Set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your page doesn’t look too cluttered or too empty.
  • Include the date you wrote your motivational letter for an extra professional touch.
  • Use powerful words and action verbs (“designed” and “conceptualized”) instead of cliched phrases (“helped with” and “managed”).
  • Smoothly connect your thoughts through transition words.
  • Proofread carefully for any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Include a professional closing line like "Sincerely" at the end of your text.
  • Print your motivational letter out and sign it, or send it as a PDF to preserve your formatting.

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Motivational Letter Example

Let’s look at an example of a great motivational letter for a Ph.D. program at Harvard University and go through just what this candidate does right:

motivation letter example

The candidate’s letter to Harvard University’s Department of Political Science starts by addressing the person in charge of admissions for the Ph.D. program they’re interested in.

The general requirements for the Political Science program are:

  • Being research inclined
  • Having a demonstrated passion for politics
  • Showing above-average performance during undergraduate studies 

The values of the university they’re applying to are integrity, education, respect, and accountability.

The candidate’s motivational letter is neatly divided into a total of five paragraphs, of which three make up the body of the text.

Here’s how they highlight their motivation:

  • They know the history of the university and share the same values.
  • They’re genuinely excited and passionate about the program and the school.
  • They show what their qualifications are and how they’ll be a great fit for the program.
  • They explain what they hope to achieve if they get the opportunity to study at Harvard.

Essentially, the candidate has listed all their qualifications through a personal story. After reading this letter, the admissions officer will feel like they know the candidate adequately, especially since they have communicated who they are by highlighting how they match everything the Ph.D. program is looking for in an applicant.

Need more inspiration? Check out our 60+ cover letter examples for different professions.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end of our guide!

Now, you know everything there is to know about motivational letters. We’re confident you’re a shoo-in for that position you have your sights set on!

But before we go, let’s quickly sum up what we’ve covered so far:

  • A motivational letter is a formal document that’s usually required when applying for university admissions, a non-profit organization, or a volunteer position.
  • Motivational letters are different from cover letters since they focus more on your interests, passions, and ambitions than on your skills and achievements.
  • Generally, there are two ways to structure your motivational letter, depending on whether you want to tell a story or factually go through all the points that make you an ideal candidate.
  • The introduction of your motivational letter should be brief and immediately grab the reader’s attention. Use it to tell them who you are and why you’re interested in applying for the specific opportunity.
  • Always do your research on the specific program or organization. This can help you show genuine interest and convey your aspirations for the future in this field.
  • Make your motivational letter stand out by using one of Novorésumé’s templates and giving the admissions officer or hiring manager a gorgeous first impression.

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25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

The key to convincing potential employers that you are a good candidate is to write a motivational letter.  Motivational letters are one of the keys to impressing potential employers. This is different from a cover letter and can be more effective to showcase your years of experience by quantifying your previous accomplishments.

Below we have 25 motivation letter example templates for you to put together a single-page letter unique to you and help you land that dream job.

Sample Letter Template for Inserting Your Body Paragraphs (Body Paragraphs Below)

Using the free template below, the first paragraph should introduce why you are writing to this employer, who you are, and include a summary of your academic institutions and work experience. In the second paragraph, talk about your professional experience, relevant skills, and highlight your value to the company by aligning your skills and experiences with the job posting. The third paragraph should ask for the job interview and include your contact information so that the hiring manager can reach you.

Tailor the following motivation letter to your needs:

[Your Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Telephone Number] [Email Address]

[Hiring Manager Name] [Title] [Company Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager]:

My name is [Name], and I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [position] at [Company Name]. I have been working toward the goal of having a career in the [industry] industry with [Company Name] and helping it attain its goals of [researched company goals]. My [credential] from [University Name] gives me an edge that can benefit [Company Name].

[Insert your body paragraph(s) here.]

My resume is attached. If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an interview, please call me at [phone]. I look forward to meeting you to talk further about employment opportunities at [Company Name].

Sincerely, Signature (if a hardcopy letter) [Your Printed Name] [LinkedIn Page, if you have one] [Facebook Page, if it will help you get the job]

25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs

Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company.

1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan]. I have demonstrated these values through my work at [Company Name] by always being [quality] and taking the time to [quality]. [Quality] and [quality] are also very important to me, both professionally and personally.

I have [relevant experience] that has catapulted me into learning other aspects of [industry], such as [aspect] and [aspect]. With this well-rounded perspective of [industry], I believe I am the perfect candidate for this position. I have the necessary skills and experience to get you results while keeping your core values at the forefront of everything I do.

2. As you will see by my job application, I have vast experience in [industry], and I’ve always prioritized [quality] and [quality] to ensure a great first impression for every customer. While at [previous Company Name], I developed skills in customer service, sales, and shipping and receiving.

My contributions to the changes in our packaging department saved the company [$number], and our staff appreciated the new [packaging feature]. I believe my strong educational background and extensive experience in the field will be an asset to [Company Name]. I have always been passionate about [industry], and I know that my love of the industry will make my transition into your team very smooth.

3. In your job description for the [position], you listed [quality] as being a priority at [Company Name]. I have [years] of experience managing the [department] where [quality] was made a priority due to changes I implemented in my first year. I have worked in [industry] for [years], and I was impressed by your company news about [quality] being improved across all of your locations. With my extensive experience and a solid background in executing [previously mentioned priority goal], I feel my skills would be a welcome addition to the [department] at [Company Name].

4. Having previously held a [position] and experience in a [field], I understand how challenging it can be to maintain relevance with the rising value of currency and inflation in the [field] market without breaking the budget. I know that [Company Name]’s current focus is to improve [quality], and I’m happy to report that at [current Company Name], I was part of a team that did just that.

In one short [timeline], I led our team to increase [goal] by [number]%, and decrease [goal] by [number]%. The results gave [Company Name] the opportunity to expand [division] by [number]%. Leading my team through this transition allowed me to support all my team members to achieve incredible results. I’m certain I could be a huge benefit to your business.

5. As a master’s degree holder in [industry] with [years] of proven experience in managing both [department] and [department] effectively and efficiently, I am well-prepared for your position. Professionally, I am very organized, calm, and patient with excellent [industry] skills. When [Company Name] experienced hardship with [project], my team and I were able to provide comprehensive solutions that [Company Name] could implement quickly to avoid any loss whatsoever.

In addition to providing quality service to [clients], I have the leadership skills needed to motivate other employees to perform above the industry standard. My team members have always described me as approachable, and results-driven, and I’m proud to say I was awarded [award] for my role at [Company Name]. I would love to bring my incredible expertise to your organization, to plan what we can achieve together.

6. As an [position] at [Company Name], I am responsible for evaluating the [specific measure] of up to [number] [clients]. I am also responsible for developing a rotational system to manage the care of [clients] and coordinate the workforce. I have been recognized as an ambitious, reliable, and dedicated individual who works independently.

Furthermore, I realized and implemented [field] duties I learned in school when I worked in a [position] at [previous employer] for [years]. The [employer]’s management commended my handling of difficult situations with [clients] while I worked there. All of this, along with my relevant education, makes me an ideal candidate for this role.

7. The job position for [position] that you have advertised matches well with the skills that I have acquired during my time at [Company Name]. My areas of expertise and passions are [industry] analysis, project management, and research. In addition to being my passions, these skills are the foundation for any project management professional.

As a financial manager who excels in data analysis, I understand where the company should be focusing its efforts. My experience and deep skillset will launch your company forward into the next decade.

8. I see from your posting that you’re looking for a [position] with experience in [field] maintenance, which happens to be one of my primary strengths. As a [position] at [Company Name], I steered full upgrades to our [task] over [timeline], resulting in an average increase of [number]% in [measurable goal], as well as a decrease of [number]% in [measurable goal]. As a result, productivity and employee satisfaction improved dramatically across the board. Employees found themselves eager to use the new system, and productivity increased by [number]%.

Additionally, I have developed my knowledge of hardware and software issues on [software] as well as [software] at [Company Name]. In addition to my experience level with advanced technical abilities, my proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems, and my excellent interpersonal skills, I am confident that I could be a valuable team member at [Company Name].

9. My role as a [position] at [Company Name] is to ensure fluid communication between [department] and [department], including all parties involved. I have doubled the [quantifier] at all [company-organized functions] by implementing new [industry] tactics over the past year. My degree in [subject] also places me in an ideal position to bring forward leadership skills to motivate and encourage all employees.

I have a track record of reliable reporting and a self-reflection tool I use with myself and my employees to drive results to the highest level possible. Employees become motivated to work together as they know I am receptive to all feedback. My passion for hard work and solid results make me the best candidate for your job opening at [Company Name].

10. At [Company Name], I managed a team of [number] people, and my main priority was always based on their safety and security. In contrast to other [positions], I make sure everyone knows their responsibilities when they are due and when they need to make changes, all the while keeping safety in mind. This is done using the system that I have used for [years] throughout that works for me. We conduct a safety meeting every day before anyone lifts a tool, and every [area] is viewable at any time. Every project is then executed on time and on budget, and we can clearly see when we have succeeded and where we need to improve. I think your company would find that I am a good fit for this position.

11. I’ve spent [years] managing [departmental budgets] for a [number]-person company, so I could plan a [frequency] project budget or draft an inter-office budget in my sleep. My career goals include consulting with executives to determine their financial strategies based on their experience.

My skills speak for themselves, but it’s that personal touch that each executive will find invaluable as they watch their investments compound. I take the time to research every client I work for and get to the root of their motivation for maximum results. My experience as a result-oriented professional makes me the right candidate for this position.

12. It was exciting to see that there was an opening in [department] with [Company Name] as your involvement with [other Company Name] has been meaningful to me for a long time. As a result, this job is my best fit since it brings together my experience with [department] and [other Company Name]. This would be a great way for me to integrate myself into your team and help your company launch through your next steps to reach your ambitious goal of [goal].

With my team building and management experience, together with my ability to troubleshoot this process, I believe I would prove invaluable to [Company Name]. At [previous role], I ensured a successful launch of merging both parties, which had a profound effect on both sides. You can count on me to deliver the same caliber of results to your organization.

13. As a longtime admirer of [Company Name]’s success, it was a pleasure to see your job opening. In light of my experience decreasing [goal] by [number]% for [Company Name] while reducing [goal] by nearly [number]% and boosting [goal], I believe I can be of assistance in [Company Name]’s current market challenges. As your company is about to embark on this new chapter, and since I’ve just led a team through a similar project, I think setting up an interview would be beneficial.

14. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience gained while holding [position] with [Company Name]. As such, I performed the [duty] at the [location] in all areas of the [department] and the [department]. The experience I gained working in [industry] further prepared me to progress in [industry].

I have a great deal of transferable experience, specifically in [area] and [area]. My objective is to gain a broad understanding of [area], [area], and [area]. Given the opportunity to interview with you, I believe I will make a great first impression on you and your management team.

15. As a [role] at [Company Name], I am in charge of analyzing the [specific measurement] of up to [number] [clients] as well as developing a systematic method for coordinating the care of [clients]. Known for my tenacity, reliability, and dedication, I can work independently. Those clients had a better chance at satisfaction with me leading the team in [department].

When I held a [position] at [previous employer] for [years], I used what I learned in school to fulfill [field] duties. While I worked there, [employer’s management] recognized my ability to resolve difficult scenarios with [clients]. My relevant education, along with my professional experience, makes me an ideal candidate for the role.

16. I have [years] of experience in this part of the business and I understand the communication skills required to perform this job effectively. I am confident that my exposure and knowledge will be an asset to your company. My experience has taught me that teamwork is of the utmost importance. I believe that strong relationships with all the departments in the organization take the company toward success.

I have taught myself to reach out and build relationships with all facets of the organization. I am passionate about my work, and I am confident you will find me a perfect fit for your business.

17. My experience includes leading multi-disciplinary teams and providing actionable solutions through [field] reports, overall campaign effectiveness, analysis, and insights. At [Company Name], I have been successful at increasing [goal] from [number] to number] in [timeframe]. My competitive nature allows me to handle complex situations both strategically and tactically.

With my knowledge of [industry], I managed to achieve [goal for Company Name]. You provide applicants with a vast array of career and growth opportunities, and I would like to join your company because you offer excellent career and growth opportunities. I believe that I am your best chance at hiring someone who will work hard to acquire those opportunities aggressively and with great enthusiasm.

18. I am a brilliant professional [position] who has been consistently praised as a trustworthy leader by my colleagues. Throughout several my career, I have developed proven [skill], [skill], and [skill], which I hope to leverage within the [department] of your company. The first thing I think about before tackling any project is “How can I improve this process to make it safer, and more efficient?” I am always looking for better ways to accomplish company goals. With my vast education and wide-ranging experience, I believe I am the ultimate contender for this position.

19. When it comes to handling and manipulating [product], I am known for my attention to detail and precision. Also, I am proficient in communicating between various groups, including designers, producers, quality assurance personnel, and warehouse personnel.

Your healthcare work appeals to me most about your company. As an employee of [Company Name], I learned the requirements of working in a federally-regulated environment and maintaining the strictest adherence to environmental protection and health regulations. Furthermore, I am committed to setting the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure that my team and I are bringing the latest standards to the warehouse floor. The best thing about having me on your team is that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

20. I worked for a leading [Company Name] for ten years after obtaining a degree from [University]. Several [industry] developments were delivered, and business was good. Along with many other industry professionals, I was laid off during the recession. My new career began with [Company Name] as a leading consultant, achieving a [number]% [goal] for its [project]. Based on this success, my CEO offered me a promotion to my current position [position] for the newly launched [project] of [Company Name].

This high-profile position entails overseeing a team of [number of] [industry] consultants, [industry] engineers, and support staff. Because of my industry knowledge and contacts, I have been able to reduce [field] costs by [number]% every year. In addition to the growth and occupancy goals, I overshot my vacancy turnover goals and resident satisfaction rates as well. Since these results can be reproduced for [Company Name], I believe I would be a good leader to bring a successful future to your department.

21. I’ve had several responsibilities and accomplishments in my previous position at [Company Name], making me an ideal candidate for [position] at [Company Name]. Using a similar format to [Company Name], I wrote plans for [project] at [Company Name], and a number of locations have now adopted it. Furthermore, my [percent] success at [project] and [project] in [industry] are among the best in the state, and I am sure I can produce similar results at [Company Name].

My dream would be to acquire the position at [Company Name]. Your company’s values have always impressed me. I was initially encouraged to become a [position] by several members of [Company Name]. Although I love [task] dearly, there is no other business that would make me as happy to work for as [Company Name]. Should I inherit this position, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to the team.

22. In my professional career [position], I have consistently been praised by my colleagues as a superior leader. My career has enabled me to develop [skills], [skills], and [skills] that I hope to leverage within your company’s [department]. My successes with [project] over the last [number] years were directly responsible for an increase of [number]% in sales for [Company Name]. In addition, I take the health and safety of my staff very seriously. Before every project, I plan ways to make it efficient, safer, and more cost-effective. Aiming for greater success for the company is my constant goal. Given my extensive education and a variety of experiences, I am the most qualified candidate for this particular role.

23. I am well-suited for this position as a result of my master’s degree and my graduate studies. To complete it, a great deal of independent research was required, necessitating initiative, motivation, and an extensive set of skills. The knowledge of the [industry] was essential for one course, [insert course]. I found this subject to be very stimulating. It prepared me well to begin my career with [Company Name].

My [industry] skills are proficient and precise, and I have a keen eye for detail, so I would be very grateful if I were able to prove myself in this position. My enthusiasm and determination will help me guarantee success in this role immediately.

24. It is my pleasure to have extensive knowledge and experience with multiple applications and processes, including but not limited to [software], [software], [software], [software], and [software]. Throughout my career as an analyst, I acquired skills such as [skill] and [skill], and I approach analytics with a passionate and curious outlook. On my website, you can read several client reviews that demonstrate my ability to spot anomalies and provide solutions to remediate them.

As a self-employed [position], I was not only responsible for delivering on promises to clients but also solely responsible for managing multiple accounts and communicating with any clients. I am confident that these communication skills will help me in this role, which requires good time management and prioritizing skills, along with the ability to communicate findings clearly and concisely.

Despite enjoying the flexibility that comes with working for myself, I am ready to move into a full-time position with a company like [Company Name]. As a team member, I am eager to have the opportunity to collaborate with both my colleagues and clients. Both technical and non-technical team members can benefit from my strong research abilities and presentation skills. As an individual, I am well organized, am open to constructive criticism, and am driven to surpass everyone’s expectations. In my work, I strive for clarity and excellence, which are principles aligned with the company’s core values, which makes me a confident candidate for success on [Company Name]’s team.

25. [Publication] published an article about the opening of your company’s branch in my area, and I read it with great enthusiasm. Congratulations on your new business venture, as well as your pre-launch sale of $[amount]. When I discovered that [Company Name] was hiring, I knew I had to apply.

I have long desired to find a company where I feel like I can make an impact even while working in a [position] in [industry]. My training and knowledge make this the perfect opportunity for me to be a part of your team. Having been vital in the successful launch of [product] at [Company Name], I feel my passion for this [industry] and experience with [field] places me at the top for suitable applicants.

In addition to your letter, you will want to include your resume. Remember: hiring managers read many resumes. If you’re applying for the job of your dreams, as a starting point, consider how quickly your resume could be skimmed by a reader. You want to be direct, assertive, and keep it succinct. Always consider the following:

  • Keep your letter to a simple, clean, single page.
  • Hook them with the first line.
  • Triple check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Research the company you are applying to.
  • Check the job listing carefully for key requirements and align those with your accomplishments – quantifiable results are what employers are looking for!
  • Let your personality shine tough!

For recent graduates with no work experience, it can be the best way to demonstrate your relevant skills by showing specific skills you’ve acquired in school or through volunteering. I hope these examples of professional cover letter samples help you draft your winning letter.

Good luck. You can do this!


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  2. Promotion Letter Format–Download Free Word Templates

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  4. 50 Job Promotion Letters (100% Free Templates) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  3. Cover Letter for Internal Position & Promotion Examples

    A good achievement-oriented resume can catch the hiring manager's attention, and break down your skills in a more impactful way. 5. Show your gratitude. The last thing you want to do is give management the impression you're only asking for a promotion or transfer because you want more money.

  4. How to Write a Letter of Intent When You Want a Job Promotion

    Start your letter by stating who you are, why you're writing and include the official name of the job position you want. Depending on the size of the company, you may want to include the name of your department and current role. 2. Outline your qualifications. Next, you will want to describe your qualifications for the desired role.

  5. How to write a letter for promotion (with examples)

    Letter for promotion example An example letter for promotion to help you write your own: Jeromy Creme Marketing Manager [email protected] 01234 567890 01/08/2022 Mrs Claire Peel Managing Director [email protected] Dear Mrs Peel, Firstly, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this document. The reason I'm writing is to formally request a promotion from the position of Marketing ...

  6. Internal Promotion Cover Letter: Writing Guide and Samples

    This section will provide examples of a standard and emailed internal promotion cover letter. Sample Cover Letter for Internal Promotion. Constantine Hasse Sales Associate 2888 Brannon Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32207 ... Motivation letters are also commonly written for university applications where the explanation of past work experience ...

  7. Cover Letters for a Promotion or Internal Position

    Alison Doyle. Updated on May 9, 2024. In This Article. What to Include in Your Cover Letter. Sample Cover Letter for Promotion. Email Job Promotion Letter. Applying for a Transfer. More About Getting Promoted. Photo: PeopleImages.com / Getty Images.

  8. How To Write A Cover Letter For An Internal Position Or Promotion (with

    This should include your contact information and the date of submission. Be sure to also include the employer, hiring manager, or recruiter's name (whoever will be reading the cover letter) and professional information. Opening paragraph. Explain how your current role prepared you for the new position.

  9. Cover Letter for Promotion : Writing Tips & Sample Examples

    Promotion Cover Letter Example-1 (Text Format) Date. Name of the Hiring Manager. Company. Address. Dear Mr./Ms. This is with reference to the position of Assistant Training Manager that has opened up recently in the Training Department. I would like to apply for the same. It has been over five years that I have been associated with XYZ Company.

  10. How To Write a Promotion Request Letter

    2. Use a professional heading and salutation. If you are sending a physical letter, begin with a formal heading that includes your name, position, contact information, the date and then the recipient's name, position and contact information. If the letter is an email, use a clear and informative subject line, such as "Promotion Request.".

  11. 9 Best Promotion Letter Sample Templates for HRs

    Here is a formal sample promotion letter template you can steal: Dear <employee's name>, Congratulations on your promotion to <job title>. Your new position at the <department title/office location> will be effective <month, day, year>. You will report to <Manager Name>, Director of <department name>.

  12. Steps to Writing a Professional Promotional Letter

    A promotional letter is a written submission to a supervisor declaring your candidacy for a higher position and detailing your interest and motivation in pursuing the promotion. Discuss the letter first with your immediate supervisor. Ask them the appropriate submission format (email or physical copy) for the more professional approach. The ...

  13. How to Write a Motivation Letter in 2024 (Guide & Examples)

    Use a professional letter font and set it to 12 pt size. Set your letter spacing to 1" on all sides of the page. Choose a good letter layout to convey your professionalism. Make sure you create a professional letter file title so that recruiters can find your motivation letter right away.

  14. Tips on How To Write a Promotion Letter (With Examples)

    6. Lay out the new reporting structure. The reporting structure of a firm may alter following an employee's promotion. In the letter, clearly describe these changes as they pertain to the employee. This makes it easier for newly promoted personnel to better understand their new workflow and adjust to their new job. 7.

  15. Cover Letter for Internal Position or Promotion Examples

    We got you. Our cover letter for promotion comes from Alejandro, a junior developer in a software house, looking to progress to a normal developer position with more pay and perks. Example #2: Cover Letter for Promotion. Alejandro S. White. 4917 Yorkshire Circle.

  16. How to Write a Motivation Letter: Sample & Guide for 2024

    1. Start With a Motivation Letter Header. Addressing a motivation letter is exactly the same as creating a header for a cover letter. Take a look at this example: Addressing the Letter of Motivation—Example Right Example. Jane Kelly. High-School Graduate. 506 5th St. La Porte, IN 46350, USA. 574-205-9169. [email protected]. 07.20.2023. Ms ...

  17. Recommendation Letter For A Promotion (With Examples)

    123 Company St. Town, State 12345. Dear Mrs. Johnson, After working with Luke Smith for many years, I fully support his candidacy for the promotion to Sales Manager. I have watched him evolve from an intern to his current role as a Sales Associate and I know he is capable of taking on added responsibility.

  18. How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    3. Expand your outline for your body. Expand the points in your outline to form your motivation letter's body. Take a new paragraph for every new topic. Remember, your motivation letter aims to convince your recipient of your value, so use compelling facts to be persuasive. 4. Conclude your motivation letter.

  19. Sample Recommendation Letters for a Promotion

    Throughout your career, you may be called upon to write a recommendation letter for a colleague or direct report looking for a promotion. Whether it's showcasing their leadership skills, highlighting specific achievements, or matching their qualifications to a higher role, a positive endorsement can make all the difference, helping the candidate stand apart from a similarly qualified crowd of ...

  20. Motivation Letter For Promotion

    Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing this letter to express my sincere and strong interest in being considered for a promotion within [Your Current Organization]. Having served diligently as [Your Current Position] in [Your Current Department/Division], I believe that the time has come for me to take on greater responsibilities and contribute ...

  21. Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

    Convey Your Ambitions #8. Don't Lie #9. Use a Motivational Letter Template How to Structure a Motivational Letter #1. Contact Details #2. Introduction #3. Body #4. Conclusion How to Format a Motivational Letter Motivational Letter Example Key Takeaways. Share this article. You're about to apply for the job opportunity of your dreams.

  22. How To Write a Recommendation Letter for Promotion (With Example)

    Here is an example of a letter of recommendation for a promotion: Martin Ross Team lead, communications department. (777) 555-0100 [email protected] 04/14/23 Lydia Grayson Head of human resources Dear Ms. Grayson, My name is Martin Ross, a team lead in the communications department here at Focus Technologies.

  23. 25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

    25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs. Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company. 1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan].