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Monday 13 February 2012

Printing reports to pdf using pdfcreator, 15 comments:.

qlikview print report to pdf

I'm getting this error. What should I be looking for? ActiveX component can't create object: 'PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator'

Errggg..... I didn't have sytem access turned on. This works great!!

qlikview print report to pdf

Its works great, but why do I get "Unexpected Error". Quiting at the end. Though the PDF have been created. Any idea?

qlikview print report to pdf

Hi, No idea. Something to do with your system, maybe re-install something. I wouldn't expect an unexpected error ;-) Stephen

Hi Stephen, Your macro is fantastic and works perfectly. Beyond what you have done, I've one more requisit which is to email each of the reports to different email. Could you help please? Many Thanks Bruno

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hi Stephen, it is possible to create PDf file with QV8.5 or only with Release 11.0? Thanks Kira

Hi, I'm put into practice your code but I have one problem when executing the script: It appears small Qlikview window with message 'Failed to open document', it opens an empty Qlikview window and then a typical vbasic error message window where puts: Object required (Line 6). My 6 first lines are: Line 1- Dim QV, ActiveDocument, FieldName, i, FieldValue, mySelections Line 2 - set QV = CreateObject("QlikTech.QlikView") Line 3- QV.OpenDoc "url_to_qvw","","" Line 4 - set ActiveDocument = Qv.ActiveDocument Line 5 - FieldName = "Client_ID" Line 6 - set mySelections = ActiveDocument.Fields(FieldName).GetPossibleValues After that I make the loop calling to function Print_PDF. I dont know what can be happening. I make tests with Qlikview 11 SR1 64bit and PDF Creator 1.6.2. Any idea?? Thank you!

"url_to_qvw" doesn't look like a valid path.

Obviously I put that ommitting a real path. In my case, it would be "C:\test.qvw" but i dont understand well because it gives me that error :S

i am getting error at set mySelections = ActiveDocument.Fields(FieldName).GetPossibleValues in the line" set mySelections = " here wht should i give

Its Superb!! Fantastic.

Hello. i have a problem with PDFCreator (i use the old version 1.7.3) When i run the Nacro from QV, it works very fine. But when i use a bath file to run my qvw file, after closing my app, there is a PDFCreator.exe in my memory and i have to kill it manually. Do you have any idea, what can be the reason? Many Thank in forward! Best regards Pey (too much deleted comments??!!)

Hi, sorry, I don't know what the problem is. It has been some time since I even looked at this - there are better options now. Deleted comments are spammers.

What are these better options? Can you link to them? I am currently try to find a script that creates multiple pdf files based on a customers name. Would really appreciate the help!

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Printing reports to PDF using PDFCreator

QlikView's report engine is very capable of producing good quality paper or PDF reports (with an appropriate PDF printer driver). There is an additionally licensed add-on for QlikView Publisher that allows automated generation of these reports into PDF and distribution to multiple recipients. This additional option is not available without Publisher.

This recipe demonstrates using automation to print the reports using the PDFCreator ( ) printer driver. This driver has its own API that allows us to control the name of the file and location.

Note that when installing PDFCreator, you should watch out for additional toolbars or add-ons that you may not want to install. ...

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Slow or Failed PDF Printing in QlikView in the AJAX Client


  • “PDFPrintTimeoutInSeconds” in settings.ini - on Publisher Server
  • “QVSTimeout” in config.xml  - on AccessPoint Server
  • “SessionCookieTimeout” in the config file of the web server
  • “SocketTimeOutInSeconds” in IIS - on AccessPoint Server
  • “Object Calculations Time Limit”  - In QMC

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Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024

qlikview print report to pdf

This report is part of Critical Minerals

About this report

Critical minerals, which are essential for a range of clean energy technologies, have risen up the policy agenda in recent years due to increasing demand, volatile price movements, supply chain bottlenecks and geopolitical concerns. The dynamic nature of the market necessitates greater transparency and reliable information to facilitate informed decision-making, as underscored by the request from Group of Seven (G7) ministers for the IEA to produce medium- and long-term outlooks for critical minerals.

The Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024 follows the IEA’s inaugural review of the market last year. It provides a snapshot of industry developments in 2023 and early 2024 and offers medium- and long-term outlooks for the demand and supply of key energy transition minerals based on the latest technology and policy trends.

The report also assesses key risks to the reliability, sustainability and diversity of critical mineral supply chains and analyses the consequences for policy and industry stakeholders. It will be accompanied by an updated version of the Critical Minerals Data Explorer , an interactive online tool that allows users to explore the latest IEA projections.

Online table of contents

1.0 executive summary.

Read online

2.0 Market review

3.0 outlook for key minerals, outlook for key energy transition minerals.

This report provides an outlook for demand and supply for key energy transition minerals including copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite and rare earth elements. Demand projections encompass both clean energy applications and other uses, focusing on the three IEA Scenarios – the Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS), the Announced Pledges Scenario (APS) and the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario. Supply projections are based on a detailed review of all announced projects. They show how today's geographical concentration evolves over time, for both mining and refining and how expected supply compares with primary supply requirements in climate-driven scenarios. The outlook is complemented by structured “clean energy transitions risk assessments” across four major dimensions – supply risks, geopolitical risks, ability to respond to supply disruptions, and exposure to ESG and climate risks, which were designed to help policymakers identify potential areas of weakness for each material.

Critical Minerals Data Explorer

Global demand projections for 37 critical minerals needed for clean energy transitions across the three main IEA scenarios and 11 technology-specific cases.

Previous editions

Cite report.

IEA (2024), Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024 , IEA, Paris, Licence: CC BY 4.0

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  1. Export QlikView report to PDF

    AccessPoint visitors cannot initiate this PDF distribution module. However they will get the output of this module via a QlikView distribution mechanism. You'll have to prepare your reload task to distribute as PDF. And AFAIK the PDF generator is built-in. If you want your visitors to be able to print reports in PDF from the AJAX AccessPoint ...

  2. Printing Reports to PDF using PDFCreator

    Print_PDF FieldValue, "My Report", "RP01" Next Print_PDF is, essentially, using the reference code from the PDF Creator documentation: Sub Print_PDF(FieldValue, ReportName, ReportID) ... The only additional piece here from the PDF Creator documentation is the QlikView call to Print the report: ActiveDocument.PrintReport ReportID, "PDFCreator"

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    Like other tools of this ilk, it creates a Printer driver which you can print your documents to. Unlike other truck (especially at diese price point), it gives you additional control on what is printed exploitation a COM device. This makes a quite handy to use from VBScript - either inside or outside QlikView.

  4. Printing reports to PDF using PDFCreator

    Printing reports to PDF using PDFCreator. QlikView's report engine is very capable of producing good quality paper or PDF reports (with an appropriate PDF printer driver). There is an additionally licensed add-on for QlikView Publisher that allows automated generation of these reports into PDF and distribution to multiple recipients.

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  7. Export/Print Charts To PDF Using AJAX Client

    Right-click and choose "print object", "print image" or print ( depending on the browser). The browser print dialog will appear. Select the PDF printer you installed above and then click "print". Depending upon the PDF printer driver being used, it may request the file be saved; browse to the location of your choice and click "save".

  8. Creating a Report and Using PDF Distribution

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  9. How to export as pdf Qlikview report?

    Peter. 2014-10-1007:32 AM. You have to write macro. or i am not sure is there some option to export in server side. 2014-10-1007:33 AM. Hi, Create the static report in reports tab then it will send through the need to give the mail id whom you need to send that report and select type as PDF in publisher.

  10. Solved: dynamically save various reports as pdf with diffe...

    (for setting upward the PPTemplate she will have to copied the relevant chart (e.g. CH01) once into the PP Create and my the object like this: Document\CH01). To macro also loops through the fields "company" and "year" and items creates a new Report everytime when of one loop is finished. On: Potential possibilities to export QV report to PDF

  11. Export whole Qlik report with Qlik extension

    im working on a Qlik extension inside the Qlik extension editor. My goal is to export the current report as pdf and excel. I tryed to select the html code, format it and save as pdf first. This worked well since i noticed that just the displayed rows are exportet. It seems like unvisible rows are removed from the html.

  12. NPrinting: Export to PDF using Qlik Sense objects some images are

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  13. Qlikview Macro VBScript to print pdf and email will not run

    3) Reloads Qlikview application, which has triggers on post reload to save a pdf and email it using PDF Xchange and an html formatted e-mail to cover mobile. I am getting such inconsistent behaviour that I cannot isolate the problem to any particular one thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

  14. Slow or Failed PDF Printing in QlikView in the AJAX Client

    In these bugs, R&D noted that Qlik did not recommend trying to print over 200 pdf pages with QlikView as a best practice and these bugs were closed as working as designed. However, a potential workaround was suggested. Instead of using "Print Report" , R&D recommended using the "Select Report" option for this scenario.

  15. Print Report to PDF with open source PDFCreator 3.4

    This script prints a report into a PDF file using PDFCreator 3.4 (it may be compatible with PDFCreator 2.0+, but I have not tested it). ... Print Report to PDF with open source PDFCreator 3.4 Last Update: Sep 21, 2022 1:07:35 PM. Updated By: ... It ' ' contains timeout configuration in order to avoid QlikView from blocking.

  16. Reports

    Printing a report often means printing a single table or graph. In QlikView this is done as easily as selecting a sheet object and then choosing Print from a menu or toolbar. Sometimes however, there is a need for producing more complex reports including multiple charts and/or tables. This is where the QlikView Report Editor comes into the picture.

  17. PDF Black Print = Actual Data from SFBP Summary Cash Report

    Black Print = Actual Data from SFBP Summary Cash Report Blue Print = Projected Data Total Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Fiscal Year # of Trainees 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5

  18. python

    It's also unclear what you actually want to do: do you already have a PDF file that you want to print on a physical printer? - musicamante. May 10 at 14:34. 2. You could use the QPdfDocument class to render each page to a QImage and finally print those images to the QPrinter.

  19. PDF Did the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant Program Reach Its

    An Implementation Report A Publication of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance Boosting literacy among school-age children remains a national priority. Nearly one third of students in the

  20. Report to PDF format using macro

    Robin you can create report in qlikview and paste all objects in reports through VB macros we can. generate the PDF file and distribute this pdf in user email box directly. This qvw you need to run from outside server using batch file , This batch file you have to schedule in task schedular for auto-matic run. hope this may help you some !! Regards

  21. PDF Start

    Start | Qlik Help

  22. Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024

    It provides a snapshot of industry developments in 2023 and early 2024 and offers medium- and long-term outlooks for the demand and supply of key energy transition minerals based on the latest technology and policy trends. The report also assesses key risks to the reliability, sustainability and diversity of critical mineral supply chains and ...

  23. Qlikview 12.60 problems with print to pdf

    The printer Qlikview now uses is 'Microsoft Print to PDF'. After the upgrade Qlikview Reports (RP objects) that print to PDF are either 20 times the size of the files that used to get generated by the PDF-Xchange printer, or the PDF files are corrupted and you can't even open them. This occurs in Server and Desktop.