Leave Application

Medical Leave Application For Office (5 Samples)

Hello guys, today in this article I will guide you on how to write a medical leave application for office. If you are an employee working in a company for full-time or part-time then this post is going to be very helpful for you.

How To Write A Proper Medical Leave Application For Office

An application for sick leave to boss or manager should contain the following points.

Medical Leave Letter Format For Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I shall be thankful to you.

Leave Application For Medical Check-Up To Office

To, The (Recipient Name) (Company Name…..) (Address…..)

Subject:- Application for sick leave.

Leave Application For Office For Medical Reason

Kindly allow me to leave from (D/M/Y) to (D/M/Y). I would be obliged to you. I shall be thankful to you.

Leave Application For Office For Doctor Appointment

If you want to visit your doctor for a medical checkup then you can use this leave application format.

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Medical leave application for government employee [5 samples], leave a reply cancel reply.


7 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Leave of Absence Request

By Status.net Editorial Team on November 9, 2023 — 11 minutes to read

  • Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request Part 1
  • Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request Part 2
  • What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request Part 3
  • Examples of Leave of Absence Requests Part 4
  • Leave of Absence Request Template Part 5
  • Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates Part 6
  • Maternity Leave of Absence Template Part 7
  • What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request Part 8

Part 1 Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request

Before you start writing your leave of absence request, it’s important to understand the basics. A leave of absence request is a formal document that you submit to your employer, asking for time off from work for a specific reason. This can be for personal reasons, medical issues, or family matters. It’s important to know the policies and guidelines of your company to ensure your request is submitted appropriately.

  • Check your company’s leave policy. Familiarize yourself with the types of leaves that are allowed, the maximum duration you can request, and any approvals or documentation required. This information is usually found in your company handbook or can be requested from Human Resources.
  • When drafting your request, be clear about the reason for your leave. It’s important to be honest and straightforward, without going into too much personal detail. State the specific dates you plan to be away from work and any necessary arrangements, like reassigning your tasks to a colleague.

Try to submit your leave of absence request well in advance, allowing enough time for your employer to review and approve your request. This will demonstrate your professionalism and consideration for your team.

Part 2 Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request

Subject line and formal greeting.

Start your leave of absence request with a clear and concise subject line. Include relevant information, such as your name and the dates of your intended leave. For example: “John Doe’s Leave of Absence Request – June 1-15, 2025.” As a friendly way to start your message, address your email or letter to your supervisor or manager using their appropriate title, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Johnson.”

Explaining Your Reason for Leave

In the opening paragraph, state the purpose of your leave in a clear and simple manner. Explain the reason for your absence, whether it’s a personal matter, family emergency, or medical concern. Be genuine with your reason to help your supervisor better understand your situation.

Providing the Time Frame

Clearly state the exact dates of your requested leave in the second paragraph. Include the start and end dates of your absence. This shows consideration for your employer’s planning and helps them to manage workload adjustments. For example: “I will be absent from work starting on June 1 and plan to return on June 15.”

Plan of Action During Your Absence

Demonstrate your responsibility by outlining a plan of action for your workload during your leave. This may include delegating tasks to colleagues, completing certain projects before your absence, or being available for limited communication if required. For instance: “Before my leave, I will complete all of my current projects and assign any ongoing tasks to my colleague, Jane Smith. If needed, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters.”

Closing Your Letter

In the closing paragraph, express your gratitude for your employer’s understanding and support. Offer to discuss your request further in a meeting or call if needed. Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if you would like to discuss my request further.”

Review Before Sending

Before hitting send, give your email or letter a thorough read. Check for any spelling or grammar errors, ensure all important details are included, and that your message is clear and concise. This will help you present a polished and professional leave of absence request.

Part 3 What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, make sure to include the following elements:

  • Your name and contact information: Begin by mentioning your full name, position, and department. It’s also good to provide your contact information such as email and phone number in case your manager needs to reach you.
  • Leave type and reason: Clearly state the type of leave you’re requesting and provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your request. Be specific but maintain your privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive matters.
  • Start and end dates: Include the exact dates you plan to be away from work. Providing this information helps your manager know how long they should expect you to be gone and allows them to plan accordingly.
  • Work coverage plan: Explain how you’ve arranged for your work to be covered during your absence. If you’ve talked with a coworker who has agreed to handle your tasks, mention their name and workload distribution.
  • Additional documentation (if applicable): In some cases, you may be required to provide medical or legal documentation to support your leave request. Attach any necessary documents as per your company’s policy.

Part 4 Examples of Leave of Absence Requests

In this section, you’ll find some practical examples and templates to help you write a leave of absence request with ease.

Example for Personal Reasons

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for personal reasons, specifically from [start date] to [end date]. I understand that this time away may require adjustments within the team, and I assure you that I will do my best to minimize any potential disruption.

Before my leave begins, I intend to delegate my tasks to [colleague’s name or team] and provide them with any necessary guidance. If any urgent situations arise during my absence, please feel free to contact me via [phone/email], and I will promptly respond.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in accommodating my request.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Example for Maternity Leave

I am excited to share that I am expecting a baby, with the due date being around [due date]. With this, I kindly request maternity leave, which I would like to start on [start date] and return on [expected return date]. This should provide ample time for me to prepare, give birth, and bond with my newborn.

During my leave, I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities to [colleague’s name or team], keeping you updated on my progress. If any questions or concerns arise during my absence, I will be available via [phone/email].

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support during this exciting time in my life.

Templates for Leave of Absence Request

Below are a few templates to help you write a leave of absence request for different situations. They will serve as a starting point for your own letters, ensuring you cover all necessary details in a professional manner.

Part 5 Leave of Absence Request Template

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason for leave]. I have reviewed our company’s leave policy and believe that I qualify for this time off.

During my absence, I have arranged for [colleague’s name] to handle my responsibilities, ensuring a smooth transition in my absence.

Please find the attached documentation relating to my request [if applicable]. I understand that this request is subject to approval and would appreciate your prompt response so I can finalize any necessary arrangements.

Thank you for considering my request, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information or clarification.

[Your Name] [Your contact information]

Part 6 Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates

Personal reasons leave template 1.

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request

I am writing to request a personal leave of absence from work for [duration, e.g., two weeks] starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. My leave is due to [briefly explain your personal reason, e.g., a family matter or other personal matter that requires your attention].

During my absence, I have planned for [colleague’s name or your suggestion] to cover my workload and ensure a smooth transition. I will also be available via email for urgent matters.

Please let me know if you require additional information to consider my leave request. I kindly request your approval for my leave, and I will be happy to discuss any concerns or adjustments if necessary.

[Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 2

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request for Personal Reasons

I hope you are doing well. I would like to request a [length of leave] leave of absence starting from [start date] due to personal reasons. I understand this might cause some inconvenience, but I assure you I will do my best to ensure a smooth handover of my current tasks and responsibilities.

During my absence, I propose [colleague’s name] as a suitable replacement, but I am open to any other arrangements you suggest.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. Please let me know of any paperwork or further details required.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 3

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request (Start Date – End Date)

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to request a leave of absence from my position as [Your Position] in the [Your Department] department. I am requesting this leave for personal reasons and plan to be away from [Start Date] to [End Date].

During my absence, I have spoken with [Coworker’s Name], who has agreed to cover my responsibilities. We’ll work together before I leave to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any disruptions to the team.

Please let me know if there are any additional steps needed or if you require further information. I look forward to your understanding and approval of my leave request. Thank you.

[Your Name] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Part 7 Maternity Leave of Absence Template

Subject: [Your Name] – Maternity Leave of Absence Request

I am excited to inform you that I am expecting a baby, and the due date is [due date]. I would like to request maternity leave of absence as per company policy, starting from [start date] until [end date].

Before my leave, I will coordinate with my team and [colleague’s name] who can cover my responsibilities while I am away. Please let me know if you require any further information or arrangements to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to celebrating the birth of my child with you all upon my return.

Part 8 What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure your request doesn’t come across as unprofessional or lack clarity.

1. Sharing Too Much Information: You may feel the need to share every detail of your personal life or reasons for the leave. However, this may not be necessary. Share only what is relevant to your leave request and maintain a professional tone. A simple explanation like “medical reasons” or “family emergency” will suffice.

2. Ignoring Timing: Be mindful of the timing of your request. If your company experiences busy seasons or has significant projects in progress, it may not be the ideal time to request a leave. It’s important to be considerate of your company’s needs while also taking care of your own.

3. Making Demands: A leave of absence request is not a demand, but rather a polite inquiry. Approach your request with a collaborative and understanding mindset. Frame your request as a courteous question—not as an entitlement or expectation.

4. Being Vague: Your request must include specific information about the duration of your leave and the start and end dates. Being vague can make it difficult for your employer to make decisions and cause confusion.

5. Skipping the Proofreading: Ensure your request is well-written, free of grammatical errors, and typo-free. Your leave request represents you and your seriousness about the matter. A poorly edited request might cast doubt on your professionalism and commitment to your job.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common reasons to request a leave of absence from work.

Some common reasons for requesting a leave of absence from work include personal reasons, medical reasons (for you or a family member), education or professional development, and vacation. You may also request a leave for parental reasons, such as maternity or paternity leave.

How do I start my leave of absence request letter?

To start your leave of absence request letter, begin with a professional and respectful salutation, addressing the recipient by name (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Ms. Brown”). Then, in the opening paragraph, clearly state your intention to request a leave of absence, specifying the reason for your request and the desired start and end dates.

What should be included in the body of a leave of absence request?

In the body of your leave of absence request, provide any relevant details to support your request and address the potential impact of your absence on your work and team. You may want to include information about the reason for your leave, such as medical documentation or confirmation of a family event. Also, mention any arrangements you have made to cover your work responsibilities during your absence or suggest possible solutions to minimize the impact on your team.

Are there any important tips for writing a leave request for vacation?

When requesting a leave for vacation, make sure to submit your request with ample notice, considering your workplace’s leave policy and any peak periods that may require your presence at work. Provide the specific dates of your planned vacation, offer assistance in making arrangements to delegate your work during your absence, and be flexible about adjusting your plans if necessary to accommodate your team’s needs. Keep your request concise and professional, while expressing your enthusiasm for the time off.

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  • Interview Follow-up Email Examples (1-2-3 weeks)

Medical Leave of Absence Example Letters

As a college instructor and communication expert with extensive nonfiction and educational writing experience, Mary shares tips and advice related to a wide variety of topics.

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If you need to take an extended period of time off for work for medical reasons, it's a good idea to submit a formal letter of request to your employer. Before writing your letter, make sure you are aware of company policies regarding medical leave and find out whether or not your employer is covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The sample letters below can be downloaded and customized using Adobe , then printed out and signed.

Sample Letters for Medical Leave Requests

Three of the most common reasons to submit a letter to request time off from work in the form of a medical leave of absence are surgery, diagnosis of a serious illness, or a chronic condition that may require intermittent leave. Use the letters in this section if you need to request medical leave but are not eligible for Family Medical Leave (FML). Skip to the next section if FML would apply in your situation.

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Medical Leave of Absence Request: Surgery

This letter is an appropriate template to use if you are requesting medical leave for surgery.

Medical Leave of Absence Request: Serious Illness

This template is a good option if you are requesting medical leave in order to recover from a serious illness.

Medical Leave of Absence Request: Intermittent Leave

This template is appropriate if you have a medical condition that will require you to miss work on a recurrent basis over a period of time, such as for weekly or monthly treatments or periodic flare-ups.

Sample FMLA Letter to Employer

If your U.S. employer is covered by the FMLA , you are eligible for FML , and the reason you need leave is one that qualifies for FML , use this version of the letter instead of the ones above. This template can be adjusted to any FML qualifying situation, including serious illness (your own or that of a parent, child, or spouse), intermittent leave, pregnancy, or becoming a parent (mother or father) through birth, adoption or foster care.

Note: You'll need to attach appropriate documentation along with this letter. To ensure the approval process goes as quickly as possible, it's a good idea to reach out to your company's leave administrator (typically in the HR department) to verify exactly what paperwork will be required so you can be proactive in getting it completed in time to submit along with your letter. This will help to reduce the amount of back and forth required to get a decision.

Tips for Requesting Medical Leave

Keep these tips in mind when you find yourself in need of a medical leave of absence from your job.

  • Be sure that you know and follow your company's policies regarding leave requests and be sure that you follow the requirements exactly. Most companies have specific guidelines that employees must follow when requesting leave. Look in your employee handbook for your company's policies or ask your company's human resources representative for information. If your company does not have an HR department, ask your supervisor or the office manager who is responsible for employee leave requests and reach out to that individual.
  • It's advisable to begin the process of requesting approval for medical leave as soon as you know that you need time off from work for a qualified situation. Most companies request 30 days advance notice when it is practical. The fact that you are writing a letter of request will not excuse you from following official company procedure. Do not assume that your request has been approved simply because you submitted a letter. If you don't get a response within a few days, follow-up to check on the status and find out what (if anything) you can do to expedite the process.
  • Be prepared to complete official FMLA forms to request leave and for medical certification if you are eligible for this type of leave and if your company is covered by the law. See DOL.gov to learn more about FMLA eligibility and requirements. Even if your company is not obligated to provide you with leave under FMLA, your request may be granted if doing so is practical for the organization.
  • Your employer may need to communicate with your healthcare provider in order to approve medical leave. If this is the case, it will be necessary for you to sign a medical release form giving your doctor or other healthcare provider permission to share certain information with your medical records with a representative of your employer.

Reasonable Accommodation Considerations

If the reason you need leave is protected as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you may be able to request leave as a reasonable accommodation for your disability. If your company is not covered under FMLA and does not grant medical leave as a matter of policy, your initial request can be for a reasonable accommodation. If your company does provide FMLA or policy-based leave, but you need more time off for your health condition, requesting extended leave as a reasonable accommodation may be a good option for you. Learn more about disability rights and laws at ADA.gov .

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How to Write a Medical Leave Letter

Last Updated: November 5, 2019 References

This article was co-authored by Michael R. Lewis . Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin. This article has been viewed 115,657 times.

A medical leave of absence letter is a written document that informs your employer that you will need to take some time off due to medical reasons. Like any letter to an employer, you want to make sure the letter is professional and concise while clearly stating the reason for the medical leave. To write a medical leave letter, make sure you research company policy going in. From there, write a brief and concise letter stating your reasons for needing medical leave. Make sure to proofread the letter and submit it according to company policy.

Gathering the Necessary Information

Step 1 Learn your company's medical leave policy.

  • You can look in your company's handbook, or online, to find their sick leave policy. You can also talk to the HR Department if anything is still unclear.
  • You'll want to mention your company's policy in your letter. This both shows that you're adhering to policy and reminds your boss of what you are entitled to as an employee.
  • If you have questions about your company's medical leave policies, you can always contact your HR department and ask about their specific guidelines.

Step 2 Get a note from your doctor, if required.

  • Double check the date of your procedure. Have your doctor verify how long the recovery will be, and how much time you'll need off work.
  • Make sure your sick leave falls within the appropriate restrictions of your company's policy.

Writing the Letter

Step 1 Format the letter properly.

  • Write down your company's address at the top of the letter. Below this, write the date in the format month, date, and year. For example, "June 5th, 2016."
  • When you begin the letter, start with a salutation that begins with "Dear." Then, write your boss's name using his or her preferred personal title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., etc.).

Step 2 Begin by stating the reasons for your leave and its duration.

  • You can begin with something like, "I am writing this letter to ask for a leave of absence from work for medical reasons. According to company policy, I am entitled to 10 days of medical absence a year."
  • From there, state the medical concerns and the dates when you'll be absent. For example, "I am having my gallbladder removed. My surgery is on Thursday the 16th, and I will require 7 days of recovery. I should be back to work by the following Thursday, the 23rd."

Step 3 Explain your medical condition, if necessary.

  • For example, you can write something like, "I am having a suspicious mole removed for a biopsy this Monday. There will be further medical tests to assure I do not have melanoma, which is a form of skin cancer. I will be held up in procedures from Monday to Thursday. I should be able to return to work Friday."
  • Be brief when writing your letter; there's no need for embellishment. Just stick to the facts to keep it professional.
  • If you live in the United States, there are specific laws to protect your privacy, known as HIPAA. Your employer should not request more information than is necessary, and they have obligations to maintain your privacy under certain conditions.

Step 4 Let your boss know how you plan to handle work responsibilities when on leave.

  • If you're assigning your work to other colleagues, mention this. Make sure you ask the colleagues beforehand and get confirmation that they can take on your projects. Write something like, "The Henderson account will be managed by Charlie Hanson until my return."
  • If you plan on working remotely, let your boss know. For example, "While I will be laid up after my knee surgery, I'll still be able to carry on much of my duties. I plan to work remotely and Skype into meetings during my absence."

Step 5 Close with information on how to contact you.

  • If there's any time you know you'll be unavailable, mention this. For example, "You can reach me on my regular cell phone most of the time. However, my surgery is Thursday so I will be unable to take work-related calls then."

Step 6 Thank your boss before adding a closing line.

  • If you're adding an enclosure to the letter, like a doctor's note, make sure to write "Enclosure" one line below your name at the bottom of the letter, followed by a description of the enclosure.

Revising and Submitting the Letter

Step 1 Proofread the letter carefully.

  • Set the letter aside for a few hours and then come back to it with fresh eyes. This can help you catch errors.
  • You could also try to print the letter out if you typed it. You may have a better chance of catching your own errors when not reading on a screen.

Step 2 Make sure you follow any formal letter writing guidelines laid out by your office.

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  • ↑ http://www.livecareer.co.uk/templates/letter-samples/leave-letters/
  • ↑ http://www.letters.org/leave-letter/leave-letter-format.html
  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/653/01/
  • ↑ http://www.letters.org/leave-letter/how-to-write-a-leave-letter.html
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/editing-and-proofreading/

About this article

Michael R. Lewis

To write a medical leave letter, you'll need to explain to your boss why you need time off and how long you need. Before you write your letter, check your company’s policy in its handbook or talk to someone in human resources so you know what to include. Generally, you should tell your boss which days off you need and why. You don’t need to go into detail if you don’t want to, but at least say something like, “I’m having a minor surgical procedure on the 5th of June and I’ll need 5 working days off to recover.” If your company requires it, attach a copy of your doctor’s note as proof. You should also arrange for any specific responsibilities you have to be covered by other staff while you’re away. Let your boss know of these plans in your letter. Finish by thanking them for considering your leave and provide your contact details so they can reach you while you’re away. For more tips from our Legal co-author, including how to layout your medical leave letter, read on. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Medical Leave Application for School, Office and College with Format and Samples

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Medical Leave Application

A Medical Leave Application is a formal request for absence from work or school due to health issues. Types include Medical Leave Application for surgery or maternity, with slight format variations for school, college, or office. Often, a Medical Leave Application Form, validated by a doctor’s note, is required. Professional settings might prefer a Medical Leave Request Email. Distinct protocols exist for Government Employee Medical Leave and Teacher Medical Leave Application. Understanding these basics ensures smooth approval, which we’ll explore further along with various Medical Leave Application formats and drafting tips.

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Office Medical Leave Application Procedure

Initiating a Medical Leave Application in an office setting follows a structured procedure to ensure all parties are informed and necessary documentation is provided. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Identify the Need: Determine the necessity for medical leave due to illness, surgery, maternity, or other health-related reasons.
  • Review the Policy: Familiarize yourself with the company’s Medical Leave Policy to understand the eligibility and documentation required.
  • Consult with HR: Discuss your situation with the Human Resources department for guidance on the Medical Leave Application Procedure.
  • Obtain Medical Documentation: Visit your healthcare provider to get a doctor’s leave note or medical certificate, which will support your Medical Leave Application.
  • Fill out the Medical Leave Application Form: Complete the official Medical Leave Application Form provided by your office, detailing the reason for the leave and the expected duration.
  • Submit Application: Submit your completed Medical Leave Application Form and any supporting medical documentation to the concerned authority or department.
  • Send a Medical Leave Request Email: If required, send a formal Medical Leave Request Email to your supervisor and HR, explaining your situation and the period you expect to be away.
  • Follow Up: After submission, follow up to ensure your Medical Leave Application is being processed and inquire about any additional steps or information required.
  • Prepare for your Absence: Coordinate with colleagues to manage your workload during your absence, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Await Approval: Wait for the formal approval of your Medical Leave Application. Post-approval, confirm the dates with your supervisor and HR.

By adhering to this procedure, you ensure a professional approach to obtaining medical leave, keeping all concerned parties informed, and adhering to your company’s policies and protocols. The process could slightly differ if you are a government employee, as the Government Employee Medical Leave protocol might have additional steps or requirements. Each step aids in creating a transparent communication channel, easing the approval process of your Medical Leave Application in the office.

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How To Apply for A Medical Leave Application

Applying for a Medical Leave Application involves a few clear steps, ensuring that you’re following the proper channels of communication and adhering to your institution or workplace’s specific protocols. Here’s a simplified process on how to go about it:

  • Understand the Policy: Before drafting your Medical Leave Application, it’s essential to understand your workplace or institution’s medical leave policy. This could include knowing how many days are allowed, who to address the application to, and what supporting documents are needed.
  • Get a Doctor’s Note: Acquiring a doctor’s leave note or medical certificate is crucial. This document should clearly state your medical condition and the recommended leave period.
  • Choose the Right Format: Depending on whether you are applying for a Medical Leave Application for school, college, or office, the format might slightly differ. It’s advisable to follow a recognized Medical Leave Application Format to ensure all necessary information is included.
  • Draft Your Application: Write a clear and concise Medical Leave Letter explaining your medical condition, the expected duration of your leave, and any other relevant information. Include the doctor’s leave note or medical certificate as required.
  • Submit Your Application: Submit your Medical Leave Application to the relevant authority. This could be your supervisor, HR department, school principal, or college administration, depending on the scenario.
  • Follow Up: After submission, follow up on your Medical Leave Application status. Ensure that all queries are addressed and provide additional documents if requested.
  • Keep a Copy: Always keep a copy of your Medical Leave Application and supporting documents for your records.

By adhering to these steps, you enhance the likelihood of a hassle-free approval process, ensuring that both you and the respective authorities have all the necessary information regarding your medical leave.

Also Check: How to Write Application

Ways To Apply for Medical Leave Application

Applying for a Medical Leave Application necessitates a formal approach, regardless of whether it’s for school, college, or the workplace. Here are the common methods:

  • Filling Out a Form: Many institutions have a designated Medical Leave Application Form. Fill in the necessary details, and attach a medical certificate or a doctor’s leave note as proof of your medical condition.
  • Writing a Letter: Draft a Medical Leave Letter for Employee or a Medical Leave Application to Principal for school, explaining the medical reason for your absence and the expected duration of the leave.
  • Sending an Email: In a digitalized setting, sending a Medical Leave Request Email is efficient. Ensure it contains all necessary information like the nature of illness, expected leave duration, and a medical certificate if needed.
  • Online Portal Submission: Some organizations have online portals where you can submit your Medical Leave Application. The portal may prompt you to upload a Medical Leave Certificate along with filling in the details of your leave.
  • Personal Meeting: In some cases, especially in small organizations or educational institutions, a personal meeting with the concerned authority, explaining your medical situation and handing over a printed Medical Leave Application, is an effective method.
  • Postal Mail: Though less common, sending a Medical Leave Application through postal mail is still practiced in some places. Ensure your letter, along with a medical certificate, reaches well before your intended leave period.

Each method has its own set of protocols. While a Medical Leave Application for Government Employee might require a more formal procedure, a Medical Leave Application for Teachers or students could be less stringent. Always follow the guidelines provided by your institution or employer to ensure a smooth process in securing your medical leave approval.

Medical Leave Application Format

When drafting a Medical Leave Application, adhering to a professional format is essential whether you’re an employee, a government worker, a teacher, or a student. The format ensures that all necessary information is included and presented in a clear, straightforward manner. Here’s a simplified breakdown of a typical Medical Leave Application Format:

Your Name Your Address Date Recipient’s Information:

Employer’s/Principal’s Name Company/School Name Company/School Address

Subject Line:

Brief mention of leave, e.g., “Medical Leave Application for Surgery.” Salutation:

Formal greeting, e.g., “Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]” or “Respected Sir/Madam.”

First Paragraph: Mention the reason for leave, specifying the medical condition, if possible. Second Paragraph: Specify the leave duration, including start and end dates. Third Paragraph: Offer to provide a medical certificate or doctor’s leave note, and express your willingness to complete any required Medical Leave Application Form.

Formal closing, e.g., “Sincerely” or “Thank you,” followed by your name and signature.

Attachments (if any):

Medical certificates, doctor’s notes, or filled out Medical Leave Application Form. For a streamlined process, consider sending a Medical Leave Request Email if your workplace supports digital communication. This email should follow a similar format but in a concise, digital-friendly manner.

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Sample Format of Medical Leave Application

(Your Name) (Your Address) (City, State, Zip) (Email) (Phone Number)

(Recipient’s Name) (Title) (Company/Organization Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip)

Subject: Medical Leave Application for (Reason)

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence starting from (Start Date) due to (mention your condition or the medical reason). The recovery period as advised by the medical practitioner is (duration of leave). Hence, I anticipate resuming my duties on (Expected Return Date).

I have attached the medical certificate and the doctor’s leave note with this application. I am also ready to fill out the official Medical Leave Application Form and provide any other necessary documentation required.

I have briefed my (Supervisor/Team Leader) regarding the work distribution during my absence to ensure a smooth workflow. I am also willing to assist in any way possible to ensure a smooth transition during this period.

Thank you for considering my application. I am open to discussing this further at your convenience and can be reached via email or phone.

(Your Name)

Attachments: 1. Medical Certificate 2. Doctor’s Leave Note

This sample outlines a formal Medical Leave Application, catering to the protocol of informing the employer about the medical leave while providing necessary medical documentation.

Leave Application for Medical Reason

A Leave Application for medical reason is crucial for informing your employer or institution about your situation in a professional manner. Here’s a simulated example of a Medical Leave Application for an employee named Rajesh Sharma who requires leave for a scheduled surgery:

Rajesh Sharma Email: [email protected] Phone: (123) 456-7890

September 25, 2023

Mr. Amit Patel Human Resources Manager XYZ Corporation

Subject: Medical Leave Application for Scheduled Surgery

Dear Mr. Patel,

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence starting from October 1, 2023, due to a scheduled gallbladder surgery. My surgeon has advised a recovery period of four weeks. Hence, I anticipate resuming my duties on October 29, 2023.

I have briefed my team leader, Mrs. Geeta Verma, regarding the work distribution during my absence to ensure a smooth workflow. I am also willing to assist in any way possible to ensure a smooth transition during this period.

Rajesh Sharma

Also Check: Leave Application for Fever

Medical Leave Letter for Employee

In a professional setting, a medical leave application is crucial for informing employers about an employee’s absence due to health reasons. This formality maintains transparency and ensures a structured approach to managing leave days. Here’s a simplified example of a Medical Leave Letter for an employee:

Rajesh Kumar Email: [email protected] Phone: (080) 1234-5678

Anita Mehta Human Resources Manager XYZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 123 Tech Park, Whitefield Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560066

Subject: Medical Leave Application for Surgery

Dear Ms. Mehta,

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence from work starting from October 10, 2023, due to a scheduled gallbladder surgery. As per the surgeon’s advice, the recovery period is three weeks, allowing me to resume work on November 1, 2023.

Enclosed with this letter are my medical certificate and the doctor’s leave note for your reference. I am also willing to complete the official Medical Leave Application Form and provide any other necessary documentation required by XYZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

I have briefed my project manager, Mr. Karan Singh, about the upcoming leave and ensured a smooth transition of my responsibilities during this period. I am also willing to provide additional assistance remotely if needed.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for any further discussions or clarifications at your convenience. I can be reached via email or phone.

Rajesh Kumar

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Medical Leave Application for Office

Medical Leave Application for an office scenario necessitates a formal and clear approach. It is essential to provide all necessary information, making it easier for your employer to understand and approve your leave request.

Amit Gupta 102 Lotus Apartments Pune, Maharashtra, 411007 Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 98765 43210

Mr. Rajiv Malik Human Resources Manager XYZ Corporation

Dear Mr. Malik,

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence from October 1, 2023, due to a scheduled gallbladder surgery. As per my surgeon’s advice, the recovery period is estimated to be four weeks. Hence, I plan to resume my duties on November 1, 2023.

I have attached the medical certificate and the doctor’s leave note for your reference. Additionally, I am prepared to fill out the necessary Medical Leave Application Form and provide any further documentation required.

I have informed my team lead, Mr. Ravi Sinha, regarding the work distribution during my absence to ensure a smooth workflow. I am also willing to provide assistance remotely if needed to ensure a smooth transition during this period.

Also Check: Half Day Leave Application

Medical Leave Application for School

Medical Leave Application for school requires a concise yet detailed approach to inform the school authorities about the student’s health condition and the need for leave.

Aarav Sharma Class 10 – Section A Roll No: 25 Modern Indian School New Delhi, 110021

25th September 2023

Mrs. Radhika Iyer Principal Modern Indian School New Delhi, 110021

Subject: Medical Leave Application for Dengue Fever

Respected Mrs. Iyer,

I am writing to request a medical leave starting from 26th September 2023 to 5th October 2023, as I have been diagnosed with Dengue Fever and the doctor has advised complete rest for ten days. I have attached the medical certificate and doctor’s leave note for your reference.

I have informed my class teacher, Mrs. Kapoor, and she has kindly agreed to share the classroom notes and assignments with me during my absence. I am also ready to fill out the official Medical Leave Application Form and provide any other necessary documentation required.

I hope to recover soon and join back school on 6th October 2023. I will ensure to catch up with all the missed work promptly.

Thank you for considering my application. I am willing to discuss this further at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Aarav Sharma

Also Check: Application for School Leaving Certificate

Medical Leave Application for Government Employee

A Medical Leave Application for a government employee follows a formal procedure to seek permission for absence due to health issues. It is essential to followto the set guidelines while also ensuring all necessary details are accurately provided

Rajesh Kumar Email: [email protected] Phone: 98765-43210

Mr. Suresh Verma Human Resources Department Government of India Central Secretariat, New Delhi – 110001

Dear Mr. Verma,

I am writing to request medical leave starting from October 1, 2023, due to an upcoming hernia surgery. The surgeon has advised a recovery period of four weeks, which implies that I intend to resume my duties on October 29, 2023.

I have attached the medical certificate and the doctor’s leave note alongside this application. I am also ready to fill out the official Government Medical Leave Application Form and provide any additional documentation required.

I have informed my department head about the work distribution during my absence to ensure a seamless workflow. I am also willing to provide any assistance necessary for a smooth transition during this period.

Thank you for considering my application. I am open to discussing this further at your convenience. I can be reached via email or phone.

Medical Leave Application for College

Rohan Sharma Roll Number: BCOM12345 B. Com 2nd Year September 25, 2023

Mr. Amit Verma Principal XYZ College

Respected Sir,

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence starting from October 1, 2023, due to being diagnosed with Dengue Fever. As per my doctor’s advice, I require rest for a period of three weeks for a complete recovery. Hence, I am planning to resume my classes from October 22, 2023.

I have attached the medical certificate and doctor’s leave note for your reference. I am also willing to catch up with my coursework during my medical leave and submit any pending assignments within the stipulated deadline post my recovery.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hoping for a prompt and positive response to ensure I follow the necessary protocols and maintain good academic standing.

Rohan Sharma

Attachments: 1. Medical Certificate 2. Doctor’s Leave Note

Also Check: Hostel Leave Application

Medical Leave Application for School Teacher

Rita Sharma Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +91 9876543210

Principal Ajay Gupta Green Valley High School Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dear Principal Gupta,

I am writing to request a medical leave of absence starting from October 5, 2023, due to a scheduled gallbladder surgery. The recovery period as advised by the medical practitioner is four weeks. Hence, I anticipate resuming my duties on November 2, 2023.

I have briefed my department head, Mr. Suresh Patel, regarding the work distribution during my absence to ensure a smooth workflow. I am also willing to assist in any way possible to ensure a smooth transition during this period.

Thank you for considering my application. I am open to discussing this further at your convenience and can be reached via email ([email protected]) or phone (+91 9876543210).

Rita Sharma

Using this format, a school teacher can easily input their details and the specifics of the medical leave they are requesting, ensuring clarity and following the formal structure of a Medical Leave Application.

Also Check: Leave Application for Teacher to Principal

Leave Application for Medical Check Up

Scheduling a medical check-up is essential to monitor and maintain one’s health. There might be occasions where an employee needs to request a day off for a medical examination. Below is a sample Leave Application for a Medical Check Up:

Amit Sharma Email: [email protected] Phone: 9876543210

Mr. Rajeev Gupta Human Resources Manager XYZ Corporation

Subject: Leave Application for Medical Check Up

Dear Mr. Gupta,

I am writing to request a one-day leave from work on September 30, 2023, for a scheduled medical check-up. It’s a part of my routine health monitoring as advised by my physician, and unfortunately, the doctor’s available slots coincide with working hours.

I have informed my team leader about this leave and ensured that my responsibilities for the day will be well managed by my colleague, Mr. Rakesh Singh, during my absence.

I am ready to provide the medical appointment letter confirmation as a reference if required, and I will also fill out any necessary Leave Application Form for your records.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hoping for a positive response. Should there be any requirement for additional information, feel free to reach me via email or phone.

Amit Sharma

Attachments: 1. Medical Appointment Confirmation (if required)

Also Check: Casual Leave Application

Frequently Asked Question on Medical Leave Application

How do i write a medical leave application.

To write a medical leave application, begin with your contact information, followed by the date, recipient's details, and subject. In the body, explain the reason for the leave, the duration, and provide any medical documentation. End with a courteous closing.

How do I write a medical leave request?

Similar to a medical leave application, a medical leave request requires your contact details, recipient's information, date, and subject stating your request. Explain the medical reason and duration of your leave, attaching any medical certificates or notes.

How do I request medical leave from my boss?

Requesting medical leave from your boss involves writing a formal letter or email explaining the medical reason, duration of the leave, and providing medical documentation. It's advisable to discuss your leave with your boss personally as well.

How do doctors write medical leave?

Doctors provide a medical certificate stating your condition, the required leave period, and any other necessary medical information. This certificate can be attached to your medical leave application.

How do I write a medical leave letter?

A medical leave letter follows a similar format to a medical leave application. It should have your contact information, the recipient's details, date, subject, and a body explaining your medical condition, the leave duration, and any other relevant details, ending with a polite closing.

How do I apply for medical reason leave?

Applying for medical reason leave involves submitting a formal request through a letter or an application form to your HR department or supervisor, detailing the medical reason and duration of the leave, and providing any necessary medical documentation.

How can I write medical leave?

Writing medical leave involves drafting a formal letter or filling out an application form provided by your employer. State the medical reason, duration, and attach any medical documentation to support your request.

How do you write a leave email?

In a leave email, mention your name, position, the dates of leave, and the reason for the leave in a concise manner. It's advisable to keep it professional and to the point.

How do I take medical leave from office?

To take medical leave from the office, notify your supervisor or HR department, submit a formal medical leave application or email, provide the necessary medical documentation, and ensure that your work responsibilities are covered during your absence.

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Table of Contents

5 steps to write medical leave application, 10+ medical leave application templates, 1. free medical leave application template, 2. medical leave application template, 3. medical leave application example, 4. medical leave application form in pdf, 5. family medical leave application template, 6. sample medical leave application format, 7. employee medical leave application example, 8. formal medical leave application template, 9. student medical leave application in pdf, 10. family medical leave application in doc, 11. medical leave application format, application templates & forms, 10+ medical leave application templates in google docs | word | pages | pdf.

A medical leave application is a written letter that an employee or student or other official files to their office or schools to avoid any loss. The letter needs to be written to the head of the department or manager addressing the current medical condition and reason for granting leave. It is better to attach a medical certificate with it as proof of your condition. We have structured different templates on medical leave application that you might like to use have a look at them!

write an application for medical leave

Step 1: Word File

Step 2: applicant’s details, step 3: supervisor’s details, step 4: the matter and signature, step 5: communication.

free medical leave application template

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medical leave application template

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Lease extension letter, doctor appointment leave letter, school medical excuse letter, school medical leave letter, medical joining letter, joining letter after leave, medical records invoice letter, leave advice letter, permission early leave request letter.

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Sick Leave Application For Office (with Format & Samples)

Sick Leave Application For Office

When sickness gets in the way, it is essential to take sick leave.  But to take a leave from work due to an illness, you must write an application to inform your employer about your absence. You should also be familiar with the company’s sick leave policy, such as how many days of sick leave you are entitled to, how much notice you need to give before taking sick leave, and what kind of proof of illness is required. 

To help ease the process of applying for sick leave, we have written this blog on the application for sick leave. We will explore sample applications for different scenarios and essential things to include in your letter for sick leave.

Table of Contents

Key Elements to Include in a Sick Leave Application

A sick leave application is a letter written to inform your employer that you will be unable to work for a day or a certain period due to an illness or injury. It demonstrates your professionalism and allows the employer to assign your work to other employees for the smooth functioning of operations.

  • Reason for Your Absence- It is important to state the reason for taking sick leave. This gives your employer an idea of how long it will take you to recover and rejoin. 
  • Duration of Absence- Let your employer know how many sick days you will take to recover. This allows them to reorganize the team’s workload. Further, if you are absent from work for more than a day, let your manager know who will be acting as your backup.
  • Doctor’s Prescription – The HR department might need your medical records to approve your application for sick leave in case of a long period of absence. So, it’s a good practice to include important documents   
  • Provide Your Availability- Mention in your sick leave letter if you are open to responding to calls or emails occasionally or in cases of urgency at work. If your health does not permit you to do so at all, mention that as well.

Writing an application is part of professionalism and effective communication. You can improve your communication skills by taking a business communication skills course .

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How to Write a Sick Leave Letter?

Here is the basic sick leave application format from beginning to end:

1. Recipient’s Address

Start the application with the address of the recipient as follows-

[Recipient’s Name] [Company/College/University Name] [Company/College/University Address]

This will be followed by the subject line and then, a greeting .

2. Subject Line

The subject line of your leave application states what the letter is going to be about. If you send a sick application by email, then write the subject in the email’s subject line box. Here are two examples:

  • Leave Application Because of Flu
  • Sick Leave Letter For Taking 10 Days Off for Sudden Diagnosis of Illness

3. Greeting

Begin by addressing the concerned person with a greeting. The greeting format differs from a hard copy letter to a soft copy letter in an email.

If you are writing a letter on paper, use a standard letter format as follows –

Dear [recipient’s name] or Hello [recipient’s name].

This is the most important part of your application. The initial two sentences of the first paragraph of the body have to be clear. You should provide a specific reason for applying for sick leave and state the cause and expected days off.

Next, list the top priorities of work pending on your behalf and their current status. Also, name the person who will handle tasks when you are unavailable. If possible, mention your availability for urgent business calls. Provide a doctor’s note specifying missed work dates if necessary. Here’s how you can phrase the body of the letter:

This is to inform you that I have a migraine and I will not be able to come to work for the next three days.

I have informed Mr.X regarding the work that has to be done on an urgent basis, and i might be able to respond to calls or emails if my health permits or if my attention is needed on an urgent basis.

I request that you kindly accept my request for sick leave for the aforesaid period.

5. Express Gratitude

If you are informing your manager on short notice, thank your employer for their understanding and offer your apologies. For instance,

  • I appreciate your support
  • I thank you for understanding my situation
  • I apologize for the inconvenience caused on such short notice and thank you for your understanding.

6. Closing with Signature or Name

End the application formally with-

Yours sincerely,

You can also use other complimentary notes such as “Best Wishes”, “With Regards”, or “Yours Truly.”

7. Attach a Supporting Medical Document

Whether or not a doctor’s note stating your illness’ cause is required will depend on your company’s leave policy. Include it if required.

To know how to write a general leave application, check out the leave application for office format and samples.

Sample Email to Apply for Sick Leaves

Sick leave emails are more commonly used than sick leave letters. In this section, you will learn how to write sick leave applications via email for various reasons and situations. These samples are references for you to use when writing an application.

Sick Leave Application for Office for One Day – Sample 1

In case a situation occurs when you get up in the morning and feel sick, here’s a sample application for a one-day sick leave.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Application for Sick Leave for One-Day

I am requesting a sick leave today because I am not feeling well. I developed a fever last night. I think it would be better for me to take a day off to properly rest and recover.

I have informed Ms.X that she will take over my duties today. However, I want to make it known that I am available for urgent calls or emails. 

Kindly allow me to take a day off from work. I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused on such short notice.

Yours sincerely,

Jaundice Leave Application for Office – Sample 2

You require a long period of recuperation when you are sick with a chronic problem. Learn how to write an application for the same with the help of the following illness leave application:

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Application for Chronic Medical Issue


I am writing to notify you that I will need to take sick leave from to due to jaundice. The doctor has advised that I take 15 days of rest to recover. 

I have spoken with Mr. Z about the important duties that must be completed and am confident that he will be able to handle any other remaining work during my time away. I will not be able to respond to any emails or calls on the advice of my doctor who believes that I require complete rest. I request your understanding with the same. 

I am hoping to return to work at the earliest. I kindly request you to grant me sick leave for the aforesaid period. If I will require an extension of sick leave, I will inform you in advance. I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I will try my best to make up for any lost time. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to returning to work soon.

With Regards,

Sick Leave Application Due to Injury – Sample 3

In unfortunate circumstances, if you get an injury and want to take considerable rest, follow this sample for reference when drafting a leave application for medical reasons.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request Due to Injury


I am writing to inform you that I am on sick leave due to an injury and fracture of my leg caused by an accident. The fracture requires at least 21 days of bed rest to heal. I expect to be on leave from to .

Due to a mobility issue caused by the fracture, I will take time to return to the office. However, if there is an opportunity to work from home, I will communicate my availability after two weeks.

I will contact to inform him of project-related work to be completed during my absence. I will check emails regularly and make every effort to respond as needed.

I request that you approve my request for sick leave for the above period. I enclose my doctor’s prescription for approval of my application.

I thank you for your support.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Letter for Fever – Sample 4

When you have a viral fever and cannot go to work, you will have to take time off to rest. Here is a sample application for a leave of absence due to fever. 

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request
Dear ,

I am writing the application to request sick leave from [date] to [date] as I am suffering from viral fever. The doctor has advised me to rest for four days to recover completely.

Therefore, I have contacted [name] to inform them about my pending tasks. They have agreed to take over until my return. If you have any work-related questions, you can contact me at [phone number]. 

I request you to approve my sick leave application. Please find my doctor’s prescription attached to this application.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Application to Care for an Injured Family Member – Sample 5

Here is a sample sick leave letter to use when you have to take care of an injured family member and are unable to come to work.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Request to Care for an Injured Family Member

Dear ,

I am writing to inform you that my younger brother fell and injured his knee while playing basketball at school. He needs some time and care to get better. Therefore, I request you to grant me sick leave from to .

The doctor has advised him to complete bed rest for fifteen days. My parents are currently out of town, which is why I have to look after my brother.

I will complete my pending work from home during this time. My co-workers have agreed to help me with some work responsibilities to ensure we do not fall behind our targets. I will be available at for work-related queries.

Kindly approve my sick leave application. I have attached all necessary medical documents with this application.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Yours truly,

Sick Leave Application for Anxiety and Stress – Sample 6

Here is a sample sick leave application for the office in case you take a day off when you are suffering from anxiety and stress.

[HR’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Email Address]

Sick Leave Application Due to Anxiety and Stress

Dear ,

I am writing to notify you that I will need to take sick leave from to due to mental health issues. I have been experiencing anxiety and stress for a couple of days now, and my doctor has advised me to take ten days off work to focus on my mental well-being. 

I have spoken with about my pending work. They have agreed to handle it during my absence. Since the doctor has given instructions to spend my time off in a calm environment, I would be unable to take calls or reply to emails.

Kindly grant me the sick leave. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and will return positively on . Please find my medical documents attached to the application. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. 

With Regards,

Tips to Write a Sick Leave Application for the Office

It is important to provide honest information in the sick leave application while remaining professional. Here are some of the tips to follow to write an application for medical leave in the office: 

  • Mention the Reason: State the reason for your leave, whether it is for personal illness or taking care of a sick family member.
  • Specify the Leave Dates: Mention the specific dates you will be absent and the expected date of return.
  • Provide the Doctor’s Prescription: If possible, provide a doctor’s note or any other supporting documents if you have to take sick leave for a long duration. 
  • Share Necessary Work Details: Leave of absence for any reason may hamper the workflow. You should offer to complete any urgent tasks if you can manage them or delegate them to a colleague. You can also express your willingness to make up for any missed work or attend meetings remotely, if possible.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Keep the tone of the application professional and polite. Remember to thank your employer for their understanding and support.

You may be required to take sick leave on an urgent basis or for a long period, so you must send a well-written and apt application for sick leave. Use a formal tone of writing, and mention the reason and period of leave clearly and concisely. Include any relevant information related to your work so that your supervisor can take care of it.

Also, learn how to write a half-day leave application , in case you only want half a day’s leave due to sickness.

A sick leave format includes the recipient’s address, subject line, duration of leave, the reason for leave, status of pending work, return date, signature, and your name.

Sick leave application allows you to take time off work and focus on recovery from your illness or injury. It showcases that you are responsible as an employee. The application is important for the employer because they can manage and reassign your work accordingly until your return to the office.

Here is how you can write sick leave for two days, “ Dear [Manager’s Name] , I am writing to request a two-day sick leave from [date] because I am not feeling well due to a high fever and am unable to work. I have requested [Colleague’s Name] to help with my pending work in my absence. I will return to work on [date] . Kindly, grant me the leave. Thank you for your understanding.”

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a sick leave application for the office are not proofreading the application, using a casual tone, sending the application late, and not including the relevant documents.

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write an application for medical leave

Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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How to Apply for Medical or Sick Leave (with Sample Letter)

Medical leave or sick leave is an added advantage for the employees regarding their health and safety paucity.

When the employee is in severe pain or in frustration due to unexpected mood swings or even due to shocks, they will be in need of leave.

So in this situation, the employee can apply for medical leave where the employee can take care of their health without losing his/her salary.

Applying Medical or Sick Leave

What is Medical Leave?

Medical leave is a type of leave which the employee can avail due to health issues and where they can stay at home off from work and take care of their health without any loss of pay.

Steps for Applying Medical Leave:

The employee must have worked for the organization at least for a period of 12 months. This can be applied when the employee is under medical care or should have stayed in the hospital.

If it is a family member, then the person should be in the hospital for at least 3 consecutive days.

In the case of chronic diseases , the organization will be chargeable for two master checkups. In the case of pregnancies, employee’s medical records and the number of checkups and even the delivery has to be paid by the organization.

Providing notices:

Providing as much as notices before 30 days of relieving the work will help in planning the work and projects handled by the employee must be surrendered to another colleague.

This method will not affect the normal routine. If an emergency situation arises or if there are no plans about the medical leave such as unpredictable circumstances etc, then the employer will have to manage all the work.

Requesting human resource representative regarding medical leave:

While meeting the human resource representative, the employee must clarify the leave request and also about FMLA, which will help in specific plans for the leave.

The human resource team will help in identifying the information given by the employer whether the employee has leaves or not.

Providing medical certifications:

Medical certificates have to be provided in case if the employer requests for. The leave will be generated based on the certificate and also by furnishing those details an individual will be aware of health care provided . These complete certifications can be done with the help of a representative from the human resource team.

Medical reimbursement:

If the employee has worked for at least 3 months with the employer then the medical fees, consultation fees will be paid by the company as per the medical reimbursement plan . Here the employers will decide whether it can be produced from the company.

Ways to Apply For Medical Leave:

Knowing the position and rights in the organization is more important while applying for medical leave. As this cannot be done every day, it is more important while making a request.

Each and every organization follows FMLA that can be abbreviated as Family and Medical Leave Act . This act can be utilized if the employee cannot work properly due to severe illness or when the blood relative has fallen sick.

Here are steps mentioned to apply for medical leave.

A. medical leave for the surgery:.

This can be applied by intimating the employer early regarding the date and the period that the person will be away from work.

The employee should submit a formal medical leave letter that should be considered as a request to the employer. Before producing it, one should be aware of all the rules and policies of FMLA, so that the medical expenses will be covered under this act.


Dear (Name of the employer),

“I have written this letter to request you for the approval of my intermittent medical leave as a result of (diagnosed disorder). Since this requires extended leave due to my absence. As my physician has provided a medical certificate, I have enclosed it.

Kindly let me know the further steps to forward this leave request. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.”

Sincerely, (Name of the employee)

b. Medical leave for illness:

Before applying for a medical leave it is advisable to consult the human resource department regarding the leave policies. So that they will guide as per the rules and policies and even the number of days applicable etc which will help in proceeding further for applying for leave.

The employee should not assume that the leave request will be approved as soon as it is submitted. The person has to check with a request as per the procedure whether it is approved or not. Or else you will have to face issues once you get back to work after illness and moreover you leave will be considered the loss of pay.


Dear (Name of the employer), “With utmost respect, I am writing a formal sick leave request email to the manager of absence as I have a serious health issue that bothers my day to day activities. Because of this, I am unable to come to the office as I have to undergo regular checkup and medication.

I hope that you will sanction my leave for the day.”

c. Intermittent leave:

This leave is a job-protected leave which means the leave is subjected to the law.

This leave can be taken under any unforeseen circumstances . This will also comply with all the legal requirements. It’s a change and period of the job from full time to part time or can be a change in the number of working hours.

The employer must grant leave by qualifying exigencies. This will help them in utilizing the detailed customary approaches. It is generally practicable and unforeseeable in advance. This will disrespect the given notice as per the regulations that will not disrupt the employer’s operations.


“ I am writing this letter as a formal request with the utmost respect. As I am suffering from a particular disease (mention the disease) and so I would like to be under the surveillance of doctor. Furthermore, extra duties will be accomplished by me after returning.

Kindly consider this letter with my past reputation and please grant me leave from (date) to (date) .”

d. Force majeure leave:

This leave will be provided in case of family crisis as per the limited right and work to the employee. It is entitled to any of the close family members.

It owes to indispensable injuries and illness that the family member of the employee undergoes. They can be a child, life partner, parent or siblings.

The maximum number of days provided is 3 days in 12 month period and it can be paid Majeure leave.

As per the parental care, the employee can care about defined and forceful act upon Majeure leave. This online issue is referred to as the dispute that occurs. It modulates the complaints that are brought within a normal time limit.


“I am writing this letter to inform you that my (relative) has met with an accident so I am on leave for a couple of days.

Kindly approve my leave.”

Talking to the human resource representative who is in charge of payroll processing and attendance is much more important because they will guide the employee about proceeding with the further process.

e. Leave for treatment follow-up:

The fact is that patients who are recovered from cancer has to follow up for regular checkups and must undergo physical exams. This process will include endoscopy, imaging etc.

The recurrence of cancer has to be checked often and also can be identified by a change in health. This purpose will check for the prevention and detection of other symptoms.

Side effects and the complications have to be identified as the employee in the organization can help accordingly. This contact will help in support and nutritional supplements as this will not affect the emotional support.


“With due to respect, I would like to express that I had lung cancer before two years. I was advised by my doctor to visit him until the treatment gets over. Since the treatment date is followed up I want to visit the doctor after two weeks. So I have returned to my native earlier to collect my previous reports and histories and the related medicines.

Hence I request you to kindly retire me for a period of three weeks. I shall be highly obliged. Thank you.”

f. Maternity:

Each organization provides leave for pregnancy for a reasonable period. This leave can opt in case of childbirth and other related conditions. This period does not exceed more than 4 months. This type of leave is opted by most of the women employees and they return to work after maternity leave .

Each and every married woman has certain rights in which pregnancy disability leave is one among it. This denotes that the woman is unhealthy and wanted to take rest as per the doctor’s suggestion.


“I am writing this letter to bring to your acknowledgement that I want to utilize my pregnancy leave as my baby’s due is on (date). It is advised that I should be under the supervision of a doctor as early as possible. I would also like to add one more point to it telling that my annual leave is also full so I will cover my pregnancy leave under this allowance.

Thus, I will notify my rejoining date and I request you to accept and approve my leave.”

g. Accident leave:

The reason to apply for medical leave should be a valid reason as per the company rules and policies . These medical leaves are as certain that are uncertain and also unpredictable.

Here either the paid leave or vacation leave can be added if the employee runs out of his/her medical leaves. The employee has to inform the manager as early as possible where he/she should inform the human resources team for further claims.

Sick or Medical Leave Application Sample for Employee:

Just because the person is working for the organization it doesn’t mean that the employee is applicable to take leave. It is granted for someone who works 156 days before applying for the leave.

Here is a sample of application for medical leave. In an organization or in a company each and every leave of the employee will be considered and calculated under the FMLA act. This gives a proper guideline about the leaves.

Before writing one should be aware of the FMLA policies and rules of the company. After it is done then this letter can be passed to the human resource team to verify and approve.

Here is a sample letter that describes the way to write a medical letter application.


With due to respect, I have written this letter to inform you that I may not able to come to office today as I had been unwell due to severe stomach ache and nausea for the past three days and I managed to visit my personal doctor the previous day who diagnosed me with low blood pressure and with acute gastritis.

I have been prescribed by the doctor to take medication which will last at least for seven days. While I am feeling better, I think it will be in a couple of days, but I will not be productive the present day. I hope that I will be alright to make it to work tomorrow but will keep you posted.

Mr/Ms (Colleague) has offered to take up my work and to handle my clients for the day. If you want to transfer any of my projects to other employees please don’t hesitate. I have left my office email active; I hope this will help me to reply to my clients as much as possible from home.

In case I am unable to report to the office tomorrow then I will let you know as early as possible so that you can make some temporary arrangements to handle the workload.

Thank you for your constant support and understanding in this regard.

Thus, all the organizations leave policies are entitled under the Employment Act for which the eligibility will be the employee has to be worked with the employer for at least 3 months.

Conclusion :

The medical leave has to be approved by the doctor before the approval of the company. The number of days that are portrayed has to be mentioned in prior so that the employer can arrange someone else temporarily.


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In a busy office environment, employees commonly face medical problems where they need to stay away from work for some time. Whether it’s due to a sudden medical event, scheduled surgery or even an extended illness — you need to know how to write a polished medical leave application at work.

Let us walk you through a how-to guide along with some sample templates that will instruct you on how best to craft a convincing medical leave of absence letter explaining what is happening to you and respecting the unwritten workplace professionalism rules.

What is the Significance of a Medical Leave Application ?

In many professional circles, applications for medical leaves act as an integral means of communication, providing an essential communication channel between the staff members and their managers. Here are the key reasons why understanding the importance of a medical leave application is essential:

  • Transparency: This act promotes transparency since employees may freely disclose their health issues honestly to their supervisors.
  • Workplace Planning: Employers can schedule work evenly for workload distribution and project management when an employee is unavailable.
  • Compliance: Ensures compliance with legal and regulatory regulations, guaranteeing employees their vacation benefits.
  • Documentation: A prepared medical leave application is suitable for documentation that an employee filed for a particular leave/s and the employer responded in writing; thus, it can be helpful in any dispute.
  • Respect for Policies: Showing employees care about the company’s rule of law and good practices makes them more civil in dealing with others.
  • Team Collaboration: This way, colleagues will have a heads-up and be able to cover when the employee is out.
  • Efficient Workflow: This gives employers insight into why an employee is on break and how long it will last, allowing them to plan and mitigate any impact on workload effectively.
  • Employee Well-Being: Recognising both wellness and work leave is significant. It motivates staff to rest appropriately and return to work energised!

An employee requesting medical leave is not just an official matter. It’s important to have a disciplined and empathic work culture where both the organisations and the employees gain.

What to Include in a Medical Leave Request?

A well-composed medical leave application for office should include the following elements:

  • Contact Information

First, enter your complete name, employee ID, Dept, Contact Number, etc. This helps your employer to find you more quickly.

Note down the day when you are filling out the application. Maintaining a professional tone while ensuring the document’s correctness is important.

  • Addressing the Appropriate Authority

Address the application to your immediate supervisor or the designated authority within your organisation. If you need more clarification, consult your HR department.

  • Reason for Leave

Clearly state the reason for your medical leave. Be honest and specific, but respect your privacy by not disclosing excessive personal details.

  • Duration of Leave

Specify the dates for which you’re requesting leave. If it’s an extended leave, mention the start and end dates.

  • Medical Documentation

Attach relevant medical certificates or documents supporting your leave request, depending on your company’s policies. This enhances credibility.

  • Express Gratitude

Conclude your application by thanking your employer for considering your request. If applicable, express your willingness to assist with the workload during your absence.

Sign the application to provide an authentic touch to your request.

Sample Medical Leave Application Templates

Here are a few samples for medical leave application for the office to help individuals properly communicate their need for medical leave while remaining professional.

Sample 1: Short Medical Leave Application

A short medical leave application is a formal written request submitted by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to take a brief period of time off from work due to health-related reasons. It is typically used for temporary illnesses or medical conditions that require a short recovery period, such as a few days or weeks.

Its purpose is to inform the employer about the employee’s health situation and to ensure that the workload is managed during their absence, minimising disruption to the workplace. Here is a sample of it:

Short Medical Leave Application format

Sample 2: Extended Medical Leave Application

An extended medical leave application is a formal written request made by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to take an extended time off from work due to health-related reasons. Extended medical leaves are required for more prolonged illnesses or medical conditions that necessitate an extended recovery period, often several weeks or months. 

In this application, the employee typically provides detailed medical information, the expected duration of the leave, and any necessary medical documentation, such as doctor’s notes or medical certificates. The goal is to keep the employer informed and ensure a smooth transition of duties. Here is a sample of an extended medical leave application:

Extended Medical Leave Application format

Secrets to Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Leave Request

Here are few points to keep in mind when preparing a medical leave application:

  • Be Honest and Specific: Keep your reason private, but be honest and transparent in your explanation as to why you need to take the medical leave.
  • Submit in Advance: Send your application early enough to give hiring managers enough time for planning and tweaks.
  • Attach Medical Documents: Attach the necessary medical documents if asked and justify your application with documentary evidence of the same issued by the health care providers.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Stick with a formal tone in your application. Avoid unnecessary emotional language.
  • Offer Assistance: Demonstrate eagerness to lend a hand in splitting the load and transfer when you depart and come back.

Medical Leave Application Form

If there’s a standard leave application for medical reasons to use for your organisation, complete it correctly and provide the necessary documents. This application is usually accessible via your HR department , which might make the procedure much more accessible.

Writing medical leaves for your office is all about professionalism, honesty, and politeness. Adhere to their advice and use examples offered by them as a sample. It will help you present your request for medical leave in an appropriate manner, keeping with workplace etiquette.

Never forget that you matter, and taking the time to write your medical leave will give you the recognition you need when facing stressful situations.

Q1. What Exactly is a Medical Leave Application?

When employees apply for a leave of absence, they need to step down temporarily due to health reasons or a medical emergency. They make the request known officially to their employers through a medical leave form.

Q2. Is it Appropriate to Use a Medical Leave Application for Office Purposes?

Yes, it is. A medical leave application for office serves the purpose of informing employers about the necessity of your leave, particularly when it’s related to a medical condition.

Q3. When Should I Submit a Leave Application for a Medical Reason? 

It’s advisable to submit your leave application for a medical reason as soon as you know the need for time off. Prompt communication helps with workplace planning.

Q4. What Should I Include in a Leave Application for Office for a Medical Reason? 

Your leave application for office for medical reasons should include:

  • Your contact details
  • The reason for leave
  • Its duration
  • Any required medical documentation
  • A polite expression of gratitude for consideration

Q5. Is There a Different Process for a Leave Application for a Medical Emergency? 

No, the process is similar. Highlight the urgency to convey the emergency to your boss. A leave application for a medical emergency should be drafted more cautiously as its last minute and your points should be conveyed without any false information and work related promises. 

Q6. Is There a Standard Medical Leave Application Form? 

There is a special medical leave application format given to many organisations. Otherwise, you can create one by incorporating the vital information from above, making sure to be clear and professional when reaching out. Formats for a leave application for a medical emergency can be found online. 

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Written by admin • October 27, 2023 • 12:17 pm • Employee Support

Leave Application – Format for School, Office & College

Leave Application for School, Office & College With Samples

Table of Contents

A leave application is a formal request for temporary absence from duties due to specific reasons. They can range from personal matters, health issues or family events. Knowing how to craft a leave request is crucial whether you’re a working professional or a student.

This article shall look into the nuances of constructing a leave application, focusing on the format, vital components, and other narrative elements. We have covered multiple templates that will help you understand the tone required for different situations.

Different Types Of Leave Application

Leave applications come in different forms, catering to diverse needs and situations. Here’s a breakdown of some common types:

  • Sick Leave: The duration of sick leave varies based on the severity of the employee’s condition, ranging from a few days to several months, ensuring employees can focus on their recovery without work-related stress.
  • Casual Leave: Employees typically receive 1 to 3 casual leaves per month, offering short breaks for personal or unexpected needs, and promoting work-life balance.
  • Maternity Leave : As per the Maternity Benefit Act, female employees are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, allowing new mothers ample time to care for their newborns and recover after childbirth.
  • Paternity Leave: Some companies grant male employees 15 days of paternity leave, fostering a supportive environment for new fathers during crucial family moments.
  • Annual Leave: Indian employees enjoy 15-20 days of annual leave per year, offering the chance to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends.
  • Bereavement Leave: In India, bereavement leave spans up to 7 days, allowing employees to mourn the loss of a loved one without the worry of work responsibilities. The exact duration may vary based on company policies.
  • Vacation: Employees can utilise their accumulated annual and earned leaves for extended vacations. The number of paid vacation days depends on the remaining leave balance, enabling employees to plan longer breaks.
  • Half-Day Leave: Half-day leave allows employees to manage personal tasks or appointments while ensuring minimal disruption to work commitments.
  • One-Day Leave: This short leave option is ideal for addressing immediate personal matters without impacting work schedules significantly.

Reasons Why People Apply For Leave Application

When submitting a leave application, providing a clear and valid reason is necessary. Various circumstances necessitate taking a leave of absence, such as:

  • Bereavement: Leave may be required due to the passing of a family member, friend, or even a beloved pet. Compassionate leave allows individuals time to cope with their loss and support their families during difficult times.
  • Health Concerns and Medical Procedures: Illness or scheduled surgeries often require employees or students to take a break. Medical leave ensures individuals have the necessary time to recover and regain their health.
  • Rest and Recreation (R&R): Everyone needs a break to recharge. Whether it’s for mental rejuvenation or simply enjoying leisure time, individuals may apply for leave to relax and unwind.
  • Life Milestones: Significant life events such as marriages, birthdays, or other anniversaries are valid reasons for taking time off. These occasions are essential for personal well-being and are often celebrated with family and friends.
  • Travel: Exploring new places, be it for leisure or work-related purposes, may require taking leave. Travel enriches experiences, broadens perspectives, and allows individuals to embrace diverse cultures.

Incorporating the reason for leave in the application ensures transparency and understanding between the applicant and the authorities.

Tips to Write a Perfect Leave Application Letter

  • Maintain a formal and respectful tone throughout the application.
  • Include your full name, ID, department/class, and contact details for easy identification.
  • Briefly state the reason for your leave. Be honest and straightforward.
  • Specify the precise start and end dates of your leave period.
  • If applicable, mention how you plan to delegate or handle your tasks during your absence.
  • Provide details of a trustworthy colleague or family member who can be contacted in case of emergencies.
  • Express thanks for considering your request and understanding your situation.
  • Review the application for errors in grammar, spelling, and clarity before submission.
  • If needed, attach relevant documents such as medical certificates to support your leave application.

Major Elements of a Leave Application Letter

A well-structured leave application comprises essential elements to ensure clarity and professionalism. These elements include:

  • Salutation: Address the recipient respectfully using appropriate titles such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or the individual’s name and designation if known.
  • Subject: Provide a concise subject line outlining the purpose of your application. Be clear and specific to help the recipient understand the context at a glance.
  • Main Body: The main body of the application should contain detailed information, including the reasons for your leave and the specific dates you intend to be absent. Clearly articulate your situation or requirement.
  • Contact Information: Include your contact details, such as phone number and email address, enabling swift communication if required during your absence.
  • Name and Signature: Sign the application with your full name, indicating your acceptance of the request. A signature adds a personal touch and authenticity to the document.
  • Urgent work
  • Maternity leave
  • Medical issues

Format of Leave Application Letter

Knowing the format and the primary components that you need to cover whilst writing a leave application is a must. Here’s a basic format that you can use, whether you are writing as a student or an employee.

Subject: Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

Main Body of the Leave Application:

[Provide the details and reasons for your leave request here.]

Yours sincerely,

[Your Signature] [Your Name] [Designation] [Name of the Organization]

Format of Leave Application

What to Include

In crafting a leave application, specific information must be included to ensure clarity and professionalism. Here’s a breakdown of what to cover in each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Introduction and Reason for Leave

Begin by introducing yourself, and stating your name and designation. Address the recipient formally, providing their details. Concisely explain the purpose of your leave request. Use the official format and maintain concise sentences for clarity and professionalism.

Dear [Recipient’s Name/Designation],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The purpose of my leave is [briefly state the reason, e.g., medical treatment]. I kindly request your approval for this period of absence .

Paragraph 2: Handling Pending Work

When writing a leave application for office purposes, detail how you plan to manage any pending work during your absence. Mention your strategies for completing tasks or delegating responsibilities to ensure a smooth workflow in your absence.

I have arranged my tasks in advance and will ensure that all pending work is completed before my departure. Alternatively, I have delegated tasks to [colleague’s name] who will oversee the ongoing projects during my absence. Rest assured, I will ensure a seamless transition and return to work promptly on my scheduled date.

Paragraph 3: Closing and Contact Information

Conclude your application with a formal request for approval. Express your gratitude for the organization’s understanding. Provide further contact information, such as your phone number and email address, for any necessary communication.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Leave Application Letter for School & College

Every leave application needs to have a few components to it that cannot be skipped or ignored. We have put that checklist for you below along with an example.

Reason for Leave

I require leave due to [explain briefly why you need leave – family emergency, medical treatment, personal reasons, etc.].

I am requesting leave for a period of [number of days/weeks] starting from [start date] to [end date]. I believe this duration will provide adequate time for my situation to stabilise.

These elements should be included in your leave application to make it complete and avoid any further confusion.

Leave Application Letter Format to principal (From A Student)

Respected Principal/Teacher,

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Grade/Class] at [School Name], am unable to attend school from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date] due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.].

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. I have attached the necessary medical certificate/documents for your reference. I assure you that I will catch up on all the missed assignments and notes as soon as I return to school.

I understand the importance of regular attendance and will make every effort to minimize disruption to my studies. I will also ensure that my classmates are not inconvenienced due to my absence.

I would be grateful if you could approve my leave application at your earliest convenience. Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there are any formalities that need to be completed from my end.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I sincerely appreciate your support in this matter.

[Your Name] [Your Class/Grade] [Roll Number]

Leave Application Letter Format to principal (From A Parent)

Subject: Leave Application for [Child’s Full Name], [Grade/Class]

Respected Principal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you about the unavailability of my child, [Child’s Full Name], who is a student of [Grade/Class] at your school. Unfortunately, due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.], my child is unable to attend school from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date].

I kindly request you to grant leave to my child for the mentioned period. [He/She] has been under the care of a doctor and is being treated for the illness. I have attached the medical certificate and other necessary documents for your reference.

I assure you that [Child’s Full Name] will make up for all the missed assignments and exams as soon as [he/she] recovers and returns to school. I understand the importance of regular attendance and am committed to ensuring that [he/she] catches up on all the academic work.

I would appreciate your kind consideration in granting this leave. If there are any formalities or documents required from my end, please do not hesitate to inform me. I can be reached at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Address] for any further communication.

[Your Name] [Your Relationship to the Child, e.g., Parent/Guardian] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Leave Application Letter Format For College

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Course/Program] at [College Name], am unable to attend classes from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date] due to [mention the reason for leave, e.g., illness, family emergency, personal reasons, etc.].

I kindly request you to grant me leave for the mentioned period. I understand the importance of regular attendance and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on all the missed lectures, assignments, and coursework during my absence. I will ensure minimal disruption to my studies and will coordinate with my classmates to obtain notes and updates regarding class discussions.

I have attached the necessary medical certificate/documents for your reference. If there are any formalities or assignments I need to complete during my absence, please let me know, and I will ensure that they are taken care of promptly.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Thank you for your cooperation. I am confident that I will resume my classes as soon as I am able and continue my studies without further interruptions.

[Your Name] [Your Course/Program] [Your Roll Number] [Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Leave Application Letter Format For Office

In drafting a leave application for the office, maintain a formal tone and structure. Here is a leave application letter template for the office:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Subject: Leave Application for [Specify Dates]

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The purpose of my leave is [briefly state the reason, e.g., personal family event]. I kindly request your approval for this period of absence.

During my absence, I have organised my tasks meticulously to ensure a smooth workflow in the department. [Explain briefly how you will manage your work, whether by delegating tasks or completing pending work before the leave period].

I can be reached via phone at [your phone number] or email at [your email address] in case of any urgent matters that require my attention during this period.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition and will return to work promptly on [return date].

[Your Full Name] [Your Designation] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Your Signature]

Sample 1: How to Write Application for Sick Leave

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear Sarit,

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to attend work. I have been diagnosed with a severe bout of flu by my healthcare provider. Following the doctor’s advice, I need to take a sick leave from 5th November 2023 to 12th November 2023 to recover and regain my strength.

I have already informed Pooja Sharma, my colleague, who will be handling my urgent tasks during my absence. I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before I leave.

I can be reached via phone at +91 98765 00000 or email at [email protected] if there are any work-related emergencies during this period.

Thank you for your understanding. I will keep you updated about my progress and provide any necessary medical certificates upon my return.

Amit Patel Marketing Executive Zenith Corporation

Sample 2: How to Write Annual Leave Application

Subject: Annual Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be out of the country for a month due to personal reasons. Therefore, I kindly request to avail my full annual leave allowance. I would like to request leave from the 1st of November 2023 until the 30th of November 2023.

During my absence, Priya Kapoor will be handling my responsibilities. I have been mentoring Priya for the past year, and I have full confidence in her ability to manage the tasks efficiently. For any work-related emergencies, I can be reached on my mobile phone.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Warm regards,

Rahul Verma Content Strategist Digital Marketing Department Sunrise Solutions

Sample 3: How to Write Half Day Leave Application

Subject: Half-Day Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be arriving late to the office today due to a doctor’s appointment. I need to visit my doctor at 10 a.m., and due to some necessary investigations, I will only be able to reach the office in the afternoon.

I kindly request your approval for a half-day leave for today. I assure you that I will make every effort to catch up with as much work as possible once I am in the office.

Thank you for your understanding.

Gaurav Kumar Graphic Designer Digital Marketing Team NE Connections

Sample 4: How to Write Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application

Dear Amrita,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to request a casual leave for five days, starting from the 21st of September to the 25th of the same month, due to a family medical emergency. During my absence, I have arranged for Jordan Hnialum to handle my duties, and he has kindly agreed to take over my responsibilities. I trust he will manage the tasks diligently.

I will be available to resume work on the 27th of September. I kindly request your approval for this leave, and I assure you that I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my departure.

Please feel free to contact me at 98******90 if any urgent matters require my attention during my absence.

Gargi Arora Graphic Designer Digital Marketing Team Akal Info

Sample 5: How to Write Bereavement Leave Application

Subject: Bereavement Leave Application

Dear Aaryaan,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of my dear mother last night. In this difficult time, I need to head home to support my family and take care of the funeral arrangements. Therefore, I humbly request your approval for a 5-day paid bereavement leave, starting today, the 21st of October, 2023, and ending on the 25th of October, 2023.

I will be reachable on my cell phone if you need to contact me. Additionally, I have informed Prakriti Bose, a colleague, about my responsibilities, and she will be able to assist you in my absence.

I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging period.

Thank you for your consideration.

Priya Varsha Content Strategist Digital Marketing Team AKAL Info

Sample 6: How to Write One-Day Leave Application

Subject: One-Day Leave Application

Dear Suman,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you in advance that I will not be able to work on the 30th of this month. My mother has experienced some health issues, so I have scheduled an appointment with her doctor on the 30th. Considering the necessary investigations, I will be unavailable for the entire day.

I have arranged for Daryl Ezung to handle my responsibilities during my absence. I kindly request you to grant me this one-day leave.

Hamid Qureshi Head of Advertising AKAL Info

Sample 7: How to Write Paternity Leave Application

Subject: Paternity Leave Application

Dear Ms. Kapoor,

I am writing to formally request paternity leave from November 15 to November 30, 2023. My wife and I are expecting a child, and I would like to take this time to support her and bond with our newborn.

I have arranged for my colleague, Bakshin Kaun, to handle my responsibilities during my absence. I assure you that I have taken steps to minimise any disruptions. I am willing to assist remotely if needed.

Attached is the medical certificate confirming my wife’s pregnancy. I appreciate your understanding and support. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

Thank you for considering my request.

Lokesh Aggarwal Content Head AKAL Info

Sample 8: How to Write Vacation Leave Application

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I am writing to request vacation leave from December 10 to December 20, 2023. During this period, I plan to visit my hometown to celebrate a family event.

I have completed all my pending tasks and briefed my colleague, Priya Sharma, about my ongoing projects. I assure you of a smooth workflow during my absence. I am reachable via email ([email protected]) in case of any emergencies.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your cooperation.

Rajesh Kumar Accounts Manager ABC Corporation

Sample 9: How to Write Emergency Leave Application

Subject: Emergency Leave Application

Dear Mr. Singh,

I am writing to inform you about an unforeseen family emergency that requires my immediate attention. Due to this situation, I am unable to attend work starting tomorrow, October 31, 2023.

I have informed my colleague, Arjun Patel, about my ongoing projects and tasks, and he has kindly agreed to cover for me during my absence. I will ensure all pending work is completed upon my return.

I sincerely apologise for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in granting me this emergency leave. I will keep you updated about my situation and my expected date of return.

Ritu Sharma Operations Manager XYZ Corporation

Sample 10: How to Write Leave Application for Marriage

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

Dear Ms. Sharma,

I am writing to request leave for my marriage ceremony. I will need leave from November 15 to November 23, 2023, to make arrangements and celebrate this joyous occasion with my family and friends.

I have ensured that all my pending work is completed and handed over my responsibilities to my colleague, Priya Singh, who will handle my tasks during my absence. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition before and after my leave period.

I sincerely request your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding in this matter. I assure you that I will resume work promptly on November 21, 2023.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Amit Verma Head of Advertising LMN Technologies

Leave Application Email

The world has gone digital, minimising the need for physical effort and work. This has obviously impacted the frequency of writing letters and applications. The professional world has almost entirely shifted to a much safer and quicker method of communication: e-mail. E-mail is the norm. So, here are a few samples along with a template to help you write the perfect leave application email.

Leave Application Email Format

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to [reason for leave].

I have taken all necessary measures to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. [If applicable, mention that you have informed your colleagues/team members and provided necessary instructions.]

I will be accessible via email during this period and will ensure that any urgent matters are addressed promptly. I have also delegated my responsibilities to [mention the name of the colleague or team member who will handle your tasks in your absence].

I have attached the required documents (if any) to support my leave application. Please let me know if any additional information is needed from my end.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused by my absence and will make sure to complete any pending work and hand over all responsibilities before my departure.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Number]

Leave Application Email Format

Sample 1: Leave Application Email Format For Office

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am reaching out to request a leave of absence from my position at [Company Name] due to [explain the reason] starting from [Start Date] until [End Date].

I have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth handover of my tasks to [colleague’s name or team] and have documented all relevant information. During my absence, I will remain reachable via email to address any urgent matters or provide assistance as needed.

Attached to this email are the pertinent documents supporting my leave application.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter and assure you of my commitment to complete any pending work before my departure. Thank you for your consideration and support.

Sample 2: Leave Application Email Format For College

Dear [College Official’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from college due to [mention the reason]. I kindly ask for your approval for a leave starting from [Start Date] to [End Date].

I have informed my professors about my absence and will make sure to catch up on all missed lectures and assignments upon my return. I assure you of my commitment to maintaining my academic responsibilities despite this temporary setback.

Please find attached the necessary documents supporting my leave application. If there are any additional formalities or requirements, kindly let me know, and I will promptly provide the information.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Full Name] [Your College ID/Enrollment Number] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

FAQs About Leave Application

What is a leave application letter.

A leave application letter is a formal document where an individual, either an employee or a student, states their intention and reasons for taking a temporary absence from work or school.

How to write a leave application?

Outside of the basic details like address, subject and other technical details, her4e is what you should include in the body of the leave application:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for your leave (e.g., illness, personal reasons, family emergency).
  • Duration: Specify the start and end dates of your leave period.
  • Arrangements: If applicable, mention any arrangements you've made for your work/tasks during your absence.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact details in case of any urgent matters.
  • Closing: Express gratitude and professionalism (e.g., Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, [Your Name]).

How to write an application to the principal for leave?

Here is what goes in the content of an application to the principal for leave:

  • Reason for Leave: Briefly state the reason for your leave (e.g., illness, family emergency). Specify the start and end dates of your absence.
  • Academic Responsibilities: Confirm completion of pending assignments. Assure catching up on missed lessons promptly upon return.
  • Supporting Information: Mention attached notes from parents/guardians if applicable. Offer additional documents if necessary.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact number for school communication. Include parent's/guardian's contact if required.
  • Appreciation and Closing: Express gratitude for understanding. Close with a polite sign-off.

How to write a leave application for the office?

Here is everything you need to add to the content:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly state the reason for your leave (e.g., personal, medical, family-related). Specify the dates you intend to be on leave.
  • Work Responsibilities: Mention your plan for pending tasks and deadlines. Offer to delegate or complete urgent work before your departure.
  • Colleague Notification: Inform colleagues about your absence and provide necessary instructions to ensure a smooth workflow in your absence. Mention a point of contact for work-related queries in your absence.
  • Availability During Leave: Specify your availability (or unavailability) for emergencies. Provide your contact information in case of urgent work matters.
  • Appreciation and Closing: Express gratitude for understanding and support. Close with a polite closing statement.

How to write a medical leave application?

Here is what you need in a medical leave application:

  • Doctor's Note: If applicable, attach a medical certificate or note from your healthcare provider indicating your condition and recommended leave period.
  • Details: Mention the specific illness or medical condition you are suffering from.
  • Joining: Discuss the course of treatment and brief about the number of days you would require to recover. Be clear about when you can join back.

How to write an application for a leave of absence?

These pointers should be included in the body of your letter for a leave of absence:

  • Reason for Leave: Clearly explain the reason for needing a leave of absence (e.g., personal reasons, family commitments, educational purposes).
  • Duration: Specify the start and end dates of your intended leave period.
  • Planning: Assure that you have made necessary arrangements for your responsibilities during your absence.
  • Availability: Provide information on how you can be reached during your absence if required.

What is Casual Leave?

Casual leave is a form of time off granted to employees, allowing them to address unforeseen personal circumstances or urgent needs. The nature of casual leave can vary, providing immediate flexibility for short-term absences without affecting the overall leave balance.

What is CL & PL?

Casual Leave (CL) and Privilege Leave (PL) are two distinct types of leaves offered by companies. Casual Leave is typically granted for unforeseen or sudden events, allowing employees to take short-term time off with pay. On the other hand, Privilege Leave, also known as Earned Leave (EL), is accrued over time and is generally used for planned absences, providing employees with paid time off based on their service duration.

Can I take 5 days casual leave?

The duration of casual leave may vary based on company policies. Generally, casual leave is permitted for a minimum of half a day to a maximum of three days. If you require a leave duration exceeding this limit, it may be advisable to utilize other types of leave, such as earned leave or as per the specific policies outlined by your company.

What is the difference between EL and CL leave?

The primary distinction between Earned Leave (EL) and Casual Leave (CL) lies in their nature and purpose. EL, or Privilege Leave, is earned over time and is often planned for vacations or extended breaks. In contrast, CL is intended for unplanned events or sudden situations, offering short-term leave with pay. EL is usually accrued, while CL is often a fixed annual allocation.

How many days casual leave in a year?

The number of casual leave days allocated in a year can vary among companies and is subject to their specific leave policies. While some companies provide a standard allocation of three days of paid casual leave annually, others may offer a more extended duration. It is essential to refer to your company's leave policy or consult with the human resources department to determine the exact number of casual leave days available to you each year.

Is Casual Leave Paid?

Casual leave may be paid or unpaid, contingent upon the specific policies outlined by the company. Employees are advised to consult their employment contracts or refer to the company's leave policy for clarity on whether casual leave is compensated. The total duration of casual leave is typically stipulated in the company's leave rules provision.

How Many Casual Leaves in a Year?

The number of casual leave days allotted in a year is determined by the company's rules and the terms outlined in the employment agreement. To ascertain the specific allowance, employees are encouraged to review their employment contracts or seek clarification from the HR department. While the generic duration of casual leave may range from a day to three or more, it is essential to recognize that the number of casual leaves in a year is subject to company policies and may vary.

What Are the Benefits of Having Casual Leave in the Workplace?

  • Flexibility : Immediate time off for personal needs without impacting overall leave balance.
  • Work-Life Balance : Fosters a healthier work-life balance, enhancing job satisfaction.
  • Attraction and Retention : Contributes to an appealing work environment, strengthening employee ties to the organization and promoting robust retention.
  • Boost Productivity : Facilitates prompt resolution of personal matters, minimizing work disruptions and boosting overall productivity.
  • Compliance with Labor Standards : Aligns with legal requirements, ensuring adherence to labor standards and promoting a fair working environment.

Is bereavement paid or unpaid leave?

The provision of paid or unpaid bereavement leave depends on the specific policies outlined by the company. Since it's not universally mandatory, companies may integrate bereavement leave into existing frameworks like sick leave, vacation leave, or Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). The nature of compensation during bereavement leave varies across organizations.

What is the verification process for the bereavement process?

While many companies do not necessitate proof of death for bereavement leave, they often implement a verification process to ensure the leave is genuinely required. This may involve details such as the deceased person's name, date of death, and their relationship with the employee. Some companies may also request supporting documents like obituaries or funeral programs for verification.

Is a Bereavement Leave mandatory?

Offering bereavement leave is not compulsory for all companies, and its inclusion in leave policies depends on local regulations. In regions where mandatory, companies are obligated to incorporate bereavement leave into their policy. Otherwise, its inclusion is at the discretion of the employer.

What is the difference between Bereavement Leave and Sick Day?

While a company might not explicitly have a separate policy for bereavement leave, it can offer alternatives like compassionate leave or incorporate it into sick leave policies. The categorization of bereavement leave as a sick day depends on the company's specific policies and how they structure their leave frameworks.

What is the other name for bereavement leave?

Bereavement Leave is also called compassionate leave.

Email Writing Format & Samples

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Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

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A leave application is something everyone has been taught to write since school days. But what I have seen is that many individuals have several doubts swirling around when they actually sit down to write one. Being an employee of a private firm for many years, I have witnessed the same issue in the work scenario, too. Moreover, I feel that the leave application for office must be written in a convincing, engaging, yet formal manner.

For me, the application of leave in office acts as an official statement to let the manager know that I am planning to take a leave from work. Now, do you know the leave application format for office? If not, let me help you learn the process of drafting such a document. I also recommend taking the KnowledgeHut Professional training for further help with such workplace communication.

Why Should You Submit an Office Leave Application?

Submitting a leave application for office informs your manager or team lead about your absence from the workplace. Remaining off work without the knowledge of the management may reflect an unprofessional attitude on your side. I think it also creates a difficult situation for your respective team and may hamper the progress of some of your ongoing projects.

Hence, I think it’s a good idea to draft a leave application letter for the office beforehand. You can even send the application on the day when you won’t be able to attend the office because of a personal matter or other unavoidable circumstances.

Types of Leave Application

A leave application for office can be of various types depending on how they accommodate different situations. I have curated the common leave application types for your reference below:

  • Maternity Leave Application:  A time off given to new mothers to care for their newborn or newly adopted child.
  • Annual Leave Application:  A planned time off that can be accrued over a particular year.
  • Sick Leave Application:  An application granted for medical appointments or health-related issues.
  • Vacation Leave Application:  This time off is similar to the annual leave application and can be used for relaxation and travel purposes.
  • Casual Leave Application:  A short or unplanned leave granted to employees for unforeseen or incidental reasons.
  • Emergency Leave Application:  A compassionate or urgent time off granted to address sudden or unforeseen family and personal emergencies.
  • Half-day Leave Application:  A type of   leave application for an office that grants the employee permission to be absent from work for half of the usual working hours in a day.

What to Include in an Office Leave Application Letter/Email?

Learning how to write a leave application begins with knowing the content that you must include in your letter or email. Therefore, what follows is my list of points that should definitely be included in your leave application for office.

  • Salutation:  Such an approach will usually include the name of an addressee whose name is written in your notice of leave.
  • Subject:  This section of the leave application should include the cause behind your request for leave and the date you filed for it.
  • Reason for Leave: I advise that you put across the necessary details so that your application for a leave grant while transiting from office receives the attention it deserves.
  • Work Plan: To assure peace of mind to customers, talk about your colleague who will look after all responsibilities when you are not there.
  • Closing Sentence: Give thanks to the said individual.
  • Name:  State your correct name.
  • Designation:  Tell about your exact job function in the company.
  • Date:  Cite the present date.

Leave Application Format for Employee

Let me show you a leave letter format for the office that will help you draft future applications with ease.

To: [Manager’s Name]

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Current Date]

Subject: Leave application for [your reason and date]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for (number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). The reason for my leave is (your valid reason for leave).

I have completed all the urgent tasks and delegated the remaining tasks to (your colleague’s name). I am confident that my absence will not have any negative impact on our team’s work.

I will be available by email or phone during my leave if needed. I will also make sure to check my work email regularly.

I appreciate your consideration.

[Your name and designation]

How to Write a Leave Application Letter for Office

Following the correct leave application format for employees is important for you to be granted leave from your workplace. That is why I have curated a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to draft a leave application for office.

1. Use the Company Letterhead:  Use an official letterhead for your leave application if your company has one. It will help add a professional touch to your leave application for office for personal reasons or any other reason. Include your company name, address, and contact information as given on the letterhead.

2. Include the Date:  Write the current date you submitted the leave application at the top left or right corner. I advise you to use the DD/MM/YYYY format.

3. Add Your Name, Designation, and Employee ID:  Mention your full name along with your position or designation in the company and employee ID, if applicable.

4. Address the Recipient:  Your leave application for office should be addressed directly to your HR department head or reporting manager as specified by company policy. Try to use formal titles like Sir or Ma’am.

5. Subject Line:  Include a subject line that briefly states your leave request.

6. Content:  I suggest you clarify the reason and time period for the leave in the paragraph. Along with that, make sure you clearly explain the reason for your absence. According to the company policy, you will need to give enough time for your planned leave to the concerned authority.

7. Polite and Formal Tone:  Maintain a formal and courteous communication style at all times throughout the leave application. Strictly avoid making unreasonable demands.

8. Express Gratitude:  Finally, end by thanking the approval authority for taking the time to review your leave application.

9. Signature:  Wrap up the leave application with your full name and signature.

10. Proofread:  Double-check the leave application for any grammatical, factual, or spelling errors before submission.

Sample Leave Applications For Office

A sample leave letter format for office can help you draft your future applications without making any errors. Let me walk you through some of these sample leave applications for the office.

1. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

The following sample leave application will help you learn how to cite personal reasons for your absence.

Subject: Application for Personal Leave

Dear {Recipient’s Name},

I have an important personal matter to attend to due to which I will not be able to come to the office from {start date} to {end date}.

I have transferred all my tasks to {person’s name} and have asked them to call me for any help during my absence.

Kindly consider my leave application for approval and oblige.

Yours Sincerely,  {Your Name}

2. Sample Leave Application for Marriage

The leave application for marriage is different from other leave applications for office, as shown below.

Subject: Leave for Marriage Ceremony

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am pleased to announce that I will be getting married on {Date}. So, I request you to grant me leave from {Date} to {Date} for my marriage function.

I have already started to work towards completing my task before the date.

Looking forward to receiving a positive response from you soon.


3. Maternity Leave Application Sample

Here is a leave letter for office samples for those who want maternity leave.

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

I am writing to inform you about my decision to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I plan to start my leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {joining date}.

I will let you know as soon as possible if my plans change for any reason. I have attached the physician’s letter to confirm the relevant details.

4. Annual Leave Application

Here is a sample of an annual leave mail in the office   for your reference.

Subject: Annual Leave Application

I will be traveling with my family for one month between {start date} and {end date}.

As per my prior discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave.

I may not be available to take calls because of the nature of my travel plans. Please address any urgent work matters to my email address {email ID}.

I await a positive reply to my leave request.

Thank you and regards,  {Your Name}

5. Sick Leave Application

Here is a sample sick leave application for the office for your reference.

Subject: Sick Leave Request for One Day

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I regret to inform you that I will not be able to visit the office tomorrow, [date], due to my health condition. I have visited the doctor and therefore will have to take the day to relax and recover. Therefore, I would like to request one day of sick leave.

I will be available via email for all urgent work matters.

Wishing you and the team a productive day in my absence.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

6. Vacation Leave Application

Here is a vacation leave letter example for office.

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing this application to request a leave of absence from {start date} to {end date}. My family and I are taking a vacation to Manali as this period marks the summer vacation for my children. I want to take part of my allotted paid leave in this regard.

In the meanwhile, my teammate, {enter name}, has been authorized to take up any pressing matters in terms of my job duties.

I look forward to your approval.

Sincerely,  {Your Name}

7. Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I request a leave of {X days} from {start date} to {end date} since I have to attend to a medical emergency of a close relative. As the relative is situated in Uttrakhand, I must be away for {X days}.

I shall be reachable during the period mentioned in my email. My person in charge, {person’s name}, will be handling my tasks in my absence.

I will be thankful if you consider my application at the earliest.

8. Emergency Leave Application

Here is how you can write a leave letter for an emergency.

Sub: Emergency Leave Letter

I have to tend to a personal matter in my hometown because of which I will not be able to come to the office until {date}.

I have informed my colleagues about my leave and have briefed everyone on the project we are working on. You may contact me on (Your mobile number) if you need me with any urgent information.

Please grant me a leave for three days and oblige.

{Your Name}

9. Leave Application for Half-day Sample

Here is a sample leave application for the office for a half day.

Subject: Request for Half-Day Leave on [Date]

Dear [Supervisor Name],

This is to inform you that I am applying for a half-day leave on [Date], [Morning/Afternoon]. I need to [briefly state the reason for leave].

I have completed all urgent tasks and informed [colleague name] about my absence. They have agreed to cover the pending tasks for me.

I will be available via email or phone throughout the day for urgent matters.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Leave Application for Office: Template

I have attached a sample   leave application for the office template for your reference. You can also download it instantly.

Leave Application Sample for office

Tips for Writing Office Leave Application Letters

I have also curated some tips that you can use while drafting an application for medical leave in the office or for other reasons.

  • Use a formal tone and professional format to write the leave application for the office.
  • Provide all relevant details, including the purpose of your leave and the duration of absence.
  • Send your leave application in time.
  • Let the management know about your work status, too.
  • Attach supporting documents if needed.
  • Follow up with the manager or supervisor if they have not responded to your application yet.

Writing a leave application for the office will be an easy task for you once you have read this guide. I have included the formats for all application types, including a one-day leave application for the office, for your reference. Moreover, you must also follow all the tips and guidelines to ensure your application is in the correct format and tone.

You can learn more about such leave applications and how to draft them through free online courses from KnowledgeHut. These courses will enable you to learn more about effective communication in the workplace and enhance your skills for career advancement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can apply for a casual leave application for the office if you want to attend a function. Make sure to follow the correct format and inform your manager about your planned absence. This will enable you to get approval instantly.

Several leave types are available for employees, including maternity, annual, half-day, casual, vacation, and sick leave. Familiarizing yourself with their respective formats is essential to ensure you submit the correct application.

Your application should encompass several required elements. The three simple ones are the subject line, the date, the reason for your leave, and the name of the person to whom you have transferred your work.

List down the factors that your manager can incorporate in canceling your absence request for the office. If your manager’s explanations are not convincing enough and you need a leave, you can discuss the matter with your HR department, which may be escalated to the seniors if required.

Yes, your leave remains cancelable even after it is approved. All you have to do is prepare a new document stating the new dates or your reasons for changing your leave. You may also want to bring the matter to your HR and proceed with the application without any problem.


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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Medical Leave Application for Office Employee | 6 Examples

How to write an application for medical leave from office.

Everybody gets sick time to time and takes leave from office for a specific period by sending leave request to his employer, manager or superior ranked officer. When you do not feel good and your doctor advises you to take a bed rest then its time to submit a medical or sick leave letter in your office. In this post, you will learn how to write an application for medical Leave for Office. Writing an application for Medical Rest is simple like writing other applications. But before you write an application, you must know the leave policy of your company in which you are employee. You should also mention the date of leave and for an effective request, you should attach bed rest prescribed by a doctor with his signature. At the end of the application tell about your work position and close the application with thank you a message.

Medical Leave Letter for Employee Samples

This post contains 6 examples of Leave Letters for Medical Reasons. I have shared a lot of content on this website for students but this post is especially for office employees. If you are a student, you should visit leave application for School . Here are a different type of application samples. You can change any of them as per your requirement in different situations. I have shared them as a proper leave request application but if you need to send an email. You can take the body of the application and use it in email. For more, you can visit English Application Writing .

  • A medical Emergency letter to Your Office

Medical Leave Request Due to Severe Migraine

  • Medical Leave Request by a School Teacher to Principal

Medical Leave Letter to Your Boss in English

  • Leave of Absence Letter for Medical Reasons
  • Medical Leave application for Government Employee

Sample Medical Emergency Letter to Your Office

Branch Manager, Organisation Name, Address, City Name.

Subject: Leave Application for Medical Treatment

Respected sir,

With due regards, this is to bring your notice that I am working as a production supervisor (write down your job rank) in your organization for the last 3 years. Yesterday, I have undergone a medical checkup by my family doctor who has diagnosed jaundice. He has prescribed me complete bed rest for 10 days. My medical reports are attached herewith for your reference. As soon as I feel good, I will resume my duties and complete my pending projects on time. Feel free to contact me if you need any sort of clarifications regarding the same.

It is, therefore, requested that 10 days leave on account of my medical situation may be granted to me from 10th December onward.

Yours sincerely, Your Name:________ Phone No._________ Email: ___________

See also:  School Leave Application for my Son

Subject: Letter for Medical Leave Requisition

Venerable Sir,

With high esteem and regard, it is stated that I am unable to attend the office as I am suffering from a severe attack of migraine. Doctor after complete checkup has prescribed me 03 days complete bed rest to soothe my nerves. I really understand my responsibilities being (write your job rank) and I am sorry to apply for leave during this rush of work. However, I have completed the report which I promised to deliver. Shortly, I will send you the same through email for your review.

I assure you after coming back from leave, I will put in extra efforts to complete my pending work. I shall be very grateful to you if you consider my request and grant me 3 days of medical leave from (write the date).

Thank you in advance.

Sample Medical Leave Request by a School Teacher to Principal

The Principal, School Name, School Address, City.

Dated: __________

Subject: Application for Leave on Medical Grounds

I am (Write your Name) teacher of (Write Class Name) in your school facing some medical issues for the last 3 months. On the advice of doctor, I already have taken 06 days casual leave in last month but not recovered yet from the sickness completely. During my last medical checkup on Sunday, the doctor again suggested me 03 days more bed rest. His prescription is attached herewith for your reference. Nature of my medical issue is private and I don’t want to explain in this application.

I request you to grant me 03 days more medical leave starting from (write date) as per the medical leave policy of our school.

I will be thankful to you.

Warm Regards, Your Name:________ Phone No._________ Email: ___________

Leave application for daughter is also available at This Link .

Recipient Name, Title, Organization Address City, State,

26 July 2013

Subject: Application to obtain Medical Rest

with the utmost respect, this is a formal request letter for my leave of absence that we discussed the day before yesterday. As I told you, I have been working without any break for over one year. Due to the load of work, I did not take even a single day off work during the past few months. This load of responsibilities and hard work has started taking a toll on my health.

The doctor has diagnosed that my problems are mainly stress-related and recommended me to take a family vacation at least for 1 week.

It is my humble request that 7 days leave may please be approved and permission be granted to me to leave work from December 11 to December 17. I have appended my medical reports with this letter. I understand the nature of my work and on resuming my duties, I will complete all my pending projects in time. Thank you very much in advance for your kind consideration.

Sincerely, Your Name, Your Phone No. Your Email Address.

Leave of Absence Letter for Medical Reasons Sample

Your city, Stae, Zip Cod, Phone No._________ Email Address:______

Recipient Name Job Tile, Organization Name, Address,

26 July 2013,

Dear (Recipient name here),

I am writing this letter to request you 10 days leave of absence on account of Medical reasons. As I have not been keeping good health for a long period, my doctor has recommended me to take a few days off work. He also advised me to visit any hill station for some days for the peace of mind and body.

If possible, I would like to leave work on December 11 and join my duties back on December 16. During this time period, you can contact me via email or phone. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Have a look at Leave Application to Class teacher by Parent

Medical leave application sample for Government Employee

The (head of the department) Department Name, City Name,

Subject: Casual Leave application for Medical Treatment

I may pen down must humbly that presently I am in (City or State Name here). I felt very sick on 3rd Dec upon which I went to the doctor who diagnosed me in detail and suggested some medicines. He also advised me 2 weeks complete bed rest and upon completion of rest on 17th Dec, the doctor has advised me to visit him for a checkup again. Medical advice is enclosed with this application.

Under present circumstances, the airline is not allowing me to board for travelling. Whatever the situation would be it will be informed accordingly. However, my Whats-app No. is open and I am in complete contact with my work team. Whereas, I am trying my level best to be fit asap and join my duties. For any further question or queries, I have given my contact details.

It is most humbly prayed that medical may please be accepted in lieu of absence which has started from 9th Dec.

Your’s most obediently,

Complete Name, Rank, Mobile No. Email Adress:

Address where you staying.

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Medical Leave Application | How To Write A Medical Leave Application for Office, School, College

March 6, 2023 by Prasanna

Medical Leave Application (मेडिकल लीव एप्लीकेशन): For one level or another, we’re going to have to take a leave from office or college. Taking leave without order is like digging your own grave. It is really important to write a request for leave for an office when planning a vacation with family or friends, or if your absence is due to any inevitable medical circumstances, it is equally important to write a request for sick leave for an office.

A successful leave appeal would make it easier for your manager to realize the true situation and make things easier for you and your coworkers. This also refers to students who want to submit a one day medical leave addressed to their Principal or Class Teacher at your high. Here, in this post, we have different application types to make things easier for you. Read on to find more about how to write leave application for abortion and Maternity, sample sick leave letter due to pregnancy.

How To Apply for A Medical Leave Application

  • The person must have served for the company for at least 12 months. This can be extended if the person is under medical care or should have stayed in the hospital.
  • If he is a family member, he or she should be in the facility for at least 3 consecutive days or an application medical leave in office for pregnancy.
  • In the case of chronic diseases, the company will be liable for two master reviews. In the case of abortion, the medical records of the patient and the number of check-ups and even the birth must be compensated by the company.

Different Ways To Apply for Medical Leave

Understanding the status and responsibilities of the company is more critical when filing for medical leave. As this can not be accomplished every day, it is more important to make a submission.

Each and every company observes the FMLA, which can be abbreviated as the Family and Medical Leave Act. The act may be used if the person is unable to function properly due to serious injury or if the blood relative becomes sick.

Medical Leave Application for Surgery

This can be done by telling the employer at an early stage of the date and time the employee will be away from work.

The person may submit a formal letter of office medical leave application format which should be regarded as an appeal to the employer. Before it is made, one should be mindful of all the rules and policies of the FMLA, so that medical expenses are protected by this Act.

Subject: Medical Leave Application Form (Leave Application With Medical Certificate).

Dear (Name of the employer),

I wrote this letter requesting you to support my irregular medical leave as a consequence of (diagnosed disorder). Because this includes extended leave owing to my absence. Because my psychiatrist has issued me with a medical certificate, I have sealed it.

Please let me know the next steps to forward this file for leave. Your assistance will be very much appreciated.

Sincerely, Name of the employee.

Medical Leave Application for Maternity Leave

Subject: Sample Medical Leave Application Format for Employees.

I am writing this letter to tell you that I want to take my maternity leave because my child is due on (date). It is recommended that I should be under the supervision of a doctor as soon as possible. I would also like to attach one more point to it by mentioning that my annual leave is also completed so that I can accommodate my maternity leave under this payment.

I will, therefore, inform my date of re-entry and urge you to consider and authorize my departure.

Medical Leave Application for Maternity Leave

Medical Leave Application for Office

Just because the person is working for the company, it doesn’t imply that the employee will take leave. It is given to someone who serves 156 days before filing for leave. Each employee’s leave in an agency or in a corporation shall be considered and measured in compliance with the FMLA Act. This gives the right guideline for the leaves.

Until publishing, one should be mindful of the policies and rules of the FMLA. After this is done, this letter can be forwarded to the Human Resources team for verification and approval. Here is a short document explaining how to write a medical application message.

Subject:  Application on Medical Leave Letter format for Employee

With gratitude, I wrote this letter to tell you that I may not be able to come to office today because I have been sick for the last three days due to severe stomach ache and diarrhea, and the previous day I was able to visit my personal doctor who diagnosed me with low blood pressure and acute gastritis.

I have been advised that the specialist will take meds that will last for at least seven days. Although I feel better, I think it’s going to be in a couple of days, but I’m not going to be productive today. I hope I’m going to be right to make it work tomorrow, but I’m going to keep you updated.

Mr./Ms (Colleague) offered to take up my job and take care of my customers for the day. If you would like to pass any of my assignments to other employees, please don’t hesitate. I have left my email office active; I hope it will help me reply to my clients from home as much as possible.

If I am unable to return to the office tomorrow, I will let you know as soon as possible so that you can make any immediate plans to cope with the workload.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding in this area.

The sick leave must be accepted by the practitioner prior to the company’s acceptance. The number of days mentioned above must be specified in advance so that the boss may plan for someone else to do so on a temporary basis.

Medical Leave Application for Office

Sample Medical Leave Application To Principal for School

In the case of graduates, it is important to request leave in order to avoid any problems in their assessment process. When you’re not well at school, you have to write a Medical for school leave letter to the director of your school or to the teacher in question. The recommendation may be made by the applicant himself or by his or her guardians. Typically the following style is used when writing the specification itself

To The Principal, Name of the school.


Subject:  Personal Leave Application for Medical Reason/Checkup.

With due respect, I want to add that I am not in the condition of attending school because of the viral fever. I have been told by our family physician that I have to take proper rest for at least [number of days] days. So, please grant me [number of days] leave. I’m going to be really grateful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently, Your Name, Class and section Roll No.

Sample Medical Leave Application To Principal for School

Medical Leave Application for School by Parents

To The Principal, Name of the school


Subject:  One day Medical Leave Application for Format.

This is to tell you that my son/daughter[ Name of your child] is a[ class] student in your grade. He’s not in the best condition to attend school because of high fever. The doctor has suggested a complete rest on his home. I, therefore, ask you politely to give him / her sick leave for[ number of days] days. I’m going to be very much grateful.

Yours Faithfully, Your Name, Signature.

Medical Leave Application for School by Parents

FAQ’s on Medical Leave Application

Question 1. What are the different forms of application for medical leave that a person can apply for?

Answer: A person can apply for different kinds of leave application for medical application for treatment leave for professional works like for maternity leave, medical leave, leave for ill son/daughter, etc.

Question 2. What are the conditions for a person applying for medical leave while working for an organization?

Answer: The person must have served the company for at least 12 months. This can be extended if the person is under medical care or should have stayed in the hospital.

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Medical leave application for office – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Medical leave is a crucial aspect of maintaining one’s health and well-being, especially when it comes to balancing work and personal life. In India, every company has its own leave policies, but employees and employers must take the medical leave policy seriously.

A medical leave application is a formal letter written by an employee to request time off work for medical reasons, and it’s important to follow the correct format when writing one. This article will provide an in-depth guide to help you write a medical leave application for an office in India. We’ll cover everything from the basics of medical leave policy in India to the correct format of a medical leave application, along with some tips and samples to make things easier for you.

By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with all the information you need to submit your medical leave application and take care of your health while fulfilling your professional responsibilities.

  • 1 Medical Leave Application for Office Due to Surgery
  • 2 Long Medical Leave Application for Office
  • 3 Leave Application for Office for Medical Reason
  • 4 Leave Application for Medical Reason in Office
  • 5 Application for Leave in Office for Medical Check-up
  • 6 Medical Leave Application in Hindi for Office
  • 7.1 Components of a Proper Medical Leave Application
  • 7.2 Structuring the Medical Leave Application
  • 8.1 What is a medical leave application?
  • 8.2 What kind of medical reasons can qualify for medical leave?
  • 8.3 What is the duration of a medical leave application in India?
  • 8.4 Is a doctor’s certificate required while applying for medical leave?
  • 8.5 Can an employer reject a medical leave application?

Medical Leave Application for Office Due to Surgery

To, The HR Manager, [Company Name], [Address], [City]

Subject: Medical Leave Application for Office Due to Surgery

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request a medical leave from work due to an upcoming surgery. The surgery is scheduled on [Date] and is expected to take [Days/Weeks]. I have attached my medical reports along with the application for your reference.

During my absence, I will ensure that my pending tasks are completed and all essential handovers are done. I request you to kindly approve my leave application and look forward to joining work once I have recovered.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Employee Code]

Medical Leave Application for Office Due to Surgery

Long Medical Leave Application for Office

To, The Manager, [Department Name], [Company Name], [Address], [City]

Subject: Long Medical Leave Application for Office

I am writing this application to request a long medical leave from work due to my medical condition. As per the doctor’s advice, I need [Days/ Weeks] of complete rest and monitoring. I will keep you updated on my health status during my leave period.

I have assigned someone to take care of my work during my absence, and I have ensured essential handovers done. I request you to kindly approve my leave application.

Long Medical Leave Application for Office

Leave Application for Office for Medical Reason

Subject: Leave Application for Office for Medical Reason

I would like to request a leave from work due to my medical appointment. I will be visiting the doctor on [Date], and I expect to be done with the appointment within a day.

I will ensure that my work is completed before my appointment date, and all essential handovers are done. I hope my request will be considered positively.

Leave Application for Office for Medical Reason

Leave Application for Medical Reason in Office

Subject: Leave Application for Medical Reason in Office

I am writing this application to request a leave from work due to my medical condition. As per the doctor’s advice, I need a few days to rest and take medication.

I will ensure that my work is completed before my leave date, and all essential handovers are done. I hope my request will be considered positively.

Leave Application for Medical Reason in Office

Application for Leave in Office for Medical Check-up

Subject: Application for Leave in Office for Medical Check-up

I would like to take a few hours off from work to attend my medical check-up on [Date]. I will ensure that my work is completed before my leave date, and all essential handovers are done.

I hope my request will be considered positively. I will make up for any lost time by working extra hours or over the weekends if required.

Application for Leave in Office for Medical Check-up

Medical Leave Application in Hindi for Office

सेवा में, मैनेजर/HR मैनेजर, [कम्पनी का नाम], [ऑफिस का पता]

विषय: कार्यालय के लिए चिकित्सा छुट्टी का आवेदन

प्रिय सर / मैडम,

मैं अपनी स्वास्थ्य समस्या के कारण कार्य से दूर रहने जा रहा हूं। अपनी तबीयत को देखते हुए डॉक्टर की सलाह पर मैं अपने घर रहकर आराम करूंगा। मुझे [Days/Weeks] दिनों की चिकित्सा की आवश्यकता है।

मैं अपने अनुपस्थित हो करने के बाद, मैं सुनिश्चित करूंगा कि मेरे काम पूरे होते हैं और सभी जरूरी हस्तांतरण हो जाते हैं। मैं आशा करता हूं कि मेरा यह अनुरोध सकारात्मक रहेगा।

धन्यवाद, [आपका नाम] [कर्मचारी कोड]

Medical Leave Application in Hindi for Office

Also Check:   Chutti Ke Liye Application in Hindi – 9 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

Medical Leave Application for Office Format

Taking leave for medical reasons can be daunting, especially when writing a medical leave application for the office. However, a well-written medical leave application can help ease the process and ensure you get the leave you need to care for your health. In this article, we’ll focus on the format of a proper medical leave application for an office in India, including the components of a proper application and how to structure it.

Components of a Proper Medical Leave Application

A medical leave application is a formal request made by an employee to an employer, informing them of the need to take leave due to medical reasons. To ensure that your medical leave application is clear, concise, and informative, it should include the following components:

  • Date:  The date on which you’re writing the application.
  • Subject:  The subject line where you should mention that you’re writing a medical leave application.
  • Addressee’s address:  The name and address of your employer.
  • Salutation:  A formal greeting, such as “Dear Mr./Ms.” followed by the employer’s name.
  • Reason for medical leave:  A brief explanation of the medical condition that requires you to take leave.
  • Start and end date of expected leave:  The duration of the medical leave that you’re requesting.
  • Contact information: Your contact details, such as your phone number or email address, should be included so your employer can contact you if needed.
  • Closing and signature:  A formal closing to the application and your signature at the bottom.
  • Attached are medical certificates:  Medical certificates or documents supporting your leave request, if required.

Structuring the Medical Leave Application

The structure of a medical leave application is just as important as the content. It should be organized in a simple and readable format to make it easy for your employer to understand your request. Here’s how you can structure a medical leave application:

  • Header : It should include a subject line and the date on which you’re writing the application.
  • Body : This section should explain the reason for the medical leave application, including the expected duration of the leave.
  • Contact Information : Include your contact details in the application.
  • Closing : Your medical leave application should end with a formal closing.

In conclusion, writing a medical leave application for an office can be stressful, but if you use the proper format and structure, your application will be clear and informative. This will help you get the leave needed to care for your health and well-being without negatively impacting your professional responsibilities.

What is a medical leave application?

A medical leave application is a formal request made by an employee to an employer for taking leave from work due to the employee’s health issues.

What kind of medical reasons can qualify for medical leave?

Medical leave is usually approved for surgeries, prolonged illnesses, disabilities, injuries, or related medical conditions.

What is the duration of a medical leave application in India?

In India, the duration of a medical leave application depends on the employer’s policy and the severity of the medical condition. Generally, an employee can avail of up to 90 days of medical leave in a year.

Is a doctor’s certificate required while applying for medical leave?

Yes, a doctor’s certificate is usually required to support a medical leave application. It serves as proof of the employee’s medical condition and the necessity of taking leave.

Can an employer reject a medical leave application?

Yes, an employer can reject a medical leave application if the employee fails to provide sufficient and genuine reasons for taking leave or if taking leave would cause an undue hardship on the employer’s business operations.

Related posts:

  • Leave Application for Office – 13 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Sick Leave Application for Office – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • One Day Leave Application for Office – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • 5 days Leave Application for Office – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • 2 Days Leave Application for Office – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Maternity Leave Application in Hindi – 3+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

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How to Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave: Check Samples, Format, and Tips

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  • Mar 11, 2024

Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave

If you are a Class 11 or 12 student in a junior college who had medical issues in the recent past and you opted for leave due to the same, then you must write an application to the Principal. To write a medical leave application for college after taking leave, you need to follow a formal pattern. Check out the samples in the blog to draft your custom application. 

write an application for medical leave

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample 1: Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave
  • 2 Sample 2: Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave
  • 3 Medical Leave Application for College: Format
  • 4 Tips to Write a Medical Leave Application for College

Must Check Out: Medical Leave Application for College: Format, Samples, Tips to Write

Sample 1: Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave

The Principal
Jai Hind College,
A Rd, Churchgate, 
Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400020

10 March 2024

Request for Acceptance of Medical Leave Application for 15 February 2024 to 8 March 2024

Dear Ma’am,
My name is Shivangi and I am a student of Class 11 (Commerce) at Jai Hind College. I am writing to formally request to return to my studies after taking a medical leave of absence from 15 February 2024 to 8 March 2024. 

During this time, I was suffering from typhoid. As per my doctor’s advice, I focused on recovering my health. I am pleased to inform you that I have received clearance from my doctor to resume my studies as of 11 March 2024.

I understand that I may have missed some coursework during my absence. I am committed to catching up on all missed material and assignments. Also, I will be contacting my professors to discuss missed work and explore any available resources to help me get back on track.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I am eager to return to my studies and look forward to a successful semester.

PS: I have enclosed my medical records and doctor’s clearance with the application. (PFA)

Sonam Gupta
Class 11 (Commerce)

Also Read: Leave Application Format for Office, School & College

Sample 2: Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave

Also Read: Application for Sick Leave – Format and Sample

Medical Leave Application for College: Format

The Principal,

Request for Acceptance/Granting (depending on the time of application i.e. before or after availing the leave) of Medical Leave 

(Dear Ma’am/Sir)

Briefly state your name, student ID, and the Class you are enrolled in.

Mention your previous medical leave and the dates you were absent. Briefly explain your health situation without going into excessive detail. State your doctor’s clearance for returning to classes and the expected return date. Express your commitment to catching up on missed coursework and attending classes regularly.

Thank the recipient for their understanding and consideration. Sign off with your full name and student ID.

Include a copy of your doctor’s note as proof of your medical situation and clearance to return.

Check Out: Medical Leave Application: Format, Samples, Tips to Write

Tips to Write a Medical Leave Application for College

Here are some tips for writing a medical leave application for college after taking leave:

  • Be professional and courteous in your tone.
  • Focus on the future and your commitment to returning to your studies.
  • If you need additional accommodations due to your health, mention them.
  • Attach your medical reports and doctor’s clearance.
  • Lastly, proofread your application carefully before submitting it.

Ans: Here are some tips to draft a medical leave application: – Be formal in your tone. – Ensure the person in authority that you will resume your work as soon as you return. – Also, mention any accommodation you seek, owing to your health. – Do not forget to attach medical reports. – Finally, proofread your application.

Ans: Here are some tips for this application: – Write a clear and crisp subject. – Mention dates during which you were absent in the subject and first paragraph. – Inform about your illness. – Attach supporting documents

Ans: Attach your medical reports, a doctor’s note prescribing rest, and a clearance note from the doctor.

Check out other applications to ace the letter-writing section of your English curriculum:


Keep up with Leverage Edu to explore more applications and letter writing topics essential for school education . 

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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NPO (Public Health and Environment) - (2404766)

Objectives of the programme.

WHO India Country Office collaborates with the Government of India and relevant stakeholders within the framework of the collaborative Country Cooperation Strategy, to actively support the development and implementation of national health policies, strategies and plans aiming at promoting access to and utilization of affordable and quality health services and improving the financial protection against health-related risks.--> To collaborate with national authorities to improve health and quality of life through promotion of environmental health especially in the areas of water supply and sanitation, chemical safety, food safety, occupational health, air pollution, climate change, building healthy cities, health risk assessments and management.--> To collaborate and support related areas of work such as prevention and control of water and sanitation linked diseases, burden of disease attributable to environmental factors, climate change, preparedness and response to chemical and radio-nuclear events and sustainable development. To liaise with other related teams such as communicable and non-communicable diseases, health through the life-course, food safety and health system development for coordination of various health related activities. Underlying Values and Core Functions of WHO WHO's mandate revolves around six (6) leadership priorities specifying (i) advancing universal health coverage (ii) health related sustainable development goals (iii) addressing the challenge of non-communicable diseases and mental health, violence and injuries and disabilities (iv) implementing the provisions of the International Health Regulations (2005) (v) increasing access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable medical products (vi) addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. The South - East Asia Region (SEAR) of WHO is made up of 11 countries, with over 1.9 billion people, with India's population of 1.4 billion. All the Member States of WHO/SEAR (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor Leste), share the common value of the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental human right. All of WHO actions are based on this and rooted in the underlying values of equity, solidarity and participation. The mission of WHO India is to improve quality of life of the 1.4 billion people in India by supporting the government in eliminating vaccine preventable and other communicable diseases, reducing maternal and neonatal mortalities, promoting healthy lifestyles, addressing determinants of health, preparing and responding to health emergencies and strengthening health systems for universal health coverage.


Under the overall guidance of the WHO Representative, and the direct supervision of Deputy Head of WHO Country Office, and in collaboration with relevant technical units in the Country Office, the incumbent will perform the following duties:

  • Provide technical support to the country in planning, monitoring and evaluating environmental health interventions with a focus on the provision of safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene, improving air quality, healthy workplaces, health care waste management, and the sound management of chemicals and pesticides throughout their life-cycle
  • Collaborate with partners to develop national strategies and institutional capacities on primary prevention interventions, particularly those related to the safety of drinking water, sanitation, waste management, occupational health and to mitigate the health impact of air pollution and climate change.
  • Provide support to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) and other related Ministries, Government of India (GoI) for development of Strategies on Environmental Health, Water and Sanitation, air pollution, and climate change based on national context.
  • Formulate, evaluate and oversee the technical support to national and state environmental health programmes in the areas of community water supply and sanitation, chemical and pesticide safety, occupational health, healthy settings, environmental health risk assessment and management.
  • Provide technical support - advising/ coordinating/ guiding - on issues concerning climate change and its impact on health, environmental epidemiology, air pollution, occupational health, water, sanitation and hygiene and waste management in the context of sustainable development. The activities include preparation of work plans, programme budget, implementation and monitoring the progress of work.
  • Provide technical advice and support to the MOHFW on water sanitation and hygiene, assisting and proactively participating in the design and implementation of water and air quality monitoring and surveillance as appropriate.
  • Support capacity-building of national program managers to promote safe water, sanitation, hygiene and sound waste management in the community, in health-care facilities and in the workplace, and to support capacity-building in other priority areas of environmental health.
  • Liaise with concerned National counterparts of the technical units/departments , WHO/SEARO and WHO/HQs, collaborate with other clusters in areas i.e. communicable and non-communicable diseases, family, gender and life-course, health systems development for coordination of various health related activities ;and with donors and development partners (bilateral and UN) to harmonise recommendations on policies and strategies relating to environmental health cluster are suitably adopted to the Indian context.
  • Promote development of studies and research on the environmental health areas, including water, sanitation, air quality and climate change, in close coordination and collaboration national authorities, WHO collaborating centres, national centers of excellence and national R & D institutions, dissemination of research information to all stakeholders.
  • Coordinate and participate in inter-agency working group meetings/workshops and strengthen Inter-agency collaboration and liaise with external /donor agencies.
  • Support information brokering/exchange function of WCO India through contributions to the health repository at the WCO India by collation, analysis and sharing of relevant information and statistics.
  • Prepare technical reports, as necessary and perform any other duties as may be assigned by WR-India and DWR.


Essential : University Degree in environmental sciences such as water and sanitation and environmental engineering from a recognized University Desirable : Postgraduate degree or training in Public Health or related field.

Essential : At least five (5) years of experience in Public Health/Environmental Engineering/Environmental Management programme at national level. Desirable : Experience of work in WHO or other UN Agencies; field level experience to handle emergency programme at national level

  • The incumbent should identify with the core values of World Health Organization.
  • Thorough knowledge of the situation in India with regard to adolescent health and development with good understanding of country's needs and priorities.
  • Very good knowledge of WHO policies, programmes and guidelines in the related areas.
  • Sound technical and policy advisory skills, based on evidence. 
  • Leadership skills with demonstrated ability to work effectively with government and colleagues in a team setting at national and international levels, to share information and data and make oral and written presentations on technical issues.
  • Very good ability to build and maintain relations and network with national authorities and other stakeholders across relevant sectors.
  • Understanding of the potential motivating factors within national context and ability to adjust to new approaches in an increasingly complex environment.
  • Modern management skills including planning and evaluation.
  • Capacity to prepare terms of reference and to prepare and monitor and manage the implementation of contractual agreements.
  • Capacity to convey information and options in a structured and credible way; ability to speak and write clearly.
  • Proficiency in computer applications and ability to draft reports.
  • Knowledge of WHO /UN agencies programmes and practices will be an advantage

WHO Competencies

  • Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
  • Communication
  • Producing results
  • Creating an empowering and motivating environment

Use of Language Skills

Essential : Expert knowledge of English. Expert knowledge of Hindi. Desirable :


Remuneration comprises an annual base salary starting at INR 3,663,614 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable) and 30 days of annual leave.


  • This vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade level
  • Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
  • A written test and/or an asynchronous video assessment may be used as a form of screening.
  • In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link:  http://www.whed.net/ . Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review.
  • According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
  • Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual.
  • The WHO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The WHO recruits and employs staff regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics.
  • The WHO is committed to achieving gender parity and geographical diversity in its staff. Women, persons with disabilities, and nationals of unrepresented and underrepresented Member States ( https://www.who.int/careers/diversity-equity-and-inclusion ) are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to  [email protected]
  • An impeccable record for integrity and professional ethical standards is essential. WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the  WHO Values Charter  into practice.
  • WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates.
  • WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
  • For information on WHO's operations please visit:  http://www.who.int.
  • WHO also offers wide range of benefits to staff, including parental leave and attractive flexible work arrangements to help promote a healthy work-life balance and to allow all staff members to express and develop their talents fully.
  • The statutory retirement age for staff appointments is 65 years. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.
  • Please note that WHO's contracts are conditional on members of the workforce confirming that they are vaccinated as required by WHO before undertaking a WHO assignment, except where a medical condition does not allow such vaccination, as certified by the WHO Staff Health and Wellbeing Services (SHW). The successful candidate will be asked to provide relevant evidence related to this condition. A copy of the updated vaccination card must be shared with WHO medical service in the medical clearance process. Please note that certain countries require proof of specific vaccinations for entry or exit. For example, official proof /certification of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter many countries. Country-specific vaccine recommendations can be found on the WHO international travel and Staff Health and Wellbeing website. For vaccination-related queries please directly contact SHW directly at  [email protected] .
  • This is a National Professional Officer position. Therefore, only applications from nationals of the country where the duty station is located will be accepted. Applicants who are not nationals of this country will not be considered.
  • In case the website does not display properly, please retry by: (i) checking that you have the latest version of the browser installed (Chrome, Edge or Firefox); (ii) clearing your browser history and opening the site in a new browser (not a new tab within the same browser); or (iii) retry accessing the website using Mozilla Firefox browser or using another device. Click this link for detailed guidance on completing job applications:  Instructions for candidates

Grade: NO-C

Contractual Arrangement: Fixed-term appointment

Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): Two years

Job Posting: Jun 25, 2024

Closing Date: Jul 9, 2024

Primary Location: India-New Delhi

Organization: SE_IND WR Office, India

Schedule: Full-time

Link to apply:

  • WHO Careers Website:  Careers at WHO
  • Vacancies (staff member access):  https://careers.who.int/careersection/in/jobsearch.ftl  
  • Vacancies (external candidate access):  https://careers.who.int/careersection/ex/jobsearch.ftl


  1. Medical Leave Application

    write an application for medical leave

  2. Letter for Medical Leave in College

    write an application for medical leave

  3. Leave Applications for Medical Checkup to Office

    write an application for medical leave

  4. Medical Leave Application Letter

    write an application for medical leave

  5. Medical Leave Application

    write an application for medical leave

  6. Sick Leave Application Format, Samples & Tips for Employees & Students

    write an application for medical leave


  1. leave letter for sick / sick leave application/ leave application for headache/ #leaveapplication

  2. Medical leave rules for west bengal government employees and Teachers

  3. Eye flu application for office/ company in English|application for eye infection#eyeflu

  4. How to write application for leave of absence

  5. How To Write The Medical Leave Application ✍️ Must Watch 👀#viral #shorts #application

  6. How to write an application for sick leave|Application to Principal| Print Handlettering|


  1. Medical Leave Application For Office (5 Samples)

    How To Write A Proper Medical Leave Application For Office. An application for sick leave to boss or manager should contain the following points. Address your boss. Always start with greetings. Convey your subject for writing the leave letter. Describe your reason politely. Always mention the required leave period.

  2. How To Write a Leave of Absence Request (With Examples)

    San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Diaz, I am writing to request a one-month medical leave of absence beginning Monday, Sept. 10, and ending Wednesday, Oct. 10. I will be having surgery—my surgeon has ordered a minimum three-week recovery period (see doctor's signed recommendation attached.)

  3. 7 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Leave of Absence Request

    Subject Line and Formal Greeting. Start your leave of absence request with a clear and concise subject line. Include relevant information, such as your name and the dates of your intended leave. For example: "John Doe's Leave of Absence Request - June 1-15, 2025.".

  4. Sample Letter for Medical Leave of Absence from Work

    Letter for Medical Leave of Absence from Work Template. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to inform you of my need to take a medical leave of absence from my position as [Your Position]. Due to [brief explanation of medical condition], I am unable to perform my duties effectively and have been advised to take a leave for recovery.

  5. How To Write a Leave Application at an Office (With Example)

    4. Introduce why you're writing. In the first paragraph, mention the specific reason you are writing the letter, including that you're requesting leave and for what reason. Doing so in the first paragraph allows the recipient to clearly understand your intention and better assess the information you provide after. 5.

  6. Medical Leave of Absence Example Letters

    Sample Letters for Medical Leave Requests. Three of the most common reasons to submit a letter to request time off from work in the form of a medical leave of absence are surgery, diagnosis of a serious illness, or a chronic condition that may require intermittent leave. Use the letters in this section if you need to request medical leave but are not eligible for Family Medical Leave (FML).

  7. How to Write a Medical Leave Letter: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    2. Begin by stating the reasons for your leave and its duration. Your introductory paragraph need not be long. You simply need to write the reason for writing the letter, why you need a leave of absence, and the dates you'll be absent from work. As your boss is likely busy, keep this letter brief and to the point.

  8. Medical Leave Application for Office: Format, Samples, Tips to Write

    Here is the format that you need to follow when writing a medical leave application for office. Address of the Recipient: The Medical Leave Application should be addressed to the Manager, Boss, or Team Manager. If you work for a corporation, include the recipient's name and contact information. Subject: In a single sentence, explain why you ...

  9. Medical Leave Application for School, College, and Office with Format

    Introduction to Medical Leave Application. A Medical Leave Application is a formal request for absence from work or school due to health issues. Types include Medical Leave Application for surgery or maternity, with slight format variations for school, college, or office. Often, a Medical Leave Application Form, validated by a doctor's note ...

  10. 10+ Medical Leave Application Templates in Google Docs

    5 Steps to Write Medical Leave Application Step 1: Word File. While writing a leave letter the first thing you should do is to open an MS Word file. The advantages of having word files are that you can anytime edit it and make modifications in it, you can also save it in different formats. Step 2: Applicant's Details

  11. Medical Leave Letter: How to Write and Format for Office

    Importance of Medical Leave Letter. It is essential to keep your manager and teammates updated about your absence and health condition. Take a look at a few points mentioned below that can help you gain complete knowledge about the importance of a leave application.. Helps in Clear Communication: It is a transparent and professional tool that clearly states the employee's need to take some ...

  12. Leave Application for Office [with Tips, Format & Samples]

    9. Conclude Professionally. End your application letter for leave in the office with a polite closing phrase such as 'Warm Regards', or 'Yours Sincerely', followed by your name. If you are sending a hard copy of the leave request make sure to sign it at its end for added authenticity. 10.

  13. Application For Sick Leave [For Office]: Format & Samples

    Here are some of the tips to follow to write an application for medical leave in the office: Mention the Reason: State the reason for your leave, whether it is for personal illness or taking care of a sick family member. Specify the Leave Dates: Mention the specific dates you will be absent and the expected date of return.

  14. How to Apply for Medical or Sick Leave (with Sample Letter)

    Steps for Applying Medical Leave: The employee must have worked for the organization at least for a period of 12 months. This can be applied when the employee is under medical care or should have stayed in the hospital. If it is a family member, then the person should be in the hospital for at least 3 consecutive days.

  15. Medical Leave Application for Office : Format & Samples

    A well-composed medical leave application for office should include the following elements: Contact Information. First, enter your complete name, employee ID, Dept, Contact Number, etc. This helps your employer to find you more quickly. Date. Note down the day when you are filling out the application.

  16. Leave Application

    Dear [Manager's Name], Subject: Leave Application for [Specify Dates] I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The purpose of my leave is [briefly state the reason, e.g., personal family event]. I kindly request your approval for this period of absence.

  17. Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

    Include the Date: Write the current date you submitted the leave application at the top left or right corner. I advise you to use the DD/MM/YYYY format. 3. Add Your Name, Designation, and Employee ID: Mention your full name along with your position or designation in the company and employee ID, if applicable. 4.

  18. Medical Leave Application for Office Employee

    Recipient Name. Job Tile, Organization Name, Address, 26 July 2013, Dear (Recipient name here), I am writing this letter to request you 10 days leave of absence on account of Medical reasons. As I have not been keeping good health for a long period, my doctor has recommended me to take a few days off work.

  19. Medical Leave Application

    FAQ's on Medical Leave Application. Question 1. What are the different forms of application for medical leave that a person can apply for? Answer: A person can apply for different kinds of leave application for medical application for treatment leave for professional works like for maternity leave, medical leave, leave for ill son/daughter, etc.

  20. (5+ Samples) Medical leave application for office

    A medical leave application is a formal letter written by an employee to request time off work for medical reasons, and it's important to follow the correct format when writing one. This article will provide an in-depth guide to help you write a medical leave application for an office in India.

  21. Medical Leave Application for College: Format, Samples, Tips to Write

    Clearly mention the Reason: Write about your reason of leave specifically. For medical leave, mention the nature of your illness. Mention the Duration of your Leave: Mention the start and end dates of your leave. Include supporting Document where necessary: You can attach a doctor's note in case of your medical leave.

  22. How to Write a Medical Leave Application for College After Taking Leave

    Check Out: Medical Leave Application: Format, Samples, Tips to Write. Tips to Write a Medical Leave Application for College. Here are some tips for writing a medical leave application for college after taking leave: Be professional and courteous in your tone. Focus on the future and your commitment to returning to your studies.

  23. NPO (Public Health and Environment)

    OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMEWHO India Country Office collaborates with the Government of India and relevant stakeholders within the framework of the collaborative Country Cooperation Strategy, to actively support the development and implementation of national health policies, strategies and plans aiming at promoting access to and utilization of affordable and quality health services and ...