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What is quality content and how do you create it?

content quality of writing

Writing quality content should be a key aspect of every SEO strategy. But when is your content considered high-quality? And does high-quality mean the same for your users as it does for Google? In this article, we’ll discuss what quality content is and how you can make sure your content hits the mark. It will require some creative writing skills. But don’t worry, you don’t have to become the next Hemingway! By focusing on the right things, you can create high ranking quality content that your users will happily read.

What is quality content?

That is the million-dollar question. Knowing how to write good content helps you get more visitors, higher conversions, and lower bounce rates. But who determines the quality of your content? The easy answer: your users. However, this also makes creating the right content more difficult. Because every user is different and has a different search intent. But they have one thing in common: every user knows what they want. Meanwhile, you’re still figuring out what your audience wants to read about!

That’s not how you would expect an article about writing quality content to start, is it? Don’t worry, we’re not done yet! Although the quality of your content is eventually determined by your users, there are a few steps you can take to make sure you end up with well thought-out, readable, and attractive content. In other words: content that’s eligible to be considered as high-quality by your users and search engines. And yes, this will take some time. But it’s time well spent.

content quality of writing

Yoast SEO helps you create quality content!

The content analysis in Yoast SEO Premium is designed to help you create quality content:

  • Optimize your text for related keyphrases and synonyms
  • It recognizes different forms of your keyphrase, so you can focus on writing naturally
  • It recognizes singular and plurals, and also tenses of verbs
  • Check if your keyphrases are well distributed through the text

Yoast SEO Premium also gives you access to all the Yoast SEO academy courses, including our expert SEO copywriting training! Want to know more? Take an in-depth look the Yoast SEO Premium analysis.

Why is quality content important?

First and foremost, you should make good content for your users. People are unlikely to stick around for long if your website is full of bad content. But that’s not the only reason; low-quality content is bad for SEO too.

Google is getting smarter all the time. Recently, they said they’ve figured out a way to detect low-quality content. With the ‘ helpful content update ‘, Google wants to start measuring the amount of low-quality pages on your site. If the overall quality is not good enough, all of your pages could end up ranking lower. So you need to focus on making quality content now more than ever.

How to create quality content

1. write for your readers, not yourself.

If you have an ecommerce site, you want readers to know about the products or services you offer. If you’re a blogger, you want readers to get to know you and the topics that interest you. However, it’s also important to take into consideration what your users actually want to read about. What interests do they have? What events or news do they follow that you can relate to your business?  And what ‘problems’ are they trying to fix that have led them to your site?

The first step in creating high-quality content is to make sure that it contains the information your audience is looking for. To find out what information your users are looking for, you have to conduct proper keyword research . This will help you determine what subjects to write about and what words your audience uses. Keyword research also helps your rankings, as more visitors and lower bounce rates tell Google that your page is a good result to show in their search results.

2. Make your content readable and engaging

Do you want to get your message across? And do you want people to read your entire blog post or page? Then make your content easy to read . This means that you should:

  • Think about the structure of your text and the words you use. Too much text without any headings or paragraphs tends to scare people off, so make sure you use them. It will give your readers some air while reading.
  • Try to limit the use of difficult words and be cautious of the length of your sentences . Both can make your content harder to understand, which in turn will slow down your reader.
  • Use variation in your text to make it engaging. Use synonyms, and alternate longer sentences with shorter ones.

Another important thing to focus on: Have fun! And be personal in your writing. This helps you write quality content that’s different from your competitor’s, and it helps users get to know you and your brand. Want to know more? In this article, we dive deeper into these tips for writing readable blog posts .

3. Think about search intent and your goal

Let’s start with the basics. What does search intent mean? Search intent is the reason why someone conducts a specific search. It’s the term used to describe their purpose. For example, do they have a question they need answered? Or do they want to buy something online? Someone’s search intent makes a difference in how they consider the quality of your content. If it fits their need at that moment, then they will stay on your page longer. But if they need an answer to a question and the page they land on only tries to sell them products, they’ll be gone before you know it.

Match goals to different search intents

It’s important to take search intent into consideration while you’re creating the content for a specific page. That’s why we advise you to match your goals to the different search intents users might have. Is one of your goals to get more subscriptions to your newsletter? Then you should add that subscription button to pages where users with an informational intent land.

Does a visitor have a transactional intent (meaning: they want to buy something)? Make sure they land on the right page. If someone searches for the term “Product x”, you don’t want them to land on a blog post discussing a topic related to that product. Ideally, you want them to land on a page dedicated to “Product x”. However, a category page when you have multiple variations of “Product x” works too.

Of course, experience tells us it’s not always that black and white. Still, it’s good to consider the search intent your users might have. It will help you determine the focus of your content and what call-to-actions you want to add to a specific page or post. A great way to get started is by adopting a content design mindset . This mindset helps you produce user-centered content based on real needs. Also, for some input, we recommend having a look at the search results to create great content .

4. Be trustworthy

When people land on your page, it’s also important to build trust. Especially when they’re not familiar with your site yet. You have to show your audience that you’re trustworthy . How? By doing the following three things:

  • Write in a clear and user-oriented way.
  • Try to stay away from stock photos, as genuine photos create more trust and give your site a personal feel. The same is true for your ‘About us’ page. Try to use actual photos of your team. 
  • Add ratings to Google, testimonials to the right pages, and set up HTTPS . This will help your users and Google to understand that your site belongs to an actual business or person, which allows them to happily and safely browse your site.

Do you own an ecommerce site? Then have a look at these 7 ways to increase sales by creating trust .

5. Keep your content up to date

Another key element of writing quality content is making sure it’s up to date and relevant. This means you have to update your content from time to time to make sure people are able to find the right information. But why is this so important? Because it shows your users that you’re on top of recent developments and can always provide them with accurate information. In other words: it builds trust and keeps your audience coming back to your site.

Keeping your website and blog posts up to date is also important for SEO, as this shows Google that your site is ‘alive’ and relevant. So, make sure you schedule in a time to update your content regularly.

Read more: 10 tips to improve the quality of your page »

Bonus: Invest time in site structure

The five steps we’ve discussed so far will help you write content that is easy to read and user-centered. Next, we’d like to highlight an extra step that is equally important: working on your site structure . It’s important, because it will help users and search engines find your quality content.

Site structure refers to the way you organize your site’s content. It’s a vital part of any solid SEO strategy. When you structure your site well, search engines will be able to index your URLs better. It helps Google determine the importance of your individual pages and which pages are related to each other. Additionally, a good site structure will allow users to find their way around your site more easily. It will help them find your quality content in the search results and on your website. That’s why there’s quite a lot to gain from perfecting your site structure. Read more on how to work on your site structure and the importance of doing so .

A quick recap on quality content

Although well structured and readable content might not instantly take you to the top position in Google, it’ll definitely have a positive effect on your SEO in the long run. So, before you start publishing post after post (or page after page), it’s worth it to consider a few steps.

Make sure to write for your readers, make your content readable, match search intent with your goals, be trustworthy, keep your content up to date and work on your site structure. The end result? Attractive content that your readers will appreciate. This will have a positive effect on your number of visitors, bounce rates and conversions. If you want to find out if there are still areas of content SEO you can improve, you can take this short test. Or take a look at our guide to SEO copywriting for more tips and tricks!

Keep reading: SEO copywriting: the ultimate guide »

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Camille is a content specialist at Yoast. As part of the Search team, she enjoys creating content that helps you master SEO.

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Quality Analysis: Everything You Need to Know

Magnifying glass in flat illustration style, colorful purple gradient colors

Hey there! Ready to dive into the content quality analysis world? Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just starting out, understanding the ins and outs of evaluating content quality is crucial. With the overload of information online, it's becoming increasingly important to cut through the noise and provide readers with valuable, reliable, and engaging content. In this ultimate guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about content quality analysis.

So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's unlock the secrets to creating top-notch content that will captivate your audience!

Understanding Content Quality Analysis

What is content quality analysis.

Content quality analysis involves evaluating the overall effectiveness and value of content. It examines various aspects such as keyword density, readability, grammar accuracy, and originality to ensure high-quality content. By analyzing these elements, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your content for better user engagement and search engine visibility.

For example, analyzing keyword density helps you strike a balance between relevance and over-optimization. Readability analysis ensures your content is easy to comprehend and appeals to a wider audience. By conducting content quality analysis, you can enhance the overall performance and impact of your content.

Why is Content Quality Analysis Important?

Content quality analysis is vital for ensuring that your content meets the desired standards of excellence. By analyzing the quality of your content, you can identify areas for improvement and take actionable steps to enhance its effectiveness. A thorough analysis enables you to optimize keyword density, improve readability, ensure grammar and spelling accuracy, and detect plagiarism.

For instance, by analyzing keyword density, you can determine if you've effectively incorporated relevant keywords without keyword stuffing. Similarly, by assessing readability, you can ensure that your content is easily understandable by your target audience.

Benefits of Content Quality Analysis

Content quality analysis offers several benefits for marketers and content creators.

Firstly, it helps to improve search engine optimization (SEO) by identifying keyword density and ensuring content aligns with target keywords.

Secondly, it enhances readability and user experience , making the content more engaging and accessible to a wider audience.

Additionally, content quality analysis assists in maintaining grammar and spelling accuracy, which builds credibility and trust with readers. Lastly, it aids in detecting and preventing plagiarism, ensuring originality and authenticity in the content. By utilizing content quality analysis, businesses can optimize their content for better visibility, readability, and credibility.

Key Elements of Content Quality Analysis

Keyword density analysis.

Keyword density analysis is a crucial element of content quality analysis. It helps assess the relevance and optimization of keywords within a text. By determining the frequency of keywords in relation to the overall word count, you can optimize your content for search engines without overstuffing it. An ideal keyword density is typically around 1-2%, but it may vary depending on the nature of the content.

For example, in a blog post about pet care, relevant keywords like "dog grooming" or "cat litter" should appear naturally and strategically throughout the text. Tools like keyword density calculators can assist in this analysis and guide your keyword usage for better content optimization .

Defining Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the percentage of times a target keyword appears in a piece of content compared to the total number of words. It helps determine the relevance and focus of the content. However, excessive use of keywords can result in keyword stuffing, which is penalized by search engines . Striking the right balance is crucial for content quality. For instance, in an article about "healthy eating," a keyword density of 2-3% would be considered appropriate.

This ensures that the topic is adequately covered without appearing forced. By analyzing keyword density, content creators can optimize their articles for search engines while maintaining readability and user experience.

Tools for Keyword Density Analysis

When it comes to content quality analysis, using effective tools for keyword density analysis can provide valuable insights. These tools help you analyze the frequency and distribution of keywords within your content, ensuring your focus keywords are appropriately used. By identifying excessive keyword usage or keyword stuffing, you can optimize your content for better readability and user experience.

Some keyword density analysis tools offer visual representations, highlighting keyword placement and density throughout the text. These tools allow you to fine-tune your content to strike a balance between keyword optimization and natural writing flow, improving your content quality and search engine visibility.

Readability Analysis

Readability analysis is an integral part of content quality analysis. It focuses on evaluating the ease and clarity with which readers can comprehend and engage with the content. Assessing sentence structure, length, and vocabulary usage helps optimize readability. Use tools like readability scores to gauge the complexity of your writing. Aim for concise and straightforward sentences to maintain reader interest. For instance, break up long sentences into shorter ones to enhance readability.

Evaluating Sentence Structure and Length

Evaluating Sentence Structure and Length: Proper sentence structure and length significantly impact the quality of content. Sentences should be clear and concise, avoiding excessive wordiness or complex structures that may confuse readers. Long sentences can be overwhelming and hinder readability. Shorter sentences, on the other hand, facilitate understanding and improve flow. For instance, breaking down lengthy sentences into shorter ones enhances clarity and keeps readers engaged.

Additionally, incorporating a variety of sentence lengths adds rhythm and interest to the text. Aim to strike a balance between long and short sentences, ensuring that each contributes meaningfully to the overall content.

Measuring Readability using Readability Scores

Readability scores quantify the ease with which readers can comprehend a piece of content. Various formulas, such as the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and the Gunning Fog Index, calculate these scores based on factors like sentence length and word complexity. By analyzing readability scores, content quality analysts can evaluate the accessibility and clarity of written material. Lower scores indicate simpler prose suitable for broader audiences, while higher scores indicate content tailored to more advanced readers.

For example, if a blog post targeting a general audience receives a high readability score, it may require revision to enhance comprehension. Using readability scores helps maintain content quality by ensuring it aligns with the intended readership's understanding level.

Grammar and Spelling Accuracy

Grammar and spelling accuracy is an integral aspect of content quality analysis. Errors in grammar and spelling can hinder the readability and credibility of the content. Using reliable grammar and spell checkers or employing manual proofreading techniques can help in identifying and rectifying such errors. For instance, incorrect verb tenses or misspelled words can disrupt the flow of the text and distract the reader.

By ensuring grammatical and spelling accuracy, content becomes more polishedand professional, enhancing its overall quality and readability.

Using Grammar and Spell Checkers

Using grammar and spell checkers is a valuable tool for content quality analysis. These tools help identify errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, improving the overall accuracy and professionalism of your content. They can catch common mistakes such as typos, improper verb conjugation, and sentence fragments. By using these tools, you can ensure that your content is clear, cohesive, and free from basic errors that can negatively impact reader experience.

Incorporating grammar and spell checkers into your editing process will help you maintain high-quality content and enhance the credibility of your writing.

Manual Proofreading Techniques

Manual proofreading techniques are an effective way to maintain content quality. By carefully reviewing your content, you can identify and correct any grammar or spelling errors that may have been missed by automated tools. Take the time to read your content aloud, as this can help you catch any awkward phrasing or inconsistencies.

Additionally, consider having someone else proofread your work, as a fresh pair of eyes can often detect mistakes that you might have overlooked. Remember, manual proofreading adds that extra layer of accuracy and ensures your content is polished and error-free.

Originality and Plagiarism Analysis

Detecting plagiarized content is an important aspect of content quality analysis. Unoriginal content not only leads to a lack of credibility but can also negatively impact SEO rankings. Utilizing plagiarism detection tools can help identify any instances of copied content from other sources. Additionally, manual checks and knowledge of common plagiarism techniques can aid in ensuring content authenticity. For example, comparing sentence structures or conducting reverse image searches can flag potential plagiarism. By prioritizing originality, businesses can maintain their reputation, enhance SEO efforts, and provide value to their audience.

Detecting Plagiarized Content

Detecting plagiarized content is a fundamental aspect of content quality analysis. It involves checking for instances where content has been copied from other sources without proper attribution. Plagiarism can not only harm your credibility but also lead to legal issues. To detect plagiarized content, you can use online plagiarism detection tools that compare your content against a vast database of published works.

These tools highlight any similarities found, allowing you to review and make necessary revisions.

Additionally, manual analysis can also help identify copied content by recognizing inconsistencies in writing style or sudden shifts in tone. Regularly conducting plagiarism checks ensures your content maintains originality and integrity.

Tools for Plagiarism Detection

Plagiarism detection tools are valuable resources for content quality analysis. These tools scan text to identify any instances of copied or duplicated content, providing insight into the originality and uniqueness of the material. By using such tools, writers can ensure that their content is free from plagiarism, enhancing its credibility and value.

Some plagiarism detection tools offer a comparison feature, allowing users to detect similarities between their content and existing online sources. This helps writers avoid unintentional plagiarism and maintain originality. Integrating plagiarism detection tools into the content creation process helps ensure the production of high-quality, authentic content.

Best Practices for Content Quality Analysis

Set clear objectives and goals.

When conducting content quality analysis, it is important to set clear objectives and goals. Clearly define what you want to achieve through the analysis, such as improving readability or identifying keyword optimization opportunities. This helps ensure focus and efficiency in the analysis process.

For example, if your objective is to enhance readability, you can establish a target readability score or readability guidelines to follow. By setting specific goals, you can measure the effectiveness of your content and make strategic improvements. Remember, clear objectives provide a roadmap for enhancing the quality of your content.

Utilize Reliable Content Analysis Tools

When performing content quality analysis, it is crucial to utilize reliable content analysis tools. These tools assist in assessing various aspects of your content, such as keyword density, readability, grammar, and plagiarism. By relying on these tools, you can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your content.

For keyword density analysis, you can make use of tools that provide detailed information on the frequency and distribution of keywords throughout your content. Readability analysis can be facilitated through tools that evaluate sentence structure, average word length, and readability scores. Additionally, grammar and spell checkers can help identify and rectify any language errors.

By employing reliable content analysis tools, you can streamline your content creation process and enhance the overall quality of your work.

Ensure Proper Grammar and Spelling

One important aspect of content quality analysis is ensuring proper grammar and spelling. Mistakes in grammar and spelling can negatively impact the credibility and professionalism of your content. Use grammar and spell checkers to catch any errors, but also rely on manual proofreading techniques. Pay attention to common grammar mistakes such as subject-verb agreement and proper punctuation.

For example, incorrect use of apostrophes or misspelled words can confuse readers and undermine the clarity of your message. By maintaining grammatical accuracy and spelling consistency, you enhance the overall quality of your content and improve the reader's experience.

Emphasize Readability and Clarity

  • Prioritize clear and concise language to make your content easy to understand and digest.
  • Use simple sentence structures and avoid jargon or complex terminology that may confuse readers.
  • Break up long paragraphs into shorter ones to improve readability and maintain reader engagement.
  • Incorporate subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to organize information effectively.
  • Ensure proper formatting and use of white space to enhance the visual appeal and legibility of your content.
  • Consider using tools like readability scores to assess the readability level of your content and make necessary improvements.

Addressing Keyword Density Appropriately

Properly addressing keyword density is an integral part of content quality analysis. By maintaining an appropriate balance of keywords in your content, you can enhance its readability and user experience. Avoid overloading your text with too many keywords, as it may result in awkward and unnatural-sounding sentences. Instead, aim for a natural distribution of keywords throughout your content while ensuring that they are relevant and seamlessly integrated.

For example, if you're writing a blog post about "healthy eating," make sure the keywords flow naturally within the context of the article. Balancing keyword density helps improve the overall quality and effectiveness of your content without compromising readability.

Real-Life Examples of Content Quality Analysis

Content quality analysis of forbes articles.

When conducting a content quality analysis of Forbes articles, it is important to focus on key aspects such as keyword density, readability, and originality. Analyzing the keyword density helps determine if the article is effectively targeting its intended audience. Assessing readability ensures the content is clear, concise, and easily understandable. Plagiarism detection tools can be used to check for originality and ensure that the content is not copied from other sources.

By performing a thorough analysis of these factors, publishers can ensure that their Forbes articles meet the desired quality standards and effectively engage their readers.

Analyzing Keyword Density and Readability

Analyzing keyword density and readability is a crucial aspect of content quality analysis. Keyword density helps determine if the content is adequately optimized for search engines without keyword stuffing. By using tools or manual techniques, you can calculate the percentage of keywords in the text.

Additionally, readability analysis assesses the ease with which readers can understand the content. It involves evaluating sentence structure, length, and readability scores. Strive for concise and clear sentences to improve readability. For instance, consider using shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break down complex ideas. Ensuring an appropriate balance between keyword usage and readability enhances the overall quality of your content.

Identifying Plagiarism and Originality

One crucial aspect of content quality analysis is identifying plagiarism and ensuring originality. Plagiarized content can damage credibility and harm SEO rankings. To detect plagiarism, use reliable plagiarism detection tools that compare the content against a vast database of existing texts. These tools highlight similar or identical phrases, enabling you to address any instances of plagiarism.

Additionally, you can manually check for originality by conducting a thorough internet search or utilizing search engines designed specifically for academic sources. By taking these measures, you can ensure that your content is authentic and free from plagiarism violations.

Content Quality Analysis of HubSpot Blog Posts

When conducting content quality analysis on HubSpot blog posts, it's important to assess language and grammar accuracy to ensure clear and concise communication with readers. Evaluating readability and user-friendliness helps maintain engagement and accessibility.

Additionally, analyzing the use of appropriate headings, subheadings, and formatting ensures content is well-organized and scannable. By examining the use of relevant keywords and their placement, HubSpot blog posts can optimize search engine visibility without compromising the overall quality of the content.

Evaluating Language and Grammar Accuracy

Assessing the language and grammar accuracy of your content is a fundamental aspect of content quality analysis. Clear and concise writing not only enhances readability but also ensures that your message is effectively communicated to your audience. To evaluate language and grammar accuracy, utilize grammar and spell checkers to identify and correct any errors.

Additionally, manual proofreading techniques can help catch any overlooked mistakes.

For example, review sentence structure, punctuation usage, and overall coherence. By consistently maintaining proper language and grammar standards, you can improve the quality and credibility of your content.

Assessing Readability and User-Friendliness

  • Evaluate the overall readability of your content to ensure it is easily understood by your target audience.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or complex terminology that could confuse readers.
  • Break up lengthy paragraphs into smaller ones to enhance readability and make the content more visually appealing.
  • Incorporate subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to organize information and improve scanability.
  • Consider the user experience by optimizing the layout and design for easy navigation.
  • Utilize whitespace effectively to prevent overwhelming readers with dense blocks of text.
  • Conduct user testing to gather feedback on the clarity and user-friendliness of your content.

Effective content marketing relies on producing high-quality content that engages and resonates with the target audience. To achieve this, content quality analysis is essential. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of content quality analysis, covering its definition, importance, and benefits. It explains the key elements to consider when evaluating content quality, such as relevance, accuracy, readability, and uniqueness.

The guide also elaborates on various tools and techniques that can be employed to assess content quality, including readability tests, plagiarism checks, and SEO analysis. By following this guide, content creators and marketers can enhance their understanding of content quality and make informed decisions to create compelling and valuable content.

Content Strategy

How to measure content quality: a complete guide, december 13, 2021, by pam berg.

This article was updated on April 17, 2024.

With AI content, zero-click results, and Google’s Search Generative Experience, good content is no longer enough to give your business a fighting chance at ranking well and getting found. It has to be excellent !

If you publish content to attract potential leads or customers, you need to be sure that it’s really, really, ridiculously great stuff. Otherwise, you’re likely wasting precious resources on blog posts and case studies that will just fade into the background as more internet noise. But how can you know if you’re doing it right? What you think is solid content might not be what your customers consider quality, or Google.

This article will explain exactly what it means to create quality content, including Google’s quality rater guidelines, and how to measure content quality .

By the end, you’ll be able to create a list of KPIs for analyzing your own content, and will probably also need a long break from the words ‘quality’ and ‘content’.

Post Contents

Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines

Google’s ranking factors, copy standards, multimedia standards, other general content quality standards, bounce rate is not the way to measure content quality…, … and neither is average session duration, tools to measure content quality, what does ‘quality content’ mean.

Quality content should do four key things:

  • Solve a problem for a potential or existing customer
  • Demonstrate your expertise and trustworthiness on the topic
  • Represent your brand in an appealing way
  • Support at least one business goal

If you focus on being helpful above all else, you’ll have a fantastic starting point to create content that resonates with people and earns traffic.

Why doesn’t that list mention SEO? Because creating content focused primarily on a keyword strategy or ranking is usually the best way to ensure it’s NOT quality.

There is increasing global awareness of, and distrust towards, AI-generated content and aggressive SEO. If you rush to publish articles just to hit a keyword or frequency goal, regurgitating the same basic information you can find on a thousand other sites and stuffing keywords in there, it will not help you rank. It will also put people off.

Here’s my approach in a nutshell. And you found this article, so you know it works.

Only choose topics that matter to your potential customer, representing their actual questions and concerns . That’s what they’ll be looking up online, so you should have the content they find when they get there, whether it’s a blog post, FAQ page, case study, or video. Once you have your topic, use an SEO tool or a simple Google search to find a few relevant or related keywords – this is especially useful for finding other ways people naturally phrase it. Use those keywords only where they fit, never force them into the content. Check the top three search results for your topic, too, and see how they are structured and optimized. Then, make sure you have a plan to do an even better job than they did!

But the purpose of this article is how to measure content quality, so we have to go much deeper than general advice here. For your content to have strong and measurable value, it needs to exceed expectations for writing, design, and/or production .

That can mean:

  • Well-written, grammatically sound copy
  • Sharing fresh or unique perspectives, ideally either expert- or experience-driven
  • Thorough explorations of topics that answer complex questions
  • Meeting expectations set by the title and meta description
  • Strong and appropriate visuals or media
  • Clean code and fast-loading pages
  • An enjoyable, accessible on-page experience
  • Proper on-page, technical, and conversion optimizations

And then there’s Google’s opinion on what makes quality content. And since Google pretty much decides our business websites’ fates, we have to sit up and pay attention.

What does Google consider quality content?

Google is a million times pickier than your audience.

Sometimes that’s a good thing; many current ranking factors are focused around creating a great user experience , so it’s okay to be forced to have high standards. That’s doing everyone a favour.

But grasping what Google wants can feel like shooting fish in a barrel, especially for newer websites. That’s what we’re going to explore right now.

Google has a hefty piece of public documentation called its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines . This is a handbook for the humans Google pays to assess content quality. Keep in mind that there are different standards for different niches (for example, news, health and wellness, science, and financial sites must demonstrate the highest level of quality). And not every website or piece of content actually gets reviewed by a human.

Google’s quality raters are expected to be unbiased, and to use their “best judgment and represent the cultural standards of [their] rating locale” to “measure how well search engine algorithms are performing for a broad range of searches.”

They basically look at a webpage, and the quality guidelines presented in this handbook, and rate its quality . According to the document, their rating doesn’t directly impact ranking; the only purpose is to help Google evaluate how well its AI has already ranked that page and assessed its content.

As a website owner myself, I’ve cruised this handbook and I recommend you do the same. Even though Google says it’s not being used for ranking signals, it obviously reflects the standards Google’s ranking algorithms are meant to uphold .

In general, Google wants the purpose of your page to be immediately obvious and match the search query. Facts and opinions should be supported by enough information about the author. The main content of the page should be enough to satisfy the topic, and meet quality standards. Plus, Google wants to know that the website as a whole is reputable and not full of keyword stuffing, spammy links, bad grammar, and other nefarious deeds.

Here’s how Google’s quality rater guidelines define a high quality webpage:

  • Beneficial purpose
  • Titles that summarize the page
  • Ads don’t block the main content (MC)
  • Adequate information about the website and content creator
  • Created with a high level of effort, originality, talent, and/or skill
  • Positive online reputation of the creator and the website
  • High level of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness (E-E-A-T)

On the other hand, here’s how Google’s quality rater guidelines define a low-quality page (one or more of these attributes is all it takes):

  • Harmful or misleading
  • Untrustworthy, not secure
  • Inadequate information about the website or creator
  • Distracting ads blocking MC
  • Spammy (no clear purpose, hacked)
  • Low level of skill or effort (bad grammar, weak MC, thin content, copied content)
  • Low level of E-E-A-T for the creator
  • Auto-generated content

Google hasn’t published its ranking factors anywhere, and why would it? That’s like KFC handing every customer a pamphlet on the Colonel’s 11 herbs and spices.

But industry leaders and the SEO community can more or less agree that there are around 200 ranking factors supported by studies and data. And when you’re assessing the quality of your content, you can’t afford to overlook them.

I won’t even try to capture the complex list of ranking factors here – I recommend bookmarking the latest version of a roundup published by a trusted SEO authority (like the one I linked above), and paying attention to updates throughout the year.

With that said, I will include known ranking factors in our breakdown of how to measure content quality from an SEO standpoint!

On that note…

How to Measure Content Quality

The best way to measure your content’s quality is by building a custom mix of key performance indicators (KPIs) focused on three primary sources of standards :

  • Your audience – their searches, pain points, and expectations
  • Google’s quality standards
  • Your business goals

Take what these sources say your content needs to achieve, throw in a dash of what Google demands, and translate that into qualitative and quantitative KPIs that you can measure with tools.

I know, I just listed a bunch of complex processes as if they’re easy.

But once you’ve gone through the chore of figuring out exactly which metrics will tell you about your content quality, the battle is won. You can create a dashboard in your favourite tool, pulling all the data into one place from then on.

Then it’s a matter of regularly auditing your content, tweaking it as needed, and periodically updating your KPIs to reflect changes in your audience, Google’s latest updates, and your goals.

Obviously we’re also going to cover how to do all of that, right here. After all, my goal is for this article to be a quality piece of content (wink).

Common Qualitative Content Quality KPIs

“Qualitative content quality KPIs” is a mouthful that sounds like jargon, but I promise you it’s just kind of meta. What we’re talking about here are qualitative methods you can use to analyze your content – for quality .

This part is the hardest to explain and to actually measure, which is why we’re getting it out of the way first.

They aren’t actual metrics, otherwise they’d be in the ‘quantitative’ section, and not being actual metrics means you need to interpret this information in the way that makes the best sense for your audience, content, and goals.

There are two key qualitative ways to measure your content: E-E-A-T and the composition of your copy and media .

If we take out the subjective aspects of content quality – what “quality” means in various industries and to individuals – we’re all still bound by one universal standard for online content: Google’s .

What I’m talking about is that first line from Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines : “A high level of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).”

“ E-E-A-T is probably the most contentious issue within the SEO community , due to its arguably algorithmic ambiguity,” says our Sr. Digital Strategist, Braeden Matson-Jones. “It is not a ranking factor, nor is it an acronym representing three individual ranking factors.”

What does that mean for your content? E-E-A-T isn’t a direct ranking factor, but Google says that E-E-A-T does matter because humans want to trust the source of what they read . Therefore, so does the search engine.

In short, having E-E-A-T in mind when planning and creating content can have an impact on how Google perceives your quality, so use it as a framework to guide your work.

Here’s how to use E-E-A-T to create quality content:

  • Recognize if your content is the kind that needs maximum proof of expertise , such as health and wellness or financial (YMYL) information
  • Include credentials next to your team members’ names on your About page and/or on their individual staff bios
  • Make sure that all post authors have a proper bio associated with any page that features their name
  • When appropriate, include a line or tag that communicates the level of expertise behind the content – this isn’t just for YMYL content; it can benefit reviews of all types, product comparisons, interviews, and any other piece of content that features an opinion
  • For YMYL topics you can take it one step further and publish a page that outlines your editorial process , such as how experts are chosen and facts are checked, and link to that page from each post
  • Always link to legitimate outside sources – choose strong websites, check their facts before citing them, and never link to unsecure (http) sites
  • Regularly audit your content for broken links using an SEO tool; you don’t want broken links that support the content’s trustworthiness
  • Use schema to help Google understand entities related to your content , and spell out the key points Google should display in search results – you can use SEO plugins for this
  • Regularly update the facts and sources in your content , especially evergreen posts, cornerstone pieces, and all of your top organic search traffic earners

Although it’s a more abstract measurement system than I prefer, you can assume that if you provide – and regularly update – strong supporting information for everything from authors to sources, you have produced quality content.

Google also looks at a website’s reputation , not just your authors. Stay on top of your backlinks (regularly audit them for spam situations), Google Business reviews, other citations (like Wikipedia or media mentions), and ensure that if you win awards or certifications your website is linked from those pages!

When it comes to written content, there are actually lots of qualitative ways to measure your quality.

This is more like a yes/no checklist. If your answer is yes, then your content is likely good quality . Is it:

  • Written for the target audience – using familiar language, on a relevant topic
  • Grammatically sound – the odd typo or intentionally playful spelling is fine, but Google won’t give a good ranking to a site full of bad grammar
  • Accurate – facts are checked, sources cited, no broken links, and information is accurate/current
  • Styled for readability – scannable with good use of headings, lists, and media, and all of that is responsive (easy to read across multiple devices)
  • Right length for topic – provides complete information, not inflated to achieve word count or too short to be helpful
  • Accessible – legible type, appropriate language, navigable using a screen reader or voice command
  • Optimized – uses correct keywords and search intent to attract the right visitors
  • Valuable – not just regurgitated content that can be found in every other search result
  • Goal-oriented – relevant to your business, targets the right audience, and either builds brand awareness or moves the reader to a next step

Now, here’s a general quality checklist for multimedia. Is it:

  • Created for the target audience – a medium they like to consume, on a topic that interests them)
  • Clear – appropriate dimensions and resolution to look great across multiple devices
  • Accessible – images have descriptions, videos have captioning
  • Valuable – images or video tell a standalone story or support a larger piece of content, not just plucked from a quick stock site search because you know you need an image
  • Goal oriented – if you’re putting the extra time and effort into creating branded images and especially video, they should align with strategic goals
  • Use links strategically : don’t include too many links, try to earn quality backlinks, audit for spam or low-quality backlinks, audit for broken links, and plan internal linking so that authoritative pages point to your most important content
  • Informational, non-sales content should be free from sales pitches
  • Headlines and meta descriptions should directly reflect the content , and be enticing
  • There should be minimal or no intrusive interstitials (pop-ups that distract from or impede the reading experience); these are included in Google’s quality rater guidelines as an indication of a low-quality site
  • Google rewards sites for freshness, so a good way to measure your overall website quality is if you regularly add new content ; whether it’s copy or videos or podcast sessions, if you continually add useful, relevant content, you’re doing it right
  • Bonus quality points if copy is supported by helpful (not superfluous) data visualizations, infographics, or interactive elements like calculators, converters, or buttons that advance a process.

Common Quantitative KPIs for Content Quality

Now that we’ve waded through the hard part, let’s get to the fun stuff!

I love quantitative content measurements because they produce a tangible number that point-blank tells you if you did a good job . And you can easily action them.

What’s considered quality content for your audience won’t be the same for another business. With that said, there are plenty of frequently used, quantitative quality KPIs that you can use to get started, and to inspire your own ideas for unique metrics.

Here’s a list of popular quantitative quality KPIs:

  • Average number of pages viewed per session
  • Increased traffic from the desired source or channel
  • Percent of visitors who read 75% or more of the page/post
  • SERP position of content for target keyword(s)
  • Rankings movement related to the content
  • Increased click-through rate (CTR)
  • Earned backlinks
  • Social media shares
  • Good page speed score from core web vitals or other tools
  • Achieves mobile-friendliness in Google Search Console
  • On page actions (like playing a video or downloading a PDF)
  • Conversions after viewing content
  • Increased brand awareness (direct traffic, mentions, tags, etc.)

Bounce rate went away with Google Analytics 4, to be replaced by engagement rate (the inverse of bounce rate). But at Forge and Smith we never spent a lot of time talking about bounce rate because it’s entirely dependent on context .

I wrote a whole post about how a high bounce rate can be good , a low bounce rate can be bad, and how to fix bounce rate problems . The key takeaway is that some content is meant to fully satisfy in a single use, which means a high bounce rate is just fine . Other content is intended to move people down the sales funnel. That content should have a low bounce rate.

Just don’t go slapping a generic bounce rate goal, such as a supposed industry average, onto all of your content. That’s not how it works.

Lots of marketers still include average session duration in their reports like it’s a valuable metric, often displaying it at the top alongside bounce rate.

Here’s the thing: your average session duration figure includes all of your bounced sessions, which are logged as zero seconds . Even if the person spent five minutes reading a post, if they took no other action before exiting, it’s logged as a big, fat zero.

  • If your engagement rate is 45%, that means that the 65% of the session durations logged by Google Analytics and used to calculate the “average” were ZERO SECONDS
  • If one person spent 3 minutes looking at 2 pages before exiting your site (engaged), another person spent 5 minutes looking at one page (not engaged), and another spent 2 minutes looking at a page (also not engaged) – Google Analytics will calculate 3+0+0/3, which is an average of only one minute!
  • If you have a popular blog or other standalone content, there’s a good chance your engagement rate is much lower – so your average session duration is even less accurate

That’s why I prefer scroll depth for measuring engagement and thus, quality . It’s not perfect, but at least it’s an event that fires every time the page is viewed, regardless whether or not the person bounces.

The best part about quantitative content quality measurement is that not only is it easier to wrap your head around, but you can also make tools do all the work .

  • Google Analytics is the long-standing, go-to tool to measure content quality. From a piece of content’s traffic source data to custom events and goals like page scroll depth, downloads, and purchases, Google Analytics is where it’s at.
  • Google Search Console is great for tracking your content’s average position for target keywords, your CTR, and mobile usability.
  • SEO tools are where to look for new rankings relating to a piece of content, and changes in your ranking. They also include the means to track backlinks, which is a HUGE sign of success (if they are quality links), and to run technical SEO audits and check for passes or fails relating to content quality, like issues with your code or optimizations.
  • Page speed tools are also a great way to ensure you’re delivering a great experience, and get a score that literally tells you if you have a quality page or not. We like GTMetrix .
  • Social media analytics are a fantastic way to measure how a piece of content performs. Each platform delivers quantitative data on how people engaged with content (reach, views, clicks, plays, saves, shares, etc.), and if it helped earn brand awareness signals like tags, comments, and mentions.
  • Reporting tools like DashThis can pull data from all of these sources and more into one place, where you can create widgets that reflect your chosen content quality KPIs.

That was a  lot to take in!

Measuring content quality isn’t easy , because of all the factors you need to consider. But to reiterate the point I made eons ago, at the top of this article, “Quality content should be helpful, relevant, and drive business goals. If you focus on those objectives whenever you create content for your business, you’ll be just fine.”

If it’s content that your audience genuinely wants, with strong writing and design, delivered in their preferred medium and/or on their favourite platform – it will tick all the boxes.

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Pam has backgrounds in journalism, computer forensics, and public libraries, which add up to the perfect mindset for digital strategy. She's been a professional content writer for over 20 years, and working with clients in SEO and analytics for 8 years. Her Instagram feed is equal parts horses, waffles, and drag performers.

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What is Quality Content? How to Create It + Free Checklist

Josie Rojewski

From ideation to optimization, these steps will help you create a solid process for quality content marketing . 

Here, you’ll find:

  • Methods for sourcing content ideas
  • How to prioritize your content calendar
  • Proven tips to creating quality content
  • Ways to promote your content to your audience

A site without strong content simply can’t compete with one sporting an extensive blog, an array of case studies, and other helpful written resources.

Having quality content on your website is one of the most effective ways to take your SEO from “eh” to “ awesome .” 

Whether you write it yourself, leverage a team member, or outsource (to an agency or freelancer), these are the elements you need for content that’ll make your brand an industry thought leader.

After you have your plan written down, you can update and optimize as needed. (Image: Unsplash)

What is quality content?

Content quality is determined by how well your content achieves its goal. What makes content “quality”, then is subjective – it depends on its purpose.

What kind of content is your target audience searching for? Some people may want a high-level overview of a topic for beginners, while others may be looking for an in-depth analysis of something more specific.

Of course, when it comes to SEO, quality content is still measurable. We look at things like organic rankings, traffic, links, and shares to assess whether or not our content is hitting the mark. Furthermore, you’ll want to pay attention to your content successes as it relates to business goals such as conversions or qualified leads.

At its core, great content is written for users (not search engines). Google even aims to reward high-quality content that demonstrates the qualities of E-E-A-T: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

This means helpful content that gives something of value to the user experience and nails search intent  is more likely to get you a better search ranking than something more low-quality. 

It’s worth noting that search engine algorithms focus on the quality of content, not how the content is produced.

Where does that leave AI content?

While Google doesn’t explicitly penalize AI-generated content , there are certain limitations to these tools that you should keep in mind.

AI tools have gotten quite sophisticated in the past few years, with tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard making headlines across industries. Although they have their place in assisting human writing, AI still has significant limitations when it comes to generating quality content.

These tools work by “learning” information based on what users ask — meaning it’s only really as smart as the data we give it. With this in mind, the biggest limitations for AI are those pieces that make for authentic and original content: context, tone, voice, readability and nuance.

Since AI writing tools have evolved so quickly, there are also ethical considerations to take into account, such as plagiarism and even data bias and stereotypes. It’s okay to use AI to assist in the creating process, but Google ranks expert human content ahead of AI-only .

In short, AI writing tools are just that – tools for idea generation or to get a quick definition. But when it comes to critical thinking, decision-making, and writing the best content, AI content simply can’t compete , especially when it comes to writing quality content for complex topics.

How to Create Quality Content Marketing 

1. start with a quality content marketing strategy.

Before you put pen to paper (or marker to whiteboard, or fingers to keys), take the time to lay out your content strategy. Ask yourself things like:

  • What are your content marketing goals?
  • Which KPIs will you measure?
  • How often will you publish?
  • What tools will you use to stay organized?
  • Which forms of content will you publish?

Once you’ve worked out the nitty-gritty details, lay them out in a content strategy doc. After you have your plan written down, you can update and optimize it on a quarterly, biannual, or annual basis as needed.

2. Flesh out your personas

When you’re building your plan for creating quality content, it helps to go back to basics. After all, the ultimate aim of quality content marketing is to:

  • Raise awareness about your company
  • Educate and provide value to your audience
  • Build loyalty and credibility
  • Improve your search engine results page (SERP) rankings
  • Differentiate your company as a thought leader
  • Drive sales

The most effective content marketing speaks directly to a company’s ideal client persona (ICP), in a language they understand. So, if you haven’t already, make sure you’ve fleshed out your personas . 

Once you can visualize who your content is speaking to, you can then begin to target their needs and wants, buyer’s journey stage, and interests in a more concrete, specific way.

While you can get as detailed as you want, thorough personas often include:

  • Photo or graphic representing the person
  • Company type or industry
  • Key responsibilities
  • Pain points
  • Helpful demographic info (like age, salary, city or region, etc.)

3. Define your voice and tone

Your brand’s voice and tone are illustrated through your website, your content marketing, your ad copy, your social media, and more. These things are reflected in how you speak to your audience. Your voice and tone should make sense for your audience as well as the overall ethos of your business.

A good place to start with identifying your voice and tone is by looking at your target personas. How do they talk? Are they more formal or casual? How much time do they have to consume your content? All of these elements can factor into your voice and tone. 

Next, revisit your company’s mission and values. Some businesses use bright colors, youthful acronyms (like LOL), and other nontraditional marketing elements in their branding.

Others have an audience that prefers a minimalist design, a serious demeanor, and no-nonsense verbiage. By blending together the right combination of elements, you can define your voice and tone.

Pro tip: You can codify your voice and tone by creating a content and style guide exclusive to your company’s content marketing. This can include goals, guidelines, and any mechanics you want to make clear, along with info on voice and tone.

4. Conduct keyword research

Now, it’s time to do some digging. Identifying your best SEO keywords can help inform your content goals and the topics you cover. If you want to improve your SERP rankings, high-quality content informed by proper keyword targeting is one of the most effective SEO tools at your disposal.

Keyword research can tell you what keywords you’re currently ranking for, what keywords bring users to your site, the most popular keywords for your industry, and more. You want to pinpoint what the user would be searching for (what terms and phrases they’d often use) to find your product or service.

Conduct your research by listing out topics relevant to your business. Next, determine the keywords that would fall under those categories. You can then use an SEO tool (like Google Keyword Planner ) to find out the monthly search volume. You can also go directly to the SERP to see how you stack up against your competition.

Ideally, you have a mix of long-tail keywords, which are phrases that usually have three or more words, as well as one-word keywords. Just keep in mind that one-word keywords usually aren’t high converters.

It’s not so much about search volume or length of the keyword — the goal is to rank as high as possible on the highest intent keywords. Targeting is how you find the keywords that have the highest buying intent behind them.

Pro tip: While it’s good to check out which keywords your competition is ranking highly on, don’t spend all of your time and effort trying to outrank them. There’s plenty of value in carving out your own niche as well.

Once you’ve determined your goals, done your research, and consulted your team, you should be able to prioritize your content ideas. (Image: Unsplash)

5. Gather and organize your ideas

Keyword research is a solid jumping-off point when you’re creating your quality content plan. But it shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all of your ideation process. This is a great opportunity to leverage people on your team and in other departments to help decide which subjects your content should cover.

Consider hosting a brainstorm session or creating a Slack channel where content ideas can be shared and discussed. This is a great way to leverage colleagues (like the sales team) who are regularly interacting with prospects and clients and hearing about their pain points, needs, and interests. Put all of these ideas onto a cloud-based doc that can be regularly modified, added to, and updated. 

Once you’ve determined your goals, done your research, and consulted your team, you should be in a place where you can properly prioritize your content ideas. Figure out which topics you want to tackle sooner and later, then create a quality content marketing calendar to keep it all organized. 

While there’s no one way to create your content calendar, it’s a good idea to include elements such as:

  • content title
  • content type
  • publish date
  • funnel stage or persona

As far as formatting, you can create your own spreadsheet or opt for a pre-made template .

6. Determine your creation process

The creation process for your content will depend on things like your bandwidth, the size of your content team, and the amount of content you want to produce in a certain time, among other things. But laying out a process will make the whole endeavor seem less overwhelming and more manageable. 

A common content marketing creation process looks something like this:

  • Determine topic
  • Conduct research
  • Gather information
  • Brainstorm headlines
  • Create outline
  • Write draft
  • Finalize draft
  • Format and upload 

Again, your process doesn’t need to follow this format exactly. However, by creating a step-by-step checklist for content creation, you can break up tasks into smaller bits to easily stay on track — and on deadline.

7. Let drafts breathe

This step may not seem crucial, but trust us, it is. While it can be tempting to type up a draft, give it a quick once-over, and immediately publish, it’s often not the wisest move. 

Not letting your drafts “breathe” — aka taking a break between writing and publishing — is how errors and incomplete content get published.

Even if you just get out of your desk chair and do a lap around the office, or wait until the next morning to reread your draft, reviewing your content with fresh eyes can make a world of difference. The last thing you want is to publish or send the content to your boss and get a “???” message in response.

Pro tip: No matter how technical your industry or topic is, it’s a good rule of thumb to always write how you speak. By writing in a way that’s conversational, your content comes off more human, authentic, and trustworthy. Plus, with voice search continuing to grow in popularity, content that uses simple, concise language is that much more likely to rise through the search ranks.

8. Have someone else edit (if possible)

Speaking of having a fresh set of eyes (which sounds kind of gross, now that I think about it), those eyes are ideal for another key part of creating quality content: proofreading and editing. Editing is an important step to take to turn a piece of content from good into great.

This editor could be your boss or a colleague, and it doesn’t have to be the same person each time. If you’re on a small team or are a team of one, you can be your own editor. Just make sure you don’t edit your piece directly after finishing the draft.

It’s also a good idea to print out the piece and read it that way — the change of format often helps you spot errors you may not have seen on the screen. 

No matter who edits, make sure they know what to look for. A good editor can see both the forest and the trees. This means that they’re looking for an overall solid piece of content that’s thorough, educational, and covers the topic properly. They also should be on the lookout for grammar and spelling errors, missing words, and an inconsistent tone.

9. Think beyond blog posts

Blog articles can be a huge asset to your website for all the reasons above. But don’t think that blog content is all you need to create. Quality content also comes in the form of social media, guides, case studies, checklists, e-books, white papers, webinars, podcasts — the list goes on.

Once you’ve built a quality content marketing foundation, you can experiment with new formats and see how your audience responds. You can also create complementary content that covers one topic in a variety of ways, with each piece linking to one another.

Pro tip: Don’t rush the headline-writing process. A good headline can be the difference between someone clicking on your link or continuing to scroll. After you’ve written a piece, try to spend at least 10 minutes brainstorming as many headline options as you can before making a final decision.

10. Don’t forget to promote

Like a tree falling in the forest, if a blog article is published and no one knows about it, does it make a sound?

To ensure your content gets the widest reach possible, you’ve got to do what you can to promote it. While you don’t want your social media to be a one-way conversation where you’re constantly shouting about your own company, you should be sharing your content regularly with your audience and followers. 

If you send out a client or prospect newsletter, this is also a great opportunity to include your own content. If you’ve published a new e-book or research findings, you can go so far as to add a banner to your website homepage directing people to the post.

Content marketing is an SEO tool that takes time to cultivate. (Image: Unsplash)

11. Monitor performance

A content strategy is never set in stone. After a few months of publishing, it’s a good time to do a performance check-in. Look into your content traffic and performance metrics, see which pieces are doing well, and see if your rankings have improved.

If you’re not seeing much change, don’t panic. Quality content marketing is an SEO tool that takes time to cultivate. As long as you’re producing work that’s informative, interesting, digestible, and accurate, you’re on the right track. 

Your content plan should include reminders for optimizing older content as well — ensuring all links are still active, the information is up-to-date, and any new developments are included. When you start to see patterns emerge that show what’s working and what’s not, you can optimize accordingly. 

Quality Content Checklist

Lay out a quality content marketing strategy Flesh out your marketing personas Define your voice and tone Conduct keyword research Gather and organize your ideas Determine your creation process Let drafts breathe Have someone else edit Think beyond blog posts Don’t forget to promote Monitor performance

The takeaway

Quality content marketing is a great avenue for showing your audience that your business knows how to leverage experts and wants to help them learn more. 

By following these 11 steps, you can build up a top-notch resource library that positions your company as a leader among your competition.

We’ve helped tons of companies big and small take their content marketing to the next level. Want to know more? Let’s chat .

Download The Checklist Now

Download Checklist

This post has been updated and was originally published in November 2019.

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More From Forbes

15 best practices for producing quality, engaging content.

Forbes Agency Council

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The adage of "content is king" still holds true to this day, with the only caveat of making sure the content is engaging, informative and of real value to your target audience. Producing high-quality content, however, requires more than just picking a topic and writing on it. Scheduling, research, and even the target audience each play a role in how engaging that content is and how much traffic it attracts.

So what are some of the critical elements of creating high-quality content that attracts traffic and leads? Fifteen experts from Forbes Agency Council dive into this topic to help businesses figure out what constitutes best practice in content production, and how an organization can ensure it fulfills those qualities to drive leads.

Members offer some best practices to follow in your content creation efforts.

1. Don't Try To Craft Content For All Audiences

Understanding what content resonates with your specific audience is critical to success. You don't need everyone to read your content, just the audiences that matter to you. By precisely crafting content that speaks to these audiences, you better break through the noise and avoid costly promotion efforts that falsely inflate impressions and click-throughs. - Megan Humphreys , Convé Communications

2. Make It Memorable

Create content that has your stamp on it -- your specific tone, style, etc. Give the reader something memorable and, more importantly, something valuable. Some brands are even using “taboo language” or humorous interludes (or both), often to great effect. "Dictionary answer" content is informative but boring. Show your brand's personality, be bold and take calculated risks with your content. - Bernard May , National Positions

3. Be Helpful

Produce content that helps clients and prospects solve a problem, save time and be more efficient. Helpful content resonates with readers, builds good will and provides an opportunity to show how your particular product or service can be part of the solution you propose. - Donna Robinson , Nina Hale - Digital Marketing Agency

4. Provide Value

Users are bombarded with content at every moment. For yours to make a memorable impression, it has to provide value. Become an expert not only in your product or service, but in your industry, your niche in the industry, and what problems your target consumers are looking to solve. Aim to build a relationship with your target consumer and to be their source for expert advice. - Lon Otremba , Bidtellect

5. Stop Selling

Stop selling. No, not literally. However, sales are a natural byproduct when consumers trust your brand. Consumers continue to gravitate toward brands that put their needs before sales. Create content that is purposeful and useful by educating and addressing customer pain points. - Laura Cole , Vivial

6. Make Your Content Current

Try to make your content as timely and relevant as possible. Whether it ties into a trend that’s the focus of the current cultural zeitgeist, a story that’s dominating the news cycle or a hot business topic that’s on the minds of your customers, try to connect your content to something that is top of mind right now. It’s a surefire way to drive traffic and leads. - Tripp Donnelly , REQ

7. Offer Unique Insight, Data Or Research

There is so much "expert" content available today that it's not enough anymore to simply "frankenstein" together existing content from online into a new format with different verbiage and pretend that's useful to anyone. To create content of value, you must have something truly helpful to communicate that's unique or fresh -- a new idea, a fresh insight or proprietary research, etc. - April White , Trust Relations

8. Take Advantage Of Trends

Pay attention to what people are searching for. Stay atop of the latest trends and create content about those topics when possible. Try to offer a new perspective on the topic, and don’t forget to demonstrate how it connects to your business so customers can see why your services are relevant. - Hannah Trivette , NUVEW Web Solutions

9. Use High-Quality Visuals

The internet is completely saturated with information and advertising and we are programmed to skim content quickly. Using eye-catching, high resolution imagery is one way to get people to slow down and notice your content.  People like pictures. - T. Maxwell , eMaximize

10. Write Catchy Titles

I think everyone agrees that producing valuable, interesting content is key to attracting traffic and leads. However, you can produce incredibly valuable content but still lack in readers. The key to really bringing in views is producing a one-of-a-kind title or H1. Spark the interest of readers with an eye-catching title, and they're more likely to read your content. - Charles Mazzini , Hyperlinks Media, LLC

11. Leverage Influencers

With 92% of consumers trusting influencer content over what they see in paid ads, tapping an influencer to produce content is the most effective way to drive real results. Influencers, by nature, create content for audiences with shared interests. So, the meal planner who produces content that offers advice on meal prepping using a certain product will resonate more than a bland ad of the product. - Maria Sipka , Linqia

12. Split-Test Your Way To Better Content

A/B testing works because it eliminates the guesswork and leaves you with hard facts regarding what works, what doesn’t and what yields higher conversion rates. Use split testing to improve your funnel, better your content and find out what maximizes your traffic conversion. - Ashar Jamil , Digitally Up

13. Adapt To Each Format And Channel

Most brands don't see the value of creating ephemeral content or underestimate the power of Instagram stories either because they are not users themselves or don't get the chance to view it. We've seen a phenomenal force of stories to drive traffic and sales when explicitly adapted for the format. Use multiple screens and the tap-forward way of consuming stories to tease, capture and convert. - Aurelie Sauthier , Made in

14. Perform A Content Gap Analysis

When producing content, most websites focus on bottom-of-the-funnel keywords, meaning keywords that customers search for right before they make a purchase. Performing a content gap analysis will help you find keywords and topics that your customers are searching for prior to their desire to purchase. A content gap tool will let you research competitors to find high-ranking content you are missing. - Michael Fox , Corberry Digital

15. Check Out The Competition

As much as you are watching your own schedule, it is important to watch the schedules of your competition. You want to see what is out there that is converting to sales. That means that you are going to know what to plan as well. There are many ways that you can share what has worked for your competition and bring in those strategies. - Jon James , Ignited Results

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The importance of quality content: What it is and why it matters

The importance of quality content: What it is and why it matters for your career

We all know that quality is important in any job. Whether you’re writing blog posts, waiting tables or running a company, the key to success is dedicating the time and effort to complete every task to the best of your ability, and producing high-quality work.

In the content industry, the concept of “quality” is especially vital. As a content creator, the quality of your work is your most important asset. It’s the difference between getting—and keeping—projects and losing out on opportunities.

In other words, the quality of your content can make or break your career.

But what exactly does it entail? And why is quality content important? While the words “quality content” have a nice ring to them, they’re not exactly specific. What does quality truly mean when it comes to writing, translating and marketing? How can you ensure that you’re producing a quality product? And how will all of this affect your professional journey?

I may not have all the answers, but after a few years working in the industry, I have plenty of experience tackling these issues. Here’s my take on the significance and importance of quality content , developed over the course of my own career so far.

What is high quality content?

When you hear the term “quality content,” what comes to mind? Personally, I imagine a well-written, interesting and organized piece of writing that accomplishes a specific purpose. There are many aspects of quality when it comes to content creation, and the combination of all of them is what sets some work apart from the rest.

Why quality content is important

If you want to attract and impress an audience, the quality of content you produce needs to be as strong as possible. Quality content will help engage your audience and get them to take the next steps—whether that’s visiting your website, booking your services or buying your product.

For content writers, the quality of your content is your ultimate sales pitch . This extends beyond your professional pieces to how you write your emails , your social media profiles and even Slack messages. It’s important to be aware of the image you’re putting out about the quality of your work.

How to create quality content

A door with the words "get the creativity flowing" to help create quality content

Here’s how to improve your content quality.

First things first: Grammar and punctuation

In my opinion, the most fundamental aspect of quality content is correct grammar and punctuation. No matter how interesting an article is, if there are glaring (or even subtle) orthographic mistakes , my perception of its quality immediately plummets.

This matters in different degrees to different readers, of course. But if you’re trying to impress a potential client, or turning in a piece of work to a current one, you should assume that they’re going to notice every erroneous apostrophe.

A simple example:

Bad: “The importance of  you’re content’s quality cannot be overstated.” Good: “The importance of your content’s quality cannot be overstated.”

Likewise, it’s incredibly important to adapt your writing to the style guide or regional variation that each assignment calls for. If a client asks for AP Style , look out for Oxford commas. And if they want British English, there better not be any words ending in “-ize.”

Place your commas carefully:

Without Oxford comma: “Grammar, punctuation and spelling are paramount.” With Oxford comma: “Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are paramount.”

Watch out for regional spelling variations:

US: “Soon you’ll realize that quality content will work in your favor .” UK: “Soon you’ll realise that quality content will work in your favour. “

Learn more about the differences between American and British English here .

I’ve reviewed plenty of translation and copywriting tests at VeraContent, in which we ask potential hires to switch back and forth between different style guides for each sample. If they ignore this or don’t seem to know what it means, it’s an immediate red flag.

Check out our guide on hiring a marketing translator for more things to look out for!

Even subtle punctuation mistakes matter:

Wrong: When I say “quality content”, I’m talking about several different things; grammar, punctuation and more. Right: When I say “quality content,” I’m talking about several different things: grammar, punctuation and more.

Diving deeper: Structure and style

Once you’ve covered the basics, you can move on to the next level of quality article writing. A high-quality text should be organized in a logical fashion, and written in a style that suits the target audience and purpose.

Writing for a living is different than writing as a hobby; if you’re making money from a text, it has to serve a specific purpose for someone else . It’s your job to ensure that it fulfills that mission, and that the reader finds it useful and easy to understand.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post targeted at millennials, the format should be well suited to a digital context: short paragraphs, casual language and SEO optimization if appropriate. If you’re writing for a magazine meant for business executives, the format should be more traditional: narrative style, formal language and likely a more in-depth discussion of the material.

The importance of quality content: What it is and why it matters for your career

In other words, even if you’re covering the exact same topic, the final product might look totally different depending on the assignment. Genuine quality content is not only well written, but perfectly adapted to the audience and purpose it’s meant to serve.

See also: Multilingual content marketing: Your essential guide

Check it twice… then check it again

In the content industry, editing is essential. If you’re working with a professional agency or publication, someone else will probably look over your piece before it’s published. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to edit your own writing before submitting it. This entails checking your work and then checking it again—and again—to make sure it’s up to the necessary quality standards.

When I have any assignment for a client, I’m almost obsessive about editing. My process for writing a blog post, for example, usually involves doing a thorough read-through at least four times after creating the first draft: first for style and content, then for grammar and punctuation, then for formatting, then one more time for a final readability check.

At some point, of course, you have to stop editing. Time is money, and there’s a limit to how much of it you can spend on each project. But it’s almost always worth it to expend some extra effort to ensure that the overall quality is as high as possible.

This is what will set you apart from other content creators in the eyes of clients, editors and potential employers. Hold yourself to a high standard, and you’ll reap the rewards.

“If you have a good process for creating the content in the first place and have a standard way of making sure it’s of top quality, then it’s going to make you stand out.” – Shaheen Samavati , CEO of VeraContent

See also: How to create a strong editorial process for your content marketing

How quality content affects your career

Now let’s talk about the value of quality in more concrete terms. There are many motivations for creating quality content: pride in your work, integrity and professionalism, to name a few. But if you’re trying to build a career in the content industry , you also need to understand that there’s a direct relationship between quality and professional success.

The higher the quality of your work, the more money you’ll make in the long run . Sometimes it may not seem like this is true; how many times have you read a terribly written article online and wondered “who got paid to write this?”

Plenty of people make a living by churning out badly written and unoriginal content. But if you challenge yourself to push the boundaries, and never settle for anything less than excellence, eventually it’ll pay off.

Personal proof that quality content is the key to success

When I first started working in the content industry, I was absolutely desperate for work. My first job was a tedious and unpleasant assignment to write about a topic that I had zero interest in. For this particular project, the client’s standards were relatively low. They needed lots of content to be produced quickly, so they had to accept lower-quality work than usual.

As much as I hated this assignment, I couldn’t bring myself to lower my own standards. So I spent way more time than I should have on it, relentlessly checking my work for grammar, structure and style. In the short term, it wasn’t efficient or profitable for me as a freelancer. But after I submitted a few pieces of writing, the client told me that they were impressed, and started giving me other (and better) assignments. 

Soon they hired me as a part-time linguist, and eventually this led to a full-time position as a senior editor and project manager. In other words, it was the best thing that had ever happened for my career—and the way I managed to break into the content industry . If that isn’t proof that quality content can lead straight to success, I don’t know what is.

It all comes down to quality

Whether you’re looking for freelance writing assignments , applying for a job at a content agency or promoting your personal blog, the importance of quality cannot be overstated. As someone who has been on both sides of the equation—as a novice writer looking for work, and an experienced editor evaluating freelancers and job candidates—I can tell you that quality is truly the key .

As an aspiring content creator, the most important thing is to make sure your work is of the highest possible quality. Focus on that first, and everything else will follow.

Looking for tips and insights on the content marketing industry? Sign up to our newsletter where, each month, we share a real work-related story from our team at VeraContent . Plus we always throw in a list of recommendations from our contacts, including best books to read, industry events to attend and productivity hacks to keep you focused.

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></center></p><h2>A Guide On How To Measure Content Quality in 2023 (+ Checklist)</h2><p><center><img style=

What readers call quality content differs from how Google Identifies it. But what exactly is content quality?

This post will touch on that, and also on how to measure content quality from three perspectives:

  • Internal approval from your team or business
  • Google’s perspective
  • The reader’s point of view

Want to know how to align all three? Here’s the lowdown.

What is Quality Content?

To readers, quality content answers all their questions. To content creators, quality content is one their readers love and find helpful. To Google, quality content satisfies their E-E-A-T requirements. Flip everything around, and content quality means:

  • Writing that solves a problem
  • Writing that’s actionable
  • Writing that satisfies Google, enough to be found by readers

Mark Evans, the principal marketer at Marketing Spark , thinks “Quality” is a subjective term when it comes to content marketing. “ … It depends on how you serve target audiences and create content that delivers strategic and tactical insight that matters to them.

For example, quality content for some people are listicles that provide information about different options. If this type of content is relevant and impactful, it falls into the quality category.

Stepping back, quality content comes from truly knowing and understanding your audience, their problems, challenges, aspirations, goals, and questions. When you have this insight, content is a lot easier. ”

A Checklist to Use Before Launching Content

Going through a checklist ensures that you aren’t missing important steps, and are right on track. Imagine publishing a post to find out it’s riddled with typos – not because you aren’t good at English, but because you didn’t check for those errors before publishing.

Here’s a good checklist to guide you in ensuring the content’s quality is good enough to publish.

  • Have you checked the content’s quality?
  • Does the content match keyword intent?
  • Have you used images and videos to break things up?
  • Did you run a grammar check?
  • Is your content authentic?
  • Has an internal subject matter expert contributed to/reviewed the content?
  • Is your content’s UX visually appealing?

1. Have You Checked the Content’s Quality?

To check the quality of content, ask the following questions, using Lily Ugbaja’s LEMA framework :

  • Is the content logical?
  • Is it explicit?
  • Is it memorable?
  • Is it actionable?

2. Does the Content Match Keyword Intent?

Aligning keyword intent with content creation ensures that what you are creating matches the expectations and needs of your target audience, as well as those of search engines.

Example : For this post, we’re targeting readers who want to know how to measure content quality. Therefore, we have to use the right keywords for you to find us, and the right sections to cover everything you need to know.

2. Have You Used Images and Videos to Break Things Up?

Including images and videos break the dullness of text and add variety. For instance, some readers might prefer watching a video to reading a long post.

3. Did You Run a Grammar Check?

Using a tool like Grammarly to highlight grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors you might have missed when writing or editing ensures your content is understandable – and rid of errors.

4. Is Your Content Authentic?

Authentic content sincerely resonates with readers. With the influx of AI writing tools, more low-quality content is being pushed out daily. AI content checkers are great for discovering the quality of content as they use artificial intelligence to detect whether the content was generated by a machine or a human.

A common sign that a piece of content was written by AI is the use of repeated words or phrases. For ChaGPT, these include: “ However”, “in addition”, “in conclusion”, and “additionally” . I mean, even ChatGPT gave me a whole list of them.

content quality of writing

This post highlights some additional ways you can use to detect AI-written content and also to check if your content sounds like AI wrote it.

Sara Stella Lattanzio, a B2B content strategist, and advisor, thinks AI content lacks empathy and distinctiveness – and I agree. I mean, AI doesn’t have access to my swipe file.

content quality of writing

5. Has an Internal Subject Matter Expert Contributed to/Reviewed the Content?

A good process for creating content would be for the writer to find the expert in their own business on that subject matter and get insights from that person – to accurately inform readers. SeedLegals do this really well, by including contributions from experts in their content. Here’s an example:

content quality of writing

“ Content creators should focus on showcasing subject matter expertise, citing reliable sources, and maintaining a transparent and credible online presence. These elements bolster content quality and build user trust, resulting in stronger engagement and better search rankings. ” – Derrick Hathaway (Sales Director at VEM-Medical )

After the content’s created, have the subject matter expert review it.

When an internal expert reviews content, they can identify inconsistencies and inaccuracies that the writer may have overlooked as a result of a lack of expertise. Doing this ensures content is credible, and prevents you from spreading false information.

6. Is Your Content’s UX Visually Appealing?

If your website’s layout is ugly, a good number of readers will leave immediately after they notice.

“Ever walked into a cluttered room and felt instantly overwhelmed? That’s how readers feel on a messy site. A sleek, easy-to-navigate website makes your content pop, and tells your readers, “Hey, we’re professional, and we care!” – Sudhir Khatwani (Founder at The Money Mongers )

In this post, Matt highlights how Ahrefs uses visual signposting to reassure readers with:

  • An author’s bio showcasing the writer’s expertise
  • Stats showing how well their content is accessed, linked to, or discussed on social media
  • Multiple sharing options
  • A table of contents for readers to skip to parts they are interested in
  • A call to action for readers to signup for their newsletter

content quality of writing

Also, use attractive typography and reasonable amounts of white space.

Our website is super “clean” by design. We don’t use sidebars or run ads on the pages because we want the user experience to be on point! We’ve received many compliments over the years that our website is nice to read/engage with. So my opinion, from first-hand feedback, is that a nice easy-to-use experience on your website conveys quality to the content itself. – Hilary P Johnson (Business Growth Consultant at Hatch Tribe )

Google’s Perspective on Content Quality: E-E-A-T

The recent addition of an “E” in Google’s search quality evaluator guidelines means Google favors content where the author has first-hand experience on the topic. E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

The Google Search Quality Guidelines are mainly about helping people quickly find good websites and content.

More on that here

“ Regarding E-E-A-T, with the rise of AI writing tools, large amounts of low-effort content put out there that sounds more convincing than ever. And it’s not a bad thing to use these tools, but to stand out, you’ll need to do more than just use what they give you without any editing.

Expertise and Experience are two main things that AI writing tools can’t do in any genuine way, and right now, even fail to convincingly pretend to cover these areas. This makes Expertise and Experience critical areas for content writers and editors to inject into their articles to stand out from the coming wave of AI written content .” – Gabriel Ramuglia (President at Input Output Flood LLC)

When checking content on your website, there are some important questions you should ask. These questions help you to see things from Google’s perspective.

  • Is the information trustworthy?
  • Did someone conversant with the topic write the content?
  • Are your facts correct?
  • Are there spelling or formatting errors?
  • Is the content new and authentic?
  • Is the content very detailed?
  • Would you save or show the content to a friend?

You can study the guidelines here to learn more about how Google measures content quality. 

Chapter 8.3 of it talks about what it takes to achieve a very high level of E-E-A-T.

content quality of writing

Measuring Content Quality From The User’s Perspective: Quantitative Metrics and Benchmarks

Engagement time and rate as well as conversions are common metrics used by SEO and content teams to measure the impact of content.

However, these metrics don’t tell who your readers are, and what they truly feel. Content feedback does.

Including user ratings and feedback to gain insights into the quality of your content tells you:

  • How readers rate your content
  • What readers think about your content, and its quality

With Rockee, you can embed user ratings and customizable questions on website content, and the insights collected can be used to adjust content based on reader preferences and expectations.

In Summary: Content Feedback helps you to Measure Content Quality, and Optimize Content Faster 

Content quality is a lot, but here are three things to keep in mind:

  • Creating quality content is important
  • Measuring the quality of content is important
  • Optimizing content using audience feedback is crucial

Sign up for any plan on Rockee to:

  • Get to know your audience through customized questions based on their industry, seniority, job role, or stage in the customer journey
  • Get feedback on website and non-website content – from landing pages, blogs, pdfs, newsletters, videos, and even live event content
  • Understand more about your content’s performance – besides analytics data – using content measurements and performance dashboards that show who’s reading, their content scores, as well as feedback.

4. Embed and analyze the performance of Trust badges, as well as their impact on content conversions and content engagement.

How to measure content quality (FAQs)

What is content quality.

Content quality refers to how good, valuable, and reliable a piece of content is. 

What are the main components of quality content?

The main components of quality content are accuracy, reliability, and explicitness.

What is quality content?

Quality content is content that’s valuable, reliable, and engaging.

  • Content performance
  • content quality
  • how to measure content quality

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Matt Laybourn

Matt is the founder of Rockee, who has over 10 years experience in B2B as a senior strategist in content and performance marketing, working on both agency and client side. When not obsessing over numbers, he's out hiking with his dog or watching basketball.

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8 Steps and Tools for Content Quality Checking

You’ve read our posts on creating and optimizing great content. You’ve developed a content strategy , planned, assigned and edited, and now you’re ready to post.

Don’t hit that publish button just yet. Have you put it through QA? 

Every good programmer knows, before you release anything out into the world, you put it through quality assurance (QA) using expert tools to look for bugs. Content Creators now have tools of their own to help ensure that they create high quality content.

What Does Quality Content Mean?

If you have strong editors on your team, then they are likely tuned into creating high quality content for your readers. They know there are terabytes of choices out there, and that readers are choosy and skeptical. To prove your content is worthy, it must be clear, credible, and comprehensive. 

The first two Cs, clear and credible are table stakes: grammatically and factually accurate. The Comprehensive component gets a bit trickier. How deeply and broadly do you go on any topic? When is enough, enough? 

There are many audiences for your content – but to keep it simple, I am referring to two in particular: human visitors and search engine crawlers. Search engines, or Google for the most part, are gatekeepers. You can buy Google ads to get people to your content, or you can optimize your content so it is indexed and ranks high on a search engine results page (SERP).

Achieving a high search engine ranking requires you to optimize your content for search engines. Turns out, what search engines like – benefits your readers to make it more engaging. 

The best way to augment your editorial process, and hit this third C, is through an AI-driven content checker. In a nutshell, it looks at the content you’ve written and compares it to what you’ll be competing against. Did you miss any topics? If so, this is the perfect time to add it. 

And even if you have a robust editing team, we know mistakes can happen. So we put together a list of content quality checkers you can use to make sure all your Cs are covered. 

Print them out, if you like, or paste them somewhere on your desktop. Then run through them every time you audit, optimize, or create new content for your content marketing efforts.

content quality of writing

Step 1: Check Your Content for Originality

Before you even assign and create content, you should check to make sure your idea is original. If it’s a well-covered topic you want to rank on, make sure you’re taking a new spin on it.

You can do that by Googling keywords manually and seeing what pops up. If your topic has been done to death, or if some other site owns the ranking on that topic, you can find a different angle or move on.

But there are tools out there that will help you speed up the process.

SEMRush , for instance, is a keyword research tool that can help you get a more comprehensive picture of topic coverage. Plug in a topic or keyword you’d like to cover, and they’ll give you a list of trending articles and related topics.

MarketMuse can also help you plan quality, original content. By comparing your topic coverage with that of your competitors, you can see where your current content is overlapping and where you can differentiate. It can also help you choose new topics to target that have not yet been covered.

If you’ve already written your article — or if someone wrote it for you — a good plagiarism tool like Copyscape or Grammarly will keep you from duplicating content that appears somewhere else online.

The free version of Copyscape checks to make sure none of your content has been copied elsewhere, while the premium version lets you check new content for duplication before you publish it. Grammarly detects duplicate content within your text as you write and edit.

Step 2: Check Your Quality Content Score

The biggest challenge is taking a qualitative factor, like content quality, and turning it into something quantitative . But that step is critical if you want to take a data-driven approach to SEO content optimization, as opposed to relying on your gut. Plus, it’s the only way to realistically scale the content creation process.

Tools like MarketMuse provide a content quality score for any given topic. 

To be clear, Content Score has nothing to do with word count. Longer posts aren’t inherently better; they just have more words. Real subject matter experts can typically convey more information using fewer words. Thin content , by Google standards, refers to being shallow in coverage of the topic. 

Underpinning the concept of content quality is the idea that in -depth content is that which thoroughly covers important related subtopics. For example, if I’m discussing content quality, then I should talk about ‌audience, content scoring, search engines, and other concepts.

content quality of writing

You can conduct a content audit after the fact, but you may find it easier to work content scoring into the content creation process. In this case, you’ll have specific quality standards to aim for when putting together the article. In the example above, we’re aiming for a Content Score of at least 39 based on how well other top-ranking pages have covered the subject.

All things being equal, if we achieve that score, we have a realistic chance at ranking well.

Step 3: Content Quality Checker for Grammar and Spelling

There’s no two ways about it. Bad grammar and poor spelling hurt your credibility, and create a distracting user experience. Google might not mind sloppy writing, you can bet your human readers will. 

Grammar and spelling mistakes tell your reader that you didn’t make much of an effort to create quality content. And if you didn’t bother to edit your piece, who’s to say you took the time to research the topic or vet your sources?

You can also recommend writers use a tool like Writer, or the editing functions in Word or Google Docs, to check spelling and grammar as they write. Your editorial team can use them, too. In the haste to get content out the door, editors can introduce errors without realizing it.

Step 4: Check Your Content for Brand Consistency

Writing teams often face the challenge of ensuring each piece of content produced reflects the standards of your brand. In theory, a style guide should help. But that only works if writers and editors reference that material. They’ll read it once if you’re lucky.

Acrolinx is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprises ensure their content is consistently on-brand and on-strategy. The best part is that it’s integrated into the workflow, which is the only practical way of ensuring content meets corporate standards.

content quality of writing

Acrolinx records your company’s requirements for style, terminology and tone. During the process of creating content, the software provides in-line feedback that includes an Acrolinx Score. That score is a key part of ensuring alignment and makes it simple to check. A higher score means better content.

Step 5: Content Quality Checker for Reliable Sources

Part of search engine optimization is linking to internal and external sources. Connecting to sources right in an article serves three purposes:

  • It signals to Google that you’re providing high-quality content that is thoroughly researched.
  • It signals to your readers that the information has been verified and is therefore trustworthy.
  • It makes fact-checking a lot easier.

University and government research are generally trustworthy, as are museums and national publications like The New York Times and National Geographic.

It’s important to get to know the trusted sources within your field, as well. If you’re in healthcare, for example, the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health are good sources.

But even these guys get things wrong sometimes. That’s why it’s important not only to check sources but to check facts, too.

Step 6: Fact-Check Your Content

Fact-checking content takes a little more elbow grease. While Google does have a beta version of a fact-checking search engine , there aren’t really any tools that can scan and verify factual information.

Enlist your product marketing and R&D teams to review content. And make sure you check that the statistics and quotes from external sources are correct.

If you don’t have a source and you’re not sure where to start, you can paste the segment you want to check into a Google search and see what comes up. Make sure your fact shows up in two or three trusted places before you call it a day.

Step 7: Check Your Content for Broken Links

The internet is in constant flux. Organizations move, archive, or retire content, while some sites shut down altogether. When something moves or disappears, and a site hasn’t provided a redirect, you’re left with a broken link on your site.

Broken links lead to a bad user experience and tell search engine crawlers that your content out of date and not trustworthy. Checking for broken source links in your content should be a regular habit. And there are all kinds of tools that can help you do that.

I use a Chrome extension called Link Checker . Run the checker, and it will highlight all links on your page in green, red or yellow — green for good links, red for broken ones and yellow for redirects or links that are slow to respond.

If you want to check links across entire sections of your site — or across the whole thing — Screaming Frog and SEMRush both crawl for broken links.

If you want to rank well with your content and show your users that you really care about their needs, take the time to produce the best content possible. Bad-quality content costs more in the end anyway. So before you hit that publish button, run through your quality content checklist to make sure you truly are putting your best foot forward.

Step 8: Check Metadata Quality 

Here’s a quality check for when your content is ranking to see how well it’s converting. The metadata includes the Title Tag — as well as the description under it. Think of it like an ad for your content.

content quality of writing

Open your Google Search console and see how various stories are ranking. If you see that it ranks high by the search engine, but has a low click-thru rate, then look at the other title tags and descriptors that you are competing against. The best formation for metadata is as a tease.

What you should do now

When you’re ready… here are 3 ways we can help you publish better content, faster:

  • If you’d like to learn how to create better content faster, visit our blog . It’s full of resources to help scale content.
  • If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

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Laurie Mega

Laurie is a freelance writer, editor, and content consultant and adjunct professor at Fisher College.  Her work includes the development and execution of content strategies for B2B and B2C companies, including marketing and audience research, content calendar creation, hiring and managing writers and editors, and SEO optimization. You can connect with her on Twitter or LinkedIn .

content quality of writing

  • May 5, 2020

How to Create Quality Content, From Research to Publish

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.” Nathaniel Hawthorne quote

Quality Content Doesn’t Just Happen. Here’s How to Do It

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.” Nathaniel Hawthorne (supposedly) said this in the 19th century - and it’s still the case today.

Fast-paced publishing cycles and the sheer volume of available content, both digitally and in print, mean that readers have more options than ever when it comes to finding great content. Just to take one example, between 2006 and 2020, the number of blogs published on the Internet grew from 50 million to a whopping 600 million .

This presents a unique challenge: How can you write quality content that is engaging, interesting and still brings unique value to readers?

Our goal in this guide is to help you nail down the right writing routine for you. We’ll walk you through each step in the process:

What to do before you start

How to write your first draft

What to check before publishing

What to do once your content is live

These strategies can help anyone who wants to create quality content - new writers and pros alike - whether you’re writing a book, an article, a landing page , product text - and everything in between.

What gets in the way of quality content?

Before we dive into writing quality content, let’s go over a few of the obstacles that stand between you and great text:


You may already have a pretty good idea about which topics your readers like or how to write text that leads to higher conversions. But you may be surprised at what comes up when you start digging.

Here’s an example of two versions of text that we tested with users. Version 1 included a few examples and guided users more, and Version 2 was shorter and more generic. Which do you think won? Find the answer below the image.

How to Create Quality Content Text AB Test

(Version 2 won.)

Not enough time

When a project you’re working on suddenly becomes urgent or you’re facing pressure to post fresh content ASAP, it can be tempting to get some text together quickly and call it a day. If this happens, I recommend hitting pause. To establish yourself as someone who always writes quality content, you need to give yourself enough time.

Undefined priorities

When you don’t have clear goals for what you hope your content will achieve, you’ll end up with text that may miss the mark. Whether you’re looking to get more traffic to your blog , increase user engagement with a product or improve your Google ranking - start by defining the goals.

Not knowing what works

Don’t forget about your content once it’s live. You’ll gain a lot of valuable insight by monitoring feedback and other data about your text. This can help you sharpen your skills as a writer and improve future content.

content quality of writing

How to create quality content

In this three-part series, we’ll share 13 content strategies that you can incorporate into your writing routine. These tips make up the core of the writing process: what to do before you start writing, how to tackle the text and finally, what to do after publishing.

Here are the key steps in creating quality content:

01. Research and plan

Are tight deadlines causing you to cut planning and research from your writing process? If so, rethink how you start your projects. It may seem like you don’t have enough time, but starting the right way will make you more efficient in the long run - and help you produce better content.

In the first part of our series, we’ll discuss the best ways to get organized: identifying your project goals, finding time to write, planning your content, doing the right research, and more.

> > Read now: Part 1: Research and Planning

02. Craft the text

This is the tough part - sitting down and writing text that’s engaging and brings value. Here’s where the research you did in step one comes in.

The second part of our series is a “how-to” guide that you can refer back to as you write the first draft: how to keep your content interesting and relatable to your audience, how to write text that’s easy to read, and how to boost your blog SEO by writing quality content.

> > Read now: Part 2: Crafting the Text

03. Edit, publish and track

Whether you have an editor or you’re going over the content yourself, editing is a skill that requires practice: cutting words, knowing what needs polishing, catching typos and more.

And the work doesn’t stop once you publish - analyzing and tracking web data related to your content is key to improving it.

In the last part of this series, we’ll share how to edit your own work, steps to take before you publish, and what to do once your content is live.

Use the examples in our “pre-publish” checklist to create your own. It’ll help you catch any of those easy-to-make mistakes that can come up when you’re finishing up a project and eager to just hit “Publish” already.

> > Read now: Part 3: Editing, Publishing & Beyond

No matter what your writing level is - just getting started, pro, or even if “writer” isn’t even part of your official job title - check out our strategies for writing great text.

Looking to create a blog ? Wix has got your covered with thousands of design features, built-in SEO and marketing tools, that will allow you to scale your content, your brand and your business.

Lana Raykin, UX Writer at Wix

By Lana Raykin, UX Writer at Wix

From New York, now lives in Tel Aviv. Loves good food, good books, and her golden retriever.

content quality of writing

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Quality Content: What Does It Mean And How Do You Get It?

Quality Content: What Does It Mean And How Do You Get It?

What Does “Quality Content” Mean?

Marketers know that quality content is the cornerstone of a successful campaign. But what exactly is “quality content”? How does it help brands and businesses attract readers, customers, and fans? Depending on your marketing goals, quality content can mean many things—but the best content on the web shares some key features that resonate with readers and provides value they won’t find anywhere else.

What Is This Thing Called “Quality”?

A quick survey of content marketing trends and expert opinions reveals plenty of conflicting and confusing ideas about the elements that make up high-quality content. Some claim quality content can only be created by industry experts or writers with a degree in the subject. Others say good content must be long—three to four thousand words at minimum, so readers feel that they’re getting the most value.

Not so long ago, search engines such as Google ranked content based on a few simple things that had very little to do with the actual quality of the work. A major aspect of this was keyword inclusion—how frequently keywords appeared in a post or article. That led to the questionable practice of “keyword stuffing,” when writers packed simple articles full of target keywords with little regard for the actual quality of the piece.  

Thankfully, times have changed. Largely in response to these practices that flooded the Internet with poorly written, keyword-stuffed articles, Google and other search engines have decided to prioritize the quality of the writing over keyword frequency, regardless of the kind of content. It's become clear that on SERPs, high-ranking blogs and articles focus on readability and use keywords naturally and sparingly, including references to authoritative outside sources.  

Those features have become the standard for “quality” content, and content marketers work hard to make sure that they produce similar material. Keyword research is still essential. But in today’s marketing world, quality content needs to have other dimensions as well.

It can be difficult to find just the right combination of factors that make your articles, posts, or even your weekly newsletter memorable and relevant for the specific audience you’re targeting. But even for content marketing beginners, quality content is achievable when you consider the key attributes of outstanding writing. 

It’s Authoritative

Authoritative and helpful content builds trust and creates transparency, and drives traffic to your website. Readers need to feel confident that they’re getting the best possible information on a topic, from a source that’s confident in its expertise. High-quality content answers questions clearly and completely, with support from authoritative sources. As a side note, investing in SEO content can actually increase your brand authority within your industry: read more here . 

It’s Well Written

Quality content also creates authority with flawless grammar, spelling, and other writing conventions. Poor editing, lazy formatting, and careless writing mistakes can undermine even the most in-depth discussion of a topic and compromise your company’s reputation for professionalism and authority. Templates and tools like  Grammarly can help with some types of content but they’re no replacement for a thoughtful, experienced content writer on your side.

Take an affiliate program, for example. You want to encourage clients or potential buyers to promote you to their peers. Yet if your content is full of errors, there’s no way any reputable company will want to be connected to your brand. Your content serves as your company’s online ambassador, so it’s essential to make sure your inbound marketing materials, articles, blogs, and even social media posts are clear, concise, and correct.

It’s Unique

Millions of pieces of content are constantly being posted online, so anyone can do a quick Google search and find plenty of similar articles on any topic. But content marketing specialists point out that simply creating a new post from existing information won’t give readers much value. Quality content is unique—it gives readers more information, relevant insights, and useful tips than any other content on the subject. That’s what the Content Marketing Institute calls the “10x Rule”—make your content 10 times better than anything else available, and be the only place on the web where readers can find it.

It Resonates With Readers

Today’s best web content is passionate, relevant, and engaging. It adds meaning to readers’ lives, solves their problems, and stays with them long after they click off the page. They want to share it with friends or colleagues and may even use it to make business decisions. Quality content is reader-focused, not writer-focused. It gives web visitors what they want, not what authors think they want. Technical and emotional factors combine to make a piece of content engaging, valuable and shareable.

Technical factors include understanding which content types resonate with readers in different ways. Videos engage more than written content, so more businesses than ever are turning to emerging platforms like TikTok to engage a whole new audience. TikTok has over a billion active users , and the United States has the largest TikTok audience in the world. There could be engagement opportunities here you haven’t yet considered.

Quizzes, listicles, and infographics also grab attention and shares. Other technical factors might include whether or not the content is equipped with share buttons and hyperlinks and whether it’s easy to scroll through and optimized for mobile devices. Shareable content is ideal for collecting “earned media”: the comments and testimonials from those who loved your content that you can then share again to create a feedback loop of positivity for your brand. And it’s free!

Emotional factors include things like value and utility: will it be helpful to readers and their peers? Engagement is another vital consideration. Is your content inspiring, entertaining, or moving? Is it unique or surprising enough to be deemed worthy of social shares?

Quality content makes a connection with readers and that connection can take many forms. The best content is not “one size fits all”—it’s written specifically for its target audience and their unique needs and interests. Investing in content creators that understand these factors is essential for a successful long-term marketing strategy.

It Provides Value

Like “quality,” value is a subjective term. But if your content doesn’t add anything to the web’s worldwide knowledge base, why would Google want to rank it? Similarly, if it doesn’t benefit readers, why would they want to view it? Take into account your bank of resources and ideas, available market space, and unaddressed customer needs or pain points. Make these aspects the foundation of readable, high-impact posts that continue to help readers long after they’ve been published.

The way your content provides value is often industry-dependent. For example, a tourism business might add value by posting content on how travelers should prepare for a trip, or what they should pack when heading to a particular destination. A software company could post articles on troubleshooting installs or FAQs for users, or insights into the rise of AI-based tools. These things are valuable and helpful for their audiences now and in the future, providing a better user experience for anyone who visits your website.

It’s Real and Personal

Forbes reports that 80% of consumers prefer brands that provide personalized experiences, and 63% will stop shopping with brands that get this wrong. It’s clear that defining your target audience is essential, and speaking to them with honest and authority via your content is a part of that. Readers crave connection, so your personal voice can have a place in your content, and may even forge a stronger emotional connection with potential leads, potentially increasing conversions.

Keep your brand voice consistent across all your content. That includes your print advertising like pamphlets and catalogs. Customers should be able to recognize you as a brand whether they find you on Twitter or via a flyer in their local community hub.

Be funny, be real and passionate, and let your unique voice shine through the words. Showing that there’s an actual person behind the content helps you to build trust and connect with readers on a more personal level.

It’s Optimized for Easy Searching

Writing from both the heart and the head is essential, but you also need SEO expertise to get your content in front of readers who will appreciate it. Here are a few ways to make sure that the content you create follows the best practices for search optimization.

  •           Include your target keywords throughout the copy, including titles, meta descriptions and content tags. Don’t fall into the bad habit of keyword stuffing, though—sprinkle them naturally throughout the piece.
  •           Add a compelling call to action (CTA) at a natural point within your post. Whether you ask readers to share, subscribe, or do something else, a CTA boosts engagement and encourages interaction.
  •           Use high-quality images and optimize each one with ALT text for accessibility.
  •           Write engaging headlines that make readers want to click and find out more.

You can also streamline your page’s speed by compressing images and eliminating other features that slow loading times. Stats show that the vast majority of people expect a webpage to load in 3 seconds or less, and 25% will click away if it takes longer than 6 seconds! Cut your bounce rates with better-formatted webpages and quality content from experts.

Quality Content Drives Marketing Success

As the world of content marketing becomes more competitive, the importance of quality has increased exponentially. The success of your great content strategy hinges on putting out the best and most relevant writing possible.

The key to consistent, quality is understanding what your audience wants and needs, and then exceeding their expectations with the best content you can create. When you focus on putting readers first and serving them with content that’s relevant, useful, and trustworthy, they’ll keep coming back—and share your content far and wide.


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Content Quality

Why is quality content important, how do i check my content quality.

  • Does it help the reader or viewer accomplish what they’re looking for?
  • Does it achieve your end goal (traffic, purchase, etc.)?
  • Does it get shared by those who aren’t ready to make a purchase?
  • Are people consuming most or all of it?

How do you define content?

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Eight Characteristics of Good Writing

by Melissa Donovan | Dec 2, 2021 | Better Writing | 31 comments

good writing

What’s the difference between bad and good writing?

How important is it for a writer to be able to discern the difference between good writing and bad writing?

Pretty important, if you ask me.

I know some writers aren’t concerned with quality. In today’s do-it-yourself and get-it-done-fast world, quality plays second fiddle to quantity. Who cares if your books are full of typos, bad grammar, and poor logic as long as you have published lots and made a bunch of money?

Readers care. Agents, publishers, and reviewers also care. And while you can still make a million with a bunch of badly written books and a stellar marketing scheme, your work won’t be taken seriously. Also (and this is critical), while it’s possible to make it big by writing badly, it’s not likely. It happens, but it doesn’t happen often. The better your writing, the better your chances for securing a readership and building a career.

The Characteristics of Good Writing

So, what constitutes good writing? Opinions on the matter vary widely. There will be different traits that make good fiction versus good poetry or good nonfiction. However, we can cull together a general list of the characteristics of good writing (in no particular order):

  • Clarity and focus: In good writing, everything makes sense and readers don’t get lost or have to reread passages to figure out what’s going on. Focused writing sticks with the plot or core idea without running off on too many tangents.
  • Organization: A well organized piece of writing is not only clear, it’s presented in a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. You can tell non-linear stories or place your thesis at the end of an essay and get away with it as long as your scenes or ideas are well ordered.
  • Ideas and themes: Is the topic of your paper relevant? Does your story come complete with themes? Can the reader visualize your poem? For a piece of writing to be considered well crafted, it has to contain clearly identifiable ideas and themes.
  • Voice: This is what sets you apart from all other writers. It’s your unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable.
  • Language (word choice): We writers can never underestimate or fail to appreciate our most valuable tools: words. Good writing includes precise and accurate word choices and well crafted sentences.
  • Grammar and style: Many writers would wish this one away, but for a piece of writing to be considered good (let alone great), it has to follow the rules of grammar (and break those rules only when there’s a good reason). Style is also important in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent. Make sure you keep a grammar book and style guide handy.
  • Credibility or believability: Nothing says bad writing like getting the facts wrong or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable (even if it’s impossible), and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break a writer.
  • Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring: Perhaps the most important quality of good writing is how the reader responds to it. Does she come away with a fresh perspective and new ideas? Does he close the cover with tears in his eyes or a sense of victory? How readers react to your work will fully determine your success as a writer.

I want to add an honorable mention for originality. Everything has been done before, so originality is somewhat arbitrary. However, putting old ideas together in new ways and creating remixes of the best that literature has to offer is a skill worth developing.

Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Good and Bad Writing

To write well, a writer must be able to recognize quality in a piece of writing. How can you assess or improve your own work if you can’t tell the difference between mediocre and better writing in others’ work? This is why it’s so important for writers to be dedicated readers!

Writing is also an art form and therefore subject to personal taste. Can you read a book and dislike it but acknowledge that the writing was good? Have you ever read a book and loved the story but felt that the writing was weak?

A writer should be able to articulate why a piece of writing succeeds or fails, and a writer should also be able to recognize the qualities in a piece of writing even when it doesn’t appeal to their personal taste. These skills are especially necessary when writers are reviewing or critiquing other writers’ work and when revising, editing, and proofreading their own work.

Where do you stand? Do you rate other people’s writing? Do you worry about whether your own writing is any good? Would you add or remove any characteristics of good writing from this list? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep writing.

10 Core Practices for Better Writing



I have had work published. I have even won a competition and still I lack the courage to really commit to it. It’s like I heard a character in a ‘soap’ once saying: ” If I dream of doing it I can always hold onto the dream and live on the’ I could have done it if I tried’, whereas if I go ahead and do it I just might not be ‘good’ and then everything will be gone then, dream and all ! ” Everything you say makes sense but it’s courage I now seek to acquire as well as certain’ devil may care attitude . Courage and self belief and wee bit of discipline. 2012 might just be the year ! Michelle

Melissa Donovan

Michelle, I actually think it’s healthy to have dreams that we don’t fully intend on pursuing. It’s good for the imagination! A person might be interested or passionate about dozens of things and cannot possibly make careers out of them all. But courage is something else… and I don’t think anyone can give you courage. You have to find it within yourself. The first step is to decide that you are going to brave the writing career. After that, you muster up the courage. It’s there inside you, and if you really want it, you’ll find it 🙂 Good luck to you!

Bill Polm

Good one, Michelle, and needed too.

So many blog posts on how to drum up business or write enticing posts or articles, or even how to avoid embarrassing grammatical errors (not that those are not important).

So little on just plain old good writing. Writing that is unusually good, that delights, that informs with impact,

I love the freedom an informal style of modern English. But sometimes I worry a bit that contemporary readers are being fed to many tiny sentences to appeal to an ever-diminishing attention span.

A good list you have there. Maybe I would add that I value fluency. That adroit facility of the accomplished writer who’s covered miles of (digital) paper and now can write not only accurate and clear words and sentences but also compelling and memorable prose.

Ah, fluency is definitely necessary to good writing, although I think it comes with experience, so it might only apply to older or more advanced writers. Great food for thought, Bill. Thanks!

Michael White

Loved this blog post. It actually reminded me of a quote by Oscar Wilde, “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written.”

That quote could spur a debate, I’m sure! Thanks for sharing it, Michael. I’m going to give Oscar Wilde’s idea some serious consideration.


“A writer should be able to articulate why a piece of writing succeeds or fails, and a writer should also be able to recognize the qualities in a piece of writing even when it doesn’t appeal to personal taste”

I’m reading a book right now with a story line that I don’t particularly care for. Eight chapters into it, I’m not fully invested into the story. BUT, the author’s grasp of human emotion/interaction and her ability to explicate the nuances with clarity is brilliant. That fact alone keeps interested and pulls me forward.

Ah! I’ve been there too!


This is a very well written blog, and the advice is good for teaching people how to get their points across. However, my problem is not that I can’t tell good from bad; apparently I’m quite good at assessing the quality of other authors’ writing and helping them iprove it. My problem is that though I love writing and am proud of my plot lines and characters, I don’t have a way with words and I just can’t write. Does anyone have any advice on how to make things WORK once you have everything planned out, or am I doomed to the life of an author who can’t write? That sounded really dismal.


How do really know your writing is bad? If you’ve got a plot that you love, characters that are filled with layers and truth, set them free! Turn off those negative thoughts and just run with it. Write your story through to the end. If you believe in what you’ve got so far then let it lead you. You will surprise yourself. You proved with your post above that you can convey feeling, let your characters have their voice. Take a deep breath and jump/write!! Best of luck and courageous hugs!

Thanks, Beckie. Well said!

My guess is that your way with words isn’t as bad as you think. I didn’t have any trouble understanding what you wrote. However, if you want to strengthen your skills in vocabulary, word choice, and sentence structure, there are two things you can do: read as much as possible and engage with poetry. Pick up an introductory book on poetry and you’ll learn tons of techniques in this area (which you can apply to fiction and nonfiction). This one can be expensive but it’s worth every penny: Perrine’s Sound and Sense . Good luck to you!

Thank you, both you and Beckie. That’s really good advice. 🙂 I’ll try to be more positive.

Yes! Keep your chin up and stick with it.

Tina Ridgway

In my estimation, for what it’s worth, you write very well. You were clear and concise. I understood the points you were trying to convey. You even allowed a bit of your personality to shine through with self deprecation. Don’t be so hard on yourself, if you wish to be a writer then you should write. I am learning that for one to write compelling characters , one must be well acquainted with the characters they are creating. I am working on fleshing out some characters who are too one dimensional. Life is not black and white. I am trying to write in between the lines in gray. Good luck with your writing.

Paul Atreides

I’ve been perusing your site all morning. I’ve found some terrific tips, some very well-thought common sense approaches to working through difficulties in writing. And as soon as I push the submit button on this I’ll be subscribing!

Though I’ve been published and produced, I find myself in an almost constant state of questioning even the most basic ability to write. On the one hand, a local critic stated “proves he can write” and “there’s a simplicity in the writing that is quite refreshing.” On the other hand, I face a writer’s group (all women) each week who continually tell me my writing is sorely lacking because there aren’t enough issues (conflicts) in any given piece and therefore the characters do not exhibit enough “emotional levels.” Facing this type of weekly demolition has made me think I need to go back to doing what I used to do (before I became unemployed!): write for my own enjoyment and forget about any further publishing.

Where can one go to determine if there is even the slightest bit of talent worth further pursuit? I don’t mean a full-on critique of a piece, but a simple “I’d give it up if I were you.” or “This [writing] shows promise, keep learning and keep writing.”

Melissa McCann

Hmmm, Paul, possibly find a few dudes for your critiques? Also, are the women published? Have good reviews themselves? Read widely in your genre? Men and women do sometimes have widely varying ideas of what makes a good story. You may be writing good, solid, plot-driven adventures (I don’t know–maybe you’re into steamy historical romance) that don’t rely on a lot of emotional nuance. I’d look for beta-readers who understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Or take the girls with a big grain of salt and use what seems to deepen your own writing while recognizing that women’s brains are different. We have bizarre and incomprehensible ideas about relationships and whatnot. I read an interesting theory from the creators of the Dramatica Pro story outlining software about how a “masculine” character (or story) is about getting from point A to Point Z while overcoming every obstacle in between whereas a feminine character (or story) is about getting everything into balance and restoring chaos to equilibrium. Both perfectly fine stories. (I prefer the masculine-type storylines myself).

Post those good reviews and read ’em every day. I have some really nice rejections that I savor whenever I’m feeling inadequate.

Thanks, Melissa!

Two of the ladies have been published but have no reviews of their work. All have complimented the basic plot lines. Their big complaint would seem to fall into the theory from Dramatica Pro you mention; they are looking for every female character to make absolute sense to them strictly within their belief structure of how the characters should/must react to a particular situation. Otherwise, they give solid line-edit critiques and they do point out the occassional hole in content.

None of them read within my genre – if I even have one, that is. I’d classify my novels as “budscapades” (you like my mash-up moniker?) – in other words the main characters are male (female characters do show up along the way) and they are definitely plot driven stories. In entering the Amazon Breakout Book Award Contest, I classified the novel as “bromantic comedy” (plenty of action for guys with a hint of romance for women).

Both your suggestions are solid. I’m sticking with the ladies but will weigh their critiques carefully before implementation and I’ll have to find some men who can show the same amount of weekly dedication to the process.

Thanks, Paul! I think that critique groups can be immensely beneficial, but I also think that each writer has to decide which feedback to apply and which to discard. Objectively, there’s good writing and bad writing, but subjectively, we all have our opinions and preferences. I guess you have to decide whether you want to step up the emotional levels in your characters and add more conflict or if you want to keep your work minimalist.

Here’s what matters: once you do publish, unless you are looking for awards and accolades, the trick is really to find your audience. And there is an audience for everything (as popular culture demonstrates). You might also take a hard look at what the others in your writing group are producing and ask whether this group is a good match to your writing style and needs. You can also ask one of the women in the group to work more closely with you to bring those emotional levels up, if you think you’d like to stretch yourself and experiment a little.

Final word of advice: do not give up on writing or publishing. Forge ahead! You might even look for a creative writing class or workshop — you’ll get a broader range of feedback.

And thank you, Melissa (not Melissa-me, Melissa-you) for putting some analysis into the question of what makes good writing. I get so frustrated with the “Good writing is subjective; it’s just what you like or don’t like,” crowd. The more you study writing, the more you begin to see the difference between good vs bad.

The difficulty, I suppose, is because writing is as complex as any other language. It’s too complex to learn by having the rules explained to us by helpful parents, “Now dear, this is a verb. It always goes after the subject. Is it time to make a poo-poo?” We learn the rules of spoken language by hearing it at a time when our brains are primed and programmed to take it in. Many people don’t start learning to read or write until after that language window is closed. Those of us who learned to read at the same time we were learning to talk have an advantage.

Yes, I’d have to agree that the younger we are when we are taught to read and write, the more naturally it comes. There is much about writing that is subjective, but I believe there is plenty that can be assessed critically and objectively: grammar, spelling, and punctuation, for starters.

David L Scurlock

i tell every mother about my baby can read…they agree and then dont get it for their child..

Matt S.

I have to admit, I share a lot of the insecurities that I have read in the comments here. I’m pretty young and new to the game, and I’m worried that even if I somehow finish this idea that I have (non-fiction) I wont be taken seriously given my lack of a college degree. I have this internal conflict raging in my subconscious, so much so that I’m starting to have dreams about it. Do I go ahead and share my thoughts with others or should I keep them to myself?

It doesn’t help that I have a fear of failure, I suppose. Writing is where I clarify my ideas and feelings, and I’m afraid that my work will be ripped apart by people that dislike it or dismiss my thoughts, mostly because I’ll take it as them dismantling my soul. Does anyone else feel this way?

As I’m writing this I’m slowly realizing that I think that what I need is a little encouragement from people that don’t know me. Man, writing is awesome!

Even if you have a degree, people can still rip your ideas apart. I believe strongly in the value of higher education, but I also know (for a fact) there are plenty of folks with degrees who lack common sense or good hearts. And there are plenty of bright people with good hearts and common sense who do not have degrees. Then again, if you’re that torn up about not having a degree, why not just go get one?

Having said all that, I think you can simply shift your focus. Most of the best writers in the literary canon did not have degrees. Many did not even finish high school. Of your favorite authors, how many have BAs or MAs? Do you know? Do you care? (I don’t.)

As for failure, everyone’s afraid of it. I don’t think we’re meant to eliminate the fear. It’s more a matter of moving forward even though we are afraid. I would say that if you publish a book, some people are not going to like it. That’s just the way it is. So what? Focus your attention and energy on all the people who do like it. If you work hard and write, and put it out there (and do your marketing), you’ll find your audience. Embrace them, and don’t worry so much about everybody else. Good luck to you!

never worry about what anyone says…if someone takes the time for a a scathing review instead of just chucking it in the trash, then you must have struck a chord with that person…all publicity is good publicity…people will want to find out what made this reviewer so angry/….if they are intelligent…

Tony Vanderwarker

Writing well is the price of admission. But beyond the basics is where it gets squishy. Eudora Welty said something like “You’re only writing when you surprise yourself”. What does that mean? You write until you discover.

I don’t know–I would say you’re only writing when you’re putting words on the page. Surprises and discoveries are bonuses in the writing process for me. Maybe it’s because I write a lot of nonfiction, which isn’t full of discovery or surprise the way fiction is.

Sally Ember, Ed.D.

Great article. I’m going to link to it on Reddit!

i think another goal of writing is to use the fewest words possible to convey an idea…similies and metaphors fill this bill…but simple truth sticks with people especially when it is a parable for something much more meaningful.

I think that’s a good goal, although it’s not every writer’s goal. I love clear, simple language, but there are exceptions when I come across a poem or story that is dripping with rich language.

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15 writing skills that every professional content writer must have.

The set of writing skills a content writer must have

The set of writing skills a content writer must have.

  • Strong command of language: A professional content writer should have a solid grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.
  • Research skills: The ability to conduct thorough research on various topics to gather accurate and reliable information.
  • Adaptability: Being able to adjust writing style, tone, and format to suit different audiences, platforms, and content requirements.
  • Clarity and conciseness: Writing in a clear and concise manner, conveying ideas effectively without unnecessary jargon or wordiness.
  • Creativity: Having the ability to think outside the box, generate fresh ideas, and bring originality to the content.
  • Storytelling: Crafting compelling narratives and using storytelling techniques to engage readers and create an emotional connection.
  • SEO knowledge: Understanding search engine optimization principles and incorporating relevant keywords and meta tags into content.
  • Editing and proofreading: Being proficient in reviewing and revising content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall clarity.
  • Audience analysis: Analyzing the target audience’s demographics, interests, and preferences to create content that resonates with them.
  • Time management: Efficiently managing time and meeting deadlines while maintaining the quality of the content.
  • Adaptability to different formats: Writing for various content formats, such as blog posts, articles, social media posts, eBooks, or video scripts.
  • Attention to detail: Paying close attention to detail, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and adherence to brand guidelines.
  • Communication skills: Effectively communicating with clients, understanding their requirements, and incorporating feedback.
  • Organization: Maintaining an organized approach to content creation, including content planning, outlining, and structuring.
  • Continuous learning: Keeping up with industry trends, new tools, and techniques to enhance writing skills and stay relevant in the field.

Mastering the Essential Writing Skills for Professional Content Writers

Why are writing skills crucial for content writers ?

Exceptional writing skills are the foundation of every successful content writer.

The ability to craft compelling, engaging, and persuasive content is paramount in capturing the attention of your audience and driving desired actions.

Whether you’re writing blog posts, social media updates, or website copy, here are 15 essential writing skills that every professional content writer must master.

1. Enhancing Your Language Command: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Sentence Structure

Grammar: precision in expression.

A content writer’s arsenal is incomplete without a strong grasp of grammar.

Understand the rules governing sentence structure, punctuation, and syntax to convey your message accurately and effectively.

Vocabulary: Unlocking the Power of Words

Expand your vocabulary by reading extensively and exploring new words.

This enables you to select the right words to evoke emotions, create vivid descriptions, and engage your readers on a deeper level.

Sentence Structure: Crafting Impactful Sentences

Experiment with sentence structures to add variety and rhythm to your writing.

Use short sentences for impact, long sentences for descriptive flair, and ensure coherence throughout your content.

Clarity: Direct and Unambiguous Communication

Communicate your ideas with clarity and precision.

Avoid convoluted sentences or complex language that may confuse your readers.

Be concise, straightforward, and ensure that your message is easily understood.

Active Voice: Engage and Empower

Employ the active voice to make your writing more dynamic and engaging.

It brings clarity and immediacy to your content, allowing you to express actions directly and captivate your audience.

Specificity: Paint a Vivid Picture

Use specific and descriptive language to create a visual experience for your readers.

Instead of generic terms, incorporate specific details and sensory words that evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact.

Powerful Verbs: Energize Your Writing

Choose strong and impactful verbs that breathe life into your content.

They inject energy and movement, allowing your readers to connect more deeply with your message.

Editing for Precision: Polish Your Content

Revise and edit your content with a keen eye for precision.

Trim unnecessary words, rephrase convoluted sentences, and ensure clarity in your expression.

Editing sharpens your writing, ensuring that every word counts.

To excel as a professional content writer, you must master the art of language.

Develop a strong command of grammar, expand your vocabulary, and experiment with sentence structures.

Communicate with clarity and precision, employing the active voice, specificity, and powerful verbs.

Edit your content meticulously to ensure precision in your expression.

By honing these essential writing skills, you’ll create impactful and engaging content that captivates your audience and sets you apart as a skilled copywriter.

2. Research Proficiency: Unleashing the Power of Accurate Information

In the world of content writing, thorough research is the key to creating valuable and credible content that resonates with your audience. Here are some essential tips to enhance your research proficiency and elevate your writing to the next level.

Thoroughness in Research: Delve Deep for Reliable Information

When conducting research, go beyond surface-level information.

Dive deep into reliable sources to gather accurate and up-to-date data, facts, and insights.

This enables you to provide valuable content that educates and informs your readers.

Identifying Reliable Sources: Separating Fact from Fiction

In the age of misinformation, it is crucial to identify reliable sources.

Consult reputable websites, academic journals, industry publications, and expert interviews to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information you present.

Citing Sources Appropriately: Give Credit Where It’s Due

When using external sources, it’s important to cite them appropriately.

Follow the appropriate citation style (such as APA or MLA) and give credit to the original authors or publishers.

This not only maintains ethical standards but also strengthens the credibility of your content.

Fact-Checking: Verifying Accuracy for Trustworthy Content

Fact-checking is an integral part of the research process.

Double-check facts, figures, and statistics to ensure their accuracy before including them in your content.

This builds trust with your readers and positions you as a reliable source of information.

Synthesizing Information: Presenting Coherent Insights

Once you have gathered the necessary information, synthesize it into a coherent and engaging narrative.

Avoid overwhelming your readers with an information dump. Instead, distill complex concepts into easily understandable and relatable insights.

Keeping Up with Trends: Staying Relevant and Informed

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and it’s crucial for content writers to stay updated with the latest trends and developments in their respective industries.

Regularly follow industry blogs, news sites, and social media channels to stay ahead of the curve and provide fresh, timely content.

Incorporating Unique Insights: Stand Out from the Crowd

While conducting research, strive to uncover unique insights and perspectives that haven’t been extensively covered.

Presenting fresh ideas and thought-provoking viewpoints adds value to your content and distinguishes you as an authority in your field.

Research proficiency is a vital skill for professional content writers.

Through thorough research, identification of reliable sources, appropriate citation, fact-checking, synthesis of information, and staying up-to-date with industry trends, you can create content that is accurate, trustworthy, and engaging.

By incorporating unique insights and presenting information in a compelling manner, you set yourself apart from the competition and establish yourself as a knowledgeable and credible content writer.

Copywriting Tips: Mastering the Art of Adaptability for Professional Content Writers

3. Adaptability: A Crucial Skill for Content Writers

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, content writers must possess the ability to adapt their writing style, tone, and format to cater to diverse audiences across various platforms.

Here are some essential tips to enhance your adaptability as a professional content writer.

Understanding Your Audience: The Key to Effective Adaptation

Before crafting your content, gain a deep understanding of your target audience.

Analyze their demographics, interests, and preferences.

This knowledge will help you tailor your writing style, tone, and messaging to resonate with your specific readership.

Adapting Writing Style: From Formal to Conversational

Different audiences require different writing styles.

For a professional audience, maintain a formal and authoritative tone.

When targeting a younger demographic, embrace a conversational and relatable tone to establish a connection.

Adapt your style to suit the context and purpose of your content.

Tailoring Tone: Setting the Right Mood

The tone of your writing plays a significant role in engaging your audience.

Whether it’s informative, persuasive, or entertaining, adapt your tone to match the desired emotional response from your readers.

A well-adapted tone creates a more impactful and memorable experience.

Formatting for Different Platforms: Optimize for Impact

Each platform has its own formatting guidelines and requirements.

Adapt your content to fit the platform’s constraints while maintaining its effectiveness.

Craft concise and attention-grabbing headlines, use bullet points for easy readability, and incorporate visuals to enhance engagement.

Adapting to the Purpose: Inform, Persuade, or Entertain

Different content pieces serve different purposes.

Whether you’re writing a blog post, social media caption, or sales copy, adapt your writing to align with the specific goal.

Informative content requires clarity and accuracy, persuasive content demands compelling arguments, and entertaining content relies on creativity and storytelling.

Embracing Change: Staying Agile in a Fast-paced Environment

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and content writers must embrace change.

Keep up with emerging trends, new technologies, and evolving consumer preferences.

Stay adaptable and be willing to experiment with new formats, styles, and approaches to remain relevant and engaging.

A/B Testing: Iterating for Optimization

A/B testing allows you to adapt and optimize your content based on real-time data.

Test different headlines, calls-to-action, or formats to identify what resonates best with your audience.

Continuously analyze and refine your content to improve its impact and drive desired outcomes.

Adaptability is a vital skill for professional content writers.

By understanding your audience, adapting your writing style and tone, tailoring your content for different platforms and purposes, and embracing change, you can create content that effectively engages and resonates with your target audience.

Stay agile, continuously test and optimize your content, and evolve with the ever-changing digital landscape.

As an adaptable content writer, you’ll be well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of your audience and deliver outstanding results.

4. Clarity and Conciseness: The Cornerstones of Compelling Content

In the fast-paced digital world, content writers must master the art of conveying their message clearly and concisely.

Here are some essential tips to enhance your clarity and conciseness as a professional content writer.

Writing with Crystal-clear Clarity: Get Your Message Across

Effective communication starts with clarity. Ensure that your writing is easily understood by using simple and straightforward language.

Be direct in expressing your ideas, avoiding convoluted sentences or complex jargon that may confuse your readers.

Brevity is Key: Keep It Short and Sweet

In a world inundated with information, brevity captures attention.

Strive to convey your message in the fewest possible words while retaining its essence.

Trim unnecessary fluff and redundant phrases to make every word count.

Avoiding Unnecessary Jargon: Speak the Language of Your Audience

Jargon and technical terms can alienate readers who are unfamiliar with specific industries or topics.

Aim for inclusivity by using language that is accessible to your target audience.

Explain complex concepts in simple terms, ensuring everyone can grasp your content’s core ideas.

Cutting the Clutter: Streamline Your Writing

Eliminate wordiness and streamline your sentences to maintain a smooth flow in your writing.

Remove excessive adjectives and adverbs that don’t add significant value.

Use active verbs and concise phrases to express your ideas more efficiently.

Organizing Thoughts: Structuring for Clarity

A well-organized piece of content is easier to comprehend.

Structure your writing with clear headings and subheadings that guide readers through your main points.

Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex information into easily digestible chunks.

Editing for Precision: Refining Your Content

Editing plays a crucial role in achieving clarity and conciseness.

Review your content meticulously, scrutinizing each sentence for unnecessary repetition or ambiguity.

Trim down long sentences, rephrase awkward phrasing, and ensure your message is conveyed in the most concise manner.

Testing Readability: Ensuring Accessibility

Check the readability of your content using online tools or readability formulas.

Aim for a readability level that matches your target audience’s preferences and education level.

Adjust your writing style accordingly to maximize engagement and comprehension.

Clarity and conciseness are fundamental skills for professional content writers.

By focusing on clear communication, brevity, avoiding jargon, cutting clutter, organizing thoughts, precise editing, and testing readability, you can create content that captivates and engages your audience.

Embrace simplicity, refine your writing, and ensure that your message is conveyed in the most accessible and concise manner.

With these copywriting tips, you’ll stand out in the crowded digital landscape and leave a lasting impact on your readers.

5. Creativity: The Fuel for Unique and Innovative Content

In the competitive landscape of content writing, the ability to think creatively and bring originality to your work sets you apart from the crowd.

Here are some essential tips to enhance your creativity as a professional content writer.

Embracing a Creative Mindset: Unlocking Your Imagination

Cultivate a mindset that welcomes creativity.

Embrace curiosity, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore new ideas.

Give yourself the freedom to think outside the box and challenge conventional norms.

Stimulating Idea Generation: Inspiring Creativity

To generate unique ideas, expose yourself to diverse sources of inspiration.

Read books, blogs, and articles, watch documentaries, attend events, and engage in conversations with experts in different fields.

Seek out new experiences that expand your knowledge and perspective.

Brainstorming: Unleashing the Power of Collaboration

Collaborative brainstorming sessions can spark fresh ideas and perspectives.

Engage with colleagues, fellow writers, or industry professionals to generate a pool of innovative concepts.

Encourage open dialogue and build upon each other’s ideas to create something truly unique.

Exploring Different Angles: Adding a Fresh Twist

To bring originality to your content, approach topics from unconventional angles.

Find unique perspectives, alternative solutions, or intriguing narratives that resonate with your audience.

This fresh twist captures attention and makes your content stand out.

Storytelling: Igniting Imagination and Emotions

Harness the power of storytelling to captivate your readers.

Craft narratives that engage their emotions, spark their imagination, and leave a lasting impact.

Weave compelling stories into your content to make it more relatable and memorable.

Experimenting with Formats: Innovating Content Delivery

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats.

Explore interactive elements, multimedia integration, infographics, videos, or podcasts to present your ideas in innovative ways.

Embrace new technologies and platforms to engage your audience in unique ways.

Continuous Learning: Nurturing Your Creativity

Creativity thrives on continuous learning and self-improvement.

Stay updated with the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging writing techniques.

Attend workshops, webinars, or online courses to expand your skill set and nurture your creative abilities.

Creativity is a vital skill for professional content writers.

By embracing a creative mindset, stimulating idea generation, engaging in collaborative brainstorming, exploring different angles, utilizing storytelling techniques, experimenting with content formats, and committing to continuous learning, you can infuse your work with originality and innovation.

Tap into your imagination, seek inspiration from diverse sources, and challenge yourself to think differently.

With these copywriting tips, you’ll unleash your creative potential and deliver content that captivates, inspires, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

6. Unleashing the Power of Storytelling: Masterful Techniques for Captivating Content Writing

Crafting high-quality content that captivates readers and drives conversions is a skill that every professional content writer aspires to possess.

To excel in the field of copywriting, it is essential to master a range of writing techniques that grab attention, inspire action, and leave a lasting impact.

Here are some valuable tips to enhance your writing skills and become a copywriting expert.

Power of Storytelling: Captivating Readers with Compelling Narratives

Storytelling is a powerful tool in the arsenal of a skilled copywriter.

By weaving captivating narratives, you can grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning and keep them hooked till the end. Here’s how you can employ storytelling techniques effectively:

  • Create a captivating opening: Begin your content with an intriguing anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a startling fact to instantly engage readers.
  • Develop a narrative arc: Structure your content like a story, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This progression will keep readers engaged and eager to discover what happens next.
  • Appeal to emotions: Use storytelling elements to evoke emotions and create a connection with your audience. Craft vivid descriptions, incorporate relatable characters, and infuse your writing with empathy.

Harnessing the Power of Active Voice: Energize Your Writing

Active voice brings life and energy to your writing, making it more impactful and engaging.

By using the active voice, you ensure that your sentences are concise and direct. Here are some pointers for incorporating active voice in your copy:

  • Use strong verbs: Opt for dynamic verbs that convey action and drive your message forward. For example, replace “The product was improved” with “We improved the product.”
  • Keep subjects and verbs close: Place the subject of your sentence before the verb to create more active and powerful sentences. For instance, change “A solution was found by our team” to “Our team found a solution.”

Remember, active voice adds strength and clarity to your writing, making it more persuasive and compelling.

By implementing these essential writing skills, you can elevate your copywriting prowess and produce content that captivates readers, drives conversions, and sets you apart as a professional content writer.

Start practicing these tips today and witness the transformative power they hold in creating exceptional copy.

Copywriting Tips: Unlocking Essential Writing Skills for Professional Content Writers

7. SEO Knowledge: Unlocking Visibility and Relevance

Mastering the art of copywriting entails a multifaceted approach that encompasses various crucial skills.

As a professional content writer, it is imperative to equip yourself with these essential writing techniques to create compelling content that not only captivates readers but also enhances visibility through effective search engine optimization (SEO).

Here are some invaluable tips to sharpen your writing skills and establish yourself as a copywriting expert.

Embrace the Power of SEO: Unlocking Visibility and Relevance

In today’s digital landscape, understanding SEO principles is essential for content writers to ensure their work reaches a wider audience.

By incorporating SEO techniques into your writing, you can improve your content’s visibility and relevance.

Here’s how to optimize your content effectively:

  • Keyword research: Conduct thorough research to identify relevant keywords and phrases that align with your content’s topic. Strategically incorporate these keywords throughout your content to enhance its discoverability.
  • Meta tags: Craft compelling meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, that accurately summarize your content and entice users to click. Utilize relevant keywords in these tags to optimize your content for search engine results.
  • Header tags: Structure your content with header tags (H1, H2, H3) to enhance readability and help search engines understand the hierarchy of your information. Incorporate targeted keywords in your header tags to further optimize your content.

Seamless Integration of Keywords: Enhancing Relevance and Engagement

To create content that resonates with both readers and search engines, seamlessly integrate relevant keywords.

Here are some tips to achieve a harmonious balance:

  • Natural placement: Incorporate keywords organically into your content, ensuring they fit naturally within the context. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can detract from the readability and authenticity of your writing.
  • Variations and synonyms: Expand your keyword repertoire by incorporating variations and synonyms throughout your content. This not only improves your SEO efforts but also adds depth and richness to your writing.

By leveraging SEO knowledge effectively, you can elevate your content’s visibility, reach, and relevance, as a professional content writer.

8. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Essential Editing and Proofreading Skills for Professional Content Writers

Crafting high-quality content goes beyond the initial writing process.

As a professional content writer, it is crucial to possess strong editing and proofreading skills to ensure your work is error-free, coherent, and polished.

These essential skills elevate the professionalism of your writing and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Here are some invaluable tips from a content writing expert to enhance your editing and proofreading prowess.

The Art of Reviewing: Eliminating Errors and Enhancing Clarity

Effective editing and proofreading require a meticulous approach to identify and rectify grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Here’s how you can refine your editing skills:

  • Break it down: Edit your content in stages, focusing on specific aspects in each pass. Start with grammar, then move on to spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. This systematic approach ensures thoroughness and accuracy.
  • Use digital tools: Leverage grammar and spell-checking software to catch any glaring errors. However, remember that these tools are aids and should not replace human judgment. Always review your content manually as well.

Ensuring Coherence and Consistency: Fine-tuning Your Content

Aside from correcting errors, editing and proofreading also involve enhancing the overall flow and coherence of your content.

Follow these tips to ensure your writing is clear and consistent:

  • Read aloud: Reading your content aloud helps identify awkward phrasing, run-on sentences, and other readability issues. It also allows you to gauge the overall rhythm and flow of your writing.
  • Consistency check: Review your content for consistent tone, style, and formatting. Ensure that headings, subheadings, and bullet points follow a consistent structure throughout your piece.
  • Fact-checking: Verify the accuracy of any data, statistics, or references you’ve included in your content. Cross-check information from reliable sources to ensure credibility.

By mastering the art of editing and proofreading, you can refine your content to its highest potential.

These essential writing skills enhance clarity, coherence, and consistency, establishing you as a professional content writer.

Implement these tips during your editing process and witness the transformative impact they have on the quality of your work.

9. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Audience Analysis for Professional Content Writers

Understanding your target audience is essential for creating content that effectively engages, resonates with, and meets the needs of your readers.

As a content writing expert, audience analysis is a critical skill to ensure the success of your content.

Here are some invaluable tips to master audience analysis and craft content that captivates and connects.

Demographics: Unveiling the Key Characteristics of Your Audience

Analyzing the demographics of your target audience provides crucial insights into their characteristics, such as age, gender, location, education level, and occupation.

Here’s how you can use this information to your advantage:

  • Research and gather data: Conduct market research, surveys, or use analytics tools to gather information about your audience. This data will help you create a detailed profile of your target readers.
  • Tailor your content: Customize your writing style, tone, and language to suit the demographics of your audience. For instance, if your target audience is young professionals, you may adopt a more casual and conversational tone.

Interests and Preferences: Crafting Content that Resonates

Analyzing the interests, preferences, and pain points of your audience enables you to create content that truly connects with them.

Consider the following strategies:

  • Social listening: Monitor conversations on social media platforms and industry forums to gain insights into your audience’s interests and concerns. This will help you address their needs effectively.
  • Content analysis: Analyze the performance and engagement of your existing content to identify topics and formats that resonate well with your audience. Use this knowledge to guide your future content creation.

Engaging and Resonating with Your Audience: The Power of Connection

To create content that truly engages your audience, it is vital to establish a connection with them. Consider the following tactics:

  • Use storytelling: Craft narratives that evoke emotions and create a personal connection with your readers. Storytelling humanizes your content and makes it more relatable.
  • Address pain points: Identify the challenges, questions, or concerns your audience faces and provide solutions and answers through your content. This positions you as a valuable resource and builds trust.

By mastering audience analysis, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target readers.

These essential writing skills enable you to create content that captivates, resonates, and drives meaningful engagement.

Implement these tips in your content creation process, and witness the transformative impact they have on your connection with your audience.

Remember, successful content writing begins with understanding who you are writing for.

10. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Time Management for Professional Content Writers

In the fast-paced world of content writing, mastering time management is crucial for meeting deadlines, maintaining productivity, and producing high-quality content.

As a content writing expert, efficient time management skills will not only ensure timely delivery but also strike a balance between quality and productivity.

Here are some invaluable tips to help you optimize your time and excel in your content creation endeavors.

Set Clear Goals: Mapping Out Your Priorities

Establishing clear goals and priorities is essential to effective time management. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Identify key objectives: Define the main goals for your content creation, such as completing a specific number of articles or meeting project milestones.
  • Break it down: Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and assign realistic deadlines to each task. This will help you stay focused and track your progress.

Plan and Organize: Structuring Your Workflow

A well-structured workflow is the foundation of effective time management. Consider the following strategies:

  • Use a calendar or planner: Schedule your tasks and deadlines using a digital calendar or a physical planner. Set reminders to keep yourself on track and prioritize your workload accordingly.
  • Create a content calendar: Develop a content calendar that outlines your publishing schedule, key topics, and deadlines. This helps you plan your writing time and ensures a steady stream of content.

Focus and Minimize Distractions: Boosting Productivity

Minimizing distractions is crucial to maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines. Try these techniques:

  • Eliminate digital distractions: Turn off notifications on your devices and block distracting websites or apps during dedicated work periods.
  • Create a conducive workspace: Designate a distraction-free workspace that is well-organized and comfortable. Minimize clutter and ensure you have all the necessary resources within reach.

Prioritize Quality and Efficiency: Striking the Balance

While meeting deadlines is crucial, maintaining quality should never be compromised. Consider the following strategies:

  • Practice efficient writing techniques: Use outlines, templates, and frameworks to streamline your writing process and ensure consistency.
  • Allocate time for revisions: Set aside dedicated time for editing and proofreading to ensure the quality and accuracy of your content.

By mastering time management, you can enhance your productivity, meet deadlines, and consistently deliver high-quality content.

These essential writing skills empower you to strike a balance between efficiency and excellence in your content creation endeavors.

Implement these tips in your daily routine, and witness the transformative impact they have on your time management skills and overall success as a professional content writer.

Remember, effective time management is the key to unlocking your full potential.

11. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Adaptability to Formats for Professional Content Writers

As a professional content writer, versatility and adaptability are key to succeeding in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The ability to write effectively across diverse formats, such as blog posts, articles, social media, and more, is crucial for engaging different audiences and maximizing your reach.

Here are some valuable tips from a content writing expert on mastering adaptability to various formats.

Understanding Different Mediums: Tailoring Your Writing Style

Each medium has its own unique characteristics and audience expectations.

By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your writing style to effectively engage your target audience. Consider the following strategies:

  • Research the medium: Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and best practices of different formats. Understand the preferred tone, word count, and structure for each medium.
  • Analyze successful examples: Study successful content in various formats to gain insights into what works. Pay attention to the writing style, formatting, and language used to engage the audience effectively.

Adapting Writing Style and Structure: Captivating Readers Across Formats

To adapt your writing to different formats, consider the following techniques:

  • Blog posts and articles: Structure your content with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability. Craft compelling introductions and use concise paragraphs to keep readers engaged.
  • Social media: Opt for concise, attention-grabbing headlines and captions. Use engaging visuals, hashtags, and calls to action to maximize audience interaction.
  • Email marketing: Write personalized, conversational emails that address the reader directly. Use compelling subject lines and concise, scannable content to capture attention.

Experiment and Innovate: Embracing New Formats and Trends

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, introducing new formats and trends.

Embrace experimentation and innovation to stay ahead. Consider the following approaches:

  • Stay informed: Keep up with the latest industry trends and emerging formats through reputable sources, industry blogs, and social media discussions.
  • Adapt and learn: Be open to trying new formats and approaches. Analyze the performance of your content and gather feedback to continuously improve your skills and adapt to changing demands.

By mastering adaptability to different formats, you can broaden your writing repertoire and engage diverse audiences effectively.

These essential writing skills enable you to tailor your content to specific mediums and captivate readers across various platforms.

Implement these tips in your content creation process and embrace the ever-changing digital landscape with confidence and creativity.

Remember, adaptability is the key to staying relevant and thriving as a professional content writer.

12. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Attention to Detail for Professional Content Writers

Paying meticulous attention to detail is a fundamental skill for professional content writers. It involves focusing on grammar, spelling, formatting, accuracy, and adherence to brand guidelines.

As a content writing expert, honing your attention to detail ensures your content is error-free, consistent, and aligned with the brand’s image.

Here are some invaluable tips to help you master this essential skill.

Grammar and Spelling: Perfecting the Basics

Proper grammar and spelling are paramount in creating polished and professional content. Consider the following strategies:

  • Proofread rigorously: Carefully review your content, line by line, to spot any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Pay close attention to subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and proper word usage.
  • Use grammar-checking tools: Utilize online grammar-checking tools to catch any overlooked errors. However, be mindful that these tools are aids and should not replace your own careful review.

Formatting and Structure: Presenting Content Professionally

Formatting and structure play a crucial role in enhancing the readability and professionalism of your content. Follow these guidelines:

  • Use headings and subheadings: Organize your content with clear and descriptive headings and subheadings. This improves the flow and helps readers navigate the information easily.
  • Consistent formatting: Maintain consistency in font styles, sizes, and spacing throughout your content. This creates a cohesive and visually appealing reading experience.

Accuracy and Brand Guidelines: Preserving Credibility

Ensuring accuracy and adhering to brand guidelines are vital to maintaining credibility. Consider the following approaches:

  • Fact-checking: Verify any factual information, statistics, or references before including them in your content. Cross-reference information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy.
  • Align with brand guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the brand’s tone, voice, and style guidelines. Ensure your content reflects the brand’s image and values.

By mastering attention to detail, you elevate the quality and professionalism of your content.

These essential writing skills enable you to produce error-free and polished work that aligns with brand standards. Implement these tips in your content creation process and witness the transformative impact they have on the overall quality and credibility of your writing.

Remember, it is the attention to the smallest details that sets exceptional content writers apart.

13. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Effective Communication Skills for Professional Content Writers

Effective communication skills are essential for professional content writers to understand and meet clients’ needs while delivering high-quality content.

As a content writing expert, honing your communication skills enables you to listen attentively, effectively convey your ideas, and incorporate client feedback to refine your work.

Here are some invaluable tips to help you master this essential skill and excel in your content creation endeavors.

Active Listening: Understanding Clients’ Needs

Active listening is a crucial aspect of effective communication. Consider the following strategies:

  • Pay full attention: When interacting with clients, give them your undivided attention. This demonstrates your respect and commitment to understanding their requirements.
  • Clarify and ask questions: Seek clarification and ask relevant questions to ensure you have a clear understanding of the clients’ expectations and goals.

Clear and Concise Communication: Conveying Ideas Effectively

Clear and concise communication is key to conveying your ideas and delivering content that meets clients’ expectations.

Consider the following techniques:

  • Use simple language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that may confuse clients. Use clear and straightforward language to articulate your ideas.
  • Organize your thoughts: Structure your communication in a logical and coherent manner. Present your ideas in a way that is easy to understand and follow.

Incorporating Client Feedback: Continuous Improvement

Incorporating client feedback is essential for refining your content and delivering work that aligns with their expectations. Consider the following approaches:

  • Embrace constructive criticism: View client feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Be open to suggestions and actively work on addressing any areas of improvement.
  • Seek clarification if needed: If feedback is unclear or ambiguous, seek clarification from the client to ensure you understand their expectations and can implement the necessary changes effectively.

By mastering effective communication skills, you can build strong relationships with clients, better understand their needs, and deliver content that exceeds their expectations.

These essential writing skills empower you to actively listen, convey your ideas clearly and concisely, and incorporate feedback to refine your work.

Implement these tips in your interactions with clients and witness the transformative impact they have on the success of your content creation endeavors.

Remember, effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful content writing career.

14. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Organization Skills for Professional Content Writers

Organizational skills are crucial for professional content writers to effectively plan and execute their content creation process.

By developing a systematic approach, including outlining and structuring content, writers can enhance productivity, ensure coherence, and deliver high-quality work.

As a content writing expert, mastering organization skills is key to achieving success in your writing endeavors.

Here are some valuable tips to help you hone your organizational skills and excel in your content creation.

Planning Your Content Creation Process: Outlining and Structuring

Proper planning sets the foundation for successful content creation. Consider the following strategies:

  • Outline your content: Before diving into writing, create an outline that outlines the main points, subtopics, and structure of your content. This helps you maintain a clear direction and ensures a logical flow of information.
  • Structure your content: Organize your content into sections or paragraphs, each focusing on a specific topic. Use headings and subheadings to guide readers and make your content more scannable.

Setting Realistic Goals and Deadlines: Time Management

Setting realistic goals and deadlines is essential for staying on track and maintaining productivity. Consider the following techniques:

  • Break down your tasks: Divide your content creation process into smaller, manageable tasks. Assign realistic deadlines to each task to ensure timely completion.
  • Prioritize tasks: Identify the most important and time-sensitive tasks and tackle them first. This helps you maintain focus and accomplish your goals effectively.

Creating a Systematic Approach: Maintaining Order and Consistency

Developing a systematic approach to your content creation process helps you stay organized and consistent. Consider the following approaches:

  • Create a content calendar: Use a calendar or a digital tool to schedule your writing tasks, deadlines, and publishing dates. This helps you keep track of your content pipeline and maintain a regular publishing schedule.
  • Use productivity tools: Leverage project management and productivity tools to streamline your workflow. These tools can help you track your progress, collaborate with team members, and stay organized.

By mastering organization skills, you can streamline your content creation process, enhance productivity, and deliver high-quality work consistently.

These essential writing skills empower you to effectively plan your content, maintain order, and meet deadlines.

Implement these tips in your daily writing routine and witness the transformative impact they have on your organization and success as a professional content writer.

Remember, organization is the key to unlocking your full potential as a writer.

  • Content Writing Tips: Mastering Collaboration Skills for Professional Content Writers

Collaboration is a vital skill for professional content writers, as it allows them to work effectively with designers, marketers, and other professionals to create cohesive and integrated content.

By fostering a collaborative mindset, writers can leverage the expertise of others, enhance creativity, and deliver exceptional results.

As a content writing expert, mastering collaboration skills is crucial for success in the dynamic world of content creation.

Here are some invaluable tips to help you excel in collaboration and produce outstanding content.

Effective Communication: Building Strong Relationships

Effective communication is the foundation of successful collaboration. Consider the following strategies:

  • Active listening: Pay attention to the perspectives and ideas shared by your collaborators. Listen actively to understand their needs and objectives.
  • Clear and concise communication: Articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly, using concise and precise language. Communicate your expectations and requirements effectively to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Embracing a Team Mindset: Leveraging Diverse Expertise

A collaborative mindset involves recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and expertise. Consider the following techniques:

  • Respect and appreciate others’ contributions: Acknowledge and value the expertise and input of your collaborators. Encourage a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters creativity and innovation.
  • Seek feedback and input: Actively seek feedback from your collaborators to gain different insights and improve the quality of your content. Incorporate their suggestions and ideas into your work where appropriate.

Coordination and Integration: Ensuring Cohesive Content

To create cohesive and integrated content, coordination among team members is crucial. Consider the following approaches:

  • Collaborate from the early stages: Involve relevant team members from the beginning of the content creation process. This allows for a holistic approach and ensures alignment with the overall goals and objectives.
  • Establish clear workflows: Define roles, responsibilities, and timelines for each team member. Use project management tools or platforms to streamline communication, track progress, and maintain transparency.

By mastering collaboration skills, you can unlock the full potential of your content creation process.

These essential writing skills empower you to work harmoniously with designers, marketers, and other professionals to create cohesive and integrated content. Implement these tips in your collaborative efforts and witness the transformative impact they have on the quality, creativity, and success of your content.

Remember, collaboration is the key to unlocking boundless possibilities and delivering exceptional results as a professional content writer.

Developing content writing skills is crucial for aspiring professionals looking to become successful content writers.

These skills enable individuals to effectively communicate their ideas, engage readers, and deliver valuable and compelling content.

By honing their craft, aspiring content writers can master the art of storytelling, captivate audiences, and establish a unique voice and style.

Moreover, strong content writing skills allow writers to adapt to different formats and platforms, meet deadlines, and maintain a high level of professionalism.

Whether writing blog posts, articles, social media content, or marketing materials, the ability to craft well-structured, error-free, and engaging content is essential for building a reputable and thriving career as a professional content writer.

Developing these skills opens doors to various opportunities in the digital landscape, allowing individuals to effectively communicate messages, influence audiences, and contribute to the success of businesses and organizations.

Related posts:

  • Running out of content writing ideas? 5 ways to never run out of them
  • What is context-based content writing?
  • What is buyer intent and how to write content for it?
  • 7 things about content writing your schoolteacher never taught you

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The Science of Strong Business Writing

  • Bill Birchard

content quality of writing

Lessons from neurobiology

Brain scans are showing us in new detail exactly what entices readers. Scientists can see a group of midbrain neurons—the “reward circuit”—light up as people respond to everything from a simple metaphor to an unexpected story twist. The big takeaway? Whether you’re crafting an email to a colleague or an important report for the board, you can write in a way that delights readers on a primal level, releasing pleasure chemicals in their brains.

Bill Birchard is an author and writing coach who’s worked with many successful businesspeople. He’s drawn on that experience and his review of the scientific literature to identify eight features of satisfying writing: simplicity, specificity, surprise, stirring language, seductiveness, smart ideas, social content, and storytelling. In this article, he shares tips for using those eight S’s to captivate readers and help your message stick.

Strong writing skills are essential for anyone in business. You need them to effectively communicate with colleagues, employees, and bosses and to sell any ideas, products, or services you’re offering.

content quality of writing

  • Bill Birchard is a business author and book-writing coach. His Writing for Impact: 8 Secrets from Science That Will Fire Up Your Reader’s Brain will be published by HarperCollins Leadership in April 2023. His previous books include Merchants of Virtue, Stairway to Earth, Nature’s Keepers, Counting What Counts, and others. For more writing tactics, see his website .  

Partner Center

Shane Barker

21 Best Content Writing Tools to Help You Become a Better Writer

Last Updated On : May 29, 2024

People today want to read content that is unique, tells stories, entertains, provides solutions, and creates experiences. So brands, marketers, bloggers, and writers are constantly focusing on creating content that actually provides value to the readers.

It’s important for writers to create high-quality, engaging content that people will love to read and share. For this, you can use content writing tools. They can simplify the job for you and help you write well-researched, easy-to-understand, grammatically correct, and interesting content.

Wondering where to start searching for these tools?

Start right here.

Based on my own testing, I’ve compiled a list of the 21 best content writing tools to help you become a better content writer. I’ve discussed their features, their unique offerings, and why you should use them.

Before I share the list, here are my top choices:


It is an all-in-one content writing tool that helps you get content ideas, write faster with AI, optimize copy with data-driven suggestions, and publish articles directly to WordPress.

Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant

It is the best content optimization tool that simplifies semantic SEO, helps improve readability and ensure originality, and provides actionable tips for improvement.

It checks your content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. You can also use this tool to improve word choices, readability, and the tone of your content.

CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer

It offers data-driven insights related to the sentiment quotient, readability, and length of your headlines to help you edit and craft compelling headlines.

Let’s learn more about them and other notable writing tools.

What Are Content Writing Tools?

Content writing tools are software applications that help writers create content faster, improve content quality, and boost efficiency.

These tools can have a wide range of features that can help you with:

  • Checking grammar and spellings
  • Suggesting synonyms or similar phrases
  • Improving readability
  • Conducting detailed keyword research
  • Getting access to content optimization analytics

Additionally, content writing applications can help you collaborate on projects in real time with others through shared workspaces. This ensures that all team members are working on the same version of the project.

List of the 21 Best Content Writing Tools

To improve the content on my website, I use multiple content writing tools to edit and polish my blog posts. Based on my testing, I can tell that these tools can help streamline your content production and content optimization processes.

If you're looking for the best content writing tools to help improve your content quality, performance, and speed, here are the top 21 software applications to consider:

1. Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant – The Best Tool for Search-Optimized Content

If you want an easier method to optimize your website and blog content on the go , Semrush’s Writing Assistant can be of great help to both your writers and SEO professionals.

Instead of creating complex guidelines Docs and ensuring each checkpoint is met, you can help your team do semantic SEO in a way that’s easier and smarter.

This content writing tool helps you:

  • Optimize your content for user intent to gain higher search rankings.
  • Improve your content’s readability.
  • Ensure that your content is original (free of plagiarism).
  • Maintain a consistent tone of voice across your branded content.

It gives an overall quality score for your content, ranging from 0 to 10, and highlights issues with actionable insights for improvement .

And the best part?

You can use it to analyze your content where it’s most convenient for you.

semrush's writing assistant integrations

In the video above, I used Semrush Interface to edit my content.

I love the interface and find this content writing tool to be a perfect combination of the Hemingway Editor (readability check) and Surfer (the right keyword and phrase inclusion).

semrush's writing assistant seo and readability check

However, Hemingway Editor also helps identify passive voice usage and Surfer also helps with outline generation. So, each of these tools has its own advantages.

But Semrush’s Writing Assistant also highlights other SEO issues, including the links to fix and the missing Alt text from your images.

semrush writing assistant link and alt text issues

Overall, it offers a more comprehensive analysis of your content quality and helps increase your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs.

You can also use it to paraphrase your copy with the help of an AI-powered writing assistant but I personally don’t recommend this. It’s best to have human writers and editors improvise your copy for originality and value.

Key Features

  • SEO-friendly content checker for recommended keywords, avoiding keyword stuffing, fixing links, and taking care of image alt text
  • Readability checker based on the Flesch reading-ease score formula to help you identify and fix all complex words, phrases, and sentences
  • Tone of voice analyzer to help you stay consistent and build deeper relationships with your audience
  • Plagiarism checker in 100+ languages to ensure the originality of your content
  • Paraphrasing tool to help you overcome writer’s block and improve your copy
  • Start using it for free for 7 days.
  • Pro plan: $129.95/month
  • Guru Plan: $249.95/month
  • Business plan: $499.95/month
  • You can save up to 17% if you pay annually.

2. ContentShake – The Best All-in-One Content Writing Tool

Semrush offers another powerful content writing tool – that’s ContentShake!

It helps you get content ideas, create content faster with AI-writing assistance, and optimize your copy using data-driven insights. It gives you suggestions related to your content’s readability, ideal word count, and tone of voice.

The best part about using ContentShake is that it lets you easily transfer your articles to Google Docs as well as directly publish them to your WordPress website.

To start with this amazing content writing tool, just enter your topic idea or keyword:

contentshake enter content idea

You can start for free.

It will give you a bunch of ideas related to your topic, just like these:

contentshake content ideas related to your entered topic

You can choose a heading that you want to write about.

ContentShake gives you AI-based suggestions about the structure of the article. You can also see what headings your competitors used and what questions people ask about the topic.

contentshake article structure suggestions bsed on ai research

Its “Compose with AI” feature allows you to have an AI-writing assistant do the basic job for you. You can then improve the content by adding your valuable insights and data from other resources such as industry reports and real-life examples.

contentshake - write, optimize, and publish your content

What makes it the best content writing tool?

ContentShake gives you a holistic view of your overall content quality score (out of 10) and suggestions to improve it. The three focus areas of improvement include SEO, readability, and tone of voice.

It also makes publishing easier, especially, if you run a website on WordPress.

  • Competitive market data-driven content ideas and recommendations
  • Insights and questions your audience asks online
  • One-click AI-generated topic outlines
  • AI writing assistant to help rewrite, shorten, or expand your content
  • Direct WordPress publishing in one click
  • $60/month for 100 content ideas per month and unlimited articles
  • Free plan available with limited content ideas

3. Grammarly – The Best Grammar Checker

Grammarly checks your article for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. You can use this tool to proofread and self-edit your work.

It also provides insights about word count, reading time, vocabulary, and the readability score of your article.

If you choose to go with its Premium version, Grammarly will check your content for additional writing issues, which include:

  • Word choices
  • Missing prepositions
  • Wordy sentences
  • Unclear sentences
  • Tone of your content, like making it sound more positive and professional
  • Plagiarism check
  • Human expert writing help

What makes it one of the best content writing tools?

Grammarly is easy to use, and you can access it anywhere. It easily integrates with Google Docs, WordPress, and other content editors. Plus, it’s free to use for basic content checks.

grammarly chrome extension

You can also get thorough reports about the quality of your content by clicking on “ Overall score ” at the top-right corner.

grammarly report

  • Error checking – including grammatical errors, typos, missing punctuation, confusing words, etc.
  • Writing style and tone improvement suggestions
  • Readability and clarity improvement suggestions
  • Consistent brand tone suggestions across your team
  • Available to use with 500,000+ mobile, web, and desktop applications
  • Browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Analytics about your writing errors, style, etc.
  • Full sentence rewrites with Premium and Business plans
  • Premium plan: $12/month
  • Business plan: $15/month

You may also want to check out other similar writing tools including the best Grammarly alternatives .

4. Surfer – The Best SEO-Friendly Content Writing Tool

When it comes to content optimization, Surfer is one of my personal favorites.

It can help you analyze the content of pages ranking at the top 20 SERP positions for your target keyword. You can identify the points to cover and the phrases to use along with their frequency.

Surfer also suggests the number of words you should write for your post to outrank others on a specific keyword.

For example, if I want to write a post on, “The best ecommerce platform for SEO,” I’ll create a Content Editor query for the same.

surfer content editor

It will create an editor for you that shows:

  • The number of words you should write on the topic
  • The headings you should include
  • The number of images your article should contain
  • The words and phrases to include and in what frequency
  • The questions your article should answer
  • Links to articles competing for rankings on the same keyword

You can also connect your Google Docs file with the Surfer query and optimize your content as you write.

For this, you’ll need to add its Chrome extension .

surfer x google docs chrome extension

Once done, you’ll be able to see Surfer’s interactive editor within your Google Docs. It will help you keep an eye on your content’s keyword density, word count, headlines, and readability as you write it.

What makes it the best SEO content writing tool?

In one go, Surfer can inspect 500+ data points and weigh your content against organic competitors. This way, you can create content that outranks the competition on search engines and attracts tons of organic traffic.

You don’t need to switch windows or copy-paste lengthy content to use the tool. Just connect your content document to the tool, type your target keyword, and watch your progress in a nifty pane on the side.

The tool also generates a Content Score for each piece that you type, which helps you assess your content quality instantly.

To watch the tool in action , sign up for their 7-day trial for just $1.

  • Built-in outline builder with appropriate headings and questions
  • Real-time keyword suggestions for better content optimization
  • Keyword research tool
  • SEO audit feature
  • Integrates with Google Docs, WordPress, Jasper, etc.
  • Basic plan: $59/month
  • Pro plan: $119/month
  • Business plan: $239/month
  • Enterprise plan: Custom pricing

5. HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator – Free Content Ideas Generator

If you find it challenging to come up with fresh topic ideas, check out HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator. This tool can help you find content ideas in any niche quickly.

Simply enter up to 5 nouns related to your content topic, and this free content writing tool will generate hundreds of content ideas instantly. It’s a great way to jumpstart your content creation process.

hubspot's blog ideas generator

With this tool, you can get 5 ideas for free. However, you'll need to share your details to unlock a year's worth of content ideas.

hubspot's blog ideas generator

It will let you download all content ideas for your blog as an Excel sheet.

250+ content ideas by hubspot's blog ideas generator

Additionally, you can also use this tool to build your blog strategy, plan your content calendar for the entire year, and publish articles with engaging, catchy titles that will draw in your readers.

What makes it the best tool for content writing?

This tool is perfect for content writers who need help getting content ideas or breaking writer’s block . It's also cost-effective, as you can get a year's worth of content ideas for free.

You can also get tips on how to get your content to rank first on Google or other search engines. And with content ideas up to a year in advance, you can plan ahead and stay on track with your content strategy.

  • A year’s worth of blog content ideas
  • Tips to optimize your content to get it to rank first in search engine results pages
  • Absolutely free to use

You may want to use other HubSpot tools as well such as their CMS Hub, Marketing Hub, and HubSpot CRM, each of which comes with different price points.

6. Copyscape – The Best Plagiarism Checker

Picking content ideas is one thing, but copy-pasting content from other websites is a content-writing sin. Plagiarizing content can get content creators into serious trouble, both legally and ethically.

This is where content writing tools like Copyscape come in.

Copyscape is a content writing software that scans the internet (including documents, articles, and web pages) for content that’s identical or similar to your content. You can use this tool to detect content that’s been plagiarized.

With its content uniqueness score, you can find out how unique your content is compared to content found on other websites.

If you are serious about content writing, this tool is a must-have. It ensures content authenticity and helps you maintain credibility.

That’s why content writers of all levels use Copyscape to ensure their content is 100% original and unique. This implies that your content doesn't contain fragments from other sources.

  • Duplicate content checker within your own content
  • Detection of unauthorized copies of your content
  • Plagiarism reports with all source URLs
  • 3 cents per search for up to 200 words
  • Plus, an additional 1 cent per extra 100 words

7. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer – Test Your Post Titles & Headings

If you want people to read your articles, you need a content writing tool that helps you write engaging headlines . This way, you write headlines that create interest and compel people to read the entire post.

That’s where CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer comes in handy.

This writing tool analyzes your headlines on their type, word balance, use of emotional and power words, and character length. It helps you write powerful headlines, which are very important to grab your target audience’s attention.

And it’s super easy to use. Just enter your headline and click on the “ Analyze ” button.

coschedule's headline analyzer

It will give you a headline score from the readers’ and search engine’s points of view, and also provide suggestions to improve your headline.

coschedule's headline analyzer results

Here is how the headline I tested stands against my search competition:

coschedule headline analyze seo score

With this content writing tool, you can optimize your headlines to drive more traffic and shares, and rank higher in search results.

  • Headline analyzer – check for word balance, sentiment, skimmability, readability, and clarity
  • SEO score – check for keyword density, search preview, headline competition, and keyword variations
  • Headline score – check for word count, character count, headline type, and sentiment
  • Free to use

8. Wordtune – An AI-Powered Writing Assistant

Wordtune is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you rewrite sentences for better clarity and improve your tone of writing. Using it, you can spot and fix grammatical and spelling errors, and get suggestions for better word choices.

It also lets you shorten and expand your sentences to make content more readable and to fit different content formats.

For example, I wrote a tweet to promote this post. I can easily expand the post to share it on another social media channel using the Wordtune Editor.

In all, Wordtune is helpful for beginners as well as professional writers.

Plus, Wordtune seamlessly integrates with your favorite content editors like WordPress, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and more. This means that you can quickly access the content writing software without leaving your preferred word processing program.

wordtune editor

  • Content editor – spelling, grammar, missing words, punctuation, clarity, fluency, and other writing issues
  • Sentence and paragraph rewrites
  • Casual or formal – tone correction suggestions
  • Shorten or expand your text
  • Smart synonym suggestions
  • Integration with Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Gmail, Chrome extension, Slack (web version), Outlook (web version), etc. 
  • Premium support 
  • Free plan up to 10 rewrites/day
  • Plus plan: $24.99/month (Save 60% if you pay annually)
  • Unlimited plan: $37.50/month (Save 60% if you pay annually)
  • Business plan for teams: Custom pricing

Read my full review of Wordtune to learn more about its features and use cases.

9. Hemingway Editor – The Best Tool for Improving Readability

If you want to refine your writing, The Hemingway Editor is a great pick. The app highlights lengthy, complex, and hard-to-read sentences , asking you to shorten them.

It provides suggestions to replace difficult words and phrases with simpler ones and omit unnecessary adverbs. And it highlights the use of passive voice as well.

Here’s an example of the kind of suggestions this writing app gives:

hemingway editor

You can edit your article for improved readability and also enhance your writing style over time. This can help you write stellar content for posting on social media as well.

What makes Hemingway Editor different from other content writing tools is its use of a “grade” system. This grading system helps you determine the complexity of your content.

I used the suggestions to improve the quality of the content shared above. Now, my Hemingway Editor dashboard for the same content looks like this :

hemingway editor

If you are a content writer looking for an easy-to-use content writing tool that helps you develop your content skills, Hemingway Editor is a perfect choice. It simplifies content writing and ensures content clarity and readability.

Here is how to use Hemingway Editor to effectively self-edit your content:

  • Readability score
  • Passive voice detection
  • Hard-to-read, complex sentences identification
  • Simpler alternative suggestions for complex words
  • Word counter
  • Reading time analysis

10. ProWritingAid – The Best AI-Powered Content Writing Tool

ProWritingAid is an AI-powered content writing tool that helps you become a better writer.

Just like other grammar checkers, ProWritingAid helps you find and correct embarrassing grammar and spelling mistakes.

It helps you improve the clarity, strength, vocabulary, and style of your writing. With its suggestions, you can make your writing more persuasive and engaging.

Using ProWritingAid, you can check your content for:

  • Overused words
  • Repeated words and phrases
  • Sentence structure
  • Sentence length
  • Transitions
  • Readability
  • Cliches and redundancies
  • Vague and complex words
  • Consistency of spellings and capitalization

While ProWritingAid’s web editor is quite easy to use, you can also add its Chrome extension. This will allow you to proofread and edit your content across all browser tabs, emails, and documents on Chrome.

prowritingaid chrome extension

ProWritingAid has 20 reports focusing on different aspects of your writing. It also has additional features like articles, videos, and quizzes to keep your editing process fun, interactive, and educational.

Try it for free today and, if you love it, get 20% off ProWritingAid Premium using the discount code: BARKER20

What makes it the best tool for content writers?

With ProWritingAid, your content will never have repetitive sentence starts or passive voice again. It will help you write powerful, persuasive, and engaging content for your readers.

ProWritingAid Premium offers an unlimited-use lifetime license at a one-time payment of $265, so you can use it forever.

  • Grammar and spelling check
  • Readability improvement suggestions
  • 20 in-depth writing analysis reports that highlight issues like repetitiveness, passive voice usage, vague wording, over-complicated sentence constructions, etc.
  • Writing style improvement suggestions like better word choices
  • Seamless integrations with your favorite work and writing tools such as MS Word/Outlook, Google Docs, and Final Draft
  • Valuable reports in the form of easy-to-understand visual charts and graphs
  • Free plan: For up to 500 words
  • Premium plan: Starts at $13 per month (billed monthly)
  • Premium plan: Lifetime license at a one-time payment of $265

To learn more about the unique features and benefits of this tool, read my full review of ProWritingAid .

11. Readability Test by WebFX – Free Readability Checker

Did you know that an average American adult reads at a 7th to 8th-grade level ? It is important for you to keep your blog posts within that range to maximize readership. This writing tool by WebFX allows you to check the readability of your blog post.

You can either input the URL of your published blog posts or copy-paste the entire text directly.

WebFX’s Readability Test will help you analyze how readable your blog post is so that you can fine-tune it for enhanced readability. Additionally, it can help you check the readability of the content you’re posting on social media.

check readability of your text or url with  readability test by webfx

  • Readability check using different indicators
  • Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade Level
  • Gunning Fog Score
  • Coleman Liau Index
  • Automated Readability Index (ARI)
  • Percentage of complex words in your content
  • The average number of words per sentence 

12. WordCounter – The Perfect Tool to Identify Repetitive Words & Phrases

Every writer has their own set of favorite words, which they sometimes tend to overuse. This powerful writing tool lets you identify the most frequently used words in your content.

You can use this tool to identify and eliminate repetitive terms from your content and refine it to match the highest quality standards.

It can also help you detect grammatical and spelling mistakes and improve your overall writing style by suggesting better word choices.

In the right sidebar, you can see the number of words you’ve written along with your content’s readability level, reading time, and speaking time .


  • Readability check
  • Most-used keywords identification
  • Grammar and spell check
  • Thesaurus for better word choices
  • Title case and sentence case
  • Download your content in “.txt,” “.doc,” and “.pdf” formats or save it as Google Docs

13. Ulysses for a Distraction-Free Writing Space

Ulysses is an ideal distraction-free content writing tool for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. With a clean interface and an excellent selection of distraction-free modes, it helps you write more.

With this content writing tool, you can set writing goals, track progress, organize your blog posts, and publish directly to WordPress.

Write from anywhere, anytime, as your content library automatically syncs between all connected devices through iCloud. You can always continue where you left off.

In the absence of a lot of buttons and menus, you can concentrate on writing. It is a perfect writing app for those who believe in the “less is more” theory.

Moreover, this writing tool for content comes with a built-in proofreader and editing assistant that lets you find and fix errors as you type. From punctuation fixes to spell check, semantics, redundancy, and other checks, Ulysses can help you write better and faster.

You can even easily turn your chunks of text into impressive PDFs, ebooks, and blog posts, with proper images, formatting, tags, and excerpts.

To learn more about its features, watch this quick video:

  • Distraction-free writing interface
  • Built-in proofreader and editing assistant
  • Suggestions for fixing spellings, grammar, punctuation, redundancy, capitalization, semantics, and more
  • Manage projects of all sizes from blog posts to PDFs to full-fledged novels
  • Available for over 20 languages
  • Styling and live preview of your text as PDFs, ebooks, etc.
  • Seamlessly publish to WordPress, Medium, etc.
  • Track writing progress, word count, custom writing goals, etc.
  • Sync your writing across devices
  • Try for free
  • $5.99/month or $39.99 per year

14. 750 Words to Make Writing a Habit

If you want to add more discipline to your writing routine, 750 Words can be a great pick. This tool encourages you to write 750 words a day.

You can write about anything that comes to your mind as it is a completely private space. Be it blog posts, regular articles, or journal entries.

The tool rewards your writing efforts by assigning points for the number of words you write and how consistent you are. I would recommend this tool to anyone who wants to develop a regular writing routine in a distraction-free zone.

At the same time, you get to learn about yourself as 750 Words analyzes your feelings and mindset through the words you write. Writing here can be therapeutic, which can improve your quality of life.

Initially, it was free for everyone, but now they have started charging a small monthly subscription fee to pay for their server maintenance and support costs.

750 words report

  • Private writing space
  • Reports about writing time, typing speed, writing consistency, and more
  • Identify your mindset and feelings while writing – a type of meditation that also helps improve your writing quality over time
  • A 30-day free trial

15. Power Thesaurus – The Best Tool To Improve Your Vocabulary

Sometimes you want to say something but the right word doesn’t come to your mind. This powerful tool in this list of the best content writing tools can help you in such situations.

When you search for a word in Power Thesaurus, it provides you with a lot of related information. You can look for synonyms, antonyms, and meaning with appropriate examples. This can help polish your articles and increase your vocabulary as a writer too.

You can also select whether you’re looking for a verb, noun, or idiom.

power thesaurus

  • Synonym suggestions
  • Antonym suggestions
  • Definition finder
  • Use of a word in a sentence
  • Look for words, phrases, or idioms related to the word you search for

16. Unicheck Plagiarism Checker to Ensure Your Content is Unique

People want to read unique and authentic blog posts, and this is why you need a content writing tool that allows you to check your blog posts for duplication issues.

The must-have Unicheck Plagiarism Checker tool checks your blog posts against a real-time database of over 91 billion web sources and open-access databases.

It highlights lines and paragraphs that show potential plagiarism issues and gives you a list of matching sources. It also understands your citations and references.

This plagiarism checker is trusted by many academic institutions in the USA, Australia, Spain, and Belgium.

unicheck plagiarism checker

  • Reliable similarity score
  • Full report with clickable similarity sources and adjustable citations and references
  • Free plagiarism checker for up to 200 words
  • $15 for up to 100 pages
  • $600 for up to 10,000 pages
  • Custom plan for plagiarism checking of more than 10,000 words

17. TitleCase for Capitalization of Headings in AP Style

TitleCase helps you capitalize your titles and headings for different publications. Whether you’re writing a blog post or a magazine article, it is important to get your titles right.

This tool automatically capitalizes blog titles, news headlines, and other titles in AP style, APA style, Chicago style, or other different styles. It also comes in handy for creating social media captions and image copy (when you want the text written in the title case).

What I love about this tool is that it’s simple to use.

Like most publications, we prefer to write titles and headings in AP style. All we do is add our headline to the box below, select “ AP style ,” and click on “ Convert .”

title case generator

TitleCase changes the text into the title case.

title case convertor

You can copy the text to your clipboard and paste it in your document or WordPress editor.

  • Title case conversion
  • Uppercase conversion
  • Lowercase conversion
  • AP style title case conversion

18. Google Docs for Collaborative Writing & Editing

Google Docs is a popular online document editor that lets your team create, edit, and collaborate on online documents in real time across devices. You can use it for free with your Google or Gmail account.

Collaboration has never been easier. Be it comments, suggestions, or assigning something specific to someone, you can do it all, right on your Google Doc.

You can easily add images, create charts and graphs, and mention people and files (using the “@” sign) in any Google Doc. Watch the video below to discover 5 helpful features of this free online content writing tool.

  • Writing, editing, and real-time collaboration on online documents
  • Faster writing with built-in Smart Compose feature
  • Grammar and spell check and suggestions
  • Voice typing
  • Import PDFs for easy editing
  • Secure data
  • Free to use for up to 15 GB Google Drive secure storage
  • Business Standard plan: $12 per month per user for up to 2 TB storage per user

19. Weava for Content Research & Organizing Information

Research is the most important and time-consuming part of content writing. This content writing tool helps you research efficiently.

You can organize all of your research materials in one place, highlight what’s important, and add notes. Weava also allows you to categorize your highlighted content sections from different web pages into specific folders.

With cloud syncing, you can even collaborate with your team to conduct research and organize the collected information. This tool is extremely helpful for those who work on extensively curated research papers or dissertations.

Plus, its Google Chrome extension is free and super-easy to use.

  • Highlight important researched data on different websites and PDFs
  • Add notes to the highlighted content to jot down your thoughts
  • Organize your researched data into folders
  • Share folders with your team
  • Free Chrome extension
  • Free plan up to 100 MB storage
  • Premium plan for $3.99/month for unlimited storage limit

20. Free Title Generator by The HOTH for Engaging Titles

The HOTH’s free Title Generator tool helps you find the perfect headlines for your blog posts so that you don’t need to rack your brains.

It makes the process of creating a headline absolutely simple. All you need to do is enter a keyword and provide details about the desired outcome your audience may be looking for, a problem they face, your industry, and who your target audience is.

title generator by the hoth

Once done, just click on “ Generate Headline Ideas .”

This title generator will weave its magic and give you a list of headlines that can help you rank higher in search results and catch the attention of your audience.

  • Title generator
  • Free to use 

21. Portent’s Content Idea Generator – Topic Generator for Your Blog

This popular writing tool helps you find topics for your future posts.

Having used this tool a few times, I can tell you that some of its suggested titles are funny or shocking. But it is still a great tool to get your creative juices flowing and write a blog post about them.

All you need to do is to input a keyword and hit “ Enter .”

portent content ideas generator

In most cases, you should be able to tweak their topic suggestions to get an appropriate one.

portent content ideas

If the topic suggestions don’t make sense, you can always refresh your search to look for more options.

  • Topic ideas generation
  • Option to save the topics or titles you like

Comparison of the Top 10 Content Writing Software Applications

While these content writing tools provide you with everything you need to create content that really shines and stands out from the crowd, let me compare the top 10 tools for their features and pricing to help you pick the right tool for your team.

Paid plans start from $119.95/month

Paid access available at $60/month

Premium plans start from $12/month

Plus, an additional 1 cent per extra 100 words

Premium plans from $24.99/month

Premium plans: Start from $13/month

Why Do You Use Content Writing Software Solutions?

Content writing software solutions can improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of your produced content. They give you the ability to quickly create high-quality content that is optimized for both readers and search bots.

Here are some of the key reasons why you should use content writing software tools:

1. Improve Your Writing Style and Quality

The best content writing tools help you become a better content writer by analyzing your content and providing suggestions on how to improve your content. For example, they can provide feedback on readability, sentence structure, content clarity, and more.

hemingway writing analysis

Furthermore, these tools can help you spot and correct grammatical errors , typos, awkward phrasing, and other mistakes in your content.

Some content writing tools provide you with the option to check your content for spelling and grammatical errors in both American English (US English) and British English (GB English).  This can help ensure that your writing is consistent with the appropriate language standards or publication requirements.

2. Find Trending Topics

You can use these tools to find trending topics that interest your target audience. With their content research functionalities, you can ensure that you always have fresh content ideas that are most likely to resonate with and engage your readers.

You can also get insights into the content topics and content types that perform well in your industry.

3. Make Your Content Easily Discoverable 

SEO content writing tools can help you optimize content for better visibility, engagement, and conversions.

Through content optimization tools , you can research the best keywords to use and then implement them throughout your content at the right frequency for maximum impact.

4. Speed Up Your Writing Process

Content writing tools can help you save the time you spend on content creation. Using these tools, you can research content topics quickly, generate content ideas and outlines, and optimize your content.

Some content writing tools also come with an AI content writing assistant that can generate content for you in real time, if guided in the right direction. But, obviously, it’s your job to ensure that the content is factually correct, original, and adds value.

5. Streamline Your Writing Process

Content writing tools can streamline your content creation process by allowing multiple writers and editors to collaborate in real time. This allows faster and more efficient collaboration, as team members can work on the same document without having to wait for each other to finish.  

These tools can also help you build content strategies and save time by providing content templates that you can easily reuse.

6. Easily Manage and Track Your Content Projects

Content writing tools also provide content management features that enable you to easily store, organize, and track content projects. This helps you stay on top of tasks and content deadlines , making sure content gets done on time.

Additionally, they also provide content analytics and content optimization reports to help you understand how well your content is performing.

How to Choose the Best Tools for Content Writing

Choosing the best content writing software solution can be a daunting task, as there are so many tools available out there. To make the right choice, you need to make sure that the tool you pick meets all your requirements. 

Here are the factors to look at while choosing a content writing software program for your business:

  • Useful features: Look for tools with features that can help your content team become more productive and efficient. These include content research capabilities, content optimization, team collaboration, editing features, analytics and reporting, reusable content templates, and AI content writing assistance.
  • Easy integration: Make sure the tools you choose are compatible with your existing content management system, content creation software, and other tools so that you can work seamlessly.
  • An intuitive user interface (UI): You should look for content writing tools with an easy-to-use interface. This will allow you to quickly and easily create content without too much technical knowledge. The less time you spend learning how to use it, the more time you can spend creating content.
  • Affordability: Choose content writing tools that are cost-effective and fit your team’s budget while still offering the features you need.
  • Customer support: Look for content writing tools that have great customer support and tutorials, so if you ever run into any problems or have questions, you can get help quickly.

By taking these factors into account, you can easily choose the best content writing tools for your content team and start creating content in no time!

Get the Best Tool for Content Writing

In this article, I introduced you to a variety of content writing tools, ranging from spell checkers to readability checkers and topics ideas generators. These tools can help you make the content creation process a smoother one.

You can improve the overall quality of your writing and self-edit your work to ensure there are no errors. Many tools allow you to optimize your headlines and body content for higher search rankings and better user engagement.

The key to success is to pick tools that help you save time and improve efficiency as well as content quality. So, pick wisely.

If you need help optimizing your content for user intent and search engines, consult me .

Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, product launches, sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.

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Very well explained!

Hey Rena, thank you so much. I’m so glad that my post on content writing tools was helpful to you.

I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I certainly loved every bit of it.

Hi Shantel, thank you so much. I’m glad you loved reading my article about content writing tools.

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content quality of writing

8 Leading Content Writing Agencies in the USA

Discover the top 8 content writing agencies in the USA for high-quality website content and marketing needs.

Quick Summary Discover the top 8 content writing agencies in the USA, each excelling in quality and diverse services. Learn how professional content writing boosts digital presence, especially for startups and small businesses. Explore unique offerings from each agency to find the perfect fit for your content needs.

Quality content is essential for any business wanting to stand out online. Good content not only boosts SEO but also helps in building brand trust and engagement. Content marketing for startups is especially important as it can establish credibility and attract early customers.

Small business content marketing leverages tailored content strategies to compete with larger enterprises. High-quality website content is crucial for converting visitors into customers. Professional content writing agencies can provide the expertise and consistency needed for effective content marketing.

In this blog, we will explore the best content writing agencies in USA that can help businesses achieve their digital marketing goals. Whether you are a startup or an established business, finding the right content writing partner can make a significant difference in your online presence and growth.

What is Content Writing?

what is content writing

Content writing is the art of creating written material for various digital platforms. Its primary goal is to inform, engage, and convert readers. High-quality content is vital for building a strong online presence and establishing credibility.

Professional content writing greatly benefits businesses. It enhances SEO, drives organic traffic, and improves user engagement. Well-crafted content can level the playing field against larger competitors in small business content marketing. Effective content marketing for startups can attract early customers and build brand recognition.

Professional content writing agencies offer expertise and consistency. They ensure the content is well-researched, engaging, and optimized for search engines. By choosing one of the best content writing agencies in USA, businesses can achieve their digital marketing goals and maintain a competitive edge. Quality website content is essential for converting visitors into loyal customers, making it a key component of any successful content strategy.

1. Content Whale

content quality of writing

Content Whale is a renowned name in the content writing industry, offering comprehensive writing services to clients globally. Based in India, they have successfully made their mark as one of the best content writing agencies in USA by providing top-notch content tailored to meet diverse business needs.

Content Whale specializes in various content types, including blog posts, articles, and website content. Their team of more than 1200+ in house skilled writers and 100 SME experts ensures that each piece is well-researched and engaging. They cater to different niches, making them a versatile choice for businesses looking for high-quality content.

Services Offered: Blog writing, Article writing, Website content, Technical writing, Social media content, SEO content writing. Overall, Content Whale provides 30+ diverse services.

Their services are designed to help businesses enhance their online presence and drive organic traffic. They focus on creating content that is both informative and optimized for search engines.

Content Whale stands out due to its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. They provide affordable personalized services starting from just 0.04$, ensuring that the content aligns with the client’s brand voice and goals. 

For startups and small businesses, Content Whale’s expertise in content marketing for startups and small business content marketing is invaluable. Their ability to deliver consistent, high-quality content makes them a preferred choice for many businesses.

Their strong focus on SEO and digital marketing strategies further enhances their content’s effectiveness, helping businesses achieve better visibility and engagement online. Choosing Content Whale can be a game-changer for businesses aiming to improve their digital footprint through excellent content.

2. Estorytellers

content quality of writing

Estorytellers is a top-tier content writing agency known for its exceptional storytelling and ghostwriting services. With a strong focus on creating compelling narratives, they have earned their place among the best content writing agencies in the USA.

Estorytellers specializes in crafting personalized and engaging content across various formats. Their expertise in ghostwriting and storytelling makes them a preferred choice for clients looking for unique and impactful content. They cater to a wide range of industries, ensuring that each piece resonates with the target audience.

Services Offered: Ghostwriting, Storytelling, Fiction and non-fiction content, Autobiographies and memoirs, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Creative writing and poetry.

These services are designed to help businesses and individuals convey their messages effectively through high-quality, engaging content.

Estorytellers stands out for their deep understanding of human psychology and their ability to craft narratives that connect with readers on a personal level. They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that clients receive content that meets their expectations. 

Their focus on in-depth brand messaging and campaign conceptualization sets them apart from other agencies.

For startups and small businesses, Estorytellers provides tailored content marketing for startups and small business content marketing solutions. Their storytelling approach helps in building strong brand identities and engaging content that drives customer loyalty.

Choosing Estorytellers ensures that businesses receive content that is not only high-quality but also uniquely tailored to their brand voice and goals. Their commitment to excellence and creativity makes them a standout choice for anyone looking to enhance their content strategy.

content quality of writing

Taletel is a leading content writing agency, recognized for its expertise in long-form content and storytelling. They have quickly risen to become one of the best content writing agencies in USA.

Founded in 2019, Taletel specializes in creating engaging and SEO-optimized content. Their focus on storytelling and brand narratives makes them ideal for businesses looking to enhance their digital presence.

Services Offered: Storytelling and brand narratives, Blog and article writing, Social media content, SEO content optimization, Copywriting for ads and marketing

These services cater to various industries, ensuring tailored content that meets specific business needs.

Taletel excels in content marketing for startups and small business content marketing, offering creative and effective content solutions. 

Their commitment to quality, timely delivery, and client satisfaction sets them apart. With a strong emphasis on SEO, they help businesses achieve better online visibility and engagement, making them a top choice for high-quality content.

4. Draft (formerly Content Fly)

content quality of writing

Draft, previously known as Content Fly, is a well-regarded content writing agency. It is recognized for its efficient service and quality content, making it one of the best content writing agencies in the USA.

Draft provides a subscription-based model, delivering high-quality content consistently. Their services are ideal for businesses looking for reliable and timely content solutions.

Services Offered: Blog and article writing, Website content, Social media posts, SEO content, Product descriptions

Draft stands out for its efficient service and robust client portal. They offer quick turnaround times, with writers matched to projects within 24 hours and content delivered in a few days. Their platform allows for easy management of content requests, revisions, and direct communication with writers.

Their flexible pricing model is another advantage, allowing businesses to pay per word without long-term commitments. 

This is particularly beneficial for content marketing for startups and small business content marketing, providing scalable solutions that fit within budget constraints. Draft also focuses on SEO, ensuring that all content is optimized for better online visibility and engagement​.

For businesses seeking high-quality website content and more, Draft offers a risk-free, efficient solution that can significantly enhance their digital presence.

5. Scripted

content quality of writing

Scripted is a leading content writing agency known for combining AI-powered tools with human expertise. They are among the best content writing agencies in USA due to their innovative approach and diverse service offerings.

Scripted provides a platform for businesses to connect with skilled freelance writers. It offers flexible pricing options and real-time communication, making it easy to manage content projects efficiently.

Services Offered: Blog posts and articles, Website content, Marketing copy, Social media content, Product descriptions

These services cater to a wide range of business needs, ensuring high-quality and SEO-optimized content.

Scripted excels in offering a blend of AI and human expertise, ensuring efficient and high-quality content production. Their flexible pricing plans and emphasis on SEO make them suitable for businesses of all sizes. 

They are particularly strong in content marketing for startups and small business content marketing, providing tailored solutions that drive growth and engagement. Scripted’s commitment to quality and client satisfaction sets them apart, making them a top choice for comprehensive content solutions.

content quality of writing

Verblio is a top-tier content writing platform known for its versatile and high-quality content creation services. It stands out as one of the best content writing agencies in USA due to its unique blend of human and AI-driven content production.

Verblio offers a wide array of content services, catering to various industries with precision and creativity. Their platform connects businesses with a vast network of skilled writers, ensuring that each piece of content is tailored to meet specific business needs and industry standards.

Services Offered: Blog posts and articles, Website content, Social media posts, SEO content, Product descriptions

These services are designed to enhance online presence and drive organic traffic.

Verblio excels due to its high-quality content and user-friendly platform. The process starts with a thorough onboarding questionnaire to understand the client’s brand, tone, and audience. 

Their flexible pricing plans, which range from 300 words for $34.95 to 2000 words for $359.95, cater to different budgets and content needs​.

Verblio also offers add-on services such as SEO optimization, images, and video summaries, which are beneficial for comprehensive content marketing for startups and small business content marketing strategies​​. 

Their quick turnaround time (usually within 72 hours) and the ability to work with elite writers for higher quality content ensure that businesses receive engaging and well-researched material​.

Overall, Verblio’s commitment to quality, customization, and customer satisfaction makes them a preferred choice for businesses looking to enhance their digital content strategy through professional and impactful content creation​.

7. Textbroker

content quality of writing

Textbroker is a prominent content writing agency that offers a variety of writing services through a large pool of freelance writers. It is well-regarded as one of the best content writing agencies in USA due to its flexible pricing and comprehensive content solutions.

Textbroker connects clients with over 100,000 U.S.-based freelance writers, offering a wide range of writing services tailored to different business needs. The platform allows businesses to easily manage their content orders and communicate directly with writers.

Services Offered: Blog posts and articles, Website content, Product descriptions, Technical writing, Social media content

These services are designed to enhance online presence and drive engagement for various business types.

Textbroker stands out for its flexible pricing models and extensive writer pool. Based on their budget and content needs, clients can choose from different quality levels (2 to 5 stars). 

This flexibility makes it suitable for content marketing for startups and small business content marketing. Additionally, Textbroker offers specialized services like translation and bulk ordering, ensuring businesses get the exact content they need efficiently.

Textbroker’s commitment to quality, timely delivery, and a user-friendly platform makes it a reliable choice for businesses seeking high-quality content. Their strong customer support and ability to handle large-scale projects further enhance their reputation as a top content writing agency.

8. ClearVoice

content quality of writing

ClearVoice is a distinguished content writing agency known for its advanced content creation platform and extensive network of vetted freelance writers. This makes them one of the best content writing agencies in USA.

ClearVoice combines innovative technology with a vast network of professional writers to deliver high-quality content. Their platform is designed to streamline content creation and collaboration, making it ideal for businesses with large-scale content needs.

Services Offered: Blog posts and articles, Website content, Social media content, SEO content, E-books and whitepapers

These services cater to various business needs, ensuring well-researched, engaging, and SEO-optimized content.

ClearVoice excels in content marketing for startups and small business content marketing by offering scalable solutions tailored to different business sizes and industries. Their platform features collaborative workflows, dynamic content calendars, and integrated publishing tools, enhancing efficiency and quality control. 

Additionally, ClearVoice fully vets all freelancers, ensuring high standards of quality and reliability. The platform also includes tools for managing budgets, tracking assignments, and automating payments, making it a comprehensive solution for content management​.

For businesses seeking a robust and efficient content creation partner, ClearVoice offers a blend of technology and talent that can significantly enhance their content strategy.

content quality of writing

Choosing the right content writing agency is crucial for successful digital marketing. High-quality content boosts SEO, engages readers, and builds brand trust. The best content writing agencies in USA offer tailored services for various business needs, ensuring professional and consistent content.

For startups and small businesses, effective content marketing for startups and small business content marketing can drive growth and establish credibility. High-quality website content is essential for converting visitors into loyal customers.

Evaluate your specific requirements and select an agency that aligns with your goals. The agencies listed provide diverse solutions, making it easier to find one that meets your needs. Investing in the right content writing agency can significantly enhance your digital presence and contribute to long-term business success.

What are the benefits of hiring a content writing agency?

Hiring a content writing agency ensures professional quality, consistency, and SEO optimization. Agencies provide expertise, saving time and effort while delivering high-quality content.

How do I choose the right content writing agency for my business?

Consider the agency’s expertise, portfolio, client reviews, and alignment with your content needs and budget. Evaluate their experience in content marketing for startups and small business content marketing.

What types of content do these agencies typically provide?

Agencies offer various content types, including blog posts, articles, website content, social media posts, product descriptions, and more. They tailor content to meet specific business goals and audience needs.

How much should I expect to pay for content writing services?

Prices vary depending on the agency, type of content, and service level. For premium services, costs can range from $0.03 to $0.10 per word or more. Discuss your budget and content needs with the agency for accurate pricing.

Can these agencies help with content marketing strategies?

Yes, many agencies provide comprehensive content marketing services, including strategy development, SEO, and social media management. They help create and execute effective content plans to drive engagement and growth.

Akash Sharma - Contnet Whale

Hi, I talk about tips and tricks about content writing, storytelling, funneling, and more!

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content quality of writing

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Explore the top 5 copy writing agencies in Wyoming, offering exceptional content, SEO services, and professional copywriting solutions.

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8 Must-Have Tools for Content Creators

Discover the 8 must-have tools for content creators to boost productivity, enhance creativity, and streamline your content creation process.

content quality of writing

Top 9 Content Outsourcing Firms in Texas

Discover the top 9 content outsourcing firms in Texas, offering professional writing services to boost your business's online presence.

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    The best way to measure your content's quality is by building a custom mix of key performance indicators (KPIs) focused on three primary sources of standards: Your audience - their searches, pain points, and expectations. Google's quality standards. Your business goals.

  7. What is Quality Content? How to Create It + Free Checklist

    After you have your plan written down, you can update and optimize it on a quarterly, biannual, or annual basis as needed. 2. Flesh out your personas. When you're building your plan for creating quality content, it helps to go back to basics. After all, the ultimate aim of quality content marketing is to:

  8. The 10 Ingredients of Great Content Writing

    Fortunately, content writing is something people can get better at with a little bit of study and practice. Below you can find the 10 ingredients of great content writing to help you improve. 1. Craft a Compelling Headline. Say you get 100 people to visit your blog. On average, 80 of them will read your headline copy, but only 20 will read the ...

  9. 15 Best Practices For Producing Quality, Engaging Content

    Content is still king, but producing high-quality content requires more than just picking a topic and writing on it. Experts share the most critical elements of creating engaging, effective ...

  10. The importance of quality content: What it is and why it matters

    Quality content will help engage your audience and get them to take the next steps—whether that's visiting your website, booking your services or buying your product. For content writers, the quality of your content is your ultimate sales pitch. This extends beyond your professional pieces to how you write your emails, your social media ...

  11. A Guide On How To Measure Content Quality in 2023 (+ Checklist)

    Flip everything around, and content quality means: Writing that solves a problem. Writing that's actionable. Writing that satisfies Google, enough to be found by readers. Mark Evans, the principal marketer at Marketing Spark, thinks "Quality" is a subjective term when it comes to content marketing. "….

  12. 8 Steps and Tools for Content Quality Checking

    Underpinning the concept of content quality is the idea that in-depth content is that which thoroughly covers important related subtopics. For example, if I'm discussing content quality, then I should talk about ‌audience, content scoring, search engines, and other concepts. ... Step 4: Check Your Content for Brand Consistency. Writing ...

  13. How to Create Quality Content, From Research to Publish

    Quality Content Doesn't Just Happen. Here's How to Do It "Easy reading is damn hard writing." Nathaniel Hawthorne (supposedly) said this in the 19th century - and it's still the case today. Fast-paced publishing cycles and the sheer volume of available content, both digitally and in print, mean that readers have more options than ever when it comes to finding great content. Just to ...

  14. Quality Content: What Does It Mean And How Do You Get It?

    Quality content is reader-focused, not writer-focused. It gives web visitors what they want, not what authors think they want. Technical and emotional factors combine to make a piece of content engaging, valuable and shareable. Technical factors include understanding which content types resonate with readers in different ways.

  15. What is content quality?

    Content quality is how well your content achieves its goal (s). It refers to the depth of information and insight contained within a piece of content. Content quality goes beyond information to include formatting, readability, and grammatical correctness. Content quality can also include how well your content ranks in search, drives traffic ...

  16. Quality Content: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Content That Converts

    A lot has been said about the power of content marketing. According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing costs 62% less compared to outbound marketing, yet it generates three times as many leads as outbound marketing. There's one key ingredient that can make or break the success of your content marketing campaign: content quality.

  17. The Characteristics of Good Writing

    Credibility or believability: Nothing says bad writing like getting the facts wrong or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable (even if it's impossible), and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break a writer. Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring: Perhaps the most important quality of good writing is ...

  18. 15 writing skills that every professional content writer must have

    Remember, successful content writing begins with understanding who you are writing for. 10. Content Writing Tips: Mastering Time Management for Professional Content Writers. In the fast-paced world of content writing, mastering time management is crucial for meeting deadlines, maintaining productivity, and producing high-quality content.

  19. 10 Qualities of an Exceptional Content Writer

    8. Be Completely Transparent. A great quality a content writer should have is to be completely transparent. Your audience does not want to be lied to. Therefore, if you are writing a piece for ...

  20. The Science of Strong Business Writing

    Strong writing skills are essential for anyone in business. You need them to effectively communicate with colleagues, employees, and bosses and to sell any ideas, products, or services you're ...

  21. 21 Must-Have Content Writing Tools for Every Writer

    Here are some of the key reasons why you should use content writing software tools: 1. Improve Your Writing Style and Quality. The best content writing tools help you become a better content writer by analyzing your content and providing suggestions on how to improve your content. For example, they can provide feedback on readability, sentence ...

  22. 8 Leading Content Writing Agencies in the USA

    What is Content Writing? Content writing is the art of creating written material for various digital platforms. Its primary goal is to inform, engage, and convert readers. High-quality content is vital for building a strong online presence and establishing credibility. Professional content writing greatly benefits businesses.

  23. Business briefs, July 1

    Oregon seeks 'systemic changes' at agency that oversees senior living communities … 139 long-term care settings win Silver Quality Awards from AHCA/NCAL … 66 LCS locations reach 95% occupancy … Federal overtime rule goes into effect today … AREX Capital releases 113-page document detailing why it thinks Enhabit board needs overhaul … Visiting Nurse Service of New York to pay ...