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Best UK universities for creative writing – league table

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UK universities ranked by subject area: creative writing

1 100 76.186.456.911.891555n/a96.3
76.1 86.4 56.9 11.8 9 155 5 n/a 96.3
2 97.4 83.585.981.4n/a512976995
83.5 85.9 81.4 n/a 5 129 7 69 95
3 97 74.784.986.912.48108n/an/a93.8
74.7 84.9 86.9 12.4 8 108 n/a n/a 93.8
4 96.2 84.483.983.510.58106n/an/a94.2
84.4 83.9 83.5 10.5 8 106 n/a n/a 94.2
5 94.5 8088.675.315.331227n/a98.4
80 88.6 75.3 15.3 3 122 7 n/a 98.4
6 90.1 69.387.559.913.3515067596.1
69.3 87.5 59.9 13.3 5 150 6 75 96.1
6 90.1 95.496.390.719.96122n/an/a94.2
95.4 96.3 90.7 19.9 6 122 n/a n/a 94.2
8 89.9 8588.379.69.99131n/an/a87.5
85 88.3 79.6 9.9 9 131 n/a n/a 87.5
9 84.8 82.69182.116.88120n/an/a92.1
82.6 91 82.1 16.8 8 120 n/a n/a 92.1
10 81.7 84.385.481.816.741139n/a90
84.3 85.4 81.8 16.7 4 113 9 n/a 90
11 79.6 62.477.572.114.971256n/a95.2
62.4 77.5 72.1 14.9 7 125 6 n/a 95.2
12 79 78.186.477.913.33n/an/a7791.5
78.1 86.4 77.9 13.3 3 n/a n/a 77 91.5
13 77.5 6884.879.812.861194n/a91.2
68 84.8 79.8 12.8 6 119 4 n/a 91.2
14 77.3 75.784.77212.86118n/an/a92.5
75.7 84.7 72 12.8 6 118 n/a n/a 92.5
15 68.9 69.284.97611.1494n/an/a92
69.2 84.9 76 11.1 4 94 n/a n/a 92
16 62.9 72.684.379.813.74n/a565n/a
72.6 84.3 79.8 13.7 4 n/a 5 65 n/a
17 54.7 63.277.863.412.65103n/an/a92.3
63.2 77.8 63.4 12.6 5 103 n/a n/a 92.3
18 52.1 76.985.266.313.410108n/an/a87.7
76.9 85.2 66.3 13.4 10 108 n/a n/a 87.7
19 48.5 78.883.564.611.4212317290.2
78.8 83.5 64.6 11.4 2 123 1 72 90.2
20 40.6 61.271.961.918.621227n/a91
61.2 71.9 61.9 18.6 2 122 7 n/a 91
21 40.3 70.577.669.517.2211736792.7
70.5 77.6 69.5 17.2 2 117 3 67 92.7
22 37.7 73.780.976.116.4311456788.1
73.7 80.9 76.1 16.4 3 114 5 67 88.1
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The 6 Best UK Universities for Creative Writing Degrees

The 6 Best UK Universities for Creative Writing Degrees

  • 13-minute read
  • 24th February 2023

A creative writing degree can unlock your potential and give you access to a world of career and writing opportunities. So if you’re an avid writer looking to develop your skills , a university-level degree might be the perfect next step.

But with so many options for studying creative writing in the UK, you might be wondering where (and how) to start. Your course and university choice could impact the skills you develop, the connections you make, and the direction in which your career takes off.

That’s why, in this post, we break down what a creative writing degree is, explain what you need to look out for when choosing a university, and finally, offer an overview of some of the best UK universities for creative writing degrees.

When you’re done reading, we hope you’ll be one step closer to starting your ideal creative writing degree.

What Is a Creative Writing Degree?

A creative writing degree is an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in creative writing. The degree may focus on creative writing alone, or an institution may combine creative writing with related subjects, such as English language and literature, film studies, or journalism.

The purpose of a creative writing degree is to help students develop their writing skills, establish their authorial voice, and equip themselves with an understanding of different writing styles and techniques. Degree material may also cover practical concerns, such as how the publishing industry works.

Entry requirements for a creative writing course vary, but most institutions will ask for an A-level or the equivalent in English language and/or literature. Creative writing programs cover many forms of writing and can include modules in:

●  Prose

●  Nonfiction

●  Poetry

●  Scriptwriting

●  Writing for an online audience

●  Narrative theory

●  The creative process

●  Getting published

●  Teaching creative writing

As they progress through the course, creative writing students will produce essays alongside a portfolio of creative work, which they will then submit for assessment.

The Benefits of a Creative Writing Degree

While you don’t need a creative writing degree to publish your work, having one can provide you with unique benefits and career opportunities. Creative writing students can expect to:

●  Work with published authors and literary professionals

●  Develop contacts within the publishing industry

●  Experience dealing with and responding to feedback

●  Encounter opportunities to publish their work and establish a reputation as a writer

●  Explore the theory behind writing in depth

You will also develop transferable talents such as time management, communication skills, and self-discipline. These will help you develop your career and stand out to potential employers.

Career Opportunities for Creative Writing Graduates

Becoming an author might be the most obvious career path for creative writing graduates, but you can access plenty of other career choices with your degree. Potential careers include:

●  Editorial assistant

●  Copy editor

●  Publisher

●  Literary agent

●  Copywriter

●  Marketing assistant

●  Journalist

●  Teacher

●  English or creative writing lecturer

Things to Consider When Choosing a University

When you choose a creative writing degree, you’re also choosing the university where you will study. Each institution has its own benefits and approaches, so to make sure you select the right university for you, consider the following factors.

Location and Campus Culture

Some universities are campus-based; that is, lecture halls, accommodations, entertainment, and other facilities are all located in one place. Other institutions are spread across the town or city where they are based.

Each location will have its own atmosphere, so visiting for an open day will help you get a better idea of what attending that university would be like. You should also consider how far away from home you want to study and how easily you can travel between your university and your hometown.

The faculty members of different universities will have their own specialist subjects, research interests, and writing experience. Look for a university where the faculty members specialize in areas of writing you’re interested in. Doing so is especially important if you’re pursuing a PhD in creative writing, as you’ll need to find an appropriate PhD supervisor.

Available Resources and Facilities

While most universities are equipped with a well-stocked library, some may be more suited than others to your subject. A university library that specializes in the humanities, for example, will complement a creative writing degree well.

A university publishing press can also be a useful resource that provides work and publishing opportunities for creative writing students. University publications and magazines are good places to submit writing as well.

Professional Connections and Internships

Some universities incorporate internships into their creative writing degrees. The internships are work placements that will provide you with on-the-job skills and experience and can help you develop professional connections within the publishing industry.

1. University of East Anglia

The University of East Anglia (or UEA) was the first university in the UK to offer degree-level courses in creative writing, introducing an MA in creative writing in 1970, then following suit with the first creative writing PhD in 1987.

UEA’s courses combine creative writing with the study of literature or drama at an undergraduate level. Each of the university’s postgraduate courses focuses on a particular form of writing, such as fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.

Based in Norwich, a UNESCO City of Literature , UEA is able to provide a variety of resources and opportunities for creative writing students, including:

●  The National Centre for Writing and the British Archive for Contemporary Writing

●  The UEA Publishing Project , which runs three publishing presses and publishes student writing in an annual anthology

●  The UEA Award , which helps employers recognize students’ achievements

●  A variety of writing fellowships

●  Year-round literary events and festivals for students and published authors, such as UEA Live and the Norwich Crime Fiction Festival

Notable UEA alumni include Nobel Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro and Booker Prize winner Anne Enright .

2. University of Leeds

The University of Leeds is one of the UK’s largest universities and belongs to the Russell Group . Leeds is a campus university, but it’s close to the center of the city.

Leeds offers an interdisciplinary BA in English Literature with Creative Writing , an MA in Creative Writing or Writing for Performance and Digital Media , and research degrees within the School of English or the School of Performance and Cultural Industries.

At the undergraduate level, Leeds offers a diverse range of creative writing modules (including science fiction, crime fiction, nature writing, and travel writing). Published writers and expert researchers teach all these modules.

The university has connections with a variety of creative writing projects, institutions, and festivals, including:

●  Ilkley Literature Festival

●  Leeds Playhouse

●  Leeds Grand Theatre

●  Leeds Poetry Centre

●  The School of Night , a fortnightly poetry seminar

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●  Brotherton Library, which features extensive archives and a collection of period printing presses

Leeds also has its own theater space, stage@leeds , and publishes the literary magazine Stand , both of which showcase students’ creative work. Notable Leeds alumni include playwright Wole Syonka and poet Geoffrey Hill . The university was also home to author J.R.R. Tolkien, who was a professor in the School of English and contributed poetry to the university’s newsletter.

3. University of Birmingham

Established in the West Midlands in 1900, the University of Birmingham is another campus-based Russell Group university.

Birmingham ranked first for creative writing in the Guardian University Guide 2023 . The university offers a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing or in Film and Creative Writing and an MA in Creative Writing.

The university’s creative writing modules and courses focus on exposing students to a broad range of writing styles and genres while offering workshops and professional skills training aimed at preparing students for the publishing industry.

The university also works closely with the local creative community to provide students with a range of opportunities, including:

●  The Cultural Intern Scheme

●  The Birmingham Project

●  Publishing opportunities with Nine Arches Press and Tindal Street Press

In addition, Birmingham runs the world-renowned Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, where students can experience unique writing workshops and a residential trip featuring seminars, theater visits, and other events.

For graduating students, the university currently boasts a 90% employment rate within 15 months. Birmingham is the UK’s fourth-most targeted university among the top employers of graduates.

4. University of Warwick

The University of Warwick is a slightly newer university, first offering courses in 1965. Based just outside the city of Coventry, the University of Warwick is a campus university. It is home to the Warwick Arts Centre , a purpose-built facility for cinema, theater, and the visual arts.

The Warwick Writing Program provides the creative writing courses at Warwick. Established in 1996, the project aims to inspire and develop writers internationally. Published authors, poets, and literary translators make up the staff.

Within the program, students can pursue a BA in English and Creative Writing or an MA in Writing . Students can pursue the MA as either a taught degree or a long project, with the aim of producing a long-form piece of writing.

The University of Warwick provides opportunities for students and graduates, such as:

●  The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation

●  The Sunday Times Young Writer Award

●  Workshops at the Warwick Arts Centre

●  Warwick Thursdays (weekly events hosted by publishing industry experts)

●  The option to study abroad for one year

Warwick’s alumni include novelist Sophie Mackintosh , as well as Gboyega Odubanjo and Michael Askew, winners of the Eric Gregory Award.

5. University of Reading

The University of Reading is a 100-year-old institution spread across multiple campuses. It ranks in the top 30 British universities.

Reading offers one of the most diverse and flexible ranges of undergraduate creative writing degrees in the UK. Prospective students can choose to pursue the following BAs:

●  English Literature with Creative Writing

●  Creative Writing and Film

●  Creative Writing and Theatre

●  Creative Writing and Film & Theatre

●  Art and Creative Writing

An MA in Creative Writing is also available and includes modules in the publishing industry and persuasive writing to help students find careers in publishing and journalism.

Reading is home to the Archive of British Publishing and Printing and provides access to collections of rare books and manuscripts that enable students to explore the creative process of famous authors, such as Thomas Hardy. Students also have the opportunity to publish their work in The Canvas , Reading’s online magazine.

6. University of Strathclyde

Based in the center of Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, the University of Strathclyde is a multi-award-winning university. And when it comes to creative writing, Strathclyde offers some unique areas of study for undergraduates , including Scottish literature and the Glasgow novel.

Strathclyde also offers postgraduate courses. As the university is Scottish, it offers a Master of Letters ( MLitt ) and a Master of Research ( M. Res .) in place of the more common MA in creative writing. MLitt creative writing students can choose to specialize in a research area and placement of their choice or take a module from other subjects within the School of Humanities.

The University of Strathclyde offers students numerous resources, opportunities, and connections across Glasgow. These include:

●  The Aye Right! Book Festival

●  Blaze , the university’s online creative writing classes

●  Creative Scotland

Strathclyde’s alumni include authors Ali Smith and Andrew O’Hagan . Among the current faculty members are screenwriter Andrew Meehan and poet David Kinloch .

To recap the main points of this post:

●  A creative writing degree will help you develop your writing skills, often in tandem with cultivating critical reading skills.

●  Creative writing degrees offer a variety of modules and allow you to specialize in a particular form or genre.

●  A creative writing degree can open many potential career paths.

●  The most important things to consider when choosing a university at which to study creative writing are location, staff, resources, and professional opportunities.

●  Six of the best universities for creative writing degrees in the UK are the University of East Anglia, the University of Leeds, the University of Birmingham, the University of Warwick, the University of Reading, and the University of Strathclyde.

●  Many of these universities offer lectures, workshops, and seminars delivered by published authors.

Whichever university you decide to attend, make sure it’s the right one for you. Look for modules you’re interested in, writing forms you’d like to explore, opportunities you want to make the most of, and a university atmosphere you’ll thrive in.

And if you’re looking for more options, take a look at the Complete University Guide’s 2023 rankings for creative writing .

What types of degrees can I receive in creative writing?

As an undergraduate, you can earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in creative writing. As a postgraduate, you can earn a Master of Arts (MA) degree or a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD).

If you’re studying in Scotland, the types of degrees may differ slightly.

How do I know whether I have what it takes to pursue a degree in creative writing?

Before accepting you for a creative writing degree, most universities will require that you have certain A-level or equivalent grades. But academic achievements aren’t everything. If you’re looking to pursue a degree in creative writing, it’s helpful to have:

●  An avid interest in reading (and, of course, writing!)

●  A portfolio to demonstrate your writing

●  The ability to meet deadlines

Be prepared to work hard, but remember, the point of a creative writing degree is to help develop your writing skills and style. You don’t have to be a perfect, polished writer to be a creative writing student!

Can I pursue a creative writing degree online?

Yes, many universities now offer online versions of creative writing degrees. This means you will be able to earn the same qualification by studying online as you would if you studied in person.

However, be careful to choose a properly accredited online creative writing degree.

Where can I get feedback on my university application?

A professional proofreader or editor is the best choice for getting feedback on your application.

Our team here at Proofed can help make sure your university application is clear and correct and meets the appropriate academic standards so that you can focus on preparing for university life.

We can even proofread the first 500 words for free – so why not submit a document ?

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Home › University › Best UK Universities For Every Degree › Best UK University For Creative Writing

Best UK University For Creative Writing

  • Published November 26, 2022

creative writing uk ranking

The best UK universities for creative writing include the University of Leeds, Strathclyde, Warwick, Birmingham, and more. Each university has its strengths, values, and unique qualities to offer you. 

We know your struggles. It takes a lot of work and research to determine which university to apply to. Where do you even begin? How do you know if a renowned university offers Creative Writing courses? The anxiety plus lack of direction can stress any student. 

That’s why we ensure our Creative Writing summer school participants have access to 1:1 personalised consultations with expert writers. So they know what to do for their next steps in education. 

list of top ranked UK universities for creative writing

We’ve also gathered a list of some of the Top Creative Writing Universities in the UK. To give you a clear start for your journey. Read on! 

University of Leeds

The University of Leeds is one of the best universities in the UK. Do you know that the Complete University Guide 2023 ranks Leeds #16 in the UK? It’s also a member of the prestigious Russell group due to its high-quality research.

What’s Leeds’ core value? Collaboration. By working with others, it aims to address local and worldwide challenges, especially in the following:

  • Promoting social justice
  • Reducing inequality
  • And helping to execute the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

True to its spirit of collaboration, Leeds wants its students to experience a sense of belonging. So you can feel valued for a contribution that only you can bring with your unique talents and expertise.

What makes the University of Leeds one of the best universities for Creative Writing? The Complete University Guide 2023 ranks Leeds #1 in the UK for Creative Writing. 

In addition, Leeds’ English Literature with Creative Writing BA is #9 in the UK and #32 in the world.   

By taking the Creative Writing course at Leeds, you’ll experience producing creative writing works such as:

  • Life writing
  • Travel accounts

Themes you’ll encounter as you examine past and present literature include:

  • Climate change
  • Social class

Where do Leeds English Literature & Creative Writing graduates go? Discover Uni reports that 93% proceed to work or study further within 15 months after graduation. They find success in a variety of creative writing careers , such as:

  • Civil Service
  • Management Consultancy

Do you value collaboration? Are you looking for a university to help you achieve your career goals? Then check out the University of Leeds!

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

The University of Strathclyde at Glasgow is renowned for being “the place of useful learning.” True to its reputation, it was named the University of the Year twice by the Times Higher Education University Awards. 

In addition, the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020 named Strathclyde the “ Scottish University of the Year .”

What core values serve as the foundation of Strathclyde’s excellent reputation?

  • People-oriented
  • Collaborative
  • Ambitious 

The University of Strathclyde is one of the best UK universities for Creative Writing. Do you know that the Complete University Guide 2023 ranks Strathclyde #2 in the UK for Creative Writing? Here are some of the undergraduate Creative Writing courses available:

  • English & Creative Writing (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & Journalism, Media and Communication (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & Psychology (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & History (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & Law (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & Social Policy (BA Hons)
  • English and Creative Writing & Human Resource Management (BA Hons)

Let’s take a closer look at English and Creative Writing & Journalism, Media, and Communication (BA Hons.) Discover Uni states that 95% of Strathclyde Creative Writing graduates proceed to work or study further within 15 months after graduation.

Common careers graduates go into include:

  • Creative Writing
  • Administration

What are some of the topics you may encounter during the course? 

  • Shakespeare
  • The Construction of Scotland
  • Detective Fiction
  • Writing War
  • Children’s Literature
  • Victorian Gothic
  • Contemporary Travel Writing

What are some of the skills you’ll gain through the course?

  • Proficiency with professional practices
  • Textual interpretation and analysis
  • Critical and constructive thinking and working skills
  • Responsibility
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Collaboration

Are you eager to learn these skills by studying at one of the best universities in the UK? You may want to explore the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow!

University of Warwick

The University of Warwick is the #6 Most Targeted University by UK’s Top 100 Graduate Employers according to The Graduate Market in 2021, High Fliers Research Ltd. 

In addition, the UK government’s 2018 Longitudinal Education Outcomes ranked Warwick within the Top 10 UK schools. Why? Because its graduates have some of the highest earnings over 11 subjects 5 years after graduation. 

Warwick is also distinguished due to its impactful research. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 reports that 92% of its research is “world-leading.” 

Why is Warwick’s English Literature and Creative Writing BA degree among the best in the UK? Because Discover Uni reports that a whopping 100% of graduates proceed to work or study further within 15 months after graduation. 

Where do Warwick English Literature and Creative Writing BA graduates go after completing the course? They proceed to work in a variety of careers, including:

  • Journalists
  • Newspaper and periodical writers and editors
  • Translators
  • Creative directors
  • Researchers

Employers include:

  • The Poetry Society
  • Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Penguin/Random House
  • The Forward Poetry Foundation
  • The Sunday Times
  • The Society of Authors
  • British Council
  • Royal Opera House

Are you searching for a Top UK university with excellent employability and high-salary opportunities? Definitely check out Warwick! We’ve also included it in our a-level requirements for creative writing list.

University of Birmingham

Do you know that the University of Birmingham is known as the original ‘redbrick’ university? Its effective leadership through the years continues to be its hallmark. Core values include:

  • Inspirational Thinking
  • Financial Stability
  • Strong Partnerships on Local, National, and International Levels

The University of Birmingham is one of the best universities in the UK. With the Complete University Guide 2023 ranking it #14 in the UK. 

In addition, Birmingham is a member of the esteemed Russell Group. Its research ranking is #12 in the UK for Research Power according to the Research Excellence Framework 2021.

Why is the University of Birmingham one of the Top UK universities for Creative Writing? Because The Guardian 2023 ranks it #1 in the UK for the subject. While the Complete University Guide 2023 ranks it #4 . 

What Creative Writing courses are available at Birmingham for undergraduates? There are two options you can choose from:

  • English Literature and Creative Writing BA
  • Film and Creative Writing BA

When you examine English Literature and Creative Writing BA, you’ll discover that the course aims to give you a foundation in all major genres of Creative Writing, including:

  • Drama 
  • Media Writing

Here’s the highlight: your expert tutors, who are practising and winning writers themselves, will support you in finding your voice.

Where do Birmingham English Literature and Creative Writing graduates go after completing the course? Discover Uni reports that 90% proceed to work or study further within 15 months after graduation. Career paths include:

  • Marketing Assistant
  • Sales and Events Coordinator
  • Editorial Assistant
  • Account Executive

Here are some of the employers who hired Birmingham English Literature and Creative Writing graduates:

  • Oxford University Press
  • Headline Publishing Group
  • Mirror Group Newspapers 

Do you want expert, practising writers to help you find your voice and support you in finding your career path? Try out Birmingham!

University of Chichester

Be original. Be you. That’s what the University of Chichester aims to help you achieve. For you to be inspired in who you are. 

Have you heard that Chichester is one of the best universities in the UK? The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022 ranks it #7 in the UK for Teaching Quality. And the Complete University Guide 2023 declares it #10 in the UK for Student Satisfaction. 

Why study Creative Writing at the University of Chichester? Because the Guardian University Guide 2023 ranks it #2 for the subject. There are several Creative Writing courses available at Chichester for undergraduates, including:

  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing
  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and English
  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and History
  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Philosophy & Ethics
  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Theology
  • BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Screenwriting
  • BA (Hons) Screenwriting

Looking closer at BA (Hons) Creative Writing, here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • Creating Characters
  • Writing Non-Fiction
  • Visual Storytelling (e.g. exploring Mangas)
  • Writing Poetry
  • Fiction for Children
  • Screenwriting
  • Contemporary Short Fiction
  • Digital Writing

Such is the brilliance of Chichester’s Creative Writing course that many of its graduates become published writers and gain notable prizes, such as the Bridport Prize. 

Others have had stories and poems featured in prominent magazines such as Staple and The Paris Review. The novel of one former student, Bethan Roberts, entitled “My Policeman”, is set for adaptation on the silver screen.

What other career paths do Chichester Creative Writing graduates take?

  • Copywriting

Looking to earn great success in your future writing career? You may want to check out the University of Chichester!

University of Central Lancashire

Looking to achieve your potential? That’s what the University of Central Lancashire aspires to help you with. As its motto states, “from the earth to the sun.”

True enough, the ​Higher Education Statistics Agency 2018 states that 95.5% of its graduates are employed or enrolled within 6 months after completing their course. 

What’s more, the 2020 Student Welfare League Table ranks Central Lancashire #1 for the amount of money invested in student well-being services.

Why is the University of Central Lancashire one of the best universities for Creative Writing? Because The Guardian 2023 ranks it #3 for Creative Writing in the UK. 

Also, Central Lancashire regularly invites literary agents, publishers, professional writers, and editors to help students gain valuable insights regarding their future careers. 

Where do Central Lancashire Creative Writing students go after completing their course? Discover Uni reports that 80% of Central Lancashire Creative Writing students proceed to employment or further education within 15 months after graduation. 

Recent career paths include:

  • Travel and Tourism
  • Advertising
  • Public Service

The University of Central Lancashire is terrific in helping you find a teaching position. Why? Because they have strong links with schools in the region. So if you’re aiming to be a great writer or you want to become a teacher, consider Central Lancashire!

Sheffield Hallam University

For Sheffield Hallam University, it’s all about knowledge applied. Aside from its immense diversity, Sheffield Hallam is dedicated to providing opportunity. Do you know that 53% of its students are the first to attend university in their family? 

Sheffield Hallam is among the best universities in the UK. The UK Social Mobility Awards named it the “ University of the Year ” because of its impressive work in advancing social mobility by improving access to higher education. 

Plus, the most recent QS Stars gave Sheffield a five-star rating overall. And a Top Mark for 7 out of 8 categories, including:

  • Graduate Employability
  • Inclusiveness
  • Hospitality and Leisure Management

Why is Sheffield Hallam University one of the best for Creative Writing? The Guardian 2023 ranks Sheffield Hallam #4 for Creative Writing in the UK. And Discover Uni reports that 91% of students were satisfied with the quality of the course. 

The full-time Creative Writing course at Sheffield Hallam aims to help you tell engaging stories in various forms and genres. You’ll learn and gain confidence through a variety of methods, including:

  • Writing workshops 
  • Trips and Retreats
  • Lectures, seminars, and personal tutorials
  • Collaborating with different audiences and organisations
  • Live performances and readings
  • Coming up with and pitching ideas
  • Masterclasses from expert guest writers

Where do Sheffield Hallam graduates go after completing the course? They go on to have successful careers in the following industries, such as:

  • Creative Industries (e.g. media, theatre)
  • Arts Organisations
  • Charity Sector
  • Social Work 
  • Government (local and regional)

Are you eager to learn how to tell immersive stories through engaging methods such as workshops, retreats, and masterclasses? Then, go for Creative Writing at Sheffield Hallam.

Edge Hill University

Edge Hill University believes knowledge creates life-changing opportunities. That’s why it has been providing access to impactful knowledge since 1885!

Do you know that Edge Hill is a renowned university in the UK? The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022 recently awarded it the “Modern University of the Year” title. 

What’s more, the Graduate Outcomes 2019/2020 reports that 95.4% of its students are employed or enrolled in further study within 15 months after graduation. Edge Hill is also Top 2 in the UK for University Facilities, according to the Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2022. 

Why is Edge Hill University one of the Top Creative Writing schools in the UK? The Guardian 2023 ranks Edge Hill #5 in the UK for Creative Writing. And its Creative Writing students have a £17 million state-of-the-art building to thrive and learn in, with features such as:

  • IT Facilities
  • Seminar Rooms
  • Lecture Theatre
  • Tutorial Spaces

Edge Hill offers two main Creative Writing courses:

  • Creative Writing BA (Hons)
  • Creative Writing and English Literature BA (Hons)

Let’s take a closer look at Creative Writing BA (Hons). The Creative Writing course at Edge Hill is a practice-led course where you’ll encounter modules such as:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Games Writing

And by working together with creative organisations such as the Crooked Dice Game Design Studio or the Edge Hill University Press, you’ll find your niche soon enough!

Newcastle University

Newcastle University is ranked #122 in the world, according to the QS World University Rankings 2023. The same league table awarded it the 5-star overall rating for Teaching Excellence. 

With such excellent teaching, it’s no wonder that 95% of its UK/EU graduates were employed or enrolled in further study within 6 months after graduation in 2016. In addition, Newcastle graduates benefit from careers support up to three years after graduation. 

What does Newcastle aspire to be? It aims to be people-focused. Harnessing the power of innovation, academic excellence, and creativity to benefit individuals and organisations. 

Why is Newcastle University one of the UK’s best universities for Creative Writing? The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023 ranks Newcastle #2 in the UK for Creative Writing. And the Complete University Guide 2023 ranks it #5 in the same category.

Also, Discover Uni reports that 100% of Newcastle English Literature with Creative Writing students were employed or enrolled in further study within 15 months after graduation. What are some of the employability skills you’ll learn by studying the course?

  • Making marketing briefs
  • Writing website copy
  • Creating captivating fiction
  • Coming up with persuasive arguments
  • Managing projects
  • Analysing complex sources and datasets
  • Working independently

Newcastle English Literature with Creative Writing students can take a work placement to develop their professional expertise. Past placements include:

  • Journalism and Broadcasting
  • Digital Media and Marketing
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Museum and Heritage

Are you looking to maximise your employability at one of the UK’s best Creative Writing universities? Check out Newcastle University!

Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Holloway aims to nurture a community that inspires individuals to succeed. It’s one of the best universities in the UK, given that the Complete University Guide 2023 ranks it #33 . 

What’s Royal Holloway most known for? It’s best known as a research-intensive academic institution. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 ranks it within the Top 25% of UK Research.

What makes Royal Holloway one of the Top UK Universities for Creative Writing? The Complete University Guide 2023 declares it #6 in the UK for Creative Writing. The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022 declares Royal Holloway #1 in the UK for Creative Writing. 

There are 3 undergraduate Creative Writing degrees you can choose from:

  • English and Creative Writing (BA)
  • American Literature and Creative Writing (BA)
  • Drama and Creative Writing (BA)

Let’s take a closer look at English and Creative Writing (BA.) By taking both subjects together, you’ll learn to become a critical reader and a confident writer. 

What major skills will you develop by taking the English and Creative Writing course at Royal Holloway?

  • Writing using your unique voice
  • Literary criticism
  • Writing techniques
  • Create and refine artistic work
  • Presentation
  • Communication
  • Negotiation

Do you want to become a critical reader and a confident writer at one of the best Creative Writing schools in the UK? Check out the Royal Holloway, University of London!

Best UK University For Creative Writing? You now have a solid idea of where you can study to give you the best foundation for your Creative Writing-related career goals. Which ones from the list are your Top 3?

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The World-Class Wordsmith: 5 top UK universities for Creative Writing and Literature

The World-Class Wordsmith: 5 top UK universities for Creative Writing and Literature

“It’s only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.” – PD James

In 1970, the UK higher education sector unleashed its first ever MA in Creative Writing ; a pioneering programme that sought to teach students the art of words, the craft of language, the undying profession of storytelling. It was the first time prospective students could choose to hone their passion in a formally-taught environment – but boy, did it suffer its fair share of controversy…

Ernest Hemingway, one of the most notable influencers of 20th century fiction, once said that, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” And that soon became a notion that seeped into the pores of every writing highbrow, as well as those deriving from the wider creative arts. “Some thought writing couldn’t be taught,” says Malcolm Bradbury, expert on the modern novel and advocate of the UK’s first, specialised writing MA.

“Some thought, if it could be, it shouldn’t be. Some thought it couldn’t be properly examined. And some thought that even if it could be taught with propriety and examined with rigour it still had no place in a university.”

Image via Unsplash

But now, as we approach the 47th year since the establishment of the first formalised Creative Writing course, prolific writers such as Ian McEwan , Kazuo Ishiguro , Hayley Long , Nathan Filer and Jane Green are paving the way for Creative Writing graduates around the world, and the answer to the million-dollar-question: Can Creative Writing really be taught? Is undeniably: Yes.

The writer is an artist, and therefore writing is an art, making its scandalised entrance into academia not only completely unwarranted, but also plainly hypocritical. After all, it’s okay for an illustrator, an actor, a painter or a dancer to seek proper training. But a writer…

“[A]cademic institutions offer a shelter for literary values, and for those who wish to practise them, in a way that publishing, being increasingly market-driven, does not,” Rachel Cusk writes for The Guardian . “…[I]t is both an entitlement and a necessity for creative people to study and refine their craft,” she adds.

Writing education has unlimited potential to add a great depth of diversity to an already competitive industry, by instilling students with an innovative skillset they can use to progress their careers. On top of this, a curriculum that teaches the process of getting published leaves graduates equipped with a contemporary business acumen, something that’s entirely necessary to succeed in the corporate world. Without these things, as Jennifer Tuckett writes for the Huffington Post , the possibility of diversity devalues and decreases, “because, if you don’t come from a background associated with the arts, how do you know how to be a writer?”

Image courtesy of Aberystwyth University

And for the grumbling-naysayers who maintain that Creative Writing and related subjects are ‘pointless’ and ‘dead end’, it’s a degree that grants a wealth of transferrable skills that are incredibly profitable for global employers. “For positions in marketing and publicity as well as to some extent, editorial, the skills that come from creative writing degrees can be very valuable,” says Ellie Pike, HR Adviser at Penguin .

The saying goes that everybody has a book inside them , and so long as you have passion, drive, commitment, and a deeply-ingrained love of your craft, why shouldn’t you invest in an education guaranteed to help you unleash that internalised best-seller?

So if you think this is the academic path you feel could truly work for you, here are 5 top UK universities for Creative Writing and Literature:


Aberystwyth University  (Aber) provides an education that’s both innovative and informative, encouraging students to develop into critical thinkers, innovative creators and well-rounded individuals. With comprehensive degree programmes in English Literature , Creative Writing , English and Creative Writing , and Joint Honours Programmes , Aber is helping define a generation of eloquent wordsmiths throughout the UK and the world.

Home to a diverse community of students, researchers and teachers, the Department is a vibrant and inspirational place to study. World class teaching from expert faculty enables students’ critical thinking and creativity to flourish, delivering life-long skills that lead them to success in the world of work and far beyond.

The Department of English and Creative Writing delivers a consistently outstanding student experience. In the latest national survey of student satisfaction the Department ranked #1 in Wales for English and Creative Writing, #3 in the UK for feedback and #1 in the UK for learning resources. Overall satisfaction for English was an exceptional 97%. In two recent surveys, Aber was ranked the safest place in the world to be a student – that, coupled with the impressive quality of ECW’s teaching and the unique and breath-takingly beautiful environment of West Wales coastline makes this one of the world’s most attractive English departments.


The University of Dundee blends cutting-edge intellectual achievement with practical applications, embodying an institution that is both aspirational and down-to-earth.

Dundee’s School of Humanities plays host to the university’s rich array of English courses , a vibrant cultural scene where students are welcomed into an inclusive, creative community.

Courses are developed with a conscious mind of the modern student’s needs and interests, while reflecting Dundee’s commitment to cutting-edge ideas of the field.

With interests that span the mediaeval to the contemporary period, from Classic Literature to Comic Studies, to Creative Writing and the Theatre, Dundee poses a captivating portfolio of English-based degrees.


The University of Surrey is one of the UK’s leading professional, scientific and technological universities, boasting outstanding students, dedicated staff, award-winning academics, successful alumni and a whole host of other notable individuals.

Surrey’s English programmes, including Creative Writing and English Literature , have been ranked Number One in the 2016 National Student Survey, and within the Top Ten by The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017.

Through Literature and Writing , Surrey’s academics and students dig beneath the surface in search of deeper truths – about ourselves, about our generation, about our increasingly complex world.


The University of Nottingham is a campus-based, comprehensive and research-led institution that seeks to recruit top students and staff from all four corners of the globe.

Nottingham boasts a first-rate, international reputation for excellence in its reputed School of English , a faction formally opened back in 1881.

The School hosts a range of undergraduate , masters and distance learning options in areas like Creative Writing, Literature, English Language, Applied Linguistics and beyond, providing a unique combination of English-centred disciplines.

Students come from Spain, Italy, Germany, the USA, China, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil and across the Middle East, just to get a taste of Nottingham’s elite English teachings.


The University of Reading prides itself in providing everything you need to prepare yourself for professional life and give you the edge in your future career – especially for those with a keen creative eye.

Reading’s innovative Creative Writing courses are taught by practising, published authors known at the highest professional level. As a team that comprises poets, novelists and creative non-fiction writers, Reading poses the tools to give you first-hand, valuable experience into the elusive creative process.

Reading understands that the ultimate task of the writer is to turn meaningful, raw material into something structured, shaped and polished – so the university’s Creative Writing pathway is designed to help you do this.

*Some of the institutions featured in this article are commercial partners of Study International

Feature image via Unsplash

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UK University Times Subject Ranking 2023

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Top UK universities for Creative writing

The art of making things up, in the most attractive, apt and convincing way possible. Alternatively, this is also commonly known as writing, which comes from the imagination.


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Creative Writing at Royal Holloway ranked 1st in the UK

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Creative writing at royal holloway has been ranked 1st in the uk in the times good university guide 2022.

  • Date 13 October 2021

Creative Writing at Royal Holloway began in 2004 offering an MA and then in 2007 launched one of the earliest Undergraduate Creative Writing programmes in the UK.  We now offer Creative Writing and Drama and American Literature and Creative Writing.  We have expanded our options to include popular courses on Screen Writing as well as cutting edge experimental art writing between the visual and verbal forms.


Prize winning novelist Ben Markovits explains why he thinks we came top in the UK: “Most of the teaching at Royal Holloway is done in small groups, which means you get to know each other and your professors well by the end of the three years. It’s easy to get lost on a big course. That doesn’t happen here. But we’re also big enough that you get to hear a variety of different voices and styles on your way to the degree.   If I were a student today, these are the two main things I’d want from an English degree: how to read a sentence so that you know what it means; and how to write one so that it says what you want. This is the core of what the Creative Writing program at Royal Holloway allows you to focus on – in workshops and seminars, and in different forms and genres.”  

Dell Olsen, a poet and also Director of the undergraduate programmes says “they all comprise exciting and innovative courses which allow students to combine critical and creative approaches to writing across a range of forms and genres. Our students have access to the teaching expertise of both creative and academic writers who encourage and challenge them to write and think differently. The campus at Royal Holloway is a calm environment in which students can develop their writing while also providing easy access to cultural events of central London.”

Find out more about our BA English and Creative Writing course online here. 

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Best Universities for Creative Writing in the World

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in the World ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 3.39M citations received by 403K academic papers made by 1,501 universities in the World was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

1. University of Toronto

For Creative Writing

University of Toronto logo

2. University of Oxford

University of Oxford logo

3. University College London

University College London logo

4. Columbia University

Columbia University logo

5. University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge logo

6. King's College London

King's College London logo

7. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor logo

8. University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia logo

9. University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin logo

10. Stanford University

Stanford University logo

11. University of Manchester

University of Manchester logo

12. University of California - Berkeley

University of California - Berkeley logo

13. University of Alberta

University of Alberta logo

14. Yale University

Yale University logo

15. Pennsylvania State University

Pennsylvania State University logo

16. Ohio State University

Ohio State University logo

17. University of Southern California

University of Southern California logo

18. New York University

New York University logo

19. University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign logo

20. University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh logo

21. University of Wisconsin - Madison

University of Wisconsin - Madison logo

22. University of Exeter

University of Exeter logo

23. University of Chicago

University of Chicago logo

24. University of California - Los Angeles

University of California - Los Angeles logo

25. University of Sydney

University of Sydney logo

26. Arizona State University - Tempe

Arizona State University - Tempe logo

27. Cornell University

Cornell University logo

28. Harvard University

Harvard University logo

29. University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield logo

30. University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne logo

31. University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham logo

32. University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham logo

33. University of Leeds

University of Leeds logo

34. McGill University

McGill University logo

35. University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania logo

36. University of Washington - Seattle

University of Washington - Seattle logo

37. University of Virginia

University of Virginia logo

38. Monash University

Monash University logo

39. Emory University

Emory University logo

40. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill logo

41. University of Bristol

University of Bristol logo

42. University of Maryland - College Park

University of Maryland - College Park logo

43. University of Queensland

University of Queensland logo

44. Lancaster University

Lancaster University logo

45. York University

York University logo

46. University of Arizona

University of Arizona logo

47. Durham University

Durham University logo

48. Princeton University

Princeton University logo

49. University of York

University of York logo

50. University of Warwick

University of Warwick logo

51. Michigan State University

Michigan State University logo

52. University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow logo

53. University of South Florida

University of South Florida logo

54. University of California - Santa Barbara

University of California - Santa Barbara logo

55. University of Auckland

University of Auckland logo

56. University of Calgary

University of Calgary logo

57. Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Rutgers University - New Brunswick logo

58. University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam logo

59. Boston College

Boston College logo

60. Cardiff University

Cardiff University logo

61. University of Sussex

University of Sussex logo

62. University of California - Irvine

University of California - Irvine logo

63. University of London

University of London logo

64. University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago logo

65. London School of Economics and Political Science

London School of Economics and Political Science logo

66. Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University logo

67. Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Hebrew University of Jerusalem logo

68. Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven logo

69. University of Haifa

University of Haifa logo

70. Aarhus University

Aarhus University logo

71. Florida State University

Florida State University logo

72. University of Southampton

University of Southampton logo

73. Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London logo

74. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

75. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities logo

76. University of St Andrews

University of St Andrews logo

77. University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh logo

78. University of Victoria

University of Victoria logo

79. Lund University

Lund University logo

80. University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales logo

81. University of California - Santa Cruz

University of California - Santa Cruz logo

82. Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Holloway, University of London logo

83. University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool logo

84. University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki logo

85. University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame logo

86. Temple University

Temple University logo

87. Northwestern University

Northwestern University logo

88. Education University of Hong Kong

Education University of Hong Kong logo

89. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University logo

90. University of Florida

University of Florida logo

91. Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University logo

92. University of Waikato

University of Waikato logo

93. Griffith University

Griffith University logo

94. Newcastle University

Newcastle University logo

95. University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen logo

96. Macquarie University

Macquarie University logo

97. Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University logo

98. Georgetown University

Georgetown University logo

99. Boston University

Boston University logo

100. University of California-San Diego

University of California-San Diego logo

Art & Design subfields in the World

Creative Writing Degree Courses in the UK - Bachelors & Masters

Program University Student satis­faction Unem­ployed Drop­out Tuition (UK) Tuition (Inter­national) City
Dartington Trust - - - £6708 £10288 - Totnes On campus Part-time
96% 0% 3% £9000 £16520 129 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
72% 5% 15% £9250 £13842 115 Brighton On campus Full-time
100% 5% 0% £9000 £16520 120 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
83% 0% 10% £9250 £22350 145 Reading On campus Full-time
78% 10% 5% £9250 £12500 112 Liverpool On campus Full-time
84% 0% 20% £9250 £12500 118 Liverpool On campus Full-time
90% 5% 15% £9250 £12500 107 Liverpool On campus Full-time
67% 4% 2% £9000 £20450 £22700 157 Cardiff On campus Full-time
84% 5% 0% £9250 £15000 £15450 127 Cheltenham On campus Full-time
73% 0% 7% £9250 £12500 109 Liverpool On campus Full-time
84% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 105 Liverpool On campus Full-time
83% 5% 10% £9250 £16700 73 Winchester On campus Full-time
- 15% 5% £9250 £40650 95 Bolton On campus Full-time
79% 5% 0% £9250 £16100 135 Liverpool On campus Full-time
74% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 118 Liverpool On campus Full-time
79% 5% 10% £9250 £21900 £20800 177 Aberdeen On campus Full-time
73% 9% 11% £9250 £18000 139 Canterbury On campus Full-time
83% 0% 15% £9250 £16700 116 Winchester On campus Full-time
100% 0% 0% £9250 £16150 £17000 115 London On campus Full-time
71% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 108 Liverpool On campus Full-time
81% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 118 Liverpool On campus Full-time
78% 10% 5% £9250 £12500 112 Liverpool On campus Full-time
85% 5% 10% £9250 £19500 120 Colchester On campus Full-time
74% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 110 Liverpool On campus Full-time
78% 0% 0% £9250 £22000 154 Loughborough On campus Full-time
80% 5% 4% £9250 £12500 104 Liverpool On campus Full-time
96% 0% 3% £9000 £16520 130 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
82% 0% 5% £9250 £16675 115 Bath On campus Full-time
73% 0% 7% £9250 £12500 109 Liverpool On campus Full-time
50% 0% 0% £9250 £15000 £15450 122 Cheltenham On campus Full-time
95% 5% 5% £9250 £15840 119 Chichester On campus Full-time
90% 5% 15% £9250 £12500 107 Liverpool On campus Full-time
66% 5% 8% £9250 £12500 113 Liverpool On campus Full-time
78% 0% 5% £9250 £18100 111 Portsmouth On campus Full-time
96% 0% 3% £9000 £15375 133 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
87% 5% 5% £9250 £17665 £19430 127 Uxbridge On campus Full-time
76% 5% 12% £9250 £16905 123 Bath On campus Full-time
82% 10% 15% £9250 £20800 153 Belfast On campus Full-time
84% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 115 Liverpool On campus Full-time
- 6% 6% £9250 £23800 132 Egham On campus Full-time
93% 0% 0% £9250 £19600 204 Glasgow On campus Full-time
91% 5% 8% £9000 £16520 127 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
62% 10% 5% £9250 £17950 141 Poole On campus Full-time
95% 0% 5% £9250 £15840 119 Chichester On campus Full-time
96% 0% 0% £9000 £16520 129 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
91% 10% 0% £9250 £15400 122 Hull On campus Full-time
98% 5% 10% £9250 £14000 113 York On campus Full-time
95% 0% 25% £9250 £18100 120 Portsmouth On campus Full-time
66% 5% 8% £9250 £12500 113 Liverpool On campus Full-time
100% 5% 10% £9250 £15000 111 Middlesbrough On campus Full-time
74% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 105 Liverpool On campus Full-time
91% 15% 20% £9250 £6120 £13980 £6960 137 Inverness On campus Full-time
76% 5% 12% £9250 £16675 128 Bath On campus Full-time
76% 0% 0% £9250 £12500 102 Liverpool On campus Full-time
University of Wales 63% 5% 10% £9000 £13500 132 Cardiff On campus Full-time
78% 0% 0% £9250 £22000 154 Loughborough On campus Full-time
86% 0% 5% £9250 £19600 189 Glasgow On campus Full-time
85% 5% 0% £9250 £12500 112 Liverpool On campus Full-time
85% 5% 10% £9250 £19500 120 Colchester On campus Full-time
95% 0% 10% £9250 £15840 119 Chichester On campus Full-time
92% 5% 5% £9250 £14000 120 York On campus Full-time
100% 0% 10% £9250 £12500 108 Liverpool On campus Full-time
50% 5% 5% £9250 £17665 £19430 127 Uxbridge On campus Full-time
86% 0% 6% £9250 £19600 204 Glasgow On campus Full-time
71% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 108 Liverpool On campus Full-time
93% 0% 0% £9250 £19600 200 Glasgow On campus Full-time
87% 0% 15% £9250 £16085 114 Birmingham On campus Full-time
75% 15% 15% £9250 £15100 132 London On campus Full-time
80% 5% 10% £9250 £19500 129 Colchester On campus Full-time
92% 5% 5% £9250 £14000 120 York On campus Full-time
81% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 118 Liverpool On campus Full-time
83% 5% 10% £9250 £22350 143 Reading On campus Full-time
74% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 109 Liverpool On campus Full-time
84% 5% 6% £9250 £19600 206 Glasgow On campus Full-time
72% 0% 0% £9250 £20600 169 Norwich On campus Full-time
72% 4% 4% £9250 £20600 163 Norwich On campus Full-time
75% 5% 15% £9250 £20900 170 Dundee On campus Full-time
72% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 123 Liverpool On campus Full-time
88% 10% 10% £9250 £16100 143 Liverpool On campus Full-time
91% 5% 0% £9000 £16520 130 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
70% 5% 10% £9250 £15250 £15750 112 Leicester On campus Full-time
74% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 110 Liverpool On campus Full-time
74% 10% 5% £9250 £12500 106 Liverpool On campus Full-time
94% 10% 0% £9250 £17665 £19430 119 Uxbridge On campus Full-time
83% 5% 20% £9250 £16500 111 Huddersfield On campus Full-time
89% 5% 0% £9250 £23700 177 Exeter On campus Full-time
72% 0% 5% £9250 £12500 123 Liverpool On campus Full-time
80% 15% 9% £9250 £12500 122 Liverpool On campus Full-time
76% 5% 12% £9250 £16675 128 Bath On campus Full-time
82% 0% 0% £9250 £23800 155 Egham On campus Full-time
73% 0% 10% £9250 £14900 130 Derby On campus Full-time
74% 5% 5% £9250 £12500 115 Liverpool On campus Full-time
96% 0% 3% £9000 £16520 129 Aberystwyth On campus Full-time
81% 2% 5% £9250 £22300 140 Southampton On campus Full-time
93% 0% 0% £9250 £19600 206 Glasgow On campus Full-time
74% 0% 0% £9250 £21500 147 Nottingham On campus Full-time
90% 1% 4% £9250 £19600 205 Glasgow On campus Full-time
92% 5% 5% £9250 £14000 122 York On campus Full-time
85% 5% 15% £9250 £12500 112 Liverpool On campus Full-time

Student Reviews

Primarily based on data from undergraduate degree students .

  Average review score among all Creative Writing courses in the UK Average score among all subjects in the UK
Explanations 96 91
Interesting courses 91 80
Intellectually stimulating 89 84
Challenged to do my best 87 84
Depth of concepts 88 83
Builds on previous learnings 87 84
Joined ideas from different topics 86 83
Balance directed/independent study 73 76
Applicability of course content 78 82
Clear criteria in markings 79 76
Fair assessment 84 80
Tests reflected your learning 86 81
Timely feedback 83 80
Helpful feedback 78 72
Approachability of teachers 87 83
Support from teachers 90 84
Organisation of courses 83 73
Communication of changes 83 75
IT facilities 85 84
Library 92 90
Course specific resources 87 86
Student feedback opportunities 79 81
Student feedback valued 78 75
Student's feedback acted upon 55 62
Work of student union 72 72
Mental wellbeing services 71 76
Overall satisfaction 72 70

Salary of all UK Graduates of Creative Writing

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £20738 £17423 £20425
25-75 percentile range £18446 - £26123 £12846 - £22039 £15406 - £26500

Salary of all UK Graduates of all subjects

  15 months after graduation 3 years after graduation 5 years after graduation
Median salary £20163 £17396 £21006
25-75 percentile range £16496 - £23728 £13799 - £21504 £15658 - £25228

Jobs & Career Perspectives

Career perspectives for creative writing.

15 months after graduation, graduates of this subject were asked about their current circumstances of employment, what they do, and whether their activities and perspectives are directly related to their studies.

What graduates are doing after 15 months

  All UK graduates of undergraduate studies in Creative Writing
Total respondents 2930
Unemployed 4%
Studying 9%
Working 65%
Both studying and working 15%
No information 5%

Current jobs

Among graduates of Creative Writing who indicated that they are working, the percentage below represents the number who “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statements about their job.

Job in line with future plans

Utilise skills from studies, work is meaningful.

  Agree or strongly agree Disagree
Job in line with future plans 51% 49%
Utilise skills from studies 43% 57%
Work is meaningful 60% 40%

Typical employers for graduates of Creative Writing

  • Publishing Houses
  • Editorial Writing Service Companies
  • Advertising, Marketing and PR Agencies
  • Primary, Secondary and Higher Education Institutions
  • Media Organisations
  • General Businesses

Specialisations within Creative Writing

  • Playwriting
  • Poetry Writing

Jobs of graduates of Creative Writing (15 months after graduation)

Example below based on all graduates of Creative Writing at Anglia Ruskin University

25% Secretarial and related occupations
15% Skilled trades occupations
15% Caring personal services
15% Elementary occupations
10% Artistic, literary and media occupations
10% Administrative occupations
10% Welfare and housing associate professionals
5% Business and public service associate professionals

Grading & Study Time

Assessment methods, study time distribution.

  Coursework Percentage of assessment by practical exams Written exams
year 1 83% 5% 10%
year 2 84% 7% 8%
year 3 84% 9% 6%
year 4 96% 0% 3%
  Scheduled learning and teaching Guided independent study Placements
year 1 22% 78% 0%
year 2 20% 79% 1%
year 3 18% 77% 5%
year 4 8% 92% 0%

Grading Distribution

Students of Creative Writing in the UK received the following grades.

  Students of Creative Writing in the UK received the following grades.
Not classified 0
Pass 0
Merit 0
Distinction 0
Ordinary degree 1
Other honours degree 2
Lower second class 12
Upper second class 63
First class 23

Entry Requirements / Admissions

Ucas tariff of accepted students for creative writing.

Tariff score % of students accepted for courses in Creative Writing
<48 1
48-63 2
64-79 4
80-95 7
96-111 15
112-127 20
128-143 21
144-159 20
160-175 16
176-191 4
192-207 3
208-223 4
224-239 3
>240 3

What are Creative Writing studies?

What salary do graduates in creative writing earn in the uk, which degrees can you earn in creative writing in the uk.

  • The following degrees are offered for Creative Writing studies:
  • Master of Arts - MA
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - BA (Hons)
  • Master of Arts (Honours) - MA (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Arts - BA


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MFA Programs Database

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Our MFA database includes essential information about low- and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply.

Adelphi University

Poetry: Jan-Henry Gray, Maya Marshall Prose: Katherine Hill, René Steinke, Igor Webb

Albertus Magnus College

Poetry: Paul Robichaud Fiction: Sarah Harris Wallman Nonfiction: Eric Schoeck

Alma College

Poetry: Leslie Contreras Schwartz, Jim Daniels, Benjamin Garcia Fiction: Karen E. Bender, Shonda Buchanan, Dhonielle Clayton, S. Kirk Walsh Creative Nonfiction: Anna Clark, Matthew Gavin Frank, Donald Quist, Robert Vivian

American University

Poetry: Kyle Dargan, David Keplinger Fiction: Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Stephanie Grant, Patricia Park Nonfiction: Rachel Louise Snyder

Antioch University

Poetry: Victoria Chang Prose: Lisa Locascio

Arcadia University

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith Literature: Matthew Heitzman, Christopher Varlack, Elizabeth Vogel, Jo Ann Weiner

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith

Arizona State University

Poetry: Sally Ball, Natalie Diaz, Alberto Álvaro Ríos, Safiya Sinclair Fiction: Matt Bell, Jenny Irish, Tara Ison, Mitchell Jackson, T. M. McNally Creative Nonfiction: Sarah Viren

Ashland University

Poetry: Dexter Booth, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Adam Gellings, Tess Taylor, Vanessa Angélica Villareal Fiction: Kirstin Chen, Edan Lepucki, Sarah Monette, Nayomi Munaweera, Vi Khi Nao, Naomi J. Williams, Kyle Winkler Nonfiction: Cass Donish, Kate Hopper, Lauren Markham, Thomas Mira y Lopez, Lisa Nikolidakis, Terese Mailhot

Augsburg University

Poetry: Michael Kleber-Diggs Fiction: Stephan Eirik Clark, Lindsay Starck Nonfiction: Anika Fajardo  Playwriting: Carson Kreitzer, TyLie Shider, Sarah Myers Screenwriting: Stephan Eirik Clark, Andy Froemke

Ball State University

Poetry: Katy Didden, Mark Neely Fiction: Cathy Day, Sean Lovelace Nonfiction: Jill Christman, Silas Hansen Screenwriting: Rani Deighe Crowe, Matt Mullins

Bard College

Jess Arndt, Shiv Kotecha, Mirene Arsanios, Hannah Black, Trisha Low, Christoper Perez, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Simone White

Bath Spa University

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, John Strachan, Samantha Walton, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Alexia Casale, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Lucy English, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Steve Hollyman, Emma Hooper, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, C.J. Skuse, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Celia Brayfield, Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge Scriptwriting: Robin Mukherjee

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge

Bay Path University

Mel Allen, Leanna James Blackwell, Jennifer Baker, Melanie Brooks, María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado, Shahnaz Habib, Susan Ito, Karol Jackowski, Yi Shun Lai, Anna Mantzaris, Meredith O’Brien, Mick Powell, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Tommy Shea, Kate Whouley

Bennington Writing Seminars at Bennington College

Poetry: Jennifer Chang, Michael Dumanis, Randall Mann, Craig Morgan Teicher, Mark Wunderlich Fiction: Peter Cameron, Jai Chakrabarti, Stacey D’Erasmo, Monica Ferrell, Rebecca Makkai, Stuart Nadler, Téa Obreht, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Katy Simpson Smith, Taymour Soomro Nonfiction: Garrard Conley, Sabrina Orah Mark, Spencer Reece, Lance Richardson, Shawna Kay Rodenberg, Hugh Ryan, Greg Wrenn

Binghamton University

Poetry: Tina Chang, Joseph Weil Fiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Thomas Glave, Leslie L. Heywood, Claire Luchette, Liz Rosenberg, Jaimee Wriston-Colbert, Alexi Zentner Nonfiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Leslie L. Heywood

Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University

Poetry: Julie Hensley, Young Smith Fiction: Julie Hensley, Robert Dean Johnson Nonfiction: Robert Dean Johnson, Evan J. Massey Playwriting: Young Smith

Boise State University

Poetry: Martin Corless-Smith, Sara Nicholson, Taryn Schwilling Fiction: Mitch Wieland (Director), Anna Caritj Creative Nonfiction: Chris Violet Eaton, Clyde Moneyhun

Boston University

Poetry: Andrea Cohen, Karl Kirchwey, Robert Pinsky Fiction: Leslie Epstein, Jennifer Haigh, Ha Jin

Boston University—MFA in Literary Translation

Odile Cazenave, Yuri Corrigan, Margaret Litvin, Christopher Maurer, Roberta Micaleff, Robert Pinsky (advising), Stephen Scully, Sassan Tabatabai, J. Keith Vincent, William Waters, Dennis Wuerthner, Cathy Yeh, Anna Zielinska-Elliott

Bowling Green State University

Poetry: Abigail Cloud, Amorak Huey, Sharona Muir, F. Dan Rzicznek, Larissa Szporluk, Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick Fiction: Joe Celizic, Lawrence Coates, Reema Rajbanshi, Michael Schulz

Brigham Young University

Poetry: Kimberly Johnson, Lance Larsen, Michael Lavers, John Talbot Fiction: Chris Crowe, Ann Dee Ellis, Spencer Hyde, Stephen Tuttle Nonfiction: Joey Franklin, Patrick Madden

Brooklyn College

Poetry: Julie Agoos, Ben Lerner Fiction: Joshua Henkin, Madeleine Thien Playwriting: Dennis A. Allen II, Elana Greenfield

2024 Best Creative Writing Schools

Choosing a great creative writing school, creative writing rankings by degree level.

Read more about College Factual's methodology .

Best Schools for Creative Writing in the United States

25 top schools in creative writing.

There were roughly 84 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Johns Hopkins in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 125 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Pitt in the most recent year we have data available.

There were roughly 18 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Carnegie Mellon in the most recent data year.

There were about 36 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UChicago in the most recent data year.

There were about 134 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Columbia in the most recent data year.

There were roughly 17 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Northwestern in the most recent data year.

There were about 35 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Brown in the most recent year we have data available.

There were about 45 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at USC in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 54 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Iowa in the most recent data year.

There were about 9 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UMN Twin Cities in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 55 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Miami University - Oxford in the most recent year we have data available.

There were roughly 17 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Harvard in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 43 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Emory in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 19 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Purdue in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 58 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UW Seattle in the most recent data year.

There were roughly 30 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at WUSTL in the most recent data year.

There were about 7 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Notre Dame in the most recent year we have data available.

There were about 6 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Vanderbilt in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 12 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Wellesley in the most recent year we have data available.

There were about 86 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UT Austin in the most recent data year.

There were roughly 12 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Iowa State in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 18 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Boston U in the most recent data year.

There were about 53 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UC in the most recent year we have data available.

There were roughly 84 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at University of Arizona in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 26 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at BGSU in the most recent data year.

Rest of the Top Best Creative Writing Schools

Honorable mentions.

33 Providence, RI
34 Ann Arbor, MI
35 Saint Charles, MO
36 Washington, DC
37 Houston, TX
38 Philadelphia, PA
39 Tempe, AZ
40 Flagstaff, AZ
41 Champaign, IL
42 San Marcos, TX
43 Charlottesville, VA

Creative Writing by Region


Other Rankings

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The 12 Best Creative Writing Colleges and Programs

College Info


Finding a dedicated creative writing program at a school you're excited about can be a real challenge, and that's even before you start worrying about getting in. Nonetheless, there are some great options. In order to help you find the best school for you, this list rounds up some of the best colleges for creative writing in the United States .

The Best Creative Writing Programs: Ranking Criteria

You should never take college rankings as absolute truth —not even the very official-seeming US News ones. Instead, use these kinds of lists as a jumping-off place for your own exploration of colleges. Pay attention not just to what the rankings are but to how the rankings are determined.

To help with that, I'll explain how I came up with this highly unscientific list of great creative writing colleges. I started by narrowing my search down to schools that offered a specific creative writing major. (If you don't see a school you were expecting, it's likely because they only have a minor.)

In ranking the schools, I considered five major criteria:

  • #1: MFA Ranking —If a school has a great graduate creative writing program, it means you'll be taught by those same professors and the excellent graduate students they attract. Schools with strong MFA programs are also more likely to have solid alumni networks and internship opportunities. However, many schools with great undergrad programs do not offer MFAs, in which case I simply focused on the other four options.
  • #2: General School Reputation —The vast majority of your classes won't be in creative writing, so it's important that other parts of the school, especially the English department, are great as well.
  • #3: Extracurricular Opportunities —One of the key advantages of majoring in creative writing is that it can provide access to writing opportunities outside the classroom, so I took what kind of internship programs, author readings, and literary magazines the school offers into consideration.
  • #4: Diversity of Class Options —I gave extra points to schools with a variety of genre options and specific, interesting classes.
  • #5: Alumni/Prestige —This last criterion is a bit more subjective: is the school known for turning out good writers? Certainly it's less important than what kind of education you'll actually get, but having a brand-name degree (so to speak) can be helpful.

The Best Creative Writing Schools

Now, let's get to the good stuff: the list of schools! The exact numbering is always arguable, so look at it as a general trend from absolutely amazing to still super great, rather than fixating on why one school is ranked #3 and another is ranked #4.

#1: Northwestern University

Northwestern's undergrad creative writing program boasts acclaimed professors and an unparalleled track record of turning out successful writers (including Divergent author Veronica Roth and short-story writer Karen Russell).

Outside the classroom, you can work on the student-run literary journal, intern at a publication in nearby Chicago, or submit to the Department of English's yearly writing competition . The university is also home to a top journalism program , so if you want to try your hand at nonfiction as well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

#2: Columbia University

Like Northwestern, Columbia is home to both a world-class creative writing program and a top journalism school (plus one of the best English departments in the country), so you have a wide range of writing-related course options. Columbia also benefits from its location in New York City, which is bursting at the seams with publishing houses, literary journals, and talented authors.


#3: University of Iowa

The University of Iowa's big draw is the infrastructure of its graduate Writers' Workshop, which is often considered the best MFA program in the country.

As an English and Creative Writing major here, you'll take classes from great young writers and established professors alike, and get to choose from a wide range of topics. This major provides transferable skills important for a liberal arts major with a creative focus. You'll also have access to the university's impressive literary community, including frequent readings, writing prizes and scholarships, and the acclaimed literary journal The Iowa Review .

#4: Emory University

Emory is renowned for its dedicated undergrad creative writing program , which draws the very best visiting scholars and writers. Students here have the chance to attend intimate question-and-answer sessions with award-winning authors, study a range of genres, compete for writing awards and scholarships, and work closely with an adviser to complete an honors project.

#5: Oberlin College

A small liberal arts school in Ohio, Oberlin offers very different advantages than the schools above do. You'll have fewer opportunities to pursue writing in the surrounding city, but the quality of the teachers and the range of courses might make up for that. Moreover, it boasts just as impressive alumni, including actress and writer Lena Dunham.

#6: Hamilton College

Hamilton is another small college, located in upstate New York. It's known for giving students the freedom to pursue their interests and the support to help them explore topics in real depth, both inside and outside the classroom. Hamilton's creative writing program takes full advantage with small classes and lots of opportunities to intern and publish; it also has one of the best writing centers in the country.

#7: Brown University

Brown's Literary Arts program offers one of the top MFAs in the US as well as an undergraduate major . For the major, you must take four creative writing workshops and six reading-intensive courses, which span an array of departments and topics, from music and literature to Middle East studies and Egyptology.


#8: Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University has an excellent creative writing MFA program, lots of super specific class options, and a number of scholarships specifically earmarked for creative writing students. This school’s undergraduate English program also offers a concentration in creative writing that allows students to specialize in a specific genre: poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. If you’re interested in exploring your potential in a specific writing genre, Washington University could be a great pick for you.

#9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT might not be a school you generally associate with writing, but it actually has an excellent program that offers courses in digital media and science writing, as well as creative writing, and provides plenty of guidance on how graduates can navigate the tricky job market.

Not to mention the school is located in Cambridge, a haven for book lovers and writers of all kinds. Though it probably isn’t a good fit for students who hate science, MIT is a great place for aspiring writers who want to build writing skills that are marketable in a wide range of industries.

#10: University of Michigan

University of Michigan is one of the best state universities in the country and has a top-notch MFA program. This school’s undergrad creative writing sub-concentration requires students to submit applications for admittance to advanced creative writing courses. These applications give students crucial practice in both building a writing portfolio and articulating their interest in creative writing to an audience who will evaluate their work. If you're looking to attend a big school with a great creative writing major, this is a fantastic choice.

#11: Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins is another school that's known more for engineering than it is for writing, but, like MIT, it has a dedicated writing program. As a major here, you must take not only courses in prose, poetry, and literature, but also classes on topics such as philosophy and history.

#12: Colorado College

Colorado College is a small liberal arts school known for its block plan , which allows students to focus on one class per three-and-a-half-week block. The creative writing track of the English major includes a sequence of four writing workshops and also requires students to attend every reading of the Visiting Writers Series.

Bonus School: New York University

I didn't include NYU in the main list because it doesn't have a dedicated creative writing major, but it's a great school for aspiring writers nonetheless, offering one of the most impressive creative writing faculties in the country and all the benefits of a Manhattan location.


How To Pick the Best Creative Writing School for You

Just because Northwestern is a great school for creative writing doesn't mean you should set your heart on going there. (The football fans are completely terrifying, for one thing.) So where should you go then?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when looking at creative writing programs to help you determine the best school for you:

Does It Have Courses You're Interested In?

Look at the course offerings and see whether they interest you. While you can't predict exactly what classes you'll love, you want to avoid a mismatch where what you want to study and what the program offers are completely different. For example, if you want to write sonnets but the school focuses more on teaching fiction, it probably won't be a great fit for you.

Also, don't forget to look at the English courses and creative writing workshops! In most programs, you'll be taking a lot of these, too.

What Opportunities Are There To Pursue Writing Outside of Class?

I touched on this idea in the criteria section, but it's important enough that I want to reiterate it here. Some of the best writing experience you can get is found outside the classroom, so see what kind of writing-related extracurriculars a school has before committing to it.

Great options include getting involved with the campus newspaper, working on the school's literary journal, or interning at the university press.

Who Will Be Teaching You?

Who are the professors? What kind of work have they published? Check teacher ratings on Rate My Professors (but make sure to read the actual reviews—and always take them with a grain of salt).

If you're looking at a big school, there's a good chance that a lot of your teachers will be graduate students. But that's not necessarily a bad thing: a lot of the best teachers I had in college were graduate students. Just take into consideration what kind of graduate program the school has. If there's a great creative writing MFA program, then the graduate students are likely to be better writers and more engaged teachers.

What Are the Alumni Doing Now?

If you have a sense of what you want to do after you graduate, see if any alumni of the program are pursuing that type of career. The stronger the alumni network is, the more connections you'll have when it comes time to get a job.

What About the Rest of the School?

Don't pick a school for which you like the creative writing program but dread everything else about it. Most of your time will be spent doing other things, whether hanging out in the dorms, exploring off campus, or fulfilling general education requirements.

Many schools require you to apply to the creative writing major, so make doubly sure you'll be happy with your choice even if you aren't accepted to the program.

What's Next?

Are you sure a creative writing major is the right fit for you? Read our post on the pros and cons of the major to help you decide what path to take in college.

For more general advice about choosing a college, check out our complete guide to finding the right school for you. Some major factors to consider include deciding whether you're interested in a small college or a big university , an in-state or out-of-state institution , and a public or private school .

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Alex is an experienced tutor and writer. Over the past five years, she has worked with almost a hundred students and written about pop culture for a wide range of publications. She graduated with honors from University of Chicago, receiving a BA in English and Anthropology, and then went on to earn an MA at NYU in Cultural Reporting and Criticism. In high school, she was a National Merit Scholar, took 12 AP tests and scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and ACT.

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2024 Creative Practice Colloquium

A summary of the second annual Creative Practice Colloquium, organised by a team of postgraduate researchers in the Department of Film & Creative Writing.

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A group of postgraduate students lined up for a group photo in front of the University of Birmingham's redbrick buildings


A Creative Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing.


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  • 10 2 18 9 19 22 29 3 33 5 43 8 48 8
  • IN CLEARING University of Plymouth IN CLEARING VIEW COURSES Bournemouth University VIEW COURSES Bristol, University of the West of ... VIEW COURSES IN CLEARING Bath Spa University IN CLEARING VIEW COURSES IN CLEARING University of Gloucestershire IN CLEARING VIEW COURSES IN CLEARING Arts University Bournemouth IN CLEARING VIEW COURSES IN CLEARING Falmouth University IN CLEARING VIEW COURSES
  • 95% 90% 90% 88% 86% 85% 81%
  • 68% n/a 56% 58% 51% 60% 57%
  • 80% 75% 79% 76% 79% 89% 80%
  • 86% 70% 71% 81% 67% 64% n/a
  • 66% 78% 92% 66% 54% 60% 54%

This table was first published on 14 May 2024. 

Read the  University and subject tables methodology  to find out where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled and explanations of the measures used. 

All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table view. Maximum scores for the measures: 

Overall score: maximum score of 1000 

Entry standards: no maximum score  

Student satisfaction: maximum score of 4

Research quality: maximum score of 4 

Continuation: maximum score of 100 

Graduate prospects – outcomes: maximum score of 100 

Graduate prospects – on track: maximum score of 100 

The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:  

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  • - University of Huddersfield
  • - University of Leicester
  • - University of Nottingham
  • - University of Oxford
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  1. Best UK University For Creative Writing

    creative writing uk ranking

  2. Top UK Universities For Creative Writing

    creative writing uk ranking

  3. Creative Writing

    creative writing uk ranking

  4. English Literature with Creative Writing BA

    creative writing uk ranking

  5. Creative Writing Masters Uk Ranking

    creative writing uk ranking

  6. Mfa Creative Writing Selectivity Rankings

    creative writing uk ranking


  1. Creative Writing Rankings 2025

    SUBJECT LEAGUE TABLE 2025. A Creative Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing. Share.

  2. UK's 100+ best Creative Writing universities [2024 Rankings]

    Below is a list of best universities in the United Kingdom ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 640K citations received by 54.6K academic papers made by 121 universities in the United Kingdom was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  3. Top UK Universities For Creative Writing

    Ranked first for Creative Writing in the 2025 UK rankings, University of Warwick offers an undergraduate programme, English Literature and Creative Writing BA (Hons). This practical course equips students with the knowledge of creative writing process and helps them become a better writer, with a deeper understanding of literary history, literary theory and the past and future of publishing.

  4. News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition

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  5. The 6 Best UK Universities for Creative Writing Degrees

    6. University of Strathclyde. Based in the center of Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, the University of Strathclyde is a multi-award-winning university. And when it comes to creative writing, Strathclyde offers some unique areas of study for undergraduates, including Scottish literature and the Glasgow novel.

  6. Best UK University For Creative Writing

    With the Complete University Guide 2023 ranking it #14 in the UK. In addition, Birmingham is a member of the esteemed Russell Group. ... The Guardian 2023 ranks Edge Hill #5 in the UK for Creative Writing. And its Creative Writing students have a £17 million state-of-the-art building to thrive and learn in, with features such as:

  7. The World-Class Wordsmith: 5 top UK universities for Creative Writing

    The Department of English and Creative Writing delivers a consistently outstanding student experience. In the latest national survey of student satisfaction the Department ranked #1 in Wales for English and Creative Writing, #3 in the UK for feedback and #1 in the UK for learning resources. Overall satisfaction for English was an exceptional 97%.

  8. Creative Writing London

    League tables of the best universities in Creative Writing London , 2025. Compare universities, courses, prospects and career options.

  9. UK University Times Subject Ranking 2018

    Top UK universities for Creative writing. The art of making things up, in the most attractive, apt and convincing way possible. Alternatively, this is also commonly known as writing, which comes from the imagination. Lancaster University. Apply. 1. University of Birmingham. Apply. 2.

  10. Creative Writing in London, ENG: 20 Best universities Ranked

    Below is a list of best universities in London ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 120K citations received by 9.53K academic papers made by 20 universities in London was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  11. Creative Writing at Royal Holloway ranked 1st in the UK

    Creative Writing at Royal Holloway has been ranked 1st in the UK in the Times Good University Guide 2022. Creative Writing at Royal Holloway began in 2004 offering an MA and then in 2007 launched one of the earliest Undergraduate Creative Writing programmes in the UK. We now offer Creative Writing and Drama and American Literature and Creative ...

  12. Creative Writing Rankings 2025

    SUBJECT LEAGUE TABLE 2025. A Creative Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing. Share.

  13. World's 100+ best Creative Writing universities [Rankings]

    Music 1046. Painting and Drawing 1066. Performing arts 1020. Photography 1196. Sculpture 1066. Singing and Vocal Performance 1091. UX/UI Desgin 1001. Below is the list of 100 best universities for Creative Writing in the World ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 3.39M citations received by 403K academic papers made by these ...

  14. Creative Writing Degree Courses in the UK

    On campus Full-time. Creative Writing (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) The University of Winchester. 83%. 5%. 10%. £9250. £16700. 73.

  15. Creative Writing in United Kingdom

    Studying Creative Writing in United Kingdom is a great choice, as there are 107 universities that offer Bachelor's degrees on our portal. ... which are regularly featured in international rankings. While studying in the UK, you will be able to develop in a highly multicultural environment with high chances of pursuing lucrative careers after ...

  16. Creative Writing in United Kingdom

    Studying Creative Writing in United Kingdom is a great choice, as there are 118 universities that offer Master's degrees on our portal. ... which are regularly featured in international rankings. While studying in the UK, you will be able to develop in a highly multicultural environment with high chances of pursuing lucrative careers after ...

  17. MFA Programs Database: 255 Programs for Creative Writers

    Our list of 255 MFA programs for creative writers includes essential information about low-residency and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply. It also includes MA programs and PhD programs.

  18. 2024 Best Creative Writing Schools

    Every student pursuing a degree in creative writing needs to check out Carnegie Mellon University. Carnegie Mellon is a large private not-for-profit university located in the large city of Pittsburgh. A Best Colleges rank of #9 out of 2,217 colleges nationwide means Carnegie Mellon is a great university overall.

  19. The 12 Best Creative Writing Colleges and Programs

    University of Michigan is one of the best state universities in the country and has a top-notch MFA program. This school's undergrad creative writing sub-concentration requires students to submit applications for admittance to advanced creative writing courses. These applications give students crucial practice in both building a writing ...

  20. Creative Writing London

    Full league tables of the best universities in Creative Writing London , 2025. Compare universities, courses, prospects and career options. ... Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing.

  21. Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses

    Search through undergraduate Communication and Media degree courses to see what's available from UK universities. Each page should give you an insight into what the course might be like, along with information on entry requirements, UCAS points and university league table performance.A degree in Communication and Media will give you the knowledge and skills required for a career in the media ...

  22. 2024 Creative Practice Colloquium

    The second annual Creative Practice Colloquium was held at the University of Birmingham from 12-13 June, supported with funding from the BAFTSS Practice Research SIG, B-Film: the Birmingham Centre for Film and Television Studies, and the Department of Film and Creative Writing. Co-organised by Nina ...

  23. Creative Writing South West England

    League tables of the best universities in Creative Writing South West England , 2025. Compare universities, courses, prospects and career options. ... Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing.