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  • CSE Citation Generator

Free CSE Citation Generator

Generate accurate CSE citations for books, websites, journals and more, with MyBib!

CSE style guidebook cover

🤔 What is a CSE Citation Generator?

A CSE citation generator is an online tool that creates citations in the Council of Science Editors (CSE) citation style. It does this automatically by taking in an identifier for a document, such as a website URL, book ISBN, or journal DOI, and then formatting the citation correctly using the remaining details.

🤓 What is the CSE citation style?

The CSE citation style is a citation style created by the Council of Science Editors, a non-profit organization. They publish the CSE style guidelines in the CSE Scientific Style and Format Manual , now on the 8th edition.

There are three ways to correctly cite sources in the CSE style. They should not be mixed together (format all citations the same way).

  • Name-Year (N-Y): Also known as author-date, the author name and publication year are surrounded with parenthesis and placed next to the cited text as an in-text citation. The reference list at the end of the article is ordered alphabetically by the author's last name.
  • Citation-Name (C-N): Superscripted numbers (example: ¹) are placed next to cited text as an in-text citation. The reference list is still sorted alphabetically by the author's last name, but the corresponding in-text citation number is prepended to each reference to connect both of them together.
  • Citation-Sequence (C-S): Similar to Citation-Name, superscripted numbers are used next to cited text and are also prepended to the author's name in the reference list, but the reference list is sorted by the citation number in ascending order instead of the author's last name.

👩‍🎓 Who uses a CSE Citation Generator?

The CSE style is used broadly across the sciences--especially biology, where it originated. If you are studying the sciences, or you are writing to be published in an CSE publication (such as Science Editor ), then you will likely need to cite your sources using the CSE style.

🙌 Why should I use a CSE Citation Generator?

Every academic field, not just the sciences, will recommend using a tool to record references to others' work in your writing. A citation generator like MyBib can record this data, and can also automatically create an accurate bibliography from it, with the necessary in-text citations too.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's CSE Citation Generator?

MyBib's CSE citation generator was designed to be accurate and easy to use (also it's FREE!). Follow these steps:

  • Search for the article, website, or document you want to cite using the search box at the top of the page.
  • Look through the list of results found and choose the one that you referenced in your work.
  • Make sure the details are all correct, and correct any that aren't. Then click Generate!

The generator will produce a formatted CSE citation that can be copied and pasted directly into your document, or saved to MyBib as part of your overall reference list (which can be downloaded fully later!).

MyBib supports the following for CSE style:

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

Type of Source

CSE Documentation (formerly CBE) -- Citation-Sequence System

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When you use the words or original ideas of another person in your writing, you need to document, or give credit to, the sources of those words or ideas. If exact words from the original are used, quotation marks are necessary. If you paraphrase or restate the idea in your own words, quotation marks are not required, but documentation of the source is still required.

There are several different formats for documentation. This page explains the CSE (Council of Science Editors) format. In this format, you briefly identify your sources in the text of your paper, then give the full information in the list of references at the end of the paper.

  • the Citation-Sequence system (used for the chemistry lab/library assignment)
  • the Name-Year system (used by many biology classes)

Your instructor can tell you which method or system to use.

Identify Sources in the Text -- Citation-Sequence system

According to CSE style, you identify in the text of your paper the sources of information (references) you have used. This serves the same purpose as "footnotes," but is integrated smoothly into the text of your paper, rather than listed separately. The CSE style offers several systems of citing your references. This handout illustrates the Citation-Sequence system.

As each source is mentioned in the text, it is numbered in sequence. Page numbers are not added.

Ozone plays an important role in photochemical smog and in the production of acid rain. 1

If a source is used again later, the original number is reused.

"The American Lung Association (ALA) reports that lung disease is now the third leading cause of death in the country and the fastest growing among the top five causes and that ozone pollution contributes to this deadly trend." 8 On the other hand, atmospheric ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 240 and 320 nanometers which is lethal to simple unicellular organisms and the surface cells of higher plants and animals. 1

The complete references are listed at the end of the paper in the order they were numbered in your paper.

Listing Your References

The list of references (or bibliography) at the end of your paper should be a list of all the sources that contributed ideas and information to your paper. It can be titled "References" or "Cited References."

The arrangement of references in your list depends upon how you have cited them in your text. In the Citation-Sequence system, each reference appears in the order that it is first mentioned in your paper.

It is based on Citing Medicine, 2nd edition: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers which is the NLM Style: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/ . CSE's link for citing sources accessed via the Internet is very detailed and based on NLM style, so librarian assistance is recommended in using it: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7277/


Reference List Examples by Type of Reference

Online (web) sources indicated with double plus sign ++

Note: Write down the URL and date accessed for citations when downloading. They may not appear on printouts.

Specialized Reference Works

Other works.

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Example - accessed References

Note: This is an example of an integrated list of all references.

    1. Prinn RG. Atmospheric ozone. In McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. 7th ed. Vol. 2. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1992. p. 229-232.

    2. Uretsky S, Davidson T. Antacids. In: Gale encyclopedia of medicine [database on the Internet]. 5th ed. Vol. 1. Farmington Hills (MI): Gale; 2015. [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. (Gale Virtual Reference Library). p 274-276. https://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL.

    3. Uretsky S, Davidson AMT, Longe JL. Antacids. In: Gale encyclopedia of medicine [database on the Internet]. 3rd ed. Detroit (MI): Thomson Gale; 2006. [accessed 2009 Oct 22]. (Health Reference Center Academic). [about 2 p.]. http://find.galegroup.com/gtx/start.do?prodId=HRCA.

    4. National Research Council. Ozone-forming potential of reformulated gasoline. Washington (DC): National Academy Press; 1999. 212 p.

    5. McCuen GE, editor. Our endangered atmosphere: global warming and the ozone layer. Hudson (WI): Gary E. McCuen Publications; 1987. 133 p.

    6. Rigos G, Nengas I, Alexis M, Troisi GM. Potential drug (oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid) pollution from Mediterranean sparid fish farms [abstract]. Aquatic Toxicology. 2004 Aug 25;69(3):281-8. In: PubMed [database on the Internet]. Washington (DC): NLM [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/.

    7. William P. The ozone below. Audubon. 1994 Sep-Oct;96(5):14, 22-23.

    8. Browne MW. Antarctica's ozone layer is threatened by depletion. NY Times. 1994 Oct 8;Sect A:7(col 6).

    9. Brasseur GP, Prinn RG. Stratospheric ozone. In AccessScience @ McGraw-Hill: encyclopedia of science and technology online [database on the Internet]. 2007-19 ed. [New York]: McGraw-Hill; 2018. [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://www.accessscience.com/.

    10. Andersen S, Sarma K. Protecting the ozone layer: the United Nations history. London: Earthscan Publications; 2002. 400 p.

    11. Young CT and updated by staff. Nuts. In: Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology [database on the Internet]. 1999-2019 ed. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley; 2007. [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/0471238961.

    12. Chiuchiolo AL, Dickhut RM, Cochran MA, Ducklow HW. Persistent organic pollutants at the base of the Antarctic marine food web. Environmental Science & Technology. 2004;38(13):3551-3557. In: Academic Search Complete [database on the Internet]. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO [accessed 2006 Sep 5]. 7 p. http://search.ebscohost.com/.

    13. Chiuchiolo AL, Dickhut RM, Cochran MA, Ducklow HW. Persistent organic pollutants at the base of the Antarctic marine food web. Environmental Science & Technology. 2004;38(13):3551-3557. In: American Chemical Society Publications: Journals and Magazines [database on the Internet]. Washington (DC): ACS; c2000-2019 [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://pubs.acs.org/about.html.

    14. Mackenzie D. Anybody want to save the ozone layer? In: Gribbin J, editor. The breathing planet. New York: Basil Blackwell; 1986. p. 185-192.

    15. Bekki S, Law KS, Pyle JA. Effect of ozone depletion on atmospheric CH(4) and CO concentrations. Nature. 1994 Oct 13;371(6498):595-597.

    16. Careers in chemical engineering - what do chemical engineers do? [Internet]. New York (NY): American Institute of Chemical Engineers; [date unknown]. [accessed 2012 Oct 22]. https://www.aiche.org/community/students/career-resources-k-12-students-parents/what-do-chemical-engineers-do.

    17. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). ATSDR Toxicological Profile Information Sheet database [Internet]. U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/index.asp.

    18. Can we save the ozone layer? [place unknown]: Concerned Citizen Press; [date unknown].

    19. Pulford I. Environmental chemistry at a glance. Oxford; Malden (MA): Blackwell Pub.; 2006. 132 p.

    20. Brody J. Cutting cholesterol, an uphill battle. The New York Times [Internet]. 2007 Aug 21. [accessed 2007 Sep 27]. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/21/health/21brod.html?_r=1&oref=slogin.

    21. Travis J. Toxin trumped. Science News. 2002 Aug 17:99. In: Academic Search Complete [database on the Internet]. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO [accessed 2019 Mar 19]. https://search.ebscohost.com/.

    22. Neidle S. Principles of nucleic acid structure [electronic resource] . Amsterdam: Elsevier; Boston: Academic Press; 2008. [accessed 2019 Mar 13]. https://www.ebscohost.com/ebooks/home.

    23. Luster M, Simeonova P, Germolec D. Immunotoxicology. In: Encyclopedia of life sciences [database on the Internet]. 1999-2013 ed. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley; 2008. [accessed 2013 Feb 20]. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/mrw/advanced/search?doi=10.1002/047001590X.

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BibGuru CSE Citation Generator

Cite websites, books, articles, ...

BibGuru CSE Citation Generator citation generator

In-text citations in CSE

Cse reference list - name-year system, citation examples - name-year system, cse reference list - citation-sequence and citation-name system, citation examples - citation-sequence and citation-name system.

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The ultimate guide to citing in CSE

CSE style was developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE), a US-based nonprofit organization that supports editorial practice among scientific writers. The CSE publishes a style guide for scientific papers: The CSE Manual . CSE style originated in the 1960s and is currently used in many fields of study in both the life sciences and physical sciences.

If you are not sure which citation style to use in your paper, ask your instructor. There are many different citation styles and using the style your instructor or institution has established correctly can have a positive impact on your grade.

The CSE Manual, 8th edition, is the basis of this guide. This guide focuses on crediting sources and aims at answering all of your questions about citing in CSE. But you don’t have to worry about getting your citations right with the BibGuru citation generator. We have created BibGuru to help you focus on the content of your work instead of worrying about how to get your reference list done correctly.

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I want to cite a ...

The CSE style has three systems to cite sources in-text:

  • Name-Year (N-Y) system: The author’s surname and year of the publication are placed in parentheses in the text e.g. (Rode 2012). The reference list is ordered alphabetically by author name.
  • Citation-Name (C-N) system: Superscript numbers are used to identify in-text citations. In the alphabetized reference list, each numeral corresponds with a unique reference.
  • Citation-Sequence (C-S) system: Superscript numbers are used to identify in-text citations. In the reference list, sources are numbered sequentially by the order in which they appear in the text (this differs from the C-N system because they might not be in alphabetical order by author).

These abbreviated references are called in-text references. They refer to a list of full references at the end of the document.

Which of the three citation systems above you use will determine the order of references at the end of your document. These end references essentially have the same format in all three systems. One exception is the placement of the date of publication in the name-year system. Ask your instructor which of the three systems to use in case you are unsure.

See below the format and examples for the most popular reference types in the name-year system:

CSE Name-Year explainer image

  • Dissertations and Theses

For the end reference, list authors in the order in which they appear in the original text, followed by the year of publication. Journal titles are generally abbreviated. Each element is separated by a period, and the location (usually the page range for the article) is preceded by a colon.

FORMAT Reference list entry format

Author(s). Date. Article title. Journal title. Volume(issue):location.

FORMAT Reference list entry format for an online journal article

Author(s) of article. Date of publication. Title of article. Title of journal (edition). [date updated; date accessed];Volume(issue):location. Notes.

EXAMPLE Journal article with a DOI

(Christopher 2022)

Reference list:

Christopher MM. 2022. Comprehensive analysis of retracted journal articles in the field of veterinary medicine and animal health. BMC Vet Res. 18(1):73. doi:10.1186/s12917-022-03167-x.

For articles with 2 authors, names are separated by a comma in the end reference but by “and” in the in-text reference.

EXAMPLE Journal article with two authors

(McCauley and Christiansen 2019)
McCauley SM, Christiansen MH. 2019. Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychol Rev. 126(1):1–51. doi:10.1037/rev0000126.

For articles with 3 to 10 authors, list all authors in the end reference; in the in-text reference, list only the first, followed by “et al.” When there are more than 10 authors, list the first 10 in the end reference, followed by “et al.”

EXAMPLE Journal article with four authors

(Warren et al. 2018)
Warren R, Price J, Graham E, Forstenhaeusler N, VanDerWal J. 2018. The projected effect on insects, vertebrates, and plants of limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C. Science. 360(6390):791–795. doi:10.1126/science.aar3646.

The basic format for books is as follows:


Author(s). Date. Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Notes.

Extent can include information about pagination or number of volumes and is considered optional. Notes can include information of interest to the reader, such as the language of publications other than English, and is also considered optional.

For books with 2 authors, names are separated by a comma in the end reference and by “and” in the in-text reference.

EXAMPLE Book with two authors

(Auerbach and Kotlikoff 1998)
Auerbach AJ, Kotlikoff LJ. 1998. Macroeconomics: An integrated approach. 2nd ed. London, England: MIT Press.

For books with 3 to 10 authors, list all authors in the end reference. In the in-text reference, list only the first, followed by “et al.” For books with more than 10 authors, list the first 10 in the end reference, followed by “et al.”

EXAMPLE Book with 6 authors

(Clayton et al. 2021)
Clayton D, Jackson TD, Stone N, Thomas A, Woodfolk A, Yoon N. 2021. Blackout. UK: HarperCollins.

EXAMPLE Book with an editor and multiple authors

(Raab et al. 2015)
Raab M, Lobinger B, Hoffmann SO, Pizzera A, Laborde S, editors. 2015. Performance psychology: Perception, action, cognition, and emotion. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

EXAMPLE Doctoral thesis

(Pradhan 2021)
Pradhan S. 2021. Impacts of road construction on landsliding in Nepal [doctoral thesis]. Durham University. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/14069/.

Website references follow the same general principles as printed references. In addition, a date of update/revision (if available), access date, and URL need to be provided. The format for a website reference looks like this:

FORMAT Website

Title of Homepage. Date of publication. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; [date updated; date accessed]. Notes.

For the in-text reference, include only the first word or two of the title (enough to distinguish it from other titles in the reference list), followed by an ellipsis.


WWF - endangered species conservation. 2022. World Wildlife Fund. [accessed 2022 May 27]. https://www.worldwildlife.org/.

The format for a blog article is as follows:

FORMAT Blog post

Author’s name. Date of publication. Title of post [descriptive word]. Title of blog. [accessed date]. URL.

EXAMPLE Blog post

(Liegl 2021)
Liegl J. 2021. Communicating with humanity. Several people are typing. [accessed 2022 Feb 22]. https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/communicating-with-humanity.

An example of an CSE Name-Year reference page made with BibGuru's CSE citation generator:

cse page example image

How to use Bibguru for CSE citations

video cover

The citation-sequence and citation-name systems are identical except for the order of references. In both systems, numbers in the text refer to references in the reference list.

In the citation-sequence system , the end references are listed in the order in which they appear in the text. Once a reference is numbered, the same number is used for all following in-text citations in the same document, e.g. if Meyer is the first mentioned in-text, their work will be number 1 in the end references and also in all following in-text references.

In the citation-name system , references in the reference list are listed alphabetically by author. Multiple works by one author are listed alphabetically by title. The end references are numbered in alphabetical order and the number assigned to an author in the reference list is then used for the in-text citations, regardless of the order in which they appear in the text. So, if a work by Meyer is number 43 in the reference list, each in-text reference to Meyer will also be number 43.

See below for the format and examples of the most popular reference types in the citation-sequence and citation-name systems:

CSE Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name explainer image

Authors are listed in the order in which they appear in the original text, followed by a period. Journal titles are generally abbreviated.

Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Date;volume(issue):location.
Author(s) of article. Title of article. Title of journal (edition). Date of publication [date updated; date accessed];volume(issue):location. Notes.
2. Christopher MM. Comprehensive analysis of retracted journal articles in the field of veterinary medicine and animal health. BMC veterinary research. 2022;18(1):73. doi:10.1186/s12917-022-03167-x

For articles with more than 1 author, names are separated by a comma.

3. McCauley SM, Christiansen MH. Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological review. 2019;126(1):1–51. doi:10.1037/rev0000126

For articles with more than 10 authors, the first 10 are listed, followed by “et al.”

4. Warren R, Price J, Graham E, Forstenhaeusler N, VanDerWal J. The projected effect on insects, vertebrates, and plants of limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2018;360(6390):791–795. doi:10.1126/science.aar3646

This is the standard format for a book citation:

Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Notes.

For books with more than 1 author, names are separated by a comma.

5. Auerbach AJ, Kotlikoff LJ. Macroeconomics: An integrated approach. 2nd ed. London, England: MIT Press; 1998.

When there are more than 10 authors, list the first 10 followed by “et al.”

6. Raab M, Lobinger B, Hoffmann SO, Pizzera A, Laborde S, editors. Performance psychology: Perception, action, cognition, and emotion. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 2015.
7. Pradhan S. Impacts of road construction on landsliding in Nepal [doctoral thesis]. Durham University; 2021. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/14069/.

Website references follow the same general principles as for printed references. In addition, a date of update/revision (if available), access date, and URL need to be provided. The format for a website reference looks like this:

Title of Homepage. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date of publication [date updated; date accessed]. Notes.
8. WWF - endangered species conservation. World Wildlife Fund. 2022 [accessed 2022 May 27]. https://www.worldwildlife.org/
Author’s name. Title of post [descriptive word]. Title of blog. Date of publication. [accessed date]. URL.
8. Liegl J. Communicating with humanity. Several people are typing. 2021 Jul 2. [accessed 2022 Feb 22]. https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/communicating-with-humanity.

An example of an CSE Citation-Name reference page made with BibGuru's CSE citation generator:

cse page example image

While all the specific rules and variations of CSE citation style might sound very complicated, you don't need to worry about getting them wrong with BibGuru. Use our CSE citation maker to create the fastest and most accurate CSE citations possible.

Ditch the frustrations for stress-free citations

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How many sentences are in a paragraph

CSE stands for Council of Science Editors, formerly known as Council of Biology Editors, CBE. It is a US-based non-profit organization supporting editorial practice among scientific writers. The CSE was established in 1957 by the National Science Foundation and the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The CSE publishes a style guide for scientific papers, the CSE Manual.

The Council of Science Editors (CSE), a US-based non-profit organization supporting editorial practice among scientific writers publishes a style guide for scientific papers: The CSE Manual. The style is used in many fields of study including the life sciences and physical sciences.

The CSE style has three systems to cite sources. The Name-Year system uses in-text citations. In the Citation-Name system and the Citation-Sequence system, superscript numbers are used in-text to identify citations, corresponding with references in the reference list. Those are similar to footnotes but different in that they are not listed separately but integrated into the text.

Interviews and other forms of unpublished personal communications (for example emails) are not included in the reference list in the CSE style. Instead, they should be cited in parentheses within the text of your paper.

The reference list (or bibliography) at the end of your CSE paper can be titled "References" or "Cited References". The arrangement of those references depends on which of the three style systems you picked for the citations of your paper.

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CSE Quick Citation Guide

Cse citation style.

  • Format In-Text and End References
  • Format End References
  • In-Text Citations
  • Formatting End References

Scientific Style and Format presents three systems for referring to references (also known as citations) within the text of a journal article, book, or other scientific publication:

  • citation–sequence
  • name–year
  • citation–name 

These abbreviated references are called in-text references. They refer to a list of references at the end of the document.

  • Next: Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 9, 2023 9:54 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.libraries.wsu.edu/csecitation
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Consider your source's credibility. ask these questions:, contributor/author.

  • Has the author written several articles on the topic, and do they have the credentials to be an expert in their field?
  • Can you contact them? Do they have social media profiles?
  • Have other credible individuals referenced this source or author?
  • Book: What have reviews said about it?
  • What do you know about the publisher/sponsor? Are they well-respected?
  • Do they take responsibility for the content? Are they selective about what they publish?
  • Take a look at their other content. Do these other articles generally appear credible?
  • Does the author or the organization have a bias? Does bias make sense in relation to your argument?
  • Is the purpose of the content to inform, entertain, or to spread an agenda? Is there commercial intent?
  • Are there ads?
  • When was the source published or updated? Is there a date shown?
  • Does the publication date make sense in relation to the information presented to your argument?
  • Does the source even have a date?
  • Was it reproduced? If so, from where?
  • If it was reproduced, was it done so with permission? Copyright/disclaimer included?

MLA Format: Everything You Need to Know and More

Filled with a wide variety of examples and visuals, our Citation Machine® MLA guide will help you master the citation process. Learn how to cite websites, books, journal articles, magazines, newspapers, films, social media, and more!

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Comprehensive Guide to APA Format

Our Citation Machine® APA guide is a one-stop shop for learning how to cite in APA format. Read up on what APA is, or use our citing tools and APA examples to create citations for websites, books, journals, and more!

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Everything You Need to Know About Chicago Style

Creating citations in Chicago style has never been easier thanks to our extensive Citation Machine® Chicago style guide and tools. Learn about footnotes, endnotes, and everything in between, or easily create citations for websites, books, journal articles, and more!

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Citation Style Guide

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CSE Citation Style

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The CSE style originated in the 1960s, when it was known as the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) style. It was intended to provide style and format guidelines for editors of peer-reviewed biology journals. Over the decades, its scope grew to include many fields of scientific research in both the life sciences and physical sciences. In 2000, the organization became known as the Council of Science Editors (CSE). The style then became known as the CSE style. 

In a reference list prepared in CSE style:

  • journal titles are abbreviated, but no periods are used in the abbreviation. (eg. J Exp Biol)
  • author initials (without periods) are used instead of the author’s given names
  • The last author name within a reference is connected to the others by a comma instead of using the word “and” or an ampersand (“&”).
  • references are formatted using a “hanging” indent.

CSE style allows you to select from one of three systems to cite sources:

  • Citation-Name: Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations. In the alphabetized reference list, each numeral corresponds with a unique reference.
  • Citation-Sequence: Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations. In the reference list, sources are numbered sequentially by the order in which they appear in the text (so they may not be in alphabetical order by author).
  • Name-Year: Uses parenthetical in-text citations that include author name and the year of publication. The reference list is ordered alphabetically by author name. 

In-text Citation with CSE

The Name-Year system is recommended by many professors in the Dalhousie Department of Biology, but if you're not sure which system to use, be sure to check.

Author's Last Name, Publication Year

(McToad  2010)

All of these pieces must match the corresponding reference list entry exactly!

Example in-text citations, from fictional authors and sources:

Research has shown that the demographic of the fly is a key determining factor in the robustness of its flavour (Frog 1998) .

You could also place part of the citation in the text as follows:

As mentioned in Frog's seminal article (1998) , the demographic of the fly is a key determining factor in the robustness of its flavour.

In this example, the author's name is mentioned in the text itself; therefore the name need not be repeated in the bracketed citation.

Each in-text citation must be associated with an item in a comprehensive list of references at the end of your paper.  Pay attention to your formatting when constructing your reference list. While CSE is not as particular as other citation styles, losing points on an assignment for poorly formatted citations is easily avoided. 

The References Page:

Documents using the CSE style of citation must contain a "References" page at the end of the text. The following are some examples of how to cite commonly used references:

Frog RA. 1998. Expert's guide to artisanal fly cuisine. 2nd ed. Halifax (NS): Imaginary Publishing Inc.

Book, journal and website titles are in sentence case!

Journal Article

Frog RA. 1997. The biology of delicious fly cuisine: enzymes and their mechanisms of actions. Eur J Biochem. 130:(4)435-445.

Journal names are abbreviated!

Ribbit TF. 1998. The life and legacy of Ribbit Frog: a culinary biography. New London (CT): Frog and Toad's Center for Special Collections and Archives; [accessed 2015 Aug 18] . http://www.frogtoadsc.org/Biography.aspx#.UE8foVF76So.

Make sure to include the date accessed!

  • Dalhousie CSE Citation Style Quickguide Downloadable PDF document containing more in-depth information on CSE citations and a variety of information resources.
  • CSE Citation Video Tutorial More in-depth exploration of how to cite a document using CSE Citation Style.
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  • Next: McGill 9th Edition >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024 2:11 PM
  • URL: https://dal.ca.libguides.com/CitationStyleGuide
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  • Citing Sources

Citing Sources: CSE Style

What is cse style.

CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style is widely used in scientific disciplines, particularly in the natural and physical sciences. The CSE manual describes three systems of documentation. All three systems use a reference list at the end of the paper with complete source information. The Name-Year system uses parenthetical citations consisting of the author's last name and year of publication; the Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name systems both use numbered references in the text to refer to the reference list at the end. In Citation-Sequence, the reference list is presented and numbered in the order the sources appear in the text, while in Citation-Name, the reference list is numbered alphabetically by author's last name.

Official Guidance from the CSE

  • Quick Guide to Scientific Style and Format From University of Chicago Press, the publishers of the CSE Manual.

Online CSE Name-Year Style Guides

  • Citation Guide: CSE Name-Year System Guide to using parenthetical references in CSE Style, from the Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse
  • Cite Your Sources: CSE Name-Year From the University of Guelph -- see also their several videos on the guide
  • The Writer's Handbook: CSE Documention Style Quick guide to both Name-Year and Citation-Sequence/Citation-Name systems, from the Writing Center at University of Wisconsin

Online CSE Citation-Name/Citation-Sequence Style Guides

  • Citation Guide: CSE Citation-Sequence System Guide to using numbered references in CSE Style, from the Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse
  • Cite Your Sources: CSE CItation-Name From the University of Guelph; see also their several videos on the guide.
  • The Writer's Handbook: CSE Documentation Style Quick guide to both Name-Year and Citation-Sequence/Citation-Name systems, from the Writing Center at University of Wisconsin

Books on CSE Style

Cover Art

  • << Previous: Chicago Author-Date Style
  • Next: IEEE Style >>
  • Last Updated: May 1, 2024 12:48 PM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/citations

Link to Clark Family Library

Citation Styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, & Beyond!: CSE

  • APA 7th Edition
  • MLA 9th Edition
  • Chicago 17th/Turabian 8th
  • Citation Management Tools
  • Citing ChatGPT & AI-generated content

Books on CSE

How to cite in cse style.

What is CSE Style?

CSE stands for Council of Science Editors and is commonly used when writing scientifically. CSE style includes three major systems for organizing your references: citation-sequence, citation-name, and name-year. These systems indicate how your in-text citations look and how your reference list is organized. The system most commonly used in Environmental Studies classes at W&J is name-year.

In the Name-Year system, in-text citations share the authors name and the date of publication and the cited reference list is organized alphabetically. 

CSE uses abbreviated journal titles which can be overwhelming for first-time users. We encourage you to ask a librarian for help.

Examples of CSE Style

In CSE style, keep in mind these general rules:

  • When listing authors, spell out the last name but use initials for first and middle names. Do not use a comma between the last name and initials.
  • List out up to 10 authors. At 11 or more, use the first ten names followed by et al. 
  • For titles, capitalize only the first word and proper nouns. 
  • Any Journal Title longer than one word should be abbreviated. 
  • Anytime you are citing an online source you must add the [accessed date] and URL.

Online CSE Citation Style Resources

  • Scientific Style & Format Quick Guide This is the official CSE site.
  • CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool Use this complimentary tool to quickly identify or confirm journal titles and abbreviations for publications indexed by CAS since 1907, including serial and non-serial scientific and technical publications.
  • Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviation Search Tool
  • National Library of Medicine Journal Search Tool
  • Web of Science Journal Search Tool Click on the starting letter of your publication to navigate to the correct page than use Ctrl + F (PC) or Cmmd +F (Mac) to search for the publication.
  • << Previous: Chicago 17th/Turabian 8th
  • Next: Citation Management Tools >>
  • Last Updated: May 17, 2024 11:13 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.washjeff.edu/citationstyles
  • Bibliography
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  • Automated transliteration
  • Relevant bibliographies by topics
  • Referencing guides

CSE citation generator online

Create a spot-on reference in CSE

What is cse style.

CSE Style is an internationally used citation style developed by the American organisation Council of Science Editors. The latest edition of CSE Style to date is the 8th edition.

The CSE Style manual provides instructions on how to compile bibliographic references and in-text citations for various types of sources.

What are the specifics of CSE Style?

CSE Style is based largely on the rules of Vancouver Style developed by the US National Library of Medicine and stipulated in the manual Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers .

Just as in Vancouver (NLM Style), three reference systems exist in CSE Style (8th ed.). These are the following:

  • citation-sequence : within this system, the bibliographic references are numbered and ordered sequentially by chronology of citation, the in-text citations are represented by the corresponding numbers;
  • citation-name : this method requires the bibliographic references to be numbered but ordered alphabetically;
  • name-year : this is the classical author-date approach, with the in-text citations represented by the name of the author and the year of publication of the work.

As CSE Style derives from NLM Style, the two standards’ specifics are very common. However, CSE Style has a number of different traits compared to Vancouver, namely in terms of punctuation, the approach to citing Internet sources, and so on.

What is the purpose of the CSE citation generator by Grafiati?

Just as with all our other reference generators, the CSE citation generator by Grafiati aims at delivering top-quality bibliographic references and in-text citations in accordance with the requirements of the Council of Science Editors.

We support the latest – 8th – edition of CSE Style, including all the three referencing systems of CSE: citation-sequence, citation-name, and name-year . Thanks to this, you can get the most accurate and up-to-date CSE references on the web spending minimum time. Moreover, thanks to our bibliography ordering engine, you get the correctly ordered list of references in any of the CSE citation systems which you can later simply paste into your paper.

Our CSE referencing generator allows you easily convert any of your CSE references into either Vancouver (NLM Style) or any other citation style in just one click.

How to start using the CSE reference generator by Grafiati?

Go to our homepage and select either of the CSE Style systems you would like to use. Next, search for a source in our catalogue, click on the button, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference and the in-text citation for you. Follow our interface to do all your bibliographic work.

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Penn State University Libraries

Cse quick citation guide.

  • CSE Citation Systems
  • In Text References
  • N-Y System: Articles
  • N-Y System: Books & Websites
  • C-S and C-N System: Articles
  • C-S and C-N System: Books & Websites

Name-Year (N-Y) System In Text References

In-text references should immediately follow the title, word, or phrase to which they are directly relevant, rather than appearing at the end of long clauses or sentences. In-text references should always precede punctuation marks.

Name-Year (N-Y) system  (end references are listed in alphabetic order)

In text example : By contrast, the several antisera that have been raised against Sp1, a defined RNA polymerase II transcription factor (Kadonaga 1986), stain exclusively the nucleus...

Note : If you mention the author in the running text of your paper, include only the year in the parenthetical citation:

Example : This conclusion is supported by Rubin and Smith (1990), who found that...

Multiple authors :  If two authors, list both. For more than two authors, list the first author then et al.

Example : In the classic experiment (Gass and Varonis 1984) showed that....

Example : Recent research (Munro et al. 2006) has shown that...

No author : Use the title (for long titles use the first few words followed by an elipsis): 

Example : Top fields of study for international students are business and engineering, followed by physical and life sciences, math and computer science, and social sciences (Open Doors 2010).

No date : For online sources if the publication year cannot be determined use the year of access. For print sources use [date unknown]:

Example : Claims were made (Smith [date unknown]) with regards to...

CItation Sequence (C-S) and Citation Name (C-N) Systems In Text References

Citation-Sequence (C-S) System  (end references are listed in the order they are referred to in the text).

​ In text example : Modern scientific nomenclature really began with Linnaeus in botany 1 , but other disciplines 2,3  were not many years behind in developing various systems 4-7  for nomenclature and symbolization.

Citation-Name (C-N) System  (end references are listed in alphabetic order).

In text example : Modern scientific nomenclature really began with Linnaeus in botany 4 , but other disciplines 1,5  were not many years behind in developing various systems 2-3,6,10  for nomenclature and symbolization.

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  • Next: N-Y System: Articles >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 8, 2024 10:40 AM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/CSE

Bates College

CSE Citation Style

  • In-Text Citations
  • Bibliography
  • Web Sources
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Images, Photos, & Artworks
  • Sound Recordings
  • Chicago Notes & Bibliography

Citing/Documenting Images

  • Images in Books and Journal Articles
  • Online Images

Citing Parts of Books in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

When citing content from longer sources (like books), it is often more valuable to cite a specific part (rather than all) of the of the work.

Book chapters or sections, tables, charts, graphs, photographs and appendices are all examples of parts of books that are useful. Book parts that are created by someone other than the author(s) of the book are considered contributions, and are cited differently.

Authors names are provided in the order they appear in the publication cited. For publications with 10 or fewer authors, all are listed in the citation. Any authors listed after the 10th are represented with "et al".

Book Parts :

Author(s). Date. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Part number. Part Title; Page range. Notes.

Kemmerer DL. 2015. Cognitive neuroscience of language. 1st ed. New York (NY): Psychology Press. Chapter 8. Reading and Writing; p.215-245. ISBN: 9781848726215.

Kemmerer DL. 2015. Cognitive neuroscience of language. 1st ed. New York (NY): Psychology Press. Figure 8.3. The retina stringently filters what we read; p. 217. ISBN: 9781848726215.

Citation-Sequence and Citation-Name:

Citation Number. Author(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Part number. Part Title Page range. Notes.

1. Kemmerer DL. Cognitive neuroscience of language. 1st ed. New York (NY): Psychology Press; 2015. Chapter 8. Reading and Writing; p.215-245. ISBN: 9781848726215.

2. Kemmerer DL. Cognitive neuroscience of language. 1st ed. New York (NY): Psychology Press; 2015. Figure 8.3. The retina stringently filters what we read; p. 217. ISBN: 9781848726215.

Online Images in CSE Bibliographies

(CSE 8th;

Bibliography citations for websites and online documents are all formatted using the basic elements found in print documents (e.g author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and extent). However, for some web sources these elements must be expanded or supplemented with additional information.

Required citation elements include author(s), publication date, title, place of publication, publisher and URL . It is acknowledged that not all required citation elements are present for some web sources and, if absent, these obviously can not be included in the citation. However, this should probably bring into question the validity and/or authority of the source.

If an organization appears to serve as an  author , list the organization as the author.  However if no author is apparent, do not provide one in the citation.  Do not use the word "anonymous".

If a website title is not obvious, construct one use the first series of words on the screen.

Examples of citation elements that supplement those found in citations for print sources include dates and digital identifiers .

In addition to original publication dates , citations for web sources should also include the most recent revision date and the accession date of the material.

Optional citation elements include the extent (i.e. number of pages or screens; see CSE 8th; as well as notes ( Internet URL's  and  digital object identifiers (doi's),  indication of language other than English).

Artist's name. Title (descriptive word). City (ST): Publisher or Producer; [Date accessed]. Notes. URL.

McKean D. Sphinx (painting). Kent (England): Dave McKean; [accessed 2016 Jun 17]. ISBN: 9781848726215.​ http://www.davemckean.com/wp-content/gallery/painting/SPHINX_painting.JPG.

Marshall JA. Earhart climbing out of the cockpit of her plane (gelatin silver print). New York (NY): ARTstor; [accessed 2016 Jul 6]. Located in: Schlesinger History of Women in America Collection; Photograph Number PC-29-1-1. http://library.artstor.org/library/secure/ViewImages?fs=true&id=4iFLcDwwJloxLyk7eDFwQA%3D%3D&userId=hDRGez0n&zoomparams=.

Citation Number. Artist's name. Title (descriptive word). City (ST): Publisher or Producer; [Date accessed]. Notes. URL.

1.  McKean D. Sphinx (painting). Kent (England): Dave McKean; [accessed 2016 Jun 17]. ISBN: 9781848726215.​ http://www.davemckean.com/wp-content/gallery/painting/SPHINX_painting.JPG.

2.  Marshall JA. Earhart climbing out of the cockpit of her plane (gelatin silver print). New York (NY): ARTstor; [accessed 2016 Jul 6]. Located in: Schlesinger History of Women in America Collection; Photograph Number PC-29-1-1. http://library.artstor.org/library/secure/ViewImages?fs=true&id=4iFLcDwwJloxLyk7eDFwQA%3D%3D&userId=hDRGez0n&zoomparams=.

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  • Updated: Jul 12, 2023 1:02 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.bates.edu/CSE

14th Computer Science On-line Conference 2025

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Call for Papers

  • Participation Description
  • Payment, Terms and Conditions
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  • Data Protection Policy

Time slot selection is possible after login . Click here to view conference program.

The 14th Computer Science On-line Conference 2025 brings together researchers and practitioners (young and experienced) interested in strengthening the scientific foundations in computer science, informatics, and software engineering.

CSOC2025 is an environmentally-friendly scientific meeting as all attendees will participate using a web-based conferencing solution.

The traditional concepts of scientific conferences are improved by modern communication technology. CSOC2025 uses an innovative methodology to allow scientists, postdocs and doctoral students to share their knowledge and ideas on-line. This makes scientific conferencing more environmentally-friendly and ecological as well as more economical for participants too. There are no travel costs or accommodation costs . Participate on-line from your office or home !

The conference will be organized in three main sections:

  • Software Engineering Research in System Science
  • Artificial Intelligence Application in Networks and Systems
  • Networks and Systems in Cybernetics

Radek Silhavy, Ph.D. , [email protected]

Program Committee Chairs:

Petr Silhavy, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Radek Silhavy, Ph.D. , Associate Professor,Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Roman Senkerik, Ph.D. , Professor, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Zdenka Prokopova, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Prof. Roman Prokop, Ph.D. , Professor, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Prof. Viacheslav Zelentsov , Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Chief Researcher of St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). Roman Tsarev, Ph.D. , Department of Information Technology, International Academy of Science and Technologies, Moscow, Russia Stefano Cirillo , Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy

International Program Committee Members:

Juraj Dudak, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Gabriel Gaspar, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Research Centre, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovak Republic. Boguslaw Cyganek, Ph.D., DSc, Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. Krzysztof Okarma, Ph.D., DSc , Faculty of Electrical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland. Maciej Majewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. , Department of Engineering of Technical and Informatic Systems, Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland Monika Bakosova, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Institute of Information Engineering, Automation and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Pavel Vaclavek, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic. Miroslaw Ochodek, Ph.D. , Faculty of Computing, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. Olga Brovkina, Ph.D. , Global Change Research Centre Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic. Elarbi Badidi, Ph.D. , College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Dr. Luis Alberto Morales Rosales , Head of the Master Program in Computer Science, Superior Technological Institute of Misantla, Mexico. Mariana Lobato Baes,M.Sc. , Research-Professor, Superior Technological of Libres, Mexico. Abdessattar Chaâri , Professor, Laboratory of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, University of Sfax, Tunisian Republic. Gopal Sakarkar , Shri. Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Republic of India. V. V. Krishna Maddinala , Assistant Professor, GD Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Republic of India. Dr Anand N Shakya, PhD , Scientist, Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre,Republic of India. Abdallah Handoura , Assistant Prof, Computer and Communication Laboratory,Telecom Bretagne - France Almaz Mobil Mehdiyeva , Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics and Automation, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan

CSOC2025 seeks high-quality, original papers that address the theory, design, development and evaluation of ideas, tools, techniques and methodologies in (but not limited to) the following topics:

Computer Science: Communication Systems and Networks, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery, Economic and Financial Systems, Healthcare Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Management Systems, Internet and Information Systems Development, Mobile/Wireless Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Process Management & Improvement, Programming languages, Technology Transfer, Telecommunications, Web-Based Applications, and Computer Game Development

Software Engineering: Aspect-orientation and Feature Interaction, Business Process Reengineering and Science, Component-Based Software Engineering, User Modeling and Management, Cost Modeling and Analysis, Design Patterns and Frameworks, Empirical Software Engineering, End-user Software Engineering, Engineering of Distributed/parallel SW Systems, Engineering of Embedded and Real-time Software, Engineering Secure Software, Formal Methods and Tools, Modeling with UML, Middleware Design Techniques, Object-Oriented Technology, Patterns and Frameworks, Program Comprehension and Visualization, Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Reliability Modeling and Analysis, Requirements Engineering, Reverse Engineering and Maintenance, Safety and Security Critical Software, Software Architecture and Design, Software Components and their Reuse, Software Dependability, Safety and Reliability, Software Economics and Metrics, Software Engineering for Mobiles, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Systems, Software Policy and Ethics, Software Process Models, Software processes and workflows, Software requirements engineering, Software Reuse and Metrics, Software Testing and Analysis, Software Tools and Development Environments, SW Configuration Management and Deployment, Theory and Formal Methods, Modeling Use Cases and Scenarios, Web Engineering

Informatics: Computer Animation and Design Contents, Distributed Intelligent Systems, Information Systems Engineering, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, Visual and Multimedia Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Agent Technology, Neural Networks, Chaos Theory, Fuzzy Systems, Fractals

Cybernetics and Automation Theory: Adaptive Control and Robust Control,Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, Automation in Biology, Medicine and Chemical Engineering, Circuits and Electronics for Control, Computational Intelligence and Applications, Control Theory and Control Engineering Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control, Cybernetics and Man-Machine Interaction, Digital Control and Real-time Control,Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control, Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Control, Hierarchical Control and Large Scale Systems, Hybrid Systems, Industrial Automation, Control and Online Monitoring, Intelligent Automation and Manufacturing , Intelligent Control Theory and Optimization, Microprocessors and Embedded Systems, Identification and Fault Diagnosis, Navigation Control Theory and Applications, eural Networks and Neural Control, Optimal Control and Stochastic Control, Optimization Problems in Control Engineering Signal Processing Systems for Control, Systems Engineering and Engineering Optimization

Intelligent technologies and methods of multi-model forecasting the state and management of complex natural and technological objects; methods and technologies of integrated processing of heterogeneous data, information and knowledge in tasks of monitoring and proactive management; implementation of intelligent information technologies for monitoring and forecasting in decision support systems for managing complex natural and technological objects.

Paper Submission Instructions and Submission Process:

  • Authors will prepare a full conference paper following the structure: Introduction – Methods – Results - Discussions
  • Prior to submitting your paper, please follow the instructions in this instruction . For your paper preparation, you have to follow Springer templates: http://www.springer.com/engineering?SGWID=0-175-6-1381428-0
  • Corresponding authors will log into their account to upload the camera-ready version of their paper + copyright form, if the paper is accepted
  • At least three reviewers will evaluate the submission in a blind-peer review. Authors will be informed by e-mail about the acceptance results
  • Corresponding authors will pay a conference fee. The payment process is described here: Payment Description page .
  • All documents can be found in the Download section too.

Conference Fees:

EUR 390,- per accepted paper. The conference fee includes the Springer conference proceedings (PDF) of the section in which the paper is presented.

OpenPublish.eu Events

8th computational methods in systems and software 2024, quick links.

  • Submit a paper

cse cs citation

CSOC is held under the auspices of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic.

Important dates

Paper Submission (extended): December 17, 2024

Paper Acceptance Notification Date (extended): February 21, 2025

Final Camera Ready Submission Date (extended): February 28, 2025

Registration and Fee Payment (extended): February 28, 2025

Conference date: April 25, 2025 - April 26, 2025

For questions or queries please email us at [email protected] .

Copyright © 2010 - 2024, OpenPublish.eu, all rights reserved.

Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering Department


Updated: May 23rd, 2024

CSE 190 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

CSE 190 is a topics of special interest in Computer Science and Engineering course. Topics may vary from quarter to quarter.

Prerequisites also vary per course/per instructor. Department approval required.

CSE 190 is typically offered every quarter as staffing allows.

CSE 190 may be repeated for credit a maximum of 3 times (maximum of 12 units; assuming courses taken for a different topic)

A maximum of one  CSE 190 may enrolled/waitlisted per quarter

Note: For the Fall 2023 Computer Science (CS26) curriculum, all CSE 190 courses will be labeled with a corresponding "Tag(s)" (Systems, Theory/Abstraction, and/or Applications of Computing). CSE 190 offerings before Fall 2023 are untagged but may be used as an Open CSE Elective for Computer Science majors who have changed to the FA23 CS26 curriculum.


CSE 190 A00:  Human-Centered AI with Kristen Vaccaro

Prerequisite:  No course prerequisites. 

CS Curriculum Tag(s): Applications of Computing

To enroll:  Submit course clearance request via  Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)

Description:  This course provides an introduction to harnessing the power of AI so that it benefits people and communities. Topics will include: agency and initiative, fairness and bias, transparency and explainability, confidence and errors, and privacy, ethics, and trust. Students will build a number of interactive technologies powered by AI, gain practical experience with what makes them more or less usable, and learn to evaluate their impact on individuals and communities. Students will learn to think critically (but also optimistically) about what AI systems can do and how they should be integrated into society.


CSE 190 B00:  Programmers are People Too with Michael Coblenz

Prerequisite:  CSE 110 or CSE 130.  Class is unofficially co-scheduled with CSE 291 Section B00. Students will not receive credit for both classes. 

Description:  Programmers of all kinds express their ideas using programming languages. Unfortunately, languages can be hard to use correctly, resulting in lengthy development times and buggy software. How can these languages be designed to make programmers as effective as possible?

In this course, we will learn research methods for analyzing and improving the usability of programming languages. Students will apply these techniques to languages of current and historical interest, and in the process, expand their knowledge of different ways to design languages. This course is intended as preparation for conducting independent research on the usability of programming languages. The first part of the course will emphasize research methods from human-computer interaction research, with examples drawn from programming languages and development environments. The second part of the course will focus on reading research papers that describe key results from the field. The course will include homework assignments as well as a group research project.

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Department of Computer Science

student winners

Cybersecurity Competition Wins

Our Cyber Defense Club competes in a variety of cybersecurity competitions at the regional and national levels.

Engineering major monitoring a machine.

Best Computer Science Program

Nationally ranked by U.S. News and World Report for academic excellence.

Robotics Engineers of the 21st Century

Robotics Engineers of the 21st Century

Combine robotics coding and mechanics with artificial intelligence software. Industrial robotics certificates available to undergraduate and graduate students.

Students build a model ferris wheel for use in cybersecurity research

Idaho’s First Bachelor’s in Cybersecurity Graduates

After establishing Idaho’s first Bachelor's in Cybersecurity degree in 2020, we will recognize the state’s first cybersecurity undergraduates as they head off to positions in Idaho and nationwide.

Cybersecurity student looking at computer screen.

Leading Cybersecurity for Three Decades

The University of Idaho is leading advanced cybersecurity training and education, with expertise in power engineering, information assurance, industrial control systems and transportation.

Computer Science

Physical Address: Janssen Engineering Building 236

Computer Science University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1010 Moscow, ID 83844-1010

Phone: 208-885-6592

Fax: 208-885-9052

Email: [email protected]

Web: Computer Science

Student Services

Email: [email protected]

The University of Idaho’s Department of Computer Science programs examine the field not solely in a vacuum of theories. Instead, our programs explore the ways computing and algorithmic thinking influence and intersect with other scientific and technical disciplines. This perspective shapes the structure for all undergraduate and graduate computer science programs. Our students benefit from a practical orientation to computer science; cutting-edge, world-class research; congenial, accessible faculty; and an active student population. Added to this, the department offers Idaho's only cybersecurity undergraduate program and computer science degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree levels. Students may earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in the field from our main campus in Moscow, Idaho; at our education center in Coeur d’Alene; or online through Engineering Outreach distance learning .

U.S. News & World Report, Best Colleges for Computer Science, 2024

  • No. 1 Best Value Public University in the West – ranked for the fourth year in a row by U.S. News and World Report . We’re also the only public university in Idaho to be ranked best value by Forbes , Money , and The Princeton Review .
  • Top 7 in the Nation for “infusing real-world experiences into engineering education” through our undergraduate Senior Capstone Design Program – National Academy of Engineering
  • CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service (SFS) – Administered through U of I’s Center for Secure and Dependable Systems , the SFS program provides tuition stipends through the National Science Foundation of up to $27,000 to train undergraduates for cybersecurity jobs at federal, state, local and tribal agencies.
  • Personalized Attention from nationally and internationally recognized faculty and staff through small class sizes, 1-on-1 interaction, mentorship, advising and research collaboration. All faculty  hold Ph.D.s in their field.
  • 94% Graduate with Jobs or are enrolled in graduate education or military service – First Destination Survey
  • Highest Salary Earnings for early- and mid-career undergraduate degree recipients than any other public university in Idaho – Payscale
  • More Scholarships Awarded than any 4-year public engineering college in Idaho.
  • Hands-On Experience, Guaranteed ALL U of I College of Engineering students participate in hands-on experiences, through our nationally recognized Senior Capstone Design Program   and Engineering Design EXPO , Cooperative Education Program (Co-op) , Idaho’s only Grand Challenge Scholars Program   and paid undergraduate assistantships.

Degrees and Programs

Hone your skills as a software developer and gain technical knowledge in fundamental areas of computer science, including cybersecurity, graphics, games, evolutionary computation and software engineering.

The Computer Science Assistance Center (CSAC) as well as the Micron Student Center providing academic advising, career services, tutoring and other support into one central location.

Visit Campus

Schedule a personalized campus tour of labs and facilities and meet our students, advisors, faculty and staff.

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in computer science at the University of Idaho is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET ( http://www.abet.org ).


  1. FREE CSE/CBE Citation Generator [+ Expert Guide]

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  2. 💄 Cse name year in text citation. CSE Citation Maker. 2019-02-15

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  3. PPT

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  4. 😀 Cse citation example. Home: Scientific Style and Format. 2019-01-25

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  5. CSE Citation Style

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  6. 😍 Example of cse citation. Scientific Style and Format Online. 2019-01-06

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  1. Free CSE Citation Generator [Updated for 2024]

    The CSE citation style is a citation style created by the Council of Science Editors, a non-profit organization. They publish the CSE style guidelines in the CSE Scientific Style and Format Manual, now on the 8th edition.. There are three ways to correctly cite sources in the CSE style.

  2. CSE Citation Sequence Styling

    Identify Sources in the Text -- Citation-Sequence system. According to CSE style, you identify in the text of your paper the sources of information (references) you have used. This serves the same purpose as "footnotes," but is integrated smoothly into the text of your paper, rather than listed separately. The CSE style offers several systems ...

  3. Free CSE citation generator [2024 Update]

    The CSE style has three systems to cite sources in-text: Name-Year (N-Y) system: The author's surname and year of the publication are placed in parentheses in the text e.g. (Rode 2012). The reference list is ordered alphabetically by author name. Citation-Name (C-N) system: Superscript numbers are used to identify in-text citations.

  4. CSE Citation Systems

    Citation-Sequence (C-S) system. Uses superscript numbers within the text to refer to the end references. End references are listed in the order they are referred to in the text. Subsequent citations to the same document use the same number as its initial citation. the general sequence of information in the end reference is author name, title ...

  5. PDF CSE Citation Style Quick Guide 7th Edition

    In-text Citation: (Smith 2010) Newspaper Article - No Author Note: In the Reference List, start the citation with the title and put the publication date after the title. For the In-text citation, use the first word or first few words of the tile, followed by ellipses. Reference List: Father and son arrested in beating. 2009 May 26.

  6. CSE Quick Citation Guide

    CSE Citation Style. Scientific Style and Format presents three systems for referring to references (also known as citations) within the text of a journal article, book, or other scientific publication: citation-sequence. name-year. citation-name. These abbreviated references are called in-text references.

  7. COUNCIL-OF-SCIENCE-EDITORS Citation Generator

    Citation Machine®'s Ultimate Writing Guides. Whether you're a student, writer, foreign language learner, or simply looking to brush up on your grammar skills, our comprehensive grammar guides provide an extensive overview on over 50 grammar-related topics. Confused about reflexive verbs, demonstrative adjectives, or conjunctive adverbs?

  8. LibGuides: Citation Style Guide: CSE 8th Edition

    CSE Citation Style. The CSE style originated in the 1960s, when it was known as the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) style. It was intended to provide style and format guidelines for editors of peer-reviewed biology journals. Over the decades, its scope grew to include many fields of scientific research in both the life sciences and physical ...

  9. Citing Sources: CSE Style

    CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style is widely used in scientific disciplines, particularly in the natural and physical sciences. The CSE manual describes three systems of documentation. All three systems use a reference list at the end of the paper with complete source information. The Name-Year system uses parenthetical citations consisting of the author's last name and year of publication ...

  10. PDF Last Revised: 2022 Nov 18 CSE Citation Style

    CSE-1. Last Revised: 2022 Nov 18. CSE Citation Style - Quick Guide. This quick guide summarizes rules set out by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) in Scientific Style and Format, sometimes known as the "CSE Style Manual". In addition to providing formatting rules, it provides guidelines for consistency among references and their in-text ...

  11. Citation Styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, & Beyond!: CSE

    CSE stands for Council of Science Editors and is commonly used when writing scientifically. CSE style includes three major systems for organizing your references: citation-sequence, citation-name, and name-year. These systems indicate how your in-text citations look and how your reference list is organized.

  12. PDF CSE Name-Year Citation Style Guide

    to cite your sources constitutes plagiarism. The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style is a standard citation style used across many disciplines in the physical and life sciences.The CSE style encompasses three distinct systems: • Name-Year: In-text citations appear in brackets, and consist of the author(s) last name, as well as the

  13. CSE Citation Generator & Examples

    In-text citation has three styles: Citation-sequence system. Citation-name system. Name-year system. In this guide, here is how to create in-text citations for name-year system: One author: Example sentence (Rose 2003). Two authors: Example sentence (Goldstein and Fox 2004). More than two authors: Example sentence (Watson et al. 2007).

  14. Instant CSE C-S Citation Generator

    Our citation generator is free to use. So, you can turn your sources into accurately formatted in-text and bibliographic CSE C-S citations without spending anything. Enjoy a clutter-free experience. No ads or annoying pop-ups to deal with — just a top-of-the-line, AI-powered CSE C-S citation generator that takes you through the whole process ...

  15. CSE citation generator

    Go to our homepage and select either of the CSE Style systems you would like to use. Next, search for a source in our catalogue, click on the button, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference and the in-text citation for you. Follow our interface to do all your bibliographic work. Free online CSE reference generator ...

  16. Library Guides: CSE Quick Citation Guide: In Text References

    CSE Quick Citation Guide. This guide contains some examples of common citation formats in CSE Style (Council of Science Editors, formerly called the CBE Council of Biology Editors). Name-Year (N-Y) System In Text References. In-text references should immediately follow the title, word, or phrase to which they are directly relevant, rather than ...

  17. Research Guides: CSE Citation Style: In-Text Citations

    In-Text Reference Systems in CSE. (CSE 8th; 29.2) The CSE citations style allows for the use of one of three possible in-text reference systems: 1) Name-Year, 2) Citation-Sequence and 3) Citation-Name. Each system has benefits and limitations and you should consider each prior to selection.

  18. Citation Styles Guide

    CSE name-year. The citation style of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) is used in various scientific disciplines. ... CSE citation-sequence or citation-name reference entry: 1. Nell CS, Mooney KA. Plant structural complexity mediates trade-off in direct and indirect plant defense by birds. Ecology. 2019;100(10):1-7.

  19. Images, Photos, & Artworks

    Online Images in CSE Bibliographies (CSE 8th; Bibliography citations for websites and online documents are all formatted using the basic elements found in print documents (e.g author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and extent). However, for some web sources these elements must be expanded or supplemented with additional information.

  20. FREE CSE/CBE Citation Generator [+ Expert Guide]

    Formatting CSE In-text Citations Properly: Citation-Sequence The system of in-text citations in CSE citation-sequence format involves the use of superscript as well as Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).It facilitates formatting of each source because you don't have to worry about putting in all required details, such as names, dates, and page numbers.

  21. CSOC2025

    The 13th Computer Science On-line Conference 2024 brings together researchers and practitioners (young and experienced) interested in strengthening the scientific foundations in computer science, informatics, and software engineering. Indexed in Web of Science Core Collection - Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science and in SCOPUS since 2014.

  22. M.S. Computer Science

    Meet the Faculty. At the University of Idaho, the Master of Sciences in Computer Science offers both a thesis and non-thesis MSCS degree. The program develops the student's critical thinking, investigatory and expository skills and teaches them the foundations of computer science theory and application, and the interaction between the two.

  23. Cse 190

    CSE 190 offerings before Fall 2023 are untagged but may be used as an Open CSE Elective for Computer Science majors who have changed to the FA23 CS26 curriculum. _____ Fall 2024 CSE 190 A00: Human-Centered AI with Kristen Vaccaro. Prerequisite: No course prerequisites. CS Curriculum Tag(s): Applications of Computing

  24. Department of Computer Science

    The University of Idaho's Department of Computer Science programs examine the field not solely in a vacuum of theories. Instead, our programs explore the ways computing and algorithmic thinking influence and intersect with other scientific and technical disciplines. This perspective shapes the structure for all undergraduate and graduate ...