diary words

Learn words with flashcards and other activities, other learning activities, teaching tools, full list of words from this list:.

  • abide dwell
  • abounding existing in abundance
  • abscission the act of cutting something off
  • abstain refrain from doing, consuming, or partaking in something
  • abstruse difficult to understand
  • accede yield to another's wish or opinion
  • acquiescent willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another
  • acquit pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
  • adjure command solemnly
  • ad-lib perform without preparation
  • ad libitum without advance preparation
  • adumbrate describe roughly or give the main points or summary of
  • affability a disposition to be friendly and approachable
  • affray a noisy fight
  • affront a deliberately offensive act
  • a la mode in the current fashion or style
  • alibi proof that someone accused of a crime could not have done it
  • allegiance the act of binding yourself to a course of action
  • allude make an indirect reference to
  • amnesty a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
  • amortize pay off a debt by making periodic payments
  • analgesia absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
  • anathema a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
  • androgyny showing characteristics of both sexes
  • annotate add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
  • anodyne capable of relieving pain
  • ante up cancel or discharge a debt
  • aphorism a short pithy instructive saying
  • apocryphal being of questionable authenticity
  • apologue a short moral story (often with animal characters)
  • apostate not faithful to religion or party or cause
  • apostle an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform
  • apothecary a health professional who prepares and dispenses drugs
  • apothegm a short pithy instructive saying
  • apportion distribute according to a set plan or special purpose
  • apposite being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
  • appraise consider in a comprehensive way
  • apprentice someone who works for an expert to learn a trade
  • apprise inform somebody of something
  • ardent characterized by intense emotion
  • armistice a state of peace agreed to between opponents
  • arrogate seize and take control without authority
  • aseptic free of pathological microorganisms
  • asperity harshness of manner
  • asperse charge falsely or with malicious intent
  • assail attack someone physically or emotionally
  • assiduous marked by care and persistent effort
  • assoil pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
  • avarice reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
  • aver declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
  • avow declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
  • ballot a document listing the alternatives that is used in voting
  • banality a trite or obvious remark
  • batrachomyomachia a silly altercation
  • beguile attract; cause to be enamored
  • belabor beat soundly
  • belligerent characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
  • berate censure severely or angrily
  • beseech ask for or request earnestly
  • besiege surround so as to force to give up
  • blarney flattery designed to gain favor
  • blasphemy profane language
  • bolster support and strengthen
  • bonhomie a disposition to be friendly and approachable
  • bromide a trite or obvious remark
  • brook a natural stream of water smaller than a river
  • burgeon grow and flourish
  • burlesque a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor
  • cabalistic having a secret or hidden meaning
  • cajole influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
  • callous emotionally hardened
  • calumniate charge falsely or with malicious intent
  • camouflage an outward semblance misrepresenting the nature of something
  • canard a deliberately misleading fabrication
  • capricious determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
  • caricature a representation of a person exaggerated for comic effect
  • castigate inflict severe punishment on
  • catechism an elementary book summarizing the principles of a religion
  • cavort play boisterously
  • censure harsh criticism or disapproval
  • cessation a stopping
  • charade a word acted out in an episode of a game
  • chastise scold or criticize severely
  • chicanery the use of tricks to deceive someone
  • choleric characterized by anger
  • chore a specific piece of work required to be done
  • circumscribe draw a geometric figure around another figure
  • clamant conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
  • clamor utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
  • clemency leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
  • cliffhanger an episode or story that ends in suspense
  • coalition the union of diverse things into one body or form or group
  • coax influence or persuade by gentle and persistent urging
  • cobble repair or mend
  • coddle cook in nearly boiling water
  • coerce cause to do through pressure or necessity
  • cohort a band of warriors
  • coition the act of engaging in sexual intercourse
  • collude act in unison and in secret towards a deceitful purpose
  • commendation an official award given as formal public statement
  • conciliate gain the good will of or cause to be more favorably inclined
  • concomitant following or accompanying as a consequence
  • confiscation seizure by the government
  • conjecture believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
  • conjuring calling up a spirit or devil
  • conscientious characterized by extreme care and great effort
  • construe make sense of; assign a meaning to
  • contemplate think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes
  • content satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are
  • contrive make or work out a plan for; devise
  • contumacious willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
  • convene meet formally
  • convoke call together
  • convoy the act of escorting while in transit
  • convulse move or stir about violently
  • copulation the act of engaging in sexual intercourse
  • coroner an official who investigates death not due to natural causes
  • corroborate give evidence for
  • cosset treat with excessive indulgence
  • countenance the appearance conveyed by a person's face
  • counterfeit not genuine; imitating something superior
  • countermand cancel officially
  • covert secret or hidden
  • covetous immoderately desirous of acquiring something
  • crucify kill by nailing onto a cross
  • cryptic having a secret or hidden meaning
  • cull remove something that has been rejected
  • cupidity extreme greed for material wealth
  • curmudgeon an irascible, cantankerous person full of stubborn ideas
  • dabbler an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
  • dalliance the act of delaying and playing instead of working
  • debauch a wild gathering
  • debauchery a wild gathering
  • decimate kill in large numbers
  • defer yield to another's wish or opinion
  • delegation a group of representatives
  • delude be dishonest with
  • demean reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
  • denigrate attack the good name and reputation of someone
  • denouement the outcome of a complex sequence of events
  • denunciation a public act of condemnation
  • deplore express strong disapproval of
  • depose force to leave an office
  • depraved deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper
  • derision the act of treating with contempt
  • desist stop performing some action
  • desolation sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned
  • despised treated with contempt
  • destitution a state without money or prospects
  • deter turn away from as by fear or persuasion
  • devious turning away from a straight course
  • diabolical showing cunning or ingenuity or wickedness
  • diatribe thunderous verbal attack
  • digress wander from a direct or straight course
  • dilate become wider
  • dilettante an amateur engaging in an activity without serious intention
  • discern perceive, recognize, or detect
  • disciple one who believes and helps spread the doctrine of another
  • discordant not in agreement or harmony
  • discredit the state of being held in low esteem
  • disdain lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
  • disinterested unaffected by concern for one's own welfare
  • dispersion spreading widely or driving off
  • disport occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
  • disquiet a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments
  • dissemble behave unnaturally or affectedly
  • dissolute unrestrained by convention or morality
  • distend cause to expand as if by internal pressure
  • dither be undecided or uncertain
  • divagate lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking
  • doleful filled with or evoking sadness
  • dupe fool or hoax
  • ebullient joyously unrestrained
  • ecclesiastical of or associated with a church
  • edacious devouring or craving food in great quantities
  • effluvium a foul-smelling outflow or vapor
  • egress the act or means of going out
  • elucidate make clear and comprehensible
  • emissary someone sent to represent another's interests
  • enamored marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
  • endure undergo or be subjected to
  • ennoble give a title to someone
  • entailment something that is inferred
  • enunciate express or state clearly
  • envoy a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador
  • eradicate destroy completely, as if down to the roots
  • eschew avoid and stay away from deliberately
  • escort accompany
  • esoteric understandable only by an enlightened inner circle
  • euphemism an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one
  • evocative serving to bring to mind
  • exacerbate make worse
  • exalt praise, glorify, or honor
  • exasperate make furious
  • excerpt a passage selected from a larger work
  • exculpate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
  • execrate curse or declare to be evil or anathema
  • exegesis an explanation or critical interpretation
  • exhort spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
  • exigent demanding immediate attention
  • exorbitant greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
  • exorcise expel through adjuration or prayers
  • expatiate add details to clarify an idea
  • expedite process fast and efficiently
  • expiate make amends for
  • exposit state
  • expound add details to clarify an idea
  • extenuate lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or degree of
  • extradite hand over to the authorities of another country
  • extrapolate draw from specific cases for more general cases
  • exult feel extreme happiness or elation
  • fable a short moral story
  • fealty the loyalty that one owes to a country, sovereign, or lord
  • feign make believe with the intent to deceive
  • feisty showing spirit and courage
  • fetid offensively malodorous
  • fillip something that acts as a stimulus
  • flair a natural talent
  • flare a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
  • foliage the collective amount of leaves of one or more plants
  • fordable shallow enough to be crossed by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle
  • fracas a noisy quarrel
  • frisk search by running the hands rapidly over the clothing
  • frolic play boisterously
  • froward habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
  • furlough a temporary leave of absence, especially from military duty
  • furtive secret and sly
  • gaiety a festive merry feeling
  • gait a person's manner of walking
  • galore existing in abundance
  • gambol play or run boisterously
  • gamut a complete extent or range
  • genuflect bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
  • gist the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
  • glacier a slowly moving mass of ice
  • gluttonous given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink
  • gospel the written body of teachings accepted by a religious group
  • gouge the act of obtaining by coercion or intimidation stealing by overcharging
  • graffiti unauthorized drawings or writing on walls in public places
  • gripe complain
  • groan an utterance expressing pain or disapproval
  • grouse popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs
  • grovel show submission or fear
  • hedonistic devoted to pleasure
  • hermeneutics theology that deals with principles of interpretation
  • hireling a person who works only for money
  • hoard a secret store of valuables or money
  • hoax something intended to deceive
  • hoodwink conceal one's true motives from
  • horde a vast multitude
  • imbue spread or diffuse through
  • immaculate completely neat and clean
  • imminent close in time; about to occur
  • impassive having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
  • impecunious not having enough money to pay for necessities
  • impede be a hindrance or obstacle to
  • imperious having or showing arrogant superiority
  • importune beg persistently and urgently
  • impromptu with little or no preparation or forethought
  • impugn attack as false or wrong
  • impute attribute or credit to
  • incarnation act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas
  • inception an event that is a beginning
  • inchoate only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
  • incipient only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
  • incisive demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
  • inculcate teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
  • indigenous originating where it is found
  • indignation a feeling of righteous anger
  • indispensable essential
  • indolent disinclined to work or exertion
  • indurate make hard or harder
  • infatuated marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
  • ingenuous lacking in sophistication or worldliness
  • ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
  • ingress the act of entering
  • injunction a judicial remedy to prohibit a party from doing something
  • innocuous not injurious to physical or mental health
  • innuendo an indirect and usually malicious implication
  • inordinate beyond normal limits
  • inscrutable difficult or impossible to understand
  • insignia a badge worn to show official position
  • insipid lacking interest or significance or impact
  • insubordinate not submissive to authority
  • insular relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island
  • insurrection organized opposition to authority
  • intercede act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
  • interpolate insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
  • intrigue a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
  • inundate fill or cover completely, usually with water
  • inure cause to accept or become hardened to
  • invective abusive language used to express blame or censure
  • inveigh complain bitterly
  • inveigle influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
  • invidious containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice
  • invoke request earnestly; ask for aid or protection
  • irascible quickly aroused to anger
  • jeopardize pose a threat to; present a danger to
  • jubilate to express great joy
  • kaleidoscopic made up of varied and constantly shifting elements
  • lackadaisical idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way
  • lambaste censure severely or angrily
  • lampoon ridicule with satire
  • leery openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
  • legerdemain an illusory feat
  • legion a large military unit
  • levee an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing
  • liaise act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
  • libel a false and malicious publication
  • limpid clear and bright
  • lucubrate discuss in a scholarly way, especially in writing
  • lurid glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
  • machination a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
  • maelstrom a powerful circular current of water
  • masochist someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment
  • maverick someone who exhibits independence in thought and action
  • meander move or cause to move in a winding or curving course
  • mediate act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
  • mellifluous pleasing to the ear
  • mendacity the tendency to be untruthful
  • mendicity the state of being a beggar or mendicant
  • mercenary a person hired to fight for another country than their own
  • meticulous marked by precise accordance with details
  • misdemeanor a crime less serious than a felony
  • modish in the current fashion or style
  • morbific able to cause disease
  • mores the conventions embodying the fundamental values of a group
  • morgue a building or room where dead bodies are kept before burial
  • mortuary a building where bodies are kept before burial or cremation
  • muse reflect deeply on a subject
  • mystify be puzzling or bewildering to
  • nascent being born or beginning
  • nebulous lacking definite form or limits
  • nectar a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators
  • neophyte a participant with no experience with an activity
  • noisome causing or able to cause nausea
  • obeisance bending the head or body in reverence or submission
  • obelisk a stone pillar tapering towards a pyramidal top
  • obligate force somebody to do something
  • obsequious attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
  • occlude block passage through
  • odium hate coupled with disgust
  • oeuvre the total output of a writer or artist
  • oppress come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority
  • opprobrium a state of extreme dishonor
  • orotund overly formal and pompous in style
  • ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others
  • otiose serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
  • overwrought deeply agitated especially from emotion
  • paganism a religion outside of mainstream monotheism
  • pageant an elaborate exhibition or procession
  • pageantry a rich and spectacular ceremony
  • painstaking characterized by extreme care and great effort
  • palaver loud and confused and empty talk
  • palliate lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • panegyric formally expressing praise
  • paraphrase express the same message in different words
  • pare strip the skin off
  • parsimonious excessively unwilling to spend
  • pasquinade a composition that humorously imitates somebody's style
  • paucity an insufficient quantity or number
  • pauperism a state of extreme poverty or destitution
  • pellucid transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
  • penniless not having enough money to pay for necessities
  • penurious excessively unwilling to spend
  • perdition the place or state in which one suffers eternal punishment
  • perfidy an act of deliberate betrayal
  • perfunctory hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
  • pernicious exceedingly harmful
  • perpetual continuing forever or indefinitely
  • persevere be persistent, refuse to stop
  • perspicacious mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
  • pertinacity persistent determination
  • perturb disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried
  • perverse deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper
  • pervious admitting of passage or entrance
  • petrify change into stone
  • phalanx any closely ranked crowd of people
  • philistine a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
  • phlegmatic showing little emotion
  • pirouette a rapid spin of the body
  • plaintiff a person who brings an action in a court of law
  • platitude a trite or obvious remark
  • plebeian of or associated with the great masses of people
  • plebiscite a vote determining public opinion on a question
  • pleonasm using more words than necessary
  • plucky showing courage
  • polemic a verbal or written attack, especially of a belief or dogma
  • ponder reflect deeply on a subject
  • posit take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom
  • postulate maintain or assert
  • prate speak about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantly
  • prattle speak about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantly
  • preclude make impossible, especially beforehand
  • preponderant having superior power or influence
  • prevaricate be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
  • pristine immaculately clean and unused
  • proclaim declare formally
  • proclivity a natural inclination
  • prodigal recklessly wasteful
  • profess confess one's faith in, or allegiance to
  • profligate recklessly wasteful
  • pro forma in a set manner without serious attention
  • progenitor an ancestor in the direct line
  • proletariat a social class comprising those who do manual labor
  • promenade a leisurely walk, usually in some public place
  • propitiate make peace with
  • propitious presenting favorable circumstances
  • prosody the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
  • protrude extend out or project in space
  • providence prudence and care exercised in the management of resources
  • prowess a superior skill learned by study and practice
  • puerile displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
  • purport have the often misleading appearance of being or intending
  • putative purported
  • putrefaction the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action
  • raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes
  • raiment especially fine or decorative clothing
  • rapacious living by preying on other animals
  • raucous unpleasantly loud and harsh
  • rebuke an act or expression of criticism and censure
  • recant formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
  • recondite difficult to understand
  • recreant having deserted a cause or principle
  • recreation an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates
  • recrudescent the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement
  • recusant someone who refuses to conform to standards of conduct
  • redound have an effect for good or ill
  • referendum a legislative act referred for approval to a popular vote
  • refuge something or someone turned to for assistance or security
  • remonstrate argue in protest or opposition
  • renascent rising again as to new life and vigor
  • rendition a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role
  • repeal cancel officially
  • reprehension an act or expression of criticism and censure
  • reprimand an act or expression of criticism and censure
  • reprisal a retaliatory action against an enemy
  • reproach express criticism towards
  • reprobate a person without moral scruples
  • rescind cancel officially
  • resilient recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like
  • resurgent rising again as to new life and vigor
  • resurrect cause to become alive again
  • resuscitate cause to regain consciousness
  • revolt rise up against an authority
  • rhapsodic feeling great rapture or delight
  • rubric category name
  • rudimentary being in the earliest stages of development
  • rue feel sorry for; be contrite about
  • ruminate reflect deeply on a subject
  • sagacious acutely insightful and wise
  • salvage rescuing a ship or its crew from a shipwreck or a fire
  • sanctimonious excessively or hypocritically pious
  • satiety being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more
  • saturnalia a wild gathering
  • scathing marked by harshly abusive criticism
  • sciolist an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge
  • sediment matter that has been deposited by some natural process
  • sedition an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority
  • sequester keep away from others
  • serendipity good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
  • shriveled (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture
  • simulacrum a representation of a person
  • slander words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another
  • sojourn a temporary stay
  • sordid foul and run-down and repulsive
  • squanderer a recklessly extravagant consumer
  • strident unpleasantly loud and harsh
  • strut walk in a proud, confident way
  • substantiate establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
  • succinct briefly giving the gist of something
  • suffrage a legal right to vote
  • sully make dirty or spotty
  • supplicate ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer
  • surfeit indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
  • surmise infer from incomplete evidence
  • surreptitious marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
  • suture a seam used in surgery
  • swagger walk with a lofty proud gait
  • synagogue the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
  • tenacity persistent determination
  • tenet a basic principle or belief that is accepted as true
  • testament strong evidence for something
  • transcendent exceeding or surpassing usual limits
  • transgression the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
  • turpitude a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
  • tutelage attention and management implying responsibility for safety
  • vandalism willful and malicious destruction of the property of others
  • veracity unwillingness to tell lies
  • vilify spread negative information about
  • virulent extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom
  • vitriol abusive or venomous language to express blame or censure
  • vituperate spread negative information about
  • vortex a powerful circular current of water
  • wager the act of gambling
  • waif a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned
  • wander move or cause to move in a sinuous or circular course
  • wizened lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
  • expostulation an exclamation of protest, opposition, or criticism

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Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

diary writing vocabulary

Diary Writing has stood the test of time and remains valuable for students or individuals, appearing at the Exams, or seeking a personal and reflective outlet. 

In this article, we will explore the profound benefits of diary writing along with the art of diary writing, exploring its format, and various topics, and providing real-life examples.

What is Diary Writing?

Definition and purpose.

At its core, Diary writing  is a  short essay  that regularly records a writer’s own thoughts, experiences, emotions, observations, feelings, and attitudes of his or her daily activities on a book or pad containing pages.

The purpose of this practice varies from person to person, but common motivations include self-expression, emotional release, and self-discovery. 

Benefits of Diary Writing

Diary writing offers a multitude of benefits for the mind, heart, and soul. It provides a therapeutic outlet, enhances self-awareness, and fosters personal growth.

By putting emotions into words, individuals can gain clarity on their thoughts and feelings, leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their experiences.

Writing Techniques and Styles

Expressive writing.

Expressive writing involves pouring raw emotions onto the page without inhibition. It’s an opportunity to let go of pent-up feelings, which can be highly cathartic and healing.

Reflective Writing

Reflective writing encourages introspection and analysis. Writers can explore their experiences and reactions to gain deeper insights into their lives.

Creative Writing

For those with a flair for imagination, creative writing within the context of diary entries adds an artistic touch to

the process. Fictional diaries and storytelling can be a fascinating approach to diary writing.

Keeping Consistency in Diary Writing

Commitment and dedication.

Maintaining a diary requires commitment. Even on days when motivation is low, sticking to the routine can lead to long-term benefits.

Finding Motivation

To stay motivated, writers can remind themselves of the positive impact diary writing has on their well-being and personal growth.

General Guidelines for Diary Writing

Certainly! When it comes to diary writing, there are no strict rules as it is a personal form of expression. However, there are some general guidelines that you may find helpful to make your diary writing experience more enjoyable and meaningful:

Be Honest and Authentic: Your diary is a private space where you can be yourself without any judgment. Write honestly about your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Write Regularly: Try to write in your diary regularly, whether it’s daily, weekly, or at whatever frequency suits you best. Consistency will help you develop a habit and make it easier to express yourself.

Choose Your Style: Your diary is for your eyes only, so you can write in any style that feels comfortable to you. You can use complete sentences, bullet points, or even doodles and sketches if that helps convey your feelings.

Include Date and Time: Start each entry with the date and, optionally, the time. This helps you keep track of your thoughts chronologically.

Reflect on the Day: Reflect on your experiences, interactions, and feelings about the day. This helps you gain insights into yourself and your life.

Explore Emotions: Express both positive and negative emotions. Writing about your feelings can be therapeutic.

Describe Events: Include details about events, people, and places to create a vivid picture of your experiences.

Set Goals and Aspirations: Use your diary to jot down your goals, aspirations, and plans for the future.

Celebrate Achievements: It boosts your confidence and reminds you of your progress.

Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, use writing prompts or topics to inspire your diary entries.

Be Patient with Yourself: It’s okay if you miss a day or two of writing. Be kind to yourself and pick up where you left off when you’re ready.

Read Old Entries: Occasionally, go back and read your past diary entries. It can be insightful to see how you’ve grown and changed over time.

Enjoy the Process: Most importantly, enjoy the process of diary writing. It’s a wonderful way to connect with yourself and your emotions.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules in diary writing . The purpose is to create a personal space where you can freely express yourself and reflect on your experiences. Happy diary writing!

Diary Writing Format

Here’s a standard format for writing a diary entry in English:

Date: [ Today’s Date ]

Dear Diary,

[ Start your entry here. ]

[ Write about your thoughts , feelings, and experiences from the day. You can include the events that happened, the people you met, your reactions to certain situations, and anything else that made an impact on you.]

[ Share your emotions honestly , whether it’s happiness, sadness, excitement, frustration, or any other feelings you experienced during the day.]

[ Reflect on any significant moments or lessons you learned today.]

[ You can also write about your plans for the future or your goals and aspirations.]

[ Close your entry with a summary of your overall feelings about the day.]

Goodnight, Diary. See you tomorrow!

[ Your Name ]

Remember, a diary is a personal space for you to express yourself freely, so feel free to write as much or as little as you want. There’s no right or wrong way to keep a diary – it’s all about recording your thoughts and feelings honestly and authentically. Happy writing!

Look at the Sample Diary Writing:

Monday, 7th January 2022 (1) Day & Date

8:00 p.m. (2 ) Time

Dear Diary, (3) Greetings

It is the start of the week. I am so excited. I am going to spend the entire week with my cousin Alok. Today we went to the Flower Exhibition. It was very interesting, Alok had suggested the idea of going to the exhibition It was an annual exhibition for professionals in floriculture and landscape design. It was a comprehensive business platform covering all sectors of floriculture and flower business. The exhibition displayed a wide variety of exotic flowers. It also exhibited various flower species including hybrids. It was one of the country’s greatest flower shows including events like the Summer Garden Competition, Foliage Plants Show, Home Growing Competition, etc. The vibrant colors were totally out of this world. I look forward to attending more of such exhibitions ]—(4) Body

Soumi—– (5) Name of the Writer

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Diary Writing Topics

The topics for your diary entries are limitless. They can be based on your experiences, aspirations, emotions, and thoughts. Feel free to modify or combine these topics to suit your personal preferences and writing style. Here are some diary-writing topics that you can explore:

A Memorable Day: Write about a day that stood out to you, whether it was due to a special event, an unexpected encounter, or an achievement.

My Goals and Aspirations: Reflect on your short-term and long-term goals, and how you plan to achieve them.

Dear Future Me: Write a letter to your future self, discussing your hopes, dreams, and expectations.

A Place I Love: Describe a place that holds sentimental value to you, and explain why it’s significant in your life.

My Favorite Hobby: Share your passion for a hobby or activity that brings you joy and fulfillment.

A Book/Movie That Inspired Me: Write about a book or movie that had a profound impact on your thoughts or emotions.

My Proudest Moment: Describe a moment in your life when you felt exceptionally proud of yourself or someone else.

Overcoming Challenges: Discuss a difficult situation or challenge you faced and how you managed to overcome it.

Random Acts of Kindness: Write about an act of kindness you either received or witnessed and how it made you feel.

Things I’m Grateful For: List the things, people, or experiences you feel grateful for in your life.

Dreams and Fantasies: Share any dreams or fantasies you’ve had lately, no matter how extravagant or simple they may be.

A Letter to a Friend/Family Member: Write a letter to someone close to you, expressing your thoughts and emotions.

Favorite Quotes: Share some of your favorite quotes and explain why they resonate with you.

Life Lessons: Reflect on valuable lessons you’ve learned throughout your life.

An Adventure I Want to Experience: Describe an adventure or journey you wish to embark on in the future.

The Best Day with Friends: Write about a day spent with your closest friends and the fun and memorable moments you shared.

My Dream Vacation: Describe your dream vacation destination and everything you would like to do and see there.

A Time I Overcame Fear: Reflect on a time when you faced a fear or phobia and how you managed to conquer it.

My Role Model: Write about someone you look up to and admire, explaining what makes them your role model.

A New Skill I Want to Learn: Discuss a skill or talent you’ve been eager to develop and why it interests you.

The Power of Music: Share how music impacts your emotions and recount a song or piece that has significant meaning to you.

A Lesson from Nature: Write about a valuable lesson you learned from observing nature or spending time outdoors.

An Act of Generosity: Describe an act of generosity you carried out for someone else and how it made you feel.

Challenges of Growing Up: Reflect on the challenges and changes you’ve faced as you’ve grown older.

A Delicious Recipe: Share a recipe that you recently discovered or tried, and describe how it turned out.

The Most Unforgettable Dream: Write about a particularly vivid or memorable dream you had and its impact on you.

If I Could Time Travel: Imagine if you could travel to any period in history or the future; where would you go and why?

To Your Younger Self: Write a letter of advice and encouragement to your younger self.

The Joy of Giving: Describe the happiness you felt when giving a thoughtful gift to someone special.

A Day Without Technology: Imagine spending a day without any technology and write about how it affected your day.

Workout Diary Writing Examples for Practice:

(1) write a diary entry about how you helped an old woman who was traveling by herself on the bus..

Tuesday,8 th  January 2022

Since my cousin was hospitalized, I decided to visit him. I took a bus at 8 o’clock which was very crowded because of the office hours. People were standing close to each other, and some were also hanging from the exit door as there was no space inside the bus. Even the senior citizens were standing as their seats were occupied by youngsters. There was an old lady who seemed to be sick, because of the heat and suffocation. I asked a young boy to stand up to provide her the seat. After sitting she drank some water and felt comfortable. Then, I helped her to get down from the bus. She thanked me and blessed me. I felt very happy that I had done some good deed.

(2)Today, you witnessed some students littering the corridors and fields of your school. You were very disappointed at that sight. Make a diary entry about how you felt.

Tuesday, 31st March 2021

I am very sad today. During the recess time, I saw a group of students littering in the school premises. They littered the corridors with plastic bags, foils, wrappers, etc. It was a very disappointing sight. I told them repeatedly not to litter and use the dustbin, but they did not listen to me. Not just this, even the playing field behind the classrooms was not spared by them. It looked no less than a garbage dump. I fail to understand how anyone can be so ignorant about his actions and its consequences. Sometimes, I feel disgusted that our environment has to suffer because of our bad habits.

I wish I could do something about it but my plan is to drop a letter in the suggestion box for the appointment of prefects to keep a check and ensure a clean environment at school. I hope things will get better due to my suggestions.

(3)  Y ou recently participated in the ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition and reached the finals. The final round was telecast over the national channel where you and your team won the quiz Describe your feelings in 100-150 words through a diary entry.

Saturday, January 23 rd , 2022

Today was such an exciting day. You know what, my team won the first prize the in ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition’. Not only this, but the cherry on the cake was also  that the final round was telecast over the national channel. My parents were very happy and so were my teachers and friends. The quiz was on biodiversity. The preliminary rounds were not so easy. But I had very wise team members. We were the leading team in oral round as well. It was so much fun – with applause and praises. We had a cutthroat competition with two of the other schools but we came first which was unexpected, I was very elated. We received a trophy and a certificate. It was a very proud moment of my life.

(4)   Suppose recently you had to change your place of residence. Write a page in your diary about the experience of shifting from a familiar neighborhood to a new place.

Saturday, 10 th  September 2021

My father has bought a new flat in Jamshedpur. He sold the village house at Murshidabad for his job transfer. It was really disappointing when I heard that we would go to a new residence. I had to leave my village school, my teachers, my friends, my neighbours, and the happy moments spent in the nature’s lap. The sight of vast green fields and catching fishes in the pond kept flickering in my mind. I was then admitted to a new school in Jamshedpur. All the memories I left there made me sad all the time. Here the children are not so friendly with me as I have come from a rural area. I go to the rooftop to enjoy the cloudlets floating in the sky. Hence every time I recall my good old days and I sob silently.

(5)   Today while coming back from school, you saw a small child begging at the signal. You were heartbroken to see the future of the country in such a dismal state. Make a diary entry in not more than 150-200 words expressing your feelings.

Saturday, 16th February 2021

I am feeling heartbroken today. While I was coming back from school, our bus stopped at a traffic signal. There I saw a young boy who was hardly eight years old begging for food and money. He knocked at every car and pleaded for money but was chased away most of the times I felt very sad on seeing that the child who should have been going to school to study had to struggle every day to fill his empty stomach. Al the same time I realised the value of all the comforts that my parents have provided to me. I realised that some steps should be taken to improve the conditions of these child beggars. When ! grow up. I will definitely do something for them.

(6)   Make an entry in your diary in 100-150 words on your hesitation to speak in English and you wish to improve your English-speaking skills.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

A person is known by his company, what type of friends he has and how he reacts before them. I am fortunate enough to have a good circle of friends. They are extremely helpful and good-natured people but sometimes I feel quite embarrassed because they all have a good command over English while I do not, I have done my schooling from a Telugu medium school. Therefore, I hesitate to speak in English before them. It is my heartfelt desire to improve my English-speaking skills but there is no good institute in my vicinity where I can improve my speaking skills. Therefore, my desire has not yet been fulfilled. Dear Diary! I promise you that I will improve my English-speaking skills very soon.

(7)   You feel that speaking in English is the need of the hour. As your parents are unable to do so, you feel a keen desire to teach them. Write in about 100-150 words a page in your diary expressing how you will execute it.

Monday, Dec 15, 2021

These days, speaking in English has become the need of the hour. Nobody can deny this fact. Even my parents also agree with it. But they are unable to do so. Though it is not their fault or any weakness for which they should feel shy in the modern world, yet I have a keen desire to teach them to speak in English. This language is a link with the outer world as it is an international language-a handy means of communication with the people around the world. I shall help them in this so that they will feel more confident. First, I’ll give them lessons in Grammar, then shall proceed to introductory dialogue speaking and will gradually move to small speeches on the topics of their interest. I am sure my parents will be at the earliest, able to talk and express in English independently.

(8)    Suppose You participated in a play at the National School of Drama. It was recorded and will be telecast next week. Make a diary entry using the following clues in 150-200 words sharing your experience.

 Wednesday, 12th April 2020

I am very happy to share this wonderful experience with you. I had been practising day in and day out for the play participated in. Today was the final show. By the grace of God, everything went on well, I felt content when everyone praised our acting. I felt very lucky to have learnt controlled acting from such great and senior actors. Although I was quite nervous working with such experienced artists, they made me feel comfortable. The rehearsals were of sheer fun as well as a great learning experience. My happiness knew no bounds when we came to know that it will be telecast on the National channel.

I feel so proud about it and I am short of words that would justify my joy. But in short, it was an amazing journey. I am very excited about the telecast and eagerly waiting for it to be shown on TV. Basically, I already feel like a superstar. I hope everyone likes it.

(9)    Suppose you are a member of the Eco Club of your school. A few weeks back, your school celebrated Earth Day, Various informative programs were showcased in the morning assembly. Write a diary entry in 150-200 words expressing what you learnt through those activities based on your own ideas.

Friday. Ist May, 2021

A few days ago, my school celebrated the Earth Day on 22nd April, 20XX. Being a member of the Eco Club of my school, I helped in organising the event and making learning experience for all the students at my school on this occasion a special morning assembly was held, and various informative programmes were showcased. We invited eminent speakers from all over the city to sensitise us towards environmental protection Important environmental issues such as global warming pollution, deforestation etc were discussed in detail. All the students pledged to save the environment and spread awareness amongst people about protecting Mother Earth. We also decided to adopt environment friendly activities in our day-to-day life and thus work towards saving the environment. Overall, it was an enriching experience and I hope that my school continues to celebrate more such events.

(10)    You have kept a pet at home. Your father brought the pet for you. Write a diary entry describing how you take care of your pet in about 100-120 words. Read the given clues to plan your diary entry:

Wednesday,15 May 2021

My joy knew no bounds when a few days ago I saw my father coming home from office with a white puppy in his hands. I immediately ran towards him and took hold of the puppy. He is a German Spitz, all covered with white and golden coat. I named him Piya. I had never known till now that a pet can be so warm and affectionate. He is very playful and likes to spend his time playing with a ball. I give him milk, curd, chapati and dog food to eat. I take him for a walk twice a day. That is the time which he loves the most the moment I say, ‘Let’s go for a walk’, he starts showing his excitement. These words seem to be magic words.

I sometimes carry him to my friend’s house as they also love to play with him. My father takes him regularly to a vet for his vaccination and routine check-up. I really love my pet. You should watch him dancing when I come back from school. Never have I received such a warm welcome from anyone, the way he welcomes me. I am so happy that I have him as a friend and good company.

Q. 1: Can Diary Writing Help Improve My Mental Health?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can have significant mental health benefits. It provides an outlet for self-expression, reduces stress, and promotes emotional well-being.

Q. 2: How Do I Start a Diary Writing Habit?

Ans: To start a diary writing habit, choose the right diary format, create a consistent writing routine, and write with honesty and authenticity.

Q. 3: What Should I Write About in My Diary?

Ans: You can write about daily activities, emotions, goals, challenges, dreams, and adventures. There are no strict rules – let your diary be a reflection of your life.

Q. 4: Can Diary Writing Spark Creativity?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing allows you to explore your creativity through art, sketches, and expressive writing techniques.

Q. 5: Are Digital Diary Writing Apps Secure?

Ans: Most reputable digital diary writing apps offer robust security features to protect your private entries.

Q. 6: How Can Diary Writing Facilitate Personal Development?

Ans: Diary writing helps with personal development by promoting self-reflection, goal setting, and tracking progress over time.

Q. 7. Is diary writing only for young people?

Ans: Diary writing is for everyone, regardless of age. People of all ages can benefit from the therapeutic and self-reflective aspects of journaling.

Q. 8. What if I miss a day of writing in my diary?

Ans: It’s normal to miss a day occasionally. The key is to get back on track and not let a single missed day derail your commitment to diary writing.

Q. 9. Can I include negative emotions in my diary entries?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing is a safe space for all emotions, including negative ones. Expressing these emotions can be cathartic and lead to emotional healing.

Q. 10. Should I use a physical diary or a digital one?

Ans: The choice between a physical diary and a digital one depends on personal preference. Both have their merits, so go with the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Q. 11. Can I use diary writing as a form of therapy?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can be therapeutic. It can help individuals cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges by providing an outlet for emotional expression and self-reflection.

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diary writing vocabulary

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  • Jun 9, 2022

7 Tips for Better Journaling To Improve Your English

Updated: Jun 11

Want to improve your English skills by writing in a journal or diary?

There are no strict rules when it comes to keeping a daily journal.

Create a Journaling Ritual

Just smart & effective ways to improve your journaling experience.

You can use journaling to help with your personal growth as an English learner.

Try journaling as a tool to practise English in your daily life and improve your English grammar, vocabulary words & phrases.

Discover below some of the best tips you can follow to improve your journaling experience:

1. Manage your expectations.

2. Write at the same time each day.

3. Create a journaling ritual.

4. Don’t worry about what you are writing.

5. Pick a nice-looking journal

6. Set a daily reminder.

7. You may want to use writing prompts.

Grammar Check!

The above- Tips no: 1 to 7 are example sentences of the English Imperative Form. Notice how each sentence starts with an action verb.

Go to >> 3 Ways to Use the Imperative Form Giving Instructions, Directions

Journaling Topic Vocabulary - Word List

Word / Part of Speech / Meaning

​1. keep (v) a journal / diary​ = to record events or info regularly in journal /diary

2. unrealistic (adj)​ = not realistic

3. stick to (phrasal v) = to do something without changing

4. a ritual (n) = to do something in the same way every time

​5. daunting (adj)​ = make you feel fear and not able to do it

​6. playlist (n) ​ = a list of songs someone choose to listen

​7. writing prompt (n)​ = to inspire you with ideas on what to write

​8. look forward to something (phrasal v)

= feel pleased & excited about something going to happen

9. stuck (adj) = unable to move

7 Journaling Tips To Help Improve Your Grammar & Vocabulary

Let's go through the 7 tips below to give you a better idea of how you can use them to in your journaling or diary writing journey:

TIP#1 - Manage your expectations.

You might think that as soon as you start journaling, you will feel happier and more productive instantly. You may also think that it is going to be easy to know what to write all the time.

Keeping a journal isn’t always going to be easy to stick to.

Sometimes you'll also need to be really honest about your feelings & emotions.

And you are journaling in English. You may be struggling with your grammar.

Or you might feel that you do not have enough vocabulary yet to express yourself.

Personal growth isn’t easy. It is uncomfortable, scary, and often challenging.

So, take it slow and be kind to yourself.

Keep your expectations realistic and remember, it takes time to build up any new habit. *Rome wasn't built in a day!

Vocabulary Check!

*(idiom) = it takes time to achieve (great) things

TIP#2 - Write at the same time each day.

Choose a time to write in your journal daily. And try stick to that time every day.

Make it a habit to practise English everyday.

Journaling at the same time, day in and day out will become a routine.

And before you know it, you are always looking forward to the time of day when you can have a little English practice with your journal.

Of course, there are days when you can't keep to the same time to write.

Or you simply can't write at all. Taking a break is fine.

But get back to your routine as soon as you can. We all know what'll happen if we don't stick to a schedule after a while.

It's gong to be tough to start all over again.

If you stick to writing at around the same time every day, you’ll find it much easier to build journaling up as a habit.

TIP#3 - Create a journaling ritual.

To make journaling something you enjoy, create a journaling ritual for yourself.

A little routine that you do before picking up your pen.

Choose your personal space to journal, it can be a quiet corner of your room or house. An armchair or the seat at your balcony. Or it could be a quiet spot in your favourite park. You choose.

If you feel you write better with a cup of tea or coffee with some snacks, do it.

Tips for better journaling.

Some people prefer to journal with soft, relaxing music.

Try out & experiment with the different rituals & stick to the one that suits you best.

TIP#4 - Don’t worry about what you are writing.

When a blank page is staring back at you, it can be daunting not knowing what to write.

This happens to a lot of people when they are starting out.

And also the reason why many give up journaling halfway..

It is not important what you write when you first start to journal.

Remember these 3 tips whenever you are stuck:

1. Write something or anything to get you started.

2. There are no set rules on what to write about in a journal.

3. It's your journal & you want to improve your English so do what's best for you.

Record in your journal.

Your journal is personal to you, and only you will see it.

Write in whatever style you want.

Start out small, write for just 5-10 minutes at a time. Like a warm-up to get you into the writing habit.

It'll get easier the more practice you put into it as time goes by.

TIP#5 - Pick a nice-looking journal

Please LOVE the journal you choose to write in.

You'll want to write in it if you like the cover, design or feel of it.

You'll look forward to your daily ritual of sharing & writing your thoughts & experiences.

Practising your grammar and vocabulary phrases is way more fun. Seriously.

Imagine you are having a conversation in English with your journal.

So, when choosing your journal, pay attention to its design.

Does it have any features you love?

Compare several different journals before deciding which one is right for you.

TIP#6 - Set a daily reminder.

As journaling will be something new and not part of your daily routine, you may need to be reminded.

Setting a reminder can help you remember to journal. And to do it at the same time everyday.

TIP#7 - You may want to use writing prompts.

Using writing prompts can help you journal better.

Many online writing prompts will help get started on your journal journey.

What to write in your journal as an English learner.

People are usually stuck when they are starting out with journaling.

Writing prompts are there to get you inspired on what to write.

These are just some of the tips you can follow for better journaling.

However, remember there are no set rules.

Now that you know the benefits of journaling and the tips you can follow to make it more effective.

What exactly should you be writing about?

Check out our Grammar Related Posts

Go to >> The Past Simple vs Present Simple Tense: Situation Sentence Example

Go to >> How to use 'Wil', 'Be Going To' for the Future Tense

D. Let's Test Your English Grammar & Vocabulary Knowledge!

Vocabulary List Review Practice

Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words from the list.

1 . Every morning I do yoga and have coffee before work.

Your Answer:

Doing yoga and having coffee is my morning ..............

2. I wrote in my journal every day when I was a student.

I ............... a journal when I was a student.

3. "Teacher, my English will improve even if I don't practise regularly, right?"

No, you're being ................... 4. You'd better ................ ............. your habit of writing in your daily journal.

5. I like listening to my 90's song collection on my iPhone.

I like listening to my 90's ................... on my iPhone.

6. Wow, look at that beautiful building! It's gorgeous.

-Yeah, it took them 20 years to complete it.

Well, ......... ......... ......... ..... .... ......,you know.

7. My little nephew is coming on Saturday for a visit.

I .......... .............. ............. ...... seeing him.

That's it. The 7 journaling / diary writing tips to inspire you to start a habit of writing that can help you practise and improve your grammar and vocabulary.

So, are you going to try out this method of practising your English? Try it. You might like it.

Thanks so much for reading & Happy Learning!

Have any questions? Contact us on the form below.

  • English Study Tips

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Diary Word Mat

Diary Word Mat

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Analysing the features of diary entries

I can identify and analyse layout and linguistic features of a diary entry.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • The purpose of a diary entry is to recount important personal experiences and to express feelings.
  • A diary entry follows a specific structure; it is written in the first person and it uses informal language.
  • Simple past and progressive past tenses recount what the writer experienced and felt.
  • Fronted adverbials of time support in sequencing events in a recount chronologically.
  • Present tense is used at points in a diary entry to show how the writer is feeling now.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to identify informal language.

Spend some time examining different ways that informal language appears in the model diary entry (e.g. exaggeration, contractions, capitalised words, informal vocabulary).

Purpose - the aim of the text

Recount - a piece of writing that recalls an event or experience

Layout - the way a text is structured

Linguistic features - a structure of language that uses words

You will need a copy of the 2016 Flying Eye Books edition of ‘The Journey’ by Francesa Sanna for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Contains subject matter which individuals may find upsetting.
  • Contains conflict or violence.


Adult supervision suggested.

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

Starter quiz

6 questions.

purpose -  

the aim of the text

features -  

distinctive qualities or characteristics of something

the way a text is structured

a personal book that an individual writes in

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