
24 of the Best Journals Accepting Short Story Submissions

Sean Glatch  |  March 22, 2022  |  26 Comments

best journals for short story submissions

Which journals are accepting short story submissions right now? There are tons of fiction journals out there looking for stories like yours, and finding where to submit short stories can leave you with too many options.

We recently covered the best journals to submit poetry to , so let’s do the same for fiction. These are the 24 best journals for short story submissions, followed by a brief discussion on how to get a short story published.

Where to Submit Short Stories: 24 Journals

Fiction journals are competitive, so you will want a publication history and portfolio before attempting highly reputable publications.

Fiction journals are competitive, so you will want a publication history and portfolio before attempting highly reputable publications. We’ve divided our list of online fiction journals into three categories, based on your own level of experience, publication history, and goals as a short story writer. In order, they are:

  • Great first-publication journals: places to submit when you don’t have previous publications.
  • Reputable online fiction journals: competitive journals to submit to when you have a prior publications list.
  • High-level fiction journals to aspire for: journals at the summit of fiction that can create new opportunities for your writing career.

Now, let’s explore some fiction journals!

Where to Publish Short Stories: Legitimate First Publications

The following 8 short story publishers publish works from both new and established authors, giving you an opportunity to jumpstart your fiction writing career.

1. Apparition Lit

Apparition Lit is a themed quarterly journal. They put out speculative fiction, sci-fi, and horror with a literary bent. All submissions must correspond with the quarterly prompt, so use this as an ekphrastic challenge for a great first publication!

2. LampLight Magazine

LampLight Magazine is a quarterly journal of dark fiction and horror. This short story magazine regularly seeks literary fiction with a bizarre, The Twilight Zone -style twist. Lamplight pays 3¢ per word for all fiction it publishes.

3. SmokeLong Quarterly

SmokeLong Quarterly publishes flash fiction (<1000 words). They like stories with surprising language and have emotionally resonant narratives, and are perennially open for submissions. This is a great first publication for flash fiction journals!

4. Write City Magazine

Write City Magazine , a publication out of the Chicago Writer’s Association, seeks poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for their upcoming issues. All accepted works receive a small stipend, on top of publication. Be sure to follow their submissions guidelines, which details their preferred styles of fiction.

5. Genuine Gold

Genuine Gold seeks to publish emerging writers and established writers side-by-side. They seek fresh, innovative voices, and stories that are high-quality but not pretentious. Genuine Gold is produced with the help of the Indiana Pizza Club, but is open to submissions from around the world.

6. Dark Magazine

Dark Magazine pays 6¢ a word for horror and dark fantasy fiction. This journal much prefers stories that deviate from an expected ending and play with new styles and ideas. This is a great place for horror short story submissions!

7. Typishly

Typishly accepts short fiction and tries to publish both new and emerging voices. Best of all, they aim to respond to all submitted works in under 24 hours! This is a great journal for both expanding your readership and trying your look at a fast-paced publication.

8. SAND Journal

SAND Journal publishes eclectic and subversive fiction. They love stories that refuse to be predictable and stories that inspire change. Short story submissions are open until September 1st.

Where to Publish Short Stories: Reputable Journals

Want to know where to submit short stories for money? Many of the following journals pay for work from previously published writers. A publication in any of these online fiction journals could catapult your writing toward a larger, more reputable audience!

A publication in any of these online fiction journals could catapult your writing toward a larger, more reputable audience.

9. Virginia Quarterly

Virginia Quarterly Review , commonly stylized as VQR, publishes fiction and nonfiction from a diverse array of authors. VQR seeks highly literary works, and if you’re lucky, they pay at least $1,000 for accepted fiction! Just know that their submissions window is relatively small; for the Summer, submissions ran 7/1–7/31.

10. The Threepenny Review

The Threepenny Review publishes literary and inventive works of fiction. They are open for submissions from January through June, and they pay $400 per accepted story. Among the best journals for short story submissions, Threepenny Review is reliably expedient.

11. Strange Horizons

Strange Horizons is a pioneer in speculative fiction and sci-fi. They are open for submissions on Mondays and Tuesday of each week (except in December), and they pay at a rate of 10¢ per accepted word. For many sci-fi writers, publication in Strange Horizons is a laudable achievement!

12. The Sun Magazine

The Sun Magazine loves fiction that is literary, unflinching, thoughtful, and darkly funny. This competitive journal pays anywhere from $300 to $2,000 for their stories, and a publication in The Sun will be sent out to over 70,000 readers of the journal!

13. Raleigh Review

The Raleigh Review is a literary and visual arts journal with several annual contents. Their Flash Fiction Contest runs through October 31st, and the winner will be awarded $300. Among flash fiction journals that pay, the Raleigh Review stands out for its exciting contests.

14. Fantasy & Science Fiction

Fantasy & Science Fiction , commonly referred to as F&SF, is one of the oldest science fiction print journals in the world. This publication has a large archive of famous genre writers, including Stephen King and Walter Miller. F&SF pays 8-12¢ per word and has a large monthly circulation.

15. Longleaf Review

Longleaf Review publishes quarterly themed journals of prose and poetry. The theme for their Fall 2020 publication is “harvest,” and all accepted works will receive $20. Longleaf review loves fiction that is weird and surprising, yet still literary and honest.

16. Beloit Fiction Journal

Produced out of Beloit College, the Beloit Fiction Journal publishes contemporary short fiction. Short story submissions open between August 1st to November 16th, and submissions are free if you send your submission by mail.

Where to Publish Short Stories: The Summit of Fiction

The following 8 journals are notoriously difficult to publish in, but with a few publication credits under your belt and a well-polished work of fiction, you might find some luck with these literary fiction journals.

With a few publication credits under your belt and a well-polished work of fiction, you might find some luck with these literary fiction journals.

17. Ploughshares

Run out of Emerson College, Ploughshares is a highly literary publication which seeks innovative fiction. All published stories receive $45 per page, with a minimum guarantee of $90.

18. The New Yorker

Who hasn’t heard of The New Yorker? This journal often spearheads the literary conversation, publishing bold, daring, and eccentric works of fiction. This journal is extremely difficult to get published in, but a publication here will transform your literary career.

19. The Atlantic

Though The Atlantic is primarily known for its journalism and reviews on pop culture, it also boasts a reputable fiction section. To improve your chances of publication, familiarize yourself with past works put out by the Atlantic, as the journal often sponsors a provocative, daring style of fiction.

20. Granta Magazine

Granta Magazine is one of the oldest longstanding literary journals. Their reading period opens twice a year, and the journal accepts evocative and translucent prose from new and exciting voices.

21. American Short Fiction

It’s all in the name for American Short Fiction ! This competitive journal seeks short fiction from the finest voices in contemporary literature, and it often features the works of rising stars in the fiction world. Unsolicited submissions are open from August through December.

22. Fireside Magazine

Short story submissions to Fireside Magazine open once a week each quarter. The journal, also known as Fireside Quarterly, seeks highly creative fiction from diverse voices. Payments range for fiction submissions, though the journal prefers fiction that doesn’t surpass 3,000 words.

23. Guernica

Named after a famous Picasso painting, Guernica features writing, artwork, literary criticism, and essays in all genres. This diverse and comprehensive publication prefers fiction that fits into the journal’s overall focus on global art and politics.

24. Antioch Review

The Antioch Review is a competitive publication out of Antioch College in Ohio. This journal has high literary standards and expects highly polished, ready-for-print works. Each publication of the journal only includes 3 short stories, and all submissions must be sent via mail.

Tips for Navigating the World of Short Story Submissions

With thousands of fiction journals to choose from—each with their own submissions guidelines and preferences—finding the right journal can take ages.

What’s more, many fiction journals don’t allow simultaneous submissions or take months to review your short story submissions.

It’s important to understand a few things about fiction submissions before you send your stories out for publication. For starters, no story is guaranteed publication. Fiction reviewers look over hundreds of submissions for each publication, including reviewers at flash fiction journals. These editors often make tough decisions about great stories, and great fiction pieces are rejected all the time because of the finite amount of space in each publication.

Great fiction pieces are rejected all the time because of the finite amount of space in each publication.

Also, while we think these 24 fiction journals are the best on the net, there are thousands more. You can find a full directory of fiction journals at the literary magazines page on Poets & Writers !

Despite the competitive nature of online fiction journals, you can improve the chances of publishing your short story submissions. Make sure you note the following guidelines!

Review the Journal’s Past Publications

It’s good practice to read what the journal has published in the past. Though many short story publishers accept a wide range of styles and forms, fiction editors still have preferences for what stories they like to read and publish. Examine the journal’s past publications with a critical eye, and consider whether or not your story fits among the journal’s archives.

Follow Formatting Guidelines

Fiction journals usually open for submissions with a set of formatting guidelines. It’s best to follow these guidelines and general MLA formatting rules. Use 1-inch margins and a 12-point serif font. Taking the time to properly format demonstrates a seriousness about your fiction, whereas unformatted short stories may not receive proper attention.

Perfect the Title of Your Short Story

The journal’s reader is looking for something that grabs their attention right away. A well-titled story will be far more eye-catching than a generically titled story with a slow start. Remember, the reader goes through hundreds of submissions every month, so your short story submissions should stand out from the beginning!

Shoot for the Moon, Not the Stars

Lastly, it’s important to note that not all fiction journals are made equal. The world of literary publications is competitive, and writers must often secure publications from lesser-known journals before they attempt publication through reputable short story magazines.

Where to Submit Short Stories: Closing Thoughts

The publishing world is tough, fast, and competitive. With so many voices and publications in the literary world, writers have a tough time finding the right journal. You may encounter one rejection, five rejections, or fifty rejections before you find a home for your short story or flash fiction.

Don’t let this deter you. A rejection can simply mean your fiction didn’t work for that month’s issue, for reasons completely out of your control.

Whatever your level of experience and goals for your short stories, the instructors at Writers.com can help you perfect your fiction and find new homes for them. Take a look at our upcoming online fiction writing courses and one-to-one coaching options, and take the next step in your fiction writing journey.

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Sean Glatch


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As a past fiction and novel student of writers.com, I still follow you by email, and I have a suggestion regarding literary journals. The Delmarva Review would be a good literary magazine for a student’s very best work. I am the editor of the Review, now in its 13th year of publication. We welcome submissions worldwide (in English) from new and established writers. The review is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a purpose to encourage writers to go the extra mile to write new literary prose and poetry. We receive 4,000 to 6,000 submissions of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction for an annual edition. At least two experienced editors read every submission. There are no reading fees. We do not pay for pieces. We are competitive and now publish 45 to 60 authors per issue. The review is for sale at Amazon and most major online booksellers worldwide in both print and electronic editions. Given my past experience in workshops, I thought the Delmarva Review might be of interest to your most serious writers, either teachers or students. The website is: http://www.DelmarvaReview.org . We’re also active on Facebook. Thank you, Wilson Wyatt

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I was honored to obtain a call from a friend when he uncovered the important points shared on the site. Going through your blog publication is a real brilliant experience. Many thanks for thinking about readers just like me, and I wish you the best of success for a professional in this field.

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Thank you for writing! A joy and an honor to read–we’re happy to help you on your writing journey. Best of luck!

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What does “face-paced” mean in the description above of number 7 “Typishly”? I cannot tell from the context.

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Whoops, typo for “fast-paced,” thanks for alerting us! Hopefully none of these journals are face-paced, which is almost certainly too slow or too fast.

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I’ve been a writer since a child, with an ever constant imagination that won’t stop. 6th grade, Jr HS, HS, College, all my teachers encouraged me greatly to publish way back. Having Bipolar +ADHD feeds my imagination but discipline and focus is hard for me at times. I have over 20 journals with stories, story ideas, character developments..research, etc..but few finished longer works..I’ve been working on 2 novels for over 20 yrs…2 at least 10 yrs. Time to settle down and really do this now. I worked as a psych nurse 38 yrs and raised my children solo, so exhausted and broke most of the time, I didn’t give myself the chance to publish. My 1st submit ever, was published in an anthology of true stories of Eugenics..and my story was picked as the 1st in book, the best,the editor said. I know I’ve got the talent but it’s the depression that holds me back and that’s discouraging..new meds and a new drive to do this now, so let’s see what happens. I’ve had many roadblocks, hardships and heartaches but that’s what makes a great writer/author. No more procrastination. My list from yrs ago is still viable of journals to submit, plus a few here. Prayers gladly accepted as my disabled daughter is getting expensive..lol.

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Do you love writing? Do you like challenges? Are you into letter writing?

If you answered yes to the questions above, then you should consider submitting your work to The Letters Page. The Letters Page is an online literary journal published by the University of Nottingham’s School of English. Its editor, the published author and professor Jon McGregor, selects, edits, publishes and promotes the best pieces of creative writing with the assistance of English students, like myself.

We publish essays, stories, poetry, memoir, travelogue, criticism, and any hybrid forms; but all in the form of letters. We accept submissions on a rolling basis. We are looking for writers of all nationalities and ages, both established and emerging.

If your letter is selected, we will publish it to our monthly newsletter, and you will receive a gift subscription to one of our favourite small presses or literary journals.

For more details, visit our website, https://theletters.page/submit/

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Hey there! We’re Lint Magazine and we currently have a call for artists open. Lint Magazine is an assemblage of visual and written work and this edition is on the topic of Transit. Sound like something for you? Submit your work at [email protected]

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Same here…

I am working on a short story titled Children of the mother pot, half of which I have published on wattpad and hope to start sending it out.

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Existing for over 2 years and born in Solitaire, Quarantine of 2020, The Quiet Reader just came out with its 6th edition of great new short story literature. Submissions are open for the next edition!


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We would like to be included in this list. http://www.athousandliveslived.com/magazine

We are starting to compile entries for our October Issue. We’d like to see short stories, essays, poems and illustrations.

send entries to [email protected]

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I am from South Africa and are always looking for magazines that accept international submissions regarding short stories. Are now looking where I can submit my 2000 word angel-encountering story, based on true events.

This page gives me hope. Ninety percent of the time I write in Afrikaans, my first language. But with this story I have decided to put my feet in the water by trying to write in English.

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Hi Karin, Try Guidepost’s “Angel’s On Earth”. It is always looking for submissions on all things to do with angels.

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Thank for sharing it.(:

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I am interested in publication which focus on writers’ personal experiences. I will appreciate info about publications which publish stories based on personal experience of writers.

I would like info about magazines which publish stories based on personal experiences of writers. I will appreciate contact info of such magazines. Thank you.

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Why did I have to pursue a craft that is so hard for anyone else but me to appreciate?

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I understand how you feel. I am self-published and it is so hard to get people to pay attention. I’ve learned to just focus on loving the craft for myself, not others.

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Kindly point me to the best website to send fictional romantic, intriguing and novel short stories to.

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I’m looking forward to getting my works out there!

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I am a lifelong writer and I may have to build onto my home to house all my manuscripts. I seldom market and it shows. I am looking for markets right now for a short, around 1500 words. I also write children’s material and have been looking for a publisher for children’s material. My other writing activities deal with poetry, screenplays and memoir.

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Thank you for this useful list. I will using it as I progress with my writing skills.

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Sean Glatch – thanks for writing this most helpful article. There is too much advice out there on writing but this article focussed on the part that as a writer (and most I know) struggle with most – where and how to get your stories out into the world.

I write on the inner works of marginalized communities in the global south – especially women and religious minorities.

Thanks for the help!

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Very good opportunity for writers

[…] read this for more info: https://writers.com/short-story-submissions […]

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Last updated on May 23, 2024

Where to Submit Short Stories: 20 Places Accepting Submissions

If you want to get your foot in the door of publishing, you should look for outlets open to short story submissions. As an aspiring author, these publications can serve as a  training ground where you can learn to appeal to editors, build some credits for your author bio, and grow your fan base. Plus, it’s a chance to get paid for your writing, which is nothing to sniff at.

To help you get started, we've compiled 20 publications that accept short stories.

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Magazines open to short story submissions

Cover of an AGNI magazine issue

2. The Atlantic

About : Founded in 1875, The Atlantic has been home to some of "the most urgent essays, the most vital literature," publishing works of nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. Aside from writing an exceptional piece , your key to getting through the door of this venerable institution is to be familiar with what they've already published. Submission window : Ongoing Compensation : Unspecified Word Count : Unspecified Submissions Guidelines : Here

3. Guernica

About : A non-profit magazine operated by a passionate team of volunteers, Guernica has a reputation for literary works that challenge boundaries and pose thought-provoking questions at the intersection of culture and politics. They are open to short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews and more, focusing mostly on themes of “identity, conflict, culture, justice, science, and beyond.” They do not accept flash fiction or serialized longer pieces.  Submission window : Ongoing Compensation : $150 for fiction Word Count : Between 2,000 and 7,000  Submissions Guidelines : Here

4. Black Warrior Review

About : Established by graduate students in an MFA Program in Creative Writing, Black Warrior Review releases two issues annually, encompassing a mix of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and comics. Central to their mission is the desire to provide a platform for underrepresented voices — if your work ventures into the realm of the strange, unorthodox, or culturally niche, consider adding them to your hit list.  Submission window : December 1st – March 1st | June 1st – September 1st Compensation : One-year subscription + nominal lump-sum fee for all works published Word Count : Up to 7,000 for short stories Submission Guidelines : Here


Cover for the first issue of PROMPTED by Reedsy

6. Boulevard Magazine

About : Based in St. Louis, Missouri, Boulevard is a biannual literary magazine publishing contemporary fiction, essays, interviews, and poetry. They are welcoming of unpublished authors, so if your work is ready for its main stage debut, this may be your chance to shine. Note that they don’t accept works of science fiction, erotica, western, horror, romance, or children's stories. Submission window : November 1st – May 1st Compensation : $100 – $300 Word Count : Up to 8,000  Submission Guidelines : Here

7. The Georgia Review

About : Published quarterly by the University of Georgia since 1947, The Georgia Review is a journal that features stories addressing “the evolving concerns and interests of readers from around the world.” They publish short stories of literary fiction, but also works of poetry, essays, and book reviews. Submission window : August 15th – May 15th Compensation : $50 per printed page, up to $800 Word Count : Up to 9,000  Submission Guidelines : Here

🧹 To increase your chances of getting your story published, make sure you polish it to professional standards before submitting it. Reedsy's editors are ready to help you tighten your submissions. 

fiction writing submissions

Polish your story with expert help

Make your story the best it can be before you submit it. Meet Reedsy's short story editors today.

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8. New England Review

About : An exciting magazine collecting short stories, novellas, poetry, personal essays, travelogues, and other forms of writing, the New England Review champions all genres with the aim of giving readers “a vital snapshot of the literary moment.” They accept stories of up to 20,000 words, though they tend to prefer those under 10,000. The New England Review is particularly interested in translated work, so if your original piece is in a language other than English, consider hiring a literary translator . Submission window : September 1st – November 1st | March 1st – May 31st Compensation : $20 per page ($50 minimum), two copies of the issue, one-year subscription Word Count : Up to 20,000  Submission Guidelines : Here

9. Daily Science Fiction

About : Daily Science Fiction (DSF) is an online platform that publishes science fiction short stories every single day and distributes them to their email list. They look for character-driven science fiction, fantasy, and slipstream narratives, though they value originality and craft above all else. They’re also open to publishing flash series composed of three or more tales, connected by a shared theme. Their submission window is ongoing, but its worth noting that they do occasionally go on pause.  Submission window : Ongoing outside of December 24th – January 2nd Compensation : 8 cents per word Word Count : 100 – 1,500 Submission Guidelines : Here

10. The First Line

About : Offering an opening sentence to use as a starting point for their stories, The First Line challenges writers to craft a unique piece from a shared beginning. They accept short fiction of all genres, as well as essays and poetry. Each of their quarterly issues shares a distinctive first line between all their stories, making it a great place to showcase a writer’s unique lens and style. Submission window : February 1st (Spring), May 1st (Summer), August 1st (Fall), November 1st (Winter) Compensation : $25 – $50 Word Count : 300 – 5,000 Submission Guidelines : Here

11. The Incandescent Review

Example of a magazine cover for The Incandescent Review

12. The New Yorker

About : Founded in 1925, The New Yorker is an eclectic journal that has published countless iconic works from authors like Edmund Wilson, J.D. Salinger, and Alice Munro, just to name a few. But don’t get discouraged: they’re open to rising writers too. They accept short fiction, essays, poetry, and satire, all sent via email as PDF attachments. In the event that your submission is successful, you will be notified within 90 days.  Submission window : Ongoing Compensation : Unspecified Word Count : Unspecified Submission Guidelines : Here

13. North American Review

About : As the oldest literary magazine in America, the North American Review boasts a storied history that has seen them print works from American titans like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edith Wharton, and Flannery O'Connor. Their magazine features short stories, creative nonfiction, nonfiction, and poetry on all kinds of subjects. However — as their title would suggest — they have a particular fondness for stories grounded in North American experience and identity, exploring real-life issues such as the environment, class inequality, and sexuality. As per their website, they also love stories that “start quickly and have a strong narrative arc.” Submission window : November 2nd – May 1st Compensation : Unspecified Word Count : No set word limit Submission Guidelines : Here

14. One Story

About : Where most literary magazines work hard to curate sympathetic collections of stories, One Story has taken the opposite approach: each of their issues contain just a single piece of short fiction. With a steadfast mission to ensure that short stories and budding authors never fade into literary obscurity, they seek out literary fiction that resonates with their audience as standalone works. Accepting submissions based on almost any subject matter, their focus is on finding work that’s crafted in a way that leaves the reader satisfied. Submission window : January 15th – May 31st | September 3rd – November 14th Compensation : $500 Word Count : 3,000 - 8,000 Submission Guidelines : Here

15. Ploughshares

Cover of a Ploughshare magazine issue

16. Story Magazine

About : Released three times a year, Story is a print magazine dedicated to diverse and high-quality short fiction stories, some of which have been reprinted in prestigious anthologies such as The Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize, and The O. Henry Prize Stories. This outlet accepts both flash fiction and long stories, with no formal guidelines regarding style or genre. For the impatient writers out there, note that their average response time is around five months.  Submission window : Ongoing Compensation : $10 per page Word Count : Between 2,000 and 25,000 Submission Guidelines : Here

17. Vestal Review

About : If you’re a flash fiction writer, Vestal Review may be the ideal platform for you. This magazine seeks captivating stories of any genre and style, so long as they remain within a concise 500-word limit . They value narratives that, despite their brevity, can transport the reader from point A to point B. Oh, and they love a story that makes them laugh. Submission window : February 1st – May 31st | August 1st – November 30th Compensation : $75 Word Count : Up to 500  Submission Guidelines : Here

18. The Threepenny Review

About : The Threepenny Review has been publishing quarterly issues since it was founded in 1980. It features short stories of fiction, memoirs, poetry, and personal essays, reaching a readership of over 10,000 devoted readers. If you’re interested in submitting, they recommend browsing through their Reading Room to get a sense of the writing they prefer. Note that their response time can vary from two days to two months. Submission window : January 1st – May 1st Compensation : $400 Word Count : Up to 4,000  Submission Guidelines : Here

19. Zoetrope: All-Story

Magazine cover for Zoetrope

20. The Antioch Review

About : Currently on a hiatus. The Antioch Review stands as a revered institution among independent literary magazines, boasting an impressive legacy of over 75 years. Over the course of that history, the Review has consistently published essays, fiction, and poetry from both emerging talents and established writers. They feature only three short stories per issue, selecting the most thought-provoking, pertinent, and skillfully crafted ones. Submission window : September 1st – May 31st Compensation : $20 per printed page and two copies of the issue Word Count : Up to 5,000  Submission Guidelines : Here

💡 If you want to learn what makes a good short story, and its essential elements, watch this workshop by writer Shaelin Bishop. 

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More resources to nail your short story submissions

While these publications are some of our favorites, there are hundreds of other places you can submit your writing. Search for them here:

  • The Best Writing Contests of 2024 - Enter today
  • The Best Literary Magazines of 2024 - Submit your work

Or maybe you’re still working on your writing, and are not quite sure if it’s ready to send out to the world yet. If that’s the case, here are a few resources to help:

  • 8 Short Fiction Editors for Hire - Browse vetted professionals
  • 10 Different Types of Creative Writing - Learn all about them
  • How Many Words In a Short Story? - Find out here

And finally, perhaps you’re still at step one: you haven’t started writing yet and are waiting for inspiration to strike. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered there as well:

  • How to Start Creative Writing - Read more
  • 200+ Short Story Ideas - Get inspired
  • 100 + Creative Writing Exercises - Flex your mental muscles
  • 700+ Creative Writing Prompts - Discover them here

Best of luck with your submissions! We hope you’ll get published by a magazine you love, and that it'll be the first step of a long and successful literary career.

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Since our founding in 1970, Poets & Writers has served as an information clearinghouse of all matters related to writing. While the range of inquiries has been broad, common themes have emerged over time. Our Top Topics for Writers addresses the most popular and pressing issues, including literary agents, copyright, MFA programs, and self-publishing.

Our series of subject-based handbooks (PDF format; $4.99 each) provide information and advice from authors, literary agents, editors, and publishers. Now available: The Poets & Writers Guide to Publicity and Promotion, The Poets & Writers Guide to the Book Deal, The Poets & Writers Guide to Literary Agents, The Poets & Writers Guide to MFA Programs, and The Poets & Writers Guide to Writing Contests.

Find a home for your work by consulting our searchable databases of writing contests, literary magazines, small presses, literary agents, and more.

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Open Reading Periods: Journals and Presses Ready to Read Your Work Now

Looking for a place to submit your work? The literary magazines and small presses below, culled from our carefully curated and vetted databases, are currently open for submissions or are opening soon (within the next thirty days). And further down is a list of publishers that are open all year for submissions. This list is continually updated, so check back often. Once you’ve found a place to submit your work, try our Submission Tracker to help you stay organized and keep track of your submissions.

Open All Year

Below is the list of literary magazines and small presses that are open for submissions all year.


  1. Short Story Submissions: 10 Easy Steps to Go From Writing to Published

    fiction writing submissions

  2. A guide to writing submissions

    fiction writing submissions

  3. 17 Top Literary Publishers Accepting Submissions

    fiction writing submissions

  4. 12 Literary Fiction Agents Now Accepting Submissions

    fiction writing submissions

  5. Submissions open!

    fiction writing submissions

  6. 17 Top Literary Publishers Accepting Submissions

    fiction writing submissions


  1. Discover Publishing Opportunities in Speculative Fiction with Horror Tree

  2. Master the Art of Engaging Readers Visually

  3. Writing Battle

  4. Representation in Fiction (Part 15)

  5. The Life of a Submission #1

  6. The Submission Series


  1. 24 of the Best Journals Accepting Short Story Submissions

    Looking for the best places to submit fiction? Start with our write-up of the best journals for short story submissions. Find your next publication here!

  2. Where to Submit Short Stories: 30 Options for Writers

    In this guide, you’ll find 30+ magazines and literary journals that publish short fiction (and nonfiction). Our list includes a mix of publications across various genres and styles, ranging from prestigious, highly competitive options to those specifically seeking new and emerging voices.

  3. Where to Submit Short Stories: 20 Places Accepting Submissions

    Where to submit short stories in 2023? Check out the top places accepting short story submissions and launch your career!

  4. Short Story Submissions Opportunities at The Fiction Desk

    Information on submitting short stories and entering writing competitions from the Fiction Desk.

  5. 29 Best Literary Magazines for New Writers to Submit To

    Poetry, memoir/personal essays, and short fiction are among what they look to publish in their Open Issue and prefer hardcopy submissions over their online submission platform. They ask for submissions of no more than five poems with 40 lines maximum or 4,000 words of prose.

  6. Over 200 Magazines, Journals, Small Presses Seeking ...

    Over 200 literary magazines and small presses open to submissions, ready to read your poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction.