• Speech balloons/text

Let’s create speech balloons! - How to use the balloon tool -



Here we will explain how to create “Speech balloons” - a unique form of expression in comics - and well will introduce the balloon tools along with some other useful tips.

[1] Speech balloons in CLIP STUDIO PAINT

Speech balloon consists of a vector outline and an inner fill part (painted white in the figure below). The color and the opacity of the inner fill can be adjusted freely, and you can also hide or tone it. Furthermore, there are other ways to create balloons by freely drawing curves and going about it free hand all-together. In the example shown below, the outline is selected with the [Object] tool.

There are roughly 3 different ways to create speech balloon in CLIP STUDIO PAINT: [■1. Balloon (Creating with a tool)], [■2. Balloon (Material)], and [■3. Flash].

■1. How to make a speech balloon using the balloon tools.

The following will explain how to make a speech balloon using the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① Entering characters (texts)

Enter text using the [Text] tool.

② Creating a balloon

Create the balloon’s body using the [Ellipse balloon] tool. The created balloon will be drawn on a [Balloon] layer.

  • The [Ellipse balloon] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

③ Creating a balloon tail

Create the “tail” part sticking out of the balloon with the [Balloon tail] tool.

  • The [Balloon tail] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

The order of creating balloons or text does not matter.

It does not matter, which is created first. A layer for the balloon or the text will be created regardless. By adding text or a balloon on the same layer, both can be managed collectively on the same layer.

④ Adjusting the balloon

After creating the balloon, clicking on it with the [Object] tool will display the handles. You can change the size and aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

The settings can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes before using the [Balloon] tool, or when selecting a balloon with the [Object] tool.

For details on the settings of the balloon tools, please refer to [2] “How to use balloon tools.”

■2. Speech balloons from balloon materials

Apart from using tools, speech balloons can also be created with default balloon materials, which can be selected from the [Material] palette under [Manga material] → [Balloon], and pasted onto the canvas.

The operations after pasting the balloons onto the canvas are the same as for the balloons created with the balloon tool.

■3. Balloon flash

Flash speech balloons consist of vector effect lines and an inner fill (painted white in the figure below). Like balloons, the color and opacity of the inner fill can be set freely, and be hidden or toned.

Flashes are stored under [Balloon] in the [Tool] palette, but they are also very similar to the [Saturated line] tool functionally.

  • The [Flash] sub tool is contained in the [Flash] group under the [Balloon] tool in the initial settings.

The first two procedures when creating flashes are identical to normal speech balloons. However, as newly created flashes are drawn on a “saturated line” layer, operations differ from speech balloons created with balloon tools.

① Creating a flash

Use [Flash] from the [Sub Tool] palette to create a flash.

② Entering text

Enter text (characters) using the [Text] tool. Unlike the [Balloon] tool, the [Flash] tool does not combine as a text layer, but is operated separately.

③ Adjusting the flash

After creating the flash, click and select it with the [Object] tool to display the control handles. Change the size or aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

Settings, such as the length of effect lines or the density of lines can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes when using the [Flash] tool before creating the flash, or selecting the created flash with the [Object] tool. These can be used in the same way as the [Saturated line] tool.

[2] How to use balloon tools

The following will introduce how to create speech balloons using the [Balloon] sub tools.

■1. Ellipse balloon

Drag to select the start and end point of the ellipse, and determine the aspect ratio and size of it. Pressing the [Shift] key while dragging the balloon will draw a perfect circle.

This is the [Tool Property] of the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① [Line color] and [Fill color]

Change the color of the line art and the balloon fill. Be aware that when making a new balloon, the colors may be limited to gray or monochrome depending on the canvas settings. Confirm or change this using the [Edit] menu → [Canvas properties] or [Page Management] → [Change basic page settings].

② [How to add]

If a text layer is already selected, selecting [Add to selected layer] will add a balloon to the same layer.

Turn [Layer effect] → [Toning] ON when applying a tone based on the color set by [① Fill color] to the created balloon. Set ⑥ Anti-aliasing to [None] when toning.

Select a balloon shape. Even if the figure changes, it can be created with the same steps.

⑤ [Brush Size]

Adjust the line width with this.

⑥ [Anti-aliasing]

Set whether or not to add anti-aliasing.

⑦ Brush shape

Select the shape of the brush tip.

The following are examples of [Pen], [Dotted line] and [Waved line] brush shapes.

■2. Curve balloon

Create a free shaped balloon by making curves. The method to create it changes with the selected ① [Curve].

Select a method to create a line.

・[Straight line]

Each time a point is clicked, a straight line between points will be drawn. Double click the final point to confirm.

A curve is drawn by clicking different points. Double click the final point (or press the Enter key) to confirm.

・[Quadratic Bezier] and [Cubic Bezier]

Create a balloon using a quadratic bezier or a cubic bezier.

Making ② pointed

If there are any corners on the line, they may become round when scaling up, due to the shape of the brush being used. Choose whether to sharpen these lines at the corners or not.

Items other than ① and ② in the [Tool Property] are the same as those in the [Ellipse balloon] tool.

■3. Balloon Pen

Create a balloon as if you are drawing with the [Pen] tool. This also supports pen pressure, therefore, speech bubbles with uneven strokes can be created.

In the settings, the thickness of the line can be adjusted so that the pen pressure works just like the [Pen] tool.

① Brush size

In the same way as the [Pen] tool, the line width can be changed by adjusting the brush size.

② Control brush size

Click on the icon to adjust the elements that affect the brush size. To apply pen pressure similarly to the [Pen] tool, check the [Pen pressure] and set it to ON. To prevent the pen pressure from being applied, turn all check marks OFF.

③ Post correction

This feature corrects lines to make them smoother.

■4. Settings when creating balloons: Other

In the [Sub Tool Detail] palette of the [Balloon] tool, there are items that are not displayed in the [Tool Property] palette. These special settings are as follows.

① [Line/Fill]

Select whether to display the balloon’s lines and fills. Increasing the transparency of the inside of the balloon, and adding edges when characters and images are superimposed will make it easier to read.

・ Create new layer

・ Add to selected layer

When creating a balloon near an existing balloon or text, select whether to create the balloon on a new layer or on the same one.

③ Combine with the text in the drawing area

Creating a balloon above inputted text will group the elements on the same text layer. Multiple text/balloon layers can also be combined into one layer afterwards.

[3] How to create balloon tails

Here we will show how to create a tail for a speech balloon. From [How to bend], choose a drawing type out of [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

[How to bend]

Choose between [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

A [Straight line] Creates a straight tail. Dragging between the start point 1 and the end point 2 creates a straight tail.

B [Polyline] Creates a tail with corners. Click to create corner parts starting from point 1, and keep clicking further to create more points. Confirm by double clicking at the last point.

C [Spline] Creates a curved tail. Start clicking the point 1to start, click in further to add more points, and confirm by double clicking at the last point.

[4] How to use the flash tool

Depending on the registered sub tool settings, the drawn content will change drastically.

To create a flash, set the size by dragging from the start point to the end point in the same way as the [Ellipse balloon].

■1. Creating a flash

Use the sub tool [Sea urchin flash] to create a flash.

■2. Adjusting the flash

We will adjust the created flash. In this example, the situation is that the lines are “too long”, “too thick” and “not blank inside” as compared to what is intended.

Selecting the [Object] tool will display the path of the flash sheech balloon.

■3. Adjusting the line width and density

Adjust the flash with the [Tool Property] palette.

・Make the lines thinner by adjusting the [Brush Size].

・Adjust the line density using [Gap of line (distance)].

This process is executed as thinner lines create wider gaps between lines.

■4. Adjusting the line length

・Shorten the [Length].

■Adjusting the “Rough edges”

Click the [+] mark on the left side of [Make the reference position jags] to access further settings. Lowering the value of [Height] and shortening the rough edges makes it more like a sea urchin flash.

■6. Adjusting the flash size

Using the handle displayed on the path of the flash, adjust the size of the flash so that it matches the text.

[5] Advanced use of Balloon/Flash

■1. Combining multiple balloons (* only speech balloons)

The overlapping parts will combine when multiple balloons are gathered on one layer. Keep the balloons on separate layers to display them separately, and create them on one layer to combine them.

To gather multiple existing balloon layers, select the layers to gather and use [Layer] menu → [Merge with layer below] or [Combine selected layer].

■2. Fitting a balloon in a frame border - advanced use of layer masks

Each balloon and flash created will be managed on its own layer. Drawing tools such as [Pen] and [Eraser] are unavailable on these layers. When erasing a section, use a mask. Furthermore, by rasterizing the layer with the [Layer] menu → [Rasterize], you can directly draw and erase the balloon. However, you will not be able to make any further edits to the contents.

When using balloons and flash tools, it may overlap with frame borders. A [Mask] can be useful in that case.

  • For more functional details on layer masks, please refer to “How to master the layer mask 1”.

① Specify the display area

Mask so that the speech bubble does not overlap with the frame border or the characters. Select the area using tools such as the [Auto select] tool.

Using the [Selection Area] menu → [Quick Mask] is beneficial as the area can be selected using the [Fill] tools or other drawing tools, etc.

② Creating a layer mask

After creating the selection area, select [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Mask Outside Selection] to create a layer mask. To hide the selected area, choose [Mask Selection]. The created mask can be checked via the thumbnail displayed in the [Layer] palette.

Display the mask from the [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Show Mask Area].

The mask can be toggled ON/OFF with the following operations.

・Color of the masked sections: [Alt] + thumbnail mask click

・Toggling ON/OFF of the mask itself: Click [Shift] + thumbnail mask

③ The completed masked flash

The flash is completed if the created flash is partially masked and hidden. Further adjustments are possible as long as the layer of the flash is not rasterized (by combining images etc.).

・Masking multiple flashes

For balloons created with the [Balloon] tool, multiple balloons can be registered on a single special layer, but for flashes created using the [Flash] tool, one flash occupies one layer.

To use the same mask on multiple flashes, make a folder containing multiple flash layers and apply a mask to the folder.

It is useful to use [Divide frame folder] when creating frame borders, as a mask is created on each frame. By creating a balloon or flash inside the frame border folder, the mask will hide the part sticking out of the frame border.

  • In the initial settings, the [Divide frame folder] sub tool is stored under [Cut frame border] of the [Frame border] tool.

This concludes the lesson on how to use the balloon tool. When creating a balloons, please also have a look as “How to use text tools”.

Speech balloons/text #4 by ClipStudioOfficial

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How to Create an Abstract Speech Bubble in Illustrator

Final Image Preview

abstract vector speech bubbles

In this Illustrator tutorial we will learn how to create some abstract speech bubbles using the simple forms and some techniques which allow us to extend your knowledge in the vector artworks creation. You can download the free speech bubble file which is inside in this tutorial. I hope it will help you to understand all the nuances. Have fun and enjoy our Adobe Illustrator tutorial!

Create a new document. Please note, we are going to work in the RGB color mode.

how to make vector speech bubble

Now let’s create the speech bubble form. Take the Pen Tool (P) and create a form, which consists of straight line segments.

Speech Bubble Square For

Create some side surface of the speech bubble. They should be closed paths. Two points of these surfaces should have the same coordinates as the points from the speech bubble sides, to which this surface adjoins.

how to make vector speech bubble

Create a shape of a pyramid using the technique described in our first step.

how to make vector speech bubble

And now let’s work on creation of the background. Take the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a rectangle of the artboard size.

how to make vector speech bubble

With the Mesh Tool (U) create simple gradient mesh as it is indicated on the figure below.

how to make vector speech bubble

Color the mesh points with soft, pastel colors. You also need to create a line of horizon and a horizontal plane with the help of coloring.

how to make vector speech bubble

Create some grid with the Rectangle Grid Tool.

how to make vector speech bubble

Go to the Object > Transform > Rotate…, and then set a 45 degrees angle in the dialog box.

how to make vector speech bubble

Now place our grid to the horizontal plane. The Free Transform Tool (E) suits perfectly for the creation of the perspective. Grab the upper marker of the bounding box with this tool and without releasing the mouse button keep the Cmd / Ctrl keys, then move the marker below.

how to make vector speech bubble

With the Rectangle Tool (M) create a rectangle with the vertical linear gradient fill. The gradient should contain black, grey and white sliders. The upper rectangle border should match the background line of the horizon.

how to make vector speech bubble

Select the grid and this rectangle, and then choose the Make Opacity Mask в fly-out menu of the Transparency panel.

how to make vector speech bubble

Now the grid is limited to the rectangle shape and becomes transparent when approaching the horizon; these all creates the aerial perspective.

how to make vector speech bubble

With the Ellipse Tool (L) create two ellipses. The first ellipsis has the grey fill with 0% opacity.

how to make vector speech bubble

The second ellipse has grey fill, but with 100% opacity.

how to make vector speech bubble

Go to the Object > Bland > Bland Options… and set the number of specified steps in the dialog box. Now select both ellipses and go to the Object > Bland > Make.

how to make vector speech bubble

So, we have created some drop shadow from the speech bubble. Using this technique, create some shadow from our pyramid.

how to make vector speech bubble

Using the Gradient Tool (G) fill the planes of our speech bubble and the pyramid.

how to make vector speech bubble

You need to make some light contrast on these objects; to do so, for convenience divide the objects to the ones, which are lightened by the light source and to those, which are in shade. The artwork, made in the High-key lightning style is ready.

If you are a contributor of microstock websites, then you can create one more variant of speech bubbles in the Low-key lightning style as I did it.

abstract vector speech bubbles

This might increase the number of potential customers. We wish you to have successful sales! You can also read Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Glossy Vector Speech Bubble Icon and How to Create Vector Speech Bubbles in Doodle Style Using Illustrator

Continue reading here: Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Realistic Wooden Texture

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Readers' Questions

How to draw a speech bubble in adobe illustrator youtube?
To draw a speech bubble in Adobe Illustrator, you can follow these steps: Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Select the "Ellipse Tool" from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Click and drag on the canvas to draw a perfect circle. Select the "Direct Selection Tool" from the toolbar and click on the circle to select it. Go to the "Properties" panel, and under "Effects", click on the "Convert to Shape" drop-down menu. Choose "Polygon". In the "Options" dialog box that appears, adjust the "Sides" slider to the number of sides you want for your speech bubble. Click "OK". Use the "Direct Selection Tool" to adjust the shape of the speech bubble if needed. Select the "Pen Tool" from the toolbar, and click and drag on the canvas to create a tail for the speech bubble. Adjust the shape using the "Direct Selection Tool". Once you're satisfied with the shape of the speech bubble, you can apply any desired fill and stroke colors using the "Swatches" or "Color" panels. You can also add text inside the speech bubble by selecting the "Type Tool" from the toolbar, clicking inside the bubble, and typing your text. Customize the font, size, and color of the text using the options at the top of the screen. For a visual demonstration, you can search for "How to Draw a Speech Bubble in Adobe Illustrator" on YouTube to find various video tutorials that demonstrate this process step-by-step.
How to make a speech bubble in photoshop?
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a speech bubble in Photoshop: Open Photoshop and create a new document. Select the "Rounded Rectangle Tool" from the toolbar on the left or press U on your keyboard. In the top toolbar, set the "Radius" to a value that will give your speech bubble a rounded edge. This depends on the size of your speech bubble and your personal preference. Click and drag on the canvas to draw a rounded rectangle shape. This will be the outline of your speech bubble. To give the speech bubble a tail, select the "Pen Tool" from the toolbar or press P on your keyboard. Click on the top left corner of your rounded rectangle, then click and drag to create a curved line moving away from the shape. Release the mouse button to create an anchor point. To make the tail more prominent, you can add additional anchor points by clicking along the curved line and dragging them to adjust the shape. When you are satisfied with the shape of the tail, click on the "Path Selection Tool" from the toolbar or press A on your keyboard. Click and drag on the speech bubble's tail to select it. With the tail selected, go to "Layer" in the top menu and choose "New Fill Layer" followed by "Solid Color." In the dialog box, select the desired color for your speech bubble and click OK. Lastly, you can add text inside the speech bubble by selecting the "Text Tool" from the toolbar or pressing T on your keyboard. Click inside the speech bubble and type in your desired text. Adjust the font, size, and color using the text options in the top toolbar. That's it! You have created a speech bubble in Photoshop. Remember to save your work before closing the document.
How to make bubbles in illustrator?
Open the Adobe Illustrator program. Select the Ellipse Tool from the Tools panel and click and drag to draw an ellipse. Click on the Object menu and select Transform>Scale. Reduce the size of the ellipse to 75% of its original size and click the “OK” button. Go to the Tools panel and select the Zoom Tool. Click and drag on the ellipse to zoom in closer. Select the Ellipse Tool again and draw another smaller circle inside the first circle. Go to the Objects menu and select Arrange>Send to Back. The small circle should now appear in front of the larger circle. Select the Direct Selection Tool from the Tools panel. Click and drag around the small circle to select it. Go to the Objects menu and select Transform>Rotate. Enter an angle of -30 degrees and click “OK”. Select both circles and go to the Object menu and select Group. Go to the Effects menu and select Stylize>Rounded Corners. Enter a radius of 2 pt. and click “OK”. Copy and paste the bubble several times to make a cluster of bubbles. Select all of the bubbles and go to the Object menu and select Arrange>Send to Back. Go to the Effects menu and select Stylize>Gaussian Blur. Enter a blur radius of 0.5 pt. and click “OK”. Click on the Selection Tool and select the cluster of bubbles. Go to the Color panel and select a color for the bubbles. Finally, you can add a background and adjust the opacity of the bubble cluster for a unique look.
How to make a dialog bubble in illustrator?
Create your text. Select the Text Tool (T) and click on the text you created. Select the Ellipse Tool (L). Click and drag to create an ellipse, hold Shift and Alt (Option on Mac) to make sure it’s a perfect circle. Select the Direct Selection Tool (A). Click the bottom anchor point and drag it outwards, while holding Shift and Alt (Option on Mac) to make sure it’s symmetrical. Change the ellipse stroke color to match the text, and reduce the stroke width. Adjust the ellipse to fit the text. Select the Pen Tool (P), and click on each anchor point. This will add a point to the path and make it easier to adjust the shape. Select the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C) and adjust the path of the ellipse. Adjust the point at the bottom of the ellipse to create the bubble effect. Select the Ellipse Tool (L) again and draw another smaller ellipse inside the first one. Select both ellipses and select Object > Expand Appearance from the top menu. Select the shapes and click Unite from the Pathfinder Panel (Window > Pathfinder). Select the resulting shape and click Object > Clipping Mask > Make. Add a shadow, if you like. Move the text into the dialog bubble. You’re done!
How to make word bubbles in photoshop?
1) Create a new layer and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M). 2) Hold down the Shift key while dragging to make a perfect circle. 3) Choose a background color and fill the circle. 4) Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and enter a radius of your choice. 5) Add a Stroke layer style to the layer and adjust the size. 6) Add some text, such as a quote or conversation, and place it in the center of the circle. 7) Add a Drop Shadow layer style and adjust the settings to your preference. And you're done! Enjoy your word bubble!
How to make a bubble in illustrator?
Launch Adobe Illustrator and open a new document. Select the Ellipse Tool from the Tools palette. Draw a circle on the artboard with one click and drag of the mouse. With the circle selected, double-click on the Gradient Tool from the Tools palette. In the new Gradient Palette, select the Radial Gradient option and then click the color swatches. Pick a light, bright color for the lighter shade and click OK. Increase the Opacity slider to 100 percent. Click and drag the Gradient Annotator from the center of the circle outward to create a gradient from the light, bright color to the center of the circle. With the circle still selected, double-click on the Roughen Filter from the Effects menu to give the circle a bubbled texture. Select an appropriate value for the Amount, Size, and Detail options and click OK.

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Get Creative with Vector Speech and Thought Bubbles

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how to make vector speech bubble

I cottoned on to this when I was trying to work out how Comic Life did those wonderful tricks with stretching out the tails of Quote Bubbles and Arrows. So simple, the tail is separate from the bubble and head.

Just never expand the 2 in Pathfinder and you can play and stretch them to your heart’s content.

You can do a heck of a lot better balloons than that in AI. I suggest you check out the Comicraft book on the subject.

Thanks a lot!

This is just what I was looking for! Great tutorial!

Amy Putkonen Owner & Creative Designer of Cirkla Simple Business http://www.cirklasimplebusiness.com

Stop by for a free ebook on how to utilize The Power of Synergy to grow your business!

Thank you for this tutorial!!!! Brand new to illustrator :)

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How to Create Speech Bubbles and Comic Effects in Adobe Illustrator

Sara Berntsson

Comics as a medium are more than just the combination of text and pictures. A comic is a communication tool all of its own, and comes with specific languages and dialects.

Depending on culture, genre or style, there may be differences, but comics generally adhere to some common rules, which we will explore in this tutorial.

You will learn how to communicate with your comic readers through text, motion and atmosphere, and when it's best to use words or let pictures to do the talking.

If you're looking to get started quickly, don't forget that we have a great collection of speech bubbles and comic graphics on GraphicRiver as well!

1. Make a Simple Speech-Bubble Art Brush

A common speech bubble is usually made up of a oval shape, with a tail at the bottom, indicating which person is the speaker.

To make a brush we can use for making these tails, start by drawing a triangle similar to the one below. While having the triangle selected, press New Brush  from the Brushes panel  and choose Art Brush .

Triangular Art brush

Now we can draw the tail in one stroke.

Create tails for the speech bubble using the new Art brush

2.  Use Zig Zag to Convey Shouting

To indicate someone shouting, make the oval part of the speech bubble a zig zag shape. While having the oval selected, go to the Effect menu, choose Distort & Transform , then Zig Zag...

Effect Distort  Transform Zig Zag

Play around with the settings until you get the desired amount of jaggedness.

The Zig Zag effect applied onto a oval shape

Now we just add the tail with the brush from before. The same brush can make more jagged shapes as well, just by drawing in a more angular way.

A pointy tail using the same Art brush as before

3.  Create Thought Bubbles With the Pattern Brush

Another common type of bubble is used to convey not speech, but thought. Usually the oval shape has a bubbly, cloudlike shape to it. Creating a brush to achieve that effect is easy. Just make a Pattern Brush from a circle object.

Create a Pattern Brush from a white circle object

Apply it to an oval shape, and there you have it! Well, almost. We also need a tail.

The new Pattern Brush applied to a oval shape

The tail for a thought bubble is usually not the same as for speech bubbles. Instead it is made up of small bubbly shapes. This time I make a slightly oval shape, and use it as the base for a Scatter Brush .

Create a Scatter Brush using a smaller oval shape

In the Scatter Brush Options I lower the Spacing a bit, with a fixed value of 70%. I also set the Size to be indicated by Pressure , and have the range be from 30% up to 100%. This means that the more pressure I apply, the larger the stroke will be, and if I draw more loosely, the stroke will shrink in size.

Use Pressure and Spacing settings and have the rotation relative to page

So I start the tail by pressing down harder, then let loose at the end of it to get a tapering effect.

Apply pressure at the start of the stroke and let up at the end of the tail

With the speech, shout, and thought bubble mostly done, there is just one thing missing. I want a black outline for them as well.

I start by selecting them all, and go to Object >   Expand Appearance , to turn the brush paths into objects. From here I select all the white objects which make up the bubbles, then go to the Pathfinder panel and select Merge .

Expand appearance and merge with Pathfinder

Now that all parts are merged, I select a black stroke with a Weight of 2 pt .

Apply a 2 pt black stroke on the merged bubbles

4. Text Tips

Now that we've gotten the hang of how to make speech bubbles, let's take some time to think about the text inside as well.

First off, you want to have some space between the edges of the text and the edges of the speech bubble. Of course you don't want the bubble to look empty if you don't have much text in it either. I usually envision a border around the whole text, about as thick as one letter of the text, give or take.

Leave some space between the text and the edge of the speech bubble

Another thing to watch out for is canals within the text. You can see in the left speech bubble below how the spaces between the words align in a straight row, which can be a bit distracting.

This is the way the font naturally lays out the text, so to change how the spaces overlap, I can either type each row on its own, or I can Make Outlines  by selecting the text and pressing  Command-Shift-O . This will turn the font into objects. While you lost the ability to re-type, moving the words how you want them is much less hassle.

Watch out for canals in the text Try to overlap them by moving the text around slightly

Which font is used can determine the impact of the text. Comic Sans, for example, is an almost universally disliked font, while some others are well-liked but maybe less suited for comics. There are a lot of good resources out there for comic fonts, like Blambot for instance, where you can purchase fonts for about every type of comic out there, including sound effects.

There are also fonts which can be downloaded and used for free. For example, the font I use for my examples in this tutorial is called Nina and can be found at the  Internet Archive . It uses a Creative Commons  license called Attribution ShareAlike, which means that you are free to use and modify the font however you want, as long as you provide links to the license, and distribute any changes you've made to it under the same license.

A shout bubble with the text What

For some choice words you might want to create a bigger impact. Using the Warp tool on the text can create some great effects. One of my favorites is the Bulge Style , which can be chosen from the drop-down menu.

Use Bulge in the Warp Options to make the text even more lively

5.  Motion Lines

Communication can of course also be without words. There are several ways of conveying motion within a comic, but a common way is with so called motion lines.

A object being moved can be shown by having it appear in more than one place along the path it is moving in. Adding some motion lines to show the path it is moving along can help create the effect of an object moving, as in the example below. 

A character waving its arm

To indicate small movement, like someone shuddering, the motion lines need to become small as well. While drawing these lines I almost mimic shuddering myself, which gets nice jittery lines.

A character shuddering

For long, fast-paced movement, the lines become drawn out as well. In the example below I also add some motion lines along the feet and elbow. I think this adds to the feeling that not only is the person moving forward, but the limbs are moving as well. 

A character running

The lines need not be straight either. Mimicking the path an object is moving on will help bring the comic panel some speed. 

In the example below I add motion lines not only to the arm of the boxer, but also to the sack which receives the punch. Where the glove hits the sack, I draw some focus lines to show the impact, but also some smaller motion lines at the edges of the sack, showing how it is set in motion by the punch.

A boxer character punching a sand bag

6. Emotion Symbols

Aside from motions, there are of course emotions .  While we as humans have our own well established language of emotions—smile = happy, frown = angry, etc.—comics have an additional symbol language to indicate emotions as well.

You may be familiar with heart-shaped eyes showing a character in love, dollar signs (or another currency) as eyes indicating greed, and the large sweat drop (often used in manga).

Three characters with hearts for eyes dollar signs for eyes and a large sweat drop on the forehead respectively

In this tutorial we have gone over some common visual effects in comics. 

We have learned how to create time-saving assets for making speech, shout and thought bubbles, and some things to look out for when it's time to type the text in them.

We've also gone over how to express movement in comics, from small motions like shuddering to explosive ones like punching.

Lastly we've talked about how symbols can be combined into facial expressions, adding yet another layer to the visual language of comics.

Sara Berntsson

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  1. How to Draw Vector speech bubbles in Affinity Designer ...

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  2. Super Simple Way to Draw Comic Speech Bubbles in Illustrator ...

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  3. Let's create speech balloons!

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  5. How to Create a Speech (Chat) Bubble Icon in Figma (Full Process)

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  7. Quick Tip: Create a Speech Bubbles Set with the Appearance Panel

    Step 12. Move to the orange shape. Select it, go to the Appearance panel and click on the Add New Fill button (the little white square icon). Select this new fill, make it white, lower its opacity to 40% and change the blending mode to Overlay then go to Effect > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -1px Offset and click OK.

  8. QuickTip: How to Create a Glossy Speech Bubble Icon

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  9. How to Create an Abstract Speech Bubble in Illustrator

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  11. Get Creative with Vector Speech and Thought Bubbles

    Step 1. Open Adobe Illustrator. Go to File > New and click OK. Step 2. First, you'll make a basic rounded rectangle speech bubble. Click and hold on the Rectangle tool and select the Rounded Rectangle tool. Step 3. With the Stroke set to Black and the Fill set to White, click and drag out a rectangle. Step 4.

  12. How to Create Speech Bubbles and Comic Effects in Adobe Illustrator

    Step 1. Another common type of bubble is used to convey not speech, but thought. Usually the oval shape has a bubbly, cloudlike shape to it. Creating a brush to achieve that effect is easy. Just make a Pattern Brush from a circle object. Apply it to an oval shape, and there you have it! Well, almost.

  13. A plugin for generating vector speech bubbles for Krita

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  14. Speech Bubble Maker: Add One To Your Photos!

    Customize your speech bubble's colors to accent your photos. Harmonize your design by customizing the colors of your speech bubble. Select the bubble and click on the colored circles to choose new colors from the color palette, or get the exact right hue from the color wheel. For example, if your friends are perched among autumn foliage ...

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  19. I want to make a speech bubble into a vector image

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