How to Fix a Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

Find out why you got a BSOD and how to stop it.

Windows BSOD

It makes you want to tear your hair out. You’re in the middle of working on a project, reaching a major milestone in a game or maybe just booting up your Windows 101 or Windows 10 PC and, just like that, the entire OS crashes and presents you with a Blue Screen of Death, usually for no immediately apparent reason. 

In Windows-speak, the term “Blue Screen of Death” is usually abbreviated as BSOD. It describes an error of some kind that hits the operating system hard enough that it’s forced to quit. Microsoft itself labels such errors with  “stopcodes.” Thus these errors may also be generically named “stop errors.”  Here’s an example that shows what a BSOD sometimes looks like:

Windows BSOD

Understanding the BSOD Screen

The screen starts with an old-fashioned unhappy face emoticon “ :( “ (a colon, followed by an open parenthesis). Next, you see a brief explanation that “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.” Windows writes one or more log files when a stop error occurs, so you see language about “collecting some error info” and a counter that keeps track while it’s writing that data (shows as “25% complete) above. 

Microsoft provides a scannable QR code in modern BSODs (lower left) that you can scan with a smartphone and look up that way. The message also provides a lookup URL for stopcodes , where you can enter a numeric stopcode (and where you’ll see most common stopcodes, including the one shown above). The most common stop codes include: 


You can also download the Microsoft Error Lookup Tool (current version: Err_6.4.5.exe) to look up numeric error codes at a command prompt or in PowerShell, if you prefer. 

BSODs Aren’t Always Blue in Windows

Before Windows 8 came along in October 2012, BSODs always appeared on dark blue screens. These were chock-full of text and instructions (see below). With Windows 8, Microsoft switched to a kinder, gentler format shown in the preceding screencap. 

The company also whittled down the information that appears on screen. In fact, the background color in Windows 11 or 10 is sometimes black, green or even red. Here’s an example of an old-fashioned, pre-Windows-8 BSOD to put this information into historical context: 

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Windows BSOD

Making Sense of BSOD Data

Though nobody wants to see a BSOD on a Windows PC, they do occur from time to time. In the vast majority of cases, the PC will restart itself automatically after an error log, called a crash dump or  a dump file (extension .dmp) is created. By default, Windows 10 stores dump files in one of two locations. 

You can manage crash dumps through Advanced System Settings in Windows 11 or 10 (type “Advanced System Settings” into the search box, then click “Settings” in the Startup and Recovery pane). You can also choose to toggle “Automatic restart” to off here, if you would prefer that any future BSODs stay on the screen until you get a chance to see them and write down (or take pic of) any relevant data.

Windows 11 Startup and Recovery options in control panel

If you select “Small memory dump” as the option for saving crash dumps, such files show up as Minidump.dmp files. For all other selections, the crash dump is named Memory.dmp. Crash dumps get written to the %SystemRoot% folder, which usually expands to C:\Windows. By design, small memory dump files are limited to 256KB in size. Other memory dumps will vary in size up to the size of memory on the PC where the dump is collected. Thus, on a PC with 16GB of RAM, a Complete memory dump file will always be 16GB in size (and other dump files, except for the small memory dumps, can be as large as 16GB, but will often be smaller). 

Examining a crash dump file can be helpful when troubleshooting related causes. For more details, see our story on how to use a minidump file to fix your Windows BSOD . That said, many users simply search on the stopcode and/or the numeric error code when seeking remediation advice. (Note that Microsoft calls that numeric code a “bug check code” or “bug check string.”

What To Do When Troubleshooting a BSOD

The immediate tendency following a BSOD is to get right into fix-it mode, start looking things up, and attempting repairs. Not so fast! Microsoft explains the entire troubleshooting process in its “ Troubleshoot blue screen errors ” tutorial. While you can – and probably should – read the Microsoft advice in its entirety, here’s a summary of key recommendations: 

  • Shut down the Windows PC that experienced the BSOD
  • Disconnect all USB-attached devices except for mouse and keyboard (or wireless dongles).
  • Reboot your system into safe mode from the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE)
  • If you recently installed new software, uninstall that software .
  • If you recently installed a new device driver (or your BSOD info points to a driver or device), uninstall or roll back that driver (if you don’t really need the device you can disable it temporarily instead)
  • Restart the PC , and see if the BSOD recurs. If not, you’ve probably isolated the cause and can start researching some kind of fix.

If the BSOD recurs despite the items taken out of the picture by removing, disabling or uninstalling them, whatever’s still left in the picture remains problematic. At this point you want to reboot into safe mode once again, and open an administrative command prompt or PowerShell session. From the command line, enter these commands, one at a time: 

  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • SFC /scannow

The first of these two commands finds and replaces any damaged operating system components in the side-by-side filestore (aka WinSxS). The second of these commands runs the System File Checker (SFC) and will repair any damaged files it finds. 

Note that if SFC finds and fixes anything, you should run the command until it comes back with a clean bill of health (in some cases, I’ve had to run it two or three times before it came back clean). Note further that running either or both of these commands can take some time to complete, especially if one or both find items in need of fixing. Here’s what you want to see after your final SFC run:

Windows BSOD

Try NirSoft’s BlueScreenView Tool

There’s a complete BSOD handling infrastructure available from Microsoft, built around a tool called the Windows Debugger (aka WinDBG). You can download it as part of Microsoft’s free Windows Developer Kit if you really want to dig into the gory details. There are a lot of details to learn about, and minutiae to address, if you want to put this tool to work on crash dumps. For non-IT professionals or non-developers, I recommend Nir Sofer’s excellent BlueScreenView utility instead. It’s set up to automatically load the symbol tables it needs to resolve error codes, and it knows where to find crash dumps in need of analysis. It also presents crash dump data in a highly-readable form.

As an illustration, I forced one of my test laptops (a Lenovo ThinkPad X390 Yoga) to blue screen at an administrative command line. There, I entered the string taskkill /im svchost.exe /f. Warning: typing this string into an administrative command prompt or PowerShell session will crash the PC immediately. That’s because it kills a key program named svchost.exe (Service Host) that supports DLLs in the Windows runtime environment. Because most (if not all) Windows programs use one or more DLLs this basically makes Windows inoperable. Thus, it causes an immediate BSOD with the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED stopcode (shown in the lead-in graphic for this very story).

When I fired up BlueScreenView on that PC, it found the Memory.dmp file that this BSOD created during its post-crash cleanup phase. Here’s what the application looks like:

Windows BSOD

The top pane of the window shows all the crash dumps it finds on the target PC. Because there’s only one in this case, I shrunk it down to show as many details from the bottom pane as possible. Even so, the data in the top pane is important, with information in certain columns of special interest. Column 1 shows the name of the dump file. Column 3 shows the stopcode, which it labels “Bug Check String.” Column 3 shows the associated hexadecimal error code, 0x000000ef, which it labels “Bug Check Code.”

For most genuine BSODs (remember, I forced this one to happen) the stopcode and the error code will often help affected users zero in on causes and potential cures for their woes. In my experience, at least 90% of BSODs become fixable simply based on this information. That’s because it will often be solved by disconnecting, disabling, or uninstalling related devices, drivers , applications, or updates – just as Microsoft recommends, and I summarized in the previous section.

What About that Other Problematic 10% of BSODs? 

Some BSODs won’t be amenable to quick and easy fixes. When they come up, as they sometimes will, it’s time to ask for help in getting things figured out. I can recommend two terrific sources of troubleshooting assistance available online, each with its own dedicated user forum specifically focused on solving BSOD issues. Likewise, each one stipulates certain requirements on users seeking BSOD help.

Source number one comes from (key disclosures: I am a VIP member of this community; I contribute input and suggestions to its members daily). The TenForums venue is in its BSOD Crashes and Debugging forum. Posting instructions are explicitly provided, along with a collection of BSOD tutorials, including those on WinDBG Basics ,and  how to Install and Configure WinDBG for BSOD Analysis , Run BSOD Error Troubleshooter in Windows 10 , and Enable or Disable BSOD Automatic Restart in Windows 10 .

Source number two comes from British PC security and troubleshooting site They operate a user forum named Windows Crashes and Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Help and Support. There, you’ll find pinned threads for the following topics (all of which are worth reading through):

  • Sysnative Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Academy : A series of detailed questions readers should answer to ask the experts at Sysnative for help with BSOD issues. 
  • BSOD Posting instructions : what information users should gather (based on downloading and running a Sysnative app) to obtain necessary dump files and content.
  • BSODs but no Dump Files : instructions on how to configure a Windows PC to produce dump files whenever a BSOD occurs. Essential to know because diagnosis without dumps is nearly impossible.

Thus, you’ll have to read up a bit, download some tools, run some scripts and/or collect some logs that you’ll submit to make a semi-formal request for BSOD help. This will take one or more hours and force you to do some homework before such help becomes available. It may also involve numerous back-and-forth communications, where you’re asked to run additional diagnostic tools and collect additional logs and data to shed more light on your situation. Trust me: these guys know what they’re doing. I’ve seen only a handful of issues where users did everything asked of them where the BSOD experts couldn’t help them get things fixed.

Ultimately, where there’s enough will to get a Windows BSOD fixed, there’s a way to make that happen. Keep at it, and you’ll learn this for yourself.

Ed Tittel is a long-time IT writer, researcher and consultant, and occasional contributor to Tom’s Hardware. A Windows Insider MVP since 2018, he likes to cover OS-related driver, troubleshooting, and security topics.

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  • Metal Messiah. Nice informative article ! Reply
  • ginthegit I keep getting a BSOD saying the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL None of the material I searched could explain its frequenct occurance. It never happened in Win8, so I gathered it was a Kernel based problem with allocating the IRQ to system. It was more of a trial and error thing, but figured out it was a Switchable Graphics problem. I though it was the Discrete problem, but turns out it was the Intel one. So once setting the Graphics to AMD for most my apps, I no longer get it. I was blaming the AMD for a long time, but Intel was the Offender with its graphics. But no thanks to Intel and Microsoft for both being useless in telling me where abouts the problem lied. I had to figure it out after 3 months of Tweaking and testing. My Linux partition never had a problem. Reply
  • Jake Hall Never in my entire career have I seen an SFC scan fix a thing Reply
  • nitrium All problems can be trivially fixed by purchasing a new PSU. Everyone at Tom's Hardware Forums knows this. Reply
  • InvalidError I think the only times I have ever had blue screens on my nearly nine years old 3470 are from running the system without rebooting after updating display drivers: update drivers, continue running the system for a few days, crash, then runs fine for months on end until I reboot for Windows updates or update drivers and get the next one-time driver-related crash. That said, I haven't even seen the driver update crash in about two years, Nvidia must have fixed whatever code nugget was causing it. Reply
  • BillyBuerger One of our users had a laptop that was getting BSODs recently. Rand a memory test and it reported a LOT of errors. This is on an "ultrabook" with soldered memory. Goodbye laptop just over one month past it's warranty. Reply
BillyBuerger said: One of our users had a laptop that was getting BSODs recently. Rand a memory test and it reported a LOT of errors. This is on an "ultrabook" with soldered memory. Goodbye laptop just over one month past it's warranty.
nitrium said: All problems can be trivially fixed by purchasing a new PSU. Everyone at Tom's Hardware Forums knows this.
Some BSODs won’t be amenable to quick and easy fixes. When they come up, as they sometimes will, it’s time to ask for help in getting things figured out. I can recommend two terrific sources of troubleshooting assistance available online, each with its own dedicated user forum specifically focused on solving BSOD issues. Likewise, each one stipulates certain requirements on users seeking BSOD help. Source number one comes from (key disclosures: I am a VIP member of this community; I contribute input and suggestions to its members daily). The TenForums venue is in its BSOD Crashes and Debugging forum. Posting instructions are explicitly provided, along with a collection of BSOD tutorials, including those on WinDBG Basics,and how to Install and Configure WinDBG for BSOD Analysis, Run BSOD Error Troubleshooter in Windows 10, and Enable or Disable BSOD Automatic Restart in Windows 10. Source number two comes from British PC security and troubleshooting site They operate a user forum named Windows Crashes and Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Help and Support. There, you’ll find pinned threads for the following topics (all of which are worth reading through)
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How to Fix the Blue Screen of Death on Windows

Last Updated: September 23, 2022 Tested

Using General Fixes

Fixing the "critical process died" error, fixing a registry error, restarting in safe mode, cleaning setup files, updating windows, deleting recently added apps, updating drivers, restoring a previous version of windows, resetting windows.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd . Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 1,861,390 times. Learn more...

This wikiHow teaches you how to fix the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD, Black screen in Windows 11) on a Windows computer. The BSoD is typically a result of improperly installed software, hardware, or settings, meaning that it is usually fixable. In some cases, though, the BSoD appears due to a corrupt operating system or hardware inside of the computer, meaning that you'll either need to reinstall your operating system or take your computer into a tech department to have it fixed.

Step 1 Consider your recent actions on the computer.

  • Click Update & Security .
  • Click the Troubleshoot tab.
  • Click Blue Screen .
  • Click Run the troubleshooter .
  • Review the resulting solutions and follow any on-screen instructions.

Step 4 Remove any unnecessary hardware.

  • You can typically keep your mouse and keyboard plugged into your computer, especially if they came with the computer itself when it was brand-new.

Step 5 Wait for your computer to restart.

  • If the BSOD appears again while your computer is attempting to restart, check its error code. If the error code is 0x000000EF, you should immediately skip ahead to the next part . If not, try rebooting in Safe Mode .

Step 6 Run a virus...

  • If the virus scan comes up with any malicious software, remove it immediately.
  • If the virus scan sends software settings suggestions (e.g., battery life) to you during the scan, try implementing them. A flawed setting may cause the BSoD to appear.

Step 1 Understand what this error means.

  • This error can be trivial, but if you see it happen multiple times in a row or you're unable to start your computer without running into the BSoD, it indicates a more serious issue.

Step 2 Make sure you've encountered the correct error.

  • If you're unable to use your computer without receiving this error, you need to take your computer into a reputable repair service or shop—it may be that your hard drive or processor is failing, in which case there's nothing you can do from your end.

Step 4 Open Start icon.

  • Re-open Command Prompt in administrator mode.
  • Type in Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth and press ↵ Enter .
  • Type in Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth and press ↵ Enter .
  • Type in Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and press ↵ Enter .
  • Wait for any processes to finish running, then restart your computer.

Step 11 Take your computer into a reputable repair shop.

  • If you would rather just restore a previous version of Windows, skip to the "Restoring a Previous Version of Windows" section .

Step 2 Click Troubleshoot.

  • The deletion process may take a few minutes, especially if you've never deleted your computer's temporary files.

Step 1 Open Start icon.

  • Windows may restart several times, and you may have to activate Safe Mode again before proceeding.

Step 1 Open Start icon.

  • You'll repeat this process for each recently installed app here.

Step 1 Open Start icon.

  • For example, if you recently installed a wireless keyboard for a laptop, you would select the wireless keyboard's name after double-clicking the Keyboards hardware category.

Step 6 Click the

  • If you're already at this screen because your computer attempted and failed to restart several times, skip this step.

Step 2 Click Troubleshoot.

  • You may need to log into your computer before proceeding.

Step 6 Click Next.

  • System restore points are usually created when you update or install a significant piece of software or hardware.
  • If you've never backed up your computer and you don't see a restore point here, try resetting Windows instead.

Step 8 Click Next.

  • If the Blue Screen of Death reappears, you may need to restore an earlier backup.

Step 1 Open Start icon.

  • Keep my files - Keeps your files and folders when resetting your PC.
  • Remove everything - Completely clears your hard drive. Make sure that you have a backup of your documents and files stored elsewhere (e.g., an external hard drive) if you choose this option.

Step 7 Click Next.

  • If you chose Remove everything in the last window, you'll first click either Just remove my files or Remove files and clean the drive before this step.

Step 8 Click Reset.

  • If you're still running into the BSOD at this point, it's time to take your computer into a professional repair service to have it checked.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • The Blue Screen of Death isn't as much of a death sentence as it used to be; more often than not, it's simply because your computer was on for too long or can't support a software update. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to solve blue screen of death problem

  • Some computers are too old to be upgraded (i.e. upgrading a 2008 computer to Windows 10). Updating such a computer can cause it to crash into the BSoD. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

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How to Troubleshoot Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 11 and 10

The screen that nobody wants to see

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The dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) has been around since Windows 95. It’s a dreaded error screen that pops up with little or no warning, letting you know that things have gone sideways on your computer. 

Often, the problem goes away for good after a simple reboot. Still, intermittent or frequent BSODs can indicate anything from severe software bugs to computer hardware problems. BSODs are nothing to panic about, at least in most cases. You need to analyze the content of the BSOD error and troubleshoot potential solutions.

What Is a BSOD on Windows 11/10 Exactly?

You’ve probably discovered that Microsoft doesn’t officially call this error a Blue Screen Of Death. That’s a name user communities have given it over the years. The correct term for the error is a “stop error” or “exception error.” Both of these are types of fatal system errors, more commonly known as system crashes.

When a fatal error happens to an application running on the computer, it usually sends an error message and closes. But what if the bug or issue causing such a severe error happens to the operating system? That’s a BSOD, and the computer needs to be restarted.

If it weren’t for stop errors such as these, you’d risk serious malfunction or data loss. BSODs are, therefore, a way to protect your computer from damage.

Take a Photo of the BSOD Screen

Since your entire operating system stops when a BSOD happens, it’s a good idea to snap a quick picture of the screen with your smartphone. As you’ll see, an internet-connected smartphone is your best friend when troubleshooting BSODs since you will likely have no internet access on the affected computer.

Taking a photo of the Blue Screen of Death in Windows.

To acknowledge this fact, Microsoft has also changed how blue screens look in Windows 11 and 10. You’ll see what we mean by that in a minute, but it’s best to first look at a Windows BSOD’s anatomy as a whole.

Common BSOD Errors in Windows 11/10

Many potential BSOD errors exist, but some are more common than others. Because of that, it’s worth having at least a passing familiarity with the most common stop codes you’ll see as a Windows user:

  • PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA : Windows can’t find critical data in the protected part of RAM. That could be due to faulty RAM, Windows file corruption, or a rogue application writing to memory locations it should not be.
  • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL : A BSOD typically caused by a malfunctioning driver. Typical solutions include reinstalling, updating, or rolling back drivers .
  • NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM : BSOD that stems from problems with the drive or the corruption of critical data. Fixes involve scanning and repairing the drive.
  • OUT_OF_MEMORY : Stop error caused by failing RAM or problems with memory management.
  • BAD_POOL_CALLER : A hardware driver accessed memory without the proper permissions, causing the system to crash.
  • UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DEVICE_DRIVER : A hardware driver is corrupt—you must reinstall the driver or roll your system back to the previous driver.
  • KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED : Technical errors in an application forced a shutdown of Windows. Uninstall recent software or update current software to the latest version. If this error shows a .sys file as the culprit, you’ll want to run the System File Checker .

The BSODs above are a good example of what stop errors look like and the sorts of problems and solutions each one entails. In the end, there are really only four major causes:

  • Bad hardware.
  • Damaged Windows installations.
  • Bad drivers.
  • Rogue or buggy software applications.

The real trick is figuring out the source of the problem.

Rare Yet Specific BSODs in Windows 11/10

Common BSODs have plenty of fixes and advice available online. However, there are a handful that may prove tricky to fix. The good news is that we’ve already gone to the trouble of writing guides for the more egregious ones.

System memory errors are pretty common, mainly because there’s little tolerance for errors in RAM hardware. Windows itself has a no-nonsense approach to software messing with memory in ways it’s not supposed to.

An example is the Memory Management BSOD. Our guide on fixing the Memory Management BSOD in Windows should help you tackle a relatively rare version of this stop error.

A person holding up a RAM module.

Another difficult BSOD is the Unexpected Store Exception error. Despite its name, the actual cause is usually hardware failure. You can learn about it—and how to fix it—by referring to our unexpected store exception troubleshooting guide .

Then there’s the fatal System Service Exception stop code. It’s challenging to resolve because it has so many potential causes. Hop over to our System Service Exception error guide to track down the real culprit.

The last BSOD no one wants to see is Critical Process Died. This one is pretty non-specific, but if you check our Critical Process Died troubleshooting tutorial , you’ll figure out the underlying reason with a bit of luck.

BSOD Memory Dumps in Windows 11/10

Sometimes, you’ll need to call in expert help to figure out precisely what went wrong when a BSOD happens. Luckily, in most cases, Windows creates a dump of what’s in your memory when the stop error occurs. These are usually saved as “.DMP” files. By default, you’ll find them inside your Windows folder.

Binary code of a computer.

If you manage to boot back into Windows or access the system drive in some other way, it’s worth saving these dump files to something like a USB flash drive and then keeping them in case the problem happens again. Microsoft, hardware vendors, and software developers can use these dumps to see what happened when things went wrong.

Basic BSOD Fixes in Windows 11/10

It can sometimes feel that BSODs are a thing of the past since they happen so rarely these days. Nonetheless, if you’re staring at one, it’s worth considering the basic, general troubleshooting process to get your computer back up and running:

Person disassembling a computer.

Take a Photo

As we mentioned above, take a photo of the BSOD with your phone in case you need to submit it or look up information about it. The screen may also contain additional information that you’d otherwise miss, such as references to specific drivers or memory locations.

Check Online for Fixes

Google is your friend, so perform a cursory search for the stop error code mentioned in the BSOD. You can also turn to the Microsoft Support Community forums , the Blue Screen of Death community on Reddit , or check our own troubleshooting guides.

Undo Recent Changes

If something has recently changed on your computer, such as an operating system or drive update, undo that change. The best way to do that is through System Restore . In severe instances, you might want to factory reset your Windows 11 or 10 installation .

Disconnect External Devices

External hardware devices can interfere with how your computer operates. So, unplug all unnecessary devices from your computer to see if that resolves the issue.

Analyze Memory Dumps

Remember when we talked about BSOD dumps? If you feel up for it, use Microsoft’s WinDbg or BlueScreenView by Nirsoft to analyze BSOD dumps yourself. Our complete guide analyzing BSOD dump files walks you through using both tools.

Analzying a BSOD dump file.

Update Hardware Devices

If you’re dealing with a BSOD related to a specific hardware device, such as your GPU, visit the hardware manufacturer’s website and download and install the latest drivers. You can also use a dedicated driver update tool to help you with that.

Check the Internals

If nothing seems wrong in terms of software and you’re running a desktop system, consider checking inside the CPU casing to ensure everything’s properly connected and seated. You might also want to remove and reinsert removable components like the RAM modules.

Perform a RAM Test

Failing RAM is a common issue behind hard-to-troubleshoot BSODs. Conducting a memory test with a tool like Memtest86+ should help you rule that out.

Reset the BIOS/UEFI

If you’re overclocking your computer’s CPU , RAM , or GPU or have firmware settings that could cause instability, reset the BIOS or UEFI to revert those changes.

You Might Have to Seek Professional Support

When all else fails, don’t be afraid to call in the help of a professional or turn to technical forums for help. It’s often better to spend a little money on tech support than spend hours and hours trying to figure out what’s causing a seemingly random BSOD.

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Sydney Butler is a social scientist and technology fanatic who tries to understand how people and technology coexist. He has two decades of experience as a freelance computer technician and more than a decade as a technologies researcher and instructor. Sydney has been a professional technology writer for more than five years and covers topics such as VR, Gaming, Cyber security and Transhumanism. Read Sydney's Full Bio

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How to Fix a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

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  • If Hardware is the Culprit
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A blank, blue screen on a computer is never a welcome sight. It means something has crashed the computer so badly that immediate steps must be taken to recover the system.

What Is The Blue Screen of Death? What Causes It?

A Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), aka a STOP Error , appears when an issue is so serious that Windows must stop loading. It's usually hardware or driver related; most will show a STOP code to help you figure out the root cause.

If the blue screen flashes and your computer reboots automatically you'll need to disable the 'automatic restart on system failure' setting. Below are general Blue Screen of Death troubleshooting steps.

Please see our  List of Blue Screen Error Codes for individual STOP code troubleshooting steps. Come back here if we don't have a troubleshooting guide for your specific STOP code or if you have no idea what your STOP code is.

This troubleshooting guide applies to any version of Windows, including Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

How to Fix a Blue Screen of Death

The most important Blue Screen of Death troubleshooting step you can take is to ask yourself what you did just before the device stopped working.

Did you just install a new program or a piece of hardware, update a driver, install a Windows update, etc.? If so, there's a very good chance that the change you made caused the BSOD.

Undo the change you made and test again for the STOP Error. Depending on what it was that changed, some solutions might include:

  • Starting up using Last Known Good Configuration to undo recent registry and driver changes.
  • Using Windows System Restore to undo recent system changes.
  • Rolling back the device driver to a version prior to your driver update.

Some of these steps may require you to start Windows in Safe Mode . If that's not possible then skip those steps.

Check that there's enough free hard drive space where Windows is being installed. Blue Screens of Death and other serious issues, like data corruption, can occur if there's not enough free space on your primary partition.

Microsoft recommends that you maintain at least 100 MB of free space but you'll regularly see problems with free space that low. It's usually advised that Windows users keep at least 10% of a drive's capacity free at all times.

Scan your computer for malware and viruses . Some viruses can cause a Blue Screen of Death, especially ones that infect the master boot record (MBR) or boot sector.

Make sure your virus scanning software is completely up to date and that it's configured to scan the MBR and boot sector.

If you can't get far enough to run a virus scan from within Windows, there are some great free bootable anti-virus tools out there.

Check for and install all available Windows service packs and updates . Microsoft regularly releases patches and service packs for their operating systems that may contain fixes for the cause of your BSOD.

Update hardware drivers in Windows . Most Blue Screens of Death are hardware or driver-related, so updated drivers could fix the cause of the STOP error.

Check the System and Application logs in Event Viewer for errors or warnings that might provide more clues on the cause of the BSOD.

Event Viewer can be opened through Administrative Tools.

Return hardware settings to default in Device Manager.

Unless you have a specific reason to do so, the system resources that an individual piece of hardware is configured to use in Device Manager should be set to default. Non-default hardware settings have been known to cause a Blue Screen of Death.

Return BIOS settings to their default levels. An overclocked or misconfigured BIOS can cause all sorts of random issues, including BSODs.

If you've made several customizations to your BIOS settings and don't wish to load the default ones, then at least try returning clock speed, voltage settings, and BIOS memory options to their default settings and see if that fixes the STOP error.

Make sure all internal cables, cards, and other components are installed and seated properly. Hardware that's not firmly in place can cause a Blue Screen of Death, so try reseating the following and then test for the STOP message again:

  • Reseat all internal data and power cables
  • Reseat the memory modules
  • Reseat any expansion cards

Perform diagnostic tests on all hardware you're able to test—there are free memory test programs and free hard drive testing tools .

It's highly likely that the root cause of any given Blue Screen of Death is a failing piece of hardware. If a test fails, replace the RAM in your computer or replace the hard drive as soon as possible.

Update your BIOS . In some situations, an outdated BIOS could cause a Blue Screen of Death due to certain incompatibilities.

Start your PC with essential hardware only.

A useful troubleshooting step in many situations, including BSOD issues, is to start your computer with the minimum hardware necessary to run the operating system. If your computer starts successfully it proves that one of the removed hardware devices was the cause of the STOP message.

Typically, the only necessary hardware for starting your PC through to the operating system includes the motherboard, CPU, RAM, primary hard drive, keyboard, video card, and monitor.

If you haven't corrected the cause of the BSOD yet, continue below with either the software or hardware steps, depending on the direction your troubleshooting went above.

Software Is Likely the Cause of the BSOD

If your troubleshooting has led you to believe that a particular software program is probably causing the BSOD, walk through this troubleshooting to get it taken care of:

Check for and install any available program updates. Most software programs let you check for updates via some menu option, so dig around until you find it.

If you can't, or you think it's not working, you can try one of these free dedicated software updater programs instead.

Reinstall the software . If updating doesn't work or isn't an option, simply uninstall the program and then install a clean version of it all over again.

Check with the developer for support information. It's possible that this particular BSOD is an issue the software maker has seen before and has already documented a specific solution for.

Try a competing program. If there's simply no way to make this program work (and uninstalling it proved that this program is the cause of the BSOD) then using a different but similar program might be your only course of action.

Hardware Is Likely the Cause of the BSOD

If you believe at this point that a piece of hardware is causing the Blue Screen of Death, here are your options:

Make sure the hardware is on the Windows Hardware Compatibility List .

While it's probably unlikely, it's possible that the hardware simply isn't compatible with your version of Windows.

Update the hardware's firmware.

Just like you might update software to fix a problem it's having with Windows, updating the hardware's software, called firmware , if there's any available, is a smart idea.

Check with the manufacturer for support information. Their knowledge base could have information on this issue that could be of help.

Replace the hardware. At this point it's pretty likely that the hardware itself simply no longer is working properly and should be replaced. Assuming this piece of hardware really was the only reason for the BSOD, it should go away after you do this.

The quickest way to resolve a BSOD on a Nintendo Switch is to hold down the Power button for 12 seconds to shut it down, and then restart it. Otherwise, switch to recovery mode and select Factory Setting Without Deleting Save Data .

To clear the error first, you'll need to restart your PC. Fortunately, Microsoft released an update KB5001567 to fix this issue occurring in printers from Kyocera, Ricoh, and Zebra, among others.

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How to fix Blue Screen of Death errors on Windows 11

Does a blue screen error keep popping up on Windows 11? Here are some troubleshooting steps to fix this problem.

Windows 11 fix Blue Screen of Death

  • Fix blue screen errors during an upgrade
  • Fix blue screen error during startup
  • Fix blue screen errors desktop

On Windows 11 , the "Blue Screen of Death" (BSoD) refers to the error on the screen when the system cannot handle a specific operation that causes the device to crash without warning. 

Usually, you will see a "blue screen" (also referred to as "stop error," "system crash," or "bug check") during an upgrade, starting up the system, or "out of the blue" when you're actively working with applications. Furthermore, you will only see a blue background with a sad kaomoji and insufficient information to determine the reason for the problem.

However, the issue can usually be narrowed to a buggy update, device driver, compatibility issues with a specific app, or a piece of hardware that needs replacing.

This how-to guide will walk you through different steps to troubleshoot and resolve most problems causing blue screen errors on Windows 11.

How to resolve blue screen errors during an upgrade on Windows 11

A Blue Screen of Death is not uncommon while upgrading to Windows 11. Usually, the error may occur because of a compatibility problem with an application or security software. However, it can also happen because of corruption in the current setup or damaged files in the installation media.

If the installation wizard rolled back to the previous setup, uninstalling non-essential apps, disconnecting non-essential devices, re-downloading the setup files, or performing a clean installation can fix the problem.

Uninstall problematic apps

To uninstall an application causing a blue screen on Windows 11, use these steps:

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  • Open  Settings .
  • Click on  Apps .
  • Click the "Installed apps" page on the right side.

Windows 11 installed apps

  • Under the "App list" section, click the menu (three-dotted) button and choose the  Uninstall  option for the incompatible app.
  • Click the Uninstall button again.

Uninstall app to fix blue screen error

  • Continue with the on-screen directions (if applicable).

Once you complete the steps, you may need to repeat the instructions to uninstall other non-essential apps. After removing all the conflicting applications, you may try to continue with the installation process.

Disconnect non-essential devices

When a hardware problem is detected, you will likely see a blue screen of death. As a result of this potential issue, it's a good idea to disconnect the non-essential peripherals from your computer. 

For example, you may want to disconnect external hard drives, printers, secondary monitors, phones, and other USB or Bluetooth devices.

After the installation, you can reconnect the peripherals. 

It might be a compatibility issue if you continue to see the problem. 

Updating the device driver to the latest version can resolve the issue. However, if the computer already has the most recent driver, the problem may be with the new version of Windows 11, or the hardware coincidently got damaged and needs to be replaced.

Microsoft lists all the known issues for the different versions of Windows on the  health dashboard page .

Redownload setup files

If you try to use the upgrade option from the Windows Update settings and you see a blue screen, it may be that one or more files are damaged. In this case, you can clear out the files and try to re-download the setup files one more time.

To clear and download the Windows 11 installation files again, use these steps:

  • Click on  System .
  • Click the  Storage  page on the right side.

Open Storage settings

  • Click the  Temporary files  setting.

Open Temporary files

  • Clear the default options.
  • Check the "Temporary Windows installation files" option.
  • Click the  Remove files  button.

Temporary Windows Installation files

After completing the steps, click the "Check for updates" button to re-download the installation files in the Windows Update settings.

If the problem remains, you may have to use the Installation Assistant to perform an in-place upgrade.

Check upgrade logs 

Microsoft's SetupDiag is a tool for administrators that can help troubleshoot and determine why an installation failed. This information could be critical to resolving the problem.

To determine why the upgrade failed to apply to the SetupDiag tool, use these steps:

  • Open the  SetupDiag  page .
  • Click the  Download SetupDiag  button to save the installer on your computer.

SetupDiag download

  • Right-click the "SetupDiag.exe" and select the  Run as administrator  option.
  • Right-click the  SetupDiagResults.log  file and select the  Open  option.

Once you complete the steps, the app will open the log file for review with the default text editor.

SetupDiag results

If an error was recorded and it's a known issue, the log should include details on resolving it. If the file has no details, you may find a link with the error code that you can use to research and fix the problem. 

Reinstall from Windows Update

Before going through the clean installation process, Windows 11 has an feature that allows you to reinstall the operating system without losing your files, apps, and settings. 

The feature uses the "Windows Update" settings to download and reinstall the current version of the operating system with ease to resolve issues, which may also be causing the Blue Screen of Death.

To reinstall Windows 11, use these steps: 

  • Open Settings .
  • Click on System .
  • Click the Recovery page on the right side.

Windows 11 Recovery settings

  • Click the Reinstall now button.

Windows 11 reinstall option

  • Check the "Automatically restart my PC 15 minutes after installation" option.
  • Click the OK button.

Restart to reinstall Windows 11

After you complete the steps, the feature will reinstall the operating system, fixing the problem causing the BoSD. (This option is available after installing the Windows 11 Moment 5 update .)

Clean installation 

If you want to prevent problems, such as blue screens, the best way to upgrade to a new version of Windows 11 is to perform a clean installation since this process will erase everything and set up a fresh copy of the system, which can also help to resolve other issues and improve performance.

A clean installation requires the device to start from a USB flash drive. If your computer can't start from a USB, you will have to change the boot order in the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware.

Usually, to access your device firmware, you must use one of the function keys (F1, F2, F3, F10, or F12), the "Esc" key, or the "Delete" key during startup. However, since the settings are different per manufacturer and device model, you should check your computer manufacturer for more specific details.

While in the firmware, you must navigate to the "Boot" page and change the boot order to start from a USB flash drive. After completing these steps, you must create an installation media and use that media to continue with the clean installation.

To delete everything on the hard drive and do a clean install of Windows 11 to prevent the blue screen of death errors, use these steps:

  • Start PC with installation media.
  • Click the  Next  button on the "Windows Setup" page.
  • Click the  Install Now  button. 

Windows 11 install now

  • Click the  "I don't have a product key"  option to continue (assuming your computer was already properly activated).

Windows 11 product key option

  • Select the edition of Windows 11 that the product key activates (if applicable).

Windows 11 editions

  • Click the  Next  button.
  • Check the  "I accept the license terms"  option to continue.
  • Click on the  "Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)"  option.

Windows 11 clean install option

  • Select the partition with the current installation of Windows (usually "Drive 0"), and click the  Delete  button to remove it. 
  • Quick tip:  If you have multiple partitions on the primary hard drive (Drive 0), select and delete each one. The setup will recreate the required partitions automatically. You don't need to delete partitions from secondary drives.
  • Select the empty drive labeled  Drive 0 Unallocated Space .

Select Windows 11 target drive

Once you complete the steps, the setup will begin installing Windows 11, avoiding many blue screen errors. After the installation, you'll need to continue with the  out-of-box experience (OOBE)  to finish setting up the device. 

How to resolve blue screen errors during startup on Windows 11

If the device has problems starting up, you can use the Windows Recovery (WinRE) environment to troubleshoot and resolve the blue screen error with System Restore, Safe Mode, or Advanced Startup settings.

Fix errors with System Restore

Windows 11 still includes the legacy System Restore tool, which enables you to undo changes to resolve problems after installing a bad driver, system update, or application. (This feature will only work if you have  previously enabled it manually .)

You can access the tool through the Advanced Startup settings to use System Restore.

Access Advanced Startup from boot

To launch the Advanced startup settings to access System Restore, use these steps:

  • As soon as the Windows logo appears, press and hold the  power  button to interrupt the boot sequence.
  • Repeat  steps 1  and  2  two more times.

Windows 11 boot logo

After the third interruption, Windows 11 should open the recovery environment and continue with the steps below to access System Restore.

Access Advanced Startup from USB

Alternatively, you can use installation media to open the advanced settings with these steps:

  • Start PC with USB media. 
  • Quick tip:  If the computer isn't starting from USB, you must change your system's UEFI settings to ensure it can. You can usually access the UEFI by powering up your device and pressing one of the functions, "Delete" or "Esc" keys, but be sure to check your manufacturer's support website for more specific details.
  • Click the " Repair your computer"  option from the bottom-left corner.

Repair your computer

Once you complete the steps, continue with the "Restore Point" instructions below.

Fix blue screen of death with Restore Point

To fix blue screen problems with a restore point on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Click the  Advanced Startup  option. 
  • Quick note: The "Advanced Startup" option is only available when using the Windows automatic repair feature, not when using USB media.
  • Click the  Troubleshoot  option.
  • Click on  Advanced options.
  • Click the  System Restore  option.

Open System Restore on WinRE

  • Click the Windows 11 option.
  • Confirm your account credentials (if applicable).
  • Click the  Continue  button.
  • Select the restore point to apply to the blue screen error.

WinRE select restore point

  • (Optional) Click the  "Scan for affected programs"  button to determine the apps that may be affected using a restore point.
  • Click the  Close  button.
  • Click the  Finish  button.

After completing the steps, Restore Point will apply the selected checkpoint, which will undo updates, drivers, apps, and system changes to the problem.

Fix errors with Safe Mode

On Windows 11, Safe Mode is an environment that loads only the essential services, drivers, and apps to access the desktop to troubleshoot problems.

If you don't have access to the desktop, you can boot your computer through the Windows Recovery environment.

To launch the Advanced Startup settings to access System Restore, use these steps:

After the third interruption, the system should enter the recovery environment and continue with the steps below to access the Safe Boot option.

Alternatively, you can use installation media to open the Windows Recovery environment with these steps:

  • Click the  Next  button.
  • Click the  "Repair your computer"  option from the bottom-left corner.

Once you complete the steps, continue with the instructions below to access the Safe Mode environment.

Fix bug check on Safe Mode 

To access Safe Mode to diagnose Blue Screen of Death errors, use these steps:

  • Click the  Advanced Startup  option
  • Click the  Troubleshoot  option.
  • Click on  Advanced options .
  • Click the  Startup Settings  option.

WinRE open Startup Settings

  • Click the  Restart  button.
  • After your computer reboots, press the  F4  (or  4 ) key to select the Enable Safe Mode option.

WinRE enable Safe Mode

After completing the steps, you can use the next set of instructions to uninstall updates and drivers that may prevent your computer from operating correctly.

Fix errors with WinRE

Since the Safe Mode environment loads the essential elements, you can still use Device Manager to remove drivers and Event Viewer to troubleshoot errors. However, the Settings app won't work to uninstall updates, but you can still use Command Prompt to complete the task.

Uninstall conflicting update

To uninstall a system update with Command Prompt, use these steps:

  • Use the "Windows key + R" keyboard shortcut to open the Run command. 
  • Type cmd and click the OK button to launch Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Type the following command to view the most recent installed updates and press  Enter :  wmic qfe list brief /format:table
  • Confirm the  HotFixID  and  InstalledOn  information to determine the update to remove.
  • Type the following command to uninstall the update from your computer and press  Enter :  wusa /uninstall /kb:KB-NUMBER  

In the command, replace  KB-NUMBER  for the KB number of the update to uninstall. This example removes the update KB5013889 from Windows 11:  wusa /uninstall /kb:5034457

Safe mode uninstall update fix blue screen

  • Click the  Yes  button.

Once you complete the steps, you may need to restart the computer to apply the changes.

Uninstall conflicting driver

To uninstall an incompatible driver with Safe Mode, use these steps:

  • Use the "Windows key + R" keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
  • Type the devmgmt.msc command and click the OK button to open the Device Manager app.
  • Expand the branch with the device causing the problem.
  • Right-click the device and choose the  Uninstall device  option.
  • Click the  OK  button.

Device Manager uninstall driver fix bug check

After you complete the steps, repeat them to remove other drivers as necessary, and then restart the device to see if the problem has been resolved.

Check Event Viewer 

The Event Viewer is another tool that you can use to find out more information about the Blue Screen of Death error to diagnose the issue.

To troubleshoot blue screens with the Event Viewer on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Type the eventvwr.   msc command and click the OK button to open the Event Viewer app.
  • Expand the  Windows Logs  group.
  • Right-click the "System" category and choose the  "Filter Current Log"  option.

Event Viewer filter current logs

  • Click the  Filter  tab.
  • Use the  Logged  drop-down menu and select the time range when the error occurred — for example,  Last 12 hours .
  • Under the "Event level" section, check the  Critical and Error  options.

Event Viewer show Blue Screen of Death errors

  • Click the  OK  button.
  • Double-click to open each log to learn more details about the problem. 
  • Quick note:  The blue screen errors may appear as "BugCheck" in the "Source" column.
  • Check event log details for clues about the error.

Once you complete the steps, the "General" tab will give you some technical details you can use to diagnose and resolve the blue screen problem.

If the error doesn't provide enough information, copy the description, source, and event ID and use it to search online for a possible solution.

Fix blue screen error from Windows Recovery

If a recently installed update is causing the computer to have a blue screen, use the Advanced Startup settings in Windows Recovery to uninstall it.

To launch the Advanced Startup settings, use these steps:

After the third interruption, the system should enter the Windows Recovery Environment and continue with the steps below.

Alternatively, you can use installation media to open the Windows Recovery Environment with these steps:

  • Click the  "Repair your computer"  option from the bottom-left corner.

Once you complete the steps, continue with the instructions below.

Uninstall quality or feature updates

To uninstall the most recent update causing the bug check error, use these steps:

  • Click the  Advanced Startup  option.
  • Click the  Uninstall Updates  option.

WinRE uninstall updates

  • Click the "Uninstall latest quality update" option to remove a recent update or the  "Uninstall latest feature update"  option to roll back to a previous version.

Advanced startup uninstall update fix BSoD

  • Click the  Uninstall quality update button.

Advanced startup remove update

  • Click the  Done  button.
  • Click the  Continue  option.

After you complete the steps, the system will remove the update, resolving the Blue Screen of Death error.

How to resolve blue screen errors during normal use on Windows 11

When the blue screen occurs after signing into your account, the problem is typically a driver, missing update, or application.

Install latest updates

If you still have access to the desktop, you may be able to fix the bug check by installing the latest system updates, drivers, and apps.

System updates

To check for updates on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Click on  Windows Update .
  • Click the  "Check for updates"  button.

Windows 11 download updates to fix blue screen

  • (Optional) Turn on the "Get the latest updates as soon as they're available" toggle switch to install upcoming updates that may include fixes for the current problem

Once you complete the steps, if the computer is missing an update, the system will download and install them automatically. 

Driver update

To check for driver updates on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Click the  Advanced options  page on the right side.

Windows 11 Advanced settings

  • Click the  Optional updates  setting under the "Additional options" section.

Open Optional updates on Windows 11

  • Select the driver update to install.
  • Click the  "Download & install"  button.

Once you complete the steps, the most up-to-date driver should download and install automatically. 

If the system cannot detect new updates, check the manufacturer's support website and follow their instructions to download a more recent driver. (If the problem is the driver, you may want to consider trying out a beta version since it may include a fix for the problem.)

If a compatibility issue causes the blue screen with an app, installing the latest version may resolve the problem.

To update apps on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Open  Microsoft Store .
  • Click on  Library .
  • Click the  Get updates  button.

Windows 11 updates apps

Once you complete the steps, any available updates will download and install automatically.

If you are dealing with an app you acquired outside the Microsoft Store, check for updates in the app's settings or the software vendor support website to download the latest available version.

Uninstall problematic apps, drivers, and updates

Software and hardware companies sometimes release updates with bugs that can cause the Blue Screen of Death, among other issues.

If you have access to the desktop, you can remove these system updates, drivers, or apps to mitigate the problem until a newer version rolls out with a permanent fix.

Remove updates

To uninstall updates on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Click on  Update history .

Open Update history

  • Click the  Uninstall updates  option under the "Related settings" section.

Option uninstall update

  • Click the  Uninstall  button for the update to remove.

Uninstall problematic update on Windows 11

After completing the steps, the update will be removed from the computer, hopefully fixing the bug check problem.

Remove drivers

To uninstall a device driver on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Open  Start .
  • Search for  Device Manager  and click the top result to open the app.
  • Right-click the device and select the  Uninstall device  option.

Device Manager uninstall driver to fix bug check

Once you complete the steps, the driver will be removed from the computer.

If the graphics card driver causes the problem, you can use the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) tool to fully remove the driver since using the manufacturer tool may not get rid of all the components.

Rollback driver version

Alternatively, you can try rolling back to the previous version of the driver if a newer version is causing BSoD on Windows 11.

To rollback to a previous version of a driver, use these steps:

  • Search for  Device Manager  and click the top result to open the console.
  • Expand the category of the device with the problem.
  • Right-click the device and select the  Properties  option.

Device Manager open driver properties

  • Click the  Driver  tab.
  • Click the  "Roll Back Driver"  button (if available). 

Windows 11 rollback driver to fix blue screen

  • Quick tip:  If the option isn't available, the system doesn't have a backup of the previous driver.
  • Select one of the available options to answer the question.

After completing the steps, the driver will roll back to the previous version to resolve the blue screen problem.

Disable drivers

If you don't want to uninstall or roll back the driver, you can disable it to confirm whether the device is causing the issue.

To disable a device driver on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Right-click the device and select the  Disable device  option.
  • Click the  Yes  button.

Device Manager disable driver

Once you complete the steps, the device will no longer be available on Windows 11 but will remain installed.

Remove apps

If you are dealing with a compatibility problem, you will probably experience a Blue Screen of Death randomly or upon launching the app. In this case, you can try updating the app to a newer version or uninstall the app in question to overcome the problem.

To uninstall an app on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Click on Apps .
  • Click the  "Installed apps"  page on the right side.

Open Installed apps page

  • Select the app, click the menu (three-dotted), and choose the  Uninstall  option.
  • Click the  Uninstall  option again.

Uninstall app to fix blue screen error

After completing the steps, the app will no longer be available on the computer, mitigating the blue screen problem. Once an update becomes available to resolve the bug check permanently, you can then reinstall the app.

On Windows 11, a Blue Screen of Death error message may appear after connecting a new piece of hardware (for example, a USB drive, graphics adapter, etc.). If this happens, you are probably facing a compatibility issue, the hardware is broken, or the system is installing the wrong driver.

If you encounter a compatibility issue, you can contact support for assistance, or you may need to replace the hardware with a compatible alternative.

If the system tries installing the wrong driver, uninstall the current one and install the correct version using the manufacturer's support instructions.

Run DISM and SFC commands

If you see a blue screen due to an installation problem, you may be able to resolve the issue using the Deployment Servicing and Management (DISM) and System File Checker (SFC) tools.

To resolve installation problems with DISM and SFC commands on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Search for  Command Prompt , right-click the top result, and select the  Run as administrator  option.
  • Type the following command to repair the Windows 10 image and press  Enter : DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Type the following command to repair the Windows 11 setup and press  Enter : SFC /scannow 

Dism and SFC commands to fix blue screen errors

  • Quick tip:  If errors exist, run the command multiple times to ensure that everything has been repaired correctly.

Once you complete the steps, the DISM command will repair problems with the local system image, and the SFC command will use the files in the system image to repair damaged files in the current setup of Windows 11, hopefully fixing the Blue Screen of Death.

If you still have access to the desktop, the Event Viewer can help find out the reason the device is getting bug-check errors.

To review event longs on Windows 11, use these steps:

  • Search for  Event Viewer  and click the top result to open the app.
  • Right-click the "System" category and choose the  Filter Current Log  option.

Event Viewer filter current logs

  • Under the "Event level" section, check the  Critical  and  Error  options.

Event Viewer find bug check errors

Once you complete the steps, the "General" tab will give you some technical details that you can use to diagnose and resolve the blue screen problem on Windows 11.

If the error doesn't provide enough information, you can copy the description, source, and event ID and use it to search online for a possible solution.

Troubleshooting and fixing Blue Screen of Death errors can be difficult and time-consuming. However, typically, it's an issue with a driver or application conflicting with Windows 11 (or vice versa).

Finally, in addition to blue screens, you may also come across a black screen, which is usually related to display connection issues, graphics driver problems, or something else happening in the system.

More resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10 and Windows 11, visit the following resources:

  • Windows 11 on Windows Central — All you need to know
  • Windows 10 on Windows Central — All you need to know

Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he's a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

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how to solve blue screen of death problem


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How to Fix the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) in Windows

The blue screen of death is never good, but it can be fixed. The Windows BSDoD is typically caused by aging hardware or software incompatibilities, and you can often resolve it with the help of Windows diagnostics tools. Keep reading to find out how to fix the blue screen — then install optimization software to keep your computer running better, for longer.

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What is the Windows BSoD?

The blue screen of death is what you see on your computer screen when the Windows operating system crashes because of a fatal system error that causes it to malfunction and shut down. Usually, the Windows blue screen is the result of hardware failure, the corruption of system files, or the termination of a critical process.

The BSoD has become notorious and is commonly believed to indicate an unfixable error with a device. But while it’s always frustrating to see the blue screen, the “fatal” system error that caused Windows to crash can usually be fixed.

In Windows 10, the blue screen comes with a Windows 10 stop code, which refers to the exact error that caused the blue screen. To find out what caused the blue screen of death — and learn how to fix it and stop it from happening again — your first step should be looking up what the Windows stop code means.

In the example below, the stop code is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL — we’ll take a closer look at this and other common Windows stop codes further down.

An example of a Blue screen of death in Windows 10

As disconcerting as BSoD may be, a totally blank screen is far more troubling. Without an error code to help you, it's difficult to know where to start to fix a black screen in Windows .

What causes the blue screen of death?

The blue screen of death is usually caused by improperly installed, damaged, or aging hardware, or by buggy or incompatible software. Driver updates for your graphics card or other hardware components can also cause a blue screen of death if they fail to integrate properly with the rest of your system.

Blue screen errors may also result from overheating, especially if you’re experiencing other issues, like a loud computer fan or a Task Manager showing 100% disk usage . Overheating itself could also signal a more fundamental problem with your computer, such as an infection by spyware or another form of malware .

You’ll see the cause of your BSoD on the screen itself. The cause will show up either as text, which you can google, or a QR code that you can scan with your phone. And even if your PC’s running fine today, it’s best to keep potential BSoD causes at bay by regularly cleaning up and speeding up your computer .

Common Windows stop codes

The blue screen error in Windows 10 comes with a string of text called a Windows stop code that catalogs the issue. The stop code can help you fix the problem and stop it from happening again.

Here’s a list of some of the stop codes you’re most likely to find on the blue screen in Windows 10 or 11:

CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED This code indicates that one of the important system files for Windows, like svchost.exe , isn’t functioning correctly. That might’ve happened because you closed it in the Task Manager. Before ending an unknown task, google the name of the process first.

SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED This can often happen when an update for a component isn’t interacting properly with the rest of Windows. You may need to roll back a driver update that was just recently installed.

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL A system file or device driver is demanding more memory than you have available. Getting good driver update software or scanning to repair corrupted system files may help here.

VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED This means your GPU has reached its breaking point and cannot handle the volume of data it's being given. Either you were overloading it or there’s an issue with your graphics drivers.

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Your computer is asking for a part of your memory that doesn’t exist, either because part of the RAM has stopped working or there’s an error in the system process in question.

SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION This blue screen will show the exact file that caused the error, but if it’s a system file and not a device driver, you may not be able to fix it without reinstalling Windows.

DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION This Windows error message means that an essential file, whether related to your device or the operating system, has probably been corrupted.

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM This error code means there’s almost certainly a problem with your hard drive. You may be able to fix and also prevent this from leading to a BSoD by running a chkdsk scan on your disk.

DATA_BUS_ERROR This means that a piece of hardware isn’t communicating properly with your computer. This could be because it wasn’t installed properly or because the component itself may be broken or faulty.

How to fix the blue screen of death on Windows

Now that you know the likely cause of the problem thanks to the Windows stop code, you can try to fix the blue screen of death by going through the following steps:

1. Shut down your computer

Use the Power button to turn off your computer.

2. Disconnect all devices

Since USB devices might be the culprit, remove all peripherals from your computer (besides the keyboard and mouse).

3. Restart your computer in Safe Mode

If your computer boots normally after a restart, you can enter Safe Mode from within Windows itself. Here’s how:

Press the Windows key , then type msconfig and hit enter.

The Windows start menu is opened, and "msconfig" is shown.

Select the Boot tab.

The System configuration window. The "Boot" tab is circled.

Under Boot options , check Safe boot and choose the “Minimal” setting.

The boot tab in system configuration. "Safe Boot" is checked, and "minimal" is chosen.

If the BSoD reappears, making it impossible for you to proceed, you’ll need to power down again and restart Windows in Safe Mode. Immediately as your PC boots up, press and hold the F8 key and then follow the on-screen instructions to switch to Safe Mode.

4. Uninstall recently installed programs

Now that Windows is in Safe Mode and only running essential processes, the problematic program, device driver, or system file has probably been deactivated, making it easier to uninstall. Start by removing the most recently installed programs, since these are the most likely culprits.

Here’s how to uninstall programs in Windows:

Press the Windows key . Type “add or remove programs” and hit enter.

The Windows start menu is opened, and "add or remove programs" is shown.

Find the application you want to remove and select Uninstall .

Add or remove programs" in Windows. A program has been clicked and the "Uninstall" button is shown.

If you find any strange or unfamiliar programs within your list of apps and features, you might want to uninstall them too. But make sure to Google the name first to find out what it is so that you don’t unintentionally uninstall any essential Microsoft software.

5. Rollback or disable drivers

Using the latest drivers improves the speed and security of your device. But sometimes bugs or glitches in updates can cause problems. If the blue screen error code referred to a specific driver causing the issue, simply disabling it or rolling back a recent update should fix the problem.

It can be cumbersome to check every driver and roll each of them back separately, but you may need to if nothing else works. Here’s how to disable drivers:

Press the Windows Key and type “ Device manager .” Then hit Enter .

The Windows start menu is open and is showing "Device manager."

Right-click on the relevant hardware component and choose Properties from the pop-up menu.

A view of device manager. The AMD display card is selected under "Display adapters." The AMD GPU has been right clicked, and the mouse is hovering over "Properties."

Click the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver .

The properties for the display adapter are displayed. The "Driver" tab is open and the "Roll Back Driver" button is shown.

6. Scan your computer for malware

It’s possible that malware is responsible for the corrupt files or critical process disruption that has caused your system to crash. In that case, you’ll need to repair and secure your computer with a dedicated malware and virus removal tool that will let you scan and get rid of the malware immediately.

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7. Run an SFC Scan

To ensure all your system files are properly configured for Windows to operate normally, you should run a System File Checker (SFC) scan. Here’s how to run an SFC scan:

Press the Windows key and type “cmd.” Right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator.” Click yes to confirm if prompted.

The Windows start menu is open, command prompt has been right-clicked, and "Run as administrator" has been circled.

Type “sfc /scannow” into Command Prompt and hit enter to start the scan.

 "sfc /scannow" typed into the command prompt.

8. Scan your hard drive

Running a CHKDSK scan will let you examine every bit of your hard drive, flag any errors, and correct them or index them to prevent those errors from causing performance issues or crashes such as the dreaded BSoD.

Here’s how to run a CHKDSK scan.

Press the Windows key and type “cmd.” Then, right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator.” Click yes to confirm if prompted.

The Windows start menu is open, command prompt has been right-clicked, and "Run as administrator" has been circled.

Type “chkdsk” into Command Prompt and hit enter to run the scan.

"chkdsk" typed into a command prompt.

9. Check your computer's RAM

If a problem with your RAM is causing blue screen errors or other performance issues, check the status of your RAM using the Windows Memory Diagnostic. Memory hardware is particularly susceptible to degradation over time, and while this diagnostic tool can’t repair it, it can prevent your computer from trying to reference the damaged memory.

Here’s how to use Windows Memory Diagnostic to check the state of your RAM:

Press the Windows key, type “Windows Memory Diagnostic,” and select it when the option pops up.

The Windows start menu is open, command prompt has been right-clicked, and "Run as administrator" has been circled.

Click Restart now and check for problems (recommended) .

Windows Memory Diagnostic is displayed and the button "Restart now and check for problems" is circled.

You’ll see the diagnostic results as soon as you boot up again. You can also go back and review them at any time in Windows Event Viewer . If you think you need more RAM, check out our guide to upgrading your RAM .

10. Restart your PC to see if the BSoD reappears

Now it’s time to exit Safe Mode and resume the activity that prompted the blue screen. If the BSoD doesn’t reappear, you’ve probably successfully isolated and resolved the problem. Now you can start carefully reinstalling external devices, programs, and drivers that you previously removed.

As well as fixing the crash, your computer should now run more smoothly, having now run all the diagnostics and maintenance tasks listed above. Make sure you keep your computer running smoothly by keeping your operating system, programs, drivers, and other software updated.

11. Last resort: reinstall Windows

If you’ve tried all the steps above and you can’t fix the blue screen, try reinstalling Windows onto a formatted hard drive. This is a big step, but it will resolve the cause of any blue screen of death, unless your hardware is defective.

Beware that unless you have a backup, reinstalling Windows will result in the loss of all your files and user data . If you didn’t back up recently, there are third-party software tools that will help you copy your drive to an external HDD or SSD .

To reinstall Windows, you’ll need to have your Windows 10 product key — thankfully, Microsoft has made that easier with the latest Windows releases.

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Best Ways to Fix Blue Screen of Death Errors in Windows

Sayak Boral

The blue screen of death (BSOD) error is one of the most annoying system crashes unique to Windows computers. BSOD crashes can occur due to many reasons: corrupted registry, incompatible Windows updates, damaged installation files, out-of-sync drivers, and any outdated hardware problems. The following tutorial covers some of the best general fixes to mitigate any BSOD error, irrespective of the stop code.

Good to know : does your Windows PC take forever to start up? Disable these startup programs for a fast boot !

Most Common Blue Screen of Death Errors

How to fix the blue screen of death error, 1. fix corrupted registry with startup repair, 2. system restore to previous date/time, 3. uninstall updates, 4. fix the outdated drivers, 5. check for hard disk errors, 6. update the bios or restore its default, 7. test your pc for failing hardware and replace critical components, 8. remove any external devices, 9. do a hard windows reset/reinstall, frequently asked questions.

There are many different kinds of Windows blue screen of death (BSOD) errors, but they do have a few things in common. Each error is indicated by a “sad face” emoticon, along with the text: “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some info, and then we’ll restart for you.” There will also be an all-caps text next to the Stop code explaining the exact nature of the BSOD crash.

A percentage counter tracks the amount of data analyzed up to the crash instance, and the exact bug is spelled out properly.

BSoD error with stop code IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in Windows 11.

As BSOD errors have many similar attributes, the following is a list of the most common BSOD errors that you may encounter, along with their stop codes in parentheses.

  • BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO (0x00000074)
  • WDF_VIOLATION (0x0000010D)
  • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000A) and IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL (0x00000009)

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The following steps show how to resolve blue screen errors as soon as you encounter them. While we will attempt to cover the general fixes for most BSOD errors, each one has a different origin. For some of these BSOD errors, we have included their troubleshooting articles in the previous section.

During each crash, Windows saves a “minidump” file that explains the precise reason behind the crash. The fixes we’ve included work in general for all kinds of stop codes. Some of these methods require an advanced startup mode, which is different than a regular Windows startup.

  • In Windows 11, go to “Settings -> System -> Recovery -> Advanced startup.” The corresponding path for Windows 10 is “Settings -> Update & Security -> Recovery -> Advanced startup.”
  • Click “Restart now” to start your Windows PC in Safe Mode.


  • As soon as the PC is in advanced startup mode, click “Troubleshoot.”

Choose Troubleshoot in Windows Advanced startup.

  • Go to “Advanced options” under “Troubleshoot.”

Selecting advanced options in Troubleshoot under Adanced Startup.

  • After clicking “Advanced options,” you have to follow a few steps to ensure that the exact BSOD error is resolved. None of these methods will consume much time.

Tip : learn how to back up your registry in Windows before making modifications to it.

First, eliminate the possibility of a corrupted registry, which usually occurs due to malware attacks in boot services. To eliminate it, follow the steps below.

  • Go to “Startup repair,” also formerly known as “Automatic repair.”

Choosing startup repair under Advanced options.

  • The system will diagnose your PC for any registry-related problems. It will take just a few minutes.

Startup repair couldn't repair the PC - no results.

  • If there are no registry errors, you should see a message that “Startup repair couldn’t repair your PC.” Go back to “Advanced options” once again.

If you saw the BSOD error for the very first time, it is helpful to restore your PC with the below steps to its most recent trouble-free version.

  • Go to “System Restore.”

Choosing system restore in Advanced options for Windows.

  • You will be prompted to “Restore system files and settings.” Click “Next.”
  • Select a recent restore point from a time this error did not occur. You don’t need to remember the exact date, as a rough estimate will do.

Choose restore point in System Restore under Advanced options.

  • Confirm your restore point and wait for the process to initialize and complete.

Confirm restore point in Advanced startup mode.

  • Once the system has been restored to a recent point, you can be assured that the BSOD error source has been mitigated.

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Sometimes bad installation files in a recent app or feature can also cause the BSOD error. To eliminate them, return to “Advanced options” and select “Uninstall updates.” You can sort out the problem by uninstalling the latest quality updates or feature updates.

Uninstall some kinds of updates in Advanced startup.

It does not take very long to uninstall the last update. You can always reinstall the app or the entire feature.

Uninstall update confirmation under Advanced startup.

Sometimes the BSOD error is due to a faulty driver. This is identified by the Windows system in its “minidump” error. To identify the out-of-sync driver, follow these steps:

  • Go to “Device Manager” from the Start menu.

Search for device manager in Windows search menu.

  • Locate the precise driver that was identified in the error screen. Right-click to update it.

Update problem drivers in Device Manager through a right-click.

  • The system lets you automatically search for the latest drivers or manually install one saved to your device. Choose the first option.

Click search automatically for drivers in Update drivers.

  • The update will take a while, as the system automatically searches for the latest driver. Make the changes as soon as possible.
  • If the best drivers for your device are already installed, the system will update the information, and you don’t have to do anything else.

Bsod Windows Best Drivers Already Installed

Tip : check your hard disk health with these tools.

You must ensure that your computer has no hard disk errors. For this, run a chkdsk command from the Start menu.

Open Chkdsk run command as Administrator.

Run the program as an Administrator, and let the entire process complete itself. If there are any hard disk errors, they will show up here. You can again update the drivers for the hard disk from “Disk update” in “Device Manager” shown in the above section.

Various stages of Chkdsk process in Command Prompt,

If you’re stuck in a legacy BIOS mode for your device, you must upgrade to the latest UEFI mode and will need to switch from Master Boot Record (MBR) to GUID Partition Table (GPT) using an MBR to GPT conversion tool. Apart from that, different laptops have their own methods to access the BIOS screen. Once you’ve entered the BIOS mode, look for any pending updates marked on the device. If you are facing problems with the BIOS, restore its default version.

BIOS screen visible in safe mode.

Good to know : if you’re not sure how to enter BIOS , we share various methods of doing so.

Most BSOD issues stem from faulty hardware. To know which parts are failing, we are using HWinfo , the Microsoft hardware diagnostic tool.

  • After installing and extracting the tool in a Windows folder, initialize the diagnostic tool.

Initializing HWinfo from extracted folder.

  • The results summary will offer details of every aspect of your device, ranging from motherboards to USB ports.
  • The results are color-coded. Green means that everything is OK. Bold red indicates error information, and bold blue indicates warning information.

Bsod Windows Hwinfo Results Color Coded

  • Once the faulty hardware is identified, it has to be replaced.

If you’re using any external devices with your laptop, such as multi-port USB hubs, network adapters, storage hard drives, speakers, SD cards, or CD/DVD drives, their issues may cause your Windows device to shut down or restart suddenly. Disconnect all external devices except a wireless mouse, and recheck your computer for signs of possible error. If you do not experience BSOD errors after removing the external devices, then it’s safe to assume they will be the cause of errors in the future, and you should replace them.

This method should only be employed as a last resort. If a hardware check finds issues due to corrupted hardware, a total factory reset would be the best course of action. We have covered the different methods to do a hard reset on your Windows system. To get rid of legacy issues, it’s also very fast these days to reinstall Windows online .

FYI : is the Bluetooth button missing from the Action Center in Windows? Learn how to bring it back.

Can incompatible RAM cause BSOD?

Yes, improperly installed RAM on a computer is a leading cause of system failure and conflicts, including BSOD problems. BSOD can also happen after a RAM upgrade if one or more RAM sticks are not configured correctly. Fortunately, these issues can be avoided by knowing your device’s RAM limits . Faulty hard disks, motherboards, and issues with the power supply are also leading causes of blue screens. You will get the exact data on failing hardware using the HWinfo system tool.

Why am I getting a blue screen boot loop error?

In the worst case scenario of a Windows blue screen of death, your PC will remain stuck in an infinite boot loop error. In such a situation, you must hold down the power button for a cold restart. As soon as you notice a BSOD error, it is essential to try and fix this problem right away. Before you do, remove any external hardware, such as USB devices, headphones, or printers. Some of the techniques in this guide will help remove the infinite loop problem .

How do I fix a blue screen on startup?

If you’re encountering a blue screen of death error during Windows startup, press the power button to shut down, and restart your device in Safe Mode using the specific boot key for your manufacturer. Once in Safe Mode, use the troubleshooting methods, such as Startup Repair, uninstalling updates, command line fixes, and System Restore/Reset to eliminate any blue screen at startup.

Once you log in, post a BSOD crash, and get rid of most of the unnecessary startup apps. In fact, you only need two of them for a flawless login.

Image credit: BSOD-Simulator . All screenshots by Sayak Boral.

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Sayak Boral

Sayak Boral is a technology writer with over eleven years of experience working in different industries including semiconductors, IoT, enterprise IT, telecommunications OSS/BSS, and network security. He has been writing for MakeTechEasier on a wide range of technical topics including Windows, Android, Internet, Hardware Guides, Browsers, Software Tools, and Product Reviews.

Featured Image depicting the latest Windows10 and 11 Update Problems

How to fix a 'Blue Screen of Death' on your Windows computer with 7 troubleshooting tips

  • You can try to fix the Blue Screen of Death on your Windows computer with a number of troubleshooting methods; below are the most common steps you can take.
  • The Blue Screen of Death on Windows indicates a critical fault and forces your computer to restart. On a properly functioning computer, Blue Screen errors should be rare or nonexistent.   
  • Blue Screen errors are generally unintelligible and can have many causes, so the details of the error code are unlikely to tell you what the problem is. 

The " Blue Screen of Death ," often abbreviated as BSOD or just called a Blue Screen, is the name that's been given to a generic set of error messages Windows computers display when a critical fault has occurred. A Blue Screen means that Windows can't proceed, so after displaying the error message, Windows will perform some behind-the-scenes housecleaning and restart. Unfortunately, there's no opportunity to save your work, so a Blue Screen often involves losing data.  

Blue Screen errors should be rare – if it happens to you frequently, you have a serious problem with your computer and should get the issue resolved professionally or replace the PC entirely. Even a very rare Blue Screen can be frustrating and costly (in terms of lost data or wasted time), though. 

Unfortunately, these error messages are unintelligible to ordinary users (and rarely tell even experienced programmers or developers enough to make meaningful recommendations), and there can be so many potential causes that they are very difficult to troubleshoot. 

How to fix a Blue Screen of Death on a Windows PC

These seven tips provide some general guidance for dealing with Blue Screen of Death error in Windows. 

Uninstall incompatible software

Because there are so many potential causes, it's helpful to start with the simplest possible fixes and work your way towards more complex or difficult troubleshooting steps. 

Your BSOD won't definitively identify the cause, but if you get the error more than once while running a particular program, that app might be to blame. If there's an updated version available, be sure to upgrade. If not, try uninstalling that app to see if the problem goes away. You can follow the instructions in our article on uninstalling programs on Windows 10. 

Because the problem might not be the program you were actively using when the BSOD occurred, you should also consider any other programs that were running in the background or that are currently idle, minimized to the taskbar, or running on a virtual desktop. Uninstall any software that seems to be running every time a Blue Screen occurs. 

Run a memory checker

Defective memory – specifically, Random Access Memory, or RAM, could be causing a BSOD, and it's one of several possible culprits if you get frequent, rather than only occasional, Blue Screens. Thankfully, there's a memory-checking tool built into Windows. 

In the Start search box, type "Memory" and then click "Windows Memory Diagnostic" when it appears in the search results. Click "Check for problems the next time I start my computer" and restart your computer to run the test. 

After your computer restarts, you'll need to find the test result. In the Start search box, type "Event Viewer" and then click "Event Viewer" when it appears in the search results. 

In the pane on the left, click "Windows Logs" and then click "System." In the pane on the right, click "Find" and search for "Memory Diagnostic." You should see the test results – if there were any problems reported, defective memory could be causing a BSOD.

Check for hard drive errors

Similarly, a problematic hard drive could be causing a BSOD. To check it for errors, type "this PC" in the Start search box and click it when you see it appear in the search results. Right-click your "C" drive and choose "Properties." Then click the "Tools" tab in the hard drive's Properties window. In the "Error checking" section, click "Check" and follow the instructions to manually check the hard drive. 

Remove non-essential peripherals

Blue Screen of Death is often caused by hardware issues rather than software problems – hence checking your memory and hard drive in the above troubleshooting steps. A fast and easy way to troubleshoot a recurring BSOD issue is to uninstall any external peripherals, such as printers, scanners, external storage, and so on. If these devices have special software installed, uninstall those as well. 

Replace defective or incompatible expansion cards

It can be time-consuming and cumbersome to remove hardware from inside your PC, but if you have a recurring BSOD, this is sometimes the culprit. In particular, premium graphics cards and audio cards can be the root of the problem. For the graphics card in particular, try removing it and plugging your monitor into the motherboard's built-in graphics; you should see a separate HDMI port on the back of your PC for this. You should also uninstall the Nvidia or AMD graphics card driver software. 

Run SetupDiag after a failed Windows update

If you are having problems with a BSOD specifically when trying to update your PC's Windows software, then a Windows tool called SetupDiag can help. This is a program that analyzes issues with your PC and can suggest why you are seeing a Blue Screen of Death when trying to update Windows. 

To get started, go to Microsoft's SetupDiag webpage and click "Download SetupDiag." 

After the download is complete, install the program and then run it. The program will display any issues it encountered, which might help you resolve your BSOD issue.  

Perform a clean install

If none of these troubleshooting tips have resolved your recurring BSOD, there are still some other root causes, but you're generally faced with one of two primary possibilities: You have a software issue you haven't yet isolated, or you have a critical hardware problem with your computer that can't be easily repaired or replaced. 

To eliminate the possibility of a software problem, you can perform a clean install of Windows. This erases all the content from your hard drive, which means you will need to reinstall all your programs. 

To do this, click the Start search box and type "reset." Click "Reset this PC" in the search results. In the "Reset this PC" section, click "Get started." Follow the directions to reinstall Windows, keeping your files if you desire. When it's done, you'll have a clean, fresh new version of Windows without any of the software or drivers that might be causing the BSOD. If possible, use the computer in this state – installing only the most absolutely essential software – until you determine if the problem is resolved. 

how to solve blue screen of death problem

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Everything you need to know about the blue screen of death.

BSODs demystified.

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What is the meaning of bsod, what causes blue screens of death, specify whether windows restarts when a bsod appears, viewing bsod and windows stop codes information, troubleshooting bsods, key takeaways.

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is an error screen that appears when something goes critically wrong on your Windows PC. The problem is often a hardware fault, an issue with your drivers, or an error with Windows itself.

The blue screen of death---or BSOD---is always an unwelcome sight. BSODs appear when Microsoft Windows encounters a critical error from which it can't recover. Here are some common causes, and how you can start to troubleshoot a BSOD.

BSOD is a shorthand for Blue Screen of Death. The term "Blue Screen of Death" itself is a humorous reference to the fact that the blue error screen is a telltale sign that your computer had encountered a serious --- even deadly --- error.

The Blue Screen of Death has been a fundamental part of the Windows experience since the 90s , and everyone that runs a Windows PC has encountered a BSOD at one time or another.

The blue screen of death isn't the only colorful death screen Windows has, though. On Windows 10 and Windows 11, Insider Preview versions of Windows have a  "green screen of death" instead.

Blue screens are generally caused by problems with your computer's hardware or issues with its hardware driver software. Sometimes, they can be caused by issues with low-level software running in the Windows kernel, or a serious driver error. Regular apps usually won't be able to cause blue screens. If an app crashes, it will do so without taking the operating system out with it.

A blue screen occurs when Windows encounters a "STOP Error." This critical failure causes Windows to crash and stop working. The only thing Windows can do at that point is restart the PC. This can lead to data loss, as programs don't have a chance to save their open data.

When a blue screen occurs, Windows automatically creates a "minidump" file that contains information about the crash and saves it to your disk. You can view information about these minidumps to help identify the cause of the blue screen.

Blue screens also look a bit different, depending on what version of Windows you're running. In Windows 10 and Windows 11, blue screens are quite simple. You'll see a frowny-face emoji and the message "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you."

In Windows 7 and previous versions, the blue screen looked more like a terminal screen, displaying all manner of information. The blue screen begins with "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

That's really not as big a deal as it sounds, though. Even in previous versions of Windows, blue screens tended to go by fast enough that reading that information was difficult, anyway. And there are easier ways to get all the details you need for troubleshooting.

By default, Windows automatically restarts the computer whenever it encounters a blue screen of death.

Related: Help Troubleshoot the Blue Screen of Death by Preventing Automatic Reboot

If you would like more time to see the blue screen details (or just make sure that it's a blue screen that's happening), you can disable automatic restarts on BSODs from the Windows Control Panel . On Windows 10 and Windows 11, you can also use the Settings app. Open the Settings app by pressing Windows+i, then navigate to System > About > Advanced System Settings.

Make sure you're on the Advanced tab and click "Settings." Untick "Automatically Restart" in the Startup and Recovery window, then click "OK."

Related: What Is the Windows Event Viewer, and How Can I Use It?

NirSoft's free BlueScreenView application offers an easy way to view blue-screen information  you might have missed. It works by displaying information contained in those minidump files that are created during BSODs.

This information is also available in the Windows Event Viewer , where blue screen messages are scattered among application crashes and other system log messages.

In Windows, you can troubleshoot blue-screen information using the Action Center. In Windows 10 and Windows 11, head to Control Panel > Security and Maintenance. In Windows 7, head to Control Panel > System and Security.

In the "Maintenance" section, you'll be able to check for solutions to existing problems.

Windows 10 and Windows 11 actually perform this troubleshooting step automatically when your PC restarts after a BSOD. However, it may still be worth paying a visit to the Action Center to see if there are more details or additional troubleshooting steps.

If Windows can't fix the problem on its own, your best bet for troubleshooting the problem is to search the web for the solution. Scan the blue screen or the minidump file for the specific error.

You may see a "Stop Error" number that looks something like "0x00000024." Alternatively, you may see an error like "Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal", "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT," or " DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION ." Either way, a quick search for the exact error will likely yield good results. In fact, Windows 10 and Windows 11 often recommend right on the blue screen that you perform a search for the error.

If you have trouble locating good advice for solving your problem, don't worry. BSODs can have a variety of root causes. We do have some additional tips that might help you deal with many blue screens:

  • Use System Restore : If your system recently started blue-screening, use System Restore to roll its system software back to a previous state. If this works, you'll know that it's likely a software problem.
  • Scan for Malware : Malware that digs deep into Windows and gets its hooks into the Windows kernel at a low level can cause system instability. Scan your computer for malware to ensure buggy malicious software isn't causing it to crash.
  • Install Updated Drivers : An incorrectly installed or buggy driver can lead to crashes. Download the latest drivers for your computer's hardware from your computer manufacturer's website and install them -- this may fix BSODs caused by driver problems.
  • Boot Into Safe Mode : If your computer is blue-screening every time you turn it on, try booting into safe mode . In safe mode, Windows loads only the essential drivers. If a driver you've installed is causing Windows to blue screen, it shouldn't do so in safe mode. You can work on fixing the problem from safe mode.
  • Check for Hardware Problems : Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware in your computer. Try testing your computer's memory for errors and checking its temperature to ensure that it isn't overheating . If that fails, you might need to test other hardware components---or hire a pro to do it for you.
  • Reinstall Windows : Resetting Windows ---or performing a clean install ---is the nuclear option. It will blow away your existing system software, replacing it with a fresh Windows system. If your computer continues to blue screen after this, you likely have a hardware problem.

A computer in proper working state shouldn't blue-screen at all, but no software or hardware is perfect. Even a properly functioning computer may blue screen on rare occasions for no apparent reason---possibly as the result of rare driver bugs or hardware issues. If your computer is regularly blue-screening, you have a problem. If you encounter a blue screen once every two years, don't worry about it.

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Advanced troubleshooting for stop or blue screen errors

  • 5 contributors

If you're not a support agent or IT professional, you'll find more helpful information about stop error ("blue screen") messages in Troubleshoot blue screen errors .

Applies to:   Supported versions of Windows Server and Windows Client

What causes stop errors?

When Windows encounters a condition that compromises safe system operation, the system stops. Examples include something failing that could compromise security or lead to corruption of the operating system (OS) and/or user data. When the machine stops in order to prevent the operating system from moving forward in these conditions, it is called a bug check (or bugcheck). It is also commonly referred to as a system crash, a kernel error, a blue screen, a blue screen of death (BSOD), or a stop error. On preview releases of Windows, the screen color can be green, leading to the green screen of death (GSOD).

There's no simple explanation for the cause of stop errors. Many different factors can be involved. Our analysis of the root causes of crashes indicates that:

  • 70% are caused by third-party driver code.
  • 10% are caused by hardware issues.
  • 5% are caused by Microsoft code.
  • 15% have unknown causes, because the memory is too corrupted to analyze.

The root cause of stop errors is rarely a user-mode process. While a user-mode process (such as Notepad or Slack) may trigger a stop error, it's usually exposing the underlying issue in a driver, hardware, or operating system.

General troubleshooting steps

To troubleshoot stop error messages, follow these general steps:

Review the stop error code that you find in the event logs. Search online for the specific stop error codes to see whether there are any known issues, resolutions, or workarounds for the problem.

Make sure that you install the latest Windows updates, cumulative updates, and rollup updates. To verify the update status, refer to the appropriate update history for your system. For example:

  • Windows 10, version 21H2
  • Windows 10, version 21H1
  • Windows 10, version 20H2

Make sure that the BIOS and firmware are up-to-date.

Run any relevant hardware and memory tests.

Run Microsoft Safety Scanner or any other virus detection program that includes checks of the MBR for infections.

Make sure that there's sufficient free space on the hard disk. The exact requirement varies, but we recommend 10-15 percent free disk space.

Contact the respective hardware or software vendor to update the drivers and applications in the following scenarios:

  • The error message indicates that a specific driver is causing the problem.
  • You're seeing an indication of a service that is starting or stopping before the crash occurred. In this situation, determine whether the service behavior is consistent across all instances of the crash.
  • You have made any software or hardware changes.

If there are no updates available from a specific manufacturer, we recommend that you disable the related service.

For more information, see How to perform a clean boot in Windows .

You can disable a driver by following the steps in How to temporarily deactivate the kernel mode filter driver in Windows .

You may also want to consider the option of rolling back changes or reverting to the last-known working state. For more information, see Roll back a device driver to a previous version .

Memory dump collection

To configure the system for memory dump files, follow these steps:

  • Select the Taskbar search box, type Advanced system settings , and then press Enter .
  • On the Advanced tab on the System Properties box, select the Settings button that appears in the section Startup and Recovery .
  • In the new window, select the drop-down below the option Write debugging information .
  • Choose Automatic memory dump .
  • Select OK .
  • Restart the computer for the setting to take effect.
  • If the server is virtualized, disable auto reboot after the memory dump file is created. This disablement lets you take a snapshot of the server in-state and also if the problem recurs.

The memory dump file is saved at the following locations:

You can use the Microsoft Crash Dump File Checker (DumpChk) tool to verify that the memory dump files aren't corrupted or invalid. For more information, see the following video:

For more information on how to use Dumpchk.exe to check your dump files, see the following articles:

  • Using DumpChk
  • Download DumpChk

Pagefile settings

For more information on pagefile settings, see the following articles:

  • Introduction to page files
  • How to determine the appropriate page file size for 64-bit versions of Windows
  • Generate a kernel or complete crash dump

Memory dump analysis

Finding the root cause of the crash may not be easy. Hardware problems are especially difficult to diagnose because they may cause erratic and unpredictable behavior that can manifest itself in various symptoms.

When a stop error occurs, you should first isolate the problematic components, and then try to cause them to trigger the stop error again. If you can replicate the problem, you can usually determine the cause.

You can use the tools such as Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) and symbols to diagnose dump logs. The next section discusses how to use this tool.

Advanced troubleshooting steps

Advanced troubleshooting of crash dumps can be very challenging if you aren't experienced with programming and internal Windows mechanisms. We have attempted to provide a brief insight here into some of the techniques used, including some examples. However, to really be effective at troubleshooting a crash dump, you should spend time becoming familiar with advanced debugging techniques. For a video overview, Debugging kernel mode crashes and hangs . Also see the advanced references listed below.

Advanced debugging references

  • Advanced Windows Debugging, first edition book
  • Debugging Tools for Windows (WinDbg, KD, CDB, NTSD)

Debugging steps

Verify that the computer is set up to generate a complete memory dump file when a crash occurs. For more information, see Method 1: Memory dump .

Locate the memory.dmp file in your Windows directory on the computer that is crashing, and copy that file to another computer.

On the other computer, download the Windows 10 SDK .

Start the install and choose Debugging Tools for Windows . The WinDbg tool is installed.

Go to the File menu and select Symbol File Path to open the WinDbg tool and set the symbol path.

  • If the computer is connected to the internet, enter the Microsoft public symbol server : and select OK . This method is recommended.
  • If the computer isn't connected to the internet, specify a local symbol path .

Select Open Crash Dump , and then open the memory.dmp file that you copied.

Screenshot of an example output in WinDbg when opening a crash dump file.

Under Bugcheck Analysis , select !analyze -v . The command !analyze -v is entered in the prompt at the bottom of the page.

A detailed bug check analysis appears.

Screenshot of a detailed bug check analysis example.

Scroll down to the STACK_TEXT section. There will be rows of numbers with each row followed by a colon and some text. That text should tell you what DLL is causing the crash. If applicable, it also says what service is crashing the DLL.

For more information about how to interpret the STACK_TEXT output, see Using the !analyze Extension .

There are many possible causes of a bug check and each case is unique. In the example provided above, the important lines that can be identified from the STACK_TEXT are 20, 21, and 22:

HEX data is removed here and lines are numbered for clarity.

This issue is because of the mpssvc service, which is a component of the Windows Firewall. The problem was repaired by disabling the firewall temporarily and then resetting firewall policies.

For more examples, see Debugging examples .

Video resources

The following videos illustrate various troubleshooting techniques for analyzing dump files.

  • Analyze dump file
  • Installing debugging tool for Windows (x64 and x86)
  • Debugging kernel mode crash memory dumps
  • Special pool

Advanced troubleshooting using Driver Verifier

We estimate that about 75 percent of all stop errors are caused by faulty drivers. The Driver Verifier tool provides several methods to help you troubleshoot. These include running drivers in an isolated memory pool (without sharing memory with other components), generating extreme memory pressure, and validating parameters. If the tool encounters errors in the execution of driver code, it proactively creates an exception. It can then further examine that part of the code.

Driver Verifier consumes lots of CPU and can slow down the computer significantly. You may also experience additional crashes. Verifier disables faulty drivers after a stop error occurs, and continues to do this until you can successfully restart the system and access the desktop. You can also expect to see several dump files created.

Don't try to verify all the drivers at one time. This action can degrade performance and make the system unusable. It also limits the effectiveness of the tool.

Use the following guidelines when you use Driver Verifier:

  • Test any "suspicious" drivers. For example, drivers that were recently updated or that are known to be problematic.
  • If you continue to experience non-analyzable crashes, try enabling verification on all third-party and unsigned drivers.
  • Enable concurrent verification on groups of 10-20 drivers.
  • Additionally, if the computer can't boot into the desktop because of Driver Verifier, you can disable the tool by starting in Safe mode. This solution is because the tool can't run in Safe mode.

For more information, see Driver Verifier .

Common Windows stop errors

This section doesn't contain a list of all error codes, but since many error codes have the same potential resolutions, your best bet is to follow the steps below to troubleshoot your error. For a complete list of stop error codes, see Bug Check Code Reference .

The following sections list general troubleshooting procedures for common stop error codes.


Stop error code 0x00000141, or 0x00000117

Contact the vendor of the listed display driver to get an appropriate update for that driver.


Stop error code 0x0000000D1

Apply the latest updates for the driver by applying the latest cumulative updates for the system through the Microsoft Update Catalog website. Update an outdated network driver. Virtualized VMware systems often run "Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection" (e1g6032e.sys). You can download this driver from the Intel Download Drivers & Software website . Contact the hardware vendor to update the network driver for a resolution. For VMware systems, use the VMware integrated network driver instead of Intel's e1g6032e.sys. For example, use VMware types VMXNET, VMXNET2, or VMXNET3.


Stop error code 0x000000050

If a driver is identified in the stop error message, contact the manufacturer for an update. If no updates are available, disable the driver, and monitor the system for stability. Run chkdsk /f /r to detect and repair disk errors. Restart the system before the disk scan begins on a system partition. Contact the manufacturer for any diagnostic tools that they may provide for the hard disk subsystem. Try to reinstall any application or service that was recently installed or updated. It's possible that the crash was triggered while the system was starting applications and reading the registry for preference settings. Reinstalling the application can fix corrupted registry keys. If the problem persists, and you have run a recent system state backup, try to restore the registry hives from the backup.


Stop error code c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows SubSystem system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005. The system has been shut down.

Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files. The System File Checker lets users scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files. For more information, see Use the System File Checker tool .


Stop error code 0x000000024

This stop error is commonly caused by corruption in the NTFS file system or bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk. Corrupted drivers for hard disks (SATA or IDE) can also adversely affect the system's ability to read and write to disk. Run any hardware diagnostics that are provided by the manufacturer of the storage subsystem. Use the scan disk tool to verify that there are no file system errors. To do this step, right-click the drive that you want to scan, select Properties, select Tools, and then select the Check now button. Update the NTFS file system driver (Ntfs.sys). Apply the latest cumulative updates for the current operating system that's experiencing the problem.


Stop error code 0x0000001E

If a driver is identified in the stop error message, disable or remove that driver. Disable or remove any drivers or services that were recently added.

If the error occurs during the startup sequence, and the system partition is formatted by using the NTFS file system, you might be able to use safe mode to disable the driver in Device Manager. To disable the driver, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > Update & security > Recovery .
  • Under Advanced startup , select Restart now .
  • After your PC restarts to the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart .
  • After the computer restarts, you'll see a list of options. Press 4 or F4 to start the computer in safe mode. If you intend to use the internet while in safe mode, press 5 or F5 for the Safe Mode with Networking option.


Stop error code 0x00000133

This stop error code is caused by a faulty driver that doesn't complete its work within the allotted time frame in certain conditions. To help mitigate this error, collect the memory dump file from the system, and then use the Windows Debugger to find the faulty driver. If a driver is identified in the stop error message, disable the driver to isolate the problem. Check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Check the system log in Event Viewer for other error messages that might help identify the device or driver that's causing stop error 0x133. Verify that any new hardware that's installed is compatible with the installed version of Windows. For example, you can get information about required hardware at Windows 10 Specifications. If Windows Debugger is installed, and you have access to public symbols, you can load the c:\windows\memory.dmp file into the debugger. Then refer to Determining the source of Bug Check 0x133 (DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION) errors on Windows Server 2012 to find the problematic driver from the memory dump.


Stop error code 0x0000009E

This stop error indicates that a user-mode health check failed in a way that prevents graceful shutdown. Windows restores critical services by restarting or enabling application failover to other servers. The Clustering Service incorporates a detection mechanism that may detect unresponsiveness in user-mode components.

This stop error usually occurs in a clustered environment, and the indicated faulty driver is RHS.exe. Check the event logs for any storage failures to identify the failing process. Try to update the component or process that's indicated in the event logs. You should see the following event recorded:

  • Event ID: 4870
  • Source: Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering
  • Description: User mode health monitoring has detected that the system isn't being responsive. The Failover cluster virtual adapter has lost contact with the Cluster Server process with a process ID '%1', for '%2' seconds. Recovery action is taken. Review the Cluster logs to identify the process and investigate which items might cause the process to hang.

For more information, see "0x0000009E" Stop error on cluster nodes in a Windows Server-based multi-node failover cluster environment Also, see the following Microsoft video What to do if a 9E occurs .

Debugging examples

This bug check is caused by a driver hang during upgrade, resulting in a bug check D1 in NDIS.sys , which is a Microsoft driver. The IMAGE_NAME tells you the faulting driver, but since this driver is s Microsoft driver, it can't be replaced or removed. The resolution method is to disable the network device in device manager and try the upgrade again.

In this example, a non-Microsoft driver caused page fault, so we don't have symbols for this driver. However, looking at IMAGE_NAME and or MODULE_NAME indicates it's WwanUsbMP.sys that caused the issue. Disconnecting the device and retrying the upgrade is a possible solution.

Bug check code reference

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11 Tips to Help You Fix the Windows 10 Blue Screen Error

What is a blue screen in Windows? How do you fix blue screen errors? Here are several fixes for this common Windows problem.

The blue screen of death (BSOD) error is something every Windows user runs into sooner or later. It's a frustrating problem, as it's often tough to troubleshoot and can pop up out of nowhere.

We'll walk you through some basic tips on how to fix a blue screen on Windows 10 (and 11), as well as provide resources for specific blue screen error codes.

What Is a Blue Screen?

In case you're not sure what a blue screen problem even is, let's first review this important Windows term.

What's commonly called a "blue screen of death" in Windows 10, Windows 11, and other versions is technically known as a stop error or fatal system error . This occurs when the operating system crashes, meaning that it ran into some issue that prevented it from running safely. When this happens, Windows displays a blue screen with some information about the problem and then restarts.

Blue screens can happen for many reasons, which we'll dig into below. Common BSOD causes include bad drivers, problems with hardware, and operating system errors.

Newer versions of Windows, like Windows 10 and 11, are more stable than earlier versions, so you hopefully won't run into blue screens too often. You should also know that a blue screen occurring one time isn't necessarily an issue. Sometimes Windows will freak out with a BSOD, then work perfectly fine after you reboot.

Thus, you should only need to dig into the following blue screen error fixes if you continually hit a blue screen.

1. Note Your Windows Blue Screen Stop Code

Since there are so many kinds, it's tough to talk about how to resolve blue screen errors without knowing the specific error you're hitting. Thus, the best place to start with fixing blue screens is by noting the actual problem.

In Windows 10 and 11, a BSOD contains a sad face emoticon, along with a simple error message. Below this, you'll see a link to Microsoft's blue screen troubleshooting page (which hasn't been updated for modern versions), a QR code that leads to this page, and a Stop Code field.

The most important part is to note the stop code listed on the page, which will help you narrow your troubleshooting. If you miss the code initially, follow our guide to retrieving stop codes in Windows 10 .

2. Try Specific Troubleshooting for Your Blue Screen Error Code

Now that you know what your specific issue is, you can move towards appropriate blue screen fixes. We've written troubleshooting guides for some of these, so check out the one that matches your error:

  • How to fix the Critical Process Died stop code
  • Resolving the System Service Exception blue screen
  • A guide to troubleshooting the Memory Management BSOD
  • Fixing an Unexpected Store Exception stop error in Windows
  • How to resolve Inaccessible Boot Device errors
  • How to fix the Bad System Config Info error
  • Guide to fixing blue screen error 0x0000003B
  • How to fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc00000e
  • Fixing the HYPERVISOR_ERROR blue screen error

These aren't the only blue screen errors you'll come across, but they're some of the most common. In case you can't determine your exact error code, or the troubleshooting in those guides didn't solve your issues, move onto the below more general blue screen error solutions.

3. Review Recent Computer Changes

Many times, you'll start seeing blue screen errors after making a change to your system. Such changes can introduce problematic elements into an otherwise stable environment. Identifying what you changed will help your troubleshooting.

For example, if you just installed a new printer, try unplugging it from your computer to see if the blue screen persists. If you recently ran a Windows update, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View Update History . (On Windows 11, this is under Settings > Windows Update > Update history ).

On the next page with the list, click Uninstall updates and remove the most recent update to see if that solves the problem.

The same goes for software. If you started noticing the blue screens after installing a new program, try removing the app from Windows and see if that fixes your issues.

4. Check for Windows and Driver Updates

While bad updates can sometimes introduce issues, oftentimes Microsoft and third-party companies issue updates to fix problems like these. Visit Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update (on Windows 11, Settings > Windows Update ) and apply any pending updates, just in case they hold the fix.

It's also important to check your drivers, since they can often be a source of Windows 10 blue screens. To do this, press Win + X (or right-click on the Start button) to open the power user menu. Then choose Device Manager to open that utility.

Here, check for yellow triangle icons on any entries, which indicate a problem with the driver. You should double-check any devices that appear with this, as you may need to reinstall the driver or remove the device.

You can right-click an entry and choose Update driver to check for updates, but this isn't always reliable.

Instead, you should visit the manufacturer's website and grab the latest drivers from there. Follow our guide to updating Windows drivers for help.

5. Run a System Restore

The System Restore feature in Windows allows you to return your system to a previous state. It's a handy troubleshooting tool, as it's simple to use and lets you see if your issue is software-based.

Type recovery into the Start menu and open the Recovery Control Panel entry that appears. Here, click Open System Restore to launch the tool. After clicking Next once, you'll see a list of restore points you can return to. Select one, then hit Scan for affected programs if you want to see what software will change.

Running a System Restore doesn't affect your files, but it will uninstall any drivers or software you've installed since the restore point was made. In addition, it will reinstall anything you removed since that time.

Confirm your system restore, then you can start the process. This will take a few moments, then you'll be back to your system like it was at the time. If you don't get blue screens after this, your problem was likely software-related.

6. Scan for Malware

Malware can damage your Windows system files and result in a blue screen. You should run a scan for infection to rule out anything like this.

We recommend using Malwarebytes to run a scan. This will look for all sorts of rogue software and remove it for you. If it finds anything, reboot after the cleaning and see if your blue screen errors go away.

7. Test Your Computer Hardware

If you haven't figured out why you're getting a blue screen of death, you should next check your computer's physical components. Sometimes a failing stick of RAM, or another bad component, can result in a blue screen.

We've shown how to test your PC for hardware failure . Use those tools to test your system and replace anything that you find is faulty.

8. Run an SFC Scan

Windows includes a command line tool called SFC (System File Checker). Running it checks for damaged Windows system files and attempts to fix them. Doing so may solve your blue screen issue.

Again, press Win + X (or right-click on the Start button) to open the power user shortcut menu. Choose Command Prompt (Admin) , Windows PowerShell (Admin) , or Windows Terminal (Admin) , then type the following:

Give this some time to run, and you'll see the results before long. If it found and applied any fixes, reboot and see if the blue screen issue stops.

9. Boot Into Safe Mode

Depending on the severity of your issue, you may be able to perform all the above troubleshooting steps while working in Windows as usual. However, if you have a major issue, the blue screen errors might prevent you from working normally. In that case, you'll need to boot into safe mode .

Safe mode allows you to load a basic Windows configuration with only the essentials that it needs to run. This prevents third-party apps from interfering with normal operations. If you can work in safe mode without hitting a blue screen, an installed app or service is likely causing the problem.

While in safe mode, you can run a malware scan, use System Restore, and otherwise troubleshoot as we've discussed.

10. Use Advanced Blue Screen Troubleshooting Tools

For deeper troubleshooting, you can utilize tools that interpret the information Windows dumps after it crashes to a blue screen . These are typically only for advanced users.

Follow our instructions on how to fix blue screen errors with WinDbg and BlueScreenView for help using a few of these tools.

11. Reinstall Windows

If all else fails, you'll need to reinstall Windows on your computer. At this point, you've ruled out drivers, hardware, malware, and software issues, so there must be some deeper underlying problem on your system.

Follow our guide to resetting Windows 10 to learn the best way to do this.

Now You Know How to Solve Blue Screen Errors in Windows 10

Blue screen errors are frustrating to deal with, especially because they can block you from troubleshooting properly. But after walking through the above tips, you know what a blue screen error is and how to resolve it.

Going forward, it's smart to watch for signs that your computer is about to crash, so you can hopefully prevent these issues from happening in the first place.

How to fix the blue screen of death error in Windows 11

The blue screen of death in Windows 11 can be frustrating but it's relatively easy to fix

Blue screen of death Windows 11 - a screenshot taken of the error screen from a Microsoft Windows PC

It’s all too likely that you have experienced a blue screen of death (BSOD) on Windows 11 at some point. This is a common sight to any Windows user who has seen their PC crash and is not something to cause immediate panic or concern.

How to boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode How to move Microsoft's Windows 11 from a hard drive to an SSD Most common Windows 11 problems and how to fix them

There are any number of causes for a BSOD to happen, so this is not necessarily cause for concern. Sometimes it can be enough to simply restart your system, but there are more thorough ways to fix the problem.

The blue screen of death on Windows 11 helpfully provides an error code to give users an idea of what caused the crash. These codes also provide users with an idea of when they can expect to get back to working on their devices uninterrupted

What is the blue screen of death?

The BSOD is also called a ‘STOP error,’ and it is an indicator of a fatal system error. IT professionals have come to refer to it by its foreboding name over many years due to its irritating nature and iconic bright blue background.

Prior to Windows 8 , the BSOD was a little less user-friendly than it is today and Microsoft's latest operating system Windows 11 brought in a few new changes too. One significant difference was to replace the iconic blue background to match the operating system’s color palette, meaning the BSOD on Windows 11 was originally black rather than blue.

The classic blue background was reinstated in a later build of Windows 11, which means that if you’re facing a black screen of death you are running an older build of Windows 11. If this is the case, you should install the latest Windows 11 update to benefit from up-to-date security protections and all the latest features.

Steps to fix the blue screen of death in Windows 11

The BSOD in Windows 11 is much easier to understand than its predecessors. But as it often occurs without warning and requires immediate attention to be resolved, it can still be intimidating for the uninitiated user.

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To ensure that you don’t lose any unsaved work, it’s best to wait for the system to back itself up before doing anything; the error screen should give you a percentage and display the progress of the backup.

Some of the best steps to take are:

  • Check error and QR codes
  • Query BSOD error codes

Check the Windows 11 Memory Dump

Boot windows in safe mode, use system restore, reset your pc, check the error and qr codes.

When the BSOD appears, users will be shown error code. This will be a mixture of numbers and letters, usually starting with "0x".

This number corresponds with the exact error that your machine is having, so it’s important to keep a record of it.

It’s normal for the error code to be shown alongside its Stop Code, which is the part that tells the user the cause of the problem. The stop code is always a series of words in block capitals, shown in square brackets.

For example, the error code 0x00000001 may show as ' APC_INDEX_MISMATCH ' which tells the user that there is a mismatch in the APC state index.

In contrast, [CRITCAL_PROCESS_DIED] informs the user that something is wrong with an aspect of the operating system that your device runs. Don't worry if it is just the Error Code that comes up, because that will still be useful to any technicians you might have to call in for help.

Windows 8 included the useful introduction of QR codes to the BSOD. Scan this code with your smartphone’s camera and you will be taken to the support page in your web browser .

Query BSOD Error Codes

Identifying the error codes is just the first part of the process. Next, you must figure out what they mean. In most cases, the code will relate to an issue, or simply point you in the right direction, rather than give you the precise cause.

  • Some errors are harder to diagnose, however. The error code IRQL_not_less_or_equal , for example, usually relates to a hardware fault, such as a corrupted RAM module
  • It can also be triggered by faulty drivers, or even faulty antivirus software
  • Aside from using the QR code, the quickest way to check the error is to type the code into a search engine. It’s best to find the Microsoft Support page for that code first and foremost, before looking at third-party sites that will either try and sell you a quick fix, or get you to try every fix possible
  • The Microsoft support page will be able to explain the error, the circumstances that triggered it, and if there is a fix or workaround to resolve it. The support page should give you step-by-step instructions to follow and guide you on your way to resolving the issue
  • If there are no fixes, or if the page only offers vague information like 'driver issue', it’s time to think back to any recent installations or changes you made to your machine, and if need be, uninstall them.

If the Support Page doesn’t answer your question, you can find a lot more information by looking through the Memory Dump, an error log that’s automatically created whenever Windows encounters an error from which it’s unable to recover.

You’ll find it on the same drive that holds your Windows 11 installation, in a folder called %SystemRoot%\MEMORY. DMP or %SystemRoot%\Minidump .

To open the file, you’ll need an app called WinDbg from the Microsoft Store. We won’t go into detail on how to decipher a memory dump in this article, but if you need to, call in a technical support person or system administrator.

Unfortunately, Windows can only diagnose so far and if it’s still not clear at this stage what the issue is, you might need to ask for outside help. Microsoft has forums for this sort of issue, staffed by the community and Microsoft engineers.

To get the best support, you should try to be as detailed as possible when describing what you were doing when the error occurred and don’t forget to include both the Error Code and Stop Code.

We have a guide on how to access help in Windows , which will give you plenty of pointers.

While it is recommended you follow support options outlined by Microsoft or technicians, options may help you resolve the situation.

Image showing the safe mode notification on Windows 11

If the blue screen error appears before login, and is therefore preventing you from accessing your desktop, you will need to boot into Safe Mode and try again.

You can follow our handy guide on how to boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode .

There are a number of different ways to boot your device into Safe Mode. If you're a Windows 11 user, the process is fairly straightforward and similar to booting Windows 10 in safe mode .

Alternatively, you could use System Restore, but this option does come with some significant drawbacks.

By using System Restore, your device will roll back to a prior point before you encountered the error, meaning you will also lose any recent changes made to files and folders on your PC.

To use system restore:

  • Open the Settings app and click on the System tab
  • Select Recovery and click Go back (if this option is greyed out, it means you do not have a previous point saved)
  • Then, click Next in the Restore system files and settings box
  • From here, you will be able to select the restore point that you want to use

A screenshot of the Windows 11 Settings menu showing options for resetting a PC

If you’ve tried all the above steps and are still unable to fix the error, you may want to consider factory resetting your Windows 11 PC. 

To do this, go to:

  • Once you’ve reached this menu, you can select the ‘Reset PC’ option

Choosing to reset your PC will delete the C: drive, as well as all files and folders saved to Desktop, Documents, and Downloads.

What is the green screen of death in Windows 11?

If you’re a Windows Insider, the BSOD becomes the green screen of death (GSOD). Not only is the error screen green, but it also features additional information for identifying bugs in the operating system.

When shown the GSOD, it could be that there isn’t an available fix for the specific issue you have due to the build still undergoing beta testing. In this situation, we would suggest heading to the Windows Insider Program hub to find support.

Chris Merriman has been writing about technology since the 1990s for a variety of titles including Computer Shopper, MSN, TechRadar, Tom’s Guide and The Inquirer, where he broke a number of major tech news stories that were picked up globally.  He has appeared on BBC, Sky News and Al Jazeera and was the resident tech expert at TalkRadio for a number of years. In between times, he has also been a consultant for several major tech firms.

Chris is fascinated by automation and the internet of things, as well as the evolution of the ways we communicate in the digital era. He's also a frequent contributor to ITPro's software guides, including Windows operating systems. Other specialisms include storage, peripherals, and web apps, and any gadget he’s allowed to take apart and fiddle with, preferably after throwing away the box, manual and receipt.

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how to solve blue screen of death problem

[Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Blue Screen Errors in Windows (BSOD)

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A Blue Screen Error will occur if a problem causes your system abnormal or restart unexpectedly due to software or hardware problems. It’s also called BSOD (Blue Screen of Death, as following picture).

how to solve blue screen of death problem

There are some reasons that may cause Blue Screen Errors:

  • From Windows packages, such as caused by Windows Update
  • The compatibility problem between new extended hardware and the device, or the hardware devices have error
  • The compatibility problem between installed software and system
  • System virus

Please try the following video and troubleshooting steps to solve your problems.

To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click ASUS YouTube video link below to know more about How to Fix Blue Screen Errors in Windows.

Please go to the corresponding instruction based on the current Windows operating system on your device:

Table of Contents :

If during the startup process, you encounter a blue screen error with the stop code 'INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE' , try changing the current Intel VMD Controller settings to another option. (For example, if VMD is currently enabled in the BIOS, try changing it to disabled to see if it resolves the issue.)

Note : If you encounter a different stop code than 'INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE', please proceed to the next troubleshooting step.

Note : The BIOS configuration screen may vary depending on the model.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

Back to Table of Contents

Regularly updating BIOS, Windows, and drivers can enhance system stability and performance. Ensure that your device is using the latest versions. Learn more about updating BIOS:

How to update the BIOS version in Windows system

How to use EZ Flash to update the BIOS version

(For desktop products, please refer to  ASUS Motherboard EZ Flash 3 Introduction .)

Learn more about updating Windows and drivers:

How to execute Windows Update

How to update drivers via System Update in MyASUS

If the problem persists after you have updated BIOS/Windows packages/drivers to the date, please continue to the next chapter for troubleshooting.

User can inspect whether the hardware device is good by the Hardware Diagnostic via MyASUS, and run further checking on Blue Screen Error. If any error occurs after diagnosing, we recommend that you visit ASUS repair center to replace the hardware device.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

  • If any error occurs, please visit ASUS repair center to replace the hardware device. Here you can learn more about  How to use Customer Support to contact ASUS  for the further repair request.                If no issue found after 'Blue screen error' check, it means your hardware devices are good. Please continue the next troubleshooting step.

Sometimes, the external devices connected to your device can be the cause of Blue Screen Errors, so please try to remove them, such as external hard drives, printers, memory cards, external ODD (if your device is with internal ODD, please remove CD/DVDs), dongles, etc.  After that, restart your device. If you don’t experience the issue after restarting your device, the external device may be the cause of the problem. We recommend that you do not use this device and contact your device manufacturer for support.

If you do not use any external devices or the problem still persists after removing them, please confirm  whether you had ever installed / replaced any hardware devices , such as disk drives (HDD or SSD) or Memory modules. The compatibility problem could be the cause and exist between new hardware devices and ASUS products / system, so please try to remove the hardware device. If you don’t experience the issue after removing the hardware device, we recommend that you do not use this device and contact your device manufacturer for support.

If the problem persists after above steps, please continue the next troubleshooting step.

Some problems may occur after Windows Update or a specific application installed in your device, including the compatibility issue between applications and system, or Windows core programs may be crashed.

You can  view update history  to check recently installed updated items.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

  • You can confirm the installed date and whether you experience Blue Screen Errors after that, and then refer to the following steps to know how to uninstall or go back to the previous version.

If you experience Blue Screen Errors after installing feature updates in Windows, we recommend that you go back to the previous version and wait for the modification from Microsoft in order to prevent any initial unstable problem. Here you can learn more about  How to go back to the previous version of Windows .

If you cannot go back to the previous version of Windows, we recommend that you restore the system from restore point, here you can learn more about  How to use restore point to restore the system .

If you experience Blue Screen Errors after installing quality updates in Windows, we recommend that you uninstall the update and wait for the modification from Microsoft, please refer to the following steps to know how to uninstall it.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

If you experience Blue Screen Errors after updating drivers in Windows, we recommend that you go back to the previous version and wait for the fixed one. Please refer to the following steps to know how to go back to the previous driver version.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

Blue Screen Errors may occur if there is a compatibility issue between an initial installed application and Windows system, so we recommend that you uninstall this application first. Here you can learn more about  How to search or uninstall recently installed applications .

If the problem is gone after uninstalling this application, we recommend that you check the supported Operating System or specification in this application’s official website, or contact the application manufacturer for support.

If the problem happens recently, and if you have ever created a restore point or there is an automatic system restore existed, try to restore the device to a point before the problem began to resolve the problem. Here you can learn more about  How to use restore point to restore the system .

If the problem persists, please continue to the next chapter for troubleshooting.

If the problem persists after all troubleshooting steps are completed. Please backup your personal files, then reset the device to back to its original configuration. Here you can learn more about How to reset the system .

how to solve blue screen of death problem

Sometimes, the external devices connected to your device can be the cause of Blue Screen Errors, so please try to remove them, such as external hard drives, printers, memory cards, external ODD (if your device is with internal ODD, please remove CD/DVDs), dongles, etc.  After that, restart your device . If you don’t experience the issue after restarting your device, the external device may be the cause of the problem. We recommend that you do not use this device and contact your device manufacturer for support.

If you do not use any external devices or the problem still persists after removing them, please confirm whether you had ever installed / replaced any hardware devices , such as disk drives (HDD or SSD) or Memory modules. The compatibility problem could be the cause and exist between new hardware devices and ASUS products / system, so please try to remove the hardware device. If you don’t experience the issue after removing the hardware device, we recommend that you do not use this device and contact your device manufacturer for support.

You can view update history to check recently installed updated items.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

If you experience Blue Screen Errors after installing feature updates in Windows, we recommend that you go back to the previous version and wait for the modification from Microsoft in order to prevent any initial unstable problem. Here you can learn more about How to go back to the previous version of Windows .           

If you cannot go back to the previous version of Windows, we recommend that you restore the system from restore point, here you can learn more about How to use restore point to restore the system .

how to solve blue screen of death problem

Blue Screen Errors may occur if there is a compatibility issue between an initial installed application and Windows system, so we recommend that you uninstall this application first. Here you can learn more about How to search or uninstall recently installed applications .

If you still cannot resolve your problem, download MyASUS and try the System Diagnosis for troubleshooting. Click below! 

how to solve blue screen of death problem

How to fix Blue Screen Of Death 'BSOD' Problems on Windows.

The Blue Screen errors (also know as "Blue Screen Of Death" or "BSOD" or "STOP errors") are the most difficult problems to troubleshoot in Windows, because most of the time, BSOD problems occur suddenly, when the system crashes and without any obvious reason (e.g. after a hardware or software change or whenever you try to launch a specific application).

Blue Screen Of Death

BSOD errors are commonly caused due to hardware malfunctions: a faulty RAM, HDD or VGA, a defective power supply (PSU), or overheating. In the rest cases blue screen problems may be caused by a wrong or corrupted device driver, overclocking issues or malware infections.

This tutorial contains detailed instructions on how to troubleshoot BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) problems.

How to Resolve BSOD problems on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 or Vista.

Important: Before continuing to troubleshoot BSOD problems by following the methods mentioned below:

1. Disconnect all external connected devices from the system (e.g. USB Disk, Flash Disk, Printer, etc.)

2. Ensure that you haven't changed your Software or Hardware : If you have recently changed your hardware on your machine (e.g. you added more RAM, or you have changed the VGA card), or you have installed a new hardware device driver or a new software (e.g. Antivirus), then, probably, this is the reason for the BSOD problem.

3. Ensure that your computer doesn't overheat. Check that your system's hardware temperature (CPU, Memory, GPU) is normal and not overheating. For this task you can use the CPUID HWMonitor utility. If your system is overheating, then clean your computer from dust remaining inside to avoid high temperatures and operational problems. The best way to do this is to use a powerful air blower. Also ensure that the air flow outwards is not prevented.

4. Ensure that your RAM and HDD (hard disk) are healthy: Many times the blue screen problems are caused due to a defective (faulty) Memory (RAM) or Hard Disk. So, proceed and diagnose your system's memory and hard disk for hardware problems by following the instructions on these tutorials:

  • How to diagnose your hard drive (HDD) for hardware problems.
  • How to diagnose your computer's Memory (RAM) for problems.

Note 1. The methods below can be applied only if you can start Windows "Normally" or in "Safe Mode" or in "Safe Mode with Networking". – If you faced a BSOD loop and you cannot boot to Windows normally (or in Safe Mode), then the only option you have to troubleshoot the blue screen problem is to use the "System Restore" feature in order to restore your system to a previous working state.

  • To launch System Restore: 
– In Windows 7 & Vista , press the F8 key, to enter to Advanced Boot Options and then choose Repair Your Computer .* Then follow the on screen prompts to restore your computer to an earlier state . * Suggestion: Before trying the repair option, give it a shot and select the "Last Known Good Configuration " option. – In  Windows 10, 8,1 & 8 : In these editions of Windows, you cannot use the "F8" – Advanced Boot Options – menu, if Windows crash immediately. At this case just try to unplug your computer immediately from the power outlet (if you are a laptop owner remove the battery also) and then power on your computer again. Normally it will boot to repair mode. If not, then you have to boot your computer from a Windows installation (recovery) media in order to restore your computer to a previous working state.
  • How to create a Windows 10 USB boot media.
  • How to create a Windows 10 DVD boot media.

Note 2. If none of the below methods resolve the BSOD problem, you can find additional instructions on this article: How to Resolve BSOD Problems from Blue Screen & MiniDump information.

Common Solutions to fix Blue Screen – BSOD – Problems.

Method 1: scan your computer for viruses and malware., method 2: perform a clean boot of windows., method 3. use sfc scannow tool to repair windows system files., method 4. uninstall and re-install essential device drivers ., method 5. uninstall the antivirus/security software ., method 6. restore windows to a previous working state., other methods to resolve bsod problems., method 1: scan your computer for viruses and malware to fix bsod..

Important: Before following the rest of the steps, make sure that your computer is 100% clean from harmful programs like rootkits, malware or viruses. To accomplish this task, follow the steps from this Quick Malware Scan and Removal Guide .

After checking/cleaning your computer from viruses, try to start Windows normally. If the BSOD problem persists, then continue to the next method.

Method 2. Perform a Clean Boot to Resolve BSOD.

The next method to troubleshoot BSOD problems, is to disable all non Microsoft services that run automatically at Windows startup. To do that:

1. Press the Windows + R keys to load the Run dialog box. 2. Type msconfig to open the System Configuration utility and press Enter .

fix bsod stop error

3. At Services tab check the Hide all Microsoft services checkbox .

clean boot

4. Press the Disable All button, in order to disable all non Microsoft services starting at Windows Startup. 5. Click OK to apply changes and restart your computer normally.

windows clean boot

6. After the restart:

i. If you can work with your computer normally and without BSOD errors, then open the System Configuration utility again and enable one-by-one the disabled services until you find out which one causes the blue screen problem. ii. If the BSOD problem persists, then continue to the next method.

Method 3. Use SFC Scannow to Repair Windows System Files.

Run the System File Checker (SFC) tool to fix Windows corrupted files and services. To do that:

1. Open an Command prompt with Administrative privileges.

  • In Windows 7 & Vista , go to Start > All Programs > Accessories. Then right click at Command prompt and choose Run as administrator .


2. In the command window, type the following command and press Enter .


sfc snannow

3. Wait and do not use your computer until SFC tool checks and fixes the corrupted system files or services. 4. When SFC tool finishes, reboot your computer and check if the BSOD problem persists. If yes, then continue to the next method.

Method 4. Uninstall and re-install essential device drivers.

Uninstall and then re-install some essential device drivers on your system, to find out if anyone of them causes the BSOD problem. The device drivers that most of the times cause blue screen problems are the following:

  • Display Adapter Driver
  • Wireless Adapter Driver
  • Ethernet Adapter Driver

To accomplish this task:

1. Uninstall the first device driver from the list above. 2. Restart your computer. 3. Download the latest driver for the device from manufacturer's website. * 4. Restart your computer again. 5. After restart check if your computer is working normally without BSOD errors. If not, then proceed and uninstall the next mentioned driver in the list above.

* Note: In some cases, especially for Video Cards, it is a better to download an older and more stable device driver for your hardware.

  • Related article: How to fix "Display Driver Stopped Responding" – BSOD problem .

Method 5. Uninstall the Antivirus/Security software.

Uninstall any security or antivirus software installed on the system. In case that you use Microsoft Security Essentials (Windows 7 or Vista) or Windows Defender (Windows 10 or 8), as your antivirus program, then prevent the corresponding service from starting at Windows startup by using Windows Registry. To do that:

1. Start your computer in Safe mode . 2. Press the Windows + R keys to load the Run dialog box. 3. Type regedit to launch the Windows Registry Editor and click OK .

disable defender registry

4. Navigate to the corresponding key according the MS antivirus program you use:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsMpSvc
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend

5. At the right pane, double click to open the Start value. 6. Check Decimal and change the value data from 2 to 4 and click OK . *

* Service State possible values:

0 = Boot 1 = System 2 = Automatic 3 = Manual 4 = Disabled

disable essentials registry

7. Restart your computer and logon to Windows normally.

i. If you can work with your computer normally and without BSOD problems, then reinstall the antivirus software or use another program for your security protection. Related article: Best Free Antivirus Programs for Home use. ii. If the BSOD problem persists, then continue to the next method.  

Method 6. Use System Restore to restore Windows to a previous restore point.

At some cases the Blue Screen errors begin to appear after a Windows Update or after an automatic hardware driver update. In these cases the most reliable method to resolve BSOD problems, is to restore your system to a previous working state. To do that:

1. Press the Windows + R keys to load the Run dialog box. 2. At the "Open" box type rstrui (or rstrui.exe ) to launch the System Restore utility and press OK .


3. Press Next at the first screen. 4. Select the recommended restore point or check the Show more restore points option, to choose a different restore point (older) and press Next .

system restore

5. Follow the on screen prompts and then wait until Windows restores your computer at the chosen date/time. 6. When the restore process is completed, your system will restart. 7. If the System Restore has completed successfully, then the BSOD problem will probably disappear.

1. Install all important Windows Updates. 2. Install the latest drivers for all peripheral devices (Printer, Scanner, etc.) 3. Backup your files and perform a clean Windows installation. 4. If you 're a more advanced user and you want to continue the BSOD troubleshooting, then follow the instructions on this article to find out which file, module or driver causes the BSOD Crash Error: How to Resolve Blue Screen Problems by reading BSOD & MiniDump information .

That's it! Let me know if this guide has helped you by leaving your comment about your experience. Please like and share this guide to help others.

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how to solve blue screen of death problem

How to fix a Windows 11 BSOD: A complete guide

Quick links, common windows 11 bsod errors, unplug new and non-essential devices, fix windows 11 bsods by installing updates, uninstall updates, how to uninstall updates if your computer won't boot, uninstall updates using safe mode, uninstall or roll back drivers, uninstall apps, run dism and sfc scans, fix bsods during a system upgrade, reinstall windows.

As much as we'd like them to, computers don't always work as they should, and while it's uncommon, they can sometimes stop working altogether and crash. This is what's often called a Blue Screen of Death (formerly a Black Screen of Death), or BSOD, which is actually a mechanism in Windows 11 to help you diagnose problems with your system. A BSOD can also be referred to as a stop error or a bug check, which is when a critical process to the normal operation of Windows runs into a problem and forces the computer to restart.

There's a wide range of possibilities for what can cause a BSOD, but most of the fixes are along the same lines. Depending on what is causing the issue, fixes can be more or less complicated. You may have to update or uninstall some software, or you may need to replace something in your hardware. Either way, we'll dive into possible fixes here.

Windows 11: Everything you need to know

Narrow down the cause of the problem.

When you see a Blue Screen of Death on Windows 11, it's a good idea to act quickly to see the information displayed on it. On this screen, you'll see an error code that can help you narrow down the problem. If you missed it, you can also use the Windows Event Viewer to see the error code after the fact and find out what went awry.

Here are some examples of BSOD error codes you might see and what they mean:

  • CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED : This error means a critical Windows process was terminated for one reason or another. It can be self-inflicted, such as terminating an essential Windows process in Task Manager, but it can also indicate bigger problems with the system.
  • SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED : This problem means there was an error that Windows' error handler wasn't able to catch, and it's often related to device drivers. If you think that's the issue, you may need to uninstall a recent driver update or install a newer update instead.
  • IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL : This is a memory-related error that can occur when a driver or process requests access to a memory address it doesn't have the rights to access. Updating drivers or Windows itself is usually the fix for this issue.
  • VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED or VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE : These errors can appear when the graphics driver on your PC fails to respond when it should, preventing the display of graphics. Updating the graphics driver can usually fix this issue.
  • PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA : This error means a system process or driver has referred to a memory address that doesn't exist. It may be fixed with a driver or system update, or it may point to an error with your computer's memory. Some antivirus software can also cause this issue.
  • SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION : This somewhat generic error may not say much, but it often comes with a driver that can be blamed for the problem. These can be system-level drivers, which can't be updated in quite the same way as typical device drivers.
  • DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION : This error often appears due to incompatible hardware drivers. It was very prevalent during the early days of Windows 10, though most of these problems have been addressed. You may need to update your drivers to fix this issue.
  • NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM : This means there's an error with the file system on your computer. A System File Check (SFC) can usually fix this issue.
  • DATA_BUS_ERROR : This error generally refers to all kinds of hardware issues, though a common cause can be broken RAM. If you're seeing this error, you may need to replace a hardware component. If you installed a new piece of hardware on your PC, it's also a good idea to try to install the appropriate drivers for it.

As you can probably glean from the list above, many of these issues have similar steps for fixing them, so you shouldn't have to try to fix them individually. We'll review some of the most common fixes for these issues. This is also not an extensive list of all error codes, but again, many of the same fixes are likely to apply.

Find error codes with Event Viewer

If you missed the error codes on the Blue Screen of Death, you can try to find them later by using the Windows Event Viewer. This program logs all the errors on your system, and it can help you find more information about them. To find out more about what caused your PC to crash, you can follow these steps:

  • Press Windows + X (or right-click the Start menu icon) and choose Event Viewer .
  • In the main view, right-click the Critical option and choose View all instances of this event . Critical errors are all the errors that cause your computer to shut down.
  • Look for the error that happened when you saw the BSOD and click it.
  • Error information will be shown at the bottom of the Event Viewer window, and you can use that to find more information on how to fix it if needed.

How to use Event Viewer to check for errors on Windows 11

Maybe they're causing the issue.

One thing that may be causing your computer to run into a BSOD, especially if you recently changed your setup, is using a new device that isn't compatible or doesn't have proper drivers installed. Remove any non-essential devices and peripherals from your PC and try restarting it to see if it's fixed.

After this, maybe look for the appropriate drivers for those devices or install any Windows updates before plugging them back in.

Update Windows 11

A good start for fixing all kinds of Windows 11 BSODs is to update the operating system, especially if you haven't done so in a while. To update Windows 11:

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Go to Windows Update on the menu on the left.
  • Click Check for updates and wait for them to download and install.
  • You may be prompted to reboot your computer to finish installing updates.

After this, try doing what you were doing before and see if you still get the same error.

Update your drivers

If you narrowed down the issue to a specific device on your computer, try updating the drivers for that device on your computer. The best way to do this is to look for drivers on the manufacturer's website to make sure you're getting the latest and greatest. Alternatively, you can use Device Manager to look for updates:

  • Press Windows + X (or right-click the Start menu icon) and choose Device Manager .
  • Find the device category for what's causing the issue and expand it. Devices with errors can also be highlighted in Device Manager, so you can start there.
  • Right-click the device and choose Update driver .
  • Select Search automatically for drivers .
  • It's possible Windows won't find any new drivers. You can click Search for updated drivers on Windows Update to see if there's anything there.
  • Click Check for updates .
  • If no updates install automatically, click Advanced options .
  • Choose Optional updates and see if there are any driver updates in there
  • Select the updates you need and click Download and install .
  • You may be prompted to reboot your computer to finish installing drivers.

Update apps

If the BSOD you're facing is happening when running a specific app, it's possible that said app is the one to blame for the issue. In this case, check for updates for the app from the manufacturer's website or within the app itself. Some apps may also be updated through the Microsoft Store. To do this:

  • Open the Microsoft Store .
  • Click the Library button in the bottom left of the app.
  • Click Get updates to install updates for all your apps.

Sometimes buggy updates can be the problem

If the BSOD you're seeing happened after a recent update, it's possible that the solution you're looking for is the opposite. Instead of installing a new update, you may need to revert to an older one that didn't have the problem. Here's what you need to do if that's the case:

  • Click Windows Update on the menu on the left.
  • Choose Update history .
  • Click Uninstall updates .
  • Find the update that you believe caused the issue (try to match the date when the issues started with the date when the update was installed).
  • Click Uninstall next to it.

For more serious problems

If the BSOD problem is so bad you can't get to any part of Windows to fix it, you can use the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) to do it. If your computer fails to boot three times in a row, you should see WinRE automatically, but if it isn't showing up, you can force it by using these steps:

  • Turn on your computer.
  • When you see the Windows logo (or your PC manufacturer's logo), press and hold the power button to turn off the PC.
  • Turn on the computer again and repeat step 2.
  • After booting for the third time, Windows should automatically try to diagnose issues automatically. Click Advanced options .
  • Choose Troubleshoot and then Advanced options .
  • Choose Uninstall latest quality update to uninstall the latest cumulative update you installed. If you've tried this already, you can try to Uninstall latest feature update if you think this is the problem.

If a recent update was causing the issue, this should be able to get you back to your PC. A good idea is to temporarily pause updates using the Settings app until a fix becomes available.

How to stop receiving updates on Windows 11

If you can't get to the Settings app or don't think the update causing the issue is the latest one, you can also use Safe Mode to uninstall specific updates. To access Safe Mode:

  • Open the Start menu.
  • Hold the Shift key and click the Power button. Then Restart .
  • This will take you to the Windows Recovery Environment.
  • If you can't use the Windows desktop, follow steps 1 through 4 in the section above to get to the Windows Recovery Environment.
  • Click Startup settings and then Restart .
  • Upon restarting, press 4 or F4 to restart the computer in Safe Mode.

If your device or drive encryption is enabled, you'll need your BitLocker recovery key to enter Safe Mode. You can find keys linked to your Microsoft account here .

Once you're in Safe Mode, you'll need to use Command Prompt to see your list of installed updates and remove the problematic one:

  • Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type in cmd and hit Enter .
  • Enter the following command and press Enter to see your list of installed updates: wmic qfe list brief /format:table
  • Look for the InstalledOn and HotFixID fields to help you determine which update may be causing the problem.
  • Once you know it, using the following command to uninstall the update, replacing HotFixID with the appropriate number from the table (without the KB at the start). wusa /uninstall /kb:HotFixID
  • Click Yes and follow the on-screen instructions if necessary.
  • Restart the computer to apply the changes; things should be back in working order.

New versions can be problematic

Sometimes, the problems you're having can be caused by a faulty driver update. If installing the latest version didn't fix the issue, or you already have the latest version, maybe you need to go back to a previous one. Here's how to do that:

  • From your desktop, press Windows + X (or right-click the Start menu icon) and choose Device Manager .
  • Find the device that seems to be causing the issue or the one that was most recently updated.
  • Right-click the device and choose Properties .
  • Switch to the Driver tab.
  • Click Roll Back Driver to go back to the previous driver version. If this button is greyed out, there's no previous driver version available, which may suggest the problem isn't here.
  • Choose any of the options in the dialog that appears and click Yes .

Alternatively, you can try to uninstall the driver altogether, but this may cause some devices to stop functioning, so you'll want to download a driver beforehand so you can get things working again. To do this, you'll need to use the Uninstall device option and then check the box that says Attempt to remove the driver for this device before clicking Uninstall .

If you can't reach this option, you can check out the section above on using Safe Mode and try uninstalling problematic drivers that way. Safe Mode loads Windows with only the essential drivers, so if any of your drivers are the issue, you should be able to boot into it normally and diagnose from there.

Uninstall graphics drivers with Display Driver Uninstaller

If the issue you're having is with your GPU, you might want to uninstall the driver, too. However, graphics drivers are very complex, and just uninstalling it normally may not be enough. If you want to fully clean up any files that might be causing issues, using a program called Display Driver Uninstaller, or DDU, is a good idea. This third-party program is designed to fully remove graphics drivers and any leftover files, allowing you to then install a new version without anything that might cause conflicts. Here's how to use it:

  • Start by downloading the new version of the driver you want to install so you have it ready for later.
  • Download DDU from the official website and install/extract the files.
  • Before using DDU, enter Safe Mode using the steps in the section above.
  • Run DDU and accept the default settings.
  • Under Type , choose GPU , then choose the graphics card brand you have. If you've switched GPUs, it's also a good idea to first remove the driver for your old GPU, then repeat the process for the new GPU.
  • Click Clean and restart .
  • DDU will remove the drivers and any leftover files, then automatically restart the computer, which should boot in standard mode.
  • Install the new driver you downloaded in step 1.

If you were having any issues with your graphics driver before, this should help fix them.

These can cause issues, too

If you're having problems because of a specific app, then sometimes the best thing to do may be to just uninstall that app. To uninstall an app in Windows 11, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Apps section on the left.
  • Click Installed apps .
  • Look for the app giving you issues, click the ... (ellipsis) button, then click Uninstall .
  • Follow the steps to uninstall the app.
  • Repeat for any other troublesome apps.

Uninstalling apps can also be a solution if you're facing issues when installing a Windows 11 feature update, particularly when upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Some apps may cause conflicts with new versions of Windows, so it's worth a shot.

Fix system and disk errors

Another probable cause for a Blue Screen of Death on Windows 11 is that the system files themselves may be corrupted, or there may be an issue with the disk. If so, you can fix these issues with the SFC (System File Check) and DISM (Deployment Image Service and Management) tools, which are accessible through Windows Terminal or Command Prompt. It's recommended that you use DISM first and then SFC. Here's what you need to do:

Some versions may say Windows Terminal (Admin) or even Windows PowerShell (Admin) for Windows 10.

  • Enter the following command: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • This process may take a while, so wait for it to finish.
  • Once it's done, enter the following command to run SFC: sfc /scannow

This will also take some time, but once you're done, it will have fixed any issues with the system image, which should address your problems.

If the BSOD you're running into occurs when you're trying to update to a new feature update for Windows 11, it may be some kind of compatibility issue or a problem with the setup files. As mentioned above, you can try a few things, like uninstalling potentially troublesome apps and updating your drivers. However, there are a couple more specific steps that may also help.

Clean the Windows Update files

If the setup files are corrupted and causing issues during the upgrade, you may need to redownload them, which means deleting your existing ones first. Here's how to do it:

  • Go to the System section on the left.
  • Click Storage .
  • Choose the Temporary files option to open the cleanup page.
  • Select the Temporary Windows installation files checkbox if it appears. You may also want to select Windows Update Cleanup and Delivery Optimization Files .
  • Click Remove files at the top.

This will delete temporary Windows Update files, and it should fix issues with installing a new update. If not, you can go deeper by resetting the Windows Update components.

How to troubleshoot Windows updates stuck downloading

Use the windows 11 installation assistant.

Another potential solution that may actually be easier is using the Windows 11 Installation Assistant to download the latest version of Windows 11 and upgrade to it without using Windows Update. This is a very simple tool, so all you need to do is go to the Windows 11 download page and click Download now under the Windows 11 Installation Assistant option. Just follow the steps to download and install the latest version.

Find more information with SetupDiag

If these steps haven't worked, you can try using a tool called SetupDiag to diagnose any issues with the setup process. This tool can tell you what's going wrong and provide guidance on how to fix it.

  • Head to Microsoft's SetupDiag page and download the latest version.
  • In File Explorer, right-click the file you downloaded and choose Run as administrator .
  • It will generate a SetupDiagResults.log file so you can open it. If there's an error, the log file will tell you what it is and provide guidance on how to fix it. You can follow the steps mentioned or look up the error message to find help online.

Push comes to shove, you may have to start fresh

If none of these solutions work for you, your last-resort option is to reinstall Windows. You can do these in a couple of ways or simply reset Windows, but we won't dive into each solution since some of these are a bit convoluted. The easiest way to do this is to use the recovery options in the latest version of Windows 11. If you have an earlier version, we'll have alternate methods linked below.

How to reset Windows 11 to its factory settings

To reinstall a clean version of Windows 11, follow these steps:

  • Click System in the menu on the left.
  • Choose Recovery .

This option is only available in Windows 11 version 23H2 and newer. If you don't have it, check the other options below.

  • (Optional) Check the Automatically restart my PC 15 minutes after installation box.
  • Click OK, and your PC will download and install a new copy of Windows from Windows Update. If you don't choose to do it automatically, you'll have to restart your PC afterward.

After this, you'll have a brand-new copy of Windows 11 that should fix any issues you've been having. Since this keeps your apps and files, it may not resolve driver-related issues, so you may need a true clean install.

How to download and install Windows 11

Bsods aren't super frequent.

These days, Microsoft has made plenty of improvements to Windows 11 that make BSODs less common than they used to be, and only very specific issues usually cause them. These steps should address those issues, so you should be good to go. If the solutions here aren't enough, you may need to look up the specific error causing the BSOD to find a possible solution. On custom PCs, a change in hardware may be causing problems, so you may need to fiddle with your components to make sure they are all installed correctly.

How to fix a Windows 11 BSOD: A complete guide

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  • Fix iPhone frozen on white screen randomly with 100% safety.
  • No data loss, fix iPhone 15/14/13/12/11/X/8/7/6 in white screen of death after iOS update.

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How to Fix iPhone White Screen of death? 5 Methods Here!

Category: iPhone Issues

May 29, 2024 3 mins read

Suddenly my iPhone display showed white screen. No physically damaged. Why this happened? Can it be fixed or do I need to replace the screen?

Recently, many users have complained that they woke up with their iPhone in white screen out of the blue. And this happened even to users with iPhone 13/14/15.

Actually, there are many reasons to this iPhone white screen of death problem. And this article will introduce 5 practical methods to solve this white screen iPhone issue. Keep reading for more!

iPhone white screen of death

In this article:

Part 1: Why My iPhone on White Screen?

Part 2: how to fix iphone white screen of death.


  • 2.2 DFU Restore iPhone Screen Goes White [Erase iPhone Data]
  • 2.3 Force Restart iPhone [Low Success Rate]
  • 2.4 Press Three Buttons Together [For iPhone 8 and Earlier]
  • 2.5 Turn Off iPhone Zoom Feature [Access iPhone First]

The iPhone white screen of death refers to the situation where the iPhone screen flashes and turns white suddenly, accompanied by iPhone crashes. And you can't use your device in this case.

As this white screen of deatch on iPhone is a common problem, and is often the sign of system failure. Here, we'll explain the reasons to it:

  • iOS Update Error: When bugs occur during the iOS update process, the iPhone screen will turn white due to improper firmware installation. For example, when you try to upgrade the iOS from 17.4 to 17.5.
  • Failed iPhone Jailbreak: With Apple's tight restrictions on jailbreak, more and more jailbroken iPhones may be experiencing this iPhone white screen.
  • Damaged Hardware: If your iPhone has been dropped several times, the charging port, the motherboard and many other parts can be severely damaged, causing the white screen iPhone.

As this iPhone white screen of death problem often occurs after you updating the iOS system, let's go through these 5 useful solutions, starting by fixing the glitchy upgraded iOS system.

1 Fix iPhone White Screen with iOS System Repair Tool

As it's very likely that your iOS update was not working properly or the iOS software failed to update, the first method to fix iPhone white screen of death is by using the iOS system repair software - iMyFone Fixppo .

Compatible with all iPhone models, Fixppo is able to fix this iPhone white screen problem caused due to iOS upgrade, like when upgrading from iOS 17.4 to 17.5. In 10 minutes, you can get rid of this white screen iPhone trouble.

iMyFone Fixppo

iPhone Stuck in White Screen Repair Tool:

  • 100% safe and easy to use, just a few clicks to fix iPhone on white screen.
  • Fix iPhone screen turning white caused by iOS update without losing any data.
  • Compatible with all iPhone models including iPhone 15/14/13/12/11/X to remove white screen from iPhone.
  • Besides solving the iPhone white scereen problem, it can also fix iPhone black screen of death , iPhone boot loop, iPhone stuck on Apple logo, etc.

Steps to fix iPhone white screen of death with Fixppo:

Step 1: Click the button below to download the iPhone white screen repair software Fixppo. Launch it and connect your iPhone to the computer.

Step 2: From the two options, choose Standard Mode , which won't erase any of your iPhone data when fixing the iPhone screen goes white problem.

fixppo standard mode

Step 3: Now, Fixppo will detect your device model and show you the firmware file to download, which is oftent of the latest version. Now, click the Download button to get the firmware.

Fixppo fix iPhone stuck in white screen

Step 4: When the firmware is downloaded, click the Start Standard Repair button and Fixppo will begin to get your iPhone out of white screen loop.

standard repair iPhone without data loss

In 10 minutes, the process will complete and your iPhone will be restarted. You can see that you're able to access the iPhone and use the features again. No more iPhone white screen.

fix iPhone frozen on white screen successfully

If your iPhone 15/14/13/12/11/X frozen on white screen after updating the iOS system, jailbreaking or for any other reasons, feel free to download Fixppo to fix the problem.

This is the video on how to fix iPhone stuck on white screen:

fix iPhone stuck on white screen

2 Restore iPhone Screen Goes White with DFU Mode

Another troubleshoot method for iPhone stuck in white screen would be putting your iPhone in DFU mode then restoring it using iTunes.

As the DFU mode lets you solve the software problem that cause this iPhone white screen issue, you can reinstall the iPhone's operating system later.


Trying this DFU mode restore will erase all your iPhone data, please be careful and make a full back up first.

Here's how to fix iPhone in white screen of death with DFU restore.

Step 1: Update iTunes to the latest version then launch it. Connect your iPhone to the computer.

Step 2: Since iTunes won't detect your iPhone if it's in white screen, you can watch this video to see how to get your iPhone into DFU mode.

how to get iPhone in DFU mode

Step 3: When your iPhone is in DFU mode successfully, iTunes will pop up a winodw saying that it has detected your iPhone in recovery mode, please click OK button.

restore iPhone with iTunes in DFU mode

Step 4: Proceed to confirm and when the process is complete, your iPhone will be restarted with the white screen problem fixed. As it's a brand-new device, you should set it up again.

3 Force Restart iPhone Frozen on White Screen

If your iPhone not going into DFU mode , you can also try to force restart your iPhone to fix this iPhone screen turning white issue.

  • To force restart iPhone 5/6/SE: Press and hold the Home + Power buttons until the screen turns black. When the Apple logo shows up, release the buttons.
  • To force restart iPhone 7/7 Plus: Press and hold the Power + Volume Down buttons at the same time. Release the buttons immediately when you see the Apple logo.
  • To force restart iPhone 8/X/XR/XS/11/12/13/14/15: Press the Volume Up button then the Volume Down button and then press the Power button and hold it until the Apple logo shows up.

force restart iphone

4 Press Three Buttons Together

This method only works for iPhone with Home button.

We've found another useful tip online for iPhone 8 or earlier with Home button, which suggests that you can press the following mentioned 3 buttons to fix the white iPhone screen. Steps are listed below:

Press and hold the Home + Volume Up + Side buttons at the same time for at least 5 seconds until you see the Apple logo appear on the screen. When the logo appears, your iPhone will automatically reboot, resolving the iPhone on white screen issue.

press three buttons on iPhone

Fix iPhone Stuck on White Screen

If your iPhone has no Home button, you can get it out of white screen loop by using Fixppo, the iOs system repair tool that is compatible with all iPhone models.

5 Turn Off iPhone Zoom Feature

In some rare cases, this iPhone screen goes white issue is not due to software or hardware problem, simply because you've enabled the iPhone zoom in feature that makes your iPhone stop in something white and you think it stuck in white screen of death.

To troubleshoot this possible factor, you can put three of your fingers together and double tap the screen with three fingers. If your screen unzoom, you can get it back to normal.

You can also turn off the Zoom feature on Settings to solve this iPhone white screen of death problem. Please go to Settings > Accessibility > Zoom . Toggle off the button next to this feature.

turn off iPhone zoom feature

Since the iPhone white screen of death problem is probably caused by iOS software problems, the iOS system repair software here can be your first choice. You can fix this white screen on iPhone issue right at home, no need of going to a repair store, saving you time and trouble. So, download and try it out now!

Try It Free Buy Now

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Home > iPhone Issues > How to Fix iPhone White Screen of death? 5 Methods Here!

Windows 11, version 23H2

May 29, 2024—kb5037853 (os builds 22621.3672 and 22631.3672) preview.

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  • April 23, 2024—KB5036980 (OS Builds 22621.3527 and 22631.3527) Preview
  • April 9, 2024—KB5036893 (OS Builds 22621.3447 and 22631.3447)
  • March 26, 2024—KB5035942 (OS Builds 22621.3374 and 22631.3374) Preview
  • March 12, 2024—KB5035853 (OS Builds 22621.3296 and 22631.3296)
  • February 29, 2024—KB5034848 (OS Builds 22621.3235 and 22631.3235) Preview
  • February 13, 2024—KB5034765 (OS Builds 22621.3155 and 22631.3155)
  • January 23, 2024—KB5034204 (OS Builds 22621.3085 and 22631.3085) Preview
  • January 9, 2024—KB5034123 (OS Builds 22621.3007 and 22631.3007)
  • December 12, 2023—KB5033375 (OS Builds 22621.2861 and 22631.2861)
  • December 4, 2023—KB5032288 (OS Builds 22621.2792 and 22631.2792) Preview
  • November 14, 2023—KB5032190 (OS Builds 22621.2715 and 22631.2715)
  • October 31, 2023—KB5031455 (OS Builds 22621.2506 and 22631.2506) Preview

Windows 11, version 22H2

  • October 10, 2023—KB5031354 (OS Build 22621.2428)
  • September 26, 2023—KB5030310 (OS Build 22621.2361) Preview
  • September 12, 2023—KB5030219 (OS Build 22621.2283)
  • August 22, 2023—KB5029351 (OS Build 22621.2215) Preview
  • August 8, 2023—KB5029263 (OS Build 22621.2134)
  • July 26, 2023—KB5028254 (OS Build 22621.2070) Preview
  • July 11, 2023—KB5028185 (OS Build 22621.1992)
  • June 27, 2023—KB5027303 (OS Build 22621.1928) Preview
  • June 13, 2023—KB5027231 (OS Build 22621.1848)
  • May 24, 2023—KB5026446 (OS Build 22621.1778) Preview
  • May 9, 2023—KB5026372 (OS Build 22621.1702)
  • April 25, 2023—KB5025305 (OS Build 22621.1635) Preview
  • April 11, 2023—KB5025239 (OS Build 22621.1555)
  • March 28, 2023—KB5023778 (OS Build 22621.1485) Preview
  • March 14, 2023—KB5023706 (OS Build 22621.1413)
  • February 28, 2023—KB5022913 (OS Build 22621.1344) Preview
  • February 14, 2023—KB5022845 (OS Build 22621.1265)
  • January 26, 2023—KB5022360 (OS Build 22621.1194) Preview
  • January 10, 2023—KB5022303 (OS Build 22621.1105)
  • December 13, 2022—KB5021255 (OS Build 22621.963)
  • November 29, 2022—KB5020044 (OS Build 22621.900) Preview
  • November 8, 2022—KB5019980 (OS Build 22621.819)
  • October 25, 2022—KB5018496 (OS Build 22621.755) Preview
  • October 18, 2022—KB5019509 (OS Build 22621.675) Out-of-band
  • October 11, 2022—KB5018427 (OS Build 22621.674)
  • September 30, 2022—KB5017389 (OS Build 22621.608) Preview
  • Windows 11, version 21H2
  • May 14, 2024—KB5037770 (OS Build 22000.2960)
  • April 9, 2024—KB5036894 (OS Build 22000.2899)
  • March 12, 2024—KB5035854 (OS Build 22000.2836)
  • February 13, 2024—KB5034766 (OS Build 22000.2777)
  • January 9, 2024—KB5034121 (OS Build 22000.2713)
  • December 12, 2023—KB5033369 (OS Build 22000.2652)
  • November 14, 2023—KB5032192 (OS Build 22000.2600)
  • October 10, 2023—KB5031358 (OS Build 22000.2538)
  • September 26, 2023—KB5030301 (OS Build 22000.2482) Preview
  • September 12, 2023—KB5030217 (OS Build 22000.2416)
  • August 22, 2023—KB5029332 (OS Build 22000.2360) Preview
  • August 8, 2023—KB5029253 (OS Build 22000.2295)
  • July 25, 2023—KB5028245 (OS Build 22000.2245) Preview
  • July 11, 2023—KB5028182 (OS Build 22000.2176)
  • June 28, 2023—KB5027292 (OS Build 22000.2124) Preview
  • June 13, 2023—KB5027223 (OS Build 22000.2057)
  • May 23, 2023—KB5026436 (OS Build 22000.2003) Preview
  • May 9, 2023—KB5026368 (OS Build 22000.1936)
  • April 25, 2023—KB5025298 (OS Build 22000.1880) Preview
  • April 11, 2023—KB5025224 (OS Build 22000.1817)
  • March 28, 2023—KB5023774 (OS Build 22000.1761) Preview
  • March 14, 2023—KB5023698 (OS Build 22000.1696)
  • February 21, 2023—KB5022905 (OS Build 22000.1641) Preview
  • February 14, 2023—KB5022836 (OS Build 22000.1574)
  • January 19, 2023—KB5019274 (OS Build 22000.1516) Preview
  • January 10, 2023—KB5022287 (OS Build 22000.1455)
  • December 13, 2022—KB5021234 (OS Build 22000.1335)
  • November 15, 2022—KB5019157 (OS Build 22000.1281) Preview
  • November 8, 2022—KB5019961 (OS Build 22000.1219)
  • October 25, 2022—KB5018483 (OS Build 22000.1165) Preview
  • October 17, 2022—KB5020387 (OS Build 22000.1100) Out-of-band
  • October 11, 2022—KB5018418 (OS Build 22000.1098)
  • September 20, 2022—KB5017383 (OS Build 22000.1042) Preview
  • September 13, 2022—KB5017328 (OS Build 22000.978)
  • August 25, 2022—KB5016691 (OS Build 22000.918) Preview
  • August 9, 2022—KB5016629 (OS Build 22000.856)
  • July 21, 2022—KB5015882 (OS Build 22000.832) Preview
  • July 12, 2022—KB5015814 (OS Build 22000.795)
  • June 23, 2022—KB5014668 (OS Build 22000.778) Preview
  • June 20, 2022—KB5016138 (OS Build 22000.740) Out-of-band
  • June 14, 2022—KB5014697 (OS Build 22000.739)
  • May 24, 2022—KB5014019 (OS Build 22000.708) Preview
  • May 10, 2022—KB5013943 (OS Build 22000.675)
  • April 25, 2022—KB5012643 (OS Build 22000.652) Preview
  • April 12, 2022—KB5012592 (OS Build 22000.613)
  • March 28, 2022—KB5011563 (OS Build 22000.593) Preview
  • March 8, 2022—KB5011493 (OS Build 22000.556)
  • February 15, 2022—KB5010414 (OS Build 22000.527) Preview
  • February 8, 2022—KB5010386 (OS Build 22000.493)
  • January 25, 2022—KB5008353 (OS Build 22000.469) Preview
  • January 17, 2022—KB5010795 (OS Build 22000.438) Out-of-band
  • January 11, 2022—KB5009566 (OS Build 22000.434)
  • December 14, 2021—KB5008215 (OS Build 22000.376)
  • November 22, 2021—KB5007262 (OS Build 22000.348) Preview
  • November 9, 2021—KB5007215 (OS Build 22000.318)
  • October 21, 2021—KB5006746 (OS Build 22000.282) Preview
  • October 12, 2021—KB5006674 (OS Build 22000.258)

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Release Date:

OS Builds 22621.3672 and 22631.3672

For information about Windows update terminology, see the article about the  types of Windows updates  and the  monthly quality update types . For an overview of Windows 11, version 23H2, see its update history page .  

Note  Follow  @WindowsUpdate  to find out when new content is published to the Windows release health dashboard.      

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Note:  Items with an asterisk (*) might not be available to all users because the feature will roll out gradually.

*New! This update adds a feature that stops you from accidentally closing the Windows share window. Clicking outside of the window will no longer close it. To close it, select the close button at the upper-right corner.

*New! You can now use your mouse to drag files between breadcrumbs in the File Explorer address bar. A breadcrumb shows the path to your current file location in the address bar. For example, there are three breadcrumbs in the path This PC > Windows (C:) > Program Files .

*New! This update adds a page to Settings > Accounts called Linked devices. On it, you can manage your PCs and Xbox consoles. This page only shows on Home and Pro editions when you sign in to Windows using your Microsoft account (MSA).

*New! This update starts the rollout of the new account manager on the Start menu. When you use a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows, you will get a glance at your account benefits. This feature also makes it easy to manage your account settings.

*New! You can now create quick response (QR) codes for webpage URLs and cloud files from the Windows share window. Select the share button in the Microsoft Edge toolbar and choose “Windows share options.” Then, you can share the URLs and files across your devices.

*New! Windows will now back up many of your sound settings (this includes your sound scheme). This only occurs if you turn on Remember my preferences and select the checkboxes for Personalization and Other Windows settings .To find these, go to Settings > Accounts > Windows backup . Then, you can use the Windows Backup app to restore those settings on a new device.

*New Starting with this update, you can sign in to your Microsoft account in the Windows Backup app. This app saves backups to your account.

*New! You can now send email to yourself from the Windows share window. You will receive the email at the email address that is in your Microsoft account.

*New! This update starts the rollout of a the “Add now” button to Settings > Account . When you select it, you can add a recovery email address if you have not added one for your Microsoft account yet. The button only shows if you sign in to your Microsoft account.

This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. It stops responding when you swipe from a screen edge. This issue occurs after you turn off edge swiping.

This update addresses an issue that affects handwriting panels and touch keyboards. They do not appear when you use a pen.

This update addresses an issue that displays a hidden window. Its title bar has no content and no client area. This occurs when you share your screen using certain apps.

This update addresses an issue that distorts parts of the screen. This occurs when you use a Chromium-based browser to play a video.

This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. It takes up to two minutes to start when you pin a folder that is on a network share to Quick Access. This occurs when you upgrade from Windows 11, version 21H2 to Windows 11, version 22H2.

This update addresses an issue that affects Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Audio headsets. They do not show the option to connect or disconnect.

This update addresses a known issue that affects your account profile picture. When you try to change it, youmight get an error message. The error code is 0x80070520.

This update addresses an issue that affects the Share button on USB controllers. It might not work with Game Bar.


Note:  To view the list of addressed issues, click or tap the OS name to expand the collapsible section.

Important:  Use EKB  KB5027397  to update to Windows 11, version 23H2.

This non-security update includes quality improvements. Key changes include:

This build includes all the improvements in Windows 11, version 22H2.

No additional issues are documented for this release.

This non-security update includes quality improvements. When you install this KB:

New! This update adds PC Manager to devices in China.

*New! You can directly share to specific Microsoft Teams channels and group chats in the Windows share window. To do so, you must sign in using a Microsoft Entra ID.

This update affects the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) AmsiUtil class. It helps to detect the bypass of the AMSI scan. This update also addresses some long-term issues that expose your device to threats.

This update addresses an issue that affects a server after you remove it from a domain. The Get-LocalGroupMember cmdlet returns an exception. This occurs if the local groups contain domain members.

This update addresses an issue that affects printers. They do not work as you expect when you use AppContainer or use them in a restricted environment.

This update addresses an issue that affects an IPP-over-USB printer. After you delete it, it still appears as not available in Control Panel.

This update addresses an issue that affects TWAIN drivers. They might stop responding when you use them in a virtual environment.

This update brings Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) profiles up to date for certain mobile operators.

This update addresses an issue that affects the Host Networking Service (HNS). When the service restarts, load balancer policies are not brought back in the right way.

This update addresses an issue that affects the display of a smart card icon. It does not appear when you sign in. This occurs when there are multiple certificates on the smart card.

This update addresses an issue that affects Enhanced Fast Reconnect. It fails. This occurs when you use it with third-party remote desktop protocol (RDP) providers.

This update addresses an issue that affects an app that supports encrypted email. The app asks you to enter your credentials each time you open an encrypted email. This occurs even after you have entered your PIN at least once.

This update addresses an issue that affects a folder context menu. When you choose the command that removes items, the command adds items instead. This occurs when a third-party service implements a sync feature.

This update addresses an issue that affects the out-of-box experience (OOBE). It fails to complete. This occurs when you turn on the "Prevent the use of security questions for local accounts" policy.

This update addresses an issue that affects Unified Write Filter (UWF) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) API calls. Calls to shut down or restart the system throw an access denied exception.

If you installed earlier updates, only the new updates contained in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.

Windows 11 servicing stack update (KB5037959) - 22621.3662 and 22631.3662

This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. Servicing stack updates (SSU) ensure that you have a robust and reliable servicing stack so that your devices can receive and install Microsoft updates. 

Known issues in this update

How to get this update.

Before installing this update

Microsoft combines the latest servicing stack update (SSU) for your operating system with the latest cumulative update (LCU). For general information about SSUs, see Servicing stack updates  and  Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently Asked Questions .

Install this update

If you want to remove the LCU

To remove the LCU after installing the combined SSU and LCU package, use the DISM/Remove-Package command line option with the LCU package name as the argument. You can find the package name by using this command: DISM /online /get-packages .

Running Windows Update Standalone Installer ( wusa.exe ) with the /uninstall switch on the combined package will not work because the combined package contains the SSU. You cannot remove the SSU from the system after installation.

File information

For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the  file information for cumulative update 5037853 .  

For a list of the files that are provided in the servicing stack update, download the  file information for the SSU (KB5037959) - versions 22621.3662 and 22631.3662 . 


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Boruto: two blue vortex is repeating the naruto next generations manga's biggest problem.


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Warning: The following contains spoilers for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter #10!!

  • Inojin's death in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex lacked meaningful setup, making it feel unimportant to readers.
  • The manga failed to give readers enough time to invest in Inojin's character before his sudden death.
  • The anime's ability to establish characters and their relationships highlights the shortcomings of Inojin's death in the manga.

Some fans are understandably praising the ostensible albeit shocking death of Inojin in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex because he's one of the many supposed central characters who hasn't benefited from any relevant moments ever since his lackluster debut in the Naruto sequel. Yet, the overall delivery of his death unfortunately follows a disappointing trend that has been plaguing the manga ever since Boruto: Naruto Next Generations . Those who have explored Boruto beyond the manga are especially frustrated by this latest development in Two Blue Vortex , since they are aware of how effective character deaths can be, since the anime has remedied this very problem before .

At the end of chapter #10 in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex , team 10 randomly shows up to protect Himawari from Jūra and Hidari, whose pursuit of the unexpected reemergence of the Nine-Tails chakra brings them to her at Konoha. During the ensuing battle, Inojin is impaled, which leads to Himawari more effectively brandishing Kurama's power to attack her assailants and Inojin's murderers.

Although Himawari's reaction is notable, none of the previous nine chapters of Two Blue Vortex - let alone any of the 80 chapters of Naruto Next Generations which explored Inojin's character, let alone his relationship with Himawari to give his ostensible death more meaning.

How The Boruto Manga Fumbled An Earlier Death

Original series created by masashi kishimoto & mikio ikemoto.

This disappointing scene undoubtedly reminds anime viewers of how the anime remedied Mugino's wasted death in the manga. In chapter #16, Mugino finally receives his first big moment when he takes part in a mission with Konohamaru to investigate a fallen Kara vessel. And yet, it doesn't take long before Mugino is suddenly killed by the shinobi Ao. This already short amount of lead-up time to his murder was diluted further by how the manga failed to devote the entirety of a single chapter to Mugino's short story. Instead, it shared precious pages with scenes at Sumiere's Ninja Scientific Tools lab when Boruto was visiting there.

Even worse, Inojin and Himawari never really interact in the anime, which makes his sacrifice for her sake even less meaningful.

Although there's a heartbreaking moment when Boruto reacts to Mugino's death, readers weren't able to undergo anything remotely as emotional, since the manga had failed to give them enough time for Mugino to get fully invested in his character and subsequent death. Although manga readers may have felt indifferent when Ao killed Mugino, those who also saw the anime adaptation quickly realized how much the manga had wasted Mugino's death .

In comparison, Mugino's murder in the anime was not only preceded by numerous missions with him, but a whole episode was devoted to his character , entitled "The Assassin, Mugino", during which time Boruto finally sees him as a human being as opposed to just one of his annoying superiors. Boruto soon learns that Mugino has made some poor life decisions, which becomes clearer when Boruto sees his underwhelming living arrangements, and is later tasked by Mugino with taking care of one of his pets until he returns from a mission.

That mission just happens to be the one that he later dies during. Understandably, these touching moments helped viewers actually care when Mugino dies soon afterward, since his life had been so empty and therefore put Boruto's reaction into much-needed context. Moreover, the anime later expands upon this whole situation when Boruto must deal with Mugino's pet, who is now without an owner, and a home that is somehow emptier than before.

What Boruto's Past Deaths Mean for Inojin

How much more anime-viewers experience in relation to the manga and, likewise, the amount of nuance that is lost in the original source material helps contextualize just how lacking Inojin's death is in the latest chapter of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex . It's odd that the manga doesn't give Sai and Ino's son at least a few pages in chapter #10 before he jumps in to save Himawari from Jūra and Hidari before getting impaled. But it would have been even more beneficial if the previous chapter had followed his character more closely to help establish his later importance .

And yet, in another bizarre development, even anime viewers aren't able to effectively connect any crucial scenes from the vastly more extensive back catalog of the anime to his death in the manga to help give it some meaning

In another bizarre development, even anime viewers aren't able to effectively connect any crucial scenes from the vastly more extensive back catalog of the anime to his death in the manga to help give it some meaning. There are a plethora of other instances where anime viewers have been able to more effectively enjoy or appreciate major scenes in the manga that go unnoticed by those who haven't seen the anime.

One of the most recent and relevant examples is when Boruto tells Mitsuki that he is his sun during an emotional battle in chapter #7 of Two Blue Vortex . Although the debut chapter helped add a little bit of context to the conversation for readers, it greatly pales in comparison to Mitsuki's search for his sun in the anime, which is perplexingly ignored in the manga completely.

Some fans who want to find some connections from the anime to Inojin's death in the manga might turn to the Mind Body Switch Technique that he learned from his mother Ino in episode #140. But, even then, this doesn't feel relevant or add anything to his death, especially since Ino isn't even present during the battle. However, it could explain how he might survive if Inojin is able to use the jutsu to successfully remove himself from his own body to possess another indefinitely.

Even worse, Inojin and Himawari never really interact in the anime, which makes his sacrifice for her sake even less meaningful. It might have well been just a no-name ninja who sacrificed themselves for Himawari. Regardless , Inojin's sudden death doesn't somehow fix how much Boruto: Two Blue Vortex and Naruto Next Generations have misused his character just because his murder doesn't feel particularly special or even sad .

  • Boruto: Two Blue Vortex
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Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Maggie Haberman and Reid J. Epstein

Produced by Rachel Quester ,  Asthaa Chaturvedi ,  Mooj Zadie and Diana Nguyen

Edited by Devon Taylor

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Elisheba Ittoop and Pat McCusker

Engineered by Chris Wood

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Last week, Donald J. Trump became the first U.S. former president to be convicted of a crime when a jury found that he had falsified business records to conceal a sex scandal.

Nate Cohn, who is the chief political analyst at The Times, Maggie Haberman, a senior political correspondent, and Reid J. Epstein, who also covers politics, discuss how the conviction might shape the remaining months of the presidential race.

On today’s episode

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Nate Cohn , who is the chief political analyst for The New York Times.

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Maggie Haberman , a senior political correspondent for The New York Times.

how to solve blue screen of death problem

Reid J. Epstein , who covers politics for The New York Times.

Donald Trump is standing in front of several American flags wearing a suit and a red tie.

Background reading

The political fallout is far from certain, but the verdict will test America’s traditions and legal institutions .

Watch a video analysis of whether this newfound moment sticks politically.

Democrats are pushing President Biden to make Mr. Trump’s felonies a top 2024 issue .

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman

Reid J. Epstein covers campaigns and elections from Washington. Before joining The Times in 2019, he worked at The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Newsday and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. More about Reid J. Epstein



  1. Best Tutorial Fix Any Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)

    how to solve blue screen of death problem

  2. How to fix a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error in Windows 10

    how to solve blue screen of death problem

  3. Best Ways to Fix Blue Screen of Death Errors in Windows 10

    how to solve blue screen of death problem

  4. How to solve Blue Screen of Death

    how to solve blue screen of death problem

  5. 10 Ways to Fix Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error Windows 11

    how to solve blue screen of death problem

  6. how to fix blue screen problem in pc

    how to solve blue screen of death problem


  1. Blue Screen Of Death

  2. How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error Windows 10,11

  3. Overclock Gone Bad :(

  4. how to solve blue screen error in windows 10 due to cmos battery

  5. Sony M4 Blue screen problem solution

  6. How to fix a blue Screen of Death in Windows 10


  1. How to Fix a Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

    There are few things more frustrating than receiving Windows 10's Blue Screen of Death or BSOD. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to diagnose and resolve the problem.

  2. 10 Ways to Fix the Blue Screen of Death on Windows

    Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen. The Start menu will pop up. 5. Open Command Prompt in administrator mode. Type in command prompt to search for Command Prompt, then right-click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator in the drop-down menu. 6.

  3. Resolving Blue Screen errors in Windows

    Blue Screen errors (also sometimes called black screen errors or STOP code errors) can occur if a serious problem causes Windows to shut down or restart unexpectedly. You might see a message that says, "Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer" or a similar message. These errors can be caused by both hardware and software ...

  4. How to Troubleshoot Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 11 and 10

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: A BSOD typically caused by a malfunctioning driver. Typical solutions include reinstalling, updating, or rolling back drivers. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM: BSOD that stems from problems with the drive or the corruption of critical data. Fixes involve scanning and repairing the drive.

  5. How to troubleshoot and fix Windows 10 blue screen errors

    Select Restore Point to fix bug check. To use a Restore Point to fix blue screen problems on Windows 10, use these steps: Click the Advanced Startup option. Quick note: If accessing Advanced ...

  6. How to Fix a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

    Make sure all internal cables, cards, and other components are installed and seated properly. Hardware that's not firmly in place can cause a Blue Screen of Death, so try reseating the following and then test for the STOP message again: Reseat all internal data and power cables. Reseat the memory modules.

  7. How to fix the blue screen of death error in Windows 10

    In the Properties window, open the "Driver" tab, click on the "Roll Back Driver" button, and click "OK" to confirm. If the blue screen of death appeared after installing an app, this is the likely culprit. Uninstall the offending app using the following steps: Click the Start menu. Click "Settings".

  8. How to fix Blue Screen of Death errors on Windows 11

    To troubleshoot blue screens with the Event Viewer on Windows 11, use these steps: Use the "Windows key + R" keyboard shortcut to open the Run command. Type the eventvwr. msc command and click the ...

  9. How to Fix Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) Errors in Windows

    How to fix the blue screen of death on Windows. Now that you know the likely cause of the problem thanks to the Windows stop code, you can try to fix the blue screen of death by going through the following steps: 1. Shut down your computer. Use the Power button to turn off your computer. 2. Disconnect all devices

  10. Best Ways to Fix Blue Screen of Death Errors in Windows

    In Windows 11, go to "Settings -> System -> Recovery -> Advanced startup.". The corresponding path for Windows 10 is "Settings -> Update & Security -> Recovery -> Advanced startup.". Click "Restart now" to start your Windows PC in Safe Mode. As soon as the PC is in advanced startup mode, click "Troubleshoot.".

  11. How to Fix a Blue Screen of Death on a Windows PC

    In the Start search box, type "Event Viewer" and then click "Event Viewer" when it appears in the search results. In the pane on the left, click "Windows Logs" and then click "System." In the pane ...

  12. Everything You Need to Know About the Blue Screen of Death

    Related: Help Troubleshoot the Blue Screen of Death by Preventing Automatic Reboot. If you would like more time to see the blue screen details (or just make sure that it's a blue screen that's happening), you can disable automatic restarts on BSODs from the Windows Control Panel. On Windows 10 and Windows 11, you can also use the Settings app ...

  13. Stop error, bug check, or blue screen error troubleshooting

    Under Advanced startup, select Restart now. After your PC restarts to the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart. After the computer restarts, you'll see a list of options. Press 4 or F4 to start the computer in safe mode.

  14. 11 Tips to Help You Fix the Windows 10 Blue Screen Error

    Choose Command Prompt (Admin), Windows PowerShell (Admin), or Windows Terminal (Admin), then type the following: sfc /scannow. Give this some time to run, and you'll see the results before long. If it found and applied any fixes, reboot and see if the blue screen issue stops. 9. Boot Into Safe Mode.

  15. How to fix the blue screen of death error in Windows 11

    Open the Settings app and click on the System tab. Select Recovery and click Go back (if this option is greyed out, it means you do not have a previous point saved) Then, click Next in the Restore system files and settings box. From here, you will be able to select the restore point that you want to use.

  16. Blue Screen Errors in Windows (BSOD)

    It's also called BSOD (Blue Screen of Death, as following picture). There are some reasons that may cause Blue Screen Errors: ... Please try the following video and troubleshooting steps to solve your problems. ... you can also click ASUS YouTube video link below to know more about How to Fix Blue Screen Errors in Windows. ...

  17. Resolving Blue Screen errors in Windows

    Blue Screen errors (also sometimes called black screen errors or STOP code errors) can occur if a serious problem causes Windows to shut down or restart unexpectedly. You might see a message that says, "Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer" or a similar message. These errors can be caused by both hardware and software ...

  18. How to fix the blue screen of death error (BSOD)

    Here's how to run a scan for hard drive damage: Hit the Windows logo key on your keyboard. Type " Command Prompt " (or cmd) into the System settings search bar. Right-click on the result and select Run as Administrator. If prompted, click yes or OK. In the Command Prompt dialogue window, type chkdsk /r.

  19. How to fix Blue Screen Of Death 'BSOD' Problems on Windows

    The Blue Screen errors (also know as "Blue Screen Of Death" or "BSOD" or "STOP errors") are the most difficult problems to troubleshoot in Windows, because most of the time, BSOD problems occur suddenly, when the system crashes and without any obvious reason (e.g. after a hardware or software change or whenever you try to launch a specific application).

  20. How to troubleshoot & fix *ANY* Windows BSOD (Blue Screen of Death

    Are you getting BSOD (blue screen of death) errors when using (or just starting) Windows? This is quite a common occurrence, but not something you necessari...

  21. How to fix a Windows 11 BSOD: A complete guide

    Press Windows + X (or right-click the Start menu icon) and choose Event Viewer. In the main view, right-click the Critical option and choose View all instances of this event. Critical errors are ...

  22. How to Fix iPhone White Screen of death? 5 Methods Here!

    Step 1: Click the button below to download the iPhone white screen repair software Fixppo. Launch it and connect your iPhone to the computer. Step 2: From the two options, choose Standard Mode, which won't erase any of your iPhone data when fixing the iPhone screen goes white problem.

  23. May 29, 2024—KB5037853 (OS Builds 22621.3672 and 22631.3672) Preview

    Release Date: 5/29/2024. Version: OS Builds 22621.3672 and 22631.3672. For information about Windows update terminology, see the article about the types of Windows updates and the monthly quality update types. For an overview of Windows 11, version 23H2, see its update history page . Note Follow @WindowsUpdate to find out when new content is ...

  24. Innovation

    Innovation Project Management Celoxis: Project Management Software Is Changing Due to Complexity and New Ways of Working . More remote work and a focus on resource planning are two trends driving ...

  25. Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Is Repeating The Naruto Next ...

    Summary. Inojin's death in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex lacked meaningful setup, making it feel unimportant to readers. The manga failed to give readers enough time to invest in Inojin's character before his sudden death. The anime's ability to establish characters and their relationships highlights the shortcomings of Inojin's death in the manga.

  26. How Trump's Conviction Could Reshape the Election

    Last week, Donald J. Trump became the first U.S. former president to be convicted of a crime when a jury found that he had falsified business records to conceal a sex scandal. Nate Cohn, who is ...